Life Cycle Assessment of Man-made cellulose fibres
Life Cycle Assessment of Man-made cellulose fibres
Life Cycle Assessment of Man-made cellulose fibres: Modal and Tencel Li Shen and Dr. Martin Patel Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS) Copernicus Institute Utrecht University What is Life Cycle Assessment? (LCA) System boundaries Emiss. Natural resources System boundary of this study: 1. Cradle to factory gate Mining/ 2. Extraction Cradle to Processing factory gate plus post-consumer Waste Product recovery Use rate MSWI with energy recovery, M'mt Postconsumer =60% Emiss. waste Land Agriculture, Forestry Emiss. Landfill Process waste Emiss. Sewage Treatment Cradle-to-Factory Gate Cradle-to-Grave What fibres are we studying? Functional unit: “One metric tonne of staple fibre” Specialty man-made cellulose fibres - Lenzing Modal - Tencel This study - Tencel 2012 Cotton (US and China) PET and PP fibres (Western Europe) Other studies Lenzing Modal and Tencel Fibre name Pulp source Process Process energy Lenzing Modal Lenzing Pulp Integrated - Biomass production - Energy from MSWI - Fossil fuels Tencel Austria Mixed Non- Biomass (30%) Market pulp integrated - Natural gas (70%) & Lenzing production - Energy from MSWI Tencel, pulp Austria 2012 (100%) Heat from MSWI emissions Waste & Fuels Waste disposal service MSWI plant Recovered heat Baseline: Economic allocation for MSWI plant. 17.5% MSWI income is from selling recovered heat. Low case: Heat from waste is for free. High case: If there were no MSWI plant, heat would have to be obtained from natural gas. What are the environmental impacts? 1. 2. 3. Energy: Non-Renewable Energy Use (NREU) 4. 5. Water use Global Warming (kg CO2 equivalents) Land use for biomass production (and land use efficiency) The CML environmental indicators (abiotic depletion, human toxicity, fresh water ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, photochemical oxidant, acidification and eutrophication) LCA result Net NREU (GJ/t fibre), Cradle-to-factory gate plus post-consumer waste incineration with energy recovery (recovery rate = 60%) 100 80 93 85 60 Cradle-to-factory gate 40 41 43 20 0 -10 -14 -20 -29 -9 25 22 -9 -9 Recovered energy from waste incineration (energy recovery rate 60%) -40 l ) ) ) a a i e e N 12 r d p p t 0 C 2 ro & ro us , Mo u u S a A g , ri .E .E (U l t n i e s W W ( ( u on nz nc t T A P e t e , E P L o T P el C c n Te Net NREU (GJ/t fibre), Cradle-to-factory gate plus post-consumer waste incineration with energy recovery (recovery rate = 60%) 100 80 60 78 56 34 40 Cotton 31 20 16 13 0 -20 ) ia al e) e) N 12 r d p p t 0 C o o o & us ,2 M ur ur S a A i E g E . . (U tr in e l, s n z (W (W c u T P en tto en E L P o l, A T P e C nc e T Net GWP (t CO2 eq./t fibre), Cradle-to-factory gate plus post-consumer waste incineration with energy recovery (recovery rate = 60%) 6 5.5 5 4.2 4 3 Cotton 2.8 2.1 2 1 0 1.1 0.9 -0.3 -1 ) 2 ia al e) e) N r 1 d t p p 0 C s o 2 ro ro & u M , u u ia US .E .E l, A r ng ( t i e s W W z c n ( ( u n n o t A e T e P t , L T P el PE Co c n Te Land use 1.2 1.0 Forest land use Agricultural land use ha/t fibre 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 r ia t us A el, c n Te 12 0 2 ce n Te a tri s u l, A g in z n Le al d Mo ) e) N g a &C er S v a (U d n l r o o tt o (W C n to t Co Net NREU savings per hectare land use, 1 t fibre (reference system: PET fibre) 500 Based on forest land Based on agricultural land GJ/ha/t fibre 400 340 300 210 200 108 57 100 0 a tri s u lA e nc e T 12 0 2 al ia r d t o s M Au g l n e i nc nz e e T L n tto o C Water use, natural water origin (m3/t fibre) 7000 For process water For cooling water For irrigation, surface water For irrigation, ground water Total water use, US cotton Total water us, CN cotton 6000 5000 5730 3967 4000 2000 1500 1724 1000 494 500 265 76 266 130 0 al e) e) N) 12 ria d p p t 0 C o 2 ro ro us , M u u S& a A i E E g U , r . . ( in el st n z (W (W c u o n A T e tt en , L PP o l T PE e C nc e T Characterisation result based on the CML environmental indicators Cradle-to-factory gate, 1 tonne fibre Cotton = 100 250% Cotton (US&CN) =100 PET fibre (W.Europe) PP fibre (W.Europe) Lenzing Modal Tencel, Austria Tencel, Austria 2012 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% ab io tic io et l p de n h an m u to ty ci i x sh e r f w a r te ot ec t o ty ci i x s re r e o ec l a tri ph t ty ci i ox o ot ch al ic em t da i ox n io id ac io at c ifi n tro u e p io at c hi n Single-score result (I) Equally weighted, Cotton =100 1 tonne fibre, cradle-to-factory gate Single score points, equal weighting (no normalisation, Cotton =100) 120 100 80 60 Global warming Abiotic depletion Human toxicity Fresh water ecotoxicity Terrestrial ecotoxicity Photochemical oxidation Acidification Eutrophication Land use Water use 40 20 0 2 al ia U) N) U) r d t 01 E E C . . o s 2 & M (W (W ia Au r g US , t e e ( l n r r s i ce on fib fi b nz Au n t e t , e T P l L o T e P C PE nc e T Normalisation result (percentage of global impact per year ) 1 tonne fibre, from cradle to factory gate Normalisation result, World 1995 1.4E-09 1.2E-09 1.0E-09 8.0E-10 6.0E-10 CML Normalisation factors (global impact per year) World, 1995 Global warming (kg CO2 eq.) 4.1 x 1013 Abiotic depletion (kg Sb eq.) 1.6 x 1011 Human toxicity (kg 1,4 DB eq.) 5.7 x 1013 Fresh water ecotoxicity (kg 1,4DB eq.) 2.0 x 1012 Terrestrial ecotoxicity (kg 1,4 DB eq.) 2.6 x 1011 Photochemical oxidation (kg C2H4 eq.) 9.6 x 1010 Acidification (kg SO2 eq.) 3.2 x 1011 Eutrophication (kg PO43- eq.) 1.3 x 1011 Source: Huijbregts, et al. (2003) 4.0E-10 2.0E-10 0.0E+00 global warming abiotic (GWP100) depletion human fresh water terrestrial phototoxicity aquatic ecotoxicity chemical ecotox. oxidation acidification eutrophication Cotton (US&CN) PET fibre (W. Europe) PP fibre (W.Europe) Lenzing Modal Tencel, Austria Tencel, Austria 2012 Single-score result, equal weighting points (first normalised to World 1995) Single-score result (II) Equally weighted, normalised to World 1995 1 tonne fibre, from cradle to factory gate 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Global warming Abiotic depletion Human toxicity Fresh water ecotoxicity Terrestrial ecotoxicity Photochemical oxidation Acidification Eutrophication 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 ) ) ) ia al U N U 12 r d t 0 E E C . . o s u M W W a2 S& ( ( i A r g U e e ( st in el, n br br z u c i i o f f en tt en T P l, A L o T E e P C P nc e T Single-score result (III) NOGEPA weighting factors (normalised to World, 1995) 1 tonne fibre, cradle-to-factory gate NOGEPA Single-score points (First normalised to World 1995) 10 8 6 Global warming Abiotic depletion Human toxicity Fresh water ecotoxicity Terrestrial ecotoxicity Photochemical oxidation Acidification Eutrophication Weighting factors (NOGEPA)* Climate Change* 32 Abiotic depletion 6 Human toxicity* 16 Fresh water ecotoxicity 10 Terrestrial ecotoxicity 9 Photochemical oxidation* 8 Acidification* 6 Eutrophication* 13 Total 100 4 2 0 ) ) ) a al N U U 12 d tri 0 E E C . . o s 2 & u M W W a S ( ( i A r g (U re re st in el, n b b z u c i i f f A n en tto , e T P l L o T P C ce PE n Te Weighting factors marked with (*) are obtained from Huppes et al. (2003); weighting factors without (*) is modified based on the same study. Discussion Uncertainty related to impact assessment methodology: - The CML method: toxicity in general. - Weighting factors of the single-score result. - Lack of method to evaluate different forms of land use and water use. - Lack of method to evaluate GMO and biodiversity. - Natural emissions from forests not account for. Conclusion Environmental benefits of Modal, Tencel and future Tencel fibres: - low non-renewable energy use - low GHG emissions - good land use efficiency compared to cotton - low water use - low impact on ecotoxicity and eutrophication Major drawbacks of Modal and Tencel: - relatively high abiotic depletion and photochemical oxidation Overall, we conclude (based on Single-score result I, II and III): Modal and Tencel vs. Cotton: ☺☺ Modal and Tencel vs. Petrochemical fibres (PET, PP): ☺ Acknowledgement Mr. Josef Schmidtbauer Dr. Haio Harms Additional slides Why man-made cellulose fibres are interesting? World fibre production 1920-2005 (kton) 35,000 Cotton 30,000 Synthetic (petro-based) 25,000 Man-made cellulosic 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1915 1925 1935 Sources: USDA (2006), JCFA (2006), Ullmann (1997), Textile online library (2006) 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 Lenzing Modal and Tencel (1/2)
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