neighbor - Cabbagetown
neighbor - Cabbagetown
NEIGHBOR CABBAGETOWN Vol.18/No. 5 CABBAGETOWN NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION May 2010 What’s Inside 177 ESTORIA STREET · ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30316 King Middle School SEABA Updates Life in the Cabbage Hood Pho Paws Photography Life in the Cabbage Hood Real Estate Report Calendar Classifieds Announcements Crime Report Little Ballerinas Community Center Meetings Leelu & Fafi page 3 page 3 page 4 page 4 page 6 page 6 page 8 page 8 page 8 page 10 page 11 page 11 Cabbagetown Community Garden is Approved by the UDC! Members of the Cabbagetown Community Garden, lead by James Clawson, went before the Urban Design Commission (UDC) Tues afternoon for approval on their garden design. The meeting went really smooth and quick, given all the hard work that went into preparing for it. Nobody opposed to the garden showed up at the meeting and the commission had no questions. Members of the UDC did comment positively on our community participation process and expressed enthusiasm for the idea that we were bringing a garden into our historic neighborhood. They concluded our time in front of the council by unanimously approving our application with a vote of six people for the motion and none opposed. The next Neighborhood Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 11th at the Community Center * Agenda 1. Welcome and pizza 2. UDC cases tba 3. Committee and officer reports: 4. Brief announcements and upcoming events * CNIA meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm at the Community Center, 177 Estoria St. CI Board Meeting Monday, May 11, 7:00 pm Historic Preservation Commitee Meeting Monday, May 3, 7:00 pm Want to book the Community Center? Cabbagetown residents receive a discounted rate ($100 for up to four hours) Contact Dan at or call 404-317-2379 In the photo: Eva Bradley - Program/Outreach Coordinator, Sandy, Nathan, Michael, Duwan, Greg, Dian, baby Flora, Karin, Steve, Angie, Peter, Diana and Karen. Photo taken by James Clawson Page 2/May 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor City of Atlanta Service Numbers CABBAGETOWN NEIGHBOR is a monthly newsletter produced by the Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA), a non-profit organization. Publication is supported by advertisers. Classified ads of 25 words or less and announcements are free of charge to residents. Please submit news articles, announcements, and ads to: Previously published issues and advertising rates are available for download under the CNIA tab at CNIA Board of Directors: President Ashley Vice President Barbara, 404-317-8709 Treasurer Tracy Recording Secretary John Dirga......, 404-222-0644 Corresponding Secretary Celine, 404-524-5434 Missed Trash Pick-ups Bureau of Parks Work Order Office Illegal Dumping Bulk Rubbish Potholes Traffic Concerns Zoning Enforcement Housing Code Compliance Atlanta Workforce Development Agency Job Hotline Drinking Water Call Center Sewer Operations Call Center Mayor’s Office of Constituent Services Atlanta Police Department Atlanta Fire Department Community Cyber Centers 404-330-6333 404-817-6813 404-330-6333 404-330-6333 404-330-6281 404-330-6501 404-330-6175 404-330-6190 404-658-9675 404-658-6500 404-624-0753 404-330-6023 404-853-3431 404-853-7000 404-880-7220 NPU Representative Zoe Public Saftery Chair Jiri Vala...... Newsletter Distribution Dan Thompson Newsletter Delivery People Kelbi, Abby Gibson, Charlene Cottam, Lynn Pietak, Mark Walsh, Celine Bufkin, Melissa Bowen, Holly Hollinger, Sandy Strojny, Meridith Mason, Dian Huff, John Dirga, Debbie Weeks, Tim Messier, Lisa Myers, Michael McPherson, Sarah Blake Substitute Newsletter Delivery Person Susan McCracken Newsletter Contributors Jiri Vala, John Dirga, Mikel Dominiack, Greg Sifford, Dana Habeeb, Gracie McDonald, Gabriela Garcia, Berth Wize, Tova Baruch, Ashley McCartney, Jeffrey E. Rogers, Sr., Edward Lindahl & Zoe Chamberlain Newsletter Editor Justin Von Newsletter Distribution Keep up with the Neighborhood Join the Cabbagetown online community at And the parents’ network of Cabbagetown kids at Advertise with Us! Advertising with the Cabbagetown Neighbor is an inexpensive way to reach over 650 homes in the Cabbagetown neighborhood including the residences of the Stacks Lofts. It is also a great way to support the CNIA and the publication of this newsletter. Vistit the CNIA website at or write the editor at for more info. The Cabbagetown Neighbor is distributed the weekend before the CNIA meeting (the second Tuesday) each month to the residents of Cabbagetown. If you have any problems related to receiving your newsletter please contact the newsletter editor at or call 404-589-1157. Advertising Rates Contribute! 1 month Do you like to write? The Cabbagetown Neighbor is always looking for articles, commentary, columns and short fiction. Like to write, but are short on ideas? The Cabbagetown Neighbor has lots of ideas! Like to take photos? The Cabbagtown Neighbor loves photos of anything in or to do with Cabbagetown! For more information or to submit all bits of writing and photos contact the newsletter editor at Deadline is Friday two weeks before publication date. 3 month 6 month 1 year 1/8 Page 3.75” x 2.25” 1/4 Page 3.75” x 4.875” 1/2 Page 7.5” x 4.875” Full Page 7.75” x 9.875” $25 $50 $100 $160 $70 $140 $280 $450 $135 $270 $540 $870 $255 $510 $1020 $1680 Classified ads are 25¢ a word for non-residents Cabbagetown Neighbor King Middle School Future Leaders Connect with the BeltLine Custom Curriculum Will Engage Eighth Graders in their Neighborhoods’ Development Atlanta (April 28, 2010) – Nearly 200 King Middle School eighth grade students will kick off a month-long, hands-on exploration of how the Atlanta BeltLine redevelopment will improve their neighborhoods economically and environmentally at a program at the school at 545 Hill Street, in southeast Atlanta at 9:15 a.m. on Friday, April 30. The BeltLine is revitalizing and enhancing the quality of life in neighborhoods around the core of Atlanta with investment in transit, trails, parks, affordable housing, historic preservation and environmental remediation. “Who Stole Your Identity,” a program created by the CrimeOut Foundation to help youth understand how their identity is connected to their environment, their community and their power to give back, will launch the integrated learning experience. Teachers at King Middle School developed the curriculum, “Learning Through the Eyes of the Beltline,” with support from The BeltLine Partnership, CrimeOut, the Greening Youth Foundation, Trees Atlanta, the Museum of Design Atlanta, and Perkins + Will. “During the last 10 years, there’s been a disconnection between children and nature,” said Robby Astrove, Program Coordinator for Trees Atlanta. “Our goal is to connect students to nature in the context of the BeltLine by encouraging them to take action through leadership. We’re exposing children to the rapidly growing field of green jobs. There’s not only hope for the future. There are jobs as well.” The curriculum will include English and Language Arts, Math, Physical Science and Visual Arts. Students will integrate the BeltLine project plan with their academic studies using research, math and artistic skills to examine how the changes will determine economic and environmental improvements for their neighborhoods. Janet Grant CrimeOut Foundation 404.668.7058 May 2010/Page 3 SEABA Updates Ashley McCartney and Jeffrey E. Rogers, Sr. SEABA (South East Atlanta Business Association) was created through the merger of the Reynoldstown/Cabbagetown Business Association and the Grant Park Merchants Association in 2006. Our most important goals are to strengthen and grow the business community and enhance the quality of life for all residents. SEABA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation operated by volunteers. Our April business meeting at Six Feet Under Pub & Fishhouse was fun and insightful. We began the meeting with our new networking strategy wherein each person present gave a brief presentation about his or her business. We were fortunate to hear the presentations from our own members, as well as from guests from the Kirkwood Business Association. That information is now available on the SEABA website! We also had a great presentation by Tracey Daniel of Xanadu Financial about the tax advantages and implications of hiring workers that live in the empowerment zone as well as other potential tax benefits of running a business in our neighborhood. You can reach her at On May 20, 2010, our Soiree will unfold from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Agave! Please check our website ( for updates. Friendly and eclectic conversations abound! Come join us and find out what’s happening around town. SEABA alternates regular monthly happenings on the 3rd Thursday with either Meetings (presentations, discussions, information exchanges) at Six Feet Under or Soirees (informal networking parties) at various local establishments. All are welcome to join us for any of these events. Please check the SEABA website for information about our new membership guidelines, committee leaders, membership benefits, and tactical and strategic plans for 2010. If you would like to be on our mailing list or know more about our organization just send an email to seaba@ and we’ll get back to you. Page 4/May 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor Life in The Cabbagehood “Do Something Special for a Friend Today” I was beyond excited with the spring cleaning, planting and planning that lay ahead .I never imagined I would be booking a last minute flight to Kalamazoo Michigan to attend the memorial service for my oldest and best friend, but I did. I’m not going go into the details but I was taken completely off kilter. The I was asked to speak at the service… SPEAK…oh sure… why not … I Mikel Dominiack could barely breath! So I went –it was painful, as you can imagine. What struck me most when I did my usual ritual when a friend passes; I open my Day-Planner and with a red Sharpie I write the “Deceased” across the names and address’. As I paged through the alphabet I was overwhelmed by all the red I came across on my way to the letter “K”. Literally every page had a person who had passed away. One had FIVE! I guess I should have been more prepared with the long term issues of getting older. I do realize that this is what happens as we age, but I’m not at all pleased with the bleak realization that every person who means something special to me will one day have the word “deceased” written over their names. It is what it is so let’s, move on before I consider taking too many “Ambien” and calling it quits! I want to change gears but before I do I want you to open up you Day-Planner and reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. It is much more rewarding writing in red! Speaking of getting older DAVID DECHANT turned FORTY… pause...again? He threw one heck of a birthday bash. I didn’t get to speak David that evening, as it was the same day that I got the call about my friend’s passing. I did bake some Cheesecake Brownies and with Judy Staples and Bertha Wise we came to give you the usual “Over the Hill” razzing. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get into the swing of it, and there is nothing worse than a dreary, teary, intoxicated queen at someone else’s party. I feel like owe him a b-day beverage. So, whenever you are ready, David, give me a call! Well, I couldn’t help but notice that a few Cabbagetown porches have been adorned with some specialty lighting and I am so happy it adds such a sparkle to our little vipers den! As a Committee Chair I feel I should tell you, we are having some “anxiety issues”. We are working our hinnies off planning the event. In fact we already have a website, sponsors, donations and activities even for our littlest Cabbageheads . But we are not the CNIA, and are concerned the community may not want to support another “Christmas-likeCrawl”. There are considerable expenses with this type of social gathering they would be coming out of our pockets. So why are we doing this? Well our good neighbor Susan McCracken, had to accept the fact that she would have to go into debt over $5.000.00 to ensure that her wonderful little “Sugar” could receive the veterinary care she needed. We would all do the same exact thing! Our committee thought this would be a great way to lend a helping hand. You will be receiving a letter from me and our committee inquiring about your participation with regard to the Porch Crawl and BBQ. It’s a “feeler” to find out if you would attend or if you would like us to do another type of fundraiser. So please take the time to let us know what YOU want to do. Well, I have just returned from a very emotional experience, and I have two weddings in the next two weeks, plus our “Light-Up the Night Event” and a list of parties I have been asked to attend. I got to get some stuff done and as always my good friends, I look forward to seeing you – IN THE HOOD. Local artists, Angela Beaver and Linda Schwarz are anxiously awaiting their dog friendly art show at Glamour Paws in the Highlands on May 22nd from 6-9pm. All proceeds will benefit Paws Atlanta, About the artists: Angela Beaver is a local photographer specializing in fun and exciting pet portraits. Her business is called Pho Paws and you can check her out online at Linda Schwarz is a graphic designer in downtown Atlanta. In her free time, she enjoys working on her unique crafts, jewelry, and photography project, Voyeur. You can view her work at These ladies have been friends for several years and they continue to inspire each other. By combining their talents they have created, “Haute Pupture” a collaboration including Cabbagetown locations, women in heels, and their lovely dogs. See you there!! Ruff* Ruff* Cabbagetown Neighbor Contribute to the Newsletter! The Cabbagetown Neighbor is always looking for contributions. Here is some of the things we are looking for: Pictures – Any interesting pictures taken in the neighborhood. Pictures of your pets, children, friends, public art, happenings, events, what you do in your back yard, etc. Calendar Events and Announcements – Anything happening in or around Cabbagetown, anything happening in Atlanta that you think would be interesting to the community or anything Cabbagetown or Cabbagetown resident related. Articles – Would you like to write about something happening in the neighborhood, about an interesting person in the neighborhood, about neighborhood history? Send it to me. Like to write, but need ideas about what to write about. Let me know, I have plenty of ideas. Cabbagetown Profiles – Are you or do you know a neighbor with an interesting job, hobby, volunteer activity, lifestyle, etc.? I’d love to introduce them to other neighbors by profiling them in the Neighbor. Advertising – Let everyone know about your business! Rates are cheap and can be found on the CNIA website: http://w w A /Newsletter/tabid/64/ Default.aspx. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download a PDF. If you have any questions about advertising, please let me know. Please send all submissions and correspondence to Join the newsletter committee! Help facilitate content, write, take photos, sell ads, and/or take care of adminstative tasks. Be a part of what makes it happen each month. Call Justin at 404-452-4105 or email Next Cabbagetown Neighbor deadline is Friday, May 21st! May 2010/Page 5 Page 6/May 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor What’s Happening with Real Estate in Our Community Houses For Sale Asking Price 147 Powell Street $519,900 4 BD/3.5 BA 187 Tye Street $425,000 3 BD/2.5 BA 230 Carroll Street $330,000 2 BD/1 BA 235 Pearl Street $349,000 3 BD/3 BA 170 Pearl Street $289,000 3 BD/3 BA 680 Gaskill Street $275,000 2 BD/2 BA 244 Estoria Street $274,900 3 BD/3.5 BA 731 Mollie Street $270,000 2 BD/2.5 BA 224 Berean Avenue $270,000 3 BD/2 BA 172 Berean Avenue $265,000 3 BD/2 BA 679 Kirkwood Avenue $257,500 3 BD/1 BA 142 Savannah Street $239,900 2 BD/1.5 BA 155 Savannah Street $239,900 2 BD/2 BA 223 Carroll Street $219,900 2 BD/1.5 BA 724 Mollie Street $212,000 1 BD/1.5 BA 795 Kirkwood Avenue $175,000 3 BD/2 BA 152 Savannah Street $150,000 1 BD/1 BA 139 Savannah Street $75,000 1 BD/1 BA Lots For Sale 731 Mollie Street Under 1/3 Acre 192 Carroll Street Under 1/3 Acre Asking Price $110,000 Multi-Dwelling 107 Pearl Street Triplex Asking Price $289,000 $149,900 Commercial For Sale Asking Price 690 Memorial Drive $149,900 Commercial, Unimproved 230 Carroll Street $360,000 Commercial, Office, Retail Condos/Lofts For Sale Milltown Lofts Unit 301 2 BD/1.5 BA Asking 791 Wylie $210,000 Unit 201 2 BD/1 BA Unit 501 1 BD/1 BA $183,000 The Stacks Unit H523 1 BD/1 BA Unit E315 2 BD/2 BA Unit E228 2 BD/2 BA Unit E118 2 BD/2 BA Unit E304 2 BD/2 BA Unit E110 2 BD/2 BA Unit H508 2 BD/2 BA Unit E328 2 BD/2 BA Unit E403 2 BD/2 BA Unit E303 2 BD/2 BA Unit E223 2 BD/2 BA Unit H120 1 BD/1 BA Unit H128 1 BD/1 BA Unit H227 1 BD/1 BA Unit H402 2 BD/2 BA Unit H315 1 BD/1 BA Unit E227 1 BD/1 BA Unit E207 1 BD/1 BA Unit H416 1 BD/1 BA Unit H404 1 BD/1 BA Unit H218 1 BD/1 BA UnitE008 1 BD/1 BA Unit H416 1 BD/1 BA 170 Boulevard $589,000 $110,000 $329,900 $259,900 $259,900 $259,900 $249,900 $249,500 $239,900 $229,900 $225,900 $205,900 $195,000 $194,900 $194,500 $181,900 $169,000 $168,900 $159,900 $159,000 $155,000 $139,900 $139,900 $139,000 Unit E002 1 BD/1 BA $115,900 Reynoldstown Sq Unit 799 2 BD/2.5 BA 799 Field St. $210,000 South Park Lofts Unit 50 2 BD/2.5 BA Unit 104 2 BD/2 BA 174 Chester St. $199,900 Powell Street Unit 6 2 BD/1 BA $159,900 $155,000 Condos/Lofts Under Cont. Price The Stacks 170 Boulevard Unit D302 $168,900 1 BD/1 BA Unit H229 $121,900 1 BD/1 BA Unit E123 $199,900 2 BD/2 BA Unit E001 $109,900 1 BD/1 BA Unit H413 $132,500 1 BD/1 BA South Park Lofts 174 Chester St. Unit 106 $160,000 1 BD/1 BA Reynoldstown Sq Unit 30 1 BD/1 BA 806 Marcus St. $130,000 Condos/Lofts Sold Price The Stacks 170 Boulevard Unit E307 $167,000 1 BD/1 BA Unit E202 $159,900 1 BD/1 BA This information is provided by Lynne Splinter Realtors using the First Multiple Listing records and data from Housing and Urban Development postings. The information is not guaranteed or warranted. Any questions regarding real estate in the Cabbagetown area can be directed to the following resident agents: Nadia Giordani .............404-221-1777 Lynne Splinter . .............404-582-0006 Judy Staples ..................404-271-7824 Debbie Weeks . .............404-272-1906 Cabbagetown Neighbor May 2010/Page 7 Cabbagetown Neighbor continuous live musical performances on 2 stages by national and local recording artists, sponsor displays with many free product samples, arts and crafts and authentic food from several Latin-American countries. Admission free. 5/2. Centennial Olympic Park, 265 Park Avenue West, NW. More info: 404-350-0200 or Have something to sell, to trade, to give away? Have an apartment or house for rent? Have a service to offer? Let Cabbagetown know about it! Classified ads for Cabbagetown residents are FREE! up to 25 words. If you have more than 25 words or a nonresident ads are only 25¢ a word. Send all classified ads to newsletter@ or call Justin at 404-452-4105. Sweet Auburn Springfest 2010 - Celebrating 26 years of culture, heritage and the arts on Atlanta’s Historic Auburn Avenue the Sweet Auburn. The festival features up to 10 Stages of continuous entertainment, Cultural Pavilions, Kids Fantastic Fun Zone and much more. Admission free. 5/7, 5-10p, 5/8, 11a-9p, 5/9, 2-8p. 145 Auburn Ave. More info: 404-478-7820 or Cabbagetown Giant Sunflower Contest: All participants receive one FREE magic sunflower seed to be planted somewhere in Cabbagetown. More details at Twilight Tours at Oakland Cemetery – Tour Oakland Wonderfalls of Atlanta Wishes to announce its annual “Spring 2010 Tour of Watergardens” Benefit. Fiesta Atlanta - A celebration of Latino culture, featuring cemetery. All tours begin at the Museum Shop located in the Bell Tower building. Upcoming special tours feature Civil War, Victorian Symbolism, Fraternal Organizations, Leo Frank story, Margaret Mitchell, and more. Check ahead for special tour themes.Admission $10 adult, $5 child. Saturdays and Sundays 6:30-7:30p. Oakland Cemetery, 248 Oakland Ave SE. More info: 404.688.2107 or Georgia Renaissance Festival (Open Eight Weekends and Monday Memorial Day) - Seize your sense of adventure and travel back in time to the grandest party since Camelot! Feast like a king on a massive roasted turkey leg. Shop like a Queen in our sprawling artist market for handmade treasures! Thrill to the jousting knights and let your spirits soar at the magnificent Birds of Prey Show! Kids of all ages will love the excitement of the rides in our medieval amusement park. New this year – more daring shows, shopping and mouth watering delights than ever before! A rollicking good time awaits you at the Georgia Renaissance Festival! Saturday and Sunday, and Memorial Day - Open Rain or Shine - Free Parking! 4/17/2010 - 6/6/2010 Georgia Renaissance Festival Fairgrounds 6655 Virlyn B Smith Rd, Fairburn, GA 30213 Phone: 770.964.8575 Online: Gardens have been chosen for their variety and proximity to one another (bike, walk, drive) from frog feeding to a swimming pool. Wonderfalls offers an interesting and educational afternoon. Classifieds Announcing Things to do in or about Cabbagetown Page 8/May 2010 Open, Sunday, May 23, 2010 noon until 6:00pm. Adults $10.00 – Under 12 free. Ticket information and site map available at: and Facebook. A DON’T MISS IT TOUR! Have an announcement? Let Cabbagetown know about it! Send all announcements to newsletter@cabbagetown. com or call Justin at 404-452-4105. 31 Days of Jazz - 31 Days was created as a part of the Annual Atlanta Jazz Festival. Featuring partnerships with restaurants and establishments to celebrate Jazz in May, the goal is to introduce patrons to the experience of jazz in diverse venues, as well as to raise the profile of the Atlanta Jazz Festival and its participating partners.Dinner and Jazz Series: A perfect combination of live jazz and delectable cuisine can be enjoyed at restaurants in and around the city. Phone: 404-817-6815 Online: Happy Birthday Sasha! From your husband and friends in Cabbagetown! Cabbagetown Neighbor May 2010/Page 9 Page 10/May 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor The Neighborhood Crime Report Jiri Vala, Public Safety Officer Chair 607 Wylie St SE @ Ericson St SE 4/16/2010 (13:40) Fri Day Street 2002 Chevy Silverado Police responded to an abandoned vehicle at location. Vehicle found sitting on blocks and confirmed stolen out of the city in a zone 4 carjacking. Vehicle processed by ID and taken to Buckhead Towing. 718 Dekalb Ave NE 4/12/2010 (00:01-00:04) Mon Morn Street Victim: B/M, 32 YOA, lives in Decatur Witness: B/M, 35 YOA, lives in Decatur Weapon: Gun Victim and witness were at location taking pictures when suspects approached in listed vehicle. Witness ran then suspect pointed a gun at victim stating “come off that.” Suspects took listed items from victim and fled in vehicle. Taken: Hat, cell phone, sunglasses Suspect: B/M, wearing a red mask Suspect: B/M, wearing a hospital mask Suspect Vehicle: 4 door maroon sedan 138 Tye St SE 4/3/2010 (20:29) Sat Eve Unknown Victim lives at location 2002 Ford Taurus 604 Euclid Ave @ Waverly Way 3/27/2010 (19:30-20:30) Sat Eve Inman Park Victim: O/F, 26 YOA, lives on Peachtree St in Atlanta Weapon: Physical Force Incident reported on 3/29/2010. Police responded to Crawford Long to speak with victim. Victim advised she was sitting in the park when suspect came from behind her and knocked her down. She stated the suspect was wearing a mask and she pulled it off his face as they were fighting. Victim advised suspect put her on her back and began having sex with her without her consent. She advised he abruptly stopped and ran away. Victim did not know why he ran off so quickly. Photos were taken of victim’s facial injuries. Case turned over to SVU. Suspect: B/M, 6’00” 180 Berean Ave SE 3/19 (23:32) 3/20 (09:30) Unknown Street 2005 Jeep Libery, GA Tag# DC43J4 Victim advised he parked his vehicle at location and when he returned he found it to be damaged. Someone broke out passenger vent window and damaged steering column in an attempt to steal the vehicle. The ignition was also removed. Prints recovered and taken to ID for processing. Someone stole tag off of vehicle. Taken: GA Tag# AEF8780 170 Boulevard Ave SE 3/18/2010 (07:45-08:25) Thur Day Parking lot Victim lives at location 1993 Honda Accord 893 Wylie St SE 4/3/2010 (19:40) Sat Eve Traffic Stop 1981 Isuzu Someone broke out front passenger window and stole listed items. Video surveillance not working at time of incident. Taken: Car radio, yoga mat Police conducted traffic stop. Stolen vehicle was being carried in the rear of a pick-up truck. Vehicle came back stolen out of the city. Owner notified and advised the vehicle was not stolen and that it had been towed by his apartment complex. The tow company put the vehicle up for auction due to the owner never claiming it. Vehicle was taken off of system as stolen. “We are often deterred from crime by the disgrace of others.” 1270 Caroline St NE 3/27/2010 (16:15) Sat Eve Edgewood Shopping Plaza (sidewalk) Victim: B/F, 33 YOA, lives on Madison Dr in Atlanta Weapon: Physical force Victim was walking at location when she noticed a group of males looking at her. She crossed the street and one of the males (arrestee) circled back around towards her. Arrestee knocked her to the ground causing her to drop her cell phone. They both scramble for the phone and he pushed her out the way and snatched the phone. Arrestee fled and was chased down by witnesses and detained until police arrived. Arrestee was a juvenile and taken to Dekalb juvenile intake. Arrestee: B/M, 15 YOA, lives on Hardee St in Atlanta —Horace Cabbagetown Neighbor May 2010/Page 11 The pictures above are of three little cabbageheads taking ballet classes at the community center. The classes were organized by their parents. The ballerinas are: Livia Bolster, Shoshanna Barucht, and Adia Lovell. Names: Leelu Dallas Multipass (L) & Fafi La Rue Wigglebottom (R) Home: Estoria Street Ages: Fafi-5 months Leelu-4 ½ years Worst Habits: Fafi: Never chewing her food but always eating things she shouldn’t Breeds: Fafi-French Bulldog / Boston Terrier Leelu- Pug Leelu: Eating things she shouldn’t and rarely coming when called Weight: Fafi-10lbs Leelu-18lbs Bio: After 4+ years of being an only child, Leelu Dallas became a big sister. Leelu was very spunky in her in her youth but in the year before Fafi La Rue joined the family, Leelu had become quite the lump. At home you will find Fafi following Leelu from one sunny spot to another either to cuddle or chew on her multitudes of neck. Playtime gets pretty bonkers but only at home or in our back yard. In public you won’t be able to tell how close these 2 ladies are. Instead you will find Fafi fearlessly greeting any and all dogs she sees while Leelu is off by herself chewing mulch. They are both very friendly ladies that wouldn’t hurt a fly, so please say hi the next time you see them. Page 12/May 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor
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