free vol. 11 no. 142 october 2014 tel:(718) 938


free vol. 11 no. 142 october 2014 tel:(718) 938
VOL. 11 NO. 142 OCTOBER 2014
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
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“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
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ishop David O. Oyedepo, or “Papa,”
as he is popularly called by his
worldwide followers, is set to
turn 60 on Saturday, September 27, 2014.
Revered as a world-renowned preacher of
the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word
of Faith, and regarded as a flag bearer of
the charismatic revival sweeping across
the world today, Bishop Oyedepo is the
Founder and Presiding Bishop of Living
Faith Church World Wide, or Living Faith
Church (aka Winners Chapel), a church that
has become a global force in the end times.
This tribute celebrates and commemorates
his life and ministry, which has blossomed
across three decades of full-time, dedicated
service and extended to realms beyond
the traditional four walls of a church,
touching key areas of need to men, women,
and children. Also, this tribute seeks to,
but self-admittedly fails to, capture one
salient hallmark of the bishop that makes
multitudes fully connect not only to the
message he conveys but to the man himself
and the spirit he carries: his almost visible,
unusual love for people and burning desire
to sacrificially champion their deliverance
not only spiritually but also financially and
To wit, besides also being widely received
(and divinely called) as an apostle, prophet,
and teacher, Bishop Oyedepo has been a
tireless Christian benefactor, a father to
numerous people, a major contributor to the
educational universe (holding a doctorate
himself), a highly successful businessman
and employer, and a thriving family man,
husband and father to his wife and children.
Married blissfully to Faith Oyedepo (in
1982), also a mother to many across the
world and fellow pastor who frequently
ministers alongside him, Dr. Oyedepo and
his wife have four children, including two
sons, namely David Jr.(married to Kemi)
and Isaac (married to Ayomitide), both of
whom are thriving ministers in branches of
the Living Faith Church, and two daughters,
namely, Love and Joy.
Dr. Oyedepo has emphatically and
unexplainable yet undeniable feats and
milestones of the Living Faith Church
are solely attributable to the supernatural
workings of the Almighty God. As he has
repeatedly stated, he received a mandate
from God during an 18-hour long vision in
May 1981 in which God directly charged
him with a divine task “…to liberate the
world from all oppressions of the devil
through the preaching of the word of faith
(the Liberation Mandate).” In the vision, Dr.
Oyedepo, seeing multitudes of struggling
and weeping men, women, and children,
cried out to the Lord: “Why?” to which the
Lord responded, “But from the beginning,
it was not so.”
Charged and empowered by the vision,
and driven to fulfill God’s divine crusade
to rescue suffering humanity, Dr. Oyedepo
zealously launched the Power House on May
8, 1981, a prayer and vision sharing group.
The Power House, committed to actualizing
the Liberation Mandate, actively engaged in
28 months of prayer and fasting towards
that cause. Shortly after, on May 22, 1981 at
the ECWA Youth Center in Ilorin, Nigeria,
Dr. Oyedepo launched the Liberation Faith
Hour, a weekly teaching fellowship.
“Papa” Bishop Dr. David Oyedepo
These efforts were eventually crowned
by an official imprimatur from the
Christendom. On September 17, 1983, the
highly regarded General Overseer of the
Redeemed Christian Church of God (or
RCCG), in a service in which he ministered,
officially commissioned both Dr. Oyedepo
and his wife (then Florence Abiola Akano)
into full-time ministry as pastors. A few
months later, on December 11, 1983, the
first Living Faith Church was planted at No.
ES, Ramat Close, Ungwan Rimi, a suburb
of Kaduna, Nigeria. Also, in February1986,
Dr. Oyedepo was ordained a reverend by the
late Archbishop Benson Idahosa. In 1988,
Dr. Oyedepo was consecrated as a bishop.
derided, if not confronted, for preaching
prosperity, particularly noting the irony of
his personal circumstances, yet he remained
adamant and continued to give fervently
in line with the gospel. On the altar of
sacrificial giving, he eventually gave away
the most precious material possession he
had at the time, namely, the much beloved
His commitment to dressing properly in
all services, regardless of the fact he often
ministered before empty seats (not counting
his then handful of followers), relied on the
two, tired suits he owned and recycled in
different combinations day after day. He
had to work hard to barely cater to the needs
of his wife and, later on, children. Refusing
to use church funds for personal purposes,
the naming ceremony of his first son, David
Jr., was held almost without entertainment.
in almost 400 cities across the globe,
including Africa (in 63 cities) and close
to 40 nations in Europe, Asia, the Middle
East, and North and South America. Cell
or home fellowship centers of the church
also experienced exponential increase and
currently number several hundred thousand
around the world.
Dr. Oyedepo’s consistent faithful execution
of his responsibilities, which was to become
a reference point for the church’s mantra of
“leadership by example,” proved critical for
a cause that was never divinely intended as
a local ministry. The church, headquartered
in Ogun State, Nigeria, enjoyed explosive
The divine mandate given to Dr. Oyedepo to growth ever since, rapidly transforming
preach the message of faith and prosperity from a one-location church to a worldwide
was delivered while his life appeared to outreach and solution center.
starkly exemplify the very opposite. As Under the dynamic and indefatigable
is widely known, Dr. Oyedepo stared at leadership of Oyedepo, alongside his wife
poverty in the face virtually every day. and numerous highly committed disciples
Though rising in impact, he continued to in the church, including its current First
drive a beaten-up (Volkswagon) Beetle Vice President, Bishop David Abioye,
whose engine constantly spoke to him and Living Faith Church, through its missions,
frequently broke down.
outreaches, and branches, is now represented
Dr. Oyedepo serves as the President of
David Oyedepo Ministries International
Dr. Oyedepo was increasingly mocked and (DOMI), which operates as the umbrella
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“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
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organization consisting of Living Faith
Church, World Mission Agency (a global
missionary outreach), Dominion Publishing
House, Covenant University, Landmark
University, and the Social Development
Missions projects, consisting of hospitals,
maternity homes, and schools, among a host
of other operations.
including several shopping stores,
restaurants, a bakery, guest houses, and a
bottled water processing plant. Also in the
estate are four foreign-owned commercial
Bible Institute (or WOFBI), which provides
various intensive courses for the spiritual
growth, development, and upliftment of
members and non-members alike.
The tabernacle, built to accommodate the
church’s increasing crowds of worshippers
that ultimately outsized its prior sanctuary, is
an architectural masterpiece with a seating
capacity of 50,000. The tabernacle was
reputed to be the largest church auditorium
in the world according to a 2005 report of the
Guinness Book of Records. The tabernacle
and auditorium, whose roof does not rest on
pillars, was completed debt-free within 12
months and was dedicated on September
18, 1999. As experts determined that the
sheer scale of the project and construction
would require a minimum of three years
to complete, the actual completion of the
gargantuan project within 12 months is
considered to be nothing short of a miracle.
Dr. Oyedepo is a world acclaimed and
sought-after author, publisher and minister.
Through Dominion Publishing House
(DPH), opened on December 5, 1992, he
has published over 70 inspirational and
motivational Christian titles, aside from
periodicals and other resources, To date,
over 4 million copies of his published book
have been sold by DPH, in which he serves
as Chairman/Publisher.
Born as David Olaniyi Oyedepo on
September 27, 1954 in Osogbo, Nigeria to
Ibrahim, his father, and Dorcas, his mother,
both of non-Christian and unorthodox
Christian practice, respectfully, Dr.
Oyedepo was raised by his grandmother. It
Dr. Oyedepo has proactively championed was his grandmother who first inculcated
educational causes, with over a hundred Christian values (including tithing) into Dr.
educational institutions, including primary, Oyedepo through early morning prayers.
secondary and tertiary institutions, set-up,
On August 29, 1998, in a bid to
accommodate the churches burgeoning
crowds of worshippers, Bishop Oyedepo
initiated a project to build a site to serve
as the church’s headquarters. Known as
Canaanland, in Ogun State, Nigeria, the
site is akin to a modern city and is currently
an over 17,000-acre estate, including a
proposed 15,000 housing estate known as
Canaan City. Canaanland houses the Faith
Tabernacle and the church’s secretariat and
youth chapel.
Senior Pastor. Faith Tabernacle has become
a symbol of the global Christian renaissance
and revival with crowds of over 220,000 in
attendance every weekend.
310 Fulton Av, Hempstead, NY11550
TEL: 646-220-2103
4230J Forbes Blvd Lanham Maryland 20706
TEL: 3014761291
16205 Westheimer Rd # C-400, Houston, TX 77082
TEL: (281) 920-0903
„„ WINNERS CHAPEL INT, GEORGIA 4537 S. Berkeley Lake Road, Ste 104, Norcross, GA
Rexdale Blvd, Toronto, ON M9W 1R8, Canada
TEL: +1 416-749-5191
„„ WINNERS CHAPEL INT, CALGARY 3700 19 St NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V2, Canada
TEL: +1 403-400-6727
TEL: (773) 770-6603
7114 N Clark St, Chicago, Illinois 60626
„„ WINNERS CHAPEL INT, NEW JERSEY 238 Burnett Avenue, Maplewood, NJ 07040
TEL: 862 241-5805
Various academic institutions owned by „„ WINNERS CHAPEL INT, PHILADELPHIA 7821 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153
TEL: 732-853-2805
the church are also located on the estate,
TEL: 978-398-9463
including a kingdom heritage model
9205 Skillman Street, Suite 103 Dallas, TX. 75243
TEL: 646-645-9990
(primary) school, Faith Academy, and a „„ WINNERS CHAPEL INT, DALLAS
mission secondary school with full boarding „„ WINNERS CHAPEL INT, HARTFORD CT 165 Walnut Street Hartford, Ct 06120
available and a current student size of 1,500.
Covenant University, which is owned by
the church, is also in the same grounds and
accommodates over 7,000 students and
At age 15, he gave his life to Christ under the
numerous staff, served by ultra-modern banks and a community / micro-finance owned, and run by the church in line with
biblical principles. In Nigeria, numerous influence of Betty Lasher, one of his high
housing, hostel and faculty buildings / bank owned by the church.
kingdom heritage model primary schools school teachers. The Operational Manual of
and secondary (or high) schools, including the Living Faith Church Worldwide covers
In addition to residential housing for over A testament of his impact as an acclaimed the above-mentioned Faith Academy, have his childhood in greater detail (from pages
2,000 church employees, a number of for- minister of God is revealed by his been set up in different cities, as well as 434 to 480) and may be obtained from
profit enterprises operated by the church ministering for four services every Sunday tertiary institutions including Covenant Dominion Bookstore, the church’s network
also feature prominently in Canaanland, at Faith Tabernacle, in which he serves as the University and Landmark University.
of bookstores across the world.
Covenant University, opened on October Dr. Oyedepo obtained a degree in
21, 2002, and Landmark University, opened Architecture from Kwara State Polytechnic,
on March 21, 2011, are both showcases of Nigeria and served in the Federal Ministry
academic excellence. Recognized rankings of Housing in Ilorin, Nigeria. He later
since their respective inceptions have resigned in response to God’s divine call on
his life. He later received a Ph.D. in Human
featured them scaling new heights.
Development from Honolulu University in
In the latest Webometric Ranking of World Hawaii, United States.
Universities released on August 1, 2014,
Covenant University moved in January ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
2014 from 10th position out of 132 Nigerian In his preachings, Dr. Oyedepo consistently
universities to 2nd position. Landmark honors the mentors or spiritual fathers
University also moved from 15th to 8th who have gone ahead of him. The list is
position making them the 1st and 2nd Best extensive and includes the late Kenneth E
Private Universities in Nigeria, respectively. Hagin, from whom his caught the mantle
A third university, Crown University, (or transfer of the baton). Other foreign
located in Calabar, Cross Rivers, Nigeria, ministers of special note include Kenneth
is currently under construction. In addition, Copeland, his wife, Gloria Copeland, and
two universities are currently being planned the late T.L. Osborn. Nigerian Christian
for construction in other countries.
leaders who have also impacted his ministry
The church, through its network of include Enoch Adeboye and the late Benson
branches, also operates the Word of Faith Idahosa.
Page 7
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
HE Nigerian government is
querying the continued presence
of American security forces in the
country more than two months after they
promised to assist in rescuing the Chibok
girls and stem the tide of terrorism without
Indeed, top officials of the Goodluck
Jonathan administration were in the United
States to straighten things out on Nigeria’s
displeasure with what has been described
as the “lack of cooperation” with Nigeria
by the American agents who are in the
A top security official said that Nigeria was
beginning to query the real mission of the
American forces in the country.
“These people have been around for more
than two months. They made so much
noise before coming that they would assist
in rescuing the Chibok girls and fight
Boko Haram with technology but can you
believe it that these people do not share
intelligence with Nigeria? They do not
relate at all with Nigerian officials. In fact,
they have their office in the US Embassy
where they process their intelligence.
“The procurement of military equipment
is another area where they are frustrating
Nigeria. By now, we are supposed to have
taken delivery of some of the equipment but
unfortunately, they are delaying this with
unnecessary bottlenecks in the name of
‘compliance issues.’ Now, Nigeria is being
forced to look for succor in the direction of
countries in Eastern Europe. We just took
delivery of some equipment, including
President Zuma
attack helicopters from China, which will
soon be deployed for operations.
“The $9.3m arms deal that was bungled
in South Africa was one of the desperate
moves taken by the government to get out
of the frustration,” the official told Tribune.
Nigeria, S’Africa head for diplomatic row
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“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Meanwhile, the twin-issue of an alleged
$9.3 million arms deal scandal and the
handling of investigation into the tragedy
trailing the collapse of building at the
Synagogue Church for All Nations church,
are reportedly generating tension between
Nigeria and South Africa.
A diplomatic source revealed that the
brewing disagreement could snowball into
a major diplomatic row.
Nigeria and South-Africa have been in and
out of frosty relations since the incumbent
President, Jacob Zuma assumed office.
disposition is allegedly due to President
Goodluck Jonathan’s emergence, which
denied his very close friend in Nigeria, the
Lanseria Airport
The Nigerian friend is still eyeing the top
job and the latest moves by the SouthAfrican government are being reportedly
perceived in security circle as deliberate
acts to embarrass the Nigerian government
and possibly weaken the presidency ahead
of 2015 presidential election.
A diplomatic source disclosed that the
Nigerian government was shocked by the
decision of Pretoria to rush to the media
over the arms business, without exploring
the usual diplomatic channels with the
Nigerian government.
The source further explained that in a
normal circumstance, the South African
government should have contacted its
Nigerian counterpart once those caught
with the controversial cash had disclosed
that they were executing a contract for the
Nigerian security agencies with the active
backing of the Jonathan administration.
Tribune was equally informed that the
move by South Africa to criminalize the
issue and make the cash movement to
appear like money-laundering, confirmed
the alleged politics behind the rejection
by the South Africa, of diplomatic moves
by the Nigerian government, to amicably
resolve the issue.
With the issue in public and South Africa
allegedly drawing political capital out of it,
Saturday Tribune was told that the Nigerian
government would have no choice than to
react appropriately.
Government officials in Nigeria, especially
those in security circle, were also said to
have been embarrassed by the undisguised
move by Pretoria to allegedly blow the
tragedy in Synagogue out of proportion
by mentioning casualty figure that did not
reflect the realities on ground.
The National Emergency Management President Jonathan
Agency (NEMA) had created doubts
around the figure of South African persons harassed him for alleged corrupt practices.
The latest move is being read in diplomatic
circle as Zuma fighting his own battles
against Nigeria, alongside with his friend’s.
Tribune learnt that Nigeria might in days
ahead resort to the same tactic it employed
during the yellow fever clearance card
which saw the two countries in retaliatory
passenger-deporting saga, until South
Africa bowed and apologized to Nigeria,
though it was first to deport Nigerians over
the controversial card.
The then Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Ambassador Olugbenga Ashiru, called it
“eye-for-eye” policy.
The latest brewing crisis could be of
greater damage, as revealed by diplomatic
killed in the building that collapsed at the sources, if Jonathan’s administration would
be going the whole hog as major bilateral
church, as announced by Zuma.
trade could be affected.
Zuma had said the 65 persons he mentioned
as killed in the tragedy, was a result of his South African companies are major
projection based on the hundreds of South players in Nigeria’s telecommunications
Africans that visited the church at the time and cable TV sectors, while Nigerian firms
have consistently complained of harsh
the building collapsed.
operational climate in South Africa.
At the time he was making his claim, the
official casualty figure from NEMA which South Africa has given an indication that
conducted the search and rescue, was 60 the $9.3m cash is likely to be forfeited to it.
for all the nationalities involved.
Already North Gauteng High Court in
South Africa also deployed its search South Africa, has ordered the freezing of
and rescue team as well as DNA experts the said cash.
to identify its nationals involved in the An official who refused to be quoted said
South Africa is likely to have an upper hand
The move is being interpreted by Nigerian in the raging crisis even if its objectives
officials on ground as a vote of no are not altruistic, because it has the laws
confidence in the Nigerians handling the of the land to bank on, in confiscating the
Synagogue crisis and an alleged further disputed cash, which was obviously from
denigration of Jonathan’s administration’s the coffers of the Nigerian government.
capacity to handle emergencies.
The Bombardier Challenger 6000 jet
A foreign affairs source noted that that flew the cash into South Africa is
the Zuma administration had become originally owned by the President of the
particularly hostile since it emerged that Christian Association of Nigeria, Pastor
Nigeria’s economy might be doing better Ayo Oritsejafor, a known ally of President
than South Africa’s, which had reportedly Jonathan.
put his administration under pressure NIGERIAN TRIBUNE
from local activists who have continually
aiwo Temitope, a survivor of the
collapsed Synagogue Church
building, has recounted how he
survived the incident that claimed 86
lives and left several others seriously
He said: “I have always worked in the
department that attends to foreigners in
the church. I was at the canteen, which
was on the ground floor, attending to the
visitors because it was lunch time.
only one trapped around the area at
that moment. There were other people
too around me. We were lying down
because there was little head room
there. The whole place was dark and air
“After announcing to the people that was not coming in. As someone who has
they had the option of eating semovita been taught to pray, I started praying in
with egusi soup or fried rice and fish, I my heart. I asked God to forgive me and
Taiwo Temitope, a survivor of the
went to get some plastic cups for them. began to plead the blood of Jesus.
collapsed Synagogue Church building
“ As I was placing the cup on a dispenser
my rescue was made possible.
and talking to one of the visitors, I just tell you that you will not survive, but I
“I came out at exactly 5: 05 pm on
heard a sound on the wall. The sound had faith in God and that saved me.”
The 28-year-old and graduate of
Business Studies from the University of
West London, said he was at the ground
floor of the collapsed building when the
incident occurred. But in spite of the
magnitude of the incident, he came out
with only an injury to one of his fingers. was like using a saw to cut through an
Recalling that he was rescued from object. I shouted Jesus! immediately the
the rubble 28 hours after the incident, sound boomed. That was the last of day
Temitope said it was his faith that saved light that I saw until I was rescued.”
his life.
Continuing, he said: “ I was not the
Asked how he managed to come out of
the rubble on Saturday when evacuation
on the ground floor where he was
trapped was just on Thursday, he said: “
That is best known to the rescue team. I
am sure I was at a good position where
Saturday. I was taken to Unita Hospital
at Governors Road after my rescue. I
didn’t go for any trauma management
but I now appreciate life more.”
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“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
and took his body away. The test in Dakar
later came out positive for Zaire strain of the
doctors were duly informed.
Ebola virus. We now had the first official
During our early morning ward round with case of Ebola virus disease in Nigeria.
Dr. Adadevoh, we concluded that this was
not malaria and that the patient needed to It was a sobering day. We all began to go
be screened for Ebola Viral Disease. She over all that happened in the last few days,
immediately started calling laboratories to wondering just how much physical contact
find out where the test could be carried out. we had individually made with Patrick
She was eventually referred to Professor Sawyer. Every patient on admission was
Omilabu of the LUTH Virology Reference discharged that day and decontamination
Lab in Idi-Araba whom she called began in the hospital. We were now
managing a crisis situation.
immediately. Prof.
Omilabu told her to send blood and urine The next day, Saturday 26th July, all staff
samples to LUTH straight away. She tried of First Consultants attended a meeting
to reach the Lagos State Commissioner for with Prof. Nasidi of the National Centre for
Health but was unable to contact him at the Disease Control, Prof Omilabu of LUTH
time. She also put calls across to officials of Virology Reference Lab, and some officials
the Federal Ministry of Health and National of W.H.O. They congratulated us on the
actions we had taken and enlightened us
Centre for Disease Control.
further about
Dr. Adadevoh at this time was in a pensive
mood. Patrick Sawyer was now a suspected the Ebola Virus Disease. They said we were
case of Ebola, perhaps the first in the going to be grouped into high risk and low
country. He was quarantined, and strict risk categories based on our individual
barrier nursing was applied with all the level of exposure to Patrick Sawyer, the
precautionary measures we could muster. “index” case. Each person would receive
Dr. Adadevoh went online, downloaded a temperature chart and a thermometer
information on Ebola and printed copies to record temperatures in the morning
which were distributed to the nurses, and night for the next 21 days. We were
all officially under surveillance. We were
doctors and ward maids.
asked to report to them at the first sign of a
Blood and urine samples were sent to LUTH fever for further blood tests to be done. We
that morning. Protective gear, gloves, shoe were reassured that we would all be given
covers and facemasks were provided for adequate care. The anxiety in the air was
the staff. A wooden barricade was placed palpable.
at the entrance of the door to keep visitors
and unauthorized personnel away from the The frenetic pace of life in Lagos, coupled
patient. Despite the medications prescribed with the demanding nature of my job as a
earlier, the vomiting and diarrhea persisted. doctor, means that I occasionally need a
change of environment. As such, one week
The fever escalated from 38c to 40c.
before Patrick Sawyer died, I had gone to
On the morning of Wednesday 23rd July, my parents’ home for a retreat. I was still
the tests carried out in LUTH showed a staying with them when I received my
signal for Ebola. Samples were then sent temperature chart and thermometer on
to Dakar, Senegal for a confirmatory test. Tuesday 29th of July. I could not contain
Dr. Adadevoh went for several meetings my anxiety. People were talking Ebola
with the Lagos State Ministry of Health. everywhere – on television, online,
Thereafter, officials from Lagos State came everywhere. I soon started experiencing
to inspect the hospital and the protective joint and muscle aches and a sore throat,
measures we had put in place.
which I quickly attributed to stress and
The following day, Thursday 24th July, I anxiety. I decided to take malaria tablets.
was again on call. At about 10.00pm Mr. I also started taking antibiotics for the sore
Sawyer requested to see me. I went into the throat. The first couple of temperature
newly created dressing room, donned my readings were normal. Every day I would
protective gear and went in to see him. He attempt to recall the period Patrick Sawyer
had not been cooperating with the nurses was on admission – just how much direct
and had refused any additional treatment. and indirect contact did I have with him? I
He sounded confused and said he received reassured myself that my contact with him
a call from Liberia asking for a detailed was quite minimal. I completed the antimedical report to be sent to them. He also malaria but the aches and pains persisted. I
said he had to travel back to Liberia on a had loss of appetite and felt very tired.
5.00am flight the following morning and On Friday 1st of August, my temperature
that he didn’t want to miss his flight. I told read a high 38.7c. As I type this, I recall
him that I would inform Dr. Adadevoh. As the anxiety I felt that morning. I could not
I was leaving the room, I met Dr. Adadevoh believe what I saw on the thermometer. I
dressed in her protective gear along with a ran to my mother’s room and told her. I did
nurse and another doctor. They went into not go to work that day. I cautiously started
his room to have a discussion with him and using a separate set of utensils and cups
as I heard later to reset his I.V. line which from the ones my family members were
he had deliberately removed after my visit using.
to his room.
On Saturday 2nd of August, the fever
At 6:30am, Friday 25th July, I got a call worsened. It was now at 39c and would not
from the nurse that Patrick Sawyer was be reduced by taking paracetamol. This was
completely unresponsive. Again I put on now my second day of fever. I couldn’t eat.
the protective gear and headed to his room. The sore throat was getting worse. That was
I found him slumped in the bathroom. I when I called the helpline and an ambulance
examined him and observed that there was sent with W.H.O doctors who came and
was no respiratory movement. I felt for took a sample of my blood. Later that day, I
his pulse; it was absent. We had lost him. started stooling and vomiting. I stayed away
It was I who certified Patrick Sawyer dead. from my family. I started washing my plates
I informed Dr. Adadevoh immediately and and spoons myself. My parents meanwhile,
she instructed that no one was to be allowed were convinced that I could not have Ebola.
to go into his room for any reason at all.
The following day, Sunday 3rd of August,
Later that day, officials from W.H.O came I got a call from one of the doctors who
All nurses and
Dr. Ada Igonoh
he story bellow is that of Dr. Ada
Igonoh , who survived Ebola dreaded
virus. Read along: This is her Story ...
On the night of Sunday July 20, 2014,
Patrick Sawyer was wheeled into the
Emergency Room at First Consultants
Medical Centre, Obalende, Lagos, with
complaints of fever and body weakness.
The male doctor on call admitted him as
a case of malaria and took a full history.
Knowing that Mr. Sawyer had recently
arrived from Liberia, the doctor asked if he
had been in contact with an Ebola patient
in the last couple of weeks, and Mr. Sawyer
denied any such contact. He also denied
attending any funeral ceremony recently.
Blood samples were taken for full blood
count, malaria parasites, liver function test
and other baseline investigations. He was
admitted into a private room and started
on antimalaria drugs and analgesics. That
night, the full blood count result came back
as normal and not indicative of infection.
The following day however, his condition
worsened. He barely ate any of his meals.
His liver function test result showed his
liver enzymes were markedly elevated. We
then took samples for HIV and hepatitis
At about 5.00pm, he requested to see a
doctor. I was the doctor on call that night
so I went in to see him. He was lying in bed
with his intravenous (I.V.) fluid bag removed
from its metal stand and placed beside him.
He complained that he had stooled about
five times that evening and that he wanted
to use the bathroom again. I picked up the
I.V. bag from his bed and hung it back on
the stand. I told him I would inform a nurse
to come and disconnect the I.V. so he could
conveniently go to the bathroom. I walked
out of his room and went straight to the
nurses’ station where I told the nurse on
duty to disconnect his I.V. I then informed
my Consultant, Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh about
the patient’s condition and she asked that he
be placed on some medications.
The following day, the results for HIV and
hepatitis screening came out negative. As
we were preparing for the early morning
ward rounds, I was approached by an
ECOWAS official who informed me that
Patrick Sawyer had to catch an 11 o’clock
flight to Calabar for a retreat that morning.
He wanted to know if it would be possible.
I told him it wasn’t, as he was acutely ill.
Dr. Adadevoh also told him the patient
could certainly not leave the hospital in his
condition. She then instructed me to write
very boldly on his chart that on no account
should Patrick Sawyer be allowed out of the
hospital premises without the permission of
Dr. Ohiaeri, our Chief Medical Consultant.
Page 10
came to take my sample the day before. He
told me that the sample which was they had
taken was not confirmatory, and that they
needed another sample. He did not sound
very coherent and I became worried. They
came with the ambulance that afternoon
and told me that I had to go with them to
Yaba. I was confused.
Couldn’t the second sample be taken in
the ambulance like the previous one? He
said a better-qualified person at the Yaba
centre would take the sample. I asked if they
would bring me back. He said “yes.” Even
with the symptoms I did not believe I had
Ebola. After all, my contact with Sawyer
was minimal. I only touched his I.V. fluid
bag just that once without gloves. The only
time I actually touched him was when I
checked his pulse and confirmed him dead,
and I wore double gloves and felt adequately
I told my parents I had to go with the
officials to Yaba and that I would be back
that evening. I wore a white top and a pair
of jeans, and I put my iPad and phones in
my bag. A man opened the ambulance door
for me and moved away from me rather
swiftly. Strange behavior, I thought. They
were friendly with me the day before, but
that day, not so. No pleasantries, no smiles.
I looked up and saw my mother watching
through her bedroom window.
We soon got to Yaba. I really had no clue
where I was. I knew it was a hospital. I was
left alone in the back of the ambulance for
over four hours. My mind was in a whirl.
I didn’t know what to think. I was offered
food to eat but I could barely eat the rice.
The ambulance door opened and a
Caucasian gentleman approached me but
kept a little distance. He said to me, “I have
to inform you that your blood tested positive
for Ebola. I am sorry.” I had no reaction. I
think I must have been in shock. He then
told me to open my mouth and he looked at
my tongue. He said it was the typical Ebola
tongue. I took out my mirror from my bag
and took a look and I was shocked at what I
saw. My whole tongue had a white coating,
looked furry and had a long, deep ridge
right in the middle. I then started to look at
my whole body, searching for Ebola rashes
and other signs as we had been recently
instructed. I called my mother immediately
and said, “Mummy, they said I have Ebola,
but don’t worry, I will survive it. Please, go
and lock my room now; don’t let anyone
inside and don’t touch anything.” She was
silent. I cut the line.
I was taken to the female ward. I was
Patrick Sawyer
cont. on Page18
Page 11
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 12
he proper rendering of the words
“dwelling place” is “habitation /
refuge,” i.e. a place one may come to
(as a house / home) – from a journey, toiling,
wondering or danger; a place of resort or rest.
Think about this for a moment: If dwelling
place means my house or my place of rest or
refuge, then the text is saying Lord, meaning
Jesus is my house, dwelling, place of rest or
refuge. Listen, as you and I are very familiar
with our houses / dwelling places, so we
ought to be familiar with our Lord Jesus.
bathroom in a house where we clean up; also
in Jesus we find cleansing for our sins (1 Jn.
1:7-9). Bedroom is there in a house where we
rest; glory be to God, in Jesus you find rest,
grace and rejuvenation (Mat. 11:29). The
house is always there at the same location;
Jesus is stable: the same yesterday, today and
forever more. You are the one who must not
run out or away from Him The walls of a
house protect it from weather and various
other dangerous conditions. Jesus is our
shield and protector from all dangers of lie.
Please note, you do not have to own a
physical house for Jesus to be your dwelling
place. Psalm 90 is actually a prayer said
by Moses, a man who led his people in the
• In a house, everything needed is available; wilderness. They had no permanent physical
and so it is in Jesus – you find all you need place to live; only movable tents, yet he saw
There is kitchen for eating and so in Jesus God as their dwelling place.
you find bread of life (Jn. 6:35). Living room This is to say, you may have problems, but if
is in the house for relaxation; in Jesus you you have Jesus, you have bread, peace, rest
find peace of mind (Isa. 53:5). There is and forgiveness. If you have Jesus, you have
• Your house is never too far for you to go,
therefore Jesus is not a far God somewhere
unreachable or separated from you. See your
Jesus as a Savior who is close to you.
evastating dysfunction exists
in Ray and Janay’s Rice’s
relationship – and now the whole
world knows it.
A dwelling is a place we run to; Do you see
Jesus as a God you can run to anytime? No
one needs to show you where your kitchen
or bedroom is; no one needs to cajole you to
feel secure in Jesus. “For in him we live, and
move, and have our being; …” – Acts 17:28
Jesus is the house you can run to and find
security, that is why David says in Psalm 91:1
that, “He who dwells in the secret place of
the most high shall abide under the shadow
of the Almighty …”
Have you found a friend in Jesus? Now is
the time to take Him as your friend, become
familiar with Him as you know every corner Pastor Abraham Obadare of Christ
of your house. He is not far from you and Apostolic Church WOSEM
you can trust him to give you rest now and him @ 718-658-8981 or listen to his radio
messages by downloading eagerness of God
Pastor Abraham Obadare ministers at Christ radio to your phone @ Also visit
Apostolic Church WOSEM, 108-02 Sutphin & www.thewayoutforyou.
Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435. You may reach com for more information.
and their approach to domestic violence.
While investigations are necessary and
critical, it’s important to remember – this
is not just an NFL problem. Countless
people across occupational, cultural,
ethnic, and gender lines are victims of
domestic violence every day, but most
of their experiences are “off camera.”
Perhaps you’re one of those people –
you’ve rationalized, apologized, and yet
know at any given moment you could be
terrorized. Find help today.* You don’t
have to combat domestic violence alone.
A recently released video shows the couple
in a shocking altercation on an elevator in
an Atlantic City casino. Ray strikes Janay,
who was then his fiancée, and after she
strikes back he wields a punch that slams
her head against the wall and knocks her
out cold. A previously released video in
February shows Ray dragging Janay off
the elevator, and as deplorable as that
scene was, no one knew exactly what Recent statistics indicate that around
happened prior … behind closed doors.
one in three women experience physical
The running back for the Baltimore violence at the hands of an intimate
Ravens has now been cut from the partner. Domestic violence is not a
team and suspended indefinitely from problem for only a few. These women are
the National Football League. Ripple our neighbors, friends, co-workers and
effects from such a disturbing display of family members. This problem affects
domestic violence prompted Congress to all of us, and we need to work together to
probe NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell raise awareness, stand against abuse, and
on how Rice’s case has been handled, and help those trapped in abusive relationships
now an independent investigation will find a way out.
examine the NFL’s response to this case There are many different levels of abuse.
June Hunt
a hiding place in God
Ray Rice and his wife, Janay’s Rice
personal responsibility.
• “If you call me a name again, I will
leave for a period of time.”
• “If you attack
me, you will have to face the end of our
relationship and also the involvement of
law enforcement.”
• “If you give me the
silent treatment, I will speak with a friend
or counselor.”
• Remember … “A man
reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7 NIV
If you have been physically attacked, you 2011).
need to carefully create a plan to leave as 3. Hold your ground and absolutely do
quickly as possible. If you are concerned not negotiate. Instead of “talking out” the
that a combative or verbally abusive problem, your abuser will seek to wear
relationship may escalate, consider the you out.
following five steps:
• “I am not willing to discuss this topic
1. State clearly, in a conversation or a any longer.”
• “I have stated clearly what
letter, what you are willing to accept I will not accept.”
• “When you are ready
and not accept from the abuser. Do not to respect my boundaries, let me know.”
justify yourself. Do not be apologetic, Remember … “Sin is not ended by
just succinctly state the boundary:
• “Our multiplying words, but the prudent hold
relationship is over if the abuse does not their tongues” (Proverbs 10:19 NIV 2011).
end …
• “I am not willing to listen to your
• “I am not willing to hear 4. Respond responsibly when your
your accusations concerning (name) any boundary is violated – never react on
• Remember … “The one who “gut” emotion or out of anger. Expect
has knowledge uses words with restraint, your boundary to be violated … but act,
and whoever has understanding is even- don’t react.
• Do not lose control of yourself.
• Do not
tempered” (Proverbs 17:27 NIV 2011).
2. Announce the consequences you beg because of feeling fearful.
• Do not
will enforce if the abuser violates your explode because of feeling frustrated.
boundaries. Consequences demonstrate Remember … “The end of a matter is
better than its beginning, and patience
is better than pride. Do not be quickly
provoked in your spirit, for anger resides
in the lap of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:8-9
NIV 2011).
5. Seek sound counsel and reliable help,
particularly if an emergency situation
should arise. Develop a circle of trusted
support made up of wise, objective, and
godly people.
• Discuss troublesome situations with
your counselors/friends.
• Distinguish
manipulative tactics that may be used
against you.
• Determine a plan of action
• Remember … “Listen to advice
and accept instruction and in the end you
will be wise” (Proverbs 19:20).
We hope and pray that both Janay and
Ray Rice find the help and hope that they
desperately need. This tragic situation has
lifted the curtain on abuse that almost
always occurs behind closed doors.
Domestic violence attacks and diminishes
every one of us. As followers of Christ we
must lead the charge to stop this abuse by
following our Lord’s command to love our
neighbor as much as we love ourselves.
*If you or someone you love is dealing
with domestic violence and you are unsure
of where to find help, contact Hope for the
Heart at 1-800-488-HOPE (4673).
Page 13
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 14
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
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“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 16
Page 17
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 18
shocked at the environment. It looked
like an abandoned building. I suspected it
had not been in use for quite a while. As I
walked in, I immediately recognized one
of the ward maids from our hospital. She
always had a smile for me but not this
time. She was ill and she looked it. She had
been stooling a lot too. I soon settled into
my corner and looked around the room.
It smelled of faeces and vomit. It also had
a characteristic Ebola smell to which I
became accustomed. Dinner was served –
rice and stew. The pepper stung my mouth
and tongue. I dropped the spoon. No dinner
that night.
Dr. David, the Caucasian man who had met
me at the ambulance on my arrival, came in
wearing his full protective ‘hazmat’ suit and
goggles. It was fascinating seeing one live.
I had only seen them online. He brought
bottles of water and ORS, the oral fluid
therapy which he dropped by my bedside.
He told me that 90 percent of the treatment
depended on me. He said I had to drink at
least 4.5 liters of ORS daily to replace fluids
lost in stooling and vomiting. I told him I
had stooled three times earlier and taken
Imodium tablets to stop the stooling. He
said it was not advisable, as the virus would
replicate the more inside of me. It was better
he said to let it out. He said good night and
we ourselves had contracted the disease? the antibodies can handle however, further
Mosquitoes were our roommates until they damage is done to the organs. Ebola can be
brought us mosquito nets.
likened to a multi-level, multi-organ attack
Later that evening, Dr. David brought but I had no intention of letting the deadly
another lady into the ward. I recognized her virus destroy my system. I drank more ORS.
immediately as Justina Ejelonu, a nurse who I remember saying to myself repeatedly, “I
had started working at First Consultants on am a survivor, I am a survivor.”
the 21st of July, a day after Patrick Saywer
was admitted. She was on duty on the day
Patrick reported that he was stooling. While
she was attending to him that night, he had
yanked off his drip, letting his blood flow
almost like a tap onto her hands. Justina was
pregnant and was brought into our ward
bleeding from a suspected miscarriage.
She had been told she was there only
on observation. The news that she had
contracted Ebola was broken to her the
following day after results of her blood test
came out positive. Justina was devastated
and wept profusely – she had contracted
Ebola on her first day at work.
My husband started visiting but was not
allowed to come close to me. He could
only see me from a window at a distance.
He visited so many times. It was he who
brought me a change of clothes and toiletries
and other things I needed because I had not
even packed a bag. I was grateful I was not
with him at home when I fell ill or he would
most certainly have contracted the disease.
My retreat at my parents’ home turned out
My parents called. My uncle called. My to be the instrumentality God used to shield
husband called crying. He could not believe and save him.
the news. My parents had informed him, as I drank the ORS fluid like my life depended
I didn’t even know how to break the news on it. Then I got a call from my pastor. He
to him.
had been informed about my predicament.
As I lay on my bed in that isolation ward,
strangely, I did not fear for my life. I was
confident that I would leave that ward some
day. There was an inner sense of calm. I did
not for a second think I would be consumed
by the disease. That evening, the symptoms
fully kicked in. I was stooling almost every
two hours. The toilets did not flush so I had
to fetch water in a bucket from the bathroom
each time I used the toilet. I then placed
another bucket beneath my bed for the
vomiting. On occasion I would run to the
toilet with a bottle of ORS, so that as I was
stooling, I was drinking.
The next day Monday 4th of August, I
began to notice red rashes on my skin
particularly on my arms. I had developed
sores all over my mouth. My head was
pounding so badly. The sore throat was so
severe I could not eat. I could only drink the
ORS. I took paracetamol for the pain. The
ward maid across from me wasn’t doing so
well. She had stopped speaking. I couldn’t
even brush my teeth; the sores in my mouth
were so bad. This was a battle for my life but
I was determined I would not die.
Every morning, I began the day with
reading and meditating on Psalm 91. The
sanitary condition in the ward left much
to be desired. The whole Ebola thing had
caught everyone by surprise. Lagos State
Ministry of Health was doing its best to
contain the situation but competent hands
were few. The sheets were not changed for
days. The floor was stained with greenish
vomitus and excrement. Dr. David would
come in once or twice a day and help clean
up the ward after chatting with us. He was
the only doctor who attended to us. There
was no one else at that time.
The matrons would leave our food outside
the door; we had to go get the food ourselves.
They hardly entered in the initial days.
Everyone was being careful. This was all so
new. I could understand, was this not how
He called me every single day morning
and night and would pray with me over the
phone. He later sent me a CD player, CDs
of messages on faith and healing, and Holy
Communion packs through my husband.
My pastor, who also happens to be a
medical doctor, encouraged me to monitor
how many times I had stooled and vomited
each day and how many bottles of ORS I
had consumed. We would then discuss the
disease and pray together. He asked me to
do my research on Ebola since I had my iPad
with me and told me that he was also doing
his study. He wanted us to use all relevant
information on Ebola to our advantage.
So I researched and found out all I could
about the strange disease that has been in
existence for 38 years. My research, my
faith, my positive view of life, the extended
times of prayer, study and listening to
encouraging messages boosted my belief
that I would survive the Ebola scourge.
There are five strains of the virus and the
deadliest of them is the Zaire strain, which
was what I had. But that did not matter.
I believed I would overcome even the
deadliest of strains. Infected patients who
succumb to the disease usually die between
6 to 16 days after the onset of the disease
from multiple organ failure and shock
caused by dehydration. I was counting the
days and keeping myself well hydrated. I
didn’t intend to die in that ward. My research
gave me ammunition. I read that as soon
as the virus gets into the body, it begins to
replicate really fast. It enters the blood cells,
destroys them and uses those same blood
cells to aggressively invade other organs
where they further multiply. Ideally, the
body’s immune system should immediately
mount up a response by producing
antibodies to fight the virus. If the person is
strong enough, and that strength is sustained
long enough for the immune system to
kill off the viruses, the patient is likely to
survive. If the virus replicates faster than
I also found out that a patient with Ebola
cannot be re-infected and they cannot
relapse back into the disease as there is
some immunity conferred on survivors. My
pastor and I would discuss these findings,
interpret them as it related to my situation
and pray together. I looked forward to his
calls. They were times of encouragement
and strengthening. I continued to meditate
on the Word of God. It was my daily bread.
Shortly after Justina came into the ward,
the ward maid, Mrs. Ukoh passed on. The
disease had gotten into her central nervous
system. We stared at her lifeless body
in shock. It was a whole 12 hours before
officials of W.H.O came and took her body
away. The ward had become the house of
death. The whole area surrounding her bed
was disinfected with bleach. Her mattress
was taken and burned.
I discussed it with my pastor who said it
could be a separate pathology and possibly
a symptom of malaria. He promised he
would research if indeed this was Ebola or
something else. That night as I stared at the
dirty ceiling, I felt a strong impression that
the new fever I had developed was not as a
result of Ebola but malaria. I was relieved.
The following morning, Dr. Ohiaeri sent
me antimalaria medication, which I took for
three days. Before the end of the treatment,
the fever had disappeared.
I began to think about my mother. She was
under surveillance along with my other
family members. I was worried. She had
touched my sweat. I couldn’t get the thought
off my mind. I prayed for her. Hours later
on Twitter I came across a tweet by W.H.O
saying that the sweat of an Ebola patient
cannot transmit the virus at the early stage
of the infection. The sweat could only
transmit it at the late stage.
That settled it for me. It calmed the storms
that were raging within me concerning my
parents. I knew right away it was divine
guidance that caused me to see that tweet.
I could cope with having Ebola, but I was
To contain the frequent diarrhea, I had not prepared to deal with a member of my
started wearing adult diapers, as running to family contracting it from me.
the toilet was no longer convenient for me. Soon, volunteer doctors started coming
The indignity was quite overwhelming, but to help Dr. David take care of us. They
I did not have a choice. My faith was being had learned how to protect themselves.
severely tested. The situation was desperate Among the volunteer doctors was Dr.
enough to break anyone psychologically. Badmus, my consultant in LUTH during
Dr. Ohiaeri also called us day and night, my housemanship days. It was good to
enquiring about our health and the progress see a familiar face among the caregivers.
we were making. He sent provisions, extra I soon understood the important role these
drugs, vitamins, Lucozade, towels, tissue brave volunteers were playing. As they
paper; everything we needed to be more increased in number, so did the number of
comfortable in that dark hole we found shifts increase and subsequently the number
ourselves. Some of my male colleagues had of times the patients could access a doctor
also been admitted to the male ward two in one day. This allowed for more frequent
rooms away, but there was no interaction patient monitoring and treatment. It also
with them. We were saddened by the news reduced caregiver fatigue. It was clear that
that Jato, the ECOWAS protocol officer to Lagos State was working hard to contain
Patrick Sawyer who had also tested positive, the crisis
had passed on days after he was admitted.
Sadly, Justina succumbed to the disease
Two more females joined us in the ward; a on the 12th of August. It was a great blow
nurse from our hospital and a patient from and my faith was greatly shaken as a result.
another hospital. The mood in the ward I commenced daily Bible study with the
was solemn. There were times we would other two female patients and we would
be awakened by the sudden, loud cry from encourage one another to stay positive in
one of the women. It was either from fear, our outlook though in the natural it was
pain mixed with the distress or just the grim and very depressing. My communion
sheer oppression of our isolation. I kept sessions with the other women were very
encouraging myself. This could not be the special moments for us all.
end for me. Five days after I was admitted,
the vomiting stopped. A day after that, the On my 10th day in the ward, the doctors
diarrhea ceased. I was overwhelmed with having noted that I had stopped vomiting
joy. It happened at a time I thought I could and stooling and was no longer running a
no longer stand the ORS. Drinking that fever, decided it was time to take my blood
fluid had stretched my endurance greatly.
I knew countless numbers of people were
praying for me. Prayer meetings were being
held on my behalf. My family was praying
day and night. Text messages of prayers
flooded my phones from family members
and friends. I was encouraged to press on.
With the encouragement I was receiving I
began to encourage the others in the ward.
We decided to speak life and focus on the
positive. I then graduated from drinking
only the ORS fluid to eating only bananas,
to drinking pap and then bland foods. Just
when I thought I had the victory, I suddenly
developed a severe fever. The initial fever
had subsided four days after I was admitted,
and then suddenly it showed up again. I
thought it was the Ebola. I enquired from
Dr. David who said fever was sometimes the
last thing to go, but he expressed surprise
that it had stopped only to come back on
again. I was perplexed.
cont. on Page25
Page 19
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
IVE out of nine survivors of the
dreaded Ebola Virus Diseases,
EVD, yesterday, met with Lagos
State governor, Babatunde Fashola, and
some members of the State’s Executive
Council, SEC, where they recounted their
They include Dennis Akagha, husband
of late Justina, a nurse at First Consultant
Hospital, Dr Fadipe Akinniyi, Dr.
Ibeawuchi Morris, Dr. Adaowa Igowoh
and Kelechi Enemuo, wife of late Dr. Iyke
Samuel Enemuo, who died of EVD in Port
Three of the survivors who are staff of First
Consultant Hospital, contracted the virus
from the index case, late Patrick Sawyer,
the Liberian who brought in the disease into
Nigeria on July 20, 2014.
Dr. Igowoh, who was the first to recount her
ordeal, described yesterday as a glorious
day in her life. She said, “it is a day of joy. I
want to say that we are here today because
of God. It was He that made us to survive.
We are privileged to see this day and to
be here with everybody, it is an honour.
Thank you so much Governor Fashola, we
can’t thank you for everything. We at First
Consultants Medical Centre took a risk, we
risked our lives because we knew that we
wanted to ensure the safety of Lagosians,
Nigerians and humanity because we are
a global village; from a small village it
can spread to the world and we knew the
implications, but we said we would risk our
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 20
lives and we would not let the index case
leave the hospital.”
Dr Akinniyi: “I am most happy here today
because as matter of fact, when everyone
was running helter-skelter, I told myself I
only opened the door and by the virtue of
that, nothing should happen to me. I never
knew I was deceiving myself, until the day
I recorded my temperature and there was a
kind of spike. I told myself what is going on.
Once I have treated malaria a while ago and
I told myself that it could be malaria. I used
anti malaria drugs but nothing changed,
rather it was getting worse. Eventually, I
went to a private hospital to treat myself
because I did not want to admit it was
Ebola. I felt they would be able to proffer
solutions to all my problems but it wasn’t to
be so. Rather, it was becoming terrible and I
started stooling and vomiting. I summoned
the courage and called the doctors at the
monitoring units that my temperature
has been persistently high.”
Dennis: “I
really want to appreciate and commend
everything you have done. My case was
different, I wasn’t among the doctors, my
wife, Justina Echelonu Obioma happened to
be one of the nurses that cared for the index
case. She got contact with the index case,
when she came back home, she told me. We
didn’t know what was happening because
she was having symptoms. She was two
months pregnant. She was feeling feverish.
Infact that was her first day on the job, it
was her first day and her first patient was
Patrick Sawyer. She just resumed that day,
Ebola Survivors: Gov. Babatunde Fashola of Lagos(4th left) with survivors of the Ebola Virus Disease. From
Right: Dr. Adaora Igonoh, Dennis Akagha, Fashola, Dr. Ibeawuchi Morris, Dr. Fadipe Akinniyi and Dr. Enemuo
I encouraged her to go to work, but she was
reluctant because of her situation, but I had
to convince her to go and tell them in the
Hospital about her condition so that they can
give her more time. That was just the first
day. When she came back, the following
day she went to work again, then the next
two days, she was off. We were just at home
when the case was announced the case of
Sawyer and she told me that she cared for
him at the hospital and I asked her if she was
sure about what she said, because we have
been hearing about it. I asked her what kind
of contact she had with him and she said she
used protective gloves. Hearing that, I felt
rest assured.”
rushed to First Consultant Medical Centre.
It was like a joke. I did not know what
came upon me that day. Unlike me, I was
so reluctant to attend to him. But I was
compelled by my colleagues to attend to
him. When I got there, I was just talking to
him. It was very unlike me. Being a doctor,
you must examine your patient. After due
examination, I asked him some questions.
But Patrick Sawyer lied to me, even the
ECOWAS Protocol Officer, who sat there,
kept quiet.
Collapse at airport
“He asked him why
he was in First Consultant. He lied to me
that he was in a conference and felt so
weak. As a result, people now rushed him
Morris Ibeawuchi: “I was the person that to First Consultant not knowing that he
received Patrick Sawyer the day he was collapsed at the airport. On that very day,
cont. on Page 26
hen he arrived Lagos aboard
a Togolese Asky Airlines
aircraft on Sunday July 20,
2014, Patrick Sawyer, the late AmericanLiberian was on the threshold of history.
The chronicle of events following his
disembarkation at the Murtala Mohammed
International Airport, Lagos and subsequent
admission at First Consultants Hospital,
Obalende underscore why his name has
become synonymous with the spectre of
Ebola Virus Disease in Nigeria. Sawyer
will never be forgotten as the importer of
the dreaded infectious Ebola virus into the
country. He was the first ever confirmed
case and No.1 fatality of the incurable Ebola
virus disease in Nigeria.
“Promising Young Life Cheated”.
Nigeria for help so that he can get properly
diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed in Liberia.
The email reads…..
And if it came back that he did have Ebola,
From: Patrick O. Sawyer, Date: Thu, Jul 10, he trusted the Nigerian healthcare system a
2014 at 6:09 AM;
lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His
action, as off as it was, was a desperate plea
Subject: Ebola Struck Close to Home
for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he
To: Benetta Tarr
thought his life would be saved in Nigeria.”
“H. Urias Harrington”
According to findings, the day after Sawyer
Dear All, My junior sister, Miss Princess sent out the email about his sister’s death
Christina Nyennetue (Age 27) died on from Ebola, a notice of the development
Tuesday July 8th at the St. Joseph Catholic appeared in The Satellite, newsletter of
Hospital. At my request, the Ministry of ArcellorMittal, the mining company where
Health agreed to extract blood specimens he (Sawyer) was a consultant.
from her body in search for cause of death
The notice is republished here:
and the result just came in this morning…
she died of Ebola Disease. Princess was Important Ebola Notice to All Employees
the only girl child of my mother’s five and Contractors
children…this make (sic) it particularly “A family member of an ArcelorMittal
difficult for us especially for my mother who Liberia employee died on Tuesday, July 8th,
lives alone in Southwest Philadelphia . If you in Monrovia due to a confirmed case of the
Facebook searched my late sister Princess, Ebola virus. The employee had minimal
you will soon realize that death has cheated a contact with the victim, at the state where
promising young life. Thanks to you all once the virus was infectious. Doctors say the
more for your many messages of condolence risk of potential transfer to any member of
and best wishes. Good day.
the ArcelorMittal staff or contractors is very
Two days before Sawyer embarked on his
odyssey to Lagos from Monrovia, his sister,
Princess Christina Nyennetue, had died of
the dreaded disorder. Not too many people
knew it, but following his sister’s demise,
Sawyer who had been with her during her
illness until her eventual death sent out a
disheartening email to a number of close
friends and associates as well as a senior
official at the ECOWAS Commission in *Patrick Oliver Sawyer / Head *ECOWAS
online *MINISTRY
FrontPageAfrica. The email, entitled “Ebola Following Sawyer’s death on Lagos on July
Struck Close to Home” offers a glimpse into 25, his widow, Decontee, implied on a social
the mind of the late Sawyer and what he was media site that her husband came to Nigeria
thinking prior to his now controversial death to seek treatment because he had a distrust
in Lagos.
of the healthcare system in Liberia .
In the email dated July 10, 2014, Sawyer According to Decontee : “Patrick went to
described the death of his sister as
low. The employee has submitted to the
Ministry of Health for a medical examination
for possible Ebola infection, and has also
requested the Ministry of Health to make the
result available to ArcelorMittal Liberia and
its close affiliates. There is no evidence to
suggest that the employee has been infected.
Under the Ministry of Health guidelines,
the employee is being monitored on a daily
basis and will continue to do so for a period
of 21 days. During this time the employee
will be absent from work. ArcelorMittal
Patrick Sawyer
Liberia is providing all support necessary
to the employee and his family during this
very difficult time, and our thoughts are with
The company newsletter issued another
letter on July 25, 2014 announcing Sawyer’s
The announcement was signed by one
Antonio Carlos reads:
Ebola Statement
Dear colleagues,
I am writing to inform you that today
ArcelorMittal received information that
the employee whose family member died
on Tuesday July 8th in Monrovia due to a
confirmed case of the Ebola virus has died
today, from a suspected case of Ebola.
Results of the Ebola test are awaited. The
first thing I want to reassure everyone is
that the employee, Patrick Sawyer, had
very limited contact with his ArcelorMittal
colleagues since his contact with the victim
cont. on Page 26
sample to test if the virus had cleared from
my system. They took the sample and told
me that I shouldn’t be worried if it comes
out positive as the virus takes a while
before it is cleared completely. I prayed that
I didn’t want any more samples collected
from me. I wanted that to be the first and
last sample to be tested for the absence of
the virus in my system. I called my pastor.
He encouraged me and we prayed again
about the test.
On the evening of the day Justina passed
on, we were moved to the new isolation
centre. We felt like we were leaving hell
and going to heaven. We were conveyed to
the new place in an ambulance. It was just
behind the old building. Time would not
permit me to recount the drama involved
with the dynamics of our relocation. It was
like a script from a science fiction movie.
The new building was cleaner and much
better than the old building. Towels and
nightwear were provided on each bed. The
environment was serene.
The following night, Dr. Adadevoh was
moved to our isolation ward from her
private room where she had previously
been receiving treatment. She had also
tested positive for Ebola and was now in
a coma. She was receiving I.V. fluids and
oxygen support and was being monitored
closely by the W.H.O doctors. We all hoped
and prayed that she would come out of it.
It was so difficult seeing her in that state.
I could not bear it. She was my consultant,
my boss, my teacher and my mentor. She
was the imperial lady of First Consultants,
full of passion, energy and competence.
I imagined she would wake up soon and
see that she was surrounded by her First
Consultants family but sadly it was not to
I continued listening to my healing
messages. They gave me life. I literarily
played them hours on end. Two days later,
on Saturday the 16th of August, the W.H.O
doctors came with some papers. I was
informed that the result of my blood test
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
was negative for Ebola virus. If I could
somersault, I would have but my joints
were still slightly painful. I was free to go
home after being in isolation for exactly 14
days. I was so full of thanks and praise to
God. I called my mother to get fresh clothes
and slippers and come pick me.
to sit, he couldn’t; when it was time to crawl,
he couldn’t; when it was time to walk, he
couldn’t, and when it was time to talk, he
couldn’t -- yet he is alive and has continued
to show instinct of survival. He struggles
and wriggles within his limitation albeit
unsuccessfully to smile to respond to sound.
Free of Ebola. Free to live again. Free to
interact with humanity again. Free from
the sentence of death.
My parents and two brothers were
under surveillance for 21 days and they
completed the surveillance successfully.
None of them came down with a fever.
My husband couldn’t stop shouting The house had been disinfected by Lagos
when I called him. He was completely State Ministry of Health soon after I was
taken to the isolation centre. I thank God
overwhelmed with joy.
I was told however that I could not leave for shielding them from the plague.
the ward with anything I came in with. I My recovery after discharge has been
glanced one last time at my cd player, my gradual but progressive. I thank God
valuable messages, my research assistant for the support of family and friends. I
a.k.a my iPad, my phones and other items. remember my colleagues who we lost in
I remember saying to myself, “I have life; I this battle. Dr. Adadevoh my boss, Nurse
Justina Ejelonu, and the ward maid, Mrs. Obi-Justina Ejelonu
can always replace these items.”
I went for a chlorine bath, which was Ukoh were heroines who lost their lives mortality rate was 99%, I would be part of
necessary to disinfect my skin from my in the cause to protect Nigeria. They will the 1% who survive.
head to my toes. It felt like I was being never be forgotten.
Early detection and reporting to hospital is
baptized into a new life as Dr. Carolina, I commend the dedication of the W.H.O key to patient survival. Please do not hide
a W.H.O doctor from Argentina poured doctors, Dr. David from Virginia, USA, yourself if you have been in contact with
the bucket of chlorinated water all over who tried several times to convince me an Ebola patient and have developed the
me. I wore a new set of clothes, following to specialize in infectious diseases, Dr. symptoms. Regardless of any grim stories
the strict instructions that no part of the Carolina from Argentina who spoke so one may have heard about the treatment
clothes must touch the floor and the walls. calmly and encouragingly, Mr. Mauricio of patients in the isolation centre, it is
Dr. Carolina looked on, making sure I did from Italy who always offered me apples still better to be in the isolation ward with
as instructed. I was led out of the bathroom and gave us novels to read. I especially specialist care, than at home where you and
and straight to the lawn to be united with thank the volunteer Nigerian doctors, others will be at risk.
my family, but first I had to cut the red matrons and cleaners who risked their lives
ribbon that served as a barrier. It was to take care of us. I must also commend the I read that Dr. Kent Brantly, the American
a symbolic expression of my freedom. Lagos State government, and the state and doctor who contracted Ebola in Liberia
Everyone cheered and clapped. It was a federal ministries of health for their swift and was flown out to the United States
little but very important ceremony for me. efforts to contain the virus. To all those for treatment was being criticized for
I was free from Ebola! I hugged my family prayed for me, I cannot thank you enough. attributing his healing to God when he
as one who had been liberated after many And to my First Consultants family, I say a was given the experimental drug, Zmapp.
years of incarceration. I was like someone heartfelt thank you for your dedication and I don’t claim to have all the answers to the
who had fought death face to face and for your support throughout this very nagging questions of life. Why do some
die and some survive? Why do bad things
come back to the land of the living.
difficult period.
happen to good people? Where is God in
We had to pass through several stations I still believe in miracles. None of us the midst of pain and suffering? Where
of disinfection before we reached the car. in the isolation ward was given any does science end and God begin? These
Bleach and chlorinated water were sprayed experimental drugs or so-called immune are issues we may never fully comprehend
on everyone’s legs at each station. As we boosters. I was full of faith yet pragmatic on this side of eternity. All I know is that I
made our way to the car, we walked past enough to consume as much ORS as I walked through the valley of the shadow of
the old isolation building. I could hardly could even when I wanted to give up and death and came out unscathed
recognize it. I could not believe I slept throw the bottles away. I researched on
in that building for 10 days. I was free! the disease extensively and read accounts BELLNAIJA.
of the survivors. I believed that even if the
old mother of the boy, said she had been
struggling to take care of the boy. After
spending all her life savings on seeking
medical help for the boy, Mrs. Amadi has
continued to lament that her subsistence
Favour was born in Bayelsa State with means of livelihood could no longer
a medical defect that prevents him from manage such a critical situation.
draining the fluids that protect his brain. As The helpless mother, who claimed to have
a result, his head has continually increased exhausted every known source of help,
in size since birth. The medical name for his also said the problem had been largely
compounded by lack of fund and fear of
peculiar condition is Hydrocephalus.
Thus, Favour has been unable to fulfill the stigmatization, not just for herself, but also
natural biological development expected of for the little boy who is often treated as an
every child -- when it was time for Favour outcast in the community.
lass disparity, cultural limitation
and social rejection are some of the
constraints Favour Amadi, a threeyear-old boy has to contend with on account
of his birth.
Page 22
Meanwhile, according to information made
available to Saturday Tribune, what seemed
like a glimmer of hope was kindled when
a group, Everybody Counts International
(ECI), on hearing of the plight of the boy,
stepped into render a helping hand.
ECI, which is a registered charity
organization both in London and Nigeria,
therefore, undertook all the medical
preliminary efforts, which eventually led
to a feedback of hope from a hospital in
the United Kingdom, Great Ormond Street
Hospital for Children, indicating that the
chances of restoration and survival of Favour
When crying for help, Mrs. Amadi, who were very high.
has suspended her part-time study at But Great Ormond Street Hospital has indicated
Favour Amadi
Niger Delta University, where she lives that the entire medical process, including postDISCLAIMER
with Favour, said “the boy’s father fled operation management schedule, would gulp
Light of the World newspaper will not contact or act on
on sighting the boy. I have been living as the sum of £15,000 (about N4 million) with a The
behalf of any one that wants to help those mentioned in the
a single parent ever since. I have not been schedule of six months.
article. Those interested in helping should contact directly
able to do much to remedy the situation as In a spirited effort to raise the required fund with the information available. This is a Kingdom service
for those needing financial assistance and the love of Christ.
I have exhausted all my options, and I don’t to save the boy, the chairperson of ECI, We are not endorsing or recommending anybody. It is our
obligation to inform kindhearted members of the public
know what else to do,” she lamented.
Dr, Emmanuela Akande, participated in
According to information gathered, on
seeing the medical condition of Favour, his
father disowned him, saying he (the father) The mother, who is desperate to see her son a Tennis Charity Competition which was
was too perfect to give birth to such a ‘being’. not just live, but also to lead a normal life, held in London, but sadly, the event could
Since then, Chinyere Amadi, the 40-year- called on all Nigerians to come to her aid. only produce a mere £500 (N137 000).
about the plight of those who need help in Nigeria and other
countries. If you are interested in helping, please contact
them directly at your own discretion.
Light of the world, spreading the good news.
Page 23
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
URVIVORS of September’s terror
attacks at the Federal College of
Education, Kano, are still traumatized
by the carnage which left 13 of their
colleagues dead.
Terrorists believed to be suicide bombers
launched an assault on the college, the fallout
of which is still rocking the city of Kano.
At the sick bed of some of the 34 ‘lucky
survivors’ who though savor a lucky escape
but have given up the pursuit of academics if
that will save their dear lives.
At the Murtala Mohammed Specialist
Hospital, Abdulyasar Nasir narrated his
At age 12, Nasir is simply too young to study
at the College but the boy is known at the
school premises as a hawker of sachet water.
“I may be young to you but the way you
see me, I contribute to the welfare of my
family by selling pure water to the students.
They all like me so I make much money off
them,” Nasir explained.
Nasri is being treated for wounds from gun
“I was on campus hawking my goods after
closing from school. All of a sudden, I heard
gunshots, three of which hit my legs. That
was the last I could recall. When I regained
consciousness, I found myself on the
hospital,” he said.
Nasir begged of two things.
“It’s good you are here, please help tell the
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 24
doctors in turanci (English) to attend to me
quickly. I can feel the bullets are destroying
the organs of my body. Then carry it in your
paper and tell my parents I am not dead but
here. I am yet to see them here, they may
have thought I am one of the casualties.’
Ahmad Kabir, a student of Modern European
Languages, said: “I was looking forward to
write a test our lecturers had prepared us
for when the invaders struck. First to hit
the floor was our lecturer who was hit by a
gunshot. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing can
encourage me to go back to school again.
Oga, I am in trauma. It is just as if it has just
Mohammed Kawu, just like Nasir is
apprehensive of what his parents must be
going through.
“I am from Hadejia town in Jigawa State. I
lost my phone in the melee and I am sure my
parents will be wondering what is going on,
thinking I might have been killed,” he said.
Recalling the commando style the terrorists
deployed in their approach, Kawu said “they
shot once and turned their backs. The next
thing was sporadic shooting as if they were
being commanded by a superior officer.”
‘’The entire school hall became a house of
confusion, with everybody running helter
skelter. I screamed and lost consciousness.
The next thing I saw was that I was being
fed in the hospital,” he stated.
Survivors of Terror
A delegation of the Federal Government
led by the Minister of Education, Malam
Ibrahim Shekarau, was at the college on
Friday. Shekarau said that the rampant cases
of attack on tertiary institutions needed a
fresh strategy to curb untimely death of
innocent students.
“It is unfortunate that institutions of learning
are being targeted by insurgents. I am sure
all of us: federal, state, security agents and
all concerned have to put hands on deck to
ensure that maximum safety of lives and
properties in our institutions must be given
the highest priority,” he said.
“We see this trend as another challenge to
stakeholders to further go back to drawing
board to ensure additional strategies to
detect and protect the lives and property
of the young ones in our institution.
“President Jonathan, on behalf of the
Federal Government, extends his sympathy
and condolence to the families, staff and
management of this institution for losing
numerous innocent students to the attack
of insurgents. We also sympathize with the
wounded ones who are currently receiving
treatments at various hospitals, the entire
community who have been seriously
traumatized by this incident.”
Earlier the provost of the college, Dr. Rabi
Muhammad Jibrila, told the delegation of
the pathetic situation the innocent students
faced in the hands of the attackers.
“It is worrisome that this ugly situation could
be happening in the higher institution of
learning. What could have been the offence of
students that warranted such an onslaught?”
he queried.
The Emir of Kano, Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi
11, also called on the surviving students of the
college to go back to the school and continue
their education, saying that is the only way to
defeat the objective and aims of the terrorists.
Sanusi, who made the call when he visited
some of the surviving victims at the Murtala
Muhammad Hospital, urged them not to be
deterred or fearful of going back to school
after they have been discharged.
“The aim of the insurgents was to threaten
you so that you will be scared of continuing
your education, therefore, don’t be disturbed,
go back as soon as you are well,’’ he advised.
“See it as part of the challenges you have to
face in life to become somebody in future.
You are my children, the advice I can give to
you are that be determined and be resolute, I
believe you will be well very soon, but don’t
entertain any fear of going back to continue
your education,’’ he added.
Survivors of Terror
fter almost being martyred in
Sudan for refusing to renounce her
Christian faith a few months ago,
global Christian icon Meriam Ibrahim, 27,
is breathing easier now and smiling.
through a translator.
It was the “only weapon” she used to
survive the ordeal. And she believed it was
all she needed. She believed God would be
sure to deliver her. And He did.
to leave Islam; because if you do so, you couldn’t because apart from just standing
will be subjected to the death penalty,” she up for her faith, she wanted to draw
attention to the plight of Christians in
In May, Ibrahim gave birth to her daughter, Sudan.
She continued: “I was given three days
(to renounce Christianity). While I was in
prison, some people came to visit me from
the Muslim scholars association. These
were Imams that created an intervention
by reciting parts of the Quran for me. I
faced a tremendous amount of pressure.”
Ibrahim’s story became a global cause
célèbre when she was sentenced to death
by hanging while pregnant after she was
found guilty by Sudanese officials of
“Faith means life. If you don’t have faith, converting from Islam to Christianity
you are not alive,” said Meriam Ibrahim and marrying Daniel Wani, a U.S. citizen
when asked if she was afraid of dying for earlier this year.
Ibrahim, however, didn’t budge.
her faith.
Sudanese officials insisted she was a “I had my trust in God. My faith was
In her first public interview since arriving Muslim and claimed that it was illegal for the only weapon that I had in these
in the U.S. with her two children and her to marry Wani, but she maintained confrontations with the Imams and
husband, Ibrahim revealed how she was Monday that she was never a Muslim.
Muslim scholars because that’s what I
able to survive after being placed on death “I was never a Muslim. I have always believe,” she said.
row in Sudan for her Christian beliefs and been a Christian. If you are a Christian When asked why she didn’t convert to
her response was simple — “faith.”
and you convert to Islam, it becomes hard Islam to save her life, Ibrahim said she
More than 12,000 kilometers away from
Sudan where her life was being demanded,
Ibrahim is now free to practice her faith
and enjoy her family at her new home
in Manchester, New Hampshire. And
eventually, she hopes to get involved in
getting help for the persecuted people of
Sudan and promote religious freedom.
“I would like to help the people in Sudan
and Africa, especially women and children
and to promote freedom of religion,” she
said near the end of an interview with
Megyn Kelly on Fox News Monday night
Maya, in a Sudanese prison while in “If I did that that would mean that I gave
up. It’s not possible because it’s not true.
“Maya was born under difficult It’s my right to follow the religion of my
circumstances. I was supposed to give choice. I’m not the only one suffering from
birth at a hospital but they denied that this problem. There are many Meriams
request. When it was time to give birth in Sudan and throughout the world, it’s
they refused to remove the chains from my not just me. I am not the only one,” she
ankles, so I had to give birth in chains. It emphasized.
was difficult,” she said.
“I put my life at risk for the women of
“I had my faith in God. I knew that God Sudan. I was close to them and I felt their
would help me, that God knew that I was a suffering. I share with them the difficult
victim of injustice. It is my right to practice circumstances in prison and life in general.
With regard to the situation of Christians,
the religion I choose,” she asserted.
Meriam Ibrahim
this is a well-known fact that they live
under difficult circumstances and they are
persecuted and treated harshly. They are
afraid to say that they are Christians out of
fear of persecution,” she added.
Ibrahim’s sentence was eventually appealed
and overturned, and she was allowed to leave
Sudan alive with her family due in part to
public pressure that prompted the U.S. State
Department to take action. Ibrahim was
subsequently released to Italian officials in
July before entering the U.S.
Page 25
ameroon, Ivory Coast and Guinea
were named as future hosts of
the Africa Cup of Nations by the
Confederation of African Football (Caf).
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
named at the executive committee meeting.
A Caf spokesperson told the BBC that, on
the basis of Guinea’s presentation “and
commitment”, the committee “decided to
A vote of the executive committee, meeting exercise its power to make an immediate
in the Ethiopian capital, awarded Cameroon decision.”
the 2019 finals and Ivory Coast will stage Guinea have never hosted the competition
the 2021 edition.
which was first staged 57 years ago in
In an unscheduled announcement Caf also Sudanese capital Khartoum.
decided to hand Guinea the right to host the The two nations who miss out are Zambia
2023 finals.
and Algeria.
Algeria and Zambia lost out in the bidding Zambia’s bid-package for the tournament
in five years’ time included matches played
The Democratic Republic of Congo had against a backdrop of the spectacular
withdrawn from the race two months ago. Victoria Falls.
Cameroon, who will stage the tournament They were awarded the 1988 tournament
in 2019 previously staged the Nations Cup only to be replaced by Morocco because
they lacked the required funds.
in 1972.
Ivory Coast, awarded the 2021 edition, are The Algerian bid had seemed among the
also former hosts, having staged the Cup of strongest, but their cause would not have
been helped by the death of Cameroonian
Nations in 1984.
The 2023 hosts were not expected to be striker Albert Ebosse after a match in the
north African state.
Ebosse died last month having being struck
by a piece of slate allegedly thrown by a
supporter of the club he played for, former
African champions JS Kabylie.
Each country made a 30-minute, eveof-vote presentation and the executive
committee also had a report on each
candidate to help them decide.
A five-man inspection team led by senior
executive committee member Amadou
Diakite from Mali spent several days in
each of the five countries this year.
Among the facilities under the Caf
microscope were stadiums, training
grounds, hotels, hospitals and media
centres, plus road, rail and air links.
Africa taking over.
The Nations Cup has been spread around Kenya, Algeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali
the continent recently with southern, and Zimbabwe are reportedly interested
central, western and northern countries in replacing strife-torn Libya as the 2017
among the previous five hosts.
hosts ahead of a September 30 deadline
Ethiopia were the last east African for bids.
hosts in 1976 with cash-strapped Kenya The 2017 Cup of Nations hosts will be
withdrawing as 1996 hosts and South named next year.
imbabwe have launched a bid to host
the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations with
President Robert Mugabe and the
government giving full support to the plans.
Libya withdrew from staging the tournament
on security grounds, and countries have
until 30 September to submit proposals to
the Confederation of African Football.
Sports minister Andrew Langa and tourism
minister Walter Mzembi announced the
plans in Harare, saying they met with
President Mugabe, who gave his approval
to the bid.
Zimbabwe is considering a joint bid with
Zambia or another southern African nation.
Langa said that finances are still to be
secured, and that Zimbabwe might use its
close ties with Libya for assistance.
“The budget is still work in progress, and Zimbabwe,” he said.
we now have a committee of ministers and Mzembi added that government is willing
officials working on it,” said Langa.
to construct a stadium at Victoria Falls if the
“Libya have been an all-weather friend bid is successful.
of Zimbabwe and could be engaged by However, Caf says that all infrastructure
Zimbabwe to maintain and retain their and stadiums must be in place already.
presence at the tournament by financially
and materially endorsing and supporting Currently Zimbabwe has three stadiums
that Caf might approve - the National Sports
Zimbabwe’s bid to replace them.”
Stadium and Rufaro Stadium in Harare,
Zimbabwe had been given the right to host along with Barbourfields in Bulawayo.
the 2000 Nations Cup, but the tournament
was moved to Nigeria and Ghana after Caf Bulawayo’s Luveve Stadium is being
said that preparations were behind schedule. upgraded ahead of the Region 5 Youth
Games to be held in December.
Minister Mzembi said that Zimbabweans
In July Mzembi said that Zimbabwe would
would like to be given another chance.
like to bid to co-host the 2034 World Cup.
“The public want it and there is absolute
support from the people, so let’s work Successfully staging the Nations Cup would
together to deliver the 2017 Nations Cup to be a step towards that ambitious goal.
The FA hopes to send an agreed raft England will win the 2022 World Cup in
of reformed measures to government Qatar.
ministers before the end of the year.
Speaking in May, at the launch of the
Up until the end of last season, 122 non- first part of the England Commission,
EU players had entered English football established to examine the national
since 2009.
team’s historic failings, FA chairman
The current rules, called the Governing Greg Dyke said: “122 non-EU players
Body Endorsement (GBE) process, were have entered England under the GBE
introduced by the Home Office in 2008 to scheme since 2009.
allow sport governing bodies to manage “Nearly 50% didn’t meet the current
visa applications of elite players from non- criteria and came through an appeal
EU countries.
process in which 79% of appellants have
The criteria states that only sportspersons been successful.
he Football Association has sent out
its first draft of proposals to reduce
the number of non-EU players
within English football by up to 50%.
The FA’s England Commission earlier this
year called for wholesale reform in the
belief that too many “mediocre” players
were being bought by clubs.
Proposed rule changes have been sent to
the Premier League, the Football League
and the players’ and managers’ unions.
The FA hopes a new system can be in
place for the 2015-16 season.
The Welsh, Scottish and Northern
Irish Football Associations are also in
discussion with their English counterparts.
“who are internationally established at
the highest level whose employment will
make a significant contribution to the
development of their sport at the highest
level in the UK” should be granted a visa.
“Remarkably, only 58% given work
visas to play in the Premier League play
any football in that league in the second
season after their arrival.
“Our proposal to tighten the entry
and appeals criteria for non-EU player
immigration will create a necessary
constraint that will encourage more
The FA is attempting to try and increase
the pool of talent, with the aim that
However, the Commission believes the
number of foreigners in the domestic
game are blocking pathways for younger
English footballers to develop.
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
Page 26
the ECOWAS Protocol Officer was there
and did not say anything. After sometime, I
took his samples and sent it to the lab. I also
informed Dr. Adadevoh (now of blessed
memory). I informed her. She told me to
get back to her as soon as the result is out.
When the result came out, everything was
normal. But that night, the liver function
test was not available. I told Dr. Adadevoh
about MP result, and she was so confused
and shivering because the man came in with
a temperature of 39.7.
“She said I should just admit him. We treated
him. We commenced with the malaria
treatment. The next morning, Dr. Adadevoh
came around and we all went there. At that
time, the liver function test was already out
and the result was so terrible. That made us
to be so concerned. After we went around,
Dr. Adadevoh went for her daily clinic. It
was at that point that one of the ECOWAS
officers now came in and brought us
information that Patrick Sawyer collapsed at
the airport. After that, she asked whether I
got the information. That was how the whole
thing started. From there, we instituted
barrier nursing technique. She tried as much
as possible to get through to the Lagos State
Ministry of Health. Again, I was asked to
get Sawyer’s sample.”
Fashola: However, Fashola, who called for
one minute silence for those who lost their
lives to EVD, commended the courage of
the survivors by coming out to the public
to share their experiences and damning
possible stigmatization.
He stated: “We sympathize with you for the
trauma that you went though. Perhaps it was
avoidable. But I am sure that hard lessons
have been learnt. Beyond that, I must
congratulate you the survivors of the EVD.
I felicitate with you and members of your
family and friends. But most importantly,
I thank you so much for coming forward
because you took a great thing and you
showed so much courage. And you have
helped us to take next step forward. And
you have helped us to put an end to the
spread of the EVD.
and therefore we do not believe anyone
working at ArcelorMittal will be at risk.
Patrick was last at the Buchanan site on 9th
July when he informed us about the death
of his sister. We are speaking directly with
those who met Patrick on this day to reassure
them of this fact.
for a medical observation and isolation and with regards to their health. As you are all
requested not to return to work until he had aware, ArcelorMittal is using
passed through the incubation period.
Thermoflash scanners to measure the
He has not been at the Buchanan site or in temperature of each employee as this is
any ArcelorMittal office since that time. Our a useful initial screening sign for Ebola.
thoughts and support are with his family at Any employee or contractor with a high
this very difficult time. In the meantime, temperature will be referred to medical
Having informed us of this news, Patrick we continue to urge every employee and personnel who will examine and, if
was submitted to the Ministry of Health contractor to take the greatest level of care necessary, direct the individual to a secure
OILED yam is a staple tuber
vegetable of West African
origin. It is an excellent source
of vitamins C, E, B-complex group of
vitamins dietary fibre and iron, protein,
calcium, magnesium and water.
Antonio Carlos.
flow and reduced blood pressure.
Consuming this nutritious food is essential
for treating serious infection (measles,
small pox, cough) and debilitating illness
(sickness that can make one weak like
malaria, fever) due to its high protein and
Yam is also good source of potassium, vitamins content.
a mineral that helps to control blood Adolescent girls and women within the
pressure. Low intake of potassium-rich child-bearing age can benefit from regular
foods, especially when coupled with consumption of boiled yam served with
a high intake of sodium can lead to assorted meat to help replenish blood lost
during menstruation and child delivery.
In the Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension (DASH) study, it was
revealed that dioscorin, a storage protein
contained in yam, may be of benefit to
certain individuals with hypertension.
Preliminary research suggests that
dioscorin can inhibit angiotensin
converting enzyme, which would
therefore lead to increased kidney blood
area. We recognize this is difficult news,
particularly for those who knew Patrick, who
was a very committed and valued employee.
If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact your head of department.”
This tasty and nutritious food is also
highly recommended for children,
sportsmen, pregnant women and day-today activities.
Cooking gas or electric cooker or kerosene
stove knife, or firewood, pots, plate, knife,
cutting board
Meat (beef)
1 kg
Fresh tomatoes
8 medium size
Tomatos puree
1 tin
Fresh pepper
2 medium size
Olive oil
3 tablespoons
Tatashe (ground) 4 medium size
1 cube
1 teaspoon
1 litre
Cut the meat and wash thoroughly.
Steam with few slices of onion and salt for
about 10 minutes.
Pour the olive oil into a pot.
Add the grounded ingredients (ground
tomatoes, pepper, and onion) together
with the tomato puree.
Stir and fry for another 10 minutes.
Add the known cube and pour the
seasoned meat.
Simmer for another 5 minutes.
Stir and add salt to taste.
Remove from heat, serve with boiled yam
and enjoy.
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“Spreading the good news to the world!”
“Spreading the good news to the world!”
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