2013 - Government Printing Works
2013 - Government Printing Works
Government Gazette Staatskoerant R EPU B LI C OF S OUT H AF RICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA Vol. 575 Pretoria, 24 May 2013 Mei PART 1 A SEE PART C SIEN DEEL C OF No. 36474 2 LEGAL NOTICES WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 301558—A 36474—1 2 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 IMPORTANT NOTICE The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for faxed documents not received due to errors on the fax machine or faxes received which are unclear or incomplete. Please be advised that an “OK” slip, received from a fax machine, will not be accepted as proof that documents were received by the GPW for printing. If documents are faxed to the GPW it will be the senderʼs responsibility to phone and confirm that the documents were received in good order. Furthermore the Government Printing Works will also not be held responsible for cancellations and amendments which have not been done on original documents received from clients. TABLE OF CONTENTS LEGAL NOTICES Page BUSINESS NOTICES.............................................................................................................................................. 11 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 12 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Mpumalanga .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 14 COMPANY NOTICES .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 ORDERS OF THE COURT...................................................................................................................................... 16 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 32 Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 55 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 56 Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 60 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 61 Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 67 Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 67 Mpumalanga .............................................................................................................................................. 69 North West................................................................................................................................................. 70 Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 70 ADMINISTRATION ESTATES ACTS NOTICES:......................................................................................... 00 Election of executors, curators and tutors ............................................................................. 73 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 74 Form J 297: Form J 295: OF Curators and tutors: Mastersʼ notices .................................................................................... 74 Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 74 Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 75 Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 75 STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 3 Page Form J 193: Notice to creditors in deceased estates................................................................................. 75 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 76 Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 88 Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 90 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 92 Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 99 Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 100 North West................................................................................................................................................. 101 Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ Form J 187: Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection .................... 102 109 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 109 Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 120 Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 124 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 126 Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 133 Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 134 North West................................................................................................................................................. 135 Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 136 INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES:................................................................................ 00 Form J 28: Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally ............................................ 144 Form J 29: First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound up or placed under provisional judicial management ...... 145 CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being wound up ..................................................................................................................... 155 Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ................................................................................................... 157 Form 2: Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ....................... 167 Form 4: Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ................................................................................................... 171 Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ..................................................................................................................... 177 Form 6: Applications for rehabilitation ................................................................................................. 185 Form 7: Notice of trustees ................................................................................................................... 187 Form 8: Dates fixed for creditors to prove claims ............................................................................... 188 Form 9: Notices of surrender of a debtorʼs estate .............................................................................. 189 Form 1: Form 5: 4 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 INHOUDSOPGAWE WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS Bladsy BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ............................................................................................................................ 11 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 12 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Mpumalanga .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 14 MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS .......................................................................................................................... 15 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 ORDERS VAN DIE HOF.......................................................................................................................................... 16 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 32 Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 55 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 56 Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 60 ALGEMEEN ............................................................................................................................................................. 61 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 61 Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 67 Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 67 Mpumalanga .............................................................................................................................................. 69 Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 70 Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 70 BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS: .................................................................................................................... 0 Vorm J 297: Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, kurators en voogde .................................................................. 73 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 74 Vorm J 295: Kurators en voogde: Meesters se kennisgewings ................................................................. 74 Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 74 Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 75 Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 75 Vorm J 193: Kennisgewing aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels ............................................................... 75 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 76 Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 88 Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 90 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 92 Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 99 Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 100 Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 101 Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 102 STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 5 Bladsy Vorm J 187: Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê ............................ 109 Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 109 Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 120 Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 124 KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 126 Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 133 Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 134 Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 135 Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 136 INSOLVENSIEWET- MAATSKAPPYWETTEKENNISGEWINGS .................................................................. 00 Vorm J 28: Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is.............................. 144 Vorm J 29: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur ................................................................................................................................... 146 BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie ........................................................................................................ 156 Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ................................................................................... 158 Vorm 2: Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ..... 167 Vorm 4: Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ............................................................................................................. 171 Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ..................................................................................................... 178 Vorm 6: Aansoeke om rehabilitasie..................................................................................................... 185 Vorm 7: Kennisgewing van kurators.................................................................................................... 187 Vorm 8: Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur skuldeisers .................................................. 189 Vorm 9: Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ʼn skuldenaar se boedel................................................... 189 Vorm 1: Vorm 5: EN No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Closing times PRIOR TO PUBLIC HOLIDAYS LEGAL NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTICES The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days: for 2013 ▼ ▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼ 13 June, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 21 June 2013 1 August, Thursday, for the issue of Thursday 8 August 2013 8 August, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 16 August 2013 19 September, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 27 September 2013 12 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 20 December 2013 17 December, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday 27 December 2013 20 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 3 January 2014 Late notices will be published in the subsequent issue, if under special circumstances, a late notice is being accepted, a double tariff will be charged The copy for a SEPARATE Government Gazette must be handed in not later than three calendar weeks before date of publication BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING Sluitingstye VOOR VAKANSIEDAE WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼▼ ▼ ▼ 6 vir 2013 Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae: 13 Junie, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 21 Junie 2013 1 Augustus, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Donderdag 8 Augustus 2013 8 Augustus, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 16 Augustus 2013 19 September, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 27 September 2013 12 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 20 Desember 2013 17 Desember, Dinsdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 27 Desember 2013 20 Desember, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 3 Januarie 2014 Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende uitgawe geplaas word. Indien ʼn laat kennisgewing wel, onder spesiale omstandighede, aanvaar word, sal ʼn dubbeltarief gehef word Wanneer ʼn APARTE Staatskoerant verlang word moet die kopie drie kalenderweke voor publikasie ingedien word STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 LIST OF FIXED TARIFF RATES CONDITIONS No. 36474 AND FOR PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES IN THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE COMMENCEMENT: 1 MAY 2013 (LEGAL NOTICES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS) LIST OF FIXED RATES (In order to bring the cost of advertising of legal notices more in line with the cost in the private sector, and to reduce the burden of cross subsidy by departments. STANDARDISED NOTICES ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES: Forms J 297, J 295, J 193 and J 187 ................................................................................................................ BUSINESS NOTICES ................................................................................................. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANY ACT NOTICES: Forms J 28, J 29 and Forms 1 to 9............................................................................................................ N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to the Word Count Table, added to the basic rate. LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: Form VL ........................................................ UNCLAIMED MONIES—Only in an Extraordinary Gazette. Closing date: 15 January (per entry of “name, address and amount”) .......................................... New rate per insertion R 36,50 84,15 73,00 43,80 25,55 NON-STANDARDISED NOTICES COMPANY NOTICES: Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company, voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or memberʼs registers and/or declaration of dividends ...................................................................................... Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes .............................. Long notices: Transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liquidations ...................................................................... 171,70 376,30 LIQUIDATORʼS AND OTHER APPOINTEESʼ NOTICES .......................................... 135,15 LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICES in an Extraordinary Gazette. (All provinces appear on the first Friday of each month.) The closing date for acceptance is two weeks prior to date of publication............................................................................................... Gauteng Dranklisensies .......................................................................................... N-Kaap Dranklisensies............................................................................................ 120,60 197,90 197,90 ORDERS OF THE COURT: Provisional and final liquidations or sequestrations ................................................ Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offers of compromise......................... Judicial managements, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi........... Extension of return date.......................................................................................... Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158) .................................................. 219,20 584,45 584,45 73,00 73,00 SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES: Sales in execution .................................................................................................... Public auctions, sales and tenders: Up to 75 words..................................................................................................... 76 to 250 words ................................................................................................... 251 to 300 words ................................................................................................. 584,45 328,80 98,50 255,65 412,90 7 8 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 WORD COUNT TABLE For general notices which do not belong under the afore-mentioned headings with fixed tariff rates and which comprise 1 600 or less words, the rates of the Word Count Table must be used. Notices with more than 1 600 words, or where doubt exists, must be sent in before publication in terms of paragraph 10 (2) of the conditions for publication. Number of words in copy One insertion 1– 100......................................................... 101– 150......................................................... 151– 200......................................................... 201– 250......................................................... 251– 300......................................................... 301– 350......................................................... 351– 400......................................................... 401– 450......................................................... 451– 500......................................................... 501– 550......................................................... 551– 600......................................................... 601– 650......................................................... 651– 700......................................................... 701– 750......................................................... 751– 800......................................................... 801– 850......................................................... 851– 900......................................................... 901– 950......................................................... 951–1 000......................................................... 1 001–1 300......................................................... 1 301–1 600......................................................... R 123,95 182,29 244,20 306,20 364,55 426,45 484,90 546,80 608,70 656,25 729,10 776,60 849,50 911,40 958,90 031,75 079,00 155,55 203,05 567,60 930,25 CONDITIONS CLOSING 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Two insertions Three insertions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 R 171,30 255,15 338,95 437,40 510,40 608,70 692,70 776,60 864,00 947,80 032,74 119,10 203,05 286,90 370,70 458,20 552,95 640,45 724,40 232,75 744,90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 R 193,10 291,70 390,00 484,80 583,25 681,70 772,80 874,95 973,30 057,20 155,55 250,30 348,80 443,55 542,00 640,45 735,25 833,55 932,15 500,75 084,00 FOR PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES TIMES FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICES (1) The Government Gazette is published every week on Friday, and the closing time for the acceptance of notices which have to appear in the Government Gazette on any particular Friday, is 15:00 on the preceding Friday. Should any Friday coincide with a public holiday, the date of publication of the Government Gazette and the closing time of the acceptance of notices will be published in the Government Gazette from time to time. (2) Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits—Closing times for the acceptance of notices: Notices must be handed in not later than 15:00 on the Friday, two calendar weeks before the date of publication. 2. (3) The copy for a separate Government Gazette must be handed in not later than three calendar weeks before date of publication. 2. (1) Copy of notices received after closing time will be held over for publication in the next Government Gazette. (2) Amendment or changes in copy of notices cannot be undertaken unless instructions are received before 10:00 on Mondays. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 (4) (5) Copy of notices for publication or amendments of original copy cannot be accepted over the telephone and must be brought about by letter, by telegram or by hand. In the case of cancellations a refund of the cost of a notice will be considered only if the instruction to cancel has been received on or before the stipulated closing time as indicated in paragraph 1. APPROVAL 3. No. 36474 OF NOTICES Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER INDEMNIFIED AGAINST LIABILITY 4. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of— (1) any delay in the publication of a notice or publication of such notice on any date other than that stipulated by the advertiser; (2) erroneous classification of a notice, or the placement of such notice in any section or under any heading other than the section or heading stipulated by the advertiser; (3) any editing, revision, omission, typographical errors or errors resulting from faint or indistinct copy. LIABILITY 5. 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In the event of a name being incorrectly printed as a result of indistinct writing, the notice will be republished only upon payment of the cost of a new insertion. 9 10 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 PAYMENT 9. OF COST With effect from 1 JANUARY 2001 no notice will be accepted for publication unless the cost of the insertion(s) is prepaid in CASH or by BANK GUARANTEED CHEQUE or POSTAL ORDERS. REVENUE STAMPS AND FRANKED REVENUE STAMPS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 10. (1) The cost of a notice must be calculated by the advertiser in accordance with— (a) (b) the List of Fixed Tariff Rates; or where the fixed tariff rate does not apply, the word count rate. (2) Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy in excess of 1 600 words, an enquiry, accompanied by the relevant copy, should be addressed to the Advertising Section, Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 (Fax: 323-8805), before publication. 11. Overpayment resulting from miscalculation on the part of the advertiser of the cost of publication of a notice will not be refunded, unless the advertiser furnishes adequate reasons why such miscalculation occurred. In the event of underpayments, the difference will be recovered from the advertiser, and the notice(s) will not be published until such time as the full cost of such publication has been duly paid in cash or by bank-guaranteed cheque or postal orders. 12. In the event of a notice being cancelled, a refund will be made only if no cost regarding the placing of the notice has been incurred by the Government Printing Works. 13. The Government Printer reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the List of Fixed Tariff Rates, are subsequently found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation. PROOF 14. OF PUBLICATION Copies of the Government Gazette which may be required as proof of publication, may be ordered from the Government Printer at the ruling price. The Government Printer will assume no liability for any failure to post such Government Gazette(s) or for any delay in despatching it/them. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 11 BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date. VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie , goedere of eiendom wat ʼn deel vorm van besighede, na ʼn tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekking het. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum. GAUTENG Johannesburg. (2) Midnight Masquerade Properties 246 Proprietary Limited. (3) Letting enterprise, Midnight Masquerade Properties 246 Proprietary Limited, 137 Greenway Street, Greenside, Johannesburg. (4) Sale of letting enterprise. (5) Adcapital Proprietary Limited. (6) —. (7) Doldres Pestana Attorney, 9 Laura Lane, Melrose North, Johannesburg. Tel: 083 633 3726. NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (as amended) to interested parties and creditors of intention of Microzone Trading 290 (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2009/004880/07), care of HR Levin Attorneys, 64 Kent Road, Dunkeld, Johannesburg, Province of Gauteng, to sell its letting enterprise, as a going concern, to Windfall 86 Properties (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2012/020314/07), care of Group Five Construction (Proprietary) Limited, 371 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, Province of Gauteng, and that such sale and transfer shall take place not less than thirty days but not more than sixty days following the land publication of this notice. H R Levin Attorneys, Notaries & Conveyancers, 64 Kent Road, Dunkeld, 2196. Tel: (011) 788-1625. (Ref: Mr Chris Boulle.) NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (as amended) to interested parties and creditors of intention of Terralease (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 1969/016572/07), care of HR Levin Attorneys, 64 Kent Road, Dunkeld, Johannesburg, Province of Gauteng, to sell its letting enterprise, as a going concern, to Windfall 86 Properties (Proprietary) Limited (Reg No. 2012/020314/07), care of Group Five Construction (Proprietary) Limited, 371 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, Province of Gauteng, and that such sale and transfer shall take place not less than thirty days but not more than sixty days following the last publication of this notice.. H R Levin Attorneys, Notaries & Conveyancers, 64 Kent Road, Dunkeld, 2196. Tel: (011) 788-1625. (Ref: Mr Chris Boulle.) 12 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Masterpack Manufacturing Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1995/012411/07) (“the seller”) has sold to Bidvest Paperplus Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1971/002971/07) (“the purchaser”) the sellerʼs packaging, manufacturing and distribution business (“the business”) as a going concern, comprising the sellerʼs accounts receivable, fixed assets, inventory, goodwill, intellectual property and other assets owner and utilised by the seller in conducting the business, which business is presently conducted from the premises situated at corner Whitworth and Hyser Streets, Heriotdale, Johannesburg, and which business will be transferred to the purchaser on a date being not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days after the date of last publication of this notice. Fluxmans Inc, Attorneys for the Purchaser, 11 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. Tel: 328-1700. Fax: 880 2261. (Ref: Mr I S Epstein.) NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Capstone 359 Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2002/013609/07) (“the seller”) intends, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, to sell to Fontana Holdings Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1968/009596/07) (“the purchaser”), the retail business carried on by the seller under the name and style of “Pavilion Spar” at Shop No. 10, 90 Degrees Shopping Centre, corner Kelvin and Rivonia Roads, Morningside, Sandton, and will transfer the aforementioned business to the purchaser which will thereafter conduct the business for its own account on a date not being less than 30 (thirty) days nor more than 60 (sixty) days after the date of the last publication of this notice. Fluxmans Inc, Private Bag X41, Saxonwold, 2132. Tel: 328-1700. Fax: 880-2261. (Ref: MSB/sc/00112324.) EASTERN CAPE OOS-KAAP NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice are hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended), that Luna Esterhuizen, intend to transfer the business known as Vanʼs, situated at Portion 52 of the farm Klipdrift No. 300, between 30 en 60 (thirty and sixty) days after the last publication of this advert being the date of registration of the immovable property in the name of the purchaser to Die Humansdorpse Koöperasie, Registration Number 1944/000003/24, after which the business will trade at the same address for their own account. NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice are hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended), that Esterhuysen and Olckers (Pty) Ltd, intend to transfer the business known as LouerWater Vulstasie and Furniture Store, situated at Portion 52 of the farm Klipdrift No. 300, between 30 en 60 (thirty and sixty) days after the last publication of this advert being the date of registration of the immovable property in the name of the purchaser to Die Humansdorpse Koöperasie, Registration Number 1944/000003/24, after which the business will trade at the same address for their own account. KWAZULU-NATAL SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in accordance with section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 that we, Kaveer Dowlath Singh and Naresh Beharie, conducting business as Diamond Hill Trading 88 Close Corporation, t/a Jewel of India, intends to dispose of the above-mentioned business on 1 July 2013 (or 30 days after publication of this notice) Ajit Kanakia who will conduct business for his own account in the business known as Akan Trading CC at the same address. Name and address of applicant: Sundeep Singh, 2 George Street, Pietermaritzburg; P.O. Box 555, Luxmi, 3207. VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936, dat Kaveer Dowlath Singh en Naresh Beharie wat handeldryf as Diamond Hill Trading 88 Beslote Korporasie, h/a Jewel of India, van voorneme is om die genoemde besigheid te vervreem vanaf 1 Julie 2013 (of 30 dae vanaf die publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing) aan Ajit Kanakia, wie daarna sal handel dryf vir eie rekening in besigheid bekend as Akan Trading BK te dieselfde adres. Naam en adres van aansoeker: Sundeep Singh, Georgestraat 2, Pietermaritzburg; Posbus 555, Luxmi, 3207. (Verw: JEW1/0001/DH.) STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 13 LIMPOPO Polokwane, Limpopo Province. (2) Franlo Trading CC, Reg. No. 2008/038380/23. (3) Chicken Fast Food Outlet known as “Giramundo” at Shop No. 004, Cycad Centre, 114 General Maritz Street, Polokwane. (4) Sale and transfer of the entire business undertaking as a going concern. (5) Zalocode Proprietary Limited, Reg No. 2012/184403/07. (6) —. (7) Pratt Luyt & De Lange, PO Box 827, Bendor Park, 0713; 20 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699. MPUMALANGA NOTICE OF THE SALE OF A BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Jacques Pointer trading as Pointerʼs Rest Restaurant carrying on business at upper floor, main complex building, Crystal Springs Mountain Lodge, R533 Robbers Pass Road, near Pilgrimʼs Rest, Mpumalanga, intends to dispose of the said business and the assets forming a substantial part thereof, after the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the last publication hereof, to La Fera Restaurant (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2006/029886/07, who will thereafter carry on business as La Fera Restaurant for its own account and benefit. Frans Meyer Inc. Attorneys, 56 Inbani Circle, Malelane. Ref: Izak du Toit. Tel: 083 290 6024 or E-mail: izakdt@vodamail.co.za KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 34 VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Jacques Pointer, handeldrywend as Pointerʼs Rest Restaurant van voorneme is om die besigheid en die bates van die besigheid bekend as Pointerʼs Rest Restaurant welke restaurant se besigheid bedryf word te die boonste verdieping van die hoof kompleks gebou van Crystal Springs Mountain Lodge, R533 Robbers Pass Pad, naby Pilgrimsrus, Mpumalanga, as ʼn lopende saak te verkoop na ʼn tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing aan La Fera Restaurant (Mkpy) Bpk, Reg No. 2006/029886/07 wat daarna die besigheid by dieselfde adres vir eie rekening en voordeel sal voortsit. Frans Meyer Ing. Prokureurs, 56 Inbani Circle, Malelane. Verw: Izak du Toit. Tel: 083 290 6024 of e-pos: izakdt@vodamail.co.za NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Mist of Gold Investment 12 CC, Reg. No. 2006/142350/23, represented by Mrs. Johanna Adriana van Rooyen, ID No. 7704140053083, who intends to sell the business known as Simmertal Butchery situated at PFG Rondevouz Building, Emalahleni (Witbank), Mpumalanga, within a period of 30 (thirty) days from date of last publication hereof to Ferdinand Petrus Vorster, ID No. 6611265019081 and Anneline Viljoen, ID No. 7504040071080, who will take over the said business for their own benefit and account at the same address but under a new name. Dated and signed at Witbank on the 7th of May 2013. Aldes Business Brokers Midwit, PO Box 190, 16A Samora Machel Street, Middelburg, 1050. KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig) dat Mist of Gold Investment 12 CC, Reg. No. 2006/142350/23 verteenwoordig deur mev. Johanna Adriana van Rooyen, I.D. No. 7704140053083, van voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as Simmertal Butchery wat handeldryf te PFG Rondevouzgebou, Emalahleni (Witbank), Mpumalanga, as ʼn lopende saak te verkoop na afloop van ʼn tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan Ferdinand Petrus Vorster, ID No. 6611265019081 en Anneline Viljoen, ID No. 7504040071080 wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres onder ʼn nuwe naam, vir hulle eie rekening sal bedryf. Aldus gedoen en geteken te Witbank op 7de Mei 2013. Aldes Business Brokers Midwit, Posbus 190, 16A Samora Machel Street, Middelburg, 1050. NOTICE OF SALE OF A BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Jacques Pointer, trading as Pointerʼs Rest Restaurant, carrying on business at upper floor, main complex building, Crystal Springs Mountain Lodge, R533 Robbers Pass Road, near Pilgrimʼs Rest, Mpumalanga, intends to dispose of the said business and the assets forming a substantial part thereof, after the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the last publication hereof, to La Fera Restaurant (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2006/029886/07, who will thereafter carry on business as La Fera Restaurant for its own account and benefit. Frans Meyer Inc. Attorneys, 56 Inbani Circle, Malelane. (Tel. 083 290 6024.) (Ref. Izak du Toit.) E-mail: izakdt@vodamail. co.za 14 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 34 VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET 24 VAN 1936 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936 soos gewysig, dat Jacques Pointer, handeldrywend as Pointerʼs Rest Restaurant, van voorneme is om die besigheid en die bates van die besigheid bekend as Pointerʼs Rest Restaurant, welke restaurant se besigheid bedryf word te die boonste verdieping van die hoof kompleks gebou van Crystal Springs Mountain Lodge, R533 Robbers Pass pad, naby Pilgrimsrus, Mpumalanga, as ʼn lopende saak te verkoop na ʼn tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing aan La Fera Restaurant (Mkpy) Bpk, Registrasie Nommer 2006/029886/07, wat daarna die besigheid by dieselfde adres vir eie rekening en voordeel sal voortsit. Frans Meyer Ing. Prokureurs, 56 Inbani Circle, Malelane. (Tel. 083 290 6024.) (Verw. Izak du Toit.) E-pos: izakdt@ vodamail.co.za WESTERN CAPE WES-KAAP NOTICE OF SALE OF ASSETS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT Notice is given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, that it is the intention of Britta Sinn Trading As Sinnfull Ice Cream to sell and transfer the goodwill, intellectual property rights and fixed assets forming part of her business carried on at 114 The Valley Road, Elgin, 7180, Western Cape, to K2013053326 (South Africa) Proprietary Limited (Registration No. 2013/053326/07) on a date not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days after the date of last publication of this notice. Dated at Cape Town on this the 16th day of May 2013. Edward Nathan Sonnendbergs Inc., 1 North Wharf Square, Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, South Africa, 8001; P O Box 2293, Cape Town, 8000. Tel: (021) 410-6643. (Ref: Alan Rubin) Account NO. A RUBIN/0334994. VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis word hiermee gegee kragtens artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat dit die voorneme is van Scarlet Ibis Investments 70 (Edms) Bpk (Registrasienommer: 2005/040510/07), om sy eiendomsbesighed, bestaande uit Erf 15587, Stellenbosch en Erf 2388, Stellenbosch, te verkoop aan Urbane Stone Developments (Emds) Bpk (Registrasienommer: 2011/112758/07), wat die besigheid vir sy eie rekening en voordeel sal voorsit na verstyking van 30 (dertig) dae na finale plasing van hierdie advertensie. Gedateer te Bellville op hierdie 13de dag van Mei 2013. Bill Tolken Hendrikse Ing., Sarel Cilliersstraat 1, Bellville. (Verw: IT/Elmarie/SXI1136.) SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of Scarlet Ibis Investments 70 (Pty) Ltd (Registration: 2005/040510/07), to sell its property business, consisting of Erf 15587, Stellenbosch and Erf 2388, Stellenbosch, to Urbane Stone Developments (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number: 2011/112758/07), who shall continue trading for their own account and benefit after expiration of 30 (thirty) days after final publication of this notice. Dated at Bellville on this 13th day of May 2013. Bill Tolken Hendrikse Inc., 1 Sarel Cilliers Street, Bellville. (Ref: IT/Elmarie/XSI1136.) SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended), to interested parties and creditors, that 50% (fifty percent) of Glovest Auctions Close Corporation (Registration Number 2009/034688/23) (“the Seller”) has subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, been sold to Mnandi Trust (No. IT8330/2006) (“the Purchaser”), which disposal will be effective on a date not being less than 30 (thirty) days nor more than 60 (sixty) days after the date of the last publication of this notice. C/o STBB Attorneys, P O Box 153, West Coast Village, 7433. NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act (No. 24 of 1936), as amended, that Property Management & Rental Specialists CC (Registration Number CK1992/004911/23) intends, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, to transfer its business to Sandak Lewin Property Trust (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number 2010/009967/07). Matisonn Fury Inc Attorneys, 24 Higgo Road, Cape Town, 8001. Tel: (021) 422-4926. Fax: 088 021 422 4926. (Ref: Ms L Matisonn.) STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 15 NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act (No. 24 of 1936), as amended, that Property Management & Rental Specialists CC (Registration Number CK1992/004911/23) intends, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, to transfer its business to Sandak Lewin Property Trust (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number 2010/009967/07). Matisonn Fury Inc Attorneys, 24 Higgo Road, Cape Town, 8001. Tel: (021) 422-4926. Fax: 088 021 422 4926. (Ref: Ms L Matisonn.) SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of Scarlet Ibis Investments 70 (Pty) Ltd, Registration 2005/040510/07, to sell its property business, consisting of Erf 15587, Stellenbosch and Erf 2388, Stellenbosch, to Urbane Stone Developments (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2011/112758/07, who shall continue trading for their own account and benefit after expiration of 30 (thirty) days after final publication of this notice. Dated at Bellville on this 13th day of May 2013. Bill Tolken Hendrikse Inc., 1 Sarel Cilliers Street, Bellville. (Ref. IT/Elmarie/XSI1136.) ––––––––––––––––––– VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis word hiermee gegee kragtens artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat dit die voorneme is van Scarlet Ibis Investments 70 (Edms) Bpk, Registrastrasienommer 2005/040510/07, om sy eiendombesigheid, bestaande uit Erf 15587, Stellenbosch en Erf 2388, Stellenbosch, te verkoop aan Urbane Stone Developments (Edms) Bpk, Registrasienommer 2011/112758/07, wat die besigheid vir sy eie rekening en voordeel sal voortsit na verstryking van 30 (dertig) dae na finale plasing van hierdie advertensie. Gedateer te Bellville op hierdie 13de dag van Mei 2013. Bill Tolken Hendrikse Ing., Sarel Cilliersstraat 1, Bellville. (Verw. IT/Elmarie/XSI1136.) COMPANY NOTICES • MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS GAUTENG ELECTRO MOTIVE SIBANYE JOINT VENTURE (JV) Notice is hereby given that on the 7th July 2012 the above joint venture has been dissolved as per agreement between the joint venture parties, namely, Sibanye Trade & Service Proprietary Limited and Electro-Motive Diesel and Locomotive Company Proprietary Limited. Electro Lotive Sibanye Joint Venture (JV), c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag 9, Parkview, 2122. t SPRINGBLACK FINANCE (PTY) LIMITED (“the Company”) (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (Registration No. 2009/023774/07) Notice is hereby given that on the Company passed a Special Resolution on 12 March 2013 (which was duly registered on 15 April 2013), in terms of which it was resolved that the Company be wound up by its members in terms of section 350 of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973. Thys Scheepers, Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, 150 West Street, Sandown, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2146; P O Box 783347, Sandton, South Africa, 2146. Docex 152, Randburg. Tel: ± 2711 269-7600. Fax: ± 2711 269 7899. info@ens.co.za ens.co.za t STYVIS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LIMITED (“the Company”) (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (Registration Number 2009/023774/07) Notice is hereby given that the Company passed a Special Resolution on 12 March 2013 (which was duly registered on 15 April 2013), in terms of which it was resolved that the Company be wound up by its members in terms of section 350 of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973. Thys Scheepers, Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, 150 West Street, Sandown, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2146; P O Box 783347, Sandton, South Africa, 2146. Docex 152, Randburg. Tel: ± 2711 269-7600. Fax: ± 2711 269 7899. info@ens.co.za ens.co.za 16 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF GAUTENG Case No. 23165/13 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Maumela In the matter of: BLOE BOULDER TRADING (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and FLAVOURS OF LIFE FRANCHISING CC t/a RHAPSODYʼS FRANCHISING, Reg No. 2007/145875/23, Shop 13, Menlyn Piazza, Menlyn, Respondent Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10h00 on 18 June 2013 why the Respondent Close Corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidated estate of the Respondent. 4. That the Master of the High Court is requested to consider the urgent appointment of provisional liquidator(s) to take control of the Respondentʼs affairs. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: J J Van Niekerk, address: 17 Midas Avenue, Olympus, Pretoria. t Case No. 50379/2012 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Held at Pretoria on this the 8th day of May 2013, before the Honourable Justice Ebersohn J In the matter between: ANTON HYMAN, Applicant, and ANDRE SMIT, Identity Number: 7208066246087, Identity Number: 7308066146087, married out of community of property, Respondent DRAFT ORDER OF COURT Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the papers, the following is made: 1. That the Respondent be provisionally sequestrated in the hands of the Master of the High Court, return date 12-06-2013. 2. That the costs of the application be cost in the sequestration. 3. That a rule nisi be issued, returnable on the 12th of June 2013, on which date the Respondent should show cause why the order should not be made final. 4. Service to on Respondent. By Order on the Court.—Registrar. t Case No. 19810/13 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Pretoria, 8 May 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Maumela In the matter of: AMBER FALCON DEBT COLLECTORS (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and PHILLIP RUDOLPH HUMAN, ID: 6608075006084, Address: 16A Smuts Street, Standerton, Mpumalanga Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the estate of Phillip Rudolph Human be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 19 June 2013 at 10h00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against his estate. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 17 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 2. That this Order be served on the Respondent. 3. That this Order be published in the Government Gazette. 4. That this Order be published in the Beeld newspaper. 5. That this Order be served on the Respondentʼs employees, if any, and on the Trade Unions, if any. 6. That this Order be served on the Master. 7. That the costs of the application be costs in the sequestration. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: DLBM Inc., Address: 14 Spantou Avenue, Wapadrand, Pretoria. t Case No. 32533/2012 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Pretoria, 2 May 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Victor In the matter of: OSZ TAYOB PIETERSBURG TRADING (PTY) LTD, t/a EH HASSIM, Applicant, and TAUPELE DEVELOPERS CC, Reg No. 2000/042612/23, Respondent DRAFT ORDER OF COURT Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up, with the return date being 3 June 2013. 2. That all interested parties are called upon to show cause on the return date, if they so wish, as to why the provisional winding-up order should not be made final. 3. That service of this Order be effected upon the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered address and by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and the Letaba Herald. 4. That the Respondent pays the costs of the application, subject thereto that in the event of the provisional order being confirmed, that the costs be costs in the winding-up. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: Du Plessis & Eksteen Inc., Address: 311 Eastwood Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. t Saak No. 14596/2013 IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOË HOF, PRETORIA (Republiek van Suid-Afrika) Pretoria, 18 April 2013, voor Sy Edele Regter Kollapen In die saak van: PIETER GERT WESSEL HATTINGH, ID: 7306285051086, en DINA MAGRIETA HATTINGH, ID: 8203010139089, Applikant, en GERT JOHANNES AUCAMP, ID: 7101195026082, 1ste Respondent, en MARGARET AUCAMP, ID: 7603300125089, Adres: Concertostraat 13, Witbank, Mpumalanga, 2de Respondent Na aanhoor van die Regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikante en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente geliasseer: Word Gelas: 1. Dat die boedel van Gert Johannes Aucamp en Margaret Aucamp hierby in voorlopige sekwestrasie geplaas word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof en dat ʼn bevel nisi uitgereik word wat die Respondent oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om 10h00 op 7 Junie 2013, waarom ʼn finale bevel van sekwestrasie nie teen hulle boedel gemaak sal word nie. 2. Dat enige persoon wat ʼn wettige belang het opgeroep word om redes aan te voer waarom die Respondente nie op die keerdag finaal gesekwestreer moet word nie. 3. Dat hierdie voorlopige bevel in die Staatskoerant geadverteer word. 4. Dat koste van die aansoek koste in die gesekwestreerde boedel sal wees. Deur die Hof.—Griffier. Prok: Uys en Coetzee, Adres: Parkstraat 789, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 301558—B 18 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 14947/13 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Pretoria, 24 April 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Teffo In the matter of: PETRUS PAUL VAN AARDT, Applicant, and CHARLES ODENDAAL, ID: 7104065239082, 1st Respondent, and NAOMI ODENDAAL, ID: 7505070064085, 1 Happy Acres, 450 Neser Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 2nd Respondent Having heard counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the estate of Charles Odendaal and Naomi Odendaal be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 30th May 2013 at 10h00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against their estate. 2. That this Order be served upon the Respondents, by way of the Sheriff. 3. That this Order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice, by hand. 4. That the costs of this application be costs in the sequestration. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: C/o Uys and Coetzee, Address: 789 Park Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria. t Saak No. 70234/2012 IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOË HOF, PRETORIA (Republiek van Suid-Afrika) Pretoria, 26 April 2013, voor Haar Edele Regter Teffo In die saak van: VOULENE DU RANDT, Applikant, en JOHANN KOLVER, ID: 6011125063082, 1ste Respondent, en ANNA SUSANNA ELIZABETH KOLVER, ID: 6109270101085, Adres: 49 Justin Crescent, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 2de Respondent Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikante en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente geliasseer: Word Gelas: 1. Dat die Eerste en Tweede Respondent gesekwestreer word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof. 2. Dat die koste van die aansoek koste in die sekwestrasie sal wees. 3. Keerdatum 14 Junie 2013. Deur die Hof.—Griffier. Prok: JI Van Niekerk Ing., Adres: Kirknessstraat 427, Clydesdale, Pretoria. t Case No. 22254/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Pretoria, 13 Mary 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Hughes AJ In the matter between: SHOSHOLOZA A TEAM CONTRACTORS CC, Reg No. CK2006/057577/23, Applicant, and KATHIDE CIVILS & ROAD CONSTRUCTION CC, Reg No. CK2004/103572/23 (in Business Rescue), Unit 26, Sunninghill Office Park, 01 Peltier Drive, Sunninghill, 1st Respondent, THOMAS GEORGE NELL N.O. (in his official capacity as business rescue practitioner of KATHIDE CIVILS & ROAD ACONSTRUCTION CC) (in Business Rescue), 2nd Respondent, and THE COMPANIES & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, 3rd Respondent Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the First Respondent be and is hereby finally wound-up. 2. That this Order should be: 2.1 Published in the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper; STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 19 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 2.2 Served on the First Respondent, at its registered address; and 2.3 delivered at the offices of the Master of this Court and the South African Revenue Services. 3. That the costs of this application are costs in the First Respondentʼs liquidation. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: J W Botes Inc., Unit 24, Block 07, Tigervalley Office Park, Silver Lakes, Pretoria. t Case No. 12963/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Pretoria, 24 April 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Potterill In the matter of: R & D TRADING ENTERPRISES CC, t/a WENBRO HIRE, Applicant, and ES EM ES CONSTRUCTION CC, Reg No. 2002/040699/23, 287 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Respondent Having heard counsel for applicant the and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the Respondent be and is hereby placed under a provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master of the above Court. 2. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon the Respondent and all other interested parties to furnish reasons, if any, to the above Court on 26 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard as to why a final winding-up order should not be granted. 3. That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. 4. That a copy of this Order be served: 4.1 On the Respondent at its registered address at 287 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, 0081; 4.2 on the Respondentʼs employees at its registered address at 20 Flamingo Avenue, Faunapark, Polokwane. 4.3 by one publication in each of the local newspapers in The Times and the Government Gazette. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Address: 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. t Case No. 2012/28972 P/H No. 0 IN THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG Johannesburg, 24 April 2013, before the Honourable Acting Judge Mothuloe In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and MAKUNAA FARM CC, Respondent Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: It is Ordered that: 1. The Respondent is placed under provisional winding-up, returnable on 25 June 2013. 2. The provisional order is be served on the registered office of the Respondent. 3. The provisional order is be advertised in the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper. By the Court.—Registrar. 20 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Saak No. 70234/2012 IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOË HOF, PRETORIA (Republiek van Suid-Afrika) Pretoria, 26 April 2013, voor Haar Edele Regter Teffo In die saak van: VOULENE DU RANDT, Applikant, en JOHANN KOLVER, ID: 6011125063082, 1ste Respondent, en ANNA SUSANNA ELIZABETH KOLVER, ID: 6109270101085, Adres: 49 Justin Crescent, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 2de Respondent Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikante en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente geliasseer: Word Gelas: 1. Dat die Eerste en Tweede Respondent gesekwestreer word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof. 2. Dat die koste van die aansoek koste in die sekwestrasie sal wees. 3. Keerdatum 14 Junie 2013. Deur die Hof.—Griffier. Prok: JI Van Niekerk Ing., Adres: Kirknessstraat 427, Clydesdale, Pretoria. t Case No. 8699/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) THE BODY CORPORATE OF DUSIT THANI, Applicant, and JOHN GEORGE BALLOT (ID No. 7410215042080), Respondent NOTICE OF SET DOWN Be pleased to take notice that the above-mentioned matter will be set down for hearing on the 11th day of June 2013 at 10h00 in the morning, or as soon thereafter as legal representation may be heard on behalf of the parties. Dated at Pretoria on this 29th day of April 2013. EW Serfontein & Associates Inc., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 15 Bond Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 344-6353. Fax: 086 686 5746. (Ref: Mr NL Prigge/jd/SFB0060.) To: The Registrar of the High Court, Pretoria And to: The Master of the High Court, Pretoria And to: The Receiver of Revenue, Pretoria And to: John George Ballot, 201 Dusit Thani, 242 Mears Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria. By Sheriff. t Case No. 15111/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the matter between: THE BODY CORPORATE OF THE EAST VILLAGE, Applicant, and REGENE JULIUS BAN LIS, Respondent NOTICE OF SET DOWN - UNOPPOSED MOTION ROLL Be pleased to take notice that the above-mentioned matter will be set down for hearing on the 18 day of June 2013 at 10h00 in the morning, or as soon thereafter as legal representation may be heard for a cost order. Dated at Pretoria on this 30th day of April 2013. EW Serfontein & Associates Inc., Attorneys for Applicant, 15 Bond Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 344-6353/4/5. Fax: (012) 344-6356. (Ref: Mr NL Prigge/jd/SPV0030.) To: The Registrar of the High Court, Pretoria And to: The Master of the High Court, Pretoria And to: The Receiver of Revenue, Pretoria And to: Regene Julius Van Lis, 31 The East Village, Bronberg Street, Boardwalk, Pretoria. By Sheriff. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 21 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 1387A/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) Pretoria, 3 April 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Ebersohn (AJ) In the ex parte application of: PROFIT CREATIVE (PTY) LTD, Reg No. 2000/011826/07, Address: 1204 Prospect Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, Applicant Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Respondent Company on the 24 June 2013. 3. That a copy of this Order be forthwith served on the Respondent at its registered office and be published in the Government Gazette and in the Beeld newspaper. 4. That the costs of this application be costs in the winding-up. By the Court.—Registrar. Att: Macrobert Incorporated, Address: Cnr. Duncan & Charles Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. t Case No. 2013/5206 P/H No. 0 IN THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG (Republic of South Africa) Johannesburg, 7 May 2013, before the Honourable Judge Mayat In the matter between: DIAMOND HERTZAL, Applicant, and GOLDEN QUILT INVESTMENTS CC, Respondent Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: It is Ordered that: 1. The rule nisi is extended to the 4th day of June 2013. 2. The costs of this application are costs in the liquidation. By the Court.—Registrar. t Case No. 2013/5206 P/H No. 0 IN THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG (Republic of South Africa) Johannesburg, 27 May 2013, before the Honourable Judge Kgomo In the matter between: DIAMOND HERTZAL, Applicant, and GOLDEN QUILT INVESTMENTS CC, Respondent Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: It is Ordered that: 1. The above-mentioned Respondent is hereby placed under provisional winding-up. 2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Respondent on 7th day of May 2013. 3. A copy of this Order be served on the Respondent at its registered address and be published in the Government Gazette and in the Star newspaper. 4. A this Order be fortwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post. 5. The costs of this application are costs in the liquidation. By the Court.—Registrar. 22 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 26377/13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) On 15 May 2013, before the Honourable Kollapen J, in chambers In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: Cash in the amount of R148 000,00 held at Pretoria Central Police Station under SAP No. 13/2224/2012, in the application for a Preservation Order in terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA Act) DRAFT ORDER Having read the Notice of Motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard counsel for the Applicant, It is hereby Ordered that: The property: 1. This Order relates to money in cash in the amount of R148 000,00 held at the Pretoria Central Police Station under SAP No. 13/2224/2012 (“property”), Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property: 2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with or otherwise dealing in any manner with the property to which this Order relates. 3. The property shall remain in the custody of the South African Police Services (“SAPS”) under the control of Lt. Col Thabo Jacob Phoni Serekeho (“Lt. Col Serekeho”) of SAPS until the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of the Act. Service and publication: 4. The Applicant shall, in terms of section 39 of the Act, cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A hereto: 4.1 together with the documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff on Mr Yusuf Alemu Biru (“Mr Biru”) of 206 Everglade Gardens, Atwell Street, Germiston, or any other available address of Mr Biru within the Gauteng area. 4.2 To be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order: 5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 5.1 opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or 5.2 applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act. 6. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant: 6.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such service; and 6.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 7. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 7.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.3 whether her or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order; 7.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence; 7.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 8. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration thereof. Such application shall be made upon 72 hours notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown) to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property, and must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act. By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the High Court. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 23 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) ANNEXURE A IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: Cash in the amount of R148 000,00 held at Pretoria Central Police Station under SAP No. 13/2224/2012, in the application for a Preservation Order in terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA Act) NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) (b) OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, No. 121 OF 1998 (“THE ACT”) This notice is addressed to Mr Yusuf Biru, and all other persons who have an interest in the property or property representing such property or the proceeds of such property “the property”): Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order (ʻthe Orderʼ), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Act in respect of the property. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the Act. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the Act. t Case No. 16978/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) 26 March 2013 before the Honourable Judge Teffo In the ex parte matter of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: R21 820 seized and held under ORTIA CAS 55/11/2011 DRAFT PRESERVATION ORDER Having read the Notice of Motion and its related affidavits and annexures, and having heard counsel for the Applicant, It is hereby Ordered that: The preservation order: 1. Pending further order by this Court and in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) a preservation of property order is hereby issued with immediate effect preserving property i.e. R21 820 (the property) presently held by the South African Police Service (the SAPS), Kempton Park. 2. Subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge thereof, are prohibited in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA from disposing of, dissipating, encumbering, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, taking possession of or control over, diminishing the value thereof or otherwise dealing in any manner with the property, except as required or permitted by this Order. 3. The property shall remain in the custody and under the control of the SAPS Commander, Kempton Park until the expiry of this Order in terms of section 40 of POCA or until the conclusion of the forfeiture application. Service: 4. The Applicant is directed in terms of section 39 (1) (b) of POCA, and as soon as is practicable after the making of this Order, to cause notice of such order in the form set out in Annexure “A” hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette. 5. The publication in the Government Gazette will be sufficient service on Striton as his whereabouts are unknown to the Applicant. 24 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order under section 39 of POCA: 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or 6.2 To apply for an order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. An appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of a person upon whom services is effected under this Order, within 21 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA after such service; and 7.2 in the case of all other persons, 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette. 8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5) of POCA, include full particulars of the address chosen for delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 8.3 Whether her or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order; 8.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence; and 8.5 If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be made: 9.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown); and 9.2 In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property. 10. Such an application must be made not later than 21 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10383 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: The amounts of R3 733 480,00, US$ 40 000,00 and 827 200,00 Vietnamese Dong seized by the SAPS in terms of Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 on 15 May 2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Ngoc Cuong Pham and all other persons who have an interest in the amounts of R3 733 480,00 US$ 40 000,00 and 827 200,00 Vietnamese Dong seized by the SAPS in terms of Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 on 15 May 2012 (the property): Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is obtainable from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 25 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order; 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you; 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to the above address or contact number t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10385 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: All funds currently held by PSG Konsult Financial Planning (Pty) Ltd under Account No. 0976134 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Phuti Ezrom Mabyana as Trustee of the SARHWU Enablement Trust and all other persons who have an interest in the funds currently held by PSG Konsult Financial Planning (Pty) Ltd under Account No. 0976134 (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is obtainable from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. 4. In applying for a forfeiture order, the National Director will recognise and accommodate the interests of the Trust and its beneficiaries by ensuring that they are compensated. 5. You are notified that the National Director will within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 6. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 7. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 8. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days after notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 9. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the sate under section 53 of the POCA. 10. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 26 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 11. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 5 and 6 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 12. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to the above address or contact numbers. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10384 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: Immovable property identified as Erf 971, Beverly Extension 47, Fourways, Johannesburg, with Title Deed T3421/2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Phuti Ezrom Mabyana , Edith Raisebe Mphahlele, and Moraka Vincent Masoga and all other persons who have an interest in the immovable property identified as Erf 971, Beverly Extension 47, Fourways, Johannesburg, with Title Deed T3421/2012 (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is available from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. 4. In applying for a forfeiture order, the National Director will recognise and accommodate the interests of the Trust and its beneficiaries by ensuring that they are compensated with the net proceeds from the sale of the property. 5. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 6. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days after notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the sate under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7700/(011) 330-7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to the above address and contact numbers. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 27 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10359 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: A Subaru motor vehicle with registration number BW79NYGP, a Lexus motor vehicle with Reg. No. CTA888GP and a Toyota Fortuner motor vehicle with Reg. No. YVB261GP seized by the South African Police Service under Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 and stored under SAP13/203/2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Ngoc Cuong Pham and all other persons who have an interest in a Subaru motor vehicle with Reg. No. BW79NYGP, a Lexus motor vehicle with Reg. No. CTA888GP and a Toyota Fortuner motor vehicle with Reg. No. YVB261GP seized by the South African Police Service under Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 and stored under SAP13/203/2012 (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is available from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order; 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you; 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/(011) 330-7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact numbers. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10384 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: Immovable property identified as Erf 971, Beverly Extension 47, Fourways, Johannesburg, with Title Deed T3421/2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Phuti Ezrom Mabyana, Edith Raisebe Mphahlele, and Moraka Vincent Masoga and all other persons who have an interest in the immovable property identified as Erf 971, Beverly Extension 47, Fourways, Johannesburg, with Title Deed T3421/2012 (the property). 28 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is available from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. 4. In applying for a forfeiture order, the National Director will recognise and accommodate the interests of the Trust and its beneficiaries by ensuring that they are compensated with the net proceeds from the sale of the property. 5. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 6. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 7. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 8. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 9. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the sate under section 53 of the POCA. 10. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 11. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 12. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact numbers. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10385 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: All funds currently held by PSG Konsult Financial Planning (Pty) Ltd under Account No. 0976134 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Phuti Ezrom Mabyana as Trustee of the SARHWU Enablement Trust and all other persons who have an interest in the funds currently held by PSG Konsult Financial Planning (Pty) Ltd under Account No. 0976134 (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is obtainable from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. 4. In applying for a forfeiture order, the National Director will recognise and accommodate the interests of the Trust and its beneficiaries by ensuring that they are compensated. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 29 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 5. You are notified that the National Director will within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 6. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 7. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 8. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days after notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 9. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 10. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 11. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 5 and 6 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 12. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to the above address or contact numbers. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10358 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: Immovable property consisting of Section No. 45 in the sectional title scheme known as Anerley-Kings A & B identified as Unit No. 9, Anerley Kings A, situated at No. 1 Regent Street, Bedford Gardens, Bedfordview, together with the exclusive use of areas described as Parking Nos. PK11, PK52 and PK53 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Ngoc Cuong Pham and all other persons who have an interest in the immovable property consisting of Section No. 45 in the sectional title scheme known as Anerley-Kings A & B identified as Unit No. 9, Anerley Kings A, situated at No. 1 Regent Street, Bedford Gardens, Bedfordview, together with the exclusive use of areas described as Parking Nos. PK11, PK52 and PK53 (the property): Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is available from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 30 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order; 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you; 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact numbers. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10383 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: The amounts of R3 733 480,00, US$ 40 000,00 and 827 200,00 Vietnamese Dong seized by the SAPS in terms of Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 on 15 May 2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Ngoc Cuong Pham and all other persons who have an interest in the amounts of R3 733 480,00 US$ 40 000,00 and 827 200,00 Vietnamese Dong seized by the SAPS in terms of Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 on 15 May 2012 (the property): Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is obtainable from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order; 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you; STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 31 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/(011) 330-7700/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact numbers. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10359 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: A Subaru motor vehicle with registration number BW79NYGP, a Lexus motor vehicle with Reg. No. CTA888GP and a Toyota Fortuner motor vehicle with Reg. No. YVB261GP seized by the South African Police Service under Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 and stored under SAP13/203/2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Ngoc Cuong Pham and all other persons who have an interest in a Subaru motor vehicle with Reg. No. BW79NYGP, a Lexus motor vehicle with Reg. No. CTA888GP and a Toyota Fortuner motor vehicle with Reg. No. YVB261GP seized by the South African Police Service under Bedfordview CAS 186/05/2012 and stored under SAP13/203/2012 (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is available from the State Attorneyʼs Office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order; 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you; 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr J Tagane, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg; Private Bag X9, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel: (011) 330-7600/7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. E-mail: JTagane@justice.gov.za Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to the above address or contact numbers. 32 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) EASTERN CAPE OOS-KAAP Case No. 186/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Grahamstown) 2nd May 2013, before the Honourable MS. Justice Dambuza In the application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and ABDIAZIZ DAHIR ALANE, Respondent In re: Toyota Camry, with registration letters and numbers FJB 595 EC (the property) seized on the N2 near the Waainek Correctional Facility on 11th September 2012. Having heard Mr. Wolmarans, Attorneys for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record. It is Ordered: 1. That in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 (“POCA”), declaring forfeit to the State a Toyota Camry (the property) with registration letters and numbers FJB 595 EC and presently subject to a Preservation Order granted by this Court on the 14th February 2013. 2. That pending the taking of effect of this Order regard having been had to section 50 (6) of POCA, the property shall remain under the control of Glynn Fraser (Fraser) of the Asset Forfeiture Unit, Port Elizabeth and the appointment of a curator bonis is dispensed with. 3. That on the date on which the Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser is hereby expressly authorized, having regard to section 57 (c) of POCA to despose of the property by sale and deposit the proceeds of the sale into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account (“CARA”). 4. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to serve a copy of this Order on the Respondent as well as the Preservation Order granted by this Honourable Court on 14 February 2013. 5. That any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by this Order may within 20 days after he or she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court. 6. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as possible. By Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t Case No. 38/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 15 January 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Beshe In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECTIONS, Applicant, and NOMATOLA BOOI, Respondent In re: Four Silver Dell Laptops seized on 11 January 2012 PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is ordered that: 1. In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) an order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a black Volkswagen Polo with register number DXW 478 EC, chassis number AAVZZZ9NZ018421 Engine Number BLM048691 and licence number CPD271K (the property) held by the police at Swartkops under a case registered as CAS 77/12/2011. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known as to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 33 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 5. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or 6.2 To apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. Such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 in the case of the Respondent within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 In the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5) include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 8.3 The basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. State Attorneys. t Case No. 1296/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 14 May 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tshiki In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and ABRAHAM OWUSU-ANSAH, Respondent In re: R55 370 in cash seized on 17 March 2013 PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) an order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with R55 370 in cash and 4 Car Radios (the property) held by the police at Mount Road under a case registered as CAS 534/03/2013 and SAP 13/619/2013. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. Fraser be and is hereby directed to deposit the sum of property into an interest bearing ABSA Account No. 91 8358 5623 known as N.N. Dullabh & Co. Asset Forfeiture Unit Preservation Account (call account) pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 5. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 6. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 7. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 7.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or 7.2 To apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 8. Such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 8.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 8.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules of the Court. 301558—C 34 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 9. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 9.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 9.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 9.3 The basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation thereof. 10. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. State Attorney t Case No. 1293/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) On Tuesday, 14 May 2013, Port Elizabeth, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tshiki In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SIYABONGA MASETI, Respondent IN RE: A RED VW GOLF WITH REGISTRATION No. FDS 509 EC PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) an order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a red VW Golf with Register No. MGR493C, Licence No. FDS 509 EC, Chassis No. AAVZZZ19ZJU013171 and Engine No. HV049030 (the property) held by the police at Addo under a case registered as CAS 24/08/2009. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B, to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. The Respondent be and are hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of their intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an Order forfeiting the property to the State; or 6.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. Such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 In the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. The State Attorney. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 35 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 850/2012 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) On Tuesday, 14 May 2013, Port Elizabeth, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tshiki In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and GEORGE ELOFF, First Respondent, and NEOL VIWE MANNIE, Second Respondent IN RE: A WHITE HYUNDAI BAKKIE AND 170 CONTINENTAL TYRES PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu, counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: It is Ordered that: 1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 38 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a white Hyundai bakkie with Reg. No. DGH 507 EC, Engine No. D4BB4037049 and Chassis No. KMFZBN7BR5U058094 and 170 Continental Tyres (the property) in police custody under a case registered as Algoa Park CAS 133/09/2012. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B, to the papers and this Order to the Respondents and to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends to oppose the application for an Order forfeiting the property to the State; or to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 6. The Respondents and any other person who has an interest to the property must deliver such an appearance to the Applicant within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date of service in terms of rules upon them. 7. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit. 8. An affidavit must set out full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance, the nature of his or her interest in the property and the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his of her interest from the operation thereof. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. The State Attorney. t Case No. 1290/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 14 May 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tshiki In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LAWRENCE AGYEPI, Respondent In re: R4 160 in cash and other items seized on 17 March 2013 PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), an Order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with R4 160 in cash, six gold plated chains and a watch, thirteen cellphones, two cameras, one Ipad and one radio (the property) held by the police at Mount Road under a case registered as CAS 540/03/2013 and SAP 13/615/2013. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 36 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 3. Fraser be and is hereby directed to deposit the sum of the property into an interest bearing ABSA Account Number 91 8358 5623 known as N.N. Dullabh & Co. Asset Forfeiture Unit Preservation Account (Call Account) pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 5. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B, to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 6. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 7. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 7.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or 7.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 8. Such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 8.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 8.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service of the rules of the court. 9. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 9.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 9.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 9.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation thereof. 10. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. State Attorney. t Case No. 1290/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 14 May 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tshiki In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LAWRENCE AGYEPI, Respondent In re: R4 160 in cash and other items seized on 17 March 2013 SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property 1. R4 160 in cash. 2. Thirteen (13) cellphones. 3. One (1) Ipad. 4. Six (6) gold plated chains. 5. One (1) gold plated watch. 6. Two (2) cameras. 7. One (1) radio. All the listed items are held by the police under a case registered as Mount Road CAS 540/03/2013 and booked on an exhibit register with number 13/615/2013. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 37 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 850/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and GEORGE ELOFF, First Respondent, and NEOL VIWE MANNIE, Second Respondent In re: A white Hyundai bakkie and 170 Continental tyres SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property 1. A white Hyundai bakkie with Registration Number DGH 507 GP, Chassis Number KMFBN7BR5U058094 and 170 Continental tyres (the property) held by the Police at Algoa Park under CAS 133/09/2012. t ANNEXURE “B” Case No. 850/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and GEORGE ELOFF, First Respondent, and NEOL VIWE MANNIE, Second Respondent In re: A white Hyundai bakkie and 170 Continental tyres NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondents and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed is Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (the Order) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. 3. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (the Court) for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days of the publication of the Order in the Government Gazette (the Gazette). The Order will remain in force until: 3.1 A Forfeiture Order granted by the Court in respect of the property subject to the Order remains unsatisfied; or 3.2 the National Director fails to apply for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days after publication of the Order in the Gazette; or 3.3 the Order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this Application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the propertyfrom the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a Forfeiture Order granted by default in terms of sections 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the Preservation Order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this Application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this Application to be valid, you must: 7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service of all documents relating to this Application; and 7.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, or to apply for an order: 7.4.4 Excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the Order; or 38 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 7.4.7 the facts: On which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a Forfeiture Order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice, you will be entitled to be given 14 daysʼ notice of the Application for the Forfeiture Order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 10. Any person affected by the Preservation Order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the Preservation Order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a Forfeiture Order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A Forfeiture Order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a Forfeiture Order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have ground on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the Forfeiture Order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the Forfeiture Order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the Forfeiture Order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a Forfeiture Order or any other Order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default Order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. t Case No. 1293/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SIYABONGA MASETI, Respondent In re: A red VW Golf with Registration Number FDS 509EC SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property 1. A red VW Golf with Register Number MGR493C, Licence Number FDS 509EC, Chassis Number AAVZZZ19ZJU013171 and Engine Number HV049030 (the property) held by the police at Addo under CAS 24/08/2009. t ANNEXURE “B” Case No. 1293/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SIYABONGA MASETI, Respondent In re: A red VW Golf with Registration Number FDS509EC NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (the Order) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 39 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 3. The Order will be published in the Government Gazette “the gazette” and will expire 90 days after publication unless: 3.1 There is an application for a forfeiture order pending before the High Court in respect of the property which is subject to the order; or 3.2 a Forfeiture Order is granted by the High Court in respect of the property which is subject to the order remaining unsatisfied or 3.3 the order is set aside by the High Court before the expiry of 90 days from date of its publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this Application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a Forfeiture Order granted by default in terms of sections 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the Preservation Order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this Application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this Application to be valid, you must: 7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service of all documents relating to this Application; and 7.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, or to apply for an order: 7.4.4 Excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the Order; or 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 7.4.7 the facts: On which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a Forfeiture Order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice, you will be entitled to be given 14 daysʼ notice of the Application for the Forfeiture Order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 10. Any person affected by the Preservation Order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the Preservation Order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a Forfeiture Order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A Forfeiture Order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a Forfeiture Order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the Forfeiture Order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the Forfeiture Order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the Forfeiture Order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a Forfeiture Order or any other Order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default Order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. 40 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) “ANNEXURE B” IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LAWRENCE AGYEPI, Respondent In re: R4 160 in cash and other items seized on 17 March 2013 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondents and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“the National Director”), has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (“the Order”) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in Schedule “A”. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. 3. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (“the Court”) for a Forfeiture Order within ninety (90) days of the publication of the Order in the Government Gazette (“the Gazette”). The Order will remain in force: 3.1 For as long as a Forfeiture Order granted by the Court in respect of the property remains unsatisfied; or 3.2 after the publication of the Order in the Gazette for 90 days; unless the National Director applies for a Forfeiture Order within that period; 3.3 or until the Order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a Forfeiture Order granted by default in terms of sections 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the Preservation Order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central Port Elizabeth; and 7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this application. 7.4 Attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; and 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, or to apply for an order: 7.4.4 excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the order; or 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 7.4.7 The facts: On which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a Forfeiture Order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in the Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawfull activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given 14 daysʼ notice of the Application for the Forfeiture Order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 41 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 10. Any person affected by the Preservation Order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the Preservation Order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a Forfeiture Order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A Forfeiture Order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a Forfeiture Order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the Forfeiture Order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the Forfeiture Order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the Forfeiture Order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a Forfeiture Order or any other Order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default Order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. t Case No. 858/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) On Tuesday, 14 May 2013, Port Elizabeth, before the Honourable Mr Justice Smith In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LEWIS PLAATJIES, Respondent IN RE: A WHITE TOYOTA CAMRY WITH REG. No. FBB418EC PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu, counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: It is Ordered that: 1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 38 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a white Toyota Camry with Reg. No. FBB 418 EC, Engine No. 3S1553320 and Chassis No. SXV 119500428 (the property) in police custody under a case registered as Willowmore CAS 78/11/2010. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B, to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends to oppose the application for an Order forfeiting the property to the State; or to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 6. The Respondents and any other person who has an interest to the property must deliver such an appearance to the Applicant within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date of service in terms of rules upon them. 7. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit. 8. An affidavit must set out full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance, the nature of his or her interest in the property and the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his of her interest from the operation thereof. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. The State Attorney. 42 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 858/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LEWIS PLAATJIES, Respondent In re: A WHITE TOYOTA CAMRY WITH REG. No. FBB418EC SCHEDULE “A” SEIZED MOVABLE PROPERTY 1. A white Toyota Camry with Reg. No. FBB 418 EC, Chassis No. SXV119500428 and Engine No. 3S1553320 (the property) held by the Police at Willowmore under CAS 78/11/2010 with the estimated value of R20 000. “Annexure B” Case No. 858/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LEWIS PLAATJIES, Respondent In re: A white Toyota Camry with Reg. No. FBB418EC NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“the National Director”) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (“the Order”), in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. 3. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (the Court) for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days of the publication of the Order in the Government Gazette (the Gazette). The Order will remain in force until: 3.1 A forfeiture Order granted by the Court in respect of the property subject to the Order remains unsatisfied; or 3.2 the National Director fails to apply for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days after publication of the Order in the Gazette; or 3.3 the Order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of its publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a Forfeiture Order granted by default in terms of sections 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the Preservation Order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central Port Elizabeth; and 7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this application. 7.4 Attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, or to apply for an order: 7.4.4 Excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the order; or STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 43 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 7.4.7 The facts: On which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a Forfeiture Order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in the Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawfull activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given 14 daysʼ notice of the Application for the Forfeiture Order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 10. Any person affected by the Preservation Order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the Preservation Order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a Forfeiture Order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A Forfeiture Order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a Forfeiture Order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the Forfeiture Order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the Forfeiture Order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the Forfeiture Order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a Forfeiture Order or any other Order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default Order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. t Case No. 1288/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 14 May 2013, before the Honourable Justice Smith In the ex-parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and HEINRICH DEYSEL, Respondent In re: A blue Volkswagen Jetta with Registration No. BGW 185 EC PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu Counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. In terms of Section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), an order is hereby granted prohibiting any person form dealing in any manner with a blue Volkswagen Jetta with Registration No. BGW 185 EC, Chassis No. AAVZZ1HZVU000056 and Engine No. AFV008039 (the property) held by the police at Walmer under a case registered as CAS133/02/2013 and SAP13/90/2013. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of Section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B, to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, to file notice of intention to do so in terms of Section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or 44 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 6.2 To apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of Section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. Such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in Section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in Section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. An appearance must, in terms of Section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of Section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. State Attorney. t Case No. 1288/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex-parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and HEINRICH DEYSEL, Respondent In re: A blue Volkswagen Jetta with Registration No. BGW 185 EC SCHEDULE “A” Seized Movable Property 1. A blue Volkswagen Jetta with Registration No. BGW 185 EC, License No. CGT251F, Chassis No. AAVZZZ1 HZVU0000656, and Engine No. AFV008039 (the property), held by SAPS under a case registered as Walmer CAS 133/02/ 2013. t “Annexure B” Case No. 1288/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex-parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and HEINRICH DEYSEL, Respondent In re: A blue Volkswagen Jetta with Registration No. BGW 185 EC NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. it is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (the Order) in terms of Section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. 3. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (the Court) for a forfeiture order within 90 days of the publication of the Order in the Government Gazette (the Gazette). The Order will remain in force until: STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 45 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 3.1 A forfeiture order granted by the Court in respect of the property, subject to the Order, remains unsatisfied; or 3.2 the National Director fails to apply for a forfeiture order within 90 days after publication of the Order in the Gazette; or 3.3 the Order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of its publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirement of such notice are dealt with in Section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date, give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a forfeiture order granted by default in terms of Section 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the preservation order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this application; and 7.4 attach to the notice of affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, or to apply for an order: 7.4.4 excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the Order; or 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 7.4.7 the facts: On which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a forfeiture order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given 14 daysʼ notice of the application for the forfeiture order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of Section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 10. Any person affected by the preservation order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in Section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of Section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the preservation order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, Section 50 (4) of POCA, also provides that the validity of a forfeiture order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A forfeiture order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of Section 50 (5) of POCA. If a forfeiture order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of Section 54 of POCA, for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the forfeiture order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the forfeiture order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of Section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the forfeiture order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a forfeiture order or any other order under Section 53 (1) (b) of POCA, should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order, will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. 46 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 958/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 9 April 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Eksteen In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and JOHN EZE OKAFER, Respondent In re: An amount of R3 300 in cash seized on 11 May 2012 PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) and order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with R3 300 in cash and two digital scales kept by the police at Kabega Park under a case registered as CAS 120/05/2012 and SAP 13/425/2012. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. Fraser be and is hereby directed to deposit the sum of property into an interest bearing ABSA Account No. 91 8358 5623 known as N.N. Dullabh & Co. Asset Forfeiture Unit Preservation Account (call account) pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order, and such publication will serve as a substituted service on the Respondent. 5. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or 6.2 To apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiting order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. Such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 In the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 8.3 The basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar. State Attorneys. t Case No. .../2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and JOHN EZE OKAFER, Respondent In re: R3 300 in cash seized on 11 May 2012 SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property: 1. R3 300 in cash (the cash) held by the police at Kabega Park under CAS 120/05/2012 and SAP 13/425/2012. 2. 2 Digital Scales held by the police at Kabega Park under CAS 120/05/2012 and SAP 13/425/2012. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 47 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) ANNEXURE “B” IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 9 April 2013, before the Honourable Justice Eksteen In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and JOHN EZE OKAFER, Respondent In re: R3 300 and two digital scales seized on 11 May 2012 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“the National Director”) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (“the Order”) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (“POCA”) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. 2. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (“the Court”) for a Forfeiture Order within ninety (90) days of the publication of the Order in the Government Gazette (“the Gazette”). The Order shall expire 90 days after the date on which notice of the Order is published in the Gazette unless: 2.1 there is an application for a forfeiture order pending before the High Court in respect of the property, subject to the Preservation of property order; or 2.2 there is an unsatisfied forfeiture order in force in relation to the property subject to the preservation of property order; or 2.3 the Order is rescinded before the expiry of that period. 3. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an Order excluding your inerest in the property, from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within fourteen (14) days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a Forfeiture Order granted by default in terms of section 50 and 53 of POCA. 5. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within fourteen (14) days after the date of publication of the Preservation Order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an Order excluding your inerest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order, that may be granted. 8. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 6.1 serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 6.2 service or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 6.3 state therein an address within eight (8) kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this Application; and 6.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out; 6.4.1 full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 6.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 6.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, or to apply for an order: excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the Order, or varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 6.4.4 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 6.4.5 the facts: on which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a forfeiture order or applying for an order referred to in and/or above; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to is Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 7. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given fourteen (14) days notice of the application for the forfeiture order. 48 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 8. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 9. Any person affected by the Preservation Order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the Prevention Order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are conducted. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a forfeiture order is not affected by outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 10. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 11. A Forfeiture Order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a Forfeiture Order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the Forfeiture Order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the Forfeiture Order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only forty-five (45) days from the date of publication of the Forfeiture Order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 12. If a Forfeiture Order or any other Order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order will have the right, within twenty (20) days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. t Case No. 1165/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, the 30th day of April 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Chetty In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and VITUS SUNDAY OKOLIE, Respondent In re: A Silver Honda Ballade Having heard Advocate Cubungu, Counsel, for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That in terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), an Order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a Silver Honda Ballade with Reg. No. CBK169EC, Chasis No. AHMCHC5421E117507 and Engine No. D1B32316858 and Licence No. TLB118C (the property) held by the Police at Swartkops under a case registered as CAS 12/06/2010 and SAP 13/498/2010. 2. That Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. That the Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. That any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or 6.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. That such appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. That an appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance. 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 49 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. That any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of the Court.—T. Tshiva (Ms), pp Registrar, State Attorneys. t 1165/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and VITUS SUNDAY OKOLIE, Respondent In re: A Silver Honda Ballade SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property 1. A Silver Honda Ballade with Register No. CBK 169 EC, Chassis No. AHMCHC5421E117507, Engine No. D1B3216858, and Licence No. TLB11B8C (the property) held by the Police at Swartkops under CAS 12/06/2010 and SAP 13/408/2010. t “ANNEXURE B” 1165/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and VITUS SUNDAY OKOLIE, Respondent In re: A Silver Honda Ballade seized on 2 June 2010 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (the Order) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the order is attached to this notice. 3. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (the Court) for a forfeiture order within 90 days of the publication of the order in the Government Gazette (the Gazette). The order will remain in force until: 3.1 A forfeiture order granted by the Court in respect of the property subject to the order remains unsatisfied; or 3.2 the National Director fails to apply for a forfeiture order within 90 days after publication of the Order in the Gazette; or 3.3 the order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of its publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this application, or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be made, you must given notice of such intention in terms of the order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a forfeiture order granted by default in terms of section 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the preservation order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court. 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 301558—D 50 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 7.3 state therein as address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this application; and 7.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned 7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, or to apply for an order; 7.4.4 excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the order; or 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 7.4.7 the facts: on which you intend to rely in opposing the making or a forfeiture order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given 14 daysʼ notice of the application for the forfeiture order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 10. Any person affected by the preservation order may apply to the Court to have that order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the preservation order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a forfeiture order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A forfeiture order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a forfeiture order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the forfeiture order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the forfeiture order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the forfeiture order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a forfeiture order or any other order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any persons whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the order will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. t Case No. 849/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Tuesday 9 April 2013, Port Elizabeth, before the Honourable Mr Justice Eksteen In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and THEMBINKOSI YOYO, Respondent In re: A White Opel Monza with Reg No. BBR145EC PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) an order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a White Opel Monza with Reg. No. TNL184C, Licence No. BBR 145 EC, Chassis No. S500749 and Engine No. 16SV02H57734 (the property) held by the Police at Mount Road under a case registered as CAS440/01/2013. 2. That Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 51 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 4. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of their intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or 6.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. That such appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. That an appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance. 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the excluding of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. That any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar, The State Attorney. t Case No. 849/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and THEMBINKOSI YOYO, Respondent In re: White Opel Monza with Reg. No. BBR145EC SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property 1. A White Opel Monza with Reg. No. TNL 184C, Licence No. BBR 145 EC, Chassis No. S500749 and Engine No. 16SV02H57734 (the property) held by the Police at Mount Road under CAS 440/01/2013. t ANNEXURE “B” Case No. 849/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Tuesday, 9 April 2013, Port Elizabeth, before the Honourable Justice Eksteen In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and THEMBINKOSI YOYO, Respondent In re: A White Opel Monza with Registration Letter and Numbers BBR 145 EC NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them: Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“the National Director”) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (“the Order”) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (“POCA”) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the order is attached to this notice. 2. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (“the Court”) for a forfeiture order within 90 days of the publication of the order in the Government Gazette (“the Gazette”). The order shall expire 90 days after the date of which notice of the order is published in the Gazette unless: 52 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 2.1 there is an application for a forfeiture order pending before the High Court in respect of the property, subject to the preservation order property order; or 2.2 there is an unsatisfied forfeiture order in force in relation to the property subject to the preservation of property order; or 2.3 the order is rescinded before the expiry of that period. 3. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this application, or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within fourteen (14) days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a forfeiture order granted by default in terms of section 50 and 53 of POCA. 5. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within fourteen (14) days after the date of publication of the preservation order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. 6. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 6.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court. 6.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 6.3 state therein an address within eight (8) kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this application; and 6.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 6.4.1 full particulars of the identity of the person given the notice; 6.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 6.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, or to apply for an order: excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the order; or varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 6.4.4 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 6.4.5 the facts: on which you intent to rely in opposing the making of a forfeiture order or applying for an order referred to in and/or above; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in Schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 7. If you give notice in terms of the order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given fourteen (14) daysʼ notice of the application for the forfeiture order. 8. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 9. Any person affected by the preservation order may apply to the Court to have that order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the preservation order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a forfeiture order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 10. The order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 11. A forfeiture order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a forfeiture order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the forfeiture order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the forfeiture order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only forty-five (45) days from the date of publication of the forfeiture order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 12. If a forfeiture order or any other order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the order will have the right, within twenty (20) days after acquiring knowledge of the order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 53 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 957/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Tuesday, 9 April 2013, Port Elizabth, before the Honourable Mr Justice Eksteen In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and JUAN CHRISTO DEKLERK, Respondent In re: A Green Hardbody and a Turquoise Rubber Duck PRESERVATION ORDER Having heard Advocate Cubungu counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. In terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) an order is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any maner with a Green Hardbody with Reg. No. BTC192EC and Turquoise Rubber Duck and a trailer (the property) held by the Police at Swartkops under a case registered as CAS 62/07/2007 and SAP 13/1161/2007. 2. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. The Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or 6.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance). 7. Such appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after such service; and 7.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance. 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and 8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. That any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar, The State Attorney. t Case No. 2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape. Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and JUAN CHRISTO DEKLERK, Respondent In re: A Green Hardbody and a Turquoise Rubber Duck SCHEDULE “A” Seized movable property 1. A Green Nissan Hardbody with Registration Number BTC 192 EC, Engine No. VG302273767Y and Chassis No. ADNE0000S024120; and 2. a Turquoise Rubber Duck and a trailer kept under a case registered as Swartkops under CAS 62/07/2007 and SAP 13/1161/2007. 54 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) ANNEXURE “B” IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) Tuesday, 9 April 2013, Port Elizabeth, before the Honourable Justice Eksteen In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and JUAN CHRISTO DE KLERK, Respondent In re: Nissan Hard Body motor vehicle with Registration Letters and Numbers BTC 192 EC and one Turuoise Rubber Duck SCHEDULE “A” This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“the National Director”) has obtained a Preservation of Property Order (“the Order”) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (“POCA”) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the order is attached to this notice. 2. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (“the Court”) for a forfeiture order within ninety (90) days of the publication of the order in the Government Gazette (“the Gazette”). The order shall expire 90 days after the date of which notice of the order is published in the Gazette unless: 2.1 there is an application for a forfeiture order pending before the High Court in respect of the property, subject to the preservation order property order; or 2.2 there is an unsatisfied forfeiture order in force in relation to the property subject to the preservation of property order; or 2.3 the order is rescinded before the expiry of that period. 3 You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this application, or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be made, you must given notice of such intention in terms of the order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within fourteen (14) days after that date give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a forfeiture order granted by default in terms of section 50 and 53 of POCA. 5. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within fourteen (14) days after the date of publication of the preservation order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted. 6. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must: 6.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court. 6.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; 6.3 state therein as address within eight (8) kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this application; and 6.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 6.4.1 full particulars of the identity of the person given the notice; 6.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 6.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, or to apply for an order: excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the order; or varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 6.4.4 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 6.4.5 the facts: on which you intent to rely in opposing the making or a forfeiture order or applying for an order referred to in and/or above; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in Schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 7. If you give notice in terms of the order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given fourteen (14) daysʼ notice of the application for the forfeiture order. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 55 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 8. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 9. Any person affected by the preservation order may apply to the Court to have that order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set aside or rescind the preservation order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a forfeiture order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 10. The order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 11. A forfeiture order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a forfeiture order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the forfeiture order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the forfeiture order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only forty-five (45) days from the date of publication of the forfeiture order in the Gazette in which to make an application tot he Court for relief. 12. If a forfeiture order or any other order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any persons whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the order will have the right, within twenty (20) days after acquiring knowledge of the order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. FREE STATE • VRYSTAAT Saak No. 1050/2013 VRYSTAAT HOË HOF, BLOEMFONTEIN (Republiek van Suid-Afrika) Voor Sy Edele Waarnemende Regter President SPB Hancke, op die 25ste dag van April 2013 In die aansoek van: VAN WYK EN PRELLER ING. (Reg. No. 2001/004973/21), Applikant, en PANAGOLD SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD, h/a PANASONIC BUSINESS SYSTEMS, WELKOM (Reg. No. 2000/011201/7), Respondent, plek van besigheid te Panasonic House, De Kaapstraat, Welkom Na oorweging van die dokumente wat ingedien is en na aanhoor van die betoog: Word dit gelas dat: 1. Die genoemde Respondent Maatskappy hiermee onder voorlopige likwidasie in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof geplaas word. 2. ʼn Voorlopige bevel uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes oproep om redes, indien enige, in hierdie Hof op die 6de dag van Junie 2013 om 09:30 aan te voer waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie in Finale Likwidasie geplaas sal word nie. 3. Hierdie Bevel, tesame met ʼn afskrif van die Kennisgewing van Mosie en aanhangsels, aan die Respondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor beteken word. 4. Hierdie Bevel moet sonder versuim gepubliseer word in die Volksblad en die Staatskoerant. 5. ʼn Afskrif van likwidasiebevel moet beteken word op— 5.1 Elke geregistreerde vakbond wat, vir sover die Balju redelikerwys kan vasstel, enige werknemers van die Respondent Maatskappy verteenwoordig. 5.2 Die Respondent Maatskappy se werknemers deur ʼn afskrif van die aansoek aan te bring op enige kennisgewingbord op die Respondent Maatskappy se perseel waartoe die werknemers toegang het, of indien daar geen toegang tot die perseel deur die werknemers is nie, deur ʼn afskrif aan te bring op die toegangshek, waar toepaslik, so nie, op die voordeur van die perseel vanwaar die Respondent Maatskappy ten tye van die voorlegging van die aansoek enige besigheid bedryf het. 5.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens. 6. Die Balju moet vasstel of die werknemers deur ʼn geregistreerde vakbond verteenwoordig word en vasstel of daar ʼn kennisgewingbord op die werknemer se perseel is waartoe die werknemers toegang het. Op Las van die Hof.—Hofgriffier. Van Wyk & Preller Ing. 56 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Saak No. 1518/2013 VRYSTAAT HOË HOF, BLOEMFONTEIN (Republiek van Suid-Afrika) Voor Haar Edele Regter C van Zyl, op die 2de dag van Mei 2013 In die aansoek van: ABEL JOHANNES LESSING, ID No. 7406255037089, Applikant, en ABRAHAM ALBERTUS LESSING, Geboortedatum: 6 Julie 1967, ID No. 6707065188082, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en met uitsluiting van die aanwasbedeling, met Martha Etricia van Wyk, gebore op 9 Oktober 1954, ID No. 5410090065085, op 8 Oktober 2009, woonagtig te Ben Lowrene Hof 5, The Berea 30, Virginia, Vrystaat Provinsie, Respondent Na oorweging van die dokumente wat ingedien is en na aanhoor van die betoog: Word dit Gelas dat: 1. Die boedel van die Respondent word hiermee onder voorlopige sekwestrasie in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof geplaas. 2. ʼn Voorlopige Bevel word uitgereik wat die genoemde Respondent oproep om in hierdie Hof op die 30ste dag van Mei 2013 om 09:30 redes, indien enige, aan te voer waarom ʼn Finale Sekwestrasiebevel nie teen Respondent se boedel toegestaan sal word nie. 3. Hierdie Bevel, tesame met ʼn afskrif van die Kennisgewing van Mosie en aanhangsels, moet aan die Respondent persoonlik beteken word. 4. Hierdie Bevel moet beteken word op— 4.1 Enige geregistreerde vakbond wat vir sover die Balju redelikerwys kan vasstel werknemers van die Respondent verteenwoordig. 4.2 Die Respondent se werknemers, indien enige, deur ʼn afskrif van die bevel en aansoekstukke aan te bring op enige kennisgewingbord op die Respondent se perseel waartoe die werknemers toegang het, of indien daar geen toegang tot die perseel deur die werknemers is nie, deur ʼn afskrif aan te bring op die toegangshek, waar toepaslik, so nie op die voordeur van die perseel vanwaar die Respondent ten tye van die voorlegging van die aansoekstukke enige besigheid bedryf het. 4.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens. 5. Die Balju moet vasstel of die werknemers deur ʼn geregistreerde vakbond verteenwoordig word en vasstel of daar ʼn kennisgewingbord op die werknemer se perseel is waartoe die werknemers toegang het. 6. Die koste van hierdie aansoek koste in die sekwestrasie sal wees. Op las van die Hof.—Hofgriffier. Rosendorf Reitz Barry. KWAZULU-NATAL Case No. 2689/2012 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN (Republic of South Africa) Before the Honourable Justice Gyanda at Durban on 25th March 2013 In the matter between: SUNGARIAN MOONSAMY REDDI, Applicant, and GONCHO PROPERTIES (PTY) LIMITED, Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That Goncho Properties (Pty) Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”) and all other interested parties are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 23rd day of May 2013 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up. 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding-up the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Order shall be served: 3.1 On the Respondent at its registered office forthwith; 3.2 on every trade union representing employees of the Respondent, and for this purpose the Sheriff is directed to comply with the provisions of section 346A (2) of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973; 3.3 on the employees of the Respondent by affixing a copy to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondentʼs premises, or by affixing a copy to the front gate thereof, or the front door thereof; STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 57 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 3.4 on the South African Revenue Services. 4. That this Order be published on or before the 2nd day of May 2013 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. By Order of the Court.—H Bridgelal, Registrar. R Naidoo & Associates. t Case No. 2691/2012 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN (Republic of South Africa) Before the Honourable Justice Gyanda at Durban on 25th March 2013 In the matter between: SUNGARIAN MOONSAMY REDDI, Applicant, and SIGHTFULL 42 (PTY) LIMITED, Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That Sightfull 42 (Pty) Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”) and all other interested parties are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 23rd day of May 2013 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up. 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding-up the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Order shall be served: 3.1 On the Respondent at its registered office forthwith; 3.2 on every trade union representing employees of the Respondent, and for this purpose the Sheriff is directed to comply with the provisions of section 346A (2) of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973; 3.3 on the employees of the Respondent by affixing a copy to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondentʼs premises, or by affixing a copy to the front gate thereof, or the front door thereof; 3.4 on the South African Revenue Services. 4. That this Order be published on or before the 2nd day of May 2013 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. By Order of the Court.—I Maharajh, Registrar. R Naidoo & Associates. t Case No. 2692/2012 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN (Republic of South Africa) On 25th March 2013 at Durban, before the Honourable Justice Gyanda In the matter between: SUNGARIAN MOONSAMY REDDI, Applicant, and PELICAN FREIGHT INTERNATIONAL CC, Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That Pelican Freight International CC (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”), and all other interested parties are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 23rd day of May 2013 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up. 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Order shall be served: 3.1 on the Respondent at its registered office forthwith; 3.2 on every trade union representing employees of the Respondent, and for this purpose the Sheriff is directed to comply with the provisions of section 346A(2) of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973; 3.3 on the employees of the Respondent by affixing a copy to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondentʼs premises, or by affixing a copy to the front gate thereof, or the front door thereof; 3.4 on the South African Revenue Services. 4. That this Order be published on or before the 2nd day of May 2013 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. By Order of the Court.—T. Pillay, Registrar. R Naidoo & Associates. 58 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 8820/12 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG (Republic of South Africa) On the 15th day of April 2013 before the Honourable Mr Justice Ntshangase In the matter between: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and THEOBOLD DUMISANI DUBE, N.O., 1st Respondent, VUSUMUZI HENRY KUNENE N.O., 2nd Respondent, THULISILE FELICITY MADUNA N.O., 3rd Respondent, MTHOBISI ROMANEUS ZUMA, N.O., 4th Respondent, MUZIWANDILE BLESSING NGCOBO, N.O., 5th Respondent, MDUDUUZI ERASMUS MADUNA, N.O., 6th Respondent, and NKOSENHLE MKHIZE, N.O., 7th Respondent IN RE: APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 48 THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, No. 121 OF 1998 CONCERNING CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS PORTION 16 (OF 3) OF THE FARM WELTERVERDEN 108, REGISTRATION DIVISION HS, PROVINCE OF KWAZULU-NATAL, IN EXTENT 52 7777 HECTARES HELD UNDER TITLE DEED No. T04919/08 Upon reading the Notice of Motion, and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant; It is Ordered that: 1. An order is granted in terms of section 50 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, Act 121 of 1998 (“the Act”), declaring forfeit to the State property described as: Portion 16 (of 3) of the Farm Weltevreden 108, Registration Division HS, Province of KwaZulu-Natal in extent 52,7777 hectares held under Title Deed No. T049191/08 (hereinafter referred to as “the property”). 2. Eugene Nel, who was appointed as curator bonis in terms of the preservation order, is authorised to continue to act as such. 3. In terms of section 56 (2) of the Act, the property shall vest in the curator bonis on behalf of the State on the date on which this Order takes effect. 4. After this forfeiture order takes effect the curator bonis is directed to: 4.1 Deduct his fees and expenditure as certified by the Master of the High Court; and 4.2 perform any ancillary acts which, in the opinion of the curator bonis, is necessary, including the facilitation of the transfere of the immovable property forfeited to the State, to the relevant organ of the State being the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. 5. The forfeiture order shall be deemed to have been satisfied as contemplated in paragraph 1 supra, upon the property being transferred and or handed over to the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. 6. Notice of this Order be served on Eugena Nel, Suite 1, The Mews, Redlands Estate, George MacFarlane Lane, Pietermaritzburg. 7. In terms of section 50 (6) of the Act, this forfeiture order shall not take effect before the period allowed for an application under section 54 of the Act or an appeal under section 55 of the Act has expired or before such application or appeal is disposed of. 8. In terms of section 50 (5) of the Act the Registrar of this Honourable Court, or the State Attorney (KZN) on the request of the Registrar, is to publish this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after this Order is granted. By Order of the Court.—R.J. Jooste, Registrar. t Case No. 3700/2013 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN (Republic of South Africa) 3 May 2013 at Durban, before the Honourable Madam Justice S. Naidoo AJ In the matter between: JAMES KANIAH, Applicant, and WPC LOGISTICS (JOBURG) CC, 1st Respondent, CHENG-MING CHAO, 2nd Respondent, and DILNAWAAZ FIRFIREY, 3rd Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: (a) That the First Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up; (b) That WPC Logistics (Joburg) CC, Registration No. 2004/030299/23 and all other interested parties be and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 21st day of June 2013 at 09h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why this Honourable Court should not order the final winding-up of the First Respondent; STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 59 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) (c) That a copy of this Order be forthwith served on the First Respondent at its registered head office and be published in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulated in KwaZulu-Natal; (d) That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post; (e) That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. By Order of the Court.—I Maharajh, Registrar. Henwood Britter & Caney. t Case No. 2693/2012 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN (Republic of South Africa) 25 March 2013 at Durban, before the Honourable Justice Gyanda In the matter between: SUNGARIAN MOONSAMY REDDI, Applicant, and CRUCIAL TRADE 8 (PTY) LTD, Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That Crucial Trade 8 (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”) and all other interested parties are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 23rd of May 2013 at 09h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up. 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Order shall be served: 3.1 on the Respondent at its registered office forthwith; 3.2 on every trade union representing employees of the Respondent, and for this purpose the Sheriff is directed to comply with the provisions of section 346A (2) of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973; 3.3 on the employees of the Respondent by affixing a copy to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondentʼs premises, or by affixing a copy to the front gate thereof, or the front door thereof; 3.4 on the South African Revenue Services. 4. That this Order be published on or before the 2nd day of May 2013 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. By Order of the Court.—T Pillay, Registrar. R Naidoo & Associates. t Case No. 3700/2013 IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN (Republic of South Africa) 3 May 2013 at Durban, before the Honourable Madam Justice S. Naidoo AJ In the matter between: JAMES KANIAH, Applicant, and WPC LOGISTICS (JOBURG) CC, 1st Respondent, CHENG-MING CHAO, 2nd Respondent, and DILNAWAAZ FIRFIREY, 3rd Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: (a) That the First Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up; (b) That WPC Logistics (Joburg) CC, Registration No. 2004/030299/23 and all other interested parties be and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 21st day of June 2013 at 09h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why this Honourable Court should not order the final winding-up of the First Respondent; (c) That a copy of this Order be forthwith served on the First Respondent at its registered head office and be published in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulated in KwaZulu-Natal; (d) That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post; (e) That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. By Order of the Court.—I Maharajh, Registrar. Henwood Britter & Caney. 60 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) WESTERN CAPE WES-KAAP Case No. 5927/13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) On Friday, 10 May 2013 at Cape Town, before the Honourable Mr Acting Justice Wragge In the matter between: THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN, Applicant, and THE COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA, First Respondent, THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, Second Respondent, THE MINISTER OF FINANCE, Third Respondent, and THE MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY, Fourth Respondent In re: Maintenance House (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1970/15466/07 ORDER Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record, an order is hereby granted that: 1. A Rule nisi be issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on Friday, 14 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon as the matter may be heard, as to why: 1.1 The dissolution of Maintenance House (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1970/015466/07, (“Maintenance House”) should not be declared to be void; 1.2 The First Respondent should not restore Maintenance House to the Registrar; 1.3 Maintenance House should not be revested with its assets and liabilities as if it has not been dissolved; 1.4 The judgment granted against Maintenance House under Wynberg Regional Magistrateʼs Court Case Number RCC/WYN25/10 should not be validated. 2. This Order be served: 2.1 On First and Second Respondents; 2.2 On the Director of Maintenance House as reflected in annexure “NAS1” to the Founding Affidavit; 2.3 By means of one publication in the Government Gazette and Cape Times. By Order of Court.—Court Registrar. C & A Friedlander Inc. Cape Town. B Cotterel, Tel. (021) 487-7900. t Case No. 5927/13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) On Friday, 10 May 2013 at Cape Town, before the Honourable Mr Acting Justice Wragge In the matter between: THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN, Applicant, and THE COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA, First Respondent, THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, Second Respondent, THE MINISTER OF FINANCE, Third Respondent, and THE MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY, Fourth Respondent In re: Maintenance House (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1970/15466/07 ORDER Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers filed of record, an order is hereby granted that: 1. A Rule nisi be issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on Friday, 14 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon as the matter may be heard, as to why: 1.1 The dissolution of Maintenance House (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1970/015466/07, (“Maintenance House”) should not be declared to be void; 1.2 The First Respondent should not restore Maintenance House to the Registrar; 1.3 Maintenance House should not be revested with its assets and liabilities as if it has not been dissolved; 1.4 The judgment granted against Maintenance House under Wynberg Regional Magistrateʼs Court Case Number RCC/WYN25/10 should not be validated. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 61 ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 2. This Order be served: 2.1 On First and Second Respondents; 2.2 On the Director of Maintenance House as reflected in annexure “NAS1” to the Founding Affidavit; 2.3 By means of one publication in the Government Gazette and Cape Times. By Order of Court.—Court Registrar. C & A Friedlander Inc. Cape Town. B Cotterel, Tel. (021) 487-7900. GENERAL • ALGEMEEN GAUTENG KENNISGEWING VAN ʼN VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386 (1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYWET EN REGULASIE 8 (1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET SAMTOR TANKERS (EDMS) BPK (in likwidasie) MEESTERSVERWYSING: T2883/11 Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ʼn vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word op 14 Junie 2013 om 09h30, voor die Landdros te Krugersdorp. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. Cornelia Carolina Mienie, Kgashane Christopher Monyela, Elsje Rautenbach, Mede-Likwidateurs, p/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, 00873. t KENNISGEWING VAN ʼN VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386 (1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYWET EN REGULASIE 8 (1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET REDLEX 413 (EDMS) BPK (in likwidasie) GEREGISTREERDE ADRES: 84 CAMBRIDGE ROAD, CLUBVIEW, 0157 REGISTRASIENOMMER: 2006/002536/07 MEESTERSVERWYSING: T4094/12 Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ʼn vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggergshof, Pretoria, op Dinsdag, 11 June 2013 om 10h00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. J Z H Muller & A Pillay, Mede Likwidateurs, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. t LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T130820/2007, passed by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in favour of Nosiyanda Nosipho Feni, Identity Number: 7006015430085, unmarried, in respect of certain Portion 15 of Erf 3461, Chloorkop Extension 53 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 250 (two hundred and fifty) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, at 4th Floor, cnr Bosman & Pretorius Streets, Merino Building, Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria this 7th day of May 2013. Registrar of Deeds. 62 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Case No. 29588/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the ex parte application of: CHONDROU, NICHOLAS YIANNIS, First Applicant, and THEODOROU, MARGARITA, Second Applicant Take notice that on the 26th day of June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the abovementioned applicants will apply to the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (cnr Madiba and Paul Kruger Street), for an order in the following terms: 1. The applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicantʼs founding affidavit and is marked “TD3”, and which contract, after registration thereof will regulate their property system. 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract. 3. This Order— 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the granting of this Order; 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract. Van Heerdenʼs Incorporated, Applicantsʼ Attorneys, 748 Stanza Bopape Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 430-6600.] [Fax (012) 343-6362.] (Ref. W OʼReilly/RC0104.) t APPLICATION AND AFFIDAVIT IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68 (11) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 47 OF 1937 We, the undersigned –––––––––––– and ————————— duly authorized by virtue of a resolution passed by the directors of Bophuthatswana Building Society, whose assets and liabilities were transferred to Citizen Bank Limited, Registration Number 1993/002510/06, who changed their name to Future Bank Corporation Limited, Registration Number 1993/092510/06, whos assets and liabilities were transferred to Fidelity Bank Limited, Registration Number 1994/000929/06, who changed their name to FBC Fidelity Limited, who changed their name to Peoples Bank Limited, who changed their name to Peoples Mortgage Limited do hereby declare under oath that— 1. The said bank is the legal holder of Mortgage Bond BG32567/1997BP, passed in its favour by Pelongwe John Mamogwe, born on 28 August 1944, and registered on the 4th December 1977, over the proeprty held by Deed of Grant TG1493/1977BP. 2. The said bond has been lost and despite a diligent search cannot be found. 3. We are not aware how the bond became lost. 4. The said bond has not been pledged or given as security for any debt or otherwise. We hereby apply to the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, in terms of Regulation 68 (11) of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937, for the cancellation of the said bond. –––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I certify that the deponent has acknowledged that he/she knows and understands the contents of this affidavit which was signed and affirmed/sworn to before me at Pretoria on –––––––––– under compliance with the regulations contained in Government Notice R1258 dated 21 July 1972 (as amended). ————————————— Commissioner of Oaths Full names: Address: t LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T130926/2007, passed by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in favour of Elizabeth Nomsombuluko Hlophe, Identity Number: 7304280508085, unmarried, in respect of certain Portion 123 of Erf 3461, Chloorkop Extension 53 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 250 (two hundred and fifty) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, at 4th Floor, cnr Bosman & Pretorius Streets, Merino Building, Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria this 7th day of May 2013. Registrar of Deeds. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 63 LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T130899/2007, passed by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in favour of Ramasela Johanna Marapola, Identity Number: 6412030465083, unmarried, in respect of certain Portion 98 of Erf 3461, Chloorkop Extension 53 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 250 (two hundred and fifty) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, at 4th Floor, cnr Bosman & Pretorius Streets, Merino Building, Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria this 7th day of May 2013. Registrar of Deeds. t LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T48999/2007, passed by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in favour of Nomlungi Seleli Mramba, Identity Number: 6912121777080, unmarried, in respect of certain Portion 36 of Erf 2579, Chloorkop Extension 52 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 254 (two hundred and fifty-four) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, at 4th Floor, cnr Bosman & Pretorius Streets, Merino Building, Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria this 7th day of May 2013. Registrar of Deeds. t UDINESHNA PADAYACHEE (ID: 7403150104080) MEESTERSNOMMER G18/2013 Neem hiermee kennis dat Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, aangestel is as Kurator/s in bogemelde insolvente boedel en dat die persone wat enigiets aan die boedel verskuldig is die skulde onmiddelik by genoemde Kurator/s moet betaal. ʼn Byeenkoms van skuldeisers van genoemde boedel sal gehou word ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 40 van die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936 voor Meesterskantoor Johannesburg, op 10 Junie 2013 om 10h00, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedel, vir ontvangs van die kurator/s se verslag oor die sake en toestand van die boedel, en om opdragte aan die kurator/s te gee betreffende die bereddering van die boedel. Geteken gedurende Mei 2012. OA Noordman, c/o Matsepes Inc., 26-28 Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein. t DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Y.R.K Investments t/a Rand Button Dyers (PF No. 12/8/ 20246/9115) Dissolution of Provident Fund— Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Y.R.K Investments t/a Rand Button Dyers, will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Y.R.K. Investments t/a Rand Button Dyers: Orion Services, Block 6J, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fundʼs Registered Office); and 3. The Chief Magistrate, Goodwood Magistrateʼs Court, 273 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, 7459. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the abovementioned 30 day period. Dated on 14-05-2013. Liquidator: GM Hendrickse, GQH Accounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600. Tel. (021) 887-2343. 64 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Reatswelela Travel and Tours CC (PF No. 12/8/20246/ 9853) Dissolution of Provident Fund— Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Reatswelela Travel and Tours CC, will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Reatswelela Travel and Tours CC: Orion Services, Block 6J, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fundʼs Registered Office); and 3. The Chief Magistrate, Goodwood Magistrateʼs Court, 273 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, 7459. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the abovementioned 30 day period. Dated on 14-05-2013. Liquidator: GM Hendrickse, GQH Accounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600. Tel. (021) 887-2343. t LEGAL NOTICE TO CHANGE MARITAL STATUS Barend Jakobus Morkl, ID: 5809015050080, and Noeline Morkel, ID: 5807070085082, will make application to change their matrimonial property status from married in community of property to married out of community of property excluding Accrual on 12 July 2013 under Case No. 29821/13, at High Court North Gauteng. Inspection of the ANC is available at Applicantʼs Attorneys. Any interested part who wishes to make representations must do so in writing to the Registrar and send a copy to Applicantʼs attorneys at Potgieter, Penzhorn & Taute, 118 Paul Kruger Street, Woltemade Building, 1st Floor. Potgieter, Penzhorn & Taute Inc., 1st Floor, Woltemade Building, 118 Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria; PO Box 9341, Pretoria, 0001. [Tel. (012) 324-0109/10.] [Fax (012) 324-0111.] E-mail: admin@pptrok.co.za/carl@pptprok.co.za t NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION THIRTY-EIGHT OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 (NO. 47 OF 1937) DESTROYED TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deed Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer TL86119/2007, dated 2 July 2007, passed by Meadow Star Investments 87 (Proprietary) Limited, Registration Number 2002/022046/07, in favour of Company Unique Finance Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 1994/002755/07, in respect of certain: All rights title and interest in the leasehold in respect of Erf 16296, Sebokeng Extension 21 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent 269 (two hundred and sixty-nine) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer TL86119/2007, which has been lost or destroyed under circumstances unknown to me. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria during 2013. Registrar of Deeds. t Case No. 24955/2012 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT (Republic of South Africa) In the ex parte application of: MATTHEW DOUGLES BETTESWORTH, First Applicant, and CHARMAINE ANN LUNDT, Second Applicant NOTICE OF MOTION Kindly take note that on 28 June 2013 at 10:00, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the above-mentioned Applicants will apply to the above Honourable Court for an order in the following terms— 1. That the Applicants are given leave to change their matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage by the execution and registration of a Notarial Contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicantʼs supporting affidavit and marked Annexure “B” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system. 2. That the Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the Notarial Contract. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 65 3. That this Order— 3.1 Will lapse if the Notarial Contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within three months of the date of the grant of the order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the right of any creditor as at the date of registration of the contract. Signed at Pretoria on 26 April 2013. Neuhoff Attorneys, Attorneys for Applicants, 62 Bronkhorst Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 460-4085.] (Ref. J Neuhoff.) To: The Registrar of the High Court, Pretoria. And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Bosman Street, Pretoria. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 13/10358 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Immovable property consisting of Section Number 45 in the sectional title scheme known as Anerley-Kings A & B, identified as Unit Number 9, Anerley Kings A, situated at Number 1, Regent Street, Bedford Gardens, Bedfordview, together with the exclusive use of areas described as Parking Numbers PK 11, PK 52 and PK 53 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Ngoc Cuong Pham and all other persons who have an interest in the immovable property consisting of Section Number 45 in the sectional title scheme known as Anerley-Kings A & B, identified as Unit Number 9, Anerley Kings A, situated at Number 1, Regent Street, Bedford Gardens, Bedfordview, together with the exclusive use of areas described as Parking Numbers PK 11, PK 52 and PK 53 (the property): Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the order) in respect of the property, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, a copy of which is available from the State Attorneyʼs office in Johannesburg. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the state. The order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. t Case No. 27440/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the ex parte application of: THOMAS NICOLAAS GERMAN BOSHOFF, First Applicant, and ALEXANDRA BOSHOFF (nee DE BRUIN), Second Applicant NOTICE OF MOTION Take notice that application will be made on behalf of the Applicants to the above Honourable Court on 24 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicants may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave be granted to the Applicants to change their existing matrimonial property system of In Community of Property to system of Out of Community of Property with the application of the accrual system. 2. That the Registrar of Deeds (Pretoria) be authorised to register the above-mentioned Notarial contract. 3. That this Order: 3.1 Will lapse should the Applicants fail to register the above-mentioned Notarial contract within 3 (three) months after this Order was given; and 3.2 will not affect the right that any creditor of the Applicants may have had to date of this Order. Take notice that the Application and Nuptial contract is available for inspection at the offices of the Applicantʼs Attorneys, Riaan Louw Attorneys, 3 Northrand Road, Kempton Park, Tel. (011) 394-6506, c/o McMenamin Van Huyssteen & Botes, 528 Jorrison Street, Pretoria. 301558—E 66 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Case No. 27440/2013 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the ex parte application of: THOMAS NICOLAAS GERMAN BOSHOFF, First Applicant, and ALEXANDRA BOSHOFF (nee DE BRUIN), Second Applicant NOTICE OF MOTION Take notice that application will be made on behalf of the Applicants to the above Honourable Court on 24 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicants may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. that leave be granted to the Applicants to change their existing matrimonial property system of In Community of Property to system of Out of Community of Property with the application of the accrual system. 2. That the Registrar of Deeds (Pretoria) be authorised to register the above-mentioned Notarial contract. 3. That this Order: 3.1 Will lapse should the Applicants fail to register the above-mentioned Notarial contract within 3 (three) months after this Order was given; and 3.2 will not affect the right that any creditor of the Applicants may have had to date of this Order. Take notice that the Application and Nuptial contract is available for inspection at the offices of the Applicantʼs Attorneys, Riaan Louw Attorneys, 3 Northrand Road, Kempton Park, Tel. (011) 394-6506, c/o McMenamin Van Huyssteen & Botes, 528 Jorrison Street, Pretoria. t Case No. 66198/12 IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the ex parte application of: MNYAKA, NKOSINATHI IAN MNYAKA, Identity Number: 7510155690085, First Applicant, and MNYAKA, NOMTHANDAZO CHRISTABEL, Identity Number: 8008019752082, Second Applicant Take notice that on Thursday, the 20th day of June 2013 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Applicants will apply to the North Gauteng High Court of Pretoria (cnr. Madiba/Paul Kruger Streets), for an Order in the following terms: 1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicantʼs Supporting Affidavit and is marked “NS2” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system. 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract. 3. This Order— 3.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the granting of this Order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract. Dated at Pretoria on this 16th day of May 2013. Orelowitz Incorporated, c/o Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, Applicantsʼ Attorneys, Suite 301, Block 4, Monument Office Park, 79 Steenbok Avenue, Monument Park, Pretoria. (Ref. Mr Painter/wt/305033.) t Case No. 15111/2013 IN THE GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the matter between: THE BODY CORPORATE OF THE EAST VILLAGE, Applicant, and REGENE JULIUS VAN LIS, Respondent To: Regene Julius van Lis, formerly residing at 31 The East Village, Bronberg Street, Boardwalk, Pretoria, but whose present whereabouts are unknown: Take notice that by Notice of Motion issued out of this Court, you have been called upon to give notice within 30 days after publication hereof, to the registrar and the Plaintiffʼs attorneys of your intention to defend (if any) in an action wherein the Body Corporate of The East Village claims: (a) That the Respondentʼs Estates be sequestrated and placed in the hands of the Master; (b) Costs of the Application; (c) Further and/or alternative relief. Take notice Further that if you fail to give such notice, judgment may be granted against you without further reference to you. Registrar of the Honourable Court. E.W. Serfontein & Associates Inc., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 15 Bond Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 344-6353.] (Ref. N Prigge/jd/SPV0030.) STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 67 Case No. 8699/2013 IN THE GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (Republic of South Africa) In the matter between: THE BODY CORPORATE OF DUSIT THANI, Applicant, and JOHN GEORGE BALLOT, Respondent To: John George Ballot, formerly residing at 201 Dusit Thani, 242 Mears Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, but whose present whereabouts are unknown: Take notice that by Notice of Motion issued out of this Court, you have been called upon to give notice within 30 days after publication hereof, to the registrar and the Plaintiffʼs attorneys of your intention to defend (if any) in an action wherein the Body Corporate of Dusit Thani claims: (a) That the Respondentʼs Estates be sequestrated and placed in the hands of the Master; (b) Costs of the Application; (c) Further and/or alternative relief. Take notice Further that if you fail to give such notice, judgment may be granted against you without further reference to you. Registrar of the Honourable Court. E.W. Serfontein & Associates Inc., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 15 Bond Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 344-6353.] (Ref. N Prigge/jd/SFB0060.) t LOST TITLE DEED (In terms of section 38 of the Act, 47/1937) Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Deed of Transfer in favour of Daniel Jacobus Theron, Identity Number: 7009065008082, unmarried, in respect of certain: Remaining Extent of Erf 683, Vereeniging Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, measuring 710 (seven hundred and ten) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T82865/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Deed of Transfer are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on the 6 day of May 2013. Registrar of Deeds. EASTERN CAPE OOS-KAAP ESTATE LATE: APOLES MARAIS—6529/67—ELECTION OF EXECUTOR MEETING All descendants and heirs of estate late: Apoles Marais from Bultfontein Farm, Matatiele District, Eastern Cape, are invited to attend the election of Executor meeting to be held on Saturday, 25 May 2013, at the Bultfontein Hall at 9 am. For any further info or a copy of the Agenda, please contact Mr Leonard Marais 073 064 9999 (secretary), or Mr Anthony Marais on 073 202 7636 (chairman). Bultfontein Committee. FREE STATE • VRYSTAAT FREE STATE HIGH COURT, BLOEMFONTEIN (Republic of South Africa) In the application of: RUTH RICKERT, ID No. 5405100034087, First Applicant, and MACK JOHANNES RICKERT, ID No. 5803045119080, Second Applicant TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please take notice that application will be made on behalf of the aforementioned Applicants on 18 July 2013 at 09h30 or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicants can be heard on an order in the following terms: 68 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 1. That the matrimonial property system of the Applicants, in terms of which the Applicants are currently married in community of property be changed to a matrimonial property system in terms of which the Applicants will be married out of community of property with the exclusion of the accrual system; 2. That leave be granted to the Applicants to enter into and register an antenuptial agreement to give effect to the order as set out above. Please further take note that the above-mentioned application and all supporting documentation thereto, more specifically the proposed antenuptial agreement in terms of which the Applicants will forthwith be married out of community of property are open to inspection at the offices of the Registrar of the above Honourable Court as well as the offices of the attorney for the Applicants as set out hereunder. Please further take note that if you intend opposing the aforementioned application or make any representations in connection therewith, such notice of opposition and/or representations must be made in writing to the Registrar of the above Honourable Court and a copy thereof delivered to the Applicantʼs attorneys as set out hereunder before or on 19 April 2013. Please further take note that you are entitled to appear at the above Honourable Court on the date of the hearing of this application in opposition therefore. Dated at Kroonstad on this the 8th day of April 2013. GL Hartman, for Du Randt & Louw Inc., Attorneys for Applicants, 25 President Street, Kroonstad, 9499. Tel: (056) 212-4275. Ref: CER 065. t VERLORE TITELBEWYS Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet 47 van 1937, Ek die Registrateur van Aktes te Bloemfontein, voornemens is om ʼn Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Transportakte G1249/1989 en Transportakte GO7/1990 gepasseer deur: 1. David Botha Bekker in my hoedanigheid as Eksekuteur in die boedel wyle Lekheu Isaac Lekhasi, Boedel No. 5424/2011, kragtens Eksekuteursbrief uitgereik deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Bloemfontein op 10 Oktober 2011 2. Molelekeng Cathrine Lekhasi, ID No. 6105310479085, kragtens my huwelik binne gemeenskap van goedere met die oorledene ten gunste van Nedbank Limited (Reg. No. 1951/000009/06), ten aansien van sekere Erf 458, Tshiame-A, Distrik Harrismith, Provinsie Vrystaat, groot 888 (agthonderd agt en tagtig) vierkante meter, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is. Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige sertifikaat beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te Bloemfontein binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. Gedateer te Bloemfontein gedurende 2013. Registrateur van Aktes. t NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BOND IN TERMS OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 38 OF ACT 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of: M31/990, Passed by: Nedbank Limited (Reg. No. 1951/000009/06) (previously known as Peoples Bank LImited (Reg. No. 1994/000929/06). For the amount of: R61 860,00 (sixty one thousand eight hundred and sixty rand). In favour of: 1. David Botha Bekker, in my capacity as Executor in the Estate Late Lekheu Isaac Lekhasi, Estate No. 5424/2011, in terms of the Letter of Executorship issued by the Master of the High Court in Bloemfontein on 10 October 2011; 2. Molelekeng Cathrine Lekhasi, ID No. 6105310479085, under my marriage in community of property with the deceased. In respect of: Erf 458, Tshiame-A, District Harrismith, Province Free State, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the registrar of Deeds at the Deeds Registry in which the bond is registered, within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated during 2013. 1. Signature of person who purports to be the mortgagee—Adriaan du Toit Malan. 2. Signature of person who purports to be the mortgagee—Pieter Francois van Aswegen. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 69 MPUMALANGA NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of: Bond No.: B123185/2007. Dated: 07 October 2005. Passed by: Firstrand Finance Company Limited (Reg. No. 1987/005437/06). For the amount of: R175 200,00 (one hundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred rand). In favour of: Ockert Stephanus Butler, ID No. 5601285036083; and Emmarentia Butler, ID No. 5504240105086, married in community of property to each other. In respect of certain: Portion 1 of Erf 33, Machadodorp Township, Registration Division JT, Province of Mpumalanga, in extent 1 190 (one thousand one hundred and ninety) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Pretoria on 14 May 2013. 1. CH Swart. 2. MR Govender. t LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937. I, the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T49238/2007 dated 16 April 2007 passed by Pierre Theo Venter, born on 3 January 1938, unmarried, in favour of Robert Sandrock, ID No. 5204075014087, married out of community of property In respect of: Erf 59, Numbipark Township, Registration Division JU, Province of Mpumalanga, in extent 1 062 (one thousand and sixty-two) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having an objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette. Dated at Nelspruit on 8th of May 2013. Registrar of Deeds. t NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BOND IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68–11A OF ACT 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that it is the INTENTION to apply for the cancellation of the registration of Mortgage Bond B6984/2002 dated 30th January 2002, passed by— Christiaan Rudolph Kellerman, ID No. 4405195075087, married out of community of property For the amount of R600 000,00 (six hundred thousand rand) in favour of ABSA Bank Limited, Reg. No. 1986/004794/06 In respect of: Erf 3003, Nelspruit Extension 10 Township, Registration Division JU, Mpumalanga Province, measuring 2 070 (two thousand and seventy) square metres, held by Certificate of Consolidated Title T33648/1995, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, at Nelspruit, within three weeks after the date of this publication. Dated at Nelspruit this 7th day of March 2013. Registrar of Deeds. 70 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 NORTH WEST NOORDWES NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF THE REGISTRATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BOND [By virtue of Regulation 68 (11B) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937)] Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B86934/2007, registered on 28 May 2077 passed by Walters Francois du Toit, ID No. 4611215099086, unmarried, for the amount of R190 000,00 (one hundred and ninety thousand rand) in favour of ABSA Bank Limited (Reg. No. 1986/004794/06), in respect of certain Erf 673, Wilkoppies Extension 17 Township, Registration Division IP, Province North West, in extent 2 460 (two thousand four hundred and sixty) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T2790/2007, which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the Deeds Registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice, being the first publication. Dated at Klerksdorp this 15th day of April 2013. WESTERN CAPE WES-KAAP NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MATRIMONIAL REGIME—MR CHRIS FERREIRA, ID No. 7302125170087 AND Mrs TILANA FERREIRA, born CLAASSEN, ID No. 7612130099083 Kindly take notice that Chris Ferreira and Tilana Ferreira, born Claassen, have made application to the Western Cape High Court, Eastern Local Circuit Division, George (Case No. 6355/13) for a final order to be granted on 7th June 2013 at 10h00, for the change of their matrimonial property regime from being in community of property to being out of community of property. Any interested party is to forward objections or representations, in writing, to the Registrar of the above-mentioned Court and a copy of such representation may be forwarded to the Attorney referred to hereunder, or they may appear in the High Court at the George Municipal Buildings in York Street on the date of hearing. Take notice further that the proposed notarial antenuptial contract they seek to register is available for inspection at the office of the Registrar of the Western Cape High Court, Eastern Local Circuit Division, George and MA Hurwitz Attorneys, c/o Mike Steyn Attorneys, 1st Floor, 62 Cathedral Street, George. Tel: (044) 874-7511. Fax: 086 609 4283. t NOTICE OF POSTNUPTIAL REGISTRATION OF A NOTARIAL AGREEMENT PAULO AMARO MONIZ & CYRYSTAL CARMEN MONIZ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) Take notice that application will be made on behalf of Paulo Amaro Moniz, ID No. 7901105183083 and Chrystal Carmen Moniz, born Mehl, ID No. 8201230191088 on 13 June 2013 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That Applicants are given leave to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, which contract will after the registration thereof regulate their matrimonial system; 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract within 3 months from the date on which an order is given; 3. The rights of any creditor of Applicants will not be prejudices by the registration of the notarial contract. 4. Further and/or alternative relief as Court may deem fit and proper. Take further notice that: 1. Any party who wishes to object or make representations can do so in writing to the Registrar of the above Honourable Court and by sending a copy to the attorney of record (details listed below) or by appearing on the date of the hearing of the application; 2. The application will be available for inspection at the Registrarʼs Office and at the attorneyʼs office at least two weeks prior to the date of the hearing of the application. Fernandes & Solms, Applicants Attorneys, Unit 1, Upper Level, Riverside Lofts, Tygerfalls Boulevard, Tygerfalls, Bellville [Tel: (021) 595-4160] (Ref: AS/LH/2012/032) A Solms, for Fernandes & Solms. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 71 ALTERING OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY REGIME Kindly take notice that an ex parte application of Jaco Henry Steenkamp, and Melissa Isabella Steenkamp, will be made on the 14th day of June 2013 at 10h00 in the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) to alter their matrimonial property regime from married in community of property to married out of community of property with the accrual. We confirm that a draft copy of the application can be inspected on weekdays at our offices situated at 181 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, from date hereof until the day prior to the application. Should you have any objections to the alteration of the matrimonial property regime, you are required to furnish us with written reasons for your objection, which you can do via telefax @ (021) 591-6350 (kindly quote our Reference No. [S4073]S772/TM/hr). Visagievos, Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7460. Tel: (021) 591-9221. Verw: TA Marais/(S4073)S772. t Saak No. 7267/13 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad) In die ex parte-aansoek van; NIGEL MATHEE, Eerste Applikant, ROCHELLE MATHEE (voorheen DAMON), Tweede Applikant, en DIE REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES, KAAPSTAD, Derde Applikant KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 21 (1) VAN DIE WET No. 88 VAN 1984 Geliewe kennis te neem dat daar namens bovermelde Applikant aansoek gedoen sal word by die Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op 13 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor mag word vir ʼn bevel met die volgende terme: 1. Daar verlof aan Eerste en Tweede Applikant verleen word om ʼn notariële kontrak soortgelyk aan die konsep wat as Aanhangsel “A” by Applikante se funderende eedsverklaring aangeheg is, te sluit. 2. Daar verklaar word dat die huwelik van Eerste en Tweede Applikant onderhewig sal wees aan die terme van voormelde notariële kontrak vanaf datum van registrasie van voormelde kontrak. 3. Daar gelas word dat voormelde kontrak binne 3 (drie) maande na datum van hierdie Bevel vir registrasie by die Akteskantoor ingedien moet word. 4. Daar gelas word dat hierdie Bevel nie die regte van enige krediteure van Eerste en Tweede Applikant sal benadeel nie, en dat sodanige krediteure geregtig sal wees om eksekusie te hef teen Applikant se bates ten opsigte van skulde wat voor die registrasie van voormelde notariële kontrak aangegaan is. 5. Dat die registrateur van Aktes, Kaapstad, gemagtig en versoek word om voormelde na-huwelikse notariële kontrak by indiening daarvan en na vervulling van enige vereistes wat hy mag stel, te registreer. 6. Verdere en/of alternatiewe regshulp. Neem verder kennis dat enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken teen die voorgestelde verandering moet skriftelike vertoë aan die Griffier van die Hooggeregshof, Keeromstraat, Kaapstad, rig en ʼn afskrif op die Applikante se prokureurs beteken of in die Hof verskyn op die dag van die aansoek. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die aansoek en die voorgestelde kontrak te registreer te word is beskikbaar vir insae in die kantoor van die griffier te bovermelde adres en in die kantoor van die Applikante se prokureurs te onderstaande adres. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die beëdigde verklarings van Nigel Mathee en Rochelle Mathee (voorheen Damon) ter ondersteuning van die aansoek gebruik sal word. Geliewe die aansoek dienooreenkomstig ter rolle te plaas. Gedateer te Paarl hierdie 13de dag van Mei 2013. Lloyd Fortuin, vir Faure & Faure Ing., Prokureur vir Applikante, Hoofstraat 227, Paarl. (Verw: LF/AdP/L12/255.) P/a Michalowsky, Geldenhuys & Humphries Attorneys, 11de Vloer, Pickbel Parkade, Strandstraat 58, Kaapstad. Aan: Die Griffier, Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. En aan: Die Registrateur van Aktes, Pleinstraat, Kaapstad. t Case No. 7267/13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: NIGEL MATHEE, First Applicant, ROCHELLE MATHEE (formerly DAMON), Second Applicant, and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS CAPE TOWN, Third Applicant NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 21 (1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 (AMENDING OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM) Kindly take notice that application will be made on behalf of the above-mentioned Applicants in the Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division of the High Court of South Africa on 13 June 2013 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave be afforded to First and Second Applicants to register a notarial contract similar to the draft that is annexed to Applicants Founding Affidavit as Annexure “A”. 72 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 2. It be pronounced that the marriage of First and Second Applicants be subject to the terms of the aforementioned notarial contract from date of registration of the contract. 3. It be ordered that the aforementioned contract be lodged for registration at the Deeds Office within 3 (three) months after the date of this Order. 4 It be ordered that this Order should not disadvantage the rights of any creditors of First and Second Applicants and that these creditors be entitled to raise execution against the goods of Applicants for debt that was incurred before registration of the aforementioned notarial contract. 5. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be authorized and requested, after lodgment thereof and after fulfillment of any obligations, to registrar the aforementioned post-naptual notarial contract. 6. Further and/or alternative relief. Take further notice that written representation be given by any person who wish to oppose the proposed amendment to the Registrar of the High Court, Keerom Street, Cape Town and a copy be served on the Applicantʼs attorneys or appear in Court on the day of the application. Kindly take further notice that the application and aforementioned contract to be registered is available for inspection in the office of the Registrar at the address mentioned above and in the office of Applicantʼs attorney at the address mentioned below. Kindly take further notice that the Affidavits of Nigel Mathee and Rochelle Mathee (formerly Damon) will be used in support of this application. Kindly place the matter down for hearing. Dated at Paarl this 13th day of May 2013. Lloyd Fortuin, for Faure & Faure Inc., Attorneys for Applicants, 227 Main Street, Paarl. (Ref: LF/AdP/L12/255.) C/o Michalowsky, Geldenhuys & Humphries Attorneys, 11th Floor, Pickbel Parkade, 58 Strand Street, Cape Town. To: The Registrar, High Court, Cape Town. And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Plein Street, Cape Town. t Saak No. 7267/13 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad) In die ex parte-aansoek van; NIGEL MATHEE, Eerste Applikant, ROCHELLE MATHEE (voorheen DAMON), Tweede Applikant, en DIE REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES, KAAPSTAD, Derde Applikant KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 21 (1) VAN DIE WET No. 88 VAN 1984 Geliewe kennis te neem dat daar namens bovermelde Applikant aansoek gedoen sal word by die Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op 13 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor mag word vir ʼn bevel met die volgende terme: 1. Daar verlof aan Eerste en Tweede Applikant verleen word om ʼn notariële kontrak soortgelyk aan die konsep wat as Aanhangsel “A” by Applikante se funderende eedsverklaring aangeheg is, te sluit. 2. Daar verklaar word dat die huwelik van Eerste en Tweede Applikant onderhewig sal wees aan die terme van voormelde notariële kontrak vanaf datum van registrasie van voormelde kontrak. 3. Daar gelas word dat voormelde kontrak binne 3 (drie) maande na datum van hierdie Bevel vir registrasie by die Akteskantoor ingedien moet word. 4. Daar gelas word dat hierdie Bevel nie die regte van enige krediteure van Eerste en Tweede Applikant sal benadeel nie, en dat sodanige krediteure geregtig sal wees om eksekusie te hef teen Applikant se bates ten opsigte van skulde wat voor die registrasie van voormelde notariële kontrak aangegaan is. 5. Dat die registrateur van Aktes, Kaapstad, gemagtig en versoek word om voormelde na-huwelikse notariële kontrak by indiening daarvan en na vervulling van enige vereistes wat hy mag stel, te registreer. 6. Verdere en/of alternatiewe regshulp. Neem verder kennis dat enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken teen die voorgestelde verandering moet skriftelike vertoë aan die Griffier van die Hooggeregshof, Keeromstraat, Kaapstad, rig en ʼn afskrif op die Applikante se prokureurs beteken of in die Hof verskyn op die dag van die aansoek. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die aansoek en die voorgestelde kontrak te registreer te word is beskikbaar vir insae in die kantoor van die griffier te bovermelde adres en in die kantoor van die Applikante se prokureurs te onderstaande adres. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die beëdigde verklarings van Nigel Mathee en Rochelle Mathee (voorheen Damon) ter ondersteuning van die aansoek gebruik sal word. Geliewe die aansoek dienooreenkomstig ter rolle te plaas. Gedateer te Paarl hierdie 13de dag van Mei 2013. Lloyd Fortuin, vir Faure & Faure Ing., Prokureur vir Applikante, Hoofstraat 227, Paarl. (Verw: LF/AdP/L12/255.) P/a Michalowsky, Geldenhuys & Humphries Attorneys, 11de Vloer, Pickbel Parkade, Strandstraat 58, Kaapstad. Aan: Die Griffier, Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. En aan: Die Registrateur van Aktes, Pleinstraat, Kaapstad. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 73 Case No. 7267/13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: NIGEL MATHEE, First Applicant, ROCHELLE MATHEE (formerly DAMON), Second Applicant, and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS CAPE TOWN, Third Applicant NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 21 (1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 (AMENDING OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM) Kindly take notice that application will be made on behalf of the above-mentioned Applicants in the Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division of the High Court of South Africa on 13 June 2013 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave be afforded to First and Second Applicants to register a notarial contract similar to the draft that is annexed to Applicants Founding Affidavit as Annexure “A”. 2. It be pronounced that the marriage of First and Second Applicants be subject to the terms of the aforementioned notarial contract from date of registration of the contract. 3. It be ordered that the aforementioned contract be lodged for registration at the Deeds Office within 3 (three) months after the date of this Order. 4 It be ordered that this Order should not disadvantage the rights of any creditors of First and Second Applicants and that these creditors be entitled to raise execution against the goods of Applicants for debt that was incurred before registration of the aforementioned notarial contract. 5. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be authorized and requested, after lodgment thereof and after fulfillment of any obligations, to registrar the aforementioned post-naptual notarial contract. 6. Further and/or alternative relief. Take further notice that written representation be given by any person who wish to oppose the proposed amendment to the Registrar of the High Court, Keerom Street, Cape Town and a copy be served on the Applicantʼs attorneys or appear in Court on the day of the application. Kindly take further notice that the application and aforementioned contract to be registered is available for inspection in the office of the Registrar at the address mentioned above and in the office of Applicantʼs attorney at the address mentioned below. Kindly take further notice that the Affidavits of Nigel Mathee and Rochelle Mathee (formerly Damon) will be used in support of this application. Kindly place the matter down for hearing. Dated at Paarl this 13th day of May 2013. Lloyd Fortuin, for Faure & Faure Inc., Attorneys for Applicants, 227 Main Street, Paarl. (Ref: LF/AdP/L12/255.) C/o Michalowsky, Geldenhuys & Humphries Attorneys, 11th Floor, Pickbel Parkade, 58 Strand Street, Cape Town. To: The Registrar, High Court, Cape Town. And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Plein Street, Cape Town. ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS Form/Vorm J 297 ELECTION OF EXECUTORS, CURATORS AND TUTORS The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented, interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the High Court of South Africa, that meetings will be held in the several estates at the places, dates and times specified, for the purpose of selecting some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as executors, curators or tutors, as the case may be, indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname and christian names of deceased, and occupation; date of death; place, date and time of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Masterʼs Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. N.B.: Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator; otherwise an executor is to be elected. VERKIESING VAN EKSEKUTEURS, KURATORS EN VOOGDE Aangesien die boedels van die persone hieronder vermeld nie verteenwoordig is nie, word hierby deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika aan belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkomste ten opsigte van die verskillende boedels op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om ʼn 74 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 persoon of persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik en bekwaam om deur hulle aangestel te word as eksekuteurs, kurators of voogde, na gelang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van die besonderhede in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname van oorlede persoon, en beroep; datum van oorlye; plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In ʼn plek waarin ʼn kantoor van ʼn Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landdros. L.W.: Items aan die linkerkant met ʼn sterretjie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van ʼn voog of kurator; andersins word ʼn eksekuteur gekies. GAUTENG 3267/06—Elgin Zuza Mngomezulu, unemployed. Masterʼs, North Gauteng, 13/06/2013, 10h00, North Gauteng. 8450/2007—Shawe Eunice Theresa, consultant. 7 June 2007. Master, Johannesburg, 10 June 2013, 10h00, South Gauteng High Court. 14430/2008—Mashike Fini Anna, pensioner. 19 August 2008. Master, Johannesburg, 4 June 2013, 10h00, South Gauteng High Court. 9650/2010—Nkatlo Botai Stephen, retired, 2 February 2009. Master, Johannesburg, 18 June 2013, 10h00, South Gauteng High Court. Form/Vorm J 295 CURATORS AND TUTORS: MASTERSʼ NOTICES In terms of section 75 of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity. The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the High Court. KURATORS EN VOOGDE: MEESTERS SE KENNISGEWINGS Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die Hooggeregshof. EASTERN CAPE OOS-KAAP NOTICE BY THE MASTER (Section 75 of Act 66 of 1965) Notice is hereby given that Garth Merrick Voigt of Idec Trust, 66 Recreation road, Southernwood, East London, has by letters of Curatorship No. MC954/2007, dated 23 August 2011, been appointed as curator to administer the property of Denneline Piers, who is a resident at 34 Renonkel Street, Parkridge, East London. SS Moodley, Master of the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Division), Grahamstown. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 75 FREE STATE • VRYSTAAT 6169/00—Zime Nonhlakanipho Buthelezi, 3 Ashridge, 23 Povall Road, Musgrave, Durban, 4001. Curator/Tutor/Administrator, A. L. Norman, 639 Amber Valley, Private Bag X30, Howick, 3290. Appointment/Termination, 28/2/2013. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. WESTERN CAPE WES-KAAP MC173/2002—Catharina Cornelia Krige, Geluksoord Tehuis, Stellenbosch. Curator, Deon Oliver, P/a Village Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuilrivier, 7579. Termination, 22 April 2013. Master of the High Court, Kaapstad. CR149/2010CT—Philippa Jane Nassau Engelbrecht, Stellenoord Frail Care, 27 Tarentaal Street, Stellenbosch. Curator, Christiaan Ludolph Nelson Fick, Fourth Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town. Appointment, 15 September 2010. Master of the Western Cape High Court. KENNISGEWING In die kuratele boedel van Angela Hazel Basson (ID No. 2805140008087), gebore 14 Mei 1928, weduwee en pensioenaris van Serenitas, Altenaweg, Strand. Beodel No. CR102/2010. Geliewe kennis te neem dat Riana Lemmer van die firma Riana Lemmer Ing., te Somerset-Wes, in terms van Artikel 75 van die Boedelwet 66 van 1965, hiermee kennis gee dat haar aastelling as curator bonis van bovermelde boedel beëindig is aangesien Angela Hazel Basson oorlede is op 22 April 2013. Gedateer te Strand op hierdie 16de dag van Mei 2013. Riana Lemmer Ing., Prokureur vir Kurator Bonis, Eerste Vloer, Trident Park II, Niblickweg, Somerset-Wes. Tel: (021) 8520130. (Verw: Riana Lemmer.) CR397/2012—Marcelle Isabel Maas-Olsen, Welgelegen, Western Cape. Curator, Gerhardus Master of the High Court, Cape Town. CR397/2012—Marcelle Isabel Maas-Olsen, Welgelegen, Western Cape. Curator, Gerhardus Master of the High Court, Cape Town. born 30 October 1951 (ID: 5110300028083), General Piet Cronjé Street, Cornelius Kachelhoffer (ID: 5504085097083). Appointment, 3 May 2013. born 30 October 1951 (ID: 5110300028083), General Piet Cronjé Street, Cornelius Kachelhoffer (ID: 5504085097083). Appointment, 3 May 2013. Form/Vorm J 193 NOTICES TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims with the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouseʼs names, surname, date of birth and identity number; name and address of executor and authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days. KENNISGEWINGS AAN KREDITEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderinge by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ʼn tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent, tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae. 76 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 GAUTENG 9652/2013—Joubert, Maria Elizabeth, 1943-09-30, 4309300024081, 6 Victoria Park Retirement Village, c/o Zeiss and Piet Retief Roads, 2013-03-11. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 4092/2013—Ronell van Rheede van Oudtshoorn, 4806200060081, ʼn meerderjarige vrou woonagtig te Standerton, 26 Februarie 2013. HJ Langeveldt, Langeveldt & Nel Prokureurs, Mbonani Mayiselastraat 16, Standerton, 2430. 9954/2013—Thomas, Keith Lloyd, 1941-02-21, 4102215058082, 4 Paul Newham Avenue, Bassonia, 2061, 2013-02-22. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 1291, Parkland, 2121. 30 days. 9694/2013—Byrne, George Joseph, 1916-03-19, 1603195001086, 22 Dean Road, Bedfordview, 2007, 2013-01-22. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 16813/2012—Odendaal, Maria Magdalena Elizabeth, 6 February 1918, 1802060018080, Waterberg Ouetehuis, Nylstroom, 10 July 2012. Pieter Schalk Nel, 106 Jean Avenue, Doringkloof, Centurion. 11130/2013—Meintjes, Johan Christiaan, 1957-09-20, 5709205019087, 258A Johannes Street, Fairlands, 2170, 2013-01-19. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 2951/2013—Sutton, Isaac Arcibald, 31-01-1918, 1801315044081, Suikerbekkiestraat 67, Jan Niemand Park, Pretoria, 07-01-2013; Catharina Dorothea Sutton, 25-03-1929, 2903250042085. J C L Botha Bestorwe Boedelberedderaars, Posbus 92, Pyramid, 0120. 28425/2012—Miller, Kevin John, 1966-11-03, 6611035019080, 42 9th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni, 1500, 19-02-2012; Kim Miller, 1969-04-25, 6904250125082. Du Plessis De Heus & Van Wyk Attorneys, 72 Woburn Avenue, Benoni. 6131/13—Uys, Cornelius Janse, 17-10-1926, 2610175029085, St Peters, Eenheid NM17, hoek van Jacqueline- en Winifred Yellstraat, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 24 Februarie 2013. Theunis Petrus Ebersohn, Postnet Suite 96, Privaatsak X025, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. 9549/2013—Goosen, Ivy Alice, 1950-12-31, 5012310002084, 88 Mopanie Road, Hennopspark, 2013-03-16. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 7442/2012—Chili, Nokabeki Grace, 6 November 1959, 5911060507089, 228 Rivengo Street, Moretele View, Mamelodi West, 0122, 10 March 2012. Sello Letsoalo Attorneys, 14723 Tsamaya Road, Mamelodi East; PO Rethabile, 0122. 5516/2012—Dzitsula, Elelwane, 14 November 1956, 5611140662080, 93 Masopha Street, Saulsville, Pretoria, 0125, 17 March 2012. Sello Letsoalo Attorneys, 14723 Mamelodi East; PO Rethabile, 0122. 5288/2013—Evans, Hendrina Magdalena, 1945-03-12, 4503120029086, 2 Victorian Dream, Alethea Street, Lyttelton, 18 January 2013. Liza van Schalkwyk Attorneys, Posbus 9574, Pretoria, 0001. 9287/2013—Pike, Albert Lawrence De la Rey, 1966-08-04, 6608045040080, Villa Marelize 8, Bailey Park, Potchefstroom, 2013-02-26. WJ Pieterse, Private Bag X137, Haflway House, 1685. 9965/2013—Grobbelaar, Sarel Willem, 1938-09-17, 3809175043083, 27 Essenwood Avenue, Birchleigh, Kempton Park, 1619, 2013-02-05; Natalie Grobbelaar, 1944-04-15, 4404150022085. Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 657/2013—Elsmarie Martins, 6802290017089, 23 April 2013. Wolfaardt Prokureur, Allie van Bergenstraat 30 (Posbus 4023), Witrivier, 1240. 11599/2011—Coetzee, Johannes Gerrit, 17-09-1953, 530917507780, 28 Jarrah Street, Breaunanda, Roodepoort, 06-06-2011; Shannon Coetzee, 19-06-1956, 5606190076082. Exhaurias Trust, Albatross Office Park, cnr Kingfisher and Albatross Streets, Helderkruin, Roodepoort. 9524/2013—Coetzee, Neil, 1944-04-02, 4404025052085, 9 Patricia Gardens, 19 Patricia Street, Kilnerpark, 2013-03-14; Mildred Hester Coetzee, 1945-12-19, 4512190033084. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 29155/2012—Bowen, Hephzibah Mary, 1933-02-06, 3302060020085, 41 Olive Grove, Prichard Street, Northriding, Randburg, 2194, 2012-09-21. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 10043/2013—Wagstaff, Brian Buchanan, 1934-01-01, 3401015035089, 74 The Lodge, Bryanston, Sandton, 2191, 2013-03-29; Margaret Stewart Wagstaff, 1937-06-01, 3706010017084. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 9700/2013—Mac Donald, Maureen Elaine, 1940-03-12, 4003120088083, 8 Welkom Street, Klopper Park, 1601, 2012-07-19; Claude Ramsey Mac Donald, 1935-09-15, 3509155085084. The Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 19229/2012—Jansen van Rensburg, Cheryl Ann, 19 Mei 1958, 5805190147089, Bostonstraat 10, Evander, 5 November 2012. Mnr. G K Cronje, Cohen, Cronje & Van der Walt Prokureurs, Cronwalt-gebou, Clercqstraat (Posbus 63), Bethal, 2310. 9962/2013—Smith, Hilda, 1947-07-31, 4707310023086, Unit 24, Sunset View, 10 Swempie Crescent, Liefde en Vrede, 2190, 2013-01-06. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 9682/2013—Ossher, Mercia Elizabeth, 1935-04-20, 3504200044087, 33 Rocklands, 2 Rocky Place, Corlett Gardens Extension 1, 2090, 2012-09-05. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193. 30 days. 10007/2013—Baguley, David, 1940-12-22, 4012225047183, 35 Janet Street, Florida, 1709, 2013-02-06; Isla Maxwell Baguley, 1942-08-25, 4208250020182. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193. 30 days. 9971/2013—Van Niekerk, Rudolph Jacobus, 1944-11-30, 4411305075082, 22 Gemsbok Street, Brackenhurst Ext 2, Alberton, 1449, 2013-02-23. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 77 9992/2013—Williams, John Brian, 1937-10-25, 3710255074081, 28 Drakens Avenue, Quellerina, 1709, 2013-03-11; Aileen Mae Williams, 1932-02-16, 3202160048087. Isabel Pieterse, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 28331/12—Du Plessis, Magdalena Susanna, 1942-12-02, 4212020002082, 98 Commissioner Street, Kempton Park, 1619, 2012-08-02. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 10007/2013—Baguley, David, 1940-12-22, 4012225047183, 35 Janet Street, Florida, 1709, 2013-02-06; Isla Maxwell Baguley, 1942-08-25, 4208250020182. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193. 30 days. 9682/2013—Ossher, Mercia Elizabeth, 1935-04-20, 3504200044087, 33 Rocklands, 2 Rocky Place, Corlett Gardens Extension 1, 2090, 2012-09-05. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193. 30 days. 9214/2013—Redinger, Raymond, 1949-06-28, 4906285050088, Oribistraat 3, Edelweiss, Springs, 2012-12-02. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days. 12684/2012—De Jager, Charlene Daisy, 1964-07-21, 6407210002086, 57 Everfair Ave, Randjesfontein, 2012-07-22. Jan A Rautenbach, Rautenbach & Van Niekerk, 204 Xcelpark, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 9453/2013—Sujee, Rashi Hassen, 1958-09-18, 5809185030086, 182 Himalaya Street, Laudium Ext 2, 25 May 2009. Ahmed Sujee, 183 Taj Street, Laudium Ext 2, 0037. 5674/2013—Ndishishi, Paulus Shonghela Mandume, 17 July 1984, 8407175285088, 9 Coke Street, West Park, Pretoria, 30 March 2013. MN Moafi Attorneys–Pretoria, PO Box 235, Mamelodi West. 20158/2012—Du Plessis, Hermanus Arnoldus Stephanus, 20 Julie 1956, 5004245035081, Van Vuurenlaan 160, Danville, Pretoria, 16 November 2012. Pieter van Niekerk, Montystraat 381, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria. 20313/2011—Smith, Maria Elizabeth, 1949-06-26, 4906260023084, 64 Nigel Road, Selection Park, Springs, 2011-06-12. M Seedat Attorneys, PO Box 14226, Laudium, 0037. 9338/2013—Smit, Jan Pieter Jeremias, 1942-01-09, 4201095010088, 13 Mopanie Street, Tasbet Park, Witbank, 2013-03-22. Sanlam Trust, Private bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 4033/2013—Strydom, Rachel Johanna, 1951-02-05, 5102050042083, Unikop Woonstelle No. 502, 565 Adcock Str, Gezina, 0084, 2012-12-21. Ariza Visser, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 4033/2013—Strydom, Rachel Johanna, 1951-02-05, 5102050042083, Unikop Woonstelle No. 502, 565 Adcock Str, Gezina, 0084, 2012-12-21. Ariza Visser, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 9982/2013—Maclagan, Hilda Marjorie, 1920-06-20, 2006200022080, 46 Jennet Street, Florida, 1709, 2013-02-25. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, 2nd Floor, Rosebank, Corner 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193. 30 days. 11884/2013—Nomfundiso Ntlokoyemali, 7506091063080, Nyathi Location, Flagstaff, 27-09-2013. Madikizela Attorneys, 28 Main Street, P.O. Box 1315, Flagstaff, 4810. 30 days. 9815/2012/PMB—Siphiwe Nancy Mkhize, 2706290148089, Roodepoort, Gauteng, 6 May 2003. Ngcobo Poyo & Diedricks Incorporated, 191 Hoosen Haffeje Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 3057/2013—Botha, Gertruida, 1952-08-03, 5208030017085, Plaas Drie Bergen, Roedtan, 2012-07-26; Christoffel Johannes Botha, 1948-11-28, 4811285019085. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days. 11148/2013—Olivier, Johan, 1930-02-16, 3002615054082, Piet Retiefstraat 35, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 2013-04-21. Veritas BOE, Posbus 61237, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, 0045. 2399/2013—Linde, Johannes Albertus, 1970-12-03, 7012035020088, 86A Dorp Street, Polokwane, 2013-01-17; Arnette Linde, 1972-06-07, 7206070019084. Jacobus Frederick Viljoen Linde, 8 Spitfire Avenue, Pierre van Rynfield. 5186/2013—Sontjane, Joseph Kolisile, 1960-05-05, 6005055359080, 3428 Tukile Street, Ikageng Location, Potchefstroom, 2531, 2012-11-02; Sebolelo Neriah Sontjane (Tlhanyane), 1963-04-23, 6304230737082. Lourens Bezuidenhout, 23 Anderson Street, Klerksdorp, 2570. 11000/2013—Kruger, Charmaine Valerie, 1957-10-12, 5710120017081, Liesbeeckstraat 15, Witpoortjie, 1724, 2013-04-13; Andre Johannes Kruger, 1956-02-08, 5602085020087. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days. 10993/2013—Fetzer, Helmut, 1929-07-12, 2907125055180, Frikkie Meyerstraat 14, Thabazimbi, 2013-03-22. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days. 13515/2012—De Bruyn, Henning Jonathan, 1924-02-12, 2402125010088, Plot 131 Bashewa Tiegerpoort, 2012-07-01. Haasbroek and Boezaart, P.O. Box 74224, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. 4116/2013—Lebethe, Kedisaletse Elias, 19 November 1948, 4811195627084, 1557 Hebron, North West Province, 23 February 2013; Winfred Kgomotso Lebethe, 20 September 1952, 5209200833087. Moshate More Attorneys, First Floor, Neo Plaza, 9105 Pilane Street, Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa. 8089/2012—Nkosi, Maurice Meshack, 1943-02-06, 4302065140085, 3854 Nyashengo Street, Vosloorus, 28 August 2011; Christina Nkosi, 1956-6-10, 5606100217081. Aletta MM van der Merwe Attorneys, McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse, P.O. Box 2004, Kempton Park, 1620. 2568/2013—Vos, Wilhelm Grassouw, 1963-10-31, 631015037082, 43 Lydenburg St, Lydenburg, 1120, 2012-10-06; Susara Magdalena Vos, 1967-02-16, 6702160086083. SG Smith & Co, 797 Hanny St, Pretoria Gardens, 0082. 30 days. 17383/2012—Davel, Daphne, 1932-02-06, 3202060024089, 651 Koedoeberg Road, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 2012-07-27. Haasbroek and Boezaart, P.O. Box 74224, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. 5729/2012—De Villiers, Anna Regina, 1916-04-26, 1604260036080, Willow Haven, Lynnwoodridge, Pretoria, Gauteng, 2011-11-30. Cox & Partners Attorneys, P.O. Box 5, Vryheid, 3100. 5240/2013—Van Wyk, Daphne, 19301206, 3012060001080, 925 11th Avenue, Wonderboom South, Pretoria, 0084, 2013-03-06. Neil Allan Horner, 46 Craigie Drive, Montrose, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 30 days. 78 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 5096/2013—Massyn, Lorna Stella, 24 April 1937, 3704240020085, Oostvallei Aftree-Oord 32, Coleystraat, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 3 Februarie 2013; Jan Andries George Massyn, 18 Oktober 1925, 2510185024086. P.a Olivier Prokureur, Ramonalaan 242, Erasmusrand, 0181. 9378/13(Johannesburg)—Maria Argyropoulos, 2610180016085, 9 Hedenrych Street, Edenglen, Edenvale, Centurion. SJ Botha, 22 Adam Street, Witfield, Boksburg; P.O. Box 13391, Witfield, 1467. 30 days. 08/2012—Wynand Frederik Bezuidenhout, 25 June 1943, 4306255040088, 15 Fisant Street, Helikonpark, Randfontein, 7 September 2010; married in community of property to Annie Margaret Bezuidenhout, 4706290157088. The Executors, c/o Mrs A.M. Bezuidenhout, Helikonpark, Randfontein, 1759. 30 days. 5814/2013—Bonacina, Thomas Louis Charles, 1931-08-29, 3108295035081, 5 Frimley Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg, 2013-01-22. Levine & Freedman Att, 1st Floor, PPI House, 9A Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. 9751/2013—Center, Doreen, 2 September 1923, 2309020025089, 57 Rose Village, Reunert Street, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg, 17 July 2012. Peter Frederick Caldwell, P.O. Box 1457, Roosevelt Park, 2129. 30 days. 11599/2011—Coetzee, Johannes Gerrit, 17-09-1953, 530917507780, 28 Jarrah Street, Breaunanda, Roodepoort, 06-06-2011; Shannon Coetzee, 19-06-1956, 5606190076082. Exhaurias Trust, Albatross Office Park, cnr Kingfisher and Albatross Streets, Helderkruin, Roodepoort. 9498/2013—Cohen, Brenda Dorothy, 1936-03-16, 3603160037089, 70 St John Rd, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2013-03-27. D Tannenbaum, 70 St John Rd, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2198. 9477/2013—Megan Cusdin, 2903270023180, A205 Morehill Gardens, Morris Avenue, Benoni, 1501, 16 March 2013. Hammond Pole Inc, Blocks 4 & 5, HP & D Park; P.O. Box 25319, East Rand, 1462. 30 days. 9939/2013—Enid Jane Davies, 30 August 1927, 2708300102080, Edenhaven Old Age Home, 12 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale, 28 February 2013. Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, First Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 30 days. 17034/2007—Michael John Davis, 4509245152083, 20 August 2007; Virgilia Thurl Davis. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days. 10958/2013—Dibetla, Dikeledi Liza, 1953-04-29, 5304290230086, 130 Mabena Street, Boreng, Delmas, 2210, 2013-03-28. K Lutchmia Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 17599/1998—Joseph Dickson, 1940-02-26, 4002265403081, 1478/5 Mamogale Street, Munsieville, Krugersdorp, 1739, 25 July 1998; divorced. Executor: Otto Dickson, 1478 Mamogale Street, Munsieville, Krugersdorp, 1739; 245 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp. 6023/13—Odelle Anne Erdman, 1944-06-22, 4406220012087, No. 2 Northcliff Manor, 12 Waugh Avenue, Northcliff, 07-04-2013. Willems & Van der Westhuizen Professional Accountants, P.O. Box 5801, Weltevreden Park, 1715. 28435/2012—Laura Christine Goth, 9 January 1949, 4901090048088, 64 David Street, Meredale, Johannesburg, 26-10-2012. Trevor Bouwer - Bouwer Cardona Inc, 59 7th Avenue, Parktown North. 9380/2013—Herrmann, Jorge, 29 June 1944, 4406295073188, 63 Beryl Street, Cyrildene, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 26 February 2011. Ilan Daniel Herrmann, c/o Attorney Keith H Lang, 109 Eckstein Street, cnr Kloof Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, Gauteng. 9695/2013—Higgins, Michael Barry, 1950-11-15, 5011155185186, 29 Walnut Street, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, Gauteng, 2013-02-05. Sim and Botsi Attorneys, No. 3 Dudley Street, Parkwood Upper. 5014/2013—Jada, Farouk, 1953-01-27, 5301275044086, 8564 Zambesi Road, Extension 10, Lenasia, 2011-04-26; Aysha Jada, 5205120050083. Coovadia Attorneys, P.O. Box 10723, Lenasia, 1820. 1753/2013—Jansen, Valerie Regina, 26 February 1952, 52022660051088, 20 Sam Jenningʼs Avenue, Norkem Park, Ext 3, 26 November 2012. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000. 25743/2012—Kolia, Hajira, 1945-02-10, 4502100005082, 1183 Tancy Crescent, Zakariyya Park, Johannesburg, 2011-06-30, Coovadia Attorneys, 175 Protea Avenue, Extension 7, Lenasia. 10056/2013—Sarel Johannes Kotze, 2806215005081, 7 April 2013; married out of community of property to Jeanette Maclaurin Kotze. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Bx 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days. 11610/2012—Leotwane, Kgosietsile Wilbert, 1975-10-05, 7510056021083, Unit 38, Villa Nova, Centurion, 2012-01-08. Tiragalo Solomon Sejwane of Sejwane -Thuwe Attorneys, 48 Meyer Street, Roodepoort, 1725. 30 days. 11612/2012—Leotwane, Sibongile Enneth, 1978-01-12, 7801120592088, Unit 38, Villa Nova, Centurion, 2012-01-08. Tiragalo Solomon Sejwane of Sejwane - Thuwe Attorneys, 48 Meyer Street, Roodepoort, 1725. 30 days. 8068/2013—Maseko, Vusi Epraim, 1950-12-22, 5012225645084, 840B Mthembu Street, Zola 3, 2013-03-06; Busisiwe Gladys Maseko, 1949-03-21, 4903210577087. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 5890/2013—Amina Hassen Mayet, 28 March 1928, 2803280089082, 15 Jumna Crescent, Marlboro Gardens, Sandton, 16 June 2012. Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, First Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 31780/2012—Maysyakos, Evangelos, 1928-11-25, 2811255031187, 160 Great Britian Str, Kenilworth, 2012-08-02; Despina Masyakos, 1930-12-26, 3012260015187. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 8454/2013—Mazibuko, Muntumuni James, 1960-03-19, 6003195806086, 5 Verbena Street, Bersig Township, Heidelberg, Gauteng Province, 2013-03-07; Julia Mazibuko (born Tshidzumba), 1964-09-09, 6409091023082. Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Inc, 20 Ueckermann Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng Province. 8956/2013—Mdakane, Norah, 1949-08-26, 4908260606082, 11756 Ext 4, Dobsonville, 1863, 2013-03-02. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 13855/2011—Mmiya, Isiah Nako, 1970-08-28, 7008285555088, 11756 Ext 4, Dobsonville, 1863, 2013-03-02. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 31206/2012—Mofokeng, Mmusi Moses, 1944-12-14, 4412145300086, 953 Nhlapo Section, Katlehong, 1431, 2012-09-24; Puleng Noriah Mofokeng, 1945-03-21, 4503210289087. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 8935/2013—Mofokeng, Wendy Refiloe, 1951-01-15, 5101150589084, 1425 Zone 10, Sebokeng, 1984, 2012-12-04. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 10006/2013—Fransoi Abel Mokoena, 1 October 1957, 5710015553083, 10415 Sefofane Street, Extension 14, Vosloorus, 12 December 2012; Dina Nontsikelelo Mokoena, 6110050568089. Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, First Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 79 009829/2013—Nare David Mphela, 3001295194083, 19 June 2011; Johanna Kwena Mphela, 3811060261085. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days. 10652/2013—Mogomotsi, Abram Sekotso, 1955-05-04, 5505045697086, 17124 Drakenberg Street, Kagiso, 2013-04-26; Zelda Kedibone Mogotsi, 1965-05-15, 6505150259085. K Lutchmia Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 10944/2013—Ndawonde, Mkhulumeleni, 1958-02-24, 5802245425081, 10543 Langa Street, Dobsenville, Ext 3, 2005-12-17. K Lutchmia Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 10404/2013—Niemand, Benjamin, 1946-05-28, 4605285006088, 114 Bonaero Park, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park, 2013-04-13. Van der Berg Incorporated, 100 Highveld Road, Kempton Park. 9271/2013—Nobela, Simon, 1967-03-04, 6703046019082, 2885 Muller Str, Naturena Ext 19, 2013-01-18; Bobgiwe Sarah Hlongwane, 1974-06-23, 7406230653083. Preshnee Govender Att, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 10700/2013—Parkies, Jonas Likhutianyane, 1959-04-16, 5904165367085, 37 Corundum Crescent, Ennerdale Ext 8, 1830, 2013-04-10; Nomqaphazo Evelina Parkies, 1963-12-01, 6312010501081. Moruo Trust & Estate Planning, 16-20 New South Street, 3rd Floor, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square. 009821/13—Pisanti, Maria, 1924-11-22, 2411220072083, 5 Suffolk Road, Kensington, 2013-02-14. Carmela Visentin, c/o Westrust (Pty) Ltd, 41 Central Street, Houghton, Johannesburg. 13496/11—Marinda Ponelis, 5911220023082, 8 Hibiscus Street, Northmead, Extension 4, Benoni, 10 July 2011. Gishen-Gilchrist Inc, 1st Floor, Eagle Place, 89 Elston Avenue, P.O. Box 900, Benoni, 1500. 30 days. 11449/2012—Ramsaru, Rithesh, 23-10-1978, 7810235055089, 647 Springfield Street, Lenasia South, Ext 1, Johannesburg, 26 March 2012; Serika Ramsaru, 27-3-1980, 800327. Serika Ramsaru, 647 Springfield Street, Lenasia South, Ext 1, Johannesburg. 9452/2013—Richards, Fay, 1945-11-18, 4511180095087, 6 Smits Road, Dunkeld West, 2196, 2013-09-04. C D F Richards, 6 Smits Road, Dunkeld West, 2196. 8558/2013—Jacobus Schalk Rossouw, 8 April 1932, 3204085014087, 2 Hydra Cottages, 9 Trelawyn Road, New Redruth, Alberton, 27 February 2013. Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, First Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg 2092. 30 days. 9998/2013—Louis Peter Rossouw, 27 November 1962, 6211275175088, 53 Mc William Street, Venterspost, 1 February 2013; Veronica Rossouw, 6509010712085. Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, First Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg 2092. 30 days. 29712/2009—Klashiela Sallie, 1931-10-03, 3110030048080, 7 Winterburg Avenue, Bosmont, 8-10-2009; deceased. Butch Williams Attorneys, 297 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort. 9715/2013—John Semotse Segonyetso, 17 July 1943, 4307175428080, unmarried, 4107 Kagiso, Krugersdorp. Executor: Momanki Terevoster Moswete, Agent, Swart Redelinghuys Nel & Partners, 245 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp. 10511/2013—Sethlabani, Mantombi Esther, 1932-01-22, 3201220205083, Erf 28, Masike Street, Kwa-Thema, 2012-10-14. Moruo Trust & Estates Planning, 16-20 New South Street, 3rd Floor, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square. 10955/2013—Thungo, Promise Sthembiso, 1978-10-22, 7810225637086, 17048 Protea Glen Ext. 16, 2013-03-30; Jeanny Thungo, 1974-01-30, 7401300356089. K Lutchmia Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 19061/2012—Willemse, Willem Andries, 12/03/1959, 5903125125088, 385 Horn Street, Pretoria North, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0182, 7 June 2012; Isabella Hendrika Willemse, 14/06/1953, 5306140098084. Agent for Executrix: William Tintinger Attorney, P.O. Box 2844, Pretoria, 0001 (c/o 576 Brits Road & Jack Hindon Street, 1st Floor, Heinette Building, Pretoria North, 0182. 10951/2013—Zwane, Mandlenkosi Richard, 1953-06-14, 5306145692082, 11 Mbalo Street, 9165, Dobsonville Ext. 3, 2013-03-20; Nono Marria Zwane, 1955-04-11, 5504110438088. K Lutchmia Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 5969/2012—Thandeka Prominent Zikalala, 7907190463082, unmarried, 13 August 2011. Ratshivhombela Attorneys, 357 Hismajesty Building, Third Floor, cnr Joubert & Commissioner Streets, Johannesburg. 30 days. 9416/2013—Cornelius Stefanus Jacobus Smit, 14 Maart 1941, 4103145032080, Visserstraat 25, Ventersdorp, 2710, 14 Maart 2013; Johanna Sussanna Elizabeth Smit, 3805280035006. Anstelle Trustees, Posbus 14116, Flamwood Walk, 2535. 30 dae. 19224/2012—Potgieter, Magdalena Maria, 2 Februarie 1926, 2602020038080, Huis Herfsblaar, Webbweg, Queenswood, Pretoria, 12 September 2012. A P de Jongh, Posbus 14391, Dersley. 10835/2013—Ernst Philippus Nortje, 5704205123088, Postmastraat 6, Stilfontein, 2551, 10 Januarie 2013. Ernst Philippus Nortje, Posbus 5086, Klerksdorp, 2576. 30 dae. 2880/2013 (Johannesburg)—Mxolise Ben Macingwane, 5509295710086, 1474 Phase 2, Diepkloof Extension 1862, 27 August 2010; Sinna Nontombi Macingwane, 5508030737081. Dykes Van Heerden Inc, PO Box 21755, Helderkruin, 1733. 30 days. 2880/2013—Macingwane, Mxolise Ben, 1955-09-29, 5509295710086, 1474 Phase 2, Diepkloof Extension 1862, 2010-08-27; Sinna Nontombi Macingwane, 1955-08-03, 5508030737081. Dykes Van Heerden Inc, PO Box 2326, Wilropark, 1731. 30 days. 2531/2013—Molly Dellyse Wiid, 4006080023081, 93 (4de Straat), Eloff, Delmas 2210, 22 Augustus 2012. Esme Rossouw Prokureurs, Posbus 1736, Potchefstroom, 2520. 30 dae. 11478/2013—Sophie Susanna van Biljon, 3007250043082, 92 Douglasdale Aftree-oord, 57 Nivenlaan, Douglasdale, Bryanston, 2191. Jan Schutte Prokureurs, Posbus 1021 Pinegowrie, 2123. 30 dae. 9470/2013—Fernandes, Ralph Gardiner Fredrick, 1926-08-11, 2608115017087, 29 Hawk Street, Denne-oord X6, Brakpan, 17 January 2013; Susanna Magdalena Fernandes, 1929-04-08, 2904080046080. KC Trustees (Pty) Ltd, represented by Adv. Karen Coetzer, PO Box 731302, Fairlands, 2030. 80 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 9470/2013—Fernandes, Ralph Gardiner Fredrick, 1926-08-11, 2608115017087, 29 Hawk Street, Denne-oord X6, Brakpan, 17 January 2013; Susanna Magdalena Fernandes, 1929-04-08, 2904080046080. KC Trustees (Pty) Ltd, represented by Adv. Karen Coetzer, PO Box 731302, Fairland, 2030. 5547/2013—Morehen, Elriza, 1951-09-16, 5109160019083, No. 4 Villa Gardens, 188 Jonk Avenue, Clubview, Centurion, 0157, 2013-04-05. Andries Coetzee, Posbus 8161, Centurion, 0046. 8720/2013—Botha, Christoffel Johannes, 1942-08-24, 4208245044081, Abramowitzstraat 14, Brakpan, 1541, 2013-03-09. Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, PO Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. 7895/2013—Poupinel de Valence, Helen Sophie, 1927-03-02, 2703020012081, 353 Walton Street, Alan Woodraw Park, Boksburg, 2012-09-21. Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, PO Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. 7896/2013—Botha, Hester Katerina, 1926-10-13, 2610130031085, Cloetestraat 178, Danville, 2013-03-01. Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, PO Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. 7897/2013—Van Zyl, Maria Christina Gertruida, 1937-08-09, 3708090008082, Davis Court, 15 Sammy Marks Street, Secunda, 2302, 2012-08-28. Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, PO Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. 7900/2013—Smith, Jane, 1925-02-01, 2502010305186, 15 Lynton Road, Morningside Manor, 2196, 2012-12-16. Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, P.O. Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. Mbusiswa Joseph Masilela, 5302255372083, 27 Graskop, Leachville, Brakpan, 21 March 2013. Zebediela Attorneys, Suite 107, Central Towers, 289 Pretorius Street. 30 days. 6194/2013—Wilson, Marianne Denise, 1950-06-22, 5006220038089, 8 Riverleigh, 9 High Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale, 2013-02-19. Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1556, Strubens Valley, 1735. 30 days. 11431/2013—Pretorius, Jan Hendrik, 1930-04-04, 3004045014080, Alberton Retirement Village, 45 Kritzinger Avenue, Alberton, 2013-05-03. Derrick Mordecai, 60A African Street, Norwood. 22325/2011—Moloto, Ntleleng Jane Catherine, 1933-07-13, 3307130129089, Plot 448, Marylaan, Zuurbekom, Westonaria, Gauteng, 2010-11-30. Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc. Attorneys, 1st Floor, Ruimsig Boulevard, Cnr Hendrik Potgieter and Doreen Road, Ruimsig, Roodepoort. 1450/2013—Murrin, Richard, 1973-11-23, 7311235296088, 11 Roan Street, Ester Park, Kempton Park, 2012-12-20. Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc. Attorneys, 1st Floor, Ruimsig Boulevard, Cnr Hendrik Potgieter and Doreen Road, Ruimsig, Roodepoort. 5565/2013—Beukes, Philippus Jacobus, 20 March 1924, 2403205012085, 6 Finie Avenue, Bassonia, Johannesburg, 2012/12/21. Scholtz & Scholtz Attorneys, 12 Alice Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton, 1448. 3001/2013—James Patterson, 10 Januarie 1932, 3201105022082, Amystraat 33, Meredale, Johannesburg, 23 Desember 2012. Scholtz Maritz Prokureur, Posbus 882, Mondeor, 2110. 30 dae. 10340/2012—Cantamessa, Mabel Frances, 1923-01-02, 2301020006086, Saint Charles Village, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020, 2012-04-10. Stander and Partners, P.O. Box 259, Delmas, 2210. 30 days. 22572/2011—Marthinus Very, 4303155003084, 88 Bailey Street, Randgate, Randfontein, 23 July 2011. Truter Crous & Wiggill Ing., Nashetgebou, Southernsirkel, Greenhills, Posbus 116, Randfontein, 1760. 30 dae. 27486/2012—Lester Ogilvie Mason, 7310135145080, Dunwoodie Rylaan 1283B, Waverley, Pretoria, 11 September 2012. U Hiley, PriceWaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park (Posbus 55799), Arcadia, 0007. 30 dae. 4192/2013—Viljoen, Sarel Johannes, 1952-04-20, 5204205060083, 26ste Laan 657, Villeria, Pretoria, 2012-11-15. W A Eksteen, Posbus 56725, Arcadia, 0007. 9567/2013—Pretorius, Nicolaas Francois, 13/09/1976, 7609135026087, 22 Evelon Court, Evander, Mpumalanga, 10/02/2013. Natasja Melinda Roodt, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 11174/2013—Araujo, Fernando Luis Goncalves, 30/07/1968, 6807305138085, 100 Paul Kruger Road, Southcrest, Alberton, 26/05/2012; Claudia Sofia Centeio Araujo, 26/03/1978, 7803260131081. Natasja Melinda Roodt, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 13102/2012—Mashego, Paulus Reuben, 1964/06/30, 6406305378088, 8th Avenue, 9369, Sualsville Uitbreiding 7, Pretoria, 12/08/2012. M Du Plessis, Posbus 1606, Ifafi, 0260. 30 dae. 877/2013—Glynn, Walter Hugh, 1937-08-02, 3708025022083, 18 Henley Retirement Village, 10 Ewelme Road, Henley-On-Klip, 2012-09-01; Judith Ellen Glynn, 1941-10-08. HC Nolte, Nolte Inc., P.O. Box 2472, Vereeniging, 1930. 10597/2013—Auret, Jacomina Johanna Carolina, 8-09-1934, 3409080010085, Unit C11, Witfield Park Retirement Village, Witfield, Germiston, 15-04-2013. Adv. P Sadler, Private Bag X02, Springs, 1560. 12624/2012—Fullarton, Kirsty Lynne, 1973-04-01, 7304010096088, 17 Royal Gate, Cnr Stanley East Road, Brentwood Park, 2012-03-26. P A Coetzee, 17 MC Nulty Street, Silverlakes, 0054. 30 days. 6189/2013—Missaikos, Nicolaas, 1931-09-26, 3109265099081, 41 Whitehouse Ave, Farrarmere, Benoni, 2013-02-24. P A Coetzee, 17 MC Nulty Street, Silverlakes, 0054. 30 days. 10797/2013—Barry, Abdoule, 22 November 1963, 6311225267082, No. 4 College Street, Fairview, Johannesburg, 2 August 2011. Matty John Sukuta Kombo, North Coast Region, Gambia. 30 days. 11219/2013—Mfumadi, Wendy Thandi, 64/12/02, 64120205650, 937 Stuiwer Street, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort, 23 February 2013; Simon Diteko Mfumadi, 68/03/20, 68032055450. Simon Deteko Mfumadi, 937 Stuiwer Street, Strubensvalley. 30 days. 10926/2012—Tshivhase, Lucas Mukosi Tshivhase, 43-02-15, 4302155556083, Phiphidi Village, Venda, Limpopo, 28 August 2012; Raphutshi Tshivhase, 1950/07/20, 5007200675080. Thakhani Tshivhase, 35 Cabertnet Crescent, Hurligham Manor. 30 days. 6244/13—Becorley, Loreto Bernadette, 18/09/1957, 5709180123086, 417 Eastside Street, Eesterust, Pretoria, 26/01/2010. Liezel Sermorne Becorley, 417 Eastside Street, Eesterust, Pretoria. 30 days. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 81 9468/2013—Hester Maria De Necker, 4608010082085, Clydesdaleweg 10, Casseldale, Springs, 14 Januarie 2013. Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Ing. (Prokureur en Verteenwoordiger van Eksekuteur), Van der Waltweg 61, Dalview, Brakpan, 1541 (Posbus 10176), Dalview, 1544. 6236/13—Hendrik Petrus Pretorius, 5502135003085, Plot 88, Gedeelte 1, Heatherdale, Pretoria, 24 Maart 2013; Alta Anita Pretorius, 5505040024005. Advokaat D.J. Müller genomineerde van Botha Geldenhuys Prokureurs, Vinkostraat 180, Sinoville, Pretoria. 30 dae. 6235/13—Helena Johanna Van Wyk, weduwee, 4711120003080, 561 De Beerstraat, Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria, 23 April 2013. Advokaat D.J. Müller genomineerde van Botha Geldenhuys Prokureurs, Vinkostraat 180, Sinoville, Pretoria. 30 dae. 5951/13—Colin Ekstedt Williams, 3302165003085, 26 Snowdrop Avenue, Newlands, Pretoria, 21 Maart 2013; Doreen Williams, 2906110045180. Advokaat D.J. Müller genomineerde van Botha Geldenhuys Prokureurs, Vinkostraat 180, Sinoville, Pretoria. 30 dae. 10797/2013—Barry, Abdoulie, 22 November 1963, 6311225267082, No. 4 College Street, Fairview, Johannesburg, 2 August 2011. Matty John Sukuta Kombo, North Coast Region, Gambia. 30 days. 11219/2013—Mfumadi, Wendy Thandi, 64/12/02, 64120205650, 937 Stuiwer Street, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort, 23 February 2013; Simon Diteko Mfumadi, 68/03/20, 68032055450. Simon Deteko Mfumadi, 937 Stuiwer Street, Strubensvalley. 30 days. 10926/2012—Tshivhase, Lucas Mukosi Tshivhase, 43-02-15, 4302155556083, Phiphidi Village, Venda, Limpopo, 28 August 2012; Raphutshi Tshivhase, 1950/07/20, 5007200675080. Thakhani Tshivhase, 35 Cabertnet Crescent, Hurligham Manor. 30 days. 6244/13—Becorley, Loreto Bernadette, 18/09/1957, 5709180123086, 417 Eastside Street, Eesterust, Pretoria, 26/01/2010. Liezel Sermorne Becorley, 417 Eastside Street, Eesterust, Pretoria. 30 days. 14057/2012—Hooper, Bradford Derek, 1950/09/10, 5009105035089, Plot 113, Veekraal Deneysville, 1932, 2012/07/13. Jacobus Albertus Du Plessis, Unit 35, Norma Jean Square, 244 Jean Avenue, Centurion, 0157. 568/2013—Claassen, Cornelius Johannes, 1951-11-16, 5111165001082, 19 Cleopatra Ave, Die Heuwel X1, Witbank, 1035, 2012-12-17; Magrietha Elizabeth Claasen, 1957-09-18, 5709180111081. Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days. 664/2013—More, Nicholas John, 06/06/1967, 6706065028082, Orchard House, Folly Farm, White River, Mpumalanga, 23 April 2013. P C Beckenstrater, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, 19 Brander Street, Nelspruit, 1200. 30 days. 1659/2013—De Oliveira, Fernando Dias, 13 September 1926, 2609135040182, 7 Sonja Park, Rosemary Avenue, Annlin, 0182 (Pretoria), 24 December 2012. Mr. Charl Petrus De Vos Kotzé of Charl Kotze Attorneys, 38 Van der Schyff Street, Corner of Elizabet Street, Wonderboom, 0182 (Pretoria). 22229/2012—Smith, Graham Leslie Smith, 18/09/1937, 3709185025080, 66 Laurie Road, Illiondale, Edenvale, 1609, 29 April 2012; Jeanette Clare Smith, 01/01/1942, 4201010030088. G Van der Merwe & Co., P.O. Box 74772, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. 2834/2013—Brandt, Ronald Pieter, 1930-08-11, 3008115047086, 12de Straat Noord 71, Welverdiend, Carletonville, 2499, 2013-01-02. Ariza Visser, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 8253/2013—Ruiters, James Emmanuel, 21/12/1954, 5412215129083, 720 Erica Street, Reiger Park, Boksburg, 1459, 26/12/2012; Hendrina Cathy Ruiters, 5212280098084. Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 10481/2013—Lebelo, Morongwa Francina, 2/10/1944, 4410020464084, 1994 Block UX Mabopane, Pretoria, 0190, 4/03/2013. Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 8255/2013—Janse van Vuuren, Maria Magdalena Petronella, 15/08/1926, 2608150014080, 69 Bosman Street, Fochville, 2515, 5/02/2013. Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 7056/2013—Steenkamp, Maria Elizabeth, 12-09-1927, 2709120026087, Fochville Old Age Home, 35 Amarille In, Fochchville, 3-6-2007; aanwasbedeling, Jan Harms Steenkamp, 2610225011082. Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 8336/2013—Van der Westhuizen, Petrus Jacobus, 1944-12-12, 4412125008089, 17 Sophia Street, Risiville, Vereeniging, 2013-03-10; Susara Maria Magdalena Van der Westhuizen, 1944-02-04, 4402040081089. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 800/2013—Molefe, Isaiah Justin Ramoratedi Molefe, 1965-11-20, 6511205723083, 25185 Khutsong Mamelodi East, 2012-12-26; Jane Mosotho Molefe, 1966-05-28, 6605280430083. Jake Maseka Attorneys, 5049 Zone 4, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. 5762/2013—Mostert, Wessel, Cornelius, 1956-05-10, 5605105051081, KWV 3, Glen Ersmia, Kempton Park, 04-11-2012. Herculaas Venter, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days. 18700/2012—Dimba, Themba Francis, 1954-11-20, 5411205332087, 8 Jakarandahof, 204 Burger Street, Pretoria, 2012-07-11; Sinta Stella Dimba, 1953-09-30, 5309300586088. First National Trust, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days. 5870/2013—Phillips, Ronald, 1934-12-08, 3412085029084, 14 Houtkapper Street, Montana Retirement Village, Pretoria, 2013-02-01; Christine Gesina Phillips, 1935-12-05, 3512050023085. Gerhardus Goosen, P.O. Box 14417, Hatifield, 0028. 6447/13—Mampye, Johnson Mpho, 01-09-1979, 7909015633089, 5 Putter Street, The Orchards X5, 0182, 20-04-2013; Phumzile Pertunia Mampye, 1983-09-12, 8309121109083. Kotlolo Attorneys, P.O Box 3627, Pretoria, 0001. 1805/2011—Johanna Wilhelmina De Loor, 7 December 19323212070021082, 7 Spartan Laan, Wingate Park, Pretoria, 6 September 2010; ongetroud. J G Horn Ing, Posbus 13500, Hatfield, 0028. 30 dae. 880/2013—Jacomina Stofelina Britz, 2911060027089, Ebenhaeser Old Age Home, 211 Anna Wilson Street, Kilner Park, 0186, 19 December 2012. J van der Merwe, P.O. Box 17226, Groenkloof, 0027. 15018/2011—Van der Merwe, Zacharia Maria, 11 Maart 1924, 2403110019084, Plot 66, Zwavelpoort known as 66 Saal Street, Zwavel Poort, 18 Oktober 2010. Carl Hercules Jacobus, Barnard Petco Trust CC, Posbus 905-977, Garsfontein, 0042. 82 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 6361/13—Mhlabane, Sipho Michael, 5912195784088, 439 Block H, Soshanguve, 2013-02-26; Badirane Hilda Edith Mhlabane, 1959-05-16, 5905160761081. JJ Makama Attorneys, 1458 Block L, Soshanguve. 6625/13—Mhlabane, Maria, 1927-08-12, 2708120150087, 439 Block H, Soshanguve, 2011-07-20. JJ Makama Attorneys, 1458 Block H, Soshanguve, Pretoria. 4933/2013—Maseko, Batjeleni David Maseko, 1940-12-25, 4012255384084, 1459 Block L, Soshanguve, Pretoria; Sarah Thalitha Maseko, 1938-12-12, 3812120461087. JJ Makama Attorneys, P.O. Box 463, Soshanguve, 0164. 18862/12—Visser, Anton, 9-5-1958, 5805095035082, Goethestraat 5, Secunda, 3-11-2012; Esme Dorothy Visser, 3-5-1959, 5905030115088. Esme Dorothy Visser, Posbus 10059, Secunda, 2302. 11222/2013—Wilson, Malcolm Gordon, 17-11-1944, 4411175051080, 958 Javelin Crescent, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort, 1709, 1-3-2013; Valerie Jean Grace Wilson, 30-7-1950, 5007300064185, Valerie Jean Grace Wilson, 958 Javelin Crescent, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort, 1709. 6632/2011—Ellis, Gideon Jakobus, 10-1-1951, 5101105010087, Leeupoort, Plot 54, Witbank, 28-11-2010; Dedirieka Johanna Sussanna Ellis, 20-7-1954, 5407200082081. Dedirieka Johanna Sussanna Ellis, 1 Nicol Street, Witbank. Yzelle, Ellen Hilda, 7-12-1958, 5812070116085, 1110 Naguil Street, Montana Park, 0159, 03-02-2013; Phillippus Albertus Yzelle, 13-12-1947, 4712135034086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 7/1/2-72/2010—Verwey, Eugene, 28-10-1956, 5610285103082, Jubeleum Old Age Home, Skinnerstraat 323, 0002, 10-08-2010. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Swart, Johannes Wilhelmus, 10-01-1932, 3201105025085, Jolify Ring Road 32, Mooikloof Landgoed, Pretoria, 0059, 18-11-2012; Johanna Marthina Swart, 05-07-1936, 3607050053080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Stroebel, Catharina Maria, 27-06-1928, 2806270026089, 9 Eatonweg, Horison, 1724, 18-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Stols, Salomon Jacobus, 05/07/1947, 4707055123083, Snipestraat 22, Horison, Roodepoort, 1724, 28/03/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Redelinghuys, Helena Elizabeth, 27/06/1935, 3506270008082, 33 Ridgewood, Gloverlaan 145, Centurion, 0157, 28/03/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Potgieter, Anna Magrietha Elizabeth, 09/09/1942, 4209090055081, Chante Park 17, Pocigoon Street, Meyerspark, 0184, 13/03/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Markram, Martha Catharina Stoffelina, 29/01/1923, 2301290009083, Huis Vergenoeg, B104 33ste Laan, Villieria, Pretoria, 0186, 30/08/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Lokander, Otto Gust, 02/07/1930, 3007025005085, 229 Glen Haven Retirement Cent, 282 Anette van Zyl Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042, 31/03/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Du Rand, Wentzel Christoffel, 14/05/1959, 5905145138082, Hoewe 36, Akasia, Wintersnest, 0182, 09/03/2013; Anna Johanna du Rand, 22/09/1962, 6209220033089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Du Preez, Floris Petrus Johannes, 04/11/1938, 3811045016083, Bromvoëlstraat 529, Monumentpark, 0181, 15/04/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Tlhatlha, Mamabitso Magdeline, 21/03/1939, 3903210220085, 108 Carbon Road, Steelpark, Vereeniging, 1939, 26/03/2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 652/2013—Terblanche, Andries Bernardus Michiel, 22/05/1954, 5405225040084, Polkastraat 8, Klapperkruin, Nelspruit, 1201, 20/03/2013; Judith Jacoba Terblanche 15/04/1955, 5504150141089. ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620. Schwarzendahl, Isabella Susanna, 28/10/1925, 2510280010089, Graaff Reinetstraat 82, Nigel, 1490, 07/03/2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 576/2013—Potgieter, Leon, 14/12/1967, 6712145130088, Doornkraal Plaas, Brondal, 1200, 26/01/2013; Linda Hilda Mathilda Potgieter, 17/11/1966, 6611170056087. ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620. Mitchell-Granger, Ivor Jose, 15/02/1927, 2702155047086, 161 Boulder Avenue, Berario, 2195, 01/01/2013; lusdivina Granger, 15/08/1931, 3108150054086. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Magagula, Bhekinkosi Jabulane, 26/09/1969, 6909265840088, 27 Visagie Street, Extension 8, Witbank, 1034, 13/01/2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Harman, Adolf Alfred, 30/08/1965, 6508305122083, No. 2 Baywood Street, Extension 20, Witbank, 1035, 16/02/2013; Harman, 02/10/1959, 5910020114083. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Guiotto, Vittorio Pietro, 19/07/1943, 4307195057182, Plot 54, Purchaser Street, Marister, Benoni, 1623, 15/02/2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Faurie, Chlesins Susanna, 27/01/1927, 2701270008080, 27 Ackerman Street, Witbank, 1035, 15/12/2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Els, Manfred Stanley, 11/01/1946, 4601115021082, 85 Rex Street, Claremont, Johannesburg, 2092, 24/03/2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 574/2013—Botha, Daniel, 06/06/1933, 3306065011080, Restig Senioroord 5, Witrivier, 1240, 12/02/2013; Botha, 30/07/1937, 3707300070080. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 10244/2013—Baker, Robert Clive, 07/10/1938, 3810075047083, 92 Oak Street, Northmead Ext. 4, Benoni, 1504, 22/02/2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 83 16680/2012—Suliman, Abdool Ajij, 1943-08-08, 4308085138082, 3 4th Street, Delmas, 2011-07-11. Ashraf Ally Suliman, 160 Main Reef Road, Crown Mines, Johannesburg, 2025. 7572/2013—Ndlovu, George Victor, 1970-02-03, 7002035804086, 3161 Ndlebe Street, Extension 8, Vosloorus, 2012-12-21; Mbali Lally Melter Nzimande, 1974-02-02, 7402022134085. Nkosi Nkosana Inc, 5 Wiek Street, Bardene, Boksburg. 001945/2013—Sikhosana, Promise Nomusa, 1973-11-23, 7311230485082, 7 Porsche Street, Dawn Park, Boksburg, 2012-12-04; Hlobisile Immaculate Shabangu, 1990-12-29, 9012290911086. Nkosi Nkosanna Inc, 5 Wiek Street, Bardene, Boksburg. 10108/2013—Pieters, Joan, 27 May 1958, 5805270077083, 50 Park Lane, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg, 2 February 2013. Arnold Charles Shapiro, c/o Routledge Modise Inc., PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146. 4866/08—Moonsamy, Dhanbhaiko Moses Moonsamy, 01-08-1927, 2708010127088, 13 Ulundi Crescent, Extension 10, Lenasia, JHB, 09-06-2005. Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys, PO Box 6039, Lenasia North, 1838. 10393/13–Wocke, Patricia Dolores Wocke, 06-06-1942, 4206060043089, 4 Lets Luuks, Duiker Ave, Zwartkop, Gauteng, 15-03-2013. Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys, PO Box 6039, Lenasia North, 1838. 19976/06—Mavimbela, Buti Isaac, 13 March 1948, 4803135673088, 1449 William Adolf Avenue, Geluksdal Ext 1, Brakpan, 31 October 2006; Thandiwe Mabel Mavimbela (born Mdlulu), 30 October 1945, 4510300357088. A G Smuts & Partners, PO Box 743, Brakpan, 1540. 7029/2013—Lambert, Elizabeth, 1928-11-28, 2811280267087, 43 Sunset View, Berger Street, Vorna Valley, 2012-12-31. Robin Drummond Twaddle, PO Box 725, Halfway House, 1685. 21933/11—Mavimbela, Nomvula Mita, 1923-07-15, 2307150142088, 1861 Tsubakie Street, Dube Village, Soweto, Johannesburg, 07-07-2011; deceased spouse. Q Dube Attorneys, 6 Amber Lane, Grayston & Linden Rd, Sandton, JHB. 10309/2013—Mokhethi, Xolisile Caroline, 1959-02-10, 5902100714080, Erf No. 02342/3, Spruitview Township, 2013-04-07. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor–402, Marshalltown, Johannesburg. 29761/2012—Thabane, Riza, 1961-03-28, 6103280660081, Stand 2534, Moroka, 1818. 2012-04-12. Lebogong Mogobe, Stand 2534, Moroka, 1818. 30 days. 8671/2013—Mankga, Sara Tilly, 1921-12-12, 2112120142089, 11262 Orlando West Extension, 2013-01-16. Tunstall Maria Oumar, 11262 Orlando West Extension. 30 days. 25203/2009—Luvuno, Bafana Moses, 1936-01-14, 3601145160083, Stand No. 00475, Old Dobsonville, 1863, 2009-09-21; Luvuno Nobantu Winnifred, 1944-11-22, 4411220298082. Luvuno Nobantu Winnifred Stand No. 00475, Old Dobsonville, 1863. 30 days. 18634/2013—Modise, Galebowe Betty, 1953-04-14, 5304140749087, 6503 Hinza Street, Kagiso, 2004-03-27. Babedie Ofentse Glynora, 6503 Hinza Street, Kagiso. 30 days. 0007952/2013—Mthethwa, Jabulile Goodness, 1969-09-11, 6909110518087, 606 Windsor Gardens, 23 Bok Street, Joubert Park, 2001, 2013-03-19; Tholinhlanhla Nathanial Mthethwa, 1961-04-04, 6104045410085. Tholinhlanhla, 606 Windsor Gardens, 23 Bok Street, Joubert Park, 2001. 30 days. 4531/2013—Mbatha, Kembela Johan, 1955-11-13, 551113528008080, 10754 Mmabatho Street, Kagiso Ext 6, 2012-11-19; Nokuthula Florence Mbatha, 1951-06-15, 5106150562080. Nokuthula, 10754 Mmabatho Street, Kagiso Ext 6. 30 days. 8668/2013—Maitse, Matlakala Melina, 1948-12-25, 4812250909086, 1778 Elias Motsoalide Road, Dobsonville, 1863, 2013-03-18. Nkwe Mosidi Adeline, 9804 Msebe Street Dobsonville, Extension 3, 1863. 30 days. 9563/2013—Kumalo, Ernest, 1963-02-24, 6302245824085, 8706 Letaba Street, Langaville, Extension 6, 2007-11-15. Esau Khumalo, 8706 Letaba Street, Langaville, Extension 6. 30 days. 7660/2013—Petlele, Tsietsi Frederick, 1946-06-14, 4606145531083, 11118 Extension 2, Dobsonville, 1863, 2013-03-23. Kutlwano Petlele, 11118 Extension 2, Dobsonville, 1863. 30 days. 0007500/2013—Galetloge, Mamolete Elizabeth, 1950-12-23, 5012230200081, 71 Jonas Moabi Street, Dobsonville, 1863, 2008-10-03. Galetloge Boitumelo Nicholene, 71 Jonas Moabi Street, Dobsonville, 1863. 30 days. 8078/2013—Mshongolo, Shoti Kortman, 1946-02-09, 4602095217088, 2412 Dunge Stret, Tsakane, 2013-03-27; Mshongolo Nella Selina, 1952-04-28, 5204280710081. Mshongolo Nella Selina, 2412 Dunge Street, Tsakane. 30 days. 6590/2013—Flatela, Dambuza, 1952/08/20, 5208205328085, 380 Maphanga Extension 3, Katlehong, 2004/03/19. Simphiwe Flatela, 380 Maphanga Extension 3, Katlehong. 30 days. 4819/2013—Sekoto, Tokonya Ephraim, 1930/06/04, 3006045227083, 29748 Mashego Street, Tsakane Extension 1, 2012/08/19; Sekoto Ikwathlaeng Gladys, 1936/02/28, 3602280201088. Sekoto Florena, 35 Victoria Court, 12th Avenue, Alexandra. 30 days. 4042/2013—Kosi, Ndumisa Emily, 1945/12/15, 4512150215085, 0052 Dube Village, 1801, 2012/11/27. Leanard Vusi, Chuma 0052, Dube Village, 1801. 30 days. 32472/2012—Mahlangu, Johannes Koos, 1936/01/01, 3601016121081, 165 Linda Street, Duduza, 2009/06/15; Mahlangu Ntsietsing Emily, 1943/12/14, 4312140351086. Mahlangu Sipho Johannes, 165 Linda Street, Duduza. 30 days. 4535/2013—Kganyago, Ramphaki Charles, 1966/05/24, 6605245366083, c/o Chairman of Epernay Trust, Unit 27, Erf 1498, Berea, 1999/04/21. Kganyago Mahula Hendrick, c/o Chairman of Epernay Trust, Unit 27, Erf 1498, Berea, 2198. 30 days. 009375/2013—Sesiona, Keresemese Christian, 1939/12/25, 3912255464086, Stand 1785, Mapetla Extension, 1818, 2013/04/13. Ronald Sesiwane, Stand 1785, Mapetla Extension 1818. 30 days. 84 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 120/2012—Radebe, Mzikayise Seth, 1947/04/18, 4704185235085, 319 Inxiweni Section, Tembisa, 2011/10/28; Dumazile Mary Radebe, 1948/05/06, 4805060399084. Dumazile Mary Radebe, 319 Inxiweni Section, Tembisa. 30 days. 18204/2012—Modise, Ezekiel, 1949/04/16, 4904165696088, 6503 Hinza Street, Kagiso, 2007/11/08. Babedi Ofentse Glynora, 6503 Hinza Street, Kagiso. 30 days. 20935/11—Molefe, Lesejane Josiah, 1959/07/02, 5907025631081, Stand No. 12338, Ext 5, Dobsonville, 1863, 2009/04/21; Sisi Wilhemina Molefe, 1960/09/24, 6009240293089. Sisi Wilhemina Molefe, stand No. 12338, Extension 5, Dobsonville, 1863. 30 days. 4612/2013—Qobolo, Andrew Mokone, 1937/07/02, 3707025151082, Stand No. 01200, Old Dobsonville, Dobsonville, 1863, 2012/06/28. Seth Maka Qobolo, Stand N. 01200, Old Dobsonville, Dobsonville. 30 days. 04848/10—Netshilungwi, Takalani Gladness, 1968/05/20, 6805201039084, Plot 19, 1st Street, Ten Acres, Randfontein, 2010/02/01. Talifhani Netshilungwi, Plot 191st Street, Ten Acres, Randfontein. 30 days. 009488/2013—Makhetha, Ntombenhle Joyce, 1961/03/19, 6103190480083, 20783 Uhlobo Lane, Ext 30, Mfundo Park, Voslorus, 2013/04/02; Makhetha Thabo Isaac, 1956/12/07, 5612075720083. Makhetha Thabo Isaac, 20783, Umhlobo Lane Ext 30, Mfundo Park, Vosloorus. 30 days. 0009311/2013—Mabe, Johannes Tsokolo, 1944/07/29, 4407295181088, 2955B Mapetla Extension, 2013/04/12; Nothemba Blossom Mabe, 1957/03/05,5703050734080. Nothemba Blossom Mabe, 2955B Mapetla Extension. 30 days. 0007487/2013—Nkosi, Solomon, 1949/04/10, 4904105348089, 4622 Extension 4, Emzinoni, Berthal, Gauteng, 2013/03/17. Maves, 4622 Ext 4, Emzinoni, Berthal, Gauteng. 9623/2013—Mogonosi, Thokozile Caroline, 1957/01/05, 57010501088, 16101 Mothibe Ledwaba Street, Mamelodi East, 0122, 8 May 2012. A.G. Mulaudzi Attorneys, 132 Mathomo House, Fox Street, Johannesburg. 29633/2012—Sibande, Beatrice Nomoya, 19/08/1976, 7608190356082, 158 Posertia Crescent, Ebony Park Ext 4, Midrand, 29/09/2012; Mfungelwa Timothy Sibande, 24/09/1972, 7209245359088. Tuelo Thomas Thomas T.R. Attorneys, Main & Loveday Streets, 23 Howard House, 1st Floor, Suite 101, Marshalltown, 2107. 30 days. 11128/2013—Rademan, Stephanus Willem, 11/01/1926, 2601115010087, 3 Serfontein Street, Libradene, Boksburg, 1459, 16/04/2013. Deon Oosthuizen, 3 Nicholson Road, Sunward Park, Boksburg, 1459. 5614/2013—Makhoba, Shirley, 1975/07/09, 7507090299089, 5 Inkberry Street, Chantelle X8, 0182, 2013/03/31; Makhoba Moses Dumisani, 1969/01/20, 6901205525085. Makhoba Moses Dumisani, 5 Inkberry Street, Chantelle X8, 0182. 2065/2013—Mokano, Scebile Janet, 1980/04/13, 8004130427085, 730 Lefatlheng, Section 5, Mathibestad, 2012/11/10. Mokano Matselele George, 730 Lefatlheng Section 5, Mathibestad. 30 days. 3431/2011—Mokati, Irene Ntabiseng, 1950/06/06, 5006060994086, Erf 3976, Ennerdale, Extension 5, Gauteng, 2011/01/01. Motimele Inc., 304 Third Floor, Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria, 0001. 8149/2010—Mashaole Elias Madia, 1969-05-04, 6905045335084, No. 45 Protea Street, Riamar Park, Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng Province, 2010-05-20. Mogwerane and Letsoalo Attorneys, 3rd Floor, Marble Towers, 208-212 Cnr Jeppe Street & Von Wielligh Street, Johannesburg. 30 days. 28947/2012—Nel, Matilda Richardina, 1957-11-15, 5711150065081, 38 Rozanne Close, Helistroep St Aston Manor, Kempton Park, 2012-10-31. Ian Elvis Pierce, Rain Chartered Accountant, P.O. Box 1002, Parklands, 2121. 10759/2013—Rehbock, Bernice Andrea, 16 July 1943, 4307160076084, 53 Third Avenue, The Hill, 2197, 14 January 2013. Russel Ian Rehbock, N.O. (Executor), c/o Lindsaykeller Attorneys, 6th Floor, The Mall Offices, 11 Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 and PO Box 195, Saxonwold, 2132. 24354/2012—Architto, Giovanni, 07-04-1939, 3904075011080, 56 Knox Street, Waverley, Johannesburg, 02-08-2012. Russel Wolpe, c/o RWFC Financial Consultants, PO Box 1364, Houghton, 2041. 10128/2013—Smit, Christopher Stephen, 09-09-1959, 5909095290083, 8 Cedar Street, Northmead Ext. 4, Benoni, 15 April 2013; Wendy Anne Smit, 14/10/1961, 6110140228082. Wendy Smit, PO Box 82741, Southdale, 2135. 22855/2011—Boshoff, Irene Winifred, 05/09/1927, 2709050081086, 97 Delarey Street, Vrededorp, 2092, 14 May 2011. Wadee Attorneys, 5 Church Street, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 001751/2013—Magagula, Isaac, 1957/05/13, 5705135765088, 27 Gamka Riviera Crescent, Dalpark 6, Brakpan, 1541, 2013/01/08. Mokuena Attorneys, 268 Jubilee Avenue, Extension 12, Halfway House, 1685. 9534/2012—Makgothi, Rahab Manonosi, 1930/01/21, 3001210246083, 1248/5 Akker Street, Xavier, Ormonde, Johannesburg, 20/03/2012. Mokuena Attorneys, 268 Jubilee Avenue, Extension 12, Halfway House, 1685. 31778/2012—Photo, Mmalefu Ely, 1922/05/15, 2205150098088, never married, 327 Tsolo Section, Katlehong, Germiston, 24 August 1999. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. 30 days. 4995/2013—Mtunyana, Mlamli Alfred, 1947/12/25, 4712255309, 29 Ariel Road, Eden Park, Alberton, 27 November 2012; Matsepe Jacobeth Mthunyana, 1953/03/25, 5303250433086. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. 30 days. 5561/13—Molelekoa, Masingwaneni Junior, 1942/02/20, 4202200156089, 574 Nlapo Section, Katlehong, 1431, 17-12-2012, predeceased. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. 30 days. 5560/13—Hlekwane, Louis Joseph, 1966/09/21, 6609215458086, 4173 Lekganyane Street, Mohlakeng, Randfontein, 05-02-2013; Boikhutso Pauline Hlekwane, 1961/05/29, 6105290604082. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. days. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 85 30946/2010—Mwelase, Mukhosi Solomon, 1928/12/25, 2812255270080, 167 Khoza Street Ext. 8, Vosloorus, Boksburg, 9 December 2008; Thulisiwe Virginia Msimang, 1950/10/02, 5001020551084. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. 30 days. 30948/2010—Msimang, Thulisiwe Virginia, 1950/01/02, 5001020551084, 167 Khoza Street Ext. 8, Vosloorus, Boksburg, 26 August 2001; Mukhosi Solomon Mwelase, 1928/12/25, 2812255270080. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. 30 days. 31063/2012—Mphakathi, Mphatseng Ishmael, 1953/02/11, 5302115267085, 8240 Rantsoe Crescent, Vosloorus, Boksburg, 12 March 1994; Lydia Mphakathi, 1960/04/30, 6004300361082. AMMM Incorporated, 247 President Street, 8th Floor, Standard Bank Towers, Germiston, 1400. 30 days. 3511/2013—Nyapisi, Paul Mohali, 13-08-1969, 6908135501086, 3581 Protea Glen Extension 2, P.O. Box Chiawelo, 1818, 21 December 2013; Dorcus Maki Nyapisi, 04-11-1969, 6911040516082. Nhosi Ntlantla, Incorporated Attorneys, 16–20 New St South, 4th Floor, Renaissance Building, Ghandi Square, Johannesburg. 10089/2013—Tshidzumba, Queen Hatjee, 1964-03-24, 6403240816082, 9396 Justice Street, Protea Glen, Extension 12, Soweto, 15 October 2013. A.G. Mulaudzi Attorneys, 132 Mathomo House, Fox Street, Johannesburg. 11023/2013—Fisher, Patricia, 1950-12-02, 5012020072088, No. 1, Villa Victoria 1, Bellairs Drive, Noordhang, Randburg, 2013-04-12. Chris Fisher, First Floor, TMC House, Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156. 9989/2013—Ramosiee, Dimakatso Francina, 1966-05-05, 6605050366087, 45 Gaborne Road, Phase 6, Vosloorus, 9 April 2013. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. Van Zyl, Susanna Francina, 1931-07-27, 3107270015084, Waterval Village, Florida, Gauteng, 1709, 2012-02-18; Gert Cornelius van Zyl (deceased/Estate Late: 28663/2011), 18-02-1930, 3002185036087. Erasmus De Klerk Inc, Ground Floor, Block 6, Pendoring Office Park, 299 Pendoring Road, Blackheath, 2195. 32269/2012—White, Basil Dolin, 1931-10-03, 3110035041189, 74 Jellocoe Avenue, Melrose, Johannesburg, 2012-11-30. Ian Elvis Pierce, Rain Chartered Accountant, PO Box 1002, Parklands, 2121. 14683/07—Pagani, Dante Ottorini, 1928-10-31, 2810315030080, 5 Wallace Street, Waverley, Johannesburg, 2007-04-11; Enrica Marta Pagani, 1931-03-10, 3103100065100. Carlo Antonio Pagani, c/o O J Bredenkamp Inc., Private Bag X7, Postnet Suite 51, Parkview, 2122. 30 days. 11449/2013—Sweet, Edward John, 10-06-1942, 4206105106081, 20 Redward Village, Louw Street, Corlett Gardens, 2090, 21-03-2013. Ian J Gray, Margoris-Associates, PO Box 7771, Jhb, 2000. 30 days. 6151/13—Brcic, Nedjelka, 22-08-1937, 3708220080084, 14 Ambassador Crescent, Waterkloof Vallei, 14 Squirrel Street, Monument Park Ext. 5, Pretoria, 10 March 2013. Nicole Sotcliffe, c/o Nicole Sinovich Attorneys, 7A St Andrews Ave., Senderwood, 2007. 1513/2013—Hlatshwayo, Nobuhle Fortunate, 29 October 1984, 8410290752081, 244 Luthuli Street, Sphiwe Village, Dobsonville, 4 May 2012. Mr Tuelo Thomas, 23 Main & Loveday Street, Howard House, Suite 101, 1st Floor, Marshalltown. 30 days. 10543/2009—Nyembe, Samson Themba, 9 May 1961, 6105095363082, 16277 Iwili Street, Vosloorus Ext. 16, 13 February 2009; Nocawa Minah Nyembe, 6 March 1962, 6203060865080. Mr Tuelo Thomas, 23 Main & Loveday Street, Howard House, Suite 101, 1st Floor, Marshalltown. 30 days. 9322/2013—Mbewe, Daveson Willie Gwaza, 31-12-1952, Passport No. 407206, Section 9, Noons Place, Buccleuch, 20 February 2000. Shahwar Koor, PO Box 42067, Fordsburg, 2033. 6025/13—Yiannakis, John Constantinos, 15-09-1951, 5109155190080, 120a Froome Street, Athol, Johannesburg, 2196, 29 March 2013. Katerina Yiannakis, 120a Froome Street, Athol, Johannesburg, 2196. 209/2013—Mokgotho, Maboseke Abel, 28-02-1951, 5102285363080, 389/1 2nd Avenue, Mid-Ennerdale, 1830, 8 December 2012; Jane Makgabo Mokgotho, 23-10-1954, 5410230514081. 389/1 2nd Avenue, Mid-Ennerdale. 7177/2013—Kubheka, Fani PEter, 27-07-1973, 7307275538082, 3597 Rose Street, Graceland, Evaton West, Vereeniging, 17 March 2013; widower, survived by Agnes Nomadlozi Kubheka, 22-04-1955, 5504220197087. 3597 Rose Street, Graceland, Evaton West, Vereeniging. 11040/2013—Dean, John Christopher, 1948-09-27, 4809275146082, 11 San Pedro, Rooitou Avenue, Weltevredenpark, 2013-01-28. Werner Botha, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 11041/2013—Hill, Linda Dorothy Elizabeth, 1949-08-26, 4908260141080, 7 Bradford Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2013-01-17. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132. 11073/2013—Letebele, Itumeleng Yvonne, 1974-09-04, 7409040373082, 29 Gardenia Street, Randpark Ridge, Johannesburg, 2013-30-00. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 11036/2013—Lord, Cecil John Lord, 28-06-1934, 3406285063083, Unit 86, Sansereno Retirement, Flemming Street, Bryanston, 05-04-2013. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 9142/2013—Odendaal, Magda Salome, 1980-05-12, 8005120032082, 115 Dublin Street, Kenmare Ext. 4, Krugersdorp, 2013-01-16. Werner Botha, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 10673/2013—Khakhu Tshilidzi Roselet, 1972-11-25, 7211250545080, 1106 Lake Success, cnr Pieterson and Edith, Hilbrow, Johannesburg, 2012-12-06. TF Ngobeni Attorneys, 208-212 Jeepe Street, Marble Towers Building, Johannesburg. 30 days. 9618/2013—Pillin, Eda, 10-03-1930, 3003100050088, 31 Gerty Street, Triomf, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 01-03-2013. Biccari Bollo Mariano Inc., 112 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg. 10110/2013—Osmond, Margaret McLean, 3 January 1923, 2301030020085, 113 Bryan Home, Bryanston Village, Bryanston, Jhb, 25 March 2013. Penelope Anne Chenery, c/o Routledge Modise Inc., PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146. 10547/2013—Coburn, Sonia Ruth, 3 June 1916, 1606030045085, Waverley Gardens, Murray Street, Waverley, 19 March 2013. Fluxmans Inc., Private Bag X41, Saxonwold, 2132. 86 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 5299/2013—Thembu, Aaron, 07-01-1972, 7201075507084, 3165/16 Lekope Street, Mahube Valley, Mamelodi, 21-12-2012; Ruth Mokori, 03-05-1979, 7905030485083. Christina Nthabiseng Mabhena, Nafcoc Office Complex, Block F, Soshanguve, 0152. 11196/2013—Kekana, Isaac Madimetsa, 22-02-1967, 6702025620082, 1195 De Facto Street, Buhle Park, Phase 2, Germiston, 4 September 1972; Fikile Juliah Kekana, 04-09-1972, 7209040274086. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 11211/2013—Ngwenya, Themba Aaron, 1944-05-12, 4405125291085, 284 Mngadi Section, Katlehong, 1431, 2013-05-05. Botle Agnes Moleko, 1947-12-15, 4712150455083. 10929/2013—Makhetha, Francina Matsidiso, 1933-02-11, 3302110177083, 34 Momise Section, Katlehong, 1431, 12 April 2013. 11206/2013—Madi, Nombuyiselo, 19 March 1974, 7403190339084, 4435 Phiela Street, Orlando East, Soweto, 21 January 2013. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 10629/2013—Tyizeka, Phati Constance, 1930-09-29, 3009290198082, 11 Tsipa Street, Emdeni Extension 1, 2012-07-01. 6839/2010—Van der Walt, Andries Jacob, 1922-10-27, 2210275003088, 18 Fords Villa, Brink Street, Park Rand, 2009-07-01. James Lourens, 22 Williams Street, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459. 30 days. 10387/2013—Ramatlo, Kedisaletsi Elizabeth, 09-10-1942, 4210090335085, 2A Vincent Road, Zone 2, Meadowlands, 30-01-2013. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 10487/2013—Holloway, John Edward, 1929-02-01, 2902015021087, 45A Merrowdown Country Club, 40 Troupand Street, Magaliesig, Johannesburg, 2055, 2012-12-12. Moss Cohen & Partners, 21 West Street, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198 (PO Box 659, Johannesburg, 2000). 22944/2012—Axsel, Petronella Johanna Hendriena, 24-09-1921, 2109240126083, Huis Hoeveld, 13 Plein Street, Albertville, Johannesburg, 10 June 2012. Mr. E.L. Axsel, c/o PO Box 3515, Cresta, 2118. 7435/2013—Pillay, Kasavaloo, 1943-10-20, 4310205105082, 62 Plumbago Road, Bakerton, Springs, 1559, 2012-08-05; Chinnamma Pillay, 1953-04-13, 5304130716088. Noelien van den Berg, 208 Barry Hertzog Ave., Greenside, 2193. 15203/2012—Ndima, Dumisani James, 30 June 1964, 6406305634084, 114 Baltimore Street, Malvern, 2094, 10 June 2012; deceased. Mr Tuelo Thomas, 23 Main & Loveday Streets, Howard House, Suite 101, First Floor, Marshalltown. 30 days. 4004/2013—Van den Berg, Petrus, 1932-07-11, 3207115022087, 24 Marthinus Crouse Avenue, Norkem Park, 2012-12-05. Telfer & Associates Inc., PO Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 5622/2013—Nortje, Maria Catharina Johanna, 1946-09-09, 4609090067087, 8 Biggs Avenue, Shewood Gardens, Brakpan, 2013-02-07. Telfer & Associates Inc., PO Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 8533/2013—Joubert, Joan Audrey, 1924-11-29, 2411290036083, 9 Gleneagles, 13 Uys Avenue, Edenglen, Edenvale, 2013-01-30. Telfer & Associates Inc., PO Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 2839/2013—Haria, Tulshidas, 1945-02-05, 4502055076088, 152 Brahamani Street, Lenasia Ext. 11, 2012-12-27; Hansa Parsotam Haria, 1949-06-02, 4906020074088. Telfer & Associates Inc., PO Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 6726/2013—Green, Johanna Maria, 1924-04-13, 2404130026083, Summit Village No. 13, Juliana Street, Ondekkerspark, Roodepoort, 2013-01-04. Telfer & Associates Inc., PO Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 6699/2013—Bradbury, Thelma Olive, 1921-06-12, 2106120015089, Plot 66, Fountain Road, Oaktree, Krugersdorp, 2012-11-24. Telfer & Associates Inc., PO Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 22354/2010—Motaung, Yolile Patricia, 1948-03-02, 4803020536085, 2737 Mapetla Ext., Tshiawelo, Soweto, 1818, 2010-07-24. Tshepo Gabriel Mathopo, PO Box 3386, Johannesburg, 2000. 21046/2012—Mokate, Toyi Salamina, 06-02-1930, 3002060393086, 9560 Makoe Street, KwaThema, 1575, 20 December 2011. Keitumetse Dorcas Morakile, c/o 503 Nupen Crescent, Midrand. 3609/2012—Mgiba, Gezile Theodora, 21-03-1953, 5303210333087, 4609 Swordtail Street, Kaaifontein, Tembisa, 23 November 2010. Lindeni Constance Mtetwa, c/o 503 Nupen Crescent, Midrand. 9492/2013—Schalkwijk, Maria Nathalia, 1927-08-11, 2708110039183, 71, 5th Avenue, Roodepoort North, 1724, 2013-02-01. H J R de Villiers, 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739. Scott, Le Vonne, 4908280033085, 16-03-2013, Unit 49, LRE 247 Schroder Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria. Savage Jooste & Adams Inc., PO Box 745, Pretoria, 0001. 3923/2013—Harper, Ian, 1929-05-30, 2905305025080, 276 Parsley Avenue, Annlin, Pretoria, 2013-02-15. K E Bornebusch, PO Box 346, Bedfordview, 2008. 2420/2013—Askew, Anthony Royston, 1963-11-04, 6311045083081, 54 Satara Avenue, Gallo Manor Ext. 2, Gauteng. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstaed, 7801. 8755/2013—Madeyski, Marek Andrzej, 1934-05-11, 3405115052084, 43 The Trails, 127 Linden Street, Sandown, 2013-01-17; Zelda Joy Madeyski, 1930-02-17, 3002170028081. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstaed, 7801. 4842/2013—Herbst, Cornelius Wilhelmus, 2703215031086, Unit 21, Orkney Vaal Tuiste, Oliver Goldsmith Street, Orkney. Savage Jooste & Adams Inc., PO Box 745, Pretoria, 0001. 10742/2013—Evans, James, 1921-11-14, 2111145051085, 49 El Prado, Lopez Place, Randpark Ridge, Randburg, 2013-04-19. E W T Executors (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 85430, Emmarentia, 2029. 7785/2013—Rens, Myntle Beryl Vera, 25 August 1918, 1808250053084, 7 Economides Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 21 March 2013. A. Hophins, MacIntosh Cross & Farquharson Attorneys, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 30 days. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 87 11639/2013—Geekie, Colins James, 28 March 1943, 4303285069088, 127 Hampton Road, Glen Austin AH, Midrand, 10 April 2013. A. Hophins, MacIntosh Cross & Farquharson Attorneys, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 30 days. 3252/2013—Sekome, Alfred Thumele, 1980-04-13, 80041353640, 3577 Weeping Wattle, Crecend, Tasbet Park X3, Witbank, 2013-01-06; Hlaudi Kgaugelo Disegoane, 1988-08-20, 8808201226089. T & G Trustees, PO Box 13972, Tramshed, 0126. 9919/06—Bogoshi, Buang Dorothy, 1954-03-08, 5403080809081, No. 3, Steward Flat, Lords Avenue, Windsor West, Randburg, 2005-10-15. Tshepiso Watson, Postnet Suite 142, Private Bag X10030, Randburg, 2125. 8799/2013—Elizabeth Johnson, 4004300104088, Erf 4470, Ennerdale Unit 6, 24 Trimolite Crescent, Gauteng Province. Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building, cnr Andries & Church Streets, Pretoria, 0002; PO Box 7933, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days. 20264/2012—Bergsma, Auke, 24-12-1937, 3712245103087, Diamandstraat 16, Christiana, 2680, 01-10-2012; Anna Elizabeth Maria Bergsma, 28-06-1946, 4606280076084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. Petrus Thipe, 983393, 124 Refenrew Road, Evaton, 1981, 14 December 1962. DF Fouché, Fouche Prokureurs-Attorneys, PO Box 643, Vereeniging, 1930. 30 days. Nontsokolo Agnes Xhegwana, 5406250391087, 779 Zone 10, Extension 1, Sebokeng, 1983, 12 April 2009. DF Fouché, Fouche Prokureurs-Attorneys, PO Box 643, Vereeniging, 1930. 30 days. Maisikoro Maria Mofokeng, 2707070205081, 175 Leboko Street, Bophelong, 29 April 211. DF Fouché, Fouche Prokureurs-Attorneys, PO Box 643, Vereeniging, 1930. 30 days. 11669/2013—Flemming, Daniel Johannes, 1934-11-19, 3411195049081, 2 Southfork, 23 Simon Bekker Drive, Rangeview Ext. 4, Krugersdorp, 1739, 2013-04-25. H J R de Villiers, 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739. 2436/2013—Johanna Margaretha Geldenhuys, 5 Mei 1940, 4005050064083, Plot 141, Tigerpoort, Pretoria-Oos, 8 September 2012. Lucille Geldenhuys Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, De Wet Sentrum, h/v Kerk- en Birdstraat, Stellenbosch, 7600. 05438/08—Starbuck, Johan Hendrik Carl, 27 December 1941, 4112275017084, 165 Braam Pretorius Avenue, Sinoville, Pretoria, 5 December 2008; Vera Loina Starburck, 11 December 1938, 3812110046088. C A Starbuck, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. 212/2013—Hack, Melissa, 19 February 1944, 4402190118186, 844 Mapochgrnde JS, Limpopo, 5 September 2012. C A Starbuck, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. 7557/2013—Pitso, Lucky Joseph, 1933-11-26, 3311265137081, 1745 Mokholo Ave., Wattville, Benoni, 2013-01-24; Nono Josephine Pitso, 1937-11-07, 3711070239081. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 2014/2010—Rottcher, Sheila Maud Mary, 1943-07-25, 4307250067084, 450 Deetlefs Street, Pretoria North, 0182, 31-07-2009; Eugen Rottcher. Bekker Prokureurs, Posbus 24528, Gezina, 0031. 17530/2012—Charalambous, Charalambo, 1955-08-18, 55082853530, 368 Emerald Estate, Greenstone Drive, Greenstone, 16-05-2012. G.L.S. de Wet, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, PO Box 16185, Doornfontein. 492/2013—Roberts, Donald Godfrey, 1957-12-11, 5712115135084, 35 Reyno Heights, Asbestos Street, Reyno Ridge, Witbank, 2013-03-01; Lynette Ann Roberts, 1959-03-07, 5903070093083. Krügel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building, Route N4, Business Park, Witbank. 30 days. 17530/2012—Charalambous, Charalambo, 1955-08-18, 55082853530, 368 Emerald Estate, Greenstone Drive, Greenstone, 16-05-2012. G.L.S. de Wet, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, Po Box 16185, Doornfontein. 6264/2013—Khumalo, Shongo John, 17 April 1952, 5204175685083, No. 26 Corporal Street, Tasbet Park, Witbank, 5 December 2012; Malefata Antoinette Khumalo, 19 July 1959, 5907190678087. Nkosi Trevor Attorneys, 1006 Commercial City, 40 Dr. A B Xuma Street, Durban. 599/2013—Jansen van Rensburg, Bartholomuis, 1970-12-16, 7012165006089, 55 Van der Heever Street, Witbank, 2013-03-03. The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days. 3432/2013—Van der Merwe, Dawid Johannes, 25 March 191925, 2603255011081, Huis Groenland, Voortrekker Road, Grabouw, Western Cape; Mariska van der Merwe, 26 October 1927, 2710260008083. Johan F Bester of Farquharson Cinegy and Associates, PO Box 50967, Weirda Park, 0149; 321 Henriette Street, Wierda Park, Centurion. 3463/2013—Stoltz, Katharina Berhardina, 6 April 1940, 4004060050083, Huis Hermon, Genl de Wet Street, Pretoria North, Gauteng; Abel Hermanus Stoltz, 29 March 1939, 3903295012083, Johan F Bester of Farquharson Cinegy and Associates, PO Box 50967, Weirda Park, 0149; 321 Henriette Street, Wierda Park, Centurion. 6760/2013—Vermeulen, Casper, 1968-06-12, 6806125052088, Poplarrylaan 37, Clubview, Centurion, Gauteng, 12 April 2013; Marlette Vermeulen, 1967-07-13, 6707130152089. Henk Strydom, Strydom & Bredenkamp, Posbus 1522, Groenkloof, 0027. 30 days. 17829/2012—Coetzer, Johannes Hendrik, 1929-10-29, 2910295011082, 21st Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria, 2012-10-07; Hester Lasya Coetzer, 1934-02-28, 3402280026084. Paul Du Plessis Attorneys, 568 Norval Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria. 4232/2013—Heyneke, Maria Elizabeth Petronella, 24 April 1944, 4404240001081, Ginalaan 181, Waterkloof Glen, Glenstantia, Pretoria, 2 Februarie 2013. Johannes Benjamin Daniel Walker, St. Monicastraat 61, Schoemansville, Hartbeespoort, 0216. 14424/2012—Raaths, Johannes Christiaan Raaths, 11 November 1926, 2611115010086, Silkaatsnek, distrik Brits, 25 Junie 2012; Judith Maria Raaths, 16 Julie 1936, 3607160058086. Judith Maria Raaths, Silkaatsnek, Brits. 4233/2013—Lamprecht, Johan Christiaan, 22 Julie 1956, 5607225017083, plaas Uitval No. 486 J.Q., Hartbeespoort, distrik Brits, Noordwes, 19 Januarie 2013; Henriette Frederique Lamprecht, 3 November 1969, 6911030110086. Henriette Frederique Lamprecht, plaas Uitval No. 486 J.Q., Hartbeespoort, distrik Brits, Noordwes. 88 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 4234/2013—Lamprecht, Johan Christiaan, 12 Oktober 1984, 8410125172083, plaas Uitval No. 485 J.Q., Hartbeespoort, distrik Brits, Noordwes, 12 September 2012; Henriette Frederique Lamprecht, plaas Uitval No. 485 J.Q., Hartbeespoort, distrik Brits, Noordwes. 4689/13—Mathule, Tiisetso Martin, 13 February 1998, 9802135613081, 1152 Zone 16, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208, 11 June 2012. Moshate More Attorneys, First Floor, Neo Plaza, 9105 Pilane Street, Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa. 104/2013—Van der Merwe, Frans Petrus, 1950-02-14, 5002145064086, 31 Pigeon Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort, 2012-12-18; Hester van der Merwe van der Merwe, 1954-12-01, 5412010092080. Hester van der Merwe, 31 Pigeon Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort. 104/2013—Van der Merwe, Frans Petrus, 1950-02-14, 5002145064086, 31 Pigeon Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort, 2012-12-18; Hester van der Merwe van der Merwe, 1954-12-01, 5412010092080. Hester van der Merwe, 31 Pigeon Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort. 6392/13—Carstens, Maria Catharina Carstens, 5 April 1934, 3404050025080, Room 125, Fleurenville, 675 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007, 1 April 2013. Marius Scheepers & Co. Attorneys, PO Box 38197, Faerie Glen, 0043. 6992/2013—Schoeman, Johannes Lodewyk Schoeman, 28 May 1925, 2505285012080, Farm Middlewater 436 JQ, Pretoria, 11 April 2013. Marius Scheepers & Co. Attorneys, PO Box 38197, Faerie Glen, 0043. 30712/2011—Palmer, Lesley Frances, 11 October 1952, 5110110157005/88, 33 Jordaan Street, Lilyvale, Putfontein, Benoni, 16 May 2011; Peter Barden Palmer, 8 December 1953, 5312085139081. Hendrik Jacobus Kloppers, 633 Rudolf Street, Constantia Park, Pretoria. EASTERN CAPE OOS-KAAP 1821/2013—Tunnicliffe, Marjorie, 03-05-1933, 3305030236186, 22 Homestead Village, St Francis Bay, 12 Februarie 2013. Eduard Wium Albertyn, p/a C W Malan Prokureurs, Posbus 3, Humansdorp, 6300. 1494/2013—Marais, Christina Katrina, 26 May 1938, 3805260029086, 34 De Smidt Street, Young Park, Port Elizabeth, 15 February 2013. Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. 1494/2013—Marais, Christina Katrina, 26 May 1938, 3805260029086, 34 De Smidt Street, Young Park, Port Elizabeth, 15 February 2013. Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. 7445/2012—Pugin, Muriel, 27 July 1916, 1607270029086, Humansdorp, 11 July 2012. Eduard Wium Albertyn, p/a S W Malan Prokureurs, Posbus 3, Humansdorp, 6300. 1228/2013—Maritz, Patric Christopher Hopewell Maritz, 26-12-1940, 4012265010083, 73 Smith Street, West Bank, East London, 24 March 2007; Beverley Ann Maritz, 22-01-1958, 5801220131086. Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc., PO Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214. 2466/2012—Yotwana, Nomsaki Legina, 1952-12-08, 5212080140086, 1553 NU17, Mdantsane, East London, 2012-10-13. Norma Jones (5908240042084), nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 2170/2013—Bosch, Willem Frederik, 02-03-1957, 5703025018080, Beethovenlaan 52, Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth, 6070, 22-03-2013; Catherine Christine Bosch, 27-09-1959, 5909270018085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1293/2013—Rheeder, Jacob Salomon, 07-02-1922, 2202075024083, Huis Karee, Naudestraat, Middelburg, 5900, 20-03-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 2269/2013—Niekerk, Johannes Henry, 11-09-1934, 3409115028086, 31 Salie Street, Wavecrest, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, 21-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 2259/2013—Davis, Clifford Leonard, 03-06-1928, 2806035021086, 47 Van Renen Street, Seaview, 7945, 08-02-2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 2303/2013—Joel, Robert Edward, 05-07-1958, 5807055145083, 40 Coral Road, Booysens Park, Port Elizabeth, 6059, 31-03-2013; Lauren Elizabeth Joel, 06-01-1962, 6201060041082. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 1294/2013—Botha, Daniel Johannes, 30-10-1930, 3010305023083, Rusoord, Meisies Halt, Gonubie, 5257, 26-03-2013; Magdalena Johanna Botha, 05-02-1929, 2902050009088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 2270/2013—Wills, Ivor George, 30-08-1953, 5308305022081, 7de Laan 30, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 12-03-2013; Johanna Jacoba Wills, 14-05-1952, 5205140120080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 2135/2013—Swatts, Gary Dean, 19-07-1961, 6107195200081, 23 Hinton Crescent, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 12-09-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 5828/2012—Van der Westhuizen, Peter Martin, 6 November 1927, 2711065057085, Beetlestoneweg 49, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, 19 September 2012. Colin Jerome van der Westhuizen, p/a Greyvensteins Ing., St George-huis, Parkrylaan 104, Port Elizabeth (Agente). 3804/2012—De Klerk, Fredrika Johanna, 06-10-1933, 3310060036084, 42 Taylor Street, Burgersdorp, 9744, 14-10-2012. Van Niekerk & Koen Attorneys, P.O. Box 234, Burgersdorp, 9744. 1286/2013—Smit, Mattheus Adrianus, 1928-07-19, 2807195009184, Brenda Horwitz Court No. 2, Graaff-Reinet, 13 April 2013. Andrè Olivier, Midboard Financial Services, PO Box 36, Graaff-Reinet, 6280. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 89 565/2013—Craddock, Allan Matthew, 21 January 1954, 5401215766085, 15 Rocklands Road, Beacon Bay, East London, 30 October 2012. Squire Smith & Laurie Inc., PO Box 511, King Williamʼs Town, 5600. 4230/2012—De Koker, Johannes Stephanus, 1950-06-19, 5006195027083, Spriggstraat 141, Cradock, 5880, 2012-12-01; Cornelia Elizabeth de Koker, 1951-04-21, 5104210016080. Gerber Botha & Gowar Chartered Accountants, Kerkstraat 29, Cradock, 5880. 30 dae. 0575/2013—Elliot, Bruce Stewart William, 1935-02-23, 3502235006089, 12 The Ash Grove, Carsten Road, Kamma Ridge, 2012-02-23, 3502235006089, 12 The Ash Grove, Carsten Road, Kamma Ridge, 2012-12-04. Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 992/2013—Koen, Martina Johanna, 1941-02-06, 4102060047081, 17 Brinsley Avenue, Kensington, Port Elizabeth, 2012-10-01. Elgean Keel Prokureurs, Brinkstraat 19, Morgensterhoogte, Brackenfell, 7560. 1273/2013—Tuckett, Stephen Colin, 1961-05-03, 6105035253187, Farm G394, Mtyana, Private Game Reserve, Brakfontein, 2013-03-01. Norma Jones, a nominee of Standard Executors, 1 Pickering Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 30 days. 2443/2013—Van Zyl, Johannes Benjamin, 1929-10-08, 2910085041083, Jeffreysrus, Jeffreysbay, 6330, 2013-04-29. William G Melville, 15 Oosterland Street, Jeffreysbay, 6330. 2440/2013—Botma, Barendina Petronella, 1924-05-22, 2405220036080, Eedenglen, Jeffreysbay, 6330, 2013-04-27. William G Melville, 15 Oosterland Street, Jeffreysbay, 6330. 1224/2013—Blouw, Louis, 15-09-1963, 6309155241085, 8 Jonathan Street, Westering, Port Elizabeth, 20-01-2013. M Blouw, 8 Jonathan Street, Westering, Port Elizabeth. 738/2013—Gouws, Rosalind Ann, 19 August 1948, 4808190103087, 14 Ripley Road, Greenfields, East London, 17 February 2013. John Williams Rens, 71 Hazy Ridge, 9 Swallow Lane, Gonubie. 1010/2013—Solontsi, Koleka, 1965-12-29, 6512290852084, No. 6089, Vully Vally, Butterworth, 2012-11-01. Clayton Mkhululi Manxiwa, No. 51 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha. 809/2013—Barnes, Dawn Averill, 1947-10-10, 4710100051085, 53 Hazy Ridge, 9 Swallow Lane, Gonubie, 5257, 2013-02-04. Christopher Barnes, PO Box 18182, Quigney. 30 days. 7428/2012—Johnson, Grace Rhoda, 1924-11-16, 2401160034085, Munro Kirk Home, Walmer Boulevard, Port Elizabeth, 2012-11-29. Brian Dennis Bailey, PO Box 155, Somerset West, 7129. 1671/2013—Meyer, Rachel, 1938-09-14, 3809140090086, 13 Satinwood Street, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth, 2012-06-05. Wynand du Preez, PO Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055. 6314/2012—Mgulwa, Wilbert Thamsanqa, 1936-01-24, 3601245080082, Lukholo A/A, Lbizana, 2012-11-28. Clayton Manxiwa, Clayton Mkhululi Manxiwa & Co., 51 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha. 1522/2006—Bodoza, Jimmy Gqibani, 1931-07-30, 3107305152084, Nkunzimbini Administrative Area, Lusikisiki, 2006-03-26. Clayton Manxiwa, Clayton Mkhululi Manxiwa & Co., 51 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha. 6314/2012—Mgulwa, Wilbert Thamsanqa, 1936-01-24, 3601245080082, Lukholo A/A, Lbizana, 2012-11-28. Clayton Manxiwa, Clayton Mkhululi Manxiwa & Co., 51 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha. 6314/2012—Mgulwa, Wilbert Thamsanqa, 1936-01-24, 3601245080082, Lukholo A/A, Lbizana, 2012-11-28. Clayton Manxiwa, Clayton Mkhululi Manxiwa & Co., 51 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha. 2541/2013—Kapery, Gadija, 6 July 1944, 4407060093088, 3 Calendula Drive, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, 5 August 2007. Irfaan Noorshib, c/o Jardien Attorneys, 14 Du Plessis Street, Gelvan Park, Port Elizabeth. 4887/2011—Abrahams, Sharief, 26 March 1956, 5603265178083, 59 Raphael Crescent, Gelvan Park, Port Elizabeth, 23 July 2011. Bonita Louise Abrahams, c/o Jardien Attorneys, 14 Du Plessis Street, Gelvan Park, Port Elizabeth. 5541/2012—Abrahams, Mufeedah, 2 November 1960, 6011020059086, 10 St Arcadius Street, West End, Port Elizabeth, 23 July 2012. Ebrahiem Lamont, c/o Jardien Attorneys, 14 Du Plessis Street, Gelvan Park, Port Elizabeth. 2492/2013—Abrahams, Maraldijah, 8 December 1928, 2812080056084, 34 St Jerome Street, West End, Port Elizabeth, 8 October 2012. Bonita Louise Abrahams, c/o Jardien Attorneys, 14 Du Plessis Street, Gelvan Park, Port Elizabeth. 1449/2013—MacLeod, Derek Roderick, 28-07-1962, 6207285122086, 18 Froneman Street, Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth, 01-02-2013; Margaret Anne MacLeod, 10-06-1953, 5306100103080. Gregory Clark & Associates, 9 Buffelsfontein Road, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, 6011. 7574/2013—Bucwa, Yvonne, 1962-08-14, 6008140795086, 19 Heavy D Ave., Chade Manor Bridge Meade, Port Elizabeth, 6025, 2012-12-14. Norma Jones, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 1712/2013—Els, Dolphina Johanna, 1930-09-09, 3009090072081, Unit 98, Kabega Park Retirement Village, Port Elizabeth, 2012-06-17. Patricia Anne Burnand, Legal Docs Specialists, Po Box 35134, Newton Park, 6055. 1703/2013—Perrott, Gillian, 1930-10-08, 3010080052083, 18 Aldersgate Pheasat Road, Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth, 2013-02-03. Patricia Anne Burnand, Legal Docs Specialists, PO Box 35134, Newton Park, 6055. 958/2013—Chan, Lim Hugh, 1920-12-21, 2012215041081, 14 Par Place, Gonubie, East London, 2012-12-23. Donald Adrian Maree, Don Maree Attorneys, 19 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London. 30 days. 1100/2013—Geel, Christiaan Rudolph, 1960-04-21, 6004215024080, 73 Lavendula Complex, Hunters Retreat, Port Elizabeth, 2013-02-01; Charmaine Geel, 1960-11-02, 6011020093085. Charmaine Geel, Room 9, Spar Centre, Palm Square, Linton Grange, PE. 30 days. 1670/2013—Bhana, Larry, 1949-04-10, 4904105173081, 306 Elizabeth House, 62 Park Drive, Port Ellizabeth, 2013-03-06; Sophia Bhana, 1940-07-15, 4007150582089. Wynand du Preez, PO Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055. 1571/2013—Mzana, Fikile, 13-06-1961, 6106135795085, Erf 137, Kottick Avenue, Newton, Lusikisiki, 30-01-2013; Thobeka Wendy Mzana, 04-01-1973, 7301041164083. Thobeka Wendy Mzana, Erf 137, Kottick Avenue, Newtown, Lusikisiki. 30 days. 90 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 2086/2013—Teltschik, Georgina Elizabeth, 18 Marh 1931, 3103180042086, 18 Mt Blanc Place, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 23 February 2013; Franz Johann Teltschik, 10 April 1932, 3204105056183. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 475/2013—Vanda, Veronica Nomfundo, 28 December 1949, 4912280212087, 876 Msobomvu Township, Butterworth, 4 October 2012. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 1522/2006—Bodoza, Jimmy Gqibani, 1931-07-30, 3107305152084, Nkunzimbini Administrative Area, Lusikisiki, 2006-03-26. Clayton Manxiwa, Clayton Mkhululi Manxiwa & Co., 51 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha. 3921/2012—Milton Monwabisi Tengani, 4405045496087, 11 Wodehouse Street, Queenstown, Butterworth, 19 January 2006. Van Rensburg Inc., PO Box 9110, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days. 2168/2013—De Meillon, Berenda Maria, 1941-01-19, 4101190060089, 64 Highgrove Estate, Collindale Road, Beverley Grove, Port Elizabeth, 2013-03-18. Frederick Albert de Meillon, 64 Highgrove Estate, Collindale Road, Beverley Grove, PE. 2217/2013—Gouws, Anna Christina Wilhelmina (gebore Oelofse), 6 Augustus 1924, 2408060019083, Christiaanstraat 27, Kabeljous, Jeffreysbaai, 6330, 15 April 2013. M J Welgemoed, Goedehooplaan 5, Seaview, Port Elizabeth, 6023. 6039/2012—Grundlingh, Norma Jacqueline, 1926-07-07, 2607070037080, 22 Nile Road, Perridgevale, Port Elizabeth, 2012-08-23. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Nedbank Building, 270 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth. 30 days. 2217/2013—Gouws, Anna Christina Wilhelmina (gebore Oelofse), 6 Augustus 1924, 2408060019083, Christiaanstraat 27, Kabeljous, Jeffreysbaai, 6330, 15 April 2013. M J Welgemoed, Goedehooplaan 5, Seaview, Port Elizabeth, 6023. 656/2013—Randall, Gerald John Lewis, 1926-10-15, 2610155008083, House No. 14, Birah Mouth, 6170, 2011-08-10. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King Williamʼs Town. 30 days. 2014/2012—Stuurman, Elliot, 1969-08-19, 6908195760085, 9 Ngxowana Street, Tyutyu North, Bhisho, 2012-10-04; Vuyokazi Monica Stuurman, 1974-05-08, 740508673083. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King Williamʼs Town. 974/2013—Dorfling, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 1930-05-14, 3005140058088, No. 7 Landdrosplein, Graaff Reinet, 2012-11-08; Christiaan Johannes Dorfling, 1932-07-11, 3207115015081. Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 30 days. 2402/2013—Lötter, Gail Faith, 09-08-1940, 4008090059089, 5 De Jongh Drive, Uitenhage, 29 April 2013. J.S. Levy & Levy Attorneys, PO Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 2402/2013—Lötter, Gail Faith, 09-08-1940, 4008090059089, 5 De Jongh Drive, Uitenhage, 29 April 2013. J.S. Levy & Levy Attorneys, PO Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 2304/2013—Geduld, Klaas, 18-02-1944, 4402185090085, 42 Kingfisher Drive, Uitenhage, 13 September 2012. J.S. Levy & Levy Attorneys, PO Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 2562/2013—Barnard, Iris Irene, 03-10-1936, 3610030008083, 9 Jansen Road, Uitenhage, 25 April 2013. J.S. Levy & Levy Attorneys, PO Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 3315/2012—Abie Harry Smith, 3510255039088, Euphorbia Road, Parkside, East London, 15 July 2010; Jennifer Smith, 5305260011083. Jennifer Smith, c/o Enzo Meyers Attorneys, 16 Smartt Road, Nahoon; PO Box 7107, East London, 5200. 30 days. 2367/2009—Mkabe, Luvuyo, 1995-04-22, 9504225332081, 7 North End, East London, 2009-05-10. Leon Keyter Attorneys, PO Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140. 2427/2013—Chin, Maureen Chin Shen, 1938-10-03, 3810030048085, Ashley Glen, 3 Hybern Road, Morningside, Port Elizabeth, 6025, 20 April 2013. Ronald Chin, Ashley Glen, 3 Hyberg Road, Morningside, Port Elizabeth, 6025. 792/2013—Van Heerden, Susanna (formerly Olivier, born Cronjé), 20 October 1956, 5610200111087, “Heuningklip”, District of Queenstown, 5319, 20 February 2013. Metcalf, Sahd & Company, 8 Grey Street (PO Box 127), Queenstown, 5320. 2401/2013—Hassien, Denise Glenda, 24-01-1945, 4501240433089, 4 Duck Street, Uitenhage, 31 March 2011; Moeganmat Hassien, 04-08-1945, 4508045144084. Karsans, PO Box 1235, Uitenhage, 6230. 6512/2012—McMaster, Willie, 23-10-1958, 5810235079081, 17 Vrede Street, Uitenhage, 23 November 2011; Nadia McMaster, 17-01-1971, 7101170286082. Karsans, PO Box 1235, Uitenhage, 6230. 2014/2012—Stuurman, Elliot, 1969-08-19, 6908195760085, 9 Ngxowana Street, Tyutyu North, Bhisho, 2012-10-04; Vuyokazi Monica Stuurman, 1974-05-08, 7405080673084. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King Williamʼs Town. 30 days. 656/2013—Randall, Gerald John Lewis, 1926-10-15, 2610155008083, House No. 14, Birah Mouth, 6170, 2011-08-10. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King Williamʼs Town. 30 days. 2237/2012—Mzwakhe David Mphathiswa, 6306205530087, 17 December 2002. Nomjana Attorneys (Agent of Executor), No. 5 Lancaster Road, Vincent, East London. 30 days. FREE STATE • VRYSTAAT 13221/2009—Philip Rudolph Botha, 21 Augustus 1933, 3308215013081, ongetroud, Jan Smutsstraat 53, Sasolburg, 1947, 1 Augustus 2008. P.a. De Beer & Claassen, NJ van der Merwesingel 15, Sasolburg, 1947. 9652/2012—Shoba, Jabulani Joseph, 1942-11-14, 4211145477088, 8837 Phuthaditjhaba A, 2012-08-28; Tsili Maria Shoba, 1957-06-03, 5706030862087. Tsili Maria Shoba, c/o PO Box 22, Harrismith, 9880. 3249/2013—Van Huyssteen, Susanna Maria, 1922-04-21, 2204210005084, Huis vir Bejaardes, Hoofdstraat, Hoopstad, 14-03-2013. Jac N Coetzer Ing., Posbus 1, Hoopstad, 9479. 30 dae. 4152/2013—Taljaard, Rhoda, 1946-07-11, 4607110103080, Packerstraat 11, Jan Cilliers Park, Welkom, 9459, 2013-03-21; Mathys Johannes Taljaard, 1940-08-03, 4008035021087. Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 91 2571/2013—Langeveldt, Godfrey Brendan, 1975-05-06, 7505065030083, Bermuda Crescent 92, Uitsig Bloemfontein, 2013-02-17; Anina Langeveldt, 1971-11-22, 7111220125080. Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 4213/2013—De Villiers, Arthur Greyling, 24 November 1932, 3211245014089, Du Plessisstraat 6, Vrede, 9825, 11 April 2013. Theron & Neethling, Voortrekkerstraat 43, Posbus 50, Memel, 2970. 9378/2011—Maria Mathapelo Thotela, 6511100475086, oorlede op 9 Maart 2010. Schroeder Meades de Beer Ing., Van der Merwestraat 39A, Posbus 69, Bethlehem, 9700. 661/2011—Wurnigg, Herbert, 6 Maart 1934, 3403065002084, Von Abostraat 30, Bothaville, 9660, 15 Augustus 2010. LJ Esterhuyse, Mimosastraat 25, Meyerhof, Bothaville, 9660. 3942/2013—Radebe, Motloana Elias, 1954-04-19, 5404195539084, 942 Phamong Village, Witsieshoek, 2013-04-24; Malihlondno Melita, Radebe, 1957-01-29, 5701290436084. Icarus Corporate Solut, 3 East Street, East Town, Johannesburg. 3164/2013—Swanepoel, Jacobus Johannes, 22 Junie 1936, 3606225004085, Di-Nette Meenthuise No. 5, h/v Kerk- en Prellerstraat, Bothaville, 9660, 22 Maart 2013; Noreen Joyce Swanepoel, 12 September 1938, 3809120027082. Noreen Joyce Swanepoel, Di-Nette Meenthuise No. 5, h/v Kerk- en Prellerstraat, Bothaville, 9660. 4189/13—Third, Stewart John, 12-07-1957, 5707125081088, Fallopiusstraat 24, Hospitaalpark, Bloemfontein, 9301, 10-04-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 4142/2013—Weldhagen, Lambertus, 12-06-1970, 7006125020081, Mangaung Gevangenisdiens, Dewetsdorp Pad, Bloemfontein, 9301, 04-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3791/2013—Nel, Daniel Jacobus, 14-05-1945, 4505145101089, 50 Whipp Street, Memel, 2970, 06-03-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 4151/2013—Guisti, George Edward, 28-09-1947, 4709285067080, 175 Koppie Alleen Road, Doorn, Welkom, 9459, 23-03-2013; Denise Catherine Ilona Guisti, 05-02-1951, 5102050048080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 6773/2012—Lebona, Tankiso Samuel, 12-01-1944, 44011125451084, 4198 Matela Street, Thabong, Welkom, 9459, 15-03-2012; Nthabiseng Hyacinth Lebona, 04-01-1956, 5601040767089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 2146/2013—Moroka, Ntshadi Winfred, 1939-07-11, 3907110082081, 320 Moroka Location, Thaba Nchu, 2013-01-22. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 2, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days. 4008/2013—Schoeman, Anna Susanna Christina, 12 September 1931, 3109120004086, Loopstraat 111, Parys, 9585, 3 April 2013. Mnr E. Kriek, p/a Kriek en Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585. 4001/2013—Smit, Cornelia Aletta, 1938-03-30, 3803300054081, Luyt Street, Parys, 01-12-2012. Herculaas Venter, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days. 2414/2008—Chu-King Chen, ID No. 5304125827080, 53 Botha Street, Ladybrand, 6 December 2006. YT Chen, Executor, PO Box 271, Ladybrand, 9745. 4196/2013—Dirk Bester, 5003205061087, 21 April 2013. Die Eksekuteur: R. Ahrens, Van Wyk & Preller Ing., Victoriaweg 72, Willows, Bloemfontein, 9301. 30 dae. 8244/2011—Lynch, Joseph Johannes, 26 December 1965, 6512265248086, Plot 108, Lakeview Small Holding, Bloemfontein, 9300, 12 July 2011; Maria Elizabeth Lynch, 18 December 1977, 7712180203088. Masilo Koenane Attorneys, 119 St Andrew Street, President Building, Office 240 A & D, P.O. Box 23201. 30 days. 2671/2012—Ayodele Adelaja Adekoya, 22 December 1967, Passport No. A01805189, Unit 51, Bloemvallei, Bloemfontein, 8 January 2011. Van Rensburg Inc., P.O. Box 9110, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days. 22255/2007—Mushiyeni Patrick Zwane, ID No. 6004235930084, 983 Mdantsane Zone 10, 29 April 2003. Van Rensburg Inc., P.O. Box 9110, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days. 3962/2013—Van Vuuren, Johannes Jacobus, 06-10-1931, 3110065059085, Palierstraat 64, Jacobsdal, Vrystaat, 9301, 15-08-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3785/2013—Dessels, Christoffel Maartens, 03-07-1929, 2907035035082, Sentrum vir Bejaardes, Westerbloem, Haldonweg, 9301, 27-02-2013; Hester Johanna Christina Dessels, 08-07-1936, 3607080018087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3794/2013—Mahlohla, Lerata Petrus, 05-02-1946, 4602055499080, 4921 Constantia, Kroonstad, 9499, 07-08-2009; Anna Felicia Mamulela Mahlohla, 10-03-1955, 5503100919081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 14512/2010—Le Grange, Nellie Petronella, 10-10-1944, 4410100039087, Jasmynlaan 14, Gardinia Park, Bloemfontein, 9301, 01-11-2010; Gert Johannes Francois le Grange, 02-05-1942, 4205025018087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 4185/2013—Maseko, Sophia, 04-10-1931, 3110040135083, House 447, Bethlehem, 9700, 02-03-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 12668/2012—Erasmus, Willemina Britz, 12-06-1923, 2306120005086. Ons Woning Gang H3, Ossewastraat, Petrusburg, 9932, 25-10-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3324/2013—Mokhongoane, Maleshoane Victoria, 02-09-1948, 4809020524088, 8180 Mphou Street, Constantia, Kroonstad, 9499, 04-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3245/2013—Talmakies, Mieta, 09-05-1954, 5405090198082, Presbitestraat 976, Bronville, Welkom, 9459, 29-11-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3580/2013—Van Jaarsveld, Berendina Johanna, 04-01-1936, 3601040011084, Striata Versorgingseenheid, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9301, 06-03-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 4188/2013—Brits, Schalk, 07-02-1944, 4402075014088, Prellerstraat 18, Sasolburg, 1947, 14-03-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 5400/2011—Otte, Daniel Leon, 15-11-1956, 5611155146086, Stainerstraat 16, Kroonstad, 9499, 31-03-2011; Isaella Wilhelmina Otte, 24-10-1953, 5310240049088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 92 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 3582/2013—Labuschagne, Martha Susanna, 17-10-1956, 5610170058086, Olive Schreinerstraat 9, Sasolburg, 9570, 06-03-2013; Gerhardus Arnoldus Labuschagne, 15-12-1955, 5512155052086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3744/2013—Hanekom, Girtie, 1929-11-23, 2911230035087, 17 Van Reenenstraat, Sasolburg, 2013-03-09. AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc., Posbus 471, Sasolburg, 1947. 30 days. 1165/2013—Mokoena, Sabata Sam, 13 October 1954, 5410135437081, 11342 Ngake Street, Motse-Thabong, 9463, 25 July 2012; Seipati Sylvia Mokoena, 23 October 1954, 5410230274082. A.G. Sefo Attorneys & Conveyancers, P.O. Box 1631, Welkom, 9460. 1981/2012—Koloku, Molehe Frans, 24 June 1964, 6406245839082, 20 Theron Street, Reitzpark, Welkom, 9460, 21 December 2011; Letho Maria Koloku, 26 March 1967, 6703260321081. A.G. Sefo Attorneys & Conveyancers, P.O. Box 1631, Welkom, 9460. 3807/2013—Chinner, Raymond Leslie, 1939-03-02, 3903025027084, Hoogstraat 29A, Senekal, 9600, 2013-05-24; Jacomina Johanna Chinner, 1941-05-26, 4311160016082. Crowther & Pretorius, Van Riebeeckstraat 22, Senekal, 9600. 1297/2013—Leonardi, Christine, 12-06-1974, 7412060057080, Totiusstraat 5, Welkom, 24-08-2012. EP du Preez Prokureurs, Posbus 474, Welkom, 9460. 4297/2013—Makibi, Lekena Albert, 08-12-1963, RA 998474 (Lesotho Citizen), Ha Tan Pitseng, Leribe, Lesotho, 20-06-2011; Mamakibi Makibi, 26-11-1979, RB 172342 (Lesotho Citizen). Francois Potgieter, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 2172/2013—Sutherland, Leon, 12-06-1936, 3606125030081, Steynstraat 73, Bothaville, 9960, 08-01-2013; Getruida Elizabeth Sutherland, 02-11-1934, 3411020033086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3896/2003—Flanegan, Colin Peter, 1939-03-29, 3903295057089, Beckstraat 14, Hilton, Bloemfontein, 1939-03-29. EE Pohl, Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324. 12713/2012—Tseng, Shih-Hsun, 28 September 1990, 9009285906089, 90 Klerck Avenue, Brandwag, Bloemfontein, 27 October 2012. Mthembu & Van Vuuren, PO Box 3248, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3734/2013—Brand, Lambertus Frederik Johannes Brand, 24-10-1957, 5710245031082, Berilstraat No. 1, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 14-03-2013. Lange Carr & Wessels Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Upington. 11822/2012—Viljoen, Johannes Gerhardus, 1951-10-06, 5110065019087, Siebertstraat 8, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 9301, 2012-08-04. Niel Pienaar & Associates, Fraundorferstraat 8, Bloemfontein. 30 days. KWAZULU-NATAL 2921/2013/PMB—Omar, Nazeer Ahmed, 19-06-1966, 6606195078082, 502 Marine Towers, 34 Sol Harris Crescent, Durban, 25-11-2012. K. T. Soni & Co, 250 Grey Street, Durban, 4001. 18128/08/DBN—Chetty, Shunmugam, 21-01-1961, 6101215187089, 35 Canbury Circle, Eastbury, Phoenix, 19-09-2008. Thillo Chetty, 20-06-1963, 6306200001084. K. T. Soni & Co, 250 Grey Street, Durban, 4001. 6276/2013—Pienaar, Barend Jacobus, 1939-01-10, 3901105001081, 4 Villa Marina Casavarina Drive, Hibberdene, 2012-12-17; Cornelia Johanna Dorothea Pienaar, 1938-01-20, 3801200033080. Linda Bode, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 3882/2013/PMB—Goodwin, Charlotte Helen Louisa, 11-06-1914, 1406110036082, 2 Bedford Gardens, Glenwood, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 12-04--2013. Duncan Andrew Turner & Ingrid Vivienne Angus, 3B The Ridge, 8 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, 4019. 5641/2013/DBN—Ramsamy, Shunmoogum, 1941-07-07, 4107075121086, Flat 7, Villa Kiana, Hulett Street, Stanger, 4450, 2012-10-11; Runganayagie, Ramsamy, 1942-09-15, 4209150097080. Jenny Naidoo, nominee of the Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 5027/2013—Ramdut, Portha, 1947-03-11, 4703115123080, Road 736, House 66, Montford, Chatsworth, 2013-02-22; Anjeni Ramdut, 1956-08-30, 5608300147084. Jessica Gounden & Associates, 93 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092. 4611/2013—Chetty, Muthusamy, 06-08-1956, 5608065120086, 31 Road 718, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 16-12-2012; Dhanalutchmee Chetty, 03-10-1963, 6310030147083. Amith Luckan & Company, Suite 2 D & E, Montford Shopping Centre, 48 Road 701, Montford, Chatsworth. 5892/2013/DBN—Pillay, Miniamah, 1952-05-17, 5205170692081, 43 Vistacroft Place, Longcroft, Phoenix, 2000-08-23; Nadasen, Pillay, 1945-06-14, 4506145083087. Gonaseelan Pillay, Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban. 30 days. 7396/2011—Ngema, Pauline Sibusisiwe Ngema, 1952-09-29, 5209290833088, Lot 1195, Honeydale, Mtubatuba, 2010-03-28. James Scharnick, J. Scharnick and Associates, Private Bag X013, Mtubatuba, 3935. 21 days. 5052/2013—Herbst, Pieter de Bruin Johannes George, 1935-10-23, 3510235057085, Emerson House, Bill Buchanan, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 2013-03-17. Isabel Abraham Attorneys, 3 Clarancier House, 184 Clark Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001. 003820/2013—Molestane Busi Iren, 6104220270080, died interstate on 12 December 2012; Palo Paulcome Moletsane, Gwala Kasambara & Associates, 402-4th Floor, Umdoni Centre, Pinetown. 30 days. 9486/12DBN—Sibongiseni Ndimande, 8410235867085, single, died interstate on 8 May 2011. Gwala Kasambara & Associates, 402-4th Floor, Umdoni Centre, Pinetown. 30 days. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 93 6115/1998 PMB—Archibald Jacob Gumede, 1403015162089, who died interstate on 21 June 1998; Nontsikelelo Edith Gumede. Gwala Kasambara & Associates, 402-4th Floor, Umdoni Centre, Pinetown. 30 days. 6275/2013—Page, Donald John, 1938-05-20, 3805205089088, 2013-04-06. Linda Bode, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 5843/2013 DBN—Dawood, Yunus, 1 January 1949, 4901015190080, 10 Mountview Road, Arena Park, Chatsworth, Durban, 20 July 2011; Shireen Banu Dawood, 24 November 1950, 50112401330084. Shireen Banu Dawood, 10 Mountview Road, Arena Park, Chatsworth, Durban. 3599/2013—Van Rooyen, Cornelius Johannes, 1938-05-15, 3805155017089, 229 Voortrekker Street, Greytown, 2013-03-21; Amelia Susannah van Rooyen, 4111270042089. Nel & Stevens, 117A Voortrekker Street, Greytown, 3250. 5647/2006/PMB—Ahmed Essop Aboobaker, 10 June 1938, 3806105051087, 34 Berea Crescent, Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 11 August 2005. Hepburn Attorneys, P.O. Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206. 30 days. 5647/2006/PMB—Aboobaker, Ahmed Essop, 10 June 1938, 3806105051087, 34 Berea Crescent, Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 11 August 2005. Hepburn Attorneys, P.O. Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206. 1778/2013—Van Loggerenberg, Frederik, 1966-01-20, 6601205014086, 3 Hardy Road, Rosehill, Durban North, 4051, 2012-12-18. Esther van Loggerenberg, 3 Hardy Road, Rosehill, Durban North, 4051. 4534/2013 (DBN)—Govender, Mariamma, 28-09-1940, 4009280447084, 52 Ashvale Close, Rydalvale, Phoenix, 4068, 02-08-2004; Munsamy Govender (deceased 2008), 23-01-1942, 4201235148087. Sathish Mahabir & Associates of 25 Sewpersadh Street, Verulam, 4340; P.O. Box 2088, Verulam, 4340. 005852/2013—Manga, Essop, 14 June 1941, 4106145096088, 13 Oceanview, Shakaskraal, 4430, 7 March 2013. M.S. Mall Inc., Suite 1, Jangnoor Centre, 62 Hullett Street, Stanger, 4450. 4624/2013—Govender, Munsamy, 23/01/1942, 4201235148087, 52 Ashvale Close, Rydalvale, Phoenix, 4068, 02-08-2008; pre-deceased. Sathish Mahabir & Associates of 25 Sewpesadh Street, Verulam, 4340; P.O. Box 2088, Verulam, 4340. 2135/2008—Ngidi, Babhekile Pryzina, 25 April 1953, 5304250779080, C1912, Mfolozi Road, KwaMashu, 5 January 2008. Phephisa Tiny Ngidi, C1912 Mfolozi Road, KwaMashu. 30 days. 5746/2013—Ngidi, Musa Victor, 4 September 1952, 5209045769082, C1912, Mfolozi Road, KwaMashu, 21 July 2005. Phephisa Tiny Ngidi, C1912, Mfolozi Road, KwaMashu. 30 days. 18787/2007—Raghoonundam, Moonilall, 25 October 1937, 3710255068083, 4 Causus Street, Shallcross, 4093, 27 October 2007. Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, 01 Kickford Place, Sunford, Phoenix, 4068. 595/2013—Raghoonundam, Dewmathie, 1948-05-10, 4805100111085, 4 Causs Street, Shallcross, 4092, 2009/10/10. Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, 01 Kictford Place, Sunford, Phoenix, 4068. 004996/2013—Mtembu, Sifiso Oremus, 1968/12/10, 6812105527081, D725 Mzilikazi Street, Ulundi, 3838, 2012-12-06; Grace Nokuthula Mtembu, 1968/12/20, 6812200446088. M. S. Sibiya Attorneys, P.O. Box 7036, Ulundi, 3835. 17178/2012 DBN—Mngadi, Thomas Bonginkosi, 1946-08-02, 4608025112083, Mthobisa Area, Ward 2, Tongaat, 2012-09-12; Makhosazane Praxedis Mngadi, 1950-10-05, 5010050367089. N.T. Mshengu & Associates, P.O. Box 481953, Qualberg, 4078. 4638/2013—Govender, Sagren, 24 December 1971, 7112245185083, 142 Cashew Avenue, Chatsworth, 20 October 2012. Ntini & Associates Attorneys, Suite 603/604, 6th Floor, Salisbury Centre, Tower B, 347 West Street, Durban. 1604/2013—Khumalo, Buselaphi Hilton, 1956/01/07, 5601075305086, KwaZenzele Area, under Inkosi Majozi-Pomerot, 19 November 2012; Makhosazana Maayvis Khumalo, 1957-05-03, 5705030851082. Andre Dreyer Attorneys, P.O. Box 34, Vryheid, 3100. 6406/2013 DBN—Nhlakanipho Nelson Xulu, 7802185456086. Buthelezi Zungu Incorporated, 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 05750/2013—Korff, Marjorie Jean, 1944-06-16, 4406160128083, 3 Sha Kayla Mews, 7 Rindel Road, Malvern, Queensburgh, 2012-12-06. Ian van Rooyen, P O Box 28116, Malvern (KZN), 4055. 9603/2012/PMB—Aboobaker, Mohamed Ahmed, 7 June 1969, 6906075087082, 34 Berea Crescent, Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg, KZN, 28 August 2010. Hepburn Attorneys, P O Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206. 5023/2011—Pillay, Priscilla, 1969-08-12, 6908120294085, 132 Hesketh Drive, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2010-09-02; Subramani Pillay, 1968-04-27, 6804275246089. Karissa Pillay, 132 Hesketh Drive, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 10104/2012—Shaik, Ismail, 1950-12-16, 5012165138082, 23 Ganges Road, Belfort, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2004-05-08. Sajedha Shaik, 23 Ganges Road, Belfort, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 8169/2011—Pillay, Subramani, 1968-04-27, 6804275246089, 132 Hesketh Drive, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2011-07-28. Karissa Pillay, 132 Hesketh Drive, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 4131/13—Ndlazi, Mduduzi Dingokwakhe, 1984-01-24, 8401246126082, Ubombo, 2013-01-20. Gina-Mthembu and Ass. Jozini. 1695/2012/DBN—Kunene, Lorraine Thembekile, 1962/04/03, 6204030561080, House 1626, Section 2, 4066 Umlazi, 2012/01/20; Sipho Campbell Kunene, 1958/01/13, 5801135806087. Mokuena Attorneys, P.O. Box 8591, Halfway House, 1685. 3088/2013/DBN—Naraindass, Manikee, 25/05/1948, 4805250107081, 32 Jadwat Street, Isipingo, Durban, 24 December 2012; Manilal Naraindass, 24/06/1938, 3806245079089. Woodroffe & Kleyn, 98 Cowey Road, Morningside, Durban. 006155/2013—Perumal, Soobramoney, 1963/01/04, 6301045242084, 126 Dahlia Road, Asherville, Durban, 2013-02-09. Moganambal Chetty, 290 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park, Chatsworth. 3540/2013—Ferguson, Neva, 1969-05-15, 69051502510, 13 Niagara Drive, Waterfall, KwaZulu-Natal, 2010-03-06; Darrell Andrew Lionel Ferguson, 1966-05-15, 66051551970. John Hudson & Company, 303 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. 94 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 4187/2013—Dlangalala, Shumi Simon Lymon, 30-06-1941, 4106305419088, 1411 Mnyingwa Road, Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, 11 April 2013; Lindiwe Yvonne Dlangalala, 22-11-1949, 4911220641082. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 11356/2011—Bhengu, Tembi Beauty Bhengu, 27-11-1939, 3911270241081, 395 Sanqawe Road, Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, 23 September 2011. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 10916/2012/PMB—Seethal, Bridgelal Ramchuran, 06-08-1925, 2508065054082, Lot 1122, Marburg, Extension 13, Port Shepstone, 4240, 22-09-2011; Narayandai Seethal, 23-12-1943, 4312230127081. Binesh Rajkaran 165 Lambert Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 2497/2013/DBN—Thangavelu Moonisami, 25 November 1938, 3811255074087, 106 Main Road, Ottawa, Verulam, 4339, 26 August 2012; Jayrani Moonisami, 11 June 1949, 4906110084088. 3711/2013/PMB—Maritz, Hope Alice, 1924-12-11, 2412110022089, 16 Benville Street, Glencoe, 24 December 2012. Acutt & Worthington, P.O. Box 630, Dundee, 3000. 2890/2013PMB—Pillay, Chocklingum, 7 July 1958, 5807075266083, 3 Crestone Road, Whetstone, Phoenix, 4068, 24 January 2013; Lorraine Pillay, 2 May 1956, 5605020115086. Lorraine Pillay, 3 Crestone Road, Whetstone, Phoenix, 4068. 2946/2013—Card, Melanie, 1956-10-02, 5610020019080, 12 Grove Hurst Court, 30 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 2012-03-05. Livingston Leandy Inc, P.O. Box 4107, The Square, 4021. 3254/2013(DBN)—Philippus Johannes Retief, 2912195025089, 22 January 2013; Magdalena Elizabeth Retief, 3208030052084. Groenewald & Reed Attorneys, P.O. Box 10413, Ashwood, 3605. 4839/13DBN—Singh, Kalawathi, 20-01-1940, 4001200099087, 6 Capricorn Street, Woodhurst, Chatsworth, 23 January 2013; Amar Singh, 06-11-1939, 3911065074085. Ash Haripersad & Partners, No. 163 - Road 701, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092. 003530/2013—Ismail, Jainabee, 20 March 1933, 3303200064082, 24 Road 749, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 26 June 1995; The late Mohamed Ismail, 10 March 2000. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 003531/2013—Ismail, Mohamed, 1 December 1932, 3212015069089, 24 Road 749, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 10 March 2000. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 5657/2013DBN—Huet, Peter Harold Ronald, 01-08-1943, 4308015100087, 60 Kabeljou Road, Newlands East, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 12-11-2012; Zohra Huet, 08-08-1944, 4408080483085. Buthelezi Incorporated, 16 Bute Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 003530/2013—Ismail, Jainabee, 20 March 1933, 3303200064082, 24 Road 749, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 26 June 1995; The late Mohamed Ismail, 10 March 2000. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 003531/2013—Ismail, Mohamed, 1 December 1932, 3212015069089, 24 Road 749, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 10 March 2000. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 005253/2013/DBN—Singh, Rohith, 10 October 1957, 5710105074083, 110 Lemuria Grove, Arena Park, Chatsworth, 4092, 2 February 2013; Nalini Singh, 28 December 1962, 6212280241089. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 005253/2013/DBN—Singh, Rohith, 10 October 1957, 5710105074083, 110 Lemuria Grove, Arena Park, Chatsworth, 4092, 2 February 2013; Nalini Singh, 28 December 1962, 6212280241089. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 5843/2013/DBN—Dawood, Yunus, 1 January 1949, 4901015190080, 10 Mountainview Road, Arena Park, Chatsworth, Durban, 20 July 2011; Shireen Banu Dawood, 24 November 1950, 5011240133084. Shireen Banu Dawood, 10 Mountainview, Arena Park, Chatsworth, Durban. 005879/2013DBN—Nathan, Ruth, 1917-06-28, 1706280029084, Beth Shalom, Vause Road, Durban, 2013-03-312. J H Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 5878/2013 DBN—Isaacs, Sylvia, 1922-12-26, 2212260032080, Beth Shalom, 85 Vause Road, Durban, 2013-04-13. JH Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 13159/2012—David, Norman Patrick, 13-03-1955, 5503135195087, No. 2 Boon Street, Pietermaritzburg, 15-03-2012. Attorney Deshan Naidoo, 23 Reynold Street, Port Shepstone, 4240. 5207/2013—Combrinck, Johannes Jacobus, 26 Februarie 1942, 4202265008084, McKenziestraat 06, St Lucia, KwaZulu-Natal, 20 Februarie 2013. Sanet Ras Prokureurs, Privaatsak X1268, Potchefstroom, 2520. 3947/2013/PMB—Loveridge, Jeanne Michele, 1949-10-20, 4910200134183, 104 Julia Road, Berea, Durban, 2013-04-13. J. Leslie Smith & Company, PO Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 4026/2013/PMB—Povall, Mary Wentworth, 1938-07-20, 3807200001084, 44 Charles Street, Bulwer, 3244, 2013-03-31. J. Leslie Smith & Company, c/o J Leslie Smith & Co., 332 Jabu Ndlovu Street, PO Box 297; PO Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 6406/2013—Nhlakanipho Nelson Xulu, ID No. 7802185456086. Buthelezi Zungu Incorporated, 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 2533/2013/PMB—Sideah, Dayawanthie, 24-08-1935, 3508240074087, 12A Bulwer Street, Dundee, 3000, 10-02-2013. Rafiq Khan & Co., 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000. 3608/2013—Storey, Reginald Adrian, 1943-12-16, 4312165159083, 25 Fernlea Road, Sunningdale, Durban, 4019, 2013-03-07; Rosalind Grace Storey, 1955-10-24, 5510240208184. Stuart James Fourie, 23 Jan Hofmeyr Road, Westville, 3629. 3691/2013/PMB—Pope, Norman Lawson Lennox, 25th June 1930, 3006255021085, Room 402, Bill Buchanan Old Age Home, Durban, 4001, 4th March 2013. McGlashan McKeown Inc., PO Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650. 001433/2013—Denzil Goliath Edom, 5005305150082, 66 Barracuda Road, Newlands East, Durban, 4037, 8 January 2013; Frances Ann Edom, 16 July 1954, 5407160013084. Dykes van Heerden (KZN) Inc., 18 Ridge Road, Amanzimtoti. 30 days. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 95 10814/2012—Dickens, Patricia Lilian isabelle, 1931-05-17, 3105170002087, 60 Doone Village, 1 Beare Dr, Pinetown, 3610, 2012-07-02. PM Dickens, PO Box 492, Kloof, 3640. 30 days. 3708/2013/PMB—Ramlall, Jairaj, 19 August 1952, 5208195152081, 25 Rangeview Road, Howick West, KwaZulu-Natal, 18 March 2013; Omadevi Ramlall, 5 August 1949, 4908050177088. Omadevi Ramlall (Executrix), PO Box 35, Msunduzi, 3231. 8359/2011—Ngcobo, Mbekwa, 27-08-1946, 4608275235089, 6 Sqothu Street, Folweni B, Isipingo, KwaZulu-Natal, 3rd January 2011; Chithiwe Ngcobo, 29-04-1949, 4904290176089. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 6298/2013 DBN—Mukadam, Talib, 7 February 1946, 4602075156082, 43 Coull Drive, La Mercy, 11 December 2012.— Rajan Moodley & Associates, Attorneys for Executors, 1401 Durdoc Centre, 460 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban; PO Box 48378, Qualbert, 4078. 4029/2012 DBN—Mqadi, Selby Ndabezinhle, 27-05-1922, 22052275104084, N1025 Umlazi Township, N Section, Umlazi, 28-10-2011. Lachanna-Naidoo Attorneys, 278 Lena-Ahrens Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 2236/2013—Manjoo, Rasool Gori Essop, 22-03-1962, 6203220140085, 10 Ringwoop Avenue, Woodview, Phoenix, 4068, 25-01-2013. Lachanna-Naidoo Attorneys, 278 Lena Ahrens Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 6047/2013—Gensicke, Rudolf Klaus-Jurgen, 1937-12-31, 3712315012184, Lionel Street, 1812, Margate, 4275, 2013-02-26; Ingrid Gensicke, 1944-12-12, 4412120049088. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 5732/2013—Pillay, Mahalingum, 7 August 1956, 5608075139084, 54 Bishopsfield Close, Earlsfield, 4037, 23 March 2013; Maliga Pillay, 27 January 1966, 6601270137085. Attorneys Malie Pillay & Associates, P.O. Box 49102, Qualbert, 4078. 3840/2013—De Swardt, Norma Walter, 21 April 1924, 2404210019081, Huis Lina de Klerk, Mooi Hawens, Middleton Road, Winkelspruit, 4126, 20 November 2012. Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 11907/2011/PMB—Mduduzi Fano Chonco, 6905215570080, 15 December 2011, Ntunjambili, Kranskop. Ngcobo Poyo & Diedricks Incorporated, 191 Hoosen Haffeje Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 8848/2011/PMB—Manu Dorothea Dlamini, 3209040211082, 1785 Nxala Road, Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, 12 January 2012. Ngcobo Poyo & Diedricks Incorporated, 191 Hoosen Haffeje Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 2370/2013/PMB—Miller, Jane Elizabeth, 11 May 1943, 4305110046082, 14 Valley Vista Road, Athlone, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 26 February 2013. AG Jenkins Attorneys, Postnet Suite 285, Private Bag X6, Cascades, 3202. 10273/2012/PMB—Seejeram, Jasordra Durga, 15/06/1946, 4606150165082, 11 Asplenium Street, Fernwood, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, 26/01/2012. Vinesh Kewal Singh, c/o Neven Singh & Associates, P.O. Box 142, Newcastle, 2940. 4564/2013—Simon, Jennifer, 1964/01/27, 6401270593084, 25 Rainsbury Gardens, Centenary Park, Phoenix, 2012/11/24. Ramesh Sarabjit Singh, 16 Cohen Avenue, Glenwood, Durban. 18335/2012 DBN—Govender, Govindamah, 1946/09/08, 4609080125085, 125 Victory Road, Lions Grove, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, 2011/11/04. Raymond Govender, 125 Victory Road, Lions Grove, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal. 264/2013 DBN—Sewnarain, Bainath, 1950/03/24, 5003245137087, Lot 1248, Mars Drive, Marburg, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, 2012/12/16; Bidiawathie Sewnarain. Bidiawathie Sewnarain, Lot 1248, Mars Drive, Marburg, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal. 4883/2013—Higgo, David William, 1952/05/01, 5205015061088, 77A Viv Davie Martin Drive, Warkworth, 2012/04/25. Karen van Niekerk, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072 3255/2013/PMB—Brookes, Lionel Thomas, 1940/03/22, 4003225150085, 2 Carnoustie Lane, Amberglen, Howick, 3290, 2013/04/01. Harvard House Financial Services Trust, Harvard Street, Howick, 3290. 30 days. 4255/2013/DBN—Ndungane, Dorothy Thandiwe,1967/05/01, 6705010887089, 74 Dipdale Road, Malvern, 2013/03/07. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 4622/2013 DBN—Chinasamy, Moonsamy, 24 October 1967, 6710245174089, 14 Sigma Crescent, Empangeni, 31 January 2013; Vasanthie Chinasamy, 17 March 1970, 7003170172081. Vasanthie Chinasamy, 14 Sigma Crescent, Empangeni. 6147/2009—Pienaar, Magrietha Johanna, 1934/11/22, 3411220004085, Tuscany Villas No. 6, Chamberlain Crescent, Newcastle, 2009/05/05; Jakob Johannes Pienaar, 1933/09/28, 3309285004083. Dr JJ Pienaar, P.O. Box 390, Newcastle. 30 days. 12106/2011–Juggath, Mannilall Chundermun, 1931/07/04, 3107045069085, 122 Wandsbeck Road, Clare Estate, Durban, 2009/11/15; Shand Devi Juggath, 1936/04/02, 3604200106082. Sunil Singh & Associates, Suite 401, Brohil House, 76 Stamford Hill Road, Greyville, Durban. 1500/2013/PMB—Moodley, Yugusparie, 28/08/1963, 6308280269086, 511 Regina Road, Bombay Heights, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 28/02/2012; Jayseelan Moodley, 03/10/1965, 6510035199050. Jayseelan Moodley, 511 Regina Road, Bombay Heights, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 6347/2012—Manda, Sitaramaya Christopher, 1947/06/29, 4706295115081, 65 Nathalal Crescent, Shallcross, Durban, 4093, 2006/01/07; Rebecca Shanthi Manda, 1949/09/09, 4909090131085, Jocelyn Karmen Manda, P.O. Box 562392, Chatsworth, 4030. 30 days. 4249/2013/PMB—Haffajee, Ahmod, 10 February 1937, 3702105090086, 166 Khan Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 23 April 2013; Zubeida Haffajee, 4 June 1942, 4206040103086. Venn Nemeth & Hart Inc., Attorneys and Agents for Executor Testamentary, PO Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 15366/2010—Moodley, Cogie, 25/07/1949, 4907250137082, 83 Primula Drive, Mobeni Heights, Durban, 23/08/2010. Ramesh Sarabjit Singh, 16 Cohen Avenue, Glenwood, Durban. 96 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 6515/2013—Shea, Lynn John, 1954/03/28, 5403285149085, 9 Candytuft Grove, Glen Anil, 4051, 2013/02/25; Charmaine Iris Shea, 1955/05/02, 5505020150085. DR Kneebone, Box 1267, Kloof, 3640. 4256/2013—Collen, Nellie Elizabeth, 1926/11/14, 2611140052087, 502 Glenridge Gardens, 61 South Ridge Road, Durban, 2013/02/03. Sentinel International, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park. 5405/2013/Durban—Mbele, Nthoabohlokoa Jennifer Mbele, 23 May 1948, 4805230607085, 2481 Main Avenue, Clermont, Pinetown, 23 February 2013; Sabela John Mbele, 6 June 1948, 4806065986081. King–Essack & Associates Inc., PO Box 82, Pinetown, 3600. 6515/2013—Shea, Lynn John, 1954/03/28, 5403285149085, 9 Candytuft Grove, Glen Anil, 4051, 2013/02/25; Charmaine Iris Shea, 1955/05/02, 5505020150085. DR Kneebone, Box 1267, Kloof, 3640. 6066/13 DBN—Sarojini Naidoo, 5008180165084, 19 Tesco Drive, Potty Hills, Tongaat, 7 December 2012. Yvonne Singh & Associates, Shop 64, Whitehouse, Phoenix. 30 days. 5845/2013 DBN—Govindasami Pillay, 3311275095089, 41 Peargreen Place, Phoenix, 30 December 2012. Yvonne Singh & Associates, Shop 64, Whitehouse Complex, Phoenix. 30 days. 6065/13 DBN—Munsamy Naidoo, 4705285086088, 19 Tesco Drive, Potty Hills, Tongaat, 3 May 2011; Sarojini Naidoo, 5008180165084. Yvonne Singh & Associates, Shop 64, Whitehouse, Phoenix. 30 days. 10313/2009—Ebrahim, Yunas, 1942/10/07, 4210075481086, 8 50th Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township, Chatsworth, 2009/04/27; Bibi Haqthar Ebrahim, 1949/08/26, 4908260554082. LA Khan Attorneys, Suite 118, Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban. 4019/2013—Mkize, Zanywa Wellington, 3 March 1952, 5203036340086, May Location, Umzimkhulu, 14 April 2013; Doris Maggie Mkize, 9 March 1955, 5503090596089. Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 30 days. 3551/2013—Jama, Jabulani David, 28 October 1960, 6010285514082, D11 Mngadi Road, Ashdown Township, Pietermaritzburg, 3216, 8 November 2007; Victoria Nomvuyo Jama, 28 November 1959, 5911280774087. Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 30 days. 6515/2013—Shea, Lynn John, 1954/03/28, 5403285149085, 9 Candytuft Grove, Glen Anil, 4051, 2013/02/25; Charmaine Iris Shea, 1955/05/02, 5505020150085. DR Kneebone, Box 1267, Kloof, 3640. 4121/2012/PMB—Wimble, Beryl Esme, 1934/06/29, 3406290008081, Azalea Gardens, Alexandra Road, Penham, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2012/03/25. David Wimble Consulting CC, PO Box 13728, Cascades, 3202. 599/2013—Malinga, Skhesemba Alfred, 5 July 1953, 5307055257087, 12987 Area J, Steadville, Ladysmith, 3370, 18 January 2013; Lindiwe Mumsy Malinga, 27 May 1950, 5005270672086. Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 30 days. 5318/2013—Vad, Victoria, 03/01/1946, 4601030088083, 31 High Grove, Durban North, 13/03/2013. Norman Peter Vad, Tate Nolan & Knight, PO Box 201181, Durban North, 4016. 4171/2013/PMB—Mdluli, Zelpha Nonceba, 1950/04/27, 5004270712083, 30 Jade Avenue, Sunnyridge, Newcastle, 2013/03/02. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 3750/2013/PMB—Mabaso, Anthony Johannes, 1938/02/03, 3802035163084, House No. C4695, Section 3, Madadeni, 2013/04/08. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 3479/2013/PMB—Ross, David Llewellyn, 1946/04/16, 4604165020089, 95 Impala Road, Hutten Heights, Newcastle, 2013/04/10; Barbara Reinette Ross, 1952/04/08, 5204080018081. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 1086/2013/PMB—Mokoena, Machine Phillip, 1942/08/20, 4208205564086, House No. 7549, Section 5, Madadeni, 2012/09/20. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 4418/2012/PMB—Johnson, Maria Elizabeth, 1933/04/11, 3304110022087, 100 Patterson Street, Loving Care, Newcastle, 2940, 2012/05/12. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 16068/2012/DBN—Van Niekerk, Frederik Georg, 1926/10/11, 2610115038089, 4 Pinehaven, 14 Meller Road, Pinetown, 3610, 2012/09/21; Celestina van Niekerk, 1924/08/06, 2408060041087. Jenny Naidoo, nominee of the Standard, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 5975/2013—Moodley, Vadivelu, 9 September 1934, 3409095090080, 15 Chatsworth Main Road, Umhlatuzana, Chatsworth, 26 February 2009; Mulisarram Moodley, 4 August 1946, 4608040113082. GH Ismail and Associates, 543 Ridge Road, Overport, Durban, 4001. 5709/2013—Hansa, Abdul Khalek Goolam Hoosen, 4 February 1949, 4902045129080, Flat 32, Graingerlea, 42 Broad Street, Durban, 18 July 2012. GH Ismail and Associates, 543 Ridge Road, Overport, Durban, 4001. 3677/2013—Muller, Susan Margrieth, 13 November 1939, 3911130103083, 10 Edinburgh Road, Uvongo, KwaZulu-Natal, 11 April 2010; John Julius Muller, 5 May 1939, 3905055018086. Henwood Britter & Caney, PO Box 862, Durban, 4000. 4123/2013/PMB—Clarkson, Lili, 27 July 1930, 3007270069083, 37 St Andrews Drive, Durban North, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 27 July 1930. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240. 4123/2013/PMB—Van Zyl, Maria Magdalena, 4 May 1923, 2305040011083, Lakeview Care Centre, Province of KwaZuluNatal, 21 April 2013. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240. 4983/2013DBN—Balammah Naidoo, 2 October 1939, 3910020306087, 32 Duiker Road, Isipingo Beach, Isipingo, 11 March 2013. Leon Pillay & Associates, 150B Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 97 2500/2013—Nkabinde Leah, Leah, 1-0876546-7 (1922), 1-0876546-7, Ixopo—95 Blenny Road, Newlands East, Durban. Mdxakushe Attorneys, Suite 1108—9 Tower C, Salisbury Centre, 347–351 Dr Pixley, Kaseme Street, Durban, 3001. 30 days. 019689/2012—Angamuthu Pillay, 20 July 1957, 5707205219087, 92 Woodview Drive, Phoenix, Durban, 13 November 2013; Kalawathi Pillay, 5208230178083. Leon Pillay & Associates, 150B Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban. 30 days. 31540—Pohl, Emmanuel Edward, 1927/01/06, 2701065008089, 9 Sloan Road, Bluff, Durban, 2013/03/16; Belisia Browing Pohl, 1930/06/12, 3006120002088. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 5609/2013—Potgieter, Pieter Jacobus, 1951/08/20, 5108205003086, Mooi Havens, Winklespruit, Amanzimtoti, 4145, 2013/03/13; Elizabeth Rachel Prinsloo, 1952/01/29, 5201290001089. Nanwanthie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 31480—Van der Vyver, Maria Elizabetha, 1940/04/02, 4004020031082, 48 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave, Durban, 2013/02/12. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1601/2013 PMB—Ernest John William Wilson, 28 February 1933, 3302285072085, 5 Bon Aire, 211 Bulwer Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001, 19 September 2012. Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P.O. Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 4010/2013/PMB—Zibula, Melta Zanele, 07/04/1955, 5504070580085, 36 Fielden Street, Richmond, 3780, 04/04/2013. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 4829/2013 DBN—Anthony Raymond Leask, 13 March 1938, 3803135031080, 18 Garbutt Road, Sherwood, Durban, 4091; Rosemary Joan Leask, 4310170036080. Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P.O. Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 3095/2013—Light, Delene, 24/09/1949, 4909240090082, 3 Callaway Gardens, 74 Gumtree Crescent, Mount Edgecombe, 4301, 21/01/2013. Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 3949/2013/PMB—Lourens, Ignatius Coenraad, 24 November 1962, 6211245131088, 200 Noord Street, Vryheid, 3170, 10 April 2013. Johannes Albert Gerhardus Lourens, 29 Audley Road, Westville, 3629. 8156/2012/PMB—Lurie, Sheila Patricia, 25/05/1940, 4005250039083, 7 Rissik Street, Utrecht, 2980, 23/05/2012. Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 4149/2013/DBN—Maharaj, Leroy, 30/10/1961, 6110305700081, 4 Aster Place, Asherville, Durban, 1/02/2013; Linda Maharaj, 19/05/1971, 7105190145086. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 15262/2010—Manilall, Parbathi, 1958/08/18, 5808180980089, 29 Clisham Grove, Westham, 2003/03/04. Willem Mollentze, PO Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733. 3509/2012—Masondo, Lizzie Agnes, 1935/03/08, 3503080244080, House 4696, Section 3, Madadeni, 2951, 2012/12/18. Nanwanthie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 15131/2009/DBN—Majozi, Dumisani Delani Robert, 1966/01/13, 6601135403086, Erf No. 9140, Protea Glen Extension 12, 2004/08/01. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor—402, Marshalltown, Johannesburg. 5625/13DBN—Barnard, Susarah Magrieta, 1940/10/18, 4010180046083, Flat 524, Tabor Retirement Complex, 5 Middleton Road, Winkelspruit, 412, 2013/03/22; Willem Petrus Barnard, 1933/12/30, 3312305045086. ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 4088/2013—Berrange, Adriaan Petrus Johannes, 1931/11/08, 3111085037085, 3B Banners Rest Village, Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, 2012/12/29. Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 3046/2013/PMB—Hawaboo Bhamjee (aka Hawaboo Mahomed Bhamjee), 1409120066081, 474 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 10 December 2012. Farouk Mulla & Associates, 401 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 30 days. 31557—DʼOliveira, Ricardo Armando, 24/09/1956, 5609245113082, Unit 1, Sussex Park, 1 Tudor Road, Gillits, 3610, 15/04/2013. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31539—Davidson, John Allan, 07/10/1928, 2810075052084, 11 Marvanne, 193 Innes Road, Durban, 2013/03/26. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 005521/2013—Geel, Alphonso, 1934/06/09, 3406095023087, Pinetown Nursing Home, Room 4, 5 Fairlea Close, Pinetown, 3610, 2013/04/04. Adriaan Jacobus Badenhorst, 21 Kingdon Road, Malvern, Durban, 4093. 4269/2013—Zikalala, Nompumelelo Jacqueline, 13/02/1966, 6602130465088, 8 Robinson Place, Grange, Pietermaritzburg, 28 December 2012; Phillip Mbuyiseni Zikalala, 15/11/1961, 611115662082. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 4266/2013—Mkhwanazi, Zenzele Petros, 20/11/1959, 5911205356085, 22 Mark Street, Paulpietersburg, 1 April 2013; Khanyisile Peaceful Ntombela, 14/05/1981, 8105140850081. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 4303/2013—Shezi, Velegoli Zamcolo, 5506075805086, 5506075805086, Esimomeni Location, Richmond, KZN, 6 April 2013; Ntezi Phumuzile Shezi, 12/13/1958, 5803120389087. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 4302/2013—Ntuli, Simon Isaac, 6604275327081, Ward 9, Nhloshane Area, Nkandla, 25 March 2013; Makhosazana Given Ntuli, 30/05/1972, 7205300610084. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 29428/2012—Maharaj, Neshaal, 1973/10/02, 7310025183084, 400 Old Spice Road, Zakariya Park, 2012/08/13; Anjani Devy Maharaj. Neeshal Maharaj, Amina Rahman Attorneys, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair. 7215/2010—Govender, Ronnie, 1955/01/17, 5501175160086, 31A Kloof Road, Bedfordview, Gauteng, 08/01/2009; Muliga Govender, 1951/07/28, 5107280564087. Muliga Govender, 31 Kloof Road, Bedfordview. 98 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 19829/2011–Bougaard, Anettshan Lucille, 1969/03/25, 6903250110086, 31 Eider Street, Florida Lake, Florida, 2011/02/18. Amina Bibi Rahman, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair. 15308/2012—Bulbulia, Racid Ahamed, 1935/07/05, 3507055046081, 17th 14th Street, Pageview, Johannesburg, 2010/03/18; Jubeda Bulbulia, 1936/09/22, 3609220106087. Jubeda Bulbulia 17th 14th Street, Pageview, Johannesburg. 19709/2012/DBN—Yvonne Hilda Mervis, 4202230068080, unmarried, 29 October 2012. Berkowitz Cohen Wartski Attorneys, RG Wynne Agent for Executor, 17th Floor, Southern Life House, 88 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 2605/2013/PMB—Nazima Banu Bee Bee Alli, 30/10/1955, 5510300153080, Lot 82, Emona, Tongaat, 21/06/2003; Nazaam Ali, 20/07/1947, 4707204071080. Krish Naidoo, Govender & Co. 30 days. 11660/2012/PMB—Ramsamy Soobiya Naicker, 28/01/1942, 4201285085080, 5 Mobeni Avenue, Amidstone, 4380, 23/10/2012. Krish Naidoo, Govender. 30 days. 4159/2013/PMB—Mulder, Carol Ann, 27 April 1944, 4404270007081, 14 Patrick Duncan Road, Kloof, 3 May 2013; Peter Ross Mulder, 30 October 1947, 4710305020083. Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630. 4153/2013/PMB—Swanepoel, John Peter, 30 June 1936, 3606305021082, 8 Chelsea Road, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, 5 May 2013; Dorothy Jean Swanepoel, 11 February 1936, 3602110068087. Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630. 5104/2013—Ndlovu, Busisiwe Duduzile, 06/04/1951, 5104060508087, B1095 Umbando Road, KwaMashu Township, 2013/03/27. Siphiwe Ndlovu, B1095 Umbando Road, KwaMashu Township. 10618/2012—Pillay, Sanjeeviamah, 10/08/1936, 3608100135083, 41 Umarkot Crescent, Merebank, 2012/03/26. Vythilingum Lutchmana Pillay, 41 Umarkot Crescent, Merebank. 4545/2013—Radebe, Ntombilo Bertha, 1936/09/02, 3609020295080, M90 Umlazi Township, 28 January 2009. Virgo Nobuhle Hadebe, M90 Umlazi Township. 13819/2011—PIllay, Deveray, 1951/04/23, 5104235583080, 38 Protea Road, Wyebank, 17 August 2011; Sarthambal Pillay, 1950/10/04, 5010040681086. Sarthambal Pillay, 38 Protea Road, Wyebank. 5919/2012—Mzimela, Mtholo Simon, 04/04/1939, 3904045616083, 20A Umgungundlovu Road, Hambanati, 2011-04-28; Phendu Gertrude Mzimela, 10/10/1937, 3710100150086. Phendu Gertrude Mzimela, 20A Umgungundlovu Road, Hambanati. 9142/2012/DBN—Ndabazakhe Amos Sibiya, 10/10/1947, 4710105237085, U40, Umlazi Township, Umlazi, 12/06/2012. Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly. 30 days. 11168/2009—Ntombela, Zamandela Hildah, 06/10/1964, 6410060675084, 60 Bell Tower Road, Nagina, Pinetown, 28/03/2009. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 212, Westville. 6041/2013—Varty, Kathleen Bessie, 20/04/1939, 3904200065084, E202 Robert Storm House, 130 North Ridge Road, Durban, 01/11/2012. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd Durban, P.O. Box 212, Westville, 3635. 18370/2012/DBN—Swart, John Henry, 11/02/1940, 4002115031082, 28 Aberfeldy Road, Westville, 21/07/2012. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 212, Westville. 375/2010—Wolff, Karel Frederica, 09/07/1922, 2207090008086, 21 Elizabeth Drive, Ballito, Ballito, 07/03/2008. FNB Trust Serivices, P.O. Box 212, Westville, Durban, 3630. 14555/2008—Shangase, Constance Nomusa, 21-02-1958, 5802210232082, 49 Roofgreen Place, Greebury, Phoenix, 14 August 2008. Dlamini Michael Incorporated, Suite 2, 31 Russom Street, Verulam. 6268/2013—Lutchmi Rambaran, 27 November 1941, 4111270258081, 89 Road 721, Montford, Chatsworth, 5 April 2013. Fathima D. Rajah & Company, No. 9 Bishop Road (Off Windermere Road), Durban, 4001. 30 days. 18765/2012—Ndlovu, Ndabazonke Johan, 1935-11-22, 3511225166084, 4276 Mhlongo Road, Lamontville, 4027, 2012-11-14; Reebina Ndlovu, 1934-06-07, 3406070123084. 725 West Walk, 405 Dr Pixely Ka Seme Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 4109/2013/PMB—Rencken, Hugo Sieghard, 1969-05-22, 6905225202088, 2 Jade Park, 16 Celtis Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2012-12-17. Randles Incorporated, Level 2, Mahogany Court, Redlands Estate, 1 George McFarlane Lane. 30 days. 4167/2013/PMB—Hackland, Peter Charles, 1952-01-07, 5201075027085, Cromleigh farm, Cromwell No. 2, Ixopo, 2013-05-07. Randles Incorporated, Level 2, Mahogany Court, Redlands Estate, Pietermaritzburg. 30 days. 3579/2013/PMB—Mchunu, Basil Thulani, 1964-03-10, 6403105664080, 1332 Unit BB, Imbali, PMB, 3200, 2013-01-11. Austen Smith, P.O. Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 13688/2012/DBN—Dube, Thembisile, 1972-04-12, 7204120722088, P.O. Box 36136, Stanger, 4450, 2012-08-09. Masipa Incorporated Attorneys, P.O. Box 5064, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 13672/2012DBN—Ramsumair, Brigmohan, 1943-04-08, 4304085065086, 60 Brailsford Avenue, Sunford, Phoenix, 29 October 2009; Lutchmi Ramsumair, 1947-07-01, 4707010068084. Harkoo, Brijlal & Reddy Inc., 155 Mathews Meyiwa Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 5829/2013—Fanile Frederick Gumede, 19 March 1940, 4003195174081, N 558 Umlazi, 65 Goqo Street, 4031, 22 November 2011. Siza Khumalo Attorneys, Suite 307, Doone House, 3rd Floor, 379 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban, 4001; P.O. Box 3060, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 2108/2013—Le Cordier, Dennis, 1929-08-03, 2908035166083, 6 Dromedaris Road, Austerville, Durban, 15 October 2008; Constance Catherine Le Cordier, 19-35-06-04, 3506040247085. Paulsen Attorneys, P.O. Box 16140, Bluff, 4036. 30 days. 2250/2013—Shedlock, Walter Arthur, 06/04/1931, 3104065016088, 6 Broadlands, 105 Waterkant Road, Durban North, KZN, 4051, 03/02/2013. BM Sandison, P.O. Box 677, Kloof, 3640. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 99 0006153/2013—Naicker, Kandasamy, 1957-08-21, 5708215119085, Road 716 House No. 17, Montford, Chatsworth, 2013-04-06; Pathmavathie Naicker, 1960-12-08, 6012080116089. Pathmavathie Naicker, Road 716 House No. 17, Montford, Chatsworth. 2260/2013 DBN—Sookur, Krishnalal, 1954-12-25, 5412255096085, Lot 1606 Ext. 18, Marburg, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, 2012-12-17. Premilla Sookur, Lot 1606 Ext. 18, Marburg, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal. 653/2013/PMB—Van Roosendaal, Jacobus Gijsbert, 1931/07/14, 3107145041182, Riverside, 450 Bulwer Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2012/11/30. Myburgh & Knoesen, P.O. Box 405, Msunduzi, 3231. 8650/2012/PMB—Buys, Christoffel Petrus Francois, 1929/12/02, 2912025019088, Smalhoek farm, Ladysmith, 3370. Myburgh & Knoesen, P.O. Box 405, Msunduzi, 3231. 19318/2011DBN—Simelani, Mnyama, 10/08/1923, 2308105113083, 7/08/2008. Weich & Kriel Ing./Inc., P.O. Box 266, Pongola, 3170. 5026/2013 DBN—Joseph, Sorajini, 3 December 1951, 5112030210080, 144 Crossmoor Drive, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, 31 January 2011; Jeevanantham Joseph, 4 June 1945, 4506045156082. M.Y. Baig & Company, 84 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092. 1439/13—Shezi, Bafikile Moira, 7 March 1958, 5803070555083, C8723 Rainbow Park, Kingsburgh, 4126, 26 January 2013; Widow. Nonjabulo Evidence Shezi, C8723 Rainbow Park, Kingsburgh, 4126. 30 days. 14990/2008 (DBN)—Chunder, Beena, 18/10/1963, 6310180019082, 4 Lilac Place, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, 17/07/2006. Swasti Chunder, 4 Lilac Place, Crossmoor, Chatsworth. 12/2013 DBN—Badassey, Sunil Dutt, 26/03/1959, 5903265175083, 69 Chardale Crescent, Briardale, Newlands West, Durban, 23 Septebmer 2012; Premila Devi Badassey, 02/08/1965, 6508020690083. Premila Devi Badassey, 69 Chardale Crescent, Briardale, Newlands West, Durban. 15308/2012 DBN—Rudolph, Martin Johannes Slabberts, 27/06/1940, 4006275029083, Koppie Alleen, House No. 8, Pongola, 13/08/2012; Christina Jacomina Rudolph, 14/08/1945, 4508140023084. Weich & Kriel Ing./Inc., P.O. Box 266, Pongola, 3170. 4244/2013/PMB—Nxumalo, Christopher, 17 April 1948, 4804175510081, 3399 Masani, Bhekizulu Location, Msheto, 7 May 2012; Alice Dolly Nxumalo, 1955-02-28, 5502280501081. Dumisani Sifiso M. Gumbi, D.S. Gumbi Attorneys, P.O. Box 1399, Nquthu, 3135. 8462/2012/PMB—Matandela, Simon Gwebani, 22-05-1949, 4905225007083, Qili Village, P.O. Box 1762, Matatiele, 4730, 07-09-2011; Thandeka Anathalia Matandela, 16-06-1954, 5406151047085. Ntamane & Associates, Box 1481, Matatiele, 4730. 6261/2013DBN—Sizani Zulu, Ematheni Area, Nongoma, 3950. Zungu WS & Associates, Attorneys for the Executor, 91 King Mpande Street, Ulundi, 3838. 30 days. 5721/2013/DBN—Nookamah Naidoo, 21 October 1942, 4210210065083, 11 Lentfern Place, Redfern, Phoenix, 4068, 13 December 2012; Manickum Naidoo, 9 March 1941, 4103095078083. Bux & Associates, Attorneys for Executor, 138 Wick Street, Verulam, 4340. 7123/2012—Moodley, Vilvanathan, 13/09/1941, 4109135088081, 25 Highwood Road, Silverglen, 4092, 24/03/2011; Savatri Moodley, 19/08/1952, 5208190102081. Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suite 19, Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Chatworth, 4092. 4694/2013—Bhekumuzi Lawrence Makhanya, 1972/11/17, 7211175468087, B1397 Folweni Township, Durban, died on 2013/04/01. S W Khanyile & Associates, Room 513 Sangro House, 417 Smit Street, Durban. 21 days. 3747/2013—Mbatha Samuel, 1928-04-10, 2804105169083, A828 Shandu Street, Emondlo, KwaZulu-Natal, 2012-09-07. Cox & Partners Attorneys, PO Box 5, Vryheid, 3100. LIMPOPO 924/2013—Hlungwani, Samuel Gezani, 1953-02-05, 5302055653083, Sand No. 378, Malamulele, District Malamulele, 2012-09-24; Chauke Mamaila Anah, 1958-11-21, 5811210736083. A R Madia Attorneys, Old Mutual Building, Office No. G21 Thohoyandou BA. 21 days. 3081/2013—Estelle Desprez Oldreive, 31 January 1930, 3001310023085, Ladybrand Farm No. 360 L.S, Bandelierkop, Limpopo Province, 31 March 2013. Pratt Luyt & De Lange, Legnum Park, 20 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699; P.O. Box 827, Bendorpark, 0713. 30 days. 2558/2013—Van de Venter, Yvonne Helen Georgina, 8/5/1941, 4105080018081, 23 Steve Tshwete Street, Modimolle, 26 February 2013. Abel Mulder & Son Attorneys ETC., P.O. Box 245, Nylstroom, 0510. 710/2013—Jansen van Vuuren, Hermanus Johannes, 15/02/1940, 4002155005087, Plaas Monte Christo Ellisras, 08/11/2012. Natsja Swanepoel, Magolstraat 3, Ellisras. 3059/2013—Joubert, Keith Erick, 1948-08-10, 4808105019089, Farm Lillie No. 148, Selati Game Reserve, Phalaborwa, 2013-01-30. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days. 1414/2013—Holdt, Johanna Susanna, 11/12/1922, 2212110002085, Martha Hofmeyr Versogingsentrum, Hoogstraat 9, Polokwane, 31/1/2013. P G Uys Prokureurs, Posbus 2559, Polokwane, 0700. 011138/2012—Petrus Jacobus Benadé, 2604205010082, Huis Herfsblaar, Kamer E202, Webbstraat 1244, Queenswood, 17 February 2012; Ann Maria Benadé, 2612210051082. J M Prinsloo, 13 Orion w/s, Groblerstraat 154A, Sterpark, Polokwane; Posbus 12632, Bendor, 0699. 100 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Stone, Anna Johanna Maria, 25/04/1941, 4104250061088, Doringkraalstraat 77, Ladanna, Pietersburg, 0536, 06/03/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Dumazi, William Ndovazi, 10/06/1946, 4606105236087, Stand No. 133, Chabelang Village, Paulusweg, 0814, 25/11/2012; Ndaheni Anna Dumazi, 07/06/1954, 5406070915081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 251/2012—Hlungwani, Risiati Thomas, 1956-06-09, 5606095194089, P.O. Box 663, Tshikonden, 0959, 2013-02-02. Mathivha Attorneys, P.O. Box 6329, Thohoyandou, 0950. 3127/13—Mnisi, Jabulani Jerry, 1946 November 27, 4611275295087, Stand No. 1280, Marite Trust, In the District of Mapulaneng, 2013 April 2; Joita Nthlanyani Mnisi, 1947 March 15, 4703150382088. TK Machitele Attorneys, 141 Main Road, Thokozani Centre, Bushbuckridge. 1029/2013—Ratshidzea, Tshitangoni Phiemon, 1950-04-17, 5004175776084, P.O. Box 769, Nzhelele, 0993, 2013-04-24; Nkhangweleni Patricia Ratshidzea, 1958-06-06, 5806060331084. Mathivha Attorneys, P.O. Box 6329, Thohoyandou, 0950. 1038/2013—Mushaphi, Rembuluwani Frederick, 1936-08-23, 3608235198089. P.O. Box 161, Makonde, 0984, 2013-05-07. Mathivha Attorneys, P.O. Box 6329, Thohoyandou, 0950. 6688/2010—Malema, Mapula Dina, 04-08-1934, 3408040108088, 97 Moropa Road, Khatamping, Tembisa, 29 June 2010. Mphoto Cornelius Malema, c/o 503 Nupen Crescent, Midrand. 2618/2013—Selaelo Patience Kheyre, 29-11-1981, 8111290659082, Stand No. 513, Vaalwater B, Ga-Mamaila, Sekgosese District, 13-12-2012. R Mokgola & Associates, P.O. Box 547, Modjadjiskloof, 0835. 30 days. 5551/2008—Sipalane, Magoni Alfred, 1960/12/15, 6012155817082, Erf 5460, 11 Vincent Tshabalala Street, Tembisa, 2008/03/13. Morna Martina Mathopa, Mathopa Attorneys, 54 Voortrekker Road, Alberton Gas Centre. 2089/2013—Tjale, Madimetja Reginald, 1938-08-22, 3808225235087, Stand 225, Dischueng Village, Jane Furse, Limpopo, 2013-03-02; Tlakale Anna Tjale, 1952-10-25, 5210250857083. Cindy Marais, B J Estate Administrators, P.O. Box 736, Bendor Park, 0713. 3079/2013—Louth, Maureen, 15 Augustus 1937, 3708150130081, Bannatynestraat 99, Capricorn, Polokwane, 31 Maart 2013. J De Klerk Ingelyf, h/a De Klerks Prokureurs, Posbus 3915, Polokwane, 0700. 3317/13—Johannes Zacharias Helberg, 11 Junie 1931, 3106115009088, Vaalwater, Limpopo Provinsie, 28 Maart 2013; Catharina Magdalena Helberg, 3808310008084. Jaco De Villiers Prokureurs, Posbus 1153, Vaalwater, 0530. 30 dae. 2551/13—Daniel Christian Van Zyl, 30 Mei 1933, 3305305007080, Vaalwater, Limpopo Province, 25 Febreuarie 2013; Anna Magaretha Van Zyl, 3310300008083. Jaco De Villiers Prokureurs, Posbus 1153, Vaalwater, 0530. 30 dae. 1966/2013—Lesiba Johannes Bapela, 1955-10-25, 5510255243084, 40163, Sekgakgapeng, Mokopane, 24 February 2013; Raesibe Elizabeth Bapela, 10 December 1957, 5712100346084. As per authorised agent Maphoto Incorporated, as provided herein infra 41 Retief Street, President Building, Mokopane; P.O. Box 1210, Mokopane, 0600. 2510/2013—Hendrika Johanna De Jager, 8 August 1948, 4808080078084, 11 Die Sirkel, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699, 8 March 2013. Johan De Jager, P.O. Box 31548, Superbia, 0759. 30 days. 9929/2012—Netsianda, Tshavhumbwa, 1960-03-28, 6003285213086, Stand 578, Tshikhwani Village, Sinthumule, 2012-10-26; Mmaleraka Regina Netsianda, 1961-12-02, 6412020508082. Louise Dekker, P.O. Box 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920. 30 days. 9209/2012—Mohlabeng Moloko Rebecca, 6410190262084, House No. 133, Pickum, Bochum, 15 October 2012. MM Mahapa Attorneys, Executrix, 2nd Floor, Office 1 & 2, Mimosa Building, 58 Market Street, Polokwane; P.O. Box 4106, Polokwane, 0700. 30 days. 9532/2012—Maluleke, Themba Asser, 1949-10-26, 4910265592085, House No. 74, Section D2, Giyani, 2012-10-12; Kgaogelo Jane Maluleke, 1952-06-30, 5206300784087. Linda-Ann Lloyd, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 3539/2013—Mabunda Harry, 14 April 1949, 4904145726088, 468 Shihoko Village, Tzaneen, 0872, 4 May 2013. Mokobane Attorneys, 4 Church Street, Polokwane, 0700. 30 days. 972/2013—Olwage, Johannes Alwyn Olwage, 17-03-1951, 5703175024089, 22 Slegtkamp Street, Mokopane, 01-01-2013; Frances Lynn Olwage, 26-05-26, 5605260126181. Hennie Smit Prokureur, P.O. Box 4659 (49 Geyser Street), Mokopane. 3088/2013—Mehlape, Matome Levy, 8 February 1951, 5102085439080, 35A Grobler Street, Polokwane, 3 December 2012. T F Pretorius, 2 Albatross Centre, 21 Market Street, Polokwane. NORTHERN CAPE NOORD-KAAP 1083/2013—Van der Merwe, Linda Heleen, 1953-05-08, 5305080061086, Rhodehof Woonstel No. 14, Belgravia, Kimberley, 8301, 2013-02-15. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 1029/2013—Skipper, Harry James, 1945-02-22, 4502225031088, Du Plessisstraat 13, De Aar, 7000. Theron Du Plessis De Aar Inc., Theron Du Plessis De Aar Ingelyf, Mereka Gebou, Hoofstraat 65, De Aar. 30 days. 1007/2013—Cilliers, Nicolaas Albertus, 1937-12-18, 3712185004089, Plaas Malley, Olifantshoek, 2013-02-17; Susanna Maria Cilliers, 1942-01-16, 4201160003083. Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 1031/2013—Theron, Pieter Gabriel, 1964-09-22, 6409225021085, Perseel 276, Volgraafsig, Groblershoop, 2013-02-21; Anna Maria Magdalena Theron, 1956-11-27, 5611270027088. Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 101 1096/2013—Bester, Karel Petrus Van der Merwe, 16/04/1938, 3804165046089, Derde Laan 1, Springbok, 15 Maart 2013; Anne Mureen Bester, 19/05/1943, 4305190045087. Arno Van Zyl Prokureur, Posbus 525, Springbok, 8240. 1015/2013—Van Aardt, Jacoba Wilhemina, 06/09/1936, 3609060050080, Studystraat 8, Beacon Field, Kimberley, 8301, 11/02/2013; Frans Johannes Van Aardt, 06/09/1935, 3509065019082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 651/2013—Erasmus, Elaine Marie, 21/03/1949, 4903210043080, Perseel 47, Tweede Laan, Ritchie, 8701, 24/12/2012; Arie Gerhardus Erasmus, 10/04/1949, 4904105041080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 1078/2013—Lobeko, Kenewane Lena, 4 June 1940, 4006040298088, 4867 Botsang Street, Vergenoeg, Kimberley. 16 August 1995; Maleho Joseph Lobeko, 25 March 1942, 4203255523082. HPA Venter, Duncan & Rothman, 39 – 43 Chapel Street, Kimberley. 1032/2013—Van Heerden, Aletta, 1954-03-26, 5403260076089, 7 Zambesi Street, Rhodesdene, Kimberley, 8301, 2012-12-21; Henning Johannes Van Heerden, 1948-11-11, 4811115020089. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days. 1026/2013—Philander, Alexander Jeffrey Vernon, 1947-08-26, 4709265052088, 10 Waldeck Street, Kirstenhof, Kimberley, 2013-01-23. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days. 818/2013—Vermeulen, Johanna Petronella, 1937-10-22, 3710220044086, Michaelstraat 11, Rhedesdew, Kimberley, 2013-01-18. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days. 893/2013—Whitten, Marie Angeline, 10/10/1947, 4710100099084, 25 Broadway Street, Beaconfield, Kimberley, 8300, 09/08/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 1182/2013—Kriel, Helena, 08/05/1922, 2205080009080, Kokerboom Aftree-oord, Kakamas, 8870, 22/12/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 1181/2013—Britz, Pieter Machiel, 13/05/1941, 4105135035080, Matthewstraat 7, Kimberley, 8301, 25/12/2012; Maria Petronella Britz, 30/11/1951, 5111300013083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 480/2013—Spicer, James Thomas, 06/09/1943, 4309065073083, 36 Warren Street, De Beer, Kimberley, 8301, 25/11/2012; Enid Lynette Spicer. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 1061/2013—Tontobane, Kgopisho David, 16 October 1948, 4810165336080, 209 Sequana Street, Galeshewe, Kimberley, 16 April 2013. HPA Venter, Duncan & Rothman, 39 – 43 Chapel Street, Kimberley, 8301. 931/2013—De Villiers, Laurence Richard, 13 April 1951, 5104135039084, Tweedam, Springbok, 22 Februarie 2013. C Dippenaar, P/a Dippenaar Ellis, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240. 30 days. 503/2013—Januarie, Wilhelmina, 21 Februarie 1929, 2902210054081, Burgestraat 700, Brandvlei, 8915, 26 Julie 2011. Lourez Swart (agent), Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600. 937/2013—Hakskeen, Paulus, 2 Februarie 1949, 4902025132088, Bloekomstraat 2, Bersig, Springbok, 8240, 7 Februarie 2013; Gertruida Hakskeen, 12 Desember 1948, 4812120123082. Schreuders Prokureurs, Posbus 15, Springbok, 8240. 990/2013—Jacobs, Gideon, 16 April 1959, 5904165007087, 2 Noord Street, Barkley-Wes, 8375, 2 April 2013; Rosalin Hope Jacobs, 22 Julie 1974, 7407220291082. J A van Niekerk Att, 7 Campbell Street (P.O. Box 100), Barkley-West, 8375. 228/2012—Volschenk, Frederik Jacobus, 1931/10/06, 3110065023081, Heberdeneweg 7, Barkley-wes, 8375, 2010/04/22; Susanna Maria Volschenk, 1931/10/04, 3110040085080. J A Van Niekerk Attorneys, Campbell Street (P.O. Box 100), Barkley-west, 8375. 502/2012—Titus, Willem Johannes, 1944/05/21, 4405215102085, Presidentstraat 345, Vanwyksvlei, 8922, 11/01/2012. Van Niekerk Coetzee, Posbus 18, Carnarvon, 8925. 931/2013—De Villiers, Laurence Richard, 13 April 1951, 5104135039084, Tweedam, Springbok, 22 Februarie 2013. C Dippenaar, P/a Dippenaar Ellis, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240. 30 days. NORTH WEST NOORDWES 9176/2012—Myburgh, Amanda, 1964-03-06, 6403060073087, Walter Sisululaan 379, Potchefstroom, 2012-09-11; Diederik Arnoldus Myburgh, 1959-09-19, 5911195084085. Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 3677/2013—Perumal, Dick, 1954-01-09, 5409015043084, 17 Procter Avenue, Golfview, Mafikeng, 2745, 2013-03-24. Smitstanton Inc., 29 Warren Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 3299/2013—Vos, Johannes Casparus, 1948-08-11, 4808115123087, 5 Grunter Street, Little Falls, Rustenburg, 2013-01-30. Rusteburg Legal Administration Trust, 67 Brink Street, @Office, Rustenburg. 30 days. 3210/2013—Coetzee, Petronella Johanna, 2 September 1928, 2809020020089, Huis Sering, Kockstraat, Rustenburg, 0299, 31 Januarie 2013. Petrus Philippus Van der Westhuizen. 186/2013—Kgobetsi, Gaolatlwe Jackson, 17 July 1957, 5707175806087, 1081 Tumagola Street, Tlhabane, 0299, 10 August 2011; Keadimilwe Mynah Kgobetsi, 19 January 1963, 6301190839080. Du Plessis Van der Westhuizen Attorneys, P.O. Box 254, Rustenburg, 0300. 1014/2013—Scheepers, Phillipus Roedulph, 25/12/1964, 6412250052082, Zeerust, 11 Desember 2012. Van der Merwe & Coetzer, Posbus 53, Zeerust, 2865. 30 days. 1378/2011—Medupe, Tlhalefang Agnes, 1946-03-21, 4603210560089, House 2164, Mosekeng Section, Mbeskraal, 2011-01-26. Volker Helut Johannes Kruger, @Office, North Block, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg. 30 days. 2409/2013—Hester Martha Du Preez, 5708290119083, 25 Januarie 2013. CJA Lourens, Lourens Prokureurs, Ludorfstraat 30, Brits, 0250. 30 dae. 102 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 4275/2012—Morule, Moswang Tryphinah, 1933-08-28, 3308280278080, House No. 2482 Zone 1, Itsoseng, 2744, 2011-07-24; Pre-deceased. Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng. 4274/2013—Lobelo, Mosadiwapula Flora, 1936-11-18, 3611180318082, 2623 Joe Slovo Street, Unit 9, Mmabatho, 2735, 2013-04-16. Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng. 8999/2012—Mngadi, Mxolisi Gilbert, 1946-01-21, 4601215174088, 3488 Matumi Street, Ext 7 Jouberton, Klerksdorp, North West Province, 2012-11-17; Matlakala Jane Mngadi (Mongale), 1958-04-04, 5804040521080. LB Attorneys, 23 Anderson Street, Klerksdorp, North West Province. 8309/2012—Mabe, Nnana Ruth, 5 May 1940, 4005050647085, No. 3089 Mphew Street, Bester Section, Tlhabane, 22 August 2012. Motlhabani Attorneys, 12 Robinson Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 4456/2011—Conradie, Christiaan Diedericks, 1938-10-21, 3810215061085, 14 Ivan Walker Street, Dawkinsville, Klerksdorp, 2571, 2011-05-07; Anna Wilhelmina Hendrika Conradie, 1945-12-25, 4512250054087. Barend P.H. Botha, 20 Buffelspark, 48 Buffeldoorn Road, Flamwood, Klerksdorp. 4158/2012—Nagel, Susanna Maria, 1946-10-08, 4610080070081, 10 Pambley Flats, Flora Ave, Adamayvie, Klerksdorp, 2012-12-07. Mohamed Jassat, Room 208, Jade Square, OR Tambo Street, Klerksdorp. 14462/2012—Pathai, Dawood, 1953-01-29, 5301295076084, 3rd 14th Street, Mahadin, Potchefstroom, 2012-03-16; Fazila Patha, 1958-11-15, 5811150042088. Mohamed Jassat, Room 208, Jade Square, OR Tambo Street, Klerksdorp. 4582/2013—Kyriakou, Androulla Costa, 1938-02-10, 3802100022082, 3 Terra Di Toxana, Wilkoppies, 2571, 2013-02-28. Michael Kyriakou, 1935-05-16, 3505165040085. The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days. 4851/2013—Van Loggenberg, Christina Magdalena, 17/10/1928, 2810175024082. Rodeonhof Tehuis, Lovegrovestraat 2, Swartruggens, 13/09/2012. Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 3089/2013—Renier Jacobus Steyn, 3902015041084, Plaas Stroomrivier, distrik Rustenburg, Noordwes Provinsie. Robbetze Van Staden Professionnele Rekenmeesters, Leydstraat 149, Rustenburg; Posbus 259, Rustenburg, 0300. 30 dae. 3089/2013—Renier Jacobus Steyn, 3902015041084, Plaas Stroomrivier, distrik Rustenburg, Noordwes Provinsie. Robbetze Van Staden Professionnele Rekenmeesters, Leydstraat 149, Rustenburg; Posbus 259, Rustenburg, 0300. 30 dae. WESTERN CAPE WES-KAAP 4311/2013—Van Wyk, Nicolaas Petrus Vlok, 1948-12-30, 4812305096087, 59A Fairbairn Street, Worcester, 2013-03-04. Steyn Attorneys Inc, 71 Durban Street, Worcester, 6850. 30 days. 3581/2013—Diener, Lidia, 1963-10-17, 6310170015082, Heynstraat 54, Worcester, 6850, 2012-12-21; Ludwig Wilhelm Diener, 1961-08-09, 6108095095084. Rudi Strydom, Posbus 744, Worcester, 6849. 5179/2013—Brophy, Andrew Reginald, 15-02-1938, 3802155084086, H16 Albow Road, Albow Gardens, Rugby, 7405, 09-03-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 6206/2013—Von Mollendorff, Petronella, 22-09-1930, 3009220077083, Paradys Old Age Home, The Strand, 25-03-2013. Chris Gerber, P.O. Box 4133, Durbanville, 7511. 5913/2013—Wiid, Florentyna, 05-08-1930, 3008050053180, 25 Rosendal Street, Glen Ive, Durbanville, 7550, 28-03-2013. Chris Gerber, P.O. Box 4133, Durbanville, 7511. 5915/2013—Whydle, Maria Magdalena, 21-09-1966, 6609210264083, 20 Helderberg Road, Richwood, 7441, 04-02-2013; Gregory Ian Whydle, 26-01-1962, 6201265232080. Chris Gerber, P.O. Box 4133, Durbanville, 7511. 5917/2013—Bester, Michael Christian Albertus, 14-06-1930, 3006145080085, 160 Botterblom Street, Oude Meule Landgoed, Worcester, 04-04-2013; Henrietta Hermoine Bester, 04-12-1934, 3412040053088. Chris Gerber, P.O. Box 4133, Durbanville, 7511. 4402/2013—Kennedy, Hermias Cornelis, 16-12-1922, 2212165003087, Huis Vergenoegd, Blok A E17, Hoofstraat 174, Paarl, 7-2-2013. Faure & Faure Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227, Posbus 20, Paarl, 7622. 5388/2013—Anthony, Gamat Noor, 1939-07-16, 3907165090088, 1 Poplar Road, Rosedale, Eerste River, 16 March 2013; Mariam Anthony, 1945-02-20, 4502200085083. Mariam Anthony, 1 Poplar Road, Rosedale, Eerste River. 5888/2013—Van Rensburg, David Benjamin Philippus, 19 September 1943, 4309195005088, E. Ovinasingel 48, Danabaai, 16 April 2013. BJ Kruger, p/a Rauch - Gertenbach Ing, Posbus 3, Mosselbaai, 6500. 5888/2013—Van Rensburg, David Benjamin Philippus, 19 September 1943, 4309195005088, E. Ovinasingel 48, Danabaai, 16 April 2013. BJ Kruger, p/a Rauch - Gertenbach Ing, Posbus 3, Mosselbaai, 6500. 5405/2013/Durban—Mbele, Nthoabohlokoa Jennifer Mbele, 23 May 1948, 4805230607085, 2481 Main Avenue, Clermont, Pinetown, 23 February 2013; Sabela John Mbele, 6 June 1948, 4806065986081. King-Essack & Associates Inc, P.O. Box 82, Pinetown, 3600. 6178/2013—Alexander, Mara Grace, 1944-08-10, 4408100052084, Klinkderstraat 11, Mamre, 2013-04-01; Hugh Vernon Alexander, 1947-08-02, 4708025081088. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 448/2013—Shackleton, Robert Michael, 1947-03-29, 4703295046085, 13 Tafelberg Street, Bothasig, Cape Town, 2012-11-24; Dorothy Shackleton, 1945-03-31, 4503310024087. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 103 12089/2013—Park, Allen Thomas, 17 January 1934, 3401175072187, 20 Corsair Way, Sun Valley, 21 August. Neil Parker (Agent for the Executor), c/o Smith Tabat Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 26 1st Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975. 4740/2013—Ellis, Elizabeth, 21-09-1926, 2609210063083, Cooperstraat 15, Swellendam, 15-02-2011. Hickman van Eeden Phillips, Posbus 158, Kuilsrivier, 7579. 3533/2013—Parks, Neville Peter, 18-9-1936, 3609185103087, Kloofstraat, Pniel, 6-2-2013; Gladys Elizabeth Parks, 28-11-1941, 4111280078081. Faure & Faure Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227, Posbus 20, Paarl, 7622. 13319/2012—Troskie, Kate Mildred, 6 Maart 1947, 4703060053084, Eerste Laan 2, Touwsrivier, 2 Oktober 2011. Anton André Strydom, p/a Muller Terblanche & Beyers, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849. 5231/2013—Van Tonder, Eseas, 9 Desember 1909, 22120095025085, Van der Westhuizenstraat 2, Beaufort-Wes, 11 Januarie 2013. Mnr Age van Velden Crawfords, Posbus 25, Donkinstraat 36, Beaufort-Wes, 6970. 4087/2013—Cooke, Joy Marie Lavinia, 1932-02-09, 3202090236083, 17 Nerina Avenue, Fish Hoek, 2013-02-20. Deborahleedesousabotes, Kantor-Fialkov, 1st Floor, ABSA on Grove 11, Grove Ave, Claremont. 4087/2013—Cooke, Joy Marie Lavinia, 1932-02-09, 3202090236083, 17 Nerina Avenue, Fish Hoek, 2013-02-20. Deborah Lee Desousa Botes, Kantor-Fialkov, 1st Floor, ABSA On Grove 11, Grove Avenue, Claremont. 2207/2013—Burger, Stephnè, 1950-07-16, 5007160024006, Markstraat 7, Murraysburg, 6995, 2013-01-12. Gerber, Botha & Gowar, Graaff-Reinet, Kerkstraat 22, Graaff-Reinet, 6280. 30 days. 7579/2011—Meyer, Johannes Jacobus, 25 Maart 1961, 6103255128080, Muirstraat 12, Heidelberg, Wes-Kaap. Heyns & Vennote Ing, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood. 6396/2013—Matyila Faniswa Virginia, 19 Junie 1964, 6406190648082, Die Mosselbaai Benevolent Vereniging vir Bejaardesorg, Roselindstraat, Mosselbaai, 25 April 2013; Lungile Samuel Matyila, 9 September 1959, 5909095648082. I. Dekker, p/a Dekker Prokureurs, Posbus 2990, Mosselbaai, 6500. 5388/2013—Anthony, Gamat Noor, 1939-07-16, 3907165090088, 1 Poplar Road, Rosedale, Eerste River, 16 March 2013; Mariam Anthony, 1945-02-20, 4502200085083. Mariam Anthony, 1 Poplar Road, Rosedale, Eerste River. 9239/2012—Suzette Willemse, 4111070038089, 8 Daries Street, Strand, 7140, died at Strand on 8 July 2005. Lourens Incorporated, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 974, Stellenbosch, 7599. 4895/2013—Coetzee, Ena, 1918-12-07, 1812070031080, Serenitas Sick Bay, Altenaweg, Strand, 2013-03-07. T. N. Kotzé, 23 Enslin Street, Paarl, 7646. 6278/2013—Franken, Helena Johanna Alberta, 31 Julie 1931, 3107310044086, Ericahof 19, Klaradyn Aftree-oord, Brackenfell, 29 April 2013. MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 3463, Durbanville, 7551. 5388/2013—Anthony, Gamat Noor, 1939-07-16, 3907165090088, 1 Poplar Road, Rosedale, Eerste River, 16 March 2013; Mariam Anthony, 1945-02-20, 4502200085083. Mariam Anthony, 1 Poplar Road, Rosedale, Eerste River. 1980/2013—Govindasamy, Vedavisvanathan, 1944-01-01, 4401015144088, 6 Melkboom Close, Gordons Bay, 6 January 2013. Audrey Jessica Govindasamy, 6 Melkboom Close, Gordons Bay. 5125/2013—Wall, Anthony Ivan, 1955-01-02, 5501025187081, 10 Stellenhof Close, Edgemead, 2013-03-29. Werner Greeff, Visagievos, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. DE WAAL INC In the South African Estate of a deceased United Kingdom Citizen, being the late: LEANDER ROBERT WAUGH— R.S.A. Estate No. 3591/2013 Pursuant to the provisions of section 29 of the South African Administration of Estates Act No. 66/1965, this Notice serves to notify all creditors of the above deceased, with R.S.A. Identity No. 4704095053187, not ordinarily resident in the Republic of South Africa but with assets situated within the R.S.A., amongst others fixed property situate at Durbanville, Western Cape Province, as well as in the Gauteng Province, to lodge and submit in writing within 30 (thirty) days of date hereof, any claims they may have against the estate to the Executors, c/o De Waal Inc. Attorneys, P.O. Box 3934, Durbanville, 7551. Likewise all persons/instances owing money or goods to the deceased, who died in the county of Cornwall, United Kingdom on the 11th April 2012, to pay their debts and/or to deliver such goods owing to the deceased at the offices of De Wal Inc., First Floor, 44 Oxford Street, Durbanville, within the said 30 thirty) days. Contact details of Executorsʼ Assignee: Tel: (021) 975-0820. Fax: (021) 975-0822. E-mail: akte4@dwmattorneys.co.za 1980/2013—Govindasamy, Vedavisvanathan, 1944-01-01, 4401015144088, 6 Melkboom Close, Gordons Bay, 6 January 2013. Audrey Jessica Govindasamy, 6 Melkboom Close, Gordons Bay. 3486/2013—Knoetze, Petronella Hermina, 4 April 1926, 2604040015080, Panorama Palms, Hendrik Verwoerdrylaan, Parow, 12 Februarie 2013. Roelien Roodt Ing., Posbus 1579, Brackenfell, 7561. 3486/2013—Knoetze, Petronella Hermina, 4 April 1926, 2604040015080, Panorama Palms, Hendrik Verwoerdrylaan, Parow, 12 Februarie 2013. Roelien Roodt Ing., Posbus 1579, Brackenfell, 7561. 6122/2013—Hartland, Sidney William Henry, 1936-06-27, 3606275064088, 21 Zoetendal Avenue, Edgemead, 2013-04-15. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 6088/2013—Gouws, Carel Ferdinand Herman, 1937-08-29, 3708295012087, Keerboomstraat 2, Hartenbos Heuwels, Mossel Bay, 2013-03-27. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 6098/2013—Cilliers, Reginald William, 1923-10-25, 2310255017080, Unit 1, Robradu Two, Somerset West, 2013-04-01. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 3597/2013—Derman, Ronald Aharon, 1944-08-16, 4408165030082, 25 Rocklands Avenue, Highlands Estate, Cape Town, 8001, 2013-02-09. Avrom Ian Allen Kaplan, P.O. Box 3057, Cape Town. 104 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 10835/2012—Govender, Suriaya, 1943-07-01, 4307010219082, 5 Orient Street, Cravenby Estate, 2012-02-26. Avrom Ian Allen Kaplan, P.O. Box 3057, Cape Town. 10039/2011—Cedras, Sofia, 1939-05-19, 3905190068087, 42 Suikerbos Avenue, Louwville, Vredenburg, 2010-07-07. Mauritz Briers & Ass., PO Box 628, Cape Town, 8000. 1835/2013—De la Fontaine, Sylvia Kathleen, 29-01-1942, 4201290057082, Haigstraat 39, Heidelberg, Wes-Kaap, 6665, 2 Augustus 2012; Phillipus Cornelius de la Fontaine, 26-02-1934, 3402265053087. David J. de la Fontaine, Hawkstraat 28, Grassy Park, 7941. 13507/2010—Kotze, Gert Jeremias, 6 Desember 1928, 2812065044089, Moreson, distrik Malmesbury, 18 Julie 2010; Helena Catharina Kotze, 8 Julie 1931, 3107080038086. Eduard Wium Mostert, p/a Du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury. 2520/2013—Lee, Etresia Viervant, 1934-06-22, 3406220034082, 406 Henry Crescent, Sinovale, 0182, 2012-12-10. Pieter Daniel Malan, 11 Wallis Street, Denne-oord, George, 6530. 906/2013—Forbes, Suellen Patricia, 1942-08-30, 420830002081, 118 Lyme Road, St Francis Bay, Eastern Cape, 6312, 2011-10-17. Andrew Dennis Forbes, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. Abdul Majied Rawoot, 5012185113081, 47 Mavis Road, Rylands Estate, Cape Town, 3 August 2012. Mohamed Cassiem Rawoot, c/o Rawoots Attorneys, 220 Rosmead Avenue, Wynberg, 7800. 30 days. 13874/2012—Stander, Dorothea Catharina, 1925-02-18, 2502180033089, 25 Keerom Street, George, Western Cape, 2012-09-05. Andrew Du Toit Burger, 138 Merriman Street, George, 6529. 30 days. Jasper Gerhardus Christoffel Smit, 3003175006080, pensioenaris, Koofstraat, Aurora, Afdeling Piketberg, provinsie Wes-Kaap, ongetroud. Jan Ellis Ingelyf, Langstraat 89 (Posbus 271), Piketberg, 7320. 30 dae. 6175/2013—Fileman, Barbara, 1948-04-27, 4804270095087, 16A Nooitgedacht Drive, Hout Bay, 2013-04-24. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 3673/2010—Smith, Frederick Joseph, 1943-03-21, 4303215079181, 58 Max Michaelis Street, Montgomery Park, Johannesburg, 2010-01-03. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 18367/2012—Kruger, Marcelline Marie, 1930-10-14, 3010140041084, Markstraat 14 (A), Porterville, 6810, 2012-12-04. Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506. 3516/2013—Veenendaal, Johannes Willem, 1929-09-23, 2908235041084, Othello Aftree-oord Woonstel 14, Brackenfell, 7560, 2013-02-02. Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506. 17287/2012—Matthew, Colin Jack, 1932-07-14, 3207145013080, 20 Evergreen Retirement Lifestyle Village, Muizenberg, 7945, 2012-11-01. Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506. 4527/2013—Wolhuter, Sylvia Susanna, 01-01-1935, 3501010024085, Fairview Gardens 22, Eerste Straat, George, 6530, 18-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 5120/2013—Hofmeyer, Mogamat Roosdien, 06-12-1948, 4812065106084, 63 7th Street, Kensington, 7405, Cape Town, 27-01-2013; Mareldia Hofmeyer, 11-06-1953, 5306110062086. Mareldia Hofmeyer, 63 7th Street, Kensington, 7405. 3517/2013—Burger, Schalk Willem, 1942-08-30, 4208305008083, Danielstraat 10, De Tuin, Brackenfell, 7560, 2012-10-14. Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506. 3924/2013—Lipshitz, Rebecca Hester, 8 May 1918, 1805080052088, Highlands House, 234 Upper Buitenkant Street, Cape Town, 8001, 29 December 2012. MGI Bass Gordon GHF, PO Box 838, Cape Town, 8000. 3924/2013—Lipshitz, Rebecca Hester, 8 May 1918, 1805080052088, Highlands House, 234 Upper Buitenkant Street, Cape Town, 8001, 29 December 2012. MGI Bass Gordon GHF, PO Box 838, Cape Town, 8000. 5807/2013—Mulder, Theunis Stephanus, 1932-02-23, 3202235017083, Seashellstraat 2, Fraaiuitsig, Klein Brakrivier, 2013-04-12. Ursula M Claassen, FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 15653/2012—Mofsowitz, Annette, 1932-09-21, 3209210048082, 2 Sholem, 13 Battery Crescent, Three Anchor Bay, Sea Point, 2012-09-05. Hilary Mofsowitz, 23 Torbay Road, Green Point. 10745/2011—Botha, Sagarias, 1948-03-31, 4803315058084, 3244 Geelhout Street, New Horizon, Plettenberg Bay, 2011-07-13; Annetta Botha, 1947-02-10, 4702100007084, 3244 Geelhout Street, Plettenberg Bay. Annetta Botha, 11th Floor, Triangle Hse, 22 Riebeek Street, Cape Town. 4357/2013—Mason, Percival Samuel Kenneth, 1933-10-16, 3310165006081, 27 Francolin Road, Camps Bay, 2013-03-13. Christopher Murphy, Legacy FS, PO Box 23685, Claremont, 7735. 4522/2013—De Goede, Susanna Maria, 1926-03-20, 2603200045085, 2013-03-11. Grethe Winifred Prins, Koöperasiestraat 11 (Posbus 937), Vredendal, 8160. 30 dae. 17918/2011—Ely, Naberwieya, 1942-09-19, 4209190097082, 9A Candlewood Street, Bonteheuwel, 16 June 2010. Fatima Jacobs, 24 Third Avenue, Sherwood Park. 4887/2013—Etsebeth, Jacobus Christiaan, 1940-06-28, 4006285012087, Blonbos 83, Melkhoutstraat, Mosselbaai, 2013-03-07; Marthina Johanna Etsebeth, 1943-11-04, 4311040009083. Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 18033/2012—Murie, Desmond George, 3 October 1951, 5110035076084, 31 Akker Streert, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, 14 October 2012. Rowan & Pullen, PO Box 85, Strand, 7139. 6146/2013—Noetzel, Marie Erika Rosa, 1928-08-21, 2808210064188, 5 Meyer Street, Knysna Heights, Knysna, 6571, 2013-04-10. Peter Michaelides, 12 Clyde Street, Knysna, 6571. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 105 16887/2012—Du Toit, Daniel Andries, 1925-02-19, 2502195014082, 9de Laan 18, George, 2012-10-25. Alice Marie le Roux, Kerkstraat 135, Oudtshoorn. 21 days. 2969/2013—Majiet, Moegemat Amien, 1932-08-28, 3208285189086, 12 Uper Bloem Street, Cape Town, 21 November 2012. R. Fataar Ho-yee, 8th Floor, 5 St Georgeʼs Mall, Cape Town, 8001. 2067/2012—Louw, Mervyn Nicholaas, 1956-11-01, 5611015148082, 19 Sydney Taylor, Woodlands, Mitchells Plain, 2012-01-28; Cheryl Jennifer Louw, 1976-01-18, 7601180172080. F.A. Allie & Associates, 15 Thornton Road, Gleemore Estate, Athlone. 13584/2012—Diedrick, Joyce Maureen, 08-12-1929, 2912080067089, 6 Granite Close, Lotus River, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7941, 24-06-2012. Turner & Associates, Unit 6, The Space, 4–8 Stibitz Street, Westlake Business Park, Westlake, Cape Town, 7945. 2789/2013—Wilck, Leslie, 13 January 1926, 2601135026089, 3435 Kingsboro Road, N.E #1003, Atlanta, GA 30326, United States of America, 6 January 2013. Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, 1 North Wharf, Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001. 4515/2013—Waldemar Strauss, 6704255029085, prokureur, Floraweg, Danabaai, Mosselbaai, 6 Maart 2013. Tertius Schoeman Ingelyf, Posbus 973, Hartenbos, 6520. 30 dae. 5001/2012—Malgas, Clive Owen, 1978-01-26, 7801265118087, 45 Zebra Crescent, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 2011-05-16; Joyce Malgas, 1955-04-16, 5504160207086. F.A. Allie & Associates, 15 Thornton Road, Gleemore Estate, Athlone. 4515/2013—Waldemar Strauss, 6704255029085, prokureur, Floraweg, Danabaai, Mosselbaai, 6 Maart 2013. Tertius Schoeman Ingelyf, Posbus 973, Hartenbos, 6520. 30 dae. 5997/2013—Leeuwenburg, Marius Pieter Lucius, 07-06-1914, 1406075056083, 1 Grosvenor Road, Rondebosch, 2013-04-17. J K W Crowhurst, c/o Bisset Boehmke McBlain, Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 2851/2013—Hudson, Vilance Mercia Dianah, 17-09-1947, 4709170071080, 41B Auro Avenue, Kensington, 12 January 2013. W. Isaacs & Associates, P.O. Box 106, Maitland, 7404. 30 days. 4871/2013—Brett Anthony Matthews, 6207055039080, 18 Atlantic Beach Drive, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 31 January 2013. The Executor, Estate Late B A Matthews, c/o Malcolm Black & Associates, PO Box 45099, Claremont, 7735. 30 days. 4450/2013—Booysens, Corné, 1971-11-17, 7111170046088, 78 Manatoka Heights, Melkbosch Place, Melkbosstrand, 2013-03-04. African Mutual Trust Company, PO Box 3339, Paarl, 7620. 6254/2013—Howard, Anthony George, 1935-05-05, 3505055086081, 61 De Vos Street, Strand, 2013-04-02. Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 7005/2003—Du Toit, Jacob Taljaard, 1936-10-28, 3610285064003, 5 Law Street, Pearly Beach, Gansbaai, 2003-04-19; Elizabeth Gertruida du Toit, 1938-10-25, 3810250037081. Gideon Antonie Pitzer, Posbus 1284, Hermanus, 7200. 7205/2010—Kleynhans, Theodorus Ernst, 1959-04-09, 5904095118087, 5 Law Street, Pearly Beach, Gansbaai, 7220, 2010-05-15. Gideon Antonie Pitzer, Villetgroep, Posbus 1284, Hermanus, 7200. 5197/2013—Reeder, Tobias De Villiers, 1935-12-01, 3512015028088, No. 2 Susan Close, Fraaiuitsig, Klein Brakrivier, 2013-03-26; Marjorie Lilliam Reeder, 1939-05-10, 3905100018008. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 4028/2013—English, John Mayne, 1922-01-13, 2201135025189, Nerina Gardens, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek, 2013-02-18. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 5610/2013—Schoeman, Johan Jakob, 1937-08-13, 3708135074081, Oxfordstraat 8, Oudtshoorn, 2013-04-01. Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 17179/2012—De Jager, Petrus Abraham Albertus, 1946-03-25, 4603255087089, 3 Tulbagh Road, Richwood, Richmond Park, 2012-09-24. Miltons Matsemela, PO Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days. 7205/2010—Kleynhans, Theodorus Ernst, 1959-04-09, 5904095118087, 5 Law Street, Pearly Beach, Gansbaai, 7220, 2010-05-15. Gideon Antonie Pitzer, Villetgroep, Posbus 1284, Hermanus, 7200. 7005/2003—Du Toit, Jacob Taljaard, 1936-10-28, 3610285064005, 5 Law Street, Pearly Beach, Gansbaai, 2003-04-19; Elizabeth Gertruida du Toit, 1938-10-25, 3810250037081. Gideon Antonie Pitzer, Posbus 1284, Hermanus, 7200. 2589/2013—Mac Gillivray, Rosina Catharina, 1938-07-06, 3807060057085, 7 Strelitzia Road, Somerset West, 2013-01-18. Marina Clift, PO Box 295, Paarl, 7620. 6305/2013—Mann, Keith Alistair, 7 April 1951, 5104075071089, Hoofweg, Struisbaai, 7285, 18 Maart 2013. LBF Prokureurs, Posbus 21, Bredasdorp, 7280. 6541/2012—Bruhns, Ruth Waltraud, 08-05-1928, 2805080011083, Fontaine Bleau Retirement Village, Rothchild Boulevard, Welgelegen, Western Cape, 05-09-2009. I de Witt, c/o PO Box 15581, Vlaeberg, 8018. B A Henwood, PO Box 15581, Vlaeberg, Cape Town, 8018. 589/2002—Mentise, Nomaphelo Eunice, 1958-11-26, 5811260836080, 9 Zodiac Street, Kulani Park, Khayelitsha, 7784, 2001-10-31; Alphas Mdekweni Mentise, 1951-05-12, 5105125568081. Chafeker & Shabodien Inc., Hazel Suites, Suite 2, Hazel Road, Gatesville. 30 days. 17698/2012—Martin, Nataley, 1981-04-16, 8104160063089, 51 Essenhout Street, Malmesbury, 7300, 2012-06-16. Brand Attorneys, Biccard Street 6D3, Malmesbury, 7300. 752/2013—Zeelie, Maria Hendrina, 12-09-1949, 4909120030083, Posbus 138, Riebeeck-Wes, 7306, 27-10-2012; Samuel Zeelie, 26-12-1942, 4212265119088. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 106 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 6530/2013—England, Barry Lincoln, 1942-11-20, 4211205047086, 33 9th Avenue, Denneoord, George, 2013-04-16. Pansegrouw Attorneys, 3rd Floor, 50 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days. 6365/2013—Barnard, Maria Johanna, 1962-09-24, 6209240202086, 15 Milkwood Place, 11th Avenue, Melkbosch Strand, 2013-02-23. Miltons Matsemela, PO Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days. 5510/12—Ilse, Friedrich George, 1930-10-21, 3010215025087, 2012-02-20. Haak Fourie Snyman, 169 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001. 4880/2013—Alves, Amadeu, 27 March 1932, 3203275002183, 21 Fairbridge Road, Table View, 23 March 2013; Candida Alves, 19 November 1929. Mrs June Rose Theron, c/o STBB Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Buchanan Chambers, cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7735. 5121/2013—Hawkins, Lucille, 22 January 1935, 3501220049088, No. 15 Sixth Avenue, Fish Hoek, Cape, 7975, 27 February 2013. Fairbridges (Agent for the Executor), 16th Floor, Main Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8000. 6460/2013—Kellerman, George Frederick Petrus, 1931-05-01, 3105015056082, Bergville Aftree-oord No. 50, Agstelaan 14B, Denneoord, George, 2013-03-14; Maria Catharina Kellerman, 1932-05-20, 3205200049080. Millers Incorporated, Posbus 35, George, 6530. 30 days. 6626/2013—Van Wyk, Justin Rube, 24 Oktober 1983, 8310245207084, Aanhouwen Plaas, Elgin, Grabouw, 23 April 2013. Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139. 30 dae. 4542/2013—Mouton, Dina Maria, 1944-02-23, 4402230036083, J Carterstraat 11, Yzerfontien, 2013-02-20; Barend Burger Mouton. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town. 5735/2013—Pare, Stella, 1925-05-13, 2505130038082, Nerina Gardens, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek, 7975, 2013-03-19. Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 5263/2013—Buxton, John Ernest, 1947-01-06, 4701065035189, 20 Richard Street, Brackenfell, 2013-03-20. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 6045/2013—Lass, Isabel Elizabeth, 1963-01-02, 6301020061087, 4 Sweet Valley Street, Bergvliet, 7945, 2013-02-27. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 5736/2013—Hearne, Edward Arthur, 1932-11-17, 3211175062082, 22 Elpark Road, Athlone, 7764, 2012-06-06; Martha Hearne, 1932-06-26, 3206260254081. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 5846/2013—Lee, Raymond Edward, 1930-07-13, 3007135063081, 97 Helderberg Village, Somerset West, 2013-04-01. Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town. 5844/2013—Stanford, Richard Alexander Powell, 1947-08-17, 4708175051089, 13 Lark Crescent, Flamingo Vlei, 2013-02-22. Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town. 4468/2013—Steyn, Hendrik Albertus, 1937-04-17, 3704175050081, 52 Amandelboom Lane, Kleinmond, 2012-10-10. V Van der Westhuizen, P O Box 155, Century City. 16480/2012—Ferreira De Abreu, Carlos Alberto, 1955-09-03, 5509035255186, 1 Balmoral Road, West Beach, 2012-09-24. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 155, Century City. 5403/2013—Kelly, Angela, 1977-02-03, 7702030069086, Unit No. 85 Kenilworth Village, Stand No. 155779, Kenilworth, 2013-02-21. V Van der Westhuizen, P O Box 155, Century City. 3673/2010—Smith, Frederick Joseph, 1943-03-21, 4303215079181, 58 Max Michaelis Street, Montgomery Park, Johannesburg, 2010-01-03. Linda Bode, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 5209/2013—Joubert, Susanna Elsiema, 6 July 1935, 3507060038081, 7 Hofmeyer Street, Montagu, Western Cape, 24 August 2012; Johan Andries Joubert, 18 May 1933, 3305185038080. Joubert Swart Attorneys, 3rd Floor, Oak Palce, 264 Oak Avenue, Randburg, Johannesburg. 1389/2013—Le Roux, Petrus Johannes, 1950-04-23, 5004235026082, 15 Dennegeur Street, Brackenfell, 2012-12-18; Susanna Johanna Le Roux, 1961-05-13, 6105130140081. Susanna Johanna Le Roux, c/o De Witt De Villiers Attorneys, 14 Kendal Road, Eversdale, Durbanville. 4713/2013—Terry, Sean Andrew, 25 April 1964, 6404255247080, C/o 53 Constantia Main Road, Constantia, 27 February 2013. June Rose Theron, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. 5611/2013—Grainger, Avril, 24-08-1961, 6108240004080, 27 Bosduif Way, Bridgetown, Cape Town, 7764, 15-01-2013; Ivan Victor Grainger, 17-06-1947, 4706175133089. C/o Ince Wood & Raubenheimer, Oude Schuur Legal Centre, 8 Kildare Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800. 5202/2013—Van Zyl, André, 5 November 1925, 2511050085087, “Klipfontein” Bonnievale, 24 Januarie 2013. Chris Taylor Prokureur, 11 Buirski Plein, Posbus 757, Swellendam, 6740. 11519/2007—Kets, Dennis Walter, 1932-11-09, 3211095080081, No. 4 Carlier Crescent, Penlyn Estate, 27-07-2007. Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, c/o No. 1 Alamein and Garfields Roads, Claremont, 7700; PO Box 36076, Glosderry, 7702. 6212/2013—Groenewald, John, 02-01-1964, 6401025106083, Kuneneweg 64, Bonniebrook, Kraaifontein, 7570, 07-04-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 4092/2013—Van Wyk, Judith Maria, 4 April 1926, 2604040026087, Oakstraat 43, Somerset-Wes, 9 Februarie 2013. J H Van Zyl, Miller Bosman Le Roux, Somerset Mall, 7137. 6213/2013—Barnardt, Ella Johanna, 30-04-1931, 3104300011084, Mellinium Park 85, Noordstraat, Oudtshoorn, 6625, 05-03-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 2654/2013—Wilschutte, James Herold, 25-04-1941, 4104255126084, 27 Lincoln Crescent, Beacon Valley, 7785, 10-02-2013; Maria Rosy Wilschutte, 27 Lincoln Crescent, Beacon Valley, 29-07-1945, 4507290138080. Badroeniesa Jones, 27 Lincoln Crescent, Beacon Valley. 5894/2013—Malherbe, Ludwig Wilhelm, 02-04-1940, 4004025003086, Laurindasingel 20, Bellville, 13 April 2013. Servo Fiduciary Serviices, Postnet Suite 76, Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 107 5869/2013—Williams, Stoffel Johannes, 20-08-1935, 3508205039083, Upingtonstraat 19, Paarl, 7646, 22-03-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 1977/2013—Grobbelaar, Pieter Willem, 1930-12-25, 3012255015085, Jan van Riebeeckstraat 11, Wellington, 2013-01-19. Elmarene Erasmus, Posbus 3158, Paarl, 7620. 1279/2013—Kallie, Elizabeth, 1933-05-17, 3305170093082, 6 Aurora Street, Salberau Elsies River, 2013-01-07. Thabisile Dlamini, 6 Barnard Street, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530. 2760/2013—Fredericks, Denise, 01-10-1951, 5110010142083, 5de Laan No. 199, Eikendal, Kraaifontein, 08-11-2012; Willem Mentoor Fredericks, 24-05-1949, 4905245117086. Botha Pretorius (Agent), p/a Botha Pretorius & Andrews Ingelyf, Gert Kotzestraat 4, Brackenfell, 7560. 12333/2012—Mfama, Talibana, 1954-03-26, 5403265242082, 44 Morning Star Drive, 1 Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha, 2011-10-03; Patricia Lamla Mfama, 1960-10-09, 6010090738082. Thabisile Dlamini, 6 Barnard Street, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530. 5224/2013—Reynolds, George Abraham Reynolds, 11 July 1937, 3707115255082, 36 Fink Road, Bridgetown, Athlone, 7764, 1 April 2013. C. de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 6843/2012—Atton, Noreen, 1929-07-08, 26 Royds Avenue, Whiston Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2011-02-13. Rosemary Deadman, c/o 401 Namaqua House, 36 Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001. 4883/2013—Benatar, Victor, 1931-06-16, 3106165074180, 2 Avenue Fontainebleau, Fresnay, Cape Town, 2012-12-25; Amelia Regina Benataar, 1956-08-21, 5608210052085. Craig Theo Schneider, 3 De Lorentz Street, Gardens, Cape Town. 3853/2013—Abels, Koelsum, 11 Augustus 1960, 6008110092084, 16 Impala Court, Daniel Avenue, Ottery, 7800, 23 February 2013. Avenant Rappoport Prokureurs, Pasitastraat 10, Pasita Park 21, Bellville, 7530. 6245/2013—Graham, Agnes, 1920-02-14, 2002140042080, Silvermine Village 57, Noordhoek, 2013-04-30. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 6392/2013—Meierhans, Roy, 1934-05-18, 3405185043088, 112 Main Road, Greyton, 2013-04-30. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 6238/2013—Lambrechts, Martha Maria, 20-10-1925, 2510200029086, Huis AJ Liebenberg, Piketberg, 7320, 16-03-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 5870/2013—Pickaart, Albert, 19-12-1950, 5012195117080, Fairbairnstraat 19, Louwville 260, Vredenburg, 7380, 11-02-2013; Anna Katrina Pickaart, 08-03-1952, 5203080174084. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 6220/2013—Pama, Mongezi Victor, 16-06-1959, 5906166130081, 35 Ntakobusi Street, Ilitha Park, Khayelitsha, 7784, 28-12-2012; Sylvia Funeka Pama, 14-03-1974, 7403140296087. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 34008/2013—Van Graan, Rosina Elizabeth, 28 April 1925, 2804250035089, Melkoutlaan 22, Visbaai, Vleesbaai, 14 Mei 2012. Helandie Calaça, 718 Esther Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. 680/2013—Waugh, Peter, 1930-03-06, 3003065047087, No. 1 La Verona Pintailway, Somerset West, Western Cape, 2013-01-03; Anna Catharina Aletta Waugh, 1935-05-26, 3505260027086. SJ Roux Inc. Attorneys, 2nd Floor, 2nd Block Moumentparkofficepark, 71 Steenbokstraat, Pretoria. 30 days. 5890/2013—MacDonald, Brenda, 28-06-1956, 5606280214080, 4 Villa Cielo, Torquay Close, Parklands, Cape Town, 7441, 14-08-2010. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 6230/2013—Bothma, Iona Ray, 12-12-1930, 3012120023082, Eden Park Retirement Village, Letru Street, Kuils River, 7580, 15-04-2013. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 6237/2013—Coulson, Harriet Maude, 11-10-1921, 2110110021081, 9 Balmoral Road, Lansdowne, 7780, 14-03-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 6225/2013—Josephs, Rhoda, 22-03-1951, 5103220046087, Klavierlaan 96, Steenberg, 7945, 02-02-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 751/2013—Rogl, Karl, 1939-03-01, 3903015063185, 403 Ruwenezori Quarry Hill Road, Tamboerskloof, 2012-12-12. Carol May Barry, CM Barry & Co., P.O. Box 12230, Mill Street, 8010. 4871/2013—Brett Anthony Matthews, 6207055039080, 18 Atlantic Beach Drive, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 31 January 2013. The Executor, Estate Late B A Matthews, c/o Malcolm Black & Associates, P.O. Box 45099, Claremont, 7735. 4007/2013—Africa, Desmore Jardine, 1933-02-15, 3302155066084, 12 Franz Square, Squarehill, Retreat, 2013-01-05; Hildry Gladys Africa, 1937-08-21, 3708210081084. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet, Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 4595/2013—Ehlers, Sebastiaan Servaas, 1935-08-28, 3508285068085, 4 Botterblom Street, Darling, 2013-03-13. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet, Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 7205/2010—Kleynhans, Theodorus Ernst, 1959-04-09, 5904095118087, Lawstreet 5, Pearly Beach, Gansbaai, 7220, 2010-05-15. Gideon Antonie Pitzer, Villetgroep, Posbus 1284, Hermanus, 7200. 2511/2013—Van Niekerk, Albertus Willem, 1937-12-22, 3712225026001, No. 41 Boundary Road, Gordons Bay, 2013-01-07; Hilletjie Aletta Jakoba Van Niekerk, 4401160015083. Albert van Niekerk, No. 9 Hohenhort Street, Glen Ivy, Eversdale. 30 days. 4109/2013—Goodall, Roy, 1937-03-13, 3703135076186, 104 Milkwood Drive, Knysna, 6570, 2013-03-08. CJ Ballan Attorneys, 16 Green Street, Knysna, 6570. 30 days. 5891/2013—Martell, Robert William, 1950-01-25, 5001255126081, Unit 6, The Breakers, 4 Alexander Avenue, Hout Bay, 2015-03-15. Miltons Matsemela, P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days. 3841/2013—Beck, Evelyn, 1953-02-11, 5302110085086, 53 Woodbury Road, Kenwyn, Cape Town, 2013-01-29. June Rose Theron-Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street and Pearce Road, Claremont. 4230/2013—Chong, Hugent, 6 January 1934, 3401065065085, 36 Taronga Road, Rondebosch East, 5 February 2013; Viloet Chong, 18 June 1941, 4106180061088. June Rose Theron, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street & Peace Road, Claremont. 108 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 11536/2012—Langenhoven, John, 24 February 1931, 3102245037081, 57 Eight Avenue, Belmont Park, Kraaifontein, 9 April 2012; Susanna Maria Langenhoven, 28 May 1957, 5705280007088. June Rose Theron, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street & Peace Road, Claremont. 14751/2012—Denton, Bernard Hendrik, 1941-05-31, 4105315032089, 9 Panama Close, Portland, Mitchellʼs Plain, 2012-06-15. June Rose Theron-Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street & Peace Road, Claremont. 6214/2013—Joorst, Philip Isaac, 26-12-1927, 2712265019081, Skoolstraat 16, Bellville Suid, 7530, 24-03-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 532. 2091/2013—Potgieter, Pierre Andre Louis, 1928-12-14, 2812145024085, 6 Goedehoop Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 2012-12-12. Henk Gerhardus van Aswegen, 31 Beach Road, Melkbos, 7441. 2090/2013—Wood, George William, 1922-09-17, 2209175054084, 13 Schuylenburg Crescent, Atlantis, 2012-08-13. Susan van Aswegen, 31 Beach Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441. 2082/2013—Wood, Constance Helen, 1926-06-11, 2606230067086, 13 Schuylenburg Crescent, Atlantis, 2012-06-11; George William Wood, 1922-09-17, 2209175054084. Susan van Aswegen, 31 Beach Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441. 3165/2013—Kleinbooi, Alma, 17-10-1955, 5510170031085, 13 Stralizia Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, 22-02-2013. N Parker Attorneys, Shop No. 2, Lentegeur Service Station, Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain. 4466/2013—Irelan, Barbara Jane Magdelene, 1 Januarie 1929, 2901010061080, Huis Uitsig, Parow Noord, Kamer 13, Rothesmanstraat, Parow, 7500, 6 Maart 2013. Lourez Swart (agent), Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenboch, 7600. 1445/2012—Schippers, Angeline, 06-12-1955, 5512060064085, 35 Hengelaar Street, Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain, 7785, 02-10-2004; Peter Douglas Schippers, 03-07-1952, 5207035091087. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 9870/2012—Lindoor, Christiaan, 17-03-1936, 3603175097086, 90 William Street, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, 7600, 23-12-2011. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 3478/13—Moodie, Raymond Johannes, 05-04-1952, 5204055091089, Irisstraat 46, Groenheuwel, Paarl, 7646, 15-01-2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 4185/2013—Louw, Annely Sharon, 04-07-1962, 6207040206083, Marigoldstraat 12, Hillcrest, Eersterivier, 7100, 18-11-2012; Charles Reid Louw, 28-01-1954, 5401285079088. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 15790/2012—Weideman, Willem Johannes, 1922-02-26, 2202265016089, Mentzstraat 7, Sandbaai, 7200; Susanna Catharina Weideman, 1925-01-08, 2501080054088. Brits & Weideman Ing., Posbus 2033, Welkom, 9460. 8065/2012—Coetzee, Daniel Andries Stephanus, 3 June 1949, 4906035104086, No. 7 Boom Street, Denneoord, George, 6529, 3 May 2012. Catherine Coetzee, No. 7 Boom Street, George, 6529. 4724/2013—Ahrends, Nancy Beth, 7 October 1918, 1810070054086, The Lavender Ward, Nerina Gardens, Recreational Road, Fish Hoek, Cape, 7975, 3 December 2012. Fairbridges (Agent for the Executor), 16th Floor, Main Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8000. 5514/2013—Thalrose, Christine Clare Kerr, 1928-02-22, 2802220040080, Robari Old Age Home, 1 New Street, Somerset West, 2013-03-23. VDRM Inc., 55 Pleinstreet, Cape Town. 2/2013—Lewis, Anne Jordina, 1965-12-09, 6512090201086, 832 Hall Street, Hornlee, Knysna, Western Cape, 2012-12-22. Denise Hutten, 13 Nelson Street, Knysna (PO Box 2392), 6571. 4070/2011—Hendricks, John Arthur, 27 Julie 1943, 4307275102080, Le Rouxweg 30, Groendal, Franschoek, 7690, 27 Mei 2010. Sarel Van den Berg, Thomstraat 36, Paarl, 7646. 6218/2013—Welby-Solomon, Melvyn Graham, 8 September 1947, 4709085144089, 39 Nectar Road, Retreat, 13 March 2013; Delia Patricia Welby-Solomon, 28 June 1956, 5606280051086. Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, 1 North Wharf, Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001. 5905/2013—Meyer, Eckhard Wilhelm, 1945-12-13, 4512135006088, 4 Cupid Lane, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, 2013-03-26. Mark Edward Stewart, BDO House, 1 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, 4319. 10361/2012—Nezar, Yvonne, 1940-03-27, 4003270120082, 14 Nederburg Road, George, 6530, 2012-06-19. Trevor Nezar, PO Box 9944, George, 6530. 746/2013—Rossouw, Gladys Joan, 1923-04-25, 2504230048083, Huis Nuweland, Sylvia Street, Claremont, 2013-01-08. Nexus Legal Consultant, PO Box 164, Cape Gate, 7562. 3027/2013—Alves, Umbelina Fernanda, 1932-09-27, 3209270073087, 101 Chamberlain Street, Woodstock, 2013-01-22. Fernandes & Solms Attorneys, Unit 1, Upper Level Riverside Lofts, Tygerfalls Boulevard, Tygerfalls, Bellville. 5499/2013—Swart, Susanna Susara, 16 Augustus 1932, 3208160041089, 8ste Laan 14, Kleinmond, 27 Maart 2013. Charl Stephanus Cilliers, p/a Guthrie & Theron Prokureurs, Posbus 17, Caledon, 7230. 3429/2013—Booysen, William James, 3 August 1958, 5808035184085, 12 Hurricane Street, Factreton, 7405, 10 February 2013; Muriel Maureen Booysen, 23 February 1960, 6002230210080. Marjorie Bingham Attorneys, 23-54 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City, 7441. 4904/2013—Hendricks, Hendrick Jacobus, 21-09-1931, 3109215059086, 20 Slangberg Way, Bishop Lavis, 12-12-12. N Parker Attorneys, Shop No. 2, Lentegeur Service Station, Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 109 Form/Vorm J 187 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouseʼs names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrateʼs Office. LIKWIDASIE- EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN BESTORWE BOEDELS WAT TER INSAE LÊ Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasieen distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ʼn tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor. GAUTENG 14693/2012—Laage, Martha Elizabeth, 1709120031088, Soetdoring Sorgeenheid, Letebalaan, Sinoville, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Commettre Accountants Inc, P.O. Box 75680, Lynnwoodridge, 0040. 11673/2012—Arnott, Lodewikus Gerhardus, 4704285012087, Baxterstraat 3, Park Rand, Boksburg; Hester Adriana Arnott, 5005050069081 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 27850/2012—Steenberg, Leonie Eriak, 5805300015085, 31 Jan Lioncachet Street, Duvhapark (Witbank; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, P/B X137, Halfway House, 1685. 6656/2013—Victor, Esther Maria, 3210270087085, 77 Annandale Street, Triomf, Johannesburg, First and Final; Ronald Alfred Victor, 3107255017089 (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 22807/2012—Jonker, Ferdinand Christoffel, 4608115057081, 98 Stamvrugstraat 98, Berg-en-Dal, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1441, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Maureen Jonker, 4805220051088, 21 days (Heidelberg, Gauteng; Johannesburg).—Loubser & Co, P.O. Box 567, Heidelberg, 1438. 274/2013—Hart, Henrietta Soma, 231118022088, 11 Lynneacres, Koraalboom Street, Nelspruit, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—Frey & Slabber Ing, Posbus 3933, Nelspruit, 1200, h/v Brander & Jonesstraat, Nelspruit. 609/2012—Ackermann, Johanna Maria, 2908180072086 (Lydenburg; Nelspruit).—Van Renen Heyns Attorneys, P.O. Box 261, Lydenburg, 1120, 72 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg, 1120. 22807/2012—Jonker, Ferdinand Christoffel, 4608115057081, 98 Stamvrugstraat 98, Berg-en-Dal, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1441, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Maureen Jonker, 4805220051088, 21 days (Heidelberg, Gauteng; Johannesburg).—Loubser & Co, P.O. Box 567, Heidelberg, 1438. 2087/2012—Moore, Elizabeth, 4711230156182, 15 MacWilliam Road, Dunnottar, First and Final (Johannesburg).— Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 110 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 1365/2009—Nkhahle, Sereko Dinah, 7501140439084, 2198 Rasmeni Street, Protea North, Soweto, Amended First and Final; Menzi Ambition Solomon Mngomezulu Nkhahle (Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 17879—Rohrer, Luise, 2111050033185, German Old Age Home, Oats Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).— Macdonald Attorneys, 5th Floor, Constitution House, 124 Adderley Street, Cape Town; P.O Box 2812, Cape Town. 6501/2010—Kataka, Masilo Elvis, 8211035743082 (Johannesburg).—G Jersöe Incorporated, Unit 16, Sunninghill Office Park, 4 Peltier Drive, Sunninghill. 6501/2010—Kataka, Masilo Elvis, 8211035743082 (Johannesburg).—G Jersöe Incorporated, Unit 16, Sunninghill Office Park, 4 Peltier Drive, Sunninghill. 17606/11—Van Dyk, Jurie Jacobus, 3208265029088, Gedeelte 8, Plaas Palmietfontein, 72JQ, Noord-Wes; Leonie van Dyk, 3703180058089 (Pretoria).—DNL Associates, Posbus 2523, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 5479/2013—Mazaris, Theodoros, 3105295053080, Cottage 31, Erica Gardens, 125-10th Street, Kensington; Maria Ilda Mazaris, 2310010040088 (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 5481/2013—Mazaris, Maria Ilda, 2310010040088, Cottage 31, Erica Gardens, 125-10th Street, Kensington (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 17400/2012—McInnes, Ronald Derek, 4008205060089, 32 Mount Adams Crescent, Retire at Midstream, Midrand Estates, 1692; Gail Mary McInnes, 4506230044085 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—J.M.N. Ras, 100 Willem Botha Street, Eldoraigne, 0157. 122/2013—Kristina Maria Waitt, 6504140958187, 137 Gompou Street, Hazeyview, 24 December 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (White River; Pretoria).—Wolfaardt Attorney, 30 Allie van Bergen Street, Le Passage Building, White River, 1240. 3398/2012—Rumbak, Betty Bertha, 2407240067087, 2 Muirfield Road, Emmarentia Extension, 2195, First and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 3398/2012—Rumbak, Betty Bertha, 2407240067087, 2 Muirfield Road, Emmarentia Extension, 2195, First and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 9573/2010—Mnisi, Thomas Msengane, 6201275542080, 2776 Phetjoalena Street, Protea North, Soweto, First and Final; Gladys Nosipho Mnisi, 6911180426084 (Soweto; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 12138/2011—Vensile, Friedrich Joseph, 2502085048083, 35 Fourth Ave, Sabie, 1260; Mavis Gwendoline Rebecca Vensile, 3107120018080 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Michael Anthony Vensile, 37 Olive St, Valhalla, Pretoria, 0185. 2461/2010—De Waal, Daniel Jacobus Phillipus, 5504135190086, 423 Partridge Ave, Kempton Park (Kempton Park; Pretoria).—Cornel Both Attorneys, P.O. Box 74035, Lynnwoodridge, 0040. 17400/2012—McInnes, Ronald Derek, 4008205060089, 32 Mount Adams Crescent, Retire at Midstream, Midrand Estates, 1692; Gail Mary McInnes, 4506230044085 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—J.M.N. Ras, 100 Willem Botha Street, Eldoraigne, 0157. 17439/12—Pieterse, Frederik Wilhelm, 3207185003082(Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—Viviers Ing, 1st Floor, Octron Building, 62 James Moroka Avenue, Potchefstroom. 2059/2012—Frost, Lionel Lowne, 2806285103089, 16 Clarendon Drive, Discovery, Florida, 1709, First and Final (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 17585/2011—Du Toit, Martha Magdalena Johanna Sophia, 2407210042086 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—P R Vorster, Finoves Business Accountants, P.O. Box 9744, Rustenburg, 0300. 26154/2012—Giannone, Laurel Alexanne, 4207240019080, 16 First Avenue, Marslands, Ext 4, Germiston, 1401, First and Final; Salvatore Giannone, 3912145021088 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 17585/2011—Du Toit, Martha Magdalena Johanna Sophia, 2407210042086 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—P R Vorster, Finoves Business Accountants, P.O. Box 9744, Rustenburg, 0300. 3673/2010—Frederick Joseph Smith, 4303215079181, 58 Max Michaelis Street, Montgomery Park, Johannesburg, 3 January 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town, Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. 17585/2011—Du Toit, Martha Magdalena Johanna Sophia, 2407210042086 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—P R Vorster, Finoves Business Accountants, P.O. Box 9744, Rustenburg, 0300. 4204/2011—Maloka, Solsmon Mataltse, 6706166239083, 1789 Extension X, Mabopane, 0190, Amended First and Final (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 12951/2012—Duncan, Shirley Isobel, 2804290046088, 41 Boschendal, Cnr Lonehill Boulevard, Crestwood, Sandton (Sandton; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 30828/2012—Fait, Wilhelm Guntram, 3308085017188, 8 Ingelton Road, Dindwiddi, Germiston, 1401 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 15652/12—Yousuf, Hoosein, 2811265061182, 241 18th Avenue, Laudium, Pretoria (Pretoria; North Gauteng).—Rashid Yousuf, P.O. Box 6614, Pretoria, 0001. 8660/2012—Thulare, Enzo Angel, 6007065768086; Brendal Nomsa Thulare, 6510120275088 (Witbank; Pretoria).— M. Davel, C/o Van Rensburg Kruger, Rakwena, P.O. Box 5, Witbank, 1035. 6363/2013—Montgomery, Jean Malcolm, 2704140143186, 7 Panorama Place, Glenvista, Extension 1 (Port Elizabeth).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 18219/2012—De Jager, Jacoba Johanna, 1609020013089, Kingswood Retirement Village, Newlands, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Yolanda van Biljon, p/a Yolanda van Biljon Prokureurs, Posbus 40204, Moreleta Rif, 0044. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 111 61/2013—Storbeck, Wilna, 6207290074082, Country Villas 23, Melkweg, Steiltes, Nelspruit, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Jacobus Willem Marthinus Storbeck, 5912105074083 (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 977/2012—Madisha, Martha Dimakatso, 3909210301080, 22 Ellis Drive, Wright Park (Springs; South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 8970/2011—Berson, Jenifer Robin, 3401190044088, 33 Heidelberg Estates, Steiltes, Nelspruit (Nelspruit; Pretoria).— Viljoen Wagner Prokureurs, 41 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit. 8970/2011—Berson, Jenifer Robin, 3401190044088, 33 Heidelberg Estates, Steiltes, Nelspruit (Nelspruit; Pretoria).— Viljoen Wagner Prokureurs, 41 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit. 17230/2012—Bhuda, Manala Elias, 5102125206085, 197 Khalipha Street, Watville, Benoni, 1501; Thokozile Gladys Bhuda, 4503150469087 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 20708/2011—Heyneke, Roelof Jacobus, 2909235036084, 44 Tambotie Street, Phalaborwa, 1389; Anna Catharina Margaretha Heyneke, 3201280009086 (Phalaborwa; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 8644/2012—Van der Schyff, Hermanus Barend, 2611035049081, 31 Bosbok Avenue, Theresa Park, Pretoria North, 0001 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 19719/12—Smith, Gertrudis Elisabeth, 5306240024089, 32ste Laan, 457 Villieria, Pretoria; Louis Johannes Smith, 5103315067089 (Pretoria).—J C L Botha Boedelberedderaars, Psobus 92, Pyramid, 0120. 7048/07—Nel, Jan Albertus, 2506255021085, Bosveldsig Fase 7, Nommer 26, Nylstroom; Nel Lowina, 3509090035087 (Groblersdal; Pretoria).—WP Breytenbach Rekenmeesters, Posbus 533, Marble Hall 0450. 16975/2011—Malherbe, Thewie Wilma, 3210250022086, Fleurenville Retirement Village, 675 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, Amended (Pretoria).—Rooth & Wessels Incorporated, P.O. Box 2265, Brooklyn Square, 0184. 16975/2011—Malherbe, Thewie Wilma, 3210250022086, Fleurenville Retirement Village, 675 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, Amended (Pretoria).—Rooth & Wessels Incorporated, P.O. Box 2265, Brooklyn Square, 0184. 28465/2012—Gerhardus Jacobus Rossouw, 3203095008089, Virensco Mansions, Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 27 Augustus 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Johannesburg; Vanderbijlpark).—De Klerk Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, 1ste Vloer, Orwell Park Blok 3, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 1929; Posbus 338, Vereeniging, 1930. 9622/12—Malatji, Gomela Reuben, 7407075966085, Erf 1751, Lotus Gardens, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, P.O. Box 42, Woodlands, 0172. 17585/2011—Du Toit, Martha Magdalena Johanna Sophia, 2407210042086 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—P R Vorster, Finovest Business Accountants, P.O. Box 9744, Rustenburg, 0300. 10660/2012—Heasman, Maria Elizabeth, 2803020029083, Huis Sering 32 A, 151 Kockstreet, Rustenburg (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—Van Sitterts Auditors, P.O. Box 26324, Monument Park, 0105. 10660/2012—Heasman, Maria Elizabeth, 2803020029083, Huis Sering 32 A, 151 Kockstreet, Rustenburg (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—Van Sitterts Auditors, P.O. Box 26324, Monument Park, 0105. 4163/2011—Herbst, Magrieta Maria, 2810050001080, Huis Herfsblaar, Queenswood, Pretoria, Amended (Pretoria).—Van Sitterts Inc, P.O. Box 26342, Monument Park, 0105. 4163/2011—Herbst, Magrieta Maria, 2810050001080, Huis Herfsblaar, Queenswood, Pretoria, Amended (Pretoria).—Van Sitterts Inc, P.O. Box 26342, Monument Park, 0105. 12028/2012—De Villiers, Johannes Cornelius, 5208275021081, First and Final; Maryna De Villiers, 6009240054085, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Henk Klopper, P.O. Box 31578, Waverley, 0135. 6849/12—Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, Judith Hester Susanna, 5506280095085, First and Final; Lukas Albertus Jacobus Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Henk Klopper, P.O. Box 31578, Waverley, 0135. 1731/2010—Imke Henrie Blauw, 3001085045180, Jeugland Aftree Oord, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, 24 Julie 2009, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark).—De Klerk Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, 1ste Vloer, Orwell Park Blok 3, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 1929; Posbus 338, Vereeniging, 1930. 2044/2010—Jacobus Johannes Coetzee, 5401245107086, Berthastraat 5, Vereeniging, 1930, 27 Januarie 2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Anita Johanna Coetzee, 5808140009086, 21 dae (Pretoria; Vereeniging).—De Klerk Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, 1ste Vloer, Orwell Park Blok 3, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 1929; Posbus 338, Vereeniging, 1930. 18780/2012—Smith, Peter, 3303075042080; Patricia Winifred Graham Smith, 3301220017080 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Simon & Goetzsche, PO Box 1945, Parklands, 2121. 20940/06—Budhoo, Sukhi Gopal, 1712016110087, 128 Rose Avenue, Lenasia, 1820 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— V. Chiba & Co, PO Box 1116,Crown Mine, 2025. 10767/2012—Owen, Patricia, 3303170027085, Queenshaven Block 7, 64 Outspan Road, South Hills, 2197 (South Gauteng).—BPAG Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 55085, Wierda Park, 0149. 21036/2011—Peacock, Brian Albert Edwin, 3804075009185, Plot 61 Kromdraai, Witbank, Mpumalanga (Witbank; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 7031/07—Van Douwe, Adolf Wilhelm, 3201295072087, 19 Nel Avenue, Randpark Ridge, Randburg (Randburg; Pretoria).—Nelson Borman & Partners Inc, PO Box 21, Cresta, 2118. 23375/2011—Kaufman, Marks, 2101095076027 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Michalson Silver + Co Inc, 70C Oxford Road, Riviera, Johannesburg. 27257/2012—Serraô, Francoise, 6106120125082, 20 Walker Avenue, Primrose, 1401 (Germiston; Johannesburg).— Margolis + Associates Inc, 42 St John Road, Houghton Estate, 2198. 112 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 12486/2012—Van Rooyen, Anna Maria, 4008080042087, 2 Reitz Street, Noycedale, Nigel; Johannes Cornelius van Rooyen, 3603025027085 (Nigel; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 8348/2013—King, Mervyn Harold, 23 November 1924, 11 Dirkwold Drive, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, Marmanet Retirement Village, 248 Bergriver Drive, Kempton Park (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc, Mr MB Jackson, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. 12993/09—De Villiers, Adrian Johan, 2808085031080, Portion 1 of Erf 3566, Northcliff (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— C/o Louis Gishen & Associates, Bull & Bear House, 58 Peter Place, Bryanston, Johannesburg, Gauteng. 857/2012—Corie, Rosalie, 2602090044083, 6 Berkeley Avenue, Bryanston, Sandton; Daniel Corie, 2407245023085 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—RWFC Financial Consultants Inc, PO Box 1384, Houghton, 2041, 33 Central Street, Houghton Estate, 2196. 6501/2010—Kataka, Masilo Elvis, 8211035743082 (Johannesburg).—Jersöe Incorporated, Unit 16, Suninghill Office Park, 4 Peltier Drive, Sunninghill. 18458/2012—Maseko, Ngwenya Hendrik, 3908195177085, Erf No. 860, Yendary Street, Phola-Ogies; Annah Peru Maseko, 5312220712081, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Motimele Inc, 304 Third Floor, Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria, 0001. 17130/2012—Sibisi, Nene Harriet, 2708090140084, 1830 Tulela Avenue, Wattville (Benoni; South Gauteng High Court, Johanesburg).—AE Cook McFarlane, PO Box 52, Benoni, 1500. 28160/2012—Tiplady, Leslie John, 2602165041089 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—W Kohler & Co, PO Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2013. 31990/2010—Evans, Glynn Stewart, 4710085018083, 176 Galtemore Street, Malvern, Third & Final (Germiston; Johannesburg).— HLB Barnett Chown (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 442, Bruma, 2026. 26024/2010—Jackes, George Leopold Shone, 1808155014082, 29 Kneen Road, Valhalla, Pretoria (Pretoria; Johannesburg High Court). 4891/2012—Swartz, Jennifer Mary, 4710100161082, Erf 2434, Eldorado Park Ext. 3, Johannesburg. Derrocks Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. 19807/2012—Gugushe, Emma Vellie, 2604280164085, 1393 Nhlapo Section, Katlehong (Johannesburg).— Derrocks Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. 9205/2008—Dineka, Gregory Thandi William, 5707225792089, Stand 101, Pimville, Zone 7 Township; Princess Pauline Mamsie Dineka, 6001021011087 (Johannesburg).—Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. 18922/2012—Tonkin, Mavis Ida, 3012110012087, 51 Rose Village, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Etienne D Vlok Attorneys, PO Box 7309, Westgate, 1734. 17404/12—Peche, Colleen Mignon, 5003110096004, 1175 Aspen Drive, Dainfern, 7055, First and Final, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—K Kleyn Consulting, 2926, Halfway House, 1685. 16206/2012—Grobler, Louis Jacbus, 5406245072081, 12 Van Zyl Avenue, Verwoerd Park, Alberton; Lorna Aileen Grobler, 5802150040081 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 13610/2009—Drummond, Edward Duncan, 1707035032084, Willobrook Retirement Village, Willobrook, Sandown, Johannesburg, Supplementary (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 1783/2009—Groenewald, Elizabeth Dorothy, 3405040092080, 26 Gibraltar Street, Meadowbrooke, Edenvale (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Sandra Lilian De Jager, De Jager Du Plessis Attorneys, PO Box 4192, Randburg, 2125. 24117/2012—Moola, Feisal, 5402025138085, 13 Minara Avenue, Azaadville (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Shiraz Valli, PO Box 769, Johannesburg, 2000. 2487/12—Ndlovu, Boetie Phillip, 4512085460087; Maria Yababa Ndhlovu, 4804160661089 (Pretoria; Pretoria).— 305-307 Centenary Building, 23 Bureau Lane, Pretoria, 0002. 25456/2009—Masango, Frans Ting-Ting, 5808145894086, 11 Stegmann Street, Eastlynne; Moitiri Sophy Masango, 661031038085 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Motimele Inc, 304 3rd Floor, Rentbel Towers Bureau Lane, Pretoria. 2158/2013—Haessler, Frederick, 5203095052085, 24 Rocky Park, Paul Kruger, Edenglen, Edenvale, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 27091/2012—Thomas, Theunsina Stoffelina, 3906230120086, 21 Garingboom Street, Mayberry Park, Alberton; James Henry Thomas, 5405125067088 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 1624/2013–Gundry, Michael John, 6305085034087, 14 Villa Sole, Hawken Avenue, Bromhof, Randburg (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Leonard Singer Attorneys, PO Box 1539, Rossevelt Park, 2129. 13155/2012—Lalloo, Khandoo, 3002255092085, 25 Masjid Street, Azaaadville, Krugersdorp; Chanchal Lalloo, 8/03/1932, 3203080063081 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Atts J N Bhana & Assoc, PO Box 769, Lenasia, 1820. 22647/2012—Padayachi, Premilla, 4205200111087, 10 Sparrow Avenue, Ext 1, Lenasia, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Atts J N Bhana & Assoc, PO Box 769, Lenasia, 1820. 27403/2012—Bortz, Sheila, 3706230023086, Unit B205, Golden Acres, 85 George Str, Sandringham (Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Penny Griffiths, 7A The Avenue, Orchards, 2193. 5071/2013—Mqikela, Gobolakhe Gilbert, 4909045718085, 5218 Kwa Masila, Sebokeng; Winnifred Mqikela, 5511140820086 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 113 15083/2012—Smith, Judith, 1510290023081, Flower Foundation, 5 Murray Street, Waverley, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—MGK Maher, PO Box 84582, Greenside, 2034. 8360/2010—Makoti, Patrick, 26 December 1952, 5212265699088, 635B Nakedi Street, Zone 3, Meadowlands, Soweto; Jester Esther Makoti, 5309230579088 (Johannesburg).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, Mr MB Jackson, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. 16543/2012—De Bruijne, Huberta Cornelia, 6 April 1923, 2304060038183, Brits Rusoord, 62A Church Street, Brits (Brits; Johannesburg).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, Mr MB Jackson, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. 11069/2011—Schorn, Hildegard Elisabeth Ida, 2206110047181, Woodlands Retirement Home, 21 Andre Avenue, President Ridge, 2194 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Horwath Leveton Boner, PO Box 652550, Benmore, 2010. 1144/2011—Prizeman, Joan Rita, 3306180011080, Arbour Village, Room 619, Smit Street, Bedfordview, Gauteng (Germiston; Pretoria).—BBM Inc., 112 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate. 32579/2010—Kraay, Sandra Regina, 6209300127082, 23 Donovan Street, Glen Austin, Midrand (Randburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Limited, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 6365/2013—Hosking, Joyce Doreen, 2607280021080, Summerfield Park Old Age Home Retirement Village, Juksei Park (Randburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Limited, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 31019/2012—Skews, Joan, 3610070035087, 3 Magalies, Montpark Drive, Montgomery Park, 2195 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Limited, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 779/2010—Naicker, Kamal, 7202135260086, Unit 2 Veranda, 252 Von Weilligh Street, Centurion, 0157, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg). 30828/2012—Fait, Wilhelm Guntram, 3308085017188, 8 Ingelton Road, Dindwiddi, Germiston, 1401 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres. 4204/2011—Maloka, Solsmon Mataltse, 6706166239083, 1789 Extension X, Mabopane, 0190, Amended First and Final (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres. 12951/2012—Duncan, Shirley Isobel, 2804290046088, 41 Boschendal, cnr Lonehill Boulevard, Crestwood, Sandton (Sandton; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres. 885/2013—Mokwape, Bathsheba Mmakgang, 3511010283086, 796 Block A, Mabopane, Pretoria, Supplementary First and Final (Pretoria; South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 15732/2011—May, Eric Mervyn, 2706105270185, 46 Chrisoliet Street, Jukskeipark, First & Final; Violet May, 27031702291888, 21 days (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Eugene Peyper Attorney, PO Box 69144, Bryanston, 2021. 11926/2011—Anderson, Caryl Ann, 4605060019082, 64 Voortrekker Street, Boksburg (Boksburg; Johannesburg).— Ireland Attorneys, 11 Canterbury, St Christopher Rd, St Andrews, Bedfordview, 2007. 967/2012—Pieterse, Cecilia Johanna, 2907110035080, Leisure View Village A41, 103, 1st Avenue, Edenvale, 1610 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Linda Bode, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park. Suffena Bee Alli, 21 April 1932, 3204210071085, 1 Marble Arch, Havenside, Chatsworth, date of death: 19 May 2009, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Chatsworth; Durban).—Berkowitz Cohen Wartski, RG Wynne, Agent for Executor, 17th Floor Southern Life House, 88 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban, 4001. 3224/2011—Anderson, Agnes, 2310140021180 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Levine and Freedman Attorneys, 1st Floor PPI House, 9A Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. 10867/2007—Angenent, Adolf Leonard, 6805275118087, 1 Fisher Street, Krugersdorp West, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Mollentze & Associates, PO Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733. 642/2013—Irini Banassios, 5606300205084, 139 Victoria Road, Rewlatch, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Vaios Banassios, 4201105111108, 21 days (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—S. Liontos Attorneys, PO Box 120, Kempton Park, 1620. 3430/2012—Aisha Ismail Bhyat, 3104150016084, 1085 Bhaga Street, Actonville, Benoni, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Bham and Dahya, PO Box 2413, Benoni, 1500. 12145/2012—Botha, Ruth, 5104180111085, 5 Rubenstein Street, Verwoerdpark Extension 3, 1453, Liquidation and Distribution Account; Willem Jacobus Botha, 4512225099084 (Johannesburg).—Houghton Harper Inc., 14 St John Road, Houghton Estate, Houghton. 1772/1999—Chetty, Parasuraman, 21 May 1946, 4605215134085, 18 Starling Street, Extension 1, Lenasia, Johannesburg, date of death: 26 December 1998. Mogambari Chetty, Vassan Chetty and Anisha Chetty, F E Lachporia Attorneys, 179 Ninth Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg. 24468/2012—Juvenal Da Silva, 3106125030181, died on 7 September 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Maria Helena Vieira Da Silva, 3704270018108, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, PO Box 26873, East Rand, 1462. 3025/2012—Maria De Lourdes Faria Goncalves Delgado, 4703030084185, 136 Southern Klipriversberg Road, The Hill Ext 8, Johannesburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Caldeira & Associates, Portuguese House, Ground Floor, 11 Ernest Oppenheimer Ave, Bruma. 20459/2010—Fick, Derrick Marcus, 5309155121080 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Cnr. Hendrik Potgieter and Albert Street, Weltevredenpark. 25384/2011—Leon Alan Flanagan, 5507105010085, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Boksburg).—Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc., Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 1462. 114 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 18029/2012—Elise Greyling, 1940/08/01, 4008010065083, Calderwoodrylaan 11, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, 21/04/2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accunt, 21 days (Johannesburg; Kempton).—Etha Smit Attorneys, P.O. Box 7356, Benmore Park, 1622. 8361/2013—Grifo, Manuel Antonio Remedios, 2908275036087, 10 Biccard Street, Turffontein, Johannesburg, 2190 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mercantile Bank Limited, P O Box 782699, Sandton, 2146. 1808/2013—Mmabatho Cenia Kesenogile, 5001290550089, 12515 Kagiso Extension 3, Krugersdorp, 1754, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Swart Redelinghuys Nel and Partners Inc., 245 Voortrekker Drive, Monument, 1739. 24611/2012—Laher, Hassen, 4209145087089, 160 6th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg; Fatima Laher, 5001040104088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg). 0963/2013—Robert David Lill, 1943/02/12, 4302125023181, 31 Weltevreden Sun, Cornelius Street, Weltevreden Park, 1709, 23/11/2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distributiion Account; Eileen Violet Lill (born Hately), 4603100038188, 21 day (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Willems & Van der Westhuizen Professional Accountants, P.O. Box 5801, Weltevreden Park, 1715. 4121/2011—Mafiri, Rampilo Moses, 6805165352085, 6215 Monhla Street, Mahube Valley, Extension 24, Mamelodi, Redistribution Agreement; Makgobole Beauty Mafiri, 7006040881088 (Mamelodi Magistrateʼs Court; North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria).—Motalane Kgariya Inc., Suite 1203, 12th Floor, Arcadia Centre, 130 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 16409/2012—Jose Fernando Monteiro, 5807105182086, 104 Lou Andre Flats, 118 Harpur Avenue, Benoni, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Pretoria).—S. Liontos Attorneys, P.O. Box 120, Kempton Park, 1620. 27172/2006—Ngcobo, Prince Dumisani, 6810035588082, 6182 Hlalamnandi, Middelburg (Middelburg; Pretoria).— K Lutchmia Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House. 6612/2010—Ntuli, Tana Petros, 5411285707083, 989 Dlamini Street, Siyathemba, Balfour; Sesi Christina Thwala, 5711180742089 (Balfour; Pretoria).—Jordan Incorporated, P.O. Box 640, Balfour, 2410. 4679/2012—Maria Magdalena Opperman, 2501250019085, 27E Serene Park, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Bennett McNaughton Attorneys, No. 13 Linksfield Road, Edenvale, 1610. 30102/2010—Pepper, Peggy Irene, 2803230040086 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Etienne Cloete, 1st Floor Law Chambers, Southdale Shopping Centre, Alamein Road, Southdale, Johannesburg. 24967/2012—Pretorius, Elizabeth Maria Margaretha, 3702100026085, 11 Bicheno, 1335 Van der Kloof Road, Willowbrook, 1724; Louis Pretorius, 3606285014081 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Schickerling, Bowen & Hesselink Incorporated, 352 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort; PO Box 6431, Westgate, 1734. 25714/2012—Rowlinson, John Hewitt, 1510035027082 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Etienne Cloete, 1st Floor Law Chambers, Southdale Shopping Centre, Alamein Road, Southdale, Johannesburg. 1148/2012—Ronald John Turner, 1949/11/14, 4911145070086, 8 Silvawood, 3 Chapman RD, Denlee, Germiston, 10/11/2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Willems & Van der Westhuizen Professional Accountants, P.O. Box 5801, Weltevreden Park, 1715. 8806/2011—Linda Zokwana, 6107250575088, 14 Melkhout Street, Alberton, Johannesburg; Senzeni Zokwana, 5603045804081, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Alberton; Johannesburg).—Bruce Burt, 68 Tregoning Street, Linksfield, Johanensburg, 2192. 14568/2012—Badenhorst, Andriana Christina, 3203190016086, 56 Ley Road, Victory Park, Johannesburg; Dirk Pieter Badenhorst, 2805165038084 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Dreyer & Nieuwoudt, PO Box 4056, Northcliff, 2115. 13920/2011—Pedro, Veronica De Sousa, 4004190047181, Prins Straat 36, Bloemhof, 2660 (Bloemhof; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300, 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, H/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 8853/2011—Nortjé, Ockert Johannesburg, 4902105092087, Firweg 13, Greenhills, Randfontein, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale (Randfontein; Pretoria).—A P De Jongh, Posbus 14391, Dersley. 18442/2008—Sarah Wallach, 2704060011082, Unit 1, Garden Mews, 65 Garden Road, Orchards, 6 September 2008, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Frank Ted Wallach, Posbus 5086, Klerksdorp, 2576. 24348/2009—Willem Kleynhans, 2610075005086, Queenlaan 161A, Brakpan, 8 Augustus 2008, 21 dae (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—P.A. Greyling, Eksekuteur Testamenter, Voortrekkerweg 167 (Posbus 985), Brakpan, 1540. 14173/2012—Gabriel Moroangoato Nchabeleng, 6611235437082, Stand 3888, Mahube Valley Ext 3 Township, 10 May 2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Ncane Martha Nchabeleng, 5911030402088, 21 dae (Pretoria).— Engelbrecht Attorneys, Posbus 456, Faerie Glen, 0043. 14173/2012—Nchabeleng, Gabriel Moroangoato, 6611235437082, Stand 3388, Mahube Valley Ext 3 Township; Ncane Martha Nchabeleng, 5911030402088 (Pretoria).—Engelbrecht Attorneys, PO Box 456, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043. 9823/12—Suthu Simon Mokhwebane, 3907075512080, 18 Dubazana Road, Endulweni, Tembisa, 28/04/2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Andronica Dipuo Mokhwebane, 4310130278087 (Tembisa; Pretoria).— Me. P Serfontein (Joubert Scholtz Ing), Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 25300/2012—Johannes Malebogo Ramashapa, 4903235457083, 20 Swaan Street, Birch Acres Extension 4, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Nikeziwe Maggie Ramashapa, 5002230208085, 21 dae (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Me. P Serfontein (Joubert Scholtz Ing), Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 2485/2013—Els, Isaac Francois, 4006285027085, First and Final, 21 days (Nigel; Johannesburg).—Brits Attorneys, 23 Kingsway, Nigel, 1490; P O Box 1636, Nigel, 1490. 1244/2013—Rademan, Christoffel Johannes, 5502045031085, First and Final; Rademan Christina Johanna, 6809160082085 (Nigel; Johannesburg).—Brits Attorneys, 23 Kingsway Nigel, P O Box 1636, Nigel, 1490. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 115 1247/2013—Selinder, Selinder, 3410275055083, First and Final; Maggie Selinder, 4301090062082, 21 days (Nigel; Johannesburg).—Brits Attorneys, 23 Kingsway, Nigel; P O Box 2191, Nigel. 1078/2013—Jacob van Staden, 1922-06-22, 2206225020081, St Josephʼs Home for the Aged, 52 SADC Street, Middelburg, 1050, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, three weeks (Middelburg; Johannesburg).—Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, P O Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208. 26553/09—Van den Heever, Jacobus Christiaan, 5003045124084, Gedeelte 29, plaas Vlakfontein 569, Voltargo (Witbank; Pretoria).—Harvey Nortje Wagner & Motimele, WCMAS-gebou, h/v OR Tambo- & Susannastraat, Witbank. 18673/2012—Krynauw, Pieter, 3406275006084, Protea 41, Alberton Afree-Oord, Verwoerdpark, Likwidasie en Distribusie (Palm Ridge; Johannesburg).—Klopper Jonker Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Alberton, 1450. 27803/2012—Bamford, Laetitia Martha Alida, 5604240044085 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—V Vogelpath, P O Box 6685, Westgate, 1734. 29923/2012—Bamford, John Robert, 5209205067087; Laetitia Martha Alida Bamford, 5604240044085 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—V Vogelpath, P O Box 6685, Westgate, 1734. 13597/2012—Du Plessis, Emmerentia Frederika, 3503190054080, Haarlemstraat 20, Gerdview, Germiston, First and Final, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1556, Strubens Valley, 1735. 3088/2012—Coetzee, Heila, 4904300119087, 1 Protea Gardens, Gantnerstraat 21, Haddon, Johannesburg, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 1556, Strubens Vallay, 1735. 20318/2012—Hartkopf, Susanna Elizabeth, 5901080093085, Sheffield Rock 13, Outeniquastraat, Pomona, Kempton Park (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust, P O Box 1556, Strubensvalley. 18867/2011—Bezuidenhout, Carel Hendrik, 2806035009081, Glamorganstraat 9, Dalpark (Springs; Johannesburg).— Legatus Trust, P O Box 1556, Strubensvalley. 26826/2012—Smith, Engela Helena, 4505060080086, Meathstraat 1, Kenmare, Krugersdorp, Gauteng.—VermaakCalicchio Attorneys, 606 Kudu Ave, Allensnek, Roodepoort. 21970/2012—Nyzink, Henny Maria, 3402120036087, Residenita Stigting No. 304, Madeira Tromstraat 40, Sunnyside, Pretoria (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—WF Bouwer Prokureurs, Posbus 36375, Menlopark, 0102. 9092/2012—Heunis, Gert Jacobus, 2012205009080, No. 2, The Ridge, 54 Ferrero Drive, Randparkridge (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Universal Administrators, P O box 2326, Wilropark, 1731. 8030/2009—Degenaar, Leon Heinrich, 7203265088081, 7 Woodbine Avenue, Verwoedpark, Alberton (Randburg; Pretoria).—Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc., Posbus 2233, Florida Hills, 1716. 11213/2011—Earle, Paula Caroline, 6506140024084, 168 Hennie Alberts Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton; Hannes Robert Earle, 6501185093086 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—Scholtz & Scholtz, 12 Alice Street, Brackenhurst, 1448. 7166/2013—Mudhrea Godha, 27 Mei 1938, 3805270075087, Kareelaan 54, Bassonia Uitbreiding 21, Johannesburg, 27 Januarie 2013 (Johannesburg).—Scholtz Maritz Prokureur, Posbus 882, Mondeor, 2110. 7371/09—Botha, Linda, 5307170071082, 12 Alkante Estate, Ebbenhout Street, Randburg (Randburg; Pretoria).— Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc., Posbus 2233, Florida Hills, 1716. 1084/2010—Van Lelyveld, Catharina Magdalena Magrietha van Lelyveld, 3701010069086, Hansomweg 34, Strubensvale, Springs (Springs; Pretoria).—Ted Groenewald Prokureurs, Vyfdelaan 29, Geduld, Springs, 1559; Posbus 188, Springs, 1560. 16689/12—Van den Heever, Andries, 4209115057088, Birkenheadlaan No. 7, Cape St Francis (Oos-Kaap; Pretoria).— Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Posbus 40590, Moreleta Park, 0044, Wainwrightstraat 658, Moreleta Park, 0044. 17372/2011—Subera Devi Premchand, 5307180126082, 3682 Pilanesberg Street, Ext 4, Lenasia South, Johannesburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg).—A H du Plessis, Smit Sewgoolam Inc., Private Bag 836, Saxonwold, 2132. 11955/2012—Galatia Symeou, 2804030052081, 609 Doonside Leicester Road, Bedford Gardens, 2 December 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Germiston).—Richard Meaden & Associates Inc., P.O. Box 1362, Bedfordview, 2008. 3572/2013—Mokone, Raesebe Maria, 2906060524085, 11134 Mamelodi, Mamelodi-East, 0122. Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072. 13578/07—Hendrik Joseph Johannes Botha, Redrawn First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. 9428/2012—Narotham, Jayapathy, 4210040344088, 6 Crofton Road, Marisburg, Portshepstone, KwaZulu-Natal (Johannesburg).—John Broido Attorney, 1724 Marble Towers, 17th Floor, 206/214 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. 2968/2006—Catharina Maria Nortje, 3303110079089, farm Besterhoek, Swartruggens, 18 August 2005, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Rustenburg).—Moloto-Weiss Inc., P O Box 3687, Rustenburg, 0300. 1540/04—Reed, Frederick Phillip, 2003145013084, Tzaneen, Limpopo, 21 days (Tzaneen; Pretoria).—Thomas & Swanepoel Ingelyf, Posbus 1834, Peacestraat 19, Tzaneen, 0850. 18666/2012—Smith, Gordon Henry Smith, 4308135019084, First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Pricewatercoopers, 19 Brander Street, Nelspruit, 1200. 284/2013—Corbett, Johan Morne, 7712285027085, Central Perk 28, Hoog Street, 35 Middelburg, First and Final (Middelburg; Nelspruit).—Unita Visser (ID: 6308130077085) as nominee of Old Mutual Trust, C/o Ou Mutual Trust Beperk, P. O. Box 6387, Pretoria, 0001. 20884/08—Cornelius, Johannes, 4911115126082, 6 Ferrari Street, Dawnpark, Boksburg; Matebalo Susanna Cornelius, 5308260542081, Gewysigde 2de en Finale (Boksburg; Pretoria).—Roets & Du Plessis Prokureurs, Ford Cenre, Winicel 4, Dudley Smithstraat, Boksburg-Suid. 116 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 20884/08—Cornelius, Johannes, 4911115126082, 6 Ferrari Street, Dawnpark, Boksburg; Matebalo Susanna Cornelius, 5308260542081, Gewysigde 2de en Finale (Boksburg; Pretoria).—Roets & Du Plessis Prokureurs, Ford Centre, Winicel 4, Dudley Smithstraat, Boksburg-Suid. 15779/12—Visser, Albertus Thomas, 4504185101083, 37 Bartle Frere Road, Nigel, 1491, First and Final; Maria Lousa Visser, 4909090104082 (Nigel; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 14093/2010—Booysen, Annedene Gail, 7604300250083, Olifantstraat 11, Randfontein, Eerste en Finale; Tyron Keith Booysen, 8012035143087 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 18059/2012—Kekana, Happy Raisibe Louisa Kekana, 6908120341084, 953 Thermesco Street, Faerie Glen (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Roeline Huysamen, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 10457/2011—Zietsman, Gerhardus Petrus, 3603075017080, 18 Heading Street, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp, 9 June 2011; Gesina Maria Zietsman, 3706160027081, 21 days (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—Executor: E. Zietsman, PO Box 628, Rooihuiskraal, 0154. 3710/2013—Dehlen, Hester Magdalena, 3109180040087, 74 Renaissance Village, 45 Haymeadow Crescent, Faerie Glen (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Roeline Huysamen, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 14643/2011—Britz, Gert Pieter Louwrens, 5412055001087, Quagga Road 23, Proklamasieheuwel, Pretoria; Elizabeth Gertrude Britz, 5609030025087, 21 days (Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 24793/2012—Burger, Margaretha Petronella, 2609170004085, 46 Brentwood Villas, Auret Street, Benoni, First and Final, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 166/2012—Shawe, John Harm Morrison, 4609285068080, Macedonia 31, Juddstraat, Horison, Roodepoort; Maria Magdelena Shawe, 6005310012086, First and Final, 21 days (Roodepoort; Nelspruit).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 3947/2013—Smith, Walter Nicolaas, 4002275004085, Moreleta Meent 11, 690 Rubenstein Drive, Moreleta Park; Magdalena Francina Smith, 4311270034082 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Rachel Raats, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 14991/2012—Crause, Petrus Johannes, 3704125039085, Kosmos Retirement Village, No. 2 Gouritz Street, Middelburg; Eda Judith Crause, 4310200012085 (Middelburg; Pretoria).—Rachel Raats, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 17/2012—Theron, Cornelius Cloete, 3308175032089, Caritas Retirement Village 32, Bela Bela; Cornelia Gertruida Anna Theron, 3412140035084 (Bela Bela; Nelspruit).—Roeline Huysamen, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 11536/10—Espach, Maria Magdalena, 5809260093082, 360 Bushwillow Avenue, Roodekrans, Roodepoort; Hendrik Jacobus Espach, 5710135063088 (Pretoria).—Tax Wise Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 53746, Wierdapark, 0149. 19009/2011—Triebel, Claus, 3501255031084, First and Final; Ursula Theresia Triebel, 4402160118082, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Van Sitterts, PO Box 72430, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. 5509/98—Wilsenach, Andre Frederik, 4711275048005, Windsor Way 146, North Riding, Randburg, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Esme Wilsenach (nee Boshoff), 7803230047086 (Pretoria).—C H J Barnard, Petco CC, PO Box 905-977, Garsfontein, 0042. 4590/07—Van der Merwe, Petrus, 2405275024080, Plot 66, Zwavelpoort, known as 66 Saal Street, Zwavelpoort, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Zacharia Maria van der Merwe, 2403110019084 (Pretoria).—C H J Barnard, Petco CC, PO Box 905-977, Garsfontein, 0042. 9388/2012—Mahlangu, Maprika Mooiman, 3303035237085, 1438 Ackerville Township, Kwa-Guta (Bronkhorstspruit; Pretoria).—JJ Makama Attorneys, 1458 Block 14, Soshanguve. 25328/2012—Fourie, Germina Gertina, 5109010174088, Keurboomwoonstel 6, Killian Avenue, Cinderella, Boksburg, First and Final (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Marius Swart Attorneys, PO Box 3074, Symridge, Germiston. 145/2013—Mabuza, Tsiro Moses, 4203215217080, 1 Nicol Street, Witbank, First and Final (Witbank; Nelspruit).— Linda Hubert Mabuza, 1 Nicol Street, Witbank. 2292/13—Van Rooyen, Ignatius Gustav, 3105125009088, plaas Soetdoring AA20, distrik Potchefstroom, 2520 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 2542/2013—Van Loggenberg, Barend Frederik, 3604265020087, Dolomietstraat 21, Wespark, Pretoria, 0183; Elisabetha Johanna Cornelia van Loggenberg, 3904010024081 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 8576/2010—Van Heerden, Linda, 5710050144087, Pratincolestraat 1501, Zambezi Country Estate, Montana Tuine, 0151 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 3381/2013—Van der Walt, Johan Christiaan, 3509180013085, Kwartelstraat 23, Rooihuiskraal, Pretoria, 0157 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 19600/12—Smith, James Alexander, 7601305123083, 22 River Bushwillow, Van Dalenstraat, 1724 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 2554/2013—Pretorius, Anna Maria Johanna, 3909270031080, Zambezi View Oord 35, Sesdeweg 601, Montana Pretoria-Noord, 0151 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 117 388/2013—Potgieter, Anna Aletta Petronella, 3602200041085, Dorpstraat 851, Daspoort, Pretoria, 0082; Andries Hendrik Johannes Potgieter, 3311145044085 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 20203/2012—Poolman, Willem Frederick, 2908125011082, De Rustlaan 33, East Lynne, Pretoria, 0186; Petronella Johanna Maria Poolman, 4202240009082 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 2043/2012—Persen, Hendrik Christiaan, 3705165057085, Walterstraat 2398, Waverley, Pretoria, 0186 (Pretoria).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 1732/2013—Page, Kenneth Stanley, 2810275028082, 12 Hibiscus, 6972 Wekker Road, Moreletta Park, 0181 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 27454/2011—Nhlapo, Elizabeth Mookgo, 4512310287081, 7564 Seme Street, Mohlakeng, Randfontein, 1766; Daniel Nhlapo, 4202145266084 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 2548/2013—Naude, Philip Jacob, 4309295028089, Morbeilaan 115, Wonderboom, Pretoria-Noord, 0182; Jorina Naude, 4505060039082 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 1248/13—Moolman, Dorothea Gertsina, 3711010002086, Van Schoorstraat 209, Danville, 0183 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 211/2013—Loots, Frederick Nicolaas Andries Johannes, 4207295010083, Johannesrylaan 23, Hennopspark X3, Centurion, 0157 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 3390/2013—Le Roux, Jacobus Cornelius, 2906135007082, Erf 837, 24 Juanapark, Sandvygie Singelstraat 30, Doornpoort, 0017 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 5599/2013—Jacobs, John Herbert, 5612075239084, 363 Sonneblom Road, Doornpoort, Pretoria North, 0017 (PretoriaNoord; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 27648/12—Huysamen, Sarel Johannes, 5708185098087, 2 Villa Egoli, Locostraat 1, Westvillage, Krugersdorp, 1739 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 5707/13—Hinsbeeck, Susara Aletta, 2912240029086, Huis Hermon, Genl. de Wetstraat, Pretoria-Noord, 0182 (PretoriaNoord; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 5956/02—Herholdt, Jan Daniël, 4704095062082, Chestnutlaan 23, Chantelle, Orchards, Pretoria Noord, 0002, Aanvullende; Anna Susanna Herholdt, 460403012700 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 3950/13—Espach, Christina Gertruida, 2106020022086, Waterval Village Aftree-oord 28, h/v 3de Straat, Hendrik Potgieterweg, Florida Glen, Roodepoort, 1709 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 12580/2012—Du Plessis, Mazuriek, 5504030209080, Leerdamstraat 110A, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, 1724 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 2307/2013—Du Plessis, Hermanus Carel Andries, 4804105088083, Markstraat 10, Polokwane, 0699; Elizabeth du Plessis, 5306180081081 (Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 2349/13—Chalmers, Hendrik Jacob, 3107045061082, 1 Elizabeth Eybers, Lourenspark, Orkney, 2620 (Orkney; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 4643/13—Bothma, Izak Johannes, 3904275084085, Jonesstraat 78, Krugersdorp, 1740; Maria Magdalena Jacoba Bothma, 3806040060086 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 2454/13—Botha, Johannes Albertus Jacobus, 5303125173081, Drankenstienstraat 9, Culemborgpark, Randfontein, 1759; Charlotte Elizabeth Botha, 5511030216080 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 1164/2013—Adams, Lloyd Robert, 7607185100083, 5 Sunrise Avenue, Maroelana, 0081 (Port Alfred; Pretoria).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 7165/2013—Zondani, Bangane John, 3602055221089, Stand No. 03291, Sharpeville, 1933, 45878 (Johannesburg Ou Adres, Johannesburg; Masters Office).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 118 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 519/2013—Venter, Nicolaas Casparus, 5910275004088, 24 Bandolier Street, Middelburg, 1050; Martha Cornelia Venter, 6201080079088 (Middelburg Tvl; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 5740/2010—Venter, Johannes Alidaris, 5102095017082, Plot 68, Keerom, Middelburg, 1050, 39819; Emmarentia Catharina Venter, 4905230006088 (Middelburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 13853/2012—Van Rensburg, Frederik Jacobus, 4008245141089, 3 U Volk Street, Volksrust, 2470, 44356 (Volksrust; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 352/2013—Trollip, James William, 4801145105083, Bulledaan 16, Dennesig, 1050; Johanna Catharina Trollip, 5303180127089 (Witbank; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 904/2013—Suparsad, Kalawathi, 4303180331088, 7 North Riding Manor, 94 Bellairs Drive, North Riding, 45499; Sathyanand Suparsad, 4112275007085 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 345/2013—Steyn, Christiaan Albertus, 6403055024087, Klipstraat 9A, Piet Retief, 2380, 45625 (Piet Retief; Nelspruit).— ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 9280/2013—Smith, Willem Antonia, 4803115069083, Stellenburgweg 12, Northcliff Ext 20, Johannesburg, 2195; Margaretha Isabella Smith, 4809260077185 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 7179/2013—Smith, Roelof, 4112195026082, Hullweg 12, Ferryvale, Nigel, 1490; Susanna Hendrika Adriana Smith, 4405030071085 (Nigel; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 7206/2013—Smith, Anna Maria, 1511230022084, No. 58 Unitas Old Age Home, Bennie Osler Street, Unitaspark, 1942 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 6896/13—Senneck, Robin, 4012035118182, 46B Cragg Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 45995 (Johannesburg Magistrate, Johannesburg; Masterʼs Office).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 5005/2013—Peterson, Arthur David, 3607245080089, 9 Mount Prospect Avenue, Glenvista Ext 6, 2058, 46281 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. Myburg, Susara Maria, 2711040009086, Siesta Ore Old Age Home, Pasteur Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 45621 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 4553/2013—Maree, Benjamin Petrus, 3703215038080, Strubenstraat 8, Sharon Park, 1496 (Heidelberg, Transvaal; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 31920/2012—Kanjee, Dhirajlal, 5502195079082, 991 Imperial Street, Extension 1, Lenasia South, 45145; Chanden Chhima Kanjee, 5808030075080 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 7699/2013—Hattingh, Nicolaas Jacobus Bezuidenhout, 5404175021087, Van Reenenstraat 17, Verwoerdpark, Alberton, 1449; Catharina Elizabeth Hattingh, 6103250195084 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 29424/2012—Gericke, Cornelis Johannes, 2308035020085, Park Aftree Oord No. 16, Lawnlaan, Arconpark, 1939; Johanna Susanna Gericke, 2707260018088 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 9292/2013—Furness, Nancy Loretta, 2811060044086, 2 Holtzhausen, Edenglen, 1609, 46199 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 895/2012—Du Plessis, Andries Jacobus Pretorius, 4305295021082, 23 OʼNielstraat, Belfast, 1100; Mariana du Plessis, 5310310080088 (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, Absa Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 6906/13—Dippenaar, Anna Cecilia, 2902190020086, Jeugland Old Age Home, Conan Doyle Straat, Vanderbijlpark, 45910 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 27499/2012—Diab, Benjamin Philip Martin, 2702045051082, 11 Janet Road, Bordeaux, Randburg, 45000 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 2187/2013—Brizee, Herbert Emil, 6612015157080, 82 Lismore Avenue, Crosby, 2092, 45461; Brizee Theresia Maria Catherina, 6812020148088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 344/2013—Briggs, Robert John, 5011185088087, Christiaan de Wetstraat 23, Witbank, 1035, 45832; Elizabeth Gertruida Brigss, 5312230103081 (Witbank; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 27939/2012—Aspin, Alan, 3309165049182, 25 Barclay Road, Dunnottar, 1590, 45290 (Nigel; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 17263/2012—Armbruster, Erika, 2910050064086, 706 Lake Club, Denlee, Germiston, 44650 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 119 13103/2011—Nxele, Dade Anna, 5711080271080, No. 1233 Thinty Avenue, Vryheid; Seun Mthembu, 5512175621084 (Vryheid; Pretoria).—Marais & Mthembu Attorneys, P.O. Box 1807, Pretoria, 0001. 5388/2013—Dobson, Denise Georgina Minnie, 3509010003082, 6 Stiglingh Street, Florida Hills, Gauteng, 1709 (Johannesburg; Roodepoort).—Rubicon Trust Company Limited, 208 Barry Hertzog Ave, Greenside. 27512/2012—Fajandar, Abdul Latif, 4006125065089, 10 Swordfish St, Ext 7, Lenasia; Fatima Fajandar, 4701010158086 (Johannesburg). 356/2012—Steyn, Ferdinand van Niekerk, 2910125016087, Perseel 49, Ohrigstad, Limpopo (Lydenburg; Nelspruit).— Ferreira Nel & Vennote, P.O. Box 256, Lydenburg, 1120. 6947/2012—Van der Walt, Johannes Petrus Lodewicus, 3011305003083, Farm Kromdraai, Tuinplaas, Marble Hall; Van der Walt, Susara Magaretha Magdalena, 3508070004089 (Marble Hall; Pretoria).—Venter - Van Jaarsveld Incorporated, 11 Flora Haase Street, Amorosa, Roodepoort, 1724; P.O. Box 1481, Ruimsig, 1732. 527/2013—Versfeld, Guy Alexander, 8009175073082, 45 Del-Four Gardens, Neta Avenue, Del Judor, Witbank; Laura Wendy Versfeld, 8805240010086 (Witbank; Nelspruit).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 156/2012—Moeng, Sekwati Gideon, 5604225850084, 304 Unit 1, Old Themby, Hammanskraal; Tsolla Sanah Moeng, 5806280182085 (Pretoria North; Nelspruit).—Rachel Raats, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 353/2012—Fourie, Dawid Herculas Scholtz, 2110275016082, Buitestraat 10, Lydenburg, Mpumalanga; Magrieta Petronella Fourie, 2411140027084 (Lydenburg; Nelspruit).—Ferreira Nel & Vennote, P.O. Box 256, Lydenburg, 1120. 14467/10—Beverley Joan Kurz, gebore te Krugersdorp op 6 Januarie 1954, 5401060084089, Valley View Farm, De Rust, Broederstroom, datum van afsterwe: 1 April 2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Brits; Pretoria).—M.E. Kruger, Posbus 45, Broederstroom, 0240. 12419/12—Joseph, Fred, 2405185029088, 14 Macadamia Frail Care, Orange Street, Nelspruit, 1200 (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Nico Brink Geöktrooieerde Rekenmeester (S.A.), Ferreirastraat 20, Volantegebou, Nelspruit; Posbus 12803, Nelspruit, 1200. 12433/2012—Du Preez, Magdalena Christina, 4212030099086, Koralboomlaan 90, Nelspruit,Mpumalanga (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Nico Brink Geöktrooieerde Rekenmeester (S.A.), Ferreirastraat 20, Volantegebou, Nelspruit; Posbus 12803, Nelspruit, 1200. 2457/2013—Erasmus, Cornelius Johannes, 2812135047088, 202A Senior Drive, Northcliff Ext. 2, Johannesburg; Erasmus, Susan Francis, 4204240072086 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Venter-Van Jaarsveld Incorporated, 11 Flora Haase Street, Amorosa, Roodepoort, 1724; PO Box 1481, Ruimsig, 1732. 14369/2012—Dieperink, Neville Shaun, 1982-04-09. 8204095074084, Kraanvoëlweg 30, Kriel, 2011-10-03.—Machiel Johannes Harmse, Ted Groenewald Prokureurs, Vyfde Laan 29, Geduld, Springs, 1559. 19900/2011—Powell, William George, 2212205118184, 6 Oak Lodge, Akker Street, Greenhills, Randfontein (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Bhika Calitz Inc., Private Bag X35, Randfontein, 1760. 23299/2012—Nkoli, Oniga Mokgadi, 5403100737080, 54 Mofarlane St, Risiville; Jacob Molaoa Nkoli, 5307165735089 (Johannesburg).—John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite #143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1960. 1985/2011—Hoosen, Abdullah, 4109285040080, 13 Coralfish Street, Extension 7, Lenasia. GEO Isserow & T L Friedman Inc., 28 31st Street, Malvern, Johannesburg, 2094. 8100/012—Williams, Clive Hamilton, 3809195036083; Jean Edna Williams, 3912270048088 (Randburg; Pretoria).— K E Bornebusch, PO Box 346, Bedfordview, 2008. 10031/2012—Crous, Stephanus Francois Marais, 4905275067086, 50 Lissataba Nature Reserve, Hoedspruit, 1380, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Phalaborwa; Johannesburg).—Ingrid Yates, IVDM Trust Services, PO Box 54447, Wierda Park, 0149. 4128/2013—Jacob, Elsy, 6305310725087, 441 Amarillis Street, Marble Hall, 0450; Anthony Jacob Gopuran, 5105095623080 (Marble Hall; Pretoria).—Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072. 16451/2012—Ngcobo, Tuki Margaret, 1603200105088, 1430 Mtangai Street, Pimville Zone 1, Pimville, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Sipho Wellington Ngcobo (deceased), (Master, Johannesburg; Pretoria).—David Traub Attorney, c/o Trutor Trust, PO Box 32714, Waverley, 0135. 1722/2012—Hermitage, Stevens, 3906105016088, First & Final; Martha Maria Hermitage, 3910080052084, 21 days (Brits; Pretoria).—Wiltz & Wiltz Attorneys, PO Box 1940, Pretoria, 0001. 9850/2012—Coetzer, Marius Francois, 6001025024086, First & Final; Luisa Maria dos Res Coetzer, 5605260180188 (Pretoria).—Wiltz & Wiltz Attorneys), PO Box 1940, Pretoria, 0001. 3550/12—Dihoko, Regina, 4906180607081, First & Final, widow, 21 days (Pretoria & Johannesburg).—Wiltz & Wiltz Attorneys, PO Box 1940, Pretoria, 0001. 9389/12—Louisa Ramadimetje Tema, 5104060565087, Erf 10373, Tokoza Extension 5, who died at Kempton Park on 22 May 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, single, 21 days (Pretoria).—Pretorius Osborne & Partners, PO Box 4272, Kempton Park. 4785/12—Joconiah Dube, 5605205316087, Stand No. 406, Kanyamazane, 1214, date of death: 2012-01-14, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Kabokweni; North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria).—Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, 0002. 120 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 5252/2012—Mcithwa Petrus Skosana, 5805105743089, 688/52 Block M, Soshanguve, Gauteng Province, date of death: 2012-03-01, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria).— Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, 0002. 13248/2011—Schutte, Wilhelmina Johanna, 1808170039080, Palms Renaissance Village, 684 Pretoria Road, Silverton, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Magda Kets Attorneys, 306 Russel Street, Rietondale, Pretoria. 4491/2012—Josene Gertrude Ellis, 4504080076182, 10 Pennington Place, Camborne Street, New Redruth, Alberton, Gauteng, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Master of the Supreme Court and the Magistrateʼs Office, Palmridge).—Jonker & Blignaut Inc., 19 Helston Street, New Redruth, Alberton. 29454/2012—Fay Margaret Knight, 3212160034086, 4 Lakeside, Ron Smith Care Centre, Lyndhurst, 10-10-2012 (Johannesbrug; Johannesburg).—Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, Buchananʼs Chambers, cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. 15888/2011—Vigoureux, David Edmond, 2502205012084, Margaretha Ackermann Home, Von Hagenstraat, PretoriaWes, distrik Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).—P/a Flip Rautenbach Prokureurs, Posbus 219, Cullinana, 1000. 3378/2012—Willem Johannes Steenkamp, 2710145004083, plaas De Grooteboom, Lydenburg, date of death: 26-01-2012. Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Lydenburg; Pretoria).—L Spies, Excelsis, spies@excelsis.co.za. 4962/2013—Brand, Ronel, 5409050001088, 2 Santie Street, The Reeds Uitbreiding 9, Centurion (Masterʼs Office, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, 0001).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001. 7487/2012—Fourie, Coenraad Josephus, 2609225005087, 169 Nicolette Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria (Pretoria).— Scholtz Attorneys, PO Box 73028, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. 05438/08—Starbuck, Johan Hendrik Carl, 4112275017084, Braam Pretoriuslaan 165, Sinoville, Pretoria, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Vera Loina Starbuck, 3812110046088 (Pretoria).—Lex-Star Trustees, Posbus 4373, Pretoria, 0001. 10957/2012—Lotz, Johan Willem, 2403105003085, Bosloeriestraat 858, Waverley, Pretoria, en Kleinfontein Sorgsentrum, Kleinfontein, plaas Kleinfontein 368JR, distrik Cullinan (Cullinan; Pretoria).—CE Beyers, Posbus 896. 2843/11—Van Wyk, Frederick Arthur Kelly, 2412155011088 (Hermanus; Pretoria).—PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., 32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0102. 11403/2012—Cajee, Meriam, 3102160003084, 17 Chris Barnard Avenue, Kempville, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga; Abdulla Ahmed Cajee, 3405015242082, 17 Chris Barnard Avenue, Kempville, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga, Amended First & Final, 21 days (Piet Retief, Mpumalanga; South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—A A Cajee, c/o Vorster, Robbertse & Coetzee, South East Building, Retief Street (PO Box 50), Piet Retief, 2380. 20405/2011—Leita, Adelfio, 2801155030181, 331 27th Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria, 0186 (Pretoria).—Johann Jordaan, c/o Hereditas Trust, PO Box 11392, Queenswood, 0121. 1511/2013—Heaton, Leonie Cachet, 2110270038081, A113 Huis Herfsblaar, Webbstraat 1244, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Dyason Inc., Muckleneukstraat-Wes 134, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0001. 31035/2012—Ehlers, Evert Philup, 5711175009080; Anita Ehlers, 6508270126085 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).— Mr P J Engelbrecht, p/a Equifin Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 95608, Waterkloof, 0145. 15149/2012—Chilwane, Collen, 7509085841081, First and Final; Silindile Thandiwe Clotilda Mncwabe, 8303020383089, 21 days (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—Makapan Attorneys, Suite 306, Van Erkom Building, 217 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. 5594/04—Magwaza, Adani Aldabero, 5612025761088, Erf 211, Bashewa Agricultural, Pretoria; Patricia Kweetse Magwaza, 7307290324088 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Molefe Attorneys, 217 Pretorius Street, Office 10, Van der Stel Building. 12182/2012—Bhatt, Pravinkumar Manharlal, 4110255099080, 28 Omega House, 10th Avenue, Laudium 0037; Pushpavati Bhatt, 5105170140083 (Pretoria).—Attorneys Bhadrish Daya, P.O. Box 1815, Pretoria, 0001. 104/2013—Van der Merwe, Frans Petrus, 5002145064086, 31 Pigeon Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort; Hester van der Merwe, 5412010092080 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Hester van der Merwe, 31 Pigeon Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort. 15997/2011—Albertyn, Eric William, 5709115056088, Zondereindestraat 38, Setaria, Rustenburg (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—S. Roux Ingelyf, Bus 25309, Monumentpark, 0105. 1844/2013—More, Susanna Cornelia, 3404280044083, Roeloestraat 702, Sinoville, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).— Siegfried Appel, Posbus 28, Winburg, 9420. EASTERN CAPE OOS-KAAP 6879/2012—Druzynska, Doreen Kathleen, 2807120040189, 55 Westview, Millpark, Port Elizabeth, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 3734/2012—Ferreira, Emmerentia Johanna, 5006070014081, 24 Alsace Street, Woodlands, Port Elizabeth, 6001, First and Final; Ewald Ferreira, 4609155021086 (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 5998/2012—Van der Walt, Abraham Liebrecht, 7209145223087, Eerste en Finale (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).— Mnre. Smith-Van Huyssteen Prokureurs, Posbus 229, Gariepdam, 9922. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 121 6940/2011—Mdlekeza, Ignatius Ntanda, 2507205089081, No. 44 Wesley Street, Mthatha, 5100, 21 days (Mthatha).— Horrena Jilata & Associates, Fourth Floor, Sanlam Building, No. 50 Madeira Street, Mthatha. 4059/2012—Le Febvre, Marion Elsa, 2209280008181, Emmaus Convent, 10 Croyden Road, Cambridge, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Terence Mathie Attorney, 23 Stewart Drive, Baysville, East London, 5241. 7212/2009—Meyer, Geoffrey August, 5902125093080, 6 Hals Place, Young Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).— Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 7212/2009—Meyer, Geoffrey August, 5902125093080, 6 Hals Place, Young Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).— Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 7212/2009—Meyer, Geoffrey August, 5902125093080, 6 Hals Place, Young Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).— Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 7394/2012—Snyman, Clarice Dolores, 3211250048089, Old Age Home, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, and prior that, 3, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 162/2012—Ndumo (Galela, born Mpofu), Nombulelo Priscilla, 3712160181084, 684 Ext 6, Joza, Grahamstown (Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 2270/2013—Wills, Ivor George, 5308305022081, 7de Laan 30, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 30 dae (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Metropolitansentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 3167/2003—Socikwa, Goodman Mvuyo, 6004046276081, 54 17 Avenue, Gonubie, 5157, Second Amended First and Second and Final; Koliswa Beauty Nolusapo Socikwa, 6003230189084 (East London; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 1399/2012—Schulte, Helena Alberta Elizabeth, 2801290049088, Cradockstraat 43, Graaff-Reinet, 6280 (Graaff-Reinet; Grahamstad).—D.J. Fourie, Jenningsstraat 26, Strand, 7140. 6602/2012—Punt, Leendert Boudewyn, 1202025023087, Park Drive Village, Park Drive 34, Eenheid 31B, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—H P A Venter, p/a Duncan & Rothman, Chapelstraat 39–43, Kimberley, 8301. 6330/2011—Holton, Dennis Ronald, 4304305049084; Joan Holton, 4608180037083 (Port Elizabeth).—Jankelowitz & Schärges Attorneys, 41 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. 6669/2012—Foster, Leon Joseph Alexander, 4512065097081; Marlene Mae Foster, 5301310088080 (Port Elizabeth).— Jankelowitz & Schärges Attorneys, 41 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. 6330/2011—Holton, Dennis Ronald, 4304305049084; Joan Holton, 4608180037083 (Port Elizabeth).—Jankelowitz & Schärges Attorneys, 41 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. 7240/2012—Phillips-White, John Herbert, 2907235057084, 903 Cape Marina, 8 Bude Street, Summerstrand, 6001, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 6160/2012—Jodar, Antonio Flores, 3511145058189, 29 Pembroke Street, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 251/2013—Flores-Bartoli, Ana Lucia, 6909280194081, 29 Pembroke Street, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 251/2013—Flores-Bartoli, Ana Lucia, 6909280194081, 29 Pembroke Street, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 1829/2012—Van Deventer, Jan Alwyn Fourie, 4805085111084; Gertruida Magrietha Sophia van Deventer, 4901090091088 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Tracey L Quantoi Attorneys, 2 Kintail Building, 50 Westbourne Road, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 2084/2012—Neethling, Virginia Barbara, 4010290001085, 99 Stockenstroom Street, Graaff-Reinet, 6280, First and Final (Grahamstown; Grahamstown).— 6855/2011—Slater, Henry John, 5812175004087, Beyersvlei, District Steytlerville, First and Final, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—PWA van der Merwe, P.O. Box 1043, Uitenhage, 6230. 2424/2010—Suntele, Khuziwe Winifred, 4212110362081, 3130 Zone 12, Mdantsane (Mdantsane; Bhisho).—Smith Tabata Inc, P.O. Box 529, King Williamʼs Town. 3728/2012—Troskie, Gezina Susanna, 2702040055088, Huis van De Graff Outenhuis, Graaff-Reinet, 6280 (Graff-Reinet; Grahamstad).—Van Wyk Theron, Posbus 21, Graff-Reinet, 6280. Phillips, Bruce Hamilton, 3804095032084, 26 Medefindt Crescent, Baysville, East London Liquidation and Distribution (East London; Grahamstown).—Abdo & Abdo, 33 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London. 992/2011—Gerber, Willem Petrus Lubbe, 5411305108080, Barkly East High School Hostel, Morris Avenue, Barkly East, Amended; Tersia Gerber, 5601030087084 (Barkly East, Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 544, George, 6530. 4876/2007—Koster, Michiel, 4608175039086, 18 Torquay Road, Bonnie Doon, East London, Amended First and Final; Avril Joy Koster, 5301130068007 (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 6111/2012—Finch, Cyril Douglas, 2206275053180, 5 Gillian Avenue, Glen Hurd, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, First and Final; Patricia Philomena Finch, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 4027/2012—Khamisa, Danile Geelbooi, 3909135172087, Erf 841 Manyano Township, Indwe (Indwe; Grahamstown).— L.L. Xoseka & Co, P.O. Box 1229, Queenstown. 2612/2012—McCue, Derek William, 2705205028188 (Port Elizabeth).—F J Lordan, De Jager & Lordan, Posbus 1100, Hartenbos, 6520. 7759/08—Oberholzer, Gideon Johannes, 4003035162080, Ridgeview No. 5, Pentagon Park, Bloemfontein, Tweede Aanvullende Rekening tot Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bloemfontein).—Vermaak en Dennis, Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324. 122 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 3099/2012—Willard, Sinclair James, 280416502208, Havelock Farm, Bathurst (Port Alfred; Grahamstown).—Neave Stotter Inc, P.O. Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170. 951/2013—Zeelie, Ockert Johannes, 5403135125087, 80 De Smithdstraat, Young Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 6557/2012—Van Rensburg, Frank Johannes, 2909275117083, Harebellstraat 57, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth, 6059; Elizabeth van Rensburg, 3310280222084 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 4674/2012—Sneli, Mhleli Patrick, 4507015437080, 19 Glen Street, Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth, 19391; Koleka Cheryl Sneli, 5508290730081 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 5418/2012—Caplin, Vincent, 2702205014086, 7 Jaret Street, 9 Pollard Street, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 6070, Second & Final (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 460/2013—Badenhorst, Neville David, 4401245063082, 26 Fairbank Road, Amalinda, 5247, 19789 (East London, Grahamstad; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 485/2013—Human, Christoffel Jan, 3409135002087, Thornhillstraat 13, Uitenhage, 6230 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak, 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 664/2013—Van Aswegen, Rita Bertha, 3905260014086, Farm 733/4, Sunrise On Sea, 5201, 19803; John Henry van Aswegen, 4312245086082 (East London, Grahamstown; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 8557/2010—Camons, Naomi, 3609250115081, 23 Jeffrey Street, Uitenhage, 6230, Amended (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak, 60571, Greenacres, 6057. 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 794/2011—Nini, Phaphana Patrick, 3906215340089 (Mdantsane; Bhisho).—Smith Tabata Incorporated, P.O. Box 11146, Southernwood, 5213. 1860/2012—Gqeke, Lindile Wiseman, 4309035471086, 13 Cloughley Street, Grahamstown; Gloria Fezeka Gqeke, 4710020196085 (Grahamstown).—Leon Keyter Attorneys, P.O. Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140. 6717/2012—Ter Morshuizen, Robert Henry Walter, 2508095045084, 49 Kruger Gardens, Admirality Way, Summerstrand, 6001, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 4452/2012—Gouws, Beaula Louisa, 4007130011084, Flat 405, Huis Senburg, 106 Cannon Street, Uitenhage, 6229, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Cornelis Johannes Gouws, 3806115006089, 21 days (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Deon van der Merwe from Deon van der Merwe Attorneys, 101 Main Street, Despatch, 6220. 3970/2012—Damons, Irene, 3509230246081, First and Final, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—Lawrence Masiza Vorster Inc, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth. 3197/2012—Kotze, Hendrik Christoffel De Wet, 2006305005089, Huis van der Horst, Durbanstraat 71, Aliwal Noord, 9750, Eerste en Final, 21 dae (Aliwal Noord; Grahamstad).—Douglas & Botha, Somersetstraat 11/13, Aliwal Noord. 271/2013—Schultz, Lynette Anne, 4505020057083, Stirling Lodge, Epsom Road, Stirling, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Independent Executor and Trust, P.O. Box 8081, Nahoon, 5210. 5415/2012—Schoeman, Anna Maria Sebastiana, 2503290025080 (Port Elizabeth).—Radue Attorneys, P.O. Box 40174, Walmer, Port Elizabeth. 1220/2006—Setti, Michael, ZG88329, 19 Hodges Street, Grahamstown, 6139, First and Final (Albany; Grahamstown).— J. Richner, 18 Fitzroy Street, Grahamstown, 6139. Fritz, Wellington, 4602225093086, 96 Labans Road, Buffalo Flats, East London, Liquidation and Distribution (East London; Grahamstown).—Abdo & Abdo, 33 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London. 2574/2012—Kluyts, Hendrik Jacobus, 3410095079081, 3 Dorchester Road, Charlo, Port Elizabeth, 6070 (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 3564/2012—Botha, Albert George, 3702155042086, 5 Melbourne Road, Buffalo Flats, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Yazbeks, P.O. Box 577, 24 Gladstone Street, East London. 1471/2012—Manona, Themakazi Louisa, 3702140166081, Gwabeni Location, Peddie, 5219; Sixeko Boyce Manona, 3202215177087 (Peddie; Bhisho).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 681/2011—Jacobus, Koosie, 3212055063083 (King Williams Town; Bhisho).—Mick Webb Attorneys, 16 Smartt Rd, Nahoon, East London, 5201. 0638/2013—Joubert, Jacobus Nicolaas, 2212015019085, 38 Strydom Street, Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth; Magdalena Catherina Joubert, 3907220041084 (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 15543/2012—Hawkins, Barbara Ann, 4201250124187, 28 Clarence Street, Taybank, Westering, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres. 6169/2012—Gogodla, Lungisile, 6111175775088, Xhongorha A/A, Mthatha, First and Final; Nolitha Nonational Gogodla, 6805170849083, 21 days (Mthatha; Mthatha).—ZN Dumalisile Attorneys, 7 Craister Street, Mthatha. 83/2013—Du Preez, Hester Adriana, 1606020031087, 9 CP Bradfield Complex, Gazania Avenue, Sunridgepark, Port Elizabeth, First and Final, 21 days (Port Elizabeth)/—J.J.B. Westraadt, 12 Nerifolia Street, Weybridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 6070. 1802/2012—Killey, Stanley Gordon, 2506225047087, Cottage 4E, Amatola Haven, Stutterheim, 4930; Myrtle Faith Killey, 2912200056087 (Stutterheim; Grahamstown).—Linda Bode, 63B Worraker Street, Newtown Park. 2569/2012—De Vries, Michael Adriaan, 3109105027086, 10 Murray Street, Despatch; Susarah Elizabeth De Vries, 3607200169083 (Uitenhage; Port Elizbeth).—Mostert & Bosman, P.O. Box 3355, Tygervalley, 7536. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 123 8652/2010—Botha, Alma Mary, 2805140009085, 17 Wesley Gardens, Swallow Crescent, Greenshield Park, Port, Amended First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 7220/2012—Claasen, Johanna, 5802140210083, Kirkwood Prison Grounds, First and Final (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 8652/2010—Botha, Alma Mary, 2805140009085, 17 Wesley Gardens, Swallow Crescent, Greenshields Park, Port, Amended First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 818/2013—Bond, Sheila May, 2111020021088, Kennersley Park, Beacon Bay, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Independent Executor & Trust, P.O. Box 8081, Nahoon, East London. 996/2011—Bangisa, Silawu Gilbert, 6411235306084, 9882 Golf Course, King Williams Town, 5601; Nozuko Mildred Bangisa, 7009280989082 (King Williams Town; Bhisho).—Smith Tabata Inc, P.O. Box 529, King Williams Town. 5348/2011—Songxaba, Nombuso, 6609170820080, 37 Umsenge Road, Sunnyridge, East London (East London; Mthatha).—Menzies Ngxongo & Associates, Suite 3, 6 Rydall Vale Office Park, Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge, Durban. 7535/2011—Clemans, Joseph Leonard, 2610285027086, 6 Tomcoyle Deare Street, Central, Port Elizabeth; Barbara Grover Clemans, 2612080005085 (Port Elizabeth).—Kaplan Blumbert Attorneys, P.O. Box 27028, Greenacres, 6057. 3990/2011—Snyman, Philip Christoffel, 4207315031085, 90 Myrtle Street, Wavecrest, Jeffreys Bay, Amended First and Final (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 1749/2012—Tembeka Joyce Tutu, 3310100416080, 31 Bottomon Street, Gompo, East London, 10 October 1933, 29 February 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (East London; Grahamstown).—Don Maree Attorneys, Attorneys for Executor, 19 Tecoma Street, Berea. 534/2008—Crosten, Annie, 3304270213088 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Franelie Swanepoel Inc, 18 Alcock Road, Walmer, 6070. 3220/2012—Marais, Andre Charles Marais, 4512025009085, No. 7 9th Avenue, Burgersdorp, Susara Magaretha Marais, 5206290015088 (Burgersdorp; Grahamstown).—Hanekom & Bester Prokureurs, P.O. Box 19, Burgersdorp. 877/2013—Masson, Johanna Elizabeth, 1707240028083, Lynette Elliot Frail Care, 10 Halstead Road, Selborne, East London, First and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 2093/2012—Ewels, Vivian Patrick, 2809195015088, 51 Sunrise Drive, Sun-Rise-On-Sea, East London, Second and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 3343/2012—Snyman, Julius Carlisle, 3311105023087, 7 Rocklads Road, Beacon Bay, East London, First and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 1169/2013—Kroon, Hannah, 1712040035080, Fairlands Old Age Home, Cambridge, East London, First and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 6751/2012—Gouws, Bruna Ersillia, 2507180063085, 4 Brickmakers Kloof, Central, Port Elizabeth, First (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 1943/2013—Denysschen, Anna Elizabeth, 4208250006082, 32 Thornton Street, Uitenhage, First and Final; Michael Petrus Denysschen, 3611015011084 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 4193/2012—Pearse, Lily May, 2311210129184, 26 Ralston Road, Fernglen, Port Elizabeth, First and Final (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 1908/2013—Gaskin, Anthony Samuel, 5109305204087, 8 Wesley Dale, Walmer Heights, First & Final (Port Elizabeth).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park. 963/2013—Burger, Visser Alexander Dumas, 2609125038089, The Grange 39, Church Road, Walmer, 6070, First and Final (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 7820/2010—Ferreira, Steward, 2303065020089, Number 38, 6th Avenue, Cradock Place, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Eugene Raymond Inc, 25 Perkins Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. 9148/2012—Harrison, Herbert Ronald, 5209225102088, Longroad 123D, Bedelia, Welkom; Agnes Ann Harrison, 5710290035087 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 3071/2013—Marx, Wentzel Christoffel, 4508115043083, Gamtoosstraat 60, Allanridge, 6241; Rebecca Isit Ann Marx (Odendaalsrus; Bloemfontein).—Piet Haasbroek Prokureurs, Microfin Gebou, Herdenkingstraat 21 (Posbus 876), Virginia, 9430. 3844/2011—Walker, Fiona Estelle Christine, 6210040175084, 10 Falkland Place, Buffalo Flats, East London; Guy Robert Walker, 3901175063086 (East London; Grahamstown).—Drake Flemmer and Orsmond Inc., PO Box 44, East London, 5200. 291/2010—Dobo, Zwelinzima Victor, 6006165667081, 120505 Kwadikidikana Location, King Williamʼs Town, First and Final; Ntombizakhe Phyllis Dobo, 7003230794080 (King Williamʼs Town; Bhisho).—Elwyn Lentz, PO Box 1159, King Williams Town, 5600. 4031/2008—Faustino, Gary, 8311015390084, Main Street, Louterwater, 6435, 21 days, Amended First Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution (Joubertina; Port Elizabeth).—Strauss Trustess CC, PO Box 202, Joubertina. 873/2013—Matyu, Tyhilekile James, 3604135240089, 57 Mhlanga Street, KwaMagxaki, Port Elizabeth, 6201, First and Final (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 3106/2011—Zihlangu, Nompucuko Eunice, 4003230530081, 69 John Nash Crescent, Buffalo Flats, East London; Toto Raymond Solomon Zihlangu, 4201135150084 (East London; Grahamstown).—Godongwana Ngonyama Pakade Attorneys, 280 Oxford Street, Southernwood, East London. 4031/2008—Faustino, Gary, 8311015390084, Main Street, Louterwater, 6435, 21 days, Amended First Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Joubertina; Port Elizabeth).—Strauss Trustees CC, PO Box 202, Joubertina. 124 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 3269/2012—Owen, Dorothy Pauline Ruth, 2506170020188, 28 Stanmore Road, Nahoon, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Derek Puchert Attorney, Agent for Co-Executors Testamentary, 66B Frere Road, Vincent, East London, 5201. 4339/2012—Goddin, Peter Ralph, 2012045047183, 304 Parklands, 74 Jarvis Road, Berea, East London, 5241 (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 2506/2012—Hobson, Brenda Eileen, 4512070040084, Penderry, Bedford (Bedford; Grahamstown).—Leon Keyter Attorneys, PO Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140. 1176/2012—Nieuwoudt, Michiel Adriaan Nieuwoudt, 4610225011081, 29 Koensprag, Gardner Crescent, South End, Port Elizabeth (Grahamstown; Grahamstown).—Neill Pike Chartered Accountants (SA), PO Box 2185, 7 Somerset Street, Grahamstown, 6140. 1829/2012—Sparks, Shirley Avril, 2708090018082, 16 North Bend Lane, Dorchester Heights, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Bax Kaplan Incorporated, 2 Clevedon Road, Selborne, East London. 9831/2010—Butschiko, Heinrich Wilhelm Herward, 3806155043182, 16 Montagne Street, Woodlands, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—P Q Naidoo Attorney, 39–5th Avenue, cnr of 5th Avenue & Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; PO Box 211220, Figtree, 6033. 9890/2010—Wiggill, Edward John, 5003055101082, 26 Greenacres Village, Port Elizabeth, Amended (Port Elizabeth).— FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 291/2010—Dobo, Zwelinzima Victor, 6006165667081, 120505 Kwadikidikana Location, King Williamʼs Town, First and Final; Ntombizakhe Phyllis Dobo, 7003230794080 (King Williamʼs Town; Bhisho).—Elwyn Lentz, PO Box 1159, King Williams Town, 5600. FREE STATE • VRYSTAAT 4621/2012—Marais, Abrama Jacoba, 2210300045088, Mooihawe Tehuis vir Bejaardes (Brandfort; Bloemfontein).— Hendrikz & De Vletter, PO Box 17, Brandfort, 9400. 11042/2012—Fourie, Maria Magdalena, 4308280036081, 25 Kerk Street, Lindley, 9630, First and Final, 21 days (Bloemfontein).—Nel, Havinga & Corbett, PO Box 301. 7759/08—Oberholzer, Gideon Johannes, 4003035162080, Ridgeview No. 5, Pentagon Park, Bloemfontein, Tweede Aanvullende Rekening tot Eerste- en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bloemfontein).—Vermaak en Dennis, Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324. 11917/2012—Elizabeth Christina van Tonder, 13 April 1933, 3304130204087, Mosegastraat 13, Sasolburg, 1947, datum van afsterwe: 24 September 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—De Beers, p/a De Beer & Claassen, NJ van der Merwe, Singel 15, Sasolburg, 1947. 3545/2012—Siyabonga Christopher Mpofana, 28 Julie 1963, 6307285492081, Lindleystraat 26, Sasolburg, 1947, datum van afsterwe: 25 November 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—De Beers Trust, p/a De Beer & Claassen, NJ van der Merwe Singel 15, Sasolburg, 1947. 12282/2009—Swart, Theunis Jacobus Petrus, 4202025024082, Plaas “County Claire”, Vrede, 9835 (Vrede; Bloemfontein).—Jaquire en Kie, Posbus 249 (Kerkstraat 68), Vrede, 9835. 7003/2012—Krauss, Gertrud, 3306010097184 (Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—Balden Vogel & Partners Inc, PO Box 22, Harrismith. 8630/2012—Hendriksz, Johannes Jacobus, 1709045018087, Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Brandfort (Brandfort; Bloemfontein).—Hendrikz & De Vletter, PO Box 17, Brandfort, 9400, 72 Voortrekker Street, Brandfort. 10035/2012—Hattingh, Wessel Hendrik, 4309255035082, Plot Parma 53, Kroonstad; Susanna Josina Hattingh, 4511150021089 (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—Du Randt & Louw Ing, PO Box 26, Kroonstad. 14967/2011—Motete, Kgakgane Elias, 6701315091089, Erf 66, Tshiame-A, Harrismith, 9880; Maditau Martha Motete, 7310010742084 (Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—Hattingh Marais Attorneys, 3 Theron Street, Bethlehem. 13062/2006—Malala, Khopiso Paulus, 6809085565081, 10096 Grassland, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—Werner Vermaak Prokureurs, Posbus 26817, Langenhovenpark, 9330. 12450/2012—Olivier, Johannes Mattheus, 3310135031086, Westerlaan Huis 169, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Kotze Low & Swanepoel, De Kockstraat 14 (Posbus 123), Vryburg. 13665/10/A—Clauduis van Rooyen, 5706155087080, Plot 8, Vallombrosa, Bloemfontein, datum van afsterwe: 02/10/2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Lillian May van Rooyen, 5603050146089, 21 dae (Mangaung; Bloemfontein).—Profinsa Rekenmeesters, 95 Kelner Str, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 10484/2012/C—Mofokeng, Sehloho Ishmael, 6211295191081; Selloane Elizabeth Mofokeng, 6401310496082 (Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—Balden Vogel & Partners Inc, PO Box 22, Harrismith, 9880. 10986/2011—Ebersohn, Marino, 4708025030085, Burenstraat 26, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 9459, Aanvullende; Francis Magdelene Ebersohn, 4706120091085 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 10451/2012—Reid, Martha Sylvia, 4807230029088, Pieter Ewertsestraat 45, Heidedal, Bloemfontein, die Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—C J Raath, p/a Hill McHardy & Herbst Ing, Posbus 93, Bloemfonetin. 11359/2012—Mann, Miliesande, 2303210021081, Bergprag Aftree-Oord No. 9, Bethlehem, 9700 (Bethlehem).— Eksekuteur, p/a S-BRO Makelaars/Finasiële adviseurs, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 125 14893/2010—Mostert, Jacobus Jeremias, 3507265005083, Blesbok Str 6A, Bethlehem; Kathleen Mostert, 3707140004082 (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—Carel Erasmus-Gairsdords, Posbus 71, Potchefstroom, 2520. 11309/2012—Lourens, Maria Magdalena, 3501250022088, Rouxlaan 27, Frankfort; Jacobus Johannes Lourens, 3505215005088 (Reitz; Bloemfontein).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 8615/2012—Ambrozio, Manuel Araujo Pereira, 6012165013086, Plot 58, Maselspoort, Bloemfontein, 9301, Amended; Conceicao Rodrigues Ambrozio, 6405170193085 (Bloemfontein).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 9505/12—De Wee, Amelda Margaret, 7703310149085, Magnoliastraat 17, Heidedal, Bloemfontein, 9301; Quinton Jaster de Wee, 7612075060082 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 470/2013—Prinsloo, Elsie Johanna, 3604280001088, Hudsonrylaan 17, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 9301; Zacharia Cornelius Prinsloo, 3604215001088 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 1899/98—Musi, Mogapi Joseph, 5507205497083, 3475 Letuka Street, Rocklands, Bloemfontein, Aanvullende (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 1920/2013—Curry, Anna Elizabetha, 3707080004085, Reuniestraat 21, Parys, 9585 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 3328/2010—De Villiers, Johanna Maria, 2411040025089, Ons Woning, Ossewastraat 15, Petrusburg, 9932 (Petrusburg; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 927/2013—Mulder, Petrus Johannes, 4503255022088, Dukestraat 47, Brandfort, 9400 (Brandfort; Bloemfontein).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 3016/2013—Odendaal, Willem Jacobus, 3411045017080, Sentrum vir Bejaardes, Huis 19, Kerkstraat 25, Trompsburg, 9913; Unique Estelle Odendaal, 4009180062082 (Trompsburg; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 11434/2012—Pelser, Omega, 3305140003088, Motanieweg 99, Hennopspark, 0157, Aanvullende (Pretoria; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 5794/13–Smit, Anna Magdalena Magrietha, 3112080022080, Brandstraat 97, Brandfort, 9400 (Brandfort; Pretoria).— CMV Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 39027, Moreletapark, 0044. 6302/2011—Strydom, Jan Hendrik, 2509265028082, Plaas Rondeheuwel, Distrik Vredefort (Vredefort; Bloemfontein).— Gericke & Rademeyer, Posbus 6393, Bailliepark, 2526. 2629/2013–Taljaard, Salman Everhardus, 2804025026082, Louis Bothastraat 60, Sasolburg; Catharina Jacomina Taljaard (gebore Burger), 3207180015081 (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein)—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125. 13380/2012—Majuba, Seeiso Johannes, 5805115251081, 32818 Turflaagte, Bloemfontein; Mmaserame Maria Majuba, 5911090266084 (Bloemfontein).—ASC du Preez, c/o McIntyre & Van der Post, PO Box 540, Bloemfontein, 9300. 7201/2011—Moya, Matshidiso Shadrack, 6510105499083 (Bloemfontein).—Matlho Attorneys, 57 Southern Life Building, c/o Charlotte Maxeke & Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3903/12—Mphirime, Mafisa Isaac, 4707095625089, 1947 Makhaola Street, Rocklands Location, Bloemfontein, Free, First and Final; Tsae Suzan Mphirime, 4901030257088 (Bloemfontein).—Matee Attorneys, PO Box 811, Bloemfontein, 9300. 9613/2008—Mothobi, Pitso Peter, 4709065485080, 1254-5 Phahameng, Brandfort, 9400, First and Final; Nkagisang Fancy Mothobi, 5801050763081 (Bloemfontein).—Matee Attorneys, PO Box 811, Bloemfontein, 9300. 501/2013—Khiba, Fumane Julia, 5710290528081, 928 Block N, Bluegumbosch, Puthaditjhaba, First and Final (Bloemfontein).—Matee Attorneys, PO Box 811, Bloemfontein, 9300. 2942/2013–Viviers, Barend Christoffel, 3709155046082, Aberdeenweg 24, Virginia, 9430; Martha Alida Louisa Viviers (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—Piet Haasbroek Prokureurs, Microfin Gebou, Herdenkingstraat 21 (Posbus 876), Virginia, 9430. 5618/2012—Potgieter, Stephanus Vermaak, 2809225022088 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Tinx, PO Box 29852, Danhof, 9310. 576/2011—William Thomas Brayfield, 0506165015088, Posbus 21, Tweespruit, oorlede op 16 Oktober 2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Ladybrand; Bloemfontein).—AN Oertel & JW Brayfield Eksekuteurs, Posbus 271, Ladybrand, 9745. 8006/2012—Greybe, Anna Hendrika, 2612140054081, Welgedagt Huis vir Bejaardes, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres. 3794/2013—Mahlohla, Lerata Petrus, 4602055499080, 4921 Constantia, Kroonstad, 9499; Anna Felicia Mamulela Mahlohla, 5503100919081 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 10732/2012—Erasmus, Frans Petrus Gert, 2910135008082, Spruitweg 31, Bloemspruit, 9364 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 4456/2012—Dempsey, Susara Cornelia Margaretha, 4712030059089, Piet Retiefstraat 7, Winburg, 9420 (Winburg; Bloemfontein).—Piet Kotzé & Vennote, Posbus 81, Winburg, 9420. 126 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 3156/2012—Slabbert, Pieter Johannes Philippus, 3709035028086, Haldonweg 169, Universitas, Bloemfontein; Anna Alleta Kokot Slabbert, 3902060051087 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Niel Pienaar & Medewerkers, Posbus 20004, Willows, 9320. 2172/2013—Sutherland, Leon, 3606125030081, Steynstraat 73, Bothaville, 9960; Gertruida Elizabeth Sutherland, 3411020033086 (Bothaville; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 8649/2009—Booysen, Jacobus Alwyn, 2804085024084, Benaderylaan 14, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein; Cecilia Levina Jacoba Louisa Booysen (Bloemfontein).—EE Pohl, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324. 8406/2012—Reynders, Jan Bastiaan, 3603295032088, Die Plaas Sandrivierspoort, Ventersburg, 9450; Christina Johanna Reynders, 4511240015083 (Ventersburg; Bloemfontein).—Piet Kotzé & Vennote, Posbus 81, Winburg, 9420. KWAZULU-NATAL 7291/2012—Leibrandt, Gertruida Jacomina Margaretha, 2006130018083 (Pietermaritzburg).—Marius Norje, PO Box 11357, Dorpspruit, Pietermaritzburg, 3206. 11273/2011—Naidoo, Munikala Lutchmanna, 4606185089083, D2 Waltham Road, Westham, Phoenix, Liquidation Account (Verulam; Durban). 3394/2012—Rampartab, Ishwardin, 5911035214082, 47 Buldana Road, Merebank, Liquidation; Dhanwanthee Rampartab, 491227062003 (Durban; Durban).—Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, 0 Ikierford Place, Sun Ford, Phoenix. 7809/2007 DBN—Moodley, Sanamma, 2102170060083, 26 Stargreen Place, Greenbury, Phoenix, 4068, First and Final, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Sharm Moodley & Associates, Suite 8B, 1st Floor A1-Falah Centre, 38 Parthenon Street, Starwood, Phoenix. 8743/2012/PMB—Thembani Ida Ngcobo, 5110100443086, 15 Jardine Place, Fairmeade, Pietermaritzburg, Final Account; Gugu Bridgeman Ngcob, 5210105275085 (Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Poyo & Diedricks Inc, 190 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg. 000572/2013 DBN—Freedman, Joseph, 3303105086181, 5 Hudson Place, Glenashley, 4051 (Durban).—Attorney Mervyn Millar, PO Box 1357, Hyper By The Sea, 4053. 11489/2012/PMB—Hind, Errol John, 4010165045084, 24 Mimosa Drive, Hilton, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—Mason Incorporated, PO Box 100, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 14027/2012/DBN—Govender, Ramasami, 2612275069086, 4 Spence Road, Malvern, Durban (Pinetown; Durban).— R S Singh & Associates, 16 Cohen Avenue, Glenwood, Durban. 7573/2012—Barry, Claude Peter, 4205255160088 (Durban).—Tate, Nolan & Knight, PO Box 201181, Durban North, 4016. 4378/2010/PMB—Makhathini, Nonhlanhla Maria, 5703250826082, 4092 Chief Masango Street, Extension 7, KwaGuqa, Witbank, Mpumalanga; Ephraim Muzikayise Makhathini, 5410125582086 (Witbank; Pietermaritzburg).—Neuhoff Khoza Incorporated, 35 Linden Street, Modelpark, Witbank, 1035, Mpumalanga, Postnet P53, P/Bag X7260, Witbank, 1035. 2757/2010/PMB—Tshingo, Conrad Mpiyezwe, 3310145082087, Gugwini Administrative Area, Umzimkulu, 3297 (Umzimkulu; Pietermaritzburg).—Lister & Lister Attorneys, PO Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 9175/2012 DBN—Bromley, Vivian Moseley, 3402200039183, 12 Crossfield Court, 244-248 Lower High Street, Watford, First and Final (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Roberts & Chaplin, PO Box 136, Umhlali, 4390. 10283/2012 DBN—Singh, Chundraban, 8 August 1927, 2708085091086, 22 Milkwood Drive, Umhlanga, Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—M.A. Singh & Associates, 103B Mathews Meyiwa Road (Stamfordhill Road), Greyville, Durban; PO Box 47522, Greyville, 4023. 1386/2013—Collins, Michael William, 3503195024088, 21 Broadway, PO Box 745, Uvongo, 4270, KwaZulu-Natal; Sylvia Collins, 3504200021085 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Douglas Kent, PO Box 39805, St Michaels On Sea, 4265. 18118/2012/DBN—Atchigadu, Govindamma, 5710070267082, 128 Tateville, Extension No. 1, Illovo (Lower); Dalliah Atchigadu, 4410245148082 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Nolan Naicker & Co., PO Box 56804, Chatsworth, 4030. 16686/2012 DBN—Freeman, Bannas, 2006115051083, Flat No. 91 High Wycombe, 5 Serridge Square, Marine Parade, Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Durban; Durban).—E R Browne & Sons, 73 Msugrave Road, Durban. 15566/2012 DBN—Mthethwa, Nompumelelo Victoria, 6102250625082, Q400 Mayibuye Road, Umlazi, 4031 (Umlazi; Durban).—Hussan Goga & Company, 606 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban, 4001. 1770/2007 Durban—Erastus Mduduzi Khuzwayo, 5204255754080, 41 Constantia Park, 20 St Georgeʼs Street, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Buthelezi Incorporated, 16 Bute Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 18118/2012/DBN—Atchigadu, Govindamma, 5710070267082, 128 Tateville, Extension No. 1, Illovo (Lower); Dalliah Atchigadu, 4410245148082 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Nolan Naicker & Co., PO Box 56804, Chatsworth, 4030. 10852/2010/PMB—Dora, Lutchimiah, 3410045082086, 8 Hurbans Road, Gandhiʼs Hill, Tongaat, 4400; Veeramah Dora, 4303030139087 (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Bala Naidoo & Company, Suite 1, Ashanti Centre, 19 Arbee Drive, Tongaat, 4400. 2391/2013—Augustine, Desmond Ferdinand, 5310050139086, 13 Cowry Drive, Elysium, First & Final (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Barry, Botha & Breytenbach Inc, PO Box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 127 2200/13 DBN—Guo, Ruiping, G37573277 (Passport), Flat 18, La Roza, 278A Main Road, Tongaat, 4399 (Verulam; Durban).—Hussan Goga & Company, 606 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban, 4001. 4241/2011 DBN—Teluckdhoari, Govindamah, 3708100081087, 143 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban, date of death: 24/02/2011 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suites 19/20, Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Chatsworth, 4092. 789/2013/DBN—Rosenberg, Rose, 2302240003085, 823 Eden Crescent, 23 Sol Harris Crescent, Durban, First and Final (Durban).—JH Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, PO Box 51241, Musgrave, 4062. 8436/95 PMB—Moodley, Baikum, 800429983A, 14 Quail Street, Kharwastan, Durban, First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Durban; Chatsworth).—ER Browne & Sons, 73 Musgrave Road, Durban. 15173/2011—Naidoo, Krishnamma, 4210190091083, 134 Tomango Road, Merebank (Durban; Durban).—NM Attorneys, 89 Juniper Road, Overport, Durban, 4001. 11483/2012/PMB—Lorenz Carl Alfred Grieb, born 2 February 1934 at Frankfort, Eastern Cape, last address: 295 Dais Place, Mtubatuba, 3935, died on 13 November 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; married out of community of property to Barbara Joan Grieb Major, 3905100005088.—Dennis William Robert Hills, Bernice Gail Anselmo. 11483/2012/PMB—Grieb, Lorenz Carl Alfred, 3402025007084 (Mtubatuba; Pietermaritzburg).—DWR Hills, Hills Howard & Associates (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1861, Empangeni, 3880. 3831/2013—Gounden, Parvathy, 3411070085085, 45 Dacca Road, Merewent, 4052; Chinnia Gounden, 2701255042088 (Durban; Durban).—Sha Kumar & Associates, Suite 2010/20, 20th Floor, Maritime House, 143 Salmon Grove, Durban, KwaZulu-Nata. 3826/2013—Gounden, Chinnia, 2701255042088, 45 Dacca Road, Merewent, 4052 (Durban; Durban).—Sha Kumar & Associates, Suite 2010/20, 20th Floor, Maritime House, 143 Salmon Grove, Durban, KwaZulu-Nata. 2503/2013 DBN—Roopnarain, Dayanand, 4808225077082; Roshni Roopnarain, 4710270547086 (Verulam; Durban).— Omprakash Ramlakhan, Comm. of Oaths & Conveyancer, Ramlakhan House, 5A Sunford Drive, Sunford, Phoenix. 9769/2012/PMB—Sokhela, Thokozile Lillian, 6012100799088, 35 Adelaar Road, Eastwood, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 2013/2013/PMB—Ngobese, Mfokofowane, 3401015752089, Ezingodeni Nkandla, KZN, First and Final; Phumelele Xaba, 4212200304084, 21 days (Nkandla; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 7085/2012—Mahomed, Fathima Bee Bee, 4506230146088, 47 Uppercroft Road, Longcroft, Phoenix, 4068 (Verulam; Durban).—Anisa Khan Attorneys, P.O. Box 3002, Prestondale, 4021. 2731/11DBN—Sukhai, Mahdavo, 1702255081085, 48 Branch Lane, Springfield, Durban; Birjee Sukhai (now deceased), 2103310106083 (Durban; Durban).—Somar R. Sitlu & Co., P.O. Box 19555, Dormerton, Durban, 4015. 9755/2012—Prauss, Georg Paul Johannes, 2707065040188, 18 Bauhenia Road, Lot 2684, Extension 6, Margate, First & Final, 21 days (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Barry, Botha & Breytenbach Inc., PO Box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240. 1634/2011/PMB—Jelliman, Naomi, 5010170062081, Springfield Farm, Winterton, KZN, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie, 21 dae (Estcourt; Pietermaritzburg).—S.W. van Znydan, Posbus 22, Winterton, 3340. 4942/2008 (PMB)—Pears, Kathleen Florence, 1004260021101, Village of Happiness, District of Margate, Province KwaZulu-Natal, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Margate; Pietermaritzburg).—J Bredenkamp Inc., 30 Dundalk Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg, 2193; Private Bag X7, Postnet Suite 51, Parkview, 2122. 4942/2008 (PMB)—Pears, Kathleen Florence, 1004260021101, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Margate; Pietermaritzburg).—J Bredenkamp Inc., 30 Dundalk Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg, 2193; Private Bag X7, Postnet Suite 51, Parkview, 2122. 18113/2012 DBN—Ramdhanee, Krishoonlall, 4704055112083, 211 Northcroft Drive, Lenham, Phoenix, 4068; Sheilawathie Ramdhanee, 5507130163081, First and Final, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Sharm Moodley & Associates, Suite 8B, 1st Floor, Al-Falah Centre, 38 Parthenon Street, Starwood, Phoenix. 4286/2013 DBN—Ardanaso Shadreck Sambo, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mtubatuba; Durban).— Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 3698/2011/DURBAN—Ramdass Naidoo, 3201055082086, 17 October 2010, 104 Collier Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township, Durban, First and Final Account; Ramamma Naidoo, 3904100102086, 21 days (Chatsworth; Durban).—Naidoo & Co Inc., 8 Sinembe Park, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate. 9079/2012—Maryon, Graham Michael, 4710055128185, 8 Starling Place, Gillitts, Pinetown (Pinetown; Durban).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 8297/2012—Fourie, Lionel Lewis, 5003085090081, 105 Almond Road, Warner Beach (Durban).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 10174/2012/PMB—Naidu, Dhanpalan, 4009175054086, Unit 2, Milner Court, 161 Riley Road, Overport, Durban; Visintharani Naidu, 5012220043087 (Pietermaritzburg; Durban).—Cajee Seysuri Chetty Inc., 195 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 3230/2011/PMB—Mdunge, Fakazile Bertha, 5005240720080, B969 Mpumalanga Township, KwaZulu-Natal (Camperdown; Pietermaritzburg).—Wessels & Hattingh Inc., PO Box 103, Camperdown, 3720. 128 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 13289/2007/PMB—Mohamed Goolam Jamaloodeen, 15-02-1928, 2802155069088, 57 Stanton Road, off Mountbatten Drive, Reservoir Hills, KwaZulu-Natal, 29 May 2006; Ramayi Jamaloodeen, 5 May 1943, 4305050120087 (Durban; Durban).— Executor/Testamentary, 7th Floor, Permanent Building, 343 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban. 11481/12 DBN—Basdew Roopraj, 5206065179085, 11 Hemside Crescent, Caneside, Phoenix, 9 July 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Rhugbeer and Associates, Suite 7, Golden Gate Centre, 101 Wick Street, Verulam. 7832/2011/PMB—Heera Sewrathan, 4505185447087, 63 Valda Road, Rydalvale, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 8 February 2011, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Rhugbeer and Associates, Suite 7, Golden Gate Centre, 101 Wick Street, Verulam. 11283/2011 (DBN)—Govender, Dorasamy, 5401085140080, Unit 1, Chestnut Gardens, Chestnut Crescent, Nagina, 3604; Umbigay, Govender, 5903150072080. Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, Suite 901, 9th Floor, Denor House, corner of Smith and Field Streets, Durban, 4001. 16040/2011 (DBN)—Ramjith, Dularee, 3104020025083, 57 Alwar Road, Merebank, 4052. Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, Suite 901, 9th Floor, Denor House, corner of Smith and Field Streets, Durban, 4001. 5325/2012 DBN—Bhojairam, Pingla, 4712160102089, 87 Annet Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban (Durban; Durban).— V Chetty Inc., Suite 3, 6 Rydall Vale Office Park, La-Lucia, Durban. 1321/2012 DBN—Govender, Manivasa, 5202125171089, 31 Alex Close, Reservoir Hills, Durban; Sylvia Govender, 5211290198082 (Durban; Durban).—V Chetty Inc., Suite 3, 6 Rydall Vale Office Park, La-Lucia, Durban. 2284/2013/PMB—Sikisi, Fikile Malcomese, 3201025307084, Ngwegweni A4, Amount Aliff, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 72/2012 DBN—Singh, Soonbarthee, 4504150099080), 24 Preston Road, Hillary, Durban, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Lachanna-Naidoo Attorneys, 278 Lena Ahrens Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001. 1386/2013—Collins, Michael William, 3503195024088, 21 Broadway, PO Box 745, Uvongo, 4270, KwaZulu-Natal; Sylvia Collins, 3504200021085 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Kingsley Du Plessis Inc., PO Box 1034, Margate, 4275. 2700/2010/PMB—Theron, Mervyn Walter, 2805285055083 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 7463/2007/DURBAN—Nkosi, Selby Sibusiso, 5804025790080, BB 1104 Umlazi, Umlazi, Durban (Umlazi; Durban).— Attorneys King-Essack & Associates Inc., PO Box 82, Pinetown, 3600. 9347/2012/DBN—Naiken, Ellamma, 3002280096085, 45 Nashville Place, Havenside, Chatsworth (Chatsworth; Durban).—Murugasens, PO Box 56154, Chatsworth, 4030. 2727/2013 (PMB)—Van Staden, Petrus Cornelius, 3412025015086, House No. 4, Lidrop Farm, Newcastle, 2940, First and Final (Newcastle; Peitermaritzburg).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 16074/2012/PMB—Mafukuzela Francis Ngubane, 4911285599084, 340 Signal Hill, Pietermaritzburg, 15 September 2010, Final Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Poyo & Diedricks Inc., 190 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg. 1310/2012/PMB—Sigamoney, Joyce Prema Surgoonam Sigamoney, 3706250253084, 12 Eldon Street, Havenside, Chatsworth (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Murugasens, PO Box 56154, Chatsworth, 4030. 1310/2012/PMB—Sigamoney, Joyce Prema Surgoonam Sigamoney, 3706250253084, 12 Eldon Street, Havenside, Chatsworth (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Murugasens, PO Box 56154, Chatsworth, 4030. 13264/2012/DBN—Santo, Manuel da Silva, 4208275035082; Isabel Fernandes Santo, 4607010041083 (Durban; Durban).—Brand Van Niekerk & Co. Inc., Private Bag X30, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 16777/2007/PMB—Mnyamezeli Cyril Nkabinde, 6903125787084, 458 Unit J, Imbali, 11 December 2007, Final Account; Ntombikayise Sindisiwe Ngcobo, 7909121296086, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Poyo & Diedricks Inc., 190 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 8541/2011/PMB—Du Toit, David Karel, 3005015064088 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Hepburn Incorporated, PO Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206. 14900/2007—Louw, Willem Adriaan, 4406215003083, Elizabethlaan 35, Illovo, Strand (Durban-Suid; Pietermaritzburg).—Marina Clift, Posbus 295, Paarl, 7620. 9821/2011/PMB—Enid Pamela Dennis, 5206270082082, 17 Laurance Coleman Road, Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Asad Ameen & Company, PO Box 3494, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 7021/2011/PMB—Hawa Bibi Norgot, 3103280043083, 21 Tors Lane, Mountain Rise, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Asad Ameen & Company, PO Box 3494, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 17507/2012—Eades, Vivienne Ann Eades, 5907030066089, 10 Neville Road, Gillitts, KZN (Durban).—Lister & Co. Attorneys, 30 Old Main Road, Hillcrest; PO Box 1601, Kloof, 3640. 9821/2011/PMB—Enid Pamela Dennis, 5206270082082, 17 Laurance Coleman Road, Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Asad Ameen & Company, PO Box 3494, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 7398/2002/PMB—Kathrada, Abdoola, 3202185082087, 401 Oyster Cove, 41 North Beach Road, Umdloti, 4051, Supplementary (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—M.S. Omar & Associates, PO Box 48050, Qualbert, 4078. 9984/2010—Padayachee, Yoganathan, 5206255208082, 31 Road 729, Montford, Chatsworth; Sarasvathy Padayachee, 5706180200088 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Pravisha Ramnarain Attorneys, 151 Croftdene Drive, Chatsworth. 7121/2011/PMB—Buthelezi, James Musawenkosi, 5806175941082,No. 14, Vygie Road, Ockerts Keaal, Pietermartizburg, 1st & Final, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Master of KZN High Court).—Sibiya S. I & Partners, No. 3 Vear Road, Mechivale. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 129 8192/2012/PMB—McDonald, Jennifer Anne, 3905110120083, Unit 393, Amber Valley, Private Bag X30, Howick, 3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290. 261/2013/PMB—Pipes, Mervyn Terence, 3905065054089, 24 Lindup Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Service Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290. 11486/2012/PMB—Labuschagne, Jacobus Hermanus, 2105135007081 (Melmoth; Pietermaritzburg).—DWR Hills, Hills Howard & Associates (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1861, Empangeni, 3880. 11486/2012/PMB—Labuschagne, Jacobus Hermanus, 2105135007081 (Melmoth; Pietermaritzburg).—DWR Hills, Hills Howard & Associates (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1861, Empangeni, 3880. 11349/12 Durban—Pillay, John Angu Alladipan, 6209185238087, Erf 1103, Wren Road, Ghandi Nagar, Umzinto, KwaZulu-Natal; Kanakamah Subramoney Pillay, 6508250619083 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Leslie Pillay Attorneys, Suite 8, Goodhope Centre, St. Patrickʼs Road, KwaZulu-Natal; PO Box 194, Umzinto, 4200. 11349/12 Durban—Pillay, John Angu Alladipan, 6209185238087, Erf 1103, Wren Road, Ghandi Nagar, Umzinto, KwaZulu-Natal; Kanakamah Subramoney Pillay, 6508250619083 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Leslie Pillay Attorneys, Suite 8, Goodhope Centre, St. Patrickʼs Road, KwaZulu-Natal; PO Box 194, Umzinto, 4200. 11449/09—Gounden, Rama, 3402015076057, 31 Outeniqua Street, Shallcross, First and Final; Niranjani Munsamy, 3402160086083, 21 days (Durban; Durban). 19999/12/DBN—L.M. Salt, 2410020055082, G6 Garden Grove, St Thomas Rd, Durban, 4001, date of death: 30 July 2012, First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Hamilton Attorneys, Suite 115, Musgrave Park, Musgrave Road, Durban, 4001. 1573/2012/DBN—Doyle, Pieter Berrange, 3605215027080, First and Final, 21 days (Camperdown; Durban).—Thornhill & Company, Suite C3, The Colony, 50 Old Main Road, Hillcrest, Dx 7, Hillcrest; PO Box 132, Hillcrest, 3650. Premilla Sookur, Lot 1606 Ext. 18, Marburg, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal. 1573/2012/DBN—Doyle, Pieter Berrange, 3605215027080, First and Final, 21 days (Camperdown; Durban).—Thornhill & Company, Suite C3, The Colony, 50 Old Main Road, Hillcrest, Dx 7, Hillcrest; PO Box 132, Hillcrest, 3650. 7267/2012/PMB—Zondi, Dorothy Fikile, 6111250344 (Pietermaritzburg; Hammarsdale).—Sameera Cassimjee Att., 414 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg. 949/2012/PMB—Ramlal, Harikissoon, 5203245188086, Amended (Richmond; Pietermaritzburg).—Sergie Brimiah and Associates, 510 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg. 4863/2013—Singh, Kannialall, 3108215042084, 84 Bailey Road, Red Hill, Durban North, 4051 (Durban; Durban).— Sentinel International Trust Co., PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park. 4459/2010/PMB—Siribhajan, Praspathee, 4607020543086, 100 Canbury Circle, Eastbury, Phoenix, 4068 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Kissoonlal and Associates, 205 Dinesh Centre, 25 Bond Street, Durban, 4001. 15209/2012—Ramroop, Dharamwanthie, 45052504669081 (Verulam; Durban).—Henwood Britter & Caney, 5th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Durban, 4001. 1679/2013 DBN—Rajah Singh, 6606135004081, 1 Bologna Avenue, Reservoir Hills, date of death: 20 January 2013, First & Final Account; Rajeshperie Singh, 7008080122084, 21 days (Pinetown; Durban).Yvonne Singh & Assoc., Shop 64, Whitehouse Complex, Phoenix. 1045/2013—Kheswa, Ntombifikile Promise, 8303060976081, Franklin Quarters, Kokstad, 4706, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Kokstad; Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 10438/2012—Ngobe, Busisiwe Doris, 61111240500081, 179 Les van Wyk Drive, Glenwood Pietermaritzburg, 3201, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 16518/2012—Ramdin, Komarpersad, 4110245137081, 59 Hemside Place, Caneside, Phoenix; Chudika Ramdin, 5004210164080 (Durban; Durban).—Bodasing & Company, PO Box 35, Umhlanga. 5325/2012 DBN—Bhojairam, Pingla, 4712160102089, 87 Annet Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban (Durban; Durban).— V Chetty Inc., Suite 3, 6 Rydall Vale Office Park, La-Lucia, Durban. 8747/2012—Egeland, Gladys Meriel, 3205010012088, Evelyn House, 85 Albert Street, Richmond, KZN (Richmond; Pietermaritzburg).—B J Nicholson, 5 Kelburn Place, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 12707/2009—Cowan, Archibald William, 2902035087084, 1 Valley Road, Margate (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).— Paul Cowan, PO Box 658, Henley On Klip, 1962. 9352/2012 (Dbn)—Barnes, Irene, 3103170032089, Cottage 22, Alexander Park, 13 Bermuda Way, Scottburgh, 4180 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 11235/12—Bengu, Mshintshwa Steven, 4308215317085, 1780 Thembalihle, Glenwood 2, Pietermaritzburg, First & Final Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2095/13—Beukes, Aletta Elizabeth, 4011140037089, 134 Andora Road, Bluff, Durban, First & Final Account; Lukas Albertus Beukes, 2905065040089, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31443—Bull, Frank Leslie, 2703165029189, 18 Gunda Crescent, Umhlanga, Durban North (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 10012/12—Chetty, Visvanathan Narainsamy, 4509025073087, 84 Muniredy Road, Northdale, 3201; Gratia Marie Chetty, 5009290092085 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 10257/12—Desvaux de Marigny, Joseph Guy, 2505025030087, 207 Eden Roc, 119 Snell Parade, Durban, First & Final Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31489—Dladla, Busisiwe Girlie, 4605050171083, House No. 160308, Peacetown, Ladysmith (Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3057/201—Dlamini, Grace Aquinata, 3511090186084, 116 Rushbrook Road, Moseley Park, Pinetown, First & Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2685/2013/DBN—Gangaiah, Narainamma, 4110060086082, 45 Copperfield Place, Earlsfield, Newlands West, 4051 (Durban; Durban).—Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 130 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Toger Joseph Leslie Forbes, date of birth: 25 September 1936, 3609255080082, 75 Ridge Road, La Lucia, Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Berkowitz Cohen Wartski, RG Wynne – Agent for Executor, 17th Floor, Southern Life House, 88 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 31460—Gordon, Sylvia Beryl, 1909170041082, Unit 37, Eden Gardens, 75 Marriot Road, Morningside, Dbn (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 9852/2012—Govender, Magalutchmee, 5505280212088, 87 Bramford Road, Caneside, Phoenix, 4068 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31143—Green, Bruce Leonard, 4407145047083, 31 Holmes Road, Umbilo, Durban (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 30687—Hewitt, William Edward, 3508135045085, 588 Tombush Road, Oak Park, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31477—Hibbert, Kevin Charles, 5007095086088, 60 Winstone Churchill Drive, Farningham Ridge, Pinetown (Pinetown; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3234/13—Hooper, Helen Bridget, 4506130480082, Bill Buchanan, Morningside, Durban, First & Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1725/2013—Kisten, Lazarus Andrew, 5701175191087, 338 Trenance Park, Sastri Park, Phoenix, 4068; Dhanalutchnee Kisten, 5312010199085 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 4015/2013—Kloppers, Heila Johanna, 4702170022088, 306 Kingsway, Amanzimtoti, 4126; Cornelius Johannes Paulus Kloppers, 4009115048081 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 7454/2012/PMB—Lannon, Thomas William, 3810235059184, 157 Bree Street, Vryheid, 3100, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 8695/2011/DBN—Bernard Percy Lombard, 4505055068088, 158 Seaview Road, Seaview, Durban, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Leon Pillay & Associates, 150B Mansion House, 12 Joe slovo (Field), Durban. 13679/2006—Pakery, Tungavaloo, 5104195055087, 188 Cardham Drive, Brookdale, Phoenix, 4068 (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Sanan & Watts, 1601 Durban Bay House, 333 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 16565/12—Pillay, Vijian, 4508075017085, 143 Helmcroft Crescent, Longcroft, Phoenix, First and Final Account; Oomavathie Pillay, 5101170025085, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1713/13—Pretorius, Jan Bastian, 4201115027088, Sleuteldraai, Danhauser, 3080, First & Final Account; Cornelia Carolina Pretorius, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 16583/12—Seaviour, Neville Peter Geoffrey, 2402045070089, 3 Ethelbert Village, 5 Park Road, Malvern, First & Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 20226/1—Smith, Harold Vernon, 2909075027086, 65 Winifreds Drive, St Winifreds, 4126, First and Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 4005/13—Terblanche, Jean Mary, 4003160028080, 144 Mc Donald-Alan Paton Road, Glenwood, Durban, First & Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1156/13 DBN—Transell, Aletta Sophia, 3502040053086, No. 3 Lobster Lane, Greenheart Village, Palm Beach, 31248 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 2030/2013/PMB—Maria Fredrika Petronella Ungere, 4804300075083, Erf 1401, Penvalley, 5 Penn Close, Pennington, 4184, 29/7/2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Hendrik Louis Ungerer, 4901065064086, 21 days (Scotburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—D.J. de Waal, P.O. Box 13443, Cascades, 3202. 401/2013/Pietermaritzburg—Van Biljon, Martha Catharina Jacoba, 2502040042080 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg). 14850/12—Van der Merwe, Phillip Anthony, 2508085016087, Ocean View, Musgrave Road, 4062, First & Final Account; Joyce Ella Mary van der Merwe, 801436294, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1693/13—Van der Vyver, Doreen, 2001210045080, 907 Parkview, 17 Boscombe Terrace, Marine Parade, Durban, First and Final Account; Benjamin van der Vyver, 2905045043088, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2098/13—Van der Westhuizen, Elsje Susanna Elizabeth, 4502270022081, 79 Whitefield Drive, St Winifred, Kingsburgh, Durban, First and Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3771/13DBN—Zwane, Osborne Linda Leslie, 4001195375088, 73 Ingome Road, Lot 1871, Section D, Kwamashu (Durban; Duban).—Kasmeera Budhoo, PO Box 2174, Durban. 9213/2012/DBN—Andreas Johannes de Jager, 3501195003086, 11 June 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Helena Elizabeth de Jager, 4808050003088, 118 Umdani Avenue, Amanzimtoti, 21 dae (Durban).— Me P Serfontein (Joubert Scholtz Ing.), Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 11828/2012—Carel Gustav Triegaardt, 3802275044085, 25 Bush Lodge, Suikerbekkiestraat, Bromhof, 2 April 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pinetown; Durban).—Kruger Willemse Prokureurs, Posbus 7780, Westgate, 1734. 260/2013/PMB—Brokensha, Hilda Vera, 2212190009083, Amberfield Frail Care, Mare Street, Howick, 3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290. 5410/2012/PMB—Vesely, Josef, 3301065048083, 10 Archbell Cresent, Howick, 3290, First and Final; Jarmila Vesely, 3402280029088 (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 131 2897/13—Martin, Brian, 4307085124084, 67 Treasure Beach Road, Bluff, Durban, First and Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31350—Mazeka, Cynthia, 6308240234089, 5 Azalea Road, Marget, Extension 7 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 31042—Madubela, Thandi Christina, 5401101170087, 49 Wanderers Crescent, Grange, Pietermaritzburg (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2876/13—Mdletshe, Molly Felicitas, 5006300183086, 68 Clover Road, Stanger Manor, Kwadukuza, First & Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 14328/10—Mhlongo, Phindile Madeline, 3211050185081, 3 Dickens Place, Pinetown, First & Final Account, 21 days (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3170/2013—Mndaweni, Erica, 3011200192080, 1034 Bhengu Street, Bhekuzulu, Vryheid, 3100 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 9698/2011/PMB—Moodley, Angappen, 3701255218083; Govindamma Moodley, 4906030832087 (New Hanover; Pietermaritzburg).—Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 2085/2013—Mpungose, Bhekinkosi Henry, 3006015284080, P1010 Zone 15, Umlazi, 4066 (Durban; Durban).— ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 15994/2012—Chinamah Naidoo, 8 November 1936, 3611080084081, 5 Starmanor Place, Trenance Manor, Phoenix, Durban, date of death: 25 August 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Hajra Patel Incorporated, P.O. Box 3584, Durban, 4000. 4990/2012/PMB—Nair, Lalitha, 6101040210080, 58 Cornfield Crescent, Newlands West, Durban; Devraj Nair, 5510185102087 (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Kathy James Attorneys, 146 Cowey Road, Essenwood, Durban. 8870/2012 PMB—Ndlovu, Thabani Brian, 9009076207085, No. 9 Ashwood Drive, Panorama, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—M.D. Xakushe Attorneys, Suite 1108-9 Tower C Salisbury Centre, 347-351 Dr Pixley Kaseme Street (West). 11588/2012/Dbn—Asothiamma Niadoo, 3407140088083, 14 Swallowhaven Road, Foresthaven, Phoenix, Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Yvonne Lee Boden, c/o Garlicke & Bousfield Inc, 7 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, Umhlanga. 11890/2012/DBN—Roff, Brian Charles, 4705095065082 (Johannesburg; Durban).—Catto Young & Lester Inc, 29 Jesmond Grove, Overport, Durban, 4091. 5627/13—Nzimande, Themba Dennis, 5710135768082, House No. D33539 Dube Village, Grouteville, Kwadukuza, First & Final Account; Nonhlanhla Girly Nzimande, 6303010640086, 21 days (Stanger/Kwa-Dukuza; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3097/2013/PMB—Van Zyl, Francis Anne, 3606270018089, 9 Blundell Crescent, Escombe, Queensburgh (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1085, Wandsback, 3630. 2506/2013/PMB—Bond, Graham Nell Page, 3802265032082, 22 Eland Drive, Ashburton; Darlene Vera Bond, 4208120036087 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1085, Wandsback, 3630. 3131/2013—Moosa, Hava Bibi, 1305010093088 (Pietermaritzburg).—Soodama & Associates, 437 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg; P.O. Box 100625, Scotsville, 3209. 1032/2013/DBN—Ronald Joseph Davey, 07/07/1934, 3407075023188, 61 Dunkgeld Road, Westville, Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 1747/2013/DBN—Maurice Arthur Hill-Lewis, 01/10/1921, 2110015038081, Zululand Old Age Home, 28/12/2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 18040/2012/DBN—Andries Niekoelaas van der Westhuizen, 06/04/1924, 13 Strathay Road, Westville, Durban, 4000, date of death: 04/09/2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 14900/2012/DBN—Silvia Emilie Sophie Bradshaw, 03/11/1931, 3111030050084, 11 Knokke Road, Table View, Cape Town, 8000, date of death: 18/07/2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Acocunt, 21 days (Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 18045/2012/DBN—Derek Temple Hamilton, 10/02/1919, 91 Falaise Place, 23 Prince Street, Durban, date of death: 11/10/2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Acocunt, 21 days (Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 18742/2012/DBN—Maggel Magrieta Burger, 01/03/1940, 4003010006088, Eshowi Zululand, Home for the Aged, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 19911/2012—Cornelia Petronella Stoltz, 23/09/1921, 2109230083088, 6 Wattelgoud, Richards Bay, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 18740/2012—Melvie Sarah Flinn, 24 July 1924, 2407240033089, 80 Waterfall Gardens, Waterfall, date of death: 22 October 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Vicky Naidoo, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Strauss Daly Inc. 132 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 1025/2013/D—Claasen, Barend Jacobus, 6203205112083, 28 Maroelamoot, Richards Bay; Desiree Claasen, 6212050121081 (Empangeni; Durban).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Durban; PO Box 212, Westville, 3635. 11849/2011/Durban—Nkosi, Stephinah Thandi, 4803130563086, D616 Umlazi (Umlazi; Durban).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Durban; PO Box 212, Westville, 3635. 3983/2013/Durban—Kelly, Eric, 3704275078180, Unit 24, Walnut Grove, Annerley Road, Manors, Pinetown (Pinetown; Durban).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Durban; PO Box 212, Westville, 3635. 16957/2012—Saville, Anthony Eric Stafford, 1909195026084, 9 Havelock Street, Eshowe, Second Liquidation and Distribution Account (Eshowe; Durban).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Durban; PO Box 212, Westville, 3635. 2489/2012—Whitehouse, Jillian Mary, 3105180054185 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—John Isabelle Attorneys, PO Box 55053, Northlands, 2116. 4042/2013/DBN—Govender, Bagiam, 2411180157080, 19 Sooklall Drive, Newlands, Durban (Durban; Durban).— Sulemanʼs Attorneys, Unit G4, 484 Brickfield Road, Overport, 4067. 9238/2013—Naidoo, Munisami, 3107145079083, Flat 1039, Door 5, 37 Tulip Terrace, Buffalsdale, Tongaat; Russelenbee Naidoo, 3911240281084 (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—S.R. Sivi Pather Attorneys, 10 Luxmi Court, Arbee Drive, Tongaat. 2489/2012—Whitehouse, Jillian Mary, 3105180054185 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—John Isabelle Attorneys, PO Box 55053, Northlands, 2116. 4238/2013/DBN—Ramtula, Abdul Magid, 410503, 153 West Road, Overport, Durban (Durban; Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 5074/2012 (PMB)—Olivier, Ross Anthony John, 5508015039081, 11 Isabel Boardmore, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, 2nd Floor, Nedbank Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks. 4212/2012 PMB—Nomsa Heleen Shinga, 3505040198082, widow, House 0187, L Section, Umlazi, 4066, died on 12 February 2012, First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 17152/12 DBN—Whitehorn, Lettie Ann, 3103300060083, 4 Vistaero, 655 Marine Drive, Bluff, 4052, First and Final (Durban; Durban).—Browne Brodie, PO Box 714, Durban, 4000. 7909/2009—Sanhewe, Angela Thamie, 5410080799089, 36 Boyd Road, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202. 13286/2012—Dubberley, Ernest Charles, 4306055068180, 1 Linksview, 2 Williamson Street, Scottburgh; Irene Margaret Dubberley, 4708020017186 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202. 9814/2012/PMB—Edoo, Rahman Ally, 1949/05/08, 4905085122089, 118 Palmiet Drive, Clare Estate, Durban, KwaZuluNatal, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Kadir Bee Edoo, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—McClung, Mustard, PO Box 4, Pinetown, 3600. 7463/2007/Durban—Nkosi, Selby Sibusiso, 5804025790080, BB 1104 Umlazi, Umlazi, Durban (Umlazi; Durban).— Attorneys King–Essack & Associates Inc., PO Box 82, Pinetown, 3600. 5ST 2380/13—Sooful, Bridgeraj, 4504095118086, 87 Wiltshire Avenue, Westcliff, Chatsworth; Nirmala Sooful, 5206280155084 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Juthika Hariram & Associates, P.O. Box 562474, Chatsworth, 4030. 13963/2012—Ngubane, Margaret, 3502060232081, First and Final, 21 days (Umlazi; Durban).—Vishal Singh and Associates, P.O. Box 23616, Isipingo. 9977/2012—Naicker, Anjeni, 7711030166081, 50 Ocean View Drive, Tinley Manor Beach, KwaZulu-Natal (Stanger; Durban).—G. Munien & Associates, 9th Floor, Suite 915, Sangro House, 417 Smith Street, Durban. 5325/2012 DBN—Bhojairam, Pingla, 4712160102089, 87 Annet Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban (Durban; Durban).— V Chetty Inc., Suite 3, 6 Rydall Vale Office Park, La Lucia, Durban. 5325/2012—Govender, Pingla, 4712160102089, 87 Annet Drive, Reservoir Hills (Durban; Durban).—V Chetty Inc., Suite 3, 6 Rydall Vale Office Park, La Lucia, Durban. 19553/2010DBN—Prudence Busisiwe Shange, 7206010590085, 5109 Tom-Tom Road, KwaNdengezi Township, date of death: 25/11/2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pinetown; Durban).—Njapha MM Inc., PO Box 3854, Durban, 4000. 5101/2012—Serge, Mabel Margaret, 2404030044087, 40 Jacaranda Road, Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Anisa Khan Attorneys, P.O. Box 3002, Prestondale, 4021. 9814/2012/PMB—Edoo, Rahman Ally, 1949/05/08, 4905085122089, 118 Palmiet Drive, Clare Estate, Durban, KwaZuluNatal, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, date of death: 2011/11/01; Kadir Bee Edoo, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—McClung, Mustard, PO Box 4, Pinetown, 3600. 12642/12—Ntuli, Elizabeth Dumazile, 6006240555087, 31 Alamein Avenue, Woodlands; Sithembiso Petros Ntuli, 5808065781081 (Durban; Durban).—Mbele, Dube & Partners, Suite 5/002 Sage Life House, 21 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 3244/2012/PMB—Gibbs, Freda Gideen, 1604050043080, The Gardens, 51 Mpushini Avenue, Waterfall, KwaZulu-Natal (Pinetown; Durban/Pietermaritzburg).—J Reid and Associates Inc., PO Box 2539, Mount Edgecombe Country Club. 16518/2012—Ramdin, Komarpersad, 4110245137081, 59 Hemside Place, Caneside, Phoenix; Chudika Ramdin, 5004210164080 (Verulam; Durban).—Bodasing & Company, PO Box 35, Umhlanga. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 133 345/2013/PMB–Miya, Thokozani Pheneas, 5502035706084, Busingatha Area, Mazizini, Bergville (Bergville; Pietermaritzburg).—D.S. Gumbi Attorneys, Office No. 13, Mntabenkosi Centre, M.A. Dube Street, P.O. Box 1399, Nquthu, 3135. 5427/1974/PMB—Mahomed, Kairoon Bee Mahomed, 800427145A, redcliffe, Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—GH Ismail & Associates, P.O. Box 70266, Overport, 4067. LIMPOPO 1377/2013—Dinkelmann, Anton Ernst, 5503125015089, plaas Buyskop 464, Bela-Bela (Bela-Bela; Pretoria).—Alta van Goeverden, PO Box 12129, Aston Manor, 1630. 195/2013—Nonyana, Norah Nyatsane, 7410201216086, Tswika House No. 221, District Tjhitale, 21 days (Thohoyandou; Thohoyandou).—A.R. Madia Attorneys. 5271/2010—Maroleni, Magezi Phineas, 4009065110089, House No. 485A, Malamulele Township, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Tintswalo Grace Maroleni, 4612090161082, 21 days (Malamulele; Polokwane).—Baloyi Rikhotso Attorneys, Shop No. 05, Malamulele Properties, behind Shoprite Checkers, Giyani; P.O. Box 2341, Giyani, 0826. 5257/2010—Lubbe, Johannes Jacobus Hermanus, 3404265005083, 16 De Kuiper Street, Phalaborwa; Catharina Johanna Lubbe, 4207260003089 (Phalaborwa; Polokwane).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres. 4222/2011—West, Cynthia Cecilia Lynette, 4506110070085, plaas Doorndraai, Nylstroom, 0510 [Modimolle (Nylstroom); Polokwane].—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 6163/12—Rasethaba, Lydia Matshidi, 2612240160085, House No. 2584, Zone 2, Seshego, 0699 (Seshego; Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002. 562/2013—Motebele, Kedibone Carolina, 4909170292088, House No. 1310, Zone 1, Mahwereleng, 0626 (Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 1828/2013—Klemp, Emil Wilhelm Anton, 5201145074083, Suidstraat 288, Florapark, Polokwane, 0699; Martha Magdalena Klemp, 5504030041087 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. 896/2013—Mbhanyele, Matendla Daniel, 5210275641082, P.O. Box 660, Xikundu, 0980; Carolina Jelfao Mbhanyele, 6704051065085 (Limpopo High Court).—Mathivha Attorneys, P.O. Box 6329, Thohoyandou, 0950. 343/2013—Nengwekhulu, Mavhuthu Otto, 6102026786085, P.O. Box 225, Vuwani, 0952; Mpho Lorraine Nengwekhulu, 7706120510081 (Limpopo High Court).—Mathivha Attorneys, P.O. Box 6329, Thohoyandou, 0950. 5174/2008—Carl Heinrich Höll, 3709095018084, Hoogstraat 45, Polokwane, oorlede 26 April 2008, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Polokwane).—Calculus Rekenmeesters, Biccardstraat 3 (Posbus 4089), Polokwane, 0700. 9553/2012—Marè, Johanna Willemina, 4711230042083 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Elmarie Bierman Prokureurs, Kerkstraat 10B, Polokwane. 886/2013—Mocheudi, Masilu Daniel, 5803045802081, Stand No. 268, Mawa Block 12, (Ritavi; Polokwane).—Baloyi and Shirinda Incorporated, Office No. 101–102, Morgan Building, 10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen. 7525/2009—Mashiga, David, 4801115493089, 1120 Unit A, Monsterlus, 1057, First & Final, 21 days (Nebo; Polokwane). 2047/2013—Sebelebele, Maphaleng Paulina, 4802280221081, 1078 Zone 4, Seshego, 0742, First & Final, 21 days (Seshego; Polokwane). 2418/2010—Sikele, Morupi Piet, 3809025200081, 296 Dindela, Nebo, 1059, First & Final, 21 days (Nebo; Polokwane). 2541/2013—Mahowa, Modike Arthur, 6707025215082, 1766 Mesopothamia, Ga-Kgapane, First & Final, 21 days (Bolobedu; Polokwane). 3087/2013—De Beer, Anna Cathleen, 3008040018087, 111 Agtste Straat, Naboomspruit, Mookgophong, First and Final, 21 days (Mookgophong; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 9261/2012—Engelbrecht, Dawid Hendrik Jakobus, 5310075104081, Eersteling, Tomburke, distrik Potgietersrus; Zacharya Sophia Engelbrecht, 4811230048080 (Mokopane; Polokwane).—AJ Coetzer & De Beer, Posbus 124, Mokopane, 0060. 10258/2012—Van der Westhuizen, Johannes Gerhardus, 4601225008086, Kestellstraat 170, Mokopane; Elizabeth Magdalena, 5105120057080 (Potgietersrus; Polokwane).—Borman, Snyman & Barnard Ing., Thabo Mbekirylaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane, 0600. 8108/2012—Schaap, Elsie Johanna, 2305070078085, Piet Potgieter Monumenttehuis, Hoogestraat, Mokopane (Potgietersrus; Polokwane).—Borman, Snyman & Barnard Ing., Thabo Mbekirylaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane, 0600. 2162/2013—Makwana, Lepulana Frans, 7511025619080, 28 Ga-Ntake, Ngwaabe (Sekhukhune; Polokwane). 4835/12—Venter, Catharina Maria Aletta, 2405190002088, Nadene Woonstel 4, Van Heerdenstraat, Mokopane (Mokopane; Polokwane).—Hennie Smit Prokureur, Posbus 4659, Mokopane. 134 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 4680/2012—Coetzee, Casper Jan Hendrik, 4504295047085, Plot 18, Planknek, Mokopane (Mokopane; Polokwane).— Hennie Smit Prokureur, Posbus 4659, Mokopane, 0600. 9425/2012—Isaks, Samantha Carla, 8510260069083, 1 Melba Street, Thabazimbi, Eerste en Finale, 21 days (Thabazimbi; Polokwane).—Sanlam Trust (Bloemfontein).—Posbus 4235, Bloemfontein, 9300. 555/2013—Ngwenya, Hazel, 6609020778082, Box 1257, Sifahla, 0957, Limpopo Province; Ngwenya Michael Gezani, 6409235602080 (Thohoyandou; Thohoyandou).—Advocate M.J. Mushasha, Room No. G30, Old Mutual Building, Thohoyandou. 2265/2013—Phori, Manabeng John, 3003125329087, 2018 Mailamapitsana, Sekhukhune (Sekhukhune; Polokwane). NORTHERN CAPE NOORD-KAAP 3318/2012—Engelbrecht, Susara Johanna, 4103070039084, Perseel 71, Marchand, Afdeling Kenhardt (Kakamas; Kimberley).—Le Roux en Genote Ingelyf, Voortrekkerstraat 30 (Posbus 159), Kakamas. 54/2013—Van Wyk, Gert Johannes, 3209205014082, Waterwerkestraat 30, Kimberley, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Kimberley).—Elliott, Maris, Wilmans & Hay, Cheapside, (Posbus 179), Kimberley, 8300. 1189/2012—Krieger, Daniel Pieter, 3209135054017, Langverwacht, Kakamas, Noord-Kaap; Catharina Kriger, 5704150159087 (Kakamas; Kimberley).—Le Roux & Genote Ingelyf, Posbus 159, Kakamas. 1065/2012—Halliday, Francois Petrus, 5110085125088, Parkstraat 15, Prieska (Prieska; Kimberley).—SD Immelman Ing., Van Riebeecklaan 1 (Posbus 37), Prieska, 8940. 186/2011—Lombard, Christoffel Benjamin, 2104165004084 (Victoria-Wes; Kimberley).—Louw & Müller Prokureurs, Posbus 56, Loeriesfontein, 8185. 2170/2012—Phepheng, Mogoiwa Petrus, 3505035227086, 49 Andrew Mapitse Street, Galeshewe, Kimberley, 8345 (Kimberley; Northern Cape).—Job Attorneys, 35A Market Square, corner Stead & Market Square, Kimberley, 8301. 3334/2012—Van der Merwe, James, 5908145134085, Laubserstraat 26, Kuruman; Salomina Jacoba van der Merwe, 7008130025089 (Kuruman; Kimberley).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 1505/2012—Mooki, Boitshwarelo Dick, 3907175300089, 97 Diamand Street, Upington, Amended; Majosefa Jemina Mooki, 6104080525086 (Upington; Kimberley).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 1358/2012—Van Rhyn, Jacobus Johannes, 3006225055080, Bucklands, Douglas, 8730; Wesselina Johanna Catharina van Rhyn, 3408280019086 (Douglas; Kimberley).—Hanekom & Kie, Posbus 67, Douglas, 8730. 3010/12—Blomerus, Susanna Johanna Magrietha, 2301310020086, Loxtonstraat, Kenhardt, 8900 (Kenhardt; Kimberley).—Nel & Vennote, Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800. 1003/2011—Du Toit, Gilliame Bernardus, 4311055002080, Van Rensburgstraat 174, Vosburg, 8780, Gewysigde en Herverdelingsooreenkoms (Victoria-Wes; Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 642/2011—Van der Merwe, Nicolaas Johannes, 5502125104083, Perseel 2 AY, Jan Kempdorp (Jan Kempdorp; Kimberley).—Noordkaap Finansiële Dienste/Pierre Blom, Stellastraat 7 (Posbus 322) Jan Kempdorp, 8550. 946/1974—Cloete, Theunis Johannes, 0209125002003, plaas Hinton George, distrik Daniëlskuil, 8405 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—C M de Bruyn en Vennote, Posbus 3674, Diamond, 8305. 946/1974—Cloete, Sophia Cecilia, 0405210009008, plaas Hinton George, distrik Daniëlskuil, 8405 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—C M de Bruyn en Vennote, Posbus 3674, Diamond, 8305. 946/1974—Cloete, Theunis Johannes, 0209125002003, plaas Hinton George, distrik Daniëlskuil, 8405 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—C M de Bruyn en Vennote, Posbus 3674, Diamond, 8305. 946/1974—Cloete, Sophia Cecilia, 0405210009008, plaas Hinton George, distrik Daniëlskuil, 8405 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—C M de Bruyn en Vennote, Posbus 3674, Diamond, 8305. 117/2013—Thomas, Donald Mounrwill, 4808195092087, Chrysentjinumstraat 22, Pescodia, Kimberley, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Betty Sophia, 5205130060080 (Kimberley).—Engelsman, Magabane Ing., Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley, 8300. 3543/2012—Vlok, Catharina Wilhelmina, 1810020016086 (Keimoes; Kimberley).—Brink & Genote Ingelyf, Posbus 39, Keimoes, 8860. 3187/2012—Jansen van Vuuren, Andries, 5404135006087, Kowiestraat 1, Riviera, Kimberley, 8301, Gewysigde (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 579/2013—Sahling, Graeme, 6803235176089, Benderstraat 38, Hillcrest, Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 207/2013—Coetzee, Louis George, 3808065007083, Lawrencestraat 15, Kimberley, 8301; Anna Johanna Coetzee, 4312120050088, Gewysigde (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 135 348/2005—Ramabina, Tumane Boniface, 5905295689082, 69 Sesing Street, Galeshewe, 8345; Mpho Ludmilla Gladys Ramabina, 6012010707080 (Kimberley; Northern Cape).—Job Attorneys, 35A Market Square, corner Stead Street & Market Square, Kimberley. NORTH WEST NOORDWES 3791/2012—Viljoen, Pieter Hendrik, 3909115069089, Pagel Beckerstraat 20, Flamwood, Klerksdorp; Hendrina Johanna Viljoen, 4210130069009 (Mafikeng; Mafikeng).—Pieter Schoeman Prokureurs, 05 Short Street, Potchefstroom. 3673/2012—De Beer, Petrus Johanens, 4609215003082, plaas Witkrans, Ventersdorp (Ventersdorp; Mafikeng).— CP Vermaas & Cronje, Van Niekerkstraat 7, Hartbeesfontein, 2600. 4342/2012—Irene Janet Going, 4412240060080, pensioner, 10 Sonryk, Jan de Wet Street, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, North West Province, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, unmarried, 21 days (Klerksdorp; North West High Court, Mafeking).—Waks Silent Attorneys, W S Chambers, 1st Floor, 17 North Street (PO Box 1861), Klerksdorp, 2570. 5466/2012—Kuhn, Johannes Andries, 5909055022088 (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—Du Plessis Van der Westhuizen Attorneys, PO Box 254, Rustenburg, 0300. 6650/2011—Grunwald, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1708175019188, Klopperstraat 181, Rustenburg (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).— Claassen-De Wet, Posbus 20304, Protea Park, 0305. 3470/2012—Joubert, Hendrik Lewis Erskine, 3508045029088; Johanna Maria Joubert, 4404240026088 (Mafikeng).— B de Clercq, PO Box 72979, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria. 2502/2012—Shimane David Meshoe, 3 October 1946, 4603105667080, B520 of Ratshwene Section Luka, Rustenburg, date of death: 28 March 2012, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Rustenburg; Mafikeng).—The Executor: Peggy Ntebaleng Meshoe, c/o Matshidiso Kole Attorneys, 155 Thabo Mbeki Drive and Heystec Street, Rustenburg, 0299; P.O. Box 2355, Rustenburg, 0300. 8712/2012—Mokalane, Popota Handrick, 5807265925084, House 40509, Phola Village, Mafikeng; Sediapelo Gloria Mokalane, 6509160909085, Amended First and Final (Mahikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, 49 Proctor Avenue, Mafikeng, 2745. 415/2013—Ratshikana, Teko, 5704155847082, 1744 Tlhakong Section, Dinokana, 2868; Lucky Amina Ratshikana, 5908020952080 (Zeerust; Mafikeng).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskassentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. 3842/13—Potgieter, Karin, 6407310028080, Plot 541 78, Gabarone, Botswana, 0001 (Zeerust; Mafikeng).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskassentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. 3748/2009—De Beer, Louis Joachim, 4902055054087, Phalafalastraat 1945, Northam, 0360, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Annemarie Charlotte de Beer, 5512250086088 [Rusenburg and Thabazimbi; Mafikeng (Mmabatho)].—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskassentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. 4383/2012—Kaka, Khatija, 2707070051089, 4 Skool Street, Shukran, Lichtenburg, 2740, N.W. Province (Lichtenburg; Mafikeng, Mmbatho). 2937/2012—Jacobus Petrus Silver, 3704255009089, Nieuwestraat 95, Potchefstroom, wat op die 30ste dag van Maart 2012 oorlede is, Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Julia Silver, 3804230044085, 21 dae (Potchefstroom; Mmabatho).— P.J.L. van Zyl Rekenmeesters, Hoewe Soetdorings (Posbus 765), Potchefstroom, 2520. 6061/2012—George Alexandra Loots, 4602285005087, Kiaatlaan 33, Potchefstroom, wat op 27 April 2012 oorlede is, Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Claartjie Isabella Loots, 3810020047089, 21 dae (Potchefstroom; Mmabatho).—P.J.L. van Zyl Rekenmeesters, Hoewe Soetdorings (Posbus 765), Potchefstroom), 2520. 9162/2012—Van Eck, Jacobus Daniël, 4410175008082, Delareystraat 18, Koster, 0348, datum van afsterwe: 01-12-2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Nicolaasina Wilhelmina Jacoba van Eck, 4602150014081, 21 dae (Koster; Mahikeng).—Dr. C L Wentzel, Posbus 998, Lichtenburg, 2740. 4407/2010—Louise Nel, 4611100082080, ongetroud, wat oorlede is op 14 Desember 2009, Eerste en Finale Likwidasieen Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Potchefstroom).—L. Potgieter Ingelyf, Posbus 1377, Potchefstroom, 2520. 968/2012—Cilliers, Hendrik Johannes, 3410135018081, plaas Erfdeel, distrik Vryburg (Vryburg; Mmabatho).—Herman du Plessis en Seun, Posbus 23, Delareyville, 2770. 13777/2012—Van der Merwe, Barend Johannes Andries, 4008125052083, 50 Keurboom Street, Stilfontein, First and Final; Johanna Dorothea Petronella van der Merwe, 4909200079083 (Klerksdorp; North Gauteng, Pretoria).—Johan van Heerden, Barnstable No. 17A, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria. 4506/2013—Sepato, Ditsamai Agnes, 4703240621081, House No. 175, Unit 2, Mmabatho; Feeye Moses Sepato, 4510025206081.—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasonʼs Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 4237/2013—Thekiso, Molefi Thys, 4510245196088, 1699 Mogoai Street, Ikageng Location; Mmamekgwa Elizabeth Thekiso, 4810110194089, Ramerafe Stephen Tav, Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 11252/2011—Duvenage, Katrina Helena, 3304100011082, Klopperstraat 166, Rustenburg, 0299 (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—Edward Leonard Ndzabandzaba Ing., 264 Beyers Nauderylaan, Rustenburg. 136 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 3930/2013—Ngakane, Esau Moshage, 7203275978081, 27B Klip Street, Zeerust; Dimakatso Rachael Ngakane, 8112251411083.—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 8697/2012—Ntshonsho, Nontikelelo Evelyn, 5209130782081, Lomanyaneng Village, Mahikeng. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 18326/07—Tlamama, Manne Johannes, 2908255154082, 3734 Leboneng, Temba, Supplementary First and Final (Moretele).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 6013/2011—Magalakanqa, Bulisile Michael, 7801017856083, Tyinindini, Sterkspruit (Sterkspruit; Mafikeng).—De Kocks Inc., PO Box 10105, Klerksdorp, 2570. WESTERN CAPE WES-KAAP 10428/2012—Mouton, Martha Magdalena Catherina, 3906020039062 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Venter en Vennote, Posbus 25211, Langenhovenpark. 10428/2012—Mouton, Martha Magdalena Catherina, 3906020039062 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Venter en Vennote, Posbus 25211, Langenhovenpark. 15033/2011—Fredericks, Charles Isaac, 5303175122087, 30 Bloemendal Road, Westridge, Mitchells Plain; Ursula Vivienne Fredericks, 5307270017084 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—MacDonald Attorneys, 5th Floor, Constitution House, 124 Adderley Street, Cape Town. 763/2013—Crozier, Robina, 2004050074186 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Truter & Hurter Inc., 5th Floor, Dumbarton House, 1 Church Street, Cape Town, 8000. 18361/2012—Davids, Patricia Lorraine, 4907060096080, 15 Philip Crescent, Belhar, 7493; Michael Brian Davids, 4306175078085 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 10773/2012—Pelton, Marjorie Jacqueline, 3107290051085, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Michael Matthews & Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Tokai, 7945. 18283/2012—Hendricks, Kenneth, 2901235059083, 29 Ravenscraig Road, Woodstock, 7925; Esme Ellen Hendricks, 3205240053084 (Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 1615/2013—Jacobs, Rose Mary, 1202020058088, No. 105 Sky Road, Bishop Lavis, 7490 (Bishop Lavis; Cape Town).— James Barendse, P.O. Box 1773, Bellville, 7535. 17556/2012—Bartie, Stephen Allastair, 6708275091082, Nilestraat 45, Fountain Village, Eersterivier, 7100; Priscilla Bartie, 6907270224082 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 15650/2012—Gordon, Gregory Peter, 29 Cloete Street, Parow (Bellville; Cape Town).—Abrahams & Gross Inc., PO Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000. 14391/2012—Uys, Michiel Beukes, 5105265053084, Bauhiniastraat 10, Riversdal, 6670; Jacomina Hendrina Uys, 5307130078086 (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—Mnre Coetzees Ing., Buitenstraat 25, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585. 7870/2011—Van Zyl, Beate Angela, 8012240174083, 15 Koring Street, Philadelphia, Western Cape, Amended First and Final (Atlantis; Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000. 8801/2006—August, Claudine Heather, 6407170107081, Paradysstraat 70, Aurora, Brackenfell; Henry Mark August, 6112205163089 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—JJ Tubb, MHI Prokureurs, Posbus 4073, Tygervallei, 7536. 2028/2013—Visser, Hermias Cornelius, 4403125072084, Murraystraat 132, Vierlanden, Durbanville (Bellville; Kaapstad).—JJ Tubb, MHI Prokureurs, Posbus 4073, Tygervallei, 7536. 18050/2012—Cutforth, Keith Arthur, 4507185100187, 4 Vygie Street, Heuwelkruin, Knysna, First and Final (Knysna; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 6662/2012—Truter, Daniel Barthlomeus, 3506295066081 (Moorreesburg; Cape Town).—Lionel Frank and Son, 47 Voortrekker Road, Malmesbury. 761/2012—Greeff, Aidan-John, 7212035101082, 10 Majorca Avenue, Somerset West, 7130 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Schliemann Inc., 15 Fairview Centre, Caledon Street, Somerset West. 761/2012—Greeff, Aidan-John, 7212035101082, 10 Majorca Avenue, Somerset West, 7130 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Schliemann Inc., 15 Fairview Centre, Caledon Street, Somerset West. 5301/2012—Smit, Izak Petrus Albertus, 2704245025080 (Hopefield; Cape Town).—Brits en Pretorius, Die Trek 28, Piketberg, 7320. 17386/2011—Backhouse, Maria Celeste, 3204050086185, No. 14 Ruimtepark, 18 Fagan Street, Somerset West, Supplementary First and Final (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—Morkel & De Villiers Inc., PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129. 13993/2012—Matthews, Petrus Hendrik, 3001175004089, Panorama Palms D78, Hendrik Verwoerd Rylaan, Panorama, 7500 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Smit Kruger Ingelyf, Wellingtonweg 32, Durbanville, 7550. 14258/11—De Villiers, Fatima, 5707040095080, 58 Beaufighters Circle, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, W.Cape; Ismail De Villiers, 5511255085087 (Mitchellʼs Plain; Cape Town).—Vavatzanidis Inc., 10 Beckham Street, Gardens, Cape Town. 1614/2013—Pregnolato, Mercia, 3807270044089, 7 Somer Street, Greenhaven, Athlone, 7764 (Wynberg; Cape Town).— Steyl - Vosloo Inc., P.O. Box 2095, Cape Town, 8000. 3574/2012—Jansen, Maria Magdalena, 5202020213085; Charles Benjamin Jansen, 5708255089081 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Cohen Shevel Fourie, 40 McIntyre Street, Parow. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 137 2291/2013—Solomon, Eileen Christin Solomon, 4404020450086, Pinedenstraat-wes 10, Ravensmed; Willem Johannes Solomon, 4008015069080 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Nielen Marais Ing., McIntyrestraat 16, Parow, 7500. 12405/2012—Hartshorne, Leon Andre, 5312155065083, 15 Snowballstraat, Proteavallei, Bellville (Bellville; Kaapstad).— Visagie Vos, Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459. 856/2012—Frans, Errol Moses, 4903025071086, Nemesialaan 16, Malmesbury; Florie Cecilia Frans (Malmesbury; Malmesbury).—Mnr Du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury. 4408/2013—Senft, Hans-Peter, 4104105024182, Auctionstraat 4, Malmesbury; Catherina Petronella Senft, 5308070162088 (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).—Mnr Du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury. 12342/07—Grainger, Leslie Reginald, 2405195077085 (Cape Town).—NSV Attorneys Inc., Unit 11, Canal Edge 2, Carl Cronje Drive, Cape Town. 17717/2009—Gierdien, Ruby Elaine, 4010050115083 (Wynberg).—NSV Attorneys Inc., Unit 11, Canal Edge 2, Carl Cronje Drive, Tyger Waterfront. 12368/2011—Syms, James Eli, 5603285169088, 20 Baker Street, Bernadino Heights, Kraaifontein, 7570; Wilhelmina Bertha Syms, 5711160162084 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Legatus Trust, Cascades I, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; P.O. Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536. 6767/2012—Louw, Anna Jacomina Christina, 2406110019087 (Willston; Cape Town).—Jannie Augustyn & Co. (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 299, Beaufort West, 6970. 11086/2012—Bester, Martin William, 3407075103089, Kingfisherlaan 29, Houtbaai (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood. 14880/2012—Goosen, Dudley James, 4009215049088, 4 Pladda Drive, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, First and Final (Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 14089/2012—Niehaus, Diederik Daniel, 4208275023088, Vygebosch Farm, Vyeboom, 7171; Johanna Sophia Niehaus, 4503180020009 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Visagie Vos, Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459. 802/2011—Mentor, Trevor Patrick, 5810075047081, 10 Jenny Lane, Bloubergsands, Cape Town; Jacqueline Joanne Maria Mentor, 6107170036088 (Cape Town).—Van Heerden Attorneys, 10 Classic Close, Fairway Heights, Worcester, 6850. 17994/2012—OʼKennedy, Francois James, 4508175002086, 14 Kruisrivier Crescent, Grannendal, Durbanville (Bellville; Cape Town).—Swemmer & Levin, 83 Main Road, Saldanha. 4334/2013—Chibba, Alfred George, 4407195139087, 51 Cello Street, Belhar, 7493; Miriam Kathleen Chibba, 4902180102082 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Miriam Kathleen Chibba, P.O. Box 1636, Bellville, 7535. 7779/2012—Vosloo, Johannes Hendrik Anthonie, 2203265029080, Stellenoord Versorgingssentrum, Wingerdlaan, Stellenbosch, 7600 (Stellenbosch; Kaapstad).—Steyl - Vosloo Ing., Posbus 2095, Kaapstad, 8000. 1669/2013—Hartman, Christina, 4510210108083 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Fourie Basson & Veldtma, 219 Voortrekker Road, Parow, 7500. 14279/2012—Fasi, Manjora Jakob, 3904285259081, Proteapark 5, Karmeliastraat 5, George, 19647; Hester Ntombi Fasi, 4411120255083 (George; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 227 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 3764/2013—Terblanche, Stephanus Johannes, 4807145121087, Meadestraat 27A, George, 6530; Maureen Lynette Terblanche, 5005150097081 (George; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Block C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045. 8806/2012—Gawler, Colleen Mary Frances, 6505060151083 (Hermanus; Cape Town).—A Oosthuizen, c/o Hermanus Accounting, 20 Hope Street, Hermanus, 7200. 1752/2013—Louw, Jacques, 6912175011089, 25 Louis Trichardt Street, Worcester (Worcester; Cape Town).—De Vries De Wet & Krouwkam, P.O. Box 871, Worcester, 6849. 4193/2013—Du Koker, Aletta Dorethia, 3901250039084 (Worcester; Cape Town).—VDRM Inc., 55 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8000. 1301/2013—Mouton, Wouter, 4903155098081, Setlaarstraat 10, Parrow Vallei; Hendrika Johanna Mouton, 5509160008087 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Visagie Vos, Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459. 15863/2012—Heibner, Edward John, 4008305044082; Amolina Heibner, 4006080033080 (Bellville; Cape Town).—SAP Dreyer, P.O. Box 39, Strand, 7139. 13682/2012—Bierman, Jennie Elizabeth, 2611120029089, 35 Paul Street, Brackenfell (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—African Mutual Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3339, Paarl, 7620. 12643/2012—Adriaanse, Adriaan Andreas, 4802255148087, 27 Willow Street, Resedale; Martha Maria Adriaanse, 4604020122086 (Kuilsriver; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 11027/2012—Brodziak, Anne Adela Webster, 4106140109084, 9 Riverside Mews, Jamieson Close, Frogmore Estate, Steenberg, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735. 15194/2011—Stockigt, Friedrich Wilhelm, 5906165113088, Bloemstraat 91, Goodwood en Dan Stewartstraat 165, Goodwood, Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremonte, 7735. 3947/2013—Roscamp, Doreen Ann, 4201230116188, 202 Walborough Mansions, Ascot Road, Milnerton, 7441, First and Final (Cape Town).—Proactive Executors, PO Box 300, Milnerton, 7435. 2695/2013—Booysen, Petrus Jacobus, 5103295116088, 19 Saxenburg Crescent, Oak Glen, Bellville, 7530; Georgia Merlyne Booysen, 5204090165088 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 138 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 606/2013—Smit, Dorothea Hendrika, 3507030038088, Quartet No. 2, Fitzroystraat 21, Goodwood, 7460 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 18175/2012—Vermeulen, Carel Johannes, 5401305057080, Kloofstraat 7, St Dumas, Kuilsrivier (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Hickman van Eeden Phillips, Posbus 158, Kuilsrivier, 7579. 5084/2013—Smith, Daniel Jacobus, 2803275007081, 34 Berthold Alheit Street, Bayview, Mossel Bay; Sara Maria Smith, 3204250005084 (Mossel Bay; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530. 14292/2008—Maria Catharina Lowings, 4006300121087, Piet Retiefstraat 87, Sandbaai, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Hermanus; Kaapstad).—G M Mostert, Mostert & Vennote, 9de Laan 192, Kraaifontein, 7570. 15405/2012—Gabriels, Jaculine, 5904290094083, DʼOlievierastraat 18, Boland Park, Paarl; Abraham Jacob Gabriels, 5811185048084 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—Faure & Faure Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227, Posbus 20, Paarl, 7622. 11935/2009—Gie, Annette Sophia Martina, 3501270009081, Kentuckystraat 32, Ravensmead, Wes-Kaap; Roelof Barry Gie, 3010265115081 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—I.B. Taylor & Associates, Pinedenestraat 13, Ravensmead, 7493. 10402/2012—Olivier, Maria Elizabeth, 2801220010850, 39 Kingfisher Road, Durbanville, First and Final, 21 days (Bellville; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 10971/2012—Beckbessinger, Ernest Hugh, 2402015021088, 3 Fisant Street, Sedgefield, First and Final (Knysna; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 16896/2012—Van Zyl, Wessel, 3204275010085, Hartenbos Versorgingsoord, Graaff Reinetlaan, Hartenbos, Eerste en Finale (Mosselbaai; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 1231/2013—Meyer, Elma Rozelle, 6411260152080, Titusstraat 11, Paarl; Yulston Waldo Meyer, 6801315269089 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—Faure & Faure Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227, Posbus 20, Paarl, 7622. 940/2013—Van Reenen, Elsie Elizabeth, 7 Burlington Street, Oakdale, Bellville (Bellville; Cape Town).—Chris Gerber, P.O. Box 4133, Durbanville, 7551. 12701/2012—Mangin, Geoffrey Temple Corah, 1809055079084, 312 Rosedale, Lower Nursery Road, Rosebank, 7700, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Personal Trust, P O Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701. 8040/2011—Barnard, George Frederick, 3608185030084, Polackstraat 27, Robertson, 6705; Hilda Barnard, 3612050040087 (Robertson; Kaapstad).—Muller Baard Du Toit Ing., Robertsonstraat 6, Posbus 41, Robertson, 6705. 16946/2009—Oosthuizen, Daniel Johannes, 3903055032082, Dwarswater, McGregor, 5708, Eerste en Finale; Maria Johanna Oosthuizen, 43110300036081 (Robertson; Kaapstad).—Muller Baard Du Toit Ing., Robertsonstrat 6, Posbus 41, Robertson, 6705. 8151/2012—Marais, Abraham Petrus, 3210165072085, Piet Retiefstraat 39, Robertson, 6705, Eerste en Finale (Robertson; Kaapstad).—Muller Baard Du Toit Ing, Robertsonstraat 6, Posbus 41, Robertson, 6705. 17296/2012—Immelman, Pieter Stephanus, 3008275022085, Sea Park 51, Melkbosstrand, 7741 (Atlantis; Kaapstad).— P. Joubert, Posbus 46, Somerset Mall, 7137. 3664/2012—Regnart, Lindsay Owen, 6206025001089, 15 Longmore Crescent, Edgemead, First and Final (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 17851/2011—Meyer, Dina, 4912220608089, 30 Finch Cresent, Sea Winds, Steenberg, Western Cape; Lesley Cupido Meyer, 4702085136080 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Mccla Human & Associates, Suite 6, Retreat Mall, Station Road, Retreat, Western Cape. 14632/2012—Nieuwoudt, Izak Johannes, 3506235004085, Kwikstertjielaan 9, Struisbaai; Sannie Nieuwoudt, 3811090039089 (Bredasdorp; Cape Town).—Brits Dreyer, P O Box 213, Bellville, 7535. 9050/2012—Dodgen, Brent Keith, 7112265180089, 14 Welby Road, Greenhaven, Athlone (Wynberg; Cape Town).— Abrahams & Gross Inc., P O Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000. 1105/2013—Johnson, Edgar, 4811305103083, 19 Cookstraat, Bothasig, 7441; Marlene Brenda Johnson, 5103150108089 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 17272/2012—James, Andrew William, 3810105022080, Longstraat 88, Sandabaai, Hermanus, 7200 (Hermanus; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof 7532, Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 16887/2013—Du Toit, Daniel Andries, 2502195014082 (George; Cape Town).—Alice Le Roux Ingelyf, Posbus 788, Kerkstraat 135, Oudtshoorn, 6620. 9146/2012—Aksel Hermanus Pedersen, 3210145039089, Kingstonesingel 11, Somerset-Wes, datum van afsterwe: 2 Junie 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—J H van Zyl, Gevolmagtigde van die Eksekuteur, Miller Bosman Le Roux, Posbus 880, Somerset Mall, 7137. 5179/2012—Georges, Fernand Albert Ghislain Coleille, 2905225166188, 60 Firmount Road, Somerset West, date of death: 6 March 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Somerset West; Cape Town).—J H van Zyl, Authorised representative of the Executor, Miller Bosman Le Roux Attorneys, Posbus 880, Somerset Mall, 7137. 5134/2011—Jedeikin, Sydney, 2706075082081, Highlands House, Cape Jewish Aged Home, 234 Upper Buitenkast Street, Cape Town, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (North Gauteng; Cape Town).—Howard Leslie Barkhan, PO Box 76798, Wendywood, 2144. 4414/2012—Booysen, Aubrey Isaac, 5811275111081, 10 Brighton Crescent, Macassar, 7134; Diane Booysen, 5710151013082 (Strand; Cape Town).—F. A. Allie & Associates, 15 Thornton Road, Gleemor, Athlone. 13453/2009—Gallie, Goolam, 5101225113084, 23 Ionian Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain; Mariam Gallie, 5202100123089 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—F.A. Allie & Associates, 15 Thornton Road, Gleemor, Athlone. 8561/2011—Peter John Sheriff Bacon, 4203255060085, 22 Van Eeden Street, Swellendam, 6740, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Swellendam; Cape Town).—Liana Wiese Accountants, 6A Church Street, Swellendam. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 139 3156/2013—Budu, Samuel, 3604255211084, Driebergenstraat 7, Kuilsrivier, 7580; Saartjie Budu, 4802060168080 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 3570/2010—Barnard, Marthinus Christoffel, 3607135028081, Prosesstraat 30, Vredenburg, 7380; Johanna Dorethea Barnard, 3605240146087 (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—Schoeman & Hamman Ingelyf, Posbus 710, Vredenburg, 7380. 15183/2012—Van Rensburg, Albertha Susanna, 2807010023089, Oxfordstraat 116, Goodwood; Frederick van Rensburg, 2601045048082 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Mike Strydom Prokureurs, Posbus 834, Durbanville, 7551. 11808/2011—Van Dyk, Peter Reynolds, 3503085024081, Amended Liquidation and Distribution Account (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Executor: H van Dyk, 21 Columbine Road, Rondebosch, 7700. 16454/2009—Johnson, Wilhelmina, 2607180076085, 140 Ventura Street, Facreton, Maitland (Goodwood; Cape Town).— JMB Gillan, 2 Lutomburg Building, 2 Leeuwen Street, Cape Town. 15868/2012—Andrews, Robert Cyprian, 1609265024080, 306 New Rosedale, Lower Nursery Road, Rosebank, 7700 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 9645/2011—September, Fred Michael, 3408220093084, 25 Dennegeur Avenue, Strandfontein, Cape Town; Doreen Margaret September, 3408220093084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Lamara Hendricks Attorneys, P.O. Box 18583, Wynberg, 7824; 47 Kromboom Road, Rondebosch East. 5884/2012—Hurlin, Charles, 3501095065003 (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Malcolm Black and Associates, Maitland House 2, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700. 14248/2012—Burniston, Cyril Frank, 2903315096183 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Malcolm Black and Associates, Maitland House 2, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700. 1035/2013—Hendricks, Owen Frank, 4203114088086, 12 Benona Road, Rondebosch East, 7780, First & Final; Elizabeth Charlotte Hendricks, 4410060060081, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—De Klerk & Van Gend, 2 Oakdale Road, Claremont, 7700. 3953/2013—Cupido, Quentin Carl, 6106285154083, Tobiasstraat 8, Victoria Park, Worcester, 6850; Sharon Cupido, 6512220225088 (Worcester; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 5548/2011—Sloan, Shirley Vilma, 2910130046087, First and Final, 21 days (Oudsthoorn; Cape Town).—Saayman & Kie Rekenmeester (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 1346, Oudtshoorn, 6620. 953/2012–Calaca, Francisco Natividade, 2606205035084, 27 Robert Road, Woodstock, Western Cape; Maria Madelena Calaca, 3802120017088 (Cape Town).—Vayatzanidis Inc., 10 Beckham Street, Gardens, Cape Town. 10923/2012—Havenga, Simon Peter, 5909085108089, 74 Nerina Crescent, Fish Hoek; WIlma Heleen Havenga, 6301240151080 (SImonstown; Cape Town).—Attorneys West & Rossouw, 33 Longboat Street, Sun Valley, Noordhoek. 14935/2013—April, Elizabeth Hendricka, 3206180078081 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Jon Greg Wilson Attorneys, 18 Benjamin Road, Wynberg, 7800. 754/2010—Rens, Lorraine Elizabeth, 2302030020083, 55 Kidbrooke Place, Hermanus, First and Final; Cornelius Johannes Rens, 2103165040080 (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Cap Chartered Accountants, PO Box 5526, Tygervalley, 7536. 2628/2012—Viljoen, Johannes Hendrikus, 3112155021082, Louwstraat 6, Stellenbosch, 7600 (Kaapstad).—Cluver Markotter Ing, Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599. 560/2012—David Johannes November, 2508285036083, Achillesstraat 3, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, 7600, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, oorlede 10 September 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Martha November, 3010120026089, 21 dae (Stellenbosch).—Lucille Geldenhuys Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, De Wetsentrum, h/v Kerk- en Birdstraat, Stellenbosch, 7600. 1026/2013—Marx, Marjorie, 4511080021084, 56 Prieska Road, Sybrand Park, 7700, First & Final; Johan Frederick Marx, 4506295021085, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—De Klerk & Van Gend, 2 Oakdale Road, Claremont, 7700. 8596/2008—Steyn, Dinah Matilda, 4505250116088, 18 Lavender Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain; George William Steyn, 4412155480083 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, cnr of No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700; PO Box 36076, Glosderry, 7702. 7777/2012—Morgan, John Gaanes, 3002015124087, 4 Trident Way, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7785, Amended First and Final Liquidation Account (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Renee C Anthony & Associates, Beaconvale Centre, cnr Pontiac & Rambler Streets, Mitchells Plain. 15952/2012—Pellatt, Jane, 13/06/1936, 3606130096085, 15 Drive Ab Bull Road, Froggy Farm, Simonstown, First (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Pierre Nieuwoudt Attorneys, No. 5 “The Lane”, Cavendish Street, Claremont, 7708. 2077/2013—Moyce, Allan Richard, 54081600686, Swakopmund, Namibia (Cape Town).—FM Oehl Trust CC, P.O. Box 90290, Windhoek. 4267/2012—Paulsen, Joseph Lionel, 3904135085082, Manchesterstraat 14, Malibu Village, Bluedowns, Eersterivier; Catherina Jane Hendrica Paulsen, 4605090090087 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139. 1650/2012—Carter, George William Brian, 4410175034088, Botrivierstraat 8, Protea Valley, Bellville; Pamela June Carter, 4406110019085 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139. 140 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 1914/2013—Fouche, Frederik Gerhardus, 3306015003088, Bon Arrivee 5, La Vie Est Bell, Marimbarylaan, Durbanville, First and Final, 21 days (Bellville; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 519/2013—Kleijnhans, Carel Rudolph, 3711045034088, Clarencerylaan 2483, Bettysbaai; Elizabeth Magrietha Kleynhans, 4502190075086 (Caledon; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000. 547/2013—Trautman, Victor Basil, 4608275092084, Van Eyssenstraat 61, Parow; Teresa Trautman, 5605130057087 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000. 12434/2012—De Beer, Petrolene, 6407060071082, 10 Tosca Street, Malmesbury, 7300; Andries de Beer, 6306095210080, First (Malmesbury; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 1722/2013—Willard, Ernest Alfred, 3101015007084, 12 Schoolside Street, Meadowridge (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 10217/2012—Grootboom, Cecelia, 5704250066083, 123 Williams Street, Parow East, 7500 (Bellville; Western Cape).— Averil Moses, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 16909/2012—Slavers, Charles Japie, 5912035199083, 9 Coucal Street, Devon Park, Eerste Rivier (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 14467/2012—Sterrenberg, William Henry, 3802125046082, 24 Yellowwood Close, Woodlands Drive, Pinehurst, Durbanville; Joy Constqnce Sterrenberg, 4001170043081 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 11151/2012—Stange, Donald Benjamin, 3510115066081, 5 Papillon Complex, George (George; Cape Town).— Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 3352/2011—Choice, Daphne Theresa, 4209060044081, 8 Malaga, 258 Main Road, Plumstead & Helen Keller Soc, Howard Place, Pinelands, Supplementary (Wynberg & Goodwood; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 14668/2012—Enderstein, Dorothy, 1406110038088, Panorama Palms, HG Verwoerd Drive, Panorama (Bellville; Western Cape).—Averil Moses, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 13803/2012—Hosken, Fiona Mary, 4809140023086, 14 Heather Street, Milnerton (Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 6053/2012—Reeler, Nita Magrieta, 2304030040087, 83 & 84 Kidbrooke Place, Onrus River, Hermanus (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Ltd (previously BoE Trust Ltd), PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 10988/2011—De Bie, Johanna Christina, 2707270003187, 207 Riverside Manor, Howard Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Goodwood; Western Cape).—Averil Moses, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 13339/2011—Raubach, Karl Oliver, 2511015068087, 3 Swan Lane, Bergvliet (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 17448/2012—Agenbag, Tobias Nicolaas, 3401165027084, 23 Constantia Street, Moorreesburg; Anna Maria Agenbag, 3307290024088 (Moorreesburg; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City. 13800/2012—Meyer, Engelina, 2710310016086, FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446 (Bellville; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446. 13702/2011—Van Wyk, Johan Geyser, 5804225090083, 65 Andrew Way, Strand, First (Strand; Western Cape).— FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446. 17451/2012—Van der Burgh, Johanna Jacoba Magrietha, 3111140054083, FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446 (Strand; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446. 16479/2012—Paulse, Norman Sidney William, 4609035073083, FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446; Denise Maud Paulse, 5708210127083 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446. 2660/2012—Weinberg, Karen Linda, 5808280307084, 59 Richie Street University Estate (Cape Town; Western Cape).— FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446. 1486/2011—Maritz, Grace Undine, 4403080013081, 103 Nelson Road, Fish Hoek, Second and Final (Simonstown; Western Cape).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City. 822/2013—Middlecote, Margaret Buist, 2009140025080, Silvermine Retirement Village (Simonstown; Western Cape).— FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City. 10231/2012—Maurice Rome, 8 March 1930, 3003085042084, widower, Flat 301, Eilat, Hall Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, date of death: 14 June 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town).—The Executor, c/o Anthony Rome Attorneys, P.O. Box 610, Parklands, 2121. Kevin Wynne, 6 April 1948, 4804065014087, 1A Third Avenue, Paarl East, date of death: 3 August 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Paarl; Cape Town).—Berkowitz Cohen Wartski, RG Wynne, Executor, 17th Floor, Southern Life House, 88 Field Street, Durban, 4001. 11296/2010—Johnson, Gertrude Christine, 2512080185087 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town). 9100/2012—Van der Burgh, Johanna, 3606040058084, Scheiderstraat 54, Franskraal, Gansbaai, 7220; Jacobus Myburgh van der Burgh, 3403145027085 (Hermanus; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 141 51218/2011—Hough, Daniel Dreyer, 6404055018087, Hoogstraat 42, Mosselbaai, 6500, 25 Maart 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in die Insolvente boedel (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—BJ Kruger, p/a Rauch-Gertenbach Inc, PO Box 3, Mossel Bay. 8083/2012—Miller, Robert John, 2403235037086, Montefiore Nursing Home, 36 Dangar Street, Randwick, Sydney, Australia (Cape Town).—Mazars, PO Box 134, Century City, Cape Town, 7446. 11134/2012—Lentin, Hazel Maureen, 3505260033084, Unit 134, Riverside Place, Alanwick Road, Diep River, 7800 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Mazars, PO Box 134, Century City, Cape Town, 7446. 16291/2012—Deva, Hansaben, 3401020056086, 7 Mavis Road, Rylands, Cape Town, 7764 (Wynberg, Cape; Cape Town).—Ince Wood & Raubenheimer, Oude Schuur Legal Centre, 8 Kildare Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800. 16898/2012—French, Margaret Isabel Strain, 1704300010085, Noordhoek Manor Retirment Village, Silvermine Road, First and Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 14635/2012—Gouveia, Manuel dos Reis, 6007265229186, 6 Kinrae Crescent, Fish Hoek, First and Final; Maria Tereza Gouveia, 6305260105082 (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 14017/2010—Clara Abrahams, 10 January 1939, Apartment 98 Blue Berry, 15 Midas Road, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0081, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town). 1159/2013—Howard Hans Mellem, 22 February 1950, 10 Montana Northpine, Brackenfell, 7560, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town). 2844/2013—Sawyer, Eileen May, 245986, 18 Chelmscote Mansions, Bains Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe, First and Final (Cape Town; Cape Towm).—Personal Trust, PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701. 14017/2010—Clara Abrahams, 10 January 1939, Apartment 98 Blue Berry, 15 Midas Road, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0081, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town). 1159/2013—Howard Hans Mellem, 22 February 1950, 10 Montana Northpine, Brackenfell, 7560, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town). 12438/2009—Field, Gabeba, 2702120058085, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Cape Town).—Miysp Taxation Services, 57 Pinehurst Road, Kenwyn, 7780. 13959/2012—Rayners, Harold John, 5511035103085, 8ste Laan 55, Retreat, 7945; Helena Dorothea Rayners, 5205080064082 (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 13282/2012—Bosch, Jola, 7201010270087, Sipreslaan 5, Paarl, 7546; Domenique Zachary Bosch, 6801285051087 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 17275/2012—Oosthuizen, Gerthardus Lourens, 2905255007088, Hoffstraat 75, Kraaifontein, 7570; Alida Regina Oosthuizen, 3705120008082 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 5184/2013—Potgieter, Estelle, 5209170138087, Ingridstraat 8, Chrismar LGD, Bellville, 7530 (Bellville; Kaapstad).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 2161/2013—Williams, Desmond Godfrey, 5405145033086, Baldwinlaan 22, Epping Forest, Kaapstad, 7490; Naomi Cicelia Williams, 5503170168080 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 4565/2013—Le Roux, Hester Woutrina Sophia, 2404180036081, Chrisma Villa, Kamer 45, Jessestraat 25, Bellville, 7530; Marthinus Hermanus Johannes le Roux, 1809075020084 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 15863/2012—Heibner, Edward John, 4008305044080; Amolina Heibner, 4006080033080 (Bellville; Cape Town).—SAP Dreyer, P.O. Box 39, Strand, 7139. 12543/2003—Bester, Jolanda Alida, 5905110010001, Bosmanstraat 46, Kraaifontein; Nicolaas Johannes Bester, 5412095035087 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Tygerberg Trustees, PO Box 5483, Tygervalley, 7536. 6616/2011—Bester, Nicolaas Johannes, 5412095035087, Drostdystraat 60, Kraaifontein, distrik Kuilsriver; Jacqualine Louise Bester, 6407100131086 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Tygerberg Trustees, PO Box 5483, Tygervalley, 7536. 9587/2011—Carstens, Daniel Jacobus, 4112225071082, Egretsingel 4, Sonata, Durbanville (Bellville; Kaapstad).— Botha Pretorius & Andrews Ingelyf, Gert Kotzestraat 4, Brackenfell. 5240/2012—Andrew Tomboer, 11/04/1944, 4404115064081, 51 Alibama Street, Belhar, datum van afsterwe: 30/12/2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Christina Magdalena Tomboer, 21 dae (Kaapstad).—Christina Magdalena Tomboer, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc, Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 11296/2010—Gertrude Christine Johnson, 8 December 1925, 2512080185087, No. 9 Groenberg Road, Tafelsig, Mitchellʼs Plain, 7785, date of death: 27 July 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchellʼs Plain; Cape Town).—A. Southgate, 26 Denbigh Road, Wynberg, 7800. 12351/2012—Ketch, Florence Ketch, 7508050192082; Fabian Desmond Ketch, 7505095260080 (Worcester; Cape Town).—Meyer & Botha Attorneys, 102 Russel Street, Worcester. 142 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 12753/2012—Frederik Johannes Petrus Carstens, 2401295025082, AGS Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Kuilsrivier; Maria Magdalena Carstens, 2302040015081, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).— Leon Frank & Vennote, Eenheid B, The Beachhead Kantoorpark, Niblickweg 10, Somerset Wes, 7130. 14947/2012—Matthee, Dirk Cornelis, 2507245002086 (Cape Town).—Keith Matthee, G3, Huguenot Chambers, Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town. 17157/2012—Swart, Daniel Johannes, 4611105027080, 11 Forest Hill, Simonstown, 7995 (Simonstown; Cape Town).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 12438/2011—Sheldon, Abdullan, 5211235665088, Liquidation & Distribution; Jawaya Shelden, 5312280020086 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Rahin Joseph Attorneys, 3rd Floor, JDN House, 26A Shortmarket Street (PO Box 567), Cape Town, 8000. 15703/2011—Arenz, Alan Norman, 6401055193084, 3 Koring Road, Crawford, Cape, Liquidation and Distribution (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Rahin Joseph Attorneys, 3rd Floor, JDN House, 26A Shortmarket Street (PO Box 567), Cape Town, 8000. 9135/2012—Wienburg, Rene, 2211220049085, 12 Hillrise Crescent, Durbell, Durbanville (Bellville; Kaapstad).—J J Tubb, MHI Prokureurs, Posbus 4073, Tygervallei, 7536. 10741/2012—Coetzee, Maria Anna, 4509190041083, First and Final (Amended) (Kuilsriver; Cape Town).—Exceed Trust (Pty) Ltd, De Wagenweg Office Park, Block B, 1st Floor, Stellentia Avenue, Stellenbosch, 7599. 603/2013—Perold, Huibrecht Elizabeth, 2504260008080, Huis AJ Liebenberg, Piketberg, 7320, Eerste en Finale (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 604/2013—Albertyn, Thomas Christopher, 5005265034086, Hartebeesrivier, Posbus 498, Piketberg, 7320, Eerste en Finale (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 16539/2009—Kemp, Johanna Aletta, 3101220079084, 22 Milford Way, Wentworth Villiage, Sunningdal, Milnerton, 7441, First and Final; Johan Kemp, 3409165117086 (Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 4292/2013—Visagie, Jacobus Petrus Vondelius, 3805125101088, Vyfde Straat 49, Voelklip, Hermanus, 7200, Eerste en Finale; Jacoba Magdalena Visagie, 3801130046087 (Hermanus; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 860/2013—Rous, Susanna Johanna Maria, 1710090008080, Huis Ametis , Gordonsbaaiweg, Strand, 7140, Eerste (Strand; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 18203/2012—Christian, Vincent Davaraj, 3405135183083, 18 Rue Robert, Glenhaven Estate, Bellville (Bellville; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 99 York Steet, George, 6529. 1045/2013—Johannes Hendrikus Botha, 7004065039088, Woltemadestraat 61, Strand, datum van afsterwe: 10/11/2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Marika Botha, 21 dae (Kaapstad).—Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (ID: 5607195060089), as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, c/o Roopa Potgieter, Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 7562/2012—Christopher Hendry Jordaan, 3804075344087, 8ste Laan 260, Eikendal, Kraaifontein, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—GM Mostert, Mostert & Vennote, 9de Laan 192, Kraaifontein, 7570. 7974/2012—Oranje, Josephine, 5310140022086, Carlsingel 20, Johnson Park, Worcester, 6849; Andries Oranje, 5011075176083 (Worcester; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 2712/2013—Saunders, Cecil George, 5404215129080, 12 Smarag Street, Stellenridge, 7530 (Bellville; Cape Town).— ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 164/2013—Andrews, Barbara Verity, 5504150047088, 46 Tecoma Road, Southfield, 7800 (Wynberg; Kaapstad).— ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 3948/13—Basson, Machiel Adriaan Nicolaas, 4007155028088, Visvyverlaan 13, Bosbokduin, Stilbaai, 6674 (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 6501/2011—Le Roux, Albertus Coetzee, 4312075069083, 8 Ibis Street, Sonstraal, Durbanville; Naomie le Roux, 5506070008082 (Bellville; Cape Town).—P Rall, Marais Muller Yekiso Inc, 21 Oewerpark, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 8398/2012—Cloete, Francis Louis Dirk, 3412035018088, Geluksoord Tarentaal Road, Stellenbosch, 7600, Amended First & Final (Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—B Lubbe & Associates, PO Box 11476, Bloubergrant, 7441. 12379/2012—Jansen van Vuuren, Frederick Petrus, 6005145021088, Koningstraat 32, Ladismith, 6655; Sonja Jansen van Vuuren, 7109190053084 (Ladismith; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 143 6134/2010—Pietersen, Francois Johannes, 3712225012084, Stellenrijkstraat 6, Wellington, 7655, Supplementêre (Wellington; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 18372/2012—Wentzel, Daniel Johannes, 4510285062083, Koorsboomsingel 35, Vredekloof, Brackenfell, 7560 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 15703/2012—Yates, Christopher James, 6302195273184, 27 Aiken Road, Norfolk Park, 7945; Nickoline Maria Fiona Yates, 6405290784086 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 5884/2012—Hurlin, Charles, 3501095065003 (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Malcolm Black and Associates, Maitland House 2, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700. 14248/2012—Burniston, Cyril Frank, 29033125096183 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Malcolm Black and Associates, Maitland House 2, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700. 10431/2010—Katzef, Morris, 3006045078080, Flat 609, Sea Point Place, 183 Beach Rd, Three Anchor Bay, Sea Point (Cape Town).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 7950/2012—Powell, David Peter, 2712055004087, 42 Milner Close, Sea Glade, Block 1, Hout Bay (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, P/bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 3680/2001—Johnson, Peter Leonard, 4009145428089, Liquidation and Distribution Account; Irene Dawn Johnson, 3907110016089 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Velile Tinto Cape Inc, No. 2 Dingle Avenue, Kenilworth. 2064/2013—La Vita, Patricia Elizabeth, 6309050092088, 9 Muir Street, Heidelberg; Brian Patrick la Vita, 5412045124080 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—R. van der Schyff Attorneys, 3 De Lange Street, Bellville, 7535. 898/2010—Tremble, Inez Margaret Bruce, 2002110043084, Sherwood House, 19 Sherwood Avenue, Kenilworth, 7700 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—R G Brogden, PO Box 6485, Roggebaai, 8012. 3712/2012—Van der Merwe, Gertruida Zagrijda, 3009070023088, Portevillesingel 14, Welgelegen, 7500; Jan Hendrik Jacobus van der Merwe, 3001195039081 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 186/2013—Kerr, Margaret Elizabeth Manning, 2307060031082, Green Pastures Rest Home, off Boland Road, Durbanville, 7550 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 2771/2013—Klopper, Dedrika, 4011290032088, Helderberg Lodge, h/v Lourensfordweg, Somerset Wes, 7130 (Somerset Wes; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 9619/2012—Petzer, Claude, 3411135051080; Effie Sidi Petzer, 4112100027084 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Andrew van Wyk & Associates, PO Box 2734, Clareinch, 7740. 14962/2010—Kruger, Sarah Catharina, 2808280011085, 7 Eagle Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441 (Atlantis; Cape Town).— Susan van Aswegen, 31 Beach Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441. 14962/2010—Kruger, Sarah Catharina, 2808280011085, 7 Eagle Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441 (Atlantis; Cape Town).— Susan van Aswegen, 31 Beach Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441. 16502/2012—Hawley, Frances, 3404150020080, Portion 73 of the farm Kleinkrantz No. 192, Wilderness, First and Final (Knysna; Master of the Western Cape High Court).—CJ Ballan Attorneys, PO Box 1142, Docex 8, Knysna, 6570. 14740/2004—Van der Vendt, William Jacobus, 1301035046086 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—M van der Scholtz Attorneys, 51 Hugo Street, Goodwood, 7460. 7549/2009—Links, Falander, 1905075065085 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—M van der Scholtz Attorneys, 51 Hugo Street, Goodwood. 16409/2011—Adams, Sylvia Muad, 3502050001082; Alfred George Adams, 3403105087087 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—M van der Scholtz Attorneys, 51 Hugo Street, Goodwood 7460. 10139/2012—Wesson, Percival Griffiths, 3304205208088, 13 Kinders Road, Belthorne Estate, 7780; Joyce Georgina Wesson, 3702180016089 (Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 5304/2010—Meyer, Nicolas Johannes Stefanes, 2402065043081, Buitekantstraat 11, Oudtshoorn, 6620 (Oudtshoorn; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 8306/2008—Andrianatos, Nannette Colleen, 3105050025083, Marmerstraat 08, Stellenridge, Bellville, 7530 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 12255/2011—Schippers, Peter Douglas, 5207035091087, 25 Hengelaar Street, Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain, 7785 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 2775/2013—Smit, George Joachim, 3508135019080, De Villiersstraat 23, Bellville, 7530 (Bellville; Kaapstad).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 9861/2012—Honey, Jean Enid, 3105210040188, 6 Albertyn Road, Muizenberg 7945 (Simonstown; Cape Town).— Hanesworth and Nienaber, 37 Henrietta Street, Fort Beaufort, 5720. 144 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 5706/2012—Van Breda, Mary Lilian, 2711140048083, Princess Christian Home, Lente Street, Tokai (Wynberg; Cape Tow).—B Lubbe & Associates, PO Box 11476, Bloubergrant, 7441. 15828/2010—Nel, Augusta Wilhelmina (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Meyer Nel, 1 Vrede Park, 26 Vrede Street, Bellville, 7530. 2687/2012—Kruger, Cornelia Elizabeth, 1710060041087, Village of Golden Harvest, Room 15 C, Sandbaai (Cape Town).—Wessels & Associates, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. 2346/2012—Timmie, Louis, 4710075141085, Springbokstraat 95, Paarl; Roseline Freda Timmie, 5201040115080 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—Van der Spuy & Vennote, Posbus 218, Paarl, 7620. 15828/2010—Nel, Augusta Wilhelmina (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Meyer Nel, 1 Vrede Park, 26 Vrede Street, Bellville, 7530. 4137/2013—Currin, Gertrude Mavis, 1909290011080, Kogelpark Clinic, Kleinmond, First and Final (Caledon; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 5301/2013—Heyns, Johan Hendrik Andries, 4705135080083, 7de Laan WO3, Saldanha, 7395; Hendrina Helena Heyns, 4707120052085 (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 5276/2013—Oosthuizen, Eloff Stefanus, 5101185108082, Soetrivierstraat 21, Bothasig, 7441 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 1416/2013—Mavakla, Ernest Ralph, 3007075076085, 8 Botterblom Avenue, Grassy Park, 7945; Elizabeth Margereth Mavakla, 3602220061089 (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 3033/2013—Lambrechts, Johan, 6906295043089, Bamfordstraat 24, Soneike, Kuilsrivier, 7580 (Kuilsriver; Kaapstad).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. 6472/2011—Cameron, Florence Beatrice, 1510100034088 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—I.N. Stephenson, PO Box 815, Sun Valley, 7985. (2 Woodpecker Close, Fish Hoek). 1104/2013—Ross, Donald James Blacklock, 3505245060087, 11 Fir Avenue, Hermanus, First and Final, 21 days (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 1106/2012—Hindley, John Jeremy 4312245547182, 1 Lakewood Village, Theron Street, Hermanus, First and Final, 21 days (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYWETTE-KENNISGEWINGS Form/Vorm J 28 ESTATES OR COMPANIES SEQUESTRATED OR WOUND UP PROVISIONALLY Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of. BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE WAT VOORLOPIG GESEKWESTREER OF GELIKWIDEER IS Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van. B33/2013—Daniël Hermanus van Rensburg, ID No 6901165090088, geskei, woonagtig te MT Ayliffstraat 56, St Helena, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie. 18 April 2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Van Wyk & Preller Ingelyf. C107/2013—Antoinette Taljaard, 6212130093086, 17 The Greens, Altena Street, Strand. 26 March 2013, Western Cape High Court. Ex parte. C197/2013—Anthony Michael Mayer, 6506135173086, ongetroud, woonagtig te Mostertweg 48, Melkbosstrand. 20 March 2013, Western Cape High Court. Ex parte. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 145 C87/2013—Marius de Bruyn, 6907025071085, 119 Jacqueline Street, Parow. 15 March 2013, Western Cape High Court. Ex parte. N46/13—Stephen Pilbrough, ID No. 6006105539184, 40 Manorfields, 21 Delamore Road, Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal. 26/2/2013, the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Lynn & Main Attorneys. B32/2013—Free State Airconditioning BK, Reg. No. 1990/01615/23, met geregistreerde kantoor te Walter Raathstraat 3, Oos-Einde, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 11 Maart 2013, Landdroshof vir die distrik Bloemfontein. Barend Johannes du Plessis. B18/2013—Bluedust 39 (Edms) Bpk h/a Bluedust Milling, Reg. No. 2004/019823/07, besigheidsadres te Eerste Straat No. 7, Koppies, Vrystaat Provinsie. 07/03/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Turnstone Trading BK. B20/2013—Leon Botha, ID No. 7109025167083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te plaas “Hepburn”, Bultfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 04/04/12013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Boedeloorgawe. E14/2013—Ronald William Barnes-Webb, 5705065006081, residing at 36 Seafield Lane, Kleinemonde, Eastern Cape. 11 April 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Grahamstown. Gerald van Aswegen. B29/2013—Western Breeze Trading 213 (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2006/014516/07, geregistreerde adres te 6 Seventh Street, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 30/08/2011, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Firstrand Bank Limited. B28/2013—Park Livestock Trading BK, Reg. No. 2004/058815/23, besigheid adres te Mount Denniston, Ficksburg, Vrystaat Provinsie. 19/03/2013, Landdros Hof, Ficksburg. Profert (Edms) Beperk. B27/2013—Alkete BK h/a Goldfields Lubricants, Reg. No. 2006/105163/23, besigheidsadres te Constantiastraat 137, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie. 15/03/2013, Landdroshof, Welkom. Stephanus Daniel Wynand van Zyl. G1635/10—Bidshelf 38 (Pty) Ltd, 1997/013104/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 01/01/1900. G1640/10—Bidshelf 31 (Pty) Ltd, 1996/000650/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 01/10/2010. G1642/10—Bidshelf 30 (Pty) Ltd, 1997/020679/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 04/10/2010. G1639/10—Bidshelf 28 (Pty) Ltd, 1999/001605/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 01/10/2010. G1641/10—Bidshelf 26 (Pty) Ltd, 1972/007130/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 01/10/2010. G1637/10—Bidshelf 25 (Pty) Ltd, 2000/010153/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 01/10/2010. G0812/13—Esu Finance (Pty) Ltd, 1982/010262/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 07/06/2012. G1638/10—Bidshelf 33 (Pty) Ltd, 1964/010073/07 (Members Voluntary Liquidation). 01/10/2010. G1633/10—Bidshelf 34 (Pty) Ltd (Members Voluntary Liquidation), 1973/016436/07. 01/10/2010. G1634/10—Bidshelf 37 (Pty) Ltd (Members Voluntary Liquidation), 1994/008387/07. 01/10/2010. G708/2012—Le Roux, Zelma, 7309020070080, No. 112A Christiaan de Wet Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort. 12 June 2012—10 July 2012, South Gauteng High Court (Johannesburg). Martin de Villiers. C287/2013—Jeanette Kok-Kritzinger, 7308130096084, 19 Timbavati, Welgevonden Estate, Durbanville, Western Cape. 25 January 2013, Western Cape High Court. Willem Johannes Erwee. S38/13—Zelpy 1532 (Pty) Ltd, f/t/a Strategic Optical, 2002/019033/07, 33A Third Avenue, Newton Park. 30 April 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. Colin Gilbert James Wilson. S13/2013—Tradezilla 68 (Pty) Ltd, 2007/013055/07, 5 Silver Tree Road, Jeffreys Bay. 12 February 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. ABSA Bank Limited. Form/Vorm J 29 FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS, CONTRIBUTORIES, MEMBERS OR DEBENTUREHOLDERS OF SEQUESTRATED ESTATES, COMPANIES BEING WOUND-UP OR PLACED UNDER PROVISIONAL JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made, and date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Masterʼs office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. 146 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 EERSTE BYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS, KONTRIBUANTE, LEDE OF SKULDBRIEFHOUERS VAN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS, MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE OF ONDER VOORLOPIGE GEREGTELIKE BESTUUR Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ʼn eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ʼn plek waarin ʼn kantoor van ʼn Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. S29/2013—Golden Pond Trading 81 (Pty) Ltd, 2004/007097/07, 1214 Port Au Prince Close, Marina Martinique, Jeffreys Bay. 19 March 2013—7 May 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. 5 June 2013, 14h00, Port Elizabeth. C255/2013—Western Cape Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, 2005/037680/07, 8 Wolhuter Street, Welgemoed, Western Cape. 8 February 2013—26 March 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrateʼs Offie, Bellville. C225/2013—Ducucor Printing Solutions, 2003/027168/07, Unit 2, 23 Killarney Avenue, Killarney Gardens, Western Cape. 15 March 2013—6 May 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 7 June 2013, 09h00, Masterʼs Office, Cape Town. G1293/2012—AF FSL Glass & Wind Screen Centre (Pty) Ltd, 1997/007217/07, C/o 31 Biccard Street, Krugersdorp. Final order: 4 September 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. G173/2013—Mario Jorge Da Fonseca Paulo, 7304195367080, C/o 4 Forest Park Crescent, Fernbrooke Estate, Craigavon. Final order: 6 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G323/2013—Gideon Francois and Linda Viljoen, 7510065014087 & 7508180266087, c/o Black Reefstraat 139, Dinwiddie, Germiston. Final order: 2 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Germiston. G1093/2012—Starbuck Gerhard Anton, 6303135121087, C/o Murphy Plek 04, Albermarie, Germiston. Final order: 17 July 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Germiston. G1213/2012—ICSA Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd, 1999/010436/07, C/o 6 Duff Road, Craigavon, Fourways. Final order: 4 December 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G1382/2012—WBS Restaurant (Pty) Ltd t/a The Whiteboy Shebeen, 2005/036680/07, C/o 11th Floor, Nedbank Building, 96 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Final order: 29 January 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G1693/2010—Elizabeth van der Merwe, 6504210025081, C/o Montagu, 7 Fiskaal Street, Kempton Park. Final order: 27 July 2010, South Gauteng High Court. 4 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. G179/2012–Anthea De Abreu, 6412180116080, C/o 17, 14th Street, Parkmore. Final order: 14 February 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G293/2013—Negota SSH (Gauteng) Incorporated, 2003/006849/21, C/o 2nd Floor, 293 Kent Avenue, Randburg. Final order: 20 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G264/2013—CEM Engineering Products (Pty) Ltd, 1999/026480/07, C/o 401 JS Centre, One Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton. Final order: 22 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G1364/2012–Magnolia Ridge Properties (Pty) Ltd, 2004/006777/07, C/o 35 Lakefield Ave, Lakefield, Benoni. Final order: 4 December 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. G167/2013—Plot 113 Diepsloot (Pty) Ltd, 2001/008896/07, C/o 57–7th Street, Parkmore, Sandton. Final order: 12 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G95/2013–Barron Judith Anne, 6202280229184, C/o 14 Vosloo Str, Highway Gardens, Edenvale. Final order: 17 August 2010, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Germiston. G115/2013—Pamco Investments (Pty) Ltd, 1993/000197/07, C/o Block 4 Ground Floor, Stratford Office Park, Cedar Road, Fourways. Final order: 8 February 2013, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G585/2012—Eason Elctronic (Pty) Ltd, 2004/010010/07, C/o 374 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia. Final order: 1 November 2012, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G94/2013—Anton and Johanna Magrietha van deer Riel, 5610205046080 & 7003070170086, C/o Smitstraat 23, Randgate, Randfontein. Final order: 23 November 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 6 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 147 G12/2013—RT Property Investments Holdings (Pty) Ltd, 2005/013124/07, C/o Unit 21 Villa Valencia Office Park, Anemoon Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park. Final order: 5 December 2012, Special Resolution. 4 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T4332/12—Jaco Tinus Viljoen, 7907025053082, 7 Van Bruggen Street, Secunda. Final order: 21 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Secunda. T4392/12—Jacques Roux, 6906015023080, 123 Savannah Lodge, Berettastraat, Honeydew Manor, Roodepoort. Final order: 24 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T3551/12—Razorbill Properties 120 (Pty) Ltd, 2000/021719/07, 6 Van Deventer Street, Duncanville, Vereeniging. Final order: 18 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T1151/11—Linda Trytsman, 4708050075088, 79 Jack Creek St Andrew Boundary Street, North Riding, Johannesburg. Final order: 21 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T1411/11—Natasha Raath, 8201140184082, 970 Commissioner Street, Claremont, Pretoria. Final order: 6 May 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0881/13—Amber Falcon Properties 127 (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2007/013001/07, PO Box 73016, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040; Sussex Office Park, 473 Lynnwood Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0081. Final order: 14 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5311/10—Lydia Nombulelo Mulaya (previously Landigwe), 7512150855085, 47 Gold Street, Triomf, Johannesburg. Final order: 8 December 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T5221/11—Petrus Francois Poklenberg Erasmus Coetzee, 5709215024085, Greenpark, Taylorweg No. 6, Honeydew, Roodepoort. Final order: 16 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T3471/11—Balekane Boniface & Grace Mapule Khoza, 5811055946088 & 6905130754083, 62 Adam Tas Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, Gauteng. Final order: 2 December 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T4791/11—Sesbatian Jacobus Johannes Tromp, 5911085100082, 9 Noord Street, Rayton. Final order: 11 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Cullinan. T1561/12—Daren Naidoo & Christiana Naidoo, 7901075114084 & 7012250088083, 14 Blue Lakes Estate, Pioneer Drive, Benoni, Gauteng. Final order: 26 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. T4731/11—Maria Magdalena Jooste, 5708300071081, 87 Pienaas Street, Brits. Final order: 5 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits. T3441/12—Thanya Billings, 6806050135080, 5 Palm Court, Vrederoad, Vredepark, Randburg. Final order: 11 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T1521/12—Maria Elizabeth Kruger, 6905070109081, Bokmakieriestraat 11, Golfpark, Naboomspruit, Mokopane. Final order: 26 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Naboomspruit. T4191/12—Theresia Prinsloo, 7811170029089, 12 Doncaster Street, Ferryvale, Nigel, Gauteng. Final order: 5 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Nigel. T2481/12—Werner Eugen Kruger, 8111165156081, Burger Avenue 12, Delmas. Final order: 12 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Delmas. T5071/12–Marthys Marthinus Cook, 7501275058089, Bergsingel 483, Magalieskruin, Pretoria. Final order: 11 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0461/13—Chris Lessing Droste, 6912045204088, Ficuslaan 857, Pumlani, Pretoria. Final order: 15 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3031/09—Lorinda-Lizelle Da Silva, 7011100082080, 1068 Deborah Street, Pretoria Gardens. Final order: 25 June 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. N14/2013—Insolvent estate: Vinesh Madhan, 7212035111081, 73 Jupiter Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg. Final order: 21/02/2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 14/06/2013, 10h00, Pietermaritzburg Masterʼs Office. T5193/11—Floris Tromp, 5212305050086, Plot 92, Rietfontein, Rayton. Final order: 18 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0133/12—Zuleika Zwart, 8002210054082, 10 The Cut Street, Dalview, Brakpan. Final order: 10 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T4493/12—Jakobus Albertus Vosser & Charlene Ann Vosser, 8609225127083 & 8901010084086, 74 Aspen Creek, Benoni. Final order: 11 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. T3473/12—Klaas Jacobus van Rooyen, 7905215005086, 101 Landau Street, Morehill, Benoni. Final order: 22 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. T2233/12—Ziona Kostanjevec, 8212140064087, Roselaan 96, Rothdene, Meyerton. Final order: 27 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Meyerton. T1053/12—Hendrik Jacobus & Lindie Grobler, 8105045267084 & 7101080046088, Caravellestraat 25, Impala Park, Boksburg. Final order: 29 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. 2013/11—Izak Benjamin Berning, 5305125058089, Irvinelaan 45, Mountain View, Pretoria, 0082. Final order: 17 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. 148 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T4842/12—Bernadine Claudette Greshame van der Merwe, 8512200086086, 48 Baines Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria. Final order: 5 December 2012 North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0162/13—Paul Jakobus Coetzen, 6905225118086, 3 Edgar Street, Rustivia, Germiston. Final order: 22 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T5122/12—Johannes Ettienne Lubbe & Coreen Lubbe, 7805195207084 & 8410030231081, Gelderlandstraat 6, Eloffsdal, Pretoria. Final order: 18 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3772/12—Aletta Elizabeth Swart & Christiaan Swart, 4702210086085 & 4701015012080, Albertstraat 454, Waterkloof, Pretoria. Final order: 6 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4222/12—Mxolisi Reginald Buthelezi, 840810557081, 11571 Monomane Crescent, Vosloorus, Boksburg. Final order: 9 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T0192/13—Johannes Marthinus Smuts & Maria Elizabeth Smuts, 6808215166083 & 7003160011080, Huis Harmonie, Omega Boerdery, Kiepersol, Hazyview, White River. Final order: 26 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 08h00, Magistrate, White River. T3192/12—Moduwane Civil Construction and Contracting (Pty) Ltd, 1999/04154/07, 30 Waterford Office Park, Waterford Drive, Fourways, Gauteng. Final order: 28 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. T3382/12—Amelia Sauer, 7212080091089, 47 Akwamaryn Street, West Acres X6, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. Final order: 29 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T5152/10—Melani Joubert (voorheen Schlechter), 8401310125085, 18 Santo Monica Street, Centurion, Pretoria. Final order: 30 November 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0842/10—Carmen Seabrook, 7412270208085, 11 Hollyhock Avenue Primrose, Germiston. Final order: 3 June 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T2632/12—Elizay Properties 19 (Pty) Ltd & New Approach Building Projects (Pty) Ltd, 2008/029410/07 & 1999/013905/07, Stonechat 842, Featherbrook Estate, Krugersdorp. Final order: 21 September 2012 North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T1992/12—Elizabeth Cecilia Smit, 5908050013084, Beyers Naudestraat 23, Potchefstroom. Final order: 26 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom. T5512/10—Peterus Johannes Snyman, 6505025150089, Van Riebeeckstraat 818, Daspoort, Pretoria.Final order: 15 February 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013,10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1124/09—Girlie Lucy Khumalo, 4905030665083, 358 Christopher Road, Wapadrand, Pretoria. Final order: 24 March 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1434/12—June Francis Engelbrecht, 5806180102084, Bokmakieriestraat 311, Leeuwfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 7 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1234/11—Monique Britt Alderson, 7302100245086, 3 Bryanston Hills, Kensington, Johannesburg. Final order: 7 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T1864/11–Jan Gerhardus Welgemoed & Vanessa Welgemoed, 6911295051082 & 6808270292082, 23 Libertas Street, Secunda, Mpumalanga. Final order: 3 May 201, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Evander. T5074/12—Keith Wilken Fick, 5203175153084, 3 Doone Street, Cornet, Boksburg. Final order: 11 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T4944/12—Sifiso Amon Hlambo, 6703105437084, 15 Mobola Street, Birch Acres, Kempton Park. Final order: 14 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T3874/12—Natanya Steyn, 8502160080088, 38 Cradock Street, Geduld, Springs. Final order: 17 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. T5484/11—Jacobus Stephanus van Rensburg, 7006135206084, 7 Olympus View, Azax Street, Olymus, Pretoria. Final order: 24 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria. T4934/12—Adele Boshoff, 7806080095089, Sewensterlaan No. 3, Jansenpark, Boksburg. Final order: 12 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T0094/13—Leatitia Hattingh, 8201170028084, 9 Greyling Street, Brakpan North, Brakpan. Final order: 8 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T4553/12—Catwalk Investment 50 (Pty) Ltd, 1998/023692/07, Pretoria. Final order: 8 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h30, Master, Pretoria. T4653/12—Marthunis Bouwer & Este Bouwer, 8412035045086 & 8501200009081, No. 15 Chris Andre Woonstel, 33 McDonald Street, Ermelo. Final order: 22 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Ermelo. T0573/12—Delras Engineering (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1975/001467/07, 15th Floor Ten Sixty Six, 35 Pitchard Street, Johannesburg. Final order: 2 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T1383/12—Daniel Adriaan de Beer, 6806255133088, 5 Libombo Street, Claremont, Johannesburg. Final order: 13 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 149 T0213/12—Olebogeng Benjamin Bonyaditse, 7210135693081, 14 Bacino Derphinium Street, Winchester Hills, Johannesburg. Final order: 17 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T1813/12—Gerhardus Francois van der Merwe & Christa van der Merwe, 6707035018088 & 7208050021080, Mari Woonstelle 502, 17de Laan 428, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 14 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3913/12—Nohlahla Lindelwa Kubheka, 8204020992087, Anthesis Ridge No. 2, Anthesis Street, Lotus Gardens. Final order: 18 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0563/13—Arno Paul Brandt, 6808205013089, No. 17 Oakfields, Centurion Golf Estate, Centurion. Final order: 14 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1463/12—Bernard Bekker & Magdalena Maria Bekker, 5810255056084 & 6303070016086, Walterlaan 1198, Waverley, Pretoria. Final order: 12 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4763/12—Neo Nikiwe Mapetla, 7910060223081, Paffstraat 86, Booysens, Pretoria. Final order: 27 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3065/11—Johannes Cornelius Jacob & Ina Engelbrecht, 7309095017081 & 8107040123088, 264 Harwood Street, Eloff, Delmas. Final order: 19 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Delmas. T2415/11—Johannes Francois du Toit, 6911075237083, Plot 230, Kameelfontein, Pretoria North. Final order: 8 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T0135/13—Bartholomew Otto, 7805255095080, 26 Lemoen Street, Boksburg, Gauteng. Final order: 14 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T4675/12—Cheryl Lynn Pretorius, 7408250112081, 1 Neville Road, Brackndowns Ext 2, Alberton. Final order: 22 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T4935/12—Isobella Andrienhetta Willamiena Blignaut, 6607080050087, 48 Louisa Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton. Final order: 13 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T1195/10—Jeannine Liza Schunke, 6812120115086, 15 Indobali, 230 Barbet Road, Rynefield, Benoni. Final order: 30 June 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni. T1074/12—Willem & Marthie Le Maitre, 6404115034082 & 6612040101087, Wattle Place No. 5, Wattleweg, Dal Fouche, Springs. Final order: 28 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. T2474/10—Jakobus Everhardus & Cornelia Maria du Plessis, 4604155046001 & 4804280034001, Heatherlaan 16, Lilianton, Boksburg. Final order: 1 July 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T4354/12—Aldabry 9 (Pty) Ltd, 2003/023310/07, Pretoria. Final order: 13 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0514/12—Johannes Barens Adriaan Coetze & Jo Anne Coetzee, 7904225029087 & 8306250276089, 2 Wild Olive Theresapark, Pretoria North. Final order: 1 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T5094/11—Hafisa Kaloo & Riaz Hanza, 7703100205089 & 6805135075089, Morrisstraat 37, Meyerton en tans woonagtig te No. 16 Dan Pienaarstraat, Duncanville, Vereeniging. Final order: 19 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T0874/13—Hester Catherina Ranch, 6804210095088, 1 Le Maitre Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton. Final order: 13 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T4534/12—Petrus Johannes Henrico & Getruida Jerimia Sussanna Henrico, 6012065028085 & 6509070075084, Kranspoortrylaan 410, Middelburg. Final order: 11 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg (MP). T2324/12—Asid Zakewu Phiri, 6802125284086, 7 Hoster Road, Matherland Park, Ermelo. Final order: 28 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Ermelo. T3464/12—Leon Johannes Louw, 6601045035085, Portion 126, Farm Doornpoort, Gauteng. Final order: 23 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T5114/11—Petronella Byleveldt, 7305110040082, 50 Alaric Road, Valhalla, Centurion. Final order: 20 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1494/12—Riaan du Plessis, 8108215001085, 22 Bobbyʼs Place, Foreststraat 92, Equestria, Pretoria. Final order: 20 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0434/12—Frans Jakob Venter, 6001245046083, 758 Besembessie Street, Montana Park, Pretoria. Final order: 17 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5194/11—Henri Theron, 4812175071087, 19 Deonhof, 298–12th Avenue, Gezina. Final order: 8 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4884/11—Eugene Stander, 7507225031084, 1046 Hyde Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Final order: 10 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0246/11—Corporate Intervention Services (Pty) Ltd, 1999/008372/07, 873 Rubenstein Street, Moreleta Park, 0044. Final order: 2 September 2010, Special Resolution. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2046/12—Andries Jacobus Petrus & Leatitia Julana Fourie, 7909125028089, Van der Hoffweg 22, Pretoria. Final order: 8 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. 150 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T3316/12—Abraham Jacobus Rousseau, 6012135106085, 577 Krige Street, Silverton, Pretoria. Final order: 16 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0756/12—Christo Roos, 5511295126081, Cypressstraat 225, No. 4 A, Burgersfort, Mpumalanga. Final order: 16 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Lydenburg. T2326/12—Susan Celeste Strombeck, 811300031082, 15 Long Street, Warrenton, Northern Cape. Final order: 29 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 6 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0585/11—Johannes Hendrik Petrus Kruger, 6501265177080, 1141 Pretoria Street, Booysens. Final order: 30 July 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3465/12—Amelia Sophia Mostert, 69051002060809, Die Laan 25, Eloff, Mpumalanga. Final order: 24 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Evander. T0635/13—KNS-ACS Joint Venture (Pty) Ltd, Plot 97, Diepsloot, Midrand. Final order: 26 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T0455/12—Hightrade-Invest 52 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/029290/07, Suite B1, Somerset Office Estate, Kudu Street, Allensnek, Roodepoort, Gauteng. Final order: 1 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0875/13—Aurocia (Pty) Ltd, 2008/018784/07, Block 9, 1st Floor, Boardwalk Office park, 107 Haymeadow Crescent, Faerie Glen, 0043. Final order: 19 October 2012, Special Resolution. 6 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2575/11—Barend Stefanus Jacobus Van der Linden, 7403105024086, 4de Laan 107, Northmead, Benoni. Final order: 17 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. T0035/13—Salayman Mohamed Lakhi, 7110055205082, 15 Konig Street, Elandsheuwel, Klerksdorp. Final order: 22 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T4415/10—Agrineth Khoza, 7803130640089, 4797 Protea Glen Ext 3, Soweto. Final order: 22 October 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4585/11—Ernest William & Anelda Coetzee, 8204045175080 & 8312150134089, 48 Boundry Street, Tzaneen. Final order: 2 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T0555/11—Michael & Vivian Mashangu Nkomezulu, 7603175333081 & 8102250501083, 22 Ibis Street, Chantelle, Pretoria North. Final order: 12 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T1555/12—Justin James Jackson, 7508155217081, 39 Ponda Rosa, Equestria, Pretoria. Final order: 22 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2325/09—Francois Pieter & Mona Du Toit, 4410035070082 & 4908120047089, 172 Apium Street, Doornpoort, Pretoria. Final order: 2 June 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2535/12—Patrick Tom Tamukedde, 5 October 1958, Unicadia Flat 708, Unit 49, 734 Park Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Final order: 9 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2265/11—Freddi Eigeman, 7809275007083, 107 Zaragoza Park 953, 11th Avenue, Wonderboom South, Pretoria. Final order: 15 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3475/11—Murray & Murray Moodley, 5807225095085 & 6910090224084, 6 Nelspruit Road, South Hills. Final order: 15 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T3037/11—HK & LJE Makgoba Family Trust, IT 9315/2000, 2 Njapedi Street, Atteridgeville, Pretoria. Final order: 26 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5127/10—Deon Christie, 6901275132085, 9 Jaroma Court, Ermeloweg, Casseldale, Springs. Final order: 2 December 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. T3687/11—Louis Johannes & Martha Sophia Pretorius, 8212245100089 & 8201250008089, Escombestraat 52, Gedild Uitbreiding 1, Springs. Final order: 22 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. T5097/12—Peter Dominique Whitehouse & Cathlene Willemina Whitehouse, 1968-11-17 & 7703110029081, 333–24th Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria. Final order: 8 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0937/12—Jonathan Thandryan & Saroosha Thandryan, 7801015083086 & 8010240173089, 220 Bengal Street, Laudium, Gauteng. Final order: 31 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5367/11—Hendrik Martinus & Johannes Elizabeth Susanna Beetge, 6810165286085 & 6908090004084, Antoinettestraat 5A, Modelpark, Witbank. Final order: 13 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank. T0047/13—Hendrina Maria Johanna Jordaan, 7912200050089, 206 Cormarant Single, Wierdapark, Pretoria. Final order: 8 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria. T2597/12—Dirk Jacobus Coetzee & Doretha Francina Coetzee, 7303085039080 & 7501080270085, No. 36 South Ridge, Windsor Street, Krugersdorp. Final order: 19 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T4797/12—Hendrik Holtzhausen, 5711200067087, Valeside 4, Wisteriasingel 13, Hennopspark, Centurion, Gauteng. Final order: 5 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2517/12—Jolandie Naude, 8212260107084, Deetliftstraat 419, Pretoria-Noord. Final order: 11 Julie 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. Magistrate, Pretoria-Noord. T1155/10—Tebogo Khasu, 8011025571083, 781 Viljoen Street, Protea North, Soweto. Final order: 9 July 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, South Gauteng High Court. T4886/10—Jakobus Maas, 7212185048083, Langestraat 7, Lydenburg, Mpumalanga. Final order: 22 February 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Lydenburg. T1986/11—Barend Johannes Swanepoel, 7510205148084, Plot 1008, Wolwekraal, Brits. Final order: 10 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 151 T1466/10—Ribenja Travel (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2004/011885/07), 287 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, 0081. Final order: 29 October 2009, Special Resolution. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0416/13—Nariku (Pty) Ltd, 2006/010208/07, 104A Wierda Road East, Athol, Sandton. Final order: 25 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, South Gauteng High Court. T0626/13—Johanna Elizabeth Flascas, 5605170003082, 212 South Street, Zwartkop, Gauteng Province. Final order: 30 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3876/11—Johannes Hugo & Heather Desray Burger, 6112225154084 & 6504080043081, 4 Rose Villas Adam Tas Street, Roodepoort. Final order: 18 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T1746/12—Salmon Ignatius Senekal, 8302265090086, 11 Veyeboom Street, Allen Grove, Kempton Park. Final order: 18 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T0556/12—Elias Lebelwane, 8510285480082, Flat No. 210, Chebema, 61 Cilliers Street, Pretorius. Final order: 20 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1566/10—Chris Wiese, 8006175086080, Olive 46, Sagewoodstraat, Halfweg Huis, Pretoria, Gauteng. Final order: 28 May 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4688/12—Eugene Louw, 7604135310088, Plot 18, Beyers Naude, Elandsdrif, Muldersdrift. Final order: 18 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-06-13, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0288/13—MI-Tax (Pty) Ltd, 2002/005945/07, 426 Kings Highway, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Final order: 22 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-06-13, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1268/12—Abraham Stephanus & Petro van Traten, 6301145026080 & 6506170024087, 24 Assegai Street, Three Rivers, Vereeniging. Final order: 5 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T4137/11—Vincent & Boniswa Charlotte Dube, 7403225954188 & 8107041003083, 99 High Street, Rosenttenville, Johannesburg. Final order: 12 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T3697/12—Johannes Michel & Rhoda Elizabeth Loggenberg, 6506215045089 & 6903070284087, 33 3rd Ave, Welverdiend, Oberholzer. Final order: 10 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Oberholzer. T4497/10—Riaan Mans, 7412115109084, 64 Honeyvale Robinstraat, Krugersdorp. Final order: 28 October 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T2317/11—Anna Maria Christina Levinia Jacobs, 6312230036082, Jobstraat 18, Krugersdorp. Final order: 27 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T4177/11—Hendrik Johannes & Sandra Jean Schutte, 6609305157085 & 7001070041083, 6 Woodkirk Street, Dinwiddie, Germiston. Final order: 13 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T1627/12—Gerhard Rheeder, 7906115215080, Bietjie No. 8, Kanonkop, Middelburg. Final order: 26 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg. T4657/12—Daniel Charles van Dyk, 6908035180080, 16 Pringle Street, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng. Final order: 22 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 6 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T0517/13—Fleetrisk Services (Pty) Ltd, 1997/013997/07, Block A1, Ground Floor, Centurion Close, 119 Gerhard Street, Centurion, 0157. Final order: 30 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-06-2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4737/12—Rudi le Roux, 8504185010082, 607 Meyer Street, Wonderboom South. Final order: 26 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-06-2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1667/11—Sheldon Brian Pienaar, 8312075245085, 56 Home Road, Wychwood, Germiston. Final order: 1 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21-06-2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T5297/09—Collison Osmund Moyeni Nxumalo, 6509215489083, Eenheid 2, Perthweg Riverglen, Bucchleugh, Johannesburg. Final order: 28 August 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-06-2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T1377/12—Cederick Bradley Moses & Gale Kim Arends, 7607145199084 & 7806300109082, 14 Unit Street, Turffontein, Johannesburg. Final order: 12 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-06-2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1767/12—Phanuel Raphalalani and Livhuwani Constance Raphalalani, 7110065419087 and 7503060989080, Flat 304, Unit 42, 491 Booysen Street, Mayville, Pretoria. Final order: 12 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11-06-2013, 10h00, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. T4977/10—Gerhard Harmse & Maria Johanna Petronella Harmse, 7501125084087 & 7603240014088, Plot 3, Ten Acres, Randfontein. Final order: 19 November 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. T0357/11—Kennedy Makwamazi, 8207086123083, 78 Robin Road, Kyalami Hills, Midrand. Final order: 2 March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4987/12—Jason Quenty van der Westhuizen, 8510105084081, 241 Charles Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Final order: 20 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0417/13—Pluricept (Pty) Ltd, 2010/014641/07, P.O. Box 68636, Highveld, Gauteng, 0189; 7 Impala Street, Doringkloof, Irene, 0157. Final order: 5 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T3259/09—Anueline Alberta Anderson, 7810010129083, 17 Malmesbury Street, Randburg. Final order: 29 June 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T4788/11—Swart Marius, 8104265003089, 204 Paradys Flats, Andre Street, Tileba, Gauteng. Final order: 9 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13-06-2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T3598/11—KMT Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd, Reg No: 2003/018667/07, 141 Industrial Road, Pretoria West. Final order: 26 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. 152 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T0428/12—Moagi Mashigo, 8002275430088, 307 Glen Park View, Muriel Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria. Final order: 2 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5068/11—Marius Edward Senekal, 8802025055089, Carpweg Nommer 104, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park. Final order: 18 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T1398/12—Theodorus Klopper & Martha Hendrina Wilhelmina Klopper, 5812085006081 & 5604260010081. Final order: 25 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 6 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3078/11—Jamiel Ganchi & Kim Magdalene Ganchi, 7201095031081 & 8302060112085, 82 St James Street, Eldorado Park, Johannesburg. Final order: 18 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T4938/12—Adrian Delport, 6305105151085, 43 Kyalamivillas Jubie Street, Bargeque Downs, Kyalami. Final order: 12 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1728/12—Paul Hugo Vollemer, 6908235147087, Gedeelte 21 van die Plaas Tweefontein, Tierpoort, Pretoria, Gauteng. Final order: 22 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2568/12—Danette Geyer, 4806260027087, Serenity 5, Cura Avenue, Equestria, Pretoria. Final order: 12 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0288/11—Sarel Jacobus Mostert, 8405145073089, Frikkie Meyer Street 169, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 11 May 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T2448/12—Gerhardus Johannes Oosthuizen, 5108265005088, Portion 15, Plaas Glaremont, Nelspruit. Final order: 30 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T2668/11—Sean Crotty, 7103225315089, 9 Milkwood, Cornelius Street, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort. Final order: 22 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Master, Roodepoort. T4888/12—Willie Laubscher, 7612135214083, 30 4th Avenue, Benoni. Final order: 10 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h10, Magistrate, Benoni. T3648/12—Cornelius Johannes Graham, 6809165018084, 4 Drawertjie Flats, Westinghouse Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 6 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T0618/11—Nicolaas Jacobus & Helena Dorothia Stroh, 6205065046087 & 6202160211088, Bloodwoodstraat 97, Melodie, Hartbeespoort. Final order: 14 Maart 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits. T5098/12—Rudi Johann & Yvonne Wessels, 7012315061083 & 7512210087083, 100 Hospital Street, Brakpan North, Brakpan. Final order: 28 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T5078/12—Peter Ernest Herman Weir, 7009105206084, 9 Glen Douglas, Joseph Crescent, Douglasdale, Randburg. Final order: 11 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T4878/12—Elfreda Alberts, 5409170119083, 7 Douglasweg, Denotter, East-Rand. Final order: 18 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. T4318/12—Rachel Anna Mart Muhammad, 7911290249086, 657 Vlottenburg Street, Equestria, Pretoria. Final order: 17 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0080/10—Elliot Kofi Agbohla, H0842825, Anie Bothastraat 17, Rietondale, Pretoria, Gauteng. Final order:11 March 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0260/13—Barend Jacobus Bredenhann, 7606105164088, Lambada 15, Christottelstraat 274, Pretoria West. Final order: 27 February 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2820/12—Johanna Christina Strydom, 7108080259082, 551 Granite Crescent, Monavoni, Pretoria. Final order: 3 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria. T2350/11—Daniel Marthinus Smit. 7502065014084, Suiderkruistraat 27, Nelspruit. Final order: 20 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T2829/12—Petrus Jurgens Visser & Anne Elizabeth Visser, 6110025043085 & 6305230178086, El Garden 1, Elgarstraat, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 3 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 9h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T4939/12—Susara Gertruida Fourie, 7510180040082, 3 Sun Acres, Kameelperdstraat, Krugersdorp. Final order: 11 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T7629/09—Eric Maporane Ramoreyi, 6607065518082, 11158 Mamelodi East, 31 Rabothale Street, Pretoria. Final order: 3 December 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria. T1859/11—Johann Kruger, 7311145019083, 22D Milenium Village, Barnett Avenue, Halfway House, Gauteng. Final order: 16 April 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T2329/12—Franklin David Tyler, 5110155086087, Goedehoopstraat 133, Roosheuwel, Klerksdorp. Final order: 27 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T3449/11—Mascasor 189 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/031613/07, Rentmeester Building, 3rd Floor, Watermeyer Street, Val-De-Grace, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria. T2619/12—Songezwa Mabuya, 8310080469088, 105 Ranyawo Street, Tsakane Ext 11, Brakpan. Final order: 19 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T5379/11—David Bryan Krause, 5710195228084, 28 Vista Del Monte, Vallot Street, Glenvista, Gauteng. Final order: 1 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 09h00, Master, Johannesburg. T2029/12—Petrus Hendrik & Frances Agnes Duval-Potgieter, 5312015028081 & 5407110026087, Macadamia 24, Nelspruit, 1201. Final order:7 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T4759/12—Rudolph Jordaan & Magdalena Elizzabeth Jordaan, 7404275207089 & 7701030013086. Pattonstraat 7, Vereeniging. Final order: 30 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 153 T1569/12—Susanna van Rooyen, 6405070062083, Rondebergstraat 9, Aerorand, Middelburg. Final order: 31 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg. T5689/10—Manda Meyer, 7507280021087, 20ste Straat 679, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 7 January 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3069/12—Gopaul Vincent Marraih Naidoo & Preveena Naidoo, 6203165037080 & 6512160208086, Flat 1203, 1138 The Gables, Prospect Street. Final order: 26 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1579/11—Elizabeth Johanna Hitge, 660707207090094081, Korkodilspruit Plaas, Cullinan, Pretoria. Final order: 13 May 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Cullinan. T2819/12—Hermanus Nicolaas Ras, 7006085241081, Jan 84, Grimbeeck Street, Pietersburg, Polokwane. Final order: 2 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Master, Polokwane. T1819/12—Hilton Pretorius, 6605095042081, Hawthorn Drive 3, Kyalami A.H., Randburg. Final order: 30 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. D128/2012—Drums & Pails Reconditioning (Pty) Ltd t/a Village Drums & Pails, 2005/041835/07, 14 Trafford Road, Westmead, Pinetown. Provisional order: 29-06-2012—Final order: 11-02-2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 13-06-2013, 10h00, Pinetown Magistrateʼs Court. C670/11—Multi Digit Trading 3 CC (Reg No: 2002/047971/23) (in likwidasie). First meeting of creditors. Friday, 14 June 2013, 09h00, The Master of the High Court, Cape Town. T4269/12—Lezmin 1455 CC (Reg No: 2002/022385/23) (in likwidasie). First meeting of creditors. Friday, 14 June 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Polokwane. C152/13—Wessel Johannes Badenhorst, 7005295128088, 116 Traviata Villas, Verdi Boulevard, Sonstraalhoogte, Durbanville. Final order: 7 March 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 7 June 2013, 11h00, Magistratesʼ Court, Bellville. C290/13—Closetrade 200019 (Pty) Ltd, 2004/034665/07, Unit 9 Schonenberg Retirment Village, Somerset West. Creditorʼs voluntary - registered 12-3-13. 6 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrates Court, Somerset West. N66/13—Divine Inspiration Trading 488 (Pty) Ltd, 2007-034557-07, Shop G3, Reservoir Hills Mall 365 New Germany Road, Reservoir Hills, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Final order: 18-03-2013. 12-06-2012, 10h00, Durban Masterʼs Office. B14/2013—Realty Dynamix 7 (Edms) Bpk, Reg No: 2003/012538/07, met geregistreerde adres te Murraystraat 33, Harrismith, Vrystaat Provinsie. Voorlopige bevel: 19 Junie 2012—Finale bevel: 25 April 2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 4-6-2013, 09h00, Harrismith. G1886/10—PC Crazy CC (Reg No: 2008/128175/23) (in likwidasie); Jimmy Baloyi, p/a St. LinkAfter Solutions, Posbus 52649, Dorandia, 0188. Finale bevel: 16-11-2010, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 7-06-2013, 09h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. G176/2013—Gorrie Mark Russel, 6703185214080, C/o 22 Dijon, 90 William Nicol Drive, Hyde Park. Final order: 29 January 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. N37/2013—Calendonian Power Tools, 1997/011779/07. Provisional order: 26-02-2013—Final order: 27-03-2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 29-05-2013, 10h00, Master, Durban. S13-2013—Tradezilla 68 (Pty) Ltd, 2007/013055/07, 5 Silver Tree Road, Jeffreys Bay. Provisional order: 12 February 2013—Final order: 12 March 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Humansdorp. C287/2013—Jeanette Kok-Kritzinger, 7308130096084, 19 Timbavati, Welgevonden Estate, Durbanville, Western Cape. Provisional order: 25 January 2013—Final order: 8 February 2013, Western Cape High Court. 14 June 2013, 11h00, Bellville Magistrates Court. S17/13—Smallville Properties (Pty) Ltd, 2002/009288/07, 5 Ways Shopping Centre, 62 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth. Provisional order: 5 March 2013—Final order: 16 April 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. 5 June 2013, 14h00, Master, Port Elizabeth. T3220/12—Juan Du Plessis, 8009125004088, 249 Cowley Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 4 March 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5360/11—Lee-Anne McDonald, 8603070880086, 9 Davidson Street, Beyers Park, Boksburg. Final order: 20 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T4140/12—Ian McEwan Humphrey, 6303095014082, Plot 45, Bokmakierie Lane, Nooitgedacht, Mogale City, Krugersdorp. Final order: 5 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T4580/12—Mvelile Phindani, 7805055735083, 44 Hagart Avenue, Selection Park, Springs. Final order: 12 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. T0830/11—Johan van Vuuren & Adele Helen van Vuuren, 7211255023083 & 7802250188085, Jan van Riebeeckstraat 65, Klerksdorp. Final order: 23 March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T0880/13—Adzam Trading 148 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No: 2006/018680/07, P.O. Box 9163, Pretoria, 0001; 76 Duncan Street, Colbyn Pretoria, 0083. Final order: 4 April 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5650/10—Elian Frances Jacobs, 6810230089084, 19 Jan Kock Straat, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 14 January 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. G160/2013—Magnet Communications and Media South Africa (Pty) Ltd, 2004/020005/07, C/o 1st Floor, Atterbury House, 20 Georgian Crescent, Hampton Office Park, Bryanston. Final order: 29 January 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G11/2013—Packaging Parts and Tooling (Pty) Ltd, 1999/019855/07, C/o 57 Charl Cilliers Avenue, Alberton. Final order: 12 December 2012. Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate Palm Ridge. G311/2013—Saffron Balm Trading 11 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/037485/07, C/o 33 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Bryanston. Final order: 19 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. 154 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 G1400/2012—Ideal Trading 651 (Pty) Ltd, 2012/131021/07, C/o Suite 8 Nile Gate, Three Rivers, Vereeniging. Final order: 7 November 2012. Special Resolution. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. G931/2012—Rasva (Pty) Ltd, 2008/021442/07, c/o 12th Floor Office Towers, Bedford Centre, Smith Road, Bedford Gardens, Bedfordview. Final order: 1 August 2012. Special Resolution. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Germiston. G1150/2011—Iconic Oil (Pty) Ltd, 2005/039941/07, c/o 220 Ontdekkers Road, Horizon. Final order: 15 August 2011. Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. G04/2013—Lynfer Data Capturing Bureau (Pty) Ltd, 1979/002390/07, C/o 401 J S Sentrum, Forestraat, New Redruth, Alberton. Final order: 28 November 2012. Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G127/2013—Royal Pack Investments (Pty) Ltd, 2003/002387/07, C/o 401 JS Centre, 1 Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton. Final order: 5 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G124/2013—Royal Pack Investments (Pty) Ltd, 2003/002387/07, C/o 401 JS Centre, 1 Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton. Final order: 5 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G128/2013—Royal Pack Solutions (Pty) Ltd, 2009/011608/07, C/o 401 JS Centre, 1 Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton. Final order: 5 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 26 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G190/2013—Gert Cornelius Vrey, 6402255060081, C/o 1216 Letaba Street, Roodekrans. Final order: 7 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. G322/2013—Mpho Moeno, 7911125137084, C/o 9029A, Msitsana Street, Orlando, Soweto. Final order: 26 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 3 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G127/2013—Royal Pack Solutions - Nelspruit (Pty) Ltd, 2010/019190/07, C/o 401 JS Centre, 1 Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton. 5 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G804/2012—Josef Benjamin & Catharina Wilhelmina van der Heever, 7103035108088 & 6101240017087, C/o 7 Van der Bergh Street, Elsburg, Germiston. Final order: 12 June 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Germiston. G1286/2012—View Crest Trading 10 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/001676/07, C/o 40 Senator Marks Avenue, Vereeniging. Final order: 6 November 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. G1281/2012—Klear Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd, 2005/021775/07, C/o CSS House, Waterfall Office Park, Augrabies Road, Midrand. Final order: 10 October 2012. Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G1331/2012—Gersld Alfred Lawrence, 7308285289088, C/o 407 Graff Street, 134 Pebble Falls, comet Ext 1, Boksburg North. Final order: 23 October 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 6 June 2013, 11h00, Magistrate, Boksburg. G61/2013—Stand 28 Essexwold (Pty) Ltd, 2007/015192/07. C/o 6 Fairway Avenue, Dowerglen, Edenvale. Final order: 11 December 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 7 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Germiston. G1390/2012—Jacques De Bruin, 7103205164085, C/o 85 Caranita Weg, Verwoerdpark, Alberton. Final order: 6 March 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. G41/2013—Khemano Media and Advertising (Pty) Ltd, 2009/009483/07, C/o 257 Oxford Road, Illovo, Johannesburg. Final order: 23 October 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 3 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G1054/2012—Bauer Appliances (Pty) Ltd (1995/013534/07), c/o 2nd Floor, 1 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg. Final order: 5 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 4 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G211/2013—Aegean Restaurants (Pty) Ltd (1964/007593/07), c/o 79 Fifth Street, Springs. Final order: 27 February 2013, Special Resolution. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. C960/2012—Elite Assist 4 (Pty) Ltd (2004/02370307), reg. add: 32 Liedla Street, Elim, Kuils River, W.C. 12 September 2012—31 October 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Masterʼs Office, Kuils River. D11/2013—Salmon Properties 107 (2001/076006/23), 32A Minerva Road, Ballito. Creditors voluntary liquidation: Resolution registered on 30/01/13. 06/06/13, 10h00, Stanger Magistrateʼs Court. D05/2013—David John & Keryn Beryl Harrison, 5708086126185 & 6201160885180, 86 Jan Smuts Avenue, Winston Park, Durban. Final order: 22/01/13, Durban and Coast Local Division. 06/06/13, 10h00, Pinetown Magistrateʼs Court. C107/2013—Antoinette Taljaard, 6212130093086, 17 The Greens, Altena Street, Strand. Final order: 26 March 2013, Western Cape High Court. 12 June 2013, 09:00, Strand Magistrateʼs Court. C197/2013—Anthony Michael Mayer, 6506135173086, ongetroud, woonagtig te Mostertweg 48, Melkbosstrand. Final order: 20 March 2013, Western Cape High Court. 13 June 2013, 09:00, Malmesbury Magistrateʼs Court. C87/2013—Marius de Bruyn, 6907025071085, 119 Jacqueline Street, Parow. Final order: 15 March 2013, Western Cape High Court. 7 June 2013, 11:00, Bellville Magistrateʼs Court. N46/13—Stephen Pilbrough, ID No. 6006105539184. 26/02/2013—15/04/2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 13/06/2013, 10:00, Pinetown Magistrateʼs Court. B29/2013—Western Breeze Trading 213 (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2006/014516/07), geregistreerde adres te 6 Seventh Street, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 30/08/2011—15/03/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 12/6/13, 10h00, Bloemfontein. C252/13—Elizabeth Stockigt, 6702230179082, Woodfield Oos No. 22, Bergsig, George. 26 March 2013—26 April 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 7 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrateʼs Court, George. C207/2013—Albertus van Zyl (Edms) Bpk (2001/001754/07), Trident Park II, Site 18, Niblickweg 1, Somerset-Wes. 14 March 2013—25 April 2013. 13 June 2013, 09:00, Somerset West Magistrateʼs Court. D11/2013—Salmon Properties 107 (2001/076006/23), 32A Minerva Road, Ballito. Creditors voluntary liquidation: Resolution registered on 30/01/13. 06/06/13, 10h00, Stanger Magistrateʼs Court. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 155 D05/2013—David John & Keryn Beryl Harrison, 5708086126185 & 6201160885180, 86 Jan Smuts Avenue, Winston Park, Durban. Final order: 22/01/13, Durban and Coast Local Division. 06/06/13, 10h00, Pinetown Magistrateʼs Court. B20/2013—Leon Botha, ID No. 7109025167083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te plaas “Hepburn”, Bultfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. Boedeloorgawe: 04/04/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 7/6/2013, 10h00, Butlfontein. B19/2013—Nicolaas Johannes Cornelius Coetzee, ID No. 5911115126081, getroud binne gemeenskap met Elizabeth Dina Coetzee, ID No. 6007150009081, woonagtig te plaas Krugerskraal, Bothaville, Vrystaat Provinsie. 07/03/2013— 11/04/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 11/6/2013, 10h00, Bothaville. B18/2013—Bluedust 39 (Edms) Bpk, h/a Bluedust Milling (Reg. No. 2004/019823/07) besigheidsadres te Eerste Straat No. 7, Koppies, Vrystaat Provinsie. 07/03/2013—18/04/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 6/6/2013, 10h00, Koppies. B10/2013—Hendrik Stephanus Human, ID No. 8205185097083, ongetroud, woonagtig te Nelasingel 16, Odendaalsrus, Vrystaat Provinsie. 21/02/2013—28/03/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 10/6/13, 10h00, Odendaalrus. B7/2013—Christopher Gouws, ID No. 4910065024081, getroud buite gemeenskap, woonagtig te Villa Louhan 17, Torontowegstraat, St Helena, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie. 07/02/2013—07/03/2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 12/6/13, 10h00, Welkom. C282/13—Werner Nicolaas du Toit, 6506105004086, Galahant-landgoed 46, Milnerton. 20 December 2012—9 April 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 4 June 2013, 09h00, Masterʼs Office, Cape Town. G37/2011—Fabvest Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd (1997/013722/06), c/o Lancaster House, 101 Lancaster Avenue, Craighall. Final order: 19 Februry 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G1254/2012—Stixx Marketing (Pty) Ltd (2006/021829/07), c/o 1st Floor, Fountainview House, Constantia Park, Hendrik Potgieter & 14th Avenue, Weltevreden Park. Final order: 3 September 2012, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. G274/2013—Brano Sales and Distribution (West Rand) (Pty) Ltd (2006/010209/07), c/o 450 Louis Botha Avenue, cnr 3rd Avenue, Highlands North. Final order: 5 March 2013, Special Resolution. 4 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G975/2012—NIB 29 Share Block (Pty) Ltd (1998/012609/07), c/o 41 Central Street, Houghton. Final order: 27 March 2013, Special Resolution. 3 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G853/2012—Moditure Consulting (Pty) Ltd (2000/021623/07), c/o Unit 8, Garsfontein Office Park, 645 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein. Final order: 1 August 2012, Special Resolution. 3 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. G993/2012—Natucon Projects (Pty) Ltd (2001/001312/07), c/o 5 Copper Road, Spartan Extension 16, Kempton Park. Final order: 21 August 2012, Special Resolution. 4 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. G702/2012—Brayton Leisure Properties (Pty) Ltd (2000/015233/07), c/o 73—11th Street, Parkmore, Sandton. Final order: 26 February 2013, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G1153/2012—Palazzo Baths & Nasins (Pty) Ltd (2001/001979/07), c/o Setter and West Roads, Midrand. Final order: 8 October 2012, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G693/2011—Sgian-Dhu Systems (Pty) Ltd (2001/008735/07), c/o Unit 1, UHM Street, Industrial Park, Kya Sands. Final order: 4 January 2013, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. G708/2012—Insolvent estate: Zelma le Roux, 7309020070080, No. 112A Christiaan de Wet Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort. 12 June 2012—10 July 2012, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. N168/2012—Billy Meshack Mnisi, 7303235317089. 06/08/2013—28/11/2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 13/06/2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Stanger. G146/2013—Crimson Clover Trading 13 (Pty) Ltd (2010/010126/07), c/o 469 Mica Drive, Kya Sands Business Park, Kya Sands, Randburg. Final order: 8 February 2013, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. Form J 29—Close Corporations FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AND MEMBERS OF CLOSE CORPORATIONS BEING WOUND UP The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the Magistrateʼs Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 412 and 356 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the undermentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the following purposes: (i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High Court; (ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation; (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the nomination of a person for appointment; 156 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 (iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation; name and description of Close Corporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts must be paid, if this is not done forthwith. Vorm J 29—Beslote Korporasies EERSTE BYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS EN LEDE VAN BESLOTE KORPORASIES IN LIKWIDASIE Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412 en 356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die volgende doeleindes: (i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die Hooggeregshof ingedien is te oorweeg; (ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; (iii) te besluit of ʼn mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir aanstelling; (iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang of te verkry. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; naam en beskrywing van Beslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie. G99/2013—Ustica 1091 CC, in liquidation, 401 JS Centre, 1 Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton; Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. Final order: Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 9 am, Magistrate Palm Ridge (formerly Alberton). G319/13—Midnight Masquerade Properties 32 CC; JM Oelofsen & AMG Suliman, Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. 26 March 2013—16 April 2013, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 12 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. G292/2013—Bicron CC, in liquidation, 18 Peach Street, Primrose; Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 27 February 2013, Special Resolution. 7 June 2013, 9 am, Magistrate, Germiston. G1045/2012—Barberton Gas & Welding Suppliers CC; Paula van Eeden. 6 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Barberton. T0578/13—Data Master Office Automation CC; LM Taljaard, JL Pretorius & TJ Mpahlele, P.O. Box 1683, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09.00 am, Master, Polokwane. G1226/12—Mev Electrical Contractors (Gauteng) CC, in likwidasie; E Rautenbach, JH du Plessis & ZA Dlamini, Saftrust, Posbus 28, Fontainebleau, 2032. 5 Junie 2013, 09:00, Landdros, Palmridge. T877/12—Night Breeze Investments 256 BK (Reg. No. 2007/238332/23), in likwidasie; PJ Maryn van Staden en HJ de Beer (co: CA Starbuck), p/a St Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 27/11/2012—28/01/2013, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria. 12/06/2013, 10:00, Landdros, Klerksdorp. G0331/13—Wade Steel Supplies CC, c/o Peter Bothomley, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 25/11/2012—26/03/2013. 07/06/2013, 09h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Germiston. D0003/13—Pacom Manufacturers CC, c/o Zeenath Kajee, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Final order: 19/07/2012. 06/06/2013, 10h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Pinetown. G0363/13—Tanz Cafe Dancerʼs Cafe CC, c/o Peter Bothomley, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Final order: 13/03/2013. 05/06/2013, 09h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Randburg. T1114/12—A Erasmus en JA Mouton Paneelkloppers CC (Reg. No. 1998/004035/23), in liquidation; HJ Quinn & M Meisel Icon Insolvency Practitioners (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 92332, Mooikloof, 0059. 6 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit. C512/12—Multi-Vending Services (Equipment) BK (CK2005/059204/23), in likwidasie, 80 Porterfield Road, Table View, 7441; JZH Muller & WH Hufkie, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 2101, Pretoria, 0001. CK6 Geregistreer 21 Augustus 2012. Vydag, 7 Juniie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 157 T3520/10—Strydenberg BK (CK2003/050705/23), in likwidasie; Bellstraat 231, Noordheuwel X3, Krugersdorp, 1739; D Basson & JZH Muller, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 2101, Pretoria, 0001. Finale bevel: 31 Maart 2009. Vrydag, 14 Junie 2013, 09h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. G1388/11—Dricon Prop 6 BK; K van der Westhuizen & JS Hlatswayo, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Roodepoort. T2761/12—Penwell Risk Management BK; K van der Westhuizen & M Meisel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Nelspruit. G1362/2012—Misty Blue Trading 96 CC (2004/103345/23), 10 Peerboom Street, Cresslawn, Kempton Park; GDS Ramalho & ET Mokokga (CC LM Moloto), Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Final order: 13 May 2012, Special Resolution. 4 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. G560/2012—Le Ragazze Foods CC (2009/141292/23), 13 Second Road, Greymont, 2194; GDS Ramalho & ME Matolo (CC J Fourie), Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Final order: 11 May 2012, Special Resolution. 5 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. T2744/12—Siam Products CC (2007/107648/23), 514Kuilfkop Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; GDS Ramalho & GM van Tonder, Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Final order: 11 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 6 June 2013, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G1560/11—Kensington Petroleum CC. Ex parte—23 August 2011, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 10 June 2013, 10:00, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T3114/12—Archipax 115 CC. 24 April 2012—1 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 June 2013, 10:00, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. M125/2011—Robert Twigge Makelaars CC. 2 November 2011—11 January 2012, District of Vryburg. 19 June 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom. T4701/2012–Garden Boyz Pomona CC (CK2007/194196/23); Andrew Phillip Maralack and Barend Petersen, c/o Sizwe Business Recoveries, PO Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018. 13/06/2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5100/2011—Blue Disa Trading 302 CC (Reg. No. 2004/119718/23), in liquidation, 171 Watermeyer Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria; AB Shaban & SS Mphahlele, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, PO Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 28/10/2011—12/12/2011. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. C275/2013—CED Print and Finishing CC, in liquidation; Christian Findlay Bester & Dudley Bernard Davids, c/o Progressive Administration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrateʼs Court, Goodwood. N30/2013—Geometric Tool & Die CC (2001/011191/23), in liquidation; John Douglas Michau, c/o Stowell Estate Administration Trust, PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200; Philani Onesmus Jafta, PO Box 3240, Durban, 4000. Special Resolution registered 26 March 2013, Registrar of Close Corporations. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Pinetown. D135/2012—Veneshen Krishna Insurance Brokers CC (1991/1063288/23), in liquidation; Neil David Button, c/o Stowell Estate Administration Trust, PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 12 July 2012—21 February 2013, Magistrateʼs Court for the District of Durban. 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. C351/2013—Hyaline Glass CC, in liquidation. 13 June 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrate, Somerset West. C227/2013—Sante Dairy Products CC, in liquidation. 5 June 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrate, Kuils River. Form/Vorm 1 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trusteesʼ or liquidatorsʼ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. 158 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Meetings in a place in which there is a Masterʼs office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. AANSTELLING VAN KURATORS EN LIKWIDATEURS EN BEWYS VAN VORDERINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld, onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ʼn plek waarin ʼn kantoor van ʼn Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. D5/2013—David John Harrison (ID No. 5708086126185) & Keryn Beryl Harrison (ID No. 6201160885180) (under sequestration); Glen Vivian Usher, P.O. Box 11703, Dorpspruit, 3206, N Cronje and T V Odell. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. N181/2011—Ballard Properties CC (Reg No. 2006/178061/23) (in liquidation); Glen Vivia Usher, P.O. Box 11703, Dorpspruit, 3206, P. O Jafta. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. C55/2013—Darling Fresh Chicken (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Bryan Neville Shaw & Peter Carolus, C/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 14 June 2013, 9:00 am, The Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C194/2013—Exclusive Access Trading 782 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Bryan Neville Shaw & Tasneem Shaik Mahomed, C/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 9:00 am, The Master of teh High Court, Cape Town. C13/2013—Kanoline (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Bryan Neville Shaw, Daniel Terblanche & Clive Sinclair Hendricks, C/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 14 June 2013, 11:00 am, The Magistrateʼs Court, Bellville. G210/13—Veem Engineering CC (in liquidation); M E Symes & O M Mokgato, C/o Zeen Insolvency, P.O. Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010. 14 June 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Germiston. T2378/11—Insolvente boedel: AAT August; D Enslin & SN Moima, C/o Zeen Insolvency Practitioners, 75 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1459. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T842/11—Insolvente boedel: MS Chauke; D Enslin, MM Mogale & ML Ledwaba, C/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 75 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1459. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T4754/12—Insolvente boedel: H Erasmus; ME Symes & CI Lehoka, C/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 75 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1459. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T536/11—Insolvente boedel: Ben John Law; ME Symes & S Marais, C/o Zeen Insolvency Practitioners, 75 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1459. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. T535/11—Insolvente boedel: Angelique Priscilla Law; ME Symes, EW Prinsloo & HM Muller, C/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 75 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1459. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. C656/2011—Insolvent estate: Stefan Pierre Lindeque (ID No. 7306135085086); Mr H M M Terblanche and Mr D B Davids, C/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Atlantis, 8000. Thursday, 20 June 2013, 11h00, Magistrate, Atlantis. C1073/2012—WUC Property Development CC (in liquidation); Ms N Cloete & Mr H M M Terblanche, C/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C726/2012—Copper Moon Trading 435 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr R D Fenner, C/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Atlantis, 8001. 25/06/2013, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C649/2012—Insolvent estate: Matthew Jack Bertram (previously Muller); Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr Z C Twala, C/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 25/06/2013, 09h00, Master, Cape Town. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 159 T4201/10—Jean-Louis & Lucy Daphne Van der Westhuizen; N O Morobane, C/o Cassim Inc., P.O. Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. Monday, 10 June 2013, 10h00, The North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T8241/09—Joseph Sindere Ndala; Z Cassim & SS Mphahlele, C/o Cassim Inc., P.O. Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 18 June 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Brits. T984/05—Strat-Chem (Pty) Ltd; Z Cassim & L Morake, C/o Cassim Inc., P.O. Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 19 June 2013, 10h00, The North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T407/12—Warren Roger Idris Lake; Z Cassim & AB October, C/o Cassim Inc., P.O. Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 18 June 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate, Kempton Park. M125/2011—Robert Twigge Makelaars CC; Z Cassim, Cassim Inc., P.O. Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 19 June 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Potchefstroom. D200/2012—Afripile (Pty) Limited; N Moodley, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 13 June 2013, 10:00 am, Pinetown. C1153/2012—The Plastix Factor (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); T C Van Zyl, G H Philander & E G Sebastian, C/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 7 June 2013, 09h00, The Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. G98/13—Leal International Communication (in liquidation); TA Morrison, c/o Terry Morrison & Associates, P.O. Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. 13 June 2013, 10:00 am, South Gauteng Master of the High Court. T5100/11—Blue Disa Trading 302 CC (in liquidation); A B Shaban & SS Mphahlele, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T4520/2012—Insolvent estate: Suran Germain Boskila & Shanita Lungoomeah Boskila; G L S De Wet & A H Jaffer, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T5064/2010—Insolvent estate: Pieterse Familie Trust (IT6274/05); C F De Wet & H M Muller, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 11 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits. T1923/2012—Insolvent estate: Elizabeth Petronella Swart; C F De Wet & M P Yssel, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 18 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T1297/2012—Insolvent estate: Gerald Neil Farmer; C F De Wet & Y Ebrahim, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 20 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G1095/2012—Insolvent estate: Nicolene Suzet Coupe; C F De Wet & P B Mokwena, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 19 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T2348/2012—Insolvent estate: Dorsamy Pillay & Poonithavathi Pillay; C F De Wet & C K V Tanna, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 21 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T1788/2012—Insolvent estate: Devi Govender; C F De Wet & P B Mokwena, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T0807/2012—Insolvent estate: Pieter Johannes Cornelius Nienaber & Caroline Nicola Nienaber; C F De Wet & A M G Suliman, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 20 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T4245/2012—Insolvent estate: Jaco Smit; G L S De Wet & H J De Beer (CO C A Starbuck), c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 19 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G1470/2011—Amber Sunrise Properties 102 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); C F De Wet & M L Ledwaba, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 10 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. G662/2012—Androfor (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); C F De Wet & T M E Kwape (CO H J T Eloff), c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 24 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T2339/2012—Impact Estates Centurion (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); C F De Wet & A D McQuarrie, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 21 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. C3/2013—Insolvent estate: Albertus Johannes De Witt; Brian Neville Shaw & Aviwe Ntandazo Ndyamara, C/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 9:00 am, The Magistrateʼs Court, Hermanus. S34/2005—Welten Trading CC (in liquidation); P Q Naidoo Attorney, P.O. Box 211220, Figtree, 6033. 5 June 2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth. N243/2012—Saffron Food ʻN Spice (CK No. 2010/122892/23) (in liquidation); Glen Vivian Usher, P.O. Box 11703, Dorpspruit, 3206, Shaminder Rampersad. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. D143/2012—Indigoworld Development CC (CK No. 2005/080429/23) (in liquidation); Glen Vivian Usher, P.O. Box 11703, Dorpspruit, 3206, Kurt Knoop and Rafiq Amod Khan. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. G1045/2012—Barberton Gas & Welding Suppliers CC, in liquidation; Paula van Eeden, Liquidators On Call, 87A Rietfontein Road, Boksburg West, 1465. 6 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Barberton. T14/13—Bavaria Beverages (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, Registration No. 2003/031676/07, in liquidation; F Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 26 June 2013, 10 am, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G292/2013—Bicron CC, Registration No. 2003/103640/23, in liquidation; F Sharief/P D Buwa, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 28 June 2013, 9 am, Magistrate, Germiston. T4672/11—Blue Nightingale Trading 511 (Pty) Ltd; J M Oelofsen, K E Lutchmia. 12 June 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T2707/11—Insolvente boedel: Philip Paul Brand; Johanna Willemina Yzel & Ana Paula de Oliveira, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 13 June 2013, 09h00, die Landdroshof, Randfontein. 160 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T1458/12—Insolvent estate: Broderick, Louis, 7406075020083 and Broderick, Susanna Aletta, ID No. 6710250067 087; J H Blignaut and Sag Khamissa, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 26 June 2013, 10 am, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T3649/12—Insolvent estate: Griesel, Willem Hendrik Jacobus, ID No. 8507175096085; Farouk Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 27 June 2013, 09:30 am, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. G1285/2012—Insolvent estate: Labuschagne, Gideon Christoffel Jacobus, ID No. 6109295205085 and Labuschagne, Erika, ID No. 7001290247080; Farouk Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 27 June 2013, 10 am, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T0204/12—Fourie Lukas Marthinus, in sequestration; Paula van Eeden, Liquidators On Call, 87A Rietfontein Road, Boksburg West, 1465. 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. G319/13—Midnight Masquerade Properties 32 CC; J M Oelofsen, A M G Suliman. 12 June 2013, 9:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T3600/10—Insolvent estate: Negunda, Josephine Martha, ID No. 7202010424088; Farouk Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 26 June 2013, 10 am Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T2757/10—Insolvent estate: Vasilios Silkas, ID No. 7802225346081; Farouk Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 27 June 2013, 10 am, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. G99/2013—Ustica 1091 CC, Registration No. 2002/054363/23, in liquidation; J H Blignaut/ B Petersen, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. 26 June 2013, 9 am, Magistrate Palm Ridge (formerly Alberton). G2229/09—Insolvent estate: Gottlieb Johannes & Anna Catharina van der Merwe, ID Noʼs: 5702265016085 & 5604090016084; Enver Mohamed Motala & TJ Mphahlele, c/o SBT Trust, PO Box 3119, Parklands, 2121. 27 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Boksburg. B112/2011—Insolvente boedel: Lodewikus Johannes van Dyk; Mnr A G Sefo, A G Sefo Prokureurs, Posbus 1631, Welkom, 9460. 5 Junie 2013, Landdroskantoor, Welkom. T4701/2012—Garden Boyz Pomona CC, in liquidation; Andrew Phillip Maralack and Barend Petersen, c/o Sizwe Business Recoveries, PO Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018. 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C10/2013—Divine Inspiration Trading 681 (Pty) Ltd, 2010/013246/07, in liquidation; Herman Bester & Daniel Terblanche & Rene Willoughby, c/o Tygerberg Trustees, PO Box 5483, Tygervalley, 7536. 7 June 2013, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville. C10/2012—Insolvent estate: Zelnita Sophia Cynthia Dennis, Identity No. 7310190015087; Ms G Behardien & Mr P Carolous, c/o Behardien Trustees, 63 – 2nd Avenue, Rondebosch East, 7780. 13 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg. N226/2012—Corrugated Components CC, in liquidation; N Moodley & G Govender, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 12 June 2013, 10 am, Master, Durban. D16/2012—Newpark Technologies (Pty) Limited; N Moodley & G Govender, S A K Noor Mohamed, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 13 June 2013, 10 am, Pinetown. C103/2012—Insolvent estate: Ruve van der Merwe; N Ferreira, Strauss Trustees CC, PO Box 202, Joubertina, 6410. 7 June 2013, 9:00, Knysna. T3910/11—Insolvente boedel: Karija Trust; E Rautenbach & WS McKenzie, c/o Saftrust, Posbus 28, Fontainebleau, 2032. 4 Junie 2013, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G1306/12—Insolvente boedel: George Malevris; E Rautenbach, c/o Saftrust, Posbus 28, Fontainebleau, 2032. 5 Junie 2013, 09:00, Landdors, Randburg. G1226/12—MEV Electrical Contractors (Gauteng) CC, in likwidasie; E Rautenbach, JH du Plessis & ZA Dlamini, c/o Saftrust, Posbus 28, Fontainebleau, 2032. 5 Junie 2013, 09:00, te die Landdros, Palmridge. S10/2013—Insolvent estate: Geoffrey Sampson; M. Timkoe & E.M. Dorfling, c/o Mike Tim Koe Trustees, 1 Digby Road, Framesby, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 5 June 2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth. S6/2013—Insolvent estate:Johannes Wilhelmus Engelbertus Rijs; M. Timkoe, c/o Tim Koe Trustees, 1 Digby Road, Framesby, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 5 June 2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth. T4384/12—Insolent estate: Louis & Charlene Grussendorff, ID: 7703185031087 & ID: 7612240001086; MJD Breytenbach, CM Cloete, DT Phalane (co. AW van Rooyen), c/o Breytenbach Business Management, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Presiding Officer, Master, Pretoria. T3004/11—Insolvent estate: Mendes, JMC, ID No. 6902075007089. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 7 June 2013, 09h00, the Magistrate, Germiston. T4410/12—Insolvent estate: Maqete Indaba Trading (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2007/031669/07. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the Liquidatorʼs report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 7 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1777/12—Insolvent estate: Buchel, Hazel, ID No. 6212040126083. General meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 7 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1637/12—Insolvent estate: Blue Sands Trading 800 CC, Reg. No. 2005/145470/23, in liquidation. General meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 7 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0578/13—Data Master Office Automation CC; L M Taljaard, JL Pretorius, T J Mphahlele, PO Box 1683, Pretoria. 14 June 2013, 09:00 vm, Master, Polokwane. CONTINUES ON PAGE 162—PART 2 36474—1 Government Gazette Staatskoerant R EPU B LI C OF S OUT H AF RICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA Vol. 575 Pretoria, 24 May 2013 Mei PART 2 A SEE PART C SIEN DEEL C OF No. 36474 2 LEGAL NOTICES WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 301558—A 36474—1 162 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T1919/11—Insolvente boedel: Johann Botha, ID No. 5911035133084, woonagtig te Monicastraat, Hartbeespoort; V Bekker & SS Mphahlele, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Kantoorblok, h/v Koedoesnek & Grysbokstraat, Waterkloofrif, 0181. 10 June 2013, 10:00, Landdros, Brits. M10/2011—Insolvent estate: Felicity Veronica Pretorius; IB Nakedi & EM Malatsi, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. Wednesday, 19 June 2013, 08h30, Magistrate, Rustenburg. T1982/2011—Jan Jacobus Roodt; Hanlie Henning, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. Thursday, 20 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0514/11—Insolvent estate: Smit, Monique; C M Cloete & B R Nonyane, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. 13 June 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. C633/2012—Nomic 151 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; C B St Clair Cooper, S A G Khamissa, CK Trust, PO Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrates Court, Mossel Bay. T0309/12—Universal Pulse Trading 186 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; W Hogewind & R Pieters (co: J F Klopper), PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041. 20 June 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. N241/2012—Insolvent estate: Jeremy Gruenenberg, ID: 5401145202102; John Douglas Michau, PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200; Neermala Ramchandra, PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Second meeting. C19/2013—Calaska Trading 134 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; R Pieters & JD Appies, c/o Independent Trustees (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 13 June 2013, 10:00 am, Magistrate, Stellenbosch. T1470/12—Insolvent estate: AE & NL Elijah, ID Number: 7601205134087 & 7708220114087; M Haywood; K van der Westhuizen & Z Cassim, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 27-06-2013, at 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria. T153/13—Insolvent estate: H van der Walt, ID Number: 6907315059089; M Haywood & L Muller, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 26-06-2013, at 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria. T3862/11—Insolvent estate: JJ & JA Naude, ID Number: 6909095010084 & 7008160235087; A van Jaarsveldt, JP Fourie & J Muthanyi, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 27-06-2013, at 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria. T4902/12—Insolvent estate late: Deon Fourie; M Haywood & ST Kekana, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.12 Junie 2013, at 09h00, Landros, Alberton. T2240/12—Insolvent estate: GC Markus; M Haywood & MP Yssel, p/a St. Adens(Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 12 Junie, 09h00, Landdros, Alberton. T3788/11—Insolvente boedel: Andrew John Cook, ID Number: 6708125063083; Ankla van Jaarsveld en Dawid Phillip Berman, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 04-06-2013, 09:00, Landdros, Kempton Park. T4870/11—Insolvent estate: Jean Pierre Taljaard; PJC van Staden, C Viljoen & L Muller, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 10 June 2013, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria. T1729/11—Sparax Trading 152 (Pty) Ltd, in likwidasie; Ankia van Jaarsveldt & Ngoatlana John Mzimba, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T4979/11—Insolvent estate: KI van den Heever; PJC van Staden & JM Damons, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T2337/11—Insolvent estate: S Shrives; M Haywood & Z van Rensburg, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T5134/10—Insolvent estate: JJ & AJE van Dyk; M Haywood & L Opperman, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 28 Junie 2013, 09h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. T3211/12—Insolvent estate: JJM Labotski; M Haywood & EJ Jacobus, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 19 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Roodepoort. T732/08—Fotoworld (Pty) Ltd; EL Bester & K Keevy, p/a St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 11 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T1642/2011—Insolvent estate: Strydom, Anton, ID No. 6001120053084. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 21 June 2013, 09h00, the Magistrate, Delmas. M116/2011—Sizwe Auctions (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. M2005/010355/07, in liquidation. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the Liquidatorʼs report; adoption of resolutions. Tuesday, 18 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Mafikeng. T608/11—Insolvent estate: Pretorius, Jan Christiaan, ID No. 7205165158088. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Monday, 24 June 2013, 10h00, the Magistrate, Brits. T4269/12—Lezmin 1455 CC, Reg. No. 2002/022385/23, in liquidation. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 14 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Polokwane. C670/11—Multi Digit Trading 3 CC, Reg. No. 2002/047971/23, in liquidation. General meeting of creditors: Submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 14 June 2013, 09h00, the Master of the High Court, Cape Town. T2158/2012—Insolvent estate: Sebastian, George, ID No. 5202105118084. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 163 T4071/2012—Insolvent estate: Smit, Johan Henno, ID No. 8007285038083. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of the trusteesʼ report; adoption of resolutions. Thursday, 20 June 2013, 09h30, the Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T5111/11—Insolvent estate: JW Cussons, ID No. 7405015176088; JF Engelbrecht & A Jaffer, PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, Pretoria, 0059. Friday, 14 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate Court, Nelspruit. T4044/12—Re: Cross Atlantic Properties 132 (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2007/026024/07, in liquidation; HJ Quinn & E Rautenbach, PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, Pretoria, 0059. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1114/12—A Erasmus en J A Mouton Paneelkoppers CC, Registration Number: 1998/004035/23, in liquidation; H J Quinn & M Meisel Icon Insolvency Practitioners (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 92332, Mooikloof, 0059. 6 June 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit. T1784/12—Insolvent estate: Alta Dekker, ID: 6407230028087, residing at 24 Justin Crescent, Eldoraigne, Pretoria; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Lebogang Morake, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 19 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T4740/11—Insolvent estate: Adriaan Johannes & Charlotte Catrina Attwell, IDʼs: 7903185001086 & 8006020235080, residing at 767 Bezuidenhout Street, Daspoort, Pretoria; Jan Smit Venter & Khashane La Mmapowana Manamela, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 24 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1981/12—Insolvent estate: Jan & Violet Alett de Klerk Myburgh, IDʼs: 6908115014084 & 7409260242082, residing at 4 Wellington Street, Kempton Park, Gauteng; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Jacolien Frieda Jansen van Rensburg, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 25 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T2721/12—Insolvent estate: Christiaan de Wet Malan van der Merwe, ID: 6403265143081, residing at 362 Bergsering Street, Magalieskruin, Pretoria; Jan Smit Venter & Ronelle Rautenbach (co: Johan Francois Engelbrecht), Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 24 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1979/12—Insolvent estate: Eugene Marais, ID: 6401015059003, residing at: 174 Theo Street, Wierda Park, Gauteng; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Mpoyana Lazarus Ledwaba, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 21 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2883/11—Samtor Tankers (Pty) Limited, Reg. No. 1983/012806/07, in liquidation, registered address: 20 Mould Street, Boltonia, Krugersdorp; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Kgashane Christopher Monyela & Elsje Rautenbach, c/o Bureau Trust, 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0084. 14 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. C512/12—Multi-Vending Services (Equipment) BK Reg. No. CK2005/059204/23, in likwidasie, reg. adres: 80 Porterfield Road, Table View, 7441; J Z H Muller & W H Hufkie, p/a Tshwane Trust Co. (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria. Vrydag, 7 June 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. T584/11—Insolvente boedel: M M J Mphahpuli, ID No. 5210130013089, woonagtig te Kangelani Woonstelle No. 406, 430 Prinsloo Street, Pretoria; A van Wyk & M Sambo, Tshwane Trust Co. (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Dinsdag, 11 Junie 2013 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T4094/12—Redlex 413 (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2006/002536/07, in likwidasie, gereg. adres: 84 Cambridge Road, Clubview, 0157; J Z H Muller & A Pillay, Tshwane Trust Co. (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Dinsdag, 11 June 2013 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T3520/10—Strydenberg BK, Reg. No. CK2003/050705/23, in likwidasie, reg. adres: Bellstraat 231, Noordheuwel X3, Krugersdorp, 1739; D Basson & J Z H Muller, Tshwane Trust Co. (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria. Vrydag, 14 Junie 2013, 09h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. T0154/13—Glover Investment (Pty) Limited, 1998/017459/07, in liquidation; J H Botha; W E Prince Kurators/Likws, p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3815/11—Insolvent estate: Botha, Sonja, 7811140036081; J H Botha, C M Ndekwe, c/o K L M Manamela Kurators/Likws, p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. Friday, 14 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank. C103/2012—Insolvent estate: Ruve van der Merwe; N Ferreira, Strauss Trustees CC, PO Box 202, Joubertina, 6410. 7 June 2013, 09:00, Knysna. T3205/11—TR & MP Ramutsheli; JCW Roelofse & C Viljoen & DC October, Forum Trustees CC, PO Box 8871, Centurion, 0046. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T3573/12—Turquoise Moon Trading 262 (Pty) Ltd, Reg. 2005/020016/07, in liquidation; R Steynburg & SW McKenzie, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 04-07-2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit. T3274/12—Neels Beesboerdery CC, Reg. No. 2005/037212/23, in likwidasie; M Haywood & MM Tayob, p/a St Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 12-06-2013, 09h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pietersburg. T877/12—Night Breeze Investments 256 BK, Registrasie No. 2007/238332/23, in likwidasie; PJM van Staden en HJ de Beer (co: CA Starbuck), p/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 12-06-2013, 10:00, Landdros, Klerksdorp. T1973/12—Insolvent estate: M A Erasmus; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T3693/12—Insolvent estate: SB & GPM Boshoff; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T2164/11—Insolvent estate: WM Van Niekerk; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T4003/10—Insolvent estate: SJ & AM Petersen; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T1209/11—Insolvent estate: JG Lottering; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 164 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T5352/10—Insolvent estate: AJJ Strauss; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T7204/09—Insolvent estate: L Olivier; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T299/12—Insolvent estate: WB Madeley; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T2966/11—Insolvent estate: BM Holland; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thusday, 27 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T5174/11—Insolvent estate: PDF & LS Van Niekerk; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Evander. T4433/11—Insolvent estate: FK De Wit; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T2063/11—Insolvent estate: MM Maulana; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Meyerton. T4278/11—Insolvent estate: JR Thompson; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T198/12—Insolvent estate: DR Botha; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T3826/11—Insolvent estate: HV Swanepoel; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T1949/11—Insolvent estate: AJ Fourie; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T2956/11—Insolvent estate: IG Schepers; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T3785/10—Insolvent estate: JD Ferreira; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T4504/08—Insolvent estate: A Venter; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T7841/09—Insolvente boedel: Vanessa Rochelle Loxton (ID No. 7002130028086), woonagtig: Malherbestraat 111, Capital Park, Pretoria; J.S. Venter & H. M. Muller, P/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 24 Junie 2013, Meester van die Noord-Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2975/12—Inelek Human Resources & Labour Consultants (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and Juanito Martin Damons for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 07/06/2013, 10h00, The Magistrateʼs Court, Vereeniging. T8068/09—Bronner, Cornelia Susanna Maria (insolvent estate); Peter Bothomley and Dumisani Buwa (CO Sumaiya Abdool Gafaar Khammissa), for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 07/06/2013, 10h00, The Magistrateʼs Court, Vereeniging. G1635/10—Bidshelf 38 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 14/10/2010. G1640/10—Bidshelf 31 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 14/10/2010. G1642/10—Bidshelf 30 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 12/10/2010. G1639/10—Bidshelf 28 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 21/10/2010. G1641/10—Bidshelf 26 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 14/10/2010. G1637/10—Bidshelf 25 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 14/10/2010. G0812/13—Esu Finance (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); Monica Cowin, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 10/04/2013. G1633/10—Bidshelf 34 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 12/10/2010. G1634/10—Bidshelf 37 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 14/10/2010. G1638/10—Bidshelf 33 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. Date of appointment: 13/10/2010. T4623/10—Insolvent estate: Helena Bardiena Theuneta Du Pareta Loggenberg (ID No. 5606160115084); JF Jansen van Rensburg / MWH Mathibedi, Tswelelopele Trust, P.O. Box 12142, Queenswood, 0121. Second meeting, proof of claims, submission of the Trusteeʼs report, adoption of resolutions. 13/06/2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T4746/12—Insolvent estate: Renier Johannes Janse van Vuuren (ID No. 6909125065082); VMF Gravato/ PJC Van Staden/ JF Jansen van Rensburg, Tswelelopele Trust, P.O. Box 12142, Queenswood, 0121. Second meeting, proof of claims, submission of the Trusteeʼs report, adoption of resolutions. 04/06/2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G141/12—Insolvent estate: Springset (Natal) (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 1990/000452/07); JF Jansen van Rensburg / MG Lukhele, Tswelelopele Trust, P.O. Box 12142, Queenswood, 0121. Second meeting, proof of claims, submission of the Trusteeʼs report, adoption of resolutions. 07/06/2013, 10h30, Magistrate, Germiston. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 165 T1639/12—Insolvent estate: Y Ballot; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Boksburg. T1323/11—Insolvent estate: MA & E Basson; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T2749/10—Insolvent estate: A Redgard; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T1850/10—Insolvent estate: CJ Hitge; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T779/12—Insolvent estate: HJ Botha; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T1116/11—Insolvente boedel: CM Dudley; JP Fourie/GL Warricker, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, die Landdros, Benoni. T420/09—Insolvente boedel: L Combrink; K van der Westhuizen & MS Mphahlele, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Junie 2013, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T553/12—Insolvente boedel: W J & L Bezuidenhout; K van der Westhuizen & M Hamman, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 20/06/13, 09:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. T1624/12—Insolvente boedel: SF Zungu; K van der Westhuizen & EG Sebastian (co. Z Cassim), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Junie 2013, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T1050/09—Insolvente boedel: V van Rensburg; J P Fourie & J S Koka, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 24/06/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T494/11—Insolvente boedel: M van den Berg; E Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 19/06/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T3355/12—Insolvente boedel: M Tait; K van der Westhuizen & GL Warricker, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Junie 2013, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Polokwane. T4701/2011—JT & HW Roos; DM Botha & JT Leso, c/o R Masoanganye, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 10h00, the Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T3893/11—CJ van Niekerk (Jnr); DM Botha & L Lesamo (c/o AW van Rooyen), per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 10h00, the Magistrate, Middelburg. T4185/10—JJ & V Nel; DM Botha & V Bekker, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 10h00, the Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T4693/10—A Kruger; DM Botha & NF Nemakwarani, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Friday, 14 June 2013, 09h30, the Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T6973/09—J Gouws; L Muller, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 10h00, the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G0874/12—QVSA Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and Wellington Sipho Masilela (co Joseph Matome Montsho) for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G0983/12—Simcha Properties 13 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Peter Bothomley and Lily Mampina Malatsi-Teffo, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1322/12—Crown Cast (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and Kgashane Christopher Monyela & Noratam Govind Patel, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G0158/13—Premium Group of Online Stores CC (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and Matome Joseph Montsho, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 06/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1235/12—Masson, William John (Insolvent estate); Zeenath Kajee and Rischard Cassim, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T5549/11—Tladi, Nkia Paul (insolvent estate); Peter Bothomley and Hannelie Henning for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0470/10—Nkosi, Joshua Nkosinathi & Patience Theresa (insolvent estate); Peter Bothomley and Z. Janse van Rensburg (co EJ Janse van Rensburg for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/06/2013, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G0871/12—Ravenswood Development (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and April Richard Masuku & Jaap Marthinus Oelofsen for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 05/06/2013, 09h00, the Magistrateʼs Court, Randburg. T4837/08—Insolvente boedel: G Horn; K van der Westhuizen & G Muggan, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T4740/12—Insolvente boedel: GJJ du Toit; K van der Westhuizen & MS Motshekga, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 24/06/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. C1080/12—Insolvente boedel: CM & HT Caldwell; JP Fourie & AH McKenzie, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 21/06/13, 09:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. 166 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T344/12—Insolvente boedel: S Basson; K van der Westhuizen & H Barnard, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 19/06/13, 10:00, Landdros, Benoni. T3784/11—Insolvente boedel: C Venter; K van der Westhuizen & M Sambo, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. C147/12—Insolvente boedel: The Octarine Trust; A Strydom & VL Matinca, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 19/06/13, 10:00, Landdros, Stellenbosch. T3493/11—Insolvente boedel: HA & D Swart; K van der Westhuizen & PJM van Staden, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 24 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T3736/11—Insolvente boedel: JN & MM Smit; K van der Westhuizen & NG Patel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Landdros, Vanderbijlpark. T2072/11—Insolvente boedel: Y Roodt; JP Fourie & TR Ndebele, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Brakpan. T326/10—Insolvente boedel: WM Nkosi; K van der Westhuizen & A van Wyk, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T1198/11—Insolvente boedel: SW & CK Niemand; K van der Westhuizen & EW Prinsloo, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Junie 2013, 10h00, Landdros, Oberholzer. T35/09—Insolvente boedel: V Moolman; A Strydom & ICM Shirilele, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 19/06/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T4963/11—Insolvente boedel: EJ Marais; K van der Westhuizen & K van Niekerk (co. C Murray), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. T265/12—Insolvente boedel: S Malan; K van der Westhuizen & OJ Sithole, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2216/12—Insolvente boedel: AP Lubbe; K van der Westhuizen & MS Ramogotswa (Co AW van Rooyen), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T892/09—Insolvente boedel: AP Lubbe; K van der Westhuizen & SJ Kalianjee, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2711/12—Insolvente boedel: L la Grange; JP Fourie & HJ de Beer, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 18/06/13, 09:00, Landdros, Kempton Park. T5296/08—Insolvente boedel: R Kapp; F van Zyl & R Parbhoo, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Kempton Park. T663/12—Insolvente boedel: AL & C Jacobs; K van der Westhuizen & NY Seriti, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 24 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2981/11—Insolvente boedel: D Henning; K van der Westhuizen & PL Serithi, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Landdros Warmbad (Bela-Bela). C1109/2012—Cipo Investment Properties (Pty) Ltd (2004/003403/07), in liquidation; Elizna Lourens & Raziya Bongani, c/o Tygerberg Trustees, PO Box 5483, Tygervalley, 7536. 13 June 2013, 08:00, Magistrate, Worcester. D178/2012—Heron Electrronics (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Liquidators: N. McHardy, c/o PKF (Durban) Inc., 2nd Floor, 12 On Palm Boulevard, Gateway, 4319. Second meeting. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Durban. G1362/2012—Misty Blue Trading 96 CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & ET Mokokga (CC: LM Moloto), c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Tuesday, 4 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T2744/12—Siam Products CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & GM van Tonder, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 6 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1965/12—Insolvent estate: Dewald Bekker; JN Mahanyele, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 6 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0741/11—Insolvent estate: Christoffel Jacobus & Marie Hettie Harms; GDS Ramalho & TS de Sitos Mathebula, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T2642/11—Insolvent estate: Gideon Jacobus Brummer; GDS Ramalho & LW Theunissen, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 6 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G560/2012—Le Ragazze Foods CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & ME Matolo (CC J Fourie), c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T2761/12—Penwell Risk Management BK, in likwidasie; K van der Westhuizen, M Meisel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Nelspruit. G1388/11—Dricon Prop 6 CC; K van der Westhuizen & JS Hlatswayo, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 09:00, Landdros, Roodepoort. C668/12—Insolvente boedel: DD & SC Stokes; A Strydom & SJ Lapoorta, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 21/06/13, 09:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. T5290/11—Insolvente boedel: PJ & Z Stapelberg; K van der Westhuizen & JJ de Gama, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T4739/12—Insolvente boedel: AM Smith; K van der Westhuizen & WN Jacobs, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 167 T1445/12—Insolvente boedel: FJ & MB Smit; K van der Westhuizen & SM Rasethaba, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T3434/12—Insolvente boedel: NP & JC Sibiya; K van der Westhuizen & AMG Suliman, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T321/12—Insolvente boedel: RWG Sello; K van der Westhuizen/M Fairhope (Co C Wilsnach), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T87/11—Inolvente boedel: CG Schulter; A Strydom & MM Marobela, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356, Pretoria. 20/06/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T1532/12—Insolvente boedel: IA Rautenbach; K van der Westhuizen & D Ismail, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Randburg. T2814/12—Insolvente boedel: PW & MS Pretorius; K van der Westhuizen & ST Ramarafe (Co: JS Koka), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2013, 10h00, Landdros, Vanderbijlpark. T4666/12—Insolvente boedel: AQ Lombard; K van der Westhuizen & YAB Baker, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G1560/11—Kensington Petroleum CC; Z Cassim & SSI Boikanyo, Cassim Inc., PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 10 June 2013, 10:00, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T3114/12—Archipax 115 CC; NC Morobane (Co: Z Cassim), Cassim Inc., PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 19 June 2013, 10:00, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T3676/11—Insolvente boedel: Alberto Glover, ID No. 5012135630085; Mabuthu Louis Mhlongo, p/a LinkAfter Solutions, Posbus 52649, Dorandia, 0188. 07/06/2013, 09:30, Landdros, Germiston. S64/12—Auspex Hotels & Leisure Management Co (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2003/006754/07), in liquidation; Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Punithan Quentin Naidoo and Nareshviran Vandayar, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 5 June 2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth. G1886/10—PC Crazy CC (Reg. No. 2008/128175/23), in likwidasie; Jimmy Baloyi, p/a LinkAfter Solutions, Posbus 52469, Dorandia, 0188. 14/06/2013, 09:30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. T4227/12—Insolvent estate: Christoffel Jacobus Cornelius Erasmus, ID No. 5610235113082; Elaine Juanita Jacobs, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5614/11—Insolvent estate: Jaco Venter, ID No. 7709265032085; Clifford Thabang Maredi, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg. B131/2012—Insolvente boedel: Amandasig Eiendomstrust, met Trustees HS Henning NO, NJA Henning NO en A de Villiers NO, tydens sekwestrasie besigheid gedoen te die plaas Welgegun, Bloemdal-Wes, Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat; DP Badenhorst en HD badenhorst, p/a Phatshoane Henney Ing., Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, en DT Majiedt, p/a EG Cooper Majiedt Ing., Posbus 246, Bloemfontein. 19/6/2013, 10:00, Meester, Bloemfontein. Form/Vorm 2 MEETING OF CREDITORS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the purposes of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Masterʼs office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. BYEENKOMS VAN SKULDEISERS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ʼn byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms. In ʼn plek waar ʼn kantoor van ʼn Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. 168 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 G0451/10—SDK Grand Optical Incorporated (in liquidation). 07/06/2013, 10h00, The Magistrateʼs Court, Vereeniging. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. T2565/09—Insolvent estate: Whitehead, Grahame Ernest John. 06/06/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. G1579/11—South African Radiology Services Inc. (in liquidation). 06/06/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. G1365/12—Shelfton Twenty Two CC (in liquidation). 05/06/2013, 9h00, The Magistrateʼs Court, Randburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. G1950/10—Home Loan Financial Solutions Co. (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 06/06/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. G0662/11—Cawse and Malcolm (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 06/06/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. G0639/12—DJ Foods CC (in liquidation). 05/06/2013, 9h00, The Magistrateʼs Court, Randburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. T2406/10—Insolvent estate: D Burton (ID: 8104050099086). 04/06/2013, 10h00, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims. T4267/11—Insolvente boedel: Pierre Theron. Donderdag, 13 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise. M52/11—Insolvent estate: Daleen Meintjies (ID: 8203140055080). 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Koster. Proving of claims. C173/2012—Bizitrade CC (in liquidation). 20/06/13, 09h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Wynberg. Special meeting to prove claims. C117/2010—Insolvent estate: Zacharia Petronella Munnik. 21/06/13, 11h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Bellville. Special meeting to prove claims. T4000/10—Hermanus Emile Janse van Rensburg. 3 June 2013, 10h00, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. Prove claims. E13/2012—Sturdy Props 1003 CC (in liquidation). 7 June 2013, 10h00, Magistrateʼs Court, East London. 1. Special metting of creditors, Late proof of claims. G597/11—Cuminore (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 20/06/2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. G254/08—Oxford Road Management CC (in liquidation). 24/06/2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. T0334/12—Buyers Direct (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Thursday, 20 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Adoption of resolutions and proof of late claim. T4780/12—JJ Prinsloo Projekte CC (in liquidation). Thursday, 13 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Adoption of resolutions and proof of late claim. T1345/12—Insolvent estate: Frans Petrus Nel. 06/06/2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims. T2393/10—Palfridge Commercial (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 4 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Proving of claims. C920/2011—Prize Waterproofing and Painting (Northern Suburbs) CC (in liquidation). 14 June 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrateʼs Court, Bellville. Proof of further claims. T4617/11—Insolvent estate: Karin Liebbrandt. 14 June 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims. C956/2011—Insolvent estate: Roelof Oosthuizen. 21 June 2013, 9:00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of further claims. C602/2012—Batchelor Road Tours & Vehicle Deliveries (Pty) Ltd. 12/06/2013, 10h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Stellenbosch. Further proof of claims. C1047/2012—Insolvent estate: Johannes Nicolaas Vermeulen & Serina Vermeulen. 13/06/2013, 09h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Worcester. Further proof of claims. G145/2012—RST-Rigging Slinging and Testing CC (in liquidation). 7 June 2013, 9:00 am, Magistrate, Germiston. Further proof of claims. G1240/11—Insolvent estate: Small; Grant Matthew. Tuesday, 4 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. 1. Claims to prove. C235/2011—Nicoʼs Boilermakers CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 09:00 am, The Magistrateʼs Court, Goodwood. Further proof of claims. C769/2009—A & S King Makelaars (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 7 June 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrate, Ceres. Further proof of claims. N218/2011—Insolven estate: Wayne Anthony Theron (ID: 5811275118086). 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For proof of further claims. N13/2012—Insolvent estate: Dustine & Maria Beckerling. 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Proof of claims. D48/2010—Albany Systems South Africa (Pty) Limited (Reg: 2005/035572/07) (in liquidation). 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. For proof of further claims. N11/2012—Insolvent estate: Warren Leslie Theron (ID: 6104245191089). 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For proof of further claims. D224/2012—Tugela Screen CC (in liquidation). 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. Proof of claims. D217/2012—The Brandmark Group CC (in liquidation). 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. Proof of claims. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 169 T571/11—Insolvent estate: John Viljoen. 6 June 2013, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims. C666/2010—Gebroeders Strassberger (Pty) Ltd. 14 June 2013, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims. C1114/2012—Latin Managment (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims. C791/2012—Solomon Engineering CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 09h00, Magistrateʼs Court, Goodwood. Proof of claims. G48/2013—Maple Tree Trading CC. Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. N134/2011—KZN Grain Traders CC (Reg No. 2005/032701/23) (in liquidation). 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For proof of further claims. N134/2011—KZN Grain Traders CC (Reg No. 2005/032701/23) (in liquidation). 7 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For proof of further claims. S124/2010—Eagle Pass Traders (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 05/06/2013, 14h00, Master, Port Elizabeth. Further proof of claims. T1629/11—Insolvente boedel: JA & LCL Holtzhausen (ID No.s 7311150093080 & 6711045042088), woonagtig te Plot 54, Swancinapark, Hercules; Likwidateur: V Bekker & R Marx, P/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 13988, Hatfield, 0028. Vrydag, 7 Junie 2013, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Die hou van ʼn Spesiale Vergadering vir: 1. Bewys van verdere eise. T2909/09—WJ Van Zyl. 4 June 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate, Kempton Park. Proof of claims. T4635/09—CVPM Construction CC. 12 June 2013, 10:00 am, Master, North Gauteng. 1) To accept report. 2) To accept the following resolutions and instructions namely: 1. That the report of the Trustees be noted and her/his actions as referred to therein be approved and confirmed. 13. That the sale by the Trustees of the immovable property known as Unit 2, EQ 678 of Scheme 275/2009, Equestria Ext 107 to M & C Boshoff, per public auction, in the amount of R1 450 000.00, be accepted and confirmed. 14. That the sale by the Trustees of the immovable property known as Unit 2, EQ 679 of Scheme 831/2008, Equestria Ext 107 to N Tait, per private treaty, in the amount of R850 000.00, be accepted and confirmed. 15. That the further administration of the estate be left to the discretion of the Trustees. T1777/12—Insolvent estate: Buchel, H (ID: 6212040126083). Friday, 7 June 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims, Adoption of resolutions. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. T2805/11—Insolvent estate: Erasmus, JJ & ML (ID: 7701085100085 & 7010140056088). Thursday, 13 June 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate, Pretoria North. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. T1637/12—Insolvent estate: Blue Sands Trading 800 CC (Reg No. 2005/145470/23) (in liquidation). Friday, 7 June 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims, Adoption of resolutions. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. G449/11—Insolvent estate: Chamberlain Metse Selamolela. 3 June 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. 1. Proof of claims. G1026/12—Cambridge Custom Wood Designs (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). 26 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Randburg. Doel van die byeenkoms: 1. Bewys van eise. 2. Aanvaaring van die volgende resolusie: 10. Dat die likwidateur gemagtig word om alle roerende en onroerende eiendom van die maatskappy wat not gevind mag word, per veiling of uit die hand te verkoop en dat die koste aangegaan betaal word as administrasiekoste. 3. Ondervraging. G992/12—Aspen Bakery and Confectionary CC (in likwidasie). 20 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Palmridge. Doel van die byeenkoms: 1. Bewys van eise. 2. Aanvaaring van die volgende resolusie: 8. Dat die likwidateur gemagtig word om alle roerende eiendom van die maatskappy per veiling of uit die hand te verkoop en dat die koste aangegaan betaal word as administrasiekoste. 9. Ondervraging. G1448/08—Insolvente boedel: Nicolaas Johannes Janse van Rensburg. 5 Junie 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Randburg. 1. Bewys van eise. D202/11—Insolvent estate: JW Wiggill. 31 May 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, PMB. Proof of claims. N256/10—Awile Nile Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 31 May 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, PMB. Proof of claims. N122/2012—Insolvent estate: AJ & S Pratt. 7 June 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, PMB. Proof of claims. T3509/09—Insolvent estate: FJAD Mattelaer. 06/06/2013, 09h00, The Magistrate of Pretoria North. Further proof of claims. B1/2012—Insolvente boedel: JS Kasselman. 29/05/2013, 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontien. Spesiale vergadering. T3705/09—Hollenbach, Istel (ID No. 6404090147081). 14 June 2013, 9h30, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Krugersdorp. 1. Proof of claims. T2913/09—Smith, Eugene Ernest (ID No. 7606135105085). 10 June 2013, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Brits. 1. Proof of claims. T164/10—JJ Middleton. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Die Landdros, Roodepoort. Bewys van eise. 301558—B 170 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T5700/10—Insolvente boedel: J Schermen. 20/06/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. T2704/09—Insolvente boedel: J M M Saraiva. 20/06/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. T5508/09—Insolvente boedel: J J & L Pretorius. 21/06/13, 09h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Polokwane. Bewys van eise. T164/10—JJ Middleton. 19 June 2013, 09h00, Die Landdros, Roodepoort. Bewys van eise. T1731/11—Mamelodi Property Investments Bk. 6 Junie 2013, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise, Aanvaarding van besluit om resolusies No. 8 en 14 te aanvaar: 8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsover description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit. 13. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised and empowered in his\their discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or not liquidated, arising from any any guarantee or any other cause whatsoever, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78 (3) of Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon between the creditor(s) concerned and the Liquidator(s) provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. T1731/11—Mamelodi Property Investments Bk. 6 Junie 2013, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. T1807/10—Insolvente boedel: T J & T E Kock. 21/06/13, 09h00, Landdros, Louis Trichardt. Bewys van eise. C51/12—Insolvente boedel: I B Hooper. 20/06/13, 09h00, Landdros, Somerset-Wes. Bewys van eise. G1300/12—Gusian 207 Properties Bk. 12 Junie 2013, 11h00, Die Landdros, Heidelberg. Bewys van eise, Aanvaarding van besluit om resolusies No. 8 en 14 te aanvaar: 8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsover description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner upon such terms and condtitions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit. G1300/12—Gusian 207 Properties Bk. 12 Junie 2013, 11h00, Die Landdros, Heidelberg. Bewys van eise. T238/12—Frange Civils CC. 3 Junie 2013, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Hou van ʼn ondervraging. T4/12—Insolvente boedel: E Fouche. 20/06/13, 09h00, Landdros, Randfontein. Bewys van eise. T4092/10—Insolvente boedel: J P Coetzee. 20/06/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. T487/10—Insolvente boedel: S P D Smyth. 20/06/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. Bewys van eise. T2332/11—BJ Pieters. 18 Junie 2013, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Proof of claims. K08/22—Kobus Kotze Grondverskuiwing CC. Thursday, 27 June 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate, Kuruman. A special meeting to be held for proof of claims. T116/12—SW Liebenberg. Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Klerksdorp. A special meeting to be held for proof of claims. D112/2012—Bamboo Rock 1061 CC (in liquidation). 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. Special meeting for the proof of late claims. N181/03—Jericho Investments CC (in liquidation). 31 May 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Special meeting for the proof of late claims. D224/09—Palmarino Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 5 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. Special meeting for the proof of late claims. N194/10—Emerald Fire Trading 296 CC (in liquidation). 31 May 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Special meeting for the proof of late claims. C959/2011—Twee Jonge Gezellen (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate, Tulbagh. In compliance with the provisions of Section 66 of the Close Corporations Act No. 69 of 1984 (as amended) as read with the provisions of Sections 339, 386 (i) (d), 412 (1) and 415 of the Companies Act, 1973 (as amended) and as read with the provisions of Section 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended), notice is hereby given that a special and general meeting will be held at 09h00, on Tuesday, 11 June 2013, at the office of the Magistrate, Tulbagh, for the purposes of: 1. Further proof of claims. 2. Interrogation of witnesses and other interested parties. C428/2012—Lownor (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Friday, 7 June 2013, 09h00, The Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Further proof of claims. T64/12—Feathernote 3 (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). 6 Junie 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. * Bewys van eise. * Om resolusies nommers 2, 3, 8 & 14 te aanvaar: Soos per “Annexure A”. ANNEXURE “A” 2. All actions of whatsoever nature hereto be taken by the provisional Liquidator(s) and/or Liquidator(s) be and are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. 3. That the actions of the provisional Liquidator(s) and Liquidator(s) in engaging the services of attorneys and/or Counsel on such matters as he/they found necessary in the administration of the estate to date, are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed and the costs thereof be paid out of the funds of the estate as part of the costs of administration. 8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon such terms and condtions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 171 14. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised and empowered in his\their descretion to compromise or admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee or any other cause whatsoever, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon between the creditor(s) concerned and the Liquidator(s) provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. G2917/09—Hensley Janice. 29 May 2013 ,10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Second meeting to prove claims. G735/2010—VYCO Property Development & Construction CC (in liquidation). 12 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. Special meeting, 1. Proof of claims. G548/2012—Munshiʼs Wholesalers CC (in liquidation). 14 June 2013, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. Special meeting, 1. Proof of claims. B97/2011—in die insolvente boedel van: JP & L Pretorius (tydens sekwestrasie), woonagtig te Plot 78, Vrischgewaagd, Kleinhoewe, Kroonstad, Provinsie Vrystaat. 05-06-2013, 10h00, Meester van die Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Bewys van eise. B109/2011—In die insolvente boedel van: CS & SS Conway (tydens sekwestrasie), woonagtig te Daffodilstraat 2, Jim Fouche Park, Welkom, Provinsie Vrystaat. 5/6/2013, 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein. Bewys van eise. Form/Vorm 4 LIQUIDATION ACCOUNTS AND PLANS OF DISTRIBUTION OR CONTRIBUTION IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/ company; description of account; account for inspection at Masterʼs and Magistrateʼs office, date, period (if longer than 14 days). LIKWIDASIE-, DISTRIBUSIE- OF KONTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ʼn tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, datum, tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae). T4843/2009—Insolvent estate: Still, Sean Michael, ID: 7105255037087. The First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Roodepoort, as from 24 May 2013. G1595/11—Insolvente boedel: Marthinus Jacobus Benade. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg en die Landdros, Roodepoort. T4300/10—Act Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2920/08—Sharp-Line Hairdressing Equipment (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg. T1100/12—Insolvent estate: A. & S. Sathoo. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kempton Park. T2534/12—Sudel Real Estate CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Port Elizabeth. T3185/11—Insolvent estate: Goodsir, AM, Identity Number: 4908235004181. The First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrateʼs Court, Kempton Park, as from 24 May 2013. 172 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T3147/11—Insolvent estate: Hurter, JG, Identity Number: 7703085062083. The Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 24 May 2013. T374/09—Insolvent estate: Van Schalkwyk, CJJ, Identity Number: 6007075058080. The Second Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Roodepoort, as from 24 May 2013. T3936/10—Martiq 495 CC, in liquidation. Amended First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit. C140/2011—Insolvent estate: Jan Hendrick Strydom. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town and Magistrate, Bellville. C1003/10—Joshua Property Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate, Somerset West, inspection from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. B52/2005—Quintino Retailers CC t/a Phunyas Cash ʼn Carry, in liquidation. Amended Supplementary Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Bloemfontein; Magistrate, Botshabelo. G597/2011—Cuminore (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg. B239/2010—Consouw CC, in liquidation. Fourth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Bloemfontein; Master, Kimberley. B119/2011—Insolvent estate: Andrew George Scholtz N.O., in his capacity as Trustee of the Barkly Road Development Trust. Fourth & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Bloemfontein. T7955/2009—Insolvent estate: William Stenberg Venter. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. C484/2012—Insolvent estate: Van Zyl, Werner. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Kaapstad; Magistrate, Strand, as from 24 May 2013. T4083/11—Insolvent estate: Greyling, Jacoba Wilhelmina. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria, as from 24 May 2013. T2701/08—Insolvent estate: Gouws; Siegfried & Surietha. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Master, Polokwane, for 14 days. T3249/11—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Christiaan Steyl, ID No. 6602125109089, residing at: 203 Soutpansberg Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master Pretoria. T67/06—Hentique 1834 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C443/10—Insolvent estate: Grobler, Ettiene Charles, ID No. 7309305020081. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. T3705/09—Hollenbach, Istel, ID No. 6404090147081. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T2184/09—Jonas, Brain ID No. 7606215409084. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master, Johannesburg. T7891/09—Van der Westhuizen, Jan Hendrik Johannes, ID No. 6702135012081. Amended First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp. E24/2003—Rentprop Investments CC, in liquidation. Amended Second Liquidation & Distribution Account. Grahamstown; Port Elizabeth. T4079/12—Simrock CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria, 24-05-2013. T1170/11—Tint of Note CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria, 24-05-2013. G1143/08—Seac Estate (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T3143/10—Insolvent estate: M Jacobs. Amended First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Thabazimbi. T503/09—Insolvent estate: PPA & N van der Merwe. Supplementary Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Germiston. T7473/09—Insolvent estate: H de Klerk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Klerksdorp. N114/2011—Goldpick Investments CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, Eugene Nel. N94/2012—KZN Grain Commodity Traders CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate Court, Vryheid and Magistrate Court, Ladysmith, Eugene Nel. N173/2009—Strongwood Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and Master of the High Court, Pretoria, Pierre Berrange. T2287/08—Insolvent estate: Mcabe, Eric Charles & Carol, ID: 5305275166088 & ID: 5501230036081. The Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Brakpan, as from 24 May 2013. T1587/12—Insolvent estate: Mid Malanga X35 CC, Reg. No. 2000/043071/23, in liquidation. The First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Ermelo, as from 24 May 2013. E24/2003—Rentprop Investments CC, in liquidation. Amended Second Liquidation & Distribution Account. Grahamstown; Port Elizabeth. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 173 T5531/2010—Insolvent estate: Lourens, Adam Richard & Isabella Aletta, IDʼs: 7601155261082 & 8202280061080. The First & Final Liquidation, Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Springs, as from 24 May 2013. T6510/09—Insolvent estate: Salamu, Kabongo & Bahati. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrates Court, Alberton. G2445/09—Insolvent estate: Matlolane, Pakiso Andrew. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. D0124/11—Bhavan Trading CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Durban and the Magistrates Court, Randburg. G0747/07—Club Timbers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1043/10—Die Meentgebou (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T3125/10—Insolvent estate: Du Plooy, Abraham. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G0091/13—Airbay Investments (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Magistrates Court, Randburg. G0669/12—Hiprom (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Magistrates Court, Randburg. G0814/12—D and M Jacobson Auto Spares CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Magistrates Court, Krugersdorp. G0586/12—Zum Felsenkeller CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Magistrates Court, Randburg. T6721/09—Insolvent estate: Yolanda van Zyl, ID No. 6806180199089. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from 24 May 2013. T947/08—Insolvent estate: Jeffrey Brian de Oliveira. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate Court, Kempton Park, from 24 May 2013. T3635/09—Insolvent estate: Mbuyiseni and Grace Lettie Mahlobo. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Benoni, from 24 May 2013. T8044/09—Insolvent estate: Daniel Jacobus and Charlotte Oberholzer. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Phalaborwa, from 24 May 2013. T3064/10—Insolvent estate: Johannes Francois Marais and Carol Glynnis Fouche. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Krugersdorp, from 24 May 2013. N23/2011—Sinothile Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1995/008793/07, in liquidation, reg. address: 22 Ceramic Curve, Alton, Richards Bay. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Empangeni. T5452/11—Insolvent estate: Olver Wayne & Norma Jean, ID No. 590515092083 & ID No. 4607160051080, reg. address: 22 Cullan Manor, Smit Street, Midrand. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Master, Johannesburg. T0262/12—Insolvent estate: Menno Albert & Monica Mare, ID Noʼs: 6707115096087 & 6902190173089, residing at: 69 Jacobson Street, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T1562/11—Insolvent estate: Donovan Ashley & Sasha-Lea Reid, ID Noʼs: 7301315150081 & 8004050234081, residing at 164 Fakkel Street, Silverton, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T605/10—Insolvent estate: Margeret van Tonder, ID No. 5304300112084, residing at 107 Montagu Street, Boksburg. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg. T995/08—Insolvent estate: T M Makhobalo. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Benoni, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T4895/12—Becker Grobler and Masindi Investments Services (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T116/12—SW Liebenberg. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Klerksdorp. N286/03—JHZ & AM Henning. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg and Magistrate, Dundie. T4735/09—TD & NSL Mabena. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Randburg. T2518/09—A. May. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Wolmaranstad. T8009/09—M & MJ Kolokoto. Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Pretoria North. T3144/09—PD & C Boshoff. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T2139/12—Humaldi Eazy Campers CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Mokopane. C614/2012—Active Civil Plant (Pty) Ltd. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, George. 174 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 K5/2012—Richtersveld Agricultural Holding Company (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2006/034719/07. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Kimberley; Magistrate, Springbok. C1040/2011—Insolvent estate: Abraham George Zwiegelaar. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Mossel Bay. T3272/12—Siyavuma Transport (Pty) Ltd, 2007/006514/07, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Ermelo, 24-05-2013. C378/2011—Magnedor 105 CC, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master Cape Town; Magistrate, George. C829/2009—Collateral Trading 60 CC, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town. N191/01—Charous Property Holdings CC, in liquidation. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. N228/2010—Bambi Transport CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban. N36/07—Forest Packaging (New Germany) CC, in liquidation. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Magistrates Court, Pinetown. S18/2010—Orthosol (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth. T3341/09—Insolvent estate: V Venter. First and Final Liquidation. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T229/08—Insolvent estate: J N R & A Venter. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T5341/11—Insolvent estate: C Staats. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T3732/11—Insolvent estate: V C Rudd. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Sasolburg, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T1068/11—Insolvent estate: S Miles. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T1576/08—Insolvent estate: M M & T-L Maree. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Kempton Park, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T310/08—Insolvent estate: M L & Y Lotter. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Koster, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T223/11—Insolvent estate: M M Lerm. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Brits, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T584/09—Insolvent estate: W P & D Jones. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Oberholzer, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T1056/11—Insolvent estate: A L Jones. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Alberton, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T5519/10—Injectrade 1045 CC, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T4748/10—Insolvent estate: T R Hinrichsen. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Roodepoort, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T2175/07—Insolvent estate: A W & D V Higgs. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Springs from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T3590/11—Insolvent estate: S Ferreira. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Roodepoort, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T4775/11—Insolvent estate: G V du Plessis. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T7584/09—Insolvent estate: S de Wet. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T3962/10—Insolvent estate: E & M de Clerk. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Meyerton, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T3806/10—Insolvent estate: W L R & C R Bronkhorst. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T5419/10—Insolvent estate: A Avenant. Second Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Krugersdorp, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T4403/09—Insolvent estate: J E & C M Arnold. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Roodepoort, from 24 May 2013 until 7 June 2013. T2160/09—Insolvent estate: SJ Engelbrecht. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. B134/2009—Insolvente boedel: Anneliese Burger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein; Landdroshof, Vredefort, 24 Mei 2013. T4233/10—TCI Wireless (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 24 May 2013. C616/12—Tegniese Beleggingskorporasie Limited, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrateʼs Court, Stellenbosch. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 175 M110/11—Insolvent estate: Lorraine Olivier, Identity No. 8008020032087. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T7500/09—Insolvent estate: Lucky & Matadi Marie Groening, 82 Rebecca Street, Florida, Roodepoort. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Roodepoort. C775/2012—Insolvent estate: Victor Wilhelm Schenk. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the HIgh Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, Simonstown, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C725/2012—Darvels Engineering CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape town; Magistrate Court, Kuils River, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C616/12—Tegniese Beleggingskorporasie Limited, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrateʼs Court, Stellenbosch. C276/2012—Montagu Check-Inn CC, Registration Number 2006/020271/23. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Montagu. C909/2009—Insolvent estate: Alida Nel. Supplementary Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Paarl. C713/2012—Renucars (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Wynberg. C1017/2011—Fadrie Beleggings CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Courts, Vredenburg & Worcester. C785/2012—Circle Seven Trading 636 CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Kuils River. C887/2012—Fame Bottling CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Wynberg. C995/2012—Van Selm Associates CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Wynberg. C70/2012—Millennium Developments (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Paarl. C549/2012—Bodirk (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Wynberg. C724/2011—Insolvent estate: Les Blythe. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town & Magistrateʼs Court, Malmesbury. N484/2003—Insolvent estate: R Pargas. Amended Supplementary 2nd & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown. N57/2007—Insolvent estate: DL Moorgas. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Master, Durban. N243/2010—Insolvent estate: K Naidoo & G Moodley. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Stanger. D209/2012—Summerfield Construction CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Durban; Magistrate Chatsworth. N08/2008—Highway Stakes CC, in liquidation. Third & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown. C1344/2009—Scarlet Ibis Investments 52 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg. C523/2010—CVT Rigging Services CC, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C336/2010—Yzerfontein Seaside Estates (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg; Magistrate, Malmesbury. T3287/09—Insolvent estate: W.J. Botes. First and Final Liquidation and Disttribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Potgietersrus. C775/2012—Insolvent estate: Victor Wilhelm Schenk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, Simonstown, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C725/2012—Darvels Engineering CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, Kuils River, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C43/2011—Insolvent estate: Mornay & Tessa van der Berg. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth. C775/2012—Insolvent estate: Victor Wilhelm Schenk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, Simonstown, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C775/2012—Insolvent estate: Victor Wilhelm Schenk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, Simonstown, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C725/2012—Darvels Engineering CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Court, Kuils River, 14 days from 24 May 2013. C888/2009—Insolvent estate: Frederick Johannes Lombard. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Masterʻs Office, Cape Town; Magistrateʼs Court, Stellenbosch. 176 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T2570/10—Airconditioning Resources (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T5374/09—Petrus Mattheus van Loggerenberg. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria, 24/5/2013. G1266/2012—International Co-Productions (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg. C498/2011—Insolvent estate: Ferdinand Faurie. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Cape Town; Kuils River. 24 May 2013, 14 days. T0352/2012—Insolvent estate: Juliana Hoon. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 24 May 2013. T873/2011—Insolvent estate: Esme Sandra Smit. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 24 May 2013. G1195/2010—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Jeremias du Toit. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Benoni, 24 May 2013. G1764/09—Ulanda Investments CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg, 24 May 2013. G1495/2011—Blue Chilly Connections CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Roodepoort, 24 May 2013. T3121/2010—B-Sure Real Estate CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 24 May 2013. G1005/2011—Majozi Steel and Mining Supplies CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Benoni, 24 May 2013. T913/2010—Pavloʼs Deli CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, 24 May 2013. G2004/2010—Wilka Trading 004 CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 24 May 2013. G1084/2010—Bulkhead Fittings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Vereeniging, 24 May 2013. C528/2011—Multiclutch CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town; Magistrateʼs Court, Worcester. C1350/2010—Insolvent estate: Nomax Trust (IT3637/2011). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town; Magistrateʼs Court, Somerset West. C853/2011—Royal Gourmet Indian Cape CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Masterʼs Office, Cape Town. T2415/10—Eastwood, Kerry. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Meyerton, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G1434/11—Sapire, Brian Mathey. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Palm Ridge, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G810/11—Chipurupuru, Funny Shylate. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Kempton Park, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. T1776/11—Cromhout, Mark Deryck. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G579/07—Msasa Freight CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Boksburg, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. T91/10—Harmony Villas 59 (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G40/06—CDP (Pty) Ltd. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G1395/11—Johnstone, Bruce Graeme. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. E29/2011—Anzel Trading 1008 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Grahamstown; Magistrte, Burgersdorp. T571/11—Insolvent estate: John Viljoen. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T6175/2009—Insolvent estate: ED Ras. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C1333/2011—Insolvent estate: Clayton Gordon Hartley. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Atlantis. C995/2011—National Pride Trading 148 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Malmesbury. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 177 C8/2013—Premier Attraction 485 CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C128/2011—JV Refrigeration-Catering Sales CC, in liquidation. Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C1155/2009—Golfcon (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C1186/2010—Insolvent estate: Leanie Terblanche. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Worcester. G254/12—C and E Engineering Projects (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1683/2010—Crowned Cormorant Investments 99 Pty Ltd (Reg. No. 2004/0333264/07), in liquidation; Farouk Sharief and NM Phosa, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Boksburg, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G298/11—Insolvent estate: Michelle Denton, ID No. 8006110033080; Farouk Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court (Johannesburg); Magistrate, Kempton Park, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G1869/11—Gladiator Trailers CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg. G1609/2011—Grayston Technologies (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1998/023470/07), in liquidation; JH Blignaut (Jnr) and G Muggan, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg. 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G1063/2010—KBW Precast (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Farouk Sharief and EM Malatsi, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Krugersdorp, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. T2573/09—KSN Trading Enterprises CC, in liquidation; JH Blignaut/G. Harris and WS McKenzie, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G1602/11—Linmar Realty (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; JH Blignaut (Jnr), c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G141/09—MEA Rentals (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Roodepoort. G1608/11—Micarum Realty Pty Ltd; JH Blignaut (Jnr) and TJ Mphahlele, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Kempton Park, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G680/12—Conway Roberts. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg. G1566/10—TBR Properties (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Farouk Sharief and MM Malebye, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. G588/12—MM van Heerden. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg. G1128/2011—VIP Industrial Cleaning CC, in liquidation; JH Blignaut, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Benoni, 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. B162/2011—Maatskappy bekend as: Baruch Function and Conference Centre BFN (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2007/034401/07), in likwidasie, met geregistreerde adres te Aliwalstraat 52, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat. Aanvullende Rekening tot die Tweede en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein. G2234/09—East Coast Kawasaki (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg. Form/Vorm 5 PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AND COLLECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. 178 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company and account; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator. UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en rekening; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ʼn dividend uitgekeer of ʼn kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur. G1940/10—Hot Dot Print CC (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17-04-2013. Secured and preferent. Peter Bothomley and Ignatius Mkateko Shirilele and Bennie Keevy for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0846/11—Stanley and De Kock Optometrists Woodmead Partnership (in liquidation). Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 18-04-2013. Peter Bothomley and Enver Mohamed Motala & Lebogang Morake, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1707/10—Wooddev Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23-04-2013. Secured. Allan Pellow and Oscar Jabulani Sithole for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1123/11—Brodie, Ian (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 29-04-2013. Peter Bothomley and Matome Stanley Mphahlele for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1147/10—Alliance Cost Management Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 30-04-2013. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Zeenath Kajee and Hillary Anne Plaatjies for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0500/11—Quintessential Africa Logistics (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 30-04-2013. Norman Klein and Johanna Nini Mahanyele for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0590/09—Pemba Bay (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 19-04-2013. AND Dimakatso Arnold Michael Mohasoa, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0015/11—Rhulani Stationery & Gifts (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 07-05-2013. Peter Bothomley and Jerry Sekete Koka, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. C0750/10—Sackstein, Ron David (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12-04-2013. Allan Pellow and Julian Cecil Arthur Jones, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0845/11—Grand Optical Fourways Mall Partnership (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 11-04-2013. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Peter Bothomley and Sarfaaraz Skinder Moosa for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. T3763/10—Insolvent estate: Janse van Vuuren SJ and RN (ID No. 6707205079084 and 7008070069089). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 20-03-2013. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. JF Engelbrecht and NG Patel, Icon Insolvency Practitioners, PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. G236/10—Bottom Line Designs, t/a New Creations CC (Reg No. 1997/016081/23), in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 15-03-2013. Dividends payable and contribution to be collected.JF Engelbrecht & BR Nonyane, Icon Insolvency Practitioners, PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. G140/12—Angleweld Engineering CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 08-05-2013. Dividends to be paid. Mr M. Schmidt and Mr S.S.I. Boikanyo, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198. G41/08—Big Cedar Trading 26 (Pty) Ltd. Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 09-05-13. Dividends paid. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. G605/07—Bis Marketing CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. 27 March 2013. Shortfall. JH Blignaut and Mr Moloi, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G405/2011—Blinding Edge Fashions Pty Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. 19 February 2013. Shortfall to be written off, no award. JH Blignaut (jnr) and S Roopa, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G935/10—Blucor Projects CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 27 March 2013. Preferent awards. F Sharief, JH Blignaut (jnr) and KS Mahlangu, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 179 T1169/07—J Botes. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 23-04-13. No dividends payable contribution collected. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. G1139/11—H E & Z W Botha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 02-05-13. Dividends paid and contribution collected. JM Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. T7342/09—Chrissie Delwery Pty Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 10 April 2013. Secured award, contribution to be collected. Farouk Sharief, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. T0847/11—Conscheff Gauteng (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account. 06/05/13. Awards to secured Creditors & Contributions being collected. A.I. Surmany & T.S. Hlungwani, RMG Trust CC, PO Box 783601, Sandton, 2146. G970/09—DP Finance Corporation CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distributiion and Contribution Account. 7/2/13. Partial Secured award and contribution being collected. EM Motala, SL Magardie & PC Bothomely SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Bo 3119, Parklands, 2121. G136/11—Insolvent estate: Annalie Joubert Geddie (ID No. 6801180005089). First and Final Liquidation Distributikon and Contribution Account. 8 April 2013. Secured awards and contribution tobe collected. F Sharief and MI Panel, C/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G1383/2011—Honestytrade 48 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. 22 February 2013. Shortfall. J H Blignaut (JNR) & V Matinkica C/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G258/12—Insimbi Technologies CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. 19 March 2013. Shortfall. JH Blignaut and M S Mphahlele, C/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G40/08—J J Radiator Wholesalers CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. 09/.05/13. No dividends payable. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. G175/2011—MABS Consulting CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 27 March 2013. Contribution to be collected. JH Blignaut and TS Sejwane, C/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. T610/02—Meat Bus (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 14/10/10. Secured awards only. EM Motala, SJ Nel, PD Berman & B Peterson, SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 3119, Parklands, 2121. G259/2012—Mimmoʼs Steel CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 25 March 2013. Shortfall. J H Blignaut and LG Mpakati, C/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G926/11—Mining Ventilation Services CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23 April 2013. Concurrent awards. F Sharief and JM Damons, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G567/12—Poen De Bruyn Projects CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 26 April 2013. Contribution to be collected. JH Blignaut and L Morake, c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G1919/2009—Stabilis Bus and Truck Pty Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. 7 February 2013. Shortfall to be written off. Farouk Sharief c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G621/11—G J van der Berg. First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account. 06/05/13. Dividends paid and contribution collected. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. T5597/11—Insolvent estate: F.J. van der Venter. First & Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account. 06/05/13. Award to secured Creditor & Contribution being collected. J. Muthanyi, RMG Trust CC, PO Box 783601, Sandton, 2146. C390/2010—African Cargo Distribution (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 29/04/2013. Awards being paid to preferent & concurrent Creditors & suplus paid to members. B N Shaw, B Beginsel & A V Dawson, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. S60/2009—Innova Holdings (Pty) Ltd T/A Procon (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 10/05/2013. Awards being paid to secured Creditors. C P van Zyl, L Von W Bester, E M Dorfling & P Q Naidoo, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C929/2010—Insolvent estate: King Family Trust. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 30 April 2013. Dividends being paid. CM Penderis, TP Glaum & SAG Khammissa, c/o Independent Trustees, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. C768/2009—Octocon Civils (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 7 May 2013. Dividends being paid. HA Plaatjies, S Moodliar & MA Mohamed, c/o Independant Trustees, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. C1166/2011—Charles Potgieter Investments Cape (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contributiion Account. 09/05/2013. Payment of secured awards and levying of a contribution. B N Shaw & D C October, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. S10/2012—Mark Alderman Agencies CC (in liquidation. 14/05/2013. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. DJ Klerck, Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, PO Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055. L Limbada, Leyla Limbada Attorneyʼs. 39 5th Ave, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. B48/2009—Masedoco, 20 H/A Auto Armour (EDMS) Bpk (in likwidasie). Derde Likwidasie & Distribusierekening. 9/04/2013. Dividende word betaal. DT Majiedt, EG Cooper Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301. T5104/09—Pacific Breeze Trading 348 (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation Account. 14 May 2013. No dividends. Karen Keevy, c/o Commonwealth Trust, P O Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000. T4349/2010—Beyond 2000 International Marketing (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 26-04-2013. Dividend paid & contribution levied. C F De Wet & I C M Shirilele, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 180 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T370/2011—Insolvent estate: Gideon Brown & Maria Magrietha Coetzer Brown. First & Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account. 23=04-2013. Dividend paid and contribution levied. C F De Wet & Z M van Rensburg, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. T4979/2008—Homefinder Magazine (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 22-04-2013. None/shortfall. C F De Wet, A van Wyk & D T Majiedt c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. T116/1996—Swiss Farm Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second Supplementary Third & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 26-04-2013. Contribution to be collected. C F De Wet & S M Gore, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. G2111/2010—Optocon Systems (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 03-05-2013. Dividends to be paid. C F De Wet & S S Moosa, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. G936/2010—Eagle Creek Investments 265 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 14-05-2013. Dividends to be paid. C F De Wet, J H Du Plessis, J S Koka & Z Kajee, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. G1184/2012—TJC Holdings (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 08/05/2013. No award. J Simpson, c/o Pricewaterhousecoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157. G1271/2012—I-Tran Systems (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 8/5/2013. No award. J Simpson, c/o Pricewaterhousecoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157. G1320/2012—Micawber 325 (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 8/5/2013. No award. J Simpson, c/o Pricewaterhousecoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157. G699/06—Insolvent estate: Glen Lazarus. 13 May 2013. No dividends being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. G209/07—Kejay (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13 May 2013. No dividends being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. T4238/11—Insolvent estate: H. Brand. 30/4/2013. Both. G1340/11—Insolvent esate: Mohamed Feraaz Moosa. Third and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account. 26 April 2013. Dividends to secured creditors being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. G127/12—Cravin Engineering & Supplies CC (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 10 May 2013. Dividends to secured and preferent Creditors being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. G2296/2010—Johnnic Property Developments Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). 23-7-2012. No dividend paid. Theunis Schoeman, Private Bag X10046, Sandton, 2146. G2295/2010—Johnic Property Investments Ltd (In voluntary liquidation). 19-11-2012. No dividends paid. Theunis Schoeman, Private Bag X10046, Sandton, 2146. G2297/2010—Lone Hill Estates (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). 26-7-2012. No dividend paid. Theunis Schoeman, Private Bag X10046, Sandton, 2146. G2298/2010—Glenny Buchner Investments (Pty) Ltd (involuntary liquidation). 1-2-2013. No dividend paid. Theunìs Schoeman, Private Bag X10046, Sandton, 2146. G2299/2010—Aston Bay Holiday Resorts (Pty) Ltd (involuntary liquidation). 22-3-2013. No dividend paid. Theunis Schoeman, Private Bag X10046, Sandton, 2146. D30/2008—I/E: M I Shaikh. 3rd and Final Account. 09-04-2013. Concurrent award. N Moodley, R Khan, S A K N Mahomed, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. D221/2011—Rich Rewards Trading 78 (Pty) Ltd. 1st and Final Account. 10-04-2013. Irrecoverable shortfall. L Ramsaroop, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. D145/2008—Supercraft Upholsterers (Pty) Limited. 2nd & Final. 18-04-2013. Preferent award. A Pillay, N Maharaj, H Maharaj, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. D245/2011—Allentown Investments CC (in liquidation). 1st Account. 19-04-2013. Secured & preferent award. A Pillay, L/L/ Reddy, R.G. Mahomed, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N06/2010—Anix Trading 182 C.C. (in liquidation). Supplementary 1st & Final Account. 11-04-2013. Contribution levied. N. Moodley, S M OʼConnell, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N81/09—I/E: M Oschadleus. 1st & Final Account. 15-04-2013. Concurrent dividend. A Pillay, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N41/2010—Midnight Star Trading 501 CC (in liquidation). Supplementary 1st & Final Account. 15-04-2013. Secured award & contribution. A Pillay, E.A. Moolla, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N153/2010—I/E: J & H L Wessels. 1st & Final Account. 23-04-2013. Secured award contribution levied. N Moodley, S P Maharaj, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N112/2012—Microzone Trading 448 CC (in liquidation). 1st & Final Account. 23-04-2013. Preferent award. A Pillay, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N15/2012—I/E: A & Z B B Mohamed. 1st & Final Account. 7-5-2013. Secured award contribution levied. A Pillay, N Button, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. B190/2010—I/E: R & K Naidu. Supplementary & 1st Final Account. 9-05-2013. Secured award & contribution levied. A Pillay, P Indrajith, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N29/2008—Abaphumeleli Trading 301 CC (in liquidation). Supplementary 2nd & Final Account. 9-5-2013. Secured award & contribution levied. N Moodley, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 181 S50/2011—Insolvent estate: Riana Ionie Von Der Heyden. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 12 April 2013. Concurrent creditors receives an award of approximately R0.00 cents in the rand. J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc., 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. B73/2011—Lezmin 3065 BK (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 06/05/2013. Betaling van dividende. OA Noordman, CM Wilsnach, c/o Matsepes Inc, Bloemfontien. T7547/09—Silver Falcon Trading 258 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 12/12/2012. Dividend and contribution. R E Stroh, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. T1921/08—Insolvent estate: Ceronio C J. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 30/1/2013. Dividend. F Serithi, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. T4066/10—Lehnberg, G. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 29/10/2012. Dividends. IL van Diggelen, P D Berman, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. G767/07—Ipeleng Stationer CC, Reg. No. 1999/038913/12 (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 18 March 2013. Contribution. Elaine Juanita Jacobs, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. C1182/2010—Insolvent estate: Keith James and Sandra Queenie Caswell. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 04/02/13. Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche, Mr E J Petersen & Mr D Acker, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C136/2011—Insolvent estate: Gerhardus Loew Coetzee. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 26/11/12. No dividend & no contribution. Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr E A Beddy, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C858/2009—Insolvent estate: Beverley Ann Dippenaar. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 03/08/12. Contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr A Q Khatieb, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C1455/2010—Insolvent estate: Helena Maria Due Toit. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 08/11/21. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. Mr J J Theron & Mr M Dowries, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C1088/2011—D and G Management Enterprises CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 17/01/31. Contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr Z C Twala, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. T4459/10—Danzig Trading 55 46 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution and Contribution account. 18/04/2013. Contribution payable. H Kaplan, E Rautenbach, First City Katleho, PO Box 4078, Rivonia, 2128. T853/09—QCK Lezmin 4132 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 23 April 2013. Contribution being collected. Shirishkumar Jivan Kalianjee & Jeffrey Siphiwe Hlatshwayo, 44 Dudley Road, cor Bolton Road, Parkwood. T1144/06—Gili Greenworld Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1996/004194/07 (in liquidation). Amended Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 2 May 2013. Secured & preferent awards. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Gunvantrai Muggan and Kgashane Christopher Monyela, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T2953/11—Egypt Investment CC, Reg. No. 2007/024707/23 (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 26 April 2013. Contribution waived. Melita Meisel, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. G1070/12—Eeco Fuels (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2010/007712/07 (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 15 April 2013. Dividend payable. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Ignatius Clement Mikateko Shirilele, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. S50/2011—Insolvent estate: Riana Ionie Von Der Heyden. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 12 April 2013. Concurrent creditors receives an award of approximately R0.00 cents in the rand. J Brown, c/o Brown Braude, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc., 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. T252/09—Insolvente boedel: Petro Cornelia Botha. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 10 April 2013. Geen dividende betaalbaar. T2609/10—Insolvent estate: H J M Teixeira. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 5/2/2013. Dividend. R E Stroh, M Haywood, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. TT5863/09—Insolvent estate: C MacQueen. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12/11/2012. Dividend. R E Stroh, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. T813/10—Insolvent estate: Michelle De Waal. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 12/11/2012. Dividend and contribution. R E Stroh, H Hamman, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. T3219/09—Insolvent estate: A J J & C Re. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12/12/2012. Dividend. R E Stroh, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. T7719/09—Alcari 504 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 12/12/2012. Dividend contribution. T M Wouda, E P Maenetja, p/a L V K Trust CC, PO Box 1990, Pretoria, 0001. G696/04—Insolvent estate: C H van Schalkwyk. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 11/12/2012. Dividend contribution. P C Koen, p/a Equinox Trustees, 5H Floor, Bureau Forum Building, Bureau Lane, Pretoria. G165/06—Insolvent estate: P C Scholtz. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 18/12/2012. Contribution. P C Koen, p/a Equinox Trustees, 5H Floor, Bureau Forum Building, Bureau Lane, Pretoria. T3069/10—Insolvent estate: J Harvey. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14/12/2012. Dividend and contribution payable. N E Ramapuputla, p/a Ramapuputla Trustees, Posbus 8928, Pretoria, 0001. 182 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T4453/09—Insolvent estate: Minke Robbertze. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 09/05/2013. Monies transferred to guarduans fund. J J Beetge & N J van Blerk, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001. T1573/10—Insolvent estate: M Knoesen. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 09/05/2013. Secure dividend payable & contribution to be collected. J Z H Müller & M E Symes, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001. T2898/10—Corrie Barnard Restaurant CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 08/05/2013. Secured dividends payable & contribution to be collected. D Basson & H Barnard, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001. T5759/09—Insolvent estate: Anges Zoliswa Bini. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 30 January 2013. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T1528/11—Insolvent estate: Ninette Botha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 13 March 2013. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T2074/11—Insolvent estate: Abrie Scherman. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 19 February 2013. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T1662/11—Insolvent estate: Teresa Craukamp. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 20 February 2013. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T0265/11—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Johannes Theron. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 19 March 2013. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T5434/09—Insolvent estate: Prop 1944 Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14 November 2013. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T7502/09—Insolvent estate: Theo Passano. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 19 June 2012. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T7116/09—Insolvent estate: Loretta Cornelia Christina Milne. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22 October 2012. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. T3150/10—Insolvent estate: Eric Welthagen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 12 December 2012. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. G2937/09—Singh, Trisha (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 08/04/2013. Allan Pellow and Rishaad Moosa for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G2247/10—Tandem Investment Trust (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 08/04/2013. Allan Pellow and Franz Serith for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0264/08—Gqwede, Mveleli Nangamso (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 09/04/2013. Secured. Allan Pellow and Welcome Norman Jacobs for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0957/11—Kimball Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 30/11/2012. Tshepo Medupe and Monica Cowin for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1174/10—Goal Technology Solutions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11/04/2013. Norman Klein and Reuben Miller & Lekgowa Harry Mahole for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0190/10—Ash 2 Ou Bottling (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 15/04/2013. Allan Pellow and J. Baloyi for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0398/10—Roseveare, Keith (in liquidation). Amended First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 15/04/2013. Allan Pellow and Jeffrey Siphiwe Hlatshwayo for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0319/09—Brent Auto Colour Centre CC (in liquidation). Forth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12/04/2013. Secured. Allan Pellow and Osman Moosa for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. N51/10—Silver Lake Trading 194 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account, confirmed 15-04-2013. Distribution to secured creditor, contribution to be collected. Pierre Berrange, Berrange Incorporated, P O Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. T991/08—Insolvent estate: LJL & M Swart. 15-05-2013. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account, preferent and secured dividends payable, contribution to be collected. EL Bester, p/a St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T2049/07—Insolvent estate: JL & J van Rensburg. 03-05-2013. First and Final Liquidation Account. Mari Haywood, p/a St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1991/10—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Botha. 10-05-2013. First Liquidation and Distribution Account, preferent and secured dividends payable. Jerry S Koka, p/a St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1253/11—Insolvent estate: DL & C Kritzinger. 09-05-2013. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account, preferent and secured dividends payable, contribution to be collected. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T3697/97—Brits Afval & Vleis BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 29 Maart 2006. Kontribusie. Prinsloo Prokureurs, Posbus 7486, Pretoria, 0001. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 183 S24/2009—Aganang Industrial Suppliers CC (in liquidation). Dividends paid. N Ferreira & A Adams, Strauss Trustees CC, PO Box 202, Joubertina, 6410. B99/2011—Burger & Kahts Materiale BK (in likwidasie). Eerste Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. Dividende word betaal. EM van Wyk, EG Cooper Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301. T2858/10—Insolvent estate: Bezuidenhout, Johan Daniël (Id No. 6202145001083) & Kathleen (ID No. 6403090082082). 6 May 2013. Dividend payable. C. Murray, J.P. Fourie, T. SdS. Mathebula, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T529/09—Insolvent estate: Eilerd, Jacqueline Narasha (ID No. 8202070056084). 2 May 2013. Dividend and contribution payable. C. Murray, R. Steynsburg, E.P. Maenetja, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T2107/10—Feed-A-Lot CC, Reg No. 2005/007243/23 (in liquidation). 29 April 2013. Dividends and contribution payable. Botha, JH Mcquarrie, AD, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T1814/08—Insolvent estate: Fourie, Ann Elizabeth, ID No. 7904080151083. 30 April 2013. Dividends payable. Murray, C, Sharief, F, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T0037/08—Greyling Loodgieters CC (Reg No. 1997/045993/23) (in liquidation). 29 April 2013. Dividend payable. C. Murray, M.M. Masilo, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T5103/11—Kaldin Property 33 CC (Reg No. 2005/017647/23) (in liquidation). Dividend and contribution payable. C. Murray, J. Muthanyi, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T6833/09—Insolvent estate: Sampson, Eugene Percy, ID No. 6202085245088. 7 May 2013. Dividends and contribution payable. Murray, C, Draht, H Damons, JM, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T5263/09—Insolvent estate: Sechogo, Gasenwana Debbie (ID No. 7709160787080). 9 May 2013. Dividend and contribution payable. C. Murray, D.J. Masege, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T0133/11—Summerlane Trading 63 CC (I/L), Reg No. 2006/123645/23. 7 May 2013. No dividends or contribution payable. Botha, JH, Mohammed, A, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T0504/10—Insolvent estate: Steyn, Christiaan Willem & Elizabeth Alida, ID No. 4704245044089. 30 April 2013. Dividends payable. Murray, C, Rautenbach, E, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T2907/11—Wildevy Krokodilplaas CC (Reg No. 2008/101406/23) (in liquidation). 8 May 2013. Dividend payable. C. Murray, M.I. Patel, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T5958/09—Xantium Trading 145 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 09-05-2013. Secured dividend payable and contribution to be collected. J Z H Müller & M A Christian, Tshwane Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001. N9/2011—Moxifon (Pty) Limited t/a Strathmore Timbers, Reg No. 2009/021108/07 (in liquidation). 16 May 2013. Dividend being paid. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. John Douglas Michau, Stowell Estate Administration Trust, 295 Pietrmaritz Street, Pietermaritizburg, 3201, Rikesh Sewgoolam, P O Box 181, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. B96/2010B—Over-The-Top Trading 513 CC (in liquidation). Fourth Liquidation & Distribution Account. 14-05-2013. Dividends to be paid out. CBStC Cooper, DT Majiedt & JE Saffy, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. T4445/09—Insolvente boedel: Mabidikeng Simon Mamphekgo. Eerste Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 25 April 2013. Versekerde dividende betaal. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & M M Masilo, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, T/A VRS Insolvensie Parktisyns, The Ridge Gebou, h/v Koedoesnek- & Grysbokstraat, Waterkloof, 0181. T4964/10—Insolvente boedel: J G Barkhuizen. Eerste en Finale Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 9 Mei 2013. Versekerde dividende betaal, kontribusie gevorder. Leonardus Johannes Strydom, EM Edwards & A van Wyk, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, T/A VRS Insolvensie Parktisyns, The Ridge Gebou, h/v Koedoesnek- & Grysbokstraat, Waterkloof, 0181. T4514/09—Insolvente boedel: FO & TM Maseko. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 24 April 2013. Tekort. Lizette Opperman, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, T/A VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Gebou, h/v Koedoesnek- & Grysbokstraat, Waterkloofrif, 0181. T451/12—Infoteam Investments 193 BK (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Kontribusierekening. 6 Mei 2013. Kontribusie gevorder. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & JJ de Gama, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, T/A VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Gebou, h/v Koedoesnek- & Grysbokstraat, Waterkloofrif, 0181. T5548/10—Loerie Produkte CC (in liquidation). 04-05-2013. Preferent. MJD Breytenbach, CA Starbuck, MS Motshekga, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044. T1093/07—Insolvent estate: Okavango Trust. 09-05-2013. preferent contribution. MJD Breytenbach, T Taylcoat, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044. G478/12—Redline Leisure Motorbikes and Accessories CC (in liquidation). 13-05-2013. None. MJD Breytenbach, F.H. Suliman, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044. T668/11—Insolvent estate: G.G.J. & K. van Deventer. 14-05-2013. preferent contribution. MJD Breytenbach, R Pieterse, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044. T3646/08—De La Reyʼs Transport (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 15-05-2013. Preferent cuncurrent. MJD Breytenbach, EM Motala, LM Moloto, SAG Khammissa, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044. E6/2010—Agricultural & Industrial Marketing CC (in liquidation). 15 January 2013. Dividends paid. M. Timkoe, Mike Timkoe Trustees CC, PO Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008. S143/2011—Insolvent estate: Madeleine Doreen Gaggia. 13 May 2013. Dividends paid. M. Timkoe, Mike Timkoe Trustees CC, PO Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008. T609/10—Insolvent estate: David Lumaile Tshanga. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 10 May 2013. Distribution contribution. E Rautenbach, A Yeun & A Strydom, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032. S24/2009—Aganang Industrial Suppliers CC (in liquidation). Dividends paid. N Ferreira & A Adams, Strauss Trustees CC, PO Box 202, Joubertina, 6410. T4545/08—Insolvent estate: Wishtrade 2001 CC, Reg No. 2001/010245/23. 26-04-2013. The First and Final Liquidation and Account. No dividends payable, no contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. 184 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 N150/2010—Bartel Kabel Werke (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account, confirmed 19-03-2013. Distribution to creditors. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, P O Box 2838, Pieteritzburg, 3200. N67/12—Insolvent estate: TL & WH Wulff. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account, confirmed 19-04-2013. Distribution to creditors and contribution collectable. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, P O Box 2838, Pieteritzburg, 3200. N146/08—Caine Da Costa & Butler Contruction CC (in liquidation). Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account, confirmed 07-05-2013. Distribution to creditors. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, P O Box 2838, Pieteritzburg, 3200. N241/09—Insolvent estate: A & RD Ramkishwar. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account, confirmed 18-04-2013. Distribution to secured creditor and contribution to be collected. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, P O Box 2838, Pieteritzburg, 3200. T2049/10—Insolvent estate: D P Bezuidenhout. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 19 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. 5919/09—Insolvent estate: L P Sebata. First and Final Liquidation Account. 24 April 2013. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3941/08—Insolvent estate: G J Richards. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 20 July 2011. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3167/08—Insolvent estate: E & C S Reilander. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 29 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4650/11—Quo Vadis Cooling Solutions CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 23 April 2013. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4447/08—Insolvent estate: J F Pelzer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 29 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T33/12—Muscle Mayhem CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 26 April 2013. Shortfall. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2535/11—Diesel Fleet Solutions CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 28 April 2013. Shortfall. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. M157/2009—MP Spies Equipment CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 27 September 2011. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. DM Botha, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. T3090/10—Six Fountains Auto Centre CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2 April 2013. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. EL Bester & EM Motala & MM Masilo, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. T726/09—TC Masingi. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 20 April 2013. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. DM Botha & JP Fourie & JL Lubisi, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. G2075/10—J H Visagie. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 3 April 2013. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. EL Bester & Z Kajee, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. C617/2012—NNN Plant Hire CC. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 24 April 2013. Secured dividends being paid. Jurgens Johannes Steenkamp & Barend Petersen, Joint Liquidators, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000. C250/2010—Leopont 279 Properties (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 30-04-2103. Payment of secured awards only. C P van Zyl & H A Plaatjies, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C63/2009—Overberg Eiendomsmakelaars CC, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 16 April 2013. Dividend being paid. Ryno Engelbrecht, c/o Planet Administrators CC, PO Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000 and A Moollajie, c/o New Era Trustees. G256/09—Easy Street Furnishing (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 2013-05-08. Shortfall. EM Edwards & YAB Ismail, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1998/09—Insolvent estate: De Beer, Frederick, Coenraad & Linda. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 2013-05-06. Dividends & Contribution. Elizabeth Margaret Edwards & Tintswalo Annah Makhubele, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. G1133/07—Scarlet Ibis Investments 11 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2013-05-08. Dividends & contribution. Elizabeth Margaret Edwards & Wergele Stafford McKenzie, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1911/07—Insolvent estate: Smith; Diederik Rudolf. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23 November 2012. Dividends. E M Edwards & M S Motshekga, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. G517/07—Insolvent estate: Smith; John Gordon. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 4 March 2013. Dividends. C M Cloete & T J Mphahlele, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1215/09—Insolvent estate: J J & G M B Vermaak. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 25 April 2013. Dividends. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T6281/09—Insolvent estate: J M W van Tonder. First and Final Liquidation. 26 April 2013. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. C1119/11—Insolvent estate: W & N G Smith. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 11 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3847/09—Insolvent estate: M Pretorius. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 29 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3674/10—Insolvent estate: B A Pillay. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 185 T5688/09—Insolvent estate: C F Oosthuizen. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 29 April 2013. Dividends. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. G1079/10—Multi Skilled Professional Consultants (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 24 April 2013. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4916/10—Insolvent estate: T J & M Mlangeni. Amended First and Final Liquidation Account. 23 April 2013. Shortfall. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2136/08—Insolvent estate: B T Masuku. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T876/09—Insolvent estate: M A Lambrianos. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4060/08—Insolvent estate: M A Labuschagne. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T568/09—Insolvent estate: D E & R Labuschagne. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 30 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. T Oosthuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T33/10—Insolvent estate: C J S & H C du Preez. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4219/08—Insolvent estate: R & T E de Kock. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1833/10—Insolvent estate: F Coetzee. First and Final Liquidation Account. 23 April 2013. Guardians Fund. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T402/11—Insolvent estate: Z Cloete. First and Final Liquidation Account. 10 April 2013. Guardians Fund. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1120/10—Capstone 68 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2470/09—Insolvent estate: G A & L M Botha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 25 April 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4682/10—Blue Dot Properties Two (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 25 April 2013. Dividends. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T6719/09—Insolvent estate: R A & A Bezuidenhout. First and Final Liquidation Account. 30 April 2013. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. B82/2012—In die beslote korporasie bekend as: Public Eye Newspapers BK, Reg. No. 2007/029034/23, in likwidasie, geregistreerde kantoor: Kellnerstraat 107/109, Westdene, Bloemfontein, provinsie Vrystaat. 06-05-2013. Geen dividende word uitbetaal nie. DR Henney, p/a Phatshoane Henney Ingelyf, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. T3512/11—Botha, Gideon Jacobus. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 9 May 2013. Secured awards & contribution to be collected. EJJ van Rensburg & W Yzel, c/o Kip Insolvensies, PO Box 90755, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042. B7/2011—In die insolvente boedel van: W Holtzhausen, ongetroud, tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te Van Zylstraat 69, Universitas, Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat. 08-2013. Kontribusie word gevorder, geen dividende word gevorder nie. DR Henney & MJ Mophethe, p/a Phatshoane Henney Ingelyf, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. B97/2011—In die insolvente boedel van: JP & L Pretorius, tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te Plot 78, Vrischgewaagd Kleinhoewe, Koonstad, Provinsie Vrystaat. 08-05-2013. Geen dividende word uitbetaal nie. MJ Mophethe & CJ Venter, p/a Phatshoane Henney Ingelyf, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. B54/2012—In die beslote korporasie bekend as: Bloekomhoek Boerdery BK, Reg. No. 2007/249637/23, in likwidasie, geregistreerde adres te: Waterstraat 16, Parys, Provinsie Vrystaat. 26-04-2013. Geen dividende word uitbetaal nie. HJC du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff, Riets Barry Prokureurs, Posbus 41, Bloemfontein, 9300 & DP Badenhorst, p/a Phatshoane Henney Ingelyf, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. M68/09—R & M Plumbing Contractors and Maintenance CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 20-12-2012. Shortfall. W N Jacobs, TG Molefe, p/a Mayibuye Trust, PO Box 14392, The Tramshed, 0126. T1521/11—Corpclo 812 (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 9 May 2013. Secured award and contribution to be collected. EJJ van Rensburg & S L Magardie, c/o Kip Insolvensies, PO Box 90755, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042. Form/Vorm 6 APPLICATION FOR REHABILITATION Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of High Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of application. AANSOEK OM REHABILITASIE Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing 186 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek. T907/09—Aloisi, Maria, 23 September 1966, 6609230111082, medical representative, 706 Gilead Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng. 20 March 2009, estate agent, Gilead Street 706, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng. In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 12 July 2013. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936. T2059/08—Blignaut, Alet, 11 Februarie 1976, 7602110023088, verpleegkundige, Derdestraat 60, Lichtenburg. 11 Julie 2008, verpleegkundige Monterama 94, Skoolstraat 68, La Montagne, Pretoria. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 11 Julie 2013 om 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (3) van Insolvensiewet No. 24 of 1936. C766/2008—Hendrik Johannes Albertus du Plessis, 23 September 1963, 6309235014080, 25 Percheron Street, Malmesbury, Western Cape; Johanna Maria du Plessis. 23 December 2008. High Court of South Africa, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, 21 June 2013 at 10:00 am. Section 124 (2) (a) of Insolvency Act, 1936. T2136/09—Bekker, Lourens, 1981-06-05, ID: 8106055036088, ʼn meerderjarige besigheidsbestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed met Maritza Bekker en woonagtig te 334 Trevor Jettingstraat, Garsfontein, Pretoria. 30 April 2009, ʼn meerderjarige besigheidsbestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed met Maritza Bekker en woonagtig te Villa Lanzerac 9, Farnhamstraat 75, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria. North Gauteng High Court on Friday, 5 July 2013 at 10h00. Section 124 (2) (a). T680/06—Lume, Anton Alfred, 1968-08-20, 6808205476088, general manager, TSU Protection Services (Pty) Ltd, No 4 Estcourt Street, Wierdapark, Centurion. 21 June 2006, general manager, Afri-Guard (Pty) Ltd, Pendale, Meyerton. High Court of South Africa (Northern Gauteng, High Court, Pretoria), 26 July 2013, 10h00. Section 124. T1379/09—Vermeulen, Adriaan Jacobus, 1979-07-25, 7907255064080, sale consultant, Menlyn Auto BMW, corner of Garsfontein and January Masilela Drive, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria. 3 April 2009, sale consultant, Pretoria North Toyota Gerrit Maritz Street, Pretoria North. High Court of South Africa (Northern Gauteng, High Court, Pretoria), 26 July 2013, 10h00. Section 124. T1191/06—Bredenkamp, Delmarie, 1967-10-14, 6710140145085, housewife, 4-2nd Avenue, Umdloti, KwaZulu-Natal. 7 December 2006, 162 Lochner Street, Centurion, Pretoria, housewife. High Court of South Africa (Northern Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 12 July 2013, 10h00. Section 124 (3). T823/06—Yokwe, Zandisile Reuben, 1965-04-17, 6504175606081, sales representative, 37 Village 6, Sloane Arch, Germiston. 22 June 2006, 11 Jabula Place, Graceland, Germiston, customer deliveries clerk. High Court of South Africa (Northern Gauteng—High Court, Pretoria), 12 July 2013, 10h00. Section 124 (2) (a). T412/06—Hartley, Dudley Walter, 7012295013088, werksaam te Capstone BK 1658, h/a Steel & Fencing Supply, Witrivier, en woonagtig te Garden Plot 1, Witrivier. 21 Junie 2006, was lid van beslote korporasie Fencing & Steel, woonagtig te Garden Plot 1, Witrivier. Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, 2 Julie 2013 om 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936. T412/06—Hartley, Dudley Walter, 7012295013088, werksaam te Capstone BK 1658, h/a Steel & Fencing Supply, Witrivier, en woonagtig te Garden Plot 1, Witrivier. 21 Junie 2006, was lid van beslote korporasie Fencing & Steel, woonagtig te Garden Plot 1, Witrivier. Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, 2 Julie 2013 om 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936. T2901/07—Moller, Erica Cecilia, 21 February 1963, ID 6302210002089, currently employed as a insurance broker at First National Bank, Klerksdorp. 5 March 2008, was then residing at 21 Couzyn Street, Elandia, Klerksdorp, 2571. Application will be brought in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on 12 July 2013 at 10:00. This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act. T1435/08—OʼConnor, Tanya, 26 December 1964, ID 6412260068086, currently employed as a program manager at Investment Solutions. 23 May 2008, residing at Plot 90, Vineyard, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng Province, was then employed as a project manager. Application will be brought in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on 12 July 2013 at 10:00. This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act. T2748/11—Mason, Paul Niall, 6 February 1961, ID 6102065121087, currently employed as a anaethethist. 16 March 2012, residing at 4 Olive Crest Estate, Quorn Road, Northgate, Randburg, was then employed as anaethethist. Application will be brought in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on 12 July 2013 at 10:00. This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act. Russell, Alison Elizabeth, 20 May 1975, ID 7505200096080, currently employed as a sales representative, residing at 2 Eagles Nest Estate, 140 Old Vereeniging Road, Eikenhof, in the North Gauteng Province. 20 April 2012, residing at 2 Eagles Nest Estate, 140 Old Vereeniging Road, Eikenhof, in the North Gauteng Province, was then employed as a sales representative. Application will be brought in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria on 12 July 2013 at 10:00. This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act. T2132/11—Schalkwyk, Elma (previously Mare), , 27 October 1977, ID 7710270004085, currently employed as a freelance educator/facilitator, residing at 665 Raasblaar Avenue, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria. 5 July 2010, was then residing at 164 Eagle Street, Montana Park, Pretoria. Application will be brought in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on 12 July 2013 at 10:00. This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act. G1975/2009—Barber, Alan William, 18 November 1962, 6211185097083, werkloos, Sewende Weg 196, Bredell, Kempton Park, Gauteng. 27 Oktober 2009, Sewende Weg 196, Bredell, Kempton Park, Gauteng, besigheidsman en eienaar van ʼn groep maatskappye. Suid-Gauteng Hoë Hof, Johannesburg, 11 Julie 2012. Artikel 124 (2) (a). T2707/09—Taylor, Gene, 1983/09/01, 8309010162086, verkoopskonsultant, 66 Oakdene Gardens, 2 South Street, Oakdene, Johannesburg. 6 Augustus 2009, 19 Loerie Oord, Madelief Place, Dorandia, Pretoria-Noord, Gauteng, verkoopskonsultant. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling op 28 Junie 2013 om 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (5) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig). STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 187 N109/07—Krafft, George Cornelius, 29 November 1977, 7711295109081, a major male branch manager, employed at Crane Aid, residing at 30 Pienaar Street, Witbank. 31 July 2007, residing at 29B Pelican Parade, Birchwood, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, employed by Morris, Richards Bay. High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg), Thursday, 11 July 2013 at 09:30. Section 124 (3) of Act No. 24 of 1936. T2283/2007—Johannes Adam de Bruyn & Alanie de Bruyn, 1975-06-08, 7506085070083, and 1973-08-20, 7308200264083, fitter, 12 Nirvana Street, Witfield, Boksburg, 1459 & school teacher, 12 Nirvana Street, Witfield, Boksburg, 1459. 6 December 2007, 34 Edward Street, Witfield, Boksburg, 1459, fitter, and 34 Edward Street, Witfield, Boksburg, 1459, school teacher. In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Tuesday, 9 July 2013. Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936: More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T2998/2008—Adrien Mornay Brown, divorced, 1969-07-15, 6907155043086, security consultant, Plot 129, Kameeldrift Estate, Kameeldrift-East, Derdepark, 0035. 26 June 2009, 52 Noord Street, Rayton, Gauteng, 1001, unemployed man. In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Tuesday, 9 July 2013. Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936: More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T51/2009—Petrus Johannes Rossouw, divorced, 1956/06/02, 5606025010082, contractor, No. 33 Dalegardens, Balder Street, Douglasdale, Sandton, 2146. 19 February 2009, mechanical engineer, Letamo Game Estate, Kromdraai, 1739. In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Tuesday, 9 July 2013. Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936: More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T2158/08—Myburgh, Sonia Myburgh, 1774-07-29, 7407290149087, konsultant by Leruma, Breyerlaan 1225, Waverley, Pretoria. 18 Julie 2008, Myburgstraat 435, Capital Park, Pretoria, ʼn dokument kontroleerder. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria. Artikel 24 van Insolvente Wet 1936. T2157/08—Myburgh, Hermanus Jacobus Myburgh, 1974-10-02, 7410025043088, konsultant by Lerumo, Breyerlaan 1225, Waverley, Pretoria. 18 Julie 2008, Myburgstraat 435, Capital Park, Pretoria, ʼn konsultant. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria. Artikel 124 van Insolvensie Wet, 1936. Form/Vorm 7 NOTICES OF TRUSTEES Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trusteesʼ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date of sequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order is made; date of confirmation of final account, and name and address of curator. KENNISGEWING VAN KURATORS Aangesien ʼn tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finale rekening, en naam en adres van kurator. T2254/08—Insolvente boedel: E van der Merwe (ID No: 7003050330083). 25 July 2008, Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gautengse Hoër Hof, Pretoria). 21 Julie 2010. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & MWH Mthibedi, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Office Building, Suite 1, H/V Grysbok & Koedoesnekstraat, Waterkloofrif. T6616/09—Induna Construction BK (Reg No: 1997/057828/23) (in likwidasie). 18 Augustus 2009, Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gautengse Hoër Hof, Pretoria). 3 November 2011. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & MS Motshekga, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Office Building, Suite 1, H/V Grysbok & Koedoesnekstraat, Waterkloofrif. T3741/11—Prellex 471 BK (Reg No: 2005/183082/23) (in likwidasie). 17 Augustus 2011, Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gautengse Hoër Hof, Pretoria). 21 Junie 2012. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & R Masoanganye, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Office Building, Suite 1, H/V Grysbok & Koedoesnekstraat, Waterkloofrif. T3423/08—Bevo PTA Bk (Reg No: 2000/009219/23) (in likwidasie). 2 September 2008, Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gautengse Hoër Hof, Pretoria). 22 September 2011. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & T Wouda & G Govender, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Office Building, Suite 1, H/V Grysbok & Koedoesnekstraat, Waterkloofrif. 188 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 T848/05—Amina Motors CC (in liquidation). 05-04-2005. 14-06-2012. MJD Breytenbach KR Vengadesan, Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T87/09—J.C. Heunis. 12-08-2008. 29-10-2012. MJD Breytenbach, Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3959/09—Omni Creative Packaging Solutions CC (in liquidation). 24-06-2009. 02-09-2011. MJD Breytenbach; CF De Wet & LM Moloto, Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T998/11—Optical Digital Solutions CC (in liquidation). 26-02-2010. 22-05-2012. KC Monyela, Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3597/11—Puzzles 4 A Property CC (in liquidation). 10-08-2011. 29-10-2012. MJD Breytenbach MW Kets, Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T5469/09—Insolvent estate: J.E. Schoeman. 19-08-2009. 16-08-2012. MJD Breytenbach N.Y. Seriti, Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T1032/05—Insolvent estate: Mdiya SS. 04-11-2005. 26-07-2012. Leon Vermeulen, c/o St. Adens International, P.O. Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1261/04—Insolvent estate: Brand A. 09-11-2004. 17-07-2012. Leon Vermeulen, c/o St. Adens International, P.O. Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T289/06—Insolvent estate: Nel CE. 23-03-2006. 12-07-2012. Leon Vermeulen, c/o St. Adens International, P.O. Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G710/08—Jungle Gardens CC (Reg No: 1999/078283/07). 02-07-2008. 31-05-2012. A van Jaarsveldt, c/o St. Adens International, P.O. Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T57/06—Insolvent estate: Nel EJ. 16-02-2006. 18-05-2012. Leon Vermeulen, c/o St. Adens International, P.O. Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G2177/11—African Cattle Brokers Pty Ltd (in liquidation). 23-11-2010, Registrar of Companies and Close Corporations (Special Resolution). 13-06-2012, First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. J H Blignaut (Jnr) and KS Mahlangu, c/o Goldent Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. G1100/2005—JDJ Crane Electrics Pty Ltd (in liquidation). 19-09-2005, Registrar of Companies and Close Corporations (Special Resolutions). 16-05-2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Farouk Sharief and CKV Tanna, c/o Golden Trust Services Pty Ltd; P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000. B191/2010—Insolvente boedel: DM Woest. 30-09-2010, Free State Provincial Division. 16-10-2012. T V Matsepe, p/a Matsepes Inc, P.O. Box 256, Bloemfontein. T1024/09—Trueway Property Investments CC (in liquidation). 23-2-2009, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 6-9-2011. R E Stroh, K D J Masege, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001. B170/2009—Insolvente boedel: Matrix Freight BK. 26-06-2009, Free State Provincial Division. 19-09-2012. OA Noordman MS Rampoporo, p/a Matsepes Inc, P.O. Box 256, Bloemfontein. G71/09—Insolvent estate: W G van Rooyen. 27-11-2007, Witwatersrand Local. 21 August 2012. M E Symes; R Karsten & K C Monyela, p/a Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra Road, Impala Park, 1459. G1155/07—Festival Bay Trading 22 (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). By Way of Special Resolution passed on 20-06-2006. Registered on 19-07-2006. 11-10-2012. Corne van den Heever and LLoyd Wilfred Theunissen, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. G1394/09—Henriʼs General & Precision Engineering (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). By Way of Special Resolution passed on 7-04-2009. Registered on 21-05-2009. 22-02-2012. Theordor Wilhelm van den Heever, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. B230/2010—In die Insolvente boedel van DJ Prinsloo, Tydens Sekwestrasie, woonagtig te Mcleanstraat 105, Riebeeckstad, Welkom, Provinsie Vrystaat. 10-02-2011, Afdeling van Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. 10-03-2013. HH Carshagen & ER Smith, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324 & MJ Mophethe Phatshaoane Henney, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. B208/2002—In die Insolvensie boedel van I Engelbrecht, Tydens Sekwestrasie, woonagtig te Die Plaas Parkerton, Oranjeville, Provinsie Vrystaat. 22-07-2002, Afdeling van Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. 22-07-2003. MV Phatshoane, p/a Phatshoane Henney, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300, RD Du Plessis, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9323 & PC Lessing, Du Plessis-Lessing Ing, Posbus 12200, Hatfield, 0028. Form/Vorm 8 DATES FIXED FOR CREDITORS TO PROVE CLAIMS Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the High Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 189 The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description of company; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator. DATUMS VASGESTEL VIR DIE BEWYS VAN EISE DEUR SKULDEISERS Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ʼn distribusie kragtens ʼn rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywing van maatskappy; datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur. T2682/11—Heila Maria Crous (ID No: 6209160003084). 30-05-2013, Master, Pretoria. 10h00. VMF Gravato Tswelopele Trust, Soutpansberg Road, 2310 Rietondale, 0083. Form/Vorm 9 NOTICES OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORʼS ESTATE In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner of his making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Masterʼs consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Masterʼs consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Masterʼs Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrateʼs Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date. KENNISGEWINGS VAN OORGAWE VAN ʼN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ʼn versoeker kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die intrekking van ʼn sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ʼn aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ʼn kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum. Frits Stols, unemployed, unmarried, from 722 Doved Street, Doornpoort, Pretoria North. (2) Application: Transvaal Provincial Division, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Pretoria North. NOTICE TO SURRENDER OF A DEBTORʼS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West High Court, Mafikeng, on 20 June 2013 at 10h00 in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Charlotte Ingrid Green, Identity Number: 7301240202080, a business woman, married out of community of property of 20 Olienhout Street, Mafikeng, and that a statement of her affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at Mafikeng for a period of fourteen days as from the 24 May 2013. Signed at Mafikeng on 16 May 2013. Chris Maritz Attorney, Attorney for Applicant, 49 Proctor Avenue, Mafikeng. (Ref: BW0077/A). Mpho Veronica Mogotsi (ID: 7812030386081), consultant, married in community of property to Moeketsi Grail Mogotsi (ID: 7610285735089, self employed, 220 Moshoeshoe Section, Katlehong, 1432. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 10 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs office, Katlehong, Magistrateʼs Court. Robert Muchinga (ID: 6107015223081), court interpreter, married in community of property to Florence Tsuro Muchinga, born 6 Decmber 1974, court official, 3 Villa Bonfoi, Essondon Street, Bonaero Park Ext 1, Kempton Park. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 10 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masters Office, Middelburg Magistrateʼs Court. 190 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Beverlee Margaret Smith (ID: 5704230066088), trader, married out of community of property, residing at: 3 Montepulciano, 33 Willow Avenue, Craigavon, Gauteng. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 21 June 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 May 2013, Magistrate Court, Randburg; Master, Pretoria. (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, P.O. Box 8315, Centurion, 0046. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 5 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel Charles Henry Hudson Howard, tans werkloos en getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere van Maanstraat No. 15, Atlasville, Boksburg, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en Landdroshof, Boksburg, ter insae sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 17de dag van Mei 2013. DJVH Ing., Tel: (012) 430-4701. Verw: T de Jongh. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF DEBTORS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)] Noitce is hereby given that application will be made to the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg on the 20th day of June 2013 at 09:30, or so soon thereafter as the estate of Catherine Louis Smale, ID No. 7612160029083, presently residing at 2 Crooked Lane, Hillcrest, divorced, and that a statement of her affairs will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, and the Magistrateʼs Court, Pinetown, for a period of 14 days as from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013. Mornet Attorneys. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL [ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936] Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Wes-Kaapse Hoë Hof, Kaapstad, op Dinsdag, 25 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Riaan Barkhuizen, ID No. 7502255075085, ʼn volwasse manlike persoon, ongetroud en woonagtig te Nirvana No. 2, Hartenbos, 6520. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof, Mosselbaai, vanaf 24 Mei 2013 vir ʼn tydperk van 14 dae. B du Toit, Oosthuizen Marais & Pretorius Ing., Urban Attic Gebou, Siouxstraat 4, Voorbaai, Mosselbaai, 6500. (Verw: B du Toit/mc/MM2060.) NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORʼS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1) OF ACT 24 OF 1936] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, on 21 June 2013 at 10:00 in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as the matter be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Robert Anthony Henderson of 12 Mount View, Neptunes Way, Gordonʼs Bay, Western Cape, and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, and at the Magistrateʼs Court for the District of Strand for a period of 14 days as from the 27th of May 2013. Hannes Pretorius Bock & Isaacs, Attorneys for Applicant. 13 May 2013. Lynette Diane van Deventer, ʼn meerderjarige besigheidsvrou, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en tans woonagtig te Parklaan 7, Deneysville, Vrystaat Provinsie. (2) Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 20 Junie 2013, 09h30. (3) Vanaf 24 Mei 2013 vir ʼn tydperk 14 dae te Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein; Landdroskantoor, Sasolburg. (4) PH de Bruin, vir De Bruin & Vennote, p/a EG Cooper & Madjiedt Prokureurs, Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein. Gedeelte 508 Mooikloof Familie Trust (IT11272/97), from 39 Royal Chalice, Mooikloof, Pretoria, for surrender of estate. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 19 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. Willem Wynand Rheeders, electrician, and Annemarie Rheeders, unemployed, from 43 Hawer Street, Fochville, Potchefstroom, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Potchefstroom. Louis Lukas Venter, sales person, and Belinda van Heerden, unemployed, from 33 3de Laan, Welverdiend, Potchefstroom, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Potchefstroom. Estelle van der Merwe, unemployed, from 28 St Joseph Avenue, Lilianton, Boksburg, unmarried. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Boksburg. Johannes Petrus Myburgh, manager, and Corlea Myburgh, unemployed, from 11 Bordau Nltovilla Estate, Timbvati Street, Morelettapark, Pretoria, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 19 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 191 Theunis Christiaan Piek, operation manager, Adele Piek, document controller (married in community of property), 11 Bosewa Street, Ledibeng Eco Estate, Onverwacht, Lephalale. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 21 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Court, Lephalale. (4) 17 May 2013. Sunet van der Merwe, logistic co-ordinator (married out of community of property), 7 The Meadows, Singer Street, Central, Potchefstroom. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 21 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Potchefstroom. (4) 17 Mei 2013. Diederick Johannes Kleyngeld, besigheidsman, Anna Magrietha Kleyngeld, huisvrou, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, Stewartstraat 9A, Kroonstad. (2) Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein), 20 Junie 2013. (3) 24 Mei 2013, Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein; Landdroshof, Kroonstad. (4) 17 Mei 2013. Nirendran Naidoo, traffic controller (unmarried), 135 Snell Parade, North Beach, Durban. (2) Kwa-Zulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg (Republic of South Africa), 20 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Durban. (4) 17 May 2013. Anthony George Swart, sales executive, Samantha Swart, admin clerk (married in community of property), 6 Penhill Place, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal. (2) KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg (Republic of South Africa), 20 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Pinetown. (4) 17 May 2013. Mswarateu Isaac Mqathi, taxi driver, Zanele Ursula Mqathi, project co-ordinator (married in community of property), 18507 Cebekhulu Street, Tsakane. (2) South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 21 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Brakpan. (4) 17 May 2013. Victor Seaton Smith, sales representative (married out of community of property), 12 Lydenburg Street, Lydenburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 20 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. (4) 17 May 2013. Jolinda Janse van Rensburg, personnel clerk (unmarried), Unit 9, Assegaai Complex, 24 Broadway Street, Valhalla. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 20 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. (4) 17 May 2013. Irma van der Merwe, teacher (unmarried), 59 Thabo Mbeki Street, Polokwane. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 21 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Court, Polokwane. (4) 17 May 2013. Reinhardt Jacques Botha, pensioner, Johanna Henrietta Wilhelmina Botha, housewife (married in community of property), 12 Lydenburg Street, Lydenburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 21 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Court, Lydenburg. (4) 17 May 2013. Maria Cecelia Combrick, sales person, unmarried. 60 Victoria Road, Sandringham, Johannesburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg. (4) 17 May 2013. James Thomas Bennett, teacher, unmarried, 126 Spartacus, Paul Smit Street, Ravenswood, Boksburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Boksburg. (4) 17 May 2013. Arnoldus Bartholomeus Lombard, supervisor, married in community of property to Jacoba Petronella Lombard, administration assistant, 2 Pine Road, Primrose, Johannesburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Germiston. (4) 17 May 2013. Mornay Brice Swart, security guard, unmarried, 21 San Louise Hill Street, Florida. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Roodepoort. (4) 17 May 2013. Coenraad Fredrik Werner, CCTV controller, married in community of property to Catrina Magritha Werner, housewife, 18 Duiker Street, Leeuhof, Vereeniging. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 june 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masters office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Vereeniging. (4) 17 May 2013. Charlene October, human resource officer, unmarried, 10 Protea Street, Elim. (2) In the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town (Republic of South Africa), 21 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Cape Town; Magistrateʼs Court, Bredasdorp. (4) 17 May 2013. Charles Brendon van Rooyen, sales executive, married in community of property to Bonita van Rooyen, sales assistant, 71 Main Reef Road, Mindalore, Krugersdorp. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masters office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Krugersdorp. (4) 17 May 2013. Theresa Nell, IT Sales account manager, married out of community of property, 28 Fairview Memorial Road, Craigavon, Randburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Randburg. (4) 17 May 2013. Pieter Corris Barnard, teacher, unmarried, 41 Kanna Street, Northmead Extension 4, Benoni. (2) In the South Gauteng Hgih Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Benoni. (4) 17 May 2013. Elmarie Kanounnikov, co-coordinator, married out of community of property, 1065 Hotel Street, Allens Nek, Roodepport. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 18 June 2013. (3) 24 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Johannesburg; Magistrateʼs Court, Roodepoort. (4) 17 May 2013. 192 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Isabella Fredrika Potgieter, ID No. 4412150029083, ʼn meerderjarige pensioenaris, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, Mercia Court No. 4, Genl Pienaarlaan, Witpoortjie Distrik, Roodepoort. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 21 June 2013, 10:00. (3) 27 Mei 2013, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria; Landdroskantoor, Roodepoort. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. Kenneth Daniels, salesperson, 36 Sabai Smit Street, Northriding, Randburg. (2) South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 10:00. (3) 30 May 2013, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg and at the office of the Magistrate, Randburg. (4) Sithole-Radebe Inc., Suite 208, Telsafdata Hosue, 5 Conrad Drive, Randburg. Tel: (011) 036-6186. Roy Patterson, manager, Erf 629, Glen Erasmia, Kempton Park, Johannesburg. (2) South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 10:00. (3) 30 May 2013, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg and at the office of the Magistrate, Kempton Park. (4) Sithole-Radebe Inc., Suite 208, Telsafdata House, 5 Conrad Drive, Randburg. Tel: (011) 036-6186. Cornelius Johannes Botha, 6807095061083, Carpenter/businessman, married out of community of property, 16 Jonker Street, Oudtshoorn, 6625. (2) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court Division, Cape Town), 2 July 2013 at 10h00. (3) 24 May 2013 until 14 June 2013, Masterʼs Office of the High Court, Cape Town and Magistrateʼs Court, George. (4) Roux Attorneys, 6 Fairview Office Park, c/o First & Knysna Roads, George East. 044 871-4881. 10 May 2013. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORʼS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town on 21 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Sanette Stins, ID No. 6712290192081, an Client Service Officer, divorced, presently residing at 1 Silverdale, 16 Arum Road, Blouberg, Western Cape Province, and that a statement of her affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town for a period of 14 days from 24 May 2013. Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: www.dlinc.co.za, E-mail: rohan@dlinc.co.za, Ref: DR Lamprecht. Preetha Dayalal, 7208260100088, working as an accountants clerk, 18 Gralf Park, 1 Spitare Road, Sunninghill, widow. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of SA), 20 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 24 May 2013 for 14 days, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Randburg. (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 284 Von Willich Road, Centurion, Pretoria. Daniel Stephanus Jacobus Coetzer, ID 6308235138089, working male, 74 Faraday Bulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, divorced. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of SA), 20 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 24 May 2013 for 14 days, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Vanderbijlpark. (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 284 Von Willich Road, Centurion, Pretoria. Deon Botha (Identiteitsnommer 6604025213086), ʼn meerderjarige passer en draaier getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te plaas Doornpoort, Westonaria en Hendrina Magdalena Botha (Identiteitsnommer 6904200028089), ʼn meerderjarige besteller getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te plaas Doornpoort, Westonaria. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 18 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 Mei 2013, Meesterskantoor Pretoria; Landdroskantoor Westonaria. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. Leon De Kock (Identiteitsnommer 5801025047081) ʼn meerderjarige werklose man getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te Eenheid 89 Randpoort, Renaissance, Randfontein en Hester Sophia De Kock (Identiteitsnommer 5704100018086), ʼn meerderjarige werklose vrou getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te Eenheid 89, Randpoort, Renaissance, Randfontein. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 19 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 Mei 2013, Meesterskantoor Pretoria; Landdroskantoor Randfontein. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. Adam Boshoff Randles (Identiteitsnommer 7912305050089), ʼn meerderjarige projekbestuurder getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te Ivan Smutsstraat 27, Krugersdorp. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 20 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 Mei 2013, Meesterskantoor Pretoria; Landdroskantoor Krugersdorp. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. Daniel Wilhelmus Maartens, ID Number 6911195023082, project manager, married in community of property to Cornél Maartens, ID Number 7405260022086, nurse, address: Both resident at 18 Janine Street, Helderkruin Extension 2, Gauteng, also known as Erf 477, Helderkruin Extension 2 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent one thousand three hundred and eighty eight (1 388) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Tranfer No. T30950/2009. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Roodepoort. (4) 17 May 2013. Papaneng Abram Mautlane, ID Number: 6704155738082, police officer, married in community of property to Elizabeth Hexonia Mautlane, ID Numbe: 7006080401086, unemployed, address: Both resident at 18 (also known as 1888) Stormrivier Street, Toekomsrus, Randfontein, Gauteng, also known as Erf 1888, Toekomsrus Extension 1 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent four hundred and fifty (450) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T9969/1993. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Randfontein. (4) 17 May 2013. Nombedesho Fielding N.O. and in her personal capacity, ID Number: 7412300728086, unemployed, widow of the late David Fielding, ID Number: 7307236045086, address: 1934 Rooseveld Avenue, Margate Extension 3, KwaZulu-Natal, also known as Erf 1934, Margate Extension 3 Township, Registration Division E.T., Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent one thousand and twenty seven (1 027) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T64078/2007. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pietermaritzburg and the Magistrateʼs Court, Umtentwini. (4) 17 May 2013. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 193 John Henry Emmerson, Identity Number: 6103235911084, businessman, unmarried, 425—23rd Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria. (2) Application: Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013, 10h00. (3) 29 May 2013, Master of the High Court, Pretoria, Gauteng Province. (4) Mr J C Louw, Louw Attorneys, No. 2 Lenchen Park, Lenchen Avenue South, Centurion, 17 May 2013. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: TOBIAS BOTWOOD (Identity Number 7004265014089), application for voluntary surrender, Applicant NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORʼS ESTATE Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa on Friday, 19 June 2013 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter by be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Tobias Botwood (Identity No. 7004265014089), residing at 4 Bitou Close, Riversideglen, Kommetjie, Western Cape, and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town at 1st Floor, corner Parade & Caledon Streets, Cape Town, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from Friday, 21 June 2013. Dated at Cape Town on this 17th day of May 2013. T Botwood, Applicant, 4 Bitou Close, Riversideglen, Kommetjie, Cape Town. (Ref: T Botwood) Prushothum Rufus Preenathum, ID Number 6201045179080, sales account manager, married in community of property to Mariamah Preenathum, ID Number: 5808170739089, housewife, address: both resident at 17 Tulip Street, Primrose, Germiston 1401, Gauteng, also known as Erf 855, Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent one thousand (1 000) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T57820/2004. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Edenvale. (4) 17 May 2013. Phetola Nailana Solomon Makgathe, ID Number: 6107025669083, unemployed, married out of community of property, address: 173 Koorsboom Road, Magalieskruin Extension 1, Gauteng, also known as Erf 106, Magalieskruin Extension 1 Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent nine hundred and ninety one (991) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T91219/2005. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Officce, Pretoria. (4) 17 May 2013. Armand Benjamin Bester, ID Number: 7001195254082, self employed, married in community of property to Michelle Babedette Bester, Id Number: 6907180235087, controller, address: both resident at 22 Karee Lane, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, also known as Erf 4469, Jeffreys Bay, in the Kouga Municipality and Division Humansdorp, Province of the Eastern Cape, in extent six hundred (600) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T34565/2005. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office Grahamstown and the Magistrateʼs Court, Humansdorp. (4) 17 May 2013. Lentle Martin Thobejane, Id Number: 6709305267080, seld employed, married in community of property to Matau Irene Thobejane, ID Number: 7610300292082, facilitator, address: both resident at 968 Vlakdrift Avenue, Faerie Glen, 0043, Pretoria, Gauteng, also known as Erf 3155, Faerie Glen Extension 28 Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent one thousand three hundred and ninety three (1 393) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T65936/2007. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. (4) 17 May 2013. Mark Anthony Craddock, ID Number: 6809175194081, piping supervisor, married in community of property to Shinaaz Craddock, ID Number: 8302160078087, self employed, address: both resident at 217 Parklands Flats, Sasolburg, and/or Erf 2205 (Extension 2) Sasolburg, District Parys, Free State Province, in extent eight hundred and sixty six (866) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T27217/2005, also known as 44 President Hoffman Steet, Sasolburg. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (Free State High Court, Bloemfontein), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Bloemfontein and the Magistrateʼs Court, Sasolburg. (4) 17 May 2013. Ronnie Boucher, ID: 8201305176089, Yolandé Boucher, ID: 8409240039086, getroud binne gemeenskap beroep, welder & production administrator, woonagtig te Raasblaarlaan 23, Brits. (2) Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 20 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) Meester van die Hooggeregshof, 27 Mei 2013. (3) Landdroshof, Brits. (4) Wessel Oosthuizen, Saxbyweg 1018, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Posbus 358, Wierdapark, Gauteng, 0149. Louis Barend du Toit, 5909195013088, Mesinastraat 429, businessman. (2) Application, High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, High Court, Pretoria), 15 July 2013 at 10h00. (3) 14 days from 10 June 2013 at Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. (4) Stiaan Bekker Attorneys, 318 The Hillside Str, 4th Floor, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Dewald Reynders, ID No. 5502125003086, ʼn besigheidsman, woonagtig te Grotiusstraat 874, Moreletapark, Pretoria. (2) In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 25 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 31 Mei 2013, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Prokureurs, Posbus 342, Mosselbaai, 6500. 194 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel Paul Leonard Schwartz, ʼn besigheidsman van beroep, en getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Irene Michelle Schwartz, tans werkloos van Barry Hertzogstraat No. 242, Greenside, Sandton, Johannesburg, en dat hul vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Johannesburg ter insae sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 17de dag van Mei 2013. DJVH Ing, Richard 213, Hatfield, Pretoria. Tel No. (012) 430-4701. Letta Patience Madikalle Khumalo, ID No. 7510010392083, personal assistant, married out of community of property to Leonard Linda Khumalo, ID No. 7008095487084, self employed, both resident at 123 Carlswald Lifestyle Estate, 140 Walton Road, Carlswald, Midrand, Gauteng, also known as Erf 123, Carlswald Estate Townhip, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent three thousand and twenty-one (3 021) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T114698/2005. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg). 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Halfway House. (4) 17 May 2013. KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Helena Louisa Elizabeth van Rooyen, ID No. 7312140016082, ʼn meerderjarige administrateur, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te Melkstraat 305, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Gauteng. Neem verder kennis dat die applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria vanaf 27 Mei 2013 vir ʼn periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel No. (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134. KENNISGEWING VAN DIE OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936 Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Suid-Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg, op Dinsdag, 18 Junie 2013, om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Frans van Aardt Vermaak, ID No. 7011035011089, ʼn manlike persoon, tans werkloos, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Vyfdelaan 38, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, dat sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof in Johannesburg asook die Landdroskantoor, Kempton Park, vir ʼn tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf 24 Mei 2013. Gedateer te Roodepoort op die 17de dag van Mei 2013. G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant, p/a A.D. Hertzberg, 3de Vloer, West Wing, 158 Jan Smuts Building, 9 Walters Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. (Verw: Mnr Ficq/sk/7187.) Warren Norman Shelley, an unemployed male person and Ursula Ann Shelley, an unemployed female person, married in community of property, both residing at 22 Leeuwen Street, Glen Vista Extension 4, Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. (4) DLBM Inc, PO Box 12200, Hatfield, 0028. Machiel Andries Petrus Venter, a salesman married out of community of property and residing at 15 Lloys Road, Wierdapark, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 June 2013, 10:00. (3) 27 May 2013, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. (4) DLBM Inc, PO Box 11132, Hatfield, 0028. Anna Margrietha Elizabeth Pio, an unemployed female person, unmarried, residing at 10 Temer Avenue, Eldorette, Akasia, Pretoria North, Pretoria, Gauteng Province. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013. (3) Master of the High Court, Pretoria, 27 May 2013. (4) A M E Pio, 10 Temer Avenue, Eldorette, Akasia, Pretoria North, 0182. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 18 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gebou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Aurbon Douglas Hurling, werkloos, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Natalie Hurling, ʼn verkoopskonsultant woonagtig te Flowerstraat 10, Rietfontein, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 15de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 195 KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Arno du Toit, ID No. 8409275027089, ʼn meerderjarige tegnoloog, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed woonagtig te Meyerstraat 769B, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria vanaf 27 Mei 2013 vir ʼn periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134. KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Jacobus Andries Landsberg, ID No. 5502065029084, ʼn meerderjarige werklose man, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed woonagtig te Stefinastraat 14B, Meyerville, Standerton, Mpumalanga. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria sowel as Landdroshof, Standerton, vanaf 27 Mei 2013 vir ʼn periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134. KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Rory Jesse Jones, ID No. 5510075078082, ʼn meerderjarige besigheidsman, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed woonagtig te Central Parkstraat 371, Lynnwood, Pretoria, Gauteng. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria vanaf 27 Mei 2013 vir ʼn periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134. KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Ansie Halgryn, ID No. 9107020294082, ʼn meerderjarige sekretaresse, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed woonagtig te Napierstraat 816, Daspoort, Pretoria, Gauteng. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria vanaf 27 Mei 2013 vir ʼn periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Thirusvashni Vurden, administrateur, ongetroud, van Palliserstraat 103, Edenglen, Germiston, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Germiston, ter insae sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 15de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. 196 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 19 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord-Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Johan Diederick Ellis, ʼn kliëntediens konsultant van beroep, ongetroud, woonagtig te 25 Lushof, Korannastraat, Centurion, Pretoria, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 10de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord-Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Gareth Percival Schultz, ʼn nutsman van beroep en geskei, woonagtig te Rooshoutstraat 9, Centurion, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 10de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 18 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord-Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Willem Jacobus Kloppers, ʼn onderwyser van beroep, geskei, woonagtig te Dickensonstraat 1264C, Waverley, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 10de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord-Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Lourens Abraham van der Merwe, ʼn verkoopsman van beroep, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Charlene van der Merwe, werkloos, woonagtig te Antonstraat 912, Morelettapark, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 10de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. Nathan Nathaneal Gilbert, ID 7502115168088, and Faziela Gilbert, 7512010243084, married in community of property. Residential address: 21 Goud Street, Old Eldoʼs, Eldorado Park, Johannesburg. Occupation: Unemployed. Unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of Estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria) 21 June 2013 at 10h00. 27 May 2013 (Period of 14 days), Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Master of Johannesburg. (4), Michael Senekal, Tel. (012) 542-5205. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Gregory Neil Ericksen, ʼn drywer van beroep, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Iris Ericksen, werkloos, woonagtig te Hildastraat 30, Hatfield, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 27ste Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 197 KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 18 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Louis van der Westhuizen, ketelmaker, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Johanna Susanna van der Westhuizen, toesighouer, van Lethabahof 104, Junkerstraat, Vanderbijlpark, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vanderbijlpark ter insae sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 15de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 19 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Jacobus Petrus Lemmer, pensioenaris, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Jacoba Wilhelmina Lemmer, pensioenaris, van Georgerylaan 81, Mantevrede, Vanderbijlpark, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vanderbijlpark ter insae sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 15de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 20 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Linda Dorothy van der Walt, geskei, van Loren Place 1, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vereeniging ter insae sal lê gedurende ʼn termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Geteken te Pretoria op die 15de dag van Mei 2013. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. Gesina Johanna Smal, general restaurant worker, married out of community of property, 42 Eight Street, Naboomspruit. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Naboomspruit. Alida Roos, administrator, unmarried, 3 Rugters Street, Brits. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Brits. Jacobus Jeremia van Staden, ID: 5509295038082, mechanic, and married in community of property to Hester Susanna van Staden, ID: 6206020036080, unemployed, 5 Patrys Street, Phalaborwa. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 27 May 2013 (Period 14 days), Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Phalaborwa. (4) Michael Senekal, Tel: (012) 542-5205. Leon Bodenstein, ID: 6611135191003, foreman, and married in community of property to Francina Aletta Bodenstein, ID: 6310010081088, unemployed, 642 Klip Crescent, Montana Manor, Pretoria.(2) Voluntary surrender of estate, The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 21 June 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 May 2013 (Period of 14 days), Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North. (4) Michael Senekal, Tel: (012) 542-5205. Leon Kriel, ID: 8205245086084, unemployed, married in community of property, 33 Trevor Street, Murrayfield, Pretoria. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 21 June 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 May 2013 (Period of 14 days), Masterʼs Office, Pretoria. (4) Michael Senekal, Tel: (012) 542-5205. Sipho Lloyd Malefane, unemployed, and married in community of property to Nombulelo Malefane, administrator, 29 Bonza Bay, Elandshaven, Germiston. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 19 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Germiston. Riaan de Lange, unemployed, and married in community of property to Cindy de Lange, underwriter, 60 Reier Road, Atlasville, Boksburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 19 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Boksburg. Vanessa Fick, unemployed, married out of community of property, 84 Ernest Street, Kensington, Johannesburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 19 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Johannesburg. Johannes Smal, general restaurant worker, married out of community of poperty, 42 Eight Street, Naboomspruit. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Naboomspruit. Maxwell Joel Nyathi, restaurant attendant, unmarried, 15 Leffer Court, 14 Resent Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Johannesburg. Sarel Johannes Eloff, foreman, unmarried, 86 Springbok Street, Theresapark, Pretoria North. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 19 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria North. 198 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Thokozni Nicolas Mkhize, unemployed, unmarried, 295 Heimwee Crescent, Geluksdal, Brakpan. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Brakpan. John Pieter van der Westhuizen, fleet controller, unmarried, 30 Lynette Street, Kilnerpark, Pretoria North. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Pretoria North. Amos Letuka Mahlangu, driver, unmarried, 80382 Denver Street, Evaton West, Vanderbijlpark. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrateʼs Office, Vanderbijlpark. Constance Tobodi Phasumane, unemployed, unmarried, 1446 Phaahle Street, Vosloorus Ext. 3, Boksburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg. Dewald Reynders, ID No. 5502125003086, ʼn besigheidsman, woonagtig te Grotiusstraat 874, Moreletapark, Pretoria. (2) In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 25 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 31 Mei 2013, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Prokureurs, Posbus 342, Mosselbaai, 6500. Dewald Reynders, ID No. 5502125003086, ʼn besigheidsman, woonagtig te Grotiusstraat 874, Moreletapark, Pretoria. (2) In die Hoogeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 25 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 31 Mei 2013, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Prokureurs, Posbus 342, Mosselbaai, 6500. Frederick Johannes Jacobus Kratt, ID No. 6301045004088, self-employed, married out of community of property, 16 Piet Rautenbach Street, Brits, 0250, and/or Section 15 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS84/2006, in the scheme known as “Magalieshof”, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Erf 2033, Elandsrand Township, Local Authority: Madibeng Local Municipality, in extent eighty eight (88) square metres; and an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to said section in section accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said Sectional Plan, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST.117284/2007, also known as Unit 15, Magalieshof, 194 Krokodildrift Street, Elandsrus, Brits. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Brits. (4) 17 May 2013. Zukisani Tshune, ID No. 7902135366086, self-employed, unmarried, 53 Hunters Close, Parsons Vlei, Port Elizabeth, also known as Erf 2032, Parsons Vlei, in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, Division Port Elizabeth, Province of the Eastern Cape, in extent five hundred and twenty (520) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T40948/2009. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Grahamstown and the Magistrateʼs Court, Port Elizabeth. (4) 17 May 2013. Brian Mokgothu Pelesa, ID No. 7506305463084, unemployed, widower, was married to the late Lorato Bridgette Pelese, ID No. 7804140404086, Daniel Hendrik Du Plessis N.O. in his capacity as executor in the estate of the Lorato Bridgette Pelesa (ID No. 7804140404086), 12 Versailles Street, Basewater, Bloemfontein, also known as Erf 8065, Bloemfontein Extension 53 Township, Registration Division R.D, Free State Province, in extent one thousand one hundred and ninety (1 190) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T17608/2010. (2) Application in the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Bloemfontein. (4) 17 May 2013. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ʼN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOËRHOF, PRETORIA (REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA) In die ex parte-aansoek van: HENRY JOHN DOUGLAS, ID No. 8108195151082, Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 19 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Henry John Douglas, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Irmasternstraat 22, Vanderbijlpark. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Sehumestraat, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Vanderbijlpark, ter insae lê vir ʼn termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 17de dag van Mei 2013. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. [Tel: (012) 362-2556.] (Verw: Mnr T. Viljoen.) KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ʼN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOËRHOF, PRETORIA (REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA) In die ex parte-aansoek van: JOYLINE STRYDOM, ID No. 7309190284081, Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 19 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Joyline Strydom, ongetroud en woonagtig te 11 Montana Hills, Sugarbushstraat (Robertbroomweg), Sugarbush Estate, Krugersdorp. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Salugebou, Sehumestraat, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Krugersdorp, ter insae lê vir ʼn termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 17de dag van Mei 2013. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. [Tel: (012) 362-2556.] (Verw: Mnr T. Viljoen.) STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 199 KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ʼN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOËRHOF, PRETORIA (REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA) In die ex parte-aansoek van: ELIZABETH RAGEL DOROTHEA MILLER, ID No. 5403240163080, Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 19 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Elizabeth Ragel Dorothea Miller, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Plot 57, Eljeesee, Tarlton, Krugersdorp. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Salugebou, Sehumestraat, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Krugersdorp, ter insae lê vir ʼn termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 27 Mei 2013. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 17de dag van Mei 2013. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. [Tel: (012) 362-2556.] (Verw: Mnr T. Viljoen.) Jan Jacobus Brits, ID No. 8504275053083, werkloos, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Palmstraat 18, Kanonkop, Middelburg. (2) Aansoek Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 20 Junie 2013, 10h00. (3) 27 Mei 2013, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Middelburg. Catherina van Gund, ID No. 7202280010088, personeelbeampte, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, Henriettestraat 348, Wierdapark, Pretoria. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 20 Junie 2013, 10h00. 27 Mei 2013, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. NOTICE FOR THE VOLUNTARY SURRENDER OF THE ESTATE OF A DEBTOR ESTATE IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, ACT NUMBER 24, 1936 (AS AMENDED) Please do hereby take notice that on 18 June 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard by the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, an application will be lodged for the acceptance of the voluntary surrendering of the estate of Leo Ferreira (ID No: 8307275083088) and Christine Catherine Sinden (Ferreira) (ID No: 8602180123080), currently respectively being a major technician and math teacher residing at 753 Charl Grove Road, Henley-on-Klip, and that their statement of affairs will be available at the Magistrates Court of Meyerton, and that the Master of the North Gauteng High Court for fourteen (14) days from 24 May 2013. Signed at Pretoria on this the 17th day of May 2013. WWB Botha Attorneys, Attorneys for Applicants, 446 Cameron Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 346-3111. (Ref: Mr Botha/mvdm/F2006). KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET Nr. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 18 Junie 2013, 10h00 voormiddag of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng, Hoë Hof, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Andre Gerhardt Lötter (ID: 5808095121084). ʼn Tegniese verteenwoordiger werksaam te Sasko Graan en woonagtig te 9 Bay Stone, Tilodistraat, Heuwelsig Estate, Celtisdal X19, Centurion en dat sy vermoëstaat ter insae lê vir ʼn termyn van 14 dae vanaf 24 Mei 2013 te die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Geteken te Pretoria op hede die 13de dag van Mei 2013. WWB Botha Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Cameronstraat 446, Brooklyn. Tel: (012) 346-3111. (Verw: W Botha/L2008). KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET NOMMER 24 VAN 1936 Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v Vermeulen- en Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Izak Bartholomius Petrus Saaiman (ID No: 8608275209080), ʼn vervoerband tegnikus, ongetroud en woonagtig te: Walterlaan 1266, Waverley, Pretoria. Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, ter insae sal lê vir ʼn tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitende 24 Mei 2013 (synde datum van publikasie). Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 14de dag van Mei 2013. (Get) P J Kleynhans, Prokureurs vir Applikant, PJ Kleynhans Ingelyf, 1ste Vloer, Waverley Plaza, Hertzogstraat 1116, Villieria, Pretoria; Posbus 32506, Waverley, 0135. Tel: (012) 332-1450. (Verw: P J Kleynhans). KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET NOMMER 24 VAN 1936 Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v Vermeulen- en Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Isusanna Jacoba Johanna Wagner (Schoeman) (ID No: 7710050121083), ʼn besigheidsvrou, getroud buite gemeenskap en woonagtig te: Plaas Taaiboschpan, Distrik Tolwe, Limpopo. 200 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, en die Kandros, Mokopane ter insae lê vir ʼn tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitende 24 Mei 2013 (synde datum van publikasie). Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 14de dag van Mei 2013. (Get) P J Kleynhans, Prokureurs vir Applikant, PJ Kleynhans Ingelyf, 1ste Vloer, Waverley Plaza, Hertzogstraat 1116, Villieria, Pretoria; Posbus 32506, Waverley, 0135. Tel: (012) 332-1450. (Verw: P J Kleynhans). KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET NOMMER 24 VAN 1936 Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 21 Junie 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v Vermeulen- en Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Johannes Jacobus Geyser (ID No: 6011055173083), ʼn vervoerband tegnikus, ongetroud en woonagtig te: Jasmynlaan 397, Silverton. Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, ter insae lê vir ʼn tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitende 24 Mei 2013 (synde datum van publikasie). Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 14de dag van Mei 2013. (Get) P J Kleynhans, Prokureurs vir Applikant, PJ Kleynhans Ingelyf, 1ste Vloer, Waverley Plaza, Hertzogstraat 1116, Villieria, Pretoria; Posbus 32506, Waverley, 0135. Tel: (012) 332-1450. (Verw: P J Kleynhans). Sydney Moses Chauke, 7903185977087, tiler, married in community of property to Alzira Clementine Chauke, ID No. AC200810, both resident at Erf 1871, Soshanguve-F Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, being Unit 1871, Block F, Soshanguve-F, measuring 385 (three hundred and eighty-five) square metres, held under Deed of Transfer No. T31296/1992. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria and the Magistrateʼs Court, Soshanguve. (4) 17 May 2013. Goodman Mlungisi Ngubani, unemployed, 12 Tugela Street, Klipfontein View Ext 1, Kempton Park, unmarried. (2) Application: Transvaal Provincial Division, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Kempton Park. Aleck Kwasi Sibanda, unemployed, 12 Tugela Street, Klipfontein View Ext 1, Kempton Park, unmarried. (2) Application: Transvaal Provincial Division, 20 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Kempton Park. Evelyn Fihliwe Dunywa, receptionist, 405 Mofokeng Section, Germiston, unmarried. (2) Application: Transvaal Provincial Division, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Germiston. Evelyn Fihliwe Dunywa, receptionist, 405 Mofokeng Section, Germiston, unmarried. (2) Application: Transvaal Provincial Division, 21 June 2013. (3) 27 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Germiston. Thando Welcome Captain, 7105055613087, consultant, unmarried, 10 don Diaz, Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay, Eastern Cape, also known as Section 10, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS856/2007, in the scheme known as “Don Diaz”, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Jeffreys Bay, Kouga Municipality, in extent eighty eight (88) square metres; and an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST12989/2007. Together with an exclusive use area described as Garage No. 17, measuring twelve (12) square metres, being as such part of the common property, comprising the land and the scheme known as “Don Diaz”, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Jeffreys Bay, Kouga Municipality, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS12989/2007. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Grahamstown, and the Magistrateʼs Court, Humansdorp. (4) 17 May 2013. Rashied Meyer, 7704265141085, driver, married in community of property to Zanap Meyer, 7808090220087, housewife, both residing at 43 Robinson Crescent, New Tafelsig, Mitchellʼs Plain, also known as Erf 42669, Mitchellʼs Plain, situated in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent two hundred and forty (240) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T91404/2007. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), 21 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Cape Town. (4) 17 May 2013. Mmantoa Theresia Gunene, NO, in her capacity as Executrix of the estate of the late Dzunisan Jim Masilana, 7001105700083, and Mmantoa Theresia Gunene, in her personal capacity, 6307250340083, traditional healer, unmarried, 4 Morocco Street, Klipfontein View Extension 3, Kempton Park, also known as Erf 1415, Klipfontein View Extension 3 Township, Registration Division IR, Province of Gauteng, in extent three hundred and thirty one (331) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T147792/2005. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 June 2013 at 10h00. (3) 31 May 2013, Masterʼs Office, Pretoria; and the Magistrateʼs Court, Kempton Park. (4) 17 May 2013. Roy Patterson, manager, Erf 629, Glen Erasmia, Kempton Park, Johannesburg. (2) South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Tuesday, 25th June 2013 at 10:00. (3) 30th May 2013, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg and the Office of the Magistrate, Kempton Park. (4) Sithole-Radebe Inc., Suite 208, Telsafdata House, 5 Conrad Drive, Randburg. Kenneth Daniels, salesperson, 36 Sabai Smit Street, Northriding, Randburg. (2) South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Tuesday, 25th June 2013 at 10:00. (3) 30th May 2013, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg and the Office of the Magistrate, Randburg. (4) Sithole-Radebe Inc., Suite 208, Telsafdata House, 5 Conrad Drive, Randburg. STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 201 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936 Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof Johannesburg, op Dinsdag, 18 Junie 2013 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van David Johannes Kruger, ID No. 6902175058081, ʼn meerderjarige manlike verkoopsbestuurder, en Elizabeth Maria Kruger, ID No. 7101210245089, ʼn meerderjarige vroulike tuisteskepper, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, met besigheidsadres te hoek van Witkoppen- en Cedarweg, Fourways, Johannesburg, dat hulle vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof in Johannesburg, asook die Landdroskantoor, Randburg, vir ʼn tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf 24 Mei 2013. Gedateer te Roodepoort op hede die 15de dag van Mei 2013. G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. Verw: Mnr Ficq/sk/6670. P/a AD Hertzberg, 3de Vloer, West Wing, 158 Jan Smuts Building, 9 Walters Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: TOBIAS BOTWOOD (Identity Number 7004265014089), application for voluntary surrender, Applicant NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORʼS ESTATE Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa on Friday, 19 June 2013 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter by be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Tobias Botwood (Identity No. 7004265014089), residing at 4 Bitou Close, Riversideglen, Kommetjie, Western Cape, and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town at 1st Floor, corner Parade & Caledon Streets, Cape Town, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from Friday, 21 June 2013. Dated at Cape Town on this 17th day of May 2013. T Botwood, Applicant, 4 Bitou Close, Riversideglen, Kommetjie, Cape Town. (Ref: T Botwood) 202 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 203 204 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 205 206 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 STAATSKOERANT, 24 MEI 2013 No. 36474 207 208 No. 36474 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 MAY 2013 Printed by and obtainable from the Government Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 Publications: Tel: (012) 334-4508, 334-4509, 334-4510 Advertisements: Tel: (012) 334-4673, 334-4674, 334-4504 Subscriptions: Tel: (012) 334-4735, 334-4736, 334-4737 Cape Town Branch: Tel: (021) 465-7531 Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar by die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001 Publikasies: Tel: (012) 334-4508, 334-4509, 334-4510 Advertensies: Tel: (012) 334-4673, 334-4674, 334-4504 Subskripsies: Tel: (012) 334-4735, 334-4736, 334-4737 Kaapstad-tak: Tel: (021) 465-7531 36474—1
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