Newsletter June 2014 - Chardon Local Schools


Newsletter June 2014 - Chardon Local Schools
Chardon Middle School
JUNE 2014
The Mission of Chardon Middle School: To provide experiences that encourage
responsibility, communication, collaboration and critical thinking while promoting a
tolerance for individual differences.
From Mrs. Murphy:
Happy Summer Vacation! I would like to thank all of the CMS families for their support throughout
the school year. I would also like to thank our staff and students for their hard work and
dedication. Take time to relax and renew this summer in preparation for the 2014-2015 school
Congratulations, Mr. Bowens, on your retirement at the end of this school year. We will certainly
miss you! You have bestowed a vast amount of content knowledge on many students, but you
have also taught them life lessons. You have modeled what it means to give back to your
community. Best of luck wherever life takes you next.
I would also like to wish Mr. Sciarabba and Mrs. Courtney Wood the best of luck as they continue
on in their careers. Mr. Sciarabba has been named the assistant principal of Orchard Middle
School in Solon. Mrs. Wood will serve as a guidance counselor at Hudson Middle School. They
will both be missed greatly.
Please refer to the Chardon Middle School website over the summer for any questions you may
have. Summer reading lists as well as supply lists will be posted on the site. OAA test results will
be sent to the school at the end of June. Parent reports will be distributed during Open House on
August 20th.
Important Upcoming Dates:
August 18-10:00 a.m. in LGIR-New student orientation
August 18-12:00 p.m. in cafeteria/gym-6th Grade Orientation
(Students get schedules, locks, and walk the building to find classes.)
August 20-Open House, 5-7 p.m.
(Students and parents meet and greet their teachers, get their locker assignments, bring supplies,
and organize for day 1.)
August 21-Opening of school for 2014-2015
Again, have a wonderful summer vacation and see you next year!!
Mrs. Murphy
8th Grade Student Promotion Procedures for Thursday, June 5th.
All buses will drop off eighth graders at the High School in the morning. All eighth grade walkers
and car riders should also report directly to the High School. Eighth grade teachers will take
attendance in the High School cafeteria. The students will then practice prior to breakfast.
P.T.O. News
A huge THANK YOU for your support of our “Box Tops for Education” program. Your participation helped us raise
over $800 for CMS! Please continue to save your Box Tops over the summer! Thanks again for helping us earn CASH
for CMS!!!
May Students of the Month
6th Grade
7th Grade
Bailey Silvia
Olivia Stern
Tucker Keeney
Elliot Miller
Chloe Budd
Nick Vilardo
Dante Perrico
Grace Koppleman
Megan Mullaly
8th Grade
Allison Yuha
Zach Kuminkoski
Olivia Organiscak
Connor Prusha
From our Art Teachers, Mrs. Heron & Miss Cataldo:
Band Notes
The 8th Grade Band has a final performance on June 5 at their
promotion ceremony! They will be in charge of taking their
instruments that morning UNLESS they use a school instrument or
are a percussionist.
All 8th graders must turn in the school instruments before the last
day of school. Students needing a school instrument for HS band
will need to contact Mrs. Lichtler.
All 6th and 7th grade students will be finished playing on June 3
and will need to take their instruments HOME for the summer.
They may NOT leave their personally owned instruments at school
this summer. Students using a school instrument may take it
home over the summer after filling out proper paperwork.
Current 7th and 8th graders are eligible for participation in the
Geauga County Junior Fair Band. Paperwork is in the band room or
at Geauga Music Center. 6th graders are also eligible for the wait
list. Keep taking your private lessons over the summer, and if you
don't take private lessons, pull your horn out every week or so to
play through your favorite exercises in the book! It'll keep you
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make this year a
successful one in the band room! The CMS bands worked really
hard this year and delivered some outstanding musical
performances. I am so proud of everyone and looking forward to
next year!
Have a musical summer!
Ms. Tracy L. Paroubek
CMS Band Director
Music Department Chair
From our School Nurse, Lori Strickland;
If your child has medication at school that you would like back, please be sure to pick it up in the
school clinic by June 6. Any medications left at the end of the day on June 6 will be discarded off
site. Medication forms for next school year are available on the school website under health services
department and in the school office. A secretary will be in the office during the summer months. A
completed medication form must accompany all medication brought to school, both prescription and
nonprescription. Separate forms that allow students to possess and use asthma inhalers and epinephrine
auto injectors are also available. All medication forms expire at the end of each school year. Please contact
the school nurse, Mrs. Strickland, at 286-0457 if you have any questions
Thank you and a fun, safe summer.
Parents Guide to Skin Protection
It's important to shield your children's skin from the damaging effects of the sun. No matter what they're
doing, or what time of year it is, if they're outside, they need to be protected. The majority of the sun
damage to the skin occurs by age 18.
Build safe sun habits into your family's daily routine. Lead by example—children will respond better
when they see you protecting your skin. Begin by teaching them the American Cancer Society's easy and
fun "safe sun habits": Slip! Slop! Slap!
The American Cancer Society recommends:
Slip! on a shirt. Wear protective clothing when out in the sun.
Slop! on sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.
Slap! on a hat that shades the face, neck, and ears. Plan outdoor activities to avoid the mid-day sun.
By the start of next school year, your child is required to have a Tdap shot. This is a booster
shot of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis series. You must provide the school with written
verification of the Tdap shot from your healthcare provider. Failure to do so will result in exclusion
from school until the requirement is met. Exclusion will begin September 12. This requirement is a
state law. Please contact your child’s physician now to see if your child has already had this shot
or to make arrangements to receive it. We are currently accepting written verification of this
vaccination for next year. This vaccination can be obtained through the Geauga Co. General
Health District at no cost to Geauga residents. The health district holds monthly walk-in
immunization clinics throughout the year. They can be reached at 279-1950.
Recent Outbreak of Measles and Mumps in Ohio
Recent news has shown that these serious childhood illnesses are still a part of our world and can spread
rapidly from one child to another. While no vaccine is 100% effective, these vaccines have a very high rate
of effectiveness in preventing disease. Ohio Department of Health has instructed us that if a school
experiences an outbreak of a vaccine preventable illness, and one case is considered an outbreak, all
students who are unimmunized or underimmunized regardless of the reason, must be excluded from
school until the outbreak is over. This could result in a child potentially missing weeks of instruction. Please
talk to your child's health care provider to be sure your child is fully immunized against all vaccine
preventable diseases. Protect your child's health and education.
Summer Hilltopper Camps
The 2014 Future Hilltopper Football Fundamentals Camp will be
held June 9-12 from 9-11 AM at Chardon Memorial Field. This
emphasis for this camp is football fundamentals. This camp is
available to players age 6 to those entering the 6th grade. The
registration fee is $52 and includes a camp T-shirt. For
questions please contact Bob Francis at Registration can be done
by mail or at
Registration flyers at:
The 2014 Chardon Hilltopper Football Team Camp will be held June
9-12 from 12-2:30 pm M-W & 7-10 pm Th at Chardon Memorial
Field. This camp is available for athletes entering grades 6-9.
Specific schemes & techniques utilized in the Chardon Hilltopper
football program are emphasized as well as fundamentals. The
registration fee is $75 and includes a camp T-shirt. For questions
please contact Bob Francis at
Registration flyers at: Registration can be done
by mail or at
Sports Physical Night at Precision
Date Posted: Monday, May 19, 2014
Event Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Chardon High School Sports Physical Night is June 10 at Precision
Orthopaedics/150 7th Avenue/Chardon from 5:00-8:00 pm. Cost is $20, cash
only. Call 440-285-4999 to make your appointment.
Please bring 2014 physical form, which can be downloaded from the following
Chardon Boy’s and Girl’s Tennis Camp and
Summer Lessons
From : Dan Robertson
Chardon Varsity Boys and Girls Tennis Coach
Parents, two years ago I was named the head coach of the Chardon tennis program. In this time I have tried to
steadily improve the instruction provided to your children. This year, we are making a giant leap forward in the
quality and quantity of tennis available. Instruction will be provided by a USTPA certified tennis instructor,
Eddie Manual at our courts. All ages and skill levels are welcome to attend. Each child will be evaluated
according to their tennis skill and instructed accordingly.
The summer activities will be broken down into two sessions as follows:
Session #1 ( Sign up using camp brochure attached)
Price : $100
Price includes : (1) The Chardon Tennis Camp June 16 – 20
- 3 hour a day camp
- kids 3 – 6 grade in the morning from 8am – 11am
This is designed as a fun, kid’s camp with games and tennis instruction.
- Grades 7-12 will be in the afternoon from 12 – 3pm
This camp will be more instructional and will address skill development
and strategy.
(2) 4 additional lessons with the tennis professional
- these will be held on June 23,25,30 and July 2
- lesson time and level will be determined during camp
(3) older/ skilled students will also be set up in match play by the instructor for June 24, 26
July 1,3 to gain playing experience.
Session # 2 ( Sign up using Recreation department form attached)
Price : $70
Price includes : (1) 3 weeks of instruction by certified tennis instructor
- these lessons will be held Mondays and Wednesdays July 7, 9,14,16,21,23
- lesson time and level will be determined.
- match play will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays July 8,10,15,17,22,24
* All efforts will be made to make up any missed days either do to vacation or
Please return registration form
and $100 payment to:
Hilltopper Tennis Camp
c/o Dan Robertson
151 Chardon Avenue
Chardon, Ohio 44024
Check payable: Chardon Athletic
Registration: $100
includes camp (16-20)
and four additional lessons June 23,25,30
and August 2 with a tennis pro at Chardon
Hilltopper Tennis Camp
2014 Registration Form
Participant’s Name: _________________________
Phone: Home:____________/Cell:______________
Age: ______ Grade in Fall ’14: _______________
Address: __________________________________
email address __________________________
YOUTH T-Shirt Size: M / L / XL or
ADULT T-Shirt Size: S / M / L / XL / XXL
Check one Morning grades 3 - 6_______
Afternoon grades 7 -12
1. The undersigned is registering individually or as the Parent/Legal Guardian of a minor child or both. As used below,
registrant is an adult registering for an activity individually or as a Parent/Legal Guardian of a minor child.
2. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with the use of the recreational facility and engaging activity
and program, and in consideration of the Chardon Athletic Boosters and Chardon Local School District accepting
registrant for its program, the undersigned hereby assumes any risk and releases, discharges and otherwise indemnifies
the Chardon Athletic Boosters and Chardon Local School District, its employees and agents against any claim for
injuries received by the registrant and/or minor(s) as a result of participation in the program and activity or use of the
recreational facilities or during transport to or from same, which transportation is hereby authorized.
3. The undersigned hereby gives consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed physical or doctor of
dentistry. This care may be given under whatever circumstances are necessary to preserve the life, limb, or well being of
the registrant and/or minor (s).
Print Name of Parent / Legal Guardian: ____________________
Please send Registration Forms to :
Hilltopper Tennis Camp
c/o Dan Robertson
151 Chardon Avenue
Chardon, Ohio 44024
• Early Registration: $100 made out to Chardon Athletic Boosters.
Chardon High School coaching staff
Hilltopper & varsity players
Cost: This five – day camp is $100.00
Make checks payable to:
Chardon Athletic Boosters
What to bring:
each camper will need to provide their own shoes, shorts, socks and shirt and racket. The
staff does have some rackets available if needed. Please let us know.
You will receive:
Camp T-shirt
Individualized instruction
Individual workout
4 Additional practices with a local tennis pro for free!!! June 23,25,30 and August 2
Hour 1
Grips and racket position
Hand & Eye Coordination
Court movement
Hour 2
Ground strokes
Volley work
Approach and finish
Lob game
Hour 3
• Singles play
• Doubles play
• Contests
Our Goal:
The tennis camp will emphasize the fundamentals of offensive and defensive tennis. It will
focus on improving the individual abilities of each participant, regardless of skill level.
Techniques in groundstroke, serving, baseline and net play will be examined,
demonstrated and practiced. Time will be spent on the mental aspects of the game
including the discipline and sacrifice necessary to become the best possible tennis player.
Each camper will receive instruction and demonstration of drills to utilize in individual
workouts, and a personalized performance sheet.
What to expect:
Individual instruction by coaching staff and tennis pro
Sessions on the motivational aspects of being an athlete.
Camp competitions to show off acquired skills.
Techniques that will be emphasized by the school coaching staff in the up-coming
Individual skill workout
A week of great fun!!!
7 & 8 grade
Chardon Middle School Volleyball!!!
(In middle school gym)
7th graders: 8 -9:30
(7th graders: Please report at 7:30 the first day to allow time for forms, etc)
8th graders: 10 – 11:30
8th graders: PLEASE DO NOT REPORT BEFORE 9:45!!!! You will not be allowed in the
gym! Thanks!
*Team will be determined and posted online Wednesday, August 6th after tryouts at 1 p.m.*
(You will be given a web address to check at tryouts)
*Scheduled Practices will begin on AUGUST 7th and 8th
9 a.m. – 11a.m.
AUGUST 11th – AUGUST 15th (9 – 11 a.m. for BOTH grades unless otherwise noted)
(NO PRACTICE on AUGUST 14th for 7th graders – 8th graders have a closed ALL DAY
*Beginning the week of August 18th, all practices will be held from 3-5 p.m.*
(August 21st is first day of school for students)
What do you need for tryouts?
(EVERY sport a NEW form needs to be filled out each year!!!)
(sports form – NOT school form)
(not required but highly recommended – school does not provide these)
NO SPANDEX ALLOWED!!!!! (they do not meet school dress code and athletes will NOT be
allowed to wear or practice in them)
*All students must be academically eligible to tryout (no failing grade from 4th quarter of
previous year)
Sport participation fee will be due no later that September 1st, 2014
*Questions? Call the school at 440-285-4062 or email
Coach Isham: or
Coach Petroff:
Chardon Middle School
Cross Country
Welcome to CMS Cross Country!
Mr. Scott Brown and Mrs. Jackie Brown will be coaching the boys and girls cross country teams
this fall. We are very excited to be back coaching. Mr. Brown teaches at Chardon High School,
and has coached high school track and middle school cross country at Chardon in the past. Mrs.
Brown coached high school and middle school track and cross country for several years in
another school district before teaching at Maple Elementary in the Chardon School District. We
feel cross country is a great sport because it allows for success in two ways - as a team and as an
individual. Winning in cross country comes not only from beating another team, but also by
beating the clock. Our team may not always come out on top, you may not always come in 1st
place, but if you improve your time each race or from your time the year before, you have beaten
the clock and have still won! We will strive to help all runners achieve their personal best times
while creating a team which supports and encourages all members.
What? At the middle school level, cross-country is a team sport. There are dual meets where
teams from two schools compete against each other and invitational meets where teams from 8 to
20+ schools (>200 runners) compete at the same time! All athletes begin at the same time to run
a two-mile course. Runners receive points equal to their finish place (i.e. 1st place = 1 pt., 23rd
place = 23 pts.). The team with the lowest score wins.
Who? Any 7th or 8th grade boy or girl at Chardon Middle School with a current physical,
emergency medical, insurance waver, and team rules forms on file and who is academically
eligible can participate in cross-country. There are no “cuts” and every team member
participates in every meet, unless they have missed required practices. Precision
Orthopedic Specialties offers sport physicals at their Chardon office at 150 Seventh Street. Call
285-4999 to schedule an appointment.
When and Where? Official practices will begin Monday, August 4, 2014. Summer practices
are from 7:00 to 9:00 AM and will be held at various parks in the Chardon area. (Practice
schedule will be on Mrs. Brown’s website) Please pick up your athlete at 9:00 AM. Once
school begins, practices are daily from 2:45 to 4:30. Please pick up your athlete at 4:30 PM in
front of CMS. Practices are required. If a student is in school, he/she is expected to be at
practice. Accommodations will be made for students who may be involved in activities such as
Student Council, Science Olympiad, National Junior Honor Society, Robotics, etc.
Until school begins, it is understood that you may have to miss practices due to family
vacations. However, you will need to complete 10 official practices before being eligible to
participate in a meet.
Our mandatory parent meeting will be on Thursday, July 31, 2014, at 7:00 PM in the LGIR at
Before an athlete can participate in any practices, they must have a current physical,
insurance waiver, emergency medical, and team rules forms turned in to the coaches at
our parent meeting. Students must also pay a $275 activity fee payable to the Chardon
Board of Education before the first meet. This fee can be paid at the middle school office or online. Payment plans are available. Please contact Mrs. Nancy Taylor or Kate Adoryan, CMS
Athletic Director, regarding a payment plan.
If you have any questions, please contact your coaches, Mr. and Mrs. Brown at:
To print the necessary forms go to the Chardon Local Schools Website at .
1. Click on “Maple Elementary” under Our Schools located at the top of the web page.
2. Click on “Teacher Websites” located on the left side.
3. Click on “Mrs. Brown”
4. Click on “Files”
5. Click on “Middle School Cross Country” to find and print all of the necessary forms
and any other information.
Forms and information will be available on the website by the end of the school year. If you
do not have a printer at home, the forms are also available in the middle school office.
The following is a list of items you will need for the cross country season: If your child
plans on running track in the spring, the following items can be used during the track
season as well.
Required Items:
1. Pair of running shoes that fit. See information below regarding shoes.
2. Water bottle with your name on it.
Optional Items:
Solid, black short sleeved t-shirt- No writing or graphics on it please
Black long sleeved shirt
Black running tights
Black sports bra for girls
Black compression shorts
Digital watch with a chronograph (timer)-You can pick up an inexpensive one at
Marc’s or Wal-mart.
Athletes should purchase a good pair of running shoes. Parents, make sure the shoe fits properly
and is comfortable for the athlete to wear. Do not buy shoes to “grow into.” If your athlete is very
serious about cross country, a pair of running spikes may be purchased to wear during meets.
They usually cost $40-$60. Achilles Running Shop, located at 7439 Mentor Avenue in Mentor
(phone # 440-942-2059), is a great place to purchase running shoes and spikes. Prices range
from $75-$100. We are looking into having a team shoe fitting night at Achilles. More
information will follow.
July 7-11 10:00-Noon Chardon Memorial Stadium
$75 after June 1
The Junior Topper Soccer Camp is designed for
boys and girls currently in grades 5-7 (6-8 in Fall
2014). The campers will learn technical and
tactical skills in a fun, non-threatening, friendly
atmosphere. The camp, under the direction of
Andy Dubeansky, will be staffed by other high
school assistant coaches and/or players.
Coach Andy Dubeansky is the Head Coach for
the Men's program at the High School. Coach
Dubeansky has been coaching since 1982 at
both the club (A.C. Premier) and high school
level. Past coaching experience includes lake
Catholic, Mentor (both boys and girls) that
included being a member of the 1994 State
Championship staff. Head coaching experience
includes Mentor Women's and Chardon Men's
teams. Awards include Girls Division 1 Public
School Coach of the Year in 2005, The Plain
Dealer Coach of the Year for Lake/Geauga in '05
and '06, and Lake Erie League Coach of the Year
in '05, '06 '07 and '08. Coach Dubeansky spends
part of his summers coaching at the University Of
Notre Dame Women's Elite Soccer Camps in
South Bend Indiana.
2014 Chardon High School
Junior Topper Soccer Camp
July 7-11
Application, Consent to Treatment. and Health Form
Must be completed and sent along with FULL payment
$75 after June 1st to the Camp Office for enrollment.

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