Prezentacja programu PowerPoint


Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
6th month project summary 14.03.2011
Activities finished
• A1 – Project management:
– Project team and council are completed
– Legal adviser, media monitoring company and filmmakers
are choosen
– Kick-off meeting with CEP on video
– Partnership agreements are signed
– Project team meetings: 6.09, 21.09, 9.10, 18.11,
16.12.2010; 26.01, 21.02.2011
• B1 – Preparation of survey research
• Handbook for surveyors
Completed project team
MONIKA was not recruited, yet
Activities finished
• C6 – Recruitment of counties:
– 4 press info (F6), of which 1 promoted regionally
– E-mail to counties: 10.2010
– Project newsletter (F1): 11.2010
– Postal invitation: 12.2010
– Phone talks (100 count.) & e-mails: 01.2011
– Whisper promotion: 02.2011
• F2 – LIFE+ information boards
Information boards in place
Deadlines reached
• 18.11.2010 – Kick-off meeting of the project
(on time)
• 16.12.2010 – Ist meeting of Project Council
(on time)
• 22.12.2010 – Handbook for surveyors (proj.)
(on time)
• Recruitment of Counties: 78 declarations (70%)
By 28.02.2011
Recruiment was
closed, but
declarations are
still sccepted
by 31.03.2011
Detailed list:
• Press info:
Gazeta Współczesna (regional)
Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji (national)
Kurier Poranny (reg)
Tygodnik Dzierżoniowski (local)
Polska - Gazeta Wrocławska (reg) (reg) (nat)
Activities in progress
• A1 – Project management
• Nearest report to co-financing institution is
• 9 legal advisor activities and opinions so far
• Next project team meeting: 18.03.2011
• A2 – Monitoring of project progress
• A5 – Project Council
• 1st project council meeting took place
Activities in progress
• B2 – Recruitment of Local Initiators (LCSI’s)
• Launched on 01.02.2011
• Letters/invitations send to local NGO’s (over 150
organisations) since 1.02.2011
(result: 27 applications)
• Press and internet announcements (23) from 1 to
(result: over 130 applications, in progress)
• Local press information and announcements on
counties websites in counties with low number
of applications since 14.03.2011 (launched)
Activities in progress
• C6 – Recruitment of Counties to the project
– Last accent of recruitment is going to be on the
General Assembly of Polish Counties association
on 24 march 2011
Activities in progress
• E4 – Monitoring of media
• Project in media:
September 2010: 13 articles (ca. 46 000 readers)
October 2010: 2 articles (ca. 21 000 readers)
November 2010: 3 articles (ca. 45 000 readers)
December 2010: 41 articles (ca. 165 000 readers)
January 2011: 14 articles (ca. 34 000 readers)
February 2011: 8 articles (66 000 readers)
Activities in progress
• F1 – Project website ( and
newsletter nr 1
• F4 – A film
• Detailed scenario and plan of action is in preparation
• F5 – Project publications (leaflets)
• Collection of the leaflet texts after initial meeting
on 15.02.2011
• F6 – Public information campaign
• Press/ internet information is generated
every 2 weeks
Activities to begin
• C1 – formation of LCSI network
• E3 – Carbon footprint assessment
Nearest milestones
• 31.04.2011 – Report of LCSI recruitment
• 30.05.2011 – Factsheet of the project
• 30.06.2011 – Poster of a project
Wojciech Szymalski