Colombia ® Challenge your Knowledge
Colombia ® Challenge your Knowledge
INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN COLOMBIA ACTIVITIES PROMOTED BY THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION WITH OTHER ALLIES: • Mobility program of researchers and faculty to United Kingdom - British Council, 2013 (24 academics from 9 Universities) • UNILEAD Colombia program – DAAD, Oldenburg University, Universidad de La Salle & Universidad EAFIT, 2012 (30 staff members of Colombian HEI’s) • Accompanying program on internationalization capacity building 2011 – 2013 (Colombian HEI’s) • Academic Missions for the Promotion of Colombian Higher Education – MAPES, 2012 – 2013 throughout Latin America and Europe. • Other activities (Trainings, lectures, projects, etc) COLOMBIA - CHALLENGE YOUR KNOWLEDGE ® Colombia - Challenge Your Knowledge® is an initiative of the network of 20 Accredited Universities of Colombia, supported by the Ministry of Education, ICETEX, Proexport, COLCIENCIAS and other strategic national allies to promote COLOMBIA as a destination for academic and scientific collaboration. COLOMBIA - CHALLENGE YOUR KNOWLEDGE ® OBJECTIVES CCYK’s main objectives are to promote and disseminate Colombian research, academic and outreach programs abroad, to strengthen the internationalization of these Accredited Universities, to study current trends in internationalization of Higher Education, and to promote quality processes in all Colombian higher education institutions. CCYK promotes active collaboration between Colombian Universities, making our country one diverse and increasingly integrated campus for national and international students, as well as a relevant and reliable partner for international academic collaboration. ABOUT US Accredited Universities ABOUT US Accredited Universities Universidad del Norte Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia Universidad de Antioquia Universidad de Medellín Universidad EAFIT Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Universidad Pontificia Javeriana Universidad de la Sabana Universidad de la Salle Universidad del Rosario Universidad Externado de Colombia Universidad Nacional Universidad Santo Tomas Universidad de los Andes Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira Universidad de Caldas Universidad ICESI Universidad del Valle Universidad Autónoma de Occidente ABOUT US Strategic allies OUR PRESENCE Colombia - Challenge Your Knowledge® has had presence and academic presentations in different international events such us: • • • • • • • • • • • • NAFSA [2009, 2010, 2011 , 2012 y 2013] Expo Shangai 2010 Expo Argentina EAIE [2010, 2011, 2012 y 2013) Euro Posgrados 2010 Brazil Matchmaking 2011 APAIE 2012 CAIE 2012 y 2013 LACHEC 2011, 2012 MAPES 2012 Going Global 2014 Among others COLOMBIA - CHALLENGE YOUR KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTS • ROUTES OF SPANISH AROUND COLOMBIA (REXCO). • Accompaniment Program for Strengthening the Process of Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions. – Colombian Ministry of Education agreement : Internationalization project of Colombian education. • Agreements: CALDO Consortium of Alberta, Laval, Dalhousie, Ottawa, Calgary, Queens, Saskatchewan, Waterloo and Western universities. • Internationalization Seminars and studies about Internationalization of Education in our country • Join work in international fair among other projects. ® PROJECTION INCLUSION OF CCYK BRAND INTO THE NATION BRANDING ADDED VALUE TO QUALITY ACCREDITATION SUPPORT A POTENTIAL AGENCY FOR PROMOTION OF COLOMBIA HIGHER EDUCATION ABROAD WHY STUDY AND RESEARCH IN COLOMBIA? • EXPERIENCE the quality of our education. • LEARN in one of Colombia´s best universities: Higher Education in Colombia offers a great diversity of academic programs and several world-class research centers that make the most out of our natural, social and cultural potential. • LIVE the warmth of our people: Colombia is the result of a unique history which created a blend of Spanish, Indigenous and African customs, and Colombia is considered one of the happiest nations on earth. • RESEARCH in one of our 20 universities. Our universities are on the top 50 most attractive universities for researching in Colombia. COLOMBIA … CHALLENGE YOUR KNOWLEDGE® • EXPLORE the beauty of our landscapes: Colombia is the only South American country facing two oceans and is home to all major Latin American types of ecosystems, from the Amazon to the Andes, from the pristine Caribbean beaches to the waves of the Pacific. • ENJOY Colombia´s cultural richness: thanks to more than 40 folklore festivals and carnivals that it organizes each year, Colombia is home to one of the most diverse artistic, cultural and gastronomical scenes in Latin America. • DISCOVER the richness of our biodiversity: Colombia is one of the world’s few “megadiverse” countries: it hosts one of the richest ranges of flora and fauna on our planet. • FEEL the magic of our culture: a beautiful blend of nature, people, culture and knowledge makes Colombia a great campus for students looking to challenge their understanding of the world we live in. …EXPERIENCE… LEARN… LIVE… RESEARCH… EXPLORE… ENJOY… DISCOVER… FEEL … …and SHARE the passion of our talent… • COLOMBIA … CHALLENGE YOUR KNOWLEDGE®
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