June 19, 2016 - St. Augustine


June 19, 2016 - St. Augustine
St. Augus ne Roman Catholic Church
116 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11217-3596
Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Pastor
Mr. Joseph Bichotte, Deacon
Sr. Ellen Glavey, Religious Education Coordinator
Mr. Andrew Violette, Director of Music
Ms. Vanessa Peña, Parish Secretary
Mr. Brendan Moloney, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Rev. Agnelo Pinto, In Residence
Rev. Charles P. Keeney, In Residence
Msgr. Robert Harris, in Residence
Monday to Friday:
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Monday to Thursday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
No evening hours
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Appointments appreciated
Rectory Office
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 NOON
1:30 PM
St. Monica Hall
Sterling Place
9:00 AM (English)
Wednesday 7:30 PM (Spanish)
HOLY DAYS: As announced
First Friday of each month, check for time.
Speak to a staff person about the process of becoming
a Catholic and/or receiving Eucharist and Confirmation.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions heard Saturdays
4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment.
BAPTISM: Parents should call at least two months in
advance for preparation dates.
MATRIMONY: Couples should meet with a priest or
deacon at least six months in advance.
COMMUNION OF THE SICK: Please call to arrange
communion for the sick, homebound, or hospitalized.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sunday morning - English
and Spanish.
Phone number: 718-857-2559; www.sfxsparkslope.org/
Visit our Website
St. Augustine R.C. Church
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Mass Intentions for the Week
Sunday, June 19
5:00 Michelle Loney ‘Gift of Life’
10:30 +Jesus Ayala Belardo (Family)
12:00 +Ernesto Cruz (Nancy Jimenez)
1:30 For The People Of The Parish
Monday, June 20
9:00 Rosa & Antonio Chipollone & Family
Tuesday, June 21
9:00 Patrick McLaughlin ‘Gift of Life’
Wednesday, June 22
9:00 Mary Jane & Danny Treacy ‘Wedding Anniversary’
Thursday, June 22
9:00 Giuseppe & Maddalena Orecchio & Family
Friday, June 23
9:00 Maria & Antonio Iemma (Anniversario)
Saturday, June 24
9:00 +Pasqua, Antonio & Pietro Canale
5:00 Luny Pierre ‘Gift of Life’
Sunday, June 25
9:00 Jamal David ‘Gift of Life’ (Rita David)
10:30 +Mayra Rivera (Milagros DeJesus)
10:30 +Amy Rodriguez (Felix Rodriguez)
12:00 +Ronald Walter Foley (Mother of Josephine Foley)
1:30 +Randolf Jones
Upcoming Events/Meetings
Terce is every Sunday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
Vespers is every Saturday before 5:00 p.m. Mass.
Baptism Classes… will be held on July 18th at 7:30
p.m. in the Rectory.
Chair Yoga… Thursday mornings at 9:45 a.m. in the
church. Contact Dalienne at (718) 369-3031 with any
Pray By Hand… will meet on Thursday evenings at
7:00 p.m. in the Rectory.
Vocation Committee… will meet on Wednesday,
June 22nd at 6:30 p.m. in the rectory.
Nicotine Anonymous… meets every Thursday in St.
Monica Hall at 7:00 p.m. Stop by the rectory for more
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Follow In The Footsteps Of Christ
The great fifty-day celebration of Easter has concluded, as have
the feasts honoring the Holy Trinity and the Body and Blood of
Christ. Last week we began a long stretch of Ordinary Time that
will bring us to late November. Saint Paul tells us today that
those who are baptized “have clothed yourselves with
Christ” (Galatians 3:27). This scripture is echoed in the
Church’s baptism ritual when we sing, “You have put on Christ,
in him you have been baptized.” This message is inspiring and
sobering at the same time, for in today’s Gospel, we get to the
heart of what it means to be clothed in Christ. The Lord tells us,
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and
take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). For the next
twenty-two weeks we are called to take up the cross and, with
Saint Luke as our guide, follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Volunteers Needed for Respite Shelter
Matthew 25:35 – “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was
thirty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
St. Augustine parishioners are needed as volunteers for a
summer respite shelter at our neighbor ing chur ch, Old
First Reformed, located on 7th Avenue at Carroll Street. This
will be the sixth year that St. Augustine will join with other
congregations in Park Slope to provide a nutritious dinner
and a safe, clean place to sleep for 10-12 male guests. St.
Augustine’s week will be July 4 – 8, 2016 – Monday to Friday. The shelter program is coordinated by the non-profit
social service agency CAMBA. There are two different volunteer opportunities: (1) Volunteers needed to provide dinner; 3-5 people needed for each evening to prepare and serve
dinner OR (2) Volunteers needed to stay overnight with another volunteer (2 people needed for each evening). St Augustine is committed to provide volunteers for the shelter the
week of July 4 – 8, 2016. Can you find it in your heart to
be a volunteer to either help with dinner or for the overnight? Ther e is a sign up sheet at the entr ance to the
church. For more information, contact Jean Prahl: 347-6370304 / jeanprahl@verizon.net
Diocesan Lay Ministry Program
The Pastoral Institute’s Lay Ministry Program is for sponsored
persons who wish to serve in parish ministry. Over a threeyear period, participants are provided academic, pastoral, human and spiritual formation. If you are open to filling a volunteer ministerial leadership need within the parish, speak with
Fr. Ahern about applying to the Lay Ministry Program for
classes that start in September 2016. Candidates for the program must have parish sponsorship; nominations are now being accepted. Program begins in September. For information,
call Fr. Ahern. At ext. 12.
Vacation Bible School 2016
“Walking with Jesus”
Sundays – June 5th, 12, 26 & July 10th, 17, & 24th
10:15 to 11:30 a.m. in the rectory
Calling all children, tweens and teens - to participate in our
faith-filled, program. We will focus on growing closer in our
relationships with God, our creator; Jesus, our brother; and the
Holy Spirit. Through discussions, Bible readings, study, stories and fun activities we will explore the importance of keeping our faith strong as we walk with Jesus, our family and our
friends. For more information contact Ina:
staugustinercdre@verizon.net, (718) 783-3132, ext. #14, Ina:
(917) 620-3143, each1teach1all@optonline.net.
PLEASE NOTE: During the month of August there will be
NO Spanish Mass on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. and NO
Baptisms for infants and small children.
Reminder: Daily Readings for mass can be found at this
website: www.ussccb.org;bible/readings.
WELCOME: To register as a member of the parish, please
use the form on the table in the vestibule of the church OR
stop in the rectory during office hours.
St. Augustine R.C. Church
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Sons & Daughters - Youth Choir
St. Augustine Church
Calling ALL Cantors, Psalmists, Choir Members, & Musical
Directors of the future! A Youth Choir is being formed for
youngsters, we've got flyers in the back of the church for our
parent information sessions. Don’t forget to grab one!
Pray by Hand ~ Please note that, until further notice,
meetings will occur only once a month on the
4th Thursday of the month. Our upcoming meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 23rd at 7:00 p.m (Rectory Sitting
Faitma/Lourdes/Nevers/Paris Catholic
September 12 - 22, 2016, Fr. Rafael Perez CoSpiritual Director/Divine Mercy Parish
2 Nights Fatima/1 Night Spain/ 2 Nights
Lourdes/1 Night Nevers/ 2 Nights Paris/Daily
Air from JFK / Breakfast & Dinner Daily
For a flyer or more information call Cathie or
Mike Milano 1-800-773-2660
Facebook.com/staugustineparkslope &
@staugustinerc on Instagram and Twitter!
2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5,
12-13; Mt 7:1-5
2 Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;
Sal 48 (47):2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37, 40;
Mt 7:15-20
2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 7:21-29
Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17;
1 Pe 1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17
Día: Is 49:1-6; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 13-15;
Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7,
20-21; Mt 8:15-17
Domingo: 1 Re 19:16b, 19-21; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11;
Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lc 9:51-62
Programa Diocesano de Ministerio Laico
El Programa de Ministerio Laico del Instituto Pastoral es para
personas patrocinadas que desean servir en el ministerio parroquial. Los participantes reciben formación académica,
pastoral, humana y espiritual. Si usted está abierto a llenar
una necesidad de lideres ministeriales voluntarios dentro de
la parroquia, hable con el Padre Ahern sobre la solicitud del
programa de Ministerio Laico para las clases que comienzan
en septiembre de 2016. El programa comienza en septiembre.
Para información, llame al Padre Ahern ext. 12.
Consejo Pastoral Parroquial… se reunirá el Lunes,
6 de junio a las 7:00 pm. en la rectoria.
Recordatorio: Por favor tome un formulario de inscripción a las salida de la iglesia si no lo has hecho ya.
We pray for the sick…
Recemos Por los enfermos. . .
Requests for public prayers for the sick should be made by the
sick person her/himself or a family member, since at times the
person does not wish the illness to be made public. Please call
the parish secretary. The names will remain on the sick list for
three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested by a family.
Helena Severin
Daisy Rijo
Jose Colon
Janie Gamble
Carmen M Mercado
Nancy Cimino
Jackie Strachen
Robert Katan
Ursula Gamble
Barbara Mangilardi
James Leune
Olive Bouaz
Tiffany Rios
Mike Meehan
Dorinda Baéz
Alex Ramos
Julie Elle Brittner
Laura M. Perez
Hector Davila
Kitty Denega
Pascasia Vidal
Paul Callahan
Christopher Neves
Monique Daumec
Yvette Reyes
Kathy Cruz
John Barton
Jane Erickson
Clara Rodriguez
Yvette Sendker
Carmen Torres
Angelo M. Ramos
Barbara Merrill
Col. Ret. Will Merrill
Pedro R. Garsed
Severina Caban
Sonia Bonilla
Anthony Tuitt
Nilda L. Morales
We pray for members and friends serving in the military:
Rezamos por miembros y amigos que estan sirviendo en el
Servicio Militar: Sgt. Estephen Shirverts, Col. Will Merrill, Lt.
Jeanell Merrill, Capt. Peyton Hurley, Manny Otero, PFC Anthony J. Jolimeau, Paul Valdez, Jorge E. Moreira, Jerry
Moreira, Kathleena Hurd, David Garcia, Samantha Vega, L.C.
US Marine Corps, Capt. Richard Martinez, US Marines, Airman Clara Lyde, 1 Lt. Ignacio Naudon.
Escuela de Verano Bíblica de San Agustín 2016
Escuela de Verano Bíblica de San Agustín es una extensión del
Comité de la Misa de familia y ofrecerá educación religiosa 6
domingos (5 de junio al 24 de julio). Nos reuniremos en un
grupo mixto en la rectoría después de la Misa de las 9:00 a.m.
de 10:00 a 11:30 a.m. Si usted está interesado tenemos una
hoja de inscripción para los niños y adolescentes en la entrada
de la iglesia. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a
Recemos Por... Si usted tiene una persona que usted desea ser
rogado para, por favor déjenos saber inmediatamente y rogaremos por ellos. Los nombres quedarán en la lista de enfermos
por tres semanas y repetida después de eso por requerimiento.
Favor de ver la lista de los enfermos y los difuntos en la pagina
3. Gracias.
Nota: Las Lecturas diarias para la Misa pueden encontrarse en
el website: www.ussccb.org;bible/readings.
Reminder: During the month of August there will be NO
Spanish Mass on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. and NO Baptisms
for infants and small children.
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Don’t forget to visit our website for more announcements @ www.staugustineparkslope.org
Diocesan Lay Ministry Program… Institi pastoral program minstri se pou laik yo ki esponse moun ki panse a sevi
nan ministry pawas la. Pandan twa ane, patisipan yo va
resevwa formasyon ak a demik pastoral, imen ak espirityel. Si
ou vle vini yon lide ministry ki bezwen nan pawas la, pale
avek Pe Tom nan Septamb 2016. Kandida yo pou program la
dwe moun nan pawas la; nominasyon ap asepte kouniye-a. Pou
enformasion, rele Pe Tom nan ext. 12.
BAPTISMS: Please note… pap genyen batem pou bebe yo
ak timoun piti dwan mwa Out.
Opportunities for a better Tomorrow…
Ofri anpil
edikasional (GED pou laj 17+) ak treninn pou travay (laj 22+)
programs. Lokal: 4em Avenue ak 27th Street; rele 718-369-0303
pou enformasion.
Nouvo pèsonn nan pawas la?
Eské ou vlè pou rejistré kom yon pawasyen?
Wi, mwen vlè pou rejisté kom yon pawasyen nan
Legliz St. Augustin ak resvwa anvlope.
Nom ________________________________________
Adrès _______________________________________
Téléfon: (
) _______________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Tanpri koupé fòm la e mété li nan basket
koleksyon-an, ou poté-l nan presbitè pou nou:
St. Augustine Church 116 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

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