Para onde caminha o setor de brinquedos, as novas
Para onde caminha o setor de brinquedos, as novas
Para onde caminha o setor de brinquedos, as novas tendências e o futuro ‚When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.‛ John M. Richardson, Jr. ‚As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.‛ Antoine de Saint-Exupery WHERE IS TOY MANUFACTURING GOING? CHINA TURKEY MEXICO VIET NAM EASTERN EUROPE INDIA DECLINING BIRTH RATES JAPAN ‚Japan is the first developed country to register more annual deaths than births and the elderly will outnumber children two to one within five years. . .‛ China Daily, July 3, 2008 EUROPE ‚For the first time on record, birthrates in southern and Eastern Europe had dropped below 1.3. . . At that rate, a country’s population would be cut in half in 45 years [emphasis mine]. . Demographers have invented an ominous new term for the phenomenon: ‘Lowest-low fertility.’‛ TOP GDP COUNTRIES BIRTH RATES INDIA BRAZIL REPLACEMENT RATE UNITED STATES FRANCE UNITED KINGDOM RUSSIA CHINA GERMANY ITALY JAPAN 2.62 2.18 2.10 2.06 1.96 1.91 1.42 1.54 1.41 1.39 1.21 WORLD’S BIGGEST COUNTRIES BY GDP United States China India Japan Germany Russia Brazil United Kingdom France Italy WORLD’S BIGGEST COUNTRIES BY POPULATION China India United States Indonesia Brazil Pakistan Nigeria Russia Bangladesh Japan 1.3 Billion 1.2 Billion 313 Million 237 Million 190 Million 179 Million 162 Million 143 Million 142 Million 128 Million COUNTRIES WITH POPULATION AND GDP Brazil China United States Russia WHAT ABOUT GREEN? AMAZON AND FRUSTRATION FREE PACKAGING VIDEO GAMES IN TROUBLE AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR THE TOY INDUSTRY ‚…total U.S. game industry sales were $743.1 million in May, falling to their lowest point since October 2006.” ‚Game Console Sales Plummeted in June‛ cnet, July 11, 2011 “Video game sales were off 21 percent in December to $3.99 billion from $5.07 billion the previous year.‚ PC Magazine, January 13, 2012 THE END OF MANUFACTURING? $899.00 to $1299.00 US MakerBot Thing-O-Matic STAR TREK TRANSPORTER $1799.00 US MakerBot Replicator WHERE DO TOYS AND NEW TECHNOLOGY START AND STOP? MOORE’S ECHO WHATEVER IS CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY TODAY WILL BE A TOY IN 7 YEARS DRONE UNMANNED AIRCRAFT $4.5 - $10 MILLION PARROT AR TOY DRONE $299 iPAD 3 $499 LEAPFROG LEAPPAD $99 GOOGLE’S ‚PROJECT GLASS‛ AUGMENTED REALITY GLASSES LG EBOOKS WITH FLEXIBLE DISPLAYS QBO COMMUNICATIONS ROBOT UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SELF HEALING PLASTIC (IT BLEEDS) Gottlieb’s Rebound ‚A toy with a purpose is no longer a toy when it does the job cheaper than available technology.‛ Spykee Spy Robot Meccano / Erector $599 Rovio Wowee $229 IS IT THE END OF BIG BOX RETAILING? ARE WAL-MART, CARREFOUR & OTHER BIG RETAILERS THE DINOSAURS OF THE 21ST CENTURY? Online retail sales will grow at a 10% average annual growth rate from 2010 to 2015 in both the United States and Europe… Forester Research THE END OF DRIVING & WHAT THAT MEANS FOR THE TOY INDUSTRY & RETAILERS In a survey of 3,000 consumers born from 1981 to 2000 — a generation marketers call “Millennials”— …Not one car brand ranked in the top 10, lagging far behind companies like Google and Nike. ‚As Young Lose Interest in Cars, G.M. Turns to MTV for Help‛ Amy Coizick, New York Times, March 22, 2012 “Forty-six percent of drivers aged 18 to 24 said they would choose Internet access over owning a car…” ‚As Young Lose Interest in Cars, G.M. Turns to MTV for Help‛ Amy Coizick, New York Times, March 22, 2012 Driving Licenses Percentage of 16 year olds with drivers licenses 1978 50% 2008 31% Percentage of 17 year olds with drivers licenses 1978 2008 75% 49% Young Adult Share of Driving Miles (ages 21 to 30) 1995 20.8% 2001 18.3% 2009 13.7% Toy Cars A $1.8 Billion U.S. Business Matttel Hot Wheels Mattel Matchbox Funrise Tonka Fisher-Price Powerwheels Little Tykes Cozy Cars THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION ‚Arguably, this is the most consequential generation of young adults, perhaps since the baby boomers, who famously made a lot of noise in the '60s and were part of a counterculture movement." Paul Taylor Executive Vice President Pew Research Center WHO ARE THE MILLENNIALLS? Born between 1980 and the late 1990’s Technology savvy / Wired Racially diverse Culturally liberal Frugal / Value conscious Peer oriented EUROPE(S) CHINA’S FUTURE: HONG KONG OR SHANGHAI UNITED STATES BRAZIL’S FUTURE ? ANTICIPATING THE FUTURE Keep on top of cutting edge consumer product technology Keep up with new materials and processes Attend international shows and visit foreign countries Read current census data and keep up on demographics Read the domestic and foreign press Ask lots of questions THE BEST WAY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE IS TO INVENT IT. Alan Curtis Kay RICHARD@GLOBALTOYEXPERTS.COM WWW.GLOBALTOYEXPERTS.COM WWW.GLOBALTOYNEWS.COM