October - Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild
October - Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild
LABOR of LOVE Volume 30, No. 5 NQA Chapter OK#544 From the President’s Chair Hello! As usual we had two great meetings and our speaker was Lerlene Nevaril. She was as familiar as when I had seen her on Simply Quilts. I had matching shoes this month--it was good to get out of the ortho one following my foot surgery. Our President’s Challenge is still creating interest as more ladies are getting packets and there will be more packets next month. The Quilt Show Committee has asked we put rings or tabs at the top for hanging for the Show. Hope everyone is getting excited about our January Sampler meeting along with our Baskets for the silent auction PLUS the lovely purse quilt Myrna made for the drawing in March. These are fundraisers to help with Guild expenses. Our Quilt Show Committee is in full swing. They displayed the beautiful quilt the PM Quilters made for the raffle and brought us all up to date on our upcoming quilt show. We all need to be involved because it is lots of fun and helps the Guild with fundraising, so we can continue to have exciting speakers and events. Let's try to bring a guest to our meetings. We need to share the fun, fellowship, and great programs with more people. Looking forward to our October 23rd meeting. Hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather, but it can cut into our sewing time. Enjoy! Blessings from your President, Revonda Blanding COQG October 2008 Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild October 2008 Board & Committees President: Revonda Blanding 794-1847 Pres. Elect: Myrna Douglass 340-7894 OETA: Beverly Beesley 789-3655 Heartwarmers: Linda Williams 745-9337 NQA: Available Day VP: Beth Odom 799-5433 Greeter: Available Quilt Display: Available Night VP: Lois Lyon 789-6377 Greeter: Available Quilt Display: Darby Hollister 343-9962 Kathy Huskinson 672-7317 Secretary: Sandy Gard 751-2804 Treasurer: Linda Nichols 209-2621 Director of Heritage: Mary Lu Kaiser 495-3690 Director of Library: Beverly Beesley 789-3655 Day Assist: Lucy McAnelly 348-4644 Night Assist: Mary Piette 525-2449 Director of Membership: Phyllis Hughes 227-0065 Day Assist: Robin Corvin 799-9274 Night Assist: Available Hospitality: Inez Andrews 354-3423 Director of Newsletter: Genie Ford 330-4963 Circulation: Evelyn Day 733-3006 Director of Programs: Georgann Giudice 996-7945 Block of the Month: Nancy Shepherd-Green 794-9556 Programs-Elect:: Melida Boman 735-3703 Director of Ways and Means: Peggy Long 685-3549 Day Assistants: Joyce Statton 794-1104 Erma Tyree 634-2549 Night Assistants: Emma Grist 787-6308 Linda Terry 947-4311 COQG Quilt Show 2009 Co-Chairs: Linda Williams 745-9337 Darlene Mangum 354-6530 1 “A TIME TO SHINE 2009” A CELEBRATION OF QUILTS QUILT SHOW June 18-20, 2009 State Fair Park, OKC, OK Darlene Mangum - Linda Williams 2009 Quilt Show Categories Pieced - Large Pieced - Small Master - Appliqué, Art & Pictorial Appliqué - Large Appliqué - Small Mixed & Other Technique - Large Mixed & Other Technique - Small Art - All Sizes Pictorial - All Sizes Miniature Paper Piecing Two Person & Group - All Sizes Wearable Art First Time to Enter a Quilt Show Baby / Juvenile Theme Holiday / Special Occasion Kit, Calendar, BOM or Pre-stamped President’s Challenge Professionally Quilted Pieced – Large (Over 310‖) Professionally Quilted Pieced – Med (200‖310‖) Professionally Quilted Pieced – Small (Under 200‖) Professionally Quilted Mixed, Other Technique & Paper Pieced – Large Professionally Quilted Mixed, Other Technique & Paper Pieced - Small Professionally Quilted Kits, Preprinted Panels All Sizes Professionally Quilted – Master - Pieced & Other Techniques (Under 290‖) Professionally Quilted – Master – Pieced & Other Techniques (290‖ & over) Professionally Quilted – Two Person & Group Professionally Quilted – Appliqué All Sizes Junior Quilts - Non-Judged Display Only Personal Portrait Exhibit Quilt entry forms are due by April 2009 guild meetings COQG October 2008 2009 OVERALL AWARDS Best of Show Best Hand Quilting (In Charlene Kimball’s honor) Best Embroidery Best Machine Quilting Judges’ Choice (2) Viewer’s Choice President’s Choice Chairman’s Choice (2) Color – Large Color – Small Design – Large Design – Small Best Use of Fabric – Large Best Use of Fabric – Small Most Whimsical Personal Portrait Exhibit – Judges Choice (2) Category Definition Changes: 1) MASTER - based on blue ribbons and Best of Show performance - eliminating the professional teacher and published criteria. 2) ART - Must be of original forms and compositions with the emphasis on color, line and design. The category features abstract, cutting edge, and non-literal quilts and should contain at least two non-traditional techniques such as painting, digital imagery, embellishments, or unusual materials. It must be a layered quilt with at least 50% fabric. 3) PICTORIAL - An original design that illustrates a recognizable image such as a person, place or thing. It can use any technique and be of any style or size. Quilt Entry: Each participant may enter up to 5 quilts plus a Personal Portrait quilt. Quilts need to be finished enough to take a recognizable picture to be submitted with the entry form as the pictures are an intricate part of the layout procedure. The quilt top needs to be completed by the entry deadline. If top is not completed, make arrangements with Brenda Williams (bwilliams20@cox.net) for special permission for quilt entry. 2 Quilt Show Special Exhibits Quilt Show Information Special exhibits are in the planning stage for our 2009 Celebration of Quilts show. Raffle Quilt: The Diamond in the Garden Raffle Quilt is outstanding. Tickets and picture packets Personal Portrait - Members are challenged to are now available for membership checkout. make a quilt about the size of a fat quarter repre- Quilt shops, would you liked to have the quilt senting themselves. i.e., a personal portrait. Ex- hang in your store? Contact Lois Lyon amples were shown at the August meeting. As (llyon@okcu.edu). this will be a special exhibit, the quilts will not Show Charity: A huge THANK YOU to Sue be judged and will not count as an official entry, Corder for donating a beautiful quilt for sale in but an entry form giving your story about your Our Sisters’ Closet Resale Shop to raise funds for personal portrait should be completed and sub- our charity, YWCA Passageway Shelter for batmitted along with your other quilt entries. You tered women. We would like to encourage each can use any method you choose, i.e., embellish- of you to donate your unneeded items to Our Sisments, copied photos, etc., as it is your personal ters’ Closet, 6012 S. Western • Tuesday-Saturday, portrait. This can be a fun project and you may 10-6 • 631-7171. As this shop is volunteereven surprise yourself and your friends. As an driven, they request prior notification for large incentive, The Savage Quilter will award a $50 donations or furniture. Let them know you are a gift certificate for two entries as selected by the COQG member and consider volunteering for this official show judges. worthy cause! Best of Show, Viewer’s Choice and Outstanding Souvenirs: Pre-Order Special Combo Price Quilts - Wouldn’t you like to see a display of September/October, 2008 ONLY. Purchase a Best of Show and Viewer’s Choice quilts from T-shirt, Tote Bag, & Pin for the low price of $25/ previous COQG shows? Would you like to $27 (2x/3x), a $7 savings. If you are unable to nominate an outstanding quilt for this display? attend the October meeting, contact Darlene ManLet’s show the viewing public and newer COQG gum (dmangum@cox.net), mailing your check members the innovation and skill of our memwith shirt size and quantity. bers from previous shows. Please contact me if Vendors: Have a favorite vendor that did not you have information about Best of Show and vend at our last show? Contact Myrna Douglass Viewer’s Choice quilts and/or a recommenda(myrnarae3@cox.net) with your suggestions. tion for a quilt you would like to see again in the Sponsors: B-Sew Inn is our Platinum Sponsor for 2009 show. the quilt show—stop in at their store, 1624 SW Contact Charlene Brewer, 405-848-7640 74th St (S Penn/I-240) to show them how much we appreciate their support. Plan now to participate in our Charity Workshop at the show, sewing on Baby Lock machines to make quilts for the Passageway Shelter. Interested in being a sponsor or underwriter for our great quilt show? Contact Evelyn Day (dday10@cox.net). NEWS FLASH!!! Newsletters are available on the COQG website, less than a week after the Guild meeting. If you would prefer to access Guild news faster, allow the Guild to have more money available for other needs, and save a tree, sign the email newsletter sheet at the member table when you sign in at the next Guild meeting. We will send you an email, letting you know when the newsletter has been uploaded to the website. COQG October 2008 Our Advertisers Please take a moment to read the ads and to give your business to our advertisers. Tell them you are doing business with them because they advertised in the COQG Newsletter, and, if you know of a business that could benefit from advertising in the newsletter, please direct them to the Newsletter Director at unicornwish3@yahoo.com or 330-4963. 3 CENTRAL OKLAHOMA QUILTERS GUILD FALL PROGRAMS AND WORKSHOPS 2008 PROGRAM AND W ORKSHOP SCHEDULE . OCTOBER 23 Programs: Martelli presents: "It’s All In the Tools." Workshops: Friday, October 24, 8:30am to 12N OR 1:30pm to 5pm, The Gentlemen Quilters from Tulsa, Gary Wasson & Joe Galusha, "Circles and Curves" (ALL levels). $10 registration to COQG. Nonmembers $20 registration to COQG. $30 workshop fee to Gary Wasson ($30 includes workshop kit). NOVEMBER 20 Programs: Gabrielle Swain presents: "The Creative Spirit" (website: www.gabrielleswain.com). Workshop: Friday, November 21, 9am to 4pm, "Borrowed Tools" (ALL levels). $45 registration and workshop fee to COQG. Nonmembers: $55 registration and workshop fee to COQG. $10 kit fee to Gabrielle Swain. DECEMBER 18 6 PM—EVENING MEETING ONLY Covered Dish Potluck and a Celebration of the Season October Program: We have the Martellis with us for our October programs. They will be demonstrating all their great quilting tools. They are fun and we should have a good time. October Workshops: We are again pleased to feature "The Gentlemen Quilters" from Tulsa, Gary Wasson and Joe Galusha, as our guests. We had a terrific time with them last year and this workshop, "Circles and Curves," looks to be just as terrific. Registration is $10 to COQG and the kit is $30 to Gary Wasson. Get registered quickly. You don't want to miss out. The November workshop with Gabrielle Swain is filling up, as well. Get your $10 registration fee to me quickly to secure you place in that class. Supplies needed and other workshop information can be found on the COQG website. Always check out the website. You never know what you'll learn. Plan ahead. Get your registration in early. Don't miss the workshop you want to attend. Most workshops have attendance limits. Looking forward to seeing you at a workshop this year. COQG appreciates your participation and support. SEE YOU AT A COQG WORKSHOP NEAR YOU! Workshop Registration Please enroll me in the following classes: Class Name/Date Cost Name . Address . City State Zip ______ Phone . Make checks payable to: COQG Mail form to: Georgann Giudice 2220 NW 157th Terrace OKC, OK 73013 Note: all workshop supply lists are available for print out on our website, www.centralokquilters.org COQG October 2008 September Program Report Georgann Giudice - Director of Programs Our guest for September, Lerlene Nevaril, presented a terrific program focused on making the back of our quilts interesting by using up the fabric remains from the top, orphan blocks, or any of those strange fabrics you have in your stash that cause you to say, “What was I thinking?" She gave us a little glimpse into her "hidden block" ideas, also. Numbers were down a little but everyone seemed to enjoy Lerlene"s program. We must say a sincere thank you to her, as well, for releasing the guild from the workshop contract. Due to very poor pre-registration numbers I found it necessary to appeal to her good graces and she was kind enough to let us out of the contract. THANK YOU, Lerlene! Workshops are expensive and it is unwise to go ahead with one that is not well supported by the guild members. COQG does not have unlimited funds, and like all of you, it must be frugal in these times. A number of members came to me at the morning meeting expecting to enroll in the class and were surprised to learn that it had been canceled. We need to plan ahead and get our registrations in early and then we will not be disappointed by the cancellation of workshops. As you heard from the quilt show committee chairpersons, plans for the 2009 show are moving along and it promises to be a good one. We need your assistance in many of the pre-show plans. If you know of any business that we could approach or that you would be personally willing to contact for announcing our show, please call or e-mail me with the information. We need you and your friends to begin helping us in advertising the Quilt Show. The bigger the success of the Quilt Show the more COQG can do to meet its goals and purposes. majorg16@yahoo.com or 405-996-7945 4 If you have any questions about the block, please call Nancy Shepherd-Green at 794-9556. COQG October 2008 5 Block of the Month: First Lady Blocks Lucy Webb Hayes (18331-1889) First Lady 1877-1881 Lucy was born in Ohio to a Methodist family drawn into many of the reforms of the times, including the abolitionist movement. Lucy was the first female student at Ohio Wesleyan and when considering the comparison of men’s and women’s intellectual abilities she concluded, ―Woman’s mind is as strong as a man’s—equal in all things and his superior in some.‖ During the war years, she often left her children with family so that she could be at Colonel Hayes’ side. Lucy was a favorite of her husband’s comrades because of her kindness and simplicity. She was known to do mending and sewed insignias on the men’s uniforms. Lucy collected funds to start a home for children orphaned by the war and lobbied friends in the legislature to continue to fund it. As First Lady, she refused to serve alcohol in the White House—as much due to an attempt at frugality as support for the popular temperance movement. Lemonade Lucy became the representative for women throughout the country. They would write to her for advice or to champion their causes. Nancy Shepherd-Green Day Vice President Report Beth Odom: Thursday morning Lerlene Nevaril of Bartlesville inspired us to use the back of our quilts as another place to showcase beautiful fabrics. The holders and folders had a difficult time figuring out which side was the front! She also reminded us that coin collectors do not use their coins, stamp collectors do not use their stamps, and fabric collectors (quilters) do not have to use their stash. THANK YOU to the holders and folders who worked during Lerlene’s presentation. Jeanne Bugg, Charlotte Hickman, Evelyn Nickels, Linda Jones, and Lola Jenkins got quite a workout Thursday morning with 3 big suitcases full of quilts. If you appreciate being able to see the quilts as they go around the room, please tell these ladies. We always need greeters. If you are teaching a class you would like to promote, we are asking that you please tell the membership about it as you greet people at the meeting. We are trying to allow as much time as possible for our speakers. Thank you for helping to make people feel welcome, as you advertise your class. You may also put flyers out on the tables in the hallway. Night Vice President Report Lois Lyon: Lerlene Nevaril gave us some really great ideas about how to dress up our quilt backs! Thanks, Lerlene! We are continuing to assemble baskets for the January silent auction. Out of the 10 small groups we have heard from 3 groups. Save some of your Christmas gift money because these baskets are really, really nice. We are also going to have some grab bags that will be nice surprises and great bargains (a little hint about contents, there are kits, patterns and projects). There will even be a wonderful Cheesecake made by Kathlyn Luliak. What a fun way to support our guild! I am really looking forward to the next two workshops. Gary and Joe are lots of fun, so you won’t want to miss the October workshop. Where else can you have such a fun day sewing and have a great time with friends than a COQG workshop. I hope to see you there. Director of Library Report Beverly Beesley: All library book fines will be forgiven until the October guild meetings. Director of Newsletter Report Genie Ford, RN: Happy Autumn, fellow quilters. Just finished two matching quilt blocks for the Oklahoma Nurses Association quilts to honor ―Celebrating 100 Years of Caring.‖ One quilt will be auctioned and one will be on permanent display in the ONA office. If you have anything to share in the newsletter, please email or call me. ; ) unicornwish3@yahoo.com or 330-4963 COQG October 2008 6 2009 COQG Programs JANUARY 22: "SAMPLER" presented by talented members of the guild, and Silent Auction of Baskets NO WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 26: "The Many Faces of Lola Jenkins" MARCH 26: Report from COQG Grant Recipient, Lynn Deal NO WORKSHOP APRIL 23: Marilyn Karper MAY 28: Evening Meeting ONLY. Installation of the 2009-2010 COQG BOARD and covered dish potluck. Voting on President’s Challenge quilts. Plan to be a part of the progress and history of Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild. Wanted! Have you thought about giving/or have given a lecture or workshop for a class/ guild? I am trying to locate teachers in our area! Have you thought about hosting a teacher? There are teachers that prefer to stay at a host home. This is a chance for you to have one-on-one talk time with the teachers! Please contact me or sign the sign-up sheet for either of these opportunities at the next meeting. We will give you about 2 months’ notice to see if there is anyone that would be able to host a teacher and I will contact you very soon about teaching for the next guild year (June to May). Thanks so much for volunteering! Melida Boman, Program-Elect, at 735-3703 or mamadragon3@gmail.com Big On Friendship Norman Tuesday Morning Block Party 2nd Tuesday each month 10 a.m. Carrie Miller 360-4189 South East Moore Library PM Quilters Every other Wednesday Janie Steele 6:30 p.m. 794-1104 Fat Quarters 2nd Thursday each month Evelyn Day 9:30 a.m. 733-3006 Yukon Yukon/Mustang Piecemakers Mustang 2nd Tuesday each month 7 p.m. Diane Cerny 488-5492 North West PM Quilters 2nd Thursday each month Lois Lyon 7 p.m. 208-5939 Second Tuesday Quilters 2nd Tuesday each month Carol Plank 10 a.m. 621-2089 Small Group 1st Thursday each month Jo Golden 1 p.m. 286-3870 Featherweight Group 3rd Tuesday each month The Savage Quilter 9 a.m. 6815 N May The Gaylor Applique Group . Guild Day, in the Parlor 2 p.m. Beverly Beesley 789-3655 Stillwater Quintessential Crazy Quilters 5th Saturday of month 10a-4p Sherrill Lewis 580/624-8717 Reveille Quilt Studio Creating & Preserving Memories Longarm Machine Quilting T-shirt & Memory Quilts Kerry A. Fisbeck 2000 Reveille Road Edmond, OK 73013 Phone: (405) 812-3783 email: kerryfizz@sbcglobal.net COQG October 2008 7 Support Our Advertisers They Support Us K's QUILTING Studio “A Quilter’s Haven” Fabrics Books Patterns Notions Classes Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm Sat. 10am-3pm 929 S. Country Club Rd. El Reno, OK 73036 Phone: 405-422-2707 fax: 405-422-2707 ksstudio929@aol.com Kaye Estes E-mail: ksstudio929@aol.com COQG October 2008 8 Support Our Advertisers They Support Us PARDON OUR DUST! BERNINA OF OKC has EXPANDED! WE HAVE REMODELED AND DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR 6817 NORTH MAY AVENUE LOCATION TO BRING YOU AN EVEN MORE EXCITING BERNINA EXPERIENCE. FREE CLUBS! MACHINES PROVIDED FOR CLASSES! MORE CLASSES AND EVENTS! BERNINA of OKC North-6817 N. May-840-8911 & Bryant Square Edmond-330-1007 Buckboard Quilts since 1976 Heavenly Patchwork Books Judy Howard 405-751-3885 by appt 5025 Brettshire Way OKC 73142 or shop online with 400 pictures www.BuckboardQuilts.com www.HeavenlyPatchwork.com COQG October 2008 9 COQG Website: www.centralokquilters.org Pictures of the meetings will be posted monthly at: October October 20: Board Meeting 6PM Parlor October 23: Guild Meetings: “It’s All in the Tools” 10AM Morning Meeting 7PM Evening Meeting October 24: Workshops: “Circles and Curves” 8:30AM-12Noon OR 1:30PM-5PM November 4: Heartwarmers 9AM-3:30PM Follow Your Heart to a Guild Meeting!!! COQG October 2008 http://community.webshots.com/user/lintole All COQG events meet at St. John’s Methodist Church, 1755 N. Meridian, OKC Silent Auction Fundraiser Small groups or individuals are encouraged to put together a theme basket of items they would like to receive themselves, for silent auction at the January Sampler meeting. A list of theme ideas is posted on the website, as well as guidelines for putting together the baskets. Please bring the baskets to the November meeting, so everyone can view them. Thanks, Lois Lyon, for this idea. 10