Oahu Institute Day Neal Blaisdell Center Monday, October 12, 2015
Oahu Institute Day Neal Blaisdell Center Monday, October 12, 2015
Oahu Institute Day Honolulu, Central, Leeward, & Windward Chapters Neal Blaisdell Center Monday, October 12, 2015 Registration General Session Workshops Exhibits 7:30 - 9:00 am 9:00 - 10:30 am 10:30 - 2:00 pm Concourse Arena Sign-in by Chapters Welcome HSTA Vice President Justin Hughey Meeting Rooms: Hawaii Suites 1 - 12 Pikake Room Kauai Room Maui Room Oahu Room Arena Pick up the new Fall PD Course Catalog Coffee and breakfast snack served in the morning Lunch provided Special Host AUGIE T Come early and spin the Prize Wheel for give-aways! HSTA Secretary-Treasurer Amy Perruso Session I 10:45 - 11:45 am Exhibition Hall Flu shots by Longs/ CVS Blood Bank Donor Drive HSTA President Corey Rosenlee Keynote Address by NEA President Lily Eskelsen-Garcia Call to Action HSTA President Corey Rosenlee Session II 12:00 - 1:00 pm Open University 1:00 - 2:00 pm New Teacher Academy Reunion Lunch voucher! Redeem at the NBC Sodexo Concession for the “Teacher Special” lunch after the General Session. VEBA Trust Benefits Fair VALIC, Chinen & Arinaga, Ben Franklin, A Cup of Tea, Lifetouch, American Red Cross, CAS Craft. Capstone Classroom, Tupperware, Island Style Collection, The Paper Palette, and much, much more! CANNED GOODS AND OTHER NONPERISHABLE ITEMS WILL BE COLLECTED FOR THE FOOD BANK by HSTA-Students Parking available at: Neal Blaisdell Parking Structure—$6.00 flat rate King Street and Kapiolani Boulevard gates will be open McKinley High School - FREE Walk thru gate to NBC (at baseball field) will be open Ala Moana Center - FREE shuttle to/from NBC Look for shuttle bus with HSTA banner - Pick up point at the Atkinson Street terminal CAR POOLING IS ENCOURAGED Pre-registration required for Pre-Retirement Planning Workshop with HSTA-R Step 1: Using your personal e-mail, send a message to: hstaretired12@gmail.com Step 2: Enter on the subject line: Registration for Session _ (1 or 2) Step 3: In the body, provide your: First and Last Name Chapter School or Office Retirement Plan (Contributory, Non Contributory, Hybrid) Telephone Number (optional) You will receive an email reply with a registration confirmation. - If the selected session in closed, registration will be confirmed for an open session. - If both sessions are closed, a referral to your chapter’s Membership Service Committee representative and UniServ Director will be made for possible workshop dates. Saving Lives! HSTA is sponsoring a blood drive at the Teacher Institute Day! The Blood Bank of Hawaii will be on site in the Exhibition Hall. If you would like to schedule an appointment time, go to bbh.org click on “DONATE BLOOD” search for sponsor, Hawaii State Teachers Association The Blood Bank of Hawaii will also accept walk-up donations. Please consider giving the most valuable gift of all. Protect yourself with a Flu Shot Longs/CVS Pharmacy will be once again providing Flu Shots (Influenza Vaccinations) at the Teacher Institute Day. Remember to bring your ID and medical insurance card with you.