neighbor - Cabbagetown
neighbor - Cabbagetown
NEIGHBOR CABBAGETOWN Vol.18/No. 6 CABBAGETOWN NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION June 2010 What’s Inside 177 ESTORIA STREET · ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30316 SEABA Updates Ask The Wood Guy Life in the Cabbage Hood Real Estate Report Calendar Cabbage Patch Pups Calendar Classifieds Word Search Community Center Meetings The Pardoned Eden page 3 page 3 page 4 page 6 page 8 page 9 page 8 page 8 page 10 page 10 The next Neighborhood Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 8th at the Community Center * Agenda 1. Welcome and pizza 2. UDC cases tba 3. Committee and officer reports: 4. Brief announcements and upcoming events * CNIA meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm at the Community Center, 177 Estoria St. CI Board Meeting Monday, June 14, 7:00 pm Want to book the Community Center? Cabbagetown residents receive a discounted rate ($100 for up to four hours) Contact Dan at or call 404-317-2379 3 Points Park At the April CNIA meeting we established a triangle committee to oversee the development of our new land. What land would that be? It is a small corner where Gaskill and Estoria meet, that is the current home of some grass, but not much else. We had a hard time getting the deed to the triangle, but it looks like it’s finally ours. Most people that lived in Cabbagetown their whole lives call that corner “3 Points” so at the May meeting, the neighborhood voted to start calling the triangle “3 Points Park.” So far, the Three Points Park Committee has created a list of potential ideas for the area that include the following: – A Gazebo that is open on two sides with benches on the inside. – Two historic markers, one by the Georgia Historical Society about the Civil War, and one detailing the history of cabbagetown. – A brick sidewalk all the way around. – A large white Oak tree to replace the one that was knocked over by the tornado. – An 1880s style gas street light with a cast iron dog station with a waste basket and disposable bags. – A drinking fountain for both people and dogs. – Flower beds with a grass lawn. The entire idea is to have a “village green,” where people could meet up, get a drink of water for them and their dogs and get out of the sun. If you have any ideas or have concerns about the current ones, please come to the June CNIA meeting where we will put these ideas to a vote. Page 2/June 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor City of Atlanta Service Numbers CABBAGETOWN NEIGHBOR is a monthly newsletter produced by the Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA), a non-profit organization. Publication is supported by advertisers. Classified ads of 25 words or less and announcements are free of charge to residents. Please submit news articles, announcements, and ads to: Previously published issues and advertising rates are available for download under the CNIA tab at CNIA Board of Directors: President Ashley Vice President Barbara, 404-317-8709 Treasurer Tracy Recording Secretary John Dirga......, 404-222-0644 Corresponding Secretary Celine, 404-524-5434 Missed Trash Pick-ups Bureau of Parks Work Order Office Illegal Dumping Bulk Rubbish Potholes Traffic Concerns Zoning Enforcement Housing Code Compliance Atlanta Workforce Development Agency Job Hotline Drinking Water Call Center Sewer Operations Call Center Mayor’s Office of Constituent Services Atlanta Police Department Atlanta Fire Department Community Cyber Centers 404-330-6333 404-817-6813 404-330-6333 404-330-6333 404-330-6281 404-330-6501 404-330-6175 404-330-6190 404-658-9675 404-658-6500 404-624-0753 404-330-6023 404-853-3431 404-853-7000 404-880-7220 NPU Representative Zoe Public Saftery Chair Jiri Vala...... Newsletter Distribution Dan Thompson Newsletter Delivery People Kelbi, Abby Gibson, Charlene Cottam, Lynn Pietak, Mark Walsh, Celine Bufkin, Melissa Bowen, Holly Hollinger, Sandy Strojny, Meridith Mason, Dian Huff, John Dirga, Debbie Weeks, Tim Messier, Lisa Myers, Michael McPherson, Sarah Blake Substitute Newsletter Delivery Person Susan McCracken Newsletter Contributors Jiri Vala, Mikel Dominiack, Ashley McCartney, Jeffrey E. Rogers, Sr., George Berry, Lynne Splinter, Duwann Dunn & Sasha Von Hanna Newsletter Editor Justin Von Newsletter Distribution Keep up with the Neighborhood Join the Cabbagetown online community at And the parents’ network of Cabbagetown kids at Advertise with Us! Advertising with the Cabbagetown Neighbor is an inexpensive way to reach over 650 homes in the Cabbagetown neighborhood including the residences of the Stacks Lofts. It is also a great way to support the CNIA and the publication of this newsletter. Vistit the CNIA website at or write the editor at for more info. The Cabbagetown Neighbor is distributed the weekend before the CNIA meeting (the second Tuesday) each month to the residents of Cabbagetown. If you have any problems related to receiving your newsletter please contact the newsletter editor at or call 404-452-4105. Advertising Rates Contribute! 1 month Do you like to write? The Cabbagetown Neighbor is always looking for articles, commentary, columns and short fiction. Like to write, but are short on ideas? The Cabbagetown Neighbor has lots of ideas! Like to take photos? The Cabbagtown Neighbor loves photos of anything in or to do with Cabbagetown! For more information or to submit all bits of writing and photos contact the newsletter editor at Deadline is Friday two weeks before publication date. 3 month 6 month 1 year 1/8 Page 3.75” x 2.25” 1/4 Page 3.75” x 4.875” 1/2 Page 7.5” x 4.875” Full Page 7.75” x 9.875” $25 $50 $100 $160 $70 $140 $280 $450 $135 $270 $540 $870 $255 $510 $1020 $1680 Classified ads are 25¢ a word for non-residents Cabbagetown Neighbor Contribute to the Newsletter! The Cabbagetown Neighbor is always looking for contributions. Here is some of the things we are looking for: Pictures – Any interesting pictures taken in the neighborhood. Pictures of your pets, children, friends, public art, happenings, events, what you do in your back yard, etc. Calendar Events and Announcements – Anything happening in or around Cabbagetown, anything happening in Atlanta that you think would be interesting to the community or anything Cabbagetown or Cabbagetown resident related. Articles – Would you like to write about something happening in the neighborhood, about an interesting person in the neighborhood, about neighborhood history? Send it to me. Like to write, but need ideas about what to write about. Let me know, I have plenty of ideas. Cabbagetown Profiles – Are you or do you know a neighbor with an interesting job, hobby, volunteer activity, lifestyle, etc.? I’d love to introduce them to other neighbors by profiling them in the Neighbor. Advertising – Let everyone know about your business! Rates are cheap and can be found on the CNIA website: Scroll to the bottom of the page to download a PDF. If you have any questions about advertising, please let me know. Please send all submissions and correspondence to Ask The Wood Guy Have you got a question about wood or wood furniture? Send your questions to Cabbagetown craftsman, George Berry and he would be happy to answer your questions. Please send your questions with the subject line, Ask The Wood Guy to, June 2010/Page 3 SEABA Updates Ashley McCartney and Jeffrey E. Rogers, Sr. SEABA (South East Atlanta Business Association) was created through the merger of the Reynoldstown/Cabbagetown Business Association and the Grant Park Merchants Association in 2006. Our most important goals are to strengthen and grow the business community and enhance the quality of life for all residents. SEABA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation operated by volunteers. If you missed our May Soiree at Agave, you missed out! We had a great crowd! Agave, of course, provided delicious food and drinks as well as superb service. Their hospitality is greatly appreciated. All who attended had the opportunity to share information about his or her business and get to know new faces around town. It was a networking success! On June 17, 2010, our Business Meeting will be held at Six Feet Under Fish House & Pub from 7:30 a.m. until 9:15 a.m. We will again start the meeting with our new networking strategy when each attendee provides a brief presentation about his or her business. Also, you will learn specifically how SEABA can help promote and grow your business success. Please check our website ( for updates. Friendly and eclectic conversations abound! Come join us and find out what’s happening around town. SEABA alternates regular monthly happenings on the 3rd Thursday with either Meetings (presentations, discussions, information exchanges) at Six Feet Under or Soirees (informal networking parties) at various local establishments. All are welcome to join us for any of these events. Please check the SEABA website for information about our new membership guidelines, committee leaders, membership benefits, and tactical and strategic plans for 2010. If you would like to be on our mailing list or know more about our organization just send an email to and we’ll get back to you. Join the newsletter committee! Help facilitate content, write, take photos, sell ads, and/or take care of adminstative tasks. Be a part of what makes it happen each month. Call Justin at 404-452-4105 or email Page 4/June 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor Life in The Cabbagehood I Think I Will Wear a Red Dress? Since starting my own event planning service almost a year ago I have been pleasantly surprised with the steady flow of work. One would think that special events and parties would be the first things affected by our current economy but nothing solves the blues like a good party. I had been a special event and fundraising coordinator for more than fifteen years in the Mikel Dominiack not-for-profit world and another five in the corporate world. I knew I had the experience but it was a bit unsettling to realize I was solely responsible for everything. If you have a bad month or two things could go south relatively easy. Although, gays and lesbians cannot,yet, get legally married; frisky heterosexuals are pairing up in record numbers, and am I ever thankful for that. different papers that all look white, spend hours at the dress shop, and then try to do a guest list and seating plans; Hire A Professional! Save yourself and steer your bride to a wedding coordinator. They will become new BFF’s and leave you to watch your games. I highly recommend the folks at Tracers Design Group at (shameless plug) Don’t forget to sign up for the Light-Up the Night Porch decorating contest being held on June 11, 2010. You can get an entry form by requesting one at Have a great start to your summer and I hope to run into you in the cabbagehood. It’s kept me extremely busy and out of the red. Recently, I was planning a wedding at the Georgian Terrace for Pauline O’Dowd, who met her husband-to-be at Agave. He had forgot his credit card on the bar and she ran into the middle of boulevard stopping traffic to return it. Tony “The Builder” Mancuso called Lisa the Agave barista the following day to inquire about how he may be able to contact his Florence Nightingale. In a blink of an eye they were engaged. Poor Pauline, she can barely lift her hand due to the 4.5ct emerald cut diamond engagement ring weighing it down. The exquisite engagement ring announces to the world in blinding brilliance, “This girl is mine!” Their wedding has been meticulously thought out and planned. Guests will be greeted by a grand almost, “days gone by” glamour. From one end of the wedding spectrum to the other former, Cabbagetown residents Michael Garbett and Erin Mabel tied the knot in a romantic ceremony at David Thayer Gardens, with just fewer than one hundred guests in attendance. The always beautiful gardens where transformed by thousands of twinkling lights and candles. Custom floral arrangements of yellow and white added bright bursts of color as the couple exchanged vows under a canopy of bamboo. Tables where placed throughout the gardens, mason jars filled with the bride’s favorite flowers adorned each of them. I have learned that when it comes to planning a wedding, what you may think a bride wants is often times the opposite. The “laid back” becomes interested in ALL the details. The “I don’t want a traditional wedding” is the one who selects white on white, placards and orchestras. So guys take my advice, unless you want to taste twenty-five different cakes, compare fifty An improvised performance at Cabbagetown Park from the 2010 Mondo Homo event. Photo by Sasha Von Hanna Cabbagetown Neighbor June 2010/Page 5 Now making our own ice cream in-house. Plus all the favorites: burgers; cubans, banh mi; hot dogs and fried pickles Local dairy, meats and produce Mexican (HFCS-free) pop Pixie Stix and toilet paper Don't forget Cabbagetown Reunion Day: Saturday, June 5th Follow us on facebook for daily specials. Cabbagetown Market & Grill 198 Carroll Street 404-524-4539 (call ahead for pick-up) Page 6/June 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor What’s Happening with Real Estate in Our Community Houses For Sale Asking Price 147 Powell Street $519,900 4 BD/3.5 BA 230 Carroll Street $360,000 2 BD/1 BA 107 Pearl Street $289,000 3 BD/3 BA 680 Gaskill Street $275,000 2 BD/2 BA 224 Berean Avenue $270,000 3 BD/2 BA 172 Berean Avenue $265,000 3 BD/2 BA 679 Kirkwood Avenue $257,500 3 BD/1 BA 244 Estoria Street $249,900 3 BD/3.5 BA 155 Savannah Street $225,000 2 BD/2 BA 223 Carroll Street $219,900 2 BD/1.5 BA 724 Mollie Street $212,000 1 BD/1.5 BA 795 Kirkwood Avenue $169,900 3 BD/2 BA 139 Savannah Street $75,000 1 BD/1 BA Lots For Sale 731 Mollie Street Under 1/3 Acre 192 Carroll Street Under 1/3 Acre Asking Price $110,000 Multi-Dwelling 107 Pearl Street Triplex Asking Price $289,000 $149,900 Commercial For Sale Asking Price 230 Carroll Street $360,000 Commercial, Office, Retail Condos/Lofts For Sale Milltown Lofts Unit 202 2 BD/1.5 BA Unit 301 2 BD/1.5 BA Unit 710 2 BD/2 BA Unit 208 2 BD/1.5 BA Unit 201 2 BD/1 BA Unit 501 1 BD/1 BA The Stacks Unit H523 Asking 791 Wylie $210,000 $205,000 $199,900 $195,000 $185,000 $110,000 170 Boulevard $589,000 1 BD/1 BA Unit E315 2 BD/2 BA Unit E228 2 BD/2 BA Unit E118 2 BD/2 BA Unit E304 2 BD/2 BA Unit E110 2 BD/2 BA Unit H508 2 BD/2 BA Unit E328 2 BD/2 BA Unit E403 2 BD/2 BA Unit E303 2 BD/2 BA Unit E223 2 BD/2 BA Unit H120 1 BD/1 BA Unit H227 1 BD/1 BA Unit H315 1 BD/1 BA Unit E227 1 BD/1 BA Unit E207 1 BD/1 BA Unit F103 1 BD/1 BA Unit H404 1 BD/1 BA Unit E006 1 BD/1 BA Unit H119 1 BD/1 BA Unit H218 1 BD/1 BA Unit H416 1 BD/1 BA Unit E002 1 BD/1 BA $329,900 $259,900 $259,900 $259,900 $249,900 $249,500 $239,900 $229,900 $225,900 $205,900 $195,000 $194,500 $169,000 $168,900 $159,900 $155,000 $154,900 $149,900 $140,000 $125,000 $124,900 $115,900 Reynoldstown Sq Unit 799 2 BD/2.5 BA 799 Field St. $210,000 South Park Lofts Unit 50 174 Chester St. $199,900 2 BD/2.5 BA Unit 54 2 BD/2.5 BA Powell Street Unit 6 2 BD/1 BA $199,000 $155,000 Condos/Lofts Under Cont. Price The Stacks 170 Boulevard Unit D302 $168,900 1 BD/1 BA Unit E123 $199,900 2 BD/2 BA Unit E001 $109,900 1 BD/1 BA Unit H402 $181,900 2 BD/2 BA UnitE008 $139,900 1 BD/1 BA South Park Lofts 174 Chester St. Unit 106 $160,000 1 BD/1 BA Unit 104 $159,900 2 BD/2 BA Condos/Lofts Sold Price The Stacks 170 Boulevard Unit H413 $128,000 1 BD/1 BA Unit H229 $115,000 1 BD/1 BA Reynoldstown Sq Unit 30 1 BD/1 BA 806 Marcus St. $130,000 This information is provided by Lynne Splinter Realtors using the First Multiple Listing records and data from Housing and Urban Development postings. The information is not guaranteed or warranted. Any questions regarding real estate in the Cabbagetown area can be directed to the following resident agents: Nadia Giordani .............404-221-1777 Lynne Splinter . .............404-582-0006 Judy Staples ..................404-271-7824 Debbie Weeks . .............404-272-1906 Cabbagetown Neighbor June 2010/Page 7 Things to do in or about Cabbagetown Page 8/June 2010 Reason To Be Pretty Broadway’s hit play Reasons To Be Pretty comes to Atlanta for the first time ever, presented by the Pinch N’Ouch Theatre on the Hertz Stage at the Woodruff Arts Center. Reasons To Be Pretty introduces Greg, a blue-collar everyman who really, truly adores his girlfriend, Steph. Unfortunately, he also thinks she has a few physical imperfections, and when he casually mentions them, all hell breaks loose. read more Wednesday, June 9 8:00PM at Woodruff Arts Center, Atlanta, GA Studioplex Art Stroll - Tour resident artists’ studios and galleries. Wednesday, 6/9 6:00p to Monday, May 25 (2020) 8:00PM at Studioplex, Atlanta, GA Price: Free Phone: (404) 523-4467 Atlanta Singles Ball *Book Clubs Invited* Accepts all major credit cards (Payments Accepted) General Admission $25.00 by May 30th, 2010 General Admission after May 30th $30.00 General Admission-Dinner $50.00 General Admission after May 30th $55. Saturday, 6/12 7:00PM at Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA 6/12, 2010 At 7PM Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival The Reynoldstown Wheelbarrow Festival is celebrating its 15th annual event on Saturday, June 12, 2010. This is shaping up to be our biggest and best year ever! After taking the festival into the streets of Reynoldstown last year, we’ve been able to attract bigger names in entertainment, a larger selection of vendors (arts, fashion, food, and beverages), and a diverse crowd of our Atlanta neighbors enjoying the festivities. Saturday, 6/12 11:00AM to 11:00PM at Lang Carson Recreation Center, Atlanta, GA Cabbagetown Neighbor Publix Friday Night Fireworks Following each Friday night Braves game fans can enjoy a fireworks extravaganza. Go to for more details. Friday, 6/18 7:30PM at Turner Field (Home of the Atlanta Braves), Atlanta, GA Funky Garden Art Show Garden*Hood presents handmade sculpture, statuary and accessories displayed by Atlanta’s hottest local artists throughout the garden center’s creatively designed grounds. The artwork of local artists (the Works) to be displayed will be selected by a jury of Atlanta’s best garden designers, led by Garden*Hood’s own, David McMullin. Saturday, 6/19, 10AM – 6PM Lot & Parcel BurnAway would like to invite you and your neighbors to join us for the opening of our first exhibit, Lot & Parcel: Artists Map Atlanta. The exhibition features artists’ maps of Atlanta neighborhoods, including yours! Your neighborhood’s residents are invited to attend the event and celebrate our city’s living spaces. Please feel free to forward the information about this event to your Neighbors Association! Featuring music by DJ Heart Disease and Tom & Rusty aka DJ FatherMotherGod Saturday, 6/19, 7 to 11PM location The Goat Farm / 1200 Foster Street info 404 273 0671 / Tickets are $5 at the door. Red Stripe MidSummer Music Festival Come out and celebrate the longest day of the calendar year with a free event, benefiting the Candler Park Neighborhood Organization, featuring music by The Wailers and Better Than Ezra, over 40 vendors in the Artist Market, the Go Green Zone, great food, a 790 The Zone 5K (benefiting Mary Lynn Elementary School), Cool Ray Kidz Zone, and the largest collection of drinking activities with the Hang Out Sports Area Saturday, 6/19 12:00PM to 11:00PM at Candler Park, Atlanta, GA Artistic collaboration between over 100 artists and 30 bands. Featuring live performances by local hits: Warm in the Wake, The Booze, Cinetrope, Gringo Star, and Underhill Rose. And of course, tasty barbecue! 6/116/13. 2846 Franklin St., Avondale Estates (Decatur/ Oakhurst), GA. More info: 404-299-5556 or Have something to sell, to trade, to give away? Have an apartment or house for rent? Have a service to offer? Let Cabbagetown know about it! Classified ads for Cabbagetown residents are FREE! up to 25 words. If you have more than 25 words or a nonresident ads are only 25¢ a word. Send all classified ads to newsletter@ or call Justin at 404-452-4105. Classifieds 3rd Annual Avondale Estates Art-B-Que Cabbagetown Neighbor June 2010/Page 9 The Neighborhood Crime Report Jiri Vala, Public Safety Officer Chair 170 Boulevard SE 5/10/2010 (12:00-12:24) Monday 1255 Caroline St NE 4/22/2010 (21:15-21:45) Thur Eve Apartment Parking lot Victim 1: B/M, 39 YOA, lives on Victory Dr in Atlanta Victim lives in Stone Mountain Victim 2: B/M 39 YOA, lives at location 2005 Nissan Sentra, GA Tag# BVJ4286 Weapon: Gun Victim advised he parked his vehicle at location. When he returned the vehicle was gone. Police viewed Target surveillance cameras and were able to see listed suspects take victim’s vehicle. Female suspect came to location and asked to use the restroom. Victim 1 recognized female as victim 2’s acquaintance, so he let her in. Short while later 3 other suspects came into the location and said they were with the female suspect. Victim 2 was not at location, but spoke with the female suspect on the phone while she was at the location. After the phone call one of the male suspects put a gun to his head and made him sit on the couch, then another suspect told him to go in the bathroom. He was held in the bathroom at gun point by one of the male suspects until everyone left. He advised the gun used was victim 2’s, which was confirmed missing by victim 2 out of his bedroom. Taken: 3 laptop computers, cell phone, microphone, .40 cal gun Suspect: B/F, Trinisa Murphy Suspects: 3 B/M’s 1217 Caroline St NE 5/6/2010 (15:50-16:30) Thur Eve Victim left laptop sitting on a table at location while she went to get another book. When she returned the laptop was gone. Witness advised male that was sitting behind victim left out the store very quickly. Video at location did not capture incident. Taken: Laptop computer Suspect: B/M, 5’09” 711 Wylie St SE 4/27 (23:00) 4/28 (15:00) Unknown Victim lives on Pearl St in Atlanta 2007 Chevy Cavalier Someone made entry through front passenger side window and stole listed items. Taken: Back pack, jewelry Prints attempted 606 779 Fulton Ter SE Unknown Victim lives on Chattahoochee Ave in Atlanta 2003 GMC Yukon Someone damaged vehicle door and entered vehicle stealing listed items. Taken: Car radio Prints attempted Suspects: 2 White individuals This Month’s Bonus Crime:* 1910 Bixby St SE 4/20/2010 (02:10-02:14) Tues Morning Outside apartment complex Victim: B/M, 50 YOA, lives on Memorial Dr Weapon: Handgun Witness advised she heard gunshots outside then heard the victim state “no, don’t do it like that.” She stated then there were four more shots. She advised victim had just left her apartment. Witness walked outside and saw suspects going through victim’s pockets. Suspect 1 had a gun in his hand. Suspects fled in listed vehicle. Witness stated suspects hang out at 251 Candler Rd. Victim shot 4 times in shoulder, jaw, forearm and wrist. Suspect 1: B/M, “Fay”, 6’04” 180lbs, has dreads Suspect 2: B/M, “E”, 6’01” 180lbs Suspect Vehicle: Cream Dodge Magnum *The monthly bonus crime is a new feature. Space permitting, a crime is chosen from Zone 6 at large to offer a perspective on crime in neighborhoods surrounding Cabbagetown. Page 10/June 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor Cabbage Patch Pups Name: Marley Frank Name: Mona Home: Estoria Street Home: Estoria Street Age: 4 ½ Age: 3 Breed: Lab Terrier Mix Breed: Boxer Weight: 75lbs Weight: 40lbs Worst Habit: Eating anything and everything Worst Habit: Doesn’t listen & Talks a lot Bio: Marley was rescued from a bad situation, as a puppy. He was an only child for 2 years before his mischievous little sister moved in. It was love at first sight when Mona met Marley Frank. Marley watched as Mona learned all sorts of new tricks like opening the fridge to eat all the cupcakes and salsa. He was not pleased. But what does please Marley is to eat grass and acorns while Mona basks in the sun in their beautiful Cabbagetown backyard. Next Cabbagetown Neighbor deadline is Friday, June 25th! Cabbagetown Neighbor June 2010/Page 11 A Cabbage Life Word Search P K H L B B F U EO J UQT L I AO G R S C H Z R P F I ONX S L B K Y R I P K MG C L M I L L UC U CA B B A L Y U E S TO R B T L GAMI Y E B H S D S T I R L J A O QW O R Z D P L WM Y Y M T C X GM A T P C O T TO N T Q K Y R HQ V V Z OO B GT X MU H Y E ON M Z S E C A R R O MW D B C L H N O H Q O W GA S U H I S T O R I C U X U E H J K G G DA G T P V K D F C V L G I E V W B O F QS F A R E Y E E V F Y VV A M J T E A L N T O WN S V I J A Y L Y G E TOWN AGA V E K I A J I U G MNM R D S O N YML C Y C N O V K N C M L H A WUO A O L S ONB E V J WA C H W C WCD B B KA R Q X A X S AMG R E T F S F K M I L L I K T RO E R P Z Z P KD N CC E M I J T S GB I T HNQA E S O L L I E I WYMG N S L L GS L X I T MQ D T B QUY N Q G F B U L G K I L L A N HY V P Y H AGAVE FRIENDLY MULBERRY BEREAN GASKILL PEARL CABBAGETOWN HISTORIC PWELL CARROLL ISWALD SAVANNAH COMMUNITY KIRKWOOD SHORT COTTONMILL MILLTOWN ESTORIA MOLLIE Some pictures of bird making at the community center for the Cabbagetown Artist Tribe’s installation, “the Pardoned Eden” which is part of a Beltline art project. Photos by Duwan Dunn. Page 12/June 2010 Cabbagetown Neighbor
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