St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and School 8005 Miramar Parkway • Miramar, FL 33025 Rectory: (954) 431-3600 • Fax: (954) 435-9591 • School: (954) 431-5253 Web site: www.StBartholomew.com Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B (Gather 1029) The mission of St Bartholomew Catholic Church is to reflect God’s love to all whom we meet, to strengthen our faith community through worship, education, fellowship, stewardship, and acts of love and charity, so that we may lead people from all backgrounds to our Lord Jesus Christ. July 26, 2015 Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them. St. Bartholomew Catholic School Pre-K3 through Eighth Grade. Openings in every grade. See inside for more info. Register NOW before classes fill up. St Vincent de Paul Once again, the St. Vincent de Paul Society is conducting its annual back to school drive. The drive serves needy children in grades K-8. The parishioners here at St. Bartholomew generously support the project every year. As supplies are usually limited we can only help families who are truly in need. The following is a list of supplies: Pens / Pencils / Colored pencils / Notebooks Ruled Paper / Washable markers / Scissors Rulers / Large erasers / Elmer’s School Glue / Glue sticks Please drop off all donations in the box in the church vestibule or at the parish office. Donations must be received by Thursday, August 13th. Thank you for your faithful commitment to those in need. Seminary Burse Collection Next Weekend Next weekend’s second collection is for the benefit of the Seminary Burse Fund in support of seminarians from the Archdiocese of Miami. These men - with God’s grace - will be our priests in the future. Please use the specially designated envelopes for your donation to this fund and place it in the offertory basket. May God bless you abundantly! Growing in never endsfaith ! The Religious Education Office is CLOSED for the summer but you can start planning for the coming year. Registration will be on Sunday, August 23 & 30. Classes begin Sunday September 6. Celebrating God’s Love as a Community. PASTORAL STAFF HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS) Priests Rev. Andrew Chan-A-Sue Administrator Rev. Esteker Elysée Parochial Vicar Deacons Deacon Michel DuChaussée Deacon Montas Onelien Sunday:(English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM 12:30, 7:00 PM French/Créole - 3:00 PM Spanish - 5:00 PM School Principal Mrs. Christine Gonzalez First Friday: Religious Education Mrs. Mercedes Brown School Counselor/ Licensed Clinical Social Worker Mr. Gerard John, LCSW Music Ministry Mrs. Betty Bunnell Mrs. Monique Abraham Mr. Rodolpho Gramcko Mr. Michael Martinez Weekday: Saturday: MATRIMONY BAPTISMS French/Créole - 8:00 PM RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday: Sunday: Please contact the Rectory at least six months prior to the proposed date. 7:00, 8:30 AM (7 PM - during Lent only) 8:30 AM 11:00 - 11:30 AM 4:30 - 5:00 PM When priests are available. Anytime by appointment CHARISMATIC PRAYER English Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Church French/Creole Friday, 7:30 PM, School Rm B Spanish Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center Please contact the Rectory at least three months before anticipated date to make arrangements. Baptisms in English are on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. ROSARY 8:10 AM Weekdays LEGION OF MARY Monday, 6:30 PM, School Pastoral Hispana Misa en Español - Los Domingos - 5:00 PM El Santo Rosario los Domingos a las 4:30 PM Confesiones - Los Sábados, 11-11:30 AM; 4:30-5 PM Bautismos - Para el curso pre-bautismal, llame con TRES MESES de anticipación a la Rectoría. Los Bautismos en Español son los 4° Domingos del mes a las 1:30 PM Matrimonio - Llame a la Rectoría lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha p ropuesta. Divina Misericordia - Los Viernes - 6:00 PM en la escuela. Madeline Flores 954-805-1701 Circulo de Oración Carismática – Los M iércoles, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center Cursillistas - Los Viernes, a las 8:00 PM en s alon “A” de la escuela; Anibal Perez 786-300-9415 Legión De María - Se reunen en Salón B en la escuela los sábados a las 2:30 PM. Anibal Perez 786-300-9415 Coro Hispano - Ensayo los Domingos a las 4:00 PM en la escuela (salón de música)con el Director Mr. Ernesto Busigó 786-308-0561 PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome new parishioners to our parish family. Pick up a registration form at the rectory or print one from the website; later you will be invited to a r egistration p rogram to learn more about our parish and our many ministries. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (In the Rectory Chapel) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 AM to 7:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 7:30 PM Saturday and Sunday - 9 AM to 7 PM AVIS pour les Membres de la Communauté Haitienne Messe en Créole / Français 3:00 PM chaque dimanche 8:00 PM chaque 1er vendredi du mois avec Bénédiction du Très Saint Sacrement Confession: Samedi 11-11:30 AM, 4:30-5 PM Visite des malades: Appelez le Père Esteker au 954-431-3600. Baptême: Chaque 2e dimanche du mois à 1:30 PM. Contactez le Père Esteker au 954-431-3600 trois mois avant la date prévue. Mariage: Contactez le Père Esteker, six mois avant la date prévue. Prière Charismatique: Chaque Vendredi, de 7:30 à 10:00 PM (salle B de l’école) Légion De Marie: Chaque Jeudi, de 7:30 à 8:30 PM (à l’école) Chaque Samedi à partir de 4:00 PM (à l’école) Chorale: Répétition: Mardi de 8:00 à 9:30 PM et Samedi de 5:30 à 7:00PM (salle B de l’école) Etude Biblique: Chaque Mercredi de 7:00 à 9:00 PM (salle paroissiale) Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes (MEJ): Chaque Samedi de 5:30 à 8:00 PM (à l’école) La Sainte Famille: Chaque Lundi à 7:00 PM (à l’école) Eucharist Sunday, July 26 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:30 PM Jackie J. Pierre (T) 7:30 AM Jean Valmé (L) 9:00 AM ✝ Cesar C. Aca 11:00 AM ✝ Inocencio & Mercedes Maguddatu 12:30 PM Marie Adrien (T) 3:00 PM ✝ Anne Marie Metellus ✝ Dcsed mbrs of Barreau Family 5:00 PM Robert Obin (L) 7:00 PM Reginald Sincere & Family (T) ✝ Souls of purgatory Monday, July 27 - Weekday 7:00 AM Elvie Ress (L) Stanley Laratte (T) 8:30 AM Mary Obioroh (T) ✝ Jayden Isaiah Daniel Tuesday, July 28 - Weekday 7:00 AM Jean Alex Saint-Surin (L) 8:30 AM Lynn Nichols (L) Wednesday, July 29 - Weekday 7:00 AM ✝ Eceler Louis 8:30 AM Martine Francois (T) Kaureen & Arielle François (T) Thursday, July 30 - Weekday 7:00 AM Edna Fortune (L) 8:30 AM Esperanza & Ernst Saint-Zeger (T) Friday, July 31 - Weekday 7:00 AM Jacqueline Blanchard (L) 8:30 AM Etna Eyma (T) ✝ Ramona Colombo Saturday, August 1 - Weekday 8:30 AM ✝ Gregory Pierre Please pray for their recovery Lynn Nichols Jean Alex Saint-Surin Jean Valmé Carol Mercuro Anna Polack Dave Flemming Veronica Lindsay Elvie Ress Pauline Wilson Aubry Johnson Nicholas O’Donnell Dorothy Gobin Leith Mazzochi Reginald Malherbe Daniel Macario Ruiz Elston Orjuna Andrew C. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday 7/26: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday 8/2: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78:3-4, 23-25, 54; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 Sunday, August 2 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:30 PM Fr. A Fr. Andrew (T) 7:30 AM Fr. A Johanne Guillet (T) 9:00 AM Fr. E ✝ Cesar C. Aca 11:00 AM Fr. A ✝ Georgette Blain 12:30 PM Fr. E ✝ Apolonia Chua 3:00 PM Fr. E Aline Désulmé (T) La Sainte Famille Groupe (T) 5:00 PM Fr. A ✝ Daisy Diaz ✝ Ovidio Marin 7:00 PM Fr. A Lynn Nichols (L) Parochial School Registration continuing Monday - Wednesday - Friday 9 AM - 12 NOON Mass in honor of St Bartholomew Friday, August 28th at 7 PM Religious Education Registration Sunday, August 23 & 30 9 AM to 12 NOON Congratulations to the newly baptized Khloe Jheidee Colas * Denotes Celebrant for that Mass: Fr. A = Fr. Andrew; Fr. E = Fr. Esteker (T)= In Thanksgiving (L)= Living ✝= Deceased Irwin Miller Judy Meahl Justin Joseph John Dollard Ursula Domingue Brian Chan-A-Sue Felisa Limos Max Brian Bouquio Judith Vasquez Marito Maddatu Candy Larsen Jacinta Stirrup Danielle Jeanty Curry Glenda McCumber Emmanuel Alexander Josette Paul Edouard Simonise Guirlene Gordon Eric Herr Christie Owens Jill Louise Norton Esther Sharpe Johnny Cadet Angela Espy Elena Miranda Kelly Tymecki André Grégoire Sylvie Casale Carl Junior Jeanty Kaitlin Warf Jean Claude Laborde Demetrio Davis Taylor A. Raul I. Limos Sherley Charles Gloria Marie Lee Andrew Bernard Marie Verdiner Eoin Kavanagh Adriana Freedman Sheila Silva Theresa Aller Betty Aguirre Ayanna King Elvira Ress Hugo Majano Alex-Matthew Casella Norman Collier Aubrey Courtney Names will only stay on the sick list for 2 months at a time. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to add or remove a name. Remember the Departed Tony Scott Victims of war and terrorism. Please use your envelopes. They are the principle source of parish support. THIS WEEK at St. B artholomew ** No Children’s Mass or CCD until September ** Sunday, July 26 9 AM-12 Noon Homeless Ministry - Parish Hall 11:30 AM NO JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP 5:30 PM NO SENIOR YOUTH GROUP Monday, July 27 6:30 PM Legion of Mary (English) - School 8:00 PM Al-Anon (Spanish) - School Tuesday, July 28 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel Wednesday, July 29 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:30 PM Spanish Prayer Group - SHC 7:30 PM English Prayer Group - Church 8:00 PM AA - School Room B Thursday, July 30 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:00 PM Legion de Marie (French) - School 7:30 PM Nueva Vida (English) - Library 7:30 PM NO ENGLISH CHOIR UNTIL SEPTEMBER Friday, July 31 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 6:00 PM Divina Misericordia - School 7:30 PM Haitian Prayer Group - School 8:00 PM English Cursillo - School 8:00 PM Spanish Cursillo - School Saturday, August 1 10:30 AM NA - School 3:00 PM Spanish Legion of Mary - School 4:00 PM Fr/Cr Legion of Mary - School 5:30 PM NO MEJ - Haitian Youth Group - School 5:30 PM Haitian Choir - School 7:00 PM NA - School Sunday, August 2 9 AM-12 Noon Homeless Ministry - Parish Hall 11:30 AM NO JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP 5:30 PM NO SENIOR YOUTH GROUP Come cool off with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament FEEDING THE WORLD With today’s two accounts of feeding miracles and the psalm response about the Lord’s hand feeding us, it is easy to gloss over the marvelous hymn in Ephesians. It is built around the most potent biblical numbers: one, three, and seven. The core of it is the word “one” expressed seven times. Three of these describe the church: one body, one Spirit, one hope; the next three are the foundations of the church: one Lord [Jesus], one faith, one baptism. All of these are bound up together in the one Father of all. While we might feel daunted by the prospect of duplicating the wonders worked by Elisha and Jesus in the feeding of multitudes, Ephesians gives us a more realistic way to live and “feed” others as the church: by living in humility and gentleness, by acting with patience, bearing with each other in love, and always seeking and striving to preserve unity through peace. Who among us cannot increase the way we “feed” the church and the world by living this way? We are always called upon to “feed” the world in the literal sense; but our mission as church tells us that others are also fed by the way we live and act each moment of each day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Today’s Readings First Reading — Elisha feeds a hundred people with twenty barley loaves (2 Kings 4:42-44). Psalm — The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs (Psalm 145). Second Reading — Paul urges the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the call they received (Ephesians 4:1-6). Gospel — Jesus feeds a large crowd with five barley loaves and two fish (John 6:1-15). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Please USE YOUR ENVELOPES or write your envelope n umber on your check TO ENSURE PROPER CREDITING OF YOUR DONATION or use one of our new temporary donation envelopes available in front of the Church. Collection for: 7/19/2015 Sixteenth Sunday Ordinary Time Mass Attendance Collection Sat. 5:30 PM 76 $886.00 Sun. 7:30 AM 130 $1,190.00 Sun. 9:00 AM 179 $1,249.00 If you are new or visiting... Sun. 11:00 AM 226 $1,447.00 Sun. 12:30 PM 110 $1,041.00 Stop by the Rectory Office to fill out a registration form, if you want to register or use one of our blue temporary donation envelopes available in front of the Church or if you just want to let us know who you are. Sun. 3:00 PM 333 $1,244.00 Sun. 5:00 PM 72 $203.00 Sun. 7:00 PM 151 $1,432.00 PLEASE NOTIFY the Rectory Office of any changes in your address or phone number. Use envelopes or put your envelope number on your check to ensure proper recording of your donation. Mount Carmel ** “Office” includes electronic payments and those envelopes dropped off at the Rectory. Loose Coins $46.00 Office** Main Collection $509.00 $549.00 1277 $9,796.00 Candles $284.00 Black & Indian Mission $608.00 Total $10,688.00 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Do You Wish To Become Catholic? Have You Received All Your Initiation Sacraments? Have you been thinking about becoming a catholic for some time but never got around to doing anything about it because you didn’t know how? Married To A Catholic, but not yet made a religious commitment of your own? Involved In The Parish here at St. Bartholomew but have never taken the step towards becoming a member in full communion with the Church? Do You Need To Be Confirmed? BAPTIZED, but not active in church, or find yourself wanting more? Meetings will be starting next month, please speak to Steve Lee at 305-915-5048 about joining the program. The program is also available in Spanish and French. Classes in French will begin on Tuesday, October 6th at 7:30 PM in the school. For more information or for questions, please call the rectory at 954-431-3600 The “Church” Doesn’t Go on Vacation... But When You Do, Don’t Forget … Mass Every Sunday: God never takes a vacation from loving us and caring for us. With a little effort you can usually find out Mass schedules wherever you are, so you do not miss Holy Communion. Check the phone directory or: www.Masstimes.org Stewardship: Parish expenses continue when you are away for vacation. Contribute ahead for the S undays when you will be a bsent. And when you return, come to thank God for a safe trip. Nueva Vida M inistry Dealing with Drug & Alcohol Problems • Does someone you love struggle with abuse and addiction? • Have you tried talking, pleading, and trying to control every move they make? God’s healing begins with you and spreads throughout the family. Join others in seeking deliverance. We meet every Thursday night, 7:30 PM, in the school for spiritual guidance, prayer and worship. For more information, call David Bowen at 786-280-5841. Attention Liturgical Ministers: (ushers, greeters, lectors, eucharistic ministers, etc...) If you have not been fingerprinted through the Archdiocese and would like to serve as a Liturgical minister, you must make an appointment to be fingerprinted. Please go to: fieldprintflorida.com Use code: FPAOMParishVol (just as it is written here, the code is case sensitive) Amnesty time at St Bart Join St Bartholomew’s Delegation Theme: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”. (Matthew 5:7) Thank you for the returned items, we invite parishioners to return any items belonging to the church that may be lying around their houses or garages. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! So... what are the missing items? Nativity items Angels, camel, etc... tables chairs Serving utensils, pots & pans The Workshop will start on Wednesday September 2nd in English. Opening session will start from 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM in the school and will meet for the next 14 Wednesdays. We will be signing up participants on Saturday, August 29th & Sunday, August 30th Outside the entrances of the Church The Workshops offer extraordinary results in your life. YOU LEARN…. •To pray by praying •To have a personal relationship with God •To use the scriptures and your own writings, as a door to intimacy with God. •To listen for and recognize the voice of the beloved. •To find peace, love, and happiness in your life regardless of what you are going through. What people say about the Impact of the Workshops in their lives: •I am more patient with my loved ones. •I was angry, now I am at peace with myself and with others. •I was addicted, now I am free. •I get along with my boss and fellow workers. •I am clear about my purpose in life. •God seems closer to me. •My home life used to be in shambles; we are growing in understanding of one another. For Workshop information call: Amy at 305-308-2804 Please remember to honor your ABCD pledges. Thank you to those who have sent their donations already. If you have made a pledge but have not yet received any paperwork from the Archdiocese, please call the rectory immediately. SVDP Pantry Shopping List PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Father, in your loving plan for our eternal salvation, you provide shepherds for your flock. Fill your Church with the spirit of courage, justice, and peace. Call forth from the Church in Miami, worthy ministers of your altars, ardent but gentle shepherds of the Gospel. We pray that those whom you call may never lose awareness of the dignity and need of their vocation. The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, D.D. Archbishop of Miami (Please cut out this list and take with you when you shop) OUR St. Vincent de Paul Society is seeking your help to replenish the parish food pantry this summer! They are having to purchase much of the food they distribute. Your donations would be greatly appreciated. Please place items in the St. Vincent de Paul Box at the Church main entrance or at the Rectory. Thank you for your continued generosity and support. ❑ Cereals (hot or cold) ❑ Jam/Jelly ❑ Pasta ❑ Canned tuna, chicken or turkey ❑ Spaghetti sauce ❑ Saltines ❑ Pop Tarts ❑ Canned and boxed juices ❑ Canned soups ❑ Vienna sausages ❑ Canned vegetables ❑ Peanut butter ❑ Mixed veggies ❑ Beans ❑ Shelf stable milk (liquid or powdered) ❑ Baby formula, food & diapers ❑ Jell-O/Pudding ❑ Beef stew ❑ Mac & Cheese Catholic Homeschool Conference – August 7, 2015 The Immaculate Heart of Mary South Florida Homeschool Conference will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton SunriseSawgrass Mills, 13400 West Sunrise Blvd., in Sunrise, on Friday, August 7 (12:00pm – 6:00pm). Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Catherine Moran, Mrs. Colleen Hammond, and Mr. Spencer Swope. Admission is FREE and pre-registration is not required. For more information, please visit www.ihmconference.org, email info@ihmconference.org or call 540-636-1946. Mark your calendar!!! Let’s celebrate the Feast of St Bartholomew with a Bus Trip to Orlando The knights are inviting you and your family to go with them to Orlando for 3 days and 2 nights. Tuesday Oct. 6 - Thursday Oct. 8 The cost is $298. It includes transportation, lodging, 2 breakfasts and 2 dinners, admission to the Holy Land Experience, visit to Morse Museum, visit to Bok Tower Gardens, and much more... Trilingual Mass on Friday, August 28 at 7 PM Please contact Jim Starkes at 954-303-8098 to reserve your spot. Do you need a sponsor/Godparent certificate? You must meet the following requirements: • Must be a registered member of the Parish for at least three months prior to requesting the certificate. Register NOW if you ever think you may be asked to be a Godparent or sponsor! • Must be a fully initiated Catholic meaning that you have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. • Must be 16 years of age or older. • If married, you must be in a sacramental marriage, that is, recognized by the Catholic Church as valid, or working with a priest on it. • Must be an active participating member of the community, attending Sunday Mass weekly. The only way we know that you are attending Mass is through use of the regular Sunday envelopes, which you receive when you register. If unsure of your status, please stop by the rectory and ask. St. Bartholomew Catholic School Miramar, Florida 954-431-5253 “Sharing, Learning and Growing in Christ” School Office Summer Hours Monday - Wednesday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon Quality Catholic education for $100 a month with “Step-Up” Does your family qualify for a Step-up Scholarship? Number of people in household 2 3 4 Annual gross income $ 29,472 $ 37,176 $ 44,868 More i nf websit ormation on e at SU t FS.OR heir G • Recipient of many academic and other awards • Graduates excel at St Thomas Aquinas, Archbishop McCarthy, Pace and Chaminade Madonna High schools. Without Step-up Scholarship • Tuition $5,500 + other fees $1,025 • Families who contribute to the parish through their OFFERING ENVELOPES get a special price • Free VPK (Pre-Kindergarten program)until 12 Noon Please call the school for more info! Space is limited 26 Juillet 2015 - 17ème Dimanche du Temps Ordinaire - Année B Yon sèl Granmèt, yon sèl lafwa Pawol jodi a ede nou dekouvri konpasyon ak jenewozite Bondye pou tout pitit li san eksepsyon. Nan premye moso labib la nap wè kouman Seyè a te sèvi ak pwofèt Elize pou l te miltipliye pen an abondans pou nouri pèp Izrayèl la ki t ap mouri grangou. Se menm eksperyans sa a nou pral viv nan Levanjil la kote Jezu te pran pitye yon foul moun ki t ap suiv li e li pran swen yo. Jezu te sèvi ak 5 pen e de pwason pou l te bay plis pase 5 mil moun manje e rès te rete. Apot Paul, nan 2e lekti a, envite n pou nou suiv egzanp Kris la pou nou gen konpasyon youn pou lòt e pou youn soutni lòt. Anpil fwa Bondye pran swen nou nan moman nou pa t espere e li pa gade sou aparans. Nou menm tou, li envite n pou nou louvri je nou sou bezwen frè ak sè nou yo, pou nou chèche konnen yo, resevwa yo, e lonje men ba yo. Nou dwe sonje Bondye Granmèt la ap toujou konble nou ak anpil gras paske li sèvi avèk nou atravè Jezi pou li pran swen lòt yo! RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Mezanmi li pa janm twò ta pou nou antre nan Legliz bondye a e pou nou resevwa sakreman inisiasyon yo. Nap envite tout moun ki poko batize, fè premyè kominyon oswa konfimasyon pou yo enskri nan pwogram sa a. Si ou te nan yon lòt relijyon e ou ta renmen antre nan Legliz Katolik oubyen si ou bezwen plis konesans sou lafwa Katolik la, vini patisipe nan pwogram RCIA a. Klas yo ap kòmanse jou Madi kap 6 Oktòb la a 7:30 PM nan lekol la. Si nou gen nenpòt kesyon, pale avèk Diak Montas. Retrèt Spirityèl Nou rive nan dènye semèn enskripsyon an. Nou pa ta renmen di pèson ke pa gen plas ankò men... nou preske rive nan limit la. 4 a 6 Septanm 2015 (Labor Day Weekend) Pou rezevasyon rele: Monique Onelien (954)602-5424 Eliane Orlando (954)367-7841; Martine Alcena (954)665-6194 oubyen pase nan presbitè a pou rezève plas ou. 1ère lecture — Élisée avec vingt pains d’orge donne à manger à cent personnes. (2 R 4, 42-44) Psaume - Tu ouvres la main, Seigneur : nous voici rassasiés. Ps 144 (145), 10-11, 15-18 2ème Lecture — Frères, je vous exhorte à vous conduire d’une manière digne de votre vocation. (Ep 4, 1-6) Evangile — Jésus prit les pains et, après avoir rendu grâce, il les distribua aux convives ; il leur donna aussi du poisson, autant qu’ils en voulaient. (Jn 6, 1-15) Lundi: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106 (105):19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Mardi: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6-13; Mt 13:36-43 Mercredi: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Jeudi: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Vendredi: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Samedi: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 Dimanche: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Sal 78 (77):3-4, 23-25, 54; Ef 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 Tanpri pote yo tounen! Mèsi anpil a tout moun ki remèt tab ak chèz, chodyè ak lòt bagay yo te prete nan legliz la. Tanpri kontinye chèche lakay nou epi pote tout sa nou jwenn ki pa pou nou vini. Pèson pap poze nou okenn kesyon. Kisa ki manke? Zanj, Pèsonaj, bèt ki te nan krèch la, etc... tab chèz Chodyè, kiyè, bonm, etc... 26 de Julio de 2015 - Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Año B ALIMENTANDO AL MUNDO Al oír las narraciones de cómo Eliseo y Jesús multiplican los alimentos, y el salmo responsorial sobre como la mano del Señor nos alimenta, es fácil caer en la tentación de pasar por alto el maravilloso himno de la carta a los efesios en la Segunda lectura. El himno se centra en los números más potentes de la tradición bíblica: el uno, el tres y el siete. La médula del himno es el número uno, repetido siete veces. Tres de ellas se refieren a la Iglesia: un solo cuerpo, un solo Espíritu, como también una sola es la esperanza. Los próximas tres son los fundamentos de la Iglesia: un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo bautismo. Y todos estos se juntan en un solo Dios y Padre de todos. La idea de repetir los milagros obrados por Eliseo y por Jesús al alimentar las multitudes nos desalienta, claro está, pero la carta a los efesios nos ofrece un modo más realizable de vivir como Iglesia y de alimentar a los demás en la Iglesia: ser siempre humildes y amables; ser comprensivos y soportarnos mutuamente con amor, y esforzarnos en mantenernos unidos en el Espíritu con el vínculo de la paz. ¿Quién de nosotros no puede “alimentar” a la comunidad de la Iglesia viviendo de esta manera? Es verdad que siempre estamos llamados a “alimentar” al mundo en el sentido literal de la palabra, pero nuestra misión como Iglesia también nos dice que a los demás también hay que alimentarlos por la manera en que vivimos y actuamos cada momento de cada día. Copyright (c) J.S. Paluch Co. “La misión en la Iglesia Católica de San Bartolomé es reflejar el amor de Dios a todos quienes nos reunimos, para fortalecer nuestra comunidad de fe a través de la adoración, educación, compañerismo, corresponsabilidad y actos de amor y caridad, de modo que podamos dirigir a personas de todas las procedencias a nuestro Señor Jesucristo”. Nuestra Parroquia de San Bartolomé ofrece clases de RICA a los adultos que les falte un Sacramento de Iniciación Cristiana (Bautismo, Confirmación o Primera Comunión). El programa es para los que desean ser aceptados en plena comunión con la Iglesia Católica o que deseen convertirse a la Iglesia Católica. ¿Está usted interesado o interesada en conocer más acerca del Catolicismo? ¿Tiene amigos y conocidos que se preguntan cuál es el significado del Catolicismo? ¿Tiene miembros de la familia que son católicos o amigos que se han alejado de la fe? Invítelos a investigar la verdad de ser Católico. Nuestro grupo se reúne una vez a la semana, empezando en Septiembre. Invitamos también a católicos practicantes a unirse a nosotros. RICA Jesús tomó el pan, dió gracias, y se lo repartió A ti, Señor, sus ojos vuelven todos y tú los alimentas a su tiempo. — Salmo 145 (144):15 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106 (105):19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Martes: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6-13; Mt 13:36-43 Miércoles: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Jueves: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 Domingo: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Sal 78 (77):3-4, 23-25, 54; Ef 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 Valor Espiritual de la Santa Misa Como Cristianos debemos saber, que la Santa Misa es el más Sagrado acto de religión: No se puede hacer nanda más glorioso para Dios, nada más favorecedor para nuestra Alma, que el piadoso Acto de asistir a la Santa Misa lo más frecuente que podamos. Tenemos fechas disponibles en 2015 para la Misa de las 5 pm para usted y sus seres queridos vivos o difuntos.
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