JASON`S JOURNAL – The Principal`s Message


JASON`S JOURNAL – The Principal`s Message
No 18
12 June 2014
JASON’S JOURNAL – The Principal’s Message
Please excuse some staff for being a bit weary at the moment. As well as continuing to provide a rigorous
teaching and learning program, teachers have recently been busy working on students’ Mid-Year Reports. All
government primary and secondary schools are required to report student achievement in Prep –Year 10
using a standard DEECD format. The format of the reports is quite comprehensive and provides opportunities
for teachers to identify areas of strength, as well as future learning opportunities.
The AusVELS curriculum standards are set at a challenging level (not minimum competence) in age and
developmentally appropriate ways.
In order to make judgments about student progress, teachers use
evidence from ongoing assessments, as well as standardised tests. On average, Reports take anywhere
between two to three hours per student to complete, which requires teachers to work on these late at night and
on weekends? I thank the teachers for their capacity to continue caring for the children at school each day
and completing reporting and assessment duties at night. Our school centrally collates this information and
tracks each student’s progress.
Parents will receive a clear picture of their child’s progress against state-wide standards in their reports, to be
sent home on Friday 20th June. We will be giving all parents the opportunity to meet with their grade teacher
to celebrate first semester achievements and to set goals for future learning needs, with a letter to be
distributed early next week in regards to our online booking process, with formal Parent / Teacher Interviews at
the end of this term – on Tuesday 24th June until 8pm and Wednesday 25th June until 6pm.
A highlight on this week’s calendar was spending a block of time in the Grade 4N
classroom on Tuesday. Natasha Rodrigues has created a caring and vibrant learning
environment, with students reflecting, conferring and working independently towards
achieving their individual goals.
The Literacy Block is an essential part of the
Blackburn Lake Primary School model of instruction, whereby students' individual
needs are catered for through independent, shared or (teacher) guided activities that
focus on AusVELS curriculum areas: Reading & Viewing, Writing, Speaking and
I was excited to observe the students' high level of engagement during the “Reading
Hour” – especially their independent reading skills. This independence is important so
that the teacher can work uninterrupted with as small group during “Guided Reading”,
focusing deeply on a text and explicitly teaching students reading strategies.
Whilst Natasha led a small group in Guided Reading, other children were involved in a
number of small group and individual tasks involving reading – the current unit of work
of ‘Weathering and Erosion’ providing a context and content. The children knew of
their expectations and “learning intention” skill / strategy focus; whether it was
comprehension “I understand what I read”), accuracy (“I can read the words”), fluency
(“I can read accurately, with expression, and understand what I read”) or extending vocabulary (“I know, find
and use interesting words”.
I congratulate Natasha on skilling up the students for success – the children empowered to use a dictionary
(whether online or hard copy), atlas or other resources to assist them in better understanding the text. It was
also fantastic to see the students modelling our core school value of thinking in their reading.
To randomly reward children who are punctual to school – and not missing vital teacher instruction in the
morning – listen carefully for the music of ‘Get Smart’. Kids, if you hear this television theme song and your
name, make it to my office before the song finishes. Your reward will be a voucher for the Pancake Parlour.
Due to economic restraints, all government schools rely on parental school payments, to deliver a basic
education. At Blackburn Lake Primary we deliver a better than basic standard of education and in providing
an ongoing quality education for all our children, we require the economic support of our families. This can be
met through payment for essential education items (“school fees”), volunteering in the school (whether in the
classrooms, at Working Bees or involvement on school committees), or supporting school fundraising events.
For the families who have made their financial contributions we once again thank you. At Blackburn Lake
Primary School we have an ongoing commitment to improving our school and by making a tax deductable
donation you can help. As we approach the end of the financial year we ask you to please consider the letter
sent home tomorrow, utilising Blackburn Lake Primary as a registered Tax Deductible Gift Recipient endorsed
by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
At Blackburn Lake Primary School we have a genuine concern for student wellbeing – the
reason we timetable fortnightly ‘BounceBack’ social competencies instruction, invest formally in
our student leadership program and have regular “Circle Time” in classrooms.
Tomorrow we are celebrating National Buddies Day, with children asked to wear “a
splash of purple” and also bring a gold coin donation for this free dress day, with
fundraising going towards the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.
The surest way to promote your child’s lifelong emotional well-being is to help them feel connected. A
connected childhood is the key to happiness – a philosophy that is the essence of our Buddies Program. The
upper grades meet with the lower grades fortnightly for about 40 minutes. It is not only in the classroom
where this program is a success, as I regularly witness the connectedness between the ‘Buddies’ in the
playground, our core school value of caring being demonstrated through a simple “hello” or by playing a game
I hope you can make it to tomorrow’s whole School Assembly @ 3pm to acknowledge our ‘Students of the
Week’ and see the Buddies demonstrate their “Buddies Handshake” as a part of National Buddies Day (don’t
forget to wear some purple)!
Jason Walker - Principal
20 June
24 June
25 June
27 June
3:40 – 8:00pm
3:40 – 6:00pm
14 July
4 September
19 September
6 October
4 November
5 December
19 December
2:00 – 2:30pm
9.00am – 11.00am
2:00 – 2:30pm
7:00pm – 10:00pm
1:00 – 1:30pm
Mid-year Reports sent home
Parent Teacher Interviews
‘Pies & Yummy Drummies’ Canteen Day
Assembly (Term 2 concludes - early dismissal)
Term Three commences
‘Father’s Day’ Stall
Assembly (Term 3 concludes - early dismissal)
Term Four commences
Melbourne Cup Holiday
‘Back to 1964’ 50th Celebration at Box Hill Town Hall
Assembly (last day of 2014 - early dismissal)
We congratulate the following ‘Students of the Week’ – to be presented at Friday’s school assembly
Principal’s Award
Harrison W – 4N
Assistant Principal
Awarded to 1D
Prep A
Tiana N
Being able to make links to previous learning ‘prepositions are kind of the
Your beautifully presented & well written ‘Weekend News’ Booklet – well done
1D on your listening skills & your recount writing
Explaining our ‘doubles’ activity using dominoes to another teacher
Prep E
Prep L
Prep S
Poppy V-R
Natalie C
Chloe F
Annika S
Ned J
Axel L
Delara M-S
Ripley P
Thomas B
Clare P
Riley C
Hunter H
Lachlan F
Zoe J
Ruby J
Bryce F
Ryleh K
Zoe L – 5/6D
Tom B – 1D
Harry M – 2C
Phys Ed
Joshua A – 3A
Writing a wonderful entry & taking care of our class mascot ‘Toby’ – well
Being a caring class member with a positive attitude & friendly smile
An outstanding ‘half’ picture of a Face (Mathematics)
Always being a fantastic listener & being a caring & responsible member of 1J
Making great predictions before Reading new texts
Being a wonderful member of 2S & a good friend to all = we will miss you
Using her ICT skills to create an excellent newspaper article on the ‘Twelve
Persisting with a difficult Maths task
Demonstrating good work habits & focus – keep up the great work!
Showing excellent team skills during a group project on landforms – great
stuff Clare!
Fantastic homework on Fractions!
Continually tackling highly challenging Maths work with enthusiasm &
Being able to explain the difference between a bar, pie & line graph – well
An excellently presented & explained oral presentation on the ‘Boxing Day
Being brave & being 1 to deliver a fantastic presentation on ‘Cyclone Tracey’
Making an extra effort to improve both his focus on tasks & his work output
Reaching the State Trials in Girls Basketball- such a great representative of
our school
A beautiful, precise line drawing & rendering of a ‘Shoe’
Giving an Italian name ‘Antonio’ to a character in an Italian book
Being offered a second round audition for the ‘National Boys Choir’ –
Congratulations & Good luck!
Working very well with your partner during Badminton
We are celebrating a wonderful new ART project at Blackburn Lake Primary School, starting next term.
Arts Victoria has supported us with a grant for 3rd term to work with well-known community Artist, Suesy
She will be working with the students, staff, parents, and volunteers. We are taking the theme of change,
transition and metamorphosis, and looking at ‘change’ in our immediate life, in nature, and in our cultural and
social activities and rituals. We are particularly looking at ‘loss’ and the power of the individual to rise up after
loss, big or small, and to heal and reinvent a meaningful and valuable life.
The art installation is called “THE REFLECTIVE GARDEN”
Suesy will be working with Art Coordinator, Johanna McPhail, teachers and volunteers, to create a garden that
reflects past losses and change, present healing and growth, future dreams and ideals.
The garden will be made up of a number of pathways and bridges that will lead to beautiful sculptural orbs.
Symbolic of our passageway through life and the cycles we go through, the pathways will be embossed with
brightly coloured mosaic pavers, sculptural assemblages and murals that reflect varying themes inspired by
the discussions, poems, drawings and essays of the students.
Suesy will work at the school spread across term 3 and beyond, on Wednesdays.
Parents and volunteers are asked to come and join Suesy and Johanna and the students to help produce this
very exciting project.
Students, teachers, parents, volunteers, local businesses, and friends are requested to collect and donate
some of the following items:
Each child to bring a small toy they were attached to and are happy to donate to the Art Installation. The toys
are to go outside so tin, plastic, wooden and ceramic toys would be preferable.
The following items are also needed:
 colourful old toys not needed. Any old yo-yo’s.
 old colourful metal biscuit tins, tin pencil cases, or tin school cases.
 plastic or wooden blocks, or Lego.
 children’s games, chess, dominoes, draughts, marbles.
 ceramic or resin teddy bears.
 farm animals or prehistoric animals.
 robots, dolls, figurative toys of any kind.
 Any money boxes or piggy banks. Any brass plates or trays.
 Australian memorabilia, spoons, badges, fridge magnets.
 ceramic, resin, or wooden sculptures of birds.
 buttons, beads, brooches, badges, watches, or jewellery of any kind.
 memorabilia or collections of any kind that could go outside.
 shells, colored pebbles, stones, or gems. Any prisms or chandelier glass.
 crockery, particularly with children’s imagery or nature (flowers/ birds).
 old coins, cotton reels, wooden pegs from another era. Any gold buttons.
 heart imagery, necklaces, china boxes, brooches, earrings, badges.
 china cups, saucers, plates, roses, or figurines.
 coloured walls tiles, glass mosaic tiles, pavers, bricks, stepping stones, large flat pebbles, or stones. Any unused
grout, cement, silicone adhesive, buckets.
Classroom Spotlight
Year 3 and 4
Our students have been investigating the orchestra. Over the next two weeks we will be creating our own
ensemble with the instruments in our class. Remember to bring your instruments tuned ready to go to your
lesson each week until the end of Term.
Instrumental Music Open Concert
Week 10
Tuesday 24th June - Lunch-time
Music Room
This Concert is open to anyone who would like to perform something that they have been learning with their
teacher (either your teacher here, or outside of school). If you have just done an exam, or are preparing for
one, this would be a great opportunity to practice your pieces in front of some very friendly, supportive people.
There will be a “sign-up” sheet outside the Music Room for you to put your name down on.
Please be quick, as lunch only goes for so long.
Over the course of the next couple of terms, we will be introducing our instrumental staff to
you through the newsletter. Here is our first teacher.
Introducing……. Scott
What is your main instrument?
I started playing the drums when I was in Grade 5.
Do you play any other instruments? A little bit of guitar, piano and the Didgeridoo
When you are not teaching here, what else do you do? I play with my kids and my dog.
Who is your favourite band? Genesis
What is your favourite style of music to listen to?
What is your favourite style of music to play?
How long have you been playing for?
Sam Collins
Music Coordinator
BLPS ‘StringStars’ – Terms 3 & 4 2014
Dear BLPS Parents and String Players,
My name is Erin Reilly and I am the coach of the BLPS String Ensemble. It has
been fantastic to work with such talented students over the past six months, building up a brilliant
repertoire of pieces, developing our technique and teamwork skills and performing for the school
community. The String Ensemble has provided a brilliant start to my time here at Blackburn
Lake Primary School, and is now changing into something even bigger and better!
In Term 3 the BLPS ‘StringStars’ will begin, a new strings group with lots of performance
Rehearsals will be held at the same time as the original String Ensemble
(Wednesdays @ 8.15am - 8.50am), and will accept all BLPS students with at least six months
experience on Violin, Viola, Cello or Bass. Piano accompanists are also often required – enquire if
you are interested! Our first performance will be at the Waverly Eisteddfod on Saturday 23rd
August 2014.
The school generously subsidized the funding of the initial String Ensemble program, however
these funds have since expired and ‘StringStars’ participants will be required to pay a small
participation fee in order to purchase resources, pay entry fees for competitions and performances,
The first rehearsal of ‘StringStars’ will be held on Wednesday 16th July @ 8.15am in the Music
Room (DJC). If you are interested in joining ‘StringStars’, either as a new or continuing member,
please fill in the slip below and return it to the school office by the end of Term 2. I look forward to
playing with you!
Erin Reilly
‘StringStars’ Ensemble Coach
BLPS ‘StringStars’ – Terms 3 & 4 2014
My child ____________________________________________ in Grade ________ will be joining /
continuing to participate in ‘StringStars’ for Terms 3 and 4. I agree to pay the participation fee of
$50.00 per term and will assist my child to arrive at rehearsals by 8.15am on Wednesdays.
Student’s Instrument: ___________________________________________________
Parent name :____________________________Contact No:_______________________
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________
Payment to the School Office before the end of term please.
(extra forms available in Music Holder in the School Foyer)
Well done to our students Josh H, Taylah d, Allysa D, Caitlyn A, Milla H, Hunter H, Josh G, Bella F and Gaby K who went
to the Whitehorse Division Cross Country last Thursday at Ruffey Lake Park. They performed very well even though
they competed in slippery and muddy conditions.
Fantastic runs by Josh H (6 ), Caitlyn A (3 ), Hunter H (3 ) and Josh G (4 ) saw them qualify for next Tuesday’s Eastern
Metropolitan Region Cross Country. This will be held at Yarra Valley Racecourse, Yarra Glen.
Just letting you all know that there has been a change of dates for our Hooptime Round-Robins.
Grade 4 will now compete on Wednesday 10 September (term 3) and Grade 6 on Wednesday 27 August.
It is a big delay for Grade 4 but imagine how good they will be with all the extra practise!!
Next week, Friday 20, our Year 5/6 students will be taking part in their Winter Round-Robin.
Venues are: Netball at Laburnum PS
AFL and Teeball at Kingswood
Soccer at Blackburn High School
If you haven’t already done so please return money and form to classroom teachers by tomorrow FRIDAY 13
JUNE 2014.
WHOLE SCHOOL SWIMMING PROGRAM - Monday 14 July to Thursday 24 July 2014
Our program will be held during weeks 1 and 2 of Term 3.
The dates are Monday 14 July to Thursday 24 July 2014. Please note this is a 9 day program.
We are NOT swimming on Friday 25 July.
Please return all forms and money to classroom teachers by FRIDAY 13 JUNE.
Box Hill Hawks are again holding the “Mascot for a Day” event. Our day is Saturday 16
August 2014.
To enter this competition you need to email the club with your name, age, phone number and
our school name to andrew@boxhillhawks.com.au
Phil Lumsden Sports Coordinator
Show your support for the PA and like us on Facebook (Blackburn Lake Primary School PA Committee) or
drop us a line via the PA Mailbox in the School Foyer or send us an email @ blps.pa@gmail.com
Up Coming Events
Cadbury’s Chocolate Drive
‘Dads & Kids Big Day Out’
Coming soon (August)
Coming soon (September)
Have you been wondering where that jacket worn at the last free
clothes day has got to?
Have you lost the picnic rug that was brought to school for the
Christmas picnic?
Does it feel like you are always buying another drink bottle?
Please take some time to have a look in the lost property
cupboard located in the foyer area of the Multi-Purpose Room.
Over 90% of the items are un-named, so we can’t return them to
their owners. Many of the items are not school uniform. Any
un-named items in the cupboard on Tuesday 24th June will find
an alternative home….
School uniform pieces will be donated to the second hand uniform shop
Other clothes and items in good condition will be donated to charity
All other items will be thrown away.
Fundraising Partners – EntertainmentTM Memberships
The latest Melbourne Entertainment™
Memberships are available now. Did you
know the 2013-14 book expires this
Buy a new membership now
and don’t miss out!
Priced at only $65.00, each book contains
thousands of valuable offers, all valid until
June 1st, 2015. Why not try the new digital
EntertainmentTM membership where the
entire book‘s value is uploaded direct onto
your smartphone?
Plus, 20% from every Entertainment™
Membership we sell goes directly towards
our School. You can order directly online
You can also buy and collect your book in person this Friday before Assembly from 2.30pm in the DJ Centre
foyer. Please contact Jen Robertson (blps.pa@gmail.com) with any queries.
Are you as ‘Fit as a 5th Grader’?
The Parent Cross Country Challenge is Back!
Earlier this term, Blackburn Lake held its Annual Cross Country event where our children ran
distances from 1000 meters (1km) to 3000 meters (3km).
We stood on the sidelines and cheered.
Now it’s your turn - are you as ‘Fit as a Fifth Grader’?
Your school PA challenges you to run/walk the same distance your child completed at cross country.
The fitness challenge will be held on Tuesday 24th June 2014, as part of an
extended ‘Morning Movers’ circuit. Starting gun for all distances is 8.30am.
Run or walk, we challenge you to join your children in morning movers on the 24th and keep moving.
House points will be awarded to all parents completing the challenge!!!
So dust off your runners, start training and get your own dots (and house points) during ‘Morning
Movers’ on Tuesday 24th June.
Monday Afternoon 3.30pm – 4.00pm
Thursday Morning 9.00am – 9.30am
Uniform Shop Update
Not able to make the opening hours? Simply grab a green Order Form from the Office Foyer above
the PA Letter Box and return with payment to the PA Letterbox. Orders will be filled and sent home
to you via your child’s classroom.
Reminder to Year 5/6
For sale at only $17.00, the Unisex Sports Shorts can be worn during PE Classes and for all Friday
Inter-School Sport days.
Congratulations to the following students for making 10 or more deposits this year. You each receive a
Dollarmite Achievement Certificate when you reach 10, 20 and 30 deposits throughout this year.
BRONZE Certificate for making 10 deposits:
Emily B
Lachlan B
Jack S
Isabelle Y
Your certificates will be passed to you through your classroom teacher
Could everyone please make sure all the details are completed on your deposit slip, especially your
STUDENT ID number, which is unique to each banker and makes our job easier when we are entering your
deposit into the Commonwealth Bank system? The number should be written on the inside cover of your
savings book. Please let us know if you haven't got a number yet.
Every time you deposit money in your bank account through School Banking, you will earn one silver
Dollarmite token. Once you have earned 10 tokens, you may redeem them for one of the following reward
Set of 4 scented pencils
Penguin plush key ring
Shark plush key ring
Whale Shark pencil case
Light blue wallet - 2013 item
Knuckles game - 2013 item
Headphones - 2013 item
Pat, Pru or Spen moneybox - 2013 item (please
Thanks everyone for supporting the School Banking Program.
Regards, Vickie Liew, School Banking Coordinator M:  0419 773 335
Coming Up Term 3, 2014
Blackburn Lake Primary School
In this unit, learn about meteorites and the Aztecs. What precious metals and colours were used in
their art and craft?
Who was Montezuma? What was the culture of the Aztec rulers and their people? Where is Mesoamerica? What wars
were fought? How important was water and climate? Who were the gods and what were the Aztec myths?
Construct the crafts, using the styles and colours of their art. Play the games, learn the language, mathematics and
astronomy from an earlier age. Discover what happened to talented children.
WiseOnes Application for 3 Term 2014
This program is available for all Grade 1 - Grade 6 children who have qualified for WiseOnes.
The unit for third term commences week beginning Monday, 21 July;
The unit will run for 8 weeks commencing: 21 July; 28 July; 4 Aug; 11 Aug; 18 Aug; 25 Aug, 1 Sept & 8
I wish to enrol my child in the unit "Incas and Aztecs" starting week beginning Monday, 21 July, 2014.
I give permission for a copy of this slip to be handed to the WiseOnes teacher.
Child's Name ___________________________________________________ School: Blackburn Lake Primary
Date of Birth ________________________
Class (2014) ________
Parents' Names ________________________________________________________________
Phone: BH ___________ AH ____________ Mobile _________________ Email: ____________________________
My child has already qualified for WiseOnes
I would like a free test for my child
I would like my child to be tested with a fuller assessment to qualify for WiseOnes (assessment cost $240 inc GST).
Please send this slip and payment of $226.00 on Tuesday, 15 July, 2014. As we are a non-credit business,
children will not be accepted into the program for the term unless the fees and enrolment form are returned by
the above date. If paying by cheque please make it payable to Blackburn Lake Primary School.
For further information please contact Pat Truscott on 9326 6441 or Mobile: 0407 313 657.
Any advertisements in this Newsletter are in no way endorsed by Blackburn Lake Primary School
St Kilda Mums is a not-for-profit organisation run and
staffed by volunteers, who collect donations of nursery
equipment and recycle cots, prams, bassinets, clothes and
other baby essentials by cleaning and repairing them, and
making sure they meet safety requirements. They receive
requests from Maternal Health Nurses and local charities
on behalf of families in need. As you might guess, demand
always exceeds supply. St Kilda Mums aims for this coat
drive to warm 1000 babies and children.
Now that the weather has begun to get chilly, there are many families who are not able to keep their babies
and children warm, or allow them to play outside, due to an inability to afford warm winter clothes.
If you have any coats (or any warm clothes – hats, gumboots, gloves, scarves, etc) that are no longer in use
for children aged 1–10 it would be greatly appreciated. Please ensure they are freshly-washed, with no holes,
rips or bad staining. A good guide is to think ‘would I give this to a friend’.
You can drop them off at the gazebo at school on Monday 16th June or Friday 20th June at 8.45–9am or
3.30–3.45pm to Karina Bugeja, or if those times don’t suit but you would still like to donate, please text/call on
 0408 542 520 to work out an alternative. Thank you for your support.
Hi my name is Zaid and my brother is Hamza. On the 6th of July we
will both be participating in a fundraiser for disabled and
disadvantaged kids, called Helping Hoops.
Helping Hoops is a charity running free basketball programs for over 1,000 disadvantaged and
disabled children all over Melbourne. Helping Hoops works with migrant and refugee communities, asylum
seekers, children with special needs, and residents of inner-city public housing estates.
We will be participating in an event called the 24 hour shootout. We will be given a fifteen minute slot on the
day, where will try to make as many free throws as possible.
Helping Hoops is aiming to raise over $70,000.00. You can donate money for either Hamza or I (or both!) by
going to give.everydayhero.com/au/hamza or give.everydayhero.com/au/zaid
Please help us raise as much money as possible for children in need.
act, create, communicate
Self-development through drama!
Boost your child’s creativity, confidence
and communication skills.
Enrolling now for students aged 5 to 17.
Studio Locations:
Blackburn North, Forest Hill,
Glen Waverley, Kew,
Mt Waverley, Wheelers Hill &
Contact the Principal
Tamara White –
8522 0007 or 0411 100 538
Sleeping Star Productions presents
Tickets now on
Show dates are Friday 25th July, 7.30pm and
Saturday 26th July, 4pm at the Kel Watson Theatre,
Forest Hill Secondary College, Mahoneys Road,
Forest Hill.
Tickets can be purchased by contacting Robyn on 
9878.1750 or email hazza14@tpg.com.au.
Adults $20, Conc $15.
@19 Brunswick Road MITCHAM
Bookings essential:  9873 4587
Could you be the next Cadel Evans?
Blackburn Cycling Club provides 8 - 16 year olds with a
development program where aspiring riders can:
become competent and confident enough to participate in
more advanced training and prepare to compete safely
develop their skills regardless of their strength and speed;
experience an enjoyable and safe skills session free from
ask questions on technique, racing tactics or cycling in
Over the next few weeks the program will be available on a come and try basis for anyone interested
in giving it a go.
1:45 – 4.30pm on 7, 14, 21 June and 6 July
Siemens Factory, 885 Mountain Hwy, Bayswater.
$5 per session – no licence required for above dates
Further details