Festival Concert For Bohol Churches June 27, 2013—Friday at 7
Festival Concert For Bohol Churches June 27, 2013—Friday at 7
The Most Holy Trinity June 15, 2014 God so loved the world That he gave his only son. — John 3:16a My dear friends in Christ, “It is a mystery to me!” We always hear this phrase from people! I have no idea who said this first! It is a mystery to me as well. Another mystery to me is this unpredictable kind of weather we have been having. It is an unexplained phenomenon. We have not been blessed with rain! The springs of water are dry! Whatever it is, we are experiencing a mystery before our eyes. And this Trinity Sunday we are dealing with another mystery: the mystery of our faith. Our faith tells us that there is one God but has three persons: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Very confusing concept! I remember when I was in grade school, I asked the nun to explain to us the Holy Trinity. She said to me that she couldn’t explain it. This is what we are celebrating today: the mystery of our faith that we cannot understand but something we live and we believe. In fact the gospel today is not about a theological or academic discourse of the Holy Trinity. The Church holds that it is better to change our lives and to follow the gospel than to know the deep theology of this mystery of our faith. What we know is that Holy Trinity has been part in the history and salvation of humanity. Through their loving relationships, we experience the Trinity in the world we live and in our life. It is in this loving relationship that the mystery of the Holy trinity is revealed, experienced and celebrated! We already know the essentials facts about the Trinity according to the Bible and the faith of the Church. God is the loving Father, source of life and happiness. God is the Son, who came to us as our brother, our savior and our example. God is the Spirit, love personified, who dwells in us and fills the ends of the world to make all things anew. So the main thing is not to be able to explain the Trinity, but the main thing is the ability of this mystery to change our hearts and increase our love. This is the meaning of the Holy Trinity. It is the manifestation of God’s love for us. In Christ’s peace, Fr. Geoffrey TODAY’S READINGS June 14, 2014 - June 21, 2014 Saturday, June 14 5:00 pm Blake Gonzales - Spe Int. Sunday, June 15 8:00 am + Godofredo Felipe 10:00 am + Pablo Garcia 12:00 pm For the People 6:00 pm + John Sigua Monday, June 16 8:00 am + Sabino & Eleazara Jacinto Tuesday, June 17 8:00 am + Bernardo Aguila Wednesday, June 18 8:00 am Manuel Abad - Spe. Int. Thursday, June 19 8:00 am + Fe Carmen Dequina Friday, June 20 8:00 am + Jose Franco Saturday, June 21 8:00 am + All Souls 5:00 pm + Consuelo Tecson First Reading — The LORD, merciful and gracious, rich in kindness and faithfulness (Exodus 34:4b-6, 89). Psalm — Glory and praise for ever! (Daniel 3). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, rejoice. Live with one another in peace, and the God of peace will be with you (2 Corinthians 13:11-13). Gospel — God did not send the Son to condemn the world, but to give it abundant life (John 3:16-18). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 SPRING CLEANING TIME…… Please pray for the sick… Ester Acda, Johnny Ang, Saturnino Angeles, Susana Aquino, Charmaine & Ricky Arciga, Alma Arreglado, Rachel Austria, Gay Badillo, Agapito Bagon, Eva Bancroft, Cecilia Barrera, Francisco Barrera, Victoria Bantugan, Nina Baquirano, Alice Beans, Yoly Buhay, Franklin Calub, Carolina Canio, Napoleon Canio, Patrocina Canio, Gold Cantolino, Teofista Coloma, Gouri Dasgupta, Alfonso & Flora De Guia, Ofelia de Guzman, Merly Jereza, Bert Dimaano, Alice De Loyola, Purificacion Del Rosario, Angeles Dingcong, Bernardo Dingcong, Roberto Dingcong, Donna Diner, Theresa Diola, Geraldine Dotson, Fely de Jesus, Albert Doble, Cezar Domingo, Elpidio Dorotheo, Edilberta Enriquez, Juanita Estrellas, Emerita Fulinar, Leticia Garces, Francisco Garcia, Linda Hernandez, Rosario Ilustre, Reynaldo Joachico, Erlinda Kasilag, Francesca Kelsey, Gaby Kho, Eric Igos, Tessie Lacandazon, Mori Lacson, Ed Lerona, Idalina La Rosa, Arthur Macapagal, Lisa Mananquil, Bert Mariano, Ruth Marquez, Theresa Martinez, Saturnina Mayo, Janet McCulley, Zeny Mesa, Victor Montoya, Florentina Morales, Eric Morton, Teofisto Pacete, Roquita Padua, Esperanza Paz, Marlen Peralta, Orlando Peralta, Roces Pineda, Benita Quintong, Cora Ragasa, Fernando Ramirez, Lita Raposas, Oliver Rasul, Elaine Resurreccion, Leo Reyes, Luisa Reyes, Felix Rivas, Charmaine Rivera, Eufenia Rivera, Anita Sacdalan, Epifania Santos, Fe Segundo, Jose Segundo, Virginia Sosongco, Keanna & Keara Tankg, Joseph Thompson, Leonard Torres, Petronila Torres, Jacob Tril, Joel Tubig, Pio Verdan, Lydia Villacorta, Delfin Villaflor, Paz Wijangco, Joe Yumang, Dianne Zamora, Milad Zayat Are you still doing Spring Cleaning? Please save items to donate to the St. Vincent de Paul White Elephant Booth at the Parish Festival in July. Your generosity during the year of money and items help us to provide care and services to those in need. Due to the higher operating costs, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County can longer accept donation of goods and items that are not in usable condition. We do not accept mattresses, wall-to-wall carpet, tires, bath tubs, sinks, toilets, paint, oils, large appliances, baby cribs, baby car seats, bikes, bowling balls, exercise equipment, skis, gas lawn mowers. Items that are needed: small appliances, clothing (all sizes), children’s toys, books, backpacks, school supplies, linens, bedspreads, sheets, towels, tablecloths, napkins, blankets, small electronic items in good working condition, clocks, radios, tables, chairs, lamps, pictures, picture frames, desks, furniture, utensils, dishes, bowls, glasses, cups, pots and pans, etc. Items can be dropped off from MAY 12 TO JULY 21. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO SCHEDULE A DROP-OFF TIME. ALL FURNITURES AND EWASTE MATERIALS MUST DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO THE BOOTH ON SATURDAY, JULY 26TH. SORRY, WE DO NOT HAVE TRUCKS OR PEOPLE AVAILABLE TO PICK UP ITEMS! ST ANNE SCHOOL OF FAITH FORMATION St. Anne Youth Ministry Youth Ministry registrations are now available for the 2014-2015 year. Please pick one up at the Faith Formation or Youth Ministry Office or you may print one from the Youth Ministry link on the Parish website: http://www.saintannecatholic.org/ St. Anne Confirmation 2014-2015 Confirmation registration interviews for those in the second year Confirmation Preparation program 20142015 will began last Tuesday. Please make sure you know when your correct date and time for your interview. Parents and candidates are requested to attend the interview. Please email the Youth Ministry Office if you don’t know your scheduled time: stayouthministry@sbcglobal.net INTERESTED IN KNOWING MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Are you an adult who…is interested in being baptized Catholic? was baptized in another Christian tradition and would like to explore what being Catholic is all about? ST. ANNE SCHOOL OF FAITH FORMATION (GRADES 1- 8) EARLY REGISTRATION 2014 – 2015 FAITH FORMATION (CCD) NEW students (grades 1-8 First Year of Formation) RETURNING students (grades 2-8 previously enrolled in CCD and students preparing for First Communion) The Faith Formation Office will be open on following dates to assist you with your registration: Monday, June 16 - 23 Tuesday, June 17 - 24 Wednesday, June 18 - 25 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM Registration Packet is available at the Parish website. For more info, please call our office 510-471-7766 ext. 20-21 or email: stafaithformation@sbcglobal.net CCD STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPES was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? If you answered yes to any of the above, please consider joining our ongoing Inquiry sessions for chance to ask questions, learn more about us and about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process by which adults join the Church. No commitment required. For more information, call the parish office at 510-471-7766 or email: stanneadultfaithformation@gmail.com Bailey Medeiros: Leia Laureano: Tyler: Alex: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS “Serving our church, community & country.” Marius Maningding: Treasure giving $1.00. Mikhelina Maningding: Treasure giving $1.00. Sierra Smith: I cleaned my room & helped Sawyer clean up. Sawyer Smith: I helped clean the sunroom. Dannica Abenojar: Treasure giving $1.00. Deanndre Abenojar: Treasure giving $5.00. Katherine Bonifacio: Treasure giving $5.00. Precious Anne:` Treasure giving $1.00. June 21, Knights Golf Tournament. Open for all Parishioners and friends. June 21 - Knights Choir sings at 5:00 pm June 25, Regular Council Meeting If interested in becoming a Knight, please contactact: Roland Nimis, Grand Night RNimis@yahoo.com or 510-487-8232 THE BIBLE AND THE HOLY MASS Please join us for a Bible Study on June 21 at CR # 102 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. To register, please call Marlene Balingit @ 510-759-5846. Franchesca: Ivan & Gian Villa: Ailinh: I helped Mom do the shopping. Helped my Dad do the dishes. I made my bed. I helped my sister build something. I helped sweep the floor. Me and Kuya Ivan saved change from Mom & Dad & donated $2.00 to church. Cleaned the table & donated $.05¢. Enjoy your summer vacation, but remember to go to Sunday Mass. Sunday, June 15, 2014 THIS WEEK AT ST. ANNE Monday, June 16 8:00 am - MASS, CH 9:00 am - Legion of Mary, CR # 103 FINANCE CORNER Weekly Collection Goals Sunday, June 8, 2014 Budget Over (Under) $12,039.50 $15,000.00 ($2,960.50) 10:00am –Memorial Mass, CH 7:30 pm - Lectors, CH Tuesday, June 17 8:00 am - MASS, CH 10:00 am - Funeral Mass, CH 7:30 pm - RCIA, CR # 106 ST.ANNE PARISH 2014 SUMMER FESTIVAL CORNER On the weekend of July 26th and 27th, the Saint Anne Parish community will celebrate our annual summer festival. We invite you to join and help support our fun-filled family celebration, which begins Saturday with an outdoor Mass at 8:00 a.m. The festival will have continuous live entertainment, varieties of delicious food, games, and lots of business booth giveaways all day and will conclude with a raffle drawing on Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Festival Raffle Tickets The festival raffle tickets will be mailed to all families in our parish database on Tuesday June 10th. Please read the letter enclosed. We encourage you to either buy or sell them to others. You may turn in your payments and ticket stubs at the parish office, or you may drop them in the Sunday collection basket in an envelope marked “Festival.” If you do not receive any tickets, you can pick them up in the parish office. Please be generous because the raffle tickets make up the largest part of the festival’s fund raising. We have exciting prizes: 1st prize is $2,500; 2nd prize is a week of resort accommodations; 3rd prize is a 55-inch TV; and 4th prize is $250. Booth Sponsors & Volunteers The parish festival needs booth sponsors. You may become a regular booth sponsor with a donation of $100 or more. If your business would like to sponsor a business booth for a donation of $400, you may display your business’s name prominently in the booth during the entire festival. Business booths are going quickly, so get yours as soon as possible. The Festival Committee needs volunteers for game booths, food booths, set up, teardown, and the recycling team. For Logan High School students, it’s a great way to get community service points. Volunteer sign-up sheets are in the front of the church and on the church patio after Mass. You can also sign up at the rectory or contact one of the festival committee members listed below. Booth Sponsorship contact: Sonny Mamaril(510 731-7327 or djsonman@me.com) Booth Volunteers contact: Jun Castro (510-708 7449 oracastrojr@aol.com) Entertainment contact: Lorna Veluz (510 329-9897 or romelitoveluz@sbcglobal.net) Festival contact: Jerry Williams (408-- 215-- 8211 or jjw_36@yahoo.com) 7:30 pm - Fit Club, SH Wednesday, June 18 8:00 am - MASS, CH 7:00 pm - Perpetual Help, CH 7:30 pm - Young Adult Choir, CR # 105 Thursday, June 19 8:00 am - MASS, CH 5:00 pm Faith Formation, CR # 104 7:30 pm - Pinto Choir, CH 7:30 pm -Unity Choir, CR # 106 7:30 pm - Servites, CR # 102 7:30 pm - Fit Club, SH Friday, June 20 8:00 am - MASS, CH 10:00 am - Lectio Divina, CR # 102 6:00 pm - Legion of Mary, CR # 103 7:00 pm - Divine Mercy, CR # 104 Saturday, June 21 8:00 am & 5:00 pm - MASS, CH 9:00 am - Lectio Divina, CR # 102 9:00 am - SVDP, CR # 106 10:00 am - Funeral Mass CH 12:00 pm - Wedding Rehearsal, CH 1:00 pm - Individual User, CR #102 1:00 pm - Knights of Columbus, CR # 130-104 6:30 pm - El Shaddai, CH Sunday, June 22 8:00 & 10:00 am, 12:00 & 6:00 pm- MASS, CH 10:00 am - Unity Choir, CR# 106 1:00 pm - Individual User, SH 1:30 pm - Polish Community, CH 7:30 pm - Divine Mercy, CH 7:30 pm - Fit Club, SH Festival Concert For Bohol Churches June 27, 2013—Friday at 7:00pm St. Anne’s Church Double Feature Main Event Nonoy Zuniga & Julius Obregon