St. Thérèse of Lisieux, RC Church
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, RC Church
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, R.C. Church 4402 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203 e-mail: Tel.: 718-451-1500 / Fax: 718-451-1502 rd Weekly Bulletin: Sunday, January 23 , 2011 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME To develop a strong community of faith that engages in evangelizing persons, families, communities and cultures to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. PARISH MISSION/ MISYON PAWAS LA Pou devlope yon kominote djanm nan lafwa ki angaje nan evanjelize moun, fanmiy, Kominote ak kilti dapre levanjil Jezikri-a. Parish Office Hours/Heures de Service du Presbytère Office Hours Next Sunday’s Readings/ Lecture du Dimanche Prochain Monday/Lundi 9am — 12:30pm 1:30pm — 7pm Sunday: FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/ TWAZYÈM DIMANCH NAN TAN ODINÈ Tuesday, Wednesday Mardi, Mercredi Thursday/Jeudi 9am — 12:30pm 1:30pm — 9pm Friday/Vendredi 9am — 12:30pm 1:30pm — 6pm First Reading/1ere Lecture: Zep 2:3;3:12-13 Psalm/Psaume: Ps 146:6-10 Second Reading/2e Lecture: 1 Cor 1:26-31 Gospel/Evangile: Mt 5:1-12a Saturday/Samedi Sunday/Dimanche 9am — 3pm Closed +++++++++++ The Rectory Office is closed each day from 12:30PM-1:30PM Mass Schedule/Horaire des Messes Monday /Lundi Tuesday—Saturday Mardi-Samedi Saturday/Samedi (Vigil Mass for Sunday) Sunday/Dimanche 7pm 9am 5pm 9am(English) 11am (English) 1pm (Creole) Adoration and Confession Friday (Eucharistic Adoration) 9:30am — 12Noon Vendredi (Adoration du Saint –Sacrement) Saturday /Samedi(Confession) 3:30pm — 4:30pm Confession can also be scheduled by appointment Parish Staff Pastor In Residence Rev. Fr. Hilaire Bélizaire Rev. Fr. Lawrence Kwaku Quist Anane Permanent Deacons Rev. Mr. Jocelyn Rameau Administrative Assistant Mrs. Mary-Cassandra Odenat Music Ministry Mr. Frantz Legros, Director, Haitian Choir Religious Ed. Coordinator Ms. Frances McCormick (718-451-1671) Little Flower School Principal Sr. Paulette Pollina R.S.M. (718-629-9330) Parish Health Ministry Mrs. Marie Forsberg, R.N. Coordinator (718-451-4514) Contact the Rectory @718-451-1500 for Baptism, Marriage, and Registration information. Readings for this week/Lectures de la Semaine Sunday/Dimanche (THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME): Is 8:23-9:3; Ps 27:1,4,13-14; 1 Cor 1:10-13,17; Mt 4:12-23 Monday/Lundi (Francis de Sales, bishop, doctor of the Church) : Heb 9:15,24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday/Mardi (THE CONVERSION OF PAUL, APOSTLE): Acts 22:3-16; Ps 117:1-2; Mk 16:15-18 Wednesday/Mercredi (Timothy and Titus, bishops): 2 Tm 1:1-8; Ps 96:1-3,7-8,10; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday/Jeudi (Weekday; Angelica Merici, virgin): Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-4ab,5-6; Mk 4:21-25 Friday/Vendredi (Thomas Aquinas, priest, doctor of the Church): Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6,23-24,39-40; Mk 4: 26-34 Saturday/Samedi (Weekday; BVM on Saturday): Heb 11:1-2,8-19; (Ps) Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4;35-41 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK/ INTENTIONS DES MESSES DE LA SEMAINE Sunday/Dimanche: 9:00 AM—In memory of Marie V. Joseph 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Bread & Wine Sanctuary Lights—Thanksgiving for the Clark Family Monday/Lundi: 7:00 PM Tuesday/Mardi: 9:00 AM Wednesday/Mercredi: 9:00 AM—In memory of Franck Pierre Thursday/Jeudi: 9:00 AM— Elva Frederick-Collins-Birthday/ Thanksgiving — In memory of Iris Thomas Friday/Vendredi: 9:00 AM—Roma Caines—Birthday/Thanksgiving — In memory of Agatha Clovery Redhead Saturday/Samedi: 5:00 PM—In memory of Norma Boxill *For those who have requested weekend Masses above, please see the usher prior to the start of Mass to offer up the gifts. VOCATION MINISTRY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Reform your lives! The Kingdom of heaven is at the hand.” Are you being called to proclaim the coming of the kingdom as a priest, deacon, religious sister or brother? Call the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454 or ++++++ TWAZYÈM DIMANCH NAN TAN ODINÈ “Chanje lavi nou! Rwayom syèl la tou pre.” Eske y-ap rele-w pou pwoklame rwayom la rive kòm pè, dyak, mè ou frè relijye? Rele Biwo Vokasyon nan 718-827-2454,ou INTERCESSION OF VENERABLE PIERRE TOUSSAINT ON BEHALF OF THE SICK Conrad Forte, Joyce Forteau, Angel Elizabeth Ambrister, Tanya Whilby, Yvonne Charles, Mariette Legros Carvalho, Marie Anna Legros, Edward Gronachan, Marcia Pitter, Ranely Sampsan CONDOLENCES The parishioners of St. Therese of Lisieux parish extend our condolences to Fr. Lawrence Anane for the death of his grandmother Anastasia Adzah. A mass intention will be offered for Anastasia Adzah on Saturday, March 12th at 5PM. +++ Catholic Daughters extend a special condolence to Fr. Lawrence, the Chaplain of Catholic Daughters Court 1751. MARRIED COUPLES MASS/ WORLD MARRIAGE DAY The parish of St. Therese will be celebrating World Marriage Day on Saturday, February th 12 , at the 5PM Mass. A dinner dance will follow in the Auditorium. All couples are invited to be recognized and to renew their vows during Mass. Please sign up by calling the Rectory Office by Monday, February 7th with your name, address, phone number and number of years married. +++ In conjunction with the World Marriage Day, the celebration will continue with a marriage retreat on Saturday, February 19th. The day begins with the 9AM Mass. There will be all day activities. Participants are asked to bring their brown bag lunch. Please call the Rectory Office by Monday, February 7th to sign up. Any couple who would like to join the committee please see Marjorie Baptiste or Deacon Rameau. ——————————————— Pawas St. Terez ap selebre Joune mondyal maryaj samdi 12 Fevrye nan mès 5è. Tousuit apre mès la ap gen yon resepsyon pou koup yo nan oditoryòm nan. Nan mès la nap onore tout moun marye e yap genyen opotinite pou yo renouvle ve maryaj yo Se pou sa nap mande tout moun marye pou rele presbitè-a anvan 7 Fevrye pou bay non nou, adrès nou, telefòn nou, epi konbyen ane maryaj nou genyen +++ Nan samdi 19 Fevrye, nap kontinye selebrasyon moun marye yo ak yon retrèt espirityèl pou tout koup. Nap komanse ak mès 9 e-a nan maten e nap gen aktivite pou tout jounen-an. Se pou nou pote kichòy pou-n manje a midi. Rele presbitè-a pou-n enskri pou retrèt la anven 7 Fevrye. Si gen koup ki ta renmen antre nan komite-a, wè Dyak Ramo. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY If you suffer the loss or death of a loved-one, the Bereavement group is for you. This is a place to talk, share, and begin healing your mind, body and soul. Please contact the rectory to request to have a Bereavement Minister reach out to you. +++++++ MINISTE POU FANMIY MOUN KI MOURI Si wap soufri paske ou pèdi yon moun ki chè pou ou, oubyen yon moun ou renmen, Gwoup Ministè pou fanmiy moun ki mouri la pou ou. Se yon kote ou ka pale, ou ka pataje ak pou komanse replase Lespri ou, kò ou ak nanm ou.Tanpri kontakte Rektori a pou ou ka gen ministè sa. REGISTERED NURSES 824 E. 45th St. between Ave. D and Foster Ave. Phone number: 718-451-4514. Open Mondays–Fridays, 10AM–12NOON Services include, but are NOT limited to: Presentation of educational programs to promote quality of life regarding, Health promotion through self knowledge. Providing “free” mammograms, influenza/pneumonia vaccine shots. Monitoring of health parameters e.g. blood pressure, glucose/cholesterol screening. “Free” guidance to access available health resources via referrals e.g. use of HMO services and prescriptive drug plans. “Free” counseling regarding health related issues e.g. illness/wellness practices, medication administration, employment of a paid home work. Free” home care supplies (as available e.g. adult underpants, bed underpants, wheelchairs, walkers etc. (We also accept donations for recycling) SOCIAL SERVICE: Phone number: 718-451-0683. ***A representative from CATHOLIC CHARITIES is available in Social Services Office: Tuesdays and Fridays: 1:30PM—5PM *** Yon reprezantan Katolik Charite ap nan Biwo Sèvis Sosyal la : Madi :1:30 PM-5PM, Jedi :5:30PM8PM, Vandredi : 1:30PM– 5PM An experienced SOCIAL WORKER is available: Thursdays: 5:30PM—8PM Fridays: 1:30PM—5PM Pou ede nou nan bezwen sa yo: Imigrasyon, Manje, Sosyal Sekirite, Medicaid, Medicare, Dokiman prepare. Services include assistance with: Immigration, Food Stamps, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Preparing documents. __________________________________________________________ *** Food Pantry ap ouvri nan Biwo sèvis Sosyal la Madi 10:30 AM– 12:30 PM. Men sa nou bezwen pou-w bay: *** The Food Pantry is open in the Social Services office Bwat Poul, Tuna, Sadin,ak somon, Bwat soup, Diri, on Tuesdays from 10:30 AM–12:30 PM. Pasta, Tomat, Pwa, Lot fwi, Sereyal, Tab, Let an PLEASE DONATE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: poud, let dlo, Pasta sos elatriye. tuna fish canned ,carrots in a can, peanut butter, potatoes, rice, dried beans, pasta, oil, oatmeal, chicken, sardines, and salmon, **** TANPRI TCHEKE DAT EKSPIRASYON canned soups, other vegetables, hot & cold cereals, shelf/table YO**** milk, powdered milk, pasta sauce etc. Netwaye Bag Plastik yo You may drop off your donations at the Rectory or at the Food Pantry during Rectory and Pantry hours. NOU ASEPTE DONASYON LAJAN TOU. ***PLEASE CHECK EXPIRATION DATES.*** Clean plastic shopping bags Monetary donations are also welcomed PRAYER FOR SUCCESS IN WORK Glorious St. Joseph, model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my many sins; to work with thankfulness and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor, the gifts received from God; to work with order, peace, prudence and patience, never surrendering to weariness or difficulties; to work, above all, with purity of intention, and with detachment from self, having always death before my eyes and the account which I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain complacency in success so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after thy example, O Patriarch Joseph. Such shall be my motto in life and death. Amen. St. Thérèse of Lisieux welcomed 689 parishioners and friends through our doors on the weekend of January 15th, 16th, 2011 ++++++++ Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux akeyi apeprè 689 pawasyen ak zanmi nan legliz la nan weekend 15, 16 Janvye 2011. ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX PARISH SCHOOL School News: For up-to-date information please visit: Collections received for week of January 8th& 9th Saturday (Samedi) 5pm:$1,338 Collections received for week of January 15th& 16h Saturday (Samedi) 5pm:$1,402 Sunday (Dimanche): 9am Mass:$3,630 11am Mass:$2,168 1pm Mass:$1,041 Sunday (Dimanche): 9am Mass:$ 2,237 11am Mass:$1,114 1pm Mass:$895 Total= $8,177 Total= $5,648 Overall collections decreased by 45% across the weeks indicated above. MASS BOOK FOR 2011/MÈS 2011 BAPTISM SCHEDULE To have your children receive the Sacrament of Baptism, at least one parent and one godparent must be Catholic. Godparents must bring to registration a signed and stamped sponsor letter from the church they attend. Visit the rectory to complete the appropriate sponsor form if you are a registered parishioner of St. Therese of Lisieux. ++++++++ BAPTISM SCHEDULE FOR 2011 First Class: Wednesday, January 19th at 7:30PM Second Class: Wednesday, January 26th at 7:30PM Baptism: Saturday, January 29th at 1:00PM ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL (ACA) STATUS Pledged: $101,227.40 Received: $87,692.40 # of Donors this week: 342 (# of Donors last week: 326) Average gift pledged this week of approximately $296 per person. WE THANK ALL MEMBERS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE 2010 ACA. A FINAL UPDATE TO THE CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FOR THE ACA 2010 WILL BE PROVIDED IN NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING THE LOVE OF GOD AND YOUR FELLOW MAN IN YOUR HEARTS, AND TAKING ACTION. Our parish will receive those funds that are over the Diocesan target goal of $50,373. Take advantage of the privilege and blessing the church offers for us to request a Mass for our intentions: in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving, healing, achievement etc. Stop by the Rectory Office window to submit your Mass intentions. Donations include: Weekday Masses $15, Weekend Masses $30. Bread and Wine, or Sanctuary Lamp Candles $30. Parishioners are encouraged to request the regular Mass for their intentions. There is no special Mass offered outside of the regular parish Mass. Profite avantaj legliz la ba nou pou rekòmande mès yo nan entansyon nou-ke se an memwa de yon fanmiy, zanmi nou ki mouri ou byen nap di Bondye mèsi pou benediksyon, gerizon, ou resevwa. Tanpri pase nan presbitè-a pou bay entansyon nou. Donasyon pou: Mès Lasemèn $15, Mes weekend: $30. Pen ak Diven, ou bouji pou lanp sanktuèr: $30. Nou ankouraje-w rekòmande mès ki deja etabli nan pawas la, paske pa gen mès espesyal an deyò mès regilye yo. Get your copy of the 2011 AT HOME WITH THE WORD book for $10 each. Pick up at the Rectory Office while supplies last. If you do not receive a bulletin in church, please visit our website at LITTLE FLOWER SCHOOL NEWS As you know, all Catholic schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn will become Academies and no longer associated with a parish. Through Preserving the Vision, the program that examined the viability of schools, we sent in a proposal that Little Flower School and St. Catherine of Genoa school become one academy at two sites. That proposal was accepted. However the proposal needed to be adjusted because Christ Jesus our Hope, the program that is examining the viability of parishes, found that St. Catherine’s parish is struggling. Therefore the decision was made that the Academy will be at one site, here at 4410 Avenue D. We are having a meeting on January 24th for all parents from Little Flower and St. Catherine of Genoa schools interested in enrolling in the new Academy. The parents from St. Catherine’s will take a tour of the building. The administrators are working on getting the students from St. Catherine to spend a day here at Little Flower to meet the students and tour the building. Becoming an Academy is both exciting and sad. It means that if both of the schools close, teachers need to apply to the Academy. We no longer are part of Little Flower parish. However, we are grateful that Little Flower will be the host parish and students will attend Mass here and celebrate Catholic School Week here. Fr. Hilaire and Fr. Charles, administrator of St. Catherine are on the Board of Members. The Academy will also have a Board of Directors. Sr. Pat and I will be the administrators and for the first year, the two administrators of St. Catherine’s school will join our administrative team. The new Academy now has a name! St. Catherine of Genoa ~ St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Academy – now we have two patronesses! For more information visit the school website: click on principal news. We ask you to pray for us during this transition. Sr. Paulette Polina, Principal RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) The R.C.I.A. is a process by which people who are considering membership in the Catholic Church come together to experience Christian community and share a journey of faith. For whom is it intended? 1. Un-baptized adults who wish to learn more about the faith, with the possibility of becoming a Catholic. 2. Baptized Christians from other denominations who would like to learn more about the Catholic Church and become members of the Catholic Church. 3. Baptized Catholics who wish to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. There is a separate program for those who wish to receive the sacrament of Communion & Confirmation. Register Now! We have a group for you! The Lord is inviting you to “Come and See’. For further information call Fran McCormick 718-451-1671 or email: THE CONVERSION OF PAUL THE APOSTLE — January 25th In his own words, Paul says "I was violently persecuting the church of God and was trying to destroy it" (Galatians 1:13). On his way to Damascus he was confronted by the risen Jesus in a heavenly vision. According to the three separate accounts in Acts, Saul found himself on the ground, blinded by the intensity of a heavenly light. The risen Jesus gave Saul a commission to "be a light to the Gentiles." After his conversion Saul was to propel the infant church to fulfill the Great Commission by taking the gospel to the Gentiles. According to Paul he immediately went to Arabia after his conversion where the risen Jesus taught him "by revelation" for the next 2-3 years (Galatians 1:11-18). This appears to be a wilderness experience, following in the NT tradition of Moses and Elijah, where Paul receives and attempts to understand his calling. Paul says that the leadership in Jerusalem recognized this calling and gave him "the right hand of fellowship" (Galatians 2:9). In Acts 13:1,2 Luke gives us the history of the missionary commission of Saul and Barnabas by the church in Antioch. In this account their initial missionary focus is primarily on the Jews. Only after repeated rejection do they announce that they will turn to the Gentiles. Once they make this decision the intensity of persecution increases. Where does their opposition come from? The Judaizers, a sect of early Jewish believers, wanted Gentiles to be circumcised and to follow the Law of Moses. ... In Paul's second letter to the Corinthians the apostle describes the opposition he continually faced in order to fulfill his call: Five times I have received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I received a danger from bandits, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers and sisters...many a sleepless night, hungry and thirsty, often without food, cold and naked. 2 Cor. 11:24-27. To understand Paul's letters you must first understand that his entire ministry is forged in conflict. Luke gives us an overview in Acts that shows Paul and his companions being opposed in almost every city, many times being attacked and chased out. Who is opposing Paul? We begin to get an idea of Paul's opposition in Acts 15:1-2, and 5. There are Jews, some Pharisees who have believed, demanding that the Gentiles be circumcised and obey the Laws of Moses. Paul rejects this position and continues to reach Gentiles without pushing the Law on them. For the remainder of the Acts record he is chased, beaten, and slandered by Jews. Luke seems to describe these merely as Jews, which leads the casual reader to assume they are persecuting Paul in the same manner as he himself had done as Saul of Tarsus. But when Paul's writings are carefully studied it seems that he describes his primary opposers as pseudo, or false brothers. During his conversion experience Paul was commissioned by Jesus to be the apostle to the Gentiles. Peter and James recognized that calling (Galatians 2:9), and Paul aggressively pursued his calling even though it cost him greatly. The Acts account seems to indicate that the primitive church was not effectively fulfilling the Great Commission until the apostle Paul came on the scene. By the middle of the second century the Christian Church was primarily Gentile. BIBLE WORD SEACH PUZZLES THE JUDGES OF ISRAEL M M Y E L O N M M O S A A H L N N O S M A S S D S U Q F B R T L I A U B C D Z R E A S K N B K MD T O L R I I ABDON BARAK DEBORAH EHUD ELON ELI O A S H A H T H P E J N O D B A T R O S U Z A J I R O L T A E J O G R I N M I B O R N D J T B R E Z H R T O C N Z R N B I J L Y S E I M A S L D D UE D H GIDEON IBZAN JAIR JEPHTHAH OTNIEL SAMON SAMUEL SHAMGAR TOLA ANSWERS: 1/16/2011 T R E T R O F M O C O M H H N R N C O U N S E L E N I G H O L Y G H W O N K N O W L E O N I T P H H O O L L O T T T I R N S O I U A H E Y E T E R N A L S P H M T H D E P E R D R G L T I S I V G N I D N A T S R M F M S U G R A C E N F H T J O R P R E H T A F E H T ©Bible Word Search Puzzles; Bible Brain teasers for Adults by Edward M. Seagrist H O S T T E D G E H T D A E E I P S Y L R P P C W I R I T I P U R R S S D I U D E D N U O E R G I M R O P H E F S G O G T R A I D T O H P G T I I M O I N G O H C Y O D
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