St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and School
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and School
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and School 8005 Miramar Parkway • Miramar, FL 33025 Rectory: (954) 431-3600 • School: (954) 431-5253 Web site: The Baptism of the Lord - Year A (Gather 900) January 12, 2014 CALLED TO SERVE The status of God’s beloved Son is not one he clings to. It is one he shares. All of us are called to be sons and daughters of God. In Jesus, we can all claim God’s favor. The second reading makes this clear. Here we read of the baptism of Cornelius and his household. Peter’s speech recalls the anointing of Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the great power that swept through Israel and onto the doorstep of the Gentile Cornelius. As for his household, so for us. There is an end to our work on earth, to our baptismal vocation and the honorable work we do. But there is no end to the saving life given to us through baptism. There is no end to the life of the children of God; there is no end to God’s compassion, which we know in Christ Jesus. There is no end to our status as chosen and beloved people of God. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are forever among those on whom God’s favor rests. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS Sunday January 19, 2014 7:30 AM to 9 PM Knights of Columbus are hosting Community Blood Centers for our regular blood drive. Give the Gift of Life. First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The LORD shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading — The mystery has been made known that the Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6). Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1-12). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. We need your time and talent. Saturday mornings after the 8:30 Mass to accomplish small projects around the parish grounds. Please call the rectory if you would like to contribute or simply show up around 9 AM ready to help. We’re here because God cares for people. The 2014 campaign has started. You should already be receiving some information in the mail. Let’s pray for the success of this year’s campaign. PASTORAL STAFF Priests Rev. Andrew Chan-A-Sue Administrator Rev. Jean Jadotte Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul Karenga Priest in Residence Deacons Deacon David Smith Deacon Michel DuChaussée Deacon Montas Onelien Religious Education Mrs. Mercedes Brown School Principal Mrs. Christine Gonzalez Youth Minister/Licensed Clinical Social Worker Mr. Gerard John, LCSW Music Ministry Mrs. Betty Bunnell Mrs. Monique Abraham Mr. Ernesto Busigó HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS) Sunday:(English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM 12:30, 7:00 PM French/Créole - 3:00 PM Spanish - 5:00 PM Weekday: Saturday: First Friday: MATRIMONY French/Créole - 8:00 PM RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday: Sunday: Please contact the Rectory at least six months prior to the proposed date. 7:00, 8:30 AM (7 PM - during Lent only) 8:30 AM 11:00 - 11:30 AM 4:30 - 5:00 PM When priests are available. Anytime by appointment CHARISMATIC PRAYER English Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Church French/Creole Friday, 7:30 PM, School Rm B Spanish Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center BAPTISMS Please contact the Rectory at least two months before anticipated date to make arrangements. Pick up an info sheet in the Rectory for info on classes and requirements. ROSARY 8:10 AM Weekdays LEGION OF MARY Monday, 6:30 PM, School Pastoral Hispana Misa en Español - Los Domingos - 5:00 PM El Santo Rosario los Domingos a las 4:30 PM Confesiones - Los Sábados, 11-11:30 AM; 4:30-5 PM Bautismos - Para el curso pre-bautismal, llame con DOS MESES de anticipación a la Rectoría. Los Bautismos en Español son los 4° Domingos del mes a las 1:30 PM Matrimonio - Llame a la Rectoría lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha p ropuesta. Divina Misericordia - Los Viernes - 6:00 PM en la escuela. Madeline Flores 954-805-1701 Circulo de Oración Carismática – Los M iércoles, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome new parishioners to our parish family. Pick up a registration form at the rectory or print one from the website; later you will be invited to a r egistration p rogram to learn more about our parish and our many ministries. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (In the Rectory Chapel) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 AM to 7:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 7:30 PM Saturday and Sunday - 9 AM to 7 PM AVIS pour les Membres de la Communauté Haitienne Messe en Créole / Français 3:00 PM chaque dimanche 8:00 PM chaque 1er vendredi du mois avec Bénédiction du Très Saint Sacrement Confession: Samedi 11-11:30 AM, 4:30-5 PM Visite des malades: Appelez le Père Jean au 954-431-3600. Baptême: Chaque 2e dimanche du mois à 1:30 PM. Contactez le Père Jean Jadotte au 954-431-3600 trois mois avant la date prévue. Mariage: Contactez le Père J ean, six mois avant la date prévue. Prière Charismatique: Chaque Vendredi, de 7:30 à 10:00 PM (salle B de l’école) Cursillistas - Los Viernes, a las 8:00 PM en s alon “A” de la escuela; Anibal Perez 786-300-9415 Légion De Marie: Chaque Jeudi, de 7:30 à 8:30 PM (à l’école) Chaque Samedi à partir de 4:00 PM (à l’école) Legión De María - Se reunen en Salón B en la escuela los sábados a las 2:30 PM. Anibal Perez 786-300-9415 Etude Biblique: Chaque Mercredi de 7:00 à 9:00 PM (salle B de l’école) Coro Hispano - Ensayo los Domingos a las 4:00 PM en la escuela (salón de música)con el Director Mr. Ernesto Busigó 786-308-0561 Chorale: Répétition: Mardi de 8:00 à 9:30 PM et Samedi de 5:30 à 7:00PM (salle B de l’école) Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes (MEJ): Chaque Samedi de 5:30 à 8:00 PM (à l’école) La Sainte Famille: Chaque Lundi à 7:00 PM (à l’école) Eucharist Sunday, January 12 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 5:30 PM ✝ Charles Emile Philoctete Jr. ✝ Ulrick & Adeline Chassagne Alix Fortuné (L) 7:30 AM 9:00 AM ✝ Esmie May Branford 11:00 AM ✝ Camille Boyer 12:30 PM ✝ Julienne Cayard Jean Pierre ✝ Andréa Mezella Dessources 3:00 PM Mr & Mrs. Therazin Family (T) Mirta Brutus (T) 5:00 PM ✝ Margarita Baerga 7:00 PM Fr. Richard Souliere (T) Aarons Family (L) Matthew Hanten (L) Monday, January 13 - Weekday 7:00 AM Mother Marie (T) ✝ Edgar Jean Louis 8:30 AM Jacqueline Saint Louis (T) ✝ Fresina Charlotin Tuesday, January 14 - Weekday 7:00 AM Richardson Family (T) Joseph Family (T) 8:30 AM Suze Philizaire (T) ✝ Lucien (Tilou) Casimir Wednesday, January 15 - Weekday 7:00 AM Pierre J. Chery (T) Marcsene Cazeau (T) 8:30 AM Lourdes Narcisse(T) Jean Narcisse (T) Thursday, January 16 - Weekday 7:00 AM Patricia St Fort (L) 8:30 AM Nicole Pierre Louis & Family (T) Friday, January 17 - Weekday 7:00 AM ✝ Camilla Thom 8:30 AM Yves Auguste (L) Parochial School Registration READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday 1/12: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17 Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14 20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21 28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29 39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40 45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1 12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13 17 Sunday 1/19: Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 continuing Baptism of the Lord Jan. 12 Religious Education Jan 12 Confirmation (1st & 2nd year) Jan 14 ABCD Jan/Feb Congratulations Saturday, January 18 - Weekday 8:30 AM George & Fritz Erie (L) ✝ Alain Georges January 5, 2014 Sunday, January 19 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:30 PM Fr. A Dinan Kareen (T) ✝ Gerard Campfort 7:30 AM Fr. A ✝ Monica George ✝ Howard Sweeney 9:00 AM Fr. J ✝ Pierre Alfred Jean ✝ Esmie May Branford 11:00 AM Fr. A Jordan Family (T) ✝ Philomene azor 12:30 PM Fr. P ✝ Constancia Lalanne 3:00 PM Fr. J ✝ Mr & Mrs Carmeleau Fils- Aimé ✝ Mr & Mrs Dene Jean-Baptiste 5:00 PM Fr. A ✝ Delores & MInerva Galan 7:00 PM Fr. A Fr.Richard Soulliere (T) Brandon Karnel Hilaire Oghenefejiro Jaden Chuka Ogodo Keliah Carmelle Rene He avenl y He l p s Just inside the Church front entrance Open After the Weekend Masses * Denotes Celebrant for that Mass: Fr. A = Fr. Andrew; Fr. J = Fr. Jean; Fr. P = Fr. Paul Karenga (T)= In Thanksgiving (L)= Living ✝= Deceased Pray for the Sick Kelly Tymecki Serge St Eloi Carla Porter Howard Lee Carl Junior Jeanty Kaitlin Warf John St Clair Gooding Jean Claude Laborde André Gregoire Everett Buckridge Demetrio Davis Sheila Stone Yvrose Pierre-Pierre Marina Reyes Calendar of events Trammel Family Harry Bishop Victor Rivera George Harris Rosa & Rafael Claire Gilbert Michelle Lyn Velasquez Flor Elis Bradley Persaud Nicole Miles Antonine Cadet Danielle Curry Mary Bishop Sylvie Casale Andrew Esperanza Tavarez Marie Ange Bellevue Romero Myrna Jeanniton Nicolas Sandra Limos Kevin Elsie Jeanniton Archer Naomie Ripert Frantz Vielot Milagros Sabong Norma Jackson Joseph Michel Accilien Ruhinny Chan Jean Theus Marguerite Edouard Names will only stay on the sick list for 2 months at a time. Patricia Carstons Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to add or Conrado Maguddatu remove a name. Please remember to contact the Parish Office when it is appropriate to remove a name from this list. Come see our new items!!! We would like to feature a new item. The illustrations and stories will take your breath away: “The New First Communion Bible” Stop by and get it while they last. The price is only $20. This is a great gift for ANY child! Remember the Departed Elizabeth Lucie Leroy Victims of natural disasters Victims of war and terrorism Please use your envelopes. They are the principal source of parish support. Administrator’s Corner at St. B artholomew Sunday, January 12 10:15 AM Religious Education resumes- School 11:30 AM Junior Youth Group - SHC 8:00 PM Senior Youth Group - SHC Monday, January 13 6:30 PM English Legion of Mary - School 8:00 PM Al Anon-Spanish - School Tuesday, January 14 9 AM-3:00 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:00 PM Religious Education - School 7:30 PM Confirmation parents’ meeting - School 7:30 PM RCIA - School Library Wednesday, January 15 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:30 PM French Bible Class - School 7:30 PM English Prayer Group - School 8:00 PM AA - School Room A 8:00 PM AA - School Room A Thursday, January 16 7:30 PM Nueva Vida - Library 7:30 PM English Choir - Church 7:30 PM Women’s Club General Mtg - Hall Friday, January 17 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 6:00 PM Divina Misericordia - School 7:30 PM Fr/Cr Charismatic Prayer - School 8:00 PM English Cursillo - School 8:00 PM Spanish Cursillo - School Saturday, January 18 10:30 AM NA - School 2:00 PM Junior Legion of Mary - School 3:00 PM Spanish Legion of Mary - School 4:00 PM Fr/Cr Legion of Mary - School 6:00 PM Haitian Choir - School 5:30 PM MEJ - Haitian Youth Group - School 7:30 PM NA - School Sunday, January 19 10:15 AM Religious Education - School 11:30 AM Junior Youth Group - SHC 4:30 PM Young Adult Meeting - School 8:00 PM Senior Youth Group - SHC Every third Sunday of the month at 9AM, we will have a children’s Mass. This is a special youthcentered liturgy and the homily should appeal to the younger members of our parish. Please bring the kids! Many thanks I pray that everyone had a very blessed Christmas. On behalf of my fellow priests, Father Jean Jadotte and Father Paul Karenga, and myself, I wish you a very prosperous 2014, filled with joy and increased faith. I believe that if we are faithful to God’s teachings, especially caring for the poor and needy we shall be blessed even more. I wish to thank all who made the Christmas season such a joyful one: those who cleaned, those who decorated, those who worked extra hours to prepare and celebrate our liturgies, and all those who donated their time and resources to provide entertainment and refreshment at our social gatherings. I also wish to thank the many parishioners who gave my fellow priests and myself so many gifts, and so much food for Christmas. It is a sign of your love and support for us, and for that I am truly grateful. Unfortunately, I gained ten pounds. I have no regrets as I thoroughly enjoyed the goodies. Our ABCD goal for 2014 is $73,000 in collected pledges. Since, for various reasons, not all pledges are honored, to collect $73,000, we need at least $90,00 in pledges. It may appear to be a very large sum but if the 500 families who regularly attend Mass could give $15 per month or $180 in total; we can achieve our pledge total. Our raffle is now in session. The top three prizes are $2,500 cash, a 55 inch Samsung smart TV, and an apple I-Pad. I am kindly asking you to be more supportive of the raffle and make a greater effort to sell tickets. In the past, our School has been responsible for more than 75 percent of all sales. I believe that we can make more than $20,000 on the raffle. (This goal will be possible if parishioners who do not have children in the school purchase or sell a total of 500 books.) Therefore, I am requesting each individual to commit to 1 or 2 books if at all possible. There are so many maintenance projects that need to be undertaken, that I have decided to designate the second collection at each Mass for these projects, whenever there is no special Archdiocesan collection. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Andrew This Week 79th 1/13/2014 Life in the Spirit Seminar Lionel begins this coming Wednesday January 15th and continues until February 26, 2014 Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the church for 7 weeks Do you want to understand more about your faith and learn more about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit? Come and join us for this special seminar. You will be blessed and renewed. Everyone is welcome. There is a sign-up sheet at the main entrance of the church, by the prayer box. Lionel Springer joined St Bart’s family in 2002. In 2006, he joined the Usher Ministry. He has been serving at the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturdays ever since. Thank you Lionel for your faithful service. You can still register!!! Call ( 954) 961-1856 for info. Please USE YOUR ENVELOPES or write your envelope n umber on your check TO ENSURE PROPER CREDITING OF YOUR DONATION. Or use one of our new temporary donation envelopes available in front of the Church. If you are new or visiting... Stop by the Rectory Office to fill out a registration form, if you want to register or use one of our blue temporary donation envelopes available in front of the Church or if you just want to let us know who you are. PLEASE NOTIFY the Rectory Office of any changes in your address or phone number. Use envelopes or put your envelope number on your check to ensure proper recording of your donation. ** “Office” includes electronic payments and those envelopes dropped off at the Rectory. Collection for 12/29/2013 Weekend of: Holy Family Collection for: 12/25/2013 Christmas Mass Sat. 5:30 PM Attendance 165 Collection Mass Attendance Collection $695.00 Sat. 5:30 PM 73 $578.00 139 $1,361.00 Sun. 7:30 AM 550 $1,640.00 Sun. 7:30 AM Sun. 9:00 AM 161 $421.00 Sun. 9:00 AM 186 $944.00 Sun. 11:00 AM 160 $688.00 Sun. 11:00 AM 285 $1,665.00 Sun. 12:30 PM 110 $337.00 Sun. 12:30 PM 181 $1,138.00 396 $1,452.00 Sun. 3:00 PM 310 $448.00 Sun. 3:00 PM Sun. 5:00 PM 85 $224.00 Sun. 5:00 PM 95 $428.00 Sun. 7:00 PM 150 $583.00 Sun. 7:00 PM 143 $843.00 Loose Coins $90.00 Office** Total No 2nd Collection 1691 $10,841.00 Total 2nd Collection $1,527.50 1498 $10,026.50 $811.00 Nueva Vida Ministry Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Problems Does someone you love struggle with abuse and addiction? Have you tried talking, pleading, and trying to control every move they make? God’s healing begins with you and spreads throughout the family. Join others in seeking deliverance every Thursday night at 7:30 PM in the School for spiritual guidance, prayer and worship. For info contact: Dave Bowen at (786)280-5841 or visit: ‘Banish the darkness’ of fear, ignorance Since 1980, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has set aside a week in January as National Migration Week. The goal is to educate nativeborn Americans about their common bond with immigrants and refugees. Catholics are called to participate through prayer and political action by asking their congressional representatives to support a path to citizenship for immigrants. Archbishop Wenski celebrated last Sunday the annual Migration Mass. It is a visual representation of what it means to be Catholic, a word whose Greek root means universal, Archbishop Wenski noted. In his homily, the Archbishop recalled how Pope Francis, moved by the deaths of African boat people trying to reach Europe last summer, went to the Italian island of Lampedusa, south of Sicily, to pray for the dead and console survivors. The pope said these things happen because of what he called the “globalization of indifference.” “Pope Francis said that we have become insensitive to the cares of others” “May this multicultural, multi-ethnic, multilingual celebration be a witness that the world has nothing to fear from diversity,” he added. “Diversity of languages, cultures and races enriches the human family. It does not divide us, only sin divides us.” “the Gospel of Jesus Christ can find fertile soil in which to take root and grow in any culture. St Gregory’s “Life After Fifty” Bus Trip to Branson Missouri Join us april 27, 2014 • 8 night accomodation with 4 nights in Branson. • 14 meals including daily breakfast • guided tours & fantastic entertainment. Open to all adults. Cost is approximately $1000-$1200. For more information contact: Maria Dias (954)472-0798 Pointing out that migrants often are exploited by unscrupulous, unlicensed people, he urged them to seek help from Catholic Legal Services, which is competent and safe. MARLENE QUARONI | Florida Catholic Read the complete article on the website of the Archdiocese of Miami (dancers at the Migration Mass) Religious Education Classes resume on Tuesday, January Council of 7th. Religious Education News RCIA & RCIA High School classes resumeCatholic on Thursday, January 9th. Women Preparing for the Sacraments! General Meeting In addition to bringing your children to Mass every Sunday Thursday, January 16 and continuing their preparation at home, we would like 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall to remind you of these important dates. The parents of children currently enrolled in the religious education This is an important meeting to d iscuss the program and preparing for First Holy Communion are Club’s role in u pcoming events such as the Ash required to attend 2 meetings to ensure a date for First Wednesday Dinner and to plan for the year. Communion. Students in Mrs. Joan Baker, Mrs. Jackie Terrero & Mrs. Rodriguez’s class: • Parents’ Meeting - January 7 - 7:30 pm - Parish Hall • First Penance - February 3 - 7:00 pm - Church • First HolyPlease Communion May 18 - our 12:30pantry pm Mass help -us keep full! • First Holy Communion (School) - May 11 - 12:30 pm Mass All Women of the parish are invited to attend. Walk For Life Saturday, January 18th - 9 AM - 12 Noon Archbishop McCarthy High School You can make a difference in the lives of others. 5451 S Flamingo Road - Southwest Ranches Students inDrop Mrs. Fay Causwell & Mrs. off your donations of Connie food or Clemens supermarket class: gift cards at the Church Office. You can also Free Snacks! Live DJ! Service Hours! • Parents’ Meeting - January - 7:30 pm - Parishenvelope, Hall use9 our “Outreach” S T. -MFebruary A X included • First Penance 10 - 7:00with pm - your Church Offertory Plus 1 service For more • First Holy Communion -Envelopes April 27 - 12:30 pmaMass to make monetary hour & T-Shirt information donation. for every Parents of the students preparing for Confirmation will O u t r ethis a ccoming h have their meeting Tuesday January Thank You!14 at 7:30 pm in the school. $ 25 in sponsorships! Valentine’s Day at St Bartholomew Please join us for an evening of romance and fun for couples on Valentine’s Day. Friday, February 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the parish hall The evening will include a cocktail hour, a guest speaker, games, dinner, music, etc... Tickets will be going on sale soon. Please save the date. Call 954963-2229 MONSIGNOR EDWARD PACE HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM The exam will take place on SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 @ 8:00 AM Check-in opens at 7:30 am at the Spartan Center Our campus is located at: 15600 NW 32nd Avenue in Miami Gardens For additional information please call the admissions Office: (305) 623-PACE ext. 342 or Or visit us online: Weekly Sunday Meetings Junior Youth Group 5th to 7th graders - 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM, Sacred Heart Center High School Tuition Discounts Catholic High Schools normally offer tuition discounts to active Catholics: registered and contributing parishioners. To qualify for a tuition discount (In-Parish rate) at St Bartholomew Catholic School, a contribution to the church of $75 per month is required. Therefore, in order for us to sign off for you to obtain an additional discount at a Catholic High School, you must have contributed $900 to St Bartholomew Church in the previous calendar year. Since the discount is always greater than the $900, you can save by supporting your local parish. For example, the high school discount for St Thomas Aquinas is $2000. St. Bartholomew Catholic School Miramar, Florida 954-431-5253 “Sharing, Learning and Growing in Christ” Senior Youth Group 8th to 12th graders - 8 to 9:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center Join us for the Youth Mass at 9 AM every third Sunday of the month Any questions, contact Mr. Gerard John LCSW 954-447-4658 Sponsor Certificates To receive a sponsor certificate from us, you must meet the following requirements: • Must be a registered member of the Parish for at least three months prior to requesting the certificate. Register NOW if you ever think you may be asked to be a Godparent or sponsor! • Must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. • Must be 16 years of age or older. Where quality Catholic Education can make a difference: Religious and moral formation Committed to quality education for students in PK3 through 8th grade since 1965 Fully accredited by Florida Catholic Conference Dedicated, caring faculty certified by State of Florida A computer lab with Wi-Fi and full Internet connections. A computer and interactive Mimio board in every class. • If married, you must be in a marriage that is recognized by the Catholic Church as valid, or working with a priest on it. “Accelerated Reader” program for grades K-8 • Must be an active participating member of the community, attending Sunday Mass weekly. The only way we now if you are attending Mass is through use of the regular Sunday envelopes, which you receive when you register. If unsure of your status, please stop by office and ask. A variety of extra curricular clubs and activities Accelerated Math program for grades 3-8 Creative Arts and Music programs Competing Sports Teams (5th-8th grade) Before and after school care program Accepting “Step Up for Students” Scholarships Apèl pou Sèvi 12 Janvier 2014 - Année A Le Baptême du Seigneur Tit “Pitit Bondye” a se pa yon tit ke Jezi atache a li. Se you tit li pito pataje. Nou tout dwe rele tèt nou pitit gason ak pitit fi Bondye. Nan Jezi, nou tout ka gen aksè a favè Bondye a. Dezyèm lekti a, fè nou wè sa bien klè. Nou li istwa batèm Kònèy ansanm ak tout fanmi l te resevwa. Diskou Pyè a raple nou onksyon Jezi pa pouvwa Sentespri ak gwo pouvwa ki te baleye atravè peyi Izrayèl la ak sou kay moun lòt nasyon ki pat Kretyen yo. Menm jan ak lakay li, se konsa li ye tou pou nou. Gen yon fen nan travay nou sou latè, nan vokasyon batèm nou ak bon travay nou fè. Men pa gen okenn fen nan lavi etènel Bondye ba nou nan batèm. Pa gen okenn fen nan lavi sa a ki pou tout pitit Bondye; pa gen okenn fen nan konpasyon Bondye a, ke nou konnen gras a Kris la. Pa gen okenn fen nan sitiyasyon nou antan ke pèp chwazi epi tou nan renmen Bondye genyen pou sila yo li rele pitit li. Paske nan lavi, lanmò, ak rezirèksyon Jezi ‘, nou fè pati pèp apa sa a ke Bondye layite lanmou’l sou li a. LECTURES DE LA SEMAINE Lundi: Mardi: Mercredi: Jeudi: Vendredi: Samedi: Dimanche: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14 20 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sam 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21 28 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29 39 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1:40 45 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1 12 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21 (20):2-7; Mc 2:13 17 Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 SEMAINE DE PRIERE POUR L’UNITE CHRETIENNE du 18 au 25 Janvier 2014 Seigneur Jésus, qui à la veille de mourir pour nous, as prié pour que tous tes disciples soient parfaitement un, comme toi en ton Père, et ton Père en toi, fais-nous ressentir douloureusement l’infidélité de notre désunion. Donne-nous la loyauté de reconnaître et le courage de rejeter ce qui se cache en nous d’indifférence, de méfiance, et même d’hostilité mutuelle. Accorde-nous de nous rencontrer tous en toi, afin que, de nos âmes et de nos lèvres, monte incessamment ta prière pour l’unité des chrétiens, telle que tu la veux, par les moyens que tu veux. En toi, qui es la charité parfaite, fais-nous trouver la voie qui conduit à l’unité, dans l’obéissance à ton amour et à ta vérité. Amen. D’après l’abbé Couturier - Cette prière pour l’unité des chrétiens est adaptée d’un texte de l’abbé Paul Couturier (1881 - 1953), prêtre du diocèse de Lyon, “témoin et précurseur d’un authentique oecuménisme”. LECTURES DU JOUR 1ère Lecture — Le serviteur de Dieu consacré pour le salut des hommes (Is 42, 1-4.6-7) Psaume — Dieu, bénis ton peuple, donne-lui la paix. Ps 28 2ème Lecture — Jésus de Nazareth, Dieu l’a consacré par l’Esprit Saint et rempli de sa force. Là où il passait, il faisait le bien, et il guérissait tous ceux qui étaient sous le pouvoir du démon. (Actes 10:34-38) Evangile — Et des cieux, une voix disait : « Celui-ci est mon Fils bien-aimé ; en lui j’ai mis tout mon amour. » (Mt 3, 13-17) Sen Batelmi nan pa sen Pòl 29 avril - 9 Mai 2014 Pri a se $3657 pa pèson Kominote Sen Batelmi ap òganize yon pelrinaj an Grès & Tiki. Nap pase di jou, nap travèse lanmè pou nal sou lil Patmos kote lavi Apot Pòl te transfòme. Nap visite kay Manman Mari, kote li te viv avèk Jean aprè lanmò Jezu, korint, etc... Si ou vle plis enfòmasyon pase nan ofis legliz la oubyen rele: Diak Montas 954-602-5424 12 de Enero 2014 - Año A El Bautismo del Señor HIJOS E HIJAS DE DIOS Ser el Hijo amado de Dios no es una condición a la que está apegado. Es una que comparte con nosotros. Todos nosotros estamos llamados a ser hijos e hijas de Dios. En Jesús, todos podemos reclamar la predilección de Dios. La segunda lectura aclara esto. Aquí leemos sobre el bautizo de Cornelio y los miembros de su casa. El discurso de Pedro recuenta la unción de Jesús por el Espíritu Santo y el gran poder que se esparció por Israel hasta la puerta de uno de los gentiles, Cornelio. Lo mismo que sucedió a su casa, nos sucede a nosotros. Nuestro trabajo en la tierra, nuestra vocación bautismal y la tarea honorable que realizamos tendrá su fin. Lo que no tiene fin es la vida de salvación que recibimos con el Bautismo. No hay fin a la vida de los hijos de Dios; no hay fin a la compasión de Dios que conocemos en Jesús. No hay fin a nuestra posición como pueblo elegido y amado por Dios. A causa de la vida, muerte y resurrección de Jesús, siempre estaremos entre los predilectos de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — He aquí mi siervo a quien he dado mi espíritu. Él les enseñará mi justicia a las naciones (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7). Salmo — El Señor bendecirá a su pueblo con paz (Salmo 29 [28]). Segunda lectura — Dios ha proclamado la paz por Jesucristo, el Señor de todos. Dios ha ungido a Jesús por el Espíritu Santo y el poder (Hechos 10:34-38). Evangelio — Cuando Jesús fue bautizado por Juan, el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre él (Mateo 3:13-17). GUARDO TU PALABRA EN MI CORAZÓN Padre bueno, te ofrezco mi pobre corazón. Tú afianzas mis pasos en el camino y siempre cuidas de mi. Quiero cumplir tu voluntad todos los días de mi vida. Aquí estoy, Señor, para servirte. Amén. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14 20 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sam 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21 28 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29 39 1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1:40 45 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1 12 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mc 2:13 17 Is 49:3, 5-6; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 San Bartolomé en las huellas de San Pablo La Iglesia de San Bartolomé está organizando la peregrinación tras las huellas de San Pablo. Vamos a pasar 10 días / 8 noches en Grecia y Turquía, incluyendo 3 noches de crucero a la isla de Patmos, el sitio de la Revelación. También visitaremos Éfeso donde la Santísima Virgen vivió con Juan después de la muerte de Jesús, Atenas, Corinto, Tessaloniki, Filipos, etc... Mas información en la rectoría si desea más detalles. Diacono Montas 954-602-5424 Diacono Michel 954-257-1107 29 de abril - 9 de Mayo ha! c e f el costo es $3657 va recio! e u N or P por persona Mej
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