Miss Universe 2011 is ANGOLAN


Miss Universe 2011 is ANGOLAN
Official Magazine of the Embassy of Angola to the USA
• Fall‑Winter 2011
President Barack Obama
accepted credentials from new
Angolan Ambassador to the U.S.
Page 27
assumed the Presidency
Page 15
Miss Universe
Is Angolan
Got Talent!
Page 41
Basketball Female National Team in
London Olympics in 2012 Page 51
Barack Obama
accepted credentials
from new Angolan
Ambassador to the US
Editorial ‑ Message to the Readers . . . . . 4
Angola News briefing . . . . . . . . . . . 5 > 11
Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 > 14
Two Women Presidents
Visited Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The train back to referee . . . . . . . . . .
History ‑ Memories / Chronic . . . 39 >
“The influence of Angola
in the U.S. Culture” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 >
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf,
President of Liberia,
2011 Nobel Peace Prize,
visited Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dilma Rousseff, President
of Brazil, visited Angola . . . . . . . . .
Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 >
31ª SADC Summit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State of the Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 >
Opening speech at
the Fourth Session of
the Legislative National
Assembly delivered by His
Excellency President José
Eduardo dos Santos . . . . .
Diplomatic Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 >
National Prayer Breakfast . . . . . . . .
TAAG acquired two aircraft
type 777 ‑ 300ER from Boeing . . . . .
Angolan parliamentary
delegation visited the United
States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
President Barack Obama
accepted credencials
from the New Angolan
Ambassador to the U.S . . . . . . . . . . . . .
66ª Annual UN Session . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minister of Foreign Affairs
led the Angolan delegation
at the United Nations
General Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
National Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . 36 >
New Kilamba
Kiaxi City will
have 20.000
homes until
2012 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miss Universe 2011
is ANGOLAN! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miss Angola 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miss Universe 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Died André Mingas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Press Archive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 >
Promoting the Image
of the Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Knowledge an important step
in life! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UN Day celebrated at
in Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
U.S. Partners bade farewell
to outgoing Ambassador
of Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Angola participated
at the 2011 U.S. – Africa
Business Summit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Angolan woman entrepreneur
honored in Washington, D.C. . . . . . . .
Mwangolé‑Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 >
Angola did well and Scored!
We Won! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Página 27
Official Magazine
Embassy of Angola
to the USA
Fall‑Winter 2011
Alberto do Carmo Bento Ribeiro
Ambassador of the Repubic of Angola
to the USA
Laurinda Santos
Press Attaché USA Angolan Embassy
Press Office Archive & Angop
Rights Reserved
António Salsinha
Tim McClellan – Strategic Print Solutions
President Barack Obama accepted
credentials from new Angolan
Ambassador to the US
Embassy of the Republic of Angola
to the U.S.
2100‑2108 16th Street
N.W. Washington, DC 20009
Ph: (202) 785‑1156
Fax: (202) 785‑1258 / 822‑9049
Email: angola@angola.org
Know Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 > 55
Malanje ‑ Kalandula Water Falls,
a delight Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 3
Dear Readers,
he year 2011 is about to end.The Angolan government continued a series of
achievements and projects, in order to improve the life of our people, for the
development of our country and greater assertiveness in the international arena.
Angola is developing at a rapid pace, despite the difficulties inherent in any
process of socio‑economic development, in a post‑conflict country.
Enjoying peace there are nine years, we can say that the Republic of Angola, got
the place it deserves in the world, and today the Angolan people, who every day
feel the wounds healing, with a smile can say “Yes we can”, despite the many
challenges and difficulties.
We learned how to “create love without tears” as the great poet of our mother
land wrote, Agostinho Neto, Angola’s first president, and with feet firmly we walk
towards the progress in this globalized world. Each year, we approved a further
package of measures to accelerate the growth of the Angolan economy.
“This is a remarkable effort of management that sets goals, makes it easier
to monitor and deal with it responsibility. The same measures are being
implemented as in its original and we are sure, that it will increase the efficiency
of government machinery”, I quote the Chief of the Executive in his speech on
the State of the Nation.
Angola moves forward, breaking down its barriers. Indeed we are!
Last October we assisted the opening of the Fourth Legislative Session of the
Second Legislature of the National Assembly.
His Excellency, President José Eduardo dos Santos, delivered his second speech
on the State of the Nation, which addressed questions about our current national
situation and the suggestions and proposals of the Executive on the future of our
country, “task made easier because the country is heading”, said.
This path is clearly defined in our strategy for Long Term Development, known
as “Angola 2025”, which exposes and explains the objectives that constitute our
national ambition and can be summarized as guarantor of unity and national
cohesion, promoting peace and proud of being Angolans.
As Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to the United States of America, I
present you the fourth edition of “Imbondeiro”, your magazine, which is a brief
portrait of the main political, socio‑economic and cultural Angola.
Featured in this issue the opening speech of the Fourth Legislative Session of the
Second Legislature at the National Assembly by the Chief of the Executive, the
progress achieved in various sectors of national life.
Angolan women for the first time made an achievement in sports and beyond; the
most beautiful woman in the world “Miss Universe 2011” is an Angolan.
From Luanda to Malange, who does not feel delighted to admire the Kalandula
Do not miss the trip and see our beautiful country, Angola!
Alberto do Carmo Bento Ribeiro
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador
of the Republic of Angola to the USA
4 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Angola News Briefing
of electricity
system depends on
global investment
Adão de Almeida confident
in achieving the objectives
in relation to voter registration
with reference to the work of voter
registration which is being developed
in the country and particularly in
Huambo province.
he secretary of State for Energy, João
Baptista Borges, affirmed in Luanda,
that improvement of the country’s
electricity system depends on global
investment in the sector.
Speakint at the program “Espaço Público”
from the Angola Public Television (TPA),
the official stated that more investment
is necessary in the system of production,
transport and distribution of electricity, in
order to increase quality and regularize
the supply of the product to the
João Baptista Borges explained that not
every electricity problem in the country
is related with the production capacity,
but also with the bad state of the
transportation and distribution network.
The secretary of State for Energy
stressed that the country is making big
investment in the areas of production,
transportation and distribution of
energy, aimed to improve supply to the
population. v
he Deputy Minister of Territorial
Administration, Adão de Almeida,
expressed confidence in achieving
the objectives in relation to voter
registration. Adão de Almeida made
this statement while speaking to
journalists at the end of his three‑day
visit to observe the process of
updating the voter registration in the
province of Huambo.
Made known that about one million
and 16,000 voters were registered
from July 29 until last week of
September in all the country, a figure
that represents 20 percent of the
national goal to be achieved, which
is eight million voters. “We have a
level of daily output above 50 a 55
thousand records.”
He added that the pace of work that
today we have gives more guarantees,
in the province of Huambo and in
particular with regard to national data
that is collected.
The vice‑minister of Territorial
Administration said it was positive
“In the province of Huambo, it is
clear that we still have much work
ahead, we must increase the size of
reader’s mobilization but from what
we have found very high levels of
mobilization and daily productivity
also acceptable,” he said.
In terms of breakdowns that are
entered into the recording equipment,
he stressed that this process is
normal, since they are overcome
without paralyzing the work.
In this regard, he appealed to
Angolans of voting age who have not
updated their records in order not to
leave the last day, since a little time
and there are many brigades available
in various parts of the country.
On the last day of his visit to
Huambo province, de Almeida, visited
the brigades of electoral locales
Casseuque, Belo Horizonte and the
Upper Town, both in the municipality
where the provincial capital.
During his visit, the head of MAT also
learned about the functioning of the
electoral registration process in the
municipalities of Caála and Bailundo,
where he also met with students,
teachers, traditional authorities and
the general population. v
The nominal value of GDP at 9.8 billion kwanza, a real growth rate
of 12.8 percent, divided by 13.4 percent for the oil sector
and 12.5 percent for the non‑oil sector
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 5
Angola News Briefing
Oil production encrypted curretenly
in 1,7 million barrels/day
the history in the country dates back
more than a century (1910).
In this context and making an
incursion into the past, said the first
commercial production in onshore
Congo Basin took place in the
Reservoir Benfica in 1955, indicating
that there was oil in exploitable
quantities and that research work and
production could continue.
Botelho de Vasconcelos, Minister of Oil.
il production in Angola has
now reached a daily average
of one million and 750 million
barrels, representing a progressive
increase of ten times more in the
post‑independence, compared to the
year 1975 (when the independence
was achieved), which produced 173
thousand barrels per day.
The information was provided by
the head of the sector, Botelho de
Vasconcelos, while speaking at the
conference on “Arbitration in Oil”, as
part of the academic program of the
third postgraduate course in law of
oil and gas, at the Faculty of Law,
Agostinho Neto University (UAN).
According to the minister, currently
the major challenges in the field
of oil drilling and production are
located in the sea, ultra deep
and, very recently, in the pre‑salt,
highlighting major development
projects such as the Paz Flor, Grande
Plutónio and Angola LNG.
“The success in the field of oil that
makes every Angolan be proud, is
due to the high potential of the
reserves, the existing technical and
financial capacity available, and
above all, a good human resource
management”, added, noting that
6 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
In 1966, he recalled, was discovered
offshore of Cabinda, the first major
deposit of Angola, for Cabinda Gulf
Oil Company, and from this date,
with the aim of enhancing vigorously
search for oil in Angola, they divided
up the areas offshore and onshore
blocks up and negotiated contracts
with several firms.
In the period following independence,
continued the minister, the legal
framework and structure of oil
changed significantly, with the
creation of Sonangol, as exclusive
licensee in 1976 and the publication
of Law 13/78 (Petroleum Act).
“The policies and strategies
established in 1980, based on intense
research activity, have revealed a
large number of deposits, and most
of them in production,” said Botelho
de Vasconcelos, congratulating the
Faculty of Law for the noble initiative
to promote, for some years, the
course of postgraduate training in the
area. v
Head of State
inaugurated first
phase of University
ngolan president José Eduardo dos
Santos inaugurated the furst phase
of Luanda’s University campus, located at
Kilamba Kiaxi district.
Accompanied by the First Lady, Ana
Paula dos Santos, vice‑president,
Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos,
president of Constitutional Court, Rui
Ferreira, among other individualities, the
Head of State also visited two libraries
and the chemistry laboratory.
During the visit, the president was
briefed on the conclusion of the work at
the most modern urban project in the
According to the minister of Urbanization
and Construction, Fernando Fonseca,
$US 190 million was earmarked for its
Expected to start in 2012, the institution,
with a capacity to accommodate
2,200 students, will run courses of
mathematics, chemistry, physics and
computing science.
The infrastructure consists of five
buildings for the respective college
as well as networks of drinking water
treatment and electricity installed.
During the first phase of the project was
built a dining hall, facilities for banks,
shops, residential complex for faculty
and staff, gym, teaching laboratories and
research, among other structures.
The second phase, scheduled to start
in 2012, will mark the construction of
the faculties of engineering, medicine,
university of health science and a
university hospital. v
Angola News Briefing
Press attachés and media advisors participated
at the Seventh annual methodological meeting
November 28‑29, 2011
ress officers from the various
diplomatic and consular missions,
permanent missions at the UN, and
the press advisors of different public
sectors, participated in Luanda, in its
VII annual methodological meeting,
under the guidance of the Minister
of Social Communications, Carolina
one, the sixth. Discussed were also
issues concerning the promotion
of Angola abroad to strengthening
Angolan foreign policy, and provided
information related to the process
of updating the voter registration
underway in the entire country.
The regulation of the activity of
press officers and their functional
dependence were among other
methodological issues that guided
the meeting. The minister of Social
Communications spoke about the role
of the press officers, under the new
challenges and strategies.
Opening ceremony.
The minister, which opened the
event, hoped the meeting would
be constructive and educational,
capable of enriching the reflection
that the sector carries through for
the improvement and efficiency of its
The meeting that last two days
assessed the methodological
recommendations of the previous
Press officers gathered at their VII annual
methodological meeting.
Waco‑Kungo, Cela municipality, Kwanza‑Sul
Information on the status of press,
the role of the Office for Revitalizing
the Institutional Communication
Management (Grecia) and its
connection with the Ministry of Social
Communications were also issues
analyzed and discussed at the event.
Participants took part in the city of
Waco‑Kungo municipality of Cela,
Kwanza‑Sul province, at the gala
National Journalism Award, visited
the new centrality of Kilamba and
the Production Center of the Angolan
Ritz Hotel, Waco‑Kungo.
Public Television (TPA) at Camama
outskirts of the city of Luanda. In the
city of N’Dalatando, Kwanza‑Norte
province, the press officers at
a meeting with the provincial
Governor Henrique Manuel Júnior,
were informed about the national
reconstruction efforts in the city
of N’Dalatando and encouraged to
publicize it, to attract more foreign
investment, and visited the new
headquarters of the government,
the plant of reception and bottling
of natural water “Cristalis”, the new
rehabilitated airport, the offices of
the public media enterprises, RNA,
TPA and Edições Novembro, under
construction from scratch.
Participated at the meeting, held one
of the hotels in Luanda, the CEOs of
national public media enterprises,
information executive administrators
as well as other guests.
Diplomats called to work
on image
In her opening remarks at the
seventh annual Press Attaché
Methodological meeting, the Minister
of Social Communication said that the
press officers of the Diplomatic
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 7
Angola News Briefing
Press attachés and media advisors
participated at the Seventh annual
methodological meeting (cont.)
Press Officers met with provincial Governor Henrique
André Júnior in N’Dalatando.
& Consular Missions and at the
Angolan Permanent Missions to
the UN should continue to promote
abroad the reality of the country.
Carolina Cerqueira, asked the
participants to adopt a “dignified and
creative” posture when performing
their duties. “The recent opening of
embassies in several countries, stressed,
is due to the credibility and dynamism
of your activity, which is not divorced
from the essence of the diplomatic
action of the Executive”, said.
The minister also asked the press
officers to report regularly to the
Ministry of Social Communications
their activities and mentioned that
in some cases there is total absence
of communication, little creativity
and operational apathy, unlike others
where the information flow is constant
and quite effective.
Panoramic view of N’Dalatando.
8 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Carolina Cerqueira stressed the
importance of periodic evaluation of
the performance of the press officers
under the new management policies
developed by the Ministry of Social
The minister also said that 2011 was
a milestone for strengthening the
media in the country and recalled that
it was largely discussed the legislative
package of the sector, with a series of
draft legislation to be approved soon
by the National Assembly.
N’Dalatando the birth place of the famous and rare
Porcelain Roses.
Call to update the electoral
The Minister urged the press officers
to reconfirm the electoral data.
Carolina Cerqueira’s request was
made at the end of a short seminar
on elections prepared for about 50
press officers who participated at the
meeting, which main speaker was
the National Director of Elections,
Agostinho Lima that recalled that
there is no voter registration abroad
and are only entitled to vote those
who are abroad because of illness,
studies or work.
“We are unable to travel abroad to
register as teams in the country are
N’Dalatando‑Botanical Garden of Kilombo.
still facing some difficulties,” said
Agostinho Lima, who argued the
creation of an updated database.
Year 2011 an important
milestone in strengthening
Carolina Cerqueira said that the year
2011 marks an important milestone
in strengthening the sector in
Angola, because the whole nation
has been involved at the extensive
public discussion on the legislative
“The public discussion of the
legislative package of the sector,
brought together representatives of
the public and private press class,
civil society, academics, military and
political in the approach of draft
legislation which details should be
assessed and approved by the National
Assembly,” she said.
According to the minister, everybody
is aware of the crucial role that the
press plays in society, fundamental
in the construction of democracy
not only because they promote the
free formation of public opinion and
contribute decisively to the level of
information and knowledge of the
N’Dalatando Sunset.
Angola News Briefing
Angola attended
the II Conference
on Armed Violence
Social Comunications
Media Consultative
November 3‑5, 2011
Carolina Cerqueira, Minister of Social Communications.
Speaking at the Press Officers seventh
annual methodological meeting, said
that the existence of a legal framework,
particularly demanding in the field of
Media, justified by the need to ensure
the balance of public and private
interests behind it, the State promotes
and protects freedom of expression and
The level of infrastructures, referring
to the television, that are already in
operation equipped with cutting‑edge
technologies, especially as modern
facilities will allow the extension of TV
services to the major regions of Angola.
Such actions, according to the Minister,
continue in the rest of the country, to
ensure greater access to communication
by people in more remote areas and
communities. Are likewise ongoing
implementation of community radio
stations in strategic areas of the interior
or in the border areas of difficult access
and large settlements.
The creation of the rural radio in the city
of Waco Kungo, is another reality, which
will also host the Edições Novembro
headquarters that from this town will
prepare the first supplement devoted to
rural activity.
For 2012, are also part of the activities,
the construction of new buildings for
Rádio Luanda and Viana. She advanced
that to the side of the modernization
process the country is registering, the
Social Communications sector is taking
steps to improve more and more the
services rendered to the population. v
Manuel Augusto, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs..
ngola participated at the Second
Ministerial Review Conference of the
Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence,
adopted in 2006 with a delegation led by
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Manuel
The conference was organized by the Helvetic
Confederation in partnership with the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
aimed to assess progress in implementing the
Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and
The objectives achieved with this conference
were the renewal of political commitment in
meeting the goals, assessing the degree of
implementation of commitments made since
2008, to the integration of armed violence
on development strategy, and building
platforms for collection, assessment and
data monitoring and exchange of national
The meeting developed specific mechanisms
to accelerate the objectives of the Geneva
Declaration and set priorities for the
implementation of this document until 2015.
Alongside the meeting, there were sessions in
which they discuss topics such as quantitative
management of armed violence, the
integration of prevention and reduction of
armed violence in the national development
strategy, arms control, small size and caliber,
the role of youth the prevention of armed
violence and the role of justice in the
prevention of crime and armed violence.
The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
who was accompanied at the Conference
by the Permanent Representative of Angola
to the UN and International Organizations
Ambassador in Geneva, Apolinário Correia,
Director of Multilateral Affairs of Mirex,
Margaret Izata, spoke at the event.
The Conference ended with the adoption of
the draft Final Declaration. v
Carolina Cerqueira, Minister of Social
he VII Media Consultative
Council of the Ministry of Social
Communications was held in the city
of Luena, capital of Moxico province, in
a ceremony chaired by the provincial
governor, João Ernesto dos Santos
During two days, participants at
the event which was guided by the
incumbent minister, Carolina Cerqueira,
analyzed and put in perspective the
implementation of the Executive
Strategy of the sector for the period
2010/2012, and the coverage rate
of public information services at the
national territory.
The degree of organizational
restructuring and technological
modernization of social
communications, public companies and
institutes, the Public Investment Plan for
2012, the Legislative Package of Social
Communication and the degree of
disclosure and the facts of governance
and promote the image of the country
were the main subjects of the event.
Under the slogan “Modern Mass
Media to Better Serve the Citizen”,
the sector VII Consultative Council
was attended by 170 participants,
including the deputy minister of
Social Communications, Miguel de
Carvalho, national directors, CEOs and
administrators of the sector public and
private enterprises, provincial directors,
heads of documentation & information
centers, among other guests. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 9
Angola News Briefing
Vice‑President sworn
She defended to be very important
to know whether investors
are implementing projects in
accordance with the proposals, the
deadlines and the use of Angolan
workers, according to what is
he vice‑president, Fernando da
Piedade Dias dos Santos, sworn
in Luanda, the CEO for the National
Agency for Private Investment (ANIP),
Maria Luísa Abrantes.
During the ceremony, attended by
Ministers of State and Chief of Staff,
Carlos Feijó, Finance, Carlos Lopes,
as well as senior officials from the
office of the vice‑president, were
also sworn in as administrators of
ANIP Edeltrudes Domingos Costa and
Costa e Luís Domingos José.
In his speech, the vice‑president
congratulated the new leadership of
ANIP and augured success for their
new mission.
At the same time, promised to work
to promote as much as possible
the potential of the provinces and
their resources to attract more
investments. For this reason, she
emphasized, is necessary to be active
and show that Angola is ready to
receive foreign capital.
According to Maria Luísa Abrantes,
the government has shown that
is able and has the capacity to
support these investments, because
it has worked hard on what is
needed for the success of private
This is ensured by investment in
basic infrastructure such as ports,
airports, telecommunications,
and roads and now is putting an
emphasis on energy and water.
“With work to overcome the still
existing weaknesses, it’ll be easier
to sell the brand Angola,” she
concluded. v
In turn, after the ceremony, the
head of ANIP, Maria Luísa Abrantes,
told the press, that one of the top
priorities will be the monitoring of
projects and promote the diversity of
She explained that a great follow up
of projects has not yet been done,
perhaps for lack of a framework and
technicians with special profile for
the area.
10 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Maria Luísa Abrantes, ANIP CEO.
Rice production
will create
more than one
thousand direct
he president of the board (CEO) of
the company Gesterra ‑ management
of arable land, Carlos Alberto Jaime, said
that the project’s farm production and
processing of rice in Longa commune,
municipality of Kuito Kuanavale, will create
more than one thousand direct jobs for
local people.
Carlos Alberto Jaime assured that these
jobs will allow the enhancement of crop
production in the country, as well as allow
the province to have a high occupancy rate
of skilled labor.
According to the CEO, this project provides
for the Angolan Executive training of skilled
workforce, able to give a big boost to the
socio‑economic region of Kuando Kubango.
He advanced that the farm will have a
period of about three years under Chinese
management, during which will be
achieved the established targets (in terms
of production), and then the project can
be transferred to Angolans, including the
private sector.
Initially, he said, the project starts with
a production of about 200 hectares in
the 2011/2012 agricultural year, in a fully
irrigated perimeter along the Longa River.
Carlos Alberto Jaime also informed that this
will be a great incentive for the production
of cereals in the country. “The project is
funded by the Development Bank of China
with the Government, and the company
Gesterra the representative of the Ministry
of Agriculture, while the Chinese company
“CAMC”, promoting the project, the partner
of the Angolan government,” he said.
Overall, over three years provides coverage
of five thousand acres of land for rice
production. v
Angola News Briefing
Program “Espaço Público”
engaged in
the creation
of mechanisms
for Justice to
reach citizens
Guilhermina Prata, Minister of Justice.
he Minister of Justice, Guilhermina
Prata, said in Luanda that the Angolan
Government is engaged in the creation
of mechanisms for citizens to get justice,
fulfilling the assumptions embodied in the
Guilhermina Prata who spoke during the
live program “Espaço Público” of the Public
Television of Angola (TPA), stressed that
it is the mission of the sector to ensure a
stronger social justice, contributing to the
economic, legal pluralism, as well as access
to the right and justice.
According to her, in order to allow the
court to reach the citizen, the Executive
is carrying out the construction of
infrastructure, especially the municipal
courts in all provinces, to allow the
settlement of disputes.
The minister noted that there is work
that is being designed by the sector
for the short term and within the
financial constraints likely to overcome
the difficulties and thus achieve the
desideratum in order to increase the
number of municipal courts.
“The lack of courts is one of the constraints
that exist in the sector, but the Executive is
working to bring justice to the citizen and
commit the same right,” she said, stressing
that at country level there are 19 provincial
and municipal courts, except in the
provinces of Bengo, Moxico and Kuando
Kubango. v
Advisory Board of the Ministry
of Planning defined tasks
at local level
he participants at the III Advisory
Board of the Ministry of Planning
recommended in Malanje, to the
heads of statistical offices and
planning (GEPE) of the 18 provinces
of the country to conduct the
periodic evaluation of the projects
under their responsibility.
The recommendation is part of the
final document, which indicates that
the results of this periodic assessment
should be directed to the ministry
which is its central body.
They also recommended that those
responsible for GEPE should identify
more rigorously, the priorities of the
provincial governments as a way to
ensure a smooth implementation of
projects and resource management,
aiming at the acceleration of some
The carrying out of society’s
awareness of the importance of
population census in preparation, as
well as the need for the cooperation
of citizens in certain actions, was one
of the recommendations adopted by
the participants.
“Mobilizing the GEPE of provincial
officials in order to start working on
tasks to support the implementation
of the next census, as well as the
installation and operation of the
provincial offices of the National
Statistics Institute (INE),” refers
the same document that sets out
the resumption of the practice of
monitoring and evaluation of projects
within and across departments and
provincial governments, as their
Ana Dias Lourenço, Minister of Planning.
On the other hand, the meeting
concluded that there is a need for
a country strategy for long‑term
development to date and adequate.
Upon closing, the Minister Ana
Dias Lourenço said the challenges
facing the sector are “numerous and
complex,” so there is an urgent need
to work together around the meeting
“This advisory council may be
managed in a way capable of
providing the best relationship
between the organs of the planning
system and greater dialogue,
suggested during the work,” she said.
During two days, the meeting
analyzed, among others, the activities
undertaken in 2011 and the outlook
for 2012, in addition to public
investment programs for the same
year. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 11
Two Women Presidents visited Angola
September 11‑12, 2011
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf, President of Liberia,
2011 Nobel Peace Prize, visited Angola
The President of the Republic of Liberia, Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf, said in Luanda
that her visit of 48 hours ​​to Angola, served to strengthen the cooperation ties
between the two countries.
peaking to journalists at the
International Airport “4 de
Fevereiro”, Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf said
that “this visit to Angola served to
further strengthen relationships lost
during the war.”
The Liberian Head of State recalled
was in Angola for the first time in
1978 integrating the delegation of
former President William Tolbert Jr.,
as a junior officer and returned years
later as a senior official of the United
Nations (UN).
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf, Liberia’s President, paid tribute
to Agostinho Neto, the founder of the Nation, at the
Independence Square.
both countries, the Liberian President
revealed that both Angola and Liberia
will work from now on this.
“President dos Santos remembers
those times and also believes that
we must work to strengthen those
bonds of friendship that unite our two
countries,” she said.
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf noted that in
her meeting with the Angolan Head
of State issues like politics and the
African continent’s development were
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf left a message
of courage to all African women to
dedicate them more to activism and
“work as leaders in society, because
all we want is one more woman
president in Africa,” she said. v
the focus of the dialogue and in this
sense takes “excellent advice”.
She proved to be satisfied by the level
of development that Angola is living,
adding that she takes this example to
be applied in her country, mainly the
achievements in the oil sector.
Approached about the possibility
of her visit to Angola expedite the
opening of diplomatic missions in
12 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
President of Liberia visited the new Kilamba City.
Two Women Presidents visited Angola • September 11‑12, 2011 • Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf
Biographical data of the President of Liberia
José Eduardo dos Santos, received
at the “Palácio da Cidade Alta”,
its counterpart of Liberia, Ellen
Johnson‑Sirleaf. The president
of Angola took the opportunity
to review bilateral relations, and
discuss issues of regional and
international interest.
During her official visit to Angola,
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf took the
opportunity to visit several places of
socio‑economic nterest, in order to
evaluate the interest in the field of
reconstruction and development of
Angola, such as the monument to
Agostinho Neto, the and new city of
Kilamba and Sonils, logistics base of
the Port of Luanda.
Like Angola, Liberia also went
through a trouble armed conflict.
The way Angola emerges from
the wreckage of war, and the
development that has been able to
achieve, have inspired the president
of Liberia.
The Liberian President invited
President José Eduardo dos Santos
to undertake a state visit to her
country. The dates of the visit will
now be traded through the respective
diplomatic channels. v
llen Johnson‑Sirleaf was born
in Monrovia, Liberia capital,
on October 29, 1938. She is the
president‑elect of Liberia, who
won the presidential election on
November 8, 2005, in which she
defeated the other main candidate,
ex‑ soccer player George Weah.
Leader of the Unity Party is the first
woman elected Head of State of
an African country. Johnson‑Sirleaf
studied at Harvard University, and
participated for the first time in
Liberian government during the
term of President William Tolbert,
serving as Minister of Finance
(since 1970).
In 1985, being a candidate for a seat
in the Senate, publicly criticized the
military regime, which earned her
a sentence of 10 years in prison,
although she was released shortly
after being arrested.
After that, lived in exile until 1997,
when he returns to Liberia as an
economist at the World Bank and
Citibank in Africa.
Although Johnson‑Sirleaf first
supported the revolt against
Charles Taylor General Samuel Doe,
then went to the opposition and
participated in the 1997 Liberian
elections, in which only achieved
about 10% of the votes while
Charles Taylor had about 75% (fraud
suspected in the elections).
She was accused of betraying the
country, and she made public
campaigns calling for the output
power of Taylor. Johnson‑Sirleaf
played an active role in the
transitional government before
the presidential elections of 2005,
assuming leadership of the Unity
Party after the departure of Taylor
from the country.
In the first round of elections, her
candidacy was the second most
voted with 175,520 votes, going
back to the second final in which
faced George Weah. On November
11, 2005, with 97% of the votes,
the National Electoral Commission
of Liberia declared Johnson‑Sirleaf
winner, result not accepted by
Weah, who presented an appeal to
the Liberian Supreme Court asking
to suspend the scrutiny for alleged
On November 23 the request was
rejected and Johnson‑Sirleaf was
confirmed as President.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf won the
second round of presidential
elections in her country, last
November 8, 2011, with 90.8% of
the votes. v
Ellen Johnson‑Sirleaf
shared the 2011 Nobel
Peace Prize with two
African women, also a
Liberian activist Leymah
Gbowee and Iemenita
Tawakkul Karman,
journalist and activist.
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 13
Two Women Presidents visited Angola
September 11‑12, 2011
Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, visited Angola
The President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff landed on the night of October 19, in Luanda
for a 48‑hours visit to Angola
n Luanda, the President laid a
wreath in honor of the first president
of Angola, Agostinho Neto, at the
Independence Square.
macro‑economic policies to protect
our nations from the contagion of
recession and unemployment,” said
the president of Brazil.
Brazil was the first country to recognize
the government of independent
Angola in November 1975 and today
still attaches great prestige to Brazilian
diplomats in Luanda. Even in the most
acute period of the Cold War, Brazil
maintained its support to the Angolan
Dilma also took the opportunity to
defend the reform of multilateral
institutions and the participation of
Brazil in the UN Security Council.
Currently, Angola is one of Brazil’s main
trading partners in Africa with a total
trade growth by more than 20 times
between 2002 and 2008, reaching
$ 4.21 billion. The largest Brazilian
investments in Angola focus on the
areas of construction, energy and
mineral exploration.
The agenda of Dilma Rousseff in
Luanda also included a solemn session
in the Angolan National Assembly and
a working meeting with President José
“The international situation is
undergoing a period of accelerating
change. Emerging countries such as
Brazil and Angola are called to occupy
more space,” she said.
For its part, the President of Angola
José Eduardo dos Santos, defended
“the importance of the Brazilian
presence in the UN Security Council
and noted that Angola is the third
largest market for Brazilian products.”
Eduardo dos Santos, who also gave
a luncheon in honor of the Brazilian
Angola and Brazil will
continue to grow together
in the world economy
During her visit to Angola, President
Dilma Rousseff, said that her country
and Angola will continue on the arm
of the global economy.
Dilma Rousseff at her arrival, International Airport
“4 de Fevereiro”
14 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
“Brazil and Angola have fled the
conservative prescription we know
so well for over 20 years. We follow
another path. We do not renounce
our international responsibilities,
but this moment requires
Dilma said: “The presence of Brazilian
companies in Angola is a testament of
the effort to strengthen trade relations
and increase joint investments.”
At the end of speeches, Dilma Roussef
and José Eduardo dos Santos toasted
to the success of the two countries. v
31ª SADC Summit
“Strengthening the foundations of regional integration: Development
of infrastructure to facilitate trade and economic liberalization”
Angola became president of the community by 2012
August 17 ‑18, 2011
uanda was the capital of the Southern
African Development Community
(SADC). Fourteen (14) Heads of State and
Government met at SADC 31ª Summit.
The opening of the SADC Summit, held
under the theme “Strengthening the
foundations of regional integration:
Development of infrastructure
to facilitate trade and economic
liberalization”, brought together over
600 guests especially parliamentarians,
religious leaders, members of the the
diplomatic corps accredited in Angola,
representatives of political parties
and civil society, amongst delegates,
ministers and Heads of State and
Government. v
City capital – Luanda Marginal.
Hifikepunye Pohamba considered SADC
a strong and united body
SADC is a regional institution strong and united, said its outgoing President,
Hifikepunye Pohamba, at the summit held in Luanda.
he opening ceremony was marked
with speeches of different entities,
with emphasis on the outgoing
chairman of SADC, the Namibian
President Lucas Pohamba.
effect to the free trade area, which
may be energized with programs to
create infrastructure, communication
In the speech that preceded the transfer
of the presidency of SADC to Angola,
the outgoing president, Hifikepunye
Lucas Pohamba, considered as positive
the performance of its mandate at the
helm of the regional organization.
Hifikepunye Pohamba acknowledged
that efforts are underway to give
President of Namíbia.
technologies and policies to attract
He also highlighted the strengthening
of cooperation between the SADC
countries with the second‑largest world
economy, China.
The need for political stability in the
region, the fight against hunger and
HIV/AIDS was also included in the
speech of Hifikepunye Pohamba, who
wished success to the presidency of
Angola in the next twelve months
ahead of the Community Development
of Southern Africa (SADC). v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 15
31ª SADC Summit
The Angolan Head of State
José Eduardo dos Santos assumed
the presidency of SADC
he new President of the block, the
Angolan President José Eduardo
dos Santos, in his closing speech, he
emphasized that national programs to
build infrastructure should converge as
much as possible, with regional needs.
“In SADC we must enforce the
vision of a shared future, based on
a balanced and socially sustainable
development capable of promoting
competitiveness and participation
in globalization, to facilitate the
movement of capital, goods and
people, to bring together the different
cultural patterns and and to boost
human resources development,”
emphasized President Dos Santos in
his closing speech at the event. v
New presidency will prioritize conflict resolution
The President of the African Development Community (SADC), José Eduardo dos Santos, defended peaceful resolution
of armed conflicts in the remaining region as the priority of his one‑year term.
os Santos, who was speaking at the
closing ceremony of the Summit
of Heads of State and Government of
SADC in Luanda, said his priorities will
also contribute to consolidating peace,
security, human rights and democracy in
the sub‑region.
In addition, advocated the promotion
of regional mobilization in the fight
against malaria, AIDS and other endemic
diseases, creating the effect to a regional
center of expertise in charge of training
the staff responsible for managing these
Considered beneficial to carry out during
his tenure, a seminar with the aim of
drawing up an action plan that allows
implementing the results of the World
Summit on Sustainable Development,
held this year in Johannesburg, South
He argued that these issues are essential
for development and economic and
political integration of the Community.
At the level of education, said it is
necessary to establish an efficient
regional database, through which it will
exchange experiences and information
within the SADC.
The materialization of these measures,
along with other related sectors of
transport infrastructure, energy and
communications, will ensure the
acceleration of regional integration
and will decisively help the continent
to succeed in achieving their goals
development goals.
He also said that this office will seek to
complete the pilot phase of the center
of food security and rural development,
in order to advance the study of national
and regional policies relating to this
aspect and the creation of an information
system on it.
Found it necessary to organize a “crusade”
against hunger.
Issues related to water resources also
deserve the attention of the community,
said the chairman of SADC, adding that it
is required the integrated management of
water resources, as well as those relating
to the management strategy of floods
and droughts.
16 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
About the research and information
and communication technologies, Dos
Santos defends his building as key to the
regional integration.
The investment in this sector, he said,
will be the road to development and
therefore to fight poverty and develop
human resources.
He advocated the revitalization of the
cultural background of the community
in order to mobilize financial and other
measures to fund new projects and
cultural programs in order to rescue and
safeguard the identity.
Upon assuming the presidency of SADC,
the Angolan Statesman asked to make
an effort to adopt appropriate measures
in the short and long term, in order to
relieve the food shortage problem that
afflicts an estimated 13 million people in
some countries the sub‑region.
He said the main of the challenges
faced today by the SADC member states
are not specific to the sub‑region or
continent, but have a global character.
31ª SADC Summit
He referred to poverty, education, food
insecurity, pandemics, drug trafficking,
assaults on ecology, malaria and other
issues requiring a collective response.
For him, SADC continues to assert
itself as an essential tool for ensuring
economic development and address
other key issues affecting security and
stability in southern Africa.
The vitality of this recognition also
allows a more equitable and effective
participation of member countries,
whether in the field of international
political relations, where they can assume
positions of common interest, either as
the current economic world.
The economic and technical cooperation at
SADC level have become an integral part of
the reciprocal relations between member
states and are an important means to
promote the exchange of ideas, exchange
of experience and knowledge on the
advances of science and technology in the
most various fields ‑ said.
Considered rewarding the efforts for
political settlement of the various armed
conflicts that affected some countries and
are now giving their fruits.
The region moves steadily to the
peace and security, a prerequisite for
implementation of development policies
in perspective ‑ he added.
He said that every action of the SADC
governments should aim to promote
stability, democracy, good governance
and respect for fundamental rights of
Considered necessary to establish
international relations more human and
just, that can reverse the inequalities
between the developed and in
devepment designated.
Dos Santos said it will be possible by
promoting growth with equity, poverty
eradication, increasing the supply
of productive employment and the
promotion of gender equality and social
“Our countries should be able
to participate in the benefits of
globalization on an equal footing with
the developed states in order to avoid
being marginalized the opportunities this
process offers,” he said.
‑ I mplement the Coordination Center
for Agricultural Research and
‑ To contribute to the peaceful
resolution of the remaining conflicts
in the region and the consolidation
of peace, security, Human Rights and
Democracy at the level of SADC.
“These are the aspects on which we
primarily focus our efforts in order to
obtain a real convergence as a minimum
condition for the success of our
integration,” said President José Eduardo
dos Santos. “
SADC Flag.
The chair of the SADC proposed, during
his mandate, perform the following tasks:
‑ Strengthening the foundations of
regional integration through the
development of infrastructure and
trade and the economic liberalization;
‑ Review the Indicative Strategic
Development Plan (RISDP)
‑ Implement a Financing Strategy of
the Regional Development Fund
and its operation for preparation
and development of infrastructure
‑ Implement the Regional Poverty
SADC Observatory
‑ To increase the prevention and
control of communicable diseases,
namely: transmitted HIV / AIDS,
malaria and tuberculosis;
Implementation of programs for the
joint management of transboundary
natural resources, with emphasis on
the Transfrontier Conservation Areas;
‑ Designing a Program for Industrial
Dos Santos also defended the need
to elevate the SADC to a new level,
to become an active part in the
development of Africa and the world.
The Angolan Head of State indicated
that it is necessary that the integration
in the southern region is sustained and
balanced in order to influence a new
economic order in which the legitimate
interests of all nations are respected and
taken into consideration.
Dos Santos also said that the revised
Program Regional Indicative Strategic
Development (RISP), which forms the
core of the SADC Programme of Action,
should conform to the procedures of the
organization restructured in 2003 in order
to obtain better results in terms of costs
and benefits.
The summit stressed that the
development of infrastructure is essential
to consolidate the foundations of
regional integration.
SADC aims until 2018 to go beyond a
free trade area and implement even
a single currency, a goal that many
observers see with some caution.
The official meetings of SADC in Luanda
included the Standing Committee
of Senior Responsibles (August 1113), the Council of Ministers (August
15‑16), the Organ of Troika (August
16) and the Summit of Heads of State
and Government (August 17‑18). The
event, had its first day divided into two
sessions. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 17
State of the Nation
Opening speech at the Fourth Session
of the Legislative National Assembly
Speech on the State of the Nation, delivered by His Excellency José Eduardo dos Santos,
President of the Republic of Angola, at the opening ceremony of the Fourth Session of the
7. P
romoting the competitive integration
of the country in the global economy,
ensuring a leading position in
sub‑Saharan Africa.
Luanda, October 18, 2011
His Excellency the President
of the National Assembly,
His Excellency the President
of the Constitutional Court,
Honorable Members of the Assembly,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In accordance with Article No. 118,
Section III, Chapter II of the Constitution,
I would like to address you and all the
people of Angola, regarding the State of
the Nation.
I will try explain as clearly as possible
my ideas, findings and views concerning
the current national situation and the
Executive Power’s suggestions and
proposals for the future. My task is
made easier, because the country has a
This direction is clearly defined in our
Strategy for Long Term Development,
known as “Angola 2025”, which exposes
and explains the objectives that
constitute our national ambitions.
These general and specific objectives
were not found by chance. They are the
result of in‑depth studies and discussions
and consultations that took place
throughout the national territory and
which ultimate approval of the National
Agenda of Consensus at the National
Conference representing all strata of our
people, held in Luanda in May 2008.
It is worthwhile remembering them,
because they summarize the objectives
18 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
of our people and will guide us in our
daily lives. They are, namely:
1. E nsuring the unity and national
cohesion, promoting peace and
Angolan identity;
2. P
romoting human development
and welfare, eradicating hunger,
poverty and disease, and raising the
educational and health levels of the
3. P
romoting sustainable development,
ensuring the efficient use of natural
resources and a fair distribution of
national income;
4. E nsuring a high rate of economic
development with macroeconomic
stability and structural diversity;
These general objectives have been
explained and also developed in the
electoral program of the MPLA, which
was democratically submitted in 2008 to
evaluation by the Angolan electorate and
approved by majority vote.
My name appeared first in the list of
those who called for the vote and vowed
to actually implement this program,
which was unequivocally voted by more
than 82 percent of voters. These voters
thus placed their trust on us to govern
Angola until 2012.
This happened in an open, transparent,
free and competitive electoral process,
confirming that in Angola there is a
regime based on popular will, expressed
through the freedom of political
organization, freedom of expression and
direct suffrage and secret ballot.
5. D
eveloping the national
territory smoothly, boosting the
competitiveness of the territories and
promoting the most disadvantaged
Therefore, there is no basis to the claim
that in Angola there is a dictatorial
regime that does not recognize the
rights, freedoms and guarantees of
its citizens. There is no dictatorship
here. Quite the contrary, we have a
recent, alive, dynamic and participatory
democracy, which consolidates with
every passing day
6. B
uilding a democratic and
participatory society, guaranteeing the
fundamental rights and freedoms and
civil society development;
It is therefore with a mandate from
the sovereign will of the Angolan
people that the Executive is leading the
implementation of specific objectives set
State of the Nation
Education and Health
out in its development strategy, having
transformed them into sub‑executive
This is the sustainable development
that respects the laws of the State and
public policies on the preservation of
the environment and biodiversity, at the
same time sharing in the international
community’s efforts to mitigate the
adverse effects of climate change.
In evaluating the degree of
implementation of these programs, we
find that we are moving on the right
direction and have not deviated from
the path initially defined. We also note
that we are accelerating our progress to
reach, as soon as possible, the general or
final objectives of this Strategy.
Consider some of these findings:
Petroleum and Natural Gas
This is the most important sector of the
Angolan economy by far. Crude oil, the
strongest foreign exchange earner, is
the main source of funding for the State
Budget, corresponding to more than 80
percent of tax revenue, widely financing
the country’s imports. The highlight at
this point is the increase of crude oil
refining all over the country and the
production of fuels, lubricants, paints and
solvents, etc.
Geology and Mines
From 2008 to 2011 the Geology and
Mining sector posted an average annual
growth of 11.8 percent, as reflected
on an annual average production of
diamonds to the tune of 2.5 percent
and increased production of quartz and
mineral building materials such as sand,
pebbles and gravel.
In the diamond sub‑sector several
actions are underway aiming, besides the
extraction, expanding out activities of all
stages of the industry’s production chain,
since the marketing of rough diamonds
to processing, including jewelry.
Through a joint venture between the
public and private sectors, iron and
manganese mining has resumed, with
an integrated project which includes
metallurgical and steel plants, providing
for the creation of more than three
thousand jobs in Huila. The initial
investment is about 400 million and
reaching over two billion dollars.
Advanced negotiations are being held
with leading international partners,
concerning the exploitation of
phosphates and potassium in the north
for the production of fertilizers and
agricultural development.
Initiatives are also underway for the
production of gold and copper and the
increase of production of ornamental
rocks and other raw materials necessary
for the construction materials industry.
It is expected that as of 2013 the
Geology and Mining sector will
contribute significantly towards the
increase in state revenues and the
diversification of the national economy
and increasing employment.
Under the Education Reform in progress,
the Executive remains committed
to expanding the school network,
improving the quality of education and
strengthening the efficiency and equity
of the education system at all levels.
Thus, from 2002 to 2010, the annual
average of students enrolled in various
levels of education was more than
4.5 million. From 2010 to 2011 alone,
there was an increase of 572,842
students enrolled, representing a growth
of 9.3 percent.
In 2010, the total number of students
enrolled in the non‑university education
system in introductory education was
668,358 and 4,273,006 in elementary
education (ten times more than in the
last year of the colonial period!).
In both cycles of secondary education
the figure was 868,225, a total of
5,809,589 in the non‑university education
system. In 2011, that number rose to
6,115,649, distributed as follows: 709,576
in introductory, 4,455,548 in elementary,
and 950,525 in the two cycles of
secondary education. In turn, from
2002 to 2010 the teaching staff had an
average growth rate of 14.54 percent.
In 2010 the Ministry of Education had
200,698 teachers across the country.
During this period, the number of
classrooms in elementary and secondary
levels has increased from about 19,000 to
more than 53,000 in 2010, a growth rate
of 165.71 percent.
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 19
State of the Nation
However, since 2008, higher education
experienced a remarkable growth, and
currently the network of educational
institutions has expanded reaching all
provinces of the country with 17 public
institutions, 7 of them universities, 7
colleges and 3 higher education schools,
as well as 22 private institutions, 10
universities and 12 colleges, comprising a
total of 39 higher education institutions,
attended by about 150,000 students
and around two thousand professors,
including domestic and foreign.
This growth has allowed a significant
increase of the number of professors in
different majors, currently estimated at
about twelve hundred professor a year,
plus an average of 160 professors trained
The private sector has made an
important contribution to this process, to
the tune of 5 percent in the elementary
and secondary education and about 50
percent in higher education. This sector
needs to improve its management, more
adequate infrastructure and equipment,
teach more technical programs and also
to review its pricing policy, since charges
and fees for different services are still too
The Executive is committed to creating
a social support system for students,
especially those most in need,
contributing to the creation of conditions
for academic success, including the
granting of scholarships for training in
the country or abroad.
In 2011 three thousand domestic
scholarships were granted, which should
double in 2012. As for international
grants, these have been awarded for
many different specialties and countries,
with priority given to science and
technology, education sciences and
medical sciences.
In terms of health, in turn, the primary
care network has been reinforced and
the direct allocation of an equivalent
20 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
amount of about two million dollars
annually was made to each municipality,
for primary health care, to guarantee
coverage of 78 percent of the population.
To ensure the provision and quality of
services to the population during the
year 2010, 1255 qualified nurses and
technicians were trained, and 3565 others
were trained in key areas for reduction
of maternal and infant mortality, which
allowed a significant reduction in
maternal mortality rates, which dropped
from about 1,400 per 100,000 live births
in 2001 to 610 in 2010.
The routine immunization activities
allowed the immunization of 91 percent
of children under one year of age
throughout the country and more than
6 million children under 5 years in each
of the four national immunization days
against polio. More than 55,000 women
of childbearing age received tetanus
vaccines, in routine immunization.
The number of HIV counseling and
testing centers increased significantly,
from eight in 2003 to 547 in 2010.
Additionally, virus vertical transmission
prevention centers increased from 3 in
2004 to 200 in 2010, and antiretroviral
treatment centers for adults and children
increased from 3 in 2004 to 133 in 2010.
These centers monitor 80,127 adults
and children, 41,371 of them receiving
antiretroviral treatments. As a result
of these efforts, the survey conducted
in 2010 showed a stabilization of the
prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS at the
national level, which remains one of the
lowest of our continent.
In order for all these health gains to be
sustainable, the Executive has sought to
prioritize the effective implementation
of public policies at the municipal level,
with the improvement of sanitation,
food security, drinking water supply,
reduction of maternal and infant
mortality, control of endemic diseases
and some non‑transmissible diseases.
Meanwhile, the hospital network will be
reinforced, under a regional integration
Energy and Water
The program ‘Water for All’ already
provides drinking water to one
million 200 thousand people. Water
consumption increased from 67 liters
per capita/day in 2008 to 101 liters per
capita/day in 2011, an increase of 51
percent. By the year 2012, this program
aims to ensure access to safe drinking
water to at least 80 percent of the rural
We have several ongoing medium and
large‑scale projects, to ensure water
supply in many urban centers, but for
now there is a national portfolio of
structural projects to satisfactorily solve
the water problem, as there is in the
Energy sector for electricity.
The country needs a National Water
Plan, depending on water availability,
providing for different uses in agriculture,
industry, human consumption and
hydroelectric power generation. Measures
have been taken to prepare this National
Water Plan as soon as possible, and
then a structure project portfolio will be
However, in order to overcome the
challenge of reducing the electricity
deficit in the country to zero, the
rehabilitation of the Gove, Mabubas,
Lomaum and Cambambe I dams are
underway, to be completed in 2012.
These projects will add 295.6 megawatts
to the power system.
State of the Nation
In order to improve the situation, thermal
power generation units will also be
installed in 2011 and 2012 in Cabinda,
Luanda, Dundo, Lubango, Namibe,
Menongue, Ondjiva, Huambo and
In order to better distribute the energy
produced a ‘power grid’ will be built,
which main axis is the interconnection
between the north and center of the
country. There currently are under
way rehabilitation and expansion of
the electricity distribution network in
Cabinda, Saurimo, Dundo, Caxito, Sumbe,
Porto Amboim, Huambo, Caala, Lubango,
Namibe and Tombwa.
On the other hand, structural projects
that have been approved will be
implemented in Soyo, Cambambe, Lauca,
Caculo Cabaca, and Keve/Ebo by the
year 2016, which will generate an output
of 5000 ‘megawatts’, an investment of 8
billion dollars for production and about
9 billion for the power distribution and
transportation system.
Thus, if the Executive energy sector
subprogram is fully met, the power
supply will improve significantly in 2013
and from 2017 the main problems will
be practically solved.
Agriculture and Industry
increasing food production, especially at
the family farm level.
The Agricultural Credit Campaign has
involved $ 47 million and benefited
24,000 small farmers, living in 68
municipalities in 17 of the 18 provinces
of the country, which
represents the fulfillment of 75 percent
of the commitment assumed with the
peasant communities.
However, over the past two years
the resources mobilized for rural
development and fighting poverty
privileged, have prioritized the continued
social and productive inclusion of the
rural population and improving the
provision of basic social services and
promotion of social harmony.
Farmers considered credit an instrument
that can help them in the fight against
poverty and consider the interest rate
of 5 percent and the repayment period
compatible with the agricultural and
livestock activities and the needs of this
business activity.
Poverty rates fell from 68 percent in
2002 to 36.6 percent in 2010, as stated
in Integrated Survey on the Welfare of
the Population (IBEP), but they may
fall further, if we work on the access
roads used for transporting agricultural
products from farm to city.
A suitable mechanism for the marketing
of agricultural products can avoid the
huge crop losses of many peasant
families, helping them to quickly
eliminate hunger and poverty.
The Executive is committed to ensuring
access to all Angolans, at all times, to
food of adequate quality and variety so
as to contribute to human, economic and
social development. In that connection
it is developing programs aimed at
Therefore, special emphasis will be given
to the rehabilitation and reconstruction
of secondary and tertiary roads
throughout the country and the Rural
Trade Program, as these factors are
catalysts of increased agricultural and
livestock production and the organized
and decentralized marketing for the local
administrator, and thus help improve the
living conditions of rural population.
We conclude that the rates of poverty
and hunger are declining and this is
proof that the freeing the Angolan from
hunger and poverty is possible!
In 2012 we will develop a more vigorous
support for micro and small businesses,
prioritizing financial aid with credits
to help those people who are already
conducting various small business
The vast majority of them are women
who work with a lot of dedication,
courage and sacrifice to get means to
support and educate their children and
so deserve our consideration, respect
and support! These and other women
in other areas are an important family
stabilizing factor and social inclusion and
We will also continue to take care
of gender balance, through the
promotion of education and the rise
of more women to management and
leadership roles and fighting all forms of
discrimination and violence.
President of the National Assembly,
From 2008 to 2011, the manufacturing
sector registered an average annual
growth of around 8 percent. 750 private
companies in almost all sectors were
created and put into operation, with
emphasis on food and drinks. The
number of direct jobs created was 25,120
and the value of private investments
reached about 4 billion dollars.
The textile, clothing and footwear
industry is now starting to take
its first steps, with the revival of
cotton plantation and weaving and
rehabilitation and development of
textile production in order to create jobs
and replace imports. For the next year
three textile mills will be implemented,
including Textang II, in Luanda, Africa
Textiles, in Benguela, and SATEC, in
Kwanza‑Norte and Dondo.
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 21
State of the Nation
It is anticipated that from 2012 to 2017
the manufacturing sector will post an
average annual growth of around 10
percent and the average annual number
of jobs created will be 7,400 direct and
7,580 indirect, and the estimated value of
investments at 8 billion and 500 million
dollars, included in the portfolio of the
Ministries of Industry and Mines and
Urban Development
and Housing
The structure and evolution of the
urban system and the national housing
stock continue to grow gradually, thus
providing a structured environment
for the country’s development and
strengthening of their conditions of
territorial affirmation and cohesion.
In this context, the National Housing
Program entered an intense project
phase, with emphasis on the
construction of new cities and urban
centers and redevelopment projects for
large settlements, to cater to the social
and middle income housing needs.
In the context of the National
Urbanization and Housing Program, the
State, private sector and cooperatives
are conducting in all provincial capitals
and 127 municipal centers programs
and construction projects of urban
infrastructures, totaling 350,091 homes
of different types, of which 210,024
are under state responsibility. The
population to be housed is estimated at
22 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
In some provinces there are some
construction delays due to logistic
conditions, but it is estimated that, once
the constraints are overcome, the first
homes will be delivered in 2012.
To ensure the population’s access to
home ownership, the Executive has
established a system of mortgage
loans that enables access on favorable
terms for financing home ownership or
purchase of land for construction.
Another aspect to consider is
self‑construction, under supervision,
and modular houses, or houses that are
being built in phases as a function of
disposable income. In this regard, we
wish to involve the private sector, both
domestic and international, because
it can contribute decisively to solve
the problems of two homeless million
We must also take into account, however,
that the military conflict has forced many
citizens to leave their places of origin
and settle informally in critical areas or
locations reserved for public projects.
Our purpose is to ensure support for the
solution of their problems, the two forms
of construction described above, that is,
supervised self‑construction and modular
house construction.
The Housing and Urban Development
Program in progress in Luanda, involves
the construction of three thousand
modular homes. Over five thousand are
expected to be built by 2012, in an area
with infrastructure for twenty thousand
homes. They are intended for families
who still live in tents in the districts of
Cacuaco, Viana and Zango. The same
program will cover the people who are
in the same situation in the provinces of
Huila, Cunene and Huambo.
Also underway, a more comprehensive
diagnosis project is being conducted at
the national level, in order to ascertain
the actual number of people at risk of
Finally, the city of Luanda is undergoing
a major transformation, both in its old
urban quarter or in its surroundings,
but its image still remains very poor. I
ordered the Minister for Urban Planning
and Construction, in cooperation with
the Governor of this province, to present
a plan for the complete renovation of
the image of the capital city, addressing
the repair of sidewalks, the repair and
repave roads, improving street lighting
and signage and speedy completion of
the anticipated parking lots, in order to
improve circulation.
This plan also involves the painting of
buildings and should begin in early 2012,
so that Luanda reflects our desire to
change for the better!
Infrastructure and Logistics
Of all the subprograms, this one had
the most outstanding growth. 6,500
kilometers of roads were rehabilitated
and built, hundreds of bridges were
built, railroads were revamped, airports
were recovered and trade and logistics
Some weaknesses of the sector should
be overcome, and the transportation
systems are to be coordinated and
integrated, specifically the ports with
railways, airports and roads to the
highways, and all of them with the
logistics infrastructure. In 2012/13 we
anticipate the completion of all roads,
railways and the port of Lobito.
State of the Nation
The Executive has approved the
construction of the country’s largest
commercial port in Barra do Dande,
Bengo province. It will be the main
gateway for entry of goods, thus
contributing to economic growth and job
million visitors and a million direct and
indirect jobs, increase the inclusion of
civil society and local populations; and
get closer to the international hotel
standards; and increase the contribution
of hospitality and tourism to the Gross
Domestic Product.
Another important ongoing investment
in the sector is the construction of a new
jetty in Cabinda, which will serve as a
support base for the construction of a
deepwater port in the locality of Caio,
whose executive project is nearing final
stages of preparation.
Culture and Sport
The rehabilitation of the airport
infrastructure continues at a rapid pace.
The airports of Cabinda, Catumbela,
Benguela, Malanje, Ondjiva, Lubango
and Huambo were rehabilitated and
modernized, and the airport of Cariango
in Ndalatando, is ready to open.
Later this month contracts will be
approved for the rehabilitation of the
airports of Soyo, Dundo, Saurimo and
Luena. Next year we will complete the
first phase of the new international
airport in Luanda, which, on the final
phase, will have the capacity of 15
million passengers per year.
Most of the Luanda’s road structure
rehabilitation program projects should be
delivered still in 2011. Of the 19 points of
intervention, at least 14 are already being
finalized. The Luanda and Kifangondo
and Viana‑Cabolombo‑Cacuaco
Expressways are examples of projects
that have led to significant improvements
in traffic and urban planning.
Hospitality and Tourism
Given the existing economic conditions,
this sector has experienced tremendous
growth and is one of the most promising
in terms of future development. The
implementation of the recently approved
Tourism Master Plan shall contribute
towards that goal.
Tour operators are confident and
continue to invest in creating hotel
infrastructure and the like. In 2010, there
was a 16.1 percent increase in tourist
arrivals, the hotel supply has grown to
136 units with an average occupancy
rate of 89 percent, and the estimated
investment in the sector amounted to
the equivalent of over a billion dollars.
The Executive approved the guidelines
for the creation of three new tourism
development centers, which will
complement the Tourism Development
Centers of Futungo de Belas, namely
the Tourism Development Centers of
Calandula, Cabo Ledo and the Okavango
In the latter case, Angola is part of an
ambitious project to create a pool of
cross‑border conservation of wildlife
and eco‑tourism involving Zambia,
Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia,
called the Okavango‑Zambezi or simply
The aim is to structure tourism around
natural resources, landscape, sun, beach
and cultural heritage, also increasing
business travel. The aim is to achieve
in the next ten years four and a half
Two important laws have just been
appreciated by the Board of Ministers
and sent to the Assembly, the
Sponsorship Law and Languages Act,
which may contribute decisively to a
greater support and dynamics of artistic
and cultural activities and to restore the
dignity and ethno linguistic identity of
various regions of the country.
The legal framework of the National
Public Libraries Network was also
defined, which will allow greater
and easier access to key works for
knowledge and education, and also
the Cultural Centers, which provide
a privileged space for socializing and
cultural enrichment and sharing of
experiences at all levels.
We appreciate and consider worthy of
recognition the efforts of several artists
and all culture producers to enrich
the spiritual heritage of the nation.
The Executive will approve this effort,
also accelerating the completion of
the middle and higher art education
institutes, to improve the skills of cultural
In regards to sport, our policy has
been geared to obtain its maximum
benefits as a social phenomenon. The
investments are linked to the creation
of infrastructure conditions, which have
given an unquestionable contribution to
improving sports and also to improve the
quality of life and welfare of populations.
The studies for the construction of an
Olympic Village, a Training Center and
High Performance Center are currently in
advanced stages of completing.
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 23
State of the Nation
At the same time, the Sports Law has
established the general national sport
framework, promoting and guiding the
organization thereof, and generalizing
it to all society, as indispensable to the
formation and health of human beings,
especially through physical education
and school sports.
Henceforth we will pay more attention
to defining a coherent system of national
sport funding and the study and
implementation of strategy and action
plan for the levels of training in all sports.
Also in this area, we salute, in particular,
the achievements of the woman’s
handball and basketball team and
Paralympic athletes, who not only filled
our people with joy and pride, but also
projected the name of the Angolan
nation abroad.
President of the National Assembly,
Aware of the risks of major international
financial and economic crisis, from
2009, the Executive conducted a
Macroeconomic Policy supported by
a strong high quality Fiscal Policy,
consistent and credible, capable of
ensuring an opposite effect to the
economic stagnation trend that appeared
to be imminent and eventually happened
in all developed and developing
countries and emerging markets.
Our anti‑cyclical policy was guided
by a firm determination to avoid a
recession without resorting to the
growth of debt and money issues, in
order not to compromise the fiscal and
foreign exchange fundamentals and
macroeconomic stability.
The Public Investments Program
continued to invest on the physical
reconstruction, economic and social
development of the country, maintaining
growth, avoiding recession and
continuing the fight against hunger and
24 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Data released by the International
Monetary Fund last September indicated
that Angola was one of the few countries
in the world to escape recession in 2009,
as its GDP grew 2.4 percent, while the
world’s GDP decreased 0.7 percent.
In 2010, the trend continued, as the
GDP grew 3.4 percent and the Angolan
economic environment was characterized
by the slow recovery in oil prices and
the fiscal effort to further consolidate the
pillars of macroeconomic stability.
The country’s net international reserves
rose in 2010, from the equivalent of 12.6
billion to about 17.5 billion and stood at
the end of June of 2011 at 21.4 billion,
representing an increase of 23.6 percent
since the beginning of the year.
The increasing dynamism of the
construction, agriculture, industry and
services industries showed the increasing
participation of non‑oil sector in GDP,
with growth of 8.3 percent in 2009 and
7.8 percent in 2010, while the oil sector
dropped (respectively ‑5.1 and ‑3.0 per
cent) due to the sharp reduction in oil
prices in 2009 and reduction of the
volume produced in 2010.
For 2011 the GDP growth is estimated at
around 3.7 percent, lower than expected
in the general budget of the initial state,
because of reduced oil production by BP,
for technical reasons, but that was offset
in part by increasing the annual average
price of the crude oil barrel and faster
growth of the non‑oil sector, due to the
decisive effect of the Public Investment
Such investments were accompanied
by a rise in the level of social sector
spending in the State Budget, which
rose from 12.7 percent in 2009 to 34.3
percent in 2010, a condition achieved
in part thanks to the restructuring of
short‑term debt securities carried out in
the last two years.
Inflation remains a challenge for Angola.
After years of sustained decline, the
inflation rate rose 6 percent in 2008,
reaching 13.7 percent and rose again to
14.7 percent in 2010.
It is estimated that in 2011 inflation will
stay below the 12 percent projected in
the State Budget, since the variation
accumulated from January through
August this year stands at only 6.86
percent compared to 8.4 percent in same
period of 2010.
However, the overall public debt remains
within the internationally accepted safety
factors, both in terms of volume and
costs, as well as its maturity profile.
The low cost of foreign debt, in
conjunction with the recovery of
export prices of oil, reflected on the
improvement of the balance of the
Current Account Balance of Payments,
which evolved from a deficit of 7.572
billion in 2009 to a deficit of only 348
million in 2010.
No wonder, for all the reasons set
forth above, the Angolan nation
continues to receive the international
community’s recognition of its growing
macroeconomic strength, according
to reports issued in 2010 by the
International Monetary Fund and
the three main sovereign debt risk
international rating agencies.
As a projection, since the fiscal year has
not yet finished, the State Budget for
2012 indicates a potential for revenues
and expenditures to approximate $ 3.5
trillion kwanza, without a deficit.
The projections also indicate a 12% real
growth rate of GDP, 13.4 per cent for
the oil sector and 12.5 percent for the
non‑oil sector, with an inflation rate of
around 10 percent.
President of the National Assembly,
In 2000, the United Nations upon
analyzing the major world problems
defined a set of objectives to be
State of the Nation
achieved by member states by 2015, in
order to reduce by half all calculated
Eight objectives were recommended:
1º ‑ E radication of extreme poverty and
2º ‑ A
chievement of universal elementary
3º ‑ P
romotion of gender equality and
empowerment of women;
4º ‑ Reduction of child mortality;
5º ‑ Improvement of maternal health;
6º ‑ F ighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
7º ‑ E nsuring environmental
8º ‑ C
reating a global partnership for
As we could see on the findings
noted earlier, when referring to the
degree of implementation of Executive
programs in various fields of national
life, Angola has been addressing all
of these concerns, not only with the
organization of the basic conditions
and the allocation of resources into
concrete actions, but also with training
and mobilization of the entire society to
bring them to fruition.
It is important for the Gentlemen to
appreciate this data and monitor the
work of the Executive, so that you
know how the country is meeting its
international commitments.
President of the National Assembly,
In adopting a political and ideological
option for multiparty democracy and
social market economy, we chose a
political, economic, social and cultural
democracy, based on equality and
respect for fundamental freedoms and
guarantees of citizens. Our goal is to
build a market economy that serves
Angolans and provides better and
improving living conditions.
The national economy is still in the
design phase, but there is no market
economy without entrepreneurs and
private owners and we expect Angolan
private entrepreneurs, whether large,
medium or small, to begin now to
take the reins of our economy and the
provision of productive services, as the
state is reducing its presence there.
Wealthy people will, and are in fact,
emerging. The state is not against the
rich, but it’s important to say that the
main concern of the Executive is to fight
hunger and poverty with increasing
energy in order to reduce it gradually,
until complete eradication.
The private sector can and should
contribute by making more investments
to create more good paying jobs, pay
taxes and increase national wealth.
In this context, I think the country
needs laws and regulations with clearer
rules for the participation of business
leaders, assembly members and other
public office holders and any eventual
The Constitution recognizes every
citizen’s equal rights and it is important
to know how to act when there are
conflicts of interest or ethical and moral
values, preserving and separating private
from state affairs. The country needs
everyone’s contribution, with confidence,
on the present and future and its
President of the National Assembly,
The youth has a historical tradition of
active participation in all noble causes
engaged by the Angolan people. It
participated in the National Liberation
struggle, both the guerrillas and
underground. It was the most important
and active party in the defense the
country against foreign invasions and
military‑political destabilization and
helped the people to build peace and
democracy which makes us so proud
Our youth has never acted outside of the
will of the people. The youth emanates
from the people and has always worked
for the people. We need to maintain
this rich tradition that comes from our
Today there are some misunderstandings
and even misconceptions that need to
be clarified. I think they still happen
because the dialogue is not sufficient.
The Executive must improve social
dialogue and listen, hear and discuss
more, so that issues are treated in the
right times and places, and consensual
solutions are found and applied.
The executive program for the
resolution of Youth issues, whose
implementation was suspended, will
be adjusted by the Government and
its implementation will be periodically
evaluated by the Ministry of Youth
and Sports, with representatives of the
National Youth Council, as done before.
The country needs everyone’s
contribution. We need the strength,
dynamism, creativity and availability
of young students, workers, peasants
and intellectuals as well as young
entrepreneurs or business people. The
country relies on the patriotism and
public spirit which has always been the
attribute of young Angolans.
The confusion and misunderstanding
has caused situations of violence that
caused many misfortunes and suffering
to the Angolan people in the recent
past. Ultimately, when we understand
each other, we realize that the Angolan
people’s problems will be solved by
reconciliation, peace and that, together
we will solve the problems of the
Angolan people.
President of the National Assembly,
According the normalization of the
country’s political life, and terms of
the Constitution, a general election
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 25
State of the Nation
Having a painful war experience, which
still has serious consequences for the
lives of our people. Angola advocates
dialogue and negotiation principles
for reaching peaceful resolution of all
differences and disputes that may arise
at the international level.
This position is increasingly relevant in
a world in which any crisis reaches a
global dimension, where imposition and
the threat of force to resolve internal
conflicts or disputes between sovereign
countries are again being widely used.
for President and Vice‑President of
the Republic and National Assembly
members will take place in the third
quarter of 2012, ending the four‑year
parliamentary term resulting from the
2008 legislative elections.
I ask of the National Assembly to
urgently approve the laws necessary
to define the legal guidelines and
composition of the National Electoral
Commission, as well as the mechanisms
of interaction with other relevant
institutions of the state, and allow the
creation of conditions for well organized,
free and transparent elections.
The electoral registration process is
currently being updated and it is
important that every voting age citizen
be registered, to fulfill his duty, because
only then he can exercise the right to
vote and participate in the choice of
political representative for the next five
years, as defined by the Constitution.
Therefore, the efforts of officials and staff
of the Defense, Security and Public Order
forces are worthy of praise and gratitude,
for not only have they preserved peace,
protected our borders and enforced
the legality of the Constitution of the
Republic, but have also participated in
social emergency actions, such as mine
evacuations and reconstruction of local
infrastructure and cooperation missions
outside the country.
I take this opportunity to emphasize and
appeal to the institutional strengthening
of solidarity between Parliament, the
Government and the Courts, which are,
respectively the legislative, executive and
judiciary, which are the cornerstones of
a democratic rule of law in Social Justice
and Peace
President of the National Assembly,
I extended this appeal to other state
agencies, such as the Attorney General’s
Office, the Court of Auditors and the
Prosecutor’s Office, calling upon them
to perform their specific noble tasks
speedily, accurately and impartially.
President of the National Assembly,
The safety of the Angolan nation, despite
the persistence of some threats and low
intensity risks, has appeared generally
stable and under control, as the proper
authorities have proactively ensured the
order and public peace, protecting the
State institutions.
26 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Our foreign policy continues to be
guided by objective actions and events
leading to the consolidation of the
understanding and cooperation among
nations and the preservation of peace,
stability and international security.
We will continue to fulfill our
obligations and our responsibilities
at the international level, particularly
with regard to Africa as a whole and
particularly in the context of economic
and political groups to which we belong,
such as SADC and ECCAS, and also the
Community of Portuguese Speaking
At a broader level, Angola will also
continue to cooperate with the
international community in fighting
terrorism and criminal networks, money
laundering, human being trafficking and
psychotropic substances and endemic
As in the past, we will never allow the
interference of foreign governments or
entities in our internal affairs. We will
defend our sovereignty and territorial
integrity, our political and economic
choices and our identity as a nation,
putting the best interests of the Angolan
people above all.
Angola Will Win! v
Diplomatic Activity
National Prayer Breakfast
• February 3, 2011
Angola participated at the 59ª session of the National Prayer Breakfast
in Washington D.C.
n Angolan delegation led by MP
Ângela Bragança, President of the
Third Committee on Foreign Affairs,
International Cooperation and Angolan
Communities Abroad attended the
fifty‑ninth session of the National
Prayer Breakfast (breakfast prayer),
an event that takes place annually
on the first Thursday of February in
Washington, D.C.
Joined the same event Anabela
Alberto dos Santos, also a member of
the third committee of the National
Assembly, responsible by Angolan
communities living abroad.
This is the third time that an Angolan
delegation is invited to participate
at the exhibition organized by the
Fellowship Foudation, a conservative
Christian organization known as “The
Family”. Initially called the Presidential
Prayer Breakfast, the name was
changed in 1970 to National Prayer
Breakfast (breakfast prayer), and hosts
members of Congress. This year’s
event had participants from over 100
countries and included a series of
meetings and other events.
Attended the event about 3,500 guests
including international guests from
more than 100 countries. The same is
designed to be a forum for political,
social and business leaders in the
world with the aim of interaction and
establish partnerships. “The National
Prayer Breakfast (breakfast annual
prayer), is considered by families as an
instrument with the main purpose of
prayer and meeting. The event, whose
program included a series of meetings
and social activities, happens there is
56 years.
President Barack Obama accompanied
by his wife was the main speaker of
the event where also intervened the
astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of
Republican Congresswoman Gabrielle
Giffords, a victim of the attack earlier
this year in the State of Arizona.
Each year, members of Congress join
in prayer with many other government
personalities, representatives of the
diplomatic corps accredited in the
U.S., leaders from around the country
and friends, without regard to their
differences in order to strengthen their
relationships through their love for
God and neighbor.
The Fellowship Foundation is an
institution that supports a broad
international movement that strives to
create a common denominator in spite
of different religious faiths, political
and social divisions emphasizing the
message of Jesus Christ, love and
Ângela Bragança, National Assembly MP.
President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle
Obama, heads bowed at the time of prayer that
was made by NASA Astronaut Mark Kelly, spouse of
Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who ended the 2011
National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.
Following the program of the visit,
the Angolan parliamentary delegation
participated in an interactive meeting
with the Angolan diaspora living in
the metropolitan Washington area,
organized by the Embassy of Angola,
where they discussed the latest
political developments, economic
and social changes that occur in the
country. Ângela Bragança reported
on the operation of the National
Assembly, and the main strategies
outlined by the Government to
citizens who wish to return to the
country so that they can meet their
basic needs. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 27
Diplomatic Activity
TAAG acquired two aircraft
type 777 ‑ 300ER from Boeing
National flag carrier, signed contracts with partners to finance
the acquisition of two new aircraft from Boeing
Ministry of Finance, National Institute of
Civil Aviation (INAVIC) and the National
Company Insurance of Angola (ENSA).
ere signed in Washington D.C.,
on June 10, 2011, at the
headquarters of Eximbank financing
contracts in the context of the
commercial contract, approved on
October 5 October, 2009 based in
Presidential Decree number 114/11
of June 3, 2011, between TAAG and
Boeing for the purchase of two aircraft
Boeing 777‑300ER, worth a total of
three hundred seventy‑five million,
four hundred sixty‑three thousand,
six hundred seventy‑eight U.S. dollars
and eighty cents ( 375,463,678.80), a
long‑term financing in several tranches.
To this end, on the on 8th of June, was
in Washington D.C., a TAAG delegation
led by its CEO, Pimentel Araújo which
also included representatives from the
EximBank headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Signing of financial contracts.
28 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Pimentel Araújo,
MPs –National Assembly.
TAAG, Angola Airlines‑EP., signed with
its partners the financing agreements
between the LLC IONA (an institution
created to be responsible for the
duration of aircraft financing), PFECO,
Private Export Corporation (Private
Export) U.S. Eximbank, guaranteed by
the latter and the Government of the
Republic of Angola, in the amount of
$ 255,642,208.00 (two hundred and
fifty five million, six hundred forty‑two
thousand two hundred and eight dollars),
and British HSBC Bank, guaranteed
by the Government of the Republic
Virgílio Fontes Pereira, head of Angolan Parliamentary
delegation that visited Washington and witenessd the event
next to MP Maria Luísa Veiga, Adelaide Godinho, TAAG Legal
Director and Martinho Codo, Diplomat at the Embassy.
of Angola, worth U.S. $ 78,348,865.10
(Seventy‑eight million, three hundred
forty‑eight thousand, eight hundred
sixty‑five dollars and ten cents).
Representantives of TAAG and Ministry of Finance.
A financing agreement concluded
between TAAG and the Union of Angolan
Banks led by Banco de Poupança e
Crédito (Credit and Savings Bank),
involving the African Investment Bank
(BAI) and the Bank of International
Business, guaranteed by the Angolan
Government in the amount of USD
34,463 .049,40 (Thirty‑4463000, forty‑nine
dollars and forty cents), was also signed.
The Ministry of Finance is the agency of
the Government, to whom was delegated
the authority to issue, on behalf of
Angola, the guarantees to cover the
financing contracts. ENSA has the task
President of U.S.
Martinho Codo, Representative
of the Embassy of Angola to
the USA.
Diplomatic Activity
Angolan parliamentary delegation, TAAG CEO and Embassy
Chargé d’Affairs a.i.
of all that related to insurance of such
aircraft issues.
“TAAG is committed to improving
its fleet, according to international
standards, thus contributing to the
modernization of the company. I am sure
that these aircraft will help to reduce
the flow of passengers and goods in
the country, “said TAAG CEO Pimentel
Araújo, after the signing ceremony of
financing contracts, adding, referring to
the internal structure of aircraft, they
were just 12 / 1 class, 56 executive and
225 economic.
Representantives of AN, TAAG, Boeing, INAVIC, EximBank,
HSBC, PFECO and diplomats.
Financial contracts signature ceremony.
HSBC Eximbank and President Fred Hoch
At the time, Martinho Codo, Chargé
d’Affaires a.i. of this diplomatic mission,
in his speech said that the ceremony, was
a testimony the good relations between
the two countries and stressed the
commitment of the Angolan government
to improve conditions of living in various
sectors of society including the transport
After the event, TAAG delegation went
to Seattle, Washington States, where is
located the Boeing headquarters, for the
delivery of the first aircraft that left U.S.
airspace on June 16, 2011. The second
aircraft flew to Angola, on July 7, 2011. v
First Aircraft,“Sagrada Esperança” Everest, Seattle,
Washington States.
June 16, 2011.
Representatives of TAAG, ENSA and Ministry of Finance.
Witnessed the event the delegation of
members of parliament that ended their
visit to U.S., staff of the U.S. Department
of State, representatives of Boeing and
Eximbank, as well as Angolan diplomats.
The financing agreements initially were
led by TAAG, your CEO Pimentel Araújo,
Richard Youtz PFECO, Richard Hodder
Second aircraft, “Welwitschia Mirabilis”
Everest ‑ Seattle, Washington States.
July 7, 2011.
Inside Boeing 777‑300ER.
Raul Araújo, National
Assembly Consultant.
Diplomats at the USA Embassy
& guests.
TAAG Crew.
Representatives of the national press
in Seattle, Everest Base, Washington
Preparations for the take‑off of the
second aircraft.
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 29
Diplomatic Activity
Angolan parliamentary delegation
visited the United States of America
has the responsibility to prepare
the State Budget and present it to
Congress; is also the direction of the
management of the White House
Virgílio de Fontes Pereira, president of the MPLA
parliamentary bench.
delegation of the National
Assembly headed by Virgílio de
Fontes Pereira, president of the MPLA
parliamentary bench, visited the U.S.
from 6 to 10 June 2011.
On the last day of the visit, the
Angolan delegation, witnessed the
official act of signing of the financial
agreement between TAAG‑Angola
Airlines‑EP, IONA LLC, Corporation
Private Export Fund, the British bank
HSBC and the U.S. EximBank, in the
context of the commercial contract
between the national airline and
Boeing for the acquisition of two new
aircraft Boeing 777‑300ER.
The agenda set for this state visit of
five days to Washington, which had as
main objective exchange experiences
on legislative oversight over the
executive, included various meetings
with U.S. congressmen and a meeting
at the State Department.
The Angolan MPs were informed about
the operation of the Projections unit of
the budget body of the U.S. Congress
(CBO), an institution that is mandated
to prepare studies and projections on
the State Budget presented by the
Also in the U.S. Congress, the
Angolan parliamentary delegation,
held a meeting in the House of
Representatives, where was speaker
Dubovi Talia, congress staff, from the
sub‑committee on appropriations
of the State, foreign operations
and related programs, and Jim
Jukes , Directorate of State Budget
(OMB), Associate Director for the
legislative division, the organ which
30 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
delegation participated the TAAG
delegation in Washington, D.C., its
partners, members of the resident
Angolan community in the United
States, Associate Members of the
Chamber and Angolan diplomats.
Virgílio de Fontes Pereira, considered
the visit successful and stressed
that regular exchanges between
the National Assembly and the U.S
Congress, such visits, have as main
objective a better understanding
of the American legal system and
will reinforce and help the Angolan
parliamentary process. With the
presents he made a toast for the
acquisition by TAAG of two aircraft of
type Boeing 777‑300 ER.
Members of the Community Association New Angola
(Angolan community in Philadelphia, met Mr. Virgílio
de Fontes Pereira.
Virgílio Fontes Pereira, paid a courtesy
visit to Susan Page, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for African Affairs of the
U.S. Department State in which
both parties exchanged views on
the current status of the bilateral
cooperation between the two countries
and increased relations between the
two bodies to share experiences on
both sides.
To conclude, the delegation attended
a reception on the premises of the
Embassy of Angola to the USA,
organized jointly with the U.S.‑Angola
Chamber of Commerce, where the
Included the Angolan delegation
Vitória Izata, chairman of the
committee on constitutional and
judicial affairs, Tomás da Silva,
vice‑president of the Committee
for the administration of state and
local government, Maria Luísa Veiga,
member of the committee for ethics
and decorum, both members of the
National Assembly as well as Raul
Araújo, Consultant of the National
Assembly and Lutuima Prata, assistant
and senior staff.v
Diplomatic Activity
President Barack Obama accepted credencials
from the New Angolan Ambassador to the U.S.
A simple ceremony but of special significance!
Remarks by President Barack
Obama Upon the Occasion of the
presentation of Ambassador Bento
Ribeiro Letter of Credence.
he Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Republic
of Angola to the United States of
America, Alberto do Carmo Bento
Ribeiro, was received September 9,
2011 in audience at the White House
by President Barack Obama, for the U.S.
official presentation of his credentials.
During the ceremony, the diplomat
stressed in his message, the dividends
of peace and consolidation of national
reconciliation that occurs in our country
and the strengthening of democratic
institutions towards an improvement
in human rights, aimed at reducing
poverty, good governance and
combating corruption.
The Angolan Ambassador to the USA,
also noted the progress made in
the bilateral cooperation between
our two countries, emphasizing the
signing of the Memorandum to the
Strategic Partnership Dialogue in 2010,
as a testimony to the importance of
diplomacy and an instrument that is
increasingly further strengthen the good
relations that already exist.
Upon acceptance of the letters that
accredit Alberto do Carmo Bento
Ribeiro as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of Angola in the
U.S., Barack Obama, said that the
indication of the Angolan diplomat
comes at a crucial moment of the
bilateral relations between our two
“In the last decade, Angola has not only
recovered from the devastating civil
war, as has also developed an economy
that ranks among the largest in the
African continent,” he said. The U.S.
President also took the opportunity to
Mr. Ambassador:
Alberto do Carmo Bento Ribeiro, New Ambassador
of Angola to the USA, in the White House next
to President Barack Obama.
congratulate the Angolan Head of State,
President José Eduardo dos Santos for
the presidency of SADC.
The Angolan diplomat presented his
figured letters, the 1st of September
2011, at the United States Department
of State.
Attended the ceremony at the White
House, as usual in the U.S. close relatives
of Ambassador Bento Ribeiro. v
State protocol official vehicle from the U.S.
administration on the way to the White House.
It is with great pleasure that I
accept your Letter of Credence,
which establishes you as
Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of
Angola, and I acknowledge receipt
of the Letter of Recall of your
predecessor, Ambassador Josefina
Pitra Diakite, who was exceptional
in representing Angola in the United
States. I would like to extend a very
warm welcome to you and your
family and I look forward to working
closely with you to strengthen the
already close relationship between
our countries.
Your assignment to Washington
comes at a pivotal moment in our
bilateral relationship. Over the
past decade, Angola has not only
recovered from a devastating civil
war, it has developed an economy
that now ranks among the largest in
Africa. The United States recognizes
Angola’s important leadership
role in Africa, and I congratulate
President Dos Santos on assuming
the chairmanship of the Southern
African Development Community
(SADC). Angola’s presidential and
parliamentary elections next year
will be another important milestone.
Angola is blessed with abundant
natural resources, but its people are
its greatest resource. The United
States believes that democracy is
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 31
Diplomatic Activity
of democratic governance. Our hope is
that the United States can assist Angola
to improve the life of its citizens and
fully realize its potential as a peaceful,
prosperous, and democratic nation.
I look forward to working with you on
improving our cooperation on mutual
interests and strengthening the bonds
of partnership and friendship between
our countries. Mr. Ambassador, it gives
me great pleasure to welcome you to
Washington, D.C. v
Ambassador Bento Ribeiro and spouse, Mrs. Maria Odete
Ribeiro accompanied by White House Protocol Official.
the key to harnessing this wealth and
securing a bright, prosperous future for
all Angolans.
During her first trip to Africa as Secretary
of State, Hillary Clinton made an
historic visit to Angola. Since then, the
United States and Angola have signed
a Memorandum of Understanding
that formally established a Strategic
Partnership Dialogue based on the
principles of respect, equality, and
mutual benefit. I was pleased to hear
that an official U.S. energy delegation
was warmly received in Luanda in
August, and that they had positive,
substantive meetings and conversations
with your government. I look forward
to further progress as we continue to
advance our dialogue.
The United States also looks forward
to increased trade and investment with
Angola. Private U.S. companies are
investing heavily in Angola, which is
now our third largest trading partner in
sub‑Saharan Africa. Our nations continue
to make progress on our bilateral Trade
and Investment Framework Agreement.
We hope to expand our economic
engagment beyond your country’s robust
petroleum sector.
Despite the extraordinary progress
made within Angola and in our bilateral
relationship, much remains to be done.
We look forward to working with Angola
as it continues to advance along the path
32 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Angola USA
Ambassador Bento Ribeiro and members of his family
before departure to the White House.
New Ambassador wants to consolidate relations
ento Ribeiro, the new Ambassador of Angola to the United States was
sworn in by President, José Eduardo dos Santos, on June 19, 2011.
Speaking at the time to the national press, the diplomat said in Luanda
that will do everything for the consolidation of relations between the two
He recalled that the United States of America “is the most important
Angola economic partner” and given the position that this country plays in
today’s world, “it is evident that we must have a very special and privileged
He pointed out as a priority the strengthening of ties at diplomatic and
political levels, as well as as consolidating existing in the economic sphere. v
Diplomatic Activity
66ª Annual UN Session
World leaders converged to the United Nations in New York last September for the
annual session of the General Assembly. 193 member nations, and the southern Sudan
newly inaugurated last July, 121 Heads of State and Government participated
at the six‑day event.
he assembly began with two
days of events for the first time
high‑level meeting on the diseases
that cumulatively kill three in five
people worldwide. It focused on
combating cardiovascular diseases,
cancer, chronic lung diseases and
diabetes. The UN Secretary General
Ban Ki‑moon predisposed to “broker
an international commitment that puts
non‑communicable diseases on the
agenda of development.”
The National Transitional Council of
Libya, recently recognized by the UN as
the legitimate authority in the country,
was present in New York and represented
by his chairman, Mustafa Jalil.
The speeches and debates began with
the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff.
It was the first time that a female leader
was the first speaker of the debate. She
pulpit. He addressed the regional
turmoil of the Middle East, as well as
their usual posts pro‑Palestinian and
was followed by US President Barack
Obama, who made ​​his third appearance
at the annual UN meeting. Stood out
among the speakers at the first day
were the President of France Nicolas
Sarkozy, President of Russia Dimitri
Medvedev and President Hamid Karzai
of Afghanistan.
A controversial figure of the event
in past years, the Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in the
Another major event was marked by
the pursuit of Palestinian peacemaking.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
spoke after and proceeded to deliver a
letter for the application of his country to
the UN Secretary‑General.
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu also presented his speech.
However, a pro‑Palestinian protest
occurred outside the UN headquarters on
the same day.
Several ministerial meetings and
conferences took place outside of the
General Assembly, focusing on themes
such as Somalia, counterterrorism,
nuclear safety and Afghanistan. v
Minister of Foreign Affairs led the Angolan
delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
Mr. President,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Georges Rebelo Chicoti, Minister of External Affairs
intervening at UN.
I would like to take this opportunity to
congratulate Your Excellency for your
election to preside over the work of this
66th Session of UN General Assembly
and to assure you of the support and
cooperation of the Angolan delegation for
the success of the work of this session.
I also want to express our gratitude to your
predecessor, Ambassador Joseph Deiss, for
the competent and impartial manner in
which he conducted the proceedings of the
65th session.
May I also congratulate the
Secretary‑General for his re‑election
and assure him of the support of my
Government for the success of his much
complex and demanding mission in
the service of peace and cooperation
Alberto do Carmo Bento Ribeiro, Ambassador of Angola to the USA.
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 33
Diplomatic Activity
66ª Annual UN Session
among nations, a cornerstone of the
mandate embodied in the Charter of our
We congratulate the Republic of South
Sudan for its admission as a member
of the United Nations. We wish South
Sudan a future of peace and prosperity
and guarantee the availability of the
Government of Angola to cooperate with
this new State’s effort to consolidate its
independence and its socio‑economic
We are also pleased with the creation of
UN‑Women, and we are certain that it will
give further impetus to the promotion
and empowerment of women and the
achievement of their legitimate rights.
Mr. President,
This session of the General Assembly takes
place at a particularly complex moment in
the international arena, characterized by
so many crises that I believe it not be an
exaggeration to say that they challenge
the very foundations of our international
Thus, if I list them, though not exhaustively,
I can cite the current economic and
financial crisis, which triggered the most
serious social crisis witnessed by our
generation; a dangerous environmental
crisis of unpredictable consequences
for the future of humanity and that will
be irreversible unless the international
community as a whole applies immediate
and courageous measures; a general
escalation of violence and the outbreak
of conflict, which combined with the
environmental crisis, has caused the most
serious humanitarian crisis that humanity
has witnessed since the end the 2nd World
War. In conclusion, we live in a dangerous
situation where a combination of factors
endangers the stability, peace and security
in the world.
34 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
The diagnosis of the present international
situation made by the majority of the
speakers who preceded me and that we
share constitutes a call to our collective
A particularly disturbing factor is the
current economic and financial crisis
that has affected virtually every country
in the world and spilled more heavily
in developing countries, with serious
consequences for political stability and
social cohesion in these countries.
Therefore, it is urgent to find solutions
to these problems, which will require the
strengthening of international cooperation
on a basis of greater justice and equality.
Moreover, it is urgent to take measures
aimed at deepening economic reforms
within States that promote economic
growth and social development.
Heavily affected by this international
economic and financial crisis, Angola has
adopted a set of measures to mitigate its
most adverse effects, and without prejudice
to the maintenance of macroeconomic
balances, has focused considerable
resources in the fight against poverty and
social development.
Mr. President,
The Theme of this General Assembly session
– “The role of mediation in peaceful conflict
resolution” ‑ reveals the deep concern of
the international community with the need
for an integrated approach in resolving
conflicts that affect international society.
That is what makes it necessary to
implement mediation efforts after conflicts
have started. Conflict prevention should be
the key element in the management of any
areas of tension.
Respect for fundamental rights and
freedoms, the rule of law, and good
governance bodies are basic needs for
any human society to live in peace and
harmony, and are the main guarantee of
effective conflict prevention.
There are other elements I would like
to mention that are an important cause
of the spread of conflicts: I am referring
to external interference, done in gross
violation of international law, and which
most of the time obstructs efforts at
mediation and peaceful resolution, and
prevents solutions to these conflicts.
Angola paid a very high price as a result
of such interference that for too long a
time fed a fratricidal conflict that Angolans
finally settled and wisely overcame with
magnanimity, fairness and inclusion under
of the auspices of the leadership of H.E.
José Eduardo dos Santos. The role of
Angola and its contribution to internal
and regional peace should be seen in the
broader context of conflict resolution by
allowing the implementation of Security
Council emblematic resolution 435 of
1978, which led to the independence of
Namibia and created the conditions for
a peaceful coexistence in a region that
endured extreme hostility and constituted a
permanent threat to world peace.
Instilled with a spirit of fraternity, the
government of Angola has spared no
efforts to pursue its policy of effective
reconciliation, which has allowed the
inclusion of all its children previously in
conflict. That was a true investment in
peace, a decisive factor in the process of
post‑conflict reconstruction.
Angola has served as a reference point
for the resolution of some conflicts on the
African continent, and has spared no effort
in sharing its experience with other peoples
and countries.
Also in the context of conflict resolution,
it is important to strengthen the role of
multilateralism following the logic of a
new thought of responsibility and shared
benefits, based on the recognition of
Diplomatic Activity
the legitimate interests of all parties, on
consultation and dialogue and in the
search for workable solutions to issues of
international peace and security.
It is thus inevitable to refer to the
instruments of cooperation between the
Security Council and the African Union,
and to the role of the United Nations and
the regional institutions in preventing
and resolving conflicts, and it is of crucial
importance to strengthen the action of
regional organizations in the management
of stressful situations that may constitute
threats to peace and security.
In this connection, the Security Council
has the primary role in the prevention
and resolution of conflicts, and in the
maintenance of peace in accordance
with the powers conferred upon it by the
Charter of the United Nations.
The central theme of our debate also
calls for the need to reform the Security
Council, and to the imperative of a fair
representation of all regions and the
expansion of its permanent members,
thus adapting the Security Council to the
contemporary reality.
Mr. President,
At the regional level and in the
implementation of a policy of peaceful
cooperation, Angola is a member of SADC,
ECCAS (Economic Community of Central
African Countries), the Commission of the
Gulf of Guinea and the CPLP (Community
of Portuguese Language Countries), which
with several partners, has acted on the
basis of preventive diplomacy and the
search for peaceful solutions to the different
crises that have arisen.
Regarding the constitutional crisis in
Madagascar, SADC (Southern Africa
Development Community) has mediated
the recent signing by all parties involved
of the roadmap for the implementation of
the reconciliation process, which should
lead to elections and the restoration
of constitutional normality, and has
constituted an important breakthrough in
the process—one which Angola welcomes.
The Brotherly country of Guinea‑Bissau, our
partner in the Community of Portuguese
Speaking Countries, has been the subject
of special attention from Angola. As part
of the CPLP, Angola and other member
states have strived to establish a strategic
partnership with ECOWAS, under the
coordination of the United Nations, aiming
to bring political stability to the country
so that it can carry out major structural
reforms, in particular the reform of the
defense and security sector. We welcome
the positive developments that the country
now lives, and encourage the authorities
of Guinea‑Bissau to pursue vigorously the
process of stabilizing the country.
The drought in the Horn of Africa is a
reason of deep concern to my country
and the entire international community.
In Somalia, the consequences of drought
are felt even more due to the prevalence
of armed conflict, which worsens its
humanitarian crisis, shocks the universal
conscience and calls for a redoubled effort
by the international community. Angola
joins the international humanitarian
assistance efforts and the search for political
solutions to end the armed conflict, and to
open new prospects for a better future for
the Somali people.
Concerning the situation in Libya, the
Angolan government hopes that the Libyan
people can find stability in the very short
term, which can only be achieved through
the free exercise of their democratic
rights; in this context, Angola urges the
National Transitional Council to promote
genuine national reconciliation and to
form an inclusive government, as those are
prerequisites for Libya to regain its rightful
place in the African and International arena.
However, we should make use of lessons
learned with a view to a more effective
cooperation between external partners and
the African Union in seeking joint solutions
based on international law and mutual
Angola remains concerned by the weak
progress in addressing the problem
of Western Sahara, which remains an
important issue on the international
agenda. We call on the warring parties to
resume negotiations under the auspices of
the United Nations and the African Union,
so that the people of Western Sahara can
exercise their right to self‑determination.
The situation in the Middle East, particularly
in the Palestinian territories, is one of
the most serious problems facing the
international community. Angola sees with
great concern the escalation of the conflict
and the lack of progress towards a solution
of the Palestinian question, and, in line with
the general position of the international
community regarding the conflict,
advocates the creation of an independent
Palestinian State, living side by side with
the State of Israel, in peace and security,
within secure internationally recognized
Mr. President,
This 66th session of UN General Assembly,
in similarity to what happened in previous
sessions, will address the embargo imposed
on Cuba, which violates the rules of free
trade. In spite of the timid steps taken to
normalize the situation, Angola reiterates
its position of principle by reaffirming the
need to end the economic, financial and
commercial embargo against Cuba.
Mr. President,
Angola has been giving its contribution
in finding solutions to the most pressing
problems, and within the broader
international community, we have sought
to cooperate with all countries based on
mutual interest, and on upholding the
highest ideals of peace and cooperation for
We will continue this path, convinced
that the defense and promotion of these
principles contribute to the development
and advancement of all peoples.
Thank you. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 35
National Reconstruction
New Kilamba Kiaxi City
will have 20.000 homes until 2012
Located about 20 km from downtown Luanda to the countryside,
the city of New Kilamba Kiaxi continues to increase.
This project involves:
• 5200 hectares of intervention.
• 80.000 dwellings.
• 429 kms of streets.
• S ocial facilities to the scale
of the enterprise.
The first phase of this project was
inaugurated by the President of the
Republic, José Eduardo dos Santos last
July 2011 in Luanda.
Started selling apartments at Kilamba City
he first three thousand and 180
apartments at the Kilamba City,
in Luanda, were offered for sale, last
October, after completion of the
enrollment phase of the interested
parties, which began in August
this year.
According to a statement from Sonip ‑
Sonangol Real Estate and Properties, the
company that managing the property for
further details, candidates should contact
the ranks of Delta Real Estate, which
is responsible for the marketing of the
villas, located at Rua Raínha Ginga No. 6
‑ Mutamba, and ​​Kilamba city.
Are three thousand and 180
apartments, types T3, T3B, T3C, all
with three bedrooms, and T5, with five
President of the Republic innaugurated the first phase of
the new centrality of Kilamba
The Sonip informed that are also for
sale 35.000.536 new apartments under
construction, at centrality of Kilamba
(16,822), Cacuaco / Dande (10,002),
Zango (2464), Kilometer 44 (2,248) and
Capari township (4,000 ).
The communiqué added that no new
application is required for the additional
supply of 35. 000.536 apartments, so
those interested will have the option to
choose in which location they want to
buy their home.
The pricing of housing, according to the
note, is the final price that each customer
must pay, including fees and taxes.
he new city of Kilamba, whose overall
project includes 710 buildings, 24
kindergartens, eight primary schools
and nine secondary and 50 kilometers
36 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
of roads, is a link of transition to the
new metropolis of Luanda, which will be
located along the river Kwanza .
The project is scheduled for completion
in October 2012. Until then, the
contractor must deliver over 595
buildings, which account for 16,822
apartments T3 A, B, C and T5. The
houses T3 A and B are 110 square
meters, T3 and T5 C have 120 150
square meters. v
National Reconstruction
The train back to referee
The Benguela railway back to work after 18 years
A Train of Hope!
Thousands of people greeted the
train, a giant, majestic, half across
town, whistling, as if to announce a
new era, a new life.
CFB: 1
,301 km of line with more
than 100 years of history
The Benguela Railway is the only
rail link from Central Africa to the
Atlantic. Its construction, originating
from a Law of August 1899, which
entered into force March 1, 1903
has been completed on February
2, 1929. The June 10, 1931 reached
the port of Lobito the first shipment
of copper from Katanga.
he Angolan Transport Minister
Augusto da Silva Tomás, considered
“historic” the inauguration of the
Benguela railway, (CFB), after 18 years
of interruption, with rehabilitation of
infrastructure estimated at around 1.4
billion euros, speaking at the opening
ceremony of the CFB, which marked
the entry into operation of section
Benguela‑Huambo in 1343 of 350 miles
long, encompassing, and Benguela,
Huambo, Bié and Moxico, to the border
with Zambia.
The rehabilitation of Benguela Raiways
involved the total renovation and
modernization of the road, rehabilitation
of bridges, building stations, new
communications systems, the renovation
of rolling stock, including locomotives,
carriages and wagons, and new
workshops for new vocational training
And Huambo corresponded with nods
and smiles. The dances also were
not lacking, which was nonetheless
remarkable when one realizes that the
train reached the city shortly after six
o’clock in the morning.
of men were made metal‑mechanical
technicians. All the town grew, the
industry grew, tons of food were
transported, especially cereals. And
the news and the sea breeze arrived
at Luau; there where tons and tons of
ore, and also wax and honey.
‑ Waited a long time ‑ An expression
that was very audible. Children and
adults responded and must disclose in
their faces the undoing of a knot that
choked their breath, as if they had
recovered identity. And Huambo is
only Huambo with the train.
Thousands of stories of love resulted
from the existence of the train,
thousands of courses have been
studied as a friend taking the train
for short distances, and thousands
The President of the Republic of Angola, José Eduardo
dos Santos, accompanied by the First Lady, Ana Paula dos
Santos and the Governor of Huambo Province, Faustino
Muteka, was greeted by the traditional dance group
and the local population, at the airport Albano Machado,
30 August 2011.
The train was once the largest
employer in Huambo, also the largest
contributor.The train is in memory of
the people of Huambo as a source of
smiles and happiness.
Front view of the train that connects the Huambo Province
to Benguela, inaugurated by the President of Angola José
Eduardo dos Santos, August 30, 2011.
Thousands still remember the trips
in recoveros, camacove, or suitcase.
From the slower to the faster and
more comfortable. They all make the
big screen for the endless parade of
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 37
National Reconstruction
The train back to referee
This time the approach was not to
sell strawberries, mangoes, loengos,
or oranges. It was to see firsthand
the new cars and ask what it will be
the cost to move to the coast or east
when extended the alignment of the
cars. Nothing, for now there is no
price, this is a special train. It is the
reopening of the Benguela Railway at
the highlands.
Front view of the Railway Station at Huambo Province,
inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Angola
José Eduardo dos Santos on August 30.
landscapes and beauty of extension,
which after all is the image of
More and cheaper products will arrive
at Huambo. It’s what people expect to
rebuild houses and factories, to put
the machines to work.
Along the way, in each locality,
the people went out and ran, as if
escorting this convoy again, which has
the colors of the flag of the Republic
of Angola.
38 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
The train, arriving at the central
station in Huambo city brought
the President, sign of the great
importance of the achievement. The
people applauded. It was the return of
a part of their pride, their soul.
Minister of Transportation, Augusto da Silva Tomás.
But the unrestrained joy had more
reasons: the return of the train also
marks an important moment in the
national reconciliation. Joy was for
silence the pain of memories of times
of anger and hatred. Many died in
the line; many have died trying to
keep it. The CFB, the route, was the
center of disputes that were recorded
in the marks still visible along the
History ‑ Memories
“The influence of Angola in the U.S. culture”
By: Laurinda Santos
For any Angolan citizen who comes to this part of the world (USA), hear that there are
institutions with the name of our country may at a first glance be a source of great amazement!
ut thinking a little and back in time,
many, many years ago at the time
of slavery, immediately says, is possible,
indeed, because of the many slaves
departed to various parts of the world
from our continent. And then when
investigating, talking to people, some of
whom know nothing about Africa, you
realize that the link exists and that we
dates back many centuries ago.
Immediately meets the eye and beeing
so far, when in a CNN news service or
other famous TV/radio channels, we hear
the name “Angola”. And the desire to
learn more grows within us.
of Luanda, with the African American
ladies I met.The English seemed a sort of
Creole mixed to Kimbundo.
The clothes some older women were
using made me immediately remember
our country, despite not having anything
to do, especially the architectural
structure of the village. I talked to
some people who only knew they are
descendants of Africa, but are not quite
sure of the origin of their ancestors.
Then I felt that I should say something
about our country, Angola, a name
overstated in the small town.
One of the trips I made as part of my
work took me to a small town that
reminded me Lubango (my home town);
my destination was Scranton, the home
of Jo Biden, the U.S. vice‑president. I was
in the state of Pensylvannia, about two
and a half hours drive from Washington,
and it was a surprise for me when I came
across a road sign to mark the name of
a village “MUANGOLA”, at the Luzerne
County in Pennsylvania.
I was very excited, but my destination
was the small town of Scranton and
had to arrive on time. I retained the
information, until I returned without
being on a mission and then established
contacts with the inhabitants, amaizing!
The smell of green, it was spring, a
beautiful lake and a waterfall, in the air
something that was familiar, a perfect
symbiosis of Bessanganas from the island
But I did not stop there, in this society of
a great cultural diversity, in a developing
with world where everything revolves
every day at an impressive rate, and woe
to anyone who does not keep pace.
When I visited the Jamestown museum,
in the State of Virginia, a stop for many
tourists, I came across a picture of our
Queen N’Ginga. Then I was told that the
first slaves arrived from Africa to America,
settled in Virginia and were from Angola,
having embarked on the island of
From Africa
to Virginia
Reading about
Jamestown Settlement
(Jamestown colonization) I learned
more about the first Africans who
arrived at Virginia at the 17th century,
from the regions of Congo and Angola.
They were part of a large system
established by the Portuguese in
Africa to capture and deliver slaves to
the Spanish colonies of Central and
South America in the Caribbean, the
ships, after attacks perpetrated by the
Portuguese slaves were brought to
Virginia and then sold.
Photo: Queen NGinga
Mbandi –Angola
Jamestown museum
The status of these African servants
or slaves in Virginia is unknown; its
mission was to work in tobacco fields,
side by side with the English. After the
war, in 1622, the British fought against
the Powhatan Indians; however, British
officials were less willing to immigrate to
In the 1630s the Dutch took control of
the African slave trade of Portugal, who
kept it for many years. The Dutch built
and fortified trading posts or assumed
that the Portuguese had established
along the coast of West Africa, for trade
in gold and ivory.
The museum’s permanent gallery is a
special guide that highlights the culture
of the first Africans known in Virginia,
was actually from the kingdom of
Ndongo in Angola.
The dramatic multimedia gallery, “From
Africa to Virginia” from the stories
about encounters between Africans and
Europeans; the impact on African culture
to the development of the transatlantic
slave trade. >>>
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 39
History ‑ Memories
>>> In areas outdoor living history
museum, I learned a little about the
technology used by Africans in Angola
and their skills in fishing and metallurgy,
which Angolan slaves brought to Virginia
in the 17th century.
For a best finding the best advice is a
good search of the online resources of
the Jamestown‑Yorktown Foundation.
In my reading, eager to learn and know
more about it, I found an annual cultural
activity celebrated by African Americans
here in the U.S., called Kwanzaa, (with
one more a at the end of the word), but
then I thought about the longest river of
our country and our national currency.
And what is it? Kwanzaa (Quanser) is
a holiday celebrated by many African
Americans. The festival is held from
December 26th to January 1st. It was
started in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga,
Professor of California State University,
Long Beach, State of California and
The family
is Christmas
(celebration of
the birth of Jesus
Christ), and the most famous New Year’s
Eve, but for thousands of black families
in the United States, the most anticipated
day is December 26, when take the dust
of a great chandelier and put three green
candles to the left, three red and one
black to the right in the center.
I thought and tried to find some analogy
with our cultural events, but honestly
nothing came to my mind. What does our
history in this regard? Nothing I couldn’t
find ... every morning of December 26th
to January 1st of each year in these
parts, even today some African American
families, strictly adhere to the ritual, one
of them light the candles, which represent
the seven principles of Kwanzaa. The
tradition, whose name means “first fruits”
in Swahili, attempts to revive more
than 40 years the feeling of the black
community in the United States around
their roots and culture of Africa.
Of course the rodeo is the main
attraction in a way that distracts the
angry animals (seven segments in the
show) and there are many assistants with
their cowboy hats.
I asked myself why the name of my
country, Angola, for a chain? It was not
hard to see because everything is related
and dates are from the time of slavery.
The name of what is
now one of the high
security prisons in
the United States due
to the fact that the
slave plantations of the time came from
“Although a sad past memory, visit the
monument, leads us to understand the
suffering of many Angolans, who passed
very painful experiences, which is evident
through the traces left.”
Today, here outside, looks like a
beautiful park, ideal for walks on
> Fall-Winter 2011
T‑shirts like the one
on the photo, are used
by prisoners during
rodeos, as shown in
the photo below, which
are active, displaying them, some
striped, finally ... the event is known as
“the most violent show South of the
Continuing, I will name string Angola,
which was often mentioned by the press
for two weekends due to the floods at
the Mississippi River, State of Louisiana.
In this place live all kinds of criminals,
and once, the story goes that neither the
missionaries wanted to visit it because
it was one of the worst and most brutal
prisons in these parts, at the time of
40 >
weekends, complete with rodeos and
For those visiting the place for the first
time, the scene looks like a normal
Monday, with some hawkers set up their
stalls and the smell of fried ... will be
They say here, that what made ​​the
difference in the behavior of criminals,
due to the current prison director, who
taught moral, gave dignity, respect,
bringing the opportunity for everyone to
consider human beings again.
Anyway ... it was worth because it always
increases the knowledge and better
understanding of the history.
Interesting! In the constant search
of their identity, today many African
Americans here in the U.S., already have
the possibility to do DNA testing to
determine its true origin (for example
trace the roots to find their origins),
which makes any human being... feel he
is “somebody”!!! v
Washington, D.C.
June 2, 2011
Miss Universe 2011 is ANGOLAN!
One of the promises of Leila Lopes Vieira as Miss
Universe is to raise up the name and image of Angola
in all places, “I intend to show all the good that our
country has.”
Miss Angola 2011
Miss Universe 2011
Leila Lopes
Full Name: Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira
Birth Date: February 26, 1986
(25 years)
Place of Birth: Benguela, Angola
Nacionality: angolana
Height: 1,79 m
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Main titles: Miss Angola 2011
Miss Universe 2011
eila Lopes, Angolan 25 years old was
crowned Miss Universe 2011, last
September a ceremony held in São Paulo,
The September 12, 2011, Leila was named
Miss Universe 2011 in São Paulo, Brazil,
receiving the crown and the band of
Mexican Ximena Navarrete, winner of Miss
Universe 2010.
“Leila Lope’s victory belongs to all
Angolan women” ‑ Ana Paula dos Santos
Leila Lopes, competed as one of 21 finalists
in the beauty contest in Angola where she
won the award for Miss Photogenic title
and Miss Angola 2011, in December 18,
Born in Benguela province, Leila is a
student of Business Management in
England. Only black among the finalists,
Leila drew attention for being the only
hair caught during the ceremony and also
for her simplicity.
Miss Universe 2011 edition of the 60th
anniversary year of the Miss Universe
pageant was held on September 12, 2011
at Credicard Hall in São Paulo, Brazil.
Ximena Navarrete, Miss Universe 2010 in
Mexico, crowned her successor Leila Lopes
from Angola.
The First Lady of Angola and godmother of
the Miss Angola Committee, Ana Paula dos
Santos, welcomed Leila Lopes by the title
of Miss Universe 2011 and said the victory
is for all Angolan women.
“Leila is our Queen and all Angolan women
are feeling as Miss Universe. It’s a great
honor being in a competition with eighty
women from eighty countries with different
manners, habits and religions and we,
Angola, won the Miss Universe crown,
“said Ana Paula dos Santos” to the Angolan
The First Lady hopes the award will serve
to enhance Angolan women. Ana Paula dos
Santos praised the Miss Angola.
An elegant profile.
“The contest is to take seriously. Dream is
possible. “Leila got it”, added Ana Paula dos
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 41
Miss Universe 2011 is ANGOLAN! (cont.)
At the time she expressed satisfaction on
her election and thanked the sponsors
who made ​​possible the social work
developed in the country while Miss
Angola, which somehow contributed to
her victory.
Followed the march by several arteries of
the city limiting access to traffic to some
avenues that culminated at the Convention
Talatona Center
The Return
of the Miss
to the Country
(Photo: REUTERS / Paulo Whitaker)
It was 03:00 a.m., Thursday, October 27,
2011, when Leila Miss Universe landed at
International Airport “4 de Fevereiro” to
fulfill a three‑day visit as part of a program
organized by the Committees Miss Angola
and Miss Universe respectively.
Luanda, Angola’s capital city stopped
to see the Miss, Leila Lopes. The Official
program of the reception began at 09am,
with the delivery of gifts in the VIP lounge
of the airport in Luanda, and presentation
of messages from committees Miss
Angola and Miss Universe, civil society,
national spontaneous movement and the
Government of Luanda.
At 10:00 a.m., the Miss left the airport
for the deserved tribute of the people.
Contagious smile, sweet and self‑confident,
characteristics that raise her, spread to the
crowd that waved and sang welcome to
the Miss.
President José Eduardo dos Santos accompanied by the
First Lady, Ana Paula dos Santos.
42 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Leila Lopes, elegant in evening dress. (Photo: Fabio Setimio / Fotoarena)
Leila Vieira Lopes took the opportunity
to thank all the affection of the Angolan
“The Angolan people doesn’t stop
surprising me. I was not expecting this
warm reception. I am proud of all. I will
take these memories with me”.
Miss Universe skoke of her experience
at the competition, where she had to
compete with other 89 candidates,
recognizing the value of each of them .
“All fighting for the same purpose, but we
made the most of it, “she said.
President of the Republic
at the Gala
The program ended with a farewell
dinner in a restaurant at the island of
Luanda, attended by several guests,
brightened with a gala performance of
singers Celso Mambo and Gourgel Kizu.
Leila, is living temporarly in New York,
United States during her tenure as Miss
Universe 2011, being one of the prizes of
the contest in which she was elected. v
During the event at the Clube das
Palmeiras, in her honor, Miss Universe
offered to the President of the Republic,
José Eduardo dos Santos, a crystal piece.
The dinner was attended by members of
Government, MPs, and guests.
Fans, friends and family at the various
routes in the city’s first contact with Miss
Universe 2011, after a deserved victory.
The Angolan beauty paraded through
the streets on the top of an allegorical
car for satisfaction of the population.
Visibly moved by the warm reception,
Leila nodded and thanked the reception
in every avenue.
At the ceremony, Leila Lopes, recognized
the President of the Republic efforts for
the development of the country and
appreciation of Angolan woman.
Promoted by Miss Angola committee,
Ana Paula dos Santos, during the gala,
Speaking to the press, the Miss was keen
to stress that “she did not expect such
reception.” The Angolan people continues
to surprise me, “and added that in Brazil,
USA / New York, Indonesia and Singapore,
countries she visited as Miss Universe was
very well received” but nothing compared
to the reception in Angola, her birthplace.
It was a pleasant surprise.”
The official program of the Miss Universe
2011 also included a guided tour to
Hospital Esperança in the premises of
hostital Américo Boavida, whose purpose
wass the care of people with AIDS and
to the facilities of the Angolan Public
Television (TPA).
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 43
Miss Universe 2011 is ANGOLAN! (cont.)
OMA prepared reception for Miss Universe 2011
“Women in Luanda, on behalf of
all female Cabinda to Cunene,
attended the reception of Miss
Universe 2011,” said Alice Dombolo,
deputy secretary general of the
Organization of Angolan Women
when they appear, brighten and
increase the pride of all Angolans
and OMA and all the women of
the country will give every support
to Leila Lopes in her program to
fight poverty and HIV in the African
continent”, said in September.
For her, Angola has a great joy to
snatch the world title of beauty,
thanks to the efforts of Miss Angola
Committee. “These good things
On the other hand, the National
Assembly deputy, Ana Maria
de Oliveira, was pleased by the
election of Miss Universe 2011
young Leila Lopes, highlighting
the fact that she represented with
dignity, intelligence and beauty, the
Angolan woman.
According to the deputy, Angolan
women represented in parliament,
have addressed the framework of
this class in decision‑making, its
growth, its training and monitoring
the performance of gender.
This election, she said, is one more
reason to continue working for the
advancement of women.
UN Goodwill Ambassador
During the press conference she
addressed the issue of the invitation
by the UN to be this year a goodwill
ambassador for the arid regions of
the United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification.
“I liked the proposal, I felt much
honored but nothing is definitive,
because at this time I am a
member of the Miss Universe
Committee and I need their
approval,” she said.
The invitation made during a
meeting between the Permanent
Mission of Angola to the United
Nations in New York, the Executive
44 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Secretariat of the UN Convention
to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
and the Miss Universe Committee,
predicts that Leila Lopes will
develop programs that contribute to
the awareness of the international
community towards a greater
understanding of the problem
and development of policies for
sustainable land management. Since
the prevention and regression of
desertification and mitigating the
effects of drought are crucial to the
reduction of drought and improving
environmental sustainability in arid
Died André
An Angolan music icon
support of the arts!
André Mingas, architect training, stood out more
as a musician .
is first album, “Coisas da Vida” was
launched 30 years ago, and continues to
be one of the references of the Angolan music,
mixing local rhythms with jazz and rock.
The musician and composer André Mingas
died in São Paulo, Brazil, due to a prolonged
The former Minister of Culture of Angola was
61 years old.
It was one of the artists of the golden
generation ofmusic in our country, along
with Teta Lágrimas, FilipeMukenga or
Waldemar Bastos.
He devoted most of his life to politics, having
been deputy minister of Culture of Angola.He
was also advisor of President of the Republic
of Angola for local and regional matters.
When at the Angolan Ministryof Culture,
he created the Society of Angolan authors,
named Sadia, whichstill exists today.
“Esperança, Mufere e Tchipalepa” are titlesof
some of his most famous songs, which were
immortalized by the voice of his brother Rui
André Mingas had been appointed Angolan
Consulin São Paulo, where he lived until his
He was part of the process of the 50
involved in the struggle for Angola’s
independence, having been arrested by PIDE
in March 28, 1959. It is recalled that André
Rodrigues Mingas Júnior “André Mingas”,
was an architect by profession, graduated at
Agostinho Neto University and the Technical
University of Lisbon. He wasMaster of
Architecture housing and exercised university
teaching in Portugal.
He was the person, whom the Chief of the
Executive, 5 years ago, entrusted the mission
to rethink the design and modernization of
Luanda, the capital to make the city capital
the country a more contemporary city. v
Press Archive
Promoting the Image of the Country
ANGOLA highlighted
in the American press
16 pages
with a report on
Angola, entitled
“Angola Unlimetd
Potential Bountiful Resources” was
published on February 28, 2011, at the
edition of the American daily newspaper
The report, produced by a team of the
communication agency United World‑usa
in collaboration with the press office of
the Embassy of Angola to the United
States of America, had as main objective
to promote a positive image of the
Republic of Angola in U.S. society.
About the New Angola in peacetime,
the challenges of the Angolan
government for the prosperity of
the country towards a sustainable
development, the state of relations
between the two states, the supplement
referred the growth of the Angolan
economy, showing what a post‑conflict
country can achieved with the
commitment of its Government and the
personal commitment of all citizens.
The U.S. society has improved its
understanding of some of the projects
being implemented in our country,
particularly in agriculture, construction,
transportation, housing, oil and mines as
well as others.
The United World is an international
media agency, which has an exclusive
agreement with the U.S. daily
newspaper, USA TODAY, recognized as
leader in the production of reports on
the state of the economy of various
countries and regions worldwide,
disseminating credible and updated
information for a sophisticated
American audience, including the
administration, congress, senate,
academics, non‑governmental
organizations and Think Thanks, as
well as the society in general, with
the aim of improving knowledge and
understanding of the world.
The daily newspaper USA Today,
published by the Gannett Company
competes with The Wall Street Journal
to have the largest circulation of any
other newspaper at the United States
of America, which once had in 2003.
With a circulation of 1.8 million copies
since March 2010, the journal continues
to be the most widely print newspaper
circulating in the United States, now
distributed in all fifty States, Canada,
Puerto Rico, Guam and the United
Kingdom. The newspaper has its
headquarters in Tysons Corner, without
legal personality in Fairfax County,
The USA TODAY is sold at news stands,
occasion and grossery stores, gas
stations, priced at $ 1.25 dollars, however,
its distribution is free at hotels and
airports for their clients.
The report may be accessed through the
Internet link:
ull name:
Republic of Angola
18.5 million (source: UN, 2009)
• Capital: Luanda
• Area: 1.25m km2 (481,354 sq. miles)
ajor languages​: Portuguese
(official), Kimbundu, Umbundu,
Kikongo, Cokwe, Fiot, Nganguela
• Religion: Christian
ife expectancy: 47 years of age
(men) 49 years (women)
(source: Reuters)
1 kwanza = 100 lwei
ain exports: Oil, diamonds,
minerals, fish and wood
DP per capita: $ 8.200 (2010 est.).
• Internet domain: ao
• International Code: +244
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 45
Press Archive
an important
step in life!
UN Day celebrated at
SCHOOL in Maryland
This event is part of the initial vision of Andrew Kutt,
for the school. In 1988 the great desire of Andrew Kutt,
founder of the school, became a reality. Celebrate the
potential unity and harmony among all nations.
Fidel Casimiro, an Angolan diplomat, graduated at the U.S.
Atlantic International University ‑ AIU.
iplomat in mission at the Embassy
of Angola in Ghana, our happy
colleague, passed through Washington,
D.C. on his way for his graduation and
the conversation rolled.
The main topic of his PHD thesis in
International Relations specializing in
diplomacy, was “The Foreign Angolan
Policy and its influence on socioeconomic development in the 21st
century.” Casimiro Castro, was a graduate
of the Atlantic International University,
located in Honolulu, state of Hawai,
United States of America.
“It was not easy to reconcile my
professional activities with the studies,
but I am sure that all my effort is an
asset to our country”, said.” v
Graduation moments.
46 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Flags of the countries present hosted by diplomats
invited to the event.
his event is part of the initial vision
of Andrew Kutt, for the school.
In 1988 the great desire of Andrew
Kutt, founder of the school, became
a reality. Celebrate the potential unity
and harmony among all nations.
The intention was to sow the vision
in the hearts of children attending
the school and also extend it to the
world family, joining representatives
of the Diplomatic Corps in the U.S.
(Ambassadors or their representatives),
students and their families.
The seed of unity and global peace
was launched and every year the
school ONENESS‑FAMILY celebrates
this activity, cultivating the spirit of
the need for unity, harmony and peace
among peoples around the world
despite their differences, with the
hope that the students (primary and
secondary) can grow and disseminate
the message worldwide.
private school, whose curriculum includes
the teaching learning of different subjects,
including the disciplines of Geography
and History, the study of other continents
such as Africa, as well as other languages ​​
than English (French, Italian, Spanish,
German and Chinese).
It was indeed a day of interaction
between the representatives of the U.S.
Diplomatic Corps with students and
their families, where each one had the
opportunity to share information from
their country and visitors enjoy the
projects made by students in various
levels of education.
Children dressed in African clothes,
toasted the guests with several songs,
some of them in Swaili, Zulu and
Yoruba, was reciting poems, and the
school band played African rhythms.
The Embassy of Angola to the US attended
the ceremony.
Oddly enough, this year, and the fact
that the Angolan candidate had won
the Miss Universe 2011, students paying
close attention to the flag of Angola,
wanted to know a little bit of everything
about our country (where is located
on the African continent, how the
Angolan people live, which is the official
language, the name of the President of
the country, its natural beauty, how are
the Angolan children?...)
It was a very interesting morning and
a great opportunity to speak of our
country in the U.S. Children assimilate
very fast and we are certain that what
they learned will reach their parents/
guardians, older siblings, friends,
neighbors, ...
A commendable initiative
to cherish! v
Press Archive
U.S. Partners bade farewell
to outgoing Ambassador of Angola
The Chamber of Commerce US‑Angola and the american oil companies, Chevron and
ExxonMobil, with the sponsorship of several American institutions such as the Africa Society,
Constituency for Africa and Think Thanks, organized the evening of August 10, 2011 in one of
the most prestigious hotels in Washington, D.C. a farewell ceremony to honor the outgoing
Ambassador of Angola to the United States, Josefina Pitra Diakite.
ttending the event were
representatives of the Bureau of
Africa of the Department of State,
members of Congress, the Diplomatic
Corps accredited in the U.S. as well
as friends, family, diplomats and
representatives of the Angolan
community resident in the United States
of America.
On the occasion, Josefina Pitra Diakite,
presented her thanks to the organizers
of the event, extending them to Susan
Page, Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, as well as
all employees of the Africa Bureau,
at the State Department for all the
support provided during her mission,
predicting that the same host and
collaboration were provided to her
“I take this opportunity to extend
my gratitude to Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton for her leadership,
professionalism and personal
commitment to strengthening relations
between our two countries,” said the
Angolan diplomat at the time.
Josefina Pitra Diakite, former Ambassador of Angola
to the USA.
human rights, Jeannine Scott, President
of the Chamber of Commerce
US‑Angola, Mamadou Mbey
representative of Chevron and
representatives of Boeing. Both parties
referred to the personal commitment
of the Angolan diplomat despite the
various challenges during the course
of her duties, contributing for the
achievement of a new era of the
bilateral cooperation between Angola
and the USA.
In her speech of thanks, Josefina Pitra
Diakite, also stressed that the instruments
have become the cornerstones of
On the other hand, Susan Page,
praised the role played by Josefina
Pitra Diakite, who “contributed greatly,
as representative of the Angolan
Government for the strengthening of
bilateral relations between Angola and
the United States”, said.
Among the key note speakers were,
the Congressman Donald Payne, a
senior member of the sub‑committee of
international affairs, global health and
Francisco da Cruz, Executive Director of Angola‑USA
Chamber of Commerce.
the relationship between the two
countries, especially the establishment
of the strategic partnership dialogue
between Angola and the United States,
which provides a broad framework
for both Governments to engage and
discuss ways to improve cooperation
in specific areas already well defined,
some of which are energy, agriculture,
transport, health and education, aimed at
diversifying beyond oil.
Present also was Francisco da Cruz,
Executive Director of the Angola‑USA
Chamber of Commerce that in his
speech mentioned the support
provided to private sector development
in Angola, congratulated the outgoing
Ambassador and wished success in her
new mission in South Africa, due to
the role that Angola plays in the SADC
The agenda of the farewell ceremonies
for the outgoing Ambassador, included
on August 13, 2011, an event held
at the city of Philadelphia, State of
Pensylvannia, the jurisdiction of the
State of New York, local where lives the
greatest number of Angolan citizens.
Recall that under a Presidential
order Josefina Pitra Diakite was
exonerated for the post of Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
Angola in the U.S. and, simultaneously,
named to ocupy the same position
in the Republic of South Africa. The
Angolan diplomat former presented her
credentials to U.S. President George
W. Bush on June 20, 2001. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 47
Press Archive
Angola participated at the 2011
U.S. – Africa Business Summit
Minister of Geology, Mines and Industry led the Angolan delegation to the Summit
he Angolan minister of Geology,
Mines and Industry, Joaquim
Duarte da Costa David, participated in
Washington, D.C., on October 5‑7, 2011
at the Business Summit between the U.S.
and Africa.
The event which takes place every two
years is organized by the American
institution, the Corporate Council on
Africa (CCA) and has as its primary
objective the strengthening of trade
relations between Africa and the United
States of America.
The vast and very interesting agenda
consisted of approximately thirty (30)
sessions covering a range of sectors,
products and services, with a total of
more than one thousand five hundred
(1,500) people.
The various sessions and workshops
in which representatives of
governments and business as much
This year’s summit offered a unique
opportunity for the participants, twenty
(20) African countries, along with
representatives of the U.S. government
related to energy and mining sector,
including manufacturers, suppliers in the
U.S. that are interested in doing business
in the continent, establishing a more
efficient network of contacts.
48 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Minister Joaquim David led the Angolan delegation.
The Angolan Ambassador to the US, Alberto do Carmo
Bento Ribeiro participated at the event.
Joaquim Duarte da Costa David, Angolan Minister.
as African‑Americans to discuss issues
related to energy, industry, commerce,
finance infrastructure for the continent’s
development, health, business
opportunities, trade and investment in
both directions, also including, transport,
storage, distribution networks, training
Press Archive
and the importance of the chain from
the private sector.
The Angolan minister of Geology,
Mines and Industry, accompanied by
the Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of Angola to the USA,
Alberto do Carmo Bento Ribeiro, was the
key note speaker at the workshop on
“Opportunities and risks in the mining
industry in Africa”.
been working to get more updated
information that will allow us to know
the real mining situation in the country
and how to attract a larger number of
potential investors. Our country has
recently passed a new Basic Law for
Private Investment and we think it will
help to increase the responsibility and
interest of several investors,” he said.
Mamadou M’Beye, Executive President of US‑Angola
Chamber of Commerce and Chevron representative.
Angolan diplomats in Washington, D.C., attended the
event. Maria Luísa Abrantes, ANIP CEO (right in the photo).
Minister Joaquim David at the venue next to Maria da
Cruz, Executive Director of the U.S. ‑ Angola Chamber of
“It’s common knowledge that Africa is a
continent blessed with a great geological
potential. The history of mineral exports
is well known and opportunities in the
continent are very high and risks low
as shown by the evidence, despite the
conflicts due to the current crisis that
reduces demand for some minerals.
We live in a world where many difficult
conflicts, reduce their demand, especially
in countries of the continent,” said the
Angolan official.
The workshop was moderated by
Ambassador Frances Cook, Senior
Independent Director of Lonrho.
Among the speakers also highlighted
Princeton Lyman, Special Envoy to
Sudan from the US State Department,
Joe Mathews, Head of Government
and Community Relations of the
mining operations of ArcelorMittal,
Paulo de Sá, Unit Manager of Oil and
Gas from the World Bank and Maurice
Templesman, Chairman of U.S. Lazare
Kaplan International, Inc.
Aside from the work of the CCA
Summit, the Angolan Minister of
Geology, Mines and Industry, met
with Maurice Templesman, Chairman
of U.S. Lazare Kaplan International,
Inc.; participated at the meeting
Witney Schneidman, President of the
Company Schneider & Associates. Both
Adão Pinto, General Consul of Angola in New York.
In the particular case of Angola,
Joaquim Duarte da Costa David,
emphasized the potential of our country
to increase the creation of more jobs
and promote the transfer of values,
which represents a major challenge.
“In these nine years of peace, we have
Jeannine B. Scott, President of the US‑Angola Chamber of
sides discussed the possibilities of
cooperation between the two countries,
aiming at diversification, including
more efficiently the mining sector in
the context of the strategic partnership
between Angola and the U.S.
Minister Joaquim David and Maurice Templesman,
President of Lazare Kaplan International, Inc.
In Washington, the Angolan leader
was greeted by a welcome dinner
offered by the Chamber of Commerce
US‑Angola, attended by their
members, board members, members
of the Angolan community living
in the USA, representatives of Oil
Company Chevron and Lazare Kaplan
International Inc., sponsors of the
event as well as Angolan diplomats.
During the same, the Angolan Minister
updated those present on progress
and strategies driving the industry,
as well as on the future of bilateral
cooperation with the U.S.
The Angolan delegation to the Summit
of the CCA also included, Adão Pinto,
General Consul of Angola in New York,
Maria Luísa Abrantes, ANIP CEO and the
Angolan Trade Representative to the USA
recently named, Beatriz Costa. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 49
Press Archive
Angolan woman entrepreneur
honored in Washington, D.C.
he U.S. Department of State,
through its program “Global Women
in Management”, paid tribute in
Washington, D.C. last June, to women
entrepreneurs from various countries that
have been highlighted in their work as
Angola was represented at the event
by Paulina Lassalete Gonçalves, a
young woman entrepreneur, member
of the national Association of Women
Entrepreneurs, which represents the
Lunda‑Norte province within the
Government of Luanda.
Born in Lubango, southern Huíla
province, Paulina Gonçalves, aims to
expand her activities to more provinces
of the country and as a trainer in
With a very intensive schedule, the
participants had, for fifteen days, the
opportunity to share their experience
and see the experience of American
women. The agenda consisted of several
visits to different enterprises, especially in
the State of Virginia. v
Paulina Lassalette da Cunha Gonçalves, an Angolan woman
entrepreneur honored in Washington, D.C.
capacity building activities that are part
of her work, share your experience with
other women for the sake of Angolan
entrepreneurship among the Angolan
Angolan business woman next to Delfina Nascimento,
diplomat at the Embassy of Angola to the USA.
Angolan Community Celebrated our “Dipanda” in Washington, D.C.
he “Mwangolé Night”, organized
by the Angolan community,
residing in the metropolitan area
of Washington D.C., to celebrate the
36th Anniversary of the National
Independence, on November 10,
2011, joined students, friends of
Angola, Angolan dipomatas that
animated the party together, in a
good way of our mother land!
For free, who attended the activity,
had the opportunity to socialize
and spend good moments, as if at
home, animated by Angolan DJs
youth living in these parts.
The activity took place at the
Shadow Room, 2131 K Street,
NW Washington, D.C.
50 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, D.C.
November 10, 2011
civil war. Today, our two countries
are strengthening this progress as
strategic partners on the basis of
mutual respect and interest.
On behalf of President Obama and
the American people, I am honored
to address the best wishes to the
people of Angola for the passage
of the 36th anniversary of its
independence, which is celebrated
on November 11.
We wish to continue working with
you even more, as you strengthen
democratic governance, improve
the rule of law and promote more
opportunities for all Angolans.
During my trip to Angola two years
ago, I had personally witnessed the
remarkable recovery and economic
progress that your country has
experienced since the end of the
As you celebrate this special day
with family and loved ones, know
that the United States of America
is a partner and friend. We are
committed to this relationship
and a brighter future for all
Angolans. v
2011 •
Angola did well and Scored! We Won!
Angola is the new African champion’s women basketball, after on 1st
of October this year, having won the Senegalese team by 62-54 in the final of
Afrobasket 2011 in Mali.
Angola won Afrobasket
female and were crowned
African champions
ngola got the first week of October
2011, its first continental female title,
when won Senegal by 62-54 in the final
of Afrobasket-2011, played at Bamako,
Mali’s capital.
The Angolan team outperformed
Senegal, champion who defended the
title they got in 2009 in Antananarivo,
against Mali, and the current selection
with the most wins in female Afrobasket.
At the pavilion 26 of March in Bamako,
the national team, under the guidance
of Coach Aníbal Moreira, better and the
range was already winning by 32‑26.
With this result Angola guarantees its
presence at 2012 Olympic Games in
London, while Senegal will compete to
access liguilha competition.
With five bronze medals won, this is the
first time the national team achieves the
first place in the race.
Interestingly, Angola finishes the race
with the same opponents that began:
Senegal. In the first game of Group
B Angola lost with the Senegalese, a
result that did not repeat during the
competition. After that the national team
only learned to win. v
The prize was fruit of hard work
Angolans celebrate winning the first time, the
continental title in women’s basketball.
he head coach of the national
women’s basketball team, Aníbal
Moreira, reaffirmed in Luanda that
the success of victory and won of the
trophy Afrobasket‑2011, in Mali, “is
the result of hard work that the set
made ​​for a long time.”
The coach presented his position
when speaking to the press at the
International Airport 4 de Fevereiro,
time after landing the team, adding
that “the selection was displeased
by the fact that won second at the
Pana‑African Games.”
Therefore, the coach said, “we
had the Afrobasket‑2011 as the
biggest challenge of the team, and
fortunately we won before Senegal.”
After Angola be in two semi‑finals,
said Anibal Moreira, “meant a lot for
the selection and after the game
against Mali, where we won, then
gave us the assurance that we
would do everything to win this
championship,” he said .
According to the coach, the
championship was a very special
flavor, “because I felt honored to get
this done, and especially by beating
Senegal in the final, and winning this
great prize is very good.”
“This is to say that may be surprising
to some people, but for us (coaching
staff ) do not. Although many people
do not count on our success, this
has always been our major project to
bring a title to Angola, “reaffirmed the
coach Aníbal Moreira. v
Coach Aníbal Moreira.
President congratulated the national women’s Basquetball Team
he President
of Angola José
Eduardo dos Santos,
congratulated the
national women’s
basketball Angola’s
President of the Republic,
José Eduardo dos Santos.
unique and historical
achievement of Afrobasket in Mali, after
victory in the final with Senegal.
“The accomplishment achieved is a
result of collective action and spirit
of conquest of the Angolan people.
I congratulate all members of the
Angolan Basketball Federation (FAB),
its staff, for this unique action, which
honors and dignifies the Angolan
nation, “stated José Eduardo dos
Santos. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 51
• Afrobasket 2011
Nacissela is the MVP of Afrobasket
acissela Maurício is the captain
of the national senior women’s
basketball. Among females, she had the
responsibility of bringing the set to win.
She worked in this direction, not only for
the title achieved, but also because she was
considered the best player in the 22th African
Basketball Championship Senior Women
(Afrobasket2011), that recently ocurred in
Bamako, Mali.
Nacissela also includes the group of the five
ideal players in Africa together with Sónia. In
1999, with Catarina Camufal and Nguendula
Filipe, Nacissela Maurício won the African
Cup of junior female. An example to be
followed by “girls” that are starting playing
basketball and who aspire to reach the finest
suit of sport. v
WNBA Selection matures in London for the game‑2012
Ministry of Youth and Sports combines sport and learning ... towards progress!
Protocol with the American
secretary general of the MPLA,
Roberto de Almeida and Dino Matross,
he Minister of Youth and Sports of
Angola, Gonçalves Muandumba,
said in Luanda that the national senior
women’s champion Afrobasket ‑ title won
in Mali for the first time ‑ will prepare the
Olympic Games 2012 London (England)
in the United States, Professional women
league (WNBA).
The Angolan government thus assumes
that will continue to support the
women’s basketball and do everything so
that the champion has a good selection
for the Olympic Games preparation. v
Without specifying dates, Gonçalves
Muandumba revealed to be expected
to sign a protocol between the Angolan
government and the WNBA, a league more
competitive in the world with a view to
furthering the games with local teams.
The possibility of internships in various
training centers of WNBA will also be
part of the Agreement:
“The preparation for the Olympic
Games is an imperative to improve
52 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
National Team Captain Maurice Nacissela.
performance, while decent
representatives of the African
continent, is one of the challenges
in the coming days”, he stressed that
government ‑ committed to join the
sport to learn towards progress ‑
during the tribute, a ceremony that
also had the presence of several
personalities, including Minister for
Family and Women’s Promotion,
Genoveva Lino, the deputy minister
of Youth and Sports, Albino da
Conceição, the vice‑president and
Angola won Senegal in the city of Bamako
he head of the Angolan
delegation to the 22nd African
Cup of Nations, held at the Republic
of Mali, Maria Barbosa “Manu”, was
considered the Angolan woman
warrior and a fighter, which made
possible to win the Afrobasket‑2011,
Saturday, October 1, 2011 in the city
of Bamako.
According to former basketball
player and responsible for women’s
basketball, the Angolan Football
Federation (FAB), “all Angolan
women are guerrilla fighters, and
went to the championship, with the
aim to win and this was achieved,”
Maria Barbosa, speaking on behalf
of women basketball players, told
Angop: “It was not easy to get the
first place, but with much struggle
and strength of all the Angolan
people, in particular, we reached the
podium.” Source of great pride!
According to the speaker, “to conquer
the African Cup is a feeling of great
prestige, because we won a team well
known at the world as Senegal, which
usually goes to the Olympics and was
not easy”.
“Coincidentally, she said, in the African
Games, we also went to the finals
with them (the Senegalese) but the
Afrobasket‑2001 is more important, so
that when we won Senegal in the final
at Bamako” satisfaction was higher in
relation to duty.
At the time, Miss Luanda‑2011,
Manuela Agostinho, who was also
at the airport to receive the African
champions, stressed that the victory
of the women’s team showed, once
again, “the strong country that is
2011 •
ULA offers scholarships
and internships to African
champions for technical
Buggy red, black and yellow.
tribute Gala to the African champions
basquetebol2011 was conducted by
the University Lusíada of Angola, under the
chairmanship of the Rector Rui Mingas, in
front of other officials. The Rector, at the
time, offered scholarships to athletes and
a trip to the technical team to Portugal,
where they would intern for 20 days at the
Sport Lisboa e Benfica.
Angola with various bonds, which
raises self‑esteem of all Angolan
For her, “is a victory that came to raise
the name of the country, particularly
in Africa, so the number of tourists
will increase in Angola which is a
pride for all Angolans.”
In turn, the athlete Nadir Manuel,
African champions, said “it was such
a moment, an inexplicable feeling”
because for the first time we won the
gold medal and the first tournament
of the Africa Nations.
“It is with great emotion that I get in this
house to know these fabulous women that
my country has not only in basketball, as
well as in other areas. But right now we are
here to greet a large done,” said the Rector.
Rui Mingas offered a scholarship to each
athlete, considering that they must expand
their knowledge and intellectual training.
On behalf of the selection, the athlete
Catherine Camufal thanked the Board
of the University, calling their colleagues
to make optimum use of the training
opportunity that was given. v
The player who confirmed it was
not easy to prove, as well as get
the trophy, called the other female
athletes in the world to continue
to train hard to fight without
giving up in order to achieve more
successes. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 53
Know Angola
Kalandula Water Falls,
a delight Paradise!
Malanje Province is located in the northern highlands of Angola and its capital city is Malanje.
s limited to the northern by province
of Uíge and the Democratic Republic of
Congo, south by the Province of Bié, west by
the provinces of Kwanza Norte and Kwanza
Sul and east by the provinces of Lunda Norte
and Lunda Sul.
The province is divided into three geoeconomic zones: the plateau Malanje, Lower
Zone and Kassanje Luanda. It has a great
variety of tourism resources, among which
are: Kangandala National Park, the Natural
Reserve of Luanda, the Giant Sable Antelope,
the Kalandula Water Falls, the Pedras Negras
of Pungo-Ndongo, the Quick Kwanza, and the
dam of Kapanda.
Malanje has elevation ranging between
500 and 1500 meters. Rainfall levels varies
between 1000 and 1750 mm, while the
annual average temperatures vary between
20 and 24 ° C. The climate is humid. The
vegetation of the province consists of open
woodlands, savannas, forest-savanna mosaic
and balcedo-savanna mosaic.
With an area of 97,602 km , has an estimated
population of 900,000 inhabitants. Included in
the municipalities of the Province of Malanje,
are Millet, Marimba, Cunda days Baze,
Caombo, Kalandula, Cacuso, Kiwaba Ngozi,
Mucari, Quela, Cambundi-Catembo, Quirima,
and Cangandala and Luquembo.
The word Malanje comes from the old context
Kimbundu which means “stones” (MA-Lanji).
Versions about the origin
of the name Malanje:
Version 1:
Before the Portuguese colonization, the river
was known as River Malanje Kadianga or
Carianga for the Portuguese. Upon arrival to
the region of Malanje, the Portuguese crossed
a river, as there were no bridges at that time,
they were crossed over rocks. After crossing
54 >
> Fall-Winter 2011
The abundance of rainfall makes the region a
predominantly agricultural area.
The province has diamonds, uranium,
limestone and phosphate, in addition to
other wood resources. In industry stand out
building materials, food, wine and tobacco.
Map of the province of Malanje.
the river, saw local residents and asked what
was the name of the river and the residents
(who did not understand the Portuguese
language at the time) said “Ma-Lanji Ngana”
(Are stones, Sir).
2nd version:
Women farmers.
A Portuguese expedition led by Rodrigues
Graça (1843), reached the banks of the river
Kadianga and found three local women and
asked them what the locals were doing and
they responded: “We are grinding cassava.”
The Europeans delighted with the number of
women and men asked about the region, so
they responded in Kimbundu, “Mala Hanji,”
which means: “There are also men.”
The vegetation consists of forests, grasslands
and mixed forest-savanna and savannabalcedo.
3rd version:
The Portuguese sent envoys to chiefs
(Mwen’exi) sites in order to prevent the use
of force to occupy the region. When one
of the emissaries should give the message
to the local chief, he replied: “Malaga?”, in
Portuguese: “Are they crazy?”
From the economic point of view, the most
developed area in which the farm is located
around the city of Malanje, among other
products are grown cotton, sugarcane, maize,
cassava, peanuts, sweet potatoes , bananas,
beans, rice, corn, eucalyptus, pine, tobacco. It
also makes a slight production of beef, milk
and dairy products.
It has a medical school (the first in the
province located in the capital), which
emerged as an extension of the University
of Lueje, which headquarters is in Dundo.
Malanje also has a Medium Agrarian Institute,
called IMAM (Medium Agrarian Institute
of Malanje), located at the commune of
The “Malanjinhos” designation given to the
natives, belong to the Group Mbundu. The
mother tongue is Kimbundu; the ethnicity
was the most intense that had contacts
with the European world. Also in the
seventeenth century, was the first Africans
to be subject to an European nation.
Perhaps for that reason, have also been
the most acculturated of all other Angolan
ethno-linguistic groups. Estimates that the
Mbundu are the second largest demographic
group and in 1960 were around one million
inhabitants. v
Know Angola
Bet on Tourism
Nature favors!
The magnificent
Kalandula Water Falls municipality of Kalandula
hey are located in Lucala, the most
important tributary of the River
Kwanza. Are about 80 km from the city
of Malanje, the provincial capital and
420 km from Luanda, the capital of the
country. With a length of 410 meters and
a height of 105, are the second largest in
Africa. And one of the largest volume of
water in the continent.
Cuaba Nzogo e Malanje, south by the
municipality of Cacuso and west by the
municipalities of Samba Caju and Ambaca.
Administratively has five communes,
Headquarters, Kota, Kinji, Kangol and
Besides the famous Kalandula Falls there
are others such as Musseleji, MactaoLuando and Mbango-Nzenza.
Just watching!
Formed by a sequence of several falls
ranging: one of higher altitude and
other smaller are leading invariant set
falls together. The falls create a tangle of
water with formation of estalatites net,
creating a scene indescribably lovely
and awful creating a lovely scene!
Such is the noise caused by water hitting
the rocks, as well as the formation of
several hazy mists giving the viewer an
overview of various rainbows. v
The promotion of tourism in the province
and especially in Kalandula, city that
lies 72 kilometers north of Malanje, and
falls as a backdrop, has been the subject of
several events organized by the provincial
Boa Ventura Cardoso, the provincial
governor, has called on businessmen
in the tourism sector to accelerate the
process of building more touristic resorts
to attract tourists who visit the site and
has highlighted the benefits of economic
development for the sector, whereas
the same contributes to the national
reconstruction process underway in the
This should be followed by more
entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are required
to invest more in the city, being a popular
tourist destination for its natural beauty,
such as falls from Kalandula, Musseleje and
other attractions.
Kalandula is a village at a municipality
in the province of Malanje who had the
status of a Town on 2 September 1929.
Kalandula has 70.000 and 37 square
kilometers and a population estimated at
72.000 and 400 inhabitants. It is bordered
to the north by the municipalities of
Alto Kauale e Massango, at east, by the
municipalities of Marimba, Caombo,
Hotel Yonaka. Kalandula municipality.
Rainbow in Kalandula.
Spectacular work of nature placed in Kalandula,
Malanje province.
The municipality of Kalandula in Malanje
province, has a 4-star hotel called “Hotel
Yonaka”, assigned to the business group
Miamop. The project involves four executive
suites, four presidential and a pool.
Malanje – More natural beauties and touristic places
years that rise high above the savannah that
surrounds them. They form a set of rocks
characterized by mysterious figures of objects
and animals, and overlapping each other.
According to tradition, the footprints carved
in the rock are from Ms. Ana de Sousa or
Queen Nzinga Mbandi Ngola.
This is another natural spectacle that packs
any visitor! ! v
Black Stones of Pungo Andongo.
he Pedras Negras of Pungo Andongo are
located in the municipality of Kacuso,
about 116 km from the city of Malanje and
are a major tourist attraction in Angola.
The Stones of Pungo Ndongo are some
strange rock formations from millions of
Sunset in Malanje.
The food varies from national to international.
The hotel unit, the first in the city, provides
Internet services and gym, which are the
center of attraction falls Kalandula, the
main tourist spot in the region. The hotel,
whose construction works years ago, is
responsibility of the contractor Imbondex,
budgeted at five billion dollars. v
Fall-Winter 2011 >
> 55
Embassy, Mission at the UN,
General Consulates and Offices
Republic of Angola
United States of America
Embassy of Angola to the USA
Washington, D.C.
2100-2108 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Ph.: 202-785-1156 - Fax: 202-822-9049
Website: www.angola.org
Mission of Angola to the United Nations
820 Second Ave., 12th floor
New York, NY 10017
Ph.: 212-861-5656 - Fax: 212-861-9295
Website: www.un.int/wcm/content/site/angola
General Consulate of Angola in New York
866 United Nations Plaza, East 48th St
5th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Ph.: 212-223-3588 - Fax: 212-980-9606
General Consulate of Angola in Houston
3040 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 780
Houston-Texas 77056
Ph.: 713-212-3840 - Fax: 713-212-3841
Website: www.angolaconsulate-tx.org
Email: info@angola consulate-tx.org
National Agency of Private
Investment - ANIP
1420 K St. NW Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20005
Ph.: 202-962-0380 - Fax: 202-962-0381
Website: www.iie-angola-us.org
Email: milinvest@starpower.net
Commercial Representation
1317 F St NW Suite 450 Washington, D.C. 20004
Ph.: 202-783-4740 - Fax: 202-783-4743
Website: www.angolatradeusa.org
Email: angolatrade@usa.com
SONANGOL Representation
1177 Enclave Parkway 2nd Floor
Houston - Texas 77056
Ph.: 281-920-7600 - Fax: 281-920-7635
Website: www.sonangol.co.ao
Email: inso@sonangol-usa.com
Chamber of Commerce USA/Angola
1100 17th St. N.W. Suite 1100-A
Washington, D.C. 20036
Ph.: 202-223-0540
Website: www.us-angola.org
Email: mdacruz@us-angola.org