Extraordinary Style - United Builders Supply
Extraordinary Style - United Builders Supply
Extraordinar y Style S T A I R S Y S T E M S Available in Hollow Iron only. See pages 6, 10, 17, 21 & 23. The Transformer System. Accessory Iron & Straight Bars. The Industry’s First Baluster Replacement System. See page 29. See page 27. An updated catalog collection of elegant wood and forged iron combinations that will create a place of style and beauty within the home. Design Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Handcrafted Forged Iron . . . . . . . . . 5-24 Forged Iron Finish Options . . . . . . . . . 6 Extra Large Hollow Balusters . . . . . . .7-8 Hollow Knee-Wall Balusters . . . . . . .9-10 Forged Iron Collections . . . . . . . . .11-24 Milan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-12 Florence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14 Palermo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-16 Roma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-18 Vicenza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-20 Marsala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21-22 Sicily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-24 Forged Iron Installation . . . . . . . . . . .25-26 The Transformer System . . . . . . . . . . 27-28 Accessory Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Iron Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Custom Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Wood Stairways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-55 Wood Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Box Newels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33-38 Stain Box Newels . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36 Primed Box Newels . . . . . . . . . .37-38 The Crown System™ . . . . . . . . . . . 39-40 Wood Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-55 Sierra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41-42 Williamsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43-44 1800s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45-46 Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47-48 Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49-50 Hampton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51-52 Colonial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53-54 Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 EasAlign™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Fittings & Components . . . . . . . . . 57-62 Caps & Easings . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-58 Volutes & Turnouts . . . . . . . . . 57-58 Goosenecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-58 Handrails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Shoerails & Fillets . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Hemlock Rails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Wall Rails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Bending Rails & Moulds . . . . . . . 59 Starting Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Newel Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Treads, Tread Kits & Risers . . . .61-62 Noses, Mouldings & Brackets . . . . 62 Rosettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Accessories & Hardware . . . . . . . . . . 63-64 Sales Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Stair Part Terms Illustrated & Defined . . 66 Architecturally Correct Stairways . . . . 67-70 Over-the-Post Take-off Guide . . . . . . . 69 Post-to-Post Take-off Guide . . . . . . . . . 70 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71-74 Note: Crown Heritage products are designed for interior use only . 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Fifteen collections of wood and forged iron styles that will fit any home design. From the detail of design to unsurpassed craftsmanship, these exceptional stair systems are where style is found today. 2 2102 & 2121 Balusters, 3010 Newel 1101 & 1113 Balusters, 1190 Newels DESIGN LIBRARY Crown Heritage makes it easy to get the stair part CAD drawings, PDF files and information you need. The Design Library is a valuable tool and service for architects and designers to place our CAD-ready drawings directly into home plans. Getting your CAD-ready plans is FREE. Go to the Design Library at www.crownheritage.com, create an account and start downloading your files. It is that easy. 3 D E S I G N L I B R A R Y 1501, 1502 Balusters & 4191 Newels Downloading our CAD drawings is easy. 4 HANDCRAFTED FORGED IRON Seven handcrafted collections bring together the style and design of forged iron with the warmth of wood for an exquisite look and design. With multiple options available, the ability to customize the style of any stairway is easily achieved with Crown Heritage. 2102 & 2121 Balusters. Featuring 3010 Newel in Brazilian Cherry 5 F O R G E D Satin Black Nickel Copper Vein Rubbed Copper Silver Vein Oil Rubbed Bronze I R O N AVA I L A B L E I N S I X C O L O R F I N I S H E S Crown Heritage hand forged iron is crafted for high style and is available in six exciting color finishes, including our unique Nickel metal finish. Forged iron stair parts are the perfect complement to our wood stair parts. Unique shapes and finishes are handcrafted through the same enduring qualities and exceptional style as the old-world blacksmiths. The modern techniques of electric welding allow Crown Heritage to carry the forged iron tradition into our latest iron baluster collections. 6 EXTRA L ARGE H O L L O W B A L U S T E R S Crown Heritage extra large, hollow forged iron balusters have the same style and finish as our solid balusters, but are lighter, making them easier to install. The extra large style will make any stair project stand out. 6 1/4 6 1/4 6 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 4 1/4 12 44 Satin Black 3 1/2 26 3/4 Copper Vein 1 1 11 /4 1 1 12 /4 12 /4 5 /4 5 1/2 Rubbed Copper 3 1/2 Silver Vein Hollow Iron 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 15 15 15 20 3/4 13 2101 2102 2121 2122 2700-44 2708-44 19mm 19mm 19mm 19mm 19mm 19mm Nominal size is 3/4" 7 ADD ONE OF MANY AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES TO STRAIGHT BARS See page 29 E X T R A L H A R G E O L L O W B A L U S T E R S Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. Available in: Satin Black Rubbed Copper Copper Vein Silver Vein 5 1/2 5 1/2 5 1/2 2708CV-44 2708SV-44 2708RC-44 2101 2101 2121 Copper Vein Finish Silver Vein Finish Rubbed Copper Finish Silver Vein Finish Detail Copper Vein Finish Detail Rubbed Copper Finish Detail 3028 2811 FORGED IRON WALL RAIL FORGED IRON BRACKETS AVAILABLE SHOES AVAILABLE See page 63 IN SIX FINISHES See page 30 8 12 H M M O L L O W B A L U S T E R S Our 12mm (1/2") hollow balusters are available in 30" and 44" lengths. 30" balusters are perfect for creating great visual style and alignment in a knee wall installation, while 44" balusters complement traditional landing heights. 3 /4 30" special knee wall balusters 3 3 /4 3 /4 3 /4 3 /4 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 /4 3 23/32 12 1/4 8 3/8 Satin Black 1 5/8 Rubbed Copper 11 1/4 ? 5 1/4 8 1/2 Oil Rubbed Bronze 8 1/2 1 5/8 Hollow Iron 21 1/4 ? 11 4 3/8 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 6 1/2 6 1/2 6 1/2 10 3/8 5 1/ 32 20 3/4 30" balusters are designed with closer baskets and twists specifically for knee walls. 3101-30 3102-30 3121-30 3122-30 3708-30 3101-44 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm Nominal size is 1/2" 9 H O L L O W B A L U S T E R S Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. See pages 6, 17, 21 and 23 for more Oil Rubbed Bronze balusters. 3 3 /4 6 1/4 6 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 /4 /4 /4 6 1/4 3 3 3 /4 12 44 Standard length balusters 3 1/2 30" knee wall balusters 21 1/4 12 1/4 5 1/4 3708, 3101 & 3102 Balusters 12 1/4 4 3/8 3 1/2 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 ADD ONE OF MANY AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES TO STRAIGHT BARS See page 29 Standard length balusters 30" knee wall balusters 3121, 3122 & 3101 Balusters 15 15 15 3/4 15 The above pictures show how 30" balusters and 44" balusters should be installed. 3102-44 3121-44 3122-44 3700-44 3708-44 30" balusters are especially designed with tighter dimensions to fit between the rail and the knee wall. For 44" balusters revert to standard installation dimensions. Note: 30" balusters should only be used in knee wall installations. 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 10 M S C I L A N O L I D I R O N O L L E C T I O N B A L U S T E R S O N L Y Side View Side View 6 1/4 15 5 1/4 Satin Black 5 1/4 Nickel 12 1/4 Rubbed Copper 41 5/8 41 5/8 44 Solid Iron 5 1/4 23 3/4 8 9/16 8 9/16 15 4 1/4 4 1/2 1000 1001 1002 1050 1051 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm Nominal size is 9/16" Belly balusters are used on balconies to replicate Old-World Charm 11 M I L A N C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. OVER-TH IRON NE E - P O S T W E L S 1 1 Side View Side View 11 3/4 9 1/2 47 25 3/4 41 5/8 41 5/8 1090 1091 30mm 30mm 1090 Newel 1091 Newel 8 9/16 8 9/16 4 1/4 4 4 1/2 1052 1053 14mm 14mm 4 1052 & 1053 DESIGNED TO AID IN CODE COMPLIANCE Forged Iron balusters are compliant with the 4" sphere building code requirement. 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. 12 F S C L O R E N C E O L I D I R O N B O L L E C T I O N A L U S T E R S O N L Y 7 5/16 10 5/8 1 3/4 17 3/16 Paint It Yourself! Satin Black 5 5/8 14 1/2 Rubbed Copper 1 3/8 Solid Iron 18 3/8 44 5 5/8 Paint It Yourself! 18 7/8 25 7/16 1 3/8 15 9/16 13 1060 1061 1062 1068 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm F L O R E N C E C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. 17 3/8 5 /8 Paint It Yourself! Paint It Yourself! You can add an accent or entirely change the color of 1061, 1062 and 1071 stair parts on-site. 44 44 26 1070 1071 1074 1061 Baluster with painted knuckle 12mm 12mm 16mm 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. 1070, 1071 and 1074 are hammered round therefore square shoes are not required. Any round iron baluster can be installed in round drilled holes and secured with Crown Heritage Epoxy. 14 P S A L E R M O O L I D I R O N C B O L L E C T I O N A L U S T E R S O N L Y Only available in Satin Black 4 1/4 6 1/4 6 1/4 6 1/4 51/4 12 44 5 1/4 Satin Black Copper Vein 22 3/4 26 3/4 Rubbed Copper 12 1/4 12 1/4 11 1/4 Nickel Silver Vein Solid Iron ADD ONE OF MANY AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES TO STRAIGHT BARS See page 29 5 1/2 5 3/4 5 1/4 20 3/4 15 5 1/4 15 13 1700 1708 1101 1102 1103 1113 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm Nominal size is 1/2" 15 15 P A L E R M O C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. OVER-TH IRON NE E - P O S T W E L S 1 1 5 1/2 11 9/16 7 6 1/4 1 1/2 6 1/4 12 1/4 9 1/2 5 1/4 1 1/2 5 1/4 7 3 1/4 22 3/16 15 5 1/4 12 1/4 1190 1191 30mm 30mm 3 1/2 5 1/4 5 1/4 15 15 1121 12mm 1122 12mm 1190 Newel detail 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. 16 R A C O M A O L L E C T I O N V A I L A B L E I N B S O T H O L I D & H O L L O W B A L U S T E R S See pages 6, 10, 21 and 23 for more Oil Rubbed Bronze balusters. ered amm H t No 4 7/8 4 7/8 7 7 12 1/4 12 1/4 11 5/32 44 Satin Black Rubbed Copper Oil Rubbed Bronze Solid Iron Hollow Iron 13 11/16 ADD ONE OF MANY AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES TO STRAIGHT BARS See page 29 4 1/2 7 7 12 7/8 12 7/8 19 5/32 4700-44 (Hollow) 1201 (Solid) 3201 (Hollow) 1202 (Solid) 3202 (Hollow) 1212 (Solid) 3212 (Hollow 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm Nominal size is 9/16" 17 R O M A C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. Side View Side View 15 41 5/8 13 11/16 8 9/16 8 9/16 12 15/16 4 1/2 4 1/2 Front 1251 14mm Side 1212 Baluster 1252 14mm 1252 DESIGNED TO AID IN CODE COMPLIANCE 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. Belly balusters are used on balconies to replicate Old-World Charm 18 V S I C E N Z A O L I D I R O N C B O L L E C T I O N O A L U S T E R S N L Y 5 3/4 5 3/4 7 1/2 7 1/2 12 1/4 Satin Black Rubbed Copper Solid Iron 11 9 4 1/4 9 5 7/8 7 1/2 7 1/2 14 1/4 14 1/4 20 3/4 1301 1302 1331 1331RC 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm Nominal size is 1/2" 19 V I C E N Z A C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. OVER-TH IRON NE E - P O S T W E L 1 9 1/2 9 1/2 14 1/4 7 5 /8 4 1/4 23 1/4 16 1/2 1391 30mm 4 1/4 5 7/8 Only available in Satin Black 18 1332 1332 Baluster Detail 1391 Newel 12mm 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. 20 M A C A R S A L A V A I L A B L E I N O L L E C T I O N B O T H S O L I D & H O L L O W B A L U S T E R S See pages 6, 10, 17 and 23 for more Oil Rubbed Bronze balusters. 9 1/16 15 1/2 17 7/16 7 /8 Satin Black Rubbed Copper Nickel 7 15 7/8 /8 4 3/4 Oil Rubbed Bronze Solid Iron Hollow Iron 7 /8 25 11/16 23 3/4 17 5/16 1501 (Solid) 3501 (Hollow) 1501NK 14mm 14mm Nominal size is 9/16" 21 Nickel Rubbed Copper 1501RC 1502 (Solid) 3502 (Hollow) 1531 (Solid) 3531 (Hollow) 14mm 14mm 14mm M A R S A L A C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. Paint It Yourself! You can add an accent or entirely change the color of your stair parts on-site. 1501 Baluster 1531 Baluster with painted basket 1501, 1502 Balusters & 4191 Newels 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. 22 S I C I L Y A V A I L A B L E C I O L L E C T I O N N B O T H S O L I D & H B O L L O W A L U S T E R S See pages 6, 10, 17 and 21 for more Oil Rubbed Bronze balusters. 7 3/32 44 44 16 47/64 Accessory knuckles are optional on the 1700 baluster. Satin Black 1 25/32 Rubbed Copper Nickel 1835 17 1/2 1 25/32 44 ADD ONE OF MANY AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES TO 4700 AND 3700 STRAIGHT BARS See page 29 Solid Iron Hollow Iron 1831 1 25/32 32 25 /34 15 27/32 1700 (Solid) 3700 (Hollow) 1701 (Solid) 3701 (Hollow) 1702 (Solid) 3702 (Hollow) 1707 (Solid) 4700 (Hollow) 14mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 14mm Nominal size is 1/2" Belly balusters are used on balconies to replicate Old-World Charm 23 S I C I L Y C O L L E C T I O N Note: Not all images are to scale. | All dimensions in inches unless specified. Side View 4 1/2 41 5/8 26 3/4 5 1/2 8 31/64 13 4 1/2 1708 1750 12mm 12mm 1101, 1102, 1708 Balusters & 8510 Newel Forged Iron balusters are compliant with the 4" sphere building code requirement. 3/4" is included in the overall height for the pin tops on the balusters. 24 S T E P O N E — B A L U S T E R S Here’s your chance to be creative. Our forged iron stairways may be designed to your preference. Feel free to “mix and match” balusters that appeal to you. Almost any combination is acceptable. Balusters for the Balcony Our graceful “belly balusters” are specially designed for balconies. They are a great way to make your stairway unique! S T E P T W O — N E W E L S You may choose either a forged iron or a wood newel. Forged iron newels may be used in Over-the-Post installations. Wood newels may be used in both Post-to-Post and Overthe-Post stairways. If you choose a wood newel installation, consider one of our many box newels—combined with forged iron balusters, they make a beautiful stairway (see Installation Using a Box Newel pages 35-38). S T E P T H R E E — H A N D R A I L S Handrail Profiles Again, we offer a wide array of styles with matching fittings. See page 59 for the handrails that may be used with our forged iron stairways. S T E P F O U R — T I P S Many building codes require three balusters on a tread. Check with your local code officials if you have any doubts about compliance. Illustration 1 Gooseneck may require a longer baluster Because these balusters are handcrafted, they may vary slightly in size. Please check each baluster and newel before you drill the hole for it. S T E P F O U R — C O M P O N E N T S Intermediate Landing Balusters are offered in both square and round shapes and may be installed with or without shoes. Each requires that the appropriately-shaped hole be cut in the tread and handrail. One way to cut the square hole is by drilling a round hole in the wood the same size as the baluster’s overall width. Then, chisel out the hole to make it square (see illustration 2). 25 D E S I G N A N D I N S T A L L Illustration 2 Chiseling a square hole from a round hole Illustration 3 Setting a square baluster in a round hole F O R G E D I R O N S T A I R W A Y S If you use shoes, you may decide to drill a round hole and not chisel it square. This hole will be the size of the diagonal measurement of the baluster and will be hidden by the shoe (some shoes have set screws to hold them in place [see illustration 3]). We recommend using epoxy in the hole. You may apply the epoxy in one of two ways: (1) If you have only a few steps to install, you may put the epoxy in the hole before the baluster. Apply a small amount of epoxy—you don’t want it to overflow when the baluster is inserted. Then, put the shoe on the baluster and place the baluster in the hole. Continue up the staircase. Important: The cure time for epoxy is approximately 15 minutes, so you must proceed with speed once you’ve started the process! (2) If you have several steps to install—or if you don’t feel comfortable with scenario #1—then place the baluster in the hole before applying the epoxy. Put the epoxy in the hole between the baluster and the side of the hole (see illustration 3). Do not get epoxy on any wood surfaces that you are going to finish. If you are using round forged iron balusters, you may drill a small hole through the baluster and insert a small finishing nail into the wood. Or, you may fit the baluster into a hole of the same size drilled into the tread and allow it to turn. Illustration 4 Angle shoes are used beneath the handrail and where the baluster connects to the treads, and also on installations where a knee wall is used (see illustration 4). A set screw on the side of the shoe will hold it in place. Angle shoe under handrail Angle shoe and kneewall Illustration 5 Forged iron newels are installed differently depending upon their locations: – Starting step: Cut a square hole into the tread and riser plates. The hole must be a good, tight fit around the newel. A mortising bit is very helpful for cutting this square hole. – Intermediate landing: Drill two holes in the side of the newel and attach the newel to the riser. This is the easiest and strongest method (see illustration 5). Riser An easy method for mounting forged iron newels on intermediate landings – Balcony: Cut square holes into the floor. Then, depending on under-floor access, either screw the newel into a joist (similar to the way an intermediate newel is screwed into a riser) or attach the newel to the front of the balcony with the appropriate screws. NOTE: USE THE 1843 NEWEL INSTALLATION HARDWARE TO INSTALL 30MM FORGED IRON NEWELS 26 THE TRANSFORMER SYSTEM Upgrade a home with The Transformer System, the revolutionary way to easily replace balusters in an existing balustrade with Crown Heritage forged iron or wood replacement balusters...Without the need to remove the existing newels and handrail. Before 27 After T I R O N A N D W O O D B A L U S T E R R H E T R A N S F O R M E R E P L A C E M E N T M A D E E S Y S T E M A S Y The Transformer System provides many options to upgrade from an underwhelming buildergrade staircase to one with contemporary forged iron balusters OR 5400 expandable wood balusters. There are approximately 48 million 2-story homes in the USA, many of them track-built with builder-grade staircases that can easily be upgraded with The Transformer System. This provides building professionals and remodelers many opportunities to sell, and install replacement balusters to homeowners. Also, many homeowners have the DIY skills to install replacement balusters, which opens up new sales opportunities for the home improvement industry. The Transformer System is designed to upgrade existing open tread and knee wall staircases using Crown Heritage 1900 Series (19 mm), 1400 Series (14 mm) and 1200 Series (12 mm) forged iron replacement balusters OR 5400 expandable, wood replacement balusters. A V A I L A B L E Satin Black E A S Y I I R O N C Before—Open Tread After—Open Tread Before—Knee Wall After—Knee Wall O L O R S Rubbed Copper N S T A L L A T I O N Forged Iron balusters This patent pending system of shoes and sockets makes it easy to install Crown Heritage forged iron balusters. An experienced remodeler or advanced Do-It-Yourselfer can complete an entire installation within a day. Expandable Wood balusters The unique 5400 baluster has a twist-mechanism that expands the length of the baluster to fit between the tread and handrail. 19 mm, 14 mm and 12 mm hardware See the installation video at www.TheTransformerSystem.com. 28 ADD ACCESSORY IRON TO STRAIGHT BARS We offer several accessory iron designs that add design elements to your straight bar balusters. Accessory iron styles are available for 1900 Series (19 mm), 1400 Series (14 mm) and 1200 Series (12 mm) balusters. Straight bars and accessory iron are perfect for use on knee walls and with The Transformer System. DESIGN YOUR OWN ACCESSORY IRON STAIRCASE ST YLE 1863/2700 1861 1863 1864 12mm 14mm 19mm 12mm 14mm 19mm 12mm 14mm 19mm 1865 1866 1867 12mm 14mm 19mm 12mm 14mm 19mm 12mm 14mm 19mm 1864/2700 1865/2700 ACCESSORY IRON NOT SHOWN TO SCALE 1866/2700 29 2700-44 Hollow 4700-44 Hollow 3700-44 Hollow 19mm 14mm 12mm IRON COMPONENTS FORGED IRON SHOES 1811 (12mm) 1812 (14mm) 2811 (19mm) IRON KNUCKLES 1816 (12mm) 1817 (14mm) 1821 (12mm) 1822 (14mm) 2821 (19mm) 1835 (12mm) FB/RC/RB Use with Straight Bars 1831 (12mm) LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM KNUCKLES & SHOES 3831 (12mm) FB/RC/RB 3811 (12mm) RC FB/RC/RB 1843 Newel installation hardware. 3821 (12mm) RB FORGED IRON NEWEL COVER N E W E L H A R DWA R E 1842 (30mm) 3816 (12mm) 3817 (14mm) 1844 (30mm) Use with 1843 1846 (30mm) To be used with the forged iron newels when installed on a knee wall. H A R DWA R E Nominal Sizes: 12mm = 1/2" 3039 3038 3137 3139 Epoxy Refill Used with 3038 gun Epoxy Gun Includes 2 Epoxy Tips 6-Pack Epoxy Tips Use with 3139 15 Minute Epoxy Works in standard caulking gun 14mm = 9/16" 19mm = 3/4" 3 3037 2-Pack Epoxy tips for 3039 available. 30 CUSTOM PRODUCTS Crown Heritage can manufacture a range of custom products specific to your building project. We plan and design drawings to your staircase specifications or from your CAD drawings. We can produce your design in any of our available hardwood species, and on quick turnaround. Another way Crown Heritage brings you extraordinary style. A custom Curved Tread and Curved Handrail installation designed and produced for a customer in Alabama. 31 WO O D S TA I RWAY S The natural beauty and timeless appeal of an all-wood staircase finds expression in our elegant handrails, balusters, and newels. Crown Heritage offers eight signature collections, each precision crafted of the finest hardwoods. We offer the widest selection of wood species for all of our wood stair parts so each home can reflect its own unique style. THE WIDEST SELECTION OF WOOD SPECIES ON QUICK TURNAROUND Mahogany Maple Alder American Cherry Ash Beech Birch Black Walnut Brazilian Cherry Hemlock Hickory Poplar Red Oak White Oak Our wide selection of wood species is easy and convenient for builders, designers, architects, and dealers to add the beauty of rich wood style to any stair project. We will quote most species not listed here. Yellow Pine 32 5360 Balusters & 4094 Box Newels 33 BOX NEWELS Crown Heritage was the first in the industry to offer finished and stained box newels. Adding box newels to any design will create a crisp look and provide architectural style at an affordable price. The warm richness of wood box newels are the perfect complement to elegant wood or handcrafted forged iron baluster installations. The patented Primed Box Newels**/† are finished with the same process as the primed stair parts. 1121, 1122 Balusters & 4091 Box Newels **Patent: US D465,584 S † Patent: US D472,650 S 34 Crown Heritage box newels are available in matching species and finishes compatible with most of our collections. Box newels are constructed, rather than being one solid piece, for ease of installation. Our Junior Box Newels have been added as an extended part of our family of box newels to provide style at different price points. BOX NEWEL S 6 1⁄ 4 8 2 1 5 / 16 3 1 / 16 1 8 7 3 ⁄ 16 1 7 1 6 7 6 13 / 64 4 1/ 2 6 1/ 2 8 3⁄4 26 22 47/ 64 21 48 1 / 2 47 7 / 8 4 1⁄ 2 3 1⁄ 2 6 1⁄ 4 7 1/ 2 5 13 ⁄ 16 23 7 / 8 22 9 / 16 22 9 / 16 4076 Sleeve 4 1/2 8 58 4076 23 24 55 56 4091 22 1 / 2 23 7 / 8 4191 4082/83/97 Sleeve (Sold Separately) (Sold Separately) 3 INTERCHANGEABLE NEWEL CAP SYSTEM 56 4092 4 1⁄2 1 /2 6 11 56 4082 Junior Box Newel 1 7/8 11 6 11 Two caps are included in the stain-grade 4091, 4191, 4082, 4083, 4092, 4093, 4096, 4097, 4098. 18 23 1 / 4 23 1 / 4 Bottom cap is included with newel 19 30 1 / 2 38 18 3/4 25 3/4 Bevel Cap Square Cap 4086 4087 4088 35 1 3 /8 1 4085 4090 S T A I N B N O X E W E L S All dimensions in inches unless specified. 6 1⁄ 4 8 8 1 1 7 8 6 7 26 6 4096 Features true square corners. 1 1 1 7 7 7 45 45 26 48 1 / 2 5 13 ⁄ 16 4 1/ 4 7 1/ 2 23 7 / 8 4082/83/97 Sleeve (Sold Separately) 7 1/ 2 22 1 / 2 23 7 / 8 4093 6 22 / 2 56 56 56 4083 Junior Box Newel 4 1/ 4 1 56 56 4096 Mitered Corner Newel 4097 4098 Box Newel Details Hollow Bottom Newels Installation Blocks Product # 4082 4083 4091 4092 4093 4096 4097 4098 4191 Product # Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Sleeve Two caps Order Separate Order Separate Included Included Included Included Order Separate Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included See page 64 for newel hardware details. 36 Crown Heritage factory-primed box newels are also available with Oak trim as standard or as factory-primed columns with beautiful wood trim kits that provide many style options. 4" & 5 " P R I M E D B O X N E W E L S 4" 4094† 4094F 4094NS Standard Oak Trim 4094NSF 5" 4094NCT 4094FNCT 4095 4095F 4095NS Standard Oak Trim 4095NSF THE ABOVE 4" & 5" NEWELS HAVE SOLID BOTTOMS Recommended installation hardware is 3072 or 3073 5 7/ 16 5 † Patent: US D472,650 S TRIM KITS 3 3 / 16 3 3/ 16 4 **Patent: US D465,584 S 5 7 / 16 4094/4095 trim kit species options 4094, 4094F, 4094NS, 37 4094NSF, 4094NCT, 4094FNCT 49 3 / 8 49 3 / 8 58 58 4095 4095F, 4095NS, F ............Flute NS .........No Stain NSF .......No Stain Flute 4094CT Maple 4095CT Maple 4095NSF, 4095NCT 4095FNCT NCT .......No Cap & Trim FNCT .....Flute No Cap & Trim 4094CT Cherry 4095CT Cherry 4094CT Beech 4095CT Beech P R I M E D B O X N E W E L S PRIMED BOX NEWEL S 4095NCT 4095FNCT 4082/83 Sleeve 4082 4083 4091 4092 4093 (Sold Separately) Recommended installation hardware is 3072 or 3073 AFFORDABLE ST YLE Our patented†, factory-primed Box Newels offer the same finish as our primed balusters for less installation time. Starting at under $100, our factory-primed Box Newels are affordable and beautiful upgrades from the industry-standard look. 38 CROWN SYSTEM ® The ingenious Crown System from Crown Heritage provides the ability to line up the rings or square top balusters along the rake of the rail while, at the same time, keeping the bottom squares of the balusters parallel with the tread. Only the Crown System is architecturally correct to ensure true, proper installation alignment resulting in visual perfection and style. Easier installation, perfect start-to-finish baluster alignment, reduced labor costs, and increased efficiency —what more could you ask for? 1805 Balusters 39 C O N L Y T H E C R O W N S Y S T E M H A S P E R F E C T A R O W N S Y S T E M L I G N M E N T Designed to meet building codes, the Crown System* is an industry-first, patented* stair system that perfectly aligns standard balusters with the rake of the rail and the tread—something no other traditional stair system has been able to achieve in a 34" traditional rake rail height. From complying with the building codes to easier installation and reduced labor costs, the Crown System offers a smooth start, perfect finish, and industry-leading technology of perfect alignment. CROWN SYSTEM The patented Crown System perfectly aligns balusters with the rake of the rail and the tread. •Creates perfect alignment •Provides ease of installation •Reduces labor costs PERFECT ALIGNMENT { Perfect alignment no other manufacturer can provide. COMPETITORS SYSTEM Competitors system cannot provide perfect alignment of balusters with the rake of the rail and the tread. •Uneven alignment •Blocks are different lengths •Installation challenges •No cost savings UNEVEN ALIGNMENT { The competition’s uneven alignment *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 40 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6010 6100 6310 6210 6519 PIN TOP BALUSTERS 2013 Crown System Flute is available in primed only. 2011 3-length System 1 1 / 4 " 2013 Crown System* 1 1 / 4 " PLAIN PLAIN 2111 3-length System 1 3 / 4 " 2115 Crown System 1 3 / 4 " PLAIN FLUTE PLAIN 51/4 51/4 51/2 71/4 51/4 51/4 51/2 91/4 26 1/2 26 1/2 3 1 1 3 213/4 241/4 251/2 26 3/4 21 /4 24 /4 25 /2 26 /4 71/2 7 1/2 111/2 15 1/2 1 71/2 111/2 151/2 7 1/2 34 38 42 35 37 1/2 39 1 /2 35 37 1/2 39 42 34 38 42 /2 44 HANDRAIL S–PLOWED 6005P 6010P 6210P 6310P 1 3/4" 1 1/4" 1 3/4" 1 3/4" 6519P 1 3/4" SQUARE TOP BALUSTERS 2025 Crown System 1 1 / 4 " 2105 Crown System 1 3 / 4 " PLAIN PLAIN 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/2 7 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/2 9 1/4 21 3/4 24 1/4 25 1/2 26 3/4 21 3/4 24 1/4 25 1/2 26 3/4 7 1/2 1 /2 35 37 1/2 39 SHOERAILS 41 7 1/2 6004 Fillet 6008 Shoerail 1 42 AND /2 35 37 1/2 39 FILLETS 6004 Fillet 6045 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6006 Shoerail 44 2025 Balusters Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. S I E R R A C O L L E C T I O N The Sierra Collection is reminiscent of 18th century Spanish Colonial charm with its classic and bold character. The collection’s well--balanced proportions and strong design make Sierra an enduring classic for any home. OVER-THE-POST NEWEL S – WITH PIN TOP All dimensions in inches. 3 1/2" 3" PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN 23 24 1 1 23 Collection stocked in Cherry, Maple, Oak and Poplar 23 23 PLAIN 1 1 23 34 32 24 20 3209 (43") Rake Newel 3214 (48") Universal Newel 3215 (58") Intermediate Newel 3314 (48") Universal Newel 3315 (56") Intermediate Newel POST-TO-POST NEWEL S – WITH BALL TOP All dimensions in inches. 3 1/2" 3" PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN 4 9 /16 4 9 /16 5 5 4 /16 4 /16 11 14 1 /2 9 4 9 /16 5 18 23 24 7 / 16 15 7 / 16 3240 (48") Universal Newel 4 9 / 16 4 9 /16 5 11 23 18 26 7 /16 PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN 9 18 23 18 23 7 /16 20 15 /16 22 7 /16 15 7 /16 3242 (54") Universal Newel 3245 (58") Second-floor Landing Newel 3246 (58") Intermediate Newel 3340 (48") Universal Newel 3342 (56") Universal Newel 3345 (56") Second-floor Landing Newel Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 42 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6310 6519 6100 6210 P I N T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 3/4" ALL WILLIAMSBURG BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute and Rope designs. 9015 Crown System* PLAIN FLUTE ROPE 5 1 /4 5 1/4 5 1/2 9 1/4 14 1 /4 16 3 /4 18 19 1 /4 7 1 /2 7 1/2 1 /2 35 37 1 / 2 39 44 9005F Balusters & 9043F Newel HANDRAIL S–PLOWED Williamsburg Over-the-Post 6310P 6519P 6210P 6005P S Q U A R E T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 3/4" ALL WILLIAMSBURG BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute and Rope designs. 9005 Crown System PLAIN FLUTE ROPE 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/2 9 1/4 Uses the patented Crown System for perfect alignment! 14 1 /4 16 3 /4 18 19 1 /4 7 1 /2 7 1/2 1 /2 35 37 1 / 2 39 44 SHOERAILS AND FILLETS 9015F Balusters & 9012F Newel Williamsburg Post-to-Post 43 6450 Fillet 6006 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6009 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6245 Shoerail Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. W I L L I A M S B U R G C O L L E C T I O N Found in many houses on The National Register of Historic Homes, the Williamsburg Collection is reminiscent of an age of hospitality and style in Colonial America. The balusters' strategically aligned architectural squares give the stairway a graceful, elongated appearance. The pineapple finial on the Post-to-Post newels is the historic symbol of friendship. Choose from Plain, Flute and Rope carving designs. O V E R - T H E - P O S T N E W E L S – 3 1/2" W I T H P I N T O P ALL WILLIAMSBURG NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute and Rope designs. PLAIN FLUTE ROPE All dimensions in inches. PLAIN 1 1 VARIES 23 1/4" – 9012 19 1/2" – 9025 24 1 / 2 (34" Rake Handrail) 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 VARIES 16 1/4" – 9012 (34" to 38" Rake Handrail) 28" – 9025 (either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) 9012 (48") Universal Newel 9025 (56") Intermediate Newel 9013 (40 1 / 2") Volute Newel Dowel is removable. P O S T - T O - P O S T N E W E L S – 3 1/2" W I T H P I N E A P P L E T O P ALL WILLIAMSBURG NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute and Rope designs. PLAIN FLUTE ROPE All dimensions in inches. PLAIN Note: Due to the historic nature of 5 1/2 5 1/2 5 1/2 5 1/2 17 1 / 2 19 1 / 2 7 1/2 7 1/2 20 9043 (56") Universal Newel (34" to 36" Rake Handrail) the Williamsburg Collection, all Post-to-Post newels have a 5 1/2 " top block. This will require a 7098 or 7099 gooseneck fitting to be used at the intermediate landing and second-floor landing. 34 9048 (72") Intermediate & Second-floor Landing Newel Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 44 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 63101 6519 6210 6100 PIN TOP BALUSTERS ALL 1800S BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Reed and Octagonal designs. 1825 is available in primed only. 1815 Crown System* 1 3 / 4 " PLAIN1 REED1 1825 Crown System 2 1 / 4 " OCTAG. PLAIN 5 REED 5 5 1/4 9 5 5 5 1/4 9 22 24 1/2 25 3/4 27 22 24 1/ 2 25 3/4 27 7 1 /2 7 1/2 1 1 /2 35 37 1/ 2 39 /2 35 37 1 / 2 39 44 Uses the patented Crown System for perfect alignment! 44 1815D Balusters & 4810D Newel HANDRAIL S–PLOWED 1800s Over-the-Post 6310P 6519P 6210P 6005P Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. S Q U A R E T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 3/4" ALL 1800S BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Reed and Octagonal designs. 1805 Crown System PLAIN1 REED1 OCTAG. 5 5 5 1 /4 9 22 24 1 /2 25 3/4 27 7 1/2 1 /2 35 371/2 39 44 SHOERAILS AND FILLETS 18058 Balusters & 48428 Newel 1800s Post-to-Post 1 Available in Mahogany 45 6450 Fillet1 6006 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6009 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6245 Shoerail 180 0 C S O L L E C T I O N The 1800s Collection blends simplicity of design with the strength of wood. Characterized by its classic double vase design and lamb's tongue drop shoulder, the stairway vividly recalls an era of inspired architecture and gracious living. Choose from Plain, Reed and Octagonal carving designs. OVER-THE-POST NEWEL S – WITH PIN TOP ALL 1800S NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Reed and Octagonal designs. All dimensions in inches. 3 1/2" PLAIN2 REED2 3" PLAIN2 OCTAG. 1 27 33 VARIES (34" Rake Handrail) 27 6 1/2 15" – 4810 20" – 4814 28" – 4825 4810 (43") Universal Newel 4814 (48") Universal Newel 4825 (56") Intermediate Newel 1800s parts stocked in Cherry and Mahogany2 PLAIN ONLY2 1 16 4812 (43") Rake Newel 4813 (40 1 ⁄ 2") Volute Newel Dowel is removable. P O S T - T O - P O S T N E W E L S – 3 1/2" W I T H U R N T O P All dimensions in inches. ALL 1800S NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Reed and Octagonal designs. PLAIN2 REED2 PLAIN2 OCTAG. 5 5 5 5 11 14 1 / 2 23 18 23 1800s parts stocked in Cherry and Mahogany2 18 (30" to 36" Rake Handrail) 4842 (56") Universal Newel 2 PLAIN2 Mahogany & Cherry newels available in most product styles such as PLAIN and REED designs. See index for complete listing. 22 4845 (56") Second-floor Landing Newel 20 1/ 2 4866 (58") Intermediate Newel Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 46 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6310 6519 6100 6210 P I N T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 3/4" ALL CAROLINA BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute and Twist designs. Octagonal design is available only in the 2015 and 2005 3-length Systems. 2015 3-length System PLAIN FLUTE 2016 Crown System* TWIST PLAIN OCTAG. FLUTE TWIST 13 13 13 1/4 17 Matching Profiles 28 14 16 1/2 17 3 /4 19 6 10 14 7 1/2 34 38 42 1 /2 35 37 1 /2 39 44 2016T Balusters & 3010T Newel HANDRAIL S–PLOWED Carolina Over-the-Post 6310P 6519P Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. 6005P 6210P S Q U A R E T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 3/4" ALL CAROLINA BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute and Twist designs. Octagonal design is available only in the 2015 and 2005 3-length Systems. 2005 3-length System PLAIN FLUTE 2006 Crown System TWIST PLAIN OCTAG. FLUTE TWIST 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/ 2 9 1/4 7 Matching Profiles 20 213 /4 24 1/4 25 1 /2 26 3/4 7 11 15 7 1/2 34 38 42 35 37 1/2 39 44 1 SHOERAILS AND FILLETS /2 2016F Balusters & 3040F Newel Carolina Post-to-Post 47 6450 Fillet 6006 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6009 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6245 Shoerail C A R O L I N A C O L L E C T I O N The Carolina Collection, with its refined reminiscence of the Georgian and Greek Revival architecture, becomes an eloquent expression of Old-World romance. Defined by the baluster's elongated vase, this stairway brings 19th century elegance to your home. Choose from Plain, Flute, Twist and Octagonal carving designs. OVER-THE-POST NEWEL S – WITH PIN TOP ALL CAROLINA NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute, Twist and Octagonal designs. All dimensions in inches. 3 1/2" PLAIN FLUTE TWIST OCTAG. PLAIN ONLY PLAIN 1 1 27 32 VARIES 3010 3014 3015 3018 3" (43") Universal Newel (48") Universal Newel (56") Intermediate Newel (72") Winder Newel 15" – 3010 20" – 3014 28" – 3015 44" – 3018 (34" Rake Handrail) 27 8 16 3012 (43") Rake Newel 3013 (41") Volute Newel Dowel is removable. P O S T - T O - P O S T N E W E L S – 3 1/2" W I T H A C O R N T O P ALL CAROLINA NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute, Twist and Octagonal designs. PLAIN FLUTE TWIST OCTAG. PLAIN PLAIN 5 5 5 5 11 14 1/2 18 18 24 VARIES 23 VARIES 3040 (48") Universal Newel 3042 (56") Universal Newel 3055 (72") Winder Newel All dimensions in inches. 15" – 3040 (30" to 33" Rake Handrail) 23" – 3042 (34" to 38" Rake Handrail) 39" – 3055 (Either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) 3045 (58") Second-floor Landing Newel 34 1/2" – 3046 20 1/2" – 3047 3046 (72") Winder Newel 3047 (58") Intermediate Newel Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 48 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6310 6519 6210 6100 P I N T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 3/4" ALL JEFFERSON BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute, Rope and Octagonal designs. 8515 Crown System* PLAIN FLUTE ROPE OCTAG. 5 1/4 5 1/4 5 1/2 9 1/4 Collection stocked in Red Oak 14 1/2 16 3 /4 18 19 1/4 7 1/2 7 1/ 2 1 /2 35 37 1/ 2 39 44 8515F Balusters & 8510F Newel Jefferson Over-the-Post SHOERAILS AND FILLETS Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. Note: Square top balusters are not available with the Jefferson Collection. 8515F Balusters & 8542F Newel Jefferson Post-to-Post 49 6450 Fillet 6006 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6009 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6245 Shoerail J E F F E R S O N C O L L E C T I O N The Jefferson Collection recalls an era inspired by art, science and revolutionary thought. Slender and intricately crafted, the balusters are distinguished by their graceful “hourglass” double vase. OVER-THE-POST NEWEL S – WITH PIN TOP ALL JEFFERSON NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute, Rope and Octagonal designs. All dimensions in inches. 3 1/2" PLAIN FLUTE ROPE 3" PLAIN ONLY PLAIN 1 1 27 32 (34" Rake Handrail) 27 8 VARIES 15" – 8510 (30" to 33" Rake Handrail) 20" – 8514 (34" to 38" Rake Handrail) 28" – 8525 (Either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) 8510 (43") Universal Newel 8514 (48") Universal Newel 8525 (56") Intermediate Newel 16 8512 (43") Rake Newel 8513 (41") Volute Newel Dowel is removable. P O S T - T O - P O S T N E W E L S – 3 1/2" W I T H S P A D E T O P ALL JEFFERSON NEWELS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain, Flute, Rope and Octagonal designs. PLAIN FLUTE PLAIN ROPE 5 1 /2 11 23 22 1 /4 PLAIN 5 1 /4 5 1 /4 8542 (56") Universal Newel All dimensions in inches. 18 (30" to 33" Rake Handrail) 21 3 /4 8545 (56") Second-floor Landing Newel 5 1 /4 14 1 /2 18 20 1 /4 (30" to 33" Rake Handrail) 8547 (58") Intermediate Newel Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 50 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6310 6519 6100 6210 PIN TOP BALUSTERS ALL HAMPTON BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain design. Octagonal design is available only in the 5005 and 5300 3-length Systems. 5200 3-length System 1 1 / 4 " 5300 3-length System 1 3 / 4 " PLAIN PLAIN 5301 Crown System* 1 3 / 4 " OCTAG. PLAIN Matching Profiles 26 3/4 29 1/4 30 3 /4 35 3/4 27 27 7 11 15 7 11 15 34 38 42 34 38 42 Uses the patented Crown System for perfect alignment! 7 3/4 1 /2 35 37 1/2 39 44 5301 Balusters & 4270 Newel HANDRAIL S–PLOWED Hampton Over-the-Post 6310P 6519P Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. 6005P 6210P SQUARE TOP BALUSTERS ALL HAMPTON BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE IN Plain design. Octagonal design is available only in the 5005 and 5300 3-length Systems. Use 6010P with 5205. 5005 3-length System 1 3/4" 5006 3-length System 1 3/4" 5007 1 5/8" * PLAIN OCTAG. PLAIN PLAIN 5106 Crown System 1 3/4" 5205 1 1/4" PLAIN PLAIN 7 5 3/4 5 3/4 5 1/8 5 1/8 5 3/8 9 1/8 5 3/4 20 17 1/2 17 1/2 21 5 /8 24 1/8 25 3/8 26 5/8 17 1/2 7 11 15 7 3/4 12 3/4 18 3/4 12 3/4 18 3/4 34 38 42 31 36 42 36 42 7 3/4 1 SHOERAILS AND FILLETS 12 3/4 18 3/4 /2 35 37 1/2 39 44 36 42 5005 Balusters & 4500 Newel Hampton Post-to-Post *Use with Hemlock Plow Rail 51 6450 Fillet 6006 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6009 Shoerail 6450 Fillet 6245 Shoerail H A M P T O N C O L L E C T I O N Masterful dimensions and stalwart beauty define the Hampton Collection. This 20th century style is created for homeowners who prefer a strong, substantial stairway at a reasonable price. OVER-THE-POST NEWEL S – WITH PIN TOP HAMPTON NEWELS AVAILABLE IN Plain and Octagonal designs except 4004, 4005, 4006, 4212, 4664 and 4665 which are available only in Plain. All dimensions in inches. 3 1/2" PLAIN OCTAG. 1 1 32 (34" Rake Handrail) 27 (43") Universal Newel (48") Universal Newel (56") Intermediate Newel (72") Winder Newel 27 8 15" – 4270 20" – 4274 28" – 4275 44" – 4278 VARIES 4270 4274 4275 4278 3" PLAIN ONLY PLAIN 16 4212 (43") Rake Newel 4272 (41") Volute Newel Dowel is removable. POST-TO-POST NEWEL S – WITH BALL TOP HAMPTON NEWELS AVAILABLE IN Plain and Octagonal designs except 4004, 4005, 4006, 4212, 4664 and 4665 which are available only in Plain. 1 2 All dimensions in inches. 3 /" PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN OCTAG. VARIES 3 1/ 2" – 4500, 4502 51/ 2" – 4664, 4665 VARIES 5" – 4500, 4664, 4665 6 1/ 2" – 4502 VARIES 23" – 4500 17 1/ 2" – 4502, 4664, 4665 2 1/2 1 3 /2 VARIES 11" – 4503, 4507 14 1/2" – 4505, 4508 Mushroom Top 17 1/2 Ball Top Spade Top Colonial Ball Top 3 VARIES VARIES 4500 4502 4664 4665 16 1/2" – 4500 (30" to 33" Rake Handrail) 28 1/2" – 4502 (34" to 38" Rake Handrail) 20" – 4664 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) 28" – 4665 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) (48") Universal Newel (56") Universal Newel (48") Universal Newel (4 1 /2" square) (56") Universal Newel (4 1 /2" square) VARIES 4503 4505 4507 4508 45 1 / 2" – 4004 (30" to 33" Rake Handrail) 53 1 / 2" – 40053 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) 69 1 / 2" – 40063 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) 24" – 4503 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) 36 1/2" – 4505 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) 16" – 4507 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) 22 1/2" – 4508 (30" to 38" Rake Handrail) (56") Second-floor Landing Newel (72") Intermediate Newel (48") Second-floor Landing Newel (58") Intermediate Newel 40043 (48") Universal Newel 40053 (56") Intermediate Newel 40063 (72") Winder Newel 4004, 4005 and 4006 are available in PLAIN only. 4664 and 4665 are available in PLAIN only. 3 4004, 4005, 4006 are available with Mushroom Top, Ball Top, Spade Top or Colonial Ball Top Finial. Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 52 HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6310 6210 6010 6042 6100 P I N T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 1/4" 5015 4 3-length System 5200 3-length System PLAIN 5016 4 1 1 / 4 " Baluster 5010 1 1 / 2 " Baluster PLAIN PLAIN 5891 5892 5894 1 1 / 4 " Baluster 1 1 / 4 " Baluster 1 1 / 4 " Baluster PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN 22 7/8 25 7/8 35 1 /2 27 28 1 38 /2 41 1 /2 7 11 15 6 10 14 34 38 42 27 7/8 26 11 /16 31 1 / 8 30 7/8 28 11 / 16 33 1 / 8 33 3 / 4 33 7/8 31 11 / 16 36 1/ 8 36 3 / 4 36 7/8 34 11 / 16 39 1 / 8 39 3 / 4 2 7/8 2 1/4 34, 36, 39, 42 34, 36, 39, 42 7 5 /8 1 34 38 42 /2 1 36, 39, 42 31 3 / 4 7 5 / 16 /2 31, 34, 36, 39, 42, 45 34, 36, 39, 42 HANDRAIL S–PLOWED 6010P Note: Use 35", 37 1/2 " and 44" lengths when using three balusters on a tread. Use 35" and 39" when using two balusters on a tread. 6100PA S Q U A R E T O P B A L U S T E R S – 1 1/4" 5067 5 3-length System 5068 5 Crown System* PLAIN PLAIN 5141 6 3-length System 5142 6 Crown System PLAIN PLAIN 7 4 5/8 4 5/8 4 5/8 4 7/8 6 5/8 7 6 3/4 7 20 20 24 26 1/2 27 3 /4 29 20 16 1/4 20 22 1/2 23 3/4 25 7 11 15 5 7/ 8 7 11 15 7 1/ 2 34 38 42 1 /2 31 35 37 1/2 39 42 SHOERAILS AND FILLETS 34 38 42 1 7 71 /4 9 /2 31 35 37 1/2 39 42 5016 Balusters & 4040 Newel Colonial Post-to-Post 4 5015 and 5016 have matching profiles. 5067 and 5068 have matching profiles. 5141 and 5142 have matching profiles. 5 53 6004 Fillet 6045 Shoerail 6004 Fillet 6008 Shoerail 6 C C O L O N I A L O L L E C T I O N The Colonial Collection is a tradition directly from 19th century America. This stairway’s classic proportions and understated design lend charm and character to any home’s decor. OVER-THE-POST NEWEL S – WITH PIN TOP All dimensions in inches. 2 1/4" 3" PLAIN PLAIN 1 27 27" – 4012 32" – 4021, 4022 VARIES 15" – 4010 20" – 4014 30" – 4015 44" – 4018 VARIES 4010 4014 4015 4018 PLAIN Most Colonial newels available in solid Cherry 1 (43") Universal Newel (48") Universal Newel (58") Intermediate Newel (72") Winder Newel VARIES 1 1 27 27 15 15 16 4013 (43") Rake Newel 4012 (37") Turnout Newel 4021 (40 3 / 8") Volute Newel 4022 (41 5 / 8") Turnout Newel PLAIN PLAIN 27 9" – 4012 (30” Rake Handrail) 7 3 / 8" – 4021 (34” Rake Handrail) 5 8 / 8" – 4022 (34” Rake Handrail) 2 3/4" Dowel is removable. 4050 (43") Universal Newel Round Bottom 4060 (43") Universal Newel Round Bottom Dowel is removable. Dowel is removable. POST-TO-POST NEWEL S – WITH MUSHROOM TOP All dimensions in inches. 3" 3" PLAIN PLAIN 21/2 21/2 5 Ball Top Newels Available VARIES Now available in primed finish 4040, 4042 and 4045. 5" – 4041 11" – 4045 14 1 / 2" – 4046, 4047 18 23 PLAIN PLAIN 21/2 21/2 5 Ball Top Newels Available VARIES 5" – 4181 11" – 4185 14 1 / 2" – 4186 5" – 4183 Ball Top Newels Available 23 18 Acorn Top Newels Available 17 1 / 2" – 4040 (30" Rake Handrail) 1 23 / 2" – 4042 VARIES (34" to 38" Rake Handrail) 22 1 / 2" – 4041 26 1 / 2" – 4045 4040 (48") Universal Newels 4042 (54") Universal Newels 4055 (72") Universal Newels 17 1 / 2" – 4180 (30" Rake Handrail) VARIES 37" – 4046 19" – 4047 41 1 / 2" – 4055 (either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) (Either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) 4041 (48") Second-floor Landing Newel 4045 (58") Universal Newels 4046 (72") Intermediate Newels 4047 (54") Intermediate Newels Note: Mushroom top newels standard on Colonial Collection except 4183, which is available only with Ball top. 4183 Note: 4183 is 56" overall with 5" top block. Acorn Top Newels Available VARIES 22 1 / 2" – 4181 24 1 / 2" – 4185 VARIES 21 7 / 8" – 4186 28 1 / 2" – 4183 1 25 / 2" – 4182 (34" to 38" Rake Handrail) 41 1 / 2" – 4195 (Either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) 4180 (48") Universal Newel 4182 (58") Intermediate Newel 4195 (72") Winder Newel (Either 30" or 34" Rake Handrail) 4181 4185 4186 4183 (48") Universal Newel (56") Second-floor Landing Newel (58") Intermediate Newel (59") Universal Newel Uses the patented Crown System of Alignment (see page 67) *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 54 C C L A S S I C O L L E C T I O N The Classic Collection is an understated symphony of planes and angles. The long, square balusters can be installed two ways: on the outside of the handrail for a fresh, modern effect, or beneath the handrail for a look inspired by the principles of Federal design. HANDRAIL S–NOT PLOWED 6203 6002 HANDRAIL S–PLOWED 6000P 11/4" 6100 6001P 13/4" BALUSTERS 5060 5360 1 1 / 4 " Baluster 1 3 / 4 " Baluster PLAIN 5060–Primed 1 1 / 4 " Baluster PLAIN 5360–Primed 1 3 / 4 " Baluster PLAIN 5010–Primed 1 1 / 2 " Baluster PLAIN PLAIN 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 35 1/2 38 1/2 41 1/2 1 /2 36 39 42 Note: Pre-Bored for either 3076 Dowel Screws or 2027 Dowel Pin NEWELS 3 1 / 2 " Newels 3" Newels VARIES 43" – 4300 48" – 4301 58" – 4302 4300 (43") Universal Newel 4301 (48") Intermediate Newel 4302 (58") Intermediate Newel SHOERAILS 55 4" Newels PLAIN PLAIN 6004 Fillet 6008 Shoerail AND PLAIN VARIES 48" – 4000 56" – 4001 4000 (48") Universal Newel 4001 (56") Intermediate Newel FILLETS 6450 Fillet 6009 Shoerail VARIES 48" – 4002 56" – 4003 4002 (48") Universal Newel 4003 (56") Intermediate Newel 5360 Balusters & 4094NS Box Newels EASALIGN ™ The industry’s revolutionary method for handrail joinery is exclusive to Crown Heritage. EasAlign’s patented system matches Crown Heritage handrail profiles perfectly. The system comes complete with a kit to get you started and refills are available in 10 and 30 piece kits. S U P E R I O R J O I N T S A N D F W I N I S H E S No more fumbling with rail bolts, wrenches, and plugs because EasAlign uses a fastening system featuring Invis® Active and Passive elements. These elements are installed inside the wood and magnetically fastened using an Actuator tool. This results in strong, evenly I T H E A S E aligned connections that require less sanding and eliminate unsightly plugs. EasAlign handrail installations can be performed off-site, unassembled, then reassembled on-site, which saves valuable installation time. Each EasAlign Kit #5100 Contains: • Hard polycarbonate case • 5 EasAlign tools • Actuator • 30 Invis Active elements • 30 Invis Passive elements • 30 wood stabilizer dowels • T-handle driver/torque wrench • Screws • 2 bushings • 12mm drill bit Unsightly finish Stained plugs seldom match wood color and grain E A S A L I G N R E F I L L K I T S 10-Piece Kit—#5107 • 10 Invis Active elements • 10 Invis Passive elements • 10 wood stabilizer dowels • Screws • Replacement screw bit 30-Piece Kit—#5101 Pleasing finish 10-Piece Kit • 30 Invis Active elements • 30 Invis Passive elements • 30 wood stabilizer dowels • Screws • Replacement screw bit 56 C A P S & E A S I N G S 9 1/4 R 9 1/4 R 7008 7208 4" Coped End V 7009/7109 7209/7309 7509 7010/7110 7210/7310 7510 7011/7111 7211/7311 7511 4" Returned End Starting Easing 90o Level Quarter Turn O L U T E S & T 7011S–RH 7111S–RH 7211S–RH 7311S–RH 7011S–LH 7111S–LH 7211S–LH 7311S–LH 4 3 / 4" Offset Rail 4 3 / 4" Offset Rail 7013/7113 7213/7313 7513 60o Up Easing Over Easing U R N O U T S 9 1/4 R 5 1/4 R 10 13 /16 4 1 /2 10 13 /16 7030/7130 7230/7330 7530 7035/7135 7235/7335 7535 703090 723090 733090 703590 723590 733590 Left-hand Volute Right-hand Volute 90o Left-hand Volute 90o Right-hand Volute G 7012/7112 7212/7312 7512 7031/7231 7036/7236 Left-hand Rising Volute Right-hand Rising Volute 7040/7140 7240/7340 7540 Left-hand Turnout O O S E N E C K S 7 3/16 6 1/2 7050 7250 7550 7055 7255 7555 Left-hand 2 pc. Riser No Cap Right-hand 2 pc. Riser No Cap 7060 7260 7160 7360 7560 7065 7265 7165 7365 7565 7070/71 7170/71 7270/71 7371 7571 7075/76 7175/76 7275/76 7376 7576 7080/81 7180/81 7280/81 7380/81 7580/81 7085/86 7185/86 7285/86 7385/86 7585/86 Left-hand 2 pc. Riser With Cap Right-hand 2 pc. Riser With Cap Left-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser No Cap Right-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser No Cap Left-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser With Cap Right-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser With Cap Note: Plowed fittings come with fillet. 57 F I T T I N G S All dimensions in inches. Plowed Fittings are available for immediate shipment. 5 1/4 R 7 3/16 11 11 5 5/8 7 3/16 3 1/2 7014/7114 7214/7314 7514 7015 7215/7315 7515 7016 7216/7316 7516 90o Up Easing Starting Easing Returned End Over Easing Returned End 7018 7218/7318 Plain Cap 7019/7119 7219/7319 7519 7020/7120 7220/7320 7520 7021/7121 7221/7321 7521 Opening Cap Tandem Cap 90o Level Quarter Turn Cap H O W 702135 712135 722135 732135 135o Level Cap T O A N D MATC H RA IL S 7000 Series Fittings match 6010 Rail Profile 1 5 4 /2 2 /8 2 /8 7045/7145 7245/7345 7545 7041/7141 7241/7341 7541 7046/7146 7246/7346 7546 Right-hand Turnout Left-hand Turnout Right-hand Turnout 7032 Vertical Volute 7200 Series Fittings match 6210 Rail Profile FITTINGS T Y L E S 7300 Series Fittings match 6310 Rail Profile 7100 Series Fittings match 6100 Rail Profile 5 7022 Straight Coped End 7500 Series Fittings match 6519 Rail Profile 7500P Series Fittings match 6519P Rail Profile 6 1/2 13 13 7088/89 7188/89 7288/89 7388/89 7588/89 7090/70902 7190/71902 7290/72902 73902 7590/75902 7095/70952 7195/71952 7295/72952 73952 7595/75952 1 or 2 pc. Riser With Cap Left-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser 5 1 / 2" Offset To Center of Rail Right-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser 5 1 / 2" Offset To Center of Rail 7091/70912 7291/72912 7391/73912 7591/75912 7092/70922 7292/72922 7392/73922 7592/75922 Left-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser With Cap 5 1 / 2" Offset To Center of Rail Right-hand 1 or 2 pc. Riser With Cap 5 1 / 2" Offset To Center of Rail 7096/97 7196/97 7296/97 7396/97 7596/97 7098/99 7198/99 7298/99 7398/99 7598/99 1 or 2 pc. Riser With Cap 1 or 2 pc. Riser No Cap 58 H A N D R A I L S 6000P All dimensions in inches. 6001P 6002 6005P 6010 6010P 6100 1¼ 6004 Fillet included. 6203 S 6210 6450 Fillet7 6009 Shoerail F 6050 Fillet 6004 Fillet included. 63107 6210P & H O E R A I L S 6004 Fillet 6008 Shoerail 6450 Fillet included. 6450 Fillet included. 6310P7 6519 I L L E T S 6004 Fillet 6045 Shoerail 6450 Fillet7 6006 Shoerail 6450 Fillet7 6245 Shoerail H O W R A I L S T O M A N D F 6040 6004 Fillet 6106 Shoerail R 7024 A L L 6005 6060 Fillet 6206 Shoerail 6040 R A I L S 6042 Note: Plowed fittings come with fillet. 59 7025 Starting Easing Over Easing A I L 6519 6042 6450 Fillet included. W I T T I N G S 7023 Quarter Turn E M L O C K A L L Fittings Wall Rail H W A T C H B E N D I N G 7005 7006 7007 Quarter Turn Starting Easing Over Easing 6450 Fillet included. R A I L S & M O U L D S 6010B 6011B 6210B 6310B 6519B 6100B 7-piece Bending mould included with rail 9-piece Bending mould included with rail 8-piece Bending mould included with rail 10-piece Bending mould included with rail 8-piece Bending mould included with rail 9-piece Bending mould included with rail 7 Available in Mahogany S S T A R T I N G S T A R T I N G T E P S S T E P S All dimensions in inches. Crown Heritage offers 8" paint grade risers Starting steps are shipped with cove and shoe moulding. Single Bullnose Starting Steps are reversible and can be cut for shorter lengths. Standard length is 48", but longer lengths are available. Specifications: Tread 11/32" x 111/2". Total Rise 81/32". Riser 3/4" x 7". Use With Square Top & Box Newels and 90° Starting Fittings Use With Volute and Turnouts 8210 and 8215 should be used only with an Over-the-Post system. Any volute or turnout may be used. Use 8040 and 8060 when placing any Post-to-Post starting newel at second riser. Use 8440, 8460, 8640 and 8660 when the starting fitting utilizes a 90° up easing. Use 8440 and 8460 with 6010P and 6210P or 6100P volutes. Use 8640 and 8660 with 6210P, 6310P and 6519P turnouts or volutes. 82108 8010 Use 8010 and 8015 with 6010, 6100 and 6210 turnouts or volutes. 8040 8440 111/2 " 111/2 " 8640 14" 8060 14" 8460 16" 16" 8660 8015 82158 2 1/2 " Able to trim Variable Starting Step: Allows 2 1/2" to be trimmed off each end to achieve 49" - 54" opening. 2 1 /2 " Able to trim 8017 Use With Box Newels Use 8310 and 8315 with 6210, 6310 and 6519 turnouts or standard volutes and all climbing volutes. 83108 83158 Use 8030 and 8050 with Box Newels 4076, 4082, 4083, 4091, 4092, 4093, 4096, 4097, 4098 and 4191. 8030 8050 8 Available in Mahogany in 48" lengths (all styles) and 60" lengths (8310 and 8315 only). 60 H T Y B R I D P R E A D MDF R I M E D S K I R T B O A R D Hybrid treads are an economical alternative to using regular treads on a carpet staircase with exposed oak returns. The beauty of oak is seen in all exposed areas, but where carpet will be covering the tread, a lower-priced hardwood is used. This strong combination allows us to offer the hybrid tread at substantial savings. Unseen carpeted area 8070 Hybrid Tread 1 1 ⁄ 32" x 11 1 ⁄ 2" 8073 Primed MDF Profiled Skirtboard 3 ⁄ 4" x 111 ⁄ 4" x 16' Available in 48" and 60" lengths. 8" minimum “exposed” area (Oak) T R E A D S , R I S E R S & S K I R T B O A R D S Lineal Treads and Risers available in Brazilian Cherry, Cherry, Red Oak, Hickory, Mahogany, MDF, Maple, Poplar and White Oak (see footnotes). 8075 Riser ⁄ 4" x 7 1 ⁄ 2 " 3 MDF 8" Available in 36", 42", 48",54", 60" and 72" lengths. 8078 Riser 3 ⁄ 4" x 8" 40012 Skirtboard 3 ⁄ 4" x 11 1 ⁄ 2" x 12' 40016 Skirtboard 3 ⁄ 4" x 11 1 ⁄ 2" x 16' Poplar stain-grade treads now available 8070 Plain Tread 1 1 ⁄ 32" x 11 1 ⁄ 2" 8070MR Mitered Return Tread Reversible Available in 48" and 60" lengths. Plain Treads and Mitered Return Treads are available in 36", 42", 48", 54", 60" and 72" lengths. Oak also available in 8', 12' and 16' lengths. Varies Varies Varies Varies 8070VMR One End Mitered Returned Treads: 8070DMR Double Mitered Returned Treads: Overall width of tread includes 1 1 ⁄ 4 " mitered return. Overall width of tread does not include mitered returns. 8090 Landing Tread 1 1 ⁄ 32" x 3 1 ⁄ 4" 8091B16 Bending Landing Tread 1 1 ⁄ 32" x 5 1 ⁄ 4" x 16' 8091 Landing Tread 11 ⁄ 32" x 5 1 ⁄ 4" 8070 Retro Tread Oak Skirtboard—Oak Veneer on one face, solid Oak edge-glued, fingerjointed panel substrate Maple Skirtboard—Maple Veneer on one face, solid Maple edge-glued, fingerjointed panel substrate Poplar Skirtboard—Solid Poplar edge-glued, fingerjointed panel White Oak—Solid White Oak edge-glued, fingerjointed panel Oak Lineal Riser—Solid Oak edge-glued, fingerjointed panel 61 C T K R E A D O M P O N E N T S I T S All dimensions in inches. 8079 False Tread Kit Tread kits include 8076 Risers which also can be purchased separately. For open tread right-hand or left-hand applications. Also can be used in closed tread applications. 8 8076 Riser 8172 Closed Tread Kit 8076 Riser 8 Open Treads RH Closed Treads Also Available: Open Treads LH 6 6 8011 6 1 ⁄ 4" R. False Small Circle End Reversible 12 1 ⁄2 15 8012 Radius Cove and Shoe Set. Comes with 8011. 6 5 ⁄8 8071 Right-hand and Left-hand False Tread Cap Only Note: Product is reversible N O S E S , M Note: Picture shown is a left-hand O U L D I N G S & B R A C K E T S Lineal or Clear 11 1 / 2" 11 1 / 2" 8" 8" 3 8085 Shoe Moulding 1 ⁄ 2" x 3 ⁄ 4" 8095 Cove Moulding 5 ⁄ 8" x 13 ⁄ 16" / 8" Thick 7029 Scroll Bracket 7028 Plain Bracket 8066 1 3 ⁄ 4" x 1 1 ⁄ 16" Tread Nosing with Cove 8080 1 1 ⁄ 16" x 1 1 ⁄ 4" Tread Nosing 3 / 8" Thick Note: 13" Oak or Lineal available R H O S E T T E S 7026 Round Rosette 3 4 ⁄ 4" Diameter N E W E L 7027 Oval Rosette 7 4 ⁄ 16" x 61⁄2" D 4099 Newel Drop 2 3 / 4" x 1 3 / 4" R O P E M L O C K R I N G T O P O S E T T E S 7202 Recessed Oval Rosette 4 9 ⁄ 16" x 5 3 ⁄ 4" 7201 Recessed Round Rosette 4" Diameter 7037 Oval Rosette 4" x 5 1 ⁄ 2" R F I N I A L W I T H D O W E L 7206 Ring Top Finial 3" x 5 1 / 4" Available only in Hemlock 62 1 /4" 11/4" 1 /2" 3 /4" IMPROVED 2027 Dowel Pin 3001 Rail Bolt 4" Oak and Poplar Plugs Included *Hemlock 31/ " 4 available for the 3009 post anchor. 3002 Brass Wall Rail Bracket 3004 Newel Mounting Kit 3006 Newel Mounting Plate 3005 Keylock Fasteners (For 3" to 3 1 ⁄ 2" Newels) **Mahogany available for 30006 1" wood plugs. 9Mahogany available for the 3019 post anchor. 3009* – 3" 30199 – 31/2" Post Anchor 3008 SureTite Newel Post Fastener TM 3000-6** 1" Wood Plugs 6-Pack Oak and Poplar Plugs Included 3025 3024 ⁄2" Tapered Plugs 3026 Button Plugs 3032 Rail Bolt Driver 25/Pack For Flush Mount Installations 50/Pack Drill attachment for driving rail bolts into newels, fittings, walls and handrails. 1 25-Pack W A L L R 3027 Brass A I L B R A C K E T S 3028 Satin Black 3028 Silver Vein 3028 Copper Vein 3028 Rubbed Copper 3028 Nickel 3028 Oil Rubbed Bronze 3037 2-Pack Epoxy tips for 3039 available. 63 3039 Epoxy Refill 3038 Epoxy Gun Used with 3038 Includes 2 Epoxy Tips 3139 15 Minute Epoxy Works in standard caulking gun 3137 6-Pack Epoxy tips Used with 3139 306010/6210 306310, 306519 Scraper For smoothing and cleaning handrail profiles at connections and bends. A C C E S S O R I E S & H A R D W A R E All dimensions in inches. UNIQUE TO THE INDUSTRY Note: 3094 Patent pending Toggle Bolt assembly is sold separate from block. 3070 Newel Post Fastener UNIQUE TO THE INDUSTRY Patented hardware allows for sturdier and easier installation with a starting step. This assembly is required when a floor is hollow and no joist is available. A B C A B C Starting Newel Attachment Kit Installation D D F E 3072 Starting Newel Attachment Kit* G E A = Hollow Bottom Box Newel B = Sleeve C = Installation Block D = Finish Floor E = Sub-floor F = Starting Newel Attachment Kit G = 12" Lag Screw 3094 Starting Newel Attachment Kit 3074 12" Lag Screw Patent pending hardware allows for sturdier and easier installation with a newel and starting step. 3094 assembly is required when a floor is hollow and no joist is available. 3074 is required for joist installations. This 12" lag screw ensures a stronger bond with the joist. Warning: Standard 10" lag screws are not long enough to provide as secure a bond with the floor joist. 3073 Newel Post Fastening Kit 5 /16" 21/2" 3075 Flush Mount Kit For flush mounting handrails to newels. 3076-20 / 3076-20 Dowel Screws 3078 Rail/Post Fastener Fully-threaded dowel screws for attaching balusters to treads. Available in packs of 20 or 50. Fastens newels to risers and handrails to newels. (1 bolt per package) 3088 Dowel Driver 3092 Rail Bolt Wrench Drives the 3076 dowel screw. A versatile tool: Locates holes and pilot holes on handrails and rail drops, starts and tightens hex nut on rail bolt, tightens 1 ⁄ 2 " hex nuts, drives 5 ⁄ 16 " rail bolts. 64 S A L E S D I S P L A Y S 1. WA L L D I S P L AY 2. STAND- ALONE DISPL AY 38" 64 1/2" 3. PORTABLE SALES CASE 4. C O U N T E R C A R D S Put Crown Heritage style on display 1. The stair parts eye level wall display provides newel and baluster styles. 2. Free standing, triangular, stair parts display highlights wood and forged iron styles in strategic in-dealer locations. 3. The portable sales case contains a full range of newel and baluster styles ready for any presentation. 4. Counter cards are a convenient way to show your customers the benefits of our EasAlign system and our Custom Order options. 65 Custom Order Counter Display S T A I R P A R T T E R M S I L L U S T R A T E D A N D D E F I N E D BALUSTERS HANDRAILS RISERS The vertical posts which support the railing of the staircase. The term “balustrade” refers to the baluster and rail system. The horizontal or rake member of a balustrade system. It sits on top of the balusters and is supported by newel posts. The vertical component of a stair which supports the treads. COVE MOULDING A decorative strip which, when attached to the underside of the tread nosing, covers the joint between the tread and riser. FILLET Strips which fill the plow between balusters on plowed handrail and shoerail. FITTINGS The stair parts used to form a smooth transition when the handrail changes height or direction. For example, starting a balustrade (volute, turnout, starting easing), at a landing (gooseneck) and at a balcony. NEWELS The major support posts for the balustrade system. Larger and heavier than the balusters, newels are located at the bottom and top of a staircase and at turns and critical support areas of balcony rails. NOSING SHOERAIL A piece running along the floor which is plowed for the insertion of balusters and fillets. STARTING STEPS The first tread and riser at the bottom of the staircase. TREADS The horizontal portion of the staircase upon which you walk. The portion of a tread or landing tread which protrudes beyond the face of the riser. RAKE The slope or angle of the staircase (also referred to as rake angle). 66 CROWN S YS TEM—HOW TO M S TA IRWAY ARC HITEC TUR ALL The Crown System is available in standard baluster lengths. For the 13/4 " balusters, those lengths are 35", 37 1/2", 39" and 44". For the 11/4 " balusters, those lengths are 31", 35", 37 1/2", 39" and 42". In most areas, the building codes require a 34" rake height and a 36" balcony or guardrail height. Please note that these balusters are designed to be cut at the top when installed. Available in standard lengths of 35", 37 1/2", 39" and 44", but sometimes also offered in 31" and 42" lengths for the 1 1/4" balusters. { Y C O U R O R R E C T Balcony Balusters Choose the 35", 37 1/2 " or 39" balusters depending upon the height you would like to achieve on the balcony. Remember that a 35" baluster will achieve a balcony height of 36" and is code compliant in most areas. Starting Fitting Balusters When using 11/4 " balusters and for 34" and 35" rake heights, use 42" balusters under volutes and turnouts. When using 13/4 " balusters and for 34" and 35" rake heights, use the 44" balusters under climbing volutes, regular volutes and turnouts. 3- Our flutes, twists, reeds and ropes will line up correctly with the rake rail, offering a leading feature that other manufacturers cannot provide in a traditional stair balustrade. Y A K E L E N G T H S Y S T E M Available in 34", 38" and 42" lengths. The 3-length System aligns the bottom baluster squares with the rake of the rail. For 34" to 38" rake heights and two balusters per tread: For 34" to 35" rake heights, use a 34" first baluster and a 38" second baluster. For 35" to 38" rake heights, use a 38" first baluster and a 42" second baluster. 2016F For 34" or 35" rake heights: Using two balusters on the tread, choose the 35" baluster as the first baluster and the 39" baluster as the second baluster. When using three balusters on a tread, choose the 35", 37 1/2" and 44" balusters (or use the 42" baluster if you are using 11/4 " balusters). The top of these balusters will need to be trimmed up to 1 1/2" to lower the rake rail to approximately 34" and/or to fit under the rail. For 34" to 38" rake heights and three balusters per tread: For 34" to 35" rake heights, use a 34" first baluster, a 38" second baluster and a 42" third baluster. For 35" rake heights, use a 38" first baluster, and 42" second and third balusters. When installing three balusters on a tread and using the 3-length System, at least two of the bottom baluster squares will need to be trimmed for proper alignment. Warning: At a 35" to 38" rake height, the 42" baluster may not be long enough to use under gooseneck fittings. Please note that these balusters are designed to be cut at the bottom when installed. Balcony Baluster Use 38" balusters for 36" balcony rail heights and 42" balusters for 42" balcony rail heights. le ng A ke Ra 5300 ke Ra *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 67 Starting Fitting Baluster For 34" to 36" rake heights, use 42" balusters under the volute and 42" balusters under turnouts. Climbing volutes requirement 42" balusters. A O - V E R T H E - P R C H I T E C T U R A L L Y N O S T Turnout Newel with a Dowel Bottom Turnout newels are available only in the Colonial Collection. Use this starting newel on a starting step when the installer prefers this method of installation. The newels come with a removable dowel, allowing the installer to lower the rake rail height if desired. The longest turnout newel is used for 34" rake rail heights. Universal Newel (43" long) Square Bottom This newel may be used on a starting step under a volute or turnout fitting and when the installer prefers to install Square Bottom newels. This newel also will allow the installer to vary O S T - T O -P O S T N O R R E C T S T A I R W A Y S E W E L S Volute Newel with a Dowel Bottom This starting newel is used on a starting step when the installer of the stair system prefers this method of installation. These newels are available with a removable dowel, allowing the installer to shorten the block on the newel if a shorter rake rail height is desired. The longest volute newel is used for 34" rake rail heights. P C the installation rake rail height easier than a volute newel. Also, use this newel on level runs or balconies where the installation is flush mounted or a one-rise drape is desired. Universal Newel (48" long) Choose this newel for the first floor or starting newel when a starting step is not being used, the rake rail height is 34" and a starting easing is being used. This newel also may be used when a longer drape is desired on a level run balcony. Intermediate Newel (56" or 58" long) Choose this newel for the intermediate landing newel and where long drapes are desired on a level run or balcony. Winder Newel (72" long) Use this newel on winder treads or pie-shaped treads at the intermediate landing. This newel also may be used at the intermediate landing when a newel drop is being used or a long drape is desired. E W E L S Universal Newel (48" long with a 5" Top Block) Choose this newel for a starting newel or first floor newel when your rake rail height is less than 33". This newel also can be used for level run or balcony installations when a 5" top block newel is desired. Universal Newel (54" or 56" long with a 5" Top Block) Choose this newel when your rake rail height is 34" or higher. This newel also may be used when fittings are used to gooseneck into the second floor newel or balcony newel. In addition, use this newel at the intermediate landing when a 5" top block newel and a gooseneck fitting are being used and the newel will not be draped over more than one rise. This newel also may be used as a level run or balcony newel when a longer drape is desired. Winder Newel (5" Top Block) Choose the longest 5" top block newel when the installation has winder or pie-shaped treads at the intermediate landing. This newel also may be used at the intermediate landing when a newel drop is being used. Intermediate Landing Newel (14 1/2" Top Block) Choose the longest 141/2" newel for all intermediate landings where fittings will not be used, and more than one rise is being draped. Only one intermediate newel is available in most collections. Intermediate Landing Newel (14 1/2" Top Block) Choose the shortest 141/2" newel for all intermediate landings where fittings will not be used and the newel will be face mounted to the first rise of the second flight of steps. This newel is not available in all collections. Second-floor Landing Newel (11" Top Block) Choose this newel when the installation calls for a newel at the second floor or balcony and fittings will not be used. 68 O V E R - T H E -P O S T T A K E - O F F G U I D E The following information will help you begin installation of an Over-the-Post Stair System, which is only for interior use. This list will allow the flexibility to comply with most building codes related to baluster spacing and handrail height. Always consult your local building codes before starting installation. 1. Starting Step: To be used with volute and turnout fittings. Length is determined from outside finished wall to outside finished wall. (see page 60) 2. Treads: Excluding the starting step, choose one tread for each step. Open-sided stairs require mitered return treads. Treads are available mitered on one side or both sides. For open-onone-side stairs, add 1 1/8" to the measured length between the finished walls and order the next longest standard length of tread. (see pages 61-62) 3. Risers: The required number of risers will be one more than the number of treads chosen in No. 2. Do not choose a riser for the starting step. (see page 61) 4. Skirtboards: Skirtboards are used on both sides of the stairs, regardless of whether they are open or enclosed. Allow 13" per tread and round up to either 12' or 16' length. (Note, Crown Heritage Skirtboards are only available in 12' and 16' lengths) (see page 61) 5. Landing Tread: Choose enough landing tread for all landings and balconies. 5 1/4" landing tread is used with 3 1/2" newels. 3 1/4" landing tread may be used with 3" newels. (page 61) 6. Cove Moulding: Choose enough footage to go under all landing tread and tread nosing, including tread returns. (page 62) 7. Starting Fitting: Choose from volute, turnout or starting easing. (pages 57-58) 8. Starting Newel: Choose either a volute newel or the shortest universal newel for the first floor. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 9. Intermediate Newel: Choose the 56" intermediate landing newel for two-rise applications where the newel will drape two rises. Choose the 72" newel if more than two rises are being draped. If the intermediate newel will not be drape, but is face mounted, the 48" newel may be used. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 10. Balcony Newel: Choose the shortest universal newel for flush mount installations or the 48" length when the newel will be draped or mounted below the floor surface. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 11. Level Run: A universal newel should be used at least every eight feet of balcony run. At the corner of the balcony, use a quarter-turn cap over each newel. The 43" universal newel may be used for flush mounts. The 48" universal newel should be used if a draped installation is desired. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 12. Half Newel or Rosette: For the best installation, choose a half newel, which matches the other newels on the job. Alternately, choose a round rosette for all level rail connections and an oval rosette for all angle rail connections. (page 62) 13. Hardware: For a sturdy installation, choose the patented *Newel Mounting Kit #3072. Choose the appropriate newel mounting hardware for each newel post. (pages 63-64) 14. Balusters for Volutes and Turnouts: Four or six 11/4" balusters and four or five 1 3/4" balusters are required under the volute. *Patent: US 6,769,221B1 69 Turnouts require two 1 1/4" and one 1 3/4" balusters. For 30" rake heights use 38" or 37 1/2" balusters under the volute and use a 42" or 44" baluster under turnouts. For 34" rake heights, use a 42" baluster under volutes and turnouts. When using 1 1/4" balusters, choose the 42" baluster. When using 1 3/4" balusters, choose the 44" baluster. Warning: Rake heights over 35" may result in the balusters not being long enough. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 15. Balusters for Starting Easing With Cap: Use one 38" or 39" baluster under a starting easing if your rake height is 30". Use a 42" baluster if your rake rail height is 34". (pages 35-38, 41-55) 16. Rake Balusters for 34" Rake Heights (3-length System): When using two balusters per tread, use the 34" baluster as the first baluster and the 38" baluster as the second baluster. When using three balusters on a tread, use the 34" baluster as the first baluster, a 38" second baluster and a 42" third baluster on the tread. The 38" and 42" balusters will require the bottom of the baluster to be trimmed. (page 67) 17. Rake Balusters for 34" Rake Heights (the Crown System): When using two balusters per tread, use the 35" baluster as the first baluster and the 39" baluster as the second baluster. When using 1 1/4" balusters, choose the 35", 37" and 42" balusters unless you have chosen the 5016—then use the 36", 39" and 42" balusters. When using 1 3/4" balusters, choose the 35", 37" and 44" balusters. The Crown System balusters are designed to be trimmed at the top of the balusters. (page 67) 18. Fittings for Landings: Choose the correct fitting for each newel. Half newels require an opening cap, which will be cut on the job. (pages 57-58) 19. Handrail: Choose the appropriate lineal footage of handrail. 13" per step is the average length needed. Our handrail comes factory shrink-wrapped to ensure the product stays clean and remains undamaged. Please note that the best installation method for attaching a rail to a rail or a rail to a fitting is to use the patent-pending EasAlign system from Crown Heritage. (page 56), (page 59 for handrails) 20. Shoerail: If shoerail is desired, then choose the appropriate lineal footage. 13" per step is the average length needed. Our shoerail comes factory shrink-wrapped to ensure the product stays clean and remains undamaged. (page 59) 21. Fillet: Fillet is shipped tacked into all plowed handrails and shoerails. (page 59) 22. Wood Plug: A 1" wood plug is needed for each hole bored in the newel. (page 63) 23. Dowel Screw: Where the screw method of installation is being used, choose one dowel screw for each baluster except for those balusters being used in a shoerail. This is a recommended, but optional, method of installation. (page 64) 24. Bracket: If desired, choose one bracket for each tread. (page 62) A P O S T - T O - P R C H I T E C T U R A L L Y O S T T A K E - O F F G C O R R E C T S T A I R W A Y S U I D E The following information will help you begin installation of a Post-to-Post Stair System, which is only for interior use. This list will allow the flexibility to comply with most building codes related to baluster spacing and handrail height. Always consult your local building codes before starting installation. 1. Treads: Excluding the starting step, choose one tread for each step. Open-sided stairs require mitered return treads. Treads are available mitered on one side or both sides. For open-on-one-side stairs, add 1 1/8" to the measured length between the finished walls and order the next longest standard length of tread. (pages 61-62) 2. Risers: The required number of risers will be one more than the number of treads chosen in No. 2. Do not choose a riser for the starting step. (page 61) 3. Skirtboards: Skirtboards are used on both sides of the stairs, regardless of whether they are open or enclosed. Allow 13" per tread and round up to either 12' or 16' length. (Note, Crown Heritage skirtboards are only available in 12' and 16' lengths). (page 61) 4. Landing Tread: Choose enough landing tread for all landings and balconies. 5 1/4" landing tread is used with 3 1/2" newels. 3 1/4" landing tread may be used with 3" newels. (page 61) 13. Rake Balusters for 34" Rake Heights (the Crown System): When using two balusters per tread, use the 35" baluster as the first baluster and the 39" baluster as the second baluster. When using 1 1/4" balusters, choose the 35", 37", and 42" balusters unless you have chosen the 5016—then use the 36", 39" and 42" balusters. When using 1 3/4" balusters, choose the 35", 37" and 44" balusters. The Crown System balusters are designed to be trimmed at the top of the balusters. (page 67) 14. Handrail: Choose the appropriate lineal footage of handrail. 13" per step is the average length needed. Our handrail comes factory shrink-wrapped to ensure the product stays clean and remains undamaged. (page 59) 15. Shoerail: If shoerail is desired, then choose the appropriate lineal footage. 13" per step is the average length needed. Our shoerail comes factory shrink-wrapped to ensure the product stays clean and remains undamaged. (page 59) 16. Fillet: Fillet is shipped tacked into all plowed handrails and shoerails. (page 59) 5. Cove Moulding: Choose enough footage to go under all landing tread and tread nosing, including tread returns. (page 58) 17. Wood Plug: A 1" wood plug is needed for each hole bored in the newel. (page 63) 6. Starting Newel: Choose the 48" universal newel, if available, for 30" rake rail heights and the 54" or 56" lengths for 34" rake rail heights. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 18. Dowel Screw: Where the screw method of installation is being used, choose one dowel screw for each baluster, except for those balusters being used in a shoerail. This is a recommended, but optional, method of installation. (page 65) 7. Intermediate Newel: Choose the appropriate intermediate landing newel with a 141/2" top block when not using a fitting and a 5" top block. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 19. Bracket: If desired, choose one bracket for each tread. (page 62) 8. Second-floor Newel: Choose the appropriate second-floor landing newel with an 11" top block if fittings are not being used. If fittings are being used, choose a 5" top block universal newel. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 20. Handrail Hardware: Choose a #3078 Rail and Post Fastener or a #3075 Flush Mount Kit for each newel. (page 63) 9. Balcony Newel: Choose the shortest universal newel for flush mount installations or the 48" length when the newel will be draped or mounted below the floor surface. (pages 35-38, 41-55) 10. Half Newel or Rosette: For the best installation, choose a half newel, which matches the other newels on the job. Alternately, choose a round rosette for all level rail connections and an oval rosette for all angle rail connections. (page 62) 11. Hardware: Choose the appropriate newel mounting hardware for each newel post. (pages 63-64) 12. Rake Balusters for 34" Rake Heights (3-length System): When using two balusters per tread, use the 34" baluster as the first baluster and the 38" baluster as the second baluster. When using three balusters on a tread, use the 34" baluster as the first baluster, a 38" second baluster and a 42" third baluster on the tread. The 38" and 42" balusters will require the bottom of the baluster to be trimmed. (page 67) 70 pg. Model Description Hammered Plain Baluster 11 1000 Hammered 1 Baluster 11 1001 Hammered 2 Baluster 11 1002 Hammered Belly Baluster 11 1050* Hammered 1 Belly Baluster 11 1051* 1 Basket Scroll Baluster 12 1052* Hammered Belly w/ Scroll Baluster 12 1053* Hammered Plain Baluster 13 1060 Hammered 1 Baluster 13 1061 Hammered 2 Baluster 13 1062 Hammered Baluster 13 1068 Round Baluster 14 1070 Round 1 Knuckle Baluster 14 1071 Large Hammered Bar Baluster 14 1074 Hammered Plain Newel 12 1090 Hammered 1 Basket Newel 12 1091 1 Twist Baluster 15 1101 2 Twist Baluster 15 1102 1 Twist Baluster 15 1103 2 Twist w/Fancy Scroll Baluster 15 1113 Twist 1 Baluster 16 1121 Twist 2 Baluster 16 1122 16 1190 Twist Newel 16 1191 Twist w/1 Basket Newel 17 1201 Feather Baluster 17 1202 Split Feather Baluster 17 1212 Feather w/Scroll Baluster 18 1251* Feather Belly Baluster 18 1252* Feather Belly w/ Scroll Baluster 19 1301 1 Ribbon Baluster 19 1302 2 Ribbon Baluster 19 1331 Ribbon w/Scroll Baluster 20 1332 Ribbon w/Scrolls Baluster 20 1391 1 Ribbon Newel 21 1501 Ham'd Spoon Knuckle Baluster 21 1502 Ham'd Spoon Knuckle Baluster 21 1531 Ham'd Spoon Basket Baluster 23 1700 Plain Square Baluster 23 1701 Plain Square 1 Knuckle Baluster 23 1702 Plain Square 2 Knuckle Baluster 23 1707 Plain Squiggle Baluster 24 1708 Plain Large Scroll Baluster 24 1750* Plain Belly Baluster 29 1861 Accessory Iron Scroll 29 1863 Accessory Iron Scroll 29 1864 Accessory Iron Scroll 29 1865 Accessory Iron Basket 29 1866 Accessory Iron Basket 29 1867 Accessory Iron Grapes 7 2101 1 Twist Hollow Baluster 7 2102 2 Twist Hollow Baluster 7 2121 Twist w/1 Basket Hollow Baluster 7 2122 Twist w/2 Baskets Hollow Baluster 7 2700 Hollow Plain Baluster 7 2708 Hollow Scroll Baluster 9 3101 Hollow Knee Wall Twist Bal 9 3101 Hollow Twist Bal 9 3102 Hollow Twist Double Twist Bal 10 3102 Hollow Double Twist Bal 9 3121 Hollow Knee Wall Twist 1 Bal 10 3121 Hollow Twist 1 Bal 10 3122 Hollow Twist 2 Bal 9 3122 Hollow Knee Wall Twist 2 Bal 17 3201 Flat Feather 17 3202 Flat Split Feather 17 3212 Flat Feather w/Circle 21 3501 Flat Arrow w/Knuckle 21 3502 Flat Split Feather w/2Knuckles 21 3501 Flat Arrow w/Knuckle 21 3531 Flat Arrow w/Basket 23 3701 Flat Plain w/Knuckle 23 3702 Flat Plain w/Knuckle 9 3708 Hollow Knee Wall Scroll 10 3700 Hollow Plain Baluster 10 3708 Hollow Knee Wall Scroll 29 4700 Hollow Plain Baluster * Exact measurements on the belly balusters are 41.625 71 Size 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 41 14 X 41 14 X 41 14 X 41 14 x 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 x 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 16 X 44 30 X 48 30 X 48 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 30 X 48 30 X 48 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 41 14 X 41 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 30 X 48 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 14 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 41 19 X 44 19 X 44 19 X 44 19 X 44 19 X 44 19 X 44 12 X 30 12 X 44 12 X 30 12 X 44 12 X 30 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 30 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 14 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 44 12 X 30 12 X 44 12 X 44 14 X 44 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X pg. Model 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 X X X X X X X X X X Rails and Fillets 6000 P 6001 P 6002 6005 STP 6006 6008 6009 6010 6010 B 6010 P 6010 S 6010 SC 6010 SCP 6010 SP 6010 ST 6010 STP 6011 B 6040 6042 6045 6100 B 6100 S 6100 SC 6106 6203 6206 6210 6210 B 6210 P 6210 S 6210 SC 6210 SCP 6210 SP 6210 ST 6210 STP 6245 6310 B 6310 S 6310 SP 6310 ST 6310 STP 6519 B 6519 ST 6519 STP Description Size Handrail Plowed with Fillet 1 1/4" Handrail Plowed with Fillet 1 3/4" Handrail Fingerjoint 1 5/8" x 2 13/16" Handrail Plowed Solid Top Shoerail Plwd w/fillet 1 3/4" Shoerail Plwd w/fillet 1 1/4" Shoerail Plwd w/fillet 1 3/4" Handrail Fingerjoint 2 1/4" x 2 5/8" Handrail Bending w/Mould 7pc. Handrail Plowed Handrail Solid 3 Layer Handrail Solid Cap Handrail Plowed Solid Cap Handrail Plowed Solid 3 Layer Handrail Solid Top Handrail Plowed Solid Top Handrail Bending w/Mould 9pc. Wallrail Fingerjoint 1 3/4" x 1 5/8" Wallrail Fingerjoint 2 1/4" x 1 9/32" Shoerail Plowed w/fillet 1 1/4" Handrail Bending w/Mould 7pc. Handrail Solid Handrail Solid Cap Shoerail Plwd w/fillet 1 1/4" Handrail Fingerjoint 1 5/8" x 5 1/2" Shoerail Plwd w/fillet 1 5/8" Handrail Fingerjoint 2 5/8" x 2 3/8" Handrail Bending w/Bending Mould Handrail Plwd w/fillet 1 3/4" Handrail Solid 3 Layer Handrail Solid Cap Handrail Plw Solid Cap w/fill Handrail Plw Solid 3L w/fillet Handrail Solid Top Handrail Plowed Solid Top Shoerail Plwd w/fillet 1 3/4" Handrail Bending w/Bending Mould Handrail Solid Handrail Plowed Solid Handrail Solid Top Handrail Plowed Solid Top Handrail Bending w/Mould 8pc. Handrail Solid Top Handrail Plowed Solid Top Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany Forged Iron Balusters & Newels Satin Black Nickel Rubbed Copper Silver Vein Copper Vein Oil Rub Bronze Please note: Crown Heritage is committed to lead the industry with style. To support this commitment, product line improvements, changes and additions are a regular occurrence. Before making your final purchasing decision, please consult your Crown Heritage sales person or contact a customer service representative at 1-800-745-5931 for up to date information on species, colors and availability. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6010ST is also available in Brazilian Cherry, Hickory and White Oak. 6210ST is also available in Brazilian Cherry and White Oak. 6210STP is also available in White Oak. X X X X X X X X Alder American Cherry Ash Beech Birch Black Walnut Hemlock Hickory Mahogany Maple Poplar Red Oak X X X X X X X X X X X X Brazilian Cherry White Oak The Widest Selection Of Available Wood Species On Quick Turnaround. See page 32 for more details. Yellow Pine *Handrails and Newels are available in Brazilian Cherry, Hickory and White Oak. I Description 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 1800s Square Top Plain 1800s Square Top Plain 1800s Square Top Plain 1800s Square Top Plain 1800s Square Top Octag. 1800s Square Top Octag. 1800s Square Top Octag. 1800s Square Top Octag. 1800s Square Top Reed 1800s Square Top Reed 1800s Square Top Reed 1800s Square Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Octag. 1800s Pin Top Octag. 1800s Pin Top Octag. 1800s Pin Top Octag. 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Plain 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Reed 1800s Pin Top Reed Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Octag. Carolina Square Top Octag. Carolina Square Top Octag. Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Twist Carolina Square Top Twist Carolina Square Top Twist Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Plain Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Flute Carolina Square Top Twist Carolina Square Top Twist Carolina Square Top Twist Carolina Square Top Twist Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Carolina Pin Top Plain Carolina Pin Top Plain Carolina Pin Top Plain Carolina Pin Top Octag. Carolina Pin Top Octag. Carolina Pin Top Octag. Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Twist Carolina Pin Top Twist Carolina Pin Top Twist Carolina Pin Top Plain 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 8 1805 8 1805 8 1805 8 1805 D 1805 D 1805 D 1805 D 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 8 1815 8 1815 8 1815 8 1815 D 1815 D 1815 D 1815 D 1825 1825 1825 1825 1825 D 1825 D 1825 D 1825 D 2005 2005 2005 2005 8 2005 8 2005 8 2005 F 2005 F 2005 F 2005 T 2005 T 2005 T 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 F 2006 F 2006 F 2006 F 2006 T 2006 T 2006 T 2006 T 2011 2011 2011 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 F 2013 F 2013 F 2013 F 2015 2015 2015 2015 8 2015 8 2015 8 2015 F 2015 F 2015 F 2015 T 2015 T 2015 T 2016 Size 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 2.25 x 35 2.25 x 37.5 2.25 x 39 2.25 x 44 2.25 x 35 2.25 x 37.5 2.25 x 39 2.25 x 44 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 38 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 35 1.25 x 37.5 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 35 1.25 x 37.5 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 35 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X pg. Model 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 55 55 55 55 55 55 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 55 55 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 51 51 51 51 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 51 51 51 51 2016 2016 2016 2016 F 2016 F 2016 F 2016 F 2016 T 2016 T 2016 T 2016 T 2025 2025 2025 2025 2105 2105 2105 2105 2111 2111 2111 2115 2115 2115 2115 5005 5005 5005 5005 8 5005 8 5005 8 5006 5006 5006 5007 5007 5010 5010 5010 5010 5010 5010 5015 5015 5015 5016 5016 5016 5016 5016 5016 5060 5060 5067 5067 5067 5068 5068 5068 5068 5068 5106 5106 5106 5106 5141 5141 5141 5142 5142 5142 5142 5142 5200 5200 5200 5205 5205 5300 Description Carolina Pin Top Plain Carolina Pin Top Plain Carolina Pin Top Plain Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Flute Carolina Pin Top Twist Carolina Pin Top Twist Carolina Pin Top Twist Carolina Pin Top Twist Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Square Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Sierra Pin Top Hampton Square Top Plain Hampton Square Top Plain Hampton Square Top Plain Hampton Square Top Octag. Hampton Square Top Octag. Hampton Square Top Octag. Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Classic Pin Top Classic Pin Top Classic Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Classic Square Classic Square Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Colonial Square Top Hampton Pin Top Hampton Pin Top Hampton Pin Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Square Top Hampton Pin Top Plain Size 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.25 x 35 1.25 x 37.5 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 31 1.75 x 36 1.75 x 42 1.625 x 36 1.625 x 42 1.5 x 36 1.5 x 39 1.5 x 42 1.5 x 36 1.5 x 39 1.5 x 42 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 38 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 31 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 36 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 45 1.25 x 36 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 38 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 31 1.25 x 35 1.25 x 37.5 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 38 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 31 1.25 x 35 1.25 x 37.5 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 38 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 36 1.25 x 42 1.75 x 34 Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany pg. Model Wood Balusters Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany Wood Balusters N D E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X All dimensions in inches. Please note: Crown Heritage is committed to lead the industry with style. To support this commitment, product line improvements, changes and additions are a regular occurrence. Before making your final purchasing decision, please consult your Crown Heritage sales person or contact a customer service representative at 1-800-745-5931 for up to date information on species, colors and availability. 5300 5300 5300 8 5300 8 5300 8 5301 5301 5301 5301 5360 5360 5891 5891 5891 5891 5892 5892 5892 5892 5894 5894 5894 5894 8515 8515 8515 8515 8515 F 8515 F 8515 F 8515 F 8515 R 8515 R 8515 R 8515 R 9005 9005 9005 9005 9005 F 9005 F 9005 F 9005 F 9005 R 9005 R 9005 R 9005 R 9015 9015 9015 9015 9015 F 9015 F 9015 F 9015 F 9015 R 9015 R 9015 R 9015 R Description Hampton Pin Top Plain Hampton Pin Top Plain Hampton Pin Top Octag. Hampton Pin Top Octag. Hampton Pin Top Octag. Hampton Pin Top Hampton Pin Top Hampton Pin Top Hampton Pin Top Classic Square Classic Square Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Colonial Pin Top Jefferson Pin Top Plain Jefferson Pin Top Plain Jefferson Pin Top Plain Jefferson Pin Top Plain Jefferson Pin Top Flute Jefferson Pin Top Flute Jefferson Pin Top Flute Jefferson Pin Top Flute Jefferson Pin Top Rope Jefferson Pin Top Rope Jefferson Pin Top Rope Jefferson Pin Top Rope W'burg Square Top Plain W'burg Square Top Plain W'burg Square Top Plain W'burg Square Top Plain W'burg Square Top Flute W'burg Square Top Flute W'burg Square Top Flute W'burg Square Top Flute W'burg Square Top Rope W'burg Square Top Rope W'burg Square Top Rope W'burg Square Top Rope W'burg Pin Top Plain W'burg Pin Top Plain W'burg Pin Top Plain W'burg Pin Top Plain W'burg Pin Top Flute W'burg Pin Top Flute W'burg Pin Top Flute W'burg Pin Top Flute W'burg Pin Top Rope W'burg Pin Top Rope W'burg Pin Top Rope W'burg Pin Top Rope Size 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 34 1.75 x 38 1.75 x 42 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 36 1.75 x 42 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 36 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 36 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.25 x 34 1.25 x 36 1.25 x 39 1.25 x 42 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 1.75 x 35 1.75 x 37.5 1.75 x 39 1.75 x 44 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4040 Wood Newel is also available in White Oak. 4091 Box Newel is also available in White Oak. Crown Heritage products are designed for interior use only . 73 pg. Model 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 55 55 55 55 52 52 52 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 3010 3010 8 3010 F 3010 T 3012 3013 3013 8 3013 F 3013 T 3014 3014 8 3014 F 3014 T 3015 3015 8 3015 F 3015 T 3018 3018 8 3018 F 3018 T 3040 3040 8 3040 F 3040 T 3042 3042 8 3042 F 3042 T 3045 3045 8 3045 F 3045 T 3046 3046 8 3046 F 3046 T 3047 3047 8 3047 F 3047 T 3055 3055 8 3055 F 3055 T 3209 3214 3215 3240 3242 3245 3246 3314 3315 3340 3342 3345 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4010 4012 4013 4014 4015 4018 4021 4022 4040 4041 4042 4045 4046 4047 4050 4055 Description Carolina Univ. OTP Plain Carolina Univ. OTP Octag. Carolina Univ. OTP Flute Carolina Univ. OTP Twist Carolina Rake OTP Plain Carolina Volute OTP Plain Carolina Volute OTP Octag. Carolina Volute OTP Flute Carolina Volute OTP Twist Carolina Univ. OTP Plain Carolina Univ. OTP Octag. Carolina Univ. OTP Flute Carolina Univ. OTP Twist Carolina Inter. OTP Plain Carolina Inter. OTP Octag. Carolina Inter. OTP Flute Carolina Inter. OTP Twist Carolina Winder OTP Plain Carolina Winder OTP Octag. Carolina Winder OTP Flute Carolina Winder OTP Twist Carolina Univ. PTP Plain Carolina Univ. PTP Octag. Carolina Univ. PTP Flute Carolina Univ. PTP Twist Carolina Univ. PTP Plain Carolina Univ. PTP Octag. Carolina Univ. PTP Flute Carolina Univ. PTP Twist Carolina 2nd-F.L. PTP Plain Carolina 2nd-F.L. PTP Octag. Carolina 2nd-F.L. PTP Flute Carolina 2nd-F.L. PTP Twist Carolina Winder PTP Plain Carolina Winder PTP Octag. Carolina Winder PTP Flute Carolina Winder PTP Twist Carolina Inter. PTP Plain Carolina Inter. PTP Octag. Carolina Inter. PTP Flute Carolina Inter. PTP Twist Carolina Winder PTP Plain Carolina Winder PTP Octag. Carolina Winder PTP Flute Carolina Winder PTP Twist Sierra Rake OTP Sierra Univ. OTP Sierra Inter. OTP Sierra Univ. PTP Sierra Univ. PTP Sierra 2nd-F.L. PTP Sierra Inter. PTP Sierra Univ. OTP Sierra Inter. OTP Sierra Univ. PTP Sierra Univ. PTP Sierra 2nd-F.L. PTP Classic Univ. Classic Inter. Classic Univ. Classic Inter. Hampton Univ. PTP Hampton Inter. PTP Hampton Winder PTP Colonial Univ. OTP Colonial Turnout OTP Colonial Rake OTP Colonial Univ. OTP Colonial Inter. OTP Colonial Winder OTP Colonial Volute OTP Colonial Turnout OTP Colonial Univ. PTP Colonial 2nd-F.L. PTP Colonial Univ. PTP Colonial 2nd-F.L. PTP Colonial Inter. PTP Colonial Inter. PTP Colonial OTP Plain Colonial Univ. PTP Size 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3 x 43 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3 x 43 3 x 48 3 x 58 3 x 48 3 x 54 3 x 58 3 x 58 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 4 x 48 4 x 56 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 72 3 x 43 3 x 37 3 x 43 3 x 48 3 x 58 3 x 72 3 x 40.4 3 x 41.6 3 x 48 3 x 48 3 x 54 3 x 58 3 x 72 3 x 54 2.25 x 43 3 x 72 Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany pg. Model 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 55 55 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 Wood Newels Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany Wood Balusters X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I 4060 4076 4076 4082 4082 4083 4083 4085 4086 4087 4088 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4094 F 4094 NS 4094 NSF 4094 NCT 4094 FNCT 4095 4095 F 4095 NS 4095 NSF 4095 NCT 4095 FNCT 4096 4097 4097 4098 4180 4181 4182 4185 4186 4191 4195 4212 4270 4270 8 4272 4272 8 4274 4274 8 4275 4275 8 4278 4278 8 4300 4301 4302 4500 4500 8 4502 4502 8 4503 4503 8 4505 4505 8 4507 4507 8 4508 4508 8 4664 4665 4810 4810 8 4810 D 4812 4813 4813 8 4813 D 4814 4814 8 4814 D 4825 4825 8 4825 D 4842 Description Colonial OTP Plain Box Newel Sleeve Junior Box Newel Sleeve Junior Box Newel Sleeve Colonial PTP Plain Colonial PTP Plain Colonial PTP Plain Colonial PTP Plain Colonial PTP Plain Box Newel Box Newel Flute Box Newel Panel Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Column Prmd Column Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Box Nwl. Prmd Column Prmd Column Mitered Corner Newel Panel Newel Sleeve Panel Newel Colonial Univ. PTP Colonial Univ. PTP Colonial Inter. PTP Colonial 2nd F.L. PTP Colonial Inter. PTP Large Box Newel Colonial Winder PTP Hampton Rake OTP Plain Hampton Univ. OTP Plain Hampton Univ. OTP Octag. Hampton Volute OTP Plain Hampton Volute OTP Octag. Hampton Univ. OTP Plain Hampton Univ. OTP Octag. Hampton Inter. OTP Plain Hampton Inter. OTP Octag. Hampton Winder OTP Plain Hampton Winder OTP Octag. Classic Univ. Classic Inter. Classic Inter. Hampton Univ. PTP Plain Hampton Univ. PTP Octag. Hampton Univ. PTP Plain Hampton Univ. PTP Octag. Hampton 2nd-F.L. PTP Plain Hampton 2nd-F.L. PTP Octag. Hampton Inter. PTP Plain Hampton Inter. PTP Octag. Hampton 2nd-F.L. PTP Plain Hampton 2nd-F.L. PTP Octag. Hampton Inter. PTP Plain Hampton Inter. PTP Octag. Hampton Univ. PTP Hampton Univ. PTP 1800s Univ. OTP Plain 1800s Univ. OTP Octag. 1800s Univ. OTP Reed 1800s Rake OTP Plain 1800s Volute OTP Plain 1800s Volute OTP Octag. 1800s Volute OTP Reed 1800s Univ. OTP Plain 1800s Univ. OTP Octag. 1800s Univ. OTP Reed 1800s Inter. OTP Plain 1800s Inter. OTP Octag. 1800s Inter. OTP Reed 1800s Univ. PTP Plain Size 2.75 x 43 3.5 x 58 4.5 x 22.56 4.25 X 56.5 5.81 X 23.88 4.25 X 56.5 5.81 X 23.88 4.5 x 48 3 x 43.5 3 x 60 3 x 67.5 4.5 x 60 6.25 x 55 7.5 x 56 7.5 x 56 4 x 58 4 x 58 4 x 58 4 x 58 4 X 58 4 X 58 5 X 58 5 X 58 5 x 58 5 x 58 5 X 58 5 X 58 7.5 x 56 6 x 56 5.81 X 23.88 7.5 x 56 3 x 48 3 x 48 3 x 56 3 x 56 3 x 58 8 x 56 3 x 72 3 x 43 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3 x 43 3 x 48 3 x 58 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 4.5 x 48 4.5 x 56 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3 x 43 3.5 x 40.5 3.5 x 40.5 3.5 x 40.5 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Description 4842 8 4842 D 4845 4845 8 4845 D 4866 4866 8 4866 D 8510 8510 F 8510 R 8512 8513 8513 F 8513 R 8514 8514 F 8514 R 8525 8542 8542 F 8542 R 8545 8545 F 8545 R 8547 8547 F 8547 R 9012 9012 F 9012 R 9013 9013 F 9013 R 9025 9025 F 9025 R 9043 9043 F 9043 R 9048 9048 F 9048 R 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 X X pg. Model Size 1800s Univ. PTP Octag. 1800s Univ. PTP Reed 1800s 2nd-F.L. PTP Plain 1800s 2nd-F.L. PTP Octag. 1800s 2nd-F.L. PTP Reed 1800s Inter. PTP Plain 1800s Inter. PTP Octag. 1800s Inter. PTP Reed Jefferson Univ. OTP Plain Jefferson Univ. OTP Flute Jefferson Univ. OTP Rope Jefferson Rake OTP Plain Jefferson Volute OTP Plain Jefferson Volute OTP Flute Jefferson Volute OTP Rope Jefferson Univ. OTP Plain Jefferson Univ. OTP Flute Jefferson Univ. OTP Rope Jefferson Inter. OTP Plain Jefferson Univ. PTP Plain Jefferson Univ. PTP Flute Jefferson Univ. PTP Rope Jefferson 2nd-F.L. PTP Plain Jefferson 2nd-F.L. PTP Flute Jefferson 2nd-F.L. PTP Rope Jefferson Inter. PTP Plain Jefferson Inter. PTP Flute Jefferson Inter. PTP Rope W'burg Univ. OTP Plain W'burg Univ. OTP Flute W'burg Univ. OTP Rope W'burg Volute OTP Plain W'burg Volute OTP Flute W'burg Volute OTP Rope W'burg Inter. OTP Plain W'burg Inter. OTP Flute W'burg Inter. OTP Rope W'burg Univ. PTP Plain W'burg Univ. PTP Flute W'burg Univ. PTP Rope W'burg Int. & 2nd F.L. PTP Plain W'burg Int. & 2nd F.L. PTP Flute W'burg Int. & 2nd F.L. PTP Rope 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3.5 x 43 3 x 43 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 41 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 58 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 48 3.5 x 40.5 3.5 x 40.5 3.5 x 40.5 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 56 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 3.5 x 72 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X All dimensions in inches. X X X X X X Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany pg. Model 54 35 35 35 35 36 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 36 36 36 36 54 54 54 54 54 35 54 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 55 55 55 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 Wood Newels Red Oak Poplar Beech Maple Hemlock Cherry Primed Mahogany Wood Newels N D E X S U F F I X E S U S E D X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 B B BM C DMR D F H LH MR NCT P PA PB R RH R S SC ST T Octagonal Ball Top for Newels Bending for Rail Bending Mold Colonial Ball Top Double Miter Return Reed Flute Half Left Hand Mitered Return No Cap and Trim Plowed 1-1/4" Plow 6100 1-3/4" Plow 6100 Rope Right Hand Ring Top Spade Top for Newels, 3 Layer Solid for Handrail Solid Cap Engineered for Rail Solid Top Rail Twist 1815 Balusters E X T R A O R D I N A R Y STYLE S T A I R S Y S T E M S V isi t our Des ign L ibr a r y a t www.crownhe r i t a g e .co m for all your downloadabl e s t ai r pa r t C A D d r a wi ng re s o urce s . Note: Crown Heritage products are designed for interior use only. Crown Heritage PO Box 130, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 www.crownheritage.com | 800.745.5931 Warehouse Locations: Elkin, NC., Sparta, TN., Summerville, SC. CHS617/01.12.11/40000
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