catalog - MSI Lab Products
catalog - MSI Lab Products
MSI Laboratory Products CHICAGO FAUCETS CORNING PYREX EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT EPOXY RESIN LARGEST INVENTORY IN THE SOUTH EXHAUST BLOWERS What You Need - When You Need It! FAX 281-367-8093 Toll Free: 1-800-880-6745 Email: 1-800-880-6745 HISTORY Fifty years ago (in 1958) a young Mechanical Engineer was responsible for a laboratory installation at Dow Chemical Co. in Freeport, Texas. During the next three years, he became responsible for five laboratory installations at Dow. It soon became clear to this young engineer that plumbing materials for laboratories were different from normal commercial and industrial plumbing. For example, drain material had to be acid and solvent resistant. Corning and O.I. Shott filled that need by providing fitting and pipe made of borosilicate glass made to Federal Standards Number DD-G-541B and ASTM-C-1053. Plumbing service fixtures had index buttons, serrated hose ends, vacuum breakers, aspirators, etc. These materials could not be found in the local hardware store or plumbing supply houses. These specialty hard-to-find items often took 90 days to 180 days to deliver. A shorter delivery time was desperately needed. This young engineer helped solve an industry-wide delivery problem in 1961 by founding a Laboratory Specialty Service Company, which later became Mechanical Specialty Inc., then MSI and now MSI Products Inc., dba The Laboratory Store. MSI Products Inc., after 45 years in this highly specialized industry serves laboratory owners throughout the United States in colleges, universities, high schools, industrial plants, hospitals, etc. Wherever there is a laboratory, there is a need for MSI Products Inc., The Laboratory Store. Call us, most often we can fill your needs in a few days. This brief catalog is but a sample of our Houston, Texas inventory. Need replacement parts for older laboratories? Call us, we have a 50-year history of those hard-to-find items. Jim Cabaniss, Founder HISTORY 1 1-800-880-6745 MSI PRODUCTS, Inc. The Laboratory Store QUICK DELIVERY ON SPECIAL LABORATORY PRODUCTS! A Stocking Distributor for: • CHICAGO FAUCETS for Labs Epoxy coated, silver or tin-lines available • CORNING PYREX Acid Waste Drainline “The Clear Solution” • CENTRAL BLOWERS for Fume Hoods Epoxy coated, spark resistant • WESTERN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Eyewash/Safety Shower • LAB TOPS – Epoxy Resin Sinks & Tops Colors Available • ALNOR Fume Hood Safety Alarms As recommended by ANSI and OSHA • SPECIAL & HARD TO FIND ITEMS You don’t have to wait 60 to 90 days for an epoxy sink for your lab, or a gooseneck faucet with a vacuum breaker; or an emergency shower/eyewash. WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK! Our prices are competitive, and we can usually ship via UPS the same day! Toll Free 1-800-880-6745 Fax: (281) 367-8093 Email: 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-800-880-6745 INDEX History ............................................................1 General Information ........................................2 MSI Customers ..............................................4 Chicago Faucets Laboratory Fixtures ............5 Acid Waste Systems - Glass........................31 Acid Waste Systems - Polypropylene ..........55 Epoxy Resins ................................................67 Smooth On ....................................................75 Exhaust Blowers ..........................................77 Fume Hoods ................................................84 Haws Safety Equipment................................85 INDEX 3 1-800-880-6745 SATISFIED MSI CUSTOMERS A partial list of our customers INDUSTRIAL BJ Services Baker Hughes British Petroleum Brown & Root Chevron Dow Chemical Duratherm Exxon Chemical Fina Getty Oil Gulf Chemical Research & Licensing HL&P Haliburton Houston Advanced Research Center Hughes Tools Huntsman Kellogg Mobil Olin Matheson Pennzoil Oil & Gas Petrotex Reichhold Shell Oil & Gas Syengenta Texaco COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Arizona State Auburn Baylor Univ. Bethany College Colorado State Cornell Univ. Univ. of Alabama Florida State Georgia Tech Georgia Univ. Kansas State Univ. LSU Marquette Univ. Miss. State Univ. Montana State N.D. State Navarro College New Mexico State Oklahoma State Ole Miss Rice Univ. SMU Southeastern La. Univ. TCU Texas A&M Texas State Texas Tech Tulane Univ. UT Dental School Univ. of Arizona Univ. of Arkansas Univ. of Caracas, Venezuela Univ. of Colorado Univ. of Florida Univ. of Houston Univ. of Lima, Peru Univ. of Miami Univ. of Missouri Univ. of Nebraska Univ. of Nevada Univ. of Ohio Univ. of Oklahoma Univ. of Pennsylvania Univ. of Southern Miss. Univ. of Tenn. Univ. ot Texas (9 campuses) Univ. of Utah Wake Forest Shreveport Teaching Hosp. St. Luke’s Hosp. St. Joseph Hosp. Texas Womens College Tulane Med. UT Med. School Univ. of Miss. Med. School Univ. of Missouri Univ. of Missouri Dental Univ. of Texas Dental VA Hospitals MEDICAL Baylor College of Med. Conway Hosp. Emory Univ. Kelsey Seybold M.D. Anderson Macon Hosp. SW Foundation SPECIALTY Boeing Aicraft CDC Centers HARC Lexicon Genetics 4 Los Alamos Atomic Research NASA (3 Houston Labs) Texas A&M Oceanography Lab Water Reclamation USDA MSI CUSTOMERS MSI Laboratory Products C H I CA G O FA U C E T S ® Commercial • Electronic Food Service • Laboratory Residential • Components • Repair Parts CHICAGO FAUCETS 5 1-800-880-6745 TURRETS NO. 981 Double-180° NO. 980 Single NO. 982 Double-90° NO. 983 Triple NO. 984 Quad NO. 957 SHANK NO. 980-E7T CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 6 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 FLANGES NO. 986 NO. 986F NO. 986-E7XT NO. 987 NO. 987F NO. 988 NO. 988L CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 957 Shank Washer & Nut 7 1-800-880-6745 COCKS NO. 907B Air - Gas - Vacuum NO. 937 Gases NO. 937WH Water 8 NO. 909 Air - Gas - Vacuum NO. 937CH Water NO. 937ST Steam CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 FUME HOOD VALVES & FITTINGS NO. 962 VOGA Angled NO. 962 VOG Straight NO. 913 Air - Gas - Vacuum NO. 985AGN2BVB NO. 1322 Air - Gas - Vacuum NO. 988-GN2BVB CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 986-E7XT NO. 980-GN2BE7 9 1-800-880-6745 ELECTRICAL NO. 1310A NO. 1312A NO. 1311A NO. 1313A All units furnished with 3/4 shank, washer and nut CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 10 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 PURE WATER OR DISTILLED WATER NO. 829 PVDF Valve 1/4” Teflon Tubing NO. 839 1/2” NPS Male Inlet NO. 828 PVDF Valve 1/4” Teflon Tubing NO. 838 Celcon Valve 1/2 NPS Male Inlet CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 869B PVC 1/2 Male Inlet NO. 870B PVC 1/2 Female Inlet 11 1-800-880-6745 PURE WATER OR DISTILLED WATER (cont’d.) NO. 970 Panel Mount Silver or Tin Lined 1/2” Inlet NO. 971 3/8” NPS Inlet NO. 969 All units are self-closing. Manual close must be specified. LABORATORY WATER NO. 929 Hot - Cold Water 12 NO. 930 Hot - Cold Water NO. 931 Hot - Cold Water CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER (cont’d.) NO. 931 VB E7 Hot - Cold Water NO. 938 Cold Water NO. 942 Hot - Cold Water Wall Mount NO. 927 Cold Water NO. 943 Hot - Cold Water Wall Mount NO. 928 Cold Water CHICAGO FAUCETS 13 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER (cont’d.) NO. 946 Hot - Cold Water NO. 997 Cold Water 3 Way Outlet NO. 985-B Cold Water NO. 940 VBE7 NO. 1301 Multi Service Cold Water - 2 Gases 14 NO. 933 Cold Water Wall Mount CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER (cont’d.) NO. 934 Cold Water NO. 935 Hot - Cold Water NO. 932 Cold Water NO. 941 High Rise Hot - Cold Water CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 936 Hot - Cold Water NO. 940 Hot - Cold Water CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 15 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER (cont’d.) NO. 895-317 NO. 895-320 NO. 891 NO. 50 CT 16 NO. 1891 NO. 51 CT NO. 349 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER (cont’d.) NO. 12 NO. 305 NO. 350 NO. 305 VB NO. 445 NO. 445-L8 NO. 728-SS NO. 540 CHICAGO FAUCETS 17 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER NO. 786 NO. 786-E3 NO. 540-LD-897S-WXF NO. 897 NO. 5 18 NO. 13 NO. 293 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 GOOSENECK SPOUTS NO. GN1BVB 4” Spread NO. GN8BVB 8” Spread NO. L6BVB 6” Spread CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. GN2BVB 6” Spread NO. L5VB 4-1/2” Spread NO. L8BVB 8” Spread 19 1-800-880-6745 GOOSENECK SPOUTS (cont’d.) NO. S4BVB 4-1/2” Spread NO. 892 3/8” NO. 893 1/2” NO. DJ 13 NO. DJ 18 NO. DJ13 VB NO. DJ18 VB 20 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 GOOSENECK SPOUTS (cont’d.) NO. L8 8” NO. L9 9-1/2” NO. L12 12” NO. L15 14” HANDLES NO. 204 NO. 317 CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 205 NO. 318 NO. 210 NO. 319 21 1-800-880-6745 HANDLES (cont’d.) NO. 320 NO. 635 INDEX BUTTONS CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 NO. 937-2 NO. 1000 VACUUM BREAKERS NO. E-22 NO. 892 3/8” NO. 893 1/2” NO. 892-200KJ VACUUM BREAKER REPAIR KIT Internal Parts to Refurbish Vacuum Breaker 22 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 OUTLETS CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 NO. E3-3 Aerator NO. E4F Spray NO. E12-VP NO. E12 Aerator NO. E26 Spout Outlet NO. E1 Single Screen Outlet NO. E28 Spray Outlet Vandal Resistant NO. E2 3/4” Hose Adapter CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. E15 Spray NO. E29 Lam-A-Flow Outlet NO. E3 Softflow Aerator 23 1-800-880-6745 OUTLETS (cont’d.) NO. E22 In Line Vacuum Breaker E-18 Aspirator NO. E27 Hose NO. E7 Serrated Hose Tip NO. E7-T Angle Serrated Hose Tip SHANKS 24 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 PARTS - CARTRIDGES NO. 1-99XT RIGHT HAND NO. 274-XT RT NO. 1-100XT LEFT HAND NO. 274-XT LH NO. 335-X CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 409-X NO. 217 XT-RT NO. 217 XT-LH NO. 333X NO. 625X NO. 377-XT-LH 25 1-800-880-6745 PRE-RINSE VALVES & HOSES NO. 83 Hose Unit 30”, 45”, 54”, 66” NO. 509 GC NO. 84 NO. 87 HOSE 24”, 36”, 48”, 60”, 72” 26 NO. 537 CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 PRE-RINSE VALVES & HOSES (cont’d.) NO. 548 NO. 535 URINAL VALVES CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 NO. 733-OHVB NO. 732-VB-669 CHICAGO FAUCETS 27 1-800-880-6745 LABORATORY WATER (cont’d.) NO. 2200 NO. 2200-8 HOSPITAL PEDAL & KNEE VALVE NO. 625 NO. 625 LP 28 NO. 834 EP CHICAGO FAUCETS 1-800-880-6745 HOSPITAL PEDAL & KNEE VALVE (cont’d.) NO. 745-VO NO. 645 PRE-RINSE VALVES & HOSES NO. 919 CHICAGO FAUCETS NO. 502 NO. 923 29 1-800-880-6745 MSI Laboratory Products ACID WASTE DRAIN SYSTEMS O.I. SCHOTT ACID WASTE DRAIN SYSTEMS Corning Process Systems North America 31 1-800-880-6745 Physical Properties Chemical Properties Type Glass: Borosilicate Durability Acids: All except Hydrofluoric or Phosphoric with Fluorides Working Pressure*: 1/2”–3/4”–1” ..............100 1-1/2”–2”–3” ................75 4” ................................50 6” ................................30 p.s.i. p.s.i. p.s.i. p.s.i. Durability Alkalies: Some attack above 120°F Test Pressure*: 1-1/2 Time Working Pressure Coupling Outer Band: 1 bolt Stainless Steel 1/2”–6” Operating Temp. (maximum): Freezing point to 450°F Coupling Compression Liner/ Seal Ring: Hydrin/TFE Seal 300°F; Viton/TFE 450°F Glass Therm. Expansion: 32 x 10-7 Glass Therm. Conductivity: 0.73 BTU/hr. ft.2/F°/ft. at 212°F Glass Therm. Shock Diff.: 1/2”–3”............................200°F 4” ....................................175°F 6” ....................................160°F 32 *NOTE: Gas pressure recommendations: it is recommended that suitable safeguards for equipment and personnel be provided in the unlikely event of system failure when glass pipe is used under a gas pressure. This safeguard is recommended due to the potential energy of gases under pressure or vacuum. ACID WASTE SYSTEMS 1-800-880-6745 Making Joints with Process Pipe Couplings 1. Dip coupling in water or wipe beaded ends with damp cloth. 2. Snap coupling over one end of pipe making certain TFE liner is behind bead ... then stab other section of pipe into opposite sides of coupling. 3. Tighten coupling bolt with 6” ratchet wrench until the gap between segments is approximately 3/16”. ACID WASTE SYSTEMS 33 1-800-880-6745 GLASS DRAIN PIPE AND FITTINGS 6500 5 FT. LENGTHS 6501 10 FT. LENGTHS Size 5 ft Lengths Art. No. 6500-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 10 ft Lengths Art. No. 6501-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 6502 5-FT. LENGTHS (For Underground Use) EPS Covered Art. No. 6502- 1500 2000 3000 4000 6511 SWEEPS Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 90° Art. No. 6511-1590 2090 3090 4090 6090 60° Art. No. 6511-1560 2060 3060* 4060* 6060* 45° Art. No. 6511-1545 2045 3045 4045 6045 22-1/2° Art. No. 6511-1522 2022* 3022* 4022* 6022* 6513 BENDS Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 34 90° Art. No. 6513-1590 2090 3090 4090 60° Art. No. 6513-1560 2060 3060* 4060* 45° Art. No. 6513-1545 2045 3045 4045 6045 22-1/2° Art. No. 6513-1522 2022 3022* 4022* GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 SPECIAL PURPOSE BENDS Size 1-1/2 2 Art. No. 6512-1590 2090 1-1/2 2 6512P-1590 2090 1-1/2 6514-1590 6518 QUARTER BEND REDUCER Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 6 x 1-1/2 6x2 6x3 6x4 Art. No. 6518-2015 3015 3020 4015 * 4020 * 4030 * 6015 * 6020 * 6030 * 6040 * 6519 DOUBLE BEND REDUCER Size 11/2 1) 2 x 2 x 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Art. No. 6519-1500 1) 2015 * 2020 3000 * 4000 * 6000 6519P DOUBLE QUARTER BEND (Plain End Outlet) Size 1-1/2 1) 2 x 2 x 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 GLASS DRAIN LINES Art. No. 6519P-1500 * 1) 2015 * 2020 * 35 1-800-880-6745 6520 ADJUSTABLE SANITARY T (One Adjustable Inlet) Size 1-1/2 Art. No. 6520-1520 6521 SINGLE SANITARY T 6522 DOUBLE SANITARY T Size Single Art. No. 1-1/2 x1-1/2 6521-1515 2 x 1-1/2 2015 2x2 2020 3 x 1-1/2 3015 3x2 3020 3x3 3030 4 x 1-1/2 4015 4x2 4020 4x3 4030 4x4 4040 6x2 6020 * 6x3 6030 * 6x4 6040 * 6x6 6060 * Double Art. No. 6522-1515 2015 2020 3015 * 3020 3030 4015 * 4020 * 4030 * 4040 * 6020 * 6030 * 6040 * 6060 * 6523 STRAIGHT T Size 1-1/2 x1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 3x3 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 4x4 6x3 6x4 6x6 36 Art. No. 6523-1515 2015 2020 3015 3020 3030 4015 4020 4030 4040 6030 6040 6060 * * * * * GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 6524 TEST T WITH CLEANOUT Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3x3 4x4 Art. No. 6524-1515 2020 3030 4040 6526 DRAINLINE Y SINGLE 6527 DRAINLINE Y DOUBLE Size Art. No. Art. No. 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 6526-1515 6527-1515 * 2 x 1-1/2 2015 2015 * 2x2 2020 2020 3 x 1-1/2 3015 3015 * 3x2 3020 3020 3x3 3030 3030 4 x 1-1/2 4015 * 4015 * 4x2 4020 4020 * 4x3 4030 4030 * 4x4 4040 4040 * 6x2 6020 * 6020 * 6x3 6030 * 6030 * 6x4 6040 * 6040 * 6x6 6060 * 6060 * 6528 COMBINATION Y AND 1/4 BEND SINGLE 6529 COMBINATION Y AND 1/4 BEND DOUBLE Size Art. No. Art. No. 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 6528-1515 6529-1515 2 x 1-1/2 2015 2015 2x2 2020 2020 3 x 1-1/2 3015 3015 * 3x2 3020 3020 3x3 3030 3030 4 x 1-1/2 4015 4015 * 4x2 4020 4020 * 4x3 4030 4030 * 4x4 4040 4040 * 6x2 6020 * 6020 * 6x3 6030 * 6030 * 6x4 6040 * 6040 * 6x6 6060 * 6060 * GLASS DRAIN LINES 37 1-800-880-6745 6530 ADJUSTABLE SANITARY T (Plain End Outlet) Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 Art. No. 6530-1515* 6531 PARTITION CROSS (Compact) Size Art. No. 2 x 1-1/2 6531-2015* 2x2 2020* 2 x 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2151* Partition crosses are designed to prevent crossflow when sinks are connected back to back. 6532 SINGLE UPRIGHT Y OR H (Vent Branch) Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 3x3 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 4x4 6x3 6x4 6x6 Art. No. 6532-1515 2015 2020 3015 3020 3030 4015 4020 4030 4040 6030 6040 6060 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6536 STRAIGHT REDUCERS OR INCREASERS 6537 ECCENTRIC REDUCERS OR INCREASERS straight eccentric 38 Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 6 x 1-1/2 6x2 6x3 6x4 Art. No. Art. No. 6536-1515 6537-2015 3015 3015 * 3020 3020 * 4015 * 4015 * 4020 4020 * 4030 4030 * 6015 * 6015 * 6020 * 6020 * 6030 6030 * 6040 6040 * GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 6540 VENT INCREASERS Size 1-1/2 x 3 2x3 3x4 Art. No. 6540-1530 * 2030 * 3040 * COMPACT FITTINGS 6541 SINGLE SANITARY T Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3x2 3x3 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 4x4 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x6 Art. No. 6541-1515 2015 2020 3020 3030 4015 4020 4030 4040 6020 6030 6040 6060 * * * * * * * * 6546 SINGLE DRAINLINE Y Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3x2 3x3 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 4x4 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x6 GLASS DRAIN LINES Art. No. 6546-1515 2020 3020 3030 4015 4020 4030 4040 6020 6030 6040 6060 * * * * * * * * 39 1-800-880-6745 6548 COMBINATION Y AND 1/8 BEND Size 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 x x x x x x x x x x x x Art. No. Single 6548-2015 2020 3020 3030 4015 * 4020 * 4030 * 4040 * 6020 * 6030 * 6040 * 6060 * 1-1/2 2 2 3 1-1/2 2 3 4 2 3 4 6 Art No. Double 6548-4015 * 4020 * 4030 * 4040 * 6020 * 6030 * 6040 * 6060 * 6544 CLEANOUT PLUG Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Art. No. 6544-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 6550 U BEND (Vent Loop) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Art. No. 6550-1500 2000 3000 4000 * Note: U bends are often used for vent loops. No. 6705 outlets on Swivel “S” Traps are also used as vent loops. 6566 MJ PIPE ADAPTER1) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Art. No. 6566-1500 2000 3000 4000 Glass Adapter to High Silicon Iron “MJ” Pipe 1) 6566 “MJ” Pipe Adapter consists of glass adapter and 6740 teflon spacer 40 GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 6616 BEADED OUTLET 3” HEMISPHERICAL Art. No. 6616-3000 6617 BEADED OUTLET 6” HEMISPHERICAL Art. No. 6617-6000 6617P PLAIN END OUTLET 6” HEMISPHERICAL Art. No. 6617P-6011 6618 BEADED OUTLET 3” X 9” OVAL Art. No. 6618-3900 6618P PLAIN END OUTLET 3” X 9” OVAL Art. No. 6618P-3911 6619 BEADED OUTLET 3” X 6” OVAL Art. No. 6619-3600 GLASS DRAIN LINES 41 1-800-880-6745 6619P PLAIN END OUTLET 3” X 6” OVAL Art. No. 6619P-3611 6627 3” X 6” HORIZONTAL, WALL MOUNTED CUP SINK 1-1/2” PLAIN END OUTLET Art. No. 6627-3600* Components Art. No. 6621-3600* 6724-2000* 6628 3” X 6” OVAL VERTICAL 1-1/2” OUTLET WALL MOUNTED CUP SINK Art. No. 6628-3600* Components Art. No. 6629-3600* 6624-2000* 6724 SINK STRAINER (All Cup Sinks) Size 1-1/2 2 42 Art. No. 6724-1500 6724-2000 GLASS DRAIN LINES COUPLINGS 1-800-880-6745 6650 DRAINLINE COUPLING (Bead to Bead) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Art. No. 6650-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 No. 6650 Drainline Coupling is used for joining 1-1/2”, 2”, 3”, 4” and 6” KIMAX® Glass Drainline pipe and fittings. No. 6650 KIMAX® coupling consists of: No. 6651 segmented stainless steel outer band No. 6652 Buna-N rubber compression liner with TFE seal ring No. 6653 stainless steel bolt No. 6664 silver plated stainless steel hex nut 6655 ADAPTER COUPLING Size 2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-3/4 2 x 1-7/8 Art. No. 6655-2015 2017 2018 No. 6655 Adapter Assembly is used to join KIMAX® Drainline Pipe and/or fittings to plain end sink tailpieces. The assembly consists of: No. 6651 segmented stainless steel outer band No. 6657 Buna-N rubber adapter No. 6656 TFE adapter seal No. 6653 stainless steel bolt, 1/4 - 28 x 2-3/4 No. 6664 silver plated stainless steel hex nut 6661 B/P DRAINLINE COUPLING (Bead to Plain End) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Art. No. 6661-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 No. 6661 B/P Drainline Coupling is used for joining 1-1/2”, 2”, 3”, 4” and 6” KIMAX® Beaded Glass Drainline to plain end (cut) glass pipe; lead, I.P.S. metal, or plastic pipe. This exclusively designed KIMAX® Drainline coupling consists of the following components: No. 6662 stainless steel band with bolt No. 6663 Buna-N rubber compression liner with TFE seal ring No. 6664 silver plated stainless steel hext nut GLASS DRAIN LINES 43 1-800-880-6745 6665 ADAPTER COUPLING Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/4 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 Art. No. 6665-1512* 1515 DRAINLINE TRAPS 6614 PARTITION TRAP (Consists of Trap Body Only) Size Inlet x Outlet 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6614-2015 2020 Available with 2” inlet only. 11/2outlet trap has 2” inlet to accept No. 6655 adapter coupling. Traps are nonsiphoning with partition always visible. Traps available with B type cleanout. 6700 SWIVEL TRAP-P STYLE Size Inlet x Outlet 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6700-1515 2015 2020 No. 6700 (short outlet) Swivel “P” Trap assembly consists of a No. 6705 inlet with a No. 6513 outlet and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. 6701 SWIVEL TRAP-P STYLE Size Inlet x Outlet 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6701-1515 2015 2020 No. 6701 (long outlet) Swivel “P” Trap assembly consists of a No. 6705 inlet with a No. 6512 outlet and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. 44 GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 6704 SWIVEL TRAP-P STYLE (Plain End Outlet 1)) Size Inlet x Outlet 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6704-1515 2015 2020 No. 6704 (plain end outlet) Swivel “P” Trap assembly consists of a No. 6705 inlet with a No. 6512P plain end outlet and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. Plain end outlet, can be field cut. 1) 6706 SWIVEL TRAP-S STYLE Size Inlet x Outlet 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6706-1515 2015 2020 No. 6706 Swivel “S” Trap consists of two No. 6705 inlets and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. 6707 DRUM TRAP-P STYLE Size Inlet x Outlet 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6707-1515* 2015* 2020* A Traps available with B type cleanout. 6708 INTERCEPTOR TRAP Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 Couplings 1-1/4 O.D. Inlet 1-1/2 O.D. Inlet Art. No. 6708-1515* 6665-1512 6665-1515 A Traps available with B type cleanout. GLASS DRAIN LINES 45 1-800-880-6745 6710 SWIVEL DRUM-P STYLE Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6710-1515 2015 2020 No. 6710 Swivel Drum Trap “P” assembly consists of a No. 6715 inlet with a No. 6716 outlet and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. 6713 TRAP-P STYLE (Vented)* Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 1) 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3x3 4x4 6x6 Art. No. 6713-1515* 1) 2015* 2020* 3030* 4040* 2) 6060* 1) Has expanded inlet. Use No. 6655 adapter coupling for inlet joint. 2) No cleanouts on 6 x 6 traps – consists of two glass components and one 6650–6000 KIMAX® Coupling. 6714 SWIVEL DRUM TRAP-S STYLE Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 Art. No. 6714-1515* 2015* 2020* No. 6714 Swivel Drum Trap assembly consists of two No. 6715 inlets and one No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. Traps available with B type cleanout. 6718 TRAP-P STYLE Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 1) 2 x 1-1/2 1) 2x2 3x3 4x4 6x6 Art. No. 6718-1515* 2015* 2020* 3030* 4040* 2) 6060* 1) Use No. 6655 adapter coupling for inlet joint. 2) No cleanouts on 6 x 6 traps – consists of two glass components and one 6650–6000 KIMAX® Coupling. 46 GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 6770 RUNNING TRAP Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3x3 4x4 1) 6x6 Art. No. 6770-1515 2020 3030 4040 * 2) 6060 * Traps available with B type cleanout. 1) No cleanouts on 6 x 6 traps – consists of two glass components and one 6650–6000 KIMAX® Coupling. 6771 RUNNING TRAP (Vented) Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3x3 4x4 1) 6x6 Art. No. 6771-1515 2020 3030 4040 * 2) 6060 * 1) No cleanouts on 6 x 6 traps – consists of two glass components and one 6650–6000 KIMAX® Coupling. TYPE B STANDARD CLEANOUT Size 1-1/2 GLASS DRAIN LINES Art. No. B 47 48 1-800-880-6745 GLASS DRAIN LINES GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 49 1-800-880-6745 ACCESSORIES AND HARDWARE 6680 THREAD ADAPTERS (Threaded to Beaded Pipe) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Art. No. 6680-1500 2000 3000 4000 6685 ADJUSTABLE THREAD ADAPTER Size 2 x 1-1/2 Art. No. 6685-2015 6720 SINK OUTLET ASSEMBLY (1-1/2 and 2” Sizes) 6720D 2” For Use with Sinks Having 3-15/32 Counterbore Size 1-1/2 2 2 Art. No. 6720-1500 2000 * 6720D-2000 6726 SINK STOPPER Size 1-1/2 Art. No. 6726-1500* No. 6726 Sink Stopper is available in 1-1/2” and 2” size in fluorocarbon plastic. 50 GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 6727 SINK OVERFLOW BEEHIVE TYPE Size 1-1/2 4” 1-1/2 6” 1-1/2 8” Art. No. 6727-1504 1506 1508 Sink Overflow is made of black fluorocarbon plastic. Beehive type can be modified to open type by cutting off top beehive section. 6728 1-1/2” TAILPIECE ASSEMBLY Size 1-1/2 x 6-1/2 1-1/2 x 10-1/2 Art. No. 6728-1060 1100 Components of 6728, 6723-Nut Size Art No. 1-1/2 6723-1500 6730 Tailpiece Size 1-1/2 x 6-1/2 1-1/2 x 10-1/2 Art. No. 6730-1060* 1100 6738 GASKET Size 1-1/2 Art. No. 6738-1500 6735 1-1/2” SPLIT COUPLING (Threaded to Beaded Pipe) Size 1-1/2 Art. No. 6735-1500 6739 GASKET Size 1-1/2 GLASS DRAIN LINES Art. No. 6739-1500 51 1-800-880-6745 7290 PIPE HANGERS (Padded) 1-1/2”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 6” Sizes Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Art. No. 7290-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 Recommended for horizontal runs. Hangers contain integral cushions. Standard finish on band is A.S.T.M. type L.S. Zinc coating. PORTABLE FIELD CUTTING TOOLS 7310-56802 PORTABLE GLASS PIPE CUTTER 7310-2000 KIMAX® PORTABLE GLASS PIPE CUTTER 1-1/2” and 2” 52 GLASS DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 TYPICAL JOINT REFERENCE CHART 6650 KIMAX® DRAINLINE COUPLING Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Art No. 6650-1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 6661 KIMAX® B/P COUPLING Pipe Size Art No. 1-1/2 6661-1500 2 2000 3 3000 4 4000 6 6000 6655 ADAPTER COUPLING “A” Dimension Pipe O.D. Coupling Size 1.48-1.53 1.70-1.78 1.82-1.90 2 x 1-1/2 2 x 1-3/4 2 x 1-7/8 Art No. 6655-2015 2017 2018 KIMAX® SPLIT COUPLING Pipe Size 1-1/2 GLASS DRAIN LINES Coupling Art No. 6735-1500 Gasket Art No. 6739-1500 53 1-800-880-6745 KIMAX® THREAD ADAPTER AND DRAINLINE COUPLING Pipe Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Adapter Art No. 6680-1500 2000 3000 4000 Coupling Art No. 6650-1500 2000 3000 4000 KIMAX® Glass-to-Bell End Pipe 1. Pack hub half full with non-asbestos rope. 2. Caulk with hot lead, lead wool or acidproof cement. GLASS ADAPTER TO HIGH SILICON IRON “MJ” PIPE Pipe Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 54 Adapter Art No. 6566-1500 2000 3000 4000 MJ Coupling Furnished by others GLASS DRAIN LINES MSI Laboratory Products MECHANICAL JOINT ACID WASTE SYSTEMS POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 55 1-800-880-6745 MECHANICAL JOINT ACID WASTE SYSTEMS IPEX Lablinle™ polypropylene acid waste system features our state-of-the-art mechanical joining design using: • A no heat Elastolive™ compression seal for fast installation and superior joint performance and, • Labline’s™ patented grooved joint assembly, preventing leaks due to misalignment and potential pullout resulting from thermal contraction. 56 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 VENT LOOP U BEND Size 1-1/2 2 Significant No. W1011 W1012 P TRAP Size 1-1/2 2 Significant No. W1021 W1022 P TRAP Long Radius Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. WT11 WT12 WT13 WT14 S TRAP Size 1-1/2 2 Significant No. W1031 W1032 RUNNING TRAP Size 1-1/2 2 Significant No. W1041 W1042 THREADED ADAPTER MST x FST Size 1-1/2 x 1-1/4 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 Significant No. W121 W131 MALE ADAPTER LJ x MPT Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W141T W142 W143 W144 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 57 1-800-880-6745 FEMALE ADAPTER LJ x FPT Size 1-1/2 2 Significant No. W151 W152 COUPLING Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W161 W162 W163 W164 1/4 BEND (90°) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W181 W182 W183 W184 1/8 BEND (45°) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W191 W192 W193 W194 SANITARY TEE Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W201 W202 W203 W204 REDUCING SANITARY TEE Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 58 Significant No. W2021 W2031 W2032 W2041 W2042 W2043 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 CLEANOUT TEE (45°) Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W2015 W2025 W2035 W2045 LOOSE NUT 1/8 BEND (45°‚ LJ x LN Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W211 W212 W213 W214 NO HEAT ELASTOLIVE YELLOW Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W221NH W222NH W223NH W224NH UNION NUT Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W231 W232 W233 W234 CLEANOUT PLUG Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W241 W242 W243 W244 PIPE CLIP Size 1-1/2 2 Significant No. W251 W252 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 59 1-800-880-6745 GROOVING TOOL & SPANNER COMBINATION SET Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W261CS W262CS W263CS W264CS SPANNER Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W2611 W2622 W2633 W2644 GROOVING TOOL Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W261 W262 W263 W264 LOOSE NUT 1/4 BEND LJ x LN Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W291 W292 W293 W294 SINK OUTLET WITH PLUG Size Significant No. 1-1/2 - 3-3/8 W301B (Black) 1-1/2 - 3-3/8 W301W (White) 1-1/2 - 2-7/8 W311B (Black) 1-1/2 - 2-7/8 W311W (White) Lock Nut for W301B W3012B 60 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 SINK OUTLET PLUG Size Significant No. W3011B (Black) W3011W (White) SINK OVERFLOW Size 1-1/2 1-1/2 Significant No. W321B (Black) W321W (White) 45° WYE Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W371 W372 W373 W374 REDUCING 45° WYE Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 Significant No. W3721 W3731 W3732 W3741 W3742 W3743 COMBINATION WYE & 1/8 BEND Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES Significant No. W3715 W3725 W3735 W3745 61 1-800-880-6745 REDUCING COMBINATION WYE & 1/8 BEND Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 Significant No. W37251 W37351 W37352 W37451 W37452 W37453 DOUBLE WYE Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W381 W382 W383 W384 REDUCING DOUBLE WYE Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 Significant No. W3821 W3831 W3832 W3841 W3842 W3843 DOUBLE WYE & 1/8 BEND Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W3815 W3825 W3835 W3845 REDUCING DOUBLE WYE & 1/8 BEND Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 62 Significant No. W38251 W38351 W38352 W38451 W38452 W38453 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 LOOSE NUT - REDUCING BUSHING LN x LJ Size 2 x 1-1/2 3 x 1-1/2 3x2 4 x 1-1/2 4x2 4x3 Significant No. W3921* W3931* W3932* W3941* W3942* W3943* *Loose Nut not furnished CUP SINK - ROUND Size Significant No. 6 x 4 Deep W401B 4 x 4 Deep W402 Plug for W401B W4011B CUP SINK - OVAL Size Significant No. 6x3 W497 9x3 W498 Nut for W497 W4971 GLASS ADAPTER LJ x BEAD Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W451 W452 W453 W454 GLASS ADAPTER LJ x BEAD Size 1-1/2 2 3 4 Significant No. W451 W452 W453 W454 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 63 1-800-880-6745 UNIVERSAL TRAP FST x LJ Size Significant No. 1-1/2 W501 1-1/2 W511* PP Base Only W5112 Clear Base Only W5113 O-Ring Gasket Only W5114 Top Assembly for W501 & W511 W5116 *Transparent Base UNIVERSAL TRAP-S TYPE FST x LJ Size 1-1/2 1-1/2 Significant No. W5015* W5115* *Transparent Base DILUTION TRAP Size 1-1/2 1-1/2 Significant No. W601* W611* *Transparent Base 64 POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 1-800-880-6745 HDPE & POLYPROPYLENE NEUTRALIZATION TANKS IPEX offers a complete range of Neutratank® neutralization tanks as well as dilution, sampling and pH tanks for managing concentrations and pH levels in acid waste systems. MONITORING RECORDING & ALARM SYSTEMS IPEX Neutrasystem2™, NEMA 4x rated, pH monitoring system POLYPROPYLENE DRAIN LINES 65 1-800-880-6745 MSI Laboratory Products EPOXY RESIN PRODUCTS The Best Choice for Today’s Harsh Laboratory Environments EPOXY RESINS 67 1-800-880-6745 BLACK RESIN SINKS Standard - Under Counter Mounted Item EP-5 EP-5C EP-9 EP-10 EP-11 EP-12 EP-13 EP-15 EP-15C EP-19 EP-20 EP-22 EP-24 EP-25 EP-30 EP-32 EP-33E EP-35 EP-40 EP-45 EP-46 68 Length 14” 14” 6-5/8” 16” 11-1/4” 12” 12” 16” 16” 16-1/2” 16” 18” 18” 18” 18” 19-1/2” 21” 21” 21-1/2” 21-1/2” 22-1/4” Width 10” 10” 4-5/8” 8” 6-1/2” 6” 8” 12” 12” 14-1/2” 16” 6-1/2” 14” 15” 15” 16-1/2” 17” 18” 15-1/2” 15-1/2” 13-7/8” Depth 6” 6” 5-3/8” 7” 6” 6” 6” 8” 8” 9-1/4” 7-1/2” 6” 10-1/2” 8” 11” 8” 10” 10” 7” 11” 12-5/8” Drain END CTR CTR END CTR END CTR END CTR CTR COR CTR CTR COR COR CTR END END CTR COR FRCTR Weight 23 23 10 25 15 19 18 32 32 45 38 25 45 41 57 49 45 62 45 60 75 EPOXY RESINS 1-800-880-6745 Item Length Width Depth Drain Weight EP-50 24” 16” 8” END 60 EP-50C 24” 16” 8” CTR 60 EP-51 24” 16” 12” CTR 69 EP-51A 24” 16” 18” CTR 95 EP-51B 24” 16” 12” END 69 EP-52 24” 18” 10-3/4” END 71 EP-53 24-1/2” 18-7/16” 16-3/4” END 100 EP-54 24” 24” 10-1/2” CTR 92 EP-55 25” 15” 10” COR 67 EP-58 29-3/4” 14-3/4” 6” CTR 70 EP-59 28” 15” 12” END 85 EP-60 28” 20” 8-3/4” SIDE 75 EP-61 28” 18” 10” COR 82 EP-62 25-1/2” 18” 10” COR 92 EP-63 31” 17” 10” END 79 EP-64 31” 21” 10” CTR 95 EP-65 35-1/2” 19-9/16” 10” CTR 96 EP-69 37-1/2” 20-1/2” 15-3/8” COR 135 EP-70 24” 16” 15-1/2” CTR 88 EP-71 36” 20” 17” CTR 143 EP-72 24-3/4” 16-3/4” 15-3/8” END 120 34L134 EARL WALLS (INCLUDES SCREEN) 10 Sinks also available in White, Super White, Gray, Blue, Pearl White, Sand, Sand Stone, Dark Khaki, Brown, Green, Blush, Beige EPOXY RESINS 69 1-800-880-6745 LIPPED DROP-IN SINKS Item Length Width Depth Drain Weight EPL-5 14” 10” 6” END 23 EPL-5C 14” 10” 6” CTR 23 ADAL-5 14” 10” 4-7/8” COR 19 EPL-10 16” 8” 7” END 25 EPL-13 12” 8” 6” CTR 18 EPL-15 16” 12” 8” END 32 EPL-15C 16” 12” 8” CTR 32 EPL-20 16” 16” 7-1/2” COR 38 EPL-22 18” 6-1/2” 6” CTR 25 EPL-25 18” 15” 8” COR 41 EPL-30 18” 15” 11” COR 57 EPL-33E 21” 17” 10” END 45 EPL-50C 24” 16” 8” CTR 60 EPL-53 24-1/2” 18-7/16” 16-3/4” END 100 EPL-55 25” 15” 10” COR 67 EPL-59 28” 15” 12” END 85 ADAL-25 18” 15” 5” COR 20 EPL-45 20-1/2” 15-1/2” 11” COR 61 EPL-58 29-3/4” 14-3/8” 6” CTR 70 Sinks also available in: White, Super White, Gray, Blue, Pearl White, Sand, Sand Stone, Dark Khaki, Brown, Green, Blush, Beige 70 EPOXY RESINS EPOXY RESINS 1-800-880-6745 71 1-800-880-6745 CUPSINK, OUTLETS & OVERFLOW RESIN Available in All 9 Colors Item No. Description EP-CS4 3” x 6” Cupsink EP-CS12 3” x 9” Cupsink EP-S03 EP-OF EP-OF Outlet 1”-8” Overflow 9”-12” Overflow PLASTIC Available in Black, Super White and Gray Only Item No. Description P-CS4R 3” x 6” Cupsink P-CS12 3” x 9” Cupsink P-S03 Outlet P-OF 6” 6”, 8” & 10” Overflow P-OF 4” 4”, 6” & 8” Overflow Plastic Stopper 12” Round Poly Sink P-S5 72 EPOXY RESINS 1-800-880-6745 SINKS AND TOPS Oval Cupsink Single Sink Double Sink All Tops Top w/Integral Sink Unit & Backsplash Top w/Integral Sink Unit Top w/Backsplash ACCESSORIES Beehive & Open-End Overflow EPOXY RESINS Sink Outlet 1-1/2” Teflon Bead Adapter 73 1-800-880-6745 MSI Laboratory Products SMOOTH ON PC-3™ epoxy cement is the industry standard for the installation of laboratory tops. PC-3 is a two-part black adhesive that is heavily filled and designed to join, bond and caulk sections of lab tops and counters. SMOOTH ON 75 1-800-880-6745 MSI Laboratory Products C E N T RA L B LOWER CO. CENTRAL BLOWERS 77 1-800-880-6745 EXHAUST BLOWERS NOTE: A wide range of blower sizes are available, depending upon your particular application. Various corrosion-resistant coatings as well as sparkresistant construction are also available. Please call for additional information. PERCHLORIC ACID FUME EXHAUST SYSTEMS If it is desired to have a spray washdown system in the exhaust duct for Perchloric Acid fume hoods, we can supply the entire system to meet your individual requirements as illustrated (or any part of the system) as follows: 1. Type 316 stainless steel flanged ducting with elbow fabricate to the lengths specified. 2. Exhaust fan with HALAR coating on housing and impeller wheel, flanged inlet and outlet connections, non-sparking construction, explosion-proof motor, weather cover, spray washdown nozzle and drain connection. 3. Type 316 stainless steel full-jet spray nozzles with stainless piping to the centerline of the duct, with exterior duct couplings. 78 CENTRAL BLOWERS 1-800-880-6745 CENTRAL BLOWERS CENTRAL BLOWERS 79 80 1-800-880-6745 CENTRAL BLOWERS CENTRAL BLOWERS 1-800-880-6745 81 82 1-800-880-6745 CENTRAL BLOWERS BI - Belt Drive BI - Direct Drive CENTRAL BLOWERS 1-800-880-6745 FC - Direct Drive FCD - Double Inlet Double Width 83 1-800-880-6745 FUME HOODS Fume Hoods come in an infinite variety of sizes, styles, colors, and applications. Oftentimes, requirements call for custom fabricating and fitting. We have a variety of sources for these special items. Let us help you with design, delivery, and installation. 84 CHEMICAL HOODS MSI Laboratory Products SAFETY EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT 85 1-800-880-6745 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT NO. 7000B NO. 7000BTWC NO. 7260 NO. 7260BT NO. 7301 DM 86 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1-800-880-6745 NO. 7612 NO. 7360BT NO. 7361 SAFETY EQUIPMENT NO. 8123H 87 1-800-880-6745 NO. 8127FC NO. 8901.6 NO. 8200 NO. 8901B 88 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1-800-880-6745 NO. 9801RFK NO. 8903 SAFETY EQUIPMENT NO. 8904 89 NO. 8905 NO. 8908 NO. SP220 NO. SP220W NO. SP222 90 1-800-880-6745 NO. SP225 SAFETY EQUIPMENT NO. SP227 1-800-880-6745 NO. SP229 NO. SP232 NO. SP230 NO. SP233 NO. SP235 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 91 1-800-880-6745 NO. 245 NO. 236 NO. 248 NO. 256 CALL FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-880-6745 92 SAFETY EQUIPMENT NO. 260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1-800-880-6745 NO. 261 93
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