Our Parish Family Shares the Joy of the Following Children Who


Our Parish Family Shares the Joy of the Following Children Who
Our Parish Family Shares the Joy of
the Following Children Who Recently
Received Their First Holy Communion
Alexa Almodovar
Logan Bogetti
John Bonanno
Jackson Boyer
Catherine Brady
Rocco Briante
Connor Brice
Lily Broughton
Rafael Caballes
Cindy Cabrera
Matteo Carapella
Alexander Cardillo
Jayden Cassese
Christopher Catalano
Anthony Cermele
Nicole Comuniello
Nicholas D’Agostino
Adrianna DeGennaro
Giovanni Del Mistro
Joseph Deljevic
James DeMaio
Tyler Denning
Tyler Diaz
Ava DiBenedetto
Danielle DiMurro
Michael Dwyer
Daniel Egan
Madison Erdman
Michael Feeney
Amelia Fix
Charles Gaines
Nicholas Gallegra
Leila Gargiulo
Ryan Geagan
Michael Genova
Ryan Gentry
Blake Gessa
Brianna Gomes
Brianna Hartman
Savana Hauser
Ella Herspring
Brian Hsu
Christian Jinete
Stephen Jones
Tyler Kane
Nicholas Lage
Sara Lainez
Brian LaMons
Aiden LaSalle
Samuel Lauriello
Justin Leathers
Tatiana Levine
John Paul Liberatore
Alessandro Liosatos
Jennifer Lopez
Tyler Luisi
Jeffrey Maldari
Marilyn Maraglino
Sophia Marano
Nicholas Marciano
Gianna Martorello
Taylor McAstocker
Miles McCartt
Declan McColgan
Annie McLoughlin
Liana Mingione
Ashley Molina
Angelo Morano
Brianna Moroni
Caleigh Morra
Andrew Morrone
Taylor Naclerio
Cassius Nargi
Sarah Ndreu
Richard Perrotta
Amelia Pintavalle
Nicholas Popov
Christian Porpora
Sophia Porpora
Ana Porter
Natalie Pullum
Juliana Reda
Toni Reda
Vincent Reda
Patricia Reidy
Christopher Rodriguez
Gabriela Rodriguez
Annabelle Rohr
Nick Rojas
James Romeo
Harrison Rowan
Louis Salierno
Connor Scully
Nicholas Siciliano
Gianna Simonetti
Lucy Skipper
Eva Solano
Vanessa Stabile
Michael Stratis
Tori Summo
Peter Telesco
Daniel Thomson
Griffin Tucker
Robert Venice
Angel Vera-Ortega
Lily York
John Ziomber
Angelina Zonetti
May 22, 2016
Trinity Sunday
Parish of Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Our Lady
Mission Statement
With the Eucharist as our source, Mary as our patroness and the Holy Spirit as our guide, we
the Roman Catholic Parish of Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Our Lady, Tuckahoe,
seek to give meaning to our faith by following Christ’s command to care for His people, by fostering actions that nourish both the spiritual and social needs of our people and build community
within and without our parish.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Bread of Life and Food for Healing
May 22, 2016
Next Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi, The Body and Blood of the Lord. St. John Paul II loved to reflect on the place
of the Eucharist in the life of the Church and our lives. Many of you have told me how renewed you have become by the
many activities we have had during this past year. Many of you love the hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on
Mondays and First Fridays. Some have taken a moment to put it in writing. Let me share one of the reflections that was
sent in order to stimulate your faith and in the hope that more people will share their prayers and stories of the power of the
Eucharist with the rest of the community.
“I am a ‘revert’ to Catholicism, having been away from the practice of my faith for about a decade as a young
adult. On my return to the Church, I accepted intellectually the Church’s teaching about the Real Presence of
Christ in the Eucharist. It was during a special moment in receiving the Eucharist, however, when I came to believe with all my heart that Jesus was truly present in the Sacrament.
I had planned one evening to attend a ‘Healing Mass’ (one where prayers for healing are offered after Mass) at
a nearby parish with a friend. While en route to meet her, I was not watching my step and tripped over a curb,
falling really hard on one knee. Although I was in a lot of pain, I was determined to get to Mass. While there, I
found I could not kneel because of my injury. Just before going up to receive communion, I leaned over to my
friend and whispered to her that it would be wonderful if the Lord were to heal my knee that evening, thinking in
terms of the prayers to be offered following Mass. On returning to my pew after communion, I instinctively knelt
down, without pain! It was then that I realized that Jesus was with me, healing me. On reflecting on this incident
some time later, I became aware of the fact that the same Jesus who walked this earth opening the eyes of the
blind, healing the lame and bringing unbelievers to faith, was present in the Eucharist, opening the “eyes of my
heart” to see Him in the Sacrament, healing me, and bringing me to faith in His presence. I came to realize that
each and every Mass was a ‘Healing Mass’, where I could bring all of my needs to the Lord for His healing touch.
Since that incident years ago, I have continued to seek solace, strength and healing from the Lord, not only in
receiving Him in communion, but also in spending time in prayer before the tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, or in Eucharistic Adoration. A special joy has been serving as an extraordinary minister of
Holy Communion in our parish, where I have the opportunity to bring the Lord to the homebound, sick and dying
members of our parish family”.
Let us remember that the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist can work powerful miracles on our lives if we allow Him
to work in us.
O Sacrament most holy! O sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment Thine.
Fr. Anthony Domenic Sorgie
Trinity Sunday
First Reading: Proverbs 8:22-31
Gospel: John 16:12-15
As we celebrate Trinity Sunday, this first reading reminds us
of the infinite nature of the existence of the persons of God,
even before the creation of the world and of the human race.
In His final farewell before the Ascension, Jesus promises to
send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, in turn, will provide
the truth.
Second Reading: Romans 5:1-5
Next Week’s Readings - Corpus Christi Sunday
In this reading from the letter to the Romans, we are reminded
of the importance of our faith as well as the importance of
our hope, which God has given to us through the Holy Spirit.
First Reading: Genesis 14:18-20
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Gospel: Luke 9:11b-17
May 22, 2016 - Trinity Sunday
Volume 34, No. 21
Immaculate Conception Church
Saturday, May 21 Vigil: Trinity Sunday
5:00 PM Serafina & Frank Calabro
Sunday, May 22 Trinity Sunday
8:00 AM Ann Marie Gizzo Di Graci
10:00 AM Parishioners and Their Families
12:00 PMOtto Spamer, Jr.
5:00 PM Giovanni Russo, Michele & Aurora Russo
Monday, May 23 Weekday
8:30 AM Oreste Parente
12:00 PMJoseph Puchalski
Tuesday, May 24 Weekday
8:30 AM Vito Scavone
12:00 PMAntonio Nurzia
Wednesday, May 25 St. Bede the Venerable • St. Gregory VII
St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi
8:30 AM Cristina Scuotto
12:00 PMThomas Murphy
Thursday, May 26 St. Philip Neri
8:30 AM Harry Auns and Rose White
12:00 PMJames Franklin Burkart
Friday, May 27 St. Augustine of Canterbury
8:30 AM Anne Marie Di Graci
12:00 PMMaria & Anthony Reino
Saturday, May 28 Weekday
8:30 AM Salvatore Galbo
Saturday, May 28 Vigil: Corpus Christi Sunday
5:00 PM Giuseppe & Rosaria Lombardi
Sunday, May 29 Corpus Christi Sunday
8:00 AM Catherine Essig
10:00 AM Francesco Vardaro
12:00 PMParishioners and Their Families
5:00 PM Michael Gallegra
Assumption Church
Sat 5/21 4:00 PM Giuseppa Gizzo
Sun 5/22 9:00 AM Deceased Members of the
Eastchester Volunteer Fire Fighters
12:00 PM Elena Barajas Medina
Mon 5/23 7:30 AM Nicholas De Pippo
Tues 5/24 7:30 AM Dorothy Piscitelli
Wed 5/25 7:30 AM Vito & Filomena Gizzo
Thurs 5/26 7:30 AM Augustino, Concetta &
William Celestino
Fri 5/27 7:30 AM Idella A. Kelly
Sat 5/28 4:00 PM Maria & Ottario Stirpe
Sun 5/29 9:00 AM Giuseppe & Maria Marcoccia
12:00 PM Elena Barajas Medina
Next Weekend’s
Immaculate Conception:
Vigil: Trinity Sunday - Saturday May 28:
5:00 PM: Fr. Sorgie
Trinity Sunday - Sunday May 29:
8:00 AM: Fr. Tierney
10:00 AM: Fr. Sorgie
12:00 PM: Lino
5:00 PM: Fr. Paul
Vigil: Trinity Sunday - Saturday May 28:
4:00 PM: Fr. Paul
Trinity Sunday - Sunday May 29:
9:00 AM: Fr. Lino
12:00 PM: Fr. Ulloa (Spanish)
Make A Difference in the World!
It’s Easy!
Pray that young men in Our Archdiocese
will hear and answer God’s call to the priesthood.
For more information, contact Fr. Enrique Salvo at
(914) 968-1340 or nypriest@archny.org or visit NYPriest.com.
Parish Jubilee Mass
We welcome the couples celebrating 25 or 50 years of
marriage who are being honored at the 10:00 AM Mass at
Immaculate Conception this weekend. Congratulations
to all!
The Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are scheduled at 1:30 PM
on select Sundays at Immaculate Conception or Assumption. Call
the rectory as soon as possible to make arrangements. Baptismal
catechesis (instruction) is offered on one Thursday of each month.
The Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Fr. Sorgie, our pastor,
to arrange for the date and church of your wedding at least six months
in advance, prior to any other plans for your expected wedding date.
Note: there are no weddings on Sunday.
Communion Calls for the Home Bound: Weekly or monthly.
Please call the rectory to arrange visitations.
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Anytime day or night.
Call 961-3643.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Anytime - call the priest on duty:
961-3643. Also on Saturdays: 3:30-3:55 PM at Assumption, 4:005:00 at Immaculate Conception.
Registration: New Parishioners may register by visiting one of the
priests or by calling the rectory: 961-3643.
Memorial Day is Monday, May 30
Wedding Banns
Immaculate Conception Church will be closed after the
Noon Mass.
Michael Bakala & Samantha Weiner
Robert Caldwell & Sofia DeLeon
Anthony Mazzella & Kristina Di Bisceglie
Early Benediction - Friday, June 3
On Friday, June 3, the First Friday of June, Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament will be at 5:00 PM.
Anthony Mancuso & Norina Maiorano
ICS Carnival
is Coming
Please Remember to Pray for the Sick:
Anita Bonnanzio • Joseph Bracchitta • Norma Canal
Bernadette Gleason Culhane • Maria Rose D’Onofrio
Rose De Benedictis • Elena DiLeo • Gabe Durante
Maria Faber • Maddy Gordon • Jacqueline Henwood
Ana Herrera • Lucy Lo Murno • Danny MacMenamin
Ian Manzares • William McQuade • Barbara Mechling
Richard Natoli, Sr. • Angelo Nurzia • Paula Piluso
William Ranieri • John Risi • John Ruggiero
Margaret Scott • Lawrence Smith • Mary Patricia Spruck
Patricia Tavolilla • Lisa Vertullo • Frank Zeolla
Food Vendors, Rides,
Games and Raffles
Fun for the Entire Family
Please remember to pray for the Departed:
and for those who serve our country
Thursday, June 2 - 6:00 to 10:00 PM
Friday, June 3 - 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Saturday, June 4 - 1:00 to 10:00 PM
Sunday, June 5 - 1:00 to 5:00 PM
Pay one price for rides on
Thursday night and Saturday afternoon (1-5 PM).
Bread & Wine
Immaculate Conception
In Memory of
Ann Marie Gizzo Di Graci
From: Jean Fico
Sanctuary Candle
Immaculate Conception
In Memory of Ann Marie Gizzo Di Graci
New This Year:
From: Jean Fico
Grandma Sorgie’s
Famous Sicilian Zeppole
Zeppole at the Carnival
Sunday, May 22
Parish Jubilee Mass
10:00 AM
Immaculate Conception
12:30 - 7:00 PM
Immaculate Conception
Monday, May 23
Exposition & Benediction
Altar Rosary Society
7:00 PM
Fr. Fata Hall
Tuesday, May 24
Morning Out
10:00 AM
Fr. Fata Hall - lower level
7:30 PM
Immaculate Conception
Legion of Mary
7:30 PM
Meeting House
Cenacles of Life
6:00 PM
Immaculate Conception
Bible Study
7:30 PM
Lower Rectory
Wednesday, May 25
Monday, May 30 Memorial Day
Immaculate Conception Church will close after the Noon Mass
I am sure that you have heard that I am preparing for the
making all seven hundred pounds of dough that we will use
to make our zeppole at the Carnival.
So I ask your help: we have been begging for the 700 pounds
of enriched flour from our bakeries and pizzerie. Even a 50
pound donation helps. Some have already donated, and a
generous parishioner is giving us fifty pounds of powdered
sugar! Any other ingredients we will need, like additinal
sugar, salt, eggs and baker’s yeast, we will purchase, unless
any of you know a wholesaler down here as I had up in Carmel. Please let me know.
There is still time to volunteer to help at our Zeppole and
Raffle tent. Call the rectory if you want to work for a few
hours, or speak to me.
Fr. Anthony Sorgie
Religious Education
CCD 2.0 Announcements
We have over 200 children registered for CCD next
year. That is well ahead of the numbers for previous
years at this point in the year.
It is important to re-register your children now, even
though you may be choosing a cost-sharing plan
that does not require payments until the Fall. Why?
Because over the summer we:
Develop the class lists;
Place our textbook order; and
Make plans – this year – to hopefully create
an after-school program with busing from the
districts for the “gap” time between school dismissal and our classes. (See below for more
info on this great possibility!)
Possible busing and after-school program for CCD
We have put in a request to the districts to allow
our CCD children to get off their buses here in the
afternoon of their classes to attend an after-school
program that will cover the “gap” time between dismissal and CCD class.
ICS News
On Friday, April 22nd, ICS held one if its biggest fund raisers
of the year at Infusion Restaurant in Pelham. It was a lovely
evening with dinner, dancing and raffles, all to support the
students of ICS! A wonderful time was had by all! Big
thanks to the night’s sponsors: Subway Tuckahoe, Liebman’s
of New Rochelle, All Yonkers Youth Association, Rua Hair
Salon in Tuckahoe, the ICS Father’s Club, the Forte Family,
Strong Heart Fun, Angelina’s Restaurant, the Generoso Pope
Foundation, Cathal Maguire, Karl and Emina Hormann, and
the Lewis Family.
Adult Faith Formation
Morning Out - Tuesday, May 24
Parents or grandparents of infants, toddlers and preschool children meet to discuss behavior, social, and discipline topics while their children engage in supervised
play and craft time. All sessions are on Tuesday mornings
from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the lower level of Father
Fata Hall. Our remaining meeting is scheduled for May
24. The topic will be Tips on Handling Sibling Rivalry. To
reserve a space or for more information, please contact
Michelle: chorvers@optonline.net or 787-0005.
Want to Become Catholic or Learn
More about Catholics?
We wait and pray for approval – please say a
prayer with us!
Do you recognize yourself in any of these statements?
This will greatly help those busy parents (and
grandparents!), saving them the extra trip to
pick up at school and/or drop off at Immaculate
Conception – only to come back an hour later!
Memorialization of new technology: There is an opportunity for families to memorialize the new technology we are purchasing for the CCD Domains. What
it would “look like” is that every time the TV/iPad is
turned on or “awakened”, your memorialization would
appear for the children to pray for you and your loved
ones. More information will follow, but feel free to ask
Fr. Sorgie or Miss Feeney about this if you have any
Parish Raffle Booth: Fr. Sorgie has asked the CCD
parents to “take the lead” in manning the Parish Raffle
booth during the Carnival June 2/3/4/5. Miss Feeney
will be in touch with CCD families, enlisting volunteers
and filling in our assignments!
I have never been baptized and want to learn more about
the Catholic faith.
I was baptized in another Christian religion and now
wish to become Catholic.
I was baptized Catholic, but have not received any other
sacraments and little if any religious instruction.
I am married to a Catholic and attend Mass and would
like to receive the sacraments.
My kids are old enough to ask questions and I want to be
able to practice what I preach and be a good role model.
Give Fr. Sorgie or Sr. Cora a call to learn more: 961-3643.
God’s Mercy
Proclaimed by Pope Francis
Don’t miss these two books: The Holy Year of Mercy and
The Church of Mercy, both by Pope Francis!
Copies are available at the Rectory. The cost is $10 per
book. Make checks payable to Immaculate Conception.
Pregnant? Need Help? 914-235-0505 or 1-800-640-0767.
Absolutely Confidential - Total Services Free.
From the Parish Nurse
If you have questions about any aspect of
our Catholic Church and Faith, just drop us
a note or call and we will answer them to
the best of our ability.
Keep the Graduation and
Summer Season Safe
Underage drinking is illegal!
38. Does it make a difference when I pray for other people?
Underage drinking is more likely to kill young people
than all illegal drugs combined
Prayer blesses both you and the people for whom you
pray. Those for whom you pray are blessed by the positive effect of your prayers. But you are also blessed by
the connection prayer gives you to God and by seeing the
results of your prayers.
Amazing things can happen when we place our friends’
needs before Jesus. In the Gospel story, Mark 2:1-12, Jesus changed the man’s life and amazed all who watched.
He was paralyzed and Jesus made him walk and forgave
his sins. Imagine the kind of amazing difference we can
each make when we ask Jesus to help our friends!
Do not allow underage drinking
Be mindful of what your children are doing
Get to know the parents of your child’s friends. Make sure
they do not allow or condone underage drinking in their
If your child makes a wrong or unsafe decision, or if your
child is in a situation that they feel they do not have control,
let them know they can call you. You may not be happy with
their decision or choice of friends, but they are better off in a
car with you, than with friends that have been drinking.
If you have any questions or suggestions for topics, leave your
name and number at the parish office for Susan to contact you,
or you may e-mail her at saa38@aol.com place “Parish Nurse”
in the Subject area.
Information compiled by: Susan Anello, MS, BSN, RN
Looking for a
Parish Wedding Coordinator
Given the amount of weddings we witness here at Immaculate Conception & Assumption of Our Lady, Fr.
Sorgie would like to train & hire a part-time Wedding
Coordinator. The job would encompass all the details
of guiding a couple from their acceptance by the Pastor to prepare for Marriage and assignment of a priest
or deacon; the collection of needed documents; sending them to Marriage Preparation programs, assurance
of clergy-couple meetings, explanation of the liturgical
practice for Nuptial Masses & Ceremonies in our parish, collection of fees, set up for wedding rehearsals,
attendance and work at weddings and the care and filing
of documents like Marriage license, Marriage certificate, the Marriage register and Notifications.
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
Fr. Sorgie will be holding a mandatory meeting with all
Eucharistic Ministers on June 11, This meeting will take
the place of any gathering and re-commitment that formerly had taken place on Holy Thursday evening at the
Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Fr. Sorgie has had experience for 35 years with this very
important assistance to Pastoral Life and looks forward
to interviewing potential coordinators. If interested,
please call Fr. Sorgie at 914-961-2643 extension 111.
8:30 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception
9:00 AM Light Breakfast in the Lower Church
9:30 AM Presentation of the New Guidelines of the
Archdiocese of New York for Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion.
10:30 AM Discussion on Practical Matters of Communion Distribution and Ministry to the
10:55 AM Mandating Prayer Service for 3-Year
Welcome to New Parishioners
We would like to welcome new neighbors who have not yet
registered at our parish. Please stop by or call the rectory.
You can also register online:
2016 Bonanza
First Annual
Parish Raffle
Winners for
May 9:
Parishioners should already have received tickets for our
First Annual Parish Raffle. In the past, the Parish of
the Assumption had its own Raffle with money prizes.
That raffle is now subsumed into this Parish Raffle 2016,
since we are now one Parish of Immaculate Conception
& Assumption of Our Lady. The prizes this year will be
three fantastic trips:
Donn & Jean-Marie
Kristen & John Swikata
We will continue to draw two tickets per week for $200
each from now through Monday, November 28. In addition to the weekly drawings, there will be three drawings for $2,000 prizes. Winning tickets will be re-entered for subsequent drawings - so it is possible to win
multiple prizes with the same ticket.
1st Prize:
“The Splendors of
Northeastern Italy”
This trip for two will cover flights, 5 star hotels, guides,
and many meals. We will visit Venice, Treviso, Lake
Garda, Norcia, and Rome - October 4-16, 2016.
Although you may have missed this drawing, there is still
time to buy a ticket and be included in all of the upcoming drawings. Tickets are available at the rectory and in
the school offices.
2nd Prize:
7-day “Celebrity Silhouette”
Western Caribbean Cruise
Thank you, as always, for your generosity and stewardship.
Please continue to pray for our Parish, our clergy, and the
staff members who serve you.
This cruise for two will leave Ft. Lauderdale on February 5, 2017 and include Coco Cay Bahamas, Cozumel,
Grand Cayman, and Jamaica (airfare not included).
Results as of May 17:
3rd Prize:
NYC Weekend Getaway for Two
October 7, 8 and 9, 2016
Stewardship for Sunday, May 15
Sunday Collection:
This getaway includes 2 nights at the Bryant Park Hotel,
Jersey Boys tickets at the Broadway Theater, and dinner
at Lydia Bastianich’s “Becco” restaurant.
Gold Envelope Donations for Gym Debt:
There is a $20 donation for each ticket or six (6) tickets
for $100. Six tickets will be included with your letter;
additional tickets will be available at the Parish Office or
ask the sacristan after Mass. Consider sharing the cost of
6 tickets with friends or neighbors. We will continue to
sell tickets until the Feast of the Assumption, August 15.
Electronic Giving
As part of our Stewardship program, we ask you to think about
giving your Sunday and Holy Day collections electronically. You
can fulfill your stewardship commitment using regular payments
from your checking account, savings account or credit card. You
can set it up with your bank or credit card company, or you can
use ParishPay. Currently 161 parish families have enrolled in
ParishPay, which offers flexible payment options as well as the opportunity of giving a one-time donation when circumstances such
as vacation or extreme weather conditions prohibit you from attending Mass. For more information, visit
On Monday, August 15, we will celebrate Mass at 7:30
PM at Assumption for the Patronal Feast.
After Mass, there will be dessert and music in the
Piazza at Assumption.
We will pull the three prizes during the event.
You do not need to be present to win.
Maintenance & Custodial Care of Our Buildings & Grounds
Ongoing projects are Stewardship in Action. We would like to keep you informed about ongoing projects and Stewardship in Action and will use space in the bulletin to do that:
hh Upgraded Sound System in Immaculate Conception Church ................................................................. completed 3.11.16
hh Updated Three Signs at the Entrances to Immaculate Conception ......................................................... completed 3.31.16
hh Replace Windows in the Rectory ......................................................................................................... c ompleted 4.11.16
hh Conversion to Energy-Saving LED Lights at Immaculate Conception .................................................. completed 4.29.16
hh Refurbishment of Assumption Rectory 3rd Floor Bedrooms and Bathroom ..............................................completed 5.9.16
hh Conversion to Energy-Saving LED Lights at Assumption .................................................................. completed 5.13.2016
hh Conversion to Energy-Saving LED Lights in the Gym ........................................................................................ in process
hh Renovation of Fr. Fata Hall (upstairs and downstairs) ......................................................................... p reparing to begin
hh Replace Windows in the Meeting House .................................................................................................... p lanning stage
hh Columbarium & Restoration at Holy Mount Cemetery ................................... managing company & architect engaged
Make a Difference– Saturday, June 18
HOPE Soup Kitchen - June 8 & 21
The next scheduled days for our Parish are Wednesday,
June 8 and Tuesday, June 21. The menu consists of
cold chicken (legs and thighs), 2 dozen hard-boiled eggs
(stored in cartons), 2 large bags of mixed salad greens
and a bottle of Italian dressing (donations of any of the
above are appreciated).
Join Us in Prayer - Sunday, June 12
The members of the Assumption Altar Rosary Society
will meet at Assumption Church on the 2nd Sunday of
each month to recite the Rosary prior to the 9 o’clock
Mass (except during the summer months). All are welcome to join us in prayer.
First Class Relic Visit to Yonkers
The truck from the Connecticut Quest for Peace ministry
will be at the Immaculate Conception upper parking lot
on Saturday, June 18: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. This organization puts your unwanted but useful items directly into
the hands of the poor. There is a special need for summer
clothing, as well as the following: Summer and Winter
clothing, sneakers and shoes, linens, kitchen items, sewing materials, tools, computers, sports equipment, eyeglasses (new and used) but not furniture. Volunteers are needed to help with the donations. If you
have any questions, call Fran Zucchetto: 779-4604
Vacation Bible Camp 2016
Monday, August 15 - Friday, August 19 Vacation Bible Camp will take place Monday, August 15 Friday, August 19, 8:45 -11:45 AM in the Lower Church. Come join us for a week filled with faith, fun and friends! Bible Camp is for children entering grades 1-6 and the
cost is $75 per child. Our Teen Bible camp is for preteens & teens entering grades 7-12; the cost is $25 per
teen. Register early! Spaces fill up fast. The registration period runs through Father’s Day
The Relic of Saint Anthony of Padua
(June 19). The forms for Child Registrations, Teen Regfrom the Pontifical Basilica in Padua, Italy
istrations, and Volunteer Registrations are posted on our
The Franciscan Friars OFM Conv are delighted to inform web site:
you that Friar Paolo Floretta will bring a first class relic of
our beloved saint, Saint Anthony of Padua, to the United
States during the week of his June 13­ feast day. The relic
Splendors of Northern Italy
will visit two churches in Yonkers:
On October 4 - 16, 2016, Fr. Sorgie will lead a group startJune 15
ing in Northeastern Italy and continuing down to Rome.
St. Ann’s Church • 31 College Place • Yonkers
Beginning in Venice and the Veneto, the trip will conVeneration begins at 11 AM until after the 7:30 PM Mass
tinue to Treviso, Lake Garda, Bassano del Grappa, Padua,
Masses at 12 noon and 7:30 PM
Norcia in Umbria and end with three days in Rome. This
June 19
12-day tour includes flights, 5-star hotels, private airChurch of St. Anthony • 10 Squire Avenue • Yonkers
conditioned motor coach, many meals, entrance fees, and
Veneration before and after each mass
professional guides. If you would like a brochure, visit
Masses at 8 AM, 10 AM and 12 Noon
the parish web site or stop at the rectory and ask for one.
La Comunidad Hispana
Sacramento de Reconciliación o Confesión: A
cualquier hora. Llame al sacerdote del turno al 961-3643. Además, los días sábados de 3:30 a 3:55 PM
en la Iglesia de la Asunción, y de 4:00 a 5:00 PM en la
Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción. El Sacramento del Bautismo: Los Bautismos deberán
ser programados para efectuarse durante domingos seleccionados, en la iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción.
Por favor llamar a la rectoría a la brevedad posible para
hacer los arreglos pertinentes. La Catequesis o Instrucción Bautismal se ofrece durante, un jueves seleccionado
una vez al mes.
Primera Comunión y Confirmación: La Catequesis
para prepararse a recibir estos Sacramentos se ofrece en
las Clases de Religión de la Escuela Parroquial de la Inmaculada Concepción y deben registrarse en la oficina
de la Escuela Parroquial de Formación Religiosa (Parish
School of Religion): 961-1076.
Misa de Aniversario en la Catedral
Las parejas que celebren 50 años de matrimonio durante cualquier fecha en el año 2016 están invitadas a
atender a la misa de Bodas de Oro anuales celebradas
por el Cardenal Dolan en la Catedral de San Patricio, el
día sábado, 25 de junio a la 1:30 PM l el día domingo, 26
de junio a las 2.00 PM. Para asistir a este evento se requiere previa registraron,
para lo cual se debe llamar a la oficina de la parroquia.
La registración debe hacerse no más tarde día lunes,
23 de mayo. Este evento es auspiciado por Family Life
& Respect Life Office de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York.
El Carnaval de ICS se acerca
Comida, cabalgatas o vueltas juegos, rifas Diversión para toda la familia
Jueves, 2 de junio de 6:00 a 10:00 PM
Viernes, 3 de junio de 6:00 a 9:00 PM
Sábado, 4 de junio de 1:00 a 10:00 PM
Domingo, 5 de junio de 1:00 a 5:00 PM
El Sacramento del Matrimonio: Por favor llamar al
Padre Sorgie, para acordar la fecha y la iglesia en la que
se quiera efectuar el matrimonio. Se debe acordar fecha e iglesia con seis (6) meses de anticipación, previo
a cualquier otro plan del matrimonial. Es importante
saber que no se efectúan matrimonios durante los días
domingos. Sacramento de Extremaunción (Unción) de los enfermos: A cualquier hora del día o de la noche. Por favor
llame al (914) 961-3643
Llamadas para la Comunión a los enfermos y confinados en casa: Semanal o mensualmente. Por favor llame a
la rectoría para acordar las fechas de visita.
Registro de nuevos parroquianos: Se pueden registrar
visitando uno de los sacerdotes de las iglesias o llamando
al (914) 961-3643
Requisitos: Para poder recibir todos los Sacramentos en
nuestra parroquia, los interesados deben registrarse en
la oficina parroquial de la Inmaculada Concepción para
certificar que son católicos practicantes en nuestra Parroquia, y que asisten a Misa todos los domingos. Una vez
registrados en la parroquia se les enviarán a su dirección
postal unos sobres para poner la ofrenda dominical.
Si alguna persona desea celebrar alguno de los sacramentos en nuestra comunidad pero pertenecen a otra
Parroquia, deberán presentar un permiso del párroco de
la parroquia donde estén registrados. De igual modo, si
están registrados en la Inmaculada Concepción y desean
celebrar alguno de los sacramentos en otra parroquia,
nuestro Párroco extenderá la constancia necesaria.
Algo nuevo
nuevo para
para este
este año
Los famosos Zeppoles Sicilianos
(frituras dulces
dulces glaseadas
glaseadas con
con azúcar)
de la abuelita Sorgie.
Campo Vacacional Bíblico 2016
Lunes, 15 de agosto-viernes, 19 de agosto
El Campo Vacacional Bíblico comenzará desde el día
lunes, 15 de agosto al día viernes, 19 agosto de 8:45 a
11:45 AM, en Lower Church. El tema para este año es:
“Siguiendo a Jesus, la Luz del mundo”
Venga y acompáñenos a una semana llena de fe, diversión
y amigos! El Campo Vacacional Bíblico es para los niños
de los grados del 1 al 6; el costo es de $75.00 por niño.
Nuestro Campo Bíblico Vacacional para pre-adolescentes
y adolescentes ingresando a los grados 7 y 12; el costo
es de $25.00 dólares por pre y adolescentes. Registre a
su niño lo más pronto posible. Los espacios disponibles
se llenaran rápidamente. El periodo de registracion comienza, el dia 8 de mayo
(día de la madre,) fecha en la que los formularios de registracion estarán disponibles en nuestra página web:
La última fecha para registrarse es el 19 de junio (día del
Monthly Bereavement Support Groups
Edwin L. Bennett
Funeral Homes
824 Scarsdale Avenue • Scarsdale, NY 10583
Thomas DiCarlo
Douglas A. Familia
Accounting Tony Giannoni
CPA, P.C. Parishioner
& Heating
“Est. 1895”
Jobbing • Repairs
Sewers & Drains Cleaned
• Tax Preparation & Planning
• Individuals, Corporations & Partnerships
• Accounting & Tax Services for All
• Incorporations & New Business Startups
• Complete Bookkeeping Services
(914) 793-7775
434 White Plains Rd.,
Eastchester, NY 10709
(914) 337-1000
The quality you’ve been looking for.
Medicare Accepted
15 Kraft Avenue
Bronxville, NY 10708
Chef Paul formally of Gina Marie’s
Catering Available for all Occasions
Andrea’s Dance Studio II
209 Brook Street
Scarsdale, New York 10583
We Honor All Insurance
Quality Custom Foot Orthoses
Includes Wine
NYS REG # 7113-614
Finest in Flowers & Plants
Specializing in Weddings
& Funerals
210 West 231 Street
Bronx, NY 10463
Open 7 Days a Week
• Ballet • Tap • Jazz
• Hip Hop • Zumba • Ballroom
Dr. Barbara Zarod
Columbia Florist
$21.95 - 4 COURSE MEAL
140 Columbus Avenue, Tuckahoe, NY 10707
foreign & domestic collision repairs • insurance estimates
custom work • expert painting • towing
frame straightening • fiberglass repairs • rental services
Nursery & Florist
Full Line of Garden Supplies
Christmas Trees & Wreaths
25 Tuckahoe Road
Yonkers, NY 10710
Open 7 Days a Week
Dr. Dan de la Torre
Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Services
Air Abrasion (fillings without drilling)
Digital X-Ray • 90% less radiation
1075 Central Park Avenue • Suite 400
Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-722-5100
Personalized Quality Service
Airport Service
Local & Long Distance Service
Accounts Welcome
Same Day Service, We Fix It Fast!
200 Main St., Eastchester
Serving Westchester for over 35 Yrs.
F. DiGiacomo & Sons, Inc. Suburban Roofing
Radiant Heat • Boilers • Hot Air Furnaces
Lic. & Ins.
(914) 961-8282
/Lisa Vitiello
282 White Plains Road • Eastchester, NY
Located near Cornell’s True Value in Eastchester
Patricia Forgione
207 Main Street • Eastchester, NY 10709
914-337-0210 • F: 914-961-7826 • patforgrealtynet@aol.com
Miele, Thermador, Bosch, Maytag,
Whirlpool, Viking, GE, Kitchen Aid
Specializing in
311 Columbus Ave. Tuckahoe 961-4900
All Makes
& Models
(914) 961-3895
“There is nothing like a good roof”
Family Owned Business For
Over 60 Years
2 Year Guarantee On All Work
Jay Edwards
29 Chase Road
Suite 75
Scarsdale, NY 10583
C: 914-953-8773
“Specializing in the
Detection & Repair of the
Most Difficult Leaks”
beauty lounge
Road Service - Towing
J & E Sunoco
Complete Automotive Services
Foreign and Domestic - Emissions Inspections - Wheel Alignments - Tires
Ask for Joe
284 Main Street, Eastchester
“Operated By The Chianese Family ~ Our 25th Anniversary!”
1761 Central Park Ave., Yonkers
(Highridge Shopping Center at Pathmark)
One of
Largest Liquor
793-6110 Wine Supermarket
Midco Accounting Services, Inc.
1075 Central Park Avenue - Suite 205 - Apple Bank Plaza
Tel: 914-723-8500
Scarsdale NY 10583
Michael J. Di Costanzo Sr. - Michael J. Di Costanzo Jr., CPA
E-Mail: Midco@midcotax.com
Sat. & Eve. Appts. Available www.MidcoTax.com
Ashley L. Cermele
Incorporated 1909
310 White Plains Road•Eastchester, NY
914.961.2400 • Fax 914.961.8443
Thomas Fix, Parishioner
Full Service Hair Salon
“We Make Your Wedding
Dreams Come True”
Make Up Studio
16 A Fisher Ave
Tuckahoe 10707
Romano Family
Funeral Home
Frank Parisi
Frank Parisi, Jr.
Rochelle Romano Parisi
914 - 961- 7799
676A White Plains Road • Scarsdale, NY 10583
All Forms of Insurance
(914) 395-3131
Jubilee Year of Mercy
(For private recitation on ordinary rosary beads)
Our Father..., Hail Mary..., The
Apostles’ Creed.
Then, on the OUR FATHER BEADS you
will say the following words:
“Westchester” Town & Country Oil Co.
275 East Seventh Street • Mount Vernon, NY
Roofing • Siding • Windows
Slate Roof SpecialistsFully Licensed & Insured
Family Owned & Operated Since 1914
Serving Westchester Since 1927
John M. Schneider, President
914-668-5300 Fax: 914-668-9065
Vincent Paolicelli
Personal & Business
Tax Preparation
231 A Main Street,
Eastchester, NY 10709
422 Assumption/Imm. Conception, Tuckahoe, NY (3)
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body
and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your
dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus
Christ, in atonement for our sins and
those of the whole world.
On the HAIL MARY BEADS you will say
the following words:
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion
have mercy on us and on the whole
In conclusion THREE TIMES you will
recite these words:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy
Immortal One, have mercy on us
and on the whole world.
From the Diary of the Servant of God Sr. Faustina
- Note Book I, p 197
+ Joseph F. Maguire
November 17, 1979 Bishop of Springfield, Mass.
John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net
Yannantuono - Burr Davis Sharpe
Monthly Bereavement
Support Groups
Funeral Home
584 Gramatan Ave., Fleetwood
699-4010 699-9700
Anthony Guarino
Family Owned & Operated
Guido Cicchetti
The Difference is in the Caring
With 4 children of their own, the husband
and wife team of Tornatore Family Dental
understand and appreciate the needs of
today’s busy family. They are dedicated to
providing your family with the personalized,
gentle care you deserve.
Admitted to Practice In NY & NJ
25 East 233rd St.
909 Midland Ave.
Bronx, NY 10470
Yonkers, NY 10704
Carla Tornatore, DDS
Pediatric Dentist
Robert Tornatore, DDS
General & Cosmetic Dentistry
657 White Plains Rd, Eastchester, NY
20 Years Experience TornatoreFamilyDental.com
(888) 381-7856
(914) 964-6806
Richard J. Laudenbach, Jr.
Senior Vice President
Branch Administrator
Walls • Walkways
Driveways • Patios
Pavers & Belgian Blocks
80 Garth Road
Scardale, NY 10583
Rocco. D. Bellantoni, Owner
Parishioner of Immaculate Conception
tel: (914) 722-1500
fac: (914) 722-4394
Celebrating our 4 Year Anniversary
Open all year Ocean Front
and Ocean View Suites
274 White Plains Rd., Eastchester, NY 10709
Tel: 914-200-1222 • Fax: 914-337-2524
Conveniently located in
Wappingers Falls, NY
(914) 725-6135
(914) 921-0880
Frank or Sandra Nicodemus
111 Brook St
1031 Boston Post Rd
Scarsdale, New York
Rye, New York
“Whether an automotive
sign or an entire collection of
antique cars, please call us!”
Give your classic car a new home!
Pet Grooming Salon and Spa
419 White Plains Road
Eastchester, New York 10709
Register NOW for the Summer session
White Plains & Yorktown
Cut-Rite Carpets & Design Center, Inc.
Since 1979
Carpet ~ Flooring & Window Treatments
825 White Plains Road, Scarsdael, NY
(1/4 Mi North of Lord & Taylor)
479 White Plains Rd., Rt. 22
Eastchester, NY 10709
Occasional Touch
Gift Baskets
Specialty Gift Baskets, Made to Order
Providing the attention & personal
service you come to expect & enjoy!
11 Sunnyside Terrace, Eastchester, NY
Call Michele Pinto
(914) 337-7709
Service Station
Quality Care & Commitment Since 1958
Complete Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic
Authorized N.Y.S. Inspection Station
Tonino Zeppieri Jr.,N.Y.S. Approved Technician
154 Columbus Ave., Tuckahoe, NY 10707
422 Assumption/Imm. Conception, Tuckahoe, NY (i)
Formerly Bronxville Center for Language & Learning
Reading • Writing • Math • Study Skills • Homework • ACT/SAT
Speech/Language • Social Skills • All Test Prep • College Planning
Karolyn Prisciandaro, MA, CCC-SLP
(914) 337-6357
John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net
Family Owned
6 generations
190 Main Street, Eastchester, NY 10709
C. Alan Benedict
Anthony Imperiale
A Legacy of Caring Since 1832
Carrie Benedict Foley
Nicholas Galifos
Catherine M. Ridgway-LoBue MARGARETLicensed
Call For C/D Rate Alternatives
William Carroll, Registered Representative
67 Parkview Drive, Bronxville, NY 10708
Securities offered through Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC
Alison D. Comas
Interior Designer/Owner
747 White Plains Rd.
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Member SIPC
Real Estate • Estates • Power of Attorney • Health Care Proxy • Wills & Trusts
Fellow Parishioner & Rosary Society Member
Real Estate Broker
700 White Plains Road • Scarsdale, NY 10583
Helping Our Neighbors With Their
Insurance Needs Since 1944
Attorney At Law
Family Law • Real Estate • Wills
571 White Plains Rd., Eastchester, NY 10709
914-268-0606 • wpermuttesq@gmail.com
Offers you European River Cruises, Swiss Grand Rail
Tours • Music, Culinary & Wine Tours to Austria & Italy
914-771-8558 ask for Susanne Servin, Parishioner.
~Home Improvements~
Kitchen & Bath Remodeling
Tile • Int/Ext Painting
700 White Plains Road, Suite 322 • Scarsdale
914.961.3175 (closed Mondays)
“Let Us Beam You Up” Licensed Electrical Contractor
Residential/Commercial • All Types of Wiring
Complete Take-Out Menu
Thin Crust Brick Oven Pizza
NYC Inspection • Foreign & Domestic 4 Wheel Alignment
Bucket Truck Available
Ed O’Donnell, Owner
130 Summerfield St., Scarsdale, NY
10% Discount
Seafood, Steak, Chops & Pasta
Joe & Carlo Cermele
John Tavolilla
Michael Tavolilla
29 Columbus Avenue, Tuckahoe, NY 10707
Catering & Party Facilities
Bosworth, Gray & Fuller
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Associate Real Estate Broker
Real Estate • Wills • Probate • Civil and Criminal Litigation
Mobile: 914.629.0049
Martindale Hubbell AV Rated
David Otis Fuller, Jr.
116 Kraft Ave., Bronxville, NY 10708-4185
(914) 337-3626 • fax (914) 337-3630
Cosmetic, Implant & General Dentistry
• commitment to extraordinary service and clinical excellence
• serving westchester county communities for over 2 decades
• family dentist treating patients of all ages
40 Fisher Avenue, Tuckahoe, NY 10707
(914) 793-4411
Bronxville Brokerage | 4 Valley Road, Bronxville, NY
drfgraziano@aol.com • www.frankgrazianodds.com
Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Bracing • Orthotics • Prosthetics • Personal Training
Community Programs For Seniors • State of The Art Equipment With Advanced Hands-On Techniques
Free Parking • 115 Main St., Tuckahoe, Suite 202 • 914-961-1010
Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted
Same family ownership since 1918 20 Cedar St. at Kraft Ave., Bronxville, NY 10708 337-6770
Donald N. Cupertino
Tim McGrath
Robert W. McGrath
Eric Anderson
James A. Celestino
Law Offices of
♦ Real Estate
♦ General Legal Services
♦ Small Business Incorporation
♦ Wills & Trusts
♦ Estate Probate & Administration
34 Oak Avenue, Tuckahoe
New York 10707
422 Assumption/Imm. Conception, Tuckahoe, NY (b)
# WC-19177-H07
Restaurant / Diner
Best Diner(s) In the Tri-State Area
Spotlight Magazine
Best Breakfast in Westchester County
Westchester Weekly Magazine
Take-out & Catering
Private Banquet Room
Come In And Join Us After
Saturday & Sunday Mass
465 White Plans Rd.
Eastchester, NY 10709
“Known For Attention To Detail”
Interior Painting • Wallpaper Installation
Licensed & Insured
(914) 447-7841
John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net