Luanda Real Estate Market 2011-2014 Perspectives


Luanda Real Estate Market 2011-2014 Perspectives
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Luanda Real Estate Market
2011-2014 Perspectives
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
When you visit Angola, even if it’s for the first time, you discover a
country that is being rebuilt, that is more stable and is totally involved
in being developed. The most relevant question in all this process is
the way in which this growth is being achieved. In its programme the
government is mainly concerned with basic issues such as housing,
education, health and transportation.
When you arrive in Luanda the scene which meets you is one of
enormous movement, due to the existence of countless cranes which
show new construction in progress. Hardly are you out of the airport
than you have to face traffic jams which are partly due to the
reorganisation of the road network.
But all these factors are only the collateral damage inherent in the
development of a country which was involved in a war which lasted
for 25 years, but which now wants to achieve in a few years time the
status of the principal city of Africa.
The implementation of new policies, the social and economic stability
and the existence of rich natural resources are the basis of the
national reconstruction of a country which wants and needs to grow.
Jones Lang LaSalle, to monitor their business partners in new
ventures, turns out to be partly co-operative development is expected
to Luanda.
Pedro Lancastre
Managing Director
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
The Country
The Republic of Angola is situated on the west coast of Africa and Luanda is the capital of Angola and its largest city. It is also the
has an area of 1,246,700 km². It is bounded on the north and east by capital of the province of the same name. It is located on the Atlantic
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the east by Zambia, on the coast and it is the main administrative centre of Angola.
south by Namibia and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean.
The population of Luanda has increased in the last two decades as a
The country is divided into 18 provinces and the capital is the city of result of the vast flood of people who fled from the rural areas to the
Luanda which occupies an area of 2,257 km², about 0.2% of the area capital during the Angolan civil war and as a result of migration from
of the country.
neighbouring countries, including in particular the Democratic
Republic of the Congo.
The main urban centres, besides the capital Luanda, are Lobito,
Benguela, Huambo and Lubango.
Luanda currently has a population of approximately 8 million
inhabitants, which makes it the third largest Portuguese
Main Angolan cities (population 2005)
speaking city in the world, after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
The population of Luanda
Source: IMF
Source: Provincial Government of Luanda
Angola is the second largest
producer of oil and exporter
of diamonds in sub-Saharan
The headquarters of the main companies of the country – Telecom,
Unitel, Endiama and Sonangol among others - are in Luanda.
There are currently many international companies operating in
Luanda, coming particularly from Brazil, China and Portugal.
Among the various Portuguese companies in Angola the largest
group is in the construction sector.
The estimated number of inhabitants in 1995 was 11 million, of whom
49.3% were men and 50.7% were women. 32% of the population
lived in urban areas and 53% were economically active. It is
estimated that in 1995 Luanda had about 3 million inhabitants.
Source: IMF
According to the figures from the IMF the Republic of Angola
currently has about 19 million inhabitants and about 57% of the
population lives in cities.
Edifer, Teixeira Duarte, Opway,
Mota Engil, Soares da Costa
Grupo Lena, Casais, Somague and
Monte Adriano
Nestlé, Unicer
BES, BPI, Millenium
KPMG, Century 21,
Miranda Correia Amendoeira &
Associados, Novabase
Source: JLL
In spite of the difficulties inherent in establishing a brand abroad
various companies have tried to set up in the Angolan market, as is
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
the case with GelPeixe and CentralCer. It has recently been
announced that Sonae and Condis have formed a partnership to
develop a supermarket network together under the Continente name.
Economic Context
It is forecast that 2011 will be
a year of consolidation of the
economic recovery which
started in 2010
During the course of 2010 there was an improvement in the current
It is forecast by the IMF that this year there will be growth of 7.5%.
balance of payments, mostly due to the growth in the oil sector.
Another important factor which also contributed to this improvement
was the balance of trade.
Rate of inflation (%)
This situation has been brought under control because of the
reduction in imports which happened directly because of the fall in
In terms of public finances there was a rise in tax income in 2010
although it was not as great as expected and was dependent on the
oil business
Efforts were also made to cut public expenditure and the plan was to
stabilise it during 2011, in spite of the forecast that it will continue to
be dependent on movements in the price of oil in international
Source: IMF
Rate of real growth in GDP (%)
GDP (%)
Souce: ANIP
The government has taken measures to bring down inflation by at
least one percent but it is considered that this could be too ambitious
a target to be reached during 2011.
Source: IMF
For that to be possible other equally important measures need to be
taken, such as a reduction in the reliance of the Angolan market on
imported goods, as well as such imported goods being made scarcer
through customs duties and better transportation within the country of
locally produced goods.
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
These figures show some of the great differences which there are
between those who live in Luanda and those who live in the other
provinces of Angola.
The INE (Angolan National Statistics Institute) reports to the Planning
ministry of the Republic of Angola. In August 2010 it reported the
One of the other major government programmes for this mandate is
results of an inquiry made into the well being of the population.
in the field of education. The most pressing concerns are to increase
(IBEP), which resulted from a survey of the population of Angola in
the rate of national literacy, which is around 65.6% for the population
2008 and 2009.
over 14 years old. The figures also show that 77.2% of the population
gets a primary education and only 20.6% go on to secondary
As the Institute was still in the process of organization the survey
carried out only dealt with 3 elements:
National Index – Angola
Population resident in urban areas – Urban
Population living in rural areas – Rural
Health is an equally important area which is also among the priorities
set out in the government programme.
53% of the people who were sick but could not consult a doctor
stated that the main reason was a question of transportation.
It should be noted that only 17.7% of the women between 12 and 49
who are married, or cohabite, use a contraceptive. Of the women in
this age range who have had children only 37.2% received advice
According to IBEP the average age of the population is about 15, about HIV and Aids during their anti natal consultations.
and the masculinity index stands at 93, while the total dependency
index is 1.01 and the aging index is only 0.05.
Another relevant fact which was reported by IBEP relates to the
In relation to income, on the basis of the average monthly income per
fertility rate. It shows that the majority of women are about 18 years
person, the IBEP survey showed that there is a big discrepancy
old when they have their first child and 61.9% of women have their
between urban and rural areas:
first child before they have reached the age of 20.
The infant mortality rate is another important indicator. It is 11.5% for
children under a year old and about 19% for children less than 5
years old.
This survey also covered some questions about housing and
environment. It was found that 90.9 % of the population lives in urban
areas without proper services, while 78.5% of the population lives in
bad housing conditions and 42.5% lives in over-crowded homes.
These figures corroborate one of the main aims outlined by the
government of Angola, the pressing need for one million homes to be
In relation to amenities and well-being the outstanding fact is that
only 0.7% of the urban population has access to a fixed line phone
and this access is mostly for those who live in urban centres. On the
other hand the national percentage rises to 32.6% when the
population which has access to mobile phones is taken into account.
In that case the urban population has a penetration rate of 52.8%
compared to 6.3% for those who live in rural areas.
Urban Areas
Rural Areas
NOTE: Monthly income in Kwanzas
60% of such average monthly income came from the exercise of a
profession, while 24% was from self employment and 16% from nonwork sources.
On the other hand the monthly average expenditure was as follows:
Urban Areas
NOTE: Amounts in Kwanzas
Rural Areas
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Divided as follows:
Poverty Index
Breakdown of average monthly expenditure
Food Products
Housing Expenses
Clothes, shoes
Leisure, fun and culture
Alcohol, tobacco
Other goods and services
Source: Ministry of Planning
Source: Ministry of Planning
As we can see from this table about 36% of the population resident in
Angola lives below the national poverty line and this percentage is
Average expenditure on food was also the subject of detailed
even higher when we look at the population resident in rural areas
analysis by IBEP, and it was found that about 30% was spent on
(58.3%), compared with 18.7% for those living in urban areas.
vegetables and 20% on cereals.
According to information from the government the IBRP is up till now
the largest survey made since April 2002. It covered the 18 provinces
of Angola and went to about 12,000 family units.
Average expenditure on food
Vegetables and other horticultural
Cereals and cereal products
Fish Products
Meat Products
Bread and bakery products
Oils and fats
Alcoholic beverages
Spending in restaurants, cafes and
Milk, cheese and eggs
Non-alcoholic beverages
Sugar, confectionery, honey and other
products based on sugar
Other food products
Source: Ministry of Planning
Child labour was another question asked by IBEP. It showed that
about 20% of the population in the age range between 5 and 14
years old does some work, with a slightly higher rate for those who
live in rural areas.
IBEP publishes a poverty index which is calculated on the basis of
consumption per family unit and has been adjusted for the
differences in the cost of living and for consumption needs. By
calculating basic needs a level of absolute poverty was set.
The Censes of the population of Angola is due to take place in July
and August 2013.
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
The Real Estate Market
The Bay of Luanda
Reconstruction is evident in almost all parts of Luanda, from the
visible rebuilding of the road system, which is making traffic even
more difficult, to the decontamination and renovation of the Bay of
Luanda which will revitalise the costal strip. The future widening of
the Avenida 4 de Fevereiro, the construction of 12 car parks,
landscaping and leisure areas and a large investment in building new
homes are various examples of the dynamism of the city.
One of the best known places in the city of Luanda is the Av. 4 de
Fevereiro – generally known as the Marginal, which is currently being
This avenue runs from the port of Luanda to the link with the island of
Cabo. The plan is to improve and upgrade it, provide better access
from other roads and build a pedestrian promenade.
The estimated cost of re-designing and rebuilding the Marginal of
Luanda is approximately 2 billion dollars. It should lead to 2,000 jobs
during the reconstruction phase and about 1,200 permanent jobs.
The programme for the Bay is aimed at reducing the environmental
impact and its main objective is to respond to the lack of homes,
offices, shops, hotels, tourism and leisure. This development has
been approved by the council of ministers and it will be supervised by
ANIP – The National Private Investment agency.
The Bay of Luanda in the 70’s
In relation to permissions granted for new buildings, the GLA licensed
in 2009 was about 53% lower in terms of total area than the space
authorised in the previous year.
71% of the GLA licensed was for residential buildings.
Licences granted in 2009
Comércio/Serv iços
The Bay of Luanda at night
Luanda National stadium
This landmark of Luanda, which is located in the area of Camama,
was completed at the beginning of 2010 and was inaugurated on the
occasion of Can 2010 – Angola (African Nations Cup).
Source: Ministry of Planning
The roof with its striking design by architect Mário Sua Kay was
We note some of the main current and expected future developments intended to symbolise the horns of the Palanca Negra (the antilope
in Luanda, which clearly show the fast rate of growth of the city.
which is one of the main symbols of Angola).
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
The Luanda National stadium has a capacity of 50,000 spectators, a
presidential box whith 120 seats, a press box with 200 seats, 400
places reserved for the disabled, a VIP box with about 2.000 seats,
offices and an athletics track with 8 lanes.
Every day a number of ships are obliged to anchor in the Bay of
Luanda while they wait for a space to dock. According to recent
forecasts by the management company the port of the Angolan
capital will reach breaking point in 2015, the year by which the new
port should already be functioning. It will be located about 30 km to
the North of Luanda next to the Barra do Dande.
Luanda National Stadium
The University area of Luanda
Another emblematic project of the state is to re-launch education in
Angola and to create a variety of different projects on a 2,000 hectare
site in Luanda Sul.
This University City is intended to house 17,000 students from all the
provinces of the country and it will be developed in three phases. The
plan calls for the construction of 9 faculties, a secondary school, a
geology museum and an engineering building.
There will also be a number of support buildings including a
university hospital, a research centre, a botanical garden, a plant
centre, a centre for advanced study and research, a centre for
education and population surveys, a national centre of phytogenetic
resources, a sports complex, conference hall, university theatre,
hotel, VIP restaurants and ceremonial areas.
The port of Luanda in the 70’s
The strong current demographic pressure is visible and is very clear
in the number of people who live in large slums called “musseques”,
which are spread all over the city and on the periphery of Luanda
This is one of the main reasons why the government has
defined as one of the priorities of this mandate the development
of a plan of national reconstruction which includes among other
items a bold plan for the construction of one million new homes
The government plans that the project will support the development
in properly prepared residential areas.
of the capital, and there are plans that there will be a residential
complex, facilities such as a creche, police station, health centre,
Although it has been proposed that such residential areas be
clinic, gymnasiums, changing rooms and a school as well as leisure
developed in various regions of the country the capital has been
given priority. This is due to the pressing and urgent need to clear the
areas next to the centre of Luanda, and for such areas to be used for
The Port of Luanda
other purposes in accordance with the master plan for the expansion
Situated in the shelter of the Bay of Luanda the port of Luanda is one of the city of Luanda.
of the busiest ports in sub-Saharan Africa. It has recently been
extended so that it can take the traffic which arrives daily and which
accounts for the entry of 70% of Angolan imports and exports
(excluding oil/crude).
An average of three ships a day currently arrives at the port of
Luanda, principally with imported products. The imports can be
divided into two large groups: industrial products and food products.
The loading and unloading is done partly by the port cranes and
partly by the ships’ own means.
Kilamba Kiaxe
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
It is intended that the various residential developments will lead to the
creation of homes for the middle class which is beginning to emerge
in Luanda. Their homes do not currently have reasonable living
Another important place is the island of Cabo, where the best known
and talked about restaurants and bars of Luanda are located. The
process of urban renovation has already begun there and the
fishermen’s houses have given way to buildings directed at the
middle-upper range.
Through the government programme “My dream, my house” and with
the help of public-private partnerships authentic cities are being This zone belongs to the Ingombata council. This area is considered
created. The aim is for them to have the necessary social amenities the “Modern Zone” and includes the port of Luanda and various
such as creches and schools (in relation to education), as well as shops and offices.
shops and services and sports and cultural facilities among other
Nova Vida (1ª phase)
Nova Vida (2ª phase)
Kilamba Kiaxe (2ª phase)
Kilamba Kiaxe (3ª phase)
Kilamba Kiaxe (1ª phase)
Completed and occupied
Under construction
Under construction
Under construction
The first residential zone with all the necessary facilities and
amenities is in the south of the city and is better known as Talatona.
This is divided between middle-high class Angolans and a large
number of ex-patriots who are living in Luanda for professional
Coqueiros Luanda Living
The council of Cazenga is also of great economic interest, not only
because it was an important industrial area in the 70’s but because
various industries are located there, particularly those making textile
and food products.
Viana and Cacuaco can be considered the councils with the greatest
In spite of the rapid residential development and the presence of a
potential in the province of Luanda as they are zoned in the plans as
number of condominiums Talatona is not yet considered the best
having great potential for development, with large scale residential
area in Luanda.
developments as well as facilities and industries important for the
development of Angola.
Cristal Terrace in Luanda
The suburb of Miramar is actually one of the main residential areas of
the city of Luanda, and that is where the embassies and the
delegations from other coutries delegations of the other countries
which are represented in Angola are located. It is also where the
official palace of the president of Angola is situated.
There are some weekend homes of well-known society and state
personalities on the island of Mussulo. Access can only been
obtained by boat which normally belongs to the home owner.
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Main New Residencial Zones
25.000 houses
21.000 houses
35.000 houses
80.000 houses
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
The demographic pressure extends to a large extent across the
whole real estate market and applies especially in relation to the
construction of office buildings. The result is that dozens of large
office buildings are under construction in the area of the bay of
Luanda. They are aimed at providing accommodation for the ever
growing number of companies that want to set up in Angola.
Four areas of the city of Luanda have been defined as the main office
zones: Baixa (downtown, historic area, next to the Marginal / Bay of
Luanda), City (which covers the councils of Maianga, Rangel,
Kilamba Kiaxi and part of Ingombota), Luanda Sul (Talatona, Benfica
and Samba) and other Zones (Camama, Viana and Cacuaco).
Among the existing buildings we note:
Completed buildings
Year of construction: 2004
Area: 50,000m² (GCA)
Nº of Floors: 24
Height: 102 m
Location: Next to Largo de
Kinaxixi, in the Bairro de
Year of construction: 2009
Area: 40,000m²
Nº of Floors: 28
Height: 120m
Location: Largo do Ambiente
Year of construction: 2011
Area: 132,000m²
Nº of Floors: 29
Height: 100m
Location: Rua Rainha Ginga
Of the new buildings that shaped a new image of the Bay of Luanda,
to enhance the building Sonangol with its 23 floors and about 95.5 m
high, which is located in downtown Luanda.
Of the many office buildings that are currently under construction, to
enhance the Muxima Plaza with its 14 floors and Kinaxixi Towers
with 15 floors.
Under the programme presented by the provincial government of
Luanda it is intended that the centre of the city of Luanda becomes
the business, administrative and financial centre of Angola. For that
reason a number of logistics platforms are being developed which
are intended to respond to the pressing current needs.
Industrial Development Hubs (PDI) and Special Economic Areas
Buildings under construction
(Comandante Gika)
Year of construction: 2011
Area: 67,600m²
Nº of Floors: 21
Height: not available
Location: Av. Comandante
ZEE Luanda - Bengo
One of the main concerns of the state has been to ensure that the
national economy grows in a sustained and diversified manner so as
to respond to the growing needs of the population. The council of
ministers therefore created the PDI’s in various ZEE’s spread
throughout the various provinces of the country.
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Because of its size and location the ZEE of Luanda is described as of
Luanda – Bengo. It is located between the councils of Viana and
Cacuaco, and covers industrial and retail hubs.
This industrial hub has become very important because Angola is
mainly an importer and needs to change this position in order to get
greater economic and financial growth.
It is planned that this development will include about 70 factory units,
Belas Business Park
making textiles, food, pharmaceuticals, steel, and building products.
It should be noted that the government of Angola will create about
140,000 jobs through this mega development.
Park One
Logistics platform developed by BBINVEST and by the IDIA – the
Industrial Development Institute of Angola. It will be located on
Luanda ring road and is in front of the residential development
ZANGO. It will respond to the logistical and industrial needs in this
As is usual in this type of format it will have a residential and retail
component designed to serve the needs of the people who regularly
work in the logistics platform.
The Angolan government believes in the potential of eco tourism in
the region. It wants to make the best use of such potential and of the
richness of traditional culture, beautiful beaches and the mountainous
To achieve this however, facilities need to be created which can
provide the necessary support. Some facilities were put in on the
occasion of CAN 2010, and these will serve only as a rehearsal for
the existing needs in the province of Luanda. Currently it is believed
that there could be about 352,000 m² of construction in progress with
approximately 98,000 m² at the design stage.
We note the following points of tourist interest in the province of
Luanda and Bengo:
Viana Business Park
Angola Business Park
Drago is currently developing this logistics and industrial platform. It
has an area of about 17 hectares, and is located to the north of the
city of Luanda.
It is intended that there will be a retail element which as usual will
support the functioning of the logistical and industrial companies
located there. This developer also plans to implement a network with
a platform in each of the provinces of Angola. Besides these large
size developments there are business parks which are located in
Talatona and in Viana. These house some of the companies who are
working in Angola, such as:
• Belas Business Park
• Viana Business Park
• Business Park de Viana
The rivers Kwanza and Dande
Cabo Ledo
Miradouro da Lua
Quiçama National park
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Teixeira Duarte is the operator which has been in Luanda for the
longest time, and it has two hotels in the city: the Alvalade and the
Trópico. In response to the strong demand in the market as well as to
the growth of the city it plans to launch the Hotel Baia which is due to
open in June of this year. It will be located on the Av. Dr. Agostinho
There is a lot of variety in shopping in Luanda. This characteristic of
an emerging market where the supply of shops is scarce and shops
are mixed up with other types of retail such as street sellers and
sellers of local produce.
In spite of the supply still being very rudimentary and often badly
located some internationally known brands such as Lacoste, Nike,
This will not be the only inauguration in the coming years as the Vip Pierre Cardin, Hugo Boss, Pepe Jeans and Cerrutti, among others,
chain plans shortly to open a five star Hotel – The Vip Grand Luanda, have shops.
which will be located on the Av. Comandante Gika, and will form part
of the development with the same name.
Among the current offer in the city of Luanda there are also the Tivoli,
Hotel Presidente and Skyna among others. There are five star hotels
in Luanda Sul, such as the Convention Hotel of Talatona which forms
part of the Talatona Convention centre.
There are also some brands which are known in the Portuguese
It should also be mentioned that the Pestana Group has announced market such as Press To, Pied Poule, Atmosphére, Cin, Robillac and
that it is going to build a luxury tourist complex in Luanda - the Moviflor, among others.
Pestana Luanda Bay, which will be located in the Bay of Luanda.
Other shops which have appeared in response to the growing
demand are Rouge perfume shops, ANDY’s boutiques, Priscila
Fashions and Angelus shoe shop.
The main streets in downtown Luanda are:
Main Hotels in Luanda
The Retail Market
The retail market in Luanda is another of the markets which is being
strongly developed with a rise in large size developments expected in
the coming years.
The supply is currently mainly high street shopping. It is very spread
out and is mainly located in downtown Luanda.
Rua Rainha Ginga;
Av. de Portugal;
Rua Presidente Marien N’Goubi;
Av. Cónego Manuel das Neves;
Av. Comandante Valódia;
Alameda Manuel Van-Dúnen;
Rua Amílcar Cabral;
Av. 1º Congresso do MPLA.
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Shopping Centres
In the province of Luanda there is at present only one shopping
centre which is similar to modern developments in international cities:
Belas Shopping.
This centre opened in 2007 and was developed in a joint venture by
HOGI and ODEBRECHT Angola. It is located in Talatona – Luanda
South, and it is the first shopping centre in Luanda, with a GLA of
approximately 17,000 m². It is all on one floor and there are about 92
Developer : Luana Park
Location: Close to the Luanda Stadium, next to the
Benfica / Viana / Cacuaco motorway, in the area of
Camama in Luanda Sul
Note: Due to open in 2012.
Belas Shopping
As a result of the high level of demand there have been a number of
rumours in the market about the development of new shopping
centres in Luanda.
It is expected that in the near future there will be various large size
developments in Luanda on a total of nearly 200,000 m². We list 3 of
the developments which have been announced, one of which is a
retail park.
Developer: PrimeImóveis and ShoppingGest, with
a design by Atelier de Arquitectura Óscar Santos.
Location: 5 minutes from the airport, on the Av.
Comandante Gika.
Brands: Jumbo, Pasta Café, Armani, Boss, Zegna,
Hard Rock Café Luanda, among other brands.
Note: Due to open in March 2012.
Developments by format
Retail Park
Shopping Centre
Source: JLL
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Kinaxixi Shopping will be located in Largo Kinaxixi, a prime area of
the city, and will have approximately 50.500 sqm.
Shopping Fortaleza is another Shopping Center noteworthy that is
developed by SOPROS, and will be located near the Marginal of
Luanda, between St. Michael’s Fort and the future Science and
Technology Museum.
Muxima Plaza, whose construction has already started, will be
developed by Imogestin. This project will be located in Largo Lumej
and includes offices and housing, in addition to the shopping Center.
Developer: GENEA Angola, this small shopping centre will
service a residential area which is still in course of
Location: Area of Viana, Highway Camama – Viana
Brands: Some brands will be there such as Pastelândia,
Burguer Land, Caluk Gift and Sistec.
Note: The residential area around this shopping centre is
designed to have 28 blocks.
Viana Park is a mixed project of retail and logistics which is located in
the Viana Industrial Zone, and intends to meet the needs of the Real
Estate Market developments of Luanda. The construction work is
being finished and the shops are starting to be occupied.
There are also rumors of a Shopping Center that will appear in the
Nova Vida housing complex, as well as the possibility of a Factory
Outlet appearing in the Lar do Patriota residential complex.
Present Supply
Future Supply
The largest number of food units belong to the
NOSSO brands Nosso Super (large size units) and
SUPER Poupa Lá (supermarkets), both belonging to
PRESILD – Programme for restructuring the
logistics and distribution system of essential products to the
population. It was set up by the government of Angola to organise
and modernise retailing in the country in order to widen the supply of
Jumbo is the current leader. It is located on the
JUMBO Av. Deolinda Rodrigues, and it is the largest essential products to the people of the country.
food unit in Luanda in the supermarket
segment. It is quite popular and has high visitor levels.
In relation to current wholesale units in the
province of Luanda, Maxi, which belongs to
the Teixeira Duarte group, is the cash and carry brand which has
Shoprite, a South African food shop
SHOPRITE chain, currently has about 3 units in been longest in the market. It has a number of units open and a
number in the pipeline.
Luanda and is the first food unit to open in a shopping centre – Belas
Mega Cash & Carry, Inalga and Mundo Verde are other brands which
are present in the Luanda market, and it is
expected that one of the shops of Inalga will
The chain of the brand Casa dos Frescos
be located in the development at
CASA DOS has an appealing visual display and
Viana Retail Park.
stands out in the current market in
There are already some food shops in the province of Luanda. They
are not enough however to satisfy the demand when current
estimates of the population resident in the province of Luanda and
the size of the province are taken into account.
Luanda, but in terms of positioning it is
directed at the upper end and as such it is not accessible to the vast As already stated, according to recent reports Sonae Distribuição is
going to enter the Angolan market with the Continente brand which
majority of the population.
will give a boost to the large food unit segment. It is due to bring to
Angola the classic model of a shopping centre based on a food
MaxiPark, South Luanda
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Middle Sized Units
There are middle sized shops and they are located in various places
spread throughout the province, from unexpected locations within the
city to places on the periphery of Luanda.
The supply of entertainment in
Luanda is currently scarce. There
are only 8 cinema screens and
these are located in Belas Shopping, in the area of Talatona. The
Most of these units are dedicated to selling household goods, such operator is the Brazilian company Cineplace.
as construction or decoration materials, which shows the lack in the
market of this type of materials and of furniture as well as of other Taking into account the number of large shopping centres due to
goods for the home.
open in the city of Luanda it is expected that the supply will increase.
The brand BricoMat has a number of
BRICOMAT units in Luanda and is already known
there. It is the brand with the most units in
the province of Luanda selling this type of product (DIY –
construction materials)
PRESILD also has a brand in the construction materials sector Nossa Casa, which is intended to support the national housing
As referred to above the mid size shops for
IMEXCO household goods and DIY are the large
shopping areas of this type which are most
evident in Luanda. Some of the brands also have units in the
province of Luanda:
Household goods: Moviflor, Spazio, Decolar, Akazza
DIY: BricoMat, Deconstrói, CasaCon, MCM
Taking into account the number of retail developments which are
planned, both in terms of shopping centres and expected retail parks
new brands will come into the Angolan market
According to information obtained there could in the future be 14
more cinema screens in Luanda, divided between the larger
shopping centres which are due to open in the city - Luanda
Shopping, Shopping Fortaleza, Kinaxixi and Muxima Plaza.
About Jones Lang LaSalle
Our services
Our vocation is to respond to developers, investors and occupiers,
and always to stay close to our clients throughout a real estate
Management of office buildings
Management of shopping centres
Since 1997 we have accumulated experience in shopping centres,
retail parks and outlet centres, and we are today the uncontested
leaders in consultancy and marketing for such developments.
Asset management
Retail agency
In the offices sector we have been active since 2002. We occupy a
leading position in agency and are the leading firm in Corporate
Solutions in the local market.
Tenant Representation
Office agency
Jones Lang LaSalle is recognised as being a real business partner
and is listed among the 400 best companies in the world.
Corporate solutions
Over the last 14 years we have succeeded in establishing our estate
agency in Portugal. It covers the areas of valuations, consultancy,
marketing, integrated management, real estate investment,
architecture and corporate solutions for companies.
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda Perspectivas 2011-2014
Jones Lang LaSalle Offices
Av. Duque d´Ávila nº 141 1ºdto
+351 21 358 32 22
+351 21 358 32 23
Pedro Lancastre
Managing Director
+ 351 21 358 32 22
Patrícia Araújo
Head of Retail Leasing
+ 351 21 358 32 22
Cristina Cristovão
Head of Consultancy & Research
+ 351 21 358 32 22
Maria José Vaquero
Head of Management Services
+351 21 358 32 22
Em parceria com
Business Development – General Manager
Luanda - Angola - TM - +244 934 117 962
TM- +351 916145384
O Mercado Imobiliário de Luanda – Perspectiva 2011-2014