Sustainability quick check for biofuels (SQCB)
Sustainability quick check for biofuels (SQCB)
Sustainability Quick Check for Biofuels (SQCB) Jürgen Reinhard Mireille Faist Emmenegger Rainer Zah Technology and Society Lab EMPA, Switzerland Ma ter ials Sci ence & Technolog y Content Context/Motivation Conception Questionnaire Life Cycle Inventory calculation Life Cycle Impacts Assessment Benchmarking Limitations Outlook IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 2/28 Swiss law on mineral oil tax from 23.3.2007 Article 12b stipulates tax exemption for biofuels Paragraph 3: Biofuels must comply to minimum requirements regarding evidence of positive environmental balance and acceptable labour conditions Basis for the definition of the minimum environmental requirements: Empa study 2007 (Zah et al. 2007; Was first ordinance world-wide which bases on LCA calculation! IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 3/28 LCA calculation Materialflow Energyflow Emissions sewing cultivation harvesting fuel production transport seed production fertilizer production tractor production auxiliaries production lorry production setting up seed production building of fertilizer plant building up tractor plant building of chemical plant building of truck plant IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 car production building of car plant Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 4/28 Motivation Full LCA = resource demanding and complex interpreted differently by each institute often not to afford by small scale producers But, various production chains of biofuels have already been evaluated critical factors are know Develop a web-based tool for rapidly assessing individual pathways of agro-biofuels on a LCA basis IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 increase the knowledge about critical issues within agrobiofuel production facilitate the entry of small producers from developing countries Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 5/28 Co-operation Partners Empa: M. Faist Emmenegger (project leader), R. Zah, J. Reinhard HTW Berlin: T. Ziep, R. Weichbrodt , Prof. V. Wohlgemuth Agroscope: A. Roches, R. Freiermuth, G. Gaillard Founding: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Switzerland IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 6/28 Content Context/Motivation Conception Questionnaire Life Cycle Inventory calculation Life Cycle Impacts Assessment Benchmarking Limitations Outlook IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 7/28 Conception: Workflow SQCB additional measures needed? questionnaire inventory modelling inventory data life cycle inventory calculation background data (ecoinvent) data entry IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 life cycle inventory calculation environmental impact assessment impact assessment methods life cycle impact assessment benchmarking -Swiss tax redemption criteria - RSB criteria? - RSPO? interpretation of results Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 8/28 Questionnaire: What is important? IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 9/28 Which data can the user enter? Agriculture (per furnisher) Fuel production/refining Crop type, Yield Geographic information (climatic zone, type of soil, rain etc.) Mineral fertilizer Organic fertilizer Pesticide Land use at specific date Energy and chemicals use Allocation factor Questionnaire has got a similar structure as the form of the Swiss government IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 10/28 Data entry additional measures needed? questionnaire inventory modelling inventory data life cycle inventory calculation background data (ecoinvent) data entry IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 life cycle inventory calculation environmental impact assessment impact assessment methods life cycle impact assessment benchmarking -Swiss tax redemption criteria - RSB criteria? - RSPO? interpretation of results Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 11/28 Alternatives for data entry yes Data known? yes, but only totals no IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Entry of detailed data Split from reference data in ecoinvent Default data from reference data in ecoinvent Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 12/28 Inventory modelling additional measures needed? questionnaire inventory modelling inventory data life cycle inventory calculation background data (ecoinvent) data entry IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 life cycle inventory calculation environmental impact assessment impact assessment methods life cycle impact assessment benchmarking -Swiss tax redemption criteria - RSB criteria? - RSPO? interpretation of results Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 13/28 Inventory modelling Emissions in agriculture are calculated according to ecoinvent Nr. 15, agriculture (e.g. N2O, NH3) and Nr. 17, bioenergy (e.g. heavy metals) For nitrate and phosphorus, new simplificated modells were developed collaboration with Agroscope CO2 emissions from direct LUC by stock difference method standard values of tier 1, IPCC 2006 IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 14/28 Inventory modelling: CO2 LUC Implicite assumtion: todays use = future use [1 ha ?] T [1 ha Cropland] TODAY Land use at reference date [e.g. 1 ha forest] 01.01.2004 C_Content_REF0 1. IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 [1 ha Cropland] 01.01.2024 Accounting period IPCC = 20 years until state of equilibrium is reached 3. C_Content_new 2. Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 15/28 Inventory modelling: CO2 LUC – What is covered? Natural ecosystem Managed ecosystem 1ha 1ha Forest Land Agro-biofuel system Forest Land 1ha 1ha Grass Land Grass Land 1ha 1ha 1ha Cropland Cropland Cropland 1ha 1ha Wetland Wetland 1ha 1ha Settlements Settlements 1ha Other Land 1ha Other Land Excluded IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 16/28 Inventory modelling: CO2 LUC Basic simplifications: LUC from managed ecosystems not considered default values for AGB, DOM and SOC time scale the emissions are attributed to todays application = future application emission from forest burning are not addressed N2O-Emissions and CH4not included iLUC = not included More accurate modelling will be implemented until May IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 17/28 IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 18/28 Impact evaluation additional measures needed? questionnaire inventory modelling inventory data life cycle inventory calculation background data (ecoinvent) data entry IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 life cycle inventory calculation environmental impact assessment impact assessment methods life cycle impact assessment benchmarking -Swiss tax redemption criteria - RSB criteria? - RSPO? interpretation of results Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 19/28 Impacts evaluation Midpoint level: Global warming potential GWP100 Endpoint level: Swiss method of ecological scarcity UBP 06 Other impact assessment methods can be added Social factors: information on requirements of Swiss regulation IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 20/28 Benchmarking additional measures needed? questionnaire inventory modelling inventory data life cycle inventory calculation background data (ecoinvent) data entry IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 life cycle inventory calculation environmental impact assessment impact assessment methods life cycle impact assessment benchmarking -Swiss tax redemption criteria - RSB criteria? - RSPO? interpretation of results Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 21/28 User results Biofuel reference Minimum requirements Swiss ordinance Fossil reference IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 22/28 IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 23/28 Benchmarking additional measures needed? questionnaire inventory modelling inventory data life cycle inventory calculation background data (ecoinvent) data entry IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 life cycle inventory calculation environmental impact assessment impact assessment methods life cycle impact assessment benchmarking -Swiss tax redemption criteria - RSB criteria? - RSPO? interpretation of results Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 24/28 IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 25/28 Content Context/Motivation Conception Questionnaire Life Cycle Inventory calculation Life Cycle Impacts Assessment Benchmarking Limitations Outlook IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 26/28 Limitations of the tool Simplified models based on few parameters in the agriculture Reference data has only limited validity Streamlined assessment, doesn‘t replace a full LCA Garbage in = garbage out Results don‘t have any legal value IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 27/28 Outlook: work on progress! Prototype finished with XME from rape seed Phase 2 End of May 2009 currently: uncertainty assessment first results appear very accurate (compared to ecoinvent) tests and ameliorations new value chains (e.g. ethanol from sugar cane, sugar beet, etc.) extension of evaluation evaluation of the adaptation to other standards dissemination tool will be available under as of May 2009 IEA Bioenergy Task 38, 30.03.2009 Ma terials Sci ence & Technolog y 28/28 Thank you for your attention! Jürgen Reinhard (as of May 2009) Ma ter ials Sci ence & Technolog y