november 2015 - St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
november 2015 - St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
The St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church NOVEMBER 2015 “And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” John 8:32 law, “you shall not kill.” And Bonhoeffer understood this, he even questioned whether he would be sent to hell for this attempt. He did it anyway because he felt that so many people were suffering in hell on this earth as a result So what is freedom? And of Hitler’s rule. what do we do with it? I haven’t had a whole lot of heroes in my life; other than my father, That is freedom. Freedom from the law, not for really only two. One is Linus Pauling who won the sake of anarchy or any self-serving purtwo Nobel prizes, one for chemistry and one pose, but the freedom to do what we feel called for peace. I think the idea that he took his vo- by God to do, and to be the people we feel cation seriously enough to think about how it called by God to be. To me that is the ultimate impacted the world was what made him a he- freedom. This is how we truly follow Christ. ro to me. Whatever furthers the gospel we do and whatMy other hero is Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was ever hinders the gospel we discard. Now it’s someone who truly understood what the free- not a surefire way to be successful in the eyes dom of a Christian is. Luther wrote a treatise of this world, in fact Bonhoeffer was hung one month before VE day. But even in Flossberg on it. Bonhoeffer lived it. Prison he felt free to minister to those around We sing this song on Sunday that says, him. “Worthy is Christ the Lamb who was slain whose blood set us free to be people of God.” He may have considered the idea that he might So what does that look like, this freedom that be sent to hell for what he did, but all I can say has been given us? Does it mean we can do to that is if the son sets you free then you will whatever we want to satisfy ourselves? Now be free indeed. And that includes freedom from then we just become slaves to our sinful na- fear of hell. ture and are not truly free. So what will you do with your freedom? And What Dietrich Bonhoeffer understood was who will you freely serve? I can figure it out all that being Christian is not about being good over again and invite you to join me in prayerbut doing good. He actually broke a lot of laws. fully considering what to do with this freedom. He helped smuggle Jews out of Germany. He spied for the British against his own country. He was arrested after an attempt to kill Hitler. That not only breaks human laws but God’s The Messenger • November 2015 May Christ bless the ministry here in St. Paul and may you remember and live boldly because you don’t do it alone but God surrounds and supports all that you are doing here. 1 NOVEMBER 2015 ASSISTANTS NOVEMBER 2015 ASSISTANTS The Reverend Ray Mitchell (Support) Minister of Music Susan Brunelle Usher Joseph China The Reverend Ray Mitchell (Support Pastor) Minister of Music Susan Brunelle Usher Joseph China NOVEMBER 1 Acolyte Altar Guild Reader Communion Assistants Counter Fellowship Hour Lunch Team Carina Paiva Altar Guild Bill McEleney Alan Abramson Judy Forgue Lucy Campbell Dale & Steve Whitney Lee & Michelle (Team B) NOVEMBER 29 Acolyte Altar Guild Reader Communion Assistants Counter Fellowship Hour Lunch Team NOVEMBER 8 Acolyte Altar Guild Reader Communion Assistants Counter Fellowship Hour Lunch Team Andrew Carlson Altar Guild TBD Alan Abramson Judy Forgue Bill McEleney Sue & Zoe Mahoney Dale Whitney (Team C) NOVEMBER 15 Acolyte Altar Guild Reader Communion Assistants Counter Fellowship Hour Lunch Team Abbi Dexter Altar Guild TBD Alan Abramson Judy Forgue Ralph Anderson TBD Heather (Team D) NOVEMBER 22 Acolyte Altar Guild Reader Communion Assistants Counter Fellowship Hour Lunch Team Amelia Dexter Altar Guild Carolyn Romelczyk Alan Abramson Judy Forgue Betty Berntson Bill & Pam McEleney Lydia & Melissa (Team A) The Messenger • November 2015 Chloe Kitterick Carolyn Romelczyk Betty Berntson Alan Abramson Judy Forgue Sue Mahoney Betty & Russ Berntson Lee & Michelle (Team B) Blessings to you Pastor Dana as you leave us to begin your adventure in retirement. Thank you for all you are and how you have served us at St. Paul. We will surely miss you. Please fill out your pledge cards and return them by mail or better yet, in the offering plate on any Sunday. Ron Strunz 2 NOVEMBER 2015 Kathryn Romelczyk—4th Ian Paiva—5th Christine Johnson—9th Alessandra Woods—9th Zoe Mahoney—10th Cathy Drescher—15th Leslie Hill—20th We are reminding you that the holidays will soon be here and we need your help. We can express our gratitude for all the gifts we enjoy by reaching out to the hungry in our neighborhood. George Sousa III—24th Will you please be generous and place a monetary gift in the offering plate. These gifts will help provide Holiday baskets for our neighbors in the community. Bring your gift on any Sunday during November and December. Nic Sincyr—25th Please designate the gift Evelyn Lofgren—20th Mark David Johnson—22nd Joe McAllister—22nd MaryEvelyn Nelson—22nd Paul Perinbaraj—23rd “Holiday Baskets”. Thank you for your support. Social Ministry Committee Pastor Ray Mitchell will be our support pastor for November and December. St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 401.737.6758 He will be preaching on Saturdays and Sundays. Reverend Ray Mitchell, Support Pastor Saturday — Sunday Welcome Pastor Ray! Pamela Wilsey, Parish Administrator Monday — Friday 9a – 12p 3 The Messenger • November 2015 see where you are and consider increasing for 2016. 2015 Weekly Contributions 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 AMOUNTS GIVEN BY COUPLES HAVE BEEN DIVIDED BY 2 The Messenger • November 2015 through September 30th 4 This fall, our credit union, Wave Federal Credit Union, will become a satellite location and Drop Center for the Coups for Troops program. Because Service Members don’t tend to receive the same type of mail overseas as they would at home, Coups for Troops, a 501(c) 3 organization, collects manufacturer coupons and even expired unused coupons to ship to overseas military families who are then able to use the coupons for up to six months PAST expiration date at the various base commissaries. The only caveat is the coupons cannot be restaurant or store-specific (Stop N Shop/CVS coupons, for instance). A drop box will be located in the St. Paul Narthex for collection any coupons you are able to donate. Thanks for your Help! Any questions, please see Linda Nelson… Join Pastor Kohl . . . On the Trail of Martin Luther October 12-22, 2016 11 Days—14 Meals: 9 Breakfasts, 5 Dinners Per Person Rates: Double $3,669 & Single $4,169 Highlights . . . Mainz, Worms, Gutenberg Museum, Erfurt, Wartburg Castle, Lutherhaus, Eisleben, Dresden, Leipzig, St. Thomas Church, Wittenberg, St. Mary’s Church, Berlin Contact Val Mello (East Side Travel) 401-724-3111 or Pastor Kohl with interest or questions. or 401-739-2937 (office) The Messenger • November 2015 5 NOVEMBER 2015 St Paul Memorial Fund Pilgrim Lutheran Church Tuesdays November 3 Conf. Class (Meal): Saint & Sinner November 10 Fellowship/Service November 17—6:30 P.M. Conf. Class (Meal): The Creed 1 Secondary Education Scholarship Any member of St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church who is a student currently enrolled in a full-time college, university, or vocational school program is eligible to apply for a Memorial Fund Scholarship. A letter requesting consideration should include: Educational Institution Name Expected Year of Graduation Intended Field of Study Cumulative GPA with a copy of latest grades A short essay stating any past, present, and intended future contributions to St Paul November 24—6:30 P.M. Planning Meeting—No Kids ADVENT BEGINS ON SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29 The deadline for the December issue of The Messenger will be Letter of application must be received by December 1, 2015 and should be submitted to Ralph Anderson, Memorial Committee Chair, c/o St Paul Lutheran Church, 389 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886. You can also email your application letter to Friday, November 20th. The Messenger • November 2015 6 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6:30 PM Confirmation: Class: (Meal) Saint & Sinner 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 7:00 Choir All Saints Sunday 915 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Pastor Dana’s Retirement Party 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 5:00 PM Matthew XXV Service ELECTION DAY 8 9 10 11 12 Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost 915 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 Handbells 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 7:00 Council Meeting 6:30 PM Confirmation: Fellowship/ Service 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 9:30 AM Linus Group 7:00 Choir MARTIN LUTHER’S 13 14 5:00 PM Matthew XXV Service Church Office Closed BIRTHDAY 1483 15 16 Twenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost 915 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 Handbells 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 22 23 Christ the King 915 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 Handbells 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 29 17 18 19 6:30 PM Confirmation: Class: (Meal) The Creed 1 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 7:00 Choir 24 25 26 6:30 PM Confirmation: Planning— No Kids 11:30 AM FREE Lunch 20 21 5:00 PM Matthew XXV Service 27 28 Church Office Closed 5:00 PM Matthew XXV Service 30 First Sunday of Advent 915 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 Handbells 11:30 AM FREE Lunch The Messenger • November 2015 The Messenger • November 2015 5 7 November 2015 Sunday Worship Service with Holy Communion Worship Service Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Saturday Services Saturday at 5:00 p.m. at Matthew XXV