July 28, 2013 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


July 28, 2013 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
— A Roman Catholic Parish Community —
155 William Street
Founded 1837
Fr. Ivan Sciberras
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Wojciech B. Jaskowiak
In Residence:
Fr. Mark O’Connell
Fr. Giovanni Rizzo
Rev. Mr. Archibald L. Mabini
Mr. Julio Roig
Mr. Guillermo J. Valladares
Elementary School Principal:
Mrs. Phyllis A. Sisco
Parish Catechetical Coordinator: Mrs. Lisa A. Melillo
Director of Music:
Parish Secretary:
Business Manager:
Parish Trustees:
Mr. John Christian Colaneri
Sr. Vilma Orejola, FLP
Mrs. Linda Makofka
Mrs. Nancy Adessa
Mr. Thaddeus Rajnes
Pastoral Council President:
Mr. Gary Hinton
The Lord’s Day: Saturday Eve: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7, 8:30 10, 11:30 a.m.,
1 p.m. Spanish
Christian Marriage
The couple should contact a parish priest or deacon one
year before the desired date for the marriage to ensure
proper preparation for the Sacrament. Couples are not
to make FIRM plans for the reception PRIOR to
speaking with a parish priest or deacon.
Sacraments for the Sick/Homebound
Anointing: Anytime upon request in the home of the sick.
Communion: A Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister of
the parish will bring Holy Communion to those
parishioners confined to home. Please notify the
Rectory when someone is ill or admitted to the hospital.
St. Peter’s Cemetery
Monday to Friday:
9:00 a.m.
Summer Schedule: Monday
7:00 p.m.
(Evening Mass in the Retreat House Chapel)
8:00 a.m.
Infant Baptism
Spanish - Second Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m.
English - Fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m.
Parents must register by calling the Rectory at least
one month in advance. Baptism Instruction held the
week before the Baptism. Proposed godparent/s need
to be living in accordance to the teachings of the
Catholic Church, and are asked to attend the Baptism
Instruction along with the child’s parents.
For information about acquiring a plot, or to make a
donation to our Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, please
contact Mrs. Linda Makofka at the Rectory.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fax: 973-751-6201
Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Saturday: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or anytime at the
Rectory upon an appointment with a priest.
(offices open at 9 a.m.)
New Jersey 07109
Teaching the Good News
St. Peter Elementary School - Pre K through 8
Religious Education
Kindergarten through Eighth grades
Contact Lisa Melillo or Anne McCann - 973-751-4290
Coordinadora de Clases de Religión en español
(Primera Comunión y Confirmación)
Rosie Velasquez 973-351-4908
Religious Education
Social Service Hotline
(Catholic Community Services)
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time † July 28, 2013
Page Two
July 28, 2013
A Word from the Pastor …
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
During this past week we have had the joy of seeing six young people from our parish, as well as Fr. Wojciech,
excitedly leave for Brazil to participate in the 28 th World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. According to reports I have
received, the only challenge the youth have been meeting is the colder-than-usual weather (remember that South
America is in the Southern Hemisphere; hence it is winter right now). On Wednesday our youth took part in a
street-mission, when the temperature was only 33 degrees! Yet the warmth of Brazilian hospitality, I am told, is
more than compensating for the cold weather.
Those who have had the opportunity to watch some of the events on TV and the internet must have been impressed by the youthfulness of the Catholic Church. At every event since his arrival in Brazil on Monday, Pope
Francis has been able to speak to the heart of his audience. He is such a gift for the Church, and we all need to
continue to pray for his Petrine Ministry. The celebrations come to a close today Sunday with the concluding
open-air Mass celebrated by Pope Francis. If you happen to read this before Sunday, make sure to tune-in to your
TV or read the Holy Father’s homilies and speeches.
Meanwhile, we have been taking advantage of the summer lull to work
on projects that are difficult to complete during other times of the year.
Work on the Rectory entrance and waiting area was completed last week
(I thank all those who showed patience and understanding while work
was underway, especially the rectory staff who had to deal with hammering, banging and paint smell). Those who visited the rectory during the
past few days were amazed at the transformation of the Rectory reception area. It is part of our effort to make all visitors feel more welcome
when visiting us.
Furthermore, work has been underway during the past week on the
Church Main steps. Due to poor workmanship in the past and the severity of the elements (rain and snow), the joints connecting the slabs on the
Church parvis were letting in water, with the result that the stone slabs
started to move, making it pretty dangerous for people entering or leaving the Church. We have been truly fortunate not to have had any accidents during the past years. Through the work undertaken during this
past week, all the joints (five inches deep) were cleaned and replaced
with a new polymeric material which is guaranteed not to allow water to
seep through. Some of the slabs were taken out and realigned. This is
one of those projects that are hardly ever noticed, but are very impor- The Rectory reception area after renovation
tant for the safety of our parishioners and the appearance of the entrance to the Church.
A blessed Sunday to all,
Fr. Ivan Sciberras
Work on the Church steps earlier this week
Page Three
August 3 is the first Saturday of the month, therefore
this is our Parish Maintenance day. For a light breakfast,
please come at 8:30 a.m., to the lower level of the rectory. Please wear working cloth. We will begin to work
from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, ending with a pizza right
after that.
7-21-2013 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
$6,100 are needed weekly to meet our operating
budget. (Any capital expense that arises not
included). Please consider increasing your weekly
offering, especially during the summer months.
as of 7-28-2013
Pledges Received:
Over (Under) Goal:
Number of Donors:
$ 31,227
$ 33,508
$ 2,281
Congratulations at our parishioners who have
helped us pass our goal.
During the summer months, many parishioners leave
the parish for vacation or other activity. This causes
the weekly collection to take a hit during the summer. Meanwhile, the operating expenses of the parish
remain the same: paying of salaries, insurance premiums, utility bills, etc. In case you are going to be
away for any length of time this summer, please consider ways to continue to contribute to the parish. Among the different methods, you can consider
the following:
- If you receive weekly envelopes, drop them
off either before you depart or upon your
- Consider contributing what you would
otherwise give weekly in a lump sum
- Make use of an online Quick Pay system
being used by many banks. You would go to
your bank account online and transfer an
amount to St. Peter’s Church. In many cases
you would only be asked the name of the
recipient (St. Peter’s Church) and an email
address for the recipient (parish@spbnj.org).
We would then provide the bank with the
routing information for St. Peter’s.
Know that it is your generosity that permits the parish
to continue with its mission of making the love of
Christ visible in a suffering world.
For the upcoming school year (2013-2014) we are in
need of Catechists. If you are interested in teaching a
class, please call Lisa Melillo, Religious Education
Coordinator at 973-751-4290.
C.C.D. Registration for the 2013-2014
school year began on June 1st. Please
call the Religious Education Office
(973-751-4290) or come to the office to
register. Our office is located in the
rear of the Rectory building.
There is an RCIA Inquiry Session on Thursday, August
22nd at 8:00 PM in the rectory. At this meeting you can
find out all about our process for adults and adolescents
to receive the sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist or Baptism. If you have any question, you can call
Fr. Mark at the Rectory. We recently started a new
class but you have to attend an Inquiry Session before
you can join the class.
July 15, 2013
Dear Rev. Sciberras &
parishioners of St. Peter’s Church,
On behalf of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, especially those serving in the foreign missions, I would like
to thank you and your people for the kind assistance
given to us during our recent mission appeal.
Your openness to our needs and your gracious response
fill us with gratitude. We assure you of our prayers, and
ask that you continue to remember us as well.
Kindly convey these sentiments to your people. Please
tell them it has been our privilege to be among them,
sharing something of the riches of Christ.
In the Heart of Christ,
Kathy Snow
Mission Co-op Director
Page Four
MONDAY, July 29
St. Martha
TUESDAY, July 30
St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Saturday, July 27
8:00 For All Souls in Purgatory, rq Rosario Vera
5:30 Carol Ann Gabriel
Sunday, July 28
7:00 For the intentions of Sister Ann Cayanan,
rq Family
8:30 Nancy Strumold, rq Mr. & Mrs. William Page
10:00 Edward Gunther, rq Eugene P. O’Connell
11:30 Harold Groome, rq Gary & Linda Hinton
1:00 Noel David, rq Dc. Julio & Maximina Roig
Monday, July 29
9:00 Carmela & Pietro Giacopelli, rq Nina Bono
7:00 For all souls in purgatory, rq Rosario Veras
Tuesday, July 30
9:00 Frank Tully, rq Eileen Tully
Wednesday, July 31
9:00 Frank Tully, rq Ann Morris
Thursday, August 1
9:00 David Oliveira, rq Claudia Oliveira
Friday, August 2
9:00 Michael Morris, rq Ann Morris
Saturday, August 3
8:00 For all souls in purgatory, rq Rosario Veras
5:30 Tony Pannullo (30th anniversary),
rq wife, Joney & Sons
Sunday, August 4
7:00 People of the Parish
8:30 John & Carmela Missaggia, rq sister, Helen
10:00 Anthony Branca, rq The DeTrolio Family
11:30 Bernadette & Dominick, rq Ron Masi
1:00 All the deceased members of the Solano Family,
rq Jaime Perez
St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest
7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, RMR 1
8:00 pm Vietnamese Prayer Group, Chapel
Pray for these in our community who
are ill among us: Maria Jose Alfonso,
Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Jamie
Canal, Jim Cataldo, Marie Cerreto, Nancy
Corris, Janet Cubellis, Evelyn DiChiara,
Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran
Lombard, Barbara Mende, Antonio Rosa,
Cirilo Sison, Ana Salazar, Marie McConnon, Ana
Challenger, Tony De Sent, Riley Hayes-Lopez, Margaret
Steinhauser, Casey Paradine, Ethel Thomas, Gordon
Gladden, Joe Mullery, Carmella Parilla, Phyliss
Bocchino, John Grimes, Carmela Vassallo, Orlando
Perry, Alice McCants, Oscar Reyes, Alicia & Miguel
Encalada, Robert Brinkerhoff, Edward Matera, Thomas
Barros, Carmen and Andre Ravancho, Tal Height, Geza
Roman, Celeste Rodriguez, Anthony Barbara, Jean Rolli
and all people wishing to remain nameless. Let us also
pray for those who have recently died.
THURSDAY, August 1
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
7:00 pm Bible Class, RMR1
7:30 pm Legion De Maria, RMR3
FRIDAY, August 2
St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop
St. Peter Julian Eymard, Priest
7:00 pm NA Support Group, Church Basement
7:30 pm Exposicion del Santisimo, Capilla
7:30 pm Grupo de Parejas, RMR 1
SATURDAY, August 3
8:30 am Maintenance Day, RMR1
1 pm
Confessions, Church
7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, Cafeteria Area
SUNDAY, August 4
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
2:00 pm
Virgen Peregrina, Church
This cluster helps our parish proclaim and teach the
good news of Jesus Christ and forms Christian
disciples. For information on this cluster, call Angie
Stefanelli at 973-759-5252.
Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23
or Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-11;
Mt 13:36-43
Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Mt 13:44-46
Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8, 11;
Mt 13:47-53
Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37;
Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58
Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12
Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17;
Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21.
Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you feel that you
can never be forgiven? Rachel's Vineyard (www.rachelsvineyard.org) is
a weekend retreat which offers hope and healing.
The Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark will be offering a
retreat September 13-15, 2013 at the McGuinness Center located at
St. John the Apostle Parish, 1805 Penbrook Terrace, Linden, NJ
07036. For more information, call the Respect Life Office at 973-4974350. All calls are confidential.
Page Five
What joy I feel as I come to the house of the Mother of every Brazilian, the Shrine of our Lady of Aparecida! The day after my election as
Bishop of Rome, I visited the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, in order
to entrust my ministry as the Successor of Peter to Our Lady. Today I have
come here to ask Mary our Mother for the success of World Youth Day and
to place at her feet the life of the people of Latin America.
Six years ago the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin
America and the Caribbean was held in this Shrine. That Conference was a
great moment of Church. When the Church looks for Jesus, she always
knocks at his Mother’s door and asks: “Show us Jesus”. It is from Mary that
the Church learns true discipleship. Today, looking forward to the World
Youth Day which has brought me to Brazil, I too come to knock on the
door of the house of Mary – who loved and raised Jesus – that she may help
all of us, pastors of God’s people, parents and educators, to pass on to our
young people the values that can help them build a nation and a world
which are more just, united and fraternal. For this reason I would like to
speak of three simple attitudes: hopefulness, openness to being surprised
by God, and living in joy.
1) Hopefulness. The second reading of the Mass presents a dramatic scene: a woman – an image of Mary and the
Church – is being pursued by a Dragon – the devil – who wants to devour her child. But the scene is not one of death but of
life, because God intervenes and saves the child (cf. Rev 12:13a, 15-16a). How many difficulties are present in the life of every
individual, among our people, in our communities; yet as great as these may seem, God never allows us to be overwhelmed by
them. In the face of those moments of discouragement we experience in life, in our efforts to evangelize or to embody our faith
as parents within the family, I would like to say forcefully: Always know in your heart that God is by your side; he never abandons you! Let us never lose hope! Let us never allow it to die in our hearts! The “dragon”, evil, is present in our history, but it
does not have the upper hand. The one with the upper hand is God, and God is our hope! It is true that nowadays, to some
extent, everyone, including our young people, feels attracted by the many idols which take the place of God and appear to offer hope: money, success, power, pleasure. Often a growing sense of loneliness and emptiness in the hearts of many people
leads them to seek satisfaction in these ephemeral idols. Let us encourage the generosity which is typical of the young and
help them to work actively in building a better world. Young people are a powerful engine for the Church and for society. They
do not need material things alone; also and above all, they need to have held up to them those non-material values which are
the spiritual heart of a people, the memory of a people. In this Shrine, which is part of the memory of Brazil, we can almost
read those values: spirituality, generosity, solidarity, perseverance, fraternity, joy; they are values whose deepest root is in the
Christian faith.
2) The second attitude: openness to being surprised by God. Anyone who is a man or a woman of hope – the great
hope which faith gives us – knows that even in the midst of difficulties God acts and he surprises us. The history of this Shrine
is a good example: three fishermen, after a day of catching no fish, found something unexpected in the waters of the Parnaíba
River: an image of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Whoever would have thought that the site of a fruitless fishing
expedition would become the place where all Brazilians can feel that they are children of one Mother? God always surprises
us, like the new wine in the Gospel we have just heard. God always saves the best for us. But he asks us to let ourselves be
surprised by his love, to accept his surprises. Let us trust God! Cut off from him, the wine of joy, the wine of hope, runs out. If
we draw near to him, if we stay with him, what seems to be cold water, difficulty, sin, is changed into the new wine of friendship with him.
3) The third attitude: living in joy. Dear friends, if we walk in hope, allowing ourselves to be surprised by the new wine
which Jesus offers us, we have joy in our hearts and we cannot fail to be witnesses of this joy. Christians are joyful, they are
never gloomy. God is at our side. We have a Mother who always intercedes for the life of her children, for us, as Queen Esther
did in the first reading (cf Est 5:3). Jesus has shown us that the face of God is that of a loving Father. Sin and death have been
defeated. Christians cannot be pessimists! They do not look like someone in constant mourning. If we are truly in love with
Christ and if we sense how much he loves us, our heart will “light up” with a joy that spreads to everyone around us. As Benedict XVI said: “the disciple knows that without Christ, there is no light, no hope, no love, no future” (Inaugural Address, Fifth
General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean, Aparecida, 13 May 2007, 3).
Dear friends, we have come to knock at the door of Mary’s house. She has opened it for us, she has let us in and she
shows us her Son. Now she asks us to “do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). Yes, dear Mother, we are committed to doing whatever Jesus tells us! And we will do it with hope, trusting in God’s surprises and full of joy. Amen.
Page Six
Saint Peter School
forming the future with Purpose,
Passion and Power!
When: Thursday, August 15
Cost: $30 (receive $25 back)
Bus boards at 8:30 AM
& leaves St. Peter’s Parking Lot at 8:45 AM sharp.
For tickets or information,
please call Anne at 973-751-1529
St. Peter's School is already planning for its annual Tricky Tray.
We are accepting donations for this annual event throughout
the summer. We are in need of empty(or completed baskets!),
items that can be used to fill baskets or monetary donations. If
you have any questions please contact the school office. Thank
1) Appropriate Dress in Church - Most people who are
invited to a formal gathering (wedding, etc.) will wear
appropriate clothing for the occasion. Considering that when
we gather in Church, we stand in the presence of God, and it is
only appropriate that we should dress in the best that we
can. Please let us be mindful of our dress for the Lord's House
during the warm summer months. Tastes vary, yet we all agree
that certain types of clothing are not appropriate for
Church. Your cooperation and thoughtfulness in this regard are
greatly appreciated.
2) Be a good Neighbor - In these summer months, consider
dropping in or calling your elderly neighbors, especially those
who are homebound or living alone. Perhaps you can do a bit of
shopping for them, or just visit for a few minutes. God will
certainly bless your generosity.
3) Note About Air Conditioning - In these hot summer
months, should you notice that the A/C is “on” in the Church,
please help us maintain a comfortable temperature by keeping
the inside and outside doors of the Church shut after walking in
or out of the Church.
When: Friday - Sunday, October 18, 19 & 20
Where: San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch
Cost: $185 A $50 deposit is needed no later than the
weekend of September 7 & 8.
All women welcome. Come and join us.
It is a good time to reflect and be closer to our Lord.
For info call Betty Cameron 973-751-3146
or Judy Nucci 973-751-2960.
Trip to Wildwood/Smithville/
Ocean City/Atlantic City/ Cape May
September 8-12, 2013— $465.00 per person.
Double Occupancy includes hotel, transportation,
4 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners.
Open to everyone.
Sponsored by the Belleville Irish
American Association.
For itinerary or information,
call Pat Nichols 973-751-5308.
The year 2012-2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the
opening of the Second Vatican Council and has been designated a ’Year of Faith’ in celebration of this momentous
event in the history of the church. To mark the occasion ,
the Archdiocese of Newark is designating its triennial
pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception, Washington ,D.C., as a major
Archdiocesan observance commemorating the occasion.
The one-day pilgrimage will take place on Saturday,
October 26, 2013.
In the spirit of the Year of Faith, the Filipino Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Newark will celebrate the feast of San Lorenzo
Ruiz and the recent canonization of San Pedro Calungsod, on September 29 at three in the afternoon in the Cathedral Basilica of Newark. The Most Reverend Julito B. Cortes, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu (Philippines) will preside and
preach at this liturgical celebration.
Lunes: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106 (105):19-23 o
Sal 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42
Martes: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6-11; Mt 13:36-43
Miércoles: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9; Mt 13:44-46
Jueves: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8, 11; Mt 13:47-53
Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab;
Mt 13:54-58
Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12
Domingo: Ecl 1:2; 2:21-23; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17;
Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lc 12:13-21
Baltimore, Maryland
11 de agosto del 2013
Hora de salida:
6:00 AM
Lugar de salida: Iglesia San Miguel (Estacionamiento)
23 Crittenden St., Newark, NJ 07104
Costo por persona: $45
Para reservaciones o mayor informacion puede llamar a las siguientes personas
Diacono Cecilio Polanco - 201-997-5452
Ernesto Rosabal– 201-955-0318; La Rectoria de San Miguel - 973-484-7100
El auto bus saldrá de nuestra iglesia
St. Peter’s a las 7:30am.
Costo por persona $25.00 dolares. Niños $10.00
Comuniquese con Marcela Davila 973-759-1312
Laura Campos 973-485-3403; Carmen Pinto 862-201-7099
Gina Troya 862-596-7517; Carmen Torres 973-751-8321
EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO — La Exposición del Santísimo
tendrá lugar el día Viernes primero de Junio. De 7:30 p.m. a 8:30
p.m. en la Capilla de la Casa de Retiros.
DÍA DEL MANTENIMIENTO— El día del mantenimiento de nuestra
Parroquia, tendrá lugar el día Sábado 3 de Agosto, de 8:30 a.m. a 12:00
de la tarde. Comenzaremos a las 8:30 a.m. con un desayuno ligero. Todos los jóvenes y adultos son invitados a participar. Por favor de vestirse
con ropa de trabajo. También para ese día necesitaremos, algunos pintores, albañiles jardineros y carpinteros. Gracias de antemano por su generosa ayuda; Diacono Valladares.
REGISTRACION PARA CLASES DE CATECISMO 20132014 - Por favor contacten la Oficina del Catecismo en la Rectoria para
registrar sus hijos para las Clases de Catecismo, en Inglés o Español. Si
necesitan ayuda en español, contacten a la Señora Rosie Velasquez 973351-4908.
Page Seven
JMJ Rio 2013
Ademas de los seis jovenes de St. Peter que estan en Brazil participando
en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, hay tambien tres miembros del
Movimiento XXIII (que perseveran en Rahway): Karen Perez, Elizabeth
Rodriguez y Fidel Rodriguez (vea la foto antes de su salida para Rio de
Janeiro). De Brazil, ellos enviaron este mensaje el lunes pasado:
Estamos en Rio acabando la “mission week.” Wow, es increible lo que
estamos viviendo. Hemos sentido el amor de Dios en muchas personas; hemos encontrado a Jesus en las personas mas humildes quienes
nos han atendido con mucho amor. Tenemos muchas experiencias
que contar. Nosotros ahora vamos en camino a Niteroi. Alli vivermos
la Jornada. Dios los bendiga. Padre Ivan, gracias por tenernos en sus
oraciones... Con mucho cariño
“La fiesta Internacional de Cena y Baile”, que esta
programado para el día Sábado 19 de Octubre de 7:00 p.m.
hasta las 11:00 de la noche, es un “Evento Parroquial” para
recaudar fondos, y poder ayudar en los gastos para el mantenimiento de nuestros edificios. En los cuales nos reunimos para
nuestras diferentes actividades del ano. Sin estos edificios, no
podríamos reunirnos, para practicar nuestra fe y crecer en
nuestro amor a Dios, amor a nuestra familia y amor al prójimo.
Por tal motive pedimos a los lideres de nuestros grupos parroquiales que nos unamos para hacer de esta actividad
anual un ejemplo de nuestra unidad. Primeramente tratando
de cambiar la fecha de las actividades programadas para el
día Sábado 19 de Octubre, o terminarlas antes de las 7:00 de
la noche, para no interferir con la atendencia a la Cena y Baile,
o con la ayuda que podrían aportar.
Si algunos de ustedes desea ayudarnos en este evento
parroquial por favor de llenar la invitación de ayuda y entregársela a nuestros Sacerdotes , Diáconos o nuestra hermanita Vilma en la Rectoría. Nosotros estaremos en comunicación con ustedes lo mas pronto posible.
En unos días, necesitaremos que nos ayuden con la distribución de los
boletos de Rifa 50/50 y con las entradas para la Cena y Baile.
Si, yo deseo ayudar ,en este evento parroquial del día 19 de Octubre.
Dirección y # de teléfono: