20th September - Sacred Heart Church Bournemouth
20th September - Sacred Heart Church Bournemouth
TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME– 20th SEPTEMBER 2015 Year (B) Volume 2 Parish Mass Book Page 135 (Psalter week 1) FROM FR JOHN: Whose glory do you seek? There can be no share in God's glory without the cross. When Jesus prophesied his own betrayal and crucifixion, it did not make any sense to his disciples because it did not fit their understanding of what the Messiah came to do. And they were afraid to ask further questions! Like a person who might receive bad news from the doctor and then refuse to ask further questions, the disciples too, didn't want to know any more. Therefore we may ask ourselves.....how often do we reject what we do not wish to see? We have heard the good news of God's word and we know the consequences of accepting it or rejecting it. But do we give it our full allegiance and allow the Word of God to mold our lives? This Sunday we ask the Lord to fill our hearts with his Holy Spirit and to inspire within us a reverence for His Word and a joyful readiness to obey it. Sacrament of Reconciliation (CONFESSIONS) 11am till noon every Saturday and every Wednesday at 11:30am The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be recited after every weekday Mass Devotion to St Joseph will be prayed every Wednesday after 12:15pm Mass MASS TIMES Day Date Saturday 19 Sep Collection for Home Mission/Catholic Agency Time 11:00am 12:15pm 5:00pm Mass Confessions Mass: St Theodore of Canterbury, Memoria Vigil Mass Mass Intentions Perpetua Jacinto TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Sunday 20 September 8:00am 10:30am Mass Mass Collection for Home Mission/Catholic Agency 12:30pm Mass (Polish) 4:00pm Mass & Baptism of Elsie Stonier Monday 21 Sep 12:15pm Mass: ST MATTHEW, Feast Tuesday 22 Sep 12:15pm Mass: Feria Wednesday 23 Sep 11:30am Confessions 12:15pm Mass: St Pio of Pietrelcina, Memoria 12:45pm Devotion to St Joseph, Adoration and Rosary Thursday 24 Sep 12:15pm Mass: Our Lady Walsingham, Memoria Friday 25 Sep 12:15pm Mass: Feria 3:00pm Saturday 26 Sep Cathedral Collection Liberal Conf Delegates (Int) Mike Cross (Int) Sisters of Mercy Bournemouth (FM) Wedding of Antonio Gonzalez & Daniela Mertens 11:00am Confessions 12:15pm Mass: Ss Cosmas & Damian, Memoria 5:00pm Maria Ericta (Int) Holy Souls Lorraine Selebi (Int) Vigil Mass TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Sunday 27 September Cathedral Collection 8:00am Mass & Baptism of Amanda Gonzalez 10:30am Mass 12:30pm Mass (Polish) 4:00pm Mass Sylvia Cowan Jose Bustos Parish Priest: Fr. John Lavers office@sac-heart.org Tel: 01202 551013 Deacon: Rev. Roger Carr-Jones rcarrjones@portsmouthdi ocese.org.uk Tel: 01202 428451 Administrator: Sharon Head office@sac-heart.org.uk Direct Line: 01202 411140 PASTORAL AREA Annunciation & St Edmund Campion Fr. Bernardine Nsom 218 Charminster Road Tel: 01202 513369 Deacon Barry Jennings MASS: 9am (Castlepoint), 11am, 6:30pm Polish Chaplain: Fr Andrzej Zuziak SChr. 481 Castle Lane West bournemouth@pcmew.org Tel: 01202 619668 Corpus Christi 18 St James’s Square Boscombe, Bournemouth BH5 2BX Fr. Denis Blackledge SJ Tel: 01202 425286 MASS: 6pm (Vigil), 9:30am, 11am, 5pm Our Lady Immaculate Seamoor Road, Westbourne Fr. Bill Wilson Tel: 01202 764027 Mass: 9:00am, 11am HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS: Fr Darryl Jordan OLW Chaplaincy Tel: 01202 704221 Royal Bmth Hsp & Christchurch Hsp Switchboard Tel: 01202 PORTUGUESE NEWS: TH SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER AT 5:00PM – VIGIL MASS The Portuguese speaking Community of the Sacred Heart is delighted to invite you to the Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida, Patron Saint of Brazil. We will celebrate Our Lady with the Eucharist followed by a small procession and a party – traditional Brazilian food and music! A Comunidade de Língua Portuguesa da Igreja do Sacred Heart gostaria de convidar você e a sua família para celebrar juntos a festa de Nossa Senhora Aparecida, a Santa Padroeira do Brasil. Celebraremos Nossa Senhora com a Eucarestia, uma pequena processão e uma festa (teremos comida e música tradicional brasileira). For more information contact the Parish Office on 01202 411140 Supporting Ministry to the Portuguese Community: Fr Paul Boagey - Portuguese Speaking Priest Sister Valentina Stilo & Sister Virginia Adnan – Community of Verbum Dei Piedade & Jose Silva - Sacristans, Ana Goncalves – Parish Pastoral Council SPANISH NEWS FILIPINO NEWS CU‘A Todos ¡muy bienvenidos’ IDADO PASTORAL DE HISPANOHABLANTES Martes el 13 de octubre de 2015 Rosario: 7:15pm Sacramento de reconciliación: 7.00 pm Santa Misa: 7.30 pm PASTORAL CARE OF SPANISH SPEAKERS th Tuesday 13 October 2015 Sacrament of Reconciliation: 7.00 pm Rosary: 7:15pm Holy Mass: 7.30 pm ‘All are warmly welcome!’ For more information contact the Parish Office on 01202 411140 MARIAN APPARITION APPROVED IN THE PHILIPPINES: A Marian apparition has been formally approved by Archbishop. Ramon Cabrera Arguelles of Lipa in the Philippines. The apparitions, known as Our Lady of Lipa, Mediatrix of All Grace, took place over 15 successive days in 1948 to a Carmelite postulant Teresita Castillo; the messages given to Castillo stressed a need for humility, penance, praying for the clergy and the Pope, with a particular emphasis on dedication to the Holy Rosary. This past Saturday, Archbishop Arguelles made public the canonical results of an investigation by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, which declared the apparitions to be of "supernatural character" and "worthy of belief." Our Lady of Lipa, Mediatrix of All Grace.....Ora pro nobis (pray for us). Supporting Ministry to the Spanish Community: Mgr Rev Ron Hishon - Spanish Speaking Priest Julio Pena – Contact Person YEAR OF MERCY RETREAT (Rome, Italy): Pope Francis has announced the Year of Mercy beginning this December. The Year of Mercy retreat will take place in Rome (Italy) during the Divine Mercy Weekend which is from the 31st March to the 3rd of April. For more information please consult http://www.marriagesformary.com/ Also if you would like a brochure of information you are asked to contact the parish office. Space at the retreat house is limited. The retreat is being lead by Fr John. Spiritual Direction: Spiritual Direction is a wonderful means of exploring and deepening our unique relationship with God. A Spiritual Director helps people to reflect on their life and experience in a prayerful atmosphere and helps them discern where God is in their life and how they might become more open to His presence. If you would like more information about receiving spiritual direction, please contact the parish office and ask to speak with Fr John. Is God Calling You to Service: The grace of the Holy Spirit at times calls us to serve God in a special way such as the priesthood, permanent diaconate, religious or consecrated life, or even the life as a hermit. We remember the words of St. Pope John Paul II who said “be not afraid”! Men and women are encouraged to take the next step and call the parish office and ask to speak with Fr John. For more information contact the Parish Office on 01202 411140 Supporting Ministry to the Filipino Community: To Be Announced POLISH NEWS For more information contact the Parish Office on 01202 411140 Supporting Ministry to the Polish Community: Fr Andrzej Zuziak Schr - Polish Priest Jorge Soltysaik – Sacristan Link to Sacred Heart Polish Website http://www.parafia-bournemouth.org.uk Link to Sacred Heart English Website http://www.sac-heart.org LIVING STONES DAY: A day of prayerful reflection and sharing on our th spiritual journey will be held on Saturday 26 September at St Mary’s Church Hall, 211a Wimborne Road, Poole, starting at 10:45am to 4pm. This day is organised by Fr Tony Horan SJ and parishioners from St Mary’s Church. All welcome and no need to book. Bring a packed lunch and come for the morning or the day. For more information, please contact Francoise Griffin via the Parish Office on 01202 675412. See poster on notice board. COME AND JOIN US THIS SATURDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER IN THE CHURCH HALL Practical Tips on Evangelisation Meg Hunter-Kilmer spoke in parishes and schools in the diocese last autumn. Now she is back, and THIS SATURDAY will be speaking in Bournemouth on practical ways to share our faith. All ages are welcome to this free event, but Meg is particularly popular with young people! Where? Sacred Heart Church in Bournemouth (1 Albert Rd, BH1 1BZ) When? Saturday (19th September) after the 5pm vigil Mass Please bring some food to share. A collection will be taken to support Meg in the work that she does. For more info email youth@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk. RELIGIOUS ITEMS APPEAL: A very big Thank You to all those who have responded so generously to this Appeal.If you are still thinking of donating your unwanted but pre-loved items to be sold in the shop, please bring them along to the Church Shop on Sundays after the 10.30 am mass or give hem to either Anita or haron at the Church Office weekday mornings. HOME MISSION SUNDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2015: Home Mission Sunday is celebrated today and is themed: PROCLAIM God’s Mercy. On this day we are encouraged to pray for the work of evangelisation in England and Wales, remembering in our prayers especially those whom we know are distant from the life of faith. Please support the second collection which funds the Bishop’s national work of evangelisation and the development of this year’s Proclaim 15. Commemorative prayer cards are available to take away. Please support the work of Home Mission through your prayers and generosity. For more information see: www.catholicnews.org.uk/hms15. God bless you and thank you. th BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: Blessing of the animals will take place on Sunday 4 October in the parish hall at 2pm. All are welcomed to bring their pets to be blessed by Fr John. Pet owners are asked to have their dogs on a lead and cats are to be kept in a kennel (cat carrier). Birds and/or other animals are to be kept in a portable carrier/kennel/cage. Refreshments will be offered. th The 4 October is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi – we pray and give thanks for all of God’s creatures. th Day of Prayer for Migrant Refugees – Sunday 27 September th Bishop Philip has asked that all pariahes hold a Day of Prayer for the Migrant Refugee Crisis, on Sunday 27 September. In accord with our bishop's request, Sacred Heart parish church will offer the following on that Sunday: 3:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 3:15 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:40 pm Holy Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries) 3:55 pm Repose the Blessed Sacrament 4:00 pm Holy Mass (For Refugees and Exiles) All are encouraged to say this prayer in private on Sunday 27th of September O Lord, to whom no one is a stranger and from whose help no one is ever distant, look with compassion on refugees and exiles, on segregated persons and on lost children; restore them, we pray, to a homeland, and give us a kind heart for the needy and for strangers. Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ ,Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Parish Meetings: rd PASTORAL PARISH COUNCIL (PPC) meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 September at 7pm, in the Parish Office. th SOCIAL COMMITTEE meeting will be held on Thursday 24 September at 7:30pm, in the Parish Office st FABRIC & FINANCE COMMITTEE meeting will be held on Thursday 1 October at 7:00pm, in the Parish Office st PLEASE NOTE: On Thursday 1 October (only) Mass will be at 8am. . CATECHESIS - ON RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION:The General Instruction of the Roman Missal of 2012 section 160 states the following: The Priest then takes the paten or ciborium and approaches the communicants, who usually come up in procession. It is not permitted for the faithful to take the consecrated Bread or the sacred chalice by themselves and, still less, to hand them on from one to another among themselves. In the dioceses of England and Wales Holy Communion is to be received standing, though individual members of the faithful may choose to receive Communion while kneeling. However, when they communicate standing, it is recommended that the faithful bow in reverence before receiving the Sacrament. Section 161 states, if Communion is given only under the species of bread, the Priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, The Body of Christ. The communicant replies, Amen, and receives the Sacrament either on the tongue or, where this is allowed, in the hand, the choice lying with the communicant. As soon as the communicant receives the host, he or she consumes the whole of it. (If, however, Communion is given under both kinds, the faithful are reminded that when the precious blood is offered the Priest/deacon or extra-ordinary minister of Holy Communion raises the sacred chalice slightly and shows it to each, saying, The Blood of Christ. The communicant replies, Amen, and receives the Sacrament.) Catholics are reminded that when receiving the Sacrament they are to be in a State of Grace. TOWN CENTRE PARKING Sacred Heart Parish has for hire a secure parking garage for one car. Located in the town center of Bournemouth on Albert Road, this secure garage has 24 hour private access and is available for immediate use. For more information please contact the parish office on 01202 411140. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Anointing of the sick is a sacrament of the Catholic Church that is administered to a Catholic who, having reached the age of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age. Those who are planning on entering hospital for any reason may also receive the sacrament. If you wish to receive this sacrament please contact the parish office or make your intentions known to the priest either before or after the mass CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY IS FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER 2015: Your support this Harvest, will ensure millions of people around the world are able to grow enough food to eat. There will be a talk on how to take part by one of our CAFOD representatives, Jackie Carr-Jones, this weekend. DAY OF RECOLLECTION: Will be held on Saturday 10 October for Readers & Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in Our Lady Immaculate Church & Hall, led by the Dominican Sisters of Sway. 10am-4pm, £8 each. Bring a lunch. Please sign up at the back of Church. SAFEGUARDING TRAINING: will be held on Saturday 3rd October, at St Joseph’s Church, Purewell. Refresher Training: 10am12:30pm & Vulnerable Adults training: 1:30-4:30pm. Contact Mary Thomson 07969713650 to book a place for a session or marypthomson@hotmail.com. RED MISSIO BOX: COLLECTION: From this week you will see a small Red Box, at the back of Church, which will contain envelopes for you to empty your own Red Boxes into.Please enter your name and details and present to a Church Welcomer, Helper or Priest at one of the March Masses. You may also hand in to the Church office, or please phone me and I will organise its collection. DONATIONS: If you would like a Red Box then please contact me. One off donations are also welcome, parishioners and visitors please put your donation in one of the envelopes. GIFT AID: Declaration forms are in the box, if required. PRAYERS:The Missionaries always appreciate your prayers. Mike Davis - 07917 692163 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND and the people who care for them: This week we remember: Baby Bella Wierzchowiecki, Andrea Carvalho, Margaret Fox, Lilliana Crouch, Halina Witt, Baby Isabella, Rose Howarth, Rebecca Williams, Annie Mitchell, Joan Alderman, Alf Skee, Clare Jackson, Monica Carling, Mary Lander, Maria Wright, Christopher Smithies, Thelma Draper, Douglas Walton, Laurens Obagi, Natasha Coles, Michael O’Sullivan, Kathleen Hodges, Patricia Plumb, Patrick Doyle, John Turner, Anna Francis, Marjorie Walsh, Attracta Spears, Diane Stukey, Roy Coombs & Mike Cross.