Tuckahoe Common School District


Tuckahoe Common School District
Tuckahoe Tidings – June 2013
Fall, 2012
Volume 25, Number 1
This newsletter is written from the Tuckahoe
Common School District Board of Trustees to
inform and to communicate the work of the
Board of Trustees for the Tuckahoe Common
School District.
Upcoming School Board Meetings (start: 7:30pm)
07/08/2013 – Reorganization Meeting
08/12/2013 - Regular Board Meeting
09/09/2013 - Regular Board Meeting
09/23/2013 - Work Session
10/07/2013 - Regular Board Meeting
Location: Tuckahoe School Library
Tuckahoe Common School District Board of Trustees
Robert E. Grisnik,
Daniel Crough,
Harald G. Steudte,
Tuckahoe CSD has a Facebook Page. We ask for those of
you on Facebook to take a moment and go to the
Tuckahoe Common School District website and click on
the Facebook Link, click ‘like’ on Facebook and you will
begin to receive our news feeds as they are updated. We
have also started a twitter account; we can be found on
twitter with the following user - @tuckahoeCSD.
(Left to Right)
Thank you to our community for the opportunity to
continue to serve our children with an excellent staff,
wonderful facility, and excellent educational services and
programs. Your review of and emphasis on our work to
complete School Year 2013-2014 budget cycle and budget
Tuckahoe Tidings
Summer Events:
- June 26th
- July 4th
- July 9th
- August 13
- August 2013
6:30 p.m. Graduation Class of 2013
Independence Day, School closed
Summer Program Begins for Students
Summer Program Ends
General Colin Powell visits to talk with
students at Tuckahoe School
- September 3rd & 4th TeacherPage
1 Day’s
- September 5th Rosh Hashanah - School Closed
- September 6th First day for students, SY 13-14
Tuckahoe Common School District
planning activities were successful. Last we sincerely appreciate the variety of community
inputs and feedbacks to what were your priorities. All community members’ comments
were helpful. Your interaction with us allowed the Board of Trustees to hear your concerns
and to frame a budget that services our children with the quality academic programs our
taxpayers wanted to provide our students.
Daniel Crough, Chairman
Robert E. Grisnik, Vice-Chairman
Harald G. Steudte, Trustee
Tuckahoe Common School District Board of Trustees
The Tuckahoe Community attended the final reorganization feasibility study session between the
Tuckahoe Common School District and the Southampton Union Free School District on May 22,
2013 at Southampton Intermediate School. This session addressed the key financial questions and
“What if” options encompassing future merger feasibility discussion and work. The public was
invited to observe the Community Advisory Council (CAC) members discussion addressing the
overriding question: “Would instructional opportunity be enhanced for all students at a similar or
reduced cost to taxpayers by combining the two districts?”
The CAC conversation was open, candid and focused on the “What if” solution in the event that the
two districts merged. Tuckahoe Common School District website has the entire display of
information at our TCSD site. Under Board heading please click on “TCSD/SUFSD Merger
Feasibility Study” to review the evening agenda and key recordings.
Next Step for the Study Team: Based on what we have learned with the Joint Community
Advisory Committee since February, the Study Team will draft a study report. The study is sent
to the State Education Department for their review and approval. As directed by SED, such a
draft study is not a public document. After review and approval of the study by the State
Education Department, the Study Team will arrange for the posting of the study on each
District web site, and then host a community meeting in each of the two districts to present the
findings of the study. The community meetings to present the findings to the communities will
likely occur in early September.
After the community meeting presentations of the findings by the Study Team, the Board of
Education/Trustees enter a phase over a few weeks for community meetings hosted by each
Board/Trustees to discuss the findings and to listen to community perceptions. After this public
period, the Board/Trustees deliberate to decide if reorganization of the two school districts
Tuckahoe Common School District
should be presented to each respective community for an advisory referendum (‘straw vote’) that
is a tool to judge interest by the communities to proceed to a binding referendum.
We wish to thank you and the many community members, parents and teachers who were present on
the 22nd and throughout the process of the study. The vitality of the discussion was appropriately
focused on what are the educational opportunities for all while respecting our taxpayers’ burden.
The key messages were that our study is complete and will be forwarded to the Commissioner at New
York State Education Department. The Commissioner is expected to return the study in mid-July with
the consultant firm presenting the study to our Board of Trustees and to our community in August.
The exact date is dependent on the final review in Albany. Both the Tuckahoe and Southampton
Boards will review the study and determine the appropriate next steps. One step will be a
community forum releasing all the data and study recommendations to the entire community.
We completed our School Year 2013-2014 registration and announce that we have 28 PreKindergarten and 43 Kindergarten registered students. Consistent with Governor Cuomo’s January
9th State of the State, we continue to pursue Pre-Kindergarten as a key priority for our children. If you
wish to venture into the May 2013 issue of School Planning and Management you will see a recent
press and lead article that affirms, “Students who are behind when they enter school do not make up
the achievement gap”. What is more significant is the follow-on remark, “for most states, PreKindergarten is discretionary. Therefore, when the economy is tight, Pre-Kindergarten is one of the
first things to go.”
In that light please ACCEPT OUR THANKS. Your support of our budget ensures we can continue to
deliver educational programs to our most needy children. “Results are in: all students are benefitting
from Pre-Kindergarten education, with some effects being stronger for Latino, English Language
Learners (ELL) and free / reduced lunch eligible students.
To be eligible for Kindergarten child must have a birthdate between 12-01-2007 and 11-30-2008.
To be eligible for Pre-Kindergarten, a child must have a birthdate between 12-01-2008 and 11-302009. Parents are required to bring birth certificates for their children along with immunization
records, a copy of their latest physical, two proofs of residency—if you are currently renting, a lease
agreement and if you own your home, a current tax bill will be accepted as proof of residency along
with two (2) forms of identification with the address of the residence on it (for example: driver’s
license, cablevision bill, LIPA bill, pay stub, bank statement). Please call the school at 283-3550,
extension 301 or 302 for an appointment for your registration. If you know of a neighbor or friend
who lives in Tuckahoe and has a child eligible for these programs, please make them aware to register
their child.
Tuckahoe Common School District
The Summer Program will allow one hundred and thirty children to continue to work on the
English and Math skills necessary to contribute successfully, to grow independently, and to own
their future as citizens. We will focus on basic skills in reading, writing and vocabulary with
conceptual math and fluency of math skills priorities for learners to succeed. We will offer thirty
students enrichments in both math and science while focusing mentoring and leadership peer
relationships. The highlight of the final days to be enhanced with a visit to Tuckahoe Common
School District’s Summer Program with General Colin Powell’s’ visit and discussion with the
students. All community members are invited to attend from 9:00 to 11:00 to see the work that our
children are attempting and will accomplish during the 9 July to 13 August time period.
The Tuckahoe Common School District has been awarded a technology grant to develop a Windows
8 tablet application that will provide publicly accessible content. The content of the application will
consist of defined items from their current website, pulled in via Rich Site Summary (RSS) feeds.
The project; approach will include within the application: District News, Administration News,
Board News, Business News, classroom applications for Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade through
6th grade, Art, English, English Second Language, Family and Consumer Science, Foreign Language,
Guidance, Library, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Reading, Science, Social
Studies, Social Worker, Special Education, Speech, Technology Education, Upcoming Events,
Homework Calendar, and Calendars. The application will be supported on Microsoft operating
system Windows 8. Each 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade student will be assigned a “Microsoft Surface Pro”
tablet to gain 24 hour a day connectivity to the internet and learning. We believe we are enhancing
the educational opportunities for all with the “end in mind”. We are connecting our students to
their technology based learning so each will be prepared as a digital citizen.
TUCKAHOE SCHOOL National Junior Honor Society Inductees, June 4, 2013
Tuckahoe is proud to announce our inductees to the National Junior Honor Society membership.
The students have demonstrated the highest qualities of Scholarship, Citizenship, Service,
Leadership, and Character. The following student’s in 7th grade were inducted: Keilyn Castillo,
William Christensen, Julianna Farnam, William Flynn, Kurt Grodski, Gabriel Guimaraes, Justin
Hadix, Margaret Hattrick, Ashley Jayne, Jordan Klinge, Madison Platt, Joshua Reyes, Andrew Rosko,
Samantha Rozzi-Liehr, Thomas Steinbrecher, Ben Taraku, and Domenic Zito.
Tuckahoe Common School District
TUCKAHOE SCHOOL Spring Sports Athletes
The following Tuckahoe School students participated in Spring Sports and represented the
Tuckahoe Common School District on the playing fields as members of the Southampton Sport
Girls Lacrosse - Madison Platt and Julee Tlapanco
8th Grade Baseball - Paolo Caglioti, Raul Guevara, Daniel Quezada, Devon O'Brien, Oscar Ramirez,
Joseph Riccardi, Frederick Schneider, and Reagan Soledad
Tennis - Jaden Cajthaml, Joseph Gulli, Justin Hadix, Alex Prag, Richard Ruhling, Nicolas Westerhoff
Track - Andrew Carter, Michael Finalborgo, Ted Jennings, Joshua Reyes, Ben Taraku, Spencer
7th Grade Baseball - Derek Espinosa, William Flynn, Mauricio Guevara, Christian Miller, Nosh
Miny, Nicholas Pazera, Thomas Steinbrecher
Softball - Keilyn Castillo, Sita Kadash, Janet Soledad
TUCKAHOE SCHOOL Graduating Class of 2013
Congratulations to the largest graduating class in the history of Tuckahoe Common School District.
Distinguished throughout their PK – 8 years at Tuckahoe School we are very proud to say well done
and good luck to our graduates. Their academic and athletic performance during their tenure at
Tuckahoe School distinguished the Class of 2013 from all other. Best wishes and stay connected
with your future progress as your high school careers begin this coming Fall. The following
students were our graduates: LuMei Abatangelo, Melissa Aquino, Charles Bedard, Kassidy Bieren,
Estafania Bonilla, Paolo Caglioti, Jaden Cajthaml, Spencer Crough, Ronel Elizondo, Luz Espinosa,
Michael Finalborgo, Gianna Fiorello, Anthony Foressie, Gary Garcia, Mackenzy Goleski, Cristian
Gonzalez Tlapanco, Rachel Grindle, Raul Guevara, Joseph Gulli, Theodore Jennings, Melany Jimenez,
Sita Kadash, Marcelina Kropiwnicka, Isabel Martin, Hector Mentado, Suraj Mohan, Alexi Morales,
Devon O’Brien, Vanessa Oliveira, Cameron Olsen, Andresfelipe Perez, Alexander Prag, Daniel
Quezada, Francisco Ramirez, Oscar Ramirez, Lizet Ramos, Milton Reinoso, Joseph Riccardi, Bertoldo
Rojas Leon, Richard Ruhling, Frederick Schneider, Reagen Soledad, Bianca Vanegas, Ryan Vasquez,
and Nicolas Westerhoff.
Special recognition is offered for their awards that were presented at graduation on June 26th.
Valedictorian: Marcelina Kropiwnicka & Salutatorian: Nicolas Westerhoff
Tuckahoe School Citizenship Award: Rachel Grindle & Theodore Jennings; Cecelia Mensch, Living in
Harmony Award: LuMei Abatangelo & Jaden Cajthaml; Tuckahoe Parent-Teacher Organization
Award: Spencer Crough; Raymond H. Orts Memorial Award: Rachel Grindle; The Southrifty Drug
Store Award: Estafania Bonilla; Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dunes Post 7009 Southampton Community Service Award: Isabel Martin; Dwayne Stuart Memorial Award: Charles
Bedard; American Legion Awards: Vanessa Oliveira & Frederick Schneider; D.A.R. History Award:
Paolo Caglioti & Marcelina Kropiwnicka; Leah M. Topping Memorial Award: Marcelina
Kropiwnicka; John Spata Memorial Award: Michael Finalborgo; The Emerson D. Ridgway Memorial
Award: Gianna Fiorello & Nicolas Westerhoff; The Spirit of Marc Nardin Memorial Award: Rachel
Grindle; State of New York Office of the Attorney General Triple “C” Awards: Gianna Fiorello &
Marcelina Kropiwnicka; New York State Comptroller’s Achievement Award: Nicolas Westerhoff;
County Executive Public Service Award: Theodore Jennings
Tuckahoe Common School District
President’s Education Awards Program:
LuMei Abatangelo, Spencer Crough, Rachel Grindle, Vanessa Oliveira, Charles Bedard, Ronel Fabian
Elizondo, Theodore Jennings, Daniel Quezada, Paolo Caglioti, Michael Finalborgo, Marcelina
Kropiwnicka, Milton Reinoso, Jaden Cajthaml, Gianna Fiorello, Isabel Martin & Nicolas Westerhoff
As Board members we would like to invite you on a tour of Tuckahoe School. Before each meeting
at 7 pm we would escort you through the school to see our classrooms and experience the 21st
Century experiences that exist within our school. Just one feature that you will see is our some
major technological advancement for the Tuckahoe Common School District. Please give Linda
Springer a call at 283-3550 ext. 317 and we will guide you on a tour.
The graduating class of 2013 will attend the Southampton Union Free School District in September of
2013. Specific reductions in the tuition rate for high school students were achieved. The TCSD
Board’s decision to pursue the Southampton UFSD offer is based on maintaining the fullest
educational opportunities for all children PK – 12 with the greatest financial savings to the district.
We do recognize the opportunity to choose between two quality high schools, Southampton and
Westhampton, is removed from our graduates high school attendance options. We are trying to
ensure the PK-8 opportunities are maintained and that Tuckahoe School remains the quality school
with the fullest educational services available to all our children. The current economic conditions
and demands on our budget required a new approach to lowering tuition costs.
At this time, as the study is being submitted to the New York State Department of Education, we
have been unable to gain an assurance with the Southampton UFSD Board of Education that the
Tuckahoe students currently at Westhampton Beach will be able to continue there.
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District at
Southampton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, be authorized and directed to
expend the sum set forth in their proposed budget for 2013-2014 in the total amount of
$18,452,011 and to levy the necessary tax therefor.
YES 244
NO 142
Tuckahoe Common School District
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District at
Southampton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, be authorized to contract with
Southampton U.F.S.D. and Westhampton Beach U.F.S.D., for the education of secondary
students in grades 9-12 for the 2013-2014 school year as provided by Education Law and is
further authorized to provide transportation for all students who attend such designated high
YES 254
NO 118
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District at
Southampton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, be authorized and directed to levy a
sum of $55,473 for the District’s participation in the Southampton Youth Association.
YES 252
NO 127
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District at
Southampton, Town of Southampton, County of Suffolk, be authorized and directed to levy a
sum of $7,868 for the District's participation in the Parrish Art Museum.
YES 243
NO 134
Commencing July 1, 2013 and expiring June 30, 2016
Daniel Crough 219
Please take the time to visit our website and send us an email. The Tuckahoe Common
School District web site is:
We look forward to seeing you at our meeting and opening your view to the progressive
learning and academic excellence we are proud to say exists at Tuckahoe Common School
Tuckahoe Common School District
District. Please share you time and write or visit those issues you feel are important and
that you want the Board to be aware of and action.
Daniel Crough, Chairman
Daniel Crough dcrough@tuckahoecommonsd.com
Robert E. Grisnik, Vice-Chairman
Bob Grisnik rgrisnik@tuckahoecommonsd.com
Harald G. Steudte, Trustee
Harald Steudte hgsteudte@tuckahoecommonsd.com
Relaxing and Bright Summer to ALL!!
Tuckahoe Common School District No. 13
468 Magee Street
Southampton, New York 11968
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