October 2015 - Peace United Church of Christ


October 2015 - Peace United Church of Christ
Peace Messenger
From Collette
Dates to Remember
O c t 4 — W o r l d C o m mu n i o n
Sunday / Neighbors in
N e e d S p e c i a l O ff e r i n g ;
O c t 1 0 - 1 1 — P u mp ki n F e s t
O c t 1 1 — P u mp ki n F e s t
C o mmu n i t y W o r s h i p 9 a m
O c t 1 8 — 2 9 t h S u n d a y in
O r d i n a r y T i me ; S p e c i a l
C o n g r e g a t i o na l M ee t i ng
f o r Co u n c i l E l e c t i o n s
O c t 1 9 — N o v e mb e r P e a c e
Messenger Deadline
O c t 2 0 — F o o d P a nt r y
Oct 25—Higher Education
S u n d a y ; Y o u ( t h ) C o l l ec t
Inside this issue:
Ham Dinner; Thank You;
Festival of Sharing
Search Committee;
Pumpkin Festival;
Special Congregational
October Calendar;
Financial Update
You(th) Calendar;
Volunteer Schedule;
October Birthdays
Regular & Recurring
The change in the seasons is upon us. The first day of fall is a few
days off as I write this, but cool days and nights and blooming goldenrod
and ragweed have already announced its arrival. The asters and sedums
are blooming in the garden and giving the honeybees some needed fall
nectar and pollen. This is harvest season.
But I have been feeling out of sync with the season.
This the time of year when I am usually putting up a lot of end of the
garden pickles and relishes and planting fall greens and vegetables. But
not this year. After floods, disease, weeds and gluttonous raccoons, I
mulched most of the garden with a thick layer of straw to smother the
weeds and called it done. Later when I was checking my garden records,
I realized that this was my seventh year of gardening here. And then I
remembered the Sabbath laws of the Bible in Exodus,
You shall sow your fields for six years and gather in its yield, but
the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow.
This law is one of many in the Bible that mandate rest, that
mandate limits on production. We are most familiar with the one
in the Ten Commandments,
six days shall you labor and do all your work, but the seventh day
is a Sabbath of the Lord your God.
While we all benefit mentally and physically from rest, a break from
the effort of making, growing, creating, and care-taking that we call
work, I am beginning to understand why it is important for our souls as
well. My unintentionally fallow garden has begun to teach me some
more of the wisdom in these Sabbath laws. And perhaps the most important lesson is about the concept of "enough."
I like to grow things. I like to get good productions and more is better.
I like picking big buckets of beans and tomatoes. It is very satisfying.
Yet I find myself in the midst of abundance and plenty, plotting for more.
Maybe, I think, if I plant my beans earlier, I can get a second crop to
make before fall. The truth is---I still have beans in the freezer from last
(Continued on Page 2)
From Collette (Continued from pg 1)
Canning and putting up food is hard work. But it is so satisfying to see all those jars of
pickles, relishes, salsa and tomatoes lined up on the basement shelves. The truth is I still have
many jars left over from last year.
Just how many pickles can one woman eat anyway?
Even in the midst of good work, satisfying work, our souls need a break from all the
production. We need time to take stock, to ask ourselves, how much is enough?
At the center of that lovely word, enough, there is peace and gratitude and quiet contentment. And from that gracious center, generosity can flow. For when we have enough, we can
share with others.
Pickles, anyone?
Blessings of the harvest,
Rev. Collette
Thank You—
Annual Ham Dinner
A HUGE thank you to all who
volunteered at, donated homemade desserts, and attended
the Annual Ham Dinner. A
special thanks to Joyce Allen
for making and donating the
dinner rolls.
82 people were served this
year and 630 quilt raffle tickets
were sold raising a total of
Congrats to Kathy Belew for
winning the quilt!
We thank you during this difficult time for
your prayers, comforting words and
thoughtful acts of kindness.
In loving appreciation, Kelly, Chris,
Taylor and Alex Monaghan.
Festival of Sharing
Thank you to all who donated kits for
Festival of Sharing. The following
number of kits were collected:
13 Baby Bundles
8 Paper Products
13 Personal Hygiene
20 Food Boxes
14 Prison Kits
Search Committee
The Search Committee was commissioned during worship on Sept
13. They met with Dale Parson, Associate Conference Minister, on
Sept 16 to work on the Church Profile to start the search for a new
Called Pastor.
The members of the Search Committee are:
Rose Walker
Brenda Reeder
Don Lacy
Shawn McCollom
Jim Henley
Katy Reeder
Melanie Madore
Special Congregational
The election of new council members
special congregational meeting will be
held on Sunday, October 18.
Please consider running if you are
asked. If you would like to volunteer
for a position, please contact Brad
Current candidates are:
Jim Kesterson, President Elect
Lorie Klippel, Treasurer Elect
Sandi Wyatt, Caring & Connection
In addition to this agenda, we will add
the plotting of cemetery.
Thank you, PUCC Council
October 10-11, 2015
On Sunday, October 11, the
community worship service will be
held at 9 AM in Volunteer Park.
Peace UCC will host the Good
Samaritan booth which will be
located in the American Legion
Hall; and will also host a Food
Booth, serving biscuits and gravy.
Please contact Bailey Lenger
(239-1700) to volunteer at the
Good Samaritan booth. Contact
Brenda Reeder (657-4338) if you
would like to volunteer at the
food booth.
Please give of your time.
October 2015
Financial Update
YtD Income (as of 9/20) = $82,978.32
YtD Budget (as of 9/20) = $100,115.38
We pray for those who are homebound
or in nursing homes:
Leta Batie
Erna Beckmeyer
Bill Carlos
Agnes Curry
Al & Doris Judy
Dorothy Lairmore
Tom Mericle
Violet Nichols
Hazel Norris
Shirley Reeder
Pat Salter
Joyce Sapp
Helen Smith
Louise Wilson
Donald Wyatt
Courtney Hargis, Oct 2
Ian Trittler, Oct 22
Daniel Gustofson, Oct 23
Please let us know if we have
inadvertently left any children off
the birthday list.
October Volunteers
October 4
Ushers: Oleski Family
Lay Reader: Kit Salter
Sound System: Amanda Belew
Acolyte: Dalton Begemann
October 11
October 18
Ushers: Cindy Glascock & NEEDED
Lay Reader: Sharon Bullard
Sound System: Wyatt Barner
Acolyte: Amanda Belew
October 25
Ushers: Twyla Bennett &
Jo Hackman
Lay Reader: Joel Bullard
Sound System: Malysha Ryals
Acolyte: Jack Bauer
You(th) Calendar:
Meet at 7 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wed.
of each month.
Neighbors in Need
Special Offering
October 4
Collecting for UNICEF October 25 During Worship
Peace Messenger is printed monthly. If you would like to start receiving the Messenger by email advise send an
email to Caroline at peaceucchartsburg@hotmail.com. The deadline for submitting an item to be included in the
next issue is the 3rd Monday of each month. Please direct any corrections or items for inclusion to the church
office by email at: peaceucchartsburg@hotmail.com, by postal service at P.O. Box 19, Hartsburg, MO 65039
or drop by the church office at 121 N. First Street, Hartsburg, MO. Web site: peaceucc1894.org.
On Facebook—Peace UCC Hartsburg.
P.O. Box 19
121 N. First Street
Hartsburg, MO 65039
Non-Profit Org
Hartsburg, MO 65039
Permit No. 2
Address Service requested
Church of
Regular and Recurring Meetings
Worship is each Sunday at 10 am in the Sanctuary.
Sunday School meets each Sunday at 9 am at the church, during the school year.
LeAnn Bullard (657-4359)
Church Council meets the third Sunday of each month at 11:00 am in the parlor.
Vera Jean Nichols,
Music Director
Caroline Hilgedick,
Church Secretary
Chancel Choir rehearses each Tuesday at 8:00 PM (7:30 PM during winter months).
Vera Jean Nichols (657-2813)
Women’s Circle meets each Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm to quilt and on the second
Thursday of each month at lunchtime for their business meeting. Sharon Bullard (6572779)
Peace Youth Fellowship meets on the 1at and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at
7 pm during the school year. Kathy Belew (657-0552)
Caring Group meets monthly at the church. Janine Lacy (657-2392) or Rose Walker
A.A. meets every Friday at 8 pm in the church basement. The meetings are closed.