Custom Select Series Homes
Custom Select Series Homes
TWO-STORY Albany • Alexandria • Arlington • Asheville • Bedford • Bridgeport • Charlotte Fitchburg • Jefferson • Lenox • Lewisburg • Lincoln Park • Mapleview • Montgomery New Charleston • Rockport • Salem • Stockbridge • Summit • Van Buren Custom Select Series Homes 1 Note: Masonry work is done on site. included standard with this home. D. Stockbridge 2nd Floor W. w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m S t o c k b r i d g e 1 s t F l o o r 55’-0” x 44’-0”, 4006 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features dormer is a standard feature. The front porch roof is panelized and shake siding and two car garage are also optional. The high-pitched addition the decorative window in the high-pitched dormer, korbels, front porch with metal roof, window lineals, mantles and grills. In The Stockbridge as pictured features an optional high-pitched roof, Stockbridge TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Salem 2nd Floor As shown, the Salem includes a reverse gable roof and large palladium style dormer window. Optional features include front porch, window grills and mantles, panel shutters, front gable eave returns, front door with double sidelights, pilasters and mantle above. Shake siding in front gables is also optional. The Salem two story offers features only found in the most elegant homes. Standard amenities include an oversized gourmet kitchen with cook top cabinet, wall oven cabinet and oversized pantry cabinet. Other first floor standards include a sunroom and den/office. The four bedroom second floor includes a guest room with private bath and a master suite that boasts a sitting area with radius walls, his and her walk-in closets and a master bath with whirlpool tub. Salem Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features S a l e m 1 s t F l o o r 44’-6” x 57’-6”, 3465 sq ft TWO-STORY 2 3 The Charlotte, as featured, Charlotte 2nd Floor w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m C h a r l o t t e 1 s t F l o o r 39’-6” x 64’-0”, 2840 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features included. Please consult your Simplex Home builder for details. the modules, the balance is panelized. Note: The front garage door is not grills and shake shingles. A portion of the garage is contained within windows, front door with optional sidelights and transom, window roof package, window mantles, transom windows above first floor and dormers, gable end eave returns, attic windows, front porch and appeal. The elevation, as pictured, includes optional high pitched roof also another standard feature of the Charlotte that adds great curb window dormer in bedroom #2. The picture window in the foyer is includes the high double dormer along with the boxed out twin Charlotte TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Alexandria 2nd Floor eave returns. SIGNATURE SERIES upgrades included. window, deluxe front door lights, high-pitched roof and upgraded front door with double sidelights, transom Optional features pictured include gable window panels, floor front windows, dentil molding and wide cornerposts. louvered shutters, window grills and mantles over the first mantle, pilasters, colonial panels at the front door, recessed front door. Additional standard features include palladium style window, and projected front entry with a with a high-pitched dormer and architectural shingles, The Alexandria standard features include 7/12 roof pitch Alexandria Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features A l e x a n d r i a 1 s t F l o o r 27’-6” x 50’/54’-0”, 2860 sq ft SIGNATURE SERIES TWO-STORY 4 5 The Arlington two story is Note: Stonework can be site added. elongated windows and gable eave returns. D. Arlington 2nd Floor w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m A r l i n g t o n 1 s t F l o o r 41’-3” x 36’-0”, 2572 sq ft W. Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features the front door, window grills, raised panel shutters, window mantles, hip roof, garage with dormers, double sidelights with surround on a reverse gable dormer with decorative vent and optional high pitched shower and whirlpool bath. The Arlington’s exterior is highlighted by suite with a compartmentized master bath that includes a one-piece The second floor features a private home office and an oversized master built in bookshelves and a spacious kitchen with a large prep area. a stately home that offers generous sized rooms, decorative columns, Arlington TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Lewisbur g 2nd Floor The Lewisburg, as account manager for optional fourth bedroom floorplan. Note: The front garage door is not included. Consult your Simplex The garage comes partially completed and partially panelized. door with optional sidelights and transom and window grills. window mantles, transom windows above first floor windows, front dormers, gable eave returns, circle vents, front porch and roof package, The elevation, as pictured, includes optional high-pitched roof and great curb appeal. the foyer is also another standard feature of the Lewisburg that adds twin window dormer in bedroom #1. The palladium style window in featured, includes the high double dormer along with the boxed out Lewisburg Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features L e w i s b u r g 1 s t F l o o r 38’-9” x 60’-0”/38’-9”, 2542 sq ft TWO-STORY 6 7 The Lincoln SIGNATURE SERIES upgrades are included. Note: Masonry done on site by builder. above and high-pitched hip roof . Lincoln Park 2nd Floor SHELF AREA w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Lincoln Park 1st Floor 27’-6”/26’-9” x 64’-0”/47’-0”, 3020 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features windows, decorative exterior light, upgraded front door with transom with architectural shingles. Optional features shown include transom cornerposts. The standard roof pitch for the Lincoln Park is 7/12 door, window grills, lineals around the front windows and wide Park standard features include a recessed front entry, double front Lincoln Park SIGNATURE SERIES TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Va n B u r e n 2 n d F l o o r The Van Buren as Note: Masonry work is done onsite. front door with transom and two-car garage. dentil molding, elongated windows and grills, double sidelight pictured features an optional high-pitched roof with dormers, Van Buren Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features Va n B u r e n 1 s t F l o o r 27’-6” x 52’-0”, 2860 sq ft TWO-STORY 8 9 The Fitchburg II as as shown, may be site built. Fitchbur g II 2nd Floor w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m F i t c h b u r g I I 1 s t F l o o r 27’-6” x 48’-0”, 2640 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features front door with two sidelights. The country style front porch, dormer, palladium window, teardrop shakes, gable eave returns and pictured, shows optional window grills, high-pitched roof and Fitchburg TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Montgomery 2nd Floor standard features. garage. The walkout bay in the den and bedroom are grills, double sidelight front door, front porch and elongated first floor windows, window mantles and high-pitched roof with dormer and decorative window, The Montgomery, as pictured, features an optional Montgomery Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features Optional 4th Bedroom Plan M o n t g o m e r y 1 s t F l o o r 27’-6” x 44’-0”, 2430 sq ft TWO-STORY 10 11 The Bridgeport, Note: Garage not included. curb appeal. Bridgeport 2nd Floor w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m B r i d g e p o r t 1 s t F l o o r 27’-6” x 40’-0”, 2200 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features pitch dormer with teardrop shakes and higher roof pitch add great mantles, grills and colonial door surround. The optional high as pictured, shows an optional double sidelight front door, window Bridgeport TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m New Charleston 2nd Floor and garage. with double sidelight, panel shutters, window grills, front porch with decorative window and shake siding in the dormer, front door dormer. Optional features pictured include a high-pitched roof The New Charleston features a stylish front projection with New Charleston Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features N e w C h a r l e s t o n 1 s t F l o o r 26’-0” x 36’-0”, 1872 sq ft TWO-STORY 12 13 The Summit two-story features a front door with two sidelights. Summit 2nd Floor HALF WALL HALF WALL w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m S u m m i t 1 s t F l o o r 41’-6” x 43’-9”, 2761 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features front porch, windows grills and mantle, front eave returns and oval and walk out bay window. Optional features include decorative vent, Summit has a classic farm house elevation with a reverse gable dormer a bright nook area. The family room includes a vaulted ceiling. The large kitchen with walk-in pantry and raised snack bar opening into Summit TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m The Asheville II standard Note: The Rockport is not pictured. and eave returns. Masonry done on site by builder. sidelights with mantle, front porch, high pitch roof (2) 4' dormers mantles and grills, panel shutters; louvered gable vents double high-pitched dormers. Optional features shown include window areas at the master bath and great room, along with two features include a recessed front, complimented by two projected Asheville Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features R o c k p o r t 26’-0” x 30’/40’-0”, 1820 sq ft Kit A s h v i l l e I I 27’-6” x 52’-0”, 2445 sq ft TWO-STORY 14 15 The Bedford two-story features eave returns. W. D. Bedford 2nd Floor w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m B e d f o r d 1 s t F l o o r 27’-6” x 38’-0” x 42’-0”, 2351 sq ft 12-3 2-3 x 13-0 Kit Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features siding, wide cornerposts, panel shutters, window grills, mantles and pitched roof, front porch, decorative vent, panelized garage, shake additional bedrooms. As shown, this home features optional high- ceiling. The second floor completes this comfortable home with three include a first floor master bedroom and living room with a vaulted Bedford TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m Lenox 2nd Floor PLAN “A” PLAN “B” The Lenox, as pictured, shows Note: Garage not included. attractive accent. front door with double sidelights. Site installed brick can add an style window mantles, decorative half-circle vent and a deluxe returns, a window panel below the dining room window, keystone optional window grills, paneled shutters, high pitch roof with Lenox Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features L e n o x 1 s t F l o o r 26’-0” x 40’/42’-0”, 2132 sq ft TWO-STORY 16 17 The Jefferson I (as shown) w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m J e f f e r s o n I I 27’-6” x 32’-0”, 1760 sq ft J e f f e r s o n I 27’-6” x 30’-0”, 1650 sq ft Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features Note: The Jefferson II and Jefferson II with garage are not pictured. and optional one-car garage. The recessed front entry is standard. grills and lineals, upgraded front door with two deluxe entry lights features optional high-pitched roof, elongated windows, window Jefferson TWO-STORY w w w. s i m p l e x h o m e s . c o m A l b a n y 26’-0” x 30’-0”, 1560 sq ft M a p l e v i e w 27’-6” x 29’-0”, 1609 sq ft The Mapleview, Artist’s renderings depict typical homes and may include some optional features II is not pictured. Note: No length extensions are available for this plan. The Albany colonial door surround. Garage is optional. stairwell, high roof pitch, front door with single sidelight and as pictured, shows optional window grills, circle top window in Mapleview TWO-STORY 18 06/05 Pa nel ized G arage O ption E 12’-0” x 24’-0” Pa n el ized G arage Op ti on D 22’-0” x 23’-0” Pa neliz ed Garage O ption F 24’-0” x 24’-0” Pa neliz ed Garage O ption C 21’-0” x 22’-0” Mod u la r G a r a ge O pt i on B 23’-8” x 23’-8” Mod u la r G a r a ge O pt i on A 23’-8” x 23’-8” Modular Options Copyright©2005 Simplex Industries “BUILDING HOMES WITH YOU IN MIND” Please note that floor plans, pricing and specifications may be subject to change without prior notification. The Builder is an independent businessperson, not an agent of Simplex Industries, Inc. and Simplex accepts no responsibility or liability, under any act or omission by the Builder or for materials used by the Builder. WWW.SIMPLEXHOMES.COM Pa nel ized G arage O ption B 24’-0” x 24’-0” Pa n el ized G arage Op ti on A 24’-0” x 24’-0” Panelized Options G a r a g e Pa c k a g e s