August 7th 2016 - St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church


August 7th 2016 - St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church
The Parish of St. Aloysius
592 Middle Neck Road • Great Neck, NY 11023-1217
Phone: 516-482-2770 • Fax: 516-829-3504 • E-mail:
Website: • Rectory Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
With St. Aloysius we pray to live lives worthy of the call to be Apostles of Hope,
encouraging one another and building one another up through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm (English), 7:30 pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 7:30 am, 10:15 am, 12:15 pm (English), 8:30 am & 3:00 pm (Korean)
Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am
Saturday: 8:30 am
Our Pastoral Staff
Rev. Rene O. Tapel, Pastor
Rev. Seungyong Joseph Yi, S.D.B.
Korean Community
Jack Baumann
Business Manager
Bertha del Carpio
Outreach Director
Rev. Pilar Arnulfo Urquilla
Spanish Community
Sharon Snorteland
Pre-K Director - 516-482-5644
Rel. Ed. Director - 516-482-5660
Deacon Stephen Choi
Lisa Mischke
Music Director
Geraldine Quinn
Rectory Office Administrator
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Celebrated on the second Sunday of each month at 2 pm. In order to participate in this celebration, parents
must register at the Rectory Office for our pre-baptism program.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples planning to marry should contact the Rectory Office before visiting a reception hall. The preparation
process is nine months before your proposed wedding date. Call the Rectory Office for further information.
SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Children in the seventh and eight grades are prepared to celebrate this Sacrament through the
Religious Education Program. Adults prepare for this Sacrament through the RCIA process. Call the Rectory Office for further information.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession/Penance): Available Tuesday morning following Novena, Friday morning immediately after
the 8:00 am Mass and Saturdays from 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm and any time at the Rectory by appointment with a priest.
SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In the case of serious, unexpected illness, please contact the Rectory Office to arrange
for a priest to pray with the ill person. For those about to enter the hospital, anointing of the Sick is held on the first Saturday of the month
following the 8:30 am Mass.
SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS: Anyone interested in exploring the vocation to the priesthood or the diaconate should call the Rectory
Office. Those interested in living their lives as Religious Sisters or Brothers, should call the Rectory.
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Aloysius R. C. Church
August 7, 2016
Page Two
CODE: (PC) Parish Center (CH) Church (NH) Nursing Home
(OP) Out of Parish (PG) Parish Grounds (RE) Rectory
SATURDAY - August 6
8:30 AM Juana Hijar †
VIGIL: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM Mary & Anthony Winsky †
7:30 PM Rita Rodriguez † (Spanish Language)
Maria Quintanilla †
SUNDAY - August 7 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 AM Marge Ellwood †
10:15 AM Maria & Gerardo Rendina †
12:15 PM Brian F.X. FitzGerald †
Peter & Anna Turski (30th Wedding Anniv)
3:00 PM
(Korean Community)
MONDAY - August 8
8:00 AM Guido Purinan †
TUESDAY - August 9
8:00 AM Juana Hijar †
WEDNESDAY - August 10
8:00 AM Guadalupe & Cipriano Mejia
THURSDAY - August 11
8:00 AM Thomas J. Castle †
4:00 PM
August 7
Korean Community
8:00 PM
August 8
AA Weekly Meeting
8:30 AM
7:00 PM
August 9
Miraculous Medal Novena
Charismatic Prayer Group
Wednesday August 10
7:00 PM
Charismatic Prayer Group
10:30 AM
7:00 PM
August 11
Rosary at Grace Plaza
Charismatic Prayer Group
7:00 PM
August 12
Spanish Choir Practice
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
4:00 PM
August 13
Saturday Morning Prayer Group
Food Pantry (9:30AM-11AM)
9:30 AM
August 14
Korean Community (9:30AM-4PM)
FRIDAY - August 12
8:00 AM Anthony Battaglino †
SATURDAY - August 13
8:30 AM Akunwata Aghadiuno
VIGIL: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM Joseph Erker †
7:30 PM Juana Hijar † (Spanish Language)
SUNDAY - August 14 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 AM John Brennan †
8:30 AM
(Korean Language)
10:15 AM Felice Malfi †
12:15 PM Rosetta Pisano †
Grayson Hunter Lyons †
Shannon Angerome †
3:00 PM
(Korean Community)
A † signifies the person remembered at this Mass is deceased.
like to bring up the gifts during the
Offertory at Mass, either because it
is your preference or because the
Mass intention is for a friend or
relative, You Must Inform an
Usher Before Mass.
Altar Rose
is offered this week in loving memory of
Nicoletta, Alfonso & Leonardo Balducci
Requested by Fran & Vinny
Blessed Mother Rose
is offered this week
Thank you for all of the prayers, cards and
well wishes during my recovery
Requested by Marge Hyland
Sanctuary Light
is offered this week in loving memory of
Mary Cournane
Requested by Deacon Stephen Choi
St. Aloysius R. C. Church
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Three
Fr. Rene’s Letter
Dear Parishioners,
Our Lord Jesus in today’s Gospel bids his disciples, including us:
“Sell your belongings and give alms.”
“Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out…,
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
“Gird your loins and light your lamps…”
“Much will be required of the person entrusted with much,
and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”
“Is this parable meant for us or for everyone?” Peter asks. Echoing Peter’s question, we also
inquire, is the Gospel for all of us or merely for a small group of especially pious and saintly people?
Surely, not everyone is called to sell everything. The path of complete poverty chosen by St. Francis
of Assisi or St. Dominic, or by St. Aloysius cannot be for everyone. Yet, rich or poor, as God’s
children, we can give alms, that is, helping others by using the abundant graces received at our
baptism and confirmation and the Eucharist. Gifted in so many ways, we must remove the fear that
keeps us from showing ourselves fully as a person with many gifts intended by God to be shared.
And we cannot play small so that our lamps are not burning brightly. If we do, others will follow us by
refusing to glow. “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much….”
Our Lord’s bidding to “lay up treasure in heaven” as well as his implied critical question “where is
your treasure….the values that are decisive in your life?” holds good for us personally. We cannot
ignore them, or simply leave our response to anyone else. At the final reckoning, the only thing we
can take with us are our good works—the only treasures we show before God. I guess, you and I
should be worried more about ourselves than about how many people the Gospel applies to. Does
the Gospel still strike home for you….apply to you personally?
And finally, a minister was driving down the road when he got pulled over by a Police Officer. The
Officer came up to the window and smelled alcohol. He saw a thermos and said, “Sir, what are you
drinking?” The Minister said, “Just water, Officer.” He asked to see the thermos, took one sniff and
said, “Smells like wine to me.” The Minister said, “What do you know; Jesus did it again!”
Fr. Rene
Could you take another look?
*The celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is an action of Christ and of the people of God. In it God sanctifies the world in Christ; and the
people offer to God. Therefore, it is of the greatest importance.
*At Mass, we the people of God are called together, with the priest presiding and acting in the person of Christ — to celebrate the Memorial of the
Lord or Eucharistic Sacrifice.
*In the celebration of the Mass the Sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated, and Christ is really present: in the assembly gathered in his name, in the
person of the minister, in his Word, in substantially and uninterruptedly under the Eucharistic species.
Since it is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is an act of Christ and of the Church, it is endowed always with its efficacy and dignity, and it is carried out
by means of perceptible and visible signs by which the faith is nourished, strengthened, and expressed.
St. Aloysius R. C. Church
August 7, 2016
Page Four
Thank you for your continued generosity and support.
May God supply you in all your needs.
Third Announcement
Michael Rocco & Carolyn Geller
Friday, August 12th, 2016
St. Aloysius Church
David Pareti & Ariana Tantillo
Friday, August 12th, 2016
St. Aloysius Church
First Announcement
Steven Alvarado & Glennis Rodriguez
Friday, August 26th, 2016
St. Aloysius Church
Saturday, August 13th
5:00PM - M. Bernatovich, S. Snorteland, J. Lam
7:30PM - E. Urrutia, J. Lara
Sunday, August 14th
7:30AM - F. Krupski, (2) Volunteer
10:15AM - P. Suarez, C. & D. Nochella
12:15PM - N. & U. Malwitz, L. Rovegno
Saturday, August 13th
5:00PM - J. Chaisson, A. Apaza
7:30PM - A. Vasquez, M. Sosa
Sunday, August 14th
7:30AM - Sister Francis Marie
10:15AM - R. Stapleton
12:15PM - C. Owen
Saturday, August 13th
5:00PM - R. Deem, G. Leung, Volunteer
7:30PM - L. Santana, C. Serpas, S. Campeche
Sunday, August 14th
7:30AM - J. Lara
10:15AM - J. & V. Ciciliato, E. Fok
12:15PM - C. & G. Burgos, A. Baklajian
The St. Aloysius Sociables will meet for lunch at
Jonathan’s Restaurant, 2499 Jericho Turnpike,
Garden City Park on Wednesday, August 10th at
1PM. Come join us!
All parishioners and friends are
Please call John Hyland at 482-3795
to reserve a place.
Mass Book 2017 … On Monday, September 12th, we will begin to accept Intentions for Announced Masses for the Year
2017. If you would like to reserve a Mass in memory of a loved one for the year 2017, come to the Rectory Office on any
weekday (Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 3PM), starting Monday, September 12th. If you have several Mass intentions, please
bring a list with correct spelling of names and the dates you will be requesting.
Please note that our 12:15PM Sunday Mass will be designated for “Collective Mass Intentions”. We will accept up to
five intentions for this Mass.
St. Aloysius R. C. Church
August 7, 2016
Page Five
St. Vincent de Paul Society - Outreach Office
Next Food Pantry: August 13th 9:30AM-11AM
In this Gospel, Jesus says “Sell your belongings and give
alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not
wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no
thief can reach nor moth destroy.”
Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring
respite and hope to the elderly who are not able to
find relief from the summer heat, and you will indeed
find “an inexhaustible treasure in heaven!”
All our SICK AND HOMEBOUND especially,
Bess Aleksa, Alfredo Alvaro, Melina Arango,
Hans Berglund, Rose Cangialosi, Paolo Cavalle,
Madeline Corno, John Cossman, Tom Farley,
Lillian Fernandez, Karla Guerra, Elizabeth Hill,
Rosa Hinosproza, Sophie Hogan, Agnes Howard,
Paul Kalafatic, Rosemarie Kokis, Therese Kokis,
Judi LaRocca, James Leung, Judith McAdams,
Graviel Palacio, Nicholas Pedone,
Raymond Plakstis Jr., Jace Quinn, Gene Rivera,
Ann Sabourin, Janet Senecal, Justin Seims,
Already we are making up classes that will begin in
September. Our new books have been delivered. Our
classrooms are being cleaned. Our Catechists and Class
Moms are falling into place. If you need a registration
form for someone that you might know, please call our
office at 482-5660.
A word about Baptism: If your child has NOT been
baptized before they enter Kindergarten, then it is
required that they must complete ONE FULL year of
formal Religious Education before they can receive the
Sacrament of Baptism.
Our Religious Education Program continues to help
those students who have missed Sacraments. We help
to make it easy and rewarding as your older child
"catches up" on Baptism, Communion, Penance or even
Confirmation. Our office would be happy to speak to
you about your individual situation and concerns
regarding Sacraments. Please do not put it off any
longer. Give us a call!
At this time we are still missing a few registration
forms for returning students (a new form must be
completed each year to update phone numbers,
emergency contacts and even addresses). We will
contact those students by mail in the coming week.
Gene Tesoriero, Ida Tesoriero, Frank Vignola,
Ellen Ward, Andrew Wykowski & Jennifer Yap.
And for all our FAITHFUL DEPARTED .
When the circumstances change for someone listed above or they return to better
health, a family member or friend should notify the Rectory.
Blessed Virgin Mary, is
not a Holy Day of
Obligation this year due
to the fact that it falls on
a Monday.
Our only
August 15 will be at
Our 2016 Summer Camp is in progress. The last week
of Camp is July 25-29. If you are looking for a place
for your little one (ages 2.5 through 5) to spend a few
hours during the summer, please call us at 482-5644.
You can sign up by the day or by the week. This might
be a great idea for a visiting grandchild! Limited space
is available. We would be glad to help in any way that
we can.
We are also taking applications now for the 2016-17
School Year. Students must be 2 years 9 months of
age by September 1st. We also have a few students
waiting to join us in January 2017. Our tuition is very
affordable when compared to others in the
neighborhood. Call us for any further information or to
set up a "tour" of our Pre-Kindergarten.
St. Aloysius R. C. Church
August 7, 2016
Page Six
Los bautizos en español se celebrarán los primeros domingos del mes a las
2:00 PM. Favor llamar a Bertha del Carpio (516) 829-8343, con un mes
de anticipación. La charla de preparación Bautismal se realiza el último
lunes de cada mes.
Bautismo de niños mayores – Si su niño ya asiste a la escuela regular,
necesitará un tiempo de preparación en nuestro programa de Formación en
la Fe para poder recibir el Bautismo. Para mayor información llamar a
Bertha del Carpio o a la Oficina de Educacion Religiosa (516) 482-5660.
Los padrinos deben ser Católicos, mayores de 16 años, que han recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo,
Primera Comunión y Confirmación; solteros o casados por la Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación
indicando que están registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia donde viven o adonde asisten a Misa. No
pueden ser padrinos las personas que tienen pareja sin estar casados por la Iglesia.
Por favor llamar a la Rectoría para dar el nombre del bebe y la fecha en que lo traerá a la Iglesia para la
presentación; de esa manera podremos avisar al sacerdote que celebrará la Misa. La Presentación de recién
nacidos tiene lugar el último sábado de cada mes
El niño o niña deberá haber recibido ya el Sacramento del Bautismo. Por lo menos seis meses antes de la
celebración y antes de hacer arreglos con el Salón para la Fiesta, por favor llamar a la Rectoría para
reservar la fecha para la Misa.
Si desea sólo una bendición con ocasión de los tres años del niño/niña, esta será celebrada el último
sábado del mes durante la Misa en español. Por favor llamar a la Rectoría para hacerlo saber; de esa
manera podremos avisar al sacerdote que celebrará la Misa.
La quinceañera deberá tener sus sacramentos de iniciación: Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación.
Por lo menos seis meses antes de la celebración y antes de hacer arreglos con el Salón para la Fiesta, por
favor llamar a la Rectoría para reservar la fecha para la Misa.
Por favor llamar a la Rectoría por lo menos nueve meses antes de la fecha de la boda para hacer una cita
con el sacerdote. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas asistan a Pre-Cana (charlas pre-matrimoniales)
para poder casarse. Para mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría.
Todos los sábados después de la Misa en Español. Para confesiones en otros días llamar a la Rectoria.