Superintendent`s Message - Bonita Unified School District


Superintendent`s Message - Bonita Unified School District
Superintendent’s Message
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”—Nelson
The Dream
My dream is that Bonita Unified School District graduates will possess the WILL and the SKILL
to lead and make a positive impact not only in La Verne and San Dimas, but also in Sacramento,
Washington D.C., and around the world. My dream is that Bonita Unified School District
graduates will be analytical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and thoughtful communicators.
Why? Because we need high caliber leaders to address some of the most important issues facing
our society.
Former American composer, conductor, and author, Leonard Bernstein understood the
importance of education and said the following, “Literacy is the principal road to knowledge;
knowledge, the road to communication. Communication is the high road to understanding; and
understanding – international and interracial understanding – leads to that sympathy without
which coexistence is simply impossible; and coexistence, needless to say, is the primary
condition for peace.”
As we take on this challenge, we must not only remember that this work, this mission, this
service is about ALL students, each individual student. My hope is that we will never stop
seeking the best practices, strategies, and means to reach these students. Why? Because, as was
stated above, we need high caliber leaders to address some of the most important issues facing
our society…why not prepare our Bonita Unified School District students to be those very
Gary Rapkin, PhD
Ed Foundation’s 10th Annual Golf
Tournament Tees Up for Students
The La Verne / San Dimas Educational Foundation is hosting their 10th Annual Ed Jones
Memorial Golf Tournament, Friday, May 8, 2015, at the San Dimas Canyon Golf Course. The
day’s proceeds go to teacher grants, school arts, the District’s Hands-on History program, and to
scholarships and awards for students within the Bonita Unified School District who persevere
through difficult times.
Tournament Chairman Chris Crum said that the tournament begins with an 11:00 AM box lunch
and a putt and chip contest. The official shotgun start is at 1:00 PM with players hoping to win
prizes. A Golf Ball Drop promises $1,000 for the ball landing closest to or in the hole and $500
for the ball landing the furthest from the hole. Participants do not have to be present to win. After
a raffle, a silent auction, and the distribution of sports memorabilia, the event will be capped off
with a prime rib dinner and awards.
A single participant’s fee is $150, and the cost for a foursome is $550, which includes golf,
lunch, a goodie-bag and a banquet prime rib dinner. Dinner only is $35. Complete event details
are on the Tournament website: For more information,
contact Chris Crum Chairman, at 909-720-8656 or
Bonita Center for the Arts Website
Provides Events Calendar and Rental
Bonita Unified School District’s new state of the arts performance hall, Bonita Center for the
Arts, has launched a website at The website includes a calendar of
performance events and information about renting the space, as well as a history and publicity
photos of the facility.
This 700-seat theater, built by the communities of San Dimas, La Verne and the Bonita Unified
School District, is a space for students to perform and display art as well as host meetings and
special events. The BCA is open to the public and serves as a professional venue for vocal
performances, concerts, dramas, musicals, and much more.
April Performances at the Bonita Center for the Arts
San Dimas High School Dance Production, April 22, 7:00 PM
Regional Occupational Program Awards, April 23, 4:30 PM
San Dimas High School Choral Showcase, April 24, 7:00 PM
Ramona Middle School Production of "Annie" the Musical, April 30 & May 1, 6:30 PM
Bonita Unified Open House Schedule Runs
Through May
As a matter of public accountability and district-wide pride, the Bonita Unified School District
invites the communities of San Dimas and La Verne to attend Open House at each of the
District’s thirteen campuses. Guests may tour classrooms, celebrate campus events, and attend
awards ceremonies. Several schools have family dinners available for purchase. Please see the
chart below for site-specific schedules. La Verne Heights Elementary School Principal Patrick
McKee describes the importance of Open Houses to the community from the perspective of a
“One of the signature events of the school year at La Verne Heights Elementary School is our
Open House. Open House is a chance for our teachers to showcase student progress from the
school year. Work from each student is on display, providing parents with an opportunity to view
samples from when their child entered their grade as well as current work samples showing their
growth. What an amazing time for families! Kindergarten parents, for example, are able to see
their child’s writing transform from basic letters and symbols to multiple sentences on a single
“Open House grants children and their families with an opportunity to visit classrooms they will
attend in the upcoming school year, providing them with a sneak peak at what lies ahead.
Families may also visit their previous year’s classroom, where they can reminisce with their past
teachers and share their current successes.”
Bonita Unified School District Schools will host their Open Houses according to the following
schedule. Note: Several schools hosted their Open Houses in February and March. The following
chart shows the remaining Open Houses scheduled for April and May.
Schools in the Spotlight
Allen Avenue Elementary School
Technology in the Classroom
Allen Avenue purchased two Chromebook carts and has already put them to good use. Upper
grade teachers are utilizing the Chromebooks along with Google Classroom. This allows
teachers to post videos, articles, links, and create assignments for students to begin at school and
finish at home. Students have conducted research for their state report in fifth grade, practiced
typing skills, and much more. The fifth grade teachers are hosting a parent night on March 24,
2015, to show parents how Google Classroom and Google Docs work and how their students can
access them from home. The ultimate goal is to have enough Chromebooks for every classroom
Third through Fifth.
Luke Wilhelm, fifth grader at Allen Avenue Elementary School, takes a minute to ponder
the possibilities as he uses a Chromebook during class.
100 Book Challenge
Last year Randy Gershman, a second grader at the time, read a book about a principal kissing a
pig if the students read 100 books. Randy decided he wanted to challenge his principal, so he
asked Mrs. Grenier if she would kiss a pig if he read 100 books. She agreed and the challenge
grew to other students in the class. When the challenge concluded, Mrs. Grenier had to kiss the
pig 17 times—once for every student who read 100 books.
This year the challenge has been opened up to the whole school. Students who take and pass 100
Accelerated Reader tests between March 2 and May 15 have the chance to throw a water balloon
at the Principal. The staff has made some adjustments for students who might not be able to read
100 books and pass the tests, so they can participate as well. Mrs. Grenier is working on her
protective gear, knowing that her students are fully capable of meeting this challenge. She wants
it to be a fun and safe event.
Ed Jones Educational Center
Students Study, Build, and Plant for Cross-Curricular Garden Project
Thanks to the generous donation of a spot of land on the District Office campus, the students and
staff of Chaparral High School are making a vision a reality!
The Chaparral High School Collaborative Garden Project began as a vision of Hospitality
teacher, Laurie Brandler, to create a “garden-to-table” experience for her Hospitality students.
Geometry teacher Don Cartwright and junior English teacher Lori Frank were eager to
collaborate and involve their students in this cross-curricular project.
The project includes two large, raised garden boxes to be located just outside of the school gate.
The students will grow seasonal produce with guidance from Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Brandler. Mr.
Cartwright’s students have been working to determine the exact measurements, supplies, and
cost of each of the garden boxes. They developed scaled blueprints for the project. Mr.
Cartwright’s and Mrs. Frank’s classes will work to assemble the boxes and students are eager to
begin planting in the raised beds.
The Junior English students studied articles and reviewed arguments from many viewpoints
regarding topics concerning food production and consumer awareness. Students will work
toward becoming better communicators through class writing projects as well as oral
The Hospitality students are selecting seeds for the upcoming garden and will be in charge of
planting and maintaining the garden. They will utilize the produce from the garden in the many
dishes they create throughout the year. They plan to plant sugar beets, watermelon, lettuce,
carrots, red beets, radishes, red carrots, bok choy, and a variety of peppers.
Left: Math teacher Don Cartwright works with students building raised beds for a
collaborative “garden-to-table” project. Right: English teacher Lori Frank works with
students to prep the garden.
Chaparral Teachers Receive Rotary Grants
Three Chaparral High School teachers were selected by the San Dimas Rotary to receive $500
mini-grants. The teachers were honored at a luncheon on January 29 at the Via Verde Country
Club and were presented with their checks. Hospitality teacher Laurie Brandler will be using her
money to purchase items for the Collaborative Garden Project. Physical Education teacher Mark
Chiapelli will be purchasing much-needed sports equipment to expand our PE program.
Yearbook teacher Cristina Cortez will buy cameras and a color printer and scanner for the
Yearbook class.
We are very thankful to the San Dimas Rotary for their support of our teachers and for providing
funds that go directly to help educate he students in our community.
“The students were very excited to open and setup the new scanner/printer and cameras,” Cortez
said. “It was like Christmas when I gave them the boxes to open. One student said, ‘We’re
official now.’ We are very appreciative and grateful for the help that Rotary has given us.”
Chaparral Teachers Brandler, Chiapelli, and Cortez were awarded Rotary mini-grants.
Grace Miller Elementary School
Read Across America Week at Grace Miller Elementary School
The week of February 23 was Read Across America Week at Grace Miller Elementary School.
Here is a glimpse into the fun they had.
Monday: Students received Bookmarks with their pictures on them.
Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day in honor of author Barney Saltzberg
Wednesday: Family Reading Lunch provided by In-N-Out Burgers. Over 600 people
attended the family reading lunch. Parents came and enjoyed lunch with their children, and
many sat and read books together.
Thursday: Staff Character Dress-Up Day left students guessing which books they were
from. Thursday night was the school’s annual PTA Founder’s Day Program and Talent Show
featuring 24 acts.
Friday: Read Under the Sun for Fun – It was a little chilly, but at 10:40 AM, lots of classes
went outdoors to read books for half-an-hour, sitting on towels and blankets. Friday was also
that last day for students to meet their reading goals for Trimester 2. Read Across America
week helped many students reach their goals.
Grace Miller Elementary School participated in Read Across America in February.
Teachers dressed up as book characters and students read on the lawn.
Roynon Elementary School
PTA’s Casino Night Raises $50,000 for Technology
Roynon Elementary School PTA’s 2nd Annual Casino Night and Silent Auction raised $50,000 in
donations, ticket sales, and corporate sponsorships. One week in advance of the event, the
students and PTA had already raised $40,000. The final $10,000 was raised at the event that took
place at the Meeting House at Hillcrest in La Verne on March 14.
Last year's Casino Night raised $20,000. Parents, students, and staff doubled their efforts this
year, and as a result, more than doubled the proceeds.
PTA Event Chair Jeff Serra credits the increase to a change in the incentive structure. "Last year,
student efforts to raise funds were rewarded with parties for classes that collectively raised
significant dollar amounts," he said. "This year, individual incentives at many levels increased
the participation significantly."
Corporate sponsors such as Marty Rodriguez’s Century 21 Real Estate, Foothill Credit Union,
Xamaze Tutoring, Rockin’ Jump, and many more, added to the event’s success with annual and
event specific donations. Some businesses purchased casino chip and drink coaster sponsorships.
For a complete list of annual sponsors, please visit‐
Proceeds from the event will be used for technology upgrades on campus.“This is our one big
fund-raiser for the school year,” Principal Matthew Wien said. “Our community of parents,
residents, and business owners continue to show their support to benefit our students. We believe
in the mission of Roynon Elementary School, and this helps provide funds to meet that mission.”
Gladstone Elementary School
Math Olympiad and Pi Day!
In preparation for the District Math Olympiad on March 21, Gladstone’s Math Olympiad team
took a break from practice exams to celebrate National Pi Day. They marked the moment when it
was exactly March 14, 2015, at 9:26 AM and 53 seconds. If this moment is represented in all
numbers, it is the same as the numerical representation of Pi. Pi is the number that represents the
ratio between a circle’s circumference and its diameter—3.141592653…
Team members Himal Malik, Kami Martz, Sarah Dang, Tyler Tan, Jayden Hernandez, and Mary
McCool have their coaches to thank for a fun day. Coaches include 5th grade teacher Mrs.
Marquez and student coach from SDHS Brittany Clark.
Results of the District competition were not known at the time of this publishing.
Gladstone’s Math Olympiad Team Celebrates National Pi Day on 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 am, or
Gladstone Student Wins Bonita Spelling Bee
Fifth grader Tyler Tan won the Bonita Unified School District Spelling Bee in March! Over 50
students from various schools in the District competed. Gladstone’s entire team did very well,
with Dylan Wong and Athena Azcueta placing in the top 7. Additional team members included
Faith Harms, Dalton Kelcher, Hannah Mendoza, and Rachel Moore.
Tyler went on to compete in the LA County Spelling Bee late in March (results were not known
at the time of this printing). Contestants who place in the LA County Spelling Bee are invited to
compete in state and national competitions.
Gladstone student Tyler Tan wins the Bonita USD Spelling Bee.