24th April 2016 - Sacred Heart Church Bournemouth


24th April 2016 - Sacred Heart Church Bournemouth
Year (C) Volume 1 Parish Mass Book Page 271 (Psalter week 1)
Fr. John Lavers
Tel: 01202 551013
Mass Times
The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be recited after every weekday Mass
Mass Intentions
23 Apr
Confessions & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mass: ST GEORGE, solemnity
Rita Marjorie Hills
Sunday 24 April
Collection for the
people of the Ukraine
after every Mass today
Litany of the Immaculate Heart Mary
Mass in Filipino – Feast Celebration
We welcome Fr Angelo Mandelo
25 Apr
26 Apr
27 Apr
28 Apr
29 Apr
30 Apr
Leslie Gardner
Patrick Matthews
People of the Parish
Mass: ST MARK, feast
Devotion to St Therese of Lisieux
Cathy Smith
Latin Mass
David Wright
Mass: 5 Week of Easter
Martha & Francis Leong & John
Devotion to St Anthony of Padua
Confessions & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mass: 5 Week of Easter
Devotion to St Joseph, Adoration and Holy Rosary
Rita Marjorie Hills
Mass: 5 Week of Easter
Devotion to St Margaret Mary Alacoque
Sisters of Istituto Beata Angelina (Int)
Mass: St CATHERINE of SIENA, feast
Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Confessions & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mass: St Pius V, memoria
Litany of the Immaculate Heart Mary
Vigil Mass
Holy Souls
2016 All in attendance on
Marriages for Mary Retreat
Sunday 1 May
People of the Parish
Mike Cross
Mass (Polish)
Sharon Head
Direct Line: 01202 411140
Mass (Polish)
& Baptism of Francesco & Mattia Leotta
Mary March
Rev. Roger Carr-Jones
Tel: 01202 428451
Mrs MP Bowers (FM)
Please consider sponsoring our Sanctuary Lamps and
remember to pray for this weeks intentions:
Blessed Sacrament Candle (Red) for the intention of Ian Caldwell
Blessed Virgin Mary Candle (Blue) for the intention of Stephen J
St Joseph Candle (White) for the intention of Ryan & Zac Rees
Parish Office Hours
Normal business hours are Tuesday to Friday, 9am to 12noon.
Annunciation & St Edmund
Fr. Bernardine Nsom
218 Charminster Road
Tel: 01202 513369
Deacon Barry Jennings
MASS: 9am (Castlepoint), 11am,
Polish Chaplain:
St Edmund Campion
Fr Andrzej Zuziak SChr.
481 Castle Lane West
Tel: 01202 619668
Corpus Christi
Fr. Adrian Howell SJ
18 St James’s Square
Boscombe, Bournemouth BH5 2BX
Tel: 01202 425286
MASS: 6pm (Vigil), 9:30am, 11am,
Our Lady Immaculate
Fr. Bill Wilson
Seamoor Road, Westbourne
Tel: 01202 764027
Mass: 9:00am, 11am
Fr Darryl Jordan OLW
Chaplaincy Tel: 01202 704221
Royal Bmth Hsp & Christchurch
Hsp Switchboard Tel: 01202
303626 (ask for Chaplaincy)
Deacon McConville for Poole Hsp
Tel: 01202 442167
Portuguese News
The next Mass in Portuguese will be held this
May at 5pm. We welcome Fr Marcos Pinto.
Filipino News
Saturday 7th
Please check the newsletter and website for other times when a
Portuguese speaking priest will be visiting the parish.
Festa da Nossa Senhora de Fátima irá realizar-se Sábado dia 7
de Maio. Terá início com a missa em língua Portuguesa ás
17h00 celebrada pelo Padre Marcos Pinto. Haverá procissão
na rua com o andor de Nossa Senhora. Após a missa a
comunidade de Língua Portuguesa convida todos para um
jantar no salão paroquial onde conta com a presença de
Cantores Sertanejos.
Aviso ás festeiras: podem começar a contribuir com flores,
comida e donativos para a organização da festa. Por favor
falar com Piedade Correia ou Maria Santos
Catholics celebrate Saint Pedro Calungsod’s
First Feast Day
Filipino Catholics in Bournemouth will celebrate on
Saturday April 23, 2016 at 5:00pm the first feast day of
Saint Pedro Calungsod – the second Filipino saint at Sacred
Heart Church Bournemouth– He was beatified by Pope John
Paul II on March 5, 2000 and was canonized only in October
21, 2014. Calungsod is the patron saint of Filipino youth,
altar boys, the Philippines, overseas Filipino workers, Guam,
and Cebuanos, according to the religious information
site Catholic Online. Although Calungsod's actual feast day
falls on April 2, the celebration was moved to April 23,
2016. April 2 happens to fall within the so-called "Easter
Octave" or eight days after Easter Sunday, considered as
the greatest Catholic feast.A video film depicting the life of
St.Pedro Calungsod will be shown at the social hall after the
Inanyayahan po ang lahat na dumalo sa ating misang alay
kay San Pedro Calungsod ngayong darating na
Sabado.Maraming Salamat Po.
The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima will be celebrated on Saturday,
7 May at 5pm. There will be a street procession and
afterwards dinner in the hall with Brazilian Sertanejo music.
Come and join us and bring family and friends!
Supporting Ministry to the Portuguese Community:
Fr Marcos Pinto – Portuguese Speaking Priest
Sister Valentina Stilo & Sister Virginia Adnan – Community of
Verbum Dei
Piedade Correia & Maria Santos - Sacristans,
Ana Ferreira – Parish Pastoral Council
There is a Biblical course for the Portuguese Speaking
Community due to be held on the following dates, in the Padre
Pio room (access through the Sacristy):
7th May 2016: The Gospels
4th June: S. Paul and the Apostolic Letters
Spanish News
Spanish Mass (Domingo de Ramos)
Saturday 21 May at 5pm
At the Annunciation in Charminster (temporary location)
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confesiones) from: 4.15 pm
Rosary: 4.45 pm Holy Mass (Misa): 5.00 pm
Todos muy Bienvenidos!
For more information contact the Parish Office on 01202
Supporting Ministry to the Filipino Community:
Joseph Alfafara – Mobile: 07456044494
Email: Josef.alfafara@yahoo.com - Contact Person
Polish News
Eucharistic Miracle Confirmed in Poland
A eucharistic miracle in Poland is being confirmed as
authentic by the local bishop. In a letter read in all the
parishes in the Diocese of Legnica on Sunday,
Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski announced the formal
approval of a eucharistic miracle and granted permission to
venerate the relic. On December 25, 2013 at St. Jacek
parish, while distributing Holy Communion, a Sacred Host
fell to the floor, and was picked up and placed in a
container of water. After some time it began to show a red
Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski presented the matter to the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. The
miracle was approved by the Holy See in Rome and may
Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski hopes that all of this will
serve to deepen veneration for the Eucharist and will
profoundly impact the lives of those approaching the relic.
He stated, “We see this marvelous sign as a special
expression of God's kindness and love, who so humbles
Himself before man.”
Latin Mass
Fr Serafino and the Marian Franciscans of Gosport will celebrate
the Latin Mass on the last Monday of every month at 7:15pm.
The next Latin Mass will be celebrated this Monday 25 April at
For more information contact the Parish Office on 01202
Supporting Ministry to the Polish Community:
Fr Andrzej Zuziak – Polish Priest
Marek Wieczerak - Sacristan
From Fr John…
How does God reveal his glory to us? During his last supper
with his disciples on the eve of his sacrifice on the cross,
Jesus speaks of his glory and the glory of his Father. What is
this glory? It is the cross which Jesus speaks of here. The
cross of Jesus reveals the tremendous love and mercy of God
the Father and his beloved Son for the human race. John the
Evangelist writes, "For God so loved the world that he gave
his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
There is no greater glory and honour that one can offer than
the willing sacrifice of one's life for the sake of another. This
is the true nature of love - the total self-giving and free
offering of one's life for the good of another. God the Father
showed the unfathomable depth of his love and mercy by
willingly offering his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,
as the atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world.
This is the power of love and glory that overcomes the world
- the triumphant cross of Christ which breaks the destructive
forces of sin, hatred, and division. And we share in the power
of Christ's victory by embracing the cross which the Lord
Jesus sets before each one of us. The cross of Christ sets us
free to live no longer for ourselves but for Christ and his
kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness (moral goodness).
Our calling and privilege is to serve as Christ has served and
to love and he has loved. That is the way we share in the
glory of our heavenly Father who gave us his beloved Son
who laid down his life for each one of us.
We pray…."Lord Jesus, your love knows no bounds. Fill me
with the fire of your love and with the joy of your Holy Spirit
that I may freely give all that I have in service to you and to
my neighbour.” AMEN.
Thinking of Becoming Catholic?
Faith is the foundation of life. If you have ever thought about
Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, then becoming a
Catholic may be the next step. To assist you, Sacred Heart
Parish has the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
programme, which is designed to introduce you to the
Catholic Faith. The RCIA programme is lead by Deacon Roger
and his wife Jackie and they welcome all enquiries. For more
information contact the parish office tel: 01202411140.
There will be an introductory meeting held in the Padre Pio
room, 7:30pm-9:00pm on Monday 16 May.
St Anthony’s Poor
The parish food and clothing bank is now operational and is
actively assisting those who are most in need, both within
our parish community and society at-large. Parishioners and
friends of Sacred Heart Church are encouraged to continue
with your kind donations to St. Anthony’s poor. You can give
a non-perishable food item and place it in the green box next
to the sacristy door or by making a cash donation (gift aide
it) using the envelopes located next to the statue of St.
Anthony, or place cash in the wall-slot for the poor which is
again located next the statue of St. Anthony.
Parish Finance Information –
Gift Aid
Our subject this week is Gift Aid – or “Free money from the
Our government recognises the importance of charities, of
which we are one, and Gift Aid, undertakes to pay us 25
pence for every £1 donated by Income Tax payers.
All that is required for us to claim this money is simple proof
that your donation has been made and has been made out
of taxed income.
Step 1 - Complete a Gift Aid Declaration – a simple form
asking for your Name and Address including your post code.
Without the post code our claim will be rejected.
Step 2. Decide How you will Donate – Bank Standing
Order or Cash
Bank Standing Order. Donation by Bank Standing Order is
an excellent example of planned giving. Most people decide
on monthly payments. You simply complete our Bank
Mandate and our Gift Aid Organizer will do the rest.
Cash in a numbered envelope. If you prefer to donate
through the envelope scheme you will receive a box of
numbered envelopes, each dated for one of the 52 Sundays
of the year. Why a numbered envelope? In order to
maintain the anonymity of each donor. The number is
specific to the particular donor. The Parish Gift Aid
Organizer knows the identity of the holder of each number
but he is bound by the Data Protection Act to keep that
information completely confidential
In recent months our average weekly collection by Gift Aid
envelopes has been about £360 bringing us an extra £90 per
week from the tax man – that’s £4,680 in a full year at no
additional cost to the parish or the donors. It really is free
In the same period our weekly offertory in loose cash has
been about £700. On this we receive ZERO monies from the
tax man. If just half of our weekly loose cash collection were
to be Gift Aided it would add another £4,550 free money to
our parish income.
The question for all Income Tax payers should not be
whether or not to sign up for Gift Aid but whether to donate
by Bank Standing Order or by Numbered Envelopes.
There is only one snag with donating by standing order. It is
so simple and trouble free that you may be inclined to
forget about increasing the amount each year to keep up
with inflation. Many of our Standing Orders have not been
updated for Years!
Something for Standing Order donors to think about.
Gift Aid Declarations and Standing Order Mandates are
available to download from our web site or alternatively can
be found at the back of church. For more information please
contact the parish office.
Mike King – Finance Chairman
Special Collection
Finance Committee Meeting
After the recitation of the Regina Coeli on Sunday 3rd April,
the Holy Father, Pope Francis, launched a humanitarian
initiative in favour of the people of the Ukraine, in the form
of a SPECIAL COLLECTION to be taken in all of the Catholic
Churches in Europe on Sunday 24th April. The Holy Father
expressed his faith in the Churches of Europe who would
unite generously to this, his initiative.
Will be held on Tuesday 26 April at 7:30pm in the Parish
Parish Events
Latin Mass: Monday 25 April at 7:15pm in Church.
Bible Study: Tuesday 26 April at 7:30pm - Padre Pio Room
Padre Pio Prayer Group: Tuesday 27 April at 7pm in Padre
Pio Room (please note the new time).
Children’s Liturgy: Sunday 1 May at 10:30am in Church.
Youth Fellowship: Sunday 1 May at 5pm - Padre Pio Room
Parish Volunteers Welcomed for
Various Ministries & Functions
.If you would like to volunteer to be an Extraordinary Ministry
of Holy Communion (EMHC), a reader at Mass, a sacristan, a
church welcomer/greeter, a catechist (teacher of the Faith), a
church cleaner, money counter, an office assistant, an alter
server or member of the church choir at either of the Sunday
masses, please contact the parish office providing us with
your name and telephone number along with your
ministry/function of choice.
Sisters of Grayshott Craft Sale
Parish Advisory –
Parishioners and friends of Sacred Heart church are advised
that there is currently a person offering masses in the
Extraordinary Form in private houses within the greater
Bournemouth area. These private house masses in the
Extraordinary Form are not approved by the Bishop of
Portsmouth and Catholics should not attend them.
For those Catholics who would like to attend the
Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Latin Mass), these masses
are offered here at Sacred Heart Church, as well as, Our
Lady Immaculate Church in Westbourne. Please consult the
parish newsletter for times and dates of masses in the
Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass).
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion (EMHC)
Over the last few months certain members of the parish
community have been undergoing formation to become an
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC). Now
that the formation is complete, these individuals will be
commissioned into their new role as EMHC for the Parish of
the Sacred Heart, which will take place on Sunday, 5 June
at the 10:30 am Mass.
The Sisters of Mary, the Morning Star, are visiting Sacred
Heart Parish on Saturday & Sunday (30 April & 1 May). The
sisters will be offering a variety of items to sell such as:
rosaries, handmade calligraphy cards, frames on the theme
of mercy, postcards for children, booklets on the Eucharist
(for children), incense, cakes, biscuits and homemade
marmalade and jams. This is a great opportunity to meet the
sisters and support their craft sale. The sisters live by divine
providence and therefore any support you can give them is
most welcomed.
See below for Opening Times
Located in the Church Hall, on Richmond Hill
Sashes, Ties & Pins, Necklaces & Bracelets,
Rosaries for Boys & Girls.
First Holy Communion Bibles, First Missals,
Crucifixes blue & pink, cards.
Pens, Prayer cards, Alarm Clocks,
Gift Bags, Gift Wrapping Paper and Gift Sets
Parish Pro Life Rosary
First Saturday of the Month
Parishioners and friends of Sacred Heart Church are
reminded that on the First Saturday of each month, the
Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be recited
in the church following the Saturday 12:15pm Mass. The
Rosary will be said in front of the image of Our Lady of
Guadeloupe and is dedicated to the unborn. The first parish
Pro Life Rosary will take place on Saturday, 7th May, after
the 12;15pm Mass.
CAFOD & UK Aid Match Funding
Good news! The UK government has promised to match
every pound and penny you give to CAFOD’s Lenten appeal
(from 10 Feb – 9 May) up to the value of £3.5M. You can
also text ‘LENT16 £5’ to 70070 to donate £5.
Come and browse through our collection.
We look forward to meeting you.
Occasional Saturday after 12:15pm Mass
Saturday after 5pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 11:30am to 12:30pm
Sacred Heart TV
Get topped up on the Faith!