2013 - Government Printing Works


2013 - Government Printing Works
Government Gazette
Vol. 573
Pretoria, 15
No. 36227
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No. 36227
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BUSINESS NOTICES..............................................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Eastern Cape.............................................................................................................................................
Free State..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Limpopo .....................................................................................................................................................
Mpumalanga ..............................................................................................................................................
North West.................................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
COMPANY NOTICES ..............................................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
LIQUIDATORS’ AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES ........................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
ORDERS OF THE COURT......................................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Northern Cape ...........................................................................................................................................
North West.................................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS .........................................................................................
GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Free State..................................................................................................................................................
Mpumalanga ..............................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
ESTATES ACTS NOTICES:.........................................................................................
Curators and tutors: Masters’ notices ....................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Eastern Cape.............................................................................................................................................
Free State..................................................................................................................................................
Form J 295:
No. 36227
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
Form J 193: Notice to creditors in deceased estates.................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Eastern Cape.............................................................................................................................................
Free State..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Limpopo .....................................................................................................................................................
Northern Cape ...........................................................................................................................................
North West.................................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
Form J 187: Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection ....................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Eastern Cape.............................................................................................................................................
Free State..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Limpopo .....................................................................................................................................................
Northern Cape ...........................................................................................................................................
North West.................................................................................................................................................
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................
INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES:................................................................................
Form J 28:
Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally ............................................
Form J 29:
First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of debenture-holders of sequestrated
estates, companies being wound up or placed under provisional judicial management ......
CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors and members of close corporations
being wound up .....................................................................................................................
Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or
companies being wound up ...................................................................................................
Form 2:
Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up .......................
Form 4:
Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or
companies being wound up ...................................................................................................
Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies
being wound up .....................................................................................................................
Form 6:
Applications for rehabilitation .................................................................................................
Form 7:
Notice of trustees ...................................................................................................................
Form 9:
Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate ..............................................................................
Form 1:
Form 5:
No. 36227
BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ............................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Oos-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Limpopo .....................................................................................................................................................
Mpumalanga ..............................................................................................................................................
Noordwes ..................................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS ..........................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS ...............................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
ORDERS VAN DIE HOF..........................................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Noord-Kaap ...............................................................................................................................................
Noordwes ..................................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE...................................................................................
ALGEMEEN .............................................................................................................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Mpumalanga ..............................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS: ....................................................................................................................
Kurators en voogde: Meesters se kennisgewings .................................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Oos-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
Vorm J 295:
Vorm J 193:
Kennisgewing aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels ...............................................................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Oos-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Limpopo .....................................................................................................................................................
Noord-Kaap ...............................................................................................................................................
Noordwes ..................................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
No. 36227
Vorm J 187:
Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê ............................
Gauteng .....................................................................................................................................................
Oos-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
KwaZulu-Natal ...........................................................................................................................................
Limpopo .....................................................................................................................................................
Noord-Kaap ...............................................................................................................................................
Noordwes ..................................................................................................................................................
Wes-Kaap ..................................................................................................................................................
MAATSKAPPYWETTEKENNISGEWINGS ..................................................................
Vorm J 28:
Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is..............................
Vorm J 29:
Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van
gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike
bestuur ...................................................................................................................................
BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote
korporasies in likwidasie ........................................................................................................
Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde
boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ...................................................................................
Vorm 2:
Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie .....
Vorm 4:
Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie .............................................................................................................
Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of
maatskappye in likwidasie .....................................................................................................
Vorm 6:
Aansoeke om rehabilitasie.....................................................................................................
Vorm 7:
Kennisgewing van kurators....................................................................................................
Vorm 9:
Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ’n skuldenaar se boedel...................................................
Vorm 1:
Vorm 5:
No. 36227
Closing times
The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼▼ ▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼
14 March, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 22 March 2013
20 March, Wednesday, for the issue of Thursday 28 March 2013
27 March, Wednesday, for the issue of Friday 5 April 2013
25 April, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 3 May 2013
13 June, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 21 June 2013
1 August, Thursday, for the issue of Thursday 8 August 2013
8 August, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 16 August 2013
19 September, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 27 September 2013
12 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 20 December 2013
17 December, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday 27 December 2013
20 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 3 January 2014
Late notices will be published in the subsequent
issue, if under special circumstances, a late
notice is being accepted, a double tariff will
be charged
The copy for a SEPARATE Government Gazette must be handed in not
later than three calendar weeks before
date of publication
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼▼ ▼ ▼
Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae:
14 Maart, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 22 Maart 2013
20 Maart, Woensdag, vir die uitgawe van Donderdag 28 Maart 2013
27 Maart, Woensdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 5 April 2013
25 April, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 3 Mei 2013
13 Junie, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 21 Junie 2013
1 Augustus, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Donderdag 8 Augustus 2013
8 Augustus, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 16 Augustus 2013
19 September, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 27 September 2013
12 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 20 Desember 2013
17 Desember, Dinsdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 27 Desember 2013
20 Desember, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 3 Januarie 2014
Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende
uitgawe geplaas word. Indien ’n laat kennisgewing
wel, onder spesiale omstandighede, aanvaar word,
sal ’n dubbeltarief gehef word
Wanneer ’n APARTE Staatskoerant
verlang word moet die kopie drie
kalenderweke voor publikasie ingedien word
No. 36227
(In order to bring the cost of advertising of legal notices more in line with the cost
in the private sector, and to reduce the burden of cross subsidy by departments.
and J 187 ................................................................................................................
BUSINESS NOTICES .................................................................................................
Forms 1 to 9............................................................................................................
N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to the Word Count
Table, added to the basic rate.
LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: Form VL ........................................................
UNCLAIMED MONIES—Only in an Extraordinary Gazette. Closing date:
15 January (per entry of “name, address and amount”) ..........................................
rate per
Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company,
voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or member’s registers and/or
declaration of dividends ......................................................................................
Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes ..............................
Long notices: Transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions,
resolutions, voluntary liquidations ......................................................................
LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES ..........................................
LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICES in an Extraordinary Gazette. (All provinces appear on
the first Friday of each month.) The closing date for acceptance is two weeks prior
to date of publication...............................................................................................
Gauteng Dranklisensies ..........................................................................................
N-Kaap Dranklisensies............................................................................................
Provisional and final liquidations or sequestrations ................................................
Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offers of compromise.........................
Judicial managements, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi ...........
Extension of return date..........................................................................................
Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158) ..................................................
Sales in execution ....................................................................................................
Public auctions, sales and tenders:
Up to 75 words.....................................................................................................
76 to 250 words ...................................................................................................
251 to 300 words .................................................................................................
No. 36227
For general notices which do not belong under the afore-mentioned headings with fixed tariff rates
and which comprise 1 600 or less words, the rates of the Word Count Table must be used.
Notices with more than 1 600 words, or where doubt exists, must be sent in before publication
in terms of paragraph 10 (2) of the conditions for publication.
Number of words in copy
One insertion
1– 100.........................................................
101– 150.........................................................
151– 200.........................................................
201– 250.........................................................
251– 300.........................................................
301– 350.........................................................
351– 400.........................................................
401– 450.........................................................
451– 500.........................................................
501– 550.........................................................
551– 600.........................................................
601– 650.........................................................
651– 700.........................................................
701– 750.........................................................
751– 800.........................................................
801– 850.........................................................
851– 900.........................................................
901– 950.........................................................
951–1 000.........................................................
1 001–1 300.........................................................
1 301–1 600.........................................................
Two insertions Three insertions
(1) The Government Gazette is published every week on Friday, and the closing
time for the acceptance of notices which have to appear in the Government
Gazette on any particular Friday, is 15:00 on the preceding Friday. Should
any Friday coincide with a public holiday, the date of publication of the
Government Gazette and the closing time of the acceptance of notices will
be published in the Government Gazette from time to time.
(2) Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits—Closing times for the
acceptance of notices: Notices must be handed in not later than 15:00
on the Friday, two calendar weeks before the date of publication.
(3) The copy for a separate Government Gazette must be handed in not later than
three calendar weeks before date of publication.
2. (1)
Copy of notices received after closing time will be held over for publication in
the next Government Gazette.
Amendment or changes in copy of notices cannot be undertaken unless
instructions are received before 10:00 on Mondays.
Copy of notices for publication or amendments of original copy cannot be
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In the case of cancellations a refund of the cost of a notice will be considered
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closing time as indicated in paragraph 1.
No. 36227
Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government
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of a new insertion.
No. 36227
With effect from 1 JANUARY 2001 no notice will be accepted for publication unless the cost of the insertion(s) is prepaid in CASH or by BANK
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No. 36227
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties
and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of
businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions,
circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county;
(2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on;
(4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of
address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days;
(5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than
under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.
Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van
1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie ,
goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van
betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars,
soos daarin genoem, betrekking het.
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county;
(2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf;
(4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of
adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien
anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en
adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.
In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, Zephyr Fire Services CC (Reg. No. 2001/002297/23) which
conducts business as Fire Services and Related Products at 5A Long Street, Newlands, Gauteng, South Africa, hereby gives
notice of its intention to sell and transfer its business as a going concern to LSC Staffing Solutions (Pty) Limited (Reg. No.
1999/016850/07) with effect from 1 April 2013 whereafter LSC Staffing Solutions (Pty) Limited, will carry on business using
such assets for its own benefit and account.
Ramsay, Webber Inc., 269 Oxford Road, cnr Harries Road, Illovo, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 778-0600. Fax: (011) 778-0677.
(Ref: Gareth Cremen.)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Harrison and White
Investments Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2000/028373/07) intends selling its business in the manufacture and installation
of supporting structures in the telecommunications and lighting industries, trading under the name “Sectional Poles” and
situated at 334 Glenwood Road, Lynnwood Park, Pretoria (“Business”), as a going concern, after the lapse of a period of 31
(thirty-one) days from the last publication of this advertisement, to TP Hentiq 6132 Proprietary Limited (Reg. No.
2009/008080/07), which will thereafter conduct the business for its own account under the aforesaid name and at the aforesaid
Dated 26 February 2013.
Edward Nathan Sonnenberg Inc, PO Box 783347, Sandton, 2146. Tel: (011) 269-7600. (Ref: 0336101)
In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, Spring Light 1297 Close Corporation, CK No.
2010/159874/23, represented by Riaz Sayanvala, the owner of the following immovable property:
Portion 2 of Erf 54, Bryanstone Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 4 393 (four
thousand three hundred and ninety-three) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer No. T2025/2012, hereby gives notice of its
intention of the sale and transfer of the immovable property afore-mentioned as a going concern (30) days after publication
hereof to Stand 13 Eastwood Road, Dunkeld (Proprietary) Limited, Reg. No. 2000/003022/074, which will own such
immovable property for its own benefit and account.
Dasso Attorneys, Notaries & Conveyancers, Suite 11B, 1st Floor, 1 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch. Tel: (011)
No. 36227
Ferndale, Randburg. (2) Mastertrade 276 (Pty) Ltd. (3) Wimpy Malibongwe Drive Through Shop 102, BP Garage Appleby
Shopping Centre, Malibongwe Drive, Ferndale, Randburg. (4) Sale of business. (5) Russel Hart, ID No. 5903025127085 and
Rodney Stephen Kaplan, ID No. 5805255060086. (6) —. (7) AJS Attorneys, 232 Oak Avenue, Randburg.
Southills, Johannesburg, Gauteng. (2) Estate Late Johan Matthee–4025/2013. (3) South Hills Dry Cleaners, c/o
Shannon and Estantia Streets, Southills, Johannesburg. (5) Deon Linzley van Schalkwyk, 7005045191089; Ilana Michelle van
Schalkwyk, 7410130249083. (6) —. (7) Van Huyssteens Commercial Attorneys, PO Box 4806, Pretoria, 0001.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act 24 of 1936) as amended, that Central
Lake Trading 393 Proprietary Limited, Reg. No. 2009/008162/07), trading as Pick n Pay Family Supermarket Matoks,
intends to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, the whole of its business as a going concern (and
the business assets relating to such business) conducted from the premises situated at Botlokwa Plaza, cnr N1 & Soekmekaar
Rd, Matoks, Dwarsrivier, Polokwane to Boxer Superstores Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1988/002548/07), upon the expiry of
a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of last publication hereof.
Bowman Gilfillan Inc, 165 West Street, Sandton, 2196; PO Box 785812, Sandton, 2146. (Ref: C. Whitley.) Tel: (011) 6699000. Fax: (011) 669-9001.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Wintertide
Trading 143 (Reg. No. 2007/133653/23) intends to sell the business known as Houseboats Port Alfred, which business trades
at Unit 4, Indoor Pool Complex, Small Boat Harbour, Port Alfred, as a going concern, and to transfer such business to Johannes
Gerhardus de Vrye (ID No. 5604145150086) whom shall continue to trade at the same address and under the same name for
its own benefit and account from 19 April 2013.
Dated at Port Elizabeth on this 8th day of March 2013.
Greyvensteins Inc., Attorneys for the Purchaser, 104 Park Drive, Central, Port Elizabeth. (Ref: G R Parker/jo/MAT40512.)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Botha’s Pub and Grill CC, intends disposing its business known as Stetsons which is conducted at 26 Market Street, Vryburg, with effect after 30 days after last publication of this advertisement to Salomina Jacoba van der Merw, who will thereafter conduct the business at the same or other
address and under the same or another name for her own account.
Frylinck & Walker, 20 De Kock Street, PO Box 26, Vryburg, 8600. Tel No. (053) 927-2108/9.
Bothaville. (2) Fulloutput 175 (Pty) Ltd t/a Aztec Spur, Reg. No. 2000/012670/07. (3) Aztec Spur, No. 1 Greyline Street,
Bothaville. (4) Sale going concern, 1 April 2013. (5) Montana Steakhouse CC, Reg. No. 1990/010373/23. (6) Same. (7) Nico
Coetsee, 084 853 4923.
Kindly take notice that Bergmanz Trading CC, CK No. 2010/082319/23 trading as Bulwer Hotel Liquor Store gives notice
in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 of its intention to transfer its entire enterprise which it conducts from Jackson Street,
Bulwer to Underberg Stores CC, CK No. 2000/032423/23, such sale to be effective on a date 30 (thirty) days after the final publication of this notice.
Tomlison Mnguni James Inc., 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. (Ref: DJS/evr/19K230813.)
Geliewe kennis te neem dat Bergmanz Trading CC, CK No. 2010/082319/23 wat handel dryf as Bulwer Hotel Liquor
Store ingevolge artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), kennis gee dat dit van voornemens is om die geheel van die
besigheid wat bedryf word van Jacksonstraat, Bulwer, oor te dra na Underberg Stores CC, CK No. 2000/032423/23, welke
transaksie effektief sal wees 30 (dertig) dae na die finale publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing.
Tomlison Mnguni James Inc., 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. (Ref: DJS/evr/19K230813.)
Durban. (2) Oxford Manor Durban North CC. (3) Holster Fashion SA, sale of Holster ladies and kids shoes, 31 Oxford
Drive, Durban North, 4051. (4) Sale of business 28 February 2013. (5) NZ Importers CC. (6) 31 Oxford Drive, Durban North,
4051. (7) —.
No. 36227
Kwa-Dukuza. (2) Rapid Dawn 232 (Proprietary) Limited. (3) 122 Hulett Street, Kwa-Dukuza. (4) Sale. (5) Opus Dei
Consulting CC. (6) 122 Hulett Street, Kwa-Dukuza. (7) Mooney Ford Attorneys, 7th Floor, Permanent Building, 343 Smith Street,
Kwa-Dukuza. (2) Judico Trading 1 (Pty) Ltd. (3) KFC at 123 Hulett Street, Kwa-Dukuza, Shop 2, Satpersadh Centre,
Cnr of King Shaka and Cato Street, Kwa-Dukuza. (4) Sale. (5) Super Mania Fast Trade (Proprietary) Limited. (6) KFC at 123
Hulett Street, Kwa-Dukuza, Shop 2, Satpersadh Centre, Cnr of King Shaka and Cato Street, Kwa-Dukuza. (7) Mooney Ford
Attorneys, 7th Floor, Permanent Building, 343 Smith Street, Durban.
New Germany. (2) Laceys Promotions (Pty) Ltd. (3) Toys, Unit 4, Pine Industrial Park, 14-16 Pineside Road, New Germany,
3610. (4) Sale. (5) New Laceys Promotions (Pty) Ltd. (6) Unit 4, Pine Industrial Park, 14-16 Pineside Road, New Germany,
3610. (7) Rossouw & Prinsloo Inc., Suite 5, 1st Floor, River Gables Building, Three Rivers, 1935.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, to interested parties
and creditors, that Johan Wessels Auto CC, Reg. No. 1999/067442/23, has sold its business carried on by it under the name
and style of S & J Auto of Antimony Street, New Industrial Area, Tzaneen, as a going concern to DP & L Menge as
promoters for a company to be formed, who will after a period of 30 days from the last publication of this advertisement carry
on the said business under the same style and at the same address for its own account.
M Holtzhausen, Rossouws Attorneys, 119 Pres Reitz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein; PO Box 7595, Bloemfontein, 9301.
Tel: (051) 506-2500. Ref MEN19/0008.
Hiermee word kennis, in terme van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet, 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, gegee, aan
belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers, dat Johan Wessels Auto BK, Reg. No. 1999/067442/23, sy besigheid verkoop het,
wat bedryf is onder die naam en styl van S & J Auto, in Antimonystraat, Nuwe Industriële Gebied, Tzaneen, as ’n lopende saak
aan DP & L Menge as promoters vir ’n maatskappy opgerig te word, wie, na ’n periode van 30 dae na datum van die laaste
publikasie, die besigheid sal bedryf onder dieselfde naam en styl op dieselfde adres, vir hulle eie rekening.
M Holtzhausen, Rossouws Prokureurs, Pres Reitzlaan 119, Westdene, Bloemfontein; Posbus 7595, Bloemfontein, 9301.
Tel: (051) 506-2500. Verw: MEN19/0008.
Middelburg. (2) Johannes Jacobus Petzer and Zita Olga Petzer. (3) Oregan Place CC, Guesthouse Bhmydmne Street,
Middelburg, 1050. (4) Sale of Membership’s Interest. (5) Michael Kaplan. (6) Oregan Place CC, Guesthouse, Bhmydmne Street,
Middelburg, 1050. (7) Brandmullers, Posbus 59, Middelburg, 1050.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Botha’s Pub and Grill CC, intends
disposing it business known as Stetsons which is conducted at 26 Market Street, Vryburg, with effect after 30 days after last
publication of this advertisement to Salomina Jacoba van der Merwe, who will thereasfter conduct the business at the same
or other address and under the same or another name for her own account.
Frylinck & Walker, 20 De Kock Street, PO Box 26, Vryburg, 8600. Tel. No. (053) 927-2108/9.
No. 36227
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Afripublish
Printing (Pty) Ltd with Registration Number 1992/005883/07, is transferring its assets, being motor vehicles, computers, office
equipment, funiture, incorporeal rights and other movables currently situated at 1st Floor Devonshire Court, 20 Devonshire
Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800 to Timorite (Pty) Ltd with Registration Number 2012/164369/07, in terms of a sale of assets
Take futher notice that the effective date of the sale will be after the 30th (thirtieth) day, but not later than the 60th (sixtieth)
day, after the date of publication of the last of the advertisements in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936.
HWD Attorneys, 1st Floor, 17 Old Stanhope Road, Claremont, Cape Town.
Cape Town South Africa. (2) Afripublish Printing (Pty) Ltd, 1992/005883/07. (3) 1st Floor, Devonshire Court,
20 Devonshire Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800. (4) Sale of Assets being motor vehicles, computers, office equipment,
furniture, incorporeal rights and other movables. (5) Timorite (Pty) Ltd Trading as Black Eagle Publishing 2012/164369/07.
(6) —. (7) Hey Walker Dommisse Inc., 1st Floor, Rubicor House, 17 Old Stanhope Road, Claremont, Cape Town.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936 that JD Venter Prop CC (Registration
Number 1997/069327/23), which carries the business as an Estate Agency, intends to sell and transfer the business name
“Era JC Properties”, “JC Eiendomme” and “JC Properties” together with any other business or trade name in connection
with such a business name, the goodwill associated with the Business name, “Era JC Properties”, “JC Eiendomme” and
“JC Properties”, and any other business or trade name in connection with such business name, together with the office assets
being office furniture, office equipment and removable fixtures and fittings which are not acceded to the business premises
located at No. 39 Poplar Street, Bellville, and the proprietary trademakrs, logos and brands, whether registered or not, which
are used in connection with the business known as JC Eiendomme, to Bondapply CC (Registration Number 2007/069327/23)
with effect from 31 March 2013, or as soon as possible thereafter, where after the purchaser will carry on the business for its
own account and benefit at the same address being 39 Poplar Street, Bellville.
Bliden Campbell Attorneys Incorporated, PO Box 6750, Welgemoed, 7538, Tel 082 567 094 - Ref: Jana Kritzinger.
22 Mara Road, Welgemoed, 7530; PO Box 6750, Welgemoed, 7538. Docex 1, Tel: 021 823 3223/021 823 3222. Fax: 086
660 1291. Century City.
Notice is given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 that it is the intention of Tino’s Restaurant
CC (Reg CK 2010/103694/23) to sell and transfer subject to the fullfilment of certain suspensive conditions, the assets owned
by it and used in connection with the business of a Pizzeria/Restaurant carried on under the name of Tino’s, which business is
conducted from the premises at Shop B1, Steenberg Shopping Centre, Reddam Avenue, Tokai, Cape Town to K2012225076
(South Africa) (Proprietary) Limited (Reg No. 2012/225076/07), trading as Pomodoro Pizzeria upon the expiry of a period of
30 (thirty) days from the date of the last publication hereof.
Dated at Cape Town this 5th day of March 2013.
Neville R Cohen & Associates, 1 Arrow Court, 263 Main Road, Three Anchor Bay. Phone: (021) 434-3327. Fax: (021)
439-3164. (Ref: N R Cohen.)
Case No. 48965/2011
(Republic of South Africa)
(PTY) LTD (Registration Number 2001/016202/07), Defendant
Joubert Scholtz Incorporated hereby give’s Notice that we are applying to restore Gasp Construction, Registration
Number 2001/016202/07. Matter will be heard in North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria on 22 March 2013. Anyone objecting to
this must do so in writing within 10 days.
Dated at Kempton Park on the 5 March 2013.
(Sgd) Petrus Jacobus Joubert, Joubert & Scholtz Incorporated, 11 Heide Street, Kempton Park. Tel: (011) 966-7600.
43 Charles Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria. (Ref: PJ Joubert/S197/10.) Acc No. 363 288 155.
No. 36227
I, Jennifer Leigh Booth, ID No. 7101300018081, hereby give twenty one days notice that I am applying to restore my
company Bold Moves 93 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2007/011281/07 anyone objecting to this must do so in writing to the Companies
and Intellectual Properties Commission of South Africa, P.O. Box 429, Pretoria, 0001, and contact my agent Dennis De Boer,
Tel: (011) 477-3182.
I, Lynne Ethne Lopez, ID No. 6002040008086, hereby give twenty one days notice that I am applying to restore my
close corporation Dumisa Projects CC, Reg No. 1996/028845/23 anyone objecting to this must do so in writing to the
Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission of South Africa, P.O. Box 429, Pretoria, 0001, and contact my agent Dennis
De Boer, Tel: (011) 477-3182.
Master’s Reference Number 65/2013
[In terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973]
In a meeting held on the 17 July 2012, the undermentioned resolution was duly passed:
“That the company be wound up voluntarily in terms of section 80 of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, as a Member’s
Voluntary Winding Up.”
In terms of section 82 of the Companies Act, 2008 and Regulation 40 (6) of the Companies Regulations, 2011, such
application for re-instatement of the company has to be published in the Government Gazette, and in a newspaper circulating
in the district in which that business is carried on.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 82 of the companies Act, 2008 and Regulation 40 (6) of the Companies
Regulations of 2011, to all interested parties and creditors, that Rainfin Proprietary Limited (Registration Number:
2008/029213/07) intends to apply to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for re-instatement, with effect from
a date not less than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days after the publication of this notice.
Dated at Roodepoort on 28 February 2013.
CST Governance Pty Ltd, 381 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park Ext 3, 1709. Tel: (011) 4755393. Fax: 086 6015365. E-mail:
cst@zeelie.com (Ref: CST/RAIN.)
In terms of section 82 of the Companies Act, 2008 and Regulation 40 (6) of the Companies Regulations, 2011, such
application for re-instatement of the company has to be published in the Government Gazette, and in a newspaper circulating
in the district in which that business is carried on.
Notice is herey given in terms of section 82 of the companies Act, 2008 and Regulation 40 (6) of the Companies
Regulaitons of 2011, to all interested parties and creditors, that ZM Mining & Development Proprietary Limted (Registration
Number: 2005/032600/07) intends to apply to the Companies and Intellectual Commission for re-instatement, with effct from a
date not less than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days after the publication of this notiece.
Dated at Roodepoort on 28 February 2013.
CST Governance Pty Ltd, 381 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park Ext 3, 1709. Tel: (011) 4755393. Fax: 086 6015365. E-mail:
cst@zeelie.com (Ref: CST/ZMMIN.)
I Nomathemba Victoria Zibi, ID 6206040622083, hereby give twenty one days of notice that I am applying to restore my
company Time’s Territory Construction and Projects, Reg No. 2006/005285/23, anyone objecting to this must contact the
director V.N. Zibi, at 084 982 1374/011 938 9746.
No. 36227
We hereby give notice of request for the application of Restoration of Deregistered Close Corporation, in terms of
section 82 of the Companies Act, 2008, and Regulation 40 (6) of the Companies Regulations, 2011, from twenty-one (21) days
of this publication date.
Please take note that any objection to this application, should there by any, must be lodged direct with the Commissioner
of Companies and Intellectual Property. Call Centre No. 086100 2472. Fax No. 086 517 7224.
Reg. No.: 1994/027995/23.
CC. name: Erf 1057 Noordkruin CC.
Physical address: 16 Paardekraal Drive, Krugersdorp, 1739. Tel: (011) 953-4446. Fax: (011) 953-4443.
Member: Willem Louw Bonthuys.
Registration Number: 2007/014518/07
Master’s Reference Number: C1000/2012
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) of the Companies Act, as amended, that a special resolution by the
members was passed on 21 August 2012 and registered by the Registrar of Companies on 14 December 2012 in terms of which
the above company be placed in voluntary liquidation and further that Denis James Lloyd of 15th Floor, Pleinpark Building, Plein
Street, Cape Town, be appointed Liquidator of the above company.
Walkers Incorporated, PO Box 254, Cape Town, 8000. Tel: (021) 464-1400.
Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors,
of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc.
Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees,
kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.
Master’s Reference Number G65/2013
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5) (b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that Janette Simpson has been
appointed by the Master of the High Court as Liquidator of the undermentioned company which is being wound up as a
Members Voluntary winding up:
Exact Software South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Master’s Certificate of Appointment Number G65/2013 dated the 27 February 2013.
J Simpson, Liquidator, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157.
No. 36227
Kragtens artikel 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) en 402 van die Maatskappy Wet geskied kennis hiermee dat die ondergetekende
aangestel is as Likwidateur, en alle debiteure in die Beslote Korporasie hiermee versoek word om onmiddelik hulle skulde by
die kantoor van die Likwidateur te betaal. Die algemene (tweede) vergadering van krediteure en lede sal voor die Meester te
Johannesburg op 26 Maart 2013 om 10h00 plaasvind.
a) Om eise te bewys;
b) Om die Likwidateur se verslag voor te lê;
c) Om besluite te aanvaar.
H Kaplan; S Roopa, CK Trust, Posbus 4078, Rivonia, 2128.
Case No. 2012/47909
P/H No. 0
Johannesburg, 26 February 2013, before the Honourable Judge Masipa
(Business Rescue Practitioner), 1st Respondent, CREATIVE ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS CC t/a MERAKENG (engaged in
business rescue proceedings), 2nd Respondent, COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION OF
SOUTH AFRICA, 3rd Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. Paragraph 1 of the order granted before the Honourable Judge Spilg on the 19th December 2012 is corrected to read:
“The Second Respondent’s Resolution dated the 28th August 2012 adopted in terms of section 129 of the Chapter 6 of the
Companies Act read together with the Close Corporations Act here, hereby set aside”.
2. The Rule nisi granted on 19th December 2012 is extended to the 9th day of April 2013 at 10h00 am, or so soon thereafter
as counsel may be heard, when all persons who have a legitimate interest or are affected persons in terms of Chapter 6 of the
Companies Act, are called upon to put forward their reasons why the above Court should not order the final winding-up of the
Second Respondent.
3. A copy of this Order is to be served on the Second Respondent at its registered place of business by prepaid registered
post or by electronically receipted telefax transmission.
4. A copy of this Order is to be served on the Third Respondent by prepaid registered post or by electronically receipt telefax
5. A copy of this Order is to be published forthwith in the Government Gazette and in the Citizen Newspaper.
6. A copy of this Order shall be served on the employees of the Second Respondent by a copy being displayed on the main
notice board in the main office and main gate.
7. A copy of this Order shall forthwith is to be forwarded to each known creditor and other affected person by prepaid
registered post or by electronically receipted telefax transmission.
8. Application for intervening in the main application is postponed to 9th April 2013.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 644/2013
In the matter between: UPAT SA (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and DTG SPECIALISED APPLICATORS CC, Respondent
Having heard the attorney for the Applicant and having read the Application:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up in the
hands of the Master.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
2. That a Rule nisi is issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Honourable
Court on the Wednesday, 27 March 2013 at 09h00, why the said Respondent Close Corporation should not be placed under
final winding-up.
3. That a copy of this Rule nisi be served on the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office and be published
forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in the Citizen, Johannesburg daily newspaper.
4. That a copy of this Rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post.
Dated at Benoni during March 2013.
ECR Nilsen Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant. [Tel. (011) 325-1955.] (Ref. RN/02.U137.13.)
Clerk of the Court, Benoni.
Case No. 69517/2012
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 31 January 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice De Jager (AJ)
In the matter between: P W Vr STRUWIG N.O., Applicant, and FIRST READY DEVELOPMENT 190 (PTY) LTD, 1st
NATIONAL TREASURY, 3rd Respondent, and ABSA BANK LIMITED, 4th Respondent
Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That a Rule nisi be and is hereby issued, returnable on 8 April 2013, calling upon all interested parties to show cause
why an order should not be made in the following terms:
1.1 It is declared, in terms of section 83 (4) (a) of the Companies Act, No. 17 of 2008 (“the Act”) that the dissolution of
Leopont 189 Properties (Pty) Ltd (“the company”) is void;
1.2 The Second Respondent is to restore the registration of the Company to the company register under the same name
and registration number that it had previously;
1.3 The company is to take the following actions within 30 (thirty) days of this Order;
1.3.1 To submit to the Second Respondent all outstanding annual returns in the prescribed form together with payment of
the prescribed fees in accordance with section 33 of the Act;
1.3.2 To submit to the Second Respondent notice of the Company’s registered office as contemplated by section 23 (2) of
the Act;
1.3.3 Appoint a director or directors of the Company as contemplated in section 66 of the Act;
1.3.4 Submit to the Second Respondent a notice in the prescribed form relating to the appointment of the director or
directors of the Company in accordance with section 70 (6) of the Act;
1.4 It is declared that the assets of the Company are no longer bona vacantia, but vests in the Company upon restoration
of its registration;
1.5 That the costs of this application be paid jointly and severally by all persons who unsuccessfully oppose the relief sought
by the applicant;
2. That this Rule is to be served on—
2.1 Each of the Respondents in this application;
2.2 The South African Revenue Service;
2.3 The Ministry of Agriculture and Land Affairs;
2.4 The Registrar of Deeds;
2.5 The Department of National Treasury;
2.6 The Department of Public Works;
3. That this Rule is to be published once in the Government Gazette and once in the Lowvelder, a bilingual newspaper
circulated in the Mpumalanga Lowveld;
4. That any person wishing to show cause on the return day why the order should not be granted, must deliver his/her/its
notice of intention to oppose not less than 5 (5) days after date of service of the Rule nisi, and thereafter an answering affidavit
within 15 (fifteen) days of the notice of intention to oppose, and the applicant is ordered to deliver its replying affidavit within
10 (ten) days of service of the answering affidavit;
5. That the costs of the proceedings aimed at obtaining the Rule nisi stand over for determination on the return date of the
Byn the Court.—Registrar, MRM.
Att: Friedland.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 2012/46976
P/H No. 0
Johannesburg, 19 February 2013, before the Honourable Acting Judge Rautenbach
In the matter between: POLYBAG MANUFACTURING CC, Applicant, and WILLIAMS BAGS CC, Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. Matter is postponed until 19th March 2103.
2. Costs in the cause.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 13/2290
(Republic of South Africa)
On this the 26th day of February 2013, before Judge Masipa
In the matter between: MECK PROPERTIES CC, Applicant, and DONALD LAMB, Respondent
It is Ordered that:
1. The Estate of the Respondent is placed under Provisional Sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court;
2. A Rule nisi is issued calling upon the Respondent to show cause on the 9th day of April at 09:30, or so thereafter as
Counsel can be heard why the Provisional Sequestration Order should not be confirmed;
3. Costs of this application are to be costs in the sequestration of the Respondent’s estate.
By Court.—The Registrar.
Case No. 2012/46976
P/H No. 0
Johannesburg, 18 December 2012, before the Honourable Judge Spilg
In the matter between: POLYBAG MANUFACTURING CC, Applicant, and WILLIAMS BAGS CC, Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The above-mentioned Respondent, Close Corporation is hereby placed under provisional winding up.
2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order
the final winding up of the Respondent on 19th February 2013 at 09:30 am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
3. A copy of this Order be served at its registered office.
4. A copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette.
5. A copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditors by prepaid registered post or by electronically
receipted telefax transmission.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 2013/00185
P/H No. 0
Johannesburg, 5 February 2013, before the Honourable Judge Lamont
In the ex-parte application of: TYRE AND BATTERY SERVICES CC t/a TBS AUTO, Applicant
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The Rule nisi is extended to the 26th day of March 2013.
By the Court.—Registrar.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 2013/00185
Johannesburg, 16 January 2013, before the Honourable Judge Tsoka
In the ex-parte application of: TYRE AND BATTERY SERVICES CC t/a TBS AUTO, Applicant
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The above-mentioned Applicant is hereby placed under provisional winding up.
2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order
the final winding up of the Applicant on the 5th day of February 2013 at 09:30 am, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be
3. A copy is to be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette.
4. A copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically
receipted telefax transmission.
5. Costs of the application is to be paid out of the assets of the insolvent estate.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 56817/12
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 15 February 2013, before the Honourable Justice Phatudi
11 June 1969, 1st Respondent, and MIKE MOSES CHAWASARIRA, born: 7 January 1968, address: Unit 59, 703 Monopati, 280 Visagie Street, Pretoria, 2nd Respondent
Having heard counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the estate of Bernadette Nyasha Chawasarira and Mike Moses Chawasarira, be and is hereby placed under
provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a Rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent
to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 15 April 2013 at 10:00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made
against estate;
2. That it must be advertised in the Government Gazette and the Citizen Newspaper.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Att: Stuart Van der Merwe Inc., 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Case No. 2013/04639
Before the Honourable Judge Willis, 5 March 2013
In the matter between: KAKA, AYOOB, Applicant, and CASSIM, BATA, date of birth: 11 November 1952, Identity
Number: 5211115149088, marital status: married out of community of property, Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The estate of the Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration.
2. The Respondent and any other party who wishes to avoid such an order being made final, are called upon to advance
the reasons, if any, why the Court should not grant a final order of sequestration of the said estate on the 26th day of March
2013 at 09:30, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
By the Court.—Registrar.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 2012/38552
P/H No. 0
Johannesburg, 27 November 2012, before the Honourable Judge Mathopo
In the matter between: GAC INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant, and UNIT 13 WHITE SANDS
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The above-mentioned Respondent Company is hereby placed under provisional winding up.
2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order
the final winding up of the Respondent Company on 29 January 2013 at 09:30 am, or soon thereafter as the matter may be
3. A copy of this Order be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office.
4. A copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette.
5. A copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditors by Prepaid registered post or by electronically
receipted telefax transmission.
6. The costs in this application are costs in the winding up of the Respondent.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 2012/38552
P/H No. 0
Johannesburg, 29 January 2013, before the Honourable Judge Mathopo
In the matter between: GAC INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant, and UNIT 13 WHITE SANDS
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The Order of provisional winding up granted on 20 November 2012 and the Rule nisi with the return date for 29 January
2013, is extended until 19th day of March 2013.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 2012/38553
P/H No. 156
Johannesburg, 29 January 2013, before the Honourable Judge Mathopo
In the matter between: GAC INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant, and STAND 770 SHELLEY BEACH
(PTY) LIMITED, Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. The above-mentioned Respondent Company is hereby placed under provisional winding up.
2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order
the final winding up of the Respondent Company on 19th March 2013 at 09h30, or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
3. A copy of this Order is to be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office.
4. A copy is to be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette.
5. A copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditors by Prepaid registered post or by electronically
receipted telefax transmission.
6. Costs in this application are costs in the winding up of the Respondent.
By the Court.—Registrar.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 6103/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 26 February 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Kubushi
Reg. No. 1997/049960/23, address: 473 Lynnwood Road, Sussex Office, Lynwood, Pretoria, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent close corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a Rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10:00, on 28 March 2013 why the Respondent close corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That the costs to be costs in the application.
By the Court.—Registrar, MRM.
Att: Helen Karsas, 194 Pienaar Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
Case No. 22703/2012
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 12 February 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Molefe, AJ
In the matter of: ALERT REBAR (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and KNS-ACS JOINT VENTURE, 1st Respondent, KNS
address: Plot 97, Diepsloot, Midrand, 3rd Respondent
Having heard counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the First Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration;
2. That a Rule nisi shall issue calling upon the Respondent and all other persons concerned to show cause on
26 March 2013 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why a final order should not be granted in the
following terms;
2.1 Sequestrating the First Respondent finally;
2.2 That the costs of the application be costs in the winding-up;
3. That the Rule nisi is to be served upon the Respondents.
By the Court.—Registrar, MX.
Att: Morris Pokroy, Ground Floor, Brooklyn, Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Pretoria.
Case No. 7061/13
(Republic of South Africa)
14 February 2013, before Judge Fourie
In the matter between: TJOPSTORM INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Registration No. 2012/168530/07, 1st Applicant, and
ORKNEY CRESCENT 735 (PTY) LTD, Registration No. 2012/089225/07, 2nd Applicant, and JAN DIRK VAN ZY, Identity
Number: 7412100009083, married out of community of property to URSULA RUYSSENAERS VAN ZYL, 1st Respondent,
Having heard read papers and having heard counsel, the Court grants the following order:
1. The First Respondent estate be provisionally sequestrated and placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court;
2. That a Rule nisi be issued with a return date of 26 March 2013, calling upon all interested parties to show cause why the
First Respondent’s estate should not be finally sequestrated;
3. That a copy of this Order be published once in the Beeld newspaper, and once in the Government Gazette;
4. That a copy of this Order be served on the First Respondent, personally;
5. That the costs of this application be costs in the sequestrated estate of Jan Dirk van Zyl.
The Registrar.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 25912/2010
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 18 February 2013, before The Honourable Mr Justice Vorster, AJ
In The matter of: ABSA BANK LTD, Applicant, and STRATVIZ MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PTY) LTD, Reg. No.
1979/002667/07, 201 Brooklyn Plaza, 521 Fersen Street, New Muckleneuk, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a Rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10:00, on 3 June 2013, why the Respondent company should not be pladed under final winding-up order.
3. That service of this Rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent company at its registered office and by publication
forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen.
4. That the costs of the application be costs in the liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar, JM.
Att: S Marais, 755 Park Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Case No. 2013/06082
Johannesburg, 26 February 2013, before the Honourable Judge Wepener
In the ex parte application of: SOLIPROPS 1032 (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. A Rule nisi is issued calling upon any interested parties to appear and show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on
Tuesday, 16 April 2013, why an order in the following terms should not be made.
1.1 Declaring that all acts done by or against Soliprops 1032 (Pty) Ltd (“Solilprops”) from the date of its de-registration until
the date of its re-instatement were validly done and that those acts are of full force and effect.
1.2 Declaring that on the re-instatement of Solilprops to the Company Register, Solilprops is deemed to have continued in
existence as if it had not been deregistered.
1.3 Declaring that on the granting of the Orders in terms of prayers 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 above, the immovable property
described below and presently registered in Solilprops name is no longer bona vacantia and vests in Solilprops.
1.3.1 Section No. 14 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS94/1994 in the scheme known as The
Beaches, in respect of the land and buildings situated at Clifton in the City of Cape Town and an undivided share in the
common property in the scheme appointed to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the
sectional plan, held by Deed of Transfer ST165/1995; and
1.3.2 Exclusive use area described as “Parking” “P9” measuring thirteen square metres, “Parking” “P17” measuring twelve
square metres, “Parking” “P28’ measuring twelve square metres being as such part of the common property, comprising the
land and the scheme known as The Beaches, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Clifton, in the City of
Cape Town, as shown and more fully described on sectional plan No. SS94/1994, held under Notarial Deed of Cession of
Exclusive Use Area Rights Sk80/1995S;
1.4 Directing that the Rule nisi, once issued, is served, together with copies of the notice of motion and founding affidavit
on the following parties:
1.4.1 The Honourable Minister of Finance of the Government of the Republic of South Africa;
1.4.2 The Department of Public Works;
1.4.3 The National Treasury;
1.4.4 The Honourable Minister of Land Affairs of the Government of the Republic of South Africa;
1.4.5 The Commissioner of the South African Revenue Services;
1.4.6 The Commissioner of Companies, Pretoria; and
1.4.7 The Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town.
1.5 Directing that the Rule nisi it is issued be published in the Government Gazette and in an English and Afrikaans
newspaper circulated in the Johannesburg and Cape Town area.
1.6 Directing that the costs of this application are borne by any party or parties who may oppose it.
By the Court.—Registrar/rp.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 63188/12
(North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria)
In the matter between: ABSA BANK LTD, Applicant, and SUMMER LODGE (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2008/010094/07),
After having read the papers filed of record and after having heard counsel on behalf of the Applicant, the following order
hereby issue:
1. The Respondent is provisionally wound-up;
2. A rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondent to show cause to this Honourable Court on Wednesday, the
27th of March 2013 at 10h00, why the provisional order should not be confirmed and made final;
3. A copy of this Order shall be published once in English in the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper.
4. A copy of this Order shall furthermore be served on the person and/or entities as envisaged in Section 346A of the
Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973.
Dated at Pretoria on this 19th day of February 2013.
By Order of Court.—Registrar.
Saak No. 705/2012
(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)
Pretoria, 6 Februarie 2013, voor sy Edele Regter Louw JW
In die aansoek van: SIMSTONE (PTY) LTD, Applikant, en ASAKHENI CONSTRUCTION CC, Reg No. 2003/074403/23,
adres: Vukuzenzele Street, 1363, Kameelrivier, Respondent
Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die applikant en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander
dokumente geliasseer
Word gelas:
1. Dat die bogemelde Respondent beslote korporasie hierby in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word.
2. Dat ’n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie hof
aan te voer om 10:00 op 27 Maart 2013, waarom die Respondent beslote korporasie nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal
word nie.
3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Respondent beslote korporasie by sy geregistreerde kantoor en
onverwyld eenmaal gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en die Times.
4. Dat koste van hierdie aansoek deel van die likwidasie aansoek sal wees.
Deur die Hof.—Griffier.
Prok: Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, adres: Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn.
Saak No. 60845/2012
(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)
Pretoria, 22 Februarie 2013, voor sy Edele Regter Preller
In die saak van: MORTGAGE GROUP (PTY) LTD, Reg No. 2004/020813/07, Applikant, en PETER GIESLER (ID:
6310065239086), 1ste Respondent, and RONELL JEANETTE GIESLER (ID: 6502010158086), adres: 24ste Laan 662,
Villieria, Pretoria, 2de Respondent
Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die applikant (e) en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en
ander dokumente geliasseer.
Word gelas:
Dat die boedel van Peter Giesler en Ronell Jeanette Giesler, hierby in voorlopige sekwestrasie geplaas word in die hande
van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof en dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat die Respondent onroep om redes, indien enige,
voor hierdie hof aan te voer om 10:00 op 5 April 2013 waarom ’n finale bevel van sekwestrasie nie teen hul boedel gemaak sal
word nie..
Deur die Hof.—Griffer.
Prok: Holder Ing. adres: Rubenstein Drive 605, Moreleta Park, Pretoria.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 62516/12
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 7 February 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Magardie (AJ)
In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED (Reg No. 1986/04794/06), Plaintiff, and BASSANIO GUBILE SILUMA
(ID: 7005135331082) address: Holding B, 399 Portion 12, Siyabuswa, Marble Hall, Mpumalanga, 2nd Defendant
Having heard counsel for the Applicant (s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record.
It is Ordered:
That the estate of Bassanio Gubile Siluma be and is hereby placed under provinsional sequestration in the hands of the
Masterr of the High Court, the South African Revenue Services, advertising in the Government Gazette and Citizen and that a
rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 20 March 2013 at 10:00, why
a final order of sequestration should not be made final.
By the Court.—Registrar/MRM
Att: Tim du Toit & Co Inc. address: 433 Rodericks Road, cnr. Rodericks Road & Sussex Avenue, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
Case No. 69950/2012
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 28 February 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Vorster AJ
(PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2007/033505/07), Respondent
Having heard counsel (s) for the party (ies) and having read the rule nisi issued out of this Court on 28 January 2013.
It is Ordered:
That the return date of the aforesaid Rule nisi be and is hereby extended until 19 April 2013.
By the Court.—Registrar/CB
Att: HSR
Case No. 69950/12
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 28 January 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice De Jager (AJ)
INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Reg No. 2007/033505/07, address; 824 Church Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record.
It is Ordered:
1. That the Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court;
2. That a rule nisi with a return date on 28 February 2013, be issued calling upon the Respondent and all interested
person to show cause, if any.
2.1 why the Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation;
2.2 why the costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation;
3. That publication and service of this Order be effected as follows:
3.1 by publication once in the Government Gazette;
3.2 by publication once in the Pretoria News;
3.3 service on the registered address of the Respondent;
3.4 Service to all known Creditors by pre-paid registered post;
3.5 Service on employees and all known trade unions by affixing order to notice board or main gate.
By the Court.—Registrar/MRM
Att: Hack Stupel & Ross. address: Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square, Pretoria.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Saak No. 24402/2012
(Republiek van Suid Afrika)
Pretoria, 11 Februarie 2013, voor sy Edele Regter Teffo
(PTY) LTD, Respondent
Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger(s) namens die party(e) en na deurlees van die dokumente geliasseer.
Word Gelas:
1. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word met keerdatum 16 April 2013 waarop enige belanghebbende party redes kan aanvoer
waarom enige belanghebbende party redes kan aanvoer waarom die volgende bevel nie gemaak behoort te word nie:
1.1 Die registrasie van Machine Tool Maintenance 1979 (Pty) Ltd herstel word na die maatskappy register;
1.2 Die respondent moet binne 10 (tien) dae van hierdie bevel forms CM22, CM29 en CM31 indien, maar sou die
Respondent versuim om daarna toe te sien na 5 (vyf) dae van betekening van hierdie bevel of die Respondent, verval hierdie
1.3 Dat die bates van die maatskappy veklaar te word om nie meer bona vacantia te wees nie. Hierdie bates sluit in die
onroerende eiendom geleë te woonstel 103, in die deeltitel skema bekend as Arvin Court, geregistreer kragtens
2. Dat die bevel nisi beteken word op:
2.1 Die registrateur van maatskappye
2.2 Die ontvanger van inkomste
2.3 Die registrateur van aktes
2.4 Enige ander belanghebende party wat as sulks geïndentifiseer is.
3. Dat die bevel een maal gepubliseer word in:
3.1 Die Staatskoerant beide in Engels en Afrikaans.
3.2 ’n daaglikse engelse nuusblad wat in Johannesburg verskyn.
3.3 ’n daaglikse afrikaanse nuusblad wat in Johannesburg verskyn.
4. Dat die koste van die aansoek deur die Respondent betaal word.
Deur die Hof.—Griffier/EM
Case No. 24402/2012
(Republic of South Africa)
Pretoria, 11 February 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Teffo
1979 (PTY) LTD, Respondent
It is Ordered:
1. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon all interested persons to show cause on 16 April 2013, why an order should not
be made in the following terms:
1.1 The registration of Machine Tool Maintenance 1979 (Pty) Ltd is restored to the company register;
1.2 The Respondent to submit forms CM22, CM29 and CM31 within 10 (ten) days of said order, but in the event of the
Respondent not attending to this after 5 (five) days of service of this Order on it, dispensing with this requirement.
1.3 Directing that the assets of the company be declared to be no longer bona vacantia. These assets include the
immovable property situated at Flat 103, of the sectional scheme known as Arvin Court, registered under 1973/008460/07.
2. That rule nisi be served on:
2.1 The registrar of companies.
2.2 The South African Revenue Services.
2.3 The Registrar of deeds.
2.4 Any interested person who has been identified as such.
3. That the rule be published once in:
3.1 The Government Gazette in English and Afrikaans.
3.2 An English daily newspaper circulating in Johannesburg.
3.3 An Afrikaans daily newspaper circulating in Johannesburg.
4. That the Respondent pays the costs of this application.
By the Court.—Registrar/EM
Att: Fourie Fismer Inc.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 63190/12
(North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria))
In the matter between: ABSA BANK LTD, Applicant, and EARTHQUAKE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD
(Reg No. 1995/004208/07), Respondent
After having read the papers filed of record and after having heard Counsel on behalf of the Applicant, the following order
hereby issue:
1. The Respondent is provisionally wound-up;
2. A rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondent to show cause to this Honourable Court on Wednesday,
the 27th of March 2013 at 10h00, why the provisional order should not be confirmed and made final;
3. A copy of this Order shall be published once in English in the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper;
4. A copy of this Order shall furthermore be served on the persons and/or entities as envisaged in section 346A of the
Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973.
Dated at Pretoria on this 19th day of February 2013.
By Order of Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 63189/12
(North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria))
In the matter between: ABSA BANK LTD, Applicant, and JVL BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2001/002451/07),
After having read the papers filed of record and after having heard Counsel on behalf of the Applicant, the following order
hereby issue:
1. The Respondent is provisionally wound-up;
2. A rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondent to show cause to this Honourable Court on Wednesday,
the 27th of March 2013 at 10h00, why the provisional order should not be confirmed and made final;
3. A copy of this Order shall be published once in English in the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper;
4. A copy of this Order shall furthermore be served on the persons and/or entities as envisaged in section 346A of the
Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973.
Dated at Pretoria on this 19th day of February 2013.
By Order of Court.—Registrar.
Case No. 3877/2012
(Republic of South Africa)
Before the Honourable Mr Justice Ndlovu, at Durban on 1st March 2013
In the matter between: SWART, PETRUS CORNELIS, Applicant, and DEKKER, JOHAN KAREL PIETER, date of birth:
3 August 1058, Identity Number: 5608035044085, Respondent
Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the estate of the Respondent, Johan Karel Pieter Dekker (date of birth 3 August 1958, Identity Number:
5608035044085) be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable
2. That the Respondent and/all interested parties be called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not order
final sequestration of the estate of the Respondent in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court on 28 March 2013
at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard..
By Order of the Court.—H Bridgelal, Registrar.
Garlicke & Bousfield Inc.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 1364/13
(Republic of South Africa)
On the 28th day of February 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Stretch, AJ
In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED, Applicant, and HOURGLASS TRADING 51 CC, Respondent
Has its registered address at: 195 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza, KwaZulu-Natal
Upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of counsel for the
It is Ordered that:
1. The Respondent be provisionally wound-up in the hands of the Master of the High Court.
2. A rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent and all other interested persons to show casue to this Honourable Court
on the 28th March 2013 at 09h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the provisional winding up should not
be made final.
3. This copy of the provisional winding-up order:
3.1 Be published in one edition of the Government Gazette and one edition of the Mercury on or before the 14th March
3.2 Be served in compliance with the provisions of section 346A of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973.
By Order of the Court.—R J Jooste, Registrar.
N Mkhize.
Lynn & Main
Case No. 1493/13
(Republic of South Africa)
On the 26th day of February 2013, before the Honourable Madam Justice Stretch; A.J.
(Registration No. 1997/011779/07), Respondent
Having its registered address at: Suites 1/3 Dalbergia, Forest Square, 11 Derby Place, Derby Downs Office Park, Westville,
Upon reading the notice of motion, and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of counsel for the
It is Ordered that:
1. Caledonian Power Tools (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 1997/011779/07, the above Respondent, be and it is hereby
placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court, Natal Provincial Division, Pietermaritzburg.
2. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon the Respondent and all interested persons to show cause, if any, to this
Court on Wednesday, the 27th day of March 2013 at 09h30, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under a final
winding-up order.
3. This Order and a copy of the application and annexures be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office,
and that the order published on or before Friday, the 15th day of March 2013, once in the Government Gazette and once in
The Mercury.
By Order of the Court.—R J Jooste, Registrar.
Austen Smith.
Case No. 7320/12
(Republic of South Africa)
On the 5th day of February 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Chili; A.J.
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
Upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of counsel for the
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
It is Ordered that:
1. The property being R40 660,00, which is presently subject to a Preservation of Property Order (“the preservation order”)
granted by this Honourable Court on 5th September 2012 in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121
of 1998 (“the Act”), under Case Number 7320/2012, be and is hereby forfeited to the State in terms of section 50 (1) of the Act.
2. In terms of section 50 (6) of the Act, this forfeiture order shall not take effect before the period allowed for an application
under section 54 of the Act or an appeal under section 55 of the Act has expired or before such application is disposed of.
3. Craig Wood, who was appointed as curator bonis in terms of the preservation order, is authorized to continue to act as
4. After the order take effect, Craig Wood is directed to:
4.1 Deduct his fees and expenses as approved by the Master of the High Court.
4.2 Deposit the balance of the R40 660,00 into the Criminal Asset Recovery Account established in terms of section 63 of
the Act.
5. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of this Order, by delivering a copy thereof by hand, facsimile or
by registered post to Craig Wood of Ian Wyles Auctioneers and Appraisers at No. 33 Ashfield Avenue, Springfield Industrial Park,
6. In terms of section 50 (5) of the Act, the Registrar of this Honourable Court, or the State Attorney (KwaZulu-Natal) on the
request of the Registrar, is to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after this Order has
been made.
7. Any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he or
she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court.
By Order of the Court.—R J Jooste, Registrar.
Cajee Setsubi & Chetty Inc.
Case No. 10977/12
(Republic of South Africa)
On the 5th day of December 2012, before the Honourable Madam Justice Marks; A.J.
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
Upon reading the notice of motion, and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of counsel for the
It is Ordered that:
1. An order is granted in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (the POCA
preserving a motor vehicle described as a Great Wall Motors (GWM) bakkie with Registration Number YTR 045 GP (the
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA and subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge thereof
are prohibited from disposing of, further encumbering, dissipating, interfering with, attaching or selling in execution, diminishing
the value of or dealing in any other manner with the moveable property to which this Order relates.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of the property is
ordered to fulfill such obligations, including any obligations relating to installment payments and all interest accruing in respect
of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such person signs a consent to judgment in
favour of the Applicant.
4. In terms of section 42 of the POCA, Hendrik Vorster Hattingh is appointed as curator bonis over the property (the
curator bonis). The curator bonis shall have all such powers, duties and authority as provided for in the POCA and in this Order.
5. The curator bonis is authorised to assume control of the property and do anything necessary to preserve the property
while the order is in force.
6. Any person or entity who holds the property and the original logbook thereof is directed in terms of section 42 (1) (b) of
POCA to surrender the property as well as the original logbook relating to the property forthwith into the custody of the
curator bonis, failing which any member of the South African Police Services or other agency if the facts render it necessary or
appropriate is hereby authorised, on the instruction of the curator bonis, to seize the relevant property and the original logbook
and place it in the custody of the curator bonis.
7. The curator bonis must file a report with the Registrar of this Honourable Court within 40 days of the granting of the
preservation order which shall contain an inventory of the property taken into his custody in terms of this Order, in which he shall
set out the steps that have been taken by him to give effect to this Order, and make any further recommendations as he may
deem fit regarding any other steps he might be required to take in order to give effect to the order. The curator bonis must file
supplementary reports containing additional relevant information as and when such reports become necessary.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
8. The fees and expenditure of the curator bonis must, in terms of section 42 (2) of the POCA be paid from the forfeited
property. In the event of no forfeiture order being granted, then such fees and expenditure must be paid by the State, provided
further that interest on expenditure incurred by the curator bonis is paid by the State at the prime lending rate of the major
financial institutions from the date of expenditure until the date of final payment.
9. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the Act, as soon as practicable after the making of the Preservation Order,
cause a notice of this Order including Annexure “B” hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.
10. The Applicant shall cause notice of this Preservation Order together with the copies of the papers used in support of
this application, to be served on:
10.1 Kgopotso Klaas Malepe of 1355B Thambo Street, Orlando West Extension, Soweto, Gauteng;
10.2 The Manager, Legal Department, Motor Finance Corporation (Pty) Ltd, at 1st Floor, Regent Lighthouse, 6E Herman
Street, corner of Corrobrick Road, Edenvale, Germiston, Gauteng;
10.3 any other person who becomes known to the Applicant as having an interest in the property.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order
11. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
11.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; and
11.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from the forfeiture order in respect of the property;
11.3 must enter an appearance giving notice of such an intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act.
12. Any person under paragraph 10 supra who intends opposing an order forfeiting the property to the State shall, in terms
of section 39 (4) of the Act, deliver a notice to the Applicant of such intention:
12.1 In the case of a person upon whom service is effected in terms of the Act, within 14 days after such service;
12.2 In the case of all other persons, within 14 days after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in terms of
paragraph 9 supra.
13. An appearance in terms of paragraph 11 supra must, in terms of section 39 (5) include full particulars of the address
chosen for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter, and must be accompanied by an affidavit
setting out:
13.1 Full particulars of the opposing party’s identity;
13.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and
13.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely on in opposing the forfeiture application or in seeking to
have his interest excluded from the forfeiture order;
13.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of the POCA and the basis for such defence.
Application for reconsideration
14. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
14.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown).
14.2 In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
14.3 Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying priciples of the POCA.
15. Costs in the event that this application is unsuccessfully opposed.
By Order of the Court.—R Judnath, Registrar.
Cajee Setsubi & Chetty Inc.
Case No. 1958/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
Before the Honourable Mr Justice Lopes at Durban on 1st March 2013
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: An application
in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 for the preservation of cash in the amount
of R17 114,20
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is hereby Ordered that:
1. An order is granted in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (the POCA)
preserving cash in the amount of R17 114,20 held under the custody and control of the exhibit clerk at Pinetown South African
Police Services (SAPS) and registered in the SAP13 Register under Pinetown CAS 861/10/2012, SAP13/2258/2012 (the
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA and subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge thereof
are prohibited from disposing of, further encumbering, dissipating, interfering with, attaching or selling in execution, diminishing
the value of or dealing in any other manner with the movable property to which this Order relates;
4. In terms of section 42 of the POCA, Hendrik Vorster Hattingh of the company Vesticraft, 24 St Andrews Drive, Durban
North is appointed as curator bonis over the property (the curator bonis). The curator bonis shall have all such powers, duties
and authority as provided for in the POCA and in this Order.
5. The curator bonis is authorised to assume control of the property from the exhibit clerk at Pinetown SAPS and to do
anything necessary to preserve the property while the order is in force;
6. The exhibit clerk at Pinetown SAPS is directed in terms of section 42 (1) (b) of the POCA and upon being shown a
certified copy of this Order; to surrender the property forthwith into the custody of the curator bonis, failing which any member
of the South African Police Services or other agency if the facts render it necessary or appropriate is hereby authorised, on the
instruction of the curator bonis, to seize the relevant property and place it in the custody of the curator bonis;
7. The curator bonis must file a report with the registrar of this Honourable Court within 40 days of the granting of the
preservation order which shall contain an inventory of the property taken into his custody in terms of this Order, in which he shall
set out the steps that have been taken by him to give effect to this Order, and make any further recommendations as he may
deem fit regarding any other steps he might be required to take in order to give effect to the order. The curator bonis must file
supplementary reports containing additional relevant information as and when such reports become necessary;
8. The fees and expenditure of the curator bonis must, in terms of section 42 (2) of the POCA be paid from the forfeited
property. In the event of no forfeiture order being granted, then such fees and expenditure must be paid by the state, provided
further that interest on expenditure incurred by the curator bonis is paid by the state at the prime lending rate of the major
financial institutions from the date of expenditure until the date of final payment;
9. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the POCA, as soon as practicable after the making of the Preservation Order,
cause a notice of this Order including Annexure “B” hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.
10. The Applicant shall cause notice of this Preservation Order together with the copies of the papers used in support of
this application, to be served on:
10.1 Dieter Siegfried Fischer at 7 Hills Place, Northdene, Queensburgh, 4093.
10.2 any other person who becomes known to the Applicant as having an interest in the property.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order:
11. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
11.1 to oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; and
11.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from the forfeiture order in respect of the property;
11.3 must enter an appearance giving notice of such an intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the POCA.
12. Any person under paragraph 10 supra who intends opposing an order forfeiting the property to the State shall, in terms
of section 39 (4) of the POCA, deliver a notice to the Applicant of such intention:
12.1 In the case of a person upon whom service is effected in terms of the POCA, within 14 days after such service;
12.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in terms of
paragraph 9 supra.
13. An appearance in terms of paragraph 11 supra must, in terms of section 39 (5) of the POCA include full particulars of
the address chosen for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter, and must be accompanied by
an affidavit setting out:
13.1 full particulars of the opposing party’s identity;
13.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and
13.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely on in opposing the forfeiture application or in seeking to
have his interest excluded from the forfeiture order.
13.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of the POCA, and the basis for such defence.
Application for reconsideration:
14. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
14.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the court may determine on good cause shown).
14.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
14.3 Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the
underlying principles of the POCA.
The Registrar of the Court.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
(Republic of South Africa)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, in re: An application
in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 for the preservation of cash in the amount
of R17 114,20
This notice is addressed to Dieter Siegfried Fischer of 7 Hills Place, Northdene, Queensburgh, 4093, and all persons who
have an interest in the property described above:
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the
Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA in respect of the property.
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain
legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it.
3. The National Director will publish the preservation order in the Government Gazette, within 90 days of publication of the
order, the National Director will apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit
to the State. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any
forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such
an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must
comply with these requirements.
5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 3 above.
6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given
notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a
case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA.
8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and
within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order.
9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure
to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the
Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney—KZN, 6th Floor,
Metropolitan Life Building, 391 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
Case No. 210/13
(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)
Kimberley, the 1st day of March 2013, before the Honourable Ms Justice Mamosebo (Acting)
In the ex-parte application of: ABSA BANK LIMITED (Reg No. 1986/004794/06), Applicant, and BOUWER
VOLLGRAAFF EIENDOMME CC (Reg No. CK2005/183734/23), Respondent
Having heard Mr Addinall for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record:
It is Ordered that:
1. The Respondent is placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the Northern Cape High Court,
2. A rule nisi is issued calling on all interested parties to show cause on 22 March 2013, as to why the Order in paragraph
1 should not be made final.
3. A copy of this Order be served on:
3.1 The Respondent;
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
3.2 Any employees in service of the Respondent in so far as the Sheriff can ascertain if there are any workers in the employ
of the Respondent;
3.3 Any registered Union to which such employees may belong, in so far as the Sheriff can ascertain if any of the
employees belong to any such Union;
3.4 The Master of the High Court, Northern Cape Division;
3.5 The South African Revenue Services;
4. This Order, together with a copy of the notice of motion, be forwarded by registered post to each of the creditors of the
5. This Order be published in the Government Gazette and a local newspaper circulating in the area of the Respondent’s
registered address.
By the Court.—R Van Tonder, Registrar.
Case No. 2478/2013
On 8 March 2013, Mr Van Wyk on behalf of the Applicant
After considering the documetation before Court and hearing the Applicant’s Attorney, the following Order is made:
1. That the Estate of the Respondents Close Corporation hereby place under Provisional Liquidation and also rest in the
hands of the Master of the Supreme Court (North Gauteng High Court).
2. That the cost of this Provisional Order be cost in the cause of the matter.
3. That the Notice for Provisional Liquidation as well as the return date be published in a local newspaper and Government
5. Return date: 30-04-113 at 09h00.
Additional Magistrate.
Saak No. 2478/2013
Op 8-3-13, Mnr Van Wyk namens Applikant
Na oorweging van die dokumente voor die Hof en na aanhoring van die Prokureur van die Applikant, word dit as volg gelas:
1. Dat die Boedel van Respondent Beslote Korporasie hiermee in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word in die hande van die
Meester van die Hooggeregshof (Transfvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling).
2. Dat die koste van hier die voorlopige likwidasie koste in die geding sal wees.
3. Dat die kennisgewing van die voorlopige likwidasie sowel as die keerdatum in ’n plaaslike koerant sowel as die
Staatskoerant gepubliseer word.
5. Keerdatum: 30-04-13
Addisionele Landdros / Klerksdorp.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 252/13
No. 121 OF 1998 (POCA)
In the ex parte application of the NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION in the North West High Court,
This notice is addressed to all persons who may have an interest in a black Alfa Romeo, light passenger motor vehicle with
registration number PLR 404 GP, engine number AR323103617315 and chassis number ZAR93700003175219 (the property).
Take notice that:
The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order (“the
Order”), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA, in respect of the property.
If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain
legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court, under
section 48 of POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application
for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from
a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an
appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must
comply with these requirements.
Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 4 above.
If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by
default under section 53 of POCA.
You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights
or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration
of the Order.
You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure
to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
Case No. 252/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
On 28 February 2013, before the Honourable Justice Landman
In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
In re: A black Alfa Romeo light passenger motor vehicle with registration number PLR 404 GP.
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexure, and having heard counsel for the Parties,
It is hereby Ordered that:
The Property
1. This Order relates to the following property:
1.1 A black Alfa Romeo light passenger motor vehicle with registration number PLR 404 GP, engine number
AR323103617315 and chassis number ZAR93700003175219 (the property).
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the POCA), all persons with knowledge
of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with any of the property;
2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of any of the
property is ordered to fulfil such obligations, including any obligations relating to motor vehicle finance, rates and taxes, licences,
and all interest accruing in respect of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such person
signs a consent to judgment in favour of the Applicant.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Custodian of the property
3. The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Rustenburg is appointed as custodian of the property
(the custodian).
4. The custodian is authorised to assume control over the property and to keep the property in his or her custody. The
custodian is further authorised to take care of the property and to administer the property and do anything necessary to
preserve the property while the order is in force.
Living and legal expenses
5. The Court may, after the granting of this Order, on application by the Respondent or any other person holding an
interest in the property, make appropriate provision for the payment of such expenses as in the Court’s determination are
reasonable, out of the property subject to this Order, provided that no such provision for the payment of expenses satisfies the
Court that:
5.1 He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable living expenses or those of his or her family or household;
5.2 He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable legal expenses in connection with any proceedings instituted against
him or her in terms of the POCA or any other related criminal proceedings;
5.3 He or she cannot meet the expenses concerned out of his or her property that is not subject to this Order.
Service and publication
6. The Applicant must in terms of section 39 of the POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff of the High Court on;
6.1 Paul Ezete, a Nigerian male residing at room 30 Cynthia Hotel, Rustenburg;
6.2 D S R de Jong (De Jong), an adult residing at house number 203, 13de Street, Wonderboom, Pretoria;
6.3 WESBANK, Pretoria; and
6.4 The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Rustenburg.
7. The Applicant shall also cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in annexure B, to be published in the Government
Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order
8. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the
property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must
enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the POCA.
9. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant:
9.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days of service;
9.2 In the case of any person, 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the order was published in the Government
10. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
10.1 The full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
10.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
10.3 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
10.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
10.5 If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such an application.
11. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
11.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the court may determine on good cause shown).
12. In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
13. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the
underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the POCA.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 251/13
This notice is addressed to all persons who have an interest in a silver BMW light passenger motor vehicle with
registration number LNK 694 GP, engine number 21488975 and chassis number VVBADD32050BT91765 (the property).
Take notice that:
The National Director of Public Prosecution (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order (‘the Order’),
a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property.
If you have interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain legal
advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under
section 48 of POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application
for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from
a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an
appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must
comply with these requirements.
Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 4 above.
If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by
default under section 53 of POCA.
You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights
or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration
of the Order.
You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must in addition comply wit paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure to
do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
Case No. 251/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
On 28 February 2013, before Justice Landman
In re: A silver BMW light passenger motor vehicle with registration number LNK 694 GP
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexure, and having heard counsel for the parties;
It is hereby Ordered that:
The Property
1. This Order relates to the following property:
1.1 A silver BMW light passenger motor vehicle with registration number LNK 694 GP, engine number 21488975 and
chassis number VVBADD32050T91765 (the property).
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 12 of 1998 (the POCA), all persons with knowledge
of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with any of the property;
2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of any of the
property is ordered to fulfil such obligations, including any obligations relating to motor vehicle finance, rates and taxes,
licenses, and all interest accruing in respect of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless
such person signs a consent to judgment in favour of the Applicant.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Custodian of the property
3. The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Rustenburg, is appointed as custodian of the property
(the custodian).
4. The custodian is authorised to assume control over the property and to keep the property in his or her custody. The
custodian is further authorised to take care of the property and to administer the property and do anything necessary to preserve the property while the order is in force.
Living and legal expenses
5. The Court may, after the granting of this Order, on application by the Respondent or any other person holding an
interest in the property, make appropriate provision for the payment of such expenses as in the Court’s determination are
reasonable, out of the property subject to this Order, provided that no such provision for the payment of expenses will be made
unless the person applying for living or legal expenses satisfies the Court that:
5.1 He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable living expenses or those of his or her family or household;
5.2 He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable legal expenses in connection with any proceedings instituted against
him or her in terms of the POCA or any other related criminal proceedings;
5.3 He or she cannot meet the expenses concerned out of his or her property that is not subject to this Order.
Service and publication
6. The Applicant must in terms of section 39 of the POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff of the High Court on:
6.1 Allen Vusimuzi Ferland, an adult male residing at house number 4387, Lerole Street, Chiawelo Extension 2, Soweto;
6.2 T Mereyotlhe, an adult residing at house number 4387, Lerole Street, Chiawelo Extension 2, Soweto; and
6.3 The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Rustenburg.
7. The Applicant shall also cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in annexure B, to be published in the Government
Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order
8. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the
property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must
enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the POCA.
9. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant:
9.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calender days of service;
9.2 In the case of any other person, 14 calender days after the date when a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
10. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
10.1 The full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
10.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
10.3 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
10.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
10.5 If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such an application.
11. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
11.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown).
12. In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
13. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the
underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 250/13
In re: R889 000.00 paid to Summercon Holdco (Pty) Ltd, in respect of Section 142, Tequila Sunrise, Beverly,
Extension 78, Lonehill, Johannesburg
This notice is addressed to all persons who may have an interest in a white Honda light passenger motor vehicle with
Reg. No. KRY 840 GP, Engine No. D15B32007117 and Chassis No. AHMDB25413E101676
Take notice that:
The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order
(“the Order’), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property.
If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be will advised to obtain legal
advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under
section 48 of POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application
for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from
a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an
appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must
comply with these requirements.
Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit, prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 4 above.
If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by
default under section 53 of POCA.
You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights
or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration
of the Order.
You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure
to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
Case No. 250/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
In re: A white Honda motor vehicle with Reg. No. KRY 840 GP
On 28 February 2013, before the Honourable Justice Landman
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexure, and Having heard counsel for the Parties.
It is hereby Ordered that:
The property
1. This Order relates to the following property:
1.1 A white Honda light passenger motor vehicle with Reg. No. KRY 840 GP, Engine No. D15B32007117 and Chassis No.
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the POCA), all persons with knowledge
of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with any of the property;
2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of any of the
property is ordered to fulfil such obligations, including any obligations relating to motor vehicle finance, rates and taxes, licences,
and all interest accruing in respect of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such person
signs a consent to judgment in favour of the Applicant.
Custodian of the property
3. The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Mafikeng is appointed as custodian of the property (the
4. The custodian is authorised to assume control over the property and to keep the property in his or her custody. The
custodian is further authorised to take care of the property and to adminster the property and do anything necessary to preserve
the property while the order is in force.
Living and legal expenses
5. The Court may, after the granting of this Order, on application by the Respondent or any other person holding an
interest in the property, make appropriate provision for the payment of such expenses as in the Court’s determination are
reasonable, out of the property subject to this Order, provided that no such provision for the payment of expenses will be made
unless the person apply for living or legal expenses satisfies the Court that:
5.1 He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable living expenses or those of his or her family or household;
5.2 He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable legal expenses in connection with any proceedings instituted against
him or her in terms of the POCA or any other related criminal proceedings;
5.3 He or she cannot meet the expenses concerned out of his or her property that is not subject to this Order.
Service and publication
6. The Applicant must in terms of section 39 of the POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff of the High Court on:
6.1 Gerson Vikunga residing at 40 Oliver Tambo Street, Lotus Gardens, Pretoria, or alternatively at Mandela Village No.
373, KwMhlanga (072 435 6350); and
6.2 The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Mafikeng.
7. The Applicant shall also cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B, to be published in the Government
Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order
8. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the
property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must
enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the POCA.
9. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant:
9.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calender days of service;
9.2 In the case of any other person, 14 calender days after the date when a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
10. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
10.1 The full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
10.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
10.3 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
10.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
10.5 If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such an application.
11. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
11.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown).
12. In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
13. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the
underlying objectives of Chapter r6 of the POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
Case No. 249/13
This notice is addressed to all persons who may have an interest in a black Toyota RunX light passenger motor vehicle
with Registration Number ESX 099 NW (HKD 970 NW), Engine Number 3ZZE238254 and Chassis Number
AHT54ZEC107528044, and R101 000 held by Pertunia Nomali Matlala at Standard Bank, Rustenburg under Standard Bank
Account No. 41 417 015 6.
Take notice that:
The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”), has obtained a preservation of property order
(“the Order”), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA, in respect of the property.
If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain
legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under
section 48 of POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application
for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from
forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an
appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt within in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must
comply with these requirements.
Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14 day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 4 above.
If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by
default under section 53 of POCA. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-available of any other suitable remedy to
protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order,
apply for reconsideration of the Order.
You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure
to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
Case No. 249/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
On 28 February 2013, before the Honourable Justice Landman
In re: Application for Preservation Order in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act No. 121 of 1998
(as amended), in respect of a black Toyota RunX motor vehicle with temporary Registration Number ESX 099 NW and money.
Court Order
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and Annexure, and having heard counsel for the Parties:
It is hereby Ordered that:
The Property:
1. This Order relates to the following property:
1.1 A black Toyota RunX light passenger motor vehicle with registration number ESX 099 NW (HKD 970 NW), engine
number 3ZZE238254 and chassis number AHT54ZEC107528044;
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
1.2 R101 000 held by Pertunia Nomali Matlala at Standard Bank, Rustenburg under Standard Bank No. 41 417 0156.
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property:
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the POCA), all person with knowledge
of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with any of the property;
2.2 notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of any of the
property is ordered to fulfil such obligations, including any obligations relating to motor vehicle finance, rates and taxes, licences,
and all interest accruing in respect of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such
person signs a consent to judgment in favour of the Applicant.
Curator bonis:
3. The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Service, Rustenburg and Mogwase is appointed as custodian of
the property (the custodian).
4. The custodian is authorised to assume control over the property and to keep the property in his or her custody.
The custodian is further authorised to take care of the property and to administer the property and do anything necessary to
preserve the property while the Order is in force.
Living and legal expenses:
5. The Court may, after the granting of this Order, on application by the Respondent or any other person holding an
interest in the property, make appropriate provision for the payment of such expenses as in the Court’s determination are
reasonable, out of the property subject to this Order, provided that no such provision for the payment of expenses will be made
unless the person applying for living or legal expenses satisfies the Court that:
6. He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable living expenses or those of his or her family or household;
7. He or she is unable to meet his or her reasonable legal expenses in connection with any proceedings instituted against
him or her in terms of the POCA or any other related criminal proceedings.
8. He or she cannot meet the expenses concerned out of his or her property that is not subject to this Order.
Service and publication:
9. The Applicant must in terms of section 39 of the POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff of the High Court on:
9. 1 Pertunia Nomali Matlala residing at 51 Joubert Street, Eastend, Rustenburg;
9.2 Boitumelo Emmanuel Maruma residing at House No. 291 Robalang Section, Mmorogong, Rustenburg;
9.3 The Station Commissioner of the South African Police Services, Mafikeng; and
9.4 Standard Bank Rustenburg.
10. The Applicant shall also cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B, to be published in the Government
Gazette as soon as practicable after the Order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order:
11. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiture the
property to the State or applying for an order forfeiting the property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her
interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms
of section 39 (3) of the POCA.
12. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant:
12.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service, within the days set out in the notice of motion; and
12.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the Order was published in the
Government Gazette.
13. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
13.1 The full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
13.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
13.3 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the Order;
13.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
13.5 If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such an application.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
14. Any person who is affected by the Order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
14.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);
14.2 In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
15. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the Order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the
underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
Case No. 17239/12
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
First Respondent, and KENNETH GOLIATH (in his capacity as father and legal guardian to Kelly Goliath and Zeeta
Goliath), Second Respondent, and GERALD JOHN JORDAAN, Third Respondent
In re: An application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, for the forfeiture of the
items as listed to Annexure A to the forfeiture order.
1. All movable assets viz. Furniture and Fittings uplifted from Erf 134503,99 Hanover Park Avenue, Hanover Park, Cape
2. Isuzu Double Cab bakkie with registration number CA 815 354.
3. Toyota Rav 4 with registration number CA 115 991.
4. The proceeds of the sale of Erf 5745, 15 Zairobi Road, Lotus River currently held in the curators account.
5. The proceeds of the sale of Erf 134503, 99 Havoner Park Avenue, Hanover Park, currently held in the curator account.
6. The funds held in the First National Bank No. 6203650462, 62018483735, 62088231833, 62110857432 and
Case No. 13333/09
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
Thursday, the 7th day of March 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Gamble
In the matter between: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and
In re: Forfeiture application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998.
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record and by
agreement between the parties.
It is hereby Ordered that:
1. The deed of settlement entered into between the Applicant and the Respondent and signed by their legal representatives on 1 March 2013, annexed hereto marked “A”, is made an order of Court with immediate effect.
2. The Registrar of this Honourable Court is directed to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as
practicable after the Order is made.
By Order of Court.—Court Registrar.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 13333/09
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
ALLI, Respondent
In re: Forfeiture application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998.
Whereas on 9 February 2010, the Applicant obtained a preservation order against the Respondent’s property in the amount
of R603 100 in cash and a Toyota Run X vehicle with Registration No. CA477151 (the vehicle) in terms of section 38 of the
Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA);
and whereas Andre van Heerden (curator bonis) was appointed as the curator bonis to take control of the R603 100 in
cash and the vehicle. The R603 100 was placed in an interest bearing account;
and whereas the Applicant has applied for a forfeiture order against the Respondent for the sum of R603 100 in cash with
interest accrued and the vehicle;
and whereas the Respondent has filed an answering affidavit opposing the granting of the forfeiture order sought by the
now therefore the parties have agreed to settle the matter in the following manner:
1. In terms of section 50 (1) (a) of POCA the R301 550 in cash plus 50% of the value of the interest accrued at the date of
this Order being granted shall be declared forfeit to the State;
2. The preservation order in respect of R301 550 in cash plus 50% of the value of the interest accrued at the date of this
Order being granted and the vehicle shall be rescinded;
3. The curator bonis shall be directed to release the R301 550 in cash plus 50% of the value of the interest accrued at the
date of this Order being granted or otherwise agreed to the Respondent within 14 days after the date of this deed of settlement
has been made an order of Court;
4. Each party shall pay its own costs; and
5. this agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of all claims between the parties in respect of this matter.
M Kagee, for and on behalf of the Applicant.
Signed and dated on this 1st day of March 2013 at Cape Town
N Hassan, for and on behalf of the Applicant.
Signed and dated on this 1st day of March at Cape Town.
Case No. 17239/12
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
On Thursday, 7 March 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Gambie
First Respondent, KENNETH GOLIATH (In his capacity as father and legal guardian to KELLY GOLIATH AND ZEETA
GOLIATH), Second Respondent, and GERALD JOHN JORDAAN, Third Respondent
In re: An application in terms of Section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, for the forfeiture of the
items as listed to Annexure A to the forfeiture order.
Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard Counsel for the Applicant:
It is hereby Ordered that:
1. In terms of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), the property as listed in Annexure
“A” to this forfeiture order and subject to the preservation of property order granted by this Court on 16 October 2012, is
declared forfeit to the State.
2. Jurgens Steenkamp of KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, the curator bonis is directed to continue to act in this capacity
and is authorised, after the date on which the forfeiture order takes effect, to perform all functions necessary to realise the
property and to pay the balance of the proceeds after deducting his account of all fees and disbursements into the Criminal
Asset Recovery Account held at the Reserve Bank, Account No. 80303056.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
3. The curator bonis shall as soon as possible, but not later than within a period of 90 days of this Order coming into effect,
file a report with the Applicant and the Master of the High Court, indicating the manner in which he:
3.1 Completed the administration of the property mentioned above; and
3.2 complied with the terms of this Order.
4. The Registrar of this Honourable court is directed to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as
practicable after the Order is made.
5. Costs in the event of the application being opposed.
By Order of Court.—Court, Registrar.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town
Case No. 23336/12
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
On Tuesday, 5 March 2013, before the Honourable Ms Acting Justice Nyman
CLOETE, First Respondent, and GERRIT FRANSE, Second Respondent
In re: Application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, for the forfeiture of the
immovable property situated at 3 Mahem Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis.
Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard Counsel for the Applicant:
It is hereby Ordered that:
1. In terms of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) the immovable property, situated
at 3 Mahem Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis (the immovable property) and subject to a preservation of property order granted by
this Court on 12 December 2012, is declared forfeited to the State.
2. Quintin Simon Joseph (Joseph) of Marle Myron Morgan Consultants CC t/a MX3 Consultant, the curator bonis shall
continue to continue to act in this capacity.
3. Joseph is directed and authorised:
3.1 To provide a detailed report regarding the condition and the market value of the immovable property;
3.2 To deliver the property to the Criminal Assets Recovery Account within 120 days of the date of this Order, failing which
he is authorised to dispose of the property forfeited by sale or an/other means and deposit the proceeds of the sale or
disposition into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account.
4. Joseph shall as soon as possible, but not later than within a period of 120 days file a report with the Applicant and the
Master of the High Court, indicating the manner in which he:
4.1 Conducted the administration of the estate; and
4.2 Complied with the terms of this Order.
5. The Registrar of this Court is directed to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable
after the Order is made.
6. Costs in the event of the application being opposed.
By Order of Court.—Court, Registrar.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town
Case No. 23336/12
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
On Tuesday, 5 March 2013, before the Honourable Ms Acting Justice Nyman
CLOETE, First Respondent, and GERRIT FRANSE, Second Respondent
In re: Application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, for the forfeiture of the
immovable property situated at 3 Mahem Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis.
Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard Counsel for the Applicant:
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
It is hereby Ordered that:
1. In terms of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) the immovable property, situated
at 3 Mahem Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis (the immovable property) and subject to a preservation of property order granted by
this Court on 12 December 2012, is declared forfeited to the State.
2. Quintin Simon Joseph (Joseph) of Marle Myron Morgan Consultants CC t/a MX3 Consultant, the curator bonis shall
continue to continue to act in this capacity.
3. Joseph is directed and authorised:
3.1 To provide a detailed report regarding the condition and the market value of the immovable property;
3.2 To deliver the property to the Criminal Assets Recovery Account within 120 days of the date of this Order, failing which
he is authorised to dispose of the property forfeited by sale or an/other means and deposit the proceeds of the sale or
disposition into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account.
4. Joseph shall as soon as possible, but not later than within a period of 120 days file a report with the Applicant and the
Master of the High Court, indicating the manner in which he:
4.1 Conducted the administration of the estate; and
4.2 Complied with the terms of this Order.
5. The Registrar of this Court is directed to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable
after the Order is made.
6. Costs in the event of the application being opposed.
By Order of Court.—Court, Registrar.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town
Case No. 23336/12
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
On Tuesday, 5 March 2013, before the Honourable Ms Acting Justice Nyman
CLOETE, First Respondent, and GERRIT FRANSE, Second Respondent
In re: Application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, for the forfeiture of the
immovable property situated at 3 Mahem Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis.
Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard Counsel for the Applicant:
It is hereby Ordered that:
1. In terms of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) the immovable property, situated
at 3 Mahem Crescent, Robinvale, Atlantis (the immovable property) and subject to a preservation of property order granted by
this Court on 12 December 2012, is declared forfeited to the State.
2. Quintin Simon Joseph (Joseph) of Marle Myron Morgan Consultants CC t/a MX3 Consultant, the curator bonis shall
continue to continue to act in this capacity.
3. Joseph is directed and authorised:
3.1 To provide a detailed report regarding the condition and the market value of the immovable property;
3.2 To deliver the property to the Criminal Assets Recovery Account within 120 days of the date of this Order, failing which
he is authorised to dispose of the property forfeited by sale or any other means and deposit the proceeds of the sale or
disposition into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account.
4. Joseph shall as soon as possible, but not later than within a period of 120 days file a report with the Applicant and the
Master of the High Court, indicating the manner in which he:
4.1 Conducted the administration of the estate; and
4.2 Complied with the terms of this Order.
5. The Registrar of this Court is directed to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable
after the Order is made.
6. Costs in the event of the application being opposed.
By Order of Court.—Court, Registrar.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 2499/2013
(Western Cape High Court)
On Friday, the 22nd day of February 2013 at Cape Town, before the Honourable Acting Justice Ms Davis
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and CHRISTIAN
IGWILO, First Respondent, and JOHN OWO-OKO, Second Respondent, in re: R2 693,75 in cash and a dark green
VW Golf with Reg. No. CAW 75619 seized from the Respondent by members of the South African Police Service on
17 August 2010
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexures, and having heard counsel for the Applicant,
It is hereby Ordered that:
The property:
1. This Order relates to R2 693,75 in cash (the cash) and 1.8L GTIA4 VW Golf motor vehicle with Registration Letters and
Numbers CAW75619, Chassis Letters and Numbers AAVZZZ1JZ1U28753 and Engine Letters and Numbers AGU259041 (the
motor vehicle), collectively referred to as “the property”, seized by members of the South African Police Services (SAPS) on 17
August 2010 SWELLENDAM CAS171/08/2010 collectively referred to as “the property”.
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property:
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) provides that all persons with
knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with the property.
In custody of SAPS:
3. In terms of section 38 (4) of POCA, the property shall remain in the possession of the SAPS and kept in the manner
specified hereunder pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings or until this matter is otherwise concluded.
3.1 the motor vehicle shall remain at Swellendam SAPS or in an appropriate SAPS vehicle safeguarding unit as may be
determined by the Commander of the Swellendam SAPS, and
3.2 the cash shall remain in an SAPS Bank Account No. 4054522787, held at ABSA Bank, Branch No. 632005.
Service and publication:
4. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff on the following persons:
4.1 The Respondents; and
4.2 Any other person who becomes known to the Applicant to have an interest in the matter.
5. The Applicant shall further cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A, to be published in the
Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order:
6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
6.1 opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or
6.2 applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property
must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA.
7. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant:
7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such
service; and
7.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
8. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
8.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
8.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of POCA, and is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
8.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such application.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Application for reconsideration:
9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be
9.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);
9.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice,
given to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the
property. Such application must be made not later than 15 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town.
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and CHRISTIAN
IGWILO, First Respondent, and JOHN OWO-OKO, Second Respondent, in re: R2 693,75 in cash and a dark green
VW Golf with Reg. No. CAW 75619 seized from the Respondent by members of the South African Police Service on
17 August 2010
This notice is addressed to Christian Igwilo and John Owo-Oko and all other persons who have an interest in the R2 693,75
in cash seized by members of the South African Police Service from the Respondent on the N2 Road to Riviersonderend on
17 August 2010 (the property).
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the
preservation order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property.
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice
on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the above-mentioned
Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until
the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until the said order is complied with or any payment in respect thereof is
4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the preservation order. The
requirements for such an appearance are set out in the preservation order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5)
of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements.
5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) of POCA for the entry of an
appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above.
6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given
notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a
case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of POCA.
8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for
reconsideration of the order.
9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case,
you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently.
Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
10. Whenever the preservation order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document
on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address:
The State Attorney, Mrs J.K. Ledwaba, 5th Floor, 22 Long Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 441-9221. Fax: 086 641 7584.
Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 2499/2013
(Western Cape High Court)
On Friday, the 22nd day of February 2013 at Cape Town, before the Honourable Acting Justice Ms Davis
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and CHRISTIAN
IGWILO, First Respondent, and JOHN OWO-OKO, Second Respondent, in re: R2 693,75 in cash and a dark green
VW Golf with Reg. No. CAW 75619 seized from the Respondent by members of the South African Police Service on
17 August 2010
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexures, and having heard counsel for the Applicant,
It is hereby Ordered that:
The property:
1. This Order relates to R2 693,75 in cash (the cash) and 1.8L GTI A4 VW Golf motor vehicle with Registration Letters and
Numbers CAW75619, Chassis Letters and Numbers AAVZZZ1JZ1U28753 and Engine Letters and Numbers AGU259041 (the
motor vehicle), collectively referred to as “the property”, seized by members of the South African Police Services (SAPS) on 17
August 2010 SWELLENDAM CAS171/08/2010 collectively referred to as “the property”.
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property:
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) provides that all persons with
knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with the property.
In custody of SAPS:
3. In terms of section 38 (4) of POCA, the property shall remain in the possession of the SAPS and kept in the manner
specified hereunder pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings or until this matter is otherwise concluded.
3.1 the motor vehicle shall remain at Swellendam SAPS or in an appropriate SAPS vehicle safeguarding unit as may be
determined by the Commander of the Swellendam SAPS, and
3.2 the cash shall remain in an SAPS Bank Account No. 4054522787, held at ABSA Bank, Branch No. 632005.
Service and publication:
4. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff on the following persons:
4.1 The Respondents; and
4.2 Any other person who becomes known to the Applicant to have an interest in the matter.
5. The Applicant shall further cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A, to be published in the
Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order:
6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
6.1 opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or
6.2 applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property
must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA.
7. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant:
7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such
service; and
7.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
8. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
8.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
8.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of POCA, and is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
8.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such application.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Application for reconsideration:
9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be
9.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);
9.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice,
given to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the
property. Such application must be made not later than 15 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
30 State Attorney, Cape Town.
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and CHRISTIAN
IGWILO, First Respondent, and JOHN OWO-OKO, Second Respondent, in re: R2 693,75 in cash and a dark green
VW Golf with Reg. No. CAW 75619 seized from the Respondent by members of the South African Police Service on
17 August 2010
This notice is addressed to Christian Igwilo and John Owo-Oko and all other persons who have an interest in the R2 693,75
in cash seized by members of the South African Police Service from the Respondent on the N2 Road to Riviersonderend on
17 August 2010 (the property).
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the
preservation order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property.
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice
on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under
section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the
application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any said order is complied with or any payment in resect thereof is
4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the preservation order. The
requirements for such an appearance are set out in the preservation order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5)
of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements.
5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) of POCA for the entry of an
appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above.
6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given
notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a
case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of POCA.
8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for
reconsideration of the order.
9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case,
you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently.
Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
10. Whenever the preservation order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document
on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address:
The State Attorney, Mrs J.K. Ledwaba, 5th Floor, 22 Long Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 441-9221. Fax: 086 641 7584.
Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Case No. 2262/13
(Western Cape High Court)
On Wednesday, 20 February 2013 at Cape Town, before the Honourable Ms Acting Justice Davis
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and DAN DANNY
COETZEE, First Respondent, and MELVYN TIETIES, Second Respondent, in re: R15 604,95 in cash seized by members
of the South African Police Service from 34 Reid Street, Prince Alfred, Hamlet
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexures, and having heard counsel for the Applicant,
It is hereby Ordered that:
The property:
1. This Order relates to R15 604,95 in cash seized by members of the South African Police Services (SAPS) under Prince
Alfred Hamlet Cas 46/08/2009.
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property:
2. Section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) provides that all persons with knowledge
of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with any of the movable property to
which this order relates.
In custody of SAPS:
3. In terms of section 38 (4) of POCA, the cash currently under the control of Forensic Laboratory of SAPS and shall remain
there pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings or until this matter is otherwise concluded.
Service and publication:
4. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A,
together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff on the following persons:
4.1 The Respondents; and
4.2 Any other person who becomes known to the Applicant to have an interest in the matter.
5. The Applicant shall further cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A, to be published in the
Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order:
6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
6.1 opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or
6.2 applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property
must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA.
7. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant:
7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such
service; and
7.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
8. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
8.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
8.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of POCA, and is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
8.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such application.
No. 36227
ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)
Application for reconsideration:
9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be
9.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);
9.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice,
given to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the
property. Such application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of
the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying
objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.
Case No. 2262/13
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
In the ex parte application: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and DAN COETZEE,
First Respondent, and MELVIN TIETIES, Second Respondent, in re: R15 604,95 in cash seized by members of the South
African Police Service from 34 Reid Street, Prince Alfred, Hamlet, on 8 August 2009
This notice is addressed to Dan Danny Coetzee and Melvyn Tieties and all other persons who have an interest in the
R15 604,95 in cash (the property).
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the
preservation order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property.
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice
on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it.
3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the Western Cape
High Court under section 48 of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The preservation order will remain
in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made satisfied.
4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the preservation order. The
requirements for such an appearance are set out in the preservation order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5)
of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements.
5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) of POCA for the entry of an
appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above.
6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the preservation order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the
application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the preservation order or to comply with the above requirements, you will
not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the
application. In such a case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of POCA.
8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the preservation order, apply
for reconsideration of the preservation order.
9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case,
you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently.
Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
10. Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the
Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address:
The State Attorney, Mr M Kagee, 5th Floor, 22 Long Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 441-9229. Fax: (021) 421-9364.
Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.
No. 36227
Notice is hereby given by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of
provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions.
The information is given in the following order: Estate number; the applicant; the respondent; the date of the
provisional order granted; the Supreme Court Division; the date of the discharge order.
Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die
tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke.
Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer; die applikant; die verweerder; die datum van
uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof; die datum van die afwysingsbevel.
E14/2012—Sidney Bonnen Birch, Applicant; Chanel van Sensie, Louis Kursnel, Elvis Edmon van Sensie, Beyers
Bernardus Redemeyer and Jan van Sensie, As trustee of the Middleton Workers Trust, Respondents. 19 April 2012,
Eastern Cape; Grahamstown. 18 October 2012.
S19/2012—Applicant is FirstRand Bank Limited (Registration No. 1929/001225/06), a public company with limited
liability duly registered and incorporated in terms of the Companies Act, Act 61 of 1973, with registered address at 1st Floor, 4
Merchant Place,cnr. Fredman Drive and Rivonia Road, Sandton; Respondent is Amanda Rene Pietersen, Identity No.
6702220085000, an adult female, married out of community of property to Hermanus Cyril Pietersen, residential address at
15 Beech Way, St. Francis Bay, Humansdorp, Eastern Cape. 14 February 2012, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth.
6 December 2012.
(Republic of South Africa)
In the ex parte application of: LINDA NAUDE, ID No. 7612020050089, First Applicant, and STEFANUS JOHANNES
ERASMUS, ID No. 6612025143088, Second Applicant
Kindly take notice that application will be made to the above Honourable Court on Monday, 29 April 2013 at 10h00, or as
soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, for an Order in the following terms:
1. That the Applicants be and are hereby granted leave to change the matrimonial property system which presently applies
to their marriage, from one out of community of property with exclusion of the accrual system, to one out of community of
property with exclusion of the accrual system, in terms of Chapter 1 of Act No. 88 of 1984.
2. That the Applicants be and are hereby authorised to enter into a notarial contract, a draft of which is marked Annexure
“K”, to the First Applicant’s affidavit, in terms of which the future matrimonial property system of the Applicants will be governed
as from the date of registration of the said notarial contract in the Deeds Office, Pretoria.
3. That the aforesaid change in the parties’ matrimonial regime shall not in any way prejudice the right of creditors of their
estates whose claims arose before registration of the aforesaid notarial contract.
4. That the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, be and is hereby authorised to register the aforesaid notarial contract within three
months of this Order in terms of the provisions of section 86 and 89 (1) (b) of Act No. 47 of 1937, as amended.
5. That the costs of this application are to be paid by the Applicants alternatively by any unsuccessful party opposing the
granting of this Order.
6. Further and/or alternative relief.
Kindly take notice that anyone who wishes to object to the proposed order to change the matrimonial property regime, or
to make any representation in that regard, can do so by writing to the Registrar of the Court and sending a copy to the
Applicants’ Attorney, or by appearing in the Court on the day of the hearing.
Kindly take notice further that the application and the contract that is proposed to be registered are available for inspection
at Arthur Channon Attorneys, Kimiad Opstal, 123 Wekker Street, Moreletapark, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 997-3747.
(Ref. LDX412/mb/Mr Channon).
No. 36227
Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: E & J Gey van Pittius t/a E & J Builders & Plumbers
CC (PF No. 12/8/20246/9480) Dissolution of Provident Fund
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund:
Participating Employer: E & J Gey van Pittius t/a E & J Builders & Plumbers CC, will lie open for inspection for a period of
30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and
2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: E & J Gey van Pittius t/a E & J Builders & Plumbers CC:
Orion Services, Block 6J, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fund’s Registered Office); and
3. The Chief Magistrate, Goodwood Magistrate’s Court, 273 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, 7459.
Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with
the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the abovementioned 30 days period.
Liquidator: GM Hendrickse, GQH Accounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch,
7600. Tel. (021) 887-2343.
Case No. 13455/13
(Republic of South Africa)
In the ex parte application of: ANTONIOS NIKOS KYRIAZIS, iD: 6910095258087, 1st Applicant, and GINA TARIN
KYRIAZIS, ID: 7811260050086, 2nd Applicant
Be pleased to take notice that Antonios Nikos Kyriazis and Gina Tarin Kyriazis (hereinafter referred to as “the First and
Second Applicants”) intends to make application to the above Honourable Court on 16 April 2013 at 10h00, or soon thereafter
as counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms:
1. That the First and Second Applicants are given leave to change their matrimonial regime from in community of property
to out of community of property;
2. That the draft notarial contract annexed as Annexure “ANK 5” to the application will after registration thereof regulate
their matrimonial property system;
3. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the said notarial contract;
4. This Order—
4.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the granting of this
Order; and
4.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicant as at date of registration of the contract;
4.3 That the antenuptial contract be approved as attached as from date of this application in its current form;
5. That the antenuptial contract, annexed to the Application as Annexed “ANK 1” under registration number H05860/05 be
deregistered by the Registrar of Deeds.
6. Further and/or alternative relief.
The owners of the following Volvo vehicles:
1. Volvo 950 dark blue, Reg. No. 248 BP.
2. Volvo 540, gold colour, NGJ 815 GP.
3. Volvo 540 TL, white.
4. PJY 497 GP, cross country, Reg. AWD.
Any requested to contact Mr. H.A. Jackson at 211 Du Plessis Street, Danville, Pretoria.
Cell: 084 078 8838 in the next 21 days as these vehicles have being on the property for more than 36 months. Failing to
do so will necessitate the vehicles being sold to defray expenses. Any further enquiries please contact the above number.
H.A. Jackson.
Date: 26 February 2013.
No. 36227
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of
Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T68793/2007, passed by
Andries Christiaan Jansen van Vuuren, Identity Number: 5010185012089, and Gesina Wilhelmina Jansen van Vuuren,
Identity Number: 5302280028080, married in community of property to each other, in favour of Duduzile Maureen Khumalo,
Identity Number: 4907080459086, deceased, in respect of Holding Number 11, of Vleikop Agricultural Holdings, Registration
Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, in extent 2,0234 (two comma zero two three four) hectares metres, held by Deed of
Transfer Number T68793/2007, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate are hereby requested to lodge same in writing with the
Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, within 6 weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.
[Form of Publication in terms of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (No. 47 of 1937)]
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds
at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T100011/2007, registered in favour of
Isabella Elizabeth van Jaarsveldt, Identity Number: 4306060046080 and Daniel Johannes van Jaarsveldt, Identity Number:
3810065035080, married in community of property to each other, in respect of certain:
Portion 45 of Erf 822, Risiville Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 430 (four hundred
and thirty) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T100011/2007, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objections to this issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the
Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.
Thus done and executed at the Office of the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria on 15 January 2013.
In my presence.—Registrar of Deeds.
In the matter of: DAVID ALAN YATES, 4611285073086, and GLORIA BRENDA YATES, 4607230018085
Take notice that the Applicants intend applying to the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria at 10h00, on 29 April 2013 or as
soon as Counsel may be heard thereafter, for an order in the following terms:
1. That the applicants are given leave to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a copy whereof is
annexed as Annexure DAY2 to the application, which contract will after registration thereof regulate their matrimonial property
system of the applicants;
2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the said notarial contract.
3. That this Order—
3.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (two) months of the date of the
granting of this Order; and
3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract.
4. Further and/or alternative relief.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Black Top Plant Company, a participant in the
Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund, PF No. 12/8/36438/782, will be open for inspection for the period
15 March 2013 to 15 April 2013 at the offices of—
4. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6,
Pretoria, 0081.
2. The Magistrates Court, c/o Trichardt & Adderley Street, Boksburg, 1460; and
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office: Liberty Life, the address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing
to the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 29 April 2013.
No. 36227
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Black Top Plant Company, a participant
in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund, PF No. 12/8/36438/782, gedurende die tydperk van 15 Maart 2013 tot
15 April 2013, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension
6, Pretoria, 0081.
2. Die Landdros, h/v Trichardt & Adderleystraat, Boksburg, 1460; en
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoofstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Jhb, 2001.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 April 2013,
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Nyathi General Services and Labour
Hire, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund, PF No. 12/8/36006/933, gedurende die tydperk van
15 Maart 2013 tot 15 April 2013, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria, 0081.
2. Die Landdros, Delvillestraat 14, eMalahleni, 1035; en
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoofstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Jhb, 2001.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 29 April 2013,
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Nyathi General Services and Labour Hire, a
participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund, PF No. 12/8/27024/6504, will be open for inspection for the
period 15 March 2013 to 15 April 2013 at the offices of:
4. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6,
Pretoria, 0081.
2. The Magistrates Court, 14 Delville Street, eMalahleni, 1035; and
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office: Liberty Life, the address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objection to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objection in writing
to the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 29 April 2013.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of BM Molefi Properties (Pty) Ltd, a participant
in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund, No. 12/8/36438/2857, will be open for inspection for the period 15 March 2013 to
15 April 2013 at the offices of:
4. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6,
Pretoria, 0081.
2. The Magistrates Court, Hollard Building, 66 Marshall Street, Marshalltown, 2107; and
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office: Liberty Life, the address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objection in writing
to the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 29 April 2013.
No. 36227
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van BM Molefi Properties (Pty) Ltd, a
participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund, No. 2 PF No. 12/8/36438/2857, gedurende die tydperk van
15 Maart 2013 tot 15 April 2013, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van::
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria, 0081.
2. Die Landdros, Hollard Gebou, 66 Marshall Street, Marshalltown, 2107; en
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoofstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Jhb, 2001.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 29 April 2013,
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.
Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappye in Likwidasie
gehou sal word op 10 April 2013 voor die Meester van die Hoë Hof, Pretoria om 10h00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die
magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen.
Pieter Hendrik Strydom, Louisa Selina Kgatle (Co: Lily Mampina Malatsi-Teffo), Mede-Likwidateurs, p/a Bureau Trust
(Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, 0083.
In the ex parte application of: ROBIN THERESA NAUDE, ID: 6704220054085, First Applicant, and SEAN CEDRIC
NAUDE, ID: 6507255073080, Second Applicant
Take notice that on the 12th of April 2013 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the above-mentioned
Applicants will apply for an order in the following terms:
1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the
execution and registration of a marital notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s supporting Affidavit
and is marked “B” and which contract, after registration thereof will regulate their property system;
2. The Registrar of Deeds be authorized to register the notarial contract;
3. This Order—
3.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 months of the date of granting of
this Order; and
3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract.
4. The matrimonial property is divided as follows:
4.1 The following assets shall vests in the name of First Applicant:
4.1.1 Immovable property situated at 61 King Street, Irene (Portion 3 of Erf 112, Irene);
4.1.2 50% undivided share in the immovable property situated Unit 59, Moonstone (Lemonwood Street, Eco Park Estate).
4.1.3 Private Shares in Trout Farm (Dullstroom);
4.1.4 BMW X3 Motor vehicle (Registration Number ZDC195GP).
4.2 The following assets shall vest in the name of Second Applicant:
4.2.1 Shares in companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange;
4.2.2 BMW 320d Motor vehicle (Registration Number VGR806GP);
4.2.3 50% undivided share in the immovable property situated Unit 59, Moonstone (Lemonwood Street, Eco Park Estate).
5. Further and/or alternative relief.
5.1 Please take note that, should any person intend to oppose this application, he must in writing notify the Registrar of the
above-mentioned Court and he must further serve a copy of his notice to oppose on the Applicant’s Attorneys of record on their
address as herein mentioned. Such opposing party must further indicate in his notice to oppose an address as stipulated in Rule
6 (5) of the High Court rules. Any opposing party can also appear in person to oppose at Court on the above-mentioned date.
5.2 Take further notice that a concept of the notarial contract to be registered shall lay open for inspection at the offices of
the Registrar of the above-mentioned Honourable Court as well as the offices of the Applicants Attorneys, of which the address
is indicated herein.
5.3 Be please to take notice that the Affidavits of Robin Theresa Naude and Sean Cedric Naude, will be used in support
of this application.
5.4 Take further notice that the address of the Applicant’s Attorney is as follows:
Danie Potgieter Attorneys, Ground Floor, Building C, Lyttletown, 1 Shelanti Street, Centurion, where notices and pleadings
in this matter shall be accepted.
No. 36227
Case No. 934/2013
(Republic of South Africa)
In the matter between: MMASEALA NTATA MAFORA, ID: 8704190536085, First Applicant, and JOHANNES TSHEPO
MAFORA, ID: 8203035974080, Second Applicant
Take notice that the application will be made on behalf of the above applicants on Thursday, 11 April 2013 at 09:30, or as
soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an order with the following terms:
1. That leave be granted to the parties to amend their matrimonial property that applies to their marriage by the execution
and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s founding Affidavit, marked “A” and which
contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system.
2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract.
3. That this Order—
3.1 shall lapse if the notarial contract is not registered within three (3) months after the date of this Order;
3.2 will not affect the rights of the Applicant’s creditors, if any.
Dated at Bloemfontein on this 5th day of March 2013.
Attorneys for Applicant, Van Pletzen Lambrechts Attorneys, Suite 1B, Westdene Centre, First Avenue, Westdene,
Bloemfontein, 9301; PO Box 29954, Danhof, 9310. [Tel. (051) 448-2861.][Fax (051) 448-2564.] (Ref. MAF11/0001.)
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds
Mpumalanga at Nelspruit intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T132997/2007, dated
27 September 2007, passed by Umjindi Municipality, in favour of Ntomikayise Family Trust, Registration Number
IT7708/2007, in respect of certain:
Erf 3282, Barberton Extension 7 Township, Registration Division J.U., Province of Mpumalanga, measuring 1 240 (one
thousand two hundred and forty) square metres, as will appear from General Plan S.G. Number A731/1985, and held by Deed
of Transfer T132997/2007, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing within six
weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.
Dated at Nelspruit this 29 day of January 2013.
Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga.
(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)
Take notice that the application will be made on behalf of Paulo Amaro Moniz, ID No. 7901105183083, and Crystal
Carmen Moniz (born Mehl), ID No. 8201230191088, on 9 april 2013 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard
for an order in the following terms:
1. That Applicants are given leave to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, which contract will after the
registration thereof regulate their matrimonial system;
2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract within 3 months from the date on which an order is
3. The rights of any creditor of Applicants will not be prejudiced by the registration of the notarial contract;
4. Further and/or alternative relief as Court may deem fit and property.
Take further notice that:
1. Any party who wishes to object or make representations can do so in writing to the Registrar of the above Honourable
Court and by sending a copy to the attorney of record (details listed below) or by appearing on the date of the hearing of the
2. The application will be available for inspection at the Registrar’s office and at the attorney’s office at least two weeks prior
to the date of the hearing of the application.
A Solms, Fernandes & Solms, Applicants Attorneys, Ground Floor, Wentworth House, Midpark Business Village, Greens
Close, Parow, 7500. [Tel. (021) 595-1431.] (Ref. AS/LH/2012/032).
No. 36227
Form/Vorm J 295
In terms of section 75 of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or
tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity.
The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and
address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the
High Court.
Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as
kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede.
Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en
adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die
MC77/2012—Chrisjan Roestorff, 7102075159084. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach. Beëindiging, 24 Oktober 2012. Meester
van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
MC275/2012—Muremeli Inocent Nugu, ID: 880218583108. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach. Aanstelling, 10 Desember 2013.
Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
MC35/2013—Patrick Papakie Moloko, ID: 9408036089080. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach. Aanstelling, 28 Januarie 2013.
Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
MC510/2012—Happy Simangaliso Soli, ID: 0212075863085. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach. Aanstelling, 28 Januarie 2013.
Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
MC 84/10—Johan Pieterse, Posbus 1891, Rant en Dal, 1751. Kurator/Voog: Martha Magdalena Prinsloo, p/a ABSA Trust
Beperk, Posbus 2697, Pretoria. Aanstelling, 17/03/201. Meester van die Hooggeregshof: Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof,
Take notice that Mrs Amarentiea Johanna Elizabeth Pienaar of Möller & Pienaar Attorneys, Suite 1A, 1st Floor, Hatfield
Gables North, 484 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, has been duly appointed by the office of the Master of the High Court, as
Executor for the estate of Estate Late: Doraj Mothobi, Estate No. 1895/2012.
Contact details: P.O. Box 12854, Hatfield, 0028. Tel: (012) 362-0808. Fax: (012) 362-2803. E-mail: amarentlea
Take notice that Mrs Amarentiea Johanna Elizabeth Pienaar of Möller & Pienaar Attorneys, Suite 1A, 1st Floor, Hatfield
Gables North, 484 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, has been duly appointed by the office of the Master of the High Court, as
curator bonis for the estate of Thupae Otshabang Bennet under curatorship, Master’s Reference No. MC4887/02.
Contact details: P.O. Box 12854, Hatfield, 0028. Tel: (012) 362-0808. Fax: (012) 362-2803. E-mail: amarentlea
(Section 75 of Act 66 of 1965)
Notice is hereby given that Garth Merrick Voigt of Idec Trust, 66 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London has by
letters of curatorship no. MC28/2012 dated 30 January 2013 has been appointed as curator to administer the property of
Mncedidi Albert Moni who is resident at 1466 Kwalini Location, Zwelitisha.
SS Moodley, Master of the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Division), Grahamstown
No. 36227
CR40/12—Sanet Heymans, ID No. 6703310058089, Sarel Cilliersstraat 17, Reitz. Curator, Riaan Ahrens, Van Wyk &
Preller Inc, Victoria Office Park, 72 Victoria Road, Willows, Bloemfontien. Appointment, 1 November 2012. Master of the High
Court, Bloemfontein, Free State Province.
CR9/2010 PMB—Eric Douglas Hatcliffe, Helderberg Lodge, Swale Road, Somerset West. Curator/Tutor/Administrator,
WA Barnard and Associates, 20 Conradie Street, Strand, 7140. Appointment, 14 May 2010. Master of the High Court, KwaZuluNatal, Pietermaritzburg.
4162/2000—Beharilal, Shivani, 8902010237088, 10-1st Avenue, Forderville, Estcourt, 3310. Curator bonis, Ignatius
Leopoldus van Rooyen, ID: 6410155144087. Seventh and Final Account. Magistrate’s Office: Estcourt, Master’s Office,
CR347/2012—Georgina Maré van Zyl (ID No. 4507270131089), Alzheimers/Dementia Wing, Oasis Care Centre, Century
Way, Century City, Cape Town. Curator bonis and curator ad Personam: Lambertus von Wielligh Bester, 3rd Floor, Hycastle
House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town. Appointment, 22 January 2013, Master oif the High Court, Cape Town.
Form/Vorm J 193
All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims
with the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publication
hereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of
birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity
number; name and address of executor and authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than
30 days.
Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderinge
by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum
van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en
voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name,
familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent, tydperk
toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.
12443/06—Motone, Fannie Juniors, 1961/01/18, 6101185703089, 5949 Mpebathostraat, Ikageng, Potchefstroom,
21 Januarie 2006; Basetsana Dorah Motone, p/a Klynveld-Gibbens Prokureurs, Nelson Mandelarylaan 118A, Posbus 1738,
Potchefstroom, 2520. Klynveld-Gibbens Prokureurs, Nelson Mandela Rylaan 118A, Potchefstroom.
14655/2012—Knapp, Helmuth, 7 July 1928, 2807075036083, Unit 55, Kruinpark Retirement Village, Wilrow Park,
Roodepoort, 4 August 2012. Leistner Attorneys, PO Box 8587, Pretoria, 0001.
11592/2011—Rudolph, Martha Johanna Petroneli, 1940-02-23, 4002230032080, Roodepoortjie, Ogies, Witbank,
2011-05-25, married in community of property, Johannes Rudolph, 1934-07-18, 3407185025081. Chris Johan Ferreira,
c/o Erasmus Ferreira & Ackerman, WCMAS Building, cnr OR Tambo & Susanna Streets, Witbank.
No. 36227
641/2012—Lottering, Gale Patricia, 1961-02-01, 6102010055083, 2 Witterberg Avenue, Ext. 2, Eldoradopark,
2010/08.10. Rorich Wolmarans & Luderitz Inc, PO Box 2330, Pretoria, 0001.
3988/2013—Gough, Carole Anne Dobbie, 29 May 1938, 3805290065183, 77 Darrenwood Village, 296 First Street,
Randburg, Aldarah Park, 17 January 2013. J G D Wood, c/o Owen L‘Ange Attorneys, PO Box 6657, Flamwood, 2572.
7613/2012—Botha, Teresa Merie, 16-07-1944, 4407160010081, 230 Corry Street, Queenswood, Pretoria, 14-11-2011;
Leon André Botha, 04-07-1945, 450704502008. JD Pretorius, P.O. Box 14527, Nelspruit, 1211.
9865/2011—Mzongwana, Lennox Nonelelo, 1961/09/20, 6109205856084, 3 Phino Ridge, 148 Alethea Street, Lyttleton,
11/06/2011; Nomzamo Mzongwana, 1963/08/18, 6308180868086. Rorich Wolmarans & Luderitz Inc, PO Box 2330, Pretoria,
25357/2008—Mhone, Modester Nomsa, 1987/03/05, 8703051245083, Portion 14 of Erf 1268, Strubenvale, 1 July 2008.
Rorich Wolmarans & Luderitz Inc, PO Box 2330, Pretoria, 0001.
11592/2011—Rudolph, Martha Johanna Petroneli, 1940-02-23, 4002230032080, Roodepoortjie, Ogies, Witbank,
2011-05-25; married in community of property, Johannes Rudolph, 1934-07-18, 3407185025081. Chris Johan Ferreira,
c/o Erasmus Ferreira & Ackerman, WCMAS Building, cnr OR Tambo & Susanna Streets, Witbank.
11592/2011—Rudolph, Martha Johanna Petroneli, 1940-02-23, 4002230032080, Roodepoortjie, Ogies, Witbank,
2011-05-25, married in community of property, Johannes Rudolph, 1934-07-18, 3407185025081. Chris Johan Ferreira,
c/o Erasmus Ferreira & Ackerman, WCMAS Building, cnr OR Tambo & Susanna Streets, Witbank.
001710/2013—Ferreira, Martha Rebecca, 13/12/1927, 2712130013087, Jacaranda Haven, Room 112, 44 Charles
Bramley Street, Muckleneuk, 6 December 2012. Jurien Jordaan, PO Box 3380, Montanapark, 0159.
4461/2013—Pretorius, Theodora Charlotte, 1929-09-22, 2909220043087, 35 Orange Street, Stilfontein, 2013-01-21.
Carel Nicolaas Bekker, 34 Margaretha Prinsloo Street, Klerksdorp.
2973/2013—Botha, Johanna Elizabeth, 1976-01-16, 7601160128086, plaas De Roodekop, Stofberg, Mpumalanga,
2012-11-24. Veritas Boe, Posbus 61237, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, 0045.
4420/2013—Smith, Wilhelmina Elizabeth, 1921-09-28, 2109280041085, Sleigh Street 47, Langebaan, 2013-01-04.
Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
2982/2013—Rozenkrantz, Helen, 1960-11-14, 6011140112088, Plot 114, Rietfontein, Rayton, 2012-12-16. Veritas Boe,
Posbus 61237, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, 0045.
13609/2012—Thomas MacDonald West, 3601145006088, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, in lewe ’n pensionaris
van Villa Lecile Eenheid 18, Braam Pretoriusstraat 539, Magalieskruin, 5 Augustus 2012. C P Vermaak & Cronje, Posbus 204,
Hartbeesfontein, 2600.
3530/2013—Henning, Cornelius Jacobus, 1933-08-09, 3308095025080, 29 Kilmore Avenue, West Crosby, 2092,
2012-12-03; Martha Charlotte Henning, 1937-10-18, 3710180040082. Linda Bode, c/o FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511,
Greenacres, 6057.
5360/2013—Mavric, Klement Ignac, 1951-05-05, 5105055135083, 3 Caister Drive, Mulbarton, Johannesburg, 2059,
2013-01-21. FJ Meyer, I Hythe Avenue, Mulbarton, 2059.
697/2012—Mthembu, John Boet, 1952-02-07, 5202075274081, 226 Crown Road, Rietspruit, Mpumalanga, 2012-09-09;
Emma Mthembu, 1948-03-06, 4803060512087. Neuhoff Khoza Inc, 35 Linden Street, Modelpark, Witbank, 1035, Mpumalanga.
Nil days.
1815/2013—Nezar, Willem, 20 Januarie 1966, 6601205107088, Giraffestraat 36, Modimolle, 17 Desember 2012. Wilna du
Plessis, Posbus 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
14655/2012—Knapp, Helmuth, 7 July 1928, 2807075036083, Unit 55, Kruinpark Retirement Village, Wilrow Park,
Roodepoort, 4 August 2012. Leistner Attorneys, PO Box 8587, Pretoria, 0001.
4461/2013—Pretorius, Theodora Charlotte, 1929-09-22, 2909220043087, 35 Orange Street, Stilfontein, 2013-01-21.
Carel Nicolaas Bekker, 34 Margaretha Prinsloo Street, Klerksdorp.
446/2013—Pretorius, Theodora Charlotte Pretorius, 1929-09-22, 2909220043087, 35 Orange Street, Stilfontein,
2013-01-21. Carel Nicolaas Bekker, 34 Margaretha Prinsloo Street, Klerksdorp.
4458/2013—Blumberg, Harry Israel, 03/10/1922, 2210035023087, Rotary Park No. B23, Randjes Estate, Highlands
North, Gauteng Provinsie, 07/12/2012. Lydia Blumberg, Rotary Park No. B23, Randjes Estate, Highlands North.
320/13—Yende, Jeremiah Mondli, 1938-05-08, 3805085240082, 11 Ngakane Street, KwaThema 1575, Gauteng,
2010-08-11. T Sikhala Attorneys, Suite 303, 3rd Floor, Premium Towers, cnr Van der Walt & Pretorius Street, Pretoria. None.
20592/10—Letlape, Dawid Tshaka Letlape, 1957/11/12, 5711125725082, Erf 1244, Soshanguve GG, Pretoria, Gauteng,
2010/10/19; Nokgotsopo Naume Letlape, 1959/08/04, 5908040591082. Barnard Patel Attorneys, 17 Ivy Street, Clydesdale,
Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028.
4700/2013—Heyns, Paul, 1956/12/11, 5612115112085, 50 Murry Street, Noupoort, Northern Cape, 5950, 2012/10/08,
Barnard Patel Attorneys, 17 Ivy Street, Clydesdale, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028.
2301/2004—Moloisi, Nchayi Mary, 21 December 1949, 4912210248086, Unit 1314, Zone DD, Soshanguve, 0152, 1
March 1996. Judith Motwatsi Nhlapo, Unit 1314, Zone DD, Soshanguve, 0152.
24644/2008—Msiza, Swartbooi Sanyana, 10 July 1921, 2107105102082, Erf 10182, Mamelodi East, 0122, 10 July 2007.
Gertrude Stephina Mahlangu, Erf 1965, Mamelodi Gardens, Mamelodi East.
22043/2007—Makubetse, Moni Andrew, 21 March 1939, 3903215171085, 4340 Zone 4, Ga-Rankuwa, 7 May 2007.
Manatshane Priscilla Makubetse, 4340 Zone 4, Ga-Rankuwa.
No. 36227
18897/12—Smith, Herbert George Maurice, 1950-07-26, 5007265053082, 18 Van Alphenstraat, Baillie Park,
Potchefstroom, 2531, 2012-10-31; Aletta Elizabeth Lukas Gerhardus Jansen van Vuuren Smith, 1957-08-04, 5708040066089.
Karen Eckley representative of Trustees for the Future (Pty) Ltd, 19 & 21 Totius Street, Potchefstroom, 2531; P.O. Box 1993,
Potchefstroom, 2520. 30 days.
2682/2013—Visser, Johannes Arnoldus, 1934-09-14, 3409145040085, Unit 74, Witfield Park, Kettles St, Witfield,
Boksburg, 2013-01-29. Cornel Botha Attorneys, P.O. Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.
24027/2010—Van Eyssen, Cornelius Jansen, 1958-03-01, 5803015079082, 56 Herbert Street, Golf Park, Meyerton,
1961, 2010-07-29. Cornel Botha Attorneys, P.O. Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.
6628/2012—Madalane, Khegu Edith, 1927-05-24, 2705240119083, Stand 735, Soshanguve H, 0152, 2006-10-27.
Mphokane Attorneys, Office 518, Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
18820/2012—Sebati, Mathlodi Ernestina, 1918-08-09, 1808090150082, Erf 4512, Mamelodi, 0122, 2010-08-20.
Mphokane Attorneys, Office 518, Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
636/2012—Swan, Mary Louisa, 1931-07-25, 3107250073087, widow, 15 Jansen Street, Ext 9, Witbank, 1035,
21 September 2012. Theresa Elaine van Besouw, 34 Andrag Street, Durbanville.
17421/2012—Cronje, Alida Magaretha, 13-2-1942, 4202130020082, Stofberglaan 16, Persida, 24/07/2012. Jan van der
Laan, Geldenhuyslaan 2, Delmas, 2210.
2597/2013—Wait, Tielman James, 1960-08-21, 6008215059087, die plaas Nooitgedacht No. 429IP, Klerksdorp,
Noordwes Provinsie, 2012-12-12. LB Prokureurs Ingelyf, 23 Andersonstraat, Klerksdorp.
22431/2012—Kriel, Gabriel Jacobus, 1923-10-10, 2310105025085, Shippard Street 33, Meyerton, 1961, 2012-08-08.
Carl Peters, 3 Hertz Blvd, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, Gauteng.
2033/08—Makubu, Monica Vuyiswa, 1957-08-17, 5708170714086, Stand 759, Evander, 2005-10-31. Streicher-De
Swardt, PO Box 4077, Secunda, 2302.
18957/07—Salejee, Ahmed, 1940-10-17, 4010175091086, Plot 372, IR Slangfontein, Vereeniging, 1939, 2006-08-03.
M Seedat Attorneys, PO Box 14226, Laudium, 0037.
7647/10—Smith, Suzanne Margaret, 1952-12-19, 5212190129086, Plot 97, Droogekloof 471 KR, Bela-Bela, 2010-01-21.
Salome Dekker, 950 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, 0083. 30 days.
5405/10—Smith, Ronald Wilson, 3908285042082, Plot 97, Droogekloof 471 KR, Bela-Bela, 2010-03-01. Salome Dekker,
950 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, 0083. 30 days.
20321/2012—Naude, Johanna Lodewika, 1941-06-14, 4106140025082, 77 Fjordweg, Valhalla K, Pretoria, 0185,
2012-07-05; Leon Naude, 1940-02-14, 4002145022085. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324.
30 days.
4423/2013—Botha, Sedan, 1965-03-31, 6503315110087, 13 Elm Street, Kriel, 2012-12-27. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust,
Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
4001/2013—Manhica, Paulo, 1960-01-01, 6001019596081, 4 Mell Road, Kenmare, Krugersdorp, 1739, 2012-09-19.
Standard Executors and Trustees, 2nd Floor, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North. 30 days.
31782/2012—Oosthuizen, Sophie Dorothy, 1938-01-04, 3801040028084, 28 Louis Trichardt Avenue, Kookrus,
Meyerton, 1961, 2012-10-01. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days.
17293/2012—Makhura, Isaiah, 1940-03-17, 4003175270081, Unit 1484, Block L, Soshanguve, 2012-08-05; Mabomvana
Rosina Makhura, 1943-04-21, 4304210135085. Christian Ludwig Brink, Block 14, Lords Office Estate, 276 West Avenue,
3562/2013—Pretorius, Nicolaas Cornelius, 1953-11/12, 531125067088, 81 Tramway Str, Turffontein, Johannesburg,
2012-07-23. Claude Ackermann.
1631/2013—Gouws, Johanna, 1918-12-06, 1812060010086, Letabastraat 4, Stilfontein, 2012-12-13. Standard Executors
and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days.
4711/2013—Cooper, Marlene, 1932-02-24, 3202240004084, 2A 2nd Ave, Parktown North, 2013-01-03. Sanlam Trust,
Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
5054/2013—De Wet, Francina Elizabeth, 1937-10-26, 3710260009080, Golfstraat 7B, Christiana, 2012-11-21. Sanlam
Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days.
18430/2011—Mia, Sakina, 1938-03-23, 3803230293080, 14 Telmond Ave, New Modder, Benoni, 1501, 2009-12-03.
M Seedat Attorneys, PO Box 14226, Laudium, 0037.
4713/2013—Swarts, Hermanus, 1944-03-15, 4403155089081, Carpe Diem 84 B, Birkholt Ave, Del Judor, Emalahleni,
2013-01-15. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
1679/2013—Jacobs, Jimmy, 1941-12-17, 4112175025088, 78 Xavier Street, Robertsham, 2012-11-07; Rachel Magrieta
Jacobs, 1947-01-28, 4701280068080. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days.
3362/2013—Andrews, Anna Maria, 10 Mei 1929, 2905100034089, Huis Anna Viljoen, Ben Pienaarstraat, Potchefstroom,
4/02/2013. Carel Erasmus-Gaisfords, Posbus 71, Potchefstroom, 2520. N.v.t.
2398/2013—Du Plooy, Cicillia Magdelena, 03/09/1959, 5909030126087, Majubastraat 1, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging,
24/11/2010; Dirk Wouter, 16/09/1957, 5709165181083. PSN, Privaatsak X041, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.
4401/2013—Van der Riet, Daniel Marthinus, 1950-01-27, 5001275106089, Plot 11, Barnardsdal, Smaragstreet,
Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 08-12-2012. Jaco Hill, PO Box 10, Park South, 1910. 30 days.
4417/2013—Stander, Cecilia Christina, 1938-03-22, 3803220002087, Eden Retirement Vilage, Pretoria North,
2013-01-09. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
12145/2011—Sukazi, Kufa Kloppers, 1952-08-09, 5208095446088, Stand 5317 X9, Embalenhle, 2285, 2011-06-29.
Streicher-De Swardt, PO Box 4077, Secunda, 2302.
Mason, Mark Benjamin, 1965-05-26, 6505265062085, 3 Drommedaris Street, Secunda, 2012-11-24. Sanlam Trust,
Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
4415/2013—Theunissen, Michael Johannes, 1951-09-06, 5109065022083, 70 Highwood Villas, Highwood Street, Faerie
Glen, 2013-01-28. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
No. 36227
4709/2013—Beeslaar, Teresa, 1977-10-07, 7710070138083, 777 Berg Ave Florouna, 2013-01-22. Nicolaas Hermanus
Beeslaar, 1964-08-16, 6408165138081. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
602/2012—Stubbs, Edgar Patrick, 1937-09-22, 3709225025082, Portion 1 of Plot 66, White River, Mpumalanga,
2012-09-11. Mary Stubbs, 31 Danie Joubert Street, White River, 1240.
15986/10—Mokoena, Nelson Papanyana, 1967-07-06, 6707065638086, Stand Number 08, Korhaan Street, Hazyview,
4 July 2010. SJ Thobela Attorneys, 15 Paul Kruger Street, Belmont Villas Building, Suite 207, P.O. Box 661, Nelspruit, 1200.
13510/02—Gany, Abdul Rafik, 1956-04-06, 5604065129086, 7276 Coralfish, Lenasia, Extension 7, 2002-06-26. Feroza
Seedat, 11571 Currene Street, Lenasia Extension 13.
18421/2010—Majiet, Salie, 14/12/1956, 5612145181084, 3 Peter Str, Eldorado Park, 06/11/2009; Aziza Majiet,
24/02/1966, 6602240204088. Ayoob Kaka Att.
28087/2009—Dawson, Stephen Andrew, 1967/11/30, 6711305088086, 11 Kel Lodge, Raymond Street, Kelvin, Sandton,
11/09/2009; Karen Ann Dawson, 1961/02/09, 6102090117084. Tanners & Associates, PO Box 378, Strathavon, 2031.
871/2013—Williams, Abel Alexander, 1932/01/22, 3201225005082, 12 Pongola Street, Riverlea, 2012/10/25. Carl Barnat
Williams, c/o Mabetshu Attorneys, P.O. Box 8809, Johannesburg, 2000.
878/2013—Williams, Margaret Fay, 1934/07/29, 3407290091085, 12 Pongola Street, Riverlea; Abel Alexander Williams,
1932/01/22, 3201225005082. Carl Barnat Williams, c/o Mabeshu Attorneys, P.O. Box 8809, Johannesburg, 2000.
26697/2012—Manuel Gonçalves Borrageiro, 4503295041189, 301 Delmont Flats, 41 hurpur Avenue, Benoni,
29 September 2012. M. F. Martins Costa Attorneys, 33 Lakefield Avenue, Lakefield, Benoni.
32361/2012—Maaske, Valerie Charlotte, 05-10-1944, 4410050059085, 8 Flamboyant Street, Dalpark, Brakpan,
31-07-2012; Louis Alfred Maaske. C/o Biccari Bollo Mario Inc., 112 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198.
5380/2013—Mc Guigan, Michael Joseph, 3 March 1935, 3503035049089, 7 Townsend Road, Forest Town,
Johannesburg, 2193, 9 December 2012. Michael John Clacey and Peter Charles Mc Guigan, c/o Tonkin Clacey Attorneys,
24 Baker Street, Rosebank, 2196.
30436/2012—Allen, Yvonne Janet, 27/03/1954, 5403270170187, 131 Magalies Str, Brackendowns, Alberton, 02/11/2012.
Ayoob Kaka Attorneys, P.O. Box 62083, Marshalltown, 2107.
4166/2013—Sherford, Richard Leonard McNeill, 25/02/1948, 4802255071081, 3 Martha Road South, Randpark Ext 2,
Johannesburg, 2012/10/02. BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041.
5277/2013—Sejoe, Tsitsi Elias, 16 April 1927, 2704165145082, 11705 Sekwati Street, Zone 7A, Sebokeng, 18 September
2000; Mampe Emily Sejoe, 21 June 1929, 2906210168080. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building,
88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.
24185/2011—Mhlongo, Andries Simphiwe, 1972-11-21, 7211215585080, 6734 Mkhwanazi Street, Chiawelo Ext 5,
4 September 2011; Elsie Mantwa Mhlongo, 1972-05-16, 7205160984082. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor
Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.
5183/2013—Hlongwane, Beatrice, 1949-03-26, 4903260608089, 7301 Mpshe Crescent Windmill Park X16, 16 November
2012. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726,
Marshalltown, 2107.
3575/2013—Motlohi, Tshepo Johannes, 1956-06-21, 5606215825083, 8346 Mokoena Str, Dobsonville Ext 2, 1863,
2012-08-30; Daphney Motlohi, 1959-06-21, 5906210703081.
4944/2013—Twala, Mmannini Agnes, 1965-06-19, 6506190457085, 4844 Mpengeya Street, Zone 12, Sebokeng, 1982,
2012-09-08. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726,
Marshalltown, 2107.
5278/2013—Thwaane, Annie Veldicia, 1981/08/15, 8108150365081, 19523 Phenyo Drive, Ext 9, Kagiso, 1754,
5275/2013—Ramoba, Nthapeleng Stanley, 27 Sep 1956, 5609275832080, 36 Nonmarien Street, Ennerdale Extension 5,
24 September 2010; Mamohau Cynthia Sejoe, 14 November 1972, 7211140360. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor,
Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.
5071/2013—Mqikela, Qobolakhe Gilbert, 1949-09-04, 4909045718085, 5218 Kwa Masila, Sebokeng, 24 February 2013.
Winnifred Mqikela, 1955-11-14, 5511140820086. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street,
Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.
17420/2008—Raselemeli, Mamohapi Elsie, 1920-11-03, 2011030169085, 15 Monametsi Street, KwaThema, Springs,
2006-05-26. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726,
Marshalltown, 2107.
5170/13—Naidoo, Robin Kistan, 15/10/1969, 6910155060084, 28 Bernina Place, Ext 4, Lenasia, Johannesburg,
03/08/2011; Christina Naidoo, 28/11/1972, 7211280296084. Atts J N Bhana & Assoc, PO Box 769, Lenasia, 1820.
5390/2013—Faure, Jacobus Daniel, 1929-03-31, 2903310003085, Brackencresent, 26 Soetdoring Str, Brackendowns,
2013-02-19. Josias Servaas Faure, 35 Duiwenhokscresent, Brackendowns, Alberton.
1400/2013—Marchi, Daisy Denise, 1940-07-03, 4007030069083, 39 Keiskama Avenue, Gallo Manor, 2012-12-21. Dalida
Marchi, PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.
6221/2010—Bowker, Leslie Francis Frederick, 1952-02-06, 5202065061084, Plot 84, Ring Road, Vaal Marina,
2009-09-17; Lorna Elaine Bowker, 1940-07-12, 4007120015087. Lorna Elaine Bowker, Plot 84, Ring Road, Vall Marina.
30 days.
32393/2012—Reichenberg, Azriel Lionel, 1939/06/14, 3906145082082, 31 Satara Avenue, Gallo Manor, Johannesburg,
2052, 2012/08/22. c/o Moss Cohen & Partners, 21 West Street, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198 (PO Box 659,
Johannesburg, 2000).
5567/2012—Jacobs, Paulus Jacobus Johannes, 1947-11-01, 4711015044082, Number 6, Rheeds Street, Flat No. 1,
Cloudland, Hadden, 2 October 2011. Matela Sibanyoni and Associates, Suite 401, Budget House Building, Johannesburg,
18701/2012—Welsh, John Donnelly, 1920-01-26, 2001265019185, D1 Queenshaven, 74 Outspan Road, South Hills,
Johannesburg, 2001, 2012-01-31. Bernard L du Plessis I, PO Box 1346, Alberton, 1450.
No. 36227
19539/2012—Allanna Regina Ebel, deceased was not married, 5 July 1947, 4707050506183, 36 Main Street, Plot 36,
Hartz Valley Estate, Hartzenbergfontein Agricultural Holdings, Walkerville, 1961, 24 December 2011. Oosthuizens (JHB)
Attorneys, PO Box 10398, Johannesburg, 2000; Docex 322, Johannesburg. E-mail: ooshuizens.jhb@absamail.co.za,
34 Bloekom Street, Hartz Valley Estate, Hartzenberg Fontein Agricultural Holdings, Walkerville, 1961.
4648/2013—Branscombe, Charles John Stamp, 28/11/1928, 57 Stiglingh Road, Rivonia, Johannesburg, 18/12/2012.
Farrell Mitchell, Block G, Hurlingham Office Park, cnr William Nicol and Republic Road, Hurlingham.
5006/2013—Weiden, Johannes Hubertus, 1944-05-20, 4405205015081, 2 Sparrow Crescent, Rant en Dal, Krugersdorp,
Johannesburg, 2013-01-09. Werner Botha, FNB Trust Service, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
3567/2013—Teichmann, Elfriede Margarethe, 1923-08-11, 2308110027187, 303 Park Avenue, 30 3rd Street, Killarney,
Johannesburg, 2012-12-23. Werner Botha, FNB Trust Service, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
5013/2013—MacQuilkan, Ian Duncan, 1930/05/08, 3005085055081, 22 Protea Glen, Kina Avenue, Weltevreden Park,
1709, 2013-01-24; Betty Rosemary MacQuilkan, 1931/02/23, 3102230010085. FNB Trust Services, FNB Building, 4th Floor,
cnr Tyrwhitt & Cradock Ave, Rosebank.
2404/2013—Mabusela, Mantombi Eucal, 1953-01-11, 5301110469084, 11745 Zone 6 Ext, Ikoloni Street, Soweto,
Johannesburg, 2012-10-12. Werner Botha, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
3576/2013—Duffield, Jessie, 1917-04-27, 1704270039189, Room 415 A, San Sereno Retirement Village, Flemming
Road, Bryanston, 2012-12-30. Werner Botha, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
5008/2013—Drummond, Andrew, 1940-03-13, 4003135043180, 17 Colworth Avenue, Mondeor, Allan Manor,
Johannesburg, 2091, 2013-01-22. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
3554/2013—De Jangh, Neville Michael, 1939-08-29, 3908295018080, 30 Victoria Park, Piet Retief Road, Honeydew
Manor, Roodepoort, 2013-01-08. Richard F Reed, 1 Penelope Avenue, Cnr Gordon Road, Florida North, 1709.
20779/2012—Fynn, Marilyn, 11 June 1955, 5506110070084, 43 th Street, Vrededorp, Johannesburg, 20 August 1993.
Lourens De Lange & Minnie Attorneys, 2 Merry Lane, Cnr Landsborough Street, Southdale, Johannesburg, 2135.
3913/2013—Zikhali, Boniface George, 1958-07-30, 5807305642087, 47 Letsopa Street, Vosloorus Ext 8, 2013-01-27;
Elizabeth Mokoena, 1954-11-20, 5411200599086. Nkosi Nkosana Inc, 5 Wiek Street, Bardene, Boksburg.
26507/2011—Joan Mary Bridger, 15 February 1929, 2902150057086, Parkcare, 36 Escombe Avenue, Parktown, 2152,
13 May 2010; deceased was married out of community of property to David Higgs Bridger, 9 October 1920, 2010095071080.
Oosthuizens (JHB) Attorneys, P.O. Box 10398, Johannesburg, 2000; Docex 322, Johannesburg; 34 Bloekom Street, Hartz
Valley Estate, Hartzenberg Fontein Agricultural Holdings, Walkerville, 1961. 30 days.
9198/2012—Grusd, Alan, 1947-07-23, 4707235039084, 25A Forbes Street, Fellside, 2012-01-14. Harry Rosmarin, c/o
Schindlers Attorneys, 2nd Floor, 3 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch.
5425/2013—Nemakonde, Tshipiri Ezra, 1985-02-24, 8502245722084, 8 Algieba Complex, Eastern Lane, Wilgehuewel,
2013-02-24. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, 3 Galena Avenue, Mayfieldpark.
5694/2013—Khubekha, Fana Johannes, 3 March 1940, 4003035455088, 727 Nhlapo Section, Katlehong, 2013-02-17.
Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, 51 Main Street, Suite 508, 5th Floor, JHC Building, Johannesburg.
31674/2012—Segal, Sandra, 25-06-1950, 5006250173087, 12 Kyanie Road, Sundowner Ext 7, Randburg, 23-10-2012.
D H Hall Attorney (Agent for Executrix), 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park, 2196.
17912/2011—Rasetsibi, Bushy Lovedale, 1946-08-29, 4608295361089, 300 Godlo Street, Wattville, 1501, 2011-07-12;
Mantwa Elizabeth Rasetsibi, 1952-07-02, 5207020262081. Mqingwana & Partners Inc, 1st Floor, 1 Eastgate Lane, Bedfordview,
3938/2013—Mdhlalose, Fana Joseph, 1945-05-18, 4505185388083, 611 Dhlomo Street, Wattville, 1501, 30 August 1992;
Maggie Busisiwe Mazibuko, 1951-05-06, 5105060547082. Mqingwana & Partners, 1st Floor, 1 Eastgate Lane, East Block,
Bedfordview, 2047.
12409/2011—Nkabinde, Mandla Absalom, 1957-09-18, 5709185802080, 1279 Longhomes, Piet Retief, 2380,
24-05-2011; Simangele Ivy Nkabinde, 1968-07-10, 6807100402082. Mqingwana & Partners Inc, 1st Floor, 1 Eastgate Lane,
East Block, Bedfordview, 2047.
4698/2013—Woolfson, Goldie Olga, 05-12-1932, 3212050066081, 55 Portman Place, 5 Melrose Street, Johannesburg,
24 January 2013. Fluxmans Inc, Private Bag X41, Saxonwold, 2132.
10246/2012—Harris, Freda Cecilia, 02-03-1939, 3903020086080, 26 Malmesbury Street, Coronationville, Johannesburg,
2092, 17-08-2011. Edward David Harris, 4143 Hay Avenue, Wesbury Ext 3, 2092.
19950/2011—Moima, Mamokete Josephine, 1952-08-20. 5208200289084, 17 Thornpear Crescent, Germiston, 1401,
2008-12-20; Teboho Moima, 1941-06-12, 4106125424086. Bernard L Du Plessis, P.O. Box 1346, Alberton.
14965/2012—Thusini, Sakamuzi Henry, 1943-12-11, 4312115287083, 5 Komsberg Street, Albertsdale, Alberton, 1448,
2011-12-05; Thembeni Amelia, 1949-11-07, 4911070216084. Bernard L Du Plessis, 17 Fore Street, Alberton.
24040/10—Rubin, Augusta Lilian, 12-09-1919, 1909120035085, Silwood Place, 67 Silwood Road, Bramley, 24-06-2009.
Schnaid Rubin & Co, 33 Ninth Road, Kew, Johannesburg, 2090.
4616/2013—Mqwathi, Maleu Daniel, 14 April 1948, 4804165321085, 9614, Unit 7, Sebokeng, 22 October 2012; Selina
Hlakutsa, 25 February 1952, 5202120667083. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, Suite 5, 5th Floor, JHC Building, 51 Main Street,
5109/2013—Kay, Solomon Lazarus, 10-12-1918, 1812105015082, 10 The Crescent Cluster, Morningside, Sandton,
17 February 2013. Fluxmans Inc, Private Bag X41, Saxonwold, 2132.
30970/2012—Botha, Theens, 1956-09-18, 5609185030080, 7 Marlu Street, Selcourt, Springs, 23 September 2012;
Charharina Aletta Maria Botha, 1962-06-28, 6206250262083. P M McDonald Attorneys, P.O. Box 170, Springs, 1560.
2815/2013—Tshabalala, Roselina Ntombizodwa, 30 September 1983, 8309301042088, 17 November 2012. Sivu
Shongwe Attorneys, 3 Galena Avenue, Mayfieldpark.
2528/2013—Sefu, albert Tshuma, 11 February 1960, 6002115879082, 5 Floss Street, Kensington, 4 January 2013. Sivu
Shongwe Attorneys, 3 Galena Avenue, Mayfield Park.
3197/2013—Grippa, Giuseppe Pietro, 3 July 1939, 3907035013187, 252 Thornhill Manor, Retirement Village,
Modderfontein, 1609, 15 December 2012. RL Panicco & Associates, P.O. Box 79230, Senderwood, 2145.
4933/2013—Lipshitz, Shaun Michael Lipshitz, 1975-07-08, 7507085044086, 11 Tennyson Avenue, Senderwood,
Johannesburg, 2013-01-28. Tarynne Charise Lipshitz, c/o Mark Harris Attorneys, P.O. Box 1110, Gallo Manor, 2052.
No. 36227
10122/2010—Mashito, Mable Lerisa, 1966-06-21, 6606210689087, House No. 1682, Refilwe, Cullinan, 28 May 2010;
Mashilo Temane Jackson, 1965-08-31, 6508315229080. Motomiele Inc, 304 Rentel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria.
4568/2013—Hazle, George Graham, 03-10-1924, 2410035024081, Queenshaven, 64 Outspan Road, Johannesburg
South, 2197, 12 November 2011. W Kohler, P.O. Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2043.
15364/2012—Ntibane, Makhegu Queen, 1957-03-08, 5703080384088, No. 373 Khokhonoka Street, Vosloorus, Ext 4,
14 June 2012; Nzula Nelso Ntibane, 1957-03-06, 5703065275087. Matela Sibanyoni and Associates, Suite 401, Budget House
Building, 130 Main Street, Johannesburg. 30 days.
31848/2012—Funani, Mathews Xolisile, 1956-06-19, 5606195815088, 2930 Shezi Street, Tsakane, 2012-10-11. Sanlam
Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
4706/2013—Van der Westhuizen, Jacobus Johannes Hendrik, 1964-08-05, 6408055110083, 133 Roohartbees Laan,
Theresapark, 2012-12-06. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
4712/2013—Fouche, Marie Dorothea, 1926-12-18, 2612180007080, 186 Kessel Street, Fairlands, 2013-01-06. Sanlam
Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
5088/2013—Hartzenberg, Petronella Jacoba, 1950-08-19, 5008190059087, Erf 75 Blaauwbergstraat 20, Polokwane,
2013-01-15; Ferdinand Johannes Hartzenberg, 1943-08-04, 4308045138081. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House,
1685. 30 days.
1607/2013—De Villiers, Maria Magdalena Elizabeth, 7 March 1925, 2503070044087, CU 5, Glenhoven, Garsfontein,
Pretoria, 15 October 2012. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
4471/2013—Smith, Christiaan Mauritz, 14-11-1945, 4511145018083, 42 Adell Crescent, Magalieskruin, 8-02-2013; Jean
Virginia Smith, 10-09-1950, 5009100020086. Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028.
4471/2013—Smith, Christiaan Mauritz, 14-11-1945, 4511145018083, 42 Adell Crescent, Magalieskruin, 8-02-2013; Jean
Virginia Smith, 10-09-1950, 5009100020086. Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028.
5131/2013—Marx, Maria Magdalena, 8-07-1930, 3007080020086, 12 Babiana Str, Brackenhurst, Alberton, 21-01-213.
Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028.
4708/2013—Murgatroyd, John Gavin, 1956-05-19, 5605195224184, 13 Rankdoring Ave, Randpark Ridge, 2013-0-1-08;
Michelle Barbara Murgatroyd, 1961-11-24, 6111240217082. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
4425/2013—Bengu, Duduzile Lydia, 1939-07-27, 3907270231080, Stand 229, Kanyamazane, 2012-02-03. Sanlam Trust,
Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
15883/2012—Nel, Jan Christiaan, 8-8-1945, 4508085088084, 3 Blackmore Str, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 27-06-2012.
Esselens Engelbrechts Inc, P.O. Box 71, Lows Creek, 1302.
1956/2013—Lombard, Sarel Gerhardus, 1924-05-21, 2405215039081, Edenpark Ouetehuis Witbank, 2012-11-15.
Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days.
2470/2013—Kotzé, Tanya, 27-12-1979, 7912270031080, 89 Botanica, 122 Pittslaan, Weavindpark, Pretoria, 19 Januarie
2013. Ghvers Fakude inc, P.O. Box 3248, Pretoria, 0001.
2440/2013—Abdulla, Farook Ahmed, 1950-09-17, 5009175225081, No. 1 Bine Crescent, Lotus Gardens, 2012-07-15.
Ayob & Partners Attorneys, P.O. Box 6537, Pretoria.
15065/2012—Fabricius, Hester Maria, 1930-03-30, 3003300040087, Afsaal Woonstelle 703, Beachweg, Amanzimtoti,
4126, 24-06-2012. W.O.C. Smith Prokureurs, Posbus 430, Wierda Park, 0149.
3271/2013—Du Preez, Jan Hendrik, 15-06-1960, 6006155082013, Norvalstr 545, Morelettapark, Pretoria, 19-02-2013.
R.J. Roets, Moultonlaan 1232, Waverley, Pretoria.
1465/2013—Allen, Aubrey Charles, 25 May 1937, 3705255064181, 51 King Willow Crescent, Randjesfontein, 1685,
14 November 2012. Rita Jordaan Attorneys, PO Box 25310, Monument Park, 0105.
15433/2012—Downig, Anna Maria, 19 December 1916, 1612190016080, Masonic Haven, 54 Jukskei Street, Willows,
Pretoria, Gauteng, 0041, 1 September 2012. Rita Jordaan Attorneys, PO Box 25310, Monument Park, 0105.
1461/2013—Lemmer, Stoffelina Mara, 14 April 1921, 2104140017086, 388 Aries Street, Waterkloof Ridge, 0181,
27 December 2012. Rita Jordaan Attorneys, PO Box 25310, Monument Park, 0105.
19597/2011—Rasool, Salima, 11 December 1942, 4212110039085, 355 Bengal Street, Laudium, 0037, 23-04-2009.
E S Dockrat (Attorney), PO Box 13001, Laudium, 0037.
01523/2013—Schoeman, Heilie Magdalena, 28 July 1932, 3207280092089, Bonteboksingel 126, Theresaburg, Akasia,
17 December 2012. Dawie Beyers Ing., 110 Nicolson Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181. 30 dae.
20176/2012—Pretorius, Theunis, 07-08-1935, 3508075006089, 15 Prieska Park, 644 Tankwastraat, Erasmuskloof,
Pretoria, 0048, 17-11-2012. J B Cornelius, Rietfontein, Naboomspruit, 0560.
5485/2013—Kenney, Donald Cecil, 1928-06-17, 2806175042082, 5 Soetdoring Avenue, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort,
1715, 2012-12-07. Marius Calitz, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
5483/2013—Van Eck, Bentley, 1924-11-29, 2411295046087, 10 Groendoring, Liszt Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 2012-11-16.
Marius Calitz, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
5747/2013—Sneesby, Audrey, 1923-04-24, 2304240057186, C2 Summerfield Park, Jukskeipark, 2188, 2013-01-17.
Marius Calitz, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
28627/2012—Nong, Osiel, 1948-05-31, 4805315564086, 1292 Mbimbisa Close Street, Soweto, Johannesburg, 16 June
2008; Maureen Nong, 1950-06-29, 5006290633082. 1292 Mbimbisa Close Street, Soweto, Johannesburg (Address for
2549/2013—Aletha Johanna du Plessis, 2906010043087, 10 July 2012. Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, PO Box
1003, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
2506/2013—Helena Galgut, 1807290014080, 12 December 2012. Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, PO Box 1003,
Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
5765/2013—Williams, Graham Radcliffe Peter, 14 Januarie 1934, 3401145027089, Wilde Als 20, Drie Riviere Aftreeoord, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 16 Februarie 2013; Catharina Carolina Elizabeth Williams, 18 Februarie 1944, 4402180031084.
Wilna du Plessis, Posbus 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
No. 36227
474/13—Mudau, Thikhathali Vorster, 08-08-1974, 7408085939088, No. 13506 Ext, Protea Glen, Soweto, Johannesburg,
20-12-2012; Mushayatshawe Precilla Mukona, 28-08-1974, 7408280876085. S. Muedi, Muedi & Associates, P.O. Box 1487,
Carletonville, 2500.
3349/13—Mudau, Naledzani Aubrey, 18-02-1958, 5802185788084, 6 Hopkins Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, 07-04-2012.
Mtileni Ester Tsakani, 102 Estoril, 6 Hopkins Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg.
10225/2012—Mohale, Makwenadi Euphen, 13 March 1935, 3503130241086, 39 Ramokgopa Street, Atteridgeville, 0008,
Pretoria, 25 April 2012; Phampha John Mohale, 8 September 1928, 2809085165084. Malefo Attorneys, 502 Central Towers,
286 Pretorius Str, cnr Central, Pretoria. 30 days.
23156/2012—Van den Berg, Johannes Jacobus, 29 December 1959, 5912295068085, 32 Hans Coetzee Avenue, SW5
Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 14 July 2012. Marcell van Wyngaard, PO Box 472, Vereeniging, 1930.
19852/2012—Masikane, Idah Mmabatho, 1961-04-04, 6104040869087, Stretford Extension 01, 2680 Daisy Street, Stand
No. 00002680, 2012-01-06. Raisibe Mary Lekalakala, 2229 Ramoggi Mathibestad, Hammanskraal.
16510/2012—Marticke, Dieter Reinhold, 2 March 1932, 3203025008183, 20 Kiewietsnes, Conandoyle Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 24 May 2012; Lieselotte Marticke, 10 October 1935, 3510100028187. Mr Michael Braun, PO Box 12272, Lumier,
15276/2012—Otte, Rainer, 25 July 1941, 4107255032103, 165 Stymie Avenue, Clubview West, Pretoria, 15 February
2011; Rose Otte, 3 July 1942, 4207030038183. Leistner Attorneys, PO Box 8587, Pretoria, 0001.
15276/2012—Otte, Rainer, 25 July 1941, 4107255032103, 165 Stymie Avenue, Clubview West, Pretoria, 15 February
2011; Rose Otte, 3 July 1942, 4207030038183. Leistner Attorneys, PO Box 8587, Pretoria, 0001.
18784/2012—Visage, Jan Paul, 1948-03-14, 4803145035088, 66 Krisant Street, Riamarpark, Bronkhorstspruit,
2012-08-30; Louise Visage, 25-11-1957, 5711250120083. Herculaas Venter, FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park,
0102. 30 days.
520/2012—Meyer, Marthinus Gerhardus, 1933-02-14, 3302145003080, 18 Acacia, Kanonkop, Middelburg, 2012-08-06.
Herculaas Venter, FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.
12999/2012—Esterhuizen, Jan Christoffel, 24 October 1957, 5710245021083, 670 Attie Street, Booysens, Pretoria,
4 August 2012; Petronella Jacoba Esterhuizen, 8 October 1965, 6510080701081. Stephan Kruger, 51 Elandslaagte Street,
Hazelwood, Pretoria.
Zwane, Kali Mateu, 5209285473080, 824/4B Fernie, Ermelo, 03-01-2011. Wheeler Slabbert & Ledwaba Proks, Posbus
146, Ermelo, 2350.
Jansen, Ephraim Manqoba, 5707185659088, Kleynhansstraat 9, Ermelo, 02-01-2005; Doris Thandi Nkosinathi Msibi,
22-08-1964, 6408220485089. Wheeler Slabbert & Ledwaba Proks, Posbus 146, Ermelo, 2350.
1544/2013—Logie, Huntly, 22 June 1937, 3706225036085, 22 Ambassador Crescent, Waterkloof Valley, Monument Park
Ext 5, Pretoria, 22 November 2012. Hirish Kalian Attorneys, PO Box 2749, Parklands, 2121.
8020/2012—Hartzenberg, Elizabeth Susanna Gertruida Hartzenberg, 06-11-1948, 4811060069081, 10 Glenfauna
Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park, 17 February 2012; Pieter Hermanus Marthinus Hartzenberg, 24-06-1954,
5406245097088. Adv Karen Coetzer, Somerset Office Park, Bullseye Building, 5 Libertas Rd, Bryanston; PO Box 731302,
Fairland, 2030.
8020/2012—Hartzenberg, Elizabeth Susanna Gertruida Hartzenberg, 06-11-1948, 4811060069081, 10 Glenfauna
Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park, 17 February 2012; Pieter Hermanus Marthinus Hartzenberg, 24-06-1954,
5406245097088. Adv Karen Coetzer, Somerset Office Park, Bullseye Building, 5 Libertas Rd, Bryanston; PO Box 731302,
Fairland, 2030.
16122/12—Sim, Maria Louisa, 10-10-1943, 4310100034080, 25 Steel Road, Cresslawn, Kempton Park, 23-08-2012.
John Deans Sim, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619.
23256/06—Ngoza, Elmon Sipho, 1961-05-10, 6105105579081, Stand No. 2115, Ptn 12, Ebony Park Ext 4, 2006-05-16;
Nelisiwe Silindile Makhaye, 1977-11-08, 7711060647089. Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc. Attorneys, 1st Floor, Ruimsig
Boulevard, cnr Hendrik Potgieter and Doreen Road, Ruimsig, Roodepoort.
1160/2011—Baloyi, Dingi, 1972-10-18, 7210185385083, Unit 39, Pipers Point, Honeydew Ridge Ext 12, 2010-12-01.
Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc. Attorneys, 1st Floor, Ruimsig Boulevard, cnr Hendrik Potgieter and Doreen Road, Ruimsig,
13161/09—Johannes van den Bosch, 4604045162182, Plot 261, Mooiplaats, Pretoria, 10 April 2009. C van Niekerk,
PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park; Posbus 55799, Arcadia, 0007. 30 dae.
5015/2013—Garbers, Jan Adriaan, 3 November 1936, 3611035009084, 641 Lighthouse Road, Fynnland, Bluff, Durban,
1 Oktober 2012; Elizabeth Johanna Garbers, 13-03-1937, 3703130017086. P.J. Theron, Posbus 6025, Weltevredenpark, 1715.
2919/2013—Jacobs, Hanlie Ronel, 1961-08-15, 6108150016082, Plot 184, Krokodildrift West, Brits, North West,
2012-12-08. Van Rensburg Attorneys, P.O. Box 4541, Brits, 0250.
32678/2012—Visser, Christina Maria Visser, 1925-03-07, 2503070002085, House Silversig, Jasmyn Avenue, Silverton,
Pretoria, 2012-10-13. Hercules Albertus Haasbroek, 30 Fairwood Avenue, The Orchards, 0201.
4180/2013—Antonius Carolus Gerardus Maria van Dijk, 4 February 1941, 4102045031085, 6 Le Paradis, 40 Laubscher
St, Glenvista, 8 February 2013; Yvonne van Dijk, 5502220035083. Authorised Agent: S&E Trustees, Block B1, White Thorn
Office Park, 606 Kudu Str, Allen’s Nek, Roodepoort; PO Box 5575, Weltevredenpark, 1715. 30 days.
1413/2012—Plein, Joan Rhona, 29 September 1927, 2709290049083, 83A Sixth Avenue, Melville, 26 July 2012. Papilsky
Hurwitz, PO Box 46319, Orange Grove, 2119. 30 days.
No. 36227
4841/2013—Josias Andreas van Zyl, 29 September 1952, 5209295154084, 8 Thrush Str, Rant en Dal, Krugersdorp,
28 January 2013. S&E Trustees, Block B1, White Thorn Office Park, 606 Kudu Str, Allen’s Nek, Roodepoort; PO Box 5575,
Weltevredenpark, 1715. 30 days.
4832/2013—Havelock William Kinsey, 20 October 1918, 1810205026082, 2 Nicolway, 266 Wilson Str, Fairlands, 27 May
2012. S&E Trustees, Block B1, White Thorn Office Park, 606 Kudu Str, Allen’s Nek, Roodepoort; PO Box 5575, Weltevredenpark, 1715. 30 days.
Makua, Lusi Calista, 5807190320088, Stand 643, Malabestraat X1, Zithoboni, Bronkhorstspruit, 08-10-2012; Jim Makua,
1966-11-16, 6611165745082. Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark, 0047.
3144/2013—Hayes, Petronella Johanna Susanna, Eenheid 19, Rotary Village, Protea Ouetehuis, Primrose, 1401,
07-02-2013. Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark, 0047.
1740/2013—Brincker, Catherina Maria van Ryneveld, 1927-01-01, 2707310042088, 304 Norwich Hall, West Kernick
Ave, Melrose North, Johannesburg, 2196, 2013-01-05. Rob Garner, 2 Rocktree Close, Summerwood, Pinehurst, Durbanville,
3061/2013—Alwyn Jacobus Groenewald, 17 December 1946, 4612175029089, 9 Robin Lane, Lilianton, Boksburg,
8 January 2013. S&E Trustees, Block B1, White Thorn Office Park, 606 Kudu Str, Allen’s Nek, Roodepoort; PO Box 5575,
Weltevredenpark, 1715. 30 days.
32251/2012—Stoltz, Pieter Martin, 1951-07-09, 5107095046080, Rennielaan 107, Sundra, Witbank, 2012-11-19;
Johanna Maria Stoltz, 1958-04-01, 5804010154086. Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 1556, Strubensvallei, 1735. 30 dae.
1971/2013—Smith, Cecil Charles, 1958-05-29, 5805295030081, Tweedylaan 66, Brenthurst, Brakpan, 2012-12-01;
Annelee Francis Smith, 1962-08-19, 6208190032089. PO Box 1556, Strubens Valley, 1735. 30 days.
10899/2012—Papadi, Wilson Alfred, 30 October 1952, 5210305632085, 11862 Flamingo Street, Kagiso Extension 6,
Krugersdorp, 2 February 2012; Nompumelelo Constance Papadi, 16 September 1960, 6009160899089. Johann Grobler &
Associates, 5 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort.
8517/2012—Worsley, Ashwell, 1963-03-26, 6303265084089, Plot 152, Blesboklaagte, distrik Witbank, 2012-04-11. Johan
Coetzee Inc., 42 Plumer Street (PO Box 913), Witbank.
18769/2012—Neuhoff, Elizabeth Margrietha, 18-04-1928, 2804180027081, 15 Cambridge Street, Farrarmere, 1501,
19-07-2012. Johannes Jacobus Rossouw, 53 O’Reilly Merry Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501.
28081/2012—Tuin Pat Loo, 3201115076086, 65 Third Ave, Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg, 4 October 2012.
Gemagtigde Agent: Raccanello Attorneys, 24A Bradford Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg. 30 days.
30763/2012—Shinaaz Scheepers, 6603110096083, 174 Third Avenue, Bez Valley, Johannesburg, 9 September 2012;
Ganief Nakierin Scheepers, 6202055173088. Gemagtigde Agent: Raccanello Attorneys, 24A Bradford Road, Bedfordview,
Johannesburg. 30 days.
28082/2012—Madimetja Happyman Mphahlele, 5906195742088, 131 Christian Dube Str, Mmesi Park, Dobsonville, 22
August 2012. Gemagtigde Agent: Raccanello Attorneys, 24A Bradford Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg. 30 days.
24759/2012—Johnson, Noël Andrew, 1957-12-19, 5712195078089, 8 Jaguar Street, Edenpark, 2012-09-14; Maria
Johnson, 1953-06-09, 5306090149085. De Wet Reitz Attorneys, PO Box 44692, Linden, 2104. 30 days.
6413/11—Heyneke, Albertha Johanna, 1939-02-11, 3902110030081, Robinsonlaan 66, Discovery, Roodepoort, 2011-03-14.
G Bredenkamp, PO Box 4983, Cresta, 2118.
3552/2013—Odendaal, Albertus Johannes Muller, 1946-12-25, 4612255095083, 26 Scott Crescent, Brenthurst,
Brakpan, 2012-12-05. Boela van der Merwe, PO Box 346, Germiston.
3883/2013—Johnson, Marlon Aswin, 1980-11-03, 8011035072080, 12 Germanium Crescent, Ennerdale, 2013-01-09;
Melissa Dale Johnson, 1981-09-16, 8109160270089. Boela van der Merwe, PO Box 346, Germiston.
19596/2012—Coetzee, Gerda Johanna, 1951-11-27, 5111270146087, 9 Hermie Court, Long Street, Kempton Park,
2011-10-16. Boela van der Merwe, PO Box 346, Germiston.
13157/09—Jacobi van den Bosch, 4805010144184, Plot 261, Mooiplaats, Pretoria, 10 April 2009. C van Niekerk,
PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlopark (Posbus 55799), Arcadia, 0007. 30 dae.
5230/2013—Van Wyk, Elizabeth Magritha Botha, 25 April 1937, 3704250047085, Sarel Cilliersstraat 33, Paul
Krugerpark, Springs, Gauteng, 1559, 9 Februarie 2013. Viljoen en Meek Prokureurs, Voortrekkerstraat 29, Heidelberg,
Gauteng, 1441.
2884/2013—Lengton, Johanna Susanna, 30 Maart 1937, 3703300037088, Geraldweg 14, Robertsham, Johannesburg,
Gauteng, 10 Augustus 2012. Viljoen en Meek Prokureurs, Voortrekkerstraat 29, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1441.
4695/2013—Van Zyl, Jacobus, 1984-10-30, 8410305133087, 7 Berg Street, Rustenburg, 2013-01-19. Sanlam Trust,
Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
5210/2013—Speirs, Dugald, 14-02-1947, 4702145087182, 7 Edengardens, 13 Schonland Park, Elma Park, 1609,
04-02-2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
Pienaar, Johannes Petrus, 10-04-1945, 4504105041088, Limpopolaan 104, Doringkloof, Centurion, 0157, 31-01-2013.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Coetsee, Deon, 13-12-1951, 5112135025086, Resthill Elderly Care, Pretoriusstraat 105, Laezonia, Pretoria, 04-01-2013.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Cloete, Alwyn Jasper, 21-03-1922, 2203215008085, Susan Strydomhuis, Gordonstraat 30, Colbyn, 0083, 11-12-2012.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Botha, Hester Catharina Viljoen, 09-03-1935, 3503090004086, Deel 8 (Huis No. 8), Protea Aftree-oord, Verwoerdburg 1,
Lyttelton, 0157, 04-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
No. 36227
Botha, Esther Cornelia, 27-01-1921, 2101270035086, Woonstel 21A, Najaarsrus, Dolfstraat 65, Parys, 9585, 17-12-2012.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Bopape, William Moloko, 01-08-1970, 7008015525088, 955 Block G, Soshanguve, 0152, 13-01-2013; Veroniccah Sinah
Bopape, 13-11-1976, 7611130407080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Dreyer, Catharina Maria, 25-10-1916, 1610250023087, Centurion Rusoord, h/v Cradock- & Potgieterstraat, Lyttelton,
0157, 08-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Dippenaar, Tobias Benade, 14-03-1942, 4203145009086, Amajubastraat 61, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 1739,
31-12-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
De Bruin, Johannes Christoffel, 01-04-1948, 4804015096085, 2de Straat No. 7, Delarey, Roodepoort, 1709, 09-01-2013;
Cornelia Elizabeth de Bruin, 17-06-1949, 4906170054088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
De Beer, Mintha Johanna, 09-11-1928, 2811090019082, Ruimte Dienssentrum, Eeufeesstraat 383, Pretoria-Noord, 0002,
07-04-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
002350/2013—Malejwane Raymond Sejake, 31-03-1956, 8789 Tsiki Street, Zone 3, Diepkloof. Botho Cynthia Sejake, c/o
Chiba-Jivan Inc., 53 Church Street, Mayfair, 2092. 30 days.
23425/2012—Schoeman, Douw Gerbrandt, 10 June 1939, 3906105095082, 3 Haddon Heights, Napier Street, Haddon,
Johannesburg, 7 August 2012. Zelda Ann Schoeman, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074. 30 days.
27951/2012—Snelling, Michael George Edmund, 27-07-1939, 3907275050188, 9 Van Deventer Avenue, Edenglen,
15-09-2012. Calteaux & Partners, 165 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale.
3638/2013—Staessen, Kevin Herman Claude, 1984-03-22, 8403225078086, 10 Maudehurst Street, Jukskei Park, 2195,
2013-01-20. Sharon O/Hagan, 4 Forrest View, Janine Road, Northwald.
191/2006—Beverly Rochford Thomas, 15-12-1952, 5202150048087, 7 Bellatrix Road, Sunward Park, Boksburg,
18-10-2005; Stuart Richford Thomas, 13-05-1946, 4605135147181, deceased 05-02-2004. Authorised Agent: Gavin Mostert
Attorney, 112A Boeing Road East, Edenvale. 30 days.
23867/2010—Twala, Piet David, 1963-08-09, 6308095371085, Erf 188, Alexandra East Bank, Pretoria, 1997-09-27.
Mollentze & Associates, P O Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.
10754/2012—Venketreddy (Naicker), Susan, 1973-06-20, 7306200203085, 8864 Shari Street, Lenasia Ext 10,
Johannesburg, 2012-01-01; Othniel Michael Venketreddy. Mollentze & Associates, P O Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.
3735/2013—Vermaak, Roderick Anthony Nicolaas, 24 April 1944, 4404245075080, 18 B De Waal Street, Brakpan-North,
12 December 2012. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
3915/2013—Joseph Basil Wells, 1930-01-06, 3007065054084, 455 Petunia Street, Geluksdaal, Gauteng, 2012-11-29;
Wells Nomacala Tryphina, 3608150228085. Wells Nomacala Tryphina, 455 Petunia Street, Geluksdaal, Gauteng.
Norval, Martha Susanna, 02-01-1936, 3601020018083, Van Heerdenstraat 217, Capital Park, 0084, 22-06-2012. ABSA
Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Pienaar, Adolph Jacob, 17-04-1936, 3604175011085, SAVF Ouetehuis, Hendrik Potgieterstraat, Pachestraat, Zeerust,
2865, 09-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
5530/2013—Arnold, Geoffrey Thomas, 1941-04-17, 4104175102181, 208 Heathwood, 30 Wood Road, Blackheath,
2012-08-07. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
5335/2013—Van der Merwe, Johannes Lodewikus, 1959-08-09, 5908095009089, Daphnestraat 2, Del Judor,
2013-01-31. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days.
12754/2011—Van der Merwe, Rudolph, 1951-07-22, 5107225071081, Retiefstraat 18, Delmas, Mpumalanga, 2210,
31 Mei 2011. Karen van Niekerk Prokureurs, 10 Candlewood Close, Woodlands Lifestyle Estate, 0072.
4993/2013—Wilson, Ernest David, 17-01-1944, 4401175076088, 806 Lakepoint, Lakestraat 14, Denlee, 1401,
18-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.
5198/2013—Botha, Carel Sibastian Van Heerden, 13-05-1931, 3105135050080, Jubleelaan 36, Downview, Germiston,
1401, 10-01-2013; Botha, 16-11-1932, 3211160080081. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
4552/2013—De Bruyn, 03-05-1951, 5105035033085, Sesdelaan 47, Nigel, 1490, 09-11-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eike
Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.
5209/2013—Harmse, Gordon Gideon, 15-09-1928, 2809155012083, 60 Bergh Street, Florentia, Alberton, 1449,
28-12-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
4544/2013—Henstock, 23-03-1932, 3203235021083, 77 Elsburg Road, Delville, Germiston, 1401, 05-08-2012. ABSA
Trust Bpk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.
5193/2013—Jooste, 12-10-1937, 3710125057084, Klipwagterlaan 3, Drie Riviere Oos, Vereeniging, 1941, 16-12-2012;
Louisa Hendrina Jooste, 22-12-1943, 4312220028083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en
Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.
4072/2013—Prince, Martha Maria, 25-04-1937, 3704250023086, 131 Wooton Avenue, Western Extension, Benoni, 1500,
11-01-2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
5211/2012—Kruger, Johanna Phillippina Magdalena, 20-01-1924, 2401200017083, Bloekomlaan 10, Sundra, 2200,
11-06-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
4551/2013—Kovacs, Alexander Sandor, 21-02-1938, 3802215104189, Unit 109 No. 2, Umtata Road, Norton Park,
Benoni, 1505, 01-11-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
5195/2013—Knouwds, Salmon Jacobus Phillipus, 13-04-1968, 6804135016086, 55 Els Street, Elsburg, 1407,
08-12-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
Mojele, Ineeleng Freda, 07-10-1947, 4710070007083, House No. 784, Pheseke Section, Baleema, 0336, 09-12-2012.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Meyer, Buhle Rose, 03-03-1974, 7403030282080, Unit 311, Mostyn Hall, 7 Princess Place, Parktown, 2193, 11-11-2012;
Meyer Jeffrey Milton. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Mathebula, Nomsa Maureen, 28-02-1964, 6402280408081, 310 Vaalpark, Kwandebele, 0449, 19-08-2012. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
No. 36227
Mabuela, Martin Michael Motsumi, 28-03-1973, 7303285329083, 16 Mabborn Crescent, Midstream, 0140, 04-02-2013.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Lekgothoane, Paulina, 09-06-1959, 5906090402085, 34 Drosera Crescent, Lotus Gardens, 0008, 11-12-2012. ABSA
Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Kingsbury, Susanna Gertruida, 27-07-1933, 3307270029081, Huis Hermon Oue Tehuis, Genl De Westraat, Pretoria
Noord, 10-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Jankowitz, Cornelia Jacoba, 06-03-1929, 2903060070086, Sonskyn Aftreeoord, Block A Huis 3, Rustenburg, 0305,
10-10-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Jacobs, John Herbert, 07-12-1956, 5612075239084, 363 Sonneblom Road, Doornpoort, Pretoria North, 0017,
15-12-2012; Joanne Jacobs, 5608190215082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Hawyes, Mervyn George, 08-11-1937, 3711085072089, Unit 175, Wilropark Retirement, Village, 7 Steinman Road,
Wilropark, 1731, 02-12-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
2878/2013—Gwenossis, Michael, 03-04-1924, 2404035041088, 28 Gold Street, Triomf, Johannesburg, 2092,
26-12-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Greyling, Jacob Pieter, 28-07-1925, 2507285011088, F007 Hilltops 97/1982, Bostonstraat 529, Elarduspark, 0181,
25-01-2013; Sophia Aletta Greyling, 13-07-1926, 2607130012081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
2662/2013—Gibson, Gertruida Johanna, 29-10-1950, 5010290017080, Anna-Lynnepark 5, Vinkstraat 997, Silverton,
0184, 12-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van Wyk, Carel Frederick Christoffel, 19-12-1933, 3312195003088, Edgarstraat 609, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0182,
24-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
2379/2013—Van Rheede Van Oudtshoorn, Wilhelmus Petrus, 19-03-1953, 5303195061083, Inner Singel 63, Wespark,
Pretoria, 0183, 19-12-2012; Gertruida Francina Van Rheeda van Oudtshoorn, 31-10-1954, 5410310001082. ABSA Trust Bpk,
Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van Heerden, Johannes Lodewicus, 21-05-1935, 3505215011086, Berghang 52, Edelvalkstraat 16, Ninapark, 0156,
11-01-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van der Walt, Johan Christiaan, 18-09-1935, 3509180013085, 23 Kwartelstraat, Rooihuiskraal, Pretoria, 0157,
13-12-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van der Walt, Elsabe, 22-09-1978, 7809220054081, Bingastraat 6A, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043, 27-01-2013. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van der Vyver, Willem Aadrian, 13-09-1944, 4409135011087, Wilebeeshoek 22, Pretoria-Noord, 0182, 10-01-2013.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Truter, Nicolaas Albertus Jacobus, 13-07-1940, 4007135041086, De Villierstraat 63, De Aar, Huis Eljorie, 7000,
05-02-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
2394/2013—Tanner, Christopher, 29-08-1937, 3708295047083, 854 Cascade Avenue, Little Falls, Roodepoort, 1724,
15-12-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Naude, Geoffrey Norman, 16-06-1951, 5106165072083, 46 Georginia Street, Horison, Roodepoort, 1724, 20-01-2013.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
2288/2013—Wessels, Jacobus Andries, 19 Augustus 1933, 3308195011089, John Vorsterweg 37, Ermelo, Mpumalanga
Provinsie, 17 Januarie 2013. WL Sekretarisse en Trust MPY (Edms) Beperk deur dys gemagtigde amptenaar FH Odendaal,
Posbus 549, Ermelo, 2350.
3920/2013—Malinga Lungi Annabel, 1935-11-06, 3511060212084, 9716 Bathoen Street, Tsakane, 1550, Gauteng,
2010-02-10. Malinga Khaya Michael, 9716 Bathoen Street, Tsakane, 1550, Gauteng.
4503/2013—Aab, Irmgard Dorothea Margarethe, 16 September 1928, 2809160018083, German Old Age Home, 9 Lewis
Road, Richmond, Johannesburg, 17 October 2012. Hanneliese Karin Lemmerer, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
30 days.
8233/07—Bhungeni, Zephania, 1968-08-08, 6808087020186, No. 3 Dudly Road, Parkwood Upper, 2006-09-23; Tandeka
Bhungeni, 1965-10-12, 6510121058186. Sim & Botsi Attorneys, No. 3 Dudley Road, Parkwood Upper.
Bernardes, Joaquim Da Silva, 1936-07-02, 3607025037085, 62 Sixth Street, La Rochelle, Johannesburg, 2190,
2012-12-23; Camila De Oliveira Bernardes, 1935-08-06, 3508060035085. Mercantile Bank Ltd, PO Box 782699, Sandton,
2820/2013—Clive Mervyn Brett, 4008225025088, Benoni, 08/12/2012. Catherine HM Brett, PO Box 9320,
Brentwoodpark, 1505. 30 days.
5640/2013—Rekha Bikhu Dhobi, 28 February 1967, 6702280457081, No. 9 St Jefferey Avenue, Langlaagte North, 18
December 2012. Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, First Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, 2092, Johannesburg.
31803/2012—De Bruyn, Elizabeth Margareth, 4 April 1941, 4104040042083, Unit 39 Victoria Park Retirement Villa,
Honeydew, Johannesburg, 12 November 2012; Johannes Phillippus de Bruyn, 3 August 1936, 3608035035085. P J Janse van
Rensburg, 1 Chris Street, Kloofendal Ext 3, 1724.
Pretorius, Hendrik Johannes, 11/04/1967, 6704115048085, Maritzstraat 55, Tzaneen, 0850, 04/02/2013. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
3287/2013—Ferreira, Christiaan Frederick, 1949-07-22, 4907225040080, 43 Broom Road, Casseldale, 2012-06-27.
Willem Mollentze, PO Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.
3919/2013—Mhlanga Gibborn, 1964-03-12, 6403125258087, 31504 Ilanga Street, Extension 15, Tsakane, 1550,
Gauteng, 2013-01-16; Mhlanga Anna, 6210070697080. 31504 Ilanga Street, Extension 15, Tsakane, 1550, Gauteng.
4535/2013—June Elizabeth Gombart, 18-04-1957, 5704180028088, 3 Sun Hill, 162 Smit Street, Fairland, 2031,
4 February 2013. Brian Phillip Gombart, c/o PO Box 2896, Pinegowrie, 2123.
17539/2012—Harding, George Russel, 26/07/1943, 4307265074083, 6 Camphor Road, Croydon, Kempton Park,
26/06/2012. Calteux & Partners, 165 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvalde.
No. 36227
29042/2012—Gertrude Mmaphefa Molekwa, 10/10/1959, 5910101237084, 7243 Matakalatsane Street, Roodekop
Ext 31, Alberton, 10/10/2012. Swart Redelinghuys Nel and Partners Inc, 245 Voortrekker Drive Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739.
4842/2013—Meyer, Barend Christian, 19 November 1933, Athol Evans Retirement Village, 74 Le Roux Drive, Hillside,
Harare, Zimbabwe, 2 February 2013. David Fordyce Anderson, PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074. 30 days.
15630/2012—Alfred Siliki Matshaba, 27/05/1952, 5205275526085, 4042 Seme Street, Mohlakeng Ext 3, 3/4/2012;
Matseliso Mari-Stella Matshaba, 6210060413084. Swart Redelinghuys Nel and Partners Inc, 245 Voortrekker Drive Monument,
Krugersdorp, 1739.
2436/2013—Martin, Glen, 18/09/1965, 650918520080, 49 Fourth Avenue, Highlands North, 13/10/2011. Stupel & Borman
Inc, 70 Lombart Street, Germiston.
2119/2013—Alfred Henry Martin, 27 July 1955, 5507275015088, 21 Honeybird Street, Helikon Park, Randfontein, 1759,
29 August 2012. Susanna Hermina Martin, 21 Honeybird Street, Helikon Park, Randfontein, 1759.
14923/06—Daniel Mandlenkosi Mkhwanazi, 8 January 1971, 7101085874088, 7605 Ekuthuleni Ext 31, Roodekop,
Germiston, 14 September 2006; Sikhangezile Donga, 8108231049183. K.M Mophosho Attorneys, Suite 2222 (2nd Floor)
Carlton Int. Trade Centre, Johannesburg, 2001.
12520/2011—Letshedi, Levy Christian, 1967-07-17, 6709175809086, 35 Mothwosi Street, Orchads Ext 11, 0182,
25/11/2011. Mohalekgomo Paulina Letshadi, L.S Molope Building, Suite P3, 1st Floor, Zone 15, 696 Mothudi, Ga-Rankuwa,
28623/2012—Albert Kroch, 9 July 1942, 4207095035082, 11 Raedawn Hof, Elizabethstraat No. 12, Robertsham,
Johannesbrg, 19 October 2012; Hester Maria Magdalena Kroch, 4709270051081. BJ van der Walt & Schoeman Inc. Attorneys,
4 Du Plessis Street, Florentia, Alberton, 1449; PO Box 1261, Alberton, 1450.
4486/2013—Kothe, Euphemia Greig, 4 September 2022, 2209040022084, Unit 79, Olive Grove Retirement Village,
Pritchard Street, North Riding, 23 December 2012. Nedgroup Trust Limited, Nedbank Building, 135 RIconia Road, Sandton,
3135/2013—Hugo, Johanna Susanna, 1971-08-09, 7108090200084, Unit 2 SS Flamingo Court, Heidelberg, 2012-11-09.
Willem Mollentze, PO Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.
23776/2012—Richard Thamsanqa Hlati, 1 October 1970, 7010015383088, 717 Libya Street, Chief Albert Luthuli Park Ext
1, Benoni, 21 August 2012; Elizabeth Sizakele Hlati, 7601210396089. Mabasa Attorneys, 54a Harpur Avenue, Benoni, 1501.
30 days.
19133/2008—Hirla, Kenneth, 25/09/1959, 5909255296088, 32 Mapelaberg Road, Eldorado Park Ext 4, 24/09/2008.
LT Cordero, 2 Lebanon Street, The Hill, 2197.
4493/2013–Hill, Phyllis, 12 July 1958, 5807120152189, 35 Price Road, Illiondale, Edenvale, 1609, 27 November 2012.
Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
9936/12—Mashamthana Petrus Motjelele, 11 August 1949, 4908115301087, 550 Ingadi Boulevard, Extension 2,
Langaville, Tsakane, 5 March 2012; Shagase Magdeline Motjelele, 5704280627086. Shagase Magdeline Motjelel, 550 Ingadi
Boulevard, Extension 2, Langaville, Tsakane, 1350. 30 days.
1871/2013—Padayachee, Shunnumugavallee, 1937/11/09, 3711090250084, 60 Ametis Street, Extension 13, Lenasia,
Johannesburg, 2005/06/01. Coovadia Attorneys, PO Box 10723, Lenasia, 1820.
3731/2013—Owen, Edward Thomas, 19 August 1939, 3908195127189, 5 Lindy Court, St 4th Avenue, Linden, 2195,
30 October 2012; Merle Frances Owen, 18 May 1946, 4605180091086. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg,
22707/11—Ryder, Edna Dagmar, 1928-03-18, 1803280027083, Elandsvallei Old Age Home, 20 Rietfontein Road,
Primrose, 1401, 2010-01-21. Grant Rae, PO Box 3913, Edenvale, 1610.
26240/2012—Sebone, Moses Matome Tumi Sebone, 1957-08-28, 5708285908086, 10 Heather Street, Ext 16, Kempton
Park, 1619, 2012-06-16; Virginia Sebone, 1961-07-13, 6107130738088. Pillay Thisigan Att, 256 Paul Kruger Str, Savelkouls
Building, Pretoria.
5144/2013—Seema, Precious, 1975-10-27, 7510270722086, 1728 Mthombine Crescent, Spruitview Katlehong,
2005-01-01; Patrick Seema, 1972-02-12, 7202125795083. Stella van Loggenberg, 134 Pretoria Road, Rynfield, 1501. 30 days.
4598/2013—Seiphimo, Matshidiso Dorothy, 16/06/1952, 5206160833081, 1432 Legodi Street, Moroka, Soweto,
7/12/2012. Charles Seiphemo, c/o Stupel and Berman Inc, 70 Lambert Street, Germiston.
253/2013—Sihlangu, Thori Willie, 23/04/1923, 2304235137084, Plot 291, Elandspruit, Middelburg, 1050, 30/11/2012;
Sihlangu, 02/01/1958, 5801020573081. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
101/2013—Vermeulen, Anna Cecilia, 02/09/1924, 2409020004082, Davieslaan 14, Sundra, 2200, 10/09/2012. ABSA
Trust Bpk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.
237/2013—Viljoen, Garnet George Viljoen, 19/03/1955, 5503195196082, Potchefstroomstraat 15, Evander, 2280,
22/10/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.
199/2013—Lekhotla, Puseletso Azael, 1931-09-23, 3109235129083, Stand 2522, Embalenhle Extension 7, 2285,
2008-09-23. Cronje De Waal-Skhosa, PO Box 48, Secunda, 2302.
3337/2013—Van Sittert, Lambert Petrus, 1926-09-21, 2609215029089, 116 Amandasig Aftree-Oord, Berglaan 1855,
Amandasig, 0182, 2013-03-24. Lukas Marthinus Maree, PO Box 2579, Brooklyn Square, 0075.
5830/2013—Munro, Julie Anne, 12 March 1955, 5503120100084, 14 Saddlebrooke, Palala Place, Morningside, 2057,
13 February 2013. Solomon Gordon, c/o Wertheim Becker Inc, PO Box 2277, Houghton, 2041. 30 days.
14136/2011—Verseput, Maria Gertruida, 26/04/1924, 2404260018082, Eenheid 119. Glenvista Renaissance Village,
Glenvista, 6/12/2010. Oosthuzuin (JHB) Prokureurs, Bloekomstraat 34, Hartz Vallei Landgoed, Hartzenbergfontein, Landbou
Hoewe, Walkerville, 1961.
No. 36227
15276/2012—Otte, Rainer, 25 July 1941, 4107255032103, 165 Stymie Avenue, Clubview West, Pretoria, 15 February
2011; Rose Otte, 3 July 1942, 4207030038183. Leistner Attorneys, PO Box 8587, Pretoria, 0001.
14001/2012—Magrietha Susanna Bennet, 5910160114083, 12 Augustus 2012. Attorneys, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Prokureurs, Notaries, Aktervaardigers, 10A Carel de Wetweg/Road, Brits; PO Box 4736, Brits; Docex 10, Brits.
198/2013—Khoza, Nolika Hendrik, 23/5/1962, 6205235297081, 24 Factory Street, Malelane, 1320, 27/12/2012;
Thembekile Zandile Khoza, 23/3/1964, 6403230237083. C/o Van Rensburg Attorneys, PO Box 815, Malelane, 1320; 40 Air
Street, Malelane, 1320.
191/2006—Beverly Rochford Thomas, 15/02/1952, 5202150048087, 7 Bellatrix Road, Sunward Park, Boksburg,
18/10/2005; Stuart Richford Thomas, 13/05/1946, 4605135147181. Gavin Mostert Attorney, 112A Boeing Road East, Edenvale.
30 days.
5066/2013—Terrylene Romer, 28 April 1955, 5504280672086, 192 Pretorius Avenue, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion, Pretoria,
17 June 2012. Alexandra Samantha Laing, PO Box 98392, Sloane Park, 2152.
5060/2013—Penelope Beatrice Smythe, 30 March 1940, 8 School Road, Necton, Swaffham, Norfolk, England U.K.,
27 January 2012. Alexandra Samantha Laing, PO Box 98392, Sloane Park, 2152.
1190/2013—Thipe, Dikwe, 1968-03-18, 6803185812089, 1616 Block G, Soshanguve, 2012-11-29. Mathye Attorneys,
403 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, 0002.
3033/2013–Keet, Errol Christy, 1982-01-14, 8201145053084, 505 Veni Flat, 610 Schoeman Street, Pretoria, 0083,
2012-10-25. Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Str, Pretoria, 0002.
5619/2013–Patel, Mahmoud, 1939-05-15, 3905155083089, 179 Ormonde Drive, Mondeor, Johannesburg, 2013-01-07;
Fathama Patel, 1973-08-11, 3708110078081. Vivienne Korzia, PO Box 1280, Highlands North, 2037.
5610/2013—Davidson, Dorothy, 1930-08-24, 3008240032086, 439 Inyoni Creek, Modderfontein Road, Lyndhurst,
Johannesburg, 2012-07-19. Vivienne Korzia, PO Box 1280, Highlands North, 2037.
3174/2013–Kaye, Alfred John, 1933-12-17, 3312175058086, 8 The Spinney Brookside Mobile Home Park, Bromham
Bedford, Bedfordshire, England, 2011-01-03; Maria Magdalena Kaye, 1952-03-13, 5203130080083. Vivienne Korzia, PO Box
1280, Highlands North, 2037.
19677/2011—Ngwenya, William Zwelibanzi, 23/04/1963, 630423559008, 2581, H.C. Ndlovu Street, KwaGuqa Ext 4, 10th
June 2006; Mookho Rahaba Ngwenya, 06/06/1962, 6206060575088. Thulani Mtsuki Attorneys, 25th Haig Ave, Witbank.
30 days.
3028/2012–Potgieter, Elizabeth Mary, 1931/06/13, 3106130061080, Ruimuitsig, Volksrust, 2011/09/25. Cheryl Maritz,
Posbus 836, Ruimuitsig, Volksrust.
3326/2013—Mnguni, Sikhweze Peter, 1967 July 6, 6707065636080, D31 Wonderkop, Rustenburg, 2013 January 8;
Annamaria Nomandiya Mnguni, 1969 February 20, 6902200419084. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville
Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
3324/2013—Mnguni, Zwelimancele Mickodemus, 1966 January 2, 6601026249083, D31 Wonderkop, Rustenburg, 2012
December 9; Baphethile Mphethi Mnguni, 1971 February 3, 7102030496084. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street,
Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
19981/2012–Campher, André Nicolaas, 1956-07-01, 5607015006080, Magdalenastraat 668, Roseville, 0080, 2012-1111. Kotzé en Viljoen Attorneys, 69 Viljoen Street, Riviera, Pretoria, 0084.
3812/2013–Nekhumbe, Shandukani Philemon, 1946 September 4, 4609045356080, Erf 659 Mthini Street, Naledi
Extension 2 Township, Gauteng Province, 14 January 2013; Tshililo Anna Nekhumbe, 1959 June 12, 5906120928083. Tshililp
Anna Nekhumbe, authorized agent H.R Munyai Attorneys, Umoya House, 7th Floor, 2-6 New Street South, Ghandi Square,
Johannesburg, 2001, Gauteng Province.
Jacobs, Hendrina Maria, 14 Mei 1942, 4205140101081, Ouetehuis, Carolina, 12 Januarie 2013; Jan Frederik Jacobs,
28 April 1943, 4304285041085. Mnr J.L. Pretorius, p/a Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
Thiart, Petrus Lodewiekus, 25 May 1955, 5505255082086, Plaas Tweeriviere, Atlanta, distrik Brits, 25 Desember 2012;
Louisa Johanna Witziena Thiart, 15 Augustus 1955, 5508150136080. Mnr J.L. Pretorius, p/a Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing, Posbus
40297, Arcadia, 0007.
13226/2012—Cronje, Gysbert Johannes, 31 Januarie 1956, 5601315053082, Brucestraat 349, Waterkloof Glen,
5 Februarie 2012. C Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
5370/2013—Botter, Elvira Ingeborg Verony, 14 April 1986, NX02D93D2, 116 Aquila, Fourways Ext 36, Johannesburg,
6 September 2012. Petra Labuschagne, 85 Doreen Street, Colbyn, 0083.
4084/2013—Dreyer, Johanna Petronella Aletta, 1954-02-25, 5402250065086, 25 Jones Street, West Krugersdorp,
Gauteng, 2012-09-19; Stevon Arthur Dreyer, 1957-07-19, 5707195130088. Elaine De Witt Att, 2nd Floor ABSA Building, cnr
Human & Kruger Str, Krugersdorp.
6072/2013—Dreyer, Marjorie Marian, 7/02/1916, 1602070022084, Willow Haven, Wilgers, Pretoria, 5/02/2013. Albre Jaco
Hopkins, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria.
12785/2010—Molefe, Mmaiso Magdeline, 10/04/1972, 7204100732081, 314 Sekkelgras Street, Danville, Pretoria, 0183,
30/07/2010. Albre Jaco Hopkins, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria.
8252/2012–Heinemann, Mary Craig Heinemann, 26 September 1921, 2109260024085, 1197 Cobham Road,
Queenswood, Pretoria, 1 May 2012. Albre Jaco Hopkins, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria.
10370/2012—Le Roux, Pieter Alettus, 21 Mei 1969, 6905215031083, 118 Northdene, Vanderbijlpark, 26 Februarie 2012;
Jolande, 27 Julie 1971, 7107270010081. Carstens Trustees, Posbus 13827, Sinoville, 0129.
4109/2012–More, Seretse Joseph More, 28 March 1950, 5003285103080, 1123 Phase 2 Lebanon, Mabopane,
14 December 2011. Selemagae Dinah More, 1123 Phase 2, Lebanon, Mabopane.
No. 36227
4109/2012–More, Seretse Joseph More, 28 March 1950, 5003285103080, 1123 Phase 2 Lebanon, Mabopane,
14 December 2011. Selemagae Dinah More, 1123 Phase 2, Lebanon, Mabopane.
4457/2013–Van der Linde, Johannes Alwyn, 1971/01/06, 7101065422080, 83 Ellis Street, Sherwood Gardens, Brakpan
North, 2013/02/04; Emmarentia Hester van der Linde, 1974/12/01, 7412010160083. Petra Labuschagne, PGL Trustees, 85
Doreen Street, Colbyn, Pretoria, 0083.
8844/12—Dreyer, Ariena Susanna, 1929/12/25, 2912250005083, Irisstraat 12, Irene, Pretoria, 26/02/2008. Dreyer &
Dreyer Prokureurs, George Storrarrylaan 23, Groenkloof, Pretoria. 30 dae.
442/11—Maseko, Simane Richard, 3 October 1955, 5510035362089, 213 Block U, Mabopane, 1 January 2011. Pitsoane
Attorneys, 1403 Zone 16, Uncle Nats Building, Ga Rankuwa, 0208.
3809/2013—Nhlapo, Thobile Theophilus, 1965 July 30, 6507305421081, Erf 2878, Evaton West Township, Gauteng
Province, 17 July 2010. Nkosi Nathi Nhlapo, Authorized Agent H.R. Munyai Attorneys, Umoya House, 7th Floor, 2-6 New Street
South, Ghandi Square, Johannesburg, 2001, Gauteng Province.
001511/2013—Heaton, Leonie Cachet, 27 Oktober 1921, 2110270038081, A113 Huis Herfsblaar, Webbstraat 1244,
Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186, 2 Desember 2012. Dyason Inc, Muckleneukstraat-Wes 134, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0001;
Private Bag X15, Brooklyn Square, 0075.
001718/2013–Nhlonipho, Aaron Simangalisho, 31 March 1966, 6603315537089, 244 Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa, 7
December 2012. Dyason Inc, 134 Muckleneuk Street West, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0181.
3424/2013—Johannes Andries Strydom, 16 July 1972, 7207165236088, 6 Villa St Louis, Kosmodal X13, 0157,
12 August 2011. JG Adolph Inc., PO Box 7608, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
298/2013—Lewis, Mattheus Theodorus, 1983-09-07, 8309075083086, 4 Elm Street, Secunda, 2302, Mpumalanga,
2013-01-21. Els Louw & Rasool Inc, Sanlam Plaza Building, cnr Horwood & Heunis Street (PO Box 47), Secunda. 30 days.
4036/2012—Magwa, Nieburg, 1954-01-12, 5401125606082, 1B Dyasi Street, Fairview Location, Lingelethu, Adelaide,
2012-11-27. Leon Keyter Attorneys, PO Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140.
4397/2011—Fletcher, Raymond John, 1930-05-23, 2305305052087, Madeira Home for the Aged, Frost Steet,
Queenstown, 2011-11-02; Rita Fleitcher, 1930-11-17, 3011170055085. Alasdair McDonald, 99 Livingstone Road, Queenstown.
4255/2012—Ehrich, Colin Derek, 1945-06-18, 4506185092089, 9 Ebber Street, Grahamstown, 6146, 2012-10-22.
Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6052. 30 days.
2098/2008—Makehle, Phumzile Paulina, 16-06-1960, 6006160886082, 11 Dirkie Uys Street, Aliwal North, 9750,
26-01-2008; Clarke Mkwanase Makehle, 19-09-1953, 5309195681085. Horn & Kumm Attorneys, PO Box 14, Burgersdorp,
9744. Horn & Kumm Attorneys, PO Box 14, Burgersdorp, 9744.
475/2013—Cooper, Douglas Henry, 25-05-1922, 2205255040084, 103 Settler’s Rest, Main Road, Gonubie East London,
5257, 21-01-2013. Jam Warren, 34 Western Ave, Vincent, East London.
475/2013—Cooper, Douglas Henry, 25-05-1922, 2205255040084, 103 Settler’s Rest, Main Road, Gonubie East London,
5257, 21-01-2013. Jam Warren, 34 Western Ave, Vincent, East London.
567/2013—Baisley, Nolly, 3/4/1925, 2504030003080, Stirling Lodge, Epson Road, Stirling, East London, 18 January 2013.
P.R Heideran, PO Box 13169, Vincent, 5217.
692/2013—Steyn, Martin Francois, 27 April 2013, 4804275077080, Port Elizabeth, 26 Januarie 2013. MHO Pieterse, Jan
Visser Prokureurs, Posbus 400, Jeffreysbaai, 6330.
4079/2010—Pather, Jane Guy, 09/09/1924, 2409090077083, 32 Wild Rose Road, Braelynn Heights, East London,
29/04/2010. I C Clark Inc, PO Box 1055, East London.
4785/2012—Joubert, Nola Rosie, 1937/10/01, 3710040001084, Amatola Haven, Hill Street, Stutterheim, 4930,
2012/11/08. Elliotts Attorneys, 55 Murray Street (PO Box 67), Stutterheim, 4930.
490/2013—Exley, Frances Rosa, 16/09/1928, 2809160071082, 12 11th Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape,
14/12/2012. PKF (PE) Inc, 27 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.
270/2012—Pletschke, Lionel Bryan, 4401075008082, 16 Leerfish Lane, Seavale, 30 December 2012; Mavis Edna
Pletschke, 21 September 1945, 4509210005084. Gravett Schoeman van Rensburg & Moodley Inc, 32 Bonza Bay Road,
Beacon Bay, East London, 5241.
762/2013—Mc Grath, Maureen, 1932-05-13, 3205130041082, 116 Cassia Gardens, Cassia Drive, Sunridge Park, Port
Elizabeth, 2013-01-19. Barry Paul Daisley nominee of the Sta, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 30 days.
619/2013–Schamrel, Henry James, 1922-12-22, 2212225001089, Elizabeth Jordaan Old Age Home, Protea Street,
Cradock, 2013-01-28. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
0606/2013—Walton, Rachell, 1962-07-02, 6207020208083, 43 Harrod Street, Kirkwood, 2012-12-22; George Mervyn
Russ Walton, 6308285197084. The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
30 days.
461/2013—Trevorrow, Valerie Moira, 1926-06-02, 2606020031056, 230 Laubscher Park West, Villiers Road, Walmer,
2012-12-30. Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
No. 36227
620/2013—Schamrel, Hester Sophia, 1927-03-23, 2703230019082, Elizabeth Jordaan Old Age Home, Protea Street,
Cradock, 2012-12-30; Henry James Schamrel, 1922-12-22, 2212225001089. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box
27428, Greenacres, 6052. 30 days.
0736/2013—Luzipho, Mpumelelo Wilson, 1942/01/05, 420105541080, Vumazonkestraat 53, KwaNomzamo,
Humansdorp, 17 Desember 2012; Elizabeth Matitiba, 1956/08/07, 5608070183087. Elizabeth Matitiba, p/a Nel Mentz Ingelyf,
Posbus 440, Humansdorp, 6300.
457/2013—Bambelo, Misiwe Friendsy, 23-08-1973, 7308231137084, Ntsimbini Location, Bizana, 04-11-2011. Tycoon &
Diya & Co, City Centre Complex, 1st Floor, 201 C York Road, Mthatha.
457/2013—Bambelo, Misiwe Friendsy, 23-08-1973, 7308231137084, Ntsimbini Location, Bizana, 04-11-2011. Tycoon &
Diya & Co, City Centre Complex, 1st Floor, 201 C York Road, Mthatha.
701/2013–Seedat, Fatima, 11 November 1923, 2311110042081, 54 Haworthia Drive, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, 6020,
3 January 2013; Ismail Essop Seedat, 1 August 1930, 3008015104086. Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park,
Port Elizabeth, 6045.
151/2013—Tucker, Clive George, 18 March 1933, 3303185063083, 45 Pell Street, Beacon Bay, East London, 28 July
2012; Eunice Valerie Tucker, 20 April 1940, 4004200078085. Eunice Valerie Tucker, 45 Pell Street, Beacon Bay, East London.
1532/2011–Magwa, Mpindele Percival, 26-11-1963, 6311265720081, 314 Soweto Street, Dimbaza, 5671, Eastern Cape,
13-04-2011. Christiaan Louis Nel, c/o King William’s Town, Justice Centre, PO Box 2323, King Williams Town.
Andries Jacobus Gerber, 4908275096089, 51 Beethoven Avenue, Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth, 6070, 18 March 2012;
Priscilla Johanna Gerber. De Villiers Inc., PO Box 27679, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 30 days.
690/2013—Muller, John Michael, 1972-05-02, 7205025017086, Farm Rondalia, Uitenhage, 6229, 2013-01-20. Standard
Executors and Trustees, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 30 days.
0191/2010—Ndevu, Meshack, 29 July 1928, 2807295163089, 922 Nobatana Street, KwaZakhele, Port Elizabeth,
31 March 2006. Christo Harding, Chris Harding Attorneys, 12 Eastbourne Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.
2590/2004—Bonthuys, Nellie Cornelia, 26 February 1932, 3202260064086, 9 Du Preez Street, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth,
25 September 2004. Christo Harding, Chris Harding Attorneys, 12 Eastbourne Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.
5231/2012—Ndevu, Notobile Rosy, 1 August 1938, 3808010376088, 922 Nobatana Street, KwaZakhele, Port Elizabeth,
29 October 2007. Christo Harding, Chris Harding Attorneys, 12 Eastbourne Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.
599/2013—Breda, Koos, 4 January 1936, 3601045062082, 20 Cupido Street, Humansdorp, 17 September 1994.
Lawrence Masiza Vorster Inc, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth. 30 days.
600/2013–Matya, Zenzile Amos, 7 July 1950, 5007075843086, 1 Nxadi Street, KwaMagxaki, Port Elizabeth,
14 September 2012; Nomhle Matya, 30 September 1949, 4909300626080. Lawrence Masiza Vorster Inc, 214 Cape Road, Mill
Park, Port Elizabeth. 30 days.
1827/2010—Gqabaza, Wonga Henderson, 17-05-1964, 6405175489082, 309 NU17, Mdantsane, Eastern Cape,
26-05-2010. Christiaan Louis Nel, c/o King Williams Town, Justice Centre, PO Box 2323, King Williams Town, 5600.
672/2012—Msweswe, Mongezi Christopher, 19-09-1974, 7409195928086, 41 Dastile Road, Bhisho, 26-09-2011.
Christiaan Louis Nel, King Williams Town, Justice Centre, McLean St, PO Box 2323, King Williams Town, 5600.
1182/2011—Ngcelwane, Bulelwa Veronica, 04-06-1965, 6506040939084, 168 Victoria Street, Peddie, 7 March 2011.
Christiaan Louis Nel, c/o King Williams Town, Justice Centre, PO Box 2323, King Williams Town, 5600.
2217/2011—Xhanga, Zoleka, 11-10-1970, 7010110840081, 7869 NU3, Mdantsane, Eastern Cape, 08-12-2011. Christiaan
Louis Nel, King Williams Town, Justice Centre, PO Box 3232, King Williams Town, 5600.
1846/2010—Jacobs, Catherine Isabel, 8 August 1944, 4408080180087, 2G Hanekom Street, Ferguson Township, Port
Elizabeth, 6 March 2010. McWilliams & Elliot Inc, PO Box 45, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
1846/2010—Jacobs, Catherine Isabel, 8 August 1944, 4408080180087, 2G Hanekom Street, Ferguson Township, Port
Elizabeth, 6 March 2010. McWilliams & Elliot Inc, PO Box 45, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
566/2013—Waters, Julia May, 1912-09-02, 1209020020083, Damant Lodge Retirement Village, Port Alfred, 2013-01-29.
James Stuart Neave, PO Box 76, Port Alfred.
519/2013—Jordan, Donald Leslie, 1934-12-23, 3412235005083, 13 Signal Hill Close, Kleinmonde, 2013-01-28. Noel
Stötter, PO Box 76, Port Alfred.
632/2013—Knowles, Dorrie, 1915-12-13, 1512130011086, 12 Merryhill Drive, Merryhill, Kenton on Sea, 2012-12-11.
James Stuart Neave, PO Box 76, Port Alfred.
1551/2008—Schultz, Wilhelm Alfred Franz, 17 February 1925, 2502175073009, 10 Oakhill Road, Vincent, East London,
13 March 2008; Meta Johanna Schultz, 7 February 1927, 2702070074082. C/o ABDO & ABDO Attorneys, PO Box 19503,
Tecoma, 5214.
0689/2013–Wait Hendrik Cornelius van der Watt, 1929-01-20, 2901205020081, 83 Mowbray Street, Newton Park, Port
Elizabeth, 6045, 2013-01-21. Wynand du Preez, PO Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055.
871/2013—Van Staden, Petrus Stefanus, 24/08/1949, 4908245155080, Bergstraat 12, Despatch, 6220, 06/01/2013;
Petronella Ebenhaezer van Staden, 13/11/1953, 5311130001080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057.
572/2013—Du Toit, Cornelia Johanna, 26/01/1933, 3301260013080, Constanceweg 35, Charlo, Port Elizabeth, 6070,
24/11/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057.
602/2013—Soctt, Thomas Clifford Davenport, 19/05/1933, 3305195093083, 13 Broadwood Manor, Keith Crescent,
Broadwoo, 6070, 09/12/2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
960/2013—Downs, Yvonne, 1945-06-29, 4506290063082, 51 Hyacynth Road, Blue Horizon Bay, 6210, 2013-01-30.
Michael Bladen, PO Box 27747, Greenacres, 6057.
No. 36227
472/2013—Engela Maria Bellingan, 5110290052085, widow, 21 Aster Street, Blue Horizan Bay, Port Elizabet, 18 August
2012. BLC Attorneys, Agents for the Executor, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 30 days.
472/2013—Bellingan, Angela Maria, 1951/10/29, 5110290052085, 21 Aster Street, Blue Horizan Bay, Port Elizabeth,
18/08/2012. BLC Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Centrahill, 6001.
98/2013—Charlton Katywa, 4809145259081, No. 6300 N.U 2, Mdantsane, 30 July 2012. Hexana Attorneys for the
Executor, 201 Duvengan Building Oxford Street, East London. 30 days.
5039/2011—Njolwana, Thabo, 1954/11/11, 5411115213088, 58 Sydenham Road, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, 21/06/2011.
BLC Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Centrahill, 6001.
502/2012—Kruger, Georginia Freda, 31 December 1940, 4012310060083, Bothaweg 18, Middelburg, 26 November
2011; Robert Abraham Kruger. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
7537/2011—Murray, Marlene Patricia, 18 December 1949, 4912180090088, 51 King Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth,
9 September 2011; Peter Murray, 20/06/1945, 4506205107180. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park,
Port Elizabeth.
704/2013—Pretorius, Albert, 14 August 1937, 3708145023086, 243 Circular Drive, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth,
2 January 2013. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
3652/2012—De Beer, Petrus Johannes, 3 March 1942, 4203035049085, 12 Station Street, Elliot, 28 June 2012. FNB
Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
532/2013—Hunt, John Charles Victor, 5 July 1925, 2507055028080, 3 Leadwood Place, Bonza Bay, East London,
10 January 2013. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
203/2013—Ngxeba, Sicelo, 11 September 1933, 3309115196083, 8 High Street, Peddie, 22 March 2011. FNB Trust
Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
569/2013—Koovarjie, Kasan, 1953-11-23, 5311235068083, 44 Vincent Gardens Road, Vincent Heights, 5201,
2012-11-23. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
790/2005—Kuselo, Mncedisi, 1967100312, 6710035407087, 110 C Nompondo Street, Joza Location, Grahamstown,
2005-04-06. Viwe Mqeke, nominee of Legal Aid SA, 69 High Street, Grahamstown, 6140. 302 days.
462/2013—Adonis, Harry Christian Douglas Adonis, 1936-09-22, 3609225072086, 6 Ryan Street, New Rest,
Queenstown, 5319, 2011-09-05; Veronica Adonis, 1941-04-16, 4105160042084. De Waal-Baxter Attorneys, 29 Ebden Street,
Queenston, 5319.
6968/2012—Xelwa, Victor Ndodomzi, 1966-04-08, 6604085606088, 182 Makangiso Street, N.U. 6 Motherwell, Port
Elizabeth, 2012-09-06; Kholeka Constance Xelwa, 1967-10-09. A. Tantsi & Associates, PO Box 1006, Cala, 5455.
719/2013—Keke, Zolile Hamilton, 1945-10-31, 4510315430086, 42 Kingsway, Cambridge, East London, 2013-02-06;
Nomthunzi Keke, 1948-04-12, 4804120258083. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
785/2013—Van Heerden, Charles, 1948-03-05, 4803055016086, 31 Greenpoint Road, Buffalo Flats, East London,
2012-09-17. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town. 30 days.
17301/2012—Phila Zoliswa Nzimela, 7907080936080, 22 Monrovia Circle, Bernadino Heights, Scottsdene, died at
Mdantsane, Eastern Cape, 1 October 2012. JP van Zyl Inc Attorneys (Attorney for Executor), PO Box 2562, Cape Town, 8000.
30 days.
774/2013—Ruben Janse van Rensburg, 3605195008084, Golden Crust, PK Lulet, 6452, 26 Oktober 2012. WJ & R Janse
van Rensburg (Eksekuteurs) CE Olivier (Agent vir Eksekuteurs), p/a MJ Vermeulen Ingelyf, Pres. C.R. Swartstraat 20 (Posbus
493), Riversdal, 6670. 30 dae.
774/2013—Ruben Janse van Rensburg, 3605195008084, Golden Crust, PK Lulet, 6452, 26 Oktober 2012. WJ & R Janse
van Rensburg (Eksekuteurs) CE Olivier (Agent vir Eksekuteurs), p/a MJ Vermeulen Ingelyf, Pres. C.R. Swartstraat 20 (Posbus
493), Riversdal, 6670. 30 dae.
774/2013—Ruben Janse van Rensburg, 3605195008084, Golden Crust, PK Lulet, 6452, 26 Oktober 2012. WJ & R Janse
van Rensburg (Eksekuteurs) CE Olivier (Agent vir Eksekuteurs), p/a MJ Vermeulen Ingelyf, Pres. C.R. Swartstraat 20 (Posbus
493), Riversdal, 6670. 30 dae.
Mamkeli Khali Vishile, 6204135493083, 5 Lyndurst Road, Highway Gardens, Amalinda, East London, 19 September
2005. Malusi & Co. Attorneys, 14 St Matthews Road, Southernwood, East London. 30 days.
1752/2011—Haarhoff, Joshua, 1922-03-11, 2203115002089, 116 Somerset Street, Graaff-Reinet, 2002-02-27. Derek
Light Prokureurs, PO Box 431, Church Square, 26, Graaff-Reinet, 6280.
0876/2013—Luen, Michael Patrick, 22 June 1941, 4106225072082, Port Elizabeth, 28 January 2013. Rushmere Noach
Incorporated, PO Box 100, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
7076/12—Bonthuys, Frederick Mattheus Samuel, 16 June 1936, 3606165082083, 73 Carden Street, Redhouse, Port
Elizabeth, 17 September 2011; Yvonne Estelle Bonthuys, 13 August 1938, 3808130066080, Michael Jonathan Scheckter,
75 Second Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
875/2013—Adriana Catharina Grobler, 10 Augustus 1930, 3008100020080, ongetroud, Ons Gryse Jeug Ouetehuis,
Sasolburg, 8 Desember 2012. Henry Muller Visser en Jan Paul Smit de Beer, De Beers Trust, p/a De Beer & Claassen, NJ van
der Merwe Singel 15, Sasolburg, 1947.
106/2013—Brits, Willem, 1952-06-30, 5206305060087, Pastorie NG Kerk, Wardenstraat, Harrismith, 2012-11-09;
Dorothea Maria Brits, 1953-10-21, 5310210039085. Sonja Venter, PO Box 564, Harrismith, 9880.
No. 36227
12055/2012—Dakile, Aaron, 2 Januarie 1965, 6501025765083, Fischerstraat 1377, Reitz, 9810, 10 Oktober 2012;
Theresia Dakile, 19 Desember 1969, 6912199510081. Blignaut & Wessels, Posbus 6, Reitz, 9810.
11986/2012—Kukuni, Sydney Tebogo, 08-11-1986, 8611085928089, 1108 Molosioa Street, Selosesha, Thaba Nchu,
9783, 28-10-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
1758/2013—Jamneck, Petrus Johannes, 20-11-1947, 4711205088089, Normandielaan 32, Bayswater, Bloemfontein,
9301, 15-12-2012; Cornelia Elizabeth Jamneck, 21-12-1956, 5612210009087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein,
1749/2013—Mphuthi, Oupa Victor, 06-06-1958, 5806066068086, 4336 Nzimandi Street, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 9701,
15-12-2012; Vuyelwa Judith Mphuthi, 15-05-1966, 6605150297083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
1849/2013—Mayekiso, Julia, 5 Augustus 1926, 2608050119088, Msibistraat 585, Phiritona, Heilbron, 9650, 19 April 2012.
Phillip vd Merwe & Vennote Ing, Elsstraat 47, Posbus 58, Heilbron, 9650.
11709/2012—Oosthuizen, Maria Magdalena, 13 Mei 1946, 4605130003082, Erleigh Boulevard 19, Odendaalsrus,
14 November 2011; Petrus Marthinus Oosthuizen, 17 Oktober 1939, 3910175001087. CAHJ van Vuuren, p/a Van Vuuren
Prokureurs, Josiasstraat 114, Odendaalsrus.
10515/2012—Crous, Emmarentia Aletta Crous, 1925-04-04, 2504040030081, Nasina Tehuis, Ventersburg, 04-09-2011.
AE Viviers, p/a Posbus 23, Hennenman, 9445.
1262/2013—Marais, Francis Russell, 1945-04-13, 4504135018080, 11 Stinkhout Street, Meyerhof, Bothaville, 9660,
2012-11-24; Elsie Sophia Marais, 1948-11-30, 4811300142086. Rafferty Botha Senekal Attorneys, PO Box 1560, Bothaville,
923/2013—Smit, Susara Magdalena Wilhelmina, 1923-03-22, 2303220042085, Kamer P32, Sally Martin Park,
Mullerstraat 13, Parys, 9585, 2012-12-24. Mnre Coetzees Ing, Posbus 5, Buitenstraat 25, Parys, 9585.
9994/2012—Bezuidenhout, Margaret, 02-02-1936, 3602020056081, Erasmusstraat 36, Odendaalsrus, 9480,
04-06-2012. Neumann Van Rooyen, Heerenstraat 11, Welkom, Posbus 4, Welkom, 9460.
4893/2011—Leokaoke, Pule Jeremia, 21-01-1955, 5501215784085, Mizpah-Hof 17, Bloemfontein, 9300, 04-06-2012.
Neumann Van Rooyen, Heerenstraat 11, Welkom, Posbus 4, Welkom, 9460.
1777/2013—Terblanche, Maria Lodewika, 08-11-1937, 3711080021081, Springboksingel 11, Reitzpark, Welkom,
25-01-2013. Schoeman Kellerman & Kotze Ing, Posbus 419, Welkom, 9460.
1620/2013—Linde, Cathrina Susanna, 1934-02-19, 3402190027081, Fickstraat 25, Odendaalsrus, 9480, 2012-12-12.
Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 dae.
10624/2012—Bessie, Smoko Stefaans, 1945-07-23, 4507235366085, Boikanyostraat 132, Malebogo, Hertzogville,
2012-09-07; Mantwa Martha Bessie, 1944-12-04, 4412040280086. De Villiers & Stenvert Ingelyf, Posbus 21, Hertzogville,
12834/2012—Cornelia Isabella Rohde, 3303190017082, Posbus 297, Clocolan, 9735, 11 November 2012. A. Joubert,
Eksekuteur, Posbus 271, Ladybrand, 9745. 30 dae.
12987/2012—Hellmuth Robert Rohde, 5706095067085, plaas Dankbaar, Ladybrand, 9745, 18 November 2012.
AW Rohde & EC van der Linde-Anderson, Eksekuteurs, Posbus 271, Ladybrand, 9745. 30 dae.
767/2013—Steyn, Johannes Arnoldus, 24-01-1972, 7201245239089, 35 Westphallstr 35, Universitas, Bloemfontein,
9301, 24-12-2012. Christi Wagenaar, PO Box 7871, Bloemfontein, 9300.
2187/2013—Tuyishime, Hlobohang, 05-01-1977, 7701050977087, 5775 Ext 2, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, Free State,
22-12-2012. Francois Fouché Potgieter, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
2132/2013—Taljaard, Marthinus Johannes, 19-07-1945, 4507195039086, 2de Laan 16, Parys, 10-02-2013; Maureen
Taljaard, 14-08-1951, 5108140045085. Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
2092/2013—De Kock, Marius Barend, 21-02-1960, 6002215046087, Dr Clarkstraat 4, Panorama, Bethlehem,
07-01-2013. Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
1986/2013—Oosthuysen, Pieter Cornelius, 09-08-1938, 3808095029081, Isabelsingel 27, Kitty, Virginia, 02-12-2012.
Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
2189/2013—Muller, Cornelia Magrieta, 20-10-1964, 6410200016082, Joubertstraat 6, Bethulie, 31-01-2013; Petrus
Jacobus Muller, 17-04-1964, 6404175020088. Francois Fouché Potgieter, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619,
Brandhof, 9324.
1814/2013—Grobler, Elsie Magdalena, 5 Januarie 1943, 4301050028081, Meerholtzstraat 39, Vredefort, 9595,
4 Februarie 2013; Nicolaas Marthinus Johannes Grobler, 14 Oktober 1937, 3710145025087. Mnr E. Kriek, p/a Kriek & Van Wyk
Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.
12407/2012—Blignaut, Dawid, 28-09-1981, 8109285036084, Gamsbergstraat 5, Vaalpark, 1947, 2012-06-03. Jacobus
Paulus Lessing, Posbus 642, Sasolburg, 1947.
1982/2013—Jansen van Rensburg, Gertruida Francina Alida, 21 November 1938, 3811210033087, Fonteinstraat 67,
Bothaville, 9660. P/a Carey & Botha Ing., Posbus 7, Presidentstraat 13, Bothaville, 9660.
2563/11/2—Vermeulen, Johannes Stephanus, 1946-01-25, 4601255022080, plaas Bellamont, Frankfort, Vrystaat,
2010-06-09. Gys Vlok en Els Prokureurs, Posbus 117, Ellisras, 0555.
1158/2013—Lambrechts, Willem Vlok, 1943-08-03, 4308035045080, Bermudasingel 115, Uitsig, Bloemfontein,
2012-12-11; Gerbrecht Johanna Lambrechts, 48-01-13, 4801130029082. GJ Lambrechts, p/a EG Coopoer Majiedt Ing,
Kellnerstraat 77, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 30 dae.
610/2013—Du Toit, Abraham Johannes, 1935-08-24, 3508245109086, Aandblomstraat 31, Uitenhage, 2012-10-24; Mary
Magdalene du Toit, 1939-02-12, 3902120054089. MM du Toit, p/a EG Cooper Majiedt Ing, Kellnerstraat 77, Westdene,
Bloemfontein. 30 dae.
12316/2012—Badenhorst, Jurie Johannes, 21 Oktober 1923, 2310215014086, House of St Paul, Posbus 12, Reitz,
9810, 22 Julie 2012. Mnre Zietsmans, Hoofstraat 27, Posbus 31, Villiers, 9840.
1331/2013—Smit, Charl, 8 Mei 1973, 7305085032080, Von Iddekingelaan 57, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 27 Januarie
2013. ASC du Preez, p/a McIntyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein. 30 dae.
1331/2013—Smit, Charl, 8 Mei 1973, 7305085032080, Von Iddekingelaan 57, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 27 Januarie
2013. ASC du Preez, p/a McIntyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein. 30 dae.
No. 36227
13254/2012—Human, Carl Frederik, 07-03-2013, 4212095034085, 1 Welkom Townhouses, 1 Kiepersol Street, Welkom,
9459, 19-11-2012; Magrietha Johanna Petronella Human, 01-07-1942, 4207010055082. Francois Petrus Rossouw, Rossouw
en Vennote Ing, 352 Stateway, Welkom, 9459.
1734/2013—Maree, Johannes Petrus Wilhelmus, 05-04-1925, 2504055027089, Voortrekkerstraat No. 1, Hoopstad,
9479, 04-02-2013. Nicolas Petrus Maree, ID 6704305174089, Maree & Bernard Prokureurs, Van Zylstraat 35, Hoopstad, 9479.
2326/2013/DBN—Abrahams, Dennis, 1946-09-23, 4609235011081, 58 Wixlin Crescent, North Croft, Phoenix, 4068,
2012-12-22; Shanthie Abrahams, 4911040070082. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban,
30 days.
10296/2012/PMB—Odisitse Daniel Nduli, 5005285333088, married, E-Section 2443, Ezakheni, 3381, Ladysmith on
2012-08-19. Justin Heunis & Co, 5 Poort Road (PO Box 387), Ladysmith. 30 days.
8265/2012/PMB—Mtwhalapeni Gideon Nkosi, 5609185273086, married, D-Section 279, Ezakheni, 3381, Ezakheni on
2012-08-07. Justin Heunis & Co, 5 Poort Road (PO Box 387), Ladysmith. 30 days.
3063/2013/DBN—Darley, Derek James, 1929-11-17, 2911175063185, 15 Village Dauphine, 100 Accutt Drive, Le
Domaine, Hillcrest, 2013-01-14. C/o Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban. 30 days.
3081/2013/DBN—Bowler, Neville Alfred, 1939-09-09, 3909095005087, 3 Eagles Nest, 32 Cordiner Street, Scottburgh,
2012-10-24. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban. 30 days.
1762/2013/PMB—Clarke, Vera Constance, 1923-02-18, 2302180047084, 14 Carel Ohrtmann Road, Merrivale Heights,
3291, 2013-02-12. Harvard House Financial Services Trust, co Harvard House, Chartered Accountants and Auditors,
PO Box 235, Howick, 3290. 30 days.
3953/2013/PMB—Pennefather, Michael, 06/09/1922, 2209065048089, 26 Woolly Lane, Ambervalley, Howick, 3209,
19 February 2013; Barabara Patricia Pennefather. BP Pennefather, c/o JFC Palmer, 10 Redlands Estate, 1 George, MacFarlane
Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; PO Box 11420, Dorpspruit, 3206.
002481/2013—Govender, Kistensamy, 26-12-1958, 5812265068083, 109 Sastri Circle, Flamingo Heights, Belvedre,
4399, 12 August 2009; Dhanbygam Govender, 28 August 1968, 6808280229089. B.D. Singh & Associates 94 Main Road,
Ottawa, 4340.
002655/2013—Singh, Pratish Sewshanker, 17 June 1961, 6106175203081, 51 Glendale Drive, Malvern, Queensburgh,
16 January 2013; Anusha Singh, 21 October 1962, 6210210220082. Anusha Singh, 51 Glendale Drive, Malvern, Queensburgh.
2013/2013—Ngobese, Mfokofokwane, 01/01/1934, 3401015752089, Ezingodeni, Nkandla, KZN, 30 January 2013;
Phumelele Xaba, 20/12/1942, 4212200304084. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZuluNatal.
1357/2013—Dlamini, Bhekokwakhe, 25/03/1969, 6903255381088, 464 Unit 15, Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, 10 February
2013; Zibuyile Aditorien Dlamini, 28/11/1986, 8611280534088. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street,
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
1615/2013—Bouwer, Johannes Hermanus, 1928-11-26, 2811265020089, Farm Kruisfontein, District of Utrecht,
KwaZulu-Natal, 2013-01-21. Cox & Partners Attorneys, PO Box 5, Vryheid, 3100.
2022/2013—Khambule, Gladys Tholakele, 25/12/1960, 6012251275086, Hlokozi Area, Ward 7, Highflats, KZN,
2 February 2013. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
003217/2013—Ramadu Naidu, 16 November 1943, 4311165063089, 7 Avoca Road, Avoca, 7 September 2012;
Dhanam Naidu, 23 April 1940, 4004230039081. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Nirasha Garib & Asociates, PO Box
401183, Redhill, 4071.
19410/2012—Maharaj, Ingerlall, 19/02/1944, 4402195469089, 172 Avalen Crescent, North Croft, Phoenix, 22 September
2010; Nagaruthnam Maharaj, 28/12/1948, 4812280682083. Veni Moodley & Associates, 12/13 Wick Street, Verulam, Shop 7,
2019/2013/PMB—Sibusiso Alfred Shezi, 7203075389083, married, 5 Sunbird Lane, Lynwood Park, Ladysmith, 3370,
Ladysmith on 2013-02-11. Justin Heunis & Co, 5 Poort Road, P.O. Box 387, Ladysmith, 3370.
3067/2013/DBN—Bhawanideen, Dhanraj, 1941-08-18, 4108185416085, D97 Capricorn Street, Glenhills, Stanger,
2012-12-22; Basmathee, Bhawanideen, 1944-02-29, 4402290409089. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead
Way, Kingsmead, Durban. 30 days.
3073/2013/DBN—Falconer, Keith Duncan, 1944-05-02, 4405205020081, 9 Medway Road, Westville, 3629, 2013-01-07.
Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban. 30 days.
3069/2013/DBN—Deane, Laurence Peter Rodney, 1951-09-10, 5109105199081, 36 Hadeda Park, Via Casiandra,
Richards Bay, 2013-02-05. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban. 30 days.
20125/12 DBN—Albert Sipho Dlamini, 6 February 1966, 6602065836089, 155 Risegate Drive, Southgate, Phoenix,
21 December 2012. N Moola Attorneys, Suite 1003, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001.
12839/2009—Govender, Ronnie, 5 September 1963, 6309055226087, 83 Carlow road, Mayville, Bonela, 9 August 2009;
Gracie Govender, 8 May 1973, 7305080139088. EBI Moolla & Singh Attorneys, P.O. Box 562096, Chatsworth, 4030. 30 days.
Thembalihle Alton Gcwele, 1967/04/06, 6704065551088, Farm No. 3, Hollywood, Kearshey, 4453, 2012/01/04. Aggie
Govender Attorneys. 30 days.
2113/2013—Ronaldson, Robert James, 17 August 1943, 4308175054082, 74 Quentin Smythe Road, Kloof, Durban,
28 January 2013. John Anthony Lister, c/o Lister & Co. Attorneys, Marwick Terrace, 30 Old Main Road, Hillcrest.
No. 36227
3064/2013/DBN—Middleton, Arthur Stanley, 1935-09-02, 3509025051084, 9 Foaty Gardens, York Road, Gilletts,
2012-12-07. Jenny Naidoo, ID No. 6211040089085, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
3065/2013/DBN—Ndlovu, Gretta, 1932-06-10, 3206100244086, 10619, Umbumbulu, 2013-01-11. Jenny Naidoo,
1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
1949/2013/PMB—Miles, Peter Alexander, 1928-05-18, 2805185032083, G16 Garden Grove, St Thomas Road, Berea,
Durban, 4001, 2012-12-13. Peta Susan Miles, PO Box 941, Linkhills, 3652. 30 days.
14480/2007—Duval, Mitchell Harold, 1949/07/05, 4907055141081, 5 Michan Place, Sydenham, 4051, 2007/09/20;
Marcelle Veronica Duval, 1949/12/05, 4912050789082. Dickinson & Theunissen Inc, PO Box 691, Pinetown, 3600.
2327/2013/DBN—Clothier, Thelma Margaret, 1927-01-03, 2701030047089, Anerley Haven Old Age Home, Port
Shepstone, 2012-11-26. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
1777/2013/PMB—Du Plessis, Ada Cornelia, 1941-03-19, 4103190035087, Juana Maria Old Age Home, Francis Road,
Ladysmith, 12 Febuary 2013. Ian Wallace Gracie, c/o 133 Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370.
3088/2013—Naraindass, Monikee, 25/5/1948, 4805250107081, 32 Jaalward Street, Isipingo, Durban, 24 December
2012; Monilal Naraindass, 24/06/1938, 3806245079089. Woodraffe & Kleyn, 98 Cowey Road, Morningside, Durban.
1679/2013—Koch, Monika Ruth, 1947-08-21, 4708210093088, Carthorpe Farm, New Hanover, 2012-12-06. Herbert
Helmut Schulz, Schulz Wiesinger O’Dwyer, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233.
1467/2013—Govender, Saroj, 31/12/1941, 411231010005, 18 Flame Road, Chelmsford Heights, Tongaat, 20 January
2013; Rasagopal Govender, 18 Flame Road, Chelmsford Heights, Tongaat, 29/12/1938, 3812295059088. Peresamy Govender,
Flat 85B, Door 8, Flamingo Heights, Tongaat.
2193/2013—Govender, Patchapen, 01/03/1936, 3603015104084, 3 Sastri Circle, Belvedere, Tongaat, 17 October 2012;
Atchamah Govender, 16/11/1944, 4411160394081. Atchamah Govender, 3 Sastri Circle, Belvedere, Tongaat.
9567/2012 DBN—Mthiyane, Doli Maria, 26-11-1922, 2211260117081, C1195, Kwa-Mashu Township, 4366, 24 March
2002; Sipho Lawrence Mthiyane, 25-12-1943, 4312255536083. Sipho Mthiyane, C1195 Kwa-Mashu Township, 4360.
3078/2013/DBN—Lee, Deborah, 1946-09-23, 4609230178182, 50 Weir Avenue, Hillside, Bulawayo, 2012-04-13.
Ronika Maharaj, c/o PO Box 13961, Cascades, 3202. 30 days.
10605/2012/PMB—Hariparsad Thulasee, Anitha Amar, 12-09-1952, 5209120098084, 62D Centre Street, Lennoxton,
Newcastle, 01-01-2012. PG Steyn Attorneys, 70 Paterson Street, Newcastle (PO Box 314, Newcastle, 2940).
2270/2013—Lakhani, Supendra Kumar Lakhani, 09-07-1943, 4307095072082, Flat 927, Manjee Centre, 320 Yusuf
Dadoo Street, Durban, 4001, 25 December 2012. Gcabashe Inc, 3rd Floor, Corporate Place, 9 Dorothy Nyembe (Gardiner)
Street, Durban, 4001.
2269/2013/DBN—Ogden, Lynette Ann, 1942/04/29, 4204290032089, 6 Lauriston Court & 48 Maple Road, Durban, 4001,
2013/01/17. Eugene Schurmann, P.O. Box 2058, Plettenberg Bay, 6600.
1600/2013/PMB—Moorcroft, Bryan Angrave, 3 April 1931, BN808094 15 Marine Drive, Oslo Beach, Port Shepstone ,
Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 3 April 2012. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240.
1883/2013/PMB—Hove, Cynthia Pearl, 24 February 1936, 3602240059089, Villa Bruno, Mbango Valley Association,
Port Shepstone, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 11 February 2013. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240.
1524/13—Wortmann, Victor Carl Heinrich, 1955-05-07, 5505075068083, Bergrylaan 3, Winterton, 3340 en Estcourt
Ouetehuis, Estcourt, 2012-11-29. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
1406/2013—Thompson, Arthur Stanley, 29/09/07, 2909075022087, 1 Burn Lane, Amber Glen, Howick, 05/02/2013.
Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
1245/2013—Sangweni, Muntu Isaac, 1954-06-15, 5406155815081, 6 Betenia Road, Dundee, 2013-01-07; Bulelwa
Nomawethu Sangweni, 1973-06-22, 7306220630085. Balden Vogel & Partner, PO Box 22, Harrismith, 9880.
1228/2013—Gilmore, John Robert, 1941-09-25, 4109255050085, Lot 92, Umvoti Road, Albert Falls, Cramond,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2012-11-23; Alice Marlene Gilmore, 1944-12-18, 4412180013081. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511,
Greenacres, 6057.
12650/2012/DBN—Mbatha, Glorious Themelihle, 15-02-1961, 6102150659082, 9 Khan Street, Mercalf Park, Tongaat,
2012-0711; Thandanani Mbatha, 02-06-1967, 6706025410081. Thandanani Mbatha, 9 Khan Street, Mercalf Park, Tongaat.
2 weeks.
4824/12 DBN—Sindane, Thocumliri Lawrence, 26 April 1969, 6904265309085, Bok 352, Winkspuit, 4145, 12 February
2012; Makhosanana Mathilda Sindane, 1 November 1973, 7311010303083. Makhosanana, Box 352, Winkspuit, 4145. 2 weeks.
1981/2013/PMB—Long, John Colin, 28/06/1945, 4506285059087, 56 Faerie Glen Estate, Canterbury Road, Margate,
KwaZulu-Natal, 6/02/2013. Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road, PO Box 2164, Margate, 4275.
1978/2013/PMB—Real, Ellen Kate Agnes, 2/06/1915, 1506020036088, Hibiscus Frail Care, Village of Happiness,
Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, 8/02/2013. Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road, PO Box 2164, Margate,
126/13DBN—Manzi Zibonele Elphas, 1948-01-12, 4801125594082, 234 Castle Hill Drive, Newlands West, 4037,
2012-09-01; Nokuthula Ruby Manzi, 1953-09-27, 5309270379084. Hlanganani Manzi, 63 Nordale Road, Newlands West, 4037.
1581/2013/PMB—Wilson, Andrew Bengt Mccolloch, 27 December 1929, 2912275020083, 2 Lanville, 149 North Ridge
Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, and Ambervalley, Frailcare, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, 4 December 2012. Tomlinson Mnguni
James Inc, 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
6897/2007 PMB—Nomush Roselina Ngcobo, 22/10/1936, 3610220226081, 23/04/2002 of Pietermaritzburg. Asad Ameen
& Company, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 3494, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days.
No. 36227
3074/2013/DBN—Perumal, Munsami, 1944-02-23, 4402235146085, 130 Democrat Street, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092,
2012-10-06; Radha Perumal, 1945-06-30, 4506300152081. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way,
Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
4241/2011 DBN—Teluckdhoari, Govindamah, 10 August 1937, 3708100081087, 143 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene,
Chatsworth, 4092, 24 February 2011. Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suite 19 & 20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive,
Chatsworth, 4092.
4241/2011 DBN—Teluckdhoari, Govindamah, 10 August 1937, 3708100081087, 143 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene,
Chatsworth, 4092, 24 February 2011. Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suite 19 & 20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive,
Chatsworth, 4092.
18806/2011/DBN—Gcwensa, Ndazu Edith Monica, 1972-08-28, 7208280331085, P406, Umlazi, 4066, Durban,
2011-11-06; Sifiso Raymond Gcwensa, 1970-03-18, 7003185590087. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22,
Brandhof, 9324. 30 days.
16673/2012/DBN—Bulstrode, Helene Fronica, 1920-07-05, 2007050042087, Flame Lilly Park, 565 Stella Road,
Queensburgh, 2012-07-31. Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days.
10175/2012/PMB—Smythe, Shirley Maureen, 19 November 1942, 4211190042084, 11 Glen Drive, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal,
28 September 2012. Paterson & Jones, PO Box 618, Hillcrest, 3650, KwaZulu-Natal.
8066/2011/PMB—Hlatshwayo, Sizani Catherine, 02/07/1963, 6307020329089, 9 Mckenzi Street, Dundee, 3000,
23/04/2011. P.O. Box 5358, Durban, 4000. Rafiq Khan & Co, 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
1383/2010/PMB—Van Leeuwen, Lorraine Charlotte, 30 June 1945, 4506300111087, 20 Camborne Road, Widenham,
4170, 26 September 2009; Auke Wouter Leeuwen, 25 September 1947, 4709255127088. Peter George Rousseau, Suite 1,
Surfer’s Paradise Building, 145 Scott Street, Scottburgh.
1224/2013—Ncala, Mayvis Ntombi, 1934-04-07, 3404070129086, 330 Jobe Street, Sibongile, Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal,
2011-12-11. Abdulla & Kalicharan, P.O. Box 1478, Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal. 30 days.
1219/2013—Sithole, Eric Lucky, 1945-03-23, 4503235226086, 32 Pongola Crescent, Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal,
2012-12-18; Maria Eugenia Phyllis Sithole, 1946-08-21, 4608210008088. Abdul & Kalicharan, P.O. Box 1428, Dundee,
KwaZulu-Natal. 30 days.
10242/2012—Buthelezi, Thobile Andronica Josephine, 1961-01-14, 6101140687088, House 1423 Nkane, KwaZuluNatal, 2012-08-06. Badulla & Kalicharan, P.O. Box 1428, Dundee, 3000. 30 days.
16563/2012/DBN—Naidoo, Morgan, 15 December 1946, 4612155183088, 117 Stockville Road, Gillitts, 3603, 28 July
2012. McGlashan McKeown Inc, P.O. Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650.
16563/2012/DBN—Naidoo, Morgan, 15 December 1946, 4612155183088, 117 Stockville Road, Gillitts, 3603, 28 July
2012. McGlashan McKeown Inc, P.O. Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650.
1511/2013—Drogemoller, Otto Herbert, 1933-11-27, 3311275042081, House 16 Hermannsburg School, Hermannsburg,
3258, 2013-01-25. Nel & Stevens Attorney, P.O. Box 60, Greytown, 3250.
11161/12DBN—Pushpavathy Naicker, 1942-01-07, 4201070389085, 103 Tammany Avenue, Croftdene, Chatsworth,
4092, 20 November 2005. Simrithi Sharma & Assoc, 7 Emeraldglen Road, Silverglen, 4092. 20 days.
790/2013/PMB—Rajkumaar Jogi, 4306165068088, No. 8 Fourth Avenue, Foderville, Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal.
Govindsamy, Ndzingi & Govender, GNG Incorporated, Attorneys for Executor, 211 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZuluNatal. 30 days.
790/2013/PMB—Rajkumaar Jogi, 4306165068088, No. 8 Fourth Avenue, Foderville, Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal.
Govindsamy, Ndzingi & Govender, GNG Incorporated, Attorneys for Executor, 211 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZuluNatal. 30 days.
002360/2013—Msomi, Emelda Dolly, 23 September 1960, 6009230499084, 63 Cypress Hill, Glenanil, Durban, KwaZuluNatal, 22 December 2012; Vusumuzi Richard Msomi, 26 November 1961, 6111265670082. Joshua Attorneys and
Conveyancers, 20 Brank Road, Glenwood, Durban.
1683/2013/PMB—Classen, Desmond John, 1927-03-17, 2703175092086, 2 Sandringham, Duiker Road, Howick, 3290,
2013-01-28. Tatham Wilkes Attorneys, 200 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg. 30 days.
2259/2013—Kenmuir, Errol John George, 1929-02-01, 2902015058089, 2 Annerley Grove, 17 Annerley Road, Pinetown,
KwaZulu-Natal, 2013-01-30. R J Brereton, John Hudson & Company, 303 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001.
002069/2013/DBN—Xaba, Margaret Ntombizodwa, 14 May 1964, 6405140725081, 105 Steadcastle Gardens,
Castlehills, Newlands West, 4037, 30 December 2012. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive,
Westcliff, Chatsworth.
11152/08—Sibiya, Msawenkosi Eric, 6411155518080, KwaMsane Reserve, Mtubatuba, 11 July 2008; Ntombikhona,
Gladys Sibiya, 6202021664087. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc, P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935.
11152/08—Sibiya, Msawenkosi Eric, 6411155518080, KwaMsane Reserve, Mtubatuba, 11 July 2008; Ntombikhona,
Gladys Sibiya, 6202021664087. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc, P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935.
11152/08—Sibiya, Msawenkosi Eric, 6411155518080, KwaMsane Reserve, Mtubatuba, 11 July 2008; Ntombikhona,
Gladys Sibiya, 6202021664087. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc, P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935.
14434/2010/DBN—Mthabela, Florence Nomusa, 23 October 1980, 8010230497084, E139 Insingizi Grove, Ntuzuma,
4360, 13 August 2010. Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth.
1329/2013—Robertson, Peggy Joan, 1941-06-09, 4106090026080, 27 Westridge Road, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZuluNatal, 2012-12-21. Tate Nolani Knight, P.O. Box 201181, Durban North, 4016.
2106/2012/DBN—Bageloo, Jasoda, 15-09-1944, 4409150154085, 23 Tasneem Road, Stanger Heights, 4449, 17 January
2013; Sewlal Bageloo, 10-07-1937, 3707105114083, 23 Tasneem Road, Stanger Heights, 4449. Rajespree Naidoo &
Associates, 13-15 Twilight Drive, Umhlanga Ridge.
10106/2009/DBN—Harrop, Haroon (also known as Michael Frederick Harrop), 08-05-1932, 3205085072082, Room 69
Albany Hotel, Albany Road, Durban, 27 July 2006. K. Swart & Company, 227 Mathews Meyiwa (Starnford Hill), Road,
Morningside, Durban.
No. 36227
12652/2012—Pillay, Sivapiran, 23 April 1956, 5604235114083, 58 Village Mews, 29 Henrietta Street, Gandhinagar,
Tongaat, 26 April 2012; Amurdham Pillay, 13 April 1956, 5604130709086. Messrs Joy Narain and Associates, First Floor,
Denbecca Centre, 14 Arbee Drive, Tongaat, 4400. 30 days.
13696/2012—Govender, Thoolisamah, 1 October 1954, 5410010232086, 8 Krishnapuri Road, Sandfields, Tongaat,
10 July 2012; Agambrarm Govender, 10 July 1957, 5707105234087. Messrs Joy Narain and Associates, First Floor, Denbecca
Centre, 14 Arbee Drive, Tongaat, 4400. 30 days.
13696/2012—Govender, Agambaram, 10 July 1957, 5707105234087, 8 Krishnapuri Road, Sandfields, Tongaat, 10 July
2012. Messrs Joy Narain and Associates, First Floor, Denbecca Centre, 14 Arbee Drive, Tongaat, 4400. 30 days.
12/2013/PMB—Matthews, Harold Norman, 1926-11-22, 2611225083080, 2A Krantzkloof Park, 40A Abelia Road, Kloof,
2012-05-02. C W Rogers, 2A Krantzkloof Park, 40A Abelia Road, Kloof. 30 days.
31322—Jacobs, Ernest Richard Lionel, 1944-06-03, 4406035043087, 10 Gelderland Road, Umngeni Park, Durban,
2013-01-23; Shirley Gloria Jacobs, 1945-04-06, 4504060036081. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
Padayachee, Shunmugam Arumugam, 1937-09-03, 3709035107088, 1 Ridgeview Lane, Tongaat, 4399, 2013-01-02.
Nanwathie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
Varner, Arthur Bryan, 1917-12-16, 1712165039081, 264 Lunn Lodge, Flame Lily Park, Queensburg, 4001, 2013-01-08.
Nanwanthie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
182255/2012/DBN—Somayee, Shamila, 1 January 1960, 6001010254086, No. 9 Midmar Road, Burlington Heights,
Chatsworth, 3 July 2012; Dayanand Somayee, 24 July 1959, 5907245113080. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14,
2569/2013—Rai, Eugene Claude, 1968-06-06, 6806065080081, 18 Streamside Villas, 15 Manjee Place, 2013-01-21;
Predahni Rai, 1980-09-18, 8009180230081. ABSA Trust, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
1572/2013/PMB—Roberts, Ray, 31-08-1968, 6808315059089, 76 Michaelson Street, Newcastle, 15-11-2012. Sanlam
Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000.
10753/2012—Sicwebu, Patricia Nyameka, 1943-06-10, 4306100634085, No. 973 Khunju Drive, Bhongweni, Kokstad,
4700, 2012-10-27. Nicolaas Albertus De Wet, 110 Main Street, Matatiele, 4730.
1824/2013/PMB—Buthelezi, Mbuzeleni Bethuel, 1956-07-13, 5607135524087, House 81322 Osizweni A, Newcastle,
10 January 2013; Sydnoreen Gugu Buthelezi, 1962-01-09, 6201090420082. Sydnoreen Gugu Buthelezi, House 81322
Osizweni A, Newcastle.
13617/2007—Pillay, Muniamma, 1931-10-05, 3110050180086, 26 Hercus Avenue, Belvedere, Tongaat, 2005-06-25. Bala
Naidoo and Company, Suite 1, Ashanti Centre, 19 Arbee Drive, Tongaat.
9392/2004/PMB—Khan, Rashid, 17-12-1946, 4612175137080, 11 Jan Viljoen Street, Newcastle, 2940, 07-03-2004;
Fathima Khan, 04-12-1952, 5212040775088. Mahomed S. Ismail and Associates, 47 Gladstone Street, Dundee, 3000.
2105/2013/DBN—Florence Maud Kirkwood, 02-02-1912, 1202020008083, Suite 89, Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Road,
23-11-12. Tomlinson & Associates, Suite 2, 2 Jameson Terrace, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, 3610.
13166/2012/PMB—Kista, Pushpatharan, 30 June 1950, 500630513088, 62 Henry Road, Burlington Drive, Shallcross,
4093, 9 July 2012. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
1314/2013/PMB—Mohanlall, Sonny, 4 October 1946, 4610045137082, 88 Trichy Road, Duneria, Pietermaritzburg, 3900,
3 October 2012. Nedgroup Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
Elizabeth Margaret Morris, 25 September 1950, 5009250040082, 1301 Glenridge Gardens, South Ridge Road,
Durban,10 October 2012. Berkowitz Cohen Wartski, RG Wynne, Agent for Executor, 17th Floor, Southern Life House, 88 Joe
Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
2331/2013/DBN—Govender, Sivalingum, 1 April 1953, 5304015139083, 138 Chatsworth Main Road, Umhlatuzana, 4092,
23 July 2012; Govindammah Govender, 19 June 1958, 5806190094081. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus,
2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
31356—Dysel, Joan Margaret, 1926-03-07, 2603070027080, 71 Rand Road, Manor Gardens, Durban, 2013-01-27. ABSA
Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
1164/2013—Dellermann, Heinrich Wilhelm, 1929-07-17, 2907175010085, Mooiplaats Estate, New Hanover, 2013-01-14.
H H Schulz, Schulz Wiesinger O’Dwyer, Box 33m Wartburg, 3233.
1950/2013/DBN—Blackbeard, Joan Medlicott, 1923-02-11, 2302110042080, 5 Chelsea Village, 8 Sandown Lane,
Pinetown, 2013-01-17. Old Mutual Trust, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Rocks.
2333/2013/DBN—Daniel Logadasen, 1956-03-25, 5603255169084, 32 Cobdale Place, Bridardale, Newlands West,
2012-12-24; Thulasiama, Daniel, 1961-11-19, 6111190151082. Old Mutual Trust, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Place,
Umhlanga Rocks.
2299/2013—Badal, Mahabeer, 12 August 1938, 3808125093081, 27 Briardale Drive, Newlands West, Durban, 22 October
2012; Basmathie Badal, 29 June 1943, 4306290094082. Raj Badal & Associates, P.O. Box 601, Verulam, 4340.
2916/2013—Mathews, Ebra Elain, 1955-11-18, 5511180077084, 10 Tuffley Road, Escombe, 4094, 2009-12-16; Edward
George Mathews, 1952-12-16, 5212165199080. Dickinson & Theunisse Inc, P.O. Box 691, Pinetown, 3600.
3849/2006—Zondi, Joseph Gabriel, 1930-08-27, 3008275194082, 32 Thirty Sixth Avene, Cleremont, 2002-08-08.
Dickinson & Theunisse Inc, P.O. Box 691, Pinetown, 3600.
8692/2011/PMB—Ntuli, Nonhlanhla Ntombizodwa Penelope, 8 October 1964, 6410080326080, 119 Venus Drive,
Marburg Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 21 August 2011. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, P.O. Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240.
2105/2013PMB—Xulu, Agnes Busisiwe, 01-01-1934, 3401013083081, 907 Ntusi Street, Bekhuzulu, Vryheid,
30-01-2013. J.M. Steenkamp & Kie, Posbus 863, Vryheid, 3100.
2117/2013/PMB—Ungerer, Naomi Maria, 16-04-1963, 6304160027082, Uitlanderstraat 245, Vryheid, 09-02-2013; Gert
David Ungerer, 07-12-1950, 5012075060087. J.M. Steenkamp & Kie, Posbus 863, Vryheid, 3100.
314/2013—Naidu, Sydney Gopal Krishna, 1944-12-21, 4412215138085, 45 Esselen Crescent, Lenham, Phoenix, 4068,
2012-11-14; Parvathee Naidu, 1946-4-24, 4604240134085. Cox Yeats Attorneys, 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park,
Umhlanga Ridge.
19462/09/DBN—David Bhekithemba Ndlovu, 24 December 1961, 6112245766081, E160 Ntuzuma Township,
KwaMashu, 4359, 20 December 2009. Mhlanga Inc, P.O. Box 3221, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
No. 36227
003182/2013/DBN—Richard Glanville Pettman, 3205025016082, 1 Millway, 87 Windmill Road, Durban, 4001,
10 February; J Pettman, 18 January 1938, 3801180004085. RN Hamann, C & H Accounting Inc, P.O. Box 4, Eshowe, 3815.
30 days.
1176/2013—Abdul Jabha, Goolam Mohamed, 1937-02-18, 3702185103080, 227 Viewhaven Drive, Woodview,
2012-10-22; Fathima Bee Bee Abdul Jabha, 1950-03-11, 5003110160081. Arif Mohamed and Associates, P.O. Box 60540,
Phoenix, 4080.
10670/2012/PMB—Sewparsath, Sharmilla, 28 January 1970, 7001280127086, 61 Hugh Avenue, Estcourt, 3310, 24 July
2012; Rajindrakumar Sewparsath, 8 August 1964, 6408085034089. Lalparsad Inc, P.O. Box 1940, Estcourt, 3310.
7684/2010/PMB—Elizabeth Maria Liebenberg, 2311180003088, 209 Fairydene Village, 18 Stapleton Road, Pinetown,
3610, 9 August 2009. Eric Tennant Financial Advisory Service, P.O. Box 1499, Kloof, 3640; 1 Lancaster, Langford Estate,
Okland Ave, Hillcrest, 3610. 30 days.
8479/2012/PMB—Ramburan, Saras, 14 December 1960, 6012140105080, 47 Dahlia Road, Estcourt, 3310, 15 October
2006. Lalparsad Inc, P.O. Box 1940, Estcourt, 3310.
1205/2013—Jwajwa, Nontsikelelo Antonia, 1937-11-02, 3711020290085, Umzimkhulu, KwaZulu-Natal, 2013-02-03.
Nthuthuko Zondi Attorneys, P.O. Box 2022, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
3533/2012—Cele, Wiseman Mduduzi, 1965-11-12, 6511125466086, Madadeni, Newcastle, 2012-03-14. Nthuthuko Zondi
Attorneys P.O. Box 2022, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
2214/2013—Mdhluli, Delorus, 1944-03-27, 4403270091087, 158 Oribi Road, Bisley, Pietermaritzburg, 13-02-2013.
Nthuthuko Zondi Attorneys P.O. Box 2022, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
8479/2012/PMB—Ramburan, Saras, 14 December 1960, 6012140105080, 47 Dahlia Road, Estcourt, 3310, 15 October
2006. Lalparsad Inc, P.O. Box 1940, Estcourt, 3310.
2496/2013—Spicer, Phylis Dorothy, 12-02-1918, 1802120007081, 67 Edmonds Road, Glenwood, Durban, 13-11-2012.
BL Thomas, P.O. Box 1195, Durban, 4000.
2499/2013—Joubert-De Villiers, Ada Emma, 19-10-1925, 2510190053088, Essenwood Residential Home, 246
Essenwood Road, Musgrave, Durban, 03-11-2012. C Joubert-De Villiers, P.O. Box 1858, Durban, 4000.
2498/2013—Lazarus, Greta Cecelia, 02-01-1928, 2801020004080, 726 Eden Crescent, 23 Sol Harris Crescent, North
Beach, Durban, 07-12-2012. P J Duncan, P.O. Box 1858, Durban, 4000.
3084/2012/DBN—Maharaj, Tejlal, 1928-01-22, 2801225080083, 82 Saintfield Road, Bonella, Durban, 2010-04-20.
Kewarlall Maharaj, 82 Saintfield Road, Bonella, Durban.
3984/2013—Wepener, Cheryl-Ann, 02-04-1971, 7104020056084, Bonaventura Avenue 15, St Winnifred, Kingsburg,
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 23-11-2012; John Jason Wepener, 1968-06-05, 6806055021087. Petra Labuschagne, 85 Doreen
Street, Colbyn, 0083.
1939/2013—Badat, Ahmed Yacoob, 1950-10-12, 5010125115083, Unit 6, IL Mante, 390 Musgrave Road, Durban, 4001,
2012-11-06. Sardiwalla & Company, 399 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
13603/2011/DBN—Sundrum Naicker, 3 April 1965, 6504035176085, 54 Playglen Road, Silverglen, Chatsworth, 4092;
Runganaygie Relu, 29 January 1970, 7001290135087. 30 days.
1967/2013/PMB—Ernest, IIona Olga, 9 February 1929, 2902090048187, 15 Henry Fynn Road, Pinetown, 14 February
2013. Eckhard Volker CA (SA), P.O. Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630.
11495/2012/DBN—Mabaso, Thokozile, 1930-10-27, 3010270260082, M70 Mqangala Road, Umlazi, 4031, 1996-07-09.
Mdu Nkomo & Company Attorneys, Suite 501, 5th Floor, 397 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001.
11848/11—Mkhize, Edward, 1942-05-01, 4205015501084, M1115 Zigqale Road, Umlazi, 4031, 2010-05-01; Joyce
Mkhize, 1940-06-09, 4006090448088. Mdu Nkomo & Company Attorneys, Suite 501, 5th Floor, 397 Anton Lembede Street,
Durban, 4001.
2689/2013—Ashwarcoomar Dayanand, 24 November 1945, 4511245117082, Flat 2, Roof Garden Mansions, 259
Sydenham Road, Durban; Saritha Dayanand, 28 october 1952, 5210280099086. Dawood Patel and Company, Attorneys for
Executor Testamentary, 6 Silver Oak Avenue, Overport, Durban. 30 days.
10624/12/PMB—Muthalu, Vellemjah, 28 October 1946, 4610280156086, 1147 Mooi Street, Riversdale, Mooiriver, 3300,
29 December 2010. Phanalutchmee Naicker, 1147 Mooi Street, Riversdale, Mooiriver, 3300.
1632/2013/PMB—Suminthra Sewdan, 17 September 1945, 4509170412080, 249 Balhambra Way, Northdale,
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 29 December 2012. Mastroos Incorporated, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, 393 Jabu
Ndlovu (Loop) Street, Pietermaritzburg. 30 days.
01593/2013—Tait, Ernest John Swalwell, 1917-03-04, 1703045041082, 4 Pioneer Park, 6 Pioneer Close, Umhlanga
Rocks, 4320, 2013-01-18. Gareth Peters, Postnet Suite 22, Private Bag X04, Dalbridge, 4014.
2121/2013/PMB—Hirschböck, Beverley Ann, 5 Juy 1960, 6007050741189, Erf 1465 Spurwing Road, The Farm, Shelly
Beach, KwaZulu-Natal, 23 January 2013. Jennifer Mower Attorneys, P.O. Box 248, Uvongo, 4270.
7944/2009/DBN—Patchada, Manickum, 13-03-1935, 3503135049088, House 84, Road 721, Chatsworth, 11-05-2009;
Angamma Patchapa, 21-10-1936, 3610210045087. Angamma Patchapa, House 84, Road 721, Chatsworth.
1477/2013—Connolly, James Malcolm Neil, 1953-02-07, 5302075175187, 317 Parkview, Boscombe Place, Marine
Parade, Durban, 2012-10-28. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.
2119/2013/PMB—Broom, Joan Constance, 1919-01-09, 1901090027085, Robroy Retirement Village, Unit 31, Bothas
Hill, 3650, 2013-02-16. Randles Incorporated, P.O. Box 12031, Pietermaritzburg, 3206. 30 days.
2119/2013/PMB—Broom, Joan Constance, 1919-01-09, 1901090027085, Robroy Retirement Village, Unit 31, Bothas
Hill, 3650, 2013-02-16. Randles Incorporated, P.O. Box 12031, Pietermaritzburg, 3206. 30 days.
1824/2013/PMB—Buthelezi, Mbuzeleni Bethuel, 1956-07-13, 5607135524087, House 81322 Osizweni A, Newcastle,
10 January 2013; Sydnoreen Gugu Buthelezi, 1962-01-09, 6201090420082. Sydnoreen Gugu Buthelezi, House 81322
Osizweni A, Newcastle.
3015/2013 DBN—Fourie, Susanna Jacoba, 30/05/1930, 3005300059082, 3 Frances Lane, Pinetown, 22/01/2013. FNB
Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
5066/1991—Micklewood, Nora Lilian, 13/10/1906, 0610130032002, Cottage 5, Done Village, PO Box 5, Pinetown,
09/07/1991. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
No. 36227
5066/1991—Micklewood, Nora Lilian, 13/10/1906, 0610130032002, Cottage 5, Done Village, PO Box 5, Pinetown,
09/07/1991. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
3015/2013 DBN—Fourie, Susanna Jacoba, 30/05/1930, 3005300059082, 3 Frances Lane, Pinetown, 22/01/2013. FNB
Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
8047/2007—Gumede, Edward Phumlani, 19 January 1978, 7801195421080, 3 Peacehaven, 4 Turnbull Street,
Empangeni, 29 May 2007. Anthony Whatmore & Company, 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive (formerly Kensington Drive), Durban
North, 4051.
8047/2007—Gumede, Edward Phumlani, 19 January 1978, 7801195421080, 3 Peacehaven, 4 Turnbull Street,
Empangeni, 29 May 2007. Anthony Whatmore & Company, 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive (formerly Kensington Drive), Durban
North, 4051.
1971/2013—Jonsson, Aubrey Hugh, 1924/07/06, 2407065032083, 11 Wendover Road, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg,
2013/01/17. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202.
1790/2013—Soares, Orlando Rosa, 1934/08/09, 3408095053189, 59 HJ van Eck Drive, Amajuba Park, Newcastle,
2012/12/27; Maria de Lourdes Soares, 1943/03/12, 4303120042183. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 13527, Cascades,
1788/2013—Nebbe, Friedhold, 1934/02/01, 3402015004083, 15 Small Street, Vryheid, 2013/01/21. FNB Trust Services
(Pty) Ltd, PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202.
2125/2009/PMB—Du Bois, Lynnette Grace, 11/11/1951, 5111110178084, 38 Markham Road, Pietermaritzburg, 16 March
2007. Stowell & Co Inc., Attorneys for Executor Testaments, PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
5066/1991—Micklewood, Nora Lilian, 13/10/1906, 0610130032002, Cottage 5, Doone Village, PO Box 5, Pinetown,
09/07/1991. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
3015/2013 DBN—Fourie, Susanna Jacoba, 30/05/1930, 3005300059082, 3 Frances Lane, Pinetown, 22/01/2013. FNB
Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
20048/12—Mpungose, Royal Lawrence Sipho,1955/10/25, 5510255758081, Lot 410, eSikhawini Township, Empangeni,
2012/12/08; Beauty Nomzamo Mpungose, 1962/02/16, 6202160874083. Beauty Nomzano Mpungose, Lot 410, eSikhawini
Township, Empangeni.
7703/2012/PMB—Willem Andries Strauss, 3401315017084, widower, unmarried, 18 July 2012. Marius H Smit Attorney,
20 Van Alphen Street, Baillie Park, 2526. 30 days.
8671/2012/PMB—Khumalo, Johannes, 29/12/1941, 4112295267081, Eskom No. 4627, Lista Farm, Madadeni, KwaZuluNatal, 15 June 2012; Hlawulani Patrina Khumalo, 31 May 1960, 6005310346088. LCT Nkosi Attorneys, 45 Bird Street,
Newcastle, 2940. 30 days.
11704/2012/PMB—Mbatha, Mphiwa Gabriel, 24 October 1943, 4310245458087, House No. 15, Pisces Crescent, Signal
Hill, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, 16 April 2011; Mbatha Gladys, 20 March 1951, 5103200657085. House No. 15, Pisces
Crescent, Signal Hill, Newcastle.
11705/2012/PMB—Ndhlovu, Soli Petros, 27/07/1942, 4207255293083, House No. 7134, Section 4, Madadeni,
Newcastle, 02/03/2012; Maria Julia Ndhlovu, 11/08/1943, 4308110259085. Maria Julia Ndhlovu, House No. 7134, Section 4,
Madadeni, Newcastle.
7209/10—Dlamini, Bhekizenzo Manikiniki, 1958/07/19, 5807195682086, L890 Dlabisholo Road, KwaMashu Township,
Durban, 2202/10/01; Ntombi Zibuyile Dlamini, 63/07/13, 6307130436085. Mpumelelo Linda, Linda Attorneys, Suite 130,
3 Mercury House, 320 Smit Street. 30 days.
8573/2012—Myburgh, Anri, 25 June 1979, 7906250056083, 244A Tinti Road, Felixton, Empangeni, 15 March 2013.
Nelson Borman and Partners Inc, PO Box 21, Cresta, 2118.
1038/13—Japisa Ennie Tshabalala, 25/10/1940, 4010250245086, House No, 923, Madadeni F, Newcastle, KwaZuluNatal, 05/07/2012. Matlala Allina Tshabalala, c/o Khanyile Incorporated, P.O. Box 14082, Witsieshoek,9870. 30 days.
261/2013—Mudau, Ailwei Willy, 1949/08/04, 4908045660081, P.O. Box 1583, Thohoyandou, 0950, 2013-01-21; Mashudu
Mary Mudau, 1956-09-23, 5609230979083. Anton Ramaano Attorneys, P.O. Box 2246, Thohoyandou, 0950.
1110/2013—Van Jaarsveld, Adriaan Albertus, 1929-02-17, 2902175023089, Apiesdoring Laat 18, Bela-Bela (Warmbad),
Limpopo Provinsie, 2012-12-17. Johan Enslin Attorneys, P.O. Box 1077, Bela-Bela, 0480; 15 Stoffberg Street, Bela-Bela, 0480.
1110/2013—Van Jaarsveld, Adriaan Albertus, 1929-02-17, 2902175023089, Apiesdoring Laat 18, Bela-Bela (Warmbad),
Limpopo Provinsie, 2012-12-17. Johan Enslin Attorneys, P.O. Box 1077, Bela-Bela, 0480; 15 Stoffberg Street, Bela-Bela, 0480.
1479/2013—Loam, David Ian, 1943-07-23, 4307235068181, Aqualaan 59, Tzaneen, Limpopo, 0850, 2012-12-11. Thomas
& Swanepoel Ingelyf, Peacestraat 19 (Posbus 1834), Tzaneen, 0850. 30 days.
168/2005—Maruti, Tintswalo Violet, 1945/03/26, 4503260072086, House No. 427 D2, Giyani, Mopani District, Limpopo
Province, 2010/10/10; Risimat Jim Mashiyi, 1940/07/23, 4007235137081. Baloyi Rikhotso Attorneys, Shop No. 05, Maluleke
Properties, Behind Shoprite Checkers, P.O. Box 2341, Giyani, 0826. 30 days.
522/2013—Patel, Yunus Ismail, 1966-06-01, 6606016298083, House No. at Thohoyandou, District Thohoyandou,
2011-12-01. A.R. Madia Attorneys, Office No. G21, Old Mutual Building, Thohoyandou, B.A. 21 days.
1165/2013—Van Wyk, Casper Jan Hendrik, 1931-06-03, 3106035014085, 54 A Pietersburg Street, Ladanna, Pietersburg,
2012-11-02. Cornel Botha Attorneys, P.O. Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.
270/2013—Roos, Stephina Johanna, 1925-10-09, 2510090013083, Grenfellstraat 32, Musina, 0900, 2012-08-15. Nel,
Havinga & Corbett, P.O. Box 301, Louis Trichardt, 0920.
No. 36227
426/2013—Pretorius, Denis Keith, 1949-03-18, 4903185051084, Farm Wimpsh 139, Musina, 2012-06-17. Cornel Botha
Attorneys, P.O. Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.
2911/2008—Mochadi, Priscilla Tsebyane, 16 March 1883, 1883/3/16, Portion 4 of farm Uitkyk, Groblersdal,
26 September 1972. Mochadi Priscilla Tsebyane, 1250 South Africa Loop Street, Alexandra.
1340/2013—Korff, Carel Nicolaas, 19 Januarie 1945, 4501195004083, Van Heerdenstraat 134, Mokopane, 9 Januarie
2013. Prokureurs Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf, Thabo Mbeki Rylaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane, 0600.
8108/2012—Schaap, Elsie Johanna, 7 Mei 1923, 2305070078085, Piet Potgieter Monumenttehuis Hooogestraat,
Mokopane, 21 Julie 2012. Prokureurs Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf, Thabo Mbeki Rylaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane,
1386/2011—Nevhutalu, Mmbangiseni Theophilus, 20 November 1962, 6211205905083, Shayandima Township,
Limpopo, 8 November 2009. Netshiunda and Associates Attorneys, Office No. 1, Network Corner Metropolitan Centre,
Thohoyandou, Executrix Attorneys.
2734/2012—Ngobeni, Thivhudzwi Bigboy, 1967-08-08, 6708086026087, P.O. Box 613, Makonde, 0984, 2012-11-16.
Mathivha Attorneys, P.O. Box 6329, Thohoyandou.
7411/2011—Furuchete Richard Lekhuleni, 3101016052089. T.P Moloto & Co Inc., Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 3rd Floor, Pioneer
Building, 52 Landross Mare Street. 30 days.
10712/2012—Makoetla Elizabeth Motsoko, 5306030803080, Ga-Seleka, Lephalale, Limpopo Province, 13 October 2012;
Moloko Reuben Motsoko, 4712155584085. S.A Monanyane Attorneys, Suite 22, 1st Floor, Fenskor Building, Lephalale;
Box 4443, Enkelbult, 0556. 30 days.
7060/2012—Mattiangwana Rubber Kgopong, 3603290211083, 16 July 2012. Du Toit Swanepoel Steyn & Spruyt,
87A Biccard Street, Polokwane. 30 days.
Ramoloko, Mamathole Welhemina, 11/04/1951, 5104110547085, Stand 635, Sekakane, 0812, 01/02/2013; Ngoako
Stanley Ramaloko, 06/06/1940, 4006066247084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Mukhithi, Azwifaneli, 01/01/1978, 7801011191081, Maranze Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo, 0536, 15/01/2013. ABSA
Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
3348/2011—Mhlongo, Masungi Samson, 1950-04-26, 5004265209087, Stand No. 281, Sasekani Village, Limpopo,
2011-03-21; Telakufa Lydya Mhlongo, 1956-12-21, 5612210718083. Thomas & Swanepoel Inc., 19 Peace Street
(P.O. Box 1834), Tzaneen, 0850.
7064/2012—Sema, Malesela Daniel, 28/06/1963, 6306285698085, Stand 80, Ga-Mashashane, 13/08/2012;
Ramadimetsa Jerminah Sema, 17/04/1969, 6904170573080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Woodford, Alan, 09/04/1949, 4904095027180, 1 Millicient Court, 65 Caledon Street, Uitenhage, 6229, 24/11/2012.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Rheeder, Julian Henry, 13/03/1941, 4103135046082, 5de Straat 20, Naboomspruit, 0560, 16/01/2013; Cornelia Johanna
Rheeder, 24/05/1946, 4605240064081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
1386/2011—Nevhutalu, Mmbangiseni Theophilus, 20 November 1962, 6211205905083, Shayandima Township,
Limpopo, 8 November 2009. Netshiunda and Associates Attorney, Office No. 1 Network Corner Metropolitan Centre,
Thohoyandou, Executrix Attorneys.
523/2013—Mabila, Juma Abram, 23/07/1950, 5007235597085, P.O. Box 894, Driekop, 1150, 12/12/2012. Mahlaela
Mathabath & Associates, House No. 132, Cnr Alland & Morone Streets (P.O. Box 902), Burgersfort, 1150.
723/2013—Katrina Jacoba Janse van Vuuren, 2110180001088, 6de Laan 109A, Thabazimbi, 29 Desember 2012.
C J Alberts, Johan Alberts Prokureurs, Posbus 2957, Middelburg, 1050. 30 (dertig) dae.
1642/2013—Adriaan Jacobus Jeremias Visagie, 29/03/1927, 2703295022088, Modimolle, Limpopo Provinsie,
16/01/2013. C Bester, Posbus 895, Nylstroom, 0510. 30 (dertig) dae.
1631/2013—Snyders, Maria Magdalena, 21/05/31, 3105210084087, Waterbessiestraat 55, Onverwacht, 23/12/12.
Menno Glas, Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555.
496/2013—Matsaung, Magdeline, 1954-05-06, 5405060795081, 206 Nobody, Ga Mothapo, Sovenga, 2012-10-27. Cindy
Marais, B J Estate Administrators, P.O. Box 736, Bendor Park, 0713.
4835/2012—Venter, Catharina Maria Aletta, 19-05-1924, 2405190002088, Nadene Flat 4, Van Heerden Street,
Mokopane, 12/05/2012. L J H Smit, 49 Geyser Street (Box 4659), Mokopane.
10392/2012—Brickhill, Hugh Austin, 26/11/1935, 3511265029085, 10 Green Gables, Harry Dilly Street, Tzaneen, 0850,
10/07/2012; Pauline Brickhill, 30/04/1937, 3704300015082. Stephan van Rensburg Attorneys, P.O. Box 720, Tzaneen, 0850.
9983/2012—Kruger, Willem Petrus Louw, 13/3/1938, 3803135093080, Driebergen Farm, Roedtan, 22/1/2012. Coenraad
Christoffel Wanzenberg Kruger, c/o Yvonne Kruger Inc., P.O. Box 30248, Kyalami, 1684.
555/2013—Ngwenya, Hazel, 2 September 1966, 6609020778082, P.O. Box 1257, Sifahla, 0957, Limpopo Province,
8 February 2013; Michael Gezani Ngwenya, 23 September 1964, 6409235602080. Advocate Maele Jackson Mushasha
(authorized agent): Old Mutual Building Room G30, Box 1652, Thohoyandou, 0950.
5168/2012—Mametja, Maatla Isaiah, 1965-12-18, 6512185730080, Stand No. 41, Pharare Village, Phepeng, Naphuno
District, Limpopo Province, 2012-06-12; Cheyeza Pertunia Mashele, 1975-11-13, 7511130747081. Cheyeza Pertunia Mashele,
Stand No. 41, Pharare Village, Phepeng, Naphuno District.
4337/2012—Kgatla, Ngoako Frans, 1943-02-05, 4302055304089, Stand No. 117, Senopelwa Village, Bolobedu District,
Limpopo Province, 2012-05-17; Mmamohale Kgatla, 1946-12-25, 4612250993084. Stand No. 117, Senopelwa Village,
Bolobedu District, Limpopo Province.
5168/2012—Mametja, Maatla Isaiah, 1965-12-18, 6512185730080, Stand No. 41, Pharare Village, Phepeng, Naphuno
District, Limpopo Province, 2012-06-12; Cheyeza Pertunia Mashele, 1975-11-13, 7511130747081. Cheyeza Pertunia Mashele,
Stand No. 41, Pharare Village, Phepeng, Naphuno District.
4337/2012—Kgatla, Ngoako Frans, 1943-02-05, 4302055304089, Stand No. 117, Senopelwa Village, Bolobedu District,
Limpopo Province, 2012-05-17; Mmamohale Kgatla, 1946-12-25, 4612250993084. Stand No. 117, Senopelwa Village,
Bolobedu District, Limpopo Province.
No. 36227
2202/2012—Mogoregi, Mataunyane Truly Mogoregi, 1970-04-04, 7004040375086, 19 Lekhela Street, Galeshewe
Village, Kimberley, 08-08-2012. Towell & Groenewaldt Attorneys, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley, 8301.
3329/2012—Kruger, Antonie Alfred, 1949-04-04, 4904045174082, 23 Tenth Street, Homevale, Kimberley, 8301,
2012-11-13; Sara Johanna Kruger, 1954-03-22, 5403220177084. Towell & Groenewaldt Attorneys, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley,
113/2013—Maku, Valentine Bonang, 1968-03-08, 6803085366087, 6 Voortrekker Street, Jan Kempdorp, 8550,
09/01/2013; Lindi Joyce Maku, 1968-08-13, 6808130525082. Towell & Groenewaldt Attorneys, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley,
514/2013—O’Neill, Rosa Elizabeth, 25 November 1924, 2411250025084, Hoofweg 672 (Posbus 33), Okiep,
12 September 2010; Edward Daniel O’Neill, 7 Augustus 1933, 3308075056089. Arno Van Zyl Prokureur, Posbus 525,
Springbok, 8240.
2562/2012—Murphy, Thomas Chanco, 1956 Mei 07, 5605075078080, Frikkie Moutonstraat 23, Morning Glory, Upington,
13 April 2012; Catharina Wilhelmina Murphy, 1959-05-27, 5905270081081. Elizma Felicia Willemse. 30 dae.
3079/2012—Wiese, Hendrik Johannes, 15/08/1929, 2908155006085, McGregorstraat 5, Kimberley, 03/10/2012. Frankel
Engelbrecht, p/a Engelsman, Magabane Ing., Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley. 30 dae.
3247/2012—Townsend, Charles, 23/09/1933, 3309235093087, Coronationstraat 14, Barkly Wes, 21/06/2006; Elizabeth
Johanna Townsend. Frankel Engelbrech, p/a Engelsman, Magabane Ing., Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley. 30 dae.
3130/2012—Janse van Rensburg, Johannes Daniel, 28/12/1950, 5012285018081, Perseel 60, Kakamas Noord
Nedersetting, Afdeling Kenhardt, Provinsie Noord Kaap, 3/10/2012. Le Roux & Genote Ingelyf, Posbus 159, Kakamas, 8870.
2562/2012—Murphy, Thomas Chanco, 1956 Mei 07, 5605075078080, Frikkie Moutonstraat 23, Morning Glory, Upington,
13 April 2012; Catharina Wilhelmina Murphy, 1959-05-27, 5905270081081. Elizma Felicia Willemse, Becker Bergh & More Ing.,
Posbus 9, Upington, 8800. 30 dae.
1498/2011—Drude, Charles Hendry, 1959-08-09, 5908095200084, 159 Histea Street, Barkly-West, Kimberley, Northern
Cape, 2011-06-06; Petra Rodie Drude, 1960-04-23, 6004230216083. NBG Attorneys, 42 Saldanha Road, Vredenburg, Western
963/2010—Jonkers, Jacobus, 1945-09-30, 4509305465086, 7de Laan, Ulco Blok, Delportshoop, 8377, 2010/03/10.
Andries Jonkers, Sipresweg 20, Hartswater, 8570.
963/2010—Jonkers, Jacobus, 1945-09-30, 4509305465086, 7de Laan, Ulco Blok, Delportshoop, 8377, 2010/03/10.
Andries Jonkers, Sipresweg 20, Hartswater, 8570.
30/13—Quinn, Lynette Joy, 1944/09/08, 4409080043085, 8 Lardner-Burke Ave, Cassandra, Kimberley, 20 May 2012;
Walter Dan Quinn, 1944/05/18, 4405185080089. Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, Cheapside, P.O. Box 179, Kimberley, 8300.
30 days.
310/2013—Murbane, Elias, 20/10/1950, 5010205152089, Waterworksstraat 83, New Park, Kimberley, 01/01/2013;
Ida Murbane, 12/03/1949. Frankel Engelbrecht, p/a Engelsman, Magabane Ing., Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley. 30 dae.
360/2013—Human, Johannes Stephanus, 29/01/1926, 2601295029089, Uitzight Genade Boerdery, Douglas, 8730,
23/10/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
478/2013—Harsant, Annette Marie, 13/07/1943, 4307130073088, 94 Lawson Street, Kimberley, 8301, 16/01/2013.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
3274/2012—Whitehead, Magrietha Johanna, 1934-04-01, 3404010037084, Venterstraat 5, Kuruman, 8460, 2012-10-28.
Niel Pienaar & Associates, Fraundorferstraat 8, Bloemfontein. 30 days.
453/2013—Withers, Ellwyn Annie, 16 November 1931, 3111165004088, Minerva Gardens Retirement Room 26, 84 Gerrit
Schouten Avenue, Kimberley, 30 January 2013. Haarhoffs Inc., P.O. Box 136, Kimberley, 8300.
816/2011—Opperman, Catherina Aletta, 1926/10/07, 2610070020080, Mosselplek 2, Fraaiuitsig, 2010/08/27. Waldo
Rost, P.O. Box 3775, Kimberley, 8301. 30 days.
816/2011—Catherina Aletta Opperman, 2610070020080, Mosselplek 2, Fraaiuitsig, 27/08/2010. Waldo Rost, Posbus
3775, Kimberley, 8301. 30 dae.
3174/2012—Gaborone, Matsepe Martha, 14 October 1926, 2610140173083, 6259 Moerane Street, Galeshewe,
Kimberley, 8345, 2 November 2012. Malekgoa Sophia Gaborone, c/o Job Attorneys, 35A Market Square Corner Stead Street
& Market Square, Kimberley, 8301.
3168/2012—De Waal, Frederick Johannes Gideon, 17 November 1934, 3411175008081, Marinalaan 5, Garies, 8220,
21 Oktober 2012; Maria Johanna Magdalena De Waal, 12 Mei 1936, 3605120053080. Schreuders Prokureurs, Posbus 15,
Springbok, 8240. Sou gou moontlik.
453/2013—Withers, Ellwyn Annie, 16 November 1931, 3111165004088, Minerva Gardens Retirement Room 26, 84 Gerrit
Schouten Avenue, Kimberley, 30 January 2013. Haarhoffs Inc., P.O. Box 136, Kimberley, 8300.
283/2013—Bock, Frederick Jacobus, 1 Julie 1947, 4707015144088, Angelierweg 89, Progress, Upington, 8801, 29 Julie
2012; Magrieta Bock, 31 Maart 1961, 6103310196080. Taylor en Nagel Prokureurs, Posbus 154, Upington, 8800. 30 (dertig)
3457/2012—Brand, Magrietha Wilhelmina Bonthuys, 29 November 1927, 2911270035088, Kokerboom Oord Ouetehuis,
Kakamas, 8870, 2 Oktober 2012. FJ Koch, Posbus 309, Vredenburg, 7380.
No. 36227
1625/2013—Muller, Petrus Stephanus, 13 Mei 1938, 3805135014081, Plaas Erfnishoek, distrik Vryburg, 28 Januarie
2013; Niklasina Jacoba Muller, 20 Oktober 1939, 3910200012083. Kotzé Low & Swanepoel, Posbus 123, Vryburg.
8803/2012—Van Rooy, Anna Susanna, 12 Januarie 1984, 8401120051083, Jan Cillierstraat 7, Potchefstroom, 14 Junie
2012. Blignaut & Wessels, Posbus 6, Reitz, 9810.
8252/2012—Sekete, Sithembile Rejoyce, 03-08-1984, 8408030468083, Erf 10143, Sunrise Park (Boitekong) Extension
9, Rustenburg, North West Province, 19 September 2012; Lekotsi Simon Sekete, 24/07/1962, 6207245437087. Combrink
Kgatshe Inc., P.O. Box 334, Rustenburg, 0300.
2597/2013—Tielman James Wait, 6008215059087, Plaas Nooitgedacht No. 429 IP, Klerksdorp, Noodwes-Provinsie,
12 Desember 2012. Lourens Bezuidenhout Prokureurs Ingely, Hillbrengebou, Anderstonstraat 23 (Posbus 100), Klerksdorp,
2294/2013—Lourens, Jan Adriaan, 2 September 1952, 5209025082084, Kerkstraat 5A, Lichtenburg, 2740, 16 Februarie
2013. Jonker & Vennote, Jonker & Vennote, Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740.
9092/2012—Van Amersfoort, Alfred Richard, 10 Januarie 1939, 3901105008086, 11de Laan 47A, Lichtenburg, 2740,
19 November 2012; Jacoba Hendrieka Van Amersfoort, 27 Augustus 1943, 4308270055083. Jonker & Vennote, Jonker &
Vennote, Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740.
1255/2013—Janse van Rensburg, Frederik Johannes, 27 Oktober 1947, 4710275126084, Hoewe 56, Biesiesvlei, 2755,
11 Januarie 2013; Maria Petronella Janse van Rensburg, 22 September 1950, 5009220118083. Jonker & Vannote, Jonker &
Vennote, Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740.
9096/2012—Swart, Aletta Alida Regina, 13 Junie 1937, 3706130060089, Kerkstraat 90, Lichtenburg, 2740,
27 September 2012; Jan Joachim Swart, 22 November 1942, 4211225025088. Jonker & Vannote, Jonker & Vennote,
Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740.
1450/2013—Roos, Elza, 12 November 1951, 5111120110085, Bremnerstraat 21, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 2531,
22 Januarie 2013. Kok & van Staden, Posbus 2546, Potchefstroom, 2520.
9238/2012—Du Toit, Jacobus Frederick, 10 April 1922, 2204105009084, Queenstraat 36, Zeerust, 25 August 2012.
Du Plessis Van der Westhuizen, Posbus 254, Rustenburg, 0300.
611/2013—Pretorius, Elizabeth Catharina, 26 September 1941, 4109260005082, Plaas Skatryk, distrik Delareyville,
2770, 14 August 2012. Herman Tertius Du Plessis, Posbus 23, Delareyville, 2770.
4773/2012—Mosime, Boynyana Zacharia, 1942/03/03, 4203035873088, 566 Matumeng Section Bapo 2, 2012/07/10;
Ntonoka Regina Mosime, 1945/07/28, 4507280506080. Thapelo Godfrey Molefe, Mabalane Molefe Inc., 24 Andersiet Drive,
Reviera Park, Mafikeng. 30 days.
2902/2007—Kgomo, Kenewang Maggie, 05/04/1941, 4104050258082, 111 Maropeng Section, Makapanstad,
18/05/2007; Niclas Ditshipi Modise Mabuse, 16/02/1972, 7202166154083. Attorney Mabuse, P.O. Box 59795, Karen Park,
1141/2013—Swart, Renier Phillipus, 10/06/1936, 3906105013085, Marloweweg 67, Orkney, 1 December 2012; Johanna
Hendrina Wilhelmina Swart, 30/07/1930, 4007300078087. Marius Ernst, P/a Van Staden Vorster & Nysschen Prokureurs,
Posbus 6171, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2572.
7217/2012—Lethoko, Gape Zeth, 18/06/1952, 5206185876081, 470 Khudu Street, Boikhutso, Lichtenburg, 2740,
19/01/2011; Itumeleng Elizabeth Lethoko, 15/08/1966, 6608155259082. C J Maritz, Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103,
Mafikeng, 2745.
1922/2013—Smit, Christiaan Joubert, 20 Julie 1973, 7307205025085, Spoorstraat 2, Sannieshof, 2760, 7 Januarie 2013;
Anna Dorathea Smit, 28 Augustus 1973, 7308280216086. Van Rensburgs Prokureurs, Kerkstraat 44, Lichtenburgs, 2740.
Seemise, Makopane Sara, 24/01/1962, 6201240842086, 19 Paraffine Street, Tlhabane West, Rustenburg, 0300,
19/01/2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Ranta, Cornelius Maputle, 02/08/1954, 5408025194085, 192 Mkgakgana Section, Luka, 0300, 13/12/2012;
Mmatshilwana Priscilla Ranta, 08/08/1963, 6308080896088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Pretorius, Petrus, 26/06/1955, 5506265095084, Prellerstraat 7, Stilfontein, 2550, 28/12/2012; Hester Maria Pretorius,
11/09/1959, 5909110045082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Mostert, Johanna Catharina, 24/10/1945, 4510240032080, Kempstraat 13, Leeudoringstad, 2640, 04/02/2013; Marthinus
Johannes Petrus Mostert, 10/01/1943, 4301105018087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
8988/2012—Esterhuizen, Hendrik Christoffel, 19 April 1927, 2704195008086, Frangapanestraat 11, Doornkruin,
Klerksdorp, 27 Julie 2012. C J Raath, p/a Hill McHardy & Herbst Ing., Posbus 93, Bloemfontein.
9176/2012—Myburgh, Amanda, 1964-03-06, 6403060073087, Walter Sisululaan 379, Potchefstroom, 2012-09-11;
Diederik Arnoldus Myburgh, 1959-11-19, 5911195084085. Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324.
2105/2013—Mohutsiwa, Pinitloa Jacobus, 4210125211087, House No. 212, Khama Street, Ikageng Location,
Potchefstroom, 2 February 2013; Madikhuduwane Bertha Mohutsiwa, 4203250299084. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5,
Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 30 days.
1947/2013—Moche, Vincent Julius Makwe, 5009275752083, House No. 212, Khama Street, Ikageng Location,
Potchefstroom, 8 February 2013; Thandile Glenrose Iris Moche, 5005210775080. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons
Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 30 days.
992/2013—Du Toit, Daniel Sarel, 1938-01-06, 3801065018085, Kwaggastraat 4, Hartbeesfontein, 2600, 2013-01-19;
Cornelia Maria Du Toit, 1943-01-23, 4301230014084. Cornelia Maria Du Toit, Posbus 24, Hartbeesfontein, 2600.
2105/2013—Mohutsiwa, Pinitloa Jacobus, 4210125211087, House No. 212, Khama Street, Ikageng Location,
Potchefstroom, 2 February 2013; Madikhuduwane Bertha Mohutsiwa, 4203250299084. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5,
Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 30 days.
No. 36227
1947/2013—Moche, Vincent Julius Makwe, 5009275752083, House No. 212, Khama Street, Ikageng Location,
Potchefstroom, 8 February 2013; Thandile Glenrose Iris Moche, 5005210775080. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons
Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 30 days.
1015/2013—Matshogo, Mogorosi Danis, 1959-03-13, 5903135546083, House 9758, Paardekraal, 0300, 2012-09-04.
Volker Helmut Johannes Kruger Van Velden - Duffey Incorporated. 30 days.
7217/2012—Lethoko, Gape Zeth, 18/06/1952, 5206185876081, 470 Khudu Street, Boikhutso, Lichtenburg, 2740,
19/01/2011; Itumeleng Elizabeth Lethoko, 15/08/1966, 6608155259082. C J Maritz, Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103,
Mafikeng, 2745.
1029/2013—Joubert, Susanna Dorothea, 13 Maart 1918, 1803130037084, Irisstraat 19, Hartbeesfontein, 2600,
9 November 2012. Marinda Hattingh, Posbus 172, Koster, 0348.
1470/2013—Myburgh, Gerhard, 1956-06-13, 5606135094083, Mozardstraat 13, Van der Hoff, Potchefstroom,
2012-10-26. Suzette Malherbe, Sanlam Trust, Posbus 4235, Bloemfontein, 9300.
18868/2012—Edgar Otto Christian Friedrichsen, 3304045039081, Hoewe 36 Wilgeboom, Potchefstroom, 5 Augustus
2012. D M Mostert, Müller, Mostert & Vennote, Prokureurs vir die Eksekuteur, Die Forum, h/v Govan Mbeki Rylaan &
Totiusstraat (Posbus 208), Potchefstroom, 2520. 30 (dertig) dae.
4773/2012—Mosime, Boynyana Zacharia, 1942/03/03, 4203035873088, 566 Matumeng Section Bapo 2, 2012/07/10;
Ntonoka Regina Mosime, 1945/07/28, 4507280506080. Thapelo Godfery Molefe, Mabalane Molefe Inc., 24 Andersiet Drive,
Riviera Park, Mafikeng. 30 days.
2247/2013—Stella Serieta Rezant, 21-06-1931, 3106210081081, Milnerstraat 497, Chatsworth, Malmesbury, 12-12-2012;
Hendrik Sophinia Rezant. Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (Identity No. 5607195060089) as nominee of Standard Executors and
Trustees Ltd, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc., Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536.
1658/2013—Gozalo, Francisco, 1942-05-03, 4205035076182, 24 Mahogany Crescent, Tygerberg Hills, 2012-12-19.
Maria Gozalo, 24 Mahogany Crescent, Tygerberg Hills.
7474/2012—Dennis, Evelyn, 1938-03-05, 3803050068083, 95 First Avenue, Fairways, 7800, 2012-04-08; Patrick Michael
Dennis, 1938-11-25, 3811255086081. Bianca Joy Williams, Unit 201, 49 Mile End Road, Diepriver, 7800.
499/2013—Sisson, Jean, 21 January 1924, 2401210034086, Carlisle Lodge, Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, Western Cape,
18 December 2012. Aliwal Road Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 53279, Kenilwort, 7745.
1707/2013—Johannes Godfrey Love, 18-12-1957, 5712185099087, Georgelaan 2, Vanrhynsdorp, 14-12-2012.
Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (Identity No. 5607195060089) as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, c/o Roopa
Potgieter Cape Town Inc., Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536.
1384/2013—Cotton, Hyman, 21 June 1924, 2406215028082, 43 Dingle Road, Goodwood, 09-12-2012; Sheila Blawing
Cotton, 26-07-1928, 2807260033085. Alan Melville, 15 Mimosa Arcade, Regram Road, Sea Point.
1082/2013—Robinson, Raphael, 23 May 1919, 1905235015087, 206 Tarsor Flats, Key Apple Road, Sea Point, 8005,
12 December 2012. Alan Melvin Attorneys, 15 Mimosa Arcade, Regent Road, Sea Point, 8005.
11746/2012—Murphy, Ursula, 1959-12-04, 5912040234081, 35 The Grage, Century View, Cape Town, 2012-08-03. Neil
Barton Attorneys, 6 Kendal Mews, Kendal Road, Diep River, 7800.
2048/2013—Anassis, Dihana Magaretha, 28-12-1945, 128 De Waal Road, Southfield, Cape Town, 4 January 2013;
Erricos Antonios Anassis, 30-07-1944, 4407305011085. Barry Michael Leonard, 11 Lawson Road, Rondebosch East, Cape
Town, 7780.
910/2013—Cloete, Desmond Alfred, 20 September 1935, 3509205115089, 4 De Villiers Street, Maitland, 21 August 2012;
Pamela Jessica Cloete, 18 April 1956, 5604180166088. Matz Watermeyer Inc., P O Box 522, Plumstead, 7801.
642/2013—Herbst, Hennie, 01-01-1949, 4901015032084, Twaitstraat 16, Beaufort Wes, 6970, 23-07-2012. Mathilda
Susanna van Niekerk, Van Niekerkk Prokureurs, Birdstraat 91, Beaufort Wes.
2302/2013—Diekjobst, Wilhelm Hermann Bernhard Gerhard, 1927-02-26, 2702265028182, 17 Bosbok Street, Hoekwil,
2013-01-27; Margot Marie Diekjobst, 1927-11-27, 2711270031180. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape
Town, 8000. 30 days.
2754/2013—Luter, Frank Derrick, 1936-11-12, 3611125064080, 15 Woodside Drive, Pinelands, 2013-01-27. Standard
Executors and Trustees Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2859/2013—Gouws, Pieter Jacobus Hendrik, 1944-04-30, 4404305063083, 3 Datrmouth Road, Muizenburg,
2013-02-01. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days.
2352/2013—Thomas, Maureen Anne, 1939-11-27, 3911270031086, Frail Care, Helderberg Village, Somerset West,
2013-01-16. Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2311/2013—Bastian, Roland Edward, 1948-01-24, 4801245087082, Mont Roselaan 17, Elrichelandgoed, Paarl, 7646,
2012-12-16; Olive Veronica Bastian, 1951-03-15, 5103150089081. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
17882/2012—Bredekamp, Nicholas Justus Henry, 1941-11-01, 4111015135081, Clarendon Hof 1 Melroseweg,
Muizenberg, 2012-09-25; Audrey Sarah Bredekamp, 1939-12-15, 3912150081084. Elmarene Erasmus, Posbus 3158, Paarl,
1829/2013—Lyttle, Edward Michael, 1927-03-25, 2703255055086, Murambi House, Wellington Road, Kenilworth,
2013-01-11. Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2754/2013—Luter, Frank Derrick, 1936-11-12, 3611125064080, 15 Woodside Drive, Pinelands, 2013-01-27. Standard
Executors and Trustees Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2482/2013—Withey, Jose Doreen, 1920-06-10, 2006100024186, 164 Pinewood Village, Pinelands, 2013-01-24. Standard
Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2302/2013—Diekjobst, Wilhelm Hermann Bernhard Gerhard, 1927-02-26, 2702265028182, 17 Bosbok Street, Hoekwil,
2013-01-27; Margot Marie Diekjobst, 1927-11-27, 2711270031180. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape
Town, 8000.
2307/2013—Carosini Johanna Magritha, 1930-08-03, 3008030031082, Strandloperslot 7, Velddrif, 7365, 2013-01-09.
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
No. 36227
1753/2013—Grobler, Leonora Antoinette Grobler, 23 Mei 1924, 2405230009085, Huis Uitvlucht, Piet Retiefstraat,
Montagu. Van Zyl & Hofmeyer, Posbus 8, Montagu, 6720.
1863/2013—Fisher, Gabiba, 04-05-1946, 4605040243083, 13 Honeysuckle Street, Parktown, Athlone, Western Cape,
25 August 2013. Anastasios Vavatzanidis, 10 Beckham Street, Gardens, Cape Town.
18066/2012—Hatz, Hermann Anselm, 02/01/1941, 4101025016108, 3A Avenue Massif, High Cape, Devil’s Peak, Cape
Town, 25 September 2012. Anastasios Vavatzanious, 10 Beckham Street, Gardens, Cape Town.
1554/2013—Hugo, Magrietha Johanna, 1957/09/21, 5709210053089, 22 Drosdy Street, Kraaifontein, Cape, 2012/12/04.
Van der Ross & Motala Inc., 55 Plein Street, Cape Town.
1447/2013—Loubser, Karien, 1977/11/01, 77110100333087, 11 Onverwacht Street, Oakglen, Bellville, 2012/10/10.
VDRM Attorneys, VDRM Chambers, 55 Plein Street, Cape Town.
1688/2013—Crous, Gawie Johannes, 1932-02-02, 3202025012088, Feleciastraat 18, Riversdal, 6670, 2012-12-18;
Hendrika Catharina Crous, 1938-11-19, 3811190033081. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
2432/2013—Russell, Dorothy Ruth, 7 January 1908, 0801070045084, 9 Avenue De Berrange, Fresnaye, 12 January
2013. Morkel & De Villiers Inc., P O Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.
3249/2013—Young, Rachel, 1948-06-22, 4806220158089, Plantasiestraat 10, Pacaltsdorp, 6529, 2012-11-24; William
Young, 1944-12-02, 4412025033088. Millers Incorporated, Posbus 35, Goerge, 6530. 30 days.
16773/2012—Liebenberg, Reynier, 1954-04-05, 5404055073083, Beldonstraat 13, Heiderand, Mosselbaai, 6500,
2012-11-03. Rauch Gertenbach Inc., Kerkstraat 10, Mosselbaai, 6500. 30 days.
1413/2013—Glegg, Dawn Mary Glegg, 23 November 1923, 2311230028085, 120 Thomas Bowler Avenue, Edgemead,
15 January 2013. Mrs June Rose Theron, C/o STBB/Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Buchanan Chambers,
cnr. Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7735.
2383/2013—Lochner, John Edward Frederick, 1925-05-01, 2505015067081, Eden Park Retirement Village, Kuilsriver,
7580, 2013-01-20. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
1138/2013—Le Roux, Gabriel Jacobus, 1949-11-11, 4911115057089, Voortrekkerweg 19, De Doorns, 6875, 2012-12-28;
Gerda Le Roux, 1956-09-15, 5609150044082. Rudi Strydom, Posbus 744, Worcester, 6849.
16941/2012—Simons Hana, 1921-05-24, 2105240008081, 17 Hillcrest, Ranger Road, 2012-10-06; Paul Simons,
1924-06-08, 2406085013081. Gila Band, Attorneys West & Rossouw, 33 Longboat Road, Sunnydale.
810/2013—Landon, Stanley Walter, 1929-05-30, 2905305036087, Nerina Gardens, Fish Hoek, 2013-01-07; Patricia Olive
Landon, 1932-11-10, 3211100031087. Patricia Landon, Attorneys West & Rossouw, 33 Longboat Road, Sunnydale.
810/2013—Landon, Stanley Walter, 1929-05-30, 2905305036087, Nerina Gardens, Fish Hoek, 2013-01-07; Patricia Olive
Landon, 1932-11-10, 3211100031087. Patricia Landon, Attorneys West & Rossouw, 33 Longboat Road, Sunnydale.
16726/2012—Timm, Malcolm John, 1954-05-22, 5405225110085, 2 Van Riebeeck Street, Brooklyn, 2013-02-04. Cynthia
Denise Keet, 31 Longboat Street cnr. Ou Kaapsweg, Sunnydale, 7975.
2392/2013—Janse van Rensburg, Johannes Daniel Wethmar, 26/05/1960, 6005265076086, Brain Barrystraat 46,
Saldanha, 7395, 09/01/2013; Dorothea Magrietha Janse van Rensburg, 27/03/1956, 5603270044080. ABSA Trust Beperk,
Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2914/2013—Liebenberg, Alberta, 22 Oktober 1952, 5210220010086, Mount Du Val 29, Firgrove, Somerset-Wes,
11 Februarie 2013. Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139.
1488/2013—Ferreira, Alida Maria, 1967-08-13, 6708130015086, 2 O’Kullis Street, Welgemoed, 7530. Sonja Frank,
De Wagenweg Office Park, Blok B, Stellentia Ave, Stellenbosch.
913/2013—Kaiser, Paul Anthony, 24 February 1935, 3502245067089, Monte Rosa Old Age Home, Faure Street,
Gardens, 8001, 22 December 2012. Robert Maxwell Houliston, Suite 401, 47 On Strand, Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001.
86/2013—Brown, Angela Wendy, 1942-02-06, 4202060383187, 9 Roche Bonne Road, Plettenberg Bay, 2012-12-01.
Anthony John Kohler, P.O. Box 218, Plettenberg Bay, 8600.
1625/2013—Hanson, Jean, 1936-03-20, 3603200066189, Andries Hamman House, 10 Baring Street, Worcester,
2012-12-20. Steyn Attorneys Inc., 71 Durban Street, Worcester, 6850. 30 days.
840/2013—Moses, Victor Vernon, 22/08/1948, 4808225621087, Osbornestraat 105, Bellville, 2 Desember 2012. Servo
Fiduciary Services, Postnet Suite 76, Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551.
7828/2012—Hennig, Jacobus Adriaan, 10/07/1924, 2407105032085, Serenitas 151, Altenaweg 12, Strand, 11 Mei 2012.
Servo Fiduciary Services, Postnet Suite 76, Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551.
18030/2012—Andrews, Celia, 1963-08-26, 6308260126082, 6 Hope Street, Hunters Home, Knysna, 6520, 2012-08-10.
Mark William Andrews, P.O. Box 218, Plettenberg Bay, 6600.
1212/2013—Muller, Hester Johanna, 1924/02/11, 2402110031081, 6de Laan No. 14, Denne-oord, George, 11 Desember
2012. Barend Cilliers Odendaal, Posbus 1079, George, 6530.
1685/2013—Van der Merwe, Roelof Abraham, 10 Julie 1938, 3807105002088, Van Goenstraat 8, Worcester, 6850,
15 Januarie 2013. H A Conradie en Vennote Ing., Stockensteinstraat 23, Worcester, 6850.
13437/2012—Marcus, Nanette Claire, 1931-06-16, 3106160048080, Westwing, Highlands House, Gorge Road,
Highlands Estate, Cape Town, 2012-08-10. E Hoffmann, P.O. Box 39288, Capricorn Square, 7948.
16035—Davids, Goliath William, 18 Maart 1929, 2903185043083, Hoogstraat 30, Heidelberg, 11 September 2012.
P.W. Hoffman Prokureurs, Posbus 123, Heidelberg, Wes-Kaap, 6665.
3568/2012—Hendricks, Kevin Errol, 4 Decemer 1958, 5812045100081, 5 Belair Drive, Bernadino Heights, Kraaifontein,
7570, 17 February 2012; Gwendoline Gertie Katrina Hendricks, 1 August 1962, 6208010121088. Herold Gie Attorneys, Notaries
& Conveyancers, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001.
13437/2012—Marcus, Nanette Claire, 1931-06-16, 3106160048080, Westwing, Highlands House, Gorge Road,
Highlands Estate, Cape Town, 2012-08-10. E Hoffmann, P.O. Box 39288, Capricorn Square, 7948.
1514/2013—Otto, Jacominah, 05-02-1925, 2502050053084, Verastraat 51, Scotsdene, Kraaifontein. Heyns &
Vennote Ing., Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
1514/2013—Otto, Jacominah, 05-02-1925, 2502050053084, Verastraat 51, Scotsdene, Kraaifontein. Heyns &
Vennote Ing., Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
17959/2012—Van Wyk, Catharina Barbara Adriana, 1912-08-23, 1208230027086, Ametis Old Age Home, Strand,
2012-11-12. F M Oehl Trust CC, P.O. Box 90290, Windhoek.
17247/2012—Smith, Izak Schalk, 1947-08-29, 4708295088086, Springfonteinlaan 52, Stellenryk, Durbanville, Kaapstad,
2012-10-29. Citadel Fidiciary, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.
No. 36227
11698/2012—Wilson, Hazel Valerie, 17/02/1933, 3302170055088, 21 Wessel Lourens Crescent, Tygerdal. Heyns &
Vennote Ing., Vasco Boulevard 168, Vasco.
1489/2013—Kellerman, Gabriël Elisa, 07/10/1948, 4810075020089, Craigstraat 15, Welgemoed. Heyns & Vennote Ing.,
Vasco Boulevard 168, Vasco.
816/2013—Ryklief, Jolaiga, 27 December 1927, 2712270241084, 84 Rolbal Crescent, Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain,
7785, 17 October 2012. Aniel Jeaven Attorneys & Conveyancers, Raymark Corner, corner of Belvedere and Lansdowne Roads,
Claremont, 7780.
16028/2012—Whyte, Helena Petronella, 20 May 1931, 3105200004087, 123 Mornay Street, Ravensmead, 8 June 2012.
Yasmin Jadwat - Pincus Matz Attorneys, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg.
15537/2012—Bosman, Anna Margaretha, 11 April 1928, 2804110010082, Huis Nerina, Porterville, 31 August 2012. Louw
Cronje Ingelyf, Posbus 138, Porterville, 6810.
16010/2012—Stander, Jan Hendrik, 1938/02/11, 3802115047082, 4 Aalwyn Road, Heather Park, George, 2012/09/18,
Rosemary Dorothy Stander, 1946/11/17, 4611170030084. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530.
1474/2013—Delport, Hendrik Bernardus, 7 Augustus 1934, 3408075015083, Becklaan 4, Worcester, 30 November 2012;
Elizabeth Margaretha Delport, 15 April 1938, 3804150048082. JJ Beyers en Vennote, Posbus 706, Worcester, 6849.
2919/2013—Hall, Henry John Loverden, 1934/08/03, 3408035009085, Kidbrooke Place, Hermanus, Western Cape,
2013/02/02. R L Dare, 28 Suikerbossie Drive, Gordons Bay.
1752/2013—Louw, Jacques, 1969/12/17, 6912175011089, 25 Louis Trichardt Street, Worcester, 6850, 2013/01/19.
De Vries De Wet & Krouwkam Inc., PO Box 871, Worcester, 6849.
2144/2013—Visagie, Abraham, 02/04/1936, 3604025108081, 113 Klipspringer Street, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain,
06/05/2012; Mary Ellen Dixon, 15/11/1942, 4211150405081. N Parker Attorneys, Shop No. 2, Lentegeur Service Station,
Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain.
1556/2013—Morley, Mark, 20 January 1920, 2001205035187, 212 Fishermans Bend, Helderberg Village, Somerset West,
26 December 2012; Vera Dorothy Morley, 01/04/1923, 2304010030181. Quoin Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2275, Cape Town, 8000.
1101/2013—Schorn, Joan Margery, 1911/07/23, 1107230031082, Serenity Nursing Home, Diep River, 2012/09/18.
Gudrun Hansi Boshoff, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days.
1194/2013—Stuart-White, Molly Gladys, 1920/06/23, 2006230041100, The Annex, Fairmead, College Road,
Rondebosch, 2013/01/15. Alcock & Associates, PO Box 930, Stanford, 7210.
1287/13—Simpson, Ronald Fred, 1939/08/10, 3908105057088, 12 Repulse Road, Crawford, 2012/09/01. Sanlam Trust,
PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
18277/2012—Lucas, Stanley, 7 September 1922, 2209075013180, 9 Edinburgh Place, Tokai, 7945, 18 November 2012.
Peter James Lucas and Johan Venter, P.O. Box 419, Somerset West, 7129.
2998/2011—Gasnodien, Asa, 1 Julie 1933, 3307010174080, Lentonweg 11, Bishop Lavis, 7490, 5 Februarie 2003.
Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Dirkie Uysstraat 6, Bellville, 7530; Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
763/2013—Layman, Rodney Winston McLeod Layman, 5 September 1944, 4409055105083, 2 May Street, Elsies River,
7490, 4 December 2021. Andre Bester Attorneys, PO Box 55, Parow, 7499.
2347/2013—Slabbert, Martha Johanna, 9 Augustus 1924, 2408090039085, Langstraat 47B, Mosselbaai, 6500,
18 Desember 2012; Gabriël Johannes Jacobus Frederick Slabbert, 24 Augustus 1921, 2108245019087. Deon Johan Slabbert,
Hannes Pienaarstraat 14, Bayview, Mosselbaai, 6500. 30 dae.
8961/2012—Hendricks, Anna Elizabeth, 1931/04/04, 3104040351089, Fortuinstraat 4, Wrocesgter, 6850, 2011/05/03.
Johannes Hendrik Botes, 46 Durban Street, Worcester, 6850.
18075/2012—Henry, Grace Ruth, 11/07/1924, 2407110110082, 20 Coningsby Street, Garlandale, Athlone, 7764,
22 November 2012. NSV Prokureurs Ing., Eenheid 11, Canal Edge 2, Carl Cronjerylaan, Tyer Waterfront.
2189/2013—Geijsendorpher, Francina Johanna, 30 November 1938, 3811300270185, Robin Trust, Oude Molen Eco
Village, Alexander Road, Pinelands, 7405, 18 January 2013. Sarah Mary Dodd, c/o Abrahams & Gross Inc., 1st Floor,
56 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town.
1049/2013—Olles, Rolf Wolfgang Alfons, 1935/04/25, 3504255037101, Heibenstreit 46, Windhoek, Namibia,
2012/12/01. Personal Trust, PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7700. 30 days.
717/2013—Beets, Joseph Phillip, 28 September 1929, 2909285050084, Huis Mostertshoek, Eeufeesstraat 37, Wolseley,
31 Desember 2012. H. A. Conradie en Vennote Ing, Stockenstömstraat 23, Worcester, 6850.
2273/2013—Van Staden, Johannes Michiel, 27-02-1941, 4102275077089, Kingswood Park 1, Kingsway, Onrusrivier.
Heyns & Vennote Ing, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
1371/2013—Vollenhoven, Catherine, 1916-05-18, 1605180110087, 4 Carolina Street, Alicedale, Athlone, 2011-03-23.
Alcock & Associates, PO Box 930, Stanford.
810/2013—Landon, Stanley Walter, 1929-05-30, 2905305036087, Nerina Gardens, Fish Hoek, 2013-01-07; Patricia Olive
Landon, 1932-11-10, 3211100031087. Patricia Landon, Attorneys West & Rossouw, 33 Longboat Road, Sunnydale.
16941/2012—Simons, Hana, 1921-05-24, 2105240008081, 17 Hillcrest, Ranger Road, 2012-10-06; Paul Simons,
1924-06-08, 2406085013081. Gila Band, Attorneys West & Rossouw, 33 Longboat Road, Sunnydale.
2375/2012—Laurens, Gideon Christoffel, 26 September 1947, 4709265061087, Hoofstraat 60, Wellington, 7655,
11 Desember 2011; Johanna Argelina Frederika Laurens, 27 Mei 1956, 5605270015085. Christo Collin Bothma, c/o Colber
Accountants, Posbus 13679, N1 Stad, 7463.
1468/2013—Swart, Danida, 1937-03-19, 3703190015087, Die Melkbaai Woonstelle, Kusweg 12, Strand, Provinsie
Wes-Kaap, 2013-01-08. Voogdy Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2355, Dennesig, 7601.
121/2013—White, Ernest Sidney, 1912-10-13, 1210135044083, Helen Keller Care Centre, Links Drive, Pinelands 7405,
2012-12-29. Roger John White, 34 Avonduur, Pinelands, 7405.
No. 36227
2230/2013—Kellerman, Jakobus, 1935-09-16, 3509165032084, Othello Aftree-Oord 1, Emilia & Iagostraat, Brackenfell,
2013-01-13; Maria Gertruida Kellerman, 1937-11-02, 3711020061080. Elma Nieuwoudt, Elma Nieuwoudt Prokureurs, De
Villiersrylaan 27, Durbanville, 7550.
15574/2012—Venter, Margaretha Johanna, 1936-12-27, 3612270066086, 82 Duncan Street, Parrowvallei, 2012-09-05.
Assent Legal Solutions CC, PO Box 51288, West Beach, 7449. 30 days.
265/2013—Harwood, Sheila Valerie, 1930-09-27, 3009270044082, Murambi House, cnr Langley Road and Wellington
Avenue, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800, 2012-05-11. Patricia Anne Burnand, Legal Docs Specialists, PO Box 35134, Newton Park,
146/2013—Wetherall, Jonathan Steven, 7 September 1924, 8209075225085, 27 Denison Way, Edgemead, 18 December
2012. Godfrey Sutton Norman Norman, Wink & Stephens, The Chambers, 50 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001.
1145/2013—Geyer, Antonius Frederik, 01-02-1935, 3502015007083, Bremerstraat 6, Milnerton, Wes-Kaap, 05-12-2012.
Steyn & Van Rhyn, Voortrekkerweg 45, Goodwood, 7460.
2139/2013—Fernold, Elizabeth Angelina, 1933-01-07, 3301070042089, Bouwerstraat 17, Rosemoore, George, 6529,
2012-12-29. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
16523/2008—Van Deventer Ellec, 14 April 1938, 3804145014082, 10 Van Zyl Street, Klipfontein, Gansbaai, Bellville;
Isabella Lodewina van Deventer, 18 July 1945, 4507180020083. Symington + De Kok, PO Box 5281, Tygervalley, 7536.
12957/2012—Nyondo, Simphiwe, 1973-08-18, 7308185676087, 14 St Williams Road, Sea Wind, 7945, 2012-09-14;
Phumeza Portia Nyondo, 1974-07-20, 7407200612083. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
14103/2012—Marco, Benjamin Charles Marco, 22-07-1934, 3407225175086, No. 8 Southgate Road, Retreat, 7945,
10-08-2012; Sarah Marco, 18-07-1931, 3107180255085. Benjamin Marco, No. 10 Southgate Road, Retreat, 7945.
11229/2011—Von Stein, Adolf Ferdinand Zeppel von Stein, 30-12-1937, 3712305021088, 99 Keurboom Ave., Protea
Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, 24-09-2011; Licia Fanny von Stein, 23-10-1943, 4310230158189. M. J. van Zyl, Posbus 605,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
16523/2008—Van Deventer, Ellec, 14 April 1938, 3804145014082, 10 Van Zyl Street, Klipfontein, Gansbaai, Bellville;
Isabella Lodewina van Deventer, 18 July 1945, 4507180020083, PO Box 5281, Tygervalley, 7536.
2430/2013—Fine, Merle, 26 April 1951, 5104260016089, 94 The Ridge, 4th Beach, Clifton, Cape Town, 6 August 2012.
Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz, 11th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, Cape Town, 8001.
1732/2013—Hinrichsen, Gwenyth Unice, 1934/09/23, 3409230045080, 4 Barbary Way, Constantia, 2013/01/19.
Christopher Murphy, c/o Legacy Fiduciary Services, PO Box 23685, Claremont, 7735.
2813/2013—Adams, Cecil Sidney, 1941/05/17, 4105175082083, Blomvleiweg 24, Lansdowne, 7780, 2012/03/06;
Elizabeth Adams, 1952/05/03, 5205030134084. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
2318/13—Botton, Hilton Graham, 1932/11/05, 3211055120083, 2 Chamonix, Fontaine Bleau Retirement Village,
Welgelegen, 7500, 2013/01/10. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
15582/2012—Margret Jaftha, 4607120582083, 59 Leerdam Crescent, Belhar, 7493. Rosant Manuel Attorneys, No. 3 End
Street, Bellville, 7530. 30 days.
Dods, Priscilla Anne, 25/04/33, 3304250031088, 23 Harmoney Avenue, Hermanus, 27 January 2013. Guthrie & Theron,
77 Main Road, Hermanus, 7200.
226/2013—Zwiegelaar, Pieter Jacobus, 24 Mei 1928, 2805245006085, Kleinfontein, distrik Oudtshoorn, 25 Julie 2012;
Joan Zwiegelaar, 23 Junie 1937, 3706230016080. Coetzee & Van der Bergh Prokureurs, Posbus 695, Oudtshoorn, 6625.
17819/2011—Biskup, Horst Dieter, 4 March 1944, Mollerpfad 9A, 14167 Berlin, Germany, 11 January 2011. Hans–Peter
Wolfgang Scheibert, Scheibert & Associates, 4th Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001.
318/2013—Taliep, Abdragman, 1935/03/04, 3503045014081, 43 Oval East, Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain, 2012/03/19.
Velile Tinto Cape Inc Attorneys, 2 Dingle Avenue, Kenilworth, 7708.
7504/2012—Mathie, Bryan Wallis, 1923/08/10, 2308105024082, 1 Lair Avenue, Klein Leeukop Estate, Hout Bay,
2012/02/21. Lesley Canning, 4 Brenton Close, Tarragona, Hout Bay, 7806.
1434/2013—Dharsey, Bibiana Anicetus, 1946/04/20, 4604200113087, 10 Unity Road, Retreat, Province of the Western
Cape, 23 November 2012; Rashid Dharsey, 1941/06/29, 4106295062088. Lor Dea Trust CC, 8 Picardy Street, Everglen, 7550.
1434/2013—Dharsey, Bibiana Anicetus, 1946/04/20, 4604200113087, 10 Unity Road, Retreat, Province of the Western
Cape, 23 November 2012; Rashid Dharsey, 1941/06/29, 4106295062088. Lor Dea Trust CC, 8 Picardy Street, Everglen, 7550.
15853/2012—Karen Marie Greeff, 1961/09/25, 6109250131086, Abbeystraat 3, Somerset-Wes, 7130. Werksmans
Prokureurs, Blok B, 2de Vloer, De Wagenweg Kantoorpark, Stellentiastraat, Stellenbosch. 30 dae.
1758/13—Du Preez, Coenraad Frederick Pieterse, 14/11/1935, 3511145067081, Ixiastraat 1, Door De Kraal, Bellville,
7530, 26/12/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
693/2013—Neethling, Jurene Neethlin, 1938/09/15, 3809150034081, Ongegund, Riversonderend, 2012/12/26. Sanlam
Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
1243/2013—Ralph, Joan Margurite, 1959/06/17, 5906170112083, King Georgestraat 57, Ruyterwacht, 2012/11/08;
William Johannes Ralph, 1953/04/22, 5304225050088. Elmarene Erasmus, Posbus 3158, Paarl, 7620.
11421/2007—Van Eeden, Mildred Maud, 1931/02/17, 3102170012083, 71 Longkloof Circle, Heideveld, 2007/07/28.
A. Khalfe & Associates, P.O. Box 241, Athlone, 7760.
3183/2013—Buxton, Audrey Jocelyne, 4 May 1922, 2205040028089, Helderberg Lodge, Swalle Street, Somerset West,
6 February 2013. Morkel & De Villiers Inc., PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.
1708/2013—Furmage, Doris Miriam, 2007110035089, Olive Wing, Nerina Gardens, Upper Recreation Road, Fish Hoek,
Cape, 22 January 2013. Herold Gie Attorneys, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town.
3124/2013—Gerber, Jacob Jacobus, 1947/01/06, 4701065074089, 9 Ifafi Keurboomstrand, Plettenberg Bay, 2013/02/13.
FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530.
No. 36227
10106/2009 Dbn—Harrop, Haroon (also known as Michael Frederick Harrop), 08/05/1932, 3205085072082, Room 69,
Albany Hotel, Albany Road, Durban, 27 July 2006. K. Swart & Company, 227 Mathews Meyiwa (Stamfordhill) Road,
Morningside, Durban.
885/2000 PMB—Durpath (aka Durpath Roopnarain), 357 Himalaya Drive, Shallcross, KwaZulu-Natal, 4-4-1998.
Omprakash Ramlakhan, Comm. of Oaths & Conveyancer, Ramlakhan House, 5A Sunford Drive, Sunford, Phoenix.
10106/2009 Dbn—Harrop, Haroon (also known as Michael Frederick Harrop), 08/05/1932, 3205085072082, Room 69,
Albany Hotel, Albany Road, Durban, 27 July 2006. K. Swart & Company, 227 Mathews Meyiwa (Stanfordhill) Road,
Morningside, Durban.
54/2013/PMB—Xala, Fana Comrade Sandile, 11-09-1956, 5609115806088, 73 Leceister Street, Ladysmith, 15 November
2012; Faith Sibongile Patience Xala, 01-07-1962, 6207010079080. Faith Sibongile Patience Xala, c/o 133 Murchison Street,
Ladysmith, 3370.
1586/2013/PMB—Jaganath, Dirupa, 29/11/1953, 5311290155080, 3 Vialls Place, Clare Estate, Durban, 05/01/2012;
Deepchund Jaganath, 16/06/1948, 4806165131083. Yashica Chetty Attorneys, P.O. Box 8885, Cumberwood, 3235.
1836/2013 DBN—Papayya, Sylvester Benedict Papayya, 20-02-1950, 5002205110084, 31 Rose Road, Stanger, Manor,
26-10-2012; Dhollama Papayya, 31-10-1945, 4510310103084. Jay Pundit & Executrix’s Attorneys, Suite 1, Jay Krishna Centre,
134 Mahatma Gandhi St, KwaDukuza.
19085/2012 DBN—Pillay, Selvum, 7-03-1955, 5503070682081, 30 Sundown Flats, 1-10-2012; Vadiveloo Pillay,
15-01-1957, 5701155110081. Jay Pundit & Company, Executor’s Attorneys, 1 Jay Krishma Centre, 134 Mahatma Gandhi
Street, KwaDuguza.
615/2012DBN—Nombali, Cynthia Nobantu, 1938-12-30, 3812300225086, Room A, 1700, Newtown, Ngwelezana
Township, Empangeni, 3880, 10 August 2011. Bishop Mzimkhulu Ngxongo, Room A 1700, Newtown, Ngwelezana Township,
Empangeni, 3880. 30 days.
10855/2011—Zulu, Sithembile Merrily, 1970-07-01, 7007010415089, 302 Inanda Glebe, Inanda, 4310, 7 July 2011.
Mduduzi Kenneth Calvin Dludlu, Suite 206, Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
11067/2011—Manzini, Makhehlo Judas, 1944/08/29, 4408295176086, PO Box 3078, Mtubatuba, 3935, 2011/07/12.
Mduduzi Kenneth Calvin Dludlu, Suite 206, Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
1403/2012—Moshesh, Lerotholi Ferdinand, 28/01/1942, 4201285392080, Erf 190, Umlazi G, Durban, 28-09-2011.
Thabang King Moshesh, Erf 190, Umlazi G. 30 days.
9293/2012—Wilmsen, Karl Wilhelm, 2402145052185, 21 Farlane, Hoylake, Mount Edgecombe Country Club Est 1,
29 May 2012. Barbara Wilmsen, c/o Estates & Testamentary Services, Cluster Box 3524, Sunningdale, 4019.
1934/2013/DBN—Burne, Grace Elizabeth, 1927-05-03, 2705030026084, 7 Haymarket, 45 Cato Road, Glenwood,
Durban, 2013-01-12. Jenny Naidoo, nominee of the Standard, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
11067/2011—Manzini, Makhehlo Judas, 1944/08/29, 4408295176086, PO Box 3078, Mtubatuba, 3935, 2011/07/12.
Mduduzi Kenneth Calvin Dludlu, Suite 206, Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
10855/2011—Zulu, Sithembile Merrily, 1970-07-01, 7007010415089, 502 Inanda Glebe, Inanda, 4310, 7 July 2011.
Mduduzi Kenneth Calvin Dludlu, Suite 206, Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
615/2012DBN—Nombali, Cynthia Nobantu, 1938-12-30, 3812300226086, Room A, 1700 Newtown, Ngwelezana
Township, Empangeni, 3880, 10 August 2011. Bishop Mzimkhulu Ngxongo, Room A 1700 Newtown, Ngwelezana Township,
Empangeni, 3880. 30 days.
1403/2012—Moshesh, Lerotholi Ferdinand, 28/01/1942, 4201285392080, Erf 190, Umlazi G, Durban, 28-09-2011.
Thabang King Moshesh, Erf 190, Umlazi G. 30 days.
126/13DBN—Manzi, Zibonele Elphas, 1948-01-12, 4801125594082, 234 Castle Hill Drive, Newlands West, 4037,
2012-09-01; Nokuthula Ruby Manzi, 1953-09-27, 5309270379084. Hlanganani Manzi, 63 Nordale Road, Newlands West, 4037.
1424/2013/PMB—Nqiwa, Jerry Mzwandile, 4 March 1939, 3903045509082, 9 Pope Ellis Drive, Ashburton, PMB,
30 October 2012. Linda Payne Attorneys, PO Box 21939, Mayors Walk, 3208.
1006/2013—Dibb, William Napier, 5 April 1926, 2604055014085, 52 Charles Street, Byrne Village, Richmond, KwaZuluNatal, 8 December 2012. Michael Richard Harty, c/o M R Harty Attorneys, The Art House No. 4, 4th Avenue, Parkhurst,
Johannesburg, 2193; PO Box 41592, Craighall, 2024.
1861/2013—Giles, Jeannette, 1939-04-10, 3904100018084, 10 Twist Street, Pearly Beach, 11 August 2012. Dion Pieter
Kets, 64 Kerk Street, Kuils River, 7580.
13256/2012—Morton, James Russell, 18/12/1926, 2612185022084, Paradyskloof Villas Aftree-Oord, Stellenbosch,
1/9/2012. J A Matthee, Posbus 466, Stellenbosch, 7599. 30 dae.
5799/2012—Latief, George Mark, 1946/03/26, 4603265104080, 16 Sloster Avenue, Grassy Park, 2011/11/02; Lorraine
Winnifred Latief, 1943/11/29, 4311290071080. Lorraine Winnifred, 16 Sloster Avenue, Grassy Park. Stanley Cupido Attorneys,
Suite 5, Victoria Mall, Grassy Park.
6858/2013—Koopman, Pauline, 1 Maart 1937, 3703010046080, Melody Square 17, Retreat, 7945, 22 April 2012. Lourez
Swart (agent), Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.
13988/2012—Damonse, Joseph, 5 Augustus 1949, 4908055069082, Tennissingel 33, Beach Valley, Mitchells Plain, 7785,
28 September 2012; Patricia Cynthia Damonse, 4 Augustus 1953, 5308040092084. Lourez Swart (agent), Loretta Hayward
Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.
2316/2013—Fongoqa, Nothombile Agrinett, 29 Mei 1930, 3005290144084, NY22 No. 18, Gugulethu, 7750, 31 Julie
2012. Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.
No. 36227
984/2013—Louisa Sophia Davis, 2609060075088, 46 Elgar Street, Retreat, 4/01/2013. Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar
(ID No. 5607195060089) as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc, Posbus
4434, Tygervallei, 7536.
2071/2013—Martin Henry Rudolph, 22 March 1931, 95 Firethorn Street, Bonteheuwel, 7764. Neville R Cohen &
Associates, 1 Arrow Court, 263 Main Road, Three Anchor Bay.
15634/2008—George, Ruben Lungelo, 1935/03/02, 3503025067083, 246 First Avenue, Lotus River, 7941, 9 September
2008; Margo Patricia George, 1942-06-12, 4206120511083. Nathaniel George, 246 First Avenue, Lotus River, 7941.
10468/2011—Carelse, Maria, 22/12/1935, 3512220064084, No. 21 Graaf Road, Scottsville, Kraaifontein, 15/04/2011;
Joseph Petrus Abraham Carelse, 17/10/1935, 3510175087084. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, No. 40 Wellington
Street, Durbanville, 7550.
12347/2012—Mohamed-Fakier Mahmood, 1940-01-22, 4001225085087, 43 Batts Road, Wynberg, 7800, Western Cape,
2012-08-09. Rafia Mohamed-Fakier, 16 Charles Stassen Street, Panorama, Western Cape, 7500.
18236/2012—Smith, Martin Lionel, 10 March 1956, 5603105060087, married, 3 Komati Close, Portlands, Mitchells Plain,
20 May 2008. Vanderspuy Cape Town, 4th Floor, Alexander Forbes Building, 14 Long Street, Cape Town. 30 days.
1209/2013—Strutt, George Alexander Strutt, 24 October 1928, 2810245065081, married, Panorama Palms, Hendrik
Verwoerd Drive, Panorama, 8 January 2013. Vanderspuy Cape Town, 4th Floor, Alexander Forbes Building, 14 Long Street,
Cape Town. 30 days.
1734/2013—Susanah Maria Booysen, 9 August 1945, 53 Jool Street, Bellville South, 13 January 2013. AV Dawson & Co,
7 Link Road, De la Haye, Bellville. 30 days.
10882/2012—Du Toit, Devigny, 30/09/1934, 3409305042087, Intermezzo 6, Legato Aftree-Oord, Ibisstraat, Sonstraal,
7550, 18/07/2012. Bernardina Lubbe, PO Box 11476, Bloubergsands, 7443.
9579/2012—Adams, Felida Fransiena, 25/07/1952, 5207250016082, 31 Breitenbach Street, Kleinvlei, 7100, 12/05/2012.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
1998/13—Fritz, Magdalena Sophia, 21/05/1948, 4805210156087, Titusstraat 61, Scottsville, Kraaifontein, 7570,
04/01/2013; Cornelius Lukas Fritz, 07/07/1940, 4007075106089. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2775/2013—Smit, George Joachim, 13/08/1935, 3508135019080, De Villiersstraat 23, Bellville, 7530, 30/01/2013. ABSA
Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2713/2013—Janse van Rensburg, Dirk Johannes, 06/12/1937, 3712065053081, Tygerbergstraat 10, Goodwood, 7460,
19/11/2012; Elizabeth Heybrecht Janse van Rensburg, 11/07/1937, 3707110030084. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
2714/2013—Muller, Sophia Dorothea, 16/02/1917, 1702160016085, Heidenhof Ouetrhuis, Caledon, 7230, 31/10/2011.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2966/2013—Erasmus, Elizabeth Catherine, 22/01/1940, 4001220071082, 5 Fairbairn Road, Stellenberg, 7550,
04/09/2012; Christopher Lawrence Erasmus, 20/09/1938 3809205077085. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2343/2013—Capes, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 4501060041087, 32 Tallent Street, Parow, 15/01/2013; William Arthur Capes,
3806035060083. Delia du Toit, a nominated representative of Millers Inc. and Riana Cronjé, PO Box 35, George, 6530. 30 days.
2743/2013—Petersen, Fila Maria, 1924/12/19, 2412190167085, 30 Ashford Road, Heathfield, 2012/07/14. Old Trust
Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
3023/2013—Hoepfner, Willem Christoffel, 1948/03/04, 4803045048082, Vygiestraat 4, Noorder-Paarl, 7646, 2012/10/06;
Cornelia Hermina Hoepfner, 1947/09/09. Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
16899/2012—Davids, Sophie, 1956/09/04, 5609040062088, 9 Elswood Place, Leonsdale, Elsiesriver, 2012/08/22.
Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
2503/2013—Kennedy, Bruce Robert Garrett, 1949/09/02, 4909025082080, 70 Labiance Street, Labiance Estate,
2013/01/07. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
1930/2013—Rogers, Monica, 1930/08/05, 3008050027085, 113 Seapark Centre, Melkbosstrand, 2012/12/12. Old Mutual
Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
1722/2013—Willard, Ernest Alfred, 1931/01/01, 3101015007084, 12 Schoolside, Meadowridge, 2013/01/21. Old Mutual
Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
1726/2013—Young, Violet Florence, 1930/08/05, 3008050027085, 113 Sea Park Centre, Melkbosstrand, 2013/01/07. Old
Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
1798/2013—Martin, Keith, 1944/09/03, 4409035146082, 45 Briza Road, Tableview, 2012/12/12. Old Mutual Trust Limited,
PO Box 86, Cape Town.
9844/2012—Cockcroft, Charles Beauchamp, 1945/05/20, 4505205020088, Hoofweg 10, Riviersonderend, 2012/06/07.
Annette Cockcroft, 14 Leeuwendal Street, Wellington, 7655.
1494/2013—Van der Westhuizen, Edith May, 1925/12/17, 2512170035085, 34 Freesia Road, Tygerdal, 7460,
2012/11/26. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
17712/2012—Mangnall, Maria Magaritha, 27 April 1935, 3504270051087, Huis Nuweland, Sylvia Street, Claremont,
Western Cape, 15 November 2012. C & A Friedlander, 3rd Floor, 42 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001.
12476/2012—De Oliveira, Noelia, 21/11/1942, 4211210108089, 217 Townsend Street, Goodwood, 24 June 2012. Mike
Jason de Oliveira, 217 Townsend Street, Goodwood.
14914/2012—Small, Daniel Jacobus, 1930/07/17, 3007175110081, 5 Dyke Close, Salberau, Elsies River, 2012/07/20.
Chafeker & Shabodien Inc, Hazel Suites, Suite 2, Hazel Road, Gatesville. 30 days.
12475/2012—De Oliveira, Oscar, 15/10/1941, 4110155043089, 217 Townsend Street, Goodwood, 25 June 2012; Noelia
de Oliveira (since deceased), 21/11/1942, 4211210108089. Mike Jason de Oliveira, 217 Townsend Street, Goodwood.
No. 36227
1714/2013—Wiesenbacher, Sigfried, 16 April 1926, CA88M07T9 (German), 73 Milton Manor, Milton Road, Sea Point,
8005, 27 December 2012. Mazars, PO Box 134, Century City, Cape Town, 7446.
3537/2012—Milla, Antonio, 1977/02/03, 7702035863087, 2 Sheiffield Close, Parklands, 2012/02/27. A Parker &
Associates, Suite 606, Rostra House, The Forum, Northbank Lane, Century City.
1784/2013—Late Ralph Kenneth Simon, 3310065069080, 273 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Loevenstein, Bellville.
C & A Friedlander Inc., 3rd Floor, 42 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days.
17024/2008—Smidt, Irma Melony, 22 January 1970, 7001220190087, 2 Aster Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain,
27 March 2008. Delia Petronella Southon, 152 Gordon’s Bay Road, Strand.
17824/2012—Henry, Portia Joy, 7 June 1974, 7406070134087, 5 Brandt Way, Ottery, 7800, Wynberg, 24 December 2011;
Nathaniel Robert Henry, 16 February 1975, 7502165028083. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, cnr Bridge & Boundary, Waterford
1441/2013—Böhmer, Martha, 16 June 1924, 2406160244189, 9 Bulties Road, Somerset West, 20 January 2013.
JH van Zyl, Miller Bosman Le Roux, PO Box 880, Somerset Mall, 7137.
1784/2013—Ralph Kenneth Simon, 3310065069080, 273 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Loevenstein, Bellville. C & A Friedlander
Inc., 3rd Floor, 42 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days.
16224/2012—Adams, Hilda, 31 May 1950, 5005310139088, 1 Waterberg Crescent, Searidge Park, Tafelsig, Mitchells
Plain, 24 July 2012. Marthinus Albert Adams, 1 Waterberg Crescent, Searidge Park, Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain.
2463/2013—Nxawe, Pearl Siyanda, 1963/08/17, 6308170490081. 83 Humewood Drive, Parklands, 7441, 2013/01/09.
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
638/2013—Porteous, Robert Graham Wilson, 19 August 1930, 3008195052089, 15 Bluefin Crescent, The Lakes, Fish
Hoek, 14 December 2012. Neil Parker (Co-Executor), c/o Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 26 1st Avenue, Fish Hoek,
1139/2013—Kathleen Wicomb, 3307010495089, Eppinglaan 28, Elsiesrivier. David Sauls Prokureurs, Eppinglaan 30,
Elsiesrivier, Wes-Kaap. 30 dae.
1139/2013—Wicomb, Kathleen, 1933/07/01, 3307010495089, 28 Epping Avenue, Elsies River, 2012/11/01. Paul Samuel
Wicomb, 8 Dyke Close, Elsies River. 30 days.
17101/2009—John Francis Ely, 3509285099088, Parsifal Singel 27, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain. David Sauls Prokureurs,
Eppinglaan 30, Elsiesrivier, Wes-Kaap. 30 dae.
17101/2009—Ely, John Francis, 1935/09/28, 3509285099088, 27 Parsifal Crescent, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain,
2009/08/29. Olivia de Vries, Spasadena Way, Ottery. 30 days.
5240/2012—Andrew Tomboer, 11/04/1944, 4404115064081, Alibamastraat 51, Belhar, 30/12/2010. Christina Magdalena
Tomboer, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc., Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 30 dae.
2429/2013—Charlotte Jansen, 28/08/1935, 3508280236083, 89 Michigan Way, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, 2/01/2013;
Gerald Jansen. Anica Ungerer, 8012300082085, as nominee of Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape
Town Inc., Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 30 dae.
2695/2013—Booysen, Petrus Jacobus, 29/03/1951, 5103295116088, 19 Saxenburg Crescent, Oak Glen, Bellville, 7530,
03/01/2013; Georgia Merlyne Booysen, 09/04/1952, 5204090165088. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
1585/2013—Pelston, James Edward, 1932/11/15, 3211155003080, 10 Loerie Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain,
2 October 2012; Ellen Mary Pelston, 1932/12/31, 3212310005085. VDRM Attorneys, 55 Plein Street, Cape Town.
1443/2013—Van Eeden, Christoffel Hendrik Stander, 1947/06/10, 4706105032088, 16 Sandy Point Crescent, St Helena
Bay, 6 December 2012; Hendrika Jacoba van Eeden, 1948/06/04, 4806040037083. VDRM Attorneys, 55 Plein Street, Cape
4174/2012—Mostert, Ockert Tobias, 1926/05/22, 2605225046089, 26 Jenning Street, Strand, Western Cape,
2012/02/08. Wernher Bock, 49 Reitz Street, Somerset West, Western Cape.
12430/2012—Weyers, Magrita Francina, 28 Augustus 1925, 2508280037086, Kampstraat 17, Mabille Park, Kuilsrivier,
15 Julie 2012. Albertus Johannes Marais, p/a Marais Muller Yekiso Ing, Van Riebeeckweg 58 (Posbus 36), Kuilsrivier, 7580.
426/2013—Peskin, Patrick George, 1949/03/18, 4903185116085, 23 Italian Road, Grassy Park, 7941, 2012/09/24. Anna
Kotze Consult, PO Box 946, Stellenbosch, 7599. 30 days.
6148/2012—Lineveldt, Farieda, 1944/06/23, 4406230471083, 4 Hallath Walk, Athlone, Cape Town, 15 May 2010.
Schrueder Incorporated Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Radio House, 92 Loop Street, Cape Town.
17459/2012—Rosa, Tadeusz Maciej, 1934/09/18, 3409185070083, 18 Hillary Street, Brackenfell, 2012/09/21. Simon
Aaron, c/o Wilder & Lockitch, PO Box 60, Century City, 7446.
1187/2013—Saayman, Mattheus Wilhelm, 1929/08/16, 2908165012081, 62 La Gratitude Protea Road, Durbanville, Cape
Town, 7550, 2013/01/04; Cornelia Saayman, 1931/05/19, 3105190015085. Gerrit Jacobus Visser, 38 Queen Street,
Durbanville, Cape Town, 7550.
2081/2013—Maddison, Emma de Pallier, 1922/01/15, 2201150039081, No. 16 1st Avenue, Yzerfontein, 2012/12/12.
Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2883/2013—Hinton, Maureen, 1929/01/19, 2901190002086, Huis Uitsig, Bellville, 2013/02/01. Standard Executors and
Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
2472/2013—Glenn, Lionel Norman, 1937/08/25, 3708255100088, 3 Freesia Street, Vredenburg, 2013/01/21; Vivienne
Olga Marlene Glenn, 1955/09/02, 5509020002080. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
30 days.
1387/2013—Tricarico, Marino, 1947/10/24, 4710245109087, 22 Plantation Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town, 2012/08/30.
Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
No. 36227
1618/2013—Raeside, Ian Benson, 1950/12/01, 5012015004088, 17 Berg Road, Fish Hoek, 2012/11/29; Elsona Raeside,
1951/12/30, 5112300135082. Elsona Raeside, PO Box 1800, Sun Valley, 7985.
13080/2012—Poulter, Dianne, 1958/02/19, 5802190114086, D4 Mont Blu, 60 Coral Road, Blouberg, 7441, 2012/07/02;
Bryan Christopher Poulter, 1951/12/30, 5112305117085. Jacques van der Merwe, Unit 2, 42 Blaauwberg Road, Table View.
30 days.
5186/2001—Miller, Kate Rose, 1907/07/29, 0707290058080, 3 Strubens Road, Mowbray, 7700, 1995/05/27. Tannery
Park, 21 Belmont Road, Rondebosch, 7700.
13080/2012—Poulter, Dianne, 1958/02/19, 5802190114086, D4 Mont Blu, 60 Coral Road, Blouberg, 7441, 2012/07/02;
Bryan Christopher Poulter, 1951/12/30, 5112305117085. Jacques van der Merwe, Unit 2, 42 Blaauwberg Road, Table View.
30 days.
2702/2013—Camineth, Sukayne, 24 February 1961, 6102240202083, 4 Ashley Way, Belhar, 7490, 13 September 2007;
Dawid Andrew Camineth, 8 November 1946, 4611085152080. ESI Attorneys, PO Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7336.
709/2013—Isabella Wickens Visser, 2810200034080, Uitsigstraat 4, Vanrhynsdorp, Provinsie Wes-Kaap, 1 Desember
2012. Le Roux & Van der Westhuysen, Voortrekkerstraat 33 (Posbus 1), Vanrhynsdorp, 8170. 30 days.
2339/2013—Rademeyer, Roy Godfrey Johannes, 15 September 1948, 4809155188089, 81 Villa D’Algarve, Muizenberg,
7945, Western Cape, 24 November 2012. Margaret Rademeyer, c/o GKC Attorneys, The Penthouse Suite, 10th Floor, Valuta
Building, 74 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001.
2006/2013—Fielies, Nicholas William, 23/12/1957, 5712235207086, 8 Francois Road, Athlone, 7764, 26 June 2011;
Lucille Jane Fielies, 4/10/1958, 5810040153089. Keith Jenkings Attorney, Ground Floor, House Faure, Brodie Road, Wynberg,
11133/2012—Erasmus Johannes van Zyl, 7 Mei 1945, 4505075011084, Barlinkastraat 6, Paarl, 7646, 29 June 2012;
Gertina Johanna van Zyl, 4504290007084. Basson Blackburn Inc, Hoofstraat 371, Paarl, 7646. 30 dae.
2940/2013—Hollstein, Renate, 1930/10/23, 3010230045185, 4 Bonheur, La Clemence, Webersvallei Road, Stellenbosch,
2013/02/15. Anna Kotze Consult, c/o Anna Kotze Consult, PO Box 946, Stellenbosch, 7599. 30 days.
507/2013—Mallard, Iris Olive, 1927/04/27, 2104270057084, CPOA Sea Point Place, 183 Beach Road, Three Anchor Bay,
Cape Town, 2013/01/04. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.
1669/2013—Hartman, Mary Christina, 1945/10/12, 4510120108083, 17B Baldwin Avenue, Elsiesriver, 2012/09/17.
Jennifer Bouwers, 17B Baldwin Avenue, Elsiesriver.
2275/2013—Best, Norman John, 1919/03/16, 1903165012083, 21 Alphenvale Retirement Village, 14 Parish Road,
Constantia, 7800, 2013/01/30. Personal Trust, PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7700. 30 days.
2361/2013—Meyer, Judith Jacoba, 1940/08/02, 4008020011085, 126 Groenkloof Huis, Grootbrakrivier, 6525,
2012/11/09. The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.
30 days.
17199/2012—Christopher Olsen, 5106155030083, 479 William Hartellaan, Bellville-Suid, 22 Mei 2011; Delia Sophia
Olsen, 5308120047081. Dias Debt & Legal Services vir Eksekutrise, 943 Frank Louwlaan, Bellville-Suid, 7530. 30 dae.
5842/2011—Mfundisi, Mzwabantu Moses, 25 Junie 1973, 7306255606083, Single Quarters, Drakenstein Correctional
Facility, Wemmershoek Road, Paarl, 20 Februarie 2011. Sarel van den Berg, Thomstraat 36, Paarl, 7646.
13705/2012—Perlotto, Leone Perlotto, 4 April 1932, 3204045057184, Bergrivier Boulevard 81, Paarl, 24 Julie 2012;
Donatina Perlotto, 5 Augustus 1935, 3508050044188. Sarel van den Berg, Thomstraat 36, Paarl, 7646.
640/2013—Van Niekerk, Cornelis Albertus, 27 Oktober 1926, 2610275004087, Fynbos Park 132, Hermanus, 5 Junie
2012. Johannes Marius de Jager, Thomstraat 36, Paarl, 7646.
2743/2013—Du Toit, Xenia Esme, 3 Junie 1927, 270630030084, Blok A, Woonstel E24, Huis Vergenoegd, Hoofstraat 174,
Paarl, 25 Desember 2012. Johannes Marius de Jager, Thomstraat 36, Paarl, 7646.
33/2013—Jacob Lottering, 5811225142087, Condorstraat 66, Urbanville, George, 28/12/2012; Ann Lottering,
5904090149087. Me Olga Delport, Jordaan, Louw & Vennote, Stadcogebou (Suite 5), Yorkstraat 126, George, 6530. 30 dae.
7498/2012—Hickfang, Jack Millwood, 15/12/1926, 2612155050081, 20A Dikkop Crescent, Table View, 15 May 2012.
NME Nilssen & Associates, 32 Mimosa Crescent, Plattekloof. 30 days.
2707/2013—Triberti, Andrea, 1959/05/18, Via Umberto Grosso 10, Pinerolo, Province of Turin, Italy, 2011/09/10. Darrolls
Attorneys, PO Box 23454, Claremont, 7735.
11005/2012–Bester, Charles Ludwig, 1943/05/10, 4305105022080, 7 Gazania Street, Heuningkloof, Kleinmond, 7195,
2012/06/08. RJ Swanepoel, PO Box 2074, Vryburg, 8600.
16563/2012—De la Cruz, Felix, 14/08/1930, 3008145083085, No. 101 1st Avenue, Fairways, 04/06/2011; Sabina Louisa
de la Cruz, 14/08/1930, 3003050047084. Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, cnr Alamein and Garfield Roads No. 1, Claremont, 7702.
15963/2011—Nicholas, Bernard Justin, 25/03/1965, 6503255125087, No. 51 Cyprus Way, Westridge, Mitchells Plain,
21/11/2010. Gaironesa Davids Attorney, cnr Alamein & Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7702.
1404/2013—Ruiters, Thelma Joyce, 29/11/1947, 4711290078086, No. 4 Cybille Street, Avondale, 02/03/2011. Gaironesa
Davids Attorney, cnr Alamein & Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7702.
2551/2013—Basaredien, Malikah, 15/08/1962, 6208150042086, No. 139 Sullivan Street, Steenberg, 7945, 23/10/2012;
Mogamat Kosain Basardien, 24/10/1958, 5810245215089. Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, cnr Alamein and Garfield Roads No. 1,
Claremont, 7702.
2576/2013—Petersen, Wheldon Sedrick, 23/11/1963, 6311235145088, No. 111 Bothma Street, Retreat, 7945,
02/11/2012; Amelia Michelle Petersen, 17/06/1980, 8006170176084. Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, cnr Alamein and Garfield
Roads No. 1, Claremont, 7702.
No. 36227
835/2013—Crafford, Dirk Johannes, 28/09/1928, 2809285004083, Nuwerus Ouetehuis, Worcester, 6850, 28/11/2012.
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2769/2013—Wynne, Patrick Llewellyn, 15/05/1929, 2905155056086, 27/03/2012. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
2771/2013—Klopper, Dedrika, 29/11/1940, 4011290032088, Helderberg Lodge, h/v Lourensfordweg, Somerset-Wes,
7130, 02/01/2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
2766/2013—Otto, Pieter David, 03/07/1938, 3807035043087, Lavenderweg 109, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plein, 7785,
15/01/2013. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
15103/2012—Williams, Yakoob, 1943/12/26, 4312265101084, 13 Polaris Way, Ocean View, Kommetjie, 7975,
2012/09/24; Mureeda Williams, 1952/10/16, 5210160670089. Shamila Williams, PO Box 3311, Cape Town, 8000.
2270/2013—Bownes, Joyce Wendy, 1934/09/12, 3409120070081, 44A Upper de Waal Road, Fish Hoek, 7975,
2013/01/18. Gunstons Attorneys, PO Box 31151, Tokai, 7966. 30 days.
1709/2013—Hill, Peter Brunette Hill, 31 March 1929, 2903315069081, 59 Silvermine Village, Noordhoek, 19 January
2013. Neil Parker (agent for the Executor), c/o Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 26 1st Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975.
1035/2013—Hendricks, Owen Frank, 11/03/1942, 4203115088086, 12 Benona Road, Rondebosch East, 7780,
05/11/2012; Elizabeth Charlotte Hendricks, 06/10/1944, 4410060060081. De Klerk & Van Gend Inc, PO Box 23844, Claremont,
Form/Vorm J 187
In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection
of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date
specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters and
Magistrates as stated.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors
will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts.
The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number,
last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the
surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days),
Magistrate’s Office.
Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasieen distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore
van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien
spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter
insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het.
Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die
eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings.
Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste
adres, beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere
getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien
korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor.
18244/2011—Kock, Johannes Hendrikus Lodewikus, 4309125079088, Plot 5, Turfvlei, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom;
Pretoria).—Sanet Ras Prokureurs, Privaatsak X1268, Potchefstroom, 2520.
7737/2011—Ndlovu, Kena Moses, 5608285460080, 28 Cotswold Road, Florida Hills, Amended First and Final; Maria
Mmagouta Ndlovu, 5911200962085 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag
X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
No. 36227
334/2012—Hetherington, Magdalena Dorothea Petronella Susara Catharina, 3209100051089, 38 Casper Street,
Onderstepoort, Pretoria, Gauteng (Pretoria).—Wilsenach Van Wyk Goosen & Bekker, Posbus 17522, Pretoria-Noord, 0116.
5983/2008—Nkotha, Samson June, 6806255461083, 728 Pepercorn Street, Zakariyya Park Ext 4; Maria Ficks,
7203160187087 (Meyerton; Johannesburg).—Odendaal & Summerton Inc., Po Box 547, Meyerton, 1960.
5983/2008—Nkotha, Samson June, 6806255461083, 728 Pepercorn Street, Zakariyya Park Ext 4; Maria Ficks,
7203160187087 (Meyerton; Johannesburg).—Odendaal & Summerton Inc., Po Box 547, Meyerton, 1960.
1558/2011—Caeiro, Maria Fernanda, 29 March 1928, 2803290049084, 12 Annemoon Avenue, Edelweiss, District
Springs, Gauteng, date of death: 24 November 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Springs;
South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg).—Wessel Rossouw, Rossouw & Rossouw Incorporated, 60 Fifth Street, Springs,
1559/2011—Caeiro, Emanuel Brandao Rosado, 28 October 1929, 2803290049084, 12 Annemoon Avenue, Edelweiss,
District Springs, Gauteng, date of death: 31 May 2006, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Maria Fernanda
Caeiro, 2803290049084, 21 days (Springs; South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg).—Wessel Rossouw, Rossouw &
Rossouw Incorporated, 60 Fifth Street, Springs, Gauteng.
25245/2012—Nkosi, Fikile Valentia, 8 October 1991, 9110080510082, 8 Sereme Street, Kwa-Thema, District Springs,
Gauteng, date of death: 27 August 2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Springs; South Gauteng
High Court, Johannesburg).—Wessel Rossouw, Rossouw & Rossouw Incorporated, 60 Fifth Street, Springs, Gauteng.
088/2010—Clainos, Nikia, 4503090068080, 1 Epinema Daisy Street, Sandton, Johannesburg, Second and Final
(Randburg; Port Elizabeth).—Kaplan Blumberg Attorneys, PO Box 27028, Greenacres, 6057.
19075/2012—Ashley, Joseph Jurgen, 3503285021085, Kameelboomstraat 13, Elspark, Germiston; Sheila Ann Ashley,
4007260100087 (Germiston; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
19075/2012—Ashley, Joseph Jurgen, 3503285021085, Kameelboomstraat 13, Elspark, Germiston; Sheila Ann Ashley,
4007260100087 (Germiston; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
19075/2012—Ashley, Joseph Jurgen, 3503285021085, Kameelboomstraat 13, Elspark, Germiston; Sheila Ann Ashley,
4007260100087 (Germiston; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
19075/2012—Ashley, Joseph Jurgen, 3503285021085, Kameelboomstraat 13, Elspark, Germiston; Sheila Ann Ashley,
4007260100087 (Germiston; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
17689/12—Sarel Willem Petrus Jacobus Broodryk, Solasingel 2, Impalapark, Boksburg, 3901045062086, datum van
afsterwe: 7 Oktober 2012; Anna Susanna Christina Broodryk, 4102060057080 (Boksburg; Pretoria).—A P S Fiduciary Services
(Pty) Ltd, Me. P.J. Kotze, Posbus 100868, Moreleta Plaza, 0167.
17003/12—Ockert Fourie de Wit, Sunset Palms 10, Lindie Close, Eldoraigne, 3808225028086, datum van afsterwe:
25 September 2012; Lenore de Wit, 4107120029086 (Pretoria).—A P S Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Me. P.J. Kotze, Posbus
100868, Moreleta Plaza, 0167.
5495/2012—Nel, Doreen Centlivres, 3404210021086, 12A Van Dyk Street, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga, Amended First and
Final (Piet Retief; Pretoria).—F E Nel, c/o Vorster Robbertse & Coetzee, South East Building, Retief Street (PO Box 50), Piet
Retief, Mpumalanga, 2380.
20181/2011—Slabber, Johanna Catherina, 1808200011083, Wooneenheid No. 18, Kokanje Aftree-oord, Nylstroom, 0510
(Modimolle; Pretoria).—BMS Knysna, TH44, Thesen Harbour Town, Knysna, 6570.
1042/13—De Kock, Kathleen Ellen, 4204120013184, 102 Carlisle Road, Nortons Home Estate, Benoni (Benoni;
Pretoria).—Alta van Goeverden, PO Box 12129, Aston Manor, 1630.
19593/12—Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus, 2401045004080, Roodepoort Sentrum vir Bejaardes, Robinsonstraat 5,
Roodepoort (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Alta van Goverden, PO Box 12129, Aston Manor, 1630.
1731/2013—Hechter, Christiaan Carel Jacobus, 3706015006082, Worstlaan 226, Marble Hall; Matilda Hechter,
4511170120085 (Groblersdal; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
1731/2013—Hechter, Christiaan Carel Jacobus, 3706015006082, Worstlaan 226, Marble Hall; Matilda Hechter,
4511170120085 (Groblersdal; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
5998/2012—Boshoff, Izak Petrus Albertus, 2705025018088, Kronendal 60 Q5, Pretoriusstraat 650, Arcadia, Pretoria;
Monica Boshoff, 2907290048085 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Jonker en Vennote, Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740.
11346/2011—Viljoen, Francois Alwyn, 4010295023084, die plaas Grootfontein, Pretoria, Supplementary First and Final
(Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
10372/2012—Hoek, Jan Zacharias, 3210065034086, 69 Elm Park, Northcliff (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty)
Limited, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
13108/2012—Alberts, Elaine Enid, 3501050004088, 174 Woodstream Lofts, Kenmare, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
28108/2011—Smit, Gideon Jacobus Nicolaas, 1508285003084, 22 Springbok Road, Verwoerdpark, Johannesburg
(Alberton; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
1745/2013—Webster, David Charles, 4402025015185, 11A Townsend Road, Bedfordview, First and Final; Adeyl
Magrietha Webster, 5511020200086 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
13250/12—Zurich, Hilary Mary Gill, 3609250018087, 116 Annlin Place, Matlabas Street, Annlin, 0182, First (Pretoria).—
Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.
11938/2012—Luus, George Frederick Enslin, 3107145031084, 16 Fitzsimmons Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911; Johanna
Maria Luus, 4603140034080 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—De Klerk Vermaak & Partners, Block 3, Orwell Park, Orwell
Drive, Three Rivers, 1935.
No. 36227
6549/2012—Beukes, Conradus Albertus Theodorus, 3410155083080, 1359A Starkey Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria
(Pretoria–Gauteng).—G.J. van Zyl Attorneys, 1240 Starkey Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria.
31666/2012—Daniel Gordon Kelly, 2312045010086, Fairland Village, 150 Smith Street, Fairlands, 2195, date of death:
03-10-2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Sentinel International
Trust Company (Pty) Ltd [previously Executor Services (Pty) Ltd)], 1st Floor, Block 27, The Woodlands, 20 Woodlands Drive,
Woodmead, 2196.
31666/2012—Kelly, Daniel Gordon, 2312045010086, Fairland Village, 150 Smith Street, Fairlands, 2195 (Randburg;
Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.
31640/2012—Combrinck, Cecil Gabriel, 3607135005089, Jack Ricestraat 3, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging, 1930, geskei
(Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—PVE (de Gouveia) ingelyf, c/o M J de Gouveia, Posbus 5207, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.
30366/2012—Herholdt, Elizabeth Maria, 4309190082082, Bella Donnarylaan 38, Flora Gardens, Vanderbijlpark, 1911,
getroud (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—PVE (de Gouveia) ingelyf, c/o M J de Gouveia, Posbus 5207, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.
31984/2012—Steyn, Barend, 3809235035087, Unit 12, 2 Impala Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501, First and Final (Benoni;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
1348/2013—Dry, Albert William, 4604105115088, 5 Brakspruit Street, Secunda, First and Final (Evander;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
1355/2012—Coetzee, Marhta Johanna, 3608070025082; Nicolaas Casparus Coetzee, 3410315039089 (Pretoria).—
C & S Audits Inc., 960 Park Street, Hatfield, 0083.
1348/2013—Dry, Albert William, 4604105115088, 5 Brakspruit Street, Secunda, First and Final (Evander;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
31984/2012—Steyn, Barend, 3809235035087, Unit 12, 2 Impala Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501, First and Final (Benoni;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
20383/2010—Makhubo, Lala Jacob, 5702055631085, 3 Sable Crescent, Leeuhof, Vereeniging; Mmasabane Lizzy
Makhubo, 6101030569081 (Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Schlebusch & Du Plessis, PO Box 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
31288/12—Mothupi, Mokete Rosalia, 4607060477088, 7 Vesting Street, Naturena, 2064, First and Final; Thomas Butana
Mothupi, 3510105654086 (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
5478/2012—Ross, Edward John, 3411155033083, 8 Hickory Street, Die Heuwel Ext. 4, Witbank, Mpumalanga; Lily
Mildred Ross, 4011160012087 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Neuhoff Khoza Incorporated, 35 Linden Street, Modelpark, Witbank, 1035,
Mpumalanga; Postnet P53, P/Bag X7260, Witbank, 1035.
5478/2012—Ross, Edward John, 3411155033083, 8 Hickory Street, Die Heuwel Ext. 4, Witbank, Mpumalanga; Lily
Mildred Ross, 4011160012087 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Neuhoff Khoza Incorporated, 35 Linden Street, Modelpark, Witbank, 1035,
Mpumalanga; Postnet P53, P/Bag X7260, Witbank, 1035.
1799/2013—Hendrik Johannes Geldenhuys, 3911125003082, 2 Vardy Street, Hazeldene, Germiston, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—TJ BothaSpangenberg Inc., PO Box 393, Alberton,
12297/2011—Van der Walt, Gertruida Johanna Magdalena Dorathea, 3111070021086, farm Vanaardesdam, SchweizerReneke, (Schweizer-Reneke; Pretoria).—Japie van Zyl Attorneys, 3 Botha Street, Schweizer-Reneke.
14647/12—Ferreira, Petrus Jacobus, 3606105034087, Heuwelhof 4, Alwyn van Zijlstraat, Ermelo, Mpumalanga Provinsie
(Ermelo; Pretoria).—WL Sekretarisse en Trust Mpy (Edms) Beperk, Joubertstraat 100A, Ermelo, 2351.
21895/2007—Mpanza, Nicholas Nhlanhla, 5911265502081, 11333, Dobsonville, Soweto, Gauteng (Johannesburg; North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria).—MS Mall Inc., P.O. Box 1333, Stanger, 4450.
20699/2010—Prokopec, Tomas, 4303035036106 (Volksrus; Pretoria).—The Executor, Prokopec, Box 217, Bergbron,
412/2013—Pienaar, Solomon Cornelis Lourens, 3402185021081, 1194 Walter Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria, First and
Final; Anna Christina Pienaar, 3507010026087 (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House,
11138/2010—Padayachee, Selvan, 6102095269088, Unit 3, Chester Place, 14 Vleiroos Street, Winchester, First and
Final; Morganagie Padayachee, 6103020177081 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited,
Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
43/2012—Oock, Percy McDonald, 5912105267083, 59 Maritz Street North, Suideroord, 2091, First and Final; Debra
Heather Oock, 6107210145089 (Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22,
Brandhof, 9324.
20383/2010—Makhubo, Lala Jacob, 5702055631085, 3 Sable Crescent, Leeuhof, Vereeniging; Mmasabane Lizzy
Makhubo, 6101030569081 (Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Schlebusch & Du Plessis, PO Box 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
605/2012—Van Renen, Dennis, 5201255093089 (Lydenburg; Nelspruit).—Van Renen Heyns Attorneys, P.O. Box 261,
Lydenburg, 1120; 72 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg, 1120.
609/2012—Ackermann, Johanna Maria, 2908180072086, 3 Buite Street, Lydenburg, 1120 (Lydenburg; Nelspruit).—Van
Renen Heyns Attorneys, P.O. Box 261, Lydenburg, 1120; 72 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg, 1120.
26455/2011—De Jager, Hendrik Beltzaser, 5009025059086, Plot 206, Mullerstuine, Vanderbijlpark, Supplementary; Nella
Rose de Jager, 5711240050085 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
20339/2012—Proudfoot, David Alexander, 3604106046086, 175 Peppercorn Place, Arbor Village, Bedfordview
(Johannesburg).—Boake Inc.
20843/2012—Vickers, Leighton Alexander William, 3401025021087, 71 Shepherd Avenue, Bryanston, Gauteng
(Randburg; Johannesburg).—Arnold Shapiro, c/o Routledge Modise Inc., PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.
No. 36227
2430/2013—Garda, Abdool Samad, 3305145058087, 14 Trout Avenue, Ext 7, Lenasia (15 Market Street, Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Aashia Saloojee Inc., P.O. Box 2277, Lenasia, 1820.
2431/2013—Garda, Rookeya, 3108120057086, 14 Trout Avenue, Ext 7, Lenasia (15 Market Street, Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Aashia Saloojee Inc., P.O. Box 2277, Lenasia, 1820.
28975/2011—Mbikwana, Anna Mabel, 5405050947080, 1702B Dumelang Street, Naledi; Malcolm Mbikwana,
5211155282088 (Johannesburg; Soweto).—Arnold Shapiro, c/o Routledge Modise, PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.
11168/2012—Kantaras, Alexandros, 3205165020084, 11 Crocodile River Street, SE4 Van der Bijl Park (Van der Bijl;
Johannesburg).—Routeldge Modise Inc., PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.
12866/2012—Dent, Margaret Isobel, 3605290064081, 10 Hughes Street, Witfield, Boksburg; Ernest Errol Dent,
4503015098089 (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
10505/2008—Khumalo, Eddie Bafana, 5004015480087, 7994 Xolile Street, Orlando West, 1804 (Johannesburg).—130
Main Street, Budget House, 4th Floor, Suite 401, Johannesburg.
30471/2012—Sebake, Maladithomo Albert Sebake, 4708315186084; Ramadimetja Johanna Sebake, 4507110432085
(Johannesburg).—B.M Tloubatla Attorneys, P.O. Box 7696, Johannesburg, 2000.
9567/2011—Natalie Margaret Lodder, 4107240048081, pensioner, unmarried, Second and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg).—The Executor, Citadel Trust, c/o Markgraaf & Kelner Street, P.O. Box 153,
Bloemfontein, 9300.
15976/2012—Maseko, Beatrice Pindile, 6102200630083, 130 Bertha Street, Turffontein (Johannesburg).—Matela
Sibanyoni & Associates, 130 Main Street, Budget House, 4th Floor, Suite 401, Johannesburg.
7643/09—Nicholas, Elly, 1911170046008, Unit 12, Glendina, 37 Glen Avenue, Glenanda (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—S A
Fritz, Executrix, P.O. Box 786084, Sandton, 2146.
20339/2011—Johnston, Robert Edward, 2301245113188 (Johannesburg).—Jenny Phillips Attorney, 34 Fricker Road,
Illovo, 2106; P.O Box 10, Melrose Arch, 2076.
25581/2011—Naude, Esme Dawn, 3406160052086, Unit 304, Ideal Village, 30 Hannaben Street, Linksfield.—FNB Trust
Services, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
19587/2011—Marr, Melvin Charles, 5009055073080, 150 Malta Street, Nuturena, Supplementary First; Elaine Marr,
5301180107085 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
3540/2012—Inchiquin, Vera Maud O’Brien, 259426, Hanway Lodge, Batchcott, Richards Castle, Ludlow, England UK,
First & Second & Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
27887/2011—Hewitt, Joseph Alexander, 5709225121087, Unit 1, Xerox, 50 Viscount Avenue, Windsor East,
Johannesburg, First & Second & Final, 21 days (Randburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold,
8514/2012—White, Joseph Richard, 2707145061188, 12 Athalie Street, Chrisville, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Attorney Alan Gordon, P.O. Box 3721, Edenvale, 1610.
11997/2011—Coghlan, Brian Edmond, 5212145113086, 33 Anneke Street, Glenvista Ext 3, Johannesburg; Holly
Margaret Coghlan, 6212250028086 (Johannesburg).—BDE Administrators, 11 The Highway, Florida Park.
10040/2012—Auby, Dawn Mary, 36012700046081, 31 Crystal Court, Burger Street, Winchester Hills, Johannesburg
(Master’s Office of the High Court, Johannesburg, 66 Marshall Street, Johannesburg).—Steve Merchak Attorney, P.O. Box
67900, Bryanston, 2021.
18430/2012—Sachse, Catherine, 5608020101080, 808 Lisbon Avenue, Little Falls, Roodepoort (Roodepoort;
Johannesburg).—RSM Betty and Dickson (JHB), P.O. Box 1734, Randburg, 2125.
14786/2011—Williams, John David, British Passport No: 761254357, Gaborone, Botswana (Johannesburg).—E/C
JD Williams, c/o DH Hill, 17 Westminister Drive, Craighall Park, 2196.
28918/2010—Heyns, Keith John, 5405205103084, Albatross Drive, Fourways, Gauteng (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—F McLachlan, P.O. Box 5340, Johannesburg, 2000.
18779/2011—Thorn, Evan Pitt, 3801155027087, 1 Minerva Avenue, Glenadrienne, Sandton, 2196 (Randburg,
Magistrate’s Court; Master of the South Gauteng High Court).—Richard E Thorn, 1 Minerva Avenue, Glenadrienne, Sandton,
26254/2011—Chinia, Baboo, 2506245047083, 33 Canary Avenue, Lenasia Extension 1; Lakhi Chinia, 3007200324087
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Routledge Modise Inc, P.O. Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.
10627/2010—Davidson, Hugh Somerville, 3102065056088, 94 Bowlers, Randjes Estate, Randjeslaagte Road,
Highlands North, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—L. Davidson, P.O. Box 975, Northlands, 2116.
11632/2010—Nessler, Horst Eugen, 3409155052186, 14 Rhanleigh Street, Raceview, Alberton, 1449 (Palmridge; Master
of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria).—Friedrich Walter Keller, N.O. (Executor), c/o Lindsaykeller Attorneys, 6 Floor, The
Mall Offices, 11 Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196; P.O Box 195, Saxonwold, 2132.
9155/09—Rennie, Jeannett Louise, 5011250025089 (Randburg; Pretoria).—Robin Twaddle Attorneys, P.O. Box 725,
Halfway House, 1685.
29163/2011—Naran, Ishwarlal, 3003075049081, 4 Crow Street, Lenasia; Santa Rachhor Naran, 3309065004308 (Central
Divorce Court; Johannesburg).—Princess Homes CC, 11571 Currene Street, Lenasia.
6132/2012—Schelling, Hendrina Wilhelmina, 4111160110087, 116 Denne Road, Boksburg (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—
Nico Beyers Attorneys, 99 Kyalami Manor, Barbeque Downs, Sunninghill.
12770/2012—Lowe, Inge Hilge, 3406120163189, Unit 314 Summerfield Clusters, Maudehurst Street, Juskei Park, 2153
(Randburg; Johannesburg).—RSM Betty & Dickson (JHB), P.O. Box 1734, Randburg, 2125.
30829/2012—Bennett, Sidney William, 3505025050084, 73 Wonderboom Avenue, Weltevreden Park, 1709; Rosemary
Joyce Bennett, 3104020068083 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Linda Bode, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park.
11555/2012—Gumbi, Mandola Amos Gumbi, 3009285150080, 917 Duma Street, Zondi; Simangele Ronica Gumbi,
3404230168089 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Linda Bode, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park.
21810/2012—Winstanley, Olive Irene, 2011300010084, 109 Dublim Street, Kenmare, Krugersdorp, 1739 (Krugersdorp;
Johannesburg).—Linda Bode, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park.
No. 36227
28562/2011—Beyleveld, Hermanus, 4802225022081, 21 Hewaart Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort (Roodepoort;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
32165/2011—Cohen, Mervyn, 3509285060080, 4/8 Bundarra Road, Bellevue Hill, New South Wales, Australia
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Routeldge Modise Inc, P.O. Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.
17431/2012—Vermaak, Derek Owen, 4809285036083, unit 11, Eagles View, Tiptol Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156; Patricia
Vermaak, 5303310040087 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—RSM Betty & Dickson (JHB), P.O. Box 1734, Randburg, 2125.
23238/2011—Bevins, John Albert, 2508155021082, 19 Garden Retirement Village, Garden Road, Bordeaux (Gauteng;
Marshalltown).—BL Kretzmann Inc, P.O. Box 30514, Môreskof, Welkom.
18341/2012—Swanepoel, Jan Andries, 2906185033087, Musterstraat 6, Unigray, Johannesburg, 2197 (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.
6402/2012—Drake, Rodney Horace, 4205295056080, No. 7 Ponderosa, Reddersburg Road, Rooihuiskraal North,
Second and Final; Glenda Margaret Drake, 3806180038082 (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag
X25, Hatfield, 0028.
20369/12—Rossouw, David Jacobus, 3709055042082, 11 Kuskoraal Street, Moregloed, Pretoria, 0186, First and Final
(Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.
14682/2007—Williams, Lawrence Cyril, 6102185060082, 89 Ouklip Road, Wilro Park, Roodepoort, 1724, First and Final;
Merlyn Williams, 6607150093082 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Personal Trust, P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701.
5605/2012—Van der Merwe, Anna Elizabeth, 4801200099080, Paul Krugerstraat 117, Boksburg Noord, 1459 (Boksburg;
Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, Absa Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
27716/2012—Wilson, Louie Margot, 2310090020083, Klarinetstraat 3, Sunward Park, Boksburg, 1459 (Boksburg;
Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, Absa Gebou, 17A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
31214/2012—Brits, Denis Georgina, 4810020162085, 1 Priory Lane, Kibler Park, Johannesburg, 45159 (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central
Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
30717/12—Hamman, Hermanus Phillippus, 3105145078089, Voltastraat 36, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 45362
(Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa
Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
31217/2012—Molobela, Edith Fakazile, 4409100494086, 1788 Mapetla Ext, P.O. Tshiawelo, 1818, 45415; Super Joas
Molobela, 4308245434082 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA
Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, Absa Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
8315/2012—Matshabane, Mendene Justinus, 5103095451081, 1362 Mamelodi Gardens, Mamelodi, 0122; Dayigayi
Esther Matshabane, 5104090268082 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas
Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
16177/12—Matshabane, Dayigayi Esther, 5104090268082, B362 Mamelodi Gardens, 0122; Dayigayi Esther
Matshabane, 5104090268082 (Pretoria). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van
der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
7176/2010—Mathe, Fikile Peter, 4702215493088, 5 Mokalane Tshela Street, Atteridgeville Ext 3, 0008, Amended First and
Final; Rothi Ruth Mathe, 4902210447085 (Pretoria-North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste
Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
4096/12—Malibe, Elliot Paul, 7004205528081, 52 Elphin Street, Kenmare, 1739; Leah Snow Malibe, 7405070403088
(Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat
230, Pretoria, 0002.
17752/12—Louw, Doreen Barbara, 3602240007088, AD Care, Stymiestraat 157, Clubview, Centurion, 0157 (Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
15929/09—Lambert, Hendrina Hermina, 5704190036089, Clemmow Laan 26, Florida Park, Roodepoort, 1709,
Aanvullende Eerste en Finale (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas
Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
1751/2013—Kruger, Jan Sarel Jacobus, 3009265020089, 33 Faeriedal, 385 Manitoba Rylaan, Faerie Glen Uit 1, 0081;
Madge Prudence Ayrton Kurger, 3610010018086 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer,
Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
218/2013—Haupt, Marius Izak, 5308125021081, Wolwekraal 10, Losperfontein Distrik, Brits, 0250 (Brits; Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
20080/12—Hartzenberg, Maria, 3910140061083, 9 Flaminkstraat, Klippanweg 900, Montana, 0182 (Pretoria).—ABSA
Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
20201/12—Van Loggerenberg, John Ford, 4503055070089, Eeufeesstraat 448, Pretoria Noord, 0182; Danie Jacoba van
Loggerenberg, 4411290019087 (Pretoria-North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer,
Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
19279/2012—Van Heerden, Johannes Ludewicus, 4305145074083, Commercialstraat 851, Pretoria-Tuine, 0082; Alida
Susanna van Heerden, 4405190071081 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas
Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
2382/2013—Van der Merwe, Orliena Christina, 4803070035087, Eenheid 7 Lombardi, Centrestraat 480, Pretoria Tuine,
0082 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230,
Pretoria, 0002.
16372/12—Schoeman, Johanna Elizabeth, 3306070041080, Seinstraat 5, Kanonierspark, Potchefstroom, 2531
(Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat
230, Pretoria, 0002.
16961/2012—Ritchie, Roland Henry, 2508285038089, Protea Aftree-Oord, Heuwelsig Nr. 179, Cliftonlaan 359, Lyttelton,
0157 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230,
Pretoria, 0002.
No. 36227
19226/12—Nawrotzki, Peter Claus Jens, 3112315038083, Sprokie Avenue 330, 29 Bergenbos, Faerie Glen, 0081
(Pretoria; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230,
Pretoria, 0002.
4503/2013—Aab, Irmgard Dorothea Margarethe, 2809160018083, German Old Age Home, 9 Lewis Road, Richmond,
Johannesburg, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o P.O. Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
15880/2012—Bryant, Linda, 7203140166086, 32 Engelwood Street, Klippoortjie, Elsburg; Burnand Denis Bryant,
7108055144087 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
4472/2011—Kgoloko, Lappine Kgolane Kgoloko, 7412235315082, First and Final; Gwendoline Mashego Kgoloko,
7806200409087, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—RR Mabusela Attorneys, P.O. Box 70914, Die Wilgers, 0041.
10580/2012—Adriana Wilhelmina Kuhn, 5302140056081, 10 Wallnut Aven, Primrose, Germiston, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Jan L Jordaan inc, 1 Forster Street, Rynfield,
Benoni; P.O. Box 3434, Benoni, 1500.
14895/06—Mahlobo, Makhosazana Sweetness, 5407280249089, 29 John Hunter Str, Edleen (Kempton Park;
Pretoria).—Stupel & Berman Inc, 70 Lambert Str, Germiston.
10581/2012—Manley, Albert, 3301025006080, 22 The Terrace, Phillips Road, Beyerspark, Boksburg; Rona Lillian Manley,
4005070052084 (Boksburg; Marshalltown).—Dirk van Antwerpen Financial Advisory Services CC, 13 Van Rooyen Street,
Morehill, Benoni.
26438/2012—Magauta Monica Mashilwane, 5604040896080, 1930 Naledie Soweto, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 Forster Street, Rynfield, Benoni; P.O. Box
3434, Benoni, 1500.
13468/2009—Mazibuko, Sibusiso Kenneth, 7711065352085, 124 Namakwaduif Avenue, Birch Acres Ext 3
(Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Mollentze & Associates, P.O. Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.
27283/2012—Mienie, Helena Cornelia Fredrieka, 3510030018084, 208 Kimberley Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg
(Johannesburg).—Etienne Cloete, 1st Floor, Law Chambers, Southdale Shopping Centre, Alamein Road, Southdale,
23628/2012—Ninow (born Horn), Anna Wilhelmina, 4409140037085, 15 Chelsea Avenue, Silverfields, 1739
(Krugersdorp; Gauteng).—Stella Smith, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
10256/2009—Nkosi, Jacob, 6511035456086, 2928-A Nare Street, Emdeni Ext 1 (Johannesburg; South Gauteng,
Johannesburg).—Mollentze & Associates, 48 Chateau De Vie, Van Oordt Str.
27948/2011—Maleine Fancy Nkune, 6601210370085, 56 Malahla Street, Vosloorus Ext 7, Boksburg, First and Final
Liquidation Account, 21 days (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 Forster Street, Rynfield, Benoni; P.O. Box 3434,
Benoni, 1500.
4576/2011—Pretorius, Jacobus Petrus, 5705205071085; Catharina Elizabeth, 6010220052081 (Krugersdorp;
Johannesburg).—Elaine De Witt Atorneys, P.O. Box 7565, Krugersdorp North, 1741.
17888/2012—Roberts, Anthony Edward, 52 Hatton Road, Chester Chesire CH1 5EE, United Kingdom, First and Final,
21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, P.O. Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
1231/2011—Quartus Schoonraad, 4604125034087, 29 December 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account; married in community of property to Marion Maude Schoorn, 21 days (Middelburg; High Court, Pretoria).—Malherbe,
Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 1462.
26740/08—Shenxane, Arnold, 7512225348082, 29 Joan Hunter Street, Edleen (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Stupel
& Berman Inc, 70 Lambert Street, Germiston.
17537/2012—Simpson, Magaritha, 2612300009081, 253 Minuette Panorama Estate, Swanevelder Road, Roodepoort,
Second and Final, 21 days (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o P.O. Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
14428/2012—Mbutana Paulus Songo, 4709175233081, 10460 Mbenge Street, Kwa-Thema, Springs, The First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account; Nomathemba Ntombikayise Songo, 5108110212087 (Springs; Johannesburg).—
Matsemela Krauses & Ngubeni Inc, 79 - 4th Street, P.O. Box 5, Springs, 1560.
32402/2009—Stefanus Swanepoel, 4107195058085, 31 Ebony Street, Primrose, 1416, The First and Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Lucya Swanepoel, 4610170055083, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Kosta Georgier, c/o
Schooneers Belling & Georgier, 23 - 7th Avenue, Cnr Second Street, Edenvale.
19132/2012—Christobel Viera Canham, 21 January 1968, 6801210102088, 40 Kersieboom Street, Ormonde Extension
20, 4 June 2012, The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mr. S.C.
Mopeli, Mopeli Attorneys, P.O. Box 136395, Alberton North, 1456; 2nd Floor, Majuba Centre, 93 Voortrekker Road, New
Redruth, Alberton, 1450.
10758/2012—Sylvia May Hickman, 10-08-1925, 2508100028083, St Georges Village, Economides Road, Bedfordview,
06-04-2012, The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Germiston;).—Gavin Mostert, Attorney, Notary,
Conveyancer & Administrator of Estates, 112A Boeing Road East, Edenvale; P.O. Box 368, Bruma, 2026.
29945/2011—Hlophe, Simon, 5107055581084, Stand No. 29447, Zone 9 Extension 2, Meadowlands, Soweto
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Moruo Trust & Estate Planning, 1620 New South Street, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi
28036/2011—Jagger, Ernest John, 3103195074082, 85 Main Road, Nooitgedacth, Krugersdorp; Ilse Jagger,
3204110055089 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 10007, Johannesburg, 2000.
5089/2011—Janse van Rensburg, Sylvia Anna, 4803040001086 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Elaine De Witt
Attorneys, P.O. Box 7565, Krugersdorp North, 1741.
30805/2010—Magrietha Georgina van Niekerk, 6305260135089, a female, 3 Human Street, Witfield, Boksburg. First and
Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 Forster Street, Rynfield,
Benoni; P.O. Box 3434, Benoni, 1500.
11600/2011—Kelly, Jean Cooper, 3611260083184, B10 Marmanet Retirement Village, Bergriver Drive, Terenure, 1619
(Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
No. 36227
15323/2012—Vedda, Dorothy Isabel, 3712260027088, 25 Delamere Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg; Dario Vedda,
3007215044100 (Johannesburg)—Etienne Cloete, 1st Floor, Law Chambers, Southdale Shopping Centre, Alamein Road,
Southdale, Johannesburg.
19206/2008—Zaage, Ruth, 2408260026086 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Van Hulsteyns Attorneys, PO Box 783436,
Sandton, 2146.
1512/13—Gerber, Jan Hendrik, 3305175040088, Huis 22, Oleanderpark, Klerksdorp, 2571; Susanna Elizabeth Gerber,
4611290025089 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van
der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
16965/2012—Fourie, David Jozua, 4105105007085, 53A Krinkhoutstraat, Kokanje, Modimolle, 0510; Isabella Paulina
Fourie, 4106230056088 [Modimolle (Nylstroom); Pretoria].—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor,
Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002.
20284/12—Etsebeth, Petrus Johannes Andries, 4209075007081, Kruisstraat 52, Potchefstroom, 2531; Anna Johanna
Helena Etsebeth, 4911070090083 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer,
Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
11550/09—Esterhuizen, Elsie Johanna, 3409200005080, Plot 315, Vlakplaats, Tarlton, 7550 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
1722/2013—Engelbrecht, Pieter Willem Antonie, 3005075015087, Dormalaan 1212, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186
(Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria,
15282/12—Daffue, Matthys Johannes, 2503145004082, Berghang 63, Karenpark, 0182 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
17240/12—Coetzee, Helena Johanna, 4105010065087, Gousblomlaan 65, Newlands, Pretoria, 0081; Alwyn Petrus
Coetzee, 3902265027080 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van
der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.
9508/12—Van den Berg, Piet, 3209035004088, Warblerslaan, Huis No. 1, Komatie Kragstasie, Blinkpan, 2250; Catharina
Wilhelmina van den Berg, 3212190126082 (Middelburg, Tvl; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, 8ste Vloer, ABSA Gebou,
17A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620.
1548/2012—Ferreira, Johannes, 5206065185082, 17 Sering Street, Sundra, 2200 (Delmas; Pretoria).—Linda Bode,
63 Worraker Street, Newton Park.
5881/2012—Pillay, Pithambaram, 4503305085085, 505 Kathmundu Street, Laudium, Pretoria; Krishnamal Pillay,
5103300072082, Joint estate of late Pithambaram Pillay married to Krishnamal Pillay (Pretoria; Pretoria).—J Narsai Attorney,
PO Box 6394, Pretoria, 0001.
5881/2012—Pillay, Pithambaram, 4503305085085, 505 Kathmundu Street, Laudium, Pretoria; Krishnamal Pillay,
5103300072082 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—J Narsai Attorney, PO Box 6394, Pretoria, 0001.
30353/2010—Van Deventer, Anna Catharina, 2607230035081, 20 Armada Avenue, VanRiebeeck Park, Kempton Park
(Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—AMM van der Merwe, c/o Attorneys McKenzie Van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box 2004,
Kempton Park, 1620.
14088/05—Wabeke, Johanna Lourensina Christina, 2302110001086, First and Final, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—
Maree Theunissen Attorneys, P.O. Box 35662, Menlopark, 0102.
11910/2012—Ngubeni, Mzingelo Abram, 4603245292088, 13846 Zone 11 Sebokeng; Motlalepule Annah Ngubeni,
5111110604089 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Schlebusch & Du Plessis, Posbus 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
23456/2012—Kockjoy, Kenneth, 2509165046085, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—J J Viljoen Attorneys,
PO Box 73671, Fairland, 2030.
11910/2012—Ngubeni, Mzingelo Abram, 4603245292088, 13846 Zone 11, Sebokeng; Motlalepule Annah Ngubeni,
5111110604089 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Schlebusch & Du Plessis, PO Box 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
17578/2012—Motloung, Seponko Joseph, 5011205395082, 22 Zone 10 Extension 1, Sebokeng; Dimakatso Kate
Motloung, 5504110584089 (Vanderbijlkpark; Johannesburg).—De Klerk Vermaak & Partners, Block 3, Orwell Park, Orwell
Drive, Three Rivers, 1935.
21567/2012—Prins, Catharina Johanna Prins, 4611090015082, Letabastraat 33, Drie Riviere; Hermanus Erens Prins,
4710045030087 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—Schlebusch & Du Plessis, PO Box 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.
21532/2012—Hass, Rudolf Karl Albert, 3605095031186, 29 Wesel Road, Sunnyridge, Germiston, 21 days (Germiston;
Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
25325/2012—Sadan, Genevieve Ursula, 4910220063081, First and Final, 21 days; Abraham Sidney Sadan,
5209045097088 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Brits Attorneys, 23 Kings Way, Nigel, 1490.
16434/2012—Onno Kurt Otto Engelhardt, 3204015017085, No. 24 Norton’s Rest, Louisaweg 20, Brentwoodpark,
Benoni, Gauteng, 8 September 2012; Sovyha Dalvini Engelhardt, 3706300030086, 21 dae (Pretoria).—Yvonne de Beer
Prokureurs, Justice Mahomedstraat 975, Posbus 36375, Menlo Park, 0102.
8033/2012—Sulelo, Motsilisi Susan Sulelo, 3108220172082 (Orlando; Johannesburg).—KGL Attorneys, Building No. 3,
Woodhill Office Park, Phillip Engelbrecht Avenue, Meyersdal.
1894/06/06—Isaac Moekane, Portion 5, Lot 67, Evaton Small Farms, 21 dae, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening (Johannesburg; Vanderbijlpark).—Jonk Prokureurs, Posbus 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963.
10731/2012—Robbetze, Jacob Stephanus, 4911185104084, Umgenirivierstraat 31, Norkempark, Kempton Park; Letetia
Robbetze, 6110180052087 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—WF Bouwer Prokureurs, Justice Mohamedstraat 1225, Menlo
Park, Pretoria, 0102.
No. 36227
17093/12—Van Aswegen, Jan Wynand Lodewyk, 2203125014082, Radnorstraat 49, Westdene, Johannesburg
(Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.
20335/2012—Du Plessis, Ivor Sarel, 2703245027088, Parkdal 91, Parke Aftree-Oord, Lyttelton, Pretoria (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.
23256/06—Ngoza, Elmon Sipho, 6105105579081, Stand No. 2115, Ptn 12, Ebony Park, Ext. 4 (Johannesburg;
Pretoria).—Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc, Posbus 2233, Florida Hills, 1716.
20028/2011—Schoeman, Albertus, 3609305052081; Amelia Anna Schoeman, 4201160047080 (Witbank; Pretoria).—
Van Bruggen Attorneys, PO Box 523, Wierda Park, 0149; Suite 5, 1024 Saxby Ave, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
21169/2011—Coetzee, Nicolaas Johannes Erasmus, 4704115015086, Westing Fair Close 14, Westinghouse Blvd,
Vanderbijlpark; Hester Johanna Maria Coetzee, 5011110015080 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk,
Posbus 1556, Strubensvallei, 1735.
04496/08—Smuts, Jacobus Petrus, 3508175017085, Hugostraat 125, Dan Pienaarville, Krugersdorp, Gewysigde en
Finale; Aletta Magdalena Secillia Smuts, 3501140005087 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—J B Hugo & Cronje Inc, PO Box 115,
Krugersdorp, 1740.
8789/2012—Morim, Manuel Joao de Lima, 4201195087184, 2 Tessa Place, Albermarle, Germiston, 1401; Helena Neto
Morim, 4909150109187 (Germiston; Pretoria).—MD Shields & Associates CC, P.O. Box 487, Randburg, 2125.
6847/09—Erasmus, Lisa, 7401110095083, Highveldmews No. 2, Tegelstraat 9, Highveld Park, Amended First and Final;
Johan Gerrit Erasmus, 6105245007084 (Pretoria).—EY Stuart Attorneys, PO Box 492, Pretoria, 0001.
16858/2011—Pretorius, Johannes Lodewikus, 2205105023082 (Johannesburg).—Harvey Norje Wagner & Motimele Inc,
1030 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
20327/2012—Page, Daniel, 5307155077088, 34 Tanner Street, Krugerdorp, 1740; Jacoba Gertruida Page,
5702120034083 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Dykes van Heerden Inc, PO Box 21755, Helderkruin, 1733.
18660/2008—Dlamini, Lewatle Phineas, 6704105444088, 5019 Zekwa Street, Vosloorus; Mantsho Monyami Christinah
Mazibuko, 6011240409087 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Boela van der Merwe Attorneys, PO Box 346, Germiston, 1400.
28441/2012—Van Staden, Dennis John, 5007295135081, 2 Melanie Street, Lambton, Germiston (Germiston;
Johannesburg).—Boela van der Merwe Attorneys, PO Box 346, Germiston, 1400.
21376/2006—Johanna Maria van Aswegen, 5603050102082, 124 Casciano Street, Poortview, Ruimsig, 6 September
2006, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Bezuidenhout Van Zyl & Assoc. Inc,
Surrey Square On Republic, cnr Republic Road and Surrey Avenue, Randburg, 2194.
18226/2011—Wilma Alida Els, 4707050050083, Haymeadow Crescent, 79 Renaissance Aftree-oord, Faerie Glen,
23 September 2011, Gewysigde Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof).—
Chantelle van Niekerk, Pricewaterhousecoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park, Posbus 55799, Arcadia, 0007.
16755/2012—Johannes George Deyzel, 4603065030089, Kronkellaan 120, Magalies Villa, Magalieskruin, Pretoria,
31 Oktober 2011, Gewysigde Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Pretoria Boedel
Administrateurs Bk., Posbus 14341, Sinoville, Pretoria, 0129.
12731/2011—Mc Dermid, Rona Beryl, 3010050016084, Weltevreden Farm, Distr No. JT336 Waterval Boven, 1195
(Waterval Boven; Johanneburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1556, Strubens Valley, 1735.
15242/2010—Mr Stephen Geoffery Lloyd, 5007225176189, Erf 403, Schoeman Street, Dullstroom, 1 June 2010,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Belfast; North Gauteng High Court).—Yvette Lauren Wapenaar,
Wapenaar Attorneys, P.O. Box 332, Dullstroom, 1110.
11146/2011—Garrett, Frederick Sidney, 1408235053182, 48 Villagelemans, Eucalyptus Lane, Halfway Gardens,
Highveld Retirement Lodge, Midrand, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—P/a Johan Ewree, Lindfieldweg 98, Lynnwood
Manor, Pretoria, 0081.
20745/2012—Cobbett, David John, 2609075058087, 10 Biarritz, Anerley Road, Johannesburg, 2001, Liquidation and
Distribution Account (Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Harris Dowden & Fontaine, 7 Pam Road, Morningside Extension 5,
Sandton, 2196.
4354/2012—Todd, Edith, 1011140002086, Rosehaven Retirement Village, Glanadrienne, Johannesburg, 2001,
Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg; South Gauteng). Harris Dowden & Fontaine, 7 Pam Road, Morningside
Extension 5, Sandton, 2196.
18648/2012—Cohen, Gertrude, 0909050038084, Sandringham Gardens, 85 George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg,
Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg).—Evelyn Sheila Furman & Amy Hirschman, c/o Monty Hacker, Wertheim
Becker Inc., 1st Floor, Oxford Manor, 196 Oxford Road, Illovo, Johannesburg.
5255/2010—Goldstuck, Oscar Isaac, 5308165023088, 82a Tredgoning Street, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 2192, Second
Amended (Johannesburg).—Maitland Executors Ltd, 14 Nuttall Gardens, Morningside, Durban.
17142/2011—Conceicao Sumares, 2903190037187, 78 – 5th Street, Boksburg North, 7 April 2009, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Van Rensburg Inc., P.O. Box 9110, Pretoria, 0001.
827/2012—Le Roux, Daniel Hendrik Christoffel, 5406155005089, Elma Hof No. 1, Kwartelsingel, Rustenburg, Eerste en
Finale; Janetta Hendrina Carolina Le Roux, 5605150110089, 21 dae (Brits; Pretoria).—Lategan Viljoen & Pretorius Prokureurs,
Posbus 4736, Brits, 0250.
23070/2010—Greyling, Christiaan Barend, 2806225016086 (Pretoria; North Gauteng).—Riaan De Lange, De Lange
Prokureurs, Posbus 3379, Durbanville, 7551.
31776/2012—Silvis, Willem Leendert, 8204275047082, Daffodilstraat 210, Lynnwoodrif, Pretoria, Gauteng; Menanteau
Silvis, 8207080018081 (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Mechiel Venter Prokureurs, Posbus 39828, Moreleta Park, 0044.
No. 36227
22252/2012/PMB—Mitchell, Betty Cameron, 2610300035080, Fleming House, Randjes Estate, Randjeslaagte Road,
Highlands North, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Knight Turner Inc., P.O. Box 5064, Torsvale, 4019.
3144/2012—Stephen Molefe Molai, 5505025727085, 358 Block F East Soshanguve, 2011-10-14, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building, 190 Thabo Sehume
Street, Pretoria, 0002.
18452/2012—Evah Mami Magodiela, 5609140817084, 2618 Umganu Street, Extension 15, Olivenhoutbosh, 2012-10-25,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building,
190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, 0002.
9864/2010—Joubert, George Phillipus Le Roux, 3802285014086, Ptn 89 of the farm Highlands, Nelspruit; Beatrice
Jacoba Joubert, 4112280060087 (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Esselens Engelbrecht Inc., P.O. Box 71, Lows Creek, 1302.
8257/08—Agula, Basil, 5809175219089; Jamet Agula, 630630056087 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Thulani Mtsuki Attorneys,
P.O. Box 175, Witbank, 1035.
1048/06—Makua, Martus Lawrene, 6609245377082, Stand No. 578 Lekoa Street, Ext 2 Kwa-Guqa, Witbank (Witbank;
Pretoria).—Thulani Mtsuki Attorneys, P.O. Box 175, Witbank, 1035.
18640/08—Motha, Dumisani Obed, 6611225469087, Stand No. 2721 Thomas Mokoena Street, Ext 4 Kwa-Guqa,
Witbank; Samaria Mershal Phakathi, 7904061106080 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Thulani Mtsuki Attorneys, P.O. Box 175, Witbank,
10648/2012—Smit, Christoffel Johannes Du Preez, 4607215006089, Makhato 10 Sondela, Bela-Bela, 0480, Liquidation
and Distribution; Charlotte Margret Smit, 4303100002082 (Pretoria Gauteng).—Vezi & De Beer Inc., c/o Alpine & South Village
5301/2012—Bates, George Sydney, 5106225159086, 145 Frank Adamslaan, Eersterus; Christina Mary Magdelene
Bates, 5212250225089 (Pretoria).—Dyason Inc., 134 Muckleneukstraat Wes, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria.
5243/12—Smit, Dana Benjamin Henri Smit, 4709225121088, Pioneersingel 1808, Candlewood Country Estate,
Louwlardia X34 (Pretoria).—Johann Jordaan c/o Hereditas Trust, P.O. Box 11392, Queenswood, 0121.
17104/2011—Le Roux, Abraham Spies Le Roux, 4006195008084, Louannalaan 38, Constantiakloof, 0709 (Pretoria).—
Lloyd & Jansen, Posbus 99, Ermelo, 2350.
12761/2011—Deacon, Frederika Johanna Deacon, 3601060010081, Tuscan Village 52, Piet Joubertstraat 2, Secunda
(Pretoria).—Lloyd & Jansen, Posbus 99, Ermelo, 2350.
3028-2012—Potgieter, Elizabeth Mary, 3106130061080, Ruimuitsig, Volksrust (Volksrust; Johannesburg).—C.A. Maritz,
Posbus 836, Volksrust.
13894/2011—Dzumba, Hlengane Lucas, 4704215212088, First & Final; Maleaduma Sister Dzumba, 4811280296084,
21 days (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.
018468/2012—Venter, Gerhardus Jacobus, 4304275028084, 7 Thorp Street, Westonaria, 1779; Heila Magdalena Venter,
4501110056085 (Westonaria; Pretoria).—Serfontein Viljone & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
1502/2012—Cloete, Elizabeth, 6304240055087, Gemini Singel 6, Ennerdale Uitbreiding 1, 1813; Hendrik Cloete
(Johannesburg).—JL Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
24431/08—Botha, Frederik Johannes Stephanus, 6002215071085 (Secunda; Pretoria).—DLBM Incorporated Attorneys,
P.O. Box 11132, Hatfield, 0028.
7065/2012b—Bezuidenhout, Johannes Marthinus, 3203025012086; Marie Bezuidenhout, 3608120006082 (Benoni;
Johannesburg).—Rocco Bezuidenhout, 25 Saldanha Street, Crystal Park, Benoni.
7065/2012b—Bezuidenhout, Johannes Marthinus, 3203025012086; Marie Bezuidenhout, 3608120006082 (Benoni;
Johannesburg).—Rocco Bezuidenhout, 25 Saldanha Street, Crystal Park, Benoni.
16680/2011—Skinner, John Dawson, 3209175020084, Unit 7, Larmenier Retirement Village, 270 Milner Street,
Waterkloof, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Macintosh, Cross & Farquharson, P.O. Box 158, Pretoria, 0001.
18234/2012—Du Plessis, Jochina Johanna, 1807140022085, Eenheid 2, Cecilia Gardens, Ruimteweg, Centurion,
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Pretoria).—JG Adolph Ing., Posbus 7608, Pretoria, 0001.
21496/2011—Kruger, Engela Carolina, 2512290048083, Walterlaan 1416, Waverley, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Liza Van
Schalkwyk Prokureurs, P.O. Box 9574, Pretoria, 0001.
15975/2009—Ndlangamandla, Mpisendlini Bhekinkosana, 5903265483081, Mhluzi, Middelburg, First and Final;
Lucy Ndlangamandla, 6311130483089 (Middelburg; Pretoria).—Lucy Ndlangamandla, 1 Nicol Street, Witbank.
18634/10—Muller, Elizabeth Jordaan, 2602160008083 (Pretoria).—Monica Muller, 241 Nicolson Street, Brooklyn, 0181.
6341/2010—Pelser, Gloudina Magdalena, 3207130030081; Theunis Gertze Pelser, 2808235020082 (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—San-Mari Beukman, 632 Feldspar Street, Elarduspark, 0181.
7161/2012—Du Toit, Erica Felicia, 4204100058084, Francinalaan 34, Eedenglen, Jeffreysbaai; Pieter Eduard du Toit,
4001195010081 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—CW Malan Jeffreysbaai Ing., Posbus 273, Jeffreysbaai, 6330.
2791/2013—Newing, Randal Rony, 4910175094081; Elaine Lynette Newing, 4909050090081 (East London;
Grahamstown).—Smith Tabata Incorporated, PO Box 11146, Southernwood, 5213.
3425/2012—Bailey, Dorothy Nita, 2205050045189, Nora Whitmore Wing, Fairlands Home for the Aged, 44 Vian Road,
Cambridge, East London, 5247, First & Final (East London; Grahamstown).—Russel Incorporated, PO Box 1092, East London,
7396/2012—Van Vuuren, Dorothea Sophia Elizabeth, 3311090008085, Granny Slipper Aftree-Oord, Uitenhage
(Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—CW Malan Jeffreysbaai Ing., Posbus 273, Jeffreysbaai, 6330.
No. 36227
2629/12—Coetzer, Jean Anne, 4411220040088, 57 Pink Lady Lane, Christmas Rock, East London (East London;
Grahamstown).—Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc., PO Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214.
3668/2012—Van Schalkwyk, Lena, 3702080086083, 46 Merrington Street, Hillside, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—
Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 27528, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
7227/2012—Athimoolam, Nathan, 4008295057086, 29 Agaphanthus Road, Malabar, 6020, First and Final; Shushila
Athimoolam, 4309130068084 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
4108/2011—Manamane, Mavuso Solomon, 4806215671088, 25 Block E, Aliwal-Noord, 9750; Minah Nonzenza
Manamane, 5805230729086 (Aliwal-Noord; Grahamstad).—Douglas & Botha Prokureurs, Somerstraat 11/13, Aliwal-Noord.
4060/2012—Lawlor, Francina Gertruida, 2011240031083, 99 Vincent Road, Vincent, East London (East London;
Grahamstown).—Allams Attorneys, 6 Sansom Road, Vincent, East London, 5247.
4108/2011—Manamane, Mavuso Solomon, 3003025002081, 25 Blok E, Aliwal-Noord, 9750; Minah Nonzenza
Manamane, 5805230729086 (Aliwal-North; Grahamstad).—Douglas & Botha Prokureurs, Somerstraat 11/13, Aliwal-Noord.
4060/2012—Lawlor, Francina Gertruida, 2011240031083, 99 Vincent Road, Vincent, East London (East London;
Grahamstown).—Allams Attorneys, 6 Sansom Road, Vincent, East London, 5247.
2597/2012—Malherbe, Christina Jacomina Apolina, 1611220014081, 231 Water Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth (Port
Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Van Niekerk Groenewoud & Van Zyl Ing., Posbus 3888, Tygervallei, 7536.
741/2012—Belgrove, Lammert Alberts, 8901055314083, 33 Smith Street, Gonubie, 5257 (Grahamstown;
Grahamstown).—Roelof Oosthuizen Incorporated, PO Box 277, Citrusdal, 7340.
1469/2012—Mpobole, Xoliswa Vivian, 5404160854088, Flat 7, 1 Riverside, Alice (Mdantsane; Bhisho).—I C Clark Inc.,
25 St Luke’s Road, Southernwood, East London.
3514/2012—Wookay, Abdul Gafur, 4311295060088, Teakwood Place 10, Braelyn, East London, First and Final (East
London; Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
883/2010—Mqamelo, Lungephi Justice Mqamelo, 4311215313088, 39 Golden Highway, Mdantsane, East London;
Nomtandazo Patricia Ndevu, 7411110719087 (Mdantsane; Bhisho).—I C Clark Inc., 25 St Luke’s Road, Southernwood, East
2527/2012—Mc Gillivray, Lionel James, 3807115038088, Fairlands Retirement Home, Vian Road, Cambridge West, East
London (East London; Grahamstown).
3076/2012—Kroon, Keith, 3503295013080, Willowdale, Willowmore (Graaff-Reinet; Grahamstown).—André Olivier,
Midboard Financial Services, PO Box 36, Graaff-Reinet.
1223/2012—Nombula Xolisile, 7601285546089; Nandipha Gladys Nombula, 8105251304084 (Somerset East,
Grahamstown).—BLC Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001.
1223/2012—Xolisile Nombula, 7601285546089, married in community of property to Nandipha Gladys Nombula,
8105251304084 (Somerset East, Grahamstown).—BLC Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, 6001.
7242/2011—Luyi Charles Duma, 5203075686084, 60810 Mbilini Street, Zwide, Port Elizabeth, died on: 3 March 2010,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; married in community of property to Tokozi Grace Duma, 5908180745084
(by customary union to Sindiswa Colia Lombo), 6702280400081, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—BLC Attorneys, 04 Cape Road,
Port Elizabeth, 6001.
1759/2010—Duma, Luyi Charles, 5203075686084; Tokozi Grace Duma, 5908180745084 and Sindiswa Colia Duma, born
Lombo, 6702280400081.—BLC Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Central Port Elizabeth, 6001.
3999/2012—Skinner, Thomas Edward, 2908125005084, 13 Two Rivers Place, Kenton on Sea (Port Alfred;
Grahamstown).—Neave Stötter Inc, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.
2228/2010—Casely, Graham Percy, 2206255003080, Damant Lodge, Port Alfred, Second and Final (Port Alfred;
Grahamstown).—Neave Stötter Inc, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.
1304/2007—Smith, Susanna Johanna Maria, 3708240064084 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—PG Prinsloo Attorneys,
29 Mount Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
1140/2010—Naidoo, Jailutchmee, 3107230054082, 9 Komani Street, Queenstown (Robinson Road, Queenstown;
Grahamstown).—Jay Reddy Attorney, Unit 1, 3rd Floor, Hampden Court, 7 Hampden Road, Durban.
3228/2012—Etter, Hilton, 5104195094086, 40 Water Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—
Vowles Callaghan & Boshoff Inc, PO Box 47, Knysna, 6570.
7222/2012—Smith, Leon, 5301025095081, 29 Boundary Road, Morningside, Port Elizabeth, 6025, First and Final;
Roseleen Nesta Smith, 4701230023086 (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560,
Greenacres, 6057.
0468/2013—Clack, Brian Dudley, 4703025083085, 56 Thrush Avenue, Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth, 6070, First and
Final; Marguerite Hugh Clack, 5304020087087 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth,
3999/2012—Skinner, Thomas Edward, 2908125005084, 13 Two Rivers Place, Kenton on Sea (Port Alfred;
Grahamstown).—Neave Stötter Inc, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.
3167/2003—Socikwa, Goodman Mvuyo, 6004046276081, 54—17th Avenue, Gonubie, 5157, Second Amended First and
Second and Final; Koliswa Beauty Nolusapo Socikwa, 6003230189084 (East London; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors
and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
0191/2010—Ndevu, Meshack, 2807295163089 (Port Elizabeth).—Chris Harding Attorneys, 12 Eastbourne Road, Mount
Croix, Port Elizabeth.
5231/2012—Ndevu, Notobile Rosy, 3808010376088 (Port Elizabeth).—Chris Harding Attorneys, 12 Eastbourne Road,
Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.
No. 36227
6961/2009—Engelbrecht, John Andrew, 5906025058085, Die Opstal, St Francisstraat, Jeffreys Bay; Freda Engelbrecht,
6107090081081 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc, Posbus 2233, Florida Hills, 1716.
4457/2012—Venter, Coleen Pamela, 5104170570084, 90—4th Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045, First and
Final (Port Elizabeth).—Fedtrust (Pty) Ltd—Port Elizabeth, PO Box 7242, Newton Park, 6055.
1897/2011—Sutton, Anthony Errol, 4708155004082, “Avondale”, Queenstown, 5319 (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—
Charteris & Barnes, PO Box 137, Queenstown, 5320.
4457/2012—Venter, Coleen Pamela, 5104170570084, 90—4th Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045, First and
Final (Port Elizabeth).—Fedtrust (Pty) Ltd—Port Elizabeth, PO Box 7242, Newton Park, 6055.
2228/2010—Casely, Graham Percy, 2206255003080, Damant Lodge, Port Alfred, Second and Final (Port Alfred;
Grahamstown).—Neave Stötter Inc, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.
7221/2012—Clarke, Frederick Raymond, 4002285001089, Erf 38, Council Road, Theescombe, Port Elizabeth, 6008,
First and Final; Magaretha Susanna Johanna Clarke, 4702080002089 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust,
PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
5916/2012—De Zitter, Emile Arthur Michel, 2302195014186, 49 Kragga Kamma Road, Port Elizabeth; Marie Paul de
Zitter, 2601310015188 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Johan Cronjé Attorneys, 25 Upper Drostdy Street (P.O. Box 143),
5916/2012—De Zitter, Emile Arthur Michel, 2302195014186, 49 Kragga Kamma Road, Port Elizabeth; Marie Paul de
Zitter, 2601310015188 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Johan Cronjé Attorneys, 25 Upper Drostdy Street (P.O. Box 143),
3415/2011—Prinsloo, Sheila Johanna, 2905180064089, Madeira Home, Kingsway, Queenstown, 5319 (Queenstown;
Grahamstown).—Hugh Anthony Wormald, PO Box 137, Queenstown, 5320.
4069/2012—Melville, Jackie Aubrey, 4605075132086, 6 Ata Street, Uitenhage; Merline Melville, 5012070018080
(Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Johan Cronjé Attorneys, 25 Upper Drostdy Street (P.O. Box 143), Uitenhage.
3015/2012—Phillip, William David Bruce, 4308265069081, 10 Fourie Street, Westering, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth;
Port Elizabeth).—Johan Cronjé Attorneys, 25 Upper Drostdy Street (P.O. Box 143), Uitenhage.
3214/2012—Esselaar, Thelma Thethis, 3312010004089, 57 Melkhout Street, Kareljous, Jeffreys Bay (Humansdorp; Port
Elizabeth).—Christ Boast & Co, PO Box 60, Uitenhage.
1333/2012—Catharina Magdalena van der Merwe, 3901170080085, pensioner, 30 Joubert Street, Queenstown,
died 12 September 2009, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; William Temple van der Merwe, 3610095020080,
21 days (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—Maurice Shadiack Attorney, Attorney for the Executor, 22–24 Robinson Road
(PO Box 398), Queenstown, 5320.
3749/2012—Philpott, Eileen Neil Campbell, 2401120060189, 5 Crosbie Street, Nahoon, East London (East London;
Grahamstown).—Independent Executor & Trust, PO Box 8081, Nahoon, 5210.
7103/2012—O’Connor, Delphine Yvette, 7007160221089, 11 Barkly Street, College Hill, Uitenhage, 19675; Kevin Robert
O’Connor, 6908245239080 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C,
Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045.
9/2013—Boucher, Henry Yvonne, 4802075025085, Annastraat 14, Uitenhage, 6229 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA
Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres,
3790/2012—Van Heerden, Susarah Johanna, 3206050011089, Coetzeestraat 4, Saxilby, Oos-Londen, 5247 (East
London; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum,
Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045.
7102/2012—Swarts, Hester Hendrietta, 2705140040082, Ons Tuisste, Heughstraat, Humansdorp, 2787; Daniel
Johannes Swarts, 2602035030080 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057;
1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045.
7094/2012—Swarts, Daniel Johannes, 2602035030080, Ons Tuisste Ouetehuis, Heughstraat, Humansdorp, 6300
(Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan
Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045.
7079/2012—Nell, Casparus Johannes, 3410205077082, 12 Ash Avenue, Steytler Township, Port Elizabeth, 6001;
Lorraine Maud Nell, 3706250084083 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer,
Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045.
2624/2011—Saayman, Maria Jouritina, 4808200001081, Southwellweg 27, Port Alfred, 6170 (Port Alfred;
Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum,
Kaapweg 277, Greenacres, 6045.
2326/2012—Kilani, Mayedwa Kleindavid, 4506155263082, 146 Sikulu Street, Lingelihle, Cradock, 5880, First and Final;
Nomathemba Sinnah Kilani, 5203140715082 (Cradock; Grahamstown).—Gerber Botha & Gowar Chartered Accountants,
PO Box 1, Cradock, 5880.
3169/2012—Kriel, Gavin Craig, 6307295157088, 125 Everton Road, West Bank, 5201, First and Final; Eileen Esmé Kriel,
6309130044083 (East London; Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
5703/2012—Chamberlain, Johanna Maria Magdelena, 2408200011081, Drostdystraat 10, Despatch (Port Elizabeth; Port
Elizabeth).—McLeod–Tate & Delport Prokureurs, Hurdstraat 7, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.
No. 36227
402/2013—Vermaak, Ignatius Wilhelm, 5611205063083, Greylingstraat 16, Despatch (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—
Conradie Campher & Kemp, Hoofstraat 20, Despatch.
4871/2012—Bosman, Izak Daniel Wilhelm, 4105015008082, Lemmerville 2 (1), Cloetestraat 2, Despatch; Estelle
Susanna Bosman, 3510280033080 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Conradie Campher & Kemp, Hoofstraat 20, Despatch.
6107/2012—Plaatjies, Lilian, previously Daniels, 4401030413088, 60 Highfield Road, Schauderville, Port Elizabeth (Port
Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.
3445/2012—Weiss, Hilbert Michael, 3509155035089, Wolsley Farm, Fort Jackson (East London; Grahamstown).—FNB
Trust Services, PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057.
4186/2012—Van Zyl, Alfred Benjamin, 3908175032086, 149 Dolphin Drive, Cintsa East, 5257 (East London;
Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057.
3233/2012—Walls, Charlie, 4312105134089, 40 Lundall Crescent, Rocky Ridge, Port Elizabeth; Thelma Walls,
4906260149087 (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057.
3658/2012—Kinnell, Sheila Beverley, 1601100036080, Dolphin Coast Nursing Home, Kenton on Sea, First & Final (Port
Alfred; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park.
998/2012—Cloete, Jacobus Gustaff, 5001255014089, First and Final, 21 days (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—
De Waal–Baxter Attorneys, 29 Ebden Street, Queenstown, 5319.
1691/2010—Ndwayana, Madoda, 6102165897081, 13 Mzontsundu Street, Ginsberg, First and Final; Andrey Tembela
Ndwayana, 6409290826087 (King William’s Town; Bhisho).—Elwyn Lentz, PO Box 1159, King Williams Town, 5600.
1789/2012—Mbonani Zaga, 5505285237080, Mpeko Administrative Area Plantations, Mthatha, died 3 February 2012,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mthatha).—Sithembele Mgxaji, 45 Leeds Road, Mthatha.
2860/2009—Maxwell Monwabisi Somaxama, 5706165956084, No. 26 Sqongana Street, Northcrest, Mthatha, died
22 February 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mthatha).—Sithembele Mgxaji, 45 Leeds Road,
5032/2012—Van Loggerenberg, Margaretha Maria, 4104220014084, 8 Whiteside Street, Uitenhage, 6229; Ernest James
van Loggerenberg, 3507075051087 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Trevor Wait (Uitenhage), PO Box 477, Uitenhage, 6230.
102/2013—Ernest Stephen Schnetler, 3210275078089, Kolbesingel 17, Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth, oorlede
25/12/2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Engela Hendrieka Schnetler, 321013002084, 21 dae (Port
Elizabeth).—Ou Mutual Trust Beperk, Nedbankgebou (PO Box 27528), Greenacres, 6057.
102/2013—Schnetler, Ernest Stephen, 3210275078089, Kolbesingel 17, Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth, First and Final;
Engela Hendrieka Schnetler, 321013002084 (Port Elizabeth).—Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO box 27528, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
761/2012—Stungu, Ken Richard, 4710025157082, 27 Khawuta Drive, Bisho, 5605; Nomkumezelo Virginia Stungu,
4610250539089 (Zwelitsha; Bhisho).—Smith Tabata Inc., PO Box 529, King William’s Town.
5726/2011—Daniels, Sydney, 4305045457081, 60 Highfield Road, Schauderville, Port Elizabeth; Lilian Daniels, born
Plaatjies, 4401030413088 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3673,
Randburg, 2125.
187/2008—Ngcebetsha, Mzwandile Eric, 4803105700085 (Port Elizabeth).—J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc,
317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
187/2008—Ngcebetsha, Mzwandile Eric, 4803105700085 (Port Elizabeth).—J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc,
317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
2826/2012—Mills, Freda, 3211200053080, 13 Fairview Road, Beacon Bay, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—
Nolan Flemmer Attorneys, P.O. Box 11227, Southernwood, 5213.
6338/2012—Bosman, Willem Izak Louw, 2606115002083, Avondrus Plot Reitz District, 9810, Second and Final (Reitz;
Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
13334/2012—Mynhardt, Gerhardus Richard, 3310155013089, Marius Meenthuise Nommer 4, Schilbachstraat 81 A,
Parys, 9585; Martha Johanna Mynhardt, 3806110003083 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—Mnre Coetzees Ing., Buitenstraat 25, Posbus
5, Parys, 9585.
9574/2012—Anna Maria Elizabeth, 6005070044089, Die Plaas Diepfontein, Distrik Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—
Vermaak en Dennis, Posbus 565, Bloemfontein, 9300.
7098/2012—Robert Willem Kruger, 4901025049086, Mercutiostraat 35, Bedelia, Welkom, 2012-05-20, Eerste en Finale
Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Dorothea Maria Elizabeth, 4409270033086 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—(Get) N de Bruyn,
Maree Gouws, Arraratweg 83, Welkom, 9460.
13435/2012—Steyn, Elizabeth Catharina, 22081100020831, Bethlehem Aftreeoord, Bethlehem (Bethlehem;
Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees, p/a Greyvensteins Inc., Posbus 754, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
11751/2012—Motsie, Likeledi Salamina, 3301020348081, 2576 Phomolong, Kroonstad, 9499 (Kroonstad;
Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat
en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
No. 36227
12283/2012—Marais, Pieter Ernst, 5906165408082, No. 8 Uithorn Street, Sasolburg, 1459 (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald
Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
2300/2012—Du Plooy, Willem Jacobus, 3108095036081, Huis Vergeet My Nie, Stofbergstraat, Bultfontein, 9670
(Bultfontein; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou,
h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
3474/2012—Mtimkulu, Aaron, 4712195406083, 1264 New Location, Heilbron, 9650; Babie Sarah Mtimkulu,
6003160555080 (Heilbron; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA
Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
6721/2012—Thora May Liebenberg, 3203220086083, Swartwitpenssingel 149, Hillandale, Woodlands, Bloemfontein,
24 Oktober 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Westhuizen Ingelyf,
Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, Posbus 184, Kakamas, 8870.
1008/2010—Du Rand, Diederik Johannes, 3005035002084, Du Rust, Generaal Hertzogstraat 30, Reddersburg,
Verbeterde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Reddersburg; Bloemfontein).—Carroll Van de Wall & Joubert,
Posbus 10, Dewetsdorp, 9940.
1743/2012—Van Niekerk, Marthinus Jacobus, 3402245016089, Deel 16, Oakvalley, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein, 9301,
Tweede en Gewysigde, 21 dae (Vrystaat; Bloemfontein).—JG Kriek & Cloete, King Edwardweg 668, Willows, 9320.
10893/2012—Van der Walt, Hugo, 4403085039081, Welgedacht Aftree Oord No. 22, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein; Anna
Christina Magdalena Van der Walt, 4405170019084 (Bloemfontein).—ASC du Preez, p/a McIntyre Van der Post, Posbus 540,
Bloemfontein, 9300.
10893/2012—Van der Walt, Hugo, 4403085039081, Welgedacht Aftree Oord No. 22, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein; Anna
Christina Magdalena Van der Walt, 4405170019084 (Bloemfontein).—ASC du Preez, p/a McIntyre & “Van der Post, Posbus
540, Bloemfontein, 9300.
11123/2012—Viljoen, Louwrens Stephanus, 2911125015087, Huis Bergprag, Bethlehem (Bethlehem).—Agent vir die
Eksekuteur, p/a S-Bro Makelaars/Finansiële Adviseurs, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700.
894/2012—AMM, Aletta, 2411020055080, Bompartstraat 5, Westdene, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—Mnr JH Truter,
Posbus 11232, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321.
13447/2012—Engelbrecht, Lukas Johannes Philippus, 4104225021084, Eerste en Finale (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—
Grimbeek Van Rooyen Ing., Posbus 1282, Kroonstad, 9500.
14000/2010—Gideon Jacobus van Deventer, 4108125078086, 27 Julie 2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—J F de Beer, Schroeder & Meades Ingelyf, Van der Merwestraat 39 A, Posbus
69, Bethlehem, 9700.
4793/2012—Kathrada, Rashida, 5001270063087, 3 Hazel Crescent, Virginia, 9430 (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—Maree &
Vennote Ing., P O Box 123, Virginia, 9430.
9371/2012—Bornman, Barend Jacobus Marx, 2509195036080 (Bultfontein; Bloemfontein).—Beukes & Beukes, Posbus
15, Bultfontein, 9670.
9503/2013—Beukes, Elizabeth Alida, 4111280069080, Welgedacht Aftreeoord 78, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein
(Bloemfontein).—EE Pohl, c/o Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324.
12931/2012—Van Wyle Ivor Anderson, 4 Oktober 1925, 2510045005085, Casa Mia 6, Heapstraat 13, Parys,
21 November 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Parys; Bloemfontein).—Du Toit Mandelstam,
Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, Dolfstraat 63, Posbus 43, Parys, 9585.
8304/2012—Kade, Fritz Horst, 3509065054089, 4 Urselaweg, Bloemfontein; Maria Magdalena Kade, 3602140015082
(Bloemfontein).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324.
11669/2012—De Klerk, Frederick Johannes, 4807205110087; Lenett Catharina De Klerk, 5510170017084 (Kroonstad;
Bloemfontein).—Reza Day, Du Plessis Le Roux Inc., PO Box 1136, Kroonstad, 9500.
464/2012—Motsoahole, Mantsane Sophy, 5603210721086, 11775 Fonya Crescent, Thabong, Welkom (Welkom; Free
State; Bloemfontein).—J W Andrews, Andrews Incorporated, 2 Reitz Street, Doorn, Welkom.
3553/2012—Morgan, Charles. 4001245406180, 36 Church Street, Odendaalsrus (Odendaalsrus; Bloemfontein).—
TC Bothma Ing., Kerkstraat 64, Odendaalsrus.
4512/2012—Germishuizen, Johanna Hendrina, 2904050024083, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Acc
(Bloemfontein).—LB Saffy, c/o Honey Incorporated, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9300.
4633/2010—Nel, Wilhelmina Sophia, 5106290067081, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Marthinus
Johannes Nel, 4809255087082 (Bloemfontein).—AV Saffy, c/o Saffy & Associates, PO Box 12439, Brandhof, Bloemfontein,
9989/2012—Van Zyl, Anna Susanna, 2908060027085, Nyala Huis 9, Staatsweg, Welkom (Bloemfontein).—Haasbroek Willemse Inc., PO Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
8660/2012—Van de Heever, Susanna Gabriel Andries, 2910220054082, Symondstraat 44, Kroonstad, Vrystaat
(Bloemfontein).—Haasbroek - Willemse Inc., PO Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
9989/2012—Van Zyl, Anna Susanna, 2908060027085, Nyala Huis 9, Staatsweg, Welkom (Bloemfontein).—Haasbroek Willemse Inc., PO Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
9989/2012—Van Zyl, Anna Susanna, 2908060027085, Nyala Huis 9, Staatsweg, Welkom (Bloemfontein).—Haasbroek Willemse Inc., PO Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
8660/2012—Van den Heever, Susanna Gabriel Andries, 2910220054082, Symondstraat 44, Kroonstad, Vrystaat
(Bloemfontein).—Haasbroek - Willemse Inc., PO Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
8660/2012—Van den Heever, Susanna Gabriel Andries, 2910220054082, Symondstraat 44, Kroonstad, Vrystaat
(Bloemfontein).—Haasbroek - Willemse Inc., PO Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
6424/2012—Jones, Beverly, 5707290249189, Susaarstraat 15, Naudeville, Welkom (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Neumann
van Rooyen, Posbus 4, Welkom, 9460.
No. 36227
4408/2011—Kriel, Malena Millicent, 3601110007087, 6 Jorihan Court, Zastron Street, Bloemfontein, Gewysigde Eerste
en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bloemfontein).—J L Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing, Posbus 40297, Arcadia,
487/13—Olivier, Johannes Andries, 3004045004081, Striata Aftree-Oord, Universitas, Bloemfontein, Eerste en Finale;
Joyce Olivier, 21 days (Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust (Bloemfontein), Posbus 4235, Bloemfontein, 9300.
12143/2012—Louw, Martha Johanna, 4005310013086, Lanzerac Woonstel 1, Riebeeckstad, Welkom, Eerste en Finale,
21 days (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust (Bloemfontein), Posbus 4235, Bloemfontein, 9300.
414/2012—Motsoahole, Mantsane Sophy, 5603210721086, 11775 Fonya Crescent, Thabong, Welkom (Welkom, Free
State; Bloemfontein).—J W Andrews, Andrews Incorporated, 2 Reitz Street, Doorn, Welkom.
5324—Cassel, John Edward, 4903195094082 (Bloemfontein).—JFV Proffesional Accounants (SA) CC, PO Box 20214,
Willows, 9320.
4793/2012—Kathrada, Rashida, 5001270063087, 3 Hazel Crescent, Virginia, 9430 (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—Maree &
Vennote Ing., P O Box 123, Virginia, 9430.
7730/2012/DBN—Reddy, Mamla, 6209250209088, 46 Hilldale Drive, Newlands West, Durban, First and Final;
Yashoprakash Narainsamy Reddy, 5404235118089 (Durban; Durban).—Garach & Garach, P.O. Box 800, Umhlanga, 4320.
12750/2012 DBN—Duttoo, Dilraj, 3405205074089, 49 Munn Road, Ottawa (Verulam; Durban).—B. D. Singh &
Associates, 94 Main Road, Ottawa; P.O. Box 972, Verulam, 4340.
11138/2012/PMB—Nhlengethwa, Walter Bhekuyise, 5406045687088, 412 Third Avenue, Bhekuzulu Location, Vryheid,
first and Final; Lethiwe Elina Nhlengethwa, 5511110863082, 21 days (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company,
378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
9902/2012/PMB—Ismail, Emam Batwa, 3708165082087, 758 Lotus Drive, Dannhauser, Newcastle, First and Final;
Fathima Ismail, 4908170016083, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street,
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
7443/2012/PMB—Sithole, Ephraim Fanyana, 5206225515087, Lot 6423, Waterloo, Phase 5, Verulam, First and Final,
21 days (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
3302/2011—Harpal, Dhunwathi, 3709130225082, 107 Hippo Road, Sea Cow Lake, Durban (Verulam; Durban).—Manilall,
Chunder & Company, Suite 1, 29 Jan Smuts Highway, Westridge, Durban.
5378/2010/DBN—Buthelezi, Mbongeni Gideon, 5206035262086, F1417 Msibi Road, KwaMashu, 4359; Agastina Sikinti
Buthelezi, 5501080833082 (Durban; Durban).—Anil Rabinath & Associates, 299 Underwood Road, Sarnia, 3615.
5378/2010/DBN—Buthelezi, Mbongeni Gideon, 5206035262086, F1417 Msibi Road, KwaMashu, 4359; Agastina Sikinti
Buthelezi, 5501080833082 (Durban; Durban).—Anil Rabinath & Associates, 299 Underwood Road, Sarnia, 3615.
6243/2012/PMB—Roets, Elizabeth Maria, 470520064087 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).
6968/2012/PMB—Thiel, Arthur Rolf, 1010225019080, Unit 1, Stand 4, Umkomaas (Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—
Chapman Dyer Inc, 7th Floor, 300 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.
15488/2010—Nash, Rosemary Elizabeth Matilda, 3110030087083, 9 Zia Maria, 150 Old Main Road, Pinetown
(Durban).—Lister & Co Attorneys, Marlick Terrace, 30 Old Main Road, Hillcrest.
7671/2012 DBN—Haffeejee, Mahamed Ali, 3710085063080; Ameena Bibi Haffeejee, 4202170048084, Amended First
and Final (Stanger; Durban).—Mohamed Motala and Company, P.O. Box 2617, Kwa Dukuza, 4450.
17992/2010/DBN—Essop, Mohamed Farouk, 43032255109085, 171 High Terrace Drive, Crossmore, Chatsworth, Third
and Final Liquidation and Distribution; Zora Bee Essop, 4112070119051 (Durban; Durban).—Avusa Media, P.O. Box 51163,
Musgrave, 4093.
18476/2012 DBN—Magan, Vanmali, 2602205085088, Unit 18, 42 Springfield Road, Windermere, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal;
Mangie Maga (Durban; Durban).—Peter Naicker Incorporated, Suite 911, 9th Floor, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton
Lembede Street (formerly Smith Street), Durban, 4000.
377/2013/DBN—Keyter, Hein Brandt, 6501095068087, 2 Hapmden Road, Morningside, Durban (Durban; Durban).—
Kloppers Durban Incorporated, 338 Windermere Road, Morningside, Durban, 4000.
11085/2012/DBN—Sumner, Alvin, 4212295030081, 26 Saltfleet Rd, Westville, 3630 (Pinetown; Durban)—R. F. Sobey
Attorney, 15 Leighton Place, Glenwood, Durban, 4001.
4291/2012/PMB—Dawood, Yakoob Amod Dawood, 5312225140080; Asseya Ebrahim Dawood, 5906140081087
(Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Ganie & Company, 493 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg.
5763/2012/PMB—Richards, Leslie Anderson, 2112105057088, 603 Amber Valley, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal
(Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—B. E. S. Agar & Associates, P.O. Box 50968, Musgrave.
11361/2011/PMB—Skinner, Elizabeth Ann, 2811210004089, 350 Amberfield, Howick, 3290 (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—
Lister & Lister Attorneys, P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
5301/2011/PMB—Hlongwane, Bongani Herbert, 5502275695088, 662 Kubheka Stand, Jakkalspan Farm, Osizweni,
First and Final; Ntombebomvu Lettas Hlongwane, 4409100332088 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—DBM Attorneys, P.O. Box
117, Newcastle, 2940.
3733/2012/PMB—Van Niftrik, Jakob, 3404145266186, 4 William Street, MT Moreland, Umdloti, KwaZulu-Natal (Verulam;
Pietersburg).—John Hudson & Company, 303 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001.
No. 36227
9054/2005/PMB—Banwarie, Dulari, 3605060302083, 26 Somchand Pule, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Cajee Setsubi Chetty Inc., 195 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
9782/2011 DBN—Periasamy, Endran, 8001265188086 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Siva Naidoo & Associates, PO Box
56800, Chatsworth.
7139/2010/PMB—Sibisi, Nkosinathi Emmanuel, 7005125669087; Primrose Shadile Sibisi, 7605140375089 (Nqutu;
Pietermaritzburg).—Rafiq Khan & Co., 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
5046/2009/PMB—Sookun, Premi, 2601280159081, Market Street, Lot 34, Lidgetton (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Tatham
Wilkes Attorneys, PO Box 161, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
18454/2005—Mthembu, Jonatha Thoko, 5605090257081, Supplementary (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—Viresh Sivnarain
and Partners, 54 Boundary Road, Dundee, 3000.
1638/2012—O’Donoghue, Michail Basil, 2803305002086, MC16 Rob Roy Lifestyle Village, 3 Rob Roy Crescent, Bothas
Hill, KwaZulu-Natal, Third and Final (Pinetown and Camperdown; Pietermaritzburg).—J. L. Swan, P.O. Box 3, Hillcrest, 3650.
9951/2011/PMB—Lakhani, Budhilal Thakarshee Nanjee, (also known as Budhilal Thakarshee), 3404175089086, 4/21,
Alka, B-Road, 40 Marine Drive, Mumbai, 400020, First and Final (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—J. H. Nicolson Stiller & Geshen,
P.O. Box 51241, Musgrave, 4062.
17498/2011/DBN—Variawa, Kathija, 2506250051087, 25 Adams Road, Verulam, First and Final (Verulam; Durban).—
J. H. Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, P.O. Box 51241, Musgrave, 4062.
9660/2009/PMB—Mthimkhulu, Margaret Nokuthula Babhekile, 6709280325085 (Dundee; Pietermaritzburg).—
Rafiq Khan & Co, 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
17827/2011—Kunene, Zanele Florence Paschalina, 5004090749083, Erf 577, Kwamsane (Mtubatuba; Durban).—
Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc, P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935.
17827/2011—Kunene, Zanele Florence Paschalina, 5004090749083, Erf 577, Kwamsane (Mtubatuba; Durban).—
Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc, P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935.
1794/2011/PMB—Thulasizwe Elias Nyawose, 6112295445081, Dududu Road, Umzinto, 4200, died on 8 January 2011,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—Van den Bosch & Rousseau
Attorneys, 1st Floor, Surfers Paradise Building, 145 Scott Street, Scottburgh; P.O. Box 1021, Scottburgh, 4180.
1253/2006—Ntuli, Goodwill Sandile, 7007125866085, H181 Umlazi Township, Umlazi, Liquidation & Distribution (Umlazi;
Durban).—Sudesh Sidhlall & Associates, Suite 301, 3rd Floor, 30 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001.
4939/2012/PMB—Paterson, Elizabeth Helen, 2704280057089, Flat 6, Beacon Hill, Roberts Road, Pietermaritzburg,
First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—Mason Incorporated, P.O. Box 100, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
10355/2008/PMB—Mpulo, Qondumuzi Moses, 5208265428080, Sweetwaters, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg).—
Lister & Lister Attorneys, P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
861/2012/PMB—Essack, Abba Tayob, 2407105081082, Flat 401, 355 Musgrave Drive, Durban (Durban;
Pietermaritzburg).—Cajee Setsubi Chetty Inc, 195 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
5024/2012—Kloppenborg, Cynthia Ann, 3205140038086, Birdsongs Complex 10, 11 Buckleigh Place, Durban, Umgeni
Park (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Livingston Leandy Inc, P.O. Box 4107, The Square, 4021.
10563/2011—Hazell, Oliver Tamplin, 3306295081085, 5 Shirley Road, Winkelspruit (Durban; Durban).—FNB Trust
Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
10958/2011/PMB—Hubbard, Barry John, 4511035096181, 49 Sutton Road, Himeville, KwaZulu-Natal (Himeville;
Pietermaritzburg).—Moore Attorneys, P.O. Box 12, Camperdown, 3720.
14479/2011—Kunene, Faustine Bafikile, 4611070469085 (Verulam; Durban).—Anisa Khan Attorneys, PO Box 3002,
Prestondale, 4021.
11275/2012/PMB—Kruger, Barend Johannes Marthinus Jacobus, 4011035024085, 120 B Plein Street, Utrecht, 2980;
First and Final, estate late Josephine Amy Kruger, 4403160034080 (Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees
Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
4171/2009/PMB—Donnelly, Dennis Lionel Thomas, 2801045031084, 81 Bowhill Lodge, 16 Gordon Road, Morningside,
Durban; Supplementary Second and Final (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private
Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
16160/2010/DBN—Tunley, Sybil Enid, 1809060022087, 12 Baron Road, Hillcrest, 3630 (Durban; Durban).—Pearce du
Toit & Moodie, PO Box 5645, Durban, 4000.
16231/2009 DBN—Moodley, Itchani, 3301260050082, 196 Tammany Avenue, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban,
10 November 2006 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suites 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Crofdene Drive,
Chatsworth, 4092.
3247/2012—Mountford, Nora Pamela Forbes, 2308060036089, Arcadia Nursing Home, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final
(Pietermaritzburg; KwaZulu-Natal).—M R Harty Attorneys, The Art House No. 4, 4th Avenue, Parkhurst, 2193; PO Box 41592,
Craighall, 2024.
1471/2004/PMB—Mbhele, Christopher Bongi, 5704095347086, Lot 1467, Margate, KwaZulu-Natal; Virginia Ntombizethu
Mbhele, 5509160561085 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road,
PO Box 2164, Margate, 4275.
11427/2012—Gamndana, Kholisile, 5001195145084, 1147 Glemarkie Drive, Ramsgate, KwaZulu-Natal (Port Shepstone;
Pietermaritzburg).—Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road, PO Box 2164, Margate, 4275.
6728/2012/PMB—Mhlongo, Mkhipheni David, 3910055248089, House No. 309, Section A, Osizweni, First and Final
(Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940.
8198/2012/PMB—Mthabela, Thoko Beauty, 3901040393080, House No. 81280, Section 2, Madadeni, First and Final
(Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940.
12298/2011—Duma, Mfanufikile Henry, 5203205742088 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—S Dlomo Inc., PO Box 2375, Port
Shepstone, 4240.
No. 36227
12297/2011—Duma, Eunice Nombulelo, 5512220718083 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—S Dlomo Inc., PO Box 2375, Port
Shepstone, 4240.
1559/2012—Devraj Govindasamy Reddy, date of birth: 1937-02-28, 3702285046080, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, married in community of property to Selva Gandhi Reddy, 4201230062085.
5075/2012—Garrett, Ivan Roger, 3603235019088, 217 Rosewood Estate, Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Andre Dreyer Attorneys, PO Box 34, Vryheid, 3100.
10360/2012 DBN—Armstrong, Cecil John, 3807115110087, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port
Shepstone; Durban).—Stilwell Attorneys, PO Box 48, Port Edward, 4295.
7845/2012 DBN—Makada, Dawood, 3301015123085, 23 Forest Avenue, Overport, Durban, 22-08-2011; Zulaka Bibi
Makada, 3407060071085 (Durban; Durban).—Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suites 19/20, Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene
Drive, Chatsworth, 4092.
1495/2012/PMB—Balt, Johannes Augustus, 2210285027085, La Gratitude Old Age Home, Newcastle, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—PG Steyn Attorneys, 70 Paterson Street, Newcastle, 2940.
4700/2012/PMB—Payne, Michael John, 4809045173085, c/o 15 Pearl Gardens, Connor Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
(Pietermaritzburg).—Carters, Suite 24, Parklane Centre, Chief Albert Luthuli Road, Pietermaritzburg.
8743/2012/PMB—Thembani Ida Ngcobo, 5110100443086, 15 Jardine Place, Fairmeade, Pietermaritzburg, date of death:
30 January 2012, Final Account; Gugu Bridgeman Ngcobo, date of birth: 1952-10-10, 5210105275085, 21 days
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Poys & Derricks Incorporated, 190 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritziburg,
7915/2009/PMB—Maneer Pacifious Shezi, 5207105723080, Obhukwini Area, Kwezela Location, Last Account;
Khombisile Sylvia Shezi, date of birth: 1956-10-01, 5610010502087, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo
Poys & Derricks Incorporated, 190 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritziburg.
11275/2012/PMB—Kruger, Barend Johannes Martinus Jacobus, 4011035024085, 120 B Plein Street, Utrecht, 2980,
First and Final; Josephine Amy Kruger, 4403160034080 (Utrecht; Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees
Limited, Private bAG 54319, Durban, 4000.
132646/2012—Lines, Howard Vaughan, 6008045030084, Underberg, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final (Himeville;
Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, PO Bix 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
10670/2011 DBN—Gunnie, Tyrone Melvyn, 4406185110082, 64 Avalen Crescent, Northcroft, Phoenix, First and Final,
21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Raj Ramsaran & Co, PO Box 1076, Durban.
4670/2011/PMB—Gaskin, Leslie Owen, 4210285025087, 120 Duputation Street, Vryheid, 3100 (Vryheid;
Pietermaritzburg).–W.M Dales, PO Box 832, Vryheid, 3100.
3865/2012/PMB—Kurwan, Suzanne, 6004270035088, 13 Lucas Meyer Slot, Bree Park, Vryheid, 3100 (Vryheid;
Pietermaritzburg).—W.M Dales, PO Box 832, Vryheid, 3100.
12556/2008/PMB—Doust, Herbert Christopher, 3908275066083, 51 Doorn Street, Newcastle (Newcastle;
Pietermaritzburg).—W.M Dales, PO Box 832, Vryheid, 3100.
5697/2012–Mbele, Ndoda Isaac, 3702205176082, Nqedandaba Area, Loskop Location, Estcourt, 3310, First and Final
(Estcourt; Pietermaritzburg).—Jordaan Geldenhuys, PO Box 865, Estcourt, 3310.
5295/2011/PMB—Minnie, George Brian, 2910245051089, 58 Rushmore Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
(Pietermaritzburg).—Morris Brothers, Attorneys for Executor, PO Box 20037, Durban North, 4016.
5743/2010—Gengan, Gouindasamy, 3502025069081, 10 Badrudeen Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg; Sheila
Madramma Soobramoney Govindsamy, 5212180037083 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal).—Atwaru Naidoo
& Associates, 430 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
1268/2012 (DBN)—Buitendach, Fredrick Charles Abraham, 5111235060084, Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal (Nongoma;
Durban).—Wha Compton Attorneys, Estates Department, PO Box 21830, Mayors Walk, Pietermaritzburg, 3208.
10814/2009—Rambehari, Thethari, 2108200059086, 50 Satara Road, Merebank, Durban (Durban; Durban).—Lester Hall
Hetcher Inc., Estates Department, PO Box 21830, Mayors Walk, Pietermaritzburg, 3208.
12745/2012—Chellan, Sathiammah, 4407170157088, 134 Lemuria Grove, Arena Park, Chatsworth (Chatsworth;
Durban).—M Chetty and Associates, 290 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park, Chatsworth.
885/2012—Govender, Thomothan, 6507195228083, 12 Amora Knoll, Chelmsford Heights, Tongaat, First and Final;
Visagie Govender, 7102040125087, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Messrs Joy Narain & Associates, PO Box 302, Tongaat,
275/2013—Tomlinson, George Edward, 4310125091081, 41 Kirkman Road, Ifafa Beach, 4185; Rachel Francis
Tomlinson, 4210160090081 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Attorneys Singh & Gharbaharan, 1st Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary
Road, Umzinto, 4200.
16105/2012—Sewdayal, Dhanasir, 2801210027081 (Durban; Durban).—Barkers, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia.
10153/2011/DBN—Govender, Jayaseela Govender, 5801275094080, 413 Hillgrove Drive, Hillgrove; Sakunthalai
Govender, 6608230079083 (Durban; Durban).—Mooney Ford Attorneys, PO Box 442, Durban.
10822/2013/DBN—Price, Michael Anthony Price, 4012045126183, 29 Northcliffe Road, Malvern, Durban (Durban;
Durban).—Mooney Ford Attorneys, PO Box 442, Durban.
10118/2011/PMB—Mac Donald, Anna Pauline, 3402020029083, Amberfield Retirement Village, Howick (Howick;
Pietermaritzburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
8671/2011/PMB—Mkhwanazi, Dumisani George, 4803155383089, Section A1399, Ezakheni, 3381 (Ladysmith;
Pietermaritzburg).—Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.
No. 36227
18363/2012—Naidoo, Perumal, 3908095057080, 64 AS-Salaam Road, Riyadh Township, Verulam, Durban; Inderanie
Naidoo (born Moodley), 4403010067082 (Verulam; Durban).—Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Limited, PO Box 3673,
Randburg, 2125.
1560/2011—Beckett, Vivien Shirley, 3106080017082, Unit 33 Picardi, Le Domaine, Hillcrest (Durban; Durban).—MD
Wolff, 7 Naboom Close, Glen Anil, Durban.
3899/2012 (DBN)—England, Wilfred Bernard, 2803205008084, 88 Riverside Park, 81 Anthony Drive, Durban North
(Durban; Durban).—Nedgroup Trust, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga.
8580/12—Folscher, Johannes Gerhardus, 5712035063085, 10 Second Avenue, Glencoe, 2930, First & Final Account,
21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
20234/13—Dryden, Ronald Desmond, 2701275041086, PO Box 102, Scottburg (Durban).—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174,
15496/2010/PMB—Nortje, Johanna Wilhelmina, 3002270020087, 65 Radcliffe Road, Woodlands, Durban, KwaZuluNatal. First and Final; Petrus Johannes Nortje, 2204195030081 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, PO
Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
18335/2012 DBN—Govender, Govindamah, 1946-09-08, 4609080125085, 125 Victory Road, Lions Grove, Port
Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, 2011-11-04, Final Liquidation and Distribution (Durban).—Raymond Govender, 125 Victory Road,
Lions Grove, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal.
18333/2012 DBN—Govender, Poonganam, 1942-08-03, 4208035112080, 125 Victory Road, Lions Grove, Port
Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, 2007-12-20, Final Liquidation and Distribution (Durban).—Raymond Govender, 125 Victory Road,
Lions Grove, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal.
010096/2012/PMB—Mazibuko, Thulani Maxwell, 6707095529081, House No. 224, Esikhawini J, First and Final
(Empangeni; Pietermaritzburg).—DMB Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940.
6852/2009—Morkel, Carlin Maraleen, 6110060057081, 17 Inyoni Crescenr, Amanzimtoti, 4125 (Durban).—C M
Poole/NC, Strauss Daly Inc, 2nd Floor, East Coast Radio House, 313/315 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Umhlanga Rocks Drive,
Umhlanga Rocks.
2425/2012/PMB—Swanepoel, Jan Johannes, 3111095017085, 109 Kemp Street, Glencoe, 2930; Maria Susanna
Swanepoel, 3804160015089 (Pietermaritzburg).—Mahomed S. Ismail and Associates, 47 Gladstone Street, Dundee, 3000.
14722/2011/DBN—Weideman, Wallace, 3212155081183. Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—
Francois Madalie & Co, 2nd Floor, Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown.
6618/2012/PMB—Jele, Nomkhosi Sybil Astrid, 4904170601081, F1141, Madadeni, 2951, First and Final; Jacob Aaron
Jele, 3606035147082 (Madadeni; Pietermaritzburg).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
6618/2012/PMB—Nomkhosi Sybil Astrid Jeli, 4904170601081, F1141, Madadeni, 2951, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Jacob Aaron Jele, 3606035147082, 21 days (Madadeni; Pietermaritzburg).—Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box
27428, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
000331/2013 DBN—Lalchund, Sookanarie, 5407090221054, 1 Hopevale Place, Rydalvale, Phoenix; Karamchund
Lachund, 5309105036081 (Verulam; Durban).—Raj Badal & Associates, PO Box 601, Verulam, 4340.
12922/2011 DBN—Pillay, Yogesveri, 7003020254089, 118 Falcon Street, Woodhurst, Durban, 4092, Liquidation and
Distribution (Durban Chatsworth; Durban).—Volsum Chetty & Lax, 444 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
8792/2011/PMB—Pondo, Tileni Jeli, 400115463088 (Pietermaritzburg; Ixopo).—Sameera Cassimjee Attorneys,
414 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201/
1511/2012/DBN—Van Rensburg, Terrace Graham, 4708025096086, 178 Lighthose Road, Bluff, Durban, 4052, Amended;
Marie Virginie Du Chaussy van Rensburg, 6811280096086 (Durban; Durban).—Aidan Maurice Fayle, c/o Goodrickes Attorneys,
6th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Durban, 4001.
9510/2012 (DBN)—Reddi, Dhanam, 3501030201085, 3 January 1935, 3501030201085, 20 Arnott Street, Reservoir Hills,
Durban, 4091, date of death: 13 October 2007 (Durban; Durban).—Viren Singh and Company, Attorneys for Executor, 239
Mathews Meyiwa (Stamford Hill) Road, Greyville, Durban, 4001.
16942/2012 (DBN)—Naicker, Somakanthie, 20 June 1968, 6806200194086, 49 Blenford Crescent, Sunfor, Phoenix;
Poonambalan Naicker, 9 August 1963, 6308095187805 (Verulam; Durban).—Viren Singh and Company, Attorneys for Executor,
239 Mathews Meyiwa (Stamford Hill) Road, Greyville, Durban, 4001.
2473/2013—Torriani, Roberto, 2504265056183, Trefontane Guest House, 1 Abbot Francis Road, Marianhill, Durban
(Pinetown; Durban).—Sentinel International Trust Co., PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park.
19098/2012/DBN—Pickles, Roger David, 3508155078180, 11 Spring Grange Road, Westville, 3630 (Pinetown;
Durban).—Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000.
1271/2013/DBN—Pillay, Gnanasagren, 5012015118086, 26-50th Avenue, Umhlathuzana Township; Dhanalutchmee
Pillay, 5205260755087 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000.
11403/2011/PMB—Gopaul Reddi, 3801065017087, 7 Poernard Road, Allandale, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg).—
Sangham Incorporated, PO Box 8827, Cumberwood, 3235.
18555/2012/DBN—Ridgway, Glenn Melville, 2210275050089, 202 Kensington, 311 North Ridge Road, Durban; Gladys
Livingstone Ridgway, 2504210030085 (Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
No. 36227
1718/2013—Sharp, Alfred Ernest, 3806225084083, 30 Kynff Road, Bluff, 4052 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust, PO
Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
12844/12DB—Stott, Anaa Augusta Elfriede, 200720050089, Unit 7 El Paradeisos, Kingsburgh, 4126 (Durban;
Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
9806/2012/PMB—Stubbs, Ruth Eileen, 4404270121080, 31 Midmar Gardens, 12 Amber Avenue, Howick, 3290 (Howick;
Pietermaritzburg).—Richard William Stubbs and Michael John Beatty.
7060/2012/PMB—Xulu, Sandile Francis, 9 December 1966, 6612095472086, Sub 67 of 2 of Lot, Edendale,
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg).—Venn Nemeth & Hart Inc., Attorneys and Agents for Executor, PO
Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
13501/2010—Nkala, Muzwabantu Alfred, 2310065127087, H225 Kwa Mashu, Kwa Mashu, 4360 (Durban; Durban).—
Johnston & Partners, PO Box 3823, Durban, 4000.
7873/2012/PMB—Wohlberg, Ursula Magdalena, 2901180015080 (Pretoria; Pietermaritzburg).—C.F. Torlage,
Greenhough McHardy & Jones, PO Box 78, Dundee, 3000.
8194/2012—Horner, Phoebe, 2101220010080 (Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—Gerrie Odendaal Attorneys, 32 Arbuthnot
Street, Scottburgh, 4180.
8194/2012—Horner, Phoebe, 2101220010080 (Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—Gerrie Odendaal Attorneys, 32 Arbuthnot
Street, Scottburgh, 4180.
9439/2010—Govender, Kuppamma, 2412290165088, 36 Briardale Drive, Briadale, Newlands West (Durban; Durban).—
Pravina Govender Attorneys, Conveyancers & Notaries Public, PO Box 63336, Dawncrest, 4340.
13176/2012/PMB—Govender, Perumalsamy, 3508045099081, 49 Uppercroft Road, Longcroft, Phoenix, 4068;
Dhanalutchmee Govender, 3707040083088 (Durban; Durban).—Pravina Govender Attorneys, Conveyancers & Notaries Public,
PO Box 63336, Dawncrest, 4340.
10136/2012 (DBN)—Meyer, Hendrik Samuel, 3810185013082, 14 Watson Road, Mandini, 4490 (Mtunzini; Durban).—
Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.
5889/2012 PMB—Moore, Deborah Ann, 5907130215180, 22 Cowens Crescent, Boughton Pietermaritzburg
(Pietermaritzburg).—B J Nicholson, 5 Kelburn Place, Hatfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
893/2013/PMB—Kemp, Johan Phillip, 4509165055084, 100 Braeside Road, Sea View (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—
Eckgard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3530.
5892/2012/PMB—Clara Ethel Francis, 12/08/1954, 5408120029087, 8 Wilgeboom Place, Eastwood, Pietermaritzburg,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Veronica Dorothy Morrison, 8 Wilgeboom
Place, Eastwood, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
11196/2012 DBN—Hilda Clarke, 14 May 1935, 3505140011086,34 Marche Avenue, Manor Gardens, Durban, date of
death: 4 April 2012, First and Final Liquidation adn Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—MP Lutge Inc, Attorneys
for Executor Testamentary.
15069/11DB—Minnie, Wynand Jo, 4011055156, 14 Glendal, Glendaler; Esme Sylv Minnie, 4209120492 (KwaZuluNatal).—Mastross.
13501/2010—Nkala, Muzwabantu Alfred, 2310065127087, H225 Kwa Mashu, Kwa Mahsu, 4360 (Durban; Durban).—
Johnston & Partners, PO Box 3823, Durban, 4000.
20019/2012—Kemp, Keith Philip, 3703035013081, 31 Margate Mews, Cooke Street, Margate; Susanna Margaretha
Kemp, 4205030063086 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 780.
19914/2012 DBN—Mitchell, Patricia Jean, 31-03-1935, 3503310088083, 202 Sunland, Scott St. Scottburgh, Then
Cottage 25, Alexandra Homes for the Aged, Scottburgh, 18-10-2012.—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
18038/2012 DBN—Alford, Frank Henry, 10-02-1934, 3402105099183, 7 Maine, Le Domaine and 37 Dawncliffe Road,
Westville, 12-10-2012.—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
10623/2012 (DBN)—Naidoo, Sigamoney, 4802205201085, First and Final; Mooiamah Naidoo, 5104040177086, 21 days
(Durban; Durban).—Kushen Sahadaw Attorneys, Suite 6 Gladstone Court, 103 Smiso Nkwanyana Road, Morningside, Durban.
18038/2012 DBN—Alford, Frank Henry, 10-02-1934, 3402105099183, 7 Maine, Le Domaine and 37 Dawncliffe Road,
Westville, 12-10-2012.—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
19914/2012 DBN—Mitchell, Patricia Jean, 31-03-1935, 3503310088083, 202 Sunland, Scott St. Scottburgh, Then
Cottage 25, Alexandra Homes for the Aged, Scottburgh, 18-10-2012.—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
7812/2012—Chiliza, Wueen Mamu, 5801190, 56 Inanda Glebe, Inanda, 4309 (Durban; Durban).—Hedder Attorneys,
Suite 4005, 4th Floor No. 2 Devonshire Place, off Anton Lembede Street.
10623/2012 (DBN)—Naidoo, Sigamoney, 4802205201085, First and Final; Mooiamah Naidoo, 5104040177086, 21 days
(Durban; Durban).—Kushen Sahadaw Attorneys, Suite 6 Gladstone Court, 103 Smiso Nkwanyana Road, Morningside, Durban.
10984/2012—Perumal, Radha Krishnan, 5009235134083, 72 Pastoral Road, Bombay Heights, Northdale,
Pietermaritzburg; Dhanalutchmee Perumal, 500928010086 (Pietermaritzburg; KwaZulu-Natal).–FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd,
PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202.
18038/2012 DBN—Alford, Frank Henry, 10-02-1934, 3402105099183, 7 Maine, Le Domaine and 37 Dawncliffe Road,
Westville, 12-10-2012.—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
19914/2012 DBN—Mitchell, Patricia Jean, 31-03-1935, 3503310088083, 202 Sunland, Scott St. Scottburgh, Then
Cottage 25, Alexandra Homes for the Aged, Scottburgh, 18-10-2012.—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 212, Westville.
No. 36227
9782/2011 DBN—Periasamy, Endran, 8001265188086 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Siva Naidoo & Associates, PO
Box 56800, Chatsworth.
5096/12 DBN—Govender, Adhimal, 3404070324083, 41 Abbeyfern Close, Redfern, Phoenix, 4068; Moonsamy
Govender, 3011275201089 (Verulam; Durban).—Attorneys Ivan Yerriah & Company, PO Box 61193, Phoenix, 4080.
11577/2012 DBN—Halima Bee Shaith, 3211280100082, 52 Burlingham Drive, Shallcross, 4093, date of death: 25 April
2012, Liquidation and Distribution, 21 days (Chatsworth; Durban).—Naheem Raheman and Associates, Suite 1000 A, 10th
Floor, Salman Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.
17557/2011/DBN—Khan, Ibraham, 4408085091081, 21 Simla Str, Shallcross, Durban, First and Final; Ayesha Bee Khan,
4805200070082, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Ebrahim Desai, Practising Accountant, PO Box 48046, Qualbert, 4078.
1328/2012/DBN—Dhai, Ahmed Essop, 4911065137089, 14 Airedale, West Riding, Durban, 4001, First and Final;
Sheherbaanoo Mahomed Dhai, 5206150082087, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Ebrahim Desai, Practising Accountant, PO
Box 48046, Qualbert, 4078.
3692/2009 PMB—Poobalan Shunmogam, 4010265097084, 46 Baroda Road, Merebank, 4052, date of death: 9/02/2009,
Liquidation and Distribution; Minema Shunmogam, 4811210137085, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Naheem Raheman
and Associates, Suite 1000 A, 10th Floor, Salwan Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.
3692/2009 PMB—Poobalan Shunmogam, 4010265097084, 46 Baroda Road, Merebank, 4052, date of death: 9/02/2009,
Liquidation and Distribution; Minema Shunmogam, 4811210137085, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Naheem Raheman
and Associates, Suite 1000 A, 10th Floor, Salwan Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.
8219/2012/PMB—Crouch, Janette MacDonald, 2703220021080, 7 Fenton Place, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg).—
Messrs Stowell & Co, PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
9028/2012/PMB—Caldicott, George Hugh, 2903075036080, 2 Anerley Place, Anerley, KwaZulu-Natal Province; Barbara
Jean Caldicott, 2801110003083 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone,
5896/08 (Dbn)—Saayman, Willem Johannes, 5105225050089, 11 Fairway Drive, Salt Rock, KwaZulu-Natal, the
Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Durban).—Prinsloo Prokureurs, Posbus 7486, Pretoria, 0001.
645/2009/PMB—Ndoni Piet Mbatha, 4610105611083, House No. 2947, Section 3, Madadeni, Newcastle, a widower, died
on 13 October 2008, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Newcastle).—E.A. Jadwat & Co, 62C Scott
Street, Newcastle; PO Box 2761, Newcastle, 2940.
6879/2012/PMB—Lawrence Gibbings, 31 March 1927, 2703315011087, 327 Amberfield, Howick, 3290, date of death:
23 June 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Estcourt).—A.D. Spence/W.R.D.
Gibbings, c/o Sterley & Dawson, 2 John Moor Road, Estcourt, 3310.
1744/2012—Masidwali, Thivhulawi James, 4503245110084, Itsani Village, District Thohoyandou; Masidwali Tshinakaho,
5512150245081, 21 days (Thohoyandou; Thohoyandou).
87/2013—Muedi, Nyelisani Freddy, 5212235159080, Mukula Village, Thohoyandou; Thivhulawi Bernies Muedi,
6012310147086 (Thohoyandou; Limpopo, Thohoyandou).—PO Box 167, Mukula, 0978.
188/2013—Mutshinya, Mavhungu Jereminah, 3901035470083, PO Box 386, Nzhelele, 0993 (Limpopo High Court).—
Mathivha Attorneys, PO Box 6329, Thohoyandou, 0950.
8772/2008—Malatji Matome Matthew, 4809095831087, Stand 42 Zone 4, Lebowakgomo; Malatji Maria Mahlalo,
500502079508, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution, 21 days (Polokwane; Thabamoopo).—Morifi Seshoka Mashao
Attorneys, PO Box 116, Lenyenye, 0857.
9116/2012—Tamanya John Mitileni, 3006075214084, Mohlabaneng Village, Bolobedu, Limpopo, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Bolobedu; Polokwane).—R. Mokgola & Associates, PO Box 547, Modjadjiskloof,
9647/10—Shiko, Mmadifaga Paulina, 6011230761083, 1457 Zone A, Lebowakgomo, 0737 (Lebowakgomo;
Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230,
Pretoria, 0002.
1883/2011—Bester, Pieter Johannes, 5211265120087; Johanna Helena Bester, 5406080044088 (Polokwane;
Polokwane).—Henstock van den Heever Attorneys, Jan Henstock Building, 2 Limassol Street, Ismini Office Park, cnr Hillary &
Outspan Drive, Bendor, Polokwane.
291/2012—Mahalatji, Mareme Abram, 6709125512087, 724 Lebowakgomo P, First and Final; Ramadimetje Patiance
Kgasago, 7509070373082 (Lebowakgomol Polokwane).—Espag Magwai Attorneys-T C Magwai, 26 Jorissen Street, Adam Tas
Forum, Polokwane.
5733/2012—Monama, Mamatime Dorcus, 5106010583086, 1033 Phokwane, Nebo, Limpopo; Ramashemo Nehemiah
Monama, 4901225614085 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Cindy Marais of the firm BJ Estate Administrators, 122a Marshall Street
(PO Box 736), Bendor, Polokwane, 0713.
No. 36227
10921/2013—Gunpat, Bharat Baichoo, 5305305033084, Unit 5 Plein View, 90 Plein Street, Polokwane, First and Final;
Veena Gunpath, 6104290697089 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Espag Magwai Attorneys-T C Magwai, 26 Jorissen Street, Adam
Tas Forum, Polokwane.
5384/2007—Maria Magdalena Susanna Pelser, 2809080077086, Nooitverwacht, distrik Lephalale, oorlede op
7 Desember 2006, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Sarel Christoffel Pelser, 2511145055087, 21 dae
(Polokwane).—J A van der Walt, Agent vir Ekseuteur, Niland & Pretorius Ing, Albatrossentrum 2, Markstraat 21 (Posbus 10),
Polokwane, 0700.
1349/2010—Van Dyk, Lourens Martins, 5110025011083, 4 Hospital Street, Modjadjiskloof; Martha Catharina van Dyk,
4212080062083 (Tzaneen; Polokwane).—C Wilsnach, Pretoria & Wilsnach Ing, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
7535/11—Ledwaba, Maluse Camelian, 4109145407081, House 528, Sterkwater, Mokerong; Jane Raesibe Ledwaba,
6701012352081 (Mokopane; Polokwane).—Hennie Smit Prokureurs, 49 Geyser Street (Box 4659), Mokopane.
4274/2010—Sehoana, Sello Matthews, 7311125335087; Purutle Ennie Mamabolo, 7208260707080 (Polokwane).—T F
Pretorius, Agent for Executor, Niland & Pretorius Inc, 2 Albatross Centre, 21 Market Street, Polokwane, 0699.
854/2012—Sheldon, Ronald, 3601025068182, 23 Doris Street, Kensington, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Kimberley).—
Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, Posbus 179, Kimberley.
160/2013—Moolman, Pieter Johannes, 3310165010083, Skoolstraat 1, Vanwyksvlei, 8922; Helena Jacoba,
3704240003081 (Carnarvon).—G B Kempen & De Wet Nel, Victoriastraat 9 (Posbus 4), Carnarvon.
1931/2010—Prins, Fransiena, 5003170140080, Koperstraat No. 33, Upington (Upington; Kimberley).—Lange Carr &
Wessels Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Upington.
2141/2012—Esterhuizen, Willem, 3504015027087, Soetwaer, Williston, 8920 (Williston).—G B Kempen & De Wet Nel,
Lutzstraat 7 (Posbus 81), Willston.
1842/2012—Truter, Johanna Christina Maria, 1605250027088, Huis Sophia, Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Pofadder (Pofadder;
Kimberley).—Leroux & Genote Ingelyf, Posbus 159, Kakamas.
730/2002—Mzondi, Zanele Abel, 4307045154080, 269 Methodist Street, Galeshewe, Kimberley, 8345; Mirriam Mzondi,
4309110346088 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—Job Attorbeys, 35A Market Square, Corner Stead Street & Market Square, Kimberley,
1797/2012—Visser, Gysbert Jacobus, 3602195003082, Vermaaslaan 33, Lindene, Kimberley (Kimberley).—Elliott Maris
Wilmans & Hay, Posbus 179, Kimberley.
2341/2012—Havinga, Hendrik Christoffel, 4301185035084, Piet Retief Street, Colesberg, First and Final (Colesberg;
Kimberley).—PSG Konsult Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536.
3188/2010—Bamberger, Adriaan Stephanus, 2402255003085, President Steyn Street 25, Upington (Upington;
Kimberley).—Kotzé & Viljoen Prokureurs, PO Box 25662, Gezina, 0031, 69 Viljoen Street, Riviera, 0084.
4061/2011—Kantane, Goalatihe Elizabeth, 5602030718082, 4387 Kgosi Street, Vergenoeg, Kimberley (Kimberley;
Kimberley).—M.A. Fletcher, 27 Angel Street, New Park, Kimberley.
1959/2012—Kitching, Isabel Elena, 2512070017084 (De Aar; Kimberley).—Van Dyk & Co, 26 McIntyre Street, Parow.
2341/2012—Havinga, Hendrik Christoffel, 4301185035084, Piet Retief Street, Colesberg, First and Final (Colesberg;
Kimberley).—PSG Konsult Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3335, Tygervalley, 7536.
2278/2012—Viljoen, Ignathius Michael Viljoen, 4708205051083, Perseel 6 D 7, Tadcaster, 8560; Anna Cecilia Viljoen,
5102090031088 (Hartswater; Kimberley).—De Bruyn & Strauss Inc, 15 Christiaan de Wet Street (PO Box 256), Jan Kempdorp,
4549/2012—Malan, Sarel Francois, 4901235008088, 187 Bethlehem Drive, Rustenburg, 0299 (Rustenburg; Mafikeng).—
Combrink Kgatshe Ing, PO Box 334, Rustenburg, 0300.
10149/2011—Moseki, Gomotsanyang Gibson, 6409215779080, Pholoholo Street, Mothibistad, 8474; Moloki Yvonne
Moseki, 6601020492089 (Mothibistad; Mafikeng).—KBVS Prokureurs, Posbus 565, Kuruman, 8460.
31633/2012—Smith, Abel Jacobus, 4502025028086, 201 A, Leyds Street, Rustenburg, First and Final (Rustenburg;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
4536/2012—Klingbiel, Emmanuel, 2808175025083, Joubertstraat 32, Ottosdal, 2610 (Ottosdal; Mmabatho).—Die
Eksekuteur Petrus Johannes Ferreira, Posbus 24, Hartbeesfontein, 2600.
No. 36227
5377/2011—Nqatyelwa, Sidney Abram, 5304075721085, House E324, Saron Section, Phokeng, North West; Mpi Elsie
Nqatyelwa, 5804250176088 (Rustenburg; Mafikeng).—Combrink Kgatshe Inc., PO Box 334, Rustenburg, 0300.
8403/2012—Maropefela, Palesa Eunice, 9411240330084 (Bafokeng; Mmabatho).—PW Raikane Attorneys, PO Box
9472, Rustenburg, 0299.
1061/2005–Byleveld, Frederik Theodorus Swart, 7611095168081, Marsweg 848, Stella, 21 days (Vryburg; Mafikeng).—
Du Plessis-Viviers Ing, Posbus 2012, Vryburg, 8600.
3813/2009—Molwana, Katlego William, 8606135442081, Zone 15, Unit 17, Ga-Rankuwa Township, Supplementary First
and Final Liquidation Account, 21 days (Odi; Mmabatho).—Ehlers Fakude Inc., PO Box 3248, Pretoria, 0001.
743/2012—Broodryk, Anna Catharina, 4108120062085, 15 Concerto Street, Tasbet Park, Witbank, 1035, First and Final;
Gideon Jacobus Broodryk, 4202165102086 (Witbank; Nelspruit).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25,
Hatfield, 0028.
18161/2010—Regina Catharina Fredrika Erwee, 13 Wildevy Avenue, Protea Park, Rustenburg, 0299, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mmabatho).—Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, 155 Bethlehem Drive, Rustenburg,
3900/12—Dippernaar, Nicolaas Johannes, 3601175009085, Jay Jaystraat 24, Songloed, Klerksdorp, 2570 (Klerksdorp;
Mafikeng).—Johan Myburg Prokureurs, Posbus 657, Stilfontein, 2550.
7123/2011—Xungu, Bethuel Malunga, 5608115810082; Nothembalethu Xungu, 5912110867083 (Klerksdorp;
Mmabatho).—Mashologu Inc, PO Box 2990, Klerksdorp, 2570.
0752/2012—Setlalentoa, Rakgaje Solomon, 5103195605081; Setsane Jeanette Setlalentoa, 5712020941089
(Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorbeys, Office No. 4 Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng.
8703/2012—Tamako, Gaoketse Victoria, 6612190062089 (Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, No.
4 Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng.
8195/2012—Dioka, Botsanyang Constance, 5008260635089, House No. B08, Gamorona Village, Mothibistad, date of
death: 4 November 2012, 21 days (Mothibistad; Mafikeng).—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5 Shasons Center, 43 Shippard
Street, Mafikeng, 2745.
2564/2012—Choabi, Meje Azael, 3512145197084, Uitkyk Village, Ditsobotla, date of death: 3 August 2002; Sedupe Flora,
3609050314082, 21 days (Uitkuik Village, Ditsobotla; Mafikeng).— Mafikeng).—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5 Shasons
Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.
6334/2012—Webb, Maria Elizabeth, 4011300007088, House No. 3, 42 Scott Street, Orkney; John Robert Caughlin Webb,
3702165011089 (Orkney; Mmabatho).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
8195/2012—Dioka, Botsanyang Constance, 5008260635089, House No. B08, Gamorona Village, Mothibistad, date of
death: 4 November 2012, 21 days (Mothibistad; Mafikeng).—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5 Shasons Center, 43 Shippard
Street, Mafikeng, 2745.
2564/2012—Choabi, Meje Azael, 3512145197084, Uitkyk Village, Ditsobotla, date of death: 3 August 2002; Sedupe Flora,
3609050314082, 21 days (Ditsobotla; Mafikeng).— Mafikeng).—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5 Shasons Center, 43
Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.
0752/2012–Setlalentoa, Rakgaje Solomon, 5103195605081; Setsana Jeanette Setlanentoa, 5712020941089
(Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng.
8703/2012—Tamako, Gaoaketse Victoria, 6612190062089, divorced (Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela
Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng.
8732/2012—Sheperd, Joe, 5103075174182, 14 Komatie River Str, Safari Gardens, Ext 15, Rustenburg, 0299; Margaret
Ann Sheperd, 5401020212184 (Rustenburg; Mafikeng).—Roeline Huysamen, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
4242/2012—Papenfus, Aletta Catharina, 3004070033088, Ellisstraat 3, Makwassie, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening (Wolmaransstad; Mmabatho).—Taljaard, Nieuwoudt & Van Tonder, Krugerstraat 33 (Posbus 287),
Wolmaransstad, 2630.
17461/2010—Tshetlhe, Mmatu Maggie, 2403030182087, Maaroganyestraat 3175, Ikageng, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom; Mmabatho).—Klynveld-Gibbens Ingelyf, Posbus 1738, Potchefstroom, 2520.
8482/2012—Zandberg, Johannes Albert, 4305215045088, Eerste en Finale; Catharina Margaretha Elizabeth Zandberg,
21 days (Delareyville; Mmabatho).—Sanlam Trust (Bloemfontein), Posbus 4235, Bloemfontein, 9300.
1991/2005—Aubeng, Modiriemang White, 5312285689083, No. 6303 Unit 14, Mmabatho, Amended Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Matshidiso Susan Aubeng, 21 days (Mafikeng).—Motlhabani Attorneys, 12 Robinson Street, Mafikeng,
11455/2010—Schawrte, Inge Theresia, 3607270074189, 19 Non Pareille Street, Paarl, 7646, Amended First and Final
(Paarl; Cape Town).—Van Wyk Fouchee Ing., 281 Main Road, Paarl, 7646.
5899/2012—Jonck, Henry, 6209225229088, 7de Laan 167, Belmont Park, Kraaifontein, 7570; Jennifer Angela Jonck,
6203280130083 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou,
Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
No. 36227
1321/2013—Tshabalala, Gloria Nonkosi, 5804170800080, No. 19, Moondust Walk, Khayelitsha (Khayelitsha; Cape
Town).—Servo Fiduciary Services, Postnet Suite 76, Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551.
7269/2010—Hayes, Susanna Jolina, 2504270007080, Huis Groenkland, Grabouw (Grabouw; Kaapstad).—AC Venter &
Kie, Posbus 117, Bellville, 7535.
13824/2012—Sandmann, Michael David, 4910225033089, 21 Walton Crescent, Sunninghdale, Cape Town (Cape
Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
14925/2012—Strydom, Marius, 6305275092085, Ruwari, Brakenfell, Kaapstad (Kaapstad; Kaapstad).—Claassens Van
Niekerk Ing., Posbus 1378, Orkney, 2620.
8840/2011—Benjamin, Norman, 1705275025081, 702 The Odeon, Church Street, Sea Point, 8005 (Cape Town).—C & A
Friedlander Inc., 3rd Floor, 42 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001.
6053/2010—Hayman, Kornelius Jan, 5508195039083 (Wellington; Cape Town).—De Villiers & Schreve Prokureurs,
Fonteinstraat 29, Wellington, 7655.
6202/2010—Daniel Booysen, 3903045069087, 27 Pall Mall, Portland, Mitchells Plain, 7785, First and Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—C. De Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge,
Mitchells Plain.
9749/2012—Greeff, Edward Charles Peter, 3106135028084, D J Geldenhuysstraat 6, Panorama (Bellville; Cape
Town).—Brits Dreyer, PO Box 213, Bellville, 7535.
9866/2011—Visagie, Hermanus Jacobus, 2206185035087, Vredendal Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Voortrekkerstraat, Vredendal
(Vredendal; Kaapstad).—Swanepoel & Swanepoel, Posbus 12, Vredendal.
1898/2012—Petrus Jacobus Nieman, 2712165021088, Paradiesestraat 50, Simonstad, 7975, oorlede op:
30 Noember 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Simonstad; Kaapstad).
16690/2011—Cloete, Johannes Jacobus, 3010055003087 (Clanwilliams; Cape Town).—Greyvenstein & Spence,
PO Box 13, Barkly East, 9786.
1361/2012—Eric Rowan van Rooyen, 5112045190087, oorlede op: 7 Desember 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Montagu; Kaapstad).—B C Esterhuyse, Van Zyl & Hofmeyr, Posbus 8 (Badstraat 32), 6720.
1075/2011—Jacobs, Christopher Herman, 4705135076081, 44 Visser Crescent, Tuscany Glen, Bluedowns (Kuilsrivier;
Kaapstad).—Besters Prokureurs, Posbus 423, Bredasdorp.
15183/2011—Garrett, Peter, 1802095041081, 4 Coach Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—
Bruk Munkes & Co, Unit 15, Prosperity Business Park, Computer Road, off Omuramba Road, Montague Gardens, Cape Town,
9879/2011—Marks, Donovan Wayne, 6704305167083, 11 Victoria Close, Portlands, Mitchells Plein; Ruth Magdalene
Marks, 6609260215084 (Mitchells Plein; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbsu 204, Bellville, 7535.
2461/2011—Morris, Asa, 3506160101088, Jakklasvleistraat 124 D, Bonehuwel, Kaapstad; Sulaiman Morris,
3406185098080 (Kaapstad; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
17576/2011—Adams, John Andrew, 3701195076080, 15 Crown Road, Elsiesrivier, 7490; Lydia Adams, 3709140131080
(Mitchells Plain; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
14392/2012—Jespersen, Agnar Engelhardt, 1603315016089, 23 Helderberg Village, Somerset-Wes (Somerset-Wes;
Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
10185/2011—Scholtz, Edwin Arthur, 4206135094083, 4A Fisherman’s Bend, Llandudno, Cape Town (Cape Town).—
Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz, 11th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, Cape Town, 8001.
5589/2012—Lottering, Jacob, 3402015042083, Pedrostraat No. 2, Rosemore, George (George; Kaapstad).—Cilliers
Odendaal Prokureurs, Posbus 1079, George, 6530.
11222/2008—Valentine, Abram Jacobus, 3508245106082, 118A Bridgeway, Rondebosch East, First and Final (Wynberg;
Cape Town).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd–Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.
14121/2011—Daniels, Virginia Daphne, 5111290181080, Leeubekkiestraat 11, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plein; Errol Bryan
Daniels, 5301225032017 (Mitchells Plein; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
17362/2010—Du Plessis, Jean Prieur, 4604255045085, First (Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—Voogdy Trust (Pty) Ltd,
PO Box 2355, Dennesig, 7601.
8542/2012—Adshade, Rene Thelma, 3101290010084, Huis Uitsig, Parow (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote
Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
9908/2011—Fox, Martin, 5505025076087, Derde Laan 134, Grassy Park, 7941; Anna Fox, 5606130202087 (Athlone;
Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
6302/2012—Barnard, Marinus Johannes, 4312195013086, 5 Badehorststraat, Riversdal; Sally Sarah Barnard,
4308200026089 (Riversdale; Kaapstad).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057.
2990/2012—Risk, John Leslie, 19471221, 10 Harpersford Avenue, Virginia Water, Surrey, England, and W7 Goose Valley,
Plettenberg Bay, Liquidation and Distribution (Cape Town; Cape Town).—ABDO & ABDO, 33 Tecoma Street, Berea, East
1615/2012—Murray, Johanna Cornelia, 4406090016085, Morgenster, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch, Gewysigde
(Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—African Mutual Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3339, Paarl, 7620.
5041/2000—Damon, Toyer, 1505285039027, 19 4th Avenue, Grassy Park, Cape, Liquidation & Distribution (Wynberg;
Cape Town).—Rahin Joseph Attorneys, 3rd Floor, JDN House, 26A Shortmarket Street (PO Box 567), Cape Town, 8000.
3211/2011—Hannibal, Hilton Hamilton, 3101135093089; Nora Filda Hannibal, 4712010119085 (Bellville; Cape Town).—
Abrahams Kiewitz Incorporated, Office 518, 5th Floor, Tygerlake Building, Carl Cronje Drive, Tygerfalls, Bellville.
2602/2012—Van Rooyen, Johannes Paulus, 4004225018082, Jaffestraat 33, Saldanha, 7395 (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—
Swemmer & Levin, Hoofweg 83, Saldanha.
No. 36227
11968/2011—Olifant, Kathleen, 3207200265088, 10 Cedar Close, Westridge, 7785, First & Final; Frank Olifant,
3302115074057, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Neil Barton Attorneys, 6 Kendal Mews, Kendal Road, Diep River.
14391/2011—Olifant, Frank, 3302115074087, 10 Cedar Close, Westridge, 7785, First & Final, 21 days (Mitchells Plain;
Cape Town).—Neil Barton Attorneys, 6 Kendal Mews, Kendal Road, Diep River.
14513/2011—Matthee, Mathys Johannes, 4710245031083, 3 St Mary’s Lane, North Ockenden, Upminster, Essex,
voorheen Britannicarylaan 1818, Britannica Heights, St Helenabaai (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—Oosthuizen, Marais & Pretorius,
Urban Attic-gebou, Siouxstraat 4, Voorbaai, Mosselbaai.
14121/2011—Daniels, Virginia Daphne, 5111290181080, Leeubekkiestraat 11, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plein; Errol Bryan
Daniels, 5301225032017 (Mitchells Plein; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
2356/2010—Green, Sisanda, 7706010690084, 8 Corsair Place, Corsair Crescent, Century City, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Vuyani Green, 7104175522088, 21 days (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Godla and Partners Inc., 2nd Floor,
Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8000.
2356/2010—Green, Sisanda, 7706010690084, 8 Corsair Place, Corsair Crescent, Century City, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Vuyani Green, 7104175522088, 21 days (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Godla and Partners Inc., 2nd Floor,
Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8000.
3396/2012—Bailie, Yvonne, 3512090044083; Barend Jacobus Bailie, 2903075055080 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Haak
Fourie Snyman, P.O. Box 3918, Cape Town, 8000.
1224/2012—Steenberg, Jan Frederik, 6404155067083, 30 Mountain Way, Somerset West (Somerset West; Cape
Town).—L J Smith, Marais Muller Yekiso Inc., 21 Oewerpark, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600.
15304/2012—Fontini, Maria Magdalena, 3001140028080, Kathleenstraat 2, Bellville (Bellville; Cape Town).—Hennie
Oosthuizen Attorneys, 28 Bella Rosa Street, 7 Mountain View Office Park, Rosenpark, Bellville, 7530.
8157/12—Jansen van Rensburg, Anna Margaretha, 4610080049085, 11 King Street, Brackenfell, Western Cape,
Amended First & Final (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Ipser Terblanche & Donnelly, 75 Voortrekker Road, Bellville, Cape Town,
South Africa.
1929/2011—Berkmann, Aletta Johanna, 2210110051086, F18 Chrismar Villas, Jessie Street, Bellville, Amended
(Bellville; Cape Town).—Nielen Marais Inc., 16 McIntyre Street, Parow, 7500.
8667/2012—Du Toit, Jurie Hendrik Wessels, 3311125029080, Eshersingel 15, Hersham, Groot Brakrivier, 6525
(Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Diedericks Ingelyf, Mnr. D L R Moolman, Da Gamastraat 62, Da Nova, Mosselbaai, 6500.
12189/2011—Brown, Laura Vanessa, 20 February 1971, 10 Fisherman’s Bend, Llandudno, Cape Town (Cape Town).—
C & A Friedlander Inc., 1D Cascades Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Bellville.
5843/12—Trueb, Jeanette Daphne, 3406110032089 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Daniel Kantor, 6 Dunkeld Road,
Camps Bay.
13456/2010—Keevy, Kenneth, 3607225055085, 16 Fairlake Shearwater Drive, Marina da Gama, Muizenberg, Wes-Kaap;
Joelene Annette Keevy, 4607210069082 (Muizenberg; Kaapstad).—Qwelane, Theron Van Niekerk Prokureurs, Aliwalstraat 10,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
775/2012—Gerhardt, Hendricka Stoffeliana, 4804100048082; Hans-Jurgen Gerhardt, 4604295090083 (Bellville; Cape
Town).—Haak Fourie Snyman, P.O. Box 3918, Cape Town, 8000.
13457/2010—Mitchell, Shirley Jean, 3612110231089, First & Final, 21 days (Knysna; Cape Town).—Heyer & Associates,
65 Protea Road, Claremont.
6887/2012—Van der Vyver, Marthinus Johannes, 2611125009086, Sonkring 7, Mimosastraat, De Doorns, 6875
(Worcester; Kaapstad).—A. Olivier, Posbus 12, Worcester, 6849; Stockenstromstraat 59, Worcester, 6850.
12189/2011—Brown, Laura Vanessa, 20 February 1971, 10 Fisherman’s Bend, Llandudno, Cape Town (Cape Town).—
C & A Friedlander Inc., 1D Cascades Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Bellville.
4187/2012—Johnston, Audrey Esme, 3110100068083, 2 Southbrooke, Highstead Rd, Rondebosch, 7700 (Wynberg;
Cape Town).—B Lubbe & Associates, PO Box 11476, Bloubergrant, 7441.
6021/2012—Harper, William Charles, 2708215059086; Helena Sarah Harper, 3504260059083 (Bellville; Cape Town).—
The Executor, c/o 1 Field Street, Heathfield, 7945.
13639/2011—Gurwitz, Leon, 3009285015085.—Kaminer Kriger & Associates, 4th Floor, Commicare Centre, 2 Roggebaai
Square, Coen Stetyler Avenue, Cape Town.
7182/2012—Janse van Rensburg, Dawid Benjamin, 1907315010087, Tehuis Ou Meule, Kerkstraat, Riversdal,
Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—Melt Kloppers en Eloff Ingelyf, Posbus
466, Riversdal, 6670.
18316/2012—Hobbs, Doreen Mary, 2305120009080, 103 Santos Haven, Mossel Bay, 6506; Ivan Hobbs, 2308095003088
(Mossel Bay; Cape Town).—Kotze Attorneys, PO Box 2838, Mossel Bay.
2383/2011—Hendricks, Gamat Osman, 3109095081085, 67 Celebes Way, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain (Mitchells Plain;
Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
5381/2012—Joseph, Jacobus, 512295114086, Kamer 1108, Huis Andre van der Walt, Durbanweg, Bellville, 7530;
Magdalena Hester Joseph, 4605120097086 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
15502/2011—Singh, Mary Alice, 4112160082086, Industriestraat 76, Bellville, 7530 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Nieuwenhuis
Prokureurs, Posbus 204, Bellville, 7535.
16018/2009—Larey, Raymond Claudio, 4901175020085, 5 Prunus Close, Gordan’s Bay (Cape Town).—Kraljevich Janse
van Vuuren, P.O. Box 2141, Zwavelpoort, 0036.
No. 36227
7956/2012—Simons, Robert John Ernest, 2311085080082, 28 days (Cape Town; Cape Town).—David Muller Attorneys,
PO Box 468, Durbanville, 7551.
540/2012—Louw, Johannes Petrus, 3212315022085, Slaapplekstraat 1, Heroldsbaai, George, 23 Desember 2011,
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Hendrina Louw, 3508150026085 (George; Kaapstad).—Danie Acker, p/a
Rauch-Gertenbach Inc., PO Box 3, Mossel Bay.
7654/2011—James, Gertruide, 2801210225081, 6 Whitley Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7785; Isaac James,
3602265243089 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—C. de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain.
7654/2011—Gertruide James, 2801210225081, 6 Whitley Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7785, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—C. de Cerff & Associates, Attorneys for
Executor/Executrix, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain.
9634/2012—Heuston, John Philip, 2408145025089, 9 Alphenvale Village, Constantia, Cape Town (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—Ceris Rhiannon Field, 40 Upper Clarens Road, Fresnaye.
1791/2011—Wozny, Marlene, 4510250030081, 183 Heron Cove, Gie Rd, Table View, Cape Town, 7441 (Cape Town; Cape
Town).—E. Esterhuizen, P.O. Box 11366, Bloubergrant, 7443.
1791/2011—Wozny, Marlene, 4510250030081, 183 Heron Cove, Gie Weg, Table View, Cape Town, 7441 (Cape Town;
Cape Town).—E Esterhuizen, PO Box 11366, Bloubergrant, 7443.
14056/2012—Spiro, Lionel Melvyn, 6196483, 5 Barkly Court, 15 Barkly Road, Sea Point, 8001, First and Final; Anna
Maria Spiro, 2404436 (Cape Town).—Proactive Executors, PO Box 300, Milnerton, 7435.
6273/2012—Louw, Jacoba Elizabeth Albertha Faculin, 2208260033086, Huis Ravenzicht, Kraaifontein (Kuilsrivier;
Kaapstad).—FPS Prokureurs, Gert Kotzestraat 8, Brackenfell.
6273/2012—Jacoba Elizabeth Albertha Faculin Louw, 2208260033086, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—FPS Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, Gert Kotzestraat No. 8, Brackenfell.
16798/2012—Bosman, Daniel, 2910245087083, Sewendestraat 51, Rusthof, Strand (Strand; Kaapstad).—Concilio
(Edms) Bpk, Posbus 871, Stellenbosch, 7599.
5992/2012—Williams, Dina Susanna, 0809260046085, 28 Denchworth Road, Alicedale Estate, 7764 (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—F.A. Allie & Associates, 15 Thornton Road, Gleemor, Athlone.
6696/2011—Lenderts, Marthinus Johannes, 5506275126085, Langstraat 44, McGregor, 6705, Gewysigde (Robertson;
Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
6256/2008—Francina Johanna Erasmus, 1605210042086, Aspelingstraat 24, George, 6529, datum van afsterwe:
18 April 2008, Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (George; Kaapstad).—Agent: Johannes Andries Bauermeester
Theron, Posbus 4902, George-Oos, 6539.
11324/2012—Tatham, Colin Geoffrey Yorke, 4702075114089, Hulpende Hande Versorgingsoord, Ward 19, Stikland
Hospital Ground, Bellville, Western Cape (Bellville; Cape Town).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., PO Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.
1852/2008—Mei, Johannes Albert, 4612285514087; Barbara Mei, 7208310067089 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—
BFP Attorneys, 41 Blaauwberg Road, Table View.
3212/2008—Mei, Marie, 4508170474082; Johanna Albert Mei, subsequently deceased, 4612285514087 (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—BFP Attorneys, 42 Blaauwberg Road, Table View.
4696/2011—Mwelase, Dumisani Daniel, 5810105491085 (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—BFP Attorneys, 41 Blaauwberg
Road, Table View.
12228/2012—Rossouw, Jacobus Johannes, 3811055018086, Albatroslaan 32, Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap, 6674 (Riversdal;
Kaapstad).—Johan Smit Prokureurs, Voortrekkerstraat 11, Stilbaai, 6674.
3398/2006—Anthony, Rosaline Sophia, 3212220034084; John Henry Anthony, 3505145083080 (Strand; Cape
Town).14669/2011—Myburgh, Floors Brand, 2910225028081, Huis Nerina Aftree-oord, Porterville en Wesstraat 3A, Tweede
en Finale (Porterville; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
8207/2012—Elliott, Margaret Dorreen, 1808020055088, Huis Luckhoff, Alma Road, Rosebank, Cape Town, 7700
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—18 Brooke Street, Claremont, 7700.
6724/2011—Patricia Perronet Kossuth, 13 April 1922, 2204130005081, 88 Mitchell Street, Eastcliff, Hermanus, died on
24 April 2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Hermanus; Cape Town).—D. M. Adams, Executor,
P.O. Box 736, Hermanus, 7200.
1204/2013—Nolan, Christiaan Johannes Stephanus, 2601145036086, Devinestraat, Paarl, 7646 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—
Rauch Gertenbach Inc, Posbus 54, Mosselbaai, 6500.
1371/2010—Steenkamp, Jan, 4012125080086, Carawaystraat 113, Pineview North, Grabouw, 7160, Eerste en Finale
(Caledon; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
10450/2012—Whelan, Jefferey Frank, 5303265071087 (Robertson; Cape Town).—JLK Attorneys, 30 Merlot Street,
Robertson, 6705.
14669/2011—Myburgh, Floors Brand, 2910225028081, Huis Nerina Aftree-oord, Porterville en Wesstraat 3A, Tweede en
Finale (Porterville; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
17084/2012—Sleigh, Nicklas, 2606075005084, AGS Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Kerkstraat 3, Kuilsrivier; Elizabeth Margaret
Sleigh, 2901210005085 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 4603, Tygervallei, 7536.
8956/2012—Cupido, Anthony, 4301135486080, Liquidation and Distribution Account; Winnifred Maud Cupido,
4109093980 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—P.O. Box 1278, Kuilsriver, 7580.
No. 36227
11324/2012—Tatham, Colin Geoffrey Yorke, 4702075114089, Hulpende Hande Versorgingsoord, Ward 19, Stikland
Hospital Ground, Bellville, Western Cape (Bellville; Cape Town).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, P.O. Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.
1119/2012—Van Deventer, Gert Petrus, 5112265019081, Shellystraat 136, Kraaifontein, 7570 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
7196/2012—Molloy, John Francis, 2801265074186, 6 Pinewood Road, Somerset West (Somerset West; Cape Town).—
Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc., 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
8386/2009—Dyssell, Terence Roger, 5503015127085, 5 Hilmar Road, Diep River, First, 28-01-2013 (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—Butler—Blanckenberg, P.O. Box 166, Rondebosch, 7701.
2592/2011—Pio, Jacobus Johannes, 1709115018082, Bergville Aftree-oord 17, Grootbrakrivier, 6525; Helena Aletta Pio,
1906260065088 (George; Kaapstad).—Lumenrock Accountants and Consultants, Posbus 10, Oudtshoorn, 6620.
11387/2011—Katz, Sarah, 2101050026081 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Marx Gore, Postnet Suite 160, Private Bag X18,
Milnerton, 7435.
12217/2011—Marie Hilda Gerber, 5004070010084, 20 Uitvlugt Avenue, Pinelands, Western Cape, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Herold Gie, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Wembley 3,
80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town.
18027/2012—Linley, Deirdre Leonie, 3205130029087, Hillsideweg 31, Vishoek (Simonstad; Kaapstad).—Riana Lemmer
Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139.
2619/2010—Mpondo, Linda Lungisa, 6705125251080, 34 Downing Street, Montana, Matroosfontein, First and Final,
21 days (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Good Hope Trustees, 22nd Floor, Golden Acre Building, Cape Town, 8000.
13614/2012—Swanepoel, Leonard, 6110095155082, Helenalaan 64, Somerset-Wes (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—
Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139.
3414/2011—Olivier, Dorothea Lillah, 1402250031082, 43 Stormhaven Park, Bizweni Avenue, Somerset West, Amended
First and Final (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Cluver Markotter Inc, P.O. Box 12, Stellenbosch, 7599.
7828/2012—Henning, Jacobus Adriaan, 2407105032085, Serenitas 151, Altenaweg 12, Strand, 30 days (Strand; Cape
Town).—Servo Fiduciary Services, Postnet Suite 76, Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551.
7654/2011—James, Gertruide, 2801210225081, 6 Whitely Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plaint, 7785; Isaac James,
3602265243089 (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—C. De Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain).
7654/2011—Gertruide, James, 2801210225081, 6 Whitely Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plaint, 7785, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—C. De Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close,
Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain).
12056/2011—Incorvaia, Amelia Pereira, 2209060031080, First and Final, Huis Ebersohn, 43 La Provence Road,
Welgelegen (Bellvill; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Cr Bridge & Boundary, Waterford Precinct.
15138/2009—Villas, Francisco Jose Cordeiro, 4208075140181, 5 Hibiscus Street, Vredendal, 8160; Maria Lucilia
Robelo Santos Vilas, 4310050140184 (Vredendal; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 155, Century City, 7446.
6109/2012—Clark, Rita Audrey, 4403170097184, 27 Gardener Street, Vredekloof Village, Brackenfell; Roger James
Clark, 4301025131184 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Cr Bridge & Boundary, Waterford Precinct.
96821/2012—Valentine, Ronald Archibald, 4207315072080, 60 Brand Street, Bredasdorp, First and Final; Esme
Valentine, 3710170060082 (Bredasdorp; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Cr Bridge & Boundary, Waterford
9924/2012—Agostinelli, Antonio, WR058752, 268 Elie De Bellefeuille Dorval, Quebec H9S 5V8, Canada, First and Final;
Maria Agostinelli, WR058749 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Cr Bridge & Boundary, Waterford
14424/2011—Rose, Arthur Thomas, 1610055056084, 6 Union Road, Fairways (Wynberg; Cape Town).—FNB Trust
Services, P.O. Box 155, Century City, 7446.
5250/2012—Watt, Trevor Digby, 6003225055084, 7A Chiton Way, Richwood, Bothasig, 7441 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
11924/2012—Van Rooy, Neville, 5512165084087, dikkopstraat 9, Blue Downs, Eersterivier, 7100; Jacqueline Jaenette
van Rooy, 6409190222080 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa
Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
5117/2012—Steyn, Josephine Johanna, 1901190027084, Noordhoek Manor, 10 Cromwell Lane, Sun Valley, 7975
(Simon’s Town; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14,
Bellville, 7530.
15955/2012—Samodien, Mareldia, 5202190155082, Rustenburgweg 41, Idasvallei, Stellenbosch, 7600 (Stellenbosch;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
18371/2012—Holmes, Anna Aletta, 2006200046089, Drommedaris, Woonstelle 62, Stanberrystraat, Ysterplaat, 7405
(Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
16810/2012—Lombard, Johannes Marthinus, 3809285065083, Cape Beechsingel 4, Kleinmeer, Plattekloof 4, Parow,
7500 (Bellville, Goodwood; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa Gebou,
Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
16056/2012—White, Colin Rodney, 4901235108086, 102 Courchevel Flats, 15 Worcester Road, Sea Point, 8005
(Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
6476/2012—Van Rooyen, Maria Elizabeth, 4407110002089, Reserwestraat 64, Oudtshoorn, 6625 (Oudtshoorn;
Kaapstad).—Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn, 6620.
6476/2012—Van Rooyen, Maria Elizabeth, 4407110002089, Reserwestraat 64, Oudtshoorn, 6625 (Oudtshoorn;
Kaapstad).—Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn, 6620.
15115/2012—Dippenaar, Catharina Elizabeth, 2102180016083 (Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—Exceed Trust (Pty) Ltd,
De Wagenweg Office Building, Block B, 1st Floor, Stellentia Avenue, Stellenbosch, 7600.
No. 36227
16278/2011—May, Gert, 5306075082087; Rosina Magrita May, 5308120116084 (Vredenburg; Cape Town).—Rosina
Magrita May, Vraagomstraat 110, Diazville, Saldanha.
12715/2011—Suter, Clive Paul, 4908085102184, 10 Sunningdale Road, Kenilworth, 7700 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—
Michael Matthews & Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, Westlake Drive, Cape Town, 8000.
13771/2011—Strauss, Flora Isaac Johannes, 5110105218087, Icelandsingel 15, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, 7785;
Francina Strauss, 5003090162081 (Mitchells Plain; Kaapstad).—Van Niekerk Groenewoud & Van Zyl Ing, Posbus 11164,
Bloubergrant, 7441.
11863/2011—Benting, Gail Yvonne, 5901080080082, Watsoniastraat 8, Robertson, 6705 (Robertson; Kaapstad).—
Kannenberg & Louw Ing, Kerkstraat 73, Robertson, 6705.
838/2012—Pfeifer, Rene Hans, 3904185044187; Maria Margareta Pfeifer, 4308210046184 (Somerset West).—IA
Brotherton, 20 Bright Street, Somerset West, 7130.
8993/2010—Van der Merwe, Elizabeth Martina, 2404240067084, 95 Lovel Avenue, Die Boord, Stellenbosch; Joachim
Paulus Prins van der Merwe, 2311185019089 (Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—Pieter Steenkamp, c/o Peritus Trust, P.O. Box 225,
Stellenbosch, 7599.
9464/2006—Adams, Abdulhagies, 5602085155081; Ganeefa Adams, 5701270145087 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Meyer
Nel, 1 Vrede Park, 26 Vrede Street, Bellville, 7530.
8892/2012—Du Toit, Jacobus Francois Erasmus, 5007015070089, Viooltjiestraat Nr. 18, Klawer, 8170 (Vanrhynsdorp;
Kaapstad).—Har Cornelissen CA (SA), Kerkstraat 2, Posbus 925, Vredendal, 8160.
13256/2010—Cloete, Elizabeth Johanna, 2107220070081 (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—The Cape Times, P.O. Box 56,
Cape Town.
772/2011—Basson, Johanna Magdalena, 2906210029084, Nuwerus Tehuis, Hoopstraat, Caledon, 7230 (Caledon;
Kaapstad).—P.J. Rust, Posbus 536, Caledon, 7230.
1715/2011—Beneke, John Anthony, 4703315121082 (Bellville; Cape Town).—The Cape Times, P.O. Box 56, Cape Town.
13257/2010—Cloete, Koos, 2703025052082; Elizabeth Johanna Cloete, 2107220070081 (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—
The Cape Times, P.O. Box 56, Cape Town.
16293/2011—Galant, Mervin Henry, 6006305214083, 14 Blue Bells Crescent, Mount Pleasant, Hermanus (Hermanus;
Cape Town).—Van Dyk Loots Attorneys, P.O. Box 1843, Hermanus, 7200.
17902/2012—Venter, Daniel Nicolaas Christian, 3505275031081, Warrenstraat 4, Parow, 7500, Eerste en Finale; Elena
Venter, 3601130057088 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Grond Vloer, Absa Gebou,
Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
17091/2012—Scheurkogel, Arie Ewert, 2311145067087, Heritage Manor 191, Hazeldenrylaan, Somerset Wes, 7130,
Eerste en Finale (Somerset Wes; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Grond Vloer, Absa Gebou,
Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
15842/2012—Van Deventer, Daniel, 3002225020083, Fontainepark 150, Hartenbosch, 6520 (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Grond Vloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
1502/2013—Kok, Elbertus Willem Bernard, 4010205059186 (Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
985/2013—Van Deventer, Carolina Arnolda, 2609180024081, Fonteine Park 150, Hartenbos, 6520 (Mosselbaai;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Grond Vloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
1458/2013—Lategan, Martha Gertruida, 2809020014082, 6 Hulley Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, 1724 (Roodepoort;
Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Grond Vloer, Absa Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
16486/2012—Robinson, David Robert, 4303095144089, Alder Place 3, Hazelwood, Sun Valley, Fish Hoek, 7975, Eerste
en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Simonstad; Kaapstad).—Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1st Vloer, Goeie Hoop
Gebou, Pleinstraat 32, Stellenbosch, 7600.
15397/2010—Fisher-Jeffes, Edith, 2005240043080, Second and Final (Wynberg, Cape; Cape town).—B N Fisher-Jeffes,
27 Wood Way, Glencairn, Cape Town.
9430/2009—Biggs, Robert, 4805015632084, 23 Leerdam Street, Belhar, Bellville, 7493; Salome Lea Biggs,
5411030197085, 21 days (Bellville; Cape Town).—Smuts & CO Attorneys, 8 Church Street, Durbanville, 7550.
14019/2012—Smuts, Jeanette Hazel, 3802090063088, 22 Westerwijk Close, Plattekloof Glen, Cape Town, 7460
(Goodwood; Cape Town).—The Executor, Mr. DG Kube, 42 Deodor Street, Tygerberg Hills, Bellville, 7530.
10468/2011—Carelse Maria, 3512220064084, 21 Graaff Road, Scottsville, Kraaifontein; Joseph Petrus Abrahams
Carelse, 3510175087084, Redistribution Agreement, 21 days (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop
1A, No. 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550.
2338/2008—Mocke, Christiaan Hendrik, 3205035037086, Odeon Towers 905/906, Kusweg 66, Strand, 7140 (Strand;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.
4730/2010—Pretorius, Paul Jacobus, 4704275036088 (Somerset Wes; Kaapstad).—45 Ludorf Street, Brits, 0250.
17244/2012—Van Zyl, Gerhardus Josephus Marthinus, 3802215085081, Stanfordstraat 20, Albertina, 6695, Eerste en
Finale (Albertina; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
6736/2012—Louw, Johannes Tobias, 3502265047086, Crownsingel 6, Vierlanden, Durbanville, 7550, Tweede en Finale
(Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
10134/2012—Conradie, Benjamin, 4012115009087, Johan Scholtzstraat 28, Bayview, Hartenbos, 9520, Gewysigde
Eerste en Finale (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Rauch Gertenbach Inc., Posbus 54, Mosselbaai, 6500.
11397/2012—Jupin, Audrey Amelia Frances, 2110020039082, 36 Madeira Crescent, Table View, 7441 (Cape Town;
Cape Town).—B Lubbe & Associates, P o Box 11476, Bloubergrant, 7441.
8851/2011—MC Cree, Frederika Philippina, 4407230093083, Liquidation and Distribution Account (Kuils River; Cape
Town).—Velile Tinto Cape Inc., Attorneys, 2 Dingle Avenue, Kenilworth.
No. 36227
6327/2012—Pattison, Mary, 1902250032188, 903 Cinnabar Building, Main Road, Muizenberg (Cape Town).—Guthrie &
Rushton, P O Box 22087, Fish Hoek, 7974.
7555/2012—Offermann, Peter, 14 September 1946, Liquidation and Distribution Account (Cape Town).—Scheibert &
Associates Inc., 4th Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town.
6760/2012—Muller, David Andries, 3106035015082, 28 days (Strand; Cape Town).—David Muller Attorneys, PO Box
468, Durbanville, 7551.
18127/2012—Stassen, Beatrix Margaretha Wilhelmina, Jan van Riebeeck 28, Oudtshoorn, 6625 (Oudtshoorn;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville,
9107/2010—Johnson, Dudley William Roy, 6301195082082, Bartlettt Rise 16, Lindida, Stellenbosch, 7600
(Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand
Road, Bellville, 7530.
17552/2012—Van Zyl, Deon Petru, 3309060047083, 14 Redhill, Simonstown, 7995 (Simon’s Town; Cape Town).—ABSA
Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
18359/2012—Visser, Gert Johannes, 4208135067085, Leydenstraat 10, Vredenburg, 7380; Jacoba Gerbrecht Visser,
4210010060086 (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Ground Floor, ABSA
Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
11732/2012—Jardine, Graham Douglas, 3306305068080, Liquidation and Distribution Account; Elizabeth Barbara
Jardine, 3812100080089 (Athlone; Cape Town).—Scheibert & Associates Inc., 4th Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street,
Cape Town, 8001.
14494/10—Watson-Visser, Linore, 5401220036086, 18 Wesley Street, Harfield Village, Amended First and Final
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Ltd, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
14780/2012—Pop, Doreen Frances, 1409270047089, 196 11th Avenue, Kensington (Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust
Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
1327/2010—Magid, Abraham Zalman, 1910315030089, 16 Eike Crescent, Durbanville, Amended First and Final (Bellville;
Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town.
11081/2012—Frew, John MacDonald, 5303115043088, 5 Mulder Close, Tokai, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—
Nedgroup Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town.
13150/2012—Dudek, Hildegard Beate, 2611220055182, 804 Rapollo Beach Road, Sea Point; Hermann Dudek,
2009190000000 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town.
11784/2011—Webb, Michael, 3401135085089, 201 Bayview, Main Road, Hermanus (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Vorster &
Steyn Attorneys, P.O. Box 500, Hermanus, 7200.
4527/2012—Di Monte, Kathleen Lesley, 4502060004083, 22 Amanzi Crescent, Vredekloof, Brackenfell, Cape (Kuilsrivier;
Cape Town).—Deceased Estates Trust, P O Box 1100, Durbanville, 7551.
854/2012—Foot, Philip Michael, 2905185149182 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Manson Tobin Attorneys, Suite 2, Frazzitta
Business Park, cnr. Lubbe & Langeberg Road, Durbanville.
6838/2012—Du Plessis, Jan Abraham, 2409115017080, 44 Le Roux, Montagu (Montagu; Kaapstad).—Van Zyl &
Hofmeyr, Posbus 8, Montagu, 6720.
5647/2012—Armstrong, Alison Mary, 2804140059182, Nerina Gardens Old Age Home, Upper Recreation Road, Fish
Hoek, Amended First and Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape
Town, 8000.
1862/2012—Cleophas, Ronald Frans, 3807015126084 (Wynberg Cape; Cape Town).—Wagner & Associates,
6 Linkwood Drive, Haasendal, Kuis River, 7580.
6927/2012—Glyn, Ronald St George, 1303045030084 (Johannesburg; Cape Town).—LDP Inc., De Waterkant Building,
10 Helderberg Street, Stellenbosch, 7600.
14896/2012—Catharina Margaretha, 2906270043082, 40 Eden Retirement Village, Newart Street, Helderkruin,
Roodepoort, 1724, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-- en Distribusierekening (Roodepoort; Kaapstad).—Loretta Hayward
Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.
13633/2012—McNaught, Beryl Mary, 1809280018188 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—L. Banwell, 18 Alamein Rd,
Somerset West, 7130.
10844/2012—Meiring, Jacoba Christina, 1906290014080, Huis van Niekerk, Benade Court, Neethling Road, Strand,
Western Cape (Strand; Cape Town).—Tanya Nöckler Attorneys, PO Box 5357, Cape Town, 8000.
14909/2012—Warwick, Richard Charles, 3203145018088, 4 Myrtle Road, Rondebosch, First and Final; Algene Mary
Warwick, 3405050033081, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
5647/2012—Armstrong, Alison Mary, 2804140059182, Nerina Gardens Old Age Home, Upper Recreation Road, Fish
Hoek, Amended First and Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited Limited, PO Box 5562,
Cape Town, 8000.
4942/12—Rheeder, Jacob Salomon, 5104275089089, Eerste en Finale; Johanna Elizabeth Rheeder, 5212090015088,
21 dae (Porterville; Cape Town).—De Villiers van Zyl Ing., Voortrekkerstraat 76, Porterville.
9706/2012—Maria Magdelena van Schalkwyk, 28 April 1927, 2704280043089, Sunnyside Lodge, Morpethstraat 11,
Plumstead, Kaapstad, oorlede datum: 11 Junie 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Wynberg;
Kaapstad).—E M Coetzee, Eksekutrise Testamentêr, Posbus 377, Vredendal, 8160.
7886/2012—Van den Berg, Martha Wilhelmina Kotze, 3304300026088, Panorama Aftree Oord D35, Hendrik
Verwoerdrylaan, Panorama, 7500 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Mnr. J.H. van den Berg, Camdebostraat 14, Loevenstein, Bellville,
12084/2012—Loubser, Nickolaas De Villiers, 3203095052087, Helderberg Village 1040, Somerset-Wes, 7130
(Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—Cluver Markotter Ing., Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599.
No. 36227
15400/11—Kiddie, Jean Vera Kiddie, 2512280043086, Woodside Retirement Village, Norton Way, Rondebosch (Cape
Town; Cape Town).—SC Puglia Attorneys, Unit 302, 3rd Floor, The Collosseum Building No. 3, St George Mall, Cape Town,
8001.8499/2011—Steytler, Rosemary Ann, 2606270060082, 307 Fairmead Court, 6 College Road, Rondebosch, 7700
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Maitland Executors Ltd, 14 Nuttall Gardens, Morningside, Durban.
4084/2012—Lena Ceasar, 5503040083089, Tarentaalstraat 29, Pacaltsdorp, oorlede te George op 19/07/2007, Eerste en
Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (George; Kaapstad).—Me Olga Delport, Jordaan Louw & Vennote,
Stadcogebou (Suite 5), Yorkstraat 126, George, 6529.
6387/2012—Johannes Ceasar, 4712045141088, ongetroude wewenaar, Tarentaalstraat 29, Pacaltsdorp, oorlede te
George op 20/03/2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (George; Kaapstad).—Me Olga Delport,
Jordaan Louw & Vennote, Stadcogebou (Suite 5), Yorkstraat 126, George, 6529.
7886/2012—Van den Berg, Martha Wilhelmina Kotze, 3304300026088, Panorama Aftreeoord D35, Hendrik
Verwoerdrylaan, Panorama, 7500 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Mnr. J.H. van den Berg, Camdebostraat 14, Loevenstein, Bellville,
4001/2012—Lwana, Nomvato Phyllis, 6806061420083, 6761 Mazwi Vilakazi Street, Samora Machel, Phillippi, Western
Cape (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Makana van Niekerk Moyce Attorneys, 49 Wetton Road, Wynberg, Western Cape.
13764/2011—Estella Thelma Williams, 7307250163088, 10 Arum Street, Rustdal, died at Eersterivier on 14 April 2008,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Kuils River; Cape Town).—JP van Zyl Inc Attorneys, Attorney for
Executor/Agent, 5th Floor, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8000.
14104/2012—Stuck, Norman James, 2501115033008, 2 Trianon Park, Francis Road, Diep River (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
4934/2012—Inus Jordaan, 4806155152081, wewenaar, Drakensteinstraat 29, Van der Stel, Wes-Kaap, oorlede
16 Augustus 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—Raymond
McCreath Ing, Brightstraat 24, Somerset West.
649/2011—Muller, George Hendrik, 3402215082087 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Norman Attorneys, 6 Cedars Avenue,
Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7785.
649/2011—Muller, George Hendrik, 3402215082087 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Norman Attorneys, 6 Cedars Avenue,
Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7785.
14710/2010—Le Roux, Johannes Hendrik, 4509205454081, plaas Roodeheuwel, distrik Oudtshoorn, Tweede en Finale
(Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
14100/2012—Catlin, James John Thomas, 3407015038080, 142 4th Avenue, Kraaifontein, First and Final; Leone Catlin,
4411260054080 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
1217/2012—Van Rede, Florence Violet, 4506010525089, No. 157 8th Avenue, Elsies River, Amended First & Final
(Goodwood; Cape Town).—Jan de Jager, 4 Hofmeyer Street, Welgemoed, Bellville, 7530.
18294/2012—Van Zyl, Hermanus Bosman, 2705295014080 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Mr I J C Nel, 110 Kruinsig,
331 Glenwood Avenue, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0081.
16080—Heyns, Mathys Hendrick, 4901275079080, No. 398 Farm Road, Rondebosch (Wynberg; Cape Town).—
Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7702.
2837/2012—Omar Adam, Zaida, 640222012608, No. 39 Mavis Road, Rylands (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Gaironesa
Davids Attorneys, No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7702.
10637/2010—Swarts, Liza, 5001260734085, Neil Mosesstraat 66, Paarl, 7646; Frans Stefanus Swarts, 4912085658088
(Paarl; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville,
9007/2012—Laver, Brian Henry John, 2512255008080, 21 Mervyn Road, Fish Hoek, 7975, Supplementary First and
Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building,
14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
1020/2013—Smith, Basil Andrew, 62022105150086, No. 7Boekehout Street, Bonteheuwel; Faika Smith, 5810300237085
(Goodwood; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7702.
15239/2012—Kock, Adam, 4202065056085, No. 7 Pascal Street Ext 23, Belhar; Maria Magdalena Kock, 4610250067081
(Bellville; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7702.
5065/2012—Barrish, Rhona, 3110130036084, Flat 208, Rapello, 292 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005, Second and Final,
21 days (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Jean–Claude Barrish Attorneys, PO Box 3729, Cape Town, 8000.
5065/2012—Barrish, Rhona, 3110130036084, Flat 208, Rapello, 292 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005, Second and Final,
21 days (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Jean–Claude Barrish Attorneys, PO Box 3729, Cape Town, 8000.
8038/2012—Davids, Agmat Sadick, 4208275091085, 4 Dennegeur Avenue, Mitchells Plain, Western Cape; Zogarer
Davids, 3805250059085 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Greenwoods Trust Ltd, PO Box 3311, Cape Town, 8000.
14407/2010—Smith, Stephanus Johannes, 3504065086085, 68 Pesident Street, Panorama (Bellville; Cape Town).—Law
Practice of Brian Segal, PO Box 3830, Cape Town.
10460/2012—Beukes, Elba Georgina, No. 44 Strand Mews, Vredehofstraat, Strand, Eerste en Finale; Jurie Johannes
Beukes, 4811115018083, 21 dae (Strand; Cape Town).—Joubert Schoeman, Lincolnstraat 9, Boston, Bellville; Posbus 1768,
Bellville, 7535.
1054/2012—Fuchs, Oliver Theo, 2312195006082 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Smith Van der Watt Inc.,
258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739.
No. 36227
Form/Vorm J 28
Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice
is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been
sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of.
Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word
hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld
voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van.
C99/2013—Little Wood Guest House CC, 1999/010926/23, 1 Williams Street, Parow, Western Cape. 7 February 2013,
Goodwood Magistrates Court. Ingo Klein.
C1153/2012—The Plastix Factory (Pty) Ltd, 2010/000890/07, Frymer & Associates, 2nd Floor, Fairweather House, 176
Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock. 23 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Robert Doughty.
C10/2012—Zelnita Sophia Cynthia Dennis, 7310190015087, 44 Woodley Road, Plumstead, Western Cape. 7 June 2011,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Ex parte.
C1043/2012—Lourens Roelof de Jongh, 7903145121081, 6 Paul Kruger Street, Ashton, Western Cape. 1 February
2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Ex parte.
C53/2012—Basil Mcavoy and Delycia Erica Mcavoy, 6601255182080 and 7109300506088, 67 Dallas Crescent,
Southfork, Strand. 17 February 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Ex parte.
C1113/2012—Victor Ship Chandlers (Pty) Ltd, 1983/007054/07, Unit 8, Carlisle Industrial Park, 28 Nephine Street,
Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, Western Cape. 8 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Isaac Benatar.
C49/2013—Woodahl SA (Pty) Ltd, 2000/013448/07, 5 Sonnet Crescent, Brackenfell, Western Cape. 22 November 2012,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Jorgen Dahl.
C954/2012—Breeze Court Investments 35 (Pty) Ltd, 2007/011161/07, 3rd Floor, 200 On Main, cnr Main and Bowwood
Roads, Claremont. 25 September 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Creditors Voluntary.
N225/12—Rodney Noel Timm; Jennifer Charlotte Timm, 5412175136086 & 5809290076081, 16 Havelook Road,
Greenwood Park, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. 23 November 2011, the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Hartzenberg
N215/12—Francios Gerhardus van den Berg – Melody Crystal van den Berg, 6309175077089 & 6503270033084,
Ndongeni Laan 14, Amanzimtoti, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. 23 November 2011, the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg.
Hartzenberg Attorneys.
C80/2013—Marianne Cornel Venter, 5310220103087, die plaas Steenberg, Piketberg, Western Cape. 6 February 2013,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Maria Carolina Hanekom.
C4/2013—Jacobus Hercules Matthee, 6911195066081, 36 Meet Street, Heather Park, George. 8 January 2013, Western
Cape High Court, Cape Town. Emmerentia Cornelia Matthee.
S89/2012—Colin Ward, 5004055062183, 19 Serissa Street, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth. 6 November 2012, Eastern
Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. Ex parte.
C1175/2012—Owen Wayne Brotherhood, 6304265190082, res add: & Buss: 44 Recreation Road, Fish Hoek, W.C. Other
bus add: Simmons Street, Johannesburg, Gauteng. 19 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Firstrand Bank
C1105/2012—Pen and Art (Pty) Ltd, 1997/00216/07, reg. add: Office Level Seven, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, W.C.
Business addresses as follows: 1. Cape Town (Waterfront); 2. Wynberg (Claremont); 3. KwaZulu-Natal (Westville); 4. KwaZuluNatal (Umhlanga), 5. Master’s Office, Pretoria (Menlyn). 7 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Jonathan
D205/2012—Richard Paul Sheldrake, 6007215160085, 106 Eleventh Avenue, Morningside, Durban. 20 November 2012,
KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. ABSA Bank Limited.
B136/2012—Renier Roodt, 7905165054084, ongetroud, woonagtig te: Unique No. 5, Besembos, Pellissier, Bloemfontein,
Vrystaat Provinsie. 13-12-2012, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Boedel Oorgawe.
No. 36227
B7/2013—Christopher Gouws, 4910065024081, getroud buite gemeenskap, woonagtig adres te: Villa Louhan 17,
Torontowegstraat, Helena, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie. 07-02-2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Jennifer Joy Gouws.
B6/2013—André Samuel Pieters, 6703145018084, getroud buite gemeenskap, woonagtig adres te: Plot 1057, Koppies,
Vrystaat. 07-02-2013, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Cornelius & Vennote Ingelyf.
C1251/2012—Ndibano Intelligence in Systems (Pty) Ltd, 2006/020005/07, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, Western
Cape. 10 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Anna Elizabeth Gezina Potgieter.
Form/Vorm J 29
The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or
having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of
the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936,
sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the
Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said
estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims
against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes
referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made,
and date, hour and place of meeting.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be
held before the Magistrate.
Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika
gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van
die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en
196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973,
kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde
boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die
boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes
bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order
gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms.
In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor
die Landdros gehou.
C1082/12—Sean Thurston & Herculine Ann Nissen, 7704215138082 & 8011250138087, 30 Belvedere Sirkel,
Sydneyvale, Lavis, Goodwood. Final order: 7 December 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 3 April 2013, 09h00,
Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.
C1153/2012—The Plastix Factory (Pty) Ltd, 2010/000890/07, Black River Park, Fir Street, Observatory, Western Cape.
4 December 2012—15 January 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 26 March 2013, 09h00, Master’s Office, Cape
C10/2012—Zelnita Sophia Cynthia Dennis, 7310190015087, 44 Woodley Road, Plumstead, Western Cape. Provisional
order: 7 June 2011, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 28 March 2013, 09h00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.
C1043/2012—Lourens Roelof de Jongh, 7903145121081, 6 Paul Kruger Street, Ashton, Western Cape. 1 February
2013—1 February 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 27 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Robertson.
No. 36227
C53/2012—Basil Mcavoy and Delycia Erica Mcavoy, 6601255182080 and 7109300506088, 67 Dallas Crescent,
Southfork, Strand. 17 February 2012—17 February 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 27 March 2013, 10h00,
Magistrate’s Court, Strand.
C1113/2012—Victor Ship Chandlers (Pty) Ltd, 1983/007054/07, Unit 8, Carlisle Industrial Park, 28 Nephine Street,
Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, Western Cape. 8 November 2012—30 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town.
26 March 2013, 09h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
C49/2013—Woodahl SA (Pty) Ltd, 2000/013448/07, 5 Sonnet Crescent, Brackenfell, Western Cape. 22 November
2012—24 January 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuilsriver.
C954/2012—Breeze Court Investments 35 (Pty) Ltd, 2007/011161/07, 3rd Floor, 200 On Main, Cnr Main and Bowwood
Roads, Claremont. 25 September 2012—25 September 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 4 April 2013, 09h00,
Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.
N225/12—Rodney Noel Timm, Jennifer Charlotte Timm, 5412175136086 & 5809290076081. Final order: 06-12-2012,
the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 03-04-2013, 10h00, Durban Maste’s Office.
N215/12—Francios Gerhardus Van den Berg, Melody Crystal Van den Berg, 6309175077089 & 6503270033084. Final
order: 29-11-2012, the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 08-04-2013, 10h00, Scottburgh Magistrates Court.
C1129/12—Johannes Petrus Smit Engelbrecht, 6310235001085, Hendrika Street 43, Paarl. 12 November 2012—
22 January 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 8 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Paarl.
C1142/12—Ian & Anna Maria Conradie, 7306210123083, Mosselankstraat 120, Zonnendal, Kraaifontein. Final order:
13 December 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuilsriver.
C1255/2012—J W A Dunn & S Dunn, 2003/018201/07, 5 Naples Street, Uitzicht, Durbanville, W.C. 18 December 2013—
18 December 2013. 4 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Office, Wynberg.
C1096/2012—Pumla Queen Mashalaba, 621015065082, 45 Canterbury Drive, Bishopscourt, W.C. 15 June 2012—
13 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 28 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Office, Wynberg.
T5093/11—Ncube Zwelithini Lightboy, 7401019236085, 87 Tokara, Unit 87, Third Street, Halfway Gardens, X76,
Midrand. Final order: 16 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0873/12—Sekete Elizabeth & Abraham Isak Van der Westhuizen, 6304110267085 & 6710275103081, 22 Elizabeth
Court,201 Church Street, Pretoria West. Final order: 3 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00,
Master, Pretoria.
T5173/11—Biggy Musarurwa & Stellah Mhlangu, 7407076586080 & 7803041271081, No. 513 B Mucklerneuk Lantes
Bourke Street, Pretoria. Final order: 15 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3183/11—Marthienus Jacobus & Susara Jacoba Magrietha Grobler, 6308135066083 & 6403280005083, 854 Theo
Slabbert Street, Booysens, Pretoria. Final order: 29 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00,
Master, Pretoria.
T2813/12—Petrus Stephanus Peyper, 7206065010080, 993 Ferdinand Street, Daspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 3 August
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2153/12—Hemantkumar Bhana Rawjee, 5403155190086, 1228 Haardodstraat, Villieria, Pretoria. Final order: 12 June
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
C11/2013—Panther Holding (Pty) Ltd, 2012/052625/07, 26 Fraser Road, Somerset West, Western Cape. 8 January
2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. The Trustees of BJ Swanepoel Family Trust, IT4322/1998.
T3273/10—Mathabo Agnes Tsosane, 5509040800083, Stand 210, Stone Ridge Country Estate, Granite Street, Monavoni
Ext 3. Final order: 2 June 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3263/12—Cornelius Abraham & Rozelle Cavanagh, 7604125088080 & 7204260230082, 170 Knigh Street, Danville,
Pretoria. Final order: 17 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0894/12—Paul Franck, 5407215140007, 4 Villa Caro, 220 Paul Kruger Street, Capital Park, Pretoria. Final order: 22 June
23012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T4014/11—Coenraad Willem Hendrik Van der Merwe, 7301155131084, 749 Monte Cello County Estate, Corner Garden
& Tambotie Drive, Carlswald, Midrand. Final order: 27 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00,
Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T2514/12—Gertruida Koekemoer, 6106270064081, Fjordweg 65, Valhalla, Pretoria. Final order: 15 August 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0024/13—Vincent van Schalkwyk, 7809105087081, 1223 Caley Laan, Queenswood, Pretoria. Final order: 26 November
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T4234/12—Lucy Hlubi, 7007281003085, 38 Mabelstraat, East Lynne, Pretoria. Final order: 12 October 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2614/12—Canary George Seoketsi, 8010305396088, Unit 25 Bishop’s Court, 4 Augrable Street, 101 Leopard Walk,
Mooikloof Ridge, Pretoria. Final order: 28 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master,
T3034/12—Veronica Joan Breedt, 6101090114083, Pretoria. Final order: 14 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
No. 36227
T0764/12—Brian Gerald Delport, 6103135030084, Pieringstraat 538, Pretoria. Final order: 21 February 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T4154/12—Samatha Martha Fourie, 7202170201086, 185 Panoramaweg, Constantiapark, Pretoria. Final order:
5 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0314/12—Riodor 60 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/02200/07, Erf 30, Daspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 1 July 2011, North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3534/12—Sulbrurn Drakes Staff Connection (Pty) Ltd, 2003/000221/07, 321 Alphine Way, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Final
order: 30 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T1884/12—Beverly Catherine Grobler, 6206060173082, Plot 192, Damstraat, Zeekoegat, Kammeldrif Oog, Pretoria.
Final order: 6 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2733/11—Earl Grant & Candice Jaftha, 7712205178083 & 7909050213086, 40B Pygmy Street, Amberfield Glen Estate,
Centurion, Pretoria. Final order: 8 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T1533/12—Coenraad Johannes & Madelyne Johanna Strydom, 7202295064088 & 7705130173088, 14 Mandolin Oord,
Elanspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 26 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2093/12—Anna Susanna Bezuidenhoudt, 6309290026086, Diamond Hillstraat 847, Suiderberg, Pretoria. Final order:
31 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 6 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2433/12—Dorothy De Villiers, 6402030130001, 114B Spatastraat, Centurion, Pretoria. Final order: 3 July 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2493/12—Quintin Steekamp, 8106305033083, 771–18th Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 2 April 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T5483/11—Rhynette van Rensburg, 7010130047089, 30 Val de Sol, Outeniqua Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria. Final order:
24 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0693/12—Grant William & Gwendolene Goodhead, 5806255029089 & 6912030010086, Pretoria. Final order:
26 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3643/11—New Invest 218 (Pty) Ltd, 2001/003631/07, Pretoria. Final order: 4-10-2011, North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
C25/2013—De Kaap Beherend (Pty) Ltd, 1987/004691/07, SA Grote Kerk Building, Parliament Street. 15 January 2013—
12 February 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
C966/2012—Mark & Belinda Brunsden, 7405315126080 & 7012260195084, 7 Sass Street, Knysna Heights, Knysna,
W.C. 20 September 2012—26 February 2013. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Office, Knysna.
B148/2011—Willem Jacob Serfontein De Wet, ID No. 63110650420089, ongetroud, woonagtig te: Lavenderstraat 24,
Gardina Park, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat. 27-03-2013, 10h00, Bloemfontein.
G156/2012—KVB Consulting (Pty) Ltd, 2010/008249/07, c/o Number 8, Shellard Park, King Fisher Crescent, Meyersdal.
Final order: 30 April 2010, special resolution. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate Palm Ridge.
G897/2012—LPM Reinforcing (Pty) Ltd, 1952/001761/07, c/o 26–17th Avenue, cnr Second Street, Edenvale. Final order:
7 August 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master Johannesburg.
G1368/2012—SFS Logistics (Pty) Ltd, 2012/043582/07, c/o Zeiss Road, Lazer Park, Honeydew. Final order: 5 December
2012, special resolution. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master Johannesburg.
G1294/2012—HI Torque CC (in liquidation). To prove further claims, to receive the liquidator’s report, to give the
liquidator such further direction as may be necessary for the winding up of the Close Corporation. 27 March 2013, 10h00,
Master Johannesburg.
C4/2013—Jacobus Hercules Matthee, 6911195066081, 36 Meet Street, Heather Park, George. 8 January 2013—
19 February 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 12 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate Court, George.
C1175/2012—Owen Wayne Brotherhood, ID: 6304265190082, Res add & Bus add: 44 Recreation Road, Fish Hoek,
W.C. Other bus add: Simmons Street, Johannesburg, Gauteng. 19 October 2012—13 December 2012, Western Cape High
Court, Cape Town. 15 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Simons Town.
S89/2012—Colin Ward, 5004055062183, 19 Serissa Street, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth. Ex parte–6 November 2012,
Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. 27 March 2013, 14h00, Master of the Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth.
D205/2012—Richard Paul Sheldrake, 6007215060085, 106 Eleventh Avenue, Morningside, Durban. 17 October 2012—
20 October 2012.
C1105/2012—Pen and Art (Pty) Ltd, 11997/00216/07, reg. add: Office Level Seven, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, W.C.
Business addresses as follows: 1. Cape Town (Waterfront); 2. Wynberg (Claremont); 3. KwaZulu-Natal (Westville); 4. KwaZuluNatal (Umhlanga), 5. Master’s Office, Pretoria (Menlyn). 7 November 2012—6 December 2012, Western Cape High Court,
Cape Town. 15 March 2013, 9h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
G2459/09—Aerobelt CC, 2002/049307/23, in liquidation, 25 Leicester Road, Benoni Industrial Site, Benoni, Gauteng,
1501. Final order: 2 February 2010, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate Court, Benoni.
S4/2013—Abraham Jacob Lamprecht, 5509205156081, 2 Aanblom Street, Jeffreys Bay, 6330. 18 December 2012—
29 January 2013, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. 27 March 2013, 14h00, Port Elizabeth.
N248/2012—Kobus Johannes Botha, 7104165053086. 06-12-2012—22-01-2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court,
Pietermaritzburg. 26-03-2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Scottburg.
No. 36227
G1322/2012—Crown Cast (Pty) Ltd, 1988/006148/07, c/o 228 Athol Road, Highlands North, Johannesburg. Final order:
11 December 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 12 April 2013, 10h00, Master Johannesburg.
G849/2012—E-Prime Dynamics (Pty) Ltd, 2002/005368/07, c/o The Woodland Office Park, Ground Floor, Building 11B,
Western Services Board, Woodmead. Final order: 19 June 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master
C1096/2012—Pumla Queen Mashalaba, 621015065082, Res add: 45 Canterbury Drive, Bishopscourt, Cape Town, W.C.
8 November 2012—18 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 7 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court,
C1125/2010—Certex Africa (Pty) Ltd (1999/008294/07), reg. add: Unit A9, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake Square, Tokai,
Western Cape. 5 October 2013—12 November 2012. 15 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Office, Wynberg.
C635/2012—Portia Nonceba Dlamini, 7409060534084, 4 Aster Lane, Big Bay, Table View, Durbanville, Western Cape.
26 June 2012—5 December 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 March 2013, 09h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
B136/2012—Renier Roodt, ID No. 7905165054084, ongetroud, woonagtig te Unique No. 5, Besembos, Pellissier,
Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. Boedeloorgawe—13/12/2012, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 13/3/13, 10h00, Bloemfontein.
B48/2011—Ferdinand Theodore Harris, ID No. 5907195033080, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te
Gemsbokstraat 46, Bethlehem, Vrystaat Provinsie. 17/03/2011—21/04/2011, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 15/3/2013,
09h30, Bethlehem.
C11/2013—Panther Holding (Pty) Ltd (2012/052625/07), 26 Fraser Road, Somerset West, Western Cape. 8 January
2013—21 February 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 4 April 2013, 09:00 am, Somerset Magistrate’s Court.
C1251/2012—Ndibano Intelligence in Systems (Pty) Ltd (2006/020005/07), 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, Western
Cape. 10 November 2012—26 February 2013, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 4 April 2013, 9:00 am, Wynberg
Magistrate’s Court.
G249/2012—Seakay Holdings Limited (2006/004967/06), c/o 7 Patton Street, Duncanville, Vereeniging. Final order:
12 February 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.
C1199/2012—Andries Phillip Vermeulen, 7511075159086, 9 Eikendal Road, Durbanville, Cape Town, Western Cape.
8 November 2012—4 December 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 5 April 2013, 11 am, Bellville Magistrate’s Court.
G1192/2012—Raymond Daniel Nel, 6901025036081, c/o 106 Nicolaas Smitlaan, Monument. Final order: 16 October
2012, South Gauteng High Court. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G903/2011—Archie James Meadon, 6608035087083, c/o 16 Ferrybridge Avenue, Ferryvale, Nigel. 5 July 2011, South
Gauteng High Court. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Nigel.
G983/2012—Simcha Properties 13 (Pty) Ltd (2008/028820/07), c/o 29 Wessels Road, Rivonia. Final order: 31 August
2012, Special Resolution. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G1342/2012—Epages Net (Pty) Ltd (2001/027216/07), c/o 9–11 University Road, 22 Imperial Office Park, Westville. Final
order: 18 September 2012, Special Resolution. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Durban.
G1343/2012—Charterlink Med (Pty) Ltd (1998/025378/07), c/o Hanger 4, Ring Road, Gate 5, Lanseria International
Airport, Lanseria. Final order: 24 October 2012, South Gauteng High Court. 5 April 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
G781/2012—Forty Shore Rubber CC (2007/042322/23), 57 6th Road, Private Wealth Building, Hyde Park, 2196. Special
Resolution: 18 May 2012. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Johannesburg Master.
G1370/2012—Uninet Professional Communications Solutions (Pty) Ltd (2004/016459/07), c/o CSS House, Waterfall
Office Park, 28 Augrabies Road, Midrand. Final order: 29 November 2012, Special Resolution. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master,
G1371/2012—Uninet Communications (Pty) Ltd (2006/007190/07), c/o CSS House, Waterfall Office Park, 28 Augrabies
Road, Midrand. Final order: 29 November 2012, Special Resolution. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G1375/2012—Page Close Props 6 (Pty) Ltd (2003/006266/07), c/o 47 Allen Road, Glenvista. 28 September 2012, Special
Resolution. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G559/2012—Harvard Empowerment Solutions (Pty) Ltd (1999/005675/07), c/o 1st Floor, 2B Riley Road, Bedfordview.
Final order: 29 November 2012, Special Resolution. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G1229/2012—Elsie Masusoana Monageng, 6402250700087. Final order: 16 October 2012, South Gauteng High Court.
4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
K19/2012—Golden Rewards BK (Reg. No. 2006/084982/23) (in likwidasie), Kwessiestraat 7, Upington, Noord-Kaap
Provinsie (in likwidasie). 30 November 2012—11 Januarie 2013, Meester, Kimberley. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Landdroshof,
T0774/12—Cornelia Berendina Petronella Brown, ID No. 4711190040087, Plot 86, Helena van Zylstraat, Houtlof Hoewe,
Vereeniging. Final order: 3 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T2224/12—Hendrik van Vuuren & Yvette Bothma, 6609025009087, plaas Malmietfontein 24 KS, Polokwane, 0700. Final
order: 21 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Polokwane.
T2654/11—Makarios Construction (Pty) Ltd, Identity No. unknown. Description of estate: Unknown, Final order: 13 June
2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2533/11—Nomvula Eglet Kubeka, 6110300515088, 394 Clarina, Akasia, Pretoria North. 8 February 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
No. 36227
T3693/12—Sandy Bardo & Gezina Philliphina Mnandi Boshoff, 7311245234085 & 8009150272089, 5 Wenden Street,
Brakpan. Final order: 5 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T1643/12—Abraham Paulus Pretorius, 6105125034083, 30 Robertson Street, Geduld, Springs. Final order: 10 May
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Springs.
T6683/09—Abram Albertus & Talita Myburgh, 8205235002083 & 7710120009086, 15 Verwey Street, Reyno Ridge,
Witbank. Final order: 19 January 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Witbank.
T2953/12—Michael Peter Habib, 7206095077083, 107 Adams Road, 52 Turnbridge Wells, Amanzimtoti. 21 June 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2953/12—Michael Peter Habib, 7206095077083, 107 Adams Road, 52 Turnbridge Wells, Amanzimtoti. Final order:
21 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2013/12—Daniel Petrus Richards, 6701305178086, 18 Meul Street, Potchefstroom, North West. Final order: 13 April
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom.
T0973/11—Jacobus Daniël Venter, 8401265059081, 4 Aldemari Sparrow Hawk, 1 Black Reef Road, Middelburg. Final
order: 23 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.
T0553/12—Bezuidenhout, Wynand Jacobus & Louise, 8003205128081 & 7806060003087, Kameeldrift-East. Final
order: 10 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T2003/11—Gerhardus Fredrickus Frylinck, 7606175221081, 90 Falcon Drive, Eastdrifontein, Carletonville. Final order:
21 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Oberholzer.
T3633/12—Joseph Albertus du Plessis, 6108115052081, 71 Constantia Singel, Aero Rand, Middelburg. Final order:
30 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.
T293/12—Abel Hermanus & Dulcie Hoffman, 5106165023086 & 5401240077086, Phiana Hoewe No. 11, KameeldriftWes, Hartbeespoort, Noordwes. Final Order: 12 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, 10h00,
Magistrate, Brits.
T2413/12—Wayne Ashley Petersen & Catherina Magrietha Petersen, 6710135057089 & 6809040071084, 17 Achilles
Street, Krugersdorp, North West Province. Ex parte—3 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 05-04-2013, 09h30,
Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T2363/12—Hadley Thomas Abnett, 8306175240087, 34 Joubert Street, Zeerust. Final order: 18 July 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Zeerust.
T6143/09—Franssisco Lira, 8009175247082, 22 Robin Street, Phalaborwa. Final order: 2 October 2009, North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Phalaborwa.
T4283/12—Willem Adolf & Muriel Ethel Marais, 4004235006085 & 4206060809080, Leniesstraat 6, Randhart, Alberton.
Final order: 18 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Alberton.
T5113/11—Van Aswegen, A & L, 7009155022084 & 781260155084, 25 Saligna Park, Grafenheimer Street, Nina Park,
Pretoria North. Final order: 1 December 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 02-04-13, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2853/12—Peter John & Susan Anderson, 5511035070086 & 6101160071080, 10 Celeste Discovery, Roodepoort. Final
order: 2 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T5193/09—Alexander de Lange, 8011115010083, Noritestraat 16, Roodepoort. Final order: 13 August 2009, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T4673/12—Gary Ernest Potgieter, 7508145034083, Eenheid 17, Erinvale, Florin Road, Wilgeheuwel, Roodepoort. Final
order: 22 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T2313/12—Mongameli Stephen Hlongwane, 5802215627088, 42 Stegman Street, Terrenure, Kempton Park. Final order:
7 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T1533/10—Graham Robert & Leonie Johnson, 6403175151083 & 6809030112088, Lawsonlaan 1319, Waverley,
Pretoria. Final order: 21 April 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T1823/12—Christelle Erika Robbertse, 6611290028081, DJ Oppermanstraat 2, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 11 June
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.
T2373/12—Sacoor Shabu, 7202255183084, 15 Nicator Street, MacKenzie Park, Benoni. Final order: 13 August 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni.
T6543/09—Gerhardus Cornelius Olivier, 5601175072081, Sabiestraat 6, Sallies Village, Brakpan. Final order:
13 October 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T3212/12—Izak Petrus Albertus Mouton, 8006215127084, 584 Britstone Street, Elardus. Final order: 17 August 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3662/12—Gary Wayne Price, 5910015062081, Tasselstraat 610, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 30 August 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0262/12—Monica & Albert Maré, 6707115096087 & 6902190173089, 69 Jacobson Street, Lynwood Ridge. Final order:
15 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0132/12—Dewald Zwart, 7806105037082, 10 The Cut Street, Dalview, Brakpan. Final order: 9 February 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T2182/12—Judith Smith, 7012250164082, 40 Jan Smuth Avenue, Meerhof, Hartbeespoort. Final order: 20 April 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.
T4182/12—Corné Wessels, 8301265206080, Presidentstraat 67, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 1 October 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.
T1182/11—Charlene du Plessis, 7505010115088, Plot 506, Palmietfontein, Klerksdorp. Final order: 13 April 2011, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
No. 36227
T0792/11—David Charles & Magdalena Johanna Krauspe, 6104125128086 & 6103130049089, Bloekomstraat 02,
Visagie Park, Nigel. Final order: 23 March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Nigel.
T4032/12—Willem Abraham and Josephelene Danene Bester, 6012285093085 and 6005070242089, 49 Graaf Street,
Sunair Park, Brakpan. Final order: 20 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate,
T1241/12—Heather Louise Naude, 7507110062087, 1181 Kiaat Street, Highveld Park, Witbank. Final order: 14 August
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank.
T0591/12—Jan Hendrik & Adriaan Christina Moller, 7201145116080 & 7602030098087, Sligostraat 6, Krugersdorp.
Final order: 6 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T6191/09—Petrus Johannes van Nieuwenhuizen, 5602195018088, Olienhoutlaan 17, Miederpark, Potchefstroom.
28-11-08—28-11-08, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. Monday, 03-04-2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom.
T2541/12—Charmaine Weavers, 6402270087085. Final order: 17 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
5 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T3671/11—Roland Tjerry Berkhout, 5010155010188, Beula Park Huis 2, Essexweg, Tunney, Meadowdale, Germiston.
Final order: 22 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston.
T0321/11—Jacoba Magdelena van Dyk, 6704230088081, No. 3 Joubert Street, Brakpan. Final order: 18 February 2011,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T4451/12—Thomas Ananias Nkuna, 7802285280089, 1757 Block XX, Soshanguve East, Pretoria. Final order:
12 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T4621/12—Veronika Smith, 6805090039088, 10 Howard Avenue, Benoni. 12 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni.
T3661/12—Gertruida Elizabeth Prinsloo, 7110190087080, Alto Villa Estate, Moreleta Park. Final order: 31 August 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T2341/12—Mission Point Trading 57 (Pty) Ltd, 2006/030794/07, Maggi’s Place, 730 Verena Street, Faerie Glen. Final
order: 2 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T2981/12—Smokey Mountain Trading 499 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/032269/07. Final order: 11 June 2012, North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T0062/13—Peadon Organic Foods (Pty) Ltd, 2009/014262/07, 246 Arathorn Estate, Leander Road 70, Faerie Glen,
Pretoria. Final order: 14 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T3791/11—Hendrik Jan Lombard, 7011305189089, Eros Villas 89, Erosstraat, Olympus, Pretoria. Final order:
29 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T5081/12—Wealthgate Investments 1000, 2006/035281/07, 10 Mzabuka Avenue, Woodhill, Pretoria. Final order:
3 December 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 2 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T4531/11—Dorothea Takalani Mqongo, 6505310649081, Pretoria. Final order: 9 November 2011, North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T5061/10—Commercial South African (Pty) Ltd, 2005/026873/07, Liz Johnstraat 162, Lynnwoodrif, Pretoria. Final order:
10 September 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T6560/09—Robert Hamilton Rothman, 6609015199088, Diane Street, Homelakes, Randfontein. Final order: 14 October
2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h00, Randfontein.
T4720/12—Kagiso Glenton Molemise, 8309145606080, 1 Akerman Street, Kinross, Evander. Final order: 30 November
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:30, Magistrate, Evander.
T0020/12—Salmon Munro Ras, 7105255010084, Deo Valenti 8, h/v Danie- en Elandstrate, Brits. Final order: 7 March
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.
T0770/12—Abraham Jacques Mouton, 7411115009088, 66 Patridge Road, Allen Grove, Kempton Park. Final order:
16 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T0560/11—Hans Jurgerns Steyn, 6204105020087, Porterlaan 27, Brakpan. Final order: 8 March 2011, North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T1270/12—Christoffel Lodewiekus & Marte Jeanne Venter, 6108245005082 & 6209290170084, 43 Germains Avenue,
Brakpan. Final order: North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T1560/12—Hendrik Belzaser & Judith Susanna Nel, 5103025073088 & 5603300025083, 19 Sanford Glen, 2nd Avenue,
Ravenswood, Boksburg. Final order: 26 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 11h30, Magistrate,
T4370/11—Andries Johan Bezuidenhout, 6302145017087, 1437 Chiltern Crescent, Dainfern, Randburg. Final order:
28 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 9:00, Magistrate, Randburg.
T4830/12—Elizabeth Maria Botha, 7209150052082, 84 Olivier Street, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp. Final order:
4 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T1710/11—Gert Jacobus Emelius Brown, 6309215055087, Smallholdings No. 7, Ian Street, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp.
Final order: 18 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T3420/11—Tembador 107 (Pty) Ltd, 2006/013376/07, Rentmeester Building, 74 Watermeyser Str., Val de Grace, Pta.
Ex-parte—1 July 2011, Transvaal Provincial Division. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Master Gauteng North, Pretoria.
T5430/10—Eckard Fourie, 5506275001080, 18 Forest Avenue, Willow Glen, Pretoria. 11 August 2011, North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T5060/11—Francois Wilhelm Potgieter, 6908165053081, Plot 68, Burgerstraat, Witrivier. Final order: 26 January 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, 08:00, Magistrate, Witrivier.
T5610/11—Abraham Frederick Jansen van Rensburg, 7206265031084, De Wetstraat 72, Krugersdorp. Final order:
10 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
No. 36227
T0569/12—Thurston Mosetlhe & Pauline Lorraine Sebotsane, 7310205423086 & 7405290707086, 30 Impala Avenue,
Clayville, Johannesburg. Final order: 2 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, South
T2479/12—Steven Francis, 6905175010085, 894 Wexford Drive, Dainfern, Randburg. Final order: 16 August 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.
T1179/11—Johannes & Sonika Lebherz, 6703315080088 & 8008100014088, Pappestraat 7, Vanderbijlpark. Final order:
13 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.
T1029/11—Michelle Petrus & Elizabeth Delina Engelbrecht, 8305165242087 & 7011190051083, 3 Kort Street,
Fishershill, Primrose, Germiston. Final order: 5 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate,
T0289/10—Marthinus & Anna Susanna van Rooyen, 5706095094089 & 5905250040081, 594 Peerboom Street,
Doornpoort. Final order: 27 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2049/12—Werner August Carl Gouws, 8312205010086, 4 Pomelo Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park.
7 June 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T0519/11—Christiaan Frederik Viljoen, 6107125108081, Olivestraat 6, Vandykpark, Boksburg. Final order: 9 March 2011,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.
T1379/12—Rudolph Johannes & Chantelle Beyleveld, 8602055090083 & 8409190327085, Roetstraat 30, Heidelberg.
Final order: 4 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 March 2013, 11h00, Magistrate, Heidelberg.
T1269/12—Katharine Smuts, 8108160012087, Aandsterweg, Nommer 15, Glen Marais, Kempton Park. Final order:
20 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T1469/12—Pieter Willem Louis Johannes Engelbrecht, 5408135149086, 2 Waterval Street, Setaria, Northam. Final
order: 20 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Polokwane.
T1869/11—Ian Geddes, 6103025232089, 74 Fynbos Village, Pinnacle Point, Mosselbaai. Final order: 13 April 2011, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0579/12—Billy & Nadia Browne, 8009265185083 & 8003170022087, Bangoreweg 26, Ridgeway, Alberton. Final order:
18 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Alberton.T5289/11—Donavin Clint
Whiting, 7409165055084, 7 Gary Street, Randhart, Alberton. Final order: 16 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Alberton.
T4269/11—Engela Anna Johanna van Niekerk, 5308050077082, Portion 2 & 3, Farm 320, Camelot, Vereeniging. Final
order: 20 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T4438/12—Coetzee, Hendrik Johannes, 4903055110085, 8 Joachim Place, Claremont, Pretoria. Final order:
20 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11/04/2013, 10:00, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T848/12—Bernardus Johannes Mynhardt, 6010185013086, and Huibrecht Petrusia Mynhardt, 6712040129086,
Duncanstraat 1006, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Final order: 9 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11/04/2013, 10h00,
Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T5248/11—Van der Merwe, Jaco Reynier, 7207065081089, and Van der Merwe, Annie Annelien, 7607060036089, 175
Kwartel Street, Birch Acres, Kempton. Final order: 8 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 10/04/2013, 10:00,
Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T4628/12—Gerhard Jacobus Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, 7304165040089, Ronaldstraat 25, Germiston, Gauteng. Final
order: 23 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 05/04/2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston.
T4788/12—Tsotetsi Sipho Abednigo Tsotetsi, 7911045311082, 70790 Sebokeng Extension 24. Final order:
30 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12/04/2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.
T4177/12—Edward Smith, 6006185094084, Krugerstraat, Klerksdorp. Final order: 3 October 2012, North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria. 12/04/2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T2347/11—Bertha Vos, 6203140146089, 845 Tulbach Street, Daspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 24 January 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 9/04/2013, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T4057/12—Lizelle Barnard, 8301030036085, Turnberry Crescent 1719, Thornbrooke Golf Estate, Pretoria. Final order:
30 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 9/04/2013, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T1967/11—Andrew Abel Matthews, 7205240056089, and Leonie Brenda Matthews, 7407130056088, 21 Van Vurren
Street, Randpoort, Randfontein. Final order: 10 January 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11/04/2013, 09:00,
Magistrate, Randfontein.
T4327/11—Swanepoel Wilhelm Adriaan, 6910075054089, and Swanepoel, Petronella Rolina, 7302100028086,
689 Corrine Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 19 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 04/04/2013, 09:00,
Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T2747/12—IHL Investments Fund (Pty) Ltd (2007/026074/07), Inkwazi Office Park, Block A, cnr Embankment Road and
Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Centurion. Final order: 10 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 04/04/2013, 10h00,
Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T3817/12—Philip Derek Fishpen, 4110095014083, 12 Willowdale Rosen Street, Corlett Gardens, Pretoria. Final order:
8 November 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 9/04/2013, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
T197/13—Philnor Office Supplies (1968/005522/07), WCMAS Building, 2nd Floor, cnr OR Tambo and Susanna Streets,
Witbank. Final order: 30 October 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12/04/2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Witbank.
T3514/11—Thomas Frederick Uys, 5701235099080, Plot 15, Highlands, Nelspruit. Final order: 28 July 2011, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Nelspruit.
No. 36227
T8084/09—Jennifer de Lange, 6703060412080, Queenstraat 130, Brakpan. Final order: 10 December 2009, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T2794/12—Anne Helen Bezuidenhout 6705110126081, Dickenslaan 104, Klerksdorp. Final order: 5 September 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T4754/11—Wouter Gerhardus Erasmus, 8712305032080 & Bianca Michelle Erasmus, 8809220235085,
Bakerstraat 33, Estera, Alberton. Final order: 11 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09:00,
Magistrate, Alberton.
T1484/12—Herman Morake, 7902245206081, No. 4 Block XX East, Soshanguve. Final order: 20 April, North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T5124/11—Lucky Matlhogonolo Mooke, 6903185812084, 731 Block UX, Mabopane. Final order: 29 November 2011,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T4314/11—Alfranko van der Walt, 6808115008088, Vandeventerstraat 33, Brits. Final order: 25 October 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits.
T4174/12—Stephanie Smith, 8506030009086, 1242 Barret Street, Queenswood, Pretoria. Final order: 1 October 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3174/12—John Edward Britz, 7711075036082, Brinkstraat 17, Duncanville, Vereeniging. Final order: 19 September
2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T2034/12—Faeeza Zeena Tunisha & Duncan Keith van Heerden, 8012040185081 & 7707195133080, 14 Blake Street,
Farrarmere, Benoni. Final order: 10 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni.
T2894/12—Johann Charles van der Westhuizen, 8002035219086, 169 Huntingdan Avenue, Brakpan. Final order:
10 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Brakpan.
T0344/12—Sandra Basson, 5904010135083, Flat No. 1, 89 Marigold Street, Putfontein, Benoni, Gauteng Province. Final
order: 26 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni.
T3394/11—Lomina 124 (Pty) Ltd (2006/018526/07), Rentmeester Building, 3rd Floor, 74 Watermeyer Street, Val de
Grace, Pretoria. Final order: 1 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3664/12—Julius Welhelm & Susara Helena Susanna Potgieter, 5909035222089 & 6501160060084, Plot 54,
Zeekoewater, Witbank. Final order: 30 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate,
T5344/09—Liana Basson, 7304010038080, 7304010038080. Final order: 6 November 2009, North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria. 2 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T5814/09—Louis Danie van Deventer, 8505235524089, Denys Reitzstraat 24, Meerhof, Hartbeespoort Dam. Final order:
21 August 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits.
T2724/12—Jan Andries Last Nel, 7802185016088, 13 Ivan Road, Homelake, Randfontein. Final order: 27 July 2012,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Randfontein.
T1934/11—Adeline Buys, 7804210035083, No. 1 Akasia, Traleestraat 26, Kenmare, Krugersdorp. Final order: 16 August
2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T1774/12—Francois Stefanus & Natasha-Lee Barnard, 8202115238085 & 8206210259086, Farn 36, Kalkstraat,
Waterval, Krugersdorp. Final order: 17 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate,
T5254/11—Petrus Hendrik Stephanus Opperman, 6905025103080, Waterbokstraat 270, Ninapark, Pretoria-Noord. Final
order: 10 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T2714/12—Johan Thomas & Magdalena Elizabeth Klopper, 5903245273081 & 7411260303088, 67 Keerom Hoewe,
Middelburg. Final order: 27 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.
T3034/11—Christiaan Petrus Brand, 540216503088, 23 Bellevue, Riana Street, Wonderboom, Pretoria. Final order:
13 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 4 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T2844/11—Hans Ledono Mathibe, 5503275548087, 20 Weitz Street, Malanshof, Randburg. Final order: 4 August 2011,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg.
T2344/12—Frederik Willem Antwerpen, 8410035073082, 15 Rondelle Street, Jukskeipark, Randburg. Final order:
31 July 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg.
T3614/11—Zukisa Simphiwe Makalima, 8002235687082, Unit 7, Sheffield 1, Bergrivier Street, Choloorkop. Final order:
16 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T3064/11—Dennis & Lena Soetmelk, 5101015133086 & 5012280109083, 537 Golding Street, Bronville, Welkom.
Final order: 22 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Bloemhof.
T0754/12—Paul William & Rookshana Snelson, 6501265043084 & 6805300126089, No. 98 Anazac Street, Newlands,
Roodepoort. Final order: 13 August 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T1264/12—Lelosa Harold Raphutshi, 7105145401089, 2 Gaint Castle Noordheuwel X9, Krugersdorp. Final order:
4 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T4736/09—NC Maphalala, E. L. Bester & C. E. Oosthuizen, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
Thursday, 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T4909/12—Bluechip Technical CC (Reg. No. 2006/204735/23); E. P. Maenetja, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens
International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 17-10-2012—Spesiale Resolusie. 08-04-2013, 09h30, Landdros, Lydenburg.
No. 36227
Form J 29—Close Corporations
The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South
Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No.
69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 412 and 356 of the
Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the undermentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the
following purposes:
(i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High
(ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation;
determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the
nomination of a person for appointment;
(iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation; name and description of Close
Corporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts must
be paid, if this is not done forthwith.
Vorm J 29—Beslote Korporasies
Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die
Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote
Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412 en
356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en
lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld
vir die volgende doeleindes:
(i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof ingedien is te oorweeg;
(ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys;
(iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir
(iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang
of te verkry.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; naam en beskrywing van
Beslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld
betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.
C22/2013—Imandi Investments 52 CC (in liquidation). Christian Findlay Bester & Abdol Whaheed Badrodien, c/o
Progressive Admistration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Friday, 5 April 2013, 11:00 am, The
Magistrate Court, Bellville.
C1112/2012—Cema Roller Shutter Doors CC (in liquidation). trading as a A A Roller Shutter Doors. Daniel Terblanche,
Leonard Maart, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town.
(4) Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 09h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
T3960/11—Definate Solutions CC. Paula van Eeden. 26 March 2013, 10h00. Master, Johannesburg.
T0068/13—Kudu Kunsmis CC (2009/070963/23) (in liquidation). Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Lisl Anna Loubser,
PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.
No. 36227
D203/12—Bound For Gold 56 CC (2002/071749/23) (in liquidation). Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Kurt Robert
Knoop and Rumana Goolam Mahomed, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 17 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Durban.
G1292/12—Ariano 145 CC t/a Danver Eng Services (in liquidation). 11/09/12. 26/3/2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T0450/12—Maatlakgomo Kodumela Trading Enterprise CC, CK2007/105365/23 (in liquidation). 13 January 2012—
23 March 2012. Magistrate’s Court for the district of Thabazimbi. 19 April 2013, Presiding Officer, Magistrate; Thabazimbi, 10:00.
T4890/11—Nascar Motor Sport CC, CK2005/092283/23 (in liquidation). 25 August 2011—6 October 2011, North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria. 8 April 2013, President Officer, Master of the High Court, Pretoria at 10h00.
T3993/11—Cable Fault CC (Reg No. 1995/008024/23) in liquidation; Hj Quinn & JG Adolph (CO: JZH Muller), P O Box
92332, Mooikloof, 0059. 2 April 2013 at 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T5650/11—Pret Logistic BK, CK 1997/047923/23 (in likwidasie). 18/04/12. K van der Westhuizen & N M Phosa, Tutor
Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 08/04/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
C124/20113—Deans Catamarans CC (in liquidation). MB Beginsel & R Willoughby. 5 April 2013, 11h00, the Presiding
Officer, Magistrates Court, Bellville.
N249/2012—Blue Steel Merchants CC, 2007/036122/23 (in liquidation). Special Resolution registered 31 October 2012,
Registrar of close corporations. 28 March 2013, 10h00, Pinetown. Special Resolution registered 31 October 2012. Registrar of
Close Corporation.
S3/2013—H C Pietersen and Associates Close Corporation (Registration No. 1987/024 736/23 (in liquidation). Sean
Johnson, 2 Rydal Court, Newington Street, Port Elizabeth. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Humansdorp.
T2542/12—Manzinex CC, Registration No. 2011/029332/23 (in liquidation); PJC van Staden & M Meisel (CO: Z Cassim),
c/o St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 12/06/2012. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 02/04/2013,
09:00, Magistrate, Sabie.
T1952/12—The Manx Cat CC, CK 1991/001716/23 (in liquidation). 21 June 2012 by Court Order. North Gauteng High
Court. 8 April 2013, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Witrivier at 08h00. MJD Breytenbach, P O Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044.
T5085/12—Anme 21 Beauty Centre CC, CK2008/117719/23 (in liquidation); 14 November 2013 by Special Resolution,
Registration of Companies. 9 April 2013, Presiding Officer, Master, Pretoria at 10h00.
T2534/12—Sudel Real Estate CC, CK 2005/028751/23 (in liquidation). 6 June 2012 by Court Order, North Gauteng High
Court. 9 April 2013, Presiding Officer, Master, Pretoria at 10h00.
M51/2012—Francedi Staal en Kontribuksie CC, DM Botha & RS Tau, per: Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675,
Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 09h00, the Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
TG499/12—Scenic Route Trading 453 CC, DM Botha & SI Ganie, per: Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675, Sunnyside,
0132. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate, Roodepoort.
Form/Vorm 1
Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the
Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice
is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may
be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith
unless otherwise indicated.
Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates
and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose
of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for
giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of
the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period
within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be
held before the Magistrate.
No. 36227
Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die
Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word
hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die
geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld,
onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal.
Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word
op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye,
vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of
maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van
gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk
waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie.
In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor
die Landdros gehou.
C1170/2012—Blue Age Properties 13 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl, Amaanullah Ayub, c/o
Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Thursday, 11 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s
Court, Wynberg.
C153/2011—Insolvent estate: Margaret Thereesa Schoeman (ID: 6710030170086); Christian Findlay Bester & Mario Paul
Walters, c/o Progressive Administrators (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 09:00
am, The Magistrate, Mossel Bay.
N228/2012—Eyethu Harvesting CC (Reg No: 2002/14792/23) (in liquidation); John Douglas Michau, P.O. Box 33,
Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 4 April 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Melmoth. Second meeting.
C1115/2012—Hentiq 1803 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Christian Findlay Bester, Sandra Avril & Myrtle Daneel & Tirhani Sitos
De Sitos Mathebula, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 5 April 2013
11:00 am, The Magistrate, Bellville.
T4994/08—Molly Chirambo Chirindza; Paula van Eeden, Liquidators on Call, 87A Rietfontein Road, Boksburg West,
1465. 28 March 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3960/11—Definate Solutions CC (in liquidation); Paula van Eeden, Liquidators on Call, 87A Rietfontein Road, Boksburg
West, 1465. 26 March 2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G595/10—Insolvent estate: Viola Ntkozo Dubazana; A.I. Surmany & D Ismail, RME Trust CC, P.O. Box 783601, Sandton,
2146. 03-04-2013, 09h00, Insolvency Magistrate, Roodepoort.
G608/2012—End2End Solutions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); G.H.J. Venter / V.P. Maluleke, Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice
Schwartz, Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 28 March 2013, 10h00, The Master in the South Gauteng
High Court, Johannesburg.
T1559/12—Midrand Diesel (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); A.I Surmany & M.I Patel, RMG Trust CC, P.O. Box 783601, Sandton,
2146. 10-04-2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G730/12—Pabar Lighting (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); A.I Surmany & P.F. Bodibe, RMG Trust CC, P.O. Box 783601, Sandton,
2146. 03-04-2013, 09h00, Insolvency Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T3280/11—Catharina Petronella van Zyl; M Oelofsen, Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate. 3 April 2013,
10h00, Master, Pretoria.
G1294/2012—HI Torque CC; G.I. Smit, S.M Rampoporo, c/o G.I. Smit, P.O. Box 21709, Helderkruin, 1733. 27 March 2013,
10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
C727/212—Erf 220 Kabega (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); G D Wallace & K B Gangen, Wallace Trustees & Administrators
(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 3 May 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C1036/2012—Permanent Roofing Contractors (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); G D Wallace & C J Pick Wallace Trustees
& Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanvile, 7551. 17 May 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C1099/2012—Gourmet Provisions (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); G D Wallace & J L Jacobs, Wallace Trustees &
Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 17 May 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C737/2012—Insolvent estate: Moegamat Mughtaar & Faieka Davids; G D Wallace, J J Theron & A T Lapoorta, Wallace
Trustees & Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 9 May 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.
T3978/11—Insolvent estate: Anita Chana; W Hogewind & G, M van Tonder, P.O. Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041. 18 April
2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
B75/2012—Jacob Cornelis Francois Taljaard; J.E. Saffy, Saffy & Vennote, Posbus 12439, Brandhof, 9324. 17 April 2013,
10h00, Meester van die Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein.
C124/2013—Deans Catamarans CC (in liquidation); MB Benginsel & R Willoughby. 5 April 2013, 11h00, Magistrate’s
Court, Bellville.
No. 36227
T1883/11—Insolvent estate: Nyatlo, RP (ID No: 6412140403081); Second meeting of creditors • Proof of claims; •
Submission of the trustees’ report; • Adoption of resolutions. Thursday, 18 April 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Mokopane
T3134/2011—Insolvent estate: Van den Heever, Amorita (ID No: 6311180043080); Second meeting of creditors • Proof of
claims; • Submission of the trustees’ report; • Adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Master of the
High Court, Pretoria.
T536/2012—Insolvent estate: Vogel, John James Hearn (ID No: 7109115005086); Second meeting of creditors • Proof of
claims; • Submission of the trustees’ report; • Adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Master of the
High Court, Pretoria.
C727/2012—Erf 220 Kabega (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); G D Wallace & K B Gangen, Wallace Trustees & Administrators
(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 3 May 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C1036/2012—Permanent Roofing Contractors (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); G D Wallace & C J Pick, Wallace Trustees
& Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 17 May 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C1099/2012—Gourmet Provisions (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); G D Wallace & C J Pick, Wallace Trustees &
Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 17 May 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C737/2012—Insolvent estate: Moegamat Mughtaar & Faieka Davids; G D Wallace, J J Theron & A T Lapoorta, Wallace
Trustees & Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551. 9 May 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.
T0068/13—Kudu Kunsmis CC (Reg No: 2009/070963/23) (in liquidation); Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Lisl Anna
Loubser, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.
S50/2012—Nap Manufacturing CC (in liquidation); Carol-Ann Schroeder, c/o Idec Trustees, c/o 66 Recreation Road,
Southerwood, East London, 5200. 3 April 2013, 14h00, The Master, Port Elizabeth. For the following purposes: 1. Proof of
claims; 2. Tabling of liquidators report; 3. Giving the liquidator directions.
G1292/12—Ariano 145 CC t/a Danver Eng, Services (in liquidation); H Kaplan S Roopa, CK Trust, Block A, Ground Floor,
Morningside Close, Mitchelle Street, Morningside. 26-3-2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T4873/08—Insolvent estate: Charles Edward Niehaus; Shirish Kalian, P.O. Box 2749, Parklands, 2121. 17 April 2013,
10h00, Before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T4873/08—Charles Edward Niehaus; S J Kalianjee Trustee, Dudleyweg 44, h/v Boltonweg, Rosebank. 17 April 2013,
10h00, Meester van die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof. 1. Om eise te bewys; 2. Om die verslag te aanvaar; 3. Om besluite
en opdragte te aanvaar.
T900/12—Disolong Distribution and Retailing CC (in liquidation); S J Kalianjee & M J Bekker, c/o P.O. Box 2749,
Parklands, 2121. 9 April 2013, 10h00, The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T900/12—Disolong Distribution and Retailing BK (in likwidasie); 9 April 2013, 10h00, Noord Gauteng Hooggereghof,
Pretoria. 1. Om eise te bewys; 2. Om die verslag te aanvaar; 3. Om besluite en opdragte te aanvaar. SJ Kaliaanjee &
M J Bekker Likwidateurs, Dudleyweg 44, H/v Boltonweg, Rosebank.
B53/2012—Insolvent estate: Collette Klopper; A van Vuuren & M T Torres, Equinox Trustees, P.O. Box 17714, Randhart,
1457. 5 April 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate, Winburg.
G887/2012—4 x 4 South Africa (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); P C Koen & E Makhese, Joint Liquidators, c/o Equinox Trustees,
P.O. Box 17714, Randhart, 1457. Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 09:00 am, Magistrate, Randburg.
B66/2011—Satinsky 188 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); A van Vuuren, Liquidator Equinox Trustees, P.O. Box 17714, Randhart,
1457. Wednesday, 3 April 2012, 10:00 am, Magistrate, Welkom.
T3134/2011—Insolvent estate: Van den Heever, Amorita (ID No: 6311180043080); Second meeting of creditors • Proof of
claims; • Submission of the trustees’ report; • Adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Master of the
High Court, Pretoria.
T536/2012—Insolvent estate: Vogel, John James Hearn (ID No: 7109115005086); Second meeting of creditors • Proof of
claims; • Submission of the trustees’ report; • Adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Master of the
High Court, Pretoria.
C861/2012—Insolvent estate: Trading Alpha Trust; H A Plaatjies, CF Bester & EA Beddy, c/o Independent Trustees (Pty)
Ltd, P.O. Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 5 April 2013, 11:00 am, Magistrate, Bellville.
B135/2012—Carlos Alberto da Silva; L.B. Saffy, Honey Prokureurs, Posbus 29, Bloemfontein, 9300. Vrydag, 19 April
2013, 10h00, Landdroshof, Harrismith.
T4080/11—Insolvent estate: Andries Philippus Engelbrecht (ID No: 5607065099084); Second meeting • Proof of claims;
• Submission of the trustees’ report; • Adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court,
T4057/10—Insolvent estate: Nikkel Trading 24 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2008/007528/07. Second meeting, proof of claims,
submission of the Liquidator’s Report, adoption of resolution. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 10h00,
T3286/12—Insolvent estate: PHS Travel (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2011/107662/07. Second meeting, proof of claims,
submission of the Liquidator’s report, adoption of resolution. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 10h00,
T3442/11—Insolvent estate: Carla Elaine Crowngold, ID No. 4609180056081. Second meeting, proof of claims,
submission of the Trustee’s Report, adoption of resolutions. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 10h00,
S90/2012—Capensis Investments 238 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc., P Q Naidoo, c/o
PQ Naidoo Attorneys. 10/04/2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.
T1421/11—Insolvente boedel: S M Ciorovich. R Stockhoff & A Mahomed (CO JZH Muller), Executive Trust, P O Box
90445, Garsfontein, 0042. 9 April 2013, Master of the High Court, Pretoria at 10:00.
No. 36227
S100/2012—Insolvent estate: Honeyfield Estate, Property Trust. J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc., 317 Cape
Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth & Michael Timkoe, c/o Timkoe Trustees, 1 Digby Street, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth.
10/04/2013, 14h00, Master of the Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth.
S90/2012—Capensis Investments 238 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc. & P Q Naidoo,
C/o PQ Naidoo Attorneys. 10/04/2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.
T5650/11—Pret Logistic Bk (in liquidation). K van der Westhuizen & N M Phosa, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex
356, Pretoria. 08/04/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T2724/09—Insolvente boedel: A van der Merwe. A Strydom & A Barnard, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356,
Pretoria. 12/04/13, 09:00, Landdros, Nelspruit.
T5199/10—Insolvente boedel: Samuel Frederik & Anna Catharina Ungerer. JP Fourie/CC Mienie/EM Edwards/NY Seriti
Tutor Trust, posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Landdros, Krugersdorp.
T5279/11—Insolvente boedel: J F P A Smuts. A Strydom & F Serithi, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria.
12/04/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T123/08—Insolvent boedel: S & L Sheasby. J P Fourie & W N Jacobs, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria.
10/04/13, 10:00, Landdros, Cullinan.
T1410/12—Insolvente boedel: H Oosthuizen. A Strydom & M M Sambo, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356,
Pretoria. 08/04/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T847/10—Insolvente boedel: SE Nhlapo. JP Fourie & M Haywood, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 29 Maart
2013, 10h00, Landdros, Witbank.
T5284/10—Insolvente boedel: S P F Kotze. J P Fourie & J G Adolph, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria.
10/04/13, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T1101/12—Insolvente boedel: Leonard Jacobus Kirchner. Jacobus Petrus Fourie, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina,
0031. 8 April 2013, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.
T4900/11—Insolvente boedel: M J P Fismer. A Strydom & E M Edwards, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356,
Pretoria. 11/04/13, 11:30, Landdros, Boksburg.
T2494/11—Insolvent boedel: Chandler Magdalene Christene. Kobus van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598,
Gezina, 0031. 5 April 2013, 9:00, Magistrate, Meyerton.
T0762/12—Insolvente boedel: Heila Magdalena Salmon. Kobus van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina,
0031. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.
T2040/12—Insolvente boedel: A D Roux. J P Fourie & A B Tayob, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria.
10/04/13, 10:00, Landdros, Benoni.
T3854/11—Insolvente boedel: Jacobus Nicolaas Coetzer; Kobus van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598,
Gezina, 0031. 4 April 2013, 10:00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.
T3123—Insolvente boedel: J G & M A Mostert; A Strydom & J J de Gama, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356,
Pretoria. 09-04-2013, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
C1051/11—Insolvente boedel: M H B & K A Grove; A Strydom & K Titus, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356,
Pretoria. 11-04-2013, 09:00, Landdros, Wynberg.
T1967/12—Insolvente boedel: Dulcina Brito; Kobus van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 5 April
2013, 9:00, Landdros, Meyerton.
T5200/08—Insolvente boedel: W van der Westhuizen; J P Fourie & A Barnard, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031; Docex 356,
Pretoria. 08-04-2013, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
G369/11—Pugh, WC; IL van Diggelen, NA Matlala, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. 4 April 2013,
10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T3993/11—Cable Fault CC (Reg. No. 1995/008024/23) (in liquidation); HJ Quinn & JG Adolph (Co: JZH Muller), PO Box
92332, Mooikloof, 0059. 2 April 2013, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T1698/12—Insolvent estate: Christensen, BG (ID No. 5410190172086); J F Engelbrecht & A Yeun, Icon Insolvency
Practitioners (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 92332, Mooikloof, 0059. 5 April 2013, Master, Johannesburg.
T1575/11—Insolvent estate: Mari-Anne de Wet, I.D. 6209020092087, residing at: 656 29th Avenue, Villieria, Gauteng;
Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Catherina Elizabeth Oosthuizen, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria,
0083. 10 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2459/11—Insolvent estate: Mynie Lombard Enslin, I.D. 4312290006084, residing at: Stand 659, Rietvalleirand Ext 39,
Clearwater Estate, Gauteng; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Karen Keevy, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia,
Pretoria, 0083. 12 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T5551/10—Insolvent estate: Dorah Fikile Xaba, I.D. 7403020654082, residing at: 880 Wonderpark Estate, 1st Street,
Karenpark Ext 24, Pretoria; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Magda Wilma Kets, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street,
Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 11 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T1551/12—Insolvent estate: Hermanus Johannes & Vanessa Fleischmann, I.D. 6612165038080 & 6806170180081,
residing at: 9 Waterjaar Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Dilshad Ismail, Bureau Trust
(Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 9 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T7153/09—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Christoffel & Dina Marie Cicilia Coetzee, I.D. 5604175034085 & 5906130084083,
residing at: 537 Chadwick, Montana Gardens, Pretoria; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Ankia van Jaarsveldt & Mathole Serofo
Motshekga, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 11 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria
No. 36227
T5022/11—Insolvente boedel: Eunica Francinah Refilwe Disemelo Testamentary Trust, IT No. 19526/04, woonagtig te:
42 Sapphire, 17 Lemonwood Street, Eco Park Estate, Highveld Ext 51; Alta van Wyk, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk,
Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Op Maandag, 8 April 2013 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,
T0450/12—Maatlakgomo Kodumela Trading Enterprise CC (Reg. No. 2007/105365/23) (in liquidation); C Murray &
AB Tayob, p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. 19 April 2013, 10:00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Thabazimbi.
T4890/11—Nascar Motor Sport CC (2005/092283/23) (in liquidation); J H Botha, M B Beginsel, p/a Sechaba Trust,
PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. Monday, 8 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3195/12—Thunder Cats Investments 81 (Pty) Limited (2004/006891/07); J H Botha, K Keevy, p/a Sechaba Trust,
PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. Monday, 8 April 2013, 09h00, Tzaneen.
T1941/12—Truter, Johanna Catharina, ID No. 7203140027080; C Murray & SS Mphahlele, p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box
11889, Tramshed, 0126. 8 April 2013, 10:00, Presiding Officer, Master, Pretoria.
T44/12—Centurion Townhouses (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 2006/028747/07) (in liquidation), reg address: C/o Johan
Viljoen Attorneys, 206 Harvard Avenue, Clubview, Centurion; Pieter Hendrik Strydom & Louisa Selina Kgatle (Co: Lily Mampina
Malatsi-Teffo), c/o Bureau Trust, 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0084. 10 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T1708/12—Insolvente boedel: G P de Wet, ID No. 5803065001085, woonagtig te: Ben Swartstraat 753, Rietfontein;
LJ Strydom & AMG Suliman, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge
Kantoorblok, h/v Koedoesnek- & Grysbokstraat, Waterkloofrif, 0181. 12 April 2013 om 10:00 voor die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T2542/12—Manzinex CC (Reg. No. 2011/029332/23) (in liquidation); PJC van Staden & M Meisel (Co: Z Cassim), c/o
St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0028. 02-04-2013, 09:00, Magistrate, Sabie.
T1960/10—Insolvent estate: H Janse van Rensburg; PJC van Staden & R de Beer, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens
International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.
T5300/11—Insolvent estate: Een Twee Trust; PJC van Staden & EW Prinsloo, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens
International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.
T4909/12—Bluechip Technical CC (Reg. No. 2006/204735/23) (in liquidation); EP Maenetja, p/a St. Adens International,
Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 08-04-2013, 09h30, Landdros, Lydenburg.
T3389/11—Galactic Deals 199 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/023262/07); PJC van Staden & KS Mahlangu, p/a St. Adens (Pty)
ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 05-04-2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North,
T314/12—Riodor 60 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/022000/07); PJC van Staden & KC Monyela, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a
St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 05-04-2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria.
T1590/10—Insolvent estate: PM Chiloane, ID No. 7912010260080; R Steynsburg & MS Mphahlele, p/a St. Adens (Pty)
Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 11-04-2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T5136/11—Insolvent estate: NR & S Pillay; CM Viljoen & Haywood, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International,
Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 3 April 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Randburg.
T2437/11—Insolvente boedel: Rocco Reinach, ID: 7310185121080; M Becker & F Sharief, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a
St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 8 April 2013, 10:00, Meester, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria.
T2437/11—Insolvente boedel: Mojet Trust, No. IT6135/05; A van Jaarsveldt, EM Venter, WN Jacobs, p/a St. Adens (Pty)
Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 3 April 2013, 09:00, Landdros, Roodepoort.
T6090/09—Insolvente boedel: Jacobus Hendrik Cilliers, ID: 6305045003081; M Haywood & R Masoanganye, p/a
St Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 2 April 2013, 10:00, Meester, Noord Gauteng,
G747/12—Anzel Trading 1062 BK (Reg. No. 2005/040307/23 (in likwidasie); PJC van Staden & IT Tshikovhi, p/a St. Adens
(Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 5 April 2013, 09:00, Landdros, Westonaria.
T4870/11—Insolvent estate: Jean-Pierre Taljaard; PJC van Staden, C Viljoen & L Muller, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a
St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 8 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.
T3613/10—Insolvent estate: Llewellyn Schoeman; M Haywood & Z Kajee, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens
International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 27 Maart 2013, 09h00, Landdros, Randburg.
S100/2012—Insolvent estate: Honeyfield Estate Property Trust; J Brown, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok Inc., 317 Cape Road,
Newton Park, Port Elizabeth & Michael Timkoe, c/o Timkoe Trustees, 1 Digby Street, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth. 10-04-2013,
14h00, Master of the Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth.
T0218/12—Insolvent estate: Shaun Jan Barnard, ID: 83038155118085; C Viljoen & J Makama, c/o Black Pearl Liq,
Postnet Suite 260, Private Bag X15, Menlo Park, 0102. Friday, 5 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Ermelo.
T5320/2009—Insolvent estate: Wycliffe Apswenje & Thabsile Shezi Oponyo, ID: 19410620 & 5506080155089; R Marx
& R de Beer, c/o Black Pearl Liq, Postnet Suite 260, Private Bag X15, Menlo Park, 0102. Monday, 8 April 2013, 10h00, Master,
T1674/11—Insolvent estate: Michael Frederick & Antonette Horn, ID: 661115001081 & 7004060052086; C Viljoen &
R Cassim, c/o Black Pearl Liq, Postnet Suite 260, Private Bag X15, Menlo Park, 0102. Friday, 5 April 2013, 9h00, Magistrate,
No. 36227
T48/11—Insolvent estate: Hern, Juan & Martha, ID: 7902185134087 & 8008020029083; Kobus van der Westhuizen &
Desire Enslin & Joshua Muthanyi, c/o Black Pearl Liq, Postnet Suite 260, Private Bag X15, Menlo Park, 0102. Friday, 5 April
2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
S111/2012—Insolvent estate: Simon Christopher Thomas Ward; M. Timkoe, c/o Mike Timkoe Trustees, 1 Digby Road,
Framesby, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 27 March 2013, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.
T1952/12—The Manx Cat CC (in liquidation); M. J. D. Breytenbach, S. Mashele (Co. M. L. Mhlongo), c/o Breytenbach
Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 8 April 2013, 08h00, President Officer: Magistrate, Witrivier.
T5085/12—Anme 21 Beauty Centre CC (in liquidation); M. J. D. Breytenbach, B. Kgariya, c/o Breytenbach Business
Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 9 April 2013, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Master, Pretoria.
T2534/12—Sudel Real Estate CC (in liquidation); M. J. D. Breytenbach, M. J. Damons, c/o Breytenbach Business
Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 9 April 2013, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Master, Pretoria.
T4353/10—Marley Investments 7 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); L. M. Taljaard, A. M. G. Suliman, c/o Breytenbach Business
Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 11 April 2013, 10h00, Presiding Officer, Master, Johannesburg.
N210/12—Cyclone Construction (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Eugene Nel Berrange Inc, Suite 1, The Mews, Redlands
Estate, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. Friday, 5 April 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg.
N220/13—Pop-Up Trading 65 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Eugene Nel Berrange Inc, Suite 1, The Mews, Redlands Estate,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 10 April 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, Durban.
M51/2012—Francedi Staal en Konstruksie CC; D. M. Botha & R. S. Tau, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675,
Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
G499/12—Scenic Route Trading 453 CC; D. M. Botha & S. I. Ganie, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675,
Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T581/2012—L Coetzee; D. M. Botha & P. T. Rabaji, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T212/12—ME Britz; E. L. Bester & T. R. Ndebele, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Tuesday,
2 April 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng Court, Pretoria.
T116/12—SW Liebenberg; M. H. Davel & C. van den Heever, per Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside,
0132. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
(Master’s Reference No. T5283/09)
Pursuant to section 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the undermentioned have
been appointed Joint Trustees of the above-mentioned insolvent estate, and that all persons indebted to the insolvents are
required to pay their debts to the Joint Trustees forthwith.
The Second Meeting of creditors will be held before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria at 316 Thabo Sehume Street,
Pretoria on 10 April 2013 at 10h00, for the following purposes:
1. Proof of claims against the insolvent estate;
2. receiving the Joint Trustees’ report as to the affairs and conditions of the insolvent estate; and
3. giving the Joint Trustees directions concerning the sale or recovery of any assets of the insolvent estate or concerning
any matter relating to the administration thereof.
Alexander Steyn & Rentia de Beer, Joint Trustee, c/o Stein Incorporated, 41 Vindhella Road, Valhalla, Pretoria. Contact
No. (012) 654-7306.
Form/Vorm 2
Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926,
and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be
held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of
estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the
purposes of meeting.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be
held before the Magistrate.
No. 36227
Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,
en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van
skuld-eisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met
aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum,
uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms.
In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor
die Landdros gehou.
E1/2011—Baswar Trading CC. 3 April 2013, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Adelaide. 1. Special meeting of creditors: Late
proof of claims.
C332/2012—Price, Tyron Barney John. Tuesday, 16 April 2013, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of
C791/2012—Solomon Engineering CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.
Proof of claims.
B219/2010—Vista Park Developers (Edms) Bpk. Woensdag, 20 Maart 2013, 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein.
T0533/11—Insolvent estate: GC Liebenberg. 4 April 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria North. Further proof of
B219/2010—Vista Park Developers (Edms) Bpk. Woensdag, 20 Maart 2013, 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein.
C965/2010—Insolvent estate: Marthinus Van Reenen Potgieter. Firday, 5 April 2013, 09h00, The Master of the High
Court, Cape Town. In compliance with the provisions of Section 56 of the Close Corporations Act No. 69 of 1984 (as amended)
a read with the provision of Sections 339, 386 (l) (d), 412 (1) and 415 of the Companies Act, 1973 (as amended) and read with
the provisions of Sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended), notice is hereby given that a Special
and General Meeting will be held at 09h00 on Friday, 5 April 2013, at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town
for the purposes of: 1. Further proof of claims. 2. Interrogation of insolvent and other interested parties.
K17/2012—Stein Civils CC. 05-04-2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Springbok. Proof of claims.
C1107/2011—Insolvent estate: Mario Brand. 5 April 2013, 9:00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims.
C225/2011—Insolvent estate: Jennifer Ann Pike. 5 April 2013, 9:00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of
further claims.
T0533/11—Insolvent estate: GC Liebenberg. 4 April 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria North. Further proof of
G1443/11—Benadec Construction (Pty) Ltd. 28 March 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. Further proving of claims.
T4347/11—Insolvente boedel: L & JB Van der Walt. Donderdag, 28 Maart 2013, 9h00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. Bewys
van Verdere Eise.
T3723/10—Insolvent estate: Johannes Lodewikus Buys (ID No. 7012065161083), 50 Mackie Street, Baileys,
Muchleneuk, Pretoria. Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. 1) Further proof of claims. 2) Holding of an enquiry.
T7701/09—Kuvuswa-Ezivusako Civil Construction CC (Reg No. 2002/085100/23). Monday, 8 April 2013, 10h00, Master
of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims.
T7546/09—Insolvente boedel: K Van Wyk. 4 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. 1. Bewys van eise.
T3772/11—SA Shelving & Racking CC. 28/03/2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Bewys van eise:
1. SARS.
2. Merchant Factors.
3. Mooke PS.
4. Masilela MN.
5. Buthelezi SM.
6. Yothwana MA.
7. Kiviet MA.
8. Mokau MP.
9. Tsotesi NL.
10. Motaung TJ.
T2020/10—Insolvente boedel: K & M C E Kardos. 28/03/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van
T4386/11—Insolvente boedel: T S Genn. 28/03/13, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. * Om resolusie
2 te aanvaar:
“All actions of whatsoever nature hereto before taken by the provisional Trustee(s) and/or Trustee be and are hereby
confirmed, ratified and approved.”
* Om resolusie 8 te aanvaar:
“That the Trustee(s) be and is/are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of
whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon
such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he/they may deem fit.”
* Om resolusie 15 te aanvaar:
“That the Trustee(s) be and is/are hereby authorised and empowered in his/their discretion to compromise or admit any
claim against the estate, whether liquidated or not liquidated, arising from any guarantee or any other cause whatsoever, as a
liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon between
the creditor(s) concerned and the Trustee(s) provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors.”
No. 36227
T64/12—Feathernote 3 (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). 4 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. 1. Bewys van eise.
T0309/11—Ndlela Z B. Thursday, 4 April 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. General meeting for
acceptance and adoption of resolutions not accepted in second meeting.
T64/12—Feathernote 3 (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). 4 April 2013, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. * Bewys van eise.
* Om resolusies nommers 2, 8 en 14 te aanvaar:
2. All actions of whatsoever nature hereto before taken by the provisional Liquidator(s) and/or Liquidator(s) be and are
hereby confirmed, ratified and approved.
8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is/are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of
whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon
such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he/they may deem fit.
14. That the Liquidator(s) be and is/are hereby authorised and empowered in his/their discretion to compromise or admit
any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or not liquidated, arising from any guarantee or any other cause whatsoever,
as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon
between the creditor(s) concerned and the Trustee(s) provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors.
K19/2012—Insolvente boedel: Golden Rewards Bk (Reg: 2006/084982/23), gelee te Kwessiestraat 7, Upington,
Noord-Kaap Provinsie. Woensdag, 3 April 2013, 10h00, Die Meester, Kimberley. Tweede vergadering van skuldeisers en neem
van opdragte van krediteure.
T3156/10—Carisa Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Thursday, 4 April 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High
Court, Pretoria. To prove further claims.
G1267/08—Kadoma Trading 16 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Thursday, 4 April 2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court,
Johannesburg. To prove further claims.
G717/2007—Insolvent estate: Kasturi & Leonard Manickum. Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 09h00, The Magistrate,
Randburg. To prove further claims.
C27/2012—Insolvent estate: CH Briedenhann. 28 March 2013, 09:00 am, The Magistrate, Somerset West. Further proof
of claims.
T5291/09—Insolvent estate: Bothma Heila Helena Levina (ID: 6610090008087). Friday, 12 April 2013, 09h00, The
Magistrate, Ermelo. Proof of claim. Investrust. P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T1175/09—Insolvent estate: Shakwana MacMillian Kokotso & Gracious Thembakazi (ID: 8505190662080 &
8112205579084). Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Cullinan. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The
Tramshed, 0126.
T6527/09—Insolvent estate: Thantsa Brian Mike Mabuela (ID: 7810105662080). Thursday, 4 April 2013, 09h00,
The Magistrate, Pretoria North. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
G787/11—Lepu Event Management & Catering Solutions CC (in liquidation). 10 April 2013, 10h00, Master,
Johannesburg. Proving of further claims.
G225/08—Morning Tide Investments 170 (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2005/030153/07) (in liquidation). 27 March 2013, 09h00,
Magistrate, Randburg. General meeting of creditors for the adoption of the following resolution/s:
(1) That the Joint Liquidators be instructed to investigate the occupation of the property by Mr Jeremy Smith the erstwhile
T2552/11—Norland Trading (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2000/025113/07) (in liquidation). 26 March 2013, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
Proving of claims.
G1709/11—Jad Tiling CC (Reg No. 2001/014868/23) (in liquidation). 25 March 2013, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
Proving of claims.
C1107/2011—Insolvent estate: Mario Brand. 5 April 2013, 9:00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of further
C225/2011—Insolvent estate: Jennifer Ann Pike. 5 April 2013, 9:00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of
further claims.
C935/2012—Regma Digital Bureau (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 29 March 2013, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape
Town. Proof of claims, receive the Liquidators report.
D70/2012—Super Team Electrical Richards Bay (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 27 March 2013, 10:00 am, Master, Durban.
Proof of claims.
D69/2012—Super Team Electrical Durban (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 27 March 2013, 10:00 am, Master, Durban. Proof of
N8/08—Highway Stakes CC(in liquidation). 27 March 2013, 10:00 am, Master, Durban. Proof of claims.
D104/09—I/E: M S Javaid. 27 March 2013, 10h00, Master, Durban. Proof of claims.
T1175/09—Insolvent estate: Shakwana MacMillian Kokotso & Gracious Thembakazi (ID: 8505190662080 &
8112205579084). Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Cullinan. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The
Tramshed, 0126.
T5291/09—Insolvent estate: Bothma Heila Helena Levina (ID: 6610090008087). Friday, 12 April 2013, 09h00, The
Magistrate, Ermelo. Proof of claim. Investrust. P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T6527/09—Insolvent estate: Thantsa Brian Mike Mabuela (ID: 7810105662080). Thursday, 4 April 2013, 09h00,
The Magistrate, Pretoria North. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T3611/11—Insolvent estate: Lubbe, JH (ID No. 5304260002085). Monday, 15 April 2013, 10h00, The Magistrate, Brits.
Proof of claims. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
C344/2011—Grant’s Kitchen Shop CC (in liquidation). Thursday, 4 April 2013, 9:00 am, The Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.
Further proof of claims.
C740/2012—Lezmin 1072 CC (in liquidation). Thursday, 4 April 2013, 9:00 am, The Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg. Further
proof of claims.
No. 36227
C329/2011—Wird Coating Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 9:00 am, The Magistrate’s
Court, Goodwood. Further proof of claims.
C990/2012—GCX Carbon & Energy Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Friday, 5 April 2013, 9:00 am, The Master of the
High Court, Cape Town. Further proof of claims.
N210/10—Bax Bros (Pty) Ltd (CK: 1996/007310/07) (in liquidation). 29 March 2013, 10h00, Master of the high Court,
Pietermaritzburg. Special meeting for the proving of late claims.
K27/2010—In die beslote korporasie bekend as Kimberley Dairies SA Bk (CK1999/049455/23) (in likwidasie), met
geregistreerde adres te 1ste Vloer, Permanent gebou, Jonesstr 25, Kimberley en plek van besigheid te die plaas Witpan,
distrik Kimberley, Provinsie Noord Kaap. 27/3/2013, 10h00, Meester, Kimberley. Bewys van eise.
T4269/2010—Lindo Zuko Yani. Wednesday, 20 March 2013, Master of High Court, Johannesburg. Second meeting to
proof claims.
G165/11—Sunrise Solo Africa Investments Holdings CC (in liquidation). 10 April 2013, 10:00 am, South Gauteng Master
of the High Court. Proof of claims.
T2457/11—Brits Feed Property Investments CC. Thursday, 4 April 2013, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria. Proof of claims.
N94/2012—KZN Grain Commodity Traders CC (in liquidation). 5 April 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, PMB.
Proof of claims.
D030/2011—Insolvent estate: CL Ernst. 5 April 2013, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, PMB. Proof of claims.
S113/2010—DR Jones & Van Heerden Inc. (in liquidation). 17 April 2013. Further proof of claims.
G646/09—Classic Crown Properties 84 CC (in liquidation). 20 March 2013, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. Proof of claims.
B173/2011—BCE Agri CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 10h00, Master, Bloemfontein. To prove further claims.
T3382/11—Shelfline 150 (Pty) Ltd (Reg: 2005/019172/07) (in liquidation). 02-04-2013, 10h00, Master of the High Court,
Gauteng North, Pretoria. Further proof of claims.
T1889/10—Insolvente boedel: Nicolaas Jakobus Erasmus (ID: 6604195130086). Vrydag, 5 April 2013, Die voorsittende
beampte, Meester van die Hooggeregshof Noord-Gauteng, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise.
T1003/09—Insolvent estate: NG Human. 02/04/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of
T1989/10—Insolvent estate: JJ Botha. 02/04/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims.
T3733/10—Insolvent estate: The Full Faith Trust. 02/04/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further
proof of claims.
T2688/10—Insolvent estate: HSM & NN Sibuyi. 02/04/2013, 10h00, The Master of the High court, Pretoria. Further proof
of claims.
T6476/09—Insolvent estate: BHP & AS Kruger. 05/04/2013, 09h30, The Magistrate of Krugersdorp. Further proof of
T1542/10—Insolvent estate: CJ Geyer. 02/04/2013, 09h00, The Magistrate of Kempton Park. Further proof of claims.
C994/2012—Birch Precision Rooftrusses CC. Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 09h00, Magistrate’s Office, Kuilsriver. Proof of
T4964/10—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Gerhardus Barkhuizen (ID: 8009175211088), woonagtig te: Rietbokstraat 64,
Monumentpark, Pretoria; Leonardus Johannes Strydom, Elizabeth Margaret Edwards, Alta Van Wyk, P/a James van Rensburg
& Strydom (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 13988, Hatfield, 0028. Woensdag, 3 April 2013, 10h00, voor die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof te Pretoria. Die hou van ’n Spesiale Vergadering vir: 1. Bewys van verdere eise.
C361/2012—Puricare George CC (in liquidation). 27 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, George. Interrogation of members.
C1352/2011—Puricare (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 27 March 2013, 09h00, Magistrate, George. Interrogation of directors.
Form/Vorm 4
Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and
section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of
distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors
or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such
a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may
be the later date.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/
company; description of account; account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, date, period (if longer
than 14 days).
No. 36227
Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel
406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of
kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van
skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n
tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum
van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, datum,
tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).
C1312/2009—The Olympian Developing Company (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville; Magistrate, Somerset West.
E20/2011—Insolvent estate: Michelle Gailene Hannan. First Liquidation Account. Master of the High Courrt,
Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Court, East London.
C1229/2011—Gennetta Trading (Pty) Ltd, trading as Cherokee Spur (in voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.
C250/2010—Leopont 279 Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Mossel Bay.
S87/2009—Insolvent estate: Riaan van der Watt. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Contribution and Distribution
Account. Port Elizabeth.
C858/2011—Insolvent estate: Gerhard Josef Stofberg. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River.
C434/2010—Pas Close 55 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape
Town; Magistrate’s Office, Bellville.
C443/2008—Thunderflex 59 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office,
Cape Town; Magistrate’s Office, Strand.
C1289/2010—Quali Plas (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Office, Bellville.
C94/2010—Comcivils CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape
Town; Magistrate’s Office, Wynberg.
C883/2009—Kuvula Trade 44 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s
Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Office, Oudtshoorn.
T5345/10—Insolvent estate: ACG & E Slabbert. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria.
C762/2010—Planet Africa Developments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Master’s Office, Cape Town.
C642/2012—Jerimet (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Cape Town; Office of the Magistrate, Bellville & Magistrate, Atlantis.
C943/2010—Insolvent estate: Paul Smith. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Cape Town; Office of Magistrate, Bellville.
C943/2010—Insolvent estate: Paul Smith. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Cape Town; Office of Magistrate, Bellville.
C1095/2011—Africa’s Best 258 Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Cape Town; Magistrate, Grabouw.
G1317/2012—Mvelaphanda Platinum (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution
Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg.
G1016/2012—M Chemical Engineering SA (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution
Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg.
G402/2012—Becma Restaurant CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Benoni, 15-03-2013.
G1197/10—Insolvent estate: Ettienne Botha. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg;
Magistrate, Boksburg, 15/03/2013 to 29/03/2013.
G797/09—Insolvent estate: Breitz, Kirsti Harlene. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T385/06—Honey Coastline Investments 14 CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master,
G299/2011—Zytek Publishing (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution Account. Master of the
South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 15 March 2013.
B282/2010—Argonaut Trading Enterprises BK, in likwidasie. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein; Landdroshof, Welkom, 15 Maart 2013.
No. 36227
B268/2010—Isolvente boedel: Len Jansen van Rensburg. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en
Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Welkom, 15 Maart 2013.
T5141/09—Celvic CC, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Polokwane.
N153/2010—Insolvent estate: FJ & HL Wessels. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Newcastle.
N484/2003—Insolvent estate: R. Pargas. Amended Supplementary Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown.
N201/2010—Insolvent estate: JM & GM Mpofu. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg;
Magistrate, Ladysmith.
N29/2008—Aaphumeleli Trading 301 CC, in liquidation. Supplementary 2nd & Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown.
C975/10—Jacqueline Nicole van Wyk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Kuils River.
T5345/10—Insolvent estate: ACG & E Slabbert. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria.
C265/2012—Stalph 224 CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town.
C1314/11—Jocar Trust (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
C1393/2010—Vortex Mining CC, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Cape Town; Bellville Magistrate’s Court, 14 days from 15 March 2013.
C428/2012—Lownor (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape
C963/2012—Coalition Trading 145 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. BN Shaw &
SAG Khammissa. Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
T2923/10—Chrismeer 3019 Beleggings CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Inspection from 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
G510/08—MacMurray Auto CC, in liquidation. Supplementary Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master,
Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg.
T130/11—Twinspirit (Pty) Ltd, in liquidatino. First Liquidation Account. Inspection from 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
C1007/2011—Insolvent estate: Gavin Wayne van der Venter. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town.
B97/2011—Insolvente boedel: JP Pretorius, getroud in gemeenskap van goed met L Pretorius, en tydens sekwestrasie
woonagtig te Plot 78, Vrischgewaagd Kleinhoewe, Kroonstad, Provinsie Vrystaat. Tweede Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.
Meester, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Kroonstad.
B7/2011—Insolvente boedel: Wicus Holtzhausen, ongetroud en tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te Van Zylstraat 69,
Universitas, Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat. Aanvullende Kontribusierekening tot die Gewysigde Tweede en Finale
Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein.
D153/2012—Uniglo Intertainment CC (CK2007/123300/23), in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Durban; Magistrate’s Court, Durban.
C1360/2011—Insolvent estate: Petrus Hugo Coetzee. First Liquidation, Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Cape Town; Magistrate’s Worcester.
C715/2011—Changing Tides 1183 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s, Mossel Bay.
E37/2011—Heaton Building Contractors CC (2006/023600/23), with registered office at 80 Frere Road, Vincent, East
London, formerly trading at 15 Ray Craib Crescent, Beacon Bay, East London. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Grahamstown; East London.
T0137/2009—Forum SA Trading 7 (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Pretoria;
Vanderbijlpark, Vrydag, 15 Maart 2013.
M-72/2009—I/E: E.R. van Eeden, 7912280200089. Liquidtion Account & Plans for Distribution. Magistrate’s Court,
Vruburg, 18 March 2013.
T163/10—Insolvent estate: Baird, J, ID No. 6702185435083. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randfontein, as from 15 March 2013.
T4440/10—Insolvent estate: Schubert, IP, ID No. 7510155314082. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 15 March 2013.
T7292/09—Insolvent estate: Miya, PM, ID No. 5710280734088. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, as from 15 March 2013.
T3889/09—Insolvent estate: Nagel, PM, ID No. 6510085109082. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp, as from 15 March 2013.
T1214/11—Insolvent estate: Le Roux, JH, ID No. 4906125076087. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Nelspruit, as from 15 March 2013.
No. 36227
T4747/11—Insolvent estate: Brombacher, BN, ID No. 7205255041087. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg, as from 15 March 2013.
T4753/10—Insolvent estate: Jones, WB, ID No. 6010230250089. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp, as from 15 March 2013.
T2805/11—Insolvent estate: Erasmus, JJ & ML, ID No. 7701085100085 & 7040140056088. First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North, as from 15 March 2013.
T5200/10—Insolvent estate: Viljoen, GC & S, ID No. 7805295149087 & 8001240261081. First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Potgietersrus, as from 15 March 2013.
T6390/09—Insolvent estate: Stylestar Properties 44 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/013338/07). First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 15 March 2013.
T4612/09—Insolvent estate: Aquarella Investments 310 (Pty) ltd (Reg. No. 2006/00214/07), in liquidation. First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 15 March 2013.
T5697/10—Insolvent estate: Crocodile Country Inn (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 203/000913/07). Second Amended First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Nelspruit, as from 15 March
T2092/11—Insolvent estate: DK Planthire CC (Reg. No. 2005/101649/23). Amended First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Nelspruit, as from 15 March 2013.
D245/2011—Allentown Investments CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Durban;
Magistrate, Chatsworth.
N150/2011—Dentway Investments CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Durban;
Master, Pietermaritzburg.
D221/2011—Rich Rewards Trading 78 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master, Durban.
C265/2012—Stalph 224 CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town.
G113/06—Insolvent estate: Meir Gonen, ID No. 5704275258087. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
Master, Johannesburg.
T340/09—Insolvent estate: Alwyn Johannes Jacobs, ID No. 6305205010082. Second & Final Liquidation and
Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Groblersdal.
G2341/09—Norse Air Maintenance (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2003/010029/07), in liquidation. Third & Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg.
T0234/11—Uptown Trading 792 CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria;
Magistrate, Lephalale.
E68/2010—Insolvent estate: Mark Hugo Family Trust, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
High Court, Grahamstown; Magistrate Court, East London.
G1002/08—Ultimate Bucket CC. Informal Supplementary Account to the First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg.
C539/08—Sourcecom Technology Solutions (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 15 March 2013.
C539/08—Sourcecom Technology Solutions (Eiendoms) Beperk, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad, vanaf 15 Maart 2013 tot 9 April 2013.
T2507/2010—Insolvent estate: Ntate Frekkie Khoza. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria.
T2107/09—Klinkert Construction Enterprises CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Tzaneen.
C975/10—Jacqueline Nicole van Wyk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Kuils River.
C394/2012–Pilbeam (RSA) (Pty) Ltd. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the Western Cape High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate Courts: Stellenbosch, Somerset West.
C1314/11—Jocar Trust (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
B94/2010—MJ Beef (Edms) Bpk, in likwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein;
Landdros, Ladybrand, 15/03/2013.
B37/2012—Insolvente boedel: Willem Sternberg Malan. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. Meester,
Bloemfontein, 15-03-2013.
B41/2012—Insolvente boedel: SJLER Investment Trust. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekeing.
Meester, Bloemfontein, 15-03-2013.
M55/2008—Insolvent estate: F.H. & C.V.P. Nagel, FH Nagel 6709205182082, CVP Nagel 7011100282086. Liquidation
Account & plans for distribution. Magistrate’s Court, Rustenburg, 11 March 2011.
M72/2009—Insolvent estate: E.R. van Eeden, 7912280200089. Liquidation Account & plans for distribution. Magistrate’s
Court, Vryburg, 18 March 2013.
C207/2010—Insolvent estate: K E Henriksen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Cape Town.
C1144/2009—Saving Hands Training (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town & Magistrate, Randburg.
No. 36227
C795/2010—Valuline 194 (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Cape Town & Magistrate, Bellville.
T1622/12—Insolvente boedel: Jan Daniel van der Sandt. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdros, Springs.
N58/05—Chantelle van Rensburg (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,
Pietermaritzburg, Durban & Magistrate’s Court, Durban, from 15 March until 30 March 2013.
C358/10—Insolvent estate: Leon le Roux. Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Cape Town; Magistrate, Hopefield, 15 March 2013.
T3604/08—Insolvent estate: Gertruida Johanna Kruger. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The
Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Roodepoort.
G1103/2011—Insolvent estate: WW & B Pretorius. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The
Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T1680/08—Insolvent estate: N A P van der Merwe. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T3335/09—Insolvent estate: M J van der Westhuizen. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The
Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T5547/10—Insolvent estate: Independent Readymix C.C. (Reg. No. 2007/199395/23). First & Final Liquidation,
Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from: 15 March 2013.
T0344/11—Insolvent estate: Dusa Fixing Constructors CC (Reg. No. 2009/166364/23). First and Final Liquidation &
Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as well as the Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit, as from:
15 March 2013.
G1649/11—Insolvent estate: Thimblehill Investments 265 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2005/038855/07. Amended First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, as from: 15 March
B159/2010—Insolvente boedel: Filippus de Beer. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein; Landdroshof, Bultfontein, 8 Maart 2013.
B40/2012—Insolvente boedel: Radyn Trust (IT1349/98). Die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein; Landdroshof, Parys, 8 Maart 2013.
G1878/10—Assante, MJ & W. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High
Court, Johannesburg, dated from: 15 March 2013 to: 29 March 2013.
G1314/10—Romanesque Property Investments 50 (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. From: 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
T2071/11—Insolvent estate: H Janse van Rensburg. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria. From: 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
T4928/11—Insolvent estate: HD Santillan. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contributuion Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria, from 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
T2070/11—Insolvent estate: JH Janse van Rensburg. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria. From 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
T1981/11—Insolvent estate: MV & D Roothman. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria. From 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
T3290/11—Insolvent estate: Z Cromhout. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Pretoria. From 15 March 2013 to 29 March 2013.
T1867/08—Insolvent estate: RM & SM Klopper. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation-, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Randfontein, from 15 March 2013.
T4199/08—Insolvent estate: Adel van Wyk. First and Final Liquidation-, Distribution and Contribution Account. Before the
Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park, from 15 March 2013.
T2848/10—Cargo Africa Driver Empowerment 278 CC (Reg No: 2003/007102/23) (in liquidation). First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Master, Johannesburg. As from: 15 March 2013 till
29 March 2013.
T772/06—Insolvent estate: Wilnette Familie Trust (Reg No: IT 7535/97), Registered address: Portion 1 of the farm
Middeldrift, Thabazimbi. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Thabazimbi.
T3689/08—Insolvent estate: L A Dercksen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria.
T2466/11—Insolvente boedel: Uvaldi Cloete. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort.
N170/09—Brandco Trading & Investment CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High
Court, Pietermaritzburg.
T1711/10—Before the Wind Investments 193 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.
T4323/10—Insolvent estate: The Dexois Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T2919/10—Valortrade 1100 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate,
Kempton Park.
N07/08—Xia Xia International Metals (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High
Court, Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban.
No. 36227
T5613/2011—Bravorox 60 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
C248/210—Broad Brush Investments 19 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Master of the Western Cape High Court.
T5350/2009—Insolvent estate: Mapateng Niclas Maluleka. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrates Court, Atteridgeville.
T5599/10—Insolvent estate: Ntuli, Simon John, ID No. 8403145944086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T2663/11—Quoin Rock Winery (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1998/021762/07) (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston.
T1934/10—Supercool Loader Services (Reg. No. 2001/041104/23) (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Rustenburg.
T4023/11—Insolvente boedel: H & SE Scheepers, I.D. No’s. 7412115101081 & 7804100073087, woonagtig te Fornebystr
34, Highveld, Centurion. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof,
T477/12—Maphafo Electrical Wholesalers BK (Reg. No. 1997/005473/23 (in likwidasie), reg. adres: Glen Gables Block
B, 1st Floor South, cnr of Lynnwood & Genl Louis Botha Ave, Pretoria. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en
Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T1499/11—Insolvent estate: CJ Bloum. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria.
T367/05—Insolvent estate: KH Jooste. Amended First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T1093/09—Insolvent estate: C Ntshangase. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Palm Ridge, Alberton.
T4942/11—Insolvent estate: S Preston. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria.
T1207/09—Insolvent estate: BNJ van der Merwe. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Boksburg.
T1542/10—Insolvent estate: CJ Geyer. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T2496/10—Insolvent estate: Z Enslin. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria.
T6476/09—Insolvent estate: BHP & AS Kruger. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T1334/11—Insolvent estate: MJ Oosthuizen. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T1902/10—In liquidation: Catlex Natal CC. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and
the Magistrate, Nelspruit.
T1520/07—In liquidation: LBR Decor & Sewing Centurion CC. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,
T8257/09—In liquidation: SHS Protection CC. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Nelspruit.
T106/09—In liquidation: Lumiken Contractors CC. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T5538/10—In liquidation: Westside Trading 54 (Pty) Ltd. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria.
G1182/2008—Transdeco GTMH (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Third Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg.
B49/2007—Ludick Lipholo Builders (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended Third and Final Liquidation & Distribution
Account. Master, Bloemfontein.
T4625/09—Pacific Eagle Properties 20 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,
S57/2011—Everand Investments Close Corporation (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Master’s Office, Port Elizabeth.
B57/2009—Insolvente boedel: Juan Hattingh (ID: 7312095079085), getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en het voorheen
gepraktiseer as prokureur te Hattingh Prokureurs, President Steynstraat 23, Westdene, Bloemfontein, en woonagtig te
Lagoonrylaan 32, Salt Rock, Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.
Meester van die Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Stanger, vir 14 dae.
B118/2010—Insolvente boedel: Juan Hattingh N.O. & Johannes Mattheus Wessels Linstrom N.O. (in hul hoedanigheid
as Trustees van Greenline Trust (IT: 640/06), Reidstraat 48, Westdene, Bloemfontein, provinsie Vrystaat. Tweede en Finale
Likwidasie, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein, vir 14 dae.
N206/2011—Forte Farming CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Dannhauser and Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg.
D255/10—Durban Motorman Engineering CC (in liquidation). Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Durban.
N206/2011—Forte Farming CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Dannhauser; and Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg.
N109/2009—Insolvent estate: RJ Holderness. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pietermaritzburg, from 15-03-2013 until 29-03-2013.
N225/09—Insolvent estate: SJS & A Putter. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Vryheid, from 15-03-2013—29—03-2013.
No. 36227
N146/08—Caine Da Costa & Butler Construction CC. Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, PMB.
D188/09—Glowing Sunset Trading (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Durban.
N136/09—Insolvent estate: DA & EFC Hilson. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, from 15-03-2013 until 29-03-2013.
D157/07—Favour Unleashed CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Durban.
T3474/11—Barzani 23 (Pty) Limited. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court,
T6479/09—AC Lourens. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T3203/08—Propbel 42 CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court,
G1035/10—LRL Hugo. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng
High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randfontein.
M118/2009—Eezy Bond Rustenburg CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the
North West High Court, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Rustenburg.
T1000/10—Wood Haus CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria, 15-03-2013.
Form/Vorm 5
The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies
being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned,
notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies
Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or
contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every
creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the
address mentioned below.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company and account; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being
collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator.
Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of
maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig
is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926,
en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van
kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke
kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of
likwidateur moet betaal.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy en rekening; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie
ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.
C1091/2011—Insolvent estate: Noelle Shaw Bolton. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20/02/2013. Payment of
secured awards only. CP van Zyl & CL Adriaanse, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House,
58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C1311/11—The Virtual Services Group (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
22 February 2013. Contribution due. Sonja Lynne Plante Febure de Villeneuve and David Charles October, c/o Sizwe Business
Recoveries, PO Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018.
C1173/2011—Commando (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 07/01/2013.
D Acker, for Rauch Gertenbach Inc., 10 Church Street (PO Box 3), Mossel Bay, 6500.
G782/2012–Tiso Property Management (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 27/2/2013.
No award. J Simpson, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157.
No. 36227
C604/2011—Tramirloc Systems (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 19 February 2013.
Secured dividend being paid. Jurgens Johannes Steenkamp, Melvyn Patrick Nash, Joint Liquidators, c/o KPMG Services (Pty)
Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.
C134/2008—Reinvest Limited, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 04/02/2013. An award will
accrue to secured creditors only. DB Davids & MR Rajah, DC Trustees (Pty) Ltd, 27 Baring Street, Worcester, 6850.
N03/2011—Insolvent estate: Terence Gerard & Laurie Mary Caswell. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. Confirmed on 10/12/2012. Dividends being paid and contribution being collected. Marlene Retief, Platinum Financial
Solutions, 14A Windermere Place, Howick, 3290.
C339/2009—Badsha Soofie Trading CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 28/08/2012.
Mr MI Patel & S Ruiters, c/o Good Hope Trustees, 22nd Floor, Golden Acre Building, Cape Town.
B173/2009—Philippus Jacobus Lourens, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 28 Februarie
2013. Dividende word betaal.
C330/2011—Insolvent estate: Gerhardus Cornelius Marais. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
25/02/2013. In terms of the account an award will accrue to the secured creditor. BN Shaw & S Moodliar, Progressive
Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
N03/2011—Insolvent estate: Terence Gerard & Laurie Mary Caswell. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. Confirmed on 10/12/2012. Dividends being paid and contribution being collected. Marlene Retief, Platinum Financial
Solutions, 14A Windermere Place, Howick, 3290.
C907/2011—Oyster Lounge 777 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 27 February
2013. Contribution being collected. Ryno Engelbrecht, c/o Planet Administrators CC, PO Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000 and Rene
Willoughby, c/o MX3 Consultants, PO Box 1773, Bellville, 7535.
C749/2011—Insolvent estate: Bruwer Wessel van Tonder. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 27/02/2013.
Payment of secured awards only. CP van Zyl, GD Wallace & K Titus, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor,
Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C1108/2011—Gasmasters (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 15/02/2013. Secured
award/contribution levied. S Moodliar & HY Ismail, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s
Mall, Cape Town, 8001.
C437/2011—Jigsaw Promotions (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 15/02/2013.
Dividend payable & contribution collected. Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8001.
C544/2011—Insolvent estate: Graeme Allan Love. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 28/02/2013. Dividend
payable. Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8001.
C633/2010—Insolvent estate: Beatrix Averil Robson. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
25/02/2013. Dividend payable & contribution collected. Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town,
C790/2011—Insolvent estate: Die Simonsberg Besigheidstrust. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 20/02/2013.
Dividend payable. Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8001.
C1297/2010—Insolvent estate: Shaun and Yolanda Rudiger. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 15/02/2013.
Dividend payable. Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8001.
G459/08—Vac Air Technology (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fourth Liquidation & Distribution Account. 4 March 2013.
Dividends to secured and preferent creditors being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, PO Box 2823,
Saxonwold, 2132.
C299/2012—Insolvent estate: Shahir Ramjee, 18-02-2013. Dividend payable. C K Trust, PO Box 3065,. Tyger Valley,
G1848/10—Mbisa Trading Academy (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 5 March 2013.
No dividends being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, PO Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132.
C604/2011—Tramirloc Systems (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribuion Account. 19 February 2013.
Secured dividends being paid. Jurgens Johannes Steenkamp, Melvyn Patrick Nash Joint Liquidators, c/o KPMG Services (Pty)
Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.
T2079/09—Insolvent estate: Charlene Gerritzen. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
15/2/2013. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. LA Loubser, p/a Mabaso Trustees, PO Box 39198, Moreleta
Park, 0044.
T5168/09—Insolvent estate: Kwado Boateng & Rose Dankwa. First & Final Liquiodation & Distribution Account.
20/2/2013. Dividends to be paid. LA Loubser, p/a Mabaso Trustees, PO Box 39198, Moreleta Park, 0044.
T4428/08—Insolvent estate: Marthinus Johannes Pretorius. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
21/2/2013. Dividends to be paid & contribution to be collected. LA Loubser, p/a Mabaso Trustees, PO Box 39198, Moreleta Park,
C740/2012—Lezmin 1072 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 26/02/2013. In terms of the
account an award will accrue to the secured creditor. B N Shaw & A P Maralack, Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C518/2005—Insolvent estate: Graham James Gedult. Supplementary Amended Second and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. 28 February 2013. Dividend being paid. Ryno Engelbrecht, c/o Planet Administrators CC, PO Box 1995,
Cape Town, 8000 and Vusumzi Lucas Matikinca.
T2646/11—Insolvent estate: Marco Abraham & Magaretha Johanna Wessels. First Liquidation and Distribution Account.
6 February 2013. Dividend being paid. W Hogewind & S S I Boikanyo, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.
No. 36227
T2999/10—Insolvent estate: Dina Maria du Plessis. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
8 February 2013. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. W Hogewind & F Sharief, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers,
T4041/09—Insolvent estate: Tando, Zitumane. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
13 February 2013. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. W Hogewind & J A Fisher & M W Kets, PO Box 70866,
Die Wilgers, 0041.
G867/2010—G & T Products CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 18 February 2013.
Dividends being paid. W Hogewind & R F Lutchman, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.
T1087/09—Insolvent estate: Kgaugelo Mahoro. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 14 February 2013. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. W Hogewind & P.H. Lebepel, PO Box 70866,
Die Wilgers, 0041.
C1065/2010—Insolvent estate: Gielie & Susan Herholdt. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22-1-2013.
Secured award. G D Wallace & W Parker, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551.
T4213/10—Insolvent estate: M A Coetser & M M Coetzer. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
28/02/13. Award to secured creditor and contribution to be collected. J. Muthanyi & Z.K. Mqwewana, RMG Trust CC,
PO Box 783601, Sandton, 2146.
T6364/09—A F Ferreira. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 12/12/12. Dividends paid and
contribution collected. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.
T1816/11—Insolvent estate: M A & R Jooste. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 28/02/13.
Award to secured creditors and contribution to be collected. J. Muthayi & A.P. de Oliveira, RMG Trust CC, PO Box 783601,
Sandton, 2146.
G718/12—Moody Blue Trade and Invest 47 (Pty) Ltd (in members’ voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and
Contribution Account. 21/02/2013. Contribution to be collected. Mr M. Schmidt, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd,
Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198.
D113/2010—Pike and Orsmond (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 1st & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 20/04/2012.
Concurrent dividend payable. EM Motala and Amerasan Pillay and Nadira Jassat, c/o SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3119,
Parklands, 2121.
G2093/10—G J & M P Scholtz. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 21/09/12. Dividends paid. J M Oelofsen Private
Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.
G97/09—Insolvent estate: Gordon Jonathan Turpin. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
04/09/2012. Dividend paid and contribution levied. Joint Liquidators, LT Cordero & MM Malebye, Taxfin Trust CC, PO Box 1941,
Southdale, 2135.
T476/10—R B van Staden. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 12/02/13. Dividends paid and
contribution collected. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.
G298/2009—Alternative Books CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 27-02-2013.
G.H.J. Venter, Liquidator, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449.
T1697/05—I/E: R & H C C W Beer. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 18 February 2013.
Dividend being paid. G Ramalho, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715.
G413/2012—Choise Decisions 1109 CC (in liquidation). 5 March 2013. Liquidation & Contribution Account. GW Harris,
LM Moloto & TT Tshikovhi, Executive Trust, PO Box 90445, Garsfontein, 0042.
C134/2008—Reinvest Limited (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 04/02/2013. An award will
accrue to secured creditors only. DB Davids & MR Rajah, DC Trustees (Pty) Ltd, 27 Baring Street, Worcester, 6850.
G61/2010—CC Trade 301 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 15 February 2013.
Contribution to be collected. C/o Independent Trustee, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
G770/2010—Dataforce Trading 318 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. 19 February 2013.C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
G752/2011—Electro-Heat Turnkey (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 1 February 2013.
Dividend to be paid. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
T1286/10—Fubusol (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 4 March 2013. Dividend to
be paid. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
G669/2010—My Grill My Bar (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 14 February 2013.
Contribution to be collected. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
G1101/2010—Rolldoc (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 15 February 2013.
Contribution to be collected. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
G400/2011—Stabilid Construction (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 March 2013.
Dividend to be paid. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
G1300/2010—Unit 55 Bourbanniuy Complex CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. 15 February 2013. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
T3354/08—Insolvent estate: G & L Eysselein. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 7 February
2013. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
T4495/08—Insolvent estate: TJ & S van Eeden. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 18 January
2013. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
T2424/09—Insolvent estate: Henry Albert White. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
28 February 2013. C/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733.
No. 36227
C811/2011—Insolvent estate: Chris Willem Smit. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 15/02/13. Dividend being paid.
Mr A Bowes & Mr J J Theron, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.
C468/2010—Surgi-Sport Technologies CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 11/07/12.
Contribution being collected. Mr M B Beginsel & Mr H M M Terblanche, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.
C746/2011—Shawn Mesias Investments CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
10/01/13. Contribution being collected. Clinton Mario Small and Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, PO Box 323, Cape Town,
C1093/10—Insolvent estate: Epoch Trust (IT658/05). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
22-11-2012. Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche, Mr D Acker & Mr Z Ahmed, PO Box 323,
Cape Town, 8000.
B5/2006—Insolvente boedel: Hein Marais. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 25-02-2013. Dividende
word betaal. EM van Wyk, EG Cooper, Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.
G256/10—Insolvente boedel: Hendrik Jacobus Pienaar. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
27 February 2013. Distribution, contribution. E Rautenbach & SM Ntsibande, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.
G2272/09—Insolvent estate: Pedro Jorge Mendonca Marques da Silva. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 21 January 2013. Distribution, contribution. E Rautenbach & SSI Boikanyo, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.
B272/2010—Waterwheel Investments 107 (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie). Tweede en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &
Kontribusierekening. 25-02-2013. Dividende word betaal en/of kontribusie word gevorder. S Tsangarakis, EG Cooper, Majiedt
Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.
C665/2011—Insolvent estate: E E de Waal. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22 February
2013. Dividends been paid and contribution been collected. H A Plaatjies & B Nduna, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820,
Stellenbosch, 7599.
C384/2011—Insolvent estate: D A Prentjies. First and Final Liquidation Account. 25 February 2013. No awards.
H A Plaatjies & M M Sidyiyo, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.
T6570/09—Insolvent estate: Seyforth Sonja, ID No. 8111110029086. The First and Final Liquidation Account. 20-02-2013.
No dividends payable. No contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T4583/10—Insolvent estate: Hards, Colleen Clare, ID No. 6003040005082. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 26-02-2013. Dividends payable. Contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T2279/10—Insolvent estate: Van Niekerk, Gerhardus Jozua, ID No. 6003040005082. The First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution & Contribution Account. 20-02-2013. Dividends payable. Contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The
Tramshed, 0126.
T729/11—Insolvent estate: Rockridge Consulting (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2000/005856/07). The First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. 20-02-2013. Dividends payable. Contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The
Tramshed, 0126.
G2293/10—Insolvent estate: CW Snyman. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 21-02-2013.
Dividend/Contribution. PH Hamman/TAN Makhubele, Trustees, CK Trust, PO Box 4078, Rivonia, 2128.
G1228/2010—Voluntary liquidation: Erfrad 8 (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
26 February 2013. Ms Wendy Miller, 4th Floor, Aloe Grove, Houghton Estate Office Park, 2 Osborn Road, Houghton.
G947/2011—Voluntary liquidation: Erfrad 8 (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
6 March 2013. Ms Wendy Miller, 4th Floor, Aloe Grove, Houghton Estate Office Park, 2 Osborn Road, Houghton.
E67/2010—P. Hugo Family Trust (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 18 February 2013.
Contribution to be collected. Mr G.M. Voigt, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200; Mr M Moodley, Matyeshana and
Moodley, P.O. Box 11247, Southernwood, 5213.
S38/2011—Insolvent estate: AOIJ & AM Grundling. 28-02-2013. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution & Contribution.
DJ Klerck, Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, PO Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055; A Limbada, Limbada Attorney’s,
94 Stanford Road, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 6020.
1065/2010—Insolvent estate: Gielie & Susan Herholdt. 22-01-2013. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account.
Secured award. G D Wallace & W Parker, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551.
D17/11—Insolvent estate: S. Gounder. 1st & Final Account. 24-01-2013. Secured dividend & contribution levied.
N. Moodley, Z. Kajee, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
D180/11—Naidoo’s Garden Services CC. 1st & Final Liquidation Acc. 24-01-2013. Irrecoverable shortfall. N. Moodley,
PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
D230/11—Newsstand Investments CC (in liquidation). 1st & Final Account. 24-01-2013. Preferent award. N. Moodley,
N.P. Ledwaba, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
D175/2010—Ridgeview Developments (Pty) Ltd, Supplementary 1st & Final Account. 25-01-2013. Concurrent dividend.
N. Moodley, R. Khan, S.N. Chetty, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
N146/09—I/E: M. Ramluchan, 1st & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 23-01-2013. Secured dividend
& contribution levied. N. Moodley, N. Cronje, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
T6570/09—Insolvent estate: Seyforth Sonja (ID No. 8111110029086). The First and Final Liquidation Account. 20/02/2013.
No dividends payable, No contribution levied. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T4583/10—Insolvent estate: Hards Colleen Clare (ID No. 6003040005082). The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
and Contribution Account. 26/02/2013. Dividends payable, Contribution levied. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed,
T2279/10—Insolvent estate: Van Niekerk Gerhardus Jozua (ID No. 6003040005082). The First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution & Contribution Account. 20/02/2013. Dividends payable, Contribution levied. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545,
The Tramshed, 0126.
T729/11—Insolvent estate: Rockridge Consulting (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2000/005856/07). The First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. 20/02/2013. Dividends payable, Contribution levied. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545,
The Tramshed, 0126.
No. 36227
T3964/08—Insolvent estate: Engelbrecht, FJ (ID No. 6904015031088). The First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 2013/02/28. Dividends payable, Contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T483/09—Insolvent estate: Mahlangeni, TR (ID No. 6705241043808). The Amended First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. 2013/02/25. Dividends payable, Contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustee,
P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T1889/09—Insolvent estate: Henderson RJ (ID No. 6712305009080). The Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. 2013/02/15. Dividends payable, Contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria,
S58/2010—Wiza Engineering CC (in liquidation), Fourth & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 5 March 2013.
Concurrent dividend and distribution to member. G M Shrosbree & Joelene Brown, c/o Shrosbree Trustees, 11 Bird Street,
Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001.
T540/08—Tedsarjay Cleaning (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 1970/011382/07). 1 February 2013. Contribution being collected.
Salvatore Lattuca, 1st Floor, Block B, Edenburg Terraces, 348 Rivonia, Boulevard, Rivonia, 2128.
M55/2008—I/E: F.H. Nagel (ID: 6709205182082) and I/E: C.V.P. Nagel (ID: 7011100282086). 31/05/2011. No balance for
distribution. Mabalane Molefe Inc., P.O. Box 5037, Mmabatho, 2735; and CJ Martiz Att., P/Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
G752/06—Diversiefied Cable Tape Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd, First and Final Liquidation Account. 5 March 2013.
No dividends being paid. Terence Andrew Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P.O. Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132.
G2992/09—Zeppelin Trading CC, Third Liquidation & Distribution Account. 5 March 2013. Awards being paid to a
preferent creditor. Terence Andrew Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P.O. Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132.
S58/2011—Insolvent estate: Belinda van Eck. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 4 March 2013. Jerome
Vincent Thomas, Brink & Thomas Inc., c/o Burmeister de Lange Soni Inc., P.O. Box 2351, North End, 6056.
T593/11—Insolvent estate: Armstrong, Ian James (ID No. 6609265105082) & Diane (ID No. 7105140038084). 5 March
2013. Dividend payable. C. Murray, M.S. Mphahlele, C/o Sechaba Trust, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T3286/09—Insolvent estate: Mpofu, Sonwabo (ID No. 8103285458083). 5 March 2013. Dividend and contribution
payable. C. Murray, N. J. Van Blerk, P.T. Rabajii, C/o Sechaba Trust, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T3664/09—Insolvent estate: Sheepers, Eugene La-Will & Marika (ID No. 7712215231088 & 7907280010082).
28 February 2013. Dividends and contribution payable. Barnard M, C/o Sechaba Trust, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T1127/12—Formprops 1 (Pty) Ltd. 5 March 2013. Shortfall. JL Pretorius, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
T2708/2009—Insolvente boedel: Salie Du Toit, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.
20 Februarie 2013. Dividende betaal. Constant Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
T554/09—Insolvent estate: BE Hattingh. First & Final Liquidation Account. 28/02/2013. Shortfall. ML Ledwaba & MP Yssel,
Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T8234/09—Insolvent estate: CS Roberts. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 28/02/2013.
Secured dividend payable & contribution to be collected. JJ Beetge & KS Mahlangu, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101,
Pretoria, 0001.
T1468/09—Insolvent estate: LJ & E White. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 February 2013. Guardians Fund. Anton
Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2991/08—Insolvent estate: ML & Y Viljoen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 11 February
2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2400/08—Insolvent estate: DH & MC van Eeden. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
5 February 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. EJ J van Rensburg, PO Box 90755, Garsfontein, 0042.
T2711/07—Insolvent estate: CD Smith. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 30 January 2013.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. JP Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1696/11—Riverport Trading 131 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 20 February 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T436/09—Insolvent estate: AF Nortje. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 February 2013.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T8000/09—Insolvent estate: SJ Moolman. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 21 February
2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3596/10—Insolvent estate: SF Marais. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 21 February
2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4010/10—Insolvent estate: JGI Loots. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 21 February 2013. Dividends.
K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T259/08—Insolvent estate: DJ & N Jacobs. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20 February 2013.
Dividends. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T7993/09—Insolvent estate: FA du Toit. First and Final Liquidation Account. 26 February 2013. Guardians Fund.
JP Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1857/07—Insolvent estate: AE Aucamp. Amended First and Final Liquidation Account. 11 February 2013. Guardians
Fund. Elsie Wagner, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
G52/10—Fynbosland 123 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
21 February 2013. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2121/10—Danoc Plumbing CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 12 February 2013. Shortfall. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3747/11—CSS Software Solutions (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 18 February 2013.
Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
No. 36227
C804/2012—Proptunity Development Group (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 5 March
2013. Dividends payable to preferrent creditor. Raymond David Fenner and Komaris Ballen Gangen, c/o Alpha Milliard
Chartered Accountants Inc., PO Box 7636, Roggebaai, 8012.
C365/12—Old Mutual Sel (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
27 February 2013. Contribution collected. DJ Lloyd, 15th Floor, Pleinpark Plein Street, Cape Town.
T3480/08—Insolvent estate: SR & R Kleynhans. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
1/02/2013. Secured dividend and contribution. JCW Roelofse, NM Phosa, Forum Trustees, Posbus 8871, Centurion, 0046.
T1865/10—Insolvent estate: TWP and EM Kruger. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
14/03/2013. Secured dividend and contribution. JCW Roelofse, C Lehoka, Forum Trustees, Posbus 8871, Centurion, 0046.
T6803/09—JJP Erasmus & JM Erasmus. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
27/02/2013. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. MH Davel & KR Vengadesan, Corporate Liquidators,
Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T1356/11—Centuria 52 CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 26/02/2013. Dividend being paid and
contribution being collected. DM Botha & OM Motaung, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T5442/11—Centuria 0014 (Pty) Limited. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 27/02/2013. Dividend being paid.
DM Botha & OM Motaung, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T0021/11—Lightning Star Dealers CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 28/02/2013.
Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. EL Bester & MB Beginsel, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675,
Sunnyside, 0132.
T804/09—Wilvon Civils (Pty) Limited. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 26/02/2013. Dividend being paid.
DM Botha & ML Ledwaba, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T4715/08—E & JC Bezuidenhout. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 26/02/2013. Dividend
being paid and contribution being collected. DM Botha & E Rautenbach, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside,
T2119/10—The Dam Development CC. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 27/02/2013. Dividend being paid.
DM Botha & J Fourie, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
M69/2010—TL Hydraulic and Mining Supplies (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
28/02/2013. Dividend being paid. DM Botha & LM Morake, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
M70/2010—Mathlosane Security CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. 07/02/2013. Shortfall Account. DM Botha &
DT Majiedt, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
N185/2010—Insolvent estate: R Jagisharran. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Confirmed
20/02/2013. Distribution to secured creditors and contribution collectable. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, PO Box 2838,
Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
D128/08—ASN Car Corp CC, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Confirmed 26/02/2013.
Distribution to creditors. Pierre Berrange, Berrange Incorporated, PO Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
B90/2011—Insolvente boedel: Ndumiso Douglas Plaatjie, ID N. 6812045772086, ongetroud en woonagtig te Captain
Goodmanstraat 7, Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 14 Februarie
2013. Dividende uitgekeer en kontribusie gevorder. Heinrich Heine Carshagen, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012,
Brandhof, 9324 & Hester Johanna Catharina du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry, Derde Straat 6, Bloemfontein, 9301.
N196/2011—Insolvent estate: DJ Williams. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Confirmed
13/02/2013. Distribution to secured creditors and contribution to be collectable. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated,
PO Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
B171/2011—Soloprop 1034 BK (Reg. No. 2008/25773/23), in likwidasie, p/a Dolfstraat 75, Parys, Provinsie Vrystaat.
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 20 Februarie 2012. Dividende uitgekeer en kontribusie
gevorder. Elrich Ruwayne Smith, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324.
B47/2009—Canal Square Investments 48 (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2003/000981/07), in likwidasie, met geregistreerde
hoofkantoor te Genius Loci Kantoorgebou 9, CP Hoogenhoutstraat, Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein, en vernaamste plek van
besigheid te die plaas Loverwalk, distrik Boshof, Provinsie Vrystaat. Eerste Aanvullende Rekening tot die Tweede en Finale
Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 13 Februarie 2013. Dividende uitgekeer. Heinrich Heine Carshagen, p/a Symington &
De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324 & Donovan Theodore Majiedt, p/a EG Cooper Majiedt Ing, Posbus 246, Bloemfontein,
9300 & William Mcelai Ramothello, p/a Ramothello & Tsotetsi Ing, Posbus 12113, Brandhof, 9324.
B2/2012—Pandero Investments 509 (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2004/035859/07), in likwidasie, p/a Odendaal Marais
Ouditeure Ing, Nyalastraat 2, Doorn, Welkom, 9459. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 14 Februarie 2013.
Dividende uitgekeer. Elrich Ruwayne Smith, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324.
K17/2009—Emerald Sky Trading 51 (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2004/018966/07), in likwidasie, met geregistreerde adres te
Georgestraat 59–71, Salgos Sentrum, Kimberley, en vernaamste plek van besigheid te Erf 1693, Vaalharts Nedersetting A,
Provinsie Noord-Kaap. Eerste Aanvullende Rekening tot die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.
13 Februarie 2013. Dividende uitgekeer & kontribusie gevorder. Heinrich Heine Carshagen, p/a Symington & De Kok,
Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324 & Luke Bernard Saffy, p/a Honey Prokureurs, Posbus 29, Bloemfontein, 9300 & Mmathebe
Violet Phatshoane, p/a Van de Wall & Vennote, Posbus 294, Kimberley, 8300.
G191/09—Belved (Pty) Ltd. 11 February 2013. No contributions collected and no contribution levied. Keith Willows,
Private Bag X14, Northlands, 2116.
G19/09—Dranet Investments (Pty) Ltd. 11 February 2013. No contributions collected and no contribution levied. Keith
Willows, Private Bag X14, Northlands, 2116.
No. 36227
T241/10—David Grieve Incorporated, in liquidation. 28/02/2013. Preferent MJD Breytenbach, J Muthanyi, Breytenbach
Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044.
T5884/09—The Legacy Investment Trust. 28/02/2013. Preferent contribution. MJD Breytenbach, CA Starbuck,
ML Mhlongo, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4023, Moreletapark, 0044.
T3218/08—Diselammapa Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 20/02/2013. Contribution. MJD Breytenbach, T.A. Makhubele,
Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4023, Moreletapark, 0044.
G89/12—Pulexibix (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 15/10/2012. None. MJD Breytenbach, F Langford, Breytenbach Business
Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4023, Moreletapark, 0044.
G212/2010—Kaylee Studio CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 21/02/2013.
Dividends to be paid out and contribution to be collected from contributories payable at Cooper Trust, 14 Reid Street,
Bloemfontein, 9300. CB St Clair Cooper & PB Mokwena, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300.
G318/2012—FQ Global South Africa (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. 05/03/2013. Dividends to be paid out and contribution to be collected from contributories payable at Cooper Trust, 14
Reid Street, Bloemfontein, 9300. PH Hamman & VP Maluleke, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300.
B2/2008—Muscle Cracker Trading 29 CC, in liquidation. Second Liquidation & Distribution Account. 05/03/2013.
Dividends to be paid out. S Tsangarakis, CBStC Cooper & SM Rampoporo, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300.
S114/2010—Mantella Trading 507 CC, in liquidation. 1 March 2013. Dividends paid. M. Timkoe, Mike Timkoe Trustees
CC, PO Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008.
S117/2011—Hema Kem Agencies CC, in liquidation. 1 March 2013. Dividends paid. M. Timkoe, Mike Timkoe Trustees CC,
PO Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008.
T1562/06—Insolvent estate: F & F Botha. First and Final Liquidation Account. 01/03/2013. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens
International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T5549/09—Insolvent estate: HJ Wolmarans. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
28/02/2013. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Mari Haywood, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T1303/10—Insolvent estate: AT & C Ferreira. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Preferent
and secured dividends payable. 26/02/2013. Contribution to be collected. Jerry S Koka, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T5490/10—Insolvent estate: The Lepogo Family Trust. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 27/02/2013. Preferent
and secured dividends payable. PJM van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T4541/10—Insolvent estate: JJ Coetzer. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 28/02/2013. Preferent and secured
dividends payable. PJM van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T7816/09—Insolvent estate: The Hombre Investment Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 06/03/2013. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Mari Haywood, p/a St Adens
International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T4404/12—Insolvent estate: H van Deventer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
07/03/2013. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJM van Staden, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T771/05—Rong Shin Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. 01/03/2013. Preferent and secured dividends payable. EL Bester, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314,
Groenkloof, 0027.
T3991/08—Insolvent estate: LJ Wilkinson. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
05/03/2013. Preferent and secure dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJM van Staden, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
G29/11—Insolvent estate: GG Massey-Hicks. First and Final Liquidation. 04/03/2013. TI Maenetja, p/a St Adens
International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T1888/09—Insolvent estate: TA & D Inkley. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 05/03/2013.
Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. A van Jaarsveldt, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T2018/09—Insolvent estate: E de Klerk. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 06/03/2013.
Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T2031/10—Insolvent estate: KA van Huyssteen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
05/03/2013. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Jerry S Koka, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T1807/08—Insolvent estate: WJ & ACJ van Biljon. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
05/03/2013. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T2102/10—Insolvent estate: TO Aluko. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 01/03/2013. Preferent and secured
dividends payable. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
C1032/2010—Innosource CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 7 November 2012. Dividend being
paid. M.J. Lane, A. Bowes, c/o Republic Trustees, PO Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000.
C767/2011–Venhire (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15 February 2013. Dividend
being paid. E.D. James, E.M. Motala, P. Carolus, c/o Republic Trustees, PO Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000.
No. 36227
Form/Vorm 6
Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below
will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth
opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his
date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address,
occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of High Court to which and date and time on which
application will be made; ground of application.
Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone
hieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin
teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing
van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum
waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdeling
van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.
N264/04, Case No. 303/13—Christiaan Pieter de Wit, 22 June 1957, ID No. 5706225108080, married out of
community of property, farm manager, Nyala Farm, Richmond, KwaZulu-Natal. 10 January 2005, Schuilklip Farm, 93 District
Road, Ngogo, KwaZulu-Natal, farm manager. Application will be made in the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg,
Republic of South Africa on 7 May 2013 at 8h30 for an order in terms of section 124 (2) (a).
N264/04, Case No. 303/13—Christiaan Pieter de Wit, born 22 June 1957, ID No. 5706225108080, married out of
community of property, farm manager, Nyala Farm, Richmond, KwaZulu-Natal, sequestrated 10 January 2005, Schuilklip Farm,
93 District Road, Ngogo, KwaZulu-Natal, farm manager. KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg (Republic of South Africa)
will apply for rehabilitation on 7th of May 2013 at 09h30 for an order in terms of section 124 (2) (a).
N95/05—Landman, Theodore Reinecke, 1957/07/08, 5707085050008, farm Vaalbank, Utrecht District, KwaZulu-Natal.
07/06/2005, farm Vaalbank, Utrecht, District, KwaZulu-Natal. Natal Provincial Division. Section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act 24
of 1936.
T2311/07—Basson, Michael Johannes, 5311025066081, site manger & Wilma, 5211030072084, unemployed, both:
12 Oosthuizen Street, Floracliff, Florida, Roodepoort. 06/12/2007, Michael, electrician & Wilma: unemployed, Beverley Ave
South 38, Constantiakloof, Florida, Roodepoort. High Court, North Gauteng Division, Pta, 09/05/2013 @ 10h00.
T1599/11—Saaiman, Daniël Cornelius, 8 Maart 1966, 6603085012081, Saaiman, Johanna Susara Hendrina, 11 Junie
1967, 6706110139082, elektriese werktuigkundige, tuisteskepper, Wilhelmusstraat 419, Morgenzon. Tydens sekwestrasie:
Voortrekkerweg 300, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, elektriese werktuigkundige. Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, 3 Mei
2013. In terme van artikel 124 (3) van die Insolvensie Wet No. 24 van 1936.
T5659/2009—Buys, Marinda Dorothea, 7 April 1964, 6404070010085, eiendomsagent, Patryslaan 24, Monumentpark,
Pretoria. Ten tyde van sekwestrasie: Cisticolalaan 1770, Zambezi Country Estate, Montana Tuine, Pretoria, eiendomsagent.
Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, 3 Mei 2013. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensie Wet No. 24 van 1936.
G753/11—Arthur, Martin Earl, 21 November 1973, 7311215035084, training manager at Equester, unmarried and residing at Unit 4, Sevel Creek Estate, Park 9, Greenstone. 21 February 2012, Delphinium Street, Brackendowns, Alberton, trainer
and New Holland, Kempton Park. South Gauteng High Court, 30 April 2013, 09h30. Act 124 (3).
G2421/09—Rautenbach, Marelize, 25 May 1987, ID: 8705250094089, unmarried, secretary, at Lead Management
Consultants, Randburg, and residing at Unit 54, Healthfield, Davidson Road, Fairland, Randburg. 22 September 2009,
unmarried, saleswoman, residing at 3 Cherry Street, Robin Hills, Randburg. South Gauteng High Court, 30 April 2013, 09h30.
Act 124 (3).
T1973/2008—Willem Jacobus Smit Saaiman, 1966/06/24, 6606245059082, single, contract manager (Gardens),
61 Sydrella Street, Flora Park, Polokwane, 0700. 11 July 2008, (Gardens), 18th Avenue 951, Wonderboom South, Pretoria,
0182, contract manager. In the North Gauteng High Court (Republic of South Africa), Tuesday, 30 April 2013. Section 124 (2)
(a) of the Insolvency Act, 24 of 1936. More than (4) four years expired since date of sequestration.
T308/2008—Anton Oosthuizen & Mariska Oosthuizen, married in community of property, 1970/12/22 (7012225083086)
& 1980/01/25 (8001250140084), national operations manager, 44A Tiata Street, Ambersfieldglen, Rooihuiskraal, 0157,
sales assistant: 10 Tugela Street, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 1939. 29 February 2008, operations manager, 44A Tiata Street,
Ambersfieldglen, Rooihuiskraal, 0157, house wife: 10 Tugela Street, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 1939. In die Hoë Hof van
Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Monday, 29 April 2013. Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936.
More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency.
No. 36227
T227/2009—Freddie Berry & Teresa Berry, 1977/10/26 (7710265051083) & 1981/12/06 (8112060003089), married in
community of property, contract builder, unemployed women, both: cnr Rand & Fifth Streets, 14C, Fochville, 2515. 13 February
2009, both: Caybie Court No. 11, Louis Trichardt Street, Witbank, 1034, contract builder, unemployed women. In the High Court
of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), Monday, 29 April 2013. Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of
1936. More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency.
T1734/2006—Beatrice Margaret Snyman, 1970/04/09 (7004090155081), geskei, administratiewe klerk, Molenstraat 9,
Machadodorp, 1170. 7 Desember 2006, Potgieterstraat 60, Machadodorp, 1170, administratiewe klerk. In die Hoë Hof van
Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Dinsdag, 30 April 2013. Artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936,
soos gewysig het vier (4) jaar verloop na datum van insolvensie.
T1961/08—Steyn, Carl Johannes, 19 Maart 1967, ID: 6703195044089, ontwerptekenaar, First Applicant, and Hester,
Catharina, 23 September 1967, ID: 6709230041089, administratiewe beampte, 2nd Applicant, albei: Klippanweg 394, Sinoville,
Pretoria, Gauteng. 4 Julie 2008, Klippanweg 394, Sinoville, Pretoria, Gauteng, ontwerptekenaar, administratiewe beampte.
In die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 17 Mei 2013, 10h00. Section 124.
T1480/06—Mynhardt, Izak Pieter, 5912155111082, sakeman, 27 Santa Barbara, Havenmanweg 150, Pretoria.
10 Oktober 2006, sakeman, Pendoringstraat 131, Wonderboom, Pretoria. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 26 April 2013.
Artikel 124 (2).
T5248/08—Du Plessis, Jakobus Albertus, 7701295019083, sakeman, Eenheid 4, Bergvleit, Farm Estate, Bergvliet.
3 Desember 2008, Cambornestraat 19, New Redruth, sakeman. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 26 April 2013. Artikel 124
T2942/08—Van der Merwe, Willem Wouter Johannes & Cornelia Mariana Adriana, 5605075095084 & 5803300083088,
sakeman & tuisteskepper, Celtis Garden No. 3, Pretoria. 7 Oktober 2008, Karoblaan 32, Doringkruin, Klerksdorp. Noord
Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 26 April 2013. Artikel 124 (2).
T1505/07—Renato van Tonder, ID: 7410065057089, 1st Applikant & 2de Applikant, werksaam te: Sub kontrakteer,
Paradise Landscapers, woonagtig te 5 Polkinghorne, Bluff, Durban. 11 Oktober 2007, 1st een 2de Aplikante: Applikant
werksaam te: Werkloos, woonagtig te Willowbrook Estate 290, Ruimsig. In die Noord Gauteng, Hooggegeregshof, Pretoria,
Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 7 Mei 2013. Ingevolge artikel 124 2 (a) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig).
T1959/08—Crowley, Phillipus, 19 November 1971, 7111195027089, 89 Bezuidenhout Street, Potgietersrus (technician).
20 January 2009, 89 Bezuidenhout Street, Potgietersrus (manager). Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, op 30 April 2013. Artikel
124 (2) (a).
T796/08—Vermeulen, Gabriel Jacobus, 16/10/1959, ID: 5910165061081, technologist, Sasoltech, Klasie Havengastraat
1, Sasolburg. 14 April 2008, Seringstraat 4, Meyerton, self employed. North Gauteng High Court, 7th May 2013 at 10h00. In
terms of art. 124 (2) of the Insolvency Law No. 24 of 1936, as amended.
Geliewe hiermee kennis te neem dat Dawie Rheeder, met ID No. 8109195001087, ’n verkoopsbestuurder by Mike’s
Chicken (Edms) Bpk, Dendron Pad, Pietersburg, met huisadres as Plot 9, Kalkfontein, Pietersburg, en Celest Arenel Rheeder
met ID No. 8112180265089, ’n administratiewe klerk by Poly Oak Packaging, Nelson Mandelarylaan 77, Superbia, Pietersburg,
met Huisadres as Plot 9, Kalkfontein, Pietersburg. In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), op
Dinsdag, 30 April 2013 aansoek sal doen volgens artikel 124 (2) (b) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936.
T2311/07—Basson, Michael Johannes, 5311025066081, site manager & Wilma, 5211030072084, unemployed, both:
12 Oosthuizen Street, Floracliffe, Florida, Roodepoort. 6/12/2007, Beverley Ave South 38, Constantiakloof, Florida, Roodepoort,
Michael: Electrician and Wilma: Unemployed. High Court, North Gauteng Division, Pta, 09/05/2013 @ 10h00. Section 124
(2) (a).
Form/Vorm 7
Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’
accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the
Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except
those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date of
sequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order is made; date of confirmation of final account,
and name and address of curator.
No. 36227
Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings
in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge
artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het
(behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum
van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finale
rekening, en naam en adres van kurator.
T1212/09—De Wet, GL & NM. 2009/03/18, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2011-09-06. Anton Strydom,
p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2508/10—Dean, AR. 2010/06/25, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2012/09/25. Kobus vd Westhuizen,
p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.
G1591/09—Transwerk Foundries (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1999/000916/07 (in voluntary liquidation). 18 June 2009, Special
Resolution. 15 March 2012. S Christensen, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193.
B255/2009—Insolvente boedel: I van Jaarsveld. 11/05/2009, Free State Provincial Division. 07/08/2012. TV Matsepe,
EW Prinsloo, p/a Matsepe Inc, PO Box 256, Bloemfontein.
B57/2010—Insolvente boedel: CM Meyer. 29/04/2010, Free State, Provincial Division. 21/08/2012. TV Matsepe,
EW Prinsloo, p/a Matsepe Inc, PO Box 256, Bloemfontein.
T1735/05—Niechris Meubelvervaardigers CC, Transvaal Provincial Division, Pretoria. 20/09/2005. 08/09/2011.
S J Mc Kenzie, 8 Essex Gardens, Rotherfield Avenue, Essexwold, Bedfordview.
B212/2012—In die Insolvente boedel van: M & EMN Duvenhage N.O., in hulle hoedanigheid as Die Enigste Oorblywend
Trustees van die Pieter Duvenhage Familie Trust, met IT 1290/2005, geregistreer te Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat.
16/09/2010, Afdeling van Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. 13/08/2012. TV Matsepe, p/a Matsepes, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein,
9300; CJ Raath, p/a Hill Mchardy & Herbst, Posbus 40, Bloemfontein, 9300; SM Rampoporo & JE Saffy, Posbus 20,
Bloemfontein, 9300 & CJ Venter, p/a Tracs, Poisbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.
B15/2007—In die Insolvente boedel van: LM Maritz N.O., as trustees van Die Foto Runners/Hanco Transport
Besigheidstrust, IT576/2002, met registreerde kantoor met adres Greystraat 1, Hamilton, Bloemfontein, Vystaat Provinsie.
05/02/2007, Afdeling van Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. 04/05/2011. FJ Senekal, p/a Matsepes, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein,
B233/2009—In die insolvente boedel van: WA Vosloo, tydens sekwestrasie, woonagtig te Weeberstraat 6, Odendaalsrus,
Vrystaat Provinsie. 03/09/2009, Afdeling van Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. 28/09/2011. DT Majiedt, p/a EG Cooper Majiedt
Ing, Posbus 246, Bloemfontein, 9300 & DP Badenhorst, p/a Tracks, Posbus 1252, Bloemfontein, 9300.
E3/07—Linco Distributors & Packers CC, in liquidation. 5/04/2007, Eastern Cape Local Division. 30/07/2010. Theodor
Wilhelm van den Heever and Andrew Stuart, Paterson and Punithan Quentin Naidoo, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716.
C488/2009—Insolvent estate: Anton Francois Swanepoel. 07-05-2009, High Court of South Africa (Western Cape
Division). 22/07/2010. Kevin Kiewitz & Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, PO Box 323, Cape
Town, 8000.
T5312/09—Insolvent estate: Nepfumembe, MJ. 26/11/2009. 18/10/2011. J S Koka, c/o St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T4911/08—Insolvent estate: Ngara, S. 08/12/2008. 15/07/2010. P J C van Standen, c/o St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T2132/07—One Turn Trading 173 (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07), t/a Advance Class. 19/10/2007. 12/10/2009. P J M van
Staden, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T8027/09—Insolvent estaste: Rivas, BB & EC. 10/12/2009. 18/01/2012. J S Koka, St Adens International, PO Box 1314,
Groenkloof, 0027.
G220/10—Rockstock Bearing Industrial Supplies CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 26/10/2009. 19/10/2011.
R Steynsburg, St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T770/03—R & R Furniture House CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 28/02/2003. 22/05/2007. E L Bester, St Adens
International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T1515/08—Insolvent Estate: Shaw, R J. 06/06/2008. 06/05/2011. E L Bester, St Adens International, PO Box 1314,
Groenkloof, 0027.
T2404/09—T.G. Botha. 20-05-2009. 25-04-2012. MJD Breytenbach, R Cassim, Breytenbach Business Management,
P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
G1559/11—Direct Shelf 53 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 23-09-2011. 24-07-2012. MJD Breytenbach, F Langford, Breytenbach
Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
G1629/10—Uma Add On Covers CC (in liquidation). 06-08-2010. 04-10-2011. MJD Breytenbach, AMG Suliman,
Breytenbach Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
G1029/11—VTI Auto CC (in liquidation). 22-06-2011. 11-07-2012. MJD Breytenbach, ST Kekana, Breytenbach Business
Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
T3460/09—C.J. Engelbrecht. 15-07-2009. 02-08-2011. MJD Breytenbach, ST Kekana, Breytenbach Business
Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
No. 36227
Form/Vorm 9
In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a
petitioner of his making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as
the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of
surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and
address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of
High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent;
(3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying
and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.
Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker
kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so
spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die
intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming,
ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet.
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres,
styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die
Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van
Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se
kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.
Applikant; JACOBUS CHRISTIAAN KOK (ID No. 7210315042083)
Geliewe kennis te neem dat aansoek namens boegenoemde Applikant gedoen sal word by bogemelde Agbare Hof op
12 April 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig daarna as wat die Advokaat vir die Applikant aangehoor kan word, vir die aannme van
die vrywillige oorgawe van die boedel van Jacobus Christiaan Kok, ongetroud, tans woonagtig is te 737 Daspoort, Pretoria.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria,
ter insae sal lê vir ’n periode van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Vrydag, 15 Maart 2013.
Vriendelike groete
Die uwe
Christell Kotze Prokureurs, Suite 5, Rietfontein Sentrum/Centrum, 910 Hertzogstraat/Street (Posbus/P.O. Box 32719),
Totiusdal, 0134.
Pieter Frederick Grobler (ID No. 8408265181088), besigheidsman, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, residing at
Tontelbergstraat 12, Elandsrand, distrik Brits. (2) Die North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 11 April
2013. (3) 15 Maart 2013, Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Brits. (4) Johan Walker Attorneys, P.O. Box 1071, Hartbeespoort, 0216,
5 Maart 2013.
[Artikel 4 (1) , Wet 24 van 1936]
Geliewe kennis te neem dat aansoek gedoen sal word vir die boedel oorgawe van Leslie Scheepers, 6612205181080, ’n
meederjarige man van Walkerstraat 7, Rensburg, Heidelberg, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Jacoba Petronella,
7501160256087, ’n meerderjarige vrou van Walkerstraat 7, Rensburg, Heidelberg, in die Noord-Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria
(Republiek van Suid-Afrika), op Maandag, 8 April 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die Applikant
aangehoor kan word.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof te Pretoria asook die Landdroshof kantore te Heidelberg, vanaf 18 Maart 2013, vir 14 (veertien) dae. .
Frans Rabie Prokureurs, p/a Van der Merwe Prokureurs, Buffeldriftstraat 358, Erasmusrand, Pretoria.
Dirk Christoffel Janse van Rensburg (ID No. 4803175108086), bestuurder, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met
Susan Catherine Janse van Rensburg (ID No. 5411160148080), krediet kontroleerder, the Drive 130, Westdene, Benoni,
Gauteng. (2) Aansoek: In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), 12 April 2013, 10h00.
(3) 18 Maart 2013, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Benoni. (4) Posbus 8315, Centurion, 0046.
No. 36227
Nicolaas Jacobus Welgemoed (ID: 6411135040080), IT bestuurder, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met
Wilhelmina Lodewika Welgemoed (ID: 6704160057080), werkloos, woonagtig te Wildevystraat 7, Bracken Downs, Alberton,
Gauteng. (2) Aansoek: In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), 12 April, 10h00. (3) 18 Maart
2013, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Alberton. (4) Posbus 8315, Centurion, 0046.
Themba Isaac Nhlapo (ID: 8208255528086), sales executive, married in community of property to Yandiswa Nhlapo
(ID: 8307230557085), self employed, 1055 Soshanguve UU Township. (2) In the North Gauteng High court, Pretoria, Republic
of South Africa, 8 April 2013. (3) 25 March 2013, Master’s Office, Wonderboom Magistrate’s Court.
Desmond Chukwu (ID No. 7312236208189), building developer, married in community of property to Kelebone Mary
Dulcie Chukwu (ID No. 8306200536087), self employed, both resident at 172B Orion Street, Sterrewag 0181, Gauteng and/or
Section 2, as shown and more fully described on Section Plan SS776/2008, in the scheme known as “The Reeds 4879”, respect
of the land and building or buildings situated at Erf 4879, The Reeds Extension 34 Township, Local Authority: City of Tshwane
Metropolitan Municipality, in extent two hundred and fifty-nine (259) square metres; and an undivided share in the common
property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said
sectional plan, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST776-2/2008, also known as Unit 2, The Reeds 4879, Bushwillow
Avenue, Thatchfield Extension 34, Gauteng. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court,
Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Centurion. (4) 8 March 2013.
Constance Nozukile Pekezela (ID No. 5809080878084), unemployed, widow, 61 G.J. Beukes Avenue, Orkney, 2619,
North West Province, also known as Portion 16 of Erf 7, situated in Orkneypark Township, Registration Division I.P., Province
of the North West, in extent one thousand and forty-three (1 043) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer
No. T107790/2000. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at
10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Orkney. (4) 8 March 2013.
Mlaleni Ben Ndhlazi (ID: 3811255186089), unemployed, married in community of property to Ntombizandile Winnefred
Ndhlazi (ID: 5702150777080), unemployed, and Duduzile Victoria Ndhlazi (ID: 8512270415082), technician, married in
community of property to Saul Malatse, all resident at 6 Belina Street, Iliba, Tembisa Extension 10, Gauteng, and/or 79 Crystal
Place, Sentrust Street, Gauteng, also known as Erf 4865, Tembisa Extension 10 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province
of Gauteng, in extent two hundred and fifty-four (254) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. TL10973/2008.
(2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March
2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. (4) 8 March 2013.
Emmanuel Nkosinathi Mbagwu (ID: 7304146129084), self employed, married in community of property to Patience
Nokuthula Mbagwu (ID: 7609020466083), electrician, both resident at 18 French Street, Witbank, 1034, and/or 205 Delvin
Mansions, Witbank, also known as Erf 419, Witbank Extension Township, Registration Division J.S., Mpumalanga Province, in
extent one thousand (1 000) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T9094/2008. (2) Application: In the High
Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria;
Magistrate’s Court, Witbank. (4) 8 March 2013.
Zilane Julia Mahlangu, 6607130402080, unemployed, unmarried, 3639 Section A, Ekangala, Mpumalanga Province, also
known as Erf 3639, Ekangala-D Township, Registration J.R., Mpumalanga Province, in extent two hundred and ninety (290)
square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. TG.52/1991 KD. (2) Application, in the High Court of South Africa (North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court,
Groblersdal. (4) 8 March 2013.
Mageshveran Moodley, 6606235231089, sales manager, married in community of property to Moganambal Moodley,
ID No. 6302110154089, Housewife, both resident at 43 Salvia Crescent, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth, 6025, also known as
Erf 490, Westering Township, in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, Division Port Elizabeth, Province of the
Eastern Cape, in extent one thousand two hundred and fifty (1 250) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No.
T36309/2007. (2) Application, in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth), 12 April 2013 at
10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Grahamstown and the Magistrate’s Court, Port Elizabeth. (4) 8 March 2013.
Phillipus Johannes van Greunen, 4607225053089, insurance marketer, married in community of property to Ester van
Greunen, ID No. 4807270037082, nurse, both resident at 9 Palmiet Close, Beyers Park Extension 13, Boksburg, Gauteng, also
known as Erf 754, Beyers Park Extension 13 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent one thousand
two hundred and twenty eight (1 228) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T13196/1995. (2) Application: In
the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office,
Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 8 March 2013.
Nelson Hlelinjani Melithafa, 5610115934086, unemployed, married in community of property to Joyce Melithafa, ID No.
6612100983085, unemployed, both resident at Unit 4891, Zone 8, Kanana, Gauteng, also known as Erf 4891, Kanana
Extension 3 Township, Registration Division I.P., Province of Gauteng, in extent two hundred and ninety nine (299) square
metres, held by virtue of Certificate of Registered Grant of Leasehold No. TL40135/1990. (2) Application, in the High Court of
South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the
Magistrate’s Court, Klerksdorp. (4) 8 March 2013.
Nngwedzeni Albert Sikhwetha, 7509196121084, manager, married in community of property to Joyce Zanele
Sikhwetha, 7507080595082, kitchen cleaner, both resident at 8/288 Umlaas Place, Nellmapius, Pretoria, 0128, Gauteng, also
known as Erf 288, Nellmapius Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent two hundred and twenty
(220) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T61002/2008. (2) Application, in the High Court of South Africa
(North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s
Court, Centurion. (4) 8 March 2013.
No. 36227
Nicolaas Johannes Daffue, ID: 8002265143089, health and safety officer, married in community of property to Lizel
Johanna Daffue, ID No. 8312010052083, housewife, both known as 36C Plot Groenkloof, Mooinooi 0325, North West Province
and/or 21 Molopo Street, Silfontein Extension 4, North West Province, also known as Erf 2919, Stilfontein Extension 4 Township,
Registration Division I.P., North West Province, in extent nine hundred and ninety one (991) square metres, held by virtue of
Deed of Transfer No. T12083/2009. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng Hihg Court, Pretoria),
9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Stilfontein. (4) 8 March 2013.
Keobokile Originous Magagane, ID: 7704245921085, financial director, unmarried; Mmanthoto Pearl Komoreng, ID No.
8005150485085, self employed, unmarried, both residing at 409 Suikerbos Street, Thatchfield Gardens and/or 2 The Reeds
4805, Thatchfield Gardens, Suikerbos Avenue, The Reeds Extension 33, Gauteng, also known as Section 2 as known and more
fully described on Sectional Plan SS1069/2006, in the scheme known as “The Reeds 4805”, in respect of the land and building
or buildings situated at Erf 4805, The Reeds Extension 33 Township, Local Authority: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality,
in extent one hundred and thirty six (136) square metres, and
an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to said section in accordance with the participation
quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST150678/2006. (2) Application: In the
High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office,
Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Centurion. (4) 8 March 2013.
Henry Timothy Hill, ID No. 5712175014088, train driver, married out of community of property to Jeanetha Catharina Hill,
ID No. 6103010074082, nursery school owner, both residing at 9 Retief Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort 1724, Gauteng and/or
49 Third Street, Krugersdorp North, Gauteng, also known as Portion 2 of Erf 268, Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division
I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent eight hundred and ninety two (892) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No.
T14343/2010. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00.
(3) 22 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Krugersdorp. (4) 8 March 2013.
Florence Moase Nhlapo, ID No. 6101070817085, unemployed, unmarried, 29671 Sizani Street, Tsakane Extension 11,
Brakpan, 1550, Gauteng, also known as Erf 29671, Tsakane Extension 11 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of
Gauteng, in extent two hundred and nine (209) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. TE33139/1993.
(2) Application: in the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 22 March 2013,
Master’s office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Brakpan. (4) 8 March 2013.
Mervyn Ronald Sheppard, ID No. 5109225115082, self employed, married out of community of property, both residing at
613 Anita Stret, Moreleta Park, 0181, Gauteng and/or Section 16 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan
SS1053/1998, in the scheme known as Robyn Park”, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Rooihuiskraal
North Extension 14, Local Authority: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, in extent one hundred and four (104) square
metres, and
and undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said Sectional Plan,
held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST1055/2007, also known as Unit 16, Robyn Park, 22 Roosmaryn Place, Rooihuiskraal
North Extension 14. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 9 April 2013 at
10h00. (3) 22 March 2013, Master’s office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Centurion. (4) 8 March 2013.
Frederika Maria Vermaak, ID No. 6406160031087, ’n meerderjarige veiligheidsbestuurderderes, ongetroud, woonagtig te
Bergsingwoonstel 15, Koppistraat, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 8 April 2013,
10:00. (3) 18 Maart 2013, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria, Landdroskantoor, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. (4) Johan van Heerden
Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040.
Belinda Du Plessis, ID No. 7803280027087, ’n meerderjarige data dikster, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere,
woonagtig te Bosloeriestraat 929, Waverley, Pretoria. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 9 April 2013, 10:00.
(3) 18 Maart 2013, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria; Landdroskantoor, Geen. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008,
Lynnwoodrif, 0040.
Michael Rosado Ribeiro, ID No. 7106235193081, ’n meerderjarige system administrator, getroud buite gemeenskap van
goedere, woonagtig te 473 Meyersig Estate, Albertsdal, Alberton. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 10 April 2013,
10:00. (3) 18 March 2013, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria; Landroskantoor, Alberton. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus
76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040.
Alois Petrus Coetzee, ID No. 8511285103089, ’n meerderjarige wieslsorings tegnikus, getroud binne gemeenskap van
goedere met Agnethea Coetzee, ID No. 8704200134087, ’n meerderjarige kinderoppasser, woonagtig te Alaricweg 72,
Valhalla, Pretoria. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 11 April 2013, 10:00. (3) 18 Maat 2013, Meesterkantoor,
Pretoria, Landdroskantoor, Geen. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif, 0040.
Lukas Gerhardus Potgieter, ID No. 5708205026084, ’n meerderjarige koerier, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere,
woonagtig te Klub Roodeberg 13, Ouklipstraat, Roodekrans, Roodepoort. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria,
11 April 2013, 10:00. (3) 18 Maart 2013, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria, Landdroskantoor, Roodepoort. (4) Johan van Heerden
Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrid, 0040.
Michelle Beyl (ID: 8004300039082), ’n meerderjarige verkoopsdame, ongetroud, woonagtig te Ivan Smutstraat,
Silverfields, Krugersdorp. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 12 April 2013, 10h00. (3) 18 Maart 2013,
Meesterskantoor, Pretoria; Landdroskantoor, Krugersdorp. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif,
Johannes Daniel Du Preez (ID: 6007065075003), ’n meederjarige werklose man, getroud binne gemeenskap van
goedere met Suzette Du Preez (ID: 6206170061086), ’n meerderjarige natrekster, woonagtig te Baliolstraat 1968, Henley-onKlip, distrik Vereeniging. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 12 April 2013, 10h00. (3) 18 Maart 2013,
Meesterkantoor, Pretoria; Landdroskantoor, Vereeniging. (4) Johan van Heerden Prokureurs, Posbus 76008, Lynnwoodrif,
No. 36227
Willem Benjamin Dippenaar (ID: 6004255027084), ’n area bestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere,
La Rochelle, Prins Alfred’s, Hamlet, Ceres, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad),
11 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Ceres. (4) Etienne
Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Michelle Beverley Schoeman (ID: 7510070180089)m ’n verkoopsdame, geskei, 105 Aroma Park Village, Brackenfell
Blvd, Brackenfell, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 12 April 2013 om 10h00.
(3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Brackenfell. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing.,
7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Barend Pieter Johannes Lotter (ID: 4112215114082), ’n werklose man v/h/a BP lotter electrical, getroud binne
gemeenskap van goedere met Aletta Catherine Lotter (ID: 5007020098083), ’n mediese ongeskikte dame. (2) In die Hoë Hof
van Suid-Afrika (Wes Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 12 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van
Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Ernest James Van den Berg (ID: 3711135034084), ’n pensionaris, wewenaar, Joubertstraat 25, Strand, Wes-Kaap.
(2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 12 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae,
Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Strand. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand,
Melissa White (ID: 8310050144083), ’n administratiewe dame, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, 19 Emerald Fern
Close, Ferwood Estate, Somerset Wes, 7130. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 12 April 2013
om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Somerset Wes. (4) Etienne
Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Theresa Nickola (ID: 6908050145083), ’n administratiewe beampte, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere,
Conroystraat 80, Peerless Park Noord, Kraaifontein, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof,
Kaapstad), 12 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof,
Kuilsrivier. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap
Johanna Elizabeth Susanna Solms (ID: 6410190036082), ’n senior beplanner, geskei, Vierlanden 1A, Vierlandenstraat,
Durbanville, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 12 April 2013 om 10h00.
(3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2,
Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Yegambarum Saggie Govender (ID: 6508075152088), ’n werkloos man, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met
Dhanasagree Govender (ID: 7501040135089), ’n krediet kontrolleerder, 77 via Firenza, Chippenham Crescent, Parklands,
Kaapstad. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 12 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir
14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Kimon Bonacich (ID: 6601260137087), ’n administratiewe dame, ongetroud, De Damstraat 12, Vierlanden, Durbanville,
Bellville, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 11 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart
2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand,
Andries Johannes Van der Merwe (ID: 7702155070083), ’n ambagsman, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met
Vanessa Van der Merwe (ID: 7809070136087), ’n werklose vrou, Pelorusstraat 24, Saldanha Baai, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë
Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 11 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van
Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Vredenburg. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Christopher Swart (ID: 7212035043056), ’n projek bestuurder, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Nicoleen
Swart (ID: 7505090095085), ’n administratiewe dame, 4A Grasso Woonstelle, Kusweg, Strand, Wes Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof
van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 11 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van
Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Strand. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap
Patricia Ann Towsey (ID: 4806300023088), a unemployed lady, divorced, 78 Regent Road, Parklands, Table View, Cape
Town. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), 11 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) 15 Maart 2013 vir
14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Cape Town. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 12de dag van April 2013, om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat die
saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Hendrik Johannes van Reenen (ID No. 5805205078089), ’n meerderjarige manlike eiendomsagent tans
werksaam te Pro – Namic Real Estate en tans woonagtig te Corneliastraat 1215, Suiderberg, Pretoria, Gauteng, wie tans buite
gemeenskap van goed getroud is, en dat sy vermoënstaat op die kantoor van die Meester van die Noord Gauteng
Hooggeregshof, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien dae vanaf die 15de dag van Maart 2013.
Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, 33 Silvergrassstraat, Montana, Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria. (Verw: JJ van
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 12de dag van April 2013, om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat die
saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Ria van Heerden, ’n meederjarige vroulike persoon tans woonagtig te Plaas Kopbeenpan 291, Baltimore,
Limpopo, en dat haar vermoënstaat op die kantoor van die Meester van die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, ter insae sal lê
gedurende ’n termyn van veertien dae vanaf die 15de dag van Maart 2013.
Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, Prokureur van Applikant, 33 Silvergrassstraat, Montana, Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria.
(Verw: JJ van Heerden/LB/V0087.)
No. 36227
Frederick Jacobus Badenhorst, boilermaker, married in community of property to Elizabeth Helena Badenhorst,
housewife, CC3 Mosterd Hoek, Lydenburg. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 12 April
2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Lydenburg. (4) 8 March 2013.
Percy Newton Hillis, panel beater, married in community of property to Elizabeth Margaret Hillis, unemployed, 46 Villa
Barcelona, Albertsville, Johannesburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 9 April
2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 8 March 2013.
Michael Dampies, production technician, married in community of property to Ruth Kedisaletsa Dampies, office
assistant, 6 Villa Egoli, Loco Street, West Village, Krugersdorp. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic
of South Africa), 9 April 2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Krugersdorp. (4) 8 March
Nicholas George Murray, self employed, married in community of property to Tracey Vanessa Murray, self employed,
62 – 4th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 9 April
2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Benoni. (4) 8 March 2013.
Adri Keyser, teacher, unmarried, 70 Commercial Road, Umtentweni. (2) In the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg
(Republic of South Africa), 11 April 2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court,
Port Shepstone. (4) 8 March 2013.
Stephanus Cornelis Steenekamp, police officer, unmarried, 46 General Hertzog Drive, Peacehaven, Vereeniging.
(2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 9 April 2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Vereeniging. (4) 8 March 2013.
Christo Hartslief N.O. in her capacity as Executrix in the estate of the late Heila Elizabeth Hartslief, fitter, unmarried,
52 Theo Chea, Prinsberg Street, Witbank. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 12 April
2013. 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Witbank. (4) 8 March 2013.
Justin Kupane, unemployed, unmarried, 3315B Semqaloba, Mondeor, Johannesburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High
Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 9 April 2013. (3) 15 March 2013, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 8 March
Daniel Johannes van Jaarsveld, unemployed, married out of community of property, Plot 39, Farm Donkerhoek, Cullinan.
(2) Application: Transvaal Provincial Division, 11 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Annie van Jaarsveld, unemployed, from: Plot 39, farm Donkerhoek, Cullinan, married out of community of property.
(2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 11 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Willem Abraham Bester, unemployed, and Christina Johanna Bester, clerk, from: 56 6th Street, Boksburg, married in
community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria;
Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Mahlatse Phineas Mohlala, unemployed, and Busesiwe Paulina Mohlala, unemployed, from: 1348 Bhekuzulu Street,
Biopatong, Vereeniging, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March
2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Vanderbijlpark.
Rochelle Barrish, copy editor, from: 30 El Yon, 395 Bush Street, Willow Park, Pretoria, married out of community of
property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Thabo Ernest Hlahane, unemployed, and Princess Dudu Hlahane, unemployed, from: 1289 Ralefeta Street, Ratanda,
Heidelberg, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. 18 March 2013,
Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Heidelberg.
Rose Mathews, pensioner, from: 11 Edenrust Park, Paul Kruger Road, Edenglen, Germiston, unmarried. (2) Application,
Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Germiston.
Rochelda Mathews, bookkeeper, from: 11 Edenrust Park, Paul Kruger Road, Edenglen, Germiston, unmarried.
(2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Jan Hendrik Gerhardus Struwig, pensioner, and Susanna Isabella Wilhelmina Struwig, unemployed, from: 11 McIntyre
Street, Sasolburg, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March
2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magisrate’s Office, Sasolburg.
Elizabeth Maria Theron, estate agent, from: 17 Rietsongel Avenue, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, married out of community
of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Dimakatso Colleen Sebeela, specialist, from: 54 Manhatten Park, Chaucer Street, Grobler Park, Roodepoort, unmarried.
(2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Saul Ramasane Padi, production operator, from: 15361 Bawand Street, Tsakane, Brakpan, unmarried. (2) Application,
Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Brakpan.
Brendan van Rooyen, unemployed, from: 31 Freel Street, Minnebron, Brakpan, married out of community of property.
(2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 11 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
No. 36227
[SECTION 4 (1)]
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, held at Cape Town, on 9 April 2013
at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Hester Agnesia
Steyn, married out of community of property and presently residing at 13 Symons Avenue, Bo-Dorp, George, and that a
statement of their affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and Magistrate’s
Office, George, for a period of 14 days as from 18 March 2013.
Francois Uys Incorp., Attorneys for the Applicant. Tel: (012) 654-9247.
Anke Patricia van Rooyen, unemployed, from: 31 Freel Street, Minnebron, Brakpan, married out of community of
property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 11 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Maria Catharina Coetzee, unemployed, from: Robiestraat 20, Monavoni, Centurion, unmarried. (2) Application, Transvaal
Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
[SECTION 4 (1)]
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, held at Cape Town, on 9 April 2013
at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Willem
Cornelius le Roux, unmarried and presently residing at 302 Monterey, 78 Bay Road, Mouille Point, Cape Town, and that a
statement of their affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and Magistrate’s
Office, Cape Town, for a period of 14 days as from 18 March 2013.
Francois Uys Incorp., Attorneys for the Applicant. Tel: (012) 654-9247.
Jacqueline Oxley, regional manager, from: No. 1 Tamboute Crescent, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park, unmarried.
(2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Kempton Park.
Petrus Johannes Joubert, medical administrator, from: 7 Alberts Street, Vaalpark, Sasolburg, unmarried. (2) Application,
Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Sasolburg.
Lea Louw, unemployed, from: 71 Iris Crescent, Villa Liza, Boksburg, unmarried. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial
Division, 9 April 2013. (3) 18 march 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Sheradine Dante Louw, unemployed, from: 71 Iris Crescent, Villa Liza, Boksburg, unmarried. (2) Application, Transvaal
Provincial Division, 9 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Lerato Samuel Makutso, unemployed, from: 17329 Makgalo Crescent, Vosloorus, Boksburg, unmarried. (2) Application,
Transvaal Provincial Division, 9 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Michael Karl Russwurm, unemployed, from: 1716 37 Meyer Street, Albertsville, Johannesburg, unmarried. (2) Application,
Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Johannesburg.
Keith Snyman, unemployed, and Desiree Nicolette Smith, unemployed, from: 22 Jaguar Street, Sunward Park,
Boksburg, married in community of property. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013,
Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Maria Elizabeth Nieuwoudt, unemployed, from: 5 Keerom Street, Freewaypark, Boksburg, unmarried. (2) Application,
Transaal Provincial Division, 9 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Mattheus Gerhardus Greeff, ID: 5301245127086, werkloos, Hawkstraat 48, Komati Village, Blinkpan, Middelburg, getroud
buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 11 April 2013, 10h00. (3) 18 Maart 2013,
Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Middelburg.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word in die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof,
Pretoria), op die 11de dag van April 2013 om 10:00 voormiddag of so gou moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan
word vir die aanvaarding van die vrywillige oorgawe van die boedel van Andre George Kinnear, ID No. 7107245219080 ’n
meerderjarige manlike verkoopsbestuurder getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Gedeelte 11, Clairmont,
Nelspruit, en dat ’n vermoëstaat van sy sake ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria,
sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Nelspruit, vir ’n periode van (14) dae vanaf die 18 Maart 2013.
Get: AJ Doman, Applikant se Prokureurs, Döman Weitsz Prokureurs, p/a Griesel Breytenbach Prokureurs, Parkstraat 761,
Clydesdale; Posbus 14752, Hatfield, 0028. (Verw: KIN10/1/A Doman/LW.)
No. 36227
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 12 April 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak
verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria) aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die
oorgawe van die boedel van Petronella Johanna Swartz, verkoopsbeampte, ongetroud van 8 Geramium Park,
Geraniumstraat, Vereeniging, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, en by
die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Vereeniging, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf
18 Maart 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 7de dag van Maart 2013.
HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Republic of South
Africa on Tuesday, the 9th April 2013 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the
surrender of the estate of Charles Waggler Muzamhindo (ID No. 6603285774084), an adult male and Angeline Muzamhindo
(ID No. 7101051205085), an adult female, married to each other in community of property residing at 34 Springhill Road,
Riverclub Ext 24 and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court,
Johannesburg, for a period of fourteen days as from the 15th March 2013.
Filed by: Amina Rahman Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Tel: (011)
837-0002. Ref: Arahman/SS/RHM1075.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 9 April 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak
aangehoor kan word, by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v
Vermeulen- en Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van
Nicoline Salomina Smit (ID: 8003280137080), ’n administrateur, ongetroud, en woonagtig te Fish Eaglestraat, Ifafi,
Hartebeespoort, Noord-Wes Provinsie.
Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria
en die Landdroshof te Brits ter insae sal lê vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitende 18 Maart 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 8ste dag van Maart 2013.
(get) N Swart, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Niemann & Swart Ingelyf, Terblanchestraat 804, Rietfontein, Pretoria
(Posbus 9639), Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 330-0025. Verw: N Swart/avdw/SS18.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 12 April 2013 om 10:00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak
aangehoor kan word, by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v
Vermeulen- en Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van
Abraham Johannes Bauermeister (ID: 7305265022088), ’n ketelmaker, ongetroud, en woonagtig te Wilsonstraat 15,
Hazeldene, Germiston, Gauteng Provinsie.
Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria
en die Landdroshof te Germiston, ter insae sal lê vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitende 18 Maart 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 8ste dag van Maart 2013.
(get) N Swart, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Niemann & Swart Ingelyf, Terblanchestraat 804, Rietfontein, Pretoria
(Posbus 9639), Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 330-0025. Verw: N Swart/avdw/IS2.
162—PART 2
Government Gazette
Vol. 573
Pretoria, 15
No. 36227
N.B. The Government Printing Works will
not be held responsible for the quality of
“Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files”
submitted for publication purposes
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure
No. 36227
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Republic of South
Africa on Tuesday, the 9th April 2013 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the
surrender of the estate of Charles Waggler Muzamhindo (ID No. 6603285774084) an adult male and Angeline Muzamhindo
(ID No. 7101051205085) an adult female, married to each other in community of property residing at 34 Springhill Road,
Riverclub Extension 24, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court,
Johannesburg, for a period of fourteen days as from the 15th March 2013.
Amina Rahman Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 837-0002. Ref:
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 12 April 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan
word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van
die boedel van Pieter Willem Francois van Heerden, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en is ’n boer van beroep,
woonagtig te 290 Hertzogweg, Queenswood, Pretoria, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 18de Maart 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 30ste dag van Januarie 2013.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Notice is hereby given that the ex parte application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High
Court, Cape Town) on Thursday, 11th of April 2013 at 10h00 in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,
for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of: Denise Guastella (ID No. 5101120067088) an adult female divorcee
residing at 23 Fairwood Road, Parklands, Cape Town.
Notice is hereby given that the statement of affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court of South
Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) for a period of fourteen days as from Monday, the 18th of March 2013 until
Monday, the 1st of April 2013.
Signed at Claremont on this the 6th day of March 2013.
Hey Walker Dommisse Inc., Attorneys for Applicant, First Floor, Rubicor House, 17 Old Stanhope Road, Claremont, Cape
Town. Ref: M02130/Ms C Hofmeyr.
Natasha van Vuuren, ID No. 8505100242080, woonagtig 7B Jerrico, corner Van der Merwe Street, Elsburg, Germiston,
getroud binne gemeenskap met Abel Daniël van Vuuren, ID No. 8605265288082, beroep: buyer and fitter. (2) Noord Gauteng
Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 10 April 2013, 10h00. (3) 18 Maart 2013, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Landdroshof, Germiston. (4)
Wessel Oosthuizen, Saxbyweg 1018, Eldoraigne, Centurion; Posbus 358, Wierdapark, Gauteng, 0149.
Hermanus Joachim de Klerk, ID No. 7001125063082, Terenure Estate 27, h/v Eland en Oranjerivierstraat, Terenure,
Kempton Park, ’n operasionele bestuurder, geskei, 26 Oktober 2012. (2) Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof,
Pretoria) om 10h00, 11 April 2013. (3) 18 Maart 2013, Meester van die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria; Republiek van
Suid-Afrika en die Landdroshof, Kempton Park. (4) Aucamp & Cronje Prokureurs, Murraystraat 153, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)
In die ex-parte aansoek van: ANDRÉ LOURENS VORSTER (ID: 6712055176089), Eerste Applikant, en ANNA
JACOBA VORSTER (ID: 6206050091088), Tweede Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 10 April 2013 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan
word, by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van
die oorgawe van die boedel van Andre Lourens en Anna Jacoba Vorster, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig
te Haarhoffstraat 3A, Groblersdal.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Salu gebou, Sehumestraat,
Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Groblersdal ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 18 Maart 2013.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 8ste dag van Maart 2013.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 362-2556. (Verw: Mnr T Viljoen.)
No. 36227
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 11 April 2013
om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Bertus
Geldenhuys (ID: 8503205002087), ’n meerderjarige vervoerkontrakteur, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te
Plaas Jonkersdam, Standerton, Mpumalanga.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria sowel as
Landdroshof Standerton vanaf 18 Maart 2013, vir ’n periode van 14 dae.
Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 11 April 2013
om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Teboho
Marks Moleko (ID: 6412145462082), ’n meerderjarige besigheidsman, geskei, woonagtig te Glenwoodweg 321, Faerie Glen,
Pretoria, Gauteng.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria vanaf 18 Maart
2013, vir ’n periode van 14 dae.
Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 11 April 2013
om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Mandy Lee
Clark (ID: 8206150034085), ’n meerderjarige administratiewe beampte, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te
Sunbirdstraat 7, Elspark, Germiston, Gauteng.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria sowel as
Landdroshof Germiston vanaf 18 Maart 2013, vir ’n periode van 14 dae.
Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.
The JHA Investment Trust (Reg No. IT4615/06), 55 Chopin Street, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng. (2) Voluntary Surrender of
Estate, The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 12 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 18 March 2013 (Period of 14 days),
Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. (4) Michael Senekal, 012 542 5205.
Kenneth Alfred Howard, ID 8404185221088, unmarried, residential address: 7 Drysdale Street, Mbombela, landscaper.
(2) Voluntary Surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 12 April 2013 at 10h00.
(3) 18 March 2013 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Mbombela. (4) Michael Senekal, 12 Kolgans,
Corné Barnard, ID 6012090122085, unmarried, residential address: Estate Esperanza No. 7, 108 Furrow Street,
Equestria, Pretoria, unemployed. (2) Voluntary Surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria),
12 April 2013 at 10h00. (3) 18 March 2013 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) Michael Senekal. (012) 542-5205.
Neem kennis dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, van Pretoria (Republiek van Suid Afrika) op
10 April 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die boedeloorgawe van die
boedel van Nicolaas Claassen (ID No. 5704075204083) en ’n vermoëstaat van Applikant ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van
die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof van Pretoria, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae met
ingang van 18 Maart 2013 tot 1 April 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 8ste dag van Maart 2013.
Petrus Verster Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, 1277 Mike Crawford Street, Regus Corporate Office, Ground Floor,
Lakeview Building, Centurion. Tel: (012) 683-8866. Verw: C218.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 12 April 2013 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan
word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die
aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel Johann Botha, ’n ongetroude pensionaris en tans woonagtig te Dorflingstraat
No. 33, the Orchards, Pretoria Noord, en dat sy vermoënsstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te
Pretoria, en Landdroshof, Pretoria Noord ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 18 Maart 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 8ste dag van Maart 2013.
De Jongh & Van Heerden Ing, Richardstraat 213, Hatfield, Pretoria. Tel. No. (012) 430-4701. Verw: T de Jongh.
No. 36227
Benette Ludik, 7904060243082, werkende vrou, aktetikster, Verwoerdlaan 77, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, ongetroud.
(2) In die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria (RSA), Provinsiale Afdeling, Donderdag, 11 April 2013 om 10h00. (3) Maandag,
18 March 2013 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Geen. (4) Erasmus van den Berg Prokureurs, Fauna 817, Florauna,
Pretoria-Noord. LM15. Tel. (012) 546-2513.
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, held at Cape Town, on 12 April 2011
at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the joint estate of Nico-John
Jaegers, ID No. 7106085290086, currently employed as a driver at Ace Packaging, Philippi, married in community of property
to Elizma Janine Jaegers, ID No. 7905010140088, currently employed as a debtors clerk at John Bean Technologies (Pty) Ltd,
Brackenfell, both presently residing at No. 18 Riverside Mansions, Frost Drive, Kuils River, and that a statement of their affairs
will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River, for
a period of 14 days as from 18 March 2013.
Botha Pretorius & Andrews Incorporated, Attorneys for the Applicants, 4 Gert Kotze Street, Brackenfell. Tel: (021) 982-8701.
Ref: Gerhard/ag/MAT1612.
Clinton Glenville Hobson, ID No. 7104165123087, manager, and Elizabeth Louise Hobson, ID No. 7111050056082,
registered nurse, married in community of property, residing at 165 Pretoria Road, Gerdview, Germiston, Gauteng. (2)
Application, in the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), on 12 April 2013 at 10h00.
(3) From 18 March 2013, Master, Pretoria; Magistrate Court, Germiston. (4) Address of Attorneys, PO Box 8315, Centurion,
24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg, on
9 April 2013, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of David Muntu Khoza, ID: 6207045663080, machine operator,
unmarried and residing at 3 Tugela Close, Graceland, Germiston, and that the statement of debtor’s affair will lie for inspection
at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Johannesburg and at the Magistrate Office of Germiston for a period of fourteen (14) days from 15 March 2013.
WET 24 VAN 1936
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg, op
Dinsdag, 9 April 2013 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van
die oorgawe van die boedel van Jan Hendrik Coetzee, ID No. 7102215037083, ’n volwasse manlike prokureur, getroud buite
gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te 37 Crous Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, dat sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die
kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof in Johannesburg, asook die Landdroskantoor, Roodepoort, vir ’n tydperk van
14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf 15 Maart 2013.
Gedateer te Roodepoort op hede die 6de dag van Maart 2013.
G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant, Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. Verw: Mnr Ficq/sk/7140. P/a A.D. Hertzberg, 3de
Vloer, West Wing, 158 Jan Smuts Building, 9 Walters Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg.
WET 24 VAN 1936
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg, van die
Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, op Dinsdag, 9 April 2013 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Andries Theodorus de Jager, ID No. 7702255041083,
’n meerderjarige manlike persoon, tans ’n dienste bestuurder en getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Chantel de
Jager, ID No. 7912030251085, ’n meerderjarige vroulike persoon, tans ’n litigasie sekretaresse en woonagtig te
Hoepoestraat 1, Helikon Park, Randfontein, dat hulle vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof in Johannesburg, en by die Landdroshof van Randfontein, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf
15 Maart 2013.
Gedateer te Roodepoort op 7de dag van Maart 2013.
G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant, Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. Verw: Mnr Ficq/ndt/7124. P/a AD Hertzberg,
3de Vloer, West Wing, 158 Jan Smuts Gebou, Walterslaan 9, Rosebank.
Shone van der Walt, 8007285075088, besigheidsman, Gedeelte 25, plaas Rietspruit, Bela Bela, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), 17 April 2013 om 10:00, Meester van die
Hoë Hof, Pretoria. (3) 18 Maart 2013 tot 1 April 2013, Meester van die Hoë Hof, Pretoria, Landdroshof, Bela Bela. (4) Cassie
Fourie Prokureur, p/a Uys en Coetzee Prokureurs, Parkstraat 789, Sunnyside, Pretoria; Posbus 13591, Hatfield, 0028.
No. 36227
Sharon Linda Jacobs, 6405260139089, admin manager, 47 Smith Avenue, De Klekshof, Edenvale, Gauteng, divorced.
(2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 16 April 2013 at 10:00, Master of the High Court,
Pretoria. (3) 18 March 2013 to 1 April 2013, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court of Edenvale. (4) Cassie Fourie
Attorneys, c/o Uys en Coetzee Attorneys, 789 Park Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria; PO Box 13591, Hatfield, 0028.
Karel Petrus Jacobus Prinsloo, 6110055077086, verkoopsman, Manserstraat 250, Meyerspark, Pretoria, getroud buite
gemeenskap van goedere. (2) Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), 15 April 2013 om 10:00, Meester
van die Hoë Hof, Pretoria. (3) 18 Maart 2013 tot 1 April 2013, Meester van die Hoë Hof, Pretoria. (4) Cassie Fourie Prokureur,
p/a Uys en Coetzee Prokureurs, Parkstraat 789, Sunnyside, Pretoria; Posbus 13591, Hatfield, 0028.
Beryl Diana Julius, 4912270062088, payroll specialist, 68 Sederberg Avenue, Bosmont, Johannesburg, Gauteng,
divorced. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 12 April 2013 at 10:00, Master of the High
Court, Pretoria. (3) 18 March 2013 to 1 April 2013, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court of Johannesburg.
(4) Cassie Fourie Attorneys, c/o Uys en Coetzee Attorneys, 789 Park Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria; PO Box 13591, Hatfield, 0028.
Nicolaas Johannes Niemandt, 7112165077088, deeltydse werker, en Renschea Niemandt, 7009260244086, Plot 16,
Highlands,Nelspruit, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere. (2) Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria),
11 April 2013 om 10:30, Meester van die Hoë Hof, Pretoria. (3) 18 Maart 2013 tot 1 April 2013, Meester van die Hoë Hof,
Pretoria; Landdroshof, Nelspruit. (4) Cassie Fourie Prokureur, p/a Uys en Coetzee Prokureurs, Parkstraat 789, Sunnyside,
Pretoria; Posbus 13591, Hatfield, 0028.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 12 April 2013 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak
verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria) aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die
oorgawe van die boedel van Petronella Johanna Swartz, verkoopsbeampte, ongetroud, van 8 Geramium Park,
Geraniumstraat, Vereeniging, en dat sy vermoënstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by
die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Vereeniging ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf
18 Maart 2013.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 7de dag van Maart 2013.
HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Dilizintaba Brian Vernon Tshabalala, unemployed, 1988 Section F, Mamelodi West, unmarried. (2) Application, Transvaal
Provincial Division, 12 April 2013. (3) 18 March 2013, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
No. 36227
No. 36227
No. 36227
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