to - Blackburn High School


to - Blackburn High School
It has been a great week of events where we celebrated student leadership,
achievement, effort and creativity and acknowledged our inspirational teachers.
Joanna Alexander
Inside this issue
From the Principal
Assistant Principal
Dunlop House
Freeman House
Hollows House
Melba House
Learning & Teaching
Sport News
Art News
Numeracy News
Leadership News
School News
School Calendar
Science Monitors
We are very proud of Sol Leyes and Fraser
Clarke who have volunteered their time to look
after all the flora and fauna in our science
rooms. They have shared their reflections on
this important responsibility.
“As monitors and keepers of the animals in M1
and in F12, it is our duty to protect and care
for the animals, such as lizards, turtles and
frogs. Every school morning, we arrive at 8:10
am. Our first job is to make sure the animals
are well and warm. We then feed the animals
fresh food and refill their water containers. We
feed them any vegetables and crickets. Some
mornings we take the lizards out of their
enclosures and let them hunt for crickets on
the ground. We check each frog’s water and
temperature each day and feed the frogs
crickets. We also care for the plants in the
room, by watering and pruning the plants
when necessary. We love our jobs and the love
for the animals grows each day”.
School Captains
Sol Leyes and Fraser Clarke Year 8 MA
Tristan Webb & Bonnie Hodge
Please remember to
advise the relevant
House Assistant by
9:30am if your child will
be absent from school
Staff Meeting Teacher Collaboration
The Staff Meeting held on Tuesday 20 th October focused
on improving the Assessment and Reporting processes
and showcased exemplary teacher collaboration. Teachers
used the lens of Bloom’s to analyse the complexity of the
assessment task questions. Well done to all staff for their
positive contribution and a special mention to the
Directors of Learning and Teaching and the Learning Area
Leaders: Arlene Roberts, Shona McEnaney, Margaret
Graham, Aaron Bear, Phillip Daborn, Jemima Bunn, Mark
Vasgyura, Youla Pantazopoulos, Cheryl Angus, Ailsa
Davidson, Steve Thomson and Anthony Stewart (in Alan
Keeble’s absence).
Melba—8804 6407
Freeman—8804 6408
Hollows—8804 6409
Dunlop—8804 6410
Music Dept: (Direct)
8804 6411
Term Dates in 2015:
Next School
Council Meeting
Wed 25th November 2015
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Blackburn High School
Telephone: +613 8804 6464
60 Springfield Road, Blackburn Vic 3130
Facsimile: +613 8804 6499
From the Principal’s Desk
Joanna Alexander
Valedictory Dinner 19.10.15
I was honored to be part of the Valedictory Dinner celebrations as the Principal of Blackburn High
School. It was a wonderful evening and a significant occasion for the Year 12 class of 2015, their
families and teachers as well as being a major event in the life of our school. Our School Captains
Bonnie Hodge and Tristan Webb were outstanding MCs. A high achieving Alumni Julia Maurus who
was 2005 School Captain and the School Council President Geoff Hugo were invited and a jazz
ensemble welcomed the guests. Thank you to Marina Crescia, Christina Kodak and in particular to
Margie Lanyon and Renee Gaitanis for working tirelessly to ensure that we had a seamless and
outstanding evening of celebrations. The Blackburn High School community wishes all the Year 12
students and students undertaking a Year 12 subject well during this tense examination period.
German Exchange Program
Thank you to Nicole Taylor for her hard
work and vision that has resulted in the
inaugural German exchange and to the
families that have agreed to host the
students. The German exchange teacher
Barbara Reske and students were formally
welcomed at the recent whole school
assembly. The exchange students have had
Sanctuary and Sovereign Hill.
Celebrating Student Art Work
Well done to all students
who have had their art
work displayed around the
school and the calibre of
work and creativity has
inspiring teachers Cheryl
Angus and Bronwyn Roach
are photographed beside
their students’ artwork.
Luncheon 21.10.15
On Wednesday we farewelled our Year
luncheon. Thank you to all their
teachers and especially to Isabel Zhou,
Edwina Pleasence,
Madeleine Taylor
and Louisa Pennell for their unwavering
support of the students. Thanks also to
Chiu Tong and Huiqin Gan
Page 2
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Assistant Principal
Jane Richards
Assistant Principal
We have had a very busy couple of weeks with many exciting opportunities for our students.
Farewell to the Class of 2015
On Monday 19th October, we had an assembly to farewell our Year 12 students and to mark the end
of their secondary schooling. The Year 12 students celebrated in a responsible way and are to be
congratulated on the way they conducted themselves. The day culminated with Valedictory Dinner
with our Year 12 students and their families. We wish our Year 12 students all the best for their
examinations which have commenced this week.
Junior and Intermediate Ensembles Concert
Congratulations to all the students involved in this concert; it was a wonderful night of music
making. Thank you also to the music staff for their work with our music students. For those who
weren’t there, there were many highlights. The piano duets were a great addition. Well done to
Louise Hewitt whose Irish dancing accompanied the Oboe Choir. By the way, she is state champion
which is no mean feat! Tom Berman provided us with a first; bagpipes at a Blackburn High School
Concert. And the finale, involved 230 musicians. The Intermediate Stage Band also did a
magnificent job—loved Soren’s solo on drum kit. It is great to see students so engaged in what they
are doing.
Transition Workshops— Year 7 2016
We have been hosting visits of our 2016 Year 7 students to help them with their transition into
secondary school next year. We have over 240 Year 7 students enrolled for 2016 and are looking
forward to meeting them all again on Orientation Day. We have also had information evenings for
parents of our Year 7 students to show them how to use COMPASS.
Class of 1965 – 50 Year Reunion
Saturday 14 November, 2015
For details of this milestone event contact:
Class of 1985 – 30 Year Reunion
Saturday 14 November, 2015
The Blackburn Hotel
From 6pm
Page 3
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Claire Greve
Dunlop House Leader
“I have a conviction that it is only when we are put at full stretch that we can realise
our full potential’ Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop.
House Assistant:
Liga Darzins
8804 6410
The final farewell breakfast for Dunlop Year 12
students featured kind words and good wishes
from Year 11 students Evette and Emily, and a
spread of breakfast favourites provided by the
rest of the students.
Stand out breakfast item for the day—chocolate
dipped fruit skewers. Thank you D6 for coming
up with this one!
Good bye and good luck to our Year 12
students as they head into their final exam
Page 4
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Claire Greve
Dunlop House Leader
“I have a conviction that it is only when we are put at full stretch that we can realise
our full potential’ Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop.
The 2015 Year 12 students have
left the building—and the hunt
begins for students to take up the
vacated leadership positions for
2016. Dunlop House will shortly be
seeking applications for House
Leader and Mentor Group Leader
House Captain
Sarah Turner
We take this opportunity to thank
Sarah Turner, Dunlop House
Leader 2015, for all her hard work
this year. Of special note is
Sarah’s effort in taking us to the
House Music Festival where Dunlop
came out winners. A truly
outstanding achievement by Sarah
and her team.
We would also like to thank all of the Dunlop House participants in the recent
Blackburn’s Got Talent series. Whilst we did not make it to the finals this time,
there was some tremendous work put in by a number of Dunlopians.
Congratulations to Sarah Palmer, who teamed with Kate Fyander for a performance,
and gained 2nd place in the event.
And let’s not forget the technical assistants who tirelessly support all of the school’s
major events, many of whom come from the Dunlop ranks. Thank you Liam, Harry
and Rory for this important work.
With the school year drawing to a close, we ask that students
and parents note the following:
Exam period
Year 10&11:
Year 12:
9 November to 17 November—no Mentor Group or classes for Year
10 and 11 students during this period.
28 October to 20 November - in Dunlop House
Please note that there will be no access to the new Dunlop building
during the VCE exam period and Mentor Groups will use alternative
rooms in the old Dunlop building.
Step-Up program
Year 7&8:
23 November to 11 December
Year 9:
23 November to 4 December, followed by Year 9 camp to Gold
Year 10&11:
23 November to 27 November
Attendance during the Step-Up program
The Step-Up program is compulsory for all current students, and normal absence
processes will apply.
Dunlop House Assembly will run as normal on Tuesdays during the Step-Up Program
and students must attend in the Gym at 8:40 am.
Other than House Assembly, there will be no Mentor Group during the Step-Up
period. Scheduled classes will begin at 9:00 am.
Page 5
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Freeman House News
Geoff Vezey
House Leader
Mentor Program
Due to the large number of Year 7s arriving at Blackburn High next year, Freeman
House will be adding another Mentor Group (maybe 2). If any student would like
to change Mentor Groups, please have a valid reason and discuss this with your
Mentor Teacher
Transition Workshops
Last week and this week, we have had Grade 6 students from a variety of schools
attending Blackburn High and participating in Transition Workshops. I would like
to thank the following students for helping out on the required days:
Ashleigh Bowman, Sapphire Collins, Cayne Willems, Nathan Zoumpoukas, Tink An,
Luke Britto-Babapulle, Andre Heeraman, and Stephanie Meerwald. I would also
like to acknowledge Denise Strahan for all her hard work in organising this.
I would like to congratulate Adam Grooby from F11 for the winning artwork for the
front cover of Pinjarra for 2016. Well done Adam.
House Assistant
Denise Strahan
Adam Grooby
Melissa Webb
Steph Meerwald
State Athletics
Congratulations to Melissa Webb from F4 and Stephanie Meerwald F1 for achieving
fantastic results in the State Athletics. Melissa Webb - 7th place 100m, and 13
Years Girls Relay - Steph Meerwald, 3rd place so took home a bronze medal.
Cathy Freeman Foundation
On the 6th of November, 7 Freeman students and Mr Ayre will be travelling into
the city to meet Lachlan Preston and a group of Year 5 & 6 students from Palm
Island. Our students will be involved with various activities with the children and
this is a wonderful opportunity to build even greater relationships with the
Foundation and to further our students with leadership qualities.
Ms Roach-Assistant House Leader, Freeman
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Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Freeman House News
Geoff Vezey
House Leader
We welcome Mr Wasser who is replacing Mr Keeble for 6 weeks. He will be the F5
Mentor Teacher so any communication about students in this Mentor Group needs to
directed to Mr Wasser.
Abdallah Haddarah has started in the 7FA class. Please make Abdallah and Mr
Wasser feel welcome.
Year 12 student farewell
Last week the school farewelled the Year 12 students. It was a joy to be at the whole
school assembly and then to attend the dinner in the evening. Best wishes to all
students (and parents) with their examinations.
House Captain
Andre Burborough
Mr Vezey. Freeman House Leader
Page 7
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Mark Pasquali
Hollows House Leader
Mentor Groups Expanding
The big news is that the Hollows family will be growing next year. As we will be
getting 72 more Year 7 students and only losing 21 Year 12 students Hollows will grow
to more than 280 students next year.
This means we will be creating new Mentor Groups. To enable this we will have to
move some students from existing Mentor Groups. This will be done in consultation
with students and Mentor Teachers. If students wish to volunteer to move Mentor
Groups they need to fill out a form at Kaye’s office by Thursday
November 5.
House Assistant
Kaye Sampson
8804 6409
Thanks to Ms Monda
A big thank you to Ms Monda who led the house so professionally whilst I was on long
service leave for the first two weeks of term.
Silver in Reading Olympics
Hollows received the Silver medal in the
reading Olympics this year. The reading
Olympics involve individuals within Mentor
Groups reading as many pages as they can
during Mentor time for one week.
The certificate was presented to our
‘reading champion’ Amelia Monk who read
an incredible number of pages during the
week. Congratulations to everyone
involved in this worthwhile activity.
Valedictory Dinner
It was a pleasure for Ms Monda and I to present the graduation certificates to our Year
12 students at last week’s Valedictory Dinner. The dinner was a great way to farewell
our class of 2015 and was a great way to recognise both students and their families.
Congratulations Hamish
A big congratulations to Hamish Maclean of Year 8. Hamish earned a Credit certificate
in the prestigious UNSW English competition, a fine achievement.
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Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Mark Pasquali
Hollows House Leader
Congratulations Lauren
A huge congratulations to Lauren Schreiber of Year 10. Lauren last
week competed in the State Final for the 16 girls 1500m at the State
Athletics Centre. Lauren placed 4th which is an outstanding
achievement. She also competed in the State final of the Cross
country earlier in the year. Well done Lauren on this outstanding
House Captain
Lucy Fist
Mentor Group Presentations
Congratulations on the Mentor Groups who have presented over the last few weeks.
Hollows 10 presented about obesity. Hollows 11 presented Interesting Riddles for us all
to solve, Hollows 3 presented their long awaited movie preview of ‘The Purcellinator
returns’. The preview once again featured Mentor Teacher Ms Purcell in the frightening
lead role.
This Monday Hollows 9 presented the Jelly Bean Challenge where various volunteers
were asked to ‘taste’ jellybeans of very dubious flavours that cannot even be
mentioned. The photos show some very distressed volunteers.
Congratulations Musicians
Congratulations to all of the Hollows musicians who participated in last Thursday’s
Junior and Intermediate Ensembles Concert. Once again the standard offered by the
music students was amazing.
Blackburn’s Got Talent
Congratulations to everyone involved in Blackburn’s Got Talent. The talent on show
was amazing. A particular well done to the organising crew of Ms Pennell, Naji Eltaha,
Curt Webb (in his final hosting (performance) and Lucy Fist. Congratulations to the
winners of the contest; James Heaney (H2), Soren Maryasin (H11) & Tashi Nott (H2)
for their fantastic performance.
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Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Martin Baxter
House Leader
House Breakfast to farewell the ’Class of 2015’
Mr Hansen and the Student Leadership group organized a wonderful House breakfast
to bid farewell to our Year 12 students on Friday October 16. Needless to say everyone appreciated the gesture!
House Assistant
Sally Bonnyman
8804 6407
Final School Assembly for the wonderful Year 12 students in Melba.
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Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Martin Baxter
House Leader
House Musical 2016
House Music has been a proud
tradition at Blackburn for many
years. In its’ current format,
Melba’s recent musicals include:
Toy Story (2014) and Aladdin
(2015). In each of these the
number of students involved and
standards of performances have
grown. With 2015 coming to a
close, the current House Music
Leaders have, after much
deliberation, chosen to perform
Peter Pan in 2016. Though House
Music is well-spirited and jovial,
with the assistance of all year
levels, Melba intends to create an entertaining performance that is sure to succeed.
House Captain
Graziella Estrada
Page 11
Beyond Blue Fundraising Event
Two of Melba’s teachers, who had been masquerading as ‘Bush Rangers’ for most of
the last two years decided, that they would come clean if students, family and friends
could raise sufficient monies for the Beyond Blue Foundation. They set themselves a
target of $1000 to shave off their beards. But, as neither was known as being shy or
retiring, they said they further would shave half their beards off if the figure raised
exceeded $1500. Everyone was keen to rise to the challenge and so when Thursday
October 22 rolled around, what had seemed a very ambitious figure was duly met!
Large crowds gathered in the courtyard and the ’makeover’ began.
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Learning & Teaching News
Arlene Roberts
Learning and
At Blackburn High School we are committed to improving our student learning
outcomes by providing both external and internal professional development
opportunities for our teachers to attend. During the first week of this term, our
KLA leaders (Youla Pantazopoulos (English) Steve Thomson (Maths), Phillip
Daborn (Science), Mark Vasgyura (Humanities), Alan Keeble (Language),
Cheryl Angus (Art/Technology) Ailsa Davidson (PE/Health) Aaron Bear (GLP)
spent the day in three different sessions focusing on three areas : the first
session involved reflecting on our assessment and reporting practices with a
view to improving them. The second session involved discussions around the
characteristics of rich tasks and we used Bloom’s Taxonomy to audit
assessment tasks. The third session was on effective leaders and teams and
each KLA leader gave a short presentation to the group.
PROFESSIONAL READING—What’s on our reading list?
Guided by our Principal, Joanna Alexander, our Strategic Planning Team is
currently reading extracts from Steve Dinhan’s book “How to Get Your School
Moving and Improving” and John Loughran’s book, “What Expert teachers do –
enhancing professional knowledge for classroom practice”. Our changes are
influenced by our professional reading—at Blackburn High School we believe in
evidence led change.
Our Curriculum Working Party met on the 19th of October for our fortnightly
meeting. At this meeting we discussed our flagship programs: HAP, and GLP.
Judith Davis and I led the discussion on HAP and Aaron Bear led the discussion
on GLP. In the next month we will be examining and discussing the proposals
that we have received with a view to improving our student learning data.
We said good bye to our class of 2015 with the formal end of year Valedictory
Dinner. The highlight of the Valedictory Dinner was our high achieving Alumni,
Julia Maurus, giving the speech to our 2015 group. Julia is currently Legal
Counsel with the Torres Strait Island Regional Council after being a Mary Jane
Scholarship Holder at the University of Melbourne whilst she was studying a
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts (Media and
Communications). Julia advised our Class of 2015 to take risks, work hard, put
their best effort into their exams and to always remember to hold onto their
dreams because there are many pathways into future careers. Whilst Julia is
certainly a high achieving Alumni, she also epitomizes the Blackburn High
School values around a love of learning, a sense of achievement, creating a
culture of caring, good humour and tolerance, a sense of initiative when
learing about things that matter, a capacity to be resilient and persist in the
face of adversity.
Page 12
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Careers Corner
Terry McGann
Pathways Coordinator
You will have plenty of time to look over your Uni preferences and change them if you wish. The VTAC
system will be open from 23rd Nov till 12 noon on 21st Dec, 2015. The most sensible time to make
any changes is after your results come out on Dec 14th. Mr McGann will be available to assist you
with making these changes plus all the major Unis and TAFEs run COP (Change of Preference) Info
Sessions, COP Expos, phone assistance and help in any way they can. There is also the
opportunity to make appointments with their advisors. In the next newsletter I will print a full list
of tertiary institutions offering assistance with times and contact numbers.
OFFERS of places at tertiary institutions commence on 18th Jan 2016, with more places on
offer later on (there will be five ‘rounds’ of offers in total). You are advised to accept the first offer you
receive as most likely it will be your only offer (around 80% of applicants will only receive one offer);
however, accepting an offer does not mean you cannot receive another offer in a later round of offers.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS w anting to study at UNIVERSITY of MELBOURNE - are able to
book 30-minute appointments to talk with University of Melbourne staff about study options,
VTAC, and support services. They run 2-5pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Register:
Many pathways and programs exist which may assist you to get to where you want to go.
Here are some suggestions:
Complete a Diploma of Tertiary Studies at Monash University in either business (p 350 of VTAC
Guide), education (p 362) or nursing (p. 381)
Complete a course at Monash College in Art & design, Arts (Human Behaviour or Psychology streams),
Business or Commerce, Engineering or Science; see pages 341-2 of VTAC Guide
Complete a course at Deakin College in Commerce, Computing, Engineering, Health Sciences,
Management, Media and Communication or Science; pages 197-8 of VTAC Guide
Complete a UniLink Diploma at Swinburne (eg Business p. 457, Design p. 463, Engineering p. 470,
Health Science, IT p. 481)
Complete a Diploma at La Trobe Melbourne in biosciences, business, health sciences, IT or Mass Media
Communications (p. 285-6)
Complete a Tertiary Preparation Course at RMIT in engineering, media or science (p. 437)
Consider studying a related university course with a lower ATAR; if you do well you MAY be able to
transfer to your desired course later
Start with a VET (TAFE) course in a related field; two years of VET often equals one at university
Complete a Tertiary Studies Diploma at Melbourne Polytechnic (Preston) (p. 337)
Complete a Diploma of Liberal Arts – a pathway into a range of degrees. Swinburne (p.451) and
Victoria Uni (p. 523) have this Diploma
Consider a country/rural campus. ATAR’s are often lower, usually due to lower demand; most have
accommodation (apply ASAP)
For nursing consider first completing Division 2 at TAFE or a private provider; eg Box Hill (p. 172) or
Swinburne (p. 478)
ACU has certificate/ diploma courses that can lead to degrees (through ACUcom) See:
Complete a Foundation Studies one year pathways course at Victoria Uni; See:
Page 13
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Sports News
Nadine Roche
Sport Coordinator
Last week we had 7 of our students who had qualified for the School Sport Victoria Track and Field
Finals competition at Lakeside Stadium with all of them doing Blackburn High School proud and with
some fantastic results.
Girls 13 Years 4 X 100m Relay
Bethany Hayen
Stephanie Meerwald
Niamh Mebalds
Tess Griffiths
3rd Place
Time : 55.54
Melissa Webb
18-20 Years 100m
7th Place
Time : 13.69
Lucas Pamminger
16 Years 1500m
7th Place
Time : 4:33.02
Lauren Schreiber
16 Years 1500m
4th Place
Time : 5:27.83
Page 14
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Sports News
Nadine Roche
Sport Coordinator
In the last week of last term we had 33 of our students compete in the Eastern Metropolitan
Regional Track and Field Finals out at Knox. The sun was shining and we had some fabulous
results both with individuals and as a school overall. There were 45 schools represented in the
competition from the Region and with our wonderful performances, we finished in an amazing
8th place overall.
Congratulations to the following students for their efforts on the day;
Skye Cody—15 Years 4th 100m, 7th 200m, 6th 4 X 100m Relay, 3rd Triple Jump
Melissa Webb— 20 Years 1st 100m, 2nd 200m, 3rd 400m, 3rd 4 X 100m Relay
Nikou Ahmadi— 17 Years 8th 200m, 3rd 4 X 100m Relay
Lauren Schreiber—16 Years 2nd 400m, 3rd 800m, 2nd 1500m
Stephanie Meerwald—13 Years 2nd 80m Hurdles, 1st 4 X 100m Relay
Tijana Vidajic— 15 Years 3rd 90m Hurdles, 3rd 4 X 50m Relay, 2nd Long Jump, 2nd Discus
Ashley Burton— 15 Years 6th 4 X 100m Relay
Breyanna Gaudion—15 Years 6th 4 X 100m Relay
Lisa Woods—17 Years 3rd 4 X 100m Relay, 5th Shot Put
Emma Burborough—16 Years 5th Long Jump, 3rd Triple Jump
Niamh Mebalds—13 Years 2nd Shot Put, 1st 4 X 100m Relay
Alexzondra Newitt— 15 Years 5th Shot Put, 6th 4 X 100m Relay
Danika DiSanto— 13 Years 3rd Discus
Kallista Jensen— 16 Years 7th Discus
Kateland Young—13 Years 5th Javelin
Rachel Taylor—16 Years 8th Javelin
Tess Griffiths— 13 Years 1st 4 X 100m Relay
Bethany Hayen—13 Years 1st 4 X 100m Relay
Zachary Wilmot—20 Years 2nd 100m, 2nd 200m, 2nd 400m
Jaxon Guerin— 16 Years 4th 400m, 2nd 4 X 100m Relay
Luke Brito-Babapulle— 13 Years 6th 800m
Joel Casey— 13 Years 12th 1500m
Julian Harris— 14 Years 8th 1500m
Lucas Pamminger— 16 Years 2nd 1500m
Hamish McLean—14 Years 3rd 100m Hurdles
Billy Stingell—16 Years 2nd 4 X 100m Relay, 2nd High Jump
Mathew Zukiewicz—16 Years 2nd 4 X 100m Relay
Aisake Tuinauvai— 16 Years 2nd Triple Jump, 2nd 4 X 100m Relay
Cooper Smith—14 Years 7th High Jump
Julian Scott— 15 Years 6th High Jump, 5th Javelin
Joshua Valle—15 Years 3rd Triple Jump
Johnny Srivilai—13 Years 2nd Javelin
Jack Kunz—17 Years 6th Javelin
Page 15
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Art News
Alex (above) and Vinay
(below) from Dunlop 7A
with their framed artwork.
Cheryl Angus
Art & Technology Coordinator
The school administration area has been
brightened up with the recent addition
of new frames showcasing the artwork
of our talented Blackburn High School
students. Margie Lanyon, our Public
Relations Officer, has been instrumental
in sourcing the frames and arranging for
them to be hung around the school.
Marina Crescia and myself have been
busy putting the artwork into the
As part of this initiative our Principal,
Joanna Alexander, will write to
congratulate each student who has their
work on display. One student per term
will be selected to receive a certificate in
recognition of being the best item on
Sophia (above) and Ben
(below) from Dunlop 7A
with their framed artwork.
The displays will be changed each term,
so do look for them next time you visit
the office.
Well done to all the students who entered this
year’s Pinjarra cover competition and
congratulations to the students who received a
Adam Grooby’s design was selected for the cover
of this year’s magazine, as it best depicted the
school motto theme.
2nd Place:
Shelley Zhou
In second place was Shelley Zhou with her handdrawn design.
In third place was Bridie Ronalds-Greatbatch with
her photographic image.
1st Place:
Adam Grooby
Page 16
There was also a merit award presented this year
to Sarah Palmer for her striking design.
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
3rd Place:
Bridie Ronalds-Greatbatch
Numeracy News
Numeracy week was celebrated at the school with a variety of
activities that were held in the Gym. Sudoku again proved to be
popular with many teams attempting to complete the challenge on a
large board. The ‘mintie wrapper’ activity drew a crowd with the
winner, Emily Zhang managing to produce a length over two metres.
Stefan Samos was disappointed that he was unable to defend his
‘rubiks cube’ title (he was completing an English SAC) and the title
was won by Nathan He who completed the task under 40 seconds.
Congratulations to all our winners. Cameron Twidale, Anthony Malin,
Nathan He, Emily Zhang and Jessie Lu. Thanks to all the teachers
that helped on the day and to the students that came along and
enjoyed the activities.
During Mentor Group, students explored what a ‘trihexaflexagon’
shape was. Cutting, folding and gluing to produce a unique and
interesting flat hexagon that when flexed and folded enabled
different faces to be revealed.
Page 17
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Pamela Eaton
Numeracy Coordinator
Leadership News
Louisa Pennell
Student Leadership Coordinator
It is nearly time to wrap up another fantastic year of student leadership
and community involvement and achievement. Well done to all students
who have participated in some way this year. Remember if you have an
idea for a leadership initiative or way we can become more involved in
the local community please come and speak to me about it.
In Term 3 the SRC ran the first ever Dodgeball
tournament. It was a huge success with many
students participating in the competition over a
week, culminating in the final. Congratulations to the
junior and senior winners. Stay tuned for more
dodgeball next year!
School Improvement
The SRC has been working with Mr Dalton and
consulting with students on a number of initiatives
to improve the school environment, covering areas
such as additional pathways, bins, clocks and
drinking fountains.
Leadership Roundtable
40 Hour Famine
Well done to all the students who participated in
40 Hour Famine. This year we raised a huge
$5071! A fantastic achievement for the 40th
anniversary of this event. Blackburn High School
hopes to continue its involvement with World
Vision and 40 Hour Famine.
The top fundraisers were:
Nick Hugo
Daniel Hugo
Ruby O’Neill
Jessica Van Meurs
Sarah Palmer
Carissa Van Warren from
World Vision visited the
school to congratulate
the students involved.
Page 18
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
Also in Term 3 House Captains Andre
Burborough and Lucy Fist attended a
Roundtable discussion with Deputy Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop,
Federal Member for Deakin Michael Sukkar and
other student leaders from the local area. The
students enjoyed the opportunity to meet
members of parliament and to discuss issues
affecting young people.
School News
Summer Uniform Must be worn in Term 1 and 4
Blackburn High regulation school dress
Blackburn High regulation grey school shorts
Blackburn High regulation crested short sleeved shirt
Blackburn High regulation black blazer - must be worn as
the outer garment if and when an outer garment is required
Blackburn High regulation woollen or cotton pull-over
(optional – for extra warmth under the blazer)
Blackburn High regulation school hat
White (must not be anklet socks – must cover the ankle)
Polished black leather lace-up or T-bar school shoes with flat
Blackburn High regulation school bag
Blackburn High regulation grey school pant
Blackburn High regulation grey school shorts
Blackburn High regulation crested short sleeved shirt
Blackburn High regulation black blazer - must be worn as
the outer garment if and when an outer garment is required
Blackburn High regulation woollen or cotton pull-over
(optional – for extra warmth under the blazer)
Blackburn High regulation school hat
Grey (must not be anklet socks – must cover the ankle)
Polished black leather lace-up school shoes
Blackburn High regulation school bag
Other Uniform Requirements
Girls Winter Skirt Must be touching the knee
Hair & Accessories Neat and Tidy, and tied back with black, dark green, or white ribbon/ties. Hair colouring to be
natural hair shades in colour.
Small ear studs or sleeper style earrings and a watch. No nose rings or facial piercings.
Must be minimal and unobtrusive
Blackburn regulation – Black to match scarf
Items which are summer cannot be worn at the same time as items which are winter.
Students will be required to remove make-up that is judged to be conspicuous
Dark nail polish is not permitted
Page 19
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015
November 2015
Cup Day
We are looking for: Local families to host International Students
from overseas who will be studying at Blackburn High School from Years 10—12.
Homestay families are paid approximately $270- $280 per week. You must be
English-speaking, willing to help the student(s) adjust to life in Australia and help
improve their English through a variety of means. Please contact the International
Students’ Program Coordinator Isabel Zhou on 8804 6464 if you would to have any
further information please email:
Have you lost your phone or spectacles?
Please check at the front office as we have a lovely selection to choose from.
Page 20
Issue 16 - 30th October 2015

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