February - Westmont Christian Church


February - Westmont Christian Church
Westmont Christian Church
February 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Service of Worship at 6:00 p.m.
Some Assembly Required…
A message from Rev. Ben Todd
The church I attended as a child always observed the Seasons of the Christian Year. The
pastor changed his stole to reflect the proper liturgical color, the church vestments were
also changed appropriately, we waved palm fronds on Palm Sunday, and we were informed when Lent began and when Easter arrived. Unfortunately, with the exceptions of
Christmas and Easter, I never understood what it all meant. For example, for me Lent
meant that I would not get any candy until Easter. But that was OK, because the Easter
bunny had been saving up my candy for a long time, and it was all right there in the Easter
basket he left for me. (I never could figure out what those eggs had to do with anything,
Despite such frank ignorance as a starting point, I later learned that the Christian Calendar
and its Holy Seasons can be great educational and devotional tools that can add depth
and dimension to our spiritual lives. For example, the Season of Lent when properly
observed can be a time of drawing nearer to Christ and experiencing there a deeper
spiritual connection to the Lord who loved us and gave Himself for us.
The historic Church over the years has observed various ways designed to help us in this
mode of drawing closer. “Inward” spiritual disciplines of prayer, Scripture reading, sanctified fasting, silence, and solitude and “outward” spiritual disciplines of study, service,
and simplicity are traditional ways Christians have found helpful in growing spiritually,
especially during the Season of Lent. And I encourage you to explore the depths of Christ
through some or all of these disciplines.
I also encourage you to take full advantage of the worship experiences and ministries of
your Church during this Season. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10. We will
gather for our traditional service, with the imposition of ashes, at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary. My prayer for our church is that our spirituality becomes deeper, our commitment to
Christ and His people becomes stronger, our witness in the community becomes broader,
and our experience of God’s love grows sweeter.
Hi Friends,
As you may have heard, we are starting a new and exciting study on Wednesday nights.
We are using the book The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament by
Edmund Clowney. We will be exploring passages that show that the overarching grand
narrative of the Bible has to do with God’s redemptive plan fulfilled in Jesus the Christ. I
said once that the Bible is like a jigsaw puzzle—it’s difficult to put the pieces together
unless you look at the picture on the lid of the box. And that picture is of Jesus the Christ.
I want to encourage you to join us each Wednesday at 6 p.m. as we put those pieces
together. It should prove to be an exciting and enlightening time as we explore many
ways in which Jesus is found in the Hebrew Scriptures as well as the New Testament, and
what that means for our faith. It promises to be a mind-clearing and faith-enhancing
process. I hope you will join us.
February Birthdays
February Anniversaries
Todd Klein 01
Kim Todd 01
Cathy Lovett 11
Emmy Groves 12
Terri Ralston 13
Karen Armstrong 14
Laura Barto 16
Jan Keene 17
Jill Watts 18
Terry Anglin 18
John Camp 21
Pat Camp 23
Sam Jordan 28
Kenleigh Lopez 28
Jimmy & Gayla Dirks 07
Peter & Kristi Keene 09
Joe & Eva Warren 10
Steve & Sheree Toal 29
Westmont’s General Board Meeting
will be held on Tuesday, February
9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the church
library. We look forward to seeing
all of you there!
My Westmont Family,
Thank you so very much for your prayers, kind words,
cards, e-mail, food and more during my recent illness. Your
love for me and my family is always shown, and during my
time of need, that love was magnified. We are so blessed
to be a part of a caring and loving congregation.
Juliana Roy
Recently, the 2015 End-of-Year Giving
Statements were distributed (by
hand or through the mail) to those
who gave to Westmont. If you did
not receive your statement or if you
have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact the church office.
Thank you.
We have been learning about the 10 Commandments on Wednesday nights
during Kids Club. We have a lesson, play games, do crafts, and have a lots of
fun learning about God. Kids Club is for kids ages 4 - 5th grade. Kids Club
will not meet on Wednesday, February 10th due to the Ash Wednesday service.
We will resume on February 17th with a study about Lent. Come join us this
Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
Westmont has the distinct privilege of hosting Scout Troop 140 each Monday
evening for their meetings and activities. This relationship has been a
blessing to our church and the troop.
On Sunday, February 7, 2016, the scouts from the troop will participate in our
worship service and they will also honor our church by providing an appreciation luncheon for us following worship. Plan now to join us as we celebrate
the Lord and fellowship on Scout Sunday 2016!
& Concerns
Pastoral Search Committee
Loyd Senn – medical (2/7)
Chris & Alicia Lopez - Alicia’s Father, medical (2/7)
Laverne Shaw - Family in New Orleans (2/7)
Clayton Hansen - Grandfather, Covenant Specialty (2/7)
Shelia Jones - Mother, medical; Family, Schools & Country (2/7)
Terri Ralston - Co-Worker, medical (1/24)
Lupe Ybarra - medical; Father, Philip Ybarra - medical (1/24)
Cheryl Moore - recovering from surgery (1/17)
Alex Smith - Great Uncle, medical (1/17)
Ron McClellan - Friend, medical (1/17)
Linda Chapman - Women’s Walk #136 (Feb. 18-21) at Mercy Center Slaton
James Griffin - medical (1/17)
Allen & Becca Ahern - Employment for Allen (1/31)
Continued Concern: Ray & Joann Delano, Eva Warren, Pat Camp, Elsie Brownlow, Jerry Stamps (Vicki Ward’s Father),
David Bray, Laura & Sean Bacio
Cheryl Moore: Successful knee surgery & John & Amanda Fitzgerald’s house closing.
Joe & Sue Hackler celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on January 27, 2016. Congratulations!
Military: Lt. Col., Todd Anderson, M.D. (San Antonio); David & Ja’net Speich, 3 Nephews; Alicia Lopez - Cousin, Andrew
Keller, Air Force; Nelson - Andrew Gregory, Army deploy to Afghanistan; Bob & Jan Keene - Greg Rigetti in Djbouti; Scott
& Su Miller - Daughter, Cpt. Merry Noel Jansen, deployment to Qatar, Terry Anglin - Grandson, Chance Fulton - US Army
January 3
snow day
January 10
Rev. Dean Roy, Associate Minister-Music & Administration
January 17
Rev. Alex Smith Director of Youth Ministries
January 24
January 31
Rev. Ben Todd, Interim Senior Minister
Neta Hansen, Ministry Assistant
Lynda Kraus, Organist
Carolyn Wood, Nursery Attendant
Vicki Ward, Nursery Attendant
Paula Clark, Nursery Attendant
Telephone: 806.795.2555
Email: westmont-church@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.westmontlubbock.org
Church Office Closed Sept. 07
We are very happy to report that Westmont will
have a brand new website in the very near future. This enhanced site will afford members
and guests the opportunity to view ministries,
scheduling, upcoming events, and so much
more with ease and convenience.
We will send an announcement to our church
family and friends when this new site is
launched. May God bless this new website as it
is used to glorify His Son, Jesus and draw others
toward Him!
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
Elders Meeting
Instrumental Rehearsal
Media Technology Rehearsal
Coffee & Donuts
Guest Relations Ministry
Sunday School
Chancel Choir Warm-Up
Junior Worship (4 yrs - 5th grade)
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (M-F)
God’s Love
If you would like to have your ministry information included in the March 2016 Newsletter, the
Please email your ministry information to Rev.
Dean Roy. (deanroy.westmont@yahoo.com).
God’s People
God’s Kingdom