June/July2011 - Columbia Track Club
June/July2011 - Columbia Track Club
Notes & News Volume XLIV No. 4 Lee Pfefer Memorial WellAware 5k May 14, 2011 July 2011 See Page 19 and the Web site for info about these and other events: Wednesday Track Workouts Feb. to Dec. — 5:30 p.m. Hickman H.S. track Show-Me State Games 5k/10k July 31 — 8 a.m. Bethel Park Place Name Age Time 1 Christian Reed 40 16:55 2 Matt Pulle 38 17:17 3 William Stolz 39 18:14 4 Jacob Line 15 18:23 5 Andy Emerson 42 18:58 6 Garvin Line 48 20:22 7 Andy Dawson 24 21:31 8 Kevin Tyler 55 21:39 9 Travis Line 13 21:48 10 Mason Stevens 27 22:07 11 Jesse Buxton 27 22:20 12 Mark Everett 23 22:28 13 Bren Bremer 14 22:40 14 Damon Motley 32 22:48 15 Cody Buxton 26 22:51 16 Derek Duncan 26 22:57 17 William De Lima 39 23:14 18 Jennifer Anderson 36 23:19 19 Doug Duncan 50 23:21 20 Jeremiah Metzen 26 23:52 21 Darla Atkins 44 23:53 22 Todd Fuller 42 24:00 23 Julie Ray 29 24:24 24 Julie Miller 42 24:29 25 Mark Brakhane 44 24:45 26 J.A. Johnmeyer 55 24:58 27 Derrick Baker 12 25:17 28 Ethan Line 11 25:20 29 Keira Hamann 25 25:29 30 Travis Ritter 31 25:45 31 Bridget Wilcox 26 25:50 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Cori Wheeler 21 Cory Welch 26 Kathy Doisy 46 Elisa Netzer 28 Jacob Bell 11 Denise Bartels 51 D. Noltensmeyer 33 Maya Hutchinson 35 Steve Gallaway 37 Kathleen Vogt 45 Justin Putnam 19 Ryan Puck 25 Carl Greeson 62 Audrey Dunbar 33 Fay Putnam 42 26:02 26:18 26:22 26:23 26:33 26:43 27:01 27:07 27:12 27:17 27:18 27:20 27:25 27:28 28:00 (Continued on page 4) Great Sandbagger 10k August 6 — 7 a.m. Mill Creek Elem. Columbia Heart Walk August 13 — 8:30 a.m. Stephens Lake Park North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon, 50k, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon August 27 and 28 — 6 a.m. Kansas City Heart of America Marathon September 5 — 6 a.m. Hearnes Center Roots n Blues n BBQ Half Marathon & 10K September 10 — 7 a.m. Flat Branch Park Rock Bridge Revenge 7 mile, 25k and 50k October 2 — 8 a.m. Rock Bridge State Park Page 2 CTC News Looking Back: 25 Years Ago President’s Letter By Joe Duncan April 26, 1986 — Human Race VIII 10K: The first five Human Races had more than 1,000 finishers, followed by 707 for VI and 585 for VII. With such a precipitous drop in numbers, for VIII we created an easier course and charged no entry fee. Didn‘t help. We had 556 finishers. For all the 20 or so Human Races thereafter we never got more than 500 finishers. In fact, the numbers quickly got well below 100 even after changing the distance to five miles. We never really understood why such a drop-off, but the event was discontinued a couple of years ago. Anyway, there were some fine performances in ‘86. Jim Heady & Jeff Dick staged a stirring duel with Heady prevailing at 31:57, one second ahead of Dick. Steve S-F led CTC runners at 33:31. Don Lewis, having recently turned 50, got a 50-59 CTC record with a scintillating 36:58, ahead of all the 40-year-olds. Others: Tom LaFontaine 35:55, Bob O‘Connell 36:15, Marvin Odneal 37:58, Dick Hessler 37:58, Ben Londeree 39:45, Mike Walther 39:46, Tom Allen 40:50, Whitney Hicks 40:57, Newell Kitchen 42:40, Fred Fritsch 45:15. Amy Johns was first female with 38:30, then Debbie Hoxworth 40:30. Linda Robbins (still) had 44:50, Betty Bohon 48:24, Angela Hessler, 13, 49:32, Nancy Fritsch 55:18. May 17, 1986 — 3, 2, 1 Triathlon: Tom Coon totaled 33:23 (3-16:53, 2-11:05, 1-5:25) to win, followed by LaFontaine (17:26, 11:16, 5:32), Walther (19:01, 12:37, 5:23), Allen 19:17, 12:47, 5:59), and 6 others. Then on May 30, 1986 a Sprint Triathlon — 1500, 800 & 400: Dennis Stewart, who dominated CTC “sprint” races for more than 20 years, in ’86 at age 37 he did a 4:02 1500, 2:00 800 & a 54.3 400, totaling 6:56.3, edging Rob Carney’s 6:59 (4:00, 2:04, :55). Wesley Paul, now 17, had 4:24, 2:06, :58, Peter Hessler, 16, 4:34, 2:14, :61, Don Lewis, still 50, 4:37, 2:21, :64.5, all records, Dick Hessler 5:03, 2:30, :69, Joe Duncan, 52, 5:21, 2:46, :70, Tom Allen 5:19, 2:48, :76, Angela Hessler, 13, 5:43, 2:51, :74 CTC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bill Stolz, president Dick Hessler Marc Keys, vice-president Pat Hanson Tom Allen, secretary-treasurer Joe Duncan Steve Stonecipher-Fisher Nancy Rezabek Nancy Taube CTC PAST PRESIDENTS: Joe Duncan (Nov. 1968 to Oct. 1987) Tom Coon (Nov. 1987 to June 1989) Joe Marks (July 1989 to June 1991) Steve Stonecipher-Fisher (July 1991 to Dec. 1992) Joe Marks (Jan. 1993 to Nov. 1995) Curt Kempf (Dec. 1995 to Oct. 1997) Dick Hessler (Nov. 1997 to Nov. 2004) Linda LaFontaine (Dec. 2004 to Dec. 2009) WEBMASTERS: Hugh and Andy Emerson CTC WEB SITE: www.columbiatrackclub.com CTC NEWSLETTER EDITORS: Whitney Dreier: 703-638-0952 WhitneyDreier@gmail.com Linda LaFontaine: linlafontaine@aol.com CTC publishes a newsletter eight times per year. Did you know the summer youth program started in 1974? And it is still only $1 for all five weeks? The Columbia Track Club has a long history of serving the youth in our community through the summer youth program, Colts cross country, and the Bill Stolz CTC scholarship fund. I want to take the time this month to recognize all the volunteers that make the summer program so special! This year we have been very fortunate to have an abundance of volunteers and beautiful weather. The volunteers do everything from registration to timing to raking the long jump pit. If you haven‘t had the opportunity to participate, mark your calendar for June 2012. It is a great experience to see so many young people running, jumping, and having fun. Thank you to everyone involved!!! Speaking of young members, I want to congratulate the four CTC scholarship recipients this year: Adelyn Myers, Erin Occena, Grady Harrington, and Griffin Humphreys. In late May, I had the opportunity to represent CTC at the Rock Bridge High School senior award ceremony, where I presented scholarships to Grady and Griffin. Dick Hessler had the opportunity to do the same for our Hickman recipients, Adelyn and Erin. It was a great chance to promote CTC and to assist young members as they move on to college. We should all be proud of the good things we do as a club! If you are interested in donating to the summer youth program, Colts, or the scholarship fund, please contact me or our treasurer, Tom Allen. As always, if you have questions or comments, have an idea for a club social, or simply want to go for a run, give me a call or send me an email. See you on the starting line! Bill Stolz Page 3 CTC News Runner Profile: Shane Epping Distance Time Race 5K 23:08 1994 Home Depot Chicago 5K 10K 54:26 2010 Show-Me State Games 15K 1:31:45 1988 Tulsa Run Half Marathon 1:52:08 Marathon 4:05:57 2010 Rock the Parkway (Kansas City) 2009 GO! St. Louis Date of Birth: November 26, 1972 Columbia Track Member since: 2010 How long have you been running? I‘ve run off-and-on since 1988 when I was a sophomore wrestler in high school, and my coach made the team train for and complete a 15K race. I continued to run a little bit in college and into my mid-to-late 20s but never really hit my stride until 2007 when I started running to lose weight. For the past four years, I‘ve run on a regular basis. I‘m not fast but I‘m decent at the slow and steady endurance level. Greatest running influences? My greatest running influence is the state of mind that comes from putting one foot in front of the other. Wanting to quit is not uncommon, but navigating the mental and physical fatigue feels good. Running clears my mind and delivers contentment I don‘t find elsewhere. One day I won‘t be able to run – until then, ‗Ever forward, never backward‘ is a mantra I try to follow. Externally, Christopher McDougall‘s book, Born to Run, is a motivating force, too. Long live Caballo Blanco! Weekly mileage: On the low end, I average 12 miles a week. On the high end, I average 30 miles a week. What is your favorite workout and/or race? My favorite race was the 2009 GO! St. Louis Marathon. I trained with two friends for 18 weeks. We assumed animal names as alter egos to serve as our respective muses. I was Running Deer. Nic was Posscoon. Jason was Dark Horse. We began almost all of our long Saturday training runs together and challenged ourselves with the toughest, meanest hills we could find in Columbia. It felt good to complete the marathon, but training for it was where I found the real value. Anybody can show up and run or walk 26.2 miles. It‘s an entirely different animal to complete 70 training runs in the heat, wind, cold, snow and ice. Samuel Beckett had it right when he said, ―I can‘t go on, I‘ll go on.‖ Where is your favorite place to run? I‘ve run in a lot of different places, but the MKT trail continues to be one of my favorite places. It‘s heavily shaded, flat, relatively soft, scenic and extensive. The deer on the trail are particularly inspiring. What are some of your running accomplishments? I‘m a fine wine. In 1988, I ran a 15K at a 9:51 pace. Twenty-one years later, I ran a marathon, almost three times as far, at a 9:23pace. I‘ll also never forget a 12-mile training run that included Easley Hill, wild dogs chasing me on Woodie Proctor, a wrong turn on Old Plank Road and countless unexpected hills. Facing 35 mph winds and hot temperatures in the 2011 Brew-to-Brew relay was not easy, either. Running shirtless at the 2010 First Night 5K was an accomplishment, too. It was quite cool when I finished — literally! I'm a Show-Me State Games state record holder in the 10K. This is because 2010 was the first year of the competition and nobody else competed in my age division. What are you running goals? My knees have never completely recovered from the marathon in 2009, but I hope to run a sub-4 hour marathon in New York City in the next couple of years. I also want to complete Heart of America and participate on a Hood-to-Coast relay team. What is your favorite pre- or post-run food? Pre-race food would be spaghetti and meatballs. Post-run food would be an over-sized, sloppy-looking cheeseburger with fries and cold beer. Personal info and interests: My wife‘s name is Mary and she trains slow but races fast. We have a dog named Sly who has completed a couple of 10-mile walks/runs. I work as a photographer and one of my favorite activities includes editing photos in the lower level of our house while listening to music on vinyl. Page 4 CTC News (Continued from page 1) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Richard Nistendirk 71 28:15 Fran North Chris Bowling Meghan Coburn David Martin Katie Benfatto Joe Sadewhite 32 41 24 51 25 42 Rebecca Hennessy 48 Joe Duncan 76 Sanjeev Ravipudi 39 Erika Griesemer 39 Angee McDaniel 45 Kristi Baden 35 Paul Linneman 58 Reagan De Lima 13 Jim Peregoy 45 Susan Woods 51 Tracy Keel 29 Krystal Lange Georgia Morehouse 77 K. Christopher 26 Cindy Carl 64 Lisa Brock 49 Robin Bell 47 Jim Carl 69 Barbie Oliver 33 Sharon Newman 38 Carole Ile 52 Heather Baer 38 Lori Wallace 51 Skyla Free 24 Linda Vogt 63 Heidi Burris 47 Alicia Long 27 Sue Stroupe 63 Andrea Ponzer 26 Bill Ehrich 25 Alisha Novinger 22 Jeff Frey 63 S. Craig Rooney 41 Dakota Cable 15 Rania Cable 39 Participant 40 Julie Bowers Shane Cable 37 28:17 28:18 29:19 29:33 29:44 29:45 29:50 30:07 30:30 30:42 30:43 30:48 31:02 31:13 31:43 31:56 32:15 32:20 33:24 33:24 34:12 36:19 37:56 37:57 40:11 41:08 41:30 43:36 43:43 43:44 44:56 49:36 49:37 49:38 50:07 53:34 53:35 53:39 53:42 53:58 54:23 54:27 54:57 58:51 Page 5 CTC News Jeff Shikles 8K Phil Sayer 5k June 5, 2011 June 11, 2011 Name Place Zachary Chapman 1 William Stolz 2 Dan Edidin 3 Travis Gabel 4 Brendon Mclaughlin 5 Anna Parker 6 Kaela Rorvig 7 Tim Deidrick 8 Anna Rorvig 9 Dean Runyan 10 Blake Robinson 11 Megan McDonnell 12 Rachel McDonnell 13 Chris Baughman 14 Doug Steinhoff 15 John Shikles 16 Kenneth Bartley 17 Stephanie Runyan 18 Katie Shikles 19 Richerd Nistendirk 20 Andrea Shaw 21 Colin Nichols 22 Jill Nagel 23 Jennifer Mast 24 Brad Cassidy 25 Terry Chapman 26 Nancy Shikles 27 Kari Brooks 28 Laura Wells 29 Cameron Sneed 30 Amber Baughman 31 Time 00:29:43 00:30:07 00:30:43 00:32:00 00:36:03 00:38:37 00:38:46 00:39:20 00:39:48 00:40:28 00:41:32 00:42:31 00:42:31 00:42:33 00:43:05 00:43:07 00:45:17 00:46:15 00:46:48 00:47:21 00:47:29 00:48:01 00:48:56 00:48:56 00:54:04 00:54:55 00:56:33 00:58:28 01:01:43 01:13:02 01:14:44 The race starts and finishes near Gentry Middle School and is sponsored by the Columbia Kiwanis clubs. Proceeds benefit Rainbow House. Jeff Shikles was a local veterinarian who enjoyed running. He died in 2008. Philip Sayer, founder of the Galt Fire Department, dedicated his time and resources for the improvement of funding and training for volunteer fire departments nationwide. During his fire service career, he was Missouri‘s representative to the National Volunteer Fire Council. He also served as a member of the Executive Board of the NVFC. While on the board, he sat on numerous committees that shaped the standards that are used to evaluate fire department and officer requirements. He was instrumental in the Fire ACT grants and keeping them funded when efforts arose to cut them. He also served as FFAM‘s Legislative Committee Chairman and in 1995 helped pass a state law that created the Fire Education Commission. Phil chaired the Commission until he passed away on December 14, 2007. This scholarship provides volunteer fire fighters and fire officers the opportunity to further their skills and education to attend Summer Fire School in Jefferson City. The Fire Education Commission has earmarked a total of $3000 for scholarships to be awarded. Each awarded scholarship will include up to 12 hours of course tuition. 1. 17:43 - Gerald Holtmeyer 2. 18:45 - Andy Emerson 3. 19:30 - Caleb Ruth 4. 21:22 - John McNay 5. 22:53 - Craig Wehmeyer 6. 23:10 - Hugh Emerson 7. 23:33 - Darla Atkins 8. 24:25 - Greg Luebbert 9. 27:27 - Lisa Wehmeyer 10. 28:13 - Allen Wehmeyer 11. 30:33 - Christa Rhoads 12. 31:53 - Stacy Ducan 13. 38:02 - Kyle Haslen 14. 39:20 - Julia Edgar 15. 40:05 - Teresa Heidbrink 16. 47:19 - Mary De la Guerra 17. 49:36 - James Lundsted 18. 49:38 - Julie Lundsted 19. 54:15 - Angie Gott 20. 54:15 - Cindy Gott Page 6 CTC News Parley Pratt 4-Mile July 4, 2011 Place Name Sex Age 1 Tim Langen M 42 2 Amanda Dunne F 28 3 Jacob Line M 15 4 Andy Emerson M 42 5 Greg Blomquist M 33 6 Quinn Haubner M 17 7 Philip Schaefer M 57 8 Tom May M 44 9 Matt Widzer M 38 10 Nate Hirchesch M 11 Garvin Line M 12 Kurt Kennett M 43 13 Scott Hope M 35 14 Travis Line M 13 15 Bryan Plastridge M 14 16 Kevin Tyler M 55 17 Oscar Chavez M 47 18 Marcus Heinrick M 16 19 Kyle Riley M 35 20 Joshua Baumer M 15 21 Devin McCall M 29 22 Brent Clark M 31 23 David Dingler M 58 24 Clayton Cheney M 51 25 Harvey James M 46 26 Fred Koenig M 39 27 Patrick Szymansld M 20 28 Ryan Quade M 11 29 Hugh Emerson M 53 30 Shelbi Prince F 18 31 Matthew Summers M 20 32 Norman Cox M 45 33 Curtis Evans M 17 34 Mary Ellen BradshawF 39 35 Amy Voltmer F 40 36 Bryan Norton M 49 37 Joesph Lopez M 57 38 Bren Bremer M 14 39 Steve Nitkowski M 49 40 Ric Hereth M 53 41 Steve Reed M 52 42 Patrick Sullivan M 26 43 Kwangmoon Cho M 43 44 Ben Chapdelaine M 15 45 Ryan Occena M 22 46 William Lackey M 35 47 Lucy Urlacher F 54 48 Erin Occena F 18 49 Samantha BrysonF 27 50 Jared Houseman M 14 51 Ed Rollins M 52 52 Ethan Line M 11 53 Brandon Arnold M 29 54 Tabitha Rodgers F 32 55 Richard Nistendirk M 71 56 Nora Drown F 36 Time 0:22:10 0:22:16 0:24:02 0:24:09 0:24:37 0:25:20 0:25:23 0:25:26 0:25:44 0:26:03 0:26:47 0:26:55 0:27:21 0:27:45 0:27:49 0:27:53 0:28:11 0:28:44 0:28:52 0:28:53 0:28:55 0:29:11 0:29:18 0:29:23 0:29:34 0:29:56 0:30:12 0:30:18 0:30:22 0:30:27 0:30:36 0:30:52 0:30:53 0:30:58 0:31:07 0:31:13 0:31:15 0:31:16 0:31:22 0:31:28 0:31:51 0:32:51 0:33:10 0:33:31 0:33:36 0:33:37 0:33:38 0:33:42 0:34:07 0:34:31 0:34:33 0:34:44 0:34:49 0:34:57 0:35:05 0:35:12 57 Emily Smith F 58 Jesse LaFond M 59 Ethan Sivertson M 60 Ken Haineworth M 61 David Jamison M 62 Kellie Forthaus F 63 Melissa Malone F 64 Lisa Johnson F 65 Elder Ditto M 66 Jadon Kilpack F 67 Eric Bessey M 68 Mariah Crouch F 69 Johanna Leak F 70 Michele Baumer F 71 Samuel Gurnsey M 72 Luis Occena M 73 Sara Brown F 74 Johnathon Pry M 75 Nicolette Kumar F 76 Melissa Anderson F 77 Susan Holman F 78 Brian Johnson M 79 Lisa Reid F 80 Rachel Jokerst F 81 Marie Brown F 82 Jim Chapdelaine M 83 Alex Chavez M 84 Julia Chavez F 85 Joesph Cicon M 86 Tracy Graff F 87 Christy Perkey F 88 Mylin Kilpack F 89 Natalie Quade F 90 Ashley Hampton F 91 Makayla Crouch F 92 Jared Kilpack M 93 Bob Plastridge M 94 Michael Walther M 95 Tyler Crouch M 96 Jason Kilpack M 97 Michele Schlottach F 98 Daniel Kliethermes M 99 Ellen Kliethermes F 100 Tara Johnson F 101 Raina Rayes F 102 Jessica Imboden F 103 Brody Asbury M 104 Rachael Asbury F 105 Bruce Barrett M 106 Z. Pina-Hauuh F 107 Heather Calhoun F 108 Marcela Chavez F 109 Deanna Phillips F 110 Ashli Hagan F 111 Katie Dirks F 112 Carley Allen F 113 Brooksie Collins F 29 16 20 21 24 40 35 38 19 12 42 20 48 49 14 51 39 46 37 32 55 25 31 36 39 44 13 50 37 15 16 31 15 14 44 53 21 36 37 35 33 23 34 32 10 32 55 43 38 48 39 17 12 33 0:35:15 0:35:18 0:35:27 0:35:29 0:35:31 0:35:50 0:35:54 0:35:54 0:36:06 0:36:11 0:36:27 0:36:33 0:36:51 0:37:12 0:37:18 0:37:30 0:37:32 0:37:34 0:37:36 0:37:51 0:37:56 0:38:17 0:38:35 0:38:40 0:38:54 0:39:19 0:39:40 0:39:40 0:40:09 0:40:18 0:40:43 0:40:56 0:40:56 0:41:05 0:41:17 0:41:51 0:41:57 0:42:02 0:42:38 0:42:43 0:43:02 0:43:04 0:43:04 0:43:10 0:43:16 0:43:48 0:44:09 0:44:14 0:46:00 0:46:08 0:46:47 0:47:02 0:47:50 0:47:58 0:48:24 0:48:26 0:49:05 114 Olivia Bailey F 115 Justin Kilpack M 116 Mattie Arnold F 117 Tina Arnold F 118 Adam Moesel M 119 Liz Hostetler F 120 George Szabo M 121 J. Holliday-Szabo F 122 Katie Hostetler F 123 Mark Hostetler F 124 Sharon Newman F 125 Paula Barrett F 126 Nancy Fritsch F 127 Kathleen Occena F 128 Fabiola Lopez F 129 Carrie Paden F 130 Madison Crouch F 131 Emillie Harris F 132 Gerald Neuffer M 133 Audrey Clark F 134 Tanner Goodale M 18 0:49:14 11 0:49:30 0:49:41 0:49:51 12 0:51:28 0:51:28 29 0:52:42 33 0:52:43 0:52:57 0:53:02 39 0:53:15 51 0:54:11 72 0:55:30 48 0:55:34 53 0:55:35 42 0:55:36 13 0:58:02 14 0:58:04 89 1:05:20 1:05:50 16 1:05:50 Page 7 CTC News Thanks to those who participated and volunteered in the Summer Youth Program Page 8 Out of Town Events Berryman Trail Runs Mark Twain National Forest May 21, 2011 Marathon Andy Emerson 3:56:46 (fifth overall), Coleman Hodges 4:21:38 (13th), Karen Hodges 5:14:26 (25th overall; first in her age group). Total of 77 finishers; congrats to Coleman and Karen for completing their first marathon. CTC News Jemez Mountain Trail Runs 50-Mile Los Alamos, NM May 21, 2011 Matt Dreier completed his first ultra in the Jemez mountains, near Los Alamos, NM. His time was 12:58:55. Run the Caldera 50-Mile Ultra Shawn Goertz 11:23:57 (24th), Jeff Wells 11:44:43 (25th). Total of 41 finishers; congrats to Shawn on his first 50-miler. Father’s Day 5K Jefferson City, Mo. June 18, 2011 Marc Keys won the race in a time of 17:46. Matt Dreier finished fifth in 19:23. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately?) for both, the course was 208 meters too long. Valles Caldera, NM June 11, 2011 Whitney and Matt Dreier ran this marathon through the Valles Caldera National Preserve — the first trail marathon for both of them. Whitney was the second female overall in a time of 4:24. Less than a month later the Caldera was closed due to the largest wildfire in NM state history. Page 9 Festival of Miles St. Louis, Mo. June 1, 2011 On June 1, Christian Reed was invited to compete in the prestigious Festival of Miles Yurbuds Masters Men‘s Mile held at St. Louis University High‘s track facility. Christian finished fifth in a field of 10 runners in a time of 4:46.91. CTC News Bay to Breakers San Francisco, Calif. May 15, 2011 Laura Wells ran the 100th anniversary of the Bay to Breakers 12k with her granddaughter. She placed 13th out of 225 women in her age group (70-79) in a time of 1:37:24. Approximately 55,000 runners participated. On June 26, Reed won the KirkwoodWebster Groves YMCA Connection Run 5K in a time of 16:16. Firecracker Mile Sedalia, Mo. July 4, 2011 More than 140 runners competed in the Firecracker Mile at the Missouri State Fairgrounds on the Fourth of July. Ryan Hauser was the overall winner (4:41), followed closely by Cooper Mittelhauser (5:08), Brett Lang (5:22), Katie Hauser (5:26), Jeff Mittelhauser (6:14), Matthew Hauser (8:49), and Andrew Hauser (9:35) Trekking For Kids June 18, 2011 The third annual 5k/10k started in the village of Cherry Hill and supported an orphanage in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Andy Emerson placed second overall in the 10K in 33:01 (short course) and won six months to AnyTime Fitness. Black Hills 100 Sturgis, SD June 25, 2011 Andy Pele placed third overall at the inaugural Black Hills 100 in 24:50:02. He — and all runners who finished in less than 32 hours — received a belt buckle. Jeff Wells was 29th overall in 32:10:00. The course has a cumulative vertical gain of 16,231 feet and 16,231 of descent for a total elevation change of 32,462. The average elevation is 4,627 feet. Page 10 h Run wit les 5K the Eag CTC News Jeff Shikles St. Patrick’s Day 5K CIGS Hu ma nR ac e WellAware 5K Summ e Progr r Youth am Jay Dix Challenge to Cure Pratt y e l r Pa le 4-Mi Heart for Africa 5K Heart of America marathon Smokin’ Chicks Cross-Country Challenge Paws in the Park Rock Bri Reve dge nge lf’s Ha n o s Wil rathon Ma enge ll Cha First Night 5K Cranberry Crawl 5K XCX Extreme Cross Country Jingle Bell 5K CTC board member Nancy Rezabek made this quilt — now hanging at Tryathletics — out of old CTC race shirts. Page 11 CTC News Page 12 CTC News Great Sandbagger 10k Saturday, August 6, 2011 Mill Creek Elementary School (2200 W. Nifong Blvd.) 7 a.m. Free for CTC members / $3 Non-members Serial Competition Race PREDICT YOUR TIME Runners are staggered at the start based on their estimated times. Theoretically, everyone will finish together, but this race tends to attract some good liars. The first person to cross the finish line wins the title and gets to put his or her mark on the ever-expanding traveling trophy. Page 13 CTC News Page 14 52nd Annual CTC News HEART OF AMERICA MARATHON Labor Day, September 5, 2011 Columbia, Missouri 6 a.m. Entry Fee: $40. Make checks payable to Columbia Track Club. Entry Deadline: Please, by September 3. No entries after 5:30 a.m. race day. Headquarters: Hampton Inn (1225 Fellow‘s Place). Room Reservations: 573-214-2222 Rate: $122, including taxes; one to four people; for September 5 only; Must reserve by August 17; ask for group rate or use group code CHXHOA. Register online at columbiauniversitysuites.hamptoninn.com Packet Pick-up: Sunday, September 4 — 2 to 7 p.m. Monday, September 5 — 5 to 5:30 a.m. at Hampton Inn. Time Limit: Seven hours. The finish area will close at 1 p.m. Aid Stations: Every two miles with water, Gatorade and ice. Awards: Framed posters to overall male and female winners. Running shoes (from Tryathletics) to overall winners and first age 40+ male and female. Plaques to first three males and females in age groups (24 & younger, 25 to 29, 30 to 34, 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 to 49, 50 to 54, 55 to 59, 60+). Medals and T-shirts to all finishers. Dave Schulte Award for the most improved 2011 HOA performance of a sub-five-hour 2010 marathon. Post-race: Awards will be presented at a post-race gathering at Shakespeare‘s Pizza (Ninth & Elm Streets) at 1:30 p.m. Free pizza to all HOA entrants. The course is USAT&F certified — # MO0767 BG. ENTRY FORM Return to: Columbia Track Club, Box 1872, Columbia, Mo. 65205 (or register at HeartOfAmericaMarathon.com) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - cut or tear here- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs and assignees, waive any and all claims for damages I might have against the City of Columbia, the Columbia Track Club and any individual volunteer worker for any and all injuries suffered by me as a result of this event. Male _____ Female _____ Print name: __________________________________ Birthdate: _____________________ Age on race day: _____ Address: __________________________________________________________________ State: _____ Zip: _____ Street City Signature: _____________________________________________ (if entrant is younger than 18, parent must sign) Number of marathons completed: _____ Best marathon time: _________ Where? __________ When? __________ Most recent marathon: _________________________________________ When? __________ Time? __________ Page 15 CTC News Page 16 y, 0 a rd r 1 u e t Sa emb pt e S Race organizers have made some exciting changes to the race to make 2011 the best year yet. Both events will be nationally certified and accurate, with the 10k starting before the half marathon. In addition, runners can look forward to lower entry fees while still enjoying great music on the scenic course and delicious barbecue after the race. Prices: Half Marathon — $40 until Aug. 15; $50 until Sept. 9; $55 after Sept. 9 10K — $30 until Aug. 15; $40 until Sept. 9; $45 after Sept. 9 Questions? Contact Patrick Hanson at readysetresults@gmail.com or 573-268-1409 CTC News Page 17 CTC News CTC Scholarship Recipients Four seniors each were awarded $500.00 from the CTC Joe Marks Memorial Scholarship fund. These seniors all participated in high school cross country and track, and each provided exemplary service to the club and community. Rock Bridge students Grady Harrington and Griffin Humphries were part of the second place state cross country team last fall. Grady will be attending University of Pittsburgh, and Griffin will run for University of Missouri-Kansas City. Hickman students chosen were Erin Occena and Adelyn Myers. Erin will be attending Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. Erin would like to complete a marathon after her freshman year. Adelyn will attend University of Missouri-Columbia, and she will be running as a part of the MU Running Club. Congratulations to these young men and women as they begin their college experience. We appreciate your service to CTC, school, and community. Dear CTC, Thank you for awarding me with the CTC Joe Marks Youth Scholarship. I'm honored to be selected as the recipient of this award, and I can't thank you enough. Running has been part of my life for many years now, and I've enjoyed participating and volunteering in CTC events. I'm hoping to continue running with the MU running club during my college experience as I pursue an animal science degree. Thank you again for your support. Adelyn Myers Dear CTC, I would like to express my gratitude for making the $500 Joe Marks Youth Scholarship possible. I was excited to learn of my selection for this honor, and I am deeply appreciative of your support. I will be stating at Benedictine College this fall where I intend to double major in Elementary and Special Education with a minor in Spanish. My goal after I graduate is to get teaching experience — perhaps through the Inner-City Teaching Corps. From there, I hope to venture to South America where I would like to teach or be involved in missionary work. The assistance you provided will lighten my financial burden and allow me to focus more of my time on learning and running. This fall I will train for my first marathon, which I plan to run after my freshman year. Since I began competing in cross country four years ago, my family has been welcomed into the running community. I enjoy getting to know my fellow distance runners while volunteering at packet pick-ups, the summer youth track meets, and along various courses. Thank you again for your generosity and support, Sincerely, Erin Occena Above: Adelyn Myers Above: Grady Harrington, CTC President Bill Stolz and Griffin Humphreys Page 18 CTC News Media Matters CTC in the News Ultrarunner Jeff Wells was featured in the Columbia Missourian on June 6. Go! St. Louis marathon winner Angie Turner was featured in the Columbia Tribune on June 14. NEW MEMBERS None! Recruit your friends! Congratulations to Ted Zderic and Shanelle Carolan, who were married on June 18. Thanks to everyone who attended the VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DINNER at Columbia College on June 6. We appreciate all your help. 2011 Page 19 Date Time Feb. thru Dec. 5:30 p.m. Aug. 6 7 a.m. TBD Columbia Track Club Schedule Event Wednesday Track Workouts Fee 2011 Race Director CTC News Start Location $0 Bill Stolz 999-6775, wtstolz@gmail.com Hickman H.S. Track Great Sandbagger 10k* $0 (CTC) $3 Joe Duncan 445-2684, jocar2605@centurytel.net Mill Creek Elementary Parking Lot TBD CTC Track Meet $5 Bill Stolz 999-6775, wtstolz@gmail.com TBD Sept. 5 6 a.m. 52nd Annual Heart of America Marathon* USATF certified MO07067BG $40 Joe Duncan 445-2684, jocar2605@centurytel.net Stadium Blvd. at Hearnes Center Oct. 9 8 a.m. Rock Bridge Revenge 12k/25k /50k* $20 (12k) Jeff Wells 446-0717, lisawellslisa@aol.com Rock Bridge State Park $30(25/50k) Oct. 29 9 a.m. Prevent 5k/10k* $20 (5k) $25 (10k) Ryan Hauser 234-8815, ic_monavie@hotmail.com MKT at Scott Blvd. Nov. 12 8 a.m. Cranberry Crawl 5k/10k* $20 $10 (<12) Steve Stonecipher-Fisher 447-2453, Tryathletics@gmail.com Central Missouri Food Bank Dec. 10 8:30 a.m. Cheese & Sauerkraut 10-Mile* $0 (CTC) $3 Randy Gay, 814-2627, rgay@bjc.org Dick Hessler, 874-2906, HesslerR@missouri.edu Katy trailhead at McBaine Dec. 31 4 p.m. First Night 5k* $20 $10 (<12) Patrick Hanson 573-268-1409, pdhanson@gmail.com S Sixth Street at CyclExtreme USATF certified MO10046BG CTC events are above. CTC supported events (in which the club helps with timing, equipment, etc.) July 31 7:30 a.m. Show-Me State Games 5k/10k USATF certified MO08033BG $20 Lisa Wells 446-0717, lisawellslisa@aol.com Bethel Park HoA Volunteers Wanted We need your help! Course monitors, musicians, singers, cheerleaders, enthusiastic motivators — come celebrate the 52nd Heart of America by helping runners along the marathon route. The course is open from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. We welcome all ages and abilities, and we’ll find a spot along the route that works for you. Please contact Race Director Joe Duncan (jocar2605@centurytel.net; 573-445-2684)) about helping. If you volunteered last year, Joe will be in touch by e-mail in early August. Page 20 CTC News COLUMBIA TRACK CLUB NEWS P.O. Box 1872 Columbia, MO 65205 Non-profit organization U.S. Postage PAID Columbia, MO Permit #226 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED CTC Membership Application NAME: _____________________________________ BIRTHDATE: ___________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ CITY: _____________________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: ____________ PHONE: _____________________________ E-MAIL: ______________________________ Would you like to be e-mailed about upcoming CTC events? Y N Members of family at this address and their birthdates: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Annual fees are $20, which cover all family members living in the same household. Additional donations are welcome and will be used for the scholarship fund or equipment enhancement. Please make checks payable to COLUMBIA TRACK CLUB and send to: CTC P.O. Box 1872 Columbia, MO 65205
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