2014 Annual Report - The Urban League of Philadelphia


2014 Annual Report - The Urban League of Philadelphia
The B R I D G E to
Annual Report
Robert Keyes
Vice President / General Manager
Enterprise Holdings
Andrea Agnew
Executive Director
Workforce Diversity & Inclusion
Comcast Corporation
Michele Lawrence
Senior Vice President
Philadelphia Retail Market
Wells Fargo Company
Scott Bass
Co-Vice Chair
Vice President, New Business Activations
Amerihealth Caritas
Keith Bethel
Executive Vice President
Aramark Growth
Dennis Maple
First Student, Inc.
Mellanie K. Lassiter
Co-Vice Chair
External Affairs Manager
Philadelphia County PECO
Lorina Marshall-Blake
Vice President Community Affairs
Independence Blue Cross
Kim Bonner Massey
Regional Underwriter Officer / Director
CIGNA Corporation
Joseph Mbogo
Thomas S. Biemer
Legal Counsel
Dilworth Paxson LLP
Atif Bostic
Vice President Sales Manager
Your Place Banking Citizens Bank
Kevin D. Nesbitt
Senior Vice President
Preferred Banking & Investments
Bank of America Corporation
Monica Burch
Vice President, Senior Underwriter III, Corp. Banking
The PNC Financial Service Group
Jill Schubert
United Parcel Service
John Dawkins
President & CEO
JoDan Enterprises/McDonald’s Licensee
Tim Smith
Regional President, Consumer / Mass
Business PA / DE
Sue Ann Eckell
Managing Attorney
Rosalyn J. McPherson
President & CEO
The Urban League of Philadelphia
Sandy Moon-Hightower
Global Leadership Charter School
Harold Epps
President & CEO
PRWT Services, Inc.
Hope Foote
Ernst & Young
Allison Green
Senior Vice President, Chief
Diversity Officer
Lincoln Financial Group
Neil D. Theobald
Temple University
Patrick Walsh
Vice President, Marketing
Anzio Williams
Vice President of News
Robert Young
Kevin Johnson
Senior Pastor
Bright Hope Baptist Church
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
I am honored to greet you as the new President and CEO of The Urban League of Philadelphia (ULP), and look
forward to leading the critically important work of this 97-year-old community lifeline. It is with a spirit of
solidarity and resolve that I approach the transition from the dynamic twelve-year tenure of Patricia A. Coulter.
I am supported by an experienced and committed Board of Directors, and buoyed by the skill, professionalism
and enthusiasm of the ULP’s administration and staff.
We successfully raised over $3.6 million during Fiscal 2014 year, and
for that we are grateful to the individuals, corporations, organizations,
foundations and other generous donors who not only believe in our
mission, but also believe that ULP is uniquely positioned to empower
our constituents through economic parity, self-sustainability, and upward
mobility. We have much work to do and collaborations, partnerships, and
financial contributions will continue to allow us to be that bridge to both
economic and civic possibility.
During Fiscal Year 2014, our financial growth and overall positive
performance allowed us to advance our charge as a vital connector
between the African American community and the business world –
as a bridge to employment, housing, entrepreneurial empowerment
and equal access to education for our youth.
The year was filled with accomplishments of which we can be proud.
Our Career Services team placed 129 clients into jobs, a 20 percent
increase over 2013. The Community Scholars program expanded, and
we were delighted to award 93 scholarships. In addition, two of our
affinity groups recently won national awards for their exceptional
accomplishments; The Urban League of Philadelphia Guild was presented
with the Eastern Region Community Service and Fundraising Award
for raising over $66,000 for ULP programs and services, and NExT
Philadelphia received the Be A Better Bud Award for $4,000.
The great African American poet Gwendolyn Brooks is credited with saying,
“We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business;
we are each other’s magnitude and bond.” She – like the ULP –
was born in 1917, and her quote perfectly states the passion with which we
approach the honorable work of permanently improving the condition of
the African American communities and neighborhoods in which we operate.
I invite you to read on and share our pride in making an impact
in the Greater Philadelphia region.
Below are additional highlights of the ways ULP served its
constituents during the program year:
“We are
each other’s
and bond.”
• Our Community Scholarship program awarded $161,000 to
93 local high school and college students.
• Our Urban League Entrepreneurship Center (ULEC) served
791 small business clients, resulting in the creation of $3.2
million in contracts and capital.
• The Urban Leadership Forum, one of our signature career
programs for middle managers, graduated 28 employees from
the region’s top corporations.
• Housing coaches and counselors from our Community and
Economic Development team served nearly 1,300 clients,
resolving 177 foreclosure issues and facilitating the purchase
of seven homes.
• Our Gear Up youth program secured 50 summer internships
and enrolled over 575 students aged 14 to 18.
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Rosalyn J. McPherson
Robert J. Keyes
For nearly 100 years, the Urban League of Philadelphia has
stood in unwavering dedication to empowering African
Americans through education, employment, entrepreneurship,
and advocacy. This mission is as necessary today as ever, as our
community grapples with the after-effects of an economic
downturn that caused returns to the nest, compromised incomes,
continuous layoffs, and elusive home ownership. Equitable access
for African Americans in particular remains an uphill climb for
even the most educated and trained.
As a vital and well-connected bridge to possibility, the ULP is a
part of the 21st century transformation in which the entire Greater
Philadelphia region is engaged. As such it is our responsibility
to ensure that new opportunities are abound for the varying
segments of our broader community. ULP is about the business
of empowerment and we are joined in these effort by our donors,
corporate partners, and stakeholders all of whom recognize the
power of diversity in the global economy. If the region is to realize
its vision of becoming truly world class, then the Urban League of
Philadelphia is prepared to be play its role in attaining that vision.
The challenges faced by our constituents in the 21st century differ
in many ways from those we battled at our founding in 1917;
however, generations of oppression, exclusion and marginalization
continue to have an adverse impact on our community, even
with substantial gains. The racial divide is evident in the news
headlines that feature abominable conditions in our schools and
the continued concerns about safety for our youth.
“It is our responsibility to
ensure that new opportunities
are abound for the varying
segments of our broader
The ULP is a regional advocate and works with fervor to advance
causes and strategies that impact voter engagement, Black male
achievement, healthcare access, education reform, and more.
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
Leading up to the first enrollment period
deadline for the Affordable Care Act (ACA),
President Barack H. Obama dispatched
representatives to Pennsylvania to assess
the success of program’s outreach. ULP,
in conjunction with Service Employees
International Union (SEIU) Pennsylvania, SEIU
International, state and local officials, and the
Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN),
were key partners in the push to educate the
communities we serve about ACA benefits and
enrollment. Over 5,000 area residents were
reached through our efforts.
As a part of ULP’s Occupy the Vote
Movement, during the 2013 National Urban
League Conference, we orchestrated a largescale canvass using the Urban League’s
Young Professionals from affiliates across
the country. During this canvass, Young
Professionals were placed in “hot spots” all
across the city to conduct voter registrations
and to secure pledges to vote from Philadelphia
residents. In just a short 45 minute time frame,
they acquired over 20 voter registrations and
over 100 pledges to vote.
The ULP’s support of Voting Rights and
Election Protection continued via partnerships
with Common Cause PA, the Advancement
Project and PENNPirg. We joined forces with
these groups to work toward the passage
of Senate Bill 37 (SB37), which would pave
the way for online voter registration in
Pennsylvania. Together we organized and
executed a “Day of Action” in Harrisburg to
draw attention to SB37, as well as to advocate
for its immediate placement on the house
vote agenda. The day began with a rally in
the Capitol rotunda. Former ULP President
and CEO Pat Coulter joined bill sponsor State
Senator Lloyd Smucker to address the public,
elected officials and media on its advantages
for not only the communities we serve, but the
entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The
day culminated with legislative visits to priority
house elected officials. We are pleased to say
that the bill passed unanimously in the Senate
and is now awaiting its turn on the house floor.
During the 2013 National Conference, as
part of our Equity and Excellence Program,
ULP collaborated with The Urban League of
Greater Pittsburgh and The Urban League
of Shenango Valley to convene a two-day
symposium focused on two key issues:
statewide implementation of Common
Core State Standards, and addressing
inequities in the educational system
faced by the African American
Our work to maximize enrollment in the ACA was recognized by the White
House! In March 2014, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewel (with ULP Board
Chair Robert Keyes, ULP Co-Board Chair Scott Bass, and ULP staff) held a press
conference with local and national media at the ULP office to acknowledge the
extensive education and outreach work that we, and our partners, conducted.
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
This statewide coalition of NUL affiliates
works together to advocate for the effective
implementation of Common Core State
Standards throughout the year by attending
educational forums and conducting outreach in
both the community and the PA legislature.
Our Equity and Excellence keynote speaker was
David Johns, Executive Director of the White House
Initiative on Educational Excellence for African
The ULP’s ongoing advocacy
against passage of unfair voter ID laws
and exposing voter suppression in
African American communities was
recognized by the National Commission
of Voting Rights. As a result we were
invited to participate in a recent
voting rights panel that received
national news coverage.
The harsh financial aftermath of “The Great Recession” has largely erased hard-won economic gains made by
African American families over the last two generations. While we are encouraged by reports that Philadelphia
has recovered 120 percent of all jobs lost in the downturn, local unemployment continues to lag behind both the
national and Commonwealth averages. In addition, nearly one out of five black and Latino workers are underemployed, according to the National Urban League’s recently released 2014 State of Black America report.
According to the state’s Labor Department,
there are about 276,000 Pennsylvanians who
are underemployed and are “working part time
for economic reasons.” They include 47,900
people who usually work full-time but are
working part-time, and 228,000 people who
usually work part-time but are working less
than they normally would. This includes workers
who want to work full-time but can only find
part-time work, or want to work part-time
but cannot get enough hours. For minimum
and low wage workers, the struggle is even
further compounded.
Connect to Work
It is imperative that we consider the national
and long-term outlook. According to the
Center for Economic and Policy Research,
the overall rate of Black unemployment has
been twice as high as the White unemployment
rate for the last 50 years. Statistics for recent
college graduates are sobering as well.
As of 2013, 12.4 percent of Black college
graduates between the ages of 22 and 27
were unemployed, while the rate for all
college graduates in the same age range
is just 5.6 percent. The Center’s data about
underemployment indicates that collegeeducated blacks are more likely than all others
with degrees to work in jobs that don’t require
a four-year degree. Underemployment among
young African-American college graduates has
grown 10 percentage points since 2007 to 56
percent, yet during the same period, the rate
of underemployment among all recent college
graduates has not passed 45 percent.
Connect to Work is a six-week customer
service-training course, with a full 25 percent
of course time allotted to job coaching and
placement. Two groups are run annually,
in partnership with Project H.O.M.E.’s
Honickman Learning Center and Comcast
Technology Labs. In 2014 we recruited 37
participants, graduated 27, and placed 23 in
customer service roles.
The efforts of our
four Career Center staff members
are extended by a network of more
than 27 partner organizations.
The ULP Career Center attracts tri-state
residents looking for new or better jobs as well
as opportunities for upward mobility. In 2014,
we served 709 participants – a 28 percent
increase over the prior year. On-site services
include a suite of free offerings including jobsearch orientation, resume-writing, interview
prep, job coaching, and recruitment events with
members of our Board of Directors and partner
organizations. Our services connected 183 jobseekers with 19 area employers via Information
Sessions and Recruitment Sessions, and placed
clients into 128 jobs, a 20 percent increase over
the prior year.
Urban Leadership Forum (ULF), now in
its 21st year, graduated 28 participants from
the region’s top corporations in 2014, thus
preparing them for leadership roles in
both their organizations and
in their communities.
Internship Fair
The ULF program
ensures that participants
understand that
mentoring youth is
part of their civic duty
as upwardly mobile
managers. This year, ULF
participants interacted
with our Gear Up youth
program participants to
expose them to STEM
education, job readiness
and financial literacy.
The ULP is actively engaged in preparing our young people for future employment.
Through our Youth Programs, we offer students the skills and confidence necessary to
compete academically, while at the same time exposing them to a wide range of careers.
We also afford our youth exposure to social and cultural opportunities.
During Fiscal Year 2014, we served 848 students; presented $161,000 in college
scholarships to 93 students; and placed 57 high school and college summer interns.
The goal of GEAR UP is to increase the
academic performance of students, increase
the high school graduation rate, increase
postsecondary enrollment and increase student
and parent knowledge about postsecondary
access. GEAR UP students participated in the
Behind the Business program which provided
them information on linking Education to
Career Opportunities and featured trips to the
following organizations: Court of Common
Pleas, Office of the District Attorney,
SEPTA, Replica Creative and several others.
Project Ready, our program that fosters and
All students in the 10th and 11th grade at
encourages a college-bound mindset, worked
with 43 9th through 12th graders this past year. the following high schools are under the
Partnership GEAR UP Grant: Thomas A.
Three of those students were awarded ULP
Edison, Frankford, Benjamin Franklin, High
scholarships and will attend local universities.
School of the Future, Abraham
Lincoln, Roxborough
Tours were conducted at the Free Library of
and South
Philadelphia, the Wells Fargo Museum,
Art Sphere, and the Grammy Museum. The
Free Library provided the space to support a
leadership activity. The Wells Fargo Museum
served as the kick venue for our financial
literacy workshops. Students completed
service learning projects at Art Sphere and
the exploration of the business of music was
conducted at the Grammy Museum.
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Our Gear Up participants secured 50 summer internships and the program experienced participation
from over 575 students. With Mayor Michael Nutter.
The ULP College Internship Fair launched
in 2014 with a vision to connect scholarship
students with internships. Our inaugural
Internship Fair was hosted by Independence
Blue Cross. Nine corporate partners participated
this year - AmeriHealth Caritas Family of
Companies, Comcast/NBC Universal, PPL
Electric Utilities, the Barnes Foundation,
Aramark, TD Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and
Independence Blue Cross. 77 students
attended our prep session, 63
attended the Fair and eight
students were placed in highly
competitive internships. The
success of our inaugural
year means that we will
grow the Internship Fair
into a major program.
Youth Empowerment Day is a synergistic
effort that brings together GEAR UP students
and middle managers from our Urban
Leadership Forum for a day of education,
mentoring, and empowerment. The Urban
Leadership Forum participants created five
workshops for the 100 GEAR UP high schools
students that attended Youth Empowerment
Day. Topics included: Financial Literacy, Health
and Wellness, Politics, Professional Etiquette,
and Technology. The “Lunch with a Leader”
provided students with the unique opportunity
to have one-on-one mentoring sessions with
the Urban Leaderships Forum’s manager
The Urban Green League
delivers science exploration opportunities
to 2nd and 5th grade students who attend
Cooke Wissahickon and Steele Elementary
Schools. The program is facilitated by Riverbend
Environmental Education Center and combines
classroom presentations with on-site visits
to Riverbend to explore nature.
Childcare Information Services (CCIS)
has been a program of the ULP since 1992.
Fiscal Year 2013-2014 marked the 22nd
year operation for CCIS, with over 5,000
children served during the year. Funded by
Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and
Early Learning, the CCIS program determines
eligibility for subsidized child care funding
for families. Last year, CCIS serviced 11,153
children representing approximately 5,968
Housing Counseling: As a HUD approved
housing counseling agency; a City of
Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Housing Finance
Agency designated housing counseling agency;
and an adopter of the National Industry
Standards for Homeownership, ULP provides
residents of the Greater Philadelphia Region
with professional housing education and
counseling services to promote and increase
home ownership. Over the past program year
our coaches and counselors served 1,284
clients: 534 benefitted from group education;
750 clients participated in counseling sessions;
and 177 foreclosures were successfully resolved.
In addition, our ULP counselors facilitated the
purchase of seven homes for first-time buyers.
Urban League Entrepreneurship Center
(ULEC) ensures that African Americans are in a
position to compete for and receive contracts
and/or provide services in the anticipated
prosperity of the Greater Philadelphia region.
Recognizing that it is a strategic imperative for
African American business owners to share in
the architecture of this future, ULEC is a bridge
to achieving this goal.
NExT Philadelphia
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses,
funded by Goldman Sachs and the Goldman
Sachs Foundation, is “an investment to help
entrepreneurs create jobs and economic
opportunity by providing greater access to
education, capital and business support
services.” This year, ULP was able to capture
36 applicants for the program, 27 of whom
received interviews. Eleven interviewees were
accepted and we anticipate that ULP assisted
eight graduates from the next cohort of
In FY2014, ULEC served 791 small business
clients, resulting in the creation of $3.2 million
in contracts and capital, thus equipping
minority entrepreneurs to take advantage of
new business opportunities and qualify for
further financing.
The Philadelphia Urban League Guild is
made up of women members who raise money
to support our programs as well as their own
community service activities. Our Guild has
the distinct honor of being recognized as
the most active Guild among all NUL
affiliates. This program year the
Guild raised over $66,000. Their
efforts earned them the NUL’s
2014 Eastern Region Community
Service and Fundraising Award.
The Guild proudly celebrates its
72nd anniversary in 2014.
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
The Network of Extraordinary Talent (NExT
Philadelphia) serves as the ULP’s bridge to
long-term sustainability by attracting young,
up and coming, committed professionals.
A force to be reckoned with, this group of
dynamic people is indicative of our hope for
the future. The group, now 124 strong, has
recently developed its plan for the future and
anticipates a huge bump in membership in
the coming year. NExT partnered with Coors
Light during FY2014 year to provide a $25,000
donation to makeover the Leon Sullivan Center
basketball court in North Philadelphia.
Like so many managers in recent years, Renee
had experienced the dismay of a lengthy job
search. However, in her case, the job market
packed a double-punch. First downsized
in 2008, she spent an arduous three years
applying for jobs ranging from the seniorlevel positions for which her education and
employment had trained her, down to entrylevel positions that would allow her to at least
earn a basic living. She eventually landed a job
out of town in New York, only to find herself
downsized yet again after less than a year.
Since 2012, James Eley of Eley Electrical
Contractors, LLC has worked extensively
with ULEC to position his company for
growth. ULEC provided guidance with tax
restructuring, procurement, contract review
and financing. After a strong year in 2013
with a $100,000 line of credit and a $750,000
contract for a shopping center in North
Philadelphia, the company was
able to increase build capacity.
Eley Electrical recently
secured three contracts
totaling over $1.3 million
to provide electrical wiring
and heating/air conditioning
installation for residential and
commercial properties.
When Renee approached our Career Services
team, exhausted and discouraged after an
unpredictable, multi-year job search, she had
already identified an employer whose mission
and culture were a good fit for her own
professional goals and skills – the AmeriHealth
Caritas Family of Companies.
“ I have, and will continue to share
with others, my experience with
working with the Urban League…
and have encouraged them to
access the support and services
that your office provides.”
“My journey to
has been a very long
and winding road.”
As she sought a position within the
corporation, we were able to assist
her efforts as a networking partner
and ally, leveraging our own relationships
and advocacy template. She earned an
opportunity to interview, after which she
received an offer of employment in Fall
2013 as a Research Analyst.
Victoria Tyson of Victoria’s Kitchen started
her business in 2008, selling take-out meals
Five years is a long time to be unsure about using the kitchen of her uncle’s mosque. She
one’s professional path. We are proud to
promoted her business to local beauty salons
have helped Renee regain her confidence,
and barbershops and delivered the meals
hone her self-advocacy capabilities and re- with her own car. In 2009, Vikki opened her
align her career trajectory.
own restaurant on Ogontz Avenue. She began
working with her ULEC consultant, who assisted
her by developing a marketing plan. Vikki
has grown Victoria’s Kitchen to a $1 million
business with 29 employees. A recent graduate
of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
program, Vikki will be opening a second
location on Hunting Park Avenue in 2015.
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
“ I don’t know what I would have
done if I did not enroll during my
time at ULP. When I received my
financial statement from the hospital
totaling $215,000 dollars and saw
the big, bold letters ‘THIS IS NOT
A BILL,’ I nearly broke down and
cried from relief.”
As a part of a work-study program through
ITT Technical Institute, the ULP was able to
obtain four interns from both the Criminal
Justice and Computer drafting and design
departments. During their time at ULP the
interns were tasked with assisting with the
execution of ULP’s Affordable Care Act (ACA)
campaign. Tanzania, an intern who had
previously suffered an aneurism and a stroke,
took this opportunity to enroll for coverage
and was able to secure health insurance for
herself and her son for less than $1.00 per
month. Her powerful testimony made her
an ideal spokesperson for our outreach, and
Tanzania talked about her personal triumph
at community events, on our telephone town
halls, and to clients as they came into our
Just one month after Tanzania enrolled in
the ACA through ULP, she suffered another
aneurism and was told by doctors that she
needed brain surgery. The entire procedure
was covered under her newly acquired
healthcare plan.
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
2014 SPOTLIGHTS continued
“We even tried our
best to negotiate with
the bank ourselves to
keep our home, but
with no success”
Years of hard work had earned Ronald and
Neffertina a comfortable middle-class income
and lifestyle. They wanted the best for their two
beautiful children – but over a very stressful
three-year span, both Ronald and Neffertina
were unexpectedly laid off. They relied on
savings initially to stay afloat. Eventually, they
had to turn to friends and family for loans
and during a particularly difficult stretch, they
applied for public assistance. They were on the
verge of losing their home.
“We are happy
that we no longer
have the burden
of this battle
Now S. White is an
honor roll student and an
inspiration to his family and
classmates. He is now in the
midst of preparing to attend
college in 2015.
On the advice of a friend, Ronald and Neffertina
got in touch with the ULP’s certified housing
counselors, and they were able to negotiate
with the Germans’ lender and secure a loan
modification with more affordable monthly
In the meantime, both Ronald and Neffertina
kept looking for work – and ultimately
secured full-time jobs.
“That is why we believe it is so
important to continue funding
programs like this one to assist
other families in danger of
losing their homes.”
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
S. White considered himself a fighter and a
tough guy. One day at school, he got into a
fight and was referred to Juvenile Court with
limited access to after-school activities. After
enrolling in ULP’s Project Ready program and
attending for several weeks, he realized that
there was more in his future than fighting and
getting into trouble. Now S. White is an honor
roll student and an inspiration to his family and
classmates. An All-Public athlete competing in
football, S. White interned as an Administrative
Assistant at ULP during summer 2014 where he
focused on administrative work and greeted our
clients. He is now in the midst of preparing to
attend college in 2015.
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
The Urban League of Philadelphia was ecstatic to share its’ city
with various news makers, policy makers, business leaders and
community leaders from around the country as they gathered to
take part in the 2013 National Urban league conference on July
24th, 2013. This enriched experience was filled with a number
of attractions ranging from career fairs, entrepreneurship
work shops, and expos, to cultural events, celebrity filled
sessions and local entertainment.
Rosemary Turner,
President, UPS North
(L-R) Jeffrey R. Immect, Chairman, General Electric
Renee Chenault-Fattah, News Anchor NBC10
U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah Michelle Miller,
Correspondent CBS News, Marc H. Morial, President
& CEO National Urban League
NUL President & CEO Marc H. Morial and U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder
The presence of the 2013 National Urban
League conference in Philadelphia ultimately
increased partnership for our local affiliate,
further benefiting our mission to empower and
connect the urban community in the Greater
Philadelphia Region.
we can help them find jobs, save their homes,
purchase a first home, grow their business or
provide a college scholarship for their child.
Overall, the impact of the conference positively
benefited the Urban League of Philadelphia,
highlighting the relevance of the nations oldest
and largest community based movement
devoted to our surrounding urban community.
Moreover, 6,000 local residents poured into the
Pennsylvania Convention Center, learning that
The Fund Development Department
is at the core of the Urban League of
Philadelphia’s efforts to secure financial
support. Managing the ongoing pursuit of
funds from a variety of sources including
corporate sponsorships, foundations,
government funding, and individual donors
is a highly competitive and complex process.
The support of our signature events is a
major part of quest for support. In FY
2014, we were honored by the high level
of participation in the events, especially
given the transition in leadership that
served as the culmination for the year.
ULP Welcome reception
for the NUL conference
held at the National
Constitution Center
Golf fundraiser at
Sunnybrook Golf Club,
Plymouth Meeting, PA.
and Fees
June 30, 2014
June 30, 2013
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Receivables, Cash
Other Assets
Total Assets
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Other Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Special Events 1%
and Other
Revenue Source
Business and
Talent Diversity
Community and Economic
Use of Funding
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
and Policy
MAJOR DONORS ($10,000+)
AmeriHealth Caritas
Bank of America
The Boeing Company
Bottom Dollar Food
Comcast Corporation
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Dilworth Paxson
Enterprise Holdings
Independence Blue Cross
Phyllis & Robert Keyes
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Market 8/East Associate LP
National Urban League
Philadelphia Contributorship Insurance Company
The Philadelphia Foundation
PNC Bank
PPL EnergyPlus, LLC
PRWT Services
School District of Philadelphia / Gear Up Program
State Voices
Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young
TD Bank, N.A.
The Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
Wells Fargo
Sahirah Abdur-Rahman
Dennis Abraham, Jr.
Debra E. Abrams
Absolute Definition
The Ace Club
Florachel Addy
African American Chamber of Commerce
The African American Museum in Philadelphia
Angela P. Ahmad
Alpha Office Supplies
Richard Altman
American Airlines
Amtrak NEC Sales & Marketing
Tamequa R. Anderson
Lisa Y. Andrews
Arden Theatre Company
Brian A. Armstead
Arora Engineers, Inc.
Art Sanctuary
Aqua America, Inc.
Kenneth Ashe
Wendi Baker
Balance Health Center and Yoga Spa
Carla Baptiste
The Barnes Foundation
Bartram’s Garden
Theresa J. Baugh
Lakisha Baxter
Beneficial Bank
BDJ Ventures, LLC
Dennis P. Bianchi
Albert P. Black, Jr.
Black Women in Sports Foundation
Laura Blenman
Arthur Bloom
Blue Sole Shoes
Nina R. Boffa
Nadine Bonner
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa
Bradley & Bradley
Melinda G. Branch
Stephanie Bridgwaters
Bright Hope Baptist Church
Royal E. Brown
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Tyrone E. Brown
Monica L. Burch
Deborah A. Cain
James A. Callaham
Camden Riversharks
Campbell Soup Company (The)
Capital Grille
Capital Wine & Spirits
Kim D. Carter-James
Senator Robert Casey’s office
Cherry Hill Jaguar
The Chew Show
Chicago Urban League
Child Care Information Services
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
Citizens Bank
City of Phila. Mayor’s Office
Clear Channel Media & Entertainment
Clementon Park & Splash World
Comcast - NBCUniversal
Comcast Spectacor Charities
Community College of Philadelphia
Concordis Real Estate
Patricia A. Coulter
Cozen O’Connor
Cradle of Liberty Council
Crossing Vineyards Winery
Crown Holdings, Inc.
Peggy Crumley
Bill Cunningham
Michael L. Curry
Andrea Custis
CVS Caremark
Bernard Dagenais
Diane Damper
Ronald Damper
Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse
Delores Davis
Darden Group
Day & Zimmerman
Ida DeBrest
Del Frisco’s of Philadelphia
Devon Seafood Grill
Richard Dew
Diamante Jewels
Mark S. & Tobey Dichter
Marilynne Diggs-Thompson
Diversified Search
Judy Dorsey
Kimberly Dotson Brown
Doubletree Philadelphia
Michael Dougherty
Drexel University
Dunleavy & Associates
Dutch Wonderland
Eatible Delights Catering
Michael L. Echols
Stephanie Edgecombe
EisnerAmper LLP
Olakunie O. Ekundare
Shirley C. Eleby-Marshall
Eli Lilly Company
Cynthia Ellis
Emilie Boutique
Empowerment Resource Association
Enterprise Holdings
Kathy W. Epps
Ernst & Young
Mamie Fains
Tracey R. Fallen
Federal Reserve Bank
Warren Fields
Kelly P. Finch
First Student
Yvonne A. Fletcher
Clifford E. Flynn
The Food Trust
Jela Foote
Fox Chase Bank Charitable Foundation
Constance Franks-Mosley
Free Library of Philadelphia
Full Court Press
Brenda D. Fuller
Thomas Gamble
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
c o n t in u e d
Garces Restaurant Group
Barbara L. Gee
Gesu School
The Goldenberg Group
Marie Bundy Golson
Gloria Gordon
Keba Gordon
Simone Y. Grant
Danyielle N. Gray
Justin Gray
Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Greater Washington Urban League
Allan Greaves
Allison E. Green
Walter Green
Paget C. Hall
Gwendolyn J. Hammond
Mary A. Harper
Yvonne Hartsfield-Boyd
Karen Harvey
Frederick Harvey
J. Kenneth Hawley
Myron H. Headen
Health Partners Plans
Anthony Heath
Geraldine Henderson
Sandra Hightower
Rochelle Hines
Holt Cigars
Valerie M. Hosendorf
Katrina Howell-Mobley
Allyson Hunter-Talbot
Hyatt Regency Philadelphia
The Inn at Penn
INROADS Mid Atlantic
IT1 Source
JNA Insititute of Culinary Arts
Leigh Jackson
Pamela Jackson
Roger Jackson
Patsy Jarvis
Roland Jarvis
Marian Jennings
JoDan Enterprises/McDonalds
Charmaine Johnson
Christine Johnson
Rogers L. Johnson
Christine Johnson
Kim Jones
Lytanja N. Jones-Beulah
Irene Jordan
Joanne Jordan
Tybius Jordan
JP Morgan Chase
William S. Keilbaugh
Robert J. Keyes
Phyllis Keyes
Kimmel Center, Inc.
Knight’s Personal Fitness
Kutztown University
Tylene D. Lane
Mark La Roche
Mellanie K. Lassiter
Keith Leaphart
Lee Hecht Harrison
Legacy of Love
Leagacy Tennis
Aneesha Lewis
Monica Lewis-Wilborn
Liberty Property Trust
Lincoln Financial Group
Jamie Lontz
Monterry C. Luckey
Mainline Chamber of Commerce
The Mann Center For the Performing Arts
Marketplace Philadelphia Management
Susan Marshall
Mary Frances Handbags
Sharon McCrae
Karen McDaniels
Denise McGregor Armbrister
McKean Defense Group
Rosalyn J. McPherson
Bruce Melgary
Mercy Health System
Regine Metellus
Eydie G. Miller
Monique E. Mims
Arthur Mitchell
Joann Mitchell
Mitchell & Titus
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Beatrice S. Moore
Melvin E. Moore
Sara Moran
Morey’s Piers
Beverly A. Moses
Mother Bethel AME Church
Chandra M. Myers
National Constitution Center
National Liberty Museum
National Museum of American Jewish History
NBC 10
Kevin Nesbitt
NewCourtland Elder Services
Shani Newton
Next Philadelphia
NFL Flims
Nicole Miller
Peirce College
Phillip Okala
Omni Philadelphia
Opera Company of Philadelphia
Operation Understanding
Stephanie Y. Palmer
Parx Casino
Paul Coker Photography
Michael K. Pearson
Olivette Pearson
Pennsylvania Convention & Visitors Bureau
People’s Light and Theatre Co.
Perryman Building & Construction Services Inc.
Lisa M. Pfettscher
Philadelphia 76ers
Philadelphia Airport Marriott Hotel
Philadelphia Business Journal
Philadelphia Chamber Music Society
Philadelphia Chocolate Tours
Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau
Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO
Philadelphia Department of Commerce
Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia OIC
Philadelphia Phillies
Philadelphia Rock Gyms
Philadelphia Youth Network
Philadelphia Zoo
Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia
Terry A. Pittman
Gillan Pollard
Positano Coast
PPL EnergyPlus, LLC
Premier Financial Group, Inc.
Denise Pressley
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Cheryl D. Priest
Project H.O.M.E.
PRWT Services, Inc.
Radian Guaranty, Inc.
Radio One
Radisson Blu Warwick Hotel
La Rose M. Ray
Denise Ray
Raynier Institute & Foundation
Gloria Reddick Williams
Reed Smith LLP
Brigitte M. Reeves-Jones
Replica Creative
Blondell Reynolds Brown
The Ritz-Carlton
Patricia Robinson
Orben M. Robinson
Barbara Rodgers
Ron Jaworski Management
Evelyn Rosa
Quinton Ross
Delores Roulhac-Nance
Jeffrey S. Rowland
Rutgers Camden Technology Campus, Inc.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Elbert Sampson
Edwina Sanders
Larry Sanders
Santander Bank
Lilia M. Santoro
Saul Ewing, LLP
Scott & Kimberly Schusko
B. Diane Scipio
Lori Scott
Beverly Scott Reese
Delores Seabreeze-Rone
Joel Secunby
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
c o n t in u e d
Jasmin Alexis Senior
Seth Shapiro
Deserie N. Sills
Celestine Simmons
Angela R. Simmons-Smith
SK Designworks, Inc.
Gail A. Smikle
Evelyn Smith
Patricia Smith
Rosetta L. Smith
Starr Restaurant Organization
State Farm Insurance
Donna M. Staten
Diane Staton
Jeta Stephens
William James Stepter
Grace Stevenson
Catherine Stewart
Jeanine Stewart
SugarHouse Casino
Sunnybrook Golf Club
Susquehanna Bank
Jewelle Sutherland
Temple University
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Katrisha Tinsley
Roberta Griffin Torian
Renee C. Trader
Trizen, LLC
Maurice A. Tucker
UGI Corporation
Unclaimed Diamonds
United Bank of Philadelphia
United Healthcare
University City Science Center
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania Health System
University of the Sciences
UNTUCK Designs
Urban Affairs Coalition
Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
Urban League Guild of Philadelphia
Venus Salon
Vertex Fitness
Viceroy Anguilla Resort & Residences
Visit Philadelphia
Marilyn Wade
Joyce D. Walker
Walls Torres Group, LLC
Roger Walton
Joyce W. Warren
Kathy Warren
Bernard Watson
Carolynn Watson
Robert A. Webber
Franklyn C. Weeks
Pamela Y. Wells
Westin Philadelphia Hotel
Monique Wiggins
Sharon Wilbon
Anzio Williams
Birgit Williams
Earl Williams
Shannon N. Williams
Larry Craig Wilson
Randall James Wilson
Winterthur An American Estate-Experience
Tonya V. Wright
William Wright
Wright-Hayre Fund
Robert Young
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Kernie Anderson
Keith Bethel
Thomas Biemer
Dr. Alfred Bishop
Marietta Blackston
Kim Bonner Massey
Delores Brisbon
David Brown
Dr. Maurice Clifford
Harvey & Carolyn Commons
Patricia Coulter
Claudia Curry
Andrea Custis
Mark Edwards
David Fitts
Emerald Fuller
Thomas Gamble
Ruth Gaskins
Tangee Gibson
Thomas Gordon
Stacey Graham
Kenneth Hill
Michael Hill
Phyllis Keyes
Robert Keyes
David Markson
Lorina Marshall Blake
Arnetta McRae
Phillip McRae
Hon. Michael Nutter
Patrick Paul
Wanda Paul
William Ribble
Joy Riebow
Romona Riscoe-Benson
Kim Schusko
Scott Schusko
William Smith
Robert Sorrell
Otha “Skip” Spriggs
H.Patrick Swygert
Alma Jean Taylor
Shirley Thomas
Curtis Thomsen
Rosemary Turner
Celestine Waters
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Watson
Cynthia Wollman
Theresa Atwood
Michael Asbell
Monique Braxton
Jeffrey Covington
Bernard Dagenais
Colette deChalus Lee
Samantha Diamond
Sandra Dixon
Keith Ellison
Barbara Gee
Theresa Gilliard
Natasha Greene
Roger Jackson
Kenneth E. Lawrence
Vernice Lewis
Emily Ann Livingston
Willie Luckett
Tom Mapp
Cesar Morales
Alexis Niles
Fred Poelinitz
Michael D. Scales
Dejon Shepard
Lauren Spicer
Hason Taylor
Stephan Thompson
Juanita Thornton
Emmett Vaughn
Robert Warrington
Ron Wilch
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
Mary E. Ammon
Patricia Amos
Kenny Ashe
Rosetta Attaway
Jacqueline Bagwell
Valery Bailey
Desmond Barber
J. Diane Bates
Denise R. Berry
Joanne Blanchard, PhD
Laura Blenman
Barbara Booker
Patricia R. Bowie
Dolores B. Brabham
Norma J. Briggs
Lola Brown
Patricia O. Brown
Dorothy M. Bryant
Stephanie Burg-Brown
Chenora Burkett
Barbara Butler
Jane Cameron
Jahryon Casley-El
Ardie Chambers
Paulette Chambers
Christine Coleman-Crosby
Patricia Coulter
Christopher Crafter
Mary Craig
Margaret Crumley
Florence E. Cunningham
Angela Davis
June Davis
Brenda Dawkins Robinson
Inez Pepper Earl
Evelyn Easton
Easter Ellison
Ellyn Elshanawaney
Valarie Everett
Mamie Fains
Linda D. Fante, Esq.
Diane Fennell
Carolyn Finney
Goldie Fitzhugh
Charn F. Floyd
Annette Freeman
Thomas H. Gamble
Vivian R. Gary
Claudia Gaskins
Jennifer Gerald
Annie M. Gilbert
Erma Gillard
Gloria B. Gordon
Jessica Graham
Marlene Graham
Sheldon Gray
Francine Grier
Loretta W. Harding
Cheryl E. Harper
ReCarter A. Harper
Yvonne Hartsfield-Boyd
Judy Henderson
Sandra Moon Hightower
Carole L. Hodges
Juanita E. Hodges
Edith Hughes-Hill
Allie Jackson
Roberta Jackson
Altamese Jackson
Mamie Jacobs
Constance Johnson
Janice Johnson
Joyce C. Johnson
Lillian M. Johnson
Lynn Marie Johnson
Gwendolyn Johnson-
Ann Jones
Constance Jones
Patricia Jordan
Linda Lambert
Raelynn ambert
Charlita Latham-Martin
C. Gwendolyn Lassiter
Vivian E. Laws
Alan Darnell Lee
Jeanmarie Lee
Sharon B. Lee
Yvonne C. Lightfoot
Charisse R. Lillie
Constance Lowber
Monterry Luckey
Desonia D. Mapp
Juanita F. Martin
Ola B. Martin
Gloria Martin
Lynn McKee
Adrienne McKinney
Colessie Mills
Verdia Mobley-Provette
Edith Moore Stephens
Roslyn M. Morgan-Hill
Marge Morris
Rachelle Murray Richards
Shani Newton
Jay Nix
Donna O’Day-Dunbar
Glenda Parker
Juanita Patterson
Joseph A. Patterson
Deborah Peoples
Lucille S. Pinkett
Gillian Pollard
Jada Poller
Chevonne Porter
Jocelyn YS. Powell
Lorestine Pressley
Maureen Prillerman
La Rose Ray
Daisy Reddick
Gloria Reddick Williams
Eleanore Richardson
Katie S. Robinson
Ethel Robinson
Evelyn Rosa
Frankie Sanders
Earlene Satterfield
Gwendolyn J. Satterwhite
Lori Scott
Thelma Scott Brunson
Beverly Scott Reese
Deborah Seabreeze
Delores Seabreeze-Rone
Julia Senior
Ronda Sharpe
David K. Simms
Angela Smith
Ouida Simpson
Rosetta Smith
Sirlena Swift-Watson
Catherine Stewart
Rosa C. Stewart
Martha Sutton
Janice Sykes-Ross
Barbara Tavares
Alma J. Taylor
Nellie Thomas
Rose Thurmond
Margaret Tolliver
Dianne Townes
Arbertha O. Turner
Barbara J. Turner
Lottie Turner
Joyce Vassell
Carolynn Watson
Ella Wiley
Birgit Williams
Loretta S. Williams
Shirley Williams
Elizabeth K. Young
Theresa Young
Selma R. Young
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Ajoa Abrokwa
Florachel Addy
Gerly Adrien
Kerryn Agyekum
Christina Alcine
Algernong Allen
Kenneth B. Alman
Antoinette Armstrong-
Reeses Clea
Alicia Anderson
Osaru Anyumba
Mark Arrington
Tabitha Atkians
Michael Bailey
Telanea Bandy
Madelaina Baranowski
Lakisha Baxter
Mishawn Beckford
Omar Bowers
Natasha D. Brabham-
Jewel Bracy DeMaio
Maria Bras
Melanie Brewster
Kimberly Bryant
Danielle Bullock
Monica Burch
Everett Butler
Timothy Butts
Tasha Byers
Michael Cannon
Jennifer C. Carroll
Michael Carter
Chenard Cherilus
Tammy Chesson
Deirdre Childress Hopkins
Brian Christy
Charmaine S. Curtis
Kenille Daniel
Carl Dash
Shirlana Dash
Kenyatta Donley
Corey Dukes
Tiara Dungy
Taryn Flood
Paury Flowers
Jela M. Foote
Hope Foote
Shanina Gary
Keba Gordon
Precious Graham
Kati Gray-Sadler
Loretta S. Williams
Shirley Williams
Elizabeth K. Young
Theresa Young
Selma R. Young
Wydia S. Green
Aisha Hackett
Justin Hale
Denise Hall
Reuben Hampton
Amanda Hargrove
Tiersha Harrell
Clayvon Harris
Dia D. Harris
Phylicia Henry
Aleshia Hickson
Glorious Hightower
Sean Hill
Elizabeth Holder
Yvette Holmes Cannon
Nicole Jacks
Lillian Jackson
Michele Jackson
Alexander James Jr.
Jessica Jenkins
Danielle P. Jeter
Hilary Johnson
Howard Johnson
Janeile Johnson
Natasha Johnson
Rashidah M. Johnson
Joshua Jones
Loree Jones
Susan Kennedy
Amir Khan
Sandy Khan
Robert Lacorte
Jordan Lambert
Howard Lanier
Mark Laroche
Danielle Laws
Maria Lebron
April Lee
Ebony Lee
Olufemi Leverett
Tieast Leverett
Aneesha Lewis
Adam Mariano
Tedra D. Martin
Clyde Mason
Maia McCoy
Rakeem McCrea
Domenique McFadden
Joseph C. Meade
Regine Metellus
Allen Miles
LeeAnne Mullins
Mishawn Beckford
David Moore
Stephanie Morrison
Soneyet Muhammad
Jocelyn Muse-Taylor
Rodney Nobrun
Michelle Palmer
Glenda Parker
Jermain Parker
Danielle Phillips
Aleisha Pitts
Jada Poller
Ronald Pope
Cheryl Pope
Sulaiman Rahman
Stephanie Redding
Dai Monique Reed
Kimberly Reed
Jonathan Reid
LaShonda Reid
David R. Rivers III
Jameel Rush
Angele Russell
Jimmie Sanders
Tiffany Sanford-Adams
Lonce Scott
Louidine Scott
Samantha Scott
Jasmin Senior
Derrick Sexton
Christopher Siaplay
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
James Singleton
Nakia Slaughter
April M. Smith
Kenneth Smith
Kim M. Smith
Megan Speight
Jeta Stephens
Atiya Strothers
Shaleah Sutton
Cash Taylor
Parris Taylor
Quentel Thermilus
Stacey Thomas
Monet Thomas-Anderson
Ebony Thorne
Vu Trieu
Erica M. Triminio
Barbara Turner
Tomas Varela
Robyn T. White
Birgit Williams
Joel Wilson
David Whitaker
Fadila Ahmad
Tiara Aldrich
Michael Bailey
N.A. Barba
Zana Billue
Leah Bowman
Ruth Bright
Linda Brown
Benjamin J. Butcher
Calvin Clark
April Claytor
Terrance V. Cook
Gregory Cox
Rhonda Crosson
Nakira Darden
Cynthia Davidson
Tisha E. Davis
Bruce E. Davis
Kathleen Elbaba
Sinae Engram
LaShawn Farrar
Robert Georgie
Wayne Gibbons
Lakesha Godwin
Bruce Green
Felicia Guy
Aisha Hackett
Kim Hall Jackson
Anthony Hudgens
Abdul-Qadir Islam
Tanzania Jenkins
Dewain Johnson
Daaiyah Johnson
Phyllis Jones-Carter
Hoda Khalil
Sung Suk Kim
La Toya Kitchens
Giovan Lane
Indira Lawson
Sharon Y. Lewis-Gregg
James McNeal
Raymond Merritt
Darnell Minor
Retina M. Mitchell
Cheryl Mobley-Stimpson
Ahmed Mohamed
Saher Muhammad
Keshia Nedd
Eric Nzeribe
Anitria Odum
Tashina Okorie
Jeneen Owens
Tara M. Perkins
Sharon R. Pierce
Phillip Randolph
Christopher Sampson
Eshaw Samuels
Idi Amin Sayfullah
Michelle Schofield
April Sharpe
Ladia Shelton
Calah-Walter Smith
Ola Solanke
Marvin L. Stewart
Alisa Strong
Salma Suswell
Glynis Tart
The Gold Standard at Penn, Inc.
Jacqueline Thomas
Victoria Tyson
Ray Wall
Surera Ward
Julius Webb
Kimya Williams
Kim Williams-Hunter
Joel Wilson
Jack Wilson
Darryl Wynn
Jamela Yehiaow
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Keith Bethel
Thomas Biemer
Albert and Linnette Black
Steven Bradley
Andrea Custis
Kathy and Harold Epps
Kenneth & Fatimah
Tony & Hope Gay
Larry Holmes
Sandy LeBlanc
Ernest Jones
Bobby & Phyllis Keyes
Bruce Koch
Helen and Roger Krone
Haston Lewis II
Joe Mbogo
Regine Metellus
William Mills
Wanda Paul
Kimberly Reed
Doug Whitney
AmeriHealth Caritas
Bank of America
Bottom Dollar
Comcast Corporation
Cozen O’Connor
Dilworth Paxson
Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Independence Blue Cross
Legacy of Love
Lincoln Financial
National Urban League Association of
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
Rosalyn J. Mcpherson
President & CEO
Shirley Thomas
Wanda Goodbread
Gloria Lewis
Eligibility Intake Specialist Client Services Specialist
Nadira Branch
Grant Writer
Debbie Coleman
Associate Director
Bertha Kelly
Eligibility Specialist
Albert Curcio
eXude HR
Yvonne Fletcher
Administrative / Office
Veronica Listokin
Anjanette Perry
Senior Eligibility Specialist Eligibility Specialist
Greg El
Maritza Marrero
Eligibility Specialist
Keith Ellison
ULEC Project Manager
Regine Metellus, CPA
Senior Vice President &
Debra Abrams CPA, PHR
Beverly Moses
Career Services & Human Senior Accountant
Capital Development
Lisa Pfettscher
Carla Baptise
Manager, Officer
Manager, Career Center
Operations & Employer
Tiffany Belton
Economic Development
Terry Pittman
Manager, Youth Programs
Nadine Bonner
Director, Marketing &
Gillian Pollard
Director, Community &
Economic Development
Cynthia Ellis
Housing Coordinator
La Rose Ray
Manager, Fund
Kathy Epps
Director, Fund
Danyielle Gray
Housing Counselor
Mary Harper
Housing Counselor
Dianna Lynch
Housing Counselor
Deserie Sills
Manager, Housing
Counseling Services
Diane Staton
Executive Assistant to
the President
Maurice Tucker
Accounting Manager
Shannon Williams
Manager, Advocacy &
Robert “Alan” Webber
Systems / Training
Anatoly Saltinsky
IT Systems Administrator
Deni Hagains-Goss
Records Coordinator
Tiffany Connell
Clerical Assistant
Anita Jones
Clerical Assistant
Nicole Fisher
Fiscal Manager
Karen McKill
Fiscal Assistant
DeVonne Kemp
Kim Rodgers
Fiscal Assistant
Peggy Taylor
Eligibility Manager
Cecelia Mackie
Eligibility Specialist
Erika Williams
Eligibility Specialist
Paulette Burroughs
James Decker
Senior Eligibility Specialist Compliance / Resolution
Michael Pope
Eligibility Specialist
Michele WilliamsCooper
Stephanie Price
Compliance / Resolution
Eligibility Specialist
Kenneth Johnson
Staffing Specialist
Sahirah Rahman
Eligibility Specialist
Tracey Sharpe
Grant Writer
Peggy Sherman
Reception / Support
Erin Kane
Grant Writer
Tomeka Lee
Lilia Santoro
Joan Webster
Senior Eligibility Specialist Reception / Support
Jenna Ciambella
Eligibility Specialist
Michelle Mateo
Reception / Support
Tia Watson
Eligibility Specialist
Ramona Bobb
Senior Provider Specialist
Stephanie Copes
Eligibility Manager
Shahla Anitra Waters
Provider Specialist
Camille Blair
Eligibility Specialist
Charlene Giles
Eligibility Specialist
Lisa Andrews
Senior Eligibility Specialist Rhonda Howard
Senior Eligibility Specialist
2014 Urban League of Philadelphia
Annual Report
Designate The Urban League of Philadelphia as your United Way Donor Choice
Donor Option #122
Center City Office
121 S. Broad Street,
9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
CCIS Program Office
6350 Greene Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144
The Urban League of Philadelphia
is an affiliate of the
National Urban League
Established in 1910, the National Urban League is the nation’s oldest
and largest community-based movement devoted to empowering African
Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream. Today, the
National Urban League spearheads the non-partisan efforts of its 98 local
affiliates that provide services to more than 2 million people nationwide.
Since 1917, the Urban League of Philadelphia (ULP), as part of this national
network, provides direct services, research and policy advocacy to help
individuals and communities reach their fullest potential.
The Urban League of Philadelphia employs a three-point strategy known as
the ABC’s – Advocacy & Policy, Business & Talent Diversity and Community &
Economic Development.
• Advocacy & policy: Inspire and advance positive change in public policy and private sector practices affecting African Americans.
• Business & talent diversity: Advance African Americans’ participation and success in the workplace.
• Community & economic development: Empower African Americans currently on the margins of economic success to achieve greater financial self-reliance.
The mission of the Urban League is to empower African Americans to
secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.
The Urban League of Philadelphia will be the place where individuals,
businesses, non-profits and the public sector come together to develop and
implement activities that advance African Americans into and within the
economic and social mainstream in the Greater Philadelphia region.
Donor Option #122
To build alliances and create opportunities that foster economic empowerment,
advancement and achievement for African Americans.
You can play a part in our community empowerment strategy by becoming
a member today. For more information please contact us:
By Phone: 215.985.3220
By Fax:
By Email: lray@urbanleaguephila.org
By Mail:
ATTN: Membership Department
Urban League Philadelphia
121 South Broad Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
By Website: urbanleaguephila.org
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