American COP Magazine Sept. 2013
American COP Magazine Sept. 2013
DUTY BOOTS PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD WWW.AM E R ICANCOPMAGAZ I N E.COM $5.95 OUTSIDE U.S. $9.50 SEPTEMBER 2013 WIN A KAHR ARMS P M9! K-9 COMMAND POSTS It’s Not Doggie Day Care FOCUS From The Chief: WHO SPEAKS FOR US? High Tech: MORPHIX CHAMELEON G2G: FENIX TK22 CHOCK-IT DETACHABLE LASER SIGHT SW TACTICAL SLING CRITICAL PATROL GEAR LIGHTING SOLUTIONS FOR BICYCLE COPS WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 1 1 7/12/13 2:53 PM br_twogun13 4/23/13 12:02 PM Page 1 Aimpoint 3X Magnifier $580.00 BCM Gen2 M4 Stock Kit $84.95 Magpul MOE Stock $56.95 Aimpoint Micro T-1 Optic $678.00 MI ERS Flip Rear Sight $93.95 Composite Vertical Grip $19.95 Magpul MOE Trigger Guard $8.50 Vltor EMOD Enhanced Modstock Kit $187.10 BCMGUNFIGHTER Comp Mod 1 $94.95 Magpul Low Profile Rail Covers $11.35 Magpul 5.56mm 3-Pack $9.45 Geissele SSA Trigger $210.00 Tactical Handguards YHM Carbine Free Float Handguard $99.95 EOTech 512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $425.00 EOTech 516 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.00 EOTech 552 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $529.00 EOTech 553 SOCOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $699.00 EOTech 556 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $589.00 Aimpoint ML2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $464.00 Aimpoint M2 - NVD Compatible . . . . . . . . . . . $517.00 Aimpoint ML3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $542.00 Aimpoint M3 - NVD Compatible . . . . . . . . . . . $604.00 Aimpoint M4 - NVD Compatible . . . . . . . . . . . $813.00 Stag Arms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $525.00 Stag Arms 6.8 SPC with BCG. . . . . . . . . . . . . $525.00 BCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $535.00 LMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $485.00 Tactical Slings MI Sling Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $29.95 Specter MOUT One Point Sling . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.50 CQD Tactical Sling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95 Troy Industries One Point Sling . . . . . . . . . . . $39.00 BlueForce Victory Two Point Sling . . . . . . . . . $40.00 Viking Tactics VTAC Two Point Sling . . . . . . . $40.95 Magazines Iron Sights Vertical Grips Composite Vertical Grip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95 TangoDown Short Vertical Grip . . . . . . . . . . . . $61.20 TangoDown MK46 Vertical Grip. . . . . . . . . . . . $67.25 CQD Vertical Grip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.00 Geissele AR15 SSA Trigger, small pin . . . . . $210.00 Centurion Arms C4 Free Float Rail $218.00 M4 Upper Receiver Groups Midwest Industries ERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $93.95 Midwest Folding Front Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79.95 Troy Industries Battle Sight Rear . . . . . . . . . $119.00 Troy Industries Battle Sight Front . . . . . . . . . . $99.00 LMT Tactical Rear Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.00 VLTOR Sight Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $213.75 Triggers ADM RECON Scope Mount $179.95 BCM A2X Extended Flash Hider $34.95 SureFire X300 WeaponLight Optics YHM Free Float Handguard - Carbine . . . . . . . $99.95 YHM Two Piece Handguard - Carbine . . . . . . $119.95 MI #17 Gen2 - Carbine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $124.95 MI #20 Gen2 Free Float - CAR . . . . . . . . . . . . $149.95 Troy Industries DI 7 Handguard. . . . . . . . . . . $149.00 Troy Industries TRX Handguard . Starting at $175.00 Daniel Defense Handguards . . . . Starting at $246.00 VLTOR CASV-EL Carbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $227.95 VLTOR VIS Carbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $569.95 Tactical Rail Covers 30 Round Teflon Finish GI Magazine Magpul Gen 3 Enhanced Follower. . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 Magpul 5.56, 3 Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.45 Magpul Ranger Plates, 3 Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.20 Magpul 30 Round PMAG Magpul 30 Round PMAG with Window Magpul XT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.35 TangoDown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.97 TangoDown with Pocket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26.95 10-8 Performance Magazine Catch . . . . . . . . . $34.05 10-8 Performance Tan Canvas Micarta Grip. . $49.95 ADM Recon-X Mount $189.95 TangoDown SCAR Panel $13.70 ADM AD-68 Mount $105.00 Midwest Industries Gen2 #17 Handguards $124.95 Magpul ASAP Sling Mount $28.45 Magpul MOE Pistol Grip $19.90 EOTech 512 $425.00 EOTech 3X Magnifier $549.00 Troy Industries Front Sight $99.00 1911 Parts B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD $95.00 Troy Industries Rear Sight $119.00 PWS FSC Comp $98.95 SureFire M300A Mini Scout TangoDown QD VPG-K $89.73 VTAC Two Point Tactical Sling $40.95 Troy Industries TRX Std 11 Handguard $195.00 Magpul XT Rail Covers $11.35 CQD Vertical Grip $89.00 Magpul PMag 30 Round Magpul Ranger Plate 3-Pack $14.20 TangoDown PR-4 Sling Mount $73.65 Vltor IMOD Improved Modstock $94.95 TangoDown BattleGrip $34.13 BCMGUNFIGHTER Grip Mod 1 $29.95 Hartland, WI U.S.A. • Toll Free: 1-877-BRAVO CO (1-877-272-8626) • Fax: 262-367-0989 All pricing is subject to change without notice. Please see our website for current pricing. Sept_13.indd 2 7/5/13 8:23 AM Sept_13.indd 3 7/5/13 8:23 AM SEPTEMBER 2013 Volume 9, Number 9, Issue 57 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM 26 FEATURES 22 BRIGHT IDEAS FOR PATROL BICYCLES Holsterlight and NiteRider solve bike copsʼ light issues. BEN DOUGLAS 26 DUTY BOOTS: COMFY FEET = HAPPY COPS Find a pair of boots to keep your feet comfy all shift long. BEN DOUGLAS 30 K-9 COMMAND POSTS: COORDINATING & CONTAINMENT — SIMPLIFIED Managing your 4-legged assets … and their handlers. 32 UNEXPECTED DELAYS — EFFECTIVE LONG-TERM PREPAREDNESS Patrol gear you should have for any situation. TI GOETZ 18 JOHN THOMAS GROHN AMERICAN COP™ (ISSN 1557-2609) is published monthly by Publishers’ Development Corp., 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. Periodical class postage paid at San Diego CA 92128, and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: One year (12 issues) $24.95. Single copies $5.95 (in Canada $9.50). Change of address: four weeks notice required on all changes. Send old address as well as new. Contributors submitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Material cannot be returned unless accompanied by sufficient postage. Payment is for all world rights for the material. The act of mailing a manuscript constitutes the author’s certification of originality of material. Opinions expressed are those of the bylined authors and do not necessarily represent those of the magazine or it’s advertisers. Advertising rates furnished on request. Reproduction or use of any portion of this magazine in any manner, without written permission, is prohibited. Entire contents Copyright© 2013 Publishers’ Development Corp. All rights reserved. Title to this publication passes to subscriber only on delivery to his address. SUBSCRIPTION PROBLEMS: For immediate action, email subs@americancopmagazine. com or write to Subscription Dept., 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN COP™, 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. 4 Sept_13.indd 4 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:23 AM 30 DEPARTMENTS 22 32 8 RETURN FIRE 12 LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER 34 FROM THE CHIEF 46 VANTAGE POINT COLUMNS 14 GOOD 2 GO GEAR JOHN CONNOR 16 CARS AND CRASHES 18 HIGH TECH JASON HOSCHOUER WIN THIS EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE! DAVE DOUGLAS 20 REALITY CHECK II CLINT SMITH RESOURCES 24 40 SPOTLIGHT 44 AD INDEX 44 CLASSIFIEDS WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 5 5 7/5/13 8:24 AM JUL.AMERICAN.COP.1:Layout 1 6/6/13 3:23 PM Page 1 AMERICAN COP board of directorS Thomas von Rosen, CEO; Thomas Hollander; Randy Moldé; Marjorie Young FOX TACTICAL GEAR HAS ALWAYS PERFORMED EXPERTLY FOR ENFORCEMENT PROFESSIONALS. TM PUbliSher Roy Huntington Editor Suzi Huntington Editorial Assistant Laura Close Art Director Chad Huber Art Assistant Kevin Lewis Production Manager Chad Huber Web Site Manager Lorinda Massey Promotions Coordinator Elizabeth O’Neill Advertising Sales Director Anita Carson Advertising Sales Assistant Dana Hatfield Cover Design/Key Photography Joe Novelozo Photography Assistant Jade Moldé AND NOW THERE’S PROOF. contribUting editorS Today, over 50 FoxTactical products are recommended by the NationalTactical Officers Association. That’s not surprising. FoxTactical gear is designed to meet, and often exceed the needs of today’s law enforcement professionals. That’s our mission. And that’s what you expect from a leader. Log on to to see the full line. TM TM FOX TACTICAL Clint Smith John Morrison John Russo Doug Sherman D.M. Chamberlain Dave Douglas Jeremy Clough Pat Covert Jason Hoschouer Sammy Reese BCP fmg PUblicationS Editor: Suzi Huntington Advertising: Phil Mendelson, (800) 426-4470 e-mail: Publisher & Editor: Roy Huntington Advertising: Steve Evatt, (800) 533-7988 e-mail: Editor: Jeff John Advertising: Jason Moreau, (866) 903-1199 e-mail: TM PROUD SPONSOR OF THE NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICERS ASSOCIATION. TM Fox Tactical Gear. Over 50 field-tested and professionally recommended products. THE LEADING DISTRIBUTOR OF TACTICAL, ENFORCEMENT, MILITARY AND OUTDOOR GEAR Publisher & Editor: Russ Thurman Advertising: Delano Amaguin (888) 732-6461 e-mail: TOLL-FREE 800-523-4332 FAX 708-338-9210 Special editionS Editor: Sammy Reese Advertising: Scott McGregor, (800) 553-7780 e-mail: TM oNLiNE ADvErtiSiNG MANAGEr: Tracy Moore, (888) 651-7566; Fax: (858) 605-0205; CLASSifiED ADvErtiSiNG: Lori Robbins, (800) 633-8001, Fax: (858) 605-0247, NAtioNAL ADvErtiSiNG: 12345 World Trade Dr., San Diego, CA, 92128; (866) 972-4545; Fax: (858) 605-0211; CuStoMEr SErviCE _ Issue Previews _ Latest News in Firearms _ Online Exclusives _ Special Offers _ New Products and More! 6 Sept_13.indd 6 SuBSCriPtioN SErviCES: ............................ (858) 605-0202 Express Service: and click “contacts” EDitoriAL: .................................................... (858) 605-0243 e-mail: .............................. ProDuCtioN: ................................................ (858) 605-0207 e-mail: ...................... BooKS/MErCHANDiSE: ................................ (888) 732-2299 e-mail: ............................................ General Counsel/Legal Affairs: .............. Steele N. Gillaspey e-mail: ......................................................... ProDuCED iN tHE u.S.A. WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/5/13 8:24 AM FNH L WHEN I’M ON PATROL I rely on my training I count on my partner I depend on my gun WITH THE FNX-45 TACTICAL I HAVE THE DISTINCT ADVANTAGE FNH LE AmeriCopFMG FNX45.indd 1 Sept_13.indd 7 FNX-45 TACTICAL Distinct Advantage 6/20/13 1:19 PM 7/5/13 8:24 AM RETURN FIRE PATRIOT ACT: UNETHICAL? PAGE 43 Kimber CDP Pistols. Unequaled Quality. Unmatched Performance. WWW.AM E R ICANCOPMAGAZ I N E.COM $5.95 OUTSIDE U.S. $9.50 AUGUST 2013 WIN THIS ROBAR .40 S&W 1911! DUI-related deaths markedly outnumber gun-related deaths every year, but nobody claims cars are the root cause of this far more pervasive evil. Points Well-Taken Easy to carry and conceal, the Ultra CDP™ II .45 ACP has a 3-inch barrel and weighs 25 ounces. It is also offered in 9mm and with Crimson Trace Lasergrips. CDP pistols have custom features like low-profile night sights and a Carry Bevel treatment for smooth, rounded edges that will not snag clothing or holsters. Demystifying Officers In your military piece (Reality Check II, “Decisions?” July 2013) I agree with the statement concerning lawful orders, however a lot of people don’t realize a CWO is a commissioned officer. The US Navy once called their CWOs Commissioned Warrant Officers, the Army and the Air Force didn’t commission their warrant officers and bitched to all and sundry about this. When I was a Chief Petty Officer teaching an officer’s class in aviation ordnance management I entered a pen and ink change to our copy of Navy Regulations. The Navy 8 Sept_13.indd 8 An ambidextrous thumb safety promotes fast operation and 30 lines-per-inch checkering on the front strap and under the trigger guard ensures a positive grip. Built in the Kimber® Custom Shop,™ CDP (Custom Defense Package) pistols combine .45 ACP power and the most important concealed carry features into a light weight, high-performance package that gives them their name. The stainless steel slide plus a match grade barrel and trigger ensure durability and accuracy. Aluminum frames wear the premium KimPro® II finish that is self-lubricating and extremely resistant to moisture and salt. Quality and performance are the true measures of value and Kimber pistols set the industry standard. Nowhere is this more evident than in a CDP. Visit the nearest Kimber Master Dealer and see for yourself. The Custom CDP™ II .45 ACP has a 5-inch barrel and full-length grip, yet weighs just 31 ounces. CDP models take concealed-carry performance to the extreme. FOCUS T H E C H O I C E O F A M E R I C A’ S B E S T then called their CWOs Chief Warrant Officers. The Air Force did away with their warrant officers and the Army called theirs CWs. I made Warrant Officer (pay grade W-1) on January 1, 1966 with a warrant signed by the Secretary of the Navy. I made Chief Warrant Officer (pay grade W-2) on January 1, 1968 and was commissioned by the President of the US, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Same way for CWO-3. Well, the US Army started commissioning WOs in July 1989, but now (888) 243-4522 Kimber offers nearly 200 purpose-built pistols and rifles to meet any need. ©2012, Kimber Mfg., Inc. All rights reserved. Information and specifications are for reference only and subject to change without notice. Street Level DO’S & DONT’S TIRED OF SKULLS? YOUR BEST BAD CHOICE USING SOCIAL MEDIA Carry Options VERSACARRY & DISSE Officer Survival TRAINING SAFETY From The Publisher: LOW TECH — HIGH TECH WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM August_13.indd 1 1 6/14/13 11:36 AM there are no Warrant Officers. When you are selected for the program you go straight to CWO-2 (Navy) and CW2 (Army). Pay grades are W-2 through W-5. Most everyone refers to the whole bunch as Warrant Officers even though they technically don’t exist anymore. Enjoy all your writings. Seabie P. Rucker CWO-3 USN (Ret.) WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/5/13 8:24 AM 273.31334 American Cop Sept 2013 PPS.pdf 1 7/11/13 10:32 AM Supporting The Constitution You did a great job standing on the right side of our Constitution (the law of the land) in the July COP mag. Keep up the good work. Art@TAC-FIT Via email And … The Supreme Court of the United States has declared the right to keep and bear arms an individual right, without regard to any membership in any militia, and has extended that ruling to several states — of which many are totally ignoring those decisions. As a right it should not be removed without due process of law, as does apply to contested court findings of guilt, as to a felony, or that of a citizen being declared “dangerously mentally ill.” New York and other states are ignoring, as you pointed out, that ancient legal requirement. When push comes to shove, we should remember President Thomas Jefferson prescribed a solution for such tyranny. James Pawlak Via email Cops Exempted? I think Clint Smith’s (Reality Check II, “Decisions?”) and your own article (Vantage Point, “Very Personal” July 2013) should be shared far and wide. My own wife thinks her status as a law enforcement officer will somehow exempt her from such consequences. If our 2nd Amendment rights are further infringed “by the scribble of a pen,” as Clint puts it, we can always fall back on the 5th Amendment. The Supreme Court decision in Haynes v. United States (1968) says once we are declared as criminals, we have no obligation to register any weapons, as such registration would be self-incrimination. Daniel Branscome Via email Stand Your Ground Jerry, excellent article (From The Chief, “Loss Of Public Favor?” July 2013), and a ballsy one at that. Keep them coming. Walt Magnuson Via email Revolver Romance I definitely related to Mike Thomas’s article (“Legacy: When Cops Carried Revolvers,” July 2013). When I was a rookie in 1972 I hit the field with my S&W 4" Model 19, Border Patrol holster and ammo dump pouches. I WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 9 9 7/11/13 10:47 AM RETURN FIRE soon added speed strips because I got tired of the veteran officers unsnapping my dump pouches so they could watch me pick up my ammo off the ground. Sometime in the 1980s my department decided to allow officers to carry semi-automatics. But first we had to go through 24 hours of transitional training. The first 8 hours of the training dealt with malfunction drills. I carried that same Model 19, Border Patrol holster and dump pouches with speed strips until my last shift — in 1996. After I completed the training I put my auto back in its box and continued to carry my revolver. When the lieutenant running the transitional training saw I was still carrying my revolver he asked me why I hadn’t switched. I told him my revolver was like a Timex watch — it takes a licking and keeps on ticking. I know when I pull the trigger six times, six rounds were going to come out and I didn’t have to worry about malfunctions. The lieutenant wasn’t a happy man. I carried that same Model 19, Border Patrol holster and dump pouches with speed strips until my last shift — in 1996. Sometimes the mantra, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” really is the best way to go. Michael J. Ryerson Via email And … So comfortable you’ll forget it’S there. Get comfortable with Nate Squared’s Professional Series Holsters 10 Sept_13.indd 10 As many of my friends and coworkers, including my wife, will tell you, there’s nothing I love more than when an issue of American COP has an article about revolvers. With my 20th anniversary as an LEO merely days away I’m reminded of the time when I carried a wheel gun. I attended a county-run academy, which certified officers who were going to work for boroughs, townships and municipalities, as well as the county police. Only officers who were required to carry a semi-automatic pistol by their department (approximately 6 of the 40 cadets in my class) were qualified with them. The rest of us were trained and quali- WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/5/13 8:24 AM fied with a revolver, loaded with .38 roundnose regardless of whether you were carrying a .38 or a .357 Magnum. I never loaded my S&W Model 19 with .357 Magnum (which I had to purchase myself) until my first day of on-the-job training. The transition to pistols was slow, with little consistency. Most of us eventually moved to 9mm pistols — purely to increase capacity — as the .40 S&W was making very slow inroads into LE use at the time. Although I can count the number of officers on one hand I know who still carry a revolver, they still have a certain appeal and practicality. Many young officers only shoot when annual qualifications come around and have great difficulty clearing malfunctions. A friend, who’s a local chief, and I often talk about how much easier it would be if we went back to revolvers. You only needed to know which direction the cylinder rotated and whether the cylinder release was push or pull. Thankfully, the manufacturers made it easy to figure out based on the marks on the cylinder and the design of the cylinder release. If things were only still that simple. To be young again! I still carry a 5-shot .357 Magnum as my primary backup, in part because of its simple effectiveness and to remind me of where I came from. As far as my original Model 19, it remains loaded and ready for those times when I want to roll old-school when off-duty. Finally, if anyone’s having trouble absorbing Clint Smith’s article “Decisions?” ask yourself this: If the federal government is really so worried about saving lives, why don’t they outlaw motor vehicles instead of firearms?! Driving is a privilege, not a right (see Amendments I-X of the US Constitution). DUI-related deaths markedly outnumber gun-related deaths every year, but nobody claims cars are the root cause of this far more pervasive evil. The truth is, the federal government doesn’t care where or how you drive, as long as you can’t thwart their armed implementation of a socialist regime in the process. Richard “Patch” Adams Via email AMERICAN COP TM welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit all published letters for clarity and length. Due to the volume of mail, we are unable to individually answer your letters or e-mail. In sending a letter to American COP, you agree to provide Publishers Development Corp. such copyright as is required for publishing and redistributing the contents of your letter in any format. Send your letters to Return Fire, American COP, 12345 World Trade Dr., San Diego, CA 92128;; e-mail: * WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 11 11 7/5/13 8:24 AM FROM THE PUBLISHER ROY HUNTINGTON BASICS ARE BEST That’s Roy in the middle with buddies, graduation day from the academy in San Diego, 1978. He went on patrol with a straight baton, a 6-shot revolver and no portable radio. Limited technology forced him to learn solid street skills that paid dividends later. W e’ve talked about the loss of what we call institutional knowledge — that deep-rooted, core cop sense, and skills the “old timers” often have. When they retire, that knowledge is gone forever unless they’ve taught it to the younger cops. And what I’m finding out is many of the younger generations aren’t really interested in learning how to do it the old-school way. We now have, literally, a few generations of cops who’ve grown up with the digital age and haven’t been trained by guys who used to hit the streets with a straight stick, a revolver and no portable radio, much less a computer in their beat car. Others who also grew up in the digital age have trained today’s street cops, and the old-timers didn’t train them either; it goes back 15 or even 20 years now. But, do today’s cops really need to know how to do police work using old methods? Yes, as a matter of fact, they do. And here’s why. It’s about basics. Advanced skills are simply basics applied in new or innovative ways. If you don’t have basics, then the “advanced” stuff you’re doing is often just a smoke and mirror setup, and you might be fooling yourself and setting yourself up for failure. As long as the electrons flow, you’re fine. But when the switch is turned off (laptop crashes, systems go down, batteries die, the tornado hits and destroys cell and radio service…) many cops today 12 Sept_13.indd 12 would scramble to find their feet. Let’s take it to the most basic. You’re talking to a potential suspect. You run him and find he has a warrant, so you arrest and book him. Now, same situation but no warrant system. Do you have the skills to find out who this moron might be, and what he’s doing on your beat? Do you have the street skills and cop sense to talk it out of him? To badger, cajole, trick, twist and otherwise beat him at his own game? Could you figure out he’s a crook, and why and what he’s up to, in spite of the system being down? Generations of cops before you could — and did. It’s fine to use modern conveniences to enhance and expand your own knowledge of something. Are you suspicious of someone or something? Great, now double-check using your resources. If they don’t agree with your suspicions, but you’re still convinced, that’s fine. Dig deeper. Get a backhoe if you need to, but don’t let the bad guy go until you — personally — based on your own Spidey sense, are comfortable with the fact it’s safe to let him go. If you don’t have the street sense you wish you did, find some old cop, even a retired one — and get some. Trust me, they love to help. It’s honestly amazing what you can learn from some of them. And they did it using pay phones, a pencil, note pad, no air conditioning and a revolver on their hip. Imagine that. * WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:41 AM NUMEROUS FEATURES. NOT ONE YOU’LL HAVE TO THINK ABOUT. Welcome to the closest bond yet between hand and gun. Between grip and control. Between fit and performance. With three interchangeable 18 DEGREE GRIP ANGLE palmswell grips including a new textured grip, and multiple FRONT & REAR NOVAK OR NIGHT SIGHTS ambidextrous features, the M&P Pro Series is truly tailored to you. CRISP 4.5 POUND TRIGGER PULL FIND THE RIGHT M&P FOR YOU AT SMITH-WESSON.COM Sept_13.indd 13 7/5/13 8:24 AM G2G JOHN CONNOR GOODTOGOGEAR MAGNETIC DETACHABLE LASER SIGHT ATI Want an inexpensive laser that will jump from Glock to Glock, requires no alteration and is compatible with the majority of holsters? I got to play with the CAT Laser OS Magnetic Detachable Laser Sight from ATI, and it’s surprisingly solid and capable. The short polymer body simply pushes down over your stock rear sight and engages the slide serrations for a precision fit bolstered by a powerful rare earth magnet. A stout pull straight up removes it. It won’t shoot loose or be dislodged by random impacts. It contains a red laser (on/off switch just below the rear sight) and a set of well-defined conventional sights. Although the sight radius is really short, at 7 and 10 yards the irons were quick and accurate, and the laser was right on. Independent elevation and windage adjustments for both, once set, remain regulated when moved to another pistol. Offered for both primary Glock slide widths. MSRP: $159.99 For more info: 14 Sept_13.indd 14 SECURITY DOOR WEDGE CHOCK-IT Auto-closing, auto-locking security doors once found only in some industrial buildings and hospitals, now are everywhere. And how many times have you really needed to keep one open — and couldn’t? One veteran patrol sergeant got tired of trying to wedge them open with folded matchbooks, ballpoint pens and garbage cans that skittered away, and Notable Concepts developed CHOCK-IT. This oddly shaped 1-ounce piece of tough, mediumhard rubber is designed to slip over a security door’s hinges or hang in its strike-plate, or wedge under the bottom edge of the door, and it works great! It also works fine on regular interior and exterior doors. He designed it to be carried easily in a pocket. It’s 2x4x.5", so it’s an easy fit. If you work in an urban, built-up area, carrying one on you makes good sense. If not, keep a set handy in your cruiser. A 2-pack lists for $12. For more info: WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:24 AM TK22 GUN-MOUNTED LIGHTING KIT FENIXLIGHT LIMITED Fenix has put the TK22 into a complete kit for both stand-alone duty and as a versatile weapon-mounted light. It features a tailcap switch for momentary and constant-on and a collar-mounted button that runs you through light levels of 7, 75, 240 and 650 lumens. Its Cree XM-L U2 LED and the new “loss-less” orange-peel reflector produce a terrific balanced beam. Waterproofed and hard anodized, it’s a tough, precision-built unit and “dual-fuel” — running on either two 123A lithium batteries or a single rechargeable 18650 Li-ion. The kit includes the light, a 2-battery AC charger, a DC auto adaptor, a weapon-mount, a corded tailcap switch with remote pressure pad, two Li-ion batteries (most makers only supply one), lanyard, pocket clip, spare O-ring and replacement tailcap cover, plus two belt pouches, all in a plastic hard case. List price is $245. For more info: WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 15 SW TACTICAL SLING LIMBSAVER When I saw the press release for LimbSaver’s new SW Tactical Sling I immediately called for a sample. If you don’t know LimbSaver and their parent company, Sims Vibration Laboratories, they’re masters of recoil, vibration, noise and load control, with products for firearms, archery and industrial applications. The goal was to produce a lightweight single or 2-point sling evenly distributing weight, that also reduces fatigue, absorbs vibration and will stay put under load. They also wanted it to slide easily over material during adjustment, and to release by the user in an instant. After hundreds of hours of testing by military and LE personnel, they got it very right. The contoured center section is their tough, flexible proprietary NAVCOM (Noise And Vibration Control Material). The webbing is light but tested at 2,000-plus pounds, with military grade single and dual-point quick connectors. Extremely comfortable and maneuverable, it’s available in black or black and tan. MSRP: $44.99 For more info: 15 7/9/13 7:42 AM CARS AND CRASHES JASONHOSCHOUER S URVIVINGINYOURMOBILEOFFICE. Professional Courtesy How Much Is Too Much? M When you see this during a traffic stop, what do you do? The results of your decision — and your actions — may have a longterm, significant impact on your career and your personal life. ost of us have been pushing our beat car around town when some yahoo screams by at the speed of heat. You feel the familiar adrenaline rush, hit the lights and you’re off to the races. You stop the car, schlep up to the offending vehicle and are met with a piece of tin looking eerily similar to the one on your chest. You just stopped a fellow cop/firefighter/EMSer. If you’re anything like me you get that “Dammit, dude! You’re mucking up my chi!” feeling. You may grumble and grouse, but eventually, you tell the offending brother-in-arms to “knock that silly crap off” and you get back in your patrol car and await the next violator. Let’s up the ante. It’s not merely an infraction, but a collision. It’s not simply a fellow cop, but the chief or the mayor. And worse? They’re at fault. Now what? Do they get a pass because of their position? I’m not one to play the political game. While that may be why I’m still wearing motor boots after 14 years, I find it interesting how quickly the powers-that-be drop the “we’re held to a higher standard” line when their officers perhaps utter one of George Carlin’s Seven Words in front of a citizen (Google it, I’ll wait ...). However, there seems to be quite the proclivity for that particular tune to change if those same powers land themselves in a jackpot. Deeper Poo ow matters get worse. The crash is alcohol-related (cue dramatic music). Do we break out the big-ass push broom and football stadium-sized carpet and get to sweeping? What are you risking if you do? What happens if our good friends in the media get wind of the incident? Think they’ll understand the command-level officer at fault in a DUI crash being dusted off and sent home? Don’t think that won’t land you in your own brand of hell? Just how dark and smelly is it where you’ve buried your head? If we are indeed all held to that “higher standard,” then it should cross all lines and know no boundaries. What’s good for the goose is most assuredly good for the gander. Remember the days when line officers would follow their superiors to hell and back because those superiors represented something? Remember when they led by example instead of entitlement? N Make A Decision S omething else to consider: you may very well be saving their lives if you hook them for deuce. A number of years ago, I made a decision I will never make again. It was late at night and I was working graveyard. I passed by a lonely street and saw a car running, sitting still in the roadway, with its lights on. I drove on. I returned 20 minutes later and the car was still there. The lights were still on. It hadn’t moved. With Spidey senses all a-tingle, I pulled in behind the car. The driver was passed out cold. Waves of the scent of alcoholic beverages cascaded from the slightly open window. The car was in drive, but the driver’s foot was on the brake. I roused the driver. Turns out he was a cop from a neighboring jurisdiction. He was nowhere near where he thought 16 Sept_13.indd 16 he was. He was also armed. He was a salty dog and had been on the job for nearly the better part of my entire time on Earth. Against my better judgment, I called him a cab and told him to pick up the car the next day. He was all kinds of appreciative. I drove by 30 minutes later and the car was gone. Do I know for certain he came to get it and risked killing someone? No. Do I strongly suspect it? Absolutely. I risked my job, my house and possibly my family because he was a fellow cop. How could I have lived with myself if he’d crashed and killed himself or, worse yet, an innocent citizen, because I had let him go? I can’t answer for you what you should do. You’re an adult. Make a decision. What would I do now given the same set of circumstances? Hey, we’re in the accountability game. If you can’t take responsibility for your actions, perhaps you’re in the wrong vocation. * WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:24 AM ™ In 1990 a Navy SEAL was navigating a minefield when his pack failed. As his gear tumbled to the ground, he vowed that if he got out of there alive he would make gear the right way. Today this obsession with quality applies to everything we do. We’re constantly researching, refining and perfecting every detail to provide gear that won’t let you down. Because we’re not just making stuff. We’re honoring a vow. MAKE THE DARK AFRAID OF YOU. © 2013 BLACKHAWK!® NORFOLK, VA U.S.A. 1.800.694.5263 Sept_13.indd 17 7/5/13 8:24 AM HIGH TECH DAVEDOUGLAS C UTTINGEDGEWIDGETS—ANDOTHERNEWSTUFF. The Chameleon The Chameleon Sensor Tray holds up to ten sensor cassettes. It attaches to an armband and can be worn over a HazMat suit, uniform or even SWAT gear. he last few decades have brought about a demand for more and more chemicals; along with that demand is the necessity to protect our first responders. Who’s the first to respond to the scene of a traffic accident, train derailment, factory explosion or even some crazy dude holding a bucket of who-knows-what? Right, it’s us. The 2007 Commodity Flow Survey released in 2010 by the US Department of Transportation estimated 2.2 billion tons of hazardous materials are carried by all modes of transportation throughout the US. That represents 1.5 trillion dollars of product. More than half of the hazardous material tonnage (54 percent) is moved via trucks over our highways. The next greatest amount, 28.5 percent, is carried by pipeline. Chances are if you’re on the road, you’ll run into this stuff at some point. Today, when conducting an illegal drug lab investigation or raid, there’s as equal a threat level from that environment as from the near toothless and organically psychotic tweaker cooking the stuff. Now we need to protect ourselves and our partners not only from the druggies engaging in a firefight, but also from mechanical booby traps, IEDs and the chemicals used to create the poison. Proactively Mitigate Danger It’s what we do — if we know about it. Some of the most dangerous threats, like toxic airborne chemicals, are often unseen. We tend to look for the bad guy. If you’re investigating a potential chemical suicide, responding to an overturned tractor-trailer on the interstate or raiding a meth lab, safe breathing is paramount to all involved. The Chameleon from Morphix Technologies was designed for just this kind of threat. The traditional electronic chemical detection devices used by the military and handed down to law enforcement require a lot of training and regular maintenance; these devices can be a budget-buster for most 18 Sept_13.indd 18 jurisdictions. The Chameleon is more convenient, easy to use and the cost is manageable. The Chameleon is a wearable, configurable sensor designed for an easy fit on your forearm. It’s worn over your uniform, tactical gear or level-A suit. The sensor tray attaches to the armband with hook and loop material. There are ten plastic housings for the sensor cassettes, and you can load up all ten housings with different sensor cassettes or just one or two depending on the threat. Chameleon’s colorchange alert system is simple: one color on a sensor cassette indicates the absence of toxic gas, but when two colors appear in the Chameleon’s cassette window, it’s time to do something — like get the hell out of there. The sensors change color when toxic gases are present, and require no power source or calibration. The system is designed to military standards for use in a wide variety of operating environments. It can be used in desert heat, arctic cold or tropical conditions. It can even be immersed in water. Just shake the water out of the sensor cassette window and continue your mission. The Chameleon detects gases and vapors in the air where other technologies only detect hazards in liquid or aerosol form. Gaseous forms of toxic chemicals are your most likely danger source. And, the sensor cassettes activate at 50 percent of what would become a dangerous dose. Prepared Kits You don’t need to be a chemical engineer to figure out which cassettes to use for given situations. Morphix offers kits for a variety of situations. Each kit includes a 14" and an 18" armband and the appropriate chemical detection cassettes for certain situations. The Chameleon HazMat Detection Kit can be used in a wide variety of HazMat incidents — anything from a chemical spill, industrial accident or train derailment, to WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:24 AM The Morphix kits are easy to use, and can make your life easier. You don’t need a chemical engineering degree to decide which cassette you need to place in the sensor tray, how to operate things or how to read it. They’re cop-proof at every level! a chemical suicide, possible terrorist attack or just an unknown substance along the road. It contains cassettes for Chlorine/Fluorine, Hydrogen Fluoride, high pH, Hydrazine, Hydrogen Sulfide, Iodine, low pH, Phosgene, Phosphine and Sulfur Dioxide. The arson kit contains cassettes for Ammonia, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrogen Fluoride, Hydrogen Sulfide, Nitrogen Dioxide, low pH, Phosgene and Sulfur Dioxide. The clandestine meth lab kit detects Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide, Iodine, low pH and Phosphine. Chemical suicides were first documented in Japan in 2008, where they’re known as detergent suicide. In 2008 a chemical suicide by a young girl sickened over 90 people — many were the first responders. Everyday household cleaning chemicals are mixed in an enclosed space like a laundry room, closet or inside a closed car, causing poisonous and lethal gas to be released. Since then, over 2,000 cases have occurred in Japan, and it’s become a very popular means to a permanent end. So, you’re not patrolling the mean streets of Kobe or Yokohama, why worry? It’s happening here now — that’s why. Over 72 cases in the last 3 years have been documented in the US — 36 in 2010 and 27 between January and June 2011, according to the most recent reports. Morphix, in response to this growing threat, has developed a chemical suicide kit. It contains sensor cassettes that detect high pH, Hydrogen Sulfide, low pH, Phosphine and Sulfur Dioxide. Normal Patrol = Oxymoron The only thing certain about patrol is it’s never normal. You can go from sitting in the patrol car swilling coffee to driving 100 mph faster than you can say, “What the %$&* was that?” There are so many variables to encounter, the term “a standard patrol shift” means be ready for absolutely anything — from taking a burglary report to responding to an asteroid strike. The threat of encountering Methyl-Ethyl-BadStuff, commonly known as HazMat materials, is very real and an everyday occurrence. We can’t go about our “normal patrol” duties wearing a HazMat suit for protection. But we can use technology to give us a little bit more of an edge — and to make sure we come home after shift not glowing in the dark. Unless you already do, that is. * For more info: Fits Mossberg 500 and 590 Customizable Add-A-Shell Configurations • CNC Machined from 6061 T6 Aluminum & Military Type III Hardcoat Anodized WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 19 • Mount as many or as few Add-A-Shells as Desired PHONE:800.925.2522 • • Add-A-Shells Mount in any of the (9) Locations on the Side Saddle • Customize your Shell w w w. AT I g u n s t o c k s . c o m Configuration for any Task at Hand 19 7/5/13 8:25 AM REALITY CHECK II CLINT SMITH COUNSEL, WISDOM, GUIDANCE AND TEACHING. SIMPLE SOLUTIONS WITH The RID3 lights are a 3-light set. Made for deploying down a hallway, etc., they right themselves automatically to illuminate an area. B y our own data, much of our contact with people is in low, altered or failing light. There’s no question: things like proper sight pictures are under stress while being applied in the dark. Even if we add laser sighting assistance tools to our weapon platforms, the laser systems are still only as good as the trigger press behind the gun. Shooting in the dark takes practice — and light. In our everyday lives, people use a light source to see in low or no light conditions. In reality you should turn the light on to fight. If you go into a dark building looking for a bad guy, what do you think is going to happen when the light comes on? The point of the exercise is to find the threat. If you turn the light on and shine it into a dark room, you have a 50/50 chance of finding the bad guy. The light comes on to find, fight or get compliance. The light identifies the threat, then properly placed sights and a good trigger press place hits on the target — if necessary. Most lights have two forms, a spot aligned with the muzzle, and the circle of light usually extending from floor-to-ceiling. Keeping the spot of light on the threat area, the eyes of the shooter should be scanning the peripheral area of the larger circle for anything out of place. My goal is to make visual contact with the threat with the circle of light. That means the spot would probably be in the area of the suspect’s feet as I searched and found him. If the threat fails to comply after verbal contact, or is threatening in nature, I would raise the spot, placing the muzzle to the center of the available target and then gain compliance by gunfire — or surrender — however it goes. Clint likes this “family” of lights from BriteStrike. The main personal light in the center, the Basic Tactical Light, might be considered the backbone, and the EPLI penlight and RID3 rolling lights are options to be used as needed. Then Now I n the old days, the police flashlight was a dismal failure. The early aluminum-bodied lights were the first good lights … sort of (at least better than the consumer hardware store brands we used to use). In reality, the new lights then were nothing more than an aluminum club with a light bulb in the end of it. A lot of people got whacked with them, and they were usually better clubs than they were flashlights. Today, illumination sources should be treated like guns. They are amazingly powerful, reliable and versatile. And because of that, we’ve come to really rely on them. But like anything mechanical, they can break when needed most. Remember the old “one is none and two is one” mantra and apply it to your personal light needs. I really don’t think the dark is a cool place to fight. I like to properly 20 Sept_13.indd 20 identify stuff. So I like flashlights, and the results — light. In particular, lately I’ve been using some lights from a smallish company called Brite-Strike. Brite-Strike’s EPLI (Executive Precision Lighting Instrument) is a favorite of Clint’s. At 220 lumens on high using two AAA batteries, it’s a big bang for the buck. He recommends you have several. WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:42 AM rite-Strike’s RID3 (Rolling Illuminated Distraction and Disorientation Device) serves two purposes. They may distract people, but they also put modest light into darkened areas; simply roll or lob the 1.5" balls into the area to be cleared. The design makes them “stand up” on hard surfaces, but on carpet they may not stand up directly. They’re carried in a small pouch that holds three of the RIDs. Push a small button on the ball to activate the light before you deploy it. It’s powered by two CR-2032 Lithium batteries, and the runtime is declared to be about 20 hours. Handheld lights are good tools and should supplement weapon-mounted light systems. The Brite-Strike Basic Tactical Light is 5" long and the body size reflects the use of the CR-123A batteries it uses. The light projects about 280 lumens, with a runtime of 3 hours on maximum power. I like the fact it has a “click” on/off push-button if you need it to stay on. The end cap has impact ridges, but does not impede access to the on/off button. The fluted front cap means the light doesn’t roll easily if grounded, which can be a real pain as you chase it off the hood of your car. Of all the lights I looked at, the EPLI (Executive Precision Lighting Instrument) is the one I admired the most. The small pensize light projects 220 lumens on high and 110 on low, all done with just two AAA batteries! It has a strobe I could do without, but the small size and brightness overrides the strobe’s silliness. Runtime is 90 minutes, even with the AAA power, and if your search isn’t over by then it’s time to move on. Its biggest asset is its size. I cleared the tactical house here without wishing for another light. For me I’d just carry two or three of the things. If I lost power or had a partner who showed up to work without a light I could share. The solid click switch is a good thing. Simply put, it works, it’s small and it’s affordable, at around $50 or so if you shop around. Be smart. Get a good light, and then get another one. Cheap insurance against those bogeymen in the dark, eh? * For more info: WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 21 21 7/5/13 8:25 AM Ben Douglas Holsterlight’s aluminum construction and easy mounting system assures you a secure place to keep your full-sized duty flashlight when on bike patrol. oday’s patrol vehicle is the epitome of visibility — and patrol bicycles are the anti-cruiser. They’re quiet, unassuming and an excellent tool for sneaking up on people. But using patrol bicycles at night adds a new level of difficulty to the already daunting task of operating in an open environment. The repetitive movements of riding a bicycle on patrol often leads to equipment shaking loose from the duty belt. It doesn’t take long to realize our duty belts aren’t the best place to store larger equipment. This begs the question about where to store a full-sized flashlight. And what do you do about the need for a bike-mounted lighting system so you can see the road? Solutions bered — 350, 500 and 650 NiteRider’s Lumina system offers a simple, single light system Most officers use the — for their lumen output. for your patrol bike with up to 650 lumens of power. It’s easily Streamlight SL-20, Pelican The light and battery are conremoved for handheld use if needed. 8060 or similar — and all tained in one small durable are beasts. They’re excellent package. lights and can even be impact The top of the line model weapons or glass-breaking puts out 650 lumens! This devices in a pinch. I’ve seen light is no bigger than a Surethem stored on belt hooks and fire 6P and runtime at full in sap pockets. The truth is, power is over 1.5 hours, and though, there’s no good place on the lowest setting you’re to store a large flashlight on good for over 5 hours. Charge your person when you’re it for about 6 hours and riding a bike. you’re back in business. Scott Spillane joined a Versatile Too night bike team on his department and almost immediately For $140 (retail), you get became frustrated with dropNiteRider ’s rechargeable ping his light every time he light, including a USB cord got into a pursuit. He quickly and two mounts — one for started working on designs for a bike- passed the test easily and kept my light your helmet and one for your handlemounted light holster. Scott started secure and accessible. I’m happy to bars. Mount the Lumina 650, and you with a piece of PVC piping, mounted have my full-sized flashlight back. The have one light with one button on top it to his front fork and realized he had a Holsterlight fits the standard Mag-Light for control. It doesn’t get simpler, and lot of work to do. It took a few months D-cell flashlights, as well as most of the you have an uncluttered handlebar. to hone the design to what is now the standard issue lights. The Holsterlight is I’ve ridden over 240 hours with this Holsterlight. made in the US and sells for $60. new light and am very impressed. The Mounting is a snap. Simply set the lowest setting on the Lumina is more metal straps around the fork, insert Bike Lighting than enough to safely light an urban them into the mounting points on NiteRider has been supplying environment. And, you can always the holster, and screw them down to lighting to cyclists for over 20 years switch to the number two setting. It’s tighten. The Holsterlight is essentially now, and produce some of the best bike practically overkill, but I’ll take it. an aluminum shaft with just the right lights in the business. No other lighting There’s also a quick release allowing diameter, allowing you to drop the light company has the street cred they’ve removal in one swipe. If your handheld in and ride. There’s an o-ring (requires built in the cycling community. They light runs out of juice, simply grab the a bit of silicon grease now and again) stake their name on quality and perfor- Lumina and you’re back in inside the shaft helping to retain your mance — and deliver every time. the game. light under bouncy conditions. NiteRider’s latest offering for cops After mounting the holster and is the Lumina line. The lights are small, For more info: www.americancopinserting my light, I took my patrol simple, elegant and rechargeable via a and click bike out to a local trail. The Holsterlight USB cable. Lumina models are num- on the company name. * 22 22 Sept_13.indd 22 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:25 AM Sept_13.indd 23 7/5/13 8:25 AM WIN! THIS PACKAGE! KAHR ARMS PM9 PM9 Maker: Kahr Arms (508) 795-3919 Action: Semi-auto DAO, Caliber: 9mm, Capacity: 6+1, 7+1, Barrel Length: 3.1", Twist: 1:10" RH, Value: $786 Saint Sunglasses Maker: Wiley X (800) 776-7842 Value: $85 24 Sept_13.indd 24 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER • AUGUST 2013 7/5/13 9:06 AM TOTAL VALUE: OVER TO ENTER CONTEST: GO TO OUR WEBSITE AND TAKE THE SURVEY $1,000! WINNERS CHOSEN BY RANDOM DRAWING. Limit one entry per household. To protect the privacy and security of winners, their names will NOT be made public. Contest void where prohibited by law. Winners must undergo a background check and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. Taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. Contest open to U.S. residents only. Employees and agents of Publishers’ Development Corp. are not elegible. No purchase necessary. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Attention deployed military: use stateside address! Giveaway guns and accessories may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. The Gun of the Month package is awarded only to the entrant drawn and will not be awarded if the firearm presented is illegal in the jurisdiction of the winner. An alternate, authorized winner will be selected. No substitutions or transfers to a third party are allowed. Mach 2 8.0 Boots and MX-2 Socks Maker: Magnum Boots (800) 853-2896 Value: $219.95 (Mach 2 8.0), $9.99 (MX-2) OPS Daypack Maker: Fieldline Tactical (888) 411-7744 Value: $65 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 25 AN E M SC SCAN WITH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE Entries must be received before 9/30/13 T his month’s giveaway includes items to keep you not only safe and prepared, but also comfortable on the job. Kahr Arms, a leader in technology and innovation, donated the PM9; its low weight (only 14 ounces without a magazine) and short length (just 5.42" overall) make it a great choice for on-duty backup or off-duty concealed carry. The barrel is just 3.1", and has polygonal rifling and 1:10" RH twist. It’s DAO, drift adjustable and has white bar-dot combat sights. The 2-tone finish is comprised of a black polymer frame and a matte stainless steel slide; the grips are a textured polymer. It comes standard with one 6-round flush floorplate magazine and one 7-round extended grip magazine. All cops know the best way to be comfortable on the job is to have quality footwear, so Magnum Boots has provided a pair of their high-tech MX-2 crew socks and Mach 2 8.0 boots. The performance, lightweight sock stays cool throughout your entire shift, and has selective cushioning only where needed for less bulk. The Mach 2 8.0 from the Speed Series is the lightest tactical boot on the market, weighing in at just 14.2 ounces. They are waterproof and made of microfiber and durable rip-stop nylon for optimal fit and performance. Wiley X has also thrown in a great accessory — a pair of their Saint Sunglasses. The changeable and shatterproof lenses block 100 percent of UV rays and are certified high impact. They are also rated as OSHA-grade occupational protective eyewear, so you know they’re sturdy. To round out this package is the OPS Daypack from Fieldline Tactical. Inside, it has a 2-liter hydration-compatible pouch, an extra-large main compartment and a quick-access flat accessory pocket. Its fleece-lined sunglasses pouch will be perfect for your Saint sunglasses, and the slide compression straps will help you carry the pack comfortably. The only way to win is to enter, so visit to enter! 25 7/5/13 9:06 AM Duty Boots I really enjoyed the level of attention to detail paid to our work in the movie End of Watch. There’s a great scene where the two heroes find themselves babysitting a drive-by vehicle before detectives rolled out to conduct their investigation. They took hours processing the scene while the two officers maintained a perimeter. In a comic moment, the Zavala character says, “Comfortable footwear. Policing is all about comfortable footwear.” I laughed out loud, but the more I thought about it, the movie really got it right. It couldn’t have been closer to the truth. Life is miserable when you’re working a beat and your feet are killing you. Patrol cops face all kinds of situations — every call is different. Maybe it’s a traffic post, a hike into a canyon, clearing a large commercial building or running someone down through who-knows-what kind of terrain. My department recently brought back the walking beat in some areas. Officers on those beats are on their feet upward of 10 hours a shift — wearing 30 pounds of gear. It can get a little painful. Yes, policing is all about comfortable footwear. There are literally hundreds of excellent boots are out there suiting a variety of situations. This year I’ve rounded up a couple of old standbys and a few new editions. Testing was simple. I took them out on patrol and used them for weeks. I worked as much variety as possible into those weeks. I got into a couple of foot pursuits (drunks), some training runs, some range days, several baseball game details, boardwalk patrol and bike patrol. Let’s take a look at what performed. Police work is all about comfortable feet! These BLACKHAWK! Black Ops boots are among the best of the breed. Comfy Feet = Happy Cops Ben Douglas Blackhawk!: Black ops Black Ops boots have TarehebeentheBLACKHAWK! around a while now. These boots most rugged of the bunch. They project an “I-don’t-mess-around” attitude. They’re constructed to maintain their shape and provide optimal support under the toughest conditions. Black Ops feel superb when slipping your foot inside — as if BLACKHAWK! found some government classified foot-cushioning material and sent it out to the public. The steel shank imbedded in the base of the boot helps distribute weight evenly throughout the boot, and it’s especially helpful on bike patrol. Most good cycling shoes have a steel or carbon shank to help direct power to the pedals. I’ve had several range days and training days in these boots and I can tell you, putting them on is like putting on your favorite pair of slippers — they feel great. They’re good in the office too. The full-grain leather set at the toe and heel polish up beautifully, making them ideal for any Class-A occasion. 26 Sept_13.indd 26 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/12/13 1:08 PM s s Rocky boots: ram level 1 never tried Rocky Boots before. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but they wowed me IMobility) from the moment I slipped my foot into the boot. I knew the RAM (Rocky Athletic Level 1 boots were aimed at warm climates so I expected the lightweight airy feeling. What I didn’t expect was these boots to mold to my foot so well without a break-in period. Chalk it up to all high-grade synthetic materials. Nope, there’s no leather to shine. The RAMs got a lot of wear on patrol. I used them on a canyon search for a robbery suspect. Walking around in near-black conditions while following a K9 handler is one of the more precarious situations a patrol cop can expect. Out in that canyon I learned how great these boots perform. I was out there for hours — my feet never felt the wear and the reinforced toe and heel guards not only protected my feet, they added traction while descending in loose dirt. The RAMs made for excellent hiking boots and when I was done in the canyon I was able to wash them down and quickly bring them back to like-new status. Under Armour: Valsetz 7" nder Armour is new to the Patrol/Tactical Boot game. These boots aren’t U aimed directly at patrol, mostly because they don’t have a shineable toe, but they make a fantastic tactical boot. The Valsetz are the featherweight of the bunch. They’re cushy and breathable and they make walking all night with 30 pounds of gear an almost enjoyable experience — almost. One chilly night I did find them lacking in the insulation department. A better wool blend sock might have helped. Running is this boot’s forte. I haven’t come across a lighter, more comfortable running boot with better cushioning. That said, I’d prefer an 8" version for more ankle support. Grip is also excellent. I ran across a few wet slippery surfaces where other boots would have failed to keep traction. The Valsetz always felt planted. Hats off to UnderArmour for a successful first dive into the patrol boot market. Bates: 8" Annobon pleasantly surprised to open the Bates box and find such a great looking Igreatwas boot; Bates’ photos didn’t do them justice. They don’t just look cool, they feel on your feet and provide an immense level of traction in just about any terrain. Pebble roads? No issue. Oily roads? No problem. Rain? Whatever. They remind me of a paratrooper boot. The sole is well cushioned, extremely stable and gives a wider than average footprint for excellent traction. The upper area of the boot is thin and breathable with a perforated liner and rubber skeletal structure for support. It hugged my ankles and lower shin like a sock and made it noticeably easier to wrap my backup holster around the boot. The 8" Annobon is definitely not waterproof with all that perforated mesh, but it breathes wonderfully. Finally, the leather toe area shined up perfectly, allowing me to take these boots straight from a night of patrol to a morning interview with the Captain without worry. What more can you ask for? WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 27 27 7/9/13 7:43 AM Original SWAT: Chase 9" he Chase 9" Zip is the newest member of the Original SWAT lineup. Original T SWAT took lessons from their other boots and applied them directly to the Chase. These boots are truly as waterproof as a boot gets. Not an easy feat considering they’re one of only two pairs of boots evaluated featuring a zipper for easy donning and doffing. Getting them on and off quickly was easier than any zip boot I’ve ever tested. The zipper is gusseted with a waterproof barrier that doesn’t get in the way. The Chase boots are the Cadillac of this lineup. They boast Scotchgard-protected full-grain leather, a lightweight nylon shank, premium EVA insole and non-marking rubber soles with a Siping feature. Siping sucks water from the surface and directs it outward like a tire. This noticeably increases traction on wet surfaces. I gave this boot the ultimate torture test — I walked the boardwalk after a particularly high tide washed up all kinds of salty mush on the walkway. It’s 2 miles long with plenty of places to slip if you’re not careful. The Chase boots held up brilliantly, kept me from slipping and when I was all done for the shift, washed up beautifully. The full-grain leather toes shrugged off the salt and grime with no residue. Another coat of KIWI and I was back in highly shined black. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Thorogood 8" ASR Side Zip Boot hen I received Thorogood’s box in the mail I thought someone had made a misW take. The logo on the box was one I recognized as belonging to the company who makes dress shoes. They are my Class A, super high gloss, reserved for funerals and graduations-type shoe. Not only does Thorogood make an excellent dress shoe, they also make hundreds of different styles of boots. They sent their new 8" tactical ASR (Athletic Slip Resisting) Side Zip boots. These boots did not disappoint. Once set-up, the zipper made it fast and easy to get the boot on and off. The ASRs have a straight zipper going almost to the foot bed. Several other zipper designs out there are frankly more cumbersome than simply loosening the laces on most boots. And let’s face it, those few seconds it takes to put on your boots can make it or break it when it comes to making lineup on time! I use these boots day-in and day-out now. They were extremely easy to break in, taking about one 10-hour shift. After a long day, their light weight will reward you with very little foot fatigue, and they breathe well so you don’t overheat out there. These boots are not going to win a cold weather competition though, so keep them in mind for spring/summer temps. * For more info: and click on the company name. 28 Sept_13.indd 28 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:44 AM 2013_GUNS_PMAG 20 LR_ Final.pdf 1 6/28/13 2:00 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Sept_13.indd 29 7/5/13 8:25 AM “A ll that it takes for evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.” Henry David Thoreau might not have been referencing command posts when he said that, but he could have been. Depending on who’s in charge, their level of experience, and how organized they are, command posts can range from a complete goat-rope to a well-oiled machine. Seeing as how I’ve got the silver bars on my collar, the command post is the place I call home when the poo hits the fan. More often than not, that poo hitting the fan can result in that most common of patrol procedures, the K-9 search. K-9s are a great asset, but they also have to be managed! Ti Goetz Working a CP doesn’t have to be overly complex, you just have to be organized. Having information you can quickly reference is critical to making good decisions. Personally, I love K-9s. Those little 4-legged varmints are a force multiplier like none other. They not only save us time, money and effort, they can locate, close with and put a hurting on the bad man before he can put a hurting on us. That being said they also need to be managed like any other asset. And that requires a K-9 command post. Keeping track of your K-9 resources is critical, especially when the poo’s hit the fan. 30 Sept_13.indd 30 Starting Like all command posts, situational awareness is the name of the game. If you can’t visualize what’s occurring with the forces you command, you’ll be unable to make timely, well-thought-out or even merely good, decisions. If you can’t make good decisions, you’re failing in your role as a leader. Like many of you, I don’t work at a large department. Depending on the time of night, I may only have four or five officers on duty. That can be a real challenge when you’re trying to set up containments and organize searches. Like most of you, we rely on mutual aid to fill in the holes. Critical incidents are generally similar in how they begin, usually with lots of chaos. People are running, yelling, screaming, shooting, rolling code … the usual fun. Wildly exhilarating as all that may be, part of the job is to get control of all the craziness and start getting organized. The simplest way to start getting your CP organized is to declare yourself incident commander and announce your command post location over the air (OTA). Try to pick a CP location outside the containment area and big enough to hold all the responding units. If the CP area has a bathroom, all the better. Then direct all responding units not directly involved in the problem to report to the WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:25 AM A simple visual reference can do wonders to help your situational awareness. CP. That includes your K-9 officers and search team members. I find it far easier to coordinate a K-9 search when the key leaders (your K-9 officers) are at the CP. That face-to-face contact helps ensure everyone is on the same page. The next thing you need to do is start setting up your CP. Remember, your goal is situational awareness. Standing next to a patrol car, with a radio in your hand regurgitating what people are telling you on the air makes you a radio relay site, not a CP. Unless you’re blessed with a photographic memory, a CP requires you write information down, and, if possible, display it in some manner where you can easily reference it. Your ability to do so will depend on how much thought your department has put into that area of operations. Many departments, sadly, have nothing but a radio and a No. 2 pencil to work with. Others have command post boards or — be still my heart — even full-blown command vehicles with digital display screens and integrated GPS tracking of all their units. Even a dedicated dispatcher! Whatever you have, it’s what you’ll have to work with, so learn to make the best of it. Which Way Is Which? To begin with, I always orient my command post, or command post vehicle, facing north. I do this because all maps, whether hand drawn or computer generated, should have north oriented toward the top of the map. By orienting my CP and my maps in the same direction, I find it gives me a much better grasp of the relationship between forces on the ground, how they’re depicted on my map, and how they relate to the real world around me. If someone puts out the suspect is breaking our containment, running east, it’s much easier for me to look at my maps with me facing north, visualize east to my right, and understand the suspect is moving across my map, and the actual ground, in that direction. By being oriented to the real world, I’m able to shift forces, plug holes and respond more quickly to fast moving events. I also find it much easier to successfully brief additional resources, especially when they’re from outside WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 31 Even if all you have is a No. 2 pencil and a map book, you can make a command post work. But oh, to have a genuine mobile command post! K-9s are a force multiplier like none other! the area, when they, the maps and the world around them are all oriented in the same direction. Where Is Everyone? The next task is figuring out everybody’s location. In order to fully understand the “big picture” you’ll need to draw a map of your containment (oriented north) and then plug in the call signs of all the containment units in their assigned positions. This can be done on a piece of paper, but I prefer a nice big whiteboard. I carry two whiteboards and two tripod stands in my command vehicle for just such incidents. I use the first whiteboard for my map and the second I get to the lead K-9 to list his search teams. That’s his area of expertise so, at least on my department, we let them sort out how and with whom they want to search. When they have a plan in place, they brief me. As long as it’s reasonable, and the vast majority of the time it is, I’m good with it. Once the teams are drawn up and the plan briefed, one other bit of information I’ll put on my whiteboard is each K-9 team’s call sign and their direction of travel. This is just a quick and easy reference to help understand the movement of forces as the search progresses. While keeping track of two dogs on a parallel search is relatively simple, tracking half a dozen dogs on different tracks, in different directions, can be a challenge. It’s possible, even in a small city, to have anywhere from two to eight dog teams with cover officers from a multitude of jurisdictions, working together on one search. A simple call sign and arrow depicting their direction of travel does wonders in helping keep all of it straight. With the usual mishmash of policies, procedures and techniques, this is another reason I like everyone, including the K-9s, to form up at the CP. Not only can we organize more effectively, it gives the incident commander a chance to brief everyone as to what has occurred, what is occurring and to lay out any concerns or expectations. Two items to always brief on: use plain English in radio transmissions (particularly helpful when mutual aid is working with you), and each search team use, as its primary call sign, the call sign of the K-9 on that team, and not its own department designator (i.e. everyone on “5 King 5’s” search team goes by the call sign “5 King 5”). This avoids the massive confusion arising if each person on that search team uses his or her own individual call signs. Keeping Track It’s been my experience once a K-9 search kicks off that there’s a tendency for CP personnel to go into hibernation mode. The CP may be up and running, but it’s not really keeping track of where everybody actually is throughout the search. They “hear” addresses put out on the air as the search progresses, but they don’t truly “understand” in a geographical sense where that team is located. This becomes pertinent, and painfully obvious, when that poo we were discussing earlier catches a gust and finds itself launched once again into the oscillator. This concept was recently highlighted when one of our K-9 officers, taking part in a large search in a neighboring city, located an armed robbery suspect hiding in a washContinued on page 36 31 7/5/13 8:26 AM Effective Long-Term Preparedness John Thomas Grohn M ost patrol shifts go by uneventfully. But sometimes we get blindsided by events. I’m not just talking about active shooter events or some sort of incident involving massive casualties and chaos. During the Joplin Tornado, many officers didn’t get home for three days. We understand that. But raise your hand if you’ve ever been tasked to maintain a perimeter on a homicide First Line: In Your Pockets First-line gear refers to the items we wear, or the items we keep in our pockets. If you’re in the market for a new pair of pants, try the 5.11 Tactical Stryke Pant with Flex Tac. They’re flexible, lightweight and feature breathable fabric, quick access, low-profile angled pockets and have a self-adjusting waistband for comfort. One nice thing about these pants is they don’t yell out to everyone “Tactical Ted has a gun!” They also are resistant to stains — handy in our line of work. No matter if I’m working patrol, SWAT or off-duty, I will always have some sort of cutting tool on me. It has been this way for me since my dad gave me my first Case pocketknife when I was a kid. Back then I would cut sticks (we called it “whittling” where I come from). Now I mostly use my knife to cut sections of rope, as an improvised screwdriver and I have even cut away a section of seatbelt to help extricate a passenger from a wrecked car. I have been finding myself using a knife from BLACKHAWK! more and more. The BHB30 is an assisted-opening knife with your choice of a 3.2" serrated or plain edge. The tiger-striped texture on the handle aids in a sure grip and the blade is not so large as to keep you from carrying it. If you’re carrying a duty gun, you should be carrying a back-up gun. Whether you’re a patrol cop or a detective, one is none and two is one. Sound familiar? My standard backup gun for years has been a 5-shot J-frame revolver, carried primarily in a pocket holster. I recently got a 9mm Kel-Tec as a “deep-concealment” backup. At my department, we have quite a bit of latitude when it comes to what patrol uniform we wear. There are times where I will forgo my “BDU” utility uniform and wear the traditional wool blend uniform. When I do this, I lose my cargo pocket where my trusty J-frame lives. CrossBreed is a holster maker I’ve been using for offduty carry for several years and they’ve recently gotten into the ankle holster market. The CrossBreed ankle holster is designed around small-frame autoloaders like my Kel-Tec. It sports a calf strap to prevent the holster from sliding down your ankle and has a hook-and-loop fastener acting as a snap 32 Sept_13.indd 32 scene with an hour left on your 10-hour shift. Current time is one in the morning, and the temperature has dropped to 35 degrees. Ever been asked to holdover for another 6 hours to cover staffing until the next shift comes to work? The gear you carry on you and the gear you have in your vehicle can be the difference between comfort and effectiveness — or not. to keep your gun holstered. The back of the holster is padded to prevent your firearm from rubbing on your shin or anklebone. It’s comfy and practical. Second Line: What We Carry Second-line gear is devoted to the items we carry on our belt, or load-bearing vests. If you’re like thousands of cops across the US, you’re probably carrying a Glock. Tango Down is one of my favorite places to shop on the Internet. I recently put the Vickers pistol base plates on my Glock magazines, along with the Vickers magazine release and Vickers slide release. The slight ridges on the Vickers baseplates give you just enough purchase to either rip a stuck magazine from the magazine well or to give you a bit more to hold onto during reloading drills. A nice added touch is there are indents on the bottom of the baseplate you can use to number your magazines. I always found the stock slide release on a Glock pistol to be just a bit too small to activate with my thumb during loading and reloading. The extended slide release comes standard on the tactical models 34 and 35, and seems to stick out just a little too much. The Vickers slide release is shaped to be big enough to get to under stress but not so large as to inadvertently hit after you fire that last round, keeping you from achieving slide lock. Nothing says “oops” like sending your partially loaded magazine across the floor when you’re shooting. With the standard magazine release on my Glock 35, that would happen with alarming regularity. But the standard version just wasn’t enough to reliably jettison the magazine when I wanted to. So I would take the extended magazine release and file it down to where it was comfortable for me to operate. With this new part on my Glock, this is now a thing of the past. While we are on the topic of guns, we need a way to carry them. Safariland has a holster to fit pretty much every duty gun out there. I’m issued their Self Locking - SLS 6004 for a Glock with a pistol light. I’ve recently been trying the AutoWWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:51 AM The X300 Ultra offers 500 lumens of white light. Add a DG pressure switch and you have the ability to activate you weapon light without taking your finger off the trigger. matic Locking — ALS model — and I really like the retention, and how fast it is to get your gun out of the holster and onto target. It’s perfect for competition, but also duty use and undercover applications. Safariland has also designed an ingenious method to make it easier to keep your gun holstered but also easy to take off your belt in those situations where you need to “de-gun.” The Safariland QLS (Quick Locking System) is a 2-piece item. One piece mounts to your belt and the other mounts to your holster. The holster piece slides onto the mount and clicks to lock. To remove the holstered gun, pinch the clips on the holster mount and pull up. By having the QLS system, this lets you remove your handgun while keeping it holstered for those times where you need to enter a gun-free zone, like County Jail or your department’s holding facility. They also have the same method for attaching accessories like magazines, batons and such to your duty belt. These days, a weapon-mounted light is no longer just a “nice-to-have” item. In many departments, it’s a mandatory piece of gear, both on a long gun and on a duty handgun. Surefire has unveiled their newest weaponmounted lights, the X300 Ultra and the 317LMG weapon light fore-end for shotguns. The X300 Ultra will mount on any Picatinny or universal weapon rail. This newest model features a light output of 500 lumens. Add a DG pressure switch to the X300 Ultra and you have a blinding 500 lumens of light available with 1-handed operating capability. The 317 LMG is a dedicated weapon light for the Benelli family of shotguns. They also have models fitting Remington, FN, Winchester and Mossberg shotguns. The 100-lumen LED bulb has a runtime of 1.5 hours from a single 123 battery. The light features three switches, including a lockout switch and a constant-on switch. With an assisted opening feature and tiger striped handles, this BLACKHAWK! BHB30 folder offers a sure grip and a managable blade for patrol use. With the water bladder and the universal tube adapter from Source, you have the ability to carry a leak-free water source in a pack or a carrier and be able to refill the bladder from any external source without removing the bladder. Third Line: Longer Duration Gear Third-line gear refers to the items we carry to extend our mission capability or to increase our effectiveness. It’s easy to get carried away here. If you take a pack, it’s our tendency to fill it to the brim with every conceivable item. The mission should drive the gear train. If you had to be gone for 24 hours, what do you think you need to remain effective? It depends Continued on page 39 There are times where it’s nice to be able to get your duty gun off quickly to secure it, while not removing the pistol from its holster. With the Safariland QLS system, you can do just that. Whether you’re on-duty (or off), you should be carrying a backup gun. CrossBreed’s ankle holster is comfortable and concealable for all-day carry. Keep the items you need to remain effective in a GORUCK pack. The main pocket opens up to reveal three rows of MOLLE and several areas toWWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM keep your gear organized and easy to get to. Sept_13.indd 33 The Vickers baseplates help you in reloading and manipulating your magazine, while the extended mag release and slide stop are just large enough to speed up your reloads while not too big to get in the way. Continued on page xx 33 7/9/13 7:51 AM JERRY BOYD INSIGHT: WITHOUT AN AGENDA FROM THE CHIEF WHO SPEAKS FOR US? I must be more of an old-school Neanderthal than most people say, because the voices which once spoke for police leaders in this country no longer speak for me. It concerns me when organizations of so-called police chief executives ramble in such a manner it sounds like they’re choking on a mouthful of left-wing Kool-Aid. It’s bad enough when individual police leaders grab headlines through statements that make it clear they’ve forgotten their oath of office. When organizations such as the IACP and the California Police Chiefs Association go off the deep end, I fear for the future of our profession. The major issue causing me heartburn with these two organizations, and others like them, is their position on how to control gun violence; it’s not the only issue however. When dealing with gun-related issues, these organizations have adopted, without reservation or modification, President Obama’s position — certain types of weapons and magazines of certain capacity will, if made illegal, bring an end to such things as school shootings. Any street cop worth his salt knows that is patently false. The truth is it’s not the tool, but the fool who uses it, at the root of the problem. A nut job intent on harming someone will use whatever weapon or device is available. Similarly, nut jobs or hard-core criminals will not eliminate “assault weapons” (whatever those are) or hi-cap magazines from their arsenals. In fact, only the law abiding who wouldn’t commit a random mass murder in the first place will be penalized. You would think organizations at least theoretically composed of honest, objective, ethical, experienced “leaders” would tell it like it is, not like they think others would prefer they tell it. That appears to not be the case. Hands-Off In addition to “gun control” — which frankly, I view as being more about “law-abiding citizen control” — there are other issues major law enforcement associations have taken positions about that would have been unheard of just a decade ago. In case no one has noticed, unlawful entry into the United States across our international borders is still a crime. Yet not only do many individual police chiefs (very few sheriffs, thank goodness) adamantly refuse to enforce the laws against illegal entry appropriately, they have adopted a hands-off posture on just about any enforcement related to illegal aliens. They certainly wouldn’t want to be accused of being insensitive or, much worse, engaging in racial profiling. Some police chiefs have gone so far as to provide special treatment toward the “undocumented,” refusing to enforce state motor vehicle registration and insurance laws (Los Angeles) if the offenders happen to be illegal 34 Sept_13.indd 34 aliens. They, of course, have no reluctance to enforce those same laws against US citizens. Where I come from that’s known as discrimination, and was once something police leaders and the associations representing them would have done anything to avoid. No longer the case. Organizational Advantages So — and I’m not alone in this regard — what is a police leader to do if the associations and organizations which once responsibly represented them no longer do so? Remain the “Lone Ranger” without any organizational memberships? Some will choose that path though, and I’ve found over the years belonging to the proper sort of organization or association has several advantages. One distinct advantage is the fact there’s strength in numbers, and that can be extremely important when there’s a need. One need might be to push legislation truly needed by the profession and the public we serve. Second, collegial relationships among police leaders are a good thing. Others with more experience or expertise in a particular area can be networked with via mutual organizational membership. I know in my career as a chief I’ve use the knowledge possessed by others on more than one occasion, to the benefit of my department and the people I serve. I try to stay abreast of what options are out there in terms of representing what I view as the mainstream of policing philosophy. Frankly, the associations once fitting the bill in that regard no longer do so. There are only two organizations related to leadership within the profession that, philosophically, I can advocate. One is composed not only of law enforcement, but military members as well as others, and is focused on adherence to the oaths of office we took (which some of us actually remember and try to adhere to). The other is primarily, but not exclusively, an association of sheriffs. There are, however, a number of us non-sheriff types who proudly belong. Alternative Thoughts I must clearly note my recommendations represent my opinion and do not state or imply the endorsement of American COP Magazine or its publisher. Oathkeepers ( and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association ( are the only two professional organizations focusing on organizational leadership I’ve found which adhere to the ethics, duties and responsibilities upon which our profession has historically been based. I commend them to your attention, and at the same time invite readers who may know of other reputable police leadership-related associations to please let me know of their existence. * Questions, comments and suggestions for future columns can be sent to Jerry via email at WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:26 AM Made in the USA SAFETY TIP _____________ Know your target and what is beyond it. Sept_13.indd 35 7/5/13 8:26 AM Concealed Suspenders? IT’S MAGIC! NOT REALLY The Back Defender No uniform modification required Patented V-shaped down members allow you to tuck in your shirt without cutting holes in it. Police officers who have used the Back Defender™ have reported a decrease in lower back pain, foot pain, kidney pressure, headaches, sleep loss, fatigue, hip bruising, and leg numbness/tingling — all caused by their duty belt! • Concealable • Removes the weight of a duty belt off of hips and lower back • Allows officer to engage in foot pursuits without the need to hold on to the belt • Allows for full range of motion • Conforms to all uniform codes Made In The USA 817-313-9738 • 817-703-5241 Vandal Br-3 Made In USA The patented Vandal has been described by operators all over the world as the most destructive and effective break and rake tool they have ever used. The angle of the double break-head design allows the operator the ability to port glass from safer positions thus creating a greater tactical advantage. . 320-236-8228 36 JN_TacticalAd.indd 1 Sept_13.indd 36 K9 Command Continued from page 31 room. In the fuss that ensued, the K-9 officer quickly broadcast his call sign and “shots fired.” What were the first words out of the CP’s mouth at this surprise announcement? You guessed it, “What’s your location?” That should never happen! A K-9 command post must track every moving part in the operation, so if (when) things go wrong, they can quickly and effectively respond. Trying to figure out where everyone is after events have gone south makes you a day late and a dollar short in this game. Fortunately, there’s a very simple way to track K-9 searches requiring little more than that No. 2 pencil. Most departments carry some type of map book or Thomas Guide to help figure out jurisdictional issues. If you don’t have one, then go buy one before your next containment. Once your handdrawn containment map or whiteboard is finished, crack open the map book so you have a visual reference of all the actual addresses in the search area. We have a computer mapping system on our MDCs so, instead of a map book, I’ll pull up the digital map screen which has addresses overlaid on buildings. Despite the differences in technologies, both systems will work. I prefer the digital display due to its heads-up viewing, as well as the ability to toggle back and forth between maps and overhead satellite imagery. Next, on a piece of paper, list your search teams (by K-9 call sign) in a horizontal column. As the search teams call out their search location, simply write that address under that team in a descending column. As they move along from property to property, you can easily follow the progress of the search. If sometime during the search you suddenly hear one of the K-9 teams calling out a contact or some emergency, you only have to look at the last address written to know where they are. You can then look at your digital display, or map book, and see exactly where the address is physically located. With your map board up, you can see which containment units are closest, or which available forces you want to move to support the team in contact. The same rules apply if it’s one of your containment units who call out an issue. While there are a variety of variations on this theme, as well as additional steps you can take to be even more effective, these simple procedures should serve you well when getting started on your own K-9 Command Posts. Be safe — and never stop thinking. Oh, and sharpen that No. 2 pencil. * WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/8/13 10:04 AM 7/9/13 7:52 AM longdistance carriers M110 FCp HS preCiSion, .338 LApuA THIS could be your RIFLE. At Savage, we understand the difference between a shooter and a rifleman. For those wanting to test their skills at extreme distances there is the M110 and M111 rifles in .338 Lapua. A lot of companies make guns for shooters. Savage makes them for riflemen. M111 Long rAnge Hunter, .338 LApuA M110 BA , .338 LApuA Supersonic 1100 yards .308 Win Supersonic 1800 yards .338 LApuA Also available in Left-Hand (Scope and bipod not included) Survival WeaponS and TacTicS MAGAZINE EACH ISSUE PACKED WITH: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ IN PRINT OR DIGITAL! IN PRINT: ORDER ONLINE AT SWATMAG.COM or CALL 1-800-673-4595 Weapons and accessories T&Es from the experts Training and tactics for personal defense Second Amendment and Bill of Rights issues Armed and unarmed combat First responder issues Recurring series: • Shoot ‘n’ Save, for budget-conscious shooters • Off the Grid, on preparedness topics DIGITAL FORMAT FOR iPAD NOW ON Buy an annual subscription or a single issue. SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT SWATMAG.COM/iPAD WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 37 37 7/5/13 8:27 AM Sept_13.indd 38 7/5/13 8:27 AM Delays Continued from page 33 on the scenario, your location and the weather. A cop in Fort Lauderdale will need less cold weather gear than a State Trooper in Alaska. Pack accordingly. I like to pack ammunition, food, 5-hour energy drinks, extra socks, a long-sleeve moisture-wicking shirt, a beanie, a spare toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss and water. I have liter jugs for decontaminating suspects after they get doused with pepper spray — and water to drink. I’m a fan of having several methods of carrying my water supply. I recently came across an Israeli company, Source, which makes (in my opinion) the finest water bladders and accessories on the market. You have your choice of bladder sizes, from 1 liter to 3 liters. Some of the features include a leakproof wide slide opening for easy refill/cleaning and a refill adapter, the Universal Tube Adapter (UTA) that will allow the user to refill the bladder from any tap source or from water bottles, without having to remove the bladder from the carrier. I have two Source-brand 3-liter bladders in my police car right now. One is the bladder in a long-gun drag bag and the other is in a 3-day assault pack with my other essential items. In my time in the military and in law enforcement, I have tested, viewed and bought several packs. My wife actually refers to me as the “bag man.” GORUCK is a company founded by a former Green Beret. They manufacture a sturdy, bombproof, well-thought-out pack. It features heavily padded pack straps and minimal outside MOLLE on the front and the side, with three rows of MOLLE in the main area of the pack. There is an area for a 3-liter water bladder and an expandable pouch to insert a laptop or notebook. There is a mesh pouch to separate items that may be a bit messy or wet and another smaller zippered area to keep passports, ID, cash, etc. The pack is also offered in multicam and coyote tan colors. If you would rather go a little less obvious to the contents of the pack, they offer the pack without the outside MOLLE, so as to keep yourself “under the radar,” so to speak Keep it simple, keep it light and keep it close at hand. That’s a pretty good mantra when selecting gear for patrol. Think about your mission and select the gear assisting you in being the most efficient cop you can be. Train with your gear, and remain vigilant. We didn’t invent concealment, we just perfected it! 3199 MSRP $ Style 1 15 t e-gaide® sl • Neutral cant/ strong side or cross draw • Trailing loop for best concealment • Exact molding for specific gun • Molded site track 800-GUNHIDE 631-841-6300 Dept #GM73 #AC93 431 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701 R.I.F.T. System of Training and Practice (Real Instant Feedback Training) Proficient Unskilled The RIFT Pistolero system of practice and training, using the shooters’ own gun(s), means unlimited high-volume training with YOUR main duty gun, and any of YOUR common backup guns. There is NO RACKING OR COCKING REQUIRED! Learn to point and shoot accurately and without hesitation in many environments, and in all positions with instant feedback on each shot, using YOUR GUN(S). Develop the muscle memory needed to conquer your own guns, so that when the moment comes, when instincts are COLT 1911, 45ACP Made in Connecticut, USA all you have, your shooting will be without HI STANDARD, 22LR hesitation and accurate. Price of a PISTOLERO all-caliber system: ... $250.00 We accept all major credit cards. Add $20.00 for shipping anywhere in the USA. Volume discounts available for police departments. 800-979-9156 RUGER VAQUERO, 44 MAG SIG 9mm Our Pistolero package fits not just one gun, but all these guns, and many more. * For more info: and click on the company name. WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 39 39 7/8/13 8:39 AM SPOTLIGHT HOFFNER FOLDING KNIFE CQB/CT TRIGGER KNIFE KIT The Hoffner Folding Knife CQB/CT meets the specs required in Brian Hoffner’s own popular defensive knife training. The special ergo-grip contours provide non-slip grips that also extend the length of the 3.5", 440C blade up to 2" more. The round pivot indexes in the handle allow the user to transition securely between holds. This is a high-quality knife for only $59. For more info: (281) 864-4754, The Trigger is a knife kit that enables kids 7 and up to build their very own model of a folding knife. This is a great way for adults to teach youngsters about the function and safe handling of a folding knife without the safety concerns. They come in many different colors and are great to mix and match, and even paint. For more info: (503) 930-5087, American Tactical Apparel Klecker Knives MULTI-PURPOSE BELTS CCW Breakaways The Multi-Purpose belts from CCW Breakaways are good for more than just holding up your pants. Because they have holes all the way around the belt, they can be used as a temporary strap or banding instead of rope, duct tape or tie wraps, temporary emergency medical tool for tourniquet or direct pressure on wounds, temporary sling, temporary drag for an injured person or even a temporary restraint. For more info: (717) 774-2152, POP-UP HOLSTER BRADLEY CHEEK REST The Pop-Up is built from premium saddle leather with a rough-side-out design that features a tough powder-coated J clip; the deep-down design allows for complete concealnebt of your firearm. The draw is accomplished by pushing up at the muzzle end through your slacks. The Pop-Up must be worn with a belt, and is available for the SIG P238, Colt Pony and the S&W Bodyguard 380. For more info: (800) 486-4433, desantis-holster There are four different models to fit almost any type of rifle. This Cheek Rest makes it easy to get the right cheekweld when mounting optics to your rifle. The Bradley Cheek Rest is made of Kydex and is available in adjustable and nonadjustable models. It installs in seconds and will not damage your stock. The Cheek Rest does not slip or move once secured onto the stock. For more info: (503) 608-8767, DeSantis Holster Bradley Cheek Rest HS900 Hot Shot Tactical The HS900 is made of highquality aircraft-grade aluminum, and coated with a durable black anodized finish. The light is built for rugged tactical use and delivers light to a large area on “flood” and spots objects up to 400 yards away on “zoom.” Single Mode 900-lumen operation insures the light is ready to deliver the maximum light when needed. It operates on two CR123 batteries and runs for 2 hours on maximum output. For more info: (855) 357-2327, 40 Sept_13.indd 40 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM•SEPTEMBER2013 7/5/13 8:27 AM For more information on seeing your product featured in Spotlight, contact Phil Mendelson (800) 426-4470. SPOTLIGHT MINI TOBAGO BAG THE TRIGGER TRAINER Made of rugged mil-spec pack cloth with padded, adjustable, removable straps, the main compartment has two zippered mesh pockets and a bladder pouch. The inside front compartment has three open-top pockets. Silent zipper pulls, two compression straps on each side, two side and one top double-stitched carry handles round out the features. Measures 10x12x19", and weighs 3.02 pounds. For more info: (877) 586-6366, voodoo-tactical The Trigger Trainer is now available in digital camo! It’s a compact training tool designed to enhance firearm proficiency and speed by isolating and training the index finger for the development of smooth trigger control. Now shooters can safely practice trigger control anywhere and anytime without the need for ammo. It comes preloaded with a medium (6-pound) pressure, but for those who want a wider range of options, the Spring-Cap Assembly Accessory package (including a 3- ,6- and 9-pound trigger pull) is also available. For more info: (708) 4622804, Voodoo Tactical TWO SIDED CARGO HOLSTER Recluse Holster Full-Scale Tactics The Two Sided Cargo Holster is made for carry in the side pocket of cargo pants and shorts. The wider base allows for the handgun to remain in a consistent upright position; with the innovative clamshell design, the holster stays in the pocket when drawn. The holsters are handmade in the US with steer hide or horsehide in black or natural tan. With these additional models, Recluse now provides cargo holsters for more than 40 handguns and will be adding more as requested. For more info: (866) 960-1264, HD SHOOTING GLASSES Majestic Arms These high-definition clarity, indoor/ outdoor sunglasses by Majestic Arms have ultralight frames and provide 100 percent UV protection. The polycarbonate lenses are shatterproof, and do not provide any peripheral distortion. These are great on the range, for everyday wear and even for driving. For more info: (718) 356-6765, METAL-TEC 1400 Torfino The METAL-TEC 1400, an advanced silent vibrating metal detector designed for law enforcement, allows you to pinpoint the location, threat level, and object’s shape and size. Your department can now take advantage of a limited time special: Receive one METAL-TEC 1400 and correspondence training course for only $99, and also receive 15 percent off of your first order of any quantity. For more info: (800) 867-3466, WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM Sept_13.indd 41 WEAPON SHIELD SOLVENT Steel Shield Technologies Steel Shield’s Solvent removes burnt powder, fouling, debris, lead and copper and contains no ammonia, butyl cellosolve or any other hostile chemicals that can endanger your health or the components of your firearm. It is completely safe on all polymers, woods, metals and even leather. Weapon Shield Solvent contains Weapon Shield CLP to provide a short-term but powerful lubricating film that can provide positive protection and lubrication for “on the fly” cleaning during situations that require aggressive cleaning action and getting “back in the game.” Weapon Shield Solvent contains no SARA Title III chemicals or heavy metals in its formulation as well. For more info: (800) 390-1535, www.americancopmagazine. com/steel-shield-tech 41 7/5/13 8:27 AM SPOTLIGHT For more information on seeing your product featured in Spotlight, contact Phil Mendelson (800) 426-4470. DEADEYE HERO 20X GUNS AND COFFEE TEE SHIRT The GoPro Hero3 housing together with 20x zoom lens fits the standard unmodified Hero camera. DeadEye is waterproof, can be mounted on a tripod, Picatinny rail or even be hand-held. Hero cameras Hero 20x provide 12M pixel photo and video recording capability, including 1080p at 60fps using standard H.264 format. Cameras can be remotely controlled by WiFi or smartphones or tablet. Devices can simultaneously record photos and videos and are waterproof (in housing) to 60 meters. For more info: (858) 755-4549, www.americancopmagazine. com/tpl These parody shirts are available in five sizes (small, medium, large, XL and XXL), and in three different colors (black, white and olive green). They are made of 100 percent preshrunk cotton. They are not endorsed or promoted by Starbucks Inc. MSRP is $19.99, and there is free shipping in the US. Your order will also include a free GUNS AND COFFEE sticker. For more info: (877) 883-3776, tuff-products-2 Tuff Products Torrey Pines Logic ™ Image with Hero™ 3 Same image with DeadEye Hero™ BOKER PLUS SQUAIL Boker USA The Squail, with its blade length of 4", has a liner-locking, 440C stainless steel blade featuring a generously sized opening and a fine matte finish that harmonizes perfectly with the matte titanium bolsters. The linen Micarta handle provides a superior grip in all conditions. Also features a removable pocket clip (tip-down). Overall length is 9" and it weighs 6.6 ounces. For more info: (800) 835-6433, PHANTOM .30LT/LTA PAUL HOWE TACTICAL CARBINE The Phantom .30 LT (Light Tactical) and LTA (Light Tactical, Aggressive) are smaller, lighter .30 caliber suppressors. They are 1.5" in diameter, 7.625" in length and weigh just 20 ounces, and feature CNC welds throughout and an updated tube design that incorporates a thicker blast area with a secure gripping surface that also adds a unique look to the suppressor. Both the LT and LTA suppressors utilize our improved Q.D. Mounting system that allows for faster, easier and more secure mounting and like always, the mount is included in the price of the suppressor. The suppressor is also backwards compatible with 5.56mm Q.D. Mounts. Both suppressors are full-auto rated on barrels as short as 10.5" and carry a lifetime warranty. For more info: (877) 892-6533, The Paul Howe Tactical Carbine has an exclusive hand-applied pattern that reduces IR signature and also keeps the rifle cooler in high temperatures. A 2-stage Wilson Combat TTU with heavier springs for a 4.5-pound trigger release — an ideal weight for gloved use in an operational environment — is standard. Paul selected a Daniel Defense fixed front sight tower to be used along with his CSAT rear aperture flip up rear for fast, reliable combat sighting. The Paul Howe Tactical carbine can be ordered only in 5.56 NATO caliber as a basic rifle or as a complete package kitted with Paul’s preferred optic, mount and sling. For more info: (800) 955-4856, Yankee Hill Machine Co., Inc. 42 Sept_13.indd 42 Wilson Combat GRIPS FOR PARA ORDNANCE P-14 VZ Grips VZ GRIPS.COM is constantly expanding its line of gun grips and gun platforms on which the grips fit. John and crew are now making grips for the high capacity Para Ordnance P-14. Built to the same exacting standards as their other grips, these grips come in several colors and two textures as well. For more info: (850) 422-1911, WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:57 AM Handg Plus FREE 2012 Digital Edition CD with your paid order Call (888) 732-2299 M-F 8am-3pm PST ($59.95 outside U.S.) P.O. Box 509094. San Diego, CA 92150 ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $19.75! People who truly love the sport of shooting know American Handgunner is the authority on all things related to firearms and a must-read for anyone passionate about shooting. If you want to be in the know, this is your chance! Subscribe now and you’ll not only get this year’s exciting lineup of stories, news and fun, you’ll also receive all six 2012 issues on an easy-to-use CD-ROM. Catch up on a year’s worth of Clint Smith’s wisdom, John Connor’s reminiscing, Massad Ayoob’s lessons, John Taffin’s musings, and so much more! And with a subscription for next year, you won’t miss out on what these great writers/gun enthusiasts have in store! Subscribe Now to enjoy last year’s “WOW! WOW!” ” fun and this year’s “WOW!” Handgunner Sub Sept_13.indd 43 Ad 12_c.indd 58 10/15/12 1:51 PM 7/5/13 8:27 AM AMERICAN COP INDEX BULLBELT® GUN BELTS. All American Made. 5 Star Reviews for Quality and $43.95 Starting Price. Fast Free Shipping. (260)833-4030. GUN GRIPS Law Enforcement Grade pre-cut grip panels GRIP TAPE ¨ For all GLOCKs Gen.1,2 & 3 OF ADVERTISERS American COP Subscription 38 American Handgunner Subscription 43 Advanced Technology International 19 Back Defense Systems 36 BLACKHAWK! 17, 23 Bravo Company USA 2 CrossBreed Holsters LLC 21 DeSantis Holster 39 FNH USA 7 Fox Outdoor Products 6 GUNS Magazine Subscription 45 Hornady Manufacturing Inc. 47 J&N Tactical 36 Jotto Products 10 Kimber Mfg. Inc. 48 DECAL GRIP ACCESSORIES BELTS THE BELTMAN makes sturdy, top quality, DUAL LAYER bull hide belts (not cow), for dress wear, concealed carry or competition from $69.95. HANDMADE in the USA in three widths and five colors. Any length! Options include: Horse, Elephant, Velcro, tapering, stiffeners, etc. 919-387-1997 Classified ads $2.00 per-word per insertion. ($1.50 per-word per insertion for 3 or more) including name, address and phone number (20 word minimum). Minimum charge $40.00. Bold words add $1.00 per word. Copy and rerun orders must be accompanied by PAYMENT IN ADVANCE. NO AGENCY OR CASH DISCOUNTS ON LISTING OR DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. All ads must be received with advance payment BY NO LATER THAN THE 1st of each month. Ads received after closing will appear in the following issue. Please type or print clearly. PLEASE NOTE*** NO PROOFS WILL BE FURNISHED. Include name, address, post office, city, state and zip code as counted words. Abbreviations count as one word each. Mail to AMERICAN COP CLASSIFIEDS, 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, California 92128. NOTE: WE NOW HAVE DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS IN BOTH GUNS MAGAZINE AND AMERICAN HANDGUNNER. ASK FOR OUR NEW RATE CARD, Or call (858) 605-0235. Get our latest The companies listed have featured advertisements in this issue. Look to them first when you are ready to make a purchase. Lyman Products Magpul Industries Corp. O.F. Mossberg & Sons N82 Tactical Officerstore Robert Louis Co. Rock River Arms Savage Arms Smith & Wesson SWAT Magazine Tactical Design Labs Tactical Night Vision TOPS KNIVES Voodoo Tactical Walther Arms 15 29 35 10 8 39 11 37 13 37 12 14 21 3 9 for $9.95 each! Order online today! Toll Free: 1-888-732-2299 or by mail, P.O. Box 502610 San Diego, CA 92150-2610 44 Sept_13.indd 44 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/9/13 7:57 AM GUNS ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION AND FREE 2012 DIGITAL EDITION ONLY $24.95! Call (888) 732-2299 M-F 8am-3pm PST ($59.95 outside U.S.) P.O. Box 509094. San Diego, CA 92150 Plus FREE 2012 Digital Edition CD with your paid order Every issue of GUNS Magazine can help you identify the next worthy candidate to take to the range or into the field. A team of writers that includes Dave Anderson, Clint Smith, John Taffin and Mike Venturino can help make the decision easier. Their insightful reviews and countless hours of research have refined the selection process. They’ve spent a lifetime moving from grip to trigger, one gun at a time. Use GUNS Magazine Today to Stay Informed for Tomorrow. GUNS Subscription Ad12.indd 58 Sept_13.indd 45 10/15/12 3:40 PM 7/5/13 8:27 AM VANTAGE POINT Me? Rules? SUZI HUNTINGTON VANTAGE POINT A re you tired of seeing the SUVs with “Britney is #1!” painted in bright yellow letters on the windows? I’m sick of it. Britney is likely not “#1” and I’ve about had it with the entitled generation (Gen Y/Millennials). And we mostly did it. I’m not necessarily saying all of us did it, but it’s our generation (baby boomers?) that’s the most guilty. It seems someone (let’s hope we find them some day and hunt them down) decided it’s not nice to actually tell our kids if they’re being idiots, or under-achievers, or lazy or stupid — or a putz. Or worse. But, “Oh, we don’t want to insult their self-image.” What self-image would that be? The one they invent showing they are the best at everything, that the world owes them a happy life, they are entitled to a good job, to be respected, well-liked, have or be pretty girlfriends and drive cool cars? That self-image? Which, in case you haven’t noticed, isn’t the least bit true, and sets them all up for a crash when confronted by the real world without a helicopter parent hovering over their every move. A few years ago there was a serious move to outlaw using red ink when correcting grade school student papers. “It’s hard on their self-image [there are those words again…] and we only want to keep empowering them to feel good about themselves so they can succeed later in life.” Really? They even said, “Purple is a much less offensive color and doesn’t send the same message of failure that red sends.” It’s also the color associated with royalty. Ahem. Failure? You bet it’s failure. They got it wrong, and someone in authority needs to tell them, and correct them and steer them in the right direction. That way, when trying to navigate in the real world, they don’t crash and burn when their boss has the audacity to actually tell them, “Hey, show up on time and do your job or you’ll get your ass fired.” But that’s surely going to endanger their sense of selfworth, right? Absolutely. And that’s why parents and teachers need to give a solid dose of the reality pill to kids today. And do you want to know why else they need to do that? Because you have to police them. And before anyone decides to sit down at his or her computer and send me hate mail accusing me of painting with a broad brush, let me put your minds to rest. Yes, I’m painting with a very broad brush — I’ve got several 5-gallon buckets (assorted colors) I’m dipping said brush into — there aren’t enough pages in this magazine to narrow the topic down 46 Sept_13.indd 46 to every possible angle of this subject. In fact, while I’m technically a baby boomer, I very much relate to the Gen X crowd. This is not an exact science, it’s an observation. So let’s get over any hurt feelings and read on… How many times have you responded to a domestic dispute (family fight) to find an adult child still living at home, rent-free, with mom and dad? It turns out the dispute arose after mom or dad lost their cool because their freeloading kid wouldn’t do some small chore or whatever. The parents throw up their arms in despair and proclaim, “I just can’t control Johnnie!” Captain Obvious would say something like, “No duh. You’ve never had control over Johnnie because you never laid down the rules — and enforced ‘em!” Johnnie’s lack of respect for rules is apparent when you get the call of the “kids” (Johnnie’s an adult and should stop acting like a kid) skateboarding in the supermarket parking lot, the mall, the school, etc. tearing up the benches, planters and everything else he uses for his rail-slides and tricks. When you contact him, Johnnie is usually directly beneath or in close proximity of the big sign that reads, “DON’T DO THAT!” He’ll want to debate the issue and complain how it’s not fair you’re harassing him while he’s just trying to have some fun. Every time Johnnie is the victim of a traffic stop, the contact degrades into a debate over what he thinks are “bullshit laws” — he views most laws in this manner — and how he could do your job so much better. Of course, he’d actually have to go out and get a job, but that would require commitment and effort. Any of this sounding familiar? These all sound like such minor things cops do in the course of their day, but it’s these things that are taking up an inordinate amount of our time, keeping us from going after all those murderers and rapists. Even we have kids like this. We need to take a look at our own children and ourselves to see if we’re part of the problem. We know how to tell the public “no, you can’t do/ have that.” Let’s make sure we use those same principles at home, and with our children’s friends. Find ways to connect with this generation and be a positive role model for them, help them find/set goals to be productive members of society. Most importantly, remember it’s okay to tell them (or your own kids) when they’re failing. We always learn the most from our failures. So don’t give up on them. Yet. * WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2013 7/8/13 7:50 AM NO W 45 AU AVT O AI + LA P BL E ! a m m u n i t i o n an achievement in B ar r i er Bl i n d Per f ormance the most consistent tactical handgun ammo is now available in 45 auto+P! 1 Urban barriers (heavy clothing, plywood, sheet metal and even auto glass*) are no match for the innovative FlexLock ® bullet loaded in Critical Duty ® handgun ammunition. Law enforcement and tactical professionals, as well as law-abiding citizens, now have a truly advanced, 21st century ammunition solution that delivers the most consistent and reliable terminal performance on the market. 2 *As defined by the “FBI Protocol” handgun ammunition tests. new Flexlock ® bullet 3 4 1 Flex tiP ® tecHnology Initiates consistent expansion every time while preventing clogging. 2 interlock® BAnD Works to keep the bullet and core from separating for maximum weight retention and 3 tougH Bullet core High-antimony lead core delivers controlled expansion for unparalleled terminal 4 cAnnelureD Bullet Provides a consistent crimp location to ensure no bullet setback during feeding. proven terminal performance through all FBI test barriers. performance consistency through all FBI test barriers. 45 Auto +P 220 gr Flexlock® criticAl Duty® BAre gelAtin HeAvy clotHing PlywooD wAllBoArD SHeet MetAl glASS AvAilAble in: 9MM luger 135 gr | 9MM luger +P 135 gr | 40 S&w 175 gr | 45 Auto +P 220 gr Sept_13.indd 47 800.338.3220 | HORNADY.COM 7/5/13 8:27 AM Kimber Master Carry Pistols. Unequaled Quality. Unmatched Performance. The new Master Carry™ Pro .45 ACP weighs just 28 ounces. A Round Heel Frame ensures comfortable carry. Important features include night sights and a stainless steel match grade barrel. Crimson Trace Master Series Lasergrips project a bright red dot that speeds aiming in any light. Cut from tough G-10, their aggressive surface ensures a positive grip. The Master Carry™ Ultra .45 ACP has a short grip, 3-inch bull barrel and weighs just 25 ounces. It is ideal for all-dayevery-day concealed carry. The Master Carry series of .45 ACP pistols combine Kimber® performance and important concealed-carry features into an extraordinary package. Tactical Wedge night sights, Round Heel Frame with serrated mainspring housing and Crimson Trace® Master Series™ Lasergrips™ are standard. Master Carry slides are machined from stainless steel and wear a KimPro® II finish for additional resistance to moisture and salt. Barrels are also machined from stainless steel to critical match grade dimensions for unequaled Kimber accuracy. One of the Master Carry models is certain to meet any need. Visit a Kimber Master Dealer and see for yourself. The Master Carry™ Custom .45 ACP is a full-size 1911 with a stainless steel slide and frame. Weighing 38 ounces, it is a great choice for carry or home defense. T H E C H O I C E O F A M E R I C A’ S B E S T (888) 243-4522 Kimber offers nearly 200 purpose-built pistols and rifles to meet any need. ©2013, Kimber Mfg., Inc. All rights reserved. Information and specifications are for reference only and subject to change without notice. Sept_13.indd 48 7/5/13 8:27 AM