St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and School 8005 Miramar Parkway • Miramar, FL 33025 Rectory: (954) 431-3600 • Fax: (954) 435-9591 • School: (954) 431-5253 Web site: www.StBartholomew.com Thirty first week - Ordinary Time - Year A (Gather 1070) November 2, 2014 The mission of St Bartholomew Catholic Church is to reflect God’s love to all whom we meet, to strengthen our faith community through worship, education, fellowship, stewardship, and acts of love and charity, so that we may lead people from all backgrounds to our Lord Jesus Christ. St Bartholomew is honored to have Fr Tony Bonilla, pupil and disciple of Fr Emiliano Tardiff who will celebrate a 5 pm Healing Mass on Sunday, November 16, 2014. Fr Tony is well know for many cures and miracles performed through him by the Holy Spirit, especially during the celebration of the Holy Mass. The Homily and healing service will be translated. Attention Calling all Ushers!!! There will be a meeting for all ushers on Wednesday, November 5th at 7 PM in the School Library. If you are a current usher or would like to be an usher, please join us for this important meeting. ATTENTION MINISTRY LEADERS: St Bart’s Dolphans! Here is another opportunity to see your Miami Dolphins in action against: The Bills on November 13 @ 8:25 pm Upper deck tickets are only $25. If you’re interested, please talk to Father Andrew. In order to ensure we have rooms available for every group desiring to use our facilities, any group or ministry meeting in the school, parish hall, or Church is asked to complete a “facility usage request” form at the rectory. Please DO NOT just walk over to the school and choose an “empty room”. Group/Ministry leaders should stop by the rectory anytime Mon-Fri, 9 AM to 7:30 PM or Sat. Sun., 9 AM to 7 PM. Celebrating God’s Love as a Community. PASTORAL STAFF Priests Rev. Andrew Chan-A-Sue Administrator Rev. Jean Jadotte Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul Karenga Priest in Residence Deacons Deacon David Smith Deacon Michel DuChaussée Deacon Montas Onelien Religious Education Mrs. Mercedes Brown School Principal Mrs. Christine Gonzalez Youth Minister/Licensed Clinical Social Worker Mr. Gerard John, LCSW Music Ministry Mrs. Betty Bunnell Mrs. Monique Abraham Mr. Ernesto Busigó HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS) Sunday:(English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM 12:30, 7:00 PM French/Créole - 3:00 PM Spanish - 5:00 PM Weekday: Saturday: First Friday: MATRIMONY French/Créole - 8:00 PM RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday: Sunday: Please contact the Rectory at least six months prior to the proposed date. 7:00, 8:30 AM (7 PM - during Lent only) 8:30 AM 11:00 - 11:30 AM 4:30 - 5:00 PM When priests are available. Anytime by appointment CHARISMATIC PRAYER English Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Church French/Creole Friday, 7:30 PM, School Rm B Spanish Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center BAPTISMS Please contact the Rectory at least three months before anticipated date to make arrangements. Baptisms in English are on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. ROSARY 8:10 AM Weekdays LEGION OF MARY Monday, 6:30 PM, School Pastoral Hispana Misa en Español - Los Domingos - 5:00 PM El Santo Rosario los Domingos a las 4:30 PM Confesiones - Los Sábados, 11-11:30 AM; 4:30-5 PM Bautismos - Para el curso pre-bautismal, llame con TRES MESES de anticipación a la Rectoría. Los Bautismos en Español son los 4° Domingos del mes a las 1:30 PM Matrimonio - Llame a la Rectoría lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha p ropuesta. Divina Misericordia - Los Viernes - 6:00 PM en la escuela. Madeline Flores 954-805-1701 Circulo de Oración Carismática – Los M iércoles, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome new parishioners to our parish family. Pick up a registration form at the rectory or print one from the website; later you will be invited to a r egistration p rogram to learn more about our parish and our many ministries. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (In the Rectory Chapel) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 AM to 7:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 7:30 PM Saturday and Sunday - 9 AM to 7 PM AVIS pour les Membres de la Communauté Haitienne Messe en Créole / Français 3:00 PM chaque dimanche 8:00 PM chaque 1er vendredi du mois avec Bénédiction du Très Saint Sacrement Confession: Samedi 11-11:30 AM, 4:30-5 PM Visite des malades: Appelez le Père Jean au 954-431-3600. Baptême: Chaque 2e dimanche du mois à 1:30 PM. Contactez le Père Jean Jadotte au 954-431-3600 trois mois avant la date prévue. Mariage: Contactez le Père J ean, six mois avant la date prévue. Prière Charismatique: Chaque Vendredi, de 7:30 à 10:00 PM (salle B de l’école) Cursillistas - Los Viernes, a las 8:00 PM en s alon “A” de la escuela; Anibal Perez 786-300-9415 Légion De Marie: Chaque Jeudi, de 7:30 à 8:30 PM (à l’école) Chaque Samedi à partir de 4:00 PM (à l’école) Legión De María - Se reunen en Salón B en la escuela los sábados a las 2:30 PM. Anibal Perez 786-300-9415 Etude Biblique: Chaque Mercredi de 7:00 à 9:00 PM (salle B de l’école) Coro Hispano - Ensayo los Domingos a las 4:00 PM en la escuela (salón de música)con el Director Mr. Ernesto Busigó 786-308-0561 Chorale: Répétition: Mardi de 8:00 à 9:30 PM et Samedi de 5:30 à 7:00PM (salle B de l’école) Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes (MEJ): Chaque Samedi de 5:30 à 8:00 PM (à l’école) La Sainte Famille: Chaque Lundi à 7:00 PM (à l’école) Fall Events Eucharist Sunday, November 2 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS ‘DAY) 5:30 PM ✝ Marie Emmanuel ✝ Agnes Lisandrillo 7:30 AM ✝ Rolande St Laurent ✝ Morelle Prisme 9:00 AM Marcel Touya (T) ✝ Claude Nelson 11:00 AM ✝ Labossiere & Jason Family ✝ Aline Darang 12:30 PM ✝ Philoctecte & Chassagne Family ✝ Adrienne & Antonio Hyacinthe 3:00 PM Mc Breakley Pluviose (T) ✝ Members Of Legion Of Mary 5:00 PM ✝ Dr. Isaias Martinez ✝ Graciela Casares 7:00 PM ✝ Myrtha Hyacinthe ✝ Marie France Prisme Monday, November 3 - Weekday 7:00 AM ✝ Gloria Van Uiter ✝ Abraham Camacho 8:30 AM ✝ Dr. Isais Martinez ✝ Monica George Tuesday, November 4 - Weekday 7:00 AM Jonathan Francesca (T) 8:30 AM ✝ Armanda King ✝ Marie Renette Jean Wednesday, November 5 - Weekday 7:00 AM ✝ Jamal Morgan Rodney 8:30 AM Anne Rose Augustin (T) ✝ Agnes Lisandrillo Thursday, November 6 - Weekday 7:00 AM Baby Lilly Ana Ortega (L) 8:30 AM ✝ Dennise & Kenley Sanon ✝ Denis Fleury Friday, November 7 - Weekday 7:00 AM Audain Family (L) ✝ Maud Louis Charles 8:30 AM ✝ C. J. Lukose ✝ Roy & Adina Paul 8:00 PM ✝ Charles Saint Fleur Baby Lilly Ana Ortega John Dollard Elise Forcina Ursula Domingue Rege Owoc Felisa Limos Derek Wade Max Brian Chan-A-Sue Brian Bouquio Judith Vasquez Judy Leacock Marito Maddatu Eunice Everett Candy Larsen Jacinta Stirrup Parochial School Registration READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday 11/2: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday 11/9: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 (on going) Religious Education Registration Sunday @ 10:15 AM in the School Library Ushers’ Meeting Wednesday, November 5 @ 7 PM Knights of Columbus Square Dance Friday, November 7 @ 7 PM Saturday, November 8 - Weekday 8:30 AM Garnel Pierre (T) ✝ Mathe Luciane Phanor Sunday, November 9 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 5:30 PM Fr. P ✝ Yvan Philoctete Sr. ✝ Gerard Antoine 7:30 AM Fr. A ✝ Ganthier Family ✝ Paul Family 9:00 AM Fr. J Ebola Victims ✝ Daniel Flores 11:00 AM Fr. A ✝ Charles Falzone ✝ Jamal Morgan Rodney 12:30 PM Fr. P ✝ Dr. Chris Mahadeo ✝ Marjorie Lafontant 3:00 PM Fr. J The Ceus Family (T) ✝ Veneta Chervalier 5:00 PM Fr. A ✝ Josefina Esquilin 7:00 PM Fr. A Henry Gbaruko (L) ✝ Jean Ganthier No Confirmation classes as we honor our brave men and women. ABCD 2014 * Denotes Celebrant for that Mass: Fr. A = Fr. Andrew; Fr. J = Fr. Jean; Fr. P = Fr. Paul (T)= In Thanksgiving (L)= Living ✝= Deceased Pray for the Josephine Pascucci Jane Morra Danielle Jeanty Curry Glenda McCumber Emmanuel Alexander Josette Paul Edouard Simonise Guirlene Gordon Eric Herr Christie Owens Veemala Klous Jill Louise Norton Esther Sharpe Johnny Cadet Angela Espy Elena Miranda Collection Goal Pledges Goal $73,000 $80,000 $69,389 $45,238 Sick Kelly Tymecki Serge St Eloi André Grégoire Howard Lee Sylvie Casale Carl Junior Jeanty Kaitlin Warf Jean Claude Laborde Everett Buckridge Demetrio Davis Sheila Stone Yvrose Pierre-Pierre Marina Reyes Trammel Family George Harris Marguerite Edouard Esperanza Tavarez Myrna Jeanniton Nicolas Joseph Michel Accilien Elsie Jeanniton Archer Jean Theus Nicole Miles Patricia Carstons Conrado Maguddatu Harry & Mary Bishop Rosa & Rafael Names will only stay on the sick list for 2 months at a time. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to add or remove a name. Remember the Departed Victims of natural disasters Victims of war and terrorism Please use your envelopes. They are the principal source of parish support. This Week at St. B artholomew Sunday, November 9 9 AM-12:30 PM Religious Education Registration - Library 10:15 AM Religious Education (CCD) - School 11:45 AM Junior Youth Group - Sacred Heart Center 5:30 PM NEW TIME Youth Group (teens) - Sacred Heart Center Monday, November 10 6:30 PM English Legion of Mary - School 8:00 PM Al Anon-Spanish - School Tuesday, November 11 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:00 PM NO Religious Education - School 7:30 PM RCIA (various languages) - School Wednesday, November 12 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:30 PM Fr/Cr Bible Study - Parish Hall 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting English - Church 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting Spanish - SHC 8:00 PM AA - School Room A Thursday, November 13 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 7:30 PM Nueva Vida - Library 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal - Church Friday, November 14 9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel 6:00 PM Divina Misericordia - School 7:30 PM Fr/Cr Charismatic Prayer - School 8:00 PM English Cursillo - School 8:00 PM Spanish Cursillo - School Saturday, November 15 10:30 AM NA - School 3:00 PM Spanish Legion of Mary - School 4:00 PM Fr/Cr Legion of Mary - School 6:00 PM Haitian Choir - School 5:30 PM MEJ - Haitian Youth Group - School 7:30 PM NA - School Sunday, November 16 9 AM-12:30 PM Religious Education Registration - Library 10:15 AM Religious Education (CCD) - School 11:45 AM Junior Youth Group - Sacred Heart Center 5:30 PM NEW TIME Youth Group (teens) - Sacred Heart Center LOOKING TO THE LAST DAY Today the Church remembers all who have walked the way of Christ and passed from this life. The readings all look to the last day, when we shall all rise from the dead and be reunited. The prophet Daniel announces words of warning and welfare. He cautions us against the judgment to come, but he also comforts us and assures us that all who live a life of virtue and justice will find life eternal. The reading from Romans reminds us that, because of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection and our entrance into that paschal mystery through baptism, we now share in the new life won by Christ. This recognition has repercussions: we need to live righteously now, that we might rise to life forever with Christ on the last day. In the Gospel Jesus pledges that all the Father has given him will not be lost. All the faithful will be raised to joy and live forever in the presence of God. Today’s Readings First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11) or Romans 6:3-9. Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Please USE YOUR ENVELOPES or write your envelope n umber on your check TO ENSURE PROPER CREDITING OF YOUR DONATION or use one of our new temporary donation envelopes Collection for: 10/26/2014 available in front of the Church. Thirtieth Sunday - Ordinary Time If you are new or visiting... Stop by the Rectory Office to fill out a registration form, if you want to register or use one of our blue temporary donation envelopes available in front of the Church or if you just want to let us know who you are. Saturday November 1st & Sunday November 2nd Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PLEASE NOTIFY the Rectory Office of any changes in your address or phone number. Use envelopes or put your envelope number on your check to ensure proper recording of your donation. ** “Office” includes electronic payments and those envelopes dropped off at the Rectory. Mass Attendance Collection Sat. 5:30 PM 92 $976.00 Sun. 7:30 AM 136 $1,441.00 Sun. 9:00 AM 349 $1,530.00 Sun. 11:00 AM 236 $1,402.50 Sun. 12:30 PM 118 $826.00 Sun. 3:00 PM 315 $1,161.00 Sun. 5:00 PM 89 $347.00 Sun. 7:00 PM 108 $1,004.00 Loose Coins $48.00 Office** $842.00 Second Collection $633.00 TOTAL 1443 $9,577.50 Knights of Columbus Western Hoedown St Bartholomew’s Knights of Columbus invite you to a night of Family Fun! A “Western Hoedown” with caller Scotty Sharrer. Instructors will be present to teach you how to dance “western style”. YeeHaw! FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 from 7 to 11 pm in the Parish Hall Enjoy delicious quality “chuck wagon” food (BBQ, southern casseroles, salad, beans, pies). Admission: $17.00 for Dinner and dancing, there will also be a Cash Bar; Children get to participate too, $7.00 only for children 12 years old & under. For tickets call Charlie Fitch 954-993-9245 or Anthony Dyett 305-653-5426 Saddle up in your jeans and your western wear! .. Hey y’aolln. the Join me floor! dance Administrator’s Corner IMPORTANT ALERT According to the Florida Catholic Advocacy Network, the voice of the Catholic Bishops of Florida, on August 28, 2014, The Florida Education Association (The Teachers’ Union), and others have filed a lawsuit, McCall v. Scott to discontinue the school choice program “STEP UP For Students” that allows low-income families to send their children to the school of their choice. If this program, which was started under Governor Jeb Bush, is discontinued, the parents of almost half of the students of St Bartholomew Catholic School and many at other Catholic schools would have to pay the full cost of tuition. Unable to afford the cost of full tuition, our low-income families would lose the opportunity to send their children to St Bartholomew and other Catholic schools. This could result in the closure of many Catholic schools. WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS to defeat this lawsuit, which I believe to be unjust. This suit headed by the teachers’ union, is designed to eliminate the options that parents have to send their children to the school best suited to their needs. It would also deny low-income families the opportunity to give their children the education their parents see as best-suited for them, including in a Catholic school. Hopefully the courts will not express an anti-religious, anti-parent sentiment and adjudicate this matter fairly. To see where candidates stand on parental empowerment in education and other important issues, see the results of the Candidate Questionnaire Project at www.flaccb.org. Charlie Crist did not respond to this poll. The Teachers’ Union is one of his major supporters. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Andrew “That they may be... the salt of the earth and... NEW TIM E !!! ...the light of the world” 8th through 12th graders Sundays 5:30 - 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Center Grow i n h t i a F e h t aith f n i g n i w Gro s! d n e r e v ne CCD Registration CCD Relig PLACE: School Library ious 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Educ ation COST: 1 Child $125 2 014 2 Children $200 2015 3 Children $250 DATES: Sunday mornings 4 or more $290 The dea d for the line to regist e S years i acramental r N o v e m s Sunday, ber 2, 2014 CCD Classes Began Grades Pre-K4 through 8 Sunday (in session) 10:15-11:30 AM in the school Pre K-4 must be at least 4 years old High School Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation Class Tuesday (in session) 7:00-8:30 PM in the school BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE: Non-baptized children are welcome to register. Children already baptized will not be admitted unless they have a baptismal certificate and birth certificate on file with their registration. Adults can still register for RCIA and be fully initiated at the Easter Vigil. Please call Steve Lee for details at 305-915-5048 ATTENTION St. Bartholomew Volunteers!!! In order to volunteer in our parish liturgical ministries (i.e. ushers, eucharistic ministers, lectors, etc...) you must comply with the requirements of the Archdiocese of Miami: Be fingerprinted and attend a Virtus Workshop. If you are new to the St Bartholomew liturgical ministries or were fingerprinted prior to 2010, you need to be fingerprinted through the Archdiocese of Miami before getting involved in any ministry. Please go to www.fieldprintflorida.com and use the code FPAOMParishVol to schedule your appointment. Thanksgiving The St. Vincent de Paul Society is conducting its annual thanksgiving food drive. Every year, through the generosity of St. Bartholomew parishioners we are able to provide Thanksgiving baskets for the needy in our area. Shopping: As you prepare you holiday shopping list please consider donating some of the following items: Cranberry sauce, pie crust mix and pie ¬fillings, canned ham and other meats, mixed vegetables, canned sweet potatoes, yams, whole white potatoes, instant potatoes, bread stuffing, jello, pudding, canned fruit ,gravy mix, and dried or evaporated milk. Turkeys: Frozen turkeys or gift cards to purchase turkeys are also appreciated. Monetary contributions may be made through the use of the weekly parish envelope or deposited in the ushers’ baskets after Mass. Please have all donations in by Tuesday, November 18. The baskets will be distributed on Saturday, November 22 between 10:00 and 12:00 noon. One of the many charisms of St. Bartholomew parish is the concern the community has for the needy. Here at St. Bart’s we feed the homeless, provide food every week from the pantry, and bring joy to the needy at holiday time. Thank you and May God continue to bless you. The St. Vincent de Paul Society French classes Always wanted to learn French? A 12-week session will begin soon on Saturday mornings from 10-11 am. The classes will meet in the 8th grade classroom in the school. THERE IS NO FEE, you may have to purchase a book. For more information or to register, please call: Gerty@ 954-625-0232 Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida It’s not too late to join Girl Scouts. Troop 10109 meets right here in the school at 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday. If you want to make new friends and learn new things, join us this week! Please call or email Lisa Cook with any questions at 954-298-3765 or lisa_cook@msn.com. St. Bartholomew Catholic School 8003 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Florida 33025 954-431-5253 “Sharing, Learning and Growing in Christ” A special thank you to all those who contributed to our “long sleeve shirt drive” and made it a success. Our students from the school will take a field trip soon to deliver the shirts in person and have a look at the conditions in which these field workers live. Thank you for supporting this effort. Your donations are greatly appreciated, may God continue to bless you and your family. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17 Open House In Our Catholic High Schools Our local Catholic High Schools invite all 8th, 9th and 10th Graders and their families who may be interested in a ttending a Catholic school next year, to their A nnual Open House: Archbishop Curley Notre Dame High School Saturday, November 1, 9 AM - 1 PM 305-751-8367 ext. 22 or new@acnd.net Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School Saturday, November 1, 9 AM or 1 PM in the Gym 954-434-8820 ext. 206 Monsignor Pace High School November 22 ; 8:30 AM or 10:30 AM 15600 NW 32 Ave., Miami (305) 623-7223, ext 342 admissions@pacehs.com We are the future Father of all mercies, We ask that you would bless the youngest and littlest of learners, the most helpless and powerless of persons, with Your infinite and loving mercy, granting them the strength to learn, concentrate, and act appropriately towards their teachers and fellow students. We also ask that You would watch over them, at home and at school and grant them proper direction so that they may learn of Your wonderful virtues. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. © David Bennet, www.churchyear.net 2 Novembre 2014 - Commémoration de tous les fidèles défunts Yon kou dèy sou dènye jou a Jodi a Legliz la fè memwa tout moun ki te mache sou wout Kris la e ki kite lavi sa a. Lekti yo jete yon kou dèy sou dènye jou a, lè nou tout ap gen viktwa sou lanmò epi reyini ankò. Pwofèt Dànyèl anonse yon pawòl ki a lafwa yon avètisman ak yon konsèy. Li mande nou pou nou pran prekosyon nou kont jijman kap vini an, men li ankouraje nou tou epi li ban nou asirans tout moun ki viv yon lavi dwat nan jistis ap jwenn lavi ki pap janm fini an. Dezyèm lekti ki soti nan Women an fè nou sonje ke, gras a pasyon Kris la, lanmò li, rezirèksyon li, avèk jan li envite nou pou nou antre nan mistè paskal la lè nou te batize, kounye a nou gen posibilite pou nou viv yon vi tou nèf nan Kris la. Lè nou rekonèt sa, li dwe chanje fason nou panse epi fè nou menen lavi nou dwat kounye a, pou nou kapab al viv ansanm ak Kris la lè li rele nou nan dènye jou a. Nan Levanjil la, Jezi pwomèt ke tout sa Papa a ba li yo pap janm peri. Tout moun ki te reyèlman fidèl yo ap leve bien vivan, epi yap viv nèt ak kè kontan nan prezans Bondye. La vie des justes est dans la main de Dieu... ...aucun tourment n’a de prise sur eux. (Sg 2,23; 3,1-6.9) Sesyon Karismatik Anyèl “Gwoup Amour, Sagesse et Paix” Jeudi 20 - Samdi 22 Novanm Avèk Pè Gustave Miracle Sè Claire Gagné Animasyon avèk Frè Gilbert Dabady ak Frè Gesner Leblanc LECTURES DU JOUR 1ère Lecture — La vie des justes est dans la main de Dieu, aucun LECTURES DE LA SEMAINE tourment n’a de prise sur eux. (Sg 2,23; 3,1-6.9) Lundi: Mardi: Mercredi: Jeudi: Vendredi: Samedi: Dimanche: Psaume — Garde mon âme dans la paix près de toi, Seigneur. Ps: 4, 2, 7, 9 2ème Lecture — Et si nous sommes passés par la mort avec le Christ, nous croyons que nous vivrons aussi avec lui. (Rm 6, 3-9) Evangile — Le Christ est ressuscité, par sa mort il a détruit la mort : à ceux qui sont dans les tombeaux il a donné la vie. (Jn 5, 24-29) Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22 (21):26b-32; Lc 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Lc 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105 (104):2-7; Lc 15:1-10 Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122 (121):1-5; Lc 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112 (111):1b-2, 5-9; Lc 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Sware Kòboy... Gwoup mesye “Chevaliers de Colomb” (Knights of Columbus) yo ap envite nou tout nan yon sware dansant stil kòboy. Yo mande pou nou mete bot kòboy, chapo nou ak pantalon ou jip jeans epi vin patisipe ak tout fanmyi nou nan bèl sware sa a. Vandredi, 7 Novanm 7è a 11è pm nan sal pawasyal la. Ap gen mizik, manje, yon dansè pwofesyonèl kap aprann nou fè kèk ti pa kòboy. Tikè yo an vant deja: $17 pou adilt, $7 pou timoun jiska douz an. 2 de Noviembre de 2014 - Todos los Fieles Difuntos MIRANDO HACIA EL ÚLTIMO DIA Hoy la Iglesia recuerda a todos los que han caminado el camino de Cristo y han pasado a la otra vida. Las lecturas todas miran al último día, cuando todos resucitaremos de entre los muertos y nos encontraremos de nuevo. El profeta Daniel anuncia palabras de prevención y bienestar. Nos previene sobre el juicio que ha de venir, pero también nos consuela y nos asegura que todo el que vive una vida de virtud y de justicia alcanzará la vida eterna. La lectura de romanos nos recuerda que, por la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Cristo y por nuestra participación en ese misterio pascual mediante el Bautismo, nosotros ahora compartimos esa nueva vida que Cristo nos ganó. Este reconocimiento tiene repercusiones: necesitamos vivir justamente ahora, para poder alcanzar la vida eterna con Cristo en el último día. En el Evangelio Jesús promete que ninguno de aquellos que el Padre le ha confiado se perderá. Todos los justos serán resucitados para gozar y vivir eternamente en la presencia de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Fil 2:1-4; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:12-14 Martes: Fil 2:5-11; Sal 22 (21):26b-32; Lc 14:15-24 Miércoles: Fil 2:12-18; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Lc 14:25-33 Jueves: Fil 3:3-8a; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 15:1-10 Viernes: Fil 3:17 — 4:1; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 16:1-8 Sábado: Fil 4:10-19; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lc 16:9-15 Domingo: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 “La misión en la Iglesia Católica de San Bartolomé es reflejar el amor de Dios a todos quienes nos reunimos, para fortalecer nuestra comunidad de fe a través de la adoración, educación, compañerismo, corresponsabilidad y actos de amor y caridad, de modo que podamos dirigir a personas de todas las procedencias a nuestro Señor Jesucristo”. Historia del Rosario En 1978 el Papa Juan Pablo II sorprendió al mundo, poco después de ser elegido Pontífice, con esta frase en la Plaza de San Pedro: “Mi oración preferida es el Rosario” (29 de octubre) y luego en muchísimas ocasiones fue recomendando esta hermosa práctica de piedad. Suyas son las siguientes exclamaciones: “El Rosario es una escalera para subir al cielo”(29 de octubre 1979) “El Rosario nos proporciona dos alas para elevarnos en la vida espiritual: la oración mental y la oración vocal” (29 de abril 1979). “Es la oración más sencilla a la Virgen, pero la más llena de contenidos bíblicos”(21 de octubre 1979). Cuando fue en peregrinación al santuario de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Octubre, Pompeya, Juan Pablo II hizo allá un bellísimo sermón acerca del Rosario. En el dijo: “El Rosario es nuestra oración predilecta. Cuando la rezamos, está la Sma. Virgen rezando con nosotros. En el Mes del Rosario rosario hacemos lo que hacía María, meditamos en nuestro corazón los misterios de Cristo” (Lc. 2, 19).
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St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and School
Wednesday Dinner and to plan for the year.
* Denotes Celebrant for that Mass:
Fr. A = Fr. Andrew; Fr. E = Fr. Esteker
(T)= In Thanksgiving (L)= Living ✝= Deceased
Welcome Father Esteker Elysée!
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Johnny Cadet
Marie Verdiner
Angela Espy
Eoin Kavanagh
Elena Miranda
Adriana Freedman
Kelly Tymecki
Sheila Silva
André Grégoire
Theresa Aller
Sylvie Casale
Betty Aguirre...
possess any boss to pay the same wages to a person who
worked only a few minutes as someone who worked a full day?
This parable calls us to dig deeper into the reality to which the
story points. Co...
Felisa Limos
Marie Verdiner
Angela Espy
Eoin Kavanagh
Elena Miranda
Brian Bouquio
Adriana Freedman
Kelly Tymecki
Judith Vasquez
Sheila Silva
Marito Maddatu
André Grégoire
Theresa Aller
Candy La...
2-1-15 - St. Bartholomew
7:30 AM Fr. A ✝ Carl Smith
9:00 AM Fr. J Ursula Domingue (L)
11:00 AM Fr. A Adetola Daranijo (T) Birthday