Homecoming invitation - University of Wisconsin


Homecoming invitation - University of Wisconsin
alumni today
FALL 2011
Homecoming invitation
2010-11 UW-Platteville
Foundation Annual Report
Campus News
College News
19 Distance Learning
20-22 Athletics
23-35 Alumni Features
36-45 Going Green
46-68 Foundation Annual Report
69 In Memorium
70-73 Class Notes
73 Future Pioneers
76 Homecoming Invitation
Assistant Chancellor for
University Advancement
and Executive Director of the
UW-Platteville Foundation
Dennis R. Cooley
UW-Platteville Foundation
Holly Kaiser Clendenen, ’06
Gina Udelhofen, ’07
Director of
Alumni Services
Kim Crippes Schmelz, ’02
Alumni Services
Stephanie Belken, ’07
University Information and
Laura Becherer, ’11
Johanna Belken, ’04
Diana Blindert
Ian Clark, ’09
Tyler Ensrude, ’01
Paul Erickson
Lee Jadaan
Amy Pennekamp Kreul, ’01
Andy McNeill, ’02
Sarah P. Miller, ’11
Contributing Writers
Lola Gregg
James Hibbard-Archives
Danny Kambel-Athletics
Denise Thornton
Barb Weinbrenner, ’09-LAE
The Alumni Today is produced as a
service of the University of WisconsinPlatteville Alumni Association. This
magazine is designed to keep alumni
and friends of the university informed
of current activities and events
affecting the UW-Platteville and its
Letters to the editor are welcome, as
are suggestions for articles and Class
Notes. Call or write Alumni Services,
University of Wisconsin-Platteville,
1 University Plaza, Platteville WI
53818-3099, 1.800.897.2586.
UW-Platteville is a nondiscriminatory educational
institution and employer, and does
not discriminate on the basis of age,
race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, handicap or veteran status in
any of its employment or educational
policies, practices or procedures.
UW-Platteville is a member of CASE,
the Council for Advancement and
Support of Education.
© 2011 University of WisconsinPlatteville
New residence hall groundbreaking ceremony
Letter from the chancellor
Dear Pioneers,
Looking back at my first year, my experiences here have
been an affirmation in what I found true last July: this is
a top-notch university filled with high-quality people.
There is belief in what UW-Platteville is doing and what
it offers. The reputation of our world-class programs
and campus is driving people here, evidenced by record
enrollment numbers.
We have grown, and we will continue to do so. This
positive growth in our reputation and in our enrollment
made having a new residence hall an immediate need.
To suppor t the traditional and engag ing college
atmosphere as well as our enrollment growth, a new
residence hall was exceedingly important. Following
the state process, however, would have made the new
hall a reality by 2015 at the earliest. The UW-Platteville
Foundation established the Real Estate Foundation in
December, and in late June, we held a groundbreaking
ceremony for our next residence hall, to be ready for
residency by fall 2012.
This is important because people here came through
with a practical solution to address an important issue.
We are controlling our own destiny and finding ways
to achieve our goals. These are serious tasks that face
us, but I am confident that we can address them. We’re
finding solutions; the new residence hall will be a lasting
reminder that our destiny is up to us.
We face other challenges as well. We will be completing
the master planning process in December for campus
so that we have a strategic plan for how we will grow
in the coming years. As we grow, this forward thinking
will be paramount. Under this plan, there will be new
academic buildings, faculty salaries need to increase to
be competitive and scholarships are as important as ever
so that we can remain an affordable, accessible and high
quality university.
I invite all of our alumni to become and remain engaged
with the university as we move forward. Today’s students
and tomorrow’s graduates enjoy many opportunities
because of the contributions of resources, time and energy
from our alumni.
I am confident that by finding innovation and practical
solutions to address challenges and by continuing to
engage our exceptional alumni, we can ensure that every
day will be a great day to be a Pioneer.
Forever. Pioneers.
Dennis J. Shields
one hundred eighty-sixth commencement
Nicole Martinson,
Anna Allen, Valedictorian
John Gallo, executive
vice-president for business
operations at the RollsRoyce Corporation
Matthew Booth,
owner of two private
businesses, Mattitude
and Elite Entertainment
Vineys arrive, leave together
Couple retires after a combined 57 years of UW-Platteville service
It’s hard to quantify what Mick and Rhonda Viney
have meant to the UW-Platteville campus, but some
of these numbers may suffice: a combined 57 years of
service, 152,000 enrolled students, including 29,057
new students.
Mick retired as the assistant chancellor for Student
Affairs, while Rhonda retired as the director of Housing.
Both served their final days June 30.
“No couple has positively impacted more lives on this
campus than Mick and Rhonda Viney,” Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields said. “Their many years of service to the
UW-Platteville community are greatly appreciated. They
leave a void with their retirements, yet at the same time
we wish them all the best in their new ventures together.” The Vineys came to UW-Platteville in 1970 as high school
sweethearts from Milton, Wis. They both earned their
degrees in 1974, then returned to earn their master’s
degrees in 1979. Rhonda also served as a resident
director during that time. After working six years at
the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, they
returned to UW-Platteville for good in 1985, assuming
positions in Student Affairs and Housing.
“It’s truly the best of both worlds. I got to work with
students, especially in leadership roles. We saw them
mature and develop into really good people. It’s that nice
part of working with students. But it’s also about working
with staff. You’re mentoring those individuals at different
points in their careers, helping develop supervisory
skills, communication skills and administrative skills.
That’s so important to me,” said Rhonda. “It’s the whole
package, and that’s what we have enjoyed so much about
Developing future leaders has been huge for the Vineys,
as Rhonda has taken part in 38 residence hall trainings
to begin school years, and Mick has helped train leaders
for three decades.
“UW-Platteville is a significant part of our lives, starting
as undergraduate and graduate students and continuing
through our professional careers,” said Mick. “I’m hoping
people would say that we paid it back and paid it forward.
It’s been a privilege and an honor to work for such a
wonderful university with outstanding students and
staff.” –Paul Erickson
Social media
thrives on campus
A new member joins LinkedIn every second. YouTube
is the second largest search engine in the world. If
Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest
on the planet. No matter what statistics are used,
social media is a growing force, and their role in
higher education is no exception. When UW-Platteville
launched its social media webpage earlier this spring, it
was not only an effort to meet and promote the growing
need for digital innovations, but to engage students,
faculty, staff and alumni in ways they are already
engaging with one another.
The webpage, which can be accessed at w w w.
uwplatt.edu/social, serves as a compendium of links
to the official UW-Platteville presence on various
social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, LinkedIn and Foursquare, as well as links
to university-affiliated accounts such as those for
each college, specif ic departments and student
organizations. Chancellor Dennis J. Shields even has
his own Facebook page.
“One of the things I try to do on a very regular basis is
engage with the students,” he said. “We’ve held events
where students can come sit and talk to me about
important issues, and they’ve been very successful.
Our UW-Platteville social media works in much the
same way, and my Facebook page helps me personally
engage a greater audience. There are a lot of great
things happening on campus, and I think it’s important
to share those things, but at the same time give students
another avenue by which they can communicate with
me and other university groups.”
Even before promoting any of the social media sites,
the recognition of UW-Platteville’s online presence
has been steadily growing. When the university
canceled classes for an unprecedented two straight
days due to a snowstorm in February, the official
Facebook page registered more than 8,500 impressions
as students, faculty and staff followed updates of the
The university is regularly engaged with alumni, as
well, through updates on the “UWP Alumni” fan page
on Facebook, tweets from the @UW_PlattAlumni
Twitter account, and various UW-Platteville groups on
LinkedIn. Each of these sites can be a great way to stay
up to date with the university, or reconnect Pioneers
that may have fallen out of touch.
Though UW-Platteville’s first year of social media
consisted primarily of establishing a presence as an
institution, future goals include fostering greater
interaction and engagement with the university
communit y, providing an additional avenue for
spreading news and information, building personal
and professional contacts and having fun.
After all, if Wikipedia were made into a book, it would
be 2.25 millions pages long and take more than 123
years to read. And the Pioneers are part of the story.
–Sarah P. Miller
Website undergoes redesign
The UW-Platteville website is undergoing not only
an extensive redesign but an entire reorganization.
The new site will be unveiled in late fall and promises to be a state-of-the-art website that appeals to
Pioneers of all ages.
Remembering Old Main
Before there was an Ottensman for engineering, a
Karrmann for the library or an Ullsvik for administration,
there was the Main building, which eventually became
known as Old Main. Constructed in 1906-1907, it was
the solution to a steadily increasing student body, and
for nearly 75 years it was the face of the school.
and bay windows. As an alumna would state later, its
appearance “lent a scholarly atmosphere to the campus.”
Constructed before modern amenities, Old Main
had nearly 300 windows to assist with lighting and
ventilation. Its crowning feature was Assembly Hall,
which held 675 people.
Since its establishment in 1866, the State Normal School
had occupied the Platteville Academy building. By the
early 1890s, the Normal School was running out of room.
The old Academy building, after three additions, was
crowded and had no space to expand on its existing lot.
Old Main was the site of many commencements, plays,
celebrations and even events for Civil War veterans.
One of the most remembered events occurred on Sept.
24, 1959, the day Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy
spoke at Old Main to a packed Assembly Hall.
Recognizing this, Duncan McGregor (a member of the
board of regents and a past-president of the Normal
School) successfully lobbied the Board of Normal School
Regents in August 1895 to purchase a three-acre parcel
of land on the western edge of Platteville where a new
building could be constructed. Eleven years later,
$150,000 was finally secured for a new building, and on
July 16, 1906, the cornerstone of the new Main building
was laid.
During a construction boom in the 1960s and 1970s,
more than 20 new buildings were added on campus. Old
Main became “functionally obsolete” and was slated for
demolition. Final classes were held in Old Main in the
fall of 1980, and it was razed in 1981.
Pa r t of Old Ma i n’s cha r m was its neoclassica l
architectural style, complete with a columned entrance
Old Main played a significant role in UW-Platteville’s
history as the first step that the Normal School took to
expand, and, in time, become a university. Fortunately,
the cornerstone of Old Main was saved and is on display
in the Luce Center in Ullsvik Hall. –James Hibbard
UW-Platteville facts 2010-11
Enrollment (Fall 2010)
Employees (Fall 2010)
Undergraduate students
Teaching academic staff
Non-teaching academic staff
Classified staff
Business at a Distance
Total undergraduate students
Graduate students
Total official enrollment
Wisconsin residents (77%)
Students from other states
Number of states represented
International students
Countries represented
Ten Most Popular Degree
Programs (Fall 2010)
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Criminal Justice
3. Business Administration
4. Civil Engineering
5. Elementary Education
6. Industrial Technology Management
8. Electrical Engineering
9. Animal Science
10. Physical Education
Costs per year
Resident Undergraduate
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Personal and
Mean ACT
UW-Platteville ... By the numbers
Second-year retention rates for UW-Platteville fulltime new freshmen entering in the fall semester
Students who started and remained
Gender and Geographic
Mean ACT
Composite Scores
for New Freshmen,
Class Size
2nd Year
Six-year graduation rates for UW-Platteville fulltime new freshmen entering in the fall semester
Students who started at UW-Platteville and
graduated from any UW System institution
Class Size
6th Year
(Fall 2010)
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Classified staff
Beef center
Long history of support continues
Weber interim BILSA dean
Dr. Wayne Weber was appointed as
the interim dean of the UW-Platteville
College of Business, Industr y, Life
Science and Agriculture.
Weber was the chair from 2002-08 of
the UW-Platteville Biology Department,
w h ic h e a r ne d t he Un i v e r s i t y of
W i s c on s i n Sy s t e m 2010 R ege nt s
Teaching Excellence Award. He joined
the UW-Platteville faculty as a professor
in 1997 and had served as the biology
chair for the si x years until being
succeeded by Dr. Jeff Huebschman.
Provost Mittie Nimocks said, “Dr. Weber
was highly recommended by his peers,
and he has been a ver y successf ul
leader in the biology department. The
department made some remarkable
changes and strides under his leadership.
I’m really excited about him taking the
T h e C o l l e g e o f B I L SA c o n t a i n s
t he de pa r t me nt s of a g r ic u l t u r e,
biolog y, business and account ing,
communications technologies, industrial
studies and project management.
“One of my roles as dean is to work
closely with the incredibly effective
cha irs we have in t h is col lege to
facilitate the directions the different
departments are wanting to go. I’m also
very much looking forward to working
with the administration,” Weber said.
–Paul Erickson
Now in the planning stage, the Frank and Mary Jean Hlavac Beef
Center at the UW-Platteville Pioneer Farm will offer students and
stakeholders the best possible grounding in the latest agricultural
practices. The Swine Center was completed in 2003 and the
Agricultural Technologies Center and Dairy Center opened to
students in 2006. The new beef center will help make the farm a
true staging ground for the future.
Frank and Mary Jean Hlavac, whose donation put the project in
motion, are committed to both the best quality beef production
and the opportunity to expand that production through a great
educational system at Pioneer Farm.
The couple met when attending UW-Platteville, where Frank
earned a degree in industrial arts in 1949. Mary Jean earned her
degree in education in 1951, and both taught before they chose
careers in the beef industry.
They developed an interest in beef cattle and pursued it
through the kind of diligent research they learned as students at
UW-Platteville. Conducting their investigation at cattle shows and
sales around the country, they felt ready to purchase their first
cow in 1970. Soon they were showing their own cattle and being
Beef Center: highlighted areas are potential locations for the new facility.
Frank and Mary Jean Hlavac
“We started our adult lives in
Platteville, and it was a good start.
We want to give back.”
Mary Jean Hlavac
recognized for their judicious selection and superior
Their commitment to excellence will be continued in the
Frank and Mary Jean Hlavac Beef Center. “We started
our adult lives in Platteville, and it was a good start,” she
said. “We want to give back.”
Pioneer Farm’s 60-year-old beef center has served more
than 5,000 yearling bulls through the WBIA Bull Test,
and it is starting to show its age. “A lot of things have
changed in animal handling,” said Alicia Prill-Adams,
interim farm director. “We are making this work, but it’s
cumbersome and doesn’t represent best practices. This
facility limits what we can do. The new facility will be
designed with the flexibility to adjust as industry trends
“The new center will vastly increase our opportunities
to go out to the farm for classes like beef management
and meat animal evaluation, as well as introduction to
animal science, reproductive physiology and our animal
nutrition courses,” said Dr. Denise McNamara, professor
of animal science and meat animal physiology in the
School of Agriculture. “We are hoping to incorporate a
laboratory space so students can become more involved
in the research process from design to data collection
and analysis afterwards.”
The new beef center will include adequate space for a
beef herd of 75, bull/progeny testing areas, heifer/steer/
young stock areas and a multi-purpose building that will
include classroom and lab space as well as a show arena.
This will allow students to gain hands-on experience in
many innovative techniques.
“I have a vision of a building focused on not just a
production design and a teaching and research facility,
but also amazing extension opportunities,” McNamara
said. “We could bring in city school groups who can see
how a farm environment works. I would love to start up
a program like that with tours guided by our agriculture
Dr. Bill Gengler, a 1966 UW-Platteville graduate and
retired UW-Madison Veterinary School director, has
also contributed to the beef center project. “The area
of Grant County surrounding Platteville lends itself
to diversified beef farming,” he said. “This new beef
center will help UW-Platteville students become key
players in both the industry of agriculture and the
teaching of agriculture. They need to come away from
their undergraduate program with a good knowledge of
husbandry and nutrition. All of this will play a role in
preventative health and prosperity for the beef industry.”
Gengler comes from a farming heritage. His great
grandfather was an immigrant who took advantage of the
Homestead Act. His family farmed in the Bloomington
area of Wisconsin. “I’m the last person in my immediate
family whose work is related to agriculture, and it’s
important for me to see that heritage continue,” he said.
“I care about the prosperity of agriculture in this area.”
“When I was a senior at UW-Platteville, I worked at the
farm,” Gengler continued. “I enjoyed that farm. It was
very good for me, and it’s time to give back. It will be
such a terrific laboratory. We have many laboratories
in an educational program, but at Pioneer Farm, this
is real life. It doesn’t get any more realistic than seeing
a state-of-the-art, operating farm and having students
involved in it.” –Denise Thornton
Getting their hands dirty
Agriculture students take highest honors in soils competition
It was a successful trip for both the UW-Platteville
Col leg iate Soi l Tea m – wh ich took f irst place
in t he soils por t ion of t he annual Nor t h
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
judg ing compet it ion on Apr il 14 -16 – a nd t he
UW-Platteville Agribusiness Club, which took second
place in both the Agribusiness Management and
Agricultural Knowledge contests. Hosted by Modesto
Junior College in Modesto, Calif., the competition
included contests in various agriculture categories
including dairy, livestock, crops, soils and agribusiness.
“It typically takes two to three years on the team
to become experienced and be able to do well in
the regional and national contests, so this is a great
introduction for them,” said Dr. Chris Baxter, associate
professor of soil and crop science in the UW-Platteville
School of Agriculture and coach of the team. “It also
gives them an opportunity to see soils of a different
region, which is what makes a good soil scientist.”
Forty-nine students from eight colleges and universities
participated in the soils contest, which is designed to
teach students about the processes of soil formation and
the factors influencing soil loss and degradation in the
region. Cody Eilbes from Randolph, Wis.; Austin Ewoldt
from Maquoketa, Iowa; Mariah Schulz from Dalton,
Wis.; Sarah Smith from Ashton, Ill.; and Leif Sperle
of Cambridge, Wis., were evaluated on their ability to
provide descriptions similar to those of contest officials
using guidelines developed by university faculty and
professional soil scientists.
Representing the UW-Platteville Agribusiness Club,
Tina Holst f rom Chilton, Wis.; Adam Kold f rom
Cleveland, Wis.; Erin McClellan f rom Delavan,
Wis.; Sarah Silver from Monticello, Wis.; and Ryan
Studnicka from Muscoda, Wis., competed in the
Agribusiness Management contest, which consisted of
a broad-based knowledge exam covering areas such as
economic principles, cooperatives, agricultural finance
entrepreneurship, agribusiness management sales,
marketing and business law, followed by a problemsolving and decision-making exam that required
calculations in areas such as financial statements and
analysis, marketing problems, budgeting, production
costs and depreciation methods.
“The Agribusiness Management competition was a
great experience because it provided the opportunity for
us to use the skills we’ve learned at UW-Platteville and
apply them to real-life situations similar to those which
we may encounter in our jobs someday,” said Kolb, who
took second place as an individual in the Agribusiness
Management contest. “Being able to travel to California
to compete in the event was very rewarding. It was
interesting to observe the wide variety of agriculture
products produced there and to see how practices differ
in comparison to those used in Wisconsin.”
According to Dr. Charles Steiner, assistant professor
of agribusiness in the UW-Plat teville School of
Agriculture, the Agricultural Knowledge contest
requires teams to compete head-to-head in a double
elimination tournament, where they must answer tossup and bonus questions in a variety of areas.
“The students attending this contest are provided
several great experiences,” said Steiner. “They get to
compete against several other prominent agribusiness
programs across the country; network with a variety of
students, faculty, staff and agribusiness professionals
within the industry; learn more about agriculture in
another region of the country; and apply the knowledge,
skills and tools learned in the classroom and throughout
their collegiate experience in an applied event.”
–Sarah P. Miller
Hudson named dean of EMS
Dr. Bill Hudson is the new dean of the College of
Engineering, Mathematics and Science.
aspects of education and will be a great addition to
Hudson had been the department chair of electrical and
computer engineering and technology at Minnesota
State University, Mankato, since 2001. He becomes
dean of UW-Platteville’s College of EMS, which contains
seven departments: chemistry and engineering physics,
mathematics, civil and environmental engineering,
electrical engineering, computer science and software
engineering, general engineering and mechanical and
industrial engineering. Eleven degree programs are
offered through those departments.
Hudson earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry
from Metropolitan State College in Denver in 1979, his
master’s in electrical engineering from New Mexico
State University in 1986 and his doctorate in electrical
engineering from New Mexico State in 1990.
“The College of EMS has a signif icant histor y at
UW-Platteville, and it’s important that we have a dean
who has already demonstrated excellence in leadership,”
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields said. “We’re extremely
pleased with the energy and enthusiasm Dr. Hudson has
demonstrated in terms of teaching and undergraduate
research. He understands what it takes to excel in all
“I’m very excited and am looking forward to joining
a very strong team,” he said. “I was impressed with
the hospitality demonstrated by the faculty and staff
when I toured the campus. The academic excellence
and reputation of the College of EMS combined with
the chancellor’s commitment that the undergraduate
experience remain strong despite budget challenges in
the state attracted me. We’re looking to continue to grow.”
One strength the new dean said he will rely on is his
infectious attitude. “If you’re not optimistic and upbeat,
you’re not going to get things done,” Hudson said. “I like
to be optimistic, coupled with realism.” –Paul Erickson
Nanotech, microsystems
and inverting the pyramid
Why Hal Evensen is sweating the small stuff
“It was probably in 2002 or 2003 when I heard the term
nanotechnology for the first time,” said Dr. Hal Evensen,
professor and coordinator of the engineering physics
and microsystems and nanotechnology engineering
programs at UW-Platteville.
Evensen earned his master’s degree and doctorate from
UW-Madison in engineering physics in ’95. He’d been
teaching at UW-Platteville since ’99 and, in his third
year, was looking for guest speakers to come to campus.
“A rich vein to tap was young faculty at the UW because
they were trying to get their name out there and recruit
future grad students. Rob Carpick (then at Madison,
now Penn State) came and gave a talk about what he
was doing, which had a fair bit of nanotechnology in it.
Afterwards,” said Evensen, “we toured our facilities and
a few months later he contacted me out of the blue. He
said he had this new research project he was working
on and asked if I wanted to join.”
Evensen stayed on with the project for three to four
years, made some valuable contacts and learned a lot
more about organic chemistry, metrology and other
things that were related to measurement techniques
needed for nanotechnology and microsystems. By 2006,
UW-Platteville started putting together the idea for a
new minor, which has now blossomed into a new major
to be offered for the first time this fall: Microsystems
and Nanotechnology Engineering.
“I’ve been involved at the curriculum level since then.
Dr. Osama Jadaan of general engineering has been
very important in that, and really led the charge in
the beginning. We’ve also had very active chemists;
D r. Ja mes Ha m i lton ha s been i n it si nce t he
beginning. Along the way, we’ve picked up a lot of the
younger faculty as well,” he said.
The term nanotechnology was in full buzz in 2006,
and while UW-Platteville explored it further, Evensen
remained skeptical. “I wasn’t convinced that there was
much there. But what I started to realize is that there is
a very interdisciplinary aspect. That interdisciplinary
nature combined with the new tools and technology
suggested there might be something here. The minor
was a way of getting started down that path, and
the feedback we got from industry was that they
were very excited about the minor because it was so
The switch didn’t really flip for him until three or four
years ago when UW-Platteville reached what Evensen
describes as a critical mass of young faculty.
“They have energy and expertise in that area,” he said.
“A lot of our younger faculty probably have better
chops than I do when it comes to nanotechnology and
microsystems. For example, Dr. Yan Wu, who’s starting
her third year here, has background that I don’t have,
not only in physics but also in material science areas as
well. We’ve been able to do things since she came that
we couldn’t have imagined three years ago; just having
her expertise, her knowledge and background here has
been very helpful.”
Nanotechnology is still a buzzword and very popular in
the media, but what’s ironic, said Evensen, is that right
now, microsystems is the multibillion-dollar industry.
“Microsystems are in your Wii remotes and were the key
enabling technology that allowed for side airbags,” he
said. “Sensors have gotten so small and so low-energy;
they are a big microsystems area.
“The other big aspect of microsystems is microfluidics
and the microliter scale for biological tests. Screening
for cancer, screening for pathogens, chemical screenings
Hal Evensen
in airports: much of that is a microfluidics system,
using fluids to carry chemicals and free agents. Being
able to grow into microsystems, microfluidics and the
biochemical scanning area, which doesn’t really exist
commercially yet, is important because that will be the
next big surge.”
The interdisciplinary approach that the microsystems
and nanotechnology engineering program faculty are
applying is not only necessary, but also poignant. If we
didn’t know 2+3=5, how would we solve it? It’s an overly
simplistic example, but it raises the question: how do
you find practical solutions for problems that have never
been solved?
“We don’t have answers for the energy crisis; we don’t
have answers for sustainable economy or renewables
or things like that. The answers for nanotechnology
and microsystems are probably going to be some
combination of how we unite the biological or physics
aspect of, for instance, solar energy with material
science. What we’re finding is that this interdisciplinary
aspect allows us to approach problems in a different
As for the nation’s educational approach, Evensen’s basic
idea is the same: interdisciplinary work is the way to go.
“My pie-in-the-sky dream is that at some point – maybe
in 10 or 20 years – education will actually invert the
pyramid. When you think back to when you and I
learned science in school, we always started with the
macroscopic, the big stuff, physics and bouncing balls,
then work our way down to the microscopic scale. You
do the same with chemistry or biology – you talk about
zebras and make your way down to DNA,” he said.
“Because all of these fields have a lot of overlap with
these submicroscopic concepts, my crazy idea is to see
how science is taught get reversed. You need to start
with zebras at some level, but we should get to that
micro and nano scale sooner because there are a lot
of concepts and building blocks at that level that will
allow the different fields to build on each other and get
stronger.” –Ian Clark
Reading rings
Larson to examine tree rings in Sweden as Fulbright Scholar
Dr. Evan Larson, UW-Platteville assistant professor of
geography, has received a Fulbright Scholar Program
award that will allow him to study, teach, conduct
research, exchange ideas and contribute to finding
solutions to shared international concerns while in
Sundsvall, Sweden, during the 2011-12 academic
school year. According to the Fulbright Program, the
award is bestowed on scholars for their academic merit
and leadership potential.
Larson, who specializes in dendrochronology, the dating of past events and variations in the environment
by examining the growth rings of trees; biogeography,
the study of geographic distributions of plants and
animals and the environmental processes that create
them; and forest ecology, the study of interrelationships among forest species, joined UW-Platteville in
2009 after completing his doctoral research on the
dynamics of whitebark pine forests through the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Applying that knowledge internationally, Larson’s Fulbright project will focus on boreal forest ecosystems
(northern forests containing cone-bearing trees like
pines and spruces), how their fundamental dynamics are influenced by habitat fragmentation and the
implications of forest structure for conservation in
northern Sweden. He intends to compare his findings
to like forests he has already explored in the Great
Lakes Region of the United States.
Larson added that this research, which will contribute
new knowledge about the long-term effects of dividing
up continuous forests through lumber harvest into
separate stands, will not only be relevant in Sweden
and the U.S., but in all areas around the world where
boreal forests are found.
“To step into a boreal forest is to step into a different
realm, and identities are born of this difference,” wrote
Larson in his Fulbright application. “The softness of
moss underfoot, the smell of sun-warmed pine, spruce
and fir needles, and the permeating stillness of a calm
day produce an experience unlike any other; yet the
tranquility of any boreal forest is dependent on the
raging fires that renew these forests through flames.”
These natural fires, Larson said, will be where he
begins his research in the first few months following his arrival. Working with Swedish colleagues,
Larson will analyze evidence of past fires recorded in
tree-rings, peat cores and soil samples to reconstruct
the fire history of a non-fragmented boreal forest in
northern Sweden. Those findings, he said, would
then be compared to fire histories developed for 10 or
more different boreal forest patches in the naturally
fragmented landscape of Granlandet Reserve.
Understanding the long-term effects of fragmentation,
Larson explained, will help determine how modern
harvested forests will function in the future.
“The personal benefits I stand to gain from a Fulbright
to study in Sweden are immense and will increase my
ability to contribute to the creation of a more connected, peaceful world,” Larson said. “Our disciplines cross
cultural borders and offer avenues to increase mutual
understanding among distant groups. Our classes and
advice offer information to students at a crucial time
when they are often discovering themselves and their
place in the world. It therefore behooves us to seek out
experiences that expand and deepen our understanding of the world so as to be better catalysts for positive
global change.”
“Evan is one of the most energetic and enthusiastic firstyear faculty I have known,” wrote Dr. J. Elmo Rawling
III, associate professor of geography and geology at
UW-Platteville, in his recommendation of Larson for the
award. “I anticipate that the Fulbright experience will
contribute to Evan’s growth as an instructor and look
forward to the benefits our students will gain upon his
return.” –Barbara Weinbrenner
Increment Borer: The primary
tool of the trade. This device enables
scientists and foresters to collect a
pencil-sized sample of wood from a tree
that contains the full story of that tree's
life. Droughts, fires, floods and
summer heat are all recorded in
Hand saw: When an
the ring widths of trees.
increment borer simply isn't
enough, dendrochronologists
typically turn to a saw
to collect their samples.
Chainsaws work well, but in
wilderness settings that often
have restrictions on the use
of mechanical equipment, a
nicely sharpened handsaw
does the trick for collecting
cross sections.
Cross sections
that recorded history
of a fire in 1751
that burned on
Baldy Mountain in
southwest Montana,
a beetle outbreak that
ravaged the Northern
Rockies in 1929 and
a history of canopy
gaps over the past 300
years in an old-growth
hemlock forest in
Evan Larson
GPS: It's always a good idea to know
both where you are and where you are
going. Larson uses a Global Positioning
System extensively to identify where he
wants to sample and record the location
of his study sites and samples.
DBH tape: This tool is
designed for everyone who wants
to know the diameter of a tree
based on the distance around
the trunk. A Diameter-at-BreastHeight tape mathematically
converts the circumference of
any tree into diameter for ease in
determining the volume of wood
growing in a tree.
This is a 232-year-old
ash tree that blew down
in a strong thunderstorm
back in 2002. In its rings
were written the history of
the stand in which it grew
and patterns of wet and dry
that took place over the past
two and one-half centuries.
Samples from
spruce trees growing
near the Arctic Circle
in Manitoba, Canada,
that were each around
200 years old. These
samples were collected
from trees similar
to those he will be
working with at the
Arctic Circle in Sweden
over the coming year.
Sain-Cronin focuses on
educational advocacy
Those positive influences led her from UW-Platteville
to be the first African-American teacher and only fulltime female art teacher at Hempstead High School in
Dubuque, Iowa, in the early 1970s, to principal of Edward
Bain School of Language and Art in Kenosha, Wis., to an
inspirational speaker and entrepreneur.
“I love to problem solve and I know how to look at trouble
and turn it into an opportunity,” she said.
Sain-Cronin founded her company, Legacy Endeavors
LLC, after her retirement from Edward Bain, incorporating
everything she had learned over the years to focus on
youth, educational advocacy and social justice.
Belinda Sain-Cronin, 1973 UW-Platteville art education
alumna who was also recently recognized with a
Distinguished Alumni Award, grew up in Milwaukee
but spent many summers on a small family farmette in
Tennessee. Those rolling hills, Sain-Cronin said, brought
out her inner music and led her to fall in love with the
similar landscape she saw
in Platteville.
“ I ’ve a lw ay s be en
c u r ious,” sa id Sa i nCronin, who added that
her grandmother, mother
and mother-in-law were
the “sheroes” in her life.
“These women embraced
thriving as a mentality
rather than simply settling
for a mere survival mode
of operation,” said SainCronin.
“Servant leadership is very important to me,” said SainCronin, who works with educational facilities to help
identify solutions for disadvantaged youth. “I like to ask
questions that help people come to the best decisions.
The underlying principle is a quote from Mother Teresa,
who said, ‘Let no one ever come to you without leaving
better and happier.’”
As an educator and principal, Sain-Cronin said she liked
to employ techniques like skating, drumming, yoga, tai
chi and meditation, and awards for positive behavior,
such as raffles for bicycles, skates and skateboards to
children who maintained
perfect attendance.
“Go a step beyond who you
think you are and facilitate that
spark that becomes a quiet fire
of passion, inspiring you to be
a lifelong learner.”
Belinda Sain-Cronin
Sain-Cronin, who
c o m p l e t e d m a s t e r ’s
deg rees at U WWhitewater and Marian
University in Fond du Lac,
Wis., said her evolution
from teacher to principal
was surprisingly natural.
Leadership qualities, an
interest in being part of
site-based decisions, the
ability to coach staff and
Knellwolf fInding balance
between countries
a desire to make a difference for children first led her
to accept a position as interim principal at John Bullen
Middle School in Kenosha when requested.
Later, as an elementary principal at Edward Bain, SainCronin established a community learning center so
students would have a constructive place to spend their
time after school. Student conflicts at the beginning
of the school day also prompted a need for a breakfast
program to reduce the hunger and anger, said SainCronin.
“A stable infrastructure for students is important,” she
said. “Leadership requires solving the problems you are
confronted with, being open to all children no matter if
their grandmother’s raising them or they have parents
who are struggling with substance abuse. Leaders must
share responsibility and accountability for successful
and effective schools, with the needs taking precedence
over the wants.”
Sain-Cronin feels her greatest accomplishment at Edward
Bain, which had a 95 percent poverty rate and no parent
teacher association for 15 years when she arrived, was
the tremendous growth it demonstrated under her
“I am a change agent,” she said. “I really believe that.”
–Barbara Weinbrenner
Interested in being more involved
in the Alumni Association?
Cont ac t us about bei ng on t he A lu m n i
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Clarey Lynn Knellwolf,
an English education
major a nd Spa n ish
education minor from
Darlington, Wis., and
the fourth generation
in her family to attend
U W- P l a t t e v i l l e, i s
getting ready to leave the United States for
the first time. Knellwolf, who will take part
in a four-week education abroad experience
in Costa Rica, is looking forward to using the
Spanish skills that she developed in high school
and honed in UW-Platteville classrooms.
“My education is so important to me that I
want to soak up everything that’s offered,”
she said. “International experience makes you
marketable, and being immersed in a culture
forces you to use your language skills.”
Knellwolf said she has enjoyed seeing her
Spanish improve each semester, and through
an arrangement coordinated by UW-Platteville
Education Abroad, she will be able to improve
her conversational abilities even more by living
in the home of a local family during her stay.
Knellwolf, who works at the David J. and Lou
Ann Markee Pioneer Student Center, was also
inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, a national honor
society that recognizes academic excellence.
Knellwolf said that receiving that honor, as
well as knowing she has her parents’ support,
encourages her to continue working toward her
“If I put the necessary time in, I’ll get the
benefits of succeeding,” she said. “I want to
succeed, and I hold the power to succeed.”
–Barbara Weinbrenner
In Hickey’s honor
Humanities writing contest renamed
Each spring, a team of faculty reviews student contest
submissions in the categories of poetr y, f iction
and creative nonfiction in order to select authors
of exceptional creative work who are deserving of
recognition and monetar y awards at the annual
UW-Platteville Department of Humanities Creative
Writing Festival. Because of a generous donation made
by Thomas Hickey, professor emeritus in English who
served on the writing contest selection committee for
nearly 10 of his 42 years at UW-Platteville, that tradition
will continue.
“Professor Hickey, despite his retirement, still maintains
a strong presence on campus through his contributions
to the liberal arts,” said Dr. Kory Wein, humanities
department chair. “His most recent donation to the
English program to help fund student writing awards
perpetuates a culture of writing and creative endeavor at
UW-Platteville. In his honor, the humanities department
unanimously voted to rename the writing award
program The Thomas Hickey Creative Writing Awards.”
As part of the award process, Dr. Stormy Stipe, Dr.
Kara Candito and Colin Lessig, all colleagues in
the humanities department, reviewed each contest
submission and selected first and second place award
recipients for prizes of $75 and $50 in each category, as
well as honorable mention.
At this year’s Creative Writing Festival, student award
winners were Laura Becherer of Monroe, Wis.; Sara
Doan of Belmont, Wis.; ’Elora Flack of Madison, Wis.;
M.L. Folcik of White Bear Lake, Minn.; Michael Lambert
of Platteville; Sarah P. Miller of Madison, Wis.; Steven
Nerka of St. Paul, Minn.; Elizabeth Oestreich of Fond
du Lac, Wis.; and Julian Robinson of Milwaukee, Wis.
“The Thomas Hickey Creative Writing Awards give
our students a vital chance to share their talents
w it h t he universit y communit y,” said Candito,
UW-Platteville assistant professor of creative writing
and English literature. “The arts are first and foremost an
expression of human experience. We read books, listen
to music and look at paintings because they inspire us. As
a celebration of the arts, the UW-Platteville Department
of Humanities Creative Writing Festival is a fundamental
part of a liberal arts education.”
“I am very pleased, but not at all surprised, by his
generosit y,” said Stipe, UW-Plat teville associate
professor of creative writing and English literature. “He
cares very much about our students and continues to
show his commitment to them – and to their creative
pursuits – well after his retirement. It’s extraordinary.”
Hickey, who taught English composition and literature
at UW-Platteville, first contributed to the writing awards
fund in 2006. In the years since, he has also established
the Thomas Hickey Musical Theatre Award and Thomas
Hickey Theatre Performance Award scholarships at
“His commitment to the arts and writing inspired me
as a young professor, and I often heard other students
and colleagues talking about his inventive writing
assignments,” said Dr. Terri Burns, UW-Platteville
English professor who was mentored by Hickey. “He also
acted and sang in the chorale, and several times played
the part of Scrooge in the theatre program’s productions
of Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol.’ The casting then and
now seemed ironic; never have I known a more generous
soul than Professor Hickey.” –Barbara Weinbrenner
Just the beginning
Distance Learning Center starts three new online master’s degrees
By 2013, 18.2 million students will be enrolled in an online program,
according to the National Center for Education Statistics. For its
part, the UW-Platteville Distance Learning Center now reaches
more than 2,500 individuals in all 50 states.
The key is continually meeting the demands of not only students,
but also the employer marketplace, said Dawn Drake, executive
director of the center.
“The next 10 years will be a decade of change for us,” she said. “We
have already introduced several initiatives to reach our ultimate goal
of increasing enrollments by 72 percent within the next five years.”
An integral part of that ambitious plan is to develop new graduate
programs and certificates. Recently, the center added three new
online master’s degrees:
• Organizational change management focuses on the growing
demand for cross-functional experts who can lead organization-wide changes on local and global scales.
•Integrated supply chain management combines business,
engineering, industrial studies and information technology
to produce polished supply chain leaders.
• Distance education leadership is unique because of its leadership
and management focus within the distance learning industry.
Poised for growth
As UW-Platteville expands its online offerings, Drake and her staff
ensure the quality content and substance found in the university’s
on-campus classes carry over to every virtual classroom. “Those
precise standards must be set, met and maintained each time one
of our students logs on,” Drake said.
With the addition of the three new master’s programs, UW-Platteville
now provides eight online degrees along with several certificate and
training programs.
“As our world continues to grow and change, continuing our
education becomes increasingly important for all of us to remain
competitive, grow personally and contribute to society as a whole,”
Drake said. “People continue to demand the flexibility that distance
education offers, and UW-Platteville is well positioned for growth
and leadership in the industry for years to come.” –Thomas Jensen
More 2010 highlights
for the Distance
Learning Center
In addition to adding three new online
master’s degrees, UW-Platteville also:
•Graduated a record number of
students : 150
•R e a c h e d c r e d i t t r a n s f e r
ag reements w it h Nor t hwest
U n i v e r s i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f
California-San Diego, University
o f C a l i f o r n i a - R i v e r s i d e ,
Northcentral Technical College,
Ch ippewa Va l ley Tec h n ica l
College, Lakeshore Technical
•Earned Best School for Online
Education by Corporate Report:
Wisconsin’s Business Magazine
for the second consecutive year
•Was named a Military Friendly
School® by G.I Jobs for t he
second consecutive year
•Added certificate programs in
project management and criminal
justice, including a child advocacy
studies certificate
Fall sports teams gear up
for seasons
The Pioneer football team, coming off a 5-5 season in 2010,
returns eight starters on offense and seven more on defense
in 2011. Among the returnees are quarterback Nick Anderson,
who threw for 2,026 yards and 11 touchdowns in 10 games. The
Pioneers’ ground game will be led by second team all-WIAC
selection, Lee Vlasak, who ran 140 times for 673 yards and 10
touchdowns. He also caught 26 passes for 460 yards and three
touchdowns. Anchoring the defense will be
Corey Marks, who had a team-best 6.5 sacks
en route to first team all-WIAC honors.
Cross country
The UW-Platteville men’s cross country team finished a program-best fourth at
the 2010 NCAA Division III Cross Country Championships in Waverly, Iowa. The
Pioneers will face a formidable task in replacing graduating All-Americans Jason
Garvens and Patrick Klein. Looking to answer the challenge will be Anthony
Swimm, Bill Clift, Scott Clark and Matt Borneman, who all competed for UWPlatteville at the national championships.
Four of the top six runners for the UW-Platteville women’s cross country team
return for the Pioneers. Coming off a fifth-place finish at last year’s WIAC cross
country championships, UW-Platteville will be led by senior Ann Tank, who has
earned eight All-American honors in track and field over the course of the last
three years. She was 25th at the WIAC championships and 36th at the NCAA
Division III Midwest Regional as a junior. Other key returnees for the Pioneers
are junior Carin Lowe, senior Steph Dorton and sophomore Danielle Kunkel.
T he U W-Plat tev i lle volleyba ll tea m won t he
2010 WIAC tournament title to reach the NCAA
tournament for the seventh time in school history and
the third time in four years, ending the season ninth
in the final national poll. The Pioneers are poised to
make a run at an eighth bid at the NCAA tournament
with the return of All-American seniors Briana Kaiser
and Ali Sikic, who were instrumental in the success
in 2010. Along with the return of Kaiser and Sikic, the
Pioneers will rely on sophomore Stephanie Kirchner
and junior Brooke Nichols.
The UW-Platteville men’s and women’s soccer team will be guided by
separate head coaches in 2011 with Enzo Fuschino directing the men’s
program and Allison Sanyi-Stringer leading the women. Fuschino
and the men’s program are led by the return of Brandon Chimel, who
scored six times and assisted on 10 goals in 2010, and a key nucleus on
defense including senior goalkeeper Jared Kuehl and senior defender
Anthony Heller.
The Pioneer women return two top offensive threats in Sarah Eck, who
made an immediate impact as a freshman, scoring a team-best 14 goals,
and Anna Strasser, who had 11 goals for the second straight season. The
Pioneers also return senior defender Karen Bubitz, who will organize
the defense as a three-year letterwinner.
The UW-Platteville women’s golf team will return four of its top five
players from 2010-11. The Pioneers posted five top-three finishes
including a tournament title at the Clarke Spring Invitational last
season. Among the top returnees is Kelsey Lieving, who had three
top 10 finishes with a season-best second place finish at the Clarke
Invitational. Also, UW-Platteville will benefit from the return of
Kerrie Liske, Ellyn Subak and Kellsey Welter, who have all posted
multiple top 20 finishes throughout their careers.
Looking back at the spring
• (Baseball) Senior Aaron Hopson and juniors Trevor Kattre and Levi Ney
earned honorable mention all-WIAC recognition, and senior Brett Benesh
was named to the WIAC All-Sportsmanship Team.
• (Softball) Colleen Lowe earned honorable mention all-WIAC honors, batting
.286 with a team high 14 RBIs.
• Four teen members of track and f ield par ticipated in the NCA A III
championships in Delaware, Ohio.
• (Track and field) Junior Ann Tank earned All-American honors in the
800-meter run and as a member of the 4x400 relay team. Senior Jason Garvens
earned All-American honors in the 10,000-meter run. The men’s 4x100meter and the women’s 4x400-meter relay teams finished with All-American
laurels. Senior Nathan Petesch earned Capital One Academic All-American
Second Team honors for his efforts in the classroom and on the track.
–Danny Kambel
“Those goals helped my
career. I try to contribute
to the athletic department
every year ..."
Paul Swalve
Paul Swalve
Sponsoring one step at a time
Since the 2005 renovation of Ralph E. Davis Pioneer
Stadium, the facility has become an increasingly
valuable asset to the community. Not surprisingly, it
is seeing a lot more action.
“Not counting practices and intramural events, we
host about 40 competitive events each fall,” said Mark
Molesworth, athletic director at UW-Platteville. “That
could be a high school competition, college football,
or men’s and women’s soccer. It’s a busy place.”
The infrastructure to support those events has not
kept pace. “The men’s and women’s soccer teams don’t
have any locker space at the stadium,” Molesworth
noted. “To provide locker space for any visiting
football teams, we have to empty half our lockers.
After most games, our kids are not even able to shower
because that space is being used to dress in. We are
hoping at some point soon to have more locker space
for our football team, our soccer teams and other
teams who use the facility.”
The locker facility will draw good athletes and
increase the benefits of a strong athletic program
throughout the campus. To that end, funds are being
raised for a facility to be built southwest of Butch Leitl
Field that will include locker room space, an area for
officials and space for meetings and special events.
The Pioneer Stadium Steps Sponsorship project offers
participants the opportunity to sponsor one of the
stadium’s seats for $250 or a step for $500 and have
their name inscribed on an aluminum plate to be
secured on a stadium step or seat. “You choose what
you would like on your plate,” said Stacia Nemitz of
the UW-Platteville Foundation. “Some people put ‘Go
Pioneers’ to show their school spirit, or the name of
the person they would like to honor.”
Paul Swalve (’70) and his wife Pat (’70) have stepped
up to help improve locker facilities by sponsoring two
seats and two steps. Paul played football and baseball
as a student at UW-Platteville.
“I played under great coaches and great mentors. I
appreciate what athletic participation taught me:
to set goals, be competitive and never say quit,” he
continued. “Those goals helped my career. I try to
contribute to the athletic department every year, and
when there is a special program such as the stadium
steps, we both try to help that program along.”
–Denise Thornton
Students giving
back to students
Student Pioneer development officers
begin new program
Pioneer garden is
growing on campus
UW-Platteville alumnus John Alf recently said goodbye to the
UW-Platteville Foundation and is now carrying his experiences
over into his new career as an agriculture loan representative of
First Community Bank in Milton, Wis. Alf graduated in May with
a double major in agriculture business-commodity marketing and
animal science. He dedicated over four years of his college career to
the UW-Platteville Foundation, beginning as a phone-a-thon caller
and ending as a student Pioneer development officer.
The Dottie Johns Pioneer Gardens
are full of promise, and each year
provides fresh wonders for those
who visit.
Student Pioneer development officers travel and meet with alumni
and handle projects like Student Giving Days. Alf explained that
Student Giving Days was started as a way to begin a student-run,
student-giving program within the Foundation, as well as to educate
the student population on the importance of giving back. The
inaugural Student Giving Days raised $1,550 by selling raffle tickets.
"Our hope was for the giving days to raise enough to be self-sustaining
in the future and give out at least two $500 scholarships," said Alf.
Six faculty and 88 students supported the event. Students contributed
$1,375 of the total $1,550 raised. The winners of the $500 scholarships
were Jenny Richardson from Madison, Wis., and Kim Steines from
East Dubuque, Ill.
Student PDOs like Alf give the Foundation a student perspective on
its current projects. Alf was able to reach out to students and explain
the importance of giving back to the university and Foundation.
–Laura Becherer
Funded by donors and built by
the Bruce Company, the gardens
feature a waterfall with a stream
dow n t he h i l lside by Pioneer
Stadium. The space functions as a
public garden and laboratory for
landscape management students
as well as a garden of memories
for those who wish to leave their
mark on campus. A Path of Pride
leads around the gazebo and into
the gardens. Interested people can
sponsor a paver in the Path of Pride
for $100-$1,000, depending on the
size and amount of text on the brick.
The pavers that make up the path
ca n be used to com memorate
any special occasion. A paver is a
lasting way to recognize someone
who has earned their degree at
UW-Platteville, honor a loved one
or celebrate an event and in the
process support the development
and maintenance of our campus
To s p o n s o r a p a v e r, c o n t a c t
Denee H i rsch, U W-Plat tev i l le
Fou nd at ion , at 6 0 8. 3 4 2 .1969.
–Denise Thornton
Helping ideas grow
Student entrepreneurship thrives on campus
UW-Platteville is rising to the challenge to train the next
generation of entrepreneurs, providing opportunities to
students who want to enter the economic mainstream
with their own successful businesses.
Thanks to a Wiscontrepreneur Seed Grant and many
other contributions, the Pioneer Academic Center for
Community Engagement has provided leadership to
a growing program that has already touched many
students throughout campus.
The Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour kicked off last
year's activities. This was the first entrepreneurfocused event open to all UW-Platteville students.
More than 450 participants have been involved in
events and competitions this past year with over 30
CEOs and business/community leaders advising the
program. In addition to the entrepreneurship tour,
events this past year included Meet ‘N Eat with an
Entrepreneur, a Business Plan workshops, an Elevator
Pitch Competition and a Business Plan Competition.
The program is growing fast, limited only by funds to
sustain it.
In January, UW-Platteville piloted an Introduction to
Entrepreneurship course, its first class in the field. Dr.
Charles Steiner, assistant professor of agribusiness,
helped develop the plan.
Steiner assembled a list of top entrepreneurial
programs, and a campus committee studied them
closely. “We looked at their course offerings and
extracurricular activities and how those programs
foster entrepreneurship on their campuses,” he
Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour
said. “We now have a good idea of what a minor and
programming would look like here. We used grant
funding to put together a series of events this last fall.”
“It culminated with the Business Plan Competition,” he
continued. “We had 12 plans presented by individuals
or groups and prize money was given out, including
a first-place award of $1,000. Some plans were very
close to being ready to hand to a lender. It has given
us a renewed focus that this can work on our campus.”
The Kosnick Financial Group–Northwestern Mutual
was one of the primary sponsors of the Business Plan
Competition, and Mark Dunavan, its chief financial
officer, served as a judge. “My colleagues and I were
greatly impressed by this unique competition,” he said.
“The competition involved a lot of moving parts and
was very well organized. I was also impressed by the
quality of the business plan presentations.”
“I assumed the business plans created by the students
were part of a business class curriculum. However, the
participants were expending their time and energy
independent of class,” said Dunavan. “They are to be
commended. It is refreshing to know that capitalism
and the American entrepreneur spirit is alive and well
at venues such as UW-Platteville.”
Steiner said the planning committee will meet over the
summer to plan the program's future. “Our goal,” he
said, “is to draft a entrepreneurship minor proposal for
campus. For this to go forward, we are going to need
some financial support. There are a lot of resource
needs to get this off the ground, but I think we have
the motivation to move forward.” –Denise Thornton
Business Plan Competition
Spearheading New Ventures
New director working to bring in new revenue
T he Un i v e r s i t y o f
has named Michael
P. Gay the director
to spearhead t he
inaug ura l yea r of
i t s N e w Ve n t u r e s
“The Center for New
Ventures will support
faculty, students and
staf f members in a
col laborat ive way
to establish new
resources and support for the universit y while
we maintain our commitment to teaching,” said
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields. “We have g reat
intellectual capital here on campus as well as a
burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit. Mr. Gay brings
the business acumen and inventiveness to help our
campus take their expertise into the business world.”
The Center for New Ventures is focused on assisting
the university community in the entrepreneurial
development of new programs and activities that help
the university achieve its mission while generating
new sources of revenue.
Gay, who has a master's degree in urban planning
and regional development from UW-Madison, was
formerly the business development coordinator for
the city of Madison.
“I’m extremely excited to be asked to serve as a
major conduit for this initiative and I’d like to
thank Chancellor Shields and the university for this
opportunity,” said Gay. “I am looking forward to helping
UW-Platteville implement their mission of turning
innovation and entrepreneurship into new companies
and employ ment in Southwest Wisconsin and
Programs in the science, technology, engineering,
mathematics and agricult ure f ields have been
identified early as potential starting points, but Gay’s
job also includes identifying and supporting other less
obvious disciplines that can contribute.
“There is demand out there for our faculty, experts in
their fields, and there is a lot of industry around us,”
said Dr. Osama Jadaan, chair of the UW-Platteville
General Engineering Department. “Industries want
specialized training and have problems they can’t
solve because they don’t have the expertise. Our
faculty could be involved in developing workshops,
short courses, applied research and act as consultants
in industry.”
Jadaan has been working with a committee of faculty
members to help support the university through
a similar organization known as the Professional
Enhancement Center, the brainchild of Dr. Daniel Enz
of general engineering.
“Many faculty members don't have the time to go out
and look for business for themselves, but they have
the expertise and there are interested industries out
there. Mr. Gay can be that needed link between the
faculty and industry,” said Jadaan.
“Involving students is the ultimate motivation,” said
Jadaan. “One of the reasons the university exists is
to act as an economic engine for the state, as well
as an outreach and service entity. That is a part
of the university mission, so when you take that
and integrate it with student learning, it’s perfect.”
–Ian Clark
Distinguished Service Award
At the Donor and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
on July 30, the A lpha Gamma R ho Fraternit y,
Patricia Collins, Fred Jaeckle and MSA Professional
Services were each honored with the UW-Platteville
Foundation Distinguished Service award. Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields joined Dennis Cooley, assistant
chancellor of University Advancement in recognizing
and extending their sincere thanks to the awardees.
The UW-Platteville Foundation Distinguished Service
awards, which began in 1986, recognize individuals,
families, organizations, businesses and corporations
who have significantly served UW-Platteville in its
mission by enhancing its reputation and influence, or
by substantially contributing time and/or gifts, or by
influencing others to develop a similar relationship
with the university.
The Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity is a national social
and professional fraternity open to all men in the field
of agriculture. Besides being the largest fraternity on
campus and holding the highest G.P.A. among the
Greek organizations, AGR is an active member within
the campus and Platteville communities. Each fall,
it assists the Platteville Jaycees with their haunted
house, participates in St. Mary's Catholic Church
Irish Festival and volunteers on a weekly basis in the
Platteville Community Arboretum.
What's more, the organization was recognized for
its very successful recent fund-raising campaign, in
which members raised $200,000 from its alumni to
renovate the chapter house that has served more than
600 members in its 39-year history and establish a
Professor Emerita Patricia A. Collins, Ph.D., taught
health and physical education and coached women's
athletics at UW-Platteville from 1960 to 1993. During
her 33-year service, she was the director of women's
athletics (1972-84); coached volleyball, badminton
and track; served as a liaison to the Alumni Board as
a member of the UW-Platteville Foundation; helped
found the Wisconsin Women's Intercollegiate Athletic
Conference; and was inducted into the UW-Platteville
Athletic Hall of Fame in 1992.
She has been continually involved in university
events, established the Patricia A. Collins Scholarship
fund and is recognized as a pioneer, statewide and
nationally, in women's athletics.
Fred W. Jaeck le is the retired CEO of Jaeck le
Wholesale Inc., a third generation family-owned
business. An active alumnus and 1967 graduate with
a comprehensive business and economics degree,
Jaeckle has served for more than a decade on the UWPlatteville Foundation Board of Directors and was the
past chairman of the Foundation Board. He was also
a commencement speaker in May 2009.
Jaeckle established the Jaeckle Family Scholarship
in appreciation for the value of the education,
friendships, experiences and life lessons that UWPlatteville provided him. He has also presented the
Monona Grove High School Community Scholarship
to students who are attending the university.
MSA Professional Services Inc. is a collaborative
consult ing f ir m t hat prov ides ser v ices to
env ironmental, municipal and gover nmental,
transportation, remediation and development clients.
MSA has been a strong and generous supporter of
the university, evidenced in part by the MSA Study
Area in Engineering Hall. Many Pioneer graduates
are employed at MSA, an endorsement of t he
quality education provided at UW-Platteville. The
company has supported the M-Step project, Women
in Engineering Development Fund, has employees in
multiple advisory boards and the Alumni Association.
–Ian Clark
Boebel Hall renovation
Improvements brings new classrooms and lab space
Students in Boebel Hall have been making good use
of the renovations completed in 2010 when classroom
space was converted to four new labs. Phase two of the
renovation will upgrade the second and third floors
to address current and future needs of the growing
student population.
State funding will cover the cost of upgrading the
1977 building, and private funding will be needed
to support the equipment required to modernize
the classroom facilities. Many of the labs are small,
and none on the third floor are currently equipped
with any type of teaching technology like projection
systems, document cameras or teaching stations with
“We are looking forward to moving the cadaver lab to
Boebel,” said Jeff Huebschman, biology department
chair. “That’s probably the most exciting part of
the renovation. Getting a room equipped to house
the cadavers and another to bring them into a lab
environment will require complicated and costly
ventilation equipment. The cadavers are essential for
teaching Human Anatomy.” Pre-health, pre-med, prephysical therapy and pre-physician assistant students
all are required to take this class.
“I’m looking forward to the opportunity to tour
prospective students without feeling compromised
by the datedness of our labs,“ said Huebschman. He
estimates that renovating Boebel will serve the needs
of our students for another 30 years.
One of the other spaces on the third floor that will be
included in the renovation and will require updated
equipment is a lab for teaching microbiology, cell
biology and molecular biology. Equipment used for
DNA extraction and amplification tends to be both
expensive and become outdated quickly as the field
advances. “In a dream scenario,” Huebschman said,
“we would like to have an endowed fund that supports
regular replacement of the high tech equipment to
keep current.” –Denise Thornton
Rendering of new
residence hall's courtyard
Building for the future
New residence hall will fill immediate needs
In the fall of 2010, the UW-Platteville Foundation
established a separate 501(c)(3) Real Estate Foundation.
The new REF will allow greater flexibility for the
Foundation and university as they tackle a major
shortage of student housing. Currently, UW-Platteville
has fewer than 3,000 student living spaces on campus.
Only 40 percent of the students enrolled are living
on campus. This presents serious challenges as
the university embarks on plans to grow student
enrollment. The communit y of Plat tev ille has
seen large numbers of single family housing units
converted to student rentals which limits the city’s
ability to attract new business and even drives some
university staff to live elsewhere.
A new residence hall, scheduled to be ready for
students in August of 2012, is designed to house 620
students. The 153,000-square-foot building will also
house a convenience store, fitness center, laundry
facility, two multipurpose rooms and student social
space. Residents will also enjoy the large courtyard
facing the new Markee Avenue as well as green
space south of the building. Construction began
immediately after the June 30 groundbreaking at the
site, located at 800 Chestnut St.
“Our incoming freshman class is the largest group in
the 145-year history of our institution,” UW-Platteville
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields said. “By partnering
with the Real Estate Foundation and city of Platteville
officials, we are ensuring that our freshman and
sophomore students are provided with safe and
structured housing that is so vital to their success.”
The REF is managed by a board of directors including
Jerold Franke as president, John Boldt as vice-president
and Dr. Dominic Barraclough as secretary-treasurer.
Since its inception in December 2010, the REF has
initiated a project to engage a Wisconsin developer
to increase the current campus housing capacity over
the next four years. The projects will offer students
new housing alternatives to include a mix of options
from dual occupancy to apartment or townhome
style neighborhoods. These new facilities will be
constructed near the campus using private funds. This
approach will allow the facilities to be constructed
quickly and at costs that will allow value similar to
students living on campus. Private management,
working in partnership with the
Office of Student Housing, will
of fer st udents liv ing in t hese
facilities the same experience as
those living in campus residence
The REF’s ability to use multiple
funding sources, including taxexempt bonding, will offer alumni
a nd f r iends oppor t u n it ies to
invest in the university’s future.
Investing in these projects will
not only allow the university to
keep education affordable, it will
also help grow the Plat tev ille
community as the REF and city
collaborate on projects where
common goals exist. The REF
Investing in these
projects will not
only allow the
university to
keep education
affordable, it will
also help grow the
looks forward to participating in
the city of Platteville’s Downtown
Revitalization Plan by developing
a project for st udent housing
and other uses in the downtown
area. This project would bring
new business opportunities and
customers to downtown.
In the future, the REF will engage
in on-campus projects for academic
and support buildings as well
as projects for new faculty and
nontraditional student housing.
The REF will also be able to take
better advantage of the many
gifts of real estate made to the
Foundation. –Denise Thornton
Rendering of new
residence hall's entry
Giving takes many forms
Options are as varied as those who give
UW-Platteville graduates fan out
into their respective communities,
making their lives and their world
bet ter. T hose who feel t hei r
U W- P l a t t e v i l l e e d u c a t i o n
contributes to their success and
want to help others benefit from
the same good start, as well as
others who support the university’s
mission, have many opportunities
to do so. Planned giving options
are as varied and personal as the
alumni who call UW-Platteville
Types of gifts
• Charitable gift annuities
• Gift of cash
• Charitable lead trust
“My degree from UW-Platteville
has opened many opportunities in
my life,” said Jeffrey. “The education
I received has helped me grow
professionally and personally.
We hope our giv ing will help
other people find opportunities
to realize their full potential, too.”
• Revocable trusts
Planned giving is as individual as
those who wish to give. A good
example is the Jeanne BrunetteTregoning Scholarship. Funds for
this scholarship were donated by
Dr. John L. Coryell of Madison in
honor of his neighbor Jeanne Brunnette-Tregoning,
who earned her master’s at UW-Platteville. BrunnetteTregoning set up two scholarships, one for elementary
education and one for women in agriculture.
• Gift of insurance
•Gift of stock
Jeffrey and Brenda Matthias have established the
Jeffrey and Brenda Matthias Educational Endowment
Fund. A named fund can reflect personal interests, and
gives donors a chance to make the kind of difference
that matters to them.
“We decided this was a great thing to do. We thought
it would be great to contribute to something we feel
is important,” said Jeffrey. “The idea was how to help
others in the future in a meaningful way. We set up an
endowment. It’s currently unfunded. It’s a promise to
give the majority of our estate upon our death.”
“We’d like the funds to be used in two ways. First, we
want the scholarships to go to individuals who come
from single-parent families, for whom education might
not become a reality without help. Second, Brenda and
I feel our education has been augmented by travel, so
we want to sponsor a foreign educational component.”
“These are farming communities,” she explained.
“Every dollar they can receive in scholarships is
important. I attained my undergraduate from UWWhitewater and later in life received my master’s from
UW-Platteville. I am the eldest of seven, and money
was tight.”
Jeanne’s husband, Joe Tregoning, has arranged his will
to create an agricultural scholarship as well.
“Ever y thing I am was created by the people of
Southwest Wisconsin, and I cherish them,” said Joe.
“Through our wills, we can control what happens to
the equity we’ve built when we pass on. We chose to
Jeffrey and Brenda Matthias
Joe Tregoning and
Denee Hirsch
Kevin Rielly
and Tregonings
Dr. John
Glenn Fritz
Jerry and Fran
name the university in our will to be benefitted. It’s
easy for smaller institutions like UW-Platteville to
be overlooked, but it’s up to those of us who want to
keep them strong to leave them with some ability to
carry on.”
Glenn Fritz graduated from the Wisconsin Institute
of Technology and is keeping the institute’s memory
alive with donations for both an annual scholarship
for students from the Fennimore School District and
by establishing the Miners of the Class of 1940 Room
in Engineering Hall.
“I started college in 1937 in the middle of the
Depression,” Fritz said. “The only help I got was from
my folks. I wanted to give something back to my home
town. There were some great kids who came out of
that little town.”
Donors can also contribute through gifts of insurance.
By making the UW-Platteville Foundation owner and
beneficiary of a permanent policy or by making a
gift of a paid-up policy, donors receive an immediate
income-tax deduction for the value of the policy at the
time of the transfer, and future premium payments
may be deducted as gifts.
Jerry and Fran Cooper are supporting UW-Platteville
through insurance donations. The Cooper Living and
Learning Center at Pioneer Farm is named after them.
Jer r y reca l ls t hat h is ow n
education was made possible
by the GI Bill. “I received help
and want to help others have
a chance,” he said. “We have a
lot of life insurance, and after
we are gone, it will go to help
the universit y. I think it ’s a
wonderful way for people to get
a chance.”
Cooper Living and Learning Center
A not her way to g ive is by donat ing persona l
property. Individual owners can deduct the full
fair market value of the donated property. Though
charitable contribution deduction is limited to various
percentages of your adjusted gross income, excess
contribution value can be carried forward for up to
five years.
The Charitable IRA Rollover Gift can be made in
2011. It provides a donor with the equivalent of a 100
percent income tax charitable contribution deduction
while reducing the amount that a donor must take
into taxable income as an IRA minimum distribution.
Some donors choose a charitable gif t annuit y
– a si mple cont rac t bet ween donors a nd t he
UW-Platteville Foundation that then pays donors a
fixed dollar amount for life. If appreciated property,
such as stocks, is used to alleviate capital gains tax on
the gift portion of the transition, the remaining gain
will be apportioned over the giver’s lifetime. Increased
income from stocks that pay small dividends and carry
heavy capital gains while supporting UW-Platteville
was the route that Arthur Masbruch chose.
Masbruch is planning to use some of the income
from his annuity to employ students to do research
on patent ideas he has developed. “I got a degree
in mining engineering and became a specialist in
concrete. If the patents come through, I’ll give them
to the university.”
“I received help,
and I want to help
others have a chance.”
“I feel that education is the most
important thing we can do for
our country,” he said. “That’s
t he way people get a head
and expand their horizons.”
–Denise Thornton
Jerry Cooper
Community Scholarship Program
Almost 500 high schools participate
The UW-Platteville Community Scholarship Program
provides a way to strengthen the ties alumni feel between
their community and alma mater. As a way to support
both the community and UW-Platteville, contributions
to the Community Scholarship Program help graduates
from a chosen high school to receive scholarships to
The UW-Platteville Foundation can set up programs
for any high school there is interest in supporting.
Scholarships are already available at high schools
throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota.
Rachel Oldenburg, a biology major from Galena, Ill., just
completed her freshman year at UW-Platteville with the
help of a CSP scholarship.
UW-Platteville, and I’ve done well with the education I got
there,” he said. “After college I went on to nurses training
and then anesthesia training. My biology degree was a
good stepping stone. We studied anatomy and physiology,
and I felt I had a better background than most.”
“I want to help people further their education and I like
to help Galena,” Wieters said. “UW-Platteville was good
for me. My professors really cared about me.“
Oldenburg found out about the UW-Platteville Community
Scholarship Program through her high school counselor.
“We have quite a few students who attend UW-Platteville,
and I thought I’d give it a shot,” she said.
“I declared my major immediately,” she said. “I liked
high school biology so much that I decided that's what
I want to do.”
Currently there are just under 500 high schools
participating in the UW-Platteville CSP. The actual
number of scholarships that the CSP offers each year
depends on the amount of support contributed to each
high school’s fund.
One of the donors to the Galena High Community
School Scholarship Fund was James Wieters, also a
graduate of Galena, who completed his biology degree at
UW-Platteville in 1973. “I was fortunate to go to
For information about supporting the Community
Schola rsh ip Prog ra m, contac t Gina Udel hofen,
UW-Platteville Foundation, at 608.342.1968 or udelhofg@
uwplatt.edu. –Denise Thornton
The UW-Platteville Foundation phonathon is in operation
for 12 weeks in the fall and 12 weeks in the spring, with
the goal of reaching all alumni twice a year.
Fall phonathon: Alumni are asked to support their major
unless there is a specific project related to a group they
were or are associated with, such as the Western Field Trip
or Wisconsin Department of Transportation scholarship.
Spring phonathon: Student callers will ask donors to
support the UW-Platteville Community Scholarship
Program. The parent phonathon is at the end of the
Frederick E. Domann, James Shaver, James Kliebenstein
and Belinda J. Sain-Cronin
Distinguished Alumni of 2011
Four recognized at commencement
Established in 1960, the Distinguished Alumni Award
recognizes distinguished professional and career
achievement, and distinguished human service.
Dr. Frederick E. Domann (’83), who received his
degree from UW-Platteville in biology, is a professor in
the department of radiation oncology at the University
of Iowa. He completed his doctorate in human cancer
biology at UW-Madison, with post-graduate work at
the University of Arizona, Tucson.
Since 1994, Domann, and his students and colleagues
at the University of Iowa have been studying a
process called epigenetics, whereby mechanisms that
function above the level of DNA sequence to control
DNA packaging can affect the expression of cancer
related genes and alter the molecular processes that
changescells from normal to malignant.
Dr. Ja mes K liebenstein (’69) g raduated f rom
UW-Platteville with a degree in agri-business.
He earned both a master’s degree in agricultural
marketing and a doctorate in agricultural production,
economics and farm management at the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Kliebenstein has taught at Northwest Missouri State
in Maryville, Mo., and at the University of MissouriColumbia. In 1986, he began his current 25-year
tenure at Iowa State. He was honored by the American
Agriculture Economics Association with recognition
in 2006 for Publication of Enduring Quality, and again
in 2008 with the Distinguished Teaching award.
Beli nda J. Sa i n- Cron i n (’73) g raduated f rom
UW-Platteville with a degree in education. She earned
a Master of Arts in special education from UWWhitewater, and a master’s degree from the Marian
University of Fond du Lac in educational leadership.
Sain-Cronin has been a teacher, principal, lecturer
and organizer and remains the CEO of Legacy
Endeavors LLC. In addition, Sain-Cronin continues as
co-chair and community liaison of the UW-Platteville
Taskforce on Racial Disparity in Education and the
Incarceration of People of Color.
James Shaver (’86), who earned his electrical
engineering degree from UW-Platteville, is chief
engineer for the development of launch control
system for NASA at The Kennedy Space Center, Cape
Canaveral, Fla., where he was involved in establishing
NASA's first LAN. He has worked on the specific
networking and communications needed for payloads,
managed the launching of as many as 150 unmanned
rockets and managed telemetry stations. Shaver is
currently the chief engineer of the team that designs
launch control systems for the shuttle program and
the future.
In 2000, Shaver received a commendat ion for
“exceptional individual accomplishments/outstanding
management of a program that affects the entire
Center or contributes significantly to the Center’s
mission”; and in 2003, the NASA Exceptional Service
Medal. –Lola Gregg
2011 Minnesota Social
2011 Highland House Social
2011 Sheboygan Golf Outing
Letter from Alumni Association
Board of Directors President
Hello Pioneers,
I am excited and honored
to ser ve as president
of the UW-Plat tev ille
A lum ni Assoc iat ion
Board of Directors this
year. I am committed to
build on what this great
association has already
accomplished through
terrific leaders, and I look
forward to sustaining
the energy and enthusiasm of reaching our goals and
getting to know more of you.
I am thankful to have served on the Alumni Board of
Directors since 2006, while also having the pleasure
of working part time on campus for several years.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the relationships made
at this university and feel truly fortunate to call so
many professionals and alumni my friends. When I
first enrolled in UW-Platteville as a freshman, I had
no idea the connection would be so strong.
As my presidential term begins, I reflect on all the
amazing things that have occurred in the years since
I was a student tour guide on campus; so many things
have changed but the people haven’t. I still see smiles
and warm welcomes every time I step on campus. We
have so many giving, intelligent, fun and friendly
administrators, students, faculty, staff and alumni.
My commitment, along with the Alumni Board
of Directors, will be to establish and nurture the
lifelong relationships built around this university.
The Alumni Board welcomes your involvement and
participation in many of our events. Our goal, along
with Alumni Services, is to offer you the best Alumni
Association possible – but we need to work together
to make this happen. I encourage everyone to visit the
AluMnation website at alumni.uwplatt.edu to see the
many benefits of our association and to keep track of
our future events. And be sure to connect with us on
LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
I look forward to working with our great Alumni
Services staff. We have an excellent university and I
am so proud to be a Pioneer. Join me in challenging
yourself and all alumni you know to get involved and
continue supporting the association. Let’s continue to
be optimistic about the future of our university and
our Alumni Association.
I thank you for the opportunity to serve as president,
and I look forward to an exciting year ahead while
meeting and getting to know so many of you at our
alumni events.
Forever. Pioneers.
Tricia (Kruser) Reuter, ’94
Alumni Association Board of Directors President
Boldt to chair Foundation
Board of Directors
UW-Platteville alumnus John Boldt is the new chair
of the UW-Platteville Foundation Board of Directors.
Boldt graduated from UW-Platteville in 1976 with a
degree in civil engineering. He is currently president
and CEO of Clark Dietz Inc., an engineering consulting
firm with offices in Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana.
“UW-Platteville has been a big part of my life and
my family’s life,” said Boldt. “My father worked at the
university, and my brother still does. I also met my wife
of 35 years there.”
Boldt began his position as chair on July 1 after serving
as vice chair and co-chair for the past two years.
The Foundation Board is responsible for providing
governance to the Foundation and its fund-raising
activities. The board has the responsibility of managing
the funds received from the Foundation donors in a
fiscally prudent manner for the benefit of the university.
“Volunteerism is a part of a rewarding career and
fulfilling life in general,” Boldt said. “Giving of one’s
time and talent to the university that provided the
education that made one successful is important. I
want to help the university be successful and grow.“
–Laura Becherer
Foundation Board of Directors
Front row (left to right): Michael Jansen, Fred
Leverentz, William J. Broske, Margaret Immerfall,
Christina Kolenda, Erin Ralph, Mark Taber, Sigrid
Lind, James Hammes
Back row (left to right): Chancellor Dennis J.
Shields, David H. Fritz, Douglas Rogers, Jeff
Kronser, Thomas Rowe, John Busby, Jeff Cooke,
Doug Martin, John Boldt, Dennis Cooley
Not pictured: Tim Foht, Mark Adrian, Robert Clare,
Kathy Lomax, Joshua Robinson, Art Weber
Going Green
energy efficiency
to improve at UW-Platteville
UW-Platteville is starting
a $3.6 million renovation
project primarily focusing
o n e n e r g y e f f i c i e nc y
throughout many campus
buildings. In partnership
with McKinstry, a Seattlebased firm with offices
throughout the United
States, including Madison,
Wis., t he projects w ill
reduce the campus
carbon footprint, improve
air quality and provide
access to cost-ef fective
renewable energy sources.
In total, energy
improvements are
“This is a fantastic
e x p e c t e d t o s ave t he
u n iver sit y mor e t h a n
opportunity for the university.
$250,0 0 0 i n ut i l it y
c o s t s a nd mor e t h a n
Over time, we’ll have real
f ive million pounds in
carbon dioxide emissions
energy savings for every
annually. According to the
Environmental Protection
building on campus.”
Agency, this is equivalent
to remov i ng 4 3 4 ca r s
Robert Cramer
f rom the roads, saving
255,114 gallons of gas or
preventing 764 tons of
waste from going to a landfill on an annual basis.
improvements identified in phase one include:
Mechanical system upgrades
Efficient interior and exterior lighting
Building automation upgrades
Building envelope improvements
Water conservation programs
Active energy management programs
Renewable projects such as small-scale wind
and solar technology
Projects will occur throughout the campus at most
buildings including Williams Fieldhouse, Brigham
Hall, Gardner Hall, Giese Facility Maintenance
Bui ldi ng , K a r r ma n n Libra r y, McGregor Ha l l,
Ottensman Hall, Markee Pioneer Student Center
and the Center for the Arts.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for the university,” said
Robert Cramer, UW-Platteville assistant chancellor of
Administrative Services. “Over time, we’ll have real
energy savings for every building on campus.”
UW-Plat teville alumnus Tom Laufenberg (’96),
McKinstry’s Midwest regional manager, stated, “The
staff and students at UW-Platteville have been great to
work with during the development of the project. Not
only does this initiative demonstrate UW-Platteville’s
leadership in sustainability, but it also provides some
very good economic benefits as well. McKinstry is also
very excited to be hiring several recent UW-Platteville
graduates and interns.” –Paul Erickson
Going Green
Sustainable inventory:
How students are helping campus with sustainability
As the university moves further into
sustainability practices, how and where it uses
its resources becomes a primary focus.
Enter four engineering students with renewable
energy minors and a collective confidence that
they can help. Michael Murphy (’11 mechanical
engineering) of Madison, Wis.; Jason Garvens (’11
electrical engineering) of Byron, Minn.; Shannon
Kyle (’11 civil engineering) of Oconomowoc, Wis.;
and Jamie Frederick (’10 electrical engineering) of
Waunakee, Wis., set out with the main goal of helping
campus establish a baseline.
The university tasked itself with creating an inventory
of its power consumption – detailing every resource
and building – and how that consumption affects the
university’s greenhouse gas emissions and carbon
The students took on the project in their Research or
Design Project on Renewables course, focusing on
the fiscal year of 2009 (July 2008-June 2009). They
produced not only an inventory of energy use, but
also a benchmark the university plans to measure
itself against.
At a pivotal time in the university’s planning process,
the group presented to the Renewable Energy Council
as well as a group of the Master Planning committee.
“As we look to improve our sustainability efforts on
campus, this is one of those keystone things that we
had to get done to determine where we’re at before we
could really move forward,” said Assistant Chancellor
of Administrative Services Robert Cramer. “In my
mind, I thought this was going to take us about three
years before we could have this inventory done, but
thanks to Jason, Shannon, Michael and Jamie, we’ve
completed the inventory for the first time and now we
can work on updating it.”
Going Green
The students took into account stationary sources
(like buildings), campus-owned vehicles, agriculture,
purchased electricity, athletic travel, study abroad
travel, solid waste and wastewater. The group found
that 60 percent of the 34,908.8 metric tons of carbon
dioxide produced either directly or indirectly by the
university came from purchased electricity.
“Over 55 percent of all the greenhouse gas emissions
that the campus is responsible for are due to electricity
consumption. This is due to our dependence on an
outside campus utility provider,” said Garvens. “One of
the suggestions we presented as part of our study was
to have the campus start to more seriously look into
trying to produce some – if not all – of its electricity
at some point in the future.”
Alliant Energy generates 53 percent of its electricity
from coal. Eight percent of its electricity is produced
from a variety of renewable energy sources.
“Five percent of the university’s total emissions come
directly from transmission and distribution losses,”
added Murphy. “In other words, money and energy
are lost in the delivery of the electricity from the
power plant to our campus. It’s just another reason
why generating on campus would be ideal.”
Campus has a mix of old and new buildings, old and
new systems, and old and new practices. Yet, some
of the commonly held beliefs about where power is
used or wasted aren’t as simple as we might think. For
instance, older buildings generally aren’t insulated
as well as newer buildings, so newer buildings use
less electricity, right? But in the case of the residence
halls, think again.
“Another item that stuck out to the group was the
electricity usage from the new suite-styled residence
hall, Southwest Hall,” said Kyle. “Residents in this
building use almost double the amount of electricity
than residents in traditional halls. If the campus is
looking to build another residence hall like this, they
may want to consider incorporating ways of producing
their own electricity, such as solar panels, to offset
some of the electricity usage.”
The suite-style rooms have considerably more square
feet, which creates more space to heat and cool. Each
bedroom is 11 feet by 9 feet, 3 inches in Southwest
Hall, but there is also a common living space. Each
suite has four single bedrooms, a living room, dining
area and kitchenette – complete with a full-size
refrigerator and dishwasher – and two bathrooms. The
entire building is air-conditioned and remains open
during breaks during the academic year. Traditional
rooms, like in Hugunin Hall, are 10 foot, 8 inches by
15 foot, 6 inches, and residents share a communal
bathroom and common spaces.
Research also showed that academic buildings used
more than three times the energy than residence
halls. The Markee Pioneer Student Center, Karrmann
Library, Ottensman Hall and the new addition to
Williams Fieldhouse were the heaviest users, likely
do to a high mix of student traffic and the size of the
T h i s i nvent or y i s on l y a s t a r t i ng p oi nt f or
UW-Platteville to determine its carbon footprint, but
as future inventories go forth, the campus will be able
to compare data from previous years and measure
the impact of its sustainability strategies. –Ian Clark
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Going Green
On teaching sustainability
Alisa Hass, UW-Platteville geography lecturer
In this world of disposable furniture,
cell phones and drink containers, reaching
students about the importance of conserving our
natural resources can be an insurmountable task. We
have the option to drive two blocks to a store, buy
whatever our hearts desire, and drive back home.
There never seems to be a shortage of food, water,
gas and everything else we need to live our daily
lives. Nevertheless, we actually survive on a limited
number of natural resources and it is important to
teach young adults how to preserve these resources
for future generations. Discussing sustainability in
class gives students a chance to see definitive and
concrete examples of the amount of resources they
use and how it affects the world around them.
In UW-Platteville’s Planet Earth laboratory course,
we bring sustainability into the classroom as a major
semester project where each student chooses one
small change in his or her daily habits and then
conserves for 30 days. Specifically, this project allows
the instructors a chance to reach each and every
student on the topic of conservation, no matter what
the student’s stance on climate change and the natural
environment may be.
Going Green
Students leave the class with a greater
understanding of exactly how much impact
one small lifestyle change can have on the earth’s
atmosphere, fresh water resources, animals, oceans,
forests and human population. They have a sense
of accomplishment when they see their numbers
add up. They often have an even bigger sense of
accomplishment when they see the entire class’
conservation numbers tallied together.
When I ask students at the end of the project whether
they will continue to conserve or if they plan to
expand on what they conserve, the overwhelming
answer is “yes!” The topic of sustainability is so
applicable to students’ daily lives that I often get
stopped by former students in the stores in town so
that they can show me that they are still using their
reusable water bottles and shopping bags. In these
students, I see the excitement that they still have for
the topic of sustainability a full year after they have
completed the class.
Bringing sustainability into a classroom setting like
Planet Earth has allowed me to reach an enormous
number of students who go on to teach their peers,
friends, families and future children how to live
a sustainable lifest yle and why it ’s important.
–Alisa Hass
Renewable energy
gets major attention
U W-Plat tev i l le’s renewable
ener g y m i nor ha s been so
successful in its first three years
that a major is being prepared
to expand the program to meet
student and industry demand.
The UW-Platteville's renewable
energ y prog ram is a widera ng i ng i nterd isc ipl i na r y
program designed to familiarize
students with ef ficient ways
to integrate renewable energy
with traditional energy sources in real-world settings.
The program encompasses social, economic and
environmental impacts of traditional and nontraditional energy sources, facilitating students’
ability to apply their specific academic expertise to
the areas of energy and renewable energy.
Robert Vosberg (’78), senior vice-president of Wind
Capital Group based in St. Louis, helped coordinate
a gift from Wind Capital to support the minor. He
understands first hand how valuable an education
in renewable energy can be. “I think people would
be surprised at the depth and breadth of skill that
renewable energy requires,” Vosberg said. “It covers
the whole gamut: engineering, business, public
relations.” “I’ve got a daughter who is pursuing a renewable
energy minor with an electrical engineering major,”
Vosberg continued. “I really like the coursework
UW-Platteville is providing for those kids. It’s giving
them a broad scope of what renewable energy is. That’s
good stuff. Alternate fuels are very important. The
sustainable and renewable energy systems minors are
coming out of school with a sense of what alternative
energy is, and they are enthused. These are good
“When we star ted the minor in
2008, it made great sense because it
complements so many of our current
majors on campus,” said Tim Zauche,
chair of t he Renewable Energ y
Council and department chair of
chemistry and engineering physics.
“At that time, the program was new
and we started with a minor. We
wanted to learn who might want to
hire a graduate with a renewable
energ y major, so we formed an
industrial advisor y group representing over 25
different companies and governmental agencies,“
he said. “The group has been meeting twice a year.
With their invaluable guidance and feedback, we have
developed the curriculum for a major.”
The sustainable and renewable energy systems major
will be similar to a project management major but
will produce a project manager specifically prepared
to manage the technology that underlies renewable
energy. “We have built on the strengths already on
this campus,” Zauche said.
“Now that we have a curriculum developed, we need
to secure funding so we can hire faculty, support staff
and acquire equipment needed for the new major,”
said Zauche.
“Students are eager to work in this new major. We
are fielding several calls each month from across the
country,” Zauche added. “The minor classes are all
maxed out. We don’t have the faculty to teach more
students for the minor.”
More than 80 students have declared the minor
already. UW-Platteville is poised to be a leader in
educating young people to take industries into their
energy future. –Denise Thornton
Going Green
Greener Glenview
Glenview Commons, home of Platters dining commons and
Greenwood Avenue Market convenience store, was remodeled in
2008 to provide more recreational space, food options and office
space. During the remodel, Glenview also became the proud
recipient of a new green roof.
Constructed in 1967, Glenview has seen a great number of
improvements with the remodel. The green roof, which utilizes a
GreenGrid system of low maintenance and adjustable trays, covers
3,400 square feet of the 5,000-square-foot addition.
“Putting in the green roof took a very short period of time,” said
Todd Duwe, director of facilities operations for Auxiliary Services
at UW-Platteville. “These individual trays all came on pallets, so
they lifted them onto the roof and a crew of about six put it together
within a day.”
The grid system now sits on an old patio outside the upper dining
area most alumni remember, and looks out over the glen and a
portion of the Frisbee golf course. What used to be a cement walk
was converted into a green roof during the renovation.
“The roof membrane we have here is standard to any flat roof system,
but then these trays sit on a layer of felt. It’s very low maintenance,”
said Duwe. “The plants, Sedum, are very hardy and can withstand
a month’s drought, so it’s been a very welcomed addition here. It’s
much more appealing to the eye than seeing a white or black roof,
and adds the benefit of insulating the roof.”
Because the green roof was added during a more extensive
renovation, energy savings specific to the roof aren’t quantifiable.
With the new addition of space, the green roof, new energy efficient
windows for the main dining area and a new air handler for the
building, there were just too many variables.
Glenview's green roof installation
Going Green
“It turned out to be a great project for the whole building,” he
added. “In the future, if this building was remodeled, these trays
are moveable; we could reinstall the grid at another location or for
another application, so it’s a very functional system.” –Ian Clark
2011 Recyclemania results
R e c yc lem a n i a i s a n i nt er n at ion a l r e c yc l i ng
competition for colleges and universities. The eightweek competition, beginning in early February,
challenges schools to report recycling and trash data,
which is then calculated and compared.
“This year we were number one in the amount of
paper and cardboard recycled per person,” said Katie
Reichling, UW-Platteville RecycleMania campus
coordinator. “I think the paper drive we did at the end
of the semester really helped with that.”
With a 45 percent recycling rate, UW-Platteville
finished 56 out of the 288 participating schools, and
second out of the 14 participating UW System schools.
Last year, UW-Platteville participated on a trial basis
to help the university refine its existing recycling
and waste management methods. Ullsvik Hall,
Ottensmann Hall, Karrmann Library and the Markee
Pioneer Student Center were the only buildings to
“This year, people took the time to participate; a lot
more students got involved,” said Reichling. “I spoke
at the Academic Staff Senate and Faculty Senate to get
them involved and excited about it as well.
“For next year, we want to put together a video to
illustrate where our waste goes; at the moment,
Platteville’s waste goes to Milan, Ill. We’re hoping that
the video will raise awareness a little about where our
trash is really going,” she said.
With all the cardboard
collected, UW-Platteville saved:
• 1,134 trees for forestation
• 467,000 gallons of fresh
water from being used in
paper processing
•Enough power to supply
33 homes with power
needs for a year
Melcher Hall won the residence hall competition,
recycling the most of all residence halls. McGregor
and Wilgus Halls took second place (they share
dumpsters and a recycling area) and Pickard took
third. Melcher students were awarded with a pizza
party, supported by Ed Faherty of Faherty Recycling
and Waste Management. –Ian Clark
Going Green
Plastic to methane:
Findings could help double production
UW-Platteville is primed to construct the university’s
first anaerobic digester at Pioneer Farm. The digester,
which replicates a cow’s stomach by mixing bacteria,
manure and food waste, will produce methane to
be used for heating and
generating electricity.
“To realize that, we started doing some analyses on local
cheese whey as well as on some bio-based plastic that
is made from, for instance, corn,” he added. “During
this last year, we’ve been studying bio-based plastic
and have tested five or six
different types.”
“For every four cows, you can
All biodegradable plastics
“ D u r i ng t he pla n n i ng
a re compost able, sa id
pr o c e s s , we ’ve got
get enough electricity for the
Zauche, but compost piles
a bet ter v ision of how
break down at different
we can supplement our
average household.”
temperatures. To be used in
gas production with the
a controlled environment
digester. For instance, for
Tim Zauche
like a digester to boost
every four cows, you can
gas production, research
get enough electricity for
was required. If the wrong
the average household,”
plasticware was used, the digester’s pumps could
said Dr. Tim Zauche, chair of the UW-Platteville
become clogged and break down.
Department of Chemistry and Engineering Physics. “If
we can put other waste in with the manure, whether
And what does one do when one can’t stir a million
it’s food waste from a grocery store or our cafeteria on
gallons of rotting food waste and manure anymore?
campus, or cheese whey from a local cheese producer,
Zauche didn’t want to find out.
we can double that gas production.”
Going Green
Methane is separated from carbon dioxide as
UW-Platteville chemists continue their research
Dr. Tim Zauche
“We’re pretty sure we’re the only
academic group studying this across
the country right now.”
Tim Zauche
“The bio-based plastics are breaking down beautifully;
the bacteria think it’s sugar. However, certain types of
bio-based plastic can’t be broken down at 100 degrees
Fahrenheit, so that’s a huge finding,” he said. “Two or
three different companies’ plastics break down and
one doesn’t at that temperature. It’s a very good initial
finding because if we want to convert our cafeteria
over to the bio-based plastic, we know which types we
could use.”
By using a bench-top model, Zauche, academic staff
member David Hitchins and recent graduate Maggie
Hoffmann (’11, chemistry) are working to determine
what materials produce the most methane and at what
rate. The gas produced by the bacteria is a mixture of
carbon dioxide (about 40 percent) and methane (about
60 percent).
Instead of using the pilot 200-gallon digester at the
farm, the bench-top model uses 300-milliliter samples,
like a soda pop can. From this small sample of manure
and other material, gasses are released and separated,
providing a precise amount of methane for a computer
to record.
“If we know the amount of gas, then we know the
amount of energy we can get from the different types of
material,” said Zauche. “A few companies are starting to
send us samples to analyze for them, so it’s meant some
good work for our students. We’re pretty sure we’re the
only academic group studying this across the country
right now.”
A solid waste research grant is funding UW-Platteville
to test food waste from Wal-Mart along with bio-based
plastic and the manure to make sure that the equipment
works well.
“If we can prove that works, then we can just take the
trash bag from the cafeteria with the plasticware and
the food waste, dump the whole thing in and just add it
to the manure. We won’t have to worry about separating
the plasticware from the food or the paper or anything
like this,” said Zauche.
Grocery stores throw away three to four tons of food
waste each week, said Zauche, adding, “if they didn’t
have to remove that waste from the packaging once it’s
spoiled, we could be using a lot more of that wasted food
for energy and not have to send it to landfills.”
Zauche, Hitchins and Hoffmann hope to have their
research findings sent out for publication this fall
and to continue on with the digester project. They
also hope to have a contractor selected by August
or September to begin construction of the digester.
–Ian Clark
Going Green
Letter from executive director of
UW-Platteville Foundation
Dear Pioneers,
Thank you to each and
every one of you who
support UW-Platteville
st udents, facult y and
staff. Every gift you make
is important to us!
For t he pa s t s e vera l
years, the UW-Platteville
Fou ndat ion st a f f has
been fund raising for a variety of projects – large and
small in scope– to assist the university in rejuvenating
and growing our beautiful campus.
As we move forward, inching toward UW-Platteville’s
sesquicentennial in 2016, there are many projects
worthy of funding that are being discussed and the
need for scholarship dollars has never been greater. As
most of you already know, these are turbulent times in
our state’s economy and as we look toward the 2011-12
academic year, we expect less than 20 percent of the
cost of education to come from state funding. That is
a full 50 percent less than a decade ago.
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields has been very consistent
in his first year as our leader and expects each and
every one of us who work on behalf of our students
to strive to control our own destiny. We realize state
support isn’t going to magically improve. Rather, we
are searching for new external funding sources and
are counting more heavily on our loyal alumni and
friends for support. We are ramping up our grantwriting efforts and have increased the number of
development staff in the field substantially over the
past five years.
In order to complete important building projects on
campus like the Ullsvik Hall remodel, the Swine Center
at Pioneer Farm, the construction of Engineering Hall
and the Williams Fieldhouse renovation, private
funding was required. Over the last five-plus years, a
vast majority of the gifts secured by the UW-Platteville
Foundation has been spent immediately, which was
necessary at the time, but hinders our ability to sustain
our level of support.
I’ve mentioned in this column the importance of
endowment funds in year’s past. Since a major focus
of Chancellor Shields’ efforts is the growth of our
endowment, I just want to stress again why these
funds are important.
Simply put, an endowment means permanence. The
principle, or the gift amount, of the endowment is
Wisconsin Residents Only
(Does not include housing or meal plans)
1962/631972/731982/83 1992/93 2002/03 2011/12
Tuition (Only) - 24 credits $150.00 $400.00 $836.00 $1,686.00$3,000.00 $5,766.00
$ Cost per credit:
Tuition with fees
$1,055.50$2,087.00 $3,720.00 $6,774.00
$ Cost per credit:
Florida Alumni Event 2011
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields,
Greg Beck ’81 and Dennis Cooley
UW-Platteville Advancement Division
May 2011 graduates, Sara Novotny,
Blythe Kudronowicz, Becky Kaiser
and John Alf
Greg Boys and Priya Devag uptapu, San
Antonio, Texas - Tony Minotte Perserverance
invested and generates a percentage yield which is
moved to the individual fund’s spendable component.
The amount to spend each year is set by the average
of the previous 12 quarters of the endowment and
the investment return, usually around 4 percent.
For example, a $25,000 endowed scholarship would
generate about $1,000 annually. This is a meaningful
amount for our students who are paying roughly
$7,000 in tuition and student fees for 2011-12.
By contrast, when I attended college in fall 1983, the
cost for room, board and tuition was $2,600 a year!
That is one of the major reasons our family is building
our own scholarship at UW-Platteville and why
we support at least six other scholarships set up by
UW-Platteville alumni and friends.
One of the scholarships we support is the Vandy
“Butch ” Bloyer Memorial Scholarship, awarded
annually to a st udent f rom R iver R idge High
School (I grew up in Bloomington, Wis.) who is
attending UW-Platteville, just like Butch did for his
undergraduate and graduate degrees. As a principal
at Bloomington Elementary and later in the River
Ba rba ra Pr i nd iv i l le, president of
Waukesha County Technical College
Lake Havasu City, Ariz. - Luncheon
Ridge School District, Bloyer positively impacted
those he came in contact with and inspired many of
us to improve ourselves. It has always seemed fitting
that his legacy continues to survive and thrive at both
UW-Platteville and River Ridge. It is an honor to award
the scholarship with Butch’s better-half, Pat, each
spring at the school’s scholarship night.
UW-Platteville will continue to have immediate
needs that require immediate funding. But, our
hope over time is to drastically increase the size of
our endowment, to give our students a chance to
avoid shouldering the rising costs of their public
university education all alone. By growing our existing
endowments – and developing new endowed funds
– through gifts and solid investing, our hope is for
all endowments to be as meaningful to the students
they support 25, 50 and 100 years from now as they
are today.
An endowment, by design, is meant to last for
eternit y. That seems fitting because we are all
“Forever. Pioneers.”
Dennis R. Cooley
Executive Director, UW-Platteville Foundation
2010-11 Honor Roll of Donors
The following is a listing of all contributors to the UW-Platteville Foundation from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
We thank you for your support in helping to build for the future of UW-Platteville. Forever. Pioneers.
Individual Donors
1866 Society
Jerry G. ’56 and Fran R. ’81 Cooper
John L. and Charlene M. Stephenson
2016 Society
Helen S. Brodbeck ’39
Jerry O. Gunderson ’65
Thomas P. Hickey
Dr. Jeff D. and Dr. Erin L. Huebschman
Edward J. Vavruska ’37
Orange and Blue Society
Carl Allsup
Gerald and Judy (Klitzsch) Anderson
Bradley D. and Peggy Biddick
Chuck A. Burggraf ’77
Dr. Edward O. and Lois E. Busby
Dr. John E. Busby ’76
Dennis R. and Stephanie R. Cooley
Bill R. Gengler ’66
Theodore Goodfriend and Mary Lou
Birkett Goodfriend
Brett A. ’04 and Pamela A. ’03 Gough
John F. Haskins ’53
Paul J. Heim ’79
Ralph L. ’40 and Margaret Henry
Reynotta G. Hoberecht ’62
Fred W. ’67 and Martha Jaeckle
Rod D. Kennedy ’66
John A. Kincaid ’80
Richard A. and Anne Klawiter
John A. ’76 and Angie R. ’77 Krogman
Jeffrey L. Kronser ’77
Edward W. Long ’59
Pat I. and Jean L. ’64 Malone
Michael H. ’77 and Lynn M. ’79 Martz
Ronald E. Meissen ’71
Jim A. Michelson ’66
Dave W. Newnam ’75
Mittie J. Nimocks
Jack S. Noble ’67
Brian D. and Brynne R. ’97 Nodolf
William F. Schilling
Thomas N. Schroeder
Roy A. Shaver
Cindy J. Tang
Michael A. ’74 Viney and Rhonda L. ’74
Gene A. ’73 and Jan Weber
Archie Wimer
James F. Wunderlin ’68
Chris Yergers
Timothy and Geri Zauche
Randy C. Zinck ’79
Big “M” Society
Mark D. and Lori M. Adrian
Jon P. Balciar ’10
Thomas A. Barton
Harold D. ’53 and Geneva M. ’51 Beals
Mitchell D. Beres
Roy L. Bernard ’56
Randall R. Binversie ’85
Jeffery J. ’99 and Tracy L. ’01 Bode
John I. ’76 and Barbara L. ’76 Boldt
Barry J. and Kim J. Brodbeck
Jason R. ’95 and Susan E. ’96 Brown
Howard T. Buchanan ’61
Douglas D. Buhler ’79
Michael S. Bulgrin ’03
Everett C. Burgess Jr.
Bill W. Bush ’88
John W. ’76 and Marilyn K. ’77 Bustle
David W. Bynum
Shawn K. Cannon
Katherine C. Carothers
Pat M. Clare ’76
Pat A. Collins
Rob G. and Susan C. Cramer
Renee M. Croft ’84
Derek J. ’99 and M. J. ’08 Dachelet
Hap A. ’74 Daus and Barb M. ’71 Daus
Brian J. ’70 and Kathy A. ’70 Denk
Jim Moris and Deanna L. Dietrich
James E. Dix
Fred E. and Lou Anna Domann
Maxine M. Dull
Thomas C. and Patricia Evans
Harold T. Evensen
Ronald G. Fait
Dale R. and Susan C. Fatzinger
Michael C. Felker ’77
Michael R. Fiedler ’71
Frank P. Friar ’69
David H. Fritz ’81
Jill M. Furman ’03
Bill J. ’75 and Jane K. Gardner
Phyllis A. Geyer
Katherine E. Gillen
Garry G. and Cindy Grassman
Jack D. ’58 and Lois N. ’58 Harr
Rick R. ’70 and Kathy J. Hempel
Douglas J. ’90 and Archna S. ’90
James J. and Karyl A. Herget
Roger L. and Francine Higgs
Robert O. Hoffland ’61
Steve L. ’74 and Marjorie A. Holzhueter
E. Jerome Howe ’55
John O. Ifediora
Bruce P. Ivey ’73
Richard A. Jarvis ’73
Christopher J. Jefferies ’08
Tait M. ’93 and Kimberly J. ’97 Johnson
Jerry A. Johnston ’82
Lois M. Kaiser-Genthe
Kal E. Kardous ’70
Louise G. (Gundy) Kessel ’54
Ken C. and Jessie J. Kilian
Mac G. and Toni Klingler
George W. Koerner ’75
John R. ’72 and Janey H. Kortas
Philip J. Krogman ’74
Carol M. Lange
Gene A. Laschinger ’75
Thomas P. ’96 and Brenda A. ’97
Jane L. Leighty ’89
Lloyd J. Linden
Kent T. Locy ’93
David J. ’64 and Lou Ann ’65 Markee
Jerry W. Marty ’69
Teddy I. McNett ’52
Al E. ’77 and Karen S. ’77 Meyer
Michael R. Middlebrook
David J. Murphy ’70
Beverly M. Nall ’60
Paula M. Nelson
Michael A. North ’96
Kjell L. Oliversen ’61
John C. ’88 and Joan M. ’89 Oncken
Tom J. Osterholz ’74
Samuel Owusu-Ababio
Dipan L. Patel
Darin J. Pauls ’93
Saul H. and Jennifer Perloff
Gordon W. Phetteplace ’54
Jim N. Reiser ’77
Matthew S. Richards ’91
Joshua F. ’52 and Florence N. Robinson
Mike J. ’65 and Bernadette A. ’63
Mike J. Roy ’69
Bo F. Ryan and Kelly Ryan
Bill A. and Jean C. ’70 Sanders
James T. ’86 and Karen M. ’84 Schneller Jr.
David D. and Carolyn Schuler
Paula J. Schultz
Dennis J. and Aundra N. Shields
Mark K. Shubak ’93
Jennie L. Sigg
John M. ’78 and Karen K. ’79 Silseth
Patrick A. Smet ’94
John D. ’70 and Kelly (Sullivan) Soley
Stuart S. Stangler ’85
Jesse J. ’09 Stanton and Erin E. ’03 Ralph
Bheru L. and Lilawati ’80 Sukhwal
Mark A. Taber ’84
Donald J. ’71 and Donna L. ’76 Von
Richard and Marian Wadewitz
Robert Walton
Brian F. ’88 and Carol J. ’89 Weber
James D. Weber, ’95
Dale H. Weidemann ’63
Carl T. Weier ’08
Scott ’73 and Linda A. ’74 Weisinger
Mark A. Wieser ’95
Carlos ’02 and Michelle Wiley
Joseph Williams
David Wood
Herbert J. Yanke ’82
Erwin L. Zweifel ’62
UW-Platteville Society
Peter W. Abe ’81
Bill N. Albright ’75
Jordan K. Alf
Ronald J. Allbaugh ’66
David M. ’76 and Sarah J. ’77 Allen
John E. and Margaret Ambrosius
Laura J. Anderson
Marie J. Anderson ’86
Gary E. Apperson ’06
Norm J. Arendt ’70
Robert F. Baetz ’66
Daniel L. Bartel ’67
Gerry A. ’76 and Lorraine M. ’74 Bartels
Gregory S. Bauer ’70
Steven A. and Debra R. ’78 Becker
Rick L. Benson ’83
Charlie D. Bergmann ’98
Joseph R. Biddick ’71
Mark R. Binversie ’80
John G. ’72 and Deb Blaska
Larry A. ’83 and Shirley A. ’90 Bowden
Ben L. Brancel ’72
Francis M. Brenner ’93
Jeffrey J. Bunch ’94
Joseph M. Bunker ’96
Helen M. Buss ’35
Thomas E. Cherrier ’60
Holly L. Clendenen ’06
Michael S. Connell ’84
Donald J. Cosgrove ’73
John E. ’61 and Katie Cottingham
Brian R. Coulthard ’91
George S. and Linda K. ’72 Curry
Ralph W. ’58 and Rita M. Curtis
Thomas R. ’60 and Shari D. ’61 Davis
Joseph E. ’82 and Kathryn M. ’82 Denk
Lynn F. Dew
Brian J. Donnelly ’83
Joan M. Dorgan ’59
John H. and Evelyn M. Duesbury
Elizabeth A. Duewer
Randall L. and Sandy Ebert
Randy L. ’77 and Carol A. ’78 Egan
Ronald W. Ellison
Mary L. Elvekrog ’81
Tori A. Erickson ’83
Daniel K. Ericson ’78
Steven J. and Kirstin L. Fleming
Duane M. and Sheri B. Ford
Barbara M. Foye ’74
Jerry P. ’73 and Lynn W. ’73 Franke
David J. French ’80
Thomas J. Frisbie ’70
Glenn H. Fritz ’40
John J. Gallo ’86
Jim T. ’76 and Deb L. ’77 Gardner
Elizabeth A. Gates
Thomas H. Geyer ’74
Grant L. Godby
Tom Skadow and Kim Hagemann
Wayne H. and Celeste K. Hefel
Ruth E. Heins ’49
Paul E. Hemmer ’66
James S. Hendricks ’76
Kerry K. ’81 and Barbara J. ’82 Henning
Cecile Hoffman
Edward T. Hui ’78
Maggie R. Immerfall ’84
Jeffrey C. Ingebritsen ’77
Steven D. Jacobs ’98
Corey W. Janecky ’88
Tim D. Jankowski ’06
Linda L. Jerkens ’74
Stanley J. ’59 and Skeeter I. ’65 Johnson
Todd L. Johnson ’81
Tom J. ’64 and Patricia A. ’65 Jonas
Jean H. Jones ’52
Robert J. ’70 and Joan E. ’69 Just
Phil ’62 and Barb H. ’85 Karrmann
Dave G. ’78 and Lois A. ’76 (Hanson) Kaul
Margaret A. Keehn
Christopher S. Keil ’07
Dennis J. and Debbie Keleher
Craig M. Keller ’93
Joseph J. Keller ’92
Dan A. ’68 and Doris A. ’69 Keyes
James O. Keyes
Phil J. Keyes
Dwight H. and Sharon L. Klaassen
Joel P. ’70 and Sara J. ’73 Klinge
Thomas E. Knoble ’73
Tom R. Kosmicki ’74
Rosemary A. Kuhnle ’09
Gordon C. Lange ’63
Dave K. Langer ’75
Mark E. ’07 and Amy M. ’07 Langer
Larry A. Larson ’62
Jamie R. Leifker ’96
Robert E. ’56 and Barbara J. ’60 Lewis
Sig A. Lind ’73
Tom J. and Lee Ann Lindahl
Sue E. Lindholm
Scott J. Lipke ’00
Greg L. Loek ’80
Joe B. ’72 and Kathryn B. ’80 Lomax
Doug L. ’62 and Julie Marnocha
Ryan P. Martin ’00
Timothy J. Maziasz ’80
Kevin D. ’86 and Denice L. ’85 McArtor
We have been very careful in preparing the FY2009-2010 Honor Roll of Donors who made gifts to the UW-Platteville Foundation for the fiscal year
(gifts between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011). Nevertheless, some errors or omissions may have occurred. If you should find an error, please notify the
UW-Platteville Foundation so that our records can be updated: call us at 877.395.1100 or e-mail us at foundation@uwplatt.edu.
Terry A. McMahon ’82
Philip J. Micech ’83
David E. Miller ’72
Milton and Pat A. Mitchell
Dale G. Moody ’66
Drew J. Nesemeier ’10
Ron R. ’72 and Jill S. ’72 Osterholz
Michael J. and Janet M. Pawelski
Jim C. ’59 and Margery C. ’56 Piquette
Don and Julie A. ’86 Pluemer
Elaine A. Pomerening ’52
Norman R. and Connie F. Powers
Barbara A. Prindiville ’69
Paul S. ’86 and Lynn E. ’86 Raley
Larry J. Raupp ’87
Mark A. and Sally Redfern
Bernice J. (BJ) Reed
Thomas E. Rettler ’93
Deb L. Rice ’75
Rick V. Ripp ’79
Dick J. and Peg Roesler
Douglas W. Rogers ’82
Thomas W. Rowe ’74
Daniel E. ’92 and Janet M. ’92 Runde
Timothy J. ’84 and Patricia A. ’84 Russart
Tom N. Scanlan and Dawn M. ’83 Drake
Karl J. ’78 Schipper and Jody L. Pritzl
Rick L. Schmidt ’83
Todd J. ’96 and Tonya L. ’98 Schmidt
Steve J. Schmitt ’80
Paul E. Schowalter ’84
Roger G. Schulter ’69
Chuck G. ’69 and Sandra K. ’71 (Nelson)
Catherine A. Schwenn ’61
Jim M. ’86 and Kathryn L. ’83 Shaver
William M. Shinker ’69
Wes E. ’66 and Janet A. ’69 Sisson
George E. Smith
John S. Smith ’80
Kurt R. Smith ’79
David L. Spargo ’61
Lorand and Cindy L. Spyers-Duran
Michael J. Stevens ’79
Jean A. Sting ’69
Jon R. Strand ’91
Thomas S. Strom ’82
Paul W. ’70 and Pat T. ’70 Swalve
Phil F. Swift ’73
William J. Taylor III
Leigh H. Tuckey ’79
Thomas J. Vale
James L. Valukas ’68
Paul J. Vanasten ’81
William D. ’77 and Christine L. ’77 Viney
Bob M. ’78 and Mary Pat ’76 Vosberg
Nicholas A. Wagner ’06
Eric E. Wall
Thomas R. Walther ’71
David W. ’76 and Jean M. ’75 Ward
Thomas A. Waters
Allen G. Watrud ’73
Richard E. Weber ’60
Dr. Jeff L. and Amy A. White
Robert M. ’70 and Lana M. ’71 Wiese
John R. Wiita ’84
Joanne Wilson
Gregory ’99 and Kathryn S. ’97 Wolf
William J. Wubben ’76
Pioneer Society
David V. Aakre ’84
Beth A. ’68 and Carl F. Abing
John J. Abing ’73
Eugene R. ’84 and Elizabeth J. ’84
Jay R. Abrams
John R. Abrams ’69
Rebecca R. Accetta ’98
John V. Accetturo ’70
Alton R. Accola ’71
Evelyn I. Accola ’59
Terri G. Acker ’61
Vernon G. and Lavon Acker
Kristine L. Ackerman ’92
John A. Ackley ’80
Kristi L. Ackman ’08
Ester Acosta
Gary C. Adamczak
Daniel J. Adams ’75
Edward W. Adams ’77
Evan S. Adams ’10
Gary L. and Sandra R. Adams
Jim L. Adams ’73
Julie A. Adams ’88
Richard C. ’64 and Judy M. ’63 Adams
Richard J. ’71 and Mary Jo ’69 Adams
Thomas K. Adams
Tim G. and Amy J. Adams
Timothy V. ’73 and Patricia A. Adams
Todd J. Adams ’98
William C. Adams
Cheryl K. Adams Kadera ’91
Larry R. and Carol Addison
Nicholas N. Addison
Kurt A. Adler ’96
Lane D. Adrian ’71
John O. and Mary B. Affeldt
Kristopher R. ’02 and Janelle E. ’99 Agnew
Marie F. Agnew
Michael D. Ahrens ’73
Fred T. Aide
Dick F. Aide ’65
Anthony J. and Kristen Aiello
Anthony J. and Susan V. Aiello
Michael T. ’99 and Amanda L. ’00 Aird
Roy C. Akin ’55
Joe W. and Brenda Akins
Stephen G. ’77 and Phyllis K. ’76 Akins
Carolyn L. Albaugh
Ardell E. Albers ’63
James and Cynthia E. Albertson
William J. Albright
Carson C. and Dorothy M. ’67 Alcorn
David J. ’76 and Kathy J. Alcott
Robert F. Alderden ’60
Patrick B. and Joan Alderman
John L. Alexander
Mark P. Alexander ’75
Michael B. Alexander ’69
Ivan W. and Cheryl Alf
John L. Alf ’11
Gretchen E. Alford ’70
Joleen A. Allard
Frances M. Allbaugh
John and Amy E. Allen
Andrea K. Allen ’88
Brian M. Allen ’02
Eilleen M. Allen
Jeff S. and Julie Allen
Russell T. Allen ’94
Lori A. Allendorf ’85
Donna R. Almburg
Steve J. and Anne T. Almburg
Jim N. Almquist
Lawrence W. Alt ’70
Linda E. Alt ’08
Thomas E. Alt ’73
David J. Altfillisch
Elizabeth A. Altfillisch ’86
Mike Altfillisch ’76
Scott M. and Sue Amacher
Laureen M. Amberg ’77
Paul J. Ambrose ’85
Aaron L. Ambrosy ’06
Richard D. Amel ’42
John J. and Jennifer S. Amery
Alan R. and Julie A. ’89 Ames
Jerry A. and Nancy E. Ames
Philip A. ’87 and Deb Ames
Scott G. and Tammy R. Ames
Debra A. Amici ’78
Tom R. Amon ’73
Arvid C. Amundson ’88
Jeff L. Amundson
Sharon A. Amundson ’64
David L. Andersen ’95
Betty L. Anderson ’81
Carol M. Anderson ’63
Charles J. Anderson ’95
Christy L. Anderson ’76
Craig S. and Suzanne Anderson
Don F. Anderson ’96
Donna L. Anderson
Earl W. Anderson ’64
Gary G. Anderson ’82
Genevieve M. Anderson ’42
Gerald E. Anderson ’61
Howard P. and Bernice J. Anderson
Jedd M. and Dawn Anderson
Jo Don M. Anderson ’69
Judith A. Anderson ’64
Richard C. ’90 and Karla M. ’83 Anderson
Kathleen A. Anderson ’73
Keith E. Anderson
Kem D. Anderson ’77
Kenneth L. Anderson ’71
Larry A. Anderson ’69
Philip M. Anderson ’72
Scott J. ’02 and Anne C. ’03 Anderson
Tammy L. Anderson
Timothy A. and Diane F. Anderson
Wilma L. Anderson ’52
Lois R. Anderson Ursin ’72
Carol A. Andrew ’45
Mark H. Andrew ’76
Dennis L. Andrews
Gary D. Andrews ’72
Eric J. Andrews-Sharer ’86
Elvira M. Angeletti ’65
Samuel J. Angilello ’73
John R. and Kim R. Annear
Maher and Michelle Ansari
Dennis J. Anthony ’95
Joan M. Anthony ’87
David A. ’81 and Tammy L. ’81
Lyle D. Antonson
Kevin R. ’86 and Ann M. ’86 Anundson
Thomas J. and Cathleen M. Anzelc
Janet U. Appel ’57
Mark R. and Carol Appelquist
Mark D. Aquino ’88
Michael and Patty A. Arand
Donna L. Arey ’89
Bradley Argall ’76
Neil D. Argall ’94
Todd G. ’82 and Mary A. ’84 Argall
Dianne Riemer Argoudelis ’68
Amelia L. Armstrong
Jack L. Armstrong ’64
Kathleen A. Arneson
Kenneth L. Arneson ’63
Debra M. Arnold ’04
James E. and Cindy Arnold
Joel M. and Dawn E. Arnold
Steven A. Arnold ’89
Thomas G. Arnold ’67
Michael D. Arps ’95
Gerald J. and Lori Artz
Jason D. ’04 and Jennifer L. ’04 Artz
Ronald J. and Shirley J. Aschbrenner
Kelly R. ’91 and Lisa M. ’91 Aschebrook
John and Mary Aschliman
Steven G. ’82 and Mary L. ’84 Ash
Roland J. ’84 and Donna L. ’84 Aspenson
Robert B. Aspinwall ’81
Michael R. Aufdermauer ’01
Jonathon E. August ’76
Joanne M. Aulenbacher ’60
Michael T. Aumann ’92
Carlton L. ’67 and Betty J. ’70 Austin
Duane T. Austin ’56
Kathy A. Austin
Michael A. ’81 and Jodi M. ’82 Avery
Dale L. Awick
Darryl L. and Kelly K. Awick
Jon A. and Cindy Axelson
Gordon D. ’62 and Joan M. ’63 Ayer
Rocky L. Ayers ’84
John H. Azzalino ’49
Pamela J. Baal
Sue M. Babb ’80
Paul G. ’64 and Bonnie J. ’64 Babcock
Scott N. Babcock
David L. Babler ’81
Shelly A. Babler ’96
Ronald J. Bachand
Tom J. Bacher ’71
Charles L. Bachmann
Matthew S. ’09 and Jessica L. ’07 Backes
David M. Bacon ’97
Bret A. Badertscher ’91
Dennis A. Badtke ’78
Mary E. Baehler ’64
David N. Baehr ’82
Christopher T. Baer ’95
Brian D. Bahler ’80
Dale K. and Mary Bahr
Joan N. Bahr ’09
Kim R. Bahr
Chad C. ’03 and Laura R. ’02 Bahr
Richard O. and Helen J. Bailey
Ronald A. Bailey
Rita Bailey Goodman ’84 and David
Patrick C. ’82 and Donna K. ’83
Richard J. and Christine Baird
Betty J. Baker
David M. Baker ’84
Dennis A. Baker ’71
Douglas L. and Irene Baker
Jo A. Baker ’87
Larry B. ’60 and Marilyn L. ’58 Baker
Phoebe D. Baker
Richard J. Baker ’79
Robert T. Baker
Bruce K. ’97 and Tasha M. ’96 Baker
Tom E. Bakke ’59
Thomas R. Bakke ’81
Erik D. Bakken ’89
Robert S. Bakkestuen ’92
Ricky E. Bakkum
Joseph D. and Kathy Balczewski
George J. and Melissa Baldyga
Derek A. Balk ’06
James A. and Tracy W. Ball
Fran B. Balla ’69
Barbara A. Ballard ’88
Diane K. Ballard ’84
Ryan D. Ballbach ’97
Bennett M. and Patricia Ballweg
Beth M. Ballweg ’09
Jeff M. Ballweg
Raphael J. and Anita L. Ballweg
Stephen G. ’69 and Delores L. ’70 Balsley
Cammi K. Banach ’89
Jacqueline A. Banaszak
Kim R. Bandyk
Ray J. ’75 and Darla M. ’76 Banfi
Brenda S. McMahan-Banfield ’84
Dean T. Baragary ’76
Philip J. Baranowski ’02
Brian L. Barbuch ’78
Gregory D. Bardonner ’83
John A. ’74 and Laura L. ’75 Bares
Charles T. Bark ’70
Margaret A. Barker Hains ’76
William and Sunday Barnaby
Hunter S. Barney ’66
Tom A. Barnowske ’77
Kevin M. and Julie A. Baroni
Matthew R. Barr ’84
Richard P. ’56 and Pat L. Barrera
Jack E. and Jacqueline M. Barrett
James C. and Sandy Barrette
Kevin E. and Cheryl Barringer
Daniel R. Barron ’81
Mark W. Barrows ’78
William F. Barry ’69
Robert E. and Monica Bartel
Jane C. Bartels ’71
John B. ’78 and Marian L. ’79 Barth
Ernest J. and Beth Bartholomew
James A. ’82 and Ann M. ’82 Bartlett
Timothy R. Bartlett
Ellen M. Bartling ’80
Lon R. Bartling ’75
William E. Bartling ’68
Mary S. Barton ’61
Cory L. Bartsch ’97
Jay M. Bartz ’80
Michael R. Bartz ’91
Jim R. Barutha ’75
Ryan N. Barz ’01
Gene R. ’63 and Karen R. ’63 Bass
Harvey W. ’74 and Kathleen L. ’74 Bastian
Todd C. Bastian ’94
Ken L. Bates
Bob T. ’70 and Diana Bates
John B. Batko ’89
Ann F. Batogowski
Craig J. Batogowski
Dean D. and Tonia Batogowski
Sherri A. Batterman ’86
Richard J. ’91 and Karen L. ’89 Battye
Wayne L. Bauer
Vivian L. Bauman ’65
Andrew E. ’81 and Paula S. ’82 Baumann
Richard A. Baumann ’72
Robert G. Baumann ’71
Lavern P. and Priscilla Baumgart
Barbara J. Baumgartner ’68
Gloria J. Baumgartner ’80
Scott S. Baumgartner ’72
Allan J. and Peggy Baumler
Amy M. Baus ’93
Andrew E. Bausch ’90
Thomas W. ’69 and Jean E. ’71 Bausch
Darryl W. Bausman ’57
Austin C. Baxter
Chris A. ’94 and Shannon M. ’94 Baxter
Frieda R. Baxter ’39
Linda K. Baxter ’72
Ted F. Bay ’76
Dianne M. Bayes ’69
Peter J. Strand ’89 and Sharonne N.
Baylor ’91
John H. and Elaine R. Beach
Natalie M. Beach ’58
Richard A. and Patricia G. Bean
Kathleen L. Beane ’69
Keith H. and Elissa D. Beattie
Donald R. Beaty ’59
David A. Beck ’85
Robert J. and Carol A. Beck
Daniel P. and Frances K. Becker
David W. ’96 and Heather J. ’98 Becker
David J. Becker
Joanne E. Becker ’69
Peter E. Becker ’67
Troy T. Becker ’09
Wayne M. and Betty Becker
Michael J. and Terri Beckius
Jeanne R. Beckley ’05
Christine M. Beckman
Elaine E. Beckman ’75
Michelle M. Becwar ’01
Deborah J. Bednarek ’74
Philip A. Bednarek ’72
Gail L. Bedore
Travis W. Beek ’02
Kathleen J. Beekman ’09
Gary D. Beerkircher ’65
Sharon L. Beery ’06
Steven M. ’79 and Rita J. ’81 Behl
Janet Z. Behrens ’73
Kurt J. Behrens ’94
Lawrence E. and Gloria L. Behrens
Lawrence E. and Jeanne Behrens
Kenneth E. and Shirley C. ’70 Beighley
Dale F. and Diane Beine
Robert A. Beinema ’55
Lyle J. and Kathy Beistle
Gregory A. Beitel ’73
Legesse B. Bekele
Eric G. Bekken ’88
Dan E. ’87 and Ann M. ’87 Bekta
Richard C. Belanger ’97
Theodore D. Belanus
Mary K. Belken ’76
Gary A. Bell ’96
Geoffrey A. ’72 and Laurie A. ’72 Bell
Jeffery D. Bell
Ken J. and Michelle K. Bell
Linsy R. Bell ’72
Gary V. ’67 and Lynn M. ’78 Bell
Robert D. and Clare M. Bell
Stanley L. Bell ’68
Timothy J. Bell ’88
John J. ’87 and Marilyn A. ’86 Belling
Robert J. ’66 and Karen A. ’67 Bellmeyer
Bruce W. Belscamper ’60
Joseph C. Benbenek ’85
Alan F. and Lucinda Bender
Donita M. Bender
Laura K. Bender
Richard B. ’73 and Christie L. ’73 Bender
Ivan C. ’80 and Carol N. ’80 Bendorf
Jeffrey S. Bendorf ’88
Bryan L. Benedict ’81
Randy E. Benedict ’92
Richard R. Benesh
Gerald J. ’90 and Judy F. ’92 Benish
Jackie M. Benish ’87
Ronald S. Benish ’69
Amber L. Bennett ’91
Charlene A. Bennett ’75
David E. Bennett
Harold J. Bennett ’59
Joan E. Bennett ’70
Kathleen C. Bennett
Kevin L. Bennett ’76
Kevin E. and Gail A. Bennett
Robert R. and Martha Bennett
Todd M. Bennett ’96
Maxine H. Benrud ’47
David E. Benson ’79
Jim E. ’52 and Ruth A. ’53 Benson
Scott A. Benson ’95
Thomas G. Benson
Jeffrey W. Peterson and Nancy L.
Gene E. Bentdahl
Michael (Benny) J. Bentz ’75
Thomas and Lisa A. Benz
Jareth L. Berg ’65
Ken T. Berg ’74
Kenneth M. Berg ’90
Paul S. Berg ’92
Patrick E. Bergeman ’73
Jane M. Bergendahl
Keith S. ’02 and Bridget A. ’05 Berger
Dale L. and Jennifer E. Berger
Richard E. and Judy Berger
Douglas R. and Donna Bergeson
Richard F. Berghammer ’76
Skip H. and Suzy Bergmann
Paul H. and Vicki A. Bergmann
William T. ’86 and Mary J. ’86 Bergs
Louis M. Bernabei ’83
Kenneth L. Berndt ’69
Virgil R. ’59 and Janet E. ’57 Berndt
Randall P. ’78 and Sheryl A. ’79 Berner
Dale K. ’71 and Linda E. Bernhardt
Bryan D. Berning ’01
Beulah M. Berry ’58
Heather R. Berry ’10
Randall R. Berth ’82
Joseph L. Berthiaume ’84
Lavern G. Bertin ’73
Tod L. and Mary Besaw
Robert T. and Pam Beschta
Greg L. and Cindy Bessert
Steve M. Bessler ’91
Dennis K. Best ’66
Floyd N. Bethke ’70
Sally J. Bettin ’74
Roy E. Bettner ’71
John M. Betzle ’76
John R. Beutel ’65
Dion J. ’95 and Dawn R. Bevan
Jackie C. Bevan ’07
Judy J. Bevan ’73
Alice A. Beveroth
Clyde J. Beverung ’66
Susan J. Beyer
Daniel D. Biba ’06
Jennifer M. Biba ’95
Auria L. Bibelhausen
Gene J. Bibis ’74
James T. and Greta A. Bible
Larry C. Bibow ’61
Patrick L. and Ruth Bicard
Arlene E. Bickley ’50
Paul C. Bicknell ’90
Daniel B. ’74 and Barb A. ’87 Biddick
Edward N. Biddick ’58
John H. Biddick ’49
Todd K. and Nikki J. Biddick
Randy C. and Linda Biddle
Mark A. Biederwolf ’84
David J. Bieganski ’81
Steven C. and Juli Bielaga
Robert J. and Jill L. Bier
Craig A. Bierman
James B. Bierman
Janice K. Bierman ’69
Kevin J. Bierman ’94
Elizabeth K. Biermeier ’85
Greg R. Bies ’96
Joseph M. and Susan Biese
Mary B. Bilkey ’75
Jacqueline S. Biller ’92
Linda M. Billings ’84
Robert E. and Donna Billington
Ann M. Binder ’78
Mel R. ’71 and Maureen L. ’71 Bindl
John M. and Nancy Bingen
Roy C. Binger ’70
Stephen B. ’53 and Nancy K. ’55 Bingham
Gary C. and Joyce Binning
Ronald R. and Jeannie Binsfeld Sr.
David B. Bird ’63
Judith A. Birins ’63
John H. Birkett ’58
Lennie E. Birkett ’81
Steven A. Birkett
Tracy L. ’85 and Angela K. Birkett
Mark A. Bisbach ’84
Lora G. Bishell ’00
Barney A. Bishop ’67
Brad M. Bishop ’96
Brad C. Bishop ’69
Cameron D. Bishop
David I. Bishop ’76
Bob C. Bishop ’81
Curran Bishop-Wright
Scott M. and Rebecca Bitting
Fred J. Bittorf ’56
Lee J. Bjerke ’93
Brenda M. Black ’85
Paul H. Black ’60
Connie C. Blackman ’66
Gary W. Blackmer ’60
Debra L. Blake ’92
Brian L. Blanchette ’80
Bonnie L. Blanco ’63
Ruth E. Blankenberg ’57
Steve G. and JoAnn Blaser
Steven G. and JoAnn Blaser
Jeffrey A. Blaska ’75
Jeff P. ’89 and Patricia J. ’88 Blaszak
Robert W. and Sue Blau
Violet A. Bliss-Dietz ’76
Gustave D. and Mary Bloch
Kenneth R. Bloch ’86
Doug C. ’74 and Shirley A. Block
Janet A. Block ’91
Mary N. Block
Christopher W. Blodgett ’83
Jon P. Blomquist ’96
Gilbert H. Bloom ’65
Marc L. and Regina M. Bloom
Mary V. Bloom ’46
Wilson J. ’66 and Tamara J. ’66 Bloom
Patricia M. Bloyer
Ralph C. Blum ’59
Raymond E. Blum ’69
Scott A. and Cindy Blum
Ted W. Blum ’80
Sandra J. Blumer ’10
Robert J. Bocher ’58
Jeffrey A. Bockhop ’83
Butch D. and Peggy J. ’70 Bockhop
Nancy M. Bockhop
Rick L. Bockhop ’88
John R. Bodden ’75
Glen A. Bodendorfer
Holly J. Bodenstedt ’76
Jeffrey J. Bodoh ’94
Duane R. Boebel ’83
David J. and Patricia A. Boeding
Vicki L. Boegli ’72
Rick J. Boehm ’79
Brandon P. Boelk ’03
Gene E. ’65 and Janice L. Boelte
Angela F. Boelter ’97
Jim A. Boerke ’69
Brad R. ’96 and Bobbie J. ’94 Boettcher
Deborah A. Boettcher ’74
Sara K. Bogdan ’85
Jay L. Bogenschneider ’08
Vivian A. Bogenschneider ’64
Nancy A. Bohlen
Jonathan J. and Linda R. Bohman
Gene A. Bohn ’83
James D. Bohn ’84
David R. Bohnhoff ’78
Richard W. Bohringer ’89
Roger A. ’92 and Penny M. ’93 Bohringer
Skip J. Bohse ’60
Michael A. Boivin ’09
Bucky L. Boland ’07
Wanda J. Boldon ’86
Tim J. and Angela M. ’89 Boldt
Robert A. Boldt ’70
Jim R. and Judith R. Boll
Kenneth J. Bollerud ’63
Randy J. and Roxanne Bollig
James A. and Kelli S. Bolstad
Peter T. ’69 and Shari L. Bolstad
Timothy A. Bolwerk ’82
Kevin G. Bonde ’78
Mark T. Bondhus
Mark and Kimberly Bondzinski
Ryan D. ’06 and Andrea R. ’07 Mueller
Nancy M. Bongers ’83
Ross G. ’09 and Chelsea D. ’09 Bongert
Russell R. Bonikowske ’82
Melanie A. Bonk ’85
Troy A. Bonlander ’98
Greg C. Bopes ’10
Brian M. ’80 and Lynn M. ’80 Bopes
Roger M. Borcherding ’59
Duane H. Borgen ’76
Randy L. Bormann
Lawrence J. and Elizabeth Borne
Randy C. Borne
Robert L. Borne ’54
David J. Bornhuetter
Brian T. Borowski ’10
Jay M. ’70 and Jane E. ’70 Borroughs
Bob W. Borucki ’73
William K. Bosacki ’91
Paula J. Bosch ’90
Thomas J. Bosch ’65
Ian M. Boschke ’03
Leo G. Bose ’89
Robert A. Bosman ’76
Shunta Boston-Smith
Robert B. ’69 and Rosella W. ’71 Boteler
John E. Bottelberghe ’08
Wayne L. Bottomley
Lyn H. Bouck
Jeffrey S. Bouray ’87
Mark H. Bourgeois ’83
Bruce W. Boutell
Gerald E. Bouzek ’71
Steven J. ’73 and Patricia A. ’71 Bowdish
William L. ’59 and Barbara A. ’59 Bowen
Nancy S. Bowers ’92
Eric H. Bowie
Bruce D. Bowles ’78
Tod R. and Katherine Bowman
William P. Boyd ’65
Terry G. and Renae S. Boydston
Darlene E. Boyle ’70
Bob ’92 and Jeanne Boyle
John L. Boynton ’70
Gregory Boys ’94 and Priya
Devaguptapu ’93
Joel L. and Cassie Braatz
Tonja M. Brabazon ’93
Joyce A. Bracken
Jeanette Bradley ’03
Jeff J. Bradley ’93
Joseph F. ’68 and Roberta D. ’69 Bradley
Leonard L. Bradley ’66
Amy L. Bradley-Thomas ’72
Ronald D. Bradt ’69
Margaret M. Brady
Robert W. Brady Jr.
Richard F. Braem ’78
Kenneth W. and Geraldyne J. Bragee
Robert A. and Brooke Brame
James L. Brancel ’93
Bob E. Brancel ’84
Aaron M. Brandt ’07
Amanda J. Brandt ’08
Kent W. Brandt ’66
Allen J. Brant ’90
Jacklan L. Brant ’64
Sanddra J. Brant ’90
Sherry S. Brasda ’71
Thomas J. and Jane Bratton
Alyson M. Bratz ’10
Richard F. ’73 and Victoria L. ’72 Braun
William F. Braun
Royce L. Brechler ’76
Jesse M. ’94 and Kristin K. ’96 Brecke
Daniel V. Bredeson ’79
Diane L. Bredeson
Mary A. Bredeson ’68
Michael T. Breed
David L. ’74 and Nancy G. ’74 Breen
Alice J. Bregenzer
Michael W. Bregenzer
Brian K. Breiby
Bruce M. and Linda R. Breiby
Linda L. Breiby
Pamela J. Breiner-Schumacher ’87
Michael J. Breis ’84
Larry P. Breitbach
Michael J. Breitner
Darin R. Bremmer ’93
Jack W. ’64 and Barb J. ’65 Brenegan
Thomas J. Brennan ’83
Philip R. ’58 and Charlaine P. ’66 Brereton
Michael W. Breszee ’73
Gerald G. ’54 and Charlene A. ’54 Bretl
Jerry A. Breuer ’71
Michael L. and Barbara Breuer
Anton T. Breunig ’10
Dennis J. Breunig ’69
Eric L. Breunig ’98
Kathleen N. Brewer ’69
Gary J. Brey
Michael K. ’80 and Frances M. ’80 Breyer
Eric S. Briehl ’73
Matt A. Briehl ’83
Patricia K. Brien ’68
Bert E. and Kris Briggs
Richard A. Briggs ’67
Glenn R. Brill ’82
Niles K. Brill ’41
Greg P. Brink
Mike A. Brinkman
Richard W. Brinkman
Suzanne Brinkman
Shirley T. Brinkmann ’59
Wayne E. Brinkmeier ’60
Ronald D. Brisbois ’88
Mark J. Briski
David W. Broberg ’81
Gerard J. Brockel ’63
Robert G. ’66 and Susan K. ’66 Brockel
Louise E. Brockman ’51
Richard J. Brockman ’69
Bob J. Brodbeck ’72
Charles M. Broers ’79
Claudia W. Brogan ’80
Tom S. Broge ’80
Dave L. Broihahn ’87
Frederick G. Broihahn ’81
Patricia L. Bromley ’82
Dale E. Brommerich ’72
Matthew J. Bronson ’01
Wendy A. Brooke ’05
David M. ’86 and Cheryl L. ’86 Brooks
Gene D. ’92 and Anita M. ’91 Brooks
Mary E. Broske ’49
Bill J. Broske ’77
Scott R. Brosteau ’88
Johnette E. Brouillard ’40
Charles W. and Audrey C. Brovan
Angela R. Brown ’85
Gary E. Brown ’69
Jean A. Brown
LaVaun F. Brown
Lawrence E. Brown ’85
Renee E. Brown ’90
Sarah A. Brown ’05
Timothy J. and Nancy Brown
Mary S. Browne ’63
Daryn D. ’89 and Ruth M. ’91 Browning
Mara Browning
William J. Browns ’69
Bonita R. Bruce
William J. Bruckbauer ’80
Cory E. ’00 and Katie A. ’00 Bruckner
Michael K. Bruckschen ’86
Gregory K. and Janice L. Brugman
William J. and Daryle Brulla
Terry L. Brunmeier
Tim A. Brunner ’03
Dilyn and Dee Dee Bruns
Roger M. and Mary Bruns
Tracy L. Brunton ’05
Brad B. ’02 and Kelly J. ’03 Brusveen
Zelda E. Bruun ’65
Donita L. Bryan
Phyllis M. Bryant ’46
David A. Brynelson ’83
Jeffrey T. Buboltz
Daryl R. and Marilyn Bubolz
Reginald C. Buchanan ’49
Rod L. Buchele ’78
Jon D. Buchholz ’91
Gerald E. Buck ’57
Lynne L. Buckingham ’72
Leslie J. Buckley ’78
Louise M. Bucko
Brendan W. Budack ’89
Chris E. Budden ’97
Wayne E. Budrus ’76
Jeffrey P. Buechel
Marlene J. Buechel
Daniel J. Buelow ’71
Larry L. ’76 and Susan J. ’78 Buetzer
Terry R. Buffington
Bill G. ’76 and Renee D. ’77 Buhl
Gerald A. ’54 and Kay C. ’55 Buhrow
Elgin A. Bulin ’61
Larry M. Buller ’74
John W. Bullock ’97
Bill M. and Betty J. ’70 Bumgardner
George K. Bumsted ’71
Virginia C. Bunbury ’54
Stephen M. Bunk
Harold H. Bunkelmann ’49
Clyde A. and Alison B. Bunte
Ruth H. Burdick ’53
Elizabeth C. Burgess D.V.M.
Russell E. and Betty D. Burgett
Andrew J. Burish ’80
Christopher B. and Susan S. Burke
Crescent F. and Debra S. Burke
Thomas E. Burke Jr. ’71
Gary E. and Joyce L. Burkholder
Carmen K. Burkum ’83
Tom L. Burlowski ’79
David O. Burmahl ’82
Rick W. Burmeister ’78
Daniel D. Burnard ’61
Gerald G. Burns ’59
Jon T. Burns ’93
Craig A. ’95 and Jennifer K. ’95 Buros
Tera R. Burr ’09
David R. Burroughs ’81
Craig S. Bursaw ’87
Andrew W. Burt ’95
Robert E. Burton
William G. ’71 and Rachel A. ’70 Burwitz
Dean W. Busch ’81
Arthur L. ’68 and Linda K. ’72 Busch
Rita A. Busch
Richard J. and Lynn M. Buschmann
Rodney D. ’75 and Pamela T. ’76 Bush
Tom L. and Vicki Bushman
Bette R. Bushnell ’41
Betty L. Buss ’75
Linda J. Buss
Kenneth L. Bussan ’71
Thomas H. Bussan ’69
Brian J. Busse ’02
Jane A. Busse ’65
Rodney J. Butalla
Jon L. and Sherri Butcher
Steve W. Butler
Valerie D. Butler-Newbern
Dennis L. ’71 and Sheryl A.’72 Butson
Jeff L. Butson ’77
Larry D. ’70 and Sheryl L. ’69 Butson
Joseph D. Butters ’69
Carol Sue Butts and Ray Meiklejohn
Michael L. Butts
Michael J. Buxbaum ’09
Charles W. and Rebecca Byers
Darci M. Byrne ’91
Don J. Byrne ’87
Michael R. Byrnes ’87
Tom J. ’77 and Theresa A. ’78 Caccia
William C. Cairns ’06
Kim A. Cairy ’77
Mark E. Cairy ’71
Michael D. Calbaum ’84
John R. Calder ’52
Douglas A. Caldwell ’78
Philip J. and Anne Callen
Ronald E. Callender ’80
Howard R. Callies ’71
Dorothy H. Calvert ’69
Mark D. Camp ’81
Matthew G. Camp ’99
Brian D. Campbell ’87
John E. ’74 and Janet R. ’75 Campbell
John E. ’90 and Ruth H. ’90 Campbell
Robert K. Campbell ’84
Jeffrey C. Canner
Douglas D. Carden ’59
Dennis S. Cardin
Helen M. Cardin
Jodie L. Carey ’90
Kyle J. ’04 and Tina M. ’08 Carey
Nancy T. Carey ’66
Mark W. and Mary Carignan
Dan W. and Alleine L. Carl
Janet R. Carl ’83
Lavonne M. Carl ’71
Duane A. and Konnie Carley
Jacqueline H. Carley ’94
Brenda J. Carlson ’72
Curtis P. Carlson
Don L. Carlson
Erik W. Carlson ’08
Jeffrey D. and Laurie Carlson
Lois R. Carlson ’79
Robert S. Carlson ’90
Maryann C. Carmody ’76
David A. Carnahan ’71
Rodney A. Carns
Gregory R. ’69 and Larilyn M. ’70
Ron L. Carpenter ’72
Kevin G. Carr ’82
Michelle L. Carr ’10
Walter E. ’55 and Marian J. ’57 Carroll
Marjorie B. Carroll ’71
Michael W. Carroll
Phillip C. Carroll ’74
Lowell R. Carter ’66
Parry L. Cartier
Craig R. Casey ’76
Michael S. Casey ’90
Sarah M. Casey ’01
Allen D. and Laurie Cash
Francis J. and Rose A. Cash
Matthew P. ’04 and Connie L. ’05 Cashin
Judy G. Casler ’74
David P. Casper ’83
Larry J. Casper ’86
Aaron and Andrea D. ’96 Cass
Jerry C. Cassel
Jacob J. Cates
Joseph D. and Dannette Cates
Andrew J. ’86 and Sally J. ’89 Caulfield
William J. Cavalco
Joe N. Ceniti ’62
Donna M. Cerqua
Stephen J. and Sushma Cerro
James A. ’76 and Janet L. ’76 Chaffee
Charles H. and Jackie Chamberlain
Kayla C. Chambers ’00
Robert W. Chambers ’55
William C. Chambers ’07
David R. ’71 and Sandra K. ’70 Champeau
Roger L. Champlin ’69
Stephen J. ’00 and Connie J. ’91 Chandler
Winifred P. Chandler ’38
Martin C. Chapin ’81
Chris A. Chapin-Tilton
Sean P. ’97 and Janelle R. ’98 Chapman
Norman W. and Marilyn R. ’97 Chappell
Roselyn J. Chappell
Bill Charboneau ’71
Fred R. ’61 and Fava J. ’59 Charles
Monique A. Charlier ’87
Adam L. Charnstrom ’05
Wayne R. ’97 and Kim A. ’97 Chase
David A. ’73 and Sheri L. Chellevold
Kimberly M. Cheney
Lawrence L. Cherrey ’49
Rita J. Cherry
Scott L. Cherveny ’90
Brian M. and Haley K. Childers
Larry R. ’91 and Lori L. ’87 Chipman
Cash E. Chitwood ’95
Craig C. Chitwood ’71
James M. ’69 and Kay P. ’71 Chitwood
James A. Chitwood
Rose E. Chitwood ’60
Jason J. Chopp ’03
Harriet (Shimabukuro) Choy ’57
Jeffrey J. and Cynthia Christen
Roger C. Christensen ’61
Lynn A. Christiansen ’91
Christina L. Christianson
Ruth A. Christianson ’68
Terrill S. and Maletta M. Christman
Thomas J. ’78 and Sheri R. ’78 Christman
Brett M. ’07 and Ashley M. ’07
Randy L. ’92 and Ann M. ’82
Terrance L. Chronert ’71
Robert J. Churchill ’64
Joseph M. and Rose M. ’87 Cibulka
Timothy J. Ciolkosz ’88
Jeffrey L. Clapp ’79
E. Robert Clare
Christopher T. and Susan M. Clarey
Cindy N. Clark ’05
Dana M. Clark ’09
David W. and Pamela Plote-Clark
Lawson “Skip” Clark ’70
Margaret E. Clark ’68
Mike A. Clark
Peter J. Clark ’80
Robert P. Clark ’59
Bill H. Clark ’66
Al F. Clary ’74
Bruce A. Clary
Todd A. ’95 and Angela L. ’91 Clary
Donna R. Clasen ’53
Joe R. Clausius ’69
Lisa R. Claussen ’87
Cyril V. Clayton
Donald K. and Lynette Clayton
Orlo J. Clayton
Patrick J. Cleary ’67
Peter E. Cleary ’65
Paula M. Cleggett ’73
Michael L. and Vicki L. ’81 Cleland
Scott C. Clement
Peter P. ’78 and Rebecca J. ’81 Clementi
Bernard G. and Theresa Clements
Russell W. Cleven ’77
Edward C. and Elizabeth Clift
Eric C. and Kelly K. Clifton
Joseph M. ’76 and Alice K. Clifton
Greg D. Cline ’80
Tom O. Cline ’65
Troy J. Cobb ’97
Michael J. Cody ’77
Ronald N. and Tina Coenen
Tom M. and Lori Coenen
Angela M. Cohen ’97
Kurt L. ’91 and Becky A. ’93 Cohen
Barbara J. Cole ’79
David R. Cole
James W. Cole ’94
Andrew W. Coleman ’08
Gerald B. Coleman ’76
Leo S. Collins ’86
Peter W. Collins ’89
Elmer M. Colyer ’81
Lawrence J. and Rita Conard
Paul J. Condon
Randall W. and Sue Condon
Scott W. Conklin
Ann E. Conley ’89
Terrence P. and Carolyn Connelly
Brian T. Conner ’85
John W. Conners ’64
Joe and Pam Connolly
Neil C. Connor ’69
Mary I. Connor ’74
Dennis F. Conohan ’74
David C. and Kala M. Constant
Brian K. Converse ’88
Robert Conway
Quinn A. Coogan ’09
Charles E. and Alyce L. Cook
Dave K. Cook ’79
David E. and Carol L. Cook
John F. Cook ’82
Jeff R. ’70 and Vera A. ’69 Cooke
Rodney C. and Melissa M. Cooley
James E. Coomber ’64
Douglas L. Coons ’70
Barbara Cooper
J. Frances Cooper ’62
Ronald P. and Angela M. Cooper
Vivian I. Cooper ’72
Andrew T. Coose ’93
Denny D. Coppernoll ’67
Lonnie L. ’71 and Patricia A. Coppernoll
David A. Coppock
Gary J. and Carla J. Corbett
Charles R. and Catherine A. Cornett
Peg Cornils Luke
Charlene R. Corrigan
Kurtis R. and Caren T. Corrigan
Constance M. Cosgrove ’72
Daniel Costin
Edward B. and Rosemary L. Costin
Lawrence R. and Sarah Costin
Michael J. and Joan K. Costin
Sean F. and Lisa Costin
Tim E. Costin and Patricia McAvoy-Costin
Robert R. and Donna Cotter
Jim D. Cottrill ’89
Christopher J. Courtney ’99
Richard H. Cowan ’71
Ronald L. Cowan ’70
John W. ’69 and Bonnie K. ’72 Cox
Frederick G. Coxey
Geoffrey W. Crabtree ’71
Bradley L. Craig ’85
Jackie L. Craig ’93
Ronald J. Crane Jr.
Thomas V. and Janet Crary
Sheryl A. Crawford
Robert M. Crisp ’86
Thomas E. Crocco
Jon K. ’75 Cronin and Belinda J. ’73
David O. and Laura L. Croonquist
Oscar J. and Mary J. Croonquist
Dennis B. and Karin D. Cross
Kenneth E. Crothers ’79
James E. and Joanne Crotty
Tim and Rita M. ’84 Crotty
Steven P. Crouch ’76
Jeanette K. Crowley ’76
Sam A. ’00 and Elana D. ’00 Crueger
Pete J. Csiacsek ’78
Kimberly A. Cubbie
Patricia A. Culbertson ’70
Aaron P. Cullen ’96
Amber L. Culver ’76
Anna Beth Culver ’49
Carson K. ’67 and Marilyn K. ’68 Culver
Jack D. Cummings
James L. Cummings ’63
Gary A. Cummins ’73
Donald R. Cupp ’80
Gene A. Cupp ’72
Robert L. Cupp ’76
Deborah B. Cureton
David J. ’75 and Janet M. ’78 Curley
Patrick E. Curran ’62
Mary M. Curt ’58
John E. Curtis ’91
Sue A. Curtis ’77
Thomas J. Curtis ’69
Cynthia J. Cushing
Terry R. Cushman ’76
Thomas S. Cushman ’72
Janice G. Czarnecki
James H. Czechanski ’83
Scott A. Czysz ’86
Larry D. Daehn ’75
Emmett P. Dagens
Lucas V. ’01 and Keycia M. ’02 Dahlvig
Mike R. Dailey ’79
David M. and Georgine Daino
Charlene M. Daisy
Evangelos C. Dalageorgas ’64
Michael G. ’79 and Brenda L. ’79 Dalecki
Meagan J. Dallman ’10
Keith E. ’85 and Kathryn L. ’86 Dalsing
Mark M. Dalsing ’88
Stephen J. Dalsing
Hugh J. Dalton ’63
Terrence B. Dalton ’71
Troy J. Dalton ’90
Rodney K. and Melinda Damhoff
William W. ’68 and Jean E. ’69 Damm
John A. and Betsy L. Damon
Dennis L. ’61 and Barbara E. ’57 Damrau
Denise A. Danczyk ’00
Mike J. ’87 and Michelle R. ’87 Daniels
Nancy M. Daniels ’78
Duane C. and Nancy Danielson
Jennifer L. Danielson ’04
Marcella E. Danti ’65
Steven K. Dantoin
Mary J. Dare ’59
John D. and Marissa J. Darlington
Richard T. ’52 and Barbara L. ’55 Darnill
George A. Das
Eleanor W. Dasenbrook ’68
Kathryn L. Daugherty ’58
Dawn L. Daughhetee ’47
John M. David ’76
Nicholas A. David ’09
Dennis A. Davidson
Margaret L. Davidson ’70
Doug B. Davies ’59
Marjorie E. Davies ’45
Mike F. Davies ’80
Nadine J. Davies
Thomas D. Davies ’59
Wayne A. Davies ’72
Daniel C. Davis ’04
David F. ’61 and Patricia A. ’82 Davis
Harold D. Davis ’69
Peter D. ’94 and Janelle H. ’99 Davis
Lee T. Davis
Lynn R. Davis ’71
Marion W. Davis ’44
Mary E. Davis ’61
Mason R. Davis ’64
Paul E. Davis ’88
Ralph C. Davis ’48
Ronald G. Davis ’62
Sandra L. Davis ’74
Gary R. ’68 and Anna M. ’62 Davison
Gerry A. ’43 and Jeanne E. ’44 Davison
Joel R. and Renee E. Davison
Marilyn E. Davison ’69
Donald R. Day ’87
Ralph E. ’50 and Madge L. Day
Jennifer K. Day-Nelson ’90
Jason D. Daye ’02
Vevlon Days-Jackson ’74
David J. De Bruine ’76
Thomas F. De Bruine ’89
Cindy R. De Gonda ’84
Charles J. De Grave ’78
Stacey M. De Groot ’91
Stephanie K. De Long ’79
Katie M. De Wees ’98
Robert L. and Barbara Deamico
H. William Dean ’77
Barbara A. Dearth ’74
Denise M. Deaton-Tolzman ’93
Rich J. Decker ’70
Rodney P. and Karlene Decker
Tim J. Decorah ’92
Paul G. Dedie ’61
Matthew F. Dedrick ’94
Kandi A. Deerfield ’92
Lorie T. Deering ’87
Christine T. Degarmo
Janet S. Degenhardt ’56
Dennis A. Degner ’65
Mitchell M. Dehn ’10
Fredric G. and Ellen Deines
Ronald E. Deiter ’71
Vicki Dejno
Gregory A. Del Mastro ’84
Jeffrey A. Delonay
Robert K. and Rebekah A. Demaree
Robert W. and Lynn Demaree
Luke J. Demerath ’88
Owen R. ’73 and Mary E. Demo
Christine E. Demory
Ray L. Dempsey ’81
Robert W. Dengel ’49
Wendy S. Denk ’72
Michael A. Denn ’74
Gregory J. ’69 and Diane R. ’69 Dennis
David S. Denowski ’88
Courtney K. Dentice ’07
Kathryn T. DePauw ’06
Joel G. Deremo ’97
Daniel C. Derrickson ’72
David W. and Shelly Deshane
Albert J. DeSimone
Amy J. Dessner ’02
Bill J. Determan ’68
Phillip M. and Ann L. ’69 Dettwiler
Peggy O. Dettwiler ’70
Helen M. Devlin ’40
John M. and Jan Devos
Dennis E. Deyo ’71
Emily A. Dhingra ’01
Eloy and Paula Diaz
Carol A. Dibble ’66
Kay M. Dickson ’68
Marian A. Diece ’71
Paul A. ’89 and Tara L. ’88 Dieck
Douglas W. Diedrick ’66
Harold P. Diers ’48
Donald L. ’57 and Fran C. ’58 Dieter
Keith A. and Deborah Dieter
Daniel A. and Brenda Dietman
Dan R. and Virginia Dietmeier
Amy B. Digman ’02
Marilyn J. Digman ’68
Robert A. and Roselyn Digman
Stephen T. Dikkers ’75
Carol J. Dillmann
Todd A. Dillmann and Mary Walker
Tom J. ’64 and Judy T. Dillon
Maxine J. Dimick ’41
Virginia L. Dimick ’91
Roger L. and Sharrie Dingbaum
DeAnn A. Diprima
Marshall S. and Jodi L. Dirks
Frederick K. Disch ’67
Joseph J. Disch ’63
Phillip R. Disch ’67
Ronald B. Disch ’63
Dawn M. Dischler ’83
Dan C. ’81 and Karen L. ’81 Dishno
Sarah E. Disi ’65
Tim P. Ditter ’09
Richard E. Dittmar ’71
Elizabeth M. Dixon ’70
Bill C. Dixon ’71
Lloyd L. ’86 and Betty J. ’86 Dlask
Michele J. Doan ’90
Amber J. Dobberpuhl ’09
Charles D. Dobson
Lois L. Dobson ’49
Thomas F. ’67 and Ruth A. ’65 Dobson
Peter S. and Bridgett B. Dockery
Brock I. Dockter
Timothy R. ’72 and Jean A. Dodds
Roger D. Dodds ’69
Mark J. Doelger ’74
Dan H. Doelz
Richard N. ’65 and Mary L. ’67
Ronald A. ’73 and Jean A. Doersam
Roger L. Doescher ’65
John E. and Melinda D. Doherty
William T. and Mary A. Doherty
Francis R. and Joni S. Dohmen
Paul T. Dolan
Robert P. and Gloria Dolfin
Randy and Joyce Dolister
Gaylord N. Dolphin ’58
Doug A. Dombeck ’73
Shirley M. Donahue ’59
Danny G. Donatell
Joseph J. Dondlinger ’08
Mark J. Doneux ’85
David D. Donisi ’74
James P. Doperalski ’82
Arvid D. Dopp ’56
Deborah R. Dorak ’77
Dermott W. and Lisa Doran
Edward L. ’77 and Barbara A. ’76 Dorff
Thomas D. Dorner
Jeffrey A. and Lynette S. ’89 Dornink
Gerald W. Dorscheid ’59
John D. Dorshorst ’74
Janet C. Doser ’66
David M. ’05 and Heather M. ’05 Dotzauer
Mary E. Dougherty ’91
Michael B. Dougherty ’76
Michael L. Douglas ’82
Robert A. Douthit ’75
Gregory M. and Patricia Dow
Ted E. Dowell ’92
Ronald E. and Rhonda Downing
Diane E. Downs ’77
Marc D. Downs ’84
Scott L. ’86 and Joni L. ’84 Downs
Peter R. Doyle ’60
Sylvia J. Doyle ’65
Roger L. Drach
Adam G. ’02 and Erin J. ’01 Draeger
Peter Draeger ’74
Heidi A. Drafall ’99
Rita A. Dragani ’76
John D. Draheim ’70
Carolyn S. Drake ’93
Doug and Maria R. ’72 Drake
La Verne E. Draves ’50
William C. and Lisa Drees
Daniel J. Dreessens ’97
Michael P. Dreger
Fred J. ’86 and Elizabeth A. ’83 Dreher
Marilynn J. Dressler ’86
Juanita D. Drew ’61
Bruce A. Drews ’86
Richard J. and Cynthia Drida
Dale T. Drinsinger
Timothy J. and Gayle Driscoll
Gail M. Droessler ’59
Jeff J. ’90 and Lori A. ’90 Droessler
Mike J. Droessler
Penny K. Droessler
Susan L. Droessler ’88
Tom J. and Mary Droessler
Travis T. Droessler ’08
Conny R. Droeszler ’08
Franny and Debby Droeszler
Douglas R. Drogemuller ’84
Peter D. Drone ’72
David M. Drury
Jeanne K. Druschke ’74
Jerry L. Dryer ’66
Erick M. and Molly L. Dubuque
William J. Duchaj ’91
John L. Ducharme ’89
Steven Ducharme
Velda J. Ducharme ’68
Ann L. Duchow
Mark A. Dudek ’84
Steven L. ’74 and Ann K. ’74 Dudzinski
Matthew L. Duel ’04
Merlyn M. Duerst ’48
Thomas J. ’88 and Donna J. ’87 Duerst
Kenneth F. Duescher
Dennis F. Dufenhorst ’62
Chris A. and Michele M. Duggan
John P. Duggan ’77
Sally A. Duggan ’61
Christine A. Dulian ’88
Darrell K. and Sue Dummer
Julie C. Dunbar ’86
Carol M. Dunlap ’68
Julie A. Dunn ’87
Margaret K. Dunn ’87
Michael G. Dunn ’70
Pat C. Dunne ’85
Douglas J. Dupont ’69
Francis J. and Jo Ann Dupre
Leonard J. and Laurie E. Dura
Sandra B. Durant
Augustus C. Durdin ’66
Kenneth R. Durfee Sr.
David B. ’78 and Jean M. ’78 Durni
Dan C. Durst ’94
Tim N. Durst ’07
Stephen L. Duwe ’72
Jeannette L. Dvorak ’68
James A. Dworak
Randel L. and Valerie J. Dymond
Linda M. Dziedzic ’79
Linda F. Eades
Rick J. Eagen ’90
Todd A. Eake
Shannon J. ’91 and Tricia A. ’94 Ealy
Sharon A. Easley ’75
Mary O. Eastwood
Dawn R. Eberle
Terry J. Eberle ’71
Shirley A. Eberlein ’54
Allen L. Eck
Elizabeth C. Eck ’87
Mark L. Eckelberg
Franc J. ’50 and Ruth E. ’50 Eckerman
Todd A. Eckstaine
Helene M. Ederer ’60
Paul A. ’87 Ederer and Judy L. ’88
Johnson Ederer
Robert J. Ederer
Patrick and Deb L. Edge
Orlyn P. ’61 and Jana Edge
Donald B. Edgerton ’71
Mark R. Edwards ’77
Verne E. ’47 and Dolores I. ’44 Edwards
Todd G. Effinger
Jim B. Egan ’66
Karen M. Eggers ’89
Lee G. Eggers ’91
Richard W. Egley
Bob G. Ehlenfeldt ’75
Lyle M. ’71 and Jeanne B. Ehlers
Robert C. Ehlers ’75
Carroll D. Ehrke ’64
Barbara E. Eichelkraut ’67
Lynne E. Eichinger
Gary W. ’61 and Sandi J. ’60 Einerson
Ronald L. ’56 and Delores J. ’56 Einerson
Sherry K. Einerson ’84
Dirk A. ’80 and Susette Einsweiler
Kurt D. Einsweiler ’77
Brian Eisentrout Family
Lee E. ’72 and Barbara J. ’72 Ekblad
William A. Elbert ’79
David L. Eley Jr. ’77
Mary L. Eley ’58
Anna M. Ellefson ’75
Jack H. ’76 and Judy G. ’75 Ellickson
Gordon C. Ellingson
Christine R. Elliott ’94
Larry J. Elliott ’67
Richard R. and Arlene L. Elliott
Scott G. and Leslie A. Elliott
Barry L. and Terri Ellis
Lucille E. Ellis ’37
Jon R. Elmer
Debra Elsinger
Neil H. and Barb Elskamp
Nina L. Elskamp ’99
John M. Elvekrog ’73
Joseph G. Enders ’97
Gerald H. and Diane Endres
Jane F. Endres ’77
Jeffery D. Endres
Paul J. Endres ’57
Carolyn M. Eness ’89
Ralph E. Engbring ’55
Neil R. Engel ’89
Daniel M. Engelke ’86
Tim T. Engelke ’83
Mark T. Engelson ’78
Richard H. and Sandra L. Engemann
Betty M. Engen ’74
Collette L. Engerson
Cindy S. Engler ’73
Julia R. Engler ’84
Keith C. Englesby ’64
Bruce H. Enke ’79
Richard E. ’82 and Linda M. ’82 Enloe
Robert W. Enloe ’72
Steven D. and Sondra Enstrom
Greg J. ’95 and Sherri M. ’93 Enz
Sheila J. Eppinger ’65
Jack A. Erb ’68
Ethan J. ’74 and Janet J. ’68 Erdman
Alexander Erickson ’56
Bruce R. Erickson ’62
David H. Erickson ’70
David L. Erickson ’71
David R. Erickson ’72
Dawn S. Erickson ’80
Ed K. Erickson ’60
Eleanor M. Erickson ’42
Ellen L. Erickson ’50
Eric C. and Lisa M. Erickson
Fred A. ’59 and Christina Erickson
Ken J. Erickson ’50
Lavonne E. Erickson ’64
Mavis N. Erickson
Virginia A. Errthum ’66
Rita M. Esch ’88
Steven J. Esch ’87
Frank R. and Marcene Eshelman
Randy J. Esser ’88
Richard C. Esser ’84
Sean P. Esterhuizen ’84
Joseph J. and Rose Marie Estock
Richard P. Estrem-Fuller ’64
Philip A. Ethridge ’78
Ted A. Evans ’72
Jim B. Eveland ’51
Thomas R. Even ’70
Eric J. Evenstad ’03
Joel T. ’70 and Audrey L. ’81 Evers
Melissa R. Everson ’04
Truman J. Everson ’76
Arlen B. ’62 and Eleanore J. ’62 Ewers
Lori E. Ewers ’86
Mamie O. Ewers
Daniel M. and LaVonne Ewert
Stanley E. Ewing ’62
Guy K. Ewoldt
Mark S. Faber ’79
Nicholas S. Faber ’10
Timothy R. Faber ’83
Michael P. Fack
Dennis M. and Pat Faherty
Michael J. Faherty
Patrick E. Faherty ’73
Bill W. Fahrenbach ’49
G. Dan Fairchild and Nancy J. ’84 Fairchild
Elizabeth C. Falk ’91
Dimitri I. Fanopoulos
Joseph P. Farley ’70
Timothy E. Farnham ’79
Kevin R. Farrell
Suzanne M. Farrey
David R. ’60 and Rebecca K. ’60 Farris
James H. Fassbender ’77
Curt D. ’79 and Robin E. ’85 Fatzinger
Joan R. Faull ’76
Gerald L. and Jill Faurote
Scott A. Faust ’88
Gary L. and Mary S. Faxon
Rachael A. Feakes ’64
Kathleen A. Fecht ’72
Ryan L. Fecht ’96
Ryan C. Fecteau ’04
Michael T. ’78 Feehan and Janet L. ’75
Andrew F. and Mary A. Feher
Valentine J. ’58 and Barbara J. ’58 Feiner
Gerald C. and Patricia Feist
James F. Felber ’74
Grace L. Feller ’63
Curt A. Fellows ’91
Nancy L. Fellows ’72
Sandra L. Fells
Victor R. Fenhaus ’80
Michael S. and Laura L. ’92 Fenley
Francis E. Fennell ’83
Cheryl A. Fenner-Speicher ’93
Jean M. Fenske
Christian L. Ferchau
Chad C. Ferguson ’96
Sherill Hellpap Ferguson ’62
Thomas A. Ferguson ’70
Van G. Ferguson ’84
Lori A. Ferguson-Borton ’88
Steven A. Fernan
Tracy L. Fernette ’05
Dale L. Ferron
Jon N. Fessler
Allan L. Fetterly ’67
Gregory A. Feuling
John P. ’73 and Andrea T. ’87 Feyen
Gary W. ’79 and Rondi A. ’79 Feyereisen
Ann M. Fichtinger ’86
John M. Fico ’82
Donald D. and Chris A. Fidler
Kenneth C. and Diane Fiedler
Michael S. and Madalyn Field
Jack R. Fields ’85
Kevin P. Figy ’94
James C. ’58 and Judith A. Fillback
Mark O. Fillback ’96
John P. Fillion, PE ’74
Larry W. Fine ’77
Cecilia A. Fink ’88
Craig H. Fink ’94
Janet L. Finn ’81
Thomas J. Finnegan ’95
Thomas J. and Patricia A. Finnegan
Arthur J. Finnigan ’69
John H. and Amanda Fisch
David P. Fischer ’69
Roland R. Fischer ’77
Sue M. Fischer ’85
Tony E. Fischer
Donald R. ’81 and Corinne A. ’81 Fish
Charlie D. and Cristy L. Fisher
James B. and Connie J. Fisher
Kathleen A. Fisher
Mark A. Fisher ’90
Tom R. Fishler ’72
Kurt A. and Susan L. Fisk
Molly K. Fitzgerald ’86
Dean W. ’81 and Karen M. ’79 Fitzsimons
Dale W. ’71 and Doris ’72 Fitzsimons
Nick J. Fix ’07
Erica S. Fjelsted ’09
Michael J. and Rhonda K. Flaherty
David J. Flanagan ’77
Richard J. ’66 and Nancy D. ’68 Flanagan
Patrick J. Flannery
Glenn J. Fleege ’71
Trevor A. ’01 and Tanya E. ’04 Fleege
David G. Fleming ’74
William V. Flemming ’67
David C. Flesch ’67
Sara E. Flesch ’03
Scott S. Flesner ’84
Geoff P. Fletcher ’84
Harry R. ’55 and Barbara Fletcher
Alan J. and Rosemary J. Flikkema
Jeremy A. Flikkema ’09
Mark S. and Wendy J. Flinner
Dolores C. Flogel ’53
Steve J. Flogel
Dan J. and Wendy Flood
Matthew R. ’94 and Tammy S. ’93 Flora
Joseph L. Flottmeyer ’61
Trent W. Fluegel
Connie Flug ’62
Amy S. Flynn ’90
Candy A. Flynn ’77
Thomas J. Flynn ’62
Adam G. ’97 and Carolyn J. ’97 Flyte
Kevin J. Fochs ’00
John R. Foerst ’60
Chris P. ’00 and Denelle D. ’97 Foerstera
Kimberli A. Foesch ’95
Colleen A. Fogo ’74
Joshua J. Fohner ’10
Linda L. Foht
Timothy J. Foht ’88
Harold L. ’76 and Arla M. ’82 Folbrecht
Donna J. Foley ’79
Mike L. Folgate ’99
Bob E. Folgate ’70
Heather R. Fonseca ’03
Walter M. Footit ’76
James T. Foral
Robert E. Ford
Curtis M. Forester ’68
Joan M. Forman ’71
Leah R. Forseth ’02
Ralph H. Forseth ’67
Ronda E. Forseth
Erik A. Forshaug
Patrick W. ’88 and Stephanie A. ’91
Scott R. Forsythe
Deborah L. Fortman ’92
Duwayne W. Fortney ’62
Randall W. ’84 and Ruth M. ’84 Foss
John T. Foster ’73
Anne Foster ’70
Mark E. Foster ’81
Patricia Foster
William A. Foster ’87
Mark R. Foulker
Janet L. Fouts
Michael W. and Karen A. Fowell
Angela C. Fowler ’71
Jim R. Fowler ’79
Marjorie G. Fowler ’69
Nancy L. Fowler ’80
Jim L. Fox ’89
Leah Ottensmann Fox ’54
Steven J. ’90 and Sharon L. ’90 Fox
Joseph F. and Sharon Foy Jr.
Jack E. ’51 and Eleanore M. ’51 Frame
Scott J. Francis
Barry J. Francois
Patrick E. Francois
Stuart L. Francone ’84
Charles G. Frank
Jerome T. Frank
Melvin R. Frank
Neil A. and Diane Frank
Trevor J. Fransene ’10
Thomas J. and Karin A. Frantz
Charles Q. and Quin D. Franz
Timothy A. and Maureen K. ’90 Franz
Leslie J. Franzen ’98
Anne M. Frederick
Bill A. and Arlette M. Frederick
Mark T. ’86 and Kari S. ’86 Frederick
Stephen E. and Karen Frederick
Merlin E. Fredrickson ’63
Timothy R. Fredrickson ’86
Lonnie L. Freeman ’75
Gary D. Frei
Bill M. Freidig ’91
Holly B. Frey ’08
Marilyn K. Frey ’66
Dennis D. ’69 and Trudie L. Freymiller
Michael J. Friar ’79
Tom L. ’73 and Judy A. ’73 Friar
Kim A. Friebel ’08
Scott P. Friedl ’99
John T. Friess
Carrie J. Frischmann ’92
Duane V. and Laurie J. Fritz
Gary W. Fritz ’78
Roger E. Fritz ’90
Bruce A. ’78 and Susan R. ’78 Fritz
David R. Froh ’65
Spider W. Fromader ’71
Delores A. Fromolz ’99
Donald R. Fronk ’66
Paul S. Froode ’72
Karla J. Frost ’77
Beuford G. Fry ’60
David L. and Karen K. Fry
Donald E. and Elda M. Fry
Francis P. Fry ’65
Jerry D. Fry ’70
Paula L. Frye
Mary E. Frymann ’50
Jason J. ’98 and Stacy A. ’98 Fuehrer
Jason R. Fuhrmann ’07
Sharon L. Fuller ’79
Susan C. Fuller
Thomas K. Fuller
James K. Fullerton ’85
David J. and Lori A. Fure
George B. Furey ’79
Kerry A. Furlong ’83
Betty A. Furman ’89
Jill A. Fussell ’68
Robert S. and Diane K. Gabbey
Robert F. Gabbey
Robert C. Gabel ’69
Jeffrey U. Gafner ’90
Karen Gagne
Stephen G. Galarneau
Betsy M. Galbraith ’98
Thomas L. and Lisa L. Gale
Jeff L. Gallagher
Stephen C. Gallano ’71
Joseph A. ’75 and Margaret M. ’66 Galle
Mahnaz Ganjian ’10
Gerald J. Garbis ’65
Cory J. Garcia ’05
Gloria Garcia
Robert Garcia ’72
Glen F. Gard ’67
Greg G. Gard ’95
Jeffrey M. Gard ’01
Merle L. Gardiner ’58
Michael D. ’81 and Karen L. Gardner
Craig C. Garfoot ’80
Paul W. and Kathy Garity
John W. ’71 and Shirley M. ’64 Garner
Michael A. ’91 and Lisa D. ’91 Garner
Gary S. and Veronica Garrison
Bill H. Garvens ’73
Gail W. Garvey
David D. Garvin
Craig J. ’04 and Angie M. ’02 Gasior
Michael R. Gasper ’92
Doris A. Gasser ’58
Timothy R. Gasser ’90
Gerry G. Gast ’62
Todd M. and Lynette J. Gates
Thomas E. Gatzke ’70
Gregory S. Gauerke ’06
David J. Gavin ’69
John R. Gavin ’75
Craig J. Gavran ’76
Brian E. Gayhart
Sandra J. Gaylord ’74
Dennis A. Gebel ’74
Nathan A. Gebert ’02
Judy L. Gebhard
Kelvin G. Gebhard ’88
Lawrence S. Gebhardt ’88
Kifle G. Gebremedhin ’73
Donald J. Geddeis ’71
Amanda M. Geddes ’10
Robert B. Geenen
John R. Geise
Joseph C. Geisler ’72
Kathryn J. Geissbuhler ’51
Steve R. Geissler ’96
David W. Gelbach ’69
Errol D. ’07 and Elizabeth J. ’09 Gelhaar
Dana L. Gempler
Marvin L. and Lanette Genskow
Aldo S. and Loana Gentile
Norman E. Gentry ’73
Daryl L. George ’83
Nancy A. George ’74
Robert E. ’60 and Patricia J. ’61 George
Chad M. Georgeson ’91
Jim M. and Shelley Gerber
Roger D. and Constance J. Gerber
John D. Gerbitz ’83
John E. ’69 and Alice M. ’71 Gergen
Wayne J. Gerlach ’79
Stephen A. Gerst
Karen L. Gesky
Rose M. Gesky
Gary T. and Cheryl Getchel
Marvin I. Getty ’76
J. Tom ’70 and Victoria M. Gevelinger
Steven M. Gevelinger ’81
Judith A. Gibbon ’69
Randy W. and Judith Gibbs
John F. Gibson ’88
Kenneth D. Gibson ’82
Mark R. Gibson ’81
Robert L. Gibson ’73
Sonya S. Gibson ’92
Robert L. Giddings
Ernest D. Giebel
Lucus M. Gierach ’99
Allan R. Giese ’77
Cheryl A. Gieseke
Florence Gifford ’66
Bonnie G. Gift ’60
Sharon K. Gilberts ’66
Don R. Gilbertson ’61
Gary L. Gilbertson ’74
Jim E. ’71 and Bernita C. ’71 Gilbertson
Michelle A. Gilbertson
Peter J. ’97 and Tami J. ’90 Gilbertson
Jay P. Gilboy ’85
Thomas A. Gildersleeve ’83
Dawn M. Gile ’89
Gwen J. Gill ’50
Midge J. Gill ’73
F. LaVerne Gillespie ’71
Elaine J. Gillitzer ’73
Scott J. and Joan Giltner
Gordon V. Gimski ’68
Gordy T. Gingras ’80
Jonathan P. Girard ’98
Kendall B. Gladem ’60
Thomas C. and Jodel K. Glaeser
Nathan C. Glasbrenner ’07
Harriet E. Glass
Larry D. Glass ’67
Lenny K. and Sharon Glass
Paul W. and Jeanna Glass
Jean A. Glasser ’64
Bradley J. Gleason ’76
Jerry A. ’82 and Ann K. ’82 Gleisner
Kevin J. Glendenning
Richard F. ’61 and Donna L. ’61
Karl J. and Elizabeth A. Glenn
Keith L. Glewen ’75
Kenneth J. and Kathleen Glodowski
Brian J. ’05 and Nichole L. ’04 Glynn
John W. Glynn ’67
Henry J. Gmeinder ’46
Curtis L. Gobeli ’70
Emma I. Godfrey ’65
Peter A. and Cynthia A. Godfrey
Inez M. Goecks ’62
Gary L. Goehring ’85
Marlis T. Goessling ’72
Perry T. Goetsch ’77
Gordon B. Goetzman ’81
Bob G. and Jill Goffinet
Brian B. and Anne Gohlke
Carolyn J. Gohlke
Teri Jo Gohlke-Stenli
Roger E. ’63 and Judy L. ’92 Goke
Lester R. Goke ’56
Orville Goke ’57
Gary J. ’81 and Beth A. ’81 Goldberg
Patrick J. Golden ’64
Thomas W. Golden ’72
Braden L. Golinski ’01
Chris M. Golke ’01
David P. Golke
Scot A. Golliher
Francis X. Golubski
Judith A. Gonder ’71
Deborah A. Gonnella ’94
Robert M. and Terry Goodall
Mary G. Goodman ’79
Christopher O. Goodney ’93
Rodney D. ’78 and Judith L. ’81
Scott D. Googins
Jim W. Goonan ’91
Ronald G. Goplin ’73
Richard L. Gorder
Thomas S. and Rita S. Gore
John C. and Sandy Goree
Brian W. Gorman ’86
Terry K. ’73 and Jeri O. ’72 Gorman
Christopher T. Gorzek ’88
Deb I. Gosa ’02
Robert A. Gosewehr ’73
Joy E. Gossman Ticsay ’83
Shelly M. Govert ’84
Karen L. Govier ’75
Kimberly C. Govier
Randy J. ’76 and Linda L. ’76 Govier
Mary F. Graber ’71
Steven T. Graber ’00
Thomas C. Graber ’68
Jason C. Grade
Christopher R. ’85 and Lori L. ’85 Grady
Thomas F. Grady ’65
Christopher A. Graf ’49
William N. Graff
Cynthia Graham
Gary A. Graham ’60
Jim and Carol Graham
Mary Ellen Graham ’64
Robert J. and Jayne Grahn
Esmerelda Granados
George H. Granger ’64
Kristin J. Grant ’91
Leota E. Granzow ’58
Paul M. and Taya Granzow
Peter T. and Kim Grasee
BJ Grass ’99
Judy A. Grasser
Dale A. Bender and Amy J. ’85
Ronald M. Gratz ’99
Shawn D. Gratz ’94
Susan M. Gratz ’77
David J. Graupman ’85
Brad L. Graves ’95
Clifton H. Graves ’80
Tom A. Graves ’80
Charles H. Gray ’63
Dee D. Gray ’52
Gary R. Gray ’64
George O. Gray ’61
Laura E. Gray
Thomas E. ’73 and Paula J. ’70 Gray
Jeffery P. and Janice Grayson
Chris P. and Jeanmarie Graziano
Mark J. and Patricia A. Graziano
Michael J. Great
John R. and Dyan L. Greeley
Adam M. Green ’10
Dale R. Green ’61
Marcia R. Green ’69
Mary A. Green ’68
Steven M. Green ’66
Ronny D. Greene ’62
Jeffrey L. Grefe ’75
Eric L. ’87 and Jennifer A. Gregerson
Michelle R. Gregor ’93
Charlotte A. Gregory ’66
W. Lawrence and Cynthia A. Swann
Tyrone D. and Janet S. Greive
Alissa L. Grenawalt ’99
Dean P. Grenawalt ’74
Jim A. ’70 and Cathy L. Grenzow
Thomas and Nancy M. Greuel
Robert K. Griffith ’53
Gail A. Grimm ’72
Gary W. Grimm ’64
Ralph W. Grinde ’67
Walter S. ’72 and Marcia M. ’71 Griskavich
Jerry G. Griswold ’74
Jerry R. Griswold ’69
Katherine A. Griswold ’72
Daniel M. ’89 and Christine L. ’89
Jeff G. and Sue Groeschl
Daniel T. Groh
Ed M. and Gayle E. ’90 Gronski
Philip M. Grosnick
Gerald J. and Cathleen A. Gross
Mark A. Gross ’79
Melissa K. Gross ’97
Paul Grossberg & Dean Ziemke
Phillip R. ’71 and Karen A. ’70 Grover
Dennis D. and Mary Gruber
Donald A. ’59 and Carol J. ’58 Gruber
Rob R. ’94 and Laura K. Gruber
Michael F. Grulke ’94
Richard F. Grulke ’90
Jodean E. Grunow ’63
John P. Grunsted ’89
Michael G. Grzesiak ’07
Oscar Guajardo
Mark A. Guard ’06
Ronald J. and Margaret M. Gucwa
Cory R. Gudowicz ’08
Joe J. Guenther ’63
Ralph J. Guerin ’70
Jorge E. and Anne Guiral
Darrel J. ’67 and Ruthann J. ’67
Mary J. Gundlach ’71
Bob E. Gundlach ’72
Ryan A. Gundlach ’02
Jon M. Gundry ’60
Steven J. and Roxi Guralski
Karen E. Gust ’67
Roger P. Gustke ’53
Jerry W. and Candace S. Guth
Lisa A. Gutknecht ’83
Kerry L. Guttenberg ’83
Jeffrey J. and Laurie Guza
Patricia A. Haack ’00
Amanda M. Haag ’08
Dennis E. Haakenson ’09
Charles J. Haas ’60
Mark G. ’80 and Joan L. ’80 Haas
Randall G. Haas
Ronald A. ’70 and Heidi R. ’70 Haas
Jane M. Haas Schwoerer ’72
Kay L. Haase ’76
Kevin J. Habeck ’84
Dave J. Haberman ’80
Cynthia A. Hach ’90
David J. Hach ’91
Allen W. Hackett
Daniel O. and Karen A. Hackl
Jeffery A. and Jacqueline L. Haddon
Michael J. Hadler ’87
Lon M. and Sarah E. Haenel
Michael J. and Debra Haessler
Greg A. Hafeman ’94
Robert W. and Nepomocena U. Hafran
Edward E. Hagemann ’65
Jeffrey R. Hagemann ’84
Brian J. Hagen ’99
John A. ’84 and Carol R. ’84 Hagen
Kevin B. Hagen ’74
Duane O. and Florence F. Hageness
Katelin R. Haglund ’06
Rebecca L. Haglund ’89
Randy L. and Theresa Hagstrom
Eugene F. and Diane K. Haguewood
Dale E. Hahn
Delores E. Hahn ’57
Donald J. Hahn ’65
Edward J. Hahn ’87
Priscilla M. Hahn ’97
Rudolph M. and Thelma Hahn
Geriann W. Haines ’79
James R. Hake ’71
Nancy A. Hake ’94
Abe S. Hakim ’68
Michael H. and Marjorie Halberg
Tim A. Haldiman ’75
Genevieve A. Hale
Lisa A. Hale ’84
Brian P. and Patricia I. Hall
Harlan S. ’67 and Gerri J. ’66 Hall
Leigh Anne Hall
Frank A. and Connie M. Ritchie-Hallada
Randy T. Hallet
Paul D. Hallingstad ’60
Amy M. Halloran ’88
Daniel N. and Lisa D. Halloran
Carroll W. Halsted ’59
John H. Haltmeyer ’62
Gregory A. Halverson ’87
Homer J. ’56 and Norma J. ’55 Halverson
Mark S. Hamel ’00
James P. and Julie Hamilton
Karl N. Hamilton ’84
Stan F. Hamilton ’65
Stephen D. Hamilton ’83
Leonard W. Hamman ’82
Lana R. Hammel ’63
Ben A. Hammen ’08
James B. Hammer ’84
Mike Hammer ’66
William J. ’78 and Susan A. ’78 Hammes
David A. and Darci L. Hampson
Charles P. ’88 and Christin M. ’89
James D. Hampton
Ron L. ’96 and Chantel R.’99 Hampton
William J. and Sharon Hamshire
Edward A. Hancock ’76
Alexandra M. Handlos ’09
James C. ’81 and Cathy Hanegraaf
William F. and Carla A. Haney
Mary Jean Hanfeld ’68
Andrew G. Hankes ’81
Betsy A. Hanna ’98
Robert W. Hannu ’74
Ardith K. Hansen ’71
Barbara L. Hansen ’73
Catherine M. Hansen ’99
Donna M. Hansen ’90
Douglas R. Hansen
Gary L. Hansen ’75
Jenna L. Hansen ’07
Jim P. Hansen ’94
Joyce Hansen ’47
Steven R. ’88 and Kimberly M. ’89 Hansen
Linda L. Hansen ’66
Matt G. Hansen ’91
Michael T. ’88 and Lissa S. ’88 Hansen
Nicole M. Hansen ’06
Shirley A. Hansen ’47
Brad and Ann F. Hanson
Craig A. ’89 and Cathy M. ’88 Hanson
Dan J. Hanson
Dominic M. Hanson ’04
James G. and Patti Hanson
Larry A. Hanson ’71
Marvin L. Hanson ’59
Norman C. ’65 and Carol B. ’70 Hanson
Percival L. Hanson ’49
Roland J. Hanson ’59
Sandra K. Hanson ’70
Terrence A. Hanson ’69
Thomas J. ’75 and Beverly (Schutz) ’73
Von A. Hanson ’81
William C. Hanson ’69
Leo R. Hanus ’84
James L. ’58 and Ina Harasha
Benjamin R. Harbach Sr. ’71
Richard W. ’69 and Kathleen D. ’71 Harder
Samuel E. Hardin ’61
Craig E. ’89 Hardy and Janet E. ’91
David H. ’75 and Carolyn B. ’82 Hardy
Gary G. Hardy ’67
Danny J. Hardyman ’01
Richard F. Hardyman ’85
Timothy J. Hardyman ’81
Steve J. ’71 and Barbara E. ’71 Haring
Marjory E. Harker ’69
Nancy J. Harker ’75
Wendell A. Harker ’57
David A. Harmon ’90
Donald P. and Dorothy R. Harms
Margaret M. Harms ’41
Francis W. ’63 and Marti E. ’63 Harness
Mark L. Harnois ’76
Dale S. Haroldson ’66
James B. Harper ’81
Marjorie D. Harpold ’72
Ronald E. ’69 and Jody A. ’70 Harrell
Bernie W. and Mary Carol Harris
Carol A. Harris ’97
Jack S. Harrison
Thomas D. Harrison ’85
Roger W. Harteau
James J. Hartung ’88
Stanley J. Hartung ’56
Jamie S. Hartwig ’99
Robert W. ’74 and Mary A. ’75 Hartzell
Jennie M. Hartzheim ’04
Patrick K. and Patti Harvat
Alfred (Skip) S. Harvey ’47
Darrel D. and Grace M. Haskins
Robert J. Haskins ’62
Chuck E. Hassel ’66
Thomas W. and Katherine J. Hasson
Diane M. Hatzinger-Radloff ’66
John P. Hauer
Edward C. Haug
Mark R. Haug
Barbara M. Haugen
Kenneth A. Haugom ’70
James J. Hauser ’83
Kevin R. Hauser ’89
Roger E. ’61 and Ann K. ’60 Hauser
Eugene P. Hausner ’67
Bill B. ’01 and Bridget M. ’03 Haussmann
James B. Havlik ’95
Royce A. Havlik ’58
Roland K. ’95 and Kristi L. (Patterson) ’92
Hawk Jr.
Rick W. Hawkins ’75
Don W. Hawkinson ’69
Richard P. and Rachelle Haworth
Thomas A. ’83 and Joni E. Hayden
John R. Hayes ’68
Michael H. Hayes
Pam J. Hayes
Gerald E. Hazen ’78
Timothy R. Hazen ’78
Dana L. ’73 and Sharon A.’72 Heal
Jenny E. Heal ’01
Michael J. and Linda Heal
Dennis D. Healy ’70
Dan M. Hearden ’92
Mike and Nancy Hearn
Becky J. Heck ’92
Jim R. ’69 and Linda L. ’67 Hedrick
Betty M. Heer ’59
Shelly L. Heer ’95
Ronald P. and Diane Heffron
Lillian E. Hefty ’76
Jeffrey H. ’76 and Jane A. ’89 Heibel
Carletta A. Heide ’71
Donna M. Heideman
Ben J. Heidemann ’10
Tracy A. Heidenreich ’94
Dale B. Heiking ’91
Paul A. Heikkinen ’66
Eva H. Heim ’63
Heidi A. Heim ’90
Earl W. ’77 and Cindy L. ’77 Heimerdinger
Dave E. Hein ’80
Eugene W. Hein ’53
Mike D. Hein ’71
Wade D. Heinen ’99
Kenneth A. ’77 and Kim K. ’79 Heinrichs
Maynard F. ’68 and Jonna C. ’68 Heins
Judith A. Heinschel
William F. ’84 and Elizabeth J. ’85 Heinze
Julia M. Heinzeroth ’74
Curtis G. Heise ’73
Ted G. Heiser ’70
Tom S. ’74 and Karen K. Heiser
Cassie A. Heitz ’03
Jeff D. Helbing ’84
Daniel J. Helgeson ’78
John T. Helgeson ’74
Daniel F. Helgren ’77
Kay L. Helker ’71
Brian W. Helle ’05
George K. ’71 and Susan M. ’71 Hellert
Gregory P. Hellner ’85
Janice M. Helm
Gordon E. Helmeid ’62
Julie A. Helmer
Carl C. Helmich ’84
Lowell C. Helms
Walter J. Helregel
Julee R. Helt ’80
Ralph D. and Stacie R. Hemling
Chad C. and Thea D. Hempel
Jacinta J. Henden ’82
Philip L. Henden
Raven N. Henderson ’03
Carol A. Hendricks ’89
Harriet E. Hendricks ’65
Margaret A. Hendricks ’64
Charles M. and Angela Hendryx
Molly K. Hengst ’01
Anne N. Henkel ’67
Joan M. Henkel ’68
Dennis E. ’70 Hennessey and Linda M. ’71
Mary Jo Hennessy ’78
Daniel J. Henning ’10
Keith G. Henning
David A. Henningfeld
James M. Hennings ’63
Harvey K. and Kathy Henningsen
William D. ’63 and Rita H. ’63 Henquinet
Michael R. Henriksen ’74
Stephen R. and Denise M. Henry
Jason E. Henschler ’94
Jeffery E. Herbers ’80
Christine K. Herbst ’73
Donald V. and Barbara L. Hermestroff
Dustin V. and Ruby I. Hermestroff
Shirley Herndon
Juan M. Herrera
Martha I. Herrera
Scott A. Herrman ’85
Jerome L. ’79 and Corinne M. ’78 Herro
Mark P. Herro ’82
Kevin K. Hersey ’72
Steven M. Hershberger
Kevin K. Hertrampf
Nick E. Herzfeldt ’94
Brian B. and Lori J. Hesprich
Andrew L. ’87 and Amy L. Hess
Catherine A. Hess ’73
Dave W. Hess ’87
James E. and Jane E. Hess
Larry C. and Marilyn Hess
Dick L. Hess ’54
John R. Hessenthaler ’63
Martha A. Hestad ’70
Steven F. ’81 and Kathy M. ’80 Heth
Ronald S. Hett ’70
David P. Hetzel ’72
Allen G. ’71 and Ruth F. ’71 Hewitt
Paul R. ’85 and Christine A. ’91 Hicks
Robert L. Higgins ’77
Keli M. Highland ’00
Mark J. ’72 and Anita K. ’71 Highland
Michael J. Hildebrand
Daniel J. ’88 and Michelle A. ’92 Hilfiker
Karl A. Hilker ’92
Ryan M. and Anne M. ’94 Hill
John P. Hill ’60
Mark E. and Teresa Hill
Mary L. Hill ’66
Jeffrey A. Hillary ’83
Dorthy E. Hillerson ’70
Chuck M. Hillery ’70
Merville J. Hillery
Elizabeth A. Hillestad ’69
Lucile Hillestad ’96
Mark D. ’78 and Candace A. ’77 Hilt
Larry C. Hinders ’65
Robert D. and Nancy Hinds
Norman M. Hines ’80
David J. Hintz ’84
Fred W. and Michelle A. Hintz
Patrick N. Hintze
Karl N. Hinz ’89
Jay W. ’67 and Ann L. Hinze
Lyle F. Hird ’51
Jeffery S. and Debra L. Hironimus
Karl F. ’72 and Jane M. ’73 Hirsbrunner
Larry J. ’69 and Mary K. Hirsbrunner
Thomas J. and Jennifer A. Hirsch
Thomas P. and Margaret Hite
George F. Hnilicka ’50
Mark R. Hoague ’80
Jim P. Hobbick 75
Kevin D. and Shirley Hobson
Pamela J. Hobson ’80
Lisa A. Hochevar
Victor and Barbara L. Hockett
James K. Hocking ’68
Heidi G. Hodges ’88
David J. Hodgson ’82
Anthony M. Hoecherl
Lance D. Hoefflin ’83
Kimberly D. Hoefs ’86
Richard L. Hoege ’90
Kevin W. Hoeper ’94
Terry A. Hoeper ’62
Jason L. Hoeppner ’92
Jeff M. Hoerning
Joseph N. and Sandra J. Hoerning
Scott J. Hoerz
Donald J. Hoeveler ’74
Michael P. Hoff ’66
Cheryl M. Hoffman
Doug K. Hoffman
Jeffrey J. Hoffman
Michael A. Hoffman ’88
Steven A. Hoffman ’85
Steven F. Hoffman ’71
Tom J. ’87 and Teonna M. Hoffman
Ben M. ’98 and Amy E. ’97 Hoffmann
David and Ann Hoffmann
Scott M. and Ann Hoffmann
Gerald E. and Shirley Hofmaster
Jim W. Hofrichter ’79
Kevin and Donna J. Hogan
Mary Ann Hogan
Ruth C. Hogan
Margaret L. Hohenstein
Gordon E. Holcomb ’59
Paul L. and Marianne Holcomb
Richard L. and Pennie L. Holeton
Nancy A. Holihan
Betty R. Holland ’51
Leo L. Holland ’63
William E. and Lisa Holland
Kathleen A. Hollatz ’63
Steven D. Hollewell ’70
Kathleen M. Holley ’81
Larry M. Holliday ’72
Elaine E. Hollinger ’87
Leland E. Holm ’63
Dale M. Holmen ’73
Christine A. Holmes ’71
Kevin J. Holoubek ’87
Amanda A. Holst ’06
John C. Holt ’03
Kenneth A. ’89 and Jennifer E. ’90 Holte
Nina L. Holte ’89
Andrew R. Holtorf ’09
Carol J. Holtsapple ’67
Bradley P. Holtz ’84
Dennis M. and Mary K. Holtz
James W. Holtz ’83
Sharon L. Holtz ’93
Clyde A. ’87 and Deborah J. ’97 Holverson
Daniel T. Holverson ’77
Jean E. Holzer ’46
Paul R. ’75 and Val Holzhueter
Ronald G. Holzhueter ’69
Bonnie S. Homuth
Jeffrey L. Hongisto
Tony M. Hook ’97
Mary H. Hook ’75
Robert J. and Barbara J. Hooker
Walter J. and Lynda Hooker
Everett A. ’65 and Bette L. ’67 Hooks
Diane M. Hooper ’84
Roger L. Hoover
Rosemary C. Hoover ’76
Donald L. and Sandra J. Hopkins
John L. ’66 and Jean ’67 Hopkins
Lois M. Hopkins ’69
George R. Hoppen ’85
Debora A. Hoppenjan ’85
George W. Hoppenjan ’70
Kenneth A. Hopper
Mark R. and Lisa Hoppman
Steven G. and Deb Hoppman
Anne E. Hore ’91
Amanda J. Horn ’05
Deanne S. Horn
James W. ’69 and Joyce M. Horn
Jean H. Horn ’66
Linda M. Horning
Jamie H. and Heather Horsfall
Russell M. and Karen Horst
Ryan R. ’05 and Sarah K. ’06 Horst
David L. Horton ’63
Jack D. Horton ’62
Marguerite A. Hotz
Dean A. Houlberg ’74
Rick T. House ’75
Charles J. Housner ’82
John W. Hove ’67
Elizabeth A. Howard ’74
Fred and Linda Howard
Homer L. Howard ’50
Marion A. Howard
Gerald R. Howe ’51
Jane A. Howell ’65
John C. Howell ’56
Jon R. ’62 and Dixie L. ’63 Howell
David A. Hoyme
David A. Hoyt ’74
Dale A. Hrdlicka ’88
James R. and Stacy Hribar
Christopher W. Hrubes
David K. Hubanks
Thomas D. and Lisa Hubbard
Raymond G. ’86 and Alice J. ’86 Hubert
Tony J. Hubl ’95
Robert W. Huck ’84
Steven C. Hudson ’75
Daniel M. ’81 and Carrie L. ’81 Huebner
Gary E. Huenefeld ’71
James and Sue S. Huff
Bill E. Huff ’59
James S. Huffman ’64
Patricia C. Huggett
Joseph G. ’71 and Sally J. ’67 Huggins
Bradley W. Hughes ’91
Daniel L. Hughes ’89
James W. Hughes ’86
James R. ’81 and Katherine A. ’82 Hughes
Kimberly A. Hughes ’98
Lynn A. and Julie Hughes
Tom L. Hughes ’74
Donald L. Huinker ’71
Beth A. Hulen-McCumber ’92
Bernadette J. Hull ’81
Roger J. Hull ’50
Ronald M. and Linda Hulst
Eileen E. Humes
Erik P. Humlie
Joseph W. Hummel ’52
Gerald T. Hundt ’10
Gregory C. Hundt ’97
Catrice L. Hunt ’97
David A. Hunt ’78
Douglas W. Hunt ’81
Barbara I. Hunter
Steven M. Hupert ’89
William J. Hupke ’87
Norm R. Hurlburt ’71
Helene T. Hurley-Magee ’71
Cheryl G. Hurst ’71
Rosemary A. Hurst ’53
Allen E. Husmann
Jeffrey T. Huss ’77
Md A. Hussain ’84
Marvin A. Hustad ’53
Tracey L. Hustad ’91
Kimberly R. Huston ’91
Wilbert W. Hutchens ’81
Jim B. Hutchison ’79
Noel C. and Susan Hutton
Sandra K. Huxtable ’83
Brad J. Huza ’76
Don R. ’55 and Dorothy V. ’56 Hyde
Marilyn K. Hydrick ’63
Bruce M. Hying ’93
Paul F. Hying ’78
Phyllis M. Hying ’42
Allan E. Hyland ’08
Elizabeth J. Hynek ’71
David M. ’86 and Laura M. ’86 Hynek
Lora L. Hynek ’76
Grant P. Ienatsch ’62
Florence T. Ignarski ’87
Kathy M. Igou ’03
Daniel R. Ihde ’97
Penny L. Ihlenfeld-Croft ’91
Linda M. Ihm ’89
Ursula M. Imhoff ’40
Timothy P. Ineich
Kevin M. and Linda A. Ingenthron
Scott V. and Karen J. Ingwell
Scott T. Inman ’08
Amy Irish
Erin L. Isabell ’88
Wally C. and Kathleen A. Iselin
Ryan C. Iserloth ’10
David E. ’83 and Christine A. ’84 Iserman
Timothy J. ’82 and Darlene B. ’85 Isom
Bret R. ’89 and Carol E. ’90 Iverson
Mitchell J. Iverson ’86
Richard B. Ivey ’67
Robert C. ’66 and Lynette E. ’67 Ivey
Danielle M. Izdepski ’96
Brian P. and Andrea Jablonsky
Jeffrey J. ’03 and Amanda M. ’05 Jackson
Kenneth L. Jackson ’66
Robert E. Jackson ’57
Mark T. Jacob ’80
Jean M. Jacobs ’99
William J. Jacobs Jr. ’64
Christopher J. Jacobsen ’72
Tony J. Jacobson ’85
Carla J. Jacobson ’83
Dan T. Jacobson ’79
Jeffrey J. Jacobson ’93
John P. and Terri Jacobson
Dr. Jeff D. and Rev. Kathy J. Jacobson
Pam C. Jacobson ’71
Tom L. ’74 and Cynthia S. ’76 Jacobson
Michael G. Jacques ’73
Gary H. and Shari M. Jaeger
Marty J. ’86 and Sara A. ’86 Jaeger
Winton K. ’52 and Mary Jean ’51 Jaeger
Lisa J. Jahnke ’82
Donald L. Jakubisin ’84
Christine M. James ’94
David J. James ’63
Gary P. James
Jason M. James ’05
Peggie L. James ’78
Robert G. ’74 and Barbara A. ’74 James
Roger L. James ’86
Harlow R. ’63 and Marcene R. James
Jennifer L. James-Baker ’83
David L. Janda ’79
Bob S. Janes ’81
David A. Janiszewski ’73
James W. Jankus ’57
Brian G. Jankuski ’90
Martin J. Janowak ’92
Dorothy A. Jansen ’58
Johannes P. and Jeanine Jansen
Mike A. Jansen ’87
John M. Janssen ’70
Nick T. Janssen ’05
Peter R. Janus ’87
Thomas E. and Jan L. Janus
Jeff C. Janz ’76
John P. Jarvis ’85
Whitney J. Jarvis ’08
Brian C. Jayne ’76
Anthony M. and Sandra Jaynes
Richard L. and Terri L. Jedlicka
James D. Jefferies ’83
Greg D. Jeffers
Thomas A. and Deb Jefferson
Robert M. and Kristin Jeffries
Jim L. ’79 and Linda M. ’91 Jegerlehner
Cathy L. Jellings ’89
Jay B. Jellison
James B. and Kathleen Jendusa
Thomas L. Jenner ’73
Ann K. Jensen ’72
David L. Jensen ’69
Dean A. ’80 and Lori J. Jensen
Denise A. Jensen ’86
James J. Jensen
Louise C. Jensen ’89
Stephen U. Jenson ’74
Dianne L. Jentz ’92
Paul R. Jentz ’58
Thomas L. ’89 and Julie M. ’90 Jentz
Russell R. Jerome ’99
Larry C. Jerrett ’78
Paul E. Jesberger ’70
Lyle E. Jeske ’83
Carl H. Jessen ’57
Karen K. Jessen ’74
Neal F. Jessie ’68
Greg A. Jewell ’86
Steve F. Jewell
Steven C. Jirschele ’78
Mark C. ’72 and Arlene S. ’72 Jobgen
Willard H. Jochimsen ’63
Robert and Wendy A. Jochum
Dean W. ’68 and Barb J. ’67
James D. Johanns ’81
Kent D. Johannsen
Nicholas and Bev J. Johansen
Greg M. and Barbara Johll
Jay R. ’03 and Julie A. ’02 Johll
Ron R. ’68 and Jane A. ’68 Johnsen
Billie L. and Carol Johnson
Brenda K. Johnson
Brian M. and Katie L. Johnson
Bruce D. Johnson ’57
Carl R. Johnson
Clarence E. Johnson ’77
Craig C. Johnson
Dale L. and Margaret A. Johnson
Dana L. Johnson ’85
Daniel A. Johnson ’77
David L. Johnson ’63
David A. ’82 and Jane E. ’83 Johnson
Dean A. ’00 and Pam S. Johnson
Dennis L. and Mary Johnson
Douglas L. Johnson ’69
Elizabeth L. Johnson ’49
Eric R. and Theresa Johnson
Gordon L. Johnson ’57
Herb G. Johnson
Jeffrey J. Johnson ’75
Jennifer R. Johnson ’91
Jerry F. Johnson ’79
Lisa R. Johnson ’88
Lori L. Johnson ’01
Mark E. ’79 and Judy J. ’79 Johnson
Mark S. and Brenda Johnson
Maxine L. Johnson ’39
Michelle M. Johnson ’84
Paul M. Johnson ’59
Perry C. ’71 and Connie D. Johnson
Ralph S. Johnson ’80
Becky L. Johnson ’91
Reid C. Johnson ’95
Bob L. Johnson ’98
Roger O. Johnson ’62
Russell D. Johnson ’08
Sandra K. Johnson ’72
Scott E. Johnson ’88
Shelly M. Johnson ’91
Terry L. Johnson ’75
Thomas J. ’79 and Katie A. ’81 (McGinley)
Timothy J. ’89 and Brenda L. ’88 Johnson
Timothy C. and Rebekah Johnson
Todd W. Johnson ’93
William E. Johnson ’80
Amy E. Johnson-Holmes
Stuart M. ’84 and Carol M. ’81 Johnston
Edward A. and Colleen L. Johnston
Jim W. Johnston
Mark Johnston
Marlyn O. Johnston ’73
Nancy J. Johnston ’80
Robert L. Johnston ’66
Scott E. Johnston ’90
W. Bracken Johnston
Donna M. Jolley ’79
James H. and Sally A. Jolma
Keith A. Jonas ’96
Samuel J. ’71 and Peg ’75 Jonas
John E. ’85 and Catherine J. ’85 Jones
Daniel J. Jones ’98
David D. and Mary L. ’67 Jones
David W. Jones ’79
David P. ’81 and Cathy L. ’80 Jones
Denise L. Jones ’95
Jay A. Jones ’76
John R. ’56 and Joan V. ’57 Jones
John W. ’58 and Christine H. Jones
John A. Jones ’80
Joyce E. Jones ’55
Kent S. Jones
Lorilee Jones ’83
Lucas A. Jones ’06
Neale R. Jones ’65
Robert W. Jones ’57
Robin A. Jones
Scott J. and Tina Jones
Charles E. Jordan Jr. ’52
Dennis W. Jordan ’94
Lynnette R. Jordan ’68
Philip K. Jordan ’92
Theresa M. Jordan ’84
Douglas A. Jorgensen ’67
Jeffery M. Jorgensen
Rolyn K. Jorgenson ’61
Todd W. Jorns ’86
Gloria A. Joseph ’89
Richard G. ’71 Josh and Kandace K. ’74
Russ C. ’71 and Maureen R. ’70 Josh
Bob F. and Rita Joski
Mark J. ’70 and Laura L. Joyce
Pat T. and Ruth A. ’79 Joyce
Tim J. Juedes ’09
Jack W. and Charlene R. Juergensen
Roger J. Julian ’69
Robert J. and Lori Jung
Bruce R. and Laurie A. Juppe
Neal E. Jurss
Michael E. ’70 and Sandra L. ’70 Kabele
Betsy A. Kacizak ’90
In Honor of Son Jeff Kahl
Rebecca L. Kahl-Trollop
Karl W. and Sharon L. Kahler
Corey J. Kaiser ’05
Daniel C. Kaiser ’80
Elmer S. ’80 and Colleen R. ’83 Kaiser
Gerard J. Kaiser ’88
Marlene M. Kaiser ’56
Ronald A. and Connie L. Kaiser
Stephen M. Kaldunski ’84
Mike A. ’87 and Pam S. ’87 Kalinosky
Thelma R. Kalinosky ’92
Kent T. Kallembach ’98
Thomas C. Kalsow
Dennis L. Kamin
John K. and Lori Kammel
Brian J. ’99 and Erin C. ’02 Kammerer
Frederick R. ’77 and Sandra A. ’77
Lenora M. Kampmier ’60
Dan G. ’79 and Ruth A. Kamps
Delores J. Kamps ’56
Jane E. Kamps ’58
John G. Kamps ’85
Kenneth G. ’59 and Lois Jean ’69 Kamps
Kimberly K. Kamps ’87
Peter L. and Laura Kamps
Donald E. Kane ’57
Thomas P. ’79 and Linda L. ’84 Kane
Betsy J. Kanelos ’82
Glenn L. Kanitz ’53
Mark A. Kann ’82
Phillip R. Kapraun
Joseph A. Karijolich
Daniel T. Karleski
Thomas J. and Dolores M. Karleski
Jim L. Karls Jr. ’97
Susann H. Karnowski ’97
Chuck A. Karow ’89
Glenn J. Karpinske ’79
John R. Karsten ’78
John J. Karsten ’06
Kathryn A. Karsten ’09
Margaret F. Karsten
Kenneth F. ’70 and Janis R. ’74 Kartman
Mark R. and Amy S. Kartman
John R. Kaske ’52
Gary R. Kassen ’83
Eugene H. Kastenson
Joseph L. Kaster ’62
Mark J. Kaul ’75
Kelly J. Kavanagh ’85
Donna R. Keacher ’65
Jessica J. Keao ’06
Norman J. Kearney
Keli L. Keat ’08
Richard J. Keene Jr.
Robert C. Keeney ’78
Eric L. Kees ’07
Kim O. Keesey ’79
Mark A. Keesey ’81
Jo Ann L. Kehrli-Merlau ’70
Steven C. ’80 and Erna M. ’81 Keil
Steven P. Keil ’74
Steven D. Keleher ’85
Janet K. Wikum-Keller ’81
Jeanene A. Keller
Mark D. Keller ’87
Tina R. Keller ’91
Kate A. Kelley
Ray J. Kelley ’79
Sue L. Kellicut ’70
Randal J. Kellner ’84
Kenneth L. Kellogg ’63
Patrick R. Kellogg
Bryan C. Kelly ’04
Dennis G. and Annamarie Kelly
Kate A. Kelly ’60
Kevin L. and Kathleen Kelly
Mary E. Kelly
Patrick J. and Marybethe M. Kelly
Bob J. Kelly ’75
Anthony A. ’86 and Ellen T. ’86 Kemnitz
Lawrence A. Kempf
Gail A. Kempfer ’64
David R. and Carol A. Keneway
Scott D. and Karen Keneway
Dorothy Kennedy ’52
Erin T. Kennedy ’97
Pat A. Kennedy ’56
Thomas J. Kennedy ’84
Karl R. Kennicker
Mark S. Kenny
Raymond J. ’52 and Virginia H. ’48 Kenny
Dianne I. Kenseth ’58
James L. Kent
Lawrence W. Kent ’73
Robert S. ’68 and Bernice A. ’68 Kepler
Glen L. ’70 & Jean L. Keppy
Martin D. Kerkenbush ’88
Tony F. Kern ’00
Mary Lou Kern ’57
Bill S. Kern ’97
Donald H. Kerr ’70
Curtis L. Kerscher ’77
Gary L. Kersten ’68
Victoria A. Kersten ’91
Jennifer L. Kessler
David M. Kettle ’95
Jeff J. Keuter ’92
John T. Kevern ’04
Patrick A. Key
Mary R. Keyes ’50
Nasser Kiarang ’66
David E. Kieffer ’77
Ted R. Kieffer ’82
Allen J. ’73 and Linda L. ’74 Kiekhefer
Jeffery R. Kiel ’81
Daniel F. Kieler
Debra E. Kieler ’77
Donna S. Kieler
Jackie A. Kieler
Neil F. and Charlene Kieler
Ruth M. Kielley ’49
Nicole E. Kielman ’02
Dan J. Kies
Gary T. Kies ’61
Kenyon C. Kies ’64
Nancy S. Kies ’71
Susan J. Kies ’91
Ryan E. Kilburg ’08
Jeff J. Kilcher ’82
Michelle S. Kilgas ’94
Daniel C. Killian ’90
Jason E. Kilps ’93
Barbara J. Kinane ’61
Marion J. Kincannon ’62
Victor C. Kincannon ’70
Kirk J. ’83 and Deanne D. ’83 Kindred
Richard and Diane B. King
Kelly J. King
Lavonne M. King ’73
Roger J. King ’60
Jacqueline K. Kingeter ’61
Matthew C. and Kathleen R. Kinley
Kenneth L. Kinney
Mary B. Kinney
Michael J. Kinney ’58
Patrick K. Kinney ’61
Ralph V. Kinney ’64
Sally J. Kinney ’69
Bernie C. and Ginny Kinnick
Lisa L. Kinsman ’99
Paul E. Kinsman ’79
Richard G. Kinsman
John M. and Christine Kinzel
Glenn O. ’50 and Beatta A. ’65 Kipfer
Theresa M. Kippley ’85
David F. Kirby
Donald J. Kirby
Jack ’54 and Nancy K. Kirby
Randall R. Kirchberg
Linda M. Kirchen
Joanne C. Kirchgassner ’64
David A. and Judy Kirchner
Rea H. Kirk
Brad D. Kirkeeng ’88
James B. ’67 and Carol B. ’67 Kirkpatrick
Mary Alice D. Kirkwood
Alan J. and Ann Kirschbaum
Stanley P. ’49 and Joyce W. ’49
Gregory J. ’87 and Kathleen A. ’88 Kish
Karen M. Kisting ’79
Rick D. Kisting ’97
Scott D. ’94 and Andrea K. ’02 Kittel
Lisa M. Klaas ’82
Robert E. Klaas ’77
Glenn M. Klaassen ’85
Kim D. Klahsen ’79
Karl D. Klar ’68
Ralph H. Klassy ’71
Richard T. Klatt ’65
Kevin J. Klawinski ’81
Shirley J. Klebesadel ’83
Jean M. Kleckner ’60
Linda A. Kleckner ’84
Mary-Pat A. Klee ’74
Stephen J. Kleefisch ’74
Cameron P. Klein ’08
Phillip J. ’82 and Cathy R. ’84 Klein
David J. ’70 and Connie A. Klein
Joseph J. and Lisa M. Klein
Kay M. Klein ’67
Missy M. Klein ’08
Kenneth M. ’85 and Teresa M. ’85 Klein
James C. ’92 and Geri A. ’92 (Klein) Shank
Susan M. Klema ’81
Darrel D. Klemp
James B. Kliebenstein ’69
Marie R. Kliebenstein ’41
Richard F. Kliebenstein ’75
Dick F. and Mary L. Klinger
Mark J. and Barb Klinger
Paul L. and Geralyn Klinkner
Larry D. Kloepping ’85
John W. and Mary Kloet
Richard L. and Karen J. Klomsten
Jeffrey L. Klopfenstein
John L. Klopotek ’67
Kenneth L. Klopp ’70
Carolyn M. Klotz ’64
Kevin R. Klubertanz ’88
Randi J. Kluesner ’74
Matthew J. Klug ’86
Narleene S. Klug
Jeremy J. ’97 and Theresa J. ’95 Klysen
David M. and Catherine F. Knapp
Donald B. Knapp ’70
Jason T. Knapp ’98
Kraig L. and Rhonda M. ’04 Knapp
Stuart L. ’71 and Mary E. ’71 Knappmiller
Jeffrey J. Knatz ’93
Thomas J. ’71 and Marge K. ’71 Knauer
James P. Knautz ’73
Jesse A. Knee ’99
Randy R. and Maria Knickmeier
Jordon L. Knier ’06
Robert A. ’77 and Jill V. ’84 Knight
David R. Knipfer
Philip B. ’64 and Sharon R. ’64 Knobel
Larry Knoble
Elaina R. Knoble-Janney ’06
Lee N. ’75 and Sue C. Knoche
Greg E. Knoke ’67
Todd A. and Mary Knolle
Jeremy M. and Lacy A. Knoop
Steve L. and Margaret Knoop
James A. ’81 and Laurie J. ’81 Knop
Gary C. ’68 and Harriet M. ’69 Knops
Barbara L. Knox ’95
Bruce L. Knox ’72
Douglas C. Knox ’72
Duane T. and Michelle M. Knox
Todd D. Knox ’03
Curtis H. Knudtson ’74
Raymond J. Knudtson ’69
Wayne G. Knudtson ’76
Michael H. ’90 and Lesa L. ’89 Knuth
Tim A. Knuth ’02
Bart P. Knutson ’82
Dennis L. Knutson
Gilbert A. Knutson ’84
Gordon R. Knutson ’71
Lois E. Knutson
Robert C. Knutson ’74
Vernie R. Knutson ’65
Jerry R. Kobiske ’74
Henry P. Koch ’60
Jeff J. Koch
Mary Jane Miller Koch ’71
Laura B. Kochanowski ’07
John D. and Kim Koechley
John C. Koechley
Robert F. Koehn ’58
Karen A. Koeller ’92
Larry J. Koenen ’88
Ronald J. Koenen ’81
Calvin J. Koenig ’53
Jeffrey A. and Erika Koenig
Stanley L. Koenig ’68
Tim R. Koenig ’84
Kody J. Koepke ’84
David J. and Lori Koepp
Keith A. Koeppel ’90
Cletus L. and Carole J. ’59 Koester
John R. Kohl ’71
Michael D. Kohl ’08
Ronald G. Kohlbauer
Marvin G. Kohlbeck ’53
T.J. Kohlenberg ’96
John R. Kohli ’69
Janice L. Kohls ’56
Mary E. Kohls ’67
Jeff P. Kohlstedt ’87
Michael A. ’81 and Sharon K. ’82
Neil R. Kohn ’57
Robert D. Kohn ’69
Michael J. Kohnle ’99
Jeffery E. and Sue Kojis
Gary E. Kolb ’78
John E. ’72 and Chris M. ’72 Kolenda
Richard J. Koll
Kurt D. Koller ’95
Greg R. Koltermann
David L. and Catherine A. Komprood
Eric K. Komprood ’88
Wayne N. Konkle ’59
Dorothea Steppler Konkol ’47
Michael E. Konruff ’92
Paul F. and Dawn Kons
Tamara T. Koop ’78
Roger K. Koopman ’71
Justin T. Koopmans ’08
Thomas J. Koos ’71
Dawn A. Kopecky
Fredrick P. and Terry Kopitzke
Eric J. Kopp ’01
Joseph D. and Kathy J. Kopp
Kim C. Kopp ’86
Steven J. ’75 and Dawneen M. ’76 Kopp
Thomas K. ’78 and Connie R. ’72 Kopp
Deanna M. Koralesky ’78
John D. and Jo Ann Koronkiewicz
Helen K. Koutny
Douglas A. Kovars ’72
Joseph R. Kovars ’71
Gloria J. Kozicki
Daniel J. Koziczkowski ’96
Brian J. and Kory J. Kozlowski
Dennis R. Krachey
Jeremy F. Krachey ’95
Kevin J. Kraemer ’77
Richard E. Kraemer ’71
Mary J. Kraemer-Blabaum ’70
Ben S. Krahenbuhl ’67
Gregory H. Krahn ’69
Terry M. Kramer ’69
Tony J. and Melinda M. Kramer
Fred P. Krantz ’62
William G. Krantz ’88
Pat A. Kranz ’95
Donald J. Kratcha ’60
Tom and Louise A. ’95 Kratochwill
Rob J. Kratochwill ’65
David E. Kratzke
David R. Krause ’80
Harlan L. and Janet M. Krause
Josh T. Krausse ’09
Francis L. and Jayme Krautkramer
Ferdinand W. Krawczuk ’72
Michael G. Krawczyk ’74
Douglas A. Kregel ’02
Orville E. and Traci A. Kreitzmann
Susan D. Kremer ’71
James J. Krenek ’65
Bruce A. ’74 and Shirley K. ’73 Krenzke
Sharon K. Kress
Charles R. Kretchmer ’06
Tom J. ’01 and Sarah R. ’04 Kretschman
Kris C. ’03 and Amy M. ’01 Kreul
Gerald N. Kreutzer ’66
Dorothy M. Krey ’63
Jeffery W. Krier
Robert M. Kriewald ’84
John W. Krinke ’97
Ahalya Krishnan ’69
Stephanie L. Kroeger ’00
Steven R. Kroeger
Jeffrey P. ’79 and Paula J. ’80 Kroes
Jean Krogman
Neal J. and Jill Krohlow
David K. ’72 and Kay G. ’74 Krohn
David J. Krohn ’61
Marcus E. Krohn ’62
Bruce B. ’89 and Caroline A. Kroll
Leroy B. Kronebusch
Cal B. Krueger
Gary R. Krueger
Kurt A. Krueger ’88
Paul M. and Mary L. Krueger
Peter K. Krueger ’78
Roy A. Krueger ’82
Larry L. Krug ’60
Matt S. Krug ’07
Ariel Y. Kruger
Craig R. Kruger
James R. Kruger ’78
Don W. ’03 and Krista L. ’05 Kruger
Jeffrey P. ’91 and Heidi J. ’91 Krumenauer
Beth R. Krupke
James C. Krupke
Jerold A. Kruse ’72
Rebecca I. Kruse
Greg M. Krusiec
Michael R. ’71 and Laurel J. ’73 Krutza
Jessica M. Kubalek ’99
Sue Kubasta
Timothy D. ’84 and Geri A. ’85 Kubatzke
Brent F. Kube ’08
Jacqueline M. Kubicki
Walter J. Kubly ’55
Allison K. Kuchenbecker ’08
Lee C. Kucher ’69
Daniel G. ’78 and Christinia L. ’74 Kuehn
Dawn M. Kuelz ’02
Kevin J. Kueng ’89
Thomas N. Kuenzi ’82
Dennis F. ’74 and Jane A. ’84 Kueter
John B. Kuhl ’63
Rick L. Kuhle ’79
Eric R. Kuhls ’95
Gary R. Kuhls ’75
Arthur M. Kuhn
Drew Kuhn
Robert B. and Barbara K. Kuhn
William L. Kuhn ’89
Lester F. Kuhnhenn ’49
Gregg D. Kuhs ’82
Stephen M. and Jodi Kulick
Vasant Kumar ’70
Wayne T. and Sharon Kuncl
Debra J. Kundert ’76
Judy I. Kundert
Robert A. Kundert ’76
Gerald W. Kuntz
David A. and Pamela J. Kurihara
Barb S. Kurki ’74
John W. Kuroski ’90
Lisa M. Kurt ’93
Todd E. Kutz
Michael A. and Holly R. Kuzba
William P. and Barrie L. Kuzia
Thomas P. ’79 and Carolyn M. Kuzma
Perry A. Kuznar ’82
Kris S. Kyle ’73
Steve J. ’86 and Linda M. ’86 La Brake
Gary W. La Chapelle ’69
Delroy D. and Bev Laabs
Robert W. Laatsch ’90
David S. Labarge
James D. Lackas ’02
Christine L. Lacke ’88
James C. Laird ’61
Randy C. and Donna Laird
Howard S. and Arlene A. Lamb
Chris R. Lambach ’89
Stacie N. Lambele ’90
Alan C. Lambert ’86
Janet L. Lambert ’93
Pamela J. Lambert
Stephanie J. Lamboley ’61
Daniel J. ’97 and Rebecca A. ’04 Lamm
Martha J. Lamm ’70
Paul A. and Carol Lammers
Janet E. Lamparski
Aaron P. ’96 and Denise L. ’96 Lancaster
Brad P. Lancaster ’91
Dennis E. Lancaster ’87
Sam J. Landes
James F. and Kathleen Landgraf
Glenn R. Landis ’85
George W. Lane ’70
Steve J. and Maxine A. Lane
Charles W. and Caryl C. ’63 Lang
Ryan M. Lang ’01
Melinda M. Langbehn ’75
Bradley S. Lange ’95
Dave J. Lange ’65
Dennis J. and Tammy Lange
Gary E. Lange ’61
Shelley J. Lange ’88
Daniel E. Langel ’91
Troy R. Langeness
Josh S. Langenfeld ’10
Francis J. Langer ’08
Lindsey A. Langer ’10
Randy J. Langer ’09
Donald N. Langkamp ’58
James R. Langkamp ’78
Mark A. Langkamp ’61
Peggy M. Lapacek ’74
Michael B. and Lynne Larabee
Scott M. Largent ’91
Michael W. Larsen ’85
Sharon M. Larsen ’71
Christopher H. and Amy Larson
Connie J. Larson ’80
Curtis S. Larson ’71
David M. ’86 and Terrie A. ’85 Larson
Gene E. and Mary Larson
Glenn L. Larson ’65
John R. Larson ’75
Nancy A. Larson
John R. and Bonnie Lartz
Kelly M. Laschinger ’08
Lyle F. Laske ’59
Marvin N. Laspa ’71
Pete D. Lathrop
Gregory J. Latzig ’84
Larry W. and Betty A. Lau
Daniel J. Laudon ’92
Bryce E. Lauer
Laura M. Lauer
Allen R. and Lori Laufenberg
Daniel E. Laufenberg ’69
Jordan Laufenberg
Carol M. Laughridge ’45
Lester L. Laun ’56
Daniel H. Launspach ’75
John C. ’98 and Andrea M. ’97 (Statz)
Bill J. Lauper ’71
Richard L. Laures ’76
James M. ’70 and Bonnie L. ’70 Laverty
Steven G. Lavey ’76
John J. Lawfer ’08
Jane M. Lawinger ’84
Steven J. Lawinger
Virginia A. Lawinger ’54
Jeffery A. Lawler
Gregory H. Lawrence ’88
John B. and Barbara Lawrence
Darrin & Janice ’04 Lawton
Richard G. Le Mahieu ’76
Kirk M. and Marilyn Leach
Gerald R. ’72 and Patricia E. ’77 Leahy
Thomas C. Leamer ’64
Carol A. Leannah ’80
Gail M. Leannais ’74
Bill F. Lease ’77
Elizabeth M. Ledvina
Betty J. Lee ’97
Clarence O. ’60 and Patricia A. ’60 Lee
David D. Lee ’68
Dennis L. ’71 and Becky G. ’67 Lee
Donald L. Lee ’74
Eldon K. Lee ’65
Erven C. Lee ’61
Jeffrey M. and Joy E. Lee
Kevin R. Lee ’87
Lorraine J. Lee ’46
Matthew J. Lee ’04
Perry C. and Chris Lee
Dick F. ’64 and Judith A. ’66 Lee
Tom J. Lee ’86
Stan G. ’78 and Lynne K. ’78 Leedle
Robert M. and Patricia A. Lefere
Diane F. Lehman
John M. and Sharon Lehman
Heath C. Lehmann ’94
Franz X. and Laura Lehner
Dan K. and Cindy M. Leibfried
Francis J. ’81 and Kim R. ’88 Leibfried
Bob M. Leibfried ’08
Scott R. Leibfried ’88
William J. and Mary Lu Leibham
Gary L. Leibold
Tammy J. Leis ’08
Stephen J. and Laura Leistiko
Ruth A. Leitz ’66
David D. ’76 and Karen L. ’78 Leix
James H. Lejeune ’72
Diana J. Leland ’71
Jerome A. Lemahieu ’77
Margaret P. Lena
Julie A. Lenhart ’90
Patrick D. and Patty Lentz
Kenneth L. Lenz ’77
Richard W. Lenz ’73
Michael G. Lenzen
Mary E. Lenzi
Donna A. Leonard ’90
Edward C. Leonard ’48
Todd N. and Adriane Leonard
Willette M. Leonard ’78
Don A. Leonhard ’90
Mary A. Lepinski
Glenn R. and Barbara Lepley
Margaret Lesley ’62
Shirley M. Leu ’54
Bob P. Leuck ’83
Thomas R. and Joann Leuenberger
Bud P. and Pat Leuth
Fred D. Leverentz ’65
Tim R. Lewan
Beverly K. Lewis ’64
Jennifer J. Lewis ’91
Kenneth R. Lewis ’72
Randy M. Lewis
Steven W. Lewis ’85
Terry D. Lichte ’87
Kris C. Liddicoat ’94
Douglas P. Lieb ’92
Bernie E. Liegel ’86
Gary O. Lien ’68
Stan H. Lien ’62
Alan W. Lietz
Mike D. Lieurance ’71
Randal J. ’84 and Holly ’88 Lifke
Darrell E. Light ’71
Jim M. Limmex ’84
Jubencio J. Linares ’08
William J. and Marjorie S. Lindenmier
Glenn L. Linder ’85
Merl M. Linder ’67
Jon H. Lindert ’93
Lee D. Lindgren
Richard and Ellen A. Lindner
Jay R. ’08 and Kristin M. ’07 Lindner
Kenneth A. and Hiromi Lindquist
Kenneth A. and Phyllis Lindquist
Catherine G. Lindy ’50
Mike T. Liner ’01
Michelle K. Linke ’88
Fred W. Lintelmann
Rick D. Lipka ’86
Cassandra Lipska
Dave F. and Deb Lipska
Matthew J. Lipska ’07
Keith M. Liston ’80
Dean R. and Brenda L. Litchfield
Terry J. and Sandra M. Litchfield
John F. and Deanna R. Little
Robert G. ’71 and Mary C. ’71 (Gardner)
Philip N. Little ’71
Terry E. and Keri Litz
John R. Litzenberg
Terry S. Livingston ’70
Kathryn A. LLewellyn
James C. Loberger
Wade A. Loberger ’95
Dustin A. Lochner ’06
Roger C. and Pat Lochowitz
Franklin E. and Sharon A. Lockwood
Donald J. ’64 and Betty J. ’68 Loeffelholz
Christopher T. Loeffelholz ’94
Michael S. Loehndorf
Vern W. and Marian R. Loehndorf
Adam J. Loferski
Geoffrey J. Loferski
Harriet I. Loferski
Richard M. Lofthouse Sr. ’76
Richard A. Loftsgordon ’65
Richard L. ’71 and Mary A. ’73 Loftus
Mary M. Lofy ’91
Patrick A. Lofy ’92
Michael J. ’00 and Anna R. ’00 Loger
Michael A. Logsdon ’89
Thomas L. and Maryann A. LoGuidice
Katherine N. Lohr ’59
Gary D. ’70 and Harriet R. ’71 Loiselle
Jon I. Loitz ’90
Gerald J. Lolwing ’92
Andrea H. Lombard ’61
Kevin J. ’73 and Ruthmary K. ’89 Long
Mark A. and Mary B. Long
Brian P. ’82 and Kim L. ’82 Longfield
John B. and Theresa Longoria
Shane M. and Kathryn V. Lonze
Janet M. Loomis ’63
Margaret A. Loomis
Brad H. Loose
Deanna C. Lord
Cecile R. Loreck and Joan Foley
Patrick J. Lorenz Jr.
Thomas R. Lorenzen ’71
Brad J. Lory ’98
Jack R. Losch ’72
Gary L. Loss ’71
Theodora T. Lottig-Kasch ’73
Stephen L. Lovell ’79
Susan J. Lovell
David K. Lowe ’51
Bill M. Lowe ’76
Grant L. Loy ’54
Leon M. Loy ’77
Richard F. Loy ’73
Shan F. Lu ’91
David A. Lucey ’71
Jeffery A. Luck
Sheila M. Luck ’79
Dennis J. and Cynthia E. Ludden
Matthew R. Ludens
Terrence L. Ludkey ’78
James J. Ludwig ’52
Dorothy M. Luebke
Peter A. Luebke ’67
August T. Lueck ’08
Charles F. ’98 and Gina M. ’98 Luedtke
Shirley E. Lueschow ’57
Art F. Luetke
Lolita J. Lukach
Patricia A. Lukas
Miles M. and Maureen Lull
Lynette A. Lund ’74
Jon B. and Christine M. Lundell
Steve K. ’67 and Judy E. ’67 Luter
Jeffrey D. ’87 and Ann M. ’86 Lutes
Adrian J. Luther ’87
Art J. Luthi ’65
Chris A. Luttrell ’80
Lawrence L. and Shirley Luttrell
Randall E. Lutz ’72
Loras R. Lux ’77
William D. ’66 and Patricia R. ’66 Lyford
Alan A. and Karen Lyman
Linda L. Lynaugh ’72
Cindy A. Lynch ’83
Dale J. and Karen J. Lynch
James C. and Mary Ellen Lyne
Arlene L. Lyons ’65
Thomas E. Lyons
Jason H. Lythjohan ’01
James W. Lytle ’75
Brandon J. Maas ’08
Shirley A. Maas ’62
Jim Hiner and Marian G. Maciej-Hiner
Jay S. Mack ’76
Randal J. Mack ’92
Douglas E. MacKenzie ’68
John S. Mackesey
Jake P. Madaus ’10
Bob W. Madden ’65
Jean A. Mader
Barney J. Madigan ’52
Troy R. and Sandra C. ’89 Madland
Glenn A. Madson ’78
Helene H. Magee
Robert S. Magna
Rudolph F. Magna
William A. and Kimberly A. Magna
Carol E. Magurany-Brotski ’85
Ho K. Mah ’79
Scott V. and Tammy Mahmens
Marilyn F. Mahr ’71
William P. Mahr ’84
Gerald W. and Rachel J. Mahun
Dennis L. and Karla Maize
Don V. Majeski ’86
Dan J. Majewski ’83
Paul B. ’83 and Margaret E. ’83 Majors
Mark S. Makemson ’83
Jill P. Makovsky
Michael W. Malec ’67
Jeffrey D. Maletzke ’86
Dean T. and Jo Malin
Jerilyn S. Malliet
Mary K. Malone ’67
Paul H. ’68 and Deanna P. ’69 Maly
Daniel A. Malzhan ’72
Barbara J. Mamerow ’82
Edgar Y. Man ’73
David Manchester
Tim J. Mancl
Charlie E. Maney ’62
Dennis M. Maney ’88
Gaylene E. Mangan ’75
Dominick N. Mangardi ’68
Paul A. Manke ’85
Steven L. and Debra Mann
John D. Manning
Michael L. Manning ’66
Randy G. Manning ’85
Erich A. Manwarren ’93
Amy Jo Marasco ’95
Joe A. Marchiando ’68
Leroy T. Marcianik
John E. Marco
Matt E. and Amber Marcotte
Barbara S. Marescalco
Marjorie A. Margelowsky ’52
Jeff M. ’97 and Michele A. ’97 Marggi
Michael L. Marhefke ’86
George S. and Jodi Marino
Vicki L. Marish ’79
Raymond J. and Debra Mark
Kurt G. Markham ’76
Dick and Melinda Marklein
Albert J. and Kathleen E. Marks
Donald T. Marks ’50
John R. Marks ’68
Joseph J. and Julie A. Marks
Michael A. Marks ’73
Robert J. and Rosemary A. Marks
Thomas J. Marks
Thomas R. and Maureen T. Marks
William J. Marks
Todd J. Marohl ’92
Dan R. Marotz ’99
Richard A. Marotz ’70
Gary L. Marquardt ’92
Mary A. Marquardt ’68
Dale A. and Mary F. ’55 Marquart
Gary L. ’71 and Linda L. ’72 Marr
David W. Marsh ’72
Dawn M. Marsh ’88
Wanda E. Marsh
Gerry L. Marshall ’71
Joanne M. Marshall ’62
Larry L. ’56 and Charlene J. Marshall
Patricia J. Marshall ’61
Kurt K. and Jane Marshaus
Todd A. and Pat Marten
Allan D. ’49 and Mary E. ’75 Martin
Becky L. Martin ’07
David O. and Joan Martin
Doug A. Martin ’73
Gola M. Martin ’71
Greg A. Martin ’84
Guy C. Martin ’89
Jim A. Martin ’62
Mark K. and Kimberly Martin
Myron L. Martin ’70
Nancy J. Martin ’74
Paula F. Martin ’84
Ralph A. Martin ’60
Richard H. Martin ’60
Ron W. ’85 and Elizabeth J. ’86 Martin
Scott M. Martin ’77
Skyler C. Martin ’84
Stacy K. Martin ’76
William S. Martine ’58
Harold J. Martinek Jr.
Robert L. ’67 and Wanda J. ’65 Martinsen
Kathleen M. Marty ’76
Mathew G. Marty ’61
Richard M. Marusinec ’78
Donna J. Masar ’72
Mark D. Masbruch ’81
Emily Mashak
Christine D. Mason ’88
George W. and Delores M. Mason
James M. and Nancy A. Mason
Janice M. Mason
Gary J. Massey ’76
Steven J. ’85 and Tracy L. ’88 Massey
Mark A. Massoglia ’83
Elsie M. Masters ’46
John R. and Lorry Matheson
Monte H. Mathews ’91
Thomas J. ’99 and Laurie A. Mathias
Mary Kay Mathison ’46
Mark W. Mathwig ’85
Thomas W. Matson
Gerald R. Matteson ’58
June V. Matteson ’60
Craig A. and Shelly Matthys
Julie A. Mattson ’86
John W. Matzinger ’65
Brian P. Matzke ’77
David W. Mau ’64
Joyce E. Mau ’63
Todd B. Mau ’83
William C. Maurer ’58
Paul F. Mauss
Leonard W. Mauthe
Fred C. Maves ’74
Thomas C. Maves ’80
Jonathan N. ’90 and Bobbi L. ’02 Maxwell
Dave J. and Kathy May
Janet C. May ’62
Jeff P. May ’84
Tamara A. Mayberry ’92
Bette J. Mayer ’65
Mark W. Mayer ’81
Steve A. Mayer
Jeff M. Mazanec ’78
Richard T. Mazur ’78
Bob J. McAuliffe ’84
Phillip P. McBroom
Gerald M. and Judy A. McCann
Leona E. McCarragher ’45
Therese M. McCarragher ’50
Margaret A. McCarthy ’01
Mary K. McCarthy ’88
Steven M. ’79 and Maureen A. ’79
Susan M. McCarville ’58
Terry L. McCaskey ’97
Cathy J. McCauley ’81
Gerald B. McCauley ’68
Joan C. McCauley ’83
Thomas A. McCauley ’87
Timothy A. and Kelly McClain
Brigid M. McClaire ’82
Scott C. and Jill L. McClellan
Mark J. McCluskey ’85
Lara M. McCombie ’00
Andy S. McConnell ’79
Ruth A. McConnell ’64
John T. and Leann McCormick
Patrick R. ’86 and Loni A. ’86 McCormick
Ulysses L. and Linda McCormick
William J. McCormick ’59
Gary H. ’71 and Cheryl J. ’71 McCourt
John R. and Susan B. ’67 McCoy
Dan J. ’87 and Sally E. McCue
Earl S. and Evelyn McCullough
Margaret J. McCullough
Raymond A. McCurdy
Matthew H. and Julie B. McDaniel
Sheila A. McDaniel ’74
Elaine A. McDermott ’57
Jason J. ’91 and Jodi L. ’90 McDermott
Mike R. McDermott
Peter K. and Rebecca McDevitt
Bud W. McDonald ’86
James H. and Patti McDonald
Julia K. McDonald ’80
Linda K. McDonald
Mary D. McDonald
Rodney D. McDonald
Tommy C. McElroy
William A. McFarland ’59
Peter McGahey
John R. McGarry
Frank E. ’05 and Kaleen A. ’05 McGettigan
Bernard F. McGinley ’52
Lawrence E. ’61 and Mary A. ’93
Michael P. McGough ’74
Daniel F. McGowan ’79
Sara J. McGregor ’73
Tom A. McGuigan ’59
Dean W. McGuire ’71
Jerry R. McGuire ’87
Mary McGuire ’59
Nancy R. McGuire ’56
Paul D. McGuire ’57
Steven M. McGuire ’89
Steven J. McHenry ’86
Kenneth R. McHone ’07
Jackie A. McIlhagga ’82
Michael G. McIlwee ’65
Sean M. McKean ’97
Sandra D. McKee ’68
Patti G. McKelvey ’75
Mary L. McKenzie-Dantzler ’68
Patrick J. McKeon ’80
Patrick F. McKeough ’90
Mac A. McKichan Jr.
Dick L. ’64 and Kris L. ’71 McKichan
Ryan P. McKillips ’06
Marilyn A. McKinley ’62
Sandra J. McLain ’63
Jane A. McLamarrah ’71
Kathleen M. McLaughlin-Behan
Heather M. McLean ’03
Steven T. ’99 and Liz J. ’00 McLevige
Jerry A. McLimans ’83
James D. and Kim McLuckie
Mark L. ’84 and Andrea K. McMahon
Christopher B. McMahon ’89
John A. McMahon ’93
Michael J. McMahon ’86
Paul T. ’68 and Nancy A. ’68 McMahon
James F. McManama
Gregory M. McManus
Barry F. ’79 and Jill L. ’81 McMillion
Ryan J. McMullen ’01
Nancy E. McMurray ’83
Joel D. McNair ’79
Ronald R. McNamara
Daniel L. ’69 and Patricia A. McNaughton
Steven C. McNaughton ’81
Larry D. McNeill ’70
Michelle L. McNett ’01
Timothy R. McNurlen ’76
Ronald G. McNutt ’61
John J. McQuade ’77
Esther A. McReynolds ’51
Larry C. McReynolds ’78
Lori A. McReynolds ’87
Michael J. McShane ’08
David K. McSherry ’73
Cynthia J. McVay ’68
Royce V. McVay ’65
Mark E. and Mary McWethy
William McWilliams
Pat W. Meagher ’72
Robert J. and Ann E. Mears Jr.
Gene T. Medeke ’69
Michael O. Mee ’86
Peter D. ’93 and Judith R. ’95
(Heggestand) Mehn
Roger A. Mehre ’83
Gerald W. Meier ’62
Jeanne M. Meier ’63
Scott E. Meier ’90
Thomas C. Meier ’67
Agnes C. Meine
Mike A. and Kris Meinecke
Daniel L. Meinert ’74
Tom J. Meinholz ’91
Chuck W. ’85 and Colleen E. ’88 Meinke
Ronald E. Meinnert
Stanley N. and Sharleen Meinnert
John W. Meisel
Steven J. Meiselwitz
Rev. Lee A. ’67 and Helen M. Meissner
Janet E. Meister ’98
Kim A. Melahn
Courtney Melby
Joshua P. Melby ’09
Harland S. Melbye ’85
Jeffrey P. and Judith A. Meline
Laurie A. Connors-Melius ’83
Henry V. ’87 and Kimberlyanne K. ’87
Richard R. Melvin ’73
Alvin E. ’66 and Leanne M. Menninga
Tim A. Menzia ’87
David F. Mercer ’58
Karen M. Merckx ’79
Ronald E. Mercord ’98
Daniel J. ’72 and Pamela M. ’71 Mergen
David F. and Melanie E. Mergen
David E. Mergen ’60
Michael J. and Janet Mergen
Stephen G. ’70 and Sharon M. ’73 Mergen
William E. Mergen ’79
Joanne R. Merriam
Kurtis J. Mersch ’97
James F. and Jeanette Merten
Allen M. and Karen Mertes
Steven C. Mertins ’73
Terence J. Mesch ’73
John F. Mesman ’10
Lynn E. Messer ’64
Ralph A. and Karen Messer
Lori S. Mestre ’80
Ann M. Metcalf ’38
Patricia A. Metcalf ’85
Robert C. Metcalf ’67
Marie G. Metry ’39
Brett A. ’09 and Amanda C. ’06 Metzger
Brian T. and Karen Metzger
Wayne L. Metzger ’89
Charles W. Meulenberg ’69
Michael G. and Jane Meuli
Jim R. ’76 and Carol A. ’76 Meverden
Brenda L. Meyer ’95
Chuck H. Meyer ’78
Debra L. Meyer ’09
Gary A. Meyer
Daniel A. ’85 and Jolene J. ’88 Meyer
Karl L. ’83 Meyer and Amy L. ’86
Stephen P. Meyer ’91
Steven J. Meyer ’72
Steven R. Meyer ’94
Stephen D. and Paula K. Meyermann
Virtus B. and Lois Meyermann
James A. Meyers ’62
John M. ’77 and Nancy J. ’78 Meyers
Kim L. Meyers
Mark S. ’81 and Lynn M. Meyers
Barbara A. Meyocks
Anne E. Mezera ’67
Dennis C. Mezera ’76
Paul J. Mezydlo ’88
Joseph P. Michaels ’83
James R. Michalek ’74
Gregory J. Michek ’95
Neil E. Michek ’90
John L. Michel ’68
Marilyn J. Michel ’66
Ann D. Michels ’79
Staci J. Mick ’99
Brad R. and Anita A. Mickelson
Mark E. Mickelson ’07
Robert G. Mickelson ’93
Terry L. Mickelson
Arnie A. ’79 and Ann E. ’87 Miehe
E. Charles Miehe
Todd D. Mielke ’85
Brian F. Miesen ’96
Jeffrey A. ’94 and Jennifer J. ’97 Miesen
Larry E. Miesen
Anthony J. Miess
William M. Mihalyi Jr. ’76
Bret A. Mihlbauer ’87
Dennis J. and Cheryl Mikulecky
Dennis R. and Susana Milic
Robin R. Milis
Esther M. Milks
Troy A. and Vickie Milks
Mark S. ’75 and Diane R. ’72 Millard
Neil I. Millard
Ramon L. Millard ’52
Arthur J. Miller ’63
Barbara S. Miller ’71
Bill E. and Debbie Miller
Brian A. Miller
Chuck R. Miller ’75
Christan D. Miller ’91
Dale J. and Katherine A. Miller
Dale J. and Renee Miller
Daniel C. Miller ’05
Edward W. and Betty Miller
Edythe M. Miller
Eric C. Miller ’95
Geoffrey L. and Joan E. Miller
James J. Miller Sr.
James P. ’83 and Sue A. ’84 Miller
Jennifer L. Miller ’83
Jerry L. Miller ’73
John A. ’90 and Kathy L. ’87 Miller
Kameron A. Miller ’76
Karen I. Miller ’83
Kenn M. ’72 and Wendy W. ’72 Miller
Mark D. Miller ’73
Mike E. Miller ’71
Patrick C. ’86 and Wendy S. ’86 Miller
Paul R. Miller ’65
Rockie D. Miller ’81
Ruth A. Miller ’82
Sanford P. Miller ’89
Scott B. and Laura E. Miller
Sidney C. Miller ’65
Steven B. Miller
Steve R. Miller ’72
Suzanne J. Miller ’78
Jerry S. and Tracey Millin
Lisa D. Millin
Scott M. Mills ’00
Brian P. and Melissa Milton
William R. ’60 and Jeanette R. ’61 Minch
Karyn M. Minder ’70
Leon R. Mindham ’73
Mark J. Minger ’68
Dale W. and Wendy L. Minks
Marc S. and Christine Mirsky
John A. Mirth
Steve C. and Emily C. Misky
Steve J. Misustin
Patti A. Mitch ’86
Dale E. Mitchell ’76
Clayton ’57 and Patricia L. ’57 Mitchell
Jolene K. Mitchell ’01
Rich P. and Marla Mitchell
Robert A. ’72 and Rhonda M. ’74 Mitchell
Robert J. Mitchell ’61
Janice M. Mitter
Kathleen V. Mlakar
Don R. and Mary Jo Mleziva
Steven D. and Madeline Mock
Chad S. Moder ’02
Thomas B. and Carol Modlinski
Jeff J. Moen ’83
Shane A. Moen ’89
Kenneth L. Moerer ’72
Arnold H. Mohlman ’58
Lenore P. Molenda ’86
Mark D. and Beth A. Molesworth
Michael A. ’74 and Laura L. ’75 Molitor
Michael S. ’02 and Janet R. ’88 Molitor
Ellyssa Moll
Lynn M. Momchilovich ’00
James F. and Retta Monahan
Marilyn A. Monahan
Kris J. Mondloch ’03
Paula J. Mongan
Jill S. Mongold ’85
Eric T. Monson ’01
Steven E. Montague ’80
Jennifer E. Montana ’02
Sally T. Montgomery
Tracy L. Montgomery
Russ C. Moody ’64
Steven J. Moody ’80
Tom A. Moody ’68
Roger S. Moon ’51
Ed T. ’84 and Linda K. ’79 Moore
Gerald P. Moore ’67
Hollie M. Moore
Mary R. Moore ’85
Nancy J. Moore
Rita C. Moore ’87
Robert E. Moore ’64
Michael D. Moran ’81
Joyce M. Morell ’69
Joanne L. Morey ’92
Correne L. Morgan ’04
Janet A. Morgan ’53
Bill F. and Nancy Morgan
Marjorie E. Morhardt ’66
Paul V. and Judy E. ’66 Moriarty
Ronald L. ’73 and Kathy A. ’72 Moring
Morris K. Moriwaki ’77
Joan R. Morris ’78
Lawrence L. and Debbie Morris
Monte and Jennifer Morris
William P. Morrissey
Jack H. Morrow ’42
Raymond N. Morse ’74
Ruth A. Mortensen ’86
Dick D. Mortimer ’48
Ronald M. and Michelle Mortimer
Aderdean Morton
Jill Mosbach
Brian M. and Connie Mosher
Thomas E. Mott
Jean T. Mottet ’69
Allen B. Movsesian ’69
Michael J. ’87 and Lisa A. ’87 Mowbray
Connie S. Mowry
Eric W. Mowry ’95
Ann M. Moyer ’02
Jeff D. ’07 and Emily A. ’07 Moyer
Kevin L. Moyer ’03
Linda J. Moyer-Sparks ’86
Steve P. Mrotek ’85
Dale L. Muehlenhaupt ’83
Ricky A. and Kimmi Muellenberg
Bradley J. Mueller ’93
James P. ’07 Mueller and Ann C. ’84
Jennifer K. Mueller
Laurie S. Mueller ’90
Marilyn K. Mueller ’76
Mark J. Mueller ’76
Sid J. Mueller ’81
Mike C. ’94 and Sandra L. ’95 Muetzel
Dieter and Betsy B. Muhlack
Alan D. Muhle ’78
Joseph J. Mulcahy Jr. ’71
Joseph J. Mulcahy ’42
John C. and Carol Mulholland
Monte S. ’75 and Dona R. ’76 Muller
Rose Ann M. Muller ’65
Tanya L. Muller ’00
Lloyd G. ’73 and Cecilia C. ’74 Mullikin
Lisa K. Mullinix ’80
Bernice R. Mullins
William J. and Mary Mullins
Patrick M. Mullooly ’94
Marcella M. Mulrooney ’50
Jean E. Mulvey ’80
Allan J. Mumm ’90
Jim P. Mumm ’80
Robert E. Mumm ’71
Steve E. Mumm ’07
Gary W. and Mary Munda Jr.
Gary W. and Elizabeth L. Munda Sr.
Rose M. Mundth ’80
Paul A. ’98 and April J. ’99 Munson
Sherrill J. Munson ’62
Gerald L. Munyon ’66
Pamela A. Murack ’77
Nancy K. Murdock ’94
David F. Murn ’93
Scott L. and Marcia H. Murn
Constance Murphy ’60
Daniel H. and Judy Murphy
Deborah L. Murphy ’96
Dennis E. Murphy ’65
Howie J. Murphy ’55
Leo V. Murphy ’52
Michael J. Murphy ’85
Patrick J. Murphy II ’61
Robert S. Murphy ’61
Ruth A. Murphy
Ryan J. ’95 and Inge M. ’94 Murphy
Thomas W. Murphy ’49
Edwin G. Murray ’96
Dan W. ’76 and Lyn J. ’70 Murray
Robert B. Murray ’68
Shirley Murray-in honor of Melvin
Henry R. and DeaAnn Murray Jr.
Lee A. ’65 and Isabel M. ’62 Mushel
Edward A. Mushinski
Heidi A. Mushinski
Mesut A. and Zehra Z. ’93 Muslu
Joel D. Musser ’02
Bryan B. Myers
Dan L. Myers ’71
Gary E. Myers ’94
Jim H. Myers ’64
Jack E. Myers ’78
Michael D. Myers ’75
Michael A. ’70 and Colleen A. ’70 Myers
Jamie R. ’98 and Kelly L. ’97 Nabb
Michael J. ’88 and Nancy J. ’92 Nachreiner
Dianne L. Nachtigal ’73
Lyle W. ’51 and Shirley ’52 Nahley
David C. Nalepinski ’90
Lavern L. Nall ’72
Thomas L. ’73 and Fern E. ’73 Nall
Frank R. Nania
Karen S. Nantell ’72
Jared K. Napralla ’07
Bruce K. ’74 and Sally J. ’74 Narveson
Christopher G. Narveson
Elaine M. Narveson
Ken J. and Joyce Narveson
Jordan C. ’52 and Dido R. ’51 Nash
Randy L. and Donell Nash
Robert J. Nate ’56
Russell P. and Donna Nath
Debra J. Natz ’74
Sheila R. Naudi
Betty D. Naylor
Mary D. Naylor ’76
Mark R. Nebel ’77
Carol A. Needham ’81
Margaret O. Neefe ’71
Eddie A. Negron ’70
Jane O. Negronida ’85
Kenneth E. Nehring ’54
John B. ’72 and Jane ’66 Neis
Gary A. ’82 and Ann R. Neis
Scott A. Neitzel
John M. Nell
Bradley V. Nelson ’77
Bryce D. Nelson ’80
Carl I. ’73 and Judy L. ’76 Nelson
Cathryn R. Nelson
Claude V. Nelson
Colleen J. Nelson ’92
David P. Nelson ’73
David P. ’88 and Holly J. ’88 (Jeseritz)
Don H. Nelson ’70
Edwin L. Nelson ’57
Elaine A. Nelson ’68
Greg A. ’74 and Barb S. ’73 Nelson
James W. and Phyllis A. Nelson
James D. and Renee L. Nelson
James M. Nelson ’75
Jeffrey O. Nelson ’79
Kurt C. Nelson
Ladd E. Nelson ’91
Larry D. Nelson ’66
Marie B. Nelson ’87
Mark A. and Joyce A. Nelson
Michael J. Nelson ’90
Mike J. and Barb Nelson
Myles A. Nelson ’63
R. Dan Nelson ’66
Randy M. and Robyn Nelson
Richard F. Nelson
Roger L. and Sandra G. Nelson
Russell B. Nelson ’50
Shane C. Nelson
Tom J. Nelson ’83
Tom N. Nelson ’59
Todd L. and Julie E. Nelson
Kami K. Nemetz ’01
Stacia D. Nemitz ’10
Peter J. ’00 and Amy J. ’99 Nemmetz
Matthew A. Nerem
Marilyn J. Nerhaugen ’55
Brian F. Nerheim ’83
Lisa L. Nethery ’89
Mark P. Nethery ’98
Timothy R. Nethery
Donna M. Neubauer ’66
Donna I. Neuber ’00
Joyce E. Neuendorf
Clareda M. Neuenschwander ’69
Madge M. Neuheisel ’93
Kevin R. and Debra Neuman
Paul R. and Laura J. Neuman
Scott C. Neuman ’88
Benjamin G. Neureuther ’09
Norma A. Neuroth ’67
Robert J. and L. Michelle Nevenner
Douglas D. ’74 and Sally P. ’73 Neverman
Michael F. Newman ’71
Charles W. Nichols ’56
Lee C. and Shannon Nichols
Barbara B. Nichols-Perchik ’85
Jay L. and Ann M. Nicholson
James R. and Roxann Nickasch
Thomas J. ’70 and Eileen J. ’72 Nickels
Michael L. ’99 and Elizabeth M. ’99
Philip E. Nickson ’67
Karen B. Nicol ’65
Laura M. Nicosia
David T. Nielsen ’71
Edmond J. Nielsen
Harold E. Nielsen ’67
Jack R. ’56 and Joyce E. ’55 Nielsen
Richard J. Nielson
Dean M. Niemann
Alan D. Niemeier
Bobbi Jo D. Niemeyer ’88
Scott D. and Lisa A. Niemuth
Ron C. Niendorf ’68
Patrick A. Nienhaus ’85
Kenny D. ’91 and Michelle R. ’95 Nies
Karen L. Niesen ’65
Gregory A. and Kay S. Nigg
Cherie F. Nigl
Mikayla M. Nigl
Rudy M. and Jeanne Nigl
Bryan E. Niles
Carl J. Nilssen
Shea B. Nimocks ’96
Herbert E. Ninmann
David E. and Beverly Niswonger
Brandon J. Nix ’09
John F. and Margaret A. ’89 Nkemnji
Gregory L. Noble ’79
David B. Nodolf ’74
Ivan L. Nodolf
Jeffrey J. Nodorft ’94
Art W. Noe ’90
Kevin N. Noeldner ’93
Virginia A. Noerr La Passo ’66
Nancy R. Noeske
Lloyd G. Noggle ’58
Patricia K. Nolan ’76
Richard M. Nolden ’72
Troy M. and Jodi Nolden
Kenneth D. and Annette Noll
Dan A. Nommensen ’80
Jon O. Nommensen ’83
Steven C. and Jill Nor
George V. Nordahl ’63
David M. Nordin
Ginny A. Nordlof ’73
Adam R. Norlander ’95
Bob A. Norman
Michael J. Norton ’92
Ben F. and Lindsey Novak
Bob M. Novak ’86
William O. Novak II ’82
Gary A. Novey ’73
Ann M. Novinska ’68
Lyle F. Novinski ’56
Thomas T. Novotny ’69
Chester C. Nowak ’53
Wayne A. Nowak
Ronald M. E. and Suzanne K. Nunn
Thomas J. Nysted ’96
Buddy A. Nystrom Jr. ’74
Brendan D. Nytes ’08
Daniel J. and Ruth M. O Brien
Joseph R. O’Brien ’04
Patricia M. O’Brien ’81
Jay W. and Debby O’Connell
Jordan S. O’Connell ’08
Kate M. O’Connor ’06
William E. O’Connor ’82
Diane M. O’Donnell ’86
Timothy A. O’Grady
Pamela L. O’Keefe ’79
Richard J. O’Leary ’82
William C. O’Loughlin
John N. ’66 and Maureen O’Neill
Richard F. and Eleanor O’Neill
Steven J. Oakeson ’86
Burnell J. ’70 and Marilyn A. ’69 Oates
Lona L. Oates ’74
Erik M. ’07 and Emily A. ’09
Jim R. Oberhofer ’70
Terry R. ’87 and Janine L. ’88 Obershaw
Zach G. Obert ’98
James F. OBrien
James F. and Martha J. OBrien Sr.
Marvin W. Obry ’53
Robert H. and Donna L. Ochsner
Myron D. Odegard
Kendall A. Odekirk ’94
Jonathan D. ’01 and Daphne E. ’02
Charles L. ’75 and Pamela K. ’75 Odorizzi
Steven K. Oestreich
Rick J. Ogle ’97
Thomas J. Oglesby
Richard H. and Caroline Ognenoff
Gregory R. Ohlhues ’96
John M. and Linda Ohlinger
Inez E. Oimoen ’54
Ken A. Oja ’68
Suzanne M. Okas ’86
Patricia A. Okey ’87
Paul M. Okon
Daniel E. and Joan M. Oldenburg
Darlene J. Oldenburg
Grant Oldenburg
Walter E. Oldenburg
Peter K. Oleniczak
Max L. Oleson ’63
Michael J. and Barbara A. Oleson
Scott R. ’02 and Kelly A. ’01 Oliver
Marc A. Oliver ’95
Gary F. and Joan G. Ollmann
Edna M. Olney
Arlan M. Olp
Ann M. Olsen ’75
Miriam K. Olsen ’81
Mr. Bruce A. Olson ’81
Craig J. Olson ’75
Daniel L. Olson ’88
David A. ’70 and Gail H. ’65 Olson
David A. and Linda S. Olson
Dean P. Olson ’91
Ellen M. Olson ’72
Gary A. ’73 and Marcia K. Olson ’75
James O. and Jacqueline M. Olson
Kent O. Olson
Alexander T. ’76 and Marjorie A. ’71
Michelle R. Olson ’91
Myron L. Olson ’74
Patrick M. ’72 and Cynthia L. ’72 Olson
Terry F. Olson ’82
Jim W. Olstad ’61
M. Teresa Olstad ’43
Karl K. Omernick ’86
Martha M. Onsrud ’61
Brian K. and Mary L. Oostenryk Sr.
Vicki K. Opalewski ’97
John A. Ophoven ’72
Jason L. ’97 and Sarah J. ’00 Opie
Jean A. Oppermann ’67
Susan M. Opsal ’92
Stanley R. Orgas
Mark C. Orlovsky ’85
Dennis K. Orris
James R. Orris ’72
Lukas A. Ortega ’10
Bob J. ’65 and Judy D. ’68 Orth
Shannon D. Orvis ’99
Art J. Osier ’76
William T. ’10 and Karen S. Osmanski
Mark J. Osredkar
Arthur A. and Carol Osten
Mark A. Osten
Joan T. Ostendorf
Don C. Osterday ’68
Gary L. and Linda Osterholz
Larry C. Osterholz ’74
Dean T. Oswald ’90
Janet C. Ott ’64
Denisia S. Ott-Ilies
Gail A. Otte ’90
Steve W. and Teresa B. Ottersen
Allan E. and Peg Otto
John R. and Kim Otto
Matthew J. Otto ’95
Steven P. and Janet L. Ottone
Ted ’49 and Joyce J. ’48 Overgard
Bill Overton ’66
Christian D. Owen ’82
Patricia A. Owen ’63
Andrew M. ’05 and Sarah E. ’05 Owen
Quency D. Owens ’08
Tadd J. Owens ’92
Joyce C. Paar ’57
Paul A. Pade ’69
Bruce W. Padley
Michael J. and Debby Pagel
Susan M. Pagel ’71
Daniel J. and Nancy Pagenkopf
Alex E. Paisley ’60
Dennis J. ’71 and Maxine L. ’73 Palmer
Betty L. Paluso ’55
Bruce R. Palzkill ’83
Carl M. Palzkill ’66
Catherine J. Palzkill ’70
Dorothy E. Palzkill ’55
John R. Palzkill ’84
Jeffrey G. ’85 and Christine L. ’85 Panka
Brad A. Pankow ’86
Daniel E. Panzer ’60
Richard J. and Joanna S. Pappas
Donald L. Pappenfuss
Chad Paquette
Dixie L. Paquette ’75
Joyce R. Paradise
Kasey C. Parent ’04
Bruce J. Parker
Dale E. Parker ’58
Dan W. and Beth Parker
Darrell R. ’70 and Mary C. ’71 Parker
Max G. Parker
Timothy J. and Diane Parker
Edith M. Parkins ’47
Ron L. Parkins ’81
Arnold L. Parkinson ’60
David L. Parkinson ’73
Jim E. Parr ’76
Scott C. Parr ’84
Marguerite E. Parrell ’70
Barbara A. Parsons
William M. ’73 and Martha K. ’74 Parsons
Rodney G. Pasch ’70
Jim F. Patch ’62
Dan J. ’02 and Sara F. ’03 Pate
Jeffery R. Patek ’89
Michael D. Patten
Aaron ’96 and Laura L. ’95 Patterson
Bruce C. and Corrinne Patterson
Dale A. and Martha Patterson
Michael J. ’82 and Diane L. ’82 Patterson
Patrick J. Patterson ’89
Robert F. and Anita K. Patton
Tom and Judith E. Paul
Dennis H. Pauli ’62
Robert C. Pauli ’79
Stanley J. Pauli ’62
Kathleen M. Paulin ’74
Dale L. Pauls ’67
Linda G. Pauls Fleming ’73
Carl C. Paulsen ’63
Daniel W. Paulson ’92
Dolores E. Paulson
Marvin W. ’66 and Judy A. ’69 Paulson
Matthew D. Paulus ’10
Donald E. Pauser ’61
Cynthia K. Pawlo ’70
Mike W. Payne ’97
Charles E. and Diane Paynter
Gary L. Pazdernik ’86
Ken C. Pazdernik ’76
Bill L. Peacock
Wilson H. ’69 and Linda R. ’71 Pearce
Lois A. Peart ’83
Robert A. Peart ’70
Kathy M. Pechan ’80
Michael J. Pechan ’71
Thomas J. Pechan ’93
Ronald J. and Holly M. Pecora
Daniel E. Pedersen ’10
James A. and Devon Pedersen
Timothy G. Pederson ’78
Mark F. Pedretti ’79
Marshall A. ’72 and Diane M. Peebles
James M. ’76 and Geraldine Peek
Paul W. Peetz ’87
Kenneth R. and Mary Peffer
Joseph W. Peikert ’88
Daniel T. Pelgrin ’80
Richard W. Pelkola ’69
Mitchell J. Pellock
Douglas P. Pelot
Nye C. Pelton ’82
Bruce A. and Lori Pennings
Michael H. Peplinski ’03
Carl R. and Lynn M. Pepper
Marvin E. Perala ’61
Joan A. Perkins ’60
Donna J. Perkins ’75
Scott E. and Krista Perkins
Robert A. and Monika A. Pernot
Jon A. ’88 and Lori J. ’88 Pernsteiner
Lyle L. Perrin ’59
John G. Perrizo ’83
Dale F. Pertzborn ’77
Sharon L. Pete
Ricky A. Peterman ’84
Gene A. Peters
Mark E. Peters ’92
Rebecca L. Peters ’95
Todd G. ’90 and Sandra L. ’90 Peters
Jeff S. Petersen ’89
Michael J. Petersen ’80
Robert K. Petersen
Allan J. Peterson ’70
Brian D. Peterson ’81
Corey A. Peterson ’81
David W. and Tracy Peterson
Gary A. Peterson ’68
Gertrude K. Peterson ’41
Heidi S. Peterson ’83
Jan E. Peterson ’70
Kary D. Peterson ’81
Lyle D. Peterson ’81
Martha L. Peterson ’90
Mary Anne Peterson ’82
Roger A. Peterson ’77
Ruth A. Peterson ’59
Steve J. ’72 and Rita A. ’72 Peterson
Steven L. Peterson ’87
Terry A. Peterson ’76
Timothy L. Peterson ’74
Todd C. and LaVonne Peterson
Jerry D. ’68 and Joan M. ’70 Petitgoue
Bob A. ’90 and Kristi K. Petrowitz
Mike P. Petta ’72
Alberta B. Pfaff
James M. and Darlene Pfaff
Bob F. Pfeiffer ’67
Larry J. Pfeil ’71
Michael L. Pfeil ’92
Larry L. and Sally R. Pfile
Kevin L. Pfohl ’92
Bill J. Phalen ’66
Thomas G. and Julie Ann Philipps
Ellen S. Phillips ’79
Sharon L. Phillips ’66
Laura L. Piasecki
Daniel P. and Peg M. Pichler
Kurt M. Pickar
Mark W. Pickel ’85
Scott J. Piefer ’88
Stan J. Piepenburg ’73
Ken M. Pieper ’73
Douglas E. Pierce ’66
Jon E. and Linda Pierce
Maryann A. Pierce
Ronald A. ’89 and Stacey L. ’90 Pierce
Nydia N. Pietri
Chad J. Pietrowski ’94
Jamie L. Piittmann ’93
Thomas A. Pilewski
John B. Pinchot ’87
Michael L. Pingel ’80
Douglas M. Pink ’77
Larry V. and Sharon M. ’81 Pink
Jeremy D. Pinnow ’00
Rachel L. Pinnow ’94
Richard C. and Jeanne Pinnow
Charles F. and Kathleen Blair
Chuck E. ’93 and Judith A. ’79 Piper
Gregg J. Piper ’83
Karl R. ’96 and Amy T. Pippenger
Margaret E. Pippin ’55
John P. Piquette ’68
Joseph F. ’80 and Mary B. ’80 Pirozzoli
Elaine R. Pirsig ’87
Damon T. Piscitelli ’91
Annie M. Piske
Michael J. and Shelly Piske
Brian E. Pitlik ’89
Mattie L. Pitts ’76
Gina M. Pizzo ’81
Dennis L. ’79 and Marcee A. ’81 Place
Mark A. Place ’87
David J. Placke ’72
Daniel J. Platkowski ’74
Margo F. Playman ’82
David M. Plenge
Jeffrey G. Plenty ’88
Michael P. ’84 and Annette M. ’82 Pleshek
David R. and Kelly Pliner
Daniel J. Plomb
Phillip J. Plonka ’94
Joy L. Plourde ’64
Joan D. Poad ’63
Leda J. Poad ’87
Jeremy R. Poch ’05
David R. Poehlman ’67
Kyle D. and Phyllis K. Poelman
John D. and Sheila Pokriefke
Dennis E. and Monica Polheber
Andrew D. Polkinghorn ’05
Mary T. Polkinghorn ’79
Jina Polkoski ’08
Matt C. Pollari
John W. and Nancy Poller
Mark D. Polodna ’86
Philip A. Polodna ’87
Brad D. Polzar ’07
Gerald J. Pomerening ’80
John D. Poole ’71
Richard J. and Margie F. Popovits
Donald J. ’67 and Joan M. ’69 Porter
Robert B. ’92 and Jeannie S. ’93 Porter
Charles A. ’70 and Linda M. ’70 Porter
Daniel E. Post
Jeffrey E. Post ’76
Larry A. ’62 and Linda A. ’62 Potton
Steven W. and Louise A. Poulter
Lois M. Powell ’47
Mary E. Powell ’67
Matt E. Powell ’92
Penny Powell
Gary A. Powelski ’72
Mark J. Powers ’63
Mark E. Powers ’73
Robert F. Praefke ’80
Bill D. Pranga ’70
Randy L. Pratt ’83
Bernard S. Pratte
Karen L. Prendergast ’75
Laura K. Prendergast ’85
Timothy M. Prete ’91
John H. and Ann C. Prey
Charles D. Price ’64
Gordon B. ’64 and Joyce A. ’67 Price
Brian W. Priebe
Scott E. ’95 and Debra L. ’87 Priebe
Denny M. Prine
David D. and Marcia Prins
J. Larry Priske ’89
Lyndon K. and Joan Pritchard
David H. Pritzl ’74
Paul R. ’76 and Katherine A. ’76 Probst
Andrew G. ’88 and Jane M. ’86 Prochaska
Lois D. Prochnow
Roy F. and Jovanka Proczek
Rick J. Prohaska
Robert W. and Brenda Propst
Scott J. Prouty ’85
Stephen A. Prouty ’87
Tom E. Pruno ’71
Andrew J. Przybyl ’03
Chester A. and Judith Pulaski
Willard W. and Dorothy E. ’02 Pulkrabek
Richard M. Puls ’80
Clarence G. and Janet L. Pulvermacher
Daniel L. ’96 and Doris A. ’95
David J. Pulvermacher
Laurie F. Pulvermacher
Ronald W. Punzel ’72
Anthony M. Purcell ’09
Gary S. Purnell ’72
Charles L. Pursell ’66
Dan J. Pustina ’81
John B. ’72 and Deb L. ’76 Putnam
Anne Putnam Smith ’69
Timothy A. and Denise M. Quade
Dolores M. Quaerna
William J. Qualley ’01
Daniel V. Qualls ’80
Beatrice C. Quam ’53
Greg A. ’78 and Claudia K. ’77 Quam
Ronald H. and Katherine K. Quamme
Scott A. Queiser ’89
Cynthia L. Quick
Dale M. ’69 and Vicki E. Quinn
Joseph A. ’81 and Susan E. ’81 Quist
Dan H. Raab ’80
Janice M. Raab ’74
Michael A. Rabas ’78
Ronald L. and Kim Rabska
Eugene A. Race ’74
Terri A. Racine ’89
Loren R. Radcliffe ’66
Carrie L. Radke
Joe M. ’74 and Robin M. ’74 Radocay
Phillip J. and Diane Radtke
Tom J. Radue ’82
Joseph W. and Alisa Raehsler
Barbara N. Ragatz ’75
Steve P. ’00 and Kelli Rahn
Ken B. Raihala ’90
Doris M. Raisbeck ’45
Rita T. Raisbeck ’76
Jeanne R. Raisbeck-Luebke ’73
John M. and Debbie Ralph
Richard E. Ralph ’76
Ted J. Ralph ’52
Daniel J. Ramaker ’76
Merlin F. Ramaker ’63
Suzanne M. Ramirez ’94
Roger J. Rammer ’82
Cruz J. Ramos
Jose I. and Patricia L. Ramos
Judith A. Rampenthal ’69
Charles T. and Lucille A. Ramshaw
Rudy J. Ramstack ’50
Carla L. Rand ’88
Robert E. Rand ’65
Ronald J. Rank ’78
Nitya and Jenny L. ’04 Rao
Ron J. Rasque ’73
Linda J. Rather ’80
Jon G. Rathke ’79
Allen D. and Virginia Rathman
Marilyn J. Ratliff
Randall R. and Phylis Ratz
Brian J. Rauch ’86
Kevin G. Rauch ’07
Thomas R. Rauch
Barbara D. Raue ’58
John Rausch and Joan Wheeler
John B. Rausenberger ’90
John E. and Beth Ravis
Gerald O. ’71 and Suzette J. ’92 Ray
Linda G. Ray
Robert L. Ray ’61
Garry W. Raymond ’78
Wayne E. Raymond ’58
Arnold F. ’55 and Clarine M. ’50 Rebholz
Joseph E. Redding ’91
Steven G. Redenius ’75
Jay G. ’96 and Brenda J. ’96 Redfern
Vayda M. Redfern ’47
Roger T. ’71 and Nancy E. ’87 Redington
David W. Redmann ’84
Chris J. Reed ’93
James D. and Sharon M. Reed
Kyle A. Reed ’09
Leona M. Reed ’56
Mark R. and Ann M. Reed
Randy C. Reed ’77
Sally E. Reed ’72
Cecil G. Reedy ’61
Brad S. Reents ’06
David R. and Colleen Reese
John S. Reese ’57
Janet M. Reesman
Paul J. Reetz ’93
Ben D. Reeves
Katherine L. Reffue ’90
Mark A. and Karen M. ’88 Regenhardt
Peter J. Regez ’89
Ellen J. Rehlander ’70
Wayne F. ’71 and Mary J. ’72 Reiche
Mike J. and Sharon E. Reichert
Katie L. Reichling ’05
Kevin T. and Judy C. Reilly
David A. Reimer ’66
Tom W. ’85 and Angie R. Reinecke
Bernard L. Reinfeldt ’73
Kerry T. Reinhardt
Paul E. and Anne Reinhold
Susan M. Reinicke ’83
Garon A. ’70 and Theresa M. ’78 Reinke
Diane L. Reinking ’81
Richard W. Reisinger ’78
Robert W. Reisinger ’78
Glen E. and Jeanette E. Reit
Jonathan D. and Kelly E. Reit
Brad J. ’05 and Lindsey R. ’07 Reitzner
Richard E. ’84 and Colleen K. ’80 Reitzner
Joseph C. ’77 and Danette O. Renn
Brian J. Renzelmann ’95
Eugene J. Resch ’85
Robert P. Resch ’68
Darren P. Reschke ’94
Brandon L. Resheske ’09
Michael S. Retallick ’93
Leorr W. Retzner ’76
Roger A. ’56 and Thelma I. ’55 Reukauf
Brent M. ’90 and Tricia A. ’94 Reuter
Brian M. Reuter ’87
Jackie S. Reuter ’93
Milton R. ’47 and Phyllis E. Rewey
Daniel J. Reynolds
Jennifer R. Reynolds ’00
Karen R. Reynolds
Paul M. and Nola Reynolds
Ralph E. and Ginger M. Reynolds
Chuck E. Rhein ’70
Loren K. Rheineck ’53
Rory L. ’81 and Kerrin L. ’80 Rhinesmith
Michael and Teresa Rhyner
Bernece C. Rice
Dale D. Rice ’61
Daniel R. ’77 and Sandra K. ’78 Rice
Kenneth J. and Margaret E. Rice
Dick W. and Joanne Rice
Bill W. Rice ’75
Bill J. Rice ’62
Jay P. Richard ’84
Charlotte H. Richards ’60
Jolante Veit Richards ’51
Marilyn R. Richards ’55
Mark A. Richards ’70
Peggy V. Richards ’87
Bradley T. and Kelly L. Richardson
Jody S. Richardson
John G. ’68 and Rosalie M. ’66 Richardson
Keith F. Richardson ’65
Nancy J. Richardson ’86
Raymond E. Richardson ’71
Viola I. Richardson ’56
Allan A. and Lillian C. Richert
Larry H. Richey ’70
Ronald I. Richman ’66
David M. ’64 and Marjorie R. ’63
Dennis A. Richmond ’86
Milton and Carla D. Richter
Jeffrey W. ’84 and Eleanor K. ’83 Richter
Katherine J. Richter ’93
Tina M. Richter
Douglas L. ’78 and Kyle R. ’78 Rick
Carla S. Rickard
John J. and Renee Rickert
Lamira L. Riddiough ’39
Reese N. Riddiough ’62
Alan J. Riebe ’87
Jennifer A. Riebe ’92
Bernard Riechers and Katie
Jeff M. Riechers ’01
Mark J. Riedeman ’93
Paul F. Rieder ’77
Pauline M. Riedl ’67
Cathy J. Riedl-Farrey ’94
Rock and Joan E. Riedle
Lisa A. ’82 Riedle and Jerry Brehm
James J. ’79 and Lynette K. ’81 Riehle
Carmen K. Rielly ’94
Pat W. Rielly ’68
Bernard A. and Donna Riemenapp
Bryce R. ’00 and Jennifer A. ’00 Riemer
Robert G. and Tamara L. Riemer
Thomas G. Riemer ’94
Don L. and Donna J. Riess
Jackie M. Rietmann ’97
John C. Riewerts ’09
Richard L. Riffe ’88
Charles P. Riley ’72
David L. and Jane M. Ring
Raymond J. and Marcia Ring
Robert D. Ringberg ’71
Richard J. Riniker ’72
Allan A. Rinzel ’68
Rodney A. Rinzel ’98
James C. Riordan
Jerry M. Ripp ’72
Keith J. and Lori Ripp
Michael P. Ripp ’84
William G. Ripp ’73
John A. and Gayle A. Risley
Steven A. and Jane M. Risley
James A. ’88 and Tammy L. ’89 Risseeuw
Mary E. Rissman
Thomas C. Ristock ’87
David and Alice M. Ritter
Joseph P. and Sheralyn S. Rivard
Timothy D. and Marla A. Rivard
Jack M. Robb ’61
John C. and Sue Robbins
Diane K. Roberts ’66
James G. Roberts
Jerry N. Roberts ’76
Phillip T. Roberts ’85
Veronica S. Roberts
Betty M. Robertson
Timothy J. and Dianne M. Robertson
Donald K. and Janice F. Robins
Adam G. Robinson
David E. Robinson
Douglas W. Robinson ’74
Franklin E. ’54 and Marilyn J. ’56
Daniel D. ’74 and Kim ’67 Roble
Michael E. Roblee ’93
Rodney W. ’93 and Lynee B. ’93 Robson
Tharen J. Robson ’71
John A. Rock ’66
Dolores J. Rock-Hutcheson ’50
Larry D. Rocole ’81
Michael L. ’77 and Renee E. ’76 Roddick
Art B. Rode ’67
Sonia L. Rodgers-Davis
Norman E. Roe ’42
Roland J. ’80 and Marie E. ’81 Roe
Len J. Roecker ’85
Lance E. Roell ’97
Steven M. ’70 and Kathy J. ’76 Roelli
Dan Roemhildt
Jill A. Roethe ’73
Earl Roethke ’75
Dianna M. Rogers ’03
Donald L. and Mary Ann Rogers
Jordan S. Rogers
Laura A. Rogers
Victoria L. Rogers
Barry D. Roghair ’81
Peter A. Rohrer ’71
Bernie E. and Elizabeth Roidt
Kenneth W. Rokusek
Marilyn M. Rolfsmeyer ’78
Charles W. Rollman Jr. ’67
Paul J. Romano ’70
Marta E. Romer ’63
Bill T. Romundson ’63
Robbie J. Rongstad ’87
David P. ’88 and Becky L. ’88 Rooyakkers
Arnie L. ’74 and Janet T. ’73 Roper
Bradley T. Rosandich
Paul M. ’86 and Mitzi L. ’87 Roscizewski
Scott D. and Lisa A. Roscoe
Diane R. Rose ’68
Andrew D. Rosemeyer ’08
Jim A. and Lori A. ’77 Rosemeyer
Robert S. Rosemeyer
Sally N. Rosemeyer ’71
Dennis J. and Rose Rosenbaum
Don E. Rosenbrook
Brent T. ’85 and Lynnette M. ’85 Roshell
Jerry A. Rosin ’79
Justin W. Rosin ’07
Jeffrey A. Ross ’85
Carter J. Roth ’97
Donald J. Roth ’69
Michael M. ’91 and Tonya A. ’92 Roth
Mary M. Rothe ’73
Mary A. Rothering ’88
Al J. ’73 and Rhonda M. ’73 Rott
Gary G. Rott ’73
Larry V. Rott ’71
Joe C. Rottmann ’71
Dave R. Roush ’88
Daniel J. Rowe ’66
Jim M. Rowe ’60
Rita K. Rowe ’70
Thomas R. Rowe ’70
David J. Rowley ’89
David G. Rowley
Dawn M. Roy ’87
Joanne E. Roy ’64
Rick J. Rubenzer ’83
Paul D. Rubert ’90
Iva L. Ruchti ’51
Sheila M. Ruchti ’92
Earl F. Ruckdashel ’90
Randy L. Rucks ’01
Ronald J. Ruddell
Mike J. Ruddy ’81
Brian D. and Karen Rude
Kevin E. and Julie A. Rude
David L. and Cindy Rudsinksi
Kenneth H. Rue ’74
Roxann D. Ruechel ’84
Philip L. Rueckert ’60
Edward A. Ruef ’63
Harold E. Ruef ’57
Jalaine R. Ruegsegger ’84
Scott D. Ruetten ’85
Alan D. and Janice L. Ruf
Jacqueline K. Ruf ’78
Rick B. Rugg ’78
Kenneth E. Ruhland ’83
Marv S. Ruhland ’70
Richard J. Ruhsam ’76
David J. Rulseh ’09
Jim R. Rulseh ’77
Debra L. Rummel ’75
Andrew J. Runde ’88
Charles J. and Cynthia Runde
Dennis C. Runde ’86
Marian R. Runde
Thomas J. Runde
Lee C. Rundell
Sandra L. Runge
David J. Running ’75
Jeanne M. Rupel ’80
Daryl A. Rupnow ’68
James F. Rupnow
Lee O. ’71 and Ruth E. ’71 Rupnow
Ann M. Rupp ’97
Lawrence W. and Linda Ruppert
Dennis H. Rusch ’70
William P. ’68 and Elizabeth A. ’69 Rusch
Marc D. Rusinko
Andy J. Rusk ’72
Jeffrey L. Russell ’79
Richard E. ’70 and Maxine H. ’69 Russman
Ursula K. Russo ’92
Elizabeth G. Rutherford ’53
Rick D. Rutlin ’79
Patricia A. Rutsay
Daniel C. Rutz ’71
Nancee E. Ruzicka ’82
Dennis F. ’81 and Lisa K. ’83 Ryan
Gregory M. Ryan ’84
Jeffery M. Ryan
Scott D. and Debora L. Ryan
Stana Ryan
William J. Ryan
Vincent J. and Patricia E. Rybicki Jr.
Stephen C. and Joyce A. Ryburn
Heather E. Ryder ’76
Jacklyn M. Rynish ’07
Curtis L. Saalsaa ’92
Dennis R. Saari ’74
John J. ’69 and Cheryl R. ’70 Saarinen
Kris L. Saeger ’90
Mark W. Saeger ’76
Carol A. Saele ’67
Kathleen M. Saelens ’93
David L. Saether ’67
Mike D. and Margaret Saeugling
Nader Safari-Shad
Matt A. and Krystal Safranski
Larry E. Salathe ’71
Cheryl E. Salava ’77
Lillian J. Salazar ’62
David L. Saleh
Dawne L. Salier ’57
David W. Salmon ’84
John C. Salter ’83
Ronald J. ’85 and Carol R. ’85 Sam
Sandor E. ’91 and Delilia M. ’90 Samu
William M. and Jolene Sand
Gary J. Sander ’85
Rodney L. Sander
Barry L. and Patricia Sanders
Craig S. Sanders ’71
Jeff T. Sanders ’95
Patrick C. Sanders ’86
Gary K. Sanderson ’62
Michael B. Sands ’70
Eric J. Sandvig ’90
Margaret A. Sanftleben ’52
Dennis J. and Tami Sargent
William F. and Patricia S. Sartori
Gregory A. ’81 and Lori N. ’81 Sass
Mary J. Satterlee ’78
Lana M. Satterlee-Ballweg
Darren L. and Cheri Sattler
Joel A. and Marcie L. Saucedo
Joyce L. Sauer ’62
Nadine R. Sauer ’64
Jeffry J. ’79 and Michelle M. ’86 Savatski
Valerie A. Sayed ’73
Josh S. ’02 and Anne M. ’00 Saylor
Sheley A. Scallon ’97
Scott E. ’91 and Kellie M. ’92 Scanlan
Sandra C. Scanlan ’60
Pamela J. Scardina
Edward C. Scaro ’82
Todd and Linda L. ’77 Schaack
Bill D. Schaaf ’76
Larry F. and Linda Schaaf
Nancy K. Schaaf ’87
Brian R. ’02 and Renee M. ’02 Schaal
John R. and Jeannie B. Schaal
Marvin R. and Shawn Schabacker
Jeffrey C. Schabo ’98
Louise C. Schadauer ’49
Francis P. and Nancy Schaecher
Bernie A. Schaefer ’73
Jeremy R. Schaefer ’04
John F. and Denise M. Schaefer
Michael J. and Renay M. Schaefer
Jason W. ’00 and Melissa J. ’00 Schall
Sheldon H. ’70 and Maeline K. ’73 Schall
Ok Hui Schalz
Keith E. Schambow ’72
Edward P. and Victoria A. Schardt
Leonard E. Schaub ’72
Steven W. Schaub ’88
Robert L. Schauer ’87
William A. Schauer
Robert J. Schauf ’73
Daniel J. Schauff ’85
Joseph N. Schauff ’73
Roger L. Schauff
Stephen M. Schauff
Terry E. and Marie A. Schave
Brian D. ’96 and Wendy J. ’91 Schaver
Shannon P. Scheel ’86
Timothy H. Scheer ’71
Megan E. Schell ’09
Thomas P. Schemm ’80
Kathy S. Schendt ’79
Elvera C. Scheppers ’91
Arthur F. Scherbert ’60
Tony J. Scherer ’80
Pete A. Scherer
David C. and Catherine A. Scherwinski
Warren H. ’74 and Rita R. ’55 Schesser
Kent J. ’72 and Carolyn M. Scheuerell
Barbara J. Scheuers ’79
Jerry E. ’80 and Joy E. ’78 Schewe
Debra S. Schiel
Steven E. ’71 and Jill M. ’77 Schielke
Clinton G. and Jennine E. Schildbach
James P. Schilke ’76
James M. Schilleman ’54
Martin J. ’00 and Sarah B. ’98 Schimke
Kenneth A. Schindler ’71
Lynn M. and Susan Schlager
Kevin A. Schlatter ’07
Donald E. Schlaver ’50
Marlowe L. Schlegel ’69
Joseph J. Schleich
Deborah J. Schleif ’03
Peter J. Schleis
Glenn F. and Margaret Schlender
Harriet L. Schlichting
Jerry E. ’70 and Marilyn Schliem
Patrick J. Schlosser ’73
Mark A. Schlueter ’88
Richard G. ’78 and Joanie B. Schluge
Joe R. ’02 and Kim G. ’02 Schmelz
Juliet A. Schmeung ’81
David W. and Holly A. Schmid
Thomas J. ’76 and Jenny F. Schmid
Rick Schmidt ’81
Eric and Barbara J. Schmidt
David M. Schmidt ’90
Dennis L. Schmidt ’75
James A. Schmidt ’73
Judith M. Schmidt ’69
Karen M. Schmidt ’03
John E. ’97 and Kim A. ’94 Schmidt
Matthew J. Schmidt ’92
Michael F. and Cheryl Schmidt
Monte D. Schmidt ’96
Randy R. and Judy Schmidt
Scott M. Schmidt ’94
Steven G. and Nancy Schmidt
Timothy J. Schmidt ’89
David E. Schmieder ’67
Michael A. and Vicki R. Schmieding
Robert J. Schmirler ’68
Debra L. Schmit ’93
Thomas J. and Nancy W. ’77 Schmit
Diane B. Schmitt ’56
Donald P. and Charlotte A. Schmitt
Bryan W. Schmitz
Jerry J. Schmitz ’81
Leland H. and Doris M. Schmitz
Marlys J. Schmitz ’62
Martin P. Schmitz ’87
Stephen D. Schmitz ’85
David J. Schmoekel ’72
Brian C. Schmoldt ’87
Berneice E. Schneider ’57
Brian W. Schneider ’95
Cheryl A. Schneider ’73
Don F. Schneider ’67
Gregory J. Schneider
Mark R. Schneider ’89
Dan R. ’91 and Monica L. ’90 Schneider
Rose E. Schneider ’73
Roy J. Schneider ’77
Sherri K. Schneider ’76
Virgil A. Schneider
Kimberley R. Schnell ’08
Charles J. Schnering ’42
Daniel L. Schober ’61
Diane M. Schobert ’91
John P. Schockmel ’58
Joseph D. and Deborah D. Schodrof
Paul E. Schoenike ’70
Becky Schoenrock
Bryan T. Schoeny ’07
Danny L. Scholten ’71
Craig A. ’91 and Kim S. ’90 Scholz
Kurt R. Scholz ’80
Joseph D. Scholze ’79
Jeffrey A. Schomberg ’90
Bill H. Schomburg ’64
Steven L. and Trina E. Schonert
Jim R. Schonhoff ’89
Steve M. Schonhoff ’86
Jeff L. and Joie B. Schoonover
Heath J. Schopf ’95
Christine S. Schrader ’95
Scott M. Schradle ’98
Daniel D. Schraufnagel ’02
John P. and Mary Ann Schreiber
Mark J. and Jane A. Schreiber
Charles C. ’86 and Susan K. ’85 Schriber
Terry W. Schrobilgen ’90
Carl T. Schroeder ’61
Eric S. Schroeder
Gerald E. Schroeder ’68
Darren J. ’91 and Janet L. ’91 Schroeder
Jeff M. Schroeder
John P. Schroeder ’77
Kathleen O. Schroeder
Kelly M. Schroeder ’07
Mike E. Schroeder ’71
Michael J. Schroeder ’66
Norma P. Schroeder
Roy E. Schroedl ’82
Dawn M. Schubert
William C. and Donna Schuchardt
Cheryl A. Schueler
Dana L. Schueller ’92
Ginny A. Schuettpelz ’66
Jon R. ’62 and Sharon A. ’60 Schuh
Carolyn M. Schuldt ’64
Ken E. and Kristi J. Schulenberg
Thomas G. and Kathleen M. Schuler
Debra L. Schulman
Arlana K. Schultz
David H. Schultz ’62
Donald C. Schultz ’73
Jacqueline K. Schultz ’99
James R. Schultz ’88
Jean C. Schultz ’76
John A. Schultz ’70
Michael W. ’06 and Kallie R. ’04 Schultz
Phyllis J. Schultz
Russell J. and Bonita L. Schultz
Ryan R. and Angela M. Schultz
Clifford L. Schulz ’78
Kevin L. ’95 and Aimee B. ’95 Schulz
Steven J. Schulze ’90
Carlton J. Schumacher ’75
Dick R. and Gloria J. ’85 Schumacher
Marjorie L. Schumacher ’43
Douglas J. and Kim Schumaker
Matthew P. ’96 and Jenna M. ’96
Mark S. Schuppel ’90
Bruce M. and Deborah E. Schuppener
Judy R. Schuppner ’67
Daniel W. and Karen K. Schurr
Guy L. Schurz ’70
Howard A. Schuster ’76
Ronald J. Schuster
Richard H. and Kim Schutz
Doug P. Schwager ’72
Paul J. Schwaller
Pat L. Schwallie-Giddis ’70
William J. Schwantes ’85
Carol L. Schwanz ’71
Darlene J. Schwartz ’87
Jerry L. and Jane Schwartz
Kathy J. Schwartz ’93
Leander J. Schwartz ’57
Monique M. Schwartz ’80
Wayne D. Schwartz ’75
James A. Schwarz ’72
John P. and Barbara Schwarz
Russell D. and Cynthia J. Schwarz
Ann M. Schweiger ’72
Gary R. Schweitzer ’88
Ben G. Schwenn
Carl R. Schwerdtfeger ’68
John W. ’71 and Lois J. Schwert
Beverly M. Schwierske ’69
James P. ’95 and Marie F. Schwingle
Jo Ann A. Schwitz ’61
John L. Sciborski ’64
William H. Scofield
Bryan B. and Beverly Scott
George W. Scott ’69
Jeffery J. Scott ’78
Jerry W. ’73 and Virginia M. ’68 Scott
John P. ’84 and Barbara A. ’86 Scott
Joyce M. Scott ’79
Sheri L. Scott ’02
Joseph J. ’88 and Crystal R. ’90 Screnock
Scott M. Seacrist ’89
Robert D. ’88 and Tina M. ’90 Sebold
James M. and Lieca Secard
Dale D. Secher ’61
Tony F. Sedlak
Alan A. and Pamela Seelow
Scott C. Seely ’95
Duncan H. Seffern II ’00
Stuart L. ’94 and Sandy J. ’94 Seffrood
Al P. Sehloff ’83
Steven J. ’76 and Susan ’77 Seiler
David J. ’00 and Mary T. ’02 Seiler
Robert Seiler
John T. Seippel ’92
Justin J. Seippel ’06
Jeffrey P. Seitz ’78
Amanda J. Selle ’10
Sharon K. Selleck-Lehman ’80
Kevin A. Sellen ’80
Jackson Z. Selly ’90
Heidi J. Serres ’89
Gregory A. ’88 and Therese R. ’88 Sessler
Mitchel L. Seston ’81
James R. Setterstrom ’72
June Severns ’55
James R. Severson ’87
Mark J. Severson ’74
Morris A. Severson ’58
Raymond R. ’81 and Christine A. ’81
Donald C. Sewall ’49
Richard W. ’74 and Susan J. Sewell
Susan W. Sexton ’81
Mark S. Shade ’89
Jerry K. ’99 and Laura L. ’99 Shadewald
Kurt M. Shady ’91
Clayton T. ’83 and Susan Shaffer
Curtis L. ’80 and Kathleen Shager
Timothy E. and Julie Shager
Willard E. Shager ’59
Jamie S. Shahidehpour ’88
Nancy J. Shannon
Thomas J. Shannon ’80
Diana L. Sharp ’77
Scott R. Sharp
James D. and Susan Shea
John M. ’77 and Luann A. ’77 Shea
Murt A. and Gen Shea
Patrick J. Shea ’78
James M. and Mary B. Shear
Steven E. and Debra J. Shears
James P. Shebelski
Mark E. Shedd ’75
Jo Ann V. Sheehan ’40
John C. Sheehan
Shirley M. Sheehan ’69
Thomas N. Sheehan ’71
Diane Shelton ’69
Jack E. ’57 and Louise R. ’58 Sherman
Mel W. Sherman ’66
Richard D. Sherrard
Erling M. Sherry ’55
Myron E. Sherry ’78
Steven L. Sherven ’74
Tim A. Sherven ’10
Chris L. ’03 and Sara D. ’02 Sherwin
Denise K. Shields
Marilynne O. Shiery ’64
Bret W. ’80 and Natalie R. ’81 Shisler
Glenn W. Shisler ’09
William G. ’78 and Pamela C. ’82 Shomler
Alice M. Shore ’66
Darren D. Shuff ’97
Rich D. and Mary Ann Shultz
Merv H. Shumate ’55
Kyle B. and Dennice Shupe
Thomas J. ’85 and Karen A. ’87 Sibenaller
Dan J. and Jan Siebers
Gregory S. Siebers ’05
Jolena K. Siegenthaler ’93
Jan K. Siegert
Sara L. Siegert-Davis ’94
William F. Siegler ’99
Kevin S. Sielaff ’88
Jeffrey A. and Kathryn Siemandel
Greg A. Sievers
Shirley A. Sigg ’55
Tyler J. Sigl ’09
Leonard O. Sigurdson ’56
Daniel M. and Kate Sikic
Arnold C. Sikkema
Michael B. Sikora ’73
Philip T. Sillman ’67
Kathy L. Silverman ’83
Jay T. Silvernail ’67
Robert J. and Lila M. Sime
Bonnie L. Simmons ’76
Charles E. ’71 and Marlene K. ’72
Jason M. ’02 and Kelsie J. ’02 Simmons
Richard A. ’89 and Cheryl L. ’89 Simon
Mark J. Simon
Peter W. Simon ’95
Robert J. Simon ’91
Donna J. Simonie-Zimiles ’66
Nathan D. Simonis ’06
Amy S. Simons ’96
Curt W. and Susan Simons
Randal N. ’84 and Jill S. ’84 (Schiesl)
Mary A. Simonson ’47
Brian J. and Kathy Sims
Howard L. and Debra Sincox
Scott A. Sindelar ’86
David A. Singer
Gina M. Singer ’88
Thomas J. Singer ’81
Joseph P. Sinkula ’00
Paul A. Sinz ’83
Jason E. Sipiorski ’01
Stephen A. Sipos
Roxanne I. Sipprell
David R. Skauge ’90
Scott P. Skelly ’09
Kim J. and Cynthia A. ’83 Skemp
Patrick D. and Pamela Skemp
Joseph and Cindy A. Skibinski
Mark R. and Martha M. Skinner
Peter A. Skowronski
Alana J. Skoyen ’78
Andy R. Skwor ’01
Donna J. Slaats ’55
Russell J. and Paula Slaby
Jean E. Slack ’65
Sam M. Slaman ’70
Stewart M. Slaman ’93
Edna J. Slayback ’61
Larry P. Slick ’63
Joseph R. Slifka ’68
John C. and Jackie R. Sliter
Alisha M. Slowey ’08
Carol A. Small
Chester D. Small
Dale L. Small ’94
Richard L. and Tammy Small
Charles A. ’78 and Marcia K. Smet
Peter Q. ’82 and Teresa R. ’83 Smet
Robert E. Smick ’60
Richard S. Smigielski ’71
William C. Smillie ’51
Audrey Y. Smith
Betty J. Smith
Bradley J. Smith ’94
Brian R. Smith ’83
Chris E. and Cindy Smith
Christopher J. ’95 and Dawn M. ’01 Smith
Dan R. ’70 and Pauline M. Smith
Daniel W. ’78 and Lynn M. ’79 Smith
David W. Smith ’68
Diane R. Smith ’79
Gene N. Smith ’69
Gregory L. ’07 and Andrea K. ’08 Smith
Gregory K. Smith ’65
Hazel D. Smith ’43
Irene A. Smith ’52
James E. Smith ’75
Joseph E. Smith ’80
Kim W. Smith ’80
Lawrence J. Smith ’79
Merle T. ’63 and Jill C. Smith
Patrick A. Smith
Robert W. Smith ’73
Robert W. and Antje Smith
Rod P. Smith ’87
Roger E. ’68 and Nancy E. ’68 Smith
Roland O. Smith ’57
Rosemarie L. Smith ’78
Sharon K. Smith ’70
Shirley M. Smith ’72
Stanley L. Smith ’69
Stephen R. Smith ’77
Brian E. Smits ’86
Jim M. Smits
Courtney J. Smock ’96
Kate J. Smrz
Kelly J. Snider ’84
James H. and Pam Snodgrass
Arthur J. Snyder ’72
Donald W. Snyder ’74
Irvin H. Snyder ’69
Jay T. Snyder ’82
Robert R. Snyder ’74
Robert A. and Nancy G. Snyder
Robert A. and Rosemary Snyder
Roger H. Snyder
Roy W. Snyder
Bill F. Snyder Jr. ’80
Julia E. Sobalvarro
Harvey J. Sobocinski
Susan K. Sobota ’74
Michele A. Soehnlein ’89
Edward J. Sokolowski ’69
Daniel C. Solchenberger ’85
Joel R. Soldner ’09
Judy L. Soles ’90
Dan R. Soman ’76
John E. Somerville ’63
Kenneth J. ’69 and Margaret J. ’69 Sommer
Krista A. Sommerfeldt ’03
Lee E. Sommers ’66
Scott A. and Sharon K. Sommers
William I. Sommers ’56
Ryan K. Sonnenburg ’10
Abdollah S. Soofi
Brian E. Soper
Terry J. Sorce ’02
Donna J. Sorensen
Mark R. Sorensen ’79
Marlene J. Sorenson ’03
Cody M. Sorge ’10
Debra A. Sorge ’75
Thomas J. Sorge ’73
Gerald K. Sosalla ’79
Agnes V. Soseman
Audrey J. Sosinsky
Michael B. Sosnovske ’87
Jon H. and Katherine Sosnowski
Ashley E. Souza ’08
Diane K. Soward ’74
Mark and Diane M. Sowinski
Larry L. and Karen Soyk
Ruthann E. Spaay ’89
Alvin A. Spaete ’70
Steven A. Spangenberg
David J. and Cynthia Spangler
Jesse B. Spankowski ’04
Robert I. ’73 and Kathryn L. ’72 Spargo
Mitchell W. Specht ’83
Glenn J. ’70 and Nancy L. ’70 Speich
Chris L. and Ramona Speier
Joe J. Spellman ’80
Raymond G. Spellman ’76
Jeff P. ’88 and Karen M. ’90 Spence
Donald G. Spencer ’58
Matthew T. Spencer-Berg ’88
Janette C. Spieldenner ’83
Ted A. Spiewak
Nancy J. Spoerry ’56
Andy W. ’06 and Jackie J. ’05 Spoor
Vicky L. Sporck ’70
George F. and Cheryl Sporie
June M. Spors
Steve C. Spors ’78
Wanda M. Spraggon ’73
Joanne M. Sprenger ’62
Louise A. Spring ’62
Martin E. Sprosty ’72
William D. Sprosty ’82
Lindo S. St. Angel ’87
Ryan J. ’07 and Rachael L. ’06 Staab
Ford P. and Rebecca Stabe
James E. Stabenaw ’62
Bob W. Stadel ’68
Scott E. Stadler
John D. and Janelle E. Stadtmueller
Paula K. Stadtmueller ’85
Gregory A. Stagman
Joyce I. Stahlnecker ’61
Timothy A. and Paige Stajkowski
Gregory A. Stake ’73
Kathy L. Stamas ’78
Gayle A. Stamm
Kerry A. Stamm
Randy L. and Elena M. Stamm
Tony R. and Carol Stamm
Kevin W. Stampfli
Robert R. Stampfli ’60
Donald W. and Rebecca Stando
Bryan L. ’00 and Jamie L. ’02 Stanek
Janis K. Stanek ’70
Mary M. Stanek ’67
Rose A. Stanek-Tiedeman ’95
Steven A. Stange ’83
Kyle A. Stangel ’08
Reid A. and Cheryl A. Stangel
John J. Stanislawski
Darrin G. Stanke ’90
John E. Stansell ’80
Judy M. Stark ’74
Lenita F. Stark ’72
Kim T. Starke ’74
Rodney D. Starr
Richard W. Starry ’91
David V. Statz ’80
Herbert J. Statz
Roman A. Statz ’57
Glenn P. Staub ’81
Charles R. Stauber ’60
Bob J. ’77 and Paula M. Stauffacher
Ronald G. Stauffer ’82
John Staver ’68
Timothy J. Staver ’89
Guy L. ’69 and Sally J. ’69 Stead
Ruth M. Stearns
Nathan Steber
Janet R. Stecklein ’84
Matthew J. ’86 and Darcy A. ’88 Stecklein
Bill W. Steele ’83
Jill R. Steenbergen ’08
Gregory M. Stefanovic ’77
John D. Steffes ’84
Jonathan J. Steffes ’08
Joseph E. and Pam Steffes
Paul E. Steffes ’92
Rebecca Steffes ’99
Jessica J. Steffl ’98
Janette M. Steger ’76
Danny R. Stehn
Charles L. and Vel Steidinger
Dr. Ronald P. Steiger ’61
Gregory G. Steil ’83
James P. ’87 and Patricia J. ’92 Steil
Susan M. Stein ’94
John M. and Karin K. Steinbach
Shirley M. Steinbach ’58
Douglas D. Steinback Jr. ’72
Paul M. ’77 and Carol J. ’80 Steinbrecher
Bette J. Steinbrenner
Don S. Steiner ’77
Julie A. Steiner ’78
Mark E. ’93 and Jayne M. ’94 Steiner
Neil J. Steiner ’89
Tom J. Steinhaus ’84
Janice K. Steinhoff
Daniel J. ’72 and Michaeline M. ’72
Shawn D. ’84 and Connie J. ’82 Steinhoff
Troy P. ’40 and Barbara L. ’42 Stellrecht
Verna I. Stelse ’68
James N. Stemper
Dale L. Stenjem ’77
Ann M. Stenner ’71
Todd M. and Bonnie Stenner
Robert W. ’75 and Janet K. ’75 Stenstrom
Judith A. Stepanek ’69
Thomas H. ’78 and Mary E. ’78 Stepanek
Donna J. Stephens
Douglas ’01 and Tammy J. ’94 (Salmon)
Kay K. Stephens ’59
Stephenie A. Stephens ’72
Steve L. and Constance C. Stephens
Nancy R. Stephenson ’48
Michael P. Steplyk ’77
Melissa M. Sternhagen ’00
David W. and Lori Stetzer
Thomas G. Stetzer ’05
Rick D. Stevens Sr. ’74
William N. Stevenson ’65
Scott A. and Luann F. Stewart
Sheri L. Stewart
Mark D. ’73 and Marilyn J. ’73 Stich
Mary E. Stieve ’72
Lois A. Stilwell ’69
Adele E. Stimart ’41
Thomas S. Stingl
Jeffrey W. Stingle
Brad A. Stinocher ’04
Karen Stinson
Jim J. Stirn ’90
Bonnie L. Stluka ’67
Jamie L. Stock ’00
George W. Stoddard ’68
Jennifer L. Stoddard ’99
Ruth Ann Stodola
James and Elaine Stoffregen
Michael J. Stohlmeyer ’69
Laurie L. Stojanovic ’86
James R. Stolen ’68
Kathy M. Stoltz ’84
Mark J. Stoltz ’06
William A. Stoltz ’83
Jenifer J. Stone ’92
Michael J. Stoney ’75
Margaret J. Storandt ’07
Wayne R. Stordahl ’61
Ricky A. Storlie
Timothy J. Stout
Rachelle M. Stracke
Richard L. Strahota ’79
Christie K. Strait ’65
Brent A. ’96 and Angela L. ’93 Straka
James L. Straka ’82
Daniel P. ’93 and Rhonda S. ’92 Strang
Jason P. Strange ’98
Georgene G. Stratman
Timothy J. Stratton ’80
Jim R. and Cindy Straub
Jim R. Strauss ’85
Diane R. Streauslin
Bret S. Streckwald
Dennis D. Streets ’66
Eric E. Streich ’86
Jerry A. and Kathy Streinz
Anthony J. ’83 and June M. ’83 Streveler
Steven R. Stringer ’74
Terry T. ’82 and Susan K. ’81 Strittmater
Mr. David M. Strnad ’97
James J. Strobusch ’77
Brady D. Stromquist
Ken and Linda Strong
Lisa C. Strouse ’88
Jim E. ’77 and Janet L. ’70 Struss
Darci J. Strutt ’85
Jeffrey J. Strzyzewski ’90
James W. Stubbe ’69
Gloria J. Stuckey ’83
Roger D. Stuckey
Kendall J. Stucky ’79
Deanna L. Studier ’67
Frank E. ’62 and Belva M. ’59 Studnicka
Ryan J. Studnicka
Sarah M. Studnicka ’06
John C. Stueber
DuWayne H. ’64 and Nancy Stuelke
Russell F. and Jean M. Stuhr
Brian D. Sturtz ’90
Dorothy A. Stutt
Kevin L. and Janet Stutz
Edward A. Styx
Douglas A. and Yvonne Subak
John W. Sudbrink ’79
Robert T. Sudbrink ’78
David J. and Linda Sugden
Vicky L. Suhr ’00
Gary A. Suits
George P. and Diane J. Sullivan
John R. and Judy Sullivan
Charles N. Summ
Suzanne R. Sumner
David E. Sunby ’80
Donna J. Sunby ’70
John P. and Clarice D. Sundeen
Charles E. and Roxanne L. ’74 Sundin
Rob J. ’77 and Rhonda J. ’78 Sutherland
John L. Sutliff ’53
Robert G. ’77 and Jan M. ’78 Sutter
David W. Suttie ’90
James F. Sutton ’84
Michael P. Sutton
Stephanie A. Sutton ’07
Larry E. Svanda ’66
Adam M. Svatek ’07
Kenneth R. Svean
Robert N. Svean
Albert M. Swain ’62
Geoffrey R. Swain
Robert G. ’63 and Lois J. ’63 Swain
Jeffrey J. Swalve ’95
Ken H. Swan ’68
Alan M. Swanke ’80
Frederick J. Swanke ’76
Jill L. Swanson ’93
Richard R. Swanson ’69
Ada V. Swanton ’69
Lowell S. Swearingen ’60
Tammy L. Sweat ’06
Edward F. and Cynthia K. Sweeney
John P. Sweeney
Timothy P. and Linda Sweeney
Geoffrey R. Sweet ’72
Brian K. Swenson ’91
Brook A. Swenson ’86
Dean A. Swenson ’60
Joel R. Swenson ’92
Gary D. ’75 and Pam K. ’73 Swigart
Eric D. Swiggum ’87
Crystal L. Swindall ’79
Dennis J. Swingle ’70
Richard S. Swiontek ’70
Michael J. Swoboda ’81
Dorothy F. Sybert
Gary L. Syftestad ’93
Craig W. ’79 and Jennifer J. ’80 Symons
Thomas J. Synnott ’65
Ronald A. Syse ’70
Myrna A. Sysko ’82
Timothy J. and Regina Szyska
Tom L. Taber ’72
Lawrence E. Tainter ’64
Carol P. Takashima
Joel R. ’88 and Bridget A. ’89 (Tally) Brill
Clark D. Tarmann
Linda H. Tarpley ’67
Martin R. and Kitzie Tashner
Michael L. ’89 and Julie A. ’91 Tashner
Denice M. Tassone
Larry E. Taubenheim ’71
Janet M. Tauer ’73
Gene L. Taylor ’60
Jim R. Taylor ’95
John A. Taylor ’55
Joseph K. Taylor
Kenneth A. ’61 and Carol J. ’75 Taylor
Kevin J. Taylor
Lynne D. Taylor ’85
Michael J. Taylor ’04
Richard J. and Sandra L. Taylor
Bob J. Taylor ’57
Ronald F. Taylor ’70
Ruth M. Taylor ’43
Susan Taylor
William R. Tellefson ’50
Ryan J. ’02 and Candy J. ’02 Temperly
Tim D. Temperly ’75
Ronald E. and Joann S. ’91 Tennant
Brian D. Tenpas ’81
Randy W. ’92 and Mary Jo Tenpas
William A. Tenwinkel ’90
Patrick G. Terbilcox ’82
Lloyd M. Terrill
Emmett W. and Carol K. ’75 Terwilliger Jr.
Jacinda R. Tessmann ’88
Ronald P. Tessmann ’80
Ron E. Tetzlaff
Angela M. Teutschmann ’09
Dick A. Teutschmann
Kevin W. Tews ’71
Dennis A. Thalacker ’76
Ernest C. Thalmann ’71
Matthew C. Thalmann ’97
Michael Tharp
Rodey L. and Connie Tharp
Jay R. ’69 and Sandy K. ’69 Thede
Mark D. and Pamela B. Theis
Joseph A. Theisen ’88
Jeff A. Thering ’86
Robert J. and Sue Thering
Jim A. Thessin ’69
Jim C. Theusch ’72
Richard L. Theyerl ’83
Brian S. Thiel ’93
Russell J. ’94 and Marcia L. ’91 Thiel
Grace M. Thiele ’63
Shawn R. and Alecia K. ’01 Thiele
Donald E. Thies ’73
Richard H. Thies ’63
Keith D. Thiesfeldt
Joseph O. Thimm ’80
Helen V. Thistle ’66
Joel J. and Mary Thole
Todd C. Thoman ’89
Christopher M. and Anne L. Thomas
Gregory S. and Julie Ann Thomas
Joseph F. and Jean A. ’70 Thomas
Kristine L. Thomas ’90
Rodney and Linda Thomas
Michael E. and Joanne Thomas
Randy C. Thomas
Raymond L. and Rita M. Thomas
Tracey L. Thomas
Steven A. ’74 and Mary A. ’73 Thomasson
Brian E. Thompson ’86
Cameron C. Thompson ’73
Carl G. Thompson
Craig L. ’74 and Tina M. ’81 Thompson
Della M. Thompson ’62
Dennis R. Thompson ’71
Glenn S. Thompson ’60
Jeffrey E. Thompson ’74
Karen M. Thompson ’75
Lois E. Thompson ’80
Peter L. Thompson ’84
Ted M. Thompson ’71
Thomas N. Thomsen ’85
Cory L. ’01 and Janitra L. ’00 Thomson
Michelle L. Thomson-Henry ’93
Todd N. Thorn ’84
Harold W. Thorpe ’59
Lila A. Thorpe ’72
Ken and Kimberly V. Thorsen ’86
Tim L. Thronson
David J. and Cindy M. Thul
Renee L. Thums ’90
Jeffry H. and Cynthia C. Thumser
Steven T. Thurner ’90
Barbara D. Thurston ’60
Robert L. and Connie Tibbits
Aaron A. Tigert ’01
Fred J. Tiller ’59
Dudley H. Timm
Jim R. Timm ’71
Tony R. Timmerman ’70
Craig R. Timmerman ’97
Daniel J. and Ruth Timmerman
Marguerite T. Timmerman ’97
Rosemary A. Timmerman ’92
Sherri L. Timmerman ’78
Alan J. Tindell ’84
David J. Tindell ’79
James J. ’60 and Sandra S. ’74 Tindell
William D. ’70 and Jill P. Tingley
Terry M. Tinkle ’95
Thomas J. Titel ’73
Todd M. Titel
John S. Tixier ’84
Donna J. Toay ’69
Greg M. and Gail Tobias
Alison M. Tobison ’09
John R. and Ruth M. Todt
Laura E. Tolle ’97
Cindy L. Tomasello
John S. Tomaszek
Russell A. Tomjanovich ’57
Harry L. and Dorothy L. Toms
Russ J. ’68 and Jane E. ’67 Tonelli
Nathan A. Torgerson ’92
Stanley A. Torstenson ’60
Bob E. Totten ’70
Claudia H. Towne ’74
Scott H. Towns ’83
Jeff D. Townsend ’82
Scott A. and Jodi R. Townsend
Steven R. Trachsler
Lucille K. Tracy ’40
Daryl J. and Michele M. Tranel
Ted J. and Sheila Tranel
Timothy J. Tranel ’92
Christopher S. Trantow
Alice R. Trapp ’94
Franklin L. ’88 and Jammie L. ’84 Trapp
Glenn A. Tredinnick ’84
Hobart B. Tredinnick ’42
Steve J. and Laura Tredup
Joseph and Jeanne M. ’88 (Brunette)
Harold L. Trehey ’47
Kristy J. Treichel ’03
Lawrence C. and Amie J. Tremelling
Maxine J. Tremelling ’54
Anthony V. Trentin ’84
George N. Trentz
Marcia L. Trentz ’61
Kevin L. Tressel ’87
Scott P. ’91 and Amanda L. ’92 Trewin
Sherry L. Trickel
Dawson M. ’53 and Marie ’66 Trine
Larry G. ’72 Trine and Diane K. Hamann
Nancy K. Troester ’96
Jon D. Trotter ’82
Sheila R. Trotter ’78
Don M. ’61 and Carole L. ’69 Troxel
Jason J. ’00 and Stacey M. ’95 Troxel
Fred P. and Claudette L. Truax
Steve D. and Donna Trudell
Richard W. and Gloria Trummer
Jeff J. ’69 and Jean M. ’70 Trumpy
Joseph J. and Susan K. Tryzna
Melva J. Tschanz ’66
Dennis J. and Doris Tubergen
Gregg A. ’90 and Lisa C. Tucek
Dean C. ’82 and Barbara J. ’82 Tucker
Debra A. Tuckwood ’75
Gary F. Tuescher ’66
Richard R. Tuescher
Robert and Vicki M. Tuma
Joel A. Tune
Michael J. and Patricia Turba
Clifford G. and Carol J. Turnbull
David B. ’68 and Meredith A. ’67 Turner
Mary E. Turner ’69
Pamela S. Turner ’07
Jeffrey A. Turnipseed ’92
Wendell L. Turpin ’73
Randy E. Tuthill ’93
Michelle M. Tutor ’90
Emily A. Tuttle ’07
Craig M. ’82 and Mary J. ’82 Twinem
Jeffrey A. Tyczkowski
Amanda Tyler
Krystal E. Tyler
Frederick J. ’92 and Linda R. ’93 Tyranski
James W. Tyrrell
Gerald W. Tyson ’78
William D. ’49 and Kathleen B. ’50 U’Ren
Gina M. Udelhofen ’07
Katherine A. Udelhofen ’73
Patricia A. Udelhoven
Paul and Jill Udelhoven
Peter D. Udelhoven ’61
Scott J. Udelhoven ’77
Thomas B. Udelhoven ’80
Tony R. Udelhoven ’79
Brian M. Udovich ’97
Kyle A. Udovich ’06
William H. Uecker ’94
Jalae A. Ulicki
Doris Ulmen ’90
Brian L. Ulness ’80
Larry Ulrich
Mary P. Uminski ’66
David G. Umstadt ’86
Ted P. Underhill
Eunice S. Underwood ’64
Glen J. Underwood
Derek Updike
Lewis H. Updike ’56
Dennis C. Uppena ’75
James L. Uppena ’06
Daniel R.’94 and Tessa M. ’97 Uppena
Mary H. Uppena-Weed ’69
David M.’82 and Alice E. ’84 Urban
Matthew and Rhonda Urban
Paul J. Urban ’88
Sharon J. Urbanowski ’73
Geraldine A. Uren ’72
JoAnne Uthe-Gibson ’73
Brian J. ’92 and Tammy J. ’93 Vaassen
Merle E. Vacha ’72
William B. Vail ’83
Shannon R. Vaillancourt ’92
Martha Valdes
Dennis L. ’65 and Alietta A. ’73
Steve N. ’83 and Lynn M. ’84 Vale
Alan D. Valentin
Jacque E. ’91 and Cynthia M. ’95 Vallier
Kenneth C. Van Bogaert ’76
David P. Van Buren
Stephen Van De Wiel ’95
Ryan M. ’04 and Kimberly A. ’02
Van De Woestyne
William H. and Diane M. Van Deest
Jon M. Van Dixhorn ’07
Lee R. ’81 and Ann M. ’80 Van Dixhorn
Patricia A. Van Dyke ’58
Kay L. Van Epps ’73
Steven P. ’86 and Sheila M. ’87
Van Lankvelt
Todd D. Van Matre
David A. ’77 and Heather A. ’76 Van Natta
Myrtle M. Van Natta ’50
Terry M. ’84 and Dianne Van Natta
William H. Van Zile ’89
Matthew R. Vande Sande ’87
Jeffrey A. VanDeHey ’91
Jean Vanden Acker
Daniel J. Vanden Heuvel ’76
Mark G. Vanden Plas ’86
Jeffrey G. Vandenplas ’83
Carl M. Vander Galien ’80
Allan M. ’84 and Paula J. ’83
Vander Grinten
Celia L. Vander Loop ’84
Jerry A. Vander Sanden ’79
Robert J. Vander Zanden ’68
Roland Vanderleest
Dennis E. Vandersnick ’68
Peter R. Vanderwerff
Michael J. Vandriest
Robert and Ruth Vanert
Debra F. Vanevenhoven
Christopher VanFleet
James F. VanFleet
Vernon C. Vangen
Steven L. Vankerrebroeck
Dave M. Vankrey
Clifford G. VanNatta
Terrance T. VanTreeck
James F. Varcho
Randy L. Varo
Julianne M. Vasen ’63
Clarice R. Vasicek ’66
Anthony C. Vasis ’50
George P. ’88 and Susan K. ’95
Vater Olsen
Dennis Vaughan
Robert J. Vegter
Grace M. Veldman
Paul S. Velsor ’68
Stephen A. Vencel ’68
Dawn M. Venden
Arnis J. ’68 andJanet K. ’66 Venteris
Jeanne M. Verbsky ’70
Wilma R. Verger
Joshua M. Verhagen ’09
Richard D. Verhagen ’04
Michael T. Verkuilen ’89
Steve G. Verkuilen ’84
Jeff and Lori Vertal
Jeffery J. Vervelde
John F. Verzal ’74
Joseph R. ’00 and Denise K. ’00
Bryan M. Vick ’92
Daniel J. Viktora ’65
Paul T. Villwock Jr ’01
Tiffany L. Vilter ’04
Dale M. Vincent
Susan N. Vincent ’72
Dale A. Viney
Janet Viney
Stanley I. Vinge ’65
Danny W. Vis
Alan R. Visgar ’71
Maureen E. Vitense ’65
Charlene A. Vjestica
Marijana Vjestica
Milos Vjestica
Beverly J. Vlasak
Donald Vlasak
Victor V. Vlasak
Jeannie M. Voegele ’95
Charles G. Vogel
Gary A. Vogel ’74
Guy M. Vogel ’81
Donna L. Vogler
Steven D. Vogler ’97
Albert J. Vogt ’10
David W. Vogt
James R. Vogt ’87
Steven C. Vogt
Harry L. Voigts ’74
Thomas W. Voigts ’77
Monique A. Volden ’84
Patrick L. Volk
Roger H. ’91 and Monique M. ’91
John B. Volker ’70
Michael F. Volker ’73
Jeffrey M. Volkman
Wayne R. Volkman ’68
Richard T. Vollmer ’74
Howard W. ’67 and Virginia M. ’67
Von Ruden
Janice A. Von Stein ’00
Norma J. Vondra ’62
Dustin J. Vorpahl ’91
Jim M. Vosberg ’81
John J. ’81 and Janice K. ’82 Vosberg
Michael P. Vosberg ’70
Philip F. ’84 and Laura J. ’83 Vosberg
Jack L. Voss ’70
Robert F. ’70 and Marcia L. ’70 Voss
Ralph E. Vosters ’75
Vernon G. Vradenburg
Paul M. Vraney ’85
Patricia L. Wachowiak
Jill E. Wadlund ’86
Rita A. Wadman
Gerald J. Waelti ’61
Clyde O. Wagner
Daniel H. ’74 and Mary K. ’79 Wagner
David ’90 and Cheryl (Zablocki) ’91
Esther M. Wagner
Jonathon P. Wagner ’03
Michelle J. Wagner ’87
Richard W. Wagner ’64
Roman D. Wagner
Ruth Wagner
Steven Wagner
Bronson Wahl
Jesse D. Wakefield ’78
Thomas E. Wakefield ’70
Gary L. Walden ’68
Lawrence P. Waldhart ’83
Jay A. ’83 and Monica Waldschmidt
Ronald N. Walejko ’71
Deborah K. Walker ’84
James A. Walker
Kenneth L. Walker ’69
Leo J. Walker ’58
Carl L. Wall
Robert R. Wall
Archie D. Wallace ’66
Linda L. Wallace ’87
Terry D. Wallace ’82
Wanda J. Wallenhorst-Bogin ’84
Steven W. Wallner
Margaret R. Walsh ’70
Mark E. Walsh
Mary E. Walsh ’46
Duane R. Walsvick ’64
Dennis C. Walter
Tim J. ’81 and Lucy P. ’81 Walter
Cleora Walters
Larry A. Walters
Patricia Walters
Ronald Walters
Mark C. Walther ’76
Ruth M. Walther ’46
R. Thomas Walton ’82
Roger R. Walton ’81
Timothy L. Walton ’91
William J. Walton, Sr.
Gari F. Walz ’60
James H. Wand ’75
Kimberly S. Wanek ’86
Caroline K. Wang ’71
Curtis J. Wang
Daniel J. ’82 and Jill A. ’83 Wanke
David D. ’94 and Linda A. ’90 Wanless
Craig J. ’75 and Kathryn F. ’75 Wantoch
Daniel E. Ward ’85
David R. Ward
Diana S. Ward
Julius G. Ward ’58
Virginia Ward ’52
Daniel J. Wargolet ’00
Gloria M. Warmuth ’73
Robert W. Warn ’61
James A. Warren
Ricky L. Warren
Dennis G. Washa ’74
Lynn Washburn-Livingston ’81
Jamie J. ’95 and Jennifer E. ’95 Washtock
Betty J. Wastlick ’70
Kent E. Waterbury ’86
Douglas J. ’88 and Colleen M. ’90
Philip L. Waterworth ’65
Richard B. Wateski
Jeffrey W. Watkins
Timothy G. Watkins
David T. Watry ’97
Jeffery Watson ’99
Joel W. ’82 and Julie C. ’85 Watson
Neil A. and Peggy Watson
Timothy J. Watson ’92
Terry Watters
Dr. Richard Waugh
Richard D. and Marsha A. Weaver
Donna J. Webb
Nina W. Webb
Brian G. ’92 and Andrea L. ’95 Weber
Bruce R. Weber ’88
Arthur T. ’86 and Cynthia J. ’84 Weber
Dale H. Weber ’63
Alan J. and Kerri L. ’93 Weber
Myrtle L. Weber ’69
Paul A. Weber ’94
Richard H. Weber ’79
Ronald W. Weber
Rose M. Weber ’71
David A. ’98 and Stephanie L. ’03 Weber
Steven A. Weber ’00
Thomas L. Weber ’72
E. J. (Jim) Webster ’52
Luke R. ’81 and Barbara A. ’83 Wedig
Beverly I. Wedig ’77
Joe L. Wedig ’82
Todd W. Wedwick ’90
Joel E. Weeks
Renee A. Weeks ’05
David A. Wegener
John F. Weger ’55
John E. Wegmueller ’69
Randall and Lori Wegner
Julie A. Wehler ’90
Steven B. Wehrley ’83
William T. ’88 and Cindy B. ’89
Carl P. Weibel ’78
Leo A. Weibel ’72
Timothy A. Weidner
Andrew W. Weier ’87
Ronald E. ’74 and Janis K. ’73 Weier
Cory J. Weigel ’98
Jason E. ’95 and Tracy L. ’96 Weigel
Jennifer J. Weigel ’96
Melvin Weigel
Ryan R. Weigel ’96
Stan R. Weigel ’77
Matthew M. Weik
Craig L. Weinbrenner ’78
Donald G. ’73 and Carol Weir
Sylvia M. Weir
Douglas A. Weirauch Jr. ’72
Burnell E. Weisensel ’71
David L. Weiss ’76
James S. Wejcman ’65
Mark T. Wejrowski ’86
Carol J. Welk ’67
Christopher Wellbank
Gregory A. Weller
Thomas J. Welling ’86
Joseph E. Wellnitz
Mark S. Wellnitz
John D. Wells
Steven C. Wells ’65
Kristine K. Welsh ’87
Marion L. Welsh ’45
Tom H. Welsh ’91
Stanley L. ’78 and Jody K. ’79 Welton
Craig L. ’89 and Sandra L. ’88 Welzenbach
James R. Wendler ’92
James G. Wendricks ’93
Jean M. Wendt ’81
Henry B. Wengelewski Jr.
Steven L. Wentzel ’83
Walter F. Wentzel ’53
Julie A. Wenzel
Lisa D. Wepking ’88
Richard C. ’61 and Marlene M. ’56
Ruth A. Wepking ’58
Frank A. Werfal
Gordon W. Werner ’49
Anita R. Wernicke ’72
Robert A. Werren Sr.
Paul J. ’74 and Linda D. ’71 Wescott
Todd P. West ’96
Ryan Westbrook
Melvin W. Westemeier
John R. Westimayer
Kurt B. Westley ’84
Hollie J. Westly ’78
Keith E. Weston ’91
Ken R. Westphal
Roger W. Westra ’64
William J. Wetter ’71
David K. Wetzel
Kenneth W. Wetzel
Valerie J. Wetzel
Janet A. Weyker ’79
Aaron J. Whalen ’10
Scott E. Whalen ’05
Elaine H. Wheeler
Norman B. Whillock
Paul H. Whillock
Steven E. Whillock
Bernell A. Whitaker ’64
Betty R. Whitaker ’60
Michelle D. Whitaker ’91
Darlene M. White
David J. White ’76
Donald C. White ’51
Krista K. White
Marie E. White ’59
Martin J. ’88 and Susan J. ’08 White
Richard J. White ’81
Scott White
John L. ’47 and Shirley White
Clell M. and Teresa A. ’88 White
Thomas L. White
William F. White
Dawn M. Whited ’81
Troy P. ’88 and Nadine A. ’81 Whiteman
Brent D. ’99 and Laura J. ’00 Whiteside
Jay and Teri Wians
Bryan S. Wichmann ’89
Julia C. ’67 & Rex Wickland
Thomas L. Wiedel
Richard H. Wiedenbeck ’70
Robin M. Wiedenhoeft ’85
Andreas and Chris Wieder
John L. ’77 and JoAnn I. ’79 Wiederholt
Matt Wiederholt
Richard E. Wiederholt
Darlene R. Wiedman ’76
Nathan J. Wiegel ’97
Susan H. Wiegel ’73
Theodore J. Wiegel ’71
Kathy Wiegel-Robinson ’44
Gudrun A. Wiegert ’75
Steven F. Wienkers ’79
Mark J. Wienkes ’71
Rebecca A. Wienkes ’88
Robb O. Wierdsma ’78
Kedron J. Wiersgalla ’74
Dennis M. and Sue Wiese
Kristy K. Wiest ’95
Richard T. Wiest ’60
James W. Wieters ’73
Kathleen M. Wilcox ’96
Kenneth D. Wilcox ’71
Duane W. Wilde ’65
Gene Wilder IV
Carl C. Wildes ’60
George Wilding
Jesse P. Wiley
Patrick D. Wiley
Lawrence Wilhelm
Andrew C. Wilke ’01
Judith E. Wilke ’76
Dennis L. Wilken ’84
Curtis C. Wilkins ’57
Thomas I. Wilkins
Ben C. ’98 Wilkinson and Angie M. ’97
Michael J. Wilkinson
Allen J. Williams ’78
Donna M. Williams ’76
George Williams
James C. Williams ’51
Jonathan B. ’84 and Nancy J. ’88 Williams
Judith J. Williams ’63
Margaret A. Williams ’64
Mary E. Williams
Mary Rose Williams
Paul E. Williams ’00
Robert C. ’62 and Geraldine D. ’64
Ruth E. Williams ’84
Thomas D. ’82 and Rena M. ’81 Williams
Dan R. ’71 and Jaqueline A. ’72
Paul F. Williamson ’80
Leta K. Willie ’82
Kristin B. Willis ’88
William Willis
Wayne A. Willkomm ’66
Barbara A. Wills ’86
Shelley I. Wills ’86
Virgil A. Wills ’50
Warren C. Wills
Herb H. Wilm ’76
Brian C. Wilson
C. Howard Wilson
David L. Wilson ’89
Diane J. Wilson ’63
Joyce Wilson ’54
Katherine L. Wilson ’69
Kathy J. Wilson
Lloyd G. Wilson ’50
Michael D. Wilson ’76
Ronald D. Wilson
Stacey L. Wilson ’10
Stephen B. ’77 and Judith A. ’79 Wilson
Thomas J. Wilson ’78
James H. Wilson III ’81
Thomas R. ’96 and Jennifer A. ’96 Wilwert
Lenore M. Wimmer ’81
Larry D. Winchel ’82
Wade A. ’79 and Laura L. ’79 Winchip
Patricia K. Windsor ’63
Jeffery M. Winer ’78
Daniel S. Winkler ’76
Robert S. Winkler
Jeanette S. Winn ’38
Amanda J. Winslow ’75
Rick J. ’93 and Laurie K. ’95 Winslow
Stephen J. Winslow ’93
Earl A. Winsor ’86
Gregory S. Winter
James W. Winter ’55
Michael R. Winter
Dean M. ’92 and Elizabeth R. ’94 Winters
Dennis M. and Taja Winzeler/McDougall
Christy L. Wipperfurth ’03
George J. Wipperfurth ’83
Glenn R. Wire
Blake C. Wirth ’93
Dennis L. Wirth ’70
Richard C. Wisdom
Edward Wise ’62
Jamie L. Wisman
Walt and Joyce Wisnewski
Roger L. Withington ’62
Paul A. Witkowiak
Thomas L. ’94 and Kristine K. ’94 Witt
Mary L. Witt ’70
John E. Witte
Dean M. Wittenkeller
Theresa M. Wittenwyler ’72
Scott S. Wittig ’07
Kenneth L. Wittlief ’60
Robert F. Wobick ’77
Julie V. Wodarz ’87
Harvey J. Woehlck
Gerald A. Woelfl ’67
Duane C. Woerpel ’68
Keith H. Wohlfert ’79
Daniel Wojtanowski
Helen E. Wolber ’74
Douglas D. and Kristine Wolf
Philip T. ’95 and Mary E. ’96 Wolf
Shannon D. Wolf ’01
Stephen C. Wolf
Justin Wolfe
Matthew T. Wolfe ’07
Sean R. ’99 and Jennifer S. ’02 Wolfe
Vince E. Wolff
David J. Wolfgram ’80
Clara I. Wolhowe ’70
Ralph L. Wollenberg ’90
Allen C. Wollenzien ’63
Mary B. Wollet ’79
Christian J. ’92 and Milissa L. ’93
John D. Wolter ’76
Marilyn J. Wolter
Bernadette M. Wong ’79
Daryl D. Wood ’65
Koreena L. Wood ’08
Kurt D. ’90 and Kristine L. Wood
Richard J. Wood ’75
Craig A. Woodruff
Heidi G. Woodstock ’89
James V. Woodward
Michael J. ’96 and Tammy L. ’03
Jonathon T. Woolever ’05
Marilyn J. Workman ’75
Richard E. Worzalla
Amanda S. Wright ’07
James M. Wright
Patricia A. Wubben ’65
Tom J. Wubben ’67
Karl E. Wuesthoff ’85
Randall S. Wulf ’95
John P. Wunderlin ’87
Patricia A. Wunderlin ’76
Wayne A. Wunderlin
Wayne J. Wunderlin ’61
Eric K. ’96 and Laura J. ’97 Wynn
Randall C. Wyss
Gina M. Wyttenbach ’89
Sharon L. Wyttenbach ’86
Becky L. Yager ’73
James A. Yager
Megan H. Yager ’10
Doris Yamada
Chang Yang ’07
Lue Yang ’91
Vangneng ’99 and Yeng V. ’00 Yang
Duane C. Yanna ’72
Michael A. Yarnell
Daniel J. and Vicki Yaros
Rebecca K. Yasky ’82
John C. Ybarra
Lisa Yeates
Gregory J. Yelk ’85
Mark R. Yenser ’81
Tom M. Yoe ’68
Patricia F. Yolda ’71
Emily J. Yoshino ’08
Julie A. Yost ’87
Brian R. Young ’86
Bruce M. Young ’71
Bryce J. Young ’07
Linda R. Young
Paul S. Young ’67
Philip Young
Rex R. Young
James E. Yurs ’92
Russell A. Yurs
Stephen M. Ywanauskas
Theodore J. Zabel ’68
Richard Zahalka
Thomas J. ’06 and Lindsey M. ’07 Zahalka
Mark W. Zahn
William C. Zahn ’63
David P. Zaidan ’56
Jill A. Zajicek ’94
Katherine L. Zakarias ’99
Judith A. Zamel
Nicholas (04) and Jessica (03) Zander
Stanley R. and Helene Zander
Mark H. Zapp ’84
Jane A. Zarada ’71
Denny R. Zarifis
Teresa I. Zart
Jodi L. Zeal ’05
Heidi M. Zechzer ’91
Suzie D. Zeeh
Warren C. Zeigle ’49
Donald P. Zeiler
Elizabeth A. Zelazek
David F. Zeller ’69
Amy Zembroski ’99
Brennan Zenner
James L. Zenz ’84
Robin A. Zenz ’86
Shane P. Zenz ’89
Brian P. Zetting ’73
Robert J. Ziccarelli
Allegra P. Zick ’62
Jon R. Zickermann Sr.
Matthew P. Zickert
Mark G. and Twila Zidon
Karl D. Ziegler ’80
John G. Ziehl ’84
Paul M. Ziehler
Robert J. Ziel ’76
John Zielinski
Paul F. Ziemer ’76
Ervin J. Ziese ’73
Jack A. Zill ’81
Jon F. Ziltner ’74
James W. Zimbrich ’56
Andrew T. Zimmer ’91
Rachel H. Zimmer ’00
Shirley A. Zimmer ’69
Teresa R. Zimmer ’88
William C. Zimmer ’91
Beverly A. Zimmerman ’70
Gretchen J. Zimmerman ’77
Joanne M. Zimmerman ’73
Kevin B. Zimmerman
Keith A. Zindel
Gerald J. and Nancy Zingsheim
Katherine E. Zinkle ’73
Jeanne A. Zirbel ’65
Richard C. Zirbel ’69
Amy L. Zirk
Matthew J. Zirtzlaff ’09
Benjamin J. Zizis ’10
Dennis D. Zlabek ’67
Jeannine M. Zmuda
Thomas G. Zmuda
Roger L. and Eleanor K. Zogg
Gary L. Zopfi ’82
Steven A. 88’ and Cindy M. ’89 Zuberbier
Todd A. Zuberbier ’86
William H. Zueger
Edward J. Zurfluh
Steve J. Zurfluh
Melanie Zweifel
Robert K. ’67 and Jane L. ’69 Zweifel
James Zweig
Christopher J. ’79 and Bernadette J. ’80
Doris P. Zwickey ’61
Chris J. ’83 and Eileen M.’ 84 Zygarlicke
Business Donors
Chancellor's Society
Elizabeth J. Summer's Estate Education
1866 Society
McKinstry Co. Charitable Foundation
Radio Dubuque
Scot Industries Inc.
2016 Society
American Family Mutual Insurance
American Transmission Co. LLC
Bruce Co.
Fritz Family Foundation Inc.
John Deere Foundation
Masters Building Solutions
Sentry Insurance Foundation Inc.
Society of Physics Students
Strand Associates Inc.
UW-Platteville Alumni Association
Orange and Blue Society
($2,500 -$9,999)
Alliant Energy Foundation Matching Gifts
Ayres Associates
Baxter International Inc.
Boeing Company
CHS Foundation
Clark Dietz Inc.
Community Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Growmark Inc.
Hartung Brothers
Integrys Business Support LLC.
J P Cullen & Sons Inc.
John Deere Dubuque Works
Neal Sisters Foundation
Nohr Chapter Trout Unlimited
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Prudential Financial
Queen B Radio Wisconsin Inc.
Southwest Gas Corporation
Speedway Sand & Gravel Inc.
Tri-Com Inc.
TriCore AEA
Wisconsin Crop Production Association
Wisconsin Livestock & Meat Council
Wisconsin Rural Opportunities
Foundation Inc.
Wolters Farm Inc.
Woodward Foundation
Big “M” Society
Agilent Technologies
Agri-Nutrition Consulting Inc.
Alliant Energy Foundation
Associated Builders and Contractors of
Barry & Loewy LLP
Battelle Ventures
Benton State Bank
Beynon Sports Surfaces Inc.
Clorox Company
Delta 3 Engineering Inc.
Esterline AVISTA
ExxonMobil Foundation
Faherty Inc.
First National Bank of Platteville
George E. Warren Corporation
Grant County Master Gardeners
Gribble Clarence (Estate) Trust Account
Livingston State Bank
Marilyn M. Bishop Estate
Mound City Bank
Northwestern Mutual
Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
Platteville Community Arboretum
Platteville Kiwanis Club
Ritchie Implement
Sigma Phi Epsilon WI-Theta Chapter
Sloan Implement
University of Northern Iowa
UW-Platteville Foundation
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Wisconsin Association of College Stores
Wisconsin Beef Improvement Association
Wisconsin Concrete Pavement
Wisconsin Energy Corporation
Foundation Inc.
Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Co.
UW-Platteville Society
Alliant Energy
American Society of Civil Engineers
Atten and Babler LLC
Bemis Company Inc.
Chicago’s Best
Country Inn
CSG Systems Inc.
Cummins Emission Solutions
Curwood Inc.
Duffy Engineering Inc.
Gooch’s Greenhouse Inc.
Gro Alliance LLC
Honkamp Krueger & Co.
IBM International Foundation
Jockey International Inc.
Kimberly Clark Foundation
Majestic View Dairy LLC
Microsoft Corporation
Milton High School FFA
MSA Professional Service Inc.
Mu Chapter-Delta Kappa Gamma
Oak Park Dental-Platteville LLC
Platteville Auto Supply
Platteville Chamber of Commerce
Platteville Collision Center
Platteville Community Fund
ProBuild North LLC
Prudential Foundation
Quest Industrial LLC
Reffue Pas Jacobson & Koster
Regal Beloit Corp
Shopping News
State Farm Insurance Companies
Steve’s Pizza Palace
Super 8 Motel
Thilmany Papers
Toro Company, The
TRICOR Insurance-Lancaster
United Technologies, Matching Gift
Vaassen, Pluemer CPA’s LLC
Wisconsin Pork Producers Association
Wondra Construction Inc.
Pioneer Society
Abbott Laboratories
Accelerated Genetics
AFSCME Local 2748 - Chapter 5
Alcoa Inc.
American Bank & Trust
American Honda Motor Co. Inc.
American International Group Inc.
Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching
Antea USA Inc.
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
AT&T Corp.
Avon Foundation for Women U.S.
Associate Matching Gift Program
B.P.O. Elks No. 1460
Badger Sporting Goods
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
BASF Corporation
Basic American Foods
Bauer-Kearns Winery
Baycare Clinic Foundation
Bel-Aire Home Improvement Co.
Benjamin Moore & Company
Big M Storage LLC
BILSA Development
BlueScope Foundation, N.A.
BP America Inc.
Brown Construction
Bucyrus Foundation Inc.
C & J General Store
Cardin’s Pharmacy Inc
Cartridges For Kids
Cate Machine & Welding Inc.
Caterpillar Inc.
Change of Seasons
Chervon North America Inc.
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Clare Bank
Classic Sheet Metal Inc.
CNA Foundation
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Colony Brands Inc.
Cooper Industries
Corley Construction
Country Kitchen of Platteville
Desiree’s Hair Salon
Doniver Inc.
Drees Dairy Farm
Driftless Market LLC
Drive Line of Dubuque Inc.
Dupaco Community Credit Union
Eastman Cartwright Lumber Co.
Eaton Corporation
Ecolab Inc.
Elmo Club
EMS Development
Eric Cleveland Agency
Faherty & Son Well Drilling LLC
First Business Bank
FM Global
Fred Blackbourn & Sons Inc.
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold
Ganshert Nursery & Landscape
Garvey’s Service LLC
General Electric Company
General Mills Inc.
Gilbane Building Company
Gorgen Funeral Services LLC
Grainger Inc.
Green Bay Packers Organization
H & H Plumbing Services Inc.
Harley-Davidson Inc.
Heartland Credit Union
Heer Oil Company Inc.
Heiser Ace Hardware Inc.
Hindu’s Corner Bar
Hormel Foods Corporation
HR Block-Platteville
Hulscher Fencing Inc.
Ideal Art Sources
Image Works Inc.
Ingersoll Plumbing & Heating
Iowa Signal & Electric Co.
ITW Foundation -Illinois Tool Works
JEJS Enterprises LLC
Jerry Schliem Insurance
John Hancock Matching Gifts Program
Johnson Outdoors Inc. - Mankato
Jostens Inc.
Koehler Law Office LLC
Kohn’s Auto Body
Kopp, McKichan Geyer Skemp &
Stombaugh LLP
Kundert Construction Inc.
Lancaster Auto Body
Larson Family Funeral Home Inc.
Learning Resources and Systems Inc
Lightner Granite and Marble Inc.
Local 2748 AFSCME
Lockheed Martin Matching Gift Program
Long Grove Enterprises LLC
Marc Edward and Associates Lt.
Mastercraft Press LLC
McGraw-Hill Companies
McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Medical Associates-Platteville
Melby-Bendorf Funeral Home Inc.
Merck & Co. Inc.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Midway Bar and Grill
Midwest Dental Care Sheboygan Inc.
Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, L.P.
Corporate Giving Program
Milwaukee Sporting Goods
Mineral Point Girls Junior Hoopers
Mitchell Brothers LLC
Monsanto Company
Motorola Inc.
Mound View Inn LLC.
Mound View Motors Inc.
Music Together with Susan
My Tires Inc.
New Image Salon
NextEra Energy Foundation Inc.
Novak Agency Inc.
Nutrition World LLC
O’Reilly Auto Parts
Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company
Foundation Inc.
ONEOK Foundation Inc.
Pat Miess Construction
Peabody Energy Matching Gifts Program
Pepsi Co Inc.
Pharma Finish LLC
Pioneer Ford-Mercury
Pizza Hut
Pizzeria Uno
Platteville Golf & Country Club
PNM Resources Foundation
Procter & Gamble Co. Inc.
Proctor & Gamble Fund
R J Daniels Fuel & Tire
RCI Engineering LLC
Rite Hite Corporation
Robert J. Nickels Inc.
Robert W Baird & Co. Inc.
Rockwell Automation Charitable Corp
Matching Gift Program
Rural Route 1 Inc.
S.C. Johnson & Son Inc.
Schaefer Farms
Schweigert Family Farms
Shell Companies Foundation Inc.
Siemens Energy and Automation Inc.
Siemens Energy Inc.
Sinnipee Valley Vineyard LLC
Smith & Gesteland
Southwestern Realty (Century 21)
Sports Unlimited
St. Anne Area Farmers Consignment
Stanley Consultants
Stanley Works, The
Sterling Athletics
Storage Concepts Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America
Tan World Inc. of Dubuque
Temples’ 5 Star Muffler
The Chubb Corporation
The Red Rooster Cafe
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Ticket Sports Bar and Grill
Top Promotions
Trademark Properties LTD
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Ubersox Chrysler
Union Pacific Corporation
United States Steel Foundation Inc.
UW-Platteville Society of Women
Vita Plus Corporation
Wells Fargo Foundation
West End Salvage LLC
William and Evelyn Vander Galien Family
Windhover Foundation
WineDown on Main
Wing-Bain Funeral Home Inc.
Wisconsin Room
Woodford State Bank
Woodland Terrace Inc.
Yahara Materials Inc.
Mark D. and Lori M. Adrian
Donna L. Anderson
Bauer-Kearns Winery
John I. ’76 and Barbara L. ’76 Boldt
Helen S. Brodbeck ’39
Bruce Co.
C & J General Store
Cate Machine & Welding Inc.
Chicago’s Best
Country Inn
Duane M. and Sheri B. Ford
Theodore Goodfriend and Mary Lou
Birkett Goodfriend
Christopher A. Graf ’49
Green Bay Packers Organization
Heiser Ace Hardware Inc.
Mary F. Kelly ’64
Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, L.P.
Corporate Giving Program
Mound View Inn LLC.
Daniel W. Paulson ’92
Platteville Auto Supply
John B. ’72 and Deb L. ’76 Putnam
Queen B Radio Wisconsin Inc.
Radio Dubuque
Bernice J. (BJ) Reed
Ritchie Implement
Richard D. ’83 and Judith M. ’82
Kathy S. Schendt ’79
Shopping News
Sloan Implement
Super 8 Motel
Tri-Com Inc.
Leo A. Weibel ’72
Joanne Wilson
Wolters Farm Inc.
Total of Gift-in-Kind gifts $119,000!
December 201
Need a Tax Ded
uction Fo 20
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duct ion you ne
• Receive lifet
ime income
• Suppor t an ar
ea on ca mpus
that is
important to
Make a plan ne
d gift to the U
niversity of
ttev ille by Dec
. 31.
Contact us soon
UW-Platteville Foundation 608.342.1969
UW-Platteville Foundation
UW-Platteville Foundation
Program Services Paid
Statement of Activities
For fiscal years 2009 and 2010
12 months
ending 6/30/09
12 months
ending 6/30/10
Investment Income
University Support
Total Revenue
Program services
Management and general
Fund raising
Total expenses
Increase (decrease) in net assets
Net assets - beginning of year
Net assets - end of year
Statement of Financial Position
June 30, 2010
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Other Current Assets
Property and Software, Net
Other Assets
Total assets
2% 2%
Program services
Dollar amount
Meetings and Entertainment
Supplies and Services
Scholarships and Awards
UW-Platteville Foundation
Number of Funds Held
Accounts payable
Long-term liabilities
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Financial information is taken from the
UW-Platteville Foundation Inc. audited
financial statements.
In Memoriam
Elizabeth M. (McMahon) Kolar,
Marion, Iowa
Mildred L. (Allen) Datisman,
Omaha, Neb.
Ernest Ehrbar, Green Bay, Wis.
Ronald O. Sime, Platteville, Wis.
Father Donald Smith, Sioux City, Iowa
David J. Guernsey, Madison, Wis.
Marietta (Bausman) McCarragher,
Naples, Fla.
Lloyd “Duff” Daughenbaugh,
San Diego, Calif.
Pearl L. (Long) Hagemann,
Verona, Wis.
Margaret E. (Quam) Saager, Lodi, Wis.
Mary A. (McCarville) Schauf,
Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
Landis F. Knutson, Brookfield, Wis.
Roland L. DuPuis , Madison, Wis.
William H. Clark, Jr., Tampa, Fla.
Susanna P. (Edl) Paull Williams,
Ridgeway, Wis.
Elderene D. (Halvensleben) Hasz,
Reedsburg, Wis.
Sarah E. Darrow, Platteville, Wis.
David D. Lefeber, Cassville, Wis.
Violet M. Guldhaug, New Glarus, Wis.
Daniel B. Counselman, Plymouth, Wis.
Susan R. (Kabitvke) Heck,
Ormond Beach, Fla.
Julie M. (Ellenbolt) Flansburgh,
Richland Center, Wis.
Thomas Shales, Merrill, Wis.
Lyle L. Webster, Savanna, Ill.
Monica Nothesis, Beaver Dam, Wis.
Margaret Kinney, Lancaster, Wis.
Marguerite I. (Heerey) Murray,
Reedsburg, Wis.
James D. Woller, Stevens Point, Wis.
Barton B. Scarborough, Baraboo, Wis.
Mervin E. Pederson, La Farge, Wis.
Frances V. Thoenes,
Richland Center, Wis.
John H. Flesch, Lancaster, Wis.
Jo Ann C. (Tessman) Latsch,
Lake Mills, Wis.
Carolyn (Simonds) Hauser,
Redmond, Wash.
Richard Barton, Platteville, Wis.
Dean E. Karls, Richfield, Wis.
Marcella B. (Stanek) Laskowski,
Hillsboro, Wis.
Jon P. Gilbertson, Windsor, Wis.
Shirley A. (Watson) Laughton,
Platteville, Wis.
Jeffrey A. Schultz, Fond du Lac, Wis.
Susan A. Voigts, Algonquin, Ill.
Jason T. Ramaker, Prairie du Sac, Wis.
Davi E. Dohm, Madison, Wis.
Matthew T. Rynish, Eau Claire, Wis.
Faculty Emeriti
Dr. William C. Eherenman,
Platteville, Wis.
Humphrey Gill, Palm Coast, Fla.
Don Verger, Platteville, Wis.
your wealth
for future
when you
make your
Former Employees
Lyle Mellor, Platteville, Wis.
Class Notes
Art Luetke, McFa rla nd, Wis.,
participated in
the Badger State
Games in Appleton, Wis., and
won all three of
his swim events:
50m f reest yle,
100m free and 200m free, in the
65-69 age group. Luetke has been
competing all over the world, from
New Zealand and Australia to Germany and Sweden. Upcoming will
be his fifth Maui Channel Swim
in Hawaii on Labor Day weekend,
a 10-mile relay channel crossing
between the islands of Lanai and
Maui. He was inducted into the
UW-Platteville Athletics Hall of
Fame in 1996 as its first swimmer.
Greg Owens, Fairbanks, Alaska,
was awarded the 2011 Usibelli Award for Teaching. Owens
teaches math in the University of
Alaska Fairbanks’ developmental
education program within the
College of Rural and Community
Timothy M.
Ma rko, C h ip pewa Falls, Wis.,
was named by
consulting engineering firm
Shor t Elliot t
Hendrickson to
the position of
regional practice center leader.
Marko will be responsible for
overseeing SEH’s municipal engineering practice. He has served
as a project manager, design and
resident engineer on a wide range
of municipal, aviation and industrial projects, including streets,
sewers, stormwater management
and recreation facilities. In addition, Marko has worked closely
with SEH clients to identify and
pursue renewable energy opportunities including wind installations.
Marko also provides significant
leadership in SEH’s project management training program.
Mark Kramer, Green Lake, Wis.,
retired after 23 years of service at
FLASH trucking company.
K ramer’s plans for retirement
include helping his son, Jay, with
some property management and
lawn care. He also does woodworking as a hobby, making outdoor furniture and bird houses,
which he will begin to promote
and advertise more. He also plans
to spend more time with his grandchildren, Samuel (4) and Helena
(2). In addition, he’s very active
with the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
American Legion and related activities of those organizations.
Ruth (Stauffacher) Joyce, Madison, Wis., (business administration, ’79, and Master of Education
in counselor education, ’89) is
an academic advisor for the Wisconsin School of Business at UWMadison.
Je r r y Va nde r
Sanden, Cedar
R apids, Iowa,
was recent ly
elec ted Linn
Cou nt y at torne y i n Ce d a r
R apids, Iowa.
Vander Sanden
has tried over 200 felony jury trials and one of his murder cases
was featured in episode 376 of
Forensic Files, “Purebread Murder.” He went to law school at the
University of Iowa with Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields.
The names of Alumni Association
lifetime members are identified
with blue text and annual
members are identified with
orange text. Thank you to
everyone who continues to support
us in creating relationships that
last a lifetime.
Keith A. Franz, West Allis, Wis.,
has just been promoted to quality systems manager at Briggs &
Stratton Corp. in Wauwatosa, Wis.
He will be responsible for creating
and implementing the Corporate
Quality System as well as supplier
development and measurement
center management.
Visit AluMnation, our online community, at
Joseph Anderson, Loyal, Wis.,
was recognized
by t he Loya l
School District
as its Teacher
of the Year for
t he 2010 -2011
school year. Anderson teaches K-12 general and
vocal music, is the music department chairman, and co-coordinates the district’s cable television
channel, Channel 99/979.
Michele (Slater) Bartels, Prairie du
Chien, Wis., received a master’s in
education from UW-La Crosse in
May 2011. She is currently in her
14th year of teaching 4K in the
Prairie du Chien School District.
Derek Dachel e t , B e l m o nt ,
Wis., was named
director of External Relations
at Sout hwest
Tech. Dachelet
will continue to
be responsible
for the promotion and marketing of the college
and also assumes leadership of
the Workforce Training and Economic Development department.
Southwest Tech WTED services
include customized labor training
based on the needs of business and
to update your address, submit class notes,
purchase clothing and find friends.
Louisa “Lou” Holland is a LEEDaccredited civil engineer living
in Milwaukee, with her husband
Mark Rank (’94). After graduating from UW-Platteville, she
served for two years as a water
sanitation engineering volunteer
in the US Peace Corps. She has
worked at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation where
she discovered her aptitude for
working with design software.
She has trained users on Eagle
Point Software and AutoCAD
since 2001, and on Civil 3D since
2006. She has worked extensively
with and various consultants
on Civil 3D implementations.
Holland is an autodesk approved
instructor, a Civil 3D certified
professional and regular speaker
at Autodesk University, Autodesk
User Group International and
other industry events. She currently works at MasterGraphics,
an Autodesk reseller located in
Pewaukee, Wis.
Holland recently published a
book, “Mastering AutoCAD Civil
3D 2012,” on civil engineering
software. She will be donating
several copies to the university.
Rory Holland, Johnson Creek,
Wis., is the new shop supervisor
at PSL. Prior to that Holland was
the plant engineer at Herman
Miller Company. There he was
involved with everything from
product testing and design, process improvements, quotes and
estimates, to facility layout and
customer contacts. His education
is perfectly suited for PSL with a
Master of Science in engineering
from the University of WisconsinPlatteville along with a Bachelor
of Science in industrial technology
Marie Venne, Oak Creek, Wis.,
joins Endpoint Solutions as staff
engineer in the Hales Corners,
Wis., office. Venne is a registered
Professional Engineer in Wisconsin with over eight years experience in civil and environmental
engineering. Her expertise includes design, construction and
implementation of various innovative and cost-effective technologies for soil, groundwater and soil
vapor intrusion scenarios. Her
work has included management
and coordination of subcontractors, preparation of project drawings and specifications, design,
operation and maintenance of
remedial systems, investigative
and monitoring sampling, construction oversight, data analysis
and reporting.
Ma rc i (Z i m mer ma n) a nd
A ndy Robson
(’0 6) r e cent l y
Dr. Mackenzie Hellert, Dubuque,
Iowa , recently returned to the tristate area and is an associate veterinarian with Family Pet Hospital
of Platteville, Wis.
Thomas Nash, Dubuque, Iowa,
married UW-Platteville alumna
Kelly (Berger) Nash (’09) on July
31, 2010. Thomas is currently
an eng ineer at John Deere in
Dubuque, Iowa.
Kevin Denn, Salem, Ore., has
been voted president-elect of the
Oregon Capital Branch of the
American Society of Civil Engineers. Denn joined WEST Consultants' hydraulic engineering staff
in 2010. He previously served as
the Capital Branch's secretary.
Denn is currently work ing on
a geomorphology study for the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District in cooperation
with the cities of Fargo, N.D., and
Moorhead, Minn., to develop,
evaluate and compare flood risk
management alternatives for the
Red River of the North. Denn is
also preparing an interior drainage study for the Consolidated
Diking Improvement District #2 in
Woodland, Wash.; he is developing
a detailed two-dimensional model
as part of the study.
Lost Alumni Those people listed as “Lost Alumni” either
graduated from or attended what we now know as UW-Platteville.
If you have an address or contact information for any of the alumni
listed below, please contact Alumni Services at 1.800.897.2586 or
send an e-mail to alumni@uwplatt.edu.
Frances Adams Holzmiller ’51 • Ruthann Turnquist Marihart ’51 •
Robert Wilson ’51 • James Yackels ’51 • Arnold Wetter ’51 • Roseann
Collins Berger ’52 • Joseph Rancic ’52 • Gerald Solie ’52 • Arthur
Stevens ’52 • John Coyne ’52 • Rose Lane Greenwood ’52 • Doris Nelson
Ferguson ’52 • Lester Meyer ’53 • Jean Tavares Terao ’53 • Robert
Kuehneman ’53 • Carmela Pierick ’53 • Betty Greffenius Hesselberg ’53
• Rosemary Pope Thompson ’53 • Donald Stone ’53 • Jeanette Olson
Mielke ’53 • Grant Collins ’54 • Jack Hartenberger ’54 • Marlene Hagen
Reichmann ’55 • Eugene Sandstrom ’55 • Wayne Sand ’55 • Robert
Riley ’55 • Ronald Sager ’56 • Harold Herriot ’56 • Joyce Kazanjian
Steinbach ’56 • Rose Pink McDonnough ’56
Brian Jenk ins
and LeAnn
(M e u d t) J e n k ins w ish to
share their June
11 marriage announcement
w it h t he P io neer com munit y. They are
both 2004 graduates of Dodgeville
High School and 2008 graduates of
UW-Platteville, where they earned
bachelor's degrees in business administration. LeAnn is employed
at Heartland Credit Union as a
member financial representative
and Brian at the Department of
Veterans Af fairs as a specialty
medical biller.
In true Pioneer fashion, their
wedding party included six other
UW-Platteville alumni, including
Nathan Birdsill (’08), Andrew
Clayton (’08) and (’10), Ian Clark
(’09), John Lieder (’08), Heather
(Lindner) Mayne (’09), Elizabeth
(Gantenbein) Pack (’08), and current student Megan Meudt (’12).
Katie Friar, Lancaster, Wis., recently joined the
Alumni Services
staff as the event
Future Pioneers
Kelly (Berger) Nash, Dubuque,
Iowa, mar r ied U W-Plat tev ille
alumnus Thomas Nash (’07) on
July 31, 2010. Kelly recently started
teaching K-12 choral/general music at the Cuba City school district
in southwestern Wisconsin.
2011 Hall of Fame
Ceremony will take place
on Dec. 3
Those being inducted are:
Scott Arneson (’88), outstanding
performance in wrestling
John (’98) and
K e l s e y ( Vo n
R u e d e n) A n d e r s o n ( ’ 0 1)
welcomed their
little girl, Haley
Kay, on Aug. 24,
2010. She joins
big brother Tyler
(born Aug. 11, 2008) in keeping
John ver y busy at home while
Kelsey works as an engineer at
Caterpillar. Grandma Judy (Tracy) Boll, great-grandma Virginia
Tracy, uncle Kyle Von Rueden and
most of her great-aunts and greatuncles are also UW-Platteville
Frank Bins (’63), outstanding
performance in football
Tom Caccia (’77), outstanding
coaching in swimming
Jeff Eastlick (’91), outstanding
performance in wrestling
Greg Mursch (’93), outstanding
performance in track and field
M i k e Folg at e
(’99) and wife,
Tina, celebrate
t h e i r s o n ’s
(Blake Madox)
f irst bir t hday.
Blake joined big
brother, Tysen,
on June 8, 2010.
Jeff Swalve (’95), outstanding
performance in baseball
Sheri (Vande Voort) (’02) and Jim
Scott welcomed Kaden John Scott
to their family. He was born on
April 2, 2011, and weighed 8 lbs.,
5 oz. and was 20.5 inches long.
Kaden was welcomed home by his
sister Hannah (20 months).
K i m (Cr ippes) (’02) a nd Joe
Schmelz (’02) welcomed Brady
Louis on June 9, 2011. Brady
weighed 8 lbs., 7 oz. and was 20.5
inches long. He joined his big sister
When You Move Up, Or Just Move ...
Use this form or visit alumni.uwplatt.edu and click on Contact Us to send us your Class Note or to update the Alumni Services on your current address.
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Business Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Attach Class Note information and a photo. Mail to: Alumni Services, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University Plaza,
WI 53818-3099
Dear Marching Pioneers Alumni,
T h e U W- P l a t t e v i l l e M u s i c
Department cordially invites you
to participate in the 2011 Marching
Pioneers A lum n i Day du r i ng
Homecoming on Oct. 15. We hope
to continue to boost the number of
participants in this performance.
This year's Marching Pioneers will
be joined by band members from
years past during two numbers of
the show as well as playing in the
stands. There will be a mandatory
rehearsal on Homecoming day
for participating returning band
members at 11 a.m. in the track
f ield located across the street
f rom the stadium. All alumni
will be entering the field for the
last two tunes of our show and
playing with us. All music will be
provided for you upon your arrival,
and you may use a lyre during the
performance (please try to bring
your own lyres – there will be a
ver y limited number available
that day).
We will be rehearsing immediately
af ter the parade on Sat urday,
Oct. 15 (approximately 11 a.m.noon) on the f ield within the
track facilit y directly adjacent
to the stadium. After rehearsal,
there will be a luncheon that will
be free of charge to all who are
participating as well as the current
band members. We will be meeting
in front of Williams Fieldhouse at
1 p.m. in the parking lot for warmup and marching to the stadium
from there. All Marching Pioneer
alumni are encouraged to march
with us to the stadium and perform
with us during the game.
If you wish to participate, please
e-mail or call Mat thew Gregg
at g reg g m@uw plat t.edu or
608.342.1019 no later than Friday,
Oct. 7.
We will be able to provide some
instruments, but if you will need
to use any such equipment please
inform us well in advance so that
arrangements can be made. We
look forward to seeing you on
Oct. 15.
Matthew Gregg
Associate Director of Bands
Dr. Barry Ellis
Director of Bands
G. Dan Fairchild
Chair of Fine Arts
Performing Arts Series
Season Calendar
Shows begin at 7:30 p.m.
DePue Brothers Band
Friday, Sept. 23
Pro Arte Quartet
Saturday, Oct. 8
Thursday, Oct. 27
Amstel Quartet
Monday, Nov. 14
Isthmus Brass
Monday, Dec. 5
Vanguard Jazz Orchestra
Friday, Feb. 3
The Water Coolers
Monday, Feb. 13
The Hunt Family
Wednesday, Feb. 29
Check the website for details.
Soweto Gospel Choir
Tuesday, March 13
Vieux Farka Touré and Idan Raichel
Tuesday, April 17
Ricky Nelson Remembered
Tuesday, May 1
2011-2012 UW-Platteville Alumni Association Membership Campaign
(Please return this form with payment)
r New Member
Annual Three Year Lifetime
rPay lifetime membership
r I would like to make a gift to the
r Renewing Member Individual r $25 r $65 r $400 in four annual installments Alumni Association of $________
Coupler $40 r $100
r $640
Name___________________________________________________________ Grad. Year___________________________________________________
Major_____________________________________ Distance Ed. Degree r Yes r No E-mail_____________________________________________
Home Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip___________________________________________________________ Home Phone________________________________________
Spouse's Name___________________________________________ Is spouse an alum? r Yes r No Spouse's Grad Yr. _______________________
Make check payable to UW-Platteville Alumni Association OR charge r Visa r MasterCard r Discover Total Enclosed $________________
Card #________________________________________________________ Exp.__________ Signature____________________________________________________
Homecoming 2011
Thursday, Oct. 13
Mining Reunion Welcome Reception
7:30 p.m. Platteville Rooms, Markee Pioneer Student Center - Cocktails and appetizers will be served
Friday, Oct. 14
Mining Reunion Brunch
9:30 a.m. Nohr Gallery, Ullsvik Hall
Mining Tour and Lunch
11 a.m.
Tour of local mines
12:30 p.m. Lunch at Potosi Brewery
BILSA Award Recipients Open Forum
2-3 p.m. University Rooms, Markee Pioneer Student Center
College Banquets and Alumni Award Presentations
College of Business, Industry, Life Science and Agriculture Alumni Recognition Reception and Banquet
5:30 p.m.Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall • $15
Award recipients include: Anne Klawiter, Robert Wiese, Lana Wiese, Elizabeth Pappas, Myron L. Olson
and Dr. Stacey Schultz-Cherry
College of Liberal Arts and Education Recognition Banquet
5:30 p.m.Nohr Gallery, Ullsvik Hall
Award recipients include: Kimberly Thorsen, Gregory Dennis, Norman Jacobs and Carol Lange
Reservations required. Contact Carolyn Fries, 608.342.1151 or friesc@uwplatt.edu for more information.
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Annual Graduating Senior and Alumni Recognition Dinner
6 p.m.
Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall • $15
Award recipients include: Dr. Matthew Johll, Jeffrey Mantes, Robert O. Hoffland and Dr. Richard Shultz
Delta Sigma Phi will be holding its 45th reunion during Homecoming. Contact Dennis Rockow at 920.916.6350
or drockow@new.rr.com if you would like more information.
Have a ny quest ions about Homecom i ng?
Please contact Alumni Services at 1.800.897.2586
or alumni@uwplatt.edu.
Saturday, Oct. 15
Homecoming 5K Run/Walk
7:30 a.m. Memorial Park, 1665 Greenwood Ave.
$25 to pre-register
$30 day of registration
Be part of the inaugural Homecoming 5 Kilometer
Run/Walk and help raise money for scholarships.
This event is open to students, alumni and the
Hospitality Tent
9 a.m.
405 W. Main Street
Join us for hot chocolate, cider, coffee and
donuts! Donuts are sponsored by Wal-Mart and
beverages are sponsored by Liberty Mutual
Homecoming Parade
10 a.m. Main Street
All-college Lunch
11 a.m. Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Stay on campus and feed the whole family while
catching up with former professors and friends!
We will be doing our second annual Custard
Creation Challenge. Voting will take place
this fall and the winner will be announced at
noon on Homecoming, followed by free
custard for all. Sponsored by Culver's and the
UW-Platteville Alumni Association.
Family Fun
11:30 a.m. Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Games, temporary tattoos and much more
Homecoming Football Game
2 p.m. Pioneer Football vs. UW-Oshkosh,
Pioneer Stadium. All Marching Pioneer alumni are invited to play with the band at halftime.
Mining Reunion Banquet
6 p.m. University Rooms, Markee Pioneer
Student Center
Lighting of the “M”
9 p.m.
Please make checks payable to the UW-Platteville Alumni
Association and send with R.S.V.P. to:
UW-Platteville Alumni Services • 1 University Plaza •
Platteville WI 53818-3099.
R.S.V.P. by Oct. 3
Please return this form with payment to:
UW-Platteville Alumni Services
1 University Plaza | Platteville WI 53818-3099
or register online at alumni.uwplatt.edu
Reservations are requested for the
I will be attending these Thursday events:
 Mining Reunion Welcome Reception
I will be attending these Friday events:
 Mining Reunion Brunch
 Mining Tour and Lunch
 BILSA Award Recipients Open Forum
I will be attending this banquet on Friday:
 BILSA ($15)
 EMS ($15)
 Sponsor an EMS senior's meal ($15)
I will be attending these Saturday events:
 Homecoming 5K Run/Walk ($25 pre-register)
 All-college Luncheon
 Mining Reunion Banquet
Total $ Enclosed:___________________
Homecoming 2011 R.S.V.P.
Grad Year: __________________
Grad Year: __________________
State: ____________ Zip:_____________________________
Dietary Needs: ______________________________________
Payment Information
 Check
Credit Card  Visa  MasterCard
 Discover
Card Number________________________________________
Ex. Date_____________________
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 25
La Crosse, WI
1 University Plaza | Platteville WI 53818-3099
Change Service Requested
Discover Panama
Feb. 22-March 1, 2012 9 Days • 15 Meals (8 Breakfasts • 3 Lunches • 4 Dinners)
Panama Canal: Connecting the Atlantic and Pacific
Panama is steeped in history, from early Inca traders and Spanish conquistadors to the Panama Canal.
Join fellow UW-Platteville alumni on this journey across the Isthmus of Panama as a transit cruise on the
Pacific Queen takes you through the Gaillard Cut, carved through the Continental Divide. Pass through
the Pedro Miguel and Miraflores locks and learn about the canal expansion project on an unforgettable
journey between the seas.
For more information go to www.collettevacations.com/group-page/index.cfm?ID=465193
Homecoming 2011 invitation inside
Remember to take a look at the Homecoming invitation located
on the inside back cover. See a list of all of the events going on
and take the opportunity to register today.
We are doing our first 5K Homecoming Run/Walk before the
Homecoming parade on Saturday, Oct. 15.
If the address label lists a son or daughter who no longer lives here, please call or e-mail the
UW-Platteville Alumni Services office the correct address. 1.800.897.2586 or alumni@uwplatt.edu