04/01/2016 - St. Nicholas of Tolentine
04/01/2016 - St. Nicholas of Tolentine
SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH 150-75 Goethals Ave. Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 969-3226 - Office (718) 380-0345 - Fax www.stnicholas-queens.org ALL ARE WELCOME! WEEKEND SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Eve: Sunday Masses: 5:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) 10:45 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Daily Mass - Monday to Saturday 7:45 am and 12:05 pm BAPTISMS Parents must first make an appointment in the rectory 2 months before the date and present the original birth certificate. English: Usually the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of each month at a 2:00 pm ceremony and at Sunday Mass by arrangement. Instruction class is on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm Spanish: Usually the 3rd Sunday of each month at a 2:00 pm ceremony. Instruction class is on the Friday before at 7:00 pm. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Monday through Saturday: 11:45 am- 12:00 Noon - Chapel Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 pm - Church. And by appointment. MARRIAGE According to Diocesan regulations, arrangements must be made at least six months in advance in the rectory. CARE OF THE SICK Communion is regularly brought to the sick by the Priests and Ministers of Communion. Please let us know if someone is confined at home because of illness or age. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 12 Noon & 1:00 - 9:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY (Pre-K to 8) 80-22 Parsons Blvd. Phone: 718-380-1900 www.sntschoolny.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 150-85 Goethals Ave. Phone: 718-591-6536 OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET Phone: 718-591-1815 Email: stnicksfleamarket@gmail.com EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Most Sundays from 1:30-4:45 pm and First Fridays. APRIL 3, 2016 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH Masses for the Week Saturday, April 2 5:00p Maria C. Calingo Sunday, April 3 - Divine Mercy Sunday 7:30 Gregory Kasick 9:15 Brigida & Consuelo Romero Enrique Dueñas & Isabel Montoro Francisca Acosta Vicente Clever Rivera Juan Ferrer, Eliseo Cueva, Rosa & Magnolio Garro Laurentino Garro & Raida Ferrer (L) 10:45 Easter Novena Deacon Lionel Knight Elsa & Augusto Nolasco Daniel Guiney 12:15 People of the Parish 5:00p Evelyn & James Drumm Monday, April 4 7:45 Easter Novena 12:05 Tiburcio Pingol Tuesday, April 5 7:45 James Joseph Cavanagh 12:05 Adele Morales (L) Birthday Wednesday, April 6 7:45 Luis Rayos, Jr. 12:05 Edward & Mary Cataldo 7:00P Souls in Purgatory Thursday, April 7 7:45 Elsa & Rose Nolasco 12:05 Fr. John Brogan Friday, April 8 7:45 Vilma Flores 12:05 Souls in Purgatory Saturday, April 9 7:45 Flordeliza Rionda 12:05 Fr. Anthony Nzegwu 5:00p Mary & Joseph Scardino Sunday, April 10 7:30 Purgatorial Society 9:15 Danilo Garcia Poveda Vincenta Ruiz Juan Antonio & Maria Luisa Ramirez Antonio Emanuel Ramirez (L) James Petri 10:45 Pilagia Zingapan 12:15 Amparo Jimenez & Richard Rivera 5:00p People of the Parish PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS The Sick: Julianna Fedora, Vilma Flores, Sandra & Michael Guerra, Melissa Hitchcock, Vincent W. Julius, Gregory Kasick, Elefteria Mathioudis, Danilo Nisay, Agustin Portugues, Juan Semidei, Ocabel Toro, Juan Ureña, Stacey, Luis Vasquez and Mesrob Zadoian. Deceased: Maria Dolores Ortiz Peña, Claire Parisi, Alice Pappalardo, and Ocabel Toro. JAMAICA, NY ACTIVITIES FOR The week SUNDAY, APRIL 3 - HOSPITALITY SUNDAY 8:45 am - Religious Education Classes - R/E Center 9:00 am - Outdoor Flea Market 9:00 am - Hospitality Sunday - Tolentine Hall 10:00 am - RCIA - R/E Center/Rectory 10:45 am - Family Mass - Church 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 12:00 pm - Crafting Faith - Tolentine Hall 1:00 pm - Sports - Gym 1:30 pm - Confirmation Retreat - Tolentine Hall 1:30 PM - Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel MONDAY, APRIL 4 4:45 pm - Volleyball - Gym 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:30 pm - ESL - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - N.A. - Cafeteria 7:00 pm - NYPD Auxiliary Training - Tolentine Hall 7:00 pm - Spanish Evangelization Team - R/E Center TUESDAY, APRIL 5 9:30 am - Rosary Makers Club - Austin Hall 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:00 pm - Self-Help - Seton Hall 7:15 pm - A.A. - Cafeteria 7:30 pm - Bible Study - Tolentine Hall 7:30 pm - Ultreya - R/E Center 7:30 pm - Baptism Meeting - Fr. Kenny Hall WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 9:30 am - Morning Bible Study - Austin Hall 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:30 pm - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 6:30 pm - Communion Sacrament Class - R/E/ Center 7:00 pm - NYPD Auxiliary Training - Tolentine Hall 7:00 pm - Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Mass/Novena - Chapel THURSDAY, APRIL 7 3:30 pm - Deanery Meeting - Austin Hall 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:00 pm - Self-Help - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Grupo de Oracion - Chapel 7:30 pm - Light of Christ - Tolentine Hall FRIDAY, APRIL 8 7:45 am - 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 7:00 pm - Boy, Girl, Cub Scouts-Gym, Cafeteria, Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Movie Night - Youth Center 7:30 pm - Bilingual Holy Hour - Chapel 8:00 pm - Fil/Am - Tolentine Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 9 9:00 am - Outdoor Flea Market 9:30 am - Zumba Fitness - Tolentine Hall 10:00 am - Sports - Gym 10:00 am - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 1:00 pm - CFC Seminar - Tolentine Hall 2:00 pm - Baptisms - Church 3:00 pm - Volleyball - Gym 6:30 pm - Community of the Risen Lord - Chapel 7:15 pm - A.A. - Cafeteria SUNDAY, APRIL 10 8:45 am - Religious Education Classes - R/E Center 9:00 am - Outdoor Flea Market 10:30 am - RCIA Spanish/English - Rectory, R/E Center 10:30 am - Spanish Evangelization for Adults - Tolentine Hall 10:30 am - Sociedad Hispana - Cafeteria 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 1:00 pm - Sports - Gym 1:30 pm - Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel 3 DIVINE MERCY Sunday Parish Stewardship Week Ending: March 27, 2016 Total Regular Collection: $13,597.00 Last year same weekend: $12,332.00 Special Collection for Retired Priests: $5,324.00 Thank you for your generous support. SECOND COLLECTION UPDATE April 10th - The second collection will be for Monthly Maintenance. April 17th - The special second collection will be for Emergency/storm Devastation in the South and Midwest Regions. Next Weekend’s Readings Acts of the Apostles 5: 27-32, 40b-41 The apostles give their allegiance to God and not to human opinion. Psalm 30: 2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 Our weeping lasts for a time, but God’s rescue is certain. Revelation 5: 11-14 All the heavenly beings pledge their allegiance to the Lamb of God. John 21: 1-19 “Follow me” has a different ring to it, the second time around. Weekend Mass Presiders April 9 & 10, 2016 ATTENTION PLEASE For those who would like to bring up the gifts during Mass, we ask that you please do the following: Sit in the pew directly in front of the gift table on the right side of the church; Speak with one of the ushers before Mass starts. Thank you. Saturday Sunday 5:00 pm - Fr. Tom D’Albro 7:30 am - Fr. Tom D’Albro 9:15 am - Fr. Peter Mahohey Diacono Lizama predicacion 10:45 am - Fr. John Gribowich Deacon Catanello preaching St. Nick’s is a welcoming community in the Catholic Tradition, enriched by many cultures, rooted in God’s Word and the Eucharist, offering loving service. RECTORY Rev. John Francis Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Rev. John Gribowich Rev. Peter A. Mahoney Msgr. Stephen Adu-Kwaning Deacon Joseph Catanello Deacon José Lizama Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Weekend Assistant In Residence Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon STAFF Mrs. Elena Turull Mr. Steven Acosta Mr. José L. Villanueva Sr. Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J. Ms. Christina Rosado Mrs. Rose Ruesing Administrative Assistant Maintenance Manager Music Director Family Minister Youth Minister Youth Minister ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Mr. Robert Lowenberg Principal Mrs. Ethel Cofresi Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lorraine White Secretary Mrs. Sonya Vidal Tuition Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER Mrs. Monica Gonzalez Mrs. Joyce O’Brien Coordinator Secretary 12:15 pm - Fr. John Francis 5:00 pm - Fr. John Francis (Subject to Change) “As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.” Do you have a growing interest in sharing the Lord’s saving mission as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: vocations@diobrook.org. Mass intentions available Since we inaugurated our “collective intention” Masses on Sundays, there are now more weekday Announced Masses available for your intentions. You are welcome to reserve them in the Rectory. Family Masses at 10:45 am Please join us today and bring some friends! Our next Family Mass will be on: MAY 1st “The family that prays together, stays together.” APRIL 3, 2016 4 From the Pastor’s Desk… Christ is Risen, Alleluia Once again I wish you a Happy Easter! It was a great joy to see so many of you at the services during the Holy week. On Palm Sunday, St. Nick’s welcomed many more brothers and sisters waving palms in their hands and singing “Hosanna!” On “Reconciliation Monday” many of you received the Sacrament of Penance and experienced God’s Mercy. On Holy Thursday, it was very inspiring to see so many of you praying before the Repository at Tolentine Hall until 11pm. On Good Friday, I was especially impressed to see so many young people gathered for the “Living Stations.” At Easter Vigil, 10 people were accepted into Full Communion of the Catholic Church. We congratulate them and pray for them that they may continue their faith journey every day of their lives. They are: Barbara Kasanofsky- Baez Florencia Zeballos Eugenia Abaraca Denise Abaraca Jessenia Turcios Farhat Naz Xavier Cabrena Joseph Doobar Richard Powell Juana Medel Rodriquez Divine Mercy Sunday Second Sunday of Easter is called Divine Mercy Sunday. During this Year of Mercy Pope Francis invites us to contemplate God’s mercy as the wellspring of joy, serenity and peace. This is a special time to renew our trust in God’s mercy and God’s unconditional love. We need to repeat it over and over again, Jesus! I trust in You. God’s mercy is everlasting for each one of us. We are called to be merciful like the Father. Pope Francis says: the door of mercy is wide open to all. All of us are called to be missionaries of mercy by doing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Thank you so much for being there. I want to offer a special word of thanks to all who helped make our Holy Week services an experience of faith, hope and mercy. Thank you to all those who ministered and served at the liturgies, to all who helped decorate the Church for Easter, and to all who prepared the RCIA candidates for the Easter sacraments. God bless you, Fr. John Francis Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word (©2015), PrepareTheWord.com. DIVINE MERCY Sunday 5 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY: PLENARY INDULGENCE Today, April 3, 2016, the Second Sunday of Easter, is Divine Mercy Sunday. On this day, the faithful who fulfill the following conditions can receive a plenary indulgence: 1. Go to the Sacrament of Confession. 2. Receive Holy Communion. 3. Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father (preferably the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be). The above conditions can be fulfilled preferably on Divine Mercy Sunday itself or a few days before or after the day. 4. Take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of the Divine Mercy in any church or chapel, or, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Creed and the Our Father, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Jesus, I trust in you!). 5. Be completely detached from attachment to any sin, even a venial sin. A partial indulgence, is granted to the faithful who, at least with a contrite heart, pray to the merciful Lord Jesus a legitimately approved invocation (e.g. Jesus, I trust in you!). Plenary indulgence is the complete remission of the temporal punishment due to one’s sins committed up to the time of receiving the indulgence. In other words, it is TIME OFF FROM PURGATORY! And it is free; Jesus already paid for it on Good Friday. Those who are “sick and those who nurse them, and all who for a just cause cannot leave their homes, or who carry out an activity for the community which cannot be postponed, may obtain a plenary indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday, if totally detesting any sin, and with the intention of fulfilling as soon as possible the three usual conditions (go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father), will recite the Our Father and the Creed before a devout image of Our Merciful Lord Jesus and, in addition, pray a devout invocation to the Merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Merciful Jesus, I trust in you)”. “If it is impossible that people do even this, on the same day they may obtain the Plenary Indulgence if with a spiritual intention they are united with those carrying out the prescribed practice for obtaining the Indulgence in the usual way and offer to the Merciful Lord a prayer and the sufferings of their illness and the difficulties of their lives, with the resolution to accomplish as soon as possible the three conditions prescribed to obtain the plenary indulgence.” The indulgence can be received for oneself or can be offered for one deceased person. It is a great act of charity to offer it for the deceased. The Church earnestly encourages the faithful to receive this heavenly gift of plenary indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday. Thank you and God bless you. APRIL 3, 2016 6 ¡La Semana que entra Se Llevara a Cabo el Domingo de Compromiso! Los días 9 y 10 de abril nuestra parroquia llevará a cabo el Domingo de Compromiso, donde todas nuestras familias podrán hacer un compromiso durante Misa. En los últimos meses, nuestra iglesia San Nicolás de Tolentino ya ha asegurado más de 129 compromisos, de tan solo el 10% de nuestra comunidad parroquial hacia nuestro objetivo de $800,00. Estamos humildemente agradecidos por nuestros donantes y el domingo esperamos recibir la decisión de las demás familias. Estamos agradecidos por la generosidad del 10% de las familias de la parroquia que ya han respondido. ¡Por favor oren por su propia participación financiera y ayúdenos a alcanzar la meta y de recibir una decisión monetaria por familia! Por favor vengan preparados los días 9 y 10 de abril para llenar una tarjeta de compromiso durante la Misa. 7 DIVINE MERCY Sunday SAVE THE DATE APRIL 10, 2016 MASS OF INCLUSION & Community Resource Fair for Seniors, the Hard of Hearing and People with Disabilities Place: American Martyrs Church 79-43 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11364 Time: 12:30pm Mass followed by Resource Fair “The Body of Christ is not whole unless ALL are included” (Enter Through Parking Lot on Westbound Union Tpke) CONGRATULATIONS! To the following students of our parish community who, because of their academic performance, have achieved Honor Roll status at: The Mary Louis Academy Samantha Chui Jasmine Jordan Matthews Kathleen Kaye Lopez Lizbeth Rodriguez Alexa Villanueva Jade Villanueva Church and Parish Center are both wheelchair accessible Sponsored by Parish Advocates for Parishioners with Disabilities of Northeast Queens Open to All Queens Parishes FLEA MARKET UPDATE Our OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET begins has begun! For more information please call 718-5911815. Forming Intentional Disciples Meeting Follow-up We are going to have our follow-up to Sherry Weddell’s book “Forming Intentional Disciples.” Those people who already have a copy of the book, please read the introduction on pages 9-13 before arriving to the meeting. Those who do not have the book will have the opportunity to get the book at the meeting. The upcoming-meetings schedule is as follows: April 12th - Discussion of chapters 1-4 April 26th - Discussion of chapters 5-8 May 10th - Discussion of chapters 9-12 May 17th - Spiritual Gifts Inventory May 31st - How to discern and affirm your spiritual gifts. All meetings are on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30pm on the above dates. Let’s take our personal spiritual lives and our parish to the next level! Oldies Nite with The Satellites Saturday, April 16, 2016 6:00pm - 10:00pm At the Father Rooney Parish Center of Mary’s Nativity - St. Ann’s Parish located at Jasmine Avenue and Parsons Blvd. Flushing, NY 11355 $40.00 per ticket includes Buffet Dinner, beer, wine & soda, desserts, coffee & tea and Dancing, Prizes, Raffles & Fun! For info, contact: Angie Chung (646) 662-5572 DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday, April 23, 2016 11:00 am Sts. Simon & Jude RC Church 185 Van Sicklen Street Brooklyn, NY 11223 To register, please contact the rectory at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church. All couples who have celebrated their marriages in the Catholic Church are invited to this special recognition of their 25th, 50th and 75th anniversaries! Couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows, will receive a personalized certificate signed by Bishop Cisneros and will be greeted by the Bishop at the end of Mass. APRIL 3, 2016 Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers of Hospitality, Choir, and Parish Council Members 8 DIVINE MERCY Sunday 9 DOMINGO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA BAUTISMOS - 2016 En español - El tercer domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y los padrinos deben de asistir a una clase de preparación el Viernes anterior a las 7:00 PM. En inglés - el segundo sabado y cuarto domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a la clase de preparación el primer martes a las 7:30 PM. Los padres deben de hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes y presentar la partida de nacimiento del niño. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes. MATRIMONIO De acuerdo a las regulaciones diocesanas, la pareja necesita una preparación con seis meses de anticipación. Por favor llamen a la rectoria para fijar una cita con uno de los Sacerdotes. LA SAGRADA COMUNIÓN Los Sacerdotes o Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión llevan la Comunión a las personas que se encuentran enfermas en su hogar. Por favor avísenos si sabe de alguien en necesidad de éste servicio. En caso de emergencia puede llamar a la rectoria a cualquier hora. RECONCILIACION/LA CONFESION Lunes a Sabado de 11:45 a 12:00 del mediodía en la Capilla. Sabados de 4:00 a 4:45 P.M. en la Iglesia. O por cita previa. HORARIO DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Lunes a Viernes: 8:30 A.M. a 12:00 Mediodia. y 1:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. Sabado: 9:00 A.M. a 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 9:00 A.M a 2:00 P.M. Por favor tengan en cuenta que a veces el Sacerdote no se encuentra en la Iglesia, o esta en alguna reunión, etc. Si desea o necesita hablar con uno de éllos es conveniente que llame con anterioridad para fijar una cita. ESCUELA DE SAN NICOLAS DE TOLENTINO 80-22 Parsons Boulevard - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 380-1900 - Fax (718) 591-6977 Clases desde el Pre-Kinder hasta el octavo grado. Programas antes y después de la escuela. CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 150-85 Avenida Goethals - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 591-6536. Clases desde el Kinder hasta la escuela superior, los Domingos de 8:45 a 10:30 am. Preparación para los niños y sus padres para los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confesión, Eucaristía y Confirmación. LA MISA DE HOY SE OFRECE POR: Brigida & Consuelo Romero Enrique Dueñas & Isabel Montoro Francisca Acosta Vicente Clever Rivera Juan Ferrer, Eliseo Cueva, Rosa & Magnolio Garro Laurentino Garro & Raida Ferrer 3 DE ABRIL, 2016 HOY ES DOMINGO DE LA MISERICORDIA DIVINA Dia en el cual Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos ofrece el perdon por nuestras culpas en el Sacramento de la Reconciliacion, y en el Sacramento de la Eucaristia. El Mercado de las Pulgas ha comenzado. Para mayor información pueden llame al 718591-1815. CELEBRACION DIOCESANA DE ANIVERSARIOS DE BODA Sabado 23 de abril, 2016 11:00 am Sts. Simon & Jude RC Church 185 Van Sicklen Street Brooklyn, NY 11223 Para informacion y para participar de esta ceremonia comuniquese con la casa cural de San Nicolas de Tolentino. Las parejas quienes hayan celebrado sus bodas por la Iglesia estan invitadas a celebrar sus aniversarios de 25, 50 y 75 años de boda! Las parejas presentes renovaran sus votos matrimoniales, y recibiran un certificado personalizado del Obispo Cisneros, quien les saludara al terminar la Misa. LA SEGUNDA COLECTA DEL 10 DE ABRIL es para: el “Mantenimiento Mensual;” les agradecemos su generosidad. CENA DE GALA BAILABLE a beneficio de nuestra Parroquia. Fecha: 23 de abril, 2016 a las 8pm en el Salon Tolentino. Precio: $30.00 por persona con boletos/ $35.00 en la puerta. Boletos a la venta desde la proxima semana. Les invitamos a nuestra Reunion General de la Comunidad Hispana hoy después de Misa en la Cafetería Escolar. Nuestra parroquia está activamente participando en la Campaña Generaciones de Fé El Equipo de Evangelizacion les invita a “Rezar el Santo Rosario en Comunidad” mañana lunes 4 de abril a las 7pm en el Centro de Educacion Religiosa. EL LIBRO DE MISAS de ENERO a DICIEMBRE DEL 2016 está disponible. La donación por cada Misa Anunciada es $15.00, y $25.00 por peticion del Vino y el Pan. Acérquese a la Rectoría si desea separar alguna fecha. Visite nuestra página web al: www.stnicholas-queens.org DIVINE MERCY Sunday 11