park pencil point news park pencil point news
park pencil point news park pencil point news
PARK PENCIL POINT NEWS Park Elementary School 111 Goodrich Court Chardon, OH 44024 440-285-4067 (Phone) 440-286-0515 (Fax) Rhonda Garrett, Principal Lynn Harcher, Secretary Nancy McFaul, Clerical Asst. PARK EAGLES RECOGNIZING THIRTEEN YEARS OF EXCELLENCE We believe that every student is unique and has individual needs which must be met. The Mission of Park Elementary School is to provide quality educational opportunities for all children to master to their fullest potential the skills necessary to become successful citizens and independent lifelong learners. May 29, 2014 PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY Third grader, Hunter Greco, got to see first-hand Miss Garrett’s daily routine at Park School. A visit with Dr. Hanlon at the Board Office and a lunch out was also included. It was a special event for both Hunter and Miss Garrett. 2013-2014 SPELLING BEE WINNERS The 2013-2014 Spelling Bee was held Friday, May 23rd. in Park Auditorium. The winners were: th 5 Grade: James Granger Champion Ashley Zmarzly Runner-Up 4th Grade: Tommy Krakora Champion Joe Kidd Runner-up Fourth Grade Participants were: Heru Ankhenaton, Genevieve Baker, Samantha Brown, Brody Dotson, Bryanna Evan, Michael Goodwin, Lexi Jackson, Joe Kidd, Tommy Krakora, Zane Kuhnle, Chris Laforce, Caden Price, David Sage, Lyndsie Sharp, Shelby Speelman, Sara Ulmer, Sydney Webster, Emma White, Ed Youmans, and Brad Zemanek Fifth Grade Participants were: Evan Ash, Shane Callahan, Isabella Evans, Loreali Gandolf-Glover, Alaina Goss, James Granger, Morgan Jaeck, Thomas Kimpton, Emily Lingafelter, Cade McDevitt, Olivia Means, Zebulan Morgan, Mackenzie Morrison, Noah Munoz, Matthey Mysyk, Andrew Sacerich, Sidnee Seredich, Meghan Solich, Emma Sternagle, and Ashley Zmarzly PLEASE NOTE CORRECTED DATE CELEBRATION OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE PARK SCHOOL AWARDS/PROMOTION PROGRAM The Awards/Promotion Program will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2014, in our Auditorium. Parents are invited to attend. Grades 2-4 9:30 a.m. The following awards will be given at this program: perfect attendance, faithful attendance, accelerated reader, factmaster, spelling bee, art, music, and physical education. Grade 5 1:30 p.m. – Promotion ceremony Grade 5 “clap-out” will begin at 3:30 p.m. PTO CORNER • VOLUNTEER FOR TERRIFIC KIDS – We are still looking for someone to Chair Terrific Kids luncheons. Please contact Michelle Meleski at 440-286-8959 if you would like to volunteer for this position. • FORMER “LYNN’S LADIES” – Anyone interested in being a part of the former “Lynn’s Ladies” this August, please contact Kim Greene at 286-5530. We can help the secretaries by volunteering only a couple of hours to help with counting, sorting papers, stuffing envelopes, etc., to help get ready for the first day of school ’14-’15. CAFETERIA - Friday Menus June 5 – Chicken Tenders Salad Bar Fixings Lucky Tray Day 5th GRADE POPCORN BUSINESS STARTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th Fifth graders are in business again! Join these young entrepreneurs as they open their annual popcorn business, Wednesday, May 14th. Students will be selling bags of popcorn for the next four school Wednesdays to all Park students and teachers. Fifth grade students have been in business for over 16 profitable years and are applying their learned economic knowledge to a real business. Besides learning about economics, our popcorn business has a second purpose. The profits generated by this business have gone to help children in need. With our profits this year, we will buy teddy bears to be used for children at Geauga Hospital. All fifth graders are involved in all aspects of our business, from sales, money collection, popcorn preparation, distribution, advertisement, and accounting. The cost of the popcorn is 50¢ a bag. Money and orders will be collected each Wednesday morning, and the popcorn will be delivered each Wednesday afternoon. Making change from dollar bills can be difficult and time consuming, so we ask that students who want to buy popcorn to bring in quarters. Fifth graders hope that Park students will support our business and have some great tasting popcorn, too!! NOTE FROM THE CLINIC If your child took medication at school this year, please make arrangements to have it picked up by the last day of school. Medication cannot be sent home with your student. Any medication left at school after June 5th will be discarded. Also, if you know your child will be needing medication at school next year, you may pick up a new form in the clinic or download one from the forms/links page of the Chardon Schools website: . Have a Safe & Healthy Summer! Susan McKoon, RN LAKE COUNTY CAPTAIN’S READING PROGRAM Just a reminder…Each teacher sent home requirements and deadline dates to meet their grade level goals. The date of the Park School night is Friday, June 6th, at 7:00 p.m. Fireworks are scheduled after the game. If you and your child cannot attend that game, you are able to pick another game to attend. Please mail in your request for tickets by May 23rd or at least 2 weeks prior to the game date. . SPRING SCHOOL PICTURES Pictures can still be ordered online at - click on the Park Spring photos link. The school code (password) for Park is 99345. This is needed to see the photos! After April 30th, shipping will no longer be free. ATTENTION 5TH GRADE PARENTS: Just a reminder… If all school fees are not paid by June 1st, your child will not be allowed to participate in the 5th grade promotion ceremony. LOST AND FOUND MANY items are in our “Lost and Found” container. Please check it out if your child is missing something. Also, Mrs. Harcher has some smaller items (jewelry, glasses, etc.) that have been found – see her for those items. If these items are not claimed by the last day of school, we will donate them to Goodwill. BIKE RIDERS Students in grades 1-5 may ride bikes to/from school. Bikes should be parked and locked in the rack provided. PLEASE NOTE: Walkers, not bike riders, have the right of way. Bicycles must be walked to the edge of school property and across street crossings. Locking your bike is strongly suggested for security purposes. MOVING PLANS THIS SUMMER??? Students who are moving from the area or are fall should notify the school office as soon as your child’s withdrawal, you will speed up the records to the school where he/she will be enrolling. transferring to another school next possible. By notifying the school of process of forwarding important school REGISTRATION FOR NEW KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS STARTING THIS FALL To enter kindergarten in the fall, a child must be five years old on or before August 1, 2014. To schedule your registration appointment, please call the Park School office at 285-4067. Please be sure to pass this information along to any of your friends or neighbors who have a child starting kindergarten this fall and live in the Park District. INTERDISTRICT OPEN ENROLLMENT If you are moving out of the district, Interdistrict Open Enrollment Forms are now available. Of course, with interdistrict open enrollment, transportation will have to be provided by the family. Forms are available at the Chardon Board of Education. The due date for forms is no later than May 30th. Notification of acceptance will be July 1st. If you stay in the boundaries of Chardon Schools, an Intra-District form will be needed. SECOND GRADER IS A KARATE STAR!!! Ethan John, Park second grader, is a karate star! He competes in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland and Kentucky. He has been awarded over 500 tournament points this season by the Professional Karate Commission. Wow – Congratulations, Ethan! Thank you for another successful year! As this school year winds down, I just want to say thank you to all of our Park families for another successful year of collecting for all of these programs. We just recently submitted another $330 in Box Tops, bringing our current year total to $1,355! I truly appreciate all of your efforts (as well as any friends or families you have enlisted to collect!) in making these programs a success year after year. Please remember that we are collecting through the last day of school. Also, please continue to collect throughout the summer and send them in once school resumes in the fall. Lastly, don’t forget to check the Box Tops website ( for sweepstakes as well as retailers that offer box tops for online purchases! Box Tops will be credited directly to our account if purchased through their website. Please contact Anne Carrick if you should have any questions (CARRICKAL@AOL.COM). Swim with the Sharks! Looking for a summer activity? Join the Chardon Sharks! All ability levels welcome; ages generally range from 5-18. Evaluations are held to group swimmers together based on what they can do. Coaches work individually with participants to help them reach their goals and potential. Practice begins Monday, June 9th. Registration is open. For more information, please contact: Becky Repasky at:; 440-286-2610 or visit: Summer Recreation Programs Swimming Pool (days and times, swim team, lessons and exercise) Day Camp Tennis instruction click on recreation link call 440-286-2630 The 2014 Future Hilltopper Football Fundamentals Camp will be held June 9-12 from 9-11 a.m. at Chardon Memorial Field. This emphasis for this camp is football fundamentals. This camp is available to players age 6 to those entering the 6th grade. The registration fee is $52 and includes a camp T-shirt. For questions, please contact Bob Francis at . Registration can be done by mail or at . Registration flyers at: The 2014 Chardon Hilltopper Football Team Camp will be held June 9-12 from 12-2:30 p.m. M-W & 7-10 p.m. Th) at Chardon Memorial Field. This camp is available for athletes entering grades 6-9. Specific schemes & techniques utilized in the Chardon Hilltopper football program are emphasized as well as fundamentals. The registration fee is $75 and includes a camp T-shirt. For questions, please contact Bob Francis at . Registration flyers at: . Registration can be done by mail or at . DATES TO REMEMBER: May 30 - Fri BOGO Book Fair / Rm. 106 June 5 - Thurs End of 4th grading period June 5 - Thurs Awards Assembly Grs 2-4/Aud 9:30 a.m. June 5 - Thurs Promotion Ceremony Gr 5/Aud 1:30 p.m. June 5 - Thurs Clap-Out Gr 5/3:30 p.m. June 5 - Thurs Report cards sent home with students June 5 - Thurs Last day of school for students TENNIS CAMP AND SUMMER LESSONS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SUMMER TENNIS PROGRAMS, YOU CAN PICK UP THE INFORMATION IN THE PARK SCHOOL OFFICE.
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