Summer 2006 Class Schedule
Summer 2006 Class Schedule
President’s Welcome Every summer, Fullerton College is delighted to welcome thousands of students to your campus. Even if your say with us is brief, I invite you to explore the rich opportunities offered to you in our classrooms and laboratories. As you experience Fullerton College, I hope you will make your own important contributions and I am confident that you will come to realize what makes our institution and our surrounding extraordinary places. Summer session provides students with a unique opportunity to interact with some of Fullerton College’s finest scholars and teachers in an intimate environment. You will also learn from your fellow students as summer session students come from high schools, colleges, and universities around the United States and the world. We offer a wide sample of the courses taught during the academic year and our students find summer an excellent time to fulfill requirements for graduation or to prepare for transfer to a four-year institution. Learning at Fullerton College goes beyond the curriculum and I hope you take advantage of all the campus has to offer. I also invite you to continue your studies with us by registering for the fall semester. More information is provided below. My best wishes for a fruitful and enjoyable summer. Kathleen O’Connell Hodge President, Fullerton College. See you in the Fall! Classes begin Monday, August 21 Registration begins Monday, July 24 Register now…it’s easy! 1) Complete an online application at 2) Receive your Permit to Register 3) Register for classes at your assigned time! * EFFECTIVE SUMMER 2006 * All Math courses with prerequisites (except for MATH 010 F) will be checked electronically. Students who have not successfully completed the prerequisite course (with grade of “C” or better) will be blocked from enrolling in the next course. If you are a transfer student coming from another university or community college (except Cypress), please have an official or unofficial copy of your transcripts available for a counselor to clear you for the established prerequisites. Fullerton College counselors are available in the 2000 building on the 2nd floor. Hours are Mon–Thurs, 8 am–7 pm. Phone: (714) 992-7010. Table of Contents Academic Support Center ...........................20, 72 Add Codes...........................................................9 Admission Information .........................................7 Assessment Center ...........................................74 Associated Students..........................................73 Attendance Requirement...................................67 Basic Skills Courses ..........................................67 Bookstore ......................................................... 73 Bursar’s Office ...................................................73 Bus and Train Information .................................73 Cadena/Transfer Center....................................74 Calendar of Important Dates ............................5 California Residence ...........................................7 CalWORKs ........................................................75 Campus Holds ...................................................67 Campus in Transition.........................................80 Campus Map ............................Inside Back Cover Campus Safety ..................................................79 Career/Life Planning Center ..............................74 Child Development Center ................................74 Class Cancellations ...........................................67 Class Index........................................................81 Counseling Services..........................................74 Course Repetition..............................................67 Courses Starting May 30 ...................................16 Courses Starting June 5 ....................................17 Courses Starting June 26 ..................................21 Courses Starting July 3 .....................................22 Courses Starting July 10 ...................................22 Credit/No Credit.................................................67 Disability Support Services................................75 Distance Learning..............................................25 Drug/Alcohol-Free District Policy.......................79 Evening Escort Services....................................79 Extended Opportunities/Services (EOPS).........75 Fees...................................................................14 Financial Aid ..................................................7, 75 Food Services....................................................76 Fullerton College Foundation ............................76 Grades...............................................................67 Graduation/Transfer Requirements ...................69 Health Center ....................................................76 HELP Line...........................................................8 How to Read the Schedule................................26 International Student Center..............................75 Library................................................................76 Matriculation Procedures...................................67 Medical Parking .................................................77 Non-Discrimination Policy..................................78 Open Enrollment................................................68 Parking ..............................................................77 Policies ..............................................................67 Priority Registration .............................................6 Privacy Release.................................................68 Refund Policy ....................................................14 Registration Information ......................................6 Residency..........................................................15 Safety ................................................................77 Service Fees......................................................14 Sexual Harassment Policy.................................78 Skills Center ......................................................72 Student Affairs ...................................................77 Student Support Services..................................72 Summer Success Program................................35 Transcripts...........................................................7 Tutoring Center..................................................72 Variable Unit Courses........................................68 Veterans’ Services.............................................75 We’re Here to Help You .......................................4 WebStar Registration Messages .......................13 WebStar Registration Worksheet ......................12 Withdrawal Policy ..............................................68 Workforce Center ..............................................75 Writing Center....................................................72 COURSE SUBJECTS Accounting.........................................................26 Administration of Justice....................................27 Anthropology .....................................................28 Art ......................................................................28 Astronomy (see Earth Sciences) .......................38 Automotive.........................................................30 Biology...............................................................30 Business Management ......................................31 Chemistry ..........................................................31 Child Development & Family Life ......................32 Chinese .............................................................32 Cinema, Radio and Television ...........................32 Computer Graphics ...........................................32 Computer Information Systems (CIS)................33 Computer Science .............................................34 Construction Technology ...................................34 Cosmetology......................................................34 Counseling/Guidance ........................................36 Dance ................................................................37 Earth Sciences ..................................................38 Economics .........................................................39 English...............................................................40 English as a Second Language (ESL) ..............42 Environmental Sciences ....................................43 Ethnic Studies....................................................43 French ...............................................................44 Geography.........................................................44 History ...............................................................44 Honors Classes .................................................45 Italian .................................................................45 Japanese ...........................................................46 Journalism .........................................................46 Mathematics ......................................................46 Music .................................................................50 Nutrition and Foods ...........................................52 Oceanography (see Earth Sciences).................38 Paralegal Studies ..............................................52 Philosophy and Religious Studies .....................52 Photography ......................................................53 Physical Education ............................................53 Physics ..............................................................59 Political Science ................................................60 Psychology ........................................................60 Reading .............................................................61 Real Estate ........................................................61 Recreation .........................................................59 Sociology ...........................................................62 Spanish..............................................................62 Speech ..............................................................63 Student Support Services..................................64 Technology-Related Courses ............................65 Theatre Arts.......................................................65 Welding..............................................................66 Wellness ............................................................59 3 321 E. Chapman Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832-2095 General Information (714) 992-7000 Admissions and Records (714) 992-7568 Summer Success Program Designed to ease a first-time college student’s transition to Fullerton College. Distance Learning Hybrid Class Course has semi-regular on-campus meetings and Internet work. Distance Learning Online Class Course is delivered (51% or more) using the Internet. Distance Learning TeleWeb Class Course combines Internet work with video programs broadcast on cable TV. Editor: Laurie Triefenbach, Academic Services Graphic Design: Rebecca Guillen, District Production Typesetting: Lesley Zanich, The Oak Company Registration Worksheet See Registration Information (pages 7–14) for instructions on how to register and pay for classes. — We’re Here To Help You! — (For questions or department not listed below, call (714) 992-7000 and press “0” for Operator) Department Who To See Location Telephone Academic Support Center ....................John Orr, Director..............................Library Learning Resource Ctr. ..............992-7000 x26800 Administration of Justice.......................Kevin Sampson .................................Room 730-02.......................................................992-7241 Admissions and Records ......................Peter Fong, Dean..............................Student Svcs, 2000 Bldg., 1st Floor....................992-7568 Assessment Center ..............................Greg Menchaca.................................Room 513-0 ............................................992-7000 x28210 Athletics ................................................Sue Beers, Dean...............................1200 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7383 Books ....................................................Bookstore ..........................................Student Svcs 2000 Bldg., 1st Floor.....................992-7557 Bursar’s Office ......................................Cyndi Grein .......................................Student Svcs 2000 Bldg., 1st Floor.....................992-7555 Business & Computer Info Sys.............Jeff Courchaine, Interim Dean ..........Room 310 ............................................................992-7089 Cadena/Transfer Center .......................Heidi Lockhart, Director ....................Room 1407 ..........................................................992-7587 CalWORKs ...........................................Yolanda Aguirre, Director ..................315 N. Pomona Ave, Fullerton, CA .....................449-4792 CARE ....................................................Cecilia Alvarado ................................Student Svcs, 2000 Bldg., 2nd Floor...................992-7470 Career & Life Planning .........................Janine Cirrito, Coordinator ................Student Svcs, 2000 Bldg., 2nd Floor...................992-7043 Center for Careers in Education ...........Karen Rose, Director ........................Room 516-0.........................................................992-7783 Child Care.............................................Diane Montano, Manager .................1800 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7467 Class Schedule/Catalog .......................Laurie Triefenbach ............................100 Bldg. .............................................................992-7015 Clubs & Organizations ..........................Darlene Jensen, Director ..................1409 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7248 Commencement ...................................Darlene Jensen, Director ..................1409 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7248 Computer Labs .....................................Gabriel Rodriguez .............................Room 901 ............................................................992-7348 Cosmetology .........................................Pat Wilson .........................................700 Bldg. ................................................992-7000 x28134 Counseling ............................................Ricardo Perez, Dean.........................Student Svcs 2000 Bldg., 2nd Floor....................992-7010 Disability Support Services ...................Ruth Sipple & Paul McKinley ............Room 840. ...........................................................992-7270 Distance Learning.................................Terry Gleason....................................Room 2001-01.....................................................992-7792 Emergency............................................Security .............................................1500 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7341 EOPS/CARE. ........................................Cecilia Alvarado, Manager ................Student Svcs, 2000 Bldg., 2nd Floor...................992-7470 Equity and Diversity ..............................Cindy Vyskocil, Director ....................Room 128-0, 2nd Floor .......................................992-7720 Facilities Reservations..........................Dawn Sontag.....................................3000 Bldg. (Berkeley Center). .............................992-7333 Financial Aid .........................................Bob Miranda, Director .......................100 Bldg. .............................................................992-7050 Fine Arts ...............................................Bob Jensen, Dean ............................Room 1115-01 .....................................................992-7294 Food Services.......................................Harmony Foods.................................Room 830 ............................................................879-0852 Foundation ............................................Margaux Jordan, Director .................315 N. Pomona Ave ............................................525-5651 Graduation ............................................Admissions & Records ......................Student Svcs, 2000 Bldg., 1st Floor....................992-7568 Hornet Newspaper................................Jay Seidel..........................................Room 512 ............................................................992-7155 Health Services.....................................Lori Brault, Director ...........................Room 1204-H ......................................................992-7414 High School Outreach ..........................Behnoosh Armani..............................Room 113-03 ..........................................992-7000 x26097 Honors ..................................................Anne Lynn Negus/Bruce Hanson......Room 516-0.........................................................992-7783 Humanities ............................................Dan Willoughby, Dean.......................Room 522-0 ...........................................992-7168 or 7446 International Student Center.................Jessie Blank, Manager......................Room 712 ............................................................992-7580 Internships (Non-Paid)..........................Karen Rose, Director ........................Room 516-0.........................................................992-7383 Learning Communities.....................................................................................Room 516 ............................................................992-7772 Library..............................................................................................................Library Learning Resource Ctr./Room 823A. ......992-7061 Matriculation .........................................Ted Spriggs .......................................Student Svcs 2000 Bldg., 2nd Floor....................992-7532 Math & Computer Science....................Bob Simpson, Dean ..........................Room 613-02.......................................................992-7196 MESA Program.....................................Milton Randle, Director .....................Room 718 ............................................................992-7132 Natural Sciences...................................Bruce Cordell, Dean..........................400 Bldg., Room 419-026A .................................992-7105 Nurse ....................................................Jana Jenkins, R.N. ............................Health Center Room 1204...................................992-8192 Office of Special Programs...................Karen Rose, Director ........................Room 516-0.........................................................992-7783 Parking..................................................Security .............................................1500 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7341 Physical Education ...............................Sue Beers, Dean...............................Room 1244 ..........................................................992-7383 Police Academy ....................................E.J. Pellegrino, Director ....................700 Bldg, Room 730............................................992-7243 Puente Program....................................Flor Aguilera......................................Student Svcs Bldg. 2000, 1st Floor.....................992-7717 Scholarships .........................................Margaux Jordan, Director .................Foundation Office ................................................525-5651 School of Continuing Education ...........Christine Terry, Dean.........................Wilshire Bldg, Room W1 .....................................992-7700 Skills Center..........................................Darin Acierno/Staff ............................Library Learning Resource Ctr. ..............992-7000 x25381 Security/Lost and Found .................................................................................1500 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7341 Service Learning...................................Karen Rose, Director ........................Room 516-0.........................................................992-7383 Social Science ......................................Dan Tesar, Dean ...............................Room 1005 ..........................................................992-7011 Sports Information ................................Phil Thurman.....................................Room 1222 .............................................992-7000 x25626 Student Activities/A.S. Gov’t. ................Darlene Jensen, Director ..................1409 Bldg. ...........................................................992-7248 Student Support Services .....................Richard Ramirez, Dean.....................Room 2020-04.....................................................992-7474 Study Abroad ........................................Patricia Thomas ................................Room 1324-05.....................................................992-7292 TAP .......................................................Carol Shier ........................................Room 516-0.........................................................992-7546 Technology & Engineering ....................Scott McKenzie, Dean ......................Room 700 ............................................................992-7211 Testing Information ...............................Greg Menchaca.................................Room 513-0 ............................................992-7000 x28210 Transcripts ............................................Admissions & Records ......................Student Svcs, 2000 Bldg., 1st Floor....................992-7568 Tutoring Center, Appts & Info ...............Staff ...................................................Library Learning Resource Ctr ...............992-7000 x25386 Veterans’ Affairs....................................Ray Bustos........................................100 Bldg. .............................................................992-7055 Wellness Center ...................................Sue Beers .........................................Room 1244 ..........................................................992-7383 Workforce Center..................................Chrystal Van Beynen.........................Room 1409 ...............................................992-7734 x7261 Writing Center, Appts & Info .................Maria Cox/Staff .................................Library Learning Resource Ctr ...............992-7000 x25385 Writing Center, Coordinator ..................Danielle Fouquette ............................Room 808 ...............................................992-7000 x25382 4 Calendar of Important Dates APPLICATI ON FOR ADMISSION ONLINE Applications are accepted beginning March 1, 2006 for Summer Term. All applications should be submitted electronically through our online application system, CCCApply. Visit our website at and click on Apply Online. New and Returning Students must submit an Application for Admission online. A Registration Appointment will be issued by mail and/or by e-mail. New and Returning Students should meet with a Counselor prior to registration to ensure that all prerequisites are cleared. A d m i ssi o n s & R e c o r d s Of f i c e Ho u r s C o u n se l i n g Of f i c e H o u r s March 1 – June 2 March 1 – June 2 Monday – Thursday......................................... 8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday ............................................................... 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Friday, May 26 only ......................................... 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Thursday............................................. 8:00 am – 7:00 pm Friday................................................................... 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Sum mer Ho urs: J une 5 – Augu st 17 Sum mer Ho urs: J une 5 – Augu st 17 Monday – Thursday.............................................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday .................................................................................. CLOSED Monday – Thursday............................................. 8:00 am – 7:00 pm Friday................................................................................... CLOSED H o l i d a y s : May 29 & July 4 (All offices closed) REGISTRATION ONLINE – WebSt ar Go to and click on the WebStar Online Registration link. • • • • Refer to the “Admissions and Registration Information” section in the Class Schedule for detailed instructions for WebStar Registration. Continuing Students: Refer to the Continuing Student Registration Schedule in the Class Schedule for your registration date and time. New and Returning Students: Refer to your e-mail for your registration date and time received by mail and/or by e-mail. Use WebStar to add classes, pay registration fees by VISA/MasterCard, drop/withdraw from classes, and view your current class schedule. WebStar Registration Hours WebStar Help Line Hours Starting May 10 (714) 992-7777 • Monday – Friday.............................................7:00 am –11:30 pm Saturday .........................................................7:00 am – 6:00 pm Available starting May 10 during Admissions and Records Office Hours – Click on “WebStar Online Registration” Bookstore Online Service • Textbooks • FC Clothing and Merchandise – Available online for delivery or pick-up. REGISTRATION CA LENDAR **All registration is ONLINE through WebStar ** May 10 – May 27 .................................................. Continuing Students (See the Continuing Student Registration Schedule for specific date and time.) May 18 – May 27 .................................................. New and Returning Students (Registration date and time will be issued by mail and/or by e-mail.) Starting May 30 .................................................... Registration continues through the add deadline for each class. ACA DEMIC CALEND AR and FORM DEADLI NES **The Summer Term begins May 30 and ends August 19** Application for Admission – Applications will be accepted through the start date of any class. Auditing Classes – Petitions to Audit will be accepted through the add deadline for each class. Credit/No Credit Grade Option – Requests for the Credit/No Credit option will be accepted through the last day to add the class. Graduation Application – Applications for Summer Graduation will be accepted from May 10 through June 22, 2006. Grades – Summer grades will be available on WebStar approximately 3 weeks after a class ends. Transcripts with Final Grades – Students must check their unofficial WebStar transcript to ensure all grades are posted. ADD , DROP and R EFUND DEADLI NES **All Registration, Adds, Drops and Withdrawals are to be completed ONLINE through WebStar ** Refer to the comment line under the CRN in the Class Schedule for the following class-specific deadlines: • Last Day to ADD a class* • Last Day to DROP and qualify for a refund • Last Day to DROP without a “W” • Last Day to WITHDRAW *Add Authorization Code required starting the first calendar date of instruction for any class. NOTE: Deadlines vary for each CRN depending on the start date and length of the class. Always refer to the class schedule for deadlines. Final Grades: Available on WebStar approximately 3 weeks after the class ends. Transcripts with Final Grades: Students must check WebStar to see that all grades are posted before requesting transcripts. Summer Graduation: Apply May 10 – June 22, 2006 ALL FEES, HOURS AND DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 5 Continuing Student Registration Schedule • Students who are enrolled in a course for Spring 2006 and will receive a grade or a “W” are considered Continuing Students for Summer 2006, and will register according to the schedule below. • Registration appointments are based on units/hours earned through Fall 2005 at both Fullerton and Cypress Colleges. Having attended both institutions requires adding units/hours earned from both colleges. • Number of units/hours earned can be determined by logging onto WebStar at and accessing your Student Records/Academic Transcript. Detailed instructions are available at For logon assistance, e-mail • Determine the units/hours earned category that applies to you and note your registration date and time. • Students may register at their assigned appointment and anytime thereafter during WebStar registration hours. • Special Admit Students (enrolled in K-12) will register for Summer Term on May 25. Registration Date, Appointment Time Units/Hours Earned Category Adaptive Services Center Students (DSPS) Last Name: A–Z Wed. May 10 ....... 8:00 a.m. EOPS Students Last Name: A–Z Wed. May 10 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: A–Z Wed. May 10 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: A–Z Wed. May 10 ....... 6:00 p.m. Last Name: M–Z Thurs. May 11 ....... 7:00 a.m. Last Name: A–L Thurs. May 11 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: M–Z Thurs. May 11 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: A–L Thurs. May 11 ....... 6:00 p.m. Last Name: M–Z Fri. May 12 ....... 7:00 a.m. Last Name: A–L Fri. May 12 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: M–Z Fri. May 12 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: A–L Fri. May 12 ....... 6:00 p.m. Last Name: M–Z Sat. May 13 ....... 7:00 a.m. Last Name: A–L Sat. May 13 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: M–Z Sat. May 13 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: A–L Mon. May 15 ....... 7:00 a.m. Last Name: M–Z Mon. May 15 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: A–L Mon. May 15 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: M–Z Mon. May 15 ....... 6:00 p.m. Last Name: A–L Tues. May 16 ....... 7:00 a.m. Last Name: A–Z Tues. May 16 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: S–Z Tues. May 16 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: P–R Tues. May 16 ....... 6:00 p.m. Last Name: M–O Wed. May 17 ....... 7:00 a.m. Last Name: H–L Wed. May 17 ....... 10:00 a.m. Last Name: D–G Wed. May 17 ....... 2:00 p.m. Last Name: A–C Wed. May 17 ....... 6:00 p.m. 65 or more units/hours earned 50 – 64.99 units/hours earned 40 – 49.99 units/hours earned 30 – 39.99 24 – 29.99 20 – 23.99 units/hours earned units/hours earned units/hours earned** 15 – 19.99 units/hours earned 10 – 14.99 units/hours earned 6 – 9.99 units/hours earned 3 – 5.99 units/hours earned .25 – 2.99 units/hours earned 0 units/hours earned **Student Athlete Registration 6 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Admission and Registration Information SIX EASY STEPS R E G I S T R AT I O N P R O C E S S TO THE 1. Admission 2. Assessment (Math, English, Reading, ESL) 3. Orientation 4. 5. 6. Counseling Registration Fee Payment STEP ONE – ADMISSION ADMISSION ELIGIBILITY You may apply for admission if you are: • a high school graduate, or at least eighteen years of age. • a student in K-12 who qualifies for the Special Admit Student Program. • an International Student who is eligible under a student visa (F-1). For information on the application procedure for International Students, contact the International Student Center at (714) 992-7580, or visit their website at APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION An application for admission to the college must be submitted if you are a first-time student and have never registered in classes at Fullerton or Cypress College, or if you are a former student returning after an absence of one or more terms. All applications should be submitted electronically through our online application system, CCCApply. Visit our website at for information and instructions. For students without internet access, computer terminals are available in the Admissions and Records Lobby, Student Services Building 2000. CALIFORNIA RESIDENCE California Community Colleges are required to determine a student’s residency for tuition purposes. California law states that residency is physical presence with the intent to remain in California. To qualify for resident status, you must have been a California resident for one year and one day prior to the first day of the term. The burden of proof to clearly demonstrate both physical presence in California and the intent to establish California residence lies with the student. For information on AB-540, see page 15. For additional information regarding residency and exceptions to residency requirements, refer to the college catalog. FINANCIAL AID Federal Aid is available to assist students with fees, and other educational expenses. Many students also qualify for the Board of Governors Grant Fee Waiver (BOGG), which pays for enrollment fees at the college. Students with a BOGG Fee Waiver must pay the required health fee, course fees (if applicable), and any optional fees selected. Visit for fee waiver and grant information, and online applications. TRANSCRIPTS Transcripts are not required at the time you submit your application, but should be submitted shortly thereafter. Submit transcripts by the end of your first term at Fullerton College if necessary according to the criteria below. High school transcripts — Students who have graduated from high school in the past two years must submit a sealed copy of transcript to the Counseling Center. Other college transcripts from previous colleges attended — • Students who plan to graduate or complete a certificate at Fullerton College and/or transfer from Fullerton College must submit a sealed copy of transcripts to the Admissions and Records Office. • Veterans collecting educational benefits must submit a sealed copy of transcripts to the Financial Aid Office. • Students who need to show proof of prerequisite completion may bring a personal copy of transcript for review by a counselor. 7 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 STEP TWO – ASSESSMENT Assessment testing is required for placement in Math, English/Reading and/or English as a Second Language (ESL). Testing is available throughout the term on a walk-in basis in the Assessment Center. STEP THREE – ORIENTATION New students are required to complete online orientation. Your orientation may be completed at the time of assessment. No appointment is necessary. STEP FOUR – COUNSELING Continuing Students need to see a counselor prior to WebStar registration and are strongly advised to do so before the end of the current term. Counseling is available by appointment or walk-in. Phone: (714) 992-7010 Returning Students or New Students with previous college experience will need to see a counselor before registration. A counselor will assess previous course work and testing to determine placement in English, Math and Reading classes. Please bring any test results, transcripts or grade reports to assist the counselor in evaluating previous coursework. New Students must complete assessment testing and online orientation before seeing a counselor. STEP FIVE – REGISTRATION REGISTRATION PRIORITY Continuing Students will be assigned appointments based on units/hours earned at Fullerton and Cypress Colleges. Refer to the “Continuing Student Registration Schedule” in the front of this class schedule. New and Returning Students will be sent an e-mail with a registration appointment, based on the date the application was received. Assigned registration appointments do not guarantee enrollment in any classes. BEFORE YOU REGISTER • Refer to your registration appointment, or to the “Continuing Student Registration Schedule” to ensure that you are registering on or after your assigned appointment time. • Clear any outstanding fees or holds. • Get counselor clearance for any Math, English or Reading classes. • Prepare a tentative class schedule. • Choose alternate class selections in case your first choice classes are filled. • Make sure the Admissions and Records Office has your correct name, address, and phone number. WEBSTAR REGISTRATION To register, go to and click on the WEBSTAR ONLINE REGISTRATION link. Instructions and a registration worksheet will be provided on the Admissions and Records home page at WEBSTAR REGISTRATION HOURS Starting May 10 WEBSTAR HELP LINE May 10 – June 2 Monday – Friday ...............................7:00 am – 11:30 pm Saturday ............................................7:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday – Thursday ............................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday ..................................................8:00 am – 2:00 pm Friday, May 26 only ............................8:00 am – 4:00 pm Starting June 5 Monday – Thursday ............................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday .................................................................CLOSED Click on “WebStar Online Registration” Phone: (714) 992-7777 • E-mail: 8 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ADD AUTHORIZATION CODE Add Authorization Codes are required for: Closed Classes • Attend the first meeting of the class you wish to add. • If space is available, ask the instructor to give you an Add Authorization Code for use on WebStar. • Log onto WebStar and follow prompts to add the closed class before the add deadline. Classes That Have Started • An Add Authorization Code must be obtained for all classes starting on the calendar date of the first class meeting. • Whether or not the class is full, WebStar will not permit students to add without an Add Authorization Code. • All Add Authorization Codes must be processed through WebStar by the add deadline for the class. (See “Important Dates” page in this class schedule for deadlines.) STEP SIX – FEE PAYMENT IMPORTANT: Fullerton College does not bill for unpaid registrations. Students who register by WebStar and whose payments are not submitted within 72 hours MAY BE DROPPED from classes to free up seats for other students seeking to register. Credit Card Payments: • Pay by MasterCard or VISA through WebStar. Check or Money Order Payments: • DO NOT SEND CASH. • Make checks payable to FULLERTON COLLEGE. • Write STUDENT ID NUMBER on front of check. • Make sure STUDENT NAME appears on front of check. • Payment is due immediately upon registering. Mail to: FULLERTON COLLEGE Place in drop box located at east Admissions and Records Office entrance of Student Services OR P.O. Box 7140 Building 2000. Fullerton, CA 92834-7140 Cash Payments • Cash payments are only accepted in person at the Cashier’s Station in the lobby of the 2000 Building starting May 30. Financial Aid Payments • BOGG FEE WAIVERS MUST BE RENEWED FOR SUMMER. Spring 2006 Fee Waivers do NOT roll into Summer. You MUST complete a new 2006-2007 Fee Waiver Application. BOGG Fee Waivers pay enrollment fees only. Students with a BOGG Fee Waiver must pay the required health fee, course fees (if applicable), and any optional fees selected. Payment of enrollment fees by BOGG will be posted to your account 48 hours after registration. A Schedule/Bill showing your classes, fees and payments will be mailed after your payment is processed. C A M P U S C O M P U T E R T E R M I N A L S AVA I L A B L E F O R W E B S TA R A C C E S S Department Admissions and Records Lobby Cadena/Transfer Center Computer Lab Library Skills Center Location 2000 Building, 1st Floor Room 1407 Room 317 800 Building (LLRC) 800 Building (LLRC) – West Entrance Dates and hours of availability may vary 9 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 REGISTRATION POLICIES AND DEFINITIONS Cancelled Class A class may be cancelled after the schedule goes to print at the college’s discretion. The college reserves the right to cancel any class. Closed Class A class closes when the maximum seat capacity has been reached. Students wishing to register for a closed class must petition the class. See entry below, “Petitioning Closed Classes,” for additional information. Co-Requisites When a class has a co-requisite, you must register for one or more (often a lecture and lab) classes concurrently. Knowing the information being presented in the concurrent course is deemed necessary for successful completion of either course. When dropping or withdrawing from a course that has a co-requisite, both courses must be dropped or withdrawn concurrently. Course Repetition You may not register for a class for which you have previously received a passing grade or completed the maximum number of repetitions allowed. See “Academic/College Policies” in this class schedule for additional information. Duplicate Course Students may not register for two classes with the same course number and title. Holds You must clear holds before you can register. Contact the office listed if you have any questions. Hold 90/09 89/08 A1/A2 B1/B2 C1 C2 D1/D2 F1/F2 I1 I2 L1/L2 M1/M2 O1/O2 R1/R2 UB Definition Summer/Fall Signature Page Winter/Spring Signature Page Admissions Info Req. Special Admit Student Disciplinary Disciplinary Scholastic Dismissal Financial Aid International Student International Student Library Materials/Fees Bursar Accounts Receivable Registrar’s Hold Unpaid Balance College CC/FC CC/FC CC/FC CC/FC Cypress Fullerton CC/FC CC/FC Cypress Fullerton CC/FC CC/FC CC/FC CC/FC CC/FC Office to Contact Admissions and Records Admissions and Records Admissions and Records Admissions and Records Dean of Counseling Dean of Student Services Admissions and Records Financial Aid Admissions and Records International Student Center Library Bursar Bursar Admissions and Records Bursar or Admissions and Records CC = Cypress College FC = Fullerton College Maximum Units/Hours A maximum unit load for any student is 19 units per term. You may carry over 19 units only with a counselor’s approval. Petitioning Closed Classes You may petition closed classes by attending the first meeting. If space permits, the instructor will issue an Add Authorization Code, allowing you to add the closed class through WebStar. You are not officially registered (even if your instructor writes your name on the class roster) until you have added the class and paid all fees due through WebStar. Pre-Requisites When a course has a pre-requisite, you must have specific knowledge to be successful in the course. The pre-requisite can be a skill, a test score or successful completion (grades of A, B, C or CR have been earned) in a prior course. Verify with a counselor that you have met any pre-requisites before registering for the course. Schedule/Bill The Schedule/Bill is your proof of enrollment in classes and fees paid for the term. Instructors, labs and any office on campus may request to see your Schedule/Bill prior to providing services. Special Admit Students Students who are enrolled in K-12 are Special Admit students. A new Special Admit Student Form, Health Services Release Form, and Matriculation Form must be completed and submitted each term before Special Admit Students are permitted to register. All necessary forms and instructions are available for download at Time Conflict Students are not permitted to register for two classes that are scheduled during the same or overlapping time periods, even if the instructor will allow it. 10 WebStar Registration Instructions and Worksheet Welcome to WebStar Online Registration! BEFORE YOU REGISTER • Ensure that you are registering on or after your assigned appointment time. • Clear any outstanding fees or holds. • Get counselor clearance for any Math, English or Reading classes. • Make sure the Admissions and Records Office has your correct name, address, and phone number. We bSt ar Hel p Line s WebStar Available May 10 – June 2 Monday – Thursday......................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday...........................................8:00 am – 2:00 pm Friday, May 26 only ......................8:00 am – 4:00 pm Starting May 10 Monday – Friday.............7:00 am – 11:30 pm Saturday ........................7:00 am – 6:00 pm Starting June 5 Monday – Thursday......................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday............................................................. Closed (714) 992-7777 STEP 1 Go to and click on STEP 2 Click on the WebStar Logo in the center of the blue circle: STEP 3 LOGGING IN • • Enter your Student Identification Number as printed on your Student Schedule/Bill or Student ID Card. (Type the “@” sign when entering your Student ID Number) @ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ OR Enter your social security number with no hyphens or spaces. • Enter your 6-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number). Your default PIN is your six-digit date of birth (mmddyy) unless you have changed it. ❑❑❑❑❑❑ • CHANGE PIN: If you used your date of birth to log in, WebStar will require that you change your PIN. • SECURITY QUESTION/ANSWER: WebStar may also ask you to enter a security question and answer for use in the event you forget your PIN. • PIN DISABLED: If your PIN is disabled due to “multiple login attempts,” contact the WebStar Help Line. 11 STEP 4 REGISTERING FOR CLASSES SELECTING THE TERM: • From the main menu, click on “Register for Classes.” • Select “Cypress College/Fullerton College Summer 2006” term, then click “Submit .” ADDING/DROPPING CLASSES: • Enter the 5-digit CRN (Course Reference Number) from the worksheet below for each class you wish to add, and click “ ❶ Confirm Your Choices.” OR • Click the “Class Search” Button and enter desired class criteria (subject, hours, days, instructor, etc.), then click “Class Search.” • Place a checkmark in the box to the left of any classes you wish to add and click either “Add to Worksheet” or “Add Class.” If Add Authorization Code Required, enter the 4-digit code issued by your instructor in the field provided and click “Admit Me.” After you have Added/Dropped all your classes and are satisfied with your class schedule as shown on the registration page, click “ ❷ Complete Registration.” IDEAL CLASS SELECTIONS CRN (Course Reference No.) 3 2 8 2 3 Subject Course No. Units Days Times POSC 100 F 3 MTWR 7:50 am – 10:30 am ALTERNATE CLASS SELECTIONS CRN (Course Reference No.) STEP 5 Subject Course No. Units Days Times OPTIONAL FEES • Select Campus: Choose the campus for which you have enrolled in the most units (Fullerton or Cypress) and click “Submit.” • Select Optional Fees: Select the optional fees you wish to purchase and click “Submit.” If you do not wish to purchase any optional fees, leave all fees unselected and click “Submit.” • Confirm Optional Fees: Verify your selections and click “Confirm Purchase.” STEP 6 FEE PAYMENT The amount shown next to your “Account Balance” is due and payable immediately. If payment is not submitted within 72 hours, you MAY BE DROPPED from your classes. Select either “Credit Card Payments” or “Check or Money Order Payments” and follow the prompts. NOTE: If paying by credit card, you must resubmit the term you registered for. A Schedule/Bill will be mailed to you after your fees have been processed. It includes a list of your classes, fees and payments, and is your proof of registration. You may use WebStar throughout the term to check or review your schedule. If you decide not to attend classes for which you have registered, it is your responsibility to drop officially within published deadlines. 12 WebStar Registration Messages Solution Login/Access Messages Contact the Registration Administrator for your Time Ticket Disabled PIN Forgot PIN Forgot Student ID Number (If your Social Security Number is on file with Admissions and Records, you may use it as an alternate Student ID Number) Level Restriction Contact the Registration Help Line e-mail: phone: (714) 992-7777 OR Admissions and Records phone: (714) 992-7568 Be sure you have selected the correct term for Fullerton/Cypress OR WebStar closed for maintenance OR Verify your registration appointment You are not allowed to register at this time Registration Messages WebStar closed for maintenance OR Verify your registration appointment Definition Solution Class is closed; no seats available Another class must be taken concurrently Dropped class by Web Already enrolled in a class with this course number and title Before class begins: Class is full After class begins: Seats may be available Prerequisite or test scores needed Registered for class by Web Add a different class or petition class by attending first meeting Registration Affects Enrollment/Assessment Too late to add or drop Check the registration deadlines Programming error Contact the Registration Help Line Term status not within parts of term Programming error or too late to add or drop Two classes with overlapping meeting times not permitted Withdrew from class In-Person Withdrew from class by Web CLOSED Co-Requisite or Link Error DROP-Web Duplicate Section ADD AUTH REQUIRED Pre-Req & Test Score Error REGISTERED Web Time Conflict WITHDRAWAL WITHDRAWAL Web Payment Error Codes Serious Error – Your credit card has been charged, but your student account has not been updated Definition Credit Card processing error 13 Add the co-requisite class No further action needed Add a different class Try again later, or petition by attending the first class meeting. See instructor or division office to obtain Add Authorization Code Contact the Counseling Office No further action needed Contact the Registration Help Line Select courses that do not have overlapping meeting times No further action needed No further action needed Solution Contact the Bursar’s Office phone: (714) 992-7555 Fees and Refunds REGISTRATION FEES REQUIRED FEES Enrollment Fee*................................................................... $ 26.00 per unit Health Fee** ........................................................................$ 11.00 for entire summer – Refer to Health Center for services. Non Resident Tuition Non-California Resident ..................................................$156.00 per unit plus above fees Non-U.S. Citizen..............................................................$176.00 per unit plus above fees (Includes $20.00 Capital Outlay Fee per Ed Code 76141) Course Fee (if applicable)...................................................$ as shown in current class schedule under course title *Enrollment Fee: Waived for BOGG recipients and Special Admit Students in grades 9-12. **Health Fee: The Health Fee is charged to all students whether or not they choose to use Health Services. The Health Fee is required in accordance with Section 76355 of the Education Code. OTHER FEES A.S. Benefits Validation ......................................................$ 3.75 Campus Photo ID Card.......................................................$ 2.50 for new students Parking Fee – Automobiles* ...............................................$ 20.00 BOGG Fee Waiver Recipients* ......................................$ 20.00 Parking Fee – Motorcycles*................................................$ 10.00 Parking Permits may be used in any student parking lot in the district (Fullerton, Cypress, SCE and Anaheim Campus). *Motorcycles and vehicles with convertible tops: Students must register their license plate and permit number with the Campus Safety Office. *********There will be a fee for lost or stolen parking permits and A.S. Validation Stickers********* RETURNED CHECK SERVICE CHARGE Checks returned for non-sufficient funds or “Stop Payments” must be paid by MasterCard, VISA, cash or money order, and a $25.00 service charge will be added to the amount of the check. Your enrollment at Fullerton College, as well as your credit, may be affected. REFUND POLICY • • • To qualify for a refund, student must officially withdraw from class by the Refund Deadline. ALL refunds will be mailed by check in mid-August. Fees paid by credit card will not be credited back to the account. REFUND DEADLINES *(Pursuant to Section 58508 of Subchapter 6 of Chapter 9 of Division 6, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations) Enrollment, Health and Non-Resident Tuition Fees....................................... Refundable if dropped by the 10% point of length of class. (Refer to comment line under the CRN in the Class Schedule for deadline date.) A.S. Validation .......................................................... Refer to comment line under the CRN in the Class Schedule for deadline date. Contact the A.S. Office to request a refund. Campus Photo ID Card ............................................ Refer to comment line under the CRN in the Class Schedule for deadline date. Contact the A.S. Office to request a refund. Parking Permit .......................................................... Refundable with complete withdrawal if dropped by 10% point of length of class. (Refer to comment line under the CRN in the Class Schedule for deadline dates.) Return Parking Permit with photo ID and Schedule/Bill to Campus Safety Office. REFUND PROCESSING FEE A processing fee of $10.00 per term will be deducted from enrollment fee refunds. Exemptions from the processing fee are students with a fee waiver, canceled classes, or administrative drops. *A community college district shall not refund any enrollment fee or differential enrollment fee paid by a student for program changes made after the first two weeks of instruction for a primary term-length course, or after the 10 percent point of the length of the course for a short-term course, unless the program change is a result of action by the district to cancel or reschedule a class or to drop a student pursuant to Section 58106 (g) where the student fails to meet a prerequisite. SERVICE FEES ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS Audit Fee – per unit ............................................................................................................................................................................$ Duplicate Diploma ..............................................................................................................................................................................$ Transcript Request (first two copies free)..........................................................................................................................................$ Hand Carry or Rush charge for Transcript Request (in addition to $3.00 transcript fee charge)..............................................$ Verification of Student Status.............................................................................................................................................................$ Hand Carry or Rush Verification (in addition to $3.00 verification fee charge)..........................................................................$ ALL FEES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 14 15.00 15.00 3.00 10.00 3.00 10.00 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Residency for Tuition Purposes (per Education Code, Section 68060) The Office of Admissions and Records determines the resident status of all new and returning students. Responses to the Application for Admission and, if necessary, other evidence furnished by the student are used in making this determination. A student who does not submit adequate information to establish the right to classification as a California resident will be classified as a nonresident. Possessing a California driver’s license and a vehicle registered in California • Voting in California • Owning residential property in California for personal use • Being licensed to practice a profession in California • Having an active checking and/or savings account in a California bank • Showing California on military records (Leave and Earnings Statement) • Possessing a marriage license or a divorce decree issued in California • Having paid nonresident tuition in another state This act allows all persons, including undocumented immigrant students who meet the requirements set forth in Section 68130.5 of the Education Code to be exempt from nonresident tuition in California’s colleges and universities. The requirements are: Several exceptions to the residency rules apply per education code. They include, but are not limited to the following: Active duty military personnel stationed in California • Dependents of active duty military stationed in California • Certain minors who remained in California when parents moved • High school attendance in California for three or more years. • Graduation from a California high school or attainment of the equivalent thereof (i.e., GED or Certificate of High School Proficiency) prior to the start of the term. • Registration as an entering student at, or current enrollment at, an accredited institution of higher education in California not earlier than the fall semester or quarter of the 2001-02 academic year. • In the case of a person without lawful immigration status, the filing of an affidavit with the college stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so. All students who do not meet the California residency requirements must file an affidavit with the college. The affidavit is included in the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption form, which is available in the Admissions and Records Office. Students living outside the state and enrolled via distance education are not eligible for the AB 540 exemption (Revised Guidelines for Implementation of AB 540 — Firebaugh, October 23, 2003). Exceptions to Residency Requirements • Full-time employees of the college or a state agency, or a child or spouse of the full-time employee Assembly Bill AB 540 A person’s presence in California and the factors below are considered in determining California residency. No one factor determines residency. • • A student’s resident status is determined at the time of application. A nonresident student must pay nonresident tuition in addition to the enrollment fee and other fees (including a $20.00 Capital Outlay Fee per Education Code 76141) for credit classes. Factors Considered to Determine Residency Filing California state income taxes as a resident Self-supporting minors Nonresident Student The resident determination date is the day immediately preceding the opening day of instruction of the semester or term as set by the Board of Trustees. Generally, residency requires actual physical presence in California at least one year prior to the residence determination date, coupled with proof of the intent to make California one’s home. • • 15 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUMMER 2006 Courses begin May 30, 2006 Please refer to the full course listings in this schedule for specific course information. COURSE CRN TIME ACCT 101AF Financial Accounting ACCT 101BF Managerial Accounting AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation 30464 30466 30235 ART 110 F Introduction to Art 30491 BUS 211 F Writing for Business BUS 211 F Writing for Business BUS 211 F Writing for Business BUS 240 F Legal Environment of Business CIS 100 F Introduction to Personal Computers CIS 100 F Introduction to Personal Computers CIS 105 F Spreadsheet I (MS Excel 2003) CIS 111 F Introduction to Information Systems CIS 111 F Introduction to Information Systems CIS 150 F Introduction to the Internet CIS 152 F Web Page Design II (HTML) COSM 055AF Cosmetology: Level 1 30184 30214 30223 30187 30246 30250 30259 30248 30251 30258 30262 30917 COSM 055AF Cosmetology: Level 1 COSM 055BF Cosmetology: Level 2 30936 30919 COSM 055BF Cosmetology: Level 2 COSM 055CF Cosmetology: Level 3 30937 30921 COSM 055CF Cosmetology: Level 3 COSM 055DF Cosmetology: Level 4 30938 30925 COSM 055DF Cosmetology: Level 4 COSM 055EF Cosmetology: Level 5 30939 30930 COSM 055EF Cosmetology: Level 5 COSM 060 F Instruction to Techniques/Cosmetology COUN 151 F Career/Life Planning DANC 115 F Hip Hop Dance I ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing MUS 100 F Music Laboratory MUS 118 F Intro to Opera 30940 30934 30164 30640 30041 30070 30053 30712 30274 30981 12:00- 3:15P 8:30-11:45A 7:30- 3:50P 7:30- 3:50P 9:00- 3:15P 6:00- 8:50P 10:40- 1:10P 6:30- 9:00P 8:00-10:30A 8:00-10:30A 8:00-10:30A 6:30- 9:00P 6:30- 9:20P 8:00-10:30A 6:30- 9:00P 6:30- 9:20P 6:30- 9:20P 7:00- 4:30P 8:00- 5:30P 5:30-10:15P 7:00- 4:30P 8:00- 5:30P 5:30-10:15P 7:00- 4:30P 8:00- 5:30P 5:30-10:15P 7:00- 4:30P 8:00- 5:30P 5:30-10:15P 7:00- 4:30P 8:00- 5:30P 5:30-10:15P 7:00- 5:30P 12:30- 5:50P 7:00-10:50P 7:25-10:30A 6:30- 9:35P 7:25-10:30A 6:30- 9:35P + ARRANGED HOURS MUS 135AF Beginning Piano MUS 135BF Beginning Piano MUS 282 F Fullerton Master Chorale PE 115 F Golf PE 123 F Outrigger Paddling PE 124 F Kayaking PE 144 F Volleyball PE 145 F Intermediate/Advanced Volleyball PE 235 F First Aid, CPR, and Safety Education PLEG 225 F Law Office Management RE 090BF Appraisal: Standards and Ethics 30280 30320 30455 30578 30661 30664 30666 30667 30626 30480 30461 RE 101 F Principles of Real Estate RE 203 F Appraisal: Residential SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 100 F Public Speaking THEA 235 F Experimental Theatre THEA 290 F Theatre Arts Seminar 30028 30032 30036 30039 30456 30311 8:00- 4:50P 7:00- 9:50P 8:30-10:05A 8:30-10:05A 8:00- 2:50P 7:00- 2:05P 7:30- 3:20P 7:30- 3:20P 3:30- 6:50P 3:30- 6:50P 8:00- 5:20P 8:00- 5:00P 8:00- 3:50P 8:00- 3:50P 9:00-10:50A 9:00-10:50A 10:40- 2:00P 6:30- 9:00P 7:25-10:30A 6:30- 9:35P 7:00-10:50P 16 +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +3 Hrs Lab Per Day Of Class +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +3 Hrs Lab Per Day of Class +3 Hrs Lab Per Day of Class Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs Arr Hrs +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week DAY STARTS ENDS MTWR MTWR S SU S F MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR TR MTWR MTWR MW TR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR M TR MW MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWRFSU TR MTWR MTWR MTWRFSU S TR TR TR TR SU S S S S S MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR 5/30/06 5/30/06 6/3/06 7/15/06 6/2/06 6/2/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/31/06 5/31/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/31/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 6/3/06 6/3/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 6/3/06 6/3/06 6/3/06 6/10/06 6/17/06 6/24/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 5/30/06 7/13/06 7/13/06 6/3/06 7/16/06 7/1/06 7/1/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/28/06 6/28/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 6/29/06 6/28/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 8/10/06 8/13/06 8/13/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/12/06 7/1/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/11/06 7/8/06 6/3/06 6/10/06 6/17/06 6/24/06 6/22/06 6/29/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 6/23/06 6/22/06 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUMMER 2006 Courses begin June 5, 2006 Please refer to the full course listings in this schedule for specific course information. COURSE CRN TIME ACG 100 F Intro to Computer Graphics for Macs 30483 AJ 091 F Law Enforcement Instructor Development AJ 093 F DNA Genetic Fingerprinting AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation 30201 30962 30245 AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation 30536 AJ 096 F CAD Crime Scene Application AJ 100 F Introduction to Law Enforcement ANTH 101 F Physical Anthropology ANTH 101LF Physical Anthropology Lab ANTH 102 F Cultural Anthropology ANTH 102 F Cultural Anthropology ART 110 F Introduction to Art ART 112 F Art History: Ancient and Medieval ART 113 F Art History: Renaissance to Modern ART 182 F Basic Drawing ART 186AF Beginning Life Drawing ART 186BF Intermediate Life Drawing ART 186CF Advanced Life Drawing ART 189AF Beginning Painting ART 189BF Intermediate Painting ART 189CF Advanced Painting AUTO 131 F Automotive Fundamentals BIOL 101 F General Biology 30249 30252 30143 30927 30150 30153 30489 30493 30494 30498 30505 30506 30508 30513 30515 30517 30155 30126 BIOL 101 F General Biology 30129 BIOL 101 F General Biology 30131 BIOL 170 F Organismal Biology 30183 CDFL 115 F Introduction to ECE Curriculum CDFL 120 F Human Development: Early Years CHEM 100 F Chemistry for Daily Life 30238 30944 30188 CHEM 101 F Introduction to Chemistry 30191 CHEM 107 F Elementary Chemistry 30193 CHEM 111AF General Chemistry 30198 CHEM 111BF General Chemistry 30200 COSM 043AF Advanced Makeup/Microdermabrasion CRTV 290 F Career Adv./Internship in Radio/TV/Film 31035 30186 CSTR 032 F Uniform Plumbing Code DANC 105 F Ballet I DANC 105 F Ballet I DANC 106 F Ballet II DANC 107 F Modern Dance I DANC 108 F Modern Dance II DANC 111 F Jazz I DANC 112 F Jazz II DANC 116 F Social Dance ECON 101 F Principles of Economics — Micro ECON 102 F Principles of Economics — Macro ECON 102HF Honors Principles of Economics — Macro ENGL 059 F Developmental Writing ENGL 059 F Developmental Writing ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing 30180 30573 30642 30574 30607 30608 30638 30639 30654 30224 30226 31015 30082 30119 30088 8:00- 9:44A 9:45-12:10P 10:30- 4:50P 8:00- 4:50P 7:30- 3:50P 7:30- 3:50P 7:30- 3:50P 7:30- 3:50P 8:00- 4:50P 6:00- 8:45P 10:40- 1:20P 7:50-10:30A 7:50-10:30A 6:30- 9:10P 7:50-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 6:00- 8:40P 9:00- 2:00P 9:00- 2:15P 9:00- 2:15P 9:00- 2:15P 5:00-10:15P 5:00-10:15P 5:00-10:15P 8:00-12:15P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 10:40- 2:10P 2:15- 4:45P 8:00-10:00A 10:10-11:00A 12:00- 2:50P 8:00-11:50A 6:00- 9:50P 10:40- 1:05P 1:20- 3:45P 8:00-10:30A 10:40-11:40A 11:45- 1:50P 8:30-11:20A 11:30-12:20P 12:25- 2:30P 4:00- 6:20P 6:30-10:50P 8:30-10:50A 11:00- 3:20P 5:30-10:15P 6:00- 9:50P 6:00- 9:50P 6:00- 9:50P 6:00- 9:50P 6:00- 9:20P 8:00-10:20A 6:00- 8:20P 8:00-10:20A 11:00- 1:10P 11:00- 1:10P 3:30- 5:50P 3:30- 5:50P 7:00-10:15P 7:50-10:30A 10:40- 1:20P 1:30- 3:50P 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 7:25-10:30A + ARRANGED HOURS 17 +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week DAY STARTS ENDS MTWR MTWR MTWRF F S SU S SU MTW MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR TR MTR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MW T T T T TR MTW TWR MTW MWR MWR MTW MTW TR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/9/06 6/17/06 7/15/06 6/24/06 7/15/06 6/12/06 6/19/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/6/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/6/06 6/13/06 6/27/06 8/15/06 6/6/06 6/5/06 6/6/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/6/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 6/9/06 6/9/06 6/17/06 7/16/06 6/24/06 7/16/06 6/14/06 7/20/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/13/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/13/06 7/13/06 7/13/06 7/13/06 7/12/06 6/6/06 6/13/06 6/27/06 8/15/06 7/27/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/5/06 7/5/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/12/06 7/12/06 7/12/06 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUMMER 2006 (Begins June 5, 2006) COURSE CRN TIME ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 102 F Introduction to Literature ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103HF Honors Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 221 F American Literature to the Civil War ENVS 105 F Environmental Biology ENVS 105LF Environmental Biology Lab ESC 100 F Physical Geology ESC 100LF Physical Geology Lab ESC 116 F Astronomy ESC 130 F Introduction to Oceanography ESC 130LF Intro to Oceanography: Field Experience ESC 198DF Geology Owens Valley — Mammoth Lakes ESL 035 F Intermediate English Grammar ESL 046 F Intermediate Conversation ESL 048 F Int. American English Pronunciation ESL 083 F High Int. Reading & Writing/Amer. English ESL 184 F Low Adv. English/Non-Native Speakers ESL 185 F Advanced Reading & Writing/Amer. English ESL 186 F Composition: Students of American English ETHS 141 F Chicano/Chicana History FREN 101 F Elementary French I GEOG 100 F Global Geography HIST 110 F Western Civilization HIST 112 F World Civilizations HIST 113 F World Civilizations HIST 113 F World Civilizations HIST 127 F Survey of American History HIST 127 F Survey of American History HIST 127 F Survey of American History HIST 170 F History of the United States HIST 171 F History of the United States JAPN 101 F Elementary Japanese I MATH 015 F Pre-Algebra MATH 015 F Pre-Algebra MATH 015 F Pre-Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 100 F Liberal Arts Mathematics MATH 100 F Liberal Arts Mathematics MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics MATH 129 F College Algebra for Business Calculus MATH 130 F Calculus for Business MATH 141 F College Algebra MATH 141 F College Algebra MATH 142 F Trigonometry MATH 150AF Calculus MATH 150AF Calculus MATH 150AF Calculus MATH 150BF Calculus MUS 001 F Instrumental Performance Practicum MUS 070 F Musical Theatre Techniques MUS 070 F Musical Theatre Techniques 30121 30092 30099 30124 30125 30103 30107 30128 30132 30139 30177 30114 30133 30204 30207 30283 30285 30228 30218 30481 30485 30135 30137 30138 30141 30142 30145 30148 30933 30045 31027 30959 30292 30293 30957 30296 30297 30299 30304 30308 30054 30008 30040 30080 30013 30034 30055 30058 30069 30006 30010 30037 30060 30074 30085 30044 30084 30011 30042 30047 30009 30064 30012 30035 30033 30014 30051 30077 30007 30169 30323 30324 + ARRANGED HOURS DAY STARTS ENDS 10:40- 1:45P 7:25-10:30A 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101 F Music Fundamentals MUS 116 F Music Appreciation MUS 119 F History of Rock Music MUS 244 F Advanced Strings MUS 273 F Concert Band PE 102 F Yoga PE 102 F Yoga PE 103 F Aikido PE 110 F Pilates (Alignment and Correctives) PE 113 F Billiards PE 121 F Walking for Fitness PE 126 F Beach Volleyball PE 129 F Step Aerobics PE 134 F Swimming PE 139 F Tennis PE 139 F Tennis PE 139 F Tennis PE 149 F Swim for Fitness PE 149 F Swim for Fitness PE 154 F Fitness Testing with Exercise Prescription PE 160 F Basketball PE 161 F Body Conditioning and Fitness PE 163 F Kickboxing PE 165 F Lifetime Fitness PE 165 F Lifetime Fitness PE 165 F Lifetime Fitness PE 167 F Cardio Kick Boxing Aerobics PE 171 F Soccer PE 180 F Baseball PE 182 F Body Building, Development and Weightlifting PE 182 F Body Building, Development and Weightlifting PE 182 F Body Building, Development and Weightlifting PE 183 F Conditioning for Athletes PE 185 F Football — Defense 30213 30237 30242 30335 30348 30649 30652 30677 30620 30646 30621 30634 30618 30367 30363 30564 30594 30364 30368 30599 30643 30647 30635 30374 30375 30376 30381 30615 30633 30377 30379 30380 30592 30570 +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week Lab +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +4 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week PE 185 F Football — Defense 30571 PE 186 F Football — Offense 30569 PE 186 F Football — Offense 30572 PE 188 F Self Defense — Boxing PE 188 F Self Defense — Boxing PE 188 F Self Defense — Boxing PE 192 F Water Polo PE 235 F First Aid, CPR, and Safety Education PE 239 F OpenWater I Scuba PE 248 F Psychology of Sport PHIL 100 F Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 172 F Critical Thinking and Writing PHOT 101 F Introduction to Photography PHYS 205 F College Physics 30577 30581 30582 30369 30627 30095 30089 30275 30968 30205 30230 PHYS 210 F Physics 30232 PHYS 221 F General Physics 30234 POSC 100 F American Government POSC 100 F American Government POSC 100 F American Government PSY 101 F General Psychology READ 056 F Developmental Reading 30266 30267 30268 30312 30178 10:40- 1:10P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 10:00- 1:20P 6:30-10:20P 8:00-10:20A 3:30- 6:50P 8:00-11:50A 10:40- 1:00P 12:00- 1:50P 5:30- 7:45P 10:00- 1:20P 8:10-10:30A 1:25- 3:15P 9:00-11:20A 6:00- 9:20P 6:00- 9:50P 6:00- 7:45A 3:20- 5:10P 9:00-12:10P 4:10- 8:00P 6:00- 7:45P 12:00- 3:45P 8:00- 9:45A 12:15- 2:05P 5:15- 7:05P 6:00- 8:20P 5:00- 8:50P 2:00- 4:15P 10:35-12:10P 8:00- 9:45A 4:10- 5:55P 12:15- 4:05P 2:00- 5:15P 2:00- 7:30P 2:00- 5:30P 2:00- 7:30P 2:15- 5:30P 2:15- 7:45P 2:15- 5:45P 2:15- 7:45P 2:00- 5:15P 2:00- 7:30P 2:00- 5:30P 2:00- 7:30P 2:15- 5:30P 2:15- 7:45P 2:15- 5:45P 2:15- 5:45P 2:15- 7:45P 2:15- 7:45P 8:00-11:45A 8:00-11:20A 6:00- 9:20P 6:00- 9:40P 8:00- 5:20P 6:00-10:20P 10:00-12:40P 10:40- 1:20P 10:40- 1:20P 8:00- 1:05P 9:00-11:30A 11:40- 2:10P 10:40- 1:10P 1:20- 3:50P 7:30-10:00A 10:10-12:40P 7:50-10:30A 10:40- 1:20P 7:00- 9:40P 10:40- 1:20P 10:40- 1:15P MTWR MTWR MTWR MW T TWR MW TR TWR MTWR TWR MW TWR MTWR TWR MW TR 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REC 108 F Backpacking REC 109 F Camping and Our Surfing Environment REC 111 F Camping & Our Bodyboarding Environment SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 F Social Problems SOC 275 F Marriage and Family SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 F Elementary Spanish II SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication STSV 071 F Adaptive Computer Access: Word Proc. STSV 072 F Learning Assessment STSV 072 F Learning Assessment STSV 075 F Adaptive Computer: Learning Strategies THEA 072 F Move./Performance Skills/Mus. Theatre THEA 072 F Move./Performance Skills/Mus. Theatre THEA 100 F Introduction to the Theatre THEA 137 F Summer Theatre Workshop WELD 095 F Welding Skills Lab WELD 121AF Introduction to Welding WELD 121BF Fundamentals of Inert Gas Welding WELL 232 F Introduction to Massage 30531 31032 30658 30659 30328 30329 30334 30336 30063 30071 30076 30081 30043 30046 30052 30057 30097 30101 30105 30108 30111 30319 30817 30818 30563 30265 30269 31022 30289 30264 30190 30194 30580 6:00- 9:20P 8:00- 5:20P 8:00- 5:20P 8:00- 5:20P 7:50-10:30A 6:30- 9:10P 6:30- 9:10P 7:50-10:30A 6:55-10:30A 6:30-10:05P 8:00-12:25P 10:40- 2:15P 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 10:40- 1:45P 6:30- 9:35P 8:00-10:30A 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 10:40- 1:10P 6:30- 9:00P 8:00- 2:00P +40 Mins Arr Lab Per Session +40 Mins Arr Lab Per Session +45 Mins Arr Lab Per Session +40 Mins Arr Lab Per Session 8:00- 2:00P 9:00-10:40A 10:50-12:30P 9:00-11:50A 1:00- 4:20P +8-12 Hrs Arr +8-12 Hrs Arr 6:00- 9:50P 6:00- 9:50P 8:00- 5:20P DAY STARTS ENDS MW FSU FSU FSU MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR TR TR TR MTWR 6/5/06 6/16/06 6/16/06 6/16/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/19/06 6/19/06 6/5/06 6/19/06 6/6/06 6/6/06 6/6/06 6/5/06 8/9/06 6/25/06 6/25/06 6/25/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/13/06 7/13/06 7/6/06 7/13/06 7/12/06 7/12/06 7/12/06 7/12/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 7/6/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 6/29/06 7/13/06 7/13/06 6/29/06 7/20/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 6/15/06 Open Monday – Thursday Library/Learning Resource Center, 800 building, W or NE entrances (714) 992-7008 (714) 992-7008 (714) 992-7008 press 0 press 2 press 3 Instructional support in study skills, vocabulary improvement, critical thinking, keyboarding, and a variety of other subjects. Walk-in tutoring for math, English and ESL by faculty-recommended tutors. Administration of make-up exams. Inspiration software (for organizing). Instructional lab support for courses in reading, English as a Second Language, foreign languages, and writing. E-mail tutoring in math and writing assignments through website: June 5 – Aug 9, M – Th 8 am – 6:30 pm (Call for August hours.) June 5 – 29, M – Th 10 am – 4 pm July 3 – 31, M – Th 9 am – noon 20 Assistance with any academic writing project, including transfer letters and scholarship application essays. Tutor writing projects at any stage from brainstorming to final draft. Both walk-in and by-appointment tutoring. Summer hours: June 5 – Aug 10 M & W, 2 – 6 pm, T & Th 9 am – 1 pm FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUMMER 2006 Courses begin June 26, 2006 Please refer to the full course listings in this schedule for specific course information. COURSE CRN TIME ACCT 101AF Financial Accounting ACCT 101AF Financial Accounting ACCT 101BF Managerial Accounting ART 144 F Fundamentals of Cartooning ART 150AF Ceramics: Beginning Handbuilding ART 150BF Ceramics: Beginning Throwing ART 150CF Ceramics: Advanced ART 152 F Ceramics Laboratory ART 182 F Basic Drawing CHIN 101 F Elementary Chinese — Mandarin I COUN 140 F Educational Planning COUN 140 F Educational Planning COUN 140 F Educational Planning COUN 140 F Educational Planning COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self Confidence COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self Confidence COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self Confidence COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self Confidence CSCI 123 F Introduction to Program Concepts in C++ ENGL 059 F Developmental Writing ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ESL 025 F Basic English Grammar ITAL 101 F Elementary Italian I JAPN 101 F Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 F Elementary Japanese II JOUR 110 F Mass Media Survey MUS 112 F The Music Business MUS 130 F Beginning Guitar MUS 135AF Beginning Piano MUS 135BF Beginning Piano PE 114 F Cardiovascular Conditioning PE 162 F Conditioning for Athletes PE 192 F Water Polo PE 236 F Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries PHOT 101 F Introduction to Photography READ 096 F Preparation for College Reading SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 F Elementary Spanish II SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication STSV 072 F Learning Assessment 30162 30165 30176 30497 30501 30502 30503 30504 30500 30038 30066 30338 30343 30344 30049 30346 30347 30361 30519 30161 30140 30154 30163 30144 30156 30157 30166 30151 30159 30134 30050 30056 30059 30199 30236 30325 30759 30760 30645 30624 30370 30576 30202 30179 30067 30073 30941 30065 30078 30115 30118 30819 8:30-11:35A 6:00- 9:05P 6:00- 9:05P 10:40- 2:30P 10:40- 3:50P 10:40- 3:50P 10:40- 3:50P + ARRANGED HOURS 5:00-10:15P 6:30-10:05P 11:00-11:50A 11:00-11:50A 11:00-11:50A 11:00-11:50A 9:00-10:50A 9:00-10:50A 9:00-10:50A 9:00-10:50A 6:00- 8:35P 6:30- 9:35P 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 6:30- 9:35P 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 10:40- 1:45P 6:30- 9:35P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 8:15-10:30A 6:30-10:05P 6:30-10:05P 6:30-10:05P 8:00-10:20A 10:30- 1:50P 1:20- 2:55P 1:20- 2:55P 1:20- 2:55P 8:30- 9:50A 8:10-10:25P 6:00- 9:50P 9:00-12:40P 8:00- 1:05P 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 2:15P 6:30-10:05P 6:30-10:05P 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 10:40- 1:10P 6:30- 9:00P 21 +13 Hrs Arr +13 Hrs Arr +13 Hrs Arr +40 MinArr Lab Per Session + 2 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +40 MinArr Lab Per Session +40 MinArr Lab Per Session +40 MinArr Lab Per Session +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week +40 Mins Arr Lab Per Session +40 Mins Arr Lab Per Session +40 Mins Arr Lab Per Session DAY STARTS ENDS MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/27/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 6/26/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 8/3/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 8/9/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 8/2/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 7/27/06 7/26/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 8/3/06 7/26/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 8/2/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/2/06 8/2/06 7/27/06 7/27/06 7/20/06 MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MW MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTW TR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUMMER 2006 Courses begin July 3, 2006 Please refer to the full course listings in this schedule for specific course information. COURSE CRN TIME BUS 211 F Writing for Business BUS 211 F Writing for Business CIS 100 F Introduction to Personal Computers CIS 100 F Introduction to Personal Computers CIS 111 F Introduction to Information Systems CIS 111 F Introduction to Information Systems CIS 152 F Web Page Design II (HTML) PE 115 F Golf 30203 30211 30253 30349 30254 30256 30261 30579 10:40- 1:10P 6:30- 9:00P 8:00-10:30A 6:30- 9:00P 8:00-10:30A 6:30- 9:00P 6:30- 8:55P 7:00- 2:05P + ARRANGED HOURS +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +1 Hr 45 Mins Lab Per Day +2 Hrs 35 Mins Lab Per Day DAY STARTS ENDS MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MW S 7/3/06 7/3/06 7/3/06 7/3/06 7/3/06 7/3/06 7/3/06 7/8/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/2/06 8/5/06 DAY STARTS ENDS MTWR MTWR MTWRF FSU MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR S F MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR TR TR MTWR MTWR MTWR TR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTR MW MTW MTW MTW MTW MTW MTW MW TR MTWR 7/10/06 7/10/06 8/7/06 7/14/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/14/06 7/14/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/11/06 7/11/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 8/1/06 7/24/06 7/24/06 7/24/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/11/06 7/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/18/06 7/16/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/12/06 8/12/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 7/13/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 7/20/06 7/20/06 7/20/06 8/17/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/3/06 8/10/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/10/06 8/9/06 SUMMER 2006 Courses begin July 10, 2006 Please refer to the full course listings in this schedule for specific course information. COURSE CRN TIME ACG 170 F Digital Photography 30486 AJ 080 F Lifetime Fitness for Law Enforcement AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation ANTH 101 F Physical Anthropology ANTH 101LF Physical Anthropology Lab ANTH 102 F Cultural Anthropology ART 110 F Introduction to Art ART 110 F Introduction to Art ART 110 F Introduction to Art 30916 30247 30147 30929 30152 30488 30490 30492 ART 113 F Art History: Renaissance to Modern ART 140 F Intro to Advertising and Graphic Design ART 182 F Basic Drawing ART 189AF Beginning Painting ART 189BF Intermediate Painting ART 189CF Advanced Painting BIOL 101 F General Biology 30495 30496 30499 30509 30510 30512 30158 BIOL 101 F General Biology 30170 BIOL 101 F General Biology 30172 8:00- 9:44A 9:45-12:15P 7:00-10:15P 7:30- 3:50P 7:50-10:30A 10:30- 1:20P 10:40- 1:20P 8:00-10:30A 6:00- 8:30P 9:00- 3:15P 6:00- 8:50P 10:40- 1:55P 10:40- 3:00P 10:00- 3:00P 8:00- 1:00P 8:00- 1:00P 8:00- 1:00P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 10:40- 2:10P 2:20- 4:45P 6:00- 8:30P 8:00- 4:30P 8:30- 9:10A 9:15-11:20A 11:30- 2:20P 11:30- 2:20P 2:30- 3:20P 3:35- 5:30P 6:30- 8:55P 6:30- 8:55P 10:40-12:40P 10:40-12:40P 1:20- 3:20P 9:00-11:50A 10:40-12:40P 10:40-12:40P 6:00- 8:00P 6:00- 9:50P 9:00- 2:20P 9:00-11:10A 9:00-11:10A 12:00- 2:10P 12:00- 2:10P 3:00- 5:10P 3:00- 5:10P 6:00- 9:40P 7:00- 9:40P 10:40- 1:20P BIOL 102 F Human Biology 30175 CDFL 135 F Early Childhood Education: Health & Safety 31017 CHEM 107 F Elementary Chemistry 30195 CHEM 107 F Elementary Chemistry 30197 CIS 205AF Spreadsheet II (MS Excel 2003) CIS 252 F Web Page Design III (HTML/Javascript) COUN 050 F College Orientation COUN 050 F College Orientation COUN 050 F College Orientation COUN 060 F Academic Success and College Survival COUN 141 F Career Exploration COUN 141 F Career Exploration COUN 141 F Career Exploration COUN 151 F Career/Life Planning COUN 151 F Career/Life Planning DANC 105 F Ballet I DANC 106 F Ballet II DANC 107 F Modern Dance I DANC 108 F Modern Dance II DANC 111 F Jazz I DANC 112 F Jazz II DANC 115 F Hip Hop Dance I DANC 116 F Social Dance ECON 101 F Principles of Economics — Micro 30260 30263 30469 30556 30557 30451 30558 30559 30560 30453 30454 30611 30612 30613 30614 30583 30584 30641 30655 30225 + ARRANGED HOURS 22 +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +4 Hrs Arr +2 Hrs 35 Mins Lab Per Day +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUMMER 2006 (Begins July 10, 2006) COURSE CRN TIME + ARRANGED HOURS ECON 102 F Principles of Economics — Macro ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ENVS 105 F Environmental Biology ENVS 105LF Environmental Biology Lab ESC 116 F Astronomy ESC 130 F Introduction to Oceanography ESC 130LF Intro to Oceanography: Field Experience ETHS 130 F History of African Americans in the US FREN 102 F Elementary French II HIST 111HF Honors Western Civilization HIST 170 F History of the United States HIST 170 F History of the United States HIST 171 F History of the United States HIST 171 F History of the United States HIST 270 F Women in United States History JOUR 101 F Reporting and Writing MATH 010 F Basic Mathematics MATH 015 F Pre-Algebra MATH 015 F Pre-Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra MATH 030 F Plane Geometry MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra MATH 100 F Liberal Arts Mathematics MATH 100 F Liberal Arts Mathematics MATH 100 F Liberal Arts Mathematics MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics MATH 129 F College Algebra for Business Calculus MATH 129 F College Algebra for Business Calculus MATH 130 F Calculus for Business MATH 130 F Calculus for Business MATH 141 F College Algebra MATH 141 F College Algebra MATH 142 F Trigonometry MATH 150AF Calculus MATH 150AF Calculus MATH 150AF Calculus MATH 150BF Calculus MATH 150BF Calculus MATH 250AF Intermediate Calculus MUS 113 F Jazz History — An Appreciation MUS 116 F Music Appreciation MUS 119 F History of Rock Music MUS 126 F Beginning Voice MUS 135AF Beginning Piano MUS 135BF Beginning Piano NUTR 210 F Nutrition Today PE 102 F Yoga PE 102 F Yoga PE 103 F Aikido PE 104AF Spinning PE 110 F Pilates (Alignment and Correctives) PE 110 F Pilates (Alignment and Correctives) PE 121 F Walking for Fitness PE 121 F Walking for Fitness PE 122 F Surfing PE 134 F Swimming PE 139 F Tennis PE 149 F Swim for Fitness PE 152 F Fitness Training Lab — Circuit PE 155 F Aquatic Conditioning — Seniors PE 160 F Basketball PE 162 F Conditioning for Athletes 30227 30171 30174 30181 30173 30713 30206 30208 30229 30219 30482 30932 30048 30956 30301 30958 30305 30960 31028 30196 30102 30015 30100 30016 30027 30112 30116 30019 30020 30104 30106 30366 30030 30094 30096 30025 30090 30117 30031 30098 30022 30024 30026 30087 30110 30021 30093 30113 30023 30029 30018 30362 30243 30244 30446 30321 30322 30222 30604 30651 30596 30603 30650 30653 30601 30648 30656 30371 30681 30372 30630 30365 30644 30600 7:50-10:30A 7:25-10:30A 10:40- 1:45P 6:30- 9:35P 8:00-10:30A 6:30- 9:00P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:40P 10:40- 1:10P 8:00-10:20A 8:00- 4:45P 7:50-10:30A 8:30-12:55P 10:40- 1:20P 7:50-10:30A 6:30- 9:10P 6:30- 9:10P 7:50-10:30A 10:40- 1:20P 10:40- 1:10P 10:40- 2:10P 7:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 7:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 2:50- 6:20P 6:30-10:00P 7:00-10:30A 10:40- 2:10P 10:40- 2:10P 2:50- 6:20P 6:30-10:00P 6:30- 9:00P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 10:40- 2:10P 7:00-10:30A 6:30-10:00P 6:30-10:00P 10:40- 2:10P 10:40- 2:10P 6:30-10:00P 10:40- 2:10P 7:00-10:30A 2:50- 6:20P 10:40- 2:10P 7:00-10:30A 6:30-10:00P 6:30-10:00P 10:40- 2:10P 7:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 10:40-12:15P 8:30-10:05A 8:30-10:05A 8:00-10:30A 3:00- 5:15P 10:40-12:50P 11:25- 2:45P 11:00- 2:20P 8:00-10:10A 4:00- 7:20P 8:00-10:15A 6:00- 7:30P 8:00- 5:20P 1:05- 3:15P 6:00- 9:20P 3:20- 5:30P 5:00- 6:50P 6:00- 7:40A 4:30- 7:50P 7:00- 8:50A 23 +45 MinArr Lab Per Session +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Arr Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3 Hrs 30 Mins Per Week +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week DAY STARTS ENDS MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWRF S MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR 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Thinking PHYS 206 F College Physics 30617 30597 30595 31019 30637 30606 30631 31020 30373 30605 30616 30632 31023 30629 30657 30276 30967 30279 30231 PHYS 211 F Physics 30233 PLEG 090FF Ethics 31011 POSC 100 F American Government POSC 100 F American Government POSC 100 F American Government PSY 101 F General Psychology PSY 145 F Child Psychology SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology SPAN 102 F Elementary Spanish II SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 100 F Public Speaking SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication THEA 100 F Introduction to the Theatre 30270 30271 30272 30924 30923 30331 30332 30333 30079 30086 30091 30120 30122 30123 30458 5:00- 8:00P 2:55- 6:15P 8:00-11:20A 8:00- 9:45A 7:00-10:20P 9:00-12:30P 8:00-10:50A 10:00-11:45A 6:00- 9:20P 9:00-12:30P 5:00- 8:00P 8:00-10:35A 10:00-11:35A 6:00- 3:20P 8:00- 5:20P 6:30- 9:10P 7:50-10:30A 10:40- 1:20P 9:00-11:30A 11:40- 2:10P 10:40- 1:10P 1:20- 3:50P 8:00-11:50A 12:50- 5:50P 7:50-10:30A 10:40- 1:20P 6:30- 9:10P 6:30- 9:10P 10:40- 1:20P 7:50-10:30A 6:30- 9:10P 10:40- 1:20P 8:00-12:25P 10:40- 1:45P 6:30- 9:35P 8:00-10:30A 10:40- 1:10P 6:30- 9:00P 9:00-11:50A TR MW MW MTWR +3.6 Hrs Arr Per Week MW TR TWR MTWR MW MW MW TWR MTWR +10 Hrs Arr Per Week SU MTWRFSU MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR S S MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR +45 Mins Arr Lab Per Session MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR STARTS ENDS 7/11/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/11/06 7/25/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/25/06 7/10/06 7/15/06 8/5/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/15/06 7/15/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 7/10/06 8/17/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/10/06 8/17/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/16/06 8/17/06 8/9/06 8/14/06 8/13/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/9/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 8/10/06 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Instructions for ADDING closed classes or classes that have already started: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Attend the first meeting, or the next available meeting, of the class you want to add. If space is available, ask instructor to give you an “Add Authorization Code.” Then IMMEDIATELY access WebStar Registration at Log in and click on “Register for Classes.” Select the correct term for Cypress College/Fullerton College. Enter the CRN in the “CRNs” box and click on “Confirm Your Choices.” When prompted, enter the “Add Authorization Code” the instructor has given you. Click on the “ADMIT ME” button. Click on “Submit Changes” and confirm the status of your class. Pay your fees within 72 hours or you will be dropped for non-payment. The Add Authorization Code must be used IMMEDIATELY to guarantee official enrollment. Add Authorization Codes cannot be used after the add deadline for any class. Instructions for DROPPING or WITHDRAWING from classes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Access WebStar Registration at Log in and click on “Register for Classes.” Select the correct term for Cypress College/Fullerton College. From the drop down menu under action, choose “Drop On-Line” or “Withdrawal-Web” for the classes you wish to drop. Click on “Confirm Your Choices” to drop your classes. Check under status on the left of the screen to confirm the status of your classes before exiting WebStar. 24 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Most Distance Learning courses typically require: • • • • An e-mail to instructor by a required date, usually within the first week of semester. Attendance at an on-campus mandatory orientation. Participation within the course by taking a quiz, or other assignment during the FIRST WEEK…otherwise, students may be dropped. Students visit for information on availability, WebCT access, computer system requirements, FAQs, and HELP. Refer to page 3, Table of Contents “Schedule of Classes,” to locate page for subject specific course descriptions and class information. Date Course Name May 30–July 2 COUN 151 F Career/Life Planning COUN 151 F Career/Life Planning MUS 116 F Music Appreciation May 30–July 9 POSC 100 F American Government May 30–July 23 CIS 105 F Spreadsheet I (MS Excel 2003) May 30–August 6 ACCT 101AF Financial Accounting May 30–August 19 BUS 240 F Legal Environment of Business June 5–June 25 PE 250 F Sport and the U.S. Society June 5–July 6 CHEM 103 F Chemistry in a Changing World PE 235 F First Aid, CPR, and Safety Education June 5–July 9 ESC 130 F Introduction to Oceanography MUS 116 F Music Appreciation PSY 101 F General Psychology SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology June 5–July 20 WELL 242 F Stress Management and Relaxation Training June 5–July 30 SPAN 201 F Spanish for the Spanish Speaker June 26–July 16 PE 250 F Sport and the U.S. Society June 26–July 23 THEA 100 F Introduction to the Theatre June 26–August 6 READ 142 F College Reading: Logical Analysis and Evaluation June 26–August 19 SPAN 201 F Spanish for the Spanish Speaker July 10–August 6 THEA 100 F Introduction to the Theatre July 10–August 10 PE 235 F First Aid, CPR, and Safety Education July 10–August 13 BIOL 109 F Genetics and Biotech in Society ESC 100 F Physical Geology ESC 130 F Introduction to Oceanography PSY 120 F Human Sexuality CRN Type Units Instructor Phone (714) E-Mail 30714 30715 30241 Online Online Online 3 3 3 Storm, Barbara Combs, Jennifer Mazzaferro, Anthony 992-7537 992-7553 992-7299 31021 Online 3 Balma, Jodi 992-7424 30302 Online 2 Cantrell, Candice 992-7092 30467 Online 4 St. John, Paul 992-7747 30535 Online 3 Cooper, David 992-7460 dcooper 30565 Online 3 Bassi, Lisa 992-7390 30192 30928 Hybrid Hybrid 3 2 Chadwick, Janice E. Snyder, Peter L. 992-7138 992-7128 30220 30862 30315 30330 Online Online Online Online 3 3 3 3 Chamberlin, Sean W. Wong-Abe, Suzanne Kyle, Diana Banda, Sergio 992-7137 992-7296 992-7166 992-7361 30567 Teleweb 1.5 Bassi, Lisa 992-7390 30146 Online 5 Arceo, Rosa 992-7181 30566 Online 3 Bassi, Lisa 992-7390 30460 Online 3 Engle, Martie Ramm 992-7425 30670 Hybrid 3 Brown, Flora M. 992-7549 30149 Online 5 Arceo, Rosa E. 992-7278 30459 Online 3 Engle, Martie Ramm 992-7425 30915 Hybrid 2 Snyder, Peter L. 992-7128 30914 30284 30221 30327 Online Online Online Online 3 3 3 3 Wu, Jo Willis, Marc Chamberlin, Sean W. Lee, Callista 992-7095 992-7100 992-7137 992-7142 25 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Fullerton College Summer 2006 Schedule of Classes May 30, 2006 – August 19, 2006 HOW TO READ THE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES SUBJECT CODE CALIFORNIA ARTICULATION NUMBER CHEM 111BF General Chemistry COURSE DESCRIPTION BOLD FACE INDICATES EVENING CLASSES CRN NUMBER TIME DAYS INSTRUCTOR TRANSFER DESIGNATION ROOM NUMBER SECTION NUMBER SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ROOM CRN ACCT 101AF Financial Accounting CAN BUS 2 Transfer: CSU, UC A beginning accounting course which meets all transfer requirements to fouryear colleges and universities and provides a foundation for advanced work in vocational accounting or in other branches of business administration. Computer applications are integrated into the homework. Sheridan-Solis, Ann 30466 001 DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR McAllister, George A. ROOM 4 Units 8:30-11:45A M T W R 5/30-7/13 McAllister, George A. 30176 101 6:00- 9:05P M T W R 6/26-8/10 Cowan, Jeffrey R. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 31; To qualify for refund: June 28. 328 312 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 1. 30165 100 6:00- 9:05P M T W R 6/26-8/10 Anderson, Terry B. 312 Student Responsibility to Add or Drop Classes Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 31; To qualify for refund: June 28. 30467 OL1 5/30-8/3 St John, Paul R. It is the student’s responsibility to officially add or drop classes – not the instructor’s. Failure to officially add or drop classes may affect your academic records. ONLINE COURSE: Mandatory orientation as well as on-campus mid terms and final exam. See instructor’s website for course syllabus, orientation times, and final exam schedule. Students need to be self motivated to take this course online. You may contact the instructor at his website: or by email at Updated class information and requirements can be found online at as well as instruction for logging on to WebCT. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 20; To qualify for refund: June 5. Online 312 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 1. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 31; To qualify for refund: June 28. 30464 002 12:00- 3:15P M T W R 5/30-7/13 DAYS CAN BUS 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ACCT 101AF or ACCT 100BF with a grade of “C” or better This course provides a foundation for advanced courses in managerial accounting. The nature of the management process and the essential role of managerial accounting in this process are emphasized. Computer applications are integrated into the homework. 4 Units 8:30-11:35A M T W R 6/26-8/10 SEC TIME ACCT 101BF Managerial Accounting ACCOUNTING 30162 001 5 Units CAN CHEM 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 111A General Chemistry. This course includes topics from kinetics, equilibria, acid-base, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and coordination compounds. 16890 001 7:30-11:50A MTWR Lebsack, Joan 411 12345 100 5:30- 9:50P MTW Hermann, Alvin 413 PREREQUISITE CRN COURSE TITLE COURSE NUMBER All adds and drops must be completed online through WEBSTAR. Hybrid TeleWeb 26 Summer Success 328 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. ADMINISTRATION INSTRUCTOR OF ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR AJ 080 F Lifetime Fitness for Law Enforcement JUSTICE 2 Units Advisory: Enrollment expected for all students who successfully complete AJ 094 F and who intend to register for the upcoming Fullerton College Police Academy. This course is designed to introduce important wellness concepts to law enforcement personnel by emphasizing successful physical fitness programs, proper nutrition and stress reduction techniques. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY AJ 094 F BASIC POLICE ACADEMY ORIENTATION This course is designed to have the student complete a series of COMPETITIVE TESTS AND EVALUATIONS which are a prerequisite to being admitted into the upcoming Police Academy. 30916 100 7:00-10:15P MTWRF 8/7-8/18 Sampson, Kevin C. 30201 001 10:30- 4:50P MTWRF 6/5-6/9 Klein, Joseph M. 731 Deadline to add: June 5; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 8; To qualify for refund: June 5. AJ 093 F DNA Genetic Fingerprinting 0.5 Units This class will prepare the student to properly handle DNA evidence collection and preservation by providing an understanding of the fundamentals of DNA and the current techniques utilized in analysis. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30962 001 8:00- 4:50P F (6/9) 6/9-6/9 Hong, Mary M. 733 Deadline to add: June 9; To drop without “W”: June 9; To drop with “W”: June 9; To qualify for refund: June 9. AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation 1 Unit The course is designed to have the student complete a series of tests and evaluations to determine if he/she has the potential to complete the physical and academic rigors of the upcoming police academy. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30247 003 7:30- 3:50P FSU 7/14-7/16 Pellegrino, Elmer J. 731 Deadline to add: July 14; To drop without “W”: July 14; To drop with “W”: July 15; To qualify for refund: July 14. 30235 001 7:30- 3:50P 7:30- 3:50P S (6/3) SU 7/15-7/16 Pellegrino, Elmer J. Pellegrino, Elmer J. 731 731 Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 3; To drop with “W”: July 15; To qualify for refund: June 3. 30245 002 7:30- 3:50P S (6/17) 7:30- 3:50P SU 7/15-7/16 Pellegrino, Elmer J. Pellegrino, Elmer J. 731 731 Deadline to add: June 17; To drop without “W”: June 17; To drop with “W”: July 15; To qualify for refund: June 17. 30536 004 7:30- 3:50P S (6/24) 7:30- 3:50P SU 7/15-7/16 Pellegrino, Elmer J. Pellegrino, Elmer J. 731 731 Deadline to add: June 24; To drop without “W”: June 24; To drop with “W”: July 15; To qualify for refund: June 24. AJ 096 F CAD Crime Scene Application 0.5 Units This course provides the student with a working knowledge of CAD function utilized in crime scene investigation by using CAD to draw various applications for criminal and traffic collision investigations. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30249 001 8:00- 4:50P MTW 6/12-6/14 Conley, James E. Deadline to add: June 12; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: June 13; To qualify for refund: June 12. Wednesday = W 2 Units This course is designed to assist both current and future law enforcement instructors to maximize their instructional skills and improve the learning process. The course will introduce law enforcement instructors to current adult learning techniques and developing instructional technology. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY The Police Academy’s primary purpose is to train men and women for police service. The academy curriculum is specifically designed to achieve technical competence and physical proficiency in all areas of police training and is certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.). The prerequisite for entrance into the Fall 2006 Police Academy — starting August 19, 2006, is AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation. This course is offered on the following dates: June 3, July 15 and 16, 2006 June 17, July 15 and 16, 2006 June 24, July 15 and 16, 2006 July 14, 15 and 16, 2006 It is imperative that all prospective Police Academy recruits register for the following summer semester physical training courses prior to the August 19, 2006 academy start date. Both courses start Monday, August 7, 2006: PE 152 F Fitness Training Lab (Circuit) 0.5 Unit AJ 080 F Lifetime Fitness for Law Enforcement 2.0 Units The prerequisite for entrance into the Spring 2007 Police Academy class (beginning January 13, 2007) is AJ 094 F Basic Police Academy Orientation. This orientation is offered October 28th, December 2nd & 3rd, 2006; OR November 11th, December 2nd & 3rd, 2006; O R November 18th, December 2nd & 3rd, 2006; O R December 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 2006. It is important that all prospective Police Academy recruits register for the following winter intersession physical training courses prior to the January 13, 2007 academy start date. Both courses will start Tuesday, January 2, 2007 and end on Friday, January 12, 2007. (Exact times to be announced). PE 152 F Fitness Training Lab (Circuit) 0.5 Unit AJ 080 F Lifetime Fitness for Law Enforcement 2.0 Units For further information, please call: (714) 992-7238 Tuesday = T 1205 Deadline to add: Aug 8; To drop without “W”: Aug 8; To drop with “W”: Aug 16; To qualify for refund: Aug 7. AJ 091 F Law Enforcement Instructor Development Monday = M ROOM Thursday = R 27 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 720 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM AJ 100 F Introduction to Law Enforcement CRN SEC TIME DAYS 6:00- 8:45P M T W R 6/19-7/20 Collins, John M. 733 ART 110 F Introduction to Art 30489 001 3 Units 30488 002 Stockdale, Michelle L. 30491 800 Monreal, Maria L. 30492 801 126 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ANTH 101LF Physical Anthropology Lab 1 Unit 30490 100 1015 1015 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Hayner, William G. Hayner, William G. 1002 1002 9:00- 3:15P 6:00- 8:50P S F 7/14-8/12 Hayner, William G. Hayner, William G. 1002 1002 6:00- 8:30P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Markle, Leslie S. 1002 3 Units Koudounaris, Paul 1002 3 Units ART 113 F Art History: Renaissance to Modern Monreal, Maria L. Stockdale, Michelle L. McDermott, John M. 3 Units CAN ART 4 Transfer: CSU, UC A survey of the development of art from the Renaissance through the modern era. Cultural, religious and historical influences on art are also studied. • Plus 4 hours arranged 126 30495 001 10:40- 1:55P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Perez, Jaime 126 30494 100 6:00- 8:40P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Jaffray, Sarah C. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 126 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Verify Your Enrollment You can verify your class schedule throughout the term by accessing WebStar. Online 1002 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30153 100 6/2-7/1 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30152 002 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 S F 30493 001 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/6 CAN ANTH 4 Transfer: CSU, UC This course is an introduction to the cross-cultural study of human behavior which includes a study of the nature and evolution of culture, social and family structure, religion and language. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. 30150 001 1002 CAN ART 2 Transfer: CSU, UC A survey of the development of art from pre-history through the Middle Ages. Cultural, religious and historical influences on art are also studied. • Plus 4 hours arranged Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. ANTH 102 F Cultural Anthropology 9:00- 3:15P 6:00- 8:50P ART 112 F Art History: Ancient and Medieval Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Ramsey, Annik R. Perez, Jaime Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Coreq: ANTH 101 F This course provides an introduction to laboratory methods used in research in physical anthropology. Topics include the classification, biology, and behavior of living primates, and human skeletal materials. Staff 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/10 The above class requires a facility use fee of $22 for transportation and admission to museums. Deadline to add: July 15; To drop without “W”: July 15; To drop with “W”: Aug 5; To qualify for refund: July 14. Transfer: CSU, UC 30929 002 10:30- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 1002 The above class requires a facility use fee of $22 for transportation and admission to museums. Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 3; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 2. 126 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Markle, Leslie S. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. CAN ANTH 2 Transfer: CSU, UC This is an introductory course in genetics, evolutionary theory and primatology. It includes the study of the primate fossil record, with emphasis on human evolution and human variation. 30927 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ANTH 101 F Physical Anthropology 30143 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This course provides an introduction to art from prehistoric times to the present. While examining the role that the visual arts have played in the development of the world’s cultures, the student is exposed to a wide variety of artistic media. • Plus 4 hours arranged • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION ANTHROPOLOGY 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 ROOM ART Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 22; To drop with “W”: July 12; To qualify for refund: June 20. 30147 002 INSTRUCTOR 3 Units CAN AJ 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Examination of the criminal justice system, criminal behavior, ethics and professionalism in law enforcement. 30252 100 DATES BEG.-END. Hybrid TeleWeb 28 Summer Success 1002 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM ART 140 F Introduction to Advertising and Graphic Design CRN McMillan, Richard H. 30498 001 1025 30500 101 2 Units Sivertsen, Kirk C. ART 150AF Ceramics: Beginning Handbuilding Dowdalls, James M. 1026 ART 150BF Ceramics: Beginning Throwing 30505 001 1001 30506 001 30508 001 3 Units 9:00- 2:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Alvarez, Javier P. 1020 3 Units 9:00- 2:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Alvarez, Javier P. ART 189AF Beginning Painting 1001 1020 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Introduction to materials, techniques and concepts of both traditional and contemporary painting. 1 Unit 30509 001 8:00- 1:00P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Metzger, Stephen C. 1020 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Transfer: CSU, UC Coreq: ART 150AF, ART 150BF, ART 150CF; ART 151 F, ART 261 F, or completion of ART 150AF, ART 150BF or ART 150CF Lab hours where a student can use open lab to earn one unit and work on further development of their ceramics. Students must be concurrently enrolled in ART 150 F, ART 151 F and ART 159 F. Course may be taken four times for credit. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY • Open Entry/Open Exit 30513 100 5:00-10:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Metzger, Stephen C. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 1001 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. Wednesday = W 1020 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. Nickell, James A. Alvarez, Javier P. Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ART 186BF An advanced course in drawing from the human figure. Emphasis is on a focused review of previous drawing exercises, the refinement of techniques and advanced studio problems. Recommended for art majors. Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ART 150AF and/or ART 150BF This course continues the development of wheel throwing techniques and other ceramic processes. Course may be taken twice for credit. • Plus 13 hours arranged ART 152 F Ceramics Laboratory 9:00- 2:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 ART 186CF Advanced Life Drawing 1001 3 Units Nickell, James A. 3 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. ART 150CF Ceramics: Advanced 1021 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ART 186AF An intermediate course in life drawing, emphasis is on the refinement of basic skills and the understanding of gesture, structure, and anatomy through the use of the skeleton and life models. Recommended for art majors. 3 Units Nickell, James A. Wallech, Megumi ART 186BF Intermediate Life Drawing Prereq: ART 150AF Introduction to wheel throwing techniques. • Plus 13 hours arranged Tuesday = T 1021 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Monday = M 1021 CAN ART 24 Transfer: CSU, UC A beginning course in drawing from the human figure. Emphasis is on the development of a basic understanding of structure, anatomy and movement, through the use of the skeleton and life model. Required by all art majors. 3 Units Nickell, James A. 5:00-10:15P M T W R 6/26-7/27 ART 186AF Beginning Life Drawing Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 6/26-7/27 Geckler, Megan Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. CAN ART 6 Transfer: CSU, UC Introduction to direct hand clay forming techniques, ceramic design and studio procedure. • Plus 13 hours arranged 30504 OE1 9:00- 2:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30503 001 10:40- 3:50P M T W R 6/26-7/27 ROOM Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU Advisory: ART 182 F and ART 179 F An introduction to developing an original cartoon character. Also covered will be an overview of cartoon history. 30502 001 10:40- 3:50P M T W R 6/26-7/27 INSTRUCTOR 3 Units 30499 002 10:00- 3:00P M T W R 7/10-8/10 ART 144 F Fundamentals of Cartooning 30501 001 10:40- 3:50P M T W R 6/26-7/27 DATES BEG.-END. CAN ART 8 Transfer: CSU, UC This course introduces fundamental skills and theories of accurate observational drawing including contour line, perspective, and shading. ART 120 F or ART 182 F are required for all art majors. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30497 001 10:40- 2:30P M T W R 6/26-7/27 DAYS ART 182 F Basic Drawing 3 Units Transfer: CSU Basic course in advertising and graphic design emphasizing communication through use of concepts, type and images. Development of layout skills, style and an introduction to logotype design. Students use the computer on selected products. More info at • $15 Graphic Design lab fee required 30496 001 10:40- 3:00P M T W R 7/10-8/10 SEC TIME Thursday = R 29 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 1023 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DATES BEG.-END. DAYS INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM ART 189BF Intermediate Painting CRN 30129 002 Metzger, Stephen C. 30158 004 1020 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30515 100 5:00-10:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Metzger, Stephen C. 30170 005 3 Units 8:00- 1:00P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Metzger, Stephen C. 5:00-10:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Metzger, Stephen C. Lui, Anson M. Feaster, Jeffery E. 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/10 10:40- 2:10P M T W R Nolan-Riegle, Mary C. Nolan-Riegle, Mary C. 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/10 10:40- 2:10P M T W R Nolan-Riegle, Mary C. Nolan-Riegle, Mary C. 424 423 1023 BIOL 102 F Human Biology 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course will study modern biological concepts in a human context with emphasis on human systems. Current topics of environmental, nutritional and public health are discussed. 30175 100 6:00- 8:30P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Tommerup, Megan M. 708 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course covers the basic concepts and experiments of heredity and current advances in biotechnology such as cloning, recombinant DNA technology, DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy and assisted reproductive technologies. AUTO 131 F Automotive Fundamentals 30914 OL1 4 Units Lopez, David R. 7/10-8/13 Wu, Jo Wen ONLINE CLASS: Mid-Term Exam: July 28 (online), and Final Exam: Aug 13 (online). Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 17; To drop with “W”: Aug 4; To qualify for refund: July 13. Transfer: CSU A class for the beginner assuming no knowledge entering the class, and covers all major systems of the car. 910 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. BIOL 170 F Organismal Biology 5 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: High School biology with a grade of “B” or better Advisory: BIOL 101 F with a grade of “C” or better or advanced placement high school biology with a grade of “3” or better on the placement exam. This is a course to familiarize student with the diversity and biology of living organisms, with emphasis on the evolution of anatomical and physiological adaptions. Field trips are required for this class BIOLOGY 30183 001 BIOL 101 F General Biology 5 Units Lui, Anson M. Feaster, Jeffery E. 8:00-10:00A M T W R 6/5-7/6 10:10-11:00A M T W R 12:00- 2:50P M T W R Collins, Kenneth P. Collins, Kenneth P. Collins, Kenneth P. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This introductory non-majors course will emphasize basic biological principles, structure and function of living organisms and contemporary issues. Students may not receive credit in BIOL 101 F after taking BIOL 100 F, BIOL 101HF, or BIOL 102 F. Field trips are required. • Fees will not exceed $15 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 424 423 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 1020 AUTOMOTIVE 30126 001 425 424 Feaster, Jeffery E. Lui, Anson M. 30172 006 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/10 2:20- 4:45P M T W R (see Earth Sciences) 8:00-12:15P M T W R 6/5-7/13 423 424 Gerrard, Amanda L. Nolan-Riegle, Mary C. BIOL 109 F Genetics and Biotech in Society 30155 001 425 424 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ASTRONOMY 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 30131 003 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 2:15- 4:45P M T W R Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30517 100 ROOM Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ART 189BF Experimentation with an emphasis on development of personal style and attitude again based on historic traditions, materials, techniques and concepts. 30512 001 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 1023 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ART 189CF Advanced Painting DATES BEG.-END. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Prereq: ART 189AF Further exploration with materials, techniques and concepts of painting. 8:00- 1:00P M T W R 7/10-8/10 DAYS BIOL 101 F continued: 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC 30510 001 SEC TIME 423 424 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 30 Summer Success 429 429 429 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME BUSINESS MANAGEMENT BUS 211 F Writing for Business CHEM 101 F Introduction to Chemistry 322 30191 001 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. Staff 322 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 5/30-6/29 Staff 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 7/3-8/3 Staff 322 8:00-10:30A M T W R 5/30-6/29 3 Units 30192 HY1 Cooper, David G. 5/30-8/17 3 Units 6/5-7/6 Chadwick, Janice E. HYBRID CLASS: MANDATORY ORIENTATION, Jun 5, 5-7:50 pm in Room 414. FINAL EXAM: Thurs, July 6, 5:30-7:20 pm in Room 414. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 327 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30535 OL1 424 430 430 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is intended for non-science students seeking general education credit in a physical science course without a laboratory. Course emphasizes basic principles of chemistry and prepares students by developing thinking skills that can be applied to challenges in a changing world. CAN BUS 12 Transfer: CSU, UC An introductory course to the American legal system and the legal constraints on a business firm. Required of all Business Administration majors at CSUF. (Transfers to CSUF and CSUSD) 30187 001 Johnson, David C. Johnson, David C. Johnson, David C. CHEM 103 F Chemistry in a Changing World Deadline to add: July 6; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 5. BUS 240 F Legal Environment of Business 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 10:40-11:40A M T W R 11:45- 1:50P M T W R 322 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30211 100 5 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 6; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 5. 30214 101 417 442 CAN CHEM 6 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 020 F This course focuses on the introductory principles of Inorganic, Organic chemistry and Biochemistry. It is designed for allied health science majors. 322 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. Yamaguchi, Robert H. Efron, Alan J. Efron, Alan J. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Prereq: ENGL 100 F with a grade of “C” or better Introduction to communication skills. Students learn writing strategies for memos, letters and reports. Included are strategies for oral presentations and job interviews. (Required for all Business Administration majors at CSUF.) Yamaguchi, Robert H. 4 Units 30188 001 10:40- 1:05P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1:20- 3:45P M T W R Transfer: CSU 30203 002 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/3-8/3 ROOM Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course focuses on the practical significance of chemical principles in the context of societal, political and economic issues that impact our world. It is designed for non-science majors seeking a lab science to fulfill a General Education requirement. 3 Units 30184 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 5/30-6/29 INSTRUCTOR CHEM 100 F Chemistry for Daily Life It is recommended that the following introductory courses in Securities be taken as a package. 8:00-10:30A M T W R 5/30-6/29 DATES BEG.-END. CHEMISTRY SECURITIES 30223 003 DAYS CHEM 107 F Elementary Chemistry Cooper, David G. 5 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 020 F with a grade of “C” or better This course will prepare students for the CHEM 111 F and CHEM 111BF sequence. Problem solving strategies are emphasized. It is a prerequisite for CHEM 111AF. In addition, students with a weak or dated background are encouraged to enroll. ONLINE COURSE: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: Tuesday, May 30, 9:00 am OR 7:00 pm in Room 327. MANDATORY FINAL EXAM: Thursday, Aug. 17, 9:00 am OR 7:00 pm in Room 327. You may reach the instructor at: Updated class information and requirements can be found online at as well as instruction for logging onto WebCT. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 14; To drop with “W”: July 31; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30193 001 8:30-11:20A M T W R 6/5-7/6 11:30-12:20P M T W R 12:25- 2:30P M T W R Chan, Theodore C. Chan, Theodore C. Chan, Theodore C. 414 440 440 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30195 002 WebStar Online Registration 8:30- 9:10A M T W R 7/10-8/10 9:15-11:20A M T W R 11:30- 2:20P M T W R Chan, Theodore C. Chan, Theodore C. Chan, Theodore C. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. All registration, adds, drops, and fee payment is online through WebStar. Register at home, or use the computer terminals available on campus. 30197 003 11:30- 2:20P M T W R 7/10-8/10 2:30- 3:20P M T W R 3:35- 5:30P M T W R Chan, Theodore C. Staff Staff Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W 440 440 411 Thursday = R 31 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 411 440 440 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR CHEM 111AF General Chemistry ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 4:00- 6:20P M T W R 6/5-7/13 6:30-10:50P M T W R Yimenu, Tilahun Yimenu, Tilahun CHEM 111BF General Chemistry 411 436 30038 100 Ansari, Mohd A. Ansari, Mohd A. CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND 30186 100 6:006:006:006:00- MTR 6/5-7/6 TELEVISION 9:50P T (6/6) 9:50P T (6/13) 9:50P T (6/27) 9:50P T (8/15) Perez, Marie L. Perez, Marie L. Perez, Marie L. Perez, Marie L. 706 706 706 706 1016 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 3 Units CAN FCS 14 Transfer: CSU, UC Physical, intellectual, social and emotional development from conception through adolescence is the focus. Research, theory, and practice are addressed from multiple viewpoints. Meets Department of Social Services, Community Care Learning Core Requirements. 6:00- 9:50P AND Deadline to add: June 6; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: June 20; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. CDFL 120 F Human Development: Early Years 520 Transfer: CSU Prereq: Student must be a declared Cinema-Radio-Television major and have either applicable employment or verified internship. Course is designed for radio, television and cinema students to develop their skills through internships and work experience. Sixteen hours of class meetings plus 85 hours of employment/internship for each additional unit. May be taken four times for credit. FAMILY LIFE Green, Patricia L. Kong, Wei-Ping CRTV 290 F 2 to 4 Units Career Advancement/Internship in Radio-Television-Film Transfer: CSU This course provides an overview of play as a tool for learning, basic curriculum planning and development. Focus is on observation for program planning, environment and assessment, curriculum models, and planning within these curriculum models. 6/6-7/6 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/26-8/3 CINEMA, RADIO 411 432 CDFL 115 F 2 Units Introduction to Early Childhood Education Curriculum TR 5 Units Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30944 100 ROOM Transfer: CSU, UC This course emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced to the culture and history of China. • Plus 40 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 5 Units 8:30-10:50A M T W R 6/5-7/13 11:00- 3:20P M T W R 8:00-11:50A INSTRUCTOR CHIN 101 F Elementary Chinese — Mandarin I CAN CHEM 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: CHEM 111AF with a grade of “C” or better This course is the second semester of the General Chemistry sequence. More advanced topics in General Chemistry are emphasized. 30238 001 DATES BEG.-END. CHINESE Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30200 001 DAYS 5 Units CAN CHEM 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: CHEM 107 F with a grade of “C” or better or a passing score on the Chemistry Proficiency Test and MATH 040 F with a grade of “C” or better or two years of high school algebra Coreq: Enrollment required in one section of CHEM 111AF This course is the first semester of a two-semester sequence designed to provide students with a foundation in general chemistry needed for subsequent courses in science. Students planning to take this course MUST take CHEM 107 F or challenge the course by passing a proficiency exam. 30198 100 SEC TIME Root, Neva L. ACG 100 F Intro to Computer Graphics for Macs Transfer: CSU The Computer Graphics intro for designers and illustrators. This course teaches the use of computers, printers, scanners, networks, and much more. This is an exciting introduction to all the major programs that professional artists use. Learn more at 1014 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 5. 30483 001 CDFL 135 F Early Childhood Education: Health and Safety 3 Units 2 Units 8:00- 9:44A M T W R 6/5-7/6 9:45-12:10P M T W R Nauer, Kathleen Y. Nauer, Kathleen Y. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU Adult and pediatric CPR, first aid, and health and safety practices are explored as students gain Red Cross certification and meet the California Department of Social Services requirements. 31017 001 8:00- 4:30P M T W R 7/10-7/13 Chiaromonte, Thomas A. 1016 Deadline to add: July 10; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 12; To qualify for refund: July 10. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 32 Summer Success 1025A 1024 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ACG 170 F Digital Photography ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 8:00- 9:44A M T W R 7/10-8/10 9:45-12:15P M T W R Mahmood, Hassaan A. Mahmood, Hassaan A. DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR CIS 111 F Introduction to Information Systems 3 Units Learn how to take pictures with digital cameras. Manipulate your photographs to develop fine art images, product shots for advertising and more. Hands-on use of a variety of cameras and their software and accessories, plus photo editing programs including Photoshop. Learn more at 30486 001 SEC TIME ROOM 3 Units CAN BUS 6 Transfer: CSU, UC This course is an introduction to computerized information systems, computer organization and problem-solving concepts; Windows XP, Microsoft Access 2003 and Excel 2003 spreadsheet. (Required for all Business Administration majors at CSUF) • Plus 1 hour and 45 minutes lab per day of class. 1025A 1024 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30248 001 8:00-10:30A M T W R 5/30-6/29 Staff 514 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30254 002 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/3-8/3 Courchaine, Jeffrey H. 514 Deadline to add: July 6; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 5. 30251 101 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 30256 104 CIS 100 F Introduction to Personal Computers 8:00-10:30A M T W R 5/30-6/29 3 Units Rodgers, Carolanne M. 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/3-8/3 510 30258 100 Deadline to add: July 6; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 5. 30250 100 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 5/30-6/29 Arya, Neha D. 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 7/3-8/3 510 Craig, Dale A. 6:30- 9:20P TR 5/30-6/29 2 Units Troop, Jane E. 30261 100 5/30-7/23 30262 101 Tuesday = T 314 Staff 316 2 Units 6:30- 8:55P MW 7/3-8/2 Moore, Sally F. 6:30- 9:20P TR 5/31-6/28 Terry, Brenda A. CIS 205AF Spreadsheet II (MS Excel 2003) Cantrell, Candice L. Wednesday = W 5/31-6/28 316 315 Plus 3 hours lab per day of class. Deadline to add: June 2; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 2 Units Transfer: CSU Advisory: CIS 105 F This course covers advanced worksheet topics using Microsoft Excel 2003 in Windows XP. Includes: designing, formatting, complex functions and charting. Advanced uses of databases, integration with other database products, and macros using Visual Basic are included. ONLINE COURSE: Plus 3 hours and 20 minutes lab time per week. All students must log into the course in WebCT, read the course syllabus, print the lecture notes titled “Intro to Excel Online,” and complete the directions in the lecture notes on how to send the instructor e-mail using the WebCT mail tool no later than Wednesday, June 7 to remain in the course. Contact the instructor for information regarding orientations, mandatory on-campus mid term and final exams. You may contact the instructor at: NOTE: The instructor will be available in the lab 3 hours and 20 minutes per week. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at as well as instructions for logging on to WebCT. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 9; To drop with “W”: July 10; To qualify for refund: June 3. Monday = M MW Plus 2 hours and 35 minutes lab per day of class. Deadline to add: July 5; To drop without “W”: July 5; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 3. Plus 3 hours lab per day of class. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: May 30. 30302 OL1 6:30- 9:20P Transfer: CSU This is an introductory course in designing Internet Web pages. Topics include using Web browsers, adding graphics to a Web page, linking multiple pages, using multimedia Web pages and using Web pages for advertising and marketing. Transfer: CSU This course introduces students to spreadsheet programs in the solution of problems related to business. Microsoft Excel 2003 for Windows XP is used to create, edit, save, graph, and print spreadsheets. A Microsoft Certified courseware textbook will be used to train students to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam. 30259 100 514 2 Units CIS 152 F Web Page Design II (HTML) 510 Deadline to add: July 6; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 5. CIS 105 F Spreadsheet I (MS Excel 2003) Wittman, Edward R. Deadline to add: June 2; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30349 101 514 Transfer: CSU This course is for anyone who has little or no experience on the Internet, but has a basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows. Students will learn how to connect to the Internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Students will also learn to perform searches, use FTP, Newsgroups, Email and create simple Web pages. • Plus 3 hours lab time per day of class 510 Uyeda, Eleanor M. 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 7/3-8/3 CIS 150 F Introduction to the Internet Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30253 003 Craig, Dale A. Deadline to add: July 6; To drop without “W”: July 10; To drop with “W”: July 26; To qualify for refund: July 5. Transfer: CSU A beginning course that introduces personal computer concepts and how to use Microsoft Office 2003. Students will learn how to use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the Internet in the Windows XP operating environment. • Plus 1 hour and 45 minutes lab per day of class. 30246 001 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 5/30-6/29 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30260 100 6:30- 8:55P TR 7/11-8/10 Troop, Jane E. Plus 2 hours and 35 minutes lab per day of class. Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 3; To qualify for refund: July 11. Thursday = R 33 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 314 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CIS 252 F Web Page Design III (HTML/JavaScript) CRN SEC TIME TR 7/11-8/10 Terry, Brenda A. 315 Purchase of a uniform and closed-toe shoes to meet department policies is required and must be approved by the department prior to purchase. COMPUTER SCIENCE CSCI 123 F Introduction to Program Concepts in C++ Cosmetology laboratory kits and Pivot Point and Milady books will be approximately $1,100. Other expenses totaling approximately $500 will be needed for materials during the 1600 hours required. Esthetician laboratory kits and book will be approximately $900 for the 600 required hours. Other expenses totaling approximately $500 will be needed for materials during the 600 hours required. 4 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: MATH 141 F or MATH 142 F or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better Advisory: READ 096 F or the recommended score for placement in READ 142 F on the Reading evaluation exam This course is an introduction to the basic principles of programming. Students will design algorithms, write internal and external documentation and write source code using C++. Object-oriented programming will be introduced. • Plus 2-1/2 hours per week arranged 6:00- 8:35P M T W R 6/26-8/9 Mai, Timothy T. Students must purchase the appropriate kit for the class they are enrolling in at the first class meeting. 706 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 31; To qualify for refund: June 28. COSM 043AF Advanced Makeup/Microdermabrasion 3 Units 31035 100 6:00- 9:20P TR 6/6-7/27 Quast, Gerald A. 710 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 8. 5:30-10:15 P MW 6/5-7/12 Molina, Rosa M. COSM 055AF Cosmetology: Level 1 Make Sure To Attend the First Class Meeting 711E 11 Units Level I Segment in the basic theory of Cosmetology and its applications; first of five segments. Pivot Point Member School. Must have 10th grade education. 30917 001 Attendance at the first meeting of a class is advised because of enrollment demands. Any student not reporting to the first class meeting may be dropped from the roster. Online 3 Units The above class requires that students purchase an Esthetician Lab Kit costing $600-2,000. This will ensure successful modular completion as well as success in the field. Students must purchase the kit, products, and materials applicable to each module. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 5. This course covers the contents of the most recent Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. 30180 100 W NE Prereq: COSM 042 F or COSM 055EF or a valid Esthetician or Cosmetology license Advisory: Completed 10th grade or its equivalent This course covers two modules in advanced esthetics training including theory and practical applications. Module One consists of advanced makeup using airbrush techniques and Module Two consists of Microdermabrasion techniques. • Non-degree credit • Students are required to purchase an airbrush machine. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY CSTR 032 F Uniform Plumbing Code ROOM Enrollment in Cosmetology and Esthetics, both day and evening programs, requires continuous attendance for the total number of program hours to become eligible for the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology examinations. Enrollment in only one licensure program at a time is allowed by the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 3; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30519 101 INSTRUCTOR COSMETOLOGY Advisory: CIS 152 F with a grade of “C” or better This class covers topics in advanced web page design. These include using style sheets, using dynamic HTML, working with Java and JavaScript, and managing large-scale websites. Students should have a working knowledge of HTML before taking this class. • Plus 2 hours and 35 minutes lab per day of class 6:30- 8:55P DATES BEG.-END. 2 Units Transfer: CSU 30263 100 DAYS 7:00- 4:30P M T W R 5/30-7/27 8:00- 5:30P M T W R Lopez, Connie C. Lopez, Connie C. 704 704 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. 30936 100 5:30-10:15P M T W R 5/30-7/27 Lopez, Connie C. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. Hybrid TeleWeb 34 Summer Success 704 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR COSM 055BF Cosmetology: Level 2 ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR COSM 055DF Cosmetology: Level 4 11 Units ROOM 11 Units Prereq: COSM 055AF with a grade of “C” or better Level 2 Segment in the basic theory of Cosmetology and its applications; second of five segments. Pivot Point Member School. Prereq: COSM 055CF with a grade of “C” or better Level 4 Segment in the basic theory of Cosmetology and its applications; fourth of five segments. Pivot Point Member School 30919 001 30925 001 7:00- 4:30P M T W R 5/30-7/27 8:00- 5:30P M T W R Ward, Carol L. Ward, Carol L. 702 702 The above class requires arranged hours. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. 30937 100 5:30-10:15P M T W R 5/30-7/27 Wright, Doris Wright, Doris 717 717 The above class requires arranged hours. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. Cebrian, Gayle D. 702 30939 100 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. COSM 055CF Cosmetology: Level 3 7:00- 4:30P M T W R 5/30-7/27 8:00- 5:30P M T W R 5:30-10:15P M T W R 5/30-7/27 Assef, Celia 711 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. COSM 055EF Cosmetology: Level 5 11 Units 11 Units Prereq: COSM 055BF with a grade of “C” or better Level 3 Segment in the basic theory of Cosmetology and its applications; third of five segments. Pivot Point Member School. Prereq: COSM 055DF with a grade of “C” or better Level 5 Segment in the basic theory of Cosmetology and its applications; fifth of five segments. Pivot Point Member School. 30921 001 30930 001 7:00- 4:30P M T W R 5/30-7/27 8:00- 5:30P M T W R Day, Glenda M. Day, Glenda M. 711 711 The above class requires arranged hours. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. 30938 100 5:30-10:15P M T W R 5/30-7/27 Assef, Celia 7:00- 4:30P M T W R 5/30-7/27 8:00- 5:30P M T W R Ward, Carol L. Ward, Carol L. The above class requires arranged hours. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. 711 30940 100 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. 5:30-10:15P M T W R 5/30-7/27 Assef, Celia Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. COLLEGE SUMMER SUCCESS PROGRAM “Helping You Take the First Step” What is the College Summer Success Program? This is a unique designed program developed to ease first-time and returning college students’ transition into Fullerton College. Participants will complete 1.5 transferable units in two weeks! Students will learn how to: • Develop the academic skills necessary for college success • Plan, select and schedule college courses • Acquire detailed information about graduation and transfer requirements • Build self-confidence needed for college life • Program Materials will be provided (your books will be paid for!) What are the dates and times of the Program? Monday through Thursday, June 26–July 11 — 9 am–12 noon How does the Program work? Students must enroll in two linked courses. Counseling 144 F is linked with Counseling 140 F. COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self-Confidence — (1) Unit M–Th 9–10:50 am COUN 140 F Educational Planning (0.5 Units) M–Th 11am–12 noon For more information, contact the Title V Office at (714) 992-7772, or stop by Room 516 Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W 701 701 Thursday = R 35 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 711 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR COSM 060 F Instruction to Techniques/Cosmetology ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 7:00- 5:30P M 5/30-7/27 Cebrian, Gayle D. AND 704 30338 SS2 11:00-11:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 30343 SS3 11:00-11:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 Vincent, Susan M. 30344 SS4 11:00-11:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 1:20- 3:20P M T W R 7/10-7/20 Castro, Maria F. 121 9:00-11:50A TR 8/1-8/17 Armani, Behnoosh 323 Castro, Maria F. 325 1 Unit Transfer: CSU Introduction to a career decision-making process including self-evaluation and world of work. Values, interests, skills, personality/temperament and goals are related to appropriate and realistic occupational and career choices. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 127 30558 001 10:40-12:40P M T W R 7/24-8/3 Reyes, Joe S. 1 Unit 30559 002 10:40-12:40P M T W R 7/24-8/3 Campos, Joanna C. 125 The above class is for students participating in EOPS/CARE. Deadline to add: July 25; To drop without “W”: July 25; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 24. 30560 100 6:00- 8:00P M T W R 7/24-8/3 Do, Field T. The above class is for students participating in EOPS/CARE. Deadline to add: July 25; To drop without “W”: July 25; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 24. 121 Deadline to add: Aug 1; To drop without “W”: Aug 1; To drop with “W”: Aug 15; To qualify for refund: Aug 1. Apply and Register ONLINE Online application and registration available now at! Online 2026 The above class is for students participating in EOPS/CARE. Deadline to add: July 25; To drop without “W”: July 25; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 24. A concise practical course presenting concepts and strategies for student success. Topics include: time management, goal setting, memory, reading, note taking, testing and college resources. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30451 001 313 Lee, Scott COUN 141 F Career Exploration 125 The above class is for students participating in EOPS/CARE. Deadline to add: July 11; To drop without “W”: July 11; To drop with “W”: July 18; To qualify for refund: July 10. COUN 060 F Academic Success and College Survival Combs, Jennifer E. For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 144 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. The above class is for students participating in EOPS/CARE. Deadline to add: July 11; To drop without “W”: July 11; To drop with “W”: July 18; To qualify for refund: July 10. 30557 002 311 For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 144 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. The above class is for students participating in EOPS/CARE. Deadline to add: July 11; To drop without “W”: July 11; To drop with “W”: July 18; To qualify for refund: July 10. 30556 001 10:40-12:40P M T W R 7/10-7/20 Dominguez, Elias G. For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 144 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. Satisfies the California Community College Matriculation requirements of assessment, orientation and counseling/advising. Requirements for associate degrees, certificates, university transfer are presented as well as academic policies/regulations and campus resources. For additional information, call (714) 992-7536. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY Reyes, Joe S. ROOM For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 144 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. 1 Unit 30469 003 10:40-12:40P M T W R 7/10-7/20 INSTRUCTOR 0.5 Units 30066 SS1 11:00-11:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 GUIDANCE COUN 050 F College Orientation DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU Overview of graduation and transfer requirements, campus policies and resources. Includes the development of an educational plan. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY The above class requires arranged hours. Section 001: Arranged hours for summer session only. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 1. COUNSELING DAYS COUN 140 F Educational Planning 15 Units Prereq: COSM 051AF, COSM 051BF, COSM 051CF, COSM 051DF with a “B” average or better. This is a course for licensed cosmetologists in preparation for the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology teacher’s exam and continuing Cosmetology Instructor Trainee students. Valid California cosmetology license. Verified work experience as a cosmetologist in a licensed cosmetology establishment. Minimum of five years experience, one year of which is within the last two years. Pivot Point Member school. • No new students accepted during Summer Session 30934 001 SEC TIME Hybrid TeleWeb 36 Summer Success 2026 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self Confidence CRN 9:00-10:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 Dominguez, Elias G. 30715 OL2 9:00-10:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 311 Combs, Jennifer E. 313 9:00-10:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 Lee, Scott 9:00-10:50A M T W R 6/26-7/11 323 Castro, Maria F. 30573 010 9:00- 2:20P 30611 030 325 7/10-8/9 Sanabria, Rolando E. 30642 110 TR 5/30-6/29 Combs, Jennifer E. 6:00- 9:50P MTR 7/10-8/10 Beilke, Ines T. 5/30-7/2 30574 010 Tuesday = T 30612 030 9:00-11:10A MTW 7/10-8/9 Nazarenko, Larissa V. 1238 6:00- 8:20P TWR 6/6-7/6 Whalen, Kathleen A. 1238 1 Unit 8:00-10:20A MTW 6/5-7/6 Jones, Alyson L. 1202 9:00-11:10A MTW 7/10-8/9 Nazarenko, Larissa V. 1238 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 1013 DANC 107 F Modern Dance I 311 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Course designed for developing a sensitivity to the use of body movement, space, and time for creative expression. Course may be taken twice for credit. 1013 30607 010 11:00- 1:10P MWR 6/5-7/6 Nazarenko, Larissa V. 1238 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 7. Storm, Barbara A. Wednesday = W 1202 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ONLINE CLASS: Students Must Attend One Mandatory 1 hour Orientation Session: May 30, 2006 2-3 pm in Room 901B, or May 31, 2006 8:30-9:30 am or 5-6 pm in Room 901B. Late arrivals not admitted. Students MUST obtain a FREE computer lab account from an ACT Computer Lab (located in the 300, 500, and 900 buildings) prior to orientation. NOTE: Students who do not attend may be dropped from the course. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 1. Monday = M Jones, Alyson L. Transfer: CSU Prereq: DANC 105 F The course is designed to continue the ballet training of the dance student. The class includes work on more advanced techniques at the barre and center floor and more advanced adagio and allegro. Course may be taken twice for credit. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30714 OL1 6/5-7/6 DANC 106 F Ballet II Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: May 30. 30453 100 MTW Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. 30164 002 12:30- 5:50P 8:00-10:20A Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 3 Units MW 1 Unit Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU For students who are undecided about their major or in career transition. An in depth analysis of values, interests, abilities and personality; includes goal setting, career research and job search techniques. Hybrid sections of this course meet on campus regularly the first part of the semester, providing the opportunity to learn step by step how to access Internet resources for educational/career planning, to work in person with a career counselor, utilize campus resources, and build Internet skills. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30454 001 Combs, Jennifer E. ROOM Transfer: CSU, UC Dance technique and body position; explains basic ballet, vocabulary, barre and center floor work. Course may be taken twice for credit. For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 140 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. COUN 151 F Career/Life Planning 5/30-7/2 DANC 105 F Ballet I For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 140 F. For more info, call (714) 992.7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. 30361 SS5 INSTRUCTOR DANCE For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 140 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. 30347 SS4 DATES BEG.-END. ONLINE CLASS: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: Tuesday, May 30, 10:30 am-12 noon, in Room 901B, OR Wednesday, May 31, 6:30-8 pm in Room 901B. Plan your future. Students are required to use both the Transfer and Career and Life Planning Centers on campus once for this course, during open hours. Updated information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 1. For students participating in the College Summer Success Program. Students must also enroll in COUN 140 F. For more info, call (714) 992-7523. Deadline to add: June 27; To drop without “W”: June 27; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 26. 30346 SS3 DAYS COUN 151 F continued: 1 Unit Transfer: CSU For students in search of a direction in education, career or personal life. This course aids in understanding the concepts that contribute to motivation and the development of self-confidence. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30049 SS1 SEC TIME 30613 030 12:00- 2:10P MTW 7/10-8/9 Nazarenko, Larissa V. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Thursday = R 37 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 1238 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM DANC 108 F Modern Dance II CRN SEC TIME MWR 6/5-7/6 Nazarenko, Larissa V. ESC 100 F Physical Geology 1238 MTW 7/10-8/9 Nazarenko, Larissa V. 1238 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30283 004 DANC 111 F Jazz I 1 Unit MTW 7/10-8/9 Garcia, Rosa M. 3:30- 5:50P MTW 6/5-7/5 Garcia, Rosa M. 1238 1238 1 Unit 3:00- 5:10P MTW 7/10-8/9 Garcia, Rosa M. 3:30- 5:50P MTW 6/5-7/5 Garcia, Rosa M. 1238 6:00- 9:40P ESC 116 F Astronomy 1 Unit MW 7/10-8/9 Walker, Lateesa L. 7:00-10:50P MW 5/31-6/28 Walker, Lateesa L. 7:00-10:15P 30228 001 7:00- 9:40P 1:30- 3:50P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Geier, Montserrat P. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 1242 1 Unit WebStar Registration TR 6/6-7/6 Hendrix, Jeffrey G. Starting May 10 Monday – Friday ...................................7:00 am – 11:30 pm Saturday ...............................................7:00 am – 6:00 pm Click on “WebStar Online Registration” 1242 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30655 120 Staff TR 7/11-8/10 Hendrix, Jeffrey G. 1238 Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 3; To qualify for refund: July 11. Online 414 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Transfer: CSU, UC This class introduces basic technical skills of various social dance forms such as swing, salsa, tango, and waltz. Designed for students with no dance experience as well as those wanting to learn diverse social dance forms. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3.6 hours per week arranged with instructor 30654 100 3 Units 30229 002 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/10 1238 Deadline to add: June 2; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. DANC 116 F Social Dance 629 Transfer: CSU, UC An introduction to the concepts of astronomy with emphasis on the historical development of astronomy, understanding starlight, the solar system, the lifecycle of stars, black holes and the expanding universe. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. 30640 100 Lozinsky, Richard P. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Students will learn various forms of beginning hip-hop dancing and acquire a basic history of hip hop dancing. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3.6 hours per week arranged 30641 110 Willis, Marc A. 1 Unit 30285 004 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1238 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 5. DANC 115 F Hip Hop Dance I 7/10-8/13 CAN GEOL 2 (ESC 100 + 100L) Transfer: CSU, UC Coreq: ESC 100 F This laboratory compliments the ESC 100 F course. Includes identification of minerals and rocks, interpretation of topographic maps and geologic folios, land forms and rock structures. Field Trips may be taken. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30639 005 413 ESC 100LF Physical Geology Lab Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: DANC 111 F Explores timing, phrasing, and body line and other elements of movement of jazz form. Course may be taken twice for credit. 30584 010 Lozinsky, Richard P. ONLINE CLASS: During the FIRST WEEK of semester, students MUST go to, read the course guidelines (click on GEOLOGY ONLINE link), log into WebCT, and complete the first quiz or they will be dropped as a “no show.” Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 17; To drop with “W”: Aug 4; To qualify for refund: July 13. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 5. DANC 112 F Jazz II 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 30284 OL3 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30638 005 3 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Acquaints students with basic principles of movement necessary for dance expression. Course may be taken twice for credit. 3:00- 5:10P ROOM CAN GEOL 2 (ESC 100 + 100L) CAN GEOL 6 Transfer: CSU, UC This introductory course explores the physical composition of the earth and those processes that modify its surface. Topics include earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, flooding, beach processes and plate tectonics. Field trips may be taken. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 7. 30583 010 INSTRUCTOR EARTH SCIENCES Prereq: DANC 107 F This course is designed to give more advanced experiences in skill techniques and compositional factors and devices. Individual and group choreography are incorporated into class structure. Course may be taken twice for credit. 30614 030 12:00- 2:10P DATES BEG.-END. 1 Unit Transfer: CSU 30608 010 11:00- 1:10P DAYS Hybrid TeleWeb 38 Summer Success 414 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ESC 130 F Introduction to Oceanography ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 8:00-10:20A M T W R 6/5-7/6 8:00-10:20A MTWRF 7/10-8/10 Staff 6/5-7/9 Staff 7/10-8/13 30224 001 Chamberlin, William S. S 6/10-7/1 8:00- 4:45P S 7/15-8/5 Staff 30227 002 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 30226 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Chan, Wai 122 Mummery, Francis D. 715 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ECON 102HF Honors Principles of Economics — Macro 422 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This course is concerned with the overall economic performance of the United States, with special emphasis on the role of government, business cycles, and fiscal and monetary policy. 422 31015 HN1 1:30- 3:50P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Mummery, Francis D. HONORS CLASS: Before registering for the above class, contact the Honors Counselor, Karyn Nguyen (714) 992-7047, or the Office of Special Programs (714) 992-7783. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ESC 198DF 1 Unit Geology of the Owens Valley — Mammoth Lakes Area Transfer: CSU This course covers field study of geologic features and processes in the Owens Valley — Mammoth Lakes area. The course usually involves overnight camping and light to moderate hiking. 6/14-6/18 3 Units Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: July 15; To drop without “W”: July 15; To drop with “W”: July 29; To qualify for refund: July 15. 30485 800 122 CAN ECON 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ECON 101 F This course is concerned with the overall performance of the United States, with special emphasis on government, business cycles, and fiscal and monetary policy. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in ECON 102HF. Deadline to add: June 10; To drop without “W”: June 10; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 10. 30482 801 119 Chan, Wai ECON 102 F Principles of Economics — Macro 1 Unit Staff Mummery, Francis D. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Transfer: CSU, UC Coreq: ESC 130 F The course includes field studies of a variety of marine habitats and processes and instruction in oceanographic research techniques. Includes field trips. 8:00- 4:45P 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 30225 002 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Chamberlin, William S. ESC 130LF Introduction to Oceanography: Field Experience 3 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. ONLINE CLASS: During the FIRST WEEK of semester, students MUST go to, read the course guidelines (click on ONLINE OCEANOGRAPHY link), and complete the first quiz or they will be dropped as a “no show.” Please note that we DO NOT USE WebCT in this course. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 17; To drop with “W”: Aug 4; To qualify for refund: July 13. 30481 800 ROOM CAN ECON 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course emphasizes the role of the individual as consumer, the firm as producer, and the government as referee in a market economy. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in ECON 101HF. 615 ONLINE CLASS: During the FIRST WEEK of semester, students MUST go to, read the course guidelines (click on ONLINE OCEANOGRAPHY link), and complete the first quiz or they will be dropped as a “no show.” Please note that we DO NOT USE WebCT in this course. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: June 30; To qualify for refund: June 7. 30221 OL2 INSTRUCTOR ECON 101 F Principles of Economics — Micro 615 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30220 OL1 DATES BEG.-END. ECONOMICS Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30219 002 DAYS 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This course provides a survey of the geological, physical, chemical and biological principles and processes of oceanography, including interactions of humans with the marine environment. Includes some online work. 30218 001 SEC TIME Lozinsky, Richard P. WebStar Help Line Deadline to add: June 14; To drop without “W”: June 14; To drop with “W”: June 17; To qualify for refund: June 14. May 10 – June 2 Monday – Thursday ...............................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday .....................................................8:00 am – 2:00 pm Friday, May 26 only................................8:00 am – 4:00 pm Starting June 5 Verify Your Enrollment Monday – Thursday ...............................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday ....................................................................CLOSED You can verify your class schedule throughout the term by accessing WebStar. Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W (714) 992-7777 • Thursday = R 39 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 125 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN ENGL 059 F Developmental Writing 4 Units Magee, Bruce 30053 015 30092 011 Smith, Geoffrey S. 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 6/26-8/2 Miller, Ricki L. 30099 016 30144 013 7:25-10:30A M T W R 5/30-7/6 30171 014 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/12 Smith, Geoffrey S. 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/26-8/2 Gebhard, Tiffany D. Ruiz, Rosalinda M. Aquino, Lloyd D. 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 5/30-7/6 Nave, Marquis R. 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 6/26-8/2 McKennon, Anna L. 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/26-8/2 527 Quirk, Shawn C. 7:25-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/15 1027 Thompson, Priscilla R. 1129 Kiszely, Elizabeth M. 1129 Stokes, Sheilah M. 527 Quirk, Shawn C. 30157 043 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/26-8/2 1027 Ayad, Nada Y. 622A Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30174 045 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 7/10-8/15 Silvey, Kathryn D. 526 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: July 11. 1129 30712 121 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 5/30-7/6 Trujillo, Tamara L. 527 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: May 31. 727B 30166 122 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 6/26-8/2 Mitchell-Foust, Michelle L. 526N Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 626 30181 123 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 7/10-8/15 Barraza, Gregory 1129 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: July 11. 727B ENGL 102 F Introduction to Literature 626 3 Units CAN ENGL 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ENGL 100 F or ENGL 100HF with a grade of “C” or better Drama, poetry and fiction are the subject matter of this course introducing literary forms. Students read, analyze, critique and write about literature. Critical approaches to literature are studied too. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in ENGL 102HF. 1129 727B Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. Online Powers, Miguel D. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30163 122 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/12 30156 044 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/26-8/2 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30070 121 523 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30154 042 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/26-8/2 Kiszely, Elizabeth M. 30125 042 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/12 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30121 041 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/12 725B Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30140 013 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/12 30124 041 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/12 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30088 012 Tellefsen, Blythe A. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: July 11. 725B 4 Units Fouquette, Danielle A. 7:25-10:30A M T W R 5/30-7/6 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 725B Prereq: Recommended score on the English placement test or credit in ENGL 059 F Advisory: The English Dept recommends concurrent enrollment in READ 096 F Designed for native speakers of English. This course prepares you for College Writing by teaching the expository writing, thinking and editing skills needed to begin ENGL 100 F. Students will also review English fundamentals and analyze professional essays. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30041 011 3 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 622A Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. ENGL 060 F Prep for College Writing ROOM Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30161 121 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: May 31. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30119 041 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/12 DATES BEG.-END. CAN ENGL 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: Recommended score on the English placement test or credit in ENGL 060 F or credit in ESL 186 F Advisory: The English Dept. recommends concurrent enrollment in READ 142 F Develops the reading, critical thinking and writing skills that lead to academic success. The class focuses on expository writing and research/documentation skills. Students who receive credit in this course cannot receive credit in ENGL 100HF. Prereq: Recommended score on the English placement test or credit in ENGL 039 F Advisory: The English Department recommends concurrent enrollment in READ 056 F Designed for native speakers of English. If you need to develop your basic writing, reading and thinking skills, this course is for you. It focuses on effective paragraph, and short essay writing, and improves your sentence, reading, thinking and study skills. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/12 DAYS ENGL 100 F College Writing ENGLISH 30082 011 SEC TIME 30103 021 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Stanger, Claudia S. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Hybrid TeleWeb 40 Summer Success 529 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ENGL 103 F Critical Reasoning and Writing ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ENGL 103HF Honors Critical Reasoning and Writing 3 Units ROOM 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ENGL 100 F or ENGL 100HF with a grade of “C” or better Develops critical thinking, reading and writing beyond the level achieved in ENGL 100 F. The course will focus on developing analytical and argumentative writing skills as well as development of logical reasoning. Students who receive credit in this course cannot receive credit in ENGL 103HF. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ENGL 100 F or ENGL 100HF, both with a grade of “C” or better This is an enhanced section of ENGL 103 F using a seminar format. The class will develop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills beyond ENGL 100HF, using analytical and argumentative writing skills as well as logical reasoning. Students who receive credit for this course may not receive credit in ENGL 103 F. 30107 021 30114 HN1 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Mayfield, Philip F. 526 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30151 022 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/26-7/27 Richards, Heather R. 2027 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30173 023 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Mejia, Lance A. Mayfield, Philip F. ENGL 221 F American Literature to the Civil War 526 Powers, Miguel D. 526N Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30132 043 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Levesque, Richard G. 737 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30159 044 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Eisner, Douglas J. 30133 041 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Moore, Sacha R. 526 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30713 122 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Carman, Jeffrey M. Carrithers, Joseph E. If you have problems enrolling in the above class, please contact the counseling division at (714) 992-7010, or the instructor at (714) 992-7293 or e-mail, or come to the first class meeting. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 523 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30139 121 3 Units CAN ENGL 10 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ENGL 100 F or ENGL 100HF with a grade of “C” or better Advisory: ENGL 102 F or ENGL 102HF In this course you will investigate key American writers from the beginnings to the late 19th century: such as Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Douglass, Thoreau, and Whitman, as well as Dickinson, Stowe, Alcott, and Wharton. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30177 042 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 529 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W 526N 725B Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30128 041 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Carrithers, Joseph E. HONORS CLASS: Before registering for the above class, contact the Honors Counselor, Karyn Nguyen (714) 992-7047, or the Office of Special Programs (714) 992-7783. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Thursday = R 41 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 529 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME ENGLISH DAYS AS A DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 3 Units 8:15-10:30A M T W R 6/26-8/2 Oleksyn, Urszula M. 30137 100 6:30- 9:35P TR 6/6-7/13 Oleksyn, Urszula M. 734 2 Units This course is for ESL students at an intermediate level of oral expression and pronunciation. It provides instruction in developing language fluency and style. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY This course is designed for intermediate ESL students who need to strengthen their grammatical skills in reading and writing. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY Hui, Arthur M. ROOM 2 Units ESL 048 F Intermediate American English Pronunciation 737 3 Units 30135 001 10:40-12:55P M T W R 6/5-7/12 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 29; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. ESL 035 F Intermediate English Grammar DATES BEG.-END. Designed for students at an intermediate level, this course will improve conversational speaking and listening skills on a variety of everyday topics. Suitable for students with an intermediate skill level. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY This course is designed for beginning ESL students who need a basic introduction to English grammar. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30134 001 DAYS ESL 046 F Intermediate Conversation SECOND L ANGUAGE ESL 025 F Basic English Grammar SEC TIME 30138 100 6:30- 9:20P MW 6/5-7/12 Lynch, Charlotte L. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 5. 734 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, ENGLISH, AND READING COURSE SEQUENCES Recommended Courses for ESL Students* Elective Courses for ADVANCED students: ESL 056 F — Conversation ESL 058 F — Pronunciation ESL 045 F — Grammar ESL 049 F — Academic Vocabulary Elective Courses for INTERMEDIATE students: ESL 046 F — Conversation ESL 048 F — Pronunciation ESL 035 F — Grammar ESL 029 F — Idiomatic Expressions ESL 039 F — Vocabulary Expansion ESL 050 F — Workplace English Elective Courses for BEGINNING students: ESL 036 F — Conversation ESL 038 F — Pronunciation ESL 025 F — Grammar ESL 047 F — Study Skills READ 165 F ADV VOCAB/ POWER READING READ 142 F COLLEGE READING READ 133 F RAPID READING ENGLISH 100 F Freshman Composition ESL 186 F Composition & Research ENGLISH 060 F Preparation for College Writing READING 096 F Preparation for College Reading ESL 185 F Reading & Essay Writing ENGLISH 059 F Developmental Writing READING 056 F Developmental Reading ESL 184 F Reading & Short Essay Writing ENGLISH 039 F Basic Writing READING 036 F Basic Reading Recommended Courses for Reading Students READING 127 F COLLEGE STUDY SKILLS To be taken with READ 096 F or READ 142 F READING 027 F BASIC STUDY SKILLS To be taken with READ 036 F or READ 056 F ESL 083 F Reading & Expository Paragraph Writing ESL 082 F Reading & Paragraph Writing ESL 081 F Reading & Basic Writing ESL 080 F Oral & Written English ACADEMIC ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING REMEDIATION/ DEVELOPMENT COMPASS COMPASS READING REMEDIATION/ DEVELOPMENT COMPASS (refer to: READING section of this schedule) *Elective course offerings vary by semester Online Hybrid TeleWeb 42 Summer Success 734 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. ■ INSTRUCTOR ROOM ESL 083 F High Intermediate Reading and Writing for Students of American English 5 Units SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 CRN 7:55-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/27 Martin, Karen A. 7:55-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/27 Wickman, Monica D. 734 30204 001 5 Units 30206 002 6:30- 9:05P M T W R 6/5-7/27 Seidel, Marlo A. Luther, Barbara J. Morris, Tom E. 735 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/10 30207 001 10:40- 2:40P M T W R 6/5-6/15 Snyder, Lisa D. 5 Units 30208 002 10:40- 2:40P M T W R 7/10-7/20 1 Unit Hobbs, Royden J. Hobbs, Royden J. 422 ETHNIC STUDIES 735 ETHS 130 F History of African Americans in the US 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This survey course examines the Black American experience from its African roots to the present day. Special emphasis is placed on the human experience as it relates to the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic make-up of American society and culture. 5 Units 30932 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Bridges, Ernest L. 125 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. ETHS 141 F Chicano/Chicana History 735 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This course provides the student with social and cultural roots of the Mestizo, tracing history from their indigenous and Spanish beginnings to the present. Lopez, Adela G. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Wednesday = W 422 Deadline to add: July 11; To drop without “W”: July 11; To drop with “W”: July 18; To qualify for refund: July 10. 30933 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Tuesday = T 417 Deadline to add: June 6; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: June 13; To qualify for refund: June 5. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 7. Monday = M 417 Transfer: CSU, UC Coreq: ENVS 105 F This is a field-oriented biology course for non-science majors. This course trains students to become more observant of their natural surroundings. Adaptations and ecological principles are stressed. Students take many field trips to local natural areas involving a lot of walking; includes some nature trails. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ESL Skills Evaluation or ESL 185 F with a grade of “C” or better For advanced students of English, this course provides preparation for collegelevel essay writing, critical thinking, academic reading and basic research skills with some review of English grammar. Fulfills prerequisite for ENGL 100 F option. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30148 001 10:40- 1:15P M T W R 6/5-7/27 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 ENVS 105LF Environmental Biology Lab Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 7. ESL 186 F Composition: Students of American English 3 Units Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ESL Skills Evaluation or completion of ESL 184 F with a grade of “C” or better This course is for advanced students of English. It focuses on academic reading, critical thinking, and essay writing, with some review of English grammar. • Plus 30 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30145 001 ROOM Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 7. ESL 185 F Advanced Reading and Writing for Students of American English INSTRUCTOR Transfer: CSU, UC A biology course for non-science majors. This course uses core biological principles to reveal and explain the planet’s environment. It also explores the biological connections for current environmental topics such as global warming, pollution, and mass extinctions. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: ESL Skills Evaluation or completion of ESL 083 F with a grade of “C” or better This course is for advanced students of English. It focuses on academic reading, critical thinking and short essay writing, along with advanced grammatical concepts. • Plus 30 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30142 001 DATES BEG.-END. ENVS 105 F Environmental Biology Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 7. ESL 184 F Low Advanced English for Non-Native Speakers of English DAYS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Prereq: ESL Skills Evaluation or credit in ESL 082 F This course is for high-intermediate students of English. It provides instruction in critical reading and expository paragraph development. Application of grammar concepts, sentence variety, and vocabulary development are emphasized. The course offers continuing practice in listening and speaking skills. • Plus 30 minutes arranged lab per class session • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30141 001 SEC TIME Thursday = R 43 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 122 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME FRENCH DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ROOM HISTORY HIST 110 F Western Civilization NEW Intensive French Language Program 3 Units CAN HIST 2 Transfer: CSU, UC A study of western civilization from prehistoric times through the 16th century, e.g., Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation societies. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. Students enroll in both classes and complete one year of French in two consecutive 5-week sessions! 30959 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Walker, John T. 122 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. FREN 101 F Elementary French I 5 Units HIST 111HF Honors Western Civilization CAN FREN 2 Transfer: CSU, UC This course emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced to the culture and history of the French-speaking countries. • Plus 45 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30045 001 8:30-12:55P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Caudill, Arnold D. Transfer: CSU, UC This course is an examination of western civilization, 17th century to the present, including development of modern society, science, arts, industry, human rights, democracy, warfare, political and economic systems. HIST 110 F or HIST 110HF Western Civilization is NOT a prerequisite. 318 30956 HN1 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. FREN 102 F Elementary French II 5 Units 8:30-12:55P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Vornicel-Guthmann, V. M. Balci, Tamer HIST 112 F World Civilizations 3 Units CAN HIST 14 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a survey of the civilizations of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, China, Japan and the Americas, from the earliest times to AD 1550. Students who receive credit in this course may NOT receive credit in HIST 112HF Honors World Civilizations. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 318 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30292 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Negus, Anne L. GEOG 100 F Global Geography 30293 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 3 Units 6/5-7/6 Smith, Peggy J. Negus, Anne L. 30957 100 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Mande, Anupama G. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 117 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Online 123 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course investigates the world’s geographical regions and their interrelationships. This is accomplished in the context of population, migration, economic, social, political, and cultural spatial patterns and dynamics. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in GEOG/100HF Honors Global Geography. MTWR 3 Units CAN HIST 16 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a survey of the civilizations of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, China, Japan, and the Americas from AD 1550 to the present. Students who receive credit in this course may NOT receive credit in HIST 113HF Honors World Civilization. GEOGRAPHY 7:50-10:30A 123 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. HIST 113 F World Civilizations 31027 001 1125 HONORS CLASS: Before registering for the above class, contact the Honors Counselor, Karyn Nguyen (714) 992-7047, or the Office of Special Programs (714) 992-7783. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. CAN FREN 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: FREN 101 F with a grade of “C” or better or one year of high school French with a grade of “C” or better This course continues to emphasize the acquisition of basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will increase their knowledge of the French-speaking countries. • Plus 45 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30048 001 3 Units Hybrid TeleWeb 44 Summer Success 1125 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR HIST 127 F Survey of American History ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 See, Roger W. 724A 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Wan, Peter P. 119 Farrington, Brenda G. 121 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. HIST 170 F History of the United States REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS REGISTRATION: Membership or eligibility for membership in the Honors Program 3 Units CAN HIST 8 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a survey of U.S. history from pre-Columbian beginnings to Reconstruction. Students who receive credit in this course may NOT receive credit in HIST 170HF Honors History of the United States. 30304 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Gunther, Vanessa A. 31015 ECON 102HF Honors Principles of Economics — Macro 6/5–7/6 MTWR 1:30–3:50 pm Mummery 125 121 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30301 002 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Douglas, Leslie A. 30114 ENGL 103HF Honors Critical Reasoning and Writing 6/5–7/6 MTWR 8–10:30 am Carrithers 526N 117 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30958 100 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Meyer, Susan M. 123 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. HIST 171 F History of the United States 30956 HIST 111HF Honors Western Civilization 7/10–8/9 MTWR 10:40 am–1:20 pm Balci 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 For more information on the Honors Program, contact the Honors Counselors, Sunshine Vidal (714) 992-7525, Karyn Nguyen (714) 992-7047, or contact Cynthia Wafer in the Honors Office (714) 992-7783. You can also visit our website at Moffatt, Scott J. 123 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30308 002 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1125 3 Units CAN HIST 10 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a survey of American history from post-Civil War Reconstruction to the present time. Students who receive credit in this course may NOT receive credit in HIST 171HF Honors History of the United States. 30960 001 ROOM • Transfer benefits to UC and other 4-year universities • Smaller classes • Student-oriented instruction • Honors designation on transcripts Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30299 100 INSTRUCTOR HONORS CLASSES Summer 2006 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30297 002 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 DATES BEG.-END. 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a survey of American history from the colonial foundations to the present time. 30296 001 DAYS Moffatt, Scott J. 121 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30305 100 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Reins, Thomas D. 515 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. HIST 270 F Women in United States History ITALIAN 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This course is a history of women in the United States from colonial times to the contemporary era; emphasis on gender issues and women’s role in social and political reform. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. 31028 001 10:40- 1:20P MTWR 7/10-8/9 Teipe, Emily J. ITAL 101 F Elementary Italian I 5 Units Transfer: CSU, UC This course emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students are introduced to the culture and history of Italy. • Plus 40 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 731 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30050 100 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/26-8/3 Taar, Mireille Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W Thursday = R 45 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 523 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME JAPANESE 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/26-8/3 Ikenushi, Masako All Math courses with prerequisites (except for MATH 010 F) will be checked electronically. Students who have not successfully completed the prerequisite course (with grade of “C” or better) will be blocked from enrolling in the next course. If you are a transfer student coming from another university or community college (except Cypress), please have an official or unofficial copy of your transcripts available for a counselor to clear you for the established prerequisites. Fullerton College counselors are available in the 2000 building on the 2nd floor. Hours are Mon–Thurs, 8 am–7 pm. Phone: (714) 992-7010. 520 Takamatsu, Hisako 736 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. JAPN 102 F Elementary Japanese II 5 Units CAN JAPN 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: JAPN 101 F with a grade of “C” or better or one year of high school Japanese with a grade of “C” or better. Continues to emphasize the acquisition of basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will increase their knowledge of Japan. • Plus 40 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30059 100 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/26-8/3 Koike, Mariko MATH 010 F Basic Mathematics 311 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30102 002 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 3 Units MATH 015 F Pre-Algebra CAN JOUR 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: Eligibility for ENGL 100 F An introduction to journalistic writing and reporting for print and other media. 1401 Seidel, Jay D. 722A 30040 001 JOUR 110 F Mass Media Survey 7:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 McQueen, Deborah E. 616 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 3 Units 30015 002 CAN JOUR 4 Transfer: CSU, UC A look at the mass media and its impact on society. Topics to be covered include: books, newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, television, film, and the Internet. Kitchell, Darrell E. 4 Units Prereq: MATH 010 F with a grade of “C” or better, or math skills clearance An intensive review of the fundamentals of arithmetic, and an introduction to algebra, including: operations on signed numbers, ratio, proportion and percentages, variable expressions, geometry, polynomials, and graphing. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Calculators will be required for selected topics. • Non-degree credit The above section requires 16 hours arranged. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 8:00-10:20A M T W R 6/26-7/27 Zandy, Bernard V. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. JOUR 101 F Reporting and Writing 30199 001 4 Units A review of the fundamentals of arithmetic, including whole number arithmetic, fractions, decimals, percent, estimation, equations and applied problems. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Calculators will be required for selected topics • Non-degree credit JOURNALISM 30196 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 ROOM * EFFECTIVE SUMMER 2006 * Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30056 100 INSTRUCTOR 5 Units CAN JAPN 2 Transfer: CSU, UC This course emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced to the culture and history of Japan. • Plus 40 minutes arranged lab per class session • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 6:55-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/13 DATES BEG.-END. MATHEMATICS JAPN 101 F Elementary Japanese I 30054 001 DAYS 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Farnham, Paul T. 1403 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30008 003 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 2304 Greenhalgh, Mark 621 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30100 004 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Judy, Richard M. 618 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30080 101 MARKETING Online 6:30-10:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Feiner, Henri Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. (see Business Management) Hybrid TeleWeb 46 Summer Success 623 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR MATH 020 F Elementary Algebra ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 7:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Klassen, Kelly J. 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 McQueen, Deborah E. 1403 30006 001 Nguyen, Gregory V. 1404 30019 002 1404 Claassen, Mareike S. 618 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1404 30020 004 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Nguyen, Gregory V. 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 30104 006 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 6:30-10:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 618 30074 007 Kang, Sunny 708 30106 008 30010 101 4 Units 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Crocoll, Allan B. Farnham, Paul T. Kang, Sunny 30085 103 Cho, Leonard Y. 30366 102 Taguchi, Tanomo 624 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Farnham, Paul T. 618 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Crocoll, Allan B. 616 6:30-10:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Ries, Richard S. 615 6:30-10:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Judy, Richard M. 624 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Claassen, Mareike S. 616 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 618 MATH 100 F Liberal Arts Mathematics 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: MATH 040 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This is a survey course with selected topics from the history and development of arithmetic, patterns and inductive reasoning, set theory and deductive reasoning, the real number system, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics and problem solving. • Calculators will be required for selected topics. Mathematics Due to high student demand for mathematics courses at Fullerton College, the Mathematics and Computer Science Division has established the following policy: Students may be dropped from a course due to excessive repetitions with the following combination of grades: 1. Any combination of two or more D’s or F’s. 2. One D or one F in combination with two W’s. 3. Three or more W’s. Appeals must be filed with the Division Dean. 30044 001 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Greenhalgh, Mark 617 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30094 002 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Diaz, Roberto P. 617 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30096 004 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Diaz, Roberto P. 617 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30084 101 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Shah, Ketan K. 617 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30030 102 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Shah, Ketan K. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Wednesday = W 1403 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Excessive Repetition Policy Tuesday = T 1403 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Monday = M 624 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Prereq: MATH 020 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course is an introduction to Euclidean geometry. It includes theorems and proofs, sets, congruent and similar polygons, circles, geometric constructions, areas, volumes, geometric loci, elementary logic and deductive reasoning. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Calculators will be required for selected topics. 30116 102 715 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. MATH 030 F Plane Geometry Zandy, Bernard V. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30013 101 1401 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 617 Taguchi, Tanomo Riley, David G. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30112 006 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 30037 005 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30069 007 7:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30027 004 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 4 Units 30060 003 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Huerta, Nicolas N. ROOM Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30055 003 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30058 005 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 DATES BEG.-END. Prereq: MATH 020 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course includes at an intermediate level: factoring, exponents, radicals, rational expressions, functions and graphs, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, logarithms and conic sections. Scientific calculators will be used for selected topics. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Calculators will be required for selected topics. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30016 002 DAYS MATH 040 F Intermediate Algebra 4 Units Prereq: MATH 015 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course includes, at an elementary level: real numbers, variables, exponents, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, radicals, solving equations and inequalities, graphing, and systems of equations. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Calculators will be required for selected topics. 30034 001 SEC TIME Thursday = R 47 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 621 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR MATH 120 F Introductory Probability and Statistics ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR MATH 130 F Calculus for Business 4 Units ROOM 4 Units CAN STAT 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 040 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course covers elementary probability, descriptive and inferential statistics. Computers (utilizing MINITAB) and scientific and/or graphing calculators will be used extensively. (Course is equivalent to SOSC 120 F. Students who receive credit for MATH 120 F may not receive credit for SOSC 120 F.) CAN MATH 34 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 129 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance. This is an introductory course which includes fundamentals of analytic geometry and calculus, differential calculus, integral calculus, and selected applications of calculus as it applies to managerial planning, economics and business. • Hand calculators will be used for selected topics 30042 001 30022 002 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 7:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Malloy, Scott C. 624 The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30090 002 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Malloy, Scott C. 30064 001 Riley, David G. 618 30024 102 Duhme, Cheryl D. 616 6:30-10:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Pham, Thien X. 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Nguyen, Diem T. 708 616 624 30087 002 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Price, Rene D. 4 Units 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 30026 004 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Farnham, Paul T. 30012 003 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Crocoll, Allan B. Judy, Richard M. 616 McQueen, Deborah E. 1402 McQueen, Deborah E. 1402 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Crocoll, Allan B. 615 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. MATH 142 F Trigonometry 623 4 Units CAN MATH 8 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 040 F and MATH 030 F with grades of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course may be taken prior to or concurrently with MATH 141 F. Both MATH 141 F and MATH 142 F are required for enrollment in MATH 150AF. Topics include: relations, inverses, identities, laws of sines and cosines, trigonometric equations, polar coordinates and DeMoivre’s Theorem. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator is required for all sections 616 The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30031 102 4 Units Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30098 002 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 615 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 040 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course includes an examination of algebra topics required in Business Calculus, with applications from business and economics. It is designed for students planning to enroll in MATH 130 F. (This course does not meet requirements in the Business Division and will not substitute for BUS 151 F.) See Business and CIS Division for requirements. 30009 001 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Shideler, Linda S. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30035 001 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 MATH 129 F College Algebra for Business Calculus 616 CAN MATH 10 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 040 F and MATH 030 F with grades of “C” or better or math skills clearance This course may be taken prior to or concurrently with MATH 142 F. Both MATH 141 F and MATH 142 F are required for enrollment in MATH 150AF. This is one of two pre-calculus courses. Topics covered include a review of the fundamentals of algebra, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and miscellaneous topics. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week arranged • Any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator is required for all sections Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30117 102 Bui, Minh Q. MATH 141 F College Algebra The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30011 101 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30025 004 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 623 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30047 003 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Shideler, Linda S. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 623 The above class requires any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30033 001 7:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Judy, Richard M. 30110 002 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Bui, Minh Q. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Online 708 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Hybrid TeleWeb 48 Summer Success 617 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR MATH 150AF Calculus ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR 4 Units Mathematics Course Sequence CAN MATH 18 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 141 F and MATH 142 F with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance This is a beginning calculus course covering limits and continuity, the rate of change of a function, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of the derivative, antiderivatives, and the definite integral. • Any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator is required for all sections 30093 002 SEC TIME 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Clahane, Dana D. 624 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30051 001 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Bui, Minh Q. 617 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30021 004 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Clahane, Dana D. 615 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30077 003 2:50- 6:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Clahane, Dana D. 624 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30014 101 6:30-10:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Verzeanu, Razvan N. 1401 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30113 102 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Mofid, Kevin K. 617 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. MATH 150BF Calculus 4 Units Prereq: MATH 150AF or equivalent, with a grade of “C” or better This is a second semester course covering transcendental functions, applications of the definite integral, techniques of integration, improper integrals, indeterminate form, polar coordinates, and sequences and series. • Any TI-83 or TI-84 model Graphing Calculator is required for all sections 30007 001 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Clahane, Dana D. 615 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30029 002 10:40- 2:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Plett, Stephen L. 715 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30023 102 6:30-10:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Bui, Minh Q. 1403 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. MATH 250AF Intermediate Calculus 4 Units CAN MATH 22 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: MATH 150BF with a grade of “C” or better This is a third semester course in calculus covering conic sections, solid analytic geometry, vectors in three dimensions, vector calculus, differential calculus of functions of several variables, multiple integration, vector fields and theorems. • Calculators will be required for all selected topics. 30018 001 7:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Plett, Stephen L. 621 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Mathematics students may be required to purchase hand calculators. The cost varies. Type of Calculator Approximate Cost Scientific Calculator $10 – 25 TI-83+ $100 (Check the section for calculator requirements) Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W Thursday = R 49 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U ROOM FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 0.5 to 3 Units 30236 001 10:30- 1:50P 6/6-7/25 Mazzaferro, Anthony P. 1110 McDonald, Arlyn L. 1319 30237 001 McDonald, Arlyn L. 1319 30243 002 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Linahon, James J. 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 30241 OL1 Tebay, John C. 1124 Galasso, Mathew J. 1124 6/5-7/6 Mazzaferro, Anthony P. ONLINE CLASS: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: June 5, 7-8 pm or June 6, 9-10 am in Room 901B. NOTE: Students who do not attend may be dropped from the course. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30862 OL2 5/30-6/29 Wong, Suzanne ONLINE CLASS: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: May 30, 9-10:30 am or 6-7:30 pm in Room 901B. NOTE: Students who do not attend may be dropped from the course. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 1113 The above class requires 48 hours for each unit. Open Entry — Variable Units. Deadline to add: July 10; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 5. 3 Units MUS 118 F Intro to Opera Transfer: CSU, UC The language of music; how to read, write and interpret this international language. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in Listening Lab Garvin, Jerry T. 3 Units Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT COURSE: This course is designed to supplement music courses that have a lab component. One to two units may be earned by additional listening and practice in our Music Lab. Course may be taken four times for credit. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30213 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1128 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 1 to 2 Units MUS 101 F Music Fundamentals Delfante, Ernest D. Transfer: CSU, UC This course offers non-music majors an overview of the development of music from the 16th Century to the present. The masterworks of Classical Music are used to develop an appreciation and understanding of the musical culture of the Masters. Covers musical evolution from the Renaissance through the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and the 20th Century. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in Listening Lab • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION The above class is part of SRO, Summer Musical Theatre Conservatory. AUDITIONS: May 13, 2 pm in Recital Hall. Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 21; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 20. 5/30-8/10 1126 3 Units MUS 116 F Music Appreciation The above class is part of SRO, Summer Musical Theatre Conservatory. AUDITIONS: May 13, 2 pm in Recital Hall. Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 21; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 20. 30274 001 Cima, Alex Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 2 Units MUS 100 F Music Laboratory 6/26-7/26 Transfer: CSU This course traces jazz music from its inception to modern times. Students develop an appreciation of the jazz art forms, styles, artists and cultures that created today’s jazz music. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week listening in Music Library This course involves the development of the fundamentals of acting, singing and movement for Musical Theatre through exercises, audition performances and fully-staged scenes. Course may be taken four times for credit. ENROLLMENT IN THIS CLASS IS BY AUDITION ONLY. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY 30324 002 10:50-12:30P M T W R 6/19-7/13 MW 30362 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 MUS 070 F Musical Theatre Techniques 9:00-10:40A M T W R 6/19-7/13 ROOM 2 Units MUS 113 F Jazz History — An Appreciation The above class runs concurrently with MUS 273 F Concert Band (CRN 30348) Deadline to add: June 6; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: July 11; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30323 001 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 26. Concert Band is for students who wish to increase their knowledge of Instrumental Performance. Various topics will be offered. May be taken four times for credit. This course runs concurrently with MUS 273 F • Plus 4-1/2 hours per week arranged in rehearsals, studio recordings and concerts • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION T DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU An essential class for anyone wishing to understand the dynamics of the music and entertainment industries. Designed for aspiring songwriters, artists, publishers and producers. MUS 001 F Instrumental Performance Practicum 6:30-10:30P DAYS MUS 112 F The Music Business MUSIC 30169 100 SEC TIME 3 Units Transfer: Introduction to Opera CSU, UC An opera appreciation course where students learn to be prepared and informed opera-goers. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 1128 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30981 100 8:00- 4:50P MTWRFSU 5/30-8/13 7:00- 9:50P TR Glassman, Bill L. Glassman, Bill L. Field Trip 1111 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 8; To qualify for refund: June 6. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 50 Summer Success FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR MUS 119 F History of Rock Music ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN Transfer: CSU, UC This course is a chronological study of Rock and Roll from its cultural beginnings in the early 1900’s to the present. The focus is on the music and its social context, structure and social history. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week listening in Music Lab Linahon, James J. 1124 30320 001 Galasso, Mathew J. 30322 002 30760 003 1 Unit 1:20- 2:55P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Arcila, Billy Lee, Monica E. 8:30-10:05A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Harrell, Mary K. 30348 100 1:20- 2:55P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Galasso, Mathew J. 1:20- 2:55P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Galasso, Mathew J. 1112 1 Unit MW 6/5-7/5 Banducci, Brett M. 6:30-10:20P T 6/6-7/25 Mazzaferro, Anthony P. 1112 1 Unit 8:00- 2:50P MTWRFSU 6/3-6/12 Tebay, John C. The above class is for existing East Coast Choir Tour Students Only. Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 10; To qualify for refund: June 3. Make Sure To Attend the First Class Meeting Attendance at the first meeting of a class is advised because of enrollment demands. Any student not reporting to the first class meeting may be dropped from the roster. Wednesday = W 1110 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: Audition The Master Chorale is a performing group comprised primarily of community personnel. The choir performs music from all style periods. The primary focus in the spring semester is a major work, generally with an orchestra. An audition is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. 1112 30455 001 Tuesday = T 1110 1 Unit MUS 282 F Fullerton College Master Chorale Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. Monday = M 1112 Deadline to add: June 6; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: July 11; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30759 003 1112 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: Audition The Concert Band is designed primarily for adult members of the North Orange County Community College District. (Undergraduate music majors must enroll in MUS 274 F Fullerton College Symphonic Winds.) Open to all residents by audition. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 4-1/2 hours per week arranged in rehearsals, studio recordings and concerts Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30321 002 Harrell, Mary K. MUS 273 F Concert Band 1128 1 Unit 8:30-10:05A M T W R 5/30-6/29 1112 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. Transfer: CSU, UC Advisory: Required for all (non-piano) music Majors This course is intended for students with no experience or minimal piano skills who are interested in learning piano. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in the Practice Room • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30280 001 8:30-10:05A M T W R 7/10-8/9 30335 001 10:00- 1:20P Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. MUS 135AF Beginning Piano Lee, Monica E. Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: MUS 143 F or Audition Continuation of studies in MUS 143 F Beginning Strings or begin studies at whatever level student has achieved. Individual as well as group work in a master-class type situation. Class works well in conjunction with MUS 261 F String Ensemble. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in the Practice Room 1123 Transfer: CSU, UC This course introduces the basics of guitar to those with little or no previous experience. The course covers basic technique, music reading, and chords. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in the Practice Room • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30325 001 8:30-10:05A M T W R 5/30-6/29 MUS 244 F Advanced Strings Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. MUS 130 F Beginning Guitar 1 Unit Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. Transfer: CSU, UC This course teaches basic vocal technique through voice training exercises, folk, show and art songs in a class situation. This class is open to all students. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in the Practice Room Brown, Susan ROOM Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 1 Unit 30446 001 10:40-12:15P M T W R 7/10-8/9 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 1124 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. MUS 126 F Beginning Voice DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU, UC Advisory: MUS 135AF with a grade of “C” or better Fundamentals of playing the piano: music reading, keyboard techniques, vocabulary, repertory through elementary and early intermediate books. Course may be taken three times for credit. • Plus 3-1/2 hours per week in the Practice Room • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30244 002 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 DAYS MUS 135BF Beginning Piano 3 Units 30242 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 SEC TIME Thursday = R 51 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DATES BEG.-END. DAYS NUTRITION AND INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN FOODS NUTR 210 F Nutrition Today Gilmore, Catherine K. 30276 100 Romero, Linda R. Romero, Linda R. 8:00- 5:00P S Romero, Linda R. 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Seaton, Derry D. 521 3 Units CAN PHIL 6 Transfer: CSU, UC This course will develop the student’s critical thinking and writing skills. There will be an emphasis on recognition, analysis and evaluation of arguments. 30279 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Staff 1012 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. PHIL 172 F Critical Thinking and Writing 313 313 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: ENGL 100 F with a grade of “C” or better This course will cover all the standard topics of a traditional critical thinking course. This course is specifically designed to meet the IGETC critical thinking/ writing requirement. 3 Units 6/3-7/8 125 3 Units PHIL 170 F Logic and Critical Thinking 30968 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Hanson, Bruce K. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU This course is an introduction to the paralegal’s role as a law office manager. Issues addressed include managerial challenges in the legal environment and supervision unique to the ethical practice of law. 30480 800 Staff Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: July 15; To drop without “W”: July 15; To drop with “W”: July 22; To qualify for refund: July 15. PLEG 225 F Law Office Management 724A Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a comparative examination of the beliefs, world views, rituals, ethics and social systems of the major religious traditions throughout the world. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in PHIL 105HF. This course is designed to acquaint the student with the rules of professional conduct and ethical requirements for a paralegal in today’s legal environment. California State Rules, the ABA Model Rules and Codes, and the NFPA/NALA Codes of Ethics will be explored. Students will examine such issues as attorney supervision of paralegals, unauthorized practice of law, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, advertising and solicitation, attorneys’ fees and fiduciary duties, competence, malpractice, and ethical conduct issues in litigation. 7/15-7/29 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 PHIL 105 F World Religions 1.5 Units S S Holden, Michael D. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. PARALEGAL STUDIES 8:00-11:50A 12:50- 5:50P 3 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30967 001 31011 800 ROOM RELIGIOUS STUDIES 30275 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1014 (see Earth Sciences) PLEG 090FF Ethics AND INSTRUCTOR CAN PHIL 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Students will learn, analyze and evaluate various viewpoints, problems and issues regarding human nature, knowledge, morality, religion and other selected topics. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in PHIL 100HF. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. OCEANOGRAPHY DATES BEG.-END. PHIL 100 F Introduction to Philosophy 3 Units 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/10 DAYS PHILOSOPHY CAN H EC 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Satisfies FC science graduation requirement and CSU general education requirement — Category 5. This course is an introduction to the science of human nutrition. Major principles, functions and sources of nutrients and disease prevention are discussed. Class includes individual nutrient intake analysis and evaluation. 30222 001 SEC TIME 312 A lunch break will be given mid way through the class each day. Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 3; To drop with “W”: July 1; To qualify for refund: June 3. College Catalog The College Catalog is available at the college bookstore or by accessing our website at The catalog contains important information on classes and college policies. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 52 Summer Success 117 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 8:00- 1:05P M T W R 6/26-7/27 3 Units Kane, Lena T. 8:00- 1:05P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Caterina-Barrett, Amy L. INSTRUCTOR ROOM 1 Unit 30603 010 11:00- 2:20P TWR 7/11-8/10 Lewin, Pamela J. 1242 Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. PE 110 F Pilates (Alignment and Correctives) 517 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30205 002 DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU, UC Spinning is a unique, indoor, group stationary cycling program. This efficient, high-energy group exercise integrates music, camaraderie and visualization in a complete body-mind exercise routine. CAN ART 18 Transfer: CSU, UC Given assignment requirements, students will expose and develop film from which they will produce black and white enlargements in the darkroom. 30202 001 DAYS PE 104AF Spinning PHOTOGRAPHY PHOT 101 F Introduction to Photography SEC TIME 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation A course in alignment and correctives work based on concepts and exercises developed by Joseph H. Pilates, including “mat work” and will emphasize exercises for improved body alignment, strength, flexibility, control, coordination and breathing. This course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3.6 hours per week arranged 722A The above section is taught using digital photographic techniques. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30650 020 8:00-10:10A TWR 7/11-8/10 Yidonoy, Sherrill T. 1201 Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. 30620 010 10:40- 1:00P TWR 6/6-7/6 Plum-Widner, Alix D. 1242 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 30653 110 4:00- 7:20P MW 7/10-8/9 Yidonoy, Sherrill T. 1201 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. PE 102 F Yoga 1 Unit PE 113 F Billiards Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation An overview course in Yoga emphasizing breathing and deep relaxation techniques to reduce stress, improve concentration, circulation, flexibility and muscle tone. Also unifies the mind, body and spirit. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30649 020 8:00-10:20A TWR 6/6-7/6 Yidonoy, Sherrill T. This course offers the opportunity to develop sufficient knowledge, technique, skills and strategies for successful participation in recreational billiards. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions: Contact Ty Wynn at Class meets first day at Aloha Family Billiards, 7311 Orangethorpe, Buena Park. NOTE: This course may be used for FC Graduation requirement only; course does not transfer to CSU or UC. • Plus 3.6 hours per week arranged • Facility use fee required 1242 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30651 030 10:40-12:50P TWR 7/11-8/10 Yidonoy, Sherrill T. 1201 Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. 30604 010 3:00- 5:15P TWR 7/11-8/10 Lewin, Pamela J. 30646 010 12:00- 1:50P M T W R 6/5-7/6 3:30- 6:50P MW 6/5-7/5 Yidonoy, Sherrill T. 1242 PE 114 F Cardiovascular Conditioning 1242 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. PE 103 F Aikido 1 Unit 30645 010 8:00-11:50A TR 6/6-7/6 Ward, Michael S. MW 7/10-8/9 Gryffin, Peter A. 1 Unit 8:30- 9:50A M T W R 6/26-8/3 Wynn, Tirrell L. SHBKFL Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. PE 115 F Golf 1201 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Basic fundamentals of golf, including etiquette, rules and terminology. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Class includes a one-hour lunch • Facility use fee required Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30596 010 11:25- 2:45P AFB Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Individual exercises designed for the student interested in achieving physical fitness through cardiovascular conditioning. Course may be taken four times for credit. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Aikido is a relatively modern Japanese martial art based upon non-resistance rather than strength. It is a non-aggressive, non-competitive art based upon a philosophy that stresses harmony with nature and control of body and mind. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30677 020 Wynn, Tirrell L. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. 30652 040 1 Unit 1202 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. 30578 600 7:00- 2:05P S 6/3-7/1 Fuscardo, Nicholas P. BGOLFC Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 3; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 3. 30579 610 7:00- 2:05P S 7/8-8/5 Fuscardo, Nicholas P. Deadline to add: July 8; To drop without “W”: July 8; To drop with “W”: July 29; To qualify for refund: July 8. Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W Thursday = R 53 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U BGOLFC FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR PE 121 F Walking for Fitness ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 8:00-10:15A TWR 7/11-8/10 Lewin, Pamela J. 5:30- 7:45P TWR 6/6-7/6 Plum-Widner, Alix D. SHBKFL 30634 010 10:00- 1:20P 6:00- 7:30P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Wynn, Tirrell L. SHBKFL 2 Units 30618 010 8:00- 5:20P MTWRFSU 8/5-8/13 Rapp, Edward J. Rapp, Edward J. 7:30- 3:20P 5/30-6/29 Rapp, Edward J. 30371 020 30367 010 TR 5/30-6/29 Rapp, Edward J. 6/6-7/6 Plum-Widner, Alix D. 1238 1 Unit 1:05- 3:15P TWR 7/11-8/10 Giles, Scott L. 1:25- 3:15P M T W R 6/5-7/6 See, Roger W. PE 139 F Tennis FCPOOL FCPOOL 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Instruction and practice in basic skills of tennis, ground strokes, serve and volley, with emphasis on strategy for singles and doubles. For Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced tennis players. Course may be taken four times for credit. NAC 30363 010 9:00-11:20A TWR 6/6-7/6 Picchi, Andrea R. FTENCT Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. 2 Units 7:30- 3:20P TWR Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30564 100 6:00- 9:20P MW 6/5-7/5 Arellano, Martin R. FTENCT Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Advisory: Swim 50 yards and tread water for five minutes A hands-on course designed to introduce and analyze the skill of kayaking. Practice the essential paddling skills, equipment use, and water safety for flatwater and ocean kayaking. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Eddie Rapp at NOTE: Class meets first day at FC Pool, bring swimsuit. • Facility use fee required 30664 600 8:10-10:30A Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: May 30. PE 124 F Kayaking 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Basic instruction and practice in the fundamental elements of swimming. Course may be taken four times for credit. NOTE: Come prepared to swim the first day. FCPOOL Field Trip 2 Units TR Vela, Marissa L. PE 134 F Swimming Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Advisory: Swim 50 yards and tread water for five minutes A hands-on course to introduce the skill and history of outrigger canoeing. Basic skills will be introduced and developed for individual (one-person outrigger) and group (six-person outrigger) canoeing. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Eddie Rapp at NOTE: Class meets first day at FC Pool; bring swimsuit. • Facility use fee required 30661 600 6/5-7/5 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: Aug 6; To drop without “W”: Aug 6; To drop with “W”: Aug 11; To qualify for refund: Aug 5. PE 123 F Outrigger Paddling MW Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Class will provide vigorous aerobic activity through coordinated stepping movement. Course may be taken four times for credit. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Advisory: Swim 50 yards and tread water for five minutes Introduction and practice in the essential skills of paddling, wave selection, etiquette, and water safety for long board and short board riding. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Eddie Rapp at Class meets first day at Wellness Center at 8 am; bring swimsuit. 30656 010 ROOM 1 Unit PE 129 F Step Aerobics Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. PE 122 F Surfing INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. SHBKFL Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30648 110 DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course provides basic instruction and strategies in beach volleyball. Designed to develop basic skills, knowledge of rules, team strategies and desire for future participation during leisure time. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Marissa Vela at NOTE: Class meets first day at Sherbeck Field (track) bleachers. • Facility use fee required Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. 30621 100 DAYS PE 126 F Beach Volleyball 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This coed course will emphasize that walking for optimum health and fitness is not a myth or a dream. It is simple, easy and within walking distance. This class is designed to improve cardiovascular health and total body toning through aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30601 010 SEC TIME 30594 110 6:00- 9:50P TR 6/6-7/6 Giles, Scott L. FTENCT Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30681 120 6:00- 9:20P TR 7/11-8/10 Snyder, Peter L. FTENCT Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 3; To qualify for refund: July 11. NAC PE 144 F Volleyball Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: May 30. 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Fundamentals of volleyball and consideration of basic skills, rules and strategies. Course may be taken twice for credit. 30666 010 3:30- 6:50P TR 5/30-6/29 Rapp, Edward J. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: May 30. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 54 Summer Success 1242 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 30630 100 FWELLC FWELLL FBBF FCPOOL SHBKFL FCSOCC FSBF FTENCT 30599 010 Rock City RCKCTY 5100 E. La Palma, Anaheim (714) 777-4884 30365 010 PE 145 F Intermediate/Advanced Volleyball 5/30-6/29 Rapp, Edward J. FWELLC PE 149 F Swim for Fitness 30644 110 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation See, Roger W. Snyder, Peter L. 30647 100 Wednesday = W TR 6/6-7/6 Picchi, Andrea R. 4:30- 7:50P TR 7/11-8/10 Picchi, Andrea R. 1201 1201 1 Unit 6:00- 7:45P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Wynn, Tirrell L. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. FCPOOL Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. Tuesday = T 4:10- 8:00P Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Class emphasis on individual exercise for contouring and conditioning, posture, weight training and light aerobics. Course may be taken four times for credit. FCPOOL Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 7/11-8/10 FCPOOL 1 Unit PE 161 F Body Conditioning and Fitness FCPOOL Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 3:20- 5:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Snyder, Peter L. Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 3; To qualify for refund: July 11. Prereq: Swimming skills required Swimming for health and physical fitness. Course may be taken four times for credit. NOTE: Come prepared to swim the first day. Snyder, Peter L. 6:00- 7:40A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 1 Unit 6:00- 7:45A M T W R 6/5-7/6 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Course will include the fundamentals of basketball with an emphasis on strategy and team play. Course may be taken four times for credit. 1242 30643 100 Monday = M Jespersen, Jeffrey A. PE 160 F Basketball Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: May 30. TWR 2 Units Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Class is designed to provide advanced skill development, strategies and team play. Course may be taken twice for credit. 3:20- 5:30P 1209 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is designed to develop and maintain physical fitness through swimming. Emphasis will be placed on endurance training for improved cardiovascular fitness. Activity designed for, but not limited to, senior citizens. Course may be taken four times for credit. NOTE: Come prepared to swim the first day. CARBOL 1501 S. Lemon, Fullerton (714) 526-7725 30372 030 9:00-12:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 PE 155 F Aquatic Conditioning — Seniors BGOLFC Carter Bowl 30368 020 Sampson, Kevin C. BHGOLF 501 W. Fir St., Brea (714) 529-3003 30364 010 5:00- 6:50P MTWRF 8/7-8/18 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. AFB Brea Golf Course TR 0.5 to 2 Units Transfer: CSU Evaluation of fitness level by scientific equipment based on body composition, metabolic rate, and oxygen capacity, plus complete nutrition analysis with individual program. Course may be repeated four times for credit. • Plus 3.6 hours arranged per week • $15 shop card fee 2250 E. Birch St., Brea (714) 990-0201 3:30- 6:50P ROOM PE 154 F Fitness Testing with Exercise Prescription 7311 Orangethorpe, Buena Park (714) 522-2611 30667 010 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: Aug 8; To drop without “W”: Aug 8; To drop with “W”: Aug 16; To qualify for refund: Aug 7. (Berkeley Center: corner of Berkeley and Lemon) Birch Hills Golf Course DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation One orientation session required before beginning workouts. Orientation will be hourly during the first three days of semester for students new to the activity. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Kevin Sampson at • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION • This class is worth 0.5 credits for Summer term. 1209 1231 1203 1202 1201 1242 1238 3022 Wellness Center Class Wellness Center Lab OUTDOOR Facilities Baseball Field Pool Sherbeck Field (Track) Soccer Field Softball Field Tennis Courts OFF-CAMPUS Facilities Aloha Family Billiards DAYS PE 152 F Fitness Training Lab — Circuit Can’t find where your PE class meets? Circuit Lab Strength Lab North Balcony South Balcony North Gym South Gym Dance Studio Massage Program SEC TIME Thursday = R 55 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U SHBKFL FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR PE 162 F Conditioning for Athletes ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 7:00- 7:50A M T W R 7/10-8/9 8:00- 8:50A M T W R Kolias, John J. 5:00- 8:00P TR 7/11-8/17 Perez, Alejandro 1231 SHBKFL 30381 100 8:10-10:25P MTW 6/26-7/26 Plum-Widner, Alix D. FCSOCC 30637 110 6/6-7/6 Vela, Marissa L. 2:55- 6:15P MW 7/10-8/9 Gryffin, Peter A. 30606 010 30615 100 8:00-11:20A 1203 Gryffin, Peter A. 8:00- 9:45A M T W R 6/5-7/6 30633 010 8:00- 9:45A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Galliano, Aric N. Jespersen, Jeffrey A. 5:15- 7:05P M T W R 6/5-7/6 See, Roger W. 9:00-12:30P TR 7/11-8/10 Peters, Linda L. 5:00- 8:50P TR 6/6-7/6 Perez, Alejandro FCSOCC 1 Unit 8:00-10:50A TWR 7/25-8/17 Salladin, Allison D. 1242 1 Unit 2:00- 4:15P TWR 6/6-7/6 Stine, Matthew D. FBBF 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Instruction includes those resistive exercises that tend to build muscle cells and proper techniques in power lifting. Course may be taken four times for credit. FWELLL 30379 030 8:00- 9:45A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Byrnes, Timothy A. 1231 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. FWELLL 31020 020 10:00-11:45A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Galliano, Aric N. 1231 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. FWELLL 30377 010 10:35-12:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. See, Roger W. 1231 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30380 100 4:10- 5:55P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Bevec, Gina M. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Online FCSOCC FWELLL Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30376 100 1 Unit PE 182 F Body Building, Development and Weightlifting Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30375 020 12:15- 2:05P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1203 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 31019 030 Vela, Marissa L. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Beginning baseball skills with emphasis on general throwing and hitting; includes instruction in all areas of baseball fundamentals. Course may be taken four times for credit. 1 Unit Giles, Scott L. 7/10-8/9 PE 180 F Baseball 1202 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This class provides cardiovascular fitness training, strength and conditioning exercises and nutrition programs to improve in the components of health-related physical fitness. Each student will develop an individual program suited to his/her goals. Course may be taken four times for credit. • $15 shop card fee 30374 010 MW Deadline to add: July 26; To drop without “W”: July 26; To drop with “W”: Aug 10; To qualify for refund: July 25. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. PE 165 F Lifetime Fitness 1202 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is designed for the potential intercollegiate player with advanced skill and knowledge in volleyball. Students will receive training in basic skills and strategies involved with competition. 30631 010 7/10-8/9 7:00-10:20P PE 175 F Volleyball 1203 1 Unit MW Bevec, Gina M. Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Instruction in the 24-style of Tai Chi Chuan, a short form of the health exercise and martial art of tai chi that can easily be learned in one semester. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30595 010 6/6-7/6 Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 3; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. PE 164 F Tai Chi Chuan TWR Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Basic skills of soccer, including technique, tactics and rules of the game. Course may be taken four times for credit. Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30597 010 6:00- 8:20P PE 171 F Soccer Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Instruction in forms of kickboxing that stress cardiovascular endurance, strength development and improved flexibility. This includes influences from several martial arts and the sparring and self-defense aspects of kickboxing. Course may be taken four times for credit. TR 1 Unit 1201 1 Unit 30635 020 12:00- 3:45P ROOM Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 26. PE 163 F Kickboxing INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 13; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 8; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30624 110 DATES BEG.-END. Course provides cardiovascular development through basic kick-boxing aerobic exercises movements set to music. This is an aerobic exercise class with no physical contact. This course may be taken four times for credit. • Plus 3.6 hours arranged per week Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30617 100 DAYS PE 167 F Cardio Kick Boxing Aerobics 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Instruction and practice in weight training, weight lifting, aerobic fitness/ flexibility for competing in various intercollegiate sports. 30600 010 SEC TIME Hybrid TeleWeb 56 Summer Success 1231 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR PE 183 F Conditioning for Athletes ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN TR 6/6-7/6 Giles, Scott L. 6:00- 9:20P MW 7/10-8/9 Snyder, Peter L. 30581 020 30577 010 2:002:002:002:00- 5:15P 7:30P 5:30P 7:30P 30582 100 6/19-7/13 7/17-8/3 8/7-8/11 8/14-8/18 Mazzotta, Casey B. Mazzotta, Casey B. Mazzotta, Casey B. Mazzotta, Casey B. 2:152:152:152:15- 5:30P 7:45P 5:45P 7:45P MTWRF MTWRF MTWR MTWR 6/19-7/13 7/17-8/3 8/7-8/11 8/14-8/18 Murphy, Eugene V. Murphy, Eugene V. Murphy, Eugene V. Murphy, Eugene V. 1205 SHBKFL 1205 SHBKFL 30605 010 2:002:002:002:00- 5:15P 7:30P 5:30P 7:30P 30616 100 6/19-7/13 7/17-8/3 8/7-8/11 8/14-8/18 Byrnes, Timothy A. Byrnes, Timothy A. Byrnes, Timothy A. Byrnes, Timothy A. 2402 2402 2402 2402 2:152:152:152:152:152:15- 5:30P 7:45P 5:45P 5:45P 7:45P 7:45P MTWRF MTWRF MTWR MTWR MTWR MTWR 6/19-6/22 6/26-7/13 7/17-7/20 7/24-8/3 8/7-8/11 8/14-8/18 Crooks, Brian P. Crooks, Brian P. Crooks, Brian P. Deep, Thomas B. Deep, Thomas B. Crooks, Brian P. 8:00-11:45A TR 6/6-7/6 Feola, Alphonse L. 6:00- 9:20P MW 6/5-7/5 Galliano, Aric N. 9:00-12:30P MW 7/10-8/9 Peters, Linda L. 5:00- 8:00P MW 7/10-8/16 Perez, Alejandro 1203 FCSOCC FCSOCC 1 Unit 30632 010 8:00-10:35A TWR 7/25-8/17 Salladin, Allison D. 1242 Deadline to add: July 26; To drop without “W”: July 26; To drop with “W”: Aug 10; To qualify for refund: July 25. PE 192 F Water Polo 1207 SHBKFL 1207 SHBKFL 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: Intermediate Swimmer This class is being offered as a coed class. Instruction in the fundamentals of water polo includes physical skill development, conditioning, game strategy and terminology. Course may be taken four times for credit. NOTE: Come prepared to play the first day. 2401 2401 2401 2401 2401 2401 30369 100 6:00- 9:40P MW 6/5-7/5 Snyder, Peter L. FCPOOL Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. 30370 110 6:00- 9:50P TR 6/27-7/27 Kolias, John J. FCPOOL Deadline to add: June 29; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 20; To qualify for refund: June 27. PE 193 F Weight Training/Weight Lifting 1 Unit This course stresses weight lifting techniques that will produce muscle tone and strength. Course may be taken four times for credit. Bookstore 31023 001 10:00-11:35A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Course materials are available at the campus bookstore or online at The bookstore recommends that students go to class first for instructor’s directions on exact material required. Tuesday = T 1203 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation The basic skills of volleyball are taught, with emphasis on strategy and rules. An opportunity is provided for class and interclass competition. Course may be taken four times for credit. Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: June 22. Monday = M 1203 1 Unit PE 191 F Volleyball Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: June 22. 30572 020 Galliano, Aric N. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: July 10. 3 Units MTWRF MTWRF MTWR MTWR 6/5-7/5 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This class is designed to give students the skills, proper knowledge and mental preparation necessary to play collegiate football, specifically at the offensive position. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Tim Byrnes at 30569 010 MW Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Basic skills of soccer, including technique, tactics and rules of the game. Course may be taken four times for credit. Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: June 22. PE 186 F Football — Offense 8:00-11:20A PE 189 F Soccer Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: June 22. 30571 020 1 Unit Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. 3 Units MTWRF MTWRF MTWR MTWR ROOM Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. FCPOOL Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is designed to give students the skills, proper knowledge and mental preparation necessary to play collegiate football, specifically at the defensive position. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Casey Mazzotta at 30570 010 INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 5. 1231 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 10. PE 185 F Football — Defense DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Course is designed to teach the fundamentals of boxing. Course may be taken four times for credit. Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30373 100 DAYS PE 188 F Self Defense — Boxing 1 Unit Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Instruction and practice in weight training, weight lifting, aerobic fitness/flexibility for competing in various intercollegiate sports. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30592 030 12:15- 4:05P SEC TIME Wednesday = W Giles, Scott L. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Thursday = R 57 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 1231 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR PE 235 F First Aid, CPR, and Safety Education ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 8:00- 5:20P SU 6/3-6/11 Price, Rhett J. 8:00- 5:20P SU 6/17-6/25 Price, Rhett J. 1205 1205 Deadline to add: June 17; To drop without “W”: June 17; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 17. 30915 HY1 7/10-8/10 8:00-10:00A R (7/13) 8:00-10:00A R (7/27) 8:00-10:00A R (8/10) Snyder, Peter L. Snyder, Peter L. Snyder, Peter L. 1205 1205 1205 30629 600 Snyder, Peter L. Snyder, Peter L. Snyder, Peter L. 1205 1205 1205 9:00-12:40P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Staff 6:00- 7:50P 8:00-10:20P 3 Units 6/5-7/12 Price, Rhett J. Price, Rhett J. 1207 6/26-7/16 Bassi, Lisa F. Bassi, Lisa F. PE 253 F Bodyboarding 415 FWELLC 2 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Advisory: Swim 50 yards and tread water for 5 minutes Introduction and practice in the essential skills of paddling, kicking, wave selection, etiquette and water safety for bodyboarding. Class meets first day in Room 1244 (Wellness Center); bring swimsuit. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Eddie Rapp at NOTE: Class meets first day in Room 1244 (Wellness Center); bring swimsuit. 1205 FCPOOL 3 Units Mazzotta, Casey B. 415 FWELLC This above class will be offered online in Summer 2006. ONLINE CLASS: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: June 26. Students must email instructor within the first two days of the class start date or they may be dropped from the class. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 11; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30657 600 Transfer: CSU The study of psychological effects on motor performance as well as the effects of participating in physical activity on psychological development, health, and well being. 30089 010 10:00-12:40P M T W R 6/5-7/6 3 Units Bassi, Lisa F. Bassi, Lisa F. 5:00- 5:50P M (6/26) 5:30- 6:50P R (7/13) Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 5. PE 248 F Psychology of Sport 1205 Field Trip 6/5-6/25 30566 OL2 3 Units MW MW Price, Rhett J. Price, Rhett J. The above class will be offered online in Summer 2006. ONLINE CLASS: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: June 5. Students must email instructor within the first two days of the class start date or they may be dropped from the course. On-campus final June 22. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 20; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU Prereq: PE 134 F Course is designed to instruct the novice in the fundamentals of SCUBA diving. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Rhett Price at • Plus 10 hours per week arranged • Use fee required 30095 100 7/15-8/14 5:00- 5:50P M (6/5) 5:30- 6:50P R (6/22) Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. PE 239 F OpenWater I Scuba SU 30565 OL1 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Designed for future athletic trainers, coaches, massage and physical therapists in the field of sports medicine. Concentrates on prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic-related injuries. • Plus 3.6 hours arranged per week 30576 010 6:00- 3:20P Transfer: CSU This course examines sport in the United States society, and how various ethnic and minority groups have influenced sport participation at the local, state and national levels. Sport history from both the national and international perspective will be reviewed. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. HYBRID COURSE: Updated class information and requirements, and instructions for logging into WebCT can be found at Questions? Contact Pete Snyder at Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 10; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 7. PE 236 F Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries ROOM 3 Units PE 250 F Sport and the United States Society 6/5-7/6 6:00- 7:50P T (6/6) 6:00- 7:50P T (6/20) 6:00- 7:50P T (6/27) INSTRUCTOR Deadline to add: July 17; To drop without “W”: July 22; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 15. HYBRID COURSE: Updated class information and requirements, and instructions for logging into WebCT can be found at Questions? Contact Pete Snyder at Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 15; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 12. 30928 HY2 DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU Prereq: PE 134 F, PE 149 F, PE 245 F, PE 239 F, or recognized certification from NAUI, PADI, SSI or other agency. Two hours lecture and four hours lab per week; 40 hours will be completed combining lecture and pool/lab hours prior to the tour and full certification will be completed during the tour. Appropriate certification will be issued to successful candidates. NAUI course work and testing will be utilized, along with NAUI training standards throughout the course. Written and performance tests, along with Dive Logs to authenticate all dives will be required before students can be certified. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Rhett Price at • Plus 10 hours per week arranged • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 3; To drop with “W”: June 10; To qualify for refund: June 3. 30627 810 DAYS PE 249 F Caribbean Diving Tour 2 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This is a general course that meets the needs of civic-minded students who wish to be trained in accident prevention and care of the injured. The American Red Cross instructional outline will be followed. Upon successful completion, the students will be certified in both Standard First Aid and CPR. 30626 800 SEC TIME 8:00- 5:20P MTWRFSU 8/5-8/13 Rapp, Edward J. Rapp, Edward J. FCPOOL Field Trip Deadline to add: Aug 6; To drop without “W”: Aug 6; To drop with “W”: Aug 11; To qualify for refund: Aug 5. 1205 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 58 Summer Success FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN REC 108 F Backpacking 1 Unit FSU FSU 6/16-6/18 6/23-6/25 Gryffin, Peter A. Gryffin, Peter A. 30567 TW1 6/5-7/20 6:00- 6:50P M (6/5) 5:30- 6:50P R (7/20) REC 109 F Camping and Our Surfing Environment FSU FSU 6/16-6/25 Rapp, Edward J. Rapp, Edward J. Rapp, Edward J. 8:00- 1:50P 2:00- 5:20P FSU FSU 6/16-6/25 Rapp, Edward J. Rapp, Edward J. Rapp, Edward J. Bassi, Lisa F. Bassi, Lisa F. PHYS 205 F College Physics FWELLC Field Trip Field Trip FWELLC 1205 4 Units CAN PHYS 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 142 F with a grade of “C” or better This course covers Newtonian mechanics, conservation laws in mechanics, mechanical waves, sound, gas laws and basic thermodynamics. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 1 Unit 30230 001 9:00-11:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 11:40- 2:10P M T W R Minton, Fream B. Minton, Fream B. 416 416 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Transfer: CSU Advisory: Swim 50 yards and tread water for 5 minutes Emphases in the essential understanding of camping and bodyboard travel, in the essential skills involved in bodyboarding and the essential awareness of the environmental issues that surfers face. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Eddie Rapp at Class meets first day in the Wellness Center classroom. • Facility fee required 30659 600 1.5 Units PHYSICS Deadline to add: June 16; To drop without “W”: June 16; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 16. REC 111 F Camping and Our Bodyboarding Environment ROOM 1 Unit Transfer: CSU Advisory: Swim 50 yards and tread water for 5 minutes Emphasis in the essential understanding of camping and surf travel. Focus on the necessary skills involved in surfing, and the vital awareness of the environmental issues that surfers face. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Eddie Rapp at Class meets first day in the Wellness Center classroom. • Facility fee required 8:00- 1:50P 2:00- 5:20P INSTRUCTOR TELEWEB COURSE: MANDATORY ORIENTATION: June 5. Students must email instructor within the first two days of the class start date or they may be dropped from the course. ON-CAMPUS FINAL EXAM: July 20. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 10; To qualify for refund: June 9. SHBKFL Field Trip The above class allows for a half hour lunch break. Deadline to add: June 16; To drop without “W”: June 16; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 16. 30658 600 DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU This course provides the theory of stress management, as well as instruction in stretching and relaxation techniques. Related topics encompass the effect of diet on stress and the role of exercise in a management program. Questions? Contact Lisa Bassi at Transfer: CSU, UC Instruction in the art of backpacking for personal fulfillment and self-discovery. Includes one backpacking trip. Course may be taken four times for credit. Questions? Contact Peter Gryffin at • Facility fee required 8:00- 5:20P 8:00- 5:20P DAYS WELL 242 F Stress Management and Relaxation Training RECREATION 31032 001 SEC TIME PHYS 206 F College Physics 4 Units CAN PHYS 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: PHYS 205 F with a grade of “C” or better This course covers electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves, special relativity and basic atomic and nuclear physics. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION FCPOOL Field Trip Field Trip Deadline to add: June 16; To drop without “W”: June 16; To drop with “W”: June 24; To qualify for refund: June 16. 30231 001 9:00-11:30A M T W R 7/10-8/10 11:40- 2:10P M T W R Staff Staff 416 416 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. PHYS 210 F Physics WELLNESS WELL 232 F Introduction to Massage Transfer: CSU, UC Coreq: MATH 150AF This course is the first half of a calculus-based two-semester sequence (PHYS 210 F and PHYS 211 F) for students majoring in the life sciences. This is the course required by all the UCs and some of the State colleges for Biology majors. 3 Units Transfer: CSU This course offers students the essentials of professional massage. It gives the student a solid core of skills, knowledge and experiential learning for giving a stress relieving full-body massage. Questions? Contact Connie Carroll at 30580 010 8:00-12:50P M T W R 6/5-6/15 1:00- 5:20P M T W R Gallagher, Loretta H. Carroll, Constance J. 4 Units 30232 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 1:20- 3:50P M T W R Raoufi, Aziz R. Raoufi, Aziz R. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 3022 3022 Deadline to add: June 6; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: June 13; To qualify for refund: June 5. Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W Thursday = R 59 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 418 418 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR PHYS 211 F Physics ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ROOM 4 Units PSYCHOLOGY Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: PHYS 210 F with a grade of “C” or better Coreq: MATH 150BF This course is the second half of a calculus-based two-semester sequence (PHYS 210 F and PHYS 211 F) for students majoring in the life sciences. 30233 001 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/10 1:20- 3:50P M T W R Raoufi, Aziz R. Raoufi, Aziz R. PSY 101 F General Psychology 418 418 PHYS 221 F General Physics 4 Units 30312 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 CAN PHYS 8 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: MATH 150 F with a grade of “C” or better Coreq: Enrollment in MATH 150BF and completion of high school Physics Mechanics, properties of matter, fluids, requiring knowledge of differential and integral calculus. 7:30-10:00A M T W R 6/5-7/6 10:10-12:40P M T W R Geier, Montserrat P. Geier, Montserrat P. 3 Units CAN PSY 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course scientifically introduces major areas in psychology, including research methods, social, biological, abnormal and developmental psychology, memory, intelligence, learning, motivation, emotions, personality and therapy. Students who receive credit in this course may NOT receive credit in PSY 101HF Honors General Psychology. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30234 001 SEC TIME Felender, Julie A. 521 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30924 100 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Kyle, Diana J. 413 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 410 410 30315 OL1 6/5-7/9 Kyle, Diana J. ONLINE COURSE: MANDATORY ORIENTATION on Mon, Jun 5, 6:30-8:30 pm in Room 413. Petitioners MUST attend orientation. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: June 30; To qualify for refund: June 7. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. PSY 120 F Human Sexuality POLITICAL SCIENCE 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC In this course students will explore many of the interacting culture, personal and health factors relating to human sexual development, attitudes and behavior. POSC 100 F American Government 3 Units 30327 OL1 CAN GOVT 2 Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation An introductory survey of American political issues, governing institutions, federal and state, and other elements involving American politics that stresses the development of student analytical skills. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in POSC 100HF. 30266 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Salas, Ricardo 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Reilly, Joseph L. Balma, Jodi J. 415 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30271 005 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Dahi, Naji J. 30923 001 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 721 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Matthews, Craig T. Bacigalupi, Stacy J. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30272 101 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Coreq: PSY 101 F or PSY 110 F The psychology of development will be studied from the prenatal stage through adolescence across physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes incorporating a cross-cultural perspective. Theories and research findings will be applied to real-life situations. This course fulfills the Multicultural Education Requirement of graduation. 415 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30267 002 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Lee, Callista M. PSY 145 F Child Psychology 415 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30270 004 7/10-8/13 ONLINE COURSE: MANDATORY ORIENTATION on Mon, Jun 10, 6:30-8:30 pm in Room 521. Petitioners MUST attend orientation. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 17; To drop with “W”: Aug 4; To qualify for refund: July 13. 415 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30268 100 7:00- 9:40P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Conforti, Daniel A. 415 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 31021 OL1 5/30-7/9 College Catalog Balma, Jodi J. The College Catalog is available at the college bookstore or by accessing our website at The catalog contains important information on classes and college policies. ONLINE CLASS: OPTIONAL ORIENTATION, Tues, May 20, 7-8:30 pm, Room 521. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 6; To drop with “W”: June 28; To qualify for refund: June 2. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 60 Summer Success 123 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME READING DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ROOM REAL ESTATE READ 056 F Developmental Reading RE 090BF Appraisal: Standards and Ethics 3 Units 0.5 Units Prereq: Credit in READ 036 F or recommended score on the reading placement test Build a solid foundation for greater success in college courses by improving your essential reading comprehension and vocabulary skills • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY The National Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice 15-hour course of The Appraisal Foundation focuses on the requirements for ethical behavior and competent performance by appraisers that are set forth in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). This course meets Federal and State USPAP requirements for licensing. • Non-degree credit 30178 001 10:40- 1:15P M T W R 6/5-7/27 30461 800 Glassman, Bill L. 2024 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 7. READ 096 F Preparation for College Reading 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/26-8/2 Rodine, Jeff P. RE 101 F Principles of Real Estate 30028 001 10:40- 2:00P M T W R 5/30-6/22 6/5-8/9 Glassman, Bill L. 6/26-8/6 515 3 Units Transfer: CSU This course focuses on developing an understanding of the principles and methods of residential appraisal. Course meets the Fullerton College certificate requirements and partially fulfills real estate licensing requirements. 30032 100 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 5/30-6/29 Messick, Levin P. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 21; To qualify for refund: May 31. 2024 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 14; To drop with “W”: July 24; To qualify for refund: June 7. 30670 HY1 Bowers, Robert J. RE 203 F Appraisal: Residential Transfer: CSU Prereq: READ 096 F with a grade of “C” or better or recommended score on the reading placement test A transfer level General Education course in critical thinking and critical reading. Emphasis is placed on learning the strategies necessary to analyze and evaluate the validity and logic of written language. Meets CSU Area A-3. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION MW 3 Units Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 15; To qualify for refund: May 31. READ 142 F 3 Units College Reading: Logical Analysis and Evaluation 6:00- 9:20P 327 327 327 327 Transfer: CSU A beginning course in real estate fundamentals and principles. Satisfies educational prerequisite for real estate salesperson licensure. 2026 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30531 100 Messick, Levin P. Messick, Levin P. Messick, Levin P. Messick, Levin P. A lunch break will be given mid way through the class each day. Deadline to add: June 3; To drop without “W”: June 3; To drop with “W”: June 17; To qualify for refund: June 3. 3 Units Prereq: Credit in READ 056 F or recommended score on the reading placement test This course will prepare students for the demands of college reading and vocabulary in various academic subjects. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30179 001 8:00- 3:50P S (6/3) 6/3-6/24 8:00- 3:50P S (6/10) 9:00-10:50A S (6/17) 9:00-10:50A S (6/24) Brown, Flora M. HYBRID COURSE: Plus 3 hours arranged lab on campus per week. OPTIONAL IN-PERSON ORIENTATION: Mon, Jun 26, 10 am-12 noon in LLRC Reading Lab (800 building). Bring your textbooks and plan to stay for the entire two hours. Students who want to add should attend orientation as well. Students will be added by a lottery system. Orientation is also available on WebCT the first day of class. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 27; To qualify for refund: June 29. RECREATION (see Physical Education) WebStar Help Line May 10 – June 2 Monday – Thursday ...............................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday .....................................................8:00 am – 2:00 pm Friday, May 26 only................................8:00 am – 4:00 pm WebStar Registration Starting May 10 Starting June 5 Monday – Friday ...................................7:00 am – 11:30 pm Saturday ...............................................7:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday – Thursday ...............................8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday ....................................................................CLOSED Click on “WebStar Online Registration” Monday = M Tuesday = T Wednesday = W (714) 992-7777 • Thursday = R 61 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 325 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS SOCIOLOGY 3 Units ROOM NEW Intensive Spanish Language Program CAN SOC 2 Transfer: CSU, UC This course introduces concepts, theories and vocabulary associated with the field of sociology. The processes of social change are understood in the context of collective human behavior. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 INSTRUCTOR SPANISH SOC 101 F Introduction to Sociology 30328 001 DATES BEG.-END. Banda, Sergio A. Students enroll in both classes and complete one year of Spanish in two consecutive 5-week sessions! 721 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30331 002 7:50-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Elmquist, Victoria M. SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I 127 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30333 003 10:40- 1:20P M T W R 7/10-8/9 French, James C. CAN SPAN 2 Transfer: CSU, UC This course emphasizes communicative competence across the basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced to the culture of Spain and Latin America. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in SPAN 101HF. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 119 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30329 100 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Larsen, Susan M. 127 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30332 101 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Larsen, Susan M. 30076 003 127 6/5-7/9 Banda, Sergio A. ONLINE CLASS: OPTIONAL ORIENTATION on Mon, Jun 5, 5-6:30 pm in Room 413. Updated information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: June 30; To qualify for refund: June 7. SOC 102 F Social Problems 6:30- 9:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 30079 001 5 Units 8:00-12:25P M T W R 7/10-8/10 Kang, Kelly S. The above class requires 45 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 2; To qualify for refund: July 11. 122 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. SOC 275 F Marriage and Family 736 CAN SPAN 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: SPAN 101 F with a grade of “C” or better or one year of high school Spanish with a grade of “C” or better This course continues to emphasize communicative competence across the basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced further to the culture of Spain and Latin America. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in SPAN 102HF. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 3 Units Jazayeri, Jennifer J. Linggi, Edward J. SPAN 102 F Elementary Spanish II CAN SOC 4 Transfer: CSU, UC This course identifies and analyzes contemporary social problems and discusses problem resolution at the societal level including America’s struggle with social inequality, crime, and violence. 30334 100 8:00-12:25P M T W R 6/5-7/6 The above class requires 45 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30330 OL1 5 Units 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC A study of the institutions of marriage and family through the consideration of relevant topics (e.g., love, partnership, communication, sexuality, parenting, conflict, and diversity). 30336 001 7:50-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Smith, Joan T. Student Responsibility to Add or Drop Classes 127 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. It is the student’s responsibility to officially add or drop classes – not the instructor’s. Failure to officially add or drop classes may affect your academic records. All adds and drops must be completed online through WEBSTAR. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 62 Summer Success 736 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR SPAN 101 F Elementary Spanish I ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 6:55-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/13 Egigian, Ruth L. 522 30146 OL1 Linares, Manuel 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/5-7/13 522 Kim, Wha S. 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/26-8/3 Villegas Silva, Patricia 5 Units Arceo, Rosa E. 6/26-8/20 Arceo, Rosa E. ONLINE CLASS: This Distance Learning course requires students to attend one of the two MANDATORY ORIENTATION dates: Room 901B — Mon, June 26, 8-10 am OR Tues,June 27, 7-9 pm. Students must stay for the entire session. Students must bring student ID, proof of registration, and the course textbook to the orientation. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 7; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: June 30. 523SEM 5 Units SPEECH CAN SPAN 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Prereq: SPAN 101 F with a grade of “C” or better or one year of high school Spanish with a grade of “C” or better This course continues to emphasize communicative competence across the basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced further to the culture of Spain and Latin America. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in SPAN 102HF. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30081 002 10:40- 2:15P M T W R 6/5-7/13 Taar, Mireille SPCH 100 F Public Speaking 6:30-10:05P M T W R 6/26-8/3 Sanchez, David A. 4 Units CAN SPCH 4 Transfer: CSU, UC Advisory: College level reading and completion of ENGL 060 F The course gives practical experience in research methodologies, organization of material and ideas, critical thinking in analysis and evaluation, and listening abilities. There will be multiple opportunities to practice and perfect delivery skills in the public speaking arena. 520 The above class requires 40 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30941 100 6/5-7/30 30149 OL2 The above class requires 40 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. SPAN 102 F Elementary Spanish II ROOM 522 The above class requires 40 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30073 101 INSTRUCTOR ONLINE CLASS: This Distance Learning course requires students to attend one of the two MANDATORY ORIENTATION dates: Room 901B — Mon, June 5, 9-11 am OR Tues, June 6, 7-9 pm. Students must stay for the entire session. Students must bring student ID, proof of registration, and the course textbook to the orientation. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 15; To drop with “W”: June 17; To qualify for refund: June 10. The above class requires 40 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30071 100 DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation Prereq: A native-speaking knowledge of Spanish for those who have had little or no education in a Spanish-speaking country. Offers intensive training in oral and written Spanish for those who speak Spanish but have had little or no formal training in the language. Not open to students with credit in SPAN 101 F or SPAN 102 F. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION The above class requires 40 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 12; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30067 002 10:40- 2:15P M T W R 6/26-8/3 DAYS SPAN 201 F Spanish for the Spanish Speaker 5 Units CAN SPAN 2 Transfer: CSU, UC This course emphasizes communicative competence across the basic skills in pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced to the culture of Spain and Latin America. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in SPAN 101HF. • CREDIT/NO CREDIT/LETTER GRADE OPTION 30063 001 SEC TIME 313 30036 001 The above class requires 40 minutes arranged lab per class session. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: July 3; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 7:25-10:30A M T W R 5/30-7/6 Pledger, Shirlee I. 528 Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30043 005 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/12 Schilling, Charles 528N Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30065 020 7:25-10:30A M T W R 6/26-8/2 Kresse, Douglas J. 2401 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30046 010 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/12 Bookstore Schilling, Charles 30052 015 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/5-7/12 Course materials are available at the campus bookstore or online at The bookstore recommends that students go to class first for instructor’s directions on exact material required. Bates, Benjamin E. Tuesday = T Wednesday = W 725A Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30078 025 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 6/26-8/2 Kresse, Douglas J. 2401 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 25; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30086 030 10:40- 1:45P M T W R 7/10-8/15 Emry, Robert A. Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: July 11. Monday = M 528N Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. Thursday = R 63 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 727A FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ROOM SPCH 100 F continued: 30039 100 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 5/30-7/6 Pledger, Shirlee I. 528 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 5; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: May 31. 30057 105 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 6/5-7/12 Bates, Benjamin E. 725A Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: July 3; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30091 110 6:30- 9:35P M T W R 7/10-8/15 Emry, Robert A. STSV 071 F 0.5 to 2 Units Adaptive Computer Access: Word Processing 727A Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 7; To qualify for refund: July 11. SPCH 105 F Interpersonal Communication Advisory: Eligibility through Disability Support Services OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT COURSE: Students with various disabilities will be assessed on computer skills. Course provides guided instruction/application on the use of computers and access technologies within the context of word processing. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY • Open Entry/Open Exit 3 Units CAN SPCH 8 Transfer: CSU Advisory: College level reading and completion of ENGL 060 F Gain an understanding of effective communication skills in the interpersonal arena; topics include perception, listening, nonverbal communication and conflict resolution. 30097 001 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Kirkham, Richard A. 30319 OE1 622B Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30101 005 8:00-10:30A M T W R 6/5-7/6 Pratt, Laurie A. 8:00-10:30A M T W R 7/10-8/9 Pledger, Shirlee I. Phelan, Robert S. 727A Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30108 015 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Kirkham, Richard A. 528 30817 OE3 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30115 020 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Johnson, Jarvis S. Pledger, Shirlee I. 2402 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 6/5-7/6 Johnson, Jarvis S. 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 6/26-7/27 Mierop, John L. 528 6:30- 9:00P M T W R 7/10-8/9 Phelan, Robert S. 6/5-6/29 30819 OE2 840 Campbell, Lisa P. 840 6/26-7/20 McLeod, Jennifer S. 622B STSV 075 F Adaptive Computer: Learning Strategies 528N 0.5 to 2 Units Advisory: Eligibility through Disability Support Services OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT CLASS: Guided instruction to improve study strategies and basic learning skills through computer-assisted instruction. Designed for students with learning disabilities or acquired brain injuries who are eligible through Disability Support Services. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY • Open Entry/Open Exit 526 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30563 OE1 8:00- 2:00P M T W R 6/5-6/29 McKinley, Paul E. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: June 6. Make Sure To Attend the First Class Meeting Attendance at the first meeting of a class is advised because of enrollment demands. Any student not reporting to the first class meeting may be dropped from the roster. Online 840 Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 28; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 27. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30123 110 Sipple, Ruth E. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30118 105 6/5-6/29 30818 OE1 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30111 100 0.5 Units Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: June 6. Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 29; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 27. 30122 030 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 7/10-8/9 804 Advisory: Eligibility through Disability Support Services OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT COURSE: An intensive diagnostic learning assessment process will be conducted for students with learning disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on assessing specific academic and learning modality strengths and weaknesses. • Non-degree credit • CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY • Open Entry/Open Exit 528 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 13; To drop with “W”: Aug 1; To qualify for refund: July 11. 30105 010 10:40- 1:10P M T W R 6/5-7/6 McKinley, Paul E. STSV 072 F Learning Assessment 727A Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 8; To drop with “W”: June 27; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30120 025 8:00- 2:00P M T W R 6/5-6/29 Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: June 6. Hybrid TeleWeb 64 Summer Success 804 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR 7/10-8/6 Engle, Martha R. ROOM THEA 100 F continued: TECHNOLOGY-RELATED COURSES 30459 OL1 ONLINE CLASS: This Distance Learning course has no face-to-face meetings at any time. All orientation, quizzes or examinations, lectures, assignments, and communications take place online. Play attendance is required. On first day of semester, all students must log onto this course through WebCT, read “What to Do First,” then send the instructor an email using the WebCT mail tool in the course no later than the Friday before the online class begins by 6 pm PST. Note: Email not received through WebCT by the deadline will result in the student being dropped from the course. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 15; To drop with “W”: July 31; To qualify for refund: July 12. TECH 199 F 1 to 3 Units Technology and Engineering: Independent Study Prereq: Introductory course in appropriate subject area This course is designed for advanced students who wish to increase their knowledge of technical areas through individual study. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30913 IS1 6/5-8/3 Lopez, Connie C. 700 The above class requires students to contact the instructor in Room 700 prior to enrolling. Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 14; To drop with “W”: July 19; To qualify for refund: June 8. 30460 OL2 THEATRE ARTS THEA 072 F 1 Unit Movement/Performance Skills for Musical Theatre Advisory: Enrollment is by audition or interview only This exciting summer theatre program provides an in-depth analysis and application of the techniques and skills necessary for the creation, execution and choreography of musical theatre. Emphasis is placed on analyzing and performing a variety of musical theatre styles, and the class culminates in a performance day. This class is taken in conjunction with MUS 070 F. • Plus 8-12 hours arranged • Non-degree credit 30265 001 9:00-10:40A M T W R 6/19-7/13 Haddad, Maha A. Haddad, Maha A. 1111 30289 001 9:00-11:50A M T W R 6/5-6/29 1111 3 Units Robinson, Forrest G. 9:00-11:50A M T W R 7/10-8/3 Robinson, Forrest G. Tuesday = T Wednesday = W 1319 2 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Advisory: Enrollment is by audition or interview only. Student produced and directed shows for a public audience. This course gives the student practical experience in planning, rehearsing and producing a theatrical event for the public. May be taken four times for credit. 1310 30456 100 7:00-10:50P M T W R 5/30-6/23 Hoyt-Heydon, Pamela A. The Resident Theatre Company produces the 11th annual Director’s Festival with directors drawn from the ranks of students, alumni, and community directors and local theater companies. Short-length plays (25–30) are rehearsed and produced in the Bronwyn Dodson Theatre. Directing applications due April 3rd. Open auditions for 100 actors on May 16th at 7 pm. For more info, call (714) 992-7429. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 2; To drop with “W”: June 16; To qualify for refund: May 31. 1310 Deadline to add: July 12; To drop without “W”: July 12; To drop with “W”: July 27; To qualify for refund: July 11. Monday = M Krinke, Gary E. THEA 235 F Experimental Theatre Deadline to add: June 7; To drop without “W”: June 7; To drop with “W”: June 22; To qualify for refund: June 6. 30458 001 1:00- 4:20P M T W R 6/19-7/20 Summer Theatre Workshop involves complete participation in the acting and technical production of “Grease.” Gary Krinke directs the 27th annual SRO Musical Theatre Conservatory. AUDITIONS: Sat, May 13 at 2 pm — Recital Hall. PERFORMANCES: July 19-22, 2006. Actors are required to pay a $300 production fee. Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 22; To drop with “W”: July 12; To qualify for refund: June 20. CAN DRAM 18 Transfer: CSU, UC See the exciting and dynamic world of theater from a new perspective. Develop a keen understanding of play analysis, the role of audience and the various production components that create a theatrical event. Play attendance is required. (Acting is not required for this class) 31022 002 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Advisory: Enrollment by audition or interview only Offered during the summer session, this course involves the study and laboratory exploration of all aspects of theatre production, culminating in a series of public performances. For more information, actors should call (714) 992-7425 and technical theatre students should call (714) 992-7729. This class is offered as part of SRO, Summer Music Conservatory. AUDITIONS: Sat, May 13 at 2 pm — Recital Hall Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 21; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 20. THEA 100 F Introduction to the Theatre Engle, Martha R. THEA 137 F Summer Theatre Workshop This class is offered as part of SRO, Summer Musical Conservatory. AUDITIONS: Sat, May 13 at 2 pm — Recital Hall Deadline to add: June 21; To drop without “W”: June 21; To drop with “W”: July 6; To qualify for refund: June 20. 30269 002 10:50-12:30P M T W R 6/19-7/13 6/26-7/23 ONLINE CLASS: This Distance Learning course has no face-to-face meetings at any time. All orientation, quizzes or examinations, lectures, assignments, and communications take place online. Play attendance is required. On first day of semester, all students must log onto this course through WebCT, read “What to Do First,” then send the instructor an email using the WebCT mail tool in the course no later than the Friday before the online class begins by 6 pm PST. Note: Email not received through WebCT by the deadline will result in the student being dropped from the course. Updated class information and requirements can be found online at Deadline to add: June 28; To drop without “W”: June 30; To drop with “W”: July 17; To qualify for refund: June 28. Thursday = R 65 Friday = F Saturday = S Sunday = U 1319 FULLERTON COLLEGE CRN SEC TIME DAYS DATES BEG.-END. INSTRUCTOR THEA 290 F Theatre Arts Seminar ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ROOM CRN 5/30-6/22 30190 100 5/30-6/22 INSTRUCTOR ROOM 2 Units 6:00- 9:50P TR 6/6-7/27 Saddler, Robert G. 707 Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 8. Hoyt-Heydon, Pamela A. WELD 121BF Fundamentals of Inert Gas Welding 0.5 to 2 Units 2 Units Transfer: CSU Prereq: WELD 121AF This course is an introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), and Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC). Transfer: CSU, UC Review Requested Prereq: All classes in a specific performance area. Special individually designed projects in theatre by special arrangement with instructor for students who wish to increase their knowledge and experience in theatre. Course may be taken four times for credit. 30313 IS1 DATES BEG.-END. Transfer: CSU This course introduces welding processes and applications to students in related manufacturing and technical areas such as automotive and machining. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 15; To qualify for refund: May 31. THEA 299 F Theatre Arts: Independent Study DAYS WELD 121AF Introduction to Welding 1 to 3 Units Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limit Lecture/laboratory hours may vary with credit given. Various classes designed to meet the interest and needs of students and faculty may be offered from semester to semester. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Open Entry/Open Exit 30311 OE1 SEC TIME 30194 100 6:00- 9:50P TR 6/6-7/27 Saddler, Robert G. Deadline to add: June 8; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 8. Hoyt-Heydon, Pamela A. Deadline to add: June 1; To drop without “W”: June 1; To drop with “W”: June 15; To qualify for refund: May 31. WELLNESS (see Physical Education) WELDING WELD 095 F Welding Skills Lab 0.5 to 2 Units Advisory: Enrollment in WELD 121 F, WELD 121AF, WELD 121BF, WELD 091AF, WELD 091BF, WELD 091CF, WELD 091DF or any other Fullerton College welding course. This course offers students the opportunity to further develop their welding skills. One-half unit of credit will be given for each 24 hours of class participation. Course may be taken four times for credit. • Open Entry/Open Exit 30264 OE1 6/6-7/27 Saddler, Robert G. 709 Deadline to add: June 29; To drop without “W”: June 13; To drop with “W”: July 13; To qualify for refund: June 8. Online Hybrid TeleWeb 66 Summer Success 707 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Academic/College Policies Affecting Students ATTENDANCE Attendance at the first class meeting is highly recommended. Failure to attend may result in the instructor dropping the student from the class. COURSE REPETITION Students will be blocked from registering into courses for which they are not eligible. To request an exception to the Course Repetition policy, students must file a petition with the Admissions and Records Office. Incomplete (I) Grades If an Incomplete (I) is received, the student cannot re-enroll in the course. Specified coursework must be completed within one year with the instructor who assigned the incomplete grade. In Progress (IP) Grades If an In Progress (IP) is received, the student must re-enroll in the course the following semester. Non-Repeatable Courses A course in which a student has earned a grade of D, F or NC may be repeated only once. A course in which a student has earned an A, B, C or CR may be repeated only under exceptional circumstances. Repeatable Courses Students may repeat a course only up to the maximum number of repetitions permitted in accordance with the College Catalog. AUDITING COURSES Enrolled students who wish to audit a class must file a petition with the Admissions and Records Office by the add deadline of the class. See College Catalog for details. BASIC SKILLS COURSES Students will not receive credit for more than 30 units of remedial or basic skills courses in the district. A student who exhausts this unit limitation will be referred to appropriate non-credit continuing education services, with certain exceptions. See College Catalog for details. CAMPUS HOLDS Fullerton College will withhold grades, transcripts, registration privileges, or any combination thereof, from any student or former student who has failed to clear a campus obligation (returned check, unpaid loan, equipment not returned, equipment breakages, unpaid fines or materials owed to the library, etc.). Any item withheld shall be released when the student clears the campus obligation. CREDIT/NO CREDIT If a course is listed in the College Catalog as “Letter Grade or Credit/No Credit Option,” a student choosing to take the course with a CR/NC grade must file a “Credit/No Credit Grade Request” form in the Admissions and Records Office no later than the add deadline of the course. Once the request is submitted, the grading option is not reversible. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Students are expected to notify the Admissions and Records Office in writing when their address changes. “Change of Address” forms are available in the Admissions and Records Office. Students should also leave a forwarding address with the U.S. Postal Service. The student is responsible for any delay in communications sent from the Admissions and Records Office when an incorrect address is on file. GRADES Final grades are not mailed to students. Grades are available on WebStar approximately three weeks after the class ends. CHANGE OF NAME Currently enrolled students who wish to change their name on official college records must obtain and file the “Student Data Change” form in the Admissions and Records Office. Proof of legal name change may be required. MATRICULATION APPEALS PROCEDURES A Matriculation Appeals Petition may be filed for any of the following concerns: Review of Placement Decisions The student must make an appointment to see the Dean of Counseling. If the Dean of Counseling is unavailable within three (3) working days, the student shall take the appeal directly to the Dean of Humanities or Dean of Mathematics as appropriate. The student must include documentation/information to support the appeal. Waiver of Prerequisites If a co-requisite or prerequisite is not offered in a given term, the student may request a waiver of the co-requisite/prerequisite. The student shall take the petition directly to the dean of the division responsible for the course. The request must be made prior to the first day of the term. CLASS CANCELLATIONS Fullerton College reserves the right to cancel any class for which the enrollment is not sufficient to warrant continuation and to change the class hours and/or days as necessity demands. COURSE PROGRESSION Students are expected to take courses on an accepted progressive basis. Students will not receive credit for classes which are considered lower in degree of advancement than those already taken. 67 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Students may challenge a prerequisite on the grounds it is not valid because it is not necessary for success in the course for which it is required; or because the student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course despite not meeting the prerequisite. The student shall take the petition directly to the dean of the division responsible for the course. Complaint of Unlawful Discrimination If a student feels that assessment, orientation, counseling, prerequisites (or any other matriculation procedure) is being applied in a discriminatory manner, a petition may be filed with the Dean of Counseling. Petitions for the above appeals are available in the Counseling Center (2000 Building). REQUEST TO EXCLUDE “D” or “F” GRADES If a student has previously received a “D” or “F” grade in a course taken at Fullerton College and repeats exactly the same course and earns a higher letter grade, the student may petition to exclude the “D” or “F” grade from his or her cumulative grade point average. Petitions are available in the Admissions and Records Office. Refer to the College Catalog for complete information. VARIABLE UNIT COURSES Units may be increased or decreased no later than the withdrawal deadline for the course. Students must increase or decrease units at the Admissions and Records Office and pay additional enrollment fees when increasing units. OPEN ENROLLMENT It is the policy of the North Orange County Community College District that every course, course section or class, wherever offered and conducted throughout the district, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who is eligible for admission to the college(s) and who meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuant to Chapter 11, Division 2, Part VI, Title 5 of the California Administrative Code, commencing with Section 51820. WITHDRAWAL POLICY While an instructor may drop a student for excessive absences, it is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a class. Instructor approval is not required. Students must drop classes by the appropriate deadline date through WebStar. For all summer classes, refer to the comment line under the specific section (CRN) of the class for deadline dates. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these dates. These dates are subject to change without notice in order to comply with state accounting regulations. Failure to officially withdraw from a class may result in a grade of “F” or “NC”. PRIVACY RELEASE Pursuant to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the College may release or publish, without the student’s prior consent, items in the category of public information, which include name, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities in sports, weight and height (if a member of an athletic team), dates of attendance, and degrees and awards received, and recent previous education institutions or agencies attended. Students who wish to have this information restricted must submit a written request to the Admissions and Records Office. Requests must be filed within fifteen calendar days from the beginning of each term a student is in attendance. Directory information will then only be provided to individuals who have a current written and signed release from the student. C A M P U S C O M P U T E R T E R M I N A L S AVA I L A B L E F O R W E B S TA R A C C E S S Department Location Admissions and Records Lobby 2000 Building, 1st Floor Cadena/Transfer Center Room 1407 Computer Lab Room 317 Library 800 Building (LLRC) Skills Center 800 Building (LLRC) – West Entrance Dates and hours of availability may vary 68 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASSOCIATE DEGREE 2005–2006 5. Students may earn one Associate in Arts Degree and multiple Associate in Science Degrees. Those who were previously awarded an Associate in Arts Degree will not be eligible for an Associate in Science Degree in that same major. 6. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Completion of 60 degree applicable units with a cumulative 2.0 grade point average. 2. Residence Requirement a. A minimum of 24 units accumulated during two or more semesters must be completed at Fullerton College; OR b. The last 12 units prior to awarding the degree must be completed at Fullerton College. 3. Completion of course work in a major as required (see college catalog). 4. Completion of general education: a. 24 units as stipulated by the Fullerton College graduation requirements (see below) OR b. 39 units as stipulated by the CSU general education requirements OR c. 37–39 units as stipulated by the IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) requirements. 7. Completion of a 1 unit physical education activity course, or PE 243 F Stress Management through Physical Activity or PE 266 F Physical Fitness as a Lifelong Concept. Completion of 1 Multicultural Education course: AJ 278 F; ANTH 102 F, 105 F (F’99), 107 F; BUS 131 F (F’98); CDFL 110 F, 201 F (F’99); CRTV 126AF (F’00), 126BF (F’00); DANC 210 F (F’03); ENGL 218 F (F’01), 239 F (F’97), 243 F, 247 F; ETHS 101 F; FASH 244 F; FOOD 130 F; GEOG 100 F or 100HF (F’97), 160 F; HIST 110 F (F’00), 111 F (F’00), 112 F (F’99) or 112HF (F’99), 113 F (F’99) or 113HF (F’99); HIST 270 F (F’02); MKT 205 F (F’03); PE 250 F (F’99); PHIL 105 F (F’98) or 105HF (F’98), 270 F (F’98); PSY 131 F (F’03), 145 F (F’97); SOC 101 F or 101HF (F’03), 102 F (F’99); SPAN 206 F; SPCH 120 F; THEA 108 F (F’03). Graduation Reading Requirement: a. A satisfactory score on the reading component of the placement test OR b. A reading proficiency test approved by the Reading Department or c. Successful completion of ESL 185 F, READ 096 F (formerly READ 056BF), 142 F, or any course in the IGETC Area 1B or CSU Area A3 critical thinking category FULLERTON COLLEGE GENERAL EDUCATION GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Twenty-four (24) Units Total Minimum Required — Three Units in Each of The Eight (8) Sub Categories Courses appearing in more than one Area may only be counted in one area. AREA A – Language and Rationality AREA C – Arts and Humanities C.1 Visual Arts, Music, Theatre and Dance (3 units) ART 110 F, 112 F, 113 F, 114 F, 116 F, 119 F, 120 F, 127 F, 150AF, 160 F, 179 F, 182 F, 185 F, 186AF, 187 F, 188 F, 189AF, 196HF, 212 F, 213 F; CRTV 120 F, 121 F, 126AF, 126BF, 131 F; DANC 100 F, 103 F, 105 F, 107 F, 111 F, 120 F, 210 F; ENGL 205 F, 206 F; FASH 242 F, 244 F; IDES 180 F; MUS 101 F, 102 F, 104AF, 106 F, 107AF, 113 F, 114 F, 115 F, 116 F, 117 F, 118 F, 119 F, 120 F, 123 F, 180 F, 196HF, 271 F, 273 F, 274 F, 281 F, 282 F; PHOT 100 F, 101 F; THEA 100 F, 104 F, 106 F, 109 F, 127 F, 196HF; WOOD 110 F C.2 Literature, Philosophy, Religion and Foreign Language (3 units) ENGL 102 F or 102HF, 105 F, 203 F, 204 F, 205 F, 206 F, 207 F, 211 F, 212 F, 214 F, 218 F, 221 F, 222 F, 224 F, 225 F, 234 F, 239 F, 243 F, 245 F, 246 F, 247 F, 248 F, 249 F, 250 F, 251 F, 252 F, 253 F, 255 F; PHIL 100 F or 100HF, 101 F, 105 F or 105HF, 135 F, 160 F, 195 F; any Foreign Language 101 F or 101HF, 102 F or 102HF, 201 F, 203 F, 204 F A.1 Written Communication (3 units) BUS 111 F; ENGL 100 F or 100HF; JOUR 101 F A.2 Analytical Thinking (3 units) CIS 100 F, 111 F; CRTV 118 F; CSCI 123 F; ENGL 103 F or 103HF, 104 F, 201 F; JOUR 110 F; MATH 120 F or 120HF; PHIL 170 F, 172 F; READ 142 F; SOSC 120 F; SPCH 100 F, 105 F, 120 F, 124 F, 135 F AREA B – Natural Sciences and Mathematics B.1 Physical Sciences and Life Sciences (3 units) Physical Sciences: CHEM 100 F, 101 F, 103 F, 107 F, 111AF; ESC 100 F, 101 F, 102 F, 103 F, 104 F, 105 F, 116 F, 120 F, 130 F, 130HF, 190 F; GEOG 102 F; PHSC 102 F; PHYS 130 F, 205 F, 210 F, 221 F; TECH 088 F Life Sciences: ANTH 101 F; BIOL 101 F or 101HF, 102 F, 104 F, 109 F, 141 F, 170 F, 222 F, 274 F; ENVS 105 F, 126 F; HED 140 F, 150 F; NUTR 210 F B.2 Mathematics (3 units) Math Proficiency Exam (see catalog and/or counselor for information); BUS 151 F; ELEC 56AF; MATH 040 F or higher (beginning Fall 97); SOSC 120 F; TECH 081 F Also, MATH 120 F or 120HF may only be used in one area AREA D – Social and Behavioral Sciences D.1 Social, Political and Economic Institutions (3 units) ANTH 107 F; BUS 041 F, 131 F, 162 F, 240 F, 241AF; ECON 101 F or 101HF, 102 F or 102HF; ETHS 101 F, 129 F, 140 F, 170 F; GEOG 100 F or 100HF, 120 F; HIST 110 F or 110HF, 111 F or 111HF, 112 F or 112HF, 113 F or 113HF, 127 F, 154 F, 162AF, 162BF, 170 F or 170HF, 171 F or 171HF, 270 F; POSC 100 F or 100HF, 120 F, 150 F, 200 F, 216 F; SOC 102 F D.2 Social and Behavioral and Self Understanding (3 units) ANTH 102 F, 105 F; BUS 266 F; CDFL 120 F, 140 F, 173 F, 201 F; GEOG 160 F; PSY 101 F or 101HF, 110 F, 120 F, 131 F, 139 F; SOC 101 F or 101HF, 275 F; WMNS 100 F NOTE: Some majors have restricted or special general education requirements; see your counselor. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR SUMMER 2006 GRADUATION IS JUNE 22, 2006 69 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION APPROVED COURSE LIST 2005–2006 IMPORTANT NOTE: Courses on this list are approved for a specific academic year which begins with the Fall 2004 semester. This list is valid through Summer 2005. AREA C: Arts, Foreign Language, Literature, and Philosophy (9 unit minimum) At least one course is required from Section 1 and Section 2. Students wishing to use a course to meet a CSU General Education requirement must be sure that the course is approved for the academic year in which it is taken. Courses on this list are approved by the CSU Chancellor’s Office for the 2004-2005 academic year. A course used in the certification process must be on the CSU GE Breadth approved list during the term in which it is taken. If a course is taken before it is approved for inclusion on the list, it cannot be certified. Similarly, a course which is taken after it has been removed from the list cannot be certified. C.1 ART 110 F, 112 F, 113 F, 114 F, 116 F, 117 F, 118 F, 119 F, 120 F, 121 F, 150AF, 150BF, 174AF, 179 F, 182 F, 184 F, 189AF, 196HF, 212 F, 213 F; CRTV 120 F, 121 F, 126AF, 126BF, 131 F; DANC 101 F, 120 F, 210 F; MUS 101 F, 102 F, 106 F, 107AF, 110 F, 113 F, 114 F, 115 F, 116 F, 117 F, 118 F, 119 F, 120 F, 135AF, 196HF; PHOT 100 F, 101 F; THEA 100 F, 104 F, 105 F, 127 F, 196HF C.2 ENGL 102 F or 102HF, 105 F, 203 F, 204 F, 205 F, 206 F, 207 F, 211 F, 212 F, 214 F, 218 F, 221 F, 222 F, 224 F, 225 F, 234 F, 239 F, 243 F, 245 F, 246 F, 247 F, 248 F, 249 F, 250 F, 251 F, 252 F, 253 F; any Foreign Language 101 F or 101HF, 102 F or 102HF, 201 F, 203 F, 204 F, 205 F, 206 F, 207 F; HIST 110HF*, 111HF*, 112HF*, 113HF*, 154 F*, 170HF*, 171HF*; PHIL 100 F or 100HF, 101 F, 105 F or 105HF, 135 F, 160 F, 195 F, 200 F, 201 F, 202 F, 210 F, 250 F, 270 F; THEA 109 F * = Course can only be used in one area. To verify previous CSU General Education course lists, a Master History File is available in the Fullerton College Transfer Center or the Fullerton College Counseling Resource Center or you may request verification from a counselor. CSU General Education certification is available to community college transfers who complete the majority of their lower division units at the community college. AREA D: Social, Political, and Economic Institutions and Behavior; Historical Background (9 unit minimum) Select from at least two different disciplines. Student enrolled in high-unit majors (i.e., architecture, computer science, engineering, sciences) are often recommended not to be fully CSU GE certified but rather to meet transfer admission requirements and complete required lower division major and support courses. See your counselor to develop a student academic educational plan. Courses in BOLD may be used to meet the U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals Requirement. D.1 Anthropology and Archeology: ANTH 102 F, 103 F, 105 F, 107 F D.2 Economics: ECON 101 F or 101HF, 102 F or 102HF; GEOG 260 F D.3 Ethnic Studies: ETHS 101 F, 129 F, 130 F, 140 F, 141 F, 142 F, 160 F, 170 F; PSY 131 F D.4 Gender Studies: WMNS 100 F D.5 Geography: GEOG 100 F or 100HF, 120 F, 160 F, 260 F D.6 History: HIST 110 F or 110HF*, 111 F or 111HF*, 112 F or 112HF*, 113 F or 113HF*, 127 F, 151 F, 152 F, 154 F*, 159 F, 160AF, 160BF, 162AF, 162BF, 165 F, 170 F or 170HF*, 171 F or 171HF*, 270 F, 275 F D.7 Interdisciplinary Social or Behavioral Science: CDFL 120 F; JOUR 110 F D.8 Political Science, Government and Legal Institutions: POSC 100 F or 100HF, 110 F, 120 F, 150 F, 200 F, 215 F, 216 F, 230 F, 275 F D.9 Psychology: PSY 101 F or 101HF, 131 F, 145 F, 202 F, 222 F, 251 F or 251HF D.0 Sociology and Criminology: SOC 101 F or 101HF, 102 F, 225 F, 275 F * = Course can only be used in one area. AREA A: Communication in the English Language (9 units) Choose one course from each section. A.1 Oral: SPCH 100 F, 105 F, 124 F, 135 F* A.2 Written: ENGL 100 F or 100HF A.3 Critical Thinking: ENGL 103 F or 103HF, 104 F, 201 F; PHIL 170 F, 172 F; READ 142 F; SPCH 135 F* * = Course can only be used in one area. AREA B: Physical Universe and Life Forms (9 unit minimum) One course is required from each section. One matching lab must be included for Physical Science or Life Science. Underlined courses satisfy the Lab requirement (B.3) B.1 Physical Universe: CHEM 100 F, 101 F, 103 F, 107 F, 111AF, 111BF; ESC 100 F, 101 F, 103 F, 104 F, 105 F, 116 F, 120 F, 130 F, 130HF, 190 F; GEOG 102 F, PHSC 102 F; PHYS 130 F, 205 F, 206 F, 210 F, 211 F, 221 F, 222 F, 223 F B.2 Life Science: ANAT 231 F, 240 F; ANTH 101 F, 101LF; BIOL 100 F, 101 F or 101HF, 102 F, 104 F, 108 F, 109 F, 141 F, 170 F, 222 F, 266 F, 268 F, 272 F, 274 F; ENVS 105 F, 126 F; HORT 152 F, 205 F, 207 F; MICR 220 F, 262 F B.3 Laboratory Activity: Underlined courses from Area B.1 and B.2 satisfy the Area B.3 Laboratory requirement. ANTH 101LF; BIOL 102LF; ESC 100LF, 101LF, 116LF, 130LF; ENVS 105LF; GEOG 102LF B.4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning: (Grade of “C” or better required) MATH 100 F, 120 F or 120HF, 129 F, 130 F, 141 F, 142 F, 150AF, 150BF, 171 F, 250AF, 250BF; PSY 161 F; SOSC 120 F, 121 F AREA E: Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development (3 unit minimum) COUN 151 F; H ED 140 F; NUTR 210 F; PSY 120 F, 139 F; PE 248 F, 266 F; SPCH 120 F; WELL 230 F One Unit Maximum: All Physical Education Activity classes (except PE 113 F) including 1 unit maximum from: DANC 100 F, 102 F, 103 F, 104 F, 105 F, 106 F, 107 F, 108 F, 111 F, 113 F, 115 F, 116 F, 119 F, 130 F, 132 F, 202 F, 214 F; REC 107 F, 108 F; WELL 242 F The United States History, Constitution, and American Ideals CSU Graduation Requirement may be met by completing 6 units; one course from group 1 and one course from group 2: 1) U.S. Government: POSC 100 F or 100HF 2) U.S. History: ETHS 101 F, 130 F, 160 F; HIST 127 F, 162AF, 162BF, 170 F or 170HF, 171 F or 171HF, 270 F (The two courses used to meet the U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals requirement may also be used to meet 6 of the 9 AREA D unit requirements.) *Some colleges may require two lab courses if student is not fully certified. 70 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 INTERSEGMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM (IGETC) 2005–2006 Completion of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) will permit a student to transfer from a California community college to a campus in either the CSU or UC system without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower-division, general education courses to satisfy the transfer institution’s general education requirements. It should be noted that completion of the IGETC is not a requirement for transfer to CSU or UC, nor is it the only way to fulfill the lower-division general education requirements of the CSU or UC prior to transfer. Depending on a student’s major and field of interest, the student may find it advantageous to take courses fulfilling either the CSU’s general education requirements or those of the UC campus or college in which the student plans to transfer. IMPORTANT NOTE: Courses on this list are approved for a specific academic year which begins with the Fall semester, 2004. Students wishing to use a course to meet an IGETC requirement must be sure that the course is approved for the academic year in which it is taken. This list is valid through Summer 2005. Students enrolled in high unit majors (i.e., architecture, computer science, engineering, sciences) are frequently recommended not to use IGETC to meet general education certification but rather to meet transfer admission requirements and complete required lower division major and support courses. See your counselor to develop an academic student educational plan. It is recommended that all IGETC requirements be completed prior to transfer. If for good cause you are unable to complete one or two IGETC courses, you may be eligible to complete IGETC after transfer. Contact the Counseling and Student Development Office for more information. UC transfers must provide official documentation to meet the Language Other Than English requirement. Documentation needs to be on record with the Fullerton College Records Office in advance (two semesters before transfer) if this requirement is met by any means other than Fullerton College foreign language courses. Any coursework not completed at Fullerton College must be evaluated in writing by Admissions and Records through an academic counselor to assure that it meets IGETC standards set forth by the California Intersegmental Academic Senates. A grade of “C” or higher is required in all coursework used for IGETC certification. AREA 1 – ENGLISH COMMUNICATION CSU 3 courses – 9 semester units UC 2 courses – 6 semester units 1.A English reading and written composition (one course required) ENGL 100 F or 100HF 1.B Critical thinking – English composition (one course required) ENGL 103 F or 103HF, 104 F, 201 F; PHIL 172 F 1.C Oral Communication (CSU only – one course required) SPCH 100 F, 124 F, 135 F AREA 2 – MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS AND QUANTITATIVE REASONING 1 course – 3 semester units MATH 120 F* or 120HF*, 130 F+, 141 F, 150AF+, 150BF, 171 F, 250AF, 250BF; SOSC 120 F*, 121 F* * If MATH 120 F or 120HF, SOSC 120 F, 121 F and PSY 161 F combined: max UC credit allowed 1 course + If 130 F combined with 150AF: max UC credit allowed 1 course AREA 3 – ARTS AND HUMANITIES at least 3 courses – 9 semester units (one course is required from each area) 3.A Arts ART 110 F, 112 F, 113 F, 114 F, 116 F, 117 F, 196HF+, 212 F, 213 F; CRTV 126AF, 126BF, 131 F; DANC 120 F, 210 F; ENGL 205 F, 206 F; MUS 113 F, 116 F, 117 F, 118 F, 119 F, 120 F, 196HF+; THEA 100 F, 104 F, 105 F, 196HF+ + Maximum UC credit one course from ART 196HF, MUS 196HF, THEA 196HF 3.B Humanities ENGL 102 F or 102HF, 203 F, 204 F, 207 F, 211 F, 212 F, 214 F, 218 F, 221 F, 222 F, 224 F, 225 F, 239 F, 243 F, 245 F, 246 F, 248 F, 249 F, 250 F, 251 F, 252 F, 253 F; ETHS 130 F~, 160 F~; FREN 203 F, 204 F; GERM 203 F, 204 F; HIST 110 F+ or 110HF+, 111 F+, 111HF+, 112 F+ or 112HF+, 113 F+ or 113HF+, 127 F+~, 151 F, 152 F, 154 F, 160AF, 160BF, 162AF~, 162BF~, 165 F, 170 F+~ or 170HF+~, 171 F+~ or 171HF+~, 275 F; ITAL 203 F, 204 F; JAPN 203 F; PHIL 100 F or 100HF, 101 F, 105 F or 105HF, 160 F, 195 F; SPAN 203 F, 204 F, 205 F, 206 F + If HIST 127 F and 170 F or 170HF and 171 F or 171HF combined: max UC credit allowed 2 courses + If HIST 110 F or 110HF and 112 F or 112HF combined: max UC credit allowed 4.5 units + If HIST 111 F or 111HF and 113 F or 113HF combined: max UC credit allowed 4.5 units ~ Courses used to meet American Institutions will not meet Area 3.B category AREA 4 – SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES at least 3 courses – 9 semester units from at least 2 different disciplines ANTH 102 F, 103 F, 105 F, 107 F; ECON 101 F or 101HF, 102 F or 102HF; ETHS 101 F~, 129 F, 140 F, 141 F, 142 F, 170 F; GEOG 100 F or 100HF, 120 F, 160 F, 260 F; HIST 110HF, 111HF, 270 F; POSC 100 F~ or 100HF~, 110 F, 120 F, 200 F, 215 F, 216 F, 230 F; PSY 101 F or 101HF, 131 F, 139 F, 145 F, 202 F, 222 F, 251 F or 251HF; SOC 101 F or 101HF, 102 F, 275 F; WMNS 100 F ~ Courses used to meet American Institutions will not meet Area 4 category AREA 5 – PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES at least 2 courses – 7–9 semester units with one Physical Science course and one Biological Science course; at least one must include a corresponding laboratory. Underlined courses meet the lab requirement. 71 5.A Physical Science CHEM 100 F+, 101 F+, 103 F+, 107 F+, 111AF, 111BF; ESC 100 F+, 100LF+, 101 F, 101LF, 103 F, 105 F, 116 F, 116LF, 120 F, 130 F or 130HF, 130LF, 190 F; GEOG 102 F, 102LF; PHSC 102 F~, PHYS 130 F+, 205 F+, 206 F+, 210 F, 211 F, 221 F+, 222 F+, 223 F+ + CHEM 100 F or CHEM 103 F: no UC credit if taken after CHEM 111AF + If CHEM 101 F and 107 F combined: max UC credit allowed = 1 course. (No UC credit for CHEM 101 F or 107 F if taken after 111AF.) + If ESC 100 F, 100LF and PHSC 102 F combined: max UC credit allowed = 1 course ~ PHSC 102 F: no UC credit for PHSC 102 F if taken after a college course in Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, or Physics. + If PHYS 130 F: no UC credit if taken after PHYS 205 F, 210 F, or 221 F. + If PHYS 205 F, 206 F or 210 F, 211 F or 221 F, 222 F, 223 F combined: maximum credit, one series. 5.B Biological Sciences ANAT 231 F, 240 F; ANTH 101 F, 101LF; BIOL 100 F=, 101 F+ or 101HF+, 102 F#, 102LF#, 108 F, 109 F+, 170 F, 222 F, 266 F, 268 F, 272 F, 274 F; ENVS 105 F, 105LF, 126 F; MICR 262 F = BIOL 100 F and 101 F combined: maximum credit one course + BIOL 101 F or 101HF: no UC credit if taken after a 200-level Biological Science course (per catalog). # BIOL 102 F or 102LF: no UC credit if taken after BIOL 101 F or 101HF. + BIOL 109 F: no UC credit if taken after a 200 level Biology course. LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH (UC only) Complete 2 years of the same foreign language of high school level work with a grade of “C” or better OR earn a score of “3” or higher on the Foreign Language Advanced Placement Test OR earn a score of “3” or higher on the College Board Achievement Test in Foreign Language OR earn a satisfactory score of “5” or higher in the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examinations in languages other than English OR earn a satisfactory score in the SAT II: Subject Test in Languages other than English OR complete 1 course from the courses below: CHIN 102 F, FREN 102 F, GERM 102 F, ITAL 102 F, JAPN 102 F, PORT 102 F, SPAN 102 F or 102HF, 201 F CSU GRADUATION REQUIREMENT IN U.S. HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN IDEALS: (Not part of IGETC; may be completed prior to transfer) 6 units; one course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2: Group 1: POSC 100 F~ or 100HF~; Group 2: ETHS 101 F~, 130 F~, 160 F~; HIST 127 F~, 162AF~, 162BF~, 170 F~ or 170HF~, 171 F~ or 171HF~ NOTE: ~ Courses used to meet this requirement may not be used to satisfy requirements for IGETC. FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 SUPPORT SERVICES FOR STUDENTS The Center is comprised of three related services: the Skills Center, the Tutoring Center, and the Writing Center. Writing Center: • Assistance with any academic writing project, including transfer letters and scholarship application essays. • Tutor writing projects at any stage from brainstorming to final draft. • Both walk-in and by-appointment tutoring. • Frequent workshops on a wide variety of writing topics. • Word processing. ASC Services for students ASC Services for instructors ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTER The Academic Support Center (ASC) provides services to assist ALL Fullerton College students in achieving academic success. Location: Library/Learning Resource Center, 800 Building. Use west or northeast entrances. • Orientation sessions and tours for instructors and classes. • Help with student lab contracts and manuals, assistance in obtaining new materials and software and making these available to students. • Administer make-up exams. • Schedule whole-class use of Skills Center (if space is available). • Determine textbook readability. • Obtain tutors for needed subjects, develop specialized tutoring options for target populations (such as EOPS students and DSS students). • Work with instructor to provide specialized, assignment-based tutoring in Tutoring Center. • Class presentations by Writing Center tutors. Skills Center: • Instructional lab support for courses in reading, English as a Second Language, foreign languages, and writing. (Software, audio, and print materials available.) • Instructional support for individuals in study skills, vocabulary improvement, critical thinking, keyboarding, and a variety of other subjects. • Administer make-up exams for any Fullerton College course (instructor approval required). Tutoring Center: • Free tutoring for most college courses by faculty-recommended tutors. • Walk-in tutoring for accounting, chemistry, physics, math Monday – Saturday. • Inspiration software (for organizing). • Math Anxiety Workshop offered each semester. • E-mail tutoring in math and English through website: OPEN DAYS/HOURS — SUMMER 2006 Skills Center Tutoring Center Writing Center Dates Monday – Thursday Friday – Saturday 6/5 – 8/9 8 am – 6:30 pm Closed 6/5 – 6/29 10 am – 4 pm 7/3 – 7/31 9 am – 12 noon M & W: 2 – 6 pm 6/5 – 8/10 Closed Closed T & Th: 9 am – 1 pm CONTACT PHONE Skills Center EMAIL Press 0 Press 2 Writing Center Press 3 ASC Director Press 4 Tutoring Center 992-7008 WEB Academic Support Center services are FREE to Fullerton College Students. 72 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS (A.S.) BOOKSTORE Bldg. 1408 near the Student Center (714) 992-7256 Website: The Associated Students (A.S.) provides a wide variety of programs, activities, discounts and services benefiting the entire student body. Additionally, A.S. affords many opportunities for student leadership. A.S. services and activities are primarily funded through students purchasing an A.S. Benefits Validation for $7.50 per semester ($3.75 during the summer). A.S. also manages the production of the Campus Photo Identification Cards for students needing a Campus ID card and semester validation for all students. Hours vary; please check with the office. 1st Floor, Student Services Building (2000) Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:45 am – 7:00 pm (Hours will be amended for holidays, campus closings, and other events and will be posted at the Bookstore and on Bookstore voicemail.) Extended back-to-school hours will be posted. • ORDER YOUR BOOKS ONLINE at http://bookstore. • REFUND POLICY TEXTBOOKS are refundable within 10 BUSINESS DAYS of the start of the Spring and Fall semesters as posted on the receipt and in the Bookstore. New texts MUST be in perfect condition: no markings, no folds, creases, or scratches. Any ORIGINAL shrink-wrap must be intact on books sold shrinkwrapped. Books for canceled classes subject to the publishers’ return policies. TEXTBOOKS purchased after 10 days from the start of the Fall or Spring semester may be returned within 24 hours only. New conditions as above apply. There are no refunds on texts purchased in the last weeks of any semester. ALL RETURNS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A FC BOOKSTORE RECEIPT. Clothing, supplies, and gifts are returnable within 7 days with a receipt and in original condition (tags attached). Food, beverages, software, general books, magazines, greeting cards, test forms, and other noted items are not eligible for return. Please refer to the posted refund policy in the Bookstore for details. • A.S. BENEFITS VALIDATION STICKER The A.S. Validation Sticker is placed on the Campus ID Card. It allows students to receive a wide variety of valuable discounts, services and activities. The AS benefits validation is purchased at time of registration, at Admissions and Records Office, and/or Student Affairs (Room 1409) throughout the semester. After purchasing, the validation stickers may be obtained during the advertised hours of the Student Center (Room 1406), the Associated Student Office (Room 1408) and/or Student Affairs (Room 1409). (Refer to Campus ID information flyer available in Admissions and Records Office, A.S. Office, Library, Student Affairs Office, and Student Center Manager’s Office.) • CAMPUS PHOTO ID CARD The Campus Photo ID Card is purchased for $2.50 only once during each student’s tenure at Fullerton College. A current semester validation sticker should be obtained each term. If you do not have a valid photo ID, you may receive verification in Admissions and Records. Bring your birth certificate, or obtain a driver’s license/photo ID from your nearest DMV. The Campus Photo ID is the preferred source of identification when setting up campus lab accounts and for all Admissions and Records transactions. It is required for the following services: • the math and computer science labs, open computer labs • all fitness and circuit training labs • check or credit card purchases in the Bookstore • Library, Financial Aid, Tutoring Center, and Student Affairs • Bursar’s Office to obtain refund Please refer to Campus/Photo ID Information flyer for hours to obtain ID cards. Flyers available at: Student Affairs, A.S. Office, Admissions and Records Office, Library, math and computer labs, and Student Center Manager’s Office. • FORMS OF TENDER Personal, local, imprinted checks made payable to FC Bookstore are accepted in the amount of purchase with current student photo ID and driver’s license. Visa, MasterCard and ATM/Debit cards are accepted with provisions posted. Photo ID may be required. BURSAR’S OFFICE 1st Floor, Student Services Building (2000) The Bursar’s Office (Campus Accounting) provides the following services to students: • • • • Sells monthly bus passes (OCTA only) Collects payment for field study trips Returned checks (NSF) collections and payments Establishes and monitors scholarship accounts BUS AND TRAIN INFORMATION OCTA runs 5 buses by the College: 24, 43, 47, 147 and 213. OCTA Route 26 and Metrolink and Amtrak trains serve the Fullerton Transportation Center, just a 5-minute walk, or a short bus ride away. To get customized trip planning, call OCTA at (714) 636-RIDE, Metrolink (800) 371-LINNK or Amtrak (800) USA-RAIL. WEDNESDAY IS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS DISCOUNT DAY AT THE FC BOOKSTORE 30-day bus passes are available for $45 at the Bursar’s Office (714) 992-7555. Seniors (65 and older) and those with disabilities may purchase a 30-day pass for $15 with proof of eligibility. During the first two weeks of the semester, full-time students (12 or more units) may purchase a bus pass for 75 days at $75 or 120 days at $120. Prices are subject to change by OCTA. You must have current student ID for any purchase. Show us your current Campus ID Card with the A.S. Benefits Validation and receive a 15% discount on Clothing & Gifts! Must have current semester validation on card. 73 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 • Provide students with unofficial progress checks for certificates, associate degrees and transfer requirements. • Provide unofficial evaluations of other college transcripts. • Assist students in appropriate selection of Math, English and basic skills courses. • Assist students in clarifying and selecting their career goals. • Assist students in resolving concerns about life management issues. • Provide information on college policies and regulations. • Provide walk-in general information counseling. • Provide Orientation and New Student Group Advising. In addition, the Counseling Center Staff assists students with: • Processing Matriculation Forms. • Scheduling counseling appointments. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Fullerton College Child Development Center provides a high quality early childhood program for preschool children ages 21⁄2–51⁄2. Teachers design the early care and learning programs to meet the developmental needs, interests and learning styles of the children. The center is licensed and holds accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The Center serves families without regard to sex, race, religion, sexual preference or physical handicap. Child Development Lab School The Lab School is designed to provide rich early learning experiences for young children as well as serve as a college classroom learning environment for students in the Child Development and Educational Studies Department. Teachers provide an environment that supports and promotes early care and learning through the creation of natural learning spaces where children can investigate, learn, and develop. CAREER/LIFE PLANNING CENTER 2000 Building (714) 992-7043 Mon – Thurs 8:30 am – 6:00 pm The Career and Life Planning Center offers individual and group appointments with career counseling faculty. In addition, the Center provides the following career development services and resources: • Counseling to facilitate career exploration and career decision making • Counseling for career/life transition • Special workshops and courses for adult re-entry students • Assistance with resumes, application letters and interviewing techniques • Computerized career information systems • Career Assessment workshops • An extensive research library of career reference materials Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. The Center is open year round and follows the holiday schedule of Fullerton College. There are 2, 3 and 5 day options of enrollment and the program is available to students, Fullerton College staff and the greater community. We provide the children with a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack daily at no additional cost. Please call to visit, check availability and tuition rates or to be added to our waiting list. The Center offers free and reduced cost childcare services to eligible families. The Child Development Center is a part of the Fullerton College Social Sciences Division and works in conjunction with the faculty of the Child Development and Educational Studies Department. CADENA/TRANSFER CENTER Room 1407 (714) 992-7587 Mon – Thurs 8:00 am – 4:00 pm The Cadena/Transfer Center is a one stop combination student resource and advising center which provides a variety of academic, transfer, personal enrichment and diversity services. The Cadena/Transfer Center provides the following services and resources to students, faculty and staff: • Walk-in transfer advising and assistance. • Personalized contact with representatives from four-year colleges and universities. • Transfer information and application workshops. • Field trips to four-year colleges and universities. • Transfer Day and college fairs. • A large collection of college and university catalogs. • A variety of guides that help you choose the right school for you. • Multi-media computer stations. • Cultural, academic and self-enrichment workshops. • Financial Aid and scholarship information. • Diversity-related field trips. For further details see our web site at or call (714) 992-7467 COUNSELING SERVICES The Counseling and Student Development Division provides services for students through the following locations: • Counseling Center • CalWORKs Center • Career/Life Planning Center • Workforce Center • Cadena/Transfer Center • International Students • Assessment/Orientation Center In addition, the division provides Counseling Courses in the following subject areas: • College Experience • Career Development • Academic Success • Educational Planning COUNSELING CENTER 2000 Bldg., Second Floor Mon – Thurs 8:00 am – 7:00 pm Online Counseling (714) 992-7010 The Counseling Center offers new, continuing and returning students with individual or group appointments with counseling faculty to: • Assist students in preparing a Student Educational Program Plan (SEPP). This plan will include courses which will meet the requirements for college majors, career preparation or transfer to four-year colleges and universities. • Provide students with information on transfer, major preparation, and general education requirements. ASSESSMENT/ORIENTATION CENTER Room 513 Mon – Thurs 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (714) 992-7010 The Fullerton College Assessment Center offers required assessment tests for enrollment in Math and English courses. No appointment needed, come to the center during operating hours to complete your assessment. 74 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 WORKFORCE CENTER Room 1409 (714) 992-7261 Mon–Thurs 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, June 1–30 Closed July 1 – August 18 The Workforce Center offers services and resources to currentlyenrolled students and Fullerton College graduates from the past two years. The Center provides: • daily postings of full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal employment opportunities • individualized assistance for resume/cover letter writing • mock interviews and interviewing techniques • workshops • free resume faxing • resource materials on relevant job search and business etiquette topics • job fairs each term Students must register each school year by presenting their current student ID or a driver’s license and class printout. MISSION STATEMENT We prepare students to be successful learners. VISION STATEMENT Fullerton College will create a community that promotes inquiry and intellectual curiosity, personal growth and a life-long appreciation for the power of learning. CORE VALUES We respect and value the diversity of our entire community. We value tradition and innovation. We support the involvement of all in the decision-making process. We expect everyone to continue growing and learning. We believe in the power of the individual and the strength of the group. We expect everyone to display behavior in accordance with personal integrity and high ethical standards. We accept our responsibility for the betterment of the world around us. DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES CalWORKs 315 N. Pomona, Fullerton (714) 449-4792 just west of the campus, between Whiting and Wilshire. Mon – Thurs 8:00 am – 5:00 pm The CalWORKs Program is designed for students who are receiving AFDC/Welfare. CalWORKs students are assigned to a CalWORKs Counselor that provides the guidance and support needed to meet both their academic goals and the requirements mandated by their County Social Worker. Services include: • Academic, career and personal counseling • Referral to both on/off campus resources for basic needs and emergency support services (housing, utilities, mental health, shelter, etc.) • Child care grants for both on/off-campus childcare providers. • Emergency assistance for bus passes, parking permits and books. • A CalWORKs team approach is used to advocate for student rights. In addition, students not currently receiving AFDC/Welfare but who are considering applying should schedule an appointment with a CalWORKs Counselor prior to applying through their local County office in order to secure an overview of the CalWORKs Program requirements. Room 840 (714) 992-7270 For hearing impaired – (714) 992-7221 Website: The Disability Support Services Center provides accommodations and/or services to enrolled students with professionally verified disabilities. Services may include specialized tutoring, registration assistance, priority registration, materials in alternate forms, adaptive equipment, interpreters, academic counseling (specialized), test taking facilitation, medical parking, and more. Also available to eligible students are the adaptive computer lab classes. Hours vary, please check with the office. EXTENDED OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM AND SERVICES (EOPS) Student Services Bldg. (2000) (714) 992-7470 Second Floor Website: EOPS is a statewide program that offers special assistance to students who qualify based on a demonstrated economic and educational disadvantage. Services are offered through the program’s outreach, support (professional, paraprofessional counseling, financial aid/scholarship information, workshops), and transfer services. Students interested in applying should inquire about application deadlines. Hours vary, please check with the office. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER Room 712 (714) 992-7580 Mon–Thurs 9:00 am – 5:00 pm The International Student Center (ISC) provides services to international students on the F-1 student visa and those seeking an F-1 student visa. The ISC a full-service office dedicated to supporting international students both academically and personally. International students benefit from specialized and individual attention. Services and programs include: • Int’l. Admissions (new, transfer, and change of status students) • Academic counseling • Immigration advising • New Student Orientation and Welcome Week activities • Housing and American host family resources • Employment authorization and resources • Cultural activities and social events • California Cousins Program More information on the F-1 student visa can be found at FINANCIAL AID AND VETERANS’ SERVICES OFFICE Administration Building 100 Room 115 Mon and Thurs 75 Cal Grants (714) 992-7058 FAX (714) 879-0864 Fee Waivers (714) 992-9947 General Information (714) 992-7050 H.S. Outreach (714) 992-9947 Loan Deferments (714) 992-7052 Lost Checks (714) 992-7057 Probation & Appeals (714) 992-5277 Student Loans (714) 992-7052 Veterans Affairs (714) 992-7055 Work-Study (714) 992-7054 Website: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 • FINANCIAL AID programs include the California Community Colleges Board of Governors’ Fee Waiver (BOGFW), Federal Pell Grant, Cal Grant (B and C), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study (FWS), and Federal Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized). Men who are from age 18 through 25 are required to register with the Selective Service System in order to receive financial aid. This requirement covers both U.S. citizens and most other men residing in the U.S., except lawful non-immigrants as long as they maintain that status. Men may register online and contact the Selective Service at and at 1-847-688-6888. • VETERANS programs include the California Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans’ Survivors and Dependents Fee Waiver, Montgomery GI Bills-Regular Active Duty and Selected Reserve (Chapters 30 and 1606), Veterans’ Survivors and Dependents (Ch. 35), Vocational Rehabilitation (Ch. 31), and more. HEALTH CENTER Room 1204 (PE BUILDING) The Health Center provides health care and personal counseling to the students of Fullerton College. The $14 mandatory health fee (payable at the time of registration)* includes the following services: • HEALTH CARE — Health/wellness counseling, screening for immediate or follow-up care, medical treatment for illness, first aid for traumatic injuries, hearing appraisals, maintenance of health records, accident reporting, health education, referral to community agencies. A student accident insurance plan* is maintained by Health Services. *Students pay a deductible and limitations apply • CLINICAL MEDICINE — Physician and nurse practitioner consultation by appointment, diagnosis and treatment of illness is free of charge. Clinical laboratory testing*, radiology referral and follow-up*, medications and/or prescriptions*, minor surgery*, referral to community hospitals/specialist are provided. *Available at low cost for students FOOD SERVICE CAMPUS DINING • Campus Dining, located in the 800 Building, features hot entrees, pizza, grilled burgers, breakfast burritos and graband-go convenience items. • Beverage and Snack vending units are located throughout the campus for 24/7 availability. • CRISIS INTERVENTION AND PERSONAL COUNSELING — Individual consultation with a licensed psychologist based on crisis intervention model. Referrals available to private and community health agencies. *Health Fees are charged to students whether or not they choose to use Health Services. The Health Fees are required in accordance with Section 76355 of the Education Code. FULLERTON COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC. The Fullerton College Foundation’s mission is to promote the educational welfare of Fullerton College students by assisting with financial support. This is done through the hundreds of scholarships set up at the Foundation. The opportunity to receive a scholarship is open for students continuing their education at Fullerton College, and those graduating and going on to a fouryear college or university. Applications for scholarships will be available the beginning of January 2006. They can be found at Fullerton College’s Financial Aid Dept., the Counseling Dept., the Cadena Center, as well as the Foundation office. All applications must be returned directly to the Foundation located at 315 Pomona Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832 by the deadline stated on the application. Office hours are Monday through Friday 9 am–1 pm. The Fullerton College Foundation was incorporated in 1959 under the laws of California as a non-profit organization. The corporation has the power and responsiblity to receive bequests, gifts, donations, legacies, and funds for the carrying out of these objectives. If you would like to contribute a tax-deductible donation or establish a scholarship, please contact the Foundation at (714) 525-5651. LIBRARY 800 Building (714) 992-7061 Web Page: The mission of the William T. Boyce Library is to assist students, faculty, and staff to attain their educational and informational goals in a supportive library environment. The library offers traditional services such as a large circulating book and audiovisual collection, periodicals, interlibrary loan service, reserve materials and reference and research assistance. Current technologies have been incorporated into the library’s services, available both on campus and off campus via the library’s website. These include the library catalog, online databases for periodicals and in-depth subject resources, as well as Internet searching and documentation assistance. In the library building itself, located at the north end of the Fullerton College quad, the staff is on duty to assist students with their research needs. There are computers with Internet connections for student research use, as well as email express and word processing capabilities. In addition, there are Internet connections for laptop computers. Adaptive workstations are available to assist persons with disabilities in accessing information. YOUR HEALTH FEES AT WORK Library Instruction Sessions are offered throughout the semester to assist students wishing to learn to use the online catalog and periodical databases, to upgrade their Internet skills, and to learn bibliographic citation formats needed for research papers. The Student Health Center provides all of the services you find in a routine medical clinic. Most of the services such as a visit to the physician, nurse practitioner, RN, psychologist, or health educator are at no cost to you. Laboratory tests, immunizations, medications, pelvic exams and employment or wellness exams are provided at very low fees. Call (714) 992-7414 or *85 Campus Public Phones. Nurses are available from Mon–Thurs, 8:30 am – 1 pm Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Psychologists by appointment Check our website: Hours: Monday – Thursday Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings 76 8:00 am – 2:00 pm 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Students without a DMV disabled person placard will need to take their student parking permit to the Disability Support Services Center (Room 840) along with a medical verification of disability. Once authorized, students will complete an application for medical parking and the student permit will be exchanged for a medical permit. This will allow students to park in any staff or student lot on campus (no meter parking or parking in disabled parking stalls). PARKING STUDENT PARKING All students parking their vehicles on the Fullerton College campus must display a current semester or daily parking permit. Student parking permits may be purchased by accessing WebStar or during In-Person Registration. Daily parking permits may be purchased from the yellow daily parking permit vending machines available in designated parking lots. Failure to display a parking permit or violating parking regulations may result in a parking violation notice issued. Parking in carpool slots or T marked slots (administration parking) is not allowed. Please Note: PARKING FEES • Parking-Automobiles* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 BOGG Fee Waiver Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 Motorcycles* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 • Daily Parking Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 day or evening • Metered Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25¢ per 15 minutes Pursuant to Section 4461 of Ca. Vehicle Code, “No person to whom a disabled person placard has been issued may lend the placard to any other person, nor may any disabled person knowingly permit the use for parking purposes of the placard…by one not entitled to it.” *Motorcycles and vehicles with convertible tops: Students must register their license plate and permit number with the Campus Safety Office. SAFETY Building 1500 (714) 992-7341 The Department offers an Evening Escort Service, Monday through Friday, from dusk until 11:00 pm. To request an escort, use the EMERGENCY TELEPHONES located throughout the campus and call extension 27343 or use a campus public phone and press #81. Further information on all services may be obtained through the Campus Safety Website at CLARIFICATION OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC RULES AND REGULATIONS Any questions regarding parking fees, campus parking rules and regulations should be directed to the Campus Safety Department at extension 27341 (Press 0), (714) 992-7341 (Press 0), from off campus, or see the Campus Safety Website at http:// STUDENT AFFAIRS MEDICAL PARKING All students, including students with DMV disabled person placards, must purchase a student parking sticker. Students with a DMV placard must display both the placard and a student parking permit. This will allow students who have a permanent or long term (>45 days) verified disability to park in any disabled parking stall, student, staff, or metered lot. Any student who has a short term (<45 days) medical verification requesting special parking, should go to Fullerton College’s Campus Safety Office. Building 1409 (South of Tennis Courts) (714) 992-7248 “FC DAYS” Ticket Sales Website: The Student Affairs Office provides practical learning experiences that complement classroom instruction. Information regarding campus events scheduling, student rights, student government, clubs and organizations, student discounts, “FC Days” ticket sales and a wide-variety of programs, including Commencement and Men and Women of Distinction are coordinated by the Student Affairs staff. The staff is a catalyst for information on campus procedures, and assists and supervises students to ensure successful programs, services and activities. Hours vary; please check with the office. HOW TO OBTAIN YOUR PARKING PERMIT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you have purchased parking, obtain your permit during the following dates and times at the locations listed below. Parking permits will not be mailed; they must be obtained in person. Bring your student schedule/bill indicating that you have paid the necessary fees. Students will be permitted to park without a permit in any student lot during the first three days of the summer term without receiving a citation. Parking enforcement in student lots will begin on June 12. Student parking in staff lots is not permitted at any time and violators will be cited. LOCATION 2000 Building, 1st Floor Campus Safety, Building 1500 DATES May 30 – June 1 • June 5 – June 8 June 12 – August 17 HOURS Monday – Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday – Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CLOSED Monday – Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday – Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CLOSED Pay all necessary fees at the Admissions and Records Office before requesting your permit. Parking regulations will be enforced in student lots Monday through Saturday beginning June 12, 2006. For questions regarding permits, parking rules and regulations, call the Campus Safety Office at (714) 992-7341 and press 0. 77 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 NORTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Individuals who believe they are a victim of sexual harassment, or have questions about our policies, may contact the Director of Equity and Diversity at (714) 992-7720 or e-mail your questions or concerns by accessing the online complaint form at NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT The North Orange County Community College District in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, religion, disability, gender, sex, or sexual orientation in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. DECLARACION DE NO DESCRIMINACION El Distrito de North Orange County Community College en cumplimiento con las leyes federales y estatales vigentes no discrimina por razones de raza, color, origen nacional, ascendencia, estado civil, edad, religión, incapacidad fisica, sexo o orientacion sexual, en ninguna de sus normas, procedimientos o prácticas. Consistent with State and Federal law and District policy, the North Orange County Community College District forbids sexual harassment at any of its locations. The District will take preventive, corrective, and disciplinary action for any act that violates this policy or the rights and privileges it is designed to protect. Cumpliendo con las leyes federales y la polìtica del Distrito, el North Orange County Community College District prohibe el acoso sexual en todos sus locales. El Distrito tomará medidas preventivas, correctivas y disciplinarias por cualquier acto que viole esta polÌtica o los derechos y privilegios para la protección de los cuales ha sido designada. The District does not discriminate against any employees or applicants for employment on the basis of their age, or because of their medical condition; nor does the District discriminate on the basis of citizenship or sexual orientation, within the limits imposed by law or District policy. This non-discrimination statement covers admission, access, and service in District programs, activities, and application for and treatment in District employment. El Distrito no discrimina contra ningun empleado o solicitante de empleo por razones de edad o condición medica: tampoco discrimina el Distrito por razones de ciudadania u orientación sexual, dentro de los limites impuestos por la ley o la polìtica del Distrito. Esta declaración contra la discriminación cubre la admisión, el acceso, y el servicio en programs y actividades del Distrito, y la solicitud de trabajo y el tratamiento como empleado del Distrito. The North Orange County Community College District is an equal opportunity employer. Individuals who believe they are victims of discrimination and/or harassment, or have questions about our policies, may contact the Director of Equity and Diversity and Title IX, Sec. 504/ADA Coordinator, Fullerton College, 321 E. Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832-2095, 714/992-7720; the District Director, Employer/Employee Relations, North Orange County Community College District, 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 808-4810; or any other District/ College administrator of their choosing. You may also obtain additional information by accessing http://diversity. El North Orange County Community College District es us empleador de oportunidad. Los individuos que crean ser victimas de discriminación y/o acoso, o que tengan preguntas sobre nuestras normas, pueden ponerse en contacto con el Director of Equity and Diversity and Title IX, Sec. 504/ADA Coordinator, Fullerton College, 321 E. Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832-2095, 714/992-7720; District Director, Employer/Employee Relations, North Orange County Community College District, 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 808-4810; o cualquier otro administrador del District o Fullerton College de su preferencia. La falta de abilidad en el ingles no sera un impedimento en la admision o participacion en programas de estudios vocacionales. POLICY ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT It is the policy of the North Orange County Community College District to provide an educational, employment, and business environment free of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communication constituting sexual harassment as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes. Sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances are made; sexual favors are requested, or other verbal/physical conduct of a sexual nature is made as either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s educational or employment status and has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s educational or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or working environment. 78 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 CAMPUS SAFETY DRUG-FREE AND ALCOHOL-FREE DISTRICT POLICY Students Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act In compliance with the Students Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 and to ensure a safe, secure environment, the College has adopted the following procedures: The Federal Government has mandated that as of October 1, 1990, there will be no drug usage by students, staff or faculty on college campuses anywhere in the United States. A. On January 13, 1992, the Board of Trustees of the North Orange County Community College District adopted the following policy statement to comply with the law. The policy, which is to be shared in writing with students, staff and faculty is as follows: Students and staff should report serious crimes and emergencies, i.e., fire/medical, occurring on campus to the Campus Safety Department, or call 911. When using an oncampus phone or Emergency Phone, call 27343. Campus Safety may be contacted at T-8 or by calling Ext. 27341 or 27342 during regular business hours (8:00am – 5:00pm). The Campus Safety Department is located at the west side of the campus off Lemon St. On November 18, 1988, Congress passed the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. (P.L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D; 41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.). The statute requires contractors and grantees of Federal agencies to certify that they will provide a drug-free workplace. Making this required certification is a precondition for receiving a contract or grant from a Federal agency. In most cases, a Campus Safety staff member will respond to the scene and will complete a Fullerton College Incident Report. If necessary, the Fullerton Police Department will be contacted. B. C. D. Only staff members are authorized to have keys to buildings, and no students are to have access to campus facilities without staff supervision. Facility safety and security problems should be reported to the Maintenance/ Operations Office, or Campus Safety Department. The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (P.L. 101-226) amends the previous law of 1988 to include that it is also unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or sell illicit drugs and alcohol in the workplace or at any District activities or events or while performing District business. The Campus Safety Department has the authority to enforce the campus Code of Conduct, under the Education and Penal Code of the State of California; and according to the Education Code is the liaison with local police and Sheriff’s departments in all cases of criminal actions. The campus emergency procedures publication states that students and staff should make a prompt and accurate report to the Campus Safety Department in the event of an emergency. Compliance for Employees The District intends to make every effort to provide and maintain a drug-free workplace. Pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, it is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or sell illicit drugs and alcohol in all buildings, property, facilities, service areas and satellite centers of the district. Any employee violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action which may include termination. Any employee convicted under a criminal drug and/or alcohol statute for conduct in the workplace or while on District business must report this conviction within five (5) calendar days to the Vice Chancellor, Human Resources. Campus programs which inform students and employees about being responsible for their own safety and the safety of others include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Pursuant to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, it is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use controlled substances at all District worksites and/or while in the performance of District business or attending a District event or program. Emergency procedures publication posted widely on campus. Notices which are distributed periodically to all staff members. Periodic articles in the student newspaper on safetyrelated issues. Programs presented by the Associated Students. Staff Development programs. Compliance for Students The District intends to make every effort to provide and maintain a drug-free campus. Pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, it is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or sell illicit drugs and alcohol in all buildings, property, facilities, service areas and satellite centers of the District. All students are required to comply with this policy as a condition of their continued enrollment. Any student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension, and up to expulsion. The Student Code of Conduct and the State Penal Code prohibit the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs on campus, except as specified in the Education Code. Legal Sanctions Under Federal, State and Local Laws are available in the following locations: 1. 2. EVENING ESCORT SERVICES Student Affairs Office, Building 1409 Campus Public Safety Department, T-8 Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling, Treatment, Rehabilitation Information *Evening escort services are available all day Monday through Friday. If a student or staff member wants an escort to his/her vehicle, locate a red emergency telephone (dial #27343), a blue light box (press emergency button), or utilize a campus public telephone (dial *81). An officer will meet you at your location, then escort you to your vehicle. Personal counseling and complete referral information is available for students in the Student Health Center. Please refer to College Catalog for standards of student conduct and discipline policy. 79 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 A CAMPUS IN TRANSITION Fullerton College is engaged in an extensive capital projects program to renovate existing facilities and construct new facilities. Some projects will result in programs and services being assigned to new locations. Others will require temporary reassignment. To assist our students in finding classes and support services easily, each semester this page will provide current information regarding changes in campus facilities. As of Summer 2006 — COMPLETED NEW CONSTRUCTION: Opening of new Lemon Street Parking Structure Completion of new elevator on 300 Building NEW CONSTRUCTION: Campus Commons — 2-story construction on site of 200 Building Classroom Office Building — 2-story construction on site of Parking Lot B Chilled Water Infrastructure Project — campus wide For Safety: Follow marked directional paths. Do not enter fenced or barricaded areas at construction site. — SMOKING ON CAMPUS — All smoking is prohibited within 20 feet of any main exit, entrance or operable window of all campus buildings. (NOCCCD AP 3570, based on Government Code 7697) Some smoking areas exist which are consistent with the above law: • north of the 700 Building on the patio • east of the 1200 Building (across from the tennis courts) • north of the Wilshire Auditorium Signs, benches, and cigarette disposal containers mark the areas. 80 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Computer Science ................................................................................34 Intro to Program Concepts in C++...................................................34 Construction Technology ....................................................................34 Uniform Plumbing Code ..................................................................34 Cosmetology.........................................................................................34 Adv Makeup/Microdermabrasion *NEW*.....................................34 Cosmetology — Level 1 .................................................................34 Cosmetology — Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 ....................................................35 Intro to Techniques/Cosmetology....................................................36 Counseling and Guidance ...................................................................36 Academic Success/College Survival ...............................................36 Career Exploration ..........................................................................36 Career Motivation and Self-Confidence ..........................................37 Career/Life Planning........................................................................37 College Orientation..........................................................................36 Educational Planning.......................................................................36 Dance.....................................................................................................37 Ballet I and II ...................................................................................37 Hip Hop Dance I ..............................................................................38 Jazz I and II .....................................................................................38 Modern Dance I...............................................................................37 Modern Dance II..............................................................................38 Social Dance ...................................................................................38 Earth Sciences......................................................................................38 Astronomy .......................................................................................38 Geology of the Owens Valley ..........................................................39 Intro to Oceanography.....................................................................39 Intro to Oceanography: Field Exp....................................................39 Physical Geology and Lab...............................................................38 Economics ............................................................................................39 Honors Principles of Econ — Macro ...............................................39 Principles of Economics — Macro...................................................39 Principles of Economics — Micro....................................................39 English...................................................................................................40 American Literature to the Civil War................................................41 College Writing ................................................................................40 Critical Reasoning/Writing ...............................................................41 Developmental Writing ....................................................................40 Honors Critical Reasoning/Writing ..................................................41 Intro to Literature .............................................................................40 Prep for College Writing ..................................................................10 English as a Second Language (ESL) ................................................42 Adv Reading/Writing........................................................................43 Basic English Grammar...................................................................42 Composition ....................................................................................43 High Inter Reading/Writing ..............................................................43 Inter American English Pronunciation .............................................42 Inter Conversation ...........................................................................42 Inter English Grammar ....................................................................42 Low Adv English: Non-Native Speakers..........................................43 Environmental Sciences ......................................................................43 Environmental Biology and Lab.......................................................43 Ethnic Studies.......................................................................................43 Chicano/Chicana History.................................................................43 History of African Americans in the US ...........................................43 French....................................................................................................44 French I/II Language Program *NEW* ............................................44 Geography.............................................................................................44 Global Geography ...........................................................................44 History ...................................................................................................44 History of the United States.............................................................44 Honors Western Civilization ............................................................44 Survey of American History.............................................................45 Western Civilization.........................................................................44 Women in United States History .....................................................45 World Civilizations ...........................................................................44 Italian .....................................................................................................45 Elementary Italian I..........................................................................45 Japanese ...............................................................................................46 Elementary Japanese I and II..........................................................46 CLASS INDEX Accounting............................................................................................26 Financial Accounting .......................................................................26 Managerial Accounting....................................................................26 Administration of Justice ....................................................................27 Basic Police Academy Orientation ..................................................27 CAD Crime Scene Application ........................................................27 DNA Generic Fingerprinting ............................................................27 Intro to Law Enforcement ................................................................28 Law Enforcement Instructor Dev .....................................................27 Lifetime Fitness for Law Enforcement .............................................27 Anthropology ........................................................................................28 Cultural Anthropology......................................................................28 Physical Anthropology Lab..............................................................28 Physical Anthropology.....................................................................28 Art ........................................................................................................28 Advanced Life Drawing ...................................................................29 Advanced Painting ..........................................................................30 Art History: Ancient and Medieval ...................................................28 Art History: Renaissance to Modern................................................28 Basic Drawing .................................................................................29 Beginning Life Drawing ...................................................................29 Beginning Painting ..........................................................................29 Ceramics Laboratory .......................................................................29 Ceramics: Advanced .......................................................................29 Ceramics: Beginning Handbuilding .................................................29 Ceramics: Beginning Throwing .......................................................29 Fundamentals of Cartooning ...........................................................29 Intermediate Life Drawing ...............................................................29 Intermediate Painting ......................................................................30 Intro to Advertising and Graphic Design..........................................29 Intro to Art........................................................................................28 Automotive............................................................................................30 Automotive Fundamentals...............................................................30 Biology ..................................................................................................30 General Biology...............................................................................30 Genetics and Biotech in Society......................................................30 Human Biology ................................................................................30 Organismal Biology .........................................................................30 Business Management.........................................................................31 Legal Environment of Business.......................................................31 Writing for Business ........................................................................31 Chemistry ..............................................................................................31 Chemistry for Daily Life ...................................................................31 Chemistry in a Changing World.......................................................31 Elementary Chemistry .....................................................................31 General Chemistry ..........................................................................32 Intro to Chemistry ............................................................................31 Child Development and Family Life....................................................32 Early Childhood Ed: Health and Safety ...........................................32 Human Development: Early Years ..................................................32 Intro to Early Childhood Education..................................................32 Chinese..................................................................................................32 Elementary Chinese — Mandarin I .................................................32 Cinema, Radio and Television.............................................................32 Career Advancement/Internship......................................................32 Computer Graphics ..............................................................................32 Digital Photography .........................................................................33 Intro to Computer Graphics for MACs .............................................32 Computer Information Systems (CIS).................................................33 Intro to Information Systems ...........................................................33 Intro to Personal Computers ...........................................................33 Intro to the Internet ..........................................................................33 Spreadsheet I (MS Excel 2003) ......................................................33 Spreadsheet II (MS Excel 2003) .....................................................33 Web Page Design II (HTML) ...........................................................33 Web Page Design III (HTML/JavaScript) ........................................34 81 FULLERTON COLLEGE ■ SUMMER SCHEDULE 2006 Prevention/Care of Athletic Injuries .................................................58 Psychology of Sport ........................................................................58 Self Defense — Boxing ...................................................................57 Soccer ........................................................................................56,57 Spinning ..........................................................................................53 Sport and the United States Society ...............................................58 Step Aerobics ..................................................................................54 Surfing .............................................................................................54 Swim for Fitness..............................................................................55 Swimming........................................................................................54 Tai Chi Chuan .................................................................................56 Tennis..............................................................................................54 Volleyball .......................................................................54, 55, 56, 57 Walking for Fitness..........................................................................54 Water Polo.......................................................................................57 Weight Training/Weight Lifting ........................................................57 Yoga ................................................................................................53 Physics ..................................................................................................59 College Physics...............................................................................59 General Physics ..............................................................................60 Political Science ...................................................................................60 American Government ....................................................................60 Psychology ...........................................................................................60 Child Psychology.............................................................................60 General Psychology ........................................................................60 Human Sexuality .............................................................................60 Reading .................................................................................................61 College Reading: Logical Analysis ..................................................61 Developmental Reading ..................................................................61 Preparation for College Reading .....................................................61 Real Estate ............................................................................................61 Appraisal: Residential......................................................................61 Appraisal: Standards and Ethics .....................................................61 Principles of Real Estate .................................................................61 Recreation .............................................................................................59 Backpacking ....................................................................................59 Camping and Our Bodyboarding Environ........................................59 Camping and Our Surfing Environment ..........................................59 Sociology ..............................................................................................62 Intro to Sociology.............................................................................62 Marriage and Family........................................................................62 Social Problems ..............................................................................62 Spanish..................................................................................................62 Elementary Spanish I/II ...................................................................63 Spanish for the Spanish Speaker....................................................63 Spanish I/II Language Program *NEW* .........................................62 Speech...................................................................................................63 Interpersonal Communication .........................................................64 Public Speaking...............................................................................63 Student Support Services....................................................................64 Adaptive Computer Access: Word Proc ..........................................64 Adaptive Computer: Learning Strategies ........................................64 Learning Assessment......................................................................64 Technology-Related Courses..............................................................65 Technology and Engineering: Indep Study .....................................65 Theatre Arts ..........................................................................................65 Experimental Theatre ......................................................................65 Intro to the Theatre..........................................................................65 Movement/Performance Skills: Theatre ..........................................65 Summer Theatre Workshop ............................................................65 Theatre Arts Seminar ......................................................................66 Theatre Arts: Indep Study ...............................................................66 Welding..................................................................................................66 Fundamentals of Inert Gas Welding................................................66 Intro to Welding ...............................................................................66 Welding Skills Lab ...........................................................................66 Wellness ................................................................................................59 Intro to Massage..............................................................................59 Stress Mgmt/Relaxation Training ....................................................59 Journalism ............................................................................................46 Mass Media Survey.........................................................................46 Reporting and Writing......................................................................46 Mathematics..........................................................................................46 Basic Mathematics ..........................................................................46 Calculus for Business......................................................................48 Calculus...........................................................................................49 College Algebra for Business Calculus ...........................................48 College Algebra...............................................................................48 Elementary Algebra.........................................................................47 Intermediate Algebra .......................................................................47 Intermediate Calculus......................................................................49 Intro Probability and Statistics .........................................................48 Liberal Arts Mathematics.................................................................47 Plane Geometry ..............................................................................47 Pre-Algebra .....................................................................................46 Trigonometry ...................................................................................48 Music .....................................................................................................50 Advanced Strings ............................................................................51 Beginning Guitar..............................................................................51 Beginning Piano ..............................................................................51 Beginning Voice ..............................................................................51 Concert Band ..................................................................................51 Fullerton College Master Chorale....................................................51 History of Rock Music......................................................................51 Instrumental Performance Practicum ..............................................50 Intro to Opera ..................................................................................50 Jazz History — An Appreciation......................................................50 Music Appreciation ..........................................................................50 Music Fundamentals .......................................................................50 Music Laboratory.............................................................................50 Musical Theatre Techniques ...........................................................50 The Music Business ........................................................................50 Nutrition and Foods .............................................................................52 Nutrition Today ................................................................................52 Paralegal Studies..................................................................................52 Ethics...............................................................................................52 Law Office Management .................................................................52 Philosophy and Religious Studies......................................................52 Critical Thinking and Writing............................................................52 Intro to Philosophy...........................................................................52 Logic and Critical Thinking ..............................................................52 World Religions ...............................................................................52 Photography .........................................................................................52 Intro to Photography........................................................................52 Physical Education...............................................................................53 Aikido...............................................................................................53 Aquatic Conditioning — Seniors......................................................55 Baseball...........................................................................................56 Basketball........................................................................................55 Beach Volleyball..............................................................................54 Billiards............................................................................................53 Body Building, Dev/Weightlifting .....................................................56 Body Conditioning and Fitness........................................................55 Bodyboarding ..................................................................................58 Cardio Kick Boxing Aerobics ...........................................................56 Cardiovascular Conditioning ...........................................................53 Caribbean Diving Tour ....................................................................57 Conditioning for Athletes .................................................................57 First Aid, CPR and Safety Education ..............................................58 Fitness Testing: Exercise Prescription ............................................55 Fitness Training Lab — Circuit ........................................................55 Football — Defense and Offense ....................................................57 Golf..................................................................................................53 Kayaking..........................................................................................54 Kickboxing .......................................................................................56 Lifetime Fitness ...............................................................................56 Open Water I Scuba........................................................................58 Outrigger Paddling ..........................................................................54 Pilates..............................................................................................53 82 North Lemon Street Berkeley Center 3000 arking Staff P Student Parking 1830 1600 1820 1810 FULLER TON C O L L E G E 1800 Berkeley Avenue DIRECTIONS FROM FREEWAYS From 57 Fwy: Exit at Chapman Ave., West to Lemon St. Student Parking 5 From 91 Fwy: Exit at Lemon St., North to Chapman Ave. Student Parking 4 h Staff Parking 3 Student Lemon Street Student Parking Parking Structure Structure Now Open! Student Parking 6 910 700 Staff Parking B 1300 600 Staff Parking B-2 East 400 300 1100 1403-04 1200 Library 1401-02 1400 500 2300 North Lemon Street 800 2400 Staff Parking C West 2200 1500 900 830 Grove Place C East ng rki Pa 830 ff Sta 1200 Campus Commons 100 1000 Student Parking 7 1400B Student Parking 8 Staff Parking A 100 ADMINISTRATION Parking Structure 2000 1100 MUSIC 1200 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 200 BUILDING 300 BUSINESS & COMPUTER INFO. 2100 Student Parking 10 W1 W2 1400A 1401-1404 CLASSROOMS 400 SOUTH SCIENCE CE Staff Parking W Staff Parking E Wilshire Auditorium 1400B 1405-1410 500 APPLIED ARTS/HUMANITIES 1500 CAMPUS SAFETY 600 NORTH SCIENCE 1600 HORTICULTURE CENTER 700 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Wilshire Avenue F FACULTY LOUNGE 800 LIBRARY LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER H HEALTH CENTER W1-W2 WILSHIRE CONTINUING ED. 830 FOOD SERVICE, MAILROOM DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES CE CONTINUING ED. 1-5 900 MACHINING/PRINTING B OCTA BUS STOPS METER PARKING 1300 THEATRE ARTS 910 AUTO TECHNOLOGY 1000 FINE ARTS/ART GALLERY 321 East Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, California 92832-2095 (714) 992-7000 1800 CHILDCARE CENTER/CLASSROOMS 2000 STUDENT SERVICES/T.V. 2100 SCULPTURE/3D ARTS 2200 ACADEMIC COMPUTING 2300 CLASSROOMS 2400 CLASSROOMS 3000 BERKELEY CENTER Updated: January, 2006 Grab your favorite blanket, pack a picnic, and join us for an evening of music under the stars at the Fullerton College Summer Concert Series. Concerts begin at 5 pm. Admission is FREE. Dates: June 17, July 1, July 22 Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID NOCCCD ECRWSS Dated Material North Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees Jeffrey P. Brown Otto J. Lacayo Leonard L. Lahtinen Molly McClanahan Donna Miller Manuel Ontiveros Nancy M. Rice Victoria Rizo, Student Trustee, Fullerton College Karen Johnson, Student Trustee, Cypress College Jerome Hunter, Ed. D, Chancellor Kathleen O’Connell Hodge, Ed.D, President, Fullerton College RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER