Westmont Christian Church Sunday, March 27, 2016


Westmont Christian Church Sunday, March 27, 2016
Westmont Christian Church
March 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Some Assembly Required…
A Note From Your Interim Pastor
Easter is the most beautiful time of the Christian Year to me. Not because it is in the Spring of
the year, when (usually) flowers are blooming and leaves are breaking out. Not because the
stores have all the candy wrapped in yellow and green seasonal colors. Not because pastels
and soft wispy clothing dominate the fashion world for a week or two. And certainly not
because the Easter Bunny will be bringing me a basketful of goodies!! Despite all these things,
there is a better reason for me to rejoice in the Easter Season: it’s because of the witness of
the Scripture that commemorates the willing sacrifice of Christ…that acknowledges the forces that put Him on the cross…that proclaims the Good News: Christ is risen from the tomb and
lives forever, and offers eternal life to all who will trust in Him.
Easter is the focal point of the Christian Church, and the foremost affirmation of the Christian
faith: Christ is risen…He is risen indeed. Easter, and in particular the resurrection of Christ from
the dead, is vitally important to our spiritual development and maturity. With that in mind, we
are reminded that Holy Week (the “Easter Octave”) --- the eight days between the day Jesus
rode a donkey into Jerusalem, and Easter, the day of His resurrection from the dead--- begins
with “Palm (or Passion) Sunday,” March 20. I want to strongly encourage each of you to attend
the Worship Service on Palm Sunday, the Maundy Thursday Service on the evening of Thursday, March 24, and the Celebration of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Participate in the
Easter Prayer Vigil, meditate upon the Biblical witness concerning the momentous events of
“Holy Week,” and allow the presence of the Lord, the beauty of His love, and the power of His
resurrection, to refresh your spirit and renew your hope.
Let us rejoice together that “God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He
loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--- by
grace you have been saved--- and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in heavenly
places in Christ Jesus…” (Ephesians 2: 4-6)
Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016
Service ~ 10:40 a.m.
Maundy Thursday, March 24, 2016
Service ~ 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday, March 25, 2016
Church Office is closed.
Holy Saturday, March 26, 2016
Prayer Vigil Begins ~ 8:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016
Prayer Vigil Ends - 8:00 a.m.
Easter Brunch - 9:30 a.m.
Children’s Egg Hunt - 10:00 a.m.
Celebration Worship Service - 10:40 a.m.
Easter Egg & Candy Donations
Let’s plan to give the children of Westmont the very
best Egg Hunt this Easter! You may assist by providing
plastic Easter eggs and individually-wrapped candy.
These donations will be received through March 23,
2016. Please bring your donation to the church office
during office hours or while you are at church for service and ministry. We thank you, and our precious
children thank you too!
Baptism Classes
All who wish to attend classes in preparation for the
ordinance of Christian Baptism are asked to
notify the church office no later than
Wednesday, March 2, 2016.
Youth Fundraiser
On March 8, 2016, the Westmont family will have another
grand opportunity to financially encourage the youth of our
church. Blue Sky Restaurant (98th & Quaker) is also assisting our youth on that day. Please stop by the restaurant,
place your order, and tell the cashier that you are there
supporting the youth of Westmont. Our youth group will
receive a portion of the proceeds from your order. This is a
delicious and easy way to show your support! Thank you!
March Birthdays
March Anniversaries
Winona Williams 02
Eva Warren 03
Bettie Steen 08
Amy Groves 13
B.J. D’Orsay 14
Sammie Shaw 14
Fred Steen 17
Aurora Garland 19
Barbara Wolffarth 20
Cienna Toal 21
Richard Ralston 22
Jane Wyrick 25
Casey Cartwright 27
Amanda Davis 29
Fred & Bettie Steen 01
Dalton & Ebba Anderson 06
Ro & Nicole Sanchez 10
Russ & Jonny Ropes 27
Westmont’s General Board Meeting
will be held on Tuesday, March 8,
2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the church library. We look forward to seeing all
of you there!
Westmont Family,
Thank you so very much for your donation of Mandarin
oranges for the Texas Boys Ranch during the month of
February. This outreach ministry will greatly assist the residents of the Ranch. Once again, the members of Westmont
gave above and beyond to provide a blessing for such a
worthy cause. Thank you, Westmont!
Easter Lilies
Westmont will have the opportunity to purchase Easter lilies to
decorate the sanctuary on Easter Sunday this year. A donation of
$15 will secure one potted plant. Proceeds will be used by the
Youth Ministry of our church for summer camps, retreats, and
mission trips. If you would like to purchase a plant, please complete the ‘lily form.’ On March 6, 2016 these forms may be found
in the church bulletin, on the glass table in the church atrium, or
in the church office. Thank you for your support of the youth of
our church!
Wednesdays @ Westmont
Please note that on Wednesday evening, March 16, 2016, there
will be no evening activities. On this evening all regularlyscheduled events will be canceled because of Spring Break.
‘Wednesdays @ Westmont’ and all activities will resume on
March 23, 2016. We look forward to seeing you then!
Dear Westmont Family:
Here is a brief summary of our February board meeting.
We have adopted an annual budget for 2016. Cheryl Steelman and committee recommended a budget in between the 2015 budget and what was the actual result. It should be noted
that no money has been transferred to the general fund from the building fund in the new
budget. Additionally, it was not necessary to transfer money from the building fund to
general fund to finish 2015. We have also established a reserve account that can be used for
unplanned expenses.
Regarding our website and our Facebook account, we really need everyone’s help and
input. B.J. is ready and willing to post your articles and photographs to Facebook, but he
needs your input. This can be Sunday School Classes, 242 groups, service projects, or
almost anything that focuses on our church life.
We have an anonymous and very generous offer to supply Bibles for the sanctuary. After
a long and spirited debate, the board selected the new NIV translation. Rick Cartwright will
coordinate with the donor to make this happen. I want to extend my thanks to the donor
for this gracious gift.
The personnel committee has plans to meet with all staff members this year. They have met
with Dean Roy and revised his Memorandum of Understanding. The two main changes
were to change Dean’s supervisor from the Elders to the Senior Minister and to approve a
change in vacation schedule. These changes were made in accordance with the By-Laws.
We did finish the month of January in the black compared to our budget. We will have a
much better picture at the end of February, and we will supply exact figures.
The next board meeting will be March 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.. As always all members are
Bob Keene, Board Chairman
It surprises me all the different ways people interpret and celebrate Lent. We put ashes on
our faces, we give up certain foods or activities, and yet all of these things are worth nothing
if they don’t bring us closer to Christ.
Rev. Todd, speaking from the gospel of Saint Luke, painted a visual picture in my mind of a
fig tree that bore no fruit. Are we fig trees that bear no fruit? Do we do all we can to care for
one another? Are we willing to give up some of our treasures and time to support God’s
message and mission?
We, the members of Westmont Christian church, are the church. We are the fig tree. To bear
fruit means we must individually and as a church family reach out to all we meet. This is
especially true to our un-churched neighbors who live so close to us and need the love of
Jesus Christ.
As we all commit ourselves during the season of Lent, let us consider how we as individuals,
and as a church can serve God better.
Can we find time to visit a friend or stranger who needs someone to listen?
Can we give up some of the time we waste in trivial pursuits to volunteer to help strengthen
our church, our fig tree.
Can we find our way to donate some of the money we spend on trivial and useless stuff?
Stuff doesn’t make our fig tree bear fruit.
When we do these things we strengthen our relationship with Christ and cause our fig tree
to bear bountiful fruit.
For your loving consideration,
Bob Keene
& Concerns
Pastoral Search Committee
Joel Robinett - surgery, March 3 (3/6)
Scott & Su Miller - Friend, medical (3/6)
Ronda Cartwright - Aunt, medical (3/6)
Anne Klein - Friend, medical (3/6)
Winona Williams - medical (3/6)
Loyd Senn - medical (3/6)
Alicia Lopez - Friend, medical (2/28)
Greg & Cathy Lovett - Co-Worker, medical (2/28)
Carolyn Wood - Friend, medical (2/28)
Terri Ralston - medical (2/21)
Manda Klein - Mother, medical (2/21)
Nicole Sanchez - Aunt, medical (2/21)
Scott & Su Miller - Son-in-Law, Michael Jansen deployed to Afghanistan (2/21)
Neta Hansen - Father, Covenant Specialty (2/21)
Allen & Becca Ahern - Employment for Allen (2/21)
Shelia Jones - Mother, medical; Family, Schools & Country (2/21)
Continued Concern: Ray & Joann Delano, Eva Warren, Pat Camp, Elsie Brownlow, Jerry Stamps (Vicki Ward’s Father),
Laura & Sean Bacio
Sympathy: Shawn Gabel’s Uncle, Frank Perez - mother passed away
Praise: Ally Robinett’s dance team is competing in San Antonino at the National Dance Competition.
Military: Lt. Col., Todd Anderson, M.D. (San Antonio); David & Ja’net Speich, 3 Nephews; Alicia Lopez - Cousin, Andrew
Keller, Air Force; Nelson - Andrew Gregory, Army deploy to Afghanistan; Bob & Jan Keene - Greg Rigetti in Djbouti; Scott
& Su Miller, Son-in Law, Cpt. Michael Jansen - Airforce, Afghanistan; Terry Anglin - Grandson, Chance Fulton - US Army
February 07
Rev. Ben Todd, Interim Senior Minister
February 14
Rev. Dean Roy, Associate Minister-Music & Administration
February 21
Rev. Alex Smith Director of Youth Ministries
February 28
Neta Hansen, Ministry Assistant
Lynda Kraus, Organist
Carolyn Wood, Nursery Attendant
Vicki Ward, Nursery Attendant
Paula Clark, Nursery Attendant
Telephone: 806.795.2555
Email: westmont-church@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.westmontlubbock.org
Church Office Closed Sept. 07
We are very happy to report that Westmont will
have a brand new website in the very near future. This enhanced site will afford members
and guests the opportunity to view ministries,
scheduling, upcoming events, and so much
more with ease and convenience.
We will send an announcement to our church
family and friends when this new site is
launched. May God bless this new website as it
is used to glorify His Son, Jesus and draw others
toward Him!
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
Elders Meeting
Instrumental Rehearsal
Media Technology Rehearsal
Coffee & Donuts
Guest Relations Ministry
Sunday School
Chancel Choir Warm-Up
Junior Worship (4 yrs - 5th grade)
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (M-F)
God’s Love
If you would like to have your ministry information included in the April 2016 Newsletter, the
email your ministry information to Rev. Dean
Roy. (deanroy.westmont@yahoo.com).
God’s People
God’s Kingdom