Introduction of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries


Introduction of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Introduction to
H o n g K o n g To y s C o u n c i l
htt p : / / w w ys h k . o rg /
9 September 2013
Hong Kong Toys Council
Our Foundation
Hong Kong Toys Council (HKTC) was established in 1986 under the
auspices of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI)
Our Missions
Promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong toy industry from
both local and international perspectives
Raise awareness of international product safety standards among
the industry in view of the increasing demand for higher product
Our Membership Composition
Manufacturing focus with brands and trading companies
We are internationally recognised…
Technical Committee Member and Board Member of The
International Council of Toy Industries (ICTI)
Member of Asian Committee of Toy Industries (ACTI)
ACTI Meeting
ICTI Meeting
We are internationally recognised…
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Toy
Industries of Europe (TIE)
HK customs advisor on new local safety laws
Meeting with CPSC Chairman Tenebaum
We are internationally recognised…
Advisor of Local Testing labs
Hong Kong Trade and Development Council (HKTDC)
Advisory Board
Our Key Project in 2013
My Toy Design Competition
Member Benefits
1. To organise a wide variety of activities including seminars,
workshops to meet the needs and interests of the industry;
2. To channel members' views on industry-specific issues, the
HKTC regularly meets relevant local and international
authorities to strive for the benefits of the industry;
3. To keep members abreast of local and international timely
issues, the HKTC constantly disseminates up-to-date
information, including the most recent international product
safety standards, international toy fairs and latest
development of the industry;
Member Benefits
4. Members could enjoy special rates and benefits over a
dozen of services offered by the FHKI, including the
issuance of Certificate of Origin, Hong Kong Q-Mark
accreditation and Intellectual Property Services, which are
essential to your business. Members are also invited to
join activities, inclusive of site visits, seminars and
conferences organised by the FHKI;
5. To provide members a cost-effective marketing platform
and resourceful databank on Internet through the website
of HKTC:
The Global Toy Market
Frederique Tutt, NPD Group
Photo Sharing
Burlingame Museum of Pez Memorabilia
The Banned Toy Museum
The word PEZ was created using the first,
middle and last letter in the German word for
peppermint PfeffErminZ.
Banned Toy Museum
Why were they recalled?
• Lawn Dart
Lawn Dart
Heavily weighted and solid metal, Lawn Darts
can pierce whatever they strike! Lawn darts have
been responsible for over 7,000 injuries. On
December 19, 1988, the Consumer Product
Safety Commission banned lawn darts from sale
in the United States.
• Clackers
Clackers, also known as Knockers and Click
Clacks, consisted of two large acrylic balls,
which hung on either end of a heavy string. The
two balls would swing apart and together,
making the loud clacking noise that gave the toy
its name. If swung too hard, the acrylic balls
would shatter, sending flying shrapnel
Clackers were banned in 1985.
• Cabbage Patch
Doll Snacktime
Cabbage Patch Doll Snacktime Kids
The Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids featured
battery-powered mechanical jaws. Armed with
meal chewing action, this toy kept chewing,
even when kids got their hair and fingers caught
in the doll's mouth. Mattel recalled them in 1997.
• Sky Dancers
Sky Dancers
Sky Dancers were a Barbie inspired helicopterlike flying toy. Placed on a mechanical base, once
the cord was pulled, the Sky Dancer would twirl
high into the sky. The hard plastic Sky Dancer's
propeller-like wings flew rapidly in unpredictable
directions, hitting users and causing temporary
blindness, broken teeth, face lacerations, and one
mild concussion.
Galoob recalled almost 9 million Sky Dancers in
• Air Pirates Comic
Air Pirates Comic
The underground comic, Air Pirates Funnies, was
created by a group of San Francisco based cartoonists
in 1971. The comic portrayed Disney characters
engaging in VERY adult behavior. Disney sued, alleging
copyright infringement. In 1978, the Ninth Circuit
ruled against the Air Pirates.
• Atomic Energy
Atomic Energy Laboratory
In 1951, A.C. Gilbert, inventor of the ERECTOR set,
released the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. Using real
radioactive materials, one could witness mist trails
created by particles of ionizing radiation. The set
included four Uranium-bearing ore samples, and
originally sold for $49.50.
2013-14 Key Projects & Activities
BUD Project
CMD Software
Safety Seminar
Toy Industry Dinner 2013
Hong Kong Toys Industry Conference 2014
ACTI Conference (Jan 2014)
My Toy Design Competition 2014-15
Thank You!
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