how to search - Thomson`s Aviation Library
HOW TO SEARCH Press CTRL + F to search for items you are looking for. Part Name: Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 6 1 1 7 7 A 1 1 1 7 7 7 B C D 1 12 1 13 11 12 B Periodic Inspection of Accessories in Storage Periodic Inspection of Accessories in Storage Safety Belts & Safety Shoulder Harness Eclipse Aircraft Accessory Equipment Eclipse Aircraft Accessory Equipment Aircraft Radiators Repair & Cleaning of Ethylene Glycol Radiators Coolant Radiator Coolant Radiator Coolant Radiators & Oil Cooler Repair & Cleaning of NonSelf-Sealing Fuel & Oil Tanks Installation, Operation, Maintenance & Modification Instructions for Selector Valves Part Number: Date: Rev. Date: Manufacturer(s): 06/01/44 02/01/45 04/01/45 11/01/44 Eclipse 07/01/45 Eclipse 04/01/46 06/01/44 08/01/45 08/01/45 08/01/45 10/01/45 10/01/42 Clifford United Aircraft Harrison 13 14 15 1 14 1 17 1 18 1 20 1 1 21 26 1 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 1 Pressure Coolant 02/01/42 Thermostat Storage & Handling of Fuel & Self-Sealing & Metal 12/01/42 Oil Cells Breeze Tab Control Actuator C 12/01/42 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 Parker 06/01/44 Parker 09/01/45 07/01/43 31 Windshield Wipers 05/01/44 1 1 32 38 06/01/45 01/01/45 1 39 Cuno Filters Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Cargo Tie-Down Equipment 22 24 06/01/45 05/01/43 Replacement of Plunger Assy. in Oil Dilution Solenoids & Primer Solenoids Identification & Installation of Approved Hose Clamps 21 23 A Modification of Hose Fittings & Installation of Hose Clamps: Oil, Fuel & Coolant Systems Coolant Relief Valves Parker Engineering Data: Tubing, Fittings, & Valves Parker Engineering Data: Tubing, Fittings, & Valves Installation of Adapter on AAF Voltage Regulator Base, 24-Volt Electrical Systems Standard Aircraft Prod. 10/01/43 09/01/44 Marquette Metal Prod. Cuno Electrol 1 40 Repair of Aluminum Oil Coolers & Coolant Radiator 1 1 42 44 1 1 45 46 1 47 1 48 1 49 Check Valve Straight & "Y" Needle, Angle Needle, & Hydraulic Bleeder Valve Globe Valve Index of Army-Navy Misc. Equip. Redesignation of Part Numbers on Eclipse Accessories Engine Supercharger Intercoolers & Exit Flap Actuator Food Storage Unit 1 51 1 1 27 28 08/01/51 11/01/44 Parker Parker 04/01/51 07/01/45 Parker 07/01/44 Eclipse 11/01/44 AiResearch 08/01/45 Tappan Stove Co. Engine Mounting Systems 04/01/46 Lord Mfg 51 52 Engine Mounting Sys. Cargo Winch 05/01/50 02/01/52 11/01/44 Taylor Machine Co 1 1 1 53 54 57 Barbs, Tire Puncturing 1A, 3C Starter Gear Box 1447-2-A Identification of Operating 15 Instructions Manual for Man Pick-up Kit 10/01/44 03/01/48 02/01/45 1 58 07/01/45 1 59 Replacement of Plunger Assy. in Oil Dilution & Primer Solenoids Dynamic Engine Suspension Assy. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 06/01/44 101, 106, 107, 116, 102, 108, 109, 115, 5351 FTG-3-1 TM-600 08/01/45 Eclipse-Pioneer Goodyear 1 61 Replacement of Food Trays & Cups, in Food Warmers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Vibration Isolators Accessory Drive Gearbox 1530-1-C Coolant Radiator 0-901-1550 Coolant Radiator 0-901-1550 Accessory Gearbox Accessory Gearbox Storage of Engine Mounting System Vibration Isolators 1 69 Electric Shut-off Gate Valves 1624, 3224, 3260, 09/01/51 3288, 27-0-1, 3290-00. 3290-19-0, 329036-36, 6046 1 1 69 70 Shut-off Valve 1624 05/01/54 09/01/51 Electric Shut-off Gate Valves 1624, 3224,3260, 3288-27-0-1, 3290-00, 3290-19-0, 329036-36, 6046 1 1 1 71 72 73 Food Storage Unit Food Storage Unit Cabin Air Heat Exchangers & Supercharger Intercoolers 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 FTG-3 FTG-3-1 FTG-3-1 17513, 18119, 1F4807-3, 17853, 17853-1, 17854, 17854-1, 19279 07/01/45 Tappan 11/01/45 02/01/50 12/01/47 12/01/47 08/01/57 01/01/60 04/01/48 Pratt & Whitney Eclipse Trane Trane Westinghouse Westinghouse 08/01/48 08/01/48 08/01/49 Hydro-Aire Tappan Tappan Airesearch 1 80 Food Warming Oven USAF Type B-3, B-4, B- 05/01/51 4 Mansfield Aircraft Products 1 81 Drain Valves KD-1700, KD-1750, 12/01/50 KA-8750, K-9000, KD100BD, 1101 Series Koehler 1 1 1 1 1 81 82 83 84 86 Drain Valves Drain Valves Drain Valves Drain Valves Aircraft Shutoff & Selector Valves 02/01/52 02/01/52 Ball Type 03/01/52 Ball Type 03/01/52 AV-1, AV-2, AV-3, AV- 06/01/51 5, AV-6, AV-7, AV-9, AV-11, AV-12, AV-14, AV-16 Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehler General Controls 1 87 Aircraft Shutoff & Selector Valves AV-1, AV-2, AV-5, AV- 03/01/51 6, AV-7, AV-9, AV-11, AV-12, AV-14, AV-16 General Controls 1 90 Inertia Locking Reel 0-3903NN, 0-4600 (Both Series) 12/01/61 American Seating Co 1 91 Inertia Locking Reel 0-3903NN, 0-4600 (Both Series) 12/01/61 American Seating Co 1 1 92 93 Needle Valve Assy. Needle Valve Assy. 04/01/52 04/01/52 Parker Parker 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 1 94 Cable Tension Regulator Assy. R72G-105, R7210007-35-00, R7210007-15-00, R723019-85-00 05/01/52 Pacific Scientific 1 95 Cable Tension Regulator Assy. R72G-105, R7210007-35-00, R7210007-15-00, R723019-85-00 05/01/52 Pacific Scientific 1 98 Needle Valve Assy. 2-744-6, 4-545-3, 4- 10/01/51 2844-3, 5-550-76, 51947-75, 7-2545-2, 10-2943-1, 10-29432, 10-2943-17, 102943-18, 11-1544-1 Parker 1 102 Electric Shut-off Gate Valve 6722 07/01/51 Hydro-Aire 1 103 Electric Shut-off Gate Valve 6722 07/01/51 Hydro-Aire 1 106 Cable Tension Regulators 04/01/56 Bobrick 1 107 Cable Tension Regulators V720-3, V720-8-1, V750-1 V720-3, V720-8-1, V750-1 04/01/56 Bobrick 1 109 Butterfly Valve 1 109 Butterfly Valve 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 05/01/54 Whittaker, Robertshaw, Fulton 05/01/54 12/01/54 Whittaker, Robertshaw, Fulton 1 110 Butterfly Valve 1 110 Butterfly Valve 1 1 1 111 112 117 Relief Valve Assy. Relief Valve Assy. Pressure Control Valves 1 118 Pressure Control Valves 11-1849-83, 9-1648- 08/01/52 75, 10-3049-75 Parker 1 120 Engine Mounts MB-3049, MB-3050 01/01/52 MB Manufacturing 1 121 Cable Tension Regulators 05/01/52 Pacific Scientific 1 122 05/01/52 Pacific Scientific 1 124 R-6650-40, R-6650187 Cable Tension Regulators R-6650-40, R-6650187 Quick Disconnect Inlet Assy. 840358, 840536, & Outlet 840537, 840826, 801496, 801514 04/01/58 Kidde 1 124 Quick Disconnect Inlet Assy. 840358, 840536, & Outlet 840537, 840826, 801496, 801514 04/01/58 Kidde 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 05/01/54 Whittaker, Robertshaw, Fulton 05/01/54 12/01/54 Whittaker, Robertshaw, Fulton 07/01/51 Whittaker 07/01/51 Whittaker 11-1849-83, 9-1648- 08/01/52 Parker 75, 10-3049-75 1 125 Quick Disconnect Inlet Assy. 840358, 840536, & Outlet 840537, 840826, 801496, 801514 04/01/58 Kidde 1 1 127 128 Personnel Gear Needle Valve Assy. 08/01/52 08/01/52 Douglas Parker 1 1 130 132 Needle Valve Assy. Plug Valve Assy. 08/01/52 08/01/52 Parker Parker 1 133 11/01/52 Parker 1 134 11/01/52 Parker 1 135 Engine Primer Assy. & Windshield De-Icer Pump Assy. Engine Primer Assy. & USAF E-5, Navy B-4 Windshield De-Icer Pump Assy. Inspection for & Disposal of Classes 03-F, 20-B all Welded & Coil Type High Pressure CO2 Airborne Fire Extinguisher & Life Raft Inflation Cylinders 1 138 1 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 99 100 9-2150-1 2-2146-32, 709-GG3/8D USAF E-5, Navy B-4 09/01/53 11/01/54 156 Aircraft Electrical System Inspection Maintenance & Installation Procedures Aircraft Engine Mountings 11/01/69 Lord 1 157 Aircraft Engine Mountings 06/01/67 Lord 1 158 Shoulder Harness Take-Up Reel 01/01/59 Pacific Scientific 97 98 9-2443-5, 1409-4D 0101116-0 1 159 Uni-Directional Inertia Reel Assy. 11, 11-0109-24-132, 06/01/74 11-0111-24-132, 110111-23-324, 110211-23-322 American Seating 1 160 UHI Directional Inertia Reel Assy. Model II, 11-0109-24132, 11-0111-23-324, 11-0111-23-322 American Seating 1 162 80D002 12/01/53 Western Design 1 163 80D002 12/01/53 Western Design 1 165 OA-A2 02/01/59 Ordnance Assoc. 1 1 167 167 Cargo Hoist Torque Limiting Clutch Assy. Cargo Hoist Torque Limiting Clutch Assy. Thruster, Drogue Chute Ejector Military Buffet Grip 74991 B8A 10/01/54 07/01/59 Weber Superior Magneto 1 168 21 01/01/61 American Seating 1 169 12/01/59 Pacific Scientific 1 171 Uni-Directional Inertia Reel Assy. Shoulder Harness Take-Up Reels Seat 677 01/01/60 1 172 Inertia Lock Reel 1293-14 06/01/60 1 175 7935-1 01/01/62 1 176 Shoulder Harness Takeup Inertia Restraint Assy. Speed Decreaser Gear & Assoc Parts Aircraft Mechanics Inc. Rocket Power/Talco Hardman 37R600175G009, 37R600175G012 06/01/72 General Electric 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Speed Decreaser Gear & Assoc Parts 1 178 Dynafocal Engine Mountings LM-204-SA8, LM-204- 03/01/65 SA19, LM-204-SA21, LM-204-SA28, LM204-SA30, LM-204SA31 Lord 1 180 Seat Assy. 4240-5, 4245-5 09/01/63 1 180 04/01/73 1 182 02/01/63 Rocket Power 1 183 Seat Assy., Pilots, Co-Pilots, 4240-5, 4245-5 Plane Captains Rocket Ejection Seat-Upward 1289-4A Catapult Assy. Thruster, Drogue Chute 195, 195-1 Ejector Retarded Burns Aero Seating Co. Hardman 04/01/63 1 184 Actuator, Harness, & Foot Retainer Release 196-10000, 196-3 1 184 Decoupler Assy. WC-101B, 10B 05/01/64 Chromalloy Corp./Propellex Chemical Div. Chromalloy Corp./Propellex Chemical Div. Wadell Equip Co. 1 186 Decoupler Assy. WC-101B, 110B 02/01/64 Wadell Equip Co. 1 187 Seat Assy. Radio Operator & 4250-5, 4251-1, 4251Crew 3, 4255-5 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 General Electric 177 114 37R600175G001, 37R600175G005, 37R600175G009, 37R600175G012 06/01/72 1 Burns Aero Seat Co., Inc. 1 187 Seat Assy. Radio Operator & 4250-5, 4251-1, 4251- 04/01/73 Crew 3, 4251-5, 4255-5 Hardman 1 188 Decoupler Assy. WC-101B, 110B 05/01/64 Wadell Equip Co. 1 189 0101383-04 08/01/64 Pacific Scientific 1 191 194 0101916-0, 0101919- 03/01/64 0 675000-01, 675000- 02/01/65 02, 6750A, 6750C Pacific Scientific 1 Lever Control Type Reel Assy. Shoulder Harness Takeup Reels Controlled Rate Cable Extension Reel 1 197 1501104-3 04/01/66 Pacific Scientific 1 198 Pedal Adjustment Mechanism Adjustable Seat 851-1 12/01/65 Aircraft Mechanics 1 1 548 550 Gear Box Engine Vibration Isolators 03/01/53 09/01/48 Air Assoc MB Manufacturing 1 551 Engine Vibration Isolators 09/01/48 MB Manufacturing 1 552 Engine Vibration Isolators M-1670MI MB-100875, MB100876 MB-42399, MB81947 MB-83889, MB88427, MB-99259, MB-99258, MB105971 09/01/48 MB Manufacturing 1 553 11/01/50 Douglas 1 554 Arresting Hook Hold-Down Assy. Right Angle Accessory Drive 1462EO 08/01/50 Western Gear 1 555 Flexible Lightweight Engine Mounts 07/01/50 MB Manufacturing 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 MB-2769, MB-2770 Conductron Corp. 1 559 Personnel Ejection Catapult NAF602200-9, NAF602223, Type I, II, U-I, U-II 04/01/59 1 560 Pilot Canopy Gear Box Assy. 04/01/51 Langley 1 561 C6334 07/01/56 Teleflex 1 1 562 563 SA160A-26 3252241 Series, 4211371-500 12/01/51 03/01/52 Teleflex Douglas 1 1 564 565 Aircraft Telescopic Unit Assy., Flared Type Telescopic Unit Aileron & Rudder Cockpit Trim Tab Units & Aileron Trim Tab Gear Box Personnel Gear Control Box Assy., Mechanical Remote Control B6367 08/01/52 02/01/54 Douglas Teleflex 1 568 102221 02/01/54 Whittaker 1 1 570 573 SA106A-32 S3388949-501-00, S3431905-501-17 03/01/54 05/01/54 Teleflex Hardman 1 574 S3388949-501-00, S3431905-501-17 05/01/54 Hardman 1 1 575 580 1030 135897 06/01/55 03/01/57 RLF Tool Curtiss-Wright 1 581 135897 03/01/57 Curtiss-Wright 1 587 15-84004-301, 1584126 04/01/55 McDonnell 1 590 L-66 02/01/55 Advance Gear 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Solenoid Actuated Valve Assy. Telescopic Control Shoulder Harness Take-Up Inertia Locking Type Reel & Control Assy. Shoulder Harness Take-Up Inertia Locking Type Reel & Control Assy. Power Cylinder Assy. Accessory Drive Gearbox Assy. Accessory Drive Gearbox Assy. Dash Pot, Arresting Hook Hydraulic & Actuator, Arresting Gear Gear Box Assy. 154 155 1 591 Right Angle Gear Box Assy. L-90 02/01/55 Advance Gear 1 592 Right Angle Gear Box Assy. L-91 02/01/55 Advance Gear 1 593 10, 20 10/01/61 American Seating 1 594 10, 20 10/01/61 American Seating 1 595 1 596 1 1 1 597 598 600 Multi-Directional Electromagnetic Inertia Reel Assy. Multi-Directional Electromagnetic Inertia Reel Assy. Single, Double & Triple Folding Troop Seat Assy. Single, Double & Triple Folding Troop Seat Assy. Air Cargo Conveyor Air Cargo Conveyor Vibration Isolator Assy. 1 601 1 603 Adapter & Cap, Pressure Fuel Servicing Vibration Isolator Assy. 1 604 1 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 74001, 74002, 74003 07/01/55 Weber 74001, 74002, 74003 07/01/55 Weber 74500 74500 MB-4126 07/01/55 07/01/55 12/01/55 Weber Weber MB Manufacturing 5123-4, A-5 04/01/56 Carter MB-4260 02/01/56 MB Manufacturing Reel Assy. 12Z550-044-100, 12Z550-044-200 01/01/56 Goodyear 605 Reel Assy. 12Z550-044-100, 12Z550-044-200 01/01/56 Goodyear 1 606 Right-Angle Gear Box Assy. L-87 02/01/56 Advance Gear 1 607 Hook Assy., Cargo BL-883, 328-2-B 02/01/56 Breeze 1 608 Slack Absorber Assy. S52-2001-45-00 04/01/56 Pacific Scientific 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 1 609 Slack Absorber Assy. 1 1 610 611 1 612 1 613 04/01/56 Pacific Scientific Pilot Control Stick Grip 21803 Reel, Shoulder Harness Take HR30-1000 Series Up, Inertia Lock Gear Box 11282-1, 11283-1 03/01/56 06/01/56 Mason Electric Pacific Scientific 06/01/56 Kenyon Stick Assy., Pilot's Control & 5442179-505, Mixer Assy., Control 5442179-507, 5442179-509, 5442179-511, 5442180-501, 5442180-503 Slack Absorber Assy. S52-1002-40-00 10/01/58 Douglas 1 615 06/01/56 Pacific Scientific 1 616 Pressure Fueling Manifold Check Valve Y" Drive Gear Box Gear Box Assy., 2:1 Reduction Right Angle Inertia Reel Assy., Personnel Shoulder Harness 413015 09/01/56 Gladden 1 1 617 618 C1739 3447396 03/01/57 07/01/56 Elec Eng & Mfg Douglas 1 619 S5446308-501, S5446308-503, S5446308-507 03/01/60 Douglas 1 1 620 621 Gust Lock Push-Pull Couplers 11Z720-50 08/01/56 12Z786-203, 12Z786- 10/01/58 203-300 Goodyear Goodyear 1 1 622 623 Air Vent Assy. Control Assy., Push-Pull, Torpedo Bay Heat Control 2067 D-7256 07/01/56 10/01/56 Airite Teleflex 1 624 Power Plant Control Tension R75-9002-40-00 Regulator 12/01/56 Pacific Scientific 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 S52-2001-22-00 185 186 1 625 Right Angle Gear Box Assy. L-91-510 03/01/57 Advance Gear 1 626 ACA-1143-21 07/01/57 Oro Mfg 1 629 Troop Seat, Three Man, Nylon, Lightweight T-28 Trainer Pilot & CoPilot Seat Assy. 120-100, 120-100-10, 05/01/58 120-100-20 North American Aviation 1 632 Speed Decreaser Gear & Assoc Parts 102R679G3, 102R678G3, 102R678G6, T-58 07/01/61 General Electric Radio Frequency Relay with C4B4FB Power Switch Electrical Equipment: M-2 Type Replacement of Fans on Generators Electrical Equipment: Handling of Generator Voltage Regulators & Current Control Switch Relays Wind-Driven Generator W128B, W1210B, W612B 05/01/61 TRW 11/01/44 187 188 189 5 A 4 5 A 6 5 A 9 5 A 11 5 A 11 Wind-Driven Generator 5 A 13 Electrical Equipment: Adjustment & Test Procedure: Generator Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator 190 191 192 193 194 W128B, W1210B, W612B, W1510G 09/01/42 07/01/43 12/20/43 06/01/45 Champion Aviation Products, Co. Allied Controls 195 196 5 A 17 PR9502, PR9502A 12/01/51 Phaostron PR9502, PR9502A 06/01/49 Phaostron 24 Generator Field Control Relay Generator Field Control Relay Operation & Adjustment of 28 Volt DC Generator System Generator Field Control Relay Generator Field Control Relay Engine-Driven Generators 5 A 18 5 A 19 5 A 21 5 A 22 5 A 5 A 25 5 5 5 A A A 29 30 39 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A A A A A A A 41 42 43 44 501 502 503 5 AA 1 5 AA 3 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 06/01/49 PR9501, M-1 10/01/51 Phaostron PR9501, M-1 10/01/51 Phaostron E2411, GM2 04/01/50 Pierson Engine-Driven Generators E2411, GM2 04/01/50 Pierson Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator Detection & Correction of Overvoltage in Aircraft DC Electrical System Aircraft Motor-Generator Aircraft Motor-Generator Motor Generator Assy. Motor Generator Assy. Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker Radio Frequency Relay with Power Switch Aircraft Engine Generators & Control Boxes E2411R E2411R All Aircraft 10/01/49 10/01/49 01/01/51 Pierson Pierson USAF MB-2 USAF MB-2 SE-15-1 SE-15-1 A14B1805C7 A14B1805C7 C4B4FC 03/01/54 03/01/54 03/01/54 03/01/54 07/01/60 07/01/60 06/01/58 Royal Electric Royal Electric Leland Electric Leland Electric Westinghouse Westinghouse Thompson 08/01/47 Eclipse 01/01/42 Eclipse Generator Control Panels & B-1, B-2, 320 Control Box 214 215 216 5 AA 9 Engine-Driven Single Voltage D-C Generator D-C Generator Control Panels A-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Control Boxes D-C Generators, Engine Driven Single-Voltage 5 AA 10 5 AA 13 5 AA 14 5 AA 15 Voltage Booster Dynamotors 883-1-B, 983-1-B 10/01/45 Eclipse 5 AA 16 1338-1-A 04/01/45 Eclipse 5 AA 17 1042-6A, 1042-12A 12/01/47 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 18 1042-2A, 1042-6A 08/01/45 Eclipse 5 AA 19 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Electrical Equipment: Installation of Metal Name Plates on Voltage Regulator Assy. DC Generator Control Panels 09/01/45 Eclipse 5 AA 21 Electrical Equipment: Correction of Rheostat Wiring, Voltage Regulator AAF B-1-B, 1202, 1427 1042-6A 09/01/45 Eclipse 5 AA 24 1002-1-A, 1002-5-A 06/01/46 Eclipse 5 AA 25 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Control Box Modification of Generator Voltage Regulators 1042-2A, 1042-6A 09/01/49 Eclipse 5 AA 25 Modification of Generator Voltage Regulators 1042-2A, 1042-6A 05/01/51 Eclipse 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 A M-3 09/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer 323, 340 01/01/45 Eclipse-Pioneer 1322-3-A, 1322-3-B 03/01/46 Eclipse-Pioneer 901, 914, U.S.A.F. O- 05/01/54 2, O-4, P-2 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 26 Voltage Booster 883-1A, 983-1A, 983- 01/01/48 1B, 1544-1A, 15442A Eclipse 5 AA 27 Voltage Booster 883-1A, 983-1A, 983- 01/01/48 1B, 1544-1A, 15442A Eclipse 5 AA 28 Voltage Regulator Panel & Mounting Base Assy. 40E01-1-A, 40E01-2- 03/01/61 A, 40E01-2-C Bendix 5 AA 30 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator 1588-1-A, 1588-1-B, 06/01/51 1588-1-C, 1589-2-A Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 31 Voltage Regulator 1590-1-B, 1590-1-C, 1590-2-C, 1590-2-D 01/01/59 Bendix 5 AA 32 Voltage Regulator 1590-1-B, 1590-1-C, 1590-2-C, 1590-2-D 01/01/59 Bendix 5 AA 33 Voltage Regulator 1590-1-B, 1590-1-C, 1590-2-C, 1590-2-D 01/01/59 Bendix 5 5 5 AA AA AA 35 36 37 Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator Double Voltage Generator L-2 L-2 1097-3-F, 1097-7-F 06/01/49 06/01/49 11/01/54 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 38 Double Voltage Generator 1097-3-F 11/01/49 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 41 Generator 1298-1-A 06/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 5 5 AA AA 42 43 Generator 1298-1-A 06/01/50 Electronic Voltage Regulator 40E23-1-A, 40E23-1- 07/01/52 B, 40E23-1-C, 40E232-B, 40E23-3-B Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 44 Electronic Voltage Regulator 40E23-1-A, 40E23-1- 07/01/52 B, 40E23-1-C, 40E232-B, 40E23-3-B Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 45 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 46 5 AA 47 40E28-1-A, U.S.A.F. A- 12/01/52 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage 1 Regulator D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Reg. 40E28-1-A, U.S.A.F. A- 12/01/52 1 Motor Generator Set 800-1-C, 800-1-D 02/01/53 5 AA 48 Motor Generator Set 800-1-C, 800-1-D 11/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 49 1042-17-A 03/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 50 1042-17-A 02/01/57 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 51 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Generator 30E07-3-A, 30E07-3- 10/15/54 D, 30E07-3-E Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 52 Generator 30E07-3-A, 30E07-3- 10/15/54 D, 30E07-3-E Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 AA AA 53 59 Generator Generator 28E03-1-A 1345-3-A Eclipse-Pioneer Bendix-Red Bank 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 10/01/52 09/01/56 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 61 Engine Driven A-C Generators 1634-1-A, 1634-1-B, 07/01/55 1634-1-C, 1634-3-D, 1634-3-E, 1634-7-B, AF C-1, C-3, Navy NEA-10 Bendix 5 AA 62 Engine Driven A-C Generators 1634-1-A, 1634-1-B, 07/01/55 1634-1-C, 1634-3-D, 1634-3-E, 1634-7-B, AF C-1, C-3, Navy NEA-10 Bendix 5 AA 65 Direct Current Generator 30E10-1-A, 30E10-1- 11/01/57 B, 30E10-3-A, 30E105-A Bendix 5 AA 66 Direct Current Generator 30E10-1-A, 30E10-1- 10/01/57 B, 30E10-3-A, 30E105-A Bendix 5 5 5 AA AA AA 67 68 69 Overvoltage Protector Overvoltage Protector Generator Control Panel 1623-6-A 04/01/54 1623-6-A 04/01/54 1539-9-A, 1539-11-A 02/01/59 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Bendix 5 AA 70 Generator Control Panel 1539-9-A, 1539-11-A 06/01/55 Bendix 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 5 AA 71 Engine Driven D-C Generators 5 AA 72 Engine Driven D-C Generator 30E02-5-C, 30E02-5- 10/15/56 E, 30E02-9-C, 30E029-E, 30E02-9-F Bendix-Red Bank 5 5 5 AA AA AA 73 74 76 Engine Driven Generator Engine Driven Generator Direct Current Generator 30E16-1-A 04/01/54 30E16-1-A 04/01/54 30E20-5-B, 30E20-11- 09/15/59 A, 30E20-11-B Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Bendix 5 AA 76 Direct Current Generator 30E20-5-B, 30E20-11- 09/15/59 01/01/61 Bendix A, 30E20-11-B 5 AA 76 Direct Current Generator 30E20-5-B, 30E20-11- 05/01/65 A, 30E20-11-B, 30E2049-A Bendix 5 AA 77 Direct Current Generator 30E20-5-B, 30E20-11- 04/01/65 A, 30E20-11-B, 30E2049-A Bendix 5 AA 78 Alternating Current Generator 28E20-11-A, 28E20- 05/01/66 11-B, 28E20-13-A, 28E20-13-C, 28E2022-BM, 28E20-22-D, 28E20-27-A Bendix 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 30E02-5-C, 30E02-5- 11/01/56 E, 30E02-9-C, 30E029-E, 30E02-9-F Bendix 5 AA 79 Alternating Current Generator 28E20-11-A, 28E20- 05/01/66 11-B, 28E20-13-A, 28E20-13-C, 28E2022-BM, 28E20-22-D, 28E20-27-A Bendix 5 AA 80 Voltage Regulator Bendix 5 AA 82 Supervisory Panel 20B31-1-A, 20B31-1- 05/01/60 B 34B12-2-A, 34B12-12- 11/01/68 A, 34B12-12-B, 34B12-18-A, 34B1218-B, 34B12-18-C 5 AA 83 Supervisory Panel 34B12-2-A, 34B12-12- 11/01/68 A, 34B12-12-B, 34B12-18-A, 34B1218-B, 34B12-18-C Bendix 5 AA 84 Voltage Regulator 20B15-1-A, 20B15-1- 05/01/61 B, 20B15-1-C, 20B6-3C Bendix 5 AA 85 Voltage Regulator 20B15-1-A, 20B15-1- 04/01/61 B, 20B15-1-C, 20B6-3C Bendix 5 AA 87 Protective Panel 34B2-1-A, 34B2-3-A 05/01/57 Bendix-Red Bank 5 AA 88 Air Turbine Drive 46E01-15K, 46E0117A 08/01/64 Bendix Utica 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Bendix 5 AA 89 A-C Generator 28E19-31-A, 28E1931-B, 28E19-41-A, 28E19-41-B 07/15/60 02/15/66 Bendix-Red Bank 5 AA 89 A-C Generator 28E19-31-A, 28E1931-B, 28E19-41-A, 28E19-41-B 10/01/69 Bendix 5 AA 90 A-C Generator 28E19-31-A, 28E1931-B, 28E19-41-A, 28E19-41-B 07/01/69 Bendix 5 5 5 AA AA AA 91 92 96 Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator 20B36-2-B 12/01/60 20B36-2-B 11/01/60 20B63-1-A, 20B63-1- 03/01/65 B, 20B63-1-C, 20B632-A, 20B63-2-B, 20B63-2-C, 20B72-1A Bendix Bendix Bendix 5 AA 97 Bendix AA AA AA 98 99 100 2B1-1-A, 2B8-3-A, 2B8-4-A 20B56-3-A 20B56-3-A 28B139-3-A, 28B1397-B, 28B139-13-A, 28B139-15-A 04/01/69 5 5 5 Current Transformer Package Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator Alternating Current Generator 12/01/67 10/01/67 03/01/64 Bendix Bendix Bendix 5 AA 101 Alternating Current Generator 28B139-3-A, 28B139- 07/01/69 7-B, 28B139-13-A, 28B139-15-A, 28B139-17A Bendix 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 5 5 5 AA AA AA 102 103 104 D-C Starter Generator D-C Starter Generator A-C D-C Voltage Regulator 30B45-21-A 30B45-21-A 20B102-1-A 11/01/64 11/01/64 01/01/65 Bendix Bendix Bendix 5 AA 105 A-C D-C Voltage Regulator 20B102-1-A 01/01/65 Bendix 5 5 5 5 AA AA AA AA 115 116 117 119 20B100-12-A 20B100-12-A 1B41-1-A 21B18-1-B 02/01/65 02/01/65 12/01/65 06/01/65 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix-Red Bank 5 AA 120 21B18-1-B 06/01/65 Bendix-Red Bank 5 5 5 5 5 5 AA AA AA AA AA AA 121 122 127 128 129 132 32B180-1-A 32B180-1-A 2B36-1-A 181419 28B239-3-B 21B63-1-B 05/01/66 05/01/66 06/01/66 02/01/74 07/01/67 07/01/68 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 5 5 AA AA 150 536 5 5 5 5 5 5 AA AA AA AA AA AA 543 544 545 546 547 548 A-C Voltage Regulator A-C Voltage Regulator Junction Box Assy. Voltage Regulator & Supervisory Panel Voltage Regulator & Supervisory Panel Inverter Inverter Current Transformer Motor-Generator AC Generator Voltage Regulator & Protective Panel AC Generator Replacement of the AN Receptacle with a Terminal Board Assy. Exciter Control Exciter Control Generator Control Panel Generator Control Panel A-C Generator A-C Generator 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 28B135-129-A 03/01/76 1A, 5A: 901, AAF O-2, 12/01/43 O-4 Bendix Eclipse-Pioneer 35E00-1-A 35E00-1-A 1202-16-A 1202-16-A 28E04-1-C 28E04-1-C Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 07/01/50 06/01/54 10/01/53 10/01/53 07/01/54 07/01/54 5 AA 549 Starter Generators, Mounting Heads 30E13-6-D, 30E13-6- 12/01/60 F, 30E13-6-G, 1325422, 641878 Bendix Utica 5 AA 550 Starter Generators, Mounting Heads 30E13-6-D, 30E13-6- 12/01/60 F, 30E13-6-G, 1325422, 641878 Bendix Utica 5 AA 551 Oil Separator Assy. 1545-9-E, 1545-16-E 09/01/62 Bendix Utica 5 5 5 AA AA AA 552 553 554 606-7-A 19E08-1-A 38E05-1 01/01/55 03/01/56 01/01/55 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 AA AA 555 556 Oil Separator Compounding Control Regulating & Unloading Valve Suction Relief Valve Oil Pressure Warning Units 866670 01/01/55 3140-1-A-300, 3140- 01/01/55 1-A-350, 3140-1-B300, 3140-1-B-500 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 AA 557 D-C Generators 1381-3-A, 1381-3-B 01/01/55 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 5 5 5 AA AA AA AA AA 558 559 560 561 562 Direct Current Generator Direct Current Generator Inverter Inverter Starter Generators, Mounting Heads 30E18-1-A 30E18-1-A 32E06-1-A 32E06-1-A 30E13-6-D, 30E13-6F, 30E13-6-G, 1325422, 641878 11/01/55 10/01/55 03/01/56 02/01/56 12/01/60 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Utica 5 AA 563 Generator Control Panel 1539-12-A, 1539-11- 12/01/64 B 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 Bendix 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 5 AA 564 Generator Control Panel 5 5 5 AA AA AA 565 566 567 5 AA 568 Inverter Inverter Alternating Current Generator Air Turbine Drive 5 AA 569 Air Turbine Drive 5 5 5 AA AA AA 570 571 572 5 AA 573 5 AA 574 Inverter Assy. Inverter Assy. Engine: Driven D-C Generator Engine: Driven D-C Generator A-C Generators 5 AAL 1 Motor-Generator 5 AAL 2 Motor-Generator 5 5 5 AAL AAL AAL 5 6 7 5 AAL 13 5 AB 1 5 AB 2 Motor-Generator Motor-Generator Alternating Current Generator Alternating Current AGE59-2 Generator Aircraft Engine Generators & E5, E8, D4 Control Box Generator Control Panels A-1, A-2 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 1539-12-A, 1539-11B 32E01-2-A 32E01-2-A 1632-1-A, 1632-1-E 12/01/64 Bendix 05/01/57 04/01/57 10/01/58 Bendix Bendix Bendix 46E01-15K, 40E0117A 46E01-15K, 40E0117A 32E03-9-A 32E03-9-A 30E16-1-C, 30E16-11C 30E16-1-C, 30E16-11C 28E10-3-B, 28E10-3C, 28E10-7-B, 28E107-C 08/01/64 Bendix Utica 08/01/64 Bendix Utica 06/01/59 05/01/59 04/01/59 Bendix Bendix Bendix 04/01/59 Bendix 04/01/63 Bendix MGH 159-100, MGH 159-200 MGH 159-100, MGH 159-200 MGH 182-100 MGH 182-100 AGE59-2 12/01/65 Leland 12/01/65 Leland 05/01/67 05/01/67 10/01/63 Leland Leland Leland 08/01/69 Leland 03/01/44 Leece-Neville 04/01/41 Leece-Neville 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 5 AB 3 Aircraft Generators: 24 Volt L-1, L-2, L-3, M-1 08/01/47 Leece-Neville 5 5 5 5 5 AB AB AB AB AB 4 5 9 11 12 B-1A M-2, O-1 B-3 E-5A 24508 08/01/49 09/01/44 05/01/42 10/01/47 01/01/43 Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 20 21 E-7A 24506, M-3 24559, A-1A 24567, B-1B 24563, A-2A 24552, 24565 O-1, 22602 O-1 24700 10/01/47 11/01/53 05/01/45 01/01/44 08/01/43 05/01/45 07/05/44 10/01/47 07/01/45 Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville 5 AB 22 LN-11985, B-1A Type 03/01/44 Leece-Neville 5 AB 23 Generator Control Panel Aircraft Generators Double Pole Relay Generator Electrical Equipment: Conversion of Generator Generator Generator Generator Control Panel Generator Control Panel Control Panel Switch Relays Generator Generator Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Electrical Equipment: Installation of Resistance Unit Mounting Bracket on Control Panel Electrical Equipment: Modification of Generators E-5A Type 04/01/44 Leece-Neville 5 5 AB AB 24 25 24554 A-1 Type 12/01/45 04/01/44 Leece-Neville Leece-Neville 5 5 5 AB AB AB 26 27 27 24225, M-2 22604, O-1 22604, O-1 05/01/45 11/05/44 05/01/50 Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 Voltage Regulator Base Electrical Equipment: Rework of Generator Control Panel Generator Generator Generator 5 AB 28 Electrical Equipment: Modification of Generator 22600, O-1 11/01/44 Leece-Neville 5 AB 29 24950 12/01/44 Leece-Neville 5 AB 30 Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Electrical Equipment: Modification of Generator E-7A 07/01/45 Leece-Neville 5 AB 32 Inspection of Generator Mounting Flange for Cracks M-3 11/01/52 Leece-Neville 5 AB 511 Voltage Regulator 09/01/53 Leece-Neville 5 AB 512 Voltage Regulator 09/01/53 Leece-Neville 5 AB 513 A-C Generator 10/15/53 Leece-Neville 5 AB 514 A-C Generator 10/15/53 Leece-Neville 5 AB 515 11/01/56 Leece-Neville 5 AB 516 S-15971, 2591-G12 11/01/56 Leece-Neville 5 AD 1 Engine Generator, 28-Volt, 50-Ampere Engine Generator, 28-Volt, 50-Ampere Generator 3226-R12, 3226RA12 3226-R12, 3226RA12 5134-G12B, 5266G12 5134-G12B, 5266G12 S-15971, 2591-G12 2CM70B1, 2CM80B3, 10/01/47 2CM80B5: P-1 General Electric 5 AD 2 Generator Voltage Regulator 3GBD2B4, 3GBD2B11 10/01/42 General Electric 5 AD 3 Modification of Generator Voltage Regulators 3GBD2B4, 3GBD2B11 07/27/43 General Electric 5 AD 6 Generator-Current Control Switch Relays 3GTR72A1, 3GTR72A1A General Electric 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 12/01/43 5 AD 7 5 AD 10 Electrical Equipment: Inspection of Voltage Regulators Reverse Current Relays 5 AD 10 Reverse Current Relays 5 AD 12 Electrical Equipment: Modification of Generators 5 AD 12 5 AD 14 5 AD 5 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 B Electrical Equipment: Modification of Generators 3GBD2B11 01/01/43 General Electric 3GTR72C1, 3GTR72C1A GTR72C1, 3GTR72C1A P-1 01/15/45 General Electric 01/01/46 General Electric 01/01/44 GE & Ford P-1 05/10/44 GE & Ford General Electric 16 2CM73B3, 2CM73B6, 08/01/52 R-1 Generator-Voltage Regulator 3GBD1A18A 05/01/44 AD 17 Aircraft Generators 2CM73B1, 2CM73B5 08/01/45 General Electric 5 AD 18 General Electric AD 18 05/05/45 General Electric 5 AD 18 10/01/49 General Electric 5 AD 19 3GTR72E4, 3GTR72E4A 3GTR72E4, 3GTR72E4A 3GTR72E4, 3GTR72E4A 3GTR72E1, 3GTR72E4 11/20/44 5 Differential Type Reverse: Current Relay Differential Type Reverse: Current Relay Differential Type Reverse: Current Relays Electrical Equipment: Preliminary Instructions & Overhaul Adjustment Procedure for Differential Type Generator Control Relay Switches 08/01/44 General Electric Aircraft Generators General Electric 5 AD 20 3GTR72C1, 3GTR72C1A, 3GTR72E4 07/05/44 General Electric 3GTR72C1, 3GTR72C1A, 3GTR72E4 12/23/44 General Electric 22 Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Generator Control Relay Switch Armature Assy. & Armature Stop Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Generator Control Relay Switch Armature Assy. & Armature Stop Aircraft Generators 5 AD 20 5 AD 2CM73B7, 2CM73C1, 04/01/51 2CM73C2 General Electric 5 AD 23 Generators 2CM63B4, 2CM63C1 04/01/51 General Electric 5 AD 25 Aircraft Generators 2CM81B3, 2CM81B4, 10/01/50 2CM81C1 General Electric 5 AD 26 3GTR76A1 12/01/45 General Electric 5 AD 27 Differential Type Reverse: Current Relay Alternator & Voltage Regulators 2CM97B5, 3GEA2B2, 11/01/49 3GEA2C1 General Electric 5 AD 28 Aircraft Starter-Generator 2CM74B1 06/01/47 General Electric 5 AD 29 Aircraft Starter-Generator 2CM74B1 06/01/47 General Electric 5 5 AD AD 31 32 Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator 2CM70C1A 03/01/49 2CM76C1, 2CM-76-C 04/01/51 General Electric General Electric 5 AD 33 Aircraft Generator 2CM76C1, 2CM-76-C 04/01/51 General Electric 5 AD 34 Aircraft Generator 2CM76C1, 2CM-76-C 04/01/51 General Electric 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 5 5 5 AD AD AD 36 37 39 Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator 2CM70C5 08/01/50 2CM70C5 08/01/50 2CM65C1, 2CM65C2 04/01/51 General Electric General Electric General Electric 5 AD 40 Aircraft Generator 2CM65C1, 2CM65C2, 01/01/54 2CM65C2X, 2CM65C5 General Electric 5 AD 42 M-3 11/01/50 General Electric 5 AD 43 Genererator Field Control Relay Generator Field Control Relay MCR2791R108A1, 09/01/51 CR2791R108B1, M-3 General Electric 5 AD 47 Aircraft Generators General Electric 5 AD 48 Modification of Starter Generators 5 AD 50 Aircraft DC Starter Generator 2CM75C10, 08/01/51 2CM75D2 02/01/53 2CM77B1, 2CM77B1A, 2CM77B2, 2CM77B2A, 2CM74B5, 2CM74B6, 03/01/56 2CM74B6A, 2CM74B7 5 AD 51 Generator Voltage Regulator CR2795-B100A1, CR2781-M155A1, CR2781-M155D1 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 06/01/51 General Electric General Electric General Electric 5 AD 52 Generator Voltage Regulator CR2795-B100A1, CR2781-M155A1, CR2781-M155D1 05/01/51 General Electric 5 AD 55 Modification of Starter Generators Replacement of Brush Springs on Generators Aircraft Generator Modification of Inside Cross Connector on Generators 2CM74B1, 2CM74B3 11/01/52 General Electric 5 AD 56 2CM75C10 01/01/52 General Electric 5 5 AD AD 57 58 2CM70D1 2CM70C5 07/01/51 07/01/51 General Electric General Electric 5 5 AD AD 61 65 Aircraft Generator Aircraft DC Generators 02/01/53 08/01/60 General Electric General Electric AD AD AD AD 66 67 68 69 Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator Direct-Current Aircraft Generator 08/01/52 03/15/54 12/01/52 02/01/60 General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric 5 5 5 AD AD AD 72 73 74 01/01/53 04/01/53 10/01/60 General Electric General Electric General Electric 5 5 5 AD AD AD 75 76 77 Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator Direct-Current Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator Aircraft Generator Aircraft Starter-Generator 2CM75E1 2CM76C3, 2CM76C3A 2CM73C1 2CM81C1 2CM73C2 2CM63C7, 2CM63C7A, 2CM63C7B, 2CM76C1 2CM73C5 2CM73C4, 2CM73C4A 2CM63C6 2CM76C4 2CM77B10 5 5 5 5 12/01/53 01/01/53 09/01/53 General Electric General Electric General Electric 5 AD 78 Modification of Generator 2CM75D2 04/01/54 General Electric 5 AD 79 Aircraft Generator 2CM76C7 02/01/54 General Electric 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 5 AD 80 Aircraft Starter-Generator 2CM74B7 04/01/54 General Electric 5 AD 82 Modification of D-C Generators to include Cast Brush: Holder 05/01/55 General Electric 5 5 AD AD 102 104 Aircraft Generator Aircraft AC Generator 5 AD 106 AC Protective Panel 2CM75C10, 2CM75C10A, 2CM75D2, 2CM75D2M 2CM81C3 2CM261B1, 2CM261C1 3S2781F122B1, 3S2781F122B1A, 3S2781F122B1A1, 3S2781F122B1B, 3S2781F122C1 10/01/62 General Electric 5 AD 107 AC Protective Panel 3S2781F122B1, 3S2781F122B1A, 3S2781F122B1A1, 3S2781F122B1B, 3S2781F122C1 09/01/62 General Electric 436 437 438 439 440 03/01/59 General Electric 07/01/62 09/01/63 General Electric 5 AD 108 Static Exciter-Regulator 3S2795H107C2, 3S2795H107C3, 3S2795H107C3A 10/01/62 General Electric 5 AD 109 Static Exciter-Regulator 3S2795H107C2, 3S2795H107C3, 3S2795H107C3A 05/01/64 General Electric 5 5 AD AD 110 111 General Electric General Electric AD 112 05/01/65 General Electric 5 AD 113 5BY21NJ1 2CLGD20E6, 7037E44G6 2CLGD20E6, 7037E44G6 CR2795B105A1, CR2795B105B1, CR2795B105C1, CR2795B105D1 08/01/60 06/01/65 5 Direct-Current Generator Hydraulic Constant Speed Alternator Drive Hydraulic Constant Speed Alternator Drive Voltage Regulator 03/01/62 General Electric 5 AD 114 Voltage Regulator CR2795B105A1, CR2795B105B1, CR2795B105C1, CR2795B105D1 03/01/62 General Electric 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 07/01/65 General Electric 117 2CLGD20E6, 2CLGD20E5, 2CLGD20E4, 2CLGD20E2, 7037E44G6, 7037E44G5, 7037E44G4, 7037E44G2 Engine Accessory Generator 2CM210B1G 09/01/63 General Electric AD 118 Engine Accessory Generator 2CM210B1G 12/01/63 General Electric 5 AD 119 AC Voltage Regulator 3S2795F107B1A1 01/01/64 General Electric 5 AD 120 AC Voltage Regulator 3S2795F107B1A1 01/01/64 General Electric 5 AD 121 Static Exciter 3S2795H109B1B1 12/01/63 General Electric 5 AD 122 Static Exciter 3S2795H109B1B1 01/01/64 General Electric 5 AD 123 Control Panel 3S2781F121C1C 01/01/64 General Electric 5 AD 124 Control Panel 3S2781F121C1C 11/01/63 General Electric 5 AD 129 AC Voltage Regulator 3S2060DR113A1 12/30/62 General Electric 5 AD 130 AC Voltage Regulator 3S2060DR113A1 12/15/62 General Electric 5 AD 131 AC Voltage Regulator 3S2060DR113A1 12/15/62 General Electric 5 AD 132 AC Generator 11/01/73 General Electric 5 AD 133 AC Generator 2CM355D2A, 2CM355D3 2CM355D2A, 2CM355D3 05/01/67 General Electric 5 AD 115 5 AD 5 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 Hydraulic Constant Speed Alternator Drive 462 463 5 5 AD AD 142 502 5 AD 509 5 AD 519 5 AD 567 464 465 466 AC Generator Auxiliary-Engine-Driven Generator Generator Voltage Regulators Main Engine Driven Generator AC Generators 2CM353F1A 2CM41A4 09/01/71 11/01/43 General Electric General Electric 02/01/44 3GBD1A11, 3GBD1A11A, 3GBD1B18 2CM81B1, 2CM81B2 05/01/44 General Electric 08/01/60 General Electric 2CM202A1, 2CM203A1, 2CM203A2, 2CM203A3, 2CM203A5, 2CM212A1, 2CM212A2, 2CM212A3, 2CM202A4, 2CM212A4A, 2CM212A6, 2CM212A7, 2CM212A8, 2CM213A1, 2CM213A2, 2CM213A3, 2CM215A1, 2CM215A2 General Electric 5 AD 568 AC Generators 5 AD 570 Static Voltage Regulator 5 AD 571 Static Voltage Regulator 5 AD 572 Aircraft Static Voltage Regulator 5 AD 573 Aircraft Static Voltage Regulator 467 468 469 470 471 2CM202A1, 2CM203A1, 2CM203A2, 2CM203A3, 2CM203A5, 2CM212A1, 2CM212A2, 2CM212A3, 2CM202A4, 2CM212A4A, 2CM212A6, 2CM212A7, 2CM212A8, 2CM213A1, 2CM213A2, 2CM213A3, 2CM215A1, 2CM215A2 CR7930NA109G Series CR7930NA109G Series CR7930NA115G2, CR7930NA115G3, CR7930NA115G6 06/01/60 General Electric 12/15/59 General Electric 10/15/59 General Electric 05/01/62 General Electric CR7930NA115G2, CR7930NA115G3, CR7930NA115G6 05/01/62 General Electric 472 473 474 5 AD 576 Starter-Generator Assy. VG-460, V30-5A 03/15/55 Breeze 5 AD 577 Starter-Generator Assy. VG-460, V30-5A 05/01/55 Breeze 5 AD 580 DC Starter Generator 03/15/58 General Electric 5 AD 582 2CM88D4AB, 2CM88D4E AC Generator Control Panel CR2781F103A2, CR2781F103B1 08/01/57 General Electric 5 AD 583 AC Generator Control Panel CR2781F103A2, CR2781F103B1 06/01/56 General Electric 5 AD 584 Aircraft DC Generator 10/01/63 General Electric 5 AD 585 10/01/63 General Electric 5 AD 586 2CM70D2A, 2CM70D6A Aircraft DC Generator 2CM70D2A, 2CM70D6A Generator Voltage Regulator CR2795E100A1 05/01/57 General Electric 5 AD 587 Generator Voltage Regulator CR2795E100A1 09/01/56 General Electric 5 AD 588 Aircraft DC Generator General Electric 5 AD 589 Aircraft DC Generator 5 AD 590 Aircraft DC Generator 2CM76C4, 09/01/73 2CM76C4A, 2CM76E4, 2CM76E4C, 2CM76E5 2CM76C4, 09/01/73 2CM76C4A, 2CM76E4, 2CM76E4C, 2CM76E5 2CM70C5, 2CM70D2 09/01/57 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 General Electric General Electric 484 5 AD 591 Aircraft DC Generator 5 AD 595 Overvoltage Protective Panel CR2781M146D, for DC Aircraft Generator CR2781M146F 01/01/59 General Electric 5 AD 596 Overvoltage Protective Panel CR2781M146D, for DC Aircraft Generator CR2781M146F 01/01/59 General Electric 5 AE 1 Generators DR-1106711, DR1106710, O-1, P-1 10/01/52 Delco-Remy 5 AE 2 Regulators Carbon Pile Voltage DR-1118401, DR09/01/47 1118404, 14-A-9566 5 AE 3 Electrical Equipment: A-N Replacement of Connector w/ Stud Type Terminal Assy. 5 AF 1 Voltage Regulators AVR-8-A, AVR-308-A 10/01/44 Westinghouse 5 AF 3 Relay Switches AVR-14-A, AVR-14-B 08/01/45 Westinghouse 5 5 AF AF 4 8 Engine Driven Generator Electrical Equipment: Modification of Generators P-1 91A987, Group 2, 3, 4, 5A, 6A, P-1 03/01/44 01/01/45 Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 AF 9 Generator 7-A-5838-GR1A, P-1 11/01/44 Westinghouse 5 AF 10 AF 11 7A5930G1, AN 3025- 01/01/48 1 11/01/48 Westinghouse 5 Generator Control Relay Switch: Differential Modification of Generator Voltage Regulators 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 2CM70C5, 2CM70D2 09/01/57 General Electric DelcoRemy/Westinghou se 05/01/44 Westinghouse 5 AF 11 Modification of Generator Voltage Regulators 01/01/50 Westinghouse 5 5 AF AF 12 15 Alternator: Engine Driven A-1 Alternator Voltage Regulator AVR-370-A 04/01/51 11/01/47 Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 AF 20 Westinghouse AF AF 21 24 AN3025-2, AAF AVR66B F-20 DF-30, AN3633-1 03/01/47 5 5 Generator Control Relay Switch: Differential Aircraft D-C Generator Aircraft Generator 07/01/51 05/01/51 Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 AF 25 Aircraft Generator DF-30, AN3633-1 05/01/51 Westinghouse 5 AF 27 Aircraft Generator E-20, AN3632-1 12/01/57 Westinghouse 5 AF 28 Aircraft Generator E-20, AN 3632-1 02/01/55 Westinghouse 5 AF 31 A-C Voltage Regulator Westinghouse 5 AF 32 A-C Voltage Regulator 5 AF 33 D-C Generator A19A6111B, 09/01/50 A19A6111C, A19A6111D, A19A6111E 09/01/50 A19A6111B, A19A6111C, A19A6111D, A19A6111E 05/01/56 A28A8584-1, A28A8584-2, A35A9103, A45J247, A50J251-1, 903J7891, AN 3633-1 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 A 506 507 508 Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 AF 34 D-C Generator A28A8584-1, 07/01/55 A28A8584-2, A35A9103, A45J247, AN 3633-1, AN 36331A Westinghouse 5 AF 35 D-C Generator A24A9367-2, 02/01/52 A28A8955, A35A9100, A45J244: AN 3650-1 Westinghouse 5 AF 36 D-C Generator A24A9367-2, 10/01/53 A28A8955, A28A8955-2, A35A9100, A35A9100-2, A45J244, A35A9114, A35A9114-2, A35A9114-3 Westinghouse 5 AF 38 A-C Generator 12/01/53 Westinghouse 5 AF 39 A-C Generator 12/01/53 Westinghouse 5 5 AF AF 42 43 Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator A35A8858-2, A35A8965-2, A35A8978-2, A35A9107, A35A9107-2, A35A9118 A35A8858-2, A35A8965-2, A35A8978-2, A35A9107, A35A9107-2, A35A9118 A24A9170 A24A9170 05/01/53 07/01/51 Westinghouse Westinghouse 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 5 5 5 AF AF AF 44 45 46 DC-30 Generator DC-30 Generator Regulator & Control Panel with Mounting Bases 03/01/52 03/01/52 01/01/76 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse 01/01/76 Westinghouse 02/01/64 Westinghouse 02/01/64 Westinghouse Control Panel A19A6161 A19A6161 A24A9178-3, A28A8727, P14A9766-2, AVP109-C A24A9178-3, A28A8727, P14A9766-2, AVP109-C 903J820-1, A50J2072, -4 903J820-1, A50J2072, -4 A35A9129, B-3 5 AF 47 Regulator & Control Panel with Mounting Bases 5 AF 48 AC Generator 5 AF 49 AC Generator 5 AF 49 02/01/53 Westinghouse 5 5 AF AF 51 51 D-C Power Supply AC Generator: Through Bolt Change A-C Voltage Regulator A-C Voltage Regulator AC Generator A-C Control Panel with Mounting Tray 904J027-2 A35A8858, A35A8978 A14A9694-2 A14A9694-2 903J824-4 A40A1735, A35A9130-3, G-1 12/01/60 11/01/53 Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 5 5 5 AF AF AF AF 52 53 57 58 09/01/61 09/01/61 08/01/65 04/01/54 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 AF 59 A-C Control Panel with Mounting Tray A40A1735, A35A9130-3, G-1 09/01/53 Westinghouse 5 AF 61 A-C Generator A50J207, A50J206, MB-1, MB-3 12/01/53 Westinghouse 5 AF 63 Brush Modification, Alternator in B-47 Aircraft A35A9107 03/01/54 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 5 AF 501 5 AF 503 5 AF 504 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 AF AF AF AF AF AF AF AF AF 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 AF AG AG AG AG AG AG 516 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 AG AG 5 6 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 Generator Contactor & AVR-32-H, AVR-37-B Feeder Protection Relay Assy. Overvoltage Protection Unit A35A8966, A35A8966-2 Overvoltage Protection Unit A35A8966, A35A8966-2 A-C Generator A50J185-2 A-C Generator A50J185-2 A-C Generator A35A9102 A-C Generator A35A9102 A-C Generator A50J231-1 A-C Generator A50J231-1 DC Generator 903J790-2 DC Generator 903J790-2 Voltage Regulator A40A1750, A40A1750-2 Voltage Regulator A40A1750 Generator R-1, R-2 Generator R-1, R-2 Generator R-1, R-2 Generator R-1, R-2 Generator R-1, R-2 Electrical Equipment: JH2000, R-1 Modification of Generators Generator Generator G-26, P-4 G-26, P-4 04/01/50 Westinghouse 01/01/57 Westinghouse 11/01/74 Westinghouse 11/01/55 05/01/55 07/01/58 03/01/56 01/01/61 10/01/60 10/01/58 10/01/58 07/01/68 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse 06/01/60 01/25/45 01/25/45 01/25/45 01/25/45 01/25/45 03/01/45 08/01/48 06/01/48 05/01/54 12/01/54 03/01/55 07/01/55 09/01/55 Westinghouse Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 AG 8 Generator JH13800, G29-4, G29- 03/01/54 6, G29-7A, G29-7B, G29-8B, G29-9, G2910A, G29-11, G2912A, G29-13A Jack & Heintz 5 AG 9 Generator JH13800, G29-4, G29- 03/01/54 6, G29-7A, G29-7B, G29-8B, G29-9, G2910A, G29-11, G2912A, G29-13A Jack & Heintz 5 AG 10 Generator G300, G300-3, G300- 05/01/61 3C, G300-4A, G3004B, G300-4BS, G3006BT, G300-600A Jack & Heintz 5 AG 11 Generator G300, G300-3, G300- 07/01/54 3C, G300-4A, G3004B, G300-4BS, G3006BT, G300-600A Jack & Heintz 553 554 555 556 5 AG 11 Generator 5 AG 13 Generator Voltage Regulator A-1 07/01/50 Jack & Heintz 5 AG 14 Generator Voltage Regulator GR47-2M, GR47-3, USAF A-1 12/01/51 Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 5 5 5 AG AG AG AG AG AG 15 16 17 18 20 21 AG 22 5 5 AG AG 23 24 G35-2 09/01/51 G35-2 07/01/56 GC41 05/01/51 GC41 05/01/51 GR28 05/01/54 GC 18, GC18-1, GC18- 12/01/51 130 GC 18, GC18-1, GC18- 05/01/54 130 GC40 01/01/52 F36-70, F45-51, F45- 01/01/54 90, F45-95, F49-70, JH12999-3 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 Generator Generator Control Panel Control Panel Voltage Regulator Control Panel & Mounting Tray Control Panel & Mounting Tray Aircraft Electrical System Voltage Regulator 5 AG 24 Voltage Regulator F36-70, F45-51, F45- 04/15/52 07/15/55 Jack & Heintz 90, F45-95, F47-99, F49-70, JH12999-3 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 G300, G300-3, G300- 09/01/60 3C, G300-4A, G3004B, G300-4BS, G3006BT, G300-600A Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 AG 29 Generator G128D, G128D-5D, G128D-50D, 6C 07/15/58 Jack & Heintz 5 AG 30 Generator G128D, G128D-5D, G128D-50D, 6C 07/15/58 Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 AG AG AG 33 34 35 Control Panel Control Panel Alternating Current Generator GC34-1 GC34-1 31220-004, 31220006, 31220-009 07/01/59 07/15/59 08/01/61 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 AG 36 Alternating Current Generator 31220-004, 31220006, 31220-009 09/01/61 Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 5 AG AG AG AG 37 40 41 43 Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator Starter-Generator 51250-003 51107-003 51107-003 23031-004, STU-6/A 08/01/61 02/01/61 02/01/61 11/01/65 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 AG 44 Starter-Generator 23031-004, STU-6/A 11/01/65 Jack & Heintz 5 AG 501 Generator 08/15/61 R6115-602-4047ZJHA, AN3623-1, G351B Jack & Heintz 5 AG 502 Generator R6115-602-404708/15/61 ZJHA, AN3623-1, G351B Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 AG AG AG 503 503 503 Generator Generator Generator G29-7, G29-16 G29-7, G29-16 G29-7, G29-16 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 02/01/58 Jack & Heintz 02/01/58 02/01/60 Jack & Heintz 11/01/61 Jack & Heintz 586 587 588 5 5 AG AG 504 505 Generator Generator 5 AG 505 Generator 5 AG 505 Generator 5 AG 506 Generator G29-7B, G29-8B, G29- 03/01/64 11, G29-16 Lear Siegler 5 AH 1 Aircraft Generators GFD-4801, GFD4802, GDY-4106 03/01/44 Electric Auto-Lite 5 AH 2 Main Engine Driven Generators GFT-4001, 2CM70B5, 02/01/44 GFT-4002, 2CM70B5B, GFT4003, 2CM70B9 Electric Auto-Lite 5 AJ 1 A-700 Hartman Electrical 5 AJ 3 Generator Control Relay: Differential Reverse Current Cutout A-702AAB, A-702AA, 07/01/57 A-702AB, A-702A, AN 3025-2 Hartman 5 AJ 4 Reverse Current Cutout A-702AAB, A702AA, 07/01/57 A-702AB, A-702A, AN 3025-2 Hartman 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 G29-7, G29-16 09/01/61 Jack & Heintz G29-7B, G29-8B, G29- 12/01/58 Jack & Heintz 11 G29-7B, G29-8B, G29- 12/01/58 09/15/60 Jack & Heintz 11 Lear Siegler G29-7B, G29-8B, G29- 03/01/64 11, G29-16 05/01/45 5 AJ 8 Reverse Current Cutout A-700, A-700-A, A718, AN 3025-1 11/01/56 Hartman 5 AJ 9 Reverse Current Cutout A-700, A-700-A, A718, AN 3025-1 10/01/58 Hartman 5 AJ 11 A-750B, A-751B, Q-1 12/01/50 Hartman 5 AJ 12 A-750B, A-751B, Q-1 12/01/50 Hartman 5 AJ 14 M-3 10/01/51 Hartman 5 AJ 15 M-3 09/01/51 Hartman 5 5 AJ AJ 18 19 Hartman Hartman AJ 20 05/01/53 Hartman 5 AJ 23 AVR-743G A-750D, A-751D, A751E A-750D, A-751D, A751E A-711J, A-711K, AN 3391-2B, AN 3391-2A 02/01/53 05/01/53 5 Reverse Current Relay & Contactor Reverse Current Relay & Contactor Generator Field Control Relay Generator Field Control Relay Bus Equalizer Relay Reverse Current Cutout & Contactors Reverse Current Cutout & Contactors Dropout Relay 12/01/53 Hartman 5 AJ 24 Dropout Relay A-711J, A-711K 12/01/53 Hartman 5 AJ 25 Solenoid Relay A-751K, U.S.A.F. T-1 04/01/54 Hartman 5 AJ 25 Contactor 08/01/65 Hartman 5 AJ 26 Contactor 08/01/65 Hartman 5 AJ 27 09/01/63 Hartman 5 AJ 28 Triple Pole Single Throw Normally Open Contactor AC Power Contactor B-123B, B-123-J, B123-JA B-123B, B-123-J, B123-JA B-133 B-124VL 04/01/64 Hartman 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 5 AJ 28 AC Power Contactor Relay B-124VL 08/01/69 Hartman 5 5 5 AJ AJ AJ 29 30 31 Power Contactor Contactor Overvoltage & Field Relay B-123GL AH-965B A-927A 04/01/64 09/01/65 12/01/64 Hartman Hartman Hartman 5 AJ 32 Overvoltage & Field Relay A-927A 12/01/64 Hartman 5 AJ 502 Starter Relays 06/01/50 Hartman 5 AJ 503 01/01/50 Hartman 5 AJ 504 Generator Control Relay Switch Generator Control & Fault Protection Relay Switch A-711B, A-711C, A711E A-718, E-1600-1 A-726-A 10/15/54 Hartman 5 AJ 505 Generator Control & Fault Protection Relay Switch A-726-A 10/15/54 Hartman 5 AJ 506 Combination Cutout & Automatic Starting Switch A-766 11/01/54 Hartman 5 AJ 507 Combination Cutout & Automatic Starting Switch A-766 11/01/54 Hartman 5 AJ 508 Intermittent Duty Contactor A-759, A-759-1 11/15/54 Hartman 5 AJ 509 Intermittent Duty Contractor A-759, A-759-1 11/15/54 Hartman 5 AJ 510 Phase Sequence Relay 08/01/56 Hartman 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 A-828 5 AJ 512 Reverse Current Cutout A-791A, A-791AB, A- 12/15/58 791B, A-791B-1, A791BB, A-791BB-1, A791D, A-791DB, A791E, A-791EB, A791F, A-791FB Hartman 5 AJ 513 Reverse Current Cutout A-791A, A-791AB, 12/01/58 A791B, A-791B-1, A791BB, A-791BB-1, A791D, A-791DB, A791E, A-791EB, A791F, A-791FB Hartman 5 AJ 514 Solenoid Relay A-792, A-792KB 11/01/58 Hartman 5 AJ 515 Solenoid Relay A-792, A-792KB 11/01/58 Hartman 5 AJ 518 A-702AP 01/15/59 Hartman 5 AJ 519 Hartman AK 1 A-702AP, AN3025600 21-C-1, 21-C-1A 01/01/59 5 24 Volt DC System Reverse Current Cutout 24 Volt DC System Reverse Current Cutout Generator Overvoltage Controls 02/01/46 Federal Electric 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 5 AK 2 21-C-1, 21-C-1A 02/01/46 Federal Electric 21-C-1, 21-C-1A 02/01/46 Federal Electric 3 Generator Overvoltage Controls Generator Overvoltage Controls Engine Driven Generator Assy. Contol Warning LightDimming Controller: Nesa Window 5 AK 3 5 AM 2 5 AN 2 5 AN 5 AN 4 5 AN 501 5 AP 20 5 AP 507 5 AP 508 5 AP 509 Flasher Unit Control Panel Assy. Flasher Unit Control Panel Assy. Exterior Lights Control Box 5 AP 510 Exterior Lights Control Box E2420, E2422, E2425 06/01/52 Pierson A474-1 12/15/59 A204-1A 12/01/59 Controller: Nesa Window A204-1A 12/01/59 Warning Light: Dimming Control Exterior Lights Control Box A80-1 03/01/56 United Control Corp United Control Corp United Control Corp United Control G-9145-1 03/01/59 Grimes G-4465 10/01/56 Grimes G-4465 10/01/56 Grimes G-4995, G-4995-1, G- 11/01/56 4995A, G-4995A-1, G5185, A-5185-1 Grimes G-4995, G-4995-1, G- 11/01/56 4995A, G-4995A-1, G5185, A-5185-1 Grimes 643 644 5 AP 511 Exterior Lights Control Box G-4720A-1, G-4720A- 10/01/56 1A, G-4720A-2, G4720A-2A Grimes 5 AP 512 Exterior Lights Control Box G-4720A-1, G-4720A- 10/01/56 1A, G-4720A-2, G4720A-2A Grimes 5 AP 513 Exterior Lights Control Box Grimes 5 AP 514 Exterior Lights Control Box 5 AP 515 Interior Lights Control Box G-3566A-1, G-3566A- 10/01/56 2 G-3566A-1, G-3566A- 10/01/56 2 G-3567 10/01/56 Grimes 5 AP 516 Interior Lights Control Box G-3567 10/01/56 Grimes 5 AP 517 Interior Lights Control Box G-5090 10/01/56 Grimes 5 AP 518 Interior Lights Control Box G-5090 10/01/56 Grimes 5 AP 519 Exterior Lights Control Panel G-7525B 09/01/57 Grimes 5 APO 501 Air Driven Generator Assy. 12/01/69 GA93BA-B6B, GA93BA-B7, AG20062, 6509402, 6505115, 6522873 Marquardt 5 APO 502 Air Driven Generator AG-1X, E-33005 5 5 AQ AR 1 501 Voltage Regulator 548052-3-1 Switch, Automatic Propeller 5200 Feathering AeroproductsAllison Airesearch Airite 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 12/01/58 03/01/65 04/01/54 Grimes 658 5 AR 502 5 Switch, Automatic Propeller 5008-6 11/01/54 Feathering AC Generator 28B54-1-A, 28B54-1- 09/01/67 B, 28B54-9-A, 28B549-B 5 AS Bendix 5 AS 6 AC Generator 28B54-1-A, 28B54-1- 08/01/67 B, 28B54-9-A, 28B549-B Bendix 5 AS 7 Direct Current Generator: Starter Generator 30B37-3-A, 30B37-15- 12/15/61 A, 30B37-17-A Bendix-Red Bank 5 AS 7 Direct Current Generator: Starter Generator 30B37-3-A, 30B37-15- 04/01/64 A, 30B37-17-A Bendix 5 5 AS AS 9 10 A-C Generator AC Generator 28B135-4-A 01/01/64 28B135-4-A, 28B135- 05/01/66 9-C, 28B135-29-A Bendix Bendix 5 5 AS AS 13 22 Generator Assy. AC Generator 28E04-1-E 05/01/64 28B95-9-A, 28B95-9- 02/01/76 B, 28B95-9-C, 28B9515-A, 28B95-15-B, 28B95-15-C, 28B9515-D Bendix Bendix 5 AS 23 AC Generator 28B95-9-A, 28B95-15- 06/15/65 A Bendix-Red Bank 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 Airite 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 23 AC Generator 5 AS 26 Engine Accessory Generator 2CM73C5B 12/01/63 General Electric 5 5 5 AS AS AS 27 28 29 Transfer Unit Transfer Unit AC Generator 12/01/65 12/15/65 04/01/68 Bendix Bendix Bendix 5 AS 30 AC Generator 11/01/65 Bendix 5 5 5 AS AS AS 33 34 36 02/01/70 05/01/67 07/01/68 Bendix Bendix Bendix 5 5 5 5 5 5 AS AS AS AS AS AT 41 501 502 503 504 7 Inverter Inverter Alternating Current Generator Inverter Generator Circuit Breaker Generator Circuit Breaker Fault Detecting Panel Fault Detecting Panel Constant Ratio Power Transmission Shaft 34B74-2-A 34B74-2-A 28B187-4-A, 28B1876-A 28B187-4-A, 28B1876-A 32B161-3-A 32B161-3-A 28B163-2-B 32B172-1-A 35E04-1-A 35E04-1-A 35E05-6-B 35E05-6-B 19E29-3-C, 19E29-3D, 19E29-3-E, 19E293-F, 19E29-3-G 12/01/71 08/01/56 04/01/56 02/15/58 01/15/58 04/01/65 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Utica 5 AT 8 19E29-3J, -3K 06/01/77 Bendix 5 AT 9 19E29-3J 06/01/77 Bendix Utica 5 AT 501 682 683 684 685 Bendix AS 668 669 28B95-9-A, 28B95-9- 04/01/72 B, 28B95-15-A, 28B95-15-B, 28B9515-C, 28B95-15-D 5 Constant Ratio Power Transmission Shaft Constant Ratio Power Transmission Shaft A-C Generator 28E08-1-3, 28E08-3- 12/15/57 A Bendix-Red Bank 686 687 688 689 5 AT 501 A-C Generator 5 AT 502 AC Generator 5 AT 503 5 AT 504 5 AT 505 Voltage Regulator & Mounting Base Assy. Voltage Regulator & Mounting Base Assy. Voltage Regulator 5 AT 506 5 AV 5 07/01/57 Bendix 40E49-2-A, 40E49-2- 04/01/59 AM, 40E49-2-B, 40E49-2-BM, 40E492-C, 40E49-2-D Bendix Voltage Regulator 40E49-2-A, 40E49-2- 03/15/59 AM, 40E49-2-B, 40E49-2-BM, 40E492-C, 40E49-2-C, 40E49-2-D Bendix-Red Bank 5 Main Drive & Control Mechanism Gearbox 00558-503, 00558505, 00558-507 Royal Industries AV 501 AV 502 111-100-11, 111-100- 11/01/58 12 138-100 08/01/57 Vard 5 Generator & Alternator Drive Gear Box Gear Box Assy. Bow Loader 5 5 AV AV 503 504 Emergency Gear Assy. Manual Flap Transmission Assy. 2640-501 08/01/57 12/01/57 2765, 2765-501, 2765-502, 2765-503, 2765-505 Vard Vard 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 28E08-1-3, 28E08-3- 12/15/57 01/15/58 Bendix-Red Bank A 28E08-1-A, 28E08-3Bendix-Red Bank A 40E44-1-A 11/01/57 Bendix 40E44-1-A 11/01/65 Vard 5 AW 3 Starter Generator VG-609, VG-609-11, V30-25-A, V30-25-C 05/01/59 Breeze 5 AW 4 Starter Generator VG-609, VG-609-11, V30-25-A, V30-25-C 05/01/59 Breeze 5 AX 1 Starter-Generator 49-4275-1, 10-40051- 12/01/68 1, D971A, D1458 Boeing 5 AX 2 Starter Generator 10-40115-1, D1719 12/01/68 Boeing 5 5 AY B 1 1 12/01/68 05/01/45 AC Spark Plug 5 B 3 5 B 4 5 B 5 Speed Monitor 6404240 Aircraft Storage Batteries & Venting Systems Electrical Equipment: Installation of Quick Disconnect Assy. on Aircraft Storage Batteries Electrical Equipment: 6GT13 Modification of Battery G-1, F-1 Electrical Equipment: Installation of Acid Baffles on Gould Aircraft Batteries 5 B 5 5 B 6 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 A 09/01/44 11/01/46 Exide 09/01/43 Gould G-1, F-1 Electrical Equipment: Installation of Acid Baffles on Gould Aircraft Batteries 04/01/44 Gould Electrical Equipment: Reword of Quick Disconnect Assy. on Aircraft Storage Batteries 10/01/44 708 709 5 BA 1 ECM Destruct Battery 11538-1 5 BAC 501 Flap Control Motor Assy. SP-5276, 45-364193 02/01/56 Vendor 5 BJ 501 Motor Assy. DM80, DM80-2A, DM81, DM83 11/01/55 Bill Jack 5 BJ 502 Motor Assy. DM80, DM80-2A, DM81, DM83 11/01/55 Bill Jack 5 5 C C 2 6 Solenoid Switches Reduced Voltage Starter Controller 02/01/42 12/01/58 Eclipse-Bendix General Electric 5 C 7 Reduced Voltage Starter Controller 12/01/58 General Electric 710 711 712 713 714 CR2781C106B3, CR2781C106C3, CR2781C106D3, CR2781C106D3A, CR2781C106D3B CR2781C106B3, CR2781C106C3, CR2781C106D3, CR2781C106D3A, CR2781C106D3B 11/01/71 Gulton Industries 5 C 8 Canopy Enclosure Actuator 5 C 10 04/01/54 Air Associates 5 C 12 02/01/53 General Electric 5 CA 1 04/01/43 Eclipse 5 CA 3 05/01/43 Eclipse 5 CA 7 Motor Assy. Rotary Actuator EE-3880M1C, EE3880M1D, M2B, M2C Reduced-Voltage Starter CR2781-C106A3 Controller Aircraft Engine Starters & Starter Motors Aircraft Engine Starters & Starter Motors Electric Starters JH-5, JH-10 Series 03/01/48 Jack & Heintz 5 CA 9 01/01/43 5 CA 11 5 CA 12 Electrical Equipment: Handling & Carrying of All Type Aircraft Starters Electrical Equipment: Safety 43 Series Wiring of Brush Control Knob Starting Motor MBG-4011 5 CA 13 5 CA 15 5 CA 15 Combination Inertia & Direct JH-3, JH-4, JH-5 Cranking Starters Electrical Equipment: H-5, H-6, G-5, G-6 Conversion of Starters Electrical Equipment: H-5, H-6, G-5, G-6 Conversion of Starters 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 A 36101-0-2, 36101-0, 02/01/58 36101-0-1, 36101-1, 36101-1-1, 36101-2, 36101-2-1, 36101-22, 36101-2-3 Foote Bros. 05/01/43 Eclipse 03/01/44 Electric Auto-Lite 05/01/50 Jack & Heintz 11/01/43 Eclipse 03/01/44 Eclipse 5 CA 16 Combination Electric Inertia G-5, G-5A, G-6, G-6A, 08/01/49 & Direct Cranking Starters H-5, H-5A, H-6, H-6A Eclipse 5 5 5 CA CA CA 17 18 21 JH5LR JH4N Series JH660 03/01/51 03/01/48 07/01/44 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 CA 23 07/01/44 Jack & Heintz 5 CA 25 Starters Starters Electrical Equipment: Modification of Brush Engaged Solenoid Lead Electrical Equipment: Designation of Part Numbers for Starters Combination Electric Inertia & Direct Cranking Starters AAF G-18, G-20 11/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CA 26 1416 Series 11/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 CA CA 29 30 AAF J-2 JH6E, JH6F, JH6P 11/01/45 11/01/45 Westinghouse Jack & Heintz 5 CA 36 Direct-Cranking Electric Starters Turbine Starter Electric Direct Cranking Starters Direct Cranking Starters 5 5 CA CA 37 39 Direct Cranking Starters Aircraft Engine Starters 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 1548-2-A, 15E48-4-A, 03/01/57 15E48-4-B, K-1 Bendix-Utica K-1 JH6 Series Bendix-Utica Jack & Heintz 02/01/57 10/01/58 5 CA 39 Aircraft Engine Starters 03/01/65 JH6FSL3, JH6FL3A, JH6FSR3H, JH6FR3, JH6FSR12, JH6FR12, JH6ESR12, JH6ER12, JH6PKR3, JH6FRS3, AN4116L3B, AN4116L7C, AN4116R3B, AN4116R3C, AN4116R4B, AN4116R6B, AN4116R6C Lear Siegler 5 CA 40 Aircraft Engine Starters JH6FSL3, JH6FL3A, 03/01/65 JH6FSR3H, JH6FR3, JH6FSR12, JH6FR12, JH6ESR12, JH6ER12, JH6PKR3, JH6FRS3, AN4116L3B, AN4116L7C, AN4116R3B, AN4116R3C, AN4116R4B, AN4116R6B, AN4116R6C Lear Siegler 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 5 CA 41 Starting Motor 1109651, 1109662 05/01/48 5 CA 41 Starting Motor 1109651, 1109662 05/14/48 12/06/54 Delco-Remy 5 CA 41 Starting Motor 1109651, 1109662 05/14/48 05/19/55 Delco-Remy 5 CA 42 Starting Motor 1109651, 1109662 11/01/47 5 CA 42 Starting Motor 1109651, 1109662 11/01/47 05/20/55 Delco-Remy 5 CA 43 Aircraft Starting-Motor 03/01/58 General Electric 5 CA 44 Aircraft Starting-Motor 11/01/58 General Electric 5 5 CA CA 49 51 External Electric Starter Electric Starters 2CM95B13, 2CM95B18, 2CM95B19 2CM95B13, 2CM95B18, 2CM95B19 J-5 D26-2, D27, D27-1, D27-1Z, D31-1, D312, D31-2Z 03/01/53 04/01/58 Radioplane Jack & Heintz 5 CA 52 Electric Starters D26-2, D27, D27-1, 04/15/58 D27-1Z, D31-1, D312, D31-2Z Jack & Heintz 5 CA 53 Electric Starter D26-2, D27, D27-1, 04/15/58 D27-1Z, D31-1, D312, D31-2Z Jack & Heintz 5 CA 54 03/01/58 Gas Turbine Starters: for Gas A24A9206, Turbine Engines A24A9206-2, A24A9206-3, J34WE30 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 Delco-Remy Delco-Remy Westinghouse 5 CA 55 Gas Turbine Starters: for Gas A24A9206, 03/01/58 Turbine Engines A24A9206-2, A24A9206-3, J34WE30 Direct Cranking Electric 36E02-1-A, 36E02-1- 01/01/58 Starters B, 756-10-C, 756-21C, 756-22-C, 756-51C, 756-56-C Westinghouse 5 CA 56 5 CA 57 Direct Cranking Electric Starters 36E02-1-A, 36E02-1- 03/01/58 B, 756-10-C, 756-21C, 756-22-C, 756-51C, 756-56-C Bendix-Utica 5 CA 58 Direct Cranking Electric Starters 36E02-1-A, 36E02-1- 09/01/57 B, 756-10-C, 756-21C, 756-22-C, 756-51C, 756-56-C Bendix-Utica 5 CA 59 Starters 36E04-6-A, 36E06-2- 06/01/50 A, 36E09-2-B Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CA 60 Aircraft Starters 36E04-6-A, 36E06-2- 06/01/53 A, 36E09-2-B, 36E094-B Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CA 61 Aircraft Starters 36E04-6-A, 36E06-2- 06/01/51 A, 36E09-2-B, 36E094-B Eclipse-Pioneer 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 Bendix-Utica 760 761 762 763 764 5 CA 62 Modification of Starters 1548-2-A, 15E48-4-A 09/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 5 5 CA CA CA CA 64 65 67 68 Aircraft Starters Aircraft Starters Aircraft Starters Aircraft Starters K-1 K-1 L-2 D25, D25-1, L-2 07/01/51 07/01/51 07/01/54 07/01/54 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 CA 71 Starters 36E11-2-A, 36E11-2- 09/01/57 B, 36E11-2-C, 36E122-A, 36E12-2-B, 36E12-2-C, 36E04-6A, 36E06-2-A, 36E092-B, 36E09-4-B Bendix-Utica 5 CA 72 Starters 36E11-2-A, 36E11-2- 10/01/57 B, 36E11-2-C, 36E122-A, 36E12-2-B, 36E12-2-C, 36E04-6A, 36E06-2-A, 36E092-B, 36E09-4-B Eclipse-Pioneer 765 766 5 CA 73 Starters 36E11-2-A, 36E11-2- 07/01/57 B, 36E11-2-C, 36E122-A, 36E12-2-B, 36E12-2-C, 36E04-6A, 36E06-2-A, 36E092-B, 36E09-4-B Bendix-Utica 5 CA 74 Series 43, 444, 915 07/01/51 Eclipse 5 CA 75 36E21-15-A 01/01/57 Bendix-Utica 5 CA 77 Modification of Eclipse Starter Direct Cranking Electric Starter Starter Relays A-711B, A711C, A711E, AN3391-1 06/01/50 Hartman 5 CA 78 Aircraft Starters 02/01/58 Westinghouse 5 CA 79 Aircraft Starters 02/01/58 Westinghouse 5 CA 80 Direct-Cranking Starter A28A8544, A28A8544-A A28A8544, A28A8544-A 1546-101-J 02/01/58 Bendix-Utica 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 5 774 CA 81 Direct-Cranking Electic Starters 1416-17-J, 1416-18-J, 04/01/65 1416-19-J, 1416-20-J, 1416-21-J, 1416-22-J, 1416-38-J, 1416-40-J, 1416-41-J, 141642-J, 1416-82-J, 1416-101J, 1416-102-J, 1416118-J, 1416-120-J, 1416-121-J, 1416201-J, 36E00-1-B, 36E00-2-B, 36E00-2D, 36E00-4-D Bendix-Utica 5 CA 82 Direct-Cranking Electic Starters 1416-17-J, 1416-18-J, 12/01/64 1416-19-J, 1416-20-J, 1416-21-J, 1416-22-J, 1416-38-J, 1416-40-J, 1416-41-J, 141642-J, 1416-82-J, 1416-101J, 1416-102-J, 1416118-J, 1416-120-J, 1416-121-J, 1416201-J, 36E00-1-B, 36E00-2-B, 36E00-2D, 36E00-4-D Bendix-Utica 5 CA 83 Jet Starter 36E19-12-A, AAF J-4 09/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CA 85 CA 86 36E22-2-B, 36E-22-2- 04/01/53 C 36E22-2-B, -2-C 09/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 Direct Cranking Electric Starter Starter 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 91 92 93 96 97 100 101 Starter-Generator Direct-Cranking Starter Direct-Cranking Starter Starter Starter Starter Starter 2CM88D6 36E07-4-B 36E07-4-B D34-1 D34-1 D32 D32 General Electric Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 04/01/53 06/01/54 07/01/53 08/01/53 08/01/53 12/01/53 12/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CA 107 Change of Clutch Torque E-P 756-56B, 756Setting on Eclipse Pioneer & 56C, Beech 50Beech Starters 910010 11/01/54 Eclipse/Beech 5 CA 536 Starter Timer Control HY-51 08/01/48 Eagle Signal Corp 5 CA 537 JH6PKR3 07/01/50 Jack & Heintz 5 CA 538 JH6FSL3 w/D-5 04/01/48 Jack & Heintz 5 CA 539 Electric Direct Cranking Starters Starters with Scavenging Unit Aircraft Engine Starter JH6FSL3, JH6FL3A, 03/01/65 JH6KFSR3H, JH6FR3, JH6FSR12, JH6FR12, JH6ESR12, JH6ER12, JH6PKR3, JH6FRS3, AN4116L3B, AN4116L7C, AN4116R3B, AN4116R3C, AN4116R4B, AN4116R4C, AN4116R6B, AN4116R6C Lear Siegler 5 5 5 CA CA CA 540 542 544 Air Turbine Starter Air Turbine Starter Direct-Cranking Electric Starters 36E28 01/01/58 36E28 10/01/57 1416 Series, 36E00-2- 10/01/57 B, 36E00-2-D Bendix-Utica Bendix-Utica Bendix-Utica 5 CA 545 Starting Motor Assy. 1109909 Delco-Remy 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 08/15/57 795 5 5 CA CA 546 547 Starting Motor Assy. Aircraft Starter-Motors 1109909 2CM95B13, 2CM95B18, 2CM95B19 31534-1 08/01/57 03/01/58 Delco-Remy General Electric 5 CAA 42 5 5 CB CB 1 501 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Cartridge Starters Electric Motor Assy. 07/01/62 Airesearch E-3, E-4 223335-010-01 10/01/42 03/15/59 Breeze Pesco 5 CB 502 Electric Motor Assy. 220084-021-01 03/15/59 Pesco 5 CC 1 Retracting Mechanism Motors Wing Flap Operating Motors & Landing Gear Operating Motors Y-150 04/01/42 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CC 2 JA1, HCA2 & HCA31.5, HCA3, HCA32B 03/01/46 Electric Specialty 5 CC 3 Retracting Mechanism Motor, Landing Gear & Wing Flaps Fuel Pump Motors 5797 02/01/40 Electrical Development 5 CC 4 A-4944, A-4947, A4949, A-7033, 5241C 05/01/51 Delco 5 5 CC CC 4 6 5 CC 6 5 CC 5 5 CC CC 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 7 Fuel Pump Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Windshield Defroster Unit 8 9 Electric Motor Oil Cooler Door Motor 10/30/44 09/01/60 Delco 02/20/44 11/03/58 Dumore 03/01/48 Dumore 108, DA 11/01/43 Quality Electric B107B, DA 115, DAG 11/01/43 01/01/44 Quality Electric Quality Electric 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 5 CC 13 17 Landing Wheel Retracting Motor Retracting Motors Throttle, Servo, Motor Intercooler Shutter Control Drive Wing Flap Motor JH 10440 06/01/45 Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 CC CC CC 14 15 16 JH216, JH217 6906-3 FP-1 06/01/45 04/01/48 03/01/48 SC-1 03/01/48 Electric Motor TJ-2P 11/01/44 19 Aircraft Motors 5BA25 Series, BT-25 12/15/44 Jack & Heintz White-Rodgers Electrical Development Electrical Development Electrical Development General Electric 5 CC 5 CC 18 5 CC 5 5 CC CC 19 20 Aircraft Motors Aircraft Motors 5BA25 Series 03/01/48 5BC21, 5BC31 Series 02/01/45 General Electric General Electric 5 5 5 5 CC CC CC CC 21 22 23 25 5BA50 Series 5BA40 Series 5BA10 Series 921-B, 921-C General Electric General Electric General Electric Speedway Mfg 5 5 5 CC CC CC 26 27 28 Aircraft Electric Motors Aircraft Electric Motors Aircraft Electric Motors Electrical Motor: Fractional Horsepower Retracting Motors Starting Motor Retracting Motors 5 CC 29 Retracting Motors 5 5 CC CC 30 31 1061, 1063, 1064, 03/01/48 1065 Crane Hoist Units 1343, 1493 04/01/48 High Pressure Axial Flow Fan 586A, 586B, 586SCB- 03/01/45 Units 2, 586SCB-4, 4582B5A, 4582C-2A 5 5 CC CC 32 33 Portable Starter Motor Electric Motors 829 830 831 03/01/45 03/01/45 03/01/45 04/01/45 03/01/48 1109651 12/01/44 JH106, JH107, JH108 04/01/45 892-6-B 06/01/45 08/01/53 Eclipse Delco-Remy Jack & Heintz Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Dynamic Air Engineering Eclipse-Pioneer Lamb 832 833 834 835 5 5 5 5 5 CC CC CC CC CC 36 37 38 39 43 Aircraft Motors Aircraft Motors Aircraft Motors Aircraft Motors Electric Motors 5BA10 Series 5BA10 Series 5BC21 Series 5BC21 Series C583, C865, D289C, D363, D378, D388-1, D403 5 CC 44 Electric Motors C583, C865, D289C, 08/01/50 D363, D378, D388-1, D403 5 CC 44 Electric Motors C583, C865, D289C, 08/01/50 03/15/53 Electric Engr & D363, D378, D388-1, Mfg D403 5 CC 46 Electric Motors EE-1251M1, EE-1370, 07/01/50 EE-2200 Air Assoc. 5 CC 47 Electric Motors EE-1251M1, EE-1370, 07/01/50 EE-2200 Air Assoc. 5 CC 49 Electric Motors A-14-A-9789-C, AK 12/01/49 Westinghouse 5 CC 50 Electric Motors A-14-A-9789-C, AK 12/01/49 Westinghouse 5 5 5 CC CC CC 51 52 56 Electric Motors Electric Motors Electric Motors 11/01/53 03/01/54 10/01/50 Airesearch Airesearch Airborne Access. 5 CC 57 Electric Motors 07/01/50 Airborne Access. 5 CC 58 Nose Gear Actuator Motor 05/01/50 Pesco 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 E206, E-250, E206M3 E206, E-250, E206M3 220051-020-01 10/01/48 08/01/48 10/01/48 10/01/48 08/01/50 General Electric General Electric General Electric General Electric Electric Engr & Mfg Electric Engr & Mfg 848 849 850 5 CC 59 Nose Gear Actuator Motor 5 CC 61 5 CC 05/01/50 Pesco Electric Canopy Drive Motor EE-1710 07/01/50 Air Assoc. 62 Electric Canopy Drive Motor EE-1710 07/01/50 Air Assoc. 5 CC 65 Electric Motors C728, C842, C865, C982, C989 09/01/51 Electric Engr 5 CC 66 Electric Motors C728, C842, C865, C982, C989 09/01/51 Electric Engr 5 5 5 CC CC CC 67 68 69 D-C Motor D-C Motor Electric Motors MA-27A 05/01/50 MA-27A 05/01/50 BM517-2, BM517-5, 12/01/52 BM517-5A, BM5175B Bendix Bendix Eastman 5 CC 70 Electric Motors BM517-2, BM517-5, 11/01/52 BM517-5A, BM5175B Eastman 5 CC 73 5 CC 74 5 CC 75 Paratainer Actuator Motor & 220050-010-01 Brake Paratainer Actuator Motor & 220050-010-01 Brake Stall Warning Vibrator Assy. C11FA506-2 5 CC 76 5 CC 77 5 CC 81 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 220051-020-01 05/01/50 Pesco 05/01/54 Pesco 05/01/52 Globe Industries Stall Warning Vibrator Assy. C11FA506-2 05/01/52 Globe Industries Coaxial Stick Shaker, Stall Warning Vibrator Motor Assy., Direct Current B-120-024-1 10/01/52 Safe Flight 32630 12/01/52 Airesearch 863 864 5 CC 82 Series Motor Assy. 945-0 5 5 CC CC 83 84 Gear Motor Axivane Aircraft Fan Z6A-10 X702-89, X702-48, X702-88, X702-50A, X702-29A, X702-57, X702-72, X702-79, X702-85, X702-119, X702-50B, X702-181, X702-204, X702-48B, X702-142, X702-143, X702-194, A78351 5 CC 85 Axivane Aircraft Fans 01/01/58 X702-89, X702-48, X702-88, X702-50A, X702-29A, X702-57, X702-72, X702-79, X702-85, X702-119, X702-50B, X702-181, X702-204, X702-48B, X702-142, X702-143, X702-194, A78351 865 866 09/01/53 Mission Western Eng. 03/01/53 Schwien 09/15/56 01/01/58 Joy Joy 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 5 CC 86 Motor Assy., Direct Current 32370-2 08/01/53 Airesearch 5 CC 86 Motor Assy., Direct Current 32370-2 08/15/57 Airesearch 5 CC 87 Direct Current Motor Assy. 32703, DCM15-74 08/15/53 Airesearch 5 CC 87 Direct Current Motor Assy. 32703, DCM15-74-1 11/15/57 Airesearch 5 CC 88 Motor Assy. 116EOS 08/01/53 5 CC 90 26300-2 08/01/59 5 CC 91 5 CC 92 0.08HP 26-Volt DirectCurrent Motor 0.006HP Direct-Current Motor 0.025HP Motor, w/ Brake Mission-Western Engr Airesearch 5 CC 94 5 CC 95 5 CC 96 5 CC 97 0.002HP Direct-Current Motor 0.04HP Pinion Shaft DirectCurrent Motor 0.15HP 26-Volt DirectCurrent Motor Induction Motor 5 CC 100 5 CC 101 5 5 CC CC 102 103 5 5 CC CC 104 105 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 0.08HP 26-Volt DirectCurrent Motor 0.002HP Direct-Current Motor Direct Current Motor Aircraft Direct-Current Motors Electric Motor DC Motor Assy. 26912, DCM15-26-1 07/01/59 Airesearch 27770, AMC15-20-1 08/01/59 Airesearch 26650, DCM15-2-1 07/01/59 Airesearch 26675-4, DCM15-8 07/01/59 Airesearch 27700-2, DCM23-5-1 07/01/59 Airesearch 27656, ACM15-7-1, ACM15-7-2 07/01/59 Airesearch 26300 08/01/59 Airesearch 26845 07/01/59 Airesearch 36871-0 36702, 36702-2 05/15/62 08/01/62 AiResearch Airesearch 1-4017-5 A9373 04/15/59 02/01/60 Eicor Delco 5 CC 106 Direct-Current Motor Foote PN 51205-1, GE 5BA25JJ519B 5 CC 107 Motor Assy. BD3020C-1, BD3020C- 07/15/59 2, BD3020C-3, BD3020C-4 Induction Motors 5 5 5 5 CC CC CC CC 108 109 110 112 Direct-Current Motor Direct Current Motor Power Unit Motor Generator 5BA40LJ116 32743-1 158A AM59 12/01/59 01/15/60 08/15/43 05/01/65 General Electric AiResearch Lear Avia, Inc. Bill Jack Industries 5 5 CC CC 503 506 5157 RBD 2220 04/01/43 04/01/42 Dimore Co. Holtzer Cabot Electric 5 5 CC CC 512 513 El Flare Release Bomb Bay Actuating Motor: 1/2HP, 3,600RPM, 27-Volts DC D-C Motor Electric Motor 43E01-2-A RB-4423-2, HCA23 02/15/49 03/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer Romec 5 CC 514 Electric Motor 29505 (I), 33405 12/15/50 Foote Bros. 5 CC 516 AYLC 2071, AYLC 245 10/01/50 Barber-Coleman 5 5 CC CC 523 524 5BC31NJ104A 32355-1 08/30/51 06/01/62 G.E. Airesearch 5 CC 525 Control Motor Assy. Drive Motor Assy. Motor 0.07HP Direct-Current Aircraft Motor Motor Assy., Direct Current 26920-1 06/01/53 Airesearch 5 CC 526 Motor Assy., Direct Current 26900-3 08/15/53 AiResearch 5 CC 527 Motor Assy., Direct Current 26675-6 08/01/53 Airesearch 5 CC 528 Motor Assy., Alternating Current 27690 08/01/53 Airesearch 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 08/01/59 General Electric/Foote 903 904 905 906 907 5 CC 529 Motor Assy., Direct Current 27700-4 08/01/53 Airesearch 5 CC 530 Motor Assy., Direct Current 32355-3 08/01/53 Airesearch 5 CC 532 Motor Assy., Direct Current 32707 05/15/57 Airesearch 5 CC 533 Direct Current Motor 32711, DCM15-82-1 05/15/57 08/01/53 Airesearch 5 CC 534 32718, DCM15-89-1 08/01/59 Airesearch 5 CC 535 0.035HP Aircraft DirectCurrent Motor Aircraft Direct-Current Motors 32741, 32741-1, DCM15-245-1 03/01/60 Airesearch 5 CC 536 32715 04/01/62 Airesearch 5 CC 537 Aircraft Direct-Current Motors Stall Warning Vibrator Actuator C-3A-806, C-35A-503, 12/01/57 35A505 Globe Industries 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 538 542 546 547 548 549 550 Vaneaxial Blower Direct-Current Motor Direct-Current Motor Direct-Current Motor Direct-Current Motor Direct-Current Motor Direct-Current Motor M5862AA-9A 26300-3 26900-2 26935 26968 27700-1 32355-5, DCM20-15 07/15/54 07/01/56 07/01/56 07/15/56 07/01/56 07/01/56 09/01/56 Dynamic Air Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 5 5 CC CC 551 552 Vaneaxial Blower Motor 03/01/55 10/15/56 Dynamic Air Jack & Heintz 5 CC 553 Motor 10/15/56 Jack & Heintz 5 5 CC CC 554 555 Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan M4381B-1D1 DA55-1, DA55-2, DA55-3 DA55-1, DA55-2, DA55-3 X702-105 X702-105 09/01/55 09/01/55 Joy Joy 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 5 CC 556 Electric Motor 220073-020-03 05/01/56 Pesco 5 CC 557 Electric Motor 220083-030-01 05/01/56 Pesco 5 5 5 5 5 5 CC CC CC CC CC CC 558 559 560 561 562 563 Electric Motor Electric Motor Assy. Drive Motor Motor Electric Motor Assy. Induction Motor with Blower I.S. 14495 I.S. 14441 GYLC 16-1 M-5320M1 I.S. 14440 4436, 313 01/30/58 02/01/56 02/01/56 01/01/56 02/01/56 02/01/56 5 CC 564 Pump Motor D289C 06/15/57 Lamb Lamb Barber-Colman Air Assoc. Lamb American Electric Motors Electric Engine & Manufacturing Corp. 5 CC 565 36886, DCM11-38-1 12/01/58 5 CC 566 Motor, Aircraft DirectCurrent Direct Current Motor 5 CC 567 36873, DCM11-25-1 12/01/58 Airesearch 5 CC 568 Motor, Aircraft DirectCurrent Motor, Aircraft DirectCurrent 36848, DCM11-11-1, 12/01/58 DCM11-11-2, DCM1111-3, DCM11-11-4 Airesearch 5 CC 569 Stall Warning Vibrator 35A504, 35A506 10/15/57 5 CC 570 Motor DA37, DA37-1 08/01/60 Globe Industries Inc. Jack & Heintz 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 Airesearch 36840, DCM11-3-1, 08/15/57 DCM11-3-2, DCM113-4, DCM11-3-5 5 CC 571 Direct Current Motor 36881, DCM11-3-1-1, 12/15/58 DCM11-31-2, DCM1131-3 AiResearch 5 5 5 5 5 5 CCA CCA CCA CCB CCB CCB 3 4 9 1 2 3 Electric Motor Electric Motor Motor Assy. Cowl Flap Motor Cowl Flap Motor Electric Motors 07/01/50 08/28/50 08/01/52 08/01/54 08/01/54 01/01/51 General Electric General Electric General Electric Air Assoc. Air Assoc. Air Assoc. 5 CCB 4 Electric Motors 07/01/51 Air Assoc. 5 5 5 CCB CCB CCC 5 6 1 Cowl Flap Actuators Cowl Flap Actuators Electric Motor 5K41NJ5 5K41NJ5 5BA26NJ5A EE-2560 EE-2560 EE-900M2, EE900M4 EE-900M2, EE900M4 EE-4350 EE-4350 24305, 5BA25HJ96A 08/01/51 08/01/51 01/01/51 Air Assoc. Air Assoc. Foote Bros/G.E. 5 5 CCC CCC 2 501 C-24305 12/01/50 209004, 5BA25HJ103 03/15/54 Foote Bros. Foote Bros/G.E. 5 CCC 502 206019, 5BA25HJ102 03/15/54 Foote Bros/G.E. 5 CCD 3 Aircraft Motors Fractional Horsepower Motor Fractional Horsepower Motor Accessory Drive Motors 11/01/51 Jack & Heintz 5 CCD 4 Accessory Drive Motors 11/01/51 Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 5 CCD CCD CCD CCD 5 6 8 15 01/01/51 01/01/51 04/01/54 12/01/63 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Airesearch 5 CCD 17 Accessory Drive Motor Accessory Drive Motor Wing Flap Motor Aircraft Direct-Current Motor Aircraft Direct-Current Motor DA9, DA9-4S, DA10, DA-1 DA9, DA9-4S, DA10, DA10-1 DA17-2 DA17-2 DA44 32706-1 36843-2-1 08/01/65 Airesearch 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 5 CCD 501 1 0.15HP 26-Volt Direct 32370-6 Current Motor 0.07HP Aircraft Direct 32355-6 Current Motor Electric Defroster Fan Motor A-7511 01/01/59 Airesearch 5 CCD 502 12/01/58 Airesearch 5 CCE 05/01/50 Delco 5 CCE 2 Electric Defroster Fan Motor A-7511 04/01/50 Delco 5 CCE 3 Windshield Wiper Motors A-7012, A-7531 04/01/51 Delco 5 CCE 4 Windshield Wiper Motors A-7012, A-7531 01/01/51 Delco 5 5 5 5 5 5 CCE CCE CCE CCE CCE CCE 5 6 7 8 9 10 Motor Assy. Motor Assy. 3-Phase Motor Assy. 3-Phase Motor Assy. Motor Assy.: Pump Fuel Direct Current Motor Assy. A-7535 A-7535 A8551 A8551 A7005 A-9381 05/01/51 05/01/51 12/01/51 12/01/51 05/15/52 05/01/63 Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco 5 5 5 CCE CCE CCF 501 502 1 Motor Assy. Motor Assy. Motors, Junction Boxes & Clutch Drive Discs A8574A1 04/01/55 A8574A1 04/01/55 B565, B655, B615, 12/01/50 B1295, A765, D1000 Delco Delco Hoover Electric 5 CCF 2 Motors, Junction Boxes & Clutch Drive Discs B565, B655, B615, 12/01/50 B1295, A765, D1000 Hoover Electric 5 5 5 5 CCF CCF CCF CCF 3 501 501 502 Hydraulic Pump Motor Hydraulic Pump Motor Hydraulic Pump Motor Hydraulic Pump Motor Assy. D820 D820 D820 D1000 973 974 975 976 977 978 02/01/52 Hoover Electric 02/01/52 Hoover Electric 02/01/52 08/15/55 Hoover Electric 04/01/54 Hoover Electric 5 CCG 2 Electric Motor 1473MH, 1473MK, L- 06/01/50 N 1451MB1 Leece-Neville 5 5 CCH CCH 2 501 Electric Motor Electric Motor M300, M300A 21D3882, SC-5 06/01/50 04/15/55 Victor Dalmo Victor 5 CCH 502 Electric Motor 21D3882, SC-5 04/15/55 Dalmo Victor 5 CCJ 1 D-C Motors A19A6103, 12/01/53 A19A6162, A24A9238, A28A8535, 1171186 Westinghouse 5 CCJ 2 D-C Motors A19A6103, 12/01/53 A19A6162, A24A9238, A28A8535, 1171186 Westinghouse 5 CCJ 5 D-C Motors 07/01/51 Westinghouse 5 CCJ 6 D-C Motors 07/01/51 Westinghouse 5 CCJ 7 Compressor Motor A19A6196, A19A6196-2, A28A8521, A28A8521-2 A19A6196, A19A6196-2, A28A8521, A28A8521-2 A14A9727A, A14A9727B, A14A9727C, A14A9727D, A14A9727E 03/01/51 Westinghouse 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 5 CCJ 8 Compressor Motor A14A9727A, 03/01/51 A14A9727B, A14A9727C, A14A9727D, A14A9727E A28A8567 01/01/54 A28A8567 01/01/54 14346 04/15/60 906D068-1 02/01/60 906D085-1, 906D086- 02/15/60 1, 906D087-1 Westinghouse 5 5 5 5 5 CCJ CCJ CCJ CCJ CCJ 9 10 18 19 21 D-C Motor D-C Motor Electric Motor Assy. DC Motor AC Motor 5 CCJ 22 AC Motor 906D085-1, 906D086- 02/15/60 1, 906D087-1 Westinghouse 5 5 5 5 5 5 CCJ CCJ CCJ CCJ CCK CCK 23 24 501 503 501 502 AC Motor AC Motor Motor, A-C Aircraft Motor, D-C Aircraft Servo Motor Servo Transmitter 02/01/60 02/01/60 01/01/59 02/01/58 12/01/56 12/01/56 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Norden Ketay Norden Ketay CCL CCL CCL 1 2 5 Electric Motors Electric Motors Electric Motor 906D084-1 906D084-1 A42A9212 A35A8864 NBRK 402150 MK 22 Mod 1, 15CX4A 220032 Series 220032 Series 220047-011 Series, 220047-070 Series 5 5 5 09/01/50 09/01/50 01/01/55 Pesco Pesco Pesco 5 CCL 6 Electric Motor 220047-011 Series, 220047-070 Series 01/01/55 Pesco 5 CCL 501 Electric Motor Assy. 220088-010-01 12/01/54 Pesco 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Westinghouse Westinghouse Lamb Westinghouse Westinghouse 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 5 CCL 502 Electric Motor Assy. 220088-010-01 12/01/54 Pesco 5 CCL 503 Electric Motor Assy. 220056-010-02 12/01/56 Pesco 5 CCL 504 Electric Motor Assy. 220056-010-02 12/01/56 Pesco 5 CCL 505 Electric Motor Assy. 06/01/58 Pesco 5 5 5 CCM CCM CCM 1 2 3 Electric Motor Assy. Electric Motor Assy. Electric Motor Assy. Bomb Bay Door Mechanism 220109-020-01, 220109-02 FX-1948-1D FX-1948-1D 15447 12/01/50 12/01/50 12/01/50 US Elect. Motors US Elect. Motors US Elect. Motors 5 CCM 4 Electric Motor Assy. Bomb Bay Door Mechanism 15447 12/01/50 US Elect. Motors 5 CCM 5 Geared Aircraft Motors XC-33666, XF-33666 03/01/56 US Elect. Motors 5 CCM 501 Aircraft Geared Electrical Motors XA34200, XB19324, 94127 05/01/60 US Elect. Motors 5 CCM 502 XA-82250 03/15/56 US Elect. Motors 5 CCM 504 Aircraft Geared Electrical Motors Aircraft Motors XD49117, 96559, 400211, 400219, 102336, 104664 06/01/58 US Elect. Motors 5 CCM 505 Aircraft Motor 93328, 400712, 404343 05/01/61 US Elect. Motors 5 5 CCM CCN 507 1 Aircraft Motor Evaporator Fan Motor XA30525 70341 05/01/58 01/15/66 US Elect. Motors Adel 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 5 CCP 1 Wing Flap Drive D184 01/01/55 5 CCP 2 Wing Flap Drive D184 12/01/50 5 CCP 2 Wing Flap Drive D184 04/13/55 5 CCP 3 Motor & Gear Housing Assy. C377 04/01/51 5 CCP 4 Motor & Gear Housing Assy. C377 04/01/51 5 CCP 5 Aileron Booster Motor C626 04/01/51 5 CCP 6 Aileron Booster Motor C626 04/01/51 5 CCP 7 Direct Current Motor D479, D479-1 11/15/52 5 CCP 501 Direct Current Motor D479, D479-1 08/01/60 5 CCP 502 Varicam Rotary Actuators D342, D410, D553, D553-1, D772 02/01/56 Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Electronic Specialty Co Electronic Specialty Co Elec Engr & Mfg 5 CCP 503 Varicam Rotary Actuators D342, D410, D553, D553-1, D772 06/01/55 Elec Engr & Mfg 5 5 5 CCP CCP CCP 504 505 506 D571 D892-1 D892-1 10/01/55 03/01/57 08/01/56 Elec Engr & Mfg Elec Engr & Mfg Elec Engr & Mfg 5 CCP 507 C1722-1, C1722-2 03/01/57 Elec Engr & Mfg 5 5 CCP CCQ 508 1 Motor Elevator Drive Unit Elevator Tab Actuator Drive Unit Elevator Balance Tab Actuator Trim Actuator D.C. Motor Motor & Brake D593 E-674 09/01/56 08/01/51 Elec Engr & Mfg Airborne Access. 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 5 CCQ 2 Motor & Brake E-1600M5 08/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 3 Motor & Brake E-2200, E-2200M2 08/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 5 Electric Motors E-520, E-520M4 08/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 6 Electric Motors E-520, E-520M4 08/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 8 Stick Shaker R-614 04/01/52 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 9 Motor & Brake E-1600M18 04/01/52 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 10 Motor & Brake Assy. 02/01/65 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 11 Motor & Brake E1600M16, E1600M16-1, E1600M16-2, E1600M16-3, E1600M16-4, E1600M16-6 E-1600M11 04/01/52 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 13 Motor & Brake Assy. E1600M3 02/01/65 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 14 Motor & Brake Assy. E1600M2 04/15/52 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 15 Motor & Brake Assy. E1600 04/15/52 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 16 Motor & Brake E-2200M1 07/01/52 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 17 Motor & Brake Assy. E520M6, E520M6-2 06/01/62 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 18 Motor & Brake Assy. E-200M16-2 07/15/60 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 21 D-C Motor & Brake Assy. E-6015M7 01/01/60 Airborne Access. 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 5 CCQ 22 Motor & Brake Assy. E6412M1, E6412M2, 02/01/66 E6412M3, E6415M34 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 23 AC Motor & Brake Assy. E6420M31 05/01/67 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 24 AC Motor & Brake Assy. E6420M31 05/01/67 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 25 AC Motor Assy. M440M23 12/01/67 Airborne Access. 5 CCQ 501 Motor & Brake Assy. E-2200M1-3 07/01/59 Airborne Access. 5 CCR 501 Skid & Locked Detector Assy. 5823A-1, 5823A-2, 5823B-1, 5823B-2, 5823C-1, 5823C-2, 5823D-1, 5823D-2, 5823E-1, 5823E-2, 5823F-1, 5823F-2 04/01/58 Hydro-Aire 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 5 CCR 502 Skid & Locked Detector Assy. 5823A-1, 5823A-2, 5823B-1, 5823B-2, 5823C-1, 5823C-2, 5823D-1, 5823D-2, 5823E-1, 5823E-2, 5823F-1, 5823F-2 04/01/58 Hydro-Aire 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CCR CCR CCR CCR CCR CCR CCS CCS CCT CCT CCT CCT CCT CCT 503 504 505 506 507 508 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 501 Anti-Skid Control Box Anti-Skid Control Box Anti-Skid Control Box Anti-Skid Control Box Electric Motor Motor, Seat Ejector Electric Motor Electric Motor Electric Motor Electric Motor Electric Motor Electric Motor Electric Motor Electric Motor Assy. 4805 4805 40-035 40-035 623960 1200-1-1 1016-263 1016-263 I.S. 14211 I.S. 14098 I.S. 14098 I.S. 13823 I.S. 13787 47104-A, I.S. 14499 11/01/56 11/01/56 11/01/56 11/01/56 01/01/58 03/01/59 04/01/51 04/01/51 09/01/51 11/01/51 11/01/51 05/01/52 10/01/59 09/01/56 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Revere Lundy Lundy Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb 5 5 CCT CCU 502 1 1436-543054 08/01/63 08/01/53 Parker-Hannifin Lear 5 CCU 2 03/01/53 Lear 5 CCU 3 Electric Motor Actuator Fractional Horsepower Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Air Motor, Canopy Mechanism 08/01/58 Lear-Romec 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 RD-7440-A1 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 5 CCU 9 5 CCU 10 5 CCU 11 5 CCU 11 5 CCU 12 5 CCU 13 5 CCU 14 5 CCU 16 5 CCU 17 5 CCU 18 5 CCU 20 5 CCU 21 5 CCU 505 Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors G Frame Series 06/01/54 Lear P Frame Series 06/01/54 Lear P Frame Series 06/01/54 Lear P Frame Series 11/15/54 Lear 20 Frame Series 10/01/55 Lear 20 Frame Series 06/01/54 Lear A Frame Series 06/01/54 Lear D Frame Series 10/01/55 Lear 29902-02, 30809-08, 10/15/55 33111-01, 33242-02, 86000-04, 86000-08, 86000-06, 2214-01, 27364-01 Lear Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Fractional Horsepower Electric Motors Motor C Frame Series 04/01/58 Lear B Frame Series 06/01/59 Lear B Frame Series 02/01/57 Lear E Frame Series 04/01/57 Lear 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 5 CCV 1 Electric Windshield Wiper Motor Electric Windshield Wiper Motor Electric Windshield Wiper Motor Electric Motor Assy. 5 CCV 2 5 CCV 2 5 CCV 501 5 5 CCW 2 CCZ 501 Overvoltage Protector Direct Current Motor 1623-4-B 11/01/59 102650BA, 11/01/57 102650BB, 102650BC, 102650BE, 102650EA Bendix General Controls 5 CCZ 502 Direct Current Motor 08/01/58 General Controls 5 5 CD CD 512 514 03/01/54 05/30/57 Teleflex Inc. Teleflex Inc. 5 5 CDB CDB 501 503 90░ Wrap Control Box Push-Pull Assy., Nose Gear Lock Control Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump Motor 102650DA, 102650DC C7259-3 C8885 63-0229, 4148 4148-1 02/15/58 12/01/58 5 5 CDC CDC 501 502 CDD 6 EYLC 2797-1 HYLC 3863-1, HYLC 3863-2 35871 07/15/58 07/15/58 5 Aircraft Control Motor Rotary Proportioning Actuator Alternating Current Motor Teleflex Inc. Chicago Pneumatic Barber-Coleman Barber-Coleman 02/15/60 Airesearch 5 CDD 7 32746, DCM15-117-1 01/01/60 Airesearch 5 CDD 8 36843, 36843-1 10/01/62 Airesearch 5 CDD 16 Aircraft Direct-Current Motor Aircraft Direct-Current Motor Alternating Current Motor 35840, 35840-1, 35840-2-1 02/18/65 Airesearch 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 D15384, A7531 06/01/52 Marquette D15834 08/01/52 Marquette D18492-3 05/01/61 Marquette D17176, D17457-2, D18052-1 06/01/62 Marquette 1108 1109 1110 1111 5 CDS 1 5 CDW 1 Direct Current Electric Motor I.S. 14612 5 CE 1 Control Drives 5 5 CE CE 2 5 5 5 CE CE 6 7 Cowl Flap Drive Unit Electrical Equipment: Modification & Repair of Cowl Flap Screw Jacks Linear Actuators Rotary Actuators 5 CE 8 5 CE 5 1112 1113 Direct Current Motor Sierra-Schroeder 03/01/61 Weldon CM-B111-A, CM03/01/44 B111-B CM-C108 03/01/45 Series 500, 501, 502, 03/01/44 524A, 524B Lear Avia Lear Avia Screwjack Assy. 500, 501, 502, 524, 03/01/45 543, 550, 551, 554, 555, 565, 577 Series Lear 9 Power Unit Assy. 108, 132, 156, 157, 158, 159, 178, 180 08/01/45 Lear CE 10 02/01/49 Lear 5 CE 11 12/01/55 Lear 5 CE 12 Flexible Shaft & Accessory Assy. Gear Boxes, Screwjack, Flexible Shafting & Flexible Shaft Accy. Gearbox, Screwjack, Flexible Shafting, Flexible Shat Accy. 08/10/50 Lear 5 CE 12 Gearbox, Screwjack, Flexible Shafting, Flexible Shat Accy. 08/10/50 10/01/55 Lear 1116 1118 1119 400, 420, 440 103, 111, 133, 134, 164, 200, 206, 280 Series Lear Avia Lear Lear 1115 1120 12/01/59 06/01/45 07/01/53 1114 1117 GH129-550 1121 1122 1123 5 CE 14 03/01/59 Embe 15 Rudder Pedal Adjusting Screwjack Assy. Gearbox & Screwjack Assy. 5 CE 05/01/51 CE 16 Gearbox & Screwjack Assy. 05/01/51 5 CE 17 Screw Jacks WM-3-373, WM-3373M1, WM-4-598, WM-4-600 Chicago Pneumatic Chicago Pneumatic Air Assoc. 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE 19 20 21 Gear Box & Drive Assy. Gear Box & Drive Assy. Screwjack 07/01/50 07/01/50 M-2985, M-2985M1, 10/01/53 M-2985M101, WM-4509 Air Assoc. Air Assoc. Air Associates 5 CE 22 Screwjack M-2985, M-2985M1, 08/01/61 M-1895M101, WM-4509 Electronic Comm/Air Assoc. 5 CE 23 Screwjack Assy. WM-3-505, WM-3511, M-1775M101, M-6070, M6080 08/01/55 Air Assoc 5 CE 24 Screwjack Assy. WM-3-505, WM-3511, M-1775M101, M-6070, M6080 08/01/55 Air Assoc 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 07/01/52 5 CE 25 Screwjack Assy. 550A, 550BJ, 550BN, 10/30/52 06/15/53 Air Associates 550CM, 550DA, 550DA-1, 550DH, 550EF-1, 550EF-2, 550EL, 550EN, 550K1 5 CE 26 Cowl Flap "H" Drive Assy. 10/01/50 Air Assoc 5 5 CE CE 27 28 05/01/51 12/01/51 Hydro-Aire Breeze 5 CE 29 4808-7-10 12/01/51 Breeze 5 CE 35 Linear Actuator Gear & Drum Assy., Tab Control Transmission Assy., Tab Control Pulley 90░ Screwjack Assy. M1670M101, M1670M108 9580A 4808-6-10 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 550A, 550A-BJ, 550A- 05/01/54 BN, 550A-CM, 550ADA, 550A-DA-1, 550ADH, 550A-EF-1, 550AEF-2, 550A-EL, 550AEN, 550A-K-1 Lear 5 CE 36 Screwjack Assy. 550A, 550A-BJ, 550A- 06/01/53 BN, 550A-CM, 550ADA, 550A-DA-1, 550ADH, 550A-EF-1, 550AEF-2, 550A-EL, 550AEN, 550A-K-1 Lear 5 CE 37 Screwjack Assy. Lear 5 CE 38 Screwjack Assy. 5 CE 39 Screwjack Assy. 562E, 562E-G, 562E- 04/01/55 J, 562E-L 562E, 562E-G, 562E- 04/01/55 J, 562E-L 563E-L, 563E-R, 563J- 04/01/54 L, 563J-R 5 5 CE CE 40 41 Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. 563 Series 571A-L, 571A-R 03/01/52 04/01/54 Lear Lear 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE 42 43 44 45 Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Rudder Trim Gear Box Assy. 571 Series 584 Series 584 Series 565135 11/01/51 08/01/52 03/01/52 10/01/51 Lear Lear Lear Northrop 5 CE 46 Elevator Trim & Force Producer Mechanism Assy. 541982, 541982-500 05/01/52 Northrop 5 CE 47 Elevator Trim & Force Producer Mechanism Assy. 541982, 541982-500 05/01/52 Northrop 5 CE 48 Pilot's Flap Control Unit Assy. 541724, 541724-500 05/01/52 Northrop 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 Lear Lear 1150 1151 1152 5 CE 49 5 5 CE CE 50 51 5 CE 52 Aileron Trim Tab Drive Unit, D416, D534, D536 Elevator Boost Drive Unit, Aileron Boost Drive Unit 5 CE 53 Right Angle Drive Assy. 5 CE 54 Right Angle Drive Assy. 5 5 5 CE CE CE 55 56 57 H Box Assy. H Box Assy. Slat Drive Gear Box 5 CE 58 Slat Drive Gear Box 01/01/53 15-24553-523, 1524553-524, 15-24553531, 15-24553-532 Boeing 5 CE 59 Flap Drive Gear Box Assy. 01/01/53 15-24554-509, 1524554-510, 15-24554511, 15-24554-512, 15-24554-513 Boeing 5 CE 60 Flap Drive Gear Box Assy. 15-24554-509, 1501/01/53 24554-510, 15-24554511, 15-24554-512, 15-24554-513 Boeing 5 CE 63 Gear Box Assy. D8 Jack & Heintz 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 Pilot's Flap Control Unit Assy. 90░ Drive Assy. Aileron Trim Tab Drive Unit 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 541724, 541724-500 05/01/52 Northrop 4584-27-10 D416 05/01/52 03/01/52 Breeze Elec Engr & Mfg 04/01/53 Elec Engr & Mfg (LH) B1908, (RH) 03/01/52 B1910 (LH) B1908, (RH) 03/01/52 B1910 C1125 03/01/52 C1125 03/01/52 01/01/53 15-24553-523, 1524553-524, 15-24553531, 15-24553-532 Elec Engr & Mfg 07/01/52 Elec Engr & Mfg Elec Engr & Mfg Elec Engr & Mfg Boeing 1163 1164 1165 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE 68 71 72 78 Linear Actuator Screwjack Assy. T Drive Assy. Screwjack Assy. 9580C 551T-L 776C 87114-01, 87114-02, 87114-03, 87011-01, 87011-02, 554T-1, 554T-3, 554T-3A, 554T-W, 554T-W-1 5 CE 79 Screwjack Assy. Lear 5 CE 80 Screwjack Assy. 5 CE 81 T & H Drives 576B-L, 576B-R, 576- 07/01/53 D 576B-6, 576B-R, 576- 06/01/53 D 38469-01, 38498-01, 07/01/59 84219-01, -02, 8693701, 87003-01 5 CE 82 T & H Drives 38469-01, 38498-01, 07/01/59 84219-01, -02, 8693701, 87003-01 Lear 5 CE 86 Screwjack R-532 05/01/53 Airborne Access. 5 CE 87 Screwjack Assy. R-298-1 05/01/53 Airborne Access. 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 10/01/52 02/01/53 03/01/53 09/01/56 Hydro-Aire Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 5 CE 88 Screwjack Assy.: Rudder, Aileron, & Elevator Trim Tabs 40-8062008-29, 408062001-59, 408062001-69 10/01/53 Glenn L. Martin 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 98 100 101 102 104 107 112 113 114 115 116 120 121 122 123 124 Screwjack Assy. T Drive Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. L & T Drive Assy. Gear Box Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. L Drive Assy. L Drive Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. T Drive Assy. T Drive Assy. T Drive Assy. Universal Joint Shafting Assy. 564A-3 B1814 550AL 550B 550FJ 550EC 767B 818B 550CG 550FN 550FM 551AK-R 568C 740D 740D-1 550FG 550EK 550DF 577P 760E 761P 766A 715B 09/01/53 07/01/53 11/01/53 11/01/53 01/01/54 11/01/53 01/01/54 01/01/54 11/01/53 11/01/53 11/01/53 01/01/54 10/01/53 01/01/54 01/01/54 11/01/53 11/01/53 10/01/53 11/01/53 01/01/54 01/01/54 01/01/54 01/01/54 Lear Elec Eng & Mfg Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 5 CE 125 Wing Flap Actuator 130533-2 09/01/53 Western Gear 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 5 CE 128 Gear Box Assy. 5-42085, 5-42085-1, 09/01/53 5-42085-501, 542085-502, 5-42085507, 5-42085-508, 542085-509, 5-42085510, 5-42085-511, 542085-512 Boeing 5 CE 129 Gear Box Assy. 5-42085, 5-42085-1, 09/01/53 5-42085-501, 542085-502, 5-42085507, 5-42085-508, 542085-509, 5-42085510, 5-42085-511, 542085-512 Boeing 5 CE 131 Gear Assy. 09/01/53 Boeing 5 5 5 CE CE CE 132 133 134 Gear Box Assy. Gear Box Assy. Gear Box Assy. 9-13890-1, 9-13890502 9-7450 15-23877 19300-1, 19300-2, 23801-2, 23801-3 09/01/53 09/01/53 04/01/54 Boeing Boeing Hydraulic Research & Mfg 5 CE 136 Gear Box Assy. 19300-1, 19300-2, 23801-2, 23801-3 04/01/54 Hydraulic Research & Mfg 5 5 CE CE 137 138 T Drive & Screwjack Assy. Control & H Drive 551AN 28623-01 02/01/56 12/15/58 Lear Lear 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 5 CE 140 Control Box Assy. & Motor 01/01/51 Lear 5 CE 145 Screwjack 129555-01, 129555- 06/01/60 02 74960LN-01 07/01/65 16-4400-1-1, 1611/01/51 4400-1-2, 16-4400-21, 16-4400-2-2, 164400-3-1, 16-4400-32 Lear 5 5 CE CE 145 503 Screwjack L Drive Gear Box Assy. 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE 506 507 509 513 Pressure Reducing Valve T Drive Cowl Flap Control System Hydro-Mechanical Aviation Jack, Variable Height 411590 M-5310 28847-1 515 (V 7.5-36) 07/01/50 08/01/53 01/01/54 09/01/54 Pacific Division Air Assoc. Airesearch Malabar 5 CE 515 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation Jack, Variable Height 512 (V 12-48) 09/01/54 Malabar 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE 518 519 520 522 Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. Screwjack Assy. 562M 550AN 550FV 577AH, 577AK, 577AP, 577AY 10/01/54 Lear 10/01/54 Lear 09/15/54 07/01/54 Lear 09/01/54 Lear 5 CE 524 Handcrank Assy. 32033-01, 84889-01 07/01/59 Lear 5 5 5 CE CE CE 525 526 529 Handcrank Assy. Tee Drive Attachment Speed Brake Screwjack 835A M-4487 39901 Lear Lear Foote 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 09/01/54 06/15/54 10/01/55 Lennor Kenyon 5 CE 532 Wing Slat Screwjack 25-67304-3, 2503/01/55 67304-301, 25-673044, 2567304-302 McDonnell 5 CE 533 Engine Pad Adapter Assy. 277C200F, 277C300 12/01/56 Szekely 5 CE 534 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation Axle Jack, Two Stage Type 225 12/01/55 Malabar 5 CE 535 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation 584 Axle Jack, Single Stage Type 10/01/55 Malabar 5 CE 536 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation 712 Axle Jack, Single Stage Type 12/01/55 Malabar 5 CE 537 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation Axle Jack, Three Stage Type 12/01/55 Malabar 5 CE 538 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation 700 Axle Jack, Single Stage Type 12/01/55 Malabar 5 CE 539 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation 720 Axle Jack, Single Stage Type 12/01/55 Malabar 5 CE 541 Anchor Winch Gear Boxes 04/01/57 Air Products 5 CE 542 Speed Sensing Control Assy. 857550 07/01/63 AC Spark Plug 5 CE 543 Speed Sensing Control Assy. 857550 07/01/63 AC Spark Plug 5 5 CE CE 544 545 Screwjack Screwjack, Cowl Flap Mechanism 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 640R 5044-2, 5044-3 M-2985M2 02/01/56 M-7260, M-7260M1 02/01/56 Air Assoc. Air Assoc. 5 CE 547 Slat Actuator with Rack Assy. 46001-2 w/98WM4760-3, 46001-3 w/98WM4760-4, 46101-2 w/98WM4760-1, 46101-2 w/98WM4760-2 04/01/59 Foote/Grumman 5 5 CE CE 549 550 Flexible Shaft Drive Linear Jack 06/01/56 01/01/57 Airesearch Airesearch 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE 551 553 554 556 10/01/56 06/01/56 07/01/56 05/01/56 5 CE 557 11/01/56 AiResearch Airesearch Airesearch North American Aviation Glenn L. Martin 5 5 5 5 5 5 CE CE CE CE CE CE 558 560 561 563 566 568 L Drive Assy. Screwjack Screwjack Speed Sensitive Switch Jackscrew Assy., Trimmer Cage Assy., Aileron Stick Centering Spring 95804, 740D-1 110871-01 110871-02 8575427 5435158 4440517, 4440517501, 4440517-503, 4440517-505 09/01/56 02/01/58 02/01/58 05/01/57 07/01/57 07/01/57 Lear Lear Lear AC Spark Plug Douglas Douglas 5 CE 575 5 CE 578 Wing Leading Edge Flap Screwjack Screwjack 471T100-1, 471T100- 03/01/58 301 119440-01 08/01/58 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 29606-22-00 31992, LJC16-1, LJC16-2 Linear Jack 34056 Flexible Shaft Drive 34606-1800 Cowl Flap Control System 38800 Aileron Trim Drive Gear Box 187-52501, 187Assy. 52501-7 Trim Tab Screwjack Assy. 40-8062001-59, 414762102-29, 414862100-69 Talley Lear 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 5 5 CE CEB 1E+05 1 1581D1 2CLDG9A8 09/01/53 10/01/63 Western Gear General Electric 2CLDG9A8 10/01/63 General Electric 1 Rocket Door Actuator Hydraulic Constant Speed Transmission Hydraulic Constant Speed Transmission Screwjack Assy. 5 CEB 2 5 CEL A487-3, A487-4 12/01/60 Lundy 5 5 CEL CEM 2 1 Motor-Driven Gear Box Pilot Seat Actuator A489-3 43800-3 01/01/61 05/01/63 Lundy Embe Gear Works 5 CEM 2 Flap to Horizontal Stabilizer Interconnect Actuator 46700 04/01/65 Embe 5 CF 3 708883, 2522 04/01/59 Lear 5 CF 146 5 CF 501 Intercommunications Set Distribution Box I.R. Scanner Door, Ramp Actuator Jack Control Box 5 5 CF CFA 502 1 5 CFA 2 5 CFA 3 5 CFA 4 5 CFA 5 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 Control Box Converter, 55-Ampere, Class C Converter, 55-Ampere, Class C Converter, 60-Ampere, Class A Converter, 60-Ampere, Class A Converter, 200-Ampere, Class A 541144-1-1, 541144- 01/15/66 2-1 110433-02, 110433- 01/01/58 03, 110433-04 Airesearch 112872-01 28V55, MS28123-1 11/01/58 03/01/62 28V55, MS28123-1 03/01/62 Lear Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics 28VS60, MS28124-1 03/01/63 28VS60, MS28124-1 03/01/63 28VS200Y-4, MS28132-1 05/01/68 Lear 5 CFA 6 5 CFA 7 5 CFA 8 5 CFA 12 5 CFA 14 5 5 5 CFA CFA CGA 15 16 1 5 CGA 2 5 CGA 8 5 CGA 9 5 CGA 10 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 Converter, 200-Ampere, Class B & C 28VS200Y-4, 28VS200Y-4A, MS28132-1, MS28132-2 Converter, 200-Ampere, 28VS200Y-13, Class A MS28126-1 Converter, 200-Ampere, 28VS200Y-13, Class A MS28126-1 Converter, 50-Ampere, Class 28VS50Y, MS18103-1 C, Static, Aircraft, Fan Cooled 11/01/78 Wagner Electric 06/01/64 Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Converter, 100-Ampere, Class C Static Converter Static Converter Propeller Pitch & Mixture Actuator & Fuel Transfer Actuator Propeller Pitch & Mixture Actuator & Fuel Transfer Actuator Actuator Assy., Pneumatic Override Exhaust Nozzle Control Actuator Assy., Canopy Jettison Nosewheel Steering Actuator Assy. 28VS100Y-7, MS17976-1 9B40-1-A 9B40-1-A 6940X-3, 6940X-4 02/01/66 07/01/74 07/01/74 08/01/53 Chatham Electronics Bendix Bendix White-Rodgers 6940X-3, 6940X-4 08/01/53 White-Rodgers 45544737-501 06/01/60 Douglas 3812290 03/01/61 Douglas 06/01/64 07/01/65 5822026-1, 5822026- 06/01/69 501 McDonnell Douglas 5 CGA 501 Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator 5380824-533, 5380824-535, 5380824-537, 5380824-545, 8380824-547, 8380824-549, 8380824-551, 5660533, 5660533501, 5660533-503, 5660533-505, 5660533-515, 5660533-517, 5660533-519, 5660533-521 12/01/61 Douglas 5 CGA 502 5380824, 5660533 12/15/61 Douglas 5 5 CGA CGA 503 504 Horizantal Stabalizer Actuator Pilot's Seat Actuator 18 cu. in. Double Chamber Accumulator Assy. 5433596 3437925-505 10/01/55 01/01/58 Douglas Douglas 5 CGA 507 01/01/57 Douglas 5 CGB 1 07/01/53 Alco-Kearfott 5 CGB 501 Elevator Trim Tab Actuator 5 CGB 502 Elevator Trim Tab Actuator 5 CGB 503 Wing Trim Tab Actuator 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 Lower Emergency Escape 5261861-6 Actuator Assy. Window Unit, Electric Wiper XW13000-A500AA, XW1301-A500AA 1100-1-471, REV-M9- 06/01/61 1 1100-1-471, REV-M9- 06/01/61 1 1100-1-166, REV12/01/56 M12 Revere Camera Revere Camera Revere Camera 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 5 CGB 504 Wing Trim Tab Actuator 5 CGB 505 Rotary Camera Actuator 5 CGB 506 Rotary Camera Actuator 5 5 CGC CGC 1 501 Torque Pressure Switch Switch Assy., Fluid Pressure 5 CGD 1 5 CGD 5 12/01/56 Revere Camera 07/01/58 Revere Camera 07/01/58 Revere Camera 6747263, CG-12124 09/01/53 07/01/55 Actuator Assy. 110 11/01/53 Airite Westport Dev & Mfg Gray & Huleguard 2 Actuator Assy. 110 11/01/53 Gray & Huleguard CGD 4 Valve & Actuator Assy. 06/01/62 Barber-Colman 5 CGD 5 07/01/65 5 CGD 502 Inlet Guide Vane Fuel Actuator Valve & Actuator Assy. DYLZ 6537, DYLZ 6537-1 1187-0 08/01/56 5 CGE 1 DYLZ 4884, DYLZ 4884-1 Actuator, Electromechanical, 48029 Dual Linear National Water Lift Co. Barber-Colman 08/01/53 Gilfillan 5 5 CGE CGE 4 502 311D216G6 25-72062-1 10/01/62 12/01/56 General Electric McDonnell 5 CGF 6 Feedback Potentiometer Actuator Assy.: Gun Gas Exhaust Louver Vapor Proof Actuator Assy. 152938, J52 02/01/66 Whittaker 5 5 CGF CGG 504 501 108740 CV10-818089-1 05/01/59 08/01/56 5 CGG 502 CV-15-158111-2 09/01/57 Whittaker Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 Electric Actuator Actuator Assy., Ailavator Trim Pitch Trim Actuator Assy. 1100-1-166, REVM12 2600-0-58, REV2600A 2600-0-58, REV2600A CGH 2 Actuator Assy. 5 CGH 3 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1658D 12/01/64 5 CGH 4 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1658D 12/01/64 5 CGH 501 Actuator Assy. 103811K 06/01/58 ITT General Controls ITT General Controls General Controls 5 CGJ 1 14-82531 01/01/60 Gilfillan Bros. Inc 5 CGK 1 Periscope Fairing Cover Actuator Linear Actuator Assy. A555-1A, A555-2A 12/01/60 Lundy 5 CGM 1 Nash Controls CGM 1 DL1326M39, DL1326M40 DL1326M39, DL1326M39-2, DL1326M39-4, DL1326M40, DL1326M40-1, DL1326M40-3 06/15/65 5 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator 05/01/69 Nash Controls 5 CGM 2 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator DL1326M39, DL1326M39-2, DL1326M39-4, DL1326M40, DL1326M40-1, DL1326M40-3 07/01/72 Nash Controls 5 CGM 3 Linear Actuator DL300M2 11/01/65 Nash Controls 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 MA11A1024B, Motor 07/01/64 102650JE 5 ITT General Controls 5 CGM 10 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator 5 CGM 11 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator 5 CGN 10 Hydraulic Aileron Boost Actuator Assy. 5 CGN 11 5 CGN 13 Hydraulic Elevator Boost Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 DL2432M1-2, 07/01/70 DL2432M2-2, DL2432M3-2, DL2432M4-2, DL2432M3-3, DL2432M4-3, DL2432M4-4, DL2432M1-3, DL2432M2-3 DL2432M1-2, 07/01/70 DL2432M2-2, DL2432M3-2, DL2432M4-2, DL2432M3-3, DL2432M4-3, DL2432M4-4, DL2432M1-3, DL2432M2-3 249-58701-31, 249- 08/01/70 58701-51, 249-5870161, 249-58701-71, 249-58701-81, 24958701-91, 249-58701101 249-58702-21, 288587002 102842BV 02/01/66 01/01/61 Nash Controls Nash Controls N. Am Rockwell Corp N. American Aviation General Controls 5 CGN 18 Hydraulic Flap Control Actuator Assy. 247-58706-1, 24711/01/64 58706-2, 247-5870211, 247-58702-12, 275-587006-21, 275587006-22 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 25 Hydraulic Flight Control Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator Assy. 247-58710-11, 247- 12/01/65 58710-12, 247-5871021, 247-58710-22, 247-58710-31, 24758710-32, 275587010-31, 275587010-32 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 26 Hydraulic Flight Control Horizontal Stabilizer Series Servo Actuator Assy. 247-58718-51 08/01/64 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 27 247-58717-31 12/01/63 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 30 247-58707-21, 24758707-31 01/01/64 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 32 Hydraulic Flight Control Horizontal & Vertical Stabilizer Master Actuator Assy. Hydraulic Flight Control Spoiler Master Actuator Assy. Wing Droop Leading Edge Dual Power Gearbox Assy. 279-526205-21, 279- 03/01/66 526205-11 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 33 BLC Valve Rotary Actuator Assy. 279-526220 N. American Aviation 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 05/01/66 5 CGN 35 Hydraulic Flight Control Dual 279-587015-11 Yaw Control Actuator Assy. 11/01/65 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 502 187-58706-9 07/01/56 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 503 187-58706-9 07/01/56 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 505 Hydraulic Stabilizer Flight Control Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Stabilizer Flight Control Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Flight Control Aileron Actuator Assy. 181-58705-1, 18107/01/56 58705-2, 181-5870512, 181-58705-15 N. American Aviation 5 CGN 506 CGN 507 5 CGN 508 209-58705-21, 20958705-22 209-58705-21, 20958705-22 209-58706 03/01/58 5 5 CGN 509 209-58706 03/01/58 5 CGP 2 Hydraulic Flight Control Aileron Actuator Assy. Hydraulic Flight Control Aileron Actuator Assy. Hydraulic Stabilizer Flight Control Actuator Assy. Hydraulic Stabilizer Flight Control Actuator Assy. Fuel Control Actuator Assy. K673836-1 03/01/71 N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation Kaman 5 CGS 1 Rotary Actuator Assy. R4152-11 03/01/71 5 CGS 2 Rotary Actuator Assy. R4152-11 03/01/71 5 CGT 1 Knee Elevating Actuator 1254-14 02/01/63 Plessey Airborne Corp. Plessey Airborne Corp. Rocket Power, Inc. 5 CGT 2 Seat Bottoming Thruster Assy. 1253-14C, 1253-15 08/01/63 Rocket Power 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 03/01/58 03/01/58 CGU 7 Tandem Aileron Cylinder Assy. 5 CGU 501 Power Control Cylinder Assy. 120300, 123101, 1231, 1231-1 5 CGU 503 5 CGU 5 1342 National Water Lift Spoiler, Actuator 124400-3, 124400-4, 12/01/58 124400-5, 124400-6, 1244-3, 1244-4, 12445, 1244-6 National Water Lift 504 Spoiler, Actuator 124400-3, 124400-4, 12/01/58 124400-5, 124400-6, 1244-3, 1244-4, 12445, 1244-6 National Water Lift CGU 505 Pilot Control Wheel 210156-13, 2120 02/01/58 5 CGX 2 C2-91303 10/01/60 5 CH 1 Window Unit Converter Assy. Oil Cooler Flap Actuators National Water Lift Marquette Metal 5 CH 2 Tail Skid Actuator 5 CH 3 Main Landing Gear Actuators EL-1094, EL-1119, E- 06/01/44 1198 1344 1345 1347 1348 1349 1350 National Water Lift 04/01/57 1343 1346 12/01/60 110011, 111102, 111103, 111105, 1111, 1111-2, 11113, 1111-5 5 EL-1016, EL-1086, EL- 03/01/44 1086-1 Western Gear Works E-1420 Western Gear Works Western Gear Works 05/01/54 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 5 CH 4 Wing Flap Actuator EL-1095 07/01/44 5 CH 5 Bomb Bay Door Actuator EL-1127 07/01/44 5 CH 6 Oil Cooler Door Actuators E1355 04/01/48 5 CH 7 Oil Cooler Flap Actuator EL-1123 09/01/44 5 CH 8 Bomb Door Drive Actuator E1386 07/01/44 5 CH 9 Oil Cooler Flap Actuators E1134, 1134A 09/01/44 5 CH 10 Trim Tab Actuator E1156 07/01/44 5 CH 11 Wing Flap Actuator E1423 07/01/44 5 CH 17 Thermostatic Actuators R-4250, R-4310 04/01/48 5 CH 18 Linear Actuator FC519-16P, FC51920, FC519-29 06/01/45 Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Western Gear Works Robertshaw Thermostat Co. Eastman Machine 5 CH 19 05/01/45 Airesearch 5 CH 20 R-4800A 08/01/45 5 CH 39 Oil & Intercooler Rotary & Linear Actuators Coolant Radiator Exit Flap Actuator Geneva Loc Actuators 450830, 451040, 451050, 451930 09/01/48 Robertshaw Thermostat Bendix-Pacific 5 5 5 5 CH CH CH CH 40 41 41 42 108 Series 108 Series 108 Series 09/01/58 04/15/56 09/01/58 01/01/47 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific Lear 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 Geneva Loc Actuators Geneva Loc Actuators Geneva Loc Actuators Electrical Rotary & Linear Actuators 1368 5 CH 43 5 CH 45 Electrical Rotary & Linear Actuators Tab Controls 5 CH 46 5 CH 5 Breeze Tab Controls 4776-38-3608, 4776- 07/01/52 39-3610, 4776-443108, 4776-46-3610 Breeze 47 Main & Nose Wheel Actuators A7601A, A72601B, A4602A, A4602B 06/01/54 Aeroproducts & Delco CH 48 Main & Nose Wheel Actuators A7601A, A72601B, A4602A, A4602B 06/01/54 Aeroproducts & Delco 5 CH 50 05/01/51 Airesearch 5 CH 51 05/01/51 Airesearch 5 CH 52 Electric Motor-Driven Actuators, Linear & Rotary: Torque Electric Motor-Driven Actuators, Linear & Rotary: Torque Electric Motor & Clutch Assy. B-728 05/01/49 5 CH 53 Electric Motor & Clutch Assy. B-728 05/01/49 Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1376 Lear 4776-38-3608, 4776- 07/01/52 39-3610, 4776-443108, 4776-46-3610 1369 1375 07/01/48 5 CH 55 Rotary Actuators D1, D1-3, D1-4, D1-7, 04/01/54 D1-8, D2, D2-5, D2-9, D2-10, D2-14, D2-15, D7, D7-1, D7-3, D7-5 Jack & Heintz 5 CH 56 Rotary Actuators D1, D1-3, D1-4, D1-7, 12/01/52 D1-8, D2, D2-5, D2-9, D2-10, D2-14, D2-15, D7, D7-1, D7-3, D7-5 Jack & Heintz 5 CH 58 Actuators 1477-2-A, 1477-2-B, 03/01/54 1477-3-A, 1478-2-A Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CH 59 Actuators 1477-2-A, 1477-2-B, 03/01/54 1477-3-A, 1478-2-A Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CH 61 R-5410 04/01/50 5 CH 62 R-5410 04/01/50 5 CH 63 RobertshawFulton Controls RobertshawFulton Controls Breeze 5 CH 64 5 CH 65 Actuator, Automatic Temperature Controlled Actuator, Automatic Temperature Controlled Tab Control Actuator Drives, Tab Control Actuator & Bracket Tab Control Actuator Drives & Tab Control Actuator & Bracket Camera Door Actuator 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 4584-11-10, 4584-11- 09/01/49 20, 4576-36-10 4584-11-10, 4584-11- 09/01/49 20, 4576-36-10 Breeze D352 Electrical Engr & Mfg 10/01/49 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 5 CH 66 Camera Door Actuator D352 5 5 5 5 5 CH CH CH CH CH 67 68 69 70 72 Camera Door Actuator Camera Door Actuator Cowl Flap Actuator Cowl Flap Actuator Trim Tab Control Actuator & Aileron Boost Ratio Selector Adapter V-3330 03/01/51 V-3330 03/01/51 AGA 103-3SA 02/01/50 AGA 103-3SA 08/01/51 R110M6-1, R110M6- 03/01/53 2, R110M6-3, R-1141, R-114-2, R-114M11, R-114M1-2, R114M2-2, R-114-3, R-114M1-3, R-114M23 5 CH 76 Actuator A7618-4, A7619-1, A7619-2, A7620-1, A7621, A7621-1 09/01/51 Aeroproducts 5 CH 77 WEE-4-141 07/01/50 Air Assoc. 5 CH 78 WEE-4-141 07/01/50 Air Assoc. 5 5 5 CH CH CH 79 80 82 Power Unit for Pre-Heat Valve Power Unit for Pre-Heat Valve Stabilizer Actuators Stabilizer Actuators Engine Air Valve Actuator 5 CH 85 Actuators 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 10/01/49 R121, D327 09/01/51 R121, D327 09/01/51 M-2560, M1, M1A, 12/15/52 M3 2-1, 4A, 4-9B, P-14B, 11/01/50 P-19, P-19A, P-21A, P23, P-24XA Electrical Engr & Mfg Kearfott Co. Kearfott Co. Lundy Lundy Airborne Access. Electrical Engr. Electrical Engr. Air Associates Inc. Chicago Pneumatic 5 CH 86 Actuators 2-1, 4A, 4-9B, P-14B, 11/01/50 P-19, P-19A, P-21A, P23, P-24XA 5 CH 89 R-5500 5 CH 90 5 5 5 CH CH CH 93 94 97 Automatic Temperature Controlled Actuator Automatic Temperature Controlled Actuator Actuator Unit Actuator Unit Tip Tank Release Actuators 2CN2 2CN2 D374, D375 5 CH 98 Tip Tank Release Actuators D374, D375 5 5 5 CH CH CH 99 100 101 Paratainer Actuator VJ-810 Paratainer Actuator VJ-810 Main Landing Gear Actuator VJ-550 RobertshawFulton Controls 11/01/50 RobertshawFulton Controls 09/01/50 General Electric 09/01/50 General Electric 06/01/50 Electrical Engr & Mfg 06/01/50 Electrical Engr & Mfg 05/29/50 08/10/51 Breeze 08/01/51 Breeze 05/31/50 06/05/52 Breeze 5 CH 101 Main Landing Gear Actuator VJ-550 05/31/50 08/06/54 Breeze 5 CH 102 Main Landing Gear Actuator VJ-550 05/31/50 06/01/52 Breeze 5 CH 102 Main Landing Gear Actuator VJ-550 05/31/50 11/01/55 Breeze 5 CH 103 Power Units WEE-4-371, EE-4330 04/01/51 Air Assoc. 5 CH 103 Power Unit Assy. WEE-4-371, EE-4330, 04/01/55 M1, M2 Air Associates Inc. 5 CH 104 Power Units WEE-4-371, EE-4330 04/01/51 Air Assoc. 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 R-5500 Chicago Pneumatic 11/01/50 5 CH 104 Power Unit Assy. EE-4330, EE-4330M2, 04/01/55 WEE-4-371, WEE-4371M1 Air Assoc. 5 CH 105 Linear Actuator M-2975, M-297507/01/60 M2, M-2175-M3, M2175-M4, M-2175M5, M-2175-M6 Electronic Communications 5 CH 106 Linear Actuator M-2975, M-297507/01/60 M2, M-2175-M3, M2175-M4, M-2175M5, M-2175-M6 Electronic Communications 5 CH 108 Servo Motor Units Air Assoc. 5 5 CH CH 109 110 Cargo Discharge Actuator Cargo Discharge Actuator EE-3910, EE-391009/01/52 M1, EE-3483, EE3626 827130 02/01/51 827130-1, 827130-2 01/01/52 5 5 5 5 CH CH CH CH 111 112 114 115 Aircraft Actuator Aircraft Actuator Wing Flap Actuator Air Shut-Off Actuators CYLC Series CYLC Series M-3320 M-2905, M-2905M1 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Air Assoc. Air Assoc. 5 CH 116 Air Shut-Off Actuators M-2905, M-2905M1 03/01/53 Air Assoc. 5 CH 117 Air Shut-Off Actuator 08/01/54 Air Assoc. 5 CH 118 Air Shut-Off Actuator M-4150M1, M4150M2 M-4150M1 08/01/54 Air Assoc. 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 03/01/51 03/01/51 04/01/53 02/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 CH 119 Torque Actuator 03/01/51 29474, 29474-1, 30436, 30522, 30524, 30532, 305322 5 CH 119 Torque Actuator 29474, 29474-1, 03/01/51 05/15/55 AiResearch 30436, 30522, 30524, 30532, 305322 5 5 5 CH CH CH 121 122 126 Torque Actuator Actuator Assy. Linear Position Limit Three Gear Actuators 30400-1 30400-1 27054, 29200-2, 29456, 29642-2 02/15/51 04/15/57 AiResearch 04/15/57 AiResearch 07/01/57 Airesearch 5 CH 127 Linear Flap Actuators 27030-3, 31618, 28020-4 07/01/57 Airesearch 5 CH 128 Linear Flap Actuators 27030-3, 31618, 28020-4 07/01/57 Airesearch 5 CH 130 Linear Position Limit 2 Gear Actuators 28022-2, 29192-2, 29202-2R, 2920212R, 29260, 29522, 30602 05/15/57 Airesearch 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 AiResearch 5 CH 131 Linear Load Limit Actuators 27034-9, 27034-19, 27056-3, 28804-14, 28822-12, 2882212R, 28882-11, 29172-2, 29558-4, 30456, 30558-4 07/01/57 Airesearch 5 CH 132 Linear Load Limit Actuators 27034-9, 27034-19, 27056-3, 28804-14, 28822-12, 2882212R, 28882-11, 29172-2, 29558-4, 30456, 30558-4 07/01/57 Airesearch 5 CH 137 Canopy Actuator D357 12/01/50 5 CH 138 Canopy Actuator D357 11/12/54 5 CH 141 Camera Door Actuator 07/01/51 5 CH 142 Camera Door Actuator 5 CH 143 Actuator 1524D100, 1524D108, 1524D188 1524D100, 1524D108, 1524D188 R-412 Electrical Engr & Mfg Electrical Engr & Mfg Western Gear Works 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 07/01/51 Western Gear Works 02/01/51 Airborne Access. 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 5 CH 144 Actuator R-412 02/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 145 Actuator R-518 08/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 146 Actuator R-518 06/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 147 Actuator R-208M2 07/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 148 Actuator R-208M2 06/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 151 Actuator R-226M1 08/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 152 Actuator R-226M1 06/01/51 Airborne Access. 5 CH 153 9512A 04/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5 CH 154 9512A 04/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5 CH 155 9504 04/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5 CH 156 9504, 9504A 10/01/52 Hydro-Aire 5 CH 163 Oil Cooler Flight Door Actuator Assy. Oil Cooler Flight Door Actuator Assy. Carburetor Preheat Valve Actuator Assy. Carburetor Preheat Valve Actuator Assy. Canopy Actuator C824 12/01/50 5 CH 163 5 CH 5 164 Electro Mechanical Rotary Actuator Canopy Actuator C824C, C824C1 C824C, C824C1 CH 165 Cowl Flap Drive D139 5 CH 165 Cowl Flap Drive D139 5 CH 165 Cowl Flap Drive D139 Electrical Engr & Mfg 10/15/58 Electrical Engr & Mfg 10/01/58 Electrical Engr & Mfg 07/01/53 Electrical Engr & Mfg 07/01/53 11/15/53 Electrical Engr & Mfg 04/01/54 Electrical Engr & Mfg 1460 1461 1462 5 CH 166 Cowl Flap Drive D139 07/01/53 5 CH 167 548 02/01/51 5 CH 168 548 02/01/51 Rhodes-Lewis Co. 5 CH 169 Pilot's Enclosure Actuator Assy. Pilot's Enclosure Actuator Assy. Actuators Electrical Engr & Mfg Rhodes-Lewis Co. 5 CH 170 5 CH 5 R270M2-3, R244M1- 08/01/51 1, R246M1-1 Airborne Access. Actuators R270M2-3, R244M1- 08/01/51 1, R246M1-1 Airborne Access. 172 Tab Control Pulley Drive Assy., Elevator Tab Control Assy., Tab Control Actuator 4854-12-10, 4776-56- 05/01/55 4102, 4776-63-4102, 4576-53-10 Breeze CH 173 9582A 06/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5 CH 174 9582A 06/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5 CH 175 6202-3 09/15/51 White Rodgers 5 5 5 CH CH CH 177 178 182 Engine Air Plug Rotary Actuator Engine Air Plug Rotary Actuator Actuator Motor Assy. Air Duct Limit Control Electric Actuator Electric Actuator Actuator Trim Tab 22982 22982 40-2062025-19, 402062025-29 06/01/51 06/01/51 09/15/56 Saval Saval Glenn L. MArtin 5 5 5 CH CH CH 183 184 186 05/01/53 05/01/53 09/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Douglas 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 Actuator 1478-2-B Actuator 1478-2-B Actuating Mechanism, Nose 4173553 Wheel Steering Shutoff Valve 5 CH 189 Trim Tab Jack Assy. 240-0040612-0, 240- 03/01/53 0040612-2 Consolidated Vultee Aircraft 5 CH 189 405-100 02/01/60 5 CH 190 08/15/60 CH 192 AYLC 4766, AYLC 4766-1 700200 Federal Mfg & Engr Barber-Colman 5 09/01/60 Sierra Schroeder 5 CH 193 700300, C10031 09/01/60 Sierra Schroeder 5 CH 195 Helicopter Force Gradient Actuator Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Dual Valve & Actuator Assy. 5 CH 196 5 CH 197 5 CH 199 5 CH 200 5 CH 201 5 CH 202 5 CH 203 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 DYLZ 3990-1, DYLZ 02/01/61 3990-2, DYLZ 3991-1, DYLZ 3991-2 Barber-Colman Dual Valve & Actuator DYLZ 3990-1, DYLZ 02/01/61 3990-2, DYLZ 3991-1, DYLZ 3991-2 Barber-Colman Tandem Aileron Boost Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Linear Electromechanical Actuators & Direct Current Motor Linear Electromechanical Actuators & Direct Current Motor Rotary Electromechanical Actuator Set Rotary Electromechanical Actuator Set EA1204 Hucktrol 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 02/01/66 AL1028M4, 03/01/70 AL1028M4-1 541924-1-1, 541926- 02/01/67 3-1, 36778-1 Nash Controls 541924-1-1, 541926- 05/01/67 3-1, 36778-1 Airesearch 541390 02/01/70 Airesearch 541390 09/01/68 Airesearch Airesearch 5 CH 204 Electromechanical Linear Actuator 5 5 CH CH 501 504 5 CH 505 Actuator Actuator Horizontal Stabilizer Control, Oil Cooler Flap Temperature, Linear Jack, Power Unit 5 CH 512 Actuator BYLC 2561-4, BYLC 02/01/54 2218-1, BYLC 2307-1, BYLC 3533, BYLC 3729 5 CH 512 Actuator BYLC 2561-4, BYLC 02/01/54 07/01/54 Barber-Colman 2218-1, BYLC 2307-1, BYLC 3533, BYLC 3729 5 CH 513 Actuator BYLC 2561-4, BYLC 2218-1, BYLC 3533, BYLC 3729 02/01/54 5 CH 513 Actuator BYLC 2561-4, BYLC 2218-1, BYLC 3533, BYLC 3729 02/01/54 07/01/54 Barber-Colman 5 5 5 CH CH CH 514 515 516 Valve & Actuator Assy. Valve & Actuator Assy. Aircraft Actuators DYLZ 3704-1 DYLZ 3704-1 AYLC 3731, AYLC 2557 12/15/53 12/15/53 01/15/54 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 AL1028M5, AL1028M5-1, AL1028M5-2 1603, Style A R117 04/01/70 Nash Controls 02/01/48 07/01/50 Eclipse Pioneer Electrical Engr. 28810, 29252-1, 29252-2, 29208-3, EPU/-2-1 07/15/57 AiResearch Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 5 CH 516 Aircraft Actuators AYLC 3731, AYLC 2557, AYLC 3077 05/15/54 Barber-Colman 5 CH 516 Aircraft Actuators AYLC 3731, AYLC 2557, AYLC 3077 04/01/57 Barber-Colman 5 CH 517 Aircraft Actuators AYLC 3731, AYLC 2557, AYLC 3077 01/15/54 Barber-Colman 5 5 CH CH 519 521 Wing Flap Actuator Actuator M-5250M1 08/15/55 A7621-1F, A7621-1G 12/01/53 5 CH 522 Actuator A7619-6 12/01/53 5 CH 523 Actuator A7621-3, A7621-5 06/01/56 5 CH 525 Actuator A7618-4 12/01/53 5 CH 526 Actuator A7620-1 12/01/53 5 CH 527 Pilot's Seat Actuator EM1400, EM1400-1 08/01/55 Air Associates AeroproductAllison AeroproductAllison AeroproductAllison AeroproductAllison AeroproductAllison Embe 5 CH 528 Cylinder Control Booster 07/31/57 Hydra-Power 5 5 CH CH 530 534 Submersion Actuator Actuator HPA100100, HPA100100-A 979153 AAHL-B2 06/01/54 12/15/54 5 CH 535 Motor C728C, C728-2 09/01/56 5 CH 536 JYLC 3766-1 12/15/54 5 CH 537 JYLC 3766-1 12/15/54 Barber-Coleman 5 CH 539 Actuator, Linear Electro: Mechanical Actuator, Linear Electro: Mechanical Control Motor Kidde AeroproductAllison Electric Engr & Mfg Barber-Coleman FYLC 2386-1 12/15/54 Barber-Coleman 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 5 CH 541 Rudder Trim Actuator 16041A, 16041-B, 16041-C 01/01/63 Cleveland Pneumatic 5 CH 541 Rudder Trim Actuator 16041A, 16041-B, 16041-C 06/01/70 Cleveland Pneumatic 5 CH 542 Rudder Trim Actuator 16041A, 16041-B, 16041-C 04/01/77 Cleveland Pneumatic 5 5 5 5 CH CH CH CH 543 544 545 546 Bow Door Actuator Bow Door Actuator Iris Valve Actuator Assy. Hydraulic Actuator Assy. 5074 5074 DYLZ 3691 9313-100 03/15/55 03/15/55 04/15/56 02/01/56 5 CH 547 Cowl Flap Rotary Actuator M6520M2 03/01/56 Airproducts Airproducts Barber-Coleman Cleveland Pneumatic Air Associates 5 CH 548 30954-2, ETA08-8 05/01/56 Airesearch 5 CH 550 Electromechanial Torque Actuator Linear Actuator Assy. 6220, 6220A, 6220A- 06/01/59 3000, 6220B, 6220B3000, 16039C, 16039D, 16039D3000 Cleveland Pneumatic 5 CH 551 Linear Actuator Assy. 6220, 6220A, 6220A- 06/01/59 3000, 6220B, 6220B3000, 16039C, 16039D, 16039D3000 Cleveland Pneumatic 5 CH 552 Rudder Trim Tab Actuator A46-1-1, A46-1-1-2 11/01/56 Cam-Stat 5 CH 553 Ejection Seat Actuator Assy. 3449283, 3449283501 12/01/56 Douglas 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 5 5 CH CH 554 555 Motor & Brake Assy. Aircraft Tubular Oil Cooler AYLC 738-1 12/01/56 86782, OCTA110-2-1 06/01/57 Barber-Colman Airesearch 5 CH 556 Electromechanical Torque Actuator 31702-1, ETA05-106- 06/01/57 1, ETA05-106-2 Airesearch 5 CH 557 06/01/62 Airesearch 5 CH 558 Electromechanical Torque 31706-1 Actuator Hot Windshield Control Box CYLZ 2597-2 01/01/58 Barber-Colman 5 5 5 5 CH CH CH CH 564 565 566 567 Rotary Actuator Control Box Cylinder Booster Actuator Assy. BYLC 2254 CYLZ 2801 HP465100 102842-A 10/01/57 01/01/58 07/01/57 11/01/57 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Hydra-Power General Controls 5 CH 568 Actuator Assy. 11/01/57 General Controls 5 CH 569 04/01/58 Barber-Colman 5 CH 570 Cockpit Air Temperature Control Box Direct Current Motor 102842-A & Similar Parts CYLZ 2987-2 D949, C1180 10/01/58 5 CH 571 Radome Actuation System 26040 05/01/63 5 CH 572 Radome Actuation System 26040 06/01/59 5 CH 573 Hydraulic Actuator 6209C L/R, 6209D L/R, 6209E L/R 01/01/58 Electrical Engr & Mfg Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 5 CH 574 Hydraulic Actuator 6209C L/R, 6209D L/R, 6209E L/R 01/01/58 Cleveland Pneumatic 5 5 CH CH 575 577 Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. 150025 102842BH 04/01/58 08/01/58 Whittaker General Controls 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 5 5 CH CHA 662 1 Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators AYLC 4424 28862-2R2, 2886212R2 30922-14, 34922-2 10/01/57 10/01/51 Barber-Colman Airesearch 5 CHA 3 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 4 30922-14, 34922-2 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 5 30146-12, 34146-12 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 6 30146-12, 34146-12 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 9 28938-2, 31146-12 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 10 28938-2, 31146-12 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 11 28922-14, 29106120, 30940 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 12 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators 28922-14, 29106120, 30940 08/01/51 Airesearch 5 CHA 13 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators 28026-4, 28026-8, 29298-3, 29298-13, 30602, 30602-1, 30626, 31676 11/01/52 Airesearch 1555 1556 1557 5 CHA 13 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators 28026-4, 28026-8, 29298-3, 29298-13, 30602, 30602-1, 30626, 31676 11/01/52 09/15/53 Airesearch 5 CHA 13 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators 28026-4, 28026-8, 29298-3, 29298-13, 30602, 30602-1, 30626, 31676 11/01/52 05/01/55 Airesearch 5 CHA 13 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators 28026-4, 28026-8, 29298-3, 29298-13, 30602, 30602-1, 31676 08/01/57 Airesearch 5 CHA 14 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuators 28026-4, 28026-8, 29298-3, 29298-13, 30602, 30602-1, 31676 06/01/57 Airesearch 5 CHA 15 Electromechanical Linear Actuators 30914, 31532, 08/01/59 31658, 31732, 31774, 31786, 317981, 32912-1, 34484, 34520-1, 34554, 34914 Airesearch 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 5 CHA 16 Electromechanical Linear Actuators 5 CHA 17 5 CHA 18 5 CHA 18 5 CHA 18 5 CHA 19 5 CHA 20 5 CHA 21 5 CHA 22 5 CHA 25 Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuators 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 30914, 31532, 08/01/59 31658, 31732, 31774, 31786, 317981, 32912-1, 34484, 34520-1, 34554, 34914 Airesearch 05/01/57 Airesearch 03/01/55 Airesearch 03/01/55 05/01/55 Airesearch 05/01/57 Airesearch 30672-1 09/01/51 Airesearch 30672-1 09/01/51 Airesearch 30582, 31534 09/24/51 09/01/54 AiResearch 30582, 31584, 31534 01/01/56 AiResearch 31514-1, 31514-2 Airesearch 11/01/52 5 CHA 27 Electromechanical Linear Actuators 29244, 29656-4, 06/01/55 29656-6, 29656-7, 30518, 31752, 34546, 34640, ELA37, ELA3-89, ELA3107, ELA3-133, ELA3142 Airesearch 5 CHA 28 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator 29244, 29656-4, 06/01/55 29656-6, 29656-7, 30518, 31752, 34546, 34640, ELA37, ELA3-89, ELA3107, ELA3-133, ELA3142 Airesearch 5 CHA 29 31520 05/01/52 Airesearch 5 CHA 30 31520 05/01/52 Airesearch 5 CHA 31 34988-8 04/15/62 Airesearch 5 CHA 32 38032-1 03/01/61 Airesearch 5 CHA 33 525054, EPU1-12-1 12/01/59 Airesearch 5 CHA 34 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Torque Actuator Airesearch 5 CHA 35 30678-15, ETA05-183- 12/01/59 1 525354, 525354-1, 05/01/63 525354-3-1 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 Electromechanical Linear Actuators Airesearch 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 5 CHA 36 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuators Electromechanical Rotary Actuators 525140 06/01/60 Airesearch 5 CHA 37 525034 04/01/77 Airesearch 5 CHA 38 525036 06/01/60 Airesearch 5 CHA 39 34538, 34538-4 02/01/64 Airesearch 5 CHA 40 34538, 34538-4 02/01/64 Airesearch 5 CHA 41 36900-2, 36900-4, 09/01/65 540158-2, 540158-3, 540158-4, 540158-42, 540158-5, 5401585-2 Airesearch 5 CHA 44 Electromechanical Linear Actuator & Aircraft DC Motor Wing Slat Actuator Center Gearbox Assy. Electromechanical Rotary Actuator & Aircraft A-C Motor Electromechanical Linear Actuators & DC Motor 525520-1, 48229 11/01/65 Airesearch 5 CHA 45 1372R140 04/01/65 Western Gear 5 CHA 46 525708, 46324 02/01/64 Airesearch 5 CHA 50 540658-15-1, 541168- 10/01/65 1-1, 36778-1 Airesearch 5 CHA 51 Electromechanical Linear Actuators & DC Motor 540658-15-1, 541168- 10/01/65 1-1, 36778-1 Airesearch 5 CHA 52 Electromechanical Linear Actuator 525918-3-1 Airesearch 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 07/01/65 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 5 CHA 55 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator & Aircraft DC Motor Electromechanical Linear Actuators 540200-3 04/01/64 Airesearch 5 CHA 56 540200-3 11/01/63 Airesearch 5 CHA 57 525854-1 05/01/65 Airesearch 5 CHA 58 525854-1 05/01/65 Airesearch 5 CHA 59 541928-1-1 06/01/78 Airesearch 5 CHA 60 541928-1-1 03/01/68 Airesearch 5 CHA 61 525858 05/01/65 Airesearch 5 CHA 62 541146-1-1 10/01/65 Airesearch 5 CHA 63 540302-1, 48222-1 11/01/65 Airesearch 5 CHA 64 541042-1-1, 541042- 05/01/76 1-2, 541042-3-1, 541042-4-1, 5419941-1 Airesearch 5 CHA 65 Electromechanical Linear Actuators 541042-1-1, 541042- 05/01/70 1-2, 541042-3-1, 541042-4-1, 5419941-1 Airesearch 5 CHA 501 Torque Actuators 30400-10, 30400-11, 04/01/62 31698-1 Airesearch 1602 1603 1604 1605 5 CHA 502 Torque Actuators 30400-10, 30400-11, 04/01/62 31698-1 Airesearch 5 5 CHA CHA 503 504 Linear Flap Actuator Linear Actuator 05/01/56 08/01/56 Airesearch Airesearch 5 CHA 506 12/01/56 Airesearch 5 CHA 507 07/01/62 Airesearch 5 CHA 508 Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Torque Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuators 25783-1 28026-40, ELA3-1571 29474-5, ETA05-1561 30982-1 31512, -1, ELA3-97-1, 09/01/57 ELA3-97-2, ELA3-973, ELA3-174-1 Airesearch 5 CHA 509 31552-1, ELA20-34 10/01/56 Airesearch 5 CHA 510 31552-1, ELA20-34 10/01/56 Airesearch 5 CHA 511 31586-2 01/01/63 Airesearch 5 CHA 512 31798-2, ELA3-112 06/01/56 Airesearch 5 CHA 513 31964-120, ELL1-408 10/01/56 Airesearch 5 CHA 514 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator 31972-1, ELA8-51-1, 12/01/56 ELA8-51-2 Airesearch 5 CHA 515 34548, ELA7-13-1 05/01/57 Airesearch 5 CHA 516 34622, ELA20-43 03/01/57 Airesearch 5 CHA 517 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator 34622, ELA20-43 03/01/57 Airesearch 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 5 CHA 518 Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuators Electromechanical Linear Actuator Linear Actuator 34636-2, ETA7-3-4 07/01/57 Airesearch 5 CHA 519 34622-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 5 CHA 520 39622-1 04/01/62 Airesearch 5 CHA 521 38090-1, 38090-3 09/01/62 Airesearch 5 CHA 522 35158, ELA2-9-1 12/01/57 Airesearch 5 CHA 523 29642-4, ELA20-45-1 11/01/59 Airesearch 5 CHA 524 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuators 31964-12, ELL1-349- 12/01/57 1 38202-1, ETA05-220- 02/01/60 1 38222-2, 38222-3, 03/01/59 ELA2-42-1, ELA2-43-1 Airesearch 5 CHA 526 5 CHA 527 5 CHA 528 525202, ELA2-45-1 05/01/59 Airesearch 525162-1, ELA2-44-1 06/01/59 Airesearch 1 2 3 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Oil Cooler Door Drive Oil Cooler Door Drive Ladder Actuator 5 CHA 529 5 5 5 CHB CHB CHB D151, D151-1 D151, D151-1 D2120-3 08/01/51 08/01/51 04/01/74 Electrical Engr Electrical Engr EEMCO Div Daytron Systems 5 CHB 501 Linear Actuator R149 12/01/62 CHB 502 Linear Actuator R149 02/01/58 EEMCO Div Electronic Specialty Electrical Engr & Mfg 5 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 Airesearch Airesearch 5 CHC 2 GYLC 3250-1, GYLC 3678 05/01/53 Barber-Colman 3 Aircraft Actuators: Components of Temp. Control System Aircraft Actuators 5 CHC GYLC 3156, GYLC 3550-4, GYLC 4029 06/01/54 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 4 Aircraft Actuators GYLC 3156, GYLC 3550-4, GYLC 4029 06/01/54 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 5 Aircraft Actuators JYLC 3670-1, JYLC 3909, JYLC 3909-1, JYLC 3909-2 10/01/54 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 6 Aircraft Actuators JYLC 3670-1, JYLC 3909, JYLC 3909-1, JYLC 3909-2 10/01/54 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 7 RYLC 4900-2 02/01/59 Barber-Colman 5 5 5 5 CHC CHC CHC CHC 8 9 12 14 KYLC 4694-2 CYLZ 4695-1 CYLZ 4807-3 AYLC 3479 02/01/59 01/01/59 10/01/60 08/01/60 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 5 CHC 15 EYLC 3757-3 08/01/60 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 16 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Control Box, Hydro Flap Temperature Control Box Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Valve & Actuator Assy. 02/01/61 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 17 DYLZ 6263, BYLB 7606 GYLC 6962 05/01/61 Barber-Colman 5 5 5 5 CHC CHC CHC CHC 18 19 20 21 BYLB 7506 BYLB 7520 DYLZ5858-1 PYLB 7186-1 11/01/64 10/01/63 10/01/63 01/01/67 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Valve & Actuator Assy. Valve & Actuator Assy. Valve & Actuator Assy. Poppet Valve 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 5 CHC 22 Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Poppet Valve Valve & Actuator Assy. Valve & Actuator Assy. Valve & Actuator Assy. Electromechanical Linear Load Limit Actuator FYLC 7683-4 04/01/65 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 23 GYLC 3778-1, GYLC 3778-2 HYLC 7684 07/01/61 Barber-Colman 5 CHC 24 12/01/64 Barber-Colman 5 5 5 5 5 CHC CHC CHC CHC CHC 26 27 27 32 59 07/01/64 03/01/80 08/01/65 09/01/63 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 5 CHC 501 JYLC 3670-3A 06/01/57 Barber-Colman 503 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electronic Control Box 5 CHC Barber-Colman CHC 504 Electronic Control Box 5 CHC 505 Rotary Actuator CYLZ 4807-1, CYLZ 01/01/59 4807-2 CYLZ 4807-1, CYLZ 01/01/59 4807-2 FYLC 2981, FYLC 07/01/58 2981-1, FYLC 2981-2 5 5 5 CHC CHC 506 508 CYLZ 2933 CYLZ 3465-1 07/01/58 07/01/58 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 5 CHC 510 DYLZ 5477 07/01/57 Barber-Colman 5 5 5 CHC CHC CHC 511 512 513 Control Box Windshield Heater Cycling Control Box Valve & Actuator Assy., 1.5" Butterfly Valve & Actuator Assy. Mixing Valve Actuator Pneumatic Slide Valve, 1.5" DYLZ 5478 04/01/62 GYLC 4151 11/01/57 DYLZ 4820-3, DYLZ 01/01/59 4820-4, DYLZ 4820-5 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 5 5 CHC CHC 514 516 Aircraft Control Motor Actuator BYLC 2870-1 FYLC 3196-1 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 PYLB 8707 BYLB 9047 BYLB 9047 BYLB 8388-1 KYLC 4248-2, KYLC 4248-3, KYLC 4248-4 07/01/58 07/01/58 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 1674 1675 1676 1677 5 5 CHC CHD 518 1 Linear Actuator Actuator JYLG 5299 R-270M8 5 CHD 4 Actuator 5 CHD 7 Actuator 5 CHD 8 Actuator R-110M1-1, R-110M4- 03/01/52 1 R-174M1-1, R-174M1- 04/01/52 2 R-174-1, R-174-2, R- 04/15/52 174-3 5 CHD 10 Actuator 5 CHD 11 Actuator R-252M3-1, R-252M3- 07/01/52 2 R-118M3 07/01/52 5 CHD 14 Linear Actuator Assy. R-224M5 08/01/62 5 CHD 15 Actuator R-534 07/01/52 5 CHD 19 Actuator R-122M3, R-122M3-1 07/01/52 5 CHD 20 Actuator 5 CHD 21 Actuator R-122M1-1, R-122M1- 07/01/52 2 R-622M1 07/01/52 5 CHD 22 Actuator R-404 09/01/55 5 CHD 23 Actuator R-144M11-2 07/01/52 5 CHD 26 Actuator R-118M6-1 12/01/52 5 CHD 28 Actuator R-420M11 12/01/52 5 CHD 29 Actuator R-270M2-2M 12/01/52 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 07/01/58 08/01/51 Barber-Colman Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 5 CHD 30 Actuator 5 CHD 31 Actuator R-502M2-1, R-502M2- 05/01/53 2 R-118M12 06/01/53 5 CHD 32 Actuator R422M4, R422M4-1 06/01/53 5 CHD 33 Actuator R-420M15-2 05/01/53 5 CHD 34 Actuator R-118M11 06/01/53 5 CHD 35 Actuator R-118M9 06/01/53 5 CHD 37 Rotary Actuator Assy. R-420M25 08/01/62 5 CHD 39 Actuator R-294-2 12/01/53 5 CHD 46 Linear Actuator R-5126-1, R-5126M1, 06/01/59 R-5128-1 5 CHD 50 Rotary Actuator R-4104-1 06/01/59 5 CHD 54 LA12-1, LA12-1-1 04/01/66 5 CHD 55 RA12-2 02/01/60 5 CHD 56 R-1174M1 03/01/60 5 CHD 57 R-1422M4 03/01/60 5 CHD 58 R-5170M34-2 10/01/60 5 CHD 59 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator L16-8-1 02/01/65 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories 1707 5 CHD 61 5 CHD 62 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Assy. 5 CHD 63 Linear Actuator Assy. 5 CHD 64 Linear Actuator Assy. R-144M39, R12/01/64 144M39-1, R144M392 R-144M39, R12/01/64 144M39-1, R144M392 R584M7, R584M7-1 12/15/64 5 CHD 65 Rotary Actuator Assy. R1694-1 5 CHD 66 Screwjack Assy. 11/01/65 5 CHD 67 Rotary Actuator Assy. R-532M28, R532M28-1, R532M28-11, R532M28-111 R-4610 5 CHD 68 Rotary Actuator Assy. R-4610 02/01/62 5 CHD 69 L16-35-2 05/01/65 5 CHD 70 R5170M34-3 05/01/62 5 CHD 71 R5170M34-3 05/01/62 5 CHD 72 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Assy. R584M13 08/01/62 5 CHD 73 DC Motor & Brake Assy. E-520M11-1 06/01/62 5 CHD 74 DC Motor & Brake Assy. E-1122, E-1122-1, E- 07/01/62 1122-3, E-1122-4 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 R-1501, R-1501M1 01/01/61 02/01/62 Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 5 CHD 75 Linear Actuator Assy. R1596M5 06/01/63 5 CHD 75 Linear Actuator Assy. R1596M5 07/01/76 5 CHD 76 Linear Actuator R1584M9 12/01/62 5 CHD 77 Linear Actuator R1584M9 12/01/62 5 CHD 81 R1527-5 12/01/81 5 CHD 82 R1527-5 06/01/83 5 CHD 83 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Linear Actuator LA16-25 08/01/66 5 CHD 85 Magnetic Brake Assy. R420M20-1 05/01/67 5 CHD 86 Rotary Actuator Assy. R-422M4-4 12/01/67 5 CHD 87 5 CHD 88 5 CHD 89 Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Linear Actuator RG12240D, RG12240- 05/01/70 1 RG12240D, RG12240- 05/01/70 1 R584M45 10/01/72 5 CHD 91 R450M24 08/01/73 Plessey Dynamics 5 CHD 501 Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Assy. Actuator 07/01/53 5 CHD 501 Actuator 5 CHD 502 5 CHD 503 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Actuator R-144M12-1,R144M12 -2 R-144M12-1,R144M12 -2 R-144M23, R144M23-1 R-420M18-1 Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories 07/01/53 08/01/62 06/01/56 Airborne Accessories Plessey Dynamics Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Lear Siegler Lear Siegler Plessey Dynamics 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 5 CHD 504 Linear Actuator Assy. R-122M3-2 03/01/56 5 CHD 505 CHD 506 R-1441M11-3, R1441M11-4 R-404M1 08/01/58 5 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Actuator 5 CHD 507 Actuator R-430M8-1 04/01/55 5 CHD 508 Actuator R-622M1-1 04/01/55 5 CHD 510 Motor & Brake E-520M8 07/01/56 5 CHD 512 Motor & Brake E-2500M2-1 04/01/56 5 CHD 513 Motor & Brake E-200M19 07/01/56 5 CHD 514 Motor & Brake E-200M4-1 06/01/56 5 CHD 515 Motor & Brake Assy. E-200M18-2 06/01/62 5 CHD 516 Motor & Brake E-200M21 07/01/56 5 CHD 517 Motor & Brake 12/01/56 5 CHD 518 Motor & Brake E-1600M8, E1600M8-1 E-1600M9 5 CHD 519 Motor & Brake E-2200M4 02/01/57 5 CHD 523 Rotary Actuator Assy. R-420M27 04/01/56 5 CHD 524 Electromechanical Linear Actuator R-270M2-2M-2, R270M2-2M-3 09/01/57 07/01/56 06/01/56 Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories 1754 5 CHD 525 Linear Actuator Assy. R-1504-2 5 CHD 526 Electromechanical Linear Actuator R1504M5, R1504M5- 08/01/62 5, R1504M5-6 5 CHD 527 Linear Actuator Assy. R-1504 12/01/56 5 CHD 528 R-574-3 05/01/57 5 CHD 529 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Anglgear Assy. R-310M5 12/01/56 5 CHD 530 5 CHD 531 R220M2-4, R220M2- 02/01/64 5 R-1528 07/01/58 5 CHD 532 5 CHD 533 Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator 5 CHD 534 R-1524, R1524-1 08/01/58 5 CHD 536 R450M7 05/01/65 5 CHE 1 891-001 09/01/51 Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Rhodes-Lewis 5 CHE 2 891-001 09/01/51 Rhodes-Lewis 5 CHF 1 Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Cockpit Enclosure Actuator Assy. Cockpit Enclosure Actuator Assy. ASE Actuator A02H6000-9, A02H600-10, A02H600-11, A02H600-12, A02H600-13, A02H600-14 05/01/65 Boeing-Vertol 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 R-5170M19 09/01/56 07/01/58 R584M8, R584M8-1, 10/01/62 R584M8-1-1 Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories Airborne Accessories 5 CHF 1 ASE Actuator A02H6000-9, 03/01/66 A02H6000-10, A02H6000-11, A02H6000-12, A02H6000-13, A02H6000-14 5-37006-1, 5-37006- 01/01/53 2, 5-37006-3 Boeing-Vertol 5 CHF 5 Trim Tab Coordination Actuator Assy. 5 5 CHG CHG 2 3 Linear Actuator Assy. Power Unit Assy. 410 Series 108AB, 108AB-1, 108AB-3, 108S, 108Y, 108Y-1 10/01/51 02/01/54 Lear Lear 5 CHG 4 Power Unit Assy. 108AB, 108AB-1, 108AB-3, 108S, 108Y, 108Y-1 02/01/54 Lear 5 CHG 5 Power Unit 24930-02, 33312-01, 09/01/55 36660-03, 81907-01, 81907-02, 35878-06, 79077-01, 94700-03, 24930-03, 92880, 92998-01 Lear 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 Boeing 5 CHG 5 Power Unit 24930-02, 33312-01, 09/01/55 11/01/56 Lear 36660-03, 81907-01, 81907-02, 35878-06, 79077-01, 94700-03, 24930-03, 92880, 92998-01 5 CHG 5 Power Unit 156A, 156A-AL, 156A- 01/01/58 AW-2C, 156A-AW2D, 156A-AW-3C, 156A-AW-3D, 156ABD, 156A-CR, 156ACY-1A, 156A-D, 156ADA-1, 156A-DC Lear 5 CHG 6 Power Unit 24930-02, 33312-01, 09/01/55 36660-03, 81907-01, 81907-02, 35878-06, 79077-01, 94700-03, 24930-03, 92880, 92998-01 Lear 1774 1775 1776 5 CHG 6 Power Unit 24930-02, 33312-01, 09/01/55 11/01/56 Lear 36660-03, 81907-01, 81907-02, 35878-06, 79077-01, 94700-03, 24930-03, 92880, 92998-01 5 CHG 6 Power Unit Assy. 156A, 156A-AL, 156A- 01/01/58 AW-2C, 156A-AW2D, 156A-AW-3C, 156A-AW-3D, 156ABD, 156A-CR, 156ACY-1A, 156A-D, 156ADA-1, 156A-DC Lear 5 5 5 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG 7 8 9 10 14 15 Power Unit Assy. Power Unit Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Power Unit Assy. Screwjack 158 Series 158 Series 189 Series 189 Series 150C, 150H 30596-02, 30596-03, 31129-01, 31129-03, 31129-04, 72909-01 Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 08/01/52 06/01/55 06/01/52 02/01/52 10/01/53 02/01/59 5 CHG 16 Screwjack 30596-02, 30596-03, 02/01/59 31129-01, 31129-03, 31129-04, 72909-01 Lear 5 5 CHG CHG 18 19 Screwjack Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. 568 Series 07/01/52 401AE-1, 401AF-1, 06/01/53 401AG-1, 401AL, 401AP, 401AP-1, 401AT, 401AT-1, 401S-2, 401T-2, 401V2 Lear Lear 5 CHG 20 Linear Actuator Assy. 401AE-1, 401AF-1, 05/01/56 401AG-1, 401AL, 401AP, 401AP-1, 401AT, 401AT-1, 401S-2, 401T-2, 401V2 Lear 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. 105555-04 423 Series 423 Series 477 Series 477 Series 477 Series 400 Series 400 Series 390 Series Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 02/01/59 06/01/55 06/01/55 11/01/54 11/01/54 11/01/55 12/01/55 01/01/55 03/01/52 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Rotary Actuator Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator 390 Series 396 Series 396 Series 11/01/51 03/01/54 03/01/54 04/01/59 04/01/59 181 Series 06/01/55 181 Series 06/01/55 163 Series 11/01/51 41435-03, 41435-04, 09/01/58 41435-05, 41435-06, 41435-07, 41435-08, 85257-01, 85257-05, 94554-01, 84554-02 Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 5 CHG 40 Rotary Actuator 41435-03, 41435-04, 09/01/58 41435-05, 41435-06, 41435-07, 41435-08, 85257-01, 85257-05, 94554-01, 84554-02 Lear 5 CHG 55 Power Unit Assy. Lear 5 CHG 56 Power Unit Assy. 197N, 197N-1, 197P, 07/01/55 197T R82LA-197N, R82LA- 07/01/55 197P, R82LA-197T 1806 1807 1808 1809 Lear 1810 1811 5 CHG 57 Linear Actuator Assy. 5 CHG 58 Linear Actuator Assy. 5 CHG 59 Rotary Actuator Assy. 5 CHG 59 Rotary Actuator Assy. 111B, 111BJ-1, 111CJ, 111CR, 111CW-1, 111DC, 111DH, 111ED, 111ED-1, 111J 12/01/54 Lear 5 CHG 60 Rotary Actuator Assy. 111B, 111BJ-1, 111CJ, 111CR, 111CW-1, 111DC, 111DH, 111ED, 111ED-1, 111J 12/01/54 Lear 5 CHG 62 Power Unit Assy. 154C, 154D, 154D-1, 06/01/53 154D-2 Lear 1812 1813 1814 1815 409A, 409A-1, 409E, 11/01/54 Lear 409H 409A, 409A-1, 409E, 11/01/54 Lear 409H 111B, 111BJ-1, 111BJ- 07/01/53 12/01/54 Lear 2, 111BL-1, 111CJ, 111CR, 111CW-1, 111DC, 111DH, 111ED, 111ED-1, 111J 5 CHG 62 Power Unit Assy. 154C, 154D, 154D-1, 11/01/54 154D-2 5 CHG 63 Power Unit Assy. 5 CHG 63 Power Unit 159AE, 159AJ, 07/15/53 11/01/54 Lear 159AT, 159BE 21355-25, 21355-26, 01/01/59 Lear 21355-31, 41177-01, 87127-01, 87127-02 5 CHG 64 Power Unit 21355-25, 21355-26, 01/01/59 21355-31, 41177-01, 87127-01, 87127-02 Lear 5 CHG 65 Power Unit Assy. 206C, 206S-2, 206S-3 06/01/53 Lear 5 CHG 66 Power Unit Assy. 206C, 206S-2, 206S-3 06/01/53 Lear 5 CHG 67 Linear Actuator Assy. 420A, 420CF, 420CK- 08/01/54 1, 420CR, 420DC, 420DK-1, 420DP-1, 420E-2, 420EA-L, 420EA-R, 420EF, 420FE, 420FG, 420W2 Lear 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 Lear 5 CHG 68 Linear Actuator Assy. 420A, 420CF, 420CK- 08/01/54 1, 420CR, 420DC, 420DK-1, 420DP-1, 420E-2, 420EA-L, 420EA-R, 420EF, 420FE, 420FG, 420W2 Lear 5 CHG 81 Rotary Actuator Assy. 186A-2, 186A-3, 186AE-L, 186AE-R 03/01/54 Lear 5 CHG 82 Rotary Actuator Assy. 186A-2, 186A-3, 186AE-L, 186AE-R 03/01/54 Lear 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG 83 84 87 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 95 Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Rotary Actuator Linear Actuator Rotary Actuator Rotary Actuator Pressure Selector Incorporation of Drain Holes to Cowl Flap Actuator 196J, 196K-1 196J, 196K-1 203A-1 203A-1 203A-1 125767-01 123250-02 300325-01 129532-02 300517-01 122638-01 158AY 06/01/54 06/01/54 10/30/54 04/01/55 10/01/54 06/01/59 07/01/59 04/01/60 01/01/61 02/01/61 01/01/61 03/01/54 Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 5 CHG 96 Linear Actuator 02/01/66 413CJ, 413CJ-1, 413CK, 413DF, 413DF1 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 Lear Siegler 5 CHG 97 Linear Actuator 413CJ, 413CJ-1, 02/01/66 413CK, 413DF, 413DF1 Lear Siegler 5 5 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG CHG CHG 501 503 504 520 521 Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Rotary Actuator Rotary Actuator 394E-1 118881-01 118881-01 111DP 85257-02, 85257-12 06/01/55 01/01/58 01/01/58 05/01/55 11/01/58 Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG 522 524 525 Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator 03/01/60 10/01/55 11/01/59 Lear Lear Lear 5 CHG 526 Linear Actuator Assy. 84694-01 423CN 105906-02, 10590603 110432-03, 454A-1L 09/01/56 Lear 5 CHG 527 Linear Actuator Assy. 110432-04, 454A-1R 09/01/56 Lear 5 CHG 528 Rotary Actuator Assy. 100866-02, 196K-2 08/01/56 Lear 5 5 CHG CHG 529 531 Linear Actuator Linear Actuator 112700-03 114410-01, 434AV 02/01/58 01/01/58 Lear Lear 5 5 5 CHG CHG CHG 532 533 534 Linear Actuator Linear Actuator Rotary Actuator 02/01/58 02/01/58 11/01/60 Lear Lear Lear 5 CHH 1 08/01/51 5 CHH 3 Search Reflector Servo Actuator Bomb Bay Door Actuator Assy. 103175-02 103175-01 122715-01, 12271502 1533E18 1447E4 06/01/52 Western Gear Works Western Gear Works 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 5 CHH 4 P2V Bomb Bay Door Actuator 1448E00, 1449E00, 1467E00, 1468E00 06/15/52 5 CHH 4 P2V Bomb Bay Door Actuators 1448E00, 1449E00, 1467E00, 1468E00 06/01/55 5 CHH 5 P2V Bomb Bay Door Actuators 1448E00, 1449E00, 1467E00, 1468E00 06/01/52 5 CHH 6 Dispenser Actuator Assy. 1579E0, 1517E5, 1652E1 09/01/56 Western Gear 5 CHH 7 Dispenser Actuator Assy. 1579E0, 1517E5, 1652E1 09/01/56 Western Gear 5 CHH 21 Engine Accessory Drive Shaft 1787E3, 1787E79, 1787E88 08/01/59 Western Gear 5 CHH 23 Sight Gage Assy. & Accessory 3811225, 1366E18 Drive Gearbox Assy. 07/01/62 Douglas & Western Gear 5 CHH 24 Primary Bomb Door Actuator 1447E4-2 10/01/61 Western Gear 5 CHH 25 Bomb Door Actuator 1753E1, 1754E1, 1751E1, 1752E1 11/01/61 Western Gear 5 CHH 26 Bomb Door Actuator, Aft Intermediate 1600E1, 1601E1 12/01/69 Western Gear 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 Western Gear Works 5 CHH 27 Actuator Assy. 5 CHH 28 5 CHH 29 5 CHH 30 Forward Angle Gear Box 1376E11 Assy. Right Aft Angle Gear Box 1377E39 Assy. Left Aft Angle Gear Box Assy. 1377E40 5 5 5 CHH CHH CHH 31 501 502 Wing Flap Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. 5 CHH 503 5 5 5 5 5 CHH CHH CHH CHH CHH 5 5 CHH CHH 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 Western Gear 12/01/64 Western Gear 12/01/64 Western Gear 1378E30 1441EO 1646E1, 1647E1, 1658E1, 1677E1, 1698E1, 1703E1 12/01/64 11/01/54 11/01/54 Western Gear Western Gear Western Gear Actuator Assy. 1646E1, 1647E1, 1658E1, 1677E1, 1698E1, 1703E1 11/01/54 Western Gear 504 506 507 508 509 Air Operated Hoist Air Operated Winch Air Operated Winch Air Operated Hoist Air Operated 4-Way Valve 1612E4 1612E5 1612E5 1612E4 1612D51 11/01/54 11/01/54 11/01/54 11/15/54 01/01/55 Western Gear Western Gear Western Gear Western Gear Western Gear 510 511 D-C Motor Angle Drives A57D001 1618E30, 1618E55, 1766E1, 1766E45 09/01/54 02/01/56 Western Design Western Gear 1875 1880 1881 1882 Western Gear 11/01/64 1874 1876 1877 1878 1879 1373E178, 1374E34, 12/01/64 1375E80 5 CHH 512 Angle Drives 1618E30, 1618E55, 1766E1, 1766E45 02/01/56 Western Gear 5 CHH 513 1589E1 03/01/55 Western Gear 5 5 CHH CHH 514 515 Dual Hydraulic Pump Adapter Assy. Air Motor P2V Bomb Bay Door Actuators 1612D264 1742E1, 1743E1, 1744E1, 1745E1 03/01/55 03/01/56 Western Gear Western Gear 5 CHH 516 P2V Bomb Bay Door Actuators 1742E1, 1743E1, 1744E1, 1745E1 03/01/56 Western Gear 5 CHH 517 D-C Electric Motor S28YC2BT, 1652D32 04/01/56 5 5 CHH CHH 518 519 Wing Flap Actuator Cargo Rescue Hoist: Winch 130533-3 1769E1, 1860E50, 1860E10, 1904E1 5 CHH 520 Canopy Actuator 1965E100, 1965E118 04/01/57 Western Gear 5 CHJ 1 Servo Unit 1405-3 5 CHJ 2 Servo Unit 03/01/52 5 5 CHK CHK 1 2 Elevator Actuator Assy. Elevator Actuator Assy. 02/01/52 02/01/52 Bewley Engineering Co. Bewley Engineering Co. Breeze Breeze 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 09/01/56 04/01/57 03/01/52 Electro Products/Western Gear Western Gear Western Gear 5 CHK 3 Nose Gear Actuator VJ-1209, VJ-200, VJ1217, V122-1-B, V122-1-A, V122-1-C 12/01/55 Breeze 5 CHK 4 Nose Gear Actuator VJ-1209, VJ-200, VJ1217, V122-1-B, V122-1-A, V122-1-C 07/01/54 Breeze 5 5 5 CHK CHK CHK 5 6 7 4569-16-20 4569-16-20 4576-50-10 05/01/52 05/01/52 09/01/52 Breeze Breeze Breeze 5 CHK 9 VJ-964, V203-1-A 01/01/53 Breeze 5 CHK 501 Actuator Actuator Tab Control Actuator & Bracket Assy. Actuator, Main Landing Gear Retracting Actuator Assy., Aileron Artificial Feel Trim AL-1910, AL-1423-1, 03/01/58 303-1-A, 303-1-B Breeze 5 CHK 502 Actuator Assy., Aileron Artificial Feel Trim AL-1910, AL-1423-1, 03/01/58 303-1-A, 303-1-B Breeze 5 CHK 503 AL-1287-14, 304-1-A 05/01/55 Breeze 5 CHK 504 AL-1287-14, 304-1-A 05/01/55 Breeze 5 CHK 505 AL-1192-2, 301-1-B 04/01/57 Breeze 5 CHK 506 AL-1192-2, 301-1-B 04/01/57 Breeze 5 5 5 5 CHK CHK CHK CHK 507 508 509 510 Actuator Assy., Elevator Trim Tab Actuator Assy., Elevator Trim Tab Engine Air Throttle Actuator Assy. Engine Air Throttle Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. AL-2853 AL-2853 AL-2854 AL-2854 11/01/58 11/01/58 11/01/58 11/01/58 Breeze Breeze Breeze Breeze 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 5 CHK 511 Actuator Assy. AL-2847, AL-2847-2, 04/01/60 AL-2847-3, 338-1-B, 338-3-A, 338-3-B Breeze 5 CHK 512 AL-2931, 348-1-A 03/01/58 Breeze 5 CHK 513 AL-2930, 347-1-A 03/01/58 Breeze 5 5 CHL CHL 1 2 Hydraulic Nose Gear Actuator Assy. Emergency Shift Control Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. Linear Trim Actuator Assy. 617712A 1608M1 01/01/63 09/01/64 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 5 5 CHM 1 CHM 1 D10-4, D10-6 6-3277 08/01/53 07/01/65 Jack & Heintz Lionel-Pacific 5 5 5 5 CHN CHN CHP CHP 1 2 2 17 WE-1514 WE-1514 4020, 4030-1 03/01/65 03/01/65 11/01/51 05/01/65 Wadell Wadell Hoover Electric Hoover Electric 5 CHP 19 3070-2, 3070-22 04/01/63 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 20 04/01/63 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 21 02/01/66 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 22 3850, 3850-1, 4060, 4060-1 3600-1, 3780-1, 6390, 6430 4150-1, 4150-2 02/01/64 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 23 4150-1, 4150-2 09/01/61 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 24 4270-55 09/01/62 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 25 4270-55 09/01/62 Hoover Electric 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Rotary Actuator Hydraulic Linear Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy. Wing Flap Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 5 CHP 501 Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Wing Flap Actuator D1430, D1430-2, D1430-3 D1430, D1430-2, D1430-3 D1540, D1540-1 03/01/61 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 502 03/01/61 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 503 03/01/58 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 505 Stabilizer Bungee Trim Actuator Stabilizer Bungee Trim Actuator Leading Edge Droop Actuator Leading Edge Droop Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator D1850, D1850-1 09/01/57 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 506 D1850, D1850-1 09/01/57 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 507 D1890 04/01/56 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 508 D1890 04/01/56 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 509 D1900, D1900-2, D1900-3 D1900, D1900-2, D1900-3 D1870, D1870-1 05/01/60 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 510 05/01/60 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 511 02/01/59 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 512 D1870, D1870-1 02/01/59 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 513 D1840-2, D1840-3, D1840-4 08/01/58 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 514 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator D1840-2, D1840-3, D1840-4 08/01/58 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 515 D1830, D1830-2 05/01/61 Hoover Electric 5 CHP 516 D1830, D1830-2 05/01/61 Hoover Electric 5 CHQ 1 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Linear Actuator EST-LA 1505-5, LA 1505-2 11/01/52 Eastman 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 5 CHQ 2 Linear Actuator EST-LA 1505-5, LA 11/01/52 1505-2 LA-2015-7, LA-2015- 03/01/54 8, LA-2015-9, LA2015-10 Eastman 5 CHQ 501 Linear Actuators 5 CHQ 502 Linear Actuators LA-2015-7, LA-2015- 03/01/54 8, LA-2015-9, LA2015-10 Eastman 5 CHQ 503 Linear Actuator Assy. FC 600-13, FC 60014, FC 600-15, FC 600-16 12/01/54 Eastman 5 CHR 1 24793 06/01/52 Adel 5 CHR 2 24793 06/01/52 Adel 5 CHT 3 37E500154G006 08/01/65 General Electric 5 5 5 CHT CHT CHT 4 5 9 169D935G2 169D935G2 37C300431G001 04/01/63 04/01/63 12/01/63 General Electric General Electric General Electric 5 CHT 10 Supercharger Control Actuator Supercharger Control Actuator Actuator & Overspeed Control Assy. Frequency Control Box Frequency Control Box Actuator & Overspeed Control Assy. Inverter 32B50-4-B 06/01/64 Bendix-Red Bank 5 5 5 5 CHT CHT CHT CHT 12 13 14 15 Frequency Control Box Frequency Control Box Frequency Control Box Variable Geometry Actuator 538D888P1 538D888P1 538D888P1 1334-623593, 37D402077P107, T64 11/01/64 11/15/64 11/01/64 12/01/64 General Electric General Electric General Electric Parker-Hannifin 5 CHT 16 Actuator Assy. 4004T63G01, 4004T63G04 01/01/66 General Electric 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Eastman 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 5 5 5 5 5 CHT CHT CHT CHT CHT 18 19 20 22 23 Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter 5 CHU 3 Engine Air Door Actuator 01/01/66 03/01/66 01/01/66 05/01/75 04/01/75 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 12/01/55 Air Assoc. 5 CHU 4 Engine Air Door Actuator M-2790M1, M12/01/55 2790M2, M-2790M3, M-2790M7, M2790M12 Air Assoc. 5 CHU 5 Cowl Flap Actuator M-4710, M1, M2, M3 11/01/56 Air Assoc. 5 CHU 6 Cowl Flap Actuator M-4710, M1, M2, M3 11/01/56 Air Assoc. 5 CHV 1 11/01/53 Foote Bros. 5 CHV 17 Cowl Flap Actuator & Oil 20601, 20901 Cooler Flap Drive Flap Drive Gearbox & Flap 58402-9, 58402-21, Control & Position Indicator D504M3, D504M5 Switch 12/01/77 Litton Power Transmission 5 CHV 18 Flap Actuator 58403-3, 58404-2, 58405-2, 58406-2 12/01/78 Litton Precision Gear 5 CHV 19 50701-13, 50701-14 06/15/63 5 CHV 502 Generator Drive 2 Soeed Gearbox Fractional Horsepower Motor 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 32B52-12-A 32B180-1-A 32B180-1-A 32B180-1-B 32B180-1-B, 32B1809-B M-2790M1, M2790M2, M-2790M3, M-2790M7, M2790M12 5BA25HJ107 02/01/54 Foote Bros. & Machine Corp. G.E & Foote Bros 5 CHV 503 M.A.D. Boom Actuator 41901-0, 41901-1, 41901-2, 41901-3, 41901-4 06/01/62 Foote Bros. 5 CHV 504 M.A.D. Boom Actuator 41901-0, 41901-1, 41901-2, 41901-3, 41901-4 06/01/62 Foote Bros. 5 CHV 510 Speed Brake Rotary Actuators 39801, 39801-2, 07/01/54 39801-901-2, 398011, 39801-901-1, 39801-901 Foote Bros. 5 CHV 511 Speed Brake Actuator Motor 39805 11/01/54 Foote Bros. 5 CHV 512 Speed Brake Actuator Motor 39805 11/01/54 Foote Bros. 5 5 CHV CHV 513 514 Pin Pull Actuator Canopy Actuator 24301-2 48501-1, 48501-2, 48501-3, 48501-4 10/01/56 02/01/58 Foote Bros. Foote Bros. 5 CHV 515 Canopy Actuator 48501-1, 48501-2, 48501-3, 48501-4 02/01/58 Foote Bros. 5 5 CHV 516 CHW 4 Refueling Probe Actuator Dive Brake Actuator 51201-1 9226 07/01/58 12/01/53 5 CHW 7 Ball Screw Assy. 5660 07/01/59 Foote Bros. Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 5 CHW 501 Actuator 6031A, 6031B 5 CHW 501 Actuator 6031A, 6031B 5 CHW 501 Actuator 6031A, 6031B 5 CHW 502 Actuator 6031A, 6031B 5 CHW 503 Actuator 6032B, 6032C 5 CHW 503 Actuator 6032B, 6032C 5 CHW 503 Actuator 6032B, 6032C 5 CHW 503 Actuator 6032B, 6032C 5 CHW 504 Actuator 6032B, 6032C 5 CHW 505 5160E 5 CHW 506 5 CHX 19 Horizontal Stabilizer Ball Bearing Screw Assy. Horizontal Stabilizer Ball Bearing Screw Assy. High Temperature GenevaLoc Rotary Actuator 5 CHX 20 5 CHX 21 Two Position Rotary Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Assy. 1034524-1, Series 07/01/63 138 3123052-1, 3124435 03/01/64 5 CHX 22 Nose Wheel Steering System 87171 11/01/63 Bendix 5 CHX 23 Motor Trimmer Actuator Assy. 06/01/65 Bendix 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 5453 1002750-8, Series 118 183882, TF30 04/15/56 Cleveland Pneumatic 04/15/56 01/15/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 10/01/58 Cleveland Pneumatic 01/01/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 04/15/56 Cleveland Pneumatic 04/15/56 09/15/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 04/15/56 01/15/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 10/01/58 Cleveland Pneumatic 01/01/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 07/01/56 Cleveland Pneumatic 07/01/56 Cleveland Pneumatic 10/01/63 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 2003 2004 5 CHX 24 Rotary Actuator Assy. 1034540, 1034540-1 08/01/65 Bendix-Pacific 5 5 CHX CHX 25 501 Actuator Assy. Square Motor Actuator 3124169 554260, Series LM128 10/01/65 07/01/54 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 502 Square Motor Actuator 554260, Series LM128 07/01/54 Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 507 Geneva-Loc Rotary Actuators Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 508 Jet Nozzle Actuator 1002750-3-1, 02/01/65 1002750-3-3, 1002750-5-1, 1002750-5-3, Series 118 190861-1, 190861- 02/01/63 1A, 190861-2, 190861-2A, 1908613, TO-C3 5 CHX 509 Jet Nozzle Actuator 190861-1, 1908611A, 190861-2, 190861-2A 03/15/60 5 CHX 509 Jet Nozzle Actuator 190861-1, 1908611A, 190861-2, 190861-2A 03/15/60 11/15/62 Bendix 5 CHX 510 Square Motor Actuator 05/01/60 Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 511 Geneva-Loc Actuator 1005840-2-1, 1005840-2-2 414920, 414920-1, Series 108 10/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Bendix Bendix 2013 2014 2015 5 CHX 512 Geneva-Loc Actuator 452017, Series 108 09/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 513 Geneva-Loc Actuator 551260-4, Series 108 10/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 514 Geneva-Loc Actuator Bendix-Pacific 5 CHX 515 Rotary Actuator Assy. 554350-0-2, Series 10/01/57 108 1009350, 1009350-1, 01/01/69 1009350-2, Series 138 5 CHX 516 05/01/59 Bendix-Pacific 5 CHY 1 Geneva-Loc Rotary Actuator 1002750-5-3, Series 118 Fluid Pressure Damper 30300, -1 08/01/67 Forrest Wagniere 5 CHY 2 31640 09/01/53 Airesearch 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CHZ CHZ CHZ CHZ CHZ CHZ CJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Actuator Actuator Actuator Actuator Actuator Actuator Wing Flap Synchronizers 13582A 13582A 13703A 13703A 13537A 13537A P-27-0, P-27-0-2 10/01/52 10/01/52 10/01/52 10/01/52 10/01/52 10/01/52 05/01/50 5 CJ 2 Wing Flap Synchronizers P-27-0, P-27-0-2 05/01/50 Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Chicago Pneumatic Chicago Pneumatic 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 BendixElectrodynamics 5 CL 1 Demagnetized Trim Tab Actuator Assy. 901711-1, 901711-3, 06/01/65 901711-5, 901711-7, 901711-109, 901711111, 901711-113, 901711-119, 901711121, 933137-101, 933137-105, 933137107, 933137-109, 933137-111 Lockheed 5 CRH 1 Bypass Bellmouth Actuator 7U7245 12/01/65 Ronson 5 5 CS CSP 501 1 Electric Motor Assy. Wing Flap Actuator Brake I.S. 14331 SPL-5569-3 02/01/56 09/01/78 5 CSP 7 Asymmetry Switch Assy. W2F5613-5 10/01/64 5 CST 1 Wing Flap Actuator 5 CV 501 Winch Speed Control Assy. SPL5568-1, SPL5568- 11/01/74 3 A-10499-K2 09/01/58 Lamb Steel Products Engr. Steel Products Engr. Steel Products Engr. Vickers 5 CV 503 5 CW 4 Electrical Control for Winch A10499-K4 Drive Manual Gearbox Assy., Main 1051R195 Landing Gear, Extension & Retraction Mechanism 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 06/01/57 Vickers 11/01/60 Western Gear 5 CW 5 Manual Gearbox Assy., Main 1051R195 Landing Gear, Extension & Retraction Mechanism 11/01/60 Western Gear 5 CW 6 1650E412 11/01/60 Western Gear 5 CW 7 1650R319 11/01/60 Western Gear 5 5 CW CW 8 9 1965E4 1650E497 02/01/61 07/01/64 Western Gear Western Gear 5 CW 10 Ball Screw Assy., Main Landing Gear Gearbox Assy., Main Landing Gear Electric Motor Ball Screw Assy., Main Landing Gear Wing Flap Asymmetry Switch 1098E82, 1098E83 09/01/64 Western Gear 5 5 5 CW CW CW 501 502 503 Gearbox, Inside Gearbox, Outside Engine Starter Probe Assy. Western Gear Western Gear Western Gear 5 CWD 2 1966D1 08/01/57 1967D1 08/01/57 K5663872, K5663872- 10/01/70 503 Wing Flap Asymmetry Switch 240-003 08/01/61 5 CWD 3 722-001, 722-001-1 09/01/61 5 CWD 4 722-001, 722-001-1 09/01/61 5 CXA 1 Linear Air Deflector Door Actuator Linear Air Deflector Door Actuator Wing Flap Asymmetry Detector Switch Assy. 3124365, 3124365-1, 11/01/69 3124620, 3175510 Western Design & Elec. Western Design & Elec. Western Design & Elec. Bendix Electrodynamics 5 D 1 Magenetos PN5-D, MN7-DF5 09/01/38 Scintilla 5 5 5 D D D 4 5 5 Magenetos VAG Double Magneto SC Overhaul Changes Applicable to Ignition Equipment 12/01/42 12/01/42 05/01/54 Scintilla Scintilla Scintilla 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 5 5 5 5 D D D D 6 7 8 9 Booster Magneto Magnetos Magnetos Magnetos 5 5 5 D D D 10 20 21 Magnetos Magnetos Magneto 5 D 22 5 D 24 5 5 D D 25 26 5 DA 1 Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Steel Ground Terminal Contact Assy. in Magnetos & Starting Vibrators Electical Equipment: Cleaning & Wax Treating of Magneto & Distributor Dielectric Parts Magneto LA-6 Handling of Overaged Aircraft Ignition System Components Aircraft Magnetos SF14RN-8, SF14LN-8 5 DA 1 Aircraft Magnetos 5 DA 2 Aircraft Magnetos 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 DS, DS-1 VMN7-DF DFN, DFLN-6 DF18LN, DF18RN, DF18LN-1 AM-4, LA-4 SF9LD, SF9LD-1 06/01/42 04/01/41 01/01/46 03/01/44 Scintilla Scintilla Scintilla Scintilla 11/01/43 03/01/44 05/01/45 Scintilla Eisemann Edison-Splitdorf 09/01/44 04/01/59 01/01/45 08/01/49 Eisemann 03/01/51 Scintilla 10-27625-4, 1012/15/62 81725-1 01/01/44 SB-9R, SB14R-1, SB14R-1a, SF9L, SF9L1, SF9LN-2, SF9LN-4, SF9R, SF14L-4, SF14LN-3 Bendix-Scintilla Scintilla 5 DA 3 Aircraft Magnetos SB-9R, SB14R-1, 01/01/44 SB14R-1a, SF9L, SF9L1, SF9LN-2, SF9LN-4, SF9R, SF14L-4, SF14LN-3 Scintilla 5 DA 4 Aircraft Magnetos SB-9R, SB14R-1, 01/01/44 SB14R-1a, SF9L, SF9L1, SF9LN-2, SF9LN-4, SF9R, SF14L-4, SF14LN-3 Scintilla 5 DA 5 Aircraft Magnetos SB5L, SB5R, SB6R, SF4L, SF4RN-8 02/01/43 Scintilla 5 DA 6 Aircraft Magnetos SF4LN-8, SF4RN-8, SB5LN-8, SB5RN-8, SF5RN-12, SF6LN-8, SF6RN-8, SB6RN-8, SB6RN-10 10/01/48 Scintilla 5 DA 7 DF18RN, DF18LN, DF18LN-1 03/01/45 Scintilla 5 DA 7 DF18RN, DF18LN, DF18LN-1 08/01/45 Scintilla 5 DA 8 Electrical Equipment: Electrical & Radio Shielding Modifications Electrical Equipment: Electrical & Radio Shielding Modifications Aircraft Magnetos SF7RN-1 04/01/48 Scintilla 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 A 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 5 DA 9 Aircraft Magnetos SF14LN-3, SF14LN-10 02/01/46 5 5 5 5 DA DA DA DA 11 11 12 13 Aircraft Magneto Aircraft Magneto Aircraft Magneto Aircraft Magneto SF14LN-4 SF14LN-4 SF2RN-6 SB9RN, SF9LN, SF9RN 11/05/43 03/15/44 Scintilla 04/01/48 Scintilla 02/01/44 Scintilla 12/01/48 Scintilla 5 DA 13 Aircraft Magneto SB9RN, SF9RN 07/01/54 5 DA 13 Aircraft Magneto SB9RN, SF9RN 07/01/54 06/15/56 Scintilla 5 5 5 5 DA DA DA DA 14 14 15 16 SF9LN-4 SF9LN-4 SF14RN-8 04/05/44 12/25/44 Scintilla 12/01/48 Scintilla 06/01/44 Scintilla 03/01/44 Scintilla 5 DA 18 Aircraft Magneto Aircraft Magneto Aircraft Magnetos Electrical Equipment: Conversion to AN3105 Standard Ground Terminal Assy. Magnetos SF9LN-2, SB9RN-4 08/01/45 Scintilla 5 5 DA DA 19 20 DFLN-5 DF18RN, DF18LN-1, SF14RN-8 11/01/49 06/01/44 Scintilla Scintilla 5 DA 21 R-3350-8, R-3350-14 05/01/46 Scintilla 5 DA 22 07/01/44 Scintilla 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 Aircraft Magneto Electrical Equipment: Change in Grease used in Gear Compartment of Magnetos Low Tension, High Altitude Ignition System Electrical Equipment: Modification of Separately Mounted 9-Cylinder Distributor Heads Scintilla Scintilla 5 DA 23 Electrical Equipment: Removal of Gaskets from Supercharging Connections on Magnetos DFLN-6 08/01/44 Scintilla 5 DA 24 Aircraft Magnetos VMN7D, VMN7DF, VMN7DF-5 12/01/48 Scintilla 5 DA 25 Scintilla 5 5 DA DA 26 27 SF14RN-8, SF14LN-8 11/01/44 Electrical Equipment: Plugging of Cross Shaft in Magnetos Aircraft Magneto D4RN-2 02/01/46 Electrical Equipment: DFLN-6 03/01/45 Installation of Foil Wrapped Radio Shielding Gaskets & High-Tension Brush Support in Magneto 5 DA 28 Aircraft Magnetos 5 DA 31 5 DA 32 5 DA 33 DF18LN-1 Electrical Equipment: Improvement of Ventilation for Magneto Electrical Equipment: Removal of Plunger Cam Oilers from Magnetos & Revision of Cam Oiling Periods Magneto Supercharging Pump 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 DF18L(R)N, DF18LN- 06/01/53 1, DF18LN-2 Scintilla Scintilla Scintilla 05/01/45 Scintilla 08/01/45 Scintilla 06/01/45 Scintilla 5 DA 34 Electrical Equipment: Elimination of Grease Leakage from the Gear Compartment-Magneto SF14RN-8, SFL4LN-8, 06/01/45 DF18RN, DF18LN, DF18LN-1 Scintilla 5 DA 35 DFLN-5 07/01/45 Scintilla 5 DA 38 Electrical Equipment: Installation of Magneto Oil Slinger Aircraft Magnetos S4LN-21, S4RN-21, S6LN-20, S6LN-21, S6RN-21, S6RN-23, S6LN-22, S6LN-23 06/01/61 Scintilla 5 DA 39 Aircraft Magnetos S4LN-20, S4LN-21, S4LN-23, S6LN-20, S6LN-21, S6LN-22, S6LN-23, S6LN-25, S6RN-23 03/01/73 Bendix-Electrical Comp. 5 DA 40 High Tension Ignition System R-4360-4, R-4360-18 02/01/54 Engines Scintilla 5 DA 42 Aircraft Magnetos S6LN-50, S6LN-51 04/01/53 Scintilla 5 DA 43 Aircraft Magnetos S6LN-50, S6LN-51 04/01/53 Scintilla 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 5 DA 44 Aircraft Magneto 2-953-3, 10-78080-3, 04/01/63 10-78080-4, SB9RN Bendix-Scintilla 5 DA 44 Aircraft Magneto 2-953-3, 10-78080-3, 07/01/64 10-78080-4, SB9RN Bendix-Scintilla 5 DA 45 Aircraft Magneto 10-9534-2, 10-9534- 12/15/56 5, SB9RN-4 Bendix-Scintilla 5 DA 45 Aircraft Magneto 10-9534-2, 10-9534- 04/01/63 5, SB9RN-4 Bendix-Scintilla 5 DA 45 Aircraft Magneto 10-9534-2, 10-9534- 07/01/64 5, SB9RN-4 Bendix-Scintilla 5 DA 46 5 5 DA DA 583 596 Drilling Drain Holes in S4, S6LN, RN Series 02/01/54 Breaker Covers & Gaskets of Magnetos Magnetos & Distributors 04/01/45 08/01/63 Low Tension, High Altitude R-3350-26WB, RIgnition System 3350-26WC, R-335026WD, R-335032WA, R-3350-34, R3350-36WA, R-335042 5 DA 601 Single Unit Starting Vibrator 10-75635-1 03/01/62 Bendix-Scintilla 5 DB 1 Magnetos 09/01/43 Packard 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 Scintilla Bendix-Scintilla Bendix-Scintilla 5 DB 1 Magnetos 5 DB 2 5 DB 3 Electrical Equipment: Installation of Magneto Rotor Housing Drives End Ball Bearing Retainer to Housing Oil Seal Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Magneto Distributor Rotor 5 DB 5 5 2117 2118 09/01/43 4 Electrical Equipment: SF12RGP, SF12LGP, Installation of Stepped Studs SF12RAP, SF12LAP in Magneto Rotor Housing 07/01/43 DB DB 5 6 Magneto Aircraft Magnetos 5 DB 6 Aircraft Magnetos 5 DB 8 5 DB 9 2120 2122 C6SE12S/2 09/01/44 S-12RAP-4, S-12LAP- 10/10/44 4 S-12RAP-4, S-12LAP- 11/01/45 4, S-12RAP-5, S12LAP-5 Packard Packard Electrical Equipment: Modification of Magnetos S-12RAP-4, S-12LAP- 07/01/45 4, S-12RAP-5, S12LAP-5 Northeast Aircraft Magnetos S-12RAP-4, S-12LAP- 11/01/45 4, S-12RAP-5, S12LAP-5 Northeast 2123 2124 2125 07/01/43 SF12RGP, SF12LGP, SF12RAP, SF12LAP 2119 2121 SF12LGP-1, SF12RGP- 12/20/43 02/10/44 Packard Motor Car 1, SF12LAP-1, Co. SF12RAP-1, C5SE12S 1/2 Northeast 2126 5 DC 1 Aircraft Magnetos SF9LU-3, SF9LC-3 02/01/45 5 DC 2 Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Distributor Rotor: Magnetos SF9LU3, SB9RU3 01/01/43 5 DC 3 5 DC 5 Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Distributor Gear Ball Bearings: Magnetos Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Faulty Magneto Housings: Flange Mounted Magnetos 5 DC 6 Aircraft Magnetos 5 DC 8 5 DC 5 DC 2127 07/01/43 American Bosch 08/01/44 American Bosch SB9RU-3, SB9RC-3 11/01/45 Delco-Remy Aircraft Magnetos SF14LU-7 02/15/45 8 Aircraft Magnetos SF14LU-7, SF14LC-7 12/01/50 American Bosch Corp. Delco-Remy 9 Electrical Equipment: Modification of Distributor Gear Shaft Bearing Installation: Magnetos 07/10/44 SF9LU-3, SF9LC-3, SB9RU-3, SB9RC-3, SF14LU-7, SF14LU-8, SF14LU-9 SF14LC-7 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 American Bosch American Bosch 5 DC 9 Electrical Equipment: Modification of Distributor Gear Shaft Bearing Installation: Magnetos SF9LU-3, SF9LC-3, 09/01/45 SB9RU-3, SB9RC-3, SF14LU-7, -8, SF14LC7, SF14LC-8 American Bosch 5 DC 10 Electrical Equipment: Modification of Cam Lubrication System: Magnetos SB9RU-3, SB9RC-3, 04/01/45 SF9LU-3, SF9LC-3, SF14LU-7, -8, SF14LC7 American Bosch 5 DC 11 Aircraft Magnetos SF14LU-8, SF14LC-8 Delco-Remy 5 5 DC DC 12 13 Aircraft Magneto Aircraft Magneto DF18RU-1 12/01/44 DF18RU-2, DF18LU-2 11/01/45 American Bosch American Bosch 5 DC 14 SF14LU-8, SF14LC-8 06/01/45 American Bosch 5 DC 15 Electrical Equipment: Conversion of Magnetos from Pressurized to Ventilated Type Aircraft Magnetos SF14LU-9, SF14LU-10 09/01/45 American Bosch 5 DC 16 Aircraft Magnetos S7LU-2, S9LU-2 07/10/51 08/27/51 American Bosch 5 DC 16 Aircraft Magnetos S7LU-2, S9LU-2 07/10/51 11/01/52 American Bosch 5 DC 16 Aircraft Magnetos S7LU-2, S9LU-2 06/01/81 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 12/01/50 American Bosch 5 DC 17 Aircraft Magnetos S7LU-2, S7LU-3, S7LU- 07/01/62 5, S9LU-2, S9LU-3, S9LU-5, S9LU-6 American Bosch 5 DC 18 Inspection of Magnetos S7LU-2, S9LU-2 American Bosch 5 5 5 DC DC DD 501 502 1 Aircraft Magneto SB9RU-3 Aircraft Magneto SB9RU-3 High-Tension Ignition System R-2800-B Series 07/01/56 American Bosch 07/01/56 American Bosch 02/10/45 05/15/55 General Electric 5 DD 1 High-Tension Ignition System R-2800-B Series 02/10/45 07/01/55 General Electric 5 DD 1 04/01/50 General Electric 5 DD 2 18-Cylinder High-Tension R-2800-B Series Ignition System Electrical Equipment: S18LG-P1A Replacement of Primary Coil Connector: Magnetos 11/01/44 General Electric 5 DD 3 Electrical Equipment: Installation of 18-Lobe Cam & Single Breaker: Magneto S18LG-P1, -P1A 12/01/44 General Electric 5 DD 4 R-2800-C Series 11/01/49 General Electric 5 DD 5 S18LGP1, S18RGP 01/01/48 General Electric 5 DE 2 18-Cylinder High-Tension Ignition System Electrical Equipment: Modification of Covers, Magnetos Magnetos Series LA4, LA6 07/01/49 Jack & Heintz 5 DE 3 Magnetos Series LA4, LA6 03/01/51 Jack & Heintz 5 DF 4 12-Cylinder Magnetos NSE 12/12C 03/01/54 Rotax 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 12/01/53 2158 2159 2160 2161 5 DG 501 Magneto SF2RW1, SF2RW2 05/15/55 Wico 5 DG 502 Magneto SF2RW1, SF2RW2 05/15/55 Wico 5 E 1 Ceramic Aircraft Spark Plugs 12/20/43 Squadrons 5 E 1 Ceramic Aircraft Spark Plugs 08/01/45 Squadrons 5 E 1 B Electrical Equipment: Spark Plugs: Use & Reconditioning 09/01/43 Squadrons 5 E 1 D Electrical Equipment: Spark Plugs: Use & Reconditioning 09/01/43 Squadrons 5 E 2 Ceramic Aircraft Spark Plugs: Reconditioning Instructions 05/01/52 AF Depots 5 5 E E 3 3 5 E 4 5 E 5 Spark Plugs Electrical Equipment: Spark Plugs Electrical Equipment: Spark Plugs: Gap Setting of Long Reach 14mm w/ Fine Wire Electrodes Electrical Equipment: Detection of Faulty Spark Plug 5 5 E EL 7 1 5 5 EL F 2 1 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 AC Jet Igniter Spark Plugs Dual Rudder Booster Actuator Positioning Cylinder Dynamotor AAF AAF 05/18/45 08/01/45 11/01/44 Cold Cylinder Indicator: Magic Wand, Air Cooled Engine 04/01/48 EA1205, EA1205-1 12/01/50 04/01/61 Electrol EA1550 M 3255X1 04/01/61 09/01/38 Electrol Eclipse 5 F 2 Alternator: Engine Driven KA-215, XC-78, AF-2 Regulator & Dynamotor: Battery Operated Voltage Booster Dynamotors- 3719, 3819, 3820 Battery Operated 12/01/40 Eclipse 5 F 3 11/01/41 Eclipse 5 F 5 03/01/51 Sundstrand 07/01/49 General Electric 7 8 1 2 3 Constant Speed Alternator Drive Constant Speed Alternator Drive Assy. Dynamotor Unit Dynamotor Unit Motor Generator Motor Generator Direct Current Generator 5 F 6 5 5 5 5 5 F F FA FA FA 11/01/48 09/01/48 10/01/58 10/01/58 10/01/62 Continental Continental Kearfott Kearfott Bendix 5 FA 4 Direct Current Generator 30B43-3-A, 30B43-7- 09/01/62 A, 30B43-7-B, 30B4317-A Bendix 5 5 5 5 5 FA FA FAL FAL FB 6 7 1 2 2 Motor Generator Motor Generator Motor Generator Motor Generator Alternator F137 F137 MGE93-200 MGE93-200 A19A6153, A19A6153-2, A24A9370, A24A9370-1, A24A9370-2, B-1 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Leland Leland Westinghouse 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 A 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 DM516 DM516 R806-1F R806-1F 30B43-3-A, 30B43-7A, 30B43-7-B, 30B4317-A 01/01/54 01/01/54 12/01/67 08/01/71 10/01/51 5 FB 3 Alternator A19A6153, A19A6153-2, A24A9370, A24A9370-1, A24A9370-2, B-1 5 FB 5 Alternator 1-AB1-115S-3A1, 1- 01/01/51 AB-1-115S-3A2, 1-AB1-115S-3A, 1-AB-1115S-4, B-1 Eicor 5 FB 6 Alternator 1-AB1-115S-3A1, 1- 01/01/51 AB-1-115S-3A2, 1-AB1-115S-3A, 1-AB-1115S-4, B-1 Eicor 5 FB 8 Alternator Voltage Regulator E-1763-1, A28A8541, 09/15/50 02/15/51 Electrol E-1763-2, A282A8561 5 FB 9 Alternator Voltage Regulator E-1763-1, A28A8541, 09/15/50 02/15/51 Electrol E-1763-2, A282A8561 5 FB 10 Alternator A14A9687, A14A9687-2, A-1 01/01/55 Westinghouse 5 FB 11 Alternator A14A9687, A14A9687-2, A-1 11/01/53 Westinghouse 5 FB 12 Alternator Voltage Regulators AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 02/01/51 C Westinghouse 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 07/01/55 Westinghouse 5 FB 12 A-C Voltage Regulators AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 12/01/53 C, AVR-370-E, A14A9694, A14A9694-2, A28A8953 5 FB 12 A-C Voltage Regulators AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 12/01/53 09/01/54 Westinghouse C, AVR-370-E, A14A9694, A14A9694-2, A28A8953 5 FB 12 A-C Voltage Regulators AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 12/01/53 03/31/54 Westinghouse C, AVR-370-E, A14A9694, A14A9694-2, A28A8953 5 FB 13 5 FB 13 Alternator Voltage Regulators A-C Voltage Regulators AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 06/01/51 C AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 12/01/53 C, AVR-370-E, A14A9694, A14A9694-2, A28A8953 5 FB 13 A-C Voltage Regulators AVR-370-A, AVR-370- 12/01/53 09/01/54 Westinghouse C, AVR-370-E, A14A9694, A14A9694-2, A28A8953 5 FB 14 Constant Speed Alternator Drive 40CSD-02, 40CSD-04, 04/01/51 F-1 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Sundstrand 5 FB 15 Constant Speed Alternator Drive 40CSD-02, 40CSD-04, 05/01/51 40CSD-06, 40CSD06C, 40CSD-06B, F-1, F-1A Sundstrand 5 FB 22 605222 03/01/52 Sundstrand 5 FB 25 A35A9132-2 09/01/52 Westinghouse 5 FB 26 A35A9132-2 03/01/53 Westinghouse 5 FB 31 Regrinding of Motor Wobbler Plate Installed in Constant Speed Drive Transmission Assy. A-C Generator Voltage Regulator A-C Generator Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator CR2795A100A1, CR2795A100B1A 08/01/53 General Electric 5 FB 32 Voltage Regulator CR2795A100A1, CR2795A100B1A 09/01/53 General Electric 5 FB 33 Alternator Assy. 2CM94D1, 2CM94D3 08/01/53 General Electric 5 FB 34 Alternator Assy. 2CM94D1, 2CM94D3 06/01/53 General Electric 5 FB 39 Sundstrand FB 40 40CSD06M, P5M Aircraft 40CSD06M, P5M Aircraft 09/01/62 5 09/01/62 Sundstrand 5 FB 41 Constant Speed A-C Generator Drive Constant Speed A-C Generator Drive Frequency & Load Controller 04/01/60 Sundstrand 5 FB 41 Modification of Alternator 1AB1-115S4 01/01/53 Eicor 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 5 FB 42 5 FB 42 5 5 FB FB 43 44 5 FB 45 5 FB 46 Underspeed & Auto: Paralleling Control Replacement of Tachometer Shaft Support Assy. in Constant Speed Alternator Drive Torque Limiting Clutch Constant Speed Alternator Drive Constant Speed Alternator Drive Transmission 5 FB 47 Transmission 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 668310 04/01/60 Sundstrand 08/01/53 668320A 40RD02 10/01/60 10/01/60 Sundstrand Sundstrand 40RD02 10/01/60 Sundstrand 692855, 692855-A, 09/01/76 692855-B, 692855-C, 690783, 688686, 688329, 686109, 685343, 682672 Sundstrand 692855, 692855-A, 12/01/74 692855-B, 692855-C, 690783, 688686, 688329, 686109, 685343, 682672 Sundstrand 5 FB 48 Engine Mounted Gearbox 692187, 692187-A, 692187-B, 987699, 987699-A, 686564, 686564-A, 686160, 686160-A, 685608, 685608-A, 682673, 682673-A 04/01/77 Sundstrand 5 FB 49 Engine Mounted Gearbox 692187, 692187-A, 692187-B, 987699, 987699-A, 686564, 686564-A, 686160, 686160-A, 685608, 685608-A, 682673, 682673-A 04/01/77 Sundstrand 5 FB 49 Alternator A35A9106, 11 KVA 01/01/54 Westinghouse 5 FB 50 Alternator A35A9106, 11 KVA 07/01/53 Westinghouse 5 FB 52 Torque Limiter & Disconnect 683266-2 07/01/61 Sundstrand 5 FB 53 Torque Limiter & Disconnect 683266-2 07/01/61 Sundstrand 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 5 FB 54 Constant Speed Transmission 685661F, 685661E, 685661D 05/01/74 Sundstrand 5 FB 55 Constant Speed Transmission 685661F, 685661E, 685661D 05/01/74 Sundstrand 5 FB 56 Rework of Transmission Housing Assy. on Constant Speed Alternator Drives 10/01/53 Sundstrand 5 5 FB FB 56 57 5ASB40NJ21 689636B 03/01/64 10/01/64 General Electric Sundstrand 5 FB 57 689636B 06/01/70 Sundstrand 5 FB 58 689636B 12/01/74 Sundstrand 5 FB 58 1634-3-D 03/01/54 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 FB 59 Control Alternator Constant Speed Transmission Constant Speed Transmission Constant Speed Transmission Inspection & Installation of Air Baffle Plate on Alternators Terminal Cover Modification: Alternators 02/01/54 Westinghouse 5 FB 59 08/01/65 Westinghouse 5 5 FB FB 61 63 A24A9370-1, A24A9370-2, A19A6153-2 680246G, 68024H, A5A 7T-AD-10B1 A14A9687, A14A9687-2, A-1 02/01/54 11/01/54 General Electric Westinghouse 5 FB 66 695146B 05/01/65 Sundstrand 5 FB 67 695146B 05/01/56 Sundstrand 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 Constant Speed Transmission Turbo Alternator Drive Modification of AC Generators Constant Speed Transmission Constant Speed Transmission 5 FB 67 Transmission 695146K, 695146J, 695146H, 695146F, 695146E, 695146D, 695146C, 695146B 07/01/76 Sundstrand 5 FB 68 693134 10/01/65 Sundstrand 5 FB 69 693134 07/01/65 Sundstrand 5 FB 70 Paralleling & Fine Frequency Control Paralleling & Fine Frequency Control Constant Speed Transmission 20AD14, 30RD02, 30RD04, 40RD01, 40CSD06M 03/01/73 Sundstrand 5 FB 70 Constant Speed Drives 20AD14, 30RD02, 03/01/73 30RD04, 30AGD03, 40AGD01, 60AGD03 Sundstrand 5 FB 71 Constant Speed Transmission 691299D, 691299C, 691299B, 40AGD01 04/01/70 Sundstrand 5 FB 72 Generator, AC, Temperature 868C691P1, Amplifier Power Supply 5ASY40AJ4 08/01/65 General Electric 5 FB 73 697816A, 697816B 02/01/70 Sundstrand 5 FB 74 Constant Speed Transmission Constant Speed Transmission 697816A, 697816B 03/01/70 Sundstrand 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 5 FB 79 Constant Speed Transmission 691299D, 691299C, 691299B 04/01/73 Sundstrand 5 FB 88 708497 11/01/74 Sundstrand 5 FB 501 60KD62 09/01/61 Sundstrand 5 FB 502 60KD62 08/01/61 Sundstrand 5 5 5 5 FB FB FB FB 503 504 506 507 Constant Speed Transmission Constant Speed Alternator Drive Constant Speed A-C Generator Drive A-C Voltage Regulator A-C Voltage Regulator D-C Voltage Regulator D-C Voltage Regulator A40A1704 A40A1704 A24A9170 A24A9170, Resistive Type 09/01/57 01/01/57 07/01/57 07/01/57 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse 5 FB 510 AC Generator 5 FBA 1 Constant Speed Drive 5 FBA 2 5 FBA 3 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 5ASB40NJ5, 04/01/61 5ASB40NJ5A, 304D910P5, 304D910P9 03/01/73 213198, 213152, 213153, LD6-3, LD610, LD6-10A General Electric Constant Speed Drive 04/01/65 209500, 209700, 209755, LD6-3, LD69, LD6-10 Avco Constant Speed Drive 04/01/65 209500, 209700, 209755, LD6-3, LD69, LD6-10 Avco 2259 2260 2261 2262 Avco Lycoming 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 5 5 5 5 FBC FBC FBD FBS 1 2 1 1 5 FBS 2 5 FBS 3 5 FBS 4 5 5 5 5 FC FC FC FC 2 3 4 5 5 FC 5 5 FC 6 5 FC 7 5 FC 8 5 5 FC FC 5 Alternator Drive Alternator Drive Aneroid Power Device Converter: TransformerRectifier Converter: TransformerRectifier Converter: TransformerRectifier Converter: TransformerRectifier 200 Amp Converter Transformer-Rectifier Transformer-Rectifier Static Converter 433484N5 433484N5 D-63-50011A P59-044 09/01/66 09/01/66 04/01/63 05/01/63 Curtiss-Wright Curtiss-Wright Speidel Basler Electric Co. P59-044 11/01/65 Basler Electric Co. P59-018-1 05/01/63 Basler Electric Co. P59-018-1 05/01/63 Basler Electric Co. DW1033 FTR-P-497B FTR-P-497B E-1 07/01/59 03/01/62 03/01/62 02/01/50 Electrosolids ITT ITT Electronic Measurements Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Chatham Electronics Varo Electronic Measurements 8 9 Converter, 20 Ampere, Class B Converter, 20 Ampere, Class B Converter, 100 Ampere, Class C Converter, 100 Ampere, Class C Static Converter Static Converter 28VS20C, MS25498-1 08/01/64 28VS100Y-10, MS179776-2 28VS100Y-10, MS179776-2 305, 305A, E-1 E-1 FC 9 Power Supply 28VS100Y, MS27209 11/01/65 5 FC 10 Static Converter E-1 04/01/52 5 FC 10 4305-51 08/01/70 5 FC 11 Oil Quantity Indicating Converter Static Converter Electronic Measurements Trans-sonics, Inc. 3052, E-1A 09/01/52 Varo 28VS20C, MS25498-1 08/01/64 05/01/66 05/01/66 05/01/54 04/01/52 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 5 FC 501 D18100-2RM, D18100-15RM P515A P515A SE195-145, D-2 4 Window Unit Converter Assy. DC Power Supply DC Power Supply Power Unit Gun Bomb Rocket Sight Rotary Actuator 12/01/58 Marquette 5 5 5 FCB FCB FD 1 2 3 01/01/63 01/01/63 10/01/50 ITT ITT Sorensen 5 FD EE-3880, EE-3880M2 12/01/52 Air Assoc. 5 FD 5 Rotary Actuator EE-3880, EE-3880M2 12/01/52 Air Assoc. 5 FD 6 Power Units 11/01/50 Air Assoc. FD 7 Power Units 11/01/50 Air Assoc. 5 FD 11 04/01/51 Sorensen 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 FD FD FD FD FD FD FD 14 14 15 15 18 19 20 Gun Bomb Rocket Sight Power Unit: Split System Electric Actuator Electric Actuators Electric Actuator Electric Actuators Power Unit Assy. Power Unit Assy. Power Units EE-1770, EE-1770M1 EE-1770, EE-1770M1 SD194-131, D-2 5 5 FD 21 Power Units WEE-4-210, WEE-4221M1, WEE-4221M2 09/01/55 Air Assoc. 5 FD 24 D525 11/01/52 Electrical Engr 5 FD 25 Horizontal Stabilizer Power Unit Horizontal Stabilizer Power Unit D525 11/01/52 Electrical Engr 2299 2300 2301 2302 157 Series 157 Series WEE-4-210, WEE-4221M1, WEE-4221M2 11/15/51 05/15/54 Whittaker 05/01/54 Whittaker 11/15/51 05/15/54 Whittaker 05/01/54 Whittaker 04/01/59 Lear 04/01/59 Lear 09/01/55 Air Assoc. 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 5 FD 26 Generator Set 34D28-4, 34D28-5 07/01/60 Homelite 5 FD 27 Generator Set 34D28-4, 34D28-5 08/01/60 Homelite 5 FD 28 Generator Set 34D28-4, 34D28-5 07/01/60 Homelite 5 5 5 FD FD FD 501 502 503 M-4770 M-4770 32938, EPU11-1 10/15/53 10/01/53 03/01/55 Air Associates Air Assoc. Airesearch 5 FD 504 32938, EPU11-1 03/01/55 Airesearch 5 5 FD FD 505 506 Power Unit System Power Unit System Electromechanical Power Unit Electromechanical Power Unit Power Unit Assy. Airborne Rectifier 05/01/55 10/01/57 Lear Westinghouse 5 FD 507 Airborne Rectifier 08/01/57 Westinghouse 5 FD 508 Ram Air Drive Assy. 157EJ S1749222-1A, S1749222-1B, S1600919-A2, S1600919-B2 S1749222-1A, S1749222-1B, S1600919-A2, S1600919-B2 6505264, 6504812, 6503800, D225DCB2, D225DC-A4, D225DC-A5 12/01/61 Allison 5 FD 509 Ram Air Drive Assy. 6505264, 6504812, 6503800, D225DCB2, D225DC-A4, D225DC-A5 12/01/61 Allison 5 FD 510 Power Unit 119356-01 11/01/60 Lear 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 5 FDZ 1 2 Power Unit Assy. Nose Wheel Steering: Shimmy Damper System Power Unit Assy. Nose Wheel Steering: Shimmy Damper System Dynamotors OMP2202-6 03/01/65 Ozone 5 FDZ 2 OMP2202-6 03/01/65 Ozone 5 FE DA-113-A, DA-114-A 05/01/50 Bendix 5 FE 3 Dynamotors DA-113-A, DA-114-A 05/01/50 Bendix 5 5 5 5 5 FE FE FE FE FE 4 6 7 8 9 Dynamotor Dynamotor Dynamotor Dynamotor Voltage Booster Dynamotor A18B1985 A18B1985 3420-218 3420-218 1800-2-A 12/01/50 12/01/50 05/01/52 05/28/52 08/01/59 Westinghouse Westinghouse Eicor Eicor Bendix 5 FE 10 Voltage Booster Dynamotor 1800-2-A 08/01/59 Bendix 5 5 5 FF FF FF 10 11 12 Skid Control Box Skid Control Box Hytrol Arming Control Box 4833B 4833B 4815B 03/01/61 03/01/61 03/01/61 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 5 FF 13 Hytrol Arming Control Box 4815B 03/01/61 Hydro-Aire 5 5 5 FF FF FF 14 15 501 125677-01 125677-01 CYLZ 2872-1 03/01/61 03/01/61 04/01/58 Lear Lear Barber-Colman 5 5 5 FF FF FF 502 503 504 Control Box Control Box Cockpit Temperature Control Box Control Box Control Box Stewardess' Control Panel CYLZ 4368 CYLZ 4368-1 CYLZ 3096-1 04/01/58 04/01/58 04/01/58 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 5 5 FF FF 505 506 Control Box Control Box CYLZ 3163 CYLZ 2605-2 04/01/58 07/01/58 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 5 5 5 5 5 5 FF FF FF FFC FFC FFH 507 508 509 1 2 1 5 FFH 2 5 5 5 FFH FFH FFM 3 4 1 5 FFM 5 5 Control Box Control Box Control Box AC Power Control Box AC Power Control Box Rotor Brake & Blade Fold Controller Rotor Brake & Blade Fold Controller Power Control Box Power Control Box Bellmouth Bypass Controller 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 A-986A 08/01/65 Hartman 2 Bellmouth Bypass Controller 520945, IC2B-1, IC2B- 11/01/64 1A, IC2B-1B Marquardt FFR FFS 1 1 Power Supply Control Cabin Temperature Control System Controller 124E374-1 17860-7 06/01/63 01/01/63 Ryan US Science Corp. 5 5 FG FH 501 1 Rheostat Assy. Motor-Tachometer BYLZ 3462 MT14EC1 04/01/58 03/01/63 5 FH 501 Servo Motor Tachometer 7554261, SMT 185J 04/01/58 5 G 1 Flourescent Lighting 02/01/41 5 G 2 S-723 06/01/41 Electronic Labs 5 G 3 G 4 S-614, S-658, S-661, S- 07/01/41 702 S-840, S-841, S-879, S- 02/01/42 956 Electronic Labs 5 Inverters, Auxiliary Boxes & Lamp Assy. Inverter, Vibrator Type: 25Volt Inverter, Vibrator Type: 12.6Volt Flourescent Lamp Auxiliary Box Assy. Barber-Colman American Electronics American Electronics Electronic Labs 2350 2352 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer Hartman Hartman Hartman Marquardt 2348 2351 07/01/58 07/01/58 07/01/58 05/01/65 03/01/70 08/01/65 A-1017A 04/01/65 A-1017A 04/01/65 520945, IC2B-1, IC2B- 11/01/64 1A, IC2B-1B 2347 2349 CYLZ 3828 CYLZ 3862 CYLZ 4077 6043H1-5 6043H1-5 A-986A Electronic Labs 2358 5 G 5 Inverters, Vibrator Type 5 G 6 Flourescent Lighting System: Operation & Maintenance 5 5 5 5 G G G G 7 10 11 12 5 G 13 Inverter, Electronic Cockpit Light Cockpit Light Modification of Cockpit Light Assy. Flasher Coder 5 G 501 Exterior Lights Flasher 5 G 502 5 GA 5 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2369 2372 2373 09/01/42 A-4 C-4A C-4A C-4, C-4A, C-7, C-7A 01/01/43 12/01/49 12/01/49 09/01/50 Electronic Labs Soderberg Soderberg Exterior Lights Flasher D-6270, D-6270-1, D- 12/01/56 7385 Grimes 2 Position Light Flasher C-1 02/01/51 Seaboard Electric GA 3 Position Light Flasher C-1 02/01/51 Seaboard Electric 5 GA 7 Modification of Flasher Unit 72-000, C-1 04/01/50 Texas Engineering 5 GA 8 Position Light Flasher 3230, 3230-1, 3230- 09/01/57 2, 3285, 3295, C-2 Seaboard Electric 5 GA 9 Position Light Flasher C-2 02/01/51 Seaboard Electric 5 GA 501 Position Light Flasher 1055-1, C-2 02/01/58 Seaboard Electric 5 GB 1 Electrically Retractable Landing Light Assy. G-3600, G-3800 01/01/57 Grimes 2370 2371 Electronic Labs Cook 2366 2368 11/01/43 R17F13000-150, 666- 07/01/53 100 D-6270, D-6270-1, D- 12/01/56 7385 2365 2367 S-660A, S-777, S799A Grimes 2374 2375 5 GB 2 5 GB 5 Electrically Retractable G-3800 Landing Light Assy. Search & Landing Light Assy. 41850, 41850A 01/01/57 Grimes 08/15/61 Grimes 5 GB 8 Flasher Coder Assy. G-3565-1, G-3565-2, 06/01/59 G-3565-3, G-35651A, G-3565-3A, A-1, A-3, A-1A, A-3A, G5825-1, G-5825-3, G5825-4 Grimes 5 GB 9 Flasher Coder Assy. G-3565-1, G-3565-2, 06/01/59 G-3565-3, G-35651A, G-3565-3A, A-1, A-3, A-1A, A-3A, G5825-1, G-5825-3, G5825-4 Grimes 5 GB 10 Aircraft Navigational Rotating Warning Light G-7740-24, G-7740-8- 07/01/59 24, A-24, A-8-24 Grimes 5 GB 12 05/01/60 Grimes 5 5 GB GB 13 14 Anit-Collision Oscillating 41775 Light Anti-Collision Light Assy. PN 41265 Search & Landing Light Assy. 41850, 41850A 07/01/61 06/15/60 Grimes Grimes 5 GB 14 Search & Landing Light Assy. 41850, 41850A 06/15/60 08/15/61 Grimes 5 5 GB GB 16 17 Landing & Taxi Light Assy. Landing & Taxi Light Assy. 06/01/60 06/01/60 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 G-8090-11 G-8090-11 Grimes Grimes 2385 5 GB 18 Rotating Warning Navigational Light Electrically Retractable Landing Light Assy. G-6965-6 12/15/60 Grimes 5 GB 19 G-5400-1, G-5400-2, 01/01/61 G-5400-3, G-5400-4 Grimes 5 GB 20 Electrically Retractable Landing Light Assy. G-5400-1, G-5400-1- 01/15/61 G2, G-5400-3, G5400-4 Grimes 5 GB 21 Tandem Oscillating Light Grimes GB 22 Aircraft Navigational Rotating Warning Light 42895-16870, 42895- 02/01/62 7079-6, 42895A16870 G8400A-24, G8400A- 08/01/61 8-24, G8400A-9-24 5 5 GB 23 Search & Landing Light 5 GB 23 Search & Landing Light 5 GB 24 Search & Landing Light 5 GB 25 5 GB 26 5 GB 501 Retractable Rotating AnitCollision Light Assy. Retractable Rotating AntiCollision Light Assy. Electrically Retractable Landing Lights 5 GB 502 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 Electrically Retractable Landing Lights Grimes 42365-4580, 42365-1- 08/01/61 Grimes 4580 42365-4580, 42365-1- 08/01/61 12/15/61 Grimes 4580 42365-4580, 42365-1- 12/01/61 Grimes 4580 42000, 42040 Grimes 40-0021-1 08/01/65 Grimes G-4700-2, G-4700-3, 01/01/57 G-4700-5, G-4700-6 Grimes G-4700-2, G-4700-3, 01/01/57 G-4700-5, G-4700-6 Grimes 2397 5 GB 503 5 GB 504 11/01/56 Grimes G-8400-8-24, G-8400- 10/01/59 24-24, G-8400-23-24, G-8400-24 Grimes 5 GB 505 Aircraft Navigational G-6965-11, G-6965- 04/01/60 Rotating Warning Light 31 Light Dimming Resistor Assy. 216-27364-1, 21602/01/71 27364-2, 216-2736423, 216-27364-26, 216-27364-28, 21627364-31, 216-2736436, 216-27364-37 Grimes 5 GC 1 5 GC 2 Instrument Lights Dimming Panel Assy. LTV Aerospace 5 GCA 9 Actuator Assy., Aileron Trim 3669721, 3669721-3 09/01/62 Douglas 5 GCA 501 07/15/56 Douglas 5 GCA 503 Drive Assy. Trimmer 5443048 Actuator Actuator Assy. Aileron Force 5440773, 5440773Trim 501, 5440773-503 08/01/57 Douglas 5 GCA 504 07/01/57 Douglas 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 Aircraft Rotating Warning Navigational Light Aircraft Navigational Rotating Warning Light G-6965-8 216-27383-1, 21609/01/71 27383-2, 216-2738314, 216-27383-16, 216-27383-18, 21627383-20, 216-2738321, 216-27383-22, 216-27383-23 Actuator Assy., Rudder Pedal 3441835 Adjustment LTV Aerospace 5 GCA 506 Actuator Assy., Twin Barrel Linear 3550850, 3550850501, 215-21131-19, 215-21131-7, 5678307, 5678307501, 5678307-507 04/01/74 Douglas 5 GCA 507 5 GCA 508 Actuator Assy., Rudder Force Trim Console Assy., Interior Lights Control 07/01/57 Douglas 11/01/58 Douglas 06/01/63 Firewel 03/01/62 Douglas 1 3551239, 3551239501 5439735-501, 5439735-503, 5439735-505, 5439735-507, 5439735-509, 5439735-511, 5439735-513, 5439735-515, 5439735-517, 5439735-521, 5439735-523, 5439735-525, 5439735-531 Automatic Pressure F319760-13, Breathing Regulator F319760-15 Actuator Assy. Trimmer 5435124-505, 5435124-507, 5435124-509 Generator Protective Device 10300-3, 10300-4 5 GCB 3 5 GCS 505 5 GCT 07/01/64 Dynamic Controls 5 GCT 2 Controller Device 10460-1, 10460-3 12/01/65 Dynamic Controls 5 5 GD GE 1 502 Beacon Light Aircraft Alternator Protective Panel MS25277-1 CR2781F101A11 08/01/63 08/01/56 Delta Electric G.E. 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 5 GGT 1 1 Electro Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electro Mechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Linear Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Wing Flap Actuator Assy. 559T100 10/01/60 Talley 5 GGT 3 659T100 02/01/61 Talley 5 GGT 4 816T100, 621T100 12/01/63 Talley 5 GGT 6 908T100, 909T100 01/01/65 Talley 5 GGT 7 1021T100 01/01/74 Talley 5 GS 457EA-0, 457EA-1 09/01/60 Wing Flap Actuator Assy. 457EA-0, 457EA-1 09/01/60 S-4000-2 09/01/60 501 Elevator Booster Actuator Assy. Actuator Assy., FNS Hydraulic System, Canopy Emergency Sargent Engineering Sargent Engineering Sargent Engineering Rocket Power, Inc 5 GS 2 5 GS 3 5 GT 5 GYA 501 Relay Assy. 11Z740-458-100, 9Z740-149 12/01/56 Goodyear 5 GYA 502 Relay Assy. 11Z740-458-100, 9Z740-149 12/01/56 Goodyear 5 5 5 H H H 2 3 5 Inverter Inverter: 1000 Volt Amps Inverters MG-149 06/01/45 MG-153 06/01/45 MG-149F, MG-149H 03/01/53 Holtzer-Cabot Holtzer-Cabot Holtzer-Cabot 5 H 6 Electrical Equipment: Modification of Inverters MG-149, MG-149F, MG-153, MG-153F 07/01/43 Holtzer-Cabot 5 H 7 Inverter 5AT121JJ2B 06/20/44 09/10/44 General Electric 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 1000-1, 1000-2, 1000- 04/01/63 3, 1000-4, 1000-5 2431 2432 2433 2434 5 5 5 5 5 H H H H H 8 8 9 10 11 Rotary Inverter 800 VA Rotary Inverter 250 VA Rotary Inverter Inverter Inverters 04/15/44 12/05/55 Leland 01/01/45 Leland 04/01/44 Leland MG-153F 09/01/45 Holtzer-Cabot 12107-1-A, 12107-2- 11/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer A, 12107-B, 12116-2A, 12117-2-A, 12117B, 12117-3-B, 121175-A, 12117-B, 121176-A, 12117-B, 121262-A, 12126-B, 121271-A, 12128-2-B, 12128-1-C, 12128-3C, 12133-1-A 5 H 13 24K50 06/01/45 5 H 15 800-1-B, 800-1-C, 800-1-D, PU-43 04/01/45 5 5 H H 18 19 Electrical Equipment: Instructions w/ Parts List for Rotary Converter Electrical Equipment: Relubrication of Ball Bearings on Inverters Inverter 3-Phase, 100 VA Inverter 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 800 VA MG-215 07/01/45 Holtzer-Cabot 1-100A-115D, 1-100A- 06/20/52 01/15/55 Eicor 115D-7, 1-100A115D-6 5 H 19 3-Phase, 100 VA Inverter 1-100A-115D, 1-100A- 05/01/55 115D-7, 1-100A115D-6 Eicor 5 H 20 Inverters Eicor 5 H 21 3-Phase, 100 VA Inverter ML-3011-1, ML-3011- 02/01/46 2 1-100A-115D, 1-100A- 06/01/52 115D-7, 1-100A115D-6 5 H 22 06/01/46 Holtzer-Cabot 5 H 509 Electrical Equipment: Testing MG-149F Inverters 100 VA 3-Phase Inverter 1-100A-115D-6 04/01/56 Eicor 5 5 HA HA 3 5 Inverters Inverters F35, F36, D-4 F15-1, F15-2, F16-1, F16-2, F16-4 07/01/54 01/01/51 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 5 HA 6 Inverters F15-1, F15-2, F16-1, F16-2, F16-4 08/01/53 Jack & Heintz 5 HA 8 Inverters F45-3, F36-3, F36-3M 05/01/53 Jack & Heintz 5 HA 9 Inverters F45-3, F36-3, F36-3M 05/01/53 Jack & Heintz 5 5 5 HA HA HA 10 11 13 Inverter F20-4, F21-4 07/01/54 Inverter F20-4, F21-4 07/01/54 Inverter & Motor Generator F45, -5, F45-10, F46, 01/01/61 F46-2, F46-2K, F-46K, F47, F47-1, F43 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 Eicor 5 HA 14 Inverter & Motor Generator F45, -5, F45-10, F46, 10/01/60 F46-2, F46-2K, F-46K, F47, F47-1, F43 5 HA 17 5 5 HA HA 502 503 Internal Venting of Carbon Pile Speed Regulators on Inverters Three Phase Inverters Inverter 5 HA 504 Inverter 5 HA 505 Inverter 5 HA 506 5 5 5 HB HB HB 5 5 2453 06/01/53 Jack & Heintz F49, F49-2 03/01/54 F45-3R, F145, F145- 10/01/57 2, F136 F45-3R, F145, F145- 10/01/57 2, F136 F138-1, F138-2, F148- 02/01/57 1, F148-2 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Inverter F138-1, F138-2, F148- 02/01/57 1, F148-2 Jack & Heintz 1 2 501 Inverters Inverters Inverter Assy. AN3186-1 AN3186-1 MG-54-C, MG-54-D, MG-54-E, MG-54-F 09/01/47 Wincharger 09/01/47 Wincharger 06/01/55 03/15/60 Bendix-Red Bank HB 502 Inverter Assy. MG-54-C, MG-54-D, MG-54-E, MG-54-F 02/15/60 HC 1 Inverters 18E33-1-A, 32E01-1- 04/01/53 A, 32E01-2-A, AF D5, AN3533, AN3533-1 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 F35, F36, F45, F46 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Red Bank Eclipse-Pioneer 5 HC 2 Inverter 18E33-1-A, 32E01-1- 07/30/51 04/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer A, 32E01-2-A, AF D5, AN3533, AN3533-1 5 HC 2 Inverter 18E33-1-A, 32E01-1- 04/01/53 A, 32E01-2-A, D-5, AN3533, AN3533-1 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 HC 6 Inverter 1518-1-F, 1518-1-G, 1518-1-H 04/01/55 Bendix 5 HC 7 Inverter 1518-1-F, 1518-1-G, 1518-1-H 04/01/55 Bendix 5 HC 9 Inverter 12142-1-A, 12143-1- 09/01/54 A, 12143-2-A Eclipse-Pioneer 5 HC 10 Inverter 12142-1-A, 12143-1- 12/26/52 A, 12143-2-A Eclipse-Pioneer 5 HC 10 Inverter 12142-1-A, 12143-1- 02/01/56 A, 12142-2-A Bendix 5 5 HC HC 12 13 Inverter Inverter 32E05-1-A 12/01/51 32E00-1-A, AN3534-1 10/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 5 HC 14 Inverter 32E00-1-A, AN3534-1 10/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 5 HC HC HD 19 20 1 Single-Phase Inverter Single-Phase Inverter Inverter 32E03-1-A 32E03-1-A 1-100A-115S, D-6 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eicor 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 05/01/53 05/01/53 11/01/48 2478 5 HD 2 Inverter 1-100A-115S, D-6 11/01/48 Eicor 5 HD 4 Inverter Class A, 1-1500A115S-1, AN3515 07/01/50 Eicor 5 HD 5 Inverter Class A, 1-1500A115S-1, AN3515 05/01/50 Eicor 5 HD 10 Inverter 1-2500A-115S-1, 12500-115S-1A, 12500-115S-2, AN3516 05/01/51 Eicor 5 HD 11 Inverter 1-2500A-115S-1, 12500A-115S-1A, 12500A-115S-2, AN3516 05/01/51 Eicor 5 HD 13 Inverter 1-5000C-115S-1, 15000C-115S-2, AN3530 07/01/53 Eicor 5 HD 14 Inverter 1-5000C-115S-1, 15000C-115S-2, AN3530 07/01/53 Eicor 5 HD 20 09/01/54 Eicor 5 HD 21 1-2500A115S2A Installation of Voltage Suppressor Circuits for Inverter Single-Phase 100 VA Inverter 1-101A-115S-7 08/01/53 Eicor 5 HD 22 Single-Phase 100 VA Inverter 1-101A-115S-7 08/01/53 Eicor 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 5 HE 1 Inverter 12/01/52 Continental Electric 5 HE 2 Inverter 12/01/52 Continental Electric 5 HE 3 Inverter 12/01/52 Continental Electric 5 5 5 HF HF HG 2 3 3 Electronic Inverter Electronic Inverter Inverter 02/01/50 02/01/50 09/01/51 Sorensen Sorensen Royal Electric 5 HG 24 13-2500-3A 5 5 5 HG HG HH 501 502 2 Modification of Regohm Sockets in Inverters Aircraft Inverter Aircraft Inverter Inverter 03/01/54 Royal Electric 13-2500-6-A 09/01/54 13-2500-6-A 06/01/59 SD-135-2, AN3515-1 06/01/51 Royal Electric Royal Electric Leland 5 HH 3 Inverter SD-135-2, AN3515-1 06/01/51 Leland 5 HH 5 Inverter 05/01/54 Leland HH 6 Inverter 04/01/54 Leland 5 5 5 HH HH HH 7 8 10 Inverter Inverter Inverter 01/01/54 01/01/54 05/01/54 Leland Leland Leland 5 HH 11 Inverter 04/01/54 Leland 5 HH 13 Inverter SE-2-1, SE-2-2, AN3534-1 SE-2-1, SE-2-2, AN3534-1 SE-1-1R SE-1-1R SE-6-1, SE-6-2, AN3514 SE-6-1, SE-6-2, AN3514 SD-135-3, AN3515-1 5 11/01/52 Leland 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 DMZ3508MPM3508G-X, Navy E1616-2 DMZ3508MPM3508G-X, Navy E1616-2 DMZ3508MPM3508G-X, Navy E1616-2 SE195-111 SE195-111 13-2500, AN3516 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 5 HH 14 Inverter & Motor Generator SE-9-1, SE-9-1A 10/01/61 Leland 5 HH 15 Inverter & Motor Generator SE-9-1, SE-9-1A 10/01/61 Leland 5 5 5 5 5 HH HH HH HH HH 16 17 18 19 20 Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Selector Assy. SE-5-1, SE-5-2 SE-5-1, SE-5-2 SE-8-2 SE-8-2 D-9305-001, MV-2, Class B Type II 10/01/57 10/01/57 12/01/57 12/01/57 05/01/59 Leland Leland Leland Leland Leland 5 HH 21 Selector Switch Assy. C-8341, C-8341M 08/01/60 Ledex 5 5 HH HH 21 22 Inverter Assy. Motor Generator Assy. SE-7-1 MGE130-200, MGE130-300 04/01/54 02/01/66 Leland AMF Electrosystems Div 5 5 HH HH 22 23 Inverter Assy. Motor Generator Assy. SE-7-1 MGE130-200, MGE130-300 04/01/54 02/01/71 Leland AMF Electrosystems Div 5 HH 24 MGE 75-1, 684386C 09/01/65 5 HH 25 Motor-Generator with integral Hydraulic Motor AC/DC Generator Leland & Sundstrand Leland 5 HH 26 AC/DC Generator AGH173-1, AGH173- 03/01/66 1MA, AGH173-2 Leland 5 5 HH HH 29 501 Motor Generator Assy. Inverter MGE23-400 SE-16-2, SE-16-3 Leland Leland 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 AGH173-1, AGH173- 03/01/66 1MA, AGH173-2 06/01/63 01/01/62 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 5 HH 502 Inverter SE-16-2, SE-16-3 10/01/57 Leland 5 5 5 HH HH HH 503 504 505 Inverter SE-20-2 03/01/58 Inverter SE-20-2 03/01/58 Inverter & Motor Generator MGE-23-2, MGE-23-3 09/01/61 Leland Leland Leland 5 HH 506 Inverter & Motor Generator MGE-23-2, MGE-23-3 09/01/61 Leland 5 5 5 5 HH HH HJ HJ 507 508 1 2 Inverter Inverter Aircraft Inverter Aircraft Inverter MGE-57-1 MGE-57-1 D-139 D-139, E-1737-1 03/01/59 03/01/59 10/01/52 10/01/52 Leland Leland Holtzer-Cabot Holtzer-Cabot 5 HK 1 A-1 03/01/52 Cook 5 HK 2 A-1 03/01/52 Cook 5 HK 3 666-113, A-1 02/01/53 Cook 5 5 5 5 HL HL HM HM 1 2 501 502 Inverter Change-Over Control Inverter Change-Over Control Inverter Change-Over Control Aircraft Inverter Aircraft Inverter Relay Relay, Inverter D244 D244 A-26129, R A-17764, 44B18574 04/01/53 04/01/53 10/01/54 10/01/54 Holtzer-Cabot Holtzer-Cabot C.P. Clare & Co. C.P. Clare & Co. 5 HS 501 515979 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 5 5 5 5 HV HV J J 1 2 2 2 Cabin Air Temperature Control Inverter Inverter 5MM Neoprene Maintenance of Ignition Harnesses & Terminal Installations 4606C 4606C 04/01/59 04/01/59 02/02/44 05/01/58 Varo Varo 5 J 3 Electrical Equipment: HighTension Lead Terminal Assy. Used on 18-Cylinder Scintilla Ignition Harnesses 08/01/44 5 J 4 08/01/44 5 J 5 5 J 6 Electrical Equipment: Soldering of Shielded Ignition Manifolds Electrical Equipment: Modification to 5mm Neoprene Ignition Cable Installations to Prevent Chafing Aircraft Ignition Cast-Filled 14-Cylinder Harness 5 J 7 Aircraft Ignition Cast-Filled 14-Cylinder Harness 5 J 10 Aircraft Engine Shielded Ignition Harness: Rewirable 5mm Type R-985, R-1300, R04/01/51 1340, R-1820, R1830, R-2000, R2600, R-3350, R-4360 5 J 11 Aircraft Eng. Shielded Ignition Harnesses 10/17/51 R-985, R-1300, R1340, R-1820, R1830, R-2000, R2600, R-3350, R-4360 5 J 13 Low Tension: High Altitude Ignition System R-4360-53 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 R-985, R-1340, R1820, R-1830 Series 11/01/44 07/01/47 03/01/50 09/01/52 Scintilla Scintilla 2552 2553 2554 2555 5 J 15 Low Tension Ignition System R-2800-52, R-2800- 04/01/65 54 Low Tension Ignition System R-2800-50, R-2800- 10/01/58 52W Low Tension Ignition System WAD R1820-82, R06/01/81 1820-84 Low Tension Ignition System WAD R1820-82, R08/01/74 1820-84 Radio Ignition Shield Assy. & E-3561, E-3562, E03/01/82 Shielded Detachable Ignition 866-19P-2W, E-893Lead Assy. 29C-4W, E-881-27C2W, E-889-29C-4W, E851-27P-2W Bendix-Scintilla 5 J 16 5 J 17 5 J 18 5 J 19 5 J 20 03/01/82 Radio Ignition Shield Assy. & E-3561, E-3562, EShielded Detachable Ignition 866-19P-2W, E-893Lead Assy. 29C-4W, E-881-27C2W, E-889-29C-4W, E851-27P-2W Breeze 5 J 500 03/01/50 Scintilla JA 1 18 Cylinder Cast Filled Ignition Harness Shielded Ignition Harness & Detachable Spark Plug Leads Rewirable 5mm & 7mm Type 5 08/01/61 Titeflex 2556 2557 2558 2559 27936, 27937, 30051, 30052, 30077, 30078, 30109, 30150, 31089, 31095, 31098, 31115, 32608, 92160, 92161, 92162 Scintilla Bendix-Scintilla Bendix-Scintilla Breeze 08/01/61 Titeflex 6RS915Y1 6RS915Y1 6RS915F3 41070, 41070A-1 07/01/47 03/01/50 08/01/58 12/01/61 General Electric General Electric General Electric Grimes Warning Light Panel 41070, 41070A-1 04/01/65 Grimes 5 6 7 8 Transformer Rectifier Transformer Rectifier Transformer Rectifier Transformer Rectifier FTR 3125-AS FTR 3146-AS FTR 3146-AS FTR 3146-BS, FTR 3146-BS-1, FTR 3146BS-1A, FTR 3146-BS2, A-2 06/01/48 06/01/48 06/01/48 04/01/58 Federal Federal Federal Federal KB 9 Transformer Rectifier 04/01/58 FTR 3146-BS, FTR 3146-BS-1, FTR 3146BS-1A, FTR 3146-BS2, A-2 Federal 5 KC 3 02/01/64 5 KD 1 Transformer Rectifier 28VS200BL Converter AC-DC Transformer Rectifier CW1278 07/01/59 Chatham Electronics Electrosolids 5 5 KD KD 2 3 Transformer Rectifier Transformer Rectifier 05/01/64 05/01/64 Electrosolids Electrosolids 5 JA 2 Shielded Ignition Harness & Detachable Spark Plug Leads Rewirable 5mm & 7mm Type 5 5 5 5 KA KA KA KAM 2 3 9 1 Transformer-Rectifier Transformer-Rectifier Transformer Rectifier Warning Light Panel 5 KAM 2 5 5 5 5 KB KB KB KB 5 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 W1352-1 W1352-1 2575 2576 2577 2578 5 KD 5 AC-DC Transformer Rectifier W1278-2 05/01/64 Electrosolids 5 5 KE LA 1 2 04/01/66 02/01/50 Bendix General Electric 5 LA 3 02/01/50 General Electric 5 LB 508 Rectifier Assy. Automatic Temperature Control System Automatic Temperature Control System Automatic Temperature Control 5 LC 2 5 LDA 5 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 141CA16-7, 141CA16- 06/01/56 8, 141CA16-9, 141CA16-10, 141CA16-11 Manning, Maxwell & Moore 6002-6 09/01/60 Pitometer Log 501 Overspeed Governor Amplifier Synchronizing Generator 101-0000, 101 G-30 11/01/57 Land-Air LDA 502 Synchronizing Generator 101-0000, 101 G-30 11/01/57 Land-Air 5 LH 501 459010 04/01/56 Lockheed 5 LH 502 669248 08/01/58 Lockheed 5 LW 1 5010270-1 06/01/61 Loud 5 MA 1 Inverter Control Equipment Assy. Gearbox T-Drive, Rudder Pedal Adj. Main Gear Ski Hydraulic Motor Electrohydraulic Servoactuator 8519B, 010-22440, 1721B, 1721D 05/01/74 Moog Inc. 5 MA 2 Servoactuator 8519B, 010-22440, 1721B, 1721D 07/01/62 Moog Inc. 5 MDA 501 Flap Actuator Assy. 25-69402-1, 2569402-2 08/01/56 McDonnell 2586 2587 2588 1B19-2-A 5 MDA 502 5 NA 2 5 NA 3 5 5 5 NA NA NA 4 5 32 5 NA 32 5 NA 33 5 NA 36 5 NA 37 5 NA 38 5 NA 5 NA 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 10 04/01/54 Scintilla 10 10/01/51 Scintilla 39 Ignition Exciter 40 Ignition Exciter Assy. 2596 2599 2600 2601 McDonnell 03/01/54 Scintilla 03/01/54 Scintilla 07/01/63 09/15/64 Bendix-Scintilla 2595 2598 08/15/56 TCN-3 TCN-3 10-111160-1, 10111160-3, TCN-24, T56 Ignition Unit 10-111160-1, 10111160-3, TCN-24, T56 Ignition Unit 10-111160-1, 10111160-3, TCN-24, T56 Ignition Exciter: Dual Circuit, 10-324350-5, TFHLNA/C 3 Ignition Exciter: Dual Circuit, 10-324350-5, TFHLNA/C 3 Ignition Exciter 10-348450-1, 37D400347P101, TGLN-2118 2594 2597 Actuator Assy. Emergency Ram Air Pump Door: Pneumatic Electronic Turbo Ignition System Electronic Turbo Ignition System Capacitor Ignition System Capacitor Ignition System Ignition Unit 06/01/67 Bendix-Scintilla 07/01/63 Bendix-Scintilla 01/01/66 Bendix-Scintilla 01/01/66 Bendix-Scintilla 10/01/66 Bendix-Scintilla 10-348450-1, 37D400347P101, TGLN-2118 02/01/65 Bendix-Scintilla 10-324830-1, 370402170P102, TGLN-22 09/01/65 Bendix-Scintilla 5 NA 41 Ignition Exciter Assy. Bendix-Scintilla Special Purpose Cable & Conduit Assy., Igniter Plug Leads 10-324830-1, 11/01/64 370402170P102, TGLN-22 10-321788-1, 1009/01/65 319653-1, 10-3196541, J52-P-8A 5 NA 42 5 NA 43 Special Purpose Cable & Conduit Assy., Igniter Plug Leads 10-321788-1, 1009/01/65 319653-1, 10-3196541, J52-P-8A Bendix-Scintilla 5 NA 44 Ignition Exciter 10-369510-1, TFN14, J52-9-8A 06/01/66 Bendix-Scintilla 5 NA 45 Ignition Exciter 10-369510-1, TFN14, J52-9-8A 06/01/66 Bendix-Scintilla 5 NA 501 Ignition Unit Assy. & Lead Assy., Igniter Plugs 10-75000-4, 1007/01/66 70270, 10-59930-1, 10-59935-1, TLN-10, J34-WE-34, J34-WE36 Scintilla 5 NA 502 Ignition Unit Assy. & Lead Assy., Igniter Plugs 10-75000-4, 1007/01/66 70270, 10-59930-1, 10-59935-1, TLN-10, J34-WE-34, J34-WE36 Scintilla 5 NA 509 TCN-16, J57 02/01/68 Bendix-Scintilla 5 NA 509 Ignition Unit & Associated Equipment Ignition Unit & Associated Equipment TCN-16, J57 03/01/62 Bendix-Scintilla 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 Bendix-Scintilla 2611 5 NA 509 Ignition Unit & Associated Equipment Ignition Unit & Associated Components TCN-16, J57 03/01/62 Bendix-Scintilla 5 NA 511 10-87720-8, 1087720-9, 20-8772010, TMGLN-3 11/01/69 Bendix 5 NA 512 TMGLN-3 02/01/58 Scintilla TGLN-6, TGLN-7 05/01/58 Scintilla TGLN-6, TGLN-7 05/01/58 Scintilla 519 Ignition Unit & Associated Components Ignition Units & Associated Components Ignition Units & Associated Components Ignition Units 5 NA 513 5 NA 514 5 NA 5 NA 520 Ignition Units 5 NA 522 Ignition Unit Assy. 5 NA 523 5 NA 5 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 10-124180-2, TFLN- 07/01/61 13 10-124180-2, TFLN- 07/01/61 13 10-161510-2, TGLN- 07/01/66 15, J34-WE-48 Bendix-Scintilla Ignition Unit Assy. 10-161510-2, TGLN- 03/01/59 15, J34-WE-48 Bendix-Scintilla 524 Ignition Unit 10/01/61 Bendix-Scintilla NA 525 Ignition Unit 10/01/61 Bendix-Scintilla 5 NB 2 Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 10-177500-2, TFLN18 10-177500-2, TFLN18 3400 10/01/56 General Laboratory Assoc. 5 NB 8 Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 4650 10/01/56 G.L.A. 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 Bendix-Scintilla Bendix-Scintilla 5 NB 9 11 Capacitor Discharge Electronic Surface Ignition System Capacitor Discharge Electronic Surface Ignition System Ignition Exciter 5 NB 10 5 NB 5 NB 11 Ignition Exciter 10900-10, 10900-11 02/15/58 10/15/58 G.L.A. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10900-11 40588 40588 41471 41471 40367 40367 J60 01/01/66 05/01/74 10/01/72 02/01/65 02/01/65 07/01/65 02/01/64 05/01/66 G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. 5 5 5 5 NB NB NB NB 32 33 34 35 Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Leads & Wiring Harnesses Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Wiring Harnesses 12/01/68 01/15/66 03/01/65 03/01/65 Boeing G.L.A. G.L.A. G.L.A. 5 5 NB NB 36 37 Wiring Harnesses High Tension Ignition Leads 9-91350-3 42127 42127 42257, 42189, 42347, TF30 TF30 42190, 42191, TF30 01/15/66 08/01/66 G.L.A. G.L.A. 5 NB 38 TF30 03/01/65 G.L.A. 5 5 NB NB 41 501 Stator & Rotor Assy. for Ignition Generator Ignition Exciter Capacitor Discharge Electronic Ignition Systems 42844 10400, 18600 07/01/67 06/01/65 G.L.A. G.L.A. 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 11000 09/01/55 G.L.A. 11000 10/01/56 G.L.A. 10900-10, 10900-11 02/15/58 G.L.A. 5 NB 502 Capacitor Discharge Electronic Ignition System 10400, 18600 06/01/65 G.L.A. 5 NB 503 Ignition Exciters 14800-11, 15700-10 02/01/68 G.L.A. 5 NB 503 Ignition Exciters 14800-11, 15700-10 12/01/68 G.L.A. 5 5 NB NB 504 505 Ignition Exciters Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 14800-11 10100 08/01/66 02/01/57 G.L.A. G.L.A. 5 NB 506 Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 10100 09/01/56 G.L.A. 5 NB 507 Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 3400, 3300, 4650 02/01/57 G.L.A. 5 NB 508 15100-11 12/01/63 G.L.A. 5 NB 509 15100-11 12/01/63 G.L.A. 5 NB 510 Capacitor Discharge Electronic Ignition Exciter Capacitor Discharge Electronic Ignition Exciter Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 18600 07/01/57 G.L.A. 5 NB 511 15700-10 01/01/56 G.L.A. 5 NB 512 Capacitor Discharge Electronic Ignition Exciter Condenser Discharge Electronic Ignition System 3300 10/01/56 G.L.A. 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 5 NB 515 Intermediate Voltage Ignition Leads 18200-60, 18200-70, 01/01/61 18300-60, 18300-70, 40113, 40089, J57, J75 G.L.A. 5 NB 516 Intermediate Voltage Ignition Leads 18200-60, 18200-70, 01/01/61 18300-60, 18300-70, 40113, 40089, J57, J75 G.L.A. 5 NB 517 High Tension Ignition Leads 20100-80, 20300-80, 07/01/64 40200, 40201, 40202, 40203, J75, J33 G.L.A. 5 NB 518 High Tension Ignition Leads 20100-80, 20300-80, 08/01/66 40200, 40201, 40202, 40203, J75, J33 G.L.A. 5 5 NB NB 519 520 40078 40078 02/01/64 01/01/60 G.L.A. G.L.A. 5 5 NB NB 520 521 Ignition Exciter Capacitor Discharge Electronic Ignition Exciter Ignition Exciter Igntion Input Leads & Wiring Harnesses 40078 07/01/64 10900-60, 13660-60, 07/01/64 40780, 40095, 40548, 40562, 40705, 41803, J57, J75, TF33 G.L.A. G.L.A. 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 5 NB 522 Igntion Input Leads & Wiring 10900-60, 13660-60, 11/01/65 Harnesses 40780, 40095, 40548, 40562, 40705, 41803, J57, J75, TF33 G.L.A. 5 NB 523 Ignition Transformers 18200-50, 40722 12/01/59 G.L.A. 5 NC 1 Igntion Generator Assy. 625222, 634058, 730947 10/01/75 Pratt & Whitney 5 5 NF 1 NWL 501 Igntion Generator Assy. Tandem Servo Actuator Assy. 628599 120560, 120572, 1205-1, 1205-2 03/01/70 10/01/56 Pratt & Whitney National Water Life 5 NWL 502 Tandem Servo Actuator Assy. 120560, 120572, 1205-1, 1205-2 10/01/56 National Water Life 5 P 501 6443 11/01/54 Haydon 5 5 5 P PA Q 502 1 9 1 Switch Time Delay Relay w/ Radio Filtering Repeat Cycle Timer Electronic Timer Assy. Aircraft External Power Monitor A7933 11/01/54 A31408 11/01/63 M24021-2, M24021- 01/01/77 4, 93234-2, 93234-4 Haydon Haydon Tempo Instrument 5 QA 501 4-Unit Panel Roto-Tellite 54-100, 54-100-3, 54- 10/01/59 100-11, 65-100-15, 1569, 333-100-1 Master Specialties 5 5 5 QB QB QB 3 4 5 AC Control Panel A-C Control Panel A-C Control Panel A40A1739 A40A1735-2 A40A1735-2 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 10/01/60 11/01/60 11/01/60 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 QB QB QB QB QB QB QB 6 7 8 8 9 9 501 DC Circuit Breaker DC Circuit Breaker AC Generator AC Generator AC Generator AC Generator Control Panel, Exterior Lights A35A9136 A35A9136 976J480-2 976J480-2 976J480-2 976J480-2 3800 11/01/61 11/01/61 09/01/74 05/01/69 09/01/74 05/01/69 04/01/58 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Seaboard Electric 5 QC 1 Panel Assy.: Warning F613-1, F613-1A, F613-1B, F613-1C 12/01/61 United Control 5 QC 2 Panel Assy.: Advisory 11/01/65 United Control 5 QC 3 08/01/61 Jack & Heintz 5 QC 4 08/01/61 Jack & Heintz 5 QC 5 11/01/68 Bendix 5 QC 6 Supervisory Panel 34B28-7M-A, 34B28- 09/01/68 9-A, 34B28-11-A, 34B28-20-A Bendix 5 5 5 QC QC QD 9 10 1 Control Panel Control Panel Landing Gear Control Panel 21B30-3-A 21B30-3-A A4503M1 03/01/66 11/01/65 05/01/61 Bendix Bendix Avionic Products 5 QH 1 Manual Panel Control 549887 12/01/60 Hamilton Standard 5 5 QJ QJ 1 2 Supervisory Panel Unit Supervisory Panel Unit CSV1015-1 CSV1015-1 03/01/66 03/01/66 Leland Leland 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 F638-1, F638-1A, F638-1E Electrical System Protection 50185-005 Panel Electrical System Protection 50185-005 Panel Supervisory Panel 34B28-7M-A, 34B289-A, 34B28-11-A, 34B28-20-A 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 5 QT 1 Supervisory Panel 401-10202-2, C-300 08/01/64 5 QT 2 Supervisory Panel 401-10202-2, C-300 08/01/64 5 TH 1 567001-1 01/01/74 Avionic Products 5 UC 1 1200-1 12/01/64 United Control 5 VHS 1 13572 12/01/62 Carma 5 WA 2 Rudder Trim Cable Drum Assy. Modulated Windshield Temperature Controller Assy. Motor Driven Environmentally Sealed Rotary Switch Window Unit XW20961-1, XW20961-2 Air Corps B-1, C-1 08/01/62 Alco Valve Co. 2701 2702 2703 2704 5 1 5 2 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 9 Battery Circuit Solenoid Switches Starting Vibrators 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 04/01/43 VJR12B3, VJR24B3, 02/01/45 VJR12B5, VJR12B5X, VJR24B5, VJR24B5X, B3, B5 Electrical Equipment: Cleaning & Polishing Landing Lamp Reflectors Electrical Equipment: Plating A-7, A-8 of Base, Running Lamps 09/01/43 Electrical EquipmentIdentification of Inverter Leads Booster Coil 03/01/43 A-1, C-1 American Bosch 01/01/42 03/10/41 A.L. Garber Co. 5 10 Electrical Equipment: A-7, A-8 Weatherproofing of Running Lamps, After Installation 09/01/43 5 11 Warning Signals B-4, E-2 06/01/41 Sparks-Withington 5 5 5 5 12 13 14 15 Relay Warning Bells Ignition Switch Push Button Control Switch B-8 3689 B-5 06/01/43 12/01/40 07/01/43 11/01/40 Jack & Heintz Eclipse Scintilla General Electric 5 17 Inverter, Vibrator Type S-525-C 08/01/41 5 18 Inverter, Vibrator Type B-9, S-712 10/01/41 5 19 Lamp Assy. C-2, C-3, C-3A, K-2 12/01/42 Electronic Laboratories Electronic Laboratories Grimes & EA Labs 5 21 Rotary Type 03/01/42 5 22 Electrical Equipment: Inverter Autosyn Vibrator Inverters 67G717, 67G972 09/01/42 General Electric 5 25 B-4 06/01/42 Cutler-Hammer 5 27 WL-7a 06/01/42 Scintilla 5 29 A-7, A-8, D-1, D-2 01/01/45 5 30 Battery & Starter Circuit Relay Battery Ignition for Jacobs Aircraft Engines Electrical Equipment: Installation of Narrow Beam Resin Lens for Tail Position Lamp Assy. Magneto Ignition Switch 5 33 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 Electrical Equipment: Drawing References 10-17498, 10-17698 08/01/42 01/01/43 Scintilla 2726 2727 5 35 Cockpit Lamp C-4 09/01/42 5 5 36 38 B-7 C-1, D-1 01/01/44 09/01/42 5 39 Cockpit Extension Lamp Battery Current Solenoid Switch, Solenoid Starter Switch Electrical Equipment: Operation & Adjustment of Electrical Power Systems 5 41 Electrical Equipment: Lamp Assy. & Lamp Bulb Guide 5 43 5 44 5 45 5 46 5 47 5 5 48 49 Induction Vibrator Starting Coil Induction Vibrator Starting Coil Induction Vibrator Starting Coil Landing Lamp, Electrically Retractable Electrical Equipment: Proper Application of Relay Switches Starting Vibrator Ignition Switches 5 50 Electrical Equipment: Table of Approved Rheostats 5 54 5 55 Generator Adaptor Drive 2Speed Aircraft Flasher Mechanism 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 Standard Aircraft Prod. EA Laboratories Cutler-Hammer 09/01/44 11/01/42 VJR B1 Series 02/01/43 American Bosch VJR B1 Series 02/01/43 American Bosch VJR B1 Series 02/01/43 American Bosch B-3 12/01/50 EA Laboratories B-4, B-8 02/01/46 70G7G3 01/01/50 A2a, A2a-10, A2a-13 08/01/43 General Electric Scintilla 08/01/43 317H 05/01/45 Dodge/Chrysler FA-121, FA-122 09/01/44 Wallace & Tiernan 5 56 5 57 5 58 5 59 5 60 5 67 5 69 5 5 71 72 5 2741 2742 2743 Electrical Equipment: Installation Method of Solderless Terminals Relays B-4, B-8 03/01/45 Electric Auto-Lite Type I, II, III 03/01/48 Grimes 3990A, 3990B12, 3990B24 09/01/44 Bendix Electrical Switches & Actuators Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Top Cover Gasket: Starting Vibrator Aircraft Type 03/01/45 First Industrial Corp VJR24B5, VJR24B6 08/01/44 Index of Aeronautical Equipment Electrical Solenoid Relay Landing Lights, Electrically Retractable Army, Navy 06/01/44 AAF Type B-4 AN3095-1, AN30952, AN3095-3 10/01/44 12/01/50 Eclipse EA Laboratories 74 Starting Vibrators VJR24B6, VJR24B6X 02/01/45 American Bosch 5 75 Type 70G7, VJR24B3, 05/01/45 VJR24B5X 5 5 77 79 Electrical Equipment: Replacement of Starting Vibrator Inverter Relay High-Tension Booster Coils Landing Light Assy.: Electrically Retractable Position Light Flasher 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 01/01/44 A-957-7220-A 512, 513, 1313, 1497, A-1, C-1 03/01/45 06/10/45 Leach Relay Eclipse-Pioneer 5 79 High-Tension Booster Coils Series 512, 513, 10/01/49 1313, 1367, 1497, A1, C-1 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 5 80 80 81 Pressure Switch Starting Vibrator Starting Vibrators 555-1331 VJR24C6 VJR24C3, VJR24C5, VJR24C6 01/01/53 04/01/45 11/01/51 Cook American Bosch American Bosch 5 5 82 83 B-13, B-14 B-4815 07/01/45 06/01/45 Cutler-Hammer Wilcolator 5 5 84 85 Relays Inverter Automatic ChangeOver Relay Triple Unit Starting Coil Circuit Breaker 07/01/50 10/01/53 Scintilla Westinghouse 5 86 Circuit Breaker 10/01/53 Westinghouse 5 87 3-Pole Circuit Breaker 10-33200-1 A14B1805, A14B1805A, A14B1805B, A14B1805C, A14B1805C-2 A14B1805, A14B1805A, A14B1805B, A14B1805C, A14B1805C-2 A14B1805, A14B1805A, A14B1805B, A14B1805C, A14B1805C-2, A14B1805C-3, A-1 06/01/54 Westinghouse 5 90 Electrical Connectors AN 03/01/55 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 5 92 Position Light Flashers 3990A, 3990B12, 01/01/51 3990B24, 450250-01, 450250-0-3, 450350-0-3, 452061, 452062 Bendix 5 93 Position Light Flashers 3990A, 3990B12, 01/01/51 3990B24, 450250-01, 450250-0-3, 450350-0-3, 452061, 452062 Bendix 5 98 Relays 10146, 10246, 10346 10/01/47 Standard Electrical 5 100 Relays B-13, B-14, AN3380- 10/01/47 1, AN3381-1 Cutler-Hammer 5 101 Relays B-13, B-14, AN3380- 10/01/47 1, AN3381-1 Cutler-Hammer 5 106 Differential Protection Relay AVP-8-A 5 107 Vibrator Ignition Units 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 10/01/47 11/01/51 10-52750-2, 1052750-4, 10-52750-5, 10-52750-8, 1052750-9, 10-5275010, 10-55010-2, 1055010-4 Westinghouse Scintilla 5 108 Vibrator Ignition Units 5 109 Inverter Change-Over Relays 650-1099, 650-1175, 07/01/55 650-1740, 650-1800, 650-4018 Cook 5 110 Inverter Change-Over Relays 650-1099, 650-1175, 07/01/55 650-1740, 650-1800, 650-4018 Cook 5 116 Exciter Regulator 1-EXC-8A1M2, A-1 Eicor 5 118 Magnetic Valves G104A, G104C, G104D Series 5 119 Differential Pressure Switch G20A 06/01/51 Minn-Honeywell 5 120 Differential Pressure Switch G20A 06/01/51 Minn-Honeywell 5 121 Electric Windshield Wipers 10/26/48 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 10-52750-2, 1010/01/51 52750-4, 10-52750-5, 10-52750-8, 1052750-9, 10-5275010, 10-55010-2, 1055010-4 01/01/51 Scintilla Minn-Honeywell Marquette Metal Prod. 10/26/48 10/20/50 Marquette Metal Prod. 10/26/48 07/27/50 Marquette Metal Prod. 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 5 122 Electric Windshield Wipers 5 124 Position Light Flasher C-1 10/26/48 04/19/50 Marquette Metal Prod. 10/26/48 04/15/51 Marquette Metal Prod. 10/26/48 06/20/51 Marquette Metal Prod. 10/26/48 Marquette Metal Prod. 09/01/55 Marquette Metal Prod. 02/01/55 Texas Engr & Mfg 5 125 Position Light Flasher C-1 02/01/55 Texas Engr & Mfg 5 5 5 127 128 129 AN3380-1 AN3380-1 A-7, A-8 11/01/49 11/01/48 03/01/49 Leach Relay Leach Relay 5 132 Relay Relay Weatherproofing & Corrosion Prevention of Navigation Light Assy. Aircraft Searchlight Sets 5 135 5 135 5 137 5 5 5 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 Pressure Control Switches AN/AVQ-2, AN/AVQ- 07/01/69 2A 04/01/56 Cook Pressure Control Switches 555-3604 01/01/55 Cook Electric Windshield Wiper 03/01/51 Kearfott 138 Electric Windshield Wiper 03/01/51 Kearfott 140 140 Landing Light Assy. Landing Light Assy. 07/01/50 01/01/57 Grimes Grimes A AN3095 AN3095 5 146 Differential Pressure Switch 100D-1E, 100D-2, 100D-3, 100D-4, 100D-5, 100D-6, 100D-7 06/01/52 McQuay-Norris 5 147 Differential Pressure Switch 100D-1E, 100D-2, 100D-3, 100D-4, 100D-5, 100D-6, 100D-7 06/01/52 McQuay-Norris 5 148 Exciter Control Relay A24A9280, H-1 06/01/54 Westinghouse 5 149 Exciter Control Relay A24A9280, H-1 06/01/54 Westinghouse 5 150 Pressure Actuated Switches 05/05/50 05/01/52 Meletron 5 150 Pressure Actuated Switches 05/05/50 11/01/51 Meletron 5 150 Pressure Actuated Switches 11/01/74 Meletron 5 151 Pressure Actuated Switches 06/01/55 Meletron 5 152 Exciter Protection Relays 06/01/50 Westinghouse 5 153 Exciter Protection Relays 06/01/50 Westinghouse 5 154 Aircraft Ignition Switch A21B4801, A21B4947 A21B4801, A21B4947 803RA, AN 3213-1A 07/01/50 Pollak 5 155 Aircraft Ignition Switch 803RA, AN 3213-1A 10/01/50 Pollak 5 156 Ignition & Selector Switch 10-29755-2 07/01/50 Scintilla 5 157 Ignition & Selector Switch 10-29755-2 07/01/50 Scintilla 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 5 158 Single Engine Ignition Switch 09/01/50 Bendix 5 159 Single Engine Ignition Switch 09/01/50 Bendix 5 5 5 160 161 162 103D-6E 103D-6E 9038 06/01/50 06/01/50 07/01/50 McQuay-Norris McQuay-Norris Leach Relay 5 163 Pressure Switch Pressure Switch Circuit Control Latch Relay Assy. Circuit Control Latch Relay 9038 08/01/51 Leach Relay 5 164 Engine Oil Pressure Switch 3153-3A-250 08/01/65 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 168 Differential Pressure Switch 3133-1-A, 3133-2-A, 04/01/53 3133-6-B, 3146-1-A32, 3146-2-A-26, 3146-3-A-20 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 169 Differential Pressure Switch 3133-1-A, 3133-2-A, 04/01/53 3133-6-B, 3146-1-A32, 3146-2-A-26, 3146-3-A-20 Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 5 5 5 5 170 171 182 183 189 190 Exciter Voltage Regulator Exciter Voltage Regulator Relay Relay Relay-Time Delay Starting Vibrator AF Type A-1 AF Type A-1 9565-H2B 9565-H2B 190 VJS24A1, VJS24A2 01/01/51 12/01/50 02/01/51 02/01/51 03/01/51 04/01/52 White Tuning White Tuning Cutler-Hammer Cutler-Hammer Meletron American Bosch 5 191 Starting Vibrator VJS24A1, VJS24A2 08/01/65 American Bosch 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 5 192 Starting Vibrator VJS24A1, VJS24A2 5 5 5 193 194 195 Junction Box Junction Box Exciter Protection Relays Airtron Inc Airtron Inc Westinghouse 5 196 Exciter Protection Relays 5 198 Instrument Panel Vibrator R-11116-4 09/01/51 R-11116-4 03/01/52 04/01/53 A25B8303, A35A9126, U.S.A.F. A1 A25B8303, 04/01/53 A35A9126, U.S.A.F. A1 C10FA540, 12/01/51 C10FA548, C10FA549 5 199 Instrument Panel Vibrator C10FA540, 12/01/51 C10FA548, C10FA549 Globe Industries 5 5 5 5 5 5 201 202 203 204 205 209 Selector Switch Assy. Trim Tab Controller Assy. Trim Tab Controller Assy. Electronic Control Assy. Electronic Control Assy. Exciter Voltage Regulator 922 Series 982 Series 982 Series 954 Series 954 Series 7RGB, U.S.A.F. A-1 11/01/51 03/01/52 11/01/51 01/01/53 02/01/52 04/01/54 Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Gaveco Labs 5 5 5 5 210 211 212 215 Relay Inverter Changeover Switch Assy. Cowl Flap Actuators & Power Unit 666-112, D-1 666-133 AN 3212-1 EE-1730M1, EE1730M101, EE-2490, EE-1730, EE1730M103 03/01/52 03/01/52 02/01/52 06/01/53 Cook Cook Pollak Air Assoc 5 216 Contactor & Feeder Protection Relay A24A9336, AVR-182 03/01/52 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 03/01/57 American Bosch Westinghouse Globe Industries Westinghouse 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 5 217 5 218 Contactor & Feeder Protection Relay Contractor Assy. A24A9336, AVR-182 03/01/52 Westinghouse Westinghouse Under-Voltage Relay Assy. A24A9345, AVR-342- 03/01/52 A A24A9345, AVR-342- 03/01/52 A 612888A 12/01/52 5 219 Contractor Assy. 5 220 5 221 Under-Voltage Relay Assy. 612888A 12/01/52 Air Assoc 5 222 Under-Voltage Relay Assy. 612888A 12/01/52 Air Assoc 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 228 229 230 231 232 233 237 GC27-2A GC27-2A GC29-2 GC29-2 GC26, GC62 GC26, GC62 551, U.S.A.F. A-1 06/01/52 06/01/52 05/01/52 05/01/52 08/01/52 08/01/52 04/01/53 Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Jack & Heintz Standard Electrical 5 241 5 244 Controller Controller Controller Controller Contactor Contactor Relay, Armature, Exciter Protection Capacitor Fuel Quantity Gage Level Switch Units Under-Frequency Relay Assy. 9043-67D 07/01/52 Aviation Engineering Leach Relay 5 245 450-A, U.S.A.F. S-1 04/01/53 Standard Electrical 5 246 Relay, Differential Current Protection Switch Assy., Oil Pressure D3387, S1, ACP3 08/01/52 5 247 Acceleration, Anti-G, Switch 3150-1-A 09/01/52 United Electric Controls Eclipse-Pioneer 5 248 Switch-Aneroid 10/01/52 Meletron 165-045-415, 225-03 04/01/53 7155-2 Westinghouse Air Assoc 5 251 Engine Temperature Controller 101-1A, 101-1C, 101- 04/01/54 1D, 101-1F, 203-A33M Bristol 5 253 Miniature Pressure Switch 555-3440 11/01/52 Cook 5 254 Miniature Pressure Switch 555-3571 11/01/52 Cook 5 255 Miniature Pressure Switch 555-3506 11/01/52 Cook 5 256 Miniature Pressure Switch 555-3441 11/01/52 Cook 5 5 257 259 Pressure Switch Switch: Pressure Actuated M-997 1514-11-6 06/01/54 12/01/52 Aerotec Meletron 5 5 5 5 260 261 262 268 Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Universal Joint, Tail Rotor 1514-11-7 417E-5BL-36 410-11L-14 MJ-3830-A 12/01/52 12/01/52 12/01/52 10/01/52 5 5 269 270 Flow Indicator Elect. Winshield Wipers P-1101W 04/01/53 K18537E, K18540E, 09/08/53 K18531E, D 15485-16 Meletron Meletron Meletron Gear Grinding Machine Aerotec Marquette Metal Prod. 5 271 Elect. Windshield Wipers K18537E, K18540E, K18531E 09/08/53 Marquette Metal Prod. 5 272 Pressure Switch R88S2076-200-000 07/01/53 Cook 5 273 Circuit Breaker A19A6234, AVB-1 05/01/53 Westinghouse 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 5 274 05/01/60 Hydraulic Windshield Wiper XW-2198-1, XWSystem Components 2196-4, XS-2068-13, XW-2068-20, XW2069-2 Alco 5 275 Hydraulic Windshield Wiper XW-2198-1, XW05/01/60 System Components 2196-4, XS-2068-13, XW-2068-20, XW2069-2 Alco 5 5 5 276 277 278 Flasher, Exterior Lights Flasher, Exterior Lights Electric Windshield Wiper System BR 24G1 BR 24G1 Navy XW20047P5M1 07/01/53 05/01/55 12/01/57 Air Assoc. Air Assoc. Alco 5 279 Electric Windshield Wiper System Navy XW20047P5M1 12/01/57 Alco 5 280 Switch, Fuel Tank Float F-6349, F-6349M2, F- 07/01/53 6349M3 Revere 5 285 Hydraulic Pressure Switch 50002-2 06/01/53 Drescher 5 286 Hydraulic Pressure Switch 50002-1 06/01/53 Drescher 5 287 Hydraulic Pressure Switch 50001-4 06/01/53 Drescher 5 288 Hydraulic Pressure Switch 50001-3 06/01/53 Drescher 5 289 Hydraulic Pressure Switch 50001-1 06/01/53 Drescher 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 5 291 Hydraulic & Pneumatic Pressure Switches 106030-2, 106030-3, 08/01/53 106030-4, 106030-5 Leonard 5 292 Dual Float Switch A-100101, A-100111, 06/01/53 A-100121, A-100131, A-100141, A-100151, A-100181, A-10016, A-10017, A-10216, A10217, A-10218 Gladden 5 293 Dual Float Switch A-100101, A-100111, 06/01/53 A-100121, A-100131, A-100141, A-100151, A-100181, A-10016, A-10017, A-10216, A10217, A-10218 Gladden 5 296 Relay 8147 10/01/53 Standard Electrical 5 5 298 300 Time Delay Assy. Switch, Autopilot Release 650-1436 40769C 08/01/53 08/01/53 Cook Minn-Honeywell 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 5 301 Rotary Switch, Thermocouple Selector Six Engine Control Switch Rotary Selector Switch Rotary Selector Switch Pressure Actuated Switch 5 5 5 5 303 305 307 308 5 5 5 316 318 319 Float Switch Fuel Float Switch Differential Pressure Switches F-3102 05/01/54 F-4201 06/01/54 P-904-3, P-904-G, P- 07/01/54 904-R, P-904-RA, P904-T, P-904-L, P-904JA Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec 5 322 9038-3746 Leach 5 322 Circuit Control Latch Relay Assy. Inline Float Switches 5 5 323 323 Temperature Selector Pressure Ratio Limit Switch 5 324 5 5 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2911 2912 2913 2914 07/01/53 Lewis AC858BA 555-121 1000 410-10-71, 410-1071A, 410-A16-190 07/01/53 12/01/53 08/01/53 07/01/53 Jos. Pollak Cook Meletron Meletron 01/01/59 F-3401, F-3401W, F- 05/01/54 3401WR, F-3402, F3402R Aerotec 510106 92180-4, PRS1-1-1 10/01/59 04/01/54 AiResearch AiResearch 10/01/76 Hydra-Power 324 Hydraulic Windshield Wiper HP655100, -1 Actuator Pressure Ratio Limit Switch 92180-4, PRS1-1-1 04/01/54 AiResearch 325 Hydraulic Slave Actuator 09/01/76 Hydra-Power 2909 2910 10S18D HP655200-21, HP655200-22, HP655200-31, HP655200-32 2915 2916 2917 2918 5 326 5 326 5 327 5 327 5 328 Differential Reactive Current GC73-1 04/01/54 Protection Unit Pressure Ratio Switches GPM-17600-1, GPM- 12/01/62 17600-6, GPM-1760010 5 328 12-Position Selector Switch 10-34740 11/01/53 Scintilla 5 329 Multimeter Z-10.1045, Z10.1049, HD-647-7, HD-647-8 12/01/59 Dejur Amsco 5 330 Phase Detector 7910671, 7854892 Torquemeter Transistorized 01/01/68 AC Electronics 5 333 Hydraulic Pressure Switch Assy. 29000-1, 29000-2, 29000-4 01/01/54 Hydraulic Research 5 334 Modification of Differential Current Protection Relay 450A 03/01/54 Standard Electrical 5 5 336 338 93262 J52 03/01/60 06/01/63 Titeflex G.L.A. 5 338 Cable Assy.: Accessory Ignition Leads & Wiring Harness Speed Sensitive Switch 7005198, 7005730 07/01/54 5 339 Motor, Windshield Wiper XW20058-M1 08/01/73 Rochester Products Alco 2919 2920 Windshield Wiper Speed HP655300 Control Valve Differential Reactive Current GC73-1 Protection Unit Mach Switch Assy. 6555-2 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 11/01/59 Hydra-Power 04/01/54 Jack & Heintz 07/01/59 Consolidated Controls Jack & Heintz Gorn Electric 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 5 342 Cable Tension Indicator 62120-A1 10/01/60 All American Eng. 5 343 Cable Tension Indicator 62120-A1 10/01/60 All American Eng. 5 5 344 345 Pressure Ratio Switch Slip Ring Assy. GPM-17600 2136-1 07/01/61 07/01/61 5 346 Magnetic Brake Assy. R460M3-211 12/01/62 5 349 Speed Monitor, AC Spark Plug 10-40048-4, 49-5424, 12/01/68 6403892, 7854294 Gorn Electric Englehard Industries Airborne Accessories Boeing 5 5 5 350 351 352 666-874 18176 874C621P1 11/01/63 06/01/65 09/01/65 Cook Electric Teleflex General Electric 5 353 Alco 354 XW20907-1, XW20907-2 5547-1 10/01/64 5 12/01/64 Task 5 357 Timer Relay Wing Lock Sector Box Switch, Filter Bypass Pressure Indicator Window Unit, Hydraulic Wiper Constant-Speed-Drive Cooling Blower Assy. Switch, Compressor Discharge Pressure 311D894P02, CG124451 08/01/66 5 360 Relay Rack 216-37417-1 04/01/70 5 361 Circuit Card Assy. 5 5 5 5 543 544 545 546 Pressure Warning Switch Ignition Switch Screwjack Flasher Units, Exterior Lights 1527 10-29755-2 M-1775 1006, 3000, 3300 04/01/48 06/01/49 04/01/53 09/01/54 General Electric/Westport Dev LTV Aerospace Corp LTV Aerospace Corp Meletron Scintilla Air Assoc. Seaboard Electric 5 551 Ignition Switch 10-29055-1 06/01/50 Scintilla 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 02/01/73 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 5 559 Breaker Ignition Coil 10-55000-3, TBN-3 09/01/51 Scintilla 5 563 Pressure Actuated Switch 1512-56, 1512-57 06/01/52 Meletron 5 5 5 5 5 566 567 568 569 571 Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Engine Temperature Controller 410-1-19 410-11-20 410-16-119 410-A12L-124 101-1A, 101-1C, 1011D, 101-1F, 203-A33M 11/01/52 11/01/52 11/01/52 06/01/52 05/01/54 Meletron Meletron Meletron Meletron Bristol 5 572 Engine Temperature Controller 101-1A, 101-1C, 101- 05/01/54 1D, 101-1F, 203-A33M Bristol 5 5 5 5 573 576 577 578 Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Air Speed Pressure Switch 417-22B-39 A-301 418-18-9 7000-1 11/01/52 01/01/53 11/01/52 02/01/53 Meletron Aerotec Meletron Essex 5 579 Cowl Flap Actuators & Power EE-1730, EE-1730M1, 06/01/53 Unit EE-1730M101, EE2490, EE-1730M103 Air Assoc. 5 583 Westinghouse 5 584 Differential Current Protection Relay Aircraft Searchlight Sets 5 585 Aircraft Searchlight Sets 5 586 Aircraft Searchlight Sets 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 A18B2232, AVP-208A 04/01/53 AN/AVQ-2, AN/AVQ- 01/01/69 2A AN/AVQ-2, AN/AVQ- 08/01/69 2A AN/AVQ-2, AN/AVQ- 08/01/69 2A 2965 2966 2967 2968 5 587 Feeder Protection Relay 10/01/53 Westinghouse Electric Windshield Wipers A14A9755-2, AVR232 K18550E 5 589 12/01/53 590 Electric Windshield Wipers K18550E 12/01/53 5 5 591 602 Position Light Flasher Limit Switch Assy. 810-00, C-2 11/01/53 110-746000-110, 110- 06/01/54 746000-50 Marquette Metal Prod. Marquette Metal Prod. Gaudette Mfg Fairchild 5 5 5 5 5 603 604 605 610 Pressure Switch Stator, Engine Cooling Fan, Engine Cooling Pressure Switch 840313 115701-17 115601-3 AL58D1052, AL58D1045-A11, AL58D1045-A12 5 611 Frequency Relay Westinghouse 5 612 Dampers, Feel System Viscous A28A8993-3, AVE01/01/56 206 23-69079-301, 2503/01/55 69319-1, 25-69319-9 5 5 5 5 613 614 615 616 Searchlight Set Searchlight Set Aircraft Searchlight Set Searchlight Set AN/AVQ-2C AN/AVQ-2C AN/AVQ-2C AN/AVQ-2C Strong Electric Strong Electric Strong Electric Beaconing Optical & Precision 5 617 Stabilization Data Generator CN-277/AVQ 09/01/56 5 618 Stabilization Data Generator CN-277/AVQ 01/01/56 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 09/01/54 07/01/54 07/01/54 03/01/57 09/01/63 09/01/63 03/01/76 08/01/68 2979 2980 2981 Kidde Benson Benson General Controls McDonnell Douglas 5 619 Hydraulic Pressure Switch AL-58D1113A1, AL58D1121A2 5 620 Controllable Search & Landing Light G-6250, G-6250-1, G- 04/01/66 6250-2, G-6250-3, G6250-4 Grimes 5 621 Controllable Search & Landing Light G-6250, G-6250-1, G- 04/01/66 6250-2, G-6250-3, G6250-4 Grimes 5 622 25432520 03/01/56 Vapor 5 623 Regulator, Electric Windshield Aircraft Temperature System Generator Armature Shunting Relay X-157857 04/01/56 Allen-Bradley 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 05/01/58 General Controls 5 624 Electric Windshield Wiper Systems XW20101-C-123, XW20101-C-123B, XW20101-S-56, XW20101-S-58, XW20101-P5M2, XW20101-B-36, XW20101-B-47, XW20101-P6M, XW20101-B-57, XW20101-AF-2 01/01/59 Alco 5 625 Electric Windshield Wiper Systems XW20101-C-123, XW20101-C-123B, XW20101-S-56, XW20101-S-58, XW20101-P5M2, XW20101-B-36, XW20101-B-47, XW20101-P6M, XW20101-B-57, XW20101-AF-2 01/01/59 Alco 5 626 Cockpit Lamp Assy. 10245 02/01/56 Soderberg 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 5 627 Flasher, Navigation Light 5 628 Under-Frequency Relay Assy. 9043-10H 5 629 Magnetic Brake R-460M3-1,R-460M3- 01/01/60 2, R-460M3-21 Airborne Acces. 5 630 12034-11 05/01/56 Airesearch 5 5 5 5 633 634 635 636 91546 555-3604 555-3604 J57 03/01/56 07/01/56 07/01/56 03/01/66 Titeflex Cook Cook Bendix-Scintilla 5 637 J57 03/01/63 Bendix-Scintilla 5 5 638 639 Box, Radio Interference Filter Cable Assy.: Accessory Pressure Switch Pressure Switch Harness, Lead & Cable Assy.: Non-Ignition Harness, Lead & Cable Assy.: Non-Ignition Transformer Rectifier Aircraft Dynamotor 6RS992F1 49527-A-1 10/01/55 06/01/57 5 5 5 5 5 5 641 642 644 645 646 647 Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Window Unit & Wiper Assy. 412-32B-11 412-32B-32 412-32B-13 412-32B-14 417-11BL-61 D17783, D18775 01/01/57 01/01/57 01/01/57 02/01/57 02/01/57 11/01/56 5 648 Electric Wiper Installation K18582E 11/01/56 5 650 Differential Pressure Switch 7400-1 09/01/56 General Electric Continental Electric Co Meletron Meletron Meletron Meletron Meletron Marquette Metal Prod Marquette Metal Prod Essex 5 652 96278 03/01/57 Hamilton Standard 5 5 653 654 Cabin Temperature Controller Time Delay Relay Drain Float Switch 6100-1 GF-5000 12/01/56 10/01/57 Airite Gorn Electric 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 BR-24G1 05/01/56 Van Dusen Aircraft 03/01/56 Leach 3012 3013 3014 5 655 5 656 5 5 657 658 Wing Flap Asymmetry Switches Wing Flap Asymmetry Switches Pressure Actuated Switch Control Panel Assy. 1726E35, 1726E39 02/01/57 Western Gear 1726E35, 1726E39 02/01/57 Western Gear 410-20DL-237 C16-1337-001B, 161168-000 02/01/57 06/01/57 Meletron Aero Supply 5 659 Control Panel Assy. C16-1337-001B, 161168-000 06/01/57 Aero Supply 5 5 660 661 Fuel Pressure Switch Pressure Warning Switch 3152-1-A-60 516313 12/01/56 01/01/57 Eclipse-Pioneer Hamilton Standard 5 5 5 662 663 664 Harness & Cable Assy. Harness & Cable Assy. Pressure Actuated Switch 10-106030-2 10-106030-2 412B-A32L-48A, 412B-A32L-48B 05/01/57 05/01/57 10/01/57 Scintilla Scintilla Meletron 5 665 Differential Pressure Switch UD-504 08/01/57 Aerotec 5 666 Disconnect Seat D-100-R-1, D-100-R- 10/01/57 3, D-100-R-5, D-100R-7, D-100-R-9, D100-R-11 Aerotec 5 5 667 668 Throttle Angle Switch Engine Oil Pressure Switch 3598 3153-1-A-200 Waldorf Eclipse-Pioneer 5 5 671 672 Pressure Actuated Switch Relay Assy. 410-17-186 02/01/57 7264-283, AN3370-1 10/01/57 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 03/01/57 10/01/57 Meletron Leach 3028 3029 3030 3031 5 673 Relay Assy. 7064-208, AN3352-1 10/01/57 Leach 5 674 Relay Assy. 7064-238, AN3350-1 06/01/59 Leach 5 675 Relay Assy. 7064-758, AN3350-2 06/01/59 Leach 5 676 Switch Assy., Air Pressure 7500-3 10/01/57 Essex 5 677 Throttle Angle Switch 11/01/59 Waldorf/GE 5 5 5 678 679 680 Cable Assy.: Accessory Position Light, Periodic Engine Oil Pressure Switch 3597, 3597A, 332C751P5, 332C751P8 93029 A-100D, C-2 3153-2A-500 03/01/58 06/01/58 09/01/58 Titeflex Pollak Eclipse-Pioneer 5 681 12/01/59 Hamilton Standard 5 682 Compartment Temperature 510793 Controller Manual Panel Control 514871 11/01/59 Hamilton Standard 5 683 Engine Fire Shut-Off Switch G-57736 08/01/58 Guardian 5 684 Coaxial R-F Transfer Switch 1460-30, SA-329/U 11/01/58 Transco Products 30E2-5-C, 30E2-5-E, 30E2-9-C, 03E2-9-E, 03E2-9-F, 30E2-9-G 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 5 AA 71 D-C Generators 11/15/56 Bendix Corp. 5 AA 72 Engine Driven D-C Generator 30E02-5-C, 30E02-5- 10/15/56 E, 03E02-9-C, 03E029-E, 03E02-9-F Bendix Corp. 3040 3041 5 AA 72 Engine Driven D-C Generators 30E02-5-C, 30E02-5- 06/01/57 E, 03E02-9-C, 03E029-E, 03E02-9-F, 03E02-9-G Bendix Corp. 5 CC 87 Airesearch CA 26 32703 Model: DCM15-74 Type: 1416 Models: 6, 8, 12, 16 08/15/53 5 Motor Assembly, Direct Current Direct Cranking Electric Starters 5 AA 46 40E28-1-A 12/01/52 Eclipse - Pioneer 5 CB 1 01/01/41 Breeze Corp 5 CC 33 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator Types E-3, E-4 Cartridge Starters Electric Motors 5 CCU 19 5 CH 118 Fractional Horse Power Electric Motors "C" Frame Series Air Shut Off Actuators 6 6 BA CA 1 1 AC/DC Motor-Generator Transformer-Rectifier 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 I.S. 13688, 13726, 13737, 13740, 13762, 13796, 13799, 13820, 13826, 13832, 13842, 13856, 13876, 13880, 13906, 13906, 13907, 13908, 14122, 14148, 14149, 14171 01/01/51 ######## ######## Lear M-4150, M-1, M4150, M-2 14-A-9578 RE-125 ######## Air Associates Inc. 09/01/47 08/01/47 Westinghouse Federal 3052 3053 3054 10 A 2 Fuel System Unit D-3 05/01/40 10 A 3 Fuel System Unit D-6 01/01/42 10 A 5 Hand Refueling Pump D-3 02/01/43 10 A 6 10 A 9 10 A 17 10 10 10 10 10 A A A A A 18 21 26 502 503 Fuel System Units, Hand Fuel Pumps, Fuel System Strainers & Relief Valves Portable Electric Motor Driven Refueling & Bilge Pump Unit Tanker Dump Spout Cylinder Assy. Fuel Filter Assy. Fuel Filter Fuel Filter Hand Fuel Pump Fuel Units 10 10 A A 504 505 10 A 506 10 10 10 10 A A A A 507 508 509 510 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 Fuel Strainer Fueling & Defueling Unit Assy. Fueling & Defueling Unit Assy. Fuel Filter Assy. Fuel Filter Filter Assy. Fuel Strainer Assy. 11/01/51 United Aircraft Products United Aircraft Products Erie Meter Systems Aero Supply MME1/2DC24 03/15/45 Red Jacket 3665373 11/01/59 Douglas 52-1980-001 52-2145-009 52-2889-023 U-300, D-3 U-2175, U-2175-1, U2175-2, U-2175-3, U2175-F, U-2175-V 01/01/61 08/01/86 01/01/69 10/01/48 11/01/50 Aero Supply Aero-Corry Aero-Corry United Aircraft United Aircraft U-980 42-1137-000, 421137-001 42-1137-000, 421137-001 65022-6 52-1106-010 248202-1 44512-4 09/01/50 12/01/55 United Aircraft Aero Supply 09/01/54 Aero Supply 08/01/54 08/01/54 08/01/54 12/01/55 Aero Supply Aero Supply Aero Supply Aero Supply 3070 10 A 511 Fuel Strainer Assy. 01/01/56 Aero Supply Filter Assy. 50-1496-001, 501496-002 54-1459-011, 541459-002, 54-1459003, 54-1459-004 10 A 512 02/01/56 Aero Supply 10 10 A A 513 514 Fuel Strainer Assy. Fuel Strainer Assy. 50-1294-000 U-945 01/01/56 01/01/56 A 515 12-1053-1 03/01/56 10 A 516 Single Point Ground Refueling Adapter Fuel Filter Assy. Aero Supply United Aircraft Products Schulz 10 10 AB 1 Electric Fuel Shut Off Valves 24-100, 24-100B, 24- 07/01/46 125C, 24-125D Harding Devices 10 AB 2 Electric Fuel Shut Off Valves 24-100, 24-100B, 24- 07/01/46 125C, 24-125D Harding Devices 10 AB 3 Electric Fuel Shut Off Valves 24-100, 24-100B, 24- 07/01/46 125C, 24-125D Harding Devices 10 AB 4 Fuel Selector Valves 11/01/49 Century 10 AB 5 Fuel Selector Valves 10/01/49 Century 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 52-1511-001, 5210/01/57 1511-002, 52-1511003, 52-1511-004, 521511-005, 52-1511007, 52-1511-009 1730, 1735, 1778, 1796 1730, 1735, 1778, 1796 Aero Supply 10 AB 7 Fuel Selector Valves: Cylindrical Plug Type 6-1841-19-1 LH, 61841-19-2 RH, 61841-20 09/01/48 Parker 10 AB 8 Fuel Selector Valves: Cylindrical Plug Type 6-1841-19-1 LH, 61841-19-2 RH, 61841-20 09/01/48 Parker 10 AB 11 Fuel Selector Valves 1288-4, 1288-5 06/01/49 Hydro-Aire 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB 13 14 15 16 Generator Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Level Control Valves E-7A 6047A 6047A 4-1048-1, 6-945-15, 1-1049-2, 1-1049-21 10/01/47 08/01/49 08/01/49 08/01/50 Leece-Neville Buckeye Buckeye Schulz 10 AB 17 Fuel Level Control Valves 4-1048-1, 6-945-15, 08/01/50 1-1049-2, 1-1049-21 Schulz 10 AB 18 Slid Shut-off Valves, Motor Operated W7950-2D, W79542D, W7957-1-1/4D 11/01/49 Whittaker 10 AB 19 06/01/55 Whittaker 10 AB 20 1504-A 06/01/52 Hydro-Aire 10 AB 21 1504-A 10/01/49 Hydro-Aire 10 AB 22 Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Motor Operated 5-Position Selector Valve Motor Operated 5-Position Selector Valve Motor Operated Fuel Shut Off Valve 1434 10/01/49 Hydro-Aire 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 10 AB 23 10 AB 24 10 AB 25 10 AB 26 Motor Operated Fuel Shut Off Valve Motor Operated Fuel Selector Valve Motor Operated Fuel Selector Valve Shut-Off Valves 1434 10/01/49 Hydro-Aire 1528 04/01/51 Hydro-Aire 1528 04/01/51 Hydro-Aire 1134A, 1316, 1318, 1320, 1322 03/01/51 Hydro-Aire 10 AB 27 Shut-Off Valves 1134A, 1316, 1318, 1320, 1322 03/01/51 Hydro-Aire 10 AB 28 D12-11452-7U 02/01/50 Aero Supply D12-11452-7U 02/01/50 Aero Supply S325C-1.25 09/01/51 J O Mfg S325C-1.25 09/01/51 J O Mfg 32 33 34 35 36 39 Fuel Level Control Float Valve Fuel Level Control Float Valve Motor Operated Fuel Shut Off Valve Motor Operated Fuel Shut Off Valve Flow Control Valve Flow Control Valve Fuel Line Selector Valve Fuel Line Selector Valve Check Valve Fuel Level Control Valves 10 AB 29 10 AB 30 10 AB 31 10 10 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB AB AB CFT25-3C CFT25-3C TC-17100 TC-17100 34723-1 K-1880D, K-1950D 10/01/49 09/01/49 08/01/50 08/01/50 12/01/50 01/01/53 Stratos Stratos Thompson Thompson Aero Supply Koehler 10 AB 40 Fuel Level Control Valves K-1880D, K-1950D 01/01/53 Koehler 10 AB 41 HC3600M5 07/01/50 Air Assoc. 10 AB 42 Unloader Valve, Throttling Type Unloader Valve, Throttling Type HC3600M5 07/01/50 Air Assoc. 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 10 AB 45 Flexbelt Valve 141VR4 07/01/50 Manning, Maxwell & Moore 10 AB 46 23C100 11/01/50 J O Mfg 10 AB 47 23C100 05/01/51 J O Mfg 10 AB 50 TC-17800-1 02/01/51 Thompson 10 AB 51 84293-11 06/01/51 Aero Supply 10 AB 52 84293-11 06/01/51 Aero Supply 10 10 10 AB AB AB 53 54 55 Wing Fuel Tank Vent Valve Assy. Wing Fuel Tank Vent Valve Assy. Modification of Fuel Selector Valves Valve Assy.: 3-Port, 5Position Valve Assy.: 3-Port, 5Position Shut Off Valve Assy. Shut Off Valve Assy. Float Valve 94905-1 94905-1 94962-2, 94962-3 06/01/51 06/01/51 06/01/51 Aero Supply Aero Supply Aero Supply 10 AB 56 Float Valve 94962-2, 94962-3 06/01/51 Aero Supply 10 AB 57 Cylinder Type Selector Valve 148153-1, 148153-2, 06/01/51 148153-3, 148153-5 Aero Supply 10 AB 58 Cylinder Type Selector Valve 148153-1, 148153-2, 06/01/51 148153-3, 148153-5 Aero Supply 10 AB 59 Fuel Level Control Valves 1-649-1, 1-649-30N1, 03/01/58 1-2648-7 Parker 10 AB 60 Fuel Level Control Valves 1-649-1, 1-649-30N1, 03/01/58 1-2648-7 Parker 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 10 AB 61 Fuel Pressure Control Valve 9-1648-75 03/01/51 Parker 10 AB 62 Fuel Pressure Control Valve 9-1648-75 03/01/51 Parker 10 AB 63 Tip Tank Sniffle Valves 03/01/51 Parker 10 AB 64 Tip Tank Sniffle Valves 03/01/51 Parker 10 10 10 AB AB AB 65 66 67 Choke Valve Assy. Choke Valve Assy. Modification of Fuel Level Control Valves 5-1347-78, 8-254976 5-1347-78, 8-254976 9-1047-75 9-1047-75 6-945-15, 4-1048-1, 1-1049-2 03/01/51 03/01/51 03/01/51 Parker Parker Schulz 10 AB 70 775 02/01/51 Rhodes-Lewis 10 AB 71 775 02/01/51 Rhodes-Lewis 10 10 10 AB AB AB 72 73 74 Fuel Vent System Pressure Valve Fuel Vent System Pressure Valve Fuel Swing Check Valve Fuel Swing Check Valve Modification of Fuel Shut-off Valves 135-00540 03/01/51 135-00540 03/01/51 W-8655-2D, W-7957- 01/01/54 1-1/4D, W-7955-2D, W-8455-2D Weatherhead Weatherhead Whittaker 10 AB 78 Fuel Selector Valves 1218, 2046, 2046-1 01/01/51 Hydro-Aire 10 AB 79 Fuel Selector Valves 1218, 2046, 2046-1 01/01/51 Hydro-Aire 10 AB 82 Piston Float Valve 8349-4-2, 8349-4-3 05/01/51 Schulz 10 10 10 AB AB AB 83 84 85 Dual Float Valve Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valve 7-450-1 2064 2064 05/01/51 04/01/51 10/01/51 Schulz Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 10 AB 86 Dual Type Fuel Check Valve 03C100 04/01/51 Sweetland 10 AB 87 Slide Type Shut Off Valves 04/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 10 AB 88 Slide Type Shut Off Valves 04/01/53 Whittaker/Saval 10 AB 89 Plate Type Shutoff Valves 21104-1, 6378-1, 7122 21104-1, 6378-1, 7122 5868, 6120, 6412, 6930, 6978, 7330, 21624, 21760 05/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 10 AB 90 Plate Type Shutoff Valves 5868, 6120, 6412, 6930, 6978, 7330, 21624, 21760 05/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 10 10 10 AB AB AB 91 92 93 F-202 F-202 B-20004 08/01/51 08/01/51 10/01/51 Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec 10 AB 94 B-20004 10/01/51 Aerotec 10 AB 95 500-1251 05/01/51 10 AB 99 Float Valve Float Valve Check Valve & Flow Indicating Switch Check Valve & Flow Indicating Switch Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve Pressurizing & Shut-Off Valve Assy. Airborne Equipment Bendix 10 AB 100 Pressurizing & Shut-Off Valve Assy. 185303-5, 18503-6, FD-B6 09/01/65 Bendix 10 AB 101 Fuel Pressure Control Valve 021098-030 Series 10/01/52 Pesco 10 AB 102 Fuel Pressure Control Valve 021098-030 Series 10/01/52 Pesco 10 AB 106 Fuel Servicing Units 07/01/52 Parker 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 185303-5, 185303-6, 09/01/65 FD-B6 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 10 AB 111 10 AB 112 10 10 10 AB AB AB 113 114 115 Dual Fuel Level Control Valve & Control Unit Dual Fuel Level Control Valve & Control Unit Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Level Control Valve Dual Fuel Level Control Valve 10 AB 116 Dual Fuel Level Control Valve 10 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB AB 119 120 121 122 123 Air Regulating Valve Air Regulating Valve Fuel Plug Valve Fuel Drain Plug Valve Relief & Restrictor Fuel Valve 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB 124 125 126 131 Fuel Relief Valve Fuel Relief Valve Fuel & Oil Drain Cock Elbow Check Valve 10 AB 132 10 AB 501 01/01/61 Door Assy., Tank Vent Valve 5679547-501, 5679547-503, 5679547-505, 5679547-507, 5679547-509, 5679547-513, 5679547-515, 5679547-517 03/01/51 Electric Shut-off Gate Valve 3240, 3240-29-29, 3240-31-0, 3294-0-00, 3294-0-0-1 3174 3175 98005, 98105 01/01/52 Koehler 98005, 98105 02/01/52 Koehler 97204 97204 07/01/51 07/01/51 07/01/51 Koehler Koehler Koehler 07/01/51 Koehler RV-9002 RV-9002 W6102-1/4D W6850-6D W525RR-ID 08/15/51 08/15/51 08/15/51 08/01/51 08/15/51 Aerotec Aerotec Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker W420-╝D W422-1/8D W7311-8D 08/01/51 08/01/51 08/01/51 03/01/63 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Accessory Products Douglas Hydro-Aire 3176 3177 3178 3179 10 AB 502 Fuel Shut-off Valve 10 AB 503 Fuel Drain Valve 10 10 10 AB AB AB 504 506 507 Fuel Relief Check Valve Level Control Valve Fuel Selector Valves 10 AB 508 10 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB AB 511 513 513 514 515 10 AB 515 10 AB 515 10 AB 517 10 AB 518 10 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB AB 519 520 521 522 523 10 10 10 AB AB AB 524 525 526 7-Way Disc Tank Selector Valve Main Tank Float Valve Vent Fuel Valve Drain Valve Drain Valve Motor Operated Fuel ShutOff Valve Motor Operated Fuel ShutOff Valve Motor Operated Fuel ShutOff Valve Low Pressure Fuel Shut-Off Valve Low Pressure Fuel Shut-Off Valve Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Fuel Shut-off Valve Manually Operated Fuel Slide Valve Straight Type Drain Valve Drain Valve Assy. Fuel Pressure Regulator 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 2820, 2820-1-2-3, 2821 K-9500A-1, K-9500A2 3-1446-75 4-1548-17 4257056, 4257056500, 4257056-501 04/15/50 Hydro-Aire 03/01/51 Koehler 11/01/49 07/01/51 06/01/54 Parker Parker Douglas 5-1641-6-2 01/01/50 Parker F-1001 B-1001 K-1425-B K-2475-B 3500, 3500-1 06/01/50 06/15/50 07/01/50 07/15/50 11/15/50 Aerotec Aerotec Koehler Koehler Hydro-Aire 3500, 3500-1 11/15/50 04/01/51 Hydro-Aire 3500, 3500-1 11/15/50 10/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5768 08/01/50 Saval 5640 08/01/50 Saval 11-344-75 10-2347-80 8-2647-78 1134A W7924-2DS 09/01/50 09/01/50 09/01/50 07/01/50 12/01/50 Parker Parker Parker Hydro-Aire Whittaker K-2440B 28601 2V-390-B 02/15/51 10/01/50 10/01/50 Koehler Koehler Pesco 10 AB 528 Float Valve Assy. 10 AB 529 Motor Operated Slide Valve WE 442-2D 01/01/51 Whittaker 10 AB 530 10/01/50 Parker 10 AB 531 2-Way Swing Check Fuel 7-1047-75 Valve Assy. Motor Operated Slide Valve WE440-1╜D 01/01/51 Whittaker 10 10 AB AB 532 533 Flanged Plug Valve Assy. Angle Needle Valve Assy. 5-2041-21 7-2545-2 03/01/51 01/15/51 Parker Parker 10 AB 535 Check Valve 14-100-1, 14-100-2, 01/15/51 14-100-3, 14-100-160, 14-100-2-60, 14100-3-60 Kenyon 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB 538 539 540 541 Fuel System Drain Cock Vent Valve Assy. Vent Valve Vent Valves W7600-╝ B6001 B5001 B-18001, B-18001W 10/01/51 10/01/52 01/01/52 04/01/52 Whittaker Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec 10 10 10 AB AB AB 542 544 545 F-802 W420-1/8D 10212-200 03/01/52 10/01/52 09/01/53 Aerotec Whittaker Carma 10 10 AB AB 551 552 98005 REV A 1354-526177 07/01/55 07/01/55 Koehler Parker 10 AB 554 Float Valve Relief Valve Assy. 3-Way Regulated Gas Pressure Solenoid Operated Valve Shutoff Valve Assy. Air Pressure Relief & Drain Valve Solenoid-Operated Valve Assy., 3-Way, 3000 PSIG 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 4-1248-26-2, 4-1248- 11/01/50 21, 4-1448-26-2, 41448-21 35-043, 4952, 4954A, 10/01/57 38-081 Schulz Hydro-Aire 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 10 10 AB AB 556 557 Check Valves Motor Operated Shutoff Gate Valves Motor Operated Shutoff Gate Valve Drain Valve Assy. Interconnector Valve Skid Control Box Assy. Skid Control Box Assy. Selector Valve 10 AB 558 10 10 10 10 10 AB AB AB AB AB 559 560 561 562 563 10 ABA 2 Oil Temperature Plate Regulator 152250-1, ORPA100- 11/01/59 29-1 10 ABA 501 Air Flow & Shutoff Regulator 108300-1 09/15/58 Airesearch 10 ABB 1 5120, 6924, 102803 05/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 10 ABB 2 5120, 6924, 102803 05/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 10 ABB 5 Solenoid-Operated Fuel Valves Solenoid-Operated Fuel Valves Magnetic Valves 09/01/55 Minn-Honeywell 10 ABB 6 Magnetic Valves 09/01/55 Minn-Honeywell 10 ABB 9 04/01/51 Saval 10 ABB 10 6468, 21548 04/01/51 Saval 10 ABB 10 Motor Operated Fuel & Air Shutoff Valve Motor Operated Fuel & Air Shutoff Valve Fuel & Air Shut-Off Valve G104A, G104C, G104D G104A, G104C, G104D 6468, 21548 6412, 6468, 7308, 21548, 101063, 101067 06/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 10 ABB 11 Pneumatic Gate Valves 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 30-055, 3129 02/01/56 05/01/56 Parker Hydro-Aire 30-055, 3129 05/15/56 Hydro-Aire 32761 84000 40-167B 40-167B AE-32-B, AE-32-B1 05/01/56 06/01/57 10/01/57 10/01/57 05/01/59 Koehler Essex Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Pierce Governor 3322, 3322-1, 6630A- 07/01/52 1, 6778 Airesearch Hydro-Aire 3234 3235 3236 3237 10 ABB 12 Pneumatic Gate Valves 3322, 3322-1, 6630A- 07/01/52 1, 6778 1993-16-8 07/01/51 22148, 22148-2 10/01/51 Hydro-Aire 10 10 ABB ABB 13 14 Flow Regulator Fuel System Relief Valves 10 ABB 15 10 ABB 19 Fuel Flow Equalizer Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. A5002 08/01/51 Vinson 1-1750-87, 1-2050- 10/01/52 77, 3-350-81, 3-35083, 4-1049-77, 6-15077, 6-349-75, 6-284979, 7-2650-75, 91849-87, 10-2744-75, 11-2547-76, 12-104575 Parker 10 ABB 20 Tip Tank Sniffle Valve Assy. 9-2649-77 09/01/52 Parker 10 ABB 21 Tip Tank Sniffle Valve Assy. 9-2649-77 09/01/52 Parker 10 ABB 22 6-1250-77 12/01/51 Parker 10 ABB 25 3-2749-75 01/01/52 Parker 10 ABB 26 08/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 30 31 32 Purging Condensate Drain Valve Assy. Dual Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated 3-Way Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. Air Shutoff Valve Assy. Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. 3-2750-1M4N 7-147-4M4 10-1549-1M4N 12/01/51 12/01/51 12/01/51 Parker Parker Parker 10 ABB 33 Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. 6-744-3M4 12/01/51 Parker 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 Waterman Adel 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 36 37 39 40 41 42 8349-OG 8349-OH W-6215-6D 4622, 4620-1 4622, 4620-1 WE4557-1 1/4D 08/01/52 Schulz 08/01/52 Schulz 09/01/51 Whittaker 01/15/52 04/01/54 Hydro-Aire 04/01/54 Hydro-Aire 03/15/52 Whittaker WE4557-1 1/4D 03/15/52 Whittaker 44 45 46 47 48 49 Piston Float Valve Piston Float Valve Plug Valve for Alcohol Flapper Valve Assy. Flapper Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Fuel Slide Valve Motor Actuated Fuel Slide Valve Float Valve Float Valve Vent Valve Vent Valve Cone Check Valve Assy. Pressure Reducing Valves 10 ABB 43 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB F-601, F-602 F-601, F-602 B40001W B40001W 3-1150-75 2047, 2048 05/15/55 05/15/55 04/15/52 02/01/52 01/01/52 01/01/52 Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec Parker Pacific Airmotive 10 ABB 50 Pressure Reducing Valves 2047, 2048 01/01/52 Pacific Airmotive 10 ABB 52 02/01/52 Koehler 10 ABB 53 02/01/52 Koehler 10 ABB 54 02/01/52 Koehler 10 ABB 55 02/01/52 Koehler 10 ABB 56 Fuel Level Control Valve 3005, 96005, 93105 Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve 3005, 96005, 93105 Assy. Dual Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Dual Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Pilot Valve Assy., Drop Tank 01/01/52 Koehler 10 ABB 57 01/01/52 Koehler Flow Control Valve, Drop Tank 97655 10 ABB 59 Fuel Check Valve Assy. 34302A, 34352A, 34402, 34581, 34652A, 34764, 34774, 34902 02/15/52 10 ABB 59 Fuel Check Valve Assy. 34302A, 34352A, 34402, 34581, 34652A, 34764, 34774, 34902 02/15/52 07/01/55 Koehler 10 ABB 60 Fuel Check Valve Assy. 34302A, 34352A, 34402, 34581, 34652A, 34764, 34774, 34902 07/01/55 Koehler 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 61 62 63 63 Float Valve Vent Valve Vent Valve Assy. Vent Valve F-802 B-5001 B-6001 B-18001, B-18001W 02/01/52 01/01/52 02/01/52 02/01/52 Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec 10 ABB 67 Tank Selector Valve Assy. 114312, 114312-1 01/30/52 Aero Supply 10 ABB 68 SA-7914B 12/01/51 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 69 70 71 04/01/52 04/01/52 02/01/54 ABB 72 RV-3002 RV-3002 VS-62335-1, VS62335-2 2448, 2448-1 StandardThomson Aerotec Aerotec Chance Vought 10 Valve, Fuel Pressurizing, Auxiliary Tank Regulator Valve Regulator Valve Pressure Valve: Auxiliary Fuel Tank Electric Fuel Selector Valve, Size 16 12/01/51 Hydro-Aire 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 Koehler 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 10 ABB 74 Fuel Shut-Off Valve 286+4, 2864A-11 04/01/52 04/15/56 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 75 Fuel Shut-off Valve 2864, 2864A-11 04/01/56 Hydro-Aire 10 10 ABB ABB 76 77 Fuel & Kerosene Filter 3-Way High Pressure Valve 1338 HPC104100 03/01/52 05/01/52 Hydro-Aire Hydra Power 10 ABB 78 9534, 9532 06/01/52 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 79 9534, 9532 06/15/52 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 82 A4850 02/01/52 Vinson 10 ABB 83 3808, 3810, 3810-1 11/01/52 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 85 7668 05/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 10 10 ABB ABB 86 87 Pressure Control & Sniffle Valves Pressure Control & Sniffle Valve Combination Fule Vent & Relief Valve Manually Operated Gate Valve Pressure Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Cock Assy. Fuel Check Valve 64314 2001267 04/01/52 04/01/52 10 ABB 88 2001134 04/01/52 10 ABB 89 Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Line Selector Valve TC-15200-4 05/01/52 10 ABB 90 Fuel Line Selector Valve TC-17400 05/01/52 10 ABB 91 Fuel Line Selector Valve TC-17300-4 05/01/52 10 ABB 95 Fuel Level Control Valves 6-1249-2-2, 6-1249-2- 04/01/59 3, 6-1249-50-2, 61249-50-3, 9-1249-2 Aero Supply Carruthers & Fernandez Inc Carruthers & Fernandez Inc Thompson Products Thompson Products Thompson Products Schulz 10 ABB 96 Fuel Level Control Valves 6-1249-2-2, 6-1249-2- 04/01/59 3, 6-1249-50-2, 61249-50-3, 9-1249-2 Schulz 10 10 ABB ABB 97 98 Fluid Throttling Valve Pressure Regulating Valve 1571-4-B RV-2002 09/01/52 Elcipse-Pioneer Aerotec 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 99 101 103 555-926 9-750-1142 1321-516019 09/15/52 03/01/53 08/01/52 Cook Parker Parker 10 10 ABB ABB 104 105 7-2945-19 2-1748-2 08/01/52 01/01/53 Parker Parker 10 ABB 106 1-649-2 09/10/52 Parker 10 ABB 106 1-649-2N1 01/01/53 Parker 10 10 ABB ABB 107 108 10-2144-75-L1 3-649-1 08/01/52 01/01/53 Parker Parker 10 ABB 109 7494 06/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 10 ABB 112 Rotary Selector Switch Fuel Filter Valve Dual Diaphragm Shut-Off Valve Assy. Plug Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. By-pass Valve Assy., Pressure Operated Wing Tank Drain Valve Assy. 85002-3, 85002-4 02/01/53 Aero Supply 10 ABB 117 Vent Interconnector Valve Assy. 240-1626501-0, 240- 05/01/52 1626501-1 Consolidated Vultee 10 10 ABB ABB 118 119 W6851-6D 25038 06/15/53 08/01/52 Whittaker Whittaker/Saval 10 ABB 122 Fuel Drain Plug Valve Solenoid Operated 3-Way Valve Magnetic Valve AV-1B1176 08/01/52 General Controls 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 10 ABB 123 Magnetic Valve AV-1A1100 08/01/52 General Controls 10 ABB 126 10954-10954B 10/01/52 Kenyon 10 ABB 128 Combination Check Relief Valve Swing Check Valve, No Cap 1111-516653 09/01/52 Parker 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 129 130 131 133 Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Relief Valve Electric Shut-Off Gate Valves 1111-516685 8-1844-75 V-302-B-7 6856, 6858 09/01/52 09/01/52 03/01/55 12/01/52 Parker Parker Aerotec Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 134 Electric Shut-Off Gate Valves 6856, 6858 12/01/52 Hydro-Aire 10 10 ABB ABB 135 137 26301 97655-1 12/01/52 12/01/52 Koehler 10 ABB 138 97655-2 12/01/52 Koehler 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 139 142 144 145 146 27452 27452 6740 6740 7744 12/01/52 12/01/52 11/01/52 11/01/52 01/15/53 Koehler Koehler Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Whittaker 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 160 161 162 163 6-1049-76 4-1050-2 2-1050-51 6-1841-20 09/15/52 11/01/53 11/01/53 10/01/52 Parker Schulz Schulz Parker 10 ABB 164 6-1841-19-2 10/01/52 Parker 10 ABB 165 Drain Valve Assy. Flow Control Valve, Drop Tank: Left Hand Flow Control Valve, Drop Tank: Right Hand Fuel Selector Valve Assy. Fuel Drain Valve Assy. Fuel Dump Valve Fuel Dump Valve Solenoid Operated Fuel Selector Valve Swing Check Valve Assy. Fuel Vent Float Valve Dual Float Pilot Valve Cylindrical Plug Selector Valve Assy. Cylindrical Plug Selector Valve Assy., Right Hand Cylindrical Plug Selector Valve Assy., Left Hand 6-1841-19-1 10/01/52 Parker 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 10 ABB 166 Pressure Reducing Valve 10 10 ABB ABB 167 169 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 170 171 172 174 10 10 ABB ABB 176 177 10 ABB 178 10 ABB 179 11/01/52 Pacific Airmotive Plug Valve Assy. 7-2244-2 Cone Type Drain Valve Assy. 10-2450-79 12/01/52 11/01/52 Republic Parker Fuel Selector Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Poppet Type Drain Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Purging Condensate Drain Valve Assy. Valve Assy.: Shut-Off 3-3144-7M4N 1111-516563 12-450-80 5-1250-75 01/01/53 02/01/53 02/01/53 11/01/52 Parker Parker Parker Parker 11-2844-75 6-1250-77 01/01/53 11/01/52 Parker Parker AV-1E, 1123A 08/01/52 General Controls AV-1E, 1123B 08/01/52 General Controls 10 ABB 188 02/01/53 Whittaker 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 193 194 195 10/01/52 11/01/52 05/01/53 Waterman Parker Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 196 05/01/53 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 197 08/01/69 01/01/53 Dynasciences Corp. Whittaker 10 ABB 198 10 ABB 199 03/01/53 Parker 10 ABB 200 03/01/53 Parker Valve Assy.: Shut-Off w/ Manual Override Button Swing Check Valve PAC2199 WC69-24D, WC7024D Flow Regulator 1994-12-3.0 Swing Check Valve Assy. 11-2250-75 Manual Fuel Selector Valves, 1804, 1804-1, 1804Size 16 2, FX Manual Fuel Selector Valves, 1804, 1804-1, 1804Size 16 2, FX Motor Operated Slide Shut- WE499-1-1/4D Off Valve Motor Operated Slide Shut- WE4300-1-1/4D Off Valve Tank Mounted Fuel Shut-off 1321-517310 Valve Assy. Solenoid Step Pilot Control 1329-517372 Valve Assy. 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 10 ABB 202 209 Nozzel Assy., Airship Refueling Air or Fuel Check Valve Step Pilot Fuel Valve Assy. w: Precheck Step Pilot Fuel Valve Assy. w: Precheck Fuel Servicing Units 10 10 ABB ABB 206 207 10 ABB 208 10 ABB 10 D06A001 08/15/52 W1500-1D 1323-517510 03/01/53 06/01/53 Flight Refueling, Inc. Whittaker Parker 1323-517511 06/01/53 Parker 1327-512558M1 07/01/57 Parker ABB 210 Fuel Servicing Units 1327-512558M1 07/01/57 Parker 10 ABB 211 Dual Float Valve Assy. w/ Solenoid Override Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Float Unit Assy. Seat Unit Assy. Fuel Selector Valve Assy. Poppet Drain Cock Solenoid Actuated Drain Valve Assy. Engine Fuel Selector Valve 1323-516068 05/01/53 Parker 10 ABB 212 12-3049-1 06/01/53 Parker 10 ABB 214 2-950-81 06/01/53 Parker 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 215 216 217 217 219 2-950-10 2-950-1M1 9-850-2M4 6D117 10540-1M 06/15/53 06/15/53 05/01/53 11/01/58 03/01/59 4283641 09/01/53 Parker Parker Parker Allen Aircraft Eastern Aircraft Products Douglas 10 ABB 219 10 10 ABB ABB 220 222 F-7097 AV-1A1484 07/01/53 05/01/53 Revere General Controls 10 10 ABB ABB 223 234 11-348-76 B-20004-RW 06/01/53 03/01/54 Parker Aerotec 10 ABB 235 B-20004-RW 11/01/53 Aerotec 10 ABB 237 W1550-11/4 07/01/53 Whittaker Fluid Indicating Switch Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Check Valve & Flow Indicating Switch Check Valve & Flow Indicating Switch Swing Check Valve 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 238 239 240 Fuel Selector Valve Assy. W6235-1/4D Sump Drain Valve Assy. BJ1000AS-1 Solenoid Shutoff Valve Assy. 5202 10 ABB 241 10 ABB 250 10 ABB 256 Motor Operated Hydraulic Shut-Off Valve Modification of Dual Shut-off Valve Fuel Vent Pilot Valve 10 10 ABB ABB 258 264 10 ABB 266 10 ABB 267 10 ABB 268 10 ABB 269 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 270 271 272 10 ABB 502 10 ABB 503 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 Fuel Check Valve 2.5" Motor Actuated RamAir Shut-Off Valve Electrically Actuated Fuel Shutoff Valves, 1.5" & 1.25" Diameter Electrically Actuated Fuel Shutoff Valves, 1.5" & 1.25" Diameter Motor Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Level Control Valve Vacuum & Pressure System Check Valve Manually Operated Gate Valves Gate Valve Assy. 09/01/53 10/01/53 12/01/53 Whittaker Auto Valve Koehler 3218-12-12, 3218-15- 07/01/51 15 6-850-71 03/01/54 Hydro-Aire 1-253-1-2, 1-253-1-3 07/01/54 Schulz 2-551-1 2520-22, G2520-22 07/01/54 03/01/54 Schulz Transco 11B073, 11B072 06/01/54 StandardThomson 11B073, 11B072 06/01/54 StandardThomson 5494 05/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 102683 05/01/54 Whittaker 1-750-54 1-750-54 19-1100-1 07/01/54 07/01/54 06/01/54 Schulz Schulz Kenyon 3808, 3810, 3810-1 11/01/52 Hydro-Aire 1314-522309, 1314- 07/01/53 522309M, 1314522309M1 Schulz Parker 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 504 505 507 Fuel Vent Valve Assy. Fuel Drain Valve Remote Fuel Shutoff Valve 5059 109100 1322-527803 01/01/54 10/15/53 11/01/62 Carter Hydra-Power Parker 10 ABB 508 132-526379 12/01/53 Parker 10 ABB 509 1321-516540 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 510 1322-516493 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 511 10 10 ABB ABB 513 514 Remote Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. Pendulum Operated Shutoff Valve Assy. Remote Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Dump Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Fuel Swing Check Valve Assy. 10 ABB 515 1321-516236 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 516 Remote Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. Level Control Valve Assy. 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 517 Level Control Valve Assy. 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 518 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 519 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 520 Float Operated Pilot Valve Assy. Float Operated Pilot Valve Assy. Remote Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. 01/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 521 1323-517506, 1323526130 1323-517506, 1323526130 1323-517000, 1323517304 1323-517000, 1323517304 1321-516667, 1321518218, 1322516037, 1322516441 1321-516667, 1321518218, 1322516037, 1322516441 01/01/54 Parker 3409 3410 Remote Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. 9-946-75M2, 9-946- 01/01/54 Parker 75M3 01/01/54 12/01/55 Parker 12/01/55 Parker 10 ABB 522 Fuel Selector Valves 1286A-2, 1286A-3, 1286A-4, 1286A-5, 1286A-6, 1286A-7, 1286A-8, 01/01/54 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 523 Fuel Selector Valves 1288A-2, 1288A-3 01/01/54 Hydro-Aire 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 524 525 526 1115-517269 6-2850-76 1321-526784 01/01/54 01/01/54 01/01/54 Parker Parker Parker 10 ABB 528 WE495-1-1/2D 03/01/54 Whittaker 10 ABB 529 ABB 530 WE495-2D, WE-495- 12/01/56 2E WM390-1-1/2D 03/01/54 Whittaker 10 Sniffle Valve Assy. Fuel Relief Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Whittaker 10 ABB 532 Hydracarbon Fuel Solenoid Shutoff Valve Assy. 6752-1 03/15/54 Koehler 10 ABB 533 Covering Valve Assy., Parking GF-64 07/15/54 10 ABB 534 Magnetic Valve VG4000A 03/01/59 Sprague Devices, Inc. Minn-Honeywell 10 ABB 535 Pressure Regulator Valves 02/01/54 Lear-Romec 10 ABB 539 06/01/54 Aeroguild 10 ABB 539 Pressure Reducing & Thermal Relief Valve Booster Control Valve RD-7550-B, RD7550B-1 143094, AAGE-710 667561, 667561-2, 667561-4 02/01/59 Lockheed 10 ABB 540 Vent Shutoff Valve Assy. 34-1204-000 10/01/54 Aero Supply 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 10 10 ABB ABB 541 542 Vent Shutoff Valve Assy. Six-Point Multiple Sampling Valve Fuel Vent Float Valve Top Filling Fuel Level Control Valve Wing Tank Vent Valve Relief Valve Relief Valve High Temperature Swing Check Valve Anti-Icing Relief Valve Assy. 10 10 ABB ABB 544 545 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 548 549 550 551 10 ABB 553 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 554 555 556 10 ABB 557 Fuel Tank Vent Valve Relief Valve 3-Way Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Damper Valves 10 ABB 558 10 ABB 559 10 ABB 560 3442 10 ABB 561 Aero Supply 1-2545-21-2 9-1249-50 07/01/54 07/01/54 Schulz Schulz 11088B MC 1603 MC1603 311826-1 04/01/54 03/01/54 03/15/54 06/01/54 Kenyon M.C. Mfg. M.C. Mfg., Co. Gladden 11502-14 04/01/54 Adel 6172 P-97 Series AV-11B1181 08/01/54 05/01/54 06/01/54 Roylyn Weldon General Controls Goodyear Damper Valves 12Z790-025-100, 05/01/54 12Z790-025-300, 0801140-1, 080-1140-2 Goodyear Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Check Valve Assy., Gravity Feed Line Check Valve Assy., Fuel Booster Pump 1321-546011 05/01/54 Parker 301600 06/01/54 301700 06/01/54 Accessory Products Accessory Products 3439 3441 10/01/54 05/01/54 05/01/54 12Z790-025-100, 12Z790-025-300, 0801140-1, 080-1140-2 3438 3440 34-1203-000 DR-44875 3443 3444 3445 3446 10 ABB 562 10 10 ABB ABB 563 564 10 ABB 565 10 ABB 566 10 ABB 10 Fuel Tank Pressure Regulator Valve Fuel & Defuel Valve Electromagnetic Shut-Off Valve Electromagnetic Shut-Off Valve Motor Operated Gate Valve 1-1050-51 AV-5A1100 08/01/54 11/01/54 Accessory Products Schulz General Controls AV-1A1145 11/01/54 General Controls AV-16B1139B, AV16B Series 12/01/60 General Controls 567 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV-16B1139B, AV16B Series 02/01/63 General Controls ABB 568 Solenoid Pilot-Operated 4Way, 3-Position Selector Valve AV-14C1138, AV14C1138A107, AV14C1150, AV14C1150A107 01/01/58 General Controls 10 ABB 568 Solenoid Pilot-Operated 4Way, 3-Position Selector Valve AV-14C1138, AV14C1138A107, AV14C1150, AV14C1150A107 01/01/58 General Controls 10 ABB 570 24806-1DM 09/01/54 Aero Supply 10 ABB 571 Fuel Level Control Float Valve Assy. Check Valves 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 103500-3, 103500-30 05/01/57 259A-4TT, 259A-6TT, 06/01/58 259A-6TT-2, 299A4TT, 299A-4BB James, Pond & Clark 10 ABB 572 Check Valves 259A-4TT, 259A-6TT, 06/01/58 259A-6TT-2, 299A4TT, 299A-4BB James, Pond & Clark 10 ABB 573 A11510 09/01/54 Mar Vista 10 ABB 577 AV-1A1245 11/01/54 General Controls 10 ABB 578 1321-536190 12/01/54 Parker 10 ABB 579 Solenoid & Manually Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Electromagnetic Shut-Off Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Installation Main Landing Gear Cylinder Runaround Valve 8-149-80, 1359559031 07/01/57 Parker 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 582 583 584 585 Fuel Selector Valve Assy. Fuel Selector Valve Assy. Dual Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valves 1420 D-32-200, D-32-201 06/01/55 06/01/55 02/01/55 03/01/55 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 586 6821 03/01/55 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 589 8035, 8035A, 8035B 06/01/55 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 590 8035, 8035A, 8035B 06/01/55 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 591 1093 06/01/55 Hydro-Aire 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 592 593 594 594 596 Inverted Flight Suction Check Valve Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve Assy. Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve Assy. Nose Landing Gear Hydraulic Cylinder Fuel Selector Valve Hydraulic Swivel Fitting Electic Shut-Off Valve Double Drain Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. 2450 4130A-6 6895A-0-0-0 2850, 2850-1 WE477-1-1/2F 06/01/55 06/01/55 06/01/55 06/01/55 05/01/55 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Whittaker 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 597 598 599 603 Fuel Level Control Unit 20-1136-000 Level Control Valve 1321-516005 Solenoid Actuated Slide Shut- 6252-2 Off Valve Assy. Vent Relief Valve Assy. 34-1114-000 Dual Servo Control Valve 20-1210-000 Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve 20-1198-000 Assy. Dual Servo Control Valve 20-1210-000 Assy. 3-Way Solenoid Valve Assy. 30-1215-000 06/01/55 05/01/55 05/01/55 Aero Supply Parker Whittaker/Saval 10 10 ABB ABB 600 601 09/15/55 10/01/55 Aero Supply Aero Supply 10 ABB 601 09/15/55 Aero Supply 10 ABB 602 10/01/55 Aero Supply 10 ABB 09/15/55 Aero Supply 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 605 606 607 608 Drain Valve Assy. Solenoid Valve Assy. Drain Valve Assy. Flapper Check Valves 04/01/59 10/01/55 10/01/55 08/01/55 09/01/55 Koehler Koehler Koehler Accessory Products Roylyn 610 8851-2 12854-1 32952 5000FC-3/4, 5000FC20 High Pressure Oxygen Filter 3280 Valve Selector Valve Assy. 150100-2, 150100-4 10 ABB 609 10 ABB 02/01/56 Aero Supply 10 ABB 611 Check Valve Assy. 54923-1, 54923-3 12/01/55 Aero Supply 10 ABB 612 Drain Valve Assy. 12/01/55 Aero Supply 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 613 614 615 616 Inter-Cell Valve Assy. Swing-Check Valve Level Control Pilot Valve Fuel Relief Valve 41-1456-001, 411456-002 35-1521-001 11-248-88 1323-546743 401900 04/01/56 12/01/55 12/15/55 11/01/55 10 ABB 617 303900-1 11/01/55 10 ABB 618 Flight Refueling Line Check Valve Selector Valves Aero Supply Parker Parker Accessory Products Accessory Products Parker 04/01/57 3493 10 10 ABB ABB 619 620 Selector Valves 6" Anti-Icing Hot Air Valve 04/01/57 6091C-11, 6091C-12, 03/01/56 6091C-13 Parker Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 621 6" Anti-Icing Hot Air Valves 6091C-11, 6091C-12, 03/01/56 6091C-13 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 622 General Controls ABB 623 11/01/57 General Controls 10 10 ABB ABB 624 625 AV-9A1105, AV-9 Series AV-9A1105, AV-9 Series 1319-547056 1326-522701M, D-1 11/01/57 10 Electromagnetic Pilot Operated Valve Electromagnetic Pilot Operated Valve Fuel Selector Valve Assy. Fueling Nozzle 12/01/55 04/01/56 Parker Parker 10 10 ABB ABB 626 627 1323-517314 2465 04/01/56 03/01/56 Parker Hydro-Aire 10 10 ABB ABB 628 629 Level Control Pilot Valve 3-Way Manual Selector Valve Flapper Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. 35-1643-001 20-1486-001, 201486-002, 20-1486003, 20-1486-004 03/01/56 04/01/56 AeroSupply Aero Supply 10 10 ABB ABB 630 631 6-850-91 3027 06/01/56 03/01/56 Schulz Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 633 Dual Shut-Off Valve Assy. Manual Override Motor Operated Valve Shuttle & Fuse Valves Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 634 10 ABB 635 10 ABB 636 1744, 1744A, 1744A- 06/01/56 1 Shuttle & Fuse Valves 1744, 1744A, 1744A- 06/01/56 1 High Pressure Oxygen Filter 3294 01/01/56 Valve Swing Check Valve 1111-536610 01/01/56 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 Hydro-Aire Roylyn Parker 10 ABB 637 Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Assy. 1319-536330, 1319- 12/01/58 536330M1 Parker 10 ABB 638 108105 02/15/56 Whittaker 10 ABB 639 Manually Operated Slide Shut-Off Valve Electromagnetic Valve 11/01/57 General Controls 10 ABB 640 Electromagnetic Valve AV-2A Series, AV2A1390B AC-2A, AV-2A1390B 11/01/57 General Controls 10 ABB 641 General Controls ABB 642 11/01/57 General Controls 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 643 644 645 646 AV-11 Series, AV11D1113D AV-11 Series, AV11D1113D 1080 1321-536351 1321-536580 1328-537036 11/01/57 10 3-Way, 2-Position Selector Valve 3-Way, 2-Position Selector Valve Firewall Shutoff Valve Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Engine Oil Filter Relief Valve 02/01/56 04/01/56 04/01/56 04/01/56 Aeroguild Parker Parker Parker 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 647 648 649 Swing Check Valve 1115-558033 Relief Valves 5044, 5067 Pressure Check Relief Valves 6716, 6716-11 04/01/56 05/01/56 04/01/56 Parker Carter Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 650 Manifold Swing Check Valve 1321-527968 04/01/56 Parker 10 ABB 651 2-Position, 4-Way, Pneumatic Selector Valve 312955 05/01/56 Gladden 10 ABB 652 6177, 6177A 05/01/58 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 654 Motor Operated Air Modulating Valve Check Valve 22OT-16TT 06/01/56 James, Pond, Clark 10 ABB 655 07/01/62 Aero-Corry 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 Float Operated Shutoff Valve 20-1666-001, 201666-002 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 10 ABB 656 10 10 ABB ABB 657 658 10 10 ABB ABB 659 660 10 ABB 661 10 10 ABB ABB 663 664 10 ABB 665 Self-Sealing Fuel Coupling Nipple Drain Valve Assy. Float Operated Pilot Valve Assy. Shutoff Valve Assy. Motor Operated Fail Safe Valve Motor Operated Fail Safe Valve Cone Check Valve Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Dual Pilot Valve 7005D20 03/01/56 Wiggins 35044 20-1663-001, 201663-002 32031 6125A 05/01/56 07/01/56 Koehler Aero Supply 05/01/56 06/01/56 Koehler Hydro-Aire 6125A 06/01/56 Hydro-Aire 1112-548616 20-1227-002, 201227-005 1323-517548M3, 1323-517548M4, 1323-546003 06/01/56 04/01/56 Parker Aero Supply 07/01/56 Parker 10 ABB 666 Dual Pilot Valve 1323-517574M1 09/01/56 Parker 10 ABB 667 Dual Pilot Valve 1323-527929M2 08/01/56 Parker 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 668 669 670 671 672 673 Dual Shutoff Valve Selector Valve Assy. Selector Valve Assy. Shutoff Valve Assy. Shutoff Valve Assy. Dual Float Valve 1321-518321 1311-522613 1311-522614 1313-532485 1313-542117 1323-516068M2 08/01/56 04/01/57 04/01/57 04/01/57 04/01/57 09/01/56 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 10 ABB 674 07/01/56 Parker 10 ABB 675 Tank Mounted Dual Shutoff 1321-536718 Valve Fuel Head Proportioning 1329-537345 Control Valve 06/15/56 Parker 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 10 ABB 676 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB 677 678 679 680 Fuel Head Proportioning Control Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve 1329-537345 06/15/56 Parker 1321-546010 1321-546012 1321-526760 1322-556806, 1322556806M1 06/15/56 07/01/56 07/01/56 12/01/57 Parker Parker Parker Parker 10 10 ABB ABB 681 682 Fuel Manifold Valve Inflight Refueling Valve 1321-546908 1321-546909M1, 1321-546909M2 08/01/58 03/01/58 Parker Parker 10 10 ABB ABB 683 684 Dual Pilot Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve 1323-537333 1322-556805, 1322556805M1 07/01/56 12/01/57 Parker Parker 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 685 686 686 Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve 1322-537330 07/01/56 1322-537331 07/01/56 1322-537331, 1322- 12/01/57 537331-1 Parker Parker Parker 10 ABB 687 Fuel Shutoff Valve 1322-537353, 1322- 02/01/58 537353M1 Parker 10 ABB 688 Butterfly Valve 1315-546004, 1315- 02/01/60 546004E, 1315546004L Parker 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 689 690 691 Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Pneumatic Pressure Regulator 1111-526024 1111-537298 103800 Parker Parker Accessory Products 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 10/01/56 06/01/56 07/01/56 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 10 ABB 692 Pneumatic Relief Regulator 103900 07/01/56 10 10 ABB ABB 693 694 1111-539044 4-854-1, 4-854-51 08/01/56 08/01/60 10 ABB 695 15-3300, 15-3600 05/01/57 Sweeney 10 ABB 696 Swing Check Valve Dual Pilot Solenoid Precheck Valves Swing Check Fuel Cell Fitting Valve Assy. Fuel Vent Relief Valve Assy. Accessory Products Parker Schulz 11-0900, 11-0900M1 10/01/56 Sweeney 10 ABB 697 Fuel Vent Relief Valve Assy. 11-1000-1 08/01/58 Sweeney 10 ABB 698 Fuel Vent Relief Valve Assy. 11-1000-1 08/01/58 Sweeney 10 ABB 699 Ram Air Pressure Regulator 11-1300-2, 11-1300- 10/01/56 3, 11-1400-2, 111400-4 Sweeney 10 10 ABB ABB 700 701 Selector Valve 5-1050-3M4N Nozzle, Assy., Probe, Locked 13A007-M, A-1 10/01/56 10/01/56 Parker Flight Refueling 10 ABB 703 AN-16A 04/15/57 General Controls 10 ABB 704 Manually Operated Gate Valve Fuel Valve F-8485, F-8515 10/01/56 Revere 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 705 706 707 707 708 709 Republic Mfg Republic Mfg Parker Parker Flight Refueling Hydra Power ABB 711 1-754-4 1-754-6 32091 32091 13AO96 HP 47 4100-1, HP 47 4100-2 AV-13A1120, AV13A1127, AV13A1138 11/01/56 11/01/56 12/15/56 07/01/72 11/01/56 04/01/58 10 Check Valve Assy. Check Valve Assy. Drain Valve Assy. Drain Valve Assy. Adapter Assy. Pressure Operated Selector Valve 3-Way Selector Valve 04/01/57 General Controls 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 10 10 ABB ABB 712 713 Ball Type Check Valve Supercharger Dishcharge System Valve Assy. 3-541-15 05/01/57 289573 L 289573 R, 08/01/60 289573-501, 289573502 Republic Mfg. Lockheed 10 10 ABB ABB 714 715 667596 309303 01/01/59 02/01/59 Lockheed Lockheed 10 ABB 716 Valve Steering Control Valve & Follow-Up Assy., Wing Flap Control Fuel Flapper Check Valve 305900 05/01/57 10 ABB 717 Shuttle Valve 1470-1, 1470-2 05/01/58 Accessory Products Aeroguild 10 ABB 718 Fuel Shutoff Valve 1382-4-4, 1382-4-5, 1382-5-5, 1382-7-8, 1382-8-7, 1382-8-8, 1382-1-6-8, 2840, 2842 06/01/59 Hydro-Aire 10 ABB 719 Fuel Shutoff Valve 1382-4-4, 1382-4-5, 1382-5-5, 1382-7-8, 1382-8-7, 1382-8-8, 1382-1-6-8, 2840, 2842 06/01/59 Hydro-Aire 10 10 ABB ABB 720 721 6124 1010010 08/01/57 11/01/57 Carter Bendix-Pacific 10 10 ABB ABB 722 723 Fuel Flow Control Limiter Hydraulic Balanced Relief Valve Dual Float Velt Valve Check Valve 6172-82 P8-620 06/01/57 08/01/57 Roylyn James, Pond & Clark 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 10 ABB 724 Check Valve P3-620 08/01/57 10 ABB 725 AV-14B1151 11/01/57 10 ABB 726 AV-14A1121 11/01/57 General Controls 10 ABB 727 ABB 728 AV-14C1161, AV11/01/57 14C1162 AV-14F1105A107, AV- 11/01/57 14F1116 General Controls 10 Solenoid Pilot Operated Selector Valve Solenoid Pilot Operated Selector Valve Solenoid Pilot Operated Selector Valve Solenoid Pilot Valve Assy. James, Pond & Clark General Controls 10 ABB 729 Motor Operated 2-Position 4- AV-14A5101C Way Selector Valve 12/01/57 General Controls 10 ABB 730 07/01/61 10 ABB 731 Manually Over-Ridden Check 308700, 308700-1 Valve Line Mounting Fuel Shutoff 730100, 730100-1, Valve 7301 Accessory Products Accessory Products 10 ABB 732 Check Valve P5-620 12/15/57 10 ABB 733 Shuttle Valve 423A-4BBB 12/01/57 10 10 ABB ABB 734 735 Drain Valve 33391 11/01/57 Solenoid Pilot Operated 4- AV-14A1111, AV-14- 01/01/58 Way 2-Position Selecto Valve A1111A107 10 ABB 736 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV-16B1305C, AV13B1349D 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 03/01/58 02/01/58 General Controls James, Pond & Clark James, Pond & Clark Koehler General Controls General Controls 10 ABB 737 Vent Shutoff Valve 07/15/58 22-1792, 22-1792003, 22-1792-004, 221792-0041, 22-1792005 Aero Supply 10 ABB 737 Vent Shutoff Valve 22-1792-003, 221792-004, 22-17920041, 22-1792-005 09/01/75 Aero Supply 10 ABB 738 Manual Shutoff Valve P-350 06/01/58 10 ABB 739 10 ABB 739 10 ABB 740 Electromagnetic 3-Way Selector Valves Electromagnetic 3-Way Selector Valves Pressure Refueling & Defueling Valve 10 ABB 741 10 ABB 742 10 ABB 743 10 ABB 744 10 ABB 745 10 ABB 10 ABB 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 AV11A1134, AV11A1138 AV11A1134, AV11A1138 42-1850-001, 421850-005, 42-1850006 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B-1298 Assy. Motor Operated Gate Valve AV-16B1405C Assy. Pressure Fueling & Defueling 703600-1 Valve Line Mounted Fuel Shutoff 730800 Valve Flow Limiter Valve P4-526 11/01/65 James, Pond & Clark General Controls 01/01/65 General Controls 05/01/60 Aero Supply 03/01/58 General Controls 06/01/58 General Controls 09/01/60 746 HP348100-45, 3-Position Solenoid Operated Valve with Manual HP348100-65, HP348100-615 Override 08/01/59 Accessory Products Accessory Products James, Pond & Clark Hydra Power 747 Solenoid, Control 4-Way, 3Position Valve 08/01/59 Hydra Power 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 HP399100 09/01/58 12/01/58 3621 3622 3623 10 ABB 748 10 ABB 749 10 ABB 750 10 ABB 751 10 ABB 752 Valve, Control, Panel Package 10 ABB 753 3-Way Magnetic Valve 10 ABB 754 10 ABB 755 10 ABB 756 10 ABB 10 3624 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 08/01/77 Hydra Power HP572100 08/01/59 Hydra Power Motor Operated Air Shutoff 6-51844 02/01/60 Valve Magnetic 3-Way 2-Position AV11A1121, R1650- 11/01/60 Selector Valve 594-1186YGCO HP610100-2C10, HP610100-2R10, 2C10-1 Koehler General Controls Hydra Power AV11D1166, AV11D1167 Manual Operated Gate Valve AV16A1176 Assy. Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1287D 11/01/60 General Controls 09/01/60 General Controls 12/01/60 General Controls 03/15/61 General Controls 757 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1354C, AV16B1356C Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1467D 09/01/62 General Controls ABB 758 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1470C 09/01/62 General Controls 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 759 760 761 Shutoff Valve Check Valve Check Valve 6301 2-1660-1 P15-620 08/01/61 09/01/60 11/01/60 10 ABB 762 AV16B1530D 06/01/61 10 ABB 763 Manual Override Pull Out Type Motor Operated Gate Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve U.C. Carter Republic Mfg. James, Pond & Clark General Controls 6397 08/01/61 U.C. Carter 3635 3636 HP619100 08/01/61 3625 3626 Compound Adjuster ValveBrake Valve, Power Manual Brake 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 10 ABB 764 Vent Shutoff Valve 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 765 767 769 10 ABB 771 10 10 10 ABB ABB ABB 773 774 779 Swing Check Valves Fuel Vent Valve Manually Operated Gate Valve Motor Operated Variable Valve High Level Control Valve Fuel Level Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve 10 10 10 10 10 ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC 1 2 4 5 7 Fuel Pressure Regulator Fuel Pressure Regulator Fuel Pressure Regulator Fuel Pressure Regulator Lubricating Oil Cooler Assy. 407460 407460 021017 Series 021017 Series 8526007, AP26AU2101 02/01/48 02/01/48 04/01/53 04/01/53 05/01/60 Bendix Bendix Pesco Pesco Harrison Radiator Div., G.M.C. 10 10 ABC ABC 8 9 74232-3 9-363-151 04/01/63 11/01/65 Airesearch Schulz 10 ABC 12 Fuel Pressure Regulator Wing & External Fuel Tank Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Regulator 10 ABC 13 Air Pressure Regulator 10 10 ABC ABC 501 502 Fuel Pressure Regulator Cable Tension Regulator 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 22-2150-001, 222150-002 1111-595769 F-72155-1 AV16A1236 05/01/67 Aero Corry 11/01/61 05/01/62 10/01/64 AV16E1154 10/15/64 Parker Revere ITT General Controls ITT General Controls, Inc. Schulz Parker Parker-Hannifin 14-359-251 05/01/66 1315-585950 10/01/65 215-73301-1, 02/01/71 2640676, 215-733012, 2640676M1 2561-2, 2561-3, 2561- 12/01/52 4 2561-2, 2561-3, 2561- 12/01/52 4 100-505-5 03/01/54 R72-18001-70-00, 04/01/54 R72-18002-70-00, R72-19001-40-00 Loud Loud Great Lakes Pacific Scientific 10 ABC 503 Cable Tension Regulator R72-18001-70-00, R72-18002-70-00, R72-19001-40-00 04/01/54 Pacific Scientific 10 ABC 504 Hydraulic Pressure Regulators 720-1, 720-2, AN6295-1(1500), AN6295-2(3000) 10/01/54 Electrol 10 10 ABC ABC 505 506 Fuel Pressure Regulator 100-644 Oil Tank Pressure Regulator 2235-2 08/01/55 08/15/56 Great Lakes Roylyn 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABD ABD ABD ABE ABF ABG 2 3 501 501 501 37 Fuel Flow Divider Fuel Flow Divider Fuel Water Valve Drain Valve Assy. Hydropad Fuel Vent Valves 433806N1 433806N1 W6534-1/2D 475C-62C 847-7000 4-156-1, 4-156-51 05/01/66 05/01/66 09/01/55 02/01/57 01/15/58 11/01/60 Curtiss-Wright Curtiss-Wright Sierra Auto-Valve Cook Schulz 10 10 ABG ABG 38 39 Fuel Level Control Valve Float-Operated Vent Valve 4-1058-201 12/01/61 16-1058-251-1, 16- 06/01/63 1058-251-2, 16-1058251-3, Schulz Schulz 10 10 10 10 ABG ABG ABG ABG 40 41 47 48 6-256-251 1-559-101 11-759-101 6-458-101-1 07/01/63 05/01/63 11/01/64 10/01/63 Schulz Schulz Schulz Schulz 10 10 ABG ABG 49 50 2-262-1 7-259-251 02/01/66 02/01/66 Schulz Schulz 10 ABG 51 Level Sensing Pilot Valve Level Sensing Pilot Valve Fuel Float Pilot Valve Pressure Fueling & Transfer Valve Pressure Relief Valve Drop Tank Fuel & Air Disconnect Valve Fuselage Tank Pressure & Vacuum Relief Valve 29-760-1, 29-760-1-3 05/01/66 Schulz 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 10 10 ABG ABG 53 55 10 ABG 57 10 ABG 501 10 ABG 502 Relief Valve Fuel Tank Pressure Regulators Wing Fuel Transfer & Low Level Shutoff Valve Self-Sealing Disconnect Swing Check Valve Fuel Vent Float Valves 1-1259-101 4-660-101, 4-660151 9-359-1 12/01/64 12/01/65 Schulz Schulz 11/01/65 Schulz 10-654-1 02/01/56 Schulz 5-850-1, 3-451-1, 3451-51 06/01/56 Schulz 10 ABG 503 Fuel Vent Float Valves 5-850-1, 3-451-1, 3451-51 06/01/56 Schulz 10 ABG 504 3-151-1R 10/01/56 Schulz 12-953-1 09/01/56 Schulz 507 Float Switch & Engine Oil Shutoff Valve Fire Extinguishing Check Valve Fuel Filters 10 ABG 506 10 ABG 5-753-1-2, 5-753-1-3, 03/01/57 5-753-1-4, 5-753-1-5, 5-753-51-2, 5-753-513, 5-753-51-4, 5-75351-5 Schulz 10 10 ABG ABG 508 509 Fuel Level Control Valve Wet Leading Edge Valve Schulz Schulz ABG 510 6-553-1 12/01/56 16-1154-1, 16-1154- 02/01/57 51 Air Refueling Couplings & Air 7-653-181-2, 7-653- 06/01/63 Refueling Nozzle 171-2, 7-653-351, 7653-171-1 10 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 Schulz 10 ABG 511 Air Refueling Couplings & Air 7-653-181-2, 7-653- 06/01/67 Refueling Nozzle 171-2, 7-653-351, 7653-171-1 Schulz 10 10 ABG ABG 513 513 Fuel Level Control Valve Line Relief Vent Valves 4-254-71 7-953-1, 7-953-51 06/01/57 04/01/59 Schulz Schulz 10 10 10 ABG ABG ABG 514 515 516 Line Type Filter Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Level Pilot Valves 8-1253-51 04/01/57 8349-91J 04/01/57 3-254-1, 3-254-91, 3- 09/01/61 254-101 Schulz Schulz Schulz 10 10 10 ABG ABG ABG 517 518 519 Fuel Level Control Valve 4-254-1 Fuel Level Control Valve 6-1259-151-2 Float Operated Single Piston 9-253-1 Fuel Level Control Valve 06/01/57 09/01/57 12/01/57 Schulz Schulz Schulz 10 ABG 520 Float Operated Single Piston 9-253-1 Fuel Level Control Valve 12/01/57 Schulz 10 10 ABG ABG 521 522 Fuel Vent Valve Check Valves 1-754-51 7-354-1, 7-354-51 01/01/58 01/01/58 Schulz Schulz 10 10 10 ABG ABG ABG 523 524 525 Check Valve Check Valve Fuel Shutoff Valves 1-556-1 3-556-1 1-254-71, 1-254-81 01/01/58 01/01/58 01/01/58 Schulz Schulz Schulz 10 ABG 526 Fuel Level Control Valves 2-155-51, 2-155-101 08/01/60 Schulz 10 10 ABG ABG 527 528 Adapter & Cap Refuel & Defuel Pilot Valve 7-255-1 1-654-51 03/01/58 05/01/58 Schulz Schulz 10 ABG 529 Pressure Fueling Shutoff Valve 6-1154-1 05/01/58 Schulz 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 10 10 ABG ABG 530 531 Float & Vent Pilot Valve Fuel Transfer Shutoff Valve 9-1254-1 3-855-1 05/01/58 05/01/58 Schulz Schulz 10 ABG 532 Fuel Transfer Shutoff Valve 3-855-51 05/01/58 Schulz 10 ABG 533 01/01/59 Schulz 10 ABH 501 Dual Pilot Solenoid Precheck 2-156-1 Valve Fuel Flow Equalizer 93005-1, 93005-2 11/01/57 Hydra Electric 10 ABJ 501 10 ABJ 502 10 ABK 3 10 ABK 501 10 ABK 502 10 10 ABL 1 ABM 1 10 ABN 6 10 ABN 7 10 ABN 501 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 Fuel Vent, Pressure Relief Valve Fuel Vent, Suction Relief Valve Ram Air Pressure Regulator Valve Assy. Solenoid Controlled Wing Rank Vent Pressure Relief & Dump Valve Assy. 24060 03/01/58 Adel 24061 03/01/58 Adel A11-1300-5, A111400-6 A11-1200-3, A115400 01/01/61 Sweeney 04/01/58 Sweeney Solenoid Fuel & Air Shutoff Valve Wing Fuel Dump Valve Motor Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Assy. 8-1400 03/01/59 Sweeney LH13301 21040-3 06/01/59 05/01/65 Lourdes Weatherhead Fuel Feed Manifold Assy. 209-48223 07/01/60 Hydraulic Reservoir Relief Valve Assy. Fuel Feed Manifold Assy. 209-58493 07/01/60 209-48223 03/01/58 North American Aviation, Inc. North American Aviation, Inc. N. American Aviation 10 ABN 502 Single-Point Refuel & Defuel 209-48206, 20911/01/60 Unit Receptacle Assy. 48206-11, 209-4820621, 209-48206-31 N. American Aviation 10 ABN 503 11/01/60 Single-Point Refuel & Defuel 209-48206, 209Unit Receptacle Assy. 48206-11, 209-4820621, 209-48206-31 N. American Aviation 10 ABN 504 10 ABN 505 10 10 ABP ABP 75 76 10 ABP 77 10 ABP 78 Wing Fuel Transfer, Venting & Pressurizing Manifold Assy. Wing Fuel Transfer, Venting & Pressurizing Manifold Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Tank Mounted Fuel Shutoff Valve Line Mounted Wing Fuel Shutoff Valve, Floatation Precheck Pilot Valve Fuel Level Control Valves 10 10 ABP ABP 80 81 10 ABP 82 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 209-48251, 20948251-11 03/01/58 N. American Aviation 209-48251, 20948251-11 03/01/58 N. American Aviation 1321-566103 1321-517478 04/01/59 01/01/59 Parker Parker 1322-567044, 1323- 04/15/59 575010 Parker 04/01/59 1321-537051M1, 1321-54613M1, 1321546146M1, 1321547046M1 Parker Swing Check Valve Solenoid-Operated Relief Valve 1111-565455 02/01/60 1360-575247, 1360- 04/01/60 575247-1 Parker Parker Air Supply & Solenoid Shutoff Valve 1354-566532 Parker 3728 3729 3730 3731 03/01/60 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP 83 84 85 10 ABP 86 10 ABP 87 10 ABP 88 10 ABP 89 10 ABP 91 10 ABP 92 10 ABP 94 10 ABP 95 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP 96 97 98 10 ABP 100 Pilot Float Valve Swing Check Valve Pressure & Vacuum Relief Check Valve Pilot Operated Fueling & Defueling Shutoff Valve Dual Pilot Level Control Valve Level Control Air Lockout Pilot Valve Pressure Fueling Cap & Adapter Wing Fuel Transfer & Low Level Shutoff Valve Wing Fuel Transfer & Low Level Shutoff Valve 2-Way Thermal Relief Fuel Shutoff Valve Dual Level Control Shutoff Valves 1323-517304 4-546-75 1115-565798 03/01/60 03/15/60 05/01/60 Parker Parker Parker 1321-585283 04/01/60 Parker 1323-585284 04/01/60 Parker 1323-585285 04/01/60 Parker 1327-585276 04/15/60 Parker 1322-566108M1 08/01/64 Parker 1322-566109M2 11/01/62 Parker 1315-556755M2 08/01/64 Parker 10/01/65 F59B0008, M1, F59B0009, M1, F59B0033, F59B0035, F60B0056, F60B0057, F60B0058 Parker Dual Level Control Valve Dual Level Control Valve Air Lockout Fueling & Transfer Shutoff Valve Swing Check Valve Size 16 F60B0103 F60B0102 1322-595629M1 05/01/62 06/01/62 03/01/66 Parker Parker Parker F60A0161-1 02/01/63 Parker 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 10 ABP 106 Lubricating Oil Level Control Valve Pressure Regulating Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Pilot Valve 10 ABP 110 10 10 ABP ABP 501 502 10 10 ABP ABP 503 504 Dual Pilot Valve 1323-537435 Fuel Tank Sensing Air Supply 1328-537591M1, Valve 1328-537591M2 12/01/56 02/01/61 Parker Parker 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP 505 506 507 509 511 514 Cone Check Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Dual Pilot Valve Double Fuel Pilot Valve Swing Check Valve Fuel Pressure Control Valve 1112-536646 1321-537506 1323-537424 1323-526998 1111-536426 1354-546045 03/01/57 03/01/57 08/01/64 03/01/57 12/01/56 03/01/57 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 10 ABP 516 Dual Pilot Valve 1323-518228, 1323- 11/01/57 518228M Parker 10 ABP 517 Dual Pilot Valve 1323-518230, 1323- 11/01/57 518230M Parker 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP 518 519 520 1327-522299 12-1343-83 1328-547063M1 12/01/56 03/01/57 03/01/57 Parker Parker Parker 10 ABP 521 Adapter Valve Body Fuel Swing Check Valve Air Pressure Vent & Transfer Valve Pressure Regulator Valve 1354-536660 04/01/57 Parker 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 F59B0029 04/01/63 Parker F62D0007M2 06/01/66 Parker 1321-556373 12/01/56 1323-556155, 1323- 05/01/58 556155M1, 1323556155M2 Parker Parker 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 10 ABP 522 Cylinder Operated Dump Valve Fuel Selector Valve 1319-546376M 03/01/57 Parker 10 ABP 523 1319-522164M2 03/01/57 Parker 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP 524 525 526 527 528 529 Cone Check Valve Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valve Dual Float-Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Float-Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Pilot Valve Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valve Swing Check Valve Solenoid-Override Swing Check Valves 11-3050-79 1311-532371 1311-522615 1311-522616 1311-533413 1321-556102 03/01/58 11/01/57 09/01/57 09/01/57 09/01/57 08/01/57 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 10 ABP 531 1321-556170M1 06/01/57 Parker 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP 532 533 534 535 536 537 1321-537302 1323-537303 1311-522366 1311-522110 1111-536690 1119-546142M2, 1119-546142M3 06/01/57 04/01/57 09/01/57 08/01/57 05/15/57 08/01/58 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP 538 539 540 1321-527928 1321-536026 1111-528085 04/15/57 04/01/57 01/01/57 Parker Parker Parker 1327-537110 07/01/57 Parker 541 Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Manually-Operated Swing Check Valve Pressure Fueling & Defueling Valve Dual Pilot Valve 10 ABP 540 10 ABP 1323-517548M2 05/01/57 Parker 10 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP ABP 544 545 546 547 Cone Check Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Cone Check Valve Swing Check Valve 12-347-5 1313-542491 1112-526479 1111-526312 08/01/57 11/01/57 10/15/57 11/15/57 Parker Parker Parker Parker 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 10 ABP 548 Solenoid-Operated Fuel Dump Valve 1319-556275, 1319- 11/01/57 556275M1, 1319556275M2 Parker 10 10 ABP ABP 549 550 1313-542490 1322-537024 11/01/57 11/01/57 Parker Parker 10 ABP 551 Fuel Shutoff Valve Fueling & Transfer Manifold Valve Fueling & Transfer Manifold Valves 1322-556374, 1322- 08/01/64 556374M1, 1322556374M2 Parker 10 ABP 552 Fuel Pilot Valve 1323-556892N 01/01/60 Parker 10 ABP 553 Fuel Tank Air Supply & Relief 1328-537203M, 1328- 11/01/64 Valve 537203M1, 1328537203M2, 1328537203M3, 1328537203M4, 1328537203M4S3, 1328537203M4S4 Parker 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 10 ABP 554 Fuel Tank Air Supply & Relief 1328-537203M, 1328- 11/01/64 Valve 537203M1, 1328537203M2, 1328537203M3, 1328537203M4, 1328537203M4S3, 1328537203M4S4 Parker 10 10 ABP ABP 555 556 Fuel Level Control Valve Double Swing Check Valve 1321-546351 1115-516647 10/01/57 11/01/57 Parker Parker 10 10 ABP ABP 557 558 Swing Check Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve 1111-527220 1321-556171M2 11/01/57 12/01/57 Parker Parker 10 10 ABP ABP 559 560 1323-547096 1323-547042M2 02/01/58 05/01/58 Parker Parker 10 10 ABP ABP 561 562 1112-565282 1327-566554 03/01/58 03/01/58 Parker Parker 10 10 ABP ABP 563 565 1323-518100 107845 01/01/58 03/15/58 Parker Whittaker 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP 566 567 568 Dual Pilot Fuel Valve Dual Pilot Level Control Valve Cone Check Valve Pressure Fueling & Defueling Unit Fuel Pilot Valve Motor Actuated Slide ShutOff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Pressure Control Valve Fuel Head Proportioning Control Valve 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 1322-566236 02/15/58 1328-557109 03/01/58 1329-566599-3, 1329- 03/01/59 566599-7 Parker Parker Parker 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP ABP ABQ 569 570 571 572 573 574 1 10 ABQ 2 10 ABQ 3 10 ABQ 4 10 10 10 10 ABQ ABQ ABQ ABQ 5 6 7 8 10 ABQ 9 10 10 ABQ ABQ 10 15 10 ABR 501 10 ABS 501 10 ABS 502 Valve Assy., 2.00 Dia. Lever Operated Fuel Shutoff SA-11000C-3 03/01/57 StandardThomson 10 ABT 2 Motor Operated Fuel Selector Valve 40D790 11/01/60 Crocker 3827 3828 3829 Fuel Pilot Valve Fuel Pilot Valve Fuel Pilot Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Selector Valve Dual Level Control Valve Assy. Solenoid Shutoff Valve Assy. Line-Mounted Fuel Shutoff Valve Motor Operated Oil Shutoff Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Dual Level Control Valve Wing Cell Fuel Dump Valve 1323-566640 1323-566641 1323-566642 1322-566709 1322-566237 1311-532373 7-702755, 7-716835 02/01/58 02/01/58 02/01/58 04/01/58 02/15/58 09/01/58 02/01/61 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Koehler 5732-1 12/01/60 Koehler 7-103385 05/01/63 Koehler 6-51384-16 11/01/65 Koehler 7-70085 7-70455 7-103365 1-111655-1-111655R 10/01/62 10/01/62 11/01/62 05/15/64 Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehler 01/01/66 Koehler-Dayton 01/01/66 03/01/61 Koehler-Dayton Koehler 07/01/56 RobertshawFulton StandardThomson Pressure Fueling & Defueling 7-111745 Valve High Level Shutoff Vale 7-111735 Dual Pilot & Vent Valve Assy. 8-100565 Solenoid Operated Shutoff 10C2001 Valve, 1/2" Valve Assy., 1.00 Dia. Motor SA-8346-C3 Operated Fuel Shutoff 10/01/58 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 10 ABT 501 10 ABV 2 10 10 ABV ABV 4 5 10 10 ABV 501 ABW 20 10 ABW 23 10 ABW 24 10 ABW 25 10 ABW 26 10 10 ABW 27 ABW 28 10 ABW 29 10 ABW 501 10 ABW 502 10 ABW 503 10 ABW 504 10 ABW 505 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 Solenoid Hot Air Shutoff Valve Shutoff Valve PN 1470 11/01/58 Sterer V-14500, V14500-01 12/01/59 Valcor Shutoff Valve 3-Way, Normally Open, Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Slide Shut-Off Valve Solenoid Actuated Pressure Regulating Valve V-20000-17 03/01/66 V-21500-01, V-21500- 11/01/64 02 V-200-12A 08/01/56 141785 09/01/59 Valcor Valcor Valcor Whittaker 117035 06/01/60 Whittaker 111305 03/01/60 Whittaker 119065 06/15/60 Whittaker 121515 04/15/60 Whittaker Motor Actuated Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Gate Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Solenoide Actuated Poppet Shut-Off Valve 112955 111065 04/15/60 06/01/61 Whittaker Whittaker 135155 04/01/64 Whittaker 109205 04/01/56 Whittaker 107805 08/01/56 Whittaker 107815 08/01/56 Whittaker 107825 08/01/56 Whittaker 117235 12/15/56 Whittaker 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 10 ABW 506 10 ABW 507 10 ABW 508 10 10 ABW 509 ABW 510 10 ABW 511 10 ABW 512 10 ABW 514 10 ABW 515 10 ABW 516 10 ABW 517 10 ABW 518 10 10 10 10 10 ABX ACC ADA ADA ADG 501 1 1 2 1 10 ADG 2 3864 3865 Motor Actuated Gate ShutOff Valve Solenoid Pilot Actuated Poppet Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Gate Shut-Off Valve Motor Actuated Gate ShutOff Valve Manually Operated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide ShutOff Valve Pressure Actuated Poppet Relief Valves Fuel Disconnect Dual Check Fuel Valve Fuel System Ejector Unit Vent Float Valve Motor Operated Gate Valve Assy. WE459-1-1/4D 05/01/57 Whittaker 102803 03/01/57 Whittaker 102467 05/01/57 Whittaker 1321-517306 112515 06/01/57 02/01/58 Parker Whittaker W7939-2D 10/01/57 Whittaker 117445 07/01/57 Whittaker 116465 08/01/57 Whittaker 117945 06/01/57 Whittaker 118555 09/01/57 Whittaker Whittaker 132665, 132665-1 06/01/60 Whittaker A10245-1 6471-1 616E500 40F102-5 AV16B1544D2, AV16B1545D2, AV16B1631D2 12/01/56 05/01/63 12/01/59 12/01/65 07/01/64 Gladden/Adel Carter Allen Aircraft Allen Aircraft ITT General Controls 02/01/65 ITT General Controls Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1662 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 10 ADG 3 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1661B 02/01/65 10 ADG 5 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1739D 12/01/65 10 ADG 7 AV23A1101 05/01/69 10 ADM 1 Manually Operated Ball Valve Switching Adapter DG95A1 04/01/64 10 ADU 1 Fuel Heater & Strainer Assy. U519975-11 09/01/72 10 B 1 08/01/43 10 B 2 06/01/43 Stromberg 10 B 3 Aircraft Carburetors, Float Type Aircraft Carburetors, Float Type Float Type Carburetors United Aircraft Products Stromberg NA Series 12/01/43 Bendix-Stromberg 10 B 4 Carburetors: Modification of R, Y Series Carburetors to Provide Idle Cut-Off 05/01/43 10 B 12 Fuel System: Substitution of NA-R7A, NA-R7B, NS- 08/01/43 Mixture Control Needle Seat R9, NA-R9A, NA-R9B Gasket: Carburetors 10 B 13 Fuel System: Modification of NA-Y9E1, R-1340, R- 09/01/43 1535, R-1690 Series Manual Mixture Control Stem on Carburetors 10 B 16 Fuel System: Modification of NA-R7B Carburetor Setting 3874 3875 3876 3877 10/01/43 ITT General Controls ITT General Controls ITT Aerospace Controls Minn-Honeywell Stromberg B 18 Fuel System: Modification of Carburetor to Include Leather Accelerating Pump Cover 10 B 20 02/01/45 Stromberg 10 B 21 06/01/45 Stromberg 10 B 27 Fuel System: Interchangeable Parts List for Stromberg Float Carburetors Fuel System: Reworking NA-Y9E1 Throttle Valves in Float Type Carburetors Fuel System: Modification of NA-Y9E1 Carburetor 06/01/45 Stromberg 10 B 28 Emergency Fuel Control Units 6707080, 6706086, 6715380, 6707440, 6709845, 6715090, 6714990 11/01/51 Rochester 10 B 29 Emergency Fuel Control Units 6707080, 6706086, 6715380, 6707440, 6709845, 6715090, 6714990 11/01/51 Rochester 10 10 BA BA 1 2 Injection Carburetors Injection Carburetors 12/01/52 04/01/43 Bendix Bendix 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 NA-R4B, NA-R5A, NA- 12/01/44 R6, NA-R6B, NA-R6D, NA-R6G, NA-R7A, NAR7B, NA-R9A, NAR9B, NA-R9D 10 Stromberg 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 10 10 BA BA 3 3 Injection Carburetors Injection Carburetors PD, PR, PT Series 05/01/50 Bendix 03/18/48 12/01/53 Bendix 10 BA 4 Injection Carburetors PD, PR, PT Series 12/01/53 Bendix 10 BA 5 Injection Carburetors PD, PR, PT Series 11/01/53 Bendix 10 10 BA BA 7 12 12/01/53 06/01/43 Bendix 10 BA 25 Pressure Type 03/01/42 Bendix-Stromberg 10 BA 32 Injection Type 08/01/43 Stromberg 10 BA 32 Injection Type 10/01/43 Stromberg 10 BA 33 Injection Carburetors Fuel System: Installation of Lead Seal-Injections Carburetors Electric Primer Valve, Carburetor Injection Carburetors: Replacement of Fuel Line Packing, Carburetors Fuel System: Replacement of Fuel Line Packing, Carburetors Fuel System: Modification of Accelerating Pump on Injection Carburetors V-1710 Series Engine 06/01/43 Stromberg 10 BA 33 Fuel System: Modification of V-1710 Series Engine 10/01/44 Accelerating Pump on Injection Carburetors Stromberg 10 BA 34 Fuel System: Proper Vapor Vent Connection on Carburetors Stromberg A 3891 3892 3893 A 3894 3895 3896 3897 B Injection Type 11/01/43 10 BA 35 Fuel System: Modification of PD-12E3, PD-12F5, Carburetors PD-12F6, PD-12H4, PD-12H6 12/01/43 Bendix 10 BA 36 Fuel System: Installation of Injection Type Vent Bleed in Unmetered Fuel Chamber of Carburetors & Installation of Instruction Plate 12/01/44 Bendix 10 BA 38 Fuel System: Modification of Injection Type Manual Mixture Control Plate onCarburetors using Nos. 8 & 9 Fuel Control Units 11/01/44 Stromberg 10 BA 39 Fuel System: Reworking the PD-12G1, PD-12K1, Adapter Assy. used on PD-12K2, PD-12K6, Injection Carburetors PT-13E1 10/01/43 Stromberg 10 BA 40 Fuel System: Reworking The PT-13G1, PT-13G2, Acclerating Pump on the Injection Type Carburetors 01/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 45 Fuel System: Reworking The Injection Type Vapor Vent Seat on Carburetors Incorporating Dual Vapor Vent 04/01/44 Stromberg 10 BA 46 Fuel System: Installation of 1750cc Power Enrichment Jet in Injection Carburetors 03/01/44 Stromberg 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 PD-12K2, PD-12K6 10 BA 47 Fuel System: Enrichening the PD-12K2, PD-12K6 Idle Range on Carburetors 06/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 49 Fuel System: Interchangeable Parts List 02/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 50 Fuel System: Modification of PD-18A1, Injection Carburetor Type 08/01/44 Stromberg 10 BA 51 Fuel System: Inspection of PR Type Throttle Valve Clearance & Throttle Shaft End Play in all Carburetors 09/01/44 Stromberg 10 BA 55 Fuel System: Modification of Injection Type Vapor Eliminator Assy. Carburetors 05/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 55 Fuel System: Modification of Injection Type Vapor Eliminator Assy. Carburetors 06/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 56 PR Type Fuel System: Inspection of Throttle Valve Clearance & Throttle Shaft End Play in all Carburetors 12/01/44 Stromberg 10 BA 57 PD-12K6, PD-12K7, Fuel System: Change of PT-13E9 Throttle Stop Adjusting Stem: Injection Carburetors 12/01/44 Stromberg 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 A Injection Type 10 BA 58 Fuel System: Reventing of Fuel Feed Valve Used with Stromberg Carburetors 10 BA 59 10 BA 60 10 BA 61 10 BA 61 10 BA 62 10 BA 63 10 BA 64 Fuel System: Reventing of Fuel Feed Valve on Engines Employing Stromberg Carburetors 10 BA 70 Fuel System: Modification of PR-58E1, PR-58E2 Carburetors 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 B PD-12F3, PD-12F6, PD-12F7 01/01/45 Stromberg Fuel System: Modification of PT-13G Series Accelerator Pump, Stromberg Carburetors 01/01/45 Stromberg Fuel System: Replacement of Solenoid Washer & Seat Gasket on all Electric Primer Valves Fuel System: Reworking of the Discharge Nozzle on Carburetors Fuel System: Reworking of the Discharge Nozzle on Carburetors Fuel System: Reworking Stromberg Injection Carburetor Fuel System: Reworking Stromberg Carburetors 07/01/45 Stromberg Injection Type 01/01/45 Stromberg Injection Type 06/01/45 Stromberg 395270-5, 395270-6, 02/01/45 PD-12K8 Stromberg 395500, PD-18C1A, 395847-2, PD-18C1 01/01/45 Stromberg PT-13F1, PT-13F5, PT- 02/01/45 13G1, PT-13G2, Pt13G5, PT-13G6, R2800 Stromberg 03/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 71 Fuel System: Inspection & Correction of Carburetors PD-18C1A 04/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 71 Fuel System: Inspection & Correction of Carburetors PD-18C1A 04/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 73 Fuel System: Modification of PR-58M1 Automatic Mixture Control: Stromberg Model Master Controls 06/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 75 Fuel System: Elimination of "Full-Rich" Position: Stromberg Carburetors PT-13F1, PT-13F5, PT- 11/01/45 13G1, PT-13G5 Stromberg 10 BA 76 Fuel System: Modification of PD-12F7, PD-12F8, 08/01/45 Stromberg 395706-3, 395795-6 Stromberg 10 BA 76 Fuel System: Modification of PD-12F7, PD-12F8, 12/01/45 Stromberg 395706-3, 395795-6 Stromberg 10 BA 77 Fuel System: Modification of PR-58M1, PR-58P1, PD-18C1A, PDRotary Idle Valve: 18C3A, Injection Carburetors Type 09/01/45 Stromberg 10 BA 82 Modification of Stromberg Injection Carburetors PD-12F8, PD-12F13 11/01/51 Stromberg 10 10 10 BA BA BA 87 88 89 Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetors PR-58E5 PR-58E5 PR-58S2, PR-58T1 06/01/72 07/01/63 02/01/66 Bendix Bendix Bendix 3922 B 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 A 3933 10 BA 90 Injection Carburetors PR-58S2, PR-58T1 01/01/66 10 BA 91 Injection Carburetor PR-100B3, 39108112, 391082-12, PR100B4, 391341-9, 391469-8 11/01/57 01/01/58 Bendix 10 BA 92 Injection Carburetor PR-100B3, PR-100B4, 01/01/57 391081-11, 39108211, 391083-10, 391087-12, 3911645, 391196-7, 3913418, 391469-7 Bendix 10 10 10 BA BA BA 97 98 99 Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor PD-9G1 01/01/66 PD-9G1 12/01/65 PD-9F1, 391099-6, 09/01/60 391099-8, 391099-9, 391730-1, 391730-2, 391730-3 Bendix Bendix Bendix 10 BA 99 Injection Carburetor 09/01/60 04/01/62 Bendix PD-9F1, 391099-6, 391099-8, 391099-9, 391730-1, 391730-2, 391730-3 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 Bendix 10 BA 99 Injection Carburetor PD-9F1, 391099-6, 09/01/60 11/15/62 Bendix 391099-8, 391099-9, 391730-1, 391730-2, 391730-3 10 10 10 10 BA BA BA BA 100 101 102 103 Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Acceleration Pump PD-9F1 PD-12K18 PD-12K18 PD-12F13, 390897-2, 395340A 10 BA 103 Acceleration Pump PD-12F13, 390897-2, 08/15/60 03/01/62 Bendix 395340A 10 BA 103 Acceleration Pump PD-12F13, 390897-2, 08/15/60 12/15/65 Bendix 395340A 10 10 BA BA 106 108 Injection Carburetor Stromberg Injection Carburetor PR-48A3 PT-13G1, PT-13G5, PT-13G6, PT-13D6 07/01/54 10/01/54 Bendix Bendix 10 BA 109 Injection Carburetor PT-13G1, PT-13G5, PT-13G6, PT-13D6 04/01/55 Bendix 10 BA 114 Acceleration Pump PD-12F5, 395481-2 02/15/66 Bendix 10 BA 115 Injection Carburetor 395481-2, PD-12F5 06/01/61 Bendix 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 05/01/63 07/01/81 07/01/81 08/15/60 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 10 BA 118 Injection Carburetor PD-12H4, 391699-1, 06/15/60 392462-11, 39246212 10 BA 118 Injection Carburetor PD-12H4, 391699-1, 06/15/60 01/15/62 Bendix 392462-11, 39246212 10 BA 118 Injection Carburetor PD-12H4, 391699-1, 06/15/60 05/01/63 Bendix 392462-11, 39246212 10 BA 118 Injection Carburetor 391699-1, 39246211, 392462-12, PD12H4 08/01/64 Bendix 10 BA 119 Injection Carburetor 391699-1, 39246211, 392462-12, PD12H4 05/01/63 Bendix 10 BA 122 Float Carburetor A17809-5, A17809-6, 07/01/60 A30258-2, A30258-3, NA-R9B Bendix 10 BA 123 Float Carburetor A17809-5, A17809-6, 06/01/61 A30258-2, A30258-3, NA-R9B Bendix 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 Bendix 10 BA 124 Float Carburetor A18639-7, A18639-8, 01/01/66 391584-1, 391754-1, 395118-3, 395118-4, NA-Y9E1 Bendix 10 BA 125 Float Carburetor A18639-7, A18639-8, 12/01/65 391584-1, 391754-1, 395118-3, 395118-4, NA-Y9E1 Bendix 10 BA 126 Injection Carburetor 391670-3, PS-5BD 08/15/60 Bendix 10 BA 127 Float Carburetor PS-5BD, 391670-3 08/01/60 Bendix 10 BA 501 Injection Carburetor 391769-2, 391769-3, 12/01/65 391769-4, 391769-5, 391769-6, 391869-1, PD-12R1 Bendix 10 BA 502 Injection Carburetor PR-58U1, 390780-13, 07/01/60 390780-15, 39078017 Bendix 10 BA 502 Injection Carburetor PR-58U1, 390780-13, 07/01/60 01/15/62 Bendix 390780-15, 39078017 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 10 BA 502 Injection Carburetor 391769-2, 391769-3, 12/01/62 391769-4, 391769-5, 391769-6, 391869-1, PD-12R1 Bendix 10 BA 503 Injection Carburetor 390780-13, 390780- 03/01/66 15, 390780-17, PR58U1 Bendix 10 BA 504 Injection Carburetor 390780-13, 390780- 02/01/66 15, 390780-17, PR58U1 Bendix 10 BAA 1 Injection Carburetors Bendix 10 BAA 2 Injection Carburetors 10 BAA 3 Modification PS-5C, PS-5CD, PS06/01/53 7BD PS-5C, PS-5CD, PS03/01/52 7BD 380212-1, 380233-1, 05/01/50 380233-2, PS-5C 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 BAA BAA BAA BAA BAA BAA BAA 6 7 501 502 503 504 505 Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor PSD-9BDE PSD-9BDE PS-5C PS-5C PS-7BD PS-7BD PS-5CD, 391527-3, 391527-4, 391527-5, 391527-6A Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 10/01/53 09/01/53 07/01/55 06/01/55 07/15/55 07/01/55 11/01/58 Bendix Stromberg 10 BAA 505 Injection Carburetor 391527-3, 391527-4, 10/01/68 391527-5, 3915276A, 391527-7, 391527-8, 391527-9, 391527-10, PS-5CD Bendix 10 BAA 506 Injection Carburetor 391527-3, 391527-4, 10/01/68 391527-5, 3915276A, 391527-7, 391527-8, 391527-9, 391527-10, PS-5CD Bendix 10 BAA 507 Injection Carburetor 391603-2, 391603-3, 06/01/60 391603-4, 391603-5, 391603-6, 391603-7, PSH-5CD Bendix 10 10 BB BB 1 2 Float Type Carburetors Float Type Carburetors NA Series NA Series 04/01/54 Bendix 01/30/48 05/01/54 Bendix-Stromberg 10 BB 2 Float Type Carburetors NA Series 06/01/54 Bendix-Stromberg 10 BB 4 Fuel Systems: Modification of Carburetor NA-Y9E1 03/01/48 Stromberg 10 BB 503 Float Carburetor NA-Y9E1 02/01/55 Bendix 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 10 10 BC BC 1 2 419 Series 1375-HA, 1685-HA 12/01/43 08/01/43 Holley Holley 3 Aircraft Carburetors Carburetors, Diaphragm Type Carburetors, Pressure Type 10 BC 1375-HA, 1685-HA 09/01/45 Holley 10 BC 4 Aircraft Carburetors 1375-HA, 1685-HA, 1685-HAR 07/01/44 Holley 10 10 10 BC BC BC 5 6 7 Aircraft Carburetors Aircraft Carburetors 1685-HB Fuel System: Modification of 1685-HB Carburetor 11/01/44 05/01/52 06/01/45 Holley Holley Holley 10 BC 8 Fuel System: Installation of Diffuser Plate: Carburetor 1685-HB 03/01/45 Holley 10 BC 9 Fuel System: Procedure for Installing Main Fuel Diaphragms in Carburetors Series HA, HAR, HB 04/01/45 Holley 10 BC 10 Fuel System: Modification & 1375-HA, 1375-HAA, 08/01/45 1685-HA, 1685-HAR, Repair of General Control 1685-HB Primers Mounted on Carburetors Holley 10 BC 11 07/01/45 Holley 10 BC 12 1685-HB Fuel System: Replacing Altitude Valve Diaphragm in Carburetor Fuel System: Identification of Springs used in Pressure Type Carburetors 07/01/45 Holley 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 10 BC 13 Fuel System: Eliminating 1685-HAR, 1685-HB Effects of Oil Flushing of Carburetors Fuel System: Modification of 1685-HAR, 1685-HB Carburetors 08/01/45 Holley 10 BC 14 06/01/46 Holley 10 BC 15 Fuel System: Replacement of 1685-HB Altitude Unit on Carburetors 06/01/47 Holley 10 BD 1 Float Type Carburetor 10 BD 4 Fuel System: Safety-Wiring MA-4-5 of the Lock Screw on the Throttle Lever of Carburetor 12/01/43 Marvel-Schebler 10 BD 6 Fuel System: Replacing Fuel MA-4SPA Strainer Assy. on Carburetor 06/01/45 Marvel-Schebler 10 BD 7 Fuel System: Positioning of Accelerating Pump Rod on Carburetors 06/01/45 Marvel-Schebler 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 MA-3A, MA-3PA, MA- 04/01/50 3PAA, MA-3SPA, MA3SPAA, MA-4SPA, MA-4-5, MA-4-5AA Marvel-Schebler 10 BD 501 Carburetor 09/01/54 A-10-2355, A102482, A10-2430-P2, A10-2430-P3, A102492, A10-2539-1, A10-3346-1, A102535-1, A10-2356-1, A10-2301, A10-2827, A10-3063-2, A103479, A10-3856, A102594, A10-4025 Marvel-Schebler 10 BD 501 Carburetor A-10-2355, A1009/01/54 2482, A10-2430-P2, A10-2430-P3, A102492, A10-2539-1, A10-3346-1, A102535-1, A10-2356-1, A10-2301, A10-2827, A10-3063-2, A103479, A10-3856, A102594, A10-4025 Marvel-Schebler 4006 4007 10 BD 502 Carburetor A10-2355, A10-2482, 09/01/54 A10-2430-P2, A102430-P3, A10-2492, A10-2539-1, A103346-1, A10-2535-1, A10-2356-1, A102301, A10-2827, A103063-2, A10-3479, A10-2594 Marvel-Schebler 10 BD 502 Aircraft Carburetor MA-3A, MA-3PA, MA- 09/01/57 3PAA, MA-3SPA, MA3SPAA, MA-4SPA, MA-4-5, MA-4-5AA Marvel-Schebler 10 10 10 10 BE BE BE BF 1 2 3 1 Carburetors Carburetor Carburetor Hydro-Metering Carburetor 100CPB-7 100-CPB9 100-CPB9 58CPB-4 01/01/50 11/01/51 11/01/51 03/01/46 Chandler-Evans Chandler-Evans Chandler-Evans Chandler-Evans 10 10 BF BF 4 5 Carburetors 58CPB-4 Fuel System: Modification of 58CPB-4 Primer on Carburetor 10/01/45 01/01/45 Chandler-Evans Chandler-Evans 10 BF 6 Fuel System: Installation of Venturi Seal Cores on Carburetor 58CPB-4 10/01/44 Chandler-Evans 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 10 BF 7 Fuel System: Primer: 1960, 58CPB-4 Removal from Installation on Carburetor 09/01/44 Chandler-Evans 10 BF 8 Fuel System: Replacement of 58CPB-4 Fuel Meter Gasket on Carburetor 12/01/44 Chandler-Evans 10 BF 11 Fuel System: Inspection, 58CPB-4 Staking & Replacement of Throttle Gears on Carburetor 06/01/45 Chandler-Evans 10 BF 12 Fuel System: Modification of 58CPB-4 Seal & Washer on Fuel Inlet Cut-Off Valve & Throttle Driver Shafts 08/01/45 Chandler-Evans 10 BF 13 Fuel System: Method for Resetting Wide Open Throttle Stop: Carburetors 58CPB-4 04/01/45 Chandler-Evans 10 10 10 10 10 10 BF BF BF BF BF BF 14 15 15 15 15 15 Carburetor Carburetor Carburetor Carburetor Carburetor Carburetor 58-CPB11 58-CPB11 58-CPB11 58-CPB11 58-CPB11 58-CPB11 09/01/63 Chandler-Evans 08/15/60 12/15/60 Chandler-Evans 08/15/60 05/15/61 Chandler-Evans 08/15/60 01/15/62 Chandler-Evans 09/01/63 Chandler-Evans 09/01/63 Chandler-Evans 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 10 BF 16 Carburetor 13000-F10, 13000- 08/01/60 F11, 13000-F12, 13000-G10, 13000G11, 13000-G12, 13000-G13, 14600B1, 14600-B2, 49300A1, 49300-B1 10 10 10 10 10 BF BF BG BG BG 16 16 1 5 6 Carburetor Carburetor Injection Carburetor Carburetors Fuel System: Safety Wiring of Primer Solenoid Caps 58-CPB11 58-CPB11 1900CPB-3 1900CPB-3 1900CPB-3 10 BG 7 10 BG 9 Fuel System: Reworked 1900CPB-3 Assy., Nozzle Bar Fuel System: Enrichening of 1900CPB-3 Idle Range Setting: Ceco 10 BH 1 Injection Carburetor 10 10 10 BH BH BJ 501 502 1 Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor Injection Carburetor 10 BKA 1 Speed Density Fuel Metering System 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 Chandler-Evans 08/01/60 09/01/63 Chandler-Evans 08/01/64 Chandler-Evans 03/01/46 Chandler-Evans 10/01/45 Chandler-Evans 12/01/44 Chandler-Evans 01/01/45 Chandler-Evans 07/01/45 Chandler-Evans QD-9A2, QD-9A4, QD- 04/01/53 9B1 QD-9D1 11/01/57 QD-9D1 12/01/65 PS-5C 03/01/46 04/01/49 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix-Stromberg Bendix 10 BL 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Controls 10 BL 700 10 BL 700 10 BL 701 10 BL 702 Gas Turbine Fuel Control Systems Setting Specs & Flow Sheets Gas Turbine Fuel Control Systems Gas Turbine Fuel Control System Gas Turbine Fuel Control Systems 10 BL 703 4041 4042 4043 4044 A 4045 4046 Hydromechanical Fuel Controls: Gas Turbine Fuel Control Systems B-5C, B-5E, FD-A1, FD- 01/01/52 A1, FD-B3, FD-B5, TJA3, TJ-A4, TJ-B1, TJC1 Bendix 09/01/59 Bendix 05/01/56 Holley 11/01/58 Chandler-Evans B5805 E5805, A7008L, 07/01/59 A7011C, A7012D, A11823A, A12902D, A12904K, A14002B, A14211A, A17201M Holley JFC12-2, JFC12-5 Hamilton Standard 03/01/59 10 BL 704 Afterburner Fuel Controls: Gas Turbine Fuel Control Systems 10 BLA 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Controls & TJ-A3, TJ-A4, TJ-B1, B- 04/01/52 Starting Fuel Controls 5, B-5A, B-5C Bendix 10 BLA 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Controls & TJ-A3, TJ-A4, TJ-B1, B- 01/01/51 Starting Fuel Controls 5, B-5A, B-5C Bendix 10 BLB 1 10 BLB 1 10 BLB 2 10 10 BQ BQ 6 47 Fuel Control Assy. & Pressurizing Valve & Shutoff Cock Assy. Fuel Control Assy. & Pressurizing Valve & Shutoff Cock Assy. Fuel Control Assy. & Pressurizing Valve & Shutoff Cock Assy. Carburetor Injection Carburetor 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 7006340H, 01/01/59 7006340J, 7006340K, 7006340K-1, 7006340L, 7006340L1, 7006340R, 8575332A, 8575332B, 8575332D, 8575332F, 8575332G, 8575788A, 8575788B, 8575788C, 8575788D AC Spark Plug TJ-C1, FD-A1 08/01/50 11/01/55 Bendix TJ-C1, FD-A1 11/01/53 Bendix TJ-C1, FD-A1 11/01/55 Bendix NA-H1E PS Series 10/01/43 06/01/43 Stromberg Bendix-Stromberg 4055 10 BQ 700 10 CA 1 10 CA 5 Direct Fuel Injection Units 10 CA 7 Fuel System: Replacement of Control Link Assy. & Procedure for Synchronization of Direct Fuel Injection Pumps 01/01/46 Bendix 10 CA 9 02/01/46 Bendix 10 CA 10 06/01/47 Bendix 10 CA 12 02/01/46 Bendix 10 CA 15 Fuel System: Installation of Improved Float Cover Gasket: Direct Fuel Injection Pumps Fuel System: Installation of Cork Vapor Eliminator Float Assy. in Direct Fuel Injection Pumps Fuel System: Replacing Fuel Line in Direct Fuel Injection System Synchronization of Bendix Direct Fuel Injection Pumps 08/01/51 Bendix 10 CA 16 Direct Fuel Injection Systems 135060, 135070, 135079, 135080, 135200 08/01/56 Bendix 4056 Carburetor: Setting Specs & Flow Sheets Direct Fuel Injection System 58-18-A1A, 58-18B1A, 58-18-C1A 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 05/01/45 Stromberg 03/01/46 Bendix-Stromberg 58-18-A1A, 58-1811/01/53 B1A, 58-18-C1A, 5818-D1A Bendix-Stromberg 10 CA 17 Direct Fuel Injection Systems 135060, 135070, 135079, 135080, 135200 10/01/53 Bendix 10 CA 17 Direct Fuel Injection Systems 135077, 135078, 135081, 135082, 135087, 135088, 135105, 135106, 135111, 135112, 135133, 135134 10/01/56 Bendix 10 CA 20 Direct Fuel Injection System 135160, 100-28-A4 01/01/52 Bendix 10 CA 21 Direct Fuel Injection System 135160, 100-28-A4, 100-28-A5 11/01/53 Bendix 10 CA 23 Direct Fuel Injection Pump D9H1 03/01/69 Bendix 10 CA 24 Direct Fuel Injection Pump 08/01/60 D9H1, 131523-13, 135154-13, 13519313, 135194-13, D9H3, 135181-1, 135182-1, 135195-1, 135196-1 Bendix 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 10 CA 24 Direct Fuel Injection Pump D9H1, 131523-13, 08/01/60 02/01/61 Bendix 135154-13, 13519313, 135194-13, D9H3, 135181-1, 135182-1, 135195-1, 135196-1 10 CA 24 Direct Fuel Injection Pumps D9H1, D9H3, D9H4 03/01/69 Bendix 10 CAA 501 Direct Fuel Injection Nozzles 135155-1, 135156-1, 12/01/60 135161-5, 135167-5, 135189-3, 135191-1 Bendix 10 CAA 502 Direct Fuel Injection Nozzles 135155-1, 135156-1, 12/01/60 135161-5, 135167-5, 135189-3, 135191-1 Bendix 10 CB 1 Gasoline Injection System 58-18-A2B 01/01/46 Bendix 10 CC 1 Gasoline Injection Systems B41, B46 10/01/50 Ex-Cell-O 10 CC 2 Gasoline Injection Systems B41, B46 08/01/49 Ex-Cell-O 10 10 D D 2 3 Supercharger Regulator A-7 Superchargers: Type Designation of Supercharger Regulators 12/01/40 11/01/42 Bendix-Eclipse Bendix-Eclipse 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 10 D 4 07/01/43 General Electric 10 D 6 B 05/01/45 Minn-Honeywell 10 D 7 Electronic Control System for Turbosupercharger Regulator B 06/01/53 Minn-Honeywell 10 D 9 12/01/53 Rochester Products Eclipse D 12 Automatic Boost Controls RP-1990058, RP1990066 1, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 581 1483-2A, 1483-3A, 1483-4A, 1483-11B 02/01/46 10 Manifold Pressure Regulators Supercharger Regulator 10 D 10 06/01/48 Eclipse-Pioneer 10 D 13 Fuel System: Replacement of B-11, B-31 Gas-Sealing Ring on Turbosupercharger Nozzle Boxes 08/01/45 Minn-Honeywell 10 10 D D 16 507 Solenoid Supercharger Control Assy. 5067100 B-1130-2RL 11/01/45 07/01/50 Delco Simmonds 10 D 508 1359-526565 01/01/57 Parker 10 DA 1 Solenoid-Actuated Supercharger Control Turbosuperchargers 10 10 10 DA DA DA 2 3 6 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 Fuel System: Dynamic Balancing of Supercharger Rotor Assy. Electronic Control System for Turbosuperchargers 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 Turbosuperchargers Turbosuperchargers Fuel System: Operation Restrictions on Turbosuperchargers B-2, B-11, B-22, B-31, 07/01/51 B-33 B 10/01/44 B 01/01/44 06/01/42 General Electric General Electric General Electric 4093 4094 4095 10 DA 8 Turbine Driven Superchargers Turbine Driven Superchargers Turbosuperchargers & Lubrication Pump Nozzle Box & Turbosupercharger D-2 09/01/41 10 DA 9 D-2 09/01/41 10 DA 10 C-1, C-2, B08B17AC 11/01/43 10 DA 14 10 DA 14 Nozzle Box & Turbosupercharger B-1, B-2, B-3, B-13, B- 06/01/45 22, B-33 General Electric 10 DA 16 Type B 08/01/43 General Electric 10 10 DA DA 17 20 C 3GPR7A1, C-2 09/01/52 08/01/45 General Electric General Electric 10 DA 22 B-22, B-33 04/01/44 General Electric 10 DA 22 B-22, B-33 10/01/44 General Electric 10 DA 23 B-2 05/01/44 General Electric 10 DA 24 General Electric: Performance of Turbosuperchargers w/ Various Types of Nozzle Boxes Turbosuperchargers Electric Regulator Turbosuperchargers Fuel System: Modification of Oil Lines for Turbosuperchargers Fuel System: Modification of Oil Lines for Turbosuperchargers Elimination of Nozzle Box Partitions, AF Setting #6 Turbosuperchargers Fuel System: Running Time for Turbosuperchargers 10/01/45 General Electric 10 DA 25 Electric Regulator Turbosupercharger 3GPR7B1, C-2A 11/01/45 General Electric 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 A General Electric B-1, B-2, B-3, B-13, B- 05/30/43 11/20/43 General Electric 22, B-33 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 10 DA 26 Automatic Engine Control 05/01/52 General Electric 10 DA 27 Turbosuperchargers 04/01/47 General Electric 10 10 DA DA 28 29 Turbosuperchargers Barometric Antileak Valve 07/01/47 03/01/45 General Electric General Electric 10 DA 30 Automatic Electric Regulator 3GPR10A2, C-6 11/01/45 General Electric 10 DA 31 Electric Turbosupercharger Regulator 3GPR8B2, 3GPR8D2, 12/01/52 C-9 General Electric 10 DA 32 Turbo-Regulator C-10, C-11A, C-11B 09/15/54 General Electric 10 DA 33 C-10, C-11, C-11B 11/01/53 General Electric 10 DA 37 Automatic Electric Turbo Regulators CH Turbosuperchargers 02/01/54 General Electric 10 DA 38 Turbosupercharger 7S-CH7-B1, 7S-CH7D2 7S-CH5-A1, 7S-CH5B1, 7S-CH7-B1, 7SCH7-D2, 7S-CH8-F1 10 DA 39 Turbosuperchargers 7S-CH5-A1, 7S-CH5A3, 7S-CH5-B1, 7SCH7-A1, 7S-CH7-B1, 7S-CH7-D1, 7S-CH7D2, 7S-CH8-A1, 7SCH8-B1, 7S-CH8-F1 05/01/53 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 3GPC1A1, 3GPC1B2, C-1 CH-5-A1, CH-5-A3, CH-5-B1 BH-1 7H-VE1 11/01/55 General Electric 10 DA 39 Turbosupercharger 7S-CH5-A1, 7S-CH5B1, 7S-CH7-B1, 7SCH7-D2, 7S-CH8-F1 05/01/55 General Electric 10 DA 41 Turbosuperchargers 7S-BH1-B1, 7S-BH1- 04/01/53 B2, 7S-BH1-B3, 7SBH1-B4, 7S-BH1-C1, 7S-BH1-C2, 7S-BH1C3, 7S-BH1-C4, 7SBH1-C5, 7S-BH1-C6, 7S-BH1-BH3-A1, 7SBH1-BH4-A1, 7S-BH1B1, BH1, BH3, BH4 General Electric 4117 4118 Turbosuperchargers 7S-BH1-B1, 7S-BH1- 02/01/54 B2, 7S-BH1-B3, 7SBH1-B4, 7S-BH1-C1, 7S-BH1-C2, 7S-BH1C3, 7S-BH1-C4, 7SBH1-C5, 7S-BH1-C6, 7S-BH1-BH3-A1, 7SBH1-BH4-A1, 7S-BH1B1, BH1, BH3, BH4 General Electric 42 Fuel Vapor Detector HB-3810-2 02/01/61 Davis Instruments DA 43 Fuel Vapor Detector HB-3810-2 02/01/61 Davis Instruments 10 DB 1 Turbosupercharger 10 DC 19 Turbo Regulator System 800TSBA1, Navy WT9- 01/01/46 2 B-4 06/01/52 10 DC 20 Pressuretrol, Component of PG70000A3 B-4 Turbo Regulator System 10 DC 21 Pressuretrol & Pressuretrol Rack 10 DA 41 10 DA 10 B 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 Wright Aeronautical Minn-Honeywell 05/01/47 Minn-Honeywell PG7000A-7, 04/01/53 PG7000A-8, PG7000A-9, PG7000A-14, PG7000A-16, QG194A-1, QG194A2, QG194A-3 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 23 Turbo Regulator Governor JG7002A-7, JG7002A- 07/01/53 8, JG7034A-1, JG7034A-2, JG7034A3, JG7034A-4, JG7034A-5 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 24 Turbo Waste Gate Motor MG7000A1, 10/01/50 MG7000B1, MG7002A1 Turbo Waste Gate Motor MG7000A1, 05/01/49 MG7000B1, MG7002A1 Nacelle Junction Box, WG111A-1, WG111A- 03/01/53 Amplifier Junction Box, 7, QG248A1, Transformer Box, Main QG250A1, WG110A1, Junction Box, T.B.S. Junction WG144A1 Box Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 25 10 DC 26 10 DC 29 Turbo Boost Selectors WG109A3, 11/01/51 WG109A4, WG112A1, WG116A3 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 32 Boost Limit Valve VG081A3 05/01/49 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 34 RG7002A 08/01/47 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 36 B 01/01/48 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 38 WG140A1 01/01/50 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 39 Turbo Amplifier, Component of B-4 Turbo Regulator System Turbosupercharger Control System Turbo Regulator Adapter Unit Turbo Regulator Adapter Unit WG140A1 01/01/50 Minn-Honeywell 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 Minn-Honeywell Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 46 Amplifier Assy. & Amplifier Rack Assy. RG7002A1, 12/01/51 RG7002A5, QG192A1 Minn-Honeywell 10 DC 46 Amplifier & Amplifier Rack 12/15/55 RG7002A-1, RG7002A-2, RG7002A-4, RG7002A-5, QG192A1, QG192A-2, QG180A-1, QG180A2 Honeywell 10 DC 47 Amplifier & Amplifier Racks RG7002A-1, 12/01/55 RG7002A-2, RG7002A-4, RG7002A-5, QG192A1, QG192A-2, QG180A-1, QG192A2 Minn-Honeywell 10 10 E E 1 2 Fuel Pumps Fuel Booster Pump AC, BF, BS, R 364800-1 09/01/50 05/01/70 AC Spark Plug TRW Accessories 10 E 504 Auxilary Fuel Pump 4013-A, 4013-C 12/01/48 Weldon 10 10 10 E E EA 505 506 1 Fuel Pump Engine Driven Fuel Pump Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 6005 6005-2 06/15/50 03/01/54 11/01/55 Weldon Weldon Pesco 10 EA 2 Fuel Booster Pumps 2E-614-F, 2E-614-G, 2E-617 05/01/47 Pesco 10 EA 3 04/01/42 Pesco 10 EA 4 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Hydraulic Motor Driven Fuel Pump 11/01/40 Pesco 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 10 10 10 EA EA EA 5 6 7 Centrifugal Fuel Pump 258 Series Motor Driven Fuel Pumps 426-CA Electric Motor Driven Fuel F-7 Pumps Electric Motro Driven Fuel Pumps Fuel System: Replacement of Seal Assy. in Fuel Pumps 07/01/43 05/01/42 08/01/44 Pesco Pesco Pesco 10 EA 9 03/01/46 Pesco 10 EA 11 02/01/45 Pesco 10 EA 11 Fuel System: Replacement of Seal Assy. in Fuel Pumps 04/01/44 Pesco 10 EA 13 Fuel System: Replacement of G-10, AN 4102 Seal Assy. in Fuel Pumps 03/01/45 Pesco 10 EA 15 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 2P-227-D, 2P-227-DB 01/01/45 Pesco 10 EA 16 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pumps 2E-659, 2E-659-1, 2E- 03/01/58 659-2, 2E-659-3, 2E659-4, 2E-659A, 2E659A-1, 2E-659A-2 Pesco 10 EA 17 Fuel Booster Pumps 2E-763-A, 2E-763-1, 2E-763-2, 2E-763-3 03/01/58 Pesco 10 10 10 EA EA EA 18 19 20 Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Booster Pumps B-5B, B-19 B-5B, B-19 B-5B, B-19 04/01/49 11/01/46 11/01/46 Pesco Pesco Pesco 4152 4153 4154 4155 A 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 10 EA 21 Engine Driven Gear Type High Pressure Fuel Pumps 1P-587, 1P-739, 2P- 05/01/66 739, 2P-797, 2P-798, 022029 (All Series) Pesco 10 EA 22 Motor Driven Fuel Pumps 121064-012-02, 121064-020-02, 121064-040-02, 121544-040-01 10/01/53 Pesco 10 EA 23 Motor Driven Fuel Pumps 121064-012, 121064- 05/01/51 020, 121064-040, 121544-040 Pesco 10 EA 24 Replacement of Seal Assy. on Fuel Booster Pumps 11/01/48 Pesco 10 EA 25 Pesco EA 28 1P-739-CA, 1P-739CA-1 121040, 121041, 121071, 121072 08/01/48 10 Modification of Fuel Pump Body Submerged Fuel Booster Pump 12/15/51 Pesco 10 EA 28 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump 121040, 121041, 121071, 121072 12/15/51 09/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 28 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump 121040, 121041, 121071, 121072 12/15/51 06/30/52 Pesco 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 10 EA 28 Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps 121040, 121041, 08/01/53 121071, 121072 (All Series) Pesco 10 EA 29 Dual Fuel Pumps 021077-020, 021077- 05/01/52 030, 021077-060 Pesco 10 EA 29 Dual Fuel Pumps 021077-020, 021077- 05/01/52 030, 021077-060 Pesco 10 EA 37 121026 Series 11/01/51 Pesco 10 EA 37 121026 Series 03/01/55 Pesco 10 EA 38 121026 Series 11/01/51 Pesco 10 EA 38 121026 Series 03/01/55 Pesco 10 EA 39 121812 Series 03/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 39 121812 Series 07/15/55 Pesco 10 EA 40 121812 Series 03/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 40 121812 Series 07/15/55 Pesco 10 EA 47 041800 Series 12/01/51 Pesco 10 EA 48 041800 Series 12/01/51 Pesco 10 EA 49 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Motor-Driven Fuel Booster Pump Air Turbine Driven Fuel Pump Air Turbine Driven Fuel Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump 2E-542-NB 01/01/58 Pesco 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 A A 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 10 EA 50 2E-542-NB 10/01/51 Pesco 51 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Dual Fuel Pump 10 EA 022045-020-01 03/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 52 Dual Fuel Pump 022045-020-01 03/01/52 Pesco 10 10 10 EA EA EA 53 54 55 022337 Series 022337 Series 121903-020-01 03/01/58 03/01/52 01/01/52 Pesco Pesco Pesco 10 EA 56 121903-020-01 01/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 58 122165 Series 02/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 60 121660 Series 11/01/53 Pesco 10 EA 60 121660 Series 06/01/54 Pesco 10 EA 61 121660 Series 11/01/53 Pesco 10 EA 62 121812-022-01 07/01/51 Pesco 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 63 63 63 63 63 64 65 Dual Fuel Pumps Dual Fuel Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Dual Fuel Pump Dual Fuel Pump Dual Fuel Pump Dual Fuel Pump Dual Fuel Pumps Dual Fuel Pumps Fuel Booster Pumps 021077 Series 021077 Series 021077 Series 021077 Series 021077 Series 021077 Series 122132-010-01, 122132-020-01 09/01/52 02/01/55 Pesco 09/01/52 06/01/55 Pesco 09/01/52 10/15/55 Pesco 07/01/56 Pesco 05/01/54 Pesco 07/01/56 Pesco 11/01/52 Pesco 10 EA 66 Fuel Booster Pumps 122132-010-01, 122132-020-01 11/01/52 A B 4201 4202 Pesco 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 10 EA 67 10 EA 68 10 EA 69 10 EA 71 10 EA 72 10 EA 73 10 EA 74 10 EA 77 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Modification of Fuel Pump 122101 Series 01/01/58 Pesco 122101 Series 05/01/53 Pesco 122618 Series 07/01/58 Pesco 122394 Series 08/01/54 Pesco 122394 Series 08/01/54 Pesco 2E-607 Series 08/01/58 Pesco 2E-607 Series 08/01/58 Pesco 2P-R400-BRDC to 2P- 10/01/53 R400-BRDC-1 Pesco 10 EA 82 Dual Fuel Pump Assy. 022136-010, 022136- 06/01/66 014, 022136-021 Pesco 10 EA 83 Dual Fuel Pump Assy. 022136-010, 022136- 08/01/69 014, 022136-021 (All Series) Pesco 10 EA 84 122393 Series 04/01/58 Pesco 10 EA 85 122393 Series 05/01/54 Pesco 10 EA 88 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assy. 122948-100-01, 122948-100-02 05/01/60 Pesco 10 EA 89 Axial Flow Fan Assy. 080108-010-01 12/01/58 Pesco 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 10 EA 90 Gear Type with Booster Fuel Pump Assy. Gear Type with Booster Fuel Pump Assy. Hydraulic Gear Type Pump Assy. 024090-019, 024090- 06/01/66 021 024090-019, 024090- 06/01/66 021 012082-025-03, 04/01/60 012082-025-04 Pesco 10 EA 91 10 EA 92 10 EA 93 Fuel Tank Scavenger Pump 123226-100-05 11/01/60 Pesco 10 EA 94 123488-010-01 11/01/60 Pesco 10 EA 95 122948-110-01 11/01/61 Pesco 10 EA 96 3P-485-K 02/01/62 Pesco 10 EA 97 122132-020-05 02/01/62 Pesco 10 EA 98 Refuel Drain & Transfer Pump Assy. Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assy. Rotary Power Driven Vacuum Pump Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assy. Double Element Fuel Boost Pump Assy. 123547-011-01, 123547-021-01, 123547-031-01 06/01/67 Pesco 10 10 10 10 EA EA EA EA 99 99 99 100 Axial Piston Pump Assy. Axial Piston Pump Assy. Axial Piston Pump Assy. Axial Piston Pump Assy. 024692 Series 024692 Series 024692 Series 024692-106-18 06/15/65 Pesco 06/15/65 12/15/65 Pesco 06/01/66 Pesco 06/15/66 Pesco 10 EA 100 Axial Piston Pump Assy. 024692-106-18 06/01/67 Pesco 10 EA 502 Hi-Limit Pneumatic Thermostat 107642-070-2, 107642-140-3, 107642-300-3, TP613, TP6-15 08/01/56 Airesearch 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 Pesco Pesco 10 EA 503 Vacuum Pumps, Suction Relief Valves, Safety Valves, Oil Separators & Air Filter 10 EA 506 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump 2E-426-J, 2E-542-DB, 05/01/43 05/15/49 Pesco 2E-607, 2E-608, 2E608A, 2E-608B, 2E609, 1P-R400-BRD, 1P-R600-CWS, 1PR600-CWT, 1P-R400BRD, 1P-R426-1, 1P542-1, 1P-542-1B, 1P542-1BA, 1P-542-1N 10 EA 507 Motor Driven Fuel Pumps 121064-012, 121064- 04/01/49 040, 121064-020 Pesco 10 EA 508 121812-022-01 01/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 515 Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump 122390-100, 122390- 11/01/54 200 (All Series) Pesco 10 EA 516 Submerged Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump 122390-100, 122390- 11/01/54 200 (All Series) Pesco 10 EA 519 Vacuum Pump 3P-485-D Pesco 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 10/01/53 03/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 520 Vacuum Pump Assy. 3P-485, 3P-485-A, 3P- 10/01/57 485-C, 3P-485-D, 3P485-E, 3P-485-F Pesco 10 EA 521 Vacuum Pump Assy. 3P-485, 3P-485-A, 3P- 10/01/57 485-C, 3P-485-D, 3P485-E, 3P-485-F Pesco 10 EA 523 Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 011022-030-03 07/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 524 Fuel Pump Assy. 121812-040-06 09/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 525 Fuel Pump 021366-020-01 07/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 526 Fuel Boost Pump 122723-113-01 01/01/57 Pesco 10 EA 527 Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 012341-011-03 07/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 528 Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 012341-011-03 07/01/56 Pesco 10 EA 529 122132-020-04 02/01/57 Pesco 10 EB 1 Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assy. Fuel Pumps 10 EB 2 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 10 EB 4 10 EB 6 Portable Bilge & Refueling RG-4635B Unit Electric Driven Fuel Transfer RD-6100 Series Units 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 RXD-1563B-2, RXD- 11/01/57 1563-1, RXD-1563-2, D-2 Lear-Romec F-4A 03/01/46 Romec 09/01/45 Romec 11/01/46 Romec 4252 10 EB 7 10 EB 8 10 EB 9 10 EB 10 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 Electric Driven Fuel Transfer RD-6100 Series 11/01/46 Units Electric Driven Fuel Transfer RD-6100, RD-6100M, 11/01/46 Pumps RD-6100S Romec Romec 10 Hand Starting & Emergency RG-4300-2, D-6 03/01/48 Fuel Pump Hand Fuel Pumps RD4370 Series, D-2A 08/01/48 Romec Romec EB 10 Hand Fuel Pump RD4370 Series 06/10/54 Romec 10 EB 11 Hand Fuel Pumps RD4370 Series, D-2A 08/01/48 Romec 10 EB 12 Fuel Drain Scavenge Pump RG-9020 03/01/51 Romec 10 EB 13 Fuel Drain Scavenge Pump RG-9020 03/01/51 Romec 10 EB 17 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps RG-9570 Series 01/01/53 Romec 10 EB 18 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps RG-9570 Series 01/01/53 Romec 10 EB 19 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 04/01/53 Romec 10 EB 20 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 04/01/53 Romec 10 EB 23 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps RD-7790D-2A, RD7790 RD-7790D-2A, RD7790 RG-9080 Series 06/01/56 Romec 10 EB 24 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps RG-9080 Series 06/01/56 Romec 10 EB 25 EB 26 RG-9790-3, RG-9790- 06/01/53 3A RG-9790-3, RG-9790- 06/01/53 3A Romec 10 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Romec 4268 4269 4270 4271 10 EB 27 Fuel Drain Scavenge Pump RG-9020-A 10/01/53 Romec 10 EB 28 Fuel Drain Scavenge Pump RG-9020-A 10/01/53 Romec 10 10 EB EB 28 28 Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump RG11260, A1 RG11260, A1, A3 03/15/59 04/01/62 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec 10 EB 29 Engine Driven Fuel Pump RD-7790A-2N, RD7790N, RD-7790NS, RD-7790NS-1 11/01/53 Lear-Romec 10 EB 29 Fuel Booster Pumps RG11260, A1, A3 08/01/62 Lear-Romec 10 EB 30 Engine Driven Fuel Pump RD-7790A-2N, RD7790N, RD-7790NS, RD-7790NS-1 11/01/53 Lear-Romec 10 10 EB EB 30 31 Fuel Pump Fuel Booster Pump RD16290 12/01/59 RG11920, RG11920- 03/01/65 1, RG11920-2, RG11920-A1 Lear-Romec Lear Siegler 10 EB 32 Electric Motor Driven Heater RG-9480A, RGFuel Pumps 9540A, RG-9540 07/01/54 Lear-Romec 10 10 EB EB 32 33 Primer Fuel Pump RG16540 Electric Motor Driven Heater RG-9480A, RGFuel Pumps 9540A, RG-9540 08/01/60 07/01/54 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 10 EB 33 Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump RR11640, RR11640A, RR11640-A1, RR11640-1 11/01/72 Lear Siegler 10 10 EB EB 34 35 RR11810B1 RR12020B 09/01/63 11/01/64 Lear Siegler Lear 10 10 EB EB 36 37 Fuel Booster Pump Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump Lear Lear Siegler 10 EB 501 RR11810A 10/01/63 RR11620-2, RR11620- 11/01/62 3 RG-9030 10/01/56 10 EB 502 RG-9030 10/01/56 Lear-Romec 10 EB 503 RG-8825-J 04/01/56 Lear-Romec 10 EB 504 RG-8825-J 04/01/56 Lear-Romec 10 10 10 EB EB EB 505 506 507 R-11050 R-11050 RG-5490-E 09/01/61 07/01/57 06/01/56 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec Lear-Romec 10 EB 508 RG-5490-E 06/01/56 Lear-Romec 10 10 EB EB 509 510 RD-15240 01/01/57 RG11250, RG11250A, 12/01/62 RG11250A1 Lear-Romec Lear Siegler 10 EB 511 Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump RG11250, RG11250A, 12/01/62 RG11250A1 Lear Siegler 10 10 EB EB 512 513 Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump RR11400 09/01/61 RR11400, RR11400-1 09/01/61 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Totally Submerged Type Water Injection Pump Totally Submerged Type Water Injection Pump Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump Heater Fuel Pump Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Lear-Romec 10 EB 514 Electric Motor Driven Heater RG-9480A, RG10/01/57 Fuel Pumps 9480B, RG-9540, RG9540A Lear-Romec 10 EB 515 Heater Fuel Pump RG-9480A, RG10/01/57 9480B, 9540, 9540A Lear-Romec 10 10 EB EB 516 517 RG11130-1 RG10670B 04/01/58 10/01/58 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec 10 EC 1 Fuel Booster Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 12/01/51 Thompson 10 EC 2 10 EC 2 10 EC 2 10 EC 4 10 EC 6 10 EC 9 10 EC 10 10 EC 11 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 Motor Driven Fuel Booster TDF Series Pump Motor Driven Fuel Booster TDF Series Pump Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Booster Pumps, Auxiliary Propeller Type Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Fuel System: Replacement of Relief Valve Diaphragm & Shaft Seal Assy. in Fuel Pumps Engine Driven & Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps Fuel Systemz: Replacement of Fuel Booster Pump Diaphragm Seal Assy. 05/15/44 06/20/45 Thompson 05/15/44 03/03/49 Thompson 09/01/53 05/01/47 Thompson Products Thompson Products Thompson 05/01/44 Thompson 05/01/56 Thompson 09/01/44 Thompson 09/01/53 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 10 EC 14 10 EC 14 10 EC 14 10 EC 15 Submerged Type Booster Pump Submerged Type Booster Pump Submerged Type Booster Pumps Submerged Booster Pump 10 EC 15 Submerged Booster Pump 10 EC 15 Submerged Booster Pumps 10 EC 16 10 EC 16 4318 12900, 13000 Series 09/25/44 08/01/52 Thompson TF-12900, TF-13000 Series TF-13900 Series, B5B TF-13900 Series, B5B 13900 Series 09/01/53 Thompson 04/20/45 11/09/50 Thompson 04/20/45 09/01/53 Thompson 12/01/56 Thompson Engine & Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps TF-1100, TF-1200, TF- 12/01/58 1300, TF-1700, TF1800, TF-1900, TF2200, TF-2400, TF2600, TF-2800, TF36500, TF-36800, TF37700, TF-P626 Series Thompson Engine & Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps TF-1100, TF-1200, TF- 02/01/55 1300, TF-1700, TF1800, TF-36500, TF36800, TF-P626 Series Thompson 4317 A 12900, 13000 Series 09/25/44 12/28/51 Thompson EC 17 Engine & Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps 10 EC 19 10 EC 20 10 EC 20 10 EC 22 10 EC 23 10 EC 25 10 EC 26 10 EC 27 Engine & Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Engine & Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Engine & Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Submerged Fuel Booster B-17, B18A Pump Submerged Fuel Booster B-17, B18A Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Replacement of Motor Cover Gasket: Fuel Booster Pumps 10 EC 29 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 TF-1100, TF-1200, TF- 12/01/58 1300, TF-1700, TF1800, TF-1900, TF2200, TF-2400, TF2600, TF-2800, TF36500, TF-36800, TF37700, TF-P626 Series 10 B Refueling & Booster Pumps Thompson 11/01/54 Thompson 03/01/61 Thompson 01/01/55 Thompson 12/01/58 Thompson 12/01/58 Thompson 03/01/59 Thompson 03/01/59 Thompson 08/01/50 Thompson TF-28700, TF-29900, 04/01/58 TF-55800 Series Thompson 10 EC 30 Refueling & Booster Pumps TF-28700, TF-29900, 04/01/58 TF-55800, TF-52100, TF-56800 Thompson 10 EC 31 10/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 32 10/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 34 TG-76800-1 04/01/52 Thompson 10 EC 35 TG-76800-1 09/01/53 Thompson 10 EC 36 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Gear Type Fuel Pump: Dual Element Gear Type Fuel Pump: Dual Element Air Turbine Driven Pumps AP-12400, TT-70000, 02/01/54 TT-70300, TT-70400, TT-70600, TT-70800, TT-71100, TT-71400 Thompson 10 EC 37 Air Turbine Driven Pumps AP-12400, TT-70000, 04/01/54 TT-70300, TT-70400, TT-70600, TT-70800, TT-71100, TT-71400 Thompson 10 EC 38 Modification of Fuel Pump TF-3900 Thompson 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 03/01/51 10 EC 39 Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps TF52400, TF52400-1, 06/01/58 TF52400-2, TF524003, TF52400-5, TF54300, TF54300-2, TF54300-3, TF57300, TF57300-11, TF57400-3, TF5740012, TF57400-20 Thompson Products 10 EC 40 TF-52400, TF-54300 12/01/52 Thompson 10 EC 40 TF-52400, TF-54300 06/01/54 Thompson 10 EC 41 TF-53500 11/01/51 Thompson 10 EC 42 TF-53500 11/01/51 Thompson 10 EC 43 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Double-Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump TF-51900 Series 12/01/51 Thompson 10 EC 44 Double-Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump TF-51900, TF-51900- 12/01/58 1, TF-51900-2, TF54400, TF54400-3, TF57500-1, TF576001, TF57600-2 Thompson 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 A 10 EC 46 Double-Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump TF-29500, TF-52600 Series 01/01/52 Thompson 10 EC 49 Thompson EC 50 05/01/52 Thompson 10 EC 50 TF-54700 Series, B18B TF-54700 Series, B18B TF-54700 Series, B18B 06/01/58 10 06/01/54 Thompson 10 EC 51 11/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 52 11/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 53 TF-54900-1 Series 01/01/56 10 EC 54 TF-54900-1 Series 01/01/56 10 EC 60 Submerged Fuel Booster pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps Replacement of Seal Gaskets on Fuel Booster Pumps 12/01/53 Thompson Products Thompson Products Thompson 10 EC 61 10/01/53 Thompson 10 EC 64 06/01/56 Thompson 10 EC 65 06/01/56 Thompson 10 EC 68 02/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 69 Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps TF-57000-1, 02/01/58 TF59700, TF59700-1 Thompson 10 EC 70 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump TB116900 TRW 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 A Modification of Fuel Booster TF-52400 Series Pumps Submerged Heater Pump TF-53300-1, TF53300-3 Submerged Heater Pump TF-53300-1, TF53300-3 Submerged Fuel Booster TF-57000-1, Pumps TF59700, TF59700-1 09/01/59 4359 4360 4361 10 EC 71 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Transfer Pump Assy. Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Booster Pump TB116900 09/01/59 TRW 10 10 EC EC 72 73 TF135400-2 TF51200-19 01/01/60 02/01/60 TRW TRW 10 EC 74 07/01/76 Thompson 08/01/66 Thompson 04/01/77 Thompson 11/01/61 02/01/66 TRW TRW Submerged Booster Pump TB117300-3, TB117300-5, 2452001 TB117300-3, TB117300-5, 2452001 TB117300-3, TB117300-5, 2452001 TF3500-5 TB131300-3, 2389001 TB139000-1 10 EC 74 10 EC 75 Submerged Booster Pump 10 10 EC EC 76 77 Engine Driven Fuel Pump Fuel Booster Pump 10 EC 78 02/01/63 TRW 10 EC 80 Submerged Booster Pump TF51000-5 07/01/63 TRW 10 EC 82 Submerged Booster Pump 201700-2, 2915-534- 10/15/64 0846 Thompson Ramo Woolridge 10 10 EC EC 83 511 218200 TF-55600 Series 10/01/64 07/01/58 Thompson Thompson 10 EC 512 TF-55600 Series 07/01/58 10 EC 513 TF54500 Series 06/01/54 10 EC 513 Fuel Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Thompson Products Thompson Products Thompson Products 4362 C Submerged Booster Pump 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 TF54500, TF54500-1, 11/01/58 TF54500-6 10 EC 514 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump TF54500, TF54500-1, 11/01/58 TF54500-6 Thompson Products 10 EC 515 TF-56700 Series 10/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 516 TF-56700 Series 10/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 517 Thompson EC 520 TC15200-12, TC15200-13 TF-52500 Series 11/01/59 10 06/15/56 Thompson 10 EC 522 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Selector Valve Installations Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 02/01/62 Thompson 10 EC 523 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 02/01/62 Thompson 10 EC 524 11/01/57 Thompson 10 EC 525 11/01/57 Thompson 10 EC 526 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pumps Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump TB107400, TB107400- 02/01/58 1, TB107400-2, TB107400-3 Thompson 10 EC 527 Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump TB107400, TB107400- 02/01/58 1, TB107400-2, TB107400-3 Thompson Products 10 EC 528 External Fuel Booster Pumps 07/01/58 Thompson 10 EC 529 External Fuel Booster Pumps 07/01/58 Thompson 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 10 EC 530 Engine Driven Water Injection Pumps TF1600-1, TF3300-4, 11/01/57 TF3300-5, TF3400-3, TF3400-6, TF3400-7, TF3400-8 Thompson 10 EC 531 Engine Driven Water Injection Pumps TF1600-1, TF3300-4, 11/01/57 TF3300-5, TF3400-3, TF3400-6, TF3400-7, TF3400-8 Thompson 10 EC 533 Electric Motor Driven Water TF10600-7, TF10600- 11/01/57 Injection Pumps 8, TF11100-1, TF11400-1, TF115004, TF11500-5, TF11600-1, TF116003, TF36400-1, TF37000-3 Thompson 10 EC 534 ED 1 TB127600, TB127600- 06/01/58 1 Army A-1, A-2, F-10, 03/01/49 G-6, G-9, G-10, Navy H2E3, H4E3, H4E4, H7E4 Thompson 10 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump Engine Driven Fuel & Water Pumps 10 ED 2 Fuel & Water Pumps F-10, H-2, H-4, H-7 Chandler-Evans 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 05/01/61 Chandler-Evans 4394 10 ED 3 Fuel & Water Pumps F-10, H-2, H-4, H-7 05/01/61 Chandler-Evans 10 ED 6 Installation of Supplementary Gasket for Fuel Pump Diaphragms G-6, G-9 04/01/43 Chandler-Evans 10 ED 7 Fuel System: Replacement of AN4100, G-6, Seal Assy. & Diaphragms AN4101, G-9 08/01/44 Chandler-Evans 10 ED 8 06/01/50 Chandler-Evans 10 ED 9 Replacement of Carbon Vanes: Fuel Pump Secondary Fuel Pump 06/01/57 Chandler-Evans 10 ED 10 Secondary Fuel Pump 10 EE 1 Engine Driven Fuel Pumps 10 EE 5 10 10 10 EF EG EG 1 1 2 10 EG 8 10 10 EH EJ 10 10 10 10 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 9205-A1, 9205-B2, 9205-C2 9205-A1, 9205-B2, 9205-C2 F-10, G-9, AN4101 01/01/57 Chandler-Evans 05/01/47 Chandler-Hill Fuel System: Reworking of Fuel Pump Fuel Transfer Pump Engine Drive Fuel Pump Fule Pump G-9 03/01/43 Chandler-Hill AO4 12/01/42 AN4101, G-9 06/01/52 164A168-1, 164A168- 12/01/73 2 Fuel System: Replacement of G-9, MC-409-A 03/01/45 Seal Assy. in Fuel Pumps Clarke M.C. Mfg Co Globe Div, TRW 1 1 Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Starting Pump B-7A 1500-1-B, 1500-2-B 04/01/52 01/01/46 Ingersoll-Rand Eclipse EJ 3 Fuel Starting Pump 1500-1-B, 1500-2-B 01/01/46 Eclipse EL EL EL 1 2 2 Electric Fuel Pump Electric Fuel Pump Electric Fuel Pump AR Series AR Series AR Series 07/01/53 05/01/51 07/15/53 Eastern Eastern Eastern 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 10 EL 6 Motor Driven Pump 20386-2, 20386-3, 07/16/52 20386-4, 20386-5, 20386-6, 20386-7, 20386-8, 20386-9, 20386-10, 20386-11, 23387-8 Adel 10 EM 2 Emergency Fuel Pump 19902, 20653-2 06/01/52 Adel 10 EM 2 Emergency Fuel Pump 19902, 20653-2 06/01/54 Adel 10 EM 3 Emergency Fuel Pump 19902, 20653-2 06/01/52 Adel 10 EM 6 Motor Driven Pumps 20386-2, 20386-3, 11/01/52 20386-4, 20386-5, 20386-6, 20386-7, 20386-8, 20386-9, 20386-10, 20386-11, 22921, 23387-8 Adel 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 10 EM 7 Motor Driven Pumps 11/01/52 20386-2, 20386-3, 20386-4, 20386-5, 20386-6, 20386-7, 20386-8, 20386-9, 20386-10, 20386-11, 22921, 23387-8 Adel 10 EM 8 23900, 50138 11/01/65 Adel 10 10 EM EM 9 12 Engine Driven Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Fuel Booster Pump 23900, 50138 24000, 24000-3, 26900, 26900-3, 26900-5, 26900-7, 27447, 27447-1, 27447-2, 28549, 28549-1, 28550, 28550-1, 29172, 29172-1, 29306, 29306-1 11/15/65 12/01/57 Adel Adel 4417 4418 4419 4420 10 EM 13 Submerged Fuel Booster Pump 10 10 10 EM EM EM 15 16 501 Fuel Booster Pump 56881 Rotary Fuel Pump Assy. 71409 Motor Driven Turbine Pump 17976-2 4421 4422 4423 4424 24000, 24000-3, 26900, 26900-3, 26900-5, 26900-7, 27447, 27447-1, 27447-2, 28549, 28549-1, 28550, 28550-1, 29172, 29172-1, 29306, 29306-1 12/01/57 Adel 07/01/64 05/01/65 11/01/50 Adel Adel Adel 10 EN 2 Fuel Booster Pump 10 10 10 10 10 10 EN EN EN EN EN EN 2 2 3 9 10 12 Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Booster Pumps Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Transfer Pump A6416 A6416 A6300, 65-1008 03/30/51 12/28/51 Nash Eng. 08/01/54 Nash Engr 08/01/54 Nash Engr 11/01/52 Nash Engr 11/01/52 Nash Engr 05/01/57 Nash Engr 10 10 10 EN EN EN 15 16 17 In-Flight Refueling Pump Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump 65-5015-1 64-1099-1 64-1099-1 11/01/63 09/01/60 09/01/60 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 B7118-1, B7118-2, 03/30/51 04/27/51 Nash Eng. B7118-2W, B71182X, B7118-2XW, B7118-2WL, B71182XWL, B7118-3, B7118-3W, B71183X, B7118-3XW, B7118-3WL, B71183XWL, B7118-4, B7118-4W, B71184XW, B7118-4WL, B7118-4XWL, B7776, B8660-2, B8660-3, B8660-4 Nash Engr Nash Engr Nash Engr 10 EN 18 Fuel Booster Pump 64-1033-2, 64-1033- 04/01/73 5, 64-1033-6, 641033-52 Nash Engr 10 EN 19 Fuel Booster Pump 64-1033-2, 64-1033- 10/01/64 5, 64-1033-6, 641033-52 Nash Engr 10 10 EN EN 503 504 Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump 64-1007 12/01/54 64-1063-1, 64-1063- 07/01/63 11, 64-1063-11A Nash Engr Nash Engr 10 EN 505 Fuel Booster Pump 64-1063-1, 64-1063- 07/01/63 11, 64-1063-11A Nash Engr 10 EN 506 Fuel Booster Pumps 64-1038-21, 64-1038- 12/01/58 22, 64-1038-31, 641038-51M Nash Engr 10 EN 507 Fuel Booster Pumps 64-1038-21, 64-1038- 11/01/64 22, 64-1038-31, 641038-51M Nash Engr 10 10 EN EN 508 509 Relief Valve Fuel Booster Pumps 63-1067 03/01/57 64-1063-31, 64-1063- 02/01/64 41, 64-1063-51, 641063-61 Nash Engr Nash Engr 10 EN 510 Fuel Booster Pumps 64-1063-31, 64-1063- 06/01/72 41, 64-1063-51, 641063-61 Nash Engr 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 10 EP 1 Hand Pump U-200-AL-1, U-200- 06/01/59 AL-2, U-200-AL-3, U200-AL-4, U-200-AL5, U-200-AL-6, U-200AL-8, U-200, U-200B, D-2 United Aircraft Products 10 EP 2 Hand Pump U-200-AL-1, U-200- 09/01/53 AL-2, U-200-AL-3, U200-AL-4, U-200-AL5, U-200-AL-6, U-200AL-8, U-200, U-200B, D-2 United Aircraft Products 10 10 10 10 EP EP EP EP 3 4 5 6 Fuel System Unit Fuel System Unit Hand Pump Assy. Fuel Heater & Strainer with Bypass Indication 10/01/50 10/01/50 05/01/52 06/01/65 United Aircraft United Aircraft United Aircraft United Aircraft 10 EPR 2 Fuel Transfer Turbo Pump D-3 D-3 U-540 UA524240-2, UA524240-3, UA524240-4 3826597-1, 102B, 102C 10/01/73 10 10 10 10 10 10 EQ EQ ER ER ER ER 1 2 3 4 4 5 Centrifugal Pump Centrifugal Pump Inflight Refueling Pump Inflight Refueling Pump Inflight Refueling Pump Water Alcohol Injection Pump 599-2796 599-2796 6300, 6300-1 6300, 6300-1 6300, 6300-1 6333-3 11/01/50 11/01/50 12/01/60 12/01/60 07/01/61 05/01/63 CurtissWright/McDonnellDouglas Wayne Pump Co Wayne Pump Co J. C. Carter J. C. Carter J. C. Carter Carter 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 10 10 10 10 ER ER ER ES 6 501 502 1 Pump Assy. Fuel Transfer Pump Fuel Transfer Pump Fuel Pump S2828 6109 6109 368010-4, JP-C3 09/01/67 04/01/57 04/01/57 10/01/65 Stellar Carter Carter Bendix 10 ES 2 Fuel Pump 368010-4, JP-C3 10/01/65 Bendix 10 10 10 ES ET ET 3 1 501 477326 100-322C 100-506 08/01/58 07/01/51 01/01/57 Bendix-Eclipse Great Lakes Great Lakes 10 ET 502 100-598 12/01/56 Great Lakes 10 EU 1 Electric Fuel Pump Air Compressor Motor Driven Water-Alcohol Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Assy. Hand Refueling Pump Assy. AS-580, D-3 08/01/51 Aero Supply 10 EU 2 Hand Refueling Pump Assy. AS-580, D-3 08/01/51 Aero Supply 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 EU EV EV EV EW EW EW EW EW 501 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 84547-1 1539430 1539778 1539909 RG15150C RR9370D RR9370D RD9505-2 RR11640C 01/01/55 10/01/52 10/01/52 10/01/53 12/01/59 11/01/59 11/01/59 11/01/59 11/01/64 AC Spark Plug AC Spark Plug AC Spark Plug Lear-Romec Lear-Romec Lear-Romec Lear-Romec Lear Siegler 10 EW 10 RG12210 02/01/65 Lear Siegler 10 EW 11 RG12210 02/01/65 Lear Siegler 10 EW 12 Hand Pump Assy. Fuel Pump Fuel Pump Fuel Pump Fuel Line Transfer Pump Pressurizing Kit Pressurizing Kit Dehydrator Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Submerged Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Power Driven Rotary Pump RG5200F, AN4101 08/01/63 Lear Siegler 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 10 EW 501 9 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Transfer Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Transfer Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump Assy. Tank Scavenger Fuel Pump 10 EW 502 10 EW 503 10 EW 504 10 EX 7 10 EX 10 10 RG7900-2A, RG7900- 06/01/54 2B RG7900-2A, RG7900- 06/01/54 2B RG9840 12/01/62 Lear Romec RG9840 12/01/62 Lear Siegler 60-057C 07/01/64 Hydro-Aire 60-331 11/01/61 Hydro-Aire EX 10 Tank Scavenger Fuel Pump 60-331 11/01/61 Hydro-Aire EX 11 Fuel Transfer Pump Assy. 60-639, 60-121A, 60- 01/01/66 121BAX, 60123B, 60123CAX, 60-449AX, 60-451AX, 60-641, 60121BX, 60-123A, 60123CX, 60-449X, 60451X, 60-493A, 60495A Hydro-Aire Lear Romec Lear Siegler 10 EX 12 Fuel Transfer Pump Assy. 60-639, 60-121A, 60- 01/01/66 121BAX, 60123B, 60123CAX, 60-449AX, 60-451AX, 60-641, 60121BX, 60-123A, 60123CX, 60-449X, 60451X, 60-493A, 60495A Hydro-Aire 10 10 EX EX 13 15 Fuel Booster Pump AFT Fuel Cell Pump Assy. 60-171B 60-235B, 60-235C, NOW61-0035C 04/01/67 04/01/67 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 10 EX 16 AFT Fuel Cell Pump Assy. 60-235B, 60-235C, NOW61-0035C 04/01/67 Hydro-Aire 10 EX 501 Fuel Booster Pump 6227A, 6227B, 6227C, 6227C-1, 6227F, 60-051 12/01/60 Hydro-Aire 10 EX 502 Fuel Booster Pump 6227A, 6227B, 6227C, 6227C-1, 6227F, 60-051 12/01/60 Hydro-Aire 10 EX 503 6239AB 09/01/57 Hydro-Aire 10 EX 504 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump 6239AB 09/15/57 Hydro-Aire, Inc. 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 10 10 10 EX EX F 505 506 3 Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Booster Pump Fuel Pressure Signals 60-151 11/01/57 60-151 11/01/57 C-2, C-3, Commercial 08/01/43 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 10 F 4 Fuel Pressure Signal Assy. 923B 04/01/40 Pioneer-Bendix 10 F 9 Fuel Control & Isolation Valve A7008, A7008A, A7011, A8000A1 10/01/56 Holley 10 F 9 Fuel Control & Isolation Valve A7008, A7008A, A7011, A8000A1 10/01/56 06/15/58 Holley 10 F 9 Fuel Control & Isolation Valve A7008, A7008A, A7011, A8000A1 10/01/56 03/15/61 Holley 10 F 9 Fuel Control & Isolation Valve A7008, A7011, A8000A1 09/01/65 Holley 10 F 10 Fuel Control & Isolation Valve A7008, A7011, A8000A1 09/01/65 Holley 10 F 5002 Afterburner Fuel Control 61E208-5, 61E208-9 07/01/54 10 FAA 1 Fuel Control & Emergency Fuel Pump 93A5466A, 23A5450A, 23A5444A, A5462 12/01/53 Holley 10 FAA 2 Fuel Control & Emergency Fuel Pump A5462A1, A5462B1, A5462C1 10/01/50 Holley 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 Westinghouse 4509 4510 4511 4512 10 FAB 1 Fuel Control 400270, 400470 12/01/48 10 FAB 501 Fuel Control 400270, 400470 09/01/49 10 10 FAC FBB 3 4 Turbo-Jet Governor Emergency Regulator Assy. 8469727 ED-4 09/01/50 09/01/51 Woodward Governor Woodward Governor Allison Chandler-Evans 10 FCA 1 Fuel Control used on Engines 5805, 5806 (Both Series), J34 07/01/75 Chandler-Evans 10 FCA 2 Fuel Control used on Engines 5805, 5806 (Both Series), J34 11/01/72 Chandler-Evans 10 10 FDA G 2 1 Barometric Control 6707405 Fuel System: Operation of Carburetor Mixture Controls 05/01/50 02/01/39 Allison 10 GB 1 04/01/41 Bendix-Stromberg 10 GC 501 B-1395-1, B-1395-2 07/01/50 Simmonds 10 GD 2 RG7011A1, G1060A 03/01/51 Minn-Honeywell 10 10 GLM GLM 501 502 204-021 100-689, 100-689-1 11/01/55 10/01/58 Great Lakes Great Lakes 10 H 501 116937 07/01/46 Pratt & Whitney 10 10 HA HB 1 2 Automatic Mixture Control Unit Assy. Push-Pull Carburetor Preheat Controls Amplifier & Amplifier Mounting Rack Water Pump Assy. Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Automatic Manifold Pressure Regulator Pressure Control Automatic Engine Controls PC-1 SA-9, SA-9A 01/01/45 07/01/45 Allison Simmonds 10 HB 3 Automatic Engine Controls 51-3-200A, SA-9A 11/01/52 Simmonds 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 10 HB 4 Automatic Engine Controls 10 HC 1 10 HC 501 10 HC 502 10 HC 502 10 10 10 HF J J 501 1 3 10 J 5 10 J 5 A 10 J 6 B 10 J 9 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 01/01/53 Simmonds Manifold Pressure Regulator 7000101, 7000102, Assy. 7000104, 7000107, 7000108, 7867072 12/01/64 AC Spark Plug Manifold Pressure Regulator Assy. Manifold Pressure Regulator Assy. Manifold Pressure Regulator Assy. Shuttle Valve Self Sealing Fuel Cells Fuel System: Required Torque on Synthetic Rubber Fuel & Oil Cell Fittings & Elimination of Sealing Paste 7008780 12/01/64 AC Spark Plug 7008780 04/15/57 AC Spark Plug 7008780, 7867071 12/01/64 AC Spark Plug A22 12/01/55 05/01/44 09/01/45 Hoof Synthetic Rubber & Metal 05/01/45 Fuel System: Storage & Handling of Fuel & Oil Cells 51-3-200A, SA-9A Self Sealing & Metal 06/01/44 Fuel System: Storage, Handling & Packing of Fuel & Oil Cells 06/01/45 Fuel System: Failures, Inspections & Disposition of Self-Sealing Fuel & Oil Cells Fuel System: Modification of B-29 Series Self-Sealing Oil Cells 04/01/45 10 JA 2 External Jettison Auxiliary Fuel Tank: 165 Gal Capacity W165001C-L, W165001-R 02/01/49 Curtiss-Wright 10 JA 3 External Jettison Auxiliary Fuel Tank: 165 Gal Capacity W165001C-L, W165001-R 04/01/49 Curtiss-Wright 10 JA 5 External Jettison Fuel Tank AF PN 45M23160 01/01/49 Beech 10 JA 6 External Jettison Fuel Tank AF PN 45M23160 01/01/49 Beech 10 JA 10 External Jettison Fuel Tank 211-0000 01/01/51 Beech 10 JA 11 External Jettison Fuel Tank 211-0000 12/01/50 Beech 10 JA 15 External Jettison Fuel Tank 222-0000 01/01/51 Beech 10 JA 16 External Jettison Fuel Tank 222-0000 10/01/50 Beech 10 JA 17 ST 25-230-4800 12/01/51 Fletcher Aviation 10 JA 18 External Jettison Fuel Tank: 230 Gal Capacity External Jettison Fuel Tank 234-0000 01/01/51 Beech 10 JA 19 External Jettison Fuel Tank 234-0000 10/01/50 Beech 10 JA 20 ST2-165-90-4800-A 09/01/50 Fletcher 10 JA 21 ST2-165-90-4800-A 09/01/50 Fletcher 10 JA 22 External Jettison Fuel Tank: 250 Gal Capacity External Jettison Fuel Tank: 250 Gal Capacity External Fuel Tank: 700 Gal Droppable GA303, GA303A, GA303S 01/01/51 Goodyear 10 JA 22 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 370 Gallon Tank and Ejector 26-370-4843, 26-370- 02/01/66 Pylon Assy. 4845 Sargent-Fletcher Co. 10 JA 23 External Fuel Tank: 700 Gal Droppable GA303, GA303A, GA303S 01/01/51 Goodyear 10 JA 26 E-24351, Type I 01/01/51 Bowser 10 JA 29 External Jettisonable Fuel Tank Assy. External Jettison Fuel Tank 223-0000 03/01/51 Beech 10 JA 30 External Jettison Fuel Tank 223-0000 11/01/51 Beech 10 JA 30 Air Refueling Store Assy. 31-300-48053 08/01/72 Sargent-Fletcher 10 JA 31 External Jettison Fuel Tank 239-0000 12/01/51 Beech 10 JA 37 ST2-300-4800 02/01/52 Fletcher 10 JA 50 ST25-230-4800 01/01/53 Fletcher 10 JA 50 ST25-230-4800 04/01/53 Fletcher 10 JA 501 Replacement of Hanger Brackets for 300 Gallon External Fuel Tank Modification of External Jettison Fuel Tank to Incorporate Bulkhead Sealing Provisions Modification of External Jettison Fuel Tank to Incorporate Bulkhead Sealing Provisions Lube Oil Service Unit, Truck Mounted, 500 Gal Capacity MA-1 03/01/54 Butler 10 JA 502 500 Gal. Auxiliary Fuel Tank A-1125 06/01/54 Benson 10 JA 503 Compressed Gas Tank AX-23041-20 11/01/56 10 JB 3 External Jettison Fuel Tank, 165 Gal Capacity ST2-165-4800, -4803 01/01/51 Western Way Welding Fletcher 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 A 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 10 JB 4 7 300 Gallon Jettisonable Fuel Tank 282 Gallon External Fuel Tank External Jettison Fuel Tank, 300 Gal Capacity 282 Gallon External Fuel Tank External Jettison Fuel Tank 02/01/50 Fletcher 10 JB 4 25-55100 09/01/60 Fletcher 10 JB 5 ST2-300-4800 01/01/50 Fletcher 10 JB 5 25-55100 09/01/60 Fletcher 10 JB 217-0000 12/01/49 Beech 10 JB 8 External Jettison Fuel Tank 217-0000 12/01/49 Beech 10 JB 10 151-48201-1, 15148201-2 06/01/51 N. American Aviation 116, 123, Type I 01/01/51 Vic Pastushin Ind. 1 Modification of Sway Brace Yoke & Fairing: 245 Gal External Tank External Jettison Fuel Tank, 165 Gal Capacity 230 Gal. Centerline Tip Tank 10 JB 12 10 JC 10 JC 2 10 JE 10 JE 4572 4573 634100-1, 634100-2, 04/01/59 T2V-1 Lockheed Centerline Wing Tip Tank 634100-1, 634100-2 12/01/58 Lockheed 1 Fuel Tank Assy.: 300 Gal 2 Fuel Tank Assy.: 300 Gal 5265098-509, 5265098-511, 5265098-513, 5265098-515, 5265098-517 5265098-509, 5265098-511, 5265098-513, 5265098-515, 5265098-517 4574 4575 4576 4577 06/01/60 Douglas 07/01/60 Douglas 10 JE 3 Fuel Tank Assy.: 400 Gal 5556400, 5556400501, 5556400-503 10/01/65 Douglas 10 JE 4 Fuel Tank Assy.: 400 Gal 5556400, 5556400501, 5556400-503 07/01/60 Douglas 10 JE 6 Fuel Tank Assy.: 150 Gal 5434628-507, 07/01/60 5434628-511, 5434628-513, 5434628-515, 55448328-501, Aero 1A, 1C Douglas 10 JF 1 100-Gallon Wing Tip Tank Assy. 249-48202-1, 24907/01/60 48202-2, 249-4820211, 249-48202-12 N. American Aviation 10 JF 2 Fuel Sump Tank Assy. 200-48208 07/01/60 10 JF 3 1V7-10-15 07/01/60 10 JF 4 Hydraulic 2-Way Restrictor Valve Assy. Oil Tank Assy. 159-47003-15 07/01/60 10 JG 1 Fuselage Tank Vent Valve 763700-11 12/01/61 10 JG 2 Directional Control Valve 502600-7 08/01/61 10 JG 3 Dual Level Control Valve 740100 08/01/63 10 JG 4 Level Control Pilot Valve 737100 08/01/63 10 JK 1 External Auxiliary 60 Gal Fuel 148K68510-1 Tank N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation Accessory Products Accessory Products Accessory Products Accessory Products Kellett 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 05/01/64 4590 4591 4592 4593 10 JL 1 370 Gallon Fuel Tanks 501700, 501700-501 11/01/64 Royal Jet 10 JL 2 370 Gallon Fuel Tanks 501700, 501700-501 11/01/64 Royal Jet 10 JL 3 600 Gallon Fuel Tanks 501800, 501800-501 04/01/65 Royal Jet 10 JL 4 600 Gallon Fuel Tanks 501800, 501800-501 10/01/65 Royal Jet 10 JM 1 External Centerline Fuel Tank 32-55101-1, 3212/01/65 55101-301, 32-55101303, 32-55101-305, 32-55101-307 McDonnell 10 JM 2 External Centerline Fuel Tank Assy. 03/01/66 32-55101-1, 3255101-301, 32-55101303, 32-55101-305, 32-55101-307, 32SB27416-1, 32SB27416-3, 32SB27416-5, 32SB27416-7 McDonnell 10 10 K 2 KAM 1 4044 Series 07/01/45 11/01/65 Parker Kaman 10 KAM 3 10-1157-201 04/01/76 Schulz 10 KAM 10 RG12270 03/01/76 Lear Siegler 10 L 3 40R751D 05/01/53 General Controls 10 L 4 Four-Engine Primer Fuel System for UH-2A/B Helicopters Fueling & Defueling Shutoff Valve Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. 40R751C 05/01/53 General Controls 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 10 L 5 Totally Submerged Type Water Injection Pump Totally Submerged Type Water Injection Pump Totally Submerged Water Injection Pump Totally Submerged Water Injection Pump Pressure Operated Check Valve Water Regulator Line Type Water Injection Units RG-8825-F 03/01/54 Lear-Romec 10 L 6 RG-8825-F 03/01/54 Lear-Romec 10 L 7 RR-9700-B 04/01/54 Lear-Romec 10 L 8 RR-9700-B 04/01/54 Lear-Romec 10 L 11 1015B 01/01/54 Airite 10 10 LAA LDA 1 1 A-2 RD-5300, RD-7800, RD-7900 (All Series) 03/01/45 09/01/46 Bendix Romec 10 LDA 2 Line Type Water Injection Units RD-5300, RD-7800, RD-7900 (All Series) 09/01/46 Romec 10 LDA 3 Line Type Water Injection Units RD-5300, RD-7800, RD-7900 (All Series) 09/01/46 Romec 10 LDA 4 Submerged Type Water Injection Units RD-7500, RD-8500 (Both Series) 09/01/46 Romec 10 LDA 5 RD-8500 Series 06/01/57 Lear-Romec 10 LDA 5 RD-8500 Series 05/01/55 Lear-Romec 10 LDA 6 RD-8500 Series 04/01/53 Lear-Romec 10 LDA 6 Fully Submerged Typed Water Injection Units Fully Submerged Typed Water Injection Units Fully Submerged Typed Water Injection Units Fully Submerged Typed Water Injection Units RD-8500 Series 05/01/55 Lear-Romec 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 A A 10 LDA 7 10 LDA 12 10 LDA 12 10 LDA 13 10 LDA 14 10 LDA 502 10 LDA 503 10 LDA 5010 10 LEA 1 Modification of Relief Valve Assy., Water Injection Pumps Portable Bilge and Refueling Unit Portable Bilge and Refueling Unit Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit Portable Submerged Bilge Pump Electric Motor Driven Water Pump Airborne Water Ballast Pump Electric Motor Driven Water Pump Water Regulators 10 LEA 1 Water Regulators 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 RD-8500 Series 05/01/49 Romec RR-9110, 15780 12/01/52 Lear-Romec RR-9110, 15780 12/01/52 07/01/57 Lear-Romec RR-9110, RR-15780 07/01/57 Lear-Romec RR11600B 03/01/59 Lear-Romec RD-7240 02/15/54 Lear-Romec RG9110A 11/01/58 Lear-Romec RD-7240 02/01/54 Lear-Romec 104384, 169478, 190255, 222552, 229300, 169479, 169953 04/01/62 Pratt & Whitney 104384, 169478, 190255, 222552, 229300, 169479, 169953 10/01/55 Pratt & Whitney LEA 1 Water Regulators 101796, 104384, 169478, 190255, 222552, 229300, 169479, 169953, 169954 10 LEA 2 Water Injection Regulators 104384, 169478, 190255, 222552, 229300, 169479, 169953 10 LEA 3 Water Injection Regulators 79616, 79673, 80466, 83222, 90223, 90572, 95307, 99199, 106423, 106455, 107502, 109594, 116347, 118331 11/01/49 Pratt & Whitney 10 LFA 1 Solenoid Operated Shutoff Water Valve 1001 04/01/51 Pacific Piston 4626 4627 4628 4629 10/01/55 2/15/62, Pratt & Whitney 11/15/60 , 10/15/59 , 7/15/59, 4/1/59, 1/1/59, 10/1/58, 7/1/57, 1/1/57, 7/1/56, 5/1/56, 3/1/60 02/01/65 Pratt & Whitney 10 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 10 LFA 2 04/01/51 Pacific Piston 03/01/53 Hydro-Aire 1 Solenoid Operated Shutoff 1001 Water Valve Water Injection Shutoff 1518A Valve Water Injection Transmitter 211422 10 LFA 3 10 LHA 07/01/51 Gladden 10 LHA 2 Water Injection Transmitter 211422 06/01/51 Gladden 10 LJA 1 01/01/52 Romec 10 LJA 2 01/01/52 Romec 10 LKA 1 Electric Motor Driven Water 7900 Series Injection Pumps Electric Motor Driven Water 7900 Series Injection Pumps Liquid Pressure Regulators F-3498-1, F-3498-2 05/01/52 Revere 10 LKA 2 Liquid Pressure Regulators F-3498-1, F-3498-2 05/01/52 Revere 10 10 10 10 LKB LKB LKB LKB 1 2 3 4 Fuel Pressure Regulator Fuel Pressure Regulator Fuel Shutoff Valve Motor Operated 2-Position Fuel Shutoff Valve 6315 6315 6355 6367 11/01/60 11/15/60 08/01/62 01/23/63 J.C. Carter J.C. Carter J.C. Carter J.C. Carter 10 LLA 2 6-646-75, 11-650-77 04/01/52 Parker 10 M 3 Douglas M 501 5447915-503, 5447915-505 AC-1183-16 06/01/60 10 Water Injection Shutoff Valve Assy. Hydrualic Oil Cooler and Fuel Filter Assy. Hydraulic Filter 07/01/58 10 MAC 1 Fuel Filter AC-2021-161 02/01/62 10 MAC 2 Hydraulic Filter AC-2061-8 12/01/60 10 MAC 4 Hydraulic Filter AC-3258-810H 12/15/64 Aircraft Porous Media Aircraft Porous Media Aircraft Porous Media Aircraft Porous Media 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 10 10 PAD R 501 2 Vent Relief Valve 3003-1 Differential Pressure Switch AD-2949-12 03/15/56 06/01/70 10 10 10 R RA RB 501 501 501 B267-5 33100-3 C10-31-312 09/01/58 03/15/57 03/15/58 10 RB 502 Slector Switch Assy. Press. Actuated Switch Counter, Console Electric Additive Fuel Flow Counter Padway Aircraft Porous Media Liquidmeter Hydra Elect. Bill Jack C55, C55A, C55B, C55B1, C55D 11/01/60 Digitac 10 10 10 10 RC RD RD RE 1 1 2 1 Fuel Flow Switch Speed Switch Speed Switch Fuel Flow Transmitter F-70885X1 2900600-1 2900600-1 2-662-51, 16-562-51, R6680-761-2331BFEK 02/01/61 02/01/63 02/01/63 01/01/66 Revere Cosmodyne Cosmodyne Schulz 10 10 SBP STE 530 1 1111-558965 12360-3 07/01/57 01/15/63 Parker Sterer 09/01/47 Thompson Products Thompson Products 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 10 1 Swing Check Valve Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Line Selector Cock 10 2 Shut-Off Valves 11/01/44 10 3 12/01/53 10 5 10 8 Fuel System: Engine, Airplane & Carburetor Installation Fuel System: Drawing References Fuel Valve 10 12 4662 4663 4664 4665 Fuel System: Operation & Inspection of Fuel Selector Valve & Controls 01/01/43 Series D, E-5 01/01/44 05/01/44 Denison Engineering 4666 4667 10 15 10 10 16 20 10 10 10 22 23 24 10 10 26 32 10 32 10 33 10 34 Fuel System: Modification of Carburetor Specification Plates 12/01/43 10 36 Fuel System: Instructions for Repair of Cuts & Fractures in Fiber Auxiliary Fuel Tanks 02/01/44 10 39 Fuel Selector Valves 12/01/50 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 A Fuel System: Operating Fuel Systems Hand Primer Fuel Pumps Fuel System: Refilling of Corrosion Resistant Cartridge Plug Assy. Fuel Cocks Air Vapor Control Valves Fuel System Air Vapor Eliminator Self-Sealing Fuel Cells Fuel System: Cleaning of the Automatic MIxture Controls on Carburetors Fuel System: Cleaning of the Automatic Mixture Controls on Carburetors 1, 2 & 4-Engine Primers 4675 4676 4677 4678 05/01/42 E-6, E-7 32040, 32075 A-6 08/01/43 01/01/43 Lunkenheimer 03/01/41 11/01/41 11/01/41 Pump Engr Srvc. King-Seeley King-Seeley 05/01/43 09/01/45 Stromberg 05/01/44 Stromberg Series 401, P4CA, 01/01/45 P4CB, USAF E-1, E-2, E-3, E-5, Navy A-1, A2, A-4, B-1, B-2, B-4 Parker Aero Supply 41 Balanced Fuel Selector Valves 10 47 Fuel System: Carburetor Fuel A-17754, A-16487, A- 09/30/44 Inlet & Water Regulator Inlet 17596, A-17697, APressures 18047, A-18057, A30180, A-17837, 392275, 392014 10 47 10 48 10 49 Fuel System: Carburetor Fuel Inlet & Water Regulator Inlet Pressures Turbosuperchargers & Regulators, Pumps & Pump Accessories Fule Tank Pressure Control 10 50 10 51 10 10 10 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4686 4687 4688 05/01/46 Parker Appliance Bendix-Stromberg 08/01/45 02/01/45 Bendix-Stromberg 03/01/54 Chandler-Evans & Stromberg 52 52 Fuel System: Inspection for Fuel Leaks: Pressure-Type Carburetors Fuel System :Carburetor Idle Adjustments Fuel Shut-Off Valve 24-125-C Fuel Shut-Off Valve 24-125-C, 24-125-D 02/20/45 07/01/45 Harding Devices Harding Devices 53 Fuel Selector Valves 06/01/45 Harding Devices 4684 4685 Series 4115, 4116, 4120, 4130, 4135, 4136, 4140, 4150, 4160, 4170 07/01/49 10 H3, H3A 02/01/45 4689 10 54 Preparation for Storage of Carburetors Preparation for Storage & Use After Storage of Carburetors, Master Controls, Direct Fuel Injection Pumps & Fuel Flow Dividers Fuel Selector Valves CG-3A, 42-1000-2, Special Type 43-900 05/10/45 10 54 10 55 02/01/45 Rohlm 10 59 Fuel Filters PR-255, PR-255-1 07/01/45 Purolator 10 67 Drain Valve 124200-3, 124200-4, 09/01/50 124200-5, 44677-1, 545107-1, 545107-2, 94367 Aero Supply 10 68 Drain Valve 124200-3, 124200-4, 09/01/50 124200-5, 44677-1, 545107-1, 545107-2, 94367 Aero Supply 10 10 10 70 70 71 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 A Selector Valves Selector Valves Selector Valves 05/01/72 06/01/52 03/01/54 06/01/52 Parker Parker Parker 10 72 Pressure Switches A-301-B, A-301-E, A- 08/01/54 301-K, A-301-BX, A301-W1, A-301-3W, A-301-W2, A-301-EX, A-301-MX Aerotec 10 73 Pressure Switches A-301-B, A-301-E, A- 08/01/54 301-K, A-301-BX, A301-W1, A-301-3W, A-301-W2, A-301-EX, A-301-MX Aerotec 10 75 Selector Cocks 09/01/50 TC-15000-1, TC15000-2, TC-15000-3, TC-15100-1, TC15200-1, TC-15200-3, TC-15200-8, TC15200-9, TC-1520010, TC-15600-1, TC15200-2, TC-15200-5, TC-17500-1, TC17800-1 Thompson 4698 4699 4700 10 76 Selector Cocks 09/01/50 TC-15000-1, TC15000-2, TC-15000-3, TC-15100-1, TC15200-1, TC-15200-3, TC-15200-8, TC15200-9, TC-1520010, TC-15600-1, TC15200-2, TC-15200-5, TC-17500-1, TC17800-1 Thompson 10 10 10 77 78 80 Engine Control Engine Control Fuel Flow Equalizers 03/01/50 03/01/50 08/01/50 Hansen-Lynn Hansen-Lynn Thompson 10 81 Fuel Flow Equalizers 08/01/50 Thompson 10 10 10 83 84 85 Cone Check Valve Cone Check Valve Fuel Strainers X2408 X2408 TM-38100, TM38300 TM-38100, TM38300 1-1046-75 1-1046-75 K-2000, K-2200, K2250, 22000 Series 08/01/50 08/01/50 01/01/52 Parker Parker Koehler Aircraft Products 10 86 Fuel Strainers K-2000, K-2200, K2250, 22000 Series 01/01/52 Koehler Aircraft Products 10 87 Pressures Switch P-801-FB, P-801-GA 09/01/50 Aerotec 10 88 Pressures Switches P-801-FB, P-801-GA 08/01/50 Aerotec 10 10 89 90 Tank Pressure Switch Tank Pressure Switch M-806 M-806 08/01/50 08/01/50 Aerotec Aerotec 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 10 91 10 93 Fuel Pressure Warning Switch, Flow Indicator Fuel Float Switches 10 94 Fuel Float Switch 10 95 Pressure Warning Units 09/01/50 Aerotec F-2101, F-2201, F09/01/50 2301 F-2101, F-2201, F02/01/51 2301 3135-1-A, 3135-6-C- 12/01/53 20, 3135-7-C-180, 3135-11-C-180, 313512-C-180, 3135-13-C35, 3135-15-C-170, 3149-1-A Aerotec 10 96 Pressure Warning Units 3135-1-A, 3135-6-C- 10/01/52 20, 3135-7-C-180, 3135-11-C-180, 313512-C-180, 3135-13-C35, 3135-15-C-170, 3149-1-A Eclipse-Pioneer 10 96 Pressure Warning Units 3135-1-A, 3135-6-C- 02/21/55 20, 3135-7-C-180, 3135-11-C-180, 313512-C-120, 3135-13-C35, 3135-15-C-170, 3149-1-A Eclipse-Pioneer 10 99 Dual Float Switch 65024-1 Aero Supply 4717 4718 4719 4720 A-2002-E, A-2002-F 06/01/51 Aerotec Eclipse-Pioneer 4721 10 10 100 101 Dual Float Switch Float Switches 65024-1 6946A-350, 6946A475, 6946A-650, 3974A-650, 3974A850, 4694 06/01/51 02/01/51 Aero Supply Hydro-Aire 10 101 Float Switch 3946A-350, 3946A475, 3946A-650, 3946A-950, 3946B350, 3946B-575, 3946B718, 3944A650, 3944A-850, 4694 10/15/57 Hydro-Aire 10 102 Float Switches 6946A-350, 6946A475, 6946A-650, 3974A-650, 3974A850, 4694 11/01/52 Hydro-Aire 10 102 Float Switch 3946A-350, 3946A475, 3946A-650, 3946A-950, 3946B350, 3946B-575, 3946B718, 3944A650, 3944A-850, 4694 10/15/57 Hydro-Aire 10 108 Fuel Strainer 14569-4 07/01/51 Aero Supply 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 10 109 111 Air Bleed-Off Fuel Float 6586 Valve Air Bleed-Off Fuel Float 6586 Valve Differential Pressure Switch M-818 03/01/51 Saval 10 110 03/01/51 Saval 10 06/01/51 Aerotec 10 112 Differential Pressure Switch M-818 06/01/51 Aerotec 10 10 10 113 114 120 Float Switch Float Switch Float Switches 04/01/51 04/01/51 08/01/51 Saval Saval Hydro-Aire 10 121 Float Switches 08/01/51 Hydro-Aire 10 122 10/01/51 Essex 10 123 M-2774 11/01/51 Air Assoc. 10 126 WA-5001 05/01/52 Aerotec 10 127 Tip Tank Fuel Transfer Switch Cap & Adapter Assy., Fuel Tank Filler Air Flow Control Valve & Switch Switch Assy., Fluid Pressure YMW-90 05/01/52 10 128 10/01/51 10 131 Tip Tank Fuel Transfer 10000-1 Switch Assy. Differential Pressure Switch M-838 Westport Dev & Mfg Essex Mfg 05/01/52 Aerotec 10 10 10 135 137 138 Pressure Switch Pressure Switch Fuel Strainer Assy. M-843 P-801-H K2350E, K2350E-1, 23655, 23905 03/01/52 05/01/52 02/01/52 Aerotec Aerotec Koehler 10 139 Fuel Strainer Assy. K2350E, K2350E-1, 23655, 23905 02/15/52 Koehler 4743 4744 6278 6278 6728, 4692-1, 6766, 6768 6728, 4692-1, 6766, 6768 4745 4746 4747 4748 10 10 10 10 10 140 141 143 145 147 Float Switch Float Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Switch Pressure Switches F-952 F-2702 412-15BL-2 M-867 M-870, M-871, M970, M-971 02/01/52 02/01/52 01/01/52 05/01/52 08/01/54 Aerotec Aerotec Meletron Aerotec Aerotec 10 149 Fuel Strainer Assy. U-640A 05/01/52 10 10 10 10 153 156 157 158 Dual Float Switch Assy. Fuel Float Switch Fuel Strainer Differential Pressure Switch 74912 Series F-4401 5-450-1 A-301-1 06/01/52 01/01/53 11/01/53 09/01/50 United Aircraft Prod., Inc. Aero Aerotec Schulz Aerotec 10 161 435-10-1 12/01/52 Meletron 10 162 Switch-Absolute Pressure Actuated Fuel Strainer Assy. U-695 11/01/52 10 163 United Aircraft Prod., Inc. Waterman 10 164 10 165 Adapter Valve, Safety Cap, & 1322-527058, 8-850- 05/01/53 Dual Diaphragm Unit 3 Parker 10 166 Fuel Strainer Assy. U-505 01/01/53 10 167 Fuel Strainer Assy. 05/01/62 10 168 Fuel Level Control Switch 50-1183-000, 501183-007 F-5657 United Aircraft Prod., Inc. Aero-Corry 10/01/53 Revere 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 Delayed Action Velocity Type 853-4-10 05/01/53 Fuel Fuse Adapter Valve, Safety Cap, & 1322-527058, 8-850- 05/01/53 Dual Diaphragm Unit 3 Parker 10 169 Indicator, Fuel Level, Low Limit F-5372, F-5372-2, F5372-4, F-5372-5 03/01/55 Revere 10 170 Switch, Float, Alcohol Tank F-6301, F-6301-1 07/01/57 Revere 10 171 F-6368M1 02/01/55 Revere 10 172 F-6609, F-6609-1 08/01/57 Revere 10 10 173 174 Indicator, Fuel Level, High Limit Float Switch, Fuel Tank, Top Mounting Air Bleed Valve Fuel Strainer Assy. 104-161 G-341-1, 62164 01/01/53 01/01/60 Pesco Purolator 10 175 Fuel Filter 62224, G-115MS-1 01/01/60 Purolator 10 176 Interchangeability of Engine G-10 Driven Fuel Pumps 08/01/53 10 176 Differential Pressure Switch 75017 02/15/60 Hydra-Electric 10 177 Hydraulic Oil Filter 61485, G-414-5 04/01/60 Purolator 10 178 Fuel Cock Assy. U-845 09/01/53 10 179 Fuel Cock Assy. U-770 09/01/53 10 10 10 179 180 509 Acceleration Check Valve Fuel Filter Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve 35-2794-001 52-2145-001 U-1070, 37D6210 09/15/64 03/01/65 10/01/43 United Aircraft Products United Aircraft Products Aero-Corry Aero-Corry United Aircraft Prod., Inc. 10 513 Self-Sealing & Bladder Type Fuel, Oil, & Water-Alcohol Cells 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 04/01/74 4779 4780 10 514 Defueling Pumps INR-W217568-D, 2 VRVA 5368 01/01/48 Ingersoll-Rand 10 516 10 517 10 10 10 10 518 520 521 523 Low Pressure Fuel Shut-off Valve Heating & Ventilating Thermal Expansion Relief Valve Flow Indicator Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Drain Valve Manual Fuel Selector Valve 06/01/48 Saval V-301-B 02/01/49 Aerotec A-2002 2014 24105 1804 12/01/48 02/01/49 11/01/48 04/01/49 Aerotec Hydro-Aire Aero Supply Hydro-Aire 10 524 Shut-Off Slide Valves W7920-1D, W79311D, W7935-1-╝D 08/01/50 Whittaker 10 525 Fuel Tank Check Relief Valve B-12000 07/01/49 Aerotec 10 526 Fuel Pressure Switches M520-1, M520-2 07/01/57 Aerotec 10 10 10 10 527 529 530 532 Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valve Fuel Selector Valves Solenoid Operated Hydraulic & Pneumatic Shut-off Valves 1380 1268 1318, 1318-1 13302, 13304 Series 06/15/49 06/01/49 06/01/49 12/01/50 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Adel 10 10 533 534 Hand Fuel Pump Fuel Selector Valves E2-1580-A 05/01/49 1286-2, 1286-3, 1286- 06/01/49 4, 1286-5, 1286-6, 1286-7 Erie Hydro-Aire 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 10 535 Electric Shut-Off Gate Valves 3300-23-23, 3300-32- 11/01/52 32, 3300-1-0-0, 33001-15-15, 3300-1-3215, 3300-1-32-32, 3300A-1-0-0 Hydro-Aire 10 536 2432, 2432-1 06/01/49 Hydro-Aire 10 536 Motor Operated Fuel Selector Valve Motor Operated Fuel Selector Valve 2432, 2432-1, 6432- 01/15/57 2, 6432-3 Hydro-Aire 10 538 P-401 11/01/49 Aerotec 10 539 Automatic Control Flap Switch Regulator Valve RV3000, RV3001 09/01/50 Aerotec 10 540 Hand Fuel Pump U-550-BE 09/01/49 10 541 10 544 Solenoid-Operated Fuel Shut- 5718 off Valve Flexbelt Valve 141VR4 United Aircraft Products Saval 10 545 10 10 546 547 10 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 01/01/50 07/01/50 Manning, Maxwell & Moore F-931, F-931-W 06/01/55 Aerotec 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 P-1101 114311 01/01/50 12/01/49 Aerotec Aero Supply 548 Fuel Level Control Float Switch Fuel Flow Indicator High Pressure Engine Selector Valve Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve S-100-M1 01/01/50 Charles E. Chapin 10 10 549 550 Pressure Switch Pressure Switch P-501 103D-6E, 103D-8E 06/15/50 05/01/52 Aerotec McQuay-Norris 10 551 Fuel Float Switch F-101 06/15/50 Aerotec 4810 4811 4812 10 10 10 552 553 555 Fuel Float Switch Vacuum Relief Valves Float Valve 10 557 Float Arm Type Switch Assy. S-9100-1, S-9100-2, S- 03/01/54 9200-1, S-9100-2 Essex 10 558 Differential Pressure Switch A-301-1 09/01/50 Aerotec 10 560 Double Drain Fuel Filter 06/01/55 Aerotec 10 10 10 561 562 567 Fuel Float Switch F-952 Float Switch F-2702 Differential Pressure Switch P-1112 03/15/52 03/01/52 03/30/55 Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec 10 10 568 569 Pressure Switch Pressure Switch 05/01/54 11/15/54 Aerotec Aerotec 10 571 Differential Pressure Switch P-1110A-1 10/01/53 Aerotec 10 572 Differential Pressure Switch P-1110B-1 10/01/53 Aerotec 10 573 Differential Pressure Switch P-1110C-1 10/01/53 Aerotec 10 574 Differential Pressure Switch P-904-SG 05/01/54 Aerotec 10 575 Switch Assy., Float Arm Type S-9000-1, S-9000-2 02/01/54 Essex 10 10 577 579 6 PSI Pressure Switch Fuel Strainer Assy. 03/01/54 09/01/54 Essex United Aircraft Products 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 F-901 B9001-A F-302, F-302W 3648, 3648A, 6764 M-943 P-801-DC, R88S223006-000 69000-1 U-635 09/01/50 09/01/50 02/01/55 Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 10 581 Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. U-9500 10 10 582 583 Fuel Strainer Engine Fuel Strainers 50-1003-011 08/01/54 5-1250-1, 5-1250-51 02/01/56 United Aircraft Products Aero Supply Schulz 10 584 Fuel Pressure Warning Unit 3135-13-C-12.5 05/01/54 Eclipse-Pioneer 10 587 F-5591-3 09/01/54 Revere 10 588 F-7242 09/01/54 Revere 10 589 Low Limit Fuel Level Indicator Switch, Dual Float, Bottom Mounting Float Switch Assy. 65010-2, 65010-3 10/01/54 Aero Supply 10 589 Float Switch Assy. 65010-2, 65010-3 11/01/54 Aero Supply 10 10 590 591 3124-1-A-18 235-S, 40375 03/01/55 04/30/55 Eclipse-Pioneer AP Controls 10 592 Vacuum Warning Unit Evaporator Pressure Regulating Valve Fuel Flow Switch Assy. F-7775, F-7775M 01/01/56 Revere 10 593 Float Switch Assy. 21-1472-001, 211472-002, 21-1472003, 21-1472-004 01/15/56 Aero Supply 10 594 Float Switch Assy. Aero Supply 10 595 Fuel Flow Switch Assy. 01/15/56 21-1472-001, 211472-002, 21-1472003 06-1423-001, 0607/01/56 1423-002, 06-1423003, 06-1423-004, 061423-005, 06-1423006 4839 4840 4841 11/01/54 Aero Supply 4842 10 596 Fuel Level Switch Assy. 10 597 10 598 10 600 Aviation Fuel Filter Replacement Micronic Element Line Type Motor Operated Gate Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Oil Filter 10 601 10 602 10 10 10 605 606 607 10 608 Hydraulic Windshield Wiper XW2331-3, XW20893- 04/01/63 System Components 1, XW2069-3 Alco 10 609 Hydraulic Windshield Wiper XW2331-3, XW20893- 04/01/63 System Components 1, XW2069-3 Alco 10 10 10 610 614 615 Pressure Switch Fuel Filler Cap Assy. Hydraulic & Pneumatic Pressure Switches Frebank Santa Anita Leonard 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 F-5589A1R, F5589A2R 53038, PR-115-1 11/01/55 Revere 02/01/56 Purolator Prod., Inc. 30-039 03/15/56 Hydro-Aire 50834, G-205M-5 01/01/56 Purolator Spring Loaded Shuttle Valve 980 02/01/56 Aeroguild Differential Air Pressure Switch Fuel Filter Pressure Switch Dual Indicator Switch Assy. PG214B 12/01/55 Minn-Honeywell 39771, PR-115 4037C F-8160 03/01/56 02/01/56 03/01/56 Purolator Padway Revere 4000-14 04/01/56 FV-400-2 04/01/56 106030-2, 106030-3, 07/01/56 106030-4, 106030-5, 106030-6, 106030-8, 106030-9 10 616 Hydraulic & Pneumatic Pressure Switches 10 617 Hydraulic Pressure Switches Series 90000 06/01/56 10 618 Hydraulic Pressure Switches Series 90000 06/01/56 10 10 619 620 F-8132 90500-3 09/01/56 09/01/56 10 621 Fuel Level Control Switch Pressure Operated Pneumatic Switch 1.5" Flanged Coupling Assy. 7238 10/01/56 Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Revere Hydraulic Research Roylyn 10 10 622 623 8192 F-21190 10/01/56 12/01/56 Roylyn Revere 10 625 10 626 Nipple-Strainer Assy. Bottom Mounted Float Switch Hydraulic Pressure Switch Assy. Fuel Level Limit Switch Assy. 10 627 10 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4867 4868 4869 Leonard 105SC1046, CG 12/01/56 12101 124000-1, 124000-2, 05/01/58 124000-111, 124000111A, 124000-211, 124000-211A Westport Dev & Mfg Essex Float Switch F-8165, F-8165-2 02/15/57 Revere 628 Dual Float Switch F-8150, F-8150-2 03/01/57 Revere 10 629 YMBN 07/01/57 10 630 Hydraulic Pressure Switch Assy. Flow Indicator B-201 07/01/57 Westport Dev & Mfg Aerotec 4865 4866 106030-2, 106030-3, 07/01/56 106030-4, 106030-5, 106030-6, 106030-8, 106030-9 4870 4871 10 10 631 632 Pressure Switch Fuel Filter 10 633 Inspection Standards for Rubber & Nylon Fuel Cells 10 634 Hydraulic Swivel Joint Assy. 10-21630 08/01/57 Barco 10 635 Adapter 09/01/57 Buckeye 10 637 Hydraulic Pressure Switch A-5, MS29519-1, 8718A 2144311 10/01/57 Tavco 10 10 638 640 Float Switch Pressure Switch F-70585 R-6885-51 11/30/57 02/01/58 10 15 A 641 1 Rotary Switch Assy. Oil Pressure Warning Unit 219000-100 3122-1-A 04/01/58 08/01/42 Revere Consolidated Controls Essex Eclipse-Pioneer 15 BA 1 GC-259-1 04/01/48 Nichols 15 BA 2 GD-29 04/01/50 Nichols 15 15 15 BA BA BA 13 14 15 Oil & Scavenge Pump Four Element Oil & Scavenge Pump Six Element Oil Pump Lube & Scavenge Pump Lube & Scavenge Pump GC-409 06/01/52 GD-143 12/01/60 4000T98P01, GD-244 06/01/65 Nichols Nichols Nichols 15 BA 16 GD-279, GD-279-1 06/01/65 Nichols 15 15 BA BA 17 18 Transfer Gear Case Scavenge Pump Oil Pump Lube, Scavenge & Hydraulic Pump GD-225-3 37D400438P101, P102, GM-551, GM551-1 11/01/60 11/01/70 Nichols Nichols 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 M-943 53038-2, PR-115-5 07/01/57 07/01/57 Aerotec Purolator 01/01/57 15 BA 18 Lube, Scavenge & Hydraulic 37D400438P101, Pump P102, GM-551, GM551-1 15 BA 20 Lube Pump GD-351-1, GD-351-3, 04/01/05 GD-351-4, 107DS2061, A02DS206-2, A02DS206-3 Nichols/Boeing Vertol 15 15 15 BA BA BA 21 22 501 Lube Pump Lube & Scavenge Pump Oil & Scavenge Pump GC-1334-1 GD-321-3 GD-31-2, GD-31-4 11/01/64 06/01/67 12/01/58 Nichols Nichols Nichols 15 BA 507 Scavenge Pump 573E962, P2, P3, GD- 10/01/63 162, GD-162-1, GD162-2 Nichols 15 BB 1 Lubricating & Scavenging Oil A-101-73, A-101-72, 01/01/51 Pump A-101-7 Nathan 15 BB 2 Lubricating & Scavenging Oil A-101-73, A-101-72, 01/01/51 Pump A-101-7 Nathan 15 BE 1 15 BE 2 15 BE 5 15 BE 6 15 BE 7 Electric Motor Driven Oil Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pumps 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 01/01/82 Nichols 1E-581-B 12/01/51 Pesco 1E-581-B 12/01/51 Pesco 112195-010-01 01/01/52 Pesco 112195-010-01 03/01/53 Pesco 111059 Series 04/01/52 Pesco 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 15 BE 9 111643 Series 10/01/52 Pesco 011816-020-01 05/01/54 Pesco 011816-020-01 05/01/54 Pesco RD-6680 Series 04/01/52 Romec RD-6680 Series 04/01/52 Romec 12 Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump Hydraulic Oil Scavenging Pump Assy. Hydraulic Oil Scavenging Pump Assy. Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Supply Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Supply Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Oil Pump Assy. Power Driven Rotary Pump 15 BE 10 15 BE 11 15 BF 1 15 BF 2 15 BF 3 15 BF 15 BF 13 Power Driven Rotary Pump 15 15 BF BF 14 20 Oil Scavenge Pump Power Driven Rotary Pump 15 BF 503 15 15 BF BF 506 507 2-Element Oil Scavenge Pump Oil Scavenge Pump Lube Oil & Hydraulic Pump 15 BG 503 15 15 15 BG BG BJ 15 BK RG6100E1, RG6100H 02/01/66 Lear-Romec RR16710A 12/01/65 Lear Siegler RR16720A, RR16720D RG16020D RR24090, A 12/15/65 Lear Siegler 03/01/62 02/01/76 Lear-Romec Lear Siegler RG 10500 C1 12/01/57 Lear-Romec RG-16020 RR16000, A 07/01/61 01/01/59 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec AA-32900 Series 09/01/54 Vickers 505 506 1 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump with Controls Oil Pump Assy. Oil Pump Assy. Power Driven Rotary Pump 103T895 103T895 RG7150E 03/01/59 12/01/58 10/01/67 Westinghouse Westinghouse Lear Siegler 1 Power Driven Rotary Pump RG17350 06/01/65 Lear Siegler 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 15 BK 2 Power Driven Rotary Pump RR17800 06/01/65 Lear Siegler 15 15 15 15 BK C C C 3 2 3 4 Hand Pump Inverted Relief Valve Oil Selector Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Valve RR17790A A418-015 105072-1 40R577A 10/01/65 03/01/53 04/15/53 12/01/52 Lear Siegler Vinson Aero Supply General Controls 15 C 5 3-151-1 03/01/54 Schulz 15 C 505 2424 03/01/51 Hydr-Aire 15 15 C C 506 507 Engine Oil Float Shutoff Valve & Float Switch Motor Operated Selector Valve Oil Tank Sequence Valve Oil Cooler Valve U-3990 46800 06/01/51 11/01/60 15 15 C C 508 509 W-6210-4D SA8256C 10/01/51 06/01/54 15 C 510 SA8256C 06/01/54 15 15 CA CB 501 1 Oil Shutoff Valve Barometric Oil Tank Vent Valve Barometric Oil Tank Vent Valve Cone Check Valve Oil Diverter Valve Assy., Floating Control Thermostat Assy., & Thermostat Assy. 1112-548822 12211-2, 12252-2, 11607, 11608-1, 11610-11 12/01/56 07/01/57 United Aircraft StandardThompson Whittaker StandardThompson StandardThompson Parker Airesearch 15 CB 2 Oil Diverter Valves 12190-1, 12190-2, 12206-2, ODV1-3, 12224-1, 12252-1, 12254-2, ODV1-1 05/01/57 Airesearch 4932 4933 15 CB 3 Oil Diverter Valves 12190-1, 12190-2, 12206-2, ODV1-3, 12224-1, 12252-1, 12254-2, ODV1-1 05/01/57 Airesearch 15 CB 4 151855-1, OTV5-51-1 12/01/59 Airesearch 15 CB 5 152235, OTV9-9-1 01/01/60 Airesearch 15 CB 6 Oil Temperature Regulating Valve Temperature Regulating Valve Thermostatic Temperature Control Valves 18900-140-23, 18900- 07/01/60 195-23 Airesearch 15 CB 7 Thermostatic Temperature Control Valve 18905, OTV2-2 03/01/56 Airesearch 15 CC 1 01/01/52 Koehler 15 CC 2 01/01/52 Koehler 15 CC 3 Y Drain, Straight Drain & Defueling Valves Y Drain, Straight Drain & Defueling Valves Drain Valves K-1600, K-6000, 16,000 Series 01/01/52 Koehler 15 CC 4 Drain Valves K-1600, K-6000, 16,000 Series 01/01/52 Koehler 15 CC 5 Solenoid Valves K-1100, K-1200, 12,000 Series 12/01/50 Koehler 15 CC 6 Solenoid Valves K-1100, K-1200, 12,000 Series 12/01/50 Koehler 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 15 CC 8 15 CC 9 Adapter Pressure Fueling Valve Fueling & Defueling Valve 1-101055, 1-101055- 12/01/62 2 7-101005 02/01/60 15 CC 10 Fuel Low Level Shutoff Valve 7-101014 02/01/60 Koehler 15 15 CC CC 11 12 7-101025 4-49964 02/01/60 01/01/60 Koehler Koehler 15 CC 13 Koehler CC CC CC 501 502 503 7-115115, 7-1151151 25304 K1880D-1 5502 04/01/65 15 15 15 High Level Shutoff Valve Escape Command Selector Valve Dual Pilot Remote Control Valve Defueling Valve Assy. Float Valve Assy. Solenoid Shutoff Valve Assy. 08/01/54 08/01/54 08/01/54 Koehler Koehler Koehler 15 CC 504 Solenoid Shutoff Valve Assy. 5252 08/01/54 Koehler 15 15 CC CC 505 506 14694 6152 08/01/54 07/01/58 Koehler Koehler 15 CD 1 SA-4595-1C, C-1 11/01/50 15 CD 2 SA-4595-1C, C-1 11/01/50 15 CD 4 SA-7978, P-1 11/01/50 15 15 15 CE CE CE 1 2 3 U-4400-1 U-4400-1 U-3100 12/01/50 12/01/50 04/01/51 StandardThompson StandardThompson StandardThompson United Aircraft United Aircraft United Aircraft 15 CE 4 Y Drain Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Barometric Control Oil Tank Vent Valve Barometric Control Oil Tank Vent Valve Engine Crankcase Pressurizing Valve Surge Valve Assy. Surge Valve Assy. Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve Assy. Thermostatic Relief Valve Assy. U-4150, U-4150-1, U- 08/01/51 4150-2 Koehler Koehler United Aircraft 4964 4965 4966 4967 15 CE 6 15 CE 9 15 CE 9 15 CE 501 15 CE 502 15 CE 15 15 CE CE Oil Tank Sequence Valve Assy. Oil Surge Check Valve Assy. U-8990-1 06/01/52 United Aircraft U-4456 10/01/53 United Aircraft Oil Temperature Control Valve Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve Assy. Diverter-Segregator Valve Assy. UA524642-2 04/01/64 United Aircraft U-7250-A, U-7250-1 04/01/54 United Aircraft U-5410-10, U-5410- 06/01/58 11, U-5410-12, U5410-15, U-5410-17, U-5410-2, U-5410-4, U-5410-5, U-5410-8, U-5410-81, U-541082, U-5410-9 United Aircraft 503 Diverter-Segregator Valve Assy. U-5410-10, U-5410- 06/01/58 11, U-5410-12, U5410-15, U-5410-17, U-5410-2, U-5410-4, U-5410-5, U-5410-8, U-5410-81, U-541082, U-5410-9 United Aircraft 504 505 Sequence Valve Assy. Sequence Valve Assy. U-7950-1 U-7950-1 United Aircraft United Aircraft 4968 4969 4970 4971 02/01/56 02/01/56 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 15 15 15 CF CF CF 1 2 3 15 CF 4 15 CF 5 15 CF 6 15 CF 6 15 CF 7 15 CF 8 15 CF 9 15 CF 501 15 CG 1 15 CG 15 4990 Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Engine Oil Shutoff Valves W10,100-10D W10,100-10D WM 335-2D 07/01/73 11/01/51 07/01/52 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker W7931-2D 01/15/53 Whittaker W8000-1 1/2D 01/15/53 Whittaker 133195 09/01/59 Whittaker 101697 05/01/53 Whittaker 132555-1 01/01/61 Whittaker 134415-5 01/01/66 Whittaker 126335 07/01/65 Whittaker 107455 08/01/55 Whittaker Hydro-Aire 2 D-26-75 RH, D-26-76 03/01/54 LH MLG 1-Way Restrictor Valve 4546A 05/01/59 CG 3 Dual Pressure Control Valve 39-075A 06/01/70 Hydro-Aire 15 15 CH CH 6 7 10-2849-93 1371-598820 09/01/52 06/01/62 Parker Parker 15 15 15 CH CH CK 8 11 501 Cone Check Valve Solenoid Pilot Operated 2Position, 3-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Swing Check Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Flapper Check Valve 4-2850-96 8-750-84 1200FC24B 01/01/53 06/01/53 08/01/54 Parker Parker Accessory Products 4987 4988 4989 Plunger Valve Plunger Valve Manually Operated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Slide Shutoff Valve Flapper Drain Check Valve Hydro-Aire 15 D 2 15 D 501 15 D 502 15 D 504 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA 1 2 5 6 7 12 13 16 17 18 Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Oil Cooler Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DA 19 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 15 DA DA 20 22 Oil Cooler Oil Cooler 15 DA 23 15 DA 15 DA 4991 A Cleaning, Testing & Corrosive Treatment of Air to Oil Cooled Aluminum, Brass & Copper Type Oil Coolers Control Boxes 49-C-177, 48-C-190, 46-C-199-5 11/01/51 Vapor Heating 52C541 02/01/55 Vapor Heating 53C236-1 04/01/56 Vapor Heating 03/01/51 03/01/49 07/01/51 07/01/51 04/01/52 04/01/52 04/01/54 04/01/54 04/01/54 Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford 04/01/54 Clifford 03/01/53 03/01/67 Clifford United Aircraft Oil Cooling Blower Assy. E36783 E36783 46635-1 36774, 44155 36774, 44155 E48309 E48309 52081 52081 63510, 63510-1, 63510-2 63510, 63510-1, 63510-2 52087 U-520317-2, U520317-4, U-5203176 SVA-990-15008 03/01/64 Torrington 501 Oil Cooler Assy. 46690, 48099, 51894 01/15/52 Clifford 503 Oil Cooler Assy. 44570 Clifford 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 03/01/54 05/01/54 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 15 15 DA DA 504 505 Oil Cooler Assy. Pressure Regulating Valve 15 DA 506 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DB 15 05/15/54 10/01/54 Clifford Clifford Clifford 2 63598, 69200, 69200- 12/01/54 1 Oil Temperature Regulators U-8000 Series 03/01/51 DB 3 Oil Temperature Regulators U-8000 Series 12/01/51 United Aircraft 15 DB 4 Oil Temperature Regulator U-3140NB-DV5 10/01/50 United Aircraft 15 DB 5 Oil Temperature Regulator U-3140NB-DV5 05/01/52 United Aircraft 15 DB 6 Oil Temperature Regulator U-3140NB-S10 12/01/51 United Aircraft 15 DB 7 Oil Temperature Regulator U-3140NB-S10 12/01/51 United Aircraft 15 DB 7 UA526976-4 07/01/65 United Aircraft 15 DB 8 Main & Afterburner Oil Cooler Cooling Unit 303,902, HTS-303 05/01/65 Eastern Industries 15 15 15 DB DB DB 501 502 504 10/01/55 02/01/57 11/01/56 United Aircraft United Aircraft United Aircraft 15 DB 505 11/01/61 United Aircraft 15 DB 506 11/01/61 U-517286-2, U517287-2, U-5211331, U-521134-1 United Aircraft 5025 5026 44570 59534 Liquid to Liquid Cooler U-515990-2 Air to Oil Cooler Assy. U-515195-2 Liquid to Liquid Cooler Assy. U-515150-1, U515155-1 Oil Cooler Assy. U-517286-2, U517287-2, U-5211331, U-521134-1 Oil Cooler Assy. United Aircraft 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 15 DC 2 15 DC 4 Transmission Oil Cooler Assy. Transmission Oil Cooler 15 DC 5 Engine Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 6 15 DC 8 Transmission Oil Cooler Assy. Engine Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 9 15 DC 12 15 DC 13 15 DC 15 Transmission Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 21 Engine Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 22 Engine Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 23 15 DC 25 Transmission Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 26 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 501 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 502 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 503 Oil Cooler Assy. Transmission & Engine Oil Cooler Assy. Transmission Oil Cooler 8515965, AP07AU06- 07/01/52 01 8514086, AP05CL07- 07/01/52 01 8518060, AP28AU15- 07/01/52 02 8517958, AP19AU06- 07/01/52 01 8518683, AP12AU13- 10/01/52 01 8518680, AP11AU06- 10/01/52 03 8518364, AP22AU11- 11/01/52 01 8520326, AP22AU11- 11/01/52 02 8521988, AP15AU12- 05/01/54 01 8525338, AP19AU18- 04/01/59 01 8527322, AP-24AU18- 04/01/60 01 8528061, AP28AU18- 05/01/60 03 8529935, AP21AN16- 07/01/63 02 8534155, AP12AN14- 12/01/68 02 D60065, AP11AU04- 04/01/59 XX 8517842, AP28AU15- 05/01/54 01 8518656, AP30AU35- 05/01/54 01 Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator 5044 5045 15 DC 506 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 509 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 509 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 510 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 511 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 513 Oil Cooler 15 DC 514 Hydraulic Fluid Cooler 15 DC 515 Oil Cooler 15 DC 516 Oil Cooler 15 DC 517 Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DC 518 Engine Oil Cooler 15 DC 519 Engine Oil Cooler 15 DC 520 Engine Oil Cooler Assy. 15 DD 8 15 DD 8 Main & Afterburner Oil Cooler Oil Temperature Regulator with Temperature Regulating Valve 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 8520944, AP28AU18- 05/01/54 01 8522880, AP32AUX- 06/01/55 03 852280, 8523731, 04/01/58 8526075 Harrison Radiator E-70429, AP28AU18XX AP30AU22-02, 8522530 8523654, AP30AU2205 8520451, AP16AU1101 AP28AU15-04, 8520928 8520470, AP12AU0902 8523534, AP20AU1601 AP44AU19-01, 8525960 AP30AU18-XX, E72008 8524170, AP16AN0901 153750 10/01/55 Harrison Radiator 11/15/55 Harrison Radiator 08/01/56 Harrison Radiator 05/01/56 Harrison Radiator 10/01/56 Harrison Radiator 08/01/56 Harrison Radiator 05/01/59 Harrison Radiator 10/01/97 Harrison Radiator 02/01/58 Harrison Radiator 10/01/58 Harrison Radiator 11/01/65 Airesearch 153406 05/01/64 Airesearch Harrison Radiator Harrison Radiator 5059 15 DD 10 Oil Temperature Regulator 12/01/61 Airesearch 15 DD 503 Oil Temperature Regulators, 86566, 86998, 06/01/56 Heat Exchanger, Fuel 87100, 87100-1, Temperature Regulator 87330, 87380, 87400, 87510, 87510301, 87560, 87620185, 87620-240, 87680, 86270, 87890 Airesearch 15 DE 17 Oil Temperature Regulator 88340, ORPA100-16- 11/01/59 1 Airesearch 15 15 DE DE 18 19 Plate Oil Cooler Aircraft Tubular Oil Cooler 152249 151529, OCTA100 12/15/59 05/01/60 AiResearch Airesearch 15 15 15 DE DE DE 20 21 22 22" Diameter Oil Cooler Oil Cooler Oil Cooler & Valve Assy. AIR4125-22-2 86250-1 98425-2 01/01/61 01/01/62 09/01/66 15 DE 23 Aircraft Tubular Oil Cooler 151030 11/01/61 Airesearch Airesearch StandardThompson Airesearch 15 15 DE DE 501 502 Oil Cooler Oil Temperature Regulator AIR4124-14 86186-160-13 06/01/56 06/01/56 Airesearch Airesearch 15 DE 504 Oil Temperature Regulator 86615-1 12/01/56 Airesearch 15 15 DE DE 505 506 Tubular Oil Cooler Oil Temperature Regulator 86950 86951 09/01/56 01/01/57 Airesearch Airesearch 15 DE 507 Tubular Aircraft Oil Cooler 87161-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 154460-1 15 DE 508 Oil Temperature Regulators 87242-24, 87242-24- 01/01/57 1, 87242-24-2 Airesearch 15 DE 509 Oil Temperature Regulator 87258-160-13 01/01/57 Airesearch 15 DE 510 Oil Temperature Regulator 87310-125 01/01/57 Airesearch 15 DE 514 Aircraft Plate Oil Cooler 10/01/59 Airesearch 15 DF 2 09/01/64 Midland-Ross 15 DG 1 Transmission Oil Cooler Assy. Blower Assy. 87464, OCP1-1-1, OCP1-1-2 A88C77 15 DV 501 15 EA 1 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 Aircraft Oil Temperature Control Thermostat Floating Control Thermostats K677707-1, 500702- 08/01/71 3301 53C158-1 08/01/56 11606, 12212-13, 12212-21, 12214, 12214-1, 12218-1, 12218-4, 12222, 12280-1, 12280-2, 12280-3, 12280-4, 12280-6, 12280-8, 12280-17, 12282-6, 12780-4, 12780-5 09/01/62 Kaman/Joy Mfg Vapor Airesearch 15 EA 2 Floating Control Thermostats 11606, 12212-13, 12212-21, 12214, 12214-1, 12218-1, 12218-4, 12222, 12280-1, 12280-2, 12280-3, 12280-4, 12280-6, 12280-8, 12280-17, 12282-6, 12780-4, 12780-5 10/01/62 Airesearch 15 15 EA EA 503 504 Oil Diverter Thermostat Pneumatic Thermostat 11610-1-130 107700-300-2, SR5 02/01/57 07/01/61 Airesearch AiResearch 15 EB 1 Oil Tank Filler 801200-1 02/01/61 15 FA 1 Oil Tank Assy. S6130-80203, S6130- 01/01/63 80203-1 Accessory Products Sikorsky 15 GD 1 Transmission Assy. with Upper Rotor Drive Shaft Assy. 02/01/69 Y63-315330-154-1 thru Y63-315330-15413, Y70E330001-002, Y63-315350-7-3 2 Oil Coolers & Control Valves 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 15 09/01/47 Gyrodyne Airesearch 15 3 Oil System: Inspection of Oil Dilution Valve & Linkage 09/01/43 15 5 Viscosity Type Control Valve Oil Temperature Assy. Regulator 04/01/41 United Aircraft 15 7 Oil Coolers & Control Valves 11/01/50 Airesearch 15 8 Oil Coolers & Control Valves 01/01/46 Airesearch 15 15 9 10 07/01/43 08/01/53 United Aircraft 15 11 01/01/42 Air Assoc./Bendix 15 12 Oil Coolers Decontamination of Aircraft Engine Oil System & Accessories Oil Dilution Solenoid Valves M-441-M1, M-441M2 Oil Coolers & Control Valves 05/01/52 United Aircraft 15 13 Oil Coolers & Control Valves 01/01/50 Young 15 14 08/01/43 Harrison Radiator 15 14 Oil Coolers & Oil Cooler ACV-4, ACV-16 Valve Oil Cooler & Oil Cooler Valve 15 15 15 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 07/25/44 06/01/47 11/01/43 Fulton Sylphon 16 Thermostatic Oil Cooler D-8 Valve Oil Coolers & Control Valves 08/01/69 Harrison 15 17 Oil Temperature Regulators 04/01/45 Airesearch 15 22 Oil System: Oil Immersion Heaters CAL-25, CAL-75, C-5, 03/01/48 C-6 15 25 Oil Cooler Shutter Control Drive 05/25/44 Electrical Developement Co. 15 27 Engine Coolant & Lubricating 43R102, 43R102B, Oil Temperature Controls 43R102C, 43R102D, 43R102E, 43R140, 43R146, 43R133, 43R133B, 43R133C, 43R141 08/01/49 General Controls 15 28 Oil System: Disconnecting Oil Dilution Systems 10/01/44 15 29 07/01/45 15 30 Oil System: Preparation of Oil Coolers & Oil Cooler Valves for Storage Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve AN4078 12/01/45 Adel 15 31 Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve AN4078 12/01/45 Adel 15 32 Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve AN4078 12/01/45 Adel 15 34 Oil Separator 1545-1-C, 659-1-A 03/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 AG-14B 15 34 Oil Separator 1545-1-C, 1545-1-D, 07/01/57 11/1962, Bendix Utica 1545-4-E, 1545-5-D, 2/1959 1545-6-D, 1545-6-E, 1545-14-E, 659-1-A 15 35 Oil Separator 1545-1-C, 659-1-A 03/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 15 35 Oil Separator 659-1-A, 1545-1-C, 1545-D, 1545-E, 1545-5-D, 1545-6-D 10/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 15 35 Oil Separator 1545-1-C, 1545-1-D, 11/01/62 1545-4-E, 1545-5-D, 1545-6-D, 1545-6-E, 1545-14-E, 659-1-A 15 37 Oil Temperature Regulators, Oil Coolers, Valves 04/01/53 15 37 07/01/57 06/01/62 Airesearch 15 37 Temperature Regulator Oil Cooler Valve Oil Temperature Regulators, Oil Coolers, Valves 08/01/67 Airesearch 15 38 Oil Temperature Regulator & Oil Cooler Valve 07/15/57 Airesearch 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 Bendix Utica Airesearch 15 38 Oil Temperature Regulators Oil Coolers Valves 15 15 15 39 40 83 Air-Oil Separator Air-Oil Separator Oil Tank & Sensor Assy. 15 84 Oil Tank & Sensor Assy. 15 87 15 506 15 510 Air Modulating Valve, Ram Air Valve Assy. Oil Temperature Control Valve Oil Dilution Solenoid Valves 15 540 2-Way Oil Check Valve 15 541 Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve 15 15 542 543 06/01/49 07/15/57 Hydro-Aire Clifford 15 544 Fuel Selector Valves 1320, 1320-1 Oil Cooler Valve & Oil Cooler 46680, 46680-1 Valve Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. E-46727R, E-46727L 03/01/51 Clifford 15 544 Oil Cooler Assy. E46727R (R), (L), E51620-3R 01/01/52 Clifford 15 15 15 545 546 548 Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler Assy. Oil Cooler E-46699 E-46652 03/01/51 05/15/50 01/01/50 Clifford Clifford Clifford 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 06/01/62 Airesearch TM-38600 TM-38600 UA520620-50, UA520620-49, UA520620-48 10812988G1, 10812988G2, 10812988G3 512798, 96124 08/01/51 08/01/51 05/01/66 Thompson Thompson United Aircraft 07/01/71 Hamilton Standard U-7000, U-7030 07/15/58 United Aircraft UC-3100 Series 12/01/47 United Aircraft 05/01/66 SP-12-2247-4, SP-12- 02/01/49 2247-5 K-1125D 03/01/49 Parker Koehler 15 550 Oil Tank Sequence Valve U-6990-1, U-6990-2, U-6990-3, U-6990-4 15 15 15 15 15 551 553 554 556 557 Oil Transmission Pump Oil Cooler Assy. Regulator, Oil Temp. Oil Coolers Oil Coolers U-2855 E-36778 12/01/50 87400 07/01/54 69092, 69093 12/01/54 AIR4124-12, AIR4125- 09/01/62 11, AIR4125-11-1, AIR4215-13, AIR412517, 19233, 19310, 86250-1, 86363, 86475, 86496, 86745, 87364 15 558 Oil Coolers AIR4124-12, AIR4125- 09/01/62 11, AIR4125-11-1, AIR4215-13, AIR412517, 19233, 19310, 86250-1, 86363, 86475, 86496, 86745, 87364 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 Clifford Airesearch Airesearch 15 559 Thermostatic Temperature Control Valves OTSV1-10, OTSV1-11, 06/01/61 OTSV1-1, OTSV1-22, OTSV1-2, OTSV1-16, OTSV1-12, OTSV1-7 Airesearch 15 560 Thermostatic Temperature Control Valves OTSV1-10, OTSV1-11, 06/01/61 OTSV1-1, OTSV1-22, OTSV1-2, OTSV1-16, OTSV1-12, OTSV1-7 Airesearch 15 563 Regulator, Oil Temp. 87465 15 15 564 565 Oil Cooler 72139 Eliptical Aluminum Oil Cooler 86354, 86354-7 07/15/56 11/15/62 H.W. Loud Machine Works Clifford AiResearch 15 15 567 568 Air to Oil Cooler Assy. Defogger Valve U-515035-5 96118 06/01/56 04/01/63 United Aircraft Hamilton Standard 15 569 Shutoff Valve 96120, 527718 09/01/58 Hamilton Standard 15 570 96121, 521498 11/01/60 Hamilton Standard 15 571 Cabin Temperature Control Valves Bleed Air Shutoff Valve 97005 11/01/59 Hamilton Standard 15 572 03/01/57 Hamilton Standard 15 573 Manifold Pressure Regulator 97000 Valve Ram Air Valve 96124 03/01/57 Hamilton Standard 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 11/15/55 15 574 Oil Tank Assy. 15 574 Oil Tank Assy. 15 576 Plate Oil Cooler 15 577 Oil Tank Assy. 15 578 Oil Tanks 15 15 15 BA 579 581 20 Oil Separator Fuel Drain Valve Assy. Lube Pump 20 A 1 Non-Controllable Propellers 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 U-517373-3, U518180-1, U-5181802 U-517373-3, U518180-1, U-5181802 150349, OCPA100-11 UA520620-46, UA520620-23, UA520620-32, UA520620-33, UA520620-44, UA520620-45, UA520620-17, UA520620-13 UA520620-46, UA520620-23, UA520620-32, UA520620-33, UA520620-44, UA520620-45, UA520620-17, UA520620-13 606-9-A 24282 GD351-1, GD351-3, GD351-4, 107DS2061, 107DS206-2, 107DS206-3 10/01/57 United Aircraft 10/01/57 United Aircraft 07/01/57 Airesearch 04/01/65 United Aircraft 04/01/65 United Aircraft 06/01/58 10/01/58 04/01/05 Bendix-Utica Koehler 01/01/44 5165 5166 20 20 20 B B B 0 1 2 Power Unit Assy. Electric Propellers Governor Control System, Electric Propellers 20 20 B B 3 3 20 B 5 20 20 B B 15 16 20 B 21 20 B 21 20 B 22 20 B 22 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 B 5174 5175 5176 A 146670-2 11/01/52 01/01/43 01/01/43 Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Propellers & Accessories Propellers & Accessories: Operation Instructions for Curtiss Controllable Propellers Hollow Steel Propeller Blades Electric Propellers Propellers & Accessories: C542S, C543S, C642S Sealing of Slip Ring Connector Rods, 4-Bladed Propellers Propeller & Accessories: Modification of Propeller Governor Contact Points Propeller & Accessories: Modification of Propeller Governor Contact Points Propellers & Accessories: Ventillation of Curtiss Heavy Duty Selector Switch 02/28/45 06/01/45 Curtiss Curtiss 10/01/46 Curtiss 02/01/43 12/01/42 Curtiss 06/01/43 Curtiss 09/01/43 Curtiss 07/01/43 Curtiss Propellers & Accessories: Ventillation of Curtiss Heavy Duty Selector Switch 10/01/43 Curtiss 20 B 23 Propellers & Accessories: Replacement of Hub & Power Unit Contact Points 01/01/44 Curtiss 20 B 25 09/01/43 Curtiss 20 B 26 Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Propeller Feather Circuit Propellers & Accessories: Copper Plating of Propeller Blade Retaining Nuts 11/01/43 Curtiss 20 B 29 Propellers & Accessories: Replacement of Propeller Motor End Shield Locating Block & Stud Assy. 12/01/43 Curtiss 20 B 30 11/01/44 Curtiss 20 B 31 02/01/44 Curtiss 20 B 32 Propellers & Accessories: Rework of Propeller Control Switches Propellers & Accessories: Rework of Propeller Speed Reducer Propellers & Accessories: Replacement of Brush Assy. Terminals: Electric Propellers 05/01/44 Curtiss 20 B 33 05/01/44 Curtiss 20 B 34 Propellers & Accessories: Rework of Propeller Speed Reducer Gear Propellers & Accessories: Installation of Vibration Dampener Plug in Outer Brake Spring: Electric Propellers 04/01/45 Curtiss 5177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5182 5183 5184 5185 20 B 35 Propellers & Accessories: Longitudinal Magnetic Inspection of Steel Blades 01/01/46 Curtiss 20 B 35 Propellers & Accessories: Longitudinal Magnetic Inspection of Steel Blades 04/01/45 Curtiss 20 B 36 Propellers & Accessories: Replacement of Brush Assy. Terminals: Electric Propellers 02/01/46 Curtiss 20 B 38 Propellers & Accessories: Inspection & Replacement of Internally Damaged Blades 08/01/45 A.O. Smith 20 B 43 03/01/50 Curtiss 20 B 44 Rework of Blade Bearing Inner Race: Curtiss Propellers Propeller De-Icer Timer 468100, 468100-0-1 08/01/50 Bendix 20 B 45 Propeller De-Icer Timer 468100, 468100-0-1 08/01/50 Bendix 20 B 52 Rework of Blade Bearing Race Edges in Propellers C634S-C, C644S-B, C645-A2 Series 07/01/51 20 B 57 Inspection of Propeller Units All Models except for Missing Keys C636SP-A Series, C736SP-A Series 10/01/51 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 A Curtiss 20 B 58 Modification of Nylon Blade Bearing Ball Retainers: Propellers Modification of Power Unit Housing Drive Gear Shaft Hole: Propellers Periodic Replacement of Propeller Hub & Blade Gears, Procedure for Propellers used in # 3 & 4 Engine Position Etching of Propeller Blade Preload Bearing C636SP-A, C736SPA1 (Both Series) 01/01/52 Curtiss 20 B 65 C636SP-A, C736SPA1 (Both Series) 02/01/53 Curtiss 20 B 68 C636SP-A, C736SP-A 09/01/53 (Both Series) Curtiss 20 B 70 C532S-E100, E302 12/01/52 Series, C634S-C300,C400 Series, C644SB300 Series, C632SB2, C645S-A2 Curtiss 20 B 71 Blade Assy. 146743-2, 146743-4 11/01/52 Curtiss 20 B 75 Cuff Assy. Curtiss 20 B 77 20 B 78 Blade Surface Repair: Symmetrically Welded Blades Blade Magnetic Inspection 147236-10, 147885- 11/01/52 10 1056-7C5-24 Blade 11/01/52 1056 Blade 11/01/52 Curtiss 20 20 20 20 B B B B 79 80 81 82 Hub Magnetic Inspection Power Gear Assy. Power Gear Assy. Blade & Cuff Assy. 145888 146457-2 146457-2 146795, 147921 11/01/52 11/01/52 11/01/52 11/01/52 Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss 20 20 B B 84 85 Hub Assy. Hub Assy. 146770 146770 11/01/52 11/01/52 Curtiss Curtiss 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 Curtiss 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 B B B B B B B 86 87 88 91 92 93 105 146549-2 146549-2 146640-2 146670-2 146759 146759 ZSG-3, ZSG-4, ZS2G-1 11/01/52 09/01/53 11/01/52 09/01/53 11/01/52 11/01/52 03/01/56 Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss 20 B 105 ZS2G-1 03/01/60 Curtiss 20 20 B B 106 107 ZSG C432S-C Series 02/15/60 11/01/55 Curtiss Curtiss 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 Curtiss 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 03/02/59 Curtiss 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 05/15/59 Curtiss 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 11/01/59 Curtiss 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 Motor & Brake Assy. Motor & Brake Assy. Speed Reducer Assy. Power Unit Assy. Attachment Assy. Attachment Assy. Constant Speed Throttle Control System: Airship Controls Constant Speed Throttle Control System Propeller Control Pitch Lever Type Propeller & Constant Speed Throttle Control System 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 03/01/60 Curtiss 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 05/15/60 Curtiss 20 B 108 Pitch Lever Electric Propeller C432S-C2, C432SC22, C432S-24, C432S-C26 11/01/58 08/15/60 Curtiss 20 B 127 Modification of Propeller Scoop Assy. C636SP-A, C736SP-A 08/01/53 Series Curtiss 20 B 129 Modification of Intergearing C636SP-A, C736SP-A 09/01/53 Bearing Assy. on Propellers Series Curtiss 20 B 137 Rotor Assy., Periodic Replacement of Bearing & Desludging of Propellers C636SP-A, C736SP-A 10/01/53 Series Curtiss 20 B 138 Incorporation of Intergearing C636SP-A, C736SP-A 01/01/54 Bearing Lock on Propellers Series Curtiss 20 20 B BA 501 1 20 BA 1 Propeller Control Electric Proportional Propeller Governor & Controls Electric Proportional Propeller Governor & Controls 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 04/10/58 Curtiss 02/25/45 05/10/45 Curtiss 100001, 100005, 100006, 100008 12/01/51 Curtiss 20 BA 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 BA 5 Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Proportional Propeller Governor 10/01/45 Curtiss 20 BB 1 01/01/44 Curtiss 20 BC 2 Lubricated Pad Type Governor Proportional Synchronizer 06/01/45 Curtiss 20 BC 3 Automatic Propeller Synchronizers 141519, 119778-20, 02/01/53 121520, 121813, 124978, 121817, 124046 Curtiss 20 BC 4 20 BC 4 Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 Electric Proportional Propeller Governor & Controls Electric Propeller Electric Propeller Electric Propeller Electric Propeller Electric Propeller Electric Propeller Electric Propeller Electric Proportional Propeller Governor & Controls 5245 5246 5247 03/25/45 100001, 100005, 100006, 100008 110002-20 08/01/45 08/01/45 08/01/45 08/01/45 08/01/45 08/01/45 08/01/45 04/01/50 08/01/51 Curtiss 03/25/45 07/10/46 01/06/47 08/25/48 04/18/50 11/01/57 Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss-Wright 08/01/51 02/29/52 Curtiss-Wright 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 20 BC 4 20 BC 4 20 BC 4 20 BC 4 20 BC 4 20 BC 4 20 BC 6 20 BC 7 20 BC 8 20 BC 9 20 BC 10 20 BC 11 20 BC 12 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System Propellers & Accessories: Installation of Replaceable Type Contact Points: Propeller Synchronizer Collector Assy. 08/01/51 06/30/52 Curtiss-Wright 04/01/48 Curtiss Electric Propeller Control System Electric Propeller Control System Modification of Propeller 128463 Synchronizer Assy. Rework of Propeller 128463 Synchronizer Assy. Inspection & Modification of 128463 Propeller Synchronizer Relays & Wiring 11/01/53 Curtiss 09/01/53 Curtiss 03/01/51 Curtiss 03/01/51 Curtiss 07/01/51 Curtiss 128463 01/01/52 Curtiss Provision for Increased Rheostat Drive Gear Clearance: Propeller Synchronizer Assy. 08/01/51 10/31/52 Curtiss-Wright 08/01/51 05/29/53 Curtiss-Wright 08/01/51 09/30/53 Curtiss-Wright 08/01/51 04/01/55 Curtiss-Wright 08/01/51 09/15/55 Curtiss-Wright 5261 20 BC 13 20 BC 14 20 BC 16 20 BD 1 20 BE 20 Rework of Synchronizer Protective Circuit Assy. Inspection & Lubrication Propeller Synchronizer Armature Shaft Pinion or Motor Gear 5262 5271 5272 Curtiss 12/01/43 Curtiss 1 Electric Propellers: Early Type, Hollow Steel-3 Blade C532S, C5315S 04/01/44 Curtiss BE 2 C532S-E106, C532S- 09/01/53 E108 Curtiss 20 BF 1 20 BF 1 20 BF 2 20 BF 2 20 20 BF BG 3 1 Installation of Feather Angle Mechanical Stop on Propellers Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Propellers Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Propellers Modification of Electric Propellers Modification of Electric Propellers 4 Blade Propellers Hollow Shaft, 3-Blade Propeller 5266 5270 119778-20, 121113- 09/01/53 20, 121114-20, 121520, 121813, 121817, 124046, 124978, 141519 Nacelle 5265 5269 Curtiss 12/01/53 5264 5268 02/01/53 Inspection & Cleaning of Nacelle Propeller Relays, #1 Position Electric Propellers: Late C532S, C5315S Type, Hollow Steel-3 Blade 5263 5267 128463, 144883 C543S 08/30/43 10/25/43 Curtiss C543S-C Series 07/01/45 C543S 08/30/43 10/25/43 Curtiss C543S-C28 02/01/50 Curtiss C543S C6315SH 10/15/43 01/01/44 Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss 5273 5274 20 BH 1 Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Electric Propeller Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Electric Propeller Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Electric Propellers C542S-A 07/01/45 Curtiss 20 BH 3 C542S-B 05/01/50 Curtiss 20 BH 4 C542S-A114, C542S- 04/01/45 A118, C542S-A120, C542S-A122, C542SA124, C542S-A126 Curtiss 20 BH 5 Propellers & Accessories: Increase of Propeller Blade Angle Range C542S-A114, C542S- 06/01/45 A118, C542S-A120, C542S-A122, C542SA124, C542S-A126, C542S-A132 Curtiss 20 BH 21 C542S-A Series 10/01/53 Curtiss 20 BJ 1 Propellers: Inspection & Rework of Speech Reducer Assy. Electric Propellers C532D, C5325D 05/01/50 Curtiss 20 BJ 2 Electric Propellers C532D-F, C5325D-A 07/01/45 Curtiss 20 BK 1 C532D 03/01/45 Curtiss 20 20 BL BL 2 3 113418 113418. 119874 11/01/45 10/01/49 Curtiss Curtiss 20 BL 4 113418. 119874 06/01/53 Curtiss 20 BM 4 Aluminum Alloy Electric Propellers: Early Type, 3Blade Reverse Pitch Relay Reverse Pitch Relay & Reverse Switching Relay Reverse Pitch Relay & Reverse Switching Relay Electric Propeller C634S-C314, C634S- 03/01/53 C402 Curtiss 5275 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 20 20 BM BM 5 8 20 BM 12 20 BM 13 20 BM 14 20 BM 16 20 BM 18 20 BM 19 20 BM 20 20 BM 21 20 BM 24 20 BM 25 20 BM 501 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 20 BM 501 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 11/01/58 Curtiss-Wright 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 Electric Propeller Propellers: Rework of Cuff Assy. Propellers: Replacement of Feather & Reverse Cam Segments Propellers: Inspection of Cuff Assy. Propeller Power Units: Inspection of Low Speed Movable Ring Gear Propellers: Incorporation of Semifloating Cuffs Propellers: Modification of Propeller Power Units Propellers: Modification of Propeller Blade Cuff Propellers: Modification of Propeller Blade & Cuff DeIcing Wiring Propellers: Modification of Propeller Cuff Assy. C634S-C C634S-C304 10/01/53 07/01/51 Curtiss Curtiss C634S-C300, C634S- 07/01/52 C400 Curtiss C634S-C304 06/01/51 Curtiss C634S-C300 07/01/51 Curtiss C634-C306, C634C310 C634S-C300 05/01/52 Curtiss 01/01/52 Curtiss C634S-C314, C634S- 06/01/53 C402 C634S-C314, C634S- 01/01/53 C402 Curtiss C634S-C314, C634S- 12/01/52 C402, C634S-C408 Curtiss Propellers: Change to Lockwire Power Unit Cover Attaching Screws Propellers: Replacement of Cuff Sheet Attaching Bolt C634S-C300, C634S- 02/01/53 C400 Series Curtiss C634S-C300, C634S- 01/01/53 C400 Series Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss-Wright 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 20 BM 501 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 11/01/59 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 501 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 02/15/60 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 501 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 08/15/60 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 05/01/59 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 11/15/59 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 02/15/60 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 06/01/60 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 06/01/58 08/15/60 Curtiss-Wright 20 BM 502 Electric Propeller & Controls C634S-C104 03/01/61 20 20 BM BM 503 503 Propeller & Controls Propeller & Controls 06/01/57 Curtiss 06/01/57 10/15/58 Curtiss 20 BM 503 Propeller & Controls 20 BM 503 Propeller & Controls 20 BM 503 Propeller & Controls 20 BM 503 Propeller & Controls 20 BM 503 Propeller & Controls C634S-C102 C634S-C102, C634SC104 C634S-C102, C634SC104 C634S-C102, C634SC104 C634S-C102, C634SC104 C634S-C102, C634SC104 C634S-C102, C634SC104 Curtiss-Wright Curtiss 06/01/57 04/15/59 Curtiss-Wright 06/01/57 11/01/59 Curtiss-Wright 06/01/57 02/01/60 Curtiss-Wright 06/01/57 08/15/60 Curtiss-Wright 06/01/57 03/01/61 Curtiss-Wright 20 BN 1 Electric Propellers C644S-A6, C644SA12, C644S-A22, C644S-A24, C644SA26, C644S-A32 02/01/46 Curtiss 20 20 BN BN 2 4 Electric Propellers Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Propellers 02/01/53 C644S-A6, C644S-A8, 06/01/45 C644S-A12, C644SA22, C644S-A24, C644S-A28 Curtiss Curtiss 20 BN 6 20 20 20 BN BN BN 7 8 9 Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Power Gear Plug Retention De-Icing Protective Relay A-705 DeIcing Protective Relay A-705 De-Icing Control Timers 1010-8-A, 1010-9-A, 1010-11-A 20 BN 10 De-Icing Control Timers 20 BN 17 20 BN 25 Conversion of Propeller De- C644S-A38, C644SIcing Circuits from Parallel to B100 Series Type C644S-B300 Series Inspection &/or Replacement of Low Speed Fixed Ring Gear & High & Low Speed Movable Ring Gears 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 10/01/45 Curtiss 07/01/47 07/01/47 02/01/51 Hartman Hartman Eclipse-Pioneer 1010-8-A, 1010-9-A, 02/01/51 1010-11-A Eclipse-Pioneer 08/01/51 Curtiss 09/01/53 Curtiss 20 BN 25 20 BN 26 20 BN 27 20 BN 28 20 BN 28 20 BN 20 A 5326 5327 5328 C644S-B300 Series 05/01/52 Modification of Propeller Low Speed Spider Retention System Modification & Inspection of C644S-B100 Series, 06/01/52 Propeller Spinner Assy. C644S-B304, C644SB316 Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Modification of Propeller & Spinner Assy. C644S-B100 Series, C644S-B304 07/01/53 Curtiss 29 Removal of Propeller Drag Brake C644S-A, C644S-B (Both Series) 02/01/53 Curtiss BN 31 Modification of Power Unit C644S-A, C644SMotor Terminal & Lead Assy. B100, C644S-B300 Series 09/01/53 Curtiss 20 BN 32 C644S Series 08/01/53 Curtiss 20 BN 34 C644S-A Series 07/01/53 Curtiss 20 BO 1 C532S-D 06/01/45 Curtiss 20 20 BO BP 3 1 Installation of Feather Angle Mechanical Stop in Propellers Inspection of Blades & Blade Gears Hollow Steel, 3-Blade Propellers Electric Propeller Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Propellers C532S-E C642S-B 03/01/52 12/01/45 Curtiss Curtiss 5332 5333 5337 Curtiss 06/01/52 5331 5336 06/01/53 C644S-B100 Series, C644S-B304 5330 5335 C644S-B300 Series Modification of Propeller & Spinner Assy. 5329 5334 Inspection of Low Speed Fixed Ring Gear & High Speed Movable Ring Gear B 5338 5339 20 BP 2 Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Propellers Hollow Steel, 4-Blade Propellers Propellers 20 BP 3 20 BQ 4 20 BQ 10 20 BT 2 Inspection of Worn Hub Assy. Parts Propellers 20 BT 3 Propellers 20 BT 6 Inspection & Modification of C736SP-A1 Propeller Hub Worn Drive Components 20 BT 7 Incorporation of Additional Pilot Attaching Screws to Propellers 20 BT 8 Modification of Brake Assy. for Propellers 5340 5341 A 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 C642S-B 12/01/45 Curtiss C642S-B 04/01/46 Curtiss C636SP-A11R, C636SP-A17R, C636SP-A21R, C636SP-A23R, C636SP-A27R, C636SP-A29R, C636SP-A31R, C636SP-A35R C636SP-A Series 06/01/53 Curtiss 04/01/51 Curtiss C736SP-A1, C736SP- 10/01/53 A3, C736SP-A5, C736SP-A7 Curtiss C736SP-A1, C736SP- 02/01/53 A3, C736SP-A5, C736SP-A7 Curtiss 02/01/52 Curtiss C736SP-A Series 03/01/53 Curtiss C736SP-A1 08/01/53 Curtiss 20 BT 9 Modification of Propeller Brake Flyweight Drive Gear C736SP-A Series 01/01/53 Curtiss 20 BT 10 Modification of Power Unit Cover Bearing Spacer & Replacement of Hub Nut Lock Washer on Propellers C736SP-A Series 02/01/53 Curtiss 20 BU 5 Propeller Assy. C735S-A2, C735S-A4 02/01/53 Curtiss 20 BU 16 C735S-A2, C735S-A4 10/01/53 Curtiss 20 BV 1 Change of Propeller Blade Angles Turboelectric Propeller Controls 145044 Governor, 05/01/51 144933 Synchronizer, 145094 Coordinator Curtiss 20 BV 2 Turboelectric Propeller Controls 09/01/53 145044 Governor, 144933 Synchronizer, 145094 Coordinator Curtiss 20 C 1 20 C 1 20 C 2 Propellers & Accessories: X-76ST, Hard Alloy Inspection & Rework of Blades Propellers & Accessories: X-76ST, Hard Alloy Inspection & Rework of Blades Propellers & Accessories: ReUpset Propeller Blades 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 A 10/01/44 Hamilton Standard 12/01/44 Hamilton Standard 12/01/44 20 C 2 Propellers & Accessories: ReUpset Propeller Blades 03/01/45 20 C 4 Aluminum Alloy Propeller Blades Aluminum Alloy Propeller Blades Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 535247 Anti-Icing Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 535247 Anti-Icing Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 535247 Anti-Icing Assy. 12/15/55 03/15/57 Hamilton Standard 20 C 4 20 C 5 20 C 5 20 C 6 20 C 6 Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 535247 Anti-Icing Incorporation of Moisture 2J17B3-8W Barrier in Propeller Blades 11/01/62 20 C 6 20 C 7 Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 549427, 557635, 715824, 738336-1 Anti-Icing, Propeller Afterbody 08/01/75 20 C 8 Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 549427, 557635, 715824, 738336-1 Anti-Icing, Propeller Afterbody 04/01/75 20 C 9 07/01/76 20 C 10 Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 557615 Anti-Icing Aircraft Propeller Spinner & 557615 Anti-Icing 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 A 12/01/76 02/01/60 02/01/60 02/15/63 Hamilton Standard 02/01/60 04/01/51 07/01/72 Hamilton Standard 20 C 12 Master Brake Cylinders 20 C 14 Master Brake Cylinders 20 C 15 Master Brake Cylinders 20 C 501 Spinner Assy. 20 C 501 Spinner Assy. 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 52104, 52401, 56324, 59715, 52519, 52520, 57764, 57765, 59384, 59385 52104, 52401, 56324, 59715, 52519, 52520, 57764, 57765, 59384, 59385 52104, 52401, 56324, 59715, 52519, 52520, 57764, 57765, 59384, 59385 88855, 509300, 510866, 525694, 546349, 546350 08/01/45 Bendix 08/01/45 Bendix 10/01/51 Bendix 88855, 509300, 510866, 525694, 546349, 546350 01/01/62 04/15/56 01/15/62 Hamilton Standard Hamilton Standard 20 C 502 Aircraft Propeller Spinners 20 CA 1 20 CA 2 20 CA 3 Constant Speed Control Assy. for Counterweight Propellers Single-Acting Constant Speed Control Assy. for Hydromatic Propellers Single-Acting Constant Speed Control Assy. for Hydromatic Propellers 20 CA 4 20 CA 6 20 CA 7 20 CA 9 20 CA 10 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 Constant Speed Control Governors Pressure Cutout Switches 88850, 88855, 509300, 509301, 510866, 525694, 546348, 546349, 546350 10/01/68 Hamilton Standard 02/01/60 Hamilton Standard 09/01/59 Hamilton Standard 3G8, 4B2, 4G8, 4G10, 10/01/58 4L11, 4W8, 4W10 Hamilton Standard 11/01/43 Hamilton Standard 09/01/41 General Electric 09/01/42 Hamilton Standard 02/01/45 Hamilton Standard 11/01/44 Hamilton Standard 2CD2A1, 2CD2A1A Propellers & Accessories: 55526 Instructions for Pressure Cutout Switch Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Double Capacity Propeller Governors Propellers & Accessories: Increase of Relief Pressure in Double Capacity Hydromatic Governors 20 CA 12 Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Hydromatic Propeller Governors 12/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 13 Propellers & Accessories: Identification of Propeller Feathering Switches 05/01/45 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 14 03/01/49 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 15 07/01/45 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 18 05/01/50 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 20 Guide for Assy. & Adjustment of Governors Propellers & Accessories: Locking of Propeller Governor Control Shaft Packing Nut Assy. Modification of Standardization of Double Capacity Propeller Governors Control & Brush Pad Assy., Drive Bracket Assy. & Auxiliary Oil Supply Assy. 01/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 21 Control & Brush Pad Assy., Drive Bracket Assy. & Auxiliary Oil Supply Assy. 02/01/61 519862, 549698, 556914, 88775, 89077, 522014, 522017, 90178, 90179, 90181, 90182 Hamilton Standard 20 CA 23 Double-Acting Constant Speed Controls 4U18, 5U18 Hamilton Standard 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 89077, 519862, 522014, 522017, 90181, 90178 03/01/75 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 20 CA 24 20 CA 24 20 CA 24 20 CA 24 20 CA 25 20 CA 30 20 20 CA CAD 501 1 20 CAD 2 20 CAD 2 5397 5398 5399 Double-Acting Constant Speed Controls Double-Acting Constant Speed Controls Double-Acting Constant Speed Controls Double-Acting Constant Speed Controls Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Propeller Pitch Control Assy. Push-Button Switch Variable Pitch Propeller Control & Control Drive Bracket Aircraft Propeller Control, Engine Negative Torque Bracket Assy., Control Drive Bracket Assy. 4U18, 5U18 06/01/62 4U18, 5U18 06/01/62 12/15/62 Hamilton Standard 4U18, 5U18 06/01/62 02/15/64 Hamilton Standard 4U18, 5U18 03/01/75 Hamilton Standard 33LF-355, 33LF-356 02/01/82 Hamilton Standard D-11-6-10028 09/01/51 Simmonds 2CC1B7 583700, 550562, 543641 01/01/57 General Electric 01/15/64 02/15/66 Hamilton Standard 550562, 583700, 546404, 572942, 543641 04/15/64 Hamilton Standard 04/01/75 Hamilton Standard 583700, 572942, Aircraft Propeller Control, 738338-1, 543641 Engine Negative Torque Bracket Assy., Control Drive Bracket Assy. Hamilton Standard 20 CAD 3 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Control, Engine Negative Torque Bracket Assy., Control Drive Bracket, Air Baffle Assy. 582440, 597946, 12/01/76 739000-1, 557076, 738337-1, 753790-1, 543641, 597940, 747747-1 Hamilton Standard 20 CAD 4 Propeller Control, Engine Negative Torque Bracket, Control Drive Bracket, Air Baffle Assy. 582440, 597946, 12/01/76 739000-1, 557076, 738337-1, 753790-1, 543641, 597940, 747747-1 Hamilton Standard 20 CB 1 Counterweight Propellers 2B20, 2D30, 2E40, 3D40, 3E50, 12D40 05/01/45 02/01/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CB 1 Counterweight Propellers 2B20, 2D30, 2E40, 3D40, 3E50, 12D40 05/01/45 08/01/56 Hamilton Standard 20 CB 1 Counterweight Propellers 2B20, 2D30, 2E40, 3D40, 3E50, 12D40 05/01/45 02/01/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CB 1 Counterweight Propellers Hub 2B20, 2D30, 2E40, 3D40, 3E50, 12D40 09/01/59 20 CB 2 Counterweight Propeller 2B20, 2D30, 2E40, 3D40, 3E50, 12D40 04/01/45 11/01/52 Hamilton Standard 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 Hamilton Standard 20 CB 2 Counterweight Propellers 05/01/56 Hamilton Standard 20 CB 7 Dustproof Propeller Spinners 01/01/45 Propellers & Accessories: 42J14784 Installation of Fillister-Head Screws on Dustproof Spinner 11/01/43 Montgomery Metal Spinning Montgomery Metal Spinning 20 CB 8 20 CBBA 501 Variable Pitch Propeller & Constant Speed Control 23D40-311, 4B2-1 04/15/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBA 502 Variable Pitch Propeller & Constant Speed Control 23D40-311 04/15/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBA 502 Variable Pitch Propeller & Constant Speed Control 23D40-311 04/15/58 09/01/61 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBB 4 Integral Oil Control to Hub 43D50 Lock-Rework & Insulation of De-Icing Ground Circuit 08/01/53 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBB 6 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBB 7 43D50 Propeller & Associated Equipment for Navy T28B & C Propeller Assy. 43D50-301, 43D50311, 43D50-321 11/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBB 8 11/01/70 Hamilton Standard 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Hub 2B20, 2D30, 2E40, 3D40, 3E50, 12D40 43D50-301, 43D50311, 43D50-321, 43D50-325 20 CBBC 1 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43D51-303, 43D51329, 43D51-341, 43D51-343, 43D51355 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBC 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43D51-303, 43D51341, 43D51-343, 43D51-355 12/01/70 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBC 3 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43D51-303, 43D51- 04/01/56 02/01/62 Hamilton Standard 329, 43D51-341, 43D51-343, 43D51355, 82405, 522173, 546425 20 CBBD 7 Variable Pitch Aircraft 43E60-305, 43E60Propeller with Bracket Assy. 343, 43E60-511, & Spinner Assy. 88889, 502412, 88888, 509301 09/01/60 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBD 8 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller, Brush Block Bracket Assy. 43E60-305, 43E60343, 43E60-511, 43E60-531, 88889 10/01/60 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBG 1 Hydromatic Propeller 22D30 04/01/54 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBG 2 Hydromatic Propeller 22D30 08/01/58 Hamilton Standard 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 20 CBBG 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 22D30-305, 22D30307, 22D30-317 02/15/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBG 3 Hydromatic Propeller 22D30-305, 22D30307, 22D30-317 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 4 Variable Pitch Propeller 12/01/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 4 Variable Pitch Propeller 20 CBBH 4 Variable Pitch Propeller 20 CBBH 4 Variable Pitch Propeller 20 CBBH 4 Variable Pitch Propeller 20 CBBH 5 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43H60-359, 43H60383 43H60-359, 43H60383 43H60-359, 43H60383 43H60-359, 43H60383 43H60-359, 43H60383 43H60-359, 43H60383, 43H60-395 09/01/62 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 6 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller & Brush Block Bracket Assy. 43H60-359, 43H60383, 43H60-395, 502415 03/01/62 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 501 43H60-341 06/01/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 501 43H60-341 06/01/58 12/15/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 501 43H60-341 06/01/58 12/15/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBH 502 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43H60-341 06/01/66 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 12/01/58 09/01/59 Hamilton Standard 12/01/58 03/01/61 Hamilton Standard 12/01/58 12/01/61 Hamilton Standard 12/01/58 12/15/65 Hamilton Standard Hamilton Standard 20 CBBJ 1 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 05/01/71 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111, 54H6075/HSTPB34 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 03/15/60 04/15/62 Hamilton Standard 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 03/15/60 11/15/62 Hamilton Standard 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 03/15/60 07/15/63 Hamilton Standard 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 03/15/60 01/15/64 Hamilton Standard 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 03/15/60 01/01/66 Hamilton Standard 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 12/01/70 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111, 54H6075/HSTPB34 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBJ 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-111, 54H6075/HSTPB34 02/01/82 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBJ 3 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 01/01/63 54H60-85, 54H60-89, 54H60-111 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBJ 3 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-73, 54H60-75, 01/01/63 08/15/63 Hamilton Standard 54H60-85, 54H60-89 20 CBBJ 3 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-75/HSTPB34, 04/01/72 54H60-89, 54H60111 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBK 1 54H60-77 08/01/84 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBK 2 54H60-77 04/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBK 2 54H60-77 12/01/76 Hamilton Standard 20 CBBK 3 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller System Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 54H60-77 12/01/76 Hamilton Standard 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 20 CBDB 2 Reversing Hydromatic Propeller 24260-205, 24260213, 24260-221, 24260-229, 24260231, 24260-245, 24260-603, 24260609, 24260-611, 24260-613, 24260615, 24260-619 06/01/57 20 CBDB 2 Reversing Hydromatic Propeller 24260-205, 24260213, 24260-221, 24260-229, 24260231, 24260-245, 24260-603, 24260609, 24260-611, 24260-613, 24260615, 24260-619 06/01/57 09/01/57 Hamilton Standard 5452 5453 Hamilton Standard 20 CBDB 2 Reversing Hydromatic Propeller 24260-205, 24260213, 24260-221, 24260-229, 24260231, 24260-245, 24260-603, 24260609, 24260-611, 24260-613, 24260615, 24260-619 06/01/57 03/01/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBDB 2 Reversing Hydromatic Propeller 24260-205, 24260213, 24260-221, 24260-229, 24260231, 24260-245, 24260-603, 24260609, 24260-611, 24260-613, 24260615, 24260-619 06/01/57 09/01/58 Hamilton Standard 5454 5455 20 CBDB 2 Reversing Hydromatic Propeller 24260-205, 24260213, 24260-221, 24260-229, 24260231, 24260-245, 24260-603, 24260609, 24260-611, 24260-613, 24260615, 24260-619 06/01/57 04/01/59 Hamilton Standard 20 CBDB 3 Hamilton Standard CBDB 8 24260-613, 24260615 24260-79, 24260107, 24260-315, 24260-69, 24260301, 24260-309, 24260-329 02/01/66 20 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Reversing Hydromatic Propellers 06/01/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CBDB 9 Reversing Hydromatic Propellers 24260-63, 24260-69, 06/01/56 24260-79, 24260107, 24260-301, 24260-307, 24260309, 24260-315 Hamilton Standard 20 CBDB 14 Hamilton Standard CBDB 16 24260-213, 24260221 24260 Series 05/01/53 20 New Design Cams: Installation of Propellers Inspection of Propellers 01/01/53 Hamilton Standard 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 20 CBDC 2 Variable Pitch Propellers 23260-15, 23260-41, 10/01/56 04/01/61 Hamilton Standard 23260-67, 23260-85, 23260-99, 23260101, 23260-242, 23260-303, 23260305, 23260-313, 23260-323 20 CBDC 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propellers 24260-303, 24260313, 24260-337 12/01/70 Hamilton Standard 20 CBDC 3 Variable Pitch Propeller Brush Pad Bracket Assy. 24260-303, 24260313, 88827, 88842 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 1 Hydromatic Propellers 23E50, 24D50, 06/01/56 24E50, 24E60, 33E60 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 1 Hydromatic Propellers 01/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 1 01/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 2 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Hydromatic Propellers 23E50-473, 23E50505 23E50-473, 23E50505 20 CC 2 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller & Blade Assy. 12/25/44 09/15/45 Hamilton Standard 23E50-473, 23E50- 12/01/65 505, 6477A-O, 6501AO, 6507A-O, 6615A-O Hamilton Standard 20 CC 4 Hydromatic Propellers 22D30, 22D40, 07/01/43 23D40, 33D50, 23E50, 33E60, 23F60, 24D50, 24E50, 24E60, 24F60 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 8 Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Hydromatic Propellers Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Hydromatic Propellers Propellers & Accessories: Instructions for Feathering & Unfeathering Hydromatic Propellers 08/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 8 11/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 9 02/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 10 Propellers & Accessories: Preliminary Instructions & Parts Catalog for Hydromatic Propeller Spinner Assy. 03/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 11 Propellers & Accessories: Supplementary Tool List for Hydromatic Propellers 04/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 12 Propellers & Accessories: Oil Testing of Hydromatic Propellers 05/01/44 Hamilton Standard 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 A 20 CC 13 Propellers & Accessories: Inspection & Replacement of Blade Packing Washers in Hydromatic Propellers 06/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 15 Propellers & Accessories: Inspection & Replacement of Feathering Switches 12/01/44 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 16 02/01/45 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 18 Propellers & Accessories: Installation of Flexible Connection in Anti-Icer Fluid Supply Line Propellers & Accessories: Deleting Assy. Stop Pins from Hydromatic Propellers 06/01/45 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 19 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 21 20 CC 24 Propellers & Accessories: 33E60 06/01/45 Rework of Barrel Support Blocks on Hydromatic Propellers Propellers & Accessories: 23E50, 33D50, 33E60 08/01/45 Rework of Barrel Support Blocks of Hydromatic Propellers Propellers & Accessories: 09/01/45 Removal of Fuses & Current Limiters from Feathering Pump Electrical Circuits on Hydromatic Propellers 20 CC 30 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 Integral Oil Hydromatic Propeller System 24260 02/01/58 Hamilton Standard Hamilton Standard Hamilton Standard 5485 5486 20 CC 33 Reversing Type Hydromatic Propeller Engine Oil Type Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Engine & Integral Oil Type Reversing Hydromatic Propellers Reversing Hydromatic Propellers Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Assy. 24F60-342 10/01/48 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 35 23260, 24260 02/01/67 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 36 23260, 24260 06/01/52 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 37 23260, 24260 11/01/51 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 38 43D50-605, 43D50607, 43D50-609, 43D50-613, 43D50637, 43D50-641 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 39 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller Assy. 43D50-605, 43D50607, 43D50-609, 43D50-613, 43D50637, 43D50-641 11/01/70 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 40 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43D50-605, 43D50607, 43D50-609, 43D50-613, 43D50637, 43D50-641 01/01/71 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 48 Propeller Assy. 34E60 06/01/61 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Propeller Assy. 34E60 11/01/53 Hamilton Standard 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 11/15/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 02/15/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 11/15/56 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 02/15/56 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 11/15/57 Hamilton Standard 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 02/15/57 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 04/15/61 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 49 Hydromatic Propeller 34E60-303, 34E60305, 34E60-317, 34E60-321, 34E60323, 88912, 93207 11/15/53 09/15/61 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 50 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller & Brush Pad and Bracket Assy. 34E60-317, 34E60323, 34E60-325, 34E60-343, 93207 06/01/62 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 51 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller 43E60-495, 43E60497, 43E60-567, 43E60-569 02/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 53 Hydromatic Propellers with Bracket Assy. 43E60-495, 43E60497, 43E60-567, 43E60-569 04/01/66 Hamilton Standard 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 20 CC 53 Propeller Assy.: Deicer & 43E60-301, 43E60Control Brush Bracket Assy. 341, 43E60-351, 43E60-495, 43E60497, 88870 09/01/58 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 53 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller & Deicer Control Bracket Assy. 43E60-495, 43E60497, 43E60-567, 43E60-569, 88870 06/01/80 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 55 Variable Pitch Aircraft Propeller & Deicer Control Bracket Assy. 43E60-341, 501, 529, 05/01/68 549, 551, 565, 88870 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 63 Installation of Propeller Blade 2J17G3-26R, 24260, 24260-213, 24260221, 24260-229, 24260-231 04/01/53 Hamilton Standard 20 CC 64 04/01/53 Hamilton Standard 20 CE 1 Replacement of Oil Sealing 24260 Cap Snap Ring Spacer Retaining Clamp on Integral Oil Propellers 2-Engine & 4-Engine 320400, 320710, Synchronizers 322182, 320300, 322080 02/01/62 Hamilton Standard 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 20 CE 2 2-Engine & 4-Engine Synchronizers 320400, 320710, 322182, 320300, 322080 07/01/61 Hamilton Standard 20 CEA 1 Aircraft Propeller Synchrophaser, Aircraft Propeller Phase & Trim Control, Speed Bias Servo Assy. 585500, 578578, 519819, 599461, 546766, 557915, 597925 08/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 CEA 2 585500, 578578, 519819 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CEA 3 Aircraft Propeller Synchrophaser, Aircraft Propeller Phase & Trim Control Aircraft Propeller Synchrophaser, Aircraft Propeller Phase & Trim Control, Speed Bias Servo Assy. 585500, 578578, 519819, 599461, 546766, 557915, 597925 11/01/66 Hamilton Standard 20 20 CEB CEB 1 1 Propeller Deicer Timer Propeller Deicer Timer 560655, S3698 560655, S3698 04/01/64 09/01/72 20 CEB 2 Propeller Deicer Timer 560655, S3698 04/01/64 20 CEC 2 73278, 72676, Propeller Accessories: 80248, 80420, Reversing Control Assy., 71217, 78496 Relay Box Assy., Propeller Control Box Assy., Filter Box Assy. 12/01/52 A.W. Haydon HamStd/A.W. Haydon HamStd/A.W. Haydon Hamilton Standard 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 20 CEC 3 20 CEC 501 Propeller Accessories: Reversing Control Assy., Relay Box Assy., Propeller Control Box Assy., Filter Box Assy. Reversing Control 73278, 72676, 80248, 80420, 71217, 78496 12/01/52 Hamilton Standard 72400, 73278, 88029, 509628 72400, 73278, 88029, 509628 73278, 88029, 509628 72676, 80248, 80420, 87057, 87932, 91196 72676, 80248, 80420, 87057, 87932, 91196, 501733, 518846 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 502 Reversing Control 06/15/57 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 502 Reversing Control 02/01/57 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 503 Propeller Control Box 06/15/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 503 Propeller Control Box 20 CEC 504 Propeller Control Box 72676, 80248, 80420, 87057, 87932, 91196, 501733, 518846 03/01/62 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 505 RPM Control Box Relay 71217, 89602 06/01/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 506 RPM Control Box Relay 89602 09/01/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 507 Propeller RPM Control Box 82153-2, 71164 06/01/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 508 Propeller RPM Control Box 82153-2, 71164 09/01/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 509 Motor Driven Switch 65720, 69009 06/15/55 Hamilton Standard 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 06/15/55 06/15/57 Hamilton Standard 5531 5532 20 CEC 509 Motor Driven Switch 65720, 69009 06/15/55 06/15/56 Hamilton Standard 20 CEC 510 Motor Driven Switch 65720, 69009 07/01/55 Hamilton Standard 20 CED 2 AC Electric Auxiliary Control 537874, 540299, Motor 55688, 56020 09/01/74 Hamilton Standard 20 CED 3 AC Electric Auxiliary Control 537874, 540299, Motor 55688, 56020 06/01/64 Hamilton Standard 20 CEG 1 Hydraulic Standby Pump & Hydraulic Scavenge Pump 554826, 554820, 9302, 9303 05/01/64 Chandler-Evans 20 CEG 2 Hydraulic Standby Pump & Hydraulic Scavenge Pump 9302, 9303 (Both Series) 04/01/72 Chandler-Evans 20 20 20 20 CEG CEG CEG E 3 3 4 1 Hydraulic Auxiliary Pump Hydraulic Auxiliary Pump Hydraulic Auxiliary Pump Constant Speed Propellers 554825, 9304 554825, 9304 9304 Series 05/01/64 02/01/67 04/01/72 05/01/44 Chandler-Evans Chandler-Evans Chandler-Evans Aeroproducts 20 E 2 Constant Speed Propellers 06/01/43 Aeroproducts 20 E 3 11/01/42 20 E 7 Propellers & Accessories: 42B14403 Use of Blade End Protecting Cap Constant Speed Propellers 20 E 8 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 Propellers & Accessories: Dimensional Inspection of Regulator Housing Bearing & Cover Bearing 11/01/43 Aeroproducts 12/01/43 Aeroproducts 20 E 9 Propellers & Accessories: Conversion of Propeller Governor Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Regulator Assy. Propellers & Accessories: Rework of Propellers A632S-C1, A632S-C4 12/01/43 Aeroproducts 20 E 10 08/01/44 Aeroproducts 20 E 11 A542-A1, A542-B1, 10/01/45 A542-B2, A642S-D3, A642S-E1, A642S-E2, A642-G1 Aeroproducts 20 EA 1 Constant Speed Propeller A542-A1 09/01/45 Aeroproducts 20 EA 2 A542-A1 07/01/45 Aeroproducts 20 EB 1 A542-B1, A542-B2 05/01/45 Aeroproducts 20 EC 1 Propellers & Accessories: Rework of Propeller Regulator Housing for Installation of Threaded Regulator Locating Dowel Hydraulic Controllable Propellers Propeller 20 20 EC EC 8 9 Hydraulic Propeller Hydraulic Propeller 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 A642-G1, A642-G2, 12/01/56 A642-G4, A642-G5, A642-G8, A642-G11, A642-G12, A642G14, A642-G804, A642-G805 AeroproductsAllison A642-G805 A642-G805 Allison Allison 06/01/65 06/01/65 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 20 20 EC ED 10 1 Hydraulic Propeller Dual Rotation Propellers 20 EE 1 Hydraulic Propeller 20 EE 1 20 EF 1 20 EG 2 20 EG 3 Hydraulically Operated Propellers Constant Speed Full Feathering Propellers Constant Speed Full Feathering Propellers Propellers 20 20 20 20 EH EH EH EH 1 2 3 7 20 EH 7 20 EJ 20 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 Allison Aeroproducts Aeroproducts A642S-E1, A642S-E2 10/01/45 Aeroproducts A542F-C1, AL542F-C1 03/01/46 Aeroproducts A542F-C1, AL542F-C1 11/01/46 Aeroproducts A542F-D1, A542F-D2, 03/01/49 AL542F-D1, A542FD2 Aeroproducts A322F-A1 A322F-A1 A322F-A1 A322F-A1 02/01/50 08/01/52 03/01/51 07/01/53 Aeroproducts Aeroproducts Aeroproducts Aeroproducts A322F-A1 02/01/54 Aeroproducts 5 Hydraulic Propellers Hydraulic Propellers Hydraulic Propellers Reindexing of Low Blade Angle on Propellers Reindexing of Low Blade Angle on Propellers Hydraulic Propeller A644FN-C1 11/01/53 EJ 6 Hydraulic Propeller A644FN-C1 12/01/53 20 EL 1 Propeller Control Box AD86641F-A5, AD8664F-A4 11/01/54 AeroproductsAllison AeroproductsAllison AeroproductsAllison 20 EL 2 Propeller Control Box AD86641F-A5, AD8664F-A4 09/01/54 AeroproductsAllison 20 EL 4 Propeller AD8664FJ-B1 12/01/54 AeroproductsAllison A 5568 5569 5570 A642-G805 03/01/65 AD7562-A1, AD7562- 03/01/45 A2 A642S-E1, A642S-E2 05/25/45 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 20 EL 501 Electronic Synchronizer AS-A2 20 20 20 20 20 20 EM EM EM EM EM EM 1 1 2 2 2 3 Hydraulic Propeller Hydraulic Propeller Hydraulic Propeller Hydraulic Propeller Hydraulic Propeller Hydraulic Propeller A6441FN-248 A6441FN-248 A6441FN-248 A6441FN-248 A6441FN-248 A6441FN-248 20 EMA 1 Alternator Installation Assy. 6505555 20 20 20 EMC 1 EMD 1 F 1 20 F 2 20 F 8 20 G 1 5585 20 G 2 5586 20 G 3 20 GD 20 GE 6504097 6502251 2-Blade, Fixed Pitch 8530, 8599 03/01/44 Warner R002 06/01/45 Beech Annesley 75 11/01/44 Diamoloy Tool Co Annesley 185 04/01/45 5 Manually Controlled Propeller 2-Blade Controllable Pitch Propeller 2-Blade Controllable Pitch Propeller Attitude Gyro Indicator 650035, 659644, 661672, 661706, 664101, AF J-1 03/01/49 2 Vertical Gyro Control Assy. 5587 5588 AeroproductsAllison 05/01/63 Allison 05/01/63 02/01/64 Allison 05/01/63 Allison 05/01/63 11/01/63 Allison 05/01/63 05/01/64 Allison 04/01/71 AeroproductsAllison 08/01/73 Allison Time Delay Relay Propeller Deicer Timer Wood Propellers & Test Clubs Compreg Propeller Blades for HamStd Hubs Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Warner Hub 5583 5584 05/01/55 02/01/61 10/01/65 12/01/43 Allison Allison 12/01/43 Series B, 1, 2, AF K-4 01/01/54 Sperry Lear 5589 5590 5591 5592 20 HA 1 20 HA 2 20 HA 3 20 HA 4 20 HA 5 20 HA 6 20 HA 8 20 HA 9 20 HE 4 20 J 1 Controllable Pitch Propeller C3FC3 05/01/46 20 K 501 Propeller Assy. 09/15/54 03/15/55 Beech 20 K 503 Propeller Assy. 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 Electric Propeller Governor Control Head Electric Propeller Governor Control Head Electric Propeller Governor Control Head Electric Propeller Governor Control Head Propellers & Accessories: Conversion of Electric Propeller Governor Control Heads Propellers & Accessories: Rework of Armature Shaft & Bushing & Replacement of Pin: Electric Control Head 1, 1506 09/01/45 Eclipse 1506 05/01/46 Eclipse-Pioneer 1, 1506 01/01/46 1, 1506 01/01/48 1506-1A, 1506-1B, 1506-1C, 1506-1D 01/01/47 Eclipse 1506 08/01/46 Eclipse Modification of Electric 1506-1D 03/01/53 Propeller Governor Control Head Assy. Modification of Governor 1506 10/01/53 Control Head Bank & Turn Indicator Assy. B4, B4-A,B4-B, B4-D, 02/01/53 B4-E, B4-F, B4-K Eclipse 278-101, 278-102, 278-220 278-101, 278-102, 278-220, 278-222 08/18/58 Eclipse Schwien Sensenich Bros Beech 20 KA 2 Propeller including Manually R202-101, R202-106 09/01/52 Operated Electric Control Beech 20 KA 3 Propeller including Manually R202-101, R202-106 07/01/51 Operated Electric Control Beech 20 LA 2 Hydro-Selective Propeller Assy. HC-12x20-7B/8428, HC-12x20-7B/8433, HC-12x20-7C/8433 04/01/53 Hartzell 20 LA 3 Hydro-Selective Propeller Assy. HC-12x20-7B/8428, HC-12x20-7B/8433, HC-12x20-7C/8433 04/01/53 Hartzell 20 M 501 Propeller Assy. 2A36C1-T/90M-O 08/01/56 McCauley 20 P 1 04/01/72 Pesco 20 P 2 Hydraulic Gear Type 013504-013-01 Scavenge Pump Assy. Hydraulic Gear Type Standby 013231-015-01 Pump Assy. List of Propellers & Governors for Service Aircraft Propellers & Accessories: Operating Time Between Major Overhaul Steel Propellers, Split Hub 41D5926-SS135-3 Design 04/01/72 Pesco 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 20 1 20 5 20 9 5608 5609 5610 05/01/53 07/01/47 08/01/45 McCauley Steel 20 15 Electric Propeller Governor 492, 493 Control & Switch Box for use w/ Ham Std Propeller Governor 10/01/42 20 18 Inspection, Repair & Disposition of Damaged Aluminum Alloy Propellers Blades & Accessories 02/01/45 20 21 04/01/44 20 22 20 23 Propellers & Accessories: Shipment of Disassembled Propellers Dynamic Balancing of Propellers Propellers & Accessories: Installation of Propeller AntiIcing Equipment, Steel or Aluminum-Alloy Blades 20 24 09/01/44 Pesco/Eclipse 20 25 05/01/44 Eclipse 20 20 27 31 Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Propeller Feathering Pumps: Pesco & Eclipse Propellers & Accessories: Modification of Electric Governor Heads: Eclipse Variable Pitch Propeller Propellers & Accessories: Distinction Between Governor Substituting Gaskets & Governor Mounting Gaskets 07/01/46 06/01/45 Koppers 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 Eclipse 10/01/44 08/01/47 221B 5620 20 32 20 34 20 40 20 41 20 42 20 45 Single Piece, Fixed Pitch Propellers 20 46 Temporary Sealing of Propeller Blad Vent Holes 20 520 Propeller Governor 210105-1, CSSA 06/01/56 20 521 Propeller Governor CSSA, 210105-1 06/01/56 Tail & Nose Wheels: Inspection & Lubrication of Antifriction Bearings Streamline Tail or Nose Wheels Smooth Contour Auxiliary Wheels Smooth Contour Tail Wheels 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 25 A 1 25 A 3 25 A 4 25 A 5 25 A 9 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 Electric Propeller Governor 493 Control Head Propellers & Accessories: 389 Grounding of Type 389 Propeller Feathering Pumps 05/01/45 Eclipse 12/01/44 Eclipse Propeller Governor Control B-1128-2RL Assy. Propeller Governor Control B-1673 Assy. Propeller Pitch Control Assy. D11-6-10012 11/01/52 Simmonds 11/01/52 Simmonds 11/01/52 Simmonds 01/01/54 McCauley Smooth Contour Tail or Nose Wheels Tail Wheels 1A90, 1B90, 1A170, 1A200, 1B200 12/01/53 Woodward Governor Woodward 01/01/44 01/01/43 Hayes 07/01/40 02/01/40 Variety Manufacturing Air Assoc 03/01/41 Bendix 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 25 AA 1 25 AA 2 25 AA 505 25 25 AB AB 1 1 25 ABB 1 25 ABB 501 25 AM 25 05/01/52 Goodyear 9540341, 9540342 01/01/52 Goodyear 9560442, 9540978 06/01/65 Goodyear 150712-4 150712-4 11/15/64 09/01/77 Bendix 65251-08002-042, 65251-08002-044 09/01/75 Sikorsky Main Wheel Landing Gear Oleo Assy. & Tail Wheel Landing Gear Oleo Assy. S1625-50102, S1625- 07/01/55 50102-1, S162550510 Sikorsky 502 Nose Landing Gear Strut Assy. Axelson AM 503 Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. RA75400-20, 10/01/72 RA75400-30, RA75400-40, RA75400-70 R75450-11, R75450- 12/01/57 12, R75450-1, R75450-2 25 AM 504 Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. R75450-11, R75450- 12/01/57 12, R75450-1, R75450-2 Axelson 25 25 25 25 25 B B B B B 1 1 2 3 8 Main Landing Wheels Main Landing Wheels Brakes Nose & Tail Wheels Reversible Hydraulic Brakes 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 Cross-Wind Landing Wheel & Brake Cross-Wind Landing Wheel & Brake Internal Brake & Landing Wheel Brake Assy. Brake Assy. 13.5 x 9.88: 2 Rotor Main Landing Gear Oleo Assy. Axelson 10/20/44 06/01/45 08/01/58 Goodrich 01/01/43 Hayes 05/01/59 Goodrich 08/01/52 Hayes 5649 5650 25 25 25 B B B 9 9 10 Expander Tube Brakes Expander Tube Brakes High Pressure Tail Wheels 25 25 B B 11 13 Wheels, Brakes, & Struts Low Pressure Tail Wheels 25 B 15 02/01/45 Hayes 25 B 17 H-3-38, H-3-101 Wheels, Brakes, Struts: Identification & Replacement of 20" Brake Drums Tail Wheel Shimmy Damper 2124 06/01/48 Saval 25 B 18 Tail Wheel Shimmy Damper 2124 06/01/48 Saval 25 B 19 Main Landing Gear Wheels 25 B 19 Main Landing Gear Wheels 10/01/71 Goodrich 25 B 19 Rework of Bendix, Goodrich 17.00 x 20 & Goodyear: Nose Wheel Assy. 10/01/53 Bendix/Goodrich/ Goodyear 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 A D-3-285M-1, D-3285MD-1, D-3275XM-1, D-3275XMD-1, D-3292M-1, D-3-292MD1, D-3-425M-1, D-3425MD-1, D-3-401M1 03/15/45 05/01/45 03/01/61 H-3-101 K-1AC3, D-3-5, D-3- 04/01/48 25, D-3-2, D-3-227, D3-35, D-3-173, D-321A, D-3-21A-1, B-141 Hayes Goodrich Hayes Goodrich 5660 5661 5662 5663 25 B 20 Main Landing Gear Wheels 12/01/71 Goodrich 25 B 21 11/01/72 Goodrich 25 B 22 04/01/83 Goodrich 25 B 24 Auxiliary Landing Gear Wheels Auxiliary Landing Gear Wheels Main Landing Gear Wheel 3-1267 08/01/76 Goodrich 25 BA 19 Landing Gear Wheel 3-1089, 3-1089-1, R1630-858-4473XGDC 06/01/65 Goodrich 25 BB 1 Main, Nose & Tail Wheels 05/01/53 Bendix 25 BB 2 Replacement of Brake Drum 59180M1 Mounting Bolt & Nuts in Bendix Wheel Assy. 10/01/53 Bendix 25 BB 3 Bendix 25 BB 3 Installation of Bendix 147227 09/01/53 Demountable Flange Retainer Ring 12/01/62 Main Wheel, Nose Wheel & 57386PAC, Tail Wheel 57396PAC, 145307PM-1, 145340M-1, 1507112, 151249-1, 1527251, 57608M-2, 146122A, 52058 25 25 BB BB 4 4 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 A Main Wheel Assy. Main Wheel Assy. 153400-1 153400-1 Bendix 05/01/62 12/01/64 Bendix 07/01/67 Bendix 25 BB 501 Main Wheel, Nose Wheel & 57386PAC, 01/15/63 Tail Wheel 145307PM-1, 145340M-1, 1507112, 151249-1, 1527251, 57608M-2, 146122A, 52058 Bendix 25 BB 501 Main Wheel, Nose Wheel & 57386PAC, 10/01/68 Tail Wheel 145307PM-1, 145340M-1, 1542341, 150711-2, 1512491, 152725-1, -2, 154542-1, 153979-1, 57608M-2, 146122A, 52058 Bendix 25 BB 502 07/01/74 Main Wheel, Nose Wheel & 57386PAC, Tail Wheel Assy. 145307PM-1, 145340M-1, 1542341, 150711-2, 1512491, 152725-1, -2, 154542-1, 153979-1, 57608M-2, 146122A, 52058 Bendix 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 25 BC 1 25 BC 2 25 BC 3 25 25 BC BC 4 4 25 BC 5 25 BC 6 25 25 BC BC 501 501 25 BC 502 25 BC 503 25 BD 1 Landing Wheels for use with Disc Brakes Landing Wheels for use with Disc Brakes Nose, Tail, & Auxiliary Wheels Nose & Tail Wheels Nose, Tail, & Auxiliary Wheels Multiple Disc Brake Type Landing Wheels Multiple Disc Brake Type I, II, III, IV, VII Landing Wheels Landing Wheels Landing Wheels for use with Disc Brakes Nose, Tail & Auxiliary Wheels Landing Wheels for use with Multiple Disc Brakes Tail & Auxiliary Wheels AO200, AO200-F, CO200, CO200-M, BO200, EO200M, JO200M-1, JO200MFM-5, UO200M, UO200M-FM-1, 5C2M-1 04/01/85 Goodyear 05/01/88 Goodyear 01/01/70 Goodyear 06/01/54 01/01/70 Goodyear Goodyear 11/18/47 Goodyear 08/10/48 Goodyear 12/01/64 11/01/68 Goodyear Goodyear 01/01/70 Goodyear 01/01/49 Goodyear 10/01/51 Interstate/Fireston e 25 BD 2 Tail & Auxiliary Wheels AO200, AO200-F, 10/01/51 CO200, CO200-M, BO200, EO200M, JO200M-1, JO200MFM-5, UO200M, UO200M-FM-1, 5C2M-1 Interstate/Fireston e 25 BE 2 Nose Wheel Assy. 206-A-374M-1, 206- 02/09/49 A-370M-1, VI General Tire & Rubber 25 BE 3 Nose Wheel Assy. 206-A-374M-1, 206- 02/08/49 A-370M-1, VI General Tire & Rubber 25 BE 5 214A307-3 09/01/62 25 BE 6 212A71M 09/01/62 25 BE 7 Main Landing Gear Wheel Assy. Landing Gear Nose Wheel Assy. Wheel Assy., Landing Gear, Brake, Tubeless Tire 218A938-1 09/01/65 General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber 25 BE 8 Nose Wheel Assy. 206-A-466M-1, III 11/14/50 25 BE 8 219A466-2 09/01/65 25 BE 9 Wheel Assy., Landing Gear, Tubeless Tire Nose Wheel Assy. 206-A-466M-1, III 11/14/50 25 BE 10 Wheel Assy., Landing Gear, Tubeless Tire 220A123, 220A123-1 01/01/73 5686 5687 5688 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693 5694 5695 General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber Jay-Em Corp 25 BE 10 Nose Wheel Assy. 206-A-790M, 207-A- 06/22/53 899M, VII General Tire & Rubber 25 BE 11 Nose Wheel Assy. 206-A-790M, 207-A- 06/22/53 899M, VII General Tire & Rubber 25 BE 11 Nose Wheel Assy. 206A790M, 210A200M, VII 06/01/54 General Tire & Rubber 25 BE 12 Nose Wheel Assy. 209-A-402, III 03/01/53 25 BE 13 Nose Wheel Assy. 209-A-402, III 03/28/53 25 BE 16 Nose Wheel Assy. 204-A-876M-1, AF I 07/01/53 25 BE 17 Nose Wheel Assy. 204-A-876M-1, AF I 07/01/53 25 BE 18 Outrigger Wheel Assy. USAF VII 07/11/53 25 BE 19 Outrigger Wheel Assy. USAF VII 07/11/53 25 BE 502 Nose Wheel Assy. III 06/01/56 25 BE 503 Nose Wheel Assy. U.S.A.F III 06/25/56 25 25 25 25 25 BF BF BF BF BG 2 3 4 5 2 Tail Wheel Assy. Tail Wheel Assy. Tail Wheel Tail Wheel Main Landing Gear Wheel 3000 3000 3200 3200 DFA-233 08/03/48 08/01/48 03/01/52 03/01/52 09/01/49 General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber Scott Scott Scott Scott Interstate Eng. 25 BG 3 Main Landing Gear Wheel DFA-233 09/01/49 Interstate Eng. 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 25 BH 501 146-34201-10 06/01/54 1 Damper Assy. Auxiliary Landing Gear Shimmy Aircraft Steer Damper 1401 07/01/50 BJ 2 Aircraft Steer Damper 1401 03/01/50 25 BK 1 Steer-Damps & Steering Units A12198, A13202, A13115 08/01/50 N. American Aviation Haskel Eng & Supply Haskel Eng & Supply Houdaille-Hershey 25 BJ 25 25 BK 2 Steer-Damps & Steering Units A12198, A13202, A13115 08/01/50 Houdaille-Hershey 25 BR 501 Solid Tire Tail Wheel Assy. C-1069-B 12/21/56 U.S. Rubber Co. 25 25 25 25 C C C C 7 10 11 12 Landing Wheel Brakes Later Types of Brakes Multi. Disc Brakes Master Brake Cylinders 12/01/42 04/01/45 02/20/45 08/01/45 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 25 C 13 06/01/45 Bendix 25 C 14 Wheels, Brakes & Struts: Provisions for Installation of Centrifuse Brake Drums in Wheels Master Brake Cylinders 52104, 52401, 56324, 59715, 52519, 52520, 57764, 57765, 59384, 59385 08/01/45 Bendix 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 52104, 52401, 56324, 59715, 52519, 52520, 57764, 57765, 59384, 59385 17:00-16 25 C 15 25 C 25 Master Brake Cylinders 10/01/51 Bendix 501 52104, 52401, 56324, 59715, 52519, 52520, 57764, 57765, 59384, 59385 Hydraulic Brake Deboosters 1178, 1378 01/15/51 CVA 501 Strut Assy.: Aileron Feel 03/01/58 25 D 1 07/01/45 25 25 25 25 D D D D 2 2 2 4 04/01/43 08/01/45 06/15/45 09/01/42 Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear 25 D 6 06/01/45 Goodyear 25 25 25 D E E 7 1 1 Landing Wheels for use with Multiple Disc Brakes Landing Wheel Brakes Multiple Disc Brakes Multiple Disc Brakes Wheels, Brakes & Struts: Installation of Felt Seal Landing Wheels for use with Single Disc Brakes Nose & Tail Wheels Shock Struts Air-Oil Type Wheels, Brakes & Struts: AirOil Shock Absorber Struts H.W. Loud Machine Works Chance-Vought Aircraft Goodyear 06/01/45 05/19/45 08/01/45 Goodyear 25 E 1 25 E 2 25 E 4 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 A CV15-508069-4 Wheels, Brakes & Struts: AirOil Shock Absorber Struts 07/01/53 Nose, Tail & Landing Gear Struts Alighting Gear & Component Parts: Inspection & Repair of Landing Gear Struts 01/01/43 Bendix 06/01/48 A.O. Smith 25 E 5 25 E 7 25 E 504 25 25 E EA 505 2 25 EA 3 25 25 25 25 EA EA EA EA 15 16 17 18 25 25 EA EA 19 20 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 Magnetic Particle Inspection, Magnaflux of Landing Gear Struts Modification of Main 5388000, 5388001 Landing Gear Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Strut 25-41200-1, 2541200-2 Nose Landing Gear Strut 25-45200-1 Pneudraulic Landing Gear Shock Struts Pneudraulic Landing Gear Shock Struts Drag Link Assy. 170303-3 Shrink Rod Assy. 170309-1 Nose Strut Assy. 173440 Main Landing Gear Shock 65900, 168481-3, Strut Assy. 168481-4, 168481-7, 168481-8, 169205-1, 169205-2, 169205-3, 169205-4, 169205-7, 169205-8, 169543, 169544, 169666, 170300-2 05/01/52 Main Shock Strut Assy. Pneudraulic Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 169666 170300-2, S2 10/01/53 04/01/55 McDonnell 05/01/55 01/01/55 McDonnell Bendix 02/01/55 Bendix 12/01/61 11/01/62 11/01/61 12/01/64 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 06/01/70 09/01/77 Bendix Bendix 5752 25 EA 21 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Shock Struts 169543, 169543-4 25 EA 22 25 EA 23 Main Landing Gear Shock Struts 25 EA 24 Main Gear Shock Strut Assy. 65900 25 EA 25 25 EA 26 25 EA 26 25 EA 27 25 EA 28 5753 5754 5755 5758 5759 5760 Bendix 169205-1, 169205-2, 01/01/63 169205-3, 169205-4, 169205-7, 169205-8 Bendix 168481-3, 168481-4, 03/01/63 168481-7, 168481-8 Bendix 01/01/63 Bendix Landing Gear Nose Shock Strut Assy. 160200, 167167, 05/01/63 167860, 168480-3, 168480-4, 168911, 169521, 169522, 169913-6, 169913-7, 170301-2 Bendix Landing Gear Nose Shock Strut Assy. Nose Shock Strut Assy. 168911, 167167 01/15/65 Bendix 167167, 168911 07/01/77 Bendix Landing Gear Nose Shock Strut Assy. Landing Gear Nose Shock Strut Assy. 170301-2 03/01/63 Bendix 160200 03/15/63 Bendix 5756 5757 03/15/63 25 EA 29 Nose Wheel Shock Strut Assy. 167860, 169521, 169522 03/01/63 Bendix 25 EA 30 Nose Wheel Shock Strut Assy. 168480-3, 168480-4, 05/01/63 169913-6, 169913-7 Bendix 25 EA 31 Pneudraulic Landing Gear Tail Bumper Shock Struts 167213-2, 167750-2, 12/01/62 170302-2 Bendix 25 EA 36 Main Gear Drag Brace Assy. 173763-3, 173763-4 02/01/65 Bendix 25 EA 37 Main Gear Drag Brace Assy. 173763-3, 173763-4 11/01/65 Bendix 25 EA 39 11/01/65 Bendix 25 EA 501 02/15/56 Bendix 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 25 EA 501 Main Gear Drag Brace Assy. 173760-11, 17376013 Pneudraulic Landing Gear 167537-8 Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Strut 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 02/15/56 10/01/56 Bendix 02/15/56 02/01/57 Bendix 02/15/56 09/01/57 Bendix 02/15/56 04/01/58 Bendix 02/15/56 05/01/59 Bendix 02/15/56 06/01/59 Bendix 02/15/56 03/15/60 Bendix 02/15/56 07/15/60 Bendix 5776 5777 5778 25 EA 502 25 EA 503 25 EA 504 07/01/60 Bendix 164815 03/01/60 Bendix 164815 03/01/60 Bendix 25 EA 505 167213-2, 167750-2, 06/01/70 170302-2 Bendix 25 EA 506 Pneudraulic Landing Gear Tail Shock Strut 167213-2, 167750-2, 10/01/62 170302-2 Bendix 25 EA 506 Tail Bumper Shock Strut Assy. 167213-2, 167750-2, 06/01/77 170302-2 Bendix 25 EA 509 Actuating Drag Braces for Main & Nose Landing Gear 167208-2 (Nose 04/30/81 Gear), 169523-1, -3, (Main Gear), 1705611 (Nose Gear) Bendix 25 EA 510 Actuating Drag Braces for Main & Nose Landing Gear 167208-2 (Nose 01/01/78 Gear), 169523-1, -3, (Main Gear), 1705611 (Nose Gear) Bendix 25 25 25 25 EA EA EA EA 511 512 513 514 Shrink Rod Assy. Links Assy. Steering Valve Assy. Follow-Up Mechanism Assy. 167170-2 166895 164794 162675 07/01/77 04/01/56 04/01/56 04/01/56 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 25 EB 1 Landing Gear Aerol Struts 8674A L/R 06/01/55 Cleveland Pneumatic 5779 5780 5781 Pneudraulic Landing Gear Main Shock Struts Pneudraulic Landing Gear Nose Shock Struts Pneudraulic Landing Gear Nose Shock Struts Tail Bumper Shock Strut Assy. 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 25 EB 2 Landing Gear Aerol Struts 8674A L/R 06/01/55 25 EB 3 EB 4 8853-2, 8853A-2, 8853D-2 8728B, 8728C 06/01/52 25 25 EB 5 8728B, 8728C 08/01/52 25 EB 5 8728B, 8728C 06/30/55 25 EB 6 8317E 09/01/52 25 EB 7 8317E 09/01/52 25 EB 9 8239D, 8239F 06/01/53 25 EB 10 8853D 07/15/53 25 EB 11 8853D 07/01/53 25 EB 12 9126L, 9126R 06/01/53 25 EB 13 9126L, 9126R 06/01/53 25 EB 14 9125 06/01/53 25 EB 15 9125 06/01/53 25 EB 17 Repair of Main Landing Gear Cylinders Nose Landing Gear Aerol Struts Nose Landing Gear Aerol Struts Nose Landing Gear Aerol Struts Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Modification of Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Nose Landing Gear Aerol Struts Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Auxiliary Gear Aerol Strut Assy. 9754A, 9754B, 9754AC, 9754BC, 9754E 03/01/66 25 EB 17 Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut 8317B 07/01/53 5803 5804 08/01/52 Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 25 EB 17 Auxilary Gear Aerol Strut Assy. 9754A, 9754B, 9754AC, 9754BC, 9754E 03/15/66 Cleveland Pneumatic 25 EB 18 07/01/53 25 EB 18 Main Landing Gear Aerol 8317B Strut Main Gear Aerol Strut Assy. 9755A, 9755B, 9755AC, 9755BC Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 25 EB 19 Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. 9755A, 9755B, 9755AC, 9755BC 12/01/59 25 EB 19 Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. 9755A, 9755B, 9755AC, 9755BC 12/01/59 09/01/60 Cleveland Pneumatic 25 EB 19 9203L, 9203R 07/01/53 25 EB 20 9203L, 9203R 07/01/53 25 EB 20 Main Landing Gear Aerol Struts Main Landing Gear Aerol Struts Liquid Spring 9505 11/01/60 25 EB 21 25 EB 21 25 EB 22 25 EB 23 25 EB 24 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 Nose Landing Gear Aerol 8897B Strut Main Gear Aerol Strut Assy. 9755AC-900L/R, 9755BC-900L/R, 9755EL/R Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut 12/01/59 07/01/53 03/15/66 8897B 07/01/53 9160 07/01/53 9160 07/01/53 Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic EB 27 25 EB 28 25 EB 29 25 EB 30 25 EB 31 25 EB 32 25 EB 501 25 EB 502 25 EB 503 Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. Complete Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. Complete Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. Complete Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. Complete Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Nose Landing Gear Aerol Strut Landing Gear Aerol Struts 25 EB 504 Landing Gear Aerol Struts 25 EB 505 Crank Fitting Assy. 9313-76A 04/15/58 25 EB 506 Main Landing Gear Strut 9673 08/01/58 25 EB 507 Main Landing Gear Strut 9673 02/01/59 25 EB 508 Gear Assy. 9684 08/01/58 25 EB 509 Gear Assy. 9684 08/01/58 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 Inspection & Rework of Main 8211-46, 9211-47 Landing Gear Torque Arm Assy. Modification of Nose 8239D-46, 8239DLanding Gear Torque Arms 46A, 8239D-47, 8239D-47A 25 10/01/53 11/01/53 9173-1000L, 91731000R 9173-1000L, 91731000R 9216-1000 03/01/54 9216-1000 03/01/54 8566A-1100 08/01/53 8566A-1100 08/01/53 03/01/54 03/01/54 06/01/59 06/01/59 Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 5833 25 EC 1 Nose & Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Strut Assy & Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. Nose & Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Installation & Tail Landing Gear Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Installation & Tail Landing Gear Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Installation & Tail Landing Gear Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Aerol Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. 10-01, 69-01, 10-02, 12/01/51 69-02 10-01, 69-01, 10-02, 12/01/51 69-02 Cleveland Aero Production Cleveland Aero Products 25 EC 2 25 EC 3 10-01, 69-01, 10-02, 12/01/51 69-02 76-2000L/R, 76-03 06/01/52 Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Aero Products 25 EC 5 25 EC 5 76-2000L/R, 76-03, 76-05 03/01/54 Cleveland Aero Products 25 EC 6 76-2000L/R, 76-03, 76-05 03/01/54 Cleveland Aero Products 25 EC 501 9473 L/R 11/01/55 76-02 L/R, 76-04 L/R, 06/01/55 76-06 L/R Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Aero Products 25 EC 502 25 EC 503 Main Landing Gear Strut Assy. 76-02 L/R, 76-04 L/R, 06/01/55 76-06 L/R Cleveland Aero Products 25 25 ED ED 2 3 05/01/50 01/01/50 North American North American 25 ED 4 04/15/63 25 ED 5 Tail Skid Shock Strut 130-34501 Hydraulic Tail Skid Shock 130-34501 Strut Arresting Gear Bumper Assy. 247-56140-3, 2475614-11 Arresting Gear Bumper Assy. 279-564140 12/01/64 North Amiercan Aviation Inc. North American 25 25 ED ED 502 503 Drag Brace Shock Strut Tail Bumper Shock Strut Assy. 06/01/54 08/01/56 North American North American 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 156-33506 181-34731-10 25 EE 1 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut 5256376, 5265156 (Both Series) 10/15/50 25 EE 1 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut 5256376, 5265156 (Both Series) 10/15/50 10/15/51 Douglas 25 EE 3 Tail Wheel Shock Strut 12/01/50 25 EE 3 Tail Wheel Shock Strut 25 EE 4 Tail Wheel Shock Strut 25 EE 5 5265258-500, 5265258-502, 5266840-500, 5266840-502, 5266840-504, 5266840-506, 5266840-508 5265258-500, 5265258-502, 5266840-500, 5266840-502, 5266840-504, 5266840-506, 5266840-508 5265258-500, 5265258-502, 5266840-500, 5266840-502, 5266840-504, 5266840-506, 5266840-508 4369444 25 EE 6 25 EE 7 Tail Wheel Retracting Cylinder Assy. Tail Wheel Retract Gland 4367488 Assy. Strut Assy. Tail Wheel Shock 3367199 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 Douglas Douglas 12/01/50 03/01/51 Douglas 12/01/50 Douglas 02/15/53 Douglas 02/01/53 Douglas 02/15/53 Douglas 25 EE 20 25 EE 501 25 EE 502 25 EE 503 25 EE 505 25 EE 505 25 EE 506 25 EE 507 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 Strut Assy. Stroke Nose Landing Gear 5660638-505, 5660638-507, 5660638-509 Strut Assy. Nose Landing 5260054-512, Gear Shock 5260054-514 Main Landing Gear Shock 5260052, 5260052Struts 509 Tail Gear Bumper Actuating 5266390-500 Cylinder & Shock Strut 01/15/65 Douglas 01/15/59 Douglas 05/01/52 Douglas 04/01/52 Douglas Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 01/01/58 Douglas 06/01/60 Douglas 03/01/55 Douglas 01/01/57 Douglas 5380080-503, 5380080-505, 5380080-507, 5380080-509, 5380080-511, 5380080-504, 5380080-506, 5380080-508, 5380080-510, 5380080-512 Main Landing Gear Shock 5380080-503, Strut Assy. 5380080-505, 5380080-507, 5380080-509, 5380080-511, 5380080-504, 5380080-506, 5380080-508, 5380080-510, 5380080-512 Damper, Nose Landing Gear 25-69040-1 Shimmy Tail Skid Shock Strut Assy. 5334995, 5479417 5864 5865 25 EE 508 Strut Assy., Landing Gear Retracting Strut Assy. Nose Wheel Retracting Main Landing Gear Shock Struts, Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut, Nose Landing Gear Snubber Assy. 5336641 05/01/55 Douglas 25 EE 509 5248877 05/01/55 Douglas 25 EE 510 5385588, 5270079, 11/01/60 5270081 (All Series), 3557114-501 Douglas 25 EE 511 Main Landing Gear Shock Struts, Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut, Nose Landing Gear Snubber Assy. 5385588, 5270079, 06/01/61 5270081 (All Series), 3557114-501 Douglas 25 EE 513 Arresting Hook Hold Down Assy. 01/15/60 Douglas 25 EE 514 01/15/57 Douglas 25 EE 515 5448360-503 11/01/58 Douglas 25 EE 516 5442566-503 01/01/59 Douglas 25 EE 517 5660260-501, 5660260-503, 5660260-505, 5660260-507 01/15/65 Douglas 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5440599-501, 5440599-503, 5440599-505 Tail Bumper Shock Strut Assy 5440570-11 Tail Bumper Shock Absorber Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 25 EE 517 25 EE 518 25 EE 519 25 EF 25 25 5878 01/01/65 Douglas 05/01/72 Douglas 11/01/50 Axelson 11/01/50 Axelson EF 2 Tail Skid Shock Strut Assy. EF 11 Nose Landing Gear Actuating 601900-501, 601900- 02/01/64 Cylinder 503, 601900-505, 601900-507, CV15401381-1 5875 5877 Douglas 1 5874 5876 09/01/66 5660260-501, 5660260-503, 5660260-505, 5660260-507, 5660260-509, 5660260-511, 5660260-513, 5660260-515 18" Stroke Nose Landing 5447590-501, Gear Strut Assy. 5447590-503, 5447590-505, 5447590-507 Nose Gear Shock Strut Assy. 5380136-511, 5380136-513, 5380136-515, 5380136-517, 5380136-521, 5380136-523, 5380136-525, 5380136-527, 5380136-529, 5380136-531 Tail Skid Shock Strut Assy. S-1, S-36 5873 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. S-1, S-36 Mensaco/LTV Vought 25 EF 12 Main Landing Gear Actuating 601400-501, 601400- 02/01/64 Hydraulic Cylinder 502, 601400-503, 601400-504, 601400505, 601400-506, 601400-507, 601400508 25 EF 501 Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 532500, M532500500, M532500-501, 557600-501 25 EF 502 Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 532500, 532500-501, 09/01/56 532500-501, 557600501 Menasco 25 EF 503 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Menasco Mfg 25 EF 504 25 EF 505 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Main Gear Pneudraulic Shock Strut Assy. 09/01/55 532000L, R, M532000L, R, 532000-501, 532000502 532000L, R, 09/01/55 M532000L, R 548100-503, 548100- 03/15/66 515, 548100-517, 548100-519, 548100521, 548100-523, 548100-525 25 EF 506 548300-11 thru 548300-22 Menasco Mfg 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 Main Gear Pneudraulic Tension Strut Assy. Menasco 09/01/55 09/01/56 Menasco Mfg 03/15/66 Menasco Mfg Menasco Mfg 25 EG 1 Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 15-22742, 15-22742- 12/01/55 6, M5-28211 Boeing 25 EG 1 Boeing-Vertol EG 1 25 EG 1 Auxiliary Alighting Gear Shock Strut Assy. 25 EG 2 Viscous Shimmy Damper A02L2000-2, A02L2000-4 A02L2000-2, A02L2000-4, A02L2000-5, A02L2000-6 A02L2000-2, A02L2000-4, A02L2000-5, A02L2000-6 309259, 309259-1 08/01/65 25 Auxilary Alighting Gear Shock Strut Assy. Auxilary Alighting Gear Shock Strut Assy. 25 EG 3 Tail Skid Oleo & Yoke Assy. A0S100027-3 02/01/52 Boeing 25 EG 4 Tail Skid Oleo & Yoke Assy. A0S100027-3 02/01/51 Boeing 25 EG 20 Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 15-22742, 15-22742- 12/01/55 6, M5-28211 Boeing 25 EH 1 Shock Struts 400-62, 400-61L, 400- 02/01/52 61R, 400-50, 400-51 Electrol 25 EH 2 Shock Struts 400-62, 400-61L, 400- 02/01/52 61R, 400-50, 400-51 Electrol 25 25 EH EH 501 502 Air-Oil Strut: Oleo-Skid 400-73 Outrigger Air-Oil Strut Assy. 400-74 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 08/01/65 03/15/66 Boeing-Vertol 04/01/71 Boeing-Vertol 04/01/03 08/01/54 10/01/54 Electrol Electrol 25 EJ 1 Nose Gear, Main Landing Gear Strut, Bumper Gear Shock Strut, Tail Wheel Shock Strut Assy. RA75400, RA75450- 02/01/57 1, RA75450-2, RA75121-1, RA751212, RA75011, RA75192 United Aircraft Products 25 EJ 2 Nose Gear, Main Landing Gear Strut, Bumper Gear Shock Strut, Tail Wheel Shock Strut Assy. RA75400, RA75450- 02/01/56 1, RA75450-2, RA75121-1, RA751212, RA75011, RA75192 United Aircraft Products 25 EK 2 358800-1 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 4 370442-1 10/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 5 372682-1 10/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 6 370438-5, 380101-1 03/01/62 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 7 370438-5, 380101-1 02/15/62 Lockheed 25 EK 8 371671-3, 380202-1 07/01/73 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 8 371671-3, 380202-1 05/01/74 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 9 371671-3, 380202-1 02/01/62 Lockheed-Georgia 25 EK 10 272676-501, 272676- 07/01/60 503 Lockheed 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 Nose Landing Gear Uplock Assy. Main Landing Gear Torque Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Nose Landing Gear Strut Assy. rac3 Nose Landing Gear Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Uplock Assy. 25 EK 11 Empennage Leading Edge Assy. 920598-1, 920598- 08/15/65 101, 900696-1, 900696-2, 900698-1, 900698-2, 931235101, 931235-102, 931236-101, 931236102 Lockheed 25 25 25 EK EK EK 12 13 501 901918-5 901027-5 661076-4 10/01/63 07/01/63 12/01/57 Lockheed Lockheed-Calif Lockheed-Calif 25 EK 502 661076-4 01/01/58 Lockheed 25 EL 1 Nose Landing Gear Assy. Main Landing Gear Assy. Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Steering Sys. Control Box 25 EL 2 Steering Sys. Control Box 25 EN 1 25 EN 25 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 1176L025, 1176L025- 10/30/63 3 1176L025, 1176L025- 10/30/63 3 240-5157401-0, 240- 03/01/53 5157401-1 Consolidated Vultee 2 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. 240-5157401-0, 240- 03/01/53 5157401-1 Consolidated Vultee EN 501 528400 04/01/55 Convair 25 EN 503 523500 04/15/57 Convair 25 EN 504 523500 04/15/57 Convair 25 EP 501 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Dash Pot Assy.: Arresting Gear Oleo 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 VS-47407, VS-47407- 10/01/54 1 Loud Loud Chance Vought 25 5922 EP 503 Nose Gear Pneudraulic Shock Strut Assy. 548600-525, 548600- 04/01/66 527, 548600-529, 548600-531, 548600533, 548600-535, 548600-537, 548600539, 548600-541, 548600-543, 548600545, 548600-547, 548600-549, 548600551, 548600-553, 548600-555, 548600557, 548600-559 Menasco EP 504 Nose Gear Pneudraulic Shock Strut Assy. 25 EQ 2 25 EQ 3 25 EQ 4 Main Wheel Trunnion Fork S1525-51102-29 Assy. Main Wheel Shock Strut S6125-50102-1 Assy. Tail Wheel Shock Strut Assy. S6125-50102-1 25 EQ 501 Main Wheel Landing Gear Trunnion & Strut Assy. 25 ES 1 25 25 ET F 25 F 5923 5924 5925 5926 5929 5930 5931 05/01/62 Menasco Sikorsky 05/01/61 03/01/63 Sokorsky 09/15/65 Sokorsky S1525-511031 01/15/63 Sikorsky Landing Gear Control Unit G9003-1 04/01/60 Stratocon 1 1 Liquid Spring Shock Assy. Struts 4SS-2148-024 06/01/62 02/01/43 4 Landing Gear SHock Struts Taylor Devices Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 5927 5928 548600-525, 548600- 04/01/66 527, 548600-529, 548600-531, 548600533, 548600-535, 548600-537, 548600539, 548600-541, 548600-543, 548600545, 548600-547, 548600-549, 548600551, 548600-553, 548600-555, 548600557, 548600-559 25 09/01/50 5932 25 G 1 Landing Gear Shock Strut 27984, Waco CG-3A 05/01/43 Wichita Engr 25 GAA 1 Expander Tube Brakes D2-113, D2-250R, D2- 10/01/58 250L, G2-122, G2-14, G2-215, G2-597-5, G2-67, H2-257-2571, H2-257-258, H2257-258-1, H2-257259-1, H2-257-294, H2-257-454-1, H2257-560-1, H2-257561-2, H2-257-581-2, H2-257-603 BF Goodrich 25 25 GAA GAA 6 501 Multiple Disc Brake Brake & Drum Assy. 2-1109 G500-2, G500-2-2, R82GD-G500-2, R1630-571-6992XGDC 03/01/79 03/15/59 BF Goodrich BF Goodrich 25 GAA 503 Multi. Disc Brake 2-723-9, RH1630-776- 09/01/62 5962-XGDC BF Goodrich 25 GAB 1 Hydraulically Operated Single Servo & Duo Servo Shoe Type Brakes 51582-3, 51582-4, 59799, 55941, 57584, 57495 Bendix 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 01/01/48 25 GAB 2 Hydraulically Operated Single Servo & Duo Servo Shoe-Type Brakes 51582-3, 51582-4, 59799, 55941, 57584, 57495 07/01/48 Bendix 25 GAB 3 146403M-ST 02/01/51 Bendix 25 GAB 4 Segmented Rotor Type Hydraulic Brakes Hydraulic Brakes Segmented Rotor 03/15/55 09/01/57 Bendix 25 GAB 5 25 GAB 5 25 GAB 6 25 GAB 7 25 GAB 8 25 GAB 9 25 GAB 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 GAC GAC GAC GAC GAC GAC 1 2 3 4 5 6 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 Removal of Dust Covers on Segmented Rotor Type Brake Assy. Brake Assy.: 13.81 x 8.19-3 Rotor Main Landing Gear Brake Assy. 02/01/54 Bendix 153950-1, 153950-2 08/01/67 Bendix 57584, 146114A-C, 05/01/63 147515FA-C-2, 150712-4, 151183-1, 154743-1 Bendix 151183-1, 154620-1 11/15/67 16 1/2 & 11 1/2: 4 Rotor Brake Assy. Brake Assy.: 14x3 Duo Servo 57584 02/01/63 Bendix Brake Assy.: 15 1/4x10 7/8-2 Rotor Brake Assy.: 13.5x9.5-2 Rotor Multiple Disc Brakes Multiple Disc Brakes Disc Brakes Disc Brakes Main Wheel Brake Assy. Main Wheel Brake Assy. Bendix 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 146114A-C, 154743- 02/01/63 1 147515FA-C-2 06/01/77 9560538 9560538 12/07/49 05/01/50 01/01/70 05/15/78 04/01/66 04/01/65 Bendix Bendix Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 25 GAC 13 Modification of Brake Assy. 51106MS, 511031M 04/01/53 Goodyear 25 GAC 501 25 25 25 25 25 GAC GAF GAF GAF GAM 502 2 3 4 1 25 GAS 1 25 GAW 1 25 GAW 2 Multiple Disc Hydraulic Brakes Disc Brakes Brake Brake Emergency Air Valve Brake Assy., 13-7/8 x 9-1/8, 5-Rotor Hydraulic Rotor Brake System Manifold Assy. Main Landing Gear Hydraulic Brake Assy. Wing Flap Emergency Brake 01/01/49 Goodyear CFA-299 CFA-299 2-73-001 AA-313314-2 01/01/70 09/01/49 09/01/49 04/01/50 11/01/62 13950, 13950-1 04/01/61 Goodyear Interstate Eng. Interstate Eng. Interstate Eng. General Tire & Rubber Sterer 1650E420 11/01/60 1855E95, 1855E96 11/01/60 Western Gear Corp. Western Gear 25 GB 2 Rotor Master Brake Cylinder 9011 09/01/59 Tactair Valve 25 GB 4 Rotor Master Brake Cylinder 9012-1 09/01/60 Tactair Valve 25 GB 501 11/01/62 Bendix 25 25 25 25 GBA GBA GBA GBA 1 2 3 4 Master Cylinder Assy. 1 1/8" 147700 Dia. Pull Type Master Brake Cylinders Vertical Master Cylinders Vertical Master Cylinders Main Landing Gear Brake 5000552-1, 50005522, 5000552-3 05/01/55 11/01/50 11/01/50 07/01/75 Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear 25 GBB 1 08/01/55 Gladden 25 GBB 2 04/01/51 Gladden 25 GBB 3 01/01/53 Gladden 5970 5971 5972 5973 Master Brake Cylinders & Parking Lock Master Brake Cylinders & Parking Lock Parking Brake Valve & Compensator 411893 25 GBB 5 Master Brake Cylinders 311887, 312106, 07/01/54 411840-1, 411840-2, 412112 Gladden 25 GBB 501 Master Brake Cylinders 312380, 312380-3, 312380-5 11/01/60 Gladden 25 GBB 502 Master Brake Cylinders 311887, 312106, 01/01/57 411840-1, 411840-2, 412112, 412280 Gladden 25 GBB 503 Master Brake Cylinders 311887, 312106, 01/01/57 411840-1, 411840-2, 412112, 412280 Gladden 25 GBB 504 Dow Lock Release Cylinder 311994 09/01/56 Gladden 25 GBB 505 413065 08/01/57 Gladden 25 GBB 506 Power Boost Master Brake Cylinder Master Brake Cylinder 411570-L, 411570-R 09/01/57 Gladden 25 25 25 GBB GBC GBC 507 1 2 Master Brake Cylinder 311884-3 Power Brake Valve 145795 Hydraulic Power Brake Valve 551500, 551500-1 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 06/01/58 02/01/48 01/01/59 Gladden Bendix Bendix-Pacific 25 GBD 2 Hydraulic Landing Gear Units 25-33402-10, 2503/01/53 33402-20, 25-3340230, 140-58021, 14058050, 151-58035, 151-58035-3, 15158050-3, 151-580505 North American 25 GBD 3 Hydraulic Landing Gear Units 140-58021, 14001/01/51 58050, 151-58035, 151-58050, 25-33402 North American 25 GBD 36 Main Landing Gear Actuating 249-58628-1, 24902/01/66 Hydraulic Cylinder 58628-2, 249-5862811, 24958628-12, 288-580628-11, 288580628-12 North American 25 GBD 37 Auxiliary Landing Gear 249-58030, 288Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder 580030 02/01/66 North American 25 GBD 39 249-58042 07/01/60 25 GBD 40 247-58176, 24758176-11 09/01/61 North American Aviation Inc. North American Avitation Inc. 25 GBD 40 247-58176, 24758176-11 09/01/61 11/01/64 North American Avitation Inc. 25 GBD 502 Arresting Gear Centering CAM Actuating Cylinder Hydraulic Arresting Gear Hook Bumper Actuator Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Arresting Gear Hook Bumper Actuator Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Actuating Cylinder 175-58704 01/01/55 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 5991 North American 5992 5993 5994 25 GBD 503 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinder 175-58708 01/01/55 North American 25 GBD 504 184-58227 03/01/56 North American 25 GBD 505 184-58227 03/01/56 25 GBD 506 181-58630 05/01/56 North American Aviation Inc. North American 25 GBD 507 181-58025 05/01/56 North American 25 GBD 509 181-58040-1, 18158040-2 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 510 181-58040-1, 18158040-2 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 511 Hydraulic Drogue Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Drogue Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Auxiliary Alighting Gear Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Alighting Gear Fairing Door Uplock Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Gun Bay Purging Door Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Gun Bay Purging Door Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Auxiliary Alighting Gear Fairing Door Uplock Cylinder Assy. 181-58039-3 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 512 Hydraulic Auxiliary Alighting 181-58039-3 Gear Fairing Door Uplock Cylinder Assy. 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 513 181-58036-1, 18158036-2 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 514 Hydraulic Alighting Gear Uplock-Downlock Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Alighting Gear Uplock-Downlock Operating Cylinder Assy. 181-58036-1, 18158036-2 07/01/56 North American 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 25 GBD 515 Hydraulic Auxiliary Alighting 181-58035 Gear Fairing Door Operating Cylinder Assy. 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 516 Hydraulic Auxiliary Alighting 181-58035 Gear Fairing Door Operating Cylinder Assy. 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 519 North American GBD 520 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 521 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 522 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 523 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 524 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 525 181-58033-1, 18158033-2 181-58033-1, 18158033-2 181-58032-1, 18158032-2 181-58032-1, 18158032-2 181-58031-1, 18158031-2 181-58031-1, 18158031-2 181-58030 07/01/56 25 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 526 181-58030 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 527 181-58029 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 528 181-58029 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 529 Hydraulic Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Lock Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Lock Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Alighting Gear Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Auxiliary Alighting Gear Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Tail Bumper Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Tail Bumper Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Alighting Gear Operating Cylinder Assy. 181-58028-1, 18158028-2 07/01/56 North American 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 25 GBD 530 Hydraulic Main Alighting 181-58028-1, 181Gear Operating Cylinder 58028-2 Assy. Auxiliary Alighting Gear Drag 181-34505 Brace Upper Link Assy. 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 531 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 532 Auxiliary Alighting Gear Drag 181-34505 Brace Upper Link Assy. 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 533 07/01/56 North American 25 GBD 534 Main Alighting Gear Fairing 181-58034-1, 181Door Operating Cylinder 58034-2 Assy. Hydraulic Arresting Gear 226-58046 Cam Actuating Cylinder Assy. 01/01/57 North American 25 GBD 535 Hydraulic Arresting Gear 226-58046 Cam Actuating Cylinder Assy. 01/01/57 North American 25 GBE 1 Brake Power Boost Master Cylinders 3254710-500, 3262743, 3262743500, 3269906 01/01/52 Douglas 25 GBE 2 Power Boost Master Brake Cylinder 3254710-500, 3262743, 3254710500, 3269906 08/01/52 Douglas 25 25 25 25 GBE GBE GBE GBE 3 3 3 501 Sterer Douglas Douglas Douglas GBF 3 11660 3254121 3254121 3262488-502, 3262488-504 22885 05/01/60 07/01/50 07/01/50 08/15/53 25 Master Brake Cylinder Master Brake Cylinder Master Brake Cylinder Cylinder Assy.: Power Boost Master Brake Hydraulic Master Cylinder 01/01/52 Adel 25 GBG 1 Hydraulic Pressure Unit 2714 12/01/51 Scott 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 25 GBG 4 Hydraulic Pressure Unit B1248-H, B1260-H 05/01/52 Scott 25 GBG 5 Hydraulic Pressure Unit B1248-H, B1260-H 05/01/52 Scott 25 GBH 1 Air Boosted Master Brake Cylinder 413480-0-1, 413480- 11/01/57 2-1, 413480-3-2, 413480-4-5 Bendix-Pacific 25 GBH 2 Air Boosted Master Brake Cylinder 413480-0-1, 413480- 11/01/57 2-1, 413480-3-2, 413480-4-5 Bendix-Pacific 25 GBH 3 413480-3-1 12/01/52 Bendix-Pacific 25 GBK 1 Air Boosted Master Brake Hydraulic Cylinder Hydraulic Power Cylinders 10370-3, 10370-3A, 10380-3, 10380-3A 12/01/53 Weston 25 GBK 2 Hydraulic Power Cylinder 10370-3, 10370-3A, 10380-3, 10380-3A 12/01/53 Weston 25 GBK 3 Electro-Hydraulic Tandem Power Control Cylinder 02/01/66 16150-7, 16150-8, 16150-11, 16150-12, 16150-13, 16150-14 Weston 25 GBK 4 Electro-Hydraulic Tandem Power Control Cylinder 16150-7, 16150-8, 02/01/66 16150-11, 16150-12, 16150-13, 16150-14 Weston 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 25 GBK 5 Hydraulic Dual Power Control Cylinder 16560, 16560-1, 06/01/65 16545, 16563, 165631 Weston 25 GBK 6 Hydraulic Dual Power Control Cylinder 06/01/65 16560, 16560-1, 16545, 16563, 165631 Weston 25 GBK 7 Electro-Hydraulic Tandem Power Control Cylinder 22930, 22930-1 02/15/66 Weston 25 GBK 501 13830, 13830-1 12/01/56 Weston 25 GBK 501 Power Boosted Brake Cylinders Power Boosted Brake Cylinders 13830, 13830-1, 13830-3, 13830-4 04/01/71 Weston 25 GBL 501 K4512-1 06/01/54 Karl Douglas Assoc 25 GBL 502 K4512-1 06/01/54 Karl Douglas Assoc 25 GBL 503 K4263G 06/01/54 25 GBL 504 K4263G 06/01/54 Karl Douglas Associates Inc. Karl Douglas Assoc 25 GBL 505 K4263F 03/01/58 25 25 25 GBM 501 GBM 502 GBN 501 613 817 HPB 114100 08/01/54 08/01/54 07/01/55 Thompson Products Electrol Electrol Hydra-Power 25 GBP 501 D50171 07/01/56 Peacock 25 GBP 502 Brake Pressure Debooster Cylinder Brake Pressure Debooster Cylinder Brake Pressure De-Booster Cylinder Brake Pressure Debooster Cylinder Debooster Brake Pressure Cylinder Assy. Master Brake Cylinder Master Brake Cylinder Compound Master Brake Cylinder Entrance Door Uplatch Hydraulic Actuator Entrance Uplatch Actuator D50067 07/01/56 Peacock 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 25 GBP 503 07/01/56 Peacock 504 Nose Landing Gear Actuating D50088 Cylinder Main Entrance Cylinders D10005, D10005-1 25 GBP 07/15/56 Peacock 25 GBR 501 Master Rotor Brake Cylinder 58-03 12/01/56 Arkwin 25 GBS 501 12/01/57 Sargent Engr 25 25 GBT GBV 502 1 Rotor Brake Master Brake S5200 Cylinder Master Brake Cylinder 1351-559458 MLG Door Actuating Cylinder 1616-5 10/01/58 05/01/63 Parker Sweetland 25 GC 1 25 GC 2 25 GC 501 25 GCA 25 GCA Power Brake Control Valve Assy. Double Parking Hydraulic Brake Valve Brake Control Valve 5143257-501 02/01/53 Douglas 9006 07/01/59 Tactair Valve 146575, 146251 06/15/50 Bendix 1 Hydraulic & Mechanical Power Brake Valves 11288, 11288A, 11288B, 11288D, 11288F, 12456, 12780A, 12780B 10/01/50 Warner 2 Power Brake Valve 11288, 11288A, 11288B, 11288D, 11288F, 12780A, 12780B, 12456 10/15/54 Warner 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 25 GCA 3 Pressure Regulating Valve 114-D-100-9 Assy. Replacement of Relief Valve 11062 on Brake Reservoir Pressure Relief Valve Assy. 142B0100-1 10/01/62 25 GCA 3 25 GCA 4 25 25 GCC GCC 1 3 25 GCD 1 04/01/63 Stewart-Warner Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Landing Gear Control Valve Single & Double Brake Valves 12796 14864 05/15/48 05/01/48 Adel Adel 25 GCD 1 Brake Valve AA-13100, AA-13101, 12/01/47 10/15/54 Vickers AA-13200, AA-13201 25 GCD 2 Brake Valve AA-13100, AA-13101, 12/15/47 AA-13200, AA-13201 25 GCD 2 Brake Valve AA-13100, AA-13101, 12/15/47 04/15/49 Vickers AA-13200, AA-13201 25 GCD 2 Single & Double Brake Valves AA-13100, AA-13101, 12/01/50 AA-13200, AA-13201 Vickers 25 GCD 3 Single & Double Brake Valves AA-13100, AA-13101, 12/01/50 AA-13200, AA-13201 Vickers 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 Stewart-Warner 09/01/51 AA-13100, AA-13101, 12/01/47 AA-13200, AA-13201 Vickers Vickers 25 GCE 1 Brake Control Valve 36015B, 36017A, 36017B, 36020, 36020A, 36067, 36078A 09/01/48 25 GCE 1 Brake Control Valve 36015B, 36017A, 36017B, 36020, 36020A, 36067, 36078A 09/01/48 11/01/49 Aireon 25 GCE 1 Brake Control Valves 36015B, 36017A, 36017B, 36020, 36020A, 36067, 36078A 09/01/48 03/01/55 Aireon 25 GCF 1 Nose Wheel Steering Valve K2085 01/01/50 Karl Douglas 25 GCF 2 Nose Wheel Steering Valve K2085 01/01/50 Karl Douglas 25 GCG 1 Brake Valve AP-1 02/01/52 25 GCG 2 Brake Valve AP-1 02/01/52 25 GCG 3 Shuttle Valve AP-1-A 04/01/52 25 GCG 4 Shuttle Valve AP-1-A 12/01/51 Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 Aireon 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 25 GCG 501 Pressure Reducing Valve 20023-8017, AP-2 07/01/56 25 GCG 502 Brake Valve P20813-3, AP-1 07/01/56 25 GCG 503 Magnetic Shuttle Valve P20983-1 07/01/56 25 GCG 504 Pressure Reducing Valve P21063-7060, AP-3 07/01/56 25 GCG 505 Pressure Reducing Valve P21063-8100 AP-3 07/01/56 25 25 25 25 25 GCH GCH GCJ GCJ GCK 1 2 1 2 1 Dual Brake Valve Dual Brake Valve Parking Brake Valve Parking Brake Valve Valve & Control Arm Assy. 1938 1938 5100 5100 4200-A1 10/01/50 10/01/50 12/01/50 12/01/50 05/01/52 25 GCM 1 Magnetic Brake Assy. R-420M5-3 03/01/62 25 25 GCP GCQ 501 501 1359-536596 871417, 871417-1 06/01/56 07/01/61 25 GCR 501 25 GG 4 25 25 GR H 1 1 Master Brake Cylinder Emergency Pneumatic Brake Valve Emergency Pneumatic Brake Valve Emergency Parking Hydraulic Brake Valve Dashpot Assy. Hydraulic Master Cylinder 25 25 H H 501 502 Transfer Cylinder Hydraulic Landing Gear Uplock Release Operating Cylinder Assy. Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Haskel Haskel Weston Weston Scott Airborne Accessories Parker Kidde PG11267, PG11267-1 04/01/73 Bar 45650 11/01/74 Sterer 117L 10053-1 MC100 10/01/62 03/01/43 Grumman Firestone Aircraft 1440 187-58029-11 12/01/57 3/15/568 Aeroguild North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 503 Hydraulic Landing Gear Uplock Release Operating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Wheel Fairing Door Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Wheel Fairing Door Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. 187-58029-11 3/15/568 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 504 209-58034-1, 20958034-2 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 505 209-58034-1, 20958034-2 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 507 209-58037-1, 20958037-2 03/01/58 North American 25 H 508 Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Strut Fairing Door Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Strut Fairing Door Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Wheel Fairing Door Uplock Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Wheel Fairing Door Uplock Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Main Landing Gear Downlock Cylinder Assy. 209-58038 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 509 209-58038 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 510 209-58042 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 511 209-58042 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 512 209-58043-1, 20958043-2 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 H 513 Hydraulic Main Landing Gear 209-58043-1, 209Downlock Cylinder Assy. 58043-2 03/15/58 North American Aviation Inc. 25 HA 1 Tail, Nose & Landing Wheels 07/01/43 Firestone 25 HA 2 27" Glider Wheel 05/01/43 Firestone 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 25 HA 3 Low Pressure Landing Wheels Low Pressure Landing Wheels Tail Wheels Nose Wheels 6CA81, DFA-180 25 HA 3 25 25 HA HA 4 5 25 HA 501 S1525-50118 06/01/62 Sikorsky S1525-90151 11/15/61 Sikorsky 1 Main Wheel Down-Lock Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Wheel Down-Lock Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Brake Assy. 25 HA 502 25 HB 25 HH 501 Shock Absorber 25 HMC 1 25 HMC 2 25 HMC 3 25 HMC 4 25 HMC 5 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 Main Landing Gear Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Gear Uplock Cylinder Assy. 6CA81, DFA-180 HO200F, 200FM, 2200FM-1, 2200FM2, IO200F, 200FM, 200FM-3, 200M-1 12/01/50 Interstate Eng Corp 12/01/50 04/15/55 Interstate Eng Corp 07/01/45 Firestone 01/01/48 Firestone 6 CA 94-90, 6 CA 95- 03/01/43 90 A-11602 02/28/56 Firestone 25-69020-1, 2505/01/59 69020-301 11/01/58 25-69022-301, 2569022-302, 25-69022303, 25-69022-304 McDonnell Tail Skid Shock Absorber 25-69028-1 Actuator Cylinder Wingfold Pin Pull Cylinder 25-69041-1 Assy. Fuel Probe Actuator Cylinder 25-69105-301 Assy. Houdaille Ind. Inc. McDonnell 11/01/58 McDonnell 11/580 McDonnell 01/01/59 McDonnell 6129 6130 25 HMC 6 25 JA 1 Arresting Gear Vertical 32-69782-3, 32Damper Cylinder 69782-303 Smooth Contour Tail Wheels 25 JA 2 High Pressure Tail Wheels 203-A-919A-1, 203-A- 03/01/61 867A-1, 203-A-963A1, 204-A-476M-1, 204-A-417M-1, 204A-463M-1, 204-A133M-1, 204-A-475M1 25 JA 5 Low Pressure Tail Wheels 09/01/45 25 K 1 06/01/44 25 KA 1 03/01/61 Hydro-Aire 25 KA 2 03/01/61 Hydro-Aire 25 KAM 1 Smooth Contour Nose Wheels Hytrol Skid & Locked Wheel 4811B-1, 4811B-2 Detector Assy. Hytrol Skid & Locked Wheel 4811B-1, 4811B-2 Detector Assy. Main Landing Gear System for UH-2A/B Helicopters General Tire & Rubber Kelsey-Hayes 09/01/65 Kaman 25 KAM 5 Parker 25 KAM 8 2-Position, 4-Way Hydraulic H61E0259 12/01/75 Valve Liquid Spring Assy. 3283300-9, 3283300- 12/01/75 11, 3283300-13, 3283300-15, 3323300-1 25 LH 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 2 Nose Wheel Steering Assy. HP679700-15 02/01/63 McDonnell 03/01/61 General Tire & Rubber General Tire & Rubber 01/01/66 Dowty Hydro-Power 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 25 NA 5 Aircraft Skis 25 NH 1 25 NH 2 25 NH 3 25 NP 1 Hytrol Anti-Skid Braking System Hytrol Anti-Skid Braking System Hytrol Anti-Skid Braking System Skid Control Detector Assy. 25 25 25 PA PA VE 1 2 1 6147 Federal Aircraft 08/01/62 Hydro-Aire 00-215 08/15/62 Hydro-Aire 00-215 08/01/62 Hydro-Aire 3054265 07/01/65 Bendix-Pacific Track Type Landing Gear C-82A Track Type Landing Gear C-82A Main Gear Shock Strut Assy. A02L1000-1, A02L1000-3, A02L1000-5, A02L1000-7 Master Brake Cylinders 270788-4, 270435-2, 218073-2, 510979 03/01/50 02/01/50 11/01/65 Fairchild Fairchild Boeing-Vertol 04/01/44 Goodyear 1 25 2 Wheels, Brakes, Struts: Operation of Brake Pedals on Power Operated Brakes 02/01/42 25 6 Wheels, Brakes, Struts: Care of Pneumatic Shock Struts 10/01/43 25 7 11/01/44 25 25 25 10 11 14 Wheels, Brakes, Struts: Removal of Wheel & Brake Fairings Landing Gear Brake Master Cylinders Master Brake Control Cylinders 6149 6150 6151 6154 11/01/47 25 6148 6152 6153 AWSR-3100, WST3000 00-215 11/01/44 08/01/45 10/01/54 Warner-Detroit Harvester 6155 6156 6157 25 25 25 25 15 17 18 19 Aircraft Master Cylinders Twin Float Gear Twin Float Gear Landing Gear Retracting Mechanism Assy. 12/01/45 38-3430 02/01/50 38-3430 02/01/50 15-22654, 15-22654- 09/01/53 10, 15-24828, 1524828-6, 15-24828-7, 5-29607-0, 5-296076, 5-29607-7, 529607-502, 5-29607503, 15-22880, 1522880-13, 15-24476, 15-24476-6 Wagner Electric Edo Edo Boeing 25 20 Landing Gear Retracting Mechanism Assy. 15-22654, 15-22654- 08/01/51 10, 15-24828, 1524828-6, 15-24828-7, 5-29607-0, 5-296076, 5-29607-7, 529607-502, 5-29607503, 15-22880, 1522880-13, 15-24476, 15-24476-6 Boeing 25 21 Nose Landing Gear Shimmy Damper Cylinder Assy. 175133-500 Lockheed 6158 6159 6160 11/01/50 25 22 Nose Landing Gear Shimmy Damper Cylinder Assy. 25 23 Use of Landing Wheel Brakes 10/01/50 25 26 02/01/66 25 509 25 25 511 513 25 517 Arresting Gear Snubber Assy. 249-56201-11, 24956201-21 Compensating Master Cylinders for Push Type Cylinders Main & Tail Wheels Air Shut-Off Actuator 663147 Cylinder Arresting Gear Snubber Assy. 181-56201, 18156201-10 Single or Dual Disc Brakes Vacuum Regulating Valves 2550, 2650, 2650-A, 2750, 2650-A. AN5828-2, AN-58283, AN5828-4 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6174 6175 10/01/43 Lockheed N. American Aviation Bendix 09/01/43 Bendix 04/01/50 02/19/51 05/01/56 BC A 2 1 30 A 2 Pressure Regulating Valve 30 A 3 Identification, Use & Service AN6287-1 of High Pressure Air Valve 08/01/49 30 30 30 A A A 4 5 6 Purge Valve Purge Valve Turn & Bank Needle Valve 03/01/51 03/01/51 08/01/52 Weatherhead Weatherhead Parker 30 A 7 Turn & Bank Needle Valve 08/01/52 Parker 6171 6172 6173 11/01/50 25 30 6169 6170 175133-500 M-2 135-00100 135-00100 5-2339-10, 4561-11/8 D 12-1246-75, AN58292 01/01/60 01/01/61 Goodyear 03/01/50 Schwien 09/01/47 Berger Bros. 6176 30 A 8 Turn & Bank Needle Valve 9-1140-5, 4561-2-1/8 08/01/52 D 2-110-100, 2-11010/01/52 200, 2-110-300 Parker 30 A 9 Anti "G" Suit Valve & Filter 30 A 10 Anti "G" Suit Valve & Filter 2-110-100, 2-110200, 2-110-300 10/01/52 Interstate 30 A 13 AV-11D-1113B 08/01/52 General Controls 312100 09/01/57 Gladden AV-2B1354 05/01/53 General Controls AV-2A1389 05/01/53 General Controls 23 Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Absolute Air Pressure Regulator Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Dual Thermal Relief Valve 30 A 18 30 A 19 30 A 20 30 A 728 03/01/54 Electrol 30 A 24 Dual Thermal Relief Valve 728 04/01/54 Electrol 30 A 25 66-53123-1 12/01/53 Harvill 30 30 30 A A A 26 27 31 17TC100 17TC100 HPC 100100 04/01/54 04/01/54 05/01/54 Talley Talley Hydra-Power 30 A 503 Emergency Vacuum Shutoff Valve Assy. Modulating Valve Assy. Modulating Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Dual Unit: Directional Control Valve Pneumatic Dump Valves 22350, 22350-1 02/01/52 Pacific Airmotive 30 A 504 Cabin Safety Valves 35090, 55000-3.00-2, 11/01/54 55000-3.00, 550003.70, 55000-5.25 Pacific Airmotive 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 Interstate 6191 6192 6193 30 30 30 30 A A A A 505 506 507 510 Pressure Switch Pressure Switch Vent Valve Drop-Tank Valves & Couplings P801-FB P906 B-23001 5QD1800B, 6QD1800B Series 07/01/50 07/01/50 01/01/54 10/01/53 Aerotec Aerotec Aerotec Allen Aircraft Products 30 A 512 4QD1800B 11/01/55 Allen Aircraft 30 A 513 6QD1800B 12/01/55 Allen Aircraft 30 30 A A 514 515 Self Sealing Quick Disconnect Valve Self Sealing Quick Disconnect Valve Pneumatic Valve Check Valve 2145-1 8869A-10TT-.5, 8869A-20HH-14 11/01/55 06/01/59 Interstate James, Pond, Clark 30 A 516 Check Valve P9-220 05/01/56 James, Pond, Clark 30 A 517 Check Valve 869A-6TT, -20TT(L) 12/01/57 James, Pond, Clark 30 A 519 Relief Valve MC 1613 Series 03/01/56 M.C. Mfg Co. 30 A 520 2148-1 06/01/56 Interstate 30 A 522 High Temperature Pneumatic Valve Pressure Gage 1PG11MF-1900 03/01/58 General Controls 30 AA 1 30 AA 3 30 AA 5 30 AA 6 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 Engine Driven Vacuum Pumps Vane Type Engine: Driven Air Pump Air & Hydraulic Equipment: Modification of Suction Relief Valves Motor Driven Dry Air Pump 01/01/45 B-8, B-A, B-11, B-A 12/01/44 B-4EA, B-8AEA, B8EA, B-11EA 07/01/45 1511-1-A, 1511-1-C, 09/01/55 1511-4-C Eclipse Eclipse-Pioneer 30 AA 6 30 30 30 30 AA AA AA AA 30 A Motor Driven Dry Air Pump 1511-1-A, 1511-1-C, 05/01/55 1511-4-C Eclipse-Pioneer 7 8 501 502 Suction Relief Valve Air Pump Suction Relief Valve Suction Relief Valves 691-11-A 764-6-A 691-11-A 554-1-A, 555-1-A 12/01/48 01/01/53 12/01/48 06/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer AAA 1 7-3179 01/01/79 Lionel-Pacific 30 30 30 AB AB AB 1 2 3 WM396-1D WM396-1D WB023-2 06/01/55 06/01/55 02/01/53 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker 30 AB 4 WB009-1-3/8 03/01/53 Whittaker 30 AB 6 WB015-1-3/8 01/01/53 Whittaker 30 AB 8 Three Position Trailing Edge Actuator Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Operated Dual Butterfly Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Air Actuated Butterfly Valve 100337 05/01/54 Whittaker 30 AB 9 03/01/54 Whittaker 30 AB 10 04/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 30 AB 11 Pressure Actuated Butterfly 101019 Shutoff Valve Solenoid, Pilot Actuated Hot 25238 Air Shutoff Valve Pressure Operated Actuator 25192 05/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 30 AB 19 06/01/59 Whittaker 30 AB 22 12/01/63 Whittaker 30 AB 503 03/01/54 Whittaker 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 121595, 121595-1 Solenoid Pilot Actuated Butterfly Pressure Regulated Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Rotary 134255-1 Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary 100317 Selector Valve Assy. 6226 6227 30 AB 504 30 AB 506 30 AB 508 30 AB 510 30 AB 512 30 AB 513 30 AB 514 30 AB 515 30 AB 517 30 ABE 1 30 ABS 1 30 ABS 2 30 ABS 3 30 ABS 4 30 ABS 5 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 Pressure Actuated Butterfly 112115 Shutoff Valve Solenoid Actuated Selector 110625 Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Sleeve 109445 Selector Valve Assy. 02/01/64 Whittaker 05/01/55 Whittaker 08/01/56 Whittaker Pressure Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. 4-Way Electromagnetic Valve Hydraulic Power Brake Valve 112355 05/01/55 Whittaker 106995 10/01/55 Whittaker 109875 05/01/56 Whittaker 118195 01/01/57 Whittaker 108905 04/01/57 Whittaker 104298, EV2-1 11/01/63 Airesearch 12500 08/01/61 Benton Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump 50901, AP6V-34B 05/01/67 Abex Corp 50901, AP6V-34B 05/01/67 Abex Corp 55001, 55114, AP10V- 11/01/77 2, AP10V-62 Abex Corp 55001, AP10V-2 09/01/64 51029, AP6VSC-5 11/01/73 American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump 30 ABS 6 Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump 30 ABS 7 Variable Displacement Aircraft Pump 30 ABS 9 30 ABS 13 30 ABS 14 30 ABS 15 30 ABS 16 30 ABS 20 30 ABS 21 30 ABS 22 30 ABS 23 30 ABS 24 30 ABS 37 Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Ramp & Door Control Manifold Valve Ramp & Door Control Manifold Valve Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Variable Displacement Pump/Motor Hydraulic Motor & Speed Reducer Hydraulic Motor & Speed Reducer Hydraulic Pump 30 AC 2 AC 3 RD-4770, B-3, Mark 11/01/42 III RD-3870, RD-3870-A 01/01/46 Turner-Romec 30 Vacuum Instrument & DeIcer Pump, Engine Driven Vacuum Pumps 30 AC 5 Vacuum Instrument & DeIcer Pumps RD-3880B, RD-4990B 07/01/49 Romec 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 51015, 51054, AP6VSC-2, AP6VSC16 51015, 51054, AP6VSC-2, AP6VSC16 56075, AP2V-17 04/01/65 American Brake Shoe 09/01/69 American Brake Shoe 06/01/65 51060, AP6VSC-19 04/01/65 51060, AP6VSC-19 04/01/65 HP 892100-8 05/01/66 American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe Hydra-Power HP 892100-8 05/01/66 Hydra-Power 51058, AP6V-S2A 09/01/65 51058, AP6V-S2A 09/01/65 57086, APM2V-1 12/01/65 58115, FMP05C-2 08/01/65 58115, FMP05C-2 08/01/65 66003, AP2V-77 06/01/75 American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe American Brake Shoe Abex Corp Romec 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 30 AC 6 RD-3880B, RD-4990B 07/01/49 Romec RD-6110A RD-6110A 891736 10/27/50 10/01/50 12/01/65 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec Kidde 10 11 12 Vacuum Instrument & DeIcer Pumps Air Pump Air Pump Pneumatic Emergency Brake Valve Air Valve Air Valve Air Compressor 30 30 30 AC AC AC 8 9 9 30 30 30 AC AC AC RA-2090 RA-2090 RG-9065 Series 10/01/50 10/01/50 11/01/51 Lear-Romec Lear-Romec Romec 30 AC 13 Air Compressor RG-9065 Series 11/01/51 Romec 30 AC 14 Camera Vacuum Pump RG-7730 Series 02/01/53 Romec 30 AC 15 Camera Vacuum Pump RG-7730 Series 02/01/53 Romec 30 30 AC AC 17 18 Air Compressor Air Dehydrator RG-8160-2 RD-8080, HD-14/U 07/17/51 06/27/51 Romec Romec 30 AC 19 Air Dehydrator RD-8080, HD-14/U 06/27/51 Romec 30 AC 20 Absolute Pressure Switch RB-8190, SA-75/U 05/15/51 Romec 30 AC 21 Absolute Pressure Switch RB-8190, SA-75/U 05/15/51 Romec 30 AC 26 Oil-Free Air Pressure Pumps RG-9065-B, RG-9065- 09/01/53 D, RG-9065-E, RG9065-F, USAF Type MA-1 Lear-Romec 30 AC 28 Aircraft Radar Pressurizing Kit Lear-Romec 6272 6273 RR-8990B 07/01/54 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 30 AC 29 Hydraulic Oil Tank Pressurizing Kit Air Filter Dehydrator Pressure Actuated Switch RR-9470 06/01/54 Lear-Romec 30 30 AC ACC 32 1 RD-8180 1600-1 02/01/54 03/01/61 B74C99 08/01/65 4405 12/01/59 640 12/01/55 Tactair Valve Div Aircraft Prod. Aircraft Products 9902-3 07/01/57 Tactair Valve 9905 07/01/57 Tactair Valve 505 Canopy Seal Control Valve Assy. Hydraulic Sequence Valve, 3000 PSI Solenoid Operated 3-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve, 3000 PSI Pneumatic Pressure Actuated Shutoff Valve Manual 4-Way Pneumatic Valve, 600 PSI Rotor Master Brake Cylinder Lear-Romec Custom Component Janitrol Aero 30 ACJ 1 30 ACP 10 30 ACP 501 30 ACP 502 30 ACP 503 30 ACP 651 07/01/57 Tactair Valve 30 ACP 507 Parking Brake Valve 9004-1, 9004-2, 9004- 01/01/78 7, 9004-8, 6525602060-101, 6525602060-102 Aircraft Products 30 ACR 1 40D830, 40D830-1 08/01/62 Crocker 30 ACR 2 41D230 05/01/63 Crocker 30 ACR 3 41D110 05/01/63 Crocker 30 AD 3 Insulated Engine Bleed Check Valve Motor Operated Air Shutoff Valve Motor Operated Air Shutoff Valve Air Pumps 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 AN6111-1, AN6112-1 12/01/57 Aro 30 AD 4 Relief Valves, Safety Valve, Oil Separator A-504-A, B-9452, A- 06/01/50 503, A-509-B, A-517A, AN6119-2, 3, AN6120-3, AN61232, AN6121-3 Aro 30 30 30 AD AD AD 6 7 10 9700, H-1 9700, H-1 9450, 11615 06/01/49 06/01/49 11/01/54 Aro Aro Aro 30 30 30 30 30 AD AD AD AD AD 11 12 13 501 504 Air Pump Air Pump Suction Relief Valve: Air Pump Anti-G Suit Valve Anti-G Suit Valve Pressure Control Valve Pressure Safety Valve Pressure Relief Valve Assy. 12800 12800 21190 B9740 B11950 06/01/60 06/01/60 02/01/61 03/01/51 08/01/55 Aro Aro Aro Aro Aro 30 AD 506 Pressure Relief Valve Assy. 02/01/58 Aro 30 30 30 AD AD AE 507 508 4 12/01/56 11/01/56 05/01/63 Aro Aro Vinson Mfg 30 30 AE AE 501 503 A50174 A60185, A60185-1 12/01/59 09/01/59 Vinson Mfg Vinson Mfg 30 AER 1 Valve Valve Pneumatic Pressure Operated Control Valve Air Bottle Release Valve Pressure Regulator & Relief Valve Hydraulic Filter Assy. 13300, 13300-A, 13300-B 10715 9452 A70093 12843 11/01/64 30 30 AF AG 1 2 Aeroflex Laboratories Bendix-Pacific David Clark 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 Air Pressure Accumulator 405031 Regulating, Jet-Type Aircraft, AN6538-1, AN6538Anti-G Suit Valve 2, AN6538-3 04/01/45 04/01/52 30 AG 3 Regulating, Jet-Type Aircraft, AN6538-1, AN6538Anti-G Suit Valve 2, AN6538-3 04/01/52 David Clark 30 AH 1 Axial Flow Fan Assy. 080140-010-01 05/01/60 Pesco 30 AH 1 Engine Driven Vacuum Pumps B-1, B-1A, B-2, B-2A, 02/01/52 B-3, B-4, B-6, B-7, B8, B-11, B-11A, B-12, B-13 Pesco 30 AH 1 12/01/53 Pesco 30 AH 2 132493-010-01 03/01/53 Pesco 30 AH 3 132493-010-01 03/01/53 Pesco 30 AH 7 3P211 02/01/54 Pesco 30 AJ 1 Engine Driven Vacuum Pumps Electric Motor-Driven Dry Air Pump Electric Motor-Driven Dry Air Pump Modification of Engine Driven Vacuum Pump Compressors 32-R-200, 32-R-300, 32-R-400, C-1 11/01/50 Cornelius 30 AJ 2 Compressors 32-R-200, 32-R-300, 32-R-400, C-1 11/01/50 Cornelius 30 30 30 30 30 30 AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ 4 5 6 7 8 14 Air Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Regulator Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Relief Valve Absolute Pressure Regulator 66-D-100 66-D-100 31-B-140 31-B-140 116-B-100 135-D-100-1, 135-D100-3, 135-D-100-4, 135-D-100-5 04/01/50 04/01/50 07/01/51 07/01/51 07/01/51 06/01/57 Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 1A 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 30 AJ 15 Absolute Pressure Regulator 135-D-100-1, 135-D- 06/01/57 100-3, 135-D-100-4, 135-D-100-5 Cornelius 30 30 AJ AJ 17 19 Compressor Compressor Assy. 130R0100-1-0 130R0300-1-1, 130R0300-4-1, 130R0300-5-1, 130R0300-6-1, 130R0300-7-1, 130R0300-8-1, 130R0300-9-1, 130R0300-10-1, 130R0300-20-1 02/15/56 05/01/60 Cornelius Cornelius 30 AJ 20 Compressor Assy. 130R0300-1-1, 130R0300-4-1, 130R0300-5-1, 130R0300-6-1, 130R0300-7-1, 130R0300-8-1, 130R0300-9-1, 130R0300-10-1, 130R0300-20-1 05/01/60 Cornelius 30 AJ 21 Compressor Package Assy. 03/01/59 Cornelius 30 AJ 23 Compressor Package Assy. 03/01/59 Cornelius 30 30 AJ AJ 24 25 Compressor Assy. Compressor Assy. 130R1902, 13R19021-1 130R1902, 13R19021-1 32-R-1600-1-0 32-R-1600-1-0 12/15/59 12/01/59 Cornelius Cornelius 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6331 6332 25 Rework of Compressors 30 30 AJ AJ 26 27 Motor Pump Assy. 225R0100-1-0 Absolute Pressure Regulator 135-D-100-8 30 30 AJ AJ 503 508 Check Valve Compressor Package Assy. 140B3100 05/01/54 130R1301, 130R1301- 05/01/69 1-1, 130R1301-2, 130R1301-3, 130R1301-4, Aero 2A Cornelius Cornelius/StewarWarner 30 AJ 509 Compressor Package Assy. 130R1301, 130R1301- 05/01/69 1-1, 130R1301-2, 130R1301-3, 130R1301-4, Aero 2A Cornelius 30 AJ 512 Air Release Valve Assy. 130B1025 Cornelius 6333 6334 6335 Cornelius AJ 6329 6330 09/01/54 32R100, 32R200, 32R300, 32R400, 32R400-1, 32R400-2, 32R500, 32R500-1, 32R500-3, 32R500-5, 32R1000, 32R1100, C1 30 11/01/59 02/01/60 06/01/58 Cornelius Cornelius 30 AJ 513 Compressor Package Assy. 130R1903, 130R1903- 12/01/63 1-1, 130R1903-2, 130R1903-3, 130R1903-4, Aero 2B Stewart-Warner 30 AJ 515 Compressor Package Assy. 130R1903, 130R1903- 05/01/71 1-1, 130R1903-2, 130R1903-3, 130R1903-4, 130R1903-5 Stewart-Warner 30 30 AK AK 1 3 Cabin Air Valves Pressure Ratio Flow Control 92160-1, 92488, Valves 93282-1 05/01/53 03/01/51 Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 4 Pressure Ratio Flow Control 92160-1, 92488, Valves 93282-1 03/01/51 Airesearch 30 AK 8 Air Shutoff Valves 92002-1, 92002-51, 02/01/57 92002-52, 92004, 92004-1, 92004-50, 92004-51, 92004-60, 92773, 93700, 937001, 94860, 93700-1 Airesearch 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 30 AK 9 Pressure Ratio Valve Control 92072-427-417, 92072-440-440, 92490-372-371, 92790-427-417 07/15/57 Airesearch 30 AK 10 Pressure Ratio Valve Controls 92072-427-417, 92072-440-440, 92490-372-371, 92490-427-417 03/01/51 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 11 26 Airesearch Airesearch AK AK 28 47 91020-1 105242-300-1, SVR116 105054 105676 06/01/52 11/01/53 30 30 06/01/58 04/15/59 Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 49 AK 50 103122-530, CSV1-32- 05/01/59 1 102194, OV2-17-1 05/01/59 Airesearch 30 30 AK 57 108420 12/01/64 Airesearch 30 AK 60 103124-530 06/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 61 32747-1 06/15/62 Airesearch 30 AK 66 103106-580 06/01/60 Airesearch 30 AK 68 103172-350 06/01/60 Airesearch 30 AK 70 Pressure Control Valve Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve Starter Air Shutoff Valve 2 1/2" Diameter Pneumatic Shutoff Valve Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Shutoff Differrential Pressure Regulator Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Aircraft Direct Current Motor Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve 2" Diameter Modulating Electric Air Shutoff Valve 104332-1, SR 3 07/01/61 Airesearch 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 Airesearch 6356 6357 6358 30 AK 71 Air Pressure Regulator 108136-0, SR 2 07/01/61 Airesearch 30 AK 73 105958 10/01/64 Airesearch 30 AK 75 2 1/2" Diameter Pneumatic Shutoff Valve Air Pressure Regulators 108388, 108388-1-1 05/01/63 Airesearch 30 AK 75 Air Pressure Regulators 108388, 108388-1-1, 03/01/67 108388-2-1 Airesearch 30 AK 76 Vacuum & Vent Pressure Relief Valve 108398-3, 108398-4- 03/01/67 1, 108398-6-1 Airesearch 30 AK 78 108458-106 Airesearch 30 AK 78 30 AK 79 30 AK 80 30 AK 81 30 AK 81 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 30 AK 83 Centrifugal Air Compressor 206400-1, 206400-1- 09/01/64 10/01/65 Airesearch 7, 206400-1-6, 206400-1-8 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 04/01/63 108458-106, 108458- 01/01/65 12/15/65 Airesearch 3-1 103036-3 03/01/63 Airesearch 108486-1 Series 5 01/01/65 Airesearch 108486-1 Series 5, 7, 04/01/63 01/01/65 Airesearch 8, 9 108486-1 Series 5, 7, 11/01/70 8, 9, 108486-2-1, 108486-3-1 Airesearch 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 30 30 AK AK 88 90 30 AK 94 30 AK 95 30 AK 96 30 30 30 30 AK AK AK AK 501 502 503 504 30 AK 505 30 AK 506 6377 6378 Pneumatic Relay Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Turbine Driven Centrifugal Compressor Turbine Driven Centrifugal Compressor Motor Driven Tube Axial Fans Air Shutoff Valve Assy. Flow Control Valve Flow Control Valve Surge Protection Spring Loaded Bypass Valve Thermostatic Temperature Control Valve Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve 107312-2 102020-11 11/21/62 07/01/67 Airesearch Airesearch 204790-1-1 09/01/65 Airesearch 204790-1-1 08/01/65 Airesearch 605600-1-1, 6056002-1 94360 92960-2 92960-2 18930-13 10/01/74 Airesearch 09/01/53 Airesearch 02/01/54 07/15/61 Airesearch 02/01/54 07/15/61 Airesearch 05/15/54 06/15/62 Airesearch 18900-160-13, 18900- 05/01/60 185-24, OTSV1-2-1, OTSV1-4-1 102010, 102014, 102014-1, 10201411, 102026-2, 102026-20 Airesearch 07/01/54 07/15/62 Airesearch 30 AK 507 Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valves 102010, 102014, 03/01/58 102014-1, 10201410, 102014-11, 102026-2, 10201420, OV2-4, OV2-2, OV2-3, OV2-11, OV219, OV1-5 Airesearch 30 AK 508 Shutoff Valve: Modulating 92970 01/01/54 Airesearch 30 30 30 30 AK AK AK AK 509 510 511 512 94530 93710 93791 104232-1 02/15/54 02/15/54 03/15/54 06/15/55 09/15/61 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 513 514 Valve: Pressure Control Valve: Shutoff Air Throttling Valve 3" Diameter Modulating Electric Air Shutoff Valve Cooler: Tbular Oil Oil Diverter Thermostats AIR4125-13-1 11608-5, 11608-1130, 11608-5-100 06/15/55 06/01/55 Airesearch Airesearch 30 30 30 AK AK AK 515 516 517 Selector: Rate of Change Selector: Cabin Altitude Thermostatic Temperature Control Valve 13380-3 13390-3 18900-160-23, OTSV1-15 06/15/55 06/15/55 02/01/56 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 518 32767 08/15/59 07/15/60 Airesearch 30 AK 519 31668-1 06/15/55 Airesearch 30 AK 520 Aircraft Direct Current Motor Power Unit: Electro Mechanical Direct-Current Motor 32386, DCM23-19 06/01/55 Airesearch 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 30 AK 521 Power Unit: ElectroMechanical Alternating-Current Motor 31794 06/01/55 Airesearch 30 AK 522 27272, ACM23-8 06/01/55 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 523 524 32708 49300 06/01/55 12/15/54 Airesearch Airesearch 525 Motor: Direct-Current Power Unit: ElectroHydraulic Oil Temperature Regulator 30 AK 87170-160-24 04/01/62 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 526 527 Valve: Air Check Air Check Valves 90500-60 06/01/55 94520, 94520-1, CV1- 06/01/55 6, CV1-7 Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 528 94650-2 11/15/59 04/15/62 Airesearch 30 AK 530 Pressure Relief & Dump Safety Valve Air Pressure Control Valve 91010, 91020, 91510, 91510-3, 92465, 92465-1, 92465-2, 92496 12/15/54 09/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 532 Rate of Change Selector 13060-10, CRS1-3 06/01/55 Airesearch 30 AK 533 18930-24-1 02/01/56 Airesearch 30 AK 534 Surge Protection Spring Valve Ground Cooling Fans 30980-1, 30980-2 05/01/61 Airesearch 30 AK 535 Ground Cooling Fan 30980-1, 30980-2 05/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 536 Direct-Current Motor 32370-3, DCM23-10 06/01/55 Airesearch 30 AK 537 Direct-Current Motor 32631, DCM15-66 Airesearch 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 06/01/55 6408 30 AK 538 Secondary Heat Exchanger 81118. 81118-1, 06/15/60 81118-2 81148-9, 81148-10, 05/15/61 81148-11, 81148-12 Airesearch 30 AK 539 Water Seperator 30 AK 540 Water Seperator 81148-9, 81148-10, 05/15/61 81148-11, 81148-12 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 541 543 Valve: Shutoff Air Mixing & Selector Valve 93710-1 93960-1, 93960-2, AMV1-1, AMV1-2 06/01/55 05/01/56 Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 544 94140-560-3 07/01/62 Airesearch 30 AK 545 AK 546 94190, 94190-1, OV2- 04/01/57 6-1 102000-5-33-2, 07/15/59 102000-5-50-3 Airesearch 30 Pressure Relief & Dump Safety Valve Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valves Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control 30 AK 546 Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control 102000-5-33-2, 102000-5-50-3 07/15/59 06/15/62 Airesearch 30 AK 547 102000-5-50-3 07/15/59 07/15/62 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 548 549 Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Valve: Air Shutoff 1 3/4" Diameter Pneumatic Air Throttling Valve 105046-1 10558, 105058-4, SR1 06/15/55 Airesearch 12/15/58 07/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 550 Air Check Valve 107020, CV1-3 06/01/55 Airesearch 30 AK 551 Air Pressure Regulator 108052 06/15/55 Airesearch 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 Airesearch Airesearch 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 30 AK 553 30 AK 554 30 AK 555 30 AK 556 30 AK 557 30 AK 559 30 AK 560 30 AK 566 Electromechanical Power Unit Direct-Current Aircraft Motor Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Aircraft Direct-Current Motor 1-1/2" Diameter Electric Air Shutoff Valve Flow Control Valve 29208-9 06/01/55 Airesearch 32706 08/01/60 Airesearch 94190-3 04/15/62 Airesearch 102006-750 06/01/55 Airesearch 102006-750 06/01/55 Airesearch 32736, DCM15-107-1 11/01/57 Airesearch 104260 09/01/61 Airesearch 91740-5, 91913-12, 91913-20, 106206, 106220, AFR4-3, AFR4-5 02/01/55 Airesearch 30 AK 566 Flow Control Valve 91740-5, 91913-12, 91913-20, 106206, 106220, AFR4-3, AFR4-5 02/01/55 09/15/58 Airesearch 30 AK 566 Flow Control Valve 91740-5, 91913-12, 91913-20, 106206, 106220, AFR4-3, AFR4-5 02/01/55 09/15/59 Airesearch 6429 6430 6431 30 AK 567 Flow Control Valves 91740-5, 91913-12, 91913-20, 106206, 106220 30 AK 570 Air Flow Control & Shutoff Valve 91147-2-3-6, 91147- 03/15/55 02/15/56 Airesearch 2-5-6, 91147-2-5-8, 91147-2-5-18, 911472-50-6, 91690-2-3-6, 91234-3, 91551-2, 91551-3, 91750-3, 92052-2-3-8 30 AK 570 Air Flow Control & Shutoff Valve 91147-2-3-6, 91147- 03/15/55 09/15/58 Airesearch 2-5-6, 91147-2-5-8, 91147-2-5-18, 911472-50-6, 91690-2-3-6, 91234-3, 91551-2, 91551-3, 91750-3, 92052-2-3-8 6432 6433 6434 08/01/59 Airesearch 30 AK 571 Air Flow Control Valve & Shutoff Valve 30 30 30 30 30 30 AK AK AK AK AK AK 572 573 574 574 574 577 Check & Shutoff Valves 91520 Check & Shutoff Valves 91520 Check & Shutoff Valve Check & Shutoff Valve Check & Shutoff Valve Pneumatic Air Sgutoff Valve 30 AK 578 Pneumatic Air Shutoff Valves 105012-1, 105012-2, 03/15/55 105012-3, 105012-4, 105060-2, 105062, 105062-2, 105072, 105118, 105138, 105212-1, 105212-2 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 91147-2-3-6, 91147- 09/15/58 2-5-6, 91147-2-50-3, 91147-2-5-8, 911472-5-18, 91690-2-3-6, 91234-3, 91551-2, 91551-3, 91750-3, 92052-2-3-8 09/01/59 02/01/56 04/01/55 04/01/55 04/01/55 03/15/55 Airesearch 02/01/56 09/15/58 09/15/59 06/15/61 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 578 Pneumatic Air Shutoff Valves 105012-1, 105012-2, 03/15/55 12/15/58 Airesearch 105012-3, 105012-4, 105060-2, 105062, 105062-2, 105072, 105118, 105138, 105212-1, 105212-2 30 AK 580 2 1/18" Diameter Pnuematic 105448-30, 105448- 11/01/63 Air Shutoff Valve 40, 105448-50, 105448-60 Airesearch 30 AK 581 Cabin Air Pressure Regulators 102108-3, 102108-9, 11/01/58 CPR1-42-1, CPR1-691 Airesearch 30 AK 581 Cabin Air Pressure Regulators 102108-3, 102108-9, 03/15/60 CPR1-42-1, CPR1-691 Airesearch 30 AK 583 93860-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 30 AK 584 49630, HPU-1 03/01/57 Airesearch 30 AK 586 Pressure Ratio Control & Shutoff Valve Ram Air Hydraulic Power Unit Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Units 44004-1, 44084, 44084-1, 44140 10/01/61 Airesearch 30 AK 587 Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Units 44004-1, 44084, 44084-1, 44140 09/01/60 Airesearch 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 30 AK 588 Ram Air Hydraulic Power Unit 44070, 49684, HPU1- 04/01/58 28, HPU1-16 Airesearch 30 AK 589 Ram Air Hydraulic Power Unit 44070, 49684, HPU1- 05/01/58 28, HPU1-16 Airesearch 30 AK 590 108260-450-2 03/01/57 Airesearch 30 AK 591 106226, SVP9-8 04/01/57 Airesearch 30 AK 592 Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve Air Flow & Temperature Control Valve Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve 103068-535, 1660546-3909 06/15/62 Airesearch 30 AK 592 103068-535 02/01/76 Airesearch 30 AK 593 106362, 106362-1 08/01/63 Airesearch 30 AK 594 106362, 106362-1 05/01/63 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 595 596 30 30 AK AK 597 598 30 AK 599 Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Venturi Type Air Flow Regulator Venturi Type Air Flow Regulator Air Shutoff Valve Air Temperature Throttling Valve Control Air Shutoff Valve 1 1/4" Diameter Air Shutoff Valve Ground Cooling Fan 30 30 AK AK 600 601 30 AK 602 30 30 AK AK 603 604 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 Ground Cooling Fan Electromechanical Power Unit Control, Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Motor: Cirect-Current Air Check Valve 106282-1 02/01/58 09/01/61 Airesearch 107624-36, CTV1-11 04/01/58 Airesearch 104010 105518, SR1 05/01/57 Airesearch 04/15/57 07/01/61 Airesearch 49610, FAN1-9 06/01/57 Airesearch 49610 31934, EPU2-17 06/01/57 06/01/57 Airesearch Airesearch 102088-416, OVC314-1 32747 107002 04/01/57 Airesearch 06/01/57 09/15/61 Airesearch Airesearch 6469 6470 30 30 30 AK AK AK 605 606 607 Air Shutoff VAlve Air Shutoff Valve Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve 104008 104164, SR8 103118-360, 1660510-1162 09/01/61 07/01/61 06/15/62 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 608 Motor Aircraft Direct Current 36846, DCM11-9-1, 01/15/59 DCM11-9-2, DCM119-3, DCM11-9-4, DCM11-9-5 Airesearch 30 AK 609 Airesearch AK 611 32355-7, 6105-5389166 106066-1, SR2 06/15/62 30 07/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 612 106066-1, SR2 07/01/61 Airesearch 30 AK 614 Direct Current Aircraft Motor Venturi-Type Shutoff Air Flow Regulator Venturi-Type Shutoff Air Flow Regulator Water Separator 80170-1, WS2-1-1 11/01/59 Airesearch 30 AK 617 Direct-Current Motor Airesearch 30 AK 618 30 AK 619 107610-4, SR8 07/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 620 105068 03/15/58 Airesearch 30 30 AK AK 622 623 104272, SR3 108078, SR2 07/01/61 07/01/61 Airesearch Airesearch 30 AK 624 Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve Air Temperature Throttling Valve Control 3" Diameter Air Shutoff Valve Air Shutoff Valve Air Pressure Differential Regulator Oil Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Fuel Heater 32370-10, DCM23-28- 12/01/57 1 105230-450-2, SR7 07/15/61 86787, 87889 05/15/58 Airesearch 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 Airesearch 30 AK 624 Oil Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Fuel Heater 86344, 86997, 86997- 05/15/58 04/15/59 Airesearch 1, 86997-3, 87099, 87099-1, 87329, 87379, 87425, 874251, 87490, 87509, 87509-20, 87509-30, 87509-40, 87509-60, 87516, 87559, 876701, 88457-1, 8866960, 86787, 87889 30 AK 625 Oil Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Fuel Heater 86787, 87889 6484 6485 05/15/58 Airesearch 30 AK 625 Oil Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Fuel Heater 86344, 86997, 86997- 05/15/58 04/15/59 Airesearch 1, 86997-3, 87099, 87099-1, 87329, 87379, 87425, 874251, 87490, 87509, 87509-20, 87509-30, 87509-40, 87509-60, 87516, 87559, 876701, 88457-1, 8866960, 86787, 87889 30 AK 626 AK 628 91870-300S, 91870- 04/15/58 360S 91930-300 04/01/58 Airesearch 30 30 AK 629 Valve: Cabin Pressure Vacuum Relief & Dump Vacuum Pressure Relief & Pneumatic Dump Valve Pneumatic Dump Valve 91932-1, SV6-2-1 03/01/58 Airesearch 30 AK 630 Air Check Valve 107028, CV5-1-1 03/01/58 Airesearch 30 AK 631 Motor, Aircraft Direct Current 36880, DCM11-30-1, 08/15/58 DCM11-30-2 Airesearch 30 AK 633 30 AK 634 1-1/2" Diameter Electric Air 104402 Shutoff Valve Modulating Air Shutoff Valve 104012-1, SR2 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 Airesearch 09/01/61 Airesearch 10/01/65 Airesearch 30 AK 635 Modulating Pnuematic Shutoff Valve 108522, 108522-1, PMV1-1, PMV1-2 06/15/58 Airesearch 30 AK 636 132034, ADC1-3-1 08/15/58 Airesearch 30 AK 637 Differential Air Pressure Control Aircraft Plate Oil Cooler 88339, OCPA100-24- 09/01/58 1 Airesearch 30 AK 639 44080 01/15/59 Airesearch 30 AK 639 44080 01/15/59 05/15/62 Airesearch 30 AK 641 RAM Air Hydraulic Power Unit RAM Air Hydraulic Power Unit Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve 103112-790, 103112- 04/15/59 790-1, CSV1-29-1, CSV12-5-1 Airesearch 30 AK 642 27804, EPU2-9-1 12/15/58 Airesearch 30 AK 643 105460-320-2, SR 7 07/15/61 Airesearch 30 AK 644 105230-320-2 01/01/59 Airesearch 30 AKP 3 104920, SR 3 07/01/61 Airesearch 30 AKP 4 104452, SVE1-119-1 06/01/60 Airesearch 30 AKP 5 105242-350-1 07/01/60 Airesearch 30 AKP 6 105242-350-1 07/01/60 Airesearch 30 AKP 9 1/8 HP Direct Current Power Unit 3" Diameter Pneumatic Air Pressure Regulator Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve 2" Diameter Electric Shutoff Butterfly Valve 2" Diameter Modulating Electric Air Shutoff Valve Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve Shutoff Fluid Pressure Regulator 392556-1-1 08/01/67 Airesearch 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 30 AKP 10 30 AKP 501 30 AL 2 Shutoff Fluid Pressure Regulator Pneumatic Air Pressure Control Cylinder & Air Valves 392556-1-1 09/01/66 Airesearch 106526 08/01/61 Airesearch 870077, 982035, 982036 08/01/50 Kidde 30 AL 3 Cylinder & Air Valves 870077, 982035, 982036 05/01/52 Kidde 30 AL 4 Pneumatic & Purging Equipment Pneumatic & Purging Equipment Pneumatic & Purging Equipment Power Actuator Vent Check 966097 Valve 870399, 870400, Pressure Reducer & Pneumatic Fuse 870429, 870563, 870564, 870565, 870567, 870646, 870765 ,870876, 871399, 840296 10/01/52 Kidde 30 AL 5 10/01/52 Kidde 30 AL 5 05/12/55 Kidde 30 AL 6 03/15/51 Kidde 30 AL 7 30 AL 7 Pressure Reducer & Pneumatic Fuse Pressure Reducer & Pneumatic Fuse 02/01/55 Kidde 30 AL 8 12/01/56 Kidde 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 01/15/53 10/01/56 Kidde 6519 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 6535 6536 30 AL 9 Air Compressors 870305, 870553 12/01/53 Kidde 30 AL 9 Air Compressors 870305, 870553 12/01/53 Kidde 30 AL 10 Air Compressors 870305, 870553 12/01/52 Kidde 30 AL 11 Air Bottles & Drain Fittings 01/01/58 Kidde 30 AL 12 Air Bottles & Drain Fittings 01/01/58 Kidde 30 AL 13 05/01/53 Kidde 30 AL 14 3 Port Pneumatic Control 870611 Valve, 3000 PSI Pneumatic Pressure Reducer 870448 05/01/53 Kidde 30 AL 15 05/01/59 Kidde 30 30 AL AL 16 17 08/01/59 07/01/71 Kidde Kidde 30 30 AL AL 501 502 09/01/54 06/01/57 Kidde Kidde 30 AL 503 06/01/57 Kidde 30 30 AL AL 504 505 05/01/55 09/01/57 Kidde Kidde 30 AL 507 Pneumatic Bottle & Self840419 Opening Valve Assy. Bottle & Draining Fitting 870844-01 Pneumatic Pressure Reducer 893622-0230, 893622-0415 3-Port Control Valve 870447 Pneumatic Bottle & Self870668 Opening Valve Assy. Pneumatic Bottle & Self870668 Opening Valve Assy. 2-Port Control Valve 870468 Pneumatic Inline Pressure 871118-04, 871229Reducers 03 Pneumatic Fuse Assy. 871111, 871421 11/01/56 Kidde 30 AL 508 11/01/56 Kidde 30 AL 509 871235-02, 871235- 05/01/59 03, 871356-01 Kidde A1 Manually Operated Pneumatic Valve Pneumatic Pressure Reducers 871106 30 AL 510 Pneumatic Pressure Reducers 30 30 AL AL 511 512 3-Port Control Valve 871155 Solenoid Operated 4-Way 2- 871116, 871116-01 Position Pneumatic Valve 11/01/56 10/01/61 Kidde Kidde 30 AL 513 Air Bottles & Drain Fittings 870822, 871000 05/01/58 Kidde 30 AM 1 Canopy Actuator 215-21306-1, 21504/01/71 21306-5, 215-213066, 215-21306-7, 226112, 2261-13, 226114, 2261-15) LTV Aerospace Corp 30 AM 2 Air Solenoid Valves 06/01/50 Skinner Chuck 30 AM 3 Air Solenoid Valves 05/01/50 Skinner Chuck 30 AN 2 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Pneumatic Valve V5-5950, V5-9300, V5-5350 V5-5950, V5-9300, V5-5350 13381, 13381-2, 16176, 16176-2, 16606 10/01/53 Adel 30 AN 4 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Pneumatic Valve 13381, 13381-2, 16176, 16176-2, 16606 10/01/53 Adel 30 AN 5 4-Way Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Valve 23911 03/01/53 Adel 30 AN 7 2-Position, 3-Way Manually 25945 Operated Air Selector Valve 05/01/53 Adel 6537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547 871235-02, 871235- 05/01/59 03, 871356-01 Kidde 6548 6549 6550 30 AP 1 Actuator Cylinder 43C-08 06/01/50 30 AP 2 Actuator Cylinder Assy. 43C-08 06/01/50 30 AP 501 Absolute Pressure Regulator 102300-1 30 APF 4 Hydraulic Filters 49030-1, 49030-2, 12/01/64 49030-3, 49030-4, 49030-3A, 49030-4A 30 APF 501 48050, 48050-5A 12/01/58 Permanent Filter 30 APF 502 48180-5, 48180-5A 12/01/58 Permanent Filter 30 AQ 1 Micronic Line: Type Hydraulic Fluid Pressure Filters Micronic Line: Type Hydraulic Fluid Pressure Filters Oil Tank Pressurizing Valve SA-7555C 04/10/51 Standard Thomson 30 AQ 2 Oil Tank Pressurizing Valve SA-7555C 04/10/51 Standard Thomson 30 AR 501 Air Vent Valve Assy. F-8050, F-8060 10/01/55 Revere 30 AR 502 07/01/57 Rhodes-Lewis 30 AR 503 07/01/57 Rhodes-Lewis 30 ARA 1 Electro-Pneumatic Interlock 747-100, 747-138 Valves Electro-Pneumatic Interlock 747-100, 747-138 Valves 3-Way, 2-Position, 57-10 Pneumatic Selector Valve 03/01/59 Arkwin 30 ARA 2 04/01/59 Arkwin 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 Air Bottle, Pneumatic Regulating & Shutoff Valve 57-23-1, 57-23-2 10/01/55 Cleveland Aero Products Cleveland Aero Products Accessory Products Permanent Filter 30 ARA 3 Pressure Regulator & Unloading Flow Valve Assy. 11A014-1 09/01/65 Arkwin 30 30 30 30 30 30 AS AS AS AS AS AS 1 2 3 4 4 501 10171 10171 10041 10041 10752B 10211-200-0 10/01/50 10/01/50 04/01/51 04/01/51 11/01/64 05/01/54 Carma Carma Carma Carma Carma Carma 30 30 AS AT 502 1 Solenoid Air Valve Solenoid Air Valve Solenoid Operated Valve Solenoid Operated Valve Canopy Seal Regulator Solenoid Operated 3-Way Regulator Valve Canopy Seal Regulator Hot Air Shutoff Valve Assy. 11291 1501 03/01/56 03/01/51 Carma Haskel 30 AT 2 Hot Air Shutoff Valve Assy. 1501 03/01/51 Haskel 30 30 AT AT 4 5 1941 2255 03/01/51 02/01/52 Haskel Loud 30 AT 6 2255 02/01/52 Loud 30 30 AT AT 14 15 8147 1R3669-015 05/01/59 01/01/59 Loud Gar 30 AT 16 3R1642-025 12/30/59 Gar 30 AT 17 Air Selector Valve Assy. Pneumatic Self-Locking Rocket Door Cylinder Pneumatic Self-Locking Rocket Door Cylinder Shimmy Damper Hydraulic Fixed 1-Way Restrictor Valve: Filtered Hydraulic Fixed 1-Way Restrictor Valve Shimmy Damper 1145L000-500, 1145L000-501 03/01/66 Loud 30 30 30 AT AT AT 18 501 503 Nose Ski Master Cylinder 5010308-1 Dual Brake Valve Assy. 1920, 1920-3 Cylinder Assy. Brake Lockout 4051 06/01/61 08/01/54 01/01/55 Loud Haskel Loud 30 AT 504 Pneumatic Cylinder 01/01/56 Loud 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 6575 6576 6577 6578 6579 6580 6581 4558 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 30 AT 505 Cargo Door Actuating Cylinder Air Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Regulators Dual Brake Valve Nose Landing Gear Uplock Cylinder Hydraulic Pressure Reducing Valve Hydraulic Fixed 1-Way Only Restrictor Valve Hydraulic 1-Way Restrictor Valve: Filtered 5175-2 04/01/56 Loud 30 30 30 30 AT AT AT AT 506 507 508 510 2561-2 5512, 5512-2 5140 1290 12/01/56 10/01/58 04/01/56 11/01/56 Loud Loud Loud Loud 30 AT 511 1RV104 05/01/57 Gar 30 AT 512 3R1441-23-30 05/01/57 Gar 30 AT 513 130-100-015 thru 130-100-117 02/01/58 Gar 30 AU 1 3 Hinged Flap Type Check Valves Hinged Flap Type Check Valves Solenoid Actuated Air Valve 4508, 21712, 21944, 02/01/51 22012 4508, 21712, 21944, 02/01/51 22012 25968 01/01/53 30 AU 2 30 AU 30 AU 4 Solenoid Actuated Air Valve 25292 01/01/53 Whittaker 30 AU 5 Solenoid Operated 3-Way, 2- 22596 Position Pneumatic Valve 03/01/53 Whittaker 30 AV 3 08/01/52 Parker 30 AV 4 08/01/52 Parker 30 AV 9 Air Pressure Relief & Drain 4-1750-78 Valve Assy. Air Pressure Relief & Drain 4-1750-78 Valve Assy. Vacuum Selector Valve Assy. 12-2348-75 12/01/51 Parker 30 AV 10 Vacuum Selector Valve Assy. 12-2348-75 12/01/51 Parker 6589 6590 6591 6592 6593 6594 6595 6596 6597 6598 Saval Saval Whittaker 6599 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 30 AV 11 30 AV 22 30 AV 23 30 AV 24 30 AV 501 30 AV 502 30 30 AV AV 503 504 30 30 AV AV 505 507 30 30 30 AV AV AV 508 509 510 30 AV 511 30 AV 512 30 AV 513 30 AV 514 30 AV 515 30 AV 516 6614 6615 6616 6617 Air Shutoff Solenoid Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Air Pressure Regulator & Relief Valve Air Pressure Regulator & Relief Valve Air Swingg Valve Check Assy. 3-2150-1, 3-2150-18 08/01/52 Parker 1374-579947 05/01/59 Parker 1361-576627 08/01/59 Parker 1361-576627M1 08/01/59 Parker 1-2650-82, 3-154983 Air Swing Check Valve Assy. 1-2650-82, 3-154983 Cone Check Valve Assy. 1112-526703 Fuel Level Control Valve 1321-527000 Assy. Accumulator Assy. 1356-512463 Fuel Tank Air Sensing Supply 1328-537605 Valve Accumulator Assy. 1356-542767 Accumulator Assy. 1356-542768 Fuel Tank Air Sensing Supply 1328-537606 Valve Fuel Tank Air Sensing Supply 1328-537607 Valve Fuel Tank Air Regulator 1328-537608 Valve Pressure Control Valve 1328-537609, 1328537609-M1 01/01/54 Parker 01/01/54 Parker 02/01/54 02/01/54 Parker Parker 08/01/54 07/01/56 Parker Parker 01/01/59 01/01/59 03/01/57 Parker Parker Parker 03/01/57 Parker 03/01/57 Parker 01/01/58 Parker Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 1371-559437 Valve Solenoid Operated Control 1371-549281 Valve Air Supply Valve 1354-556890 10/01/57 Parker 11/01/57 Parker 04/15/58 Parker 6618 6619 6620 30 30 30 30 AV AV AV AV 517 518 519 520 Air Supply Valve Air Supply Valve Air Supply Valve Air Supply Valve 1354-556890 1354-556891 1354-556891 1354-556889, 1354556889-3 04/01/58 04/01/58 04/01/58 04/01/58 Parker Parker Parker Parker 30 AV 521 Air Supply Vavle 1354-556889, 1354- 04/15/58 556889-3 Parker 30 AW 1 2-Way Vacuum Valve 2V-750 01/01/51 30 AW 2 2-Way Vacuum Valve 2V-750 01/01/51 30 AX 1 Hot Air Shutoff Valve Assy. 6026 03/01/51 Thompson & Wagniere Eng. Thompson & Wagniere Eng. Hydro-Aire 30 AX 1 35-589, 35-591 05/01/62 Hydro-Aire 30 AX 2 35-589, 35-591 05/01/62 Hydro-Aire 30 AX 3 Solenoid Valve Assy. & Nacelle Air Preheat Solenoid Valve Assy. & Nacelle Air Preheat Air Pressure Warning Swith 3776 08/25/51 Hydro-Aire 30 AX 4 Air Pressure Warning Switch 3776 08/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 AX 5 Pressure Valve & Vacuum Relief Valve Assy. 6776 08/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 AX 6 Pressure Valve & Vacuum Relief Valve Assy. 6776 08/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 AY 1 1500 & 3000 PSI Pneumatic Dehydration Equipment 02/01/60 Kidde 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 30 AY 2 1500 & 3000 PSI Pneumatic 870367, 870741, Dehydration Equipment 870449, 870724, 870748, 870963, 890157, 890170, 870278, 870487, 840482, 840556, 932596, 840472, 840385, 840473, 840499 02/24/55 30 AY 2 1500 & 3000 PSI Pneumatic 870367, 870741, Dehydration Equipment 870449, 870724, 870748, 870963, 890157, 890170, 870278, 870487, 840482, 840556, 932596, 840472, 840385, 840473, 840499 02/24/55 10/01/56 Kidde 6633 6634 Kidde 30 AY 2 1500 & 3000 PSI Pneumatic 870367, 870741, Dehydration Equipment 870449, 870724, 870748, 870963, 890157, 890170, 870278, 870487, 840482, 840556, 932596, 840472, 840385, 840473, 840499 02/24/55 08/01/57 Kidde 30 AY 2 1500 & 3000 PSI Pneumatic 870367, 870741, Dehydration Equipment 870449, 870724, 870748, 870963, 890157, 890170, 870278, 870487, 840482, 840556, 932596, 840472, 840385, 840473, 840499 02/24/55 03/10/58 Kidde 6635 6636 AY 2 1500 & 3000 PSI Pneumatic 870367, 870741, Dehydration Equipment 870449, 870724, 870748, 870963, 890157, 890170, 870278, 870487, 840482, 840556, 932596, 840472, 840385, 840473, 840499 30 AY 3 Fire Detector Control Unit 871626, 871626-01, 07/01/60 871626-200, 871626350 Kidde 30 30 30 AY AY AY 4 5 5 Moisture Separator Moisture Separator Assy. Moisture Separator Assy. 890469 892532 892532, 895377 10/01/60 08/15/55 01/01/72 Kidde Kidde Kidde 30 AY 6 Moisture Separator Assy. 892532, 895377 01/01/72 Kidde 30 AY 7 892500, 892713 08/01/65 Kidde 30 AY 8 4-Way Pneumatic Selector Valve Pneumatic Compressor 892363, Aero 2B 06/01/65 Kidde 30 AY 9 Pneumatic Compressor 892363, Aero 2B 06/01/65 Kidde 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 02/24/55 02/01/60 Kidde 30 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 30 AY 10 Pneumatic Compressor 892363, Aero 2B 06/01/65 Kidde 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 AY AZ AZ B B B BA 501 1 2 1 501 502 1 3-Port Control Valve Air Shutoff Valve Tip Tank Sniffle Valve Air Compressor Unit Offset Globe Valve Assy. Flanged Plug Valve Assy. 3-Way Air Valves 871621 135-00240 135-00921 E-14 9-1345-1 8-145-33 9720, 6780 03/01/58 07/01/51 07/01/51 08/01/42 01/01/56 05/01/56 10/01/51 Kidde Weatherhead Weatherhead Romec Republic Mfg Republic Mfg Weston Hydraulics 30 BA 2 3-Way Air Valves 9720, 6780 10/01/51 Weston Hydraulics 30 BA 5 10790 03/01/53 Weston 30 BB 1 Manually Operated Valve Assy. Air Selector Valve Assy. K4264 01/01/52 Karl Douglas Assoc 30 30 30 30 BC BC BC BD 1 2 3 3 HC-4862 HC-4862 HC-5146 550115, 50H 03/01/53 03/01/53 08/01/52 02/01/53 Air Assoc. Air Assoc. Air Assoc. Pacific Airmotive 30 BD 5 Air Pressure Limit Valve Air Pressure Limit Valve Restrictor Valve Assy. Solenoid Dump Cabin Safety Valve Hot Air Valve 346200, 346200-1 05/01/55 Pacific Airmotive 30 BD 501 PAC2391, PAC2393 09/01/54 Pacific Airmotive 30 BD 502 30 BE 5 30 BE 501 Motor Actuated Hot Air Shutoff Valves Motor Actuated Hot Air Shutoff Valves Bleed Air Shutoff Valve PAC2391, PAC2393 09/01/54 Pacific Airmotive 537495 03/01/63 Hamilton Standard Combination Pressure Regulating & Shutoff Valve 554062, 599138, 08/01/72 715770-1, 700200-1 Hamilton Standard 30 BE 502 Combination Pressure Regulating & Shutoff Valve 30 BE 504 Air Control Valve & Actuator 515984 02/01/58 Hamilton Standard 30 BEE 1 2830200-2 02/01/64 Stewart-Warner 30 BF 1 Diaphragm Type Air Compressor Assy. Low Pressure Relief Valve MRV-6-02 09/01/53 Bertea 30 30 30 BF BF BF 10 11 12 23711156 23711137 214033 01/01/59 05/01/60 12/01/68 Tavco Tavco Tavco 30 30 BF BF 13 501 212432 2394210 09/01/62 03/01/56 Tavco Tavco 30 30 BF BF 502 503 Pneumatic Receiver Pneumatic Receiver Hydraulic Pressure Regulator Valve Solenoid Valve Pneumatic Pressure Relief Valve Assy. Spherical Receiver Pneumatic Receiver 2371145 01/01/57 2371160, 2371160-A 09/01/58 Tavco Tavco 30 30 BF BF 504 505 Pneumatic Receiver Pneumatic Receiver 2311127 08/01/57 2371146, 2371146-A 09/01/58 Tavco Tavco 30 BF 506 Pneumatic Receiver 2371147, 2371147-A 09/01/58 Tavco 30 BF 507 Pneumatic Receiver 2371163, 2371163-A 09/01/58 Tavco 30 BF 508 2394235 05/01/58 Tavco 30 BF 509 2394259 09/01/58 Tavco 30 30 BG BH 1 13 Pneumatic Pressure Relief Valve Pneumatic Pressure Relief Valve Manual Control Air Valve Magnetic Shutoff Valve A1200-3 221673, MV100AA 09/01/53 03/01/63 Transco Marotta 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 554062, 599138, 08/01/72 715770-1, 700200-1 Hamilton Standard 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 30 BH 501 Pneumatic Valve Assy. 200703-113, MV40 12/01/54 Marotta 30 BH 502 Valve Assy. 301193, MV40E 12/01/54 Marotta 30 BH 503 Magnetic Valve Assy. 204133-2, MV40L 03/01/58 Marotta 30 30 BH BH 504 505 Valve Assy. Solenoid Valve 201983, MV56 202013, MV40J 02/01/56 03/01/56 Marotta Marotta 30 BH 506 Pressure Limiter Valve 96277 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 30 BH 507 Pressure Relief Valve 96999 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 30 BH 508 Magnetic Valve 200703, 200703-123, 05/01/57 MV40 Marotta 30 BH 509 Pressure Relief Valve 203383-2, 203383-6, 10/01/59 PRV4 Marotta 30 BH 510 Solenoid Operated Valve 205653, MV124A 10/01/57 Marotta 30 30 BJ BK 501 39 Air Conditioned Valve Fuel & Ballast Dump Valve 1750 17Z695-155-100, 17Z695-155-500 04/01/54 01/01/60 Wemac Goodyear 30 BK 40 Fuel & Ballast Dump Valve 17Z695-155-100, 17Z695-155-500 01/01/60 Goodyear 30 BK 41 Fuel & Ballast Dump Valve 17Z695-165-100, 17Z695-165-300, 17Z695-165-500, 17Z695-165-700 01/01/60 Goodyear 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 30 BK 42 Fuel & Ballast Dump Valve 17Z695-165-100, 17Z695-165-300, 17Z695-165-500, 17Z695-165-700 01/01/60 Goodyear 30 BK 501 Gas Valves Goodyear 30 BK 502 Gas Valves 30 BK 504 30 BK 504 30 BK 505 Hydraulic Pump Drive Gear Box Hydraulic Pump Drive Gear Box Air & Gas Valves 080-800-300, 9Z790- 09/01/56 7 080-800-300, 9Z790- 09/01/56 7 079-8298 08/01/54 30 BK 505 Air & Gas Valve 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 079-8298 Goodyear Goodyear 08/01/54 08/15/56 Goodyear 9Z790-5-100, 9Z790- 05/01/58 5-300, 9Z790-5-700, 9Z790-5-900, 9Z7905-1100, 9Z790-51300, 9Z790-5-1700, 9Z790-5-1900 Goodyear 9Z790-5-100, 9Z790- 05/01/58 5-300, 9Z790-5-700, 9Z790-5-900, 9Z7905-1100, 9Z790-51300, 9Z790-5-1700, 9Z790-5-1900 Goodyear 30 BK 506 Air & Gas Valve 9Z790-5-100, 9Z790- 03/15/59 5-300, 9Z790-5-700, 9Z790-5-900, 9Z7905-1100, 9Z790-51300, 9Z790-5-1700, 9Z790-5-1900, 9Z7905-2100, 9Z790-52300 Goodyear 30 BK 507 Ballast Dump Valve 12Z695-133-500 08/01/54 Goodyear 30 30 30 30 BK BK BK BK 508 509 509 510 Air Valve Air Valve Air Valve Ballast Dump Valve 080-1262 080-1262 080-1262 9Z695-9-100, 9Z6959-300, 9Z695-25-100, 9Z695-25-700 09/01/56 Goodyear 08/01/54 Goodyear 08/01/54 09/01/56 Goodyear 08/15/56 Goodyear 30 BK 511 Ballast Dump Valve 9Z695-9-100, 9Z695- 08/15/56 9-300, 9Z695-25-100, 9Z695-25-700 Goodyear 30 BK 512 Check Valve Goodyear 30 BK 513 Check Valve 30 BK 514 Damper Valve 9Z790-206, 079-7614- 08/15/56 46 9Z790-206, 079-7614- 08/15/56 46 10Z790-026-100, 08/15/56 10Z790-026-300, 11Z790-10-100, 11Z790-10-300 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 Goodyear Goodyear 30 BK 514 Damper Valve 10Z790-026-100, 10Z790-026-300, 11Z790-10-100, 11Z790-10-300 08/15/56 03/01/58 Goodyear 30 BK 515 Damper Valve 10Z790-026-100, 10Z790-026-300, 11Z790-10-100, 11Z790-10-300 03/01/58 Goodyear 30 BK 519 11Z760-132 04/01/57 Goodyear 30 30 30 BK BK BK 520 521 522 Torpedo Launcher Gear Box Assy. Signal Dispenser Assy. Signal Dispencer Assy. Check Valve 11Z760-9 11Z760-9 10Z197-112-100, 10Z197-112-300 05/15/57 05/15/57 06/01/58 Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear 30 BK 524 Head Mechanism Assy. 15Z720-123-100 04/01/58 Goodyear 30 BK 525 Head Mechanism Assy. 15Z720-123-100 04/01/58 Goodyear 30 BK 526 Potentionmeters 10Z720-189-100, 10Z720-189-700, 10Z720-190-100, 15Z720-134-100, 15Z720-134-300, 15Z720-134-500 01/01/59 Goodyear 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 30 BK 526 Potentionmeters 10Z720-189-100, 10Z720-189-700, 10Z720-190-100, 15Z720-134-100, 15Z720-134-300, 15Z720-134-500 01/01/59 03/01/59 Goodyear 30 BK 527 Potentionmeters 10Z720-189-100, 10Z720-189-700, 10Z720-190-100, 15Z720-134-100, 15Z720-134-300, 15Z720-134-500 03/01/59 Goodyear 30 BK 528 Accessory Drive Gear Box 17Z623-100-100, 17Z623-100-300 07/01/60 Goodyear 30 BK 529 Accessory Drive Gear Box 17Z623-100-100, 17Z623-100-300 07/01/60 Goodyear 30 30 30 BK BK BK 530 531 532 Mixer Gear Box Mixer Gear Box Wired Damper Valve 11Z720-100 11Z720-100 17Z790-035-100, 17Z790-035-300 11/01/58 11/01/58 07/01/60 Goodyear Goodyear Goodyear 30 BK 533 Wired Damper Valve 17Z790-035-100, 17Z790-035-300 07/01/60 Goodyear 30 BK 534 Damper Valve 17Z790-036-100 10/01/58 Goodyear 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 30 BK 535 Damper Valve 17Z790-036-100 10/15/58 Goodyear 30 BL 6 4QD1800-1 06/01/59 Allen Aircraft 30 BL 502 Allen Aircraft BL 502 4QD101, 4QD18001B 4QD1800-1B 04/30/58 30 03/01/57 Allen Aircraft 30 BL 503 Self-Sealing Quick Disconnect Valve Self Sealing Quick Disconnect Coupling Self Sealing Quick Disconnect Coupling Quick Disconnect Coupling 5QD101 03/01/57 Allen Aircraft 30 BL 504 Quick Disconnect Coupling XS5QD1400B 03/01/57 Allen Aircraft 30 30 BL BM 505 2 8CV1000 98070 05/15/58 04/15/59 Allen Aircraft Clary 30 BM 3 98865, 98870 11/01/61 Clary 30 BM 501 1M1V4-18-30-10 02/01/57 Clary 30 30 30 BN BN BN 3 4 501 Check Valve Air Pressure Differential Regulator Absolute Air Pressure Regulators Hydraulic 1-Way Restrictor Valve Collective Limiter Assy. Collective Limiter Assy. Azimuth Assy. K352133-5 01/01/60 K352133-5 01/01/60 K350111-5, 350156-3 06/01/59 Kaman Kaman Kaman 30 BP 503 R74-2001-90-00 Pacific Scientific 30 BQ 501 30 30 BR BS 501 501 2 Stage Cable Tension Regulator Main Landing Gear Door Actuating Cylinders Collector Assy. Exhaust Beaching Cradle Chassis Elevating Cylinder 12/01/57 2101A201, 2101A202 11/01/57 Com-Air Products 60299 05/01/57 3-55010-1, 3-55010- 10/01/57 2, 3-55010-3, 355010-4 Ryan Convair 30 BS 502 Beaching Cradle Chassis Elevating Cylinder 3-55010-1, 3-55010- 10/01/57 2, 3-55010-3, 355010-4 Convair 30 BS 503 3-87613 10/01/57 Convair 30 BS 504 3-87613 10/01/57 Convair 30 BT 4 3020-5 05/01/63 Transco 30 BT 501 Cargo Door Actuating Cylinder Cargo Door Actuating Cylinder Ram-Air Electrical Shutoff Valve High Temperature & Pressure Control Valve Assy. 30 30 BU BV 501 2 Coaxial Control Shaker C-40002 Twin Diverter Solenoid Valve V-14500-04 08/01/57 01/01/60 Safe Flight Valcor 30 BV 3 V8500-19 07/01/65 Valcor 30 30 BV BW 501 501 Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Shutoff Valve Lox Male Filler Valve Assy. V-5100 C-3050-1 06/01/57 09/01/57 30 BW 502 9075 09/01/58 30 BX 501 Valcor Airborne Research & Dev. Airborne Research & Dev. Kemp Aero Products 30 C 3 30 C 4 30 C 5 Hydraulic Pressure Electric Switch 401238, 401238-0-1, 07/01/45 401238-3-1 Bobrick/BendixPacific 30 C 7 Hydrofuse 702, 722 Aeroquip 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 Oxygen Shutoff & Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Regulating Valve 1395-5-92, 53D197-1 03/01/58 HC-7321-15150, HC- 04/01/58 7321-15170 4 Way Wing-Folding Selector 13683, 13683-1 Valve Assy. Sump Pumps 58002, 58002-A Transco/Vapor Heating 07/01/45 Adel 05/01/46 Aireon 08/01/51 6767 6768 6769 30 C 8 Hydraulic Windshield Wipers 07/01/50 Marquette 30 C 9 Hydraulic Windshield Wipers 10/01/48 Marquette 30 C 9 Hydraulic Windshield Wipers 07/01/50 Marquette 30 C 10 Hydraulic Windshield Wipers 14425, 14426, 03/26/51 05/15/51 Kearfott 14427, 14430, 14431 30 C 11 Hydraulic Windshield Wipers 30 C 12 Hydraulic Fuses 30 C 13 Hydraulic Fuses 30 C 14 Hydraulic Flow Regulator 30 C 15 Hydraulic Flow Regulator 30 C 16 Nose Steering Control Valves B200-1, B200-2, & Rudder Control Valves B200-3,B200 -4 03/17/50 03/30/51 Sargent 30 C 17 Nose Steering Control Valves B200-1, B200-2, & Rudder Control Valves B200-3, B200-4 07/01/52 Sargent 30 C 18 Installation & Removal Instructions Hydraulic SelfSealing Couplings 07/30/54 AeroQuip 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 05/01/51 Marquette 810, 811, 830, 831, 03/01/51 Type I 810, 811, 830, 831, 03/01/51 Type I 196-4, 196-6, 196-8, 01/01/52 1962-4, 199-12, 19916, 326-4 Series Waterman 196-4, 196-6, 196-8, 01/01/52 1962-4, 199-12, 19916, 326-4 Series Waterman 145, 155 (Both Series) Waterman Waterman 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 30 C 19 Hydraulic Cut-Off Valves U-4480A Series 10/01/50 United Aircraft 30 C 20 Hydraulic Cut-Off Valves U-4480A Series 10/01/50 United Aircraft 30 C 21 2001157 12/01/52 30 C 22 1001158 12/01/52 30 C 28 D50350 03/01/54 Airborne Equipment Airborne Equipment Peacock 30 C 29 D50350 03/01/54 Peacock 30 30 C C 501 502 Water Injection Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Reserve Relief Valve Litter Door Actuating Cylinder Litter Door Actuating Cylinder Hydraulic Hand Pump Hydraulic Selector Valves HC-2650 3254895, 4218335, 4252485, 4255314, 4261469, 4261535, 4261538, 4262006, 4267956, 4268781 05/01/50 09/01/66 Air Assoc. Douglas 30 C 503 4570, 15800 12/01/57 Weston 30 C 504 Weston 30 C 505 4540-1, 5700, 5700- 07/01/50 2, 6730 30100, 30100-1, 05/01/51 30100-2, 30100-3.50 6786 6787 6788 6789 Parking Brake Valve & Power Brake Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Cabin Pressure Relief Valves Pacific Airmotive 30 C 506 Selector Valve Assy. 4760, 4770, 4780, 04/01/50 4790, 4790-3, 47905, 4850, 4850-3 Weston 30 C 507 146-58010-20 06/01/50 30 30 30 30 C C C C 508 509 511 512 6220, 6220-A 10-146-1 5760, 5770 1264-N1 10/01/59 12/01/50 10/01/50 12/01/53 30 C 513 Hydraulic Aileron Boost Valve Electric Selector Valve Tandem Shutoff Valve Brake Valve Assy. Hydraulic Directional Control Valve Assy. Electric Shut-Off Valve 7230-0, 7230-1 07/01/50 North American Aviation Weston Parker Weston Manning,Maxwell, Moore Weston 30 C 514 Steering Control Valve L-2290, 667683 10/01/50 Sargent/Lockheed 30 C 515 D75101 05/01/50 United Aircraft 30 C 516 667462 10/01/50 Lockheed 30 30 C C 517 518 704 500-1251 12/01/51 05/01/53 30 C 519 Hydraulic Controllable Check Valve Aileron Booster Control Valve Assy. Hydrofuse Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve Temperature Relief Valve 11146-3 04/01/54 Aeroquip Airborne Equipment Peacock 30 C 520 Electric Windshield Wiper K18544E, K18546E, K18550E, K18566E 04/01/61 Marquette 30 C 521 Electric Windshield Wiper K18544E, K18546E, K18550E, K18566E 04/01/61 Marquette 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 30 C 522 30 C 523 30 C 524 30 C 525 30 C 526 30 C 527 30 C 528 30 C 529 30 C 530 30 C 531 30 C 532 30 C 534 30 CA 2 30 CA 3 30 CA 5 30 CA 6 30 CAB 1 Self-Sealing Couplings & Accessories Self-Sealing Couplings & Accessories Solenoid Assy. Wing Flap Control Valve Assy. Wing Flap 2-Speed Control Valve Assy. Power Brake Control Valve Assy. Cabin Pressure Relief Valve Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Valve Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Valve Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Relief Valve Assy. Manual Operated 4-Way Slide Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Motor Driven Hydraulic Pumps Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pumps Gerotor Pumps 03/01/58 Aeroquip 03/01/58 Aeroquip 1236 02/01/55 5333007 05/01/55 Carruthers & Fernandez, Inc Douglas 3372888, 3494916-1 01/01/65 Douglas 5405287-502, 5405287-504 5105276 01/01/57 Douglas 02/01/56 Douglas 4460877-1 05/01/55 Douglas 4460877-501 05/01/55 Douglas 4460880-1 05/01/55 Douglas 12570 12/01/55 Weston 142385 09/01/63 Whittaker 3229A 04/01/45 Eclipse Gear Type 04/01/45 Eclise 809, 996, 1024, 1269 06/01/45 Eclipse-Pioneer 389-1-A, 389-2-A, 04/01/45 389-3-A Hydraulic Wiper Control Unit XW2224-3, XW2224- 04/01/63 31 Eclipse-Pioneer Alco 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 30 CAB 2 Hydraulic Wiper Control Unit XW2226-7R-7L 08/01/59 Alco 30 30 30 CAC CAC CAC 501 502 503 1200 1450 340-5150102-5 11/01/56 08/01/59 09/01/55 Conair Conair Convair 30 CAC 504 340-5150102-5 09/01/55 Convair 30 30 CAC CAE 507 4 Power Cylinder Power Cylinder Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. Power Cylinder Filter Module Assy. 1270 214-076-017-101 11/01/57 01/01/06 Conair Bell 30 CAE 6 214-076-316-101 01/01/88 Bell 30 CAE 7 214-076-334-103 10/01/89 Bell 30 CB 1 30 CB 30 CB 235-A, 235-B, 235-E, 08/01/42 238-C, R-280-BE, R280-BH, 382-G, 398B Pesco 2 Motor Driven High Pressure 1E-398-B, 1E-398-BA, 04/01/45 Hydraulic Pumps 1E-398-BB, 1E-398BD, 1E-398-BDA, 1E398-BF, 1E-398-BFA Pesco 5 1E-620, 1E-620-B, 1E- 08/01/45 Motor Driven Pressure Loaded Gear Type Hydraulic 620-C, 1E-620-CA, 1E620-D, 1E-620-DA Pumps Pesco 6831 6832 6833 Utility Hydraulic System Filter Module Assy. Variable Displacement Inline Hydraulic Pump Electric Motor Driven Oil Pumps 30 CB 7 30 CB 7 30 CB 8 30 CB 9 30 CB 10 30 CB 11 30 30 CB CB 12 13 30 CB 14 30 CB 15 30 CB 17 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 A Increasing Gear End 1E-301 Clearance & Replacement of Pressure Relief Valve in Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Feathering Pumps 01/01/46 Pesco 1E-301 Increasing Gear End Clearance & Replacement of Pressure Relief Valve in Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Feathering Pumps 03/01/51 Pesco Converting Hydraulic Pump 1P-320MA thru 1P806A Engine Driven, Pressure 1P-806-A, 1P-320Loaded Gear Type Hydraulic MA Pumps Engine Driven, Pressure 1P-806-A, 1P-320Loaded Gear Type Hydraulic MA Pumps Engine Driven, Pressure 1P-806-A, 1P-320Loaded Gear Type Hydraulic MA Pumps Hydraulic Pump 1P-196A Motor Driven Hydraulic 111044-010 Series Pump Motor Driven Hydraulic 111044-010 Series Pump Electric Motor Driven Gear 1E-777 Series Type Hydraulic Pumps 05/01/46 Pesco 07/01/48 Pesco 07/01/48 Pesco 07/01/48 Pesco 12/01/46 11/01/53 Pesco Pesco 07/01/50 Pesco 04/01/52 Pesco Hydraulic Pumps 05/01/55 Pesco 1E-620, 1E-711, 1E736 Series 30 CB 18 Hydraulic Pumps 1E-620, 1E-711, 1E736 Series 05/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 19 Electric Motor Driven Gear Pumps 111046-010-01, 111046-020-01, 111046-030-01, 111046-040-01, 111046-050-01, 111046-060-01, 111046-070-01 06/01/52 Pesco 30 CB 20 Electric Motor Driven Gear Pumps 111046-010-01, 111046-020-01, 111046-030-01, 111046-040-01, 111046-050-01, 111046-060-01, 111046-070-01 02/01/60 Pesco 6845 6846 6847 30 CB 21 Electric Motor Driven Gear Pumps 02/01/60 111046-010-01, 111046-020-01, 111046-030-01, 111046-040-01, 111046-040-02, 111046-040-03, 111046-050-01, 111046-050-02, 111046-060-01, 111046-060-03, 111046-060-070-01, 111046-060-02, 111046-060-04, 111046-060-05 Pesco 30 CB 22 1P-728-B 06/01/51 Pesco 30 CB 23 1P-728-B 06/01/49 Pesco 30 CB 24 Engine Driven Hydraulic Pump Engine Driven Hydraulic Pump Engine Driven Hydraulic Pump 1P-728-A, 1P-728-B, 12/01/57 1P-728-D Pesco 30 CB 26 Pesco 30 CB 27 Propeller Feathering Pumps 1E280, 1E301, 1E521 09/01/58 Series Propeller Feathering Pumps 1E-280, 1E-301, 1E- 09/01/53 521 Series 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 Pesco 6854 30 CB 27 Propeller Feathering Pumps 1E280, 1E301, 1E521 09/01/54 Series Brake Return Valves 1V-720-A, 1V-720-A- 01/01/52 1, 1V-720-AEX-3 Pesco 30 CB 28 30 CB 30 Motor & Gear Pumps 111018-020 Series 05/15/51 Pesco 30 CB 31 Motor & Gear Pumps 111018-020 Series 02/15/51 Pesco 30 CB 32 112146-010-01 12/01/51 Pesco 30 CB 33 112146-010-01 12/01/51 Pesco 30 CB 34 111001-010-03 11/01/51 Pesco 30 CB 35 111001-010-03 11/01/51 Pesco 30 30 CB CB 36 38 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Electric Motor Driven Gear Pump Electric Motor Driven Gear Pump Valve Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 245-A 111530-010-01, 111530-030-01, 111530-030-02 10/01/51 08/01/54 Pesco Pesco 30 CB 39 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 111530-010-01, 111530-030-01, 111530-030-02 02/01/53 Pesco 30 CB 40 112000 Series 08/01/52 Pesco 30 CB 41 1P-629-D 03/01/53 Pesco 30 CB 42 Electric Motor Driven Gear Pumps Electric Motor-Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump Electric Motor-Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 1P-629-D 03/01/53 Pesco 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 Pesco 6868 6869 6870 6871 30 CB 43 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Engine Driven High Pressure Oil Pumps Engine Driven High Pressure Oil Pumps Electric Motor Driven AntiIcing Pump 112047 Series 08/01/53 Pesco 30 CB 44 112047 Series 08/01/53 Pesco 30 CB 45 1P-196 Series 06/01/53 Pesco 30 CB 46 1P-196 Series 06/01/53 Pesco 30 CB 47 2E-607-DA, 2E-607DA-1, 2E-607-KA 09/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 48 Electric Motor Driven AntiIcing Pump 2E-607-DA, 2E-607DA-1, 2E-607-KA 09/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 49 011047-070-01 02/01/60 Pesco 30 CB 49 Hydraulic Gear Type Pump Assy. Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 112524 Series 08/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 50 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 112524 Series 02/01/54 Pesco 30 CB 50 023327-020-03 02/01/60 Pesco 30 CB 51 Flight Refueling Fuel Pump Assy. Hydraulic Gear Pump Assy. 012092-010 Series 05/01/54 Pesco 30 CB 52 Hydraulic Gear Pump Assy. 012092-010 Series 05/01/54 Pesco 30 30 30 CB CB CB 53 53 55 A 1D-397 Series 1D-397 Series 1E-280 Series 11/01/53 06/01/54 02/01/54 Pesco Pesco Pesco 30 CB 55 A Hydraulic Flow Equalizer Hydraulic Flow Equalizer Modification of Motor Driven Feathering Pump Modification of Motor Driven Feathering Pump 1E-280 Series 04/01/54 Pesco 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 30 CB 507 Engine Driven Gear Type Hydraulic Pumps Hydraulic Relief Valves 30 CB 508 30 CB 509 30 CB 510 30 CB 511 Electric Motor Driven Gear Pump Assy. 30 30 CB CB 512 513 30 CB 514 30 CB 30 6885 6886 Pesco 111099-021-01, 111099-021-02 05/01/51 Pesco Shuttle Valve Electric Motor Driven Gear Pumps Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 1V-456-A 112000 Series 06/01/51 08/01/52 Pesco Pesco 1E-777 Series 03/01/63 Pesco 515 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 1E-777 Series 03/01/63 Pesco CB 516 111775 12/01/60 Pesco 30 CB 517 111775 12/01/60 Pesco 30 CB 518 01185 Series 05/01/54 Pesco 30 CB 519 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump Auxilary Hydraulic Pump Assy. Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump Assy. 011815 Series 05/01/54 Pesco 6892 6894 6895 6896 Pesco 01/01/53 6891 6893 1V-575-D, 1V-575-E, 06/01/52 1V-575-F, 1V-575-HE, 1V-575-HF, 1V-575HG Pesco 6888 6890 Pesco 05/01/51 6887 6889 05/01/45 Motor Driven Gear Pump 111650-010-01 Assy. Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 011717-010-01, Valves 011717-010-02, 011717-010-03 6897 6898 30 CB 520 Main Hydraulic Gear Pump Assy. Main Hydraulic Gear Pump Assy. Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 011817-050-01 05/01/54 Pesco 30 CB 521 011817-050-01 05/01/54 Pesco 30 CB 522 111650-010, 111650- 07/01/55 020 Series Pesco 30 CB 523 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 111650-010, 111650- 07/01/55 020 Series Pesco 30 CB 524 Suction Relief Valve 032452-010 Series 10/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 525 Pressure Relief Valve Assy. 032453-010-01, 032453-010-02 07/01/54 Pesco 30 CB 526 Hydraulic System Restriction 1V-459-5 Control Valve Assy. 08/01/56 Pesco 30 CB 527 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 112506-0105-01, 112506-0105-02, 112506-0105-03 02/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 528 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump 112506-010-01, 112506-010-02, 112506-010-03 02/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 529 112047-010-01 07/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 530 112047-010-01 07/01/55 Pesco 30 CB 531 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Pump Hydraulic Motor Driven Oil Transfer Gear Pumps 012634 Series 04/01/55 Pesco 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 30 CB 532 012634 Series 04/01/55 Pesco 112127 Series 06/01/55 Pesco 112127 Series 06/01/55 Pesco 535 536 Hydraulic Motor Driven Oil Transfer Gear Pumps Electric Motor Driven Gear Type Pump Assy. Electric Motor Driven Gear Type Pump Assy. Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 30 CB 533 30 CB 534 30 30 CB CB 1P-737-A2 011047-010-02 06/01/56 03/01/56 Pesco Pesco 30 CB 537 Feathering Pump 112577-041-01, 112577-021-01, 112577-043-01 10/01/58 Pesco 30 CB 538 Feathering Pump 112577-041-01, 112577-021-01, 112577-043-01 10/01/58 Pesco 30 CB 539 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 111069 series 03/01/56 Pesco 30 CB 540 Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 111069 Series 03/01/56 Pesco 30 CB 541 Submerged Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pumps 122637 Series 02/01/58 Pesco 30 CB 542 Submerged Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump 122637 Series 12/15/57 Pesco 30 CB 542 Submerged Electric Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump 122637 Series 02/01/58 Pesco 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 30 CB 543 Fuel Booster Pump 122913-010-01, 122913-010-02 12/01/56 30 CB 543 Fuel Booster Pump 122913-010-01, 122913-010-02 12/01/56 12/01/57 Pesco 30 CB 544 Fuel Booster Pump 122913-010-01, 122913-010-02 12/01/57 Pesco 30 30 CB CB 545 546 2P-M600-CA 133117-020-01 12/01/57 12/01/57 Pesco Pesco 30 30 CB CB 547 548 Fuel Pump Assy. Electric Motor Driven Dry Air Pump Gear Pump Assy. Electric Motor Assy. 1P583, DB-2 220085-010-01 01/01/58 12/01/57 Pesco Pesco 30 CC 1 Engine Driven Vane Type Hydraulic Pumps 196-A, 196-B, 196-C, 04/01/45 196-CA, 196-DA, 196D, 196-F Pesco 30 CC 3 04/01/45 Pesco 30 CC 4 Engine Driven Gear Type Hydraulic Pumps Live Line Hydraulic Pump 1068, 1300 series 01/01/45 Hub Industries Inc. 30 CC 6 68 Series 02/01/45 NY Air Brake 30 CD 1 08/01/41 Pesco 30 30 CD CD 4 5 Stratopower Hydraulic Pumps Hand Operated Hydraulic Pumps Hydraulic Hand Pumps Hand Hydraulic Pumps 176T, 190, 238 403247, 403247-2, 403647, 403910, 404330 12/01/44 07/01/44 Electrol Bendix-Pacific 30 CD 6 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 65002, 65008 09/01/45 Aireon 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 Pesco 30 CD 7 Hand Hydraulic Pumps 66-2200, 66-25502, 66-26000, 66-2600 12/01/44 Harvill Corp 30 30 30 CD CE CE 10 1 1 10229 404846 4-205, 4-205-10 02/01/45 04/01/45 10/01/40 30 CE 3 Adel Bendix-Pacific Northill Company, Inc. Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 4 Hydraulic Hand Pump 2-Way Shutoff Valve Hand Operated Hydraulic Pump & Control Valve Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Pressure Regulators 30 CE 4 Hydraulic Pressure Regulators 403470, 403470-0-1, 01/01/50 403470-0-2, 403722, 403722-0-1, 4037220-2, 404906, 4049060-1, 405300, 4053000-1 30 CE 5 Hydraulic Pressure Regulator 407484, 407484-2, 407484-4 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 08/01/45 403470, 403470-0-1, 10/01/45 08/15/49 Bendix 403470-0-2, 403722, 403722-0-1, 4037220-2, 404906, 4049060-1, 405300, 4053000-1 10/01/52 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 6 Hydraulic Flow Splitting Equalizer 409370, 466100, 466110, 466120 02/15/51 08/15/51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 6 Hydraulic Flow Equalizer 409370, 466100, 466110, 466120 03/15/55 30 CE 9 Hydraulic Pressure Warning 402291, 404456, 08/01/51 Switch 404720, 404720-2-0, 466320 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 10 Hydraulic Pressure Warning 402291, 404456, 08/01/51 Switch 404720, 404720-2-0, 466320 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 12 Brake System Selector Valves 405797, 403172, 405275 07/01/49 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 13 Brake System Selector Valves 405797, 403172, 405275 07/01/49 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 15 Shutoff Valves 404846, 406275, 407785, 466420 08/24/50 Bendix 30 CE 15 Hydraulic Shutoff Valve 404846, 404846-0-1, 01/15/55 406275, 407785, 466420, 452134 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 Bendix Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 16 Hydraulic Shut-off Valve 30 CE 18 30 CE 19 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 466325, 466335 Selector Valves Thermal Relief Valves 404517, 404517-2, 407675 30 CE 21 Hydraulic Sequence Valve 407290 30 CE 21 Hydraulic Sequence Valve 407290, 407290-0-1 10/01/54 07/01/58 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 22 Hydraulic Sequence Valve 407290, 407290-0-1 10/01/54 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 23 Power Brake Valves 466850, 466850-0-1, 04/11/51 467300, 469080, 412115, 469130 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 25 3-Port Selector Valves 405013, 413360, 1003130 05/01/56 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 26 3-Port Selector Valves 405013, 413360, 1003130 05/01/56 Bendix-Pacific 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 404846, 404846-0-1, 01/15/55 406275, 407785, 466420, 452134 Bendix-Pacific 08/01/50 Bendix-Pacific 07/01/50 Bendix-Pacific 07/07/50 Bendix 30 CE 27 Hydraulic Valves 405883, 406858, 407700, 407820, 407820-2, 407850, 411620, 466130 02/01/53 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 27 Cam Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve 405883, 406858, 11/15/55 407700, 407700-0-1, 407820, 407820-2, 407850 Series, 411620, 466130, 1005150, 1005950, 1005950-0-1 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 27 Cam Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve 11/15/55 12/15/57 Bendix-Pacific 405883, 406858, 407700, 407700-0-1, 407820, 407820-2, 407850 Series, 411620, 466130, 1005150, 1005950, 1005950-0-1 6961 6962 6963 30 CE 28 Hydraulic Valves 405883, 406858, 407700, 407820, 407820-2, 407850, 411620, 466130 01/01/53 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 28 Hydraulic Valves 405883, 406858, 407700, 407820, 407820-2, 407850, 411620, 466130 11/15/55 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 29 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 403950, 403950-6, 05/01/52 403950-0-1, 413560, 410860, 469100 Bendix-Pacific 6964 6965 6966 30 CE 29 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 403247, 403247-2, 12/01/55 403647, 403910, 403950, 403950-0-1, 404210, 404330, 406950 Series, 407350, 410860 Series, 413560, 413560-0-1, 469100, 469100-0-1, 4691001, 469100-1-1 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 30 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 403950, 403950-6, 05/01/52 403950-0-1, 413560, 410860, 469100 Bendix-Pacific 6967 6968 30 CE 30 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 403247, 403247-2, 12/01/55 403647, 403910, 403950, 403950-0-1, 404210, 404330, 406950 Series, 407350, 410860 Series, 413560, 413560-0-1, 469100, 469100-0-1, 4691001, 469100-1-1 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 31 Hydraulic Pressure Regulator 406600, 406600-0-1, 10/01/57 Valves 406600-1, 406600-2, 406600-2-1, 4066004, 466355, 466355-01 Bendix-Pacific 6969 6970 30 CE 32 Hydraulic Pressure Regulator 406600, 406600-0-1, 10/01/57 Valves 406600-1, 406600-2, 406600-2-1, 4066004, 466355, 466355-01 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 32 Hydraulic Pressure Regulator 406600, 406600-2, Valves 466355 08/01/50 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 32 01/01/53 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 33 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Actuating Cylinders 404425, 407355-2-1, 04/01/51 407910, 410790, 411030, 411340, 411341, 466495 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 34 Actuating Cylinders 404425, 407355-2-1, 04/01/51 407910, 410790, 411030, 411340, 411341, 466495 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 35 409500-0-1 03/01/51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 36 409500-0-1 03/01/51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 37 Hydraulic Bomb Door Actuating Cylinder Hydraulic Bomb Door Actuating Cylinder Hydraulic Valve 413230 04/01/51 Bendix-Pacific 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 30 30 CE CE 38 41 30 CE 42 30 CE 45 6981 6982 Hydraulic Valve Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders 413230 04/01/51 09/01/54 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 403904-1, 403904-2, 03/01/51 09/01/54 Bendix-Pacific 405308-0-5, 408580, 410445, 410690, 411340, 411341, 412180, 412560, 412560-3, 413820, 45, 970 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 410260, 411350, Valves 411350-2, 411590 Series, 547990, 550830, 551820, 551940, 1005930 01/01/59 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 46 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 410260, 411350, Valves 411350-2, 411590 Series, 547990, 550830, 551820, 551940, 1005930 30 CE 50 30 CE 51 6983 01/01/59 Bendix-Pacific Cylindrical Accumulators 02/01/53 409202, 548025, 549460, 551050, 551050-1, 551050-3, 551200, 551200-1 Bendix-Pacific Cylindrical Hydraulic Pressure Accumolator 409202, 548025 series 548650, 548650-1, 549460 series 551025, 551025-1, 551050, 551200, 551470, 552200, 552430 series Bendix-Pacific 6984 6985 09/01/55 30 CE 52 Cylindrical Hydraulic Pressure Accumolator 09/15/55 1008700 Series, 409202, 548650, 548025 Series, 548650-1, 549460 Series, 551025, 551025-1, 551050 Series, 551200 Series, 551470 Series, 552200 Series, 552430 Series Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 53 411810, 411950 07/01/51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 54 411810, 411950 07/01/51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 56 405612 09/01/51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 57 01/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 58 01/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 30 30 CE CE 59 60 Hydraulic Pressure Accumulators Hydraulic Pressure Accumulators Cargo Door Lock Actuating Cylinder Assy. 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valves: 1500 PSI 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valves: 1500 PSI Bypass Valve Hydraulic Residual Pressure Valve 08/01/52 04/01/52 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 411870 147426 30 CE 61 Inspection & Modification of 406600 Hydraulic Pressure Regulator 02/01/53 Bendix-Pacific 30 30 30 30 CE CE CE CE 65 66 68 69 550830-4 402961-8 410630 411590-8 12/01/52 12/01/52 12/01/52 02/01/53 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 70 Pressure Reducing Valve Spherical Accumulator Pressure Reducing Valve Hydraulic Pressure Reducing & Relief Valve Motor Operated 2-Position Hydraulic Valve Assy. 1010563-1 09/01/63 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 71 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 411590-34, 411590- 09/01/64 & Relief Valve 39, 411590-40, 411590-51 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 71 30 30 CE CE 72 72 7-1/2" High Pressure Hydraulic Accumulator 5" Hydraulic Accumulator Carbon Pile Regulator 30 CE 73 Left & Right Hand Hydraulic 1011940, 1011940-1 04/01/61 Actuating Cylinders Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 74 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 74 30 CE 75 30 CE 75 Ramp & Aft Cargo Door Control Valve Assy. Hydraulic Torque Link Steering Hydraulic Torque Link Steering Ramp & Aft Cargo Door Control Valve Assy. 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 406920-2 05/01/53 Bendix-Pacific 402961-4 RD4308-1, RDL-15 05/01/53 02/01/60 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Red Bank 1012200-2, 1012200- 10/01/63 3 07/01/53 Bendix 07/01/53 Bendix 1012200-2, 1012200- 10/01/63 3 Bendix 30 CE 76 Hydraulic Flow Equalizer 409370, 409370-0-1, 09/01/65 409370-1-1, 466110 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 77 Pressure Reducing & Relief Valve 3054015, 3054015-1, 07/01/62 3054015-3 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 78 30 CE 78 30 CE 79 30 CE 80 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 411590-48 & Relief Valve Inspection & Rework of 407700-0-1 Hydraulic 4-Way Control Valve Servo Valve 21-226, 010-07973, 87153 Hydraulic Handpump Assy. 410860-4 30 CE 81 30 CE 82 30 CE 84 30 30 CE CE 85 90 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 Solenoid Operated Selector 3053570-1-1 Valve Assy. Hydraulic Control Valve Assy. 3053593-1-1 Three-Port Hydraulic Selector Valve Accumulator Accumulator 1003130-3 08/01/61 Bendix-Pacific 02/01/54 Bendix 06/01/62 Moog Servo Controls, Inc. Bendix-Pacific 06/01/62 08/01/69 07/01/63 Bendix Electrodynamics Bendix-Pacific 08/01/65 Bendix-Pacific 3062674-1 12/18/64 04/01/78 215-22102-5, 21522102-6, 215-221027, 215-22105-8, 21522105-10, 215-2210511 Bendix 30 CE 94 Air Control Valve Assy. 38E45-1C, 38E45-1D, 04/01/78 38E45-1E, 38E45-4A, 38E45-4B, 38E45-8A, 38E73-5A Bendix 30 CE 95 Air Control Valve Assy. 38E45-1C, 38E45-1D, 04/01/78 38E45-1E, 38E45-4A, 38E45-4B, 38E45-8A, 38E73-5A Bendix 30 30 30 CE CE CE 501 501 503 146102 146102 407230 12/01/48 01/01/49 Bendix 12/01/48 Bendix 05/01/49 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 504 466140 05/01/49 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 505 Power Brake Valve Power Brake Valve Hydraulic Pressure Warning Switch 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valves 10255-0-1, 10255-2- 05/01/49 1, 10255-3-1, 102554-1, 10255-5-1, 10255-6-1, 10255-71, 10255-8-1, 407675, 404517, 404517-2 Bendix-Pacific 30 30 CE CE 506 507 Pressure Reducing Valve Cylindrical Accumulator 411590 549460-5 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 07/01/50 12/01/53 7029 30 CE 508 30 CE 509 30 CE 509 Power Boost Master Cylinder 146620, 146998, 147965, 148672, 150093-4 09/01/73 Bendix 30 CE 510 Power Boost Master Cylinder 146620, 146998, 147965, 148672, 150093-4 09/01/67 Bendix 30 30 30 CE CE CE 511 512 513 Hydraulic Line Type Filter 28090-BH 06/01/55 Air Filter 27300 07/01/54 Hydraulic Power Brake Valve 409970-0-1, 409970- 01/01/58 2-1, 409970-2-2 Skinner Skinner Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 514 Hydraulic Power Brake Valve 409970-0-1, 409970- 01/01/58 2-1, 409970-2-2 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 515 07/01/58 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 516 Solenoid Pilot Actuated Hydraulic Selector Valves Solenoid Pilot Actuated Hydraulic Selector Valves 07/01/58 Bendix-Pacific 7030 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 411590-9 12/01/53 & Relief Valve 07/01/60 Power Boost Master 146620, 146877, Cylinder 146998, 147965, 148672, 148943, 150093-3, 150093-4 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 Bendix-Pacific Bendix 30 CE 517 Hydraulic Sequence Valves 548410, 548410-1, 548945 08/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 518 Hydraulic Sequence Valves 548410, 548410-1, 548945 08/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 519 Brake System Selector Valve 548350, 548350-0-1 02/01/58 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 520 Single Poppet Shutoff Valve 466345 07/01/54 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 521 Booster Shutoff Valves 07/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 522 Integral Selector Valve Type 402695-0-1, 407960, 07/01/54 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 407960-0-1, 4079601, 407960-2-1 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 523 Integral Selector Valve Type 402695-0-1, 407960, 10/01/54 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 407960-0-1, 4079601, 407960-2-1 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 526 Bendix 30 CE 527 30 CE 528 30 CE 529 Residual Pressure Valve Assy. Hydraulic Pressure Reducing & Relief Valve Cylindrical Hydraulic Pressure Accumulator Hydraulic Sequence Valve 30 CE 530 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 550510, 550510-1 148195 07/01/60 1005080-3, 1005080- 05/15/58 6 550645-4, 550645-4- 05/01/61 1 1007490 02/01/57 Bendix-Pacific Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 1006120, 1006120-2, 03/01/58 1006120-3 & Relief Valve Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 7051 7052 30 CE 531 Rotary Plate Valves 1002860, 1002860-1 08/01/56 Bendix-Pacific 30 30 CE CE 532 533 Rotary Plate Valve 1006420 08/01/56 Main Landing Gear Hydraulic 402685-0-1, 402685- 01/01/57 Actuating Cylinders 0-2, 402685-1-1, 402685-1-2, 4026852-1, 402685-2-2, 402685-3-1, 4026853-2, 405308, 4053080-1, 405308-0-2, 405308-0-4, 4053080-5, 405308-0-6, 405308-1 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 534 Main Landing Gear Hydraulic 402685-0-1, 402685- 01/01/57 Actuating Cylinders 0-2, 402685-1-1, 402685-1-2, 4026852-1, 402685-2-2, 402685-3-1, 4026853-2, 405308, 4053080-1, 405308-0-2, 405308-0-4, 4053080-5, 405308-0-6, 405308-1 Bendix-Pacific 7053 7054 30 CE 535 Nose Gear Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders 403904, 403904-0-1, 01/01/57 403904-0-2, 4039040-3, 402686-0-2 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 536 Nose Gear Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders 403904, 403904-0-1, 01/01/57 403904-0-2, 4039040-3, 402686-0-2 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 537 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator 1588-1-A, 1588-1-B, 05/01/67 1588-1-C, 1588-2-C, 1588-2-D, 1588-2-E, 1589-2-A Bendix-Red Bank 30 CE 538 D-C Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator 1588-1-A, 1588-1-B, 04/01/67 1588-1-C, 1588-2-C, 1588-2-D, 1588-2-E, 1589-2-A Bendix-Red Bank 30 CE 539 30 CE 540 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 1006120-5 & Relief Valve Solenoid Operated 3-Way 1007375 Hydraulic Selector Valve 30 CE 30 CE 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 01/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 07/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 541 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 1008395, 1008395-0- 09/01/58 Sequence Valve 1 Bendix-Pacific 542 Non-Interflow 4-Way Selector Valve Bendix-Pacific 7060 7061 7062 1008461 09/01/57 7063 7064 7065 7066 30 CE 543 Hydraulic Sequence Valve 1008463, 1008463-1 09/01/58 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 544 CE 545 1008630, 1008630-0- 05/01/59 1 1008594 09/01/57 Bendix-Pacific 30 30 30 CE CE 547 548 MS28720-12 1010596 02/01/58 08/01/58 Skinner Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 549 Cylindrical Hydraulic Pressure Accumulator Cylindrical Hydraulic Pressure Accumulator Hydraulic Filter Self-Displacing Cylindrical Hydraulic Pressure Accumulator Solenoid Operated 3-Way Hydraulic Valve 1009813-1, 1009813- 03/01/65 3, 1009813-3-1, 1009813-3-2, 1009813-4 Bendix-Pacific 30 CE 550 30 CF 1 30 CF 1 30 CF 30 30 7067 7068 Self-Displacing Cylindrical 1010920 Hydraulic Pressure Accumulator Hydraulic Power Brake Valve 4L20003 05/01/58 Bendix-Pacific 04/01/50 Hansen-Lynn 11/01/40 Pesco 2 Gear Type Hydraulic 293-E, 299, A-1, A-2 Generator Hydraulic Power Brake Valve 4L20003 04/01/50 Hansen-Lynn CF 2 Cam Type Hydraulic Motor 296-A, A-1 11/01/40 Pesco CF 3 Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve & Hydraulic Volume Control Valve 2L22002, 2L22005, 104945, 105285, 2L18001 03/01/55 Whittaker 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 Bendix-Pacific 30 CF 4 Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve & Hydraulic Volume Control Valve 2L22002, 2L22005, 104945, 105285, 2L18001 03/01/55 Whittaker 30 CG 1 6700A-1 05/01/42 30 CG 3 Engine Driven Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Dowty Equipment Corp Parker 30 30 30 CG CG CG 6 7 8 Solenoid Valve Assy. Solenoid Valve Assy. Relief Valves 4-1246-1 04/01/51 4-1246-1 04/01/51 2-1346-75, 3-1445-1, 04/01/51 3-547-1, 3-3149-75, 4-3046-75, 5-124775, 8-2448-76 30 CG 9 Relief Valves 2-1346-75, 3-1445-1, 04/01/51 09/01/51 Parker 3-547-1, 3-3149-75, 4-3046-75, 5-124775, 5-249-26, 8-244876 30 CG 9 Relief Valves 2-1346-75, 3-1445-1, 11/01/51 3-547-1, 3-3149-75, 4-3046-75, 5-124775, 8-2448-76, 92446-1 Parker 30 30 CG CG 10 11 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve 5-1347-75 5-1347-75 Parker Parker 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 8-2944-1, AN6217-4 09/01/50 04/01/51 04/01/51 Parker Parker Parker 30 CG 12 Plug Valve Assy. 2-1741-28, 2-2146- 04/01/51 30, 2-2445-7, 7-294513, 7-2945-21, 8-54520, 8-545-24 Parker 30 CG 13 Plug Valve Assy. 2-1741-28, 2-2146- 04/01/51 30, 2-2445-7, 7-294513, 7-2945-21, 8-54520, 8-545-24 Parker 30 CG 14 10/01/68 Parker 30 CG 15 04/01/52 Parker 30 CG 16 11-2744-75 04/01/51 Parker 30 CG 17 11-2744-75 04/01/51 Parker 30 CG 18 8-447-75 07/01/51 Parker 30 CG 19 8-447-75 07/01/51 Parker 30 CG 20 Single & Double Swing, Cone & Metering Type Check Valves Single & Double Swing, Cone & Metering Type Check Valves Manually Operated Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Shutoff Valve Quick Release Brake Valve Assy. Quick Release Brake Valve Assy. Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Assy. 12-2646-75, 10-449- 01/01/52 75, 3-1548-81 Parker 30 CG 21 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Assy. 12-2646-75, 10-449- 09/01/52 75, 3-1548-81 Parker 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 30 30 30 CG CG CG 22 23 24 Cone Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Ball Check Valve Assy. 30 CG 25 Ball Check Valve Assy. 30 CG 26 Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. 30 CG 27 Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. 30 CG 28 3-Way Sequence Valve Assy. 10-2449-75 01/01/52 Parker 30 CG 29 3-Way Sequence Valve Assy. 10-2449-75 01/01/52 Parker 30 CG 30 5-1547-75 12/01/51 Parker 30 CG 31 5-1547-75 12/01/51 Parker 30 30 30 30 30 CG CG CG CG CG 40 41 44 45 46 8-2150-79 10-3149-76 11-750-79 4-2050-77 12-144-75 02/01/53 02/01/53 01/01/53 01/01/53 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 30 30 30 CG CG CG 47 48 49 12-347-5 2-245-75 1359-517839 02/01/53 02/01/53 01/01/53 Parker Parker Parker 30 CG 50 Double Acting Manually Controlled Cone Check Valve Assy. Double Acting Manually Controlled Cone Check Valve Assy. Swing/ Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Assy. Manual Cone Shutoff Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Manual Cone Shutoff Valve Assy. Manual Cone Shutoff Valve Assy. 1-749-78 01/01/53 Parker 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 1-1350-77 1-1350-77 LA7-3143-1, 7-284775 LA7-3143-1, 7-284775 2-1846-75-1, 2-184675-2, 2-1846-75-3 09/01/52 09/01/52 09/01/52 Parker Parker Parker 09/01/52 Parker 01/01/52 Parker 2-1846-75-1, 2-1846- 01/01/52 75-2, 2-1846-75-3 Parker 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 30 30 CG CG 51 55 Needle Valve Assy. Poppet Check Valve Assy. 11-1650-3 6-2248-81 12/01/52 02/01/53 Parker Parker 30 30 CG CG 56 57 12-347-7 6-250-78 02/01/53 01/01/53 Parker Parker 30 30 30 30 30 30 CG CG CG CG CG CG 58 59 60 61 62 73 11-1450-1M2 2-2849-83 4-2849-77 8-1350-78 10-1750-75 1359-526921 07/01/53 05/01/53 05/01/53 05/01/53 05/01/53 06/01/53 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 30 30 CG CG 74 75 Cone Check Valve Assy. Special Port Relief Cone Check Valve Assy. Accumulator Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Assy. Landing Gear Bypass Valve Assy. Cone Check Valve Accumulator Assy. 11/01/53 Parker Parker 30 30 30 30 30 CG CG CG CG CG 75 77 78 79 80 03/01/59 04/01/59 06/01/59 01/01/60 03/01/60 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 30 CG 81 03/01/64 Parker 30 CG 82 1371-589607, m1 01/01/62 Parker 30 CG 83 1361-576627M2 09/01/60 Parker 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 1112-577783 1356-512457, 1356512465, 1356512471, 1356512473, 1356512475 1354-567716 1377-559328 1111-517705 1111-569914 1359-579261 Air Pressure Regulator Rudder Servo Control Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Main Landing Gear Bypass Valve 3-Position, 4-Way Solenoid 1371-589370, 1371Operated Hydraulic Selector 589370-M2, 1371589370-M3 Valve Assy. Solenoid- Operated 4-way Pneumatic Valve Air Pressure Regulator & Relief Valve 30 CG 85 2-Position, 3-Way Solenoid Pilot Operated Valve 1371-598210 05/01/61 Parker 30 30 30 30 CG CG CG CG 86 87 88 90 Hydraulic Accumulator Hydraulic Accumulator Cylindrical Accumulator 2-Position, 3-Way Solenoid Operated Pilot Valve 1356-512471 1356-512457 1356-583321 1371-598850 06/01/61 09/01/77 11/01/61 04/01/62 Parker-Hannifin Parker-Hannifin Parker-Hannifin Parker 30 CG 92 1359-579444 09/01/62 Parker 30 CG 94 1361-586592M2 02/01/66 Parker 30 CG 96 Pneumatic Pressure Operated Control Valve Wing Tank Pressure Regulator Valve Pressure Regulator Valve 1361-585695M2 02/01/66 Parker 30 30 CG CG 99 100 Dual Shutoff Valve, Size 3 F59B0032 11/01/62 Absolute Pressure Regulator 1361-596512-1, 1361- 08/01/65 & Relief Valve 596512-3 Parker Parker 30 CG 103 Landing Gear Dump Valve H61E0078 12/01/64 Parker 30 CG 104 Wing Tank Vent Valves 1362-585007M4, 1362-585007M5, 2630325 03/01/65 Parker 30 CG 104 Wing Tank Vent Valves 1362-585007M4, 2630325, 2630325M1, 2630325M2 08/01/67 Parker 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 30 CG 106 1356-633498, MS28797-1, MS633402, MS633402-3 Accumulator Assy. 1356-522608 Solenoid Operated Pressure 1360-526555 Vent Valve Assy. 12/01/65 Parker-Hannifin 30 30 CG CG 501 502 01/01/59 12/01/53 Parker Parker 30 30 30 CG CG CG 503 504 505 Cone Relief Valve Assy. 1112-516528 Fuel Relief Valve Assy. 32-1002 Manually Operated 10-1006 Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Assy. 01/01/54 05/01/54 05/01/54 Parker Parker Parker 30 30 CG CG 508 509 Swing Check Valve Assy. 2-2844-76 04/01/54 Air Swing Check Valve Assy. 2-2444-75, 3-744-76 07/01/54 Parker Parker 30 CG 510 Air Swing Check Valve Assy. 2-2444-75, 3-744-76 07/01/54 Parker 30 CG 512 Parker 30 CG 514 Level Control System Valve 1321-537189, 07/01/54 Assy. 537256 Fuel Swing Check Valve Assy. 4-144-76, 7-1044-75, 07/01/54 10-2750-77, 11-35075, 1111-516663, 516674, 516720, 516977, 1211516624 30 CG 515 Parker 30 CG 516 Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. Fuel Level Control Valve Assy. 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 Hydraulic Accumulator 1321-526410, 1321- 07/01/54 526415 1321-526410, 1321- 07/01/54 526415 Parker Parker 7160 7161 7162 7163 30 CG 519 30 30 30 30 CG CG CG CG 522 524 525 526 30 CG 527 30 CG 528 30 CG 529 30 CG 530 30 CG 531 30 CG 533 30 CG 534 30 CG 536 30 30 CG CG 537 538 30 CG 539 30 CG 540 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 Hydraulic Operated Dump Valve Assy. Pressure Relief Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Level Control Valve Solenoid Operated Pressure Vent Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Selector Valve 4-way 3 position 3000 PSIG Cylinder Operated Dump Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve 7176 07/01/54 Parker 1352-527060 1321-537255 1321-536782 1360-527576 03/01/58 09/01/55 09/01/55 09/01/55 Parker Parker Parker Parker 14-1086 01/01/56 Parker 14-1082 01/01/56 Parker 1319-546376 04/01/56 Parker 1111-517939, 1111- 05/01/56 526023 1352-559177 05/01/56 Parker Check & Thermal Relief Valve Solenoid Operated Pressure 1360-546359 08/01/56 & Vent Valve Single Point Ground Re1327-537332, 1327- 12/01/57 fueling Adapter 537332-3 Hydraulic Flow Splitting Proportioner Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve 7174 7175 8-3046-75M3 Solenoid Operated Bypass Valve Main Landing Gear Bypass Valve 466645 02/01/57 Parker Parker Parker Bendix Pacific 1313-533437 10/01/56 1111-548189, 1111- 03/01/58 548189-1 Parker Parker 1371-549213, 1371- 06/01/56 549214 1359-537159, 1359- 06/01/56 549107 Parker Parker 7177 7178 7179 30 30 30 CG CG CG 541 542 543 1112-517079 1355-526681 1359-528070 544 Cone Check Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Main Landing Gear Bypass Valve Cone Check Valve Assy. 08/01/56 12/15/56 12/01/56 Parker Parker Parker 30 CG 1-1350-77, 3-74911/01/57 79M1, 1112-548832 Parker 30 CG 545 Cone Check Valve Assy. 1-1350-77, 3-74911/01/57 79M1, 1112-548832 Parker 30 CGC 503 Parachute Actuator 1003 09/01/56 Master Specialties 30 CGD 1 Iris Check Valve MIV-40-370 06/01/61 30 CGF 3 Emergency Escape Hatch Thruster Assy. 59321-6097 02/01/65 Industrial Design Labs Space Equipment Corp. 30 30 CH CH 1 1 Piston Type Pumps PF-713 Series Piston Type Air & Hydraulic Pumps: Preliminary Instructions for the Constant Delivery Pumps 03/01/52 06/01/42 30 30 30 CH CH CH 1 2 3 Piston Type Pumps Hydraulic Pump Piston Type Pumps PF-713 Series AA-16501-C PF-2713 Series 05/01/43 03/15/45 Vickers 06/01/44 Vickers 09/01/49 Vickers 30 CH 5 Aircraft Unloading Valves AA-14500 Series 10/01/43 Vickers 30 CH 7 CH 8 AA-13000, AA-13010 06/01/45 Series 01/01/53 Vickers 30 30 CH 9 Single & Double Brake Valves Accumulators: 5", 7-1/2", 10" Mechanically Operated Sequence Valves AA-17000 Series Vickers 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 09/01/44 Vickers Vickers Vickers 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 30 CH 10 Hydraulic Relief Valves Vickers Variable Delivery Pumps AA-11500, AA-11600 05/01/45 Series AA-20200 Series 06/01/49 30 CH 11 30 CH 12 Hydraulic Motors MF-713 Series 04/01/52 Vickers 30 CH 12 Hydraulic Motors MF-713 Series 03/30/44 Vickers 30 CH 13 Pressure Reducing Valves AA-11400 Series 06/01/50 Vickers 30 CH 14 Air & Hydraulic System Accessories: Inspection of 5" & 10" Accumulators & Replacement of Diaphragms 01/05/45 Vickers 30 CH 15 Variable Delivery Pumps AA-20300,AA-20300 - 02/01/53 2 Series Vickers 30 CH 16 Constant Delivery Pumps PF-3911 Series 08/01/53 Vickers 30 30 30 30 CH CH CH CH 21 22 23 24 AA-12101 96268 98387 E-8713, AA-31400 11/01/47 01/01/48 01/01/48 01/01/48 Vickers Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 25 Speed Control Valve Bypass Control Valve 4-Way Control Valve Pressure Reducing Relief Valve Pilot Operated On & Off Valve AA-37000, AA-37001, 08/15/49 E8254, AA-37002, E8254-A Vickers 30 CH 26 Motor Pump AA-19000, AA-19001 06/01/48 Vickers 30 CH 28 Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump PF-3906-2 Series Vickers 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 02/01/56 Vickers 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 30 CH 28 30 CH 29 30 30 CH CH 29 30 30 CH 31 30 CH 32 30 CH 33 Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Pumps Double Hydraulic Pump Units Double Hydraulic Pump & Controls Assy. Double Hydraulic Pump & Controls Assy. Hydraulic Relief Valves PF-3906-2 Series 02/01/56 06/15/57 Vickers PF-3906-2 series 02/01/56 Vickers AA-16865-A 02/01/52 08/01/49 Vickers Vickers AA-16865 10/15/55 Vickers AA-16865-A series 10/01/55 Vickers AA-11200, AA-11300, 12/01/54 AA-11300-A, AA12300-A Series Vickers 30 CH 34 Variable Delivery Pump AA-20500, AA-20505, 05/01/53 AA-20508, AA-20550, AA-20551 Vickers 30 CH 35 Hydraulic Motor MF31-711-30BC-3 10/01/49 Vickers 30 CH 36 Hydraulic Motor MF31-711-30BC-3 10/01/49 Vickers 30 CH 37 MF 15-2 04/01/50 Vickers 30 CH 38 MF 15-2 04/01/50 Vickers 30 CH 39 MF 15-2 04/01/50 Vickers 30 30 30 CH CH CH 40 41 42 Constant Displacement Piston Type Fluid Motor Constant Displacement Piston Type Fluid Motor Constant Displacement Piston Type Fluid Motor Hydraulic Motor Assy. Hydraulic Motor Assy. Unloading Valve AA-14547-A 01/01/62 01/01/62 02/01/51 Vickers Vickers Vickers 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 30 30 CH CH 43 44 Unloading Valve Unloading Valve Assy. AA-14547-A 02/01/51 AA-34540, AA-34540- 11/01/56 A, AA-34554-A Vickers Vickers 30 CH 44 Unloading Valve Assy. AA-34500, AA-34500- 06/01/55 A Series Vickers 30 CH 45 Unloading Valve Assy. AA-34540, AA-34540- 11/01/56 A, AA-34554-A Vickers 30 30 30 30 CH CH CH CH 46 47 48 49 Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Motors Hydraulic Motors 01/01/63 01/01/63 05/01/53 03/01/51 Vickers Vickers Vickers Vickers 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 MF-3906-2 MF36-3909-15Z-2, MF36-3909-20Z-2, MF36-3909-25Z-2, MF36-3909-30Z-2, MF36-3909-15-S1852, MF36-3909-20S185-2 30 CH 53 Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump 02/01/55 03/01/57 Vickers AA-32503-R-2, AA32507-L-2, AA-32508R-2, AA-32509-R-2, AA-32510-L-2, AA32512-R-2, 19505, 32514-L-2, 32515-L2, 32516-L-2, 32517L-2, 32551-L-2, 32554-L-2, 19506 30 CH 53 Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump AA-32503-R-2, AA02/01/55 32507-L-2, AA-32508R-2, AA-32509-R-2, AA-32510-L-2, AA32512-R-2, 19505, 32514-L-2, 32515-L2, 32516-L-2, 32517L-2, 32551-L-2, 32554-L-2, 19506 7233 7234 Vickers 30 CH 53 30 CH 53 30 CH 54 30 CH 56 30 CH 30 30 30 Variable Delivery Pumps AA-32507-L-2, AA12/01/51 32508-R-2, AA-32509R-2, AA-32510-L-2 Vickers Variable Delivery Pumps AA-32500-2 Series 08/01/54 Vickers 03/01/57 Vickers 7235 7236 7237 Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Reservoir & Relief Valve Assy. AA-40200, E-8266, AA-40200-A 03/01/52 Vickers 57 Reservoir & Relief Valve Assy. AA-40200, E-8266, AA-40200-A 03/01/52 Vickers CH CH CH 58 59 60 Manifold Assy. Manifold Assy. Solenoid Operated 4-Way Valve AA-40500 AA-40500 AA-40100, E-8278, AA-40101 10/15/51 03/01/51 Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 61 AA-16869-A 04/01/52 Vickers 30 CH 62 AA-16869-A 04/01/52 Vickers 30 CH 65 Double Hydraulic Pump Assy. Double Hydraulic Pump Assy. Gear Box Assy. AA-25500 Series 11/01/51 Vickers 30 CH 66 Gear Box Assy. AA-25500 Series 11/01/51 Vickers 30 30 CH CH 67 68 AA-40555 AA-16875-A 01/01/52 12/01/52 Vickers Vickers 30 CH 69 Utility Shutoff Valve Double Hydraulic Pump Assy. Double Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-16875-A 12/01/52 Vickers 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 A 7250 7251 7252 30 CH 70 30 CH 71 30 30 CH CH 72 73 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Cylindrical Accumulator Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-32300-2 Series 11/01/55 Vickers AA-32300-2 Series 11/01/55 Vickers AA-24340 01/01/53 AA-19033-4, PF2406/01/60 3906-15BC-4, PF243906-20BC-4, PF243906-20BCE-4, PF243906-25BCE-4, PF243906-25ZH-4, PF243906-30-S251-4, PF24-3906-30-S464 Vickers Vickers 30 CH 73 Hydraulic Pump Assy. PF-3906-4 Series 11/01/54 Vickers 30 CH 74 Hydraulic Pump Assy. 06/01/60 AA-19033-4, PF243906-15BC-4, PF243906-20BC-4, PF243906-20BCE-4, PF243906-25BCE-4, PF243906-25ZH-4, PF243906-30-S251-4, PF24-3906-30-S464 Vickers 7253 7254 7255 30 CH 75 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-33506-L, AA03/01/58 33507-L, AA-33512aL, AA-33513a-L Vickers 30 30 30 CH CH CH 77 78 83 30 CH 84 30 CH 88 Hydraulic Motor Assy. Hydraulic Motor Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps Hydraulic Accumulators AA-33050 Series 10/01/73 06/01/61 09/01/55 Vickers Vickers Vickers AA-33050 Series 09/01/55 Vickers AA-14000 Series 04/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 89 Hydraulic Accumulators AA-14000 Series 04/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 90 Hydraulic Motor Assy. MF30-3915-30-S212- 04/01/63 2, MF40-3915-25S412, MF40-3915-30S212-2 Vickers 30 CH 91 Hydraulic Motor Assy. MF30-3915-30-S212- 04/01/63 2, MF40-3915-25S412, MF40-3915-30S212-2 Vickers 30 CH 92 AA-15500 Series 02/01/54 Vickers 30 CH 93 AA-15500 Series 02/01/54 Vickers 30 CH 94 CH 94 AA-60450, AA-65450 11/01/55 series AA-60450-L Series 05/01/54 Vickers 30 Inlet Booster Pump & Hydraulic Motor Assy. Inlet Booster Pump & Hydraulic Motor Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 Vickers 7269 30 CH 95 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Modification of Pumps 30 CH 96 30 30 30 CH CH CH 97 98 98 Hydraulic Motor Assy. Hydraulic Motor Assy. Inspection & Replacement of AA-32507-L-2, Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA32516-L-2 10/01/60 10/01/60 06/01/54 Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 99 AA-31355 08/01/59 Vickers 30 CH 100 Relief Valve with Manual Override Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. PY024R005E, PY02R005005F 04/01/63 Vickers 30 CH 101 PV024R005E, PV024R005F 04/01/63 Vickers 30 30 30 CH CH CH 102 103 104 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Pump Assy. 12/01/71 12/01/71 04/01/61 Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 104 Hydraulic Pump Assy 12/01/65 Vickers 30 CH 105 Hydraulic Pump Assy. 12/01/65 Vickers 30 30 CH CH 106 107 Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Pump Assy. 12/01/65 12/01/65 Vickers Vickers 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 AA-60450, AA-65450 11/01/55 Series PF40-3915-30-YJ-2 11/01/53 thru PF40-3915-S2522 AA-60401-R6, AA65401-R6 AA-60401-R6, AA65401-R6 AA-60401-R6, AA65401-R6 AA-65674-L6 AA-65674-L6 Vickers Vickers 30 CH 108 Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-60554-R6, AA04/01/61 60563-L6, AA-60563L6A, AA-65554-R6, AA-65560-L6, AA65563-L6, AA-65563L6A Vickers 30 CH 108 Hydraulic Pump Assy AA-60554-R6, 563- 12/01/65 L6, 563-L6A, 65554R6, 65560-L6, 65563L6, 65554-L6A Vickers 30 CH 109 Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-60554-R6, AA12/01/65 60563-L6, AA-60563L6A, AA-65554-R6, AA-65560-L6, AA65563-L6, AA-65563L6A Vickers 30 CH 110 EA-1045-037-1A 12/01/63 Vickers 30 CH 111 EA-1045-037-1A 12/01/63 Vickers 30 CH 112 EA-1020-044 08/01/64 Vickers 30 CH 113 EA-1020-044 08/01/64 Vickers 30 CH 114 MR13B-06-15-S385-4 01/01/64 Vickers 30 CH 115 Electrically Driven Hydraulic Motorpump Electrically Driven Hydraulic Motorpump Pressure Regulating & Unloading Valve Assy. Pressure Regulating & Unloading Valve Assy. Constant Speed Hydraulic Motor Constant Speed Hydraulic Motor MR13B-06-15-S385-4 01/01/64 Vickers 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 30 CH 116 Hydraulic Motor 30 CH 117 30 CH 121 Constant Speed MF005B007B Displacement Hydraulic Motor Electrically Driven Hydraulic EA-1320-077, EAMotorpump 1320-077-C 30 CH 122 30 CH 123 30 CH 124 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Motor Assy. 30 CH 125 30 CH 30 Vickers 07/01/64 Vickers AA-65578-L5 07/01/63 Vickers AA-65578-L5 07/01/63 Vickers MF24-3906-30BC-4 09/01/65 Vickers Hydraulic Motor Assy. MF24-3906-30BC-4, 09/01/65 MF24-3906-30BCS488-4, MF64-390620BC-4, MF64-390625BC-4 Vickers 129 Hydraulic Constant Speed Drive Assy. EA-1010-145-1A, EA- 05/01/68 1010-1B Vickers CH 130 Hydraulic Constant Speed Drive Assy. EA-1010-145-1A, EA- 05/01/68 1010-1B Vickers 30 CH 134 30 CH 135 30 CH 137 Hydraulic Motor w/ Integral EA-1620-327 Speed Control Hydraulic Motor w/ Integral EA-1620-327 Speed Control Hydraulic Motor w/ Integral EA-1010-168 Speed Control 7295 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 Vickers 01/01/66 7294 7296 MF69-3906-30BCD-4 04/01/63 04/01/66 Vickers 04/01/66 Vickers 08/01/68 Vickers 7305 7306 30 CH 140 Hydraulic Motor Assy. MF64-3906-25S546- 04/01/65 4 611513 06/01/81 Vickers 30 CH 143 30 CH 144 Hydraulic Engine Starter Assy. Hydraulic Rotary Pump 215-22119-9, PVB09/01/69 205-3C, PVB-205-15, PVB-205-20, PVB-20518, PVB-205-3CB, PVB-205-19, PVB-2083D, PVB-205-20, PVB205-3E Vickers 30 CH 146 08/01/70 Variable Displacement Pump 215-22119-8, PVB115-3B, PVB-115-10, PVB-115-3C, PVB-11514, PVB-115-7, PVB115-21, PVB-115-7A, PVB-115-23, PVB-11514, PV3-115-10, PV3075-11 Vickers 30 CH 518 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Valve 03/01/51 Vickers 30 CH 519 12/01/48 Vickers 30 CH 519 Hydraulic Automatic Bypass A-7912, A-7912-A Valves Hydraulic Automatic By-pass E-7912, E-7912-A Valves 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 AA-40100, e-8278, AA-40101 Vickers 12/01/48 02/01/49 Vickers 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 30 CH 520 Hydraulic Motors MF-3906-2 Series 05/01/53 Vickers 30 30 30 CH CH CH 522 523 527 07/01/50 AA-40300 08/01/50 AA-20510, AA-20512 05/01/59 Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 528 AA-20510, AA-20512 05/01/59 Vickers 30 CH 529 AA-35505 11/01/53 Vickers 30 CH 530 AA-35505 11/01/53 Vickers 30 CH 535 AA-40510 series 01/01/59 Vickers 30 CH 536 Hydraulic Motors Automatic 2-Speed Valve Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Pump Control Valve Assemblies Pump Control Valve Assy. AA-40510 Series 01/01/59 Vickers 30 30 30 CH CH CH 537 538 539 PFA3Y-2 PFA3Y-2 AA-32670 Series 07/01/72 01/01/54 07/01/55 Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 540 AA-32670 07/01/55 Vickers 30 30 30 30 CH CH CH CH 541 542 543 544 E-10499-A1 01/01/58 06/01/58 06/01/58 08/01/57 Vickers Vickers Vickers Vickers Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Pump Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Gear Box Hydraulic Motor Assy. Hydraulic Motor Assy. Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. 30 CH 545 Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assemblies PF3-2713-10YG, PF3- 08/01/57 2713-25YG, PF32713-252E, PF9-2713102, PF9-2713-102E, PF9-2713-202E, PF212713-202E, PF212713-252E, PF282713-252E, PF322713-252E Vickers 30 CH 546 Winch Speed Control & Replenishing Valves Assy. A-10499-J 03/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 546 A-10499-J 03/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 547 Winch Speed Control & Replenishing Valves Assembly Winch Speed Control & Replenishing Valves Assy. A-10499-J 03/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 547 A-10499-J 03/01/58 Vickers 30 30 CH CH 548 550 A-10695-C A-10758-A 05/01/58 06/01/55 Vickers Vickers 30 30 CH CH 551 552 Winch Speed Control & Replenishing Valves Assembly Oil Cooler Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump & Control Assembly Volume Control Valve Double Acting Relief Valve AA-40600 A-10499-D 07/01/55 03/01/55 Vickers Vickers 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 30 CH 553 Constant Speed Alternator Drive, "B-End" Constant Speed Alternator Drive, "B-End" Reservoir Pressurization & Relief Unit A-10695-B 12/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 554 A-10695-B 12/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 555 A-10499-E, A-10693- 09/01/58 E, A-10695-E, A10758-E Vickers 30 CH 556 Reservoir Pressurization & Relief Unit A-10499-E, A-10693- 09/01/58 E, A-10695-E, A10758-E Vickers 30 CH 557 5333392 05/01/55 Douglas 30 CH 558 5333392 05/01/55 Douglas 30 CH 559 03/01/56 Vickers 30 CH 560 03/01/56 Vickers 30 30 30 30 30 CH CH CH CH CH 561 562 563 564 565 AA-31450 10/01/56 10/01/56 06/01/71 05/01/61 03/01/56 Vickers Vickers Vickers Vickers Vickers 30 CH 566 AA-31450 03/01/56 Vickers 30 CH 567 Hydraulic Power Manifold Assy. Hydraulic Power Manifold Assy. Pressure Reducing Valve Assy. Pressure Reducing Valve Assy. Hydraulic Relief Valves Hydraulic Relief Valves Hydraulic Motor Assy. Hydraulic Motor Assy. Pressure Reducing & Relief Valve Pressure Reducing & Relief Valve Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps AA-60201-R, AA05/01/59 60204-R, AA-65201-R Vickers 30 CH 568 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps AA-60201-R, AA05/01/59 60204-R, AA-65201-R Vickers 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351 7352 7353 30 CH 571 Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. PF40L-3918-10695, PF40R-3918-10404 06/01/57 Vickers 30 CH 572 Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. PF40L-3918-10695, PF40R-3918-10404 06/01/57 Vickers 30 CH 574 AA-60600 Series 10/01/55 Vickers 30 CH 575 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps Electrically Depressurized Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-61401-R 06/01/56 Vickers 30 CH 577 01/01/60 Vickers 30 CH 578 01/01/60 Vickers 30 CH 579 10/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 580 10/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 583 A-11165-A 08/01/56 Vickers 30 CH 584 A-11165-A 08/01/56 Vickers 30 CH 586 MVC-3915-11165 02/01/59 Vickers 30 CH 587 MVC-3915-11165 02/01/59 Vickers 30 30 30 CH CH CH 588 589 590 AA-14522-A AA-14522-A EA-52106 07/01/56 07/01/56 09/01/56 Vickers Vickers Vickers 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Asst. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump & Controls Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump & Controls Assy. Variable Speed Hydraulic Variable Speed Hydraulic Motor Unloading Valve Assy. Unloading Valve Assy. Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator 7369 7370 30 CH 591 30 30 CH CH 594 595 30 CH 595 30 CH 596 30 CH 597 30 CH 599 30 CH 600 30 CH 601 30 CH 602 30 CH 603 30 30 30 CH CH CH 604 605 608 30 CH 609 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Three Way Pilot Valve Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump with Controls Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump with Controls Assembly Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump with Controls Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Constant Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Constant Ratio Drive, "B" End Constant Ratio Drive, "B" End Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Overspeed Control Assy. Reservoir Assembly Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator Assy. Inlet Booster Pump & Hydraulic Motor Assy. AA-31306-H 07/01/56 Vickers A-11305-3 A-10499-A 07/01/57 03/01/57 Vickers Vickers A-10499-A 03/01/57 09/01/58 Vickers A-10499-A 03/01/57 AA-60300 Series 02/15/56 10/15/56 Vickers Vickers 10/01/57 Vickers 10/01/57 Vickers A-10404-B 05/01/57 Vickers A-10404-B 05/01/57 Vickers AA-31304-H 06/01/57 Vickers A-10695-OS A-10499-F EA-52106-A12 07/01/57 05/01/59 04/01/58 Vickers Vickers Vickers AA-15501, AA-15502, 02/01/58 AA-15502-A, AA15502-B Vickers 30 CH 610 Inlet Booster Pump & Hydraulic Motor Assy. AA-15501, AA-15502, 02/01/58 AA-15502-A, AA15502-B Vickers 30 CH 611 EA-50002-8 05/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 612 07/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 612 Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assemblies 30 CH 613 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Assy. AA-60552-L, AA07/01/58 12/01/59 Vickers 60552-L-2, AA-60552L-3, AA-60554-R, AA60554-R-2, AA60554-RC-3, AA60554-RE-3, AA60563-L-2, AA-60563L-3, AA-60563-LE-3, AA-60563-LE-3C, AA65502-R-5404, AA65554-RE-3, AA65560-LS-4, AA65560-LSC-4, AA65563-L-2, AA-65563L-3, AA-65563- 12/01/59 Vickers 30 CH 614 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps AA-60658-L-2A, AA60674-L-2A, AA65674-L-2A 07/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 615 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pumps AA-60658-L-2A, AA60674-L-2A, AA65674-L-2A 07/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 616 AA-33000 04/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 617 AA-33000 04/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 618 Vickers CH 619 EA-50002-3 & EA50002-5 MF36-3907-30ZD 06/01/58 30 Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pump Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator Hydraulic Motor Assy. 04/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 620 Hydraulic Motor Assy. MF36-3907-30ZD 04/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 621 EA-50002-13 09/01/58 Vickers 30 CH 622 MF-3906-5 Series 01/01/59 Vickers 30 CH 623 MF-3906-5 Series 01/01/59 Vickers 30 CJ 1 Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator Constant Displacement Hydraulic Motor Assy. Constant Displacement Hydraulic Motor Assy. Gear Type Hydraulic Pumps 30 CJ 1 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 1P-320, 1P-349, 1P- 01/15/45 05/10/45 Pesco 582, 1P-583, 1P-794 Series, Gear Type Gear Type Hydraulic Pumps 1P-320, 1P-349, 1P- 01/01/58 582, 1P-583, 1P-794 Series Pesco 30 CJ 2 Electric Motor Driven 280, 301, 521 Series 07/30/44 03/15/45 Pesco Hydraulic Feathering Pumps 30 CJ 2 Electric Motor Driven 280, 301, 521 Series 01/01/46 Hydraulic Feathering Pumps Pesco 30 CJ 3 Replacement of Relief Valve 1E-521 Series Seat in Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Feathering Pumps 04/01/45 Pesco 30 CJ 5 Modification of Drive Seal of 1E-280, 1E-R-280, 1E- 08/01/45 Fixed Clearance Type Gear 301, 1P-214, 1P-203 Pumps Series Pesco 30 30 30 CJ CJ CJ 6 501 502 Hydraulic Gear Pump Hydraulic Pump Assy. Hydraulic Gear Type Pump 1P-349-L-4 1P-582 Series 1P-320-P-1 04/01/61 12/01/53 12/01/55 Pesco Pesco Pesco 30 CJ 505 Hydro-Mechanical Aviation Jack, Single Stage Type 7203 12/01/55 Malabar 30 CK 1 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 310859, 311250, AN6201-1 04/01/52 Gladden 30 30 CK CK 2 3 Cowl Flap Selector Valve 310800 Latch & Door Cylinder Assy. 211520, 211601, 211330, 411472 07/01/45 12/01/50 Gladden Gladden 30 CK 4 Latch & Door Cylinder Assy. 211520, 211601, 211330, 411472 12/01/50 Gladden 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 30 CK 5 30 CK 6 30 CK 7 Hydraulic Parking Valve & Compensator Hydraulic Parking Valve & Compensator Air Pressure Relief Valve 411551 08/01/50 Gladden 411551 08/01/50 Gladden 211421, 211423, 211784 03/01/51 Gladden 30 CK 8 Air Pressure Relief Valve 211421, 211423, 211784 03/01/51 Gladden 30 CK 9 Hydraulic Master Brake Cylinder Transfer Valve Hydraulic Master Brake Cylinder Transfer Valve Hydraulic Reservoir Pressure Regulators 211543 08/01/50 Gladden 30 CK 10 211543 08/01/50 Gladden 30 CK 11 211555, 211697, 212470, 312525, 312735 07/01/55 Gladden 30 CK 12 Hydraulic Reservoir Pressure 211555, 211697, Regulators 212470, 312525, 312735 07/01/55 Gladden 30 CK 13 12/01/50 Gladden CK 13 Absolute Air Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Regulator 30 311781, 311781-23, 06/15/54 312250, 312345, 312094, 211697, 211926 Gladden 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 311781 30 CK 13 Air Pressure Regulator 311781, 311781-23, 06/15/54 05/15/55 Gladden 312250, 312345, 312094, 211697, 211926 30 CK 14 311781 12/01/50 30 CK 14 Absolute Air Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Regulator 311781, 311781-2, 312250, 312094, 211697, 211926, 312345 06/01/54 05/01/55 Gladden 30 CK 20 314210, 314245 06/01/60 Gladden 30 CK 22 312022 01/01/52 Gladden 30 CK 24 212000 04/01/52 Gladden 30 30 CK CK 501 502 3000 PSIG Hydraulic Hand Pumps Absolute Air Pressure Regulator Hydraulic Brake Line Relief Valve Assy. Fuel Disconnect Valve Air Pressure Regulator Assy. A-10234 312400-4 02/01/54 07/01/55 Gladden Gladden 30 CK 503 Air Pressure Regulator Assy. 312540-4 07/01/55 Gladden 30 CK 504 Gage type Relief Valves 312597-1, 313520, 313520-1 12/01/58 Gladden 30 30 30 CK CK CK 505 506 507 In Line Relief Valve In Line Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve 312515-1 312515-1 313347 07/01/55 07/01/55 02/01/56 Gladden Gladden Gladden 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 Gladden 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7441 30 CK 510 Absolute Type Relief Valve 312385 02/01/57 Gladden 30 CK 511 Absolute Type Relief Valve 312410 02/01/57 Gladden 30 CK 512 211543 06/01/57 Gladden 30 CK 513 Hydraulic Master Brake Cylinder Transfer Valve Air Pressure Regulators Gladden 30 CK 515 312400-41, 312540- 02/01/58 41 313920 11/01/57 30 CK 516 313345-1500 11/01/57 Gladden 30 CL 1 11400, 11400-1, 11400-2, 11400-3, 11222 06/01/45 Adel 30 CL 2 Dural Seat Hydraulic Stacking 12662 Type Selector Valve 07/01/45 Adel 30 CL 3 Hydraulic Selector Valve, Directional Control 11809, 11809-1, 12/01/45 AN6211-1, AN6211-2 Adel 30 CL 4 14830 03/01/47 Adel 30 CL 5 13954 04/01/46 Adel 30 CL 6 Dural Seat Single Hydraulic Four- Way Positional Control Valve Dural Seat Dual Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 4-Way Selector: Directional Control Valve Dural Seat Single Hydraulic Selector: Directional Control 3-Way Valve 12880, 12880-1, 12880-2, 12880-3 11/01/46 Adel 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 Absolute Air Pressure Regulator Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Dural Seat Single Hydraulic Selector Valves Gladden 30 CL 8 Manually Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valves 9530, 9560, 9578, 9588, 9605, 9632, 9812, 9860, 10086, 10150 08/01/46 Adel 30 CL 9 Manually Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valves 9530, 9560, 9578, 9588, 9605, 9632, 9812, 9860, 10086, 10150 08/01/46 Adel 30 CL 10 11735, 13246 08/01/46 Adel 30 CL 11 11735, 13246, 14517, 16476 08/01/50 Adel 30 CL 11 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valves Solenoid Operated, Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valves Solenoid- Operated, Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve 11735, 13246, 14517, 14517-2, 16476, 14517-3, 14517-4 08/01/50 10/01/54 Adel 30 CL 12 11735, 13246, 14517, 16476 08/01/50 Adel 30 CL 13 10335, 13485 08/01/46 Adel 30 CL 14 10335, 13485 08/01/46 Adel 30 CL 15 10335, 13485 07/01/46 Adel 30 30 CL CL 25 28 Solenoid Operated, Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valves Hydraulic, Fluid-Operated Lock Valves Hydraulic, Fluid-Operated Lock Valves Hydraulic, Fluid-Operated Lock Valves Hydraulic Lock Valve Hydraulic Hand Pumps 17299 01/01/48 10007, 10088, 04/01/52 10229, 14213, 14327 Adel Adel 7448 7449 7450 7451 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 30 CL 29 Hydraulic Hand Pumps 10007, 10088, 04/01/52 10229, 14213, 14327 Adel 30 CL 30 Cartridge Type Hydraulic Manually Operated Check, Shutoff Valves 10012, 10012-1, 10778-1, 10778-2, 10778-3, 10778-4, 10778-5, 10778-6 07/01/47 Adel 30 CL 30 Cartridge Type Hydraulic Manually Operated Check, Shutoff Valves 10012, 10012-1, 10778-1, 10778-2, 10778-3, 10778-4, 10778-5, 10778-6 07/01/54 Adel 30 CL 31 Cartridge Type Hydraulic Manually Operated Check, Shutoff Valves 10012, 10012-1, 10778-1, 10778-2, 10778-3, 10778-4, 10778-5, 10778-6 10/01/50 Adel 30 CL 32 Hydraulic Relief Valves 02/01/58 Adel 30 CL 33 Hydraulic Relief Valves 02/01/58 Adel 30 30 CL CL 34 35 Isodraulic Equalizer Isodraulic Equalizer 10291, 10414, 19995 Series 10291, 10414, 19995 Series 12248 Series 12248 Series 02/01/48 02/01/48 Adel Adel 7459 7460 A 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 30 CL 38 13802 Dural Seat Single Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 4-Way Selector: Directional Control Valve 01/01/49 Adel 30 CL 39 Hydraulic Control Cylinder, Wing Flap Selector Valve 13905, 13905-2 08/01/48 Adel 30 CL 40 15048, 14754 05/01/48 Adel 30 CL 43 12257 Series 09/01/52 Adel 30 CL 44 12257 Series 09/01/52 Adel 30 CL 45 12243-4, 13791-44, 13903-4 09/01/49 Adel 30 CL 46 01/01/53 Adel 30 CL 47 11/01/59 Adel 30 CL 51 11800, 11985, 18366 01/01/50 Adel 30 CL 52 Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valve & Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Shutoff Valves Solenoid Operated Hydraulic & Pneumatic Shutoff Valves Solenoid Operated Hydraulic & Pneumatic Isodraulic Master Units, Isodraulic Equalizers, SpringLoaded Type, & Isodraulic Filler Adapters Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 11800, 11985, 18366 01/01/50 Adel 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 30 CL 53 Isodraulic Controls 12243, 12243-3, 05/01/51 12243-4, 12243-10, 12243-30, 12243-40, 11764, 11764-3, 11764-4, 11764-10, 11764-30, 11764-40 Adel 30 CL 54 Isodraulic Controls 12243, 12243-3, 05/01/51 12243-4, 12243-10, 12243-30, 12243-40, 11764, 11764-3, 11764-4, 11764-10, 11764-30, 11764-40 Adel 30 CL 55 Manually Operated Hydraulic Check Valves 14366, 16892, 24402, 23245, 24364, AN6247-2 05/01/58 Adel 30 CL 56 Manually Operated Hydraulic Check Valves 14366, 16892, 24402, 23245, 24364, AN6247-2 05/01/58 Adel 30 CL 59 4-Way Selector Valve 20168, 20168-1 03/01/51 Adel 30 CL 60 4-Way Selector Valve 20168, 20168-1 03/01/51 Adel 30 CL 61 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve 21924 08/01/51 Adel 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 30 CL 62 30 CL 63 30 CL 64 30 CL 65 30 CL 65 30 CL 66 30 CL 67 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Shutoff, Bypass, Valves Solenoid Operated Shutoff, Bypass, Valves Wing Flap, 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Wing Flap, 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Wing Flap, 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Hydraulic Pumps 21924 08/01/51 Adel 22601, 20985 05/01/51 Adel 22601, 20985 05/01/51 Adel 21089 04/01/51 Adel 21089 10/01/60 Adel 21089 04/01/51 Adel 19417, 19417-1, 19417-2, 19417-3 11/01/55 Adel 30 CL 68 Hydraulic Pumps 19417, 19417-1, 19417-2, 19417-3 11/01/55 Adel 30 CL 69 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 12108, 20373, 20501, 20501-1, 20501-2, 20501-3 05/01/58 Adel 30 CL 70 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 12108, 20373, 20501, 20501-1, 20501-2, 20501-3 08/01/51 Adel 30 30 30 CL CL CL 71 72 73 Thermal Relief Valve Thermal Relief Valve 3-Way Solenoid Operated, Pull Type Valves 13606 13606 21899, 23569-3, 23569-4, 23569-7, 25370 03/01/51 03/01/51 04/01/53 Adel Adel Adel C 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 30 CL 73 3-Way Solenoid Operated, 21899, 23569-3, Pull Type Hydraulic Selector 23569-4, 23569-7, Valve 25370 12/01/57 08/20/58 Adel 30 CL 74 3-Way Solenoid Operated, Pull Type Valves 21899, 23569-3, 23569-4, 23569-7, 25370 04/01/53 Adel 30 CL 74 3-Way Solenoid Operated, Pull Type Valves 21899, 23569-3, 23569-4, 23569-7, 25370 07/01/54 Adel 30 CL 75 Solenoid Operated 3-Way Slide Valves 20500-2, 23500-2, 23500-22 02/01/57 Adel 30 CL 76 Solenoid Operated 3-Way Slide Valves 20500-2, 23500-2, 23500-22 02/15/57 Adel 30 CL 77 Manually Operated Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valves 21037-1, 21037-2, 22907-1, 22907-2, 20907-1, 20907-2, 20909, AN6293-1, AN6293-2 04/01/55 Adel 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 A Adel CL 78 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve 21037-1, 21037-2, 22907-1, 22907-2, 20907-1, 20907-2, 20909, AN6293-1, 30 CL 79 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 21104, 21106, 08/31/51 05/15/59 Adel 21108, 21112, 22546, 23068, 23358 30 CL 79 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 21104, 21106, 07/01/52 21108, 21112, 22546, 23068, 23358 Adel 30 CL 80 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 21104, 21106, 07/01/52 21108, 21112, 22546, 23068, 23358 Adel 30 CL 80 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves 21104, 21106, 12/15/58 21108, 21112, 22546, 23068, 23358 Adel 30 CL 81 Hydraulic 4-Way Solenoid Operated Pilot Valves 21700-2, 21700-3, 21700-4, 21700-5 05/01/51 Adel 30 CL 82 Hydraulic 4-Way Solenoid Operated Pilot Valves 21700-2, 21700-3, 21700-4, 21700-5 05/01/51 Adel 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 11/01/59 30 30 CL 85 Hydraulic Shuttle Valves 08/31/51 02/15/59 Adel 20348, 20349, 20350, 20355, 22887, 22888, 22889, 27531, 50659 30 CL 85 Hydraulic Shuttle Valves 20348, 20349, 01/01/57 20350, 20355, 22887, 22888, 22889, 27531, 50659 Adel 30 CL 86 Hydraulic Shuttle Valves 20348, 20349, 01/01/57 20350, 20355, 22887, 22888, 22889, 27531, 50659 Adel 30 CL 87 Hydraulic Restrictor Valve 10003 11/01/51 Adel 30 CL 88 Adel CL 89 08/01/52 Adel 30 CL 90 23650, 23650-2, 24434 23650, 23650-2, 24434 24091 08/01/52 30 11/01/51 Adel 30 CL 91 17837, 17837-1 12/01/51 Adel 30 30 30 CL CL CL 92 93 94 Motor Driven Hydraulic Pumps Motor Driven Hydraulic Pumps Hydraulic Pressure Operated Bypass Valve Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valves Bomb Door Cylinder Bomb Door Cylinder 4-Way Solenoid Operated Slide Selector Valve 21805 21805 24700 02/01/52 02/01/52 05/01/52 Adel Adel Adel 30 CL 95 24700 05/01/52 Adel 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 4-Way Solenoid Operated Slide Selector Valve 7522 30 CL 96 Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valve Main Landing Gear Door Cylinder Assy. 19890 12/01/51 Adel 30 CL 97 24104-1, 24104-2, 06/01/52 24104-10, 24104-20 Adel 30 CL 98 Main Landing Gear Door Cylinder Assy. 24104-1, 24104-2, 06/01/52 24104-10, 24104-20 Adel 30 CL 99 18821 08/01/52 Adel 100 100 PSI Hydraulic Relief Valve Propeller Feathering Pump 30 CL 23383, 23383-1 11/01/52 Adel 30 CL 101 Propeller Feathering Pump 23383, 23383-1 11/01/52 Adel 30 CL 102 12880-5 09/01/52 Adel 30 CL 104 10005 07/01/52 Adel 30 CL 107 25400-22 05/01/53 Adel 30 CL 108 22982-6 02/01/53 Adel 30 CL 109 27363 01/01/54 Adel 30 CL 110 27363 01/01/54 Adel 30 CL 111 25400-16 06/01/53 Adel 30 CL 112 Hydraulic 3-Way Manual Selector Valve Hydraulic Emergency Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve 4-Way, 2-Position, Solenoid Operated Slide Selector Valve Assy. Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Controllable Check Valve 21335 06/01/53 Adel 7523 7524 7525 7526 7527 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 30 CL 113 30 CL 114 30 CL 115 30 CL 116 30 CL 119 30 CL 120 30 CL 121 30 CL 122 30 CL 122 30 CL 122 30 CL 123 30 CL 124 30 CL 125 30 CL 126 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 C Manually Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Selector Valve Manually Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Valves Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Valves 3-Position, 4-Way, Solenoid Operated Selector Valve Assy. Pilot Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Pilot Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Manually Operated Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve 3-Way, Solenoid Operated Selector Valve 3-Way, Solenoid Operated Selector Valve Pressure Operated Bypass Valve Manually Operated 4-way, 2Position Directional Control Valve 26160 06/01/53 Adel 26160 06/01/53 Adel 26295, 26310 11/01/55 Adel 26295, 26310 11/01/55 Adel 25850 01/01/53 Adel 25853-2, 25670 10/01/55 Adel 25853-2, 25670 10/01/55 Adel 53577-1 06/01/59 Adel 26038 06/01/53 Adel 26038 10/01/60 Adel 52639-10 04/01/59 Adel 28300-8, 55790-8 04/01/59 Adel 55556 03/01/60 Adel 56206-2 03/01/60 Adel 30 CL 127 2-Position, 3-Way Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Valve 54867 05/01/60 Adel 30 CL 128 23773 05/01/60 Adel 30 CL 129 25400-17 09/01/60 Adel 30 30 CL CL 130 131 29856 51540-12 09/01/60 10/01/60 Adel Adel 30 CL 132 51543-11 10/01/60 Adel 30 CL 133 51561-12, 51561-13 07/01/61 Adel 30 CL 134 4-Way, Hydraulic Selector Solenoid Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulid Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve 4-Way, 3-Position Directional Control Valve 4-Way, 2-Position Directional Control Valve 4-Way, 3-Position Directional Control Valve 3-Way, 2-Position Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Valve 51870 09/01/60 Adel 30 CL 135 55204-8, 55204-81 11/01/60 Adel 30 CL 136 55000-21 03/01/66 Adel 30 CL 137 70304 03/01/63 Adel 30 30 30 30 CL CL CL CL 138 139 140 142 52730-1 70945 70922 70377 03/01/63 11/01/64 11/01/64 09/01/62 Adel Adel Adel Adel 30 CL 143 70378 09/01/62 Adel 30 CL 144 70379 09/01/62 Adel 30 CL 145 70380 09/01/62 Adel 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 Solenoid Operated 3-Way Selector Valve Assy. 3-Way, 2-Position Direct Solenoid Operated Valve Hydraulic Brake Shuttle & Disconnect Valve Flap Asymmetry Valve Hydraulic Selector Valve Canopy Selector Valve 4-Way, 3-Position Directional Control Valve 4-Way, 3- Position Directional Control Valve 4-Way, 2- Position Directional Control Valve 4- Way, 3- Position Directional Control Valve 7568 7569 30 CL 146 1500 PSIG Hydraulic Hand Pump Hydraulic Pressure Tank Power Brake Valve 30 30 CL CL 147 148 30 CL 149 Manual Override Solenoid 70663 Operated 3-Way, 2-Position Valve Assy. 11/01/65 Adel 30 CL 158 05/01/61 Gladden 30 CL 159 05/01/61 Gladden 30 CL 160 Hand Driven Hydraulic Hand 311540, AN6248-2 Pump Hand Driven Hydraulic Hand 311540, AN6248-2 Pump Directional Control Solenoid 71170-1 Hydraulic Pilot Operated, 4Way, 3-Position Valve 09/01/66 Adel 30 CL 501 05/01/48 Adel 30 CL 502 03/01/49 Adel 30 30 30 CL CL CL 506 507 508 15275-2 19328 18784 02/01/49 11/01/49 07/01/49 Adel Adel Adel 30 30 30 CL CL CL 509 510 511 13970 12692 15007-1, 15007-2, 15007-3 11/01/50 11/01/50 05/01/59 Adel Adel Adel 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581 7582 50440 09/01/62 Adel 416220-2 09/01/64 516165, 516165-1, 01/01/66 516165-2, 516165-3 Adel Adel Hydraulic Thermal Expansion 11448-2, 11448-3 Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief 11816-1, 11816-2, Valves 12108 Thermal Bypass Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Resistors & Bypass Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Lock Valve 30 CL 512 11/01/50 Adel 30 CL 513 11/01/50 Adel 30 CL 514 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 17090, 17090-2 4-Way Selector Valves 11/01/50 Adel 30 30 CL CL 515 516 Hydraulic Cylinder Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve 25877 25400-20 07/01/53 07/01/53 Adel Adel 30 CL 517 25802 10/01/53 Adel 30 CL 518 25036, 25036-1 07/01/55 Adel 30 CL 519 17090-3 02/01/54 Adel 30 CL 520 Spring-Centered, 2-Position, 28176-8 4-Way Manual & Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. 01/01/55 Adel 30 CL 521 26195 09/01/54 Adel 30 30 30 CL CL CL 522 523 526 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Turbine Pump Electric Motor Electrically Driven Anti-Icer Pump 17214 25655 28007-1, 28007-2, 28007-7 11/01/54 11/01/54 01/01/60 Adel Adel Adel 30 CL 527 Electrically Driven Fuel Pump 27470 01/01/55 Adel 30 CL 528 Electric Motor Driven Pump 20093 01/01/55 Adel 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 Manually Operated 14331, 14331-2 Hydraulic 3-Way Selector Valves Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 19354 3-Way Vent Valve 7598 7599 30 CL 529 Anti-Icing Relief Valve Assy. 8182-18 09/01/54 Adel 30 CL 530 Anti-Icing Relief Valve Assy. 8182-19 09/01/54 Adel 30 CL 531 22982-4 01/01/55 Adel 30 CL 532 26350 11/01/54 Adel 30 CL 533 4-Way, 3-Position Solenoid Operated Slide Selector Valve Assy. Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Cartridge 4-Way, Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Valve 27800 05/01/55 Adel 30 CL 536 26271 01/01/55 Adel 30 30 CL CL 537 538 27389 26480 04/01/55 11/01/54 Adel Adel 30 CL 538 Manually Controlled Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve Catapult Launch Valve Solenoid Operated Air Shutoff Valve Anti-Icing Relief Valve Assy. 8182-14 09/01/54 Adel 30 CL 540 26275 04/01/55 Adel 30 CL 541 26089-2 01/01/55 Adel 30 CL 542 25991, 51796 04/01/59 Adel 30 CL 543 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valve Assy. Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves Pneumatic Check Valve 23314-2, 29891 11/01/56 Adel 30 CL 544 Hydraulic Restrictor Valve 19316-2 11/01/54 Adel 30 CL 545 Manual & Solenoid Operated 25740 Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve 11/01/54 Adel 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 30 CL 546 Anti-Icing Relief Valve Assy. 11502-16 09/01/54 Adel 30 CL 547 23621 07/01/55 Adel 30 CL 548 26089-3 01/01/55 Adel 30 CL 549 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valve Assy. Hydraulic Relief Valves 27936-1, 27936-2 08/01/56 Adel 30 CL 550 11809, 11809-1 08/01/55 Adel 30 CL 551 29590 06/01/56 Adel 30 CL 552 24730, 27730 01/01/57 Adel 30 CL 554 10150-4, 10150-5 10/01/56 Adel 30 CL 555 29640, 29640-1 06/01/78 Adel 30 CL 556 26527 07/01/57 Adel 30 CL 557 23386-41, 23386-61 04/01/57 Adel 30 CL 558 19315, 19315-2 03/01/57 Adel 30 CL 559 21089, 21089-1 09/01/57 Adel 30 CL 560 29888 10/01/57 Adel 30 CL 561 12248-42 10/01/57 Adel 30 CL 562 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 Directional Control Hydraulic Selector Valve Solenoid & Manually Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Engine Blower Clutch Selector Valves Directional Control Hydraulic Selector Valve Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Solenoid & Manually Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Hydraulic Restrictor Valve Wing Flap 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Manually Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve Air Loaded Isodraulic Equalizer 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Solenoid Valve 23404-42, 177599-1 09/01/60 Adel/Grumman 7629 7630 7631 7632 30 30 30 30 CL CL CL CL 562 563 564 566 30 CL 567 30 CL 568 30 CL 569 30 CL 570 30 CL 572 30 CL 573 30 CL 574 30 CL 575 30 CL 576 30 CL 577 30 CL 578 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 Thermal Relief Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Handpump Pilot Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Manually Operated 3-Way Slide Valve 22415 27620 26950 26062 11/01/57 09/01/57 09/01/57 11/01/57 Adel Adel Adel Adel 26131, 26131-1 09/01/57 Adel Manual & Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Manual & Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve 23406-6, 23406-8 09/01/57 Adel 23386-4, 23386-6, 23386-8 09/01/57 Adel 28828, 28828-1 09/01/57 Adel Pressure Operated Dump Valve Manually Operated 3-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve 29953-3, 29953-4 09/01/57 Adel 29952 09/01/57 Adel 10/01/57 Adel 04/01/58 Adel Controllable Hydraulic Check 27890 Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way 23665-4, 23665-6, Hydraulic Selector Valve 23665-8 Pneumatic Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valves Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve 50013, 50013-1, 50013-2 29950, 29950-2 04/01/59 Adel 12/01/57 Adel Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve 50343 04/01/58 Adel 7644 7645 7646 30 CL 579 30 30 CL CL 580 581 30 CL 582 30 CL 583 30 CL 584 30 CL 585 30 CL 586 30 CL 587 30 CL 588 30 CL 589 30 CL 590 30 CL 591 30 CL 592 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 Engine Blower Clutch Selector Valve Hydraulic Slave Cylinder Hydraulic Master Cylinder 29573 01/01/58 Adel 53377 53378-2 04/01/58 04/01/58 Adel Adel Solenoid Operated 4-Way Detent Hydraulic Selector Valve Pressure Operated Dump Valve Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valves Manually Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Selector Valve Solenoid & Manual Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Pressure Operated Bypass Valve 3-Way, 2-Position Manually Operated Hydraulic Valve 23403-8 08/01/62 Adel 25362 04/01/58 Adel 52352-5, 52352-11 05/01/58 Adel 23643 08/01/58 Adel 50345-61 08/01/58 Adel 51960 06/01/58 Adel 50340 06/01/58 Adel Hydraulic Cartridge Shuttle Valve Pressure Operated Dump Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hudraulic Selector Valve 50341 06/01/59 Adel 50342 05/01/58 Adel 50344-8 05/01/58 Adel Solenoid 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve with Manual Override 50345-4, 50345-6, 50345-8, 50345-81 09/01/77 Adel 30 CL 593 30 CL 594 30 CL 595 30 CL 596 30 CL 597 30 CL 598 30 CL 599 30 CL 600 30 CLA 3 4-Way, 3-Position Solenoid Operated Slide Selector Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated 4-Way, 2Position Hydraulic Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way, 2Position Hydraulic Selector Valve Walking Beam 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Pressure Operated Dump Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 3-Way Valve 4-Way, 3-Position Directional Control Valve Manual Isodraulic Control Slave Assembly Flutter Dampers 30 CLA 501 30 CLA 30 30 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7670 Adel 50347-6 05/01/58 Adel 50348 05/01/58 Adel 50389 05/01/58 Adel 50538 05/01/58 Adel 51244 06/01/58 Adel 55881, 71042 12/01/66 Adel 11764-40 07/01/59 Adel Clemco Aero Products Flutter Dampers 100721, 100721-A, 04/01/61 100721-A-1, 100723, 100723-A, 100723-A1 Clemco Aero Products 502 Flutter Dampers 100747A, 100782A 08/01/58 CM 1 Hydraulic Oil Filter PR-301, AN6234-1 06/01/45 Clemco Aero Products Purolator CM 1 Hydraulic Oil Filter AN6234-1 02/18/55 Purolator 7667 7669 05/01/58 09/01/60 100812A1, 100812A2, 100813A1, 100813A2 7666 7668 50346-4 7671 30 CM 2 Hydraulic Oil Filter PR-312, AN6234-1 06/01/45 Purolator 30 CM 3 Hydraulic Oil Filters G-159J-10, G-159J20, G-188J 07/01/45 Purolator 30 CM 4 Hydraulic Oil Filters G-159J-10, G-159J11, G-159J-12, G159J-15, G-159J-21, G-159J-26, G-159J28, G-159J-30 07/01/45 Purolator 30 30 CM CM 5 6 G-200M 30315, AN6236-2 07/01/45 07/01/45 Purolator Purolator 30 CM 7 Hydraulic Oil Filter Hydraulic Replaceable Reservoir Filter Element Hydraulic Restrictor Valve 36824, G-200M-21 12/01/51 Purolator 30 CM 502 Hydraulic Oil Filter 38426, PR-403-2 04/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 503 Hydraulic Oil Filter 50639, PR-403-5 04/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 504 Hydraulic Oil Filter 50221, PR403-4 05/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 505 Hydraulic Oil Filter 50223, PR-412-8 05/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 506 Hydraulic Oil Filter 52699, G-402M-4 05/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 507 Hydraulic Oil Filter 54293, PR-363-9 07/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 508 Hydraulic Oil Filter 53709, PR-412-20 08/01/56 Purolator 30 CM 509 Aviation Fuel Filter, Replacement Element 54147, G-255M-1 09/01/56 Purolator 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 30 CM 510 30 30 CM 511 CMA 1 30 CMA 2 30 30 30 30 CN CN CN CP 1 2 3 1 30 CP 3 30 CP 4 30 CP 5 30 CP 6 30 CP 7 30 CP 8 30 CP 9 30 CP 10 30 CP 501 Air Filter 37808, G-187M-13 11/01/56 Purolator Hydraulic Filter Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated 3-Way, 2Position Valve Sump Pump Sump Pump Sump Pump Hydraulic Fuse 31590, PR-406 2120A101 03/01/58 02/01/59 Purolator Com-Air 2121A101 02/01/59 Com-Air 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 Hydraulic Fuse Assembly, Reset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., Reset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., Reset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., Reset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assembly, Reset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., NonReset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., Reset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., NonReset Type Hydraulic Fuse Assy., Reset Type 58001A 02/01/46 58001A 02/01/46 58001A 02/01/46 D45-6-200, D45-602/01/46 201, D45-6-202, D-456-203, D45-6-204, D45-6-205 Aireon Aireon Aireon Simmonds G45-6-402-50 04/01/51 Simmonds G45-6-400-25 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-6-400-50 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-6-400-80 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-6-403-200 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-4-403-250 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-6-403-25 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-4-403-200 03/01/52 Simmonds G45-6-400-10 01/01/54 Simmonds 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708 7709 30 CQ 1 30 CQ 2 30 CQ 3 30 30 CQ CQ 4 5 30 CQ 6 30 CQ 7 30 CQ 8 30 CR 1 30 CR 2 30 CR 2 30 CR 3 30 30 30 CR CR CS 4 5 1 Electric Driven Hydraulic Oil Pump Electric- driven Hydraulic Oil Pump Electric Driven Hydraulic Oil Pump Hydraulic Oil Pump Engine Driven Hydraulic Oil Pump Engine Driven Hydraulic Oil Pump Hydraulic Supply Line Pressurizing Pump Hydraulic Supply Line Pressurizing Pump Control & Relief Valves for P80 Aircraft 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 C RD6500A 05/01/46 Romec R88-P-1140, RD6500A RD6500A 05/01/46 Romee 05/01/46 Romec RD-4950 RD-4950-A 08/01/46 04/01/53 Romec Romec RD-4950-A 04/01/53 Romec RG-9460 Series 08/01/52 Romec RG-9460 Series 08/01/52 Romec 90320, 90630, 90285- 08/01/46 2, 91010, 91020 Airesearch Flow Control Valve, Vacuum Relief Valve, Pressure Relief Valve, & Pressure Control Valves Flow Control Valve, Vacuum Relief Valve, Pressure Relief Valve, & Pressure Control Valves Control & Relief Valves for P80 Aircraft 90320, 90630, 90285- 10/01/46 2, 91010, 91020 Airesearch 90320, 90630, 90285- 07/01/60 2, 91010, 91020 Airesearch 90320, 90630, 90285- 08/01/46 2, 91010, 91020 Airesearch Flow Control Valve Flow Control Valve Stratopower Hydraulic Pumps 92960-1 92960-1 Airesearch Airesearch NY Air Brake 03/01/51 03/01/51 03/01/52 7717 7718 7719 30 CS 2 Stratopower Hydraulic Pumps Power Driven Hydraulic Pumps Power Driven Hydraulic Pumps Stratopower Hydraulic Pumps 30 CS 5 30 CS 6 30 CS 9 30 CS 11 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67L300 11/01/51 NY Air Brake 30 CS 12 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67L300 11/01/51 NY Air Brake 30 CS 13 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67VF085-2 10/01/52 NY Air Brake 30 CS 14 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67VF085-2 10/01/52 NY Air Brake 30 CS 17 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66DWB300 01/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 18 66DW Series 01/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 21 67VC300 08/01/53 NY Air Brake 30 CS 21 67VC300 08/01/55 NY Air Brake 30 CS 23 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump: 0.30 GPM Delivery Modification of Bypass Adapter Nuts: Hydraulic Pump Modification of Bypass Adapter Nuts: Hydraulic Pump Installation of Regulator Orifice in Hydraulic Pumps 682C1, 682C1-1 02/01/54 NY Air Brake 30 CS 37 Motor Actuated Ram Air Shutoff Valve C-128-01 06/01/59 Schroeder 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 A 03/01/52 NY Air Brake 67A030, 67F050 09/01/50 NY Air Brake 67A030, 67F050 10/01/50 NY Air Brake 67VC300, 67VL300, 08/01/51 67VL300-1, 67VM300, 67VQ300 NY Air Brake 7731 7732 7733 30 CS 38 Motor Actuated Hot Air Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Hot Air Shutoff Valve Modulating Hot Air Shutoff Valve Power Operated Butterfly Valves C-129-01 06/01/59 Schroeder 30 CS 39 C-133-01 06/01/59 Schroeder 30 CS 40 C-38-01 07/01/59 Schroeder 30 CS 41 C-197-01, C-198-01, C-199-01 06/01/61 Sierra-Schroeder 30 CS 42 Power Operated Butterfly Valves C-197-01, C-198-01, C-199-01 06/01/61 Sierra-Schroeder 30 CS 47 06/01/64 NY Air Brake 30 CS 48 06/01/64 NY Air Brake 30 CS 501 Stratopower Hydraulic 53FE01002-1 Motor Stratopower Hydraulic 53FE01002-1 Motor Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67WF300 07/01/51 NY Air Brake 30 CS 502 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WP300, 66WP300- 12/01/57 3, 66WP300-1, 66WP300-2 30 CS 502 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WP300, 66WP300- 12/01/57 03/01/59 The New York Air 3, 66WP300-1, Brake 66WP300-2, 66WP300-6 30 CS 502 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WP300, 66WP300- 12/01/57 09/01/63 The New York Air 3, 66WP300-1, Brake 66WP300-2, 66WP300-6, 66WP300-9 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 The New York Air Brake 30 CS 503 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WP300, 66WP300- 09/01/63 1, 66WP300-2, 66WP300-3, 66WP300-6, 66WP300-9 NY Air Brake 30 CS 504 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WA600-2 NY Air Brake 30 CS 504 10/01/55 03/01/58 The New York Air Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WA-600, 66WA600-1, 66WA-600-2, Brake 66WA-600-3, 66WA600-4 30 CS 505 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66WA600, 66WA600- 05/01/59 1, 66WA600-2, 66WA600-3, 66WA600-4, 66WA600-5, 66WA600-6 NY Air Brake 30 CS 506 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67VC300, 67VC300- 05/01/58 1, 67VC300-2, 67VL300, 67VC300-1, 67VQ300 NY Air Brake 30 CS 508 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 682C1-1 10/01/55 NY Air Brake 30 CS 509 Stratopower Hydraulic 682C1-1 Pump: 1.9 & 2 GPM Delivery 10/01/55 NY Air Brake 30 CS 510 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 06/01/57 NY Air Brake 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 10/01/55 7750 30 CS 511 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 30 CS 511 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67A025, 67B025, 67A030, 67A050, 67A050-2, 67C050-2, 67D020-2, 67F050, 67F050-2, 67P100-2, 67R100-2 30 CS 512 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 06/01/70 NY Air Brake 30 CS 513 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 06/01/70 NY Air Brake 30 CS 514 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67L300-1 10/01/55 30 CS 515 10/01/55 30 CS 516 Stratopower Hydraulic 67 Constant Series Pump: 3 GPM Delivery Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67VF085-2 The New York Air Brake NY Air Brake 10/01/55 NY Air Brake 30 CS 517 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66DWB300 01/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 518 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 12/01/61 NY Air Brake 30 CS 519 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 12/01/61 NY Air Brake 30 CS 520 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67WJ1000 10/01/55 30 CS 521 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67W series 8 &10, GPM Delivery 10/01/55 The New York Air Brake The New York Air Brake 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 06/01/57 NY Air Brake NY Air Brake 7762 30 CS 522 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 67B200-1 01/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 523 Stratopower Hydraulic 67 Constant Series Pump: 1.9 & 2 GPM Delivery 01/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 524 Hydraulic Sequence Valve 03/01/56 Schroeder 30 CS 525 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66YD300 04/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 526 66Y Series 05/01/56 NY Air Brake 30 CS 527 C-34-01 07/01/56 Schroeder 30 CS 528 65F Series 04/01/57 NY Air Brake 30 CS 529 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump: 3.00 GPM Delivery Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Stratopower Hydraulic Pump: 2 GPM Delivery Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 30 CS 30 30 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 65F Constant series 2 04/01/57 GPM Delivery The New York Air Brake 530 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 167F050, 167K050, 07/01/57 167T050, 166WA2001, 166WA200-2, 166WA200-3, 167WM300-6, 167WM300-7, 167WM300-8, 167WM300-9, 167WR300 The New York Air Brake CS 531 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 07/01/57 NY Air Brake CS 532 Solenoid Operated Selector Valve 12/01/57 Schroeder 7769 7770 7771 7772 C-35-01 C-47-01 30 CS 533 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 65WB06006, 65WB06006-1, 65WB06006-2, 65WB06015, 65WB06015-2, 65WB06015-3 11/01/64 NY Air Brake 30 CS 534 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 65WB06006, 65WB06006-1, 65WB06006-2, 65WB06015, 65WB06015-2, 65WB06015-3 11/01/64 NY Air Brake 30 CS 535 05/01/59 NY Air Brake 30 CS 536 12/01/65 NY Air Brake 30 30 30 CT CT CT 1 2 3 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66DWB300-5, 66DWB300-6 Stratopower Hydraulic Pump 66DWB300-5, 66DWB300-6, 66DWA400, 66DWA400-1 Hydraulic Selector Valve 3662, 3678 Hydraulic Shutoff Valve 3688 Hydraulic Valves 2736, 2812, 3012 09/01/47 09/01/47 05/01/51 Saval Saval Saval 30 CT 4 09/01/47 Saval 30 CT 5 09/01/47 Saval 30 CT 6 02/01/51 Saval 30 CT 8 02/01/51 Saval 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 Hydraulic Wing Flap Control 2396 Valve Hydraulic Wing Flap Control 2396 Valve Manually Operated Hydraulic Valves Motor Operated Hydraulic 12348, 12548, 20246 Valves 7784 7785 7786 30 CT 9 12348, 12548, 20246 02/01/51 Saval 10 Motor Operated Hydraulic Valves Shutoff & Selector Valves 30 CT 14458-1, 20636 03/01/51 Saval 30 CT 11 Shutoff & Selector Valves 14458-1, 20636 03/01/51 Saval 30 CT 16 Hydraulic Selector Valves 2752, 4168, 21416, 04/01/53 22318, 22724, 25338 30 CT 22 Manually Operated Selector 2474-1, 2964, 3140- 04/01/55 Valves 1, 14218, 20930, 21108-2, 105335 Saval 30 CT 23 Manually Operated Shutoff 2474-1, 2964, 3140- 04/01/55 & Selector Valve Assemblies 1, 14218, 20930, 21108-2, 105335 Saval, Whittaker 30 CT 24 04/01/51 Hydraulic Shutoff & Selector 3428-2, 3428-20, Valves 3602, 4146-1, 41462, 4146-10, 4146-20, 4690, 4862-1, 20176, 22890, 23516-2 Saval 7787 7788 7789 7790 Whittaker/Saval 30 CT 24 Manually Operated Shutoff 3428-2, 3428-20, 04/01/55 & Selector Valve Assemblies 3602, 4146-1, 414610, 4146-2, 4146-20, 4690, 4862-1, 20176, 22890, 23516-2, 106435, 107045 Saval, Whittaker 30 CT 25 Manually Operated Shutoff 3428-2, 3428-20, 04/01/55 & Selector Valve Assemblies 3602, 4146-1, 414610, 4146-2, 4146-20, 4690, 4862-1, 20176, 22890, 23516-2, 106435, 107045 Saval, Whittaker 30 CT 28 Hydraulic Pressure Switches 09/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 30 CT 29 Hydraulic Pressure Switches 09/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 30 CT 30 Fuel & Air Shutoff, Selector & Fuel Relief Valves 5342, 5898-1, 6004- 04/01/51 1, 7248-1, 12328-1, 12328-2, 14310, 14718-2, 20794-2 Saval 30 30 CT CT 32 34 20322, 20326 2026, 2866, 20104 01/01/51 01/01/51 Saval Saval 30 CT 35 Hydraulic Selector Valves Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders 2026, 2866, 20104 01/01/51 Saval 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 30 CT 36 Selector Valve Assy. 25326-1, 25326-2, 25326-3, 25326-4 02/15/55 Whittaker/RobertShaw-Fulton/Saval 30 CT 37 Selector Valve Assy. 25326-1, 25326-2, 25326-3, 25326-4 02/15/55 Whittaker/RobertShaw-Fulton/Saval 30 30 30 CT CT CT 38 39 40 21646, 25746 21646, 25746 4694-20 07/01/52 07/01/52 10/01/51 Whittaker/Saval Whittaker/Saval Whittaker 30 CT 41 4694-20 10/01/51 Whittaker 30 CT 42 Emergency Valve Emergency Valve Manual Hydraulic Valve Assy. Manual Hydraulic Valve Assy. Shuttle Valves 2L15001, 2L15004, 2L15008 04/01/51 Saval 30 CT 44 22622 11/01/51 Saval 30 CT 45 22622 11/01/51 Saval 30 30 30 CT CT CT 46 47 48 4694-20 11/01/51 4694-20 11/01/51 3294-1, 3294-2, 3294- 12/01/50 3, 3294-4, 4776-1, 4776-2, 4776-3, 47764 Saval Saval Saval 30 CT 49 Pressure Actuated Hydraulic 24022, 24022-1 3-Way Selector Valves 05/01/52 Whittaker 30 CT 50 Pressure Operated Hydraulic 24126-2 Bypass Valve 05/01/52 Whittaker 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 Hydraulic 3-Way Selector Valve Hydraulic 3-Way Selector Valve Hydraulic Shut-off Valve Hydraulic Shutoff Valve 4-Way Selector Valve 7813 7814 30 CT 51 30 CT 53 30 CT 54 30 CT 56 30 CT 57 30 CT 58 30 CT 59 30 CT 60 30 CT 61 30 CT 501 30 CT 503 30 CT 505 30 CT 509 30 CT 510 30 CT 512 30 CT 513 7815 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 Plunger Operated, Spool, 21458 Shutoff Valve Manually Operated 225506 Position Hydraulic Valve Pressure Operated Hydraulic 24194-2 Three-way two position Valve Pressure Reducer & Relief 2L22033, 2L22034 Valve Pressure Reducer & Relief 2L22033, 2L22034 Valve Manually Operated Shutoff 12138H-10 Valve Manually Operated 4-Way, 3- 20450-1 Position Hydraulic Selector Valve Pressure Actuated 3-Way 25214 Hydraulic Selector Valve Manifold Assy. w/ Pressure 7A045-1, 7A045-2 Relief & Check, Hyd. 09/01/52 Whittaker/Saval 05/01/53 Whittaker/Saval 05/01/53 WM. R. Whittaker Co., LTD 02/01/53 Whittaker 02/01/53 Whittaker 03/01/53 Whittaker 03/01/53 Whittaker 03/01/53 Whittaker 04/15/65 Arkwin Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valves Double Seal Pressure Operated Bypass Valves Solenoid Operated 3-Way Air Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve 4-Way, 2-Position Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Canopy Selector Valve 3834-1, 3834-2 11/01/52 Saval 2954-1, 2954-2 02/01/49 Saval 4804-1, 4804-2 11/01/48 Saval 3644 10/01/49 Saval 12906 12/01/52 Whittaker 12602-1, 12602-2 10/01/49 Saval 20168 01/01/50 Saval 7829 7830 30 30 CT CT 514 515 5 Unit Manifold Valve Double Seal Pressure Operated Bypass Valves Solenoid Operated Shut-off Valves 2276 21926-1, 21926-2 30 CT 516 30 CT 517 519 520 Solenoid Operated Shut-off Valves Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve 4-way Selector Valve Double Seal Shutoff Valves 30 CT 518 30 30 CT CT 30 CT 521 4-Way Selector Valves 30 30 CT CT 522 523 30 CT 524 Selector Valve Pressure Operated Bypass Valves Selector Valve 30 CT 525 4-Way Selector Valve 30 CT 526 30 CT 528 Hydraulic Pressure Operated 20604-1 Bypass Valve Pressure Actuated 2-Way, 2- 21052-1 Position Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Assy. 7831 7832 7833 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 7842 08/01/50 07/01/50 Saval Saval 21666-1, 21666-2, 08/01/50 21666-10, 21666-20 Saval 13820 08/01/50 Saval 3666 08/01/50 Saval 2660 4686-1, 4686-2 08/01/50 08/01/50 Saval Saval 4004-3, 3290-3, 20450-3 20108 20378-1, 23726-2 08/01/50 Saval 08/01/50 02/01/52 Saval Saval 4682, 4712, 20462 12/01/50 Saval 3294-1, 3294-2, 3294- 12/01/50 3, 3294-4, 4776-1, 4776-2, 4776-3, 47764 Saval 02/01/51 Saval 08/01/53 Whittaker/Saval 30 CT 529 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 25352-2 Shutoff Valve Assy. 08/01/53 Whittaker/Saval 30 CT 530 Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve Assy.: 5/8" Tube Size 02/01/54 Whittaker 30 CT 531 02/01/54 WM. R. Whittaker Co, Ltd. 30 CT 539 Pressure Actuated 3-Way 2 24162 Position Slide Selector Valve Assembly Manually Operated Rotary 4594-20 Shut-off Valve Assembly 07/01/56 Whittaker 30 CT 540 Solenoid Actuated Poppet Valve 109235-1, 109235-2, 02/01/58 109235-3, 190235-4 Whittaker 30 CT 541 107185 11/01/56 Whittaker 30 CT 542 113115 03/01/57 Whittaker 30 CT 543 30 CU 1 Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. & Utility Hydraulic Reservoir Assy. Hydraulic Relief Valve 30 CU 2 30 CU 3 30 30 CU CU 4 5 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 Hydraulic Electric Pressure Switch Hydraulic Electric Pressure Switch Shutoff Valve Shutoff Valve 2L22032H 04/01/75 5444665-503, 5577945-1, 5577945501 1040, AN6200-6AB 05/01/48 Douglas 1668-D 06/01/48 Hydro-Aire 1668-D 06/01/48 Hydro-Aire 1262 1262 04/01/50 04/01/50 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 30 CU 6 Main Landing Gear Cushion Valve & Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve 1306B-1, 4528 11/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 7 Main Landing Gear Cushion Valve & Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve 1306B-1, 4528 11/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 7 Hydraulic Reservoir HB1900-15A, HB1900- 10/01/50 08/01/57 Manning Maxwell Pressurizing Valve Assembly 20, HB1900-30, & Moore HB1900-45 30 CU 7 Hydraulic Reservoir HB1900-15A, HB1900- 10/01/50 09/01/51 Manning Maxwell Pressurizing Valve Assembly 30, HB1900-45 & Moore 30 CU 8 Hydro-Aire CU 9 07/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 9 1314, 1386, 1510, 1462 1314, 1386, 1510, 1462 HB1900-13B 07/01/51 30 .250 & .375 Shuttle Valve Assy. .250 & .375 Shuttle Valve Assy. Valve Assembly, Reservoir Relief 12/01/52 Manning Maxwell & Moore 30 CU 10 Hydraulic Relief Valve 1048-2, 1048-8 02/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 10 Valve, Emergency Air Selector 837 07/01/53 Manning Maxwell & Moore 30 CU 11 Hydraulic Relief Valve 1048-2, 1048-8 02/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 30 CU CU 12 14 Hydraulic Relief Valves Solenoid Shutoff Valves 1176, 1176-1 03/01/49 4556-2, 4556-3, 4558- 03/01/51 2, 4558-3 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 30 CU 15 21 Solenoid Vacuum Shutoff Valves Solenoid Vacuum Shutoff Valves Manual Shutoff Valve with Lock Manual Shutoff Valve with Lock Flow & Quantity Type Fuse 4600, 8530 03/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 16 4600, 8530 03/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 17 1214, 1214B 10/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 18 1214, 1214B 10/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 1756B 01/01/51 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 22 Flow & Quantity Type Fuse 1756B 02/01/53 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 23 5046 05/01/51 Hydro-Aire 5046 05/01/51 Hydro-Aire 25 26 Main Landing Gear Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Line Filter Hydraulic Line Filter: -6 Size 30 CU 24 30 30 CU CU 3914 3914 08/01/51 06/01/51 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 30 CU 27 Hydraulic Shutoff Valve D-32-210 (LH), D-32- 08/01/51 211 (RH) Hydro-Aire 30 CU 28 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 29 30 CU 37 Hydraulic Relief Valve Assy., 4094 08/01/51 Size 0.250 Hydraulic Relief Valve Assy., 4094 08/01/51 Size 0.250 Hydraulic Oil Shut-off Valve D-32-175 RH & D-32- 03/01/52 176 LH 30 30 CU CU 39 40 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 Hydraulic Relief Valve 1040-2 Rework of Hydraulic Check & 1096, 1094 Relief Valve, & Hydraulic Check, Relief & Shuttle Valve 08/01/52 04/01/54 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 7884 7885 30 CU 41 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Assy. 1416 07/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 42 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Assy. 1416 05/01/54 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 43 Fluid Shutoff Valve Assy. D-32-192 (LH), D-32- 03/01/53 193 (RH) Hydro-Aire 30 CU 44 03/01/53 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 46 Combination Check & Relief 1096 Valve Relief Valve, 0.25" Tube Size 38-095 06/01/59 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 47 Hot Air Gate Valve 35-181, 35-181C 04/01/60 Hydro-Aire 30 30 30 CU CU CU 48 501 502 Damper Assy. Hydraulic Relief Valves Electric Shutoff Gate Valve 25-015 01/01/66 1176, 1176-1 03/01/49 3218-11-10, 3218-11- 04/01/60 11, 3218-12-12, 321815-15, 3218-33-19, 3228-25-26, 3228-2728, 3288-27-28 Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire 30 CU 502 CU 503 3218-12-12, 3218-15- 07/01/51 15 4526 11/01/50 Hydro-Aire 30 30 30 30 CU CU CV 504 505 1 Motor Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Nose Wheel Door Lock Hydraulic System Jack & Sequence Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Check Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve HPC 116100-4 4026-4 1194A 09/01/55 02/01/56 10/01/49 30 CV 2 Hydraulic Relief Valve 1194A 10/01/49 Hydra-Power Hydro-Aire Manning,Maxwell, Moore Manning,Maxwell, Moore 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 Hydro-Aire 7899 7900 30 CV 3 Hydraulic Reservoir Pressurizing Valve Hydraulic Reservoir Pressurizing Valve Pressure Regulating Hydraulic Reservoir Valve 1062 05/01/50 Airex 30 CV 4 1062 05/01/50 Airex 30 CV 4 2550-10 05/01/50 Airex 30 CV 5 Pressure Regulating Hydraulic Reservoir Valve 2550 05/01/50 Airex 30 CV 7 30 CV 8 Hydraulic Reservoir Pressurizing Valve Assy. Hydraulic Reservoir Pressurizing Valve Assy. HB1900-30, HB1900- 10/01/50 45 HB1900-15A, HB1900- 08/01/57 20, HB1900-30, HB1900-45 Manning,Maxwell, Moore Manning,Maxwell, Moore 30 CV 501 Hydraulic Selector Valve 834, 838 05/01/54 30 CV 502 6966-387 09/01/57 30 CVA 92 Dual Hydraulic Pressure Gage Assy. Yaw & Roll Trim & Damper Cylinder Assy. CV15-151042-5, CV15-151042-7, CV15-151042-9, CV15-151042-11, CV15-151042-12, CV15-151042-13, CV15-151042-15, CV15-151042-17 10/01/64 Manning,Maxwell, Moore Manning,Maxwell, Moore LTV Vought Aeronautics 7901 7902 7903 7904 7905 7906 7907 30 CVA 93 Yaw & Roll Trim & Damper Cylinder Assy. CV15-151042-5, CV15-151042-7, CV15-151042-9, CV15-151042-11, CV15-151042-12, CV15-151042-13, CV15-151042-15, CV15-151042-17 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 94 2-Position Wing Control Selector Valve CV15-401878-1, CV15-401878-3, CV15-401878-5 04/01/60 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 95 Inflight Refueling Probe Assy. CV15-405051-2, CV15-405051-3, CV15-405051-4 04/01/60 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 96 30 CVA 97 Fin feel strut AssemblyCUZI-658028-1 04/01/60 elevator Air Pressure Regulating and 104120-2 (NAF1269- 10/01/60 2) RM6610-812-7731reducing Valve V155 30 CVA 98 Arresting Gear Assy. CV15-664002-12 01/01/66 30 CVA 99 Arresting Gear Assy. CV15-664002-12 01/01/66 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 Chance Vought Leonard LTV Vought Aeronautics LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 104 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinder, 215-82031-1, 21512/01/71 Servo Valve, Cylinder 82031-2, 215-820316, 215-82031-7, 21582031-9, 215-8203110, 215-82031-13, 215-82031-14, 21582031-17, 215-8203118, 215-82031-5, 21582031-8, 215-8203115, 215-82031-16, 215-82031-3, 21582031-4 LTV Aerospace Corp 30 CVA 107 Actuating Cylinder Vought Corp 30 CVA 116 30 CVA 125 215-42030-3, 21509/01/76 42030-4, 215-420305 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinder 216-22163-1, 21603/01/70 22163-2 Actuating Cylinder 215-22040-1 04/01/71 30 CVA 126 Actuating Cylinder 30 CVA 501 Hydraulic Cylinder & Valve Assembly Yaw Rate Control 30 CVA 502 30 CVA 503 7915 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 LTV Aerospace Corp LTV Aerospace Corp LTV Aerospace Corp Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 215-22055-2, 21522055-3 CV10-151032-3 09/01/71 Yaw Rate Control Hydraulic Cylinder & Valve Assy. CV10-151048-1 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft Cylinder- fuel Pod Emergency Release CV10-201055-2 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 04/01/55 7923 30 CVA 504 30 CVA 505 30 CVA 506 30 CVA 507 30 CVA 509 Hydraulic Cylinder- Canopy Actuating CV10-431055-1, CV10-431055-2 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 510 CV10-444030-1 04/01/55 30 CVA 511 Hydraulic Cylinder Nose Gear Actuating Ailavator Control Viscous Damper Hydraulic Cylinder CV10-752044-1 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 512 Ailavator Control Viscous Damper Hydraulic Cylinder CV10-811051-1 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 513 30 CVA 514 CV10-818025-1 (dual 04/01/55 rate) CV10-901076-1 04/01/55 30 CVA 515 30 CVA 517 Feel Spring Strut AssemblyAilavator Speedbrake Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder Speedbrake Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder Nose Gear Door Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 518 7924 7925 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 Fuel Pod Emergency Jettison CV10-201060-1 Cylinder Rocket Pack Door Actuating CV10-209067-1 Hydraulic Cylinder 04/01/55 Canopy Lock Release CV10-401041-3 Hydraulic Cylinder Cylinder Assembly- Hydraulic CV10-411075-1, system Nose gear actuating CV10-431099-1 04/01/55 04/01/55 08/01/57 CV10-901077-1 04/01/55 CV10-401042-1, CV10-401042-2 04/01/55 Hydraulic Cylinder- Ailavator CV10-421081-13, Control Viscous Damper CV10-421081-14 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 519 Valve Assembly- Main Fuel Cell Vent CV10-505169-2, CV10-505169-3, CV10-505169-4, CV10-505169-6 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 520 Arresting Gear Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder CV10-601021-1, CV10-601021-2 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 521 Cylinder- Arresting Gear Actuating CV10-601023-1, CV10-601023-2, CV10-601023-3, CV10-601023-4 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 522 Wing-Fold Hydraulic Cylinder CV10-801020-1, CV10-801020-2, CV10-801020-3, CV10-801020-4 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 523 Slat Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 CV10-801062-1, CV10-801062-2, CV10-801062-3, CV10-801062-4, CV10-801062-5, CV10-801062-6 30 CVA 524 Main Gear Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder CV10-901020-1, CV10-901020-2, CV10-901020-3, CV10-901020-4 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 525 Hydraulic Cylinder- wing fold CV10-901028-1, hinge CV10-901028-2, CV10-901028-3, CV10-901028-4 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 526 Main Gear Door Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder CV10-901032-1, CV10-901032-2 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 527 Hydraulic Cylinder- slat Actuating CV10-901056-1, CV10-901056-2, CV10-901056-3, CV10-901056-4, CV10-9014056-5, CV10-901056-6 04/01/55 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 7941 7942 7943 7944 30 CVA 528 Tandem Power Control Cylinder & Valve Assembly CV10-801023-1, CV10-801023-2, CV10-801023-4, CV10-801023-5, CV10-811042-1, CV10-811042-2, CV10-811042-3 02/01/57 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 529 Tandem Power Control Cylinder & Valve Assembly CV10-801023-1, CV10-801023-2, CV10-801023-4, CV10-801023-5, CV10-811042-1, CV10-811042-2, CV10-811042-3 02/01/57 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 530 Cylinder- Arresting Gear Actuating CV10-601047-5, CV10-601047-6 05/01/56 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 531 CV10-438066-2 04/01/56 30 CVA 532 CV10-818074-1 04/01/56 30 CVA 533 30 CVA 534 Actuator- Aileron stop Programing Feel Spring Strut AssemblyAilavator Solenoid Release Bomb Rack Actuating Assy. Hydraulic Cylinder- speed brake Actuating Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 7950 7951 CV10-909070-1, Aero 04/01/56 9A CV10-911029-1 04/01/56 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 30 CVA 535 Cylinder- Armament Door Actuating Cylinder Assembly- Aero 9A Bomb Ejector Rack Main Landing Gear Compression Cylinder Cylinder- Nose Gear Door Closing Main Landing Gear Door Closing Cylinder Cylinder- Nose Gear Door Unlatch, Cylinder- Main Gear Door Unlatch Cylinder- Nose Gear Door Unlatch, Cylinder- Main Gear Door Unlatch Nose Wheel Actuating Cylinder 30 CVA 536 30 CVA 537 30 CVA 538 30 CVA 539 30 CVA 540 30 CVA 541 CV8-501021-2, CV8- 05/01/57 501021-2A Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 542 CV8-501022-2, CV8- 05/01/57 501022-2A Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 544 Cylinder- wing fold CV8-901020-2 545 Cylinder- wing hinge pin pulling CV8-951024-1, CV8- 05/01/57 951024-2 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 CV10-531084-1 04/01/56 CV14-909021-1 04/01/56 CV8-401024-2 05/01/57 CV8-401027-2 05/01/57 CV8-401037-2 05/01/57 Cv8-471020-1, CV8471020-5 05/01/57 05/01/57 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 546 Rudder Power Control Pkgs, Cylinder Assy., Valve Assy., Rigging Fixtures, Synchronization Fixture 12/01/63 CV15-158087-4, CV15-158087-6, CV15-151039-2, CV15-151039-3, CV15-151024-7, CV15-151024-8, CV15-206084-1, CV15-206084-15, CV206333-1 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 547 Rudder Power Control Pkgs, Cylinder Assy., Valve Assy., Rigging Fixtures, Synchronization Fixture CV15-158087-4, 12/01/63 CV15-158087-6, CV15-151039-2, CV15-151039-3, CV15-151024-7, CV15-151024-8, CV15-206084-1, CV15-206084-15, CV206333-1 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 548 Ram-Air Turbine Cylinder & Reservoir Assy., Ram-Air Turbine Cylinder Assy. 06/01/60 CV15-401105-2, CV15-401105-3, S1625-2, S-1625-4, S1625-5 Vought/Sargent 7962 7963 7964 30 CVA 549 Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder Assy. CV15-401259-1, CV15-401259-2, CV15-401259-5, CV15-401259-6, CV15-401259-7, CV15-401259-8, CV15-401259-9, CV15-401259-10 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 550 Horizontal Tail Hydraulic Cylinder Assy. CV15-401293-1, CV15-401293-2, CV15-401293-3 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 551 CV15-601050-1 11/01/56 30 CVA 552 Arresting Gear Unlock Hydraulic Cylinder Arresting Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. CV15-601049-3, CV15-601049-5, CV15-601049-6 02/01/65 Chance Vought Aircraft LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 553 Power Control Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. CV15-501084-1, CV15-501084-2, CV15-501084-3, CV15-501084-4, CV15-501084-5, CV15-501084-6 10/01/64 7965 7966 7967 7968 7969 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 554 Utility Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. CV15-401126-3, CV15-401126-4 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 555 Rudder Spring Strut Assy. CV10-158052-1 08/01/56 30 CVA 556 CV10-654040-3 08/01/56 30 CVA 557 Arresting Gear Bumper Shock Strut Assy. Wing Aft Hinge Pin Pulling Hydraulic Cylinder CV15-901030-3, CV15-901030-4, CV15-901030-7, CV15-901030-8, CV15-901030-9, CV15-901030-10 10/01/64 Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 558 Wing Forward Hinge Pin Pulling Cylinder Assy. CV15-901021-3, CV15-901021-4, CV15-901021-5, CV15-901021-6, CV15-901021-7, CV15-901021-8 10/01/64 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 559 Wing Fold Cylinder Assy. CV15-901072-3, CV15-901072-4, CV15-901072-5, CV15-901072-6, CV15-901072-7, CV15-901072-8, CV15-901072-11, CV15-901072-12 10/01/60 Chance Vought 30 CVA 560 Main Gear Door Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder CV15-501042-1 11/01/56 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 561 CV15-401227-1, CV15-401227-2 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 562 CV15-401503-1 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 563 CV15-401184-1 11/01/56 30 CVA 564 Chance Vought Aircraft LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 565 30 CVA 566 Gun Compartment Outlet Vent Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. Gun Compartment Inlet Vent Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. Rocket Pack Actuating Hydraulic Cylinder Aileron & Spoiler Power Control Assy. & Aileron Power Control Servo Cylinder Aileron & Spoiler Power Control Assy. & Aileron Power Control Servo Cylinder Elevator, Horizontal Tail, Power Control Servo & Servo Cylinder Assy, 7975 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 02/01/65 02/01/65 LTV Vought Aeronautics 02/01/65 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 567 02/01/65 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 568 CV15-908038-2 10/01/64 CV15-608027-3 11/01/56 CV15-158076-3, CV15-158076-5 11/01/56 LTV Vought Aeronautics Chance Vought Aircraft Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 569 30 CVA 570 30 CVA 571 Rudder Funk Spring Strut Assy. Main Gear Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. CV15-158041-1 11/01/56 30 CVA 573 CV15-501135-1, CV15-501135-2 10/01/64 30 CVA 574 Rudder Funk Spring Strut Assy. Selector Valve- Variable Incidence wing Inflight Refueling Probe Actuating Cylinder Assy. CV15-158121-1 10/01/64 30 CVA 575 CV15-401257-1 01/01/58 30 CVA 576 CV15-401194-2, CV15-401194-3 10/01/64 30 CVA 577 Inflight Refueling Probe Door CV15-401224-1 Actuating Cylinder Assy. 04/01/58 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 578 Inflight Refueling Probe Door CV15-401262-2 Actuating Cylinder Assy. 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 7990 7991 7992 7993 Elevator, Horizontal Tail, Power Control Servo, Servo Cylinder Assy,, Rigging Fixture & Synchronization Fixture Aileron Funk Spring Strut Assy. Elevator Funk Spring Strut Assy. Elevator Feel Spring Strut Assy. Chance Vought Aircraft LTV Vought Aeronautics LTV Vought Aeronautics Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 579 Arresting Gear Uplock Cylinder Assy. CV15-601057-2, CV15-601057-3, CV15-601057-4 02/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 580 Horizontal Tail Viscous Damper Cylinder Assy. CV15-601060-3, CV15-601060-5, CV15-601060-7 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 581 Spoiler Actuating Cylinder Assy. CV15-901064-5, CV15-901064-6, CV15-901064-7, CV15-901064-8, CV15-901064-9, CV15-901064-10, CV21-901020-1, CV21-901020-2, CV21-901020-3, CV21-901020-4, CV21-901020-5, CV21-901020-6, CV21-901020-7, CV21-901020-8 06/01/60 Chance Vought 30 CVA 583 Spoiler Funk Spring Strut Assy. CV15-908089-1 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 7994 7995 7996 7997 30 CVA 584 Nose Gear Steering Cylinder CV15-401196-9, Assy. CV15-401196-11, CV15-401196-12, CV99-045206-2 02/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 585 CV15-401129-8, CV15-401129-9 08/01/58 Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. 30 CVA 586 CV15-401192-1 05/01/61 Chance Vought 30 CVA 588 Cylinder AssemblyEmergency Power Package extension Canopy Counterbalance Cylinder Assy. Aileron Funk Spring Strut Assy. CV15-908075-2, CV15-908075-3 10/01/58 Chance Vought Aircraft 30 CVA 590 Yaw Trim & Damper Cylinder CV15-151049-1, Assy. CV15-151049-2, CV15-151049-3, CV15-151049-4 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 30 CVA 591 Yaw Trim & Damper Cylinder CV15-151049-1, Assy. CV15-151049-2, CV15-151049-3, CV15-151049-4 10/01/64 LTV Vought Aeronautics 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 30 CW 1 Hydraulic Swivel Joints AJS9111, AJS9356, AJS9357, AJS9358, AJS9359, AJS9360, AJS9361, AJS17066, AJS17070 01/01/51 Barco 30 CW 2 Hydraulic Swivel Joints AJS9111, AJS9356, AJS9357, AJS9358, AJS9359, AJS9360, AJS9361, AJS17066, AJS17070 01/01/51 Barco 30 CX 1 05/01/57 30 CX 2 30 CX 4 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Valves & Dampeners N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 05/01/57 05/01/57 30 CX 6 Hydraulic Boost Control Valves 01/01/51 140-58022, 14058022-5, 140-580227, 140-58022-9, 14058077-3, 140-580775, 140-58077-9, 14058077-11, 140-5807713, 151-58077, 15158077-3, 161-58077 N. American Aviation 30 CX 7 N. American Aviation 30 CX 8 30 CX 9 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 130-58079, 13005/01/50 Valves 58079-3, 130-580795 Hydraulic Pressure Reducing 130-58079, 15101/01/50 Valves 58079 Selector, Bypass & Shutoff 130-58091, 14110/01/50 Hydraulic Valves 58043-1, 141-580432, 147-58083-10, 15158023, 161-58065, 161-58065-3 30 CX 10 30 CX 11 Selector, Bypass & Shutoff Hydraulic Valves Hydraulic Hand Pump 168-58009 10/01/50 30 CX 12 Hydraulic Hand Pump 168-58009 09/01/50 30 CX 13 Hydraulic Accumulators 165-58042, 16558047, 165-58095 10/01/50 N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 01/01/53 N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 30 CX 14 Hydraulic Accumulators 01/01/53 165-58042, 16558047, 165-58095, 165-58047, 16558047-3, 177-58047 N. American Aviation 30 CX 15 Hydraulic Power Control System Compensator & Reservoirs 165-58061, 16503/01/53 58061-3, 170-58010, 172-58038, 18758038 N. American Aviation 30 CX 16 165-58061 09/01/50 30 CX 17 Hydraulic Power Control System Reservoir Hydraulic Fuse Assy. 147-58695 02/01/51 30 CX 18 Hydraulic Power Surface Control Actuators 165-58705, 165587130, 165-587206, 176-58706, 18758705, 187-58706, 170-58706 N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 30 CX 19 Hydraulic Power Surface Control Actuators 03/01/53 165-58705, 165587130, 165-587206, 176-58706, 18758705, 187-58706, 170-58706 30 CX 21 Hydraulic Landing Gear Flap 88-58011-10 Selector Valve 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 02/01/53 N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 30 CX 32 Hydraulic Leading Edge Droop Control Valve Assy. 247-58709-11, 247- 06/01/62 58709-12, 247-587091, 247-58709-2 N. American Aviation 30 CX 33 279-526235-1 04/01/65 30 CX 36 279-529001 04/01/66 30 CX 501 1V7-8-15 06/01/54 30 CX 502 120-58243 11/01/54 30 CX 503 175-58707-35 06/01/54 30 CX 504 Wing Droop Leading Edge Follow-Up Control Assy. Radar Hoisting, No-Back Winch Assy. Hydraulic 2-Way Restrictor Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Elevator Boost Valve Assy. Hydraulic Dump Valve 175-58080 11/01/54 30 CX 505 160-58149 06/01/54 30 CX 506 175-58709 06/01/54 30 CX 508 175-58707-60 09/01/55 30 CX 510 169-58712-1 06/01/54 30 CX 512 1V4 Series 08/01/56 30 CX 513 209-520186-11 03/01/58 30 CX 514 181-58051 03/01/58 30 CX 515 181-58051 03/01/58 30 CX 517 209-58029-1, 20958029-2 03/01/58 N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 Relief Type Check Valve Assy. Hydraulic Boost Valve Hydraulic Elevator Boost Valve Assy. Hydraulic Bypass Valve Hydraulic 1-Way Restrictor Valve Assy. Ram-Air Turbine Bungee Assy. Hydraulic Utility System Reservoir Assy. Hydraulic Utility System Reservoir Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Lock Cylinder Assy. 8040 30 CX 518 30 CX 522 30 CY 2 30 CY 3 30 30 30 CY CY CY 4 39 40 Hydraulic Wing Fold Actuating Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Gun Bay Purge Exit Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. Aileron Power Boost Cylinder Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Actuating Cylinders Flap Relief Valve Assy. Hydraulic Relief Valve Assy. 209-58030 03/01/58 209-58041 03/01/58 3262263 02/01/51 Douglas Aircraft 12/01/57 Douglas 4367928-501 272778-10 05/01/58 02/01/53 02/01/53 Douglas Douglas Douglas 30 30 CY CY 42 46 Dash Pot Check Valve 2298425 Landing Gear Uplatch Valve 4294090-501 09/01/53 09/01/53 Douglas Douglas 30 CY 47 Landing Gear Uplatch Valve 4294090-503 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 48 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 50 Main Landing Gear Uplatch 2230829 Valve Landing Gear Uplatch Valve 4295993 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 52 3282530 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 53 3293990 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 58 3414750 (Supersedes 09/01/53 3293750) Douglas 30 CY 59 3294145 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 60 5234646 09/01/53 Douglas 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 Control Surface Snubber Assy. Control Surface Snubber Assy. Nose Gear Retracting Strut 8054 8055 8056 Main Gear Door Operating Cylinder Main Gear Door Operating Cylinder N. American Aviation N. American Aviation 8057 30 CY 63 30 CY 64 30 30 CY CY 67 69 30 CY 69 30 CY 70 30 CY 71 30 CY 71 30 CY 72 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8065 Lower Cargo Door Actuating 5294325 Cylinder Lower Cargo Door Operating 5282637 Mechanism Strut 09/01/53 Douglas 09/01/53 Douglas Selective Relief Valve Rudder Trim Control Switch Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Shutoff Valve Nose Wheel Steering Shutoff Valve Box Assy.: Trimmer Angle Gear Nose Wheel Steering Shutoff Valve Aileron Power Mechanism 4298428 4388466 09/01/53 02/01/59 Douglas Douglas 4173836-500 09/01/53 Douglas 4294024 09/01/53 Douglas 3433058 01/01/60 Douglas 4375940 09/01/53 Douglas 5553293-3, 5553293- 01/01/65 5, 5553293-7, 5553293-9, 555329311, 5553293-13, 5553293-15, 5553293-17, 5668080-3, 56680805, 5668080-7, 5668080-9, 566808011, 5668080-13, 5668080-15, 5668080-17, 5668080-19, 5668080-21 Douglas 8066 30 30 CY CY 72 73 Wing Flap Limit Valve Aileron Power Mechanism 4229894 5553293, 5668080 (Both Series) 09/01/53 01/01/65 Douglas Douglas 30 30 CY CY 73 74 Wing Flap Limit Valve Wing Fold Latch Cylinder 4294237 3558685, 3558685501, 3558685-503, 3558685-505 09/01/53 11/01/68 Douglas Douglas 30 CY 76 03/01/60 Douglas 30 CY 76 Pilot's Control Throttle Assy. 5444795-511, 5444795-513, 5444795-515, 5444795-517, 5444795-519, 5444795-521, 5444795-523, 5444795-525, 5444795-527, 5444795-529, 5444795-531, 5444795-533, 5444795-535, 5444795-537, 5444795-539, 5444795-541, 5444795-543 Landing Gear Selector Valve 4283205 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 77 Main Landing Gear Drag Link 4547893, 4547893Lock Cylinder Assy. 501, 4547893-503 03/01/62 Douglas 30 CY 77 Side Door Operating Valve 09/01/53 Douglas 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 4222003-4 30 CY 78 30 CY 78 30 CY 80 30 CY 80 30 30 30 30 CY CY CY CY 81 83 84 84 30 CY 86 30 30 CY CY 87 88 30 CY 89 30 30 CY CY 89 90 30 CY 90 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 Main Landing Gear Forward 5445587-501, Door Latch Mechanism 5445587-502, 5445587-503, 5445587-504 Landing Gear Emergency 4289381 Extension Valve Power Rudder Mechanism 5668081-3 Assy. Main Gear Door Limit Valve 4289619-500 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 Douglas 09/01/53 Douglas 06/01/60 Douglas 09/01/53 Douglas 03/01/60 09/01/53 09/01/53 03/01/60 Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Control Stick Assy. Wing Flap Brake Wing Flap Brake Rudder Tandem Cylinder Assy. Main Gear Door Aft Latch Mechanism Assy. 5668054 4276391 4294138 5671551-503 3445540-1, 3445540- 05/01/60 2, 3445540-501, 3445540-502, 3445540-503, 3445540-504 Douglas Brake Shuttle Valve Manual Override Switch Centering Bungee Assy. Aileron Mechanical Advantage Shift Actuating Bungee Assy. Brake Shuttle Valve Aileron Mechanical Advantage Shift Bungee Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Slide Valve 4289069 4545226, 4545226501 4439585, 4439585501 09/01/53 03/01/60 Douglas Douglas 03/01/60 Douglas 4294140 4439576, 4439576501 09/01/53 03/01/60 Douglas Douglas 3294221 09/01/53 Douglas 8082 8083 12/01/59 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097 8098 30 CY 91 30 CY 92 30 CY 93 30 CY 94 30 CY 95 30 CY 96 30 30 30 30 CY CY CY CY 96 97 98 98 4544491, 4544491501 4550057-503 03/01/60 Douglas 01/01/60 Douglas 2296930 09/01/53 Douglas 4556803 03/01/60 Douglas 2278160 09/01/53 Douglas 5549800-39 04/01/60 Douglas 4171314-2 4171314-4 4293943-1 5556904-501 09/01/53 09/01/53 09/01/53 03/01/60 Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas 30 CY 100 4287069 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 101 Nose Wheel Steering Ring Cylinder Upper Gland 4293985 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 102 Nose Wheel Steering Gland 4282162 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 104 5548037-25 06/01/60 Douglas 30 CY 104 4295310 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 105 4295434 09/01/53 Douglas 30 CY 108 Arresting Gear Installation Bolt Assy. Nose Loading Door Latch Gland Nose Door Center Latch Gland Elevator Power Boost Mechanism Assy. 5445823-3 12/01/61 Douglas 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 Spoiler Double Acting Centering Bungee Assy. Emergency Generator Retract Cylinder Assy. Main Gear Retracting Upper Gland Elevator Bobweight Balance Bungee Assy. Main Gear Retracting Upper Gland Windshield Defroster Valve Assy. Main Gear Gland Main Gear Gland Main Gear Gland Altitude Control Transducer Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Ring Cylinder Upper Gland 8106 8107 30 CY 109 30 CY 111 30 CY 112 30 CY 113 30 CY 114 30 CY 115 Aileron Power Mechanism Control Assy. 30 CY 121 Aileron Power Mechanism 30 CY 122 30 CY 503 30 CY 504 30 CY 505 8108 8109 8110 8111 Rudder Power Mechanism Assy. Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. Elevator Tandem Control Installation Power Mechanism Assy. 5550862-3, 5550862- 12/01/61 5 5813598 01/01/62 Douglas 5552577-7, 5552577- 05/01/62 9, 5552577-11, 5552577-13, 5552577-15 Douglas Elevator Tandem Control Installation Power Mechanism Assy. Aileron Power Mechanism Control Assy. 5552577 Series 04/01/62 Douglas 5444473-13, 06/01/62 5444473-15, 5675634-3, 56756345 5444473-13, 04/01/62 5444473-15, 5675634-3, 56756345 5821597-3, 5821597- 08/01/69 5, 5821597-9, 5821597-11 Douglas Aileron Power Mechanism 5821597-3, 5821597- 07/01/69 5, 5821597-9, 5821597-11 Douglas Nose Wheel Steering Gland Assy. Fin Pin Pulling & Locking Cylinder Assy. Wing Fold Selector Valve Assy. 4383895-501, 10/01/59 4383895-503 5383618-3, 5383618- 09/01/58 11 5380923-500 08/01/53 Douglas 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas 30 CY 510 Aileron Boost Tandem Actuating Cylinder Assy. 5442299-503, 08/01/72 5442299-505, 5442299-507 5385957-3, 5385957- 09/01/58 9, 5385957-11, 5385957-13, 5385957-15, 5385957-17 Douglas 30 CY 511 Wing Flap Cylinder Assy. 30 CY 512 Rudder & Elevator Boost Cylinder Assy. 3274819, 3274819501, 3274819-503, 3274819-505, 3274819-507, 3274819-509 01/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 514 Flight Control Boost Valve Assy. 700 PSI Relief & Manual Operated Valve Assy. 3274687, 3274687503 3446502, 3446502501, 3446502-503 01/01/59 Douglas 30 CY 515 11/01/59 Douglas 30 CY 516 Tail Bumper Actuating Cylinder Assy. 3274939, 3274939501, 3274939-503 06/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 518 4384328 02/01/54 Douglas 30 CY 519 Douglas CY 524 3381145-501, 3381145-503 5432840 01/01/58 30 03/01/54 Douglas 30 CY 525 3383608-501 06/01/54 Douglas 30 CY 526 Wing Flap Emergency Selector Valve Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Valve Assy. 3000 PSI Multirange Hydraulic Actuated Electrical Switch Assy. Cylindrical Hydraulic Accumulator Assy. Sonobuoy-Flare Dispenser 5382792-515, Aero 3B-1 06/01/54 Douglas 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 Douglas 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 30 CY 527 30 CY 528 30 CY 531 30 CY 536 30 CY 537 30 CY 538 30 CY 539 30 CY 541 30 CY 542 30 CY 547 30 CY 548 30 CY 550 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 Sonobuoy-Flare Dispenser 5382792-515, Aero 3B-1 Hydraulic Flow Control Valve 3267767-502, Assy. 3267767-504 Arresting Hook Control Valve 4261568-503, Assy. 4261568-505 Horizontal Stabilizer Manual 4445115 Override Switch Bomb Bay Spoiler Actuating 5541162, 5541162Cylinder Assy. 501 Aileron Snubber Cylinder 3544545 Assy. Spoiler Control Valve Assy. 3448485-505, 3448485-507, 3448485-509 Aileron Snubber 3541947, 3541947Accumulator Assy. 501 Speed Brake Actuating 3546855-505 Cylinder Assy. Main Gear Door Actuating 3273031, 3273031Cylinder Assy. 501, 3273031-503, 3273031-505, 3273031-507, 3273031-509, 3273031-511, 3273031-513, 3273031-515 05/01/55 Douglas 06/01/55 Douglas 06/01/55 Douglas 07/01/56 Douglas 12/01/59 Douglas 08/01/58 Douglas 04/01/58 Douglas 07/01/57 Douglas 12/01/59 Douglas 01/01/58 Douglas Main Gear Bungee Cylinder Assy. 3382166-1, 3382166- 10/01/56 2, 3382166-501, 3382166-502 Douglas Nose Gear Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. 5261084-512, 5261084-514 Douglas 03/01/61 30 CY 552 Yaw Damper Actuating Cylinder Assy. 30 CY 557 30 CY 559 30 CY 561 Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder Assy. Forward Dive Relief Valve Assy. Aileron Power Valve Assy. 30 CY 565 30 CY 566 30 30 30 CY CY CY 567 568 569 Main Landing Gear Latch Cylinder Main Landing Gear Latch Cylinder Rudder Snubber Cylinder Rudder Snubber Cylinder Aileron Snubber Cylinder 30 CY 572 Elevator Snubber Cylinder 30 CY 573 Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder 30 CY 574 30 CY 575 30 CY 576 30 CY 577 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 3433068-501, 3433068-503, 3433068-505, 3433068-507 3436658-501 04/01/58 Douglas 01/01/57 Douglas 5440917-1, 5440917501 3548330, 3548330501 3544163, 3544163501 3544163, 3544163501 3546683-501 3546683-501 3547474-1, 35474742 3548304 01/01/57 Douglas 01/01/59 Douglas 06/01/60 Douglas 06/01/60 Douglas 01/01/57 05/01/57 01/01/57 Douglas Douglas Douglas 01/01/57 Douglas 3547394, 3547394505, 3547394-507, 3547394-509 06/01/60 Douglas Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder 3547394, 3547394505, 3547394-507, 3547394-509 05/01/60 Douglas Main Landing Gear Door Latch Cylinder Main Landing Gear Door Latch Cylinder Aileron Surface Control Valve Assy. 3549405-501 01/01/57 Douglas 3549405-501 01/01/57 Douglas 5548734, 5548734501 02/01/59 Douglas 30 CY 581 Elevator Control Boost Valve 5553667-501, & Bungee Assy. 5553667-503, 5553667-505, 5553667-507, 5553667-509 Side Dive Brake Actuating 5551194 Cylinder Assy. Lower Dive Brake Actuating 5551573 Cylinder Assy. Catapult Hook Retracting 3554744, 3554744Cylinder Assy. 501 Elevon Hydraulic Snubber 5556200-1, 5556200Assy. 2 32 Double Chamber 3544450 Accumulator Assy. 09/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 585 11/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 586 11/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 587 11/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 589 12/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 590 12/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 593 Escape Door Actuator Assy. 02/01/60 Douglas 30 CY 594 3544586, 3662853 2-Position, 4-Port Selector Valve Assy. & Antenna Boom Emergency Retract Valve Assy. 12/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 595 12/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 597 3-Position, 4-Port Selector Valve Assy. Spoiler Actuating Cylinder Assy. 12/01/57 Douglas 30 CY 599 09/01/60 Douglas 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 3541975, 3541975503, 3541975-511, 3541975-513 3544587 3448302-501, 3448302-502, 3448302-503, 3448302-504 Main Landing Gear Actuating 3547506, 3547506Cylinder Assy. 501, 3547506-505 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 30 CY 600 30 CY 601 30 CY 602 30 CY 603 30 CY 604 30 CY 608 30 CY 609 30 CY 611 30 CY 612 30 CY 615 30 CY 617 30 CY 618 30 CY 619 8171 8172 8173 8174 Wing Flap Actuating Cylinder Assy. Nose Gear Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. Rudder Control Valve Assy. 3547888, 3547888501 3547970 04/01/60 Douglas 12/01/57 Douglas 3550869-501, 3550869-503 3551966 12/01/57 Douglas 12/01/57 Douglas 3555188 12/01/57 Douglas 5557911-505, 04/01/69 5817503-1, 58170561, 5817056-501 Douglas Elevator Tandem Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. Arresting Hook Centering Cylinder Assy. Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. 5551944-505, 5551944-507 5553217, 5553217503 2381905, 2381905501 3274750, 3274750503, 3274750-505, 3274750-507, 3274750-508 03/01/73 Douglas 12/01/58 Douglas 05/01/58 Douglas 05/01/58 Douglas Nose Gear Link Lock Cylinder Assy. Bomb Door Foward Actuating Cylinder Assy. 3381260-503, 3381260-505 3381719, 3381719501, 3381719-503, 3381719-505 05/01/58 Douglas 06/01/58 Douglas Arresting Hook Bumper Cylinder Assy. 4381003, 4381003501 06/01/58 Douglas Aileron Tandem Actuating Cylinder Assy. Aft Enclosure Jettison Cylinder Assy. Cockpit Enclosure Bungee Assy. 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 30 CY 620 30 30 CY CY 621 622 30 CY 623 30 CY 625 30 CY 626 30 CY 627 Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator 30 CY 628 30 CY 630 30 CY 632 Nose Wheel Steering Cylinder Assy. Wing Joint Hydraulic Swivel Assy. Speed Brake Actuating Cylinder Assy. 8181 8182 8183 Nose Gear Door Aft Latch Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Reservoir Assy. Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Assy. 4433845-503, 4433845-505 5268268-18 5380619, 5380619501, 5380619-503 06/01/58 Douglas 06/01/58 07/01/58 Douglas Douglas Tail Bumper Shock Absorber Strut Assy. Arresting Hook Hold Down Cylinder Assy. Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator 5380690-501 07/01/58 Douglas 5387017-501 07/01/58 Douglas 5443520-513, 5443520-515, 5443520-517, 5547309-515, 5547309-517, 5547309-519 5443520-513, 5443520-515, 5443520-517, 5547309-515, 5547309-517, 5818900-501, 5818900-503 3383516 09/01/64 Douglas 09/01/64 Douglas 07/01/58 Douglas 4385700 08/01/58 Douglas 5381223-7, 5381223- 08/01/58 9 Douglas 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 30 CY 633 Emergency Chute Actuating 5381214-3, 5381214- 08/01/58 Cylinder Assy. 4, 5381214-7, 5381214-8, 53812149, 5381214-10, 5381214-11, 5381214-12, 5381214-13, 5381214-14 Douglas 30 CY 634 08/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 635 08/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 637 Wing Fold Actuating Cylinder 5385577-503, Assy. 5385577-505 Hydraulic Reservoir Assy. 5438784-33, 5438784-41, 5438784-49, 5438784-51, 5438784-53 Catapult Hook Retracting 4430674, 4430674505, 4430674-501, Cylinder & Nose Gear Centering Cylinder Assy. 4430674-503 10/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 638 Douglas CY 640 3444970, 3444970501 5443632, 5443632501, 5443632-503, 5443632-505 10/01/58 30 Nose Wheel Steering Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Oil Cooler & Fuel Filter Assy. 03/01/61 Douglas 30 CY 641 Elevator Boost Valve Assy. Douglas 30 CY 643 30 CY 644 Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. Nose Landing Gear Retracting Cylinder Assy. 344463-503, 344463- 11/01/58 505 544465-501, 544465- 01/01/59 503 5547429, 5547429- 04/01/60 501 8189 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 Douglas Douglas 8198 8199 8200 30 CY 645 30 CY 646 30 CY 648 30 CY 649 30 CY 650 30 CY 651 30 CY 652 30 CY 653 30 CY 654 30 CY 655 30 CY 656 30 CY 657 30 CY 658 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 Main Gear Aft Door Cylinder Assy. Nose Gear Telescoping Mechanism Assy. Main Gear Drag Link Lock Cylinder Assy. Nose Gear Retracting Cylinder Swivel Fitting Assy. 3446259, 3446259501 5447313 11/01/58 Douglas 11/01/58 Douglas 4443444-501 11/01/58 Douglas 2444236-1, 2444236- 01/01/59 2 Douglas Aileron Control Cylinder Assy. Arresting Hook Hold Down Assy. 3443600, 3443600501 5444688-509, 5444688-511, 5444688-513, 5444688-515 Main Gear Door Actuating 3444055-501, Cylinder Assy. 3444055-502, 3444055-503, 3444055-504 Elevator Boost Cylinder Assy. 3444054-501 12/01/58 Douglas 12/01/58 Douglas 12/01/58 Douglas 11/01/58 Douglas Wing Flap Actuating Cylinder Assy. Nose Landing Gear Retracting Cylinder Assy. Nose Gear Door Latch Cylinder Assy. 3444590 12/01/58 Douglas 5443715-503 12/01/58 Douglas 4444667-503, 4444667-505, 4444667-509 3444666 07/01/61 Douglas 01/01/59 Douglas 01/01/61 Douglas Nose Gear Door Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Actuating 3444108-501, Cylinder Assy. 3444108-5036, 3444108-505 8211 8212 8213 30 30 30 CY CY CY 660 661 662 30 CY 664 01/01/59 02/01/59 09/01/58 Douglas Douglas Douglas 09/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 665 3444043-501, 3444043-503, 3444043-505, 3444043-507, 3444043-509, 3444043-511, 3444043-513 Jato Hook Actuating Cylinder 4434655, 4434655Assy. 501, 4434655-503, 4434655-505, 4434655-507, 4434655-509 10/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 666 10/01/58 Douglas 30 CY 667 T249 Relay Equipment Assy. 5660470, 5660470501, 5660470-505 08/01/62 Douglas 30 CZ 1 Hydraulic Cylinders 03/01/50 Northrop 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 Nose Gear Snubber Assy. Nose Gear Snubber Assy. Spoiler Actuating Cylinder Assy. Wing Pin Pulling & Warning Flag Bungee Assy. 3447706 3559125 3546660-501, 3546660-502 5541530-21 Aileron Trim Actuator Assy. 537334, 542675, 542881, 542888, 543167, 543167-1 30 CZ 2 Hydraulic Cylinders 03/01/50 Northrop 30 CZ 3 Northrop 30 CZ 4 30 D 1 Hydraulic Landing Flap Servo 542350 03/01/50 Valve Hydraulic Landing Flap Servo 542350 03/01/50 Valve Ball Screw Assy. B-2434, B-2434-C, B- 11/01/61 2434-E 30 D 26 30 DA 30 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 537334, 542675, 542881, 542888, 543167, 543167-1 Northrop Beaver Precision Prod. 03/01/76 Whittaker 1 Pressure Operated Butterfly 225675-1 Shutoff Valve Double Thermal Relief Valve MTR-4-03 04/01/50 Bertea DA 2 Double Thermal Relief Valve MTR-4-03 04/01/50 Bertea 30 DA 3 Solenoid Slide Valve SSV-4-01, E3S-6-01 08/01/50 Bertea 30 DA 4 Solenoid Slide Valve SSV-4-01, E3S-6-01 08/01/50 Bertea 30 DA 5 Nose Wheel Steering Valve MNS-4-01 04/01/50 Bertea 30 DA 6 Nose Wheel Steering Valve MNS-4-01 04/01/50 Bertea 30 DA 7 Shuttle Valve MSV-4-02, MSV-6-07 09/01/50 Bertea 30 DA 8 Shuttle Valve MSV-4-02, MSV-6-07 09/01/50 Bertea 30 30 30 DA DA DA 11 13 14 Hydraulic Relief Valve Electric Slide Valve Electric Slide Valve MOR-6-03 ESV-8-02 ESV-8-02 Bertea Bertea Bertea 08/01/51 06/01/52 06/01/52 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 30 DA 15 Nose Wheel Steering Valve MNS-4-02 01/01/52 Bertea 30 DA 16 Triple Thermal Relief Valve MTR-4-07 03/01/53 Bertea 30 DA 17 02/01/53 Bertea 30 DA 18 Microseal Lock Valve & MLV-4-01 Thermal Relief Landing Gear Selector Valve M4S-6-02 11/01/53 Bertea 30 DA 19 Landing Gear Selector Valve M4S-6-02 11/01/53 Bertea 30 DA 21 Integrated Rudder Servo Assy. 26500-313, 26500311, 26500-309, 26500-305 05/01/65 Bertea 30 DA 22 08/01/63 Bertea 30 DA 23 Hydraulic Dual Spool Servo 37400-305, 37400Valve Assy. 306 Hydraulic Load Sensor Assy. 27500-1 07/01/72 Bertea 30 DA 24 Hydraulic Load Control Unit 31400-1 08/01/72 Bertea 30 DA 25 11/01/63 Bertea 30 DA 26 Wing Flap Hydraulic Control 37200-301 Valve Nose Landing Gear Steering 39900-303 Control Valve Assy. 04/01/73 Bertea 30 30 DA DA 501 503 MTR-4-02 MOC-6-07, 13200 02/01/51 04/01/57 Bertea Bertea 30 DA 505 Thermal Relief Valve Mechanically Operated Check Valves Pin Shuttle Valves LPS-8-01, LPS-8-02 09/01/57 Bertea 30 30 DA DA 506 507 MLV-6-03 MTR-4-09 07/01/54 05/01/54 Bertea Bertea 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 Hydraulic Lock Valve Thermal Expansion Relief Valve 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 30 DA 508 11800-501, 11800503 25000 12000 04/01/57 Bertea 30 30 DA DA 511 512 02/01/56 07/01/56 Bertea Bertea 30 DA 513 14800 08/01/56 Bertea 30 DA 514 30 30 DA DA 515 516 Double 4-Way Hydraulic Solenoid Control Valve Hydraulic Lock Valve Flight Control Valves 12100 08/01/56 Bertea Bertea Bertea Shuttle Valve Aero-Hydraulic Swivel Joint 18500 07/01/56 MFC6-03-9, MFC6-03- 04/01/57 19 18400 09/01/57 R128D3, R130D2 02/01/51 30 30 DA DB 520 1 Bertea Bertea 30 DB 2 Aero-Hydraulic Swivel Joint R128D3, R130D2 02/01/51 Bertea 30 30 30 DB DB DBA 501 503 1 Hydraulic Swivel Joint Hydraulic Swivel Joint Anti-G Automatic Pressure Regulating Valve R209 R184D4 7050, MS24350-6 Type II 11/01/56 12/01/57 04/01/65 Chiksan Chiksan Alar 30 DBA 2 Anti-G Automatic Pressure Regulating Valve 7050, MS24350-6 Type II 04/01/65 Alar 30 30 30 30 30 DC DC DC DC DC 1 2 3 4 5 Evacuation Valves Evacuation Valves Sequence Valve Sequence Valve Pressure Reservoirs 11242, 12510 11242, 12510 12008A 12008A 11062, 11062-A 08/01/50 08/01/50 08/01/50 08/01/50 08/01/50 Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner 30 DC 6 Pressure Reservoirs 11062, 11062-A 08/01/50 Warner 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 Piloted Electric Microseal Valve 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Double 3-Way Piloted Electric Valve Lock & Thermal Relief Valve 30 DCA 501 Restrictor Relief Valve Assy. 5039-4-3, 5039-4-4, 5039-6-1, 5039-6-3 30 DD 1 30 DD 2 30 DD 3 Thermal Compensator Flow A500BM 12/01/57 Meter Valve Thermal Compensator Flow A500BM 12/01/57 Meter Valve Hydraulic Relief Valves A-750-4-050, A-750-4- 01/01/54 150, A-750-4-250, A750-4-320, A-750-4450, R-575, AA-750-4050, AA-750-4-150, AA-750-4-250, AA750-4-320, AA-750-4450, A5805-6 30 DD 4 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 Hydraulic Relief Valves 12/01/57 A-750-4-050, A-750-4- 01/01/54 150, A-750-4-250, A750-4-320, A-750-4450, R-575, AA-750-4050, AA-750-4-150, AA-750-4-250, AA750-4-320, AA-750-4450, A5805-6 Decoto Bros. Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Hydraulic Relief Valves A-750-4-050, A-750-4- 08/01/55 150, A-750-4-250, A750-4-320, A-750-4450, R-575, AA-750-4050, AA-750-4-150, AA-750-4-250, AA750-4-320, AA-750-4450, A5805-6 Vinson A600-30 09/01/50 Vinson A600-30 09/01/50 Vinson 7 Hydraulic 18 gpm Unloader Valve Hydraulic 18 gpm Unloader Valve Hydraulic Relief Valves 01/01/51 Vinson DD 8 Hydraulic Relief Valves A6010, A6020-8, A6020-15 A6010, A6020-8, A6020-8-8, A602015, A6020-2500, A20005, A-20006 10/01/55 Vinson 30 DD 9 Fuel-Air Pressure & Vacuum A4503B Relief Valve Assy. 08/01/51 Vinson 30 30 30 30 30 30 DD DD DD DD DD DD 10 15 16 18 21 22 Air Pressure Regulator Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Balanced Out Relief Valve 02/01/52 03/01/53 03/01/53 03/01/53 03/01/53 06/01/59 Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson 30 DD 4 30 DD 5 30 DD 6 30 DD 30 A 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 A730A030 A1012-3400 A409-1350 A407-3400 A409-3400 A-70041 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 30 DD 24 30 DD 27 30 DD 28 30 DD 29 30 30 30 30 DD DD DD DD 501 502 504 505 30 30 30 30 DD DD DD DD 506 507 509 511 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 DD DD DD DD DD DD DD 513 514 515 516 517 518 520 30 30 30 30 30 DD DD DD DD DD 521 524 525 526 527 30 DD 528 Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve Hand Pump Reservoir Control Valve Assy. Hand Pump Reservoir Control Valve Ass. Manifold Power Control System Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valves Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Restriction Control Valve Hydraulic Inverted Relief Valve Pneumatic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Pneumatic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Air Flow Limiter Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve 2-Way Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Priority Valve Pneumatic Relief Valve Air Flow Limiter Valve Restriction Control Valve Hydraulic Thermal Relief Valve Pressure Regulator Relief Valve A-70224 05/01/60 Vinson A-70133-3 02/01/61 Vinson A-70133-3 02/01/61 Vinson A61456-1, A61456-2 04/01/64 Vinson A-403-0050 A-407-0060 A-418-0175 A6025-15, A401511500 A-6045-15 A-10033-300 A-10056 A-409-3500 04/01/54 04/01/54 04/01/54 09/01/57 Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson 04/01/54 04/01/54 05/01/56 09/01/56 Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson A-40052-900 A-20077-3500 A-40052-26 A-10104-8 A-20039 A-20003-0060 A-40075-0275 08/01/56 08/01/56 08/01/56 08/01/56 08/01/56 08/01/56 06/01/56 Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson A-40174 A-40052-35 A-40131 A-40025 A-50028 06/01/56 06/01/56 08/01/56 05/01/56 08/01/56 Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson A-40089, A-40089-1 02/01/59 Vinson 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 30 DD 529 30 30 30 DD DD DD 530 531 532 30 30 30 DD DD DD 533 535 537 30 DD 538 30 DD 539 30 DD 540 30 DD 30 Pneumatic 3-Way Solenoid Valve Air Bottle Release Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Balanced Outlet Relief Valve A-50001 11/01/56 Vinson A-40077 A-20082-3500 A-40076 08/01/56 08/01/56 08/01/56 Vinson Vinson Vinson A-40132 A-50038 A-20021 08/01/56 11/01/56 11/01/56 Vinson Vinson Vinson A-409-507 11/01/56 Vinson A-20017-4-022 10/01/56 Vinson A-20003-0075 11/01/56 Vinson 541 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Pressure Operated Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Inverted Relief Valve 2-Stage Pressure Reducer Valve Reverse Flow Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve A-20077-3400, A20077A-3400 02/01/61 Vinson DD 542 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-20087A-3500 11/01/56 Vinson 30 30 30 DD DD DD 543 544 545 A-40052-325 10/01/56 A-40052-170 10/01/56 A-50116, A-50116-B 12/01/58 Vinson Vinson Vinson 30 DD 546 Pneumatic Relief Valve Pneumatic Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Regulator Valve Balanced Outlet Relief Valve A-50134-1500 11/01/56 Vinson 30 DD 547 A-211-ABC 11/01/56 Vinson 30 30 30 DD DD DD 548 549 550 A-10014 A-10090-6A A-20017-4-028 05/01/57 01/01/57 01/01/57 Vinson Vinson Vinson 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 High Temperature Check Valve Boost Compressor Assy. Hydraulic Shuttle Valve 2-Stage Pressure Reducer Valve 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 30 DD 551 A-20017-4-100 01/01/57 Vinson A-403-50 A-40155-3650 A-50180 A-50182 06/01/57 09/01/57 09/01/57 10/01/57 Vinson Vinson Vinson Vinson 556 2-Stage Pressure Reducer Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Reducer & Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve 30 30 30 30 DD DD DD DD 552 553 554 555 30 DD A-40154A-3650 09/01/57 Vinson 30 DD 557 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-40155A-2650 09/01/57 Vinson 30 DD 558 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-40201A-1000 09/01/57 Vinson 30 DD 559 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-40202A-1550 09/01/57 Vinson 30 DD 560 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-40203A-3650 09/01/57 Vinson 30 30 DD DD 561 562 Hydraulic Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valves A-50021-0100 A-20003-0120, A20003A-0120 10/01/57 04/01/60 Vinson Vinson 30 DD 563 12/01/57 Vinson 30 30 DD DD 564 565 Compressor Flow Limiter A-50143 Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve A-50037 Primary Hydraulic Reservoir A-40222 09/01/57 02/01/58 Vinson Vinson 30 DD 566 Hydraulic Relief Valve 09/01/58 Vinson 30 30 DD DD 567 569 09/01/58 12/01/58 Vinson Vinson 30 DD 570 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-40153-0150 Hydraulic Pressure Regulator A-50116A Valve 2-Way Line Type Relief Valve A-40075-0450, A40075-0550 08/01/59 Vinson 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 A-40155A-3850 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 30 DD 571 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-60199A-0100 08/01/59 Vinson 30 DD 572 Hydraulic Relief Valve A-40155A-3650 12/01/58 Vinson 30 DD 573 Balanced Outlet Relief Valve A-40004-1 01/01/59 Vinson 30 DD 574 Balanced Outlet Relief Valve A-40151B 12/01/59 Vinson 30 DDA 1 01/01/65 Cuno Engr Corp. 30 DE 3 Hydraulic Magnetic Filter & Hydraulic Filter Hydraulic Locking Cylinder Assy. 30 DE 4 30 30 30 DE DE DE 5 6 7 30 DE 8 30 DE 8 30 30 30 DE DE DE 30 DE 3470B-1, 3470C-1, 07/01/51 4800-2, 7110-2, 71104 Weston Hydraulic Locking Cylinder Assy. 3470B-1, 3470C-1, 4800-2, 7110-2 04/01/51 Weston Relief Valve Assy. Relief Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. 6750 6750 6640, 6640-1, 6840, 8070-1 6640, 6640-1, 6840, 8070-1 6640-0, 6640-1, 6840, 8070-1 10/01/50 10/01/50 01/01/51 Weston Weston Weston 01/01/51 Weston 06/01/58 Weston 9 10 12 3-Way Valve 3-Way Valve Electric Selector Valves 6910 09/01/50 6910 09/01/50 4740-2, 5050-2, 07/01/53 62075A, 6540, 6820, 9600, 9610, -2 Weston Weston Weston 13 Emergency Bypass Valve Assy. 7590 Weston 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 50009-1, 54058-1 03/01/57 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 30 DE 14 03/01/57 Weston 15 Emergency Bypass Valve 7590 Assy. Nose Wheel Steering Valves 4460, 6760 30 DE 01/01/51 Weston 30 DE 16 Nose Wheel Steering Valves 4460, 6760 01/01/51 Weston 30 DE 17 6310, 7390, 8270 04/01/51 Weston 30 DE 18 6310, 7390, 8270 04/01/51 Weston 30 DE 19 4370-A 01/01/51 Weston 30 DE 20 4370-A 02/01/53 Weston 30 DE 21 Solenoid Operated 3-Way Valve Solenoid Operated 3-Way Valve Unilateral Jack w/ Sequence Valve Unilateral or Unlatching Jack w/ Sequence Valve Electric Selector Valves 7210-B, 7210-C 01/01/51 Weston 30 DE 22 Electric Selector Valves 7210-B, 7210-C 01/01/51 Weston 30 30 30 DE DE DE 23 24 25 Ramp Adjusting Cylinder Ramp Adjusting Cylinder Hydraulic Fuse Assy. 6810, 8480 6810, 8480 600-4-6, 4860-0, 4860-2, 7760-6, 30004-0, 30004-2 04/01/51 04/01/51 04/01/56 Weston Weston Weston 30 DE 26 Hydraulic Fuse Assy. 600-4-6, 4860-0, 4860-2, 7760-6, 30004-0, 30004-2 04/01/56 Weston 30 DE 27 DE DE 28 29 4540-1, 5700, 5700- 07/01/50 2, 6730 7410 08/01/51 7410 08/01/51 Weston 30 30 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Hydraulic Power Cylinder Hydraulic Power Cylinder 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 Weston Weston 30 DE 30 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve 8530 04/01/51 Weston 30 DE 31 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve 8530 04/01/51 Weston 30 DE 32 11/01/56 Weston 30 DE 33 08/01/60 Weston 30 DE 34 04/01/51 Weston 30 DE 35 04/01/51 Weston 30 DE 36 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 7690-0, 7690-1, Shutoff Valves 9300, 14640-0, 14640-1 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 7690-0, 7690-1, Shutoff Valves 9300, 14640-0, 14640-1 Pressure Operated 3-Way 5520 Valve Pressure Operated 3-Way 5520 Valve Manual On-Off Control Valve 5480 08/01/51 Weston 30 DE 37 Manual On-Off Control Valve 5480 08/01/51 Weston 30 30 DE DE 38 39 Relief Valve Assy. Electric Selector Valves 31023A 08/01/51 6390, 7290, 7290-3, 07/01/52 7300, 7310, 7310-3, 7310-5, 7320-3, 9990 Weston Weston 30 DE 40 Electric Selector Valves 6390, 7290, 7290-3, 07/01/52 7300, 7310, 7310-3, 7310-5, 7320-3, 9990 Weston 30 30 DE DE 41 42 Brake Valve Electric Selector Valve 8550A 7580 Weston Weston 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8391 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 03/01/53 07/01/52 8397 8398 30 DE 43 30 DE 45 30 DE 46 30 DE 47 Hydraulic 4-Way Solenoid Operated Selector Valve 14460-1 30 DE 47 30 DE 48 30 DE 48 30 DE 49 30 DE 50 30 DE 51 30 DE 51 30 DE 52 30 DE 53 30 30 DE DE 54 55 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 Pilot Operated Selector 10280, 10280-A1 Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 10620 Selector Valve Solenoid Operated, Normally 7600-1 Closed, Shutoff Valve 11/01/57 Weston 02/01/53 Weston 03/01/53 Weston 01/01/59 Weston Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valves Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valves Hydraulic Servo Control Valve Assy. 4540-0, 4540-1, 6730 06/01/53 Weston 4540-0, 4540-1, 6730 06/01/53 Weston 14170-7, 14170-8, 14170-9, 14170-10 05/01/59 Weston Hydraulic Synchronous Shuttle Valve Assy. Hydraulic Synchronous Shuttle Valve Assy. Hydraulic Synchronous Shuttle Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Valve Hydraulic Servo Control Valve Hydarulic 4-Way Selector Valve 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve 13760 06/01/59 Weston 13750 06/01/59 Weston 13560-1 07/01/59 Weston 29072 12/01/53 Weston 11940-2 06/01/59 Weston 16050-4 03/01/65 Weston 13210 14080, 14080-1 12/01/60 12/01/60 Weston Weston 30 DE 55 Pilot Operated Selector Valves 9120-1, 9120-2, 9180- 04/01/54 1, 9180-2, 11460 Weston 30 DE 56 Pilot Operated Selector Valves 9120-1, 9120-2, 9180- 04/01/54 1, 9120-2, 11460 Weston 30 30 DE DE 57 58 11060-3 13930 11/01/60 02/01/61 Weston Weston 30 30 DE DE 59 60 Dual Power Brake Valve Directional 4-Way, 3Position Control Valve Pneumatic Brake Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way, Selector Hydraulic Valve 15120-4 18160-2 05/01/63 04/01/66 Weston Weston 30 DE 61 18190-1 30 DE 61 30 DE 63 30 DE 66 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Directional Control Slide Selector Hydraulic Valve Hydraulic Dual Brake Valve 30 DE 67 30 DE 68 30 DE 70 30 DE 72 8412 8413 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8425 Weston 18190-1 01/01/66 Weston 18780 01/01/66 Weston 15720-5 05/01/63 Weston Electro-Hydraulic Servo 20050-5 Valve Electro-Hydraulic Servo 20050-5 Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 18800-1 4-Way Selector Valve 03/01/66 Weston 03/01/66 Weston 04/01/65 Weston Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 18550 3-Way Selector Valve 09/01/65 Weston 30 DE 73 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic 18550 3-Way Selector Valve 01/01/66 Weston 30 DE 501 Electric Selector Valve Assy. 9580, 9580-1 12/01/54 Weston 30 DE 502 Electric Selector Valve Assy. 9580, 9580-1 12/01/54 Weston 30 DE 503 11070 01/01/55 Weston 30 DE 504 11070 01/01/55 Weston 30 DE 505 7790 01/01/55 Weston 30 DE 507 Solenoid Operated Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Selector Valve Hydraulic Power Cylinders 10680, 10680-1 04/01/56 Weston 30 DE 508 Hydraulic Power Cylinders 10680, 10680-1 04/01/56 Weston 30 DE 509 Stabilizer Control Power Cylinders 1202-2, 12490-1, 12490-2, 12490-3 02/01/59 Weston 30 DE 510 Stabilizer Control Power Cylinders 1202-2, 12490-1, 12490-2, 12490-3 02/01/59 Weston 30 DE 513 13500 06/01/55 Weston 30 DE 514 12680 01/01/57 Weston 30 DE 515 12680 01/01/57 Weston 30 DE 516 High Temperature 3-Way Selector Valve Hydraulic Tandem Power Cylinder Hydraulic Tandem Power Cylinder Power Brake Valve 10970A, 13530-1 04/01/56 Weston 30 DE 517 Power Brake Valve 10970A, 13530-1 04/01/56 Weston 30 DE 518 Servo Control Valve 12220 11/01/55 Weston 8426 8427 8428 8429 8430 8431 8432 8433 8434 8435 8436 8437 8438 8439 8440 8441 8442 8443 8444 8445 8446 30 30 DE DE 519 520 Servo Control Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valves Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valves Pneumatic 3-Way Solenoid Operated Selector Valve 12220 11130-1 11/01/55 01/01/56 Weston Weston 30 DE 521 11130-1 01/01/56 Weston 30 DE 522 11440, 11440-1 09/01/57 Weston 30 DE 523 11440, 11440-1 09/01/57 Weston 30 DE 524 11140-1 03/01/56 Weston 30 DE 525 4-Way Selector Valves 05/01/56 Weston DE 526 4-Way Selector Valves 05/01/56 Weston 30 DE 527 03/01/56 Weston 30 DE 530 Weston DE 531 12/01/56 Weston 30 DE 532 12130, 12130-2, 12390 12130, 12130-2, 12390 12170, 12170-2 12/01/56 30 12/01/56 Weston 30 DE 533 4-Way Solenoid Operated Valve 4-Way Solenoid Operated Selector Valves 4-Way Solenoid Operated Selector Valves 3-Way Solenoid Operated Selector Valve Nose Wheel Steering Cylinders 11860, 12840, 12850, 12860 11860, 12840, 12850, 12860 12870 30 01/01/57 Weston 30 DE 534 Nose Wheel Steering Cylinders 01/01/57 Weston 30 30 DE DE 535 536 Power Brake Valve Pneumatic 4-Way Selector Valve 6250, 6250-2, 7160, 7160-2, 10150, 10260 6250, 6250-2, 7160, 7160-2, 10150, 10260 10930 11080 02/01/57 02/01/57 Weston Weston 8447 8448 8449 8450 8451 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 30 DE 537 Actuator Override Valve 09/01/63 Weston 30 DE 538 Electric Selector Valve Assy. 13170 03/01/57 Weston 30 DE 539 4-Way Selector Valve 14500, 14500-1 06/01/60 Weston 30 30 DE DE 540 541 14510 10870-1 11/01/57 04/01/66 Weston Weston 30 DE 542 4-Way Selector Valve Pilot Operated Selector Valve Hydraulic 4-Way Solenoid Operated Selector Valves 14100, 14740, 15130, 15130-1 06/01/60 Weston 30 DE 544 14320-1 04/01/66 Weston 30 DE 545 14330-1 04/01/66 Weston 30 30 DE DE 546 547 29072 15990 12/01/57 01/01/60 Weston Weston 30 30 30 DF DF DF 1 2 3 Manually Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve Manually Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve Electric Cutoff Valve Hydraulic 4-Way Selector Valve Accumulator Accumulator Hydraulic Cylinder HC-4186 HC-4186 HC-2133, HC-2133M1, HC-2133-M2 12/01/51 07/01/50 01/01/52 Air Associates Air Associates Air Associates 30 DF 4 Hydraulic Cylinder HC-2133, HC-2133M1, HC-2133-M2 01/01/52 Air Associates 30 DF 5 Hydraulic Relief Valve HC-3000M2, HC3030, HC-3030-M3 11/01/51 Air Associates 30 DF 6 Hydraulic Relief Valve HC-3000M2, HC3030, HC-3030-M3 04/01/52 Air Associates 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 8465 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 14930-1, 14930-2, 14920-1 30 DF 7 Hydraulic Sequence Valves HC-95-3M2, HC03/01/51 2099M2, HC-2099M3 Air Associates 30 DF 8 Hydraulic Sequence Valves HC-95-3M2, HC03/01/51 2099M2, HC-2099M3 Air Associates 30 DF 9 Steering Valve Assy. 01/01/52 Air Associates 30 30 30 30 DF DF DF DF 11 12 13 14 Return Selector Valve Return Selector Valve Flap Control Valve Assy. Spring Loaded Accumulator HC-4063, HC-4063M1 HC-4582 HC-4582 HC-2380M5 HC-5172 04/01/51 04/01/51 11/01/51 12/01/51 Air Associates Air Associates Air Associates Air Associates 30 DF 15 Spring Loaded Accumulator HC-5172 12/01/51 Air Associates 30 DF 16 04/01/52 Air Associates 30 30 DF DF 17 18 Relief Valve: Modified Check HC-5132, AN6207-6 Valve Unloader Valve HC-4966-1517 Unloader Valves HC-7403 C.N. Series 09/01/52 12/01/52 Air Associates Air Associates 30 30 30 30 30 DF DF DF DF DF 501 502 503 504 505 HC-7004-C.N. HC-7004-C.N. HC-4978 HC-7505 HC-5144 06/01/53 06/01/53 12/01/53 01/01/54 06/01/54 Air Associates Air Associates Air Associates Air Associates Air Associates 30 DF 506 HC-5148 06/01/54 Air Associates 30 DF 507 60-002 03/01/56 30 DF 508 60-002-300 10/01/57 Forrest Wagniere Engr Forrest Wagniere Engr 8474 8475 8476 8477 8478 8479 8480 8481 8482 8483 8484 8485 8486 8487 8488 8489 8490 8491 8492 Unloader Valve Unloader Valve Unloader Valve Unloader Valve Ass. Mechanical Pneumatic Sequence Valve Restrictor Valve: 2-Way Adjustment Main Landing Gear Shuttle Valve Assy. Main Landing Gear Shuttle Valve Assy. 30 DG 3 Hydraulic Cylinders 2-98-001, 2-99-001, 2-101-001, 2-102001 02/01/51 Interstate Engineering 30 DG 4 Hydraulic Cylinders 2-98-001, 2-99-001, 2-101-001, 2-102001 02/01/51 Interstate Engineering 30 30 DG DH 501 1 Air Valve Thermal Relief Valves 2-113-001-1 07/01/56 285-4, 627, 627-1, 06/01/69 627L-800, 628, 628-1 Interstate Electrol 30 DH 2 Fixed Pressure Relief Valve 608 08/01/48 Electrol 30 DH 3 469 01/01/51 Electrol 30 DH 4 469 01/01/51 Electrol 30 DH 5 Aileron Boost Control Hydraulic Valve Aileron Boost Control Hydraulic Valve Hydraulic Selector Valves 347-3, 265CV-1 09/01/51 Electrol 30 DH 6 Hydraulic Selector Valves 347-3, 265CV-1 09/01/51 Electrol 30 30 30 30 30 DH DH DH DH DH 7 8 9 10 11 Relief Valve On-Off Valve Relief Valve Accumulator Nose Gear Steering Cylinder 738 450 332 813 814 09/01/51 10/01/51 08/01/52 05/01/53 05/01/53 Electrol Electrol Electrol Electrol Electrol 30 DH 13 Inspection of Hydraulic 469 Selector & Byass Valve Assy. 11/01/53 Electrol 30 DH 501 Shutoff Valve 04/01/51 Electrol 8493 8494 8495 8496 8497 8498 8499 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 8507 8508 692 8509 8510 30 DH 502 Load & Fire Valve & Timing Valve Pressure Regulator Parking Brake Valves 602, 618 04/01/51 Electrol 30 30 DH DH 503 504 575-1, 575-2 816, 816L, 816R, EA1048-1-LH, EA1048-2-RH 08/01/54 11/01/57 Electrol Electrol 30 30 DH DH 505 506 841 725-4 09/01/55 01/01/56 Electrol Electrol 30 30 30 30 30 30 DH DH DH DJ DJ DJ 507 508 509 1 2 8 863-1, 863-2 916 EA956-3900 B-400-3 B-400-3 B2200 12/01/56 06/01/56 12/01/56 09/01/50 09/01/50 07/01/52 Electrol Electrol Electrol Sargent Sargent Sargent 30 DJ 9 484EA-5 09/01/60 Sargent 30 DJ 10 30 DJ 501 Wing Flap Hydraulically Operated Brake Hydraulic Booster Cylinder 173DA-2 09/01/60 Sargent 663183-2, 663183-3, 03/01/54 663204, 663205 Sargent 30 DJ 502 Hydraulic Booster Cylinder 663183-2, 663183-3, 03/01/54 663204, 663205 Sargent 30 DJ 503 Booster Control Valves 667775, 667775-3 03/01/54 Sargent 30 DJ 504 Booster Control Valves 667775, 667775-3 03/01/54 Sargent 8511 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 Brake Shuttle Valve Assy. Plunger Type Controllable Check Valve 3-Way Pressure Valve Dual Parking Brake Valve Thermal Relief Valve Throttling Selector Valve Throttling Selector Valve Open Centering Metering Valve Wing Flap Gear Drive Assy. 8522 8523 8524 8525 30 DJ 506 Dive Flap Actuating Cylinder L2260-500, L2260502, L2260-503 01/01/58 Sargent 30 DJ 507 Inboard & Outboard Center 188EA-0, 188EA-1, 11/01/61 Section Droop Actuating 188EA-3, 188EA-4, Cylinder Assy. 188EA-5, 188EA-6, 18EA-7, 188EA-8, 188EA-9, 188EA-10, 188EA-11, 188EA-12, 189EA-1, 189EA-2, 189EA-3, 189EA-4, 189EA-5, 189EA-6, 189EA-7, 189EA-8, 189EA-9, 189EA-10, 189EA-11, 189EA-12 Sargent 8526 8527 30 DJ 508 Inboard & Outboard Center 188EA-0, 188EA-1, 11/01/61 Section Droop Actuating 188EA-3, 188EA-4, Cylinder Assy. 188EA-5, 188EA-6, 18EA-7, 188EA-8, 188EA-9, 188EA-10, 188EA-11, 188EA-12, 189EA-1, 189EA-2, 189EA-3, 189EA-4, 189EA-5, 189EA-6, 189EA-7, 189EA-8, 189EA-9, 189EA-10, 189EA-11, 189EA-12 Sargent 30 DK 1 30 DK 2 30 DK 501 30 DL 5 Low Pressure Hydraulic Reservoir Relief Valve Low Pressure Hydraulic Reservoir Relief Valve Nose Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder 8528 8529 8530 8531 8532 K3231 08/01/50 Karl Douglas K3231 08/01/50 Karl Douglas K41318-5 11/01/56 Karl Douglas 240-5150104-804 03/01/53 Consolidated Vultee 30 DL 6 Landing Gear Emergency Unlatching Cylinder 240-5050112-2, 240- 03/01/53 5050112-800 Consolidated Vultee 30 DL 7 Landing Gear Emergency Unlatching Cylinder 240-5050112-2, 240- 03/01/53 5050112-800 Consolidated Vultee 30 DL 8 240-3111671-0 03/01/53 30 DM 1 1221 11/01/50 Consolidated Vultee Loud 30 DM 2 1221 11/01/50 Loud 30 DM 3 Main Entrance Door Balance Cylinder Assy. Case Ejection Door Cylinder Assy. Case Ejection Door Cylinder Assy. Nose Landing Gear Cylinder 1270, 1270-3, 1270- 02/01/55 4, 2687, 4560-2 Loud 30 DM 4 30 DM 5 30 DM 6 30 30 DM DM 7 7 30 DM 8 30 30 DM DM 8 9 30 DM 10 30 DM 11 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 Nose Landing Gear Cylinder 1270, 1270-3, 12704, 2687 Nose Landing Gear Uplock 1290 Cylinder Assy. Nose Landing Gear Uplock 1290 Cylinder Assy. Aircraft Steer Damper 8165 Main Landing Gear Door 1341, 2375 Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Door 1341, 2375 Actuating Cylinder Assy. Aircraft Steer Damper 8165 Aileron Booster Cylinder 1349-10 Assy. Aileron Booster Cylinder 1349-10 Assy. Main Landing Gear Actuating G47-100, 2228 Cylinder Assy. 10/01/52 Loud 12/01/50 Loud 12/01/50 Loud 04/01/60 06/01/51 Loud Loud 06/01/51 Loud 04/01/60 12/01/50 Loud Loud 12/01/50 Loud 05/01/51 Loud 8549 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 8557 8558 8559 8560 8561 30 DM 16 30 DM 17 30 DM 501 30 DM 502 30 DM 502 30 30 DM DN 503 1 30 DN 2 30 DN 6 30 DN 501 30 30 30 DP DP DQ 1 2 2 30 DR 1 Nose Loading Ramp Uplatch 4293878 Hydraulic Cylinder 30 DR 2 30 DRO 501 30 DRO 502 8562 8563 8564 8565 Ramp Extension Cylinder Assy. Loading Ramp Retracting Cylinder Assy. Nose Landing Gear Downlock Cylinder Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinders Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinders Static Air Selector Valve Aileron Control Booster Assy. Aileron Control Booster Assy. Aileron & Elevator Booster Assy. Aileron Booster Cylinder Assy. Engine Control Assy. Engine Control Assy. Hydraulic Actuating Cylinder 2393 06/01/52 Loud 2394 09/01/52 Loud 1300 11/01/55 Loud 7554, 7554-3 10/01/58 Loud 7554, 7554-3 10/01/58 Loud 2467 176455-2 08/01/58 02/01/56 Loud Lockheed 176455-2 11/01/50 Lockheed 450716, 451306 03/01/51 Langley Corp 20008 11/01/56 Langley Corp 16-1839-005 16-1839-005 200103 07/01/64 07/01/64 10/01/50 11/01/50 Aero-Corry Aero-Corry Western Hydraulic & Srvc Douglas Nose Loading Ramp Uplatch 4293878 Hydraulic Cylinder 11/01/50 Douglas Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve 1030, AN6279-6CD 08/01/55 Droitcour 1020, AN6279-4CD 10/01/55 Droitcour 30 DRO 503 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve 1031-1, 1031-2, 667978, 667977 11/01/55 Droitcour/Lockhee d 30 DRO 504 1032-3, 98SP1752 01/01/56 30 DRO 505 1032, AN6279-12CD 03/01/56 Droitcour/Grumm an Droitcour 30 DRO 506 1031, AN6279-8CD 02/01/57 Droitcour 30 DS 3 D75001, D75101 01/01/51 United Aircraft Products 30 DS 4 D75001, D75101 07/01/52 United Aircraft Products 30 DS 5 U-4480-DE4-25 08/01/51 30 DS 6 U-4480-DF6-160 05/01/52 30 30 DS DS 7 501 U-513150-51 43690 07/01/65 08/01/51 Aerofuse/United Aircraft Aerofuse/United Aircraft United Aircraft United Aircraft 30 30 DS DT 502 1 U-514050-1 003895-1 11/01/57 06/01/64 United Aircraft Task Corp. 30 DT 4 190-90020 07/01/51 Task Corp. 30 DT 5 190-90040 07/01/51 Task Corp. 30 DT 7 190-90280 07/01/51 Task Corp. 30 DT 8 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Manual Control Check Valve & Hydraulic Controllable Check Valve Manual Control Check Valve & Hydraulic Controllable Check Valve Automatic Hydraulic Cut-Off Valve Assy. Automatic Hydraulic Cut-Off Valve Assy. Pressure Regulator Valve Control Cable Regulator Assy. Rato-Flo Ruse Electric Motor Driven Alcohol & Water Pump Main Landing Gear Door Hydraulic Cylinder Main Landing Gear Hydraulic Cylinder Main Landing Gear Inboard Door Emergency Hydraulic Cylinder Canopy Pressure Seal Relief Valve 135-00140 07/01/51 Weatherhead 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 8577 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8586 8587 8588 8589 30 DT 9 Nose Steering Control Valve 600-80300 07/01/51 Weatherhead 30 DT 10 Rudder Boost Control Valve 600-80310 07/01/51 Weatherhead 30 DT 501 Swivel Assembly- Nose Gear ER-02144, ER-02244 08/01/57 Weatherhead 30 DU 1 Drain Valve TW-500-D 01/01/51 30 DU 2 Drain Valve TW-500-D 01/01/51 30 30 30 DV DV DV 1 2 4 Accumulator Accumulator Accumulators S-309B-50 S-309B-50 S369-50, S369-100, S462-25, S462-50, S463-50, S463-100, S477-50, S477-100, S477-200, S512-25, S513-50, S513-100, S513-200, S572-50, S572-100, S572-200 03/01/51 03/01/51 05/01/56 Thompson & Wagniere Engr Thompson & Wagniere Engr Sprague Sprague Sprague 30 DV 5 Accumulators S369-50, S369-100, S462-25, S462-50, S463-50, S463-100, S477-50, S477-100, S477-200, S512-25, S513-50, S513-100, S513-200, S572-50, S572-100, S572-200 05/01/56 Sprague 30 30 30 30 DV DV DV DX 6 501 502 2 Accumulator Assy. Cone Check Valve Accumulator Assy. Hydraulic Flow Regulator S-512-50-1 1112-545045 S-513-68 196-6-2.0, 196-6-2.2, 1962-6-1.75, 1962-61.75H, 1962-4-.17 06/01/62 06/01/56 08/01/57 05/01/53 Sprague Parker Sprague Waterman 30 DX 3 Hydraulic Flow Regulator 196-6-2.0, 196-6-2.2, 05/01/53 1962-6-1.75, 1962-61.75H, 1962-4-.17 Waterman 30 30 30 30 30 30 DX DX DX DX DX DX 7 8 9 10 501 502 1964-6-2.875 1964-6-2.375 1962-4-.41 1963-10-8.5H 1964-6-1.875 196-6-1.0, 196-1-1.7 05/01/53 05/01/53 05/01/53 07/01/53 02/01/54 07/01/59 Waterman Waterman Waterman Waterman Waterman Waterman 30 DX 503 Flow Regulator Flow Regulator Flow Regulator Flow Regulator Flow Regulator Hydraulic Flow Regulator Valve Flow Regulator 196-8-3.5H 05/01/57 Waterman 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 30 DX 504 Flow Regulator 1962-6-.24, 1962-60.24 1962-10-7.8 196-10-9.0 1964-4-0.870 1964-4-1.070 1964-6-3.375 831H-8-40 1995-10-22.0H 05/01/57 Waterman 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 DX DX DX DX DX DX DX 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 Flow Regulator Flow Valve Hydraulic Valve Hydraulic Valve Hydralic Valve Hydraulic Fuse Hydralic Flow Regulator 05/01/57 05/01/57 05/01/57 05/01/57 05/01/57 08/01/54 09/01/55 Waterman Waterman Waterman Waterman Waterman 30 30 DX DX 512 514 DX DX 515 517 196-6-2.0H 09/01/55 1968-4-0.500, 1968-4- 07/01/59 0.750 1968-6-2.375 03/01/56 1968-6-2.875 04/01/56 Waterman Waterman 30 30 30 30 DX DX 518 519 Flow Regulator Hydraulic Flow Regulator Valve Valve Wing Fold Actuating Cylinder Control Valve Flow Regulator Regulator, Hydraulic Flow 1968-6-2.0 196-8-4.25 05/01/56 06/01/56 Waterman Waterman 30 DX 520 Regulator, Hydraulic Flow 196-8-2-25 06/01/56 Waterman 30 DX 522 Regulator, Hydraulic Flow 1964-6-1.00 05/01/57 Waterman 30 30 DX DX 523 524 Regulator, Flow Flow Regulator 05/01/57 08/01/58 Waterman Waterman 30 30 30 DY DY DZ 1 2 1 04/01/51 04/01/51 11/01/51 Greer Hydraulics Greer Hydraulics Kenyon 30 30 DZ DZ 4 501 Emergency Bypass Valve Emergency Bypass Valve Combination Check Relief Valve Hydraulic Lock Valve Hydraulic Reservoir Vent Relief Valve 1968F-4-.81 1961-4-1.29H, 19618-3.00 DB1-200 DB1-200 4-2600 13070-7 11802-2 01/01/64 12/01/63 Kenyon Kenyon Waterman Waterman Waterman 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 30 DZ 502 30 30 DZ E 503 501 30 30 30 30 E EA EA EB 523 1 2 1 30 EB 7 30 EB 8 30 EB 9 30 EB 10 Pressure Reducer Valves 2L22004, 2L22004-H 03/01/56 Whittaker 30 30 EB EB 13 15 2660 7504-1, 7504-2 12/01/53 05/01/54 Whittaker Whittaker/Saval 30 EB 44 119175 09/01/59 30 EB 45 117225 11/01/59 Whittaker Controls Whittaker 30 EB 46 142095 12/01/60 Whittaker 30 EB 47 4-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Actuated Poppet 3Way 3-Position Selector Valve Motor Actuated slide shutoff Valve Assembly Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Assy. 23818 04/01/61 Whittaker 30 EB 48 144615-1 06/01/61 Whittaker 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8641 8642 8643 Combination Check Relief Valve Gear Box Hydraulic Reservoir Float Switch Assy. Cabin Air Check Valve Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Shut off Valve Motor Operated Slide Valve 4-2000-A1 11/01/55 Kenyon 11990 36000 09/01/57 07/01/53 Kenyon Essex 2261A1 1401-Y3 1401-Y3 WE400-8D 03/01/58 05/01/53 05/01/53 01/01/52 Com-Air Lorraine Lorraine Whittaker Solenoid Actuated 4-Way, 3- 12602-H-2 Position Valve Solenoid Actuated 4-Way, 2- 3644-H Position Valve Manually Operated Rotary 100275 Selector Valve 02/01/53 Whittaker/Saval 02/01/53 Whittaker/Saval 01/01/53 WM. R. Whittaker Co., LTD Solenoid Pilot Actuated Sleeve Selector Valve 8644 8645 8646 8647 8648 8649 30 EB 49 Solenoid Pilot Actuated Sleeve Selector Valve Solenoid Pilot Actuated Sleeve Selector Valve Poppet Valve Actuator Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assembly Pressure Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Rotary Dual Shutoff Valve Assy. 144625 06/01/61 Whittaker 30 EB 50 144865 05/01/61 Whittaker 30 30 30 EB EB EB 51 52 53 132665-11 109451 106205 06/01/61 11/01/62 10/01/61 131395 05/01/63 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Controls Whittaker 30 EB 57 30 EB 58 141575-1 10/01/62 Whittaker 30 EB 62 Motor Actuated Gate Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated 4-Way Rotary Selector Valve Assy. 133415-15 05/01/63 Whittaker 30 EB 63 133425-16 04/01/64 Whittaker 30 EB 64 143675 11/01/64 Whittaker 30 EB 65 Solenoid Pilot Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Assy. 122565 06/01/64 Whittaker 30 EB 66 207772 06/01/64 Whittaker 30 EB 501 4914-2 06/01/57 Whittaker/Saval 30 EB 502 4956-2 06/01/57 Whittaker/Saval 30 EB 503 23440-5 06/01/57 Whittaker, Saval 30 EB 504 Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assembly Manually Operated Selector Valve 24990 06/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 8650 8651 8652 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 30 EB 505 30 EB 507 30 30 EB EB 508 509 30 EB 510 30 EB 511 30 EB 512 30 30 30 EB EB EB 513 514 515 30 EB 516 30 EB 518 30 EB 519 30 EB 520 30 EB 521 30 30 EB EB 522 523 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 Manually Operated Selector 25000 Valve Solenoid Actuated Hydraulic 25574H-4 Shut-off Valve 06/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 06/01/54 Saval, WM. R. Whittaker Co, LTD Hydraulic Cylinder Assy. 2070 Manually Operated 4-Way, 3- 21366-3 Position Hydraulic Selector Valve Manually Operated 4-Way, 2- 20884-2 Position Selector Valve 05/01/55 10/01/61 Whittaker/Saval Whittaker/Saval 08/01/54 Whittaker/Saval Solenoid Pilot Operated Selector Valve Assy. Speed Brake Dump Valve Assy. Rotary Selector Valve Rotary Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shut- off Valve 22822 09/01/54 Whittaker/Saval 23818H 05/01/55 Whittaker/Saval 25330 25316 25674 08/01/54 08/01/54 08/01/54 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker 100909 08/01/54 Saval, WM. R. Whittaker Co, LTD Solenoid Operated Poppet Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Rotary Selector Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Pressure Actuated Selector Valve Actuator Assy. Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve 104445 05/01/55 Whittaker 101797 09/01/54 Whittaker WE461-1-1/4 07/01/54 Whittaker 100727 08/01/54 Whittaker 101371 2L22020H 09/01/54 08/01/54 Whittaker Whittaker/Saval 8677 8678 8679 8680 8681 8682 8683 8684 8685 30 30 EB EB 524 525 30 30 30 30 EB EB EB EB 526 527 528 529 30 EB 530 30 EB 531 30 EB 533 30 EB 533 30 EB 534 30 EB 535 30 EB 538 30 EB 538 30 EB 541 30 EB 542 30 EB 543 30 EB 544 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 Manual Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Butterfly Valve Assy. Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve WM-311-2D WE-402-8D 07/01/54 07/01/54 Whittaker Whittaker W-7925-2D W-7924-2D W-7935-1D WE-4303-1-1/2 07/01/54 07/01/54 07/01/54 07/01/54 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker WE478-1-1/2 08/01/54 Whittaker WB002-4 09/01/54 Whittaker 2L22035H 08/01/54 Whittaker 2L22035H 08/01/54 Saval, WM. R. Whittaker Co, LTD Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shut- off Valve Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Slide Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve 101925 12/01/54 Whittaker 105111 04/01/55 Whittaker 107445 08/01/55 Whittaker 107445 08/01/69 Dynasciences Corp WM310-1-1/2D 11/01/55 Whittaker WM312-1-1/2D 11/01/55 Whittaker WM390-2E 11/01/55 Whittaker WE463-2D 10/01/55 Whittaker 8695 8696 8697 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 30 EB 545 30 EB 546 30 EB 548 30 EB 549 30 EB 550 30 EB 551 30 EB 553 30 EB 555 30 EB 556 30 EB 557 30 EB 558 30 EB 559 30 EB 560 30 EB 562 30 EB 563 30 EB 564 30 EB 565 Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Butterfly Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Poppet Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Shut-off Valve Assembly Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Valve Assy. Manually Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Shutoff Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Rotary Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve WE484-1D 10/01/55 Whittaker 12692-2 11/01/55 Whittaker 25308-1 11/01/55 Whittaker 100215 12/01/55 Whittaker 100223 01/01/56 Whittaker 100227 01/01/56 Whittaker 101305 11/01/55 Whittaker 102297 01/01/56 Whittaker 102447 10/01/55 Whittaker 102579 02/01/56 Whittaker 102583 01/01/56 Whittaker 103425 12/01/55 Whittaker 103635 01/01/56 Whittaker 104011 10/01/55 Whittaker 104053 01/01/56 Whittaker 104139 11/01/55 Whittaker 104275 11/01/55 Whittaker 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 30 EB 566 30 EB 567 30 EB 568 30 EB 569 30 EB 570 30 EB 571 30 EB 572 30 EB 574 30 EB 575 30 EB 576 30 EB 577 30 EB 578 30 EB 579 30 EB 580 30 EB 581 30 EB 582 Manually Operated Shut-off Valve Assembly Manually Operated Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Rotary Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Rotary Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shut- off Valve Solenoid Pilot Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Solenoid Pilot Actuated Puppet Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff & Check Valve 104465 12/01/55 Whittaker 104485 02/01/56 Whittaker 104655 02/01/56 Whittaker 105005 11/01/55 Whittaker 105091, 105091-1 11/01/59 Whittaker 105261 12/01/55 Whittaker 105975 02/01/56 Whittaker 106075 11/01/55 Whittaker 106155 11/01/55 Whittaker 106315 04/01/56 Whittaker 106365 01/01/56 Whittaker 106425 02/01/56 Whittaker 106785 11/01/55 Whittaker 107295 01/01/56 Whittaker 107755 01/01/56 Whittaker 109475 03/01/56 Whittaker 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 8734 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 30 EB 583 30 EB 584 30 EB 585 30 EB 586 30 EB 587 30 EB 588 30 EB 589 30 EB 590 30 30 30 30 EB EB EB EB 591 592 593 594 30 EB 595 30 EB 596 30 EB 597 30 EB 599 30 EB 600 8742 8743 8744 Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Solenoid Acutated Poppet Shutoff Valve Manual Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Manual Slide Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Sleeve Selector Valve Assy. 110085 02/01/56 Whittaker 110325 03/01/56 Whittaker 110965 01/01/56 Whittaker 110975 01/01/56 Whittaker 111045 03/01/56 Whittaker 111105 01/01/56 Whittaker 111115 01/01/56 Whittaker 111465 01/01/56 Whittaker 111865 111875 112825 112915-1 04/01/56 04/01/56 04/01/56 01/01/56 Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker 112935 01/01/56 Whittaker 113255 09/01/61 Whittaker 104665 02/01/56 Whittaker Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Assy. 25574-4 03/01/56 Whittaker Solenoid Pilot Actuated Poppet 3-Way, 2-Position Selector Valve 113805 02/01/56 Whittaker 8745 30 EB 601 Solenoid Actuated Sleeve Selector Valve Pressure Actuated 3-Way, 2Position Slide Selector Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Dual Butterfly Shutoff Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Selector Valve Solenoid Actuated Hydraulic Slide Valve Solenoid Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Shutoff Valve Assy. 113855 04/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 602 113105 04/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 603 113935 04/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 604 14530 04/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 605 20772M 04/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 606 22194-1 04/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 607 113655 05/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 608 107005 08/01/56 Whittaker 114465, 140465 03/01/58 Whittaker 2L22035 10/01/56 Whittaker 611 Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assembly Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Pressure Reducer Valve Rotary Selector Valves 30 EB 609 30 EB 610 30 EB 3298-3 02/01/57 Whittaker/Saval/R obertshaw-Fulton 30 EB 612 Rotary Selector Valves 3298-3 02/01/57 Whittaker/Saval/R obertshaw-Fulton 30 EB 613 04/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 614 12/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 615 Pressure Actuated Poppet 109755 Selector Valve Manually Operated Shut-off 4594-10 Valve Solenoid Actuated Poppet 26050-10 Selector Valve 02/01/57 Whittaker 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 8754 8755 8756 8757 8758 8759 30 EB 616 Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Assy. 109245 12/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 617 111275 04/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 618 105865 12/01/56 Whittaker 30 EB 619 105475 05/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 621 112615 03/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 622 113375 03/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 623 117195 09/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 624 Solenoid Actuated Poppet Selector Valve Manually Operated Slide Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Hydraulic Selector Valve Motor Actuated Rotary Shutoff Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Shutoff Valve Assy. Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Assembly 110765 05/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 625 109015 06/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 627 106725 10/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 628 140015 09/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 629 120235 10/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 630 120245 10/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 631 116865 10/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 632 117695 10/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 634 Motor Actuated Gate Shutoff Valve Assy. Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Variable Orifice Rotary Valve Pressure Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Manually Operated Rotary Shutoff Valve 12138-10 09/01/57 Whittaker 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 30 EB 636 Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Assy. 103801 12/01/57 Whittaker 30 EB 637 116915 04/01/58 Whittaker 30 EB 638 WB016-1 3/8 04/01/58 Whittaker 30 EB 639 WB017-1 3/8 04/01/58 Whittaker 30 EB 640 141115 04/01/58 Whittaker 30 EB 641 114385 04/01/58 Whittaker 30 EB 642 114375 03/01/58 Whittaker 30 EB 643 131905 09/01/59 Whittaker 30 EC 3 HPLV-A0 09/01/53 Pantex 30 EC 4 HPLV-A1 09/01/53 Pantex 30 EC 5 HPLV-A2 09/01/53 Pantex 30 EC 15 AA-12-21 03/01/59 Pantex 30 EC 501 AA-6-08 12/01/53 Pantex 30 EC 502 Motor Actuated Rotary Selector Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Solenoid Actuated Sleeve Selector Valve Manually Operated Rotary Selector Valve Pressure Actuated Slide Selector Valve Motor Actuated Slide Shutoff Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves AA-6-07, AA-8-06, AA- 04/01/59 8-11, AA-8-12A, AA12-06, AA-12-10, AA12-12A, AA-12-35, AA-12-38 Pantex 8776 8777 8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 30 EC 503 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves AA-6-07, AA-8-06, AA- 04/01/59 8-11, AA-8-12A, AA12-06, AA-12-10, AA12-12A, AA-12-35, AA-12-38 Pantex 30 EC 504 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves AB-8-01, AB-8-02, AB- 09/01/61 8-02A, AB-8-03, AB68-04 Benbow 30 EC 505 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves AB-8-01, AB-8-02, AB- 09/01/61 8-02A, AB-8-03, AB68-04 Benbow 30 EC 506 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve AB-4-01-1725, AB-4- 03/01/59 01-1900 Pantex 30 EC 507 AA-8-10, AA-8-10A 04/01/63 Benbow 30 EC 508 AA-12-07 05/01/57 Pantex 30 EC 509 Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve AB-44-05, AB-44-06, 01/01/58 AB-44-07 Pantex 30 EC 510 AFS-6-07 08/01/57 Pantex 30 EC 511 AA-8-08, AA-12-10A 05/01/58 Pantex 30 EC 513 AB-4-01 10/01/58 Pantex 30 EC 514 Hydraulic Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valve Hydraulic Flow Sensitive Pressure Regulator Valve AFS-6-01 10/01/58 Pantex 8790 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 30 ED 1 30 ED 2 30 ED 3 30 ED 4 30 ED 5 30 ED 6 30 ED 7 30 ED 8 30 ED 9 Stick Boost Dual Actuating Cylinder Stick Boost Dual Actuating Cylinder Utility Hydraulic System Control Manifold Package Valve Utility Hydraulic System Control Manifold Package Valve Laterial Dynamic Absorber Assy. Laterial Dynamic Absorber Assy. Vertical Dynamic Absorber Assy. Vertical Dynamic Absorber Assy. Ramp Actuating Cylinder 114H5600-11, 114H5600-12 114H5600-11, 114H5600-12 26C26605 03/01/66 Boeing-Vertol 03/01/66 Boeing-Vertol 02/01/65 Ronson 26C26605 02/01/65 Ronson A02S7103-34, A02S7103-41 A02S7103-34, A02S7103-41 A02S7124-7, A02S7124-9 A02S7124-7, A02S7124-9 A02H4700-1, A02H4700-2 3-40782-1 09/01/65 Boeing-Vertol 09/01/65 Boeing-Vertol 03/01/66 Boeing-Vertol 03/01/66 Boeing-Vertol 08/01/69 Boeing-Vertol 30 ED 24 Brake Actuating Cylinder 08/01/51 Lube Pump Lube Pump Wingfold Hydraulic System Swivel Restrictor Valve GC-487 GC-487 VS-54146 01/01/52 01/01/52 02/01/54 Boeing Airplane Co. W.H. Nichols W.H. Nichols Chance Vought 30 30 30 EF EF EG 1 2 1 30 EH 1 Reservoir Assy. 3001-2 03/01/52 30 EK 1 Dual Accessory Drive 1602E1 09/01/52 30 EK 501 Engine Accessory Drive 1755R1, 1755R71 10/01/61 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 Bewley Engineering Co. Western Gear Works Western Gear Works 8817 8818 8819 30 EL 1 Control Valve & Bottle Assy. 891579 01/01/64 Kidde 30 EL 3 891406 03/01/63 Kidde 30 EL 5 890272 11/01/65 Kidde 30 ELE 501 Hydraulic Motor Driven Air Compressor Hydraulic Motor Driven Air Compressor Hydraulic Pressure Regulators 720F-1, 720F-2, 10/01/55 AN6295-1, AN6295-2 Electrol 30 EN 3 Hot Air Shutoff Valves PAC-2274, PAC-2275, 03/01/59 PAC-2279, PAC-22791, PAC-3022 Pacific Airmotive 30 EN 502 528400 04/01/55 Convair 30 EN 503 523500 04/01/57 Convair 30 EN 504 523500 04/01/57 Convair 30 EP 1 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assy. Hydraulic Surge Damping Valve 30 EP 501 30 EP 502 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 8825 8826 8827 25-2303-Z, 25-2302- 03/01/56 Z, 25-2218-Z, 252301-Z, 25-3247-Z, 25-3222-Z, 25-2529Z, 25-3172-Z, 253248-Z Denison Engineering Co. Arresting Gear Oleo Dashpot VS-47407, VS-47407- 10/01/54 Assy. 1 Landing Gear Pneumatic VS-55274 10/01/54 Strut Assy. Chance Vought Chance Vought 30 8828 EP 503 Nose Gear Pneudraulic Shock Strut Assy. 548600-525, 548600- 04/01/66 527, 548600-529, 548600-531, 548600533, 548600-535, 548600-537, 548600539, 548600-541, 548600-543, 548600545, 548600-547, 548600-549, 548600551, 548600-553, 548600-555, 548600557, 548600-559 Menasco 8831 8832 8833 504 Nose Gear Pneudraulic Shock Strut Assy. 30 30 EQ EQ 1 3 07/01/54 03/01/63 Woodward Sikorsky 30 EQ 4 Load Control Governor 400480 Main Wheel Shock Strut S6125-50102-1 Assy. Tail Wheel Shock Strut Assy. S6125-50520-1 09/01/65 Sikorsky 30 ER 2 Hydraulic Shutoff Valve Assy. 5033, 5033-2 08/01/53 DeCoto Bros. 30 ER 501 Hydraulic Priority Valve A52001, A52001-61, 11/01/55 A52001-62, A5200163, A52001-81, A52001-82 Drescher 30 ES 1 Surface Control Boost Assy. 40-8047011-89, 408047011-99 Glenn L. Martin 8834 8835 Menasco EP 8829 8830 548600-525, 548600- 04/01/66 527, 548600-529, 548600-531, 548600533, 548600-535, 548600-537, 548600539, 548600-541, 548600-543, 548600545, 548600-547, 548600-549, 548600551, 548600-553, 548600-555, 548600557, 548600-559 30 06/01/53 30 ES 2 Surface Control Boost Assy. 40-8047011-89, 408047011-99 08/01/53 Glenn L. Martin 30 ES 501 Surface Control Boost Assy. 11/01/56 Glenn L. Martin 30 ES 503 41-8061125, 418061150 40-7047010 08/01/57 Martin 30 ES 504 08/01/57 Martin 30 ES 508 08/01/57 Martin 30 ET 1 Sonobouy Door Hydraulic Cylinder Spoiler Aileron Hydraulic 40-3047001-19 Cylinder Bomb Bay Door Actuating 40-2047003-19 Hydraulic Cylinder Hydraulic Priority Valve Assy. 26710-8 05/01/53 30 ET 5 30 ET 23 30 ET 24 Hydraulic Research & Mfg Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research 30 ET 25 30 ET 27 30 ET 28 30 ET 30 30 8836 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 3-Way, 4-Position Hydraulic Valve Assy. Hydraulic Solenoid Control Valve Electro-Mechanical Input Hydraulic Servo Control Valve Assy. Electro-Mechanical Input Hydraulic Servo Control Valve Assy. 4-Way Operated Dry Coil Servo Valve Hydraulic Solenoid Control Valve with Manual Dump 23900 10/01/53 51000-2, 51000-10 11/01/62 100950-1 02/01/62 100950-1 02/01/62 Hydraulic Research 205400, 205400-A 12/01/64 54900 10/01/62 Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research 29 Hydraulic Servo Valve Assy. 100450 11/01/65 ET 30 Hydraulic Servo Valve Assy. 100550 12/01/65 ET 34 Solenoid Pilot Actuated Selector Valve 53175 05/01/66 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research 30 ET 43 Electro-Hydraulic Pressure Control Valve 1056350-2, 1056350- 08/01/69 3, 1056350-7 Hydraulic Research 30 ET 44 Servo Actuator 212-076-004-3, 212- 05/01/05 076-004-5 Hydraulic Research 30 ET 501 Hydraulic Priority Valve Assy. 26725-6 08/01/54 30 ET 502 05/01/58 30 ET 503 30 ET 504 4-Way, 3-Position Sequence 24900, 24900-5 Valve Assy. Air Pressure Operated 28450 Hydraulic Bypass Valve Hydraulic Priority Valve Assy. 26710-6 30 ET 506 Manual Control Valve Assembly 26600 07/01/55 30 ET 507 Manual Control Valve Assy. 26650 07/01/55 30 ET 508 Hydraulic Lock Valve Assy. 27700 07/01/55 30 ET 509 Hydraulic Lock Valve Assy. 27700 07/01/55 30 ET 510 4-Way, 2-Position Manual Control Hydraulic Valve 28500 09/01/55 30 ET 511 3000 PSI 3-Way, Pressure Operated Hydraulic Valve 46000 12/01/55 Hydraulic Research 30 ET 512 30 ET 513 Pneumatic 4-Way Sequence 70000-30, 70000-40 12/01/57 Valves Hydraulic Controllable Check 26700, 26700-3, 06/01/56 Valves 26700-4, 26700-5 Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8858 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 08/01/54 08/01/54 Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research & Mfg. Co. Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research 8865 8866 8867 30 ET 514 Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Valve Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Valve 51000 06/01/56 30 ET 515 30 ET 516 51000 06/01/56 51250 09/01/56 30 ET 518 50150-3, 50150-5, 50150-6 12/01/58 30 ET 519 Controllable Check Valve 38000-3 12/01/57 ET 520 42300 08/01/58 30 ET 521 202050 10/01/58 30 ET 523 214-076-317-101 01/01/88 30 EU 1 Hydraulic Check & Relief Valve 4-Way Operating Dry Coil Servo Valve Utility Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. Solenoid Pilot Operated 4Way, 3-Position Selector Valve Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Bell 30 AV-14B1124B, AV14B1124, AV14B1124A107 06/01/58 General Controls 30 EU 2 Solenoid Pilot Operated 4Way, 3-Position Selector Valve AV-14B1124B, AV14B1124, AV14B1124A107 06/01/58 General Controls 30 EU 3 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1139 09/01/53 General Controls 30 EU 4 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1139 09/01/53 General Controls 30 EU 4 AV14C1153-100 04/01/59 General Controls 30 EU 5 Pilot Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Assy. Pilot Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Assy. AV14B1139, AV14C1164 04/01/59 General Controls 8868 8869 8870 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research Hydraulic Research 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 30 EU 6 04/01/59 General Controls 7 Pilot Operated 4-Way AV14C1159, Selector Valve Assy. AV14C1160 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1507C 30 EU 02/01/61 General Controls 30 EU 8 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1282 02/01/61 General Controls 30 EU 9 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1446C 02/01/61 General Controls 30 EU 10 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1464C 02/01/61 General Controls 30 EU 11 11/01/61 General Controls 30 EU 12 Pilot Operated 4-Way, 3AV14B1154C Position Selector Valve Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1613 03/01/62 General Controls 30 EU 13 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1208D 01/01/62 General Controls 30 EU 14 AV16B1406C, AV16B1406C2 01/01/62 General Controls 30 EU 16 AV16E1131B 08/01/63 30 EU 17 Manual Override Pull Out Type Motor Operated Gate Valve Motor Operated Shutoff Valve Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1609 07/01/63 30 EU 18 Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1638B 09/01/63 30 EU 19 10/01/65 30 EU 21 Pilot Operated 4-Way, 3AV14J1147, Position Selector Valve AV14J1147C Motor Operated Gate Valve AV16B1591C 30 EU 501 08/01/53 30 EV 1 Motor Operated Shutoff 44R-128D Valve Hydraulic Reservoir Absolute 113050-2 Pressure Regulator ITT General Controls ITT General Controls ITT General Controls ITT General Controls ITT General Controls General Controls 08/01/53 Leonard 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 05/01/67 8895 8896 8897 30 EV 5 Air Pressure Regulating Valve Air Pressure Regulating & Reducing Valve Air Pressure Regulating & Reducing Valve Canopy Seal Pressure Regulator Valve 146250-5 11/01/58 Leonard 30 EV 501 104200-2 03/01/54 Leonard 30 EV 502 104050-2 05/01/56 Leonard 30 EV 503 140090-2, 140120-2, 06/01/60 140120-3, 140120-6, 140120-7 Leonard 30 EV 504 Pressure Regulating Valve 140150-2, 140150-3, 06/01/60 140150-4, 140150-5 Leonard 30 EW 501 Refueling Pod Door Cylinder 10824 05/01/57 O & M Machine 30 EX 501 11080-5, 11080-7 11/01/54 Mar Vista 30 30 EX EX 502 503 11520 11030 11/01/54 11/01/54 Mar Vista Mar Vista 30 30 EX EX 504 505 11070 11940 11/01/54 05/01/56 Mar Vista Mar Vista 30 EY 2 Normally Closed Shutoff Valve Solenoid Selector Valve Solenoid Operated 6-Way Selector Valve Solenoid Selector Valve Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Turbo Hydraulic Pump 7T-AP-10B8, 7T-AP10B9, 7T-AP-10B10 05/01/54 General Electric 30 EY 3 PDC Selector Valve 02/01/63 Hydra-Power 30 EY 4 09/01/62 Hydra-Power 30 EY 6 Normally Closed Wing Flap Shutoff Valve Shuttle Valve HP 574100-4, HP 574100-61 HP622100-1 HP829100-1, HP829100-2 10/01/62 Hydra-Power 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 30 EY 7 30 EY 8 30 30 30 EY EY EY 9 10 12 30 30 30 EY EY EY 13 14 16 30 EY 17 30 30 EY EZ 502 501 4-Way, 3-Position Selector Valve Control Valve Manifold Package Dual Parking Brake Valve Solenoid Operated Valve Wingtip Speed Brake System Selector Valve Wing Fold Selector Valve Wing Fold Selector Valve Pressure Operated Shutoff Valve Pressure Operated Dump Valve Air Bleed Valve Pressure Reducer Valve HP 585100-853 04/01/63 Hydra-Power HP810100-2 11/01/64 Hydra-Power HP681100-5 HP846100 HP850100-1 08/01/64 11/01/64 11/01/65 Hydra-Power Hydra-Power Hydra-Power HP730100 HP730100 HP725100-5 05/01/65 10/01/64 04/01/65 Hydra-Power Hydra-Power Hydra-Power HP727100-1 04/01/65 Hydra-Power 102100 P21103-7065, P21103-8100, AP-3 04/01/54 10/01/57 Hydra- Power Westinghouse Air Brake 30 EZ 502 Brake Valve P21243-7065, P21243-8100, AP-3 02/01/58 Westinghouse Air Brake 30 F 5 Pneumatic Shutoff & Relief Regulating Valves 57-761, 57-761-01, 57-761-02, 57-76104 09/01/64 Stratos 30 30 30 F F FA 503 504 501 S20-1B S20-1B 6189F 07/01/54 07/01/54 06/01/57 FA 502 Supercharger Supercharger Nose Landing Gear Hydraulic Actuator Assy. Nose Landing Gear Hydraulic Actuator Assy. 6189F 06/01/57 Stratos Stratos Cleveland Pneumatic Cleveland Pneumatic 30 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 30 FA 503 Main Landing Gear Hydraulic 6157C L/R, 6157D Actuator Assy. L/R, 6157E L/R, 6157F L/R 10/01/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 30 FA 504 Main Landing Gear Hydraulic 6157C L/R, 6157D Actuator Assy. L/R, 6157E L/R, 6157F L/R 10/01/57 Cleveland Pneumatic 30 FB 2 M941 05/01/59 Bobrick 30 FC 501 5336 09/01/56 Allen Aircraft 30 FG 2 9013-3 06/01/64 30 FG 3 9013-3 06/01/64 30 FG 501 587-30-1 12/01/56 30 GA 6 High Temperature Air Check Valve Water Ballast Air Bleed Check Valve Power Boosted Hydraulic Master Cylinder Power Boosted Hydraulic Master Cylinder Hydraulic Sequence Valave, 3000 PSI Hydraulic Rudder Trimmer Control Valve 09/01/77 30 GA 7 89H1062-21, 89H1062-23, 89H1062-25 89H1064-7 Tactair Fluid Controls Corp Tactair Fluid Controls Corp Aircraft Products Co. Grumman 08/01/60 Grumman 30 GA 8 89H1073-1 09/01/77 Grumman 30 GA 9 159508-5 06/01/61 Grumman 30 GA 10 02/01/63 Grumman 30 GA 12 117H10016-3, 117H10016-4 121H10056-1 11/01/62 Grumman 30 GA 14 89H1050-5 09/01/77 Grumman 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 Hydraulic Rudder Trim Lock Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Rudder Trimmer Cylinder Assy. Closed Center Slide 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Inboard Cylinder Assy. Torpedo Bay Door Cylinder Assy. 8941 8942 8943 8944 30 GA 15 30 GA 16 30 GA 17 30 GA 18 30 GA 22 09/01/77 Grumman 89H1052-7, 89H1052- 09/01/77 8 89H1053-3 09/01/77 Grumman 89H1054-7 11/01/62 Grumman 89H1069-1, 89H1069- 11/01/62 3 Grumman 30 GA 24 Hydraulic Wing Lock Cylinder 96H1045-1, 96H1045- 11/01/62 Assy. 2 Stabilizer Feel Bungee Assy. 128C11210-1, 04/01/66 128C11210-3 Tail Skid Shock Strut Cylinder 123L10018-5 04/01/65 Assy. Nose Gear Actuating 123H40106-1, Cylinder, Nose Gear Down 123H10089-401, Lock Cylinder, Cargo Center 123H40103-1, Door Actuator, Cargo Center 123H40102-1, Door Lock Actuator, 123L40204-1, Arresting Hook Actuator, 123H40108-1, Arresting Hook Lift Actuator, 123L40205-3, Arresting Hook Dashpot, Tail 123H40107-1 Skid Lift Actuator Grumman 30 GA 25 30 GA 29 30 GA 34 30 GA 74 Load Relief Valve Pushrod 05/01/76 Grumman 30 GA 501 08/01/54 Grumman GA 502 Elevator Spring Tab Dashpot 74430 Assy. Hydraulic Check Valve 73443 Manifold 30 08/01/54 Grumman 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 8950 8951 8952 Hydraulic Wing Flap Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Landing Gear Door Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Nose Wheel Cylinder Assy. Nose Wheel Door Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Wing Fold Timer Check Valve Unit Assy. 89H1051-9 123C10201-501 Grumman Grumman Grumman 8953 8954 8955 30 GA 503 Wing Tank Vent Float Assy. 178369-1, 178370-1 04/01/55 Grumman 30 GA 504 Wing Tank Vent Float Assy. 178369-1, 178370-1 04/01/55 Grumman 30 30 GA GB 505 501 Dump Valve Relief Valves 178333-2 04/01/55 D02A000, D02A002, 12/01/55 D02A004 Grumman Flight Refueling 30 30 30 30 GB GB GB GB 502 503 504 505 Flap Valve Hydraulic Panel Hydraulic Panel Reception Couplings R03A000 R04A000 R04A000 R01A003, R01A000, R01A002 07/01/54 11/01/54 11/01/54 11/01/54 Flight Refueling Flight Refueling Flight Refueling Flight Refueling 30 GB 506 Reception Couplings R01A003, R01A000, R01A002 11/01/54 Flight Refueling 30 30 GB GB 507 508 Bayonet Coupler Automatic Hose Reel Assy. 06/01/54 03/01/59 Flight Refueling Flight Refueling 30 GB 509 01/01/58 Flight Refueling 30 GB 510 03/01/59 Flight Refueling 30 30 30 GB GC GCA 511 1 501 05/01/56 02/01/62 09/01/55 Flight Refueling Parker-Hannifin Trane 30 30 30 30 GD GD GE GE 501 502 11 12 09/01/54 09/01/54 05/01/60 05/01/63 Besler Besler 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 8961 8962 8963 8964 8965 8966 8967 8968 8969 8970 8971 8972 C05A000 A-12C, A-12A-2, A12C-1 Automatic Hose Reel Assy. A-12C, A-12A-2, A12C-1 Automatic Hose Reel Assy. A-12C, A-12A-2, A12C-1 Push-Pull Coupler Assy. B05A001 Cylindrical Accumulator 1356-583322 Aircraft Dual Hydraulic Fluid 0-901/4634 Radiator Hydraulic Power Cylinder 10000 Hydraulic Power Cylinder 10000 Valve, Anti- suffocation 240-501 Motor Operated Butterfly 306800 Valve Sierra-Schroeder 8973 8974 8975 8976 8977 8978 8979 8980 8981 8982 8983 8984 8985 8986 8987 30 GE 501 Relief Valve Assy. WR107-10D 11/01/54 30 GE 502 3-Port Plug Valve W6503-8D 09/01/54 30 GE 503 Plug Drain Valves 30 GE 505 3-Port Plug Valve W6513-6D-L, W6513- 09/01/54 8D W6237-8D 09/01/54 30 30 30 GE GE GE 506 507 508 Air Shutoff Valve Fuel Valve Assy. Plug Valve W6100-1/4D W6850-4D W10100-10DA 09/01/55 12/01/55 11/01/56 30 GE 510 Flapper Check Valve W525-HT-4SS 06/01/57 30 GF 11 GF 501 32-69766-3, 3269766-301 23-61001-301 07/01/63 30 07/01/54 McDonnell 30 GF 502 McDonnell GF 503 23-63100-301, 2363100-303 23-69070-301 07/01/54 30 Arresting Gear Horizontal Damper Cylinder Aileron Control Ratio Changer Bellows, Elevator Feel System Reservoir, Hydraulic System Sierra Tool & Mfg Co. Sierra Tool & Mfg Co. Sierra Tool & Mfg Co. Sierra Tool & Mfg Co. Sierra Sierra Sierra Tool & Mfg Co. Sierra Tool & Mfg Co. McDonnell Aircraft 07/01/54 McDonnell 30 GF 504 GF 505 30 GF 506 25-69026-305, 2512/01/56 69026-307 25-69831-3, 2512/01/56 69831-301 12/01/56 25-69254-301, 2569254-303, 25-69254305 McDonnell 30 Arresting Gear Shock Absorbing Cylinder Assy. Stabilator Viscous Damper Assy. Hydraulic System Filter Assy. McDonnell McDonnell 30 GF 507 Actuators AAHL-E2-2, AAHL-E3- 07/01/60 1, AAHL-E3-2, AAHLE4, AAHL-E4-1, AAHLE5, AAHL-E5-1, CV15401377-1, CV401379-15 AeroproductsAllison/Vought 30 GF 508 Actuators AAHL-E2-2, AAHL-E3- 07/01/60 1, AAHL-E3-2, AAHLE4, AAHL-E4-1, AAHLE5, AAHL-E5-1, CV15401377-1, CV401379-15 AeroproductsAllison/Vought 30 GF 509 08/01/57 30 GH 96 Elevator Feel System Bellows 25-61315-1, 25Assy. 61315-301 Canopy Actuator Assembly 524B 30 GH 96 Canopy Actuator Assembly 524B 09/01/59 Gray & Huleguard 30 GH 97 Seat Actuators 575A, 575B 12/01/59 Gray & Huleguard 30 GH 501 Rotary Rudder Servo Unit 476-2, 476-2A 04/01/61 Gray & Huleguard 30 GLM 2 Valve Assy., Solenoid 3-Way 100-933 02/01/61 Great Lakes 30 GLM 3 Motor-Driven Hydraulic Pump 100-849-21, 100-849- 04/01/63 29 Great Lakes 8988 8989 8990 8991 8992 8993 8994 8995 8996 McDonnell 09/01/59 09/01/60 Gray & Huleguard 8997 8998 8999 30 GLM 3 30 GLM 501 30 HS 4 30 HS 6 30 HS 30 Motor-Driven Hydraulic Pump Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Valve & Actuator 100-849-21, 100-849- 09/01/69 29 100-647 11/01/60 Great Lakes 550664 03/01/61 Hamilton Standard Heat Exchanger & Heat Exchanger Installation 83196, 83198, 86227, 508819, 519352, 519910 01/01/64 Hamilton Standard 501 Dual Air Control Valve 93607 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard HS 502 Air Control Valve & Actuator 515985 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 30 HT 3 Swivel Crew Seat 3685-9, A3D-2Q 03/01/60 Hardman 30 HT 4 Swivel Crew Seat 3685-9, A3D-2Q 03/01/60 Hardman 30 HT 501 Shoulder Harness Take-Up Inertia Lock Reels 3459-3, 3459-13, 3815-1R4, 3815-21, 3815-23, 3815-37 09/01/60 Hardman 30 HT 502 3459-5 02/01/57 Hardman 30 HU 1 1751-9, 1751-11 05/01/61 Huyck 30 HU 2 178-1500-1200 07/01/62 Hughes 30 30 KAM 1 KW 1 Shoulder Harness Inertia Reel Control Impingement Starting Selector Valve Pneumatic Pressure Regulator Assy. Main Hydraulic System Hot Air Solenoid Valve UH-2A, UH-2B KW 12052 01/01/65 10/01/60 Kaman Koontz-Wagner 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 Great Lakes 30 LB 1 Flutter Dampers 100721A, 100721A- 05/01/65 1, 100721A-3, 100723A, 100723A-1 Lionel-Pacific 30 LB 2 Flutter Dampers 100721A, 100721A- 05/01/65 1, 100721A-3, 100723A, 100723A-1 Lionel-Pacific 30 LC 501 EX-12330 07/01/56 Lee 30 LC 502 EX-12360 07/01/56 Lee 30 LH 16 Main Tank Pressure Regulator Rear Tank Pressure Regulator Main Landing Gear Actuating Cylinder 663252-3, 663252-5, 02/01/59 663252-7 LockheedCalifornia 30 LH 18 Hydraulic Control Valve 668259-1 30 LH 19 30 LH 20 668078-3 L, 668078- 02/01/59 3R 668211-1 02/01/59 30 LH 21 30 LH 22 Aileron Booster Actuating Cylinder Main Landing Gear Downlock Release Actuating Cylinder Rudder Booster Actuating Cylinder Assy. Drive Shaft Disconnect Assy. LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia 30 LH 24 Drive Shaft Disconnect Assy. 644443, 644443-500, 01/01/59 644443-501 30 LH 25 Aft Cargo Door Cylinder Assy. 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 02/01/59 668254-3, 663278-1 08/01/60 644481-500 370749-1 01/01/59 10/01/61 LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia Lockheed-Georgia 9023 30 LH 26 30 LH 27 30 LH 28 Alternator & Supercharger 314858-7, 314858-8, 04/01/61 Drive Shaft Disconnect Assy. 329422-4, 329422-5, 465779-3, 465779-4, 469864-4, 469864-5, 469864-6, 469864-7, 469864-8, 469864-9, 469864-10, 46986411, 470093-6, 470093-8 LockheedCalifornia 30 LH 29 373572-1 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 30 372021-5 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 31 372021-5 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 32 Nose Landing Gear Downlock Assy. Rudder Control Booster Assy. Rudder Control Booster Assy. Aileron Booster & Aileron Booster Quadrant Assy. 374455-2, 374455-1 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 33 Aileron Booster & Aileron Booster Quadrant Assy. 374455-2, 374455-1 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 Ramp Actuating Cylinder 370750-1 10/01/61 Assy. Nose Landing Gear Steering 373531-1, 373531-3, 04/01/66 Valve Assy. 373531-5 Lockheed-Georgia Lockheed-Georgia 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 30 LH 34 Elevator Control Booster Mechanism Assy. Elevator Control Booster Mechanism Assy. Ramp Uplock Cylinder Assy. 374461-601, 374461- 11/01/61 605 374461-601, 374461- 11/01/61 605 695037 11/01/61 30 LH 35 30 LH 36 30 LH 38 30 LH 39 30 LH 41 Lockheed-Georgia Nose Landing Gear Steering Cylinder Assy. Nose Landing Gear Steering Cylinder Assy. Hydraulic Booster Dual System Valve Assy. 695568-1 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 695568-1 11/01/61 Lockheed-Georgia 906016-101, 906016- 11/01/76 103, 906016-103A, 906016-104, 906016105, 906016-105A, 906016-105T, 906016-107 LockheedCalifornia 30 LH 42 Aileron, Rudder & Elevator Booster Hydraulic Assy. 901562-101, 901563- 09/01/64 101, 901564-101 LockheedCalifornia 30 LH 43 Bypass Dual System Shutoff 840551-1 Orifice Valve Assy. 07/01/63 LockheedCalifornia 30 30 LH LH 44 45 12/01/62 09/01/75 Grumman Weston Hydraulics 30 LH 48 Timer Check Valve Motor Operated Air Shutoff Valve Rudder Control Booster Assy. 364697-1, 372021-3, 08/01/71 372021-5, 372021-7, 354153-1, 354153601 Lockheed-Georgia 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 159480-3 43030-1, 43030-11 Lockheed-Georgia Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 49 Rudder Control Booster Assy. 364697-1, 372021-3, 02/01/61 372021-5, 354153-1, 354153-601 Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 53 Aileron Booster & Aileron Booster Quadrant Assy. 354148-3, 354148- 09/01/74 600, 351485-3, 374455-2, 374455-3, 354148-4, 351485-4, 374455-1, 374455-5 Lockheed-Georgia 30 LH 501 Fuel Dump Chute Cylinder 4-U-4027 06/01/57 Ronson Hydraulic Units Corp. 30 LH 502 05/01/56 Lockheed 30 LH 503 Nose Landing Gear Steering 668024-5 Cylinder Aileron Spoiler Control Valve 667767 L, 667767 R 05/01/56 Lockheed 30 LH 504 30 LH 30 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 663234 05/01/56 Lockheed 505 Main Landing Gear Uplock Actuator Aerolift Cargo Elevator 319950 01/01/57 LH 506 Aerolift Cargo Elevator 319950 01/01/57 30 LH 507 Aerolift Cargo Elevator 319950 02/01/57 30 LH 508 438351 10/01/59 30 LH 508 30 KVA Alternator Drive Shaft & Disconnect Assy. 30 KVA Alternator Drive Shaft & Disconnect Assy. 438351 04/01/64 LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia LockheedCalifornia 9053 30 LH 509 30 LH 510 30 LH 511 30 LH 513 30 LY 501 30 MC 7 30 30 MC MC 8 9 30 30 MC MC 10 501 30 MC 502 30 30 30 30 MC MC MC MC 503 504 505 506 Pressure Reducing Valve Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Shutoff Valve Air Control Valve Pressure Reducing Valve 4 Way Selector Valve Selector Valve Assy. 30 MG 3 Servo Valve Assy. 9054 Nose Landing Gear Actuating 663230 Cylinder Elevator Booster Cylinder 663217, 663242, 663254 12/01/57 Lockheed 12/01/57 LockheedCalifornia Rudder Booster Cylinder 663205-3, 663255-3, 01/01/59 663243 LockheedCalifornia Main Landing Gear Uplock Cylinder Assy. Eddy Current, Longitudinal Control Damper 663061, 663271-1 04/01/62 1021-3 04/01/58 LockheedCalifornia Lyndon Aircraft Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Control Valve 4-Way Selector Valve Assy. MC 2642 01/01/62 MC3637 MC2666-1 05/01/63 10/01/64 9055 9056 9057 9058 9059 9060 9061 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 M. C. Manufacturing M. C. Mfg M. C. Mfg MC3628-1 12/01/63 MC2644, MC2644-1 09/01/57 M. C. Mfg M. C. Mfg MC2644, MC2644-1 09/01/57 M. C. Mfg MC2664 MC1748 M. C. Mfg M. C. Mfg M. C. Mfg M. C. Mfg 12/01/57 12/01/57 09/01/64 MC4700-1, MC4702- 06/01/65 1 08/01/61 M2514, M3250, M3248, 2137, 2121A, 2121B Moog Servocontrols 30 MG 4 Servo Valve Assy. M2514, M3250, 03/01/59 M3248, 2137, 2121A, 2121B Moog Servocontrols 30 MG 6 Servo Valve Assy. M264, 522 30 MG 8 Dual Input Servo Valve Assy. M7527, 10-100B 30 MG 10 Servo Valve 010-20480, 2176A-1 07/01/64 30 MG 11 Dual Input Servo Valve 010-22494, 01007/01/63 26330, 010-22495, 010-26331, 01024810, 010-26333, 10-106B, 10-106C, 10106D, 10-107B, 10107C, 10-107D, 10113C, 10-113D Moog Servocontrols Moog Servocontrols Moog Servocontrols Moog Servocontrols 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 05/01/63 05/01/63 30 MG 12 Dual Input Servo Valve 010-22494, 01007/01/63 26330, 010-22495, 010-26331, 01024810, 010-26333, 10-106B, 10-106C, 10106D, 10-107B, 10107C, 10-107D, 10113C, 10-113D Moog Servocontrols 30 MG 13 Servo Valve 010-24000, 50-122A 12/01/77 30 MG 14 Servo Valve 010-28427, 31-256 30 MG 501 Servo Valve Assy. M-1243, M-1456, M- 11/01/58 1374, M-2728, 564, 564A, 571A, 564B Moog Servocontrols Moog Servocontrols Moog Servocontrols 30 MH 1 Shock Strut 215-24030-22, 215- 08/01/78 24030-23, 215-2403024, 215-24030-25, 215-24030-27, 21524030-29, 215-2403031, 215-24030-32 Vought 30 NEN 501 20mm Ammunition Feed Chute Assy. 7328 Nobles Engr & Mfg 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 12/01/65 02/01/57 30 NL 1 Hydraulic Boost Control Assy. 137200-3, 137200-4, 12/01/60 137200-5, 1372-3, 1372-4, 1372-5 National Water Lift 30 NL 2 Hydraulic Boost Control Assy. 137200-3, 137200-4, 12/01/60 137200-5, 1372-3, 1372-4, 1372-5 National Water Lift 30 NL 3 Hydraulic Servo Valve 130211-3, 130211-5, 12/01/60 130211-7, 1334-3, 1334-5, 1334-7 National Water Lift 30 30 30 30 PTL PTL RE RE 1 2 6 7 Pneumatic Shutoff Valve Airflow Limiting Valve Flanged Plug Valve Assy. Lo-Torq Valve 10/01/64 10/01/64 03/01/59 04/01/61 Pneu-Tech Pneu-Tech Republic Mfg Republic Mfg 30 RE 501 Offset Needle Valve Assy. 21011 31011-1 720-HTX-4D 2-458-4, N8131B-4AD 10-2943-3 04/01/56 Republic Mfg 30 30 30 RE RE RH 502 505 1 3-1546-1 8131-4A 7-U-7074-1 02/01/56 05/01/58 06/01/62 Republic Mfg Republic Mfg Ronson 30 RH 2 411000-1 01/01/61 Roper Hydraulics 30 RH 3 7-U-7105 07/01/62 Roper Hydraulics 30 RS 1 Globe Valve Assy. Lo-Torq Selector Valve Manually Operated 4-Way Hydraulic Valve Suction Boost Hydraulic Pump Pressure Operated Shutoff Valve Viscous Damper Assembly 456-10001 02/01/59 30 RTM 1 1980R 02/01/59 RobertshawFulton Regent 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 17 Ton Hydraulic Aircraft Jack 9095 9096 30 RTM 2 30 30 SC SC 3 501 02/01/59 Regent 02/01/61 05/01/56 Schulz N. American Aviation 30 SC 502 187-58036-11 09/01/57 1025-900 09/01/58 N. American Aviation Sesco Mfg 30 SE 1 30 30 30 30 30 SE SE SKY SKY SKY 2 3 42 43 44 1025-300 1025-800 S1570-10600 S1570-10600 S6125-50530 02/01/59 02/01/59 03/01/61 03/01/61 01/01/63 Sesco Mfg Sesco Mfg Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky 30 SKY 46 S6140-61638-1 05/01/65 Sikorsky 30 SKY 47 Primary Servo Cylinder Assy. S6165-20260, S6165- 11/01/63 20260-2, S616520260-3, S616520260-4, S616520260-10, S616520260-21, S616520260-31, S616520260-41 Sikorsky 30 SKY 48 Rotary Coupling Assy. Sikorsky 9097 9098 9099 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 9107 17 Ton Hydraulic Aircraft 1980R Jack Air Filter Unit 10-255-101 60 cu. in. Self-Displacing 177-58047-15 Hydraulic Accumulator Assy. Hydraulic Flight Control System Reservoir Assy. Elevator Aft Bobweight Viscous Damper Viscous Damper Viscous Damper Taxi Drive Assy. Taxi Drive Assy. Pneumatic Centering Cylinder Assy. Force Link Assy. S6165-20520-2, S6165-20583 03/01/65 30 SKY 49 Auxiliary Servo Cylinder Assy. S6165-61500-6, S6165-61500-7, S6165-61500-10 08/01/64 Sikorsky 30 SKY 50 Retracting Cylinder Assy. S6165-63101-3, S6165-63101-4 07/01/65 Sikorsky 30 30 SKY SKY 51 52 Up-Lock Cylinder Assy. Sensing Cylinder Assy. S6165-63151 S6168-64110-041 05/01/61 10/01/65 Sikorsky Sikorsky 30 SKY 501 S1565-90130 02/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 502 S1565-90111 02/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 504 Landing Gear Up-Lock Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Hydraulic Cylinder Assy. Main Landing Gear Lower Drag Link Assy. S1525-50105, S1525- 02/01/63 50105-1 Sikorsky 30 SKY 506 S1565-61506-1 02/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 510 Hydraulic Sequence Valve Assy. Tail Rotor Servo Unit Assy. S1565-64202 06/01/60 Sikorsky 30 SKY 511 Actuating Cylinder Assy. S1565-61251, S1565- 01/01/63 61251-1, S156561251-2 Sikorsky 30 SKY 512 S1565-61301 02/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 513 Ramp Actuating Cylinder Assy. Ramp Latch Actuating Cylinder Assy. S1565-61351, S1565- 09/01/64 61351-1, S156561351-2 Sikorsky 9108 9109 9110 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118 9119 30 SKY 514 Servo Reservoir Assy. S1565-20059-4, S1565-20059-7, S1565-20059-8, S1565-20059-10 01/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 515 Rotor Blade Folding Positioner Assy. S1565-61111, S1565- 02/01/63 61111-1, S156561111-3 Sikorsky 30 SKY 516 S1565-61721 01/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 517 Servo Unit Actuating Cylinder Assy. Main Rotor Hydraulic Servo Control Assy. S1565-20270, S1565- 10/01/61 20270-2, S156520270-4, S156520270-6 Sikorsky 30 SKY 518 Pedal Damper Assy. S1565-61970, S1565- 02/01/62 61970-1 Sikorsky 30 SKY 519 Pedal Damper Assy. S1565-61970, S1565- 11/01/61 61970-1 Sikorsky 30 SKY 520 Throttle Servo Unit Assy. S1565-61801-1 05/01/62 Sikorsky 30 SKY 521 Tail Rotor Servo Unit Assy. & S1665-61614-1, S1665-61614-4, Tail Rotor Servo Unit S1665-61614-3, Subassy. S1665-61614-5 05/01/63 Sikorsky 9120 9121 9122 9123 9124 9125 9126 9127 30 SKY 523 Swivel Joint Assy. S1565-63321-1, S1565-63321-2 01/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 525 Tail Rotor Servo Unit Assy. S14-40-5144 04/01/62 Sikorsky 30 SKY 526 Tail Rotor Servo Unit Assy. S14-40-5144 06/01/58 Sikorsky 30 SKY 527 S1565-64151 07/01/63 Sikorsky 30 SKY 528 S1565-64151 03/01/63 Sikorsky 30 30 30 30 30 30 SKY SKY SKY SKY SKY SKY 529 530 531 532 533 534 S1565-63331 S1565-63332 S1565-61421 S1565-61201 S1530-80240 S1565-20421-2 09/01/60 09/01/60 04/01/62 04/01/62 04/01/62 02/01/63 Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky 30 SKY 535 S1565-20421-2 09/01/62 Sikorsky 30 SKY 536 Tail Rotor Tandem Servo Unit Assy. Tail Rotor Tandem Servo Unit Assy. Swivel Joint Assy. Swivel Joint Assy. Main Reservoir Assy. Main Reservoir Assy. Generator Drive Main Rotor Hydraulic Servo Control Assy. Main Rotor Hydraulic Servo Control Assy. Servo Reservoir Assy. S1565-61921, S1565- 09/01/62 61921-2 Sikorsky 30 SKY 537 Main Rotor Servo Unit Assy. S1665-20003, S1665- 11/01/63 20003-1 Sikorsky 30 30 SKY SKY 539 540 Rotor Coupling Assy. Stabilizer Servo Unit Assy. S1565-61174 S1565-20803-2, S1565-20803-3 01/01/63 02/01/62 Sikorsky Sikorsky 30 SKY 541 Stabilizer Servo Unit Assy. S1565-20803-2, S1565-20803-3 10/01/61 Sikorsky 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 30 SN 1 Hydraulic Motor 684314, 685952, 10/01/62 685952-A, 685952-B Sundstrand 30 SN 2 Hydraulic Motor 684314, 685952, 10/01/62 685952-A, 685952-B Sundstrand 30 SN 3 Hydraulic Motor 11/01/65 Sundstrand 30 SR 2 Pressure Reducing & Thermal Relief Valve Assy. 827286B, MV029CSV-1 1560-C1 01/01/60 Janitrol 30 SR 501 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Assy. 52C20 08/01/58 Surface Combustion Corp. 30 STE 4 13110 05/01/59 Sterer 30 STE 5 12740 10/01/59 Sterer 30 30 30 STE STE STE 6 7 8 Barometric Pressure Reducer Valve Pneumatic Pressure Regulator Valve Controllable Check Valve Air Flow Limiter Valve Master Brake Cylinder 13190 11890 12550, 12550-1, 12550-2, 12550-3 09/01/59 10/01/59 09/01/62 Sterer Sterer Sterer 30 STE 9 06/01/60 Sterer 30 STE 10 06/01/60 Sterer 30 STE 11 Pneumatic Sonobuoy Door 11450-1, 11450-3 Actuator Cylinder & Cylinder Bolt Hydraulic Surge Damping 13020 Valve Alighting Gear Main Wheel 11100 Parking Valve 05/01/60 Sterer 9145 9146 9147 9148 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153 9154 9155 9156 9157 30 STE 12 Utility Power Package: 3000 12140-3R10-1, 12140- 12/01/61 PSIG-10gpm 3N10-1 Sterer 30 STE 13 30 STE 14 30 STE 15 Pilot Operated Hydraulic 3Way Valve Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Stick Trim Control Valve 30 STE 16 30 STE 18 30 30 30 STE STE STE 21 22 23 30 STE 24 30 STE 25 Hydraulic Fold Locking Solenoid Operated Valve Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve Pneumatic Drain Valve Master Brake Cylinder Combination Pneumatic Pressure Regulator & Shutoff Valve Assy. Windshield Washer Tank Regulator & Relief Assy. Air Pressure Regulator 30 30 30 30 STE STE STE SU 28 502 503 1 30 SU 30 SW 9158 9159 9160 12220 06/01/60 Sterer 12360 05/01/60 Sterer 12720-1, 12720-2, 08/01/63 12720-11, 12720-21 Sterer 13980, 13980-1 08/01/62 Sterer 17850-1, 17850-2 10/01/60 Sterer 11090 11060 12690A 08/01/60 11/01/60 08/01/64 Sterer Sterer Sterer 17660 05/01/61 Sterer 16810-1, 16810-3 02/01/63 Sterer Master Brake Cylinder Hydraulic Flow Regulator Hydraulic Flow Regulator Hydraulic Motor 18830 9900-4-25 9900-8-800 678069, MC011-21E 12/01/64 02/01/58 02/01/58 06/01/65 Sterer Sterer Sterer Sundstrand 2 Hydraulic Motor 678069, MC011-21E 06/01/65 Sundstrand 501 Valve 800663, MV574 Marotta 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 01/01/57 9175 30 TA 2 30 TA 3 30 30 30 30 TA TA TA TE 7 8 14 1 30 TPE 30 Power Operated Butterfly Valves Butterfly Valve 02/01/61 Talley 626T100-3, 626T100- 09/01/65 4, 626T100-5, 626T100-6, 626T1007, 626T100-8, 626T100-9, 626T10010, 626T100-11, 626T100-12, 626T100-13, 626T100-14 Talley Butterfly Valve Butterfly Valve Butterfly Valve 2" Solenoid & Pressure Actuated Pneumatic Valve 927T100 794T100 656T100-3 41560 06/01/65 02/01/65 01/01/69 12/01/64 Talley Talley Talley Tison 501 Engine Driven Fuel Pump 4103-A/B-41-C, G-9 05/01/55 Titan TPE 502 Engine Driven Fuel Pump 4103-A/B-41-C, G-9 05/01/55 Titan 30 VA 501 4-337-01 04/01/56 Valveaire 30 30 30 30 VA VA W 502 503 501 3 Hydraulically Operated Air Shutoff Valve Ram Air Shutoff Valve Ram Air Shutoff Valve Float Assy. Accessory Gear Drive 4-235-01 4-235-01 47-351-014 255, B-1 09/01/56 09/01/56 12/01/57 11/01/40 Valveaire Valveaire Bell Pump Engineering 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 9185 9186 9187 655T100, 656T100 30 4 Identification, Disposition & Use of Hydraulic Packings & Gaskets 10/01/53 30 4 Identification, Disposition & Use of Hydraulic Packings Rings 3V-226-A, 3V-226-D Air & Hydraulic System Accessories: Check Valve Assy. Air & Hydraulic System 397-E Accessories: Hydraulic Flow Equalizer Hydraulic Relief Valve 1V-224-C, 1V-224-D, 1V-436-B, 1V-436-C, 1V-436-D, 1V-575-D, 1V-575-E, 1V-575-F 03/01/48 30 5 30 6 30 7 30 7 30 30 9188 9189 04/01/43 Pesco 05/01/42 Pesco 01/01/44 Pesco Air & Hydraulic Accessories: 436 Series Hydraulic Relief Valve 04/01/43 Pesco 10 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: 195-C, 215D, 216-E Suction Relief Valve: Vacuum Pump 06/01/42 Pesco 11 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: AA-11500, AA-11501, 06/01/42 Preliminary Instructions for AA-11502, AA-11503 the Relief Valve 9190 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 a Vickers 30 13 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: AA-13010, AA-13012 06/01/42 Preliminary Instructions for the Double Brake Control Valve Vickers 30 14 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: AA-17000, AA-17001, 06/14/42 Preliminary Instructions for AA-17002, AA-17003 the Load & Fire Check Valves Vickers 30 16 06/01/42 Airaco 30 18 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: 22026 Series Instructions for Landing Gear Cylinder Air & Hydraulic Accessories: 24401A Instructions for Nose Wheel Shimmy Damper 06/01/42 Airaco 30 20 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: 65008 Instructions for Hand Pump 06/01/42 Airaco 30 21 62026, 62026-A, 62026-B 06/01/42 Airaco 30 22 32004 06/01/42 Airaco 30 24 Air & Hydraulic Accessories: Instructions for 4-Way Selector Valve Air & Hydraulic Accessories: Instructions for Restrictor Valve Air & Hydraulic Accessories: Instructions for Automatic Pressure Regulator Hydraulic System 40000A, 40000-B 07/01/42 Aircraft Accessories 30 26 Shimmy Dampers, Helicopter Dampers, Steer Dampers A-17397, A-13965, 700509-1 07/01/77 Houdaille Industries 9196 9197 9198 9199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 30 27 Hydraulic Selector Valves D9560, D9530, D9605, D9632 07/01/42 Adel Precision Products 30 28 62017 12/01/42 Airaco 30 29 Landing Gear Actuating Control Valve Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders 10554, 10556, 04/01/45 10558, 9151, 10666, 10721, 10721-1 Adel 30 30 G9744 12/01/44 Adel 30 34 T-1 04/01/44 AC Spark Plug 30 36 Quadruple Unit Cowl Flap Selector Valve Combination Pressure & Vacuum Pump Hydraulic Pressure Accumulators: 5", 7╜", 10" 30 37 H-101, H-105, H-103 04/01/44 Simmonds 30 40 41 165, 165AN, 181, 12/01/44 191, 116 10/01/48 170-T, 171-T, 171AN, 183-T, 184-T, 185-T, 186-T, 205-T, 209-AN, 25249, 25250 Electrol 30 Simmonds: Olaer Hydraulic Accumulator: 515, 220, 69 cu. In. Pressure Relief Valve, Intermediate Valve Hydraulic Selector Valves 30 42 Unloading Valves 204, 204-T, 206, 220, 03/01/45 235, 253 Electrol 30 30 44 44 Hydraulic Flow Equalizer Hydraulic Flow Equalizer 1D-636-A 1D-636-A, 1D-636A1, 1D-636-E 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 06/01/50 09/25/50 Bendix-Pacific Electrol 06/20/44 Pesco 06/20/44 06/10/47 Pesco 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 30 45 30 46 30 30 30 30 47 47 47 48 Power Brake Valve Power Brake Valve Power Brake Valves Hydraulic Pressure Regulators 30 49 2-Way Hydraulic & Air Valve 07/15/45 10/19/50 Bendix-Pacific 30 49 2-Way Hydraulic & Air Valves 12/01/52 Bendix-Pacific 30 50 09/01/44 Bendix-Pacific 30 50 01/01/46 Bendix-Pacific 30 53 Dual & Triple Bank 4-Way Selector Valves Dual & Triple Bank 4-Way Selector Valves Relief Valves 30 53 30 54 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Sequence Valves Bendix-Pacific 09/01/44 Bendix-Pacific 01/01/45 10/01/53 Bendix-Pacific 01/01/45 12/01/54 Bendix-Pacific 08/01/55 Bendix-Pacific 403470, 403470-0-1, 09/01/44 Bendix-Pacific 403722, 403722-0-1 31004, 31023, 31023- 01/15/45 A, 31034, 31003, 31006A, 31015, 31020, 31031 Series Aireon Mfg/Aircraft Access. Relief Valves 31004, 31023, 31023- 09/01/45 A, 31034, 31003, 31006A, 31015, 31020, 31031 Series Aireon Mfg/Aircraft Access. Brake Shuttle Valves 33017, 33018 Aireon Mfg 9227 9228 9229 11/01/44 05/01/45 56 Brake Debooster Cylinder Assy. 30 57 30 58 Single Barrel Brake Control 36037, 36056 Valves Brake Control & Relief Valve 36043 30 59 30 61 30 30 63 64 30 65 30 66 30 67 30 68 30 69 30 70 Snap Action Sequence Valve 41531 30 71 Aircraft Valves 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 36019, 36021, 36021- 09/01/45 A, 36021-B, 36027 30 Hydraulic System Pressure 40016 Governor 4-Way Poppet Selector Valve 62064 05/01/45 Aireon Mfg 01/01/45 Aircraft Accessories Aircraft Accessories Aireon 01/01/45 03/01/45 4-Way Selector Valves 08/01/49 Solenoid-Operatied Air AF58C-23, AF58C-37 12/01/57 Shutoff Valves Steel Seat "In Line" Hydraulic D9305, D9841, 04/01/45 Selector Valves D9842, 13811 Landing Gear & Wing Flap Control Units 4-Way Hydraulic Selector Valve Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Aireon Mfg Bendix-Pacific Eckel Adel 177, 177AN 01/01/45 Electrol D13-700 10/01/44 0288H, 32-9-001 10/01/44 41522, 51381-500, 51518, 53665 04/01/47 Interstate Aircraft & Eng Interstate Aircraft & Eng United Aircraft Products 12/01/44 AV-1, AV-2, AV-5, AV- 11/01/50 6, AV-7, AV-9, AV-11, AV-12, AV-14 United Aircraft Products General Controls 30 72 Aero-Hydraulics Unlatching Jack with Sequence Valve 523, 523-A 09/01/44 Weston 30 74 Tail Bumper Jack Lock 08/15/44 30 75 Tail Bumper Snubber 47022, 47022-A, 47022-B 24004 06/01/44 30 76 Brake Valves 36034A, 36034-B 07/01/44 30 77 Sliding Selector Valve 62026B, 62026B-B, 06/01/44 62026B-F, 62026B-L Aircraft Accessories Aircraft Accessories Aircraft Accessories Aircraft Accessories Corp. 30 83 D8067, D9803 Adel 30 84 Hydraulic Landing Gear Bypass Valves Pressure Snubbers 30 85 30 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 6010-HT-4D, 11/01/44 4PSGGXX, 6YPSGGXX Parker Relief Valves 675-1, 675-2, 675-3, 11/01/44 675-4, 2-940-6 Parker 86 Balanced Reversing Disk Valve 3-1439 Series, 5058466 12/01/44 Parker 30 87 0600H, 0600H-1 10/01/44 30 30 90 91 B13-300 D9726, D9726-2 10/01/44 10/01/44 Interstate Aircraft & Eng Interstate Adel 30 94 Hydraulic Actuating Cylinders Balanced Relief Valve Dual Cowl Flap Hydraulic Selector Valves Landing Gear Emergency Hydraulic Shuttle Valves 9902, 9902-1, 9977, 9977-1, 11163, 11163-1, 11163-2, 11163-3 12/01/44 Adel 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 08/01/44 30 95 Dural Seat Single Hydraulic Selector Valves: 3-Way 9552, 9552-2, 9949, 02/01/45 10092, 10756, 107562 Adel 30 96 9201, 9802, 9802-2 03/01/45 Adel 30 100 Dural Seat Single Hydraulic Selector Valves Manually Operated Steel Seat Hydraulic Check, ShutOff, Valves 9668-1, 9668-2, 9668- 02/01/45 3, 9668-4, 9696, 9696-2 Adel 30 104 9578 03/01/45 Adel 30 110 Steel Seat Single Hydraulic Selector Valve Dural Seat Single Hydraulic Selector Valves, 4-way 10150, 10150-1, 05/01/45 10150-2, AN6210-1, 10150-3, AN6210-2, 10150-4, 10150-5 Adel 30 111 9588, 9588-2 01/01/45 Adel 30 112 1519 08/01/44 Technical Products 30 113 FE-2146 10/10/44 30 114 1004 10/01/44 Hydro-Aire 30 115 Steel Seat Dual Hydraulic Selector Valves Nose Wheel Hydraulic Actuating Cylinder Aircraft Master Brake Cylinder Main Landing Gear Bungee Cylinder Hydraulic Selector Valves D357, D449, D450 12/01/44 Airex Mfg. Co. 30 117 10/01/45 Vickers 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 Air & Hydraulic Equipment: Rework of Single & Double Brake Control Valves 30 119 Pneumatic System Valves 612-7-A, 1A, 2A, 4A, 02/01/52 6A, B-4, B-8, B-11 Eclipse-Pioneer 30 121 Actuating Cylinders 08/01/53 22076, 22092, 22093, 22091, Series 22026, 22028, 22029, 22039, 22078, 22084 Aireon 30 122 30 30 123 124 Hydraulic Flow Equalizer & 405000, 404999 03/01/55 Proportioner: 1500 PSI Six Segment Pilot Valve 404395 02/01/45 Air & Hydraulic Equipment: L-681C1 to L-681C1J 07/01/45 Conversion of Hydraulic Pump from Strato-Power to NY Air Brake 30 126 Solenoid Operated 4-Way Pneumatic Selector Valve 30 30 127 128 Vacuum Selector Valve 135-11230 06/01/52 Overhaul Changes Applicable A-10379, A-10631, A- 06/01/53 to Shimmy Damper 10632, A-10817, A10818, A-10815 Weatherhead Houdaille-Hershey 30 30 133 134 05/01/53 07/15/53 Delco General Controls 30 135 Flapping Damper Assy. 551711 Solenoid Operated Shut-Off 40R1199 Valve Unloader Valve Assy. HC-4427-C.N., HC7001-C.N. 07/01/55 Air Assoc. 30 136 04/01/66 Bendix Utica 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 Solenoid Shutoff Valve 13381 38E04-3-A 04/01/45 Bendix-Pacific Bendix-Pacific Strato-Power/NY Air Brake Adel 30 137 Pneumatic Pressure Regulator 178-0800, 178-1018, 12/01/57 178-1500, 178-1512 Hughes 30 138 AV-1A 1318 01/01/53 General Controls 30 140 Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Modification of Hydraulic Pump 682C1, 67VB190, 67VC190, 67VP190, 67VT190 05/01/54 NY Air Brake 30 30 140 141 89113 5271-3, 5271-7 06/01/59 12/01/59 Kidde Airite 30 142 AF15C-4 07/01/59 Eckel 30 143 981284 09/01/59 Kidde 30 144 Pneumatic Priority Valve Remote Mounting Torque Pressure Switch Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Cylinder & 1" Flood Valve Assy. CF3BR Container, Valve & Cartridge Assy. 891134, 891134-01, 03/01/63 891134-02 Kidde 30 145 60042-3, 60042-4 05/01/60 Drescher 30 30 147 148 Main Landing Gear Door Actuating Cylinders Solenoid Valve Landing Gear Control AF35C-21 A451M3 08/01/60 12/01/60 Eckel Avionic Products 30 149 Rudder Flutter Damper 305670-1 07/01/64 30 151 30 30 518 520 Pressure Regulator & Shutoff 27100 Valve Assy. Hydraulic Flow Equalizer 1D-397 Series Propeller Governor CSSA, 210105-1 Houdaille Industries Sterer 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 05/01/66 06/01/50 06/01/56 Pesco Woodward Governor 9295 30 521 Propeller Governor CSSA, 210105-1 30 525 Hydraulic Hand Pump 1H-260-K, 1H-437-F, 03/01/44 1H-623-A 30 531 Hydraulic 30 533 Balanced Relief Valve 30 535 Hydraulic Pressure Accumulators TBM-1, TBM-1C, TBM- 04/15/45 06/15/52 3 32-47-001, 32-6112/01/47 Interstate 001 Bendix-Pacific 405525, 405525-2, 11/01/50 408410, 408410-2, 405554, 405554-2, 406920, 406920-2 30 536 604, 614 04/01/51 Electrol 30 30 30 537 538 539 271 264 4700, 62082 08/01/48 08/01/48 09/01/48 Electrol Electrol Weston/Aireon 30 30 540 541 Hydraulic Selector & Bypass Valves Selector Valve Timing Valve Valve, Hydraulic, Flap Selector Canopy Selector Valve Fixed Pressure Relief Valve 4658 608 10/01/48 08/01/48 Saval Electrol 30 542 Stratopower Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pumps 67WJ800, 67WC1000 10/01/50 30 545 De-Icer Air Distributing Valve 569-6-A 30 549 Shutoff Valves 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 06/01/56 12/01/48 W-7954, W-7955, W- 09/01/48 7957, W-8655 Woodward Governor Pesco NY Air Brake Eclipse-Pioneer Whittaker 9309 30 550 Bleeder Valve Vent Check 840119 12/01/48 Kidde 30 551 Pneumatic Control Valves 800124, 840133, 870697, 870698 09/01/53 Kidde 30 552 4-2500-3 12/01/48 Kenyon 30 553 Combination Check Relief Valve Hydraulic Relief Valve 1048A-2, 1048-8 08/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 554 De-Icer Air Distribution Valve 569-5A 06/01/49 Eclipse-Pioneer 30 555 Thermal Relief Valve 285-4, 627, 627-1, 627L-800, 628, 6281, EA932 11/15/56 Electrol 30 555 Thermal Relief Valves 285-4, 627, 627-1, 06/01/74 627L-800, 628, 628-1 Electrol 30 555 Thermal Relief Valves 285-4, 627, 627-1, 12/01/62 627L-800, 628, 628-1 Electrol 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 C 30 556 Aerofuse Valves U-4480-D-4-10, U06/01/58 4480-D-4-25, U-4480D-4-50, U-4480-D-480, U-4480-D-6-25, U4480-D-8-25, U-4480D-8-200, U-4480-D-8250, U-521300-1 United Aircraft Products 30 557 Self Opening High Pressure Valves A-4603-1, A-4603-2, 03/01/49 840026, 840027 Kidde 30 30 558 559 25959, G-175J 550 11/01/49 02/01/50 Purolator Kenyon 30 560 2200 08/01/49 30 561 Hydraulic Oil Filter Emergency Hydraulic Selector Valve Emergency Air Selector Valve Air Valves 2-91-001, 32-81-001 06/01/51 Manning, Maxwell, Moore Interstate 30 562 Electric Selector Valve 5050, 5050-0, 5050-2 12/15/49 Weston 30 564 30 565 Hydraulic Flow Regulator 196-10-10.7 05/01/50 Assy. 06/01/50 Hydraulic Rudder & Elevator 146-58022-3, 146Boost Valves 58022-5, 146-580227, 146-58022-9 30 566 Accumulator AC100 12/01/50 Aircraft Products 30 567 Pressure Actuated Switch 1516 04/01/51 Meletron 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 Waterman North American Aviation 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 30 568 Hydraulic Master Cylinder VHO-875-1500 09/01/50 Herman 30 30 30 30 569 570 571 572 1500-67 1530 196-10-8 7080 07/01/50 07/01/50 12/01/50 05/01/51 Meletron Meletron Waterman Weston Hydraulics 30 573 Pressure Actuated Switch Pressure Actuated Switch Hydraulic Flow Regulator Solenoid Operated 4-Way Selector Valve Normally Closed Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valves 7090-1, 7710-1 05/01/51 Weston 30 575 Usage & Handling of Fluid Used in Hydraulic Actuating Systems of Naval Aircraft 30 30 30 576 580 581 30 582 30 583 30 30 585 587 Emergency Air Valve Vent Valve Power Driven Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Power Driven Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Rotor Blade Lag Damper Assy. Emergency Air Valve Accumulator 30 588 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 03/01/53 2-62-001-20 B-18002 V250-1 06/01/53 12/01/53 06/01/55 Interstate Aerotec Hamilton Standard V250-1, 90987 06/01/54 Hamilton Standard 5517100 03/01/54 Delco Products 32-62-001-21 175-58051 01/01/54 12/01/54 Interstate North American Aviation Bendix-Pacific Spherical Hydraulic Pressure 405525, 40554 (Both 01/15/55 Accumulators Series), 406920, 406920-2 30 591 Spherical Hydraulic Pressure 401696, 402961, Accumulators 403249 (All Series), 401531, 401531-4, 403494, 403714, 403715, 407900-2, 411810, 411950 01/15/55 Bendix-Pacific 30 596 Vent Check Bleeder Valve 840399 05/01/55 Kidde 30 597 207-C 04/01/55 A-P Controls 30 30 598 601 Thermostatic Expansion Valve Vent Valve Solenoid Valves B-18004-W AV-1B Series 07/01/55 11/01/57 Aerotec General Controls 30 30 604 605 Relief Valve 11631 Hydraulic Shuttle Valve Assy. 135-00940 04/01/56 10/01/56 Kenyon Weatherhead 30 606 01/01/56 Cornelius 30 30 30 609 610 612 R341 01/01/56 16600 03/01/56 669188-2, 669188-3 02/01/56 Bobrick Bertea Lockheed 30 613 669189 02/01/56 Lockheed 30 614 11723 04/01/56 Kenyon 30 615 Pneumatic Pressure Regulator N-2 Pressure Relief Valve Rudder Damper Outer Wing Flap Drive Gear Box Center Section Wing Flap Drive Gear Box High Temperature Shuttle Valve Shuttle Valve 11606 04/01/56 Kenyon 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 124-D-500-1 30 616 Solenoid Pneumatic Valves 870929, 870999, 871339, 871384, 871586, 871586-1, 871587, 871929 12/01/64 Kidde 30 617 Solenoid Pneumatic Valves 870929, 870999, 871339, 871384, 871586, 871586-1, 871587, 871929 02/01/59 Kidde 30 618 K41025 01/01/56 Karl-Douglas Div. 30 619 871299, 871299-1 05/01/59 Kidde 30 621 70B148 04/01/56 30 30 622 624 Landing Gear Bypass Valve Assy. Lever Operated 3-Port Control Valve Hydraulic Reservoir Relief Valve Landing Gear Control Quick Disconnect Pneumatic Valve A801 02/01/56 103000-1, 103000-4, 07/01/57 103000-7 Clary Corp, Avron Prod. Avionic Essex 30 625 Bleeder Valve 8000 02/01/56 30 30 30 626 627 628 6179, 6179A 6179, 6179A N-1800 03/01/58 03/01/58 05/01/56 30 629 Mass Flow Control Valve Mass Flow Control Valve Hydraulic Manual Bypass Valve Hydraulic Manual Bypass Valve Clary Corp, Avron Prod. Hydro-Aire Hydro-Aire Benton N-1800 05/01/56 Benton 9357 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 30 632 Absolute Pressure Regulator 135-D-200-1 04/01/56 Cornelius 30 633 3-87623 09/01/56 Convair 30 634 Bow Ramp Pneumatic Restrictor Check Valve Air Pressure Regulator 30 30 635 636 Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Fixed 1-Way Restrictor Valve: Unfiltered 10970-4 1R3045-45-10 09/01/56 05/01/56 30 637 187-58039 08/01/56 30 638 36V100 09/01/56 North American Aviation Altair 30 639 36V100 09/01/56 Altair 30 641 4010 10/01/57 Conair 30 30 642 643 G-9001 124-D-800-1 11/01/57 01/01/58 M.J. Johnson Cornelius 30 645 Hydraulic Flight Control System Reservoir Assy. 2-Way Variable Valve: 1╝" Line Mounted 2-Way Variable Valve: 1╝" Line Mounted Combination Lock & Load Limiter Landing Gear Control Pneumatic Pressure Regulator Pneumatic Pressure Reducer Valve 30 647 30 648 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 101800-1, 101800-11 06/01/56 48R100-1, 48R100-2, 06/01/58 48R100-3 Coaxial Solenoid Air Shutoff AF40C-15 Valve Solenoid Operated 3-Way BF24C-1 Isopropyl Alcohol Valve Accessory Products Kenyon Gar Altair 07/01/58 Eckel 07/01/58 Eckel 30 CU 10 Hydraulic Relief Valve 1048-2, 1048-8 02/01/52 Hydro-Aire 30 CU 40 Hydraulic Check and Reliev Shuttle Valve 1094 04/01/54 Hydro-Aire 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 30 CU 41 30 30 30 CX DH 12 503 26 30 CA 3 35 A 1 35 A 3 35 35 A A 5 6 35 A 7 35 A 8 35 A 11 35 A 14 9394 9395 9396 9397 Hydraulic Check and Reliev Shuttle Valve Hydraulic Hand Pump Pressure Regulator Nose wheel shimmy dampers Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump Propeller Anti-Icer Pump with Control Rheostat Propeller Anti-Icer Pumps Fluid Metering Pump Ethylene Glycol Circulating Pump Anti-Icer Pumps: Double & Single Outlet 1094 07/01/52 168-58009 575-1, 575-2 09/01/50 08/01/54 15827 Hydro-Aire 15523 Bendix M3382, M3383 03/01/44 Eclipse 265E, 265F, 453AB 03/01/44 Pesco J Series 11/01/47 RD-4550, GC-3, GC-4 06/01/43 Adel Romec Dbl. 100 to 100-7, 03/01/58 101 to 101-7, 400-7, Sgl. 200-200-7, 201201-7 Weldon Anti-Icing System Fluid A7979, A8989 Filters Propeller & Windshield Anti- 744 Icer Pumps & Associated Accessories Anti-icing Pumps 09/01/44 Adel 05/01/59 Bendix Utica 01/01/50 07/01/54 Weldon 35 A 15 Anti-Icing Pumps 35 A 17 35 A 18 35 A 19 35 A 20 35 35 35 A A A 23 24 25 35 A 25 35 A 26 35 A 26 35 35 A A 27 27 Electrically Driven Fluid Pumps Electrically Driven Fluid Pumps Manual Remote Control Assy. Manual Remote Control Assy. Blower Assy. Blower Assy. Air Shutoff & Pressure Regulator Valves Window Temperature Control Window Temperature Control Air Shutoff & Pressure Regulator Valves Radio Noise Filter Anti-Icing Modulating Shutoff Valve 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 100B, 100B-1, 100B- 04/01/51 2, 100B-3, 101B, 100B-1, 100B-2, 100B-3, 200B, 200B1, 200B-2, 200B-3, 201B, 201B-1, 201B2, 201B-3, 300B, 300B-1, 300B-2, 300B-3, 400B-6, 400B-7 Weldon 11/01/55 Adel 11/01/55 Adel RC107-110 10/01/50 RC107-110 10/01/50 35-265H, 35-265J 12/01/51 12/01/51 09/01/61 Industrial Design Labs Industrial Design Labs Dynamic Air Dynamic Air Hydro-Aire B1-101 09/01/50 B1-101 09/01/50 35-265H, 35-265J 09/01/61 United Control Corp. United Control Corp. Hydro-Aire 45E02-1-A 500M8 09/01/59 10/01/50 Bendix Norlan 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 35 A 28 35 35 A A 28 29 Anti-Icing Modulating Shutoff Valve Anti-Icing Pump Anti-Icing Valve 35 A 29 5" Damper Valve 3013-A 06/01/60 392016-1, 392016-4- 01/01/66 1 DV137-100 07/01/51 35 A 30 5" Damper Valve DV137-100 35 A 31 Aircraft Clock 35 A 32 35 35 A A 33 33 Solenoid Pilot Operated Butterfly Shutoff Valve Anti-Icing Valve Air Shutoff Valve Actuator W-33-7590-10A, ABU- 08/01/72 9/A 124675 08/01/61 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 10/01/50 35 A 34 35 A 34 35 A 35 35 A 35 35 35 35 07/01/51 Norlan Weldon Airesearch Industrial Design Labs Industrial Design Labs Wakmann Whittaker 9596 124669, J60 06/01/51 12/01/63 Hydro-Aire Whittaker Actuator Housing Assy. & Motor Assy. PW102654DE, PW102654HL, 102650E103, 102650L102, J60 04/01/66 ITT General Controls C-1E 06/01/51 United Control C-1E 06/01/51 United Control 35 Window Temperature Control Window Temperature Control Air Shutoff Valve Actuator 125151, J60 09/01/65 Whittaker A A A 36 36 37 Anti-Icing Valve Assy. 1" Inline Valve Wing Anti-Icing Valves 08/01/52 11/01/64 08/01/51 Parker Vapor Boeing A 38 Wing Anti-Icing Valves 1333-512088 26230027 15-24895-18, 1524895-501 15-24895-18, 1524895-501 08/01/51 Boeing 9420 9421 500M8 9428 9429 9430 35 A 38 35 A 39 35 A 43 1433-633303 10/01/65 Parker-Hannifin 576C360P3, CG123901 AV-11D-1118 09/01/65 GE/Westport Dev. 10/01/52 General Controls 35 A 44 Anti-Icing Pneumatic Safety 55785 Control Valve Installation 12/01/52 Pacific Airmotive 35 A 45 Anti-Icing Pneumatic Safety 55785 Control Valve Installation 12/01/52 Pacific Airmotive 35 A 46 Anti-Icing Relief Valve CPA1074 10/01/52 Pacific Airmotive 35 A 50 Anti-Icing Relief Valve Assy. U-4965 04/01/54 35 35 35 A A A 51 52 54 Valve & Actuator Assy. DYLZ4307 Valve & Actuator Assy. DYLZ4307 Modification of Fan & Motor CAT586SCB4 Assy., for Hi-Pressure Double Stage Heater United Aircraft Products Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 35 A 500 Modification of Series J Fluid J2.5-S, J2.5-D, J5.0-S, 03/01/45 Metering Pumps: Supp to TO J4.0-D, J8.0-S to "K" 03-35A-5 Type Adel 35 A 502 01/01/50 Adel 35 A 503 Windshield Degreasing 20783 Pump Windshield Degreaser Pump 1505-5 06/01/51 Eastern Industries 35 A 504 Motor Actuated Anti-Icing Butterfly Air Valve Assy. 01/01/62 Parker-Hannifin 9431 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439 9440 9441 Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Anti-Icing Pressure Indicating Switch Magnetic Valve 1333-542003 04/01/54 04/01/54 06/01/54 35 A 505 Motor Actuated Butterfly Shutoff Valve & Actuator Assy. Hot Air Shutoff & Pressure Regulated Valve 108395, 108740, J57 10/01/73 Dynasciences Corp 35 A 506 35-117 08/01/57 Hydro-Aire 35 A 507 Hot Air Shutoff & Pressure Regulated Valve 35-117, 35-117C 04/01/59 Hydro-Aire 35 35 35 A A AAL 508 509 1 Fluid Filter Anti-Icing Pump Anti-Icing Air Shutoff Valves & Nacelle Preheat Air Valves 12755-1 3007-A 20217-3, 20217-4, 20217-5, 20243-3, 20243-4 04/01/58 06/01/58 04/01/62 Adel Weldon Langley 35 AAR 1 106388 08/01/72 Airesearch 35 AAR 1 106388 10/01/65 Airesearch 35 35 AAR AAT 2 1 Thermostat Controlled Shutoff Valve Thermostat Controlled Shutoff Valve Wing Anti-Icing Valve DeIcing Pressure Regulating & Relief Valve Assy. 106462-1 A81C42 06/01/63 09/01/65 Airesearch Janitrol Aero 35 AAT 2 DeIcing Pressure Regulating A81C42 & Relief Valve Assy. 10/01/65 Janitrol Aero 35 AB 501 Alcohol-Water Pump Assy. 4016-A 03/01/61 Weldon 35 ABA 1 Pneumatic Thermostats 107704-150-2, 107704-275-2, TP714, TP7-15 05/01/61 Airesearch 9442 9443 9444 9445 9446 9447 9448 9449 9450 9451 9452 9453 9454 35 B 1 Ice Eliminating Equipment: Maintenance & Inspection of De-Icer Shoes 35 35 B B 2 3 Pressure Relief Valve Inflatable Shoe Air Valve 3355X 03/01/39 3032, 3032-1, 3032- 03/01/41 1A, 3032-2, 3032-A Eclipse Eclipse 35 B 4 5-Port, 10-Port & 4-Way De- 3153, 3354, 3686, 03/01/44 Icer Air Distributor Valve 3366-2, 3529, 569-2A, 571-2-A, 575-1-A, 573-2-A, 577-1-A, Eclipse 35 B 6 Kenyon 35 B 7 Check Valve Assy. for Vacuum Systems Ice Eliminating Equipment: Rework of Fairing Flaps on Flap Type De-Icer Shoes 35 B 8 35 B 9 35 B 10 Snap Action De-Icer Air Distributor Valves 807-2-A, 807-4-A, 807-7-A, 847-3-A, 847-4-A, 847-7-A, 847-8-A, 847-9-A 11/01/54 Eclipse-Pioneer 35 B 11 Electric De-Icer Timer 70322, 73563 01/01/49 Hamilton Standard 9455 9456 9457 9458 9459 9460 9461 9462 05/01/40 04/01/44 Installation Repair & Storage 12/01/44 of De-Icer Shoes De-Icer System Valves & 1010-3-A, 1011-2-A, 05/01/54 Control Timer 1181-1-A, 1182-2-A 9463 9464 08/01/42 Eclipse-Pioneer 9465 35 B 12 Electric De-Icer Timer 70322, 73563 01/01/49 Hamilton Standard 35 B 13 Electric De-Icing Assy. 79540, 79620, 79744, 79811, 79812, 79850-1, 80210, 81053 05/01/53 Hamilton Standard 35 B 14 Electric De-Icing Assy. 79540, 79620, 79744, 79811, 79812, 79850-1, 80210, 81053 05/01/53 Hamilton Standard 35 B 15 De-Icer Timer 72010 02/01/49 Hamilton Standard 35 B 16 De-Icer Timer 72010 02/01/49 Hamilton Standard 35 B 17 De-Icer Timers 74217, 74266, 556989, 556990, 556991 01/01/61 Hamilton Standard 35 B 18 De-Icer Timer Assy. 74217, 74266, 556989, 556990, 556991 03/01/63 Hamilton Standard 35 B 19 Electric De-Icing Assy. 05/01/53 Hamilton Standard 35 B 20 Electric De-Icing Assy. 10/01/53 Hamilton Standard 35 B 23 Temperature Control Panel A14A9718, AVP-10 09/01/50 Westinghouse 35 B 24 Temperature Control Panel A14A9718, AVP-10 09/01/50 Westinghouse 35 B 26 5-Way Rotary De-Icer Air Distributing Valve 572-7-A, 572-10-A 02/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 9466 9467 9468 9469 9470 9471 9472 9473 9474 9475 9476 9477 9478 9479 9480 35 B 27 572-7-A, 572-10-A 12/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 28 5-Way Rotary De-Icer Air Distributing Valve Auxiliary Pump Timers 35 B 75454, 77832 04/01/56 Hamilton Standard 35 B 29 Auxiliary Pump Timers 75454, 77832 04/01/51 Hamilton Standard 35 B 33 Air Safety Valve Assy. Bendix-Utica 35 B 34 Air Pump Assy. 38E01-2-A, 38E01-4- 09/01/59 A 33E02-1A, 33E02-2A, 06/01/67 33E02-5A 35 35 B B 35 37 Air Valve Suction Relief Valve 557-10-C 09/01/52 38E03-2-A, 38E03-2- 02/01/59 B, 38E03-3-A, 38E033-B Eclipse-Pioneer Bendix-Utica 35 B 39 Plug Valve Assembly 4-449-9 35 B 40 Rotary Timers 42E00-2-C, 42E00-6- 04/01/58 B, 42E00-7-C, 42E009-B, 42E00-9-C, 42E02-2-C, 42E02-3C, 42E02-5-C, 42E031-C Repubic Manufacturing Eclipse-Pioneer 9481 9482 9483 9484 9485 10/01/52 Bendix-Utica 35 B 41 Rotary Timers 42E00-2-C, 42E00-6- 04/01/59 B, 42E00-7-C, 42E009-B, 42E00-9-C, 42E02-2-C, 42E02-3C, 42E02-5-C, 42E031-C Bendix-Utica 35 B 42 Motor Driven Fluid Pump 20820-1, 20820-6 10/01/57 Adel 35 B 44 De-Icer Air Distributing Valve 1532-2-A 08/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 35 B 45 572-8-A 08/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 35 B 49 2391248 02/01/53 Douglas 35 B 50 5-Way Rotary De-Icer Air Distributing Valve Propeller Liquid De-Icing Valve Assy. De-Icer Distributing Valve 1532-3-A 02/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 35 B 51 11970-2 05/01/53 Adel 35 B 52 RG-5490-C 02/01/54 Lear-Romec 35 B 53 RG-5490-C 02/01/54 Lear-Romec 35 B 54 P-230-A 04/01/54 Weldon 35 B 54 A628-1A 04/01/62 United Control 35 B 55 A628-1A, T1168-1 04/01/62 United Control 35 B 56 42E09-4A 04/01/65 Bendix-Utica 9486 9487 9488 9489 9490 9491 9492 9493 9494 9495 9496 9497 9498 Anti-Icing Fluid Stacking Selector Valve Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump Electric Motor Driven AntiIcer Pump Master De-Icing Controller Master De-Icing Controller, Rotor Blade De-Ice System Tester Transistorized Timer Assy. 35 B 58 Electronic Timers 35 B 504 De-Icer Instruction Manual: Care & Maintenance, Installation, Inspection, Repairs 04/01/59 35 B 505 Hand Operated Windshield De-Icer Pumps DP4CA-1A, DP4CA-2A 05/01/48 35 B 506 De-Icer Air Distributing Valve 1532-2-A 11/01/54 Eclipse-Pioneer 35 35 35 B B CA 507 508 1 Rotary Timer 42E06-1-A Rotary Timer 42E06-1-A Empennage De-Icer Control 1035040-1 11/01/54 11/01/54 08/01/80 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Bendix-Pacific 35 CA 1 Empennage De-Icer Control 1035040-1 08/01/63 Bendix-Pacific 35 CA 2 Empennage De-Icer Control 1035040-1 08/01/80 Bendix-Pacific 35 DT 1 Electric Motor Driven Alcohol & Water Pump 09/01/74 Task Corporation 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 42E00-2-C, 42E00-6- 02/01/61 B, 42E00-6-C, 42E007-C, 42E00-9-B, 42E00-9-C, 42E00-10C, 42E02-2-C, 42E023-C, 42E02-5-C, 42E02-6-C, 42E02-7C, 42E02-10-C, 42E031-C 003895-1 Bendix Utica Parker 9509 35 EA 1 Ice Detector 6506331, AID-A9 08/01/63 35 1 Fluid Metering Pumps 22407-1, 22407-2, 22407-6 11/01/57 35 1 Ice Eliminating Equipment: Icing of Aircraft 35 2 Fluid Metering Pumps 35 2 Ice Eliminating Equipment: Installation & Folding of Winterization Wing Covers 35 3 35 4 9510 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 40 A 1 Sensitive Thermal Sensor Relay Sensitive Thermal Sensor Relay Automatic Boost Control 40 A 2 40 A 40 AB 05/01/42 22407-1, 22407-2, 22407-6 11/01/57 Adel 03/01/43 5500055-2 06/01/64 Lockheed 5500055-2 06/01/64 Lockheed 1509-2-A, 1509-4-B, 03/01/54 1509-5-B Eclipse-Pioneer Automatic Boost Control 1509-2-A, 1509-4-B, 08/01/50 1509-5-B Eclipse-Pioneer 3 Automatic Boost Control 1509-2-A, 1509-4-B, 08/01/50 1509-5-B Eclipse-Pioneer 1 Automatic Engine Control ( 1559-2-B, 1559-2-C, manifold pressure regulator) 1559-2-D 9516 9517 9518 9519 Allison Div. General Motors Adel 10/01/50 Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AB 3 Automatic Engine Controls 1626-5-D, 1626-5-E, 09/01/52 1630-6-F, 25E03-2-B Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AB 4 Automatic Engine Control 1630-6-F 10/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AB 5 1630-6-F 03/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 40 40 40 AB AB AB 7 8 11 Automatic Engine Controls: Manifold Pressure Regulators Automatic Boost Control Automatic Boost Control Automatic Engine Controls 1560-2-E 1560-2-E 25E03-2-B 09/01/50 01/01/50 12/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AB 12 Automatic Engine Controls 25E03-2-B 12/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AB 13 Modification of Automatic Engine Controls 1626, 25E03 05/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AB 13 Modification of Automatic Engine Controls 1626, 25E03 08/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 40 AC 1 Automatic Engine Control CO-3F 09/01/53 Bendix 40 40 AD AD 502 503 Engine Control Assy. Carburetor Heat & Mixture Control Quadrant 114427-1 75051-1 12/01/53 11/01/56 Aero Supply Aero Supply 40 40 40 BA BA CA 501 502 3 124778-1 45051-3 5L3901, 5L3902 05/01/54 10/01/57 06/01/59 Aero Aero Supply Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 4 Engine Control Assembly Engine Control Quadrant Cockpit Power Control Quadrant Cockpit Throttle Quadrant 5L3700-5, 5L3700-9 06/01/59 Hansen-Lynn 9520 9521 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9534 9535 A 9536 40 CA 5 40 CA 6 Forward & Aft Throttle Quadrant Engine Control Quadrant 5L3500-1, 5L3500-3 06/01/59 Hansen-Lynn 5L3694-1, CV15406440-1, CV15406440-2, CV15406440-3, CV15406440-4 08/01/60 Hansen- Lynn, Chance Vought 40 40 CA CA 7 8 Engine Control Quadrant Engine Control Quadrant 5L3894-1 5L4194-3, 5L4194-4 06/01/59 07/01/59 Hansen-Lynn Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 9 Forward Cockpit Quadrant 03/01/60 Hansen-Lynn CA 10 02/01/60 Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 11 Aft Cockpit Power Control Quadrant Engine Control Quadrant 5L4456-11, 5L445621 5L4457-11, 5L445721 5L3760, 5L3760-1 40 09/01/59 Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 12 3L2640 01/01/60 Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 13 5L4144, 5L4144-1, 08/01/64 5L4144-3, 5L4144-3A Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 15 02/01/70 Cadillac Controls 40 CA 16 FC11-148A, FC11148B FC11-148A, FC11148B 06/01/69 Cadillac Controls 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9542 9543 Engine Control Quadrant Assy. Engine Control Quadrant 9544 9545 9546 Electro-Hydraulic Flow Control Servo Valve Electro-Hydraulic Flow Control Servo Valve 40 CA 501 Power Plant Control Quadrant 5L2931-0, 5L2931-1, 07/01/59 5L2931-2, 5L2931-3, 5L3631-0, 5L3631-1, 5L3631-2, 5L3631-3, 5L3631-10, 5L363111 Hansen-Lynn 40 CA 502 Power Plant Control Quadrant 5L2931-0, 5L2931-1, 07/01/59 5L2931-2, 5L2931-3, 5L3631-0, 5L3631-1, 5L3631-2, 5L3631-3, 5L3631-10, 5L363111 Hansen-Lynn 40 EA 501 Quadrant Assy. 50023, 50023-3, 50023-5, 50024, 50024-3, 50024-5 07/01/58 Adams Rite 40 EA 502 Quadrant Assy. 50023, 50023-3, 50023-5, 50024, 50024-3, 50024-5 07/01/58 Adams Rite 40 40 EA EA 503 504 Engine Control Quadrant Engine Control Quadrant Assy. 5L3137 16658, 16659 02/01/56 07/01/56 Hansen- Lynn M.J. Johnson Aircraft Engr. 9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 40 EA 505 Engine Power Control Quadrants 50014, 50014-3, 50017, 50017-3, 50017-5, 50032 04/01/56 Adams-Rite 40 EA 506 Engine Power Control Quadrants 50014, 50014-3, 50017, 50017-3, 50017-5, 50032 04/01/56 Adams-Rite 40 40 EA 507 KAM 1 5L3294 UH-2A, UH-2B 08/01/57 11/01/65 Hansen-Lynn Kaman 40 KAM 3 18100-1 02/01/76 Cadillac Gage 40 KAM 11 Engine Control Quadrant Flight Control System for Helicopters Collective Control Valve Assy. Accelerometer Valve Assy. 19720 01/01/76 Cadillac Gage 40 KAM 16 Azimuth Assy. 01/01/76 Kaman 40 SKY 1 Quadrant Assy. K660008-109, K660008-201 S6130-61070-4, S6130-61070-9 07/01/65 Sikorsky 40 TE 501 Indicating & Alarm System Temperature Control Assy. 183-6X 12/01/55 Edison 45 AA 1 Kidde AA 2 45 AA 2 Fire Extinguishers 45 AA 2 Airborne CO2 Portable Fire Extinguishers 1TB, 2TA, 2TB, 4TB, 5TA ITG, 2TA, 2TB, 4TB, 5TA ITG, 2TA, 2TB, 4TB, 5TA 1TB, 2TA, 2TB, 4TB, 5TA 09/01/54 45 Airborne CO2 Portable Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 9564 9565 03/24/50 04/15/55 Kidde 03/24/50 Kidde 09/01/54 Kidde 9566 9567 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 45 AA 3 45 AA 3 45 AA 501 45 AA 502 Airborne CO2 Fire Extinguishers Airborne CO2 Portable Fire Extinguishers Aircraft Liquid Type Fire Extinguishers Portable Fire Extinguishers 45 AA 503 Portable Fire Extinguishers 45 AA 504 45 45 B B 1 2 CF3Br Container & Valves Assy. Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguishers: Winterization 45 B 3 45 45 45 BA BA C 45 9573 9574 9575 9576 9577 9578 9579 9580 9583 1TB, 2TA, 2TB, 4TB, 5TA 870317 09/01/54 Kidde 04/01/63 Kidde 1TB-1, 2TB-1, 4TB-1, 02/01/54 5TB-1 1TB-1, 2TB-1, 4TB-1, 02/01/54 5TB-1 871410 01/01/59 Kidde 83, 84, A-2 1qt.Carbon Terachloride Type 11/01/45 04/01/44 Fyr-Fyter Co. Kidde Kidde 1qt. Pump Type 12/01/45 2 3 1 Fire Extinguishers: Installation & Inspection Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguisher Systems 83, 84, A-2 83, 84, A-2 A-11, A-12, A-18 05/01/46 05/01/46 07/01/49 Fyr-Fyter Co. Fyr-Fyter Co. Kidde C 2 Portable Fire Extinguisher A-17 01/01/45 Kidde 45 C 6 CO2 Cylinder & Valve Assy. 02/01/52 Air Cruisers 45 C 8 Portable Fire Extinguishers 2TB, 4TB 12/01/44 Kidde 45 C 9 CO2 Type 10/01/43 45 45 C C 12 13 Fire Extinguisher: Fixed Engine Fire Extinguisher Installations Fire Extinguisher System Container & Valves C-46 891450, 891450-01 09/01/44 04/01/74 9581 9582 01/13/50 04/15/52 Kidde Kidde Kidde 45 C 13 Multi-Engine Fire Extinguishing System 01/01/46 AmericanLaFrance-Foamite 45 C 14 Dual Squib, Dual Outlet Fire 2911115-1 Extinguisher Container 11/01/65 Tavco 45 C 14 Aircraft Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher Container & Valve Assy. CF3Br Container, Valve & Cartridge Assy. Airborne Fire Extinguisher System Airborne Fire Extinguisher System Airborne Fire Extinguisher System Solenoid Operated Direction Valve CO2 Fire Extinguisher CO2 Fire Extinguisher Handling & Maintenance of Fire Extinguishing Containers 3/4" Valve Type 09/01/45 Kidde 45 45 C C 19 501 893020 12/01/70 09/01/61 Kidde Kidde 45 CA 1 CO2 Type 06/01/57 Kidde 45 CA 2 CO2 Type 05/01/74 Kidde 45 CA 3 CO2 Type 06/01/57 Kidde 45 CA 4 891244 11/01/59 Kidde 45 45 45 CA CA D 4 5 1 36-1 36-1 Methyl Bromide Type 09/01/49 09/01/49 03/01/48 Kidde Kidde 45 D 1 Handling & Maintenance of Methyl Bromide Fire Extinguishing Containers Type 04/01/50 45 DA 1 Aircraft Fire Extinguishing Equipment Methyl Bromide Type 06/01/57 Kidde 45 DA 2 Liquid Agent Type 06/01/57 Kidde DA 3 Aircraft Fire Extinguishing Equipment Aircraft Fire Extinguishing Equipment 45 Liquid Agent Type 06/01/57 Kidde 9584 9585 9586 9587 9588 9589 9590 9591 9592 9593 9594 9595 9596 9597 9598 9599 A A-18 45 DA 4 Replacement of Fire Extinguishing Agent w/ Bromochloromethane in Containers 982573, 982481, 800244, 982485, Methyl Bromide Type 45 EA 1 Fire Extinguisher Bromochloromethan 05/01/52 e Type AmericanLaFrance 45 EA 2 Fire Extinguisher Bromochloromethan 04/01/51 e Type AmericanLaFrance 45 FA 1 Fire Extinguisher A20-0-51, A-20 03/01/53 Stop-Fire 45 FB 1 Aircraft Fire Extinguisher 13X-1326, A-20 08/01/52 45 FB 501 Fire Extinguisher 13X-13261, A-20 05/01/54 45 GA 1 Fire Detector System Fusible Alloy Type 06/01/46 AmericanLaFrance AmericanLaFrance Fenwal 45 GA 2 Fire Detector System Fusible Alloy Type 06/01/46 Fenwal 45 GB 1 Fire Detector Relay Panels w/ Sensitive Relays 03/01/59 Edison 45 GB 1 Aircraft Fire Detection System 08/01/54 Edison 9600 9601 9602 9603 9604 9605 9606 9607 9608 9609 A 12/01/51 45 GB 3 Fire Detector Relay Panels w/ Sensitive Relays 45 GB 3 Fire Detector Relay Panels w/ Sensitive Relays 45 GB 3 45 GB 4 Aircraft Fire Detection System Aircraft Fire Detection System 9610 9611 9612 9613 09/01/57 03/15/59 Edison 33896, 33896-2, 33958-3, 34216-2, 34216-3, 34362-2, 34368, 34368B, 34368D, 34399, 34399-2, 34726, 34726-2, 34726-4, 34726-6, 34958, 34972-4, 34973-3, 34974-1, 34974-3, 34974-5, 34974-6, 34974-7, 34978, 34978-2, 35213, 35213-2, 35884, 35886, 35981, 33795- 03/01/59 Edison A 05/01/51 Edison Thermocouple Type 07/01/52 45 GB 5 Removal of Detectors 04/01/54 Edison 45 GB 501 Fire Detection Control Assy. 227-28-2 09/01/56 Edison 45 GB 502 Fire Detection Control Assy. 227-28-5 06/01/58 Edison 45 GB 503 Mounting Bracket Assy. 41251, 41268, 41262- 02/01/59 2, 41262-3, 41262-4, 41262-5, 41262-6, 41485, 41531, 414842, 41484-3, 41484-4, 41484-5, 41484-6 Edison 45 GC 1 Fire Detector, Station Test Switch & Amplifier 1001, 1007, 1004, 1001, 1003, 47ST1, 54AJ1, 71BA2, Photoelectric Type 09/01/53 Fireye 45 GC 2 890842-1000 10/01/61 Kidde 45 GC 3 Heat Fire Detector Control Unit Fire Detection Control Unit 892165-0350-01 02/01/67 Kidde 9614 9615 9616 9617 9618 9619 9620 810911, 34606-2, Probe Style 45 GC 501 Heat-Fire D-C Detecting System Control Unit 871315, 871315-01, 06/01/61 871315-02, 87131503, 871315-04, 871315-05, 87131506, 871315-320, 871315-520 45 45 45 45 GD HA HA JA 501 2 3 501 CO & Fire Detector Aircraft Smoke Detector Aircraft Smoke Detector Fire Extinguishing Check Valves DR-45878 A 4532-M1 A 4532-M1 12-953-51, 12-95361, 12-953-71 45 JB 501 45 WK 2 45 45 WK WK 3 4 45 WK 501 9621 9622 9623 9624 9625 9626 9627 9628 9629 9630 Kidde 05/01/54 03/01/50 03/01/50 02/01/58 Kidde Kidde Schulz Cylinder & Handwheel Valve 840573 Assy. Fire Detector Control Unit 891041 08/01/58 Kidde 01/01/61 Kidde Control Unit Fire Detection System Control Unit Fire Detector Control Unit 01/01/62 11/01/63 Kidde Kidde 870729, 870729-01, 03/01/59 870729-02, 87072903, 870729-04, 870729-05, 87072906, 870729-07 Kidde 891234-200 891234-300 45 1 Inspection, Testing, Charging Class 03-F & Marking of Airborne Portable & Fixed HighPressure CO2 Cylinder Assy. 01/01/54 45 50 A 501 1 Liquid Agent Containers Oxygen Regulators 11/01/56 07/01/53 50 A 5 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator 2850-A1, 2850-A2, 10/01/53 2850-B1, 2850-B2, 2851-A1, 2851-A10, 2852-A1, 2857-A1, 2858-A1, 2860-A1, A12, AN6004-1 50 A 6 A-13 07/01/45 Peerless/Lion Mfg 50 50 A A 8 9 A-12 A-13 06/01/45 02/01/52 Scott Aviation 50 A 10 Portable Oxygen Deman Regulator Deman Oxygen Regulator Portable Oxygen Demand Regulator Oxygen Regulators A-11, AN6010-1 03/01/48 Alar 50 A 15 Oxygen Pressure Reducers 41, 41-A 03/01/60 Harris Calorific 50 A 16 Oxygen Equipment: Modification of Filler Valve used on Oxygen Regulator Assy. A-13 04/01/45 9631 9632 9633 9634 9635 9636 9637 9638 9639 9640 2802-1B-A-2, 28061D-B1, 2803-3A-A1, 2805-3A-A1, 2805-3BB1, A-8, A-8A, A-9, A9A Kidde Eclipse-Pioneer 9641 50 A 18 50 A 22 50 A 23 50 A 24 50 A 28 50 A 32 50 A 33 50 A 38 50 A 39 9642 9643 9644 9645 9646 9647 9648 9649 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Pressure Breathing Diluter Deman Oxygen Regulator AN6004-1 10/01/52 Aro Equipment Corp. O-521-PB, O-616-A, A- 10/01/50 14 Portable Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Oxygen Equipment: Safety Wiring of Emergency Valve on Demand Type Oxygen Regulators A-15 07/01/45 Scott Aviation A-12, AN6004-1 06/01/45 Oxygen Equipment: Reworking & Chamfering of Diaphragm Lever Bracket Bushing Automatic Positive Pressure Diluter Demand & Composite Diluter Deman Oxygen Regulators 2852-A1, 2857-A1 06/01/45 Pioneer 2862-A1, 2862-A2, 2862-B1, 2862-C1, 2864-A1, A2, 2867A1, 2863-A1, 2863A2, 2863-B1, 2863C1 02/01/51 Eclipse-Pioneer Rework of Oxygen Regulators Automatic Positive Pressure Diluter Deman Oxygen Regulator Automatic Positive Pressure Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator AN6004-1, A-14 04/01/49 2868-A1, 2870-5BA1, AF D-1 02/01/52 Aro Equipment Corp. Eclipse-Pioneer 2868-A1, 2870-5BA1, AF D-1 02/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 50 A 41 Inspection of Oxygen Regulator Outlet Elbows Installed on Oxygen Regulators Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator AN6004-1, Aro AN6004-1, All A-14 03/01/52 Aro/Bendix 50 A 42 2851-A1, 2851-A10, 2858-A1, 2860-A1 04/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 50 A 43 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator 2851-A1, 2851-A10, 2858-A1, 2860-A1, AN6004-1 04/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 50 A 44 D-1 04/01/52 Bendix 50 A 46 Expedited Shipment of Oxygen Regulators Oxygen Pressure Regulator 41-A 10/01/52 Harris Calorific 50 A 47 Oxygen Pressure Regulator 41-A 10/01/52 Harris Calorific 50 A 48 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator 2867-B2, 2867-7BC1, 2872-B2, 2873B2, 2874-B2 05/01/70 Pioneer-Central 9650 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 9656 50 A 49 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator 2862-A1, 2862-A2, 2862-B1, 2862-C1, 2864-A1, 2864-A2, 2867-A, 2867-B, 2867-B12867-7B, 2867-C1, 2873-A1, 2873-B1, 2863-A1, 2863-A2, 2863-B1, 2863-C1, 2872-A, 2872-B, 2872-B1, 7874-A1, 7874-B1 11/01/55 10/01/56 Pioneer-Central 50 A 49 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator 2867-B2, 2867-7BC1, 2872-B2, 2873B2, 2874-B2 03/01/63 Pioneer-Central 50 A 50 Diluter Demand Oxygen 17600-1, 0-616-1 Regulator & Diluter Demand Oxygen Pressure Breathing Regulator 11/01/59 Aro Equipment Corp. 50 A 51 17600-1, 0-616-1 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator & Diluter Demand Oxygen Pressure Breathing Regulator 11/01/59 Aro Equipment Corp. 50 A 52 Replacement of Bracket Assy., Set Screw & Demand Valve Stem on Oxygen Regulator 07/01/53 Bendix 9657 9658 9659 9660 9661 A-12, AN6004-1 50 A 53 50 A 57 50 A 58 50 A 59 50 A 60 50 A 61 50 A 50 9662 9663 9664 9665 9666 9669 9672 9673 9674 9675 AD-1876, A-15 11/01/52 06/01/55 Scott Aviation AD-1876, A-15 11/01/52 226-20004, 22612/01/64 20004-2, 226-200043, 226-27001 Scott Aviation RobertshawFulton Pioneer-Central 61 Emergency Oxygen System 29604-A1 05/01/60 Pioneer-Central A 72 AD-1876, A-15 03/01/54 Scott Aviation 50 A 509 Portable Demand Oxygen Regulator Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator 50 A 511 50 50 A B 50 50 9670 9671 08/01/53 Miniature Oxygen Breathing 29211-B1, 29211-C1 04/01/62 Regulator Replacement of Cover Assy. A-13, A-15 10/01/53 on Oxygen Regulators 9667 9668 Replacement of Rubber Parts in All Demand Type Oxygen Regulators Portable Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Portable Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Aviator's Miniature Oxygen Breathing Regulators 2858-A1, 2858-A1A, 2858-B1, 2858-C1 Eclipse-Pioneer 04/01/54 512 1 Oxygen Regulator Repair by Fleet Units Off-On Pressure Reducer F1553 Oxygen Mask A-10 (Revised) B 2 Oxygen Mask A-8B 10/01/45 B 6 Deman Oxygen Mask A-14A 10/01/56 02/01/56 02/01/43 Firewel Acushnet Process Co. Ohio Chemical & Mfg Co. Ohio Chemical Co. 50 B 7 Automatic Pressure Breathing Regulator F376105-1, F376105- 11/01/62 5, F376105-7, F376105-5, F3761057 Firewel 50 B 16 Oxygen Masks A-13A, MS-22001 07/01/53 Mine Safety Appliances Co. 50 B 19 A-13A 10/01/49 50 B 24 A-13, A-13A 10/01/51 Mine Safety Appliances 50 B 26 MS-22001 01/01/52 50 B 27 DM-425 10/01/53 Acushnet Process Co. Linde Air Products 50 B 501 Inspection of Pressure Demand Oxygen Masks Inspection & Rework of Snap Component on Oxygen Masks Pressure Breathing Oxygen Mask Inspection, Replacement & Removal from Service: Exhalation Valve Liquid Oxygen Converter 74967-3 07/01/56 50 B 502 Automatic Pressure Oxygen F1732, F1732-1, Breathing Regulator F1732-2, F1732-3 01/01/60 50 B 503 Pressure Breathing Oxygen Mask 77900, 77901, 77902, MS 22001 10/01/57 Mine Safety Appliances 50 B 504 Pressure Breathing Oxygen Mask 77900, 77901, 77902, MS 22001 10/01/57 Mine Safety Appliances 50 C 3 Low Pressure Oxygen Cylinders A-6, B-3, D-2, F-1, F2, G-1, J-1 08/01/53 50 C 5 Emergency Bail-Out Oxygen H-2 Cylinder 9676 9677 9678 9679 9680 9681 9682 9683 9684 9685 9686 9687 04/01/54 Mine Safety Appliances Firewel 50 C 8 Modification of Emergency Oxygen Cylinders H-2 07/01/53 50 C 9 Inspection of Break-Off H-2 Nipple in Emergency Oxygen Bail-Out Cylinder Assy. 11/01/51 50 C 9 Inspection of Break-Off H-2 Nipple in Emergency Oxygen Bail-Out Cylinder Assy. 06/01/53 50 C 11 06/01/53 Erie 50 C 12 06/01/53 Erie 50 C 502 Emergency Oxygen Cylinder 214A2 Assy. Emergency Oxygen Cylinder 214A2 Assy. Cylinder Assy. 2CD-5564 05/01/54 50 50 C CS 504 501 50 D 50 50 9688 9689 9690 9691 9692 9693 9694 9695 9696 9697 9698 02/01/56 07/01/57 4 Off-On Pressure Reducer F2059 Oxygen Cylinder & Regulator 6000-B1-0-1 Assy. Oxygen Flow Indicator A-3, AN6029-1 AmericanLaFrance Firewel Scott Aviation 09/01/45 Delco D D 5 7 Oxygen Pressure Gage Pressure Suit Indicator 09/01/50 07/01/63 Kollsman 50 D 7 Oxygen Equipment: Removal G-1 of Pressure Signal Assy. & Warning Light 09/01/44 50 D 8 Low Pressure Oxygen Gages GA-15A, GA-15B, AN6021-1A 06/01/54 Acragage Corp. 50 D 9 Low Pressure Oxygen Gage 02/01/52 Acragage Corp. 9699 9700 9701 A K-1 A34830 10 004 GA-40-A, AN6011-1 9702 9703 9704 9705 9706 9707 9708 9709 9710 9711 9712 9713 9714 9715 9716 9717 9718 9719 50 D 10 50 50 E E 2 3 50 E 5 50 E 5 50 E 7 50 E 8 50 E 10 50 E 11 50 E 12 50 E 14 50 E 15 50 E 16 50 E 501 50 E 50 A Liquid Oxygen Contents Gauge Oxygen Line Valves Low Pressure Oxygen Line Valves Rework of Oxygen Filler Valves Rework of Oxygen Filler Valves Automatic High Pressure Oxygen Valve Automatic High Pressure Oxygen Valve Oxygen Shutoff Globe Valve Assy. Oxygen Shutoff Globe Valve Assy. Low Pressure Oxygen Line Valve Liquid Oxygen Build-Up & Vent Valves Liquid Oxygen Filler Valves 2424-52A-A1 02/01/53 Eclipse-Pioneer 4353 4352 02/01/52 03/01/52 Bastian-Blessing Bastian-Blessing 04/01/48 Schrader 08/01/48 Schrader 5605 12/01/50 Superior Valve 5605 12/01/50 Superior Valve 5-850-75 12/01/51 Parker 5-850-75 12/01/51 Parker 4352, 1, 2 02/01/52 Bastian-Blessing FR-2-A1, FR-2-A2, FR- 02/01/57 2-B2 FR-1-A1, FR-1-A2, FR- 02/01/57 1-B2 High Pressure Shutoff Valve FR-3-B1 02/01/53 Pioneer-Central Pioneer-Central Pioneer-Central 800402, 871474 07/01/59 Kidde 503 Self-Opening High Pressure Oxygen Valve Selector Valve 2CD-5038 05/01/54 E 504 Selector Valve 2CD-6030 05/01/54 50 E 505 50 E 507 Liquid Oxygen Vent & Build- 10803, 10803-1 Up Valve Off-On Pressure Reducer F1923 AmericanLaFrance AmericanLaFrance Aro Equipment Corp. Firewel 12/01/57 06/01/59 9720 9721 9722 50 E 508 50 50 F F 1 9 50 F 503 50 F 504 Liquid Oxygen Converter 29019-1-A1, 29023-1- 12/01/59 A1, 29024-1-A1, 29024-1-B1 Pioneer-Central 50 F 505 Liquid Oxygen Converter 29016-1-A1, 29022-1- 07/01/61 A1, 29022-A2 Pioneer-Central 50 F 507 78113-A 08/01/59 50 F 508 78113-A 04/01/59 50 GA 502 Liquid Oxygen Converter Assy. Liquid Oxygen Converter Assy. Liquid Oxygen Quantity Transmitter GH-1-A1, GH-3-A1, GH-11-A1 09/01/57 Mine Safety Appliances Mine Safety Appliances Pioneer-Central 50 50 GB GB 1 2 Liquid Oxygen Converter Liquid Oxygen Converter 29047-1-A1 78087 09/01/62 02/01/62 50 GBA 8 21104 02/01/60 50 GBA 9 15425 12/01/59 50 GBA 10 15425 12/01/59 50 GBA 11 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter Portable High Pressure Oxygen Unit Portable High Pressure Oxygen Unit Portable High Pressure Oxygen Unit 15425 12/01/59 9723 Pilot's Pressure Suit Vent Air F2020, F2020-3 10/01/61 Control Liquid Oxygen Converter 29000-1-A1 10/01/52 Liquid Oxygen Converter 29044-1-A1, 29044-1- 08/01/62 A1A Liquid Oxygen Converter 29019-1-A1, 29023-1- 12/01/59 A1, 29024-1-A1, 29024-1-B1 9724 9725 9726 9727 9728 9729 9730 9731 9732 9733 9734 Firewel Eclipse-Pioneer Pioneer-Central Pioneer-Central Pioneer-Central Mine Safety Appliances Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. 9735 9736 9737 9738 9739 9740 9741 9742 9743 9744 9745 9746 9747 9748 50 GBA 12 8 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Container Assy. 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Container Assy. 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 5-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 10-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter Liquid Oxygen Converter 21062-1 05/01/60 21062-1 05/01/60 14460 11/01/57 14460 11/01/57 21150 02/01/61 21150 02/01/61 14100-1 11/01/58 14100-1 11/01/58 0101-0C08 08/01/64 Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Linde Co. 50 GBA 13 50 GBA 501 50 GBA 502 50 GBA 503 50 GBA 504 50 GBA 505 50 GBA 506 50 GBB 1 50 GBD 29073-B1, 29073-C1 03/01/66 Pioneer-Central 50 GBD 9 Liquid Oxygen Converter 29073-B1, 29073-C1 02/01/66 Pioneer-Central 50 50 GCA GCA 501 502 Oxygen Toggle Valve Relief & Shutoff Valve 30050-1 30051-12, 30051-1 03/01/58 05/01/58 Futurecraft Futurecraft 50 GCB 1 06/01/59 Firewel 50 GCB 2 10/01/62 Firewel 50 GCB 3 06/01/63 Firewel 50 GCB 4 FNS Pilot's Oxygen 3-Position F953000-1 Valve Emergency Oxygen System F1513000-1, F1513000-5, F1513000-7 Automatic Pressure F319760-13, Breathing Regulator F319760-15 Emergency Oxygen Cylinder F3981000-1 Assy. 06/01/63 Firewel 9749 9750 9751 50 GCB 5 10-Liter Liquid Oxygen 21170, 21088-2 Converter & Combination Fill Build-Up & Vent Valve 09/01/61 Aro Equipment Corp. 50 GCB 6 21170-2 05/01/64 50 GCB 7 21170-2 05/01/64 50 GCB 8 F2827100-1A 06/01/63 Aro Equipment Corp. Aro Equipment Corp. Firewel 50 GCB 9 F524100-3, GR70 06/01/63 Firewel 50 GCB 10 10-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter 10-Liter Liquid Oxygen Converter Helmet Mounting Regulator Assy. Pressure Breathing Suit Regulator Reducing Valve 01/01/69 Aro Equipment Corp. 50 50 GCC GCE 1 1 Regulating Valve Assy. Oxygen Shutoff Valve Assy. F103D000-1, F103D000-7, F103D000-11 125D0300-1 292000-2 03/01/60 12/01/62 Cornelius Essex Mfg Co. 50 GDA 501 Oxygen Regulator 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9758 9759 9760 14950-7A, 14800-8, 10/01/67 14800-8A, 14950-26, 14950-27, 14950-28, MD-1, CRU-44/A, CRU-54/A, CRU-55/A Aro Equipment Corp. 50 GDA 502 Oxygen Regulator 14950-7A, 14800-8, 11/01/73 14800-8A, 14950-26, 14950-27, 14950-28, MD-1, CRU-44/A, CRU-54/A, CRU-55/A Aro Equipment Corp. 50 GDA 503 Oxygen Regulator 14950-7A, 14800-8, 11/01/73 14800-8A, 14950-26, 14950-27, 14950-28, MD-1, CRU-44/A, CRU-54/A, CRU-55/A Aro Equipment Corp. 50 GDB 1 Automatic Diluter Demand Pressure Breathing Oxygen Regulator 2894-10A-A2 10/01/58 Pioneer-Central 50 GDB 2 Automatic Diluter Demand Pressure Breathing Oxygen Regulator 2894-10A-A2, 2894- 05/01/63 6B-A4, 2894-10A-B2, 2894-6B-B2, 289410A-A2A Pioneer-Central 50 GDB 3 Automatic Diluter Demand Pressure Breathing Oxygen Regulator 2894-10A-A2, 2894- 05/01/63 6B-A4, 2894-10A-B2, 2894-6B-B2, 289410A-A2A Pioneer-Central 9761 9762 9763 9764 9765 9766 9767 50 GDB 4 50 GDB 5 50 GDB 6 50 GDB 7 50 GWF 1 50 HE Pressure Opening: Pressure Closing Valve Pressure Demand Oxygen Regulator Pressure Demand Oxygen Regulator FR-15-A1-70 05/01/61 Pioneer-Central 29255-10A-A1 10/01/63 Pioneer-Central 29255-10A-A1, 29255-10A-A4, 29255-10A-B9, 29255-6B-B1 06/01/76 Pioneer-Central Pressure Demand Oxygen Regulator 29255-10A-A1, 29255-10A-B9, 29255-6B-B1 01/01/71 Pioneer-Central Individual Diluter Demand Unit Pilot's Quick Disconnect Coupling Oxygen Equipment Oxygen Cylinders Oxygen Equipment: Modification of Oxygen Masks Oxygen Equipment: Oxygen Testing Kit Oxygen Equipment: Oxygen Testing Kit Oxygen Equipment: Use of Thread Compounds on Oxygen Fittings & Connections Oxygen Equipment: Relocation of Filler Valve Plug Assy. Chain 15425 02/01/64 Firewel 297000-2 07/01/61 Essex A-8B 06/01/60 07/01/42 06/01/42 K-1, K-2 05/01/45 K-1, K-2 07/01/45 9768 9769 9770 9771 9772 9773 1 50 50 50 1 4 15 50 26 50 26 50 28 50 29 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 A 04/01/44 04/01/44 9779 9780 50 30 50 31 50 32 Replacement of Clip Assy.: Oxygen Mask to Regulator Female Connector 50 33 50 36 50 38 50 39 50 50 41 517 9781 9786 9787 9788 9789 9792 03/01/45 A 1 55 A 2 55 A 8 55 AA 1 55 AB 2 Life Raft Inflation Equipment 9790 9791 Oxygen Equip. 55 9783 9785 03/01/45 Discontinuance of Using Brass Fittings in Oxygen Systems Oxygen Cylinder & SelfOpening Valve, & Pressure Reducer Assy. Oxygen Cylinder & Hand Wheel Valve Assy. Oxygen Cylinder & Hand Wheel Valve Assy. Reducer Assy. Naval Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Handbook Air Flow Control Valve Pressure Suit System D-C Selsyn Position Indicators & Transmitters Carbon Dioxide Inflation Equipment: Charging Cylinders for Extreme Temperature Operation Inflation Gear for Life Rafts 9782 9784 Index of Army/Navy Oxygen Equip. Equipment Pressure-Breathing Demand Oxygen Equip. 07/01/44 01/01/45 870546 09/01/59 Kidde 07/01/54 Kidde Kidde F2329205-1 02/01/60 07/01/49 Firewel 483000 12/01/64 Essex Mfg. Co. 03/01/45 General Electric 12/01/44 4396, A-3 11/01/43 Bastian-Blessing 07/01/53 Kidde 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 55 AB 2 Life Raft Inflation Equipment 01/01/55 Kidde 55 AB 3 Life Raft Inflation Equipment 01/01/52 Kidde 55 AB 3 Life Raft Inflation Equipment 01/01/55 Kidde 55 AB 4 Cutter Head Assy. 800554, 9660099, H 10/01/55 Kidde 55 AB 5 Cutter Head Assy. 800554, 9660099, H 04/01/51 Kidde 55 AB 7 Long Stroke Piston Release 966055, R-4321 Kidde 60 AA 1 AA 2 60 AA 3 114-D-100-1, 114-D- 09/01/50 100-2 114-D-100-1, 114-D- 09/01/50 100-2 6-1749-76 12/01/51 Cornelius 60 Nitrogen Pressure Regulating Valves Nitrogen Pressure Regulating Valves Nitrogen Check Valve Assy. 60 AA 4 Relief Valve Assy. 1-2550-77, 2-1848- 01/01/52 75, 2-2850-76, 53149-81M1, 6-214675, 9-2949-75, 122048-76R1 Parker 60 AA 5 Relief Valve Assy. 1-2550-77, 2-1848- 01/01/52 75, 2-2850-76, 53149-81M1, 6-214675, 9-2949-75, 122048-76R1 Parker 65 A 1 Rescue Hoist 1141R65 Western Gear Corp. 9802 9803 9804 04/01/53 06/01/60 Cornelius Parker 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 65 A 2 Rescue & Cargo Hoist 1860R81 09/01/63 Western Gear Corp. Western Gear Corp. Minn-Honeywell 65 AA 1 DC Motor 1141E3 06/01/60 65 AA 23 Compensator JG7031A 08/01/55 65 AT 1 Hoist Shear Circuit Tester 1016 08/01/60 65 B 1 Winch Assy. BL-4000-8, BL-4000-5 04/01/66 Rocket Power/Talco Breeze 65 B 2 Winch Assy. BL-4000-8, BL-4000-5 04/01/66 Breeze 65 BA 1 Winch Control Valve S6168-64125-041 09/01/65 Sikorsky 65 C 1 Aeroquip C 2 3580B, 3580B Mod. 1, 3580E 3580B 02/01/66 65 12/01/64 Aeroquip 65 65 CA DA 2 1 BL-4701-1 70944-2 12/01/65 12/01/65 Breeze Adel 65 DA 2 70961-1 12/01/65 Adel 65 DA 3 70981-3 12/01/65 Adel 65 DN 1 53F00501 09/01/64 NY Air Brake 65 DN 2 53F00501 09/01/64 NY Air Brake 65 65 65 65 65 EA EA FA FA FA 1 2 1 2 3 Helicopter Cargo Hook Assy., 10,000lb. Helicopter Cargo Hook Assy., 10,000lb. Pendant Control Directional Control Valve Assy. Directional Control Valve Assy. Directional Control Valve Assy. Stratopower Hydraulic Motor Stratopower Hydraulic Motor Hydraulic Servo Valve Hydraulic Servo Valve Vermoor Winch Assy. Vermoor Winch Assy. Tow Winch Assy. 124648-1-1 124648-1-1 172750 172750 172700 04/01/65 04/01/65 12/01/65 12/01/65 12/01/65 Airesearch Airesearch Curtiss-Wright Curtiss-Wright Curtiss-Wright 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 65 65 65 65 FA FA GAA KAM 4 5 1 1 Tow Winch Assy. Heat Exchanger Cargo Boom Winch Assy. Winch w/o Motor 65 WG 1 Retrieving Winch 172700 12/01/65 8437-A 11/01/65 6153-62360-1 12/01/65 WE-2003-1, K682162- 08/01/65 5 1184R100, 1184R125 06/01/62 65 WG 2 Retrieving Winch 1184R100, 1184R125 06/01/62 65 6 Air Sea Rescue Winch 5 65 39 Winch Assy.: Less Motor BL-1620-3, BL-1620- 11/01/61 4, BL-1620-5, 336-1C, 336-1-D, 336-1-E 65 41 All Purpose Winch 62 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 42 All Purpose Winch 63 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 43 All Purpose Winch 63 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 44 Hoisting Winch 65 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 45 Hoisting Winch 65 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 46 Hoisting Winch 67 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 47 Hoisting Winch 67 07/01/59 All American Engr 65 65 65 65 501 504 511 514 Auxiliary Power Plant Auxiliary Power Plant Auxiliary Power Plant Auxiliary Power Plant 30C-2, Navy 30D, Navy I-A 30C-1, Navy I 30D, Navy I-A 01/01/44 08/01/44 02/01/44 11/01/43 Lawrance Lawrance Lawrance Lawrance 9832 9833 9834 9835 9836 9837 9838 9839 9840 9841 9842 9843 09/01/47 Curtiss-Wright Stewart-Warner Sikorsky Wadell Western Gear Corp. Western Gear Corp. All American Aviation Breeze 9844 9845 9846 9847 9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 9859 65 65 515 517 Auxiliary Power Plant Auxiliary Power Plant 30C-2, Navy I 30D-1, Navy I-B 01/01/44 03/01/44 Lawrance Lawrance 65 518 Auxiliary Power Plant Lawrance 65 65 519 524 Auxiliary Power Plant All Purpose Winch 30D, 30D-1, Navy I-A, 04/01/44 I-B 30C-1, Navy I 04/01/44 62 12/01/54 Lawrance All American Engr 65 526 All Purpose Winch 64 10/01/58 All American Engr 65 527 All Purpose Winch 64 10/01/58 All American Engr 65 528 Rescue Winch Assy. BL-413, BL-413-1 11/01/56 Breeze 65 65 65 70 70 70 Winch Control Assy. Winch Winch Heaters Auxiliary Space Heater Aircraft Janitrol Heaters 079-8961 BL-1620 BL-1620 A A A 530 536 537 1 3 4 70 A 5 Skyheat Aircraft Heaters SGE-1 70 70 A A 6 7 Space Heater Aircraft Heaters 901-A 08/01/44 906A, 906A1, 906A2, 08/01/53 906A3, 906B, 906B1, 906D, 906D1, 906F, 906F1, 906G, 906H 70 A 8 Automatic Strato-Heaters 11, 28-AC10-45 07/01/45 70 A 9 Heaters 911-B 06/01/45 9860 9861 9862 08/01/56 03/01/58 03/01/58 08/01/44 782-F 10/01/43 Series 15, 40-50, 100 10/01/51 10/01/44 Goodyear Breeze Breeze Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner Surface Combustion Co. Anchor Post Fence Co. Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner Selas Corp of America Stewart-Warner 70 A 10 Aircraft Heater & Duct Pressure Switches 917-A, 917-C, 917-D, 08/01/52 951-A, 951-B 70 A 13 70 A 13 Aircraft Heater Cumbustion Air Valve Aircraft Heaters & Combustion Air Valve 920, 921, 930, G08/01/53 10/01/53 Stewart-Warner 475015-A 920, 921, 930 Series, 08/01/53 04/01/54 Stewart-Warner G-475015-A 70 A 13 Aircraft Heaters & Combustion Air Valve 920, 921, 930 Series, 04/01/54 G-475015-A Stewart-Warner 70 A 14 Aircraft Heaters & Combustion Air Valve 920, 921, 930 Series, 10/01/53 G-475015-A Stewart-Warner 70 70 70 A A A 15 16 18 Axivane Aircraft Fans Axivane Aircraft Fans Heater Assy. 04/01/55 06/01/54 11/01/51 Joy Joy Dynamic Air 70 A 20 Ignition Unit A11C30 03/01/59 70 A 20 Cabin Electric Heater Assy. 36E9500 Series 05/01/54 Surface Combustion Convair 70 A 21 Cabin Electric Heater Assy. 36E9500 Series 03/01/54 Convair 70 A 21 Ignition Unit B11C30 03/01/59 70 A 505 Pressure Regulators B54A20, 59A79, B52A26 09/01/50 Surface Combustion Surface Combustion 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 M2001A-6A, M3124A-1C, M4001A6A, M4004A-6B Stewart-Warner 70 A 506 Ignition Units 61A78, 51A07, 51A42, 1D, 1A, 1G 07/01/49 70 A 509 R83VCH-51C60 08/01/54 70 A 510 R83VCH-47C190-2 08/01/54 70 A 511 70 A 512 A 515 25430141-01, 01/01/60 25430141-02 25430563, 25430563- 06/01/60 01 51C239-1, 51C242-1 01/01/57 Vapor 70 Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Aircraft Oil Temperature Control Thermostat Electronic Regulator 70 A 516 Electronic Regulator 51C239-1, 51C242-1 01/01/57 Vapor 70 AB 1 Aircraft Heaters 02/01/52 70 AB 2 04/01/58 70 AB 3 04/01/58 Surface Combustion 70 AB 6 Aircraft Heaters & Accessories, Janitrol AircraftAutomotive Div. Aircraft Heaters & Accessories, Janitrol AircraftAutomotive Div. Aircraft Heater 30C23, S-600 02/01/59 70 AB 7 Sealed Control Assy. 30C45, A30C45 08/01/60 Surface Combustion Midland-Ross 70 AB 8 Aircraft Heater 23C47, A23C47, S-50 03/01/61 Midland-Ross 70 70 70 70 AB AB AB AB 9 10 11 12 Aircraft Heater Aircraft Heater Sealed Control Assy. Aircraft Heater Assy. 63C28, S-100 52C90, S-100 54C00 27C56, S-200 Midland-Ross Midland-Ross Midland-Ross Janitrol 9876 9877 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 04/01/60 04/01/60 05/01/60 05/01/61 Surface Combustion Vapor Vapor Surface Combustion Surface Combustion 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 70 70 70 70 AB AB AB AB 14 15 16 501 Aircraft Heater Sealed Control Assy. Sealed Control Assy. Interior Lights Control Panel 11/01/64 05/01/65 05/01/65 04/01/55 Janitrol Aero Janitrol Aero Janitrol Aero McDonnell Aircraft Heater Aircraft Heater A83C84 C65C30 C65C30 15-60167-1, 1560157-3 42C59, S-50 42C60, S-100 70 70 AB AB 502 503 06/01/60 11/01/58 504 Aircraft Heater 42C61, S-600 11/01/58 AB 505 Aircraft Heater A09C84, V-50 12/01/58 70 70 AC AC 2 3 Heater Heater 977 11/01/50 977-A, 977-B, 977-B1 03/01/52 Midland-Ross Surface Combustion Surface Combustion Surface Combustion Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner 70 AB 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 AC AC AC AC AD AD 5 9 501 502 2 3 979-B1 962-A 960-B5 960-B5 1099A 1316 05/01/52 11/01/53 05/01/54 05/01/54 07/01/50 12/01/50 Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner Wesix Wesix 70 AD 4 1316 12/01/50 Wesix 70 AE 1 ND-47-E 05/01/52 70 70 AF AF 501 502 C-883 C-980 09/01/57 09/01/57 Electrical Products Corp. Cole Cole 70 AG 1 Heater Assy. Engine Preheater Combustion Heater Combustion Heater Electric Cabin Air Heater Camera Window Defroster Assy. Camera Window Defroster Assy. Single-Pole Double-Throw Relay Electric Air Heater Assy. Tandem Electric Air Heater Assy. Fuel Heater Assy. 93440-1 08/01/60 70 70 70 B B B 1 2 2 Heater Fuel Pump Heater Fuel Pump Heater Fuel Pump 3003-A 3003-A 3003-A 06/01/46 10/01/50 09/01/55 A StandardThomson Weldon Weldon Weldon 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 70 70 B B 3 5 Heater Fuel Pump Motor & Vane Pumps 3003-A 121002-040 Series 04/01/52 02/01/51 Weldon Pesco 70 B 6 121002 Series 02/01/57 Pesco 70 B 501 3003-A 05/01/54 Weldon 70 70 70 70 BW C C C 1 1 2 4 Electric Motor Driven Fuel Pump Electric Motor Driven Fuel Heater Pump Heater Fuel Pump Air Ram Switch Air Ram Switch Air Pressure Switch 3008-A 117D-1E 117D-1E PG208AS, PG208B, PG208C 09/01/60 02/01/49 02/01/49 03/01/54 Weldon McQuay-Norris McQuay-Norris Minn-Honeywell 70 C 5 Air Pressure Switch PG208AS, PG208B, PG208C 03/01/54 Minn-Honeywell 70 C 7 Differential Pressure Switch 3133-2-B, 3133-2-C, 02/01/56 3145-1-A, 3145-1-A12, 3145-1-A-15, 3145-1-A-40 Eclipse-Pioneer 70 C 8 Differential Pressure Switch 3133-2-C 10/01/52 Eclipse-Pioneer 70 C 9 Differential Pressure Switch P-906 03/01/51 Aerotec 70 C 10 Differential Pressure Switch P-906 02/01/51 Aerotec 70 C 11 Differential Pressure Switches P-904-1, P-904-2, PA- 01/01/58 904-1 Aerotec 70 C 12 Differential Pressure Switches P-904-1, P-904-2, PA- 01/01/58 904-1 Aerotec 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 9931 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 70 70 C C 13 14 70 70 C C 501 502 70 CA 501 70 CV 502 Temperature Control Switch 25632905, 25632905- 10/01/59 01, 25632905-02 70 CV 503 Temperature Control Switch 50B478-1 03/01/58 Vapor 70 D 1 Blower Assy. P-403-1, P-403-2 11/01/50 Torrington 70 D 2 Blower Assy. P-403-1, P-403-2 11/01/50 Torrington 70 70 70 D D D 7 8 9 Window Defroster Assy. Window Defroster Assy. Blower Assy. 1101, 1101B 10/01/50 1101, 1101B 09/01/51 CM-050-6CC, 1107, 07/01/51 1116, 1149, SA-2506FC English & Lauer English & Lauer English & Lauer 70 D 10 Blower Assy. CM-050-6CC, 1107, 07/01/51 1116, 1149, SA-2506FC English & Lauer 70 D 13 Axial Flow Compressors 54-001, 74-001 05/01/52 Western Design 70 D 15 Centrifugal Fans 10P, B15 04/01/53 70 D 26 Combustion Blowers & Ventilation Blowers Ilg Electrical Ventilating Co. Dean & Benson 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 Thermo Control Unit Electronic Switch Demodulator Unit Pressure Actuated Switch Cockpit Air Conditioning Control Switch Assy. Thermal Switches 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 952-B 215-27143-1 05/01/52 09/01/70 Stewart-Warner Vought 1510-80 5271310-502, 5271310-504 56A80 Series 11/01/52 08/01/53 Meletron Douglas 10/01/57 Surface Combustion Vapor 05/01/59 9948 9949 9950 9951 9952 70 D 27 70 70 D D 28 29 70 70 70 D D D 501 502 503 70 70 70 D D D 504 506 507 Aircraft Blower Assy. Vaneaxial Blower Fan & Heater with Motor 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 D D D D D D D D D 509 511 512 513 514 516 517 518 520 70 D 522 Blower & Heater Vaneaxial Blower Centrifugal Blower Vaneaxial Blower Vaneaxial Blower Blower Centrifugal Blower Vaneaxial Blower Centrifugal Fan & with Motor Tubeaxial Fan & with Motor 70 D 524 Fan & Heater 70 D 525 70 DB 1 9953 9954 9955 Combustion Blowers & Ventilation Blowers Oil Cooling Blower R-2142-1 Vaneaxial Fan & with Motor M9201A-1B, M30423A Blower Assy. B-9A-599 Axial Blower B-9A-604 Aircraft Blower Assy. 1107, 1116 CM025-41/2CC, CM025-4CC 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9967 9968 9969 05/01/59 Dean & Benson 04/01/60 05/01/61 Dean & Benson Dynamic Air 05/01/54 05/01/54 11/01/59 Globe Industries Globe Industries English & Lauer 1152 M5862AB-1E M2102E, M2912D, R17DAE-M2102E 06/01/54 07/01/54 02/01/60 English & Lauer Dynamic Air Dynamic Air M2780 M8861AE-1A C100F-3 M2971A-2A M2881A-1A1 X702-129 C205A-3 M8861AC-1A C175A-3E, ANM3416AJ M4381B-1B1, M311A 07/01/54 12/01/55 12/01/55 12/01/55 12/01/55 03/01/56 08/01/56 08/01/56 05/01/57 Dynamic Air Dynamic Air Dynamic Air Dynamic Air Dynamic Air Joy Dynamic Air Dynamic Air Dynamic Air 10/01/57 Dynamic Air 04/01/58 Dynamic Air 07/01/58 Dynamic Air 07/01/60 Dean & Benson M3022-91, M3022911 Vaneaxial Fan & with Motor M8862B-8B1, M2636A11 Axial Flow Blower R-3171-1 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 70 DB 2 R-3558-1, K677012-1 10/01/65 Benson/Kaman X702-343 X702-343 500702-4530 8401 1 Axial Flow Blower & Oil Cooler Blower Assy. Blower Blower Oil Cooler Blower Assy. Electric Motor Drive Cabin Air Blower Blower Assy. 70 70 70 70 DE DE DE DF 1 2 3 3 Joy Joy Joy American Electronics General Dynamics/ Electro Dynamic 70 DG 70 70 70 70 E E F F 1 2 1 1 Ignition Units Ignition Units Axivane Aircraft Fan Axial Flow Compressor Assy. 925 Series 925 Series X702-146D 56-001 11/01/56 11/01/56 10/01/60 04/01/52 Stewart-Warner Stewart-Warner Joy Western Design 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 F FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Blower Axivane Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan X702-207 X702-329 X702-169 U702-24H X702-181A X702-194A X702-109A X702-159 X702-274 X702-257 X702-50C X702-50AA X702-276 X702-204A 10/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 03/01/62 10/01/60 10/01/60 10/01/60 08/01/60 08/01/60 Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy 9975 9976 9977 9978 9979 9980 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9991 9992 9993 01/01/61 01/01/61 08/01/64 05/01/63 2660-68-3, 2660-68- 11/01/65 7, 2660-68-11, 266068-5, 2660-730-X, 2660-815-2X, 5040GX-44, 5040-GX-44 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 FA FA FA FA FA FB FC 501 502 503 504 505 1 2 Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Axivane Aircraft Fan Ventilating Air Fan Vaneaxial Fan X702-115 X702-146A X702-89A X702-119A X702-88A R-2879-1 2158-36320-3, 215836320-4, A25510-2, A25510-4 07/01/58 07/01/58 07/01/58 07/01/58 07/01/58 03/01/64 08/01/70 Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Benson Mfg Co. Torrington 70 G 1 Solenoid Valve 13124 03/01/60 Allen Engineering 70 G 2 Solenoid Valve 13096 03/01/60 Allen Engineering 70 GA 501 Damper Valve 10Z774-032-100 04/01/58 Goodyear 70 GB 1 Valve & Actuator Assy. 70 GB 2 3" Inline Valves 25640013, 03/01/63 259400002 26040013, 26040014 05/01/65 70 70 GB GC 3 1 Inline Check Valve 26130037-01 Hot Air Solenoid Valve Assy. KW10412 08/01/65 07/01/65 Vapor Koontz-Wagner 70 HA 501 Control Assy. 11C24 09/01/57 70 HA 502 34C64 10/01/57 70 HA 503 Control Assy. 42C81, A42C81 11/01/58 70 HB 501 Shielded Lead Assy. 29C09 Series 08/01/58 70 70 J KA 501 501 Electric Heater 8032 Spring Loaded Fuel Pressure 08C75 Series Regulators 02/01/56 10/01/57 Surface Combustion Surface Combustion Surface Combustion Surface Combustion Janco Surface Combustion 10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 Vapor Vapor 10014 70 503 Strato-Heater 28ZR6Y45 05/01/44 G1100 Series 11/01/46 Selas Corp of America Minn-Honeywell 75 A 1 Aircraft Cabin Temperture Control Systems 75 A 4 Cabin Temperature Amplifier G405A, G405B, & Amplifier Rack G1074A, G1074B 10/01/55 Minn-Honeywell 75 A 5 Cabin Temperature Amplifier G405A, G405B, & Amplifier Rack G1074A, G1074B 10/01/55 Minn-Honeywell 75 A 6 Control Point Selector G1087AE1, G1087A2 05/01/51 Minn-Honeywell 75 A 7 Control Point Selector G1087AE1, G1087A2 05/01/51 Minn-Honeywell 75 A 8 Cabinstat G500C4, G500D1, G500D3 10/01/51 Minn-Honeywell 75 A 9 Cabinstat G500C, G500D 01/01/56 Minn-Honeywell 75 AIR 4 Electronic Floating Control Temperature Regulator 30058-34 06/01/60 Airesearch 75 AIR 5 Electronic Floating Control Temperature Regulator 30058-34 07/01/60 Airesearch 75 AIR 6 102076-3 01/01/62 Airesearch 75 AIR 7 102076-3 12/01/61 Airesearch 75 AIR 10 Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Pressure Regulating Valve 302984-1-1 02/01/73 Airesearch 10015 10016 10017 10018 10019 10020 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026 10027 75 AIR 20 75 AIR 33 75 AIR 501 75 AIR 502 75 AIR 503 75 75 75 B B B 9 10 11 75 B 12 75 B 13 75 75 75 B B B 14 15 16 75 B 501 75 B 502 75 75 75 75 B B B B 503 504 505 506 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 10036 10037 10038 10039 10040 10041 10042 10043 10044 10045 Temperature Regulating 129282-1-1 Valve Bleed Air Flow Modulating 898246-3-1 Pressure Regulator & Shutoff Valve 03/01/71 Airesearch 04/01/74 Airesearch Air Conditioning & Temperature Controller Air Conditioning & Temperature Controller Magnetic Amplifier Temperature Control Control Box Valve & Actuator Electronic Cockpit Temperature Control Electronic Cockpit Temperature Control Cabin Temperature Control Box Control Box Assy. Control Box Assy. Windshield Temperature Control Box Assy. Cockpit Temperature Control Box Cockpit Temperature Control Box Valve & Actuator Assy. Control Box Control Box Thermistor & Blower Assy. 106078, SR 8 07/01/61 Airesearch 106078, SR 8 07/01/61 Airesearch 47600-2, AMTC2-7-1 07/01/59 Airesearch CYLZ 5579-1 DYLZ 4625-1 CYLZ 5480-3 03/01/59 02/01/59 07/01/64 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman CYLZ 5480-3 07/01/64 Barber-Colman CYLZ 5905 12/01/60 Barber-Colman CYLZ 4271-2 CYLZ 6034 CYLZ 5837 11/01/60 05/01/61 09/01/63 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman CYLZ 5480-1 01/01/58 Barber-Colman CYLZ 5480-1 01/01/58 Barber-Colman DYLZ 5256 CYLZ 5252 CYLZ 6115 AYLF 6116 07/01/58 08/01/58 08/01/58 08/01/58 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 10046 10047 75 B 507 Thermistor & Blower Assy. AYLF 6013 08/01/58 Barber-Colman 75 B 508 Test Box 07/01/59 Barber-Colman 75 BA 2 Aircraft Actuators, Components of Temperature Control System CYLZ 5702, CYLZ 5702-1 FYLC Series 03/01/53 Barber-Colman 75 BA 3 Aircraft Actuators, FYLC Series Components of Temperature Control System 03/01/53 Barber-Colman 75 BA 4 Aircraft Actuators, EYLC Series Components of Temperature Control System 02/01/53 Barber-Colman 75 BA 5 EYLC Series Aircraft Actuators, Components of Temperature Control System 02/20/53 Barber-Colman 75 BA 6 AYLC Series Aircraft Actuators, Components of Temperature Control System 03/01/53 Barber-Colman 75 BA 7 Aircraft Actuators, AYLC Series Components of Temperature Control System 03/01/53 Barber-Colman 75 BA 8 BYLC Series Aircraft Actuators, Components of Temperature Control System 07/01/52 Barber-Colman 10048 10049 10050 10051 10052 10053 10054 75 BA 9 Aircraft Actuators, BYLC Series Components of Temperature Control System 75 BA 10 75 BA 11 Thermostatic Resistance Elements, Thermostats, Micropositioners, Rheostats, Control Boxes Thermostatic Resistance Elements, Thermostats, Micropositioners, Rheostats, Control Boxes, Heater Cycling Explosion Proof 75 BA 12 75 BA 13 75 BA 14 75 BA 15 75 BA 17 75 BA 19 75 BA 20 75 BA 21 75 BA 22 75 BA 23 10055 10056 10057 10058 10059 10060 10061 10062 10063 10064 10065 10066 10067 07/01/52 Barber-Colman AYLF, CYLD, FYLD, 04/01/53 AYLZ, BYLZ, CYLZ (All Series) Barber-Colman 04/01/53 AYLF, CYLD, FYLD, AYLZ, BYLZ, CYLZ (All Series) Barber-Colman Cockpit Temperature CYLZ 5511-1 Control Box Cockpit Temperature CYLZ 5511-1 Control Box Canopy Defrost Control Box CYLZ 5512-1, CYLZ 5512-2 Canopy Defrost Control Box CYLZ 5512-1, CYLZ 5512-2 NYLC 9834-1 Torque Limit Electromechanical Rotary Actuator Linear Actuator, Travel Limit SYLC 50114 07/01/64 Barber-Colman 07/01/64 Barber-Colman 07/01/64 Barber-Colman 07/01/64 Barber-Colman 10/01/69 Barber-Colman 10/01/73 Barber-Colman High Pressure Air Valve & Actuator Assy. High Pressure Air Valve & Actuator Assy. Temperature Sensing Element Control Box FYLC 2126 08/01/52 Barber-Colman FYLC 2126 08/01/52 Barber-Colman AYLF 2200-2 02/01/54 Barber-Colman CYLZ 2455-2 05/01/54 Barber-Colman 10068 10069 75 75 75 BA BA BA 24 25 501 Control Box Shock Mount Tray Control Box for Aircraft Temperature Control System CYLZ 3483-1 CYLZ 566M CYLZ 3703, CYLZ 3609, CYLZ 2808 05/01/54 05/01/54 05/01/54 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 75 BA 501 Barber- Colman BA 502 CYLZ 3703, CYLZ 3609 CYLZ 3703, CYLZ 3609, CYLZ 2808 11/01/53 75 Aircraft Temperature Control System Control Box for Aircraft Temperature Control System 05/01/54 Barber-Colman 75 BA 503 Control Box for Aircraft CYLZ 3534-1, CYLZ Temperature Control System 3734-1 05/01/54 Barber-Colman 75 BA 504 Control Box for Aircraft CYLZ 3534-1, CYLZ Temperature Control System 3734-1 05/01/54 Barber-Colman 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 BA BA BA BA BA BA BA 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 Drive Motor Aircraft Actuator Aircraft Actuator Thermostat Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. EYLC 2-1 FYLC 2981 EYLC 3043 FYLD 2822 JYLC 4031-1 JYLC 4031-1 JYLC 4033 Series 04/01/54 04/01/54 06/01/54 08/01/54 08/01/55 08/01/55 11/01/59 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 75 BA 512 Linear Actuator Assy. JYLC 4033 Series 06/01/59 Barber-Colman 75 75 75 75 75 BA BA BA BA BA 513 514 515 516 517 Linear Actuator Assy. Linear Actuator Assy. Rotary Actuator Rheostat Assy. Heater Cycling Control Box JYLC 4031-2 JYLC 4031-2 EYLC 4212 BYLZ 2418 CYLZ 4481 08/01/55 08/01/55 06/01/55 04/01/56 04/01/56 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 75 75 BA BA 518 519 Ballast Dump Actuator Rotary Actuator EYLC 3043-1 EYLC 4250 04/01/56 04/01/56 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 10070 10071 10072 10073 10074 10075 10076 10077 10078 10079 10080 10081 10082 10083 10084 10085 10086 10087 10088 10089 10090 10091 10092 10093 10094 10095 10096 10097 75 BA 520 Rotary Mechanical Actuator AYLC 2252-2 10/01/56 Barber-Colman 75 BA 521 11/01/56 Barber-Colman 75 BA 522 Remote Throttle Positioning CYLZ 4246-1 Control Box Heater Cycling Control Box CYLZ 3923 12/01/56 Barber-Colman 75 75 BA BA 523 524 BYLZ 3633 CYLZ 5511 12/01/56 07/01/58 Barber-Colman Barber-Colman 75 BA 525 CYLZ 5511 07/01/58 Barber-Colman 75 BA 526 Rheostat Cockpit Temperature Control Box Cockpit Temperature Control Box Canopy Defrost Control Box CYLZ 5512 07/01/58 Barber-Colman 75 BA 527 Canopy Defrost Control Box CYLZ 5512 07/01/58 Barber-Colman 75 C 1 Air Conditioning Valves 240-1090628-800, 11/01/50 240-3397502-0, 2403397502-2, 2403397521-0 Consolidated Vultee 75 C 2 Air Conditioning Valves 11/01/50 240-1090628-800, 240-3397502-0, 2403397502-2, 2403397521-0 Consolidated Vultee 75 D 6 75 D 7 Aircraft Temperature System 52C359 Control Box Temperature Control Box 25430135-02, 25430135-03, 25430135-06, 25430135-07 10098 10099 10100 10101 03/01/54 Vapor 09/01/61 Vapor 75 D 8 75 D 8 75 D 9 75 75 D D 10 11 75 D 501 75 D 502 75 E 1 75 F 501 75 F 502 75 F 503 75 F 504 75 F 505 75 F 507 10102 10103 10104 10105 10106 10107 10108 2.5" Inline Air Valve 25730032-04, 01/01/62 25730043-02, 25730043-03 Aircraft Temperature System 53C92 06/01/54 Control Box Dual Valve Assy. 25734202, 05/01/65 26044013, 26144053 Vapor Valve Assy. Temperature & Pressure Controller Windshield Temperature Controller Motor Actuated Hot Air Shutoff Valve Coolant Pump 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 Vapor 25734200 26130049-02 09/01/62 04/01/65 Vapor Vapor 25630125 05/01/58 Vapor C-79-01, 25533691 03/01/59 Schroder/Vapor 304279 04/01/66 Eastern Industries Div of LFE PAC2473, PAC2472 09/01/54 Pacific Airmotive PAC2473, PAC2472 09/01/54 Pacific Airmotive 602000 10/01/55 Pacific Airmotive 602000 10/01/55 Pacific Airmotive 607000, 603000 02/01/56 Pacific Airmotive Flow & Temperature Control 607000, 603000 System & Controller Assy. 02/01/56 Pacific Airmotive 10109 10110 Vapor Air Flow & Temperature Control Valve Assy. & Air Flow Controller Air Flow & Temperature Control Valve Assy. & Air Flow Controller Flow & Temperature Control Valve Flow & Temperature Control Valve Flow & Temperature Control System & Controller Assy. 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10122 75 75 75 G G G 2 3 501 Control Box Control Box Duct Mounting Temperature Pickups Damper Valve C1H7 01/01/59 C1H8 01/01/59 33500-05, 33500-10 03/01/56 Clifford Clifford Airesearch 75 GA 501 10Z774-032-100 04/01/58 Goodyear 75 H 2 Temperature Relay Control Box Temperature Controller Temperature Controller Electric Windshield Aircraft Temperature System Regulator Cabin Temperature Control System Programmer 25730048 12/01/60 Vapor 75 75 75 H H H 3 4 501 25730028-03 25730028-03 25432520-01, 25432520-02, 25432520-03 17784-7 02/01/61 02/01/61 01/01/58 Vapor Vapor Vapor 75 HP 1 01/15/63 U.S. Science Corp 75 HP 1 Cabin Temperature Control System Programmer 17784-7, 17784-9 05/01/64 U.S. Science Corp 75 HP 2 Water Separator Ice Sensor 17884-5 01/01/63 U.S. Science Corp. 75 HP 3 Temperature Control System Crocker 40D990, Bypass Valve & Turbine Air 40D980, US Science Shutoff Valve 17861-7, 17861-7 02/01/64 Crocker/U.S. Science 75 HS 1 Temperature Controller 588531-3, 588531-5 11/01/72 Hamilton Standard 75 HS 3 Selector & Indicator 588530-3 Hamilton Standard 10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 02/01/66 75 HS 4 Selector & Indicator, Temperature Controllers & Ice Limiting Sensor 588530-3, 588531-3, 06/01/73 588531-5, 588532-1 Hamilton Standard 75 HS 5 599482, 718320 01/01/72 Hamilton Standard 75 S 1 Cockpit Environmental Control Panels Temperature Controller 860-1 04/01/60 United Control Corp. Titeflex Metal Hose Co. 10130 10131 10132 75 1 75 502 80 80 80 80 A A A A 1 2 3 4 80 A 5 Cabin Pressure Regulators 80 A 5 Cabin Pressure Regulators 01/01/56 Airesearch 80 A 16 Electronic Floating Control Temperature Regulators 30058-3, 30058-10, 11/01/51 30058-11, 30058-14, 30058-24 Airesearch 80 A 17 Electronic Floating Control Temperature Regulators 30058-3, 30058-10, 11/01/52 30058-11, 30058-14, 30058-24 Airesearch 10133 10134 10135 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140 10141 10142 10/01/42 Radio Shielded Ignition Manifold Assy. for Wright 2600 Engine Motor Operated Slide Valves W7946-2D, W79472D Cabin Pressure Regulator 13014 Cabin Pressure Regulator 13014-8 Cabin Pressure Regulator 13014-8 Cabin Pressure Regulators 13051-4P 03/01/52 Whittaker 07/01/46 09/01/46 08/01/46 11/01/57 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 05/26/49 AiResearch 80 A 27 Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulators 102002-125500275, 05/01/57 102044-1, 102046-1, 102052-1, 102052-2, 102052-6, 102052-7, 102052-8, 102052-9, 12072-1 Airesearch 80 A 28 Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulators 102002-125500275, 05/01/57 102044-1, 102046-1, 102052-1, 102052-2, 102052-6, 102052-7, 102052-8, 102052-9, 12072-1 Airesearch 80 A 29 Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulators 14600-5-33, 1460033-3, CPR1-8 02/01/60 Airesearch 80 A 30 Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulators 14600-5-33, 1460033-3, CPR1-8 01/01/60 Airesearch 80 A 31 Cabin Pressure Regulator Assy. 36700-2, 36700-4, 36790, 567145 10/01/54 Pacific Airmotive 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 80 A 34 Cabin Pressure Regulator 966C-8-01, 966D-8- 08/01/53 01, 966E-4-03, 966F8-01, 966G-4-03 Kollsman 80 A 35 Cabin Pressure Regulator 966C-8-01, 966D-8- 07/01/53 01, 966E-4-03, 966F8-01, 966G-4-03 Kollsman 80 A 36 968C-01, 968B-01 09/01/53 Kollsman 80 A 37 968C-01, 968B-01 08/01/53 Kollsman 80 80 A A 43 44 Cornelius Airesearch A 46 02/01/60 Airesearch 80 80 A A 47 48 114-D-1500-1 102108-11, CPR1-801 13041-8-275, CPR224 14320-7 14740-2, CPR2-21-1 03/01/59 10/01/59 80 02/01/60 02/01/60 Airesearch Airesearch 80 A 49 Cabin Pressure Limits Control Cabin Pressure Limits Control Pressure Regulator Valve Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator 30lb Cabin Pressure Regulator Isobaric Changer Variable Isobaric 30lb Cabin Pressure Regulator Absolute Pressure Regulator 05/01/64 12275-2, 12275-4, 12275-4A, 12275-4B, 12275-4C Aro 80 A 50 83832, 83832-1 11/01/62 Airesearch 80 A 51 85027 12/01/61 Airesearch 80 A 53 12093 11/01/64 80 A 54 Cooling Turbine Heat Exchangers Cooling Turbine Heat Exchanger Absolute Air Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Regulator 16990 05/01/65 Carma Manufacturing Sterer 10148 10149 10150 10151 10152 10153 10154 10155 10156 10157 10158 10159 10160 10161 10162 10163 10164 10165 80 A 501 Cabin Pressure Regulator 31195-9-10-2. 75-2.3 11/01/50 Pacific Airmotive 80 A 502 30074 04/01/54 Airesearch 80 A 503 30074 04/01/54 Airesearch 80 A 505 33548 04/01/54 Airesearch 80 A 506 Electronic Cabin Temperature Regulator Electronic Cabin Temperature Regulator Electronic Temperature Regulator Differential Air Pressure Regulators 108008, 108008-3, 09/01/61 108008-4, 108008-6, 108008-7 Airesearch 80 80 A A 508 511 Cabin Pressure Regulator Cabin Pressure Regulator 13080-5-330 513325 Airesearch Pacific Airmotive 80 A 514 Aircraft Refrigeration Units 80064, 80140, 02/01/60 80177, 80177-1, 80186, 80188, 81760, 81860, 84170 80 80 80 A A A 515 516 518 Heat Exchangers Heat Exchangers Air Pressure Regulator Assy. 13200, 13200A, 13200B 08/01/58 02/01/60 02/01/58 Airesearch Airesearch Aro 80 A 520 Cabin Pressure Regulator 610000, 610000-1 01/01/56 Pacific Airmotive 80 A 523 106028 08/01/63 Airesearch 80 80 A A 524 525 Check & Shutoff VenturiType Air Flow Regulator Air Pressure Regulator Air Pressure Shutoff & Differential Regulator 108286 09/01/61 108126-160, APR16- 07/01/57 17 Airesearch Airesearch 10166 10167 10168 10169 10170 10171 10172 10173 10174 10175 10176 06/01/54 09/01/54 Airesearch 10177 10178 10179 10180 10181 10182 10183 10184 10185 10186 10187 80 A 526 Air Pressure Shutoff & Differential Regulator Electronic Cabin Temperature Regulator Electronic Cabin Temperature Regulator Oil Temperature Regulator 108126-160, APR16- 05/01/57 17 33542, TB2-2 08/01/57 Airesearch 80 A 527 80 A 528 33542, TB2-2 08/01/57 Airesearch 80 A 530 87088-125-24 04/01/57 Airesearch 80 A 531 Pressure Ratio & Shutoff Air Pressure Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Absolute Pressure Regulator 108004-185-185 06/01/62 Airesearch 80 A 533 14680-5-330, CPR162-1 12275, 12370-1 10/01/57 Airesearch 80 A 539 04/01/58 Aro 80 A 540 102068-3, CPRP112- 04/01/60 2 102068-3, CPRP112- 04/01/60 2 600959 02/01/56 Airesearch 501 Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Cabin Pressure Regulator 80 A 541 80 AB 80 AB 502 Cabin Pressure Regulator 600959 Pacific Airmotive 80 AB 503 Reducing Valve 80 AB 504 Reducing Valve 80 AD 502 Electronic Regulator 10/01/57 P20739-6075, P20739-8075, P20740-6120, P20740-8120 10/01/57 P20739-6075, P20739-8075, P20740-6120, P20740-8120 50C388-1, 50C388-2, 11/01/60 50C388-3, 50C388-4 10188 10189 10190 02/01/56 Airesearch Airesearch Pacific Airmotive Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Air Brake Vapor 10191 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 10199 10200 10201 10202 10203 80 AD 503 10/01/76 Vap-Air 5 Vent Pressure Suit Regulator 26940970 Valve Cabin Air Pressure Regulator 550999 80 AHS 06/01/66 Hamilton Standard 80 AHS 501 Cabin Pressure Regulator 516300 12/01/59 Hamilton Standard 80 AHS 502 Cabin Pressure Regulator 516300 12/01/59 Hamilton Standard 80 AHS 503 Cabin Pressure Regulator 516276 11/01/59 Hamilton Standard 80 AHS 504 Cabin Pressure Regulator 516276 11/01/59 Hamilton Standard 80 APR 1 APR 2 80 APR 4 106040-3, 106040-4- 12/01/63 1 106040-3, 106040-4- 12/01/63 1 102202-3 02/01/65 Hamilton Standard 80 80 APR 5 102202-3 02/01/65 Airesearch 80 ARC 2 102174-1 12/01/62 Airesearch 80 ARC 3 102174-1 12/01/62 Airesearch 80 ARC 4 Venturi-Type Air Flow Shutoff Regulator Venturi-Type Air Flow Shutoff Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Oil Temperature Regulator 87445-160 05/01/63 Airesearch 80 ARC 5 Cabin Air Safety Valves 103238-1, 103238-2, 08/01/61 103238-3 Airesearch 80 ARC 5 Cabin Air Safety Valves 103238-1, 103238-2, 12/01/63 103238-3 Airesearch 80 80 ARP ARP 2 2 Air Temperature Control Air Temperature Control 45958-6 45958-6 10204 C 10205 10206 10207 Hamilton Standard Airesearch 11/15/59 Airesearch 11/15/59 07/15/62 Airesearch 10208 10209 10210 80 80 80 ARP ARP ARP 2 3 4 80 ARP 5 80 ARP 5 3" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 80 B 501 Refrigeration Service Repair and General Parts List 80 B 502 Canopy Seal Control Assy. 80 C 1 80 C 7 10211 10212 10213 10214 Air Temperature Control Air Temperature Control 3" Diameter Pneumatic Air Pressure Regulator 3" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 07/01/62 07/01/62 06/01/60 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 108974-12-1, 108974- 10/01/64 11, Series 2, 0, 5, 6, 7 Airesearch 108974-12-1, 108974- 02/15/65 11, Series 2, 0, 5, 6, 7 Airesearch 01/01/51 Chiefton B25C25 02/01/56 Aircraft Refrigeration Units 18713, 19728, 18780, 52021-60 09/01/49 Surface Combustion Airesearch Aircraft Refrigeration Units 18709-1, 18709-101, 04/01/57 18786, 18798, 18798100, 18798-150, 19871, 19871-100, 80041-1, 80052, 80052-1, 80052-2, 80072, 80072-2, 80072-20, 81780 10215 10216 45958-6 45958-6 105460-450-2 Airesearch 80 C 8 Aircraft Refrigeration Units 18709-1, 18709-101, 06/01/55 18786, 18798, 18798100, 18798-150, 19871, 19871-100, 80041-1, 80052, 80052-1, 80052-2, 80072, 80072-2, 80072-20, 81780 Airesearch 80 C 11 Cooling Package 20601, NUR60-1 07/01/51 Stratos 80 C 12 Cabin Air Refrigeration Assy. 20601, NUR60-1 02/01/52 Stratos 80 C 14 80041 05/01/52 Airesearch 80 C 15 Aircraft Refrigeration Unit Assy. Aircraft Refrigeration Units 84270-2, 84270-3 06/01/60 Airesearch 80 C 16 Aircraft Accessory Equipped 170020, RUF5-5-1 Refrigeration Unit 05/01/59 Airesearch 80 C 17 05/01/52 Hamilton Standard 80 C 20 Refrigeration Unit for F-94C 79800 Aircraft Aircraft Refrigeration Unit 172850, RUF2-9-1 04/01/60 Airesearch 80 C 21 Accessory Equipped Aircraft 682040, 682040-1 Refrigeration Units 03/01/62 Airesearch 80 C 22 Cooling Turbines 203250-1, 203250-2, 09/01/72 204770-1-1, 2047702-1 Airesearch 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 10227 10228 80 C 23 Aircraft Refrigeration Unit 682020-2 05/01/63 Airesearch 80 C 501 Axivane Aircraft Fan AVR77-55D641 03/01/51 Joy 80 C 502 Accessory Equipped Aircraft 83980, 83980-2 Refrigeration Units 01/01/63 Airesearch 80 C 503 Aircraft Refrigeration Units 82200, 82200-1, 02/01/60 82200-2, RU20-1-1, RUF3-9-1, RUF3-12-1 Airesearch 80 C 504 07/01/56 Teleflex 80 C 505 Aircraft Foot Diffuser Control D8794 Assy. Aircraft Refrigeration Unit 82300, RU20-2-1 09/01/59 Airesearch 80 C 506 Aircraft Refrigeration Unit 82300-1 05/01/62 Airesearch 80 C 507 Accessory Equipped Aircraft 85010-1 Refrigeration Unit 04/01/62 Airesearch 80 CA 4 Refrigeration Unit 508950, R30-3 04/01/59 Hamilton Standard 80 CA 5 Refrrigeration Unit Assy. 503730 01/01/64 Hamilton Standard 80 CA 6 02/01/64 Hamilton Standard 80 CA 502 Refrigeration Unit & Turbine 503730, 508960 Fan Assy. Refrigeration Unit 96125 03/01/57 Hamilton Standard 80 D 5 11/01/59 Vapor 10229 10230 10231 10232 10233 10234 10235 10236 10237 10238 10239 Cabin Aircraft Temperature System Pickup 52B243, 52B243-1, 52B243-2 Aircraft Temperature System 50-B-9 Outside Air Compensator Thermostat Aircraft Temperature System 50-B-7 Anticipator Thermostat 12/01/52 Vapor 12/01/52 Vapor Aircraft Temperature System Cabin Thermostat Aircraft Temperature System Thermostat Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Pneumatic Thermostat Air Pressure Control Assy. 50-B-5, 52-B-307 02/01/54 Vapor 46-B-172 10/01/52 Vapor 47-C-190 10/01/52 Vapor 107736-035-6 B61C47 04/01/59 02/01/65 Airesearch Janitrol Aero 501 Aircraft Temperature System 48B57, 49B52 Control Thermostat 07/01/53 Vapor D 503 Aircraft Temperature System 48B58-2, 49B94 Anticipator Thermostat 07/01/53 Vapor 80 D 504 Aircraft Temperature System 48B58-2, 49B94 Anticipator Thermostat 07/01/53 Vapor 80 D 505 93792-50 03/01/54 Airesearch 80 D 506 46B172 08/01/54 Vapor 80 D 507 Vapor D 508 48B240, R17T587575 R83VCH-51B350 08/01/54 80 08/01/54 Vapor 80 D 509 Single Bleed Pneumatic Thermostat Aircraft Temperature System Thermostat Aircraft Temperature System Thermostat Aircraft Temperature System Thermostat Electric Motor Driven Air Compressors 890220, 890221 02/01/57 Kidde 80 D 6 80 D 7 80 D 8 80 D 10 80 D 11 80 80 D D 14 16 80 D 80 10240 10241 10242 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10248 10249 10250 10251 10252 10253 10254 10255 10256 10257 80 D 510 80 80 D D 511 512 Electric Motor Driven Air Compressors Compensator Assy. Thermostatic Control Assy. 890220, 890221 01/01/57 Kidde 164803 97218 09/01/57 12/01/57 Bendix Hamilton Standard 80 D 513 Compensators 11Z230-42-100, 11Z230-42-300 03/01/58 Goodyear 80 E 3 Cabin Air Shutoff Air Valve 1100 06/01/50 Transco Products 80 E 4 Cabin Air Shutoff Air Valve 1100 06/01/50 Transco Products 80 E 7 Motor Operated Slide Shutoff Valves W7940-2D, W79422D, W7944-2D 02/01/51 Whittaker 80 E 8 Motor Operated Slide Shutoff Valves W7940-2D, W79422D, W7944-2D 02/01/51 Whittaker 80 80 80 E E E 11 12 17 Air Flow Control Valve Air Flow Control Valve Cabin Safety Valve Assy. 8-1247-75 04/01/51 8-1247-75 04/01/51 35020-3.00, 35020-1- 08/01/55 5.25, 35020-5.25, 55050-3.00, 550505.30, 550120, 550120-1, 550120-2, 550120-3, 550120-4, 550120-5, 550125 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265 Parker Parker Pacific Airmotive 80 E 18 Cabin Safety Valve Assy. 80 E 19 Defrosting Air Control Valve 36400 03/01/51 Pacific Airmotive 80 E 20 Defrosting Air Control Valve 36400 03/01/51 Pacific Airmotive 80 E 23 Mass Flow Control Valve 11871-2, CFT 25-3D 11/01/57 80 E 24 Mass Flow Control Valve 11871-2, CFT 25-3D 11/01/57 80 E 25 Cabin Air Shutoff Valve Assy. Haskel 1501, Lockheed 644322 09/01/51 Stratos Div, Fairchild Stratos Div, Fairchild Haskel/Lockheed 80 E 32 Fuel Vent Float Shutoff Valve 4-850-1 12/01/51 Schulz 80 80 80 80 E E E E 34 39 40 44 Solenoid On-Off Valve Spill Valve Spill Valve Cabin Air Spill Valves A804-4 15-24228-1 15-24228-11 5-35245-3, 5-352454, 5-35245-5 02/01/52 08/01/51 08/01/51 01/01/53 Vinson Boeing Boeing Boeing 80 E 45 Cabin Air Spill Valves 5-35245-3, 5-35245- 01/01/53 4, 5-35245-5 Boeing 10266 10267 10268 10269 10270 10271 10272 10273 10274 10275 10276 10277 35020-3.00, 35020-1- 08/01/55 5.25, 35020-5.25, 55050-3.00, 550505.30, 550120, 550120-1, 550120-2, 550120-3, 550120-4, 550120-5, 550125 Pacific Airmotive 10278 10279 10280 10281 80 E 48 Flow & Temperature Control Valves Flow & Temperature Control Valves Air Shutoff Valve Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Cockpit Air Proportioning Valve Assy. 549100, 600810 08/01/54 Pacific Airmotive 80 E 49 549100, 600810 08/01/54 Pacific Airmotive 80 80 E E 51 52 105486 103186-530-1, CSVU11-5-1 3668216, 3668216503, 3668216-505, 3668216-507, 3668216-509, 3668216-511, 3668216-513, 3668216-515 08/01/61 08/01/59 Airesearch Airesearch 80 E 53 12/01/59 Douglas 80 E 54 80 E 59 80 E 66 Auxiliary Cabin Pressure Regulator Pneumatic Air Pressure Control Air Shutoff Gate Valve 13019 05/01/62 Airesearch 106854-1 01/01/65 Airesearch 2520-072 04/01/66 Transco Products 80 80 80 E E E 68 69 73 Pressure Control Valve Pressure Control Valve Solenoid Valve 26030027 25930019 215-26106-1, 21526106-3 Cabin Pressure Relief Valves 30140, 30140-2 04/01/66 04/01/66 04/01/71 Vapor Vapor Vapor 80 E 501 12/01/50 Pacific Airmotive 80 E 503 Motor Actuated Butterfly Valve Assy. Check Valve WB013-2, 50-D-20 10/01/53 Whittaker/Vapor 80 E 504 301800 03/01/55 Motor Actuated 1 1/4" Butterfly Valve 4125-17 08/01/55 Accessory Products Transco 80 E 505 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286 10287 10288 10289 10290 10291 10292 80 E 508 Thermostatic Temperature Control Valve 18980-185-24, OTSV1-13-1 11/01/56 Airesearch 80 E 509 Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Controls 14780-546, 14780- 09/01/56 546-1, 14780-546-2, OVC3-9, OVC3-11 Airesearch 80 E 510 03/01/57 Airesearch 80 E 513 Thermostat Control Inlet 18811-125 Bypass Valve Cabin Pressure Safety Valve 103064-550-1 04/01/62 Airesearch 80 E 514 105202-2, SR 5 07/01/61 Airesearch 80 E 515 Pressure Regulating Air Shutoff Valve Hot Air Butterfly Valve 501600 02/01/57 80 E 516 105252 09/01/61 80 E 517 105250-1, SR 4 07/01/61 Airesearch 80 E 518 102096-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 80 E 519 102096-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 80 E 520 1994-D-0311 05/01/57 O & M Machine 80 E 522 104410 09/01/61 Airesearch 80 80 E EAR 523 1 2261A1 104156 03/01/58 06/01/63 Com-Air Airesearch 80 EAR 2 1 1/4" Diameter Ram Air Shutoff Valve 1 1/4" Diameter Air Shutoff Valve Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator GTM Cooler Valve Actuating Cylinder 2" Diameter Electric Air Shutoff Valve Cabin Air Check Valve 9" Diameter Electric Air Shutoff Valve 2 1/2" Diameter Shutoff Airflow Regulator Accessory Products Airesearch 106616, 106616-1-1 07/01/72 Airesearch 10293 10294 10295 10296 10297 10298 10299 10300 10301 10302 10303 10304 10305 10306 10307 10308 10309 10310 10311 80 EAR 2 2 1/2" Diameter Shutoff Airflow Regulator 2 1/2" Diameter Shutoff Airflow Regulator Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valves Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valves 2" Diameter Ratio Shutoff Pressure Regulator 106616, 106616-1-1 12/01/63 Airesearch 80 EAR 3 106616, 106616-1-1 12/01/63 Airesearch 80 EAR 4 102150, 102150-0 01/01/62 Airesearch 80 EAR 5 102150, 102150-0 01/01/62 Airesearch 80 EAR 6 108960 SR3, 108960 12/01/61 SR4, 108960 SR4-1 108960 SR1 Airesearch 80 EAR 7 2" Diameter Ratio Shutoff Pressure Regulator 108960 SR3, 108960 11/01/61 SR4, 108960 SR4-1 108960 SR1 Airesearch 80 EAR 8 103130-535-3 12/01/64 Airesearch 80 EAR 10 104650 10/01/65 Airesearch 80 EAR 11 103186-530 09/01/62 Airesearch 80 EAR 14 102226-3 09/01/72 Airesearch 80 EAR 15 EAR 16 103140-3, 103140-7- 08/01/78 1 102210-9 09/01/72 Airesearch 80 80 EAR 16 102210-9 04/01/66 Airesearch 80 EAR 17 106832-1 12/01/65 Airesearch 80 EHS 15 Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve 1 1/2" Diameter Electric Shutoff Butterfly Valve Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Cabin Safety Positive Pressure Relief Valve Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control Cabin Air Pressure Outflow Valve Control 2" Diameter Pneumatic Modulating Valve Pressure Relief Valve 524845 03/01/59 Hamilton Standard 10312 10313 10314 10315 10316 10317 10318 10319 10320 10321 10322 Airesearch 10323 10324 10325 10326 10327 10328 10329 10330 10331 10332 80 EHS 16 Shutoff Valve 541127 02/01/60 Hamilton Standard 80 EHS 17 Cold Air Shutoff Valve 549857 12/01/60 Hamilton Standard 80 EHS 501 11/01/59 80 EHS 502 80 EHS 505 80 EHS 506 80 EHS 507 Cabin Safety Valves & Relief Valves Cabin Safety Valves & Relief Valves Flow & Temperature Control 516806, 607100 Valve Flow & Temperature Control 516806, 607100 Valve Hot Air Shutoff Valve 516805, PAC2393-2 80 EHS 508 Hot Air Shutoff Valve 516805, PAC2393-2 12/01/59 80 EHS 509 Pneumatic Dump Valve 516312, 22350 11/01/59 80 EHS 510 Cabin Pressure Relief Valve 516310, 30480S-4.34 04/01/58 80 EHS 511 Compartment Temperature 513845 Controller Assy. 06/01/58 Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Ham Std/Pac. Airmotive Hamilton Standard 80 EHS 512 Cold Air Modulating Valve 512798 12/01/60 Hamilton Standard 80 EHS 513 Hot Air Modulating Valve 512797 06/01/58 Hamilton Standard 80 EHS 514 Rain Removal Valve 523462 11/01/59 Hamilton Standard 80 ELH 1 Supercharger Line 490904-1 Diaphragm Relief Valve Assy. 08/01/60 Lockheed-CA Div 80 ESC 1 Air Control & Actuator Valve A66C37 Assy. 01/01/60 Janitrol 10333 10334 10335 10336 10337 10338 04/01/58 04/01/58 04/01/58 12/01/59 10339 10340 10341 10342 10343 10344 80 ESC 2 Shutoff Valve Assy. B52C22, C52C22 04/01/71 Midland-Ross 80 ET 501 1520-17 11/01/56 80 ET 502 25543715, 4150-7 12/01/56 80 80 EVH EVH 1 2 Motor Actuated 1.5 inch Shutoff Valve Motor Actuated 1.5 In. Butterfly Air Control Valve Dual Air Conditioning Valve 25740015-01 25740016-01 11/01/58 12/01/58 Transco Products, Inc. Transco Products, Inc. Vapor Vapor 80 EVH 3 25543690, D-71-01 10/01/60 80 EVH 4 80 EVH 5 80 80 EVH EW 6 3 80 EW 4 10345 10346 10347 10348 10349 Power Operated Butterfly Valve Actuator & Single Air Control Valves & Actuator & Dual Air Control Valves 25740015-02, 25740015-10, 25740015-20, 25740016-02, 25740016-03, 25740016-10, 25740016-20, 25740016-21, 25740016-25 Actuator & Single Air Control 25740015-02, Valves & Actuator & Dual Air 25740015-10, Control Valves 25740015-20, 25740016-02, 25740016-03, 25740016-10, 25740016-20, 25740016-21, 25740016-25 Actuator & Valve Assy. 25640012 Motor Actuated Butterfly 108605 Shutoff Valve Assy. Motor Actuated Butterfly 121535-1 Shutoff Valve Assy. 06/01/63 Vapor/SierraSchroeder Vapor 06/01/63 Vapor 04/01/66 01/01/61 Vapor Whittaker 01/01/61 Whittaker 10350 10351 80 F 1 Cockpit Air Cooling Turbine 15837, CT7-2 02/01/56 Airesearch 80 80 F F 2 3 Air Cooling Turbine Assy. Flap Control Systems 15837, CT7-2 03/01/51 28078, 28835, 02/01/52 28859, 28837, 288372, 28872-1 Airesearch Airesearch 80 F 4 Flap Control Systems 28078, 28835, 02/01/52 28859, 28837, 288372, 28872-1 Airesearch 80 F 7 Air Cooling Turbines 52021-150, 52021181, 56420, 57220 08/01/54 Airesearch 80 F 8 Air Cooling Turbines 52021-150, 52021181, 56420, 57220 08/01/54 Airesearch 80 F 9 Air Cooling Turbines 55600, 56890, 11/01/54 57120, 57480, 57530, 57730, CT142, CT12-16, CT14-4 Airesearch 80 F 10 Air Cooling Turbines 55600, 56890, 57120 05/01/53 Airesearch 80 F 12 Air Cooling Turbine Assy. 15866-1, 15866-50, 03/01/51 15866-51, 15866-52, 15866-90, 55950 Airesearch 10352 10353 10354 10355 10356 10357 10358 80 F 15 Air Cooling Turbines 52221-110, 52221120, 52222-100, 55530-100, 56430, 56430-1, 56690, 57900 12/01/59 Airesearch 80 F 16 Air Cooling Turbines 52221-110, 52221120, 52222-100, 55530-100, 56430, 56430-1, 56690, 57900 12/01/59 Airesearch 80 F 17 Air Cooling Turbine Assy. 55880, 55880-2 06/01/55 Airesearch 80 F 18 Air Cooling Turbine Assy. 55880, 55880-2 02/01/51 Airesearch 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 F F F F F F F 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Air Cooling Turbine Assy. Air Cooling Turbine Assy. Cooling Package Cooling Package Cooling Package Cooling Package Cooling Turbines 52222, 55530 52222, 55530 NUR15-3 NUR15-3 BUR20-1B BUR20-1B 203240, 203470 06/01/55 02/01/51 01/01/53 01/01/53 07/01/53 07/01/53 04/01/63 Airesearch Airesearch Stratos Stratos Stratos Stratos Airesearch 80 F 26 Cooling Turbines 203240, 203470 04/01/63 Airesearch 80 F 27 Turbine Fan Assy. 510540 02/01/64 Hamilton Standard 80 F 28 Turbine Fan 510540 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 80 F 29 Secondary Heat Exchanger 170430, HE3-17-1 07/01/59 Airesearch 10359 10360 10361 10362 10363 10364 10365 10366 10367 10368 10369 10370 10371 10372 10373 10374 10375 80 F 30 Primary Heat Exchanger with 170420, PHE3-7-1 Ducts Cooling Turbine 57390-1 Aircraft Cooling Turbines 201090, 201090-1, 203430 80 80 F F 39 41 80 F 42 Aircraft Cooling Turbines 80 F 43 80 F 80 07/01/59 Airesearch 07/01/62 11/01/62 Airesearch Airesearch 201090, 201090-1, 203430 11/01/62 Airesearch Aircraft Cooling Turbines 201160, 201160-1, 203720-1 06/01/76 Airesearch 44 Aircraft Cooling Turbines 201160, 201160-1, 203720-1 11/01/62 Airesearch F 45 44166-1 07/01/64 Airesearch 80 80 F F 48 501 Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Unit Cooling Turbine Cooling Turbine 202660 52067-20, CT25-1 03/01/66 05/01/54 Airesearch Airesearch 80 F 502 Cooling Turbine 52067-20, CT25-1 05/01/54 Airesearch 80 F 503 Cooling Turbines 56810-1, 56810-2 07/01/62 Airesearch 80 F 504 Air Cooling Turbines 56810-1, 56810-2 07/01/62 Airesearch 80 80 80 80 80 F F F F F 506 507 508 509 510 Cooling Package Cooling Turbine Cooling Turbine Aircraft Cooling Turbine Aircraft Cooling Turbine NUR12-2A 202550 202550 201220-2 201220-2 06/01/55 03/01/63 05/01/62 02/01/63 10/01/61 Stratos Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 10376 10377 10378 10379 10380 10381 10382 10383 10384 10385 10386 10387 10388 10389 10390 80 F 511 Cooling Turbines 205480-1, 205480-2, 11/01/57 CT26-21, CT26-20 Airesearch 80 F 512 Cooling Turbines 205480-1, 205480-2, 11/01/57 CT26-21, CT26-20 Airesearch 80 80 80 F F F 513 514 515 201410 201410 44146, TEPU1-6 09/01/61 09/01/61 10/01/58 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 80 F 516 44146, TEPU1-6 09/01/58 Airesearch 80 80 80 80 80 F F F F FA 517 518 519 520 13 Aircraft Cooling Turbine Aircraft Cooling Turbine Ram Air Turbine Electric Power Unit Ram Air Turbine Electric Power Unit Aircraft Cooling Turbine Aircraft Cooling Turbine Cooling Turbine Cooling Turbine Turbine Fan Assy. 202120 202120 202380 202380 570854 07/01/62 07/01/62 06/01/62 06/01/62 01/01/65 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Hamilton Standard 80 FA 14 Turbine Fan Assy. 570854 01/01/65 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 501 Turbine Fan Assy. 98821 04/01/64 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 502 Turbine Fan Assy. 98821 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 503 Valve & Actuator Assy. 81388, 81399, 90437 10/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 504 81388, 81399, 90437 09/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 505 Electrically Actuated Pneumatic Valves Dual Valve 90436 Hamilton Standard 10391 10392 10393 10394 10395 10396 10397 10398 10399 10400 10401 10402 10403 10404 10405 10406 10407 09/01/56 80 FA 506 80 FA 507 Mass Flow & Temperature Control Valve & Actuator Assy. Turbine Fan 81381 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 519908, 519909, 536928 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 508 Turbine Fan 519908, 519909, 536928 12/01/65 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 511 Turbine Fan Assy. 505450, 505450-1 02/01/64 Hamilton Standard 80 FA 512 Turbine Fan 505450, 505450-1 06/01/63 Hamilton Standard 80 80 FB FM 2 501 Cooling Turbines Ram Air Hydraulic Electric Power Package 203400-2 AD6A-1, AD6A-2, AD6A-4 05/01/61 01/01/65 Airesearch Marquardt 80 FM 502 Ram Air Hydraulic Electric Power Package AD6A-1, AD6A-2, AD6A-4 01/01/65 Marquardt 80 G 1 Cooling Turbines 204120-1-4, 204120- 12/01/67 1-5, 204120-2-1, 204120-4-1, 2041205-1 Airesearch 80 G 503 57970, 57970-1 10/01/63 Airesearch 80 G 504 57970, 57970-1 04/01/62 Airesearch 80 G 505 205120, 205120-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 80 G 506 205120, 205120-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 80 H 13 Aircraft Cabin Air Compressors Aircraft Cabin Air Compressors Aircraft Cabin Centrifugal Compressors Aircraft Cabin Centrifugal Compressors Cooling Turbine 202990 05/01/62 Airesearch 10408 10409 10410 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420 10421 10422 10423 10424 10425 10426 80 80 H H 14 501 Cooling Turbine Isobaric Changers 202990 14320-5, 14320-9 05/01/62 01/01/57 Airesearch Airesearch 80 H 502 Primary Heat Exchangers 19658, 19658-1 08/01/56 Airesearch 80 H 503 80621-1 10/01/56 Airesearch 80 80 H H 504 505 Cooling Turbine Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger Cooling Turbine Heat Exchangers 83982 82202-1, 82202-2, Series 1 07/01/62 02/01/62 Airesearch Airesearch 80 H 506 Secondary Heat Exchanger 81470 08/01/57 Airesearch 80 80 H H 507 508 81492 82302, HE13-1-1 08/01/57 11/01/57 Airesearch Airesearch 80 H 509 82302-1 06/01/62 Airesearch 80 H 511 Primary Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger Assy. with Ducts Heat Exchanger Assy. with Ducts Exchanger Assembly, Cooling Turbine Heat (with ducts) 85012 02/01/62 Airesearch 80 H 512 Air to Air Heat Exchanger 8220-A 07/01/58 80 HAR 2 84272-1, 84272-2 02/01/62 80 HAR 3 170022 05/01/59 Airesearch 80 HAR 4 Cooling Turbine Heat Exchangers Cooling Turbine Heat Exchanger Primary Heat Exchanger South Wind Div, Stewart-Warner Airesearch 171840, PHE3-13-1 09/01/59 Airesearch 80 HAR 5 Secondary Heat Exchanger 171850, HE3-25-1 10/01/59 Airesearch 80 HAR 6 Airesearch 80 HAR 9 Ducted Cooling Turbine Heat 172852, CTHE1-16-1 04/01/60 Exchanger Heat Exchanger 178870-1-1 04/01/65 10427 10428 10429 10430 10431 10432 10433 10434 10435 10436 10437 10438 10439 Airesearch 10440 10441 10442 10443 10444 10445 10446 10447 10448 10449 10450 10451 10452 10453 10454 10455 10456 80 80 HAR HAR 10 501 80 HS 503 Heat Exchanger Cooling Turbine Heat Exchanger Air Conditioning System 177620-2 80082, CTHE3-4-1 07/01/65 11/01/59 Airesearch Airesearch 09/01/56 Hamilton Standard Turbine Fan Assy. 98260, 98270, 98280, 99550 98253 80 HS 504 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 505 Turbine Fan Assy. 98253 11/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 507 Turbine Fan Assy. 81450 12/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 508 Turbine Fan 81450 08/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 513 Pressure Relief Valve 503163 09/01/63 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 514 Refrigeration Unit 500700, R20-18 12/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 515 Refrigeration Unit 501670, R20-21 12/01/56 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 516 Turbine Fan Assy. 501073 12/01/60 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 517 Turbine Fan Assy. 501073 10/01/60 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 518 Turbine Fan Assy. 542970-1, 542970-2 01/01/64 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 519 Turbine Fan Assy. 542970-1, 542970-2 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 80 HS 520 Heat Exchanger Installation 519910 07/01/58 Hamilton Standard 80 J 501 Cabin Temperature Pickup 30020 06/01/56 Airesearch 80 K 3 Cooling Turbine 202270, CT18-4 05/01/59 Airesearch 10457 80 K 4 Cooling Turbine 202270, CT18-4 05/01/59 Airesearch 80 K 5 Cooling Turbines 203120, 203130, 204480-1-1 03/01/66 Airesearch 80 K 6 Cooling Turbines 203120, 203130, 204480-1-1 03/01/66 Airesearch 80 K 7 549984-1 01/01/65 Airesearch 80 K 8 Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Unit Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Units 549984-1, 854940-1- 11/01/75 1, 854940-1-2, 854940-1-3, 8549402-2, 854940-2-3 Airesearch 80 K 8 Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Unit 549984-1, RH1680739-5063-ZAIR 11/01/62 03/01/63 Airesearch 80 K 8 Ram Air Turbine Hydraulic Power Unit 549984-1, RH1680739-5063-ZAIR 11/01/62 Airesearch 80 K 501 Turbine Drive Assembly 46E00-1-F, R86ECP46E00-1-F 10/01/57 Bendix Utica 80 80 K L 502 2 Turbine Drive Assy. Axial Vane Fan Assy. 02/01/57 10/01/69 Bendix-Utica Joy Manufacturing 80 L 501 10/01/57 Hamilton Standard 80 80 80 LA LBA LBA 1 1 2 Cabin Temperature Control Assy. Desiccant Dehydrator Water Separator Water Separator 46E00-1-F X702-361, 5007023613 515980 RD8180G 83120-1 81940-2, 81940-3 12/01/59 01/01/62 01/01/62 Lear-Romec Airesearch Airesearch 10458 10459 10460 10461 10462 10463 10464 10465 10466 10467 10468 10469 10470 10471 80 LBA 3 Water Separator 80 MVH 1 Selector Switch 80 NVH 1 Temperature Controller 80 NVH 2 Temperature Controller 80 PVH 1 Cockpit Air Proportioning Actuator 80 PVH 2 Rotary Electro-Mechanical Actuator 80 PVH 3 Rotary Electro-Mechanical Actuator 80 80 80 80 80 1 1 2 3 4 80 5 80 80 80 6 7 8 Cabin Pressure Regulator Cabin Pressure Regulator Cooling Package Cooling Package Air Cycle Machine Cooling Packages Air Cycle Machine Cooling Packages Supercharger Supercharger Aircraft Temperature System Control Box 10472 10473 10474 10475 10476 10477 10478 10479 10480 10481 10482 10483 10484 10485 10486 186270-2-1, 186270- 09/01/70 3-1 25730018-02, 10/01/60 25730018-03, 25730018-04 25730028-01, 04/01/59 25730028-02 25730028-01, 03/01/59 25730028-02 25730030, 25730030- 11/01/59 01, 25730060 25730030-02, 25730030-20, 25730060-01, 25730060-20 25730030-02, 25730030-20, 25730060-01, 25730060-20 1, 2 1E-663 NUR12-2 NUR12-2 BUR20-1A, BUR20-4 Airesearch Vapor Vapor Vapor Vapor 07/01/61 Vapor 07/01/61 Vapor 04/15/43 06/01/45 07/01/51 07/01/51 07/01/51 AiResearch Airesearch Stratos Stratos Stratos BUR20-1A, BUR20-4 07/01/51 Stratos S20-1A S20-1A 50-C-2 Stratos Stratos Vapor 07/01/51 07/01/51 12/01/52 80 10 Aircraft Temperature System 52B242, 52B242-1, Anticipator Duct Pickup 52B242-2 05/01/58 Vapor 80 13 Compression Ratio Limit Switch 1008B-01, 1008BX02, 1008CX-03 06/01/53 Kollsman 80 14 Compression Ratio Limit Switch 1008B-01, 1008BX02, 1008CX-03 06/01/53 Kollsman 80 15 Cabin Rate Limit Control 08/01/53 Kollsman 80 16 Cabin Rate Limit Control 08/01/53 Kollsman 80 501 06/01/53 Stratos 80 502 47C255-1 07/01/53 Vapor 80 503 47C255-1 07/01/53 Vapor 80 80 80 85 B 505 506 507 7 Air Cyclie Machine Bypass Valves Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Aircraft Temperature System Control Box Electronic Regulator Electronic Regulator Refrigerator Switch Assy. 967C-8-01, 967B-801 967C-8-01, 967B-801 CT20-1, CT20-4 08/01/56 08/01/56 10/01/58 12/01/63 85 B 8 AB Ignition Pressure Switch 53C159-1 53C159-1 SR4 CG 12225, CG 122251 CG12291, 874C224P2, 3K1038 Vapor Vapor Dale Sales Westport Dev & Mfg Westport/Goodric h/G.E. 85 B 505 Westport/G.E. C 1 CG12166, 336C155P1 213C04-5 08/01/62 85 AB Ignition Fluid Pressure Switch Assy. Pressure Rate-of-Change Switch Assy. Pressure Switch 01/01/64 M-100W-3-1, 6808815 12/01/63 Consolidated Controls Aerotec/Allison 10487 10488 10489 10490 10491 10492 10493 10494 10495 10496 10497 10498 10499 10500 10501 10502 85 12 09/01/65 10503 10504 85 510 Afterburner Pressure Switch PB-1210-1 10/01/60 Aerotec 85 511 Afterburner Pressure Switch PB-1210-1 10/01/60 Aerotec 90 A 1 Rescue Hoist System BL-8300-35, BL-8300- 02/01/81 32, BL-8420-13, BL8420-11, BL-8430, BL21200, BL-13800-1, BL-13800-2, BL13801, BL-7370-1, BL8230, 7842748-10 Breeze 90 A 2 Rescue Hoist System BL-8300-35, BL-8300- 02/01/81 32, BL-8420-13, BL8420-11, BL-8430, BL21200, BL-13800-1, BL-13800-2, BL13801, BL-7370-1, BL8230, 7842748-10 Breeze 90 B 501 Cargo Hoist BL-1160, 332-1-A 11/01/56 Breeze 90 B 502 Cargo Hoist BL-1160, 332-1-A 11/01/56 Breeze 10505 10506 10507 10508 90 BA 2 Traveling Crane Hoist 5288001, 5288326500, 5288326-502 90 90 CAA 1 4 229-001 02/01/61 SP-4121-1, SP-4121- 12/01/63 2, K-40 SP4380-1 07/01/65 Western Design Eastern Rotorcraft Chisholm-Moore 10509 10510 10511 10512 10513 90 5 Cargo Hoist Power Unit 4000lb Capacity Cargo Release Cargo Release Assy. 90 501 3-Ton Chain Hoist Cyclone M 90 502 6000lb Capacity Cargo Release w/ Exterior Safety Lock SP-4070, SP-4070-2, 10/01/61 SP-4192-1, A-60, A60M 90 503 Aft Cargo Door Hoist A56002 09/01/58 Mechanism Forward Rotor Transmission 18D1001-1, 18D1001- 07/01/56 2, 18D1001-4, Assy. 18D1001-5, 18D10016, 18D1001-100 10514 10515 95 A 17 95 A 18 10516 10517 09/01/53 09/01/51 Forward Rotor Transmission 18D1001-1, 18D1001- 07/01/56 Assy. 2, 18D1001-4, 18D1001-5, 18D10016, 18D1001-100 Douglas Eastern Rotorcraft Eastern Rotorcraft Drescher Vertol Vertol 95 A 19 Rotor Hub Assy. 18R2001-1, 18R2001- 07/01/56 2, 18R2004-1, 18R2004-2, 18R20043, 18R2004-4, 18R2004-9, 18R200410, 18R2004-11, 18R2004-12 Vertol 95 A 20 Rotor Hub Assy. 18R2001-1, 18R2001- 07/01/56 2, 18R2004-1, 18R2004-2, 18R20043, 18R2004-4, 18R2004-9, 18R200410, 18R2004-11, 18R2004-12 Vertol 95 A 21 18D2001 02/01/53 Piasecki 95 A 22 18D2001 07/01/56 Piasecki 95 A 23 Aft Transmission Main Clutch Assy. Aft Transmission Main Clutch Assy. Rotary Wing Head Assy. 03/01/66 Boeing-Vertol 95 A 23 A02R2501-3, A02R2501-4, A02R2501-5, A02R2501-6, A02R2501-8, A02R2501-9, A02R2501-10 22D1001-1 05/01/53 Piasecki 10518 10519 10520 10521 10522 10523 Central Transmission & Clutch Assy. A 24 Central Transmission & Clutch Assy. 95 A 25 95 A 25 95 A 26 95 A 26 95 A 26 95 A 27 95 A 27 95 A 28 95 A 28 95 A 28 95 95 A A 29 30 Forward Rotor Transmission A07D1202-4, 02/01/66 Assy. A07D1202-6 Rotor Transmission Assy. 22D2001-1, 22D2001- 08/01/53 2 Rotor Transmission Assy. 22D2001-1, 22D2001- 05/01/53 2 03/01/66 Aft Transmission Assy. A02D2012-4, A02D2012-7, A02D2012-11, A02D2012-12, A02D2012-15, A02D2012-16 AFT Transmission Assembly A02D2012-4, 10/01/65 A02D2012-7, A02D2012-11, A02D2012-12 Rotor Positioning Valve & A02H4900-4 02/01/66 Lock Assy. Rotor Hub Assy. 22R2001-7, 22R2001- 08/01/53 8 Rotor Hub Assy. 22R2001-7, 22R2001- 08/01/53 8 08/01/65 Swashplate Assy. 107R3504-1, 107R3504-4, 107R3504-5, 107R3504-6 Rotor Controls Assy. 107R3505-13, 02/01/04 107R3505-14 Rotor Controls Assy. A02D3011-8 08/01/65 Engine Drive Shaft 107D3240-6 03/01/66 10524 10525 10526 10527 10528 10529 10530 10531 10532 10533 10534 10535 10536 22D1001-1, 22D1001- 08/01/53 6, 22D1001-11 95 Piasecki Boeing-Vertol Piasecki Piasecki Boeing-Vertol Boeing- Vertol Boeing-Vertol Piasecki Piasecki Boeing-Vertol Boeing-Vertol Boeing-Vertol Boeing-Vertol 10537 10538 95 A 42 Forward & Aft Rotor Heads 95 A 45 Aft Rotor Drive Shaft 95 A 501 Rotor Blade Sets used with HUP Series Helicopters 95 B 1 Main Gear Box Assy. 95 B 1 95 95 B B 1 2 95 95 95 B B B 95 10539 10540 10541 10542 10543 10544 10545 10546 10547 10548 10549 10550 10551 10552 10553 10554 10555 423R2701-1, 05/01/02 423R2701-2 423D3011-1, 06/01/03 423D3011-3 18R1006-1, 18R1006- 06/01/62 2, 18R1010-5, 18R1010-6, 18R101050, 18R1010-60 04/01/53 Boeing-Vertol Boeing-Vertol Boeing-Vertol 01/01/51 04/01/53 Sikorsky Aircraft Sikorsky 3 4 5 S11-35-4100, S11-354500 Main Gear Box Assembly S11-35-4100, S11-354500 Main Gear Box Assembly S11-35-4100 Main Gear Box Assy. S11-35-4100, S11-354500 Tail Gear Box Assy. S11-35-6000 Tail Gear Box Assy. S11-35-6000 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S11-35-7000 Sikorsky 01/01/51 01/01/51 01/01/51 Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky B 6 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S11-35-7000 01/01/51 Sikorsky 95 B 7 Clutch Assy. S11-35-2000-1 04/01/53 Sikorsky 95 B 8 Clutch Assy. S11-35-2000-1 03/01/56 Sikorsky 95 95 95 95 95 95 B B B B B B 9 10 11 12 17 18 Main Rotor Hub Assy. Main Rotor Hub Assy. Tail Rotor Hub Assy. Tail Rotor Hub Assy. Main Gear Box Assy. Main Gear Box Assy. S11-10-3000 S11-10-3000 S11-15-3006 S11-15-3006 S535400 S535400 01/01/51 01/01/51 08/01/52 08/01/52 02/01/51 04/01/51 Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky 01/01/51 08/01/52 Sikorsky Aircraft 10556 10557 10558 10559 10560 10561 95 B 19 95 B 20 95 B 21 Generator & Tachometer Drive Generator & Tachometer Drive Vertical Rotor Gear Box Assy. 95 B 22 Vertical Rotor Gear Box Assy. S535100 95 B 23 Vertical Rotor Hub Assy. 95 B 24 Vertical Rotor Hub Assy. 95 B 25 Main Hub & Link, Damper, Servo Mechanism & Main Blade 95 B 26 Main Hub & Link, Damper, Servo Mechanism & Main Blade: Fabric 10562 10563 1461-2A, S10-351003-1 1461-2A, S10-351003-1 S535100 02/01/51 Sikorsky 01/01/51 Sikorsky 02/01/51 Sikorsky 04/01/51 Sikorsky S10-15-1010, S10-15- 02/01/51 3000 S10-15-1010, S10-15- 01/01/51 3000 S510365, S510365-1, 02/01/52 S510183, S510183-1, S510183-2, S5101833, S10-40-3221-1, S10-40-3221-2, S1040-3221-3, VS05-051596 Sikorsky S510365, S510365-1, 04/01/51 S510183, S510183-1, S510183-2, S5101833, S10-40-3221-1, S10-40-3221-2, S1040-3221-3, VS05-051596 Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky 95 B 27 Freewheel Unit S14-35-3001, S14-35- 08/01/58 3001-1 Sikorsky 95 95 B B 28 29 Freewheel Unit Main Rotor Assy. S14-35-3001 12/01/51 S10-10-1350-5, S10- 11/01/63 10-1350-6 Sikorsky Sikorsky 95 95 B B 30 33 Main Rotor Assy. Main Gear Box S10-10-1350 09/01/52 S14-35-4300-3, S14- 09/01/57 35-4300-5, S14-354300-6, S14-35-43007, S14-35-4300-8, S14-35-4300-9, S1435-4300-10, S14-354300-11, S14-430012 Sikorsky Sikorsky 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 95 10569 B 33 Main Gear Box Assembly S14-35-4300, S14-35- 05/01/61 06/01/63 Sikorsky 4300-3, S14-35-43005, S14-35-4300-6, S14-35-4300-7, S1435-4300-8, S14-354300-14, S14-354300-16, S14-354300-17, RH1680438-2191-ASKY, RH1560-695-4947ASKY, R1560-6954948-ASKY, R1560695-4949-ASKY, RH1560-695-4950ASKY, RH1560-348 95 B 33 Main Gear Box Assembly S14-35-4300, S14-35- 05/01/61 4300-3, S14-35-43005, S14-35-4300-6, S14-35-4300-7, S1435-4300-8, S14-354300-13, S14-354300-14, S14-354300-15, S14-354300-16, S14-354300-17 Sikorsky 95 B 34 Main Gear Box Assy. S14-35-4300-3, S14- 04/01/53 35-4300-5, S14-354300-6, S14-35-43007, S14-35-4300-8 Sikorsky 95 B 35 Tail Rotor Gear Box Assy. S12-35-6070-2, S12- 06/01/63 35-6070-3, S12-356070-5, S12-35-60706, S12-35-6070-8, S12-35-6070-9 Sikorsky 95 B 36 Tail Rotor Gear Box Assy. S12-35-6070-2, S12- 04/01/63 35-6070-3, S12-356070-5 Sikorsky 10570 10571 10572 10573 95 B 37 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S14-35-7000, S14-35- 10/01/63 7000-1 Sikorsky 95 B 38 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S14-35-7000, S14-35- 09/01/52 7000-1 Sikorsky 95 B 39 Servo Unit Assy. S14-40-5000-3, S14- 10/01/62 40-5000-4 Sikorsky 95 B 40 Servo Unit Assy. S14-40-5000-3, S14- 07/01/51 40-5000-4 Sikorsky 95 95 95 B B B 43 44 45 Tail Gear Box Assy. S11-35-6500 Tail Gear Box Assy. S11-35-6500 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S11-35-7500 04/01/53 04/01/53 04/01/53 Sikorsky Sikorsky Sikorsky 95 B 46 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S11-35-7500 04/01/53 Sikorsky 95 B 47 Main Rotor Assy. S11-10-1500-1 04/01/53 Sikorsky 95 B 48 Main Rotor Assy. S11-10-1500-1 04/01/53 Sikorsky 95 B 49 Main Rotor Blade Assy. S10-10-2065, S14-10- 11/01/58 2000-2, S14-10-20004, S14-10-2000-5 Sikorsky 95 B 50 Main Rotor Blade Assy. S10-10-2065, S14-10- 04/01/53 2000-2 Sikorsky 10574 10575 10576 10577 10578 10579 10580 10581 10582 10583 10584 10585 95 B 52 Main Rotor Assy. S10-10-1400, S10-10- 06/01/55 1400-1, S10-10-14002, S10-10-1400-3 Sikorsky 95 B 63 Tail Rotor Blade Assy. S10-15-2120, S10-15- 11/01/56 2120-1, S10-15-21202, S10-15-2120-4, S10-15-2110-5, S1415-2400 Sikorsky 95 B 65 Hydro-Mechanical Clutch Assy. S14-35-2200-4, S14- 06/01/63 35-2200-5, S14-352200-8, S14-35-22009, S14-35-2200-10, S14-35-2200-11, S1435-2500 Sikorsky 95 B 67 Main Drive Shaft, Tail Drive Shaft Sections 1-4, Pylon Drive Shaft, Pulley Flange, Flanged Shaft, Support Housing, Brake Disc Flange S15-35-92100-2, S15- 04/01/63 35-61232-4, S1561242, S15-63123-3, S15-63124-3, S1564318-3, S15-611961, S15-61197-1, S1561164, S15-61167-2 Sikorsky 10586 10587 10588 10589 10590 10591 10592 10593 10594 95 B 68 S1670-10615 05/01/61 Sikorsky 69 Main Transmission Run-In Stand Rotary Wing Head Assy. 95 B S6110-20000-3 12/01/65 Sikorsky 95 B 70 Rotary Rudder Head Assy. S6110-31400-1 05/01/64 Sikorsky 95 B 71 Rotary Wing Blade Assy. Sikorsky 95 95 B B 72 73 Rotary Rudder Blade Main Gear Box Assy. S6115-20101, S6115- 03/01/63 20151 S6115-30001 09/01/64 S-6135-21000-2, S- 11/01/65 6135-21000-5, S6135-21000-6 Sikorsky Sikorsky 95 B 74 Tail Gear Box Assy. S6135-66600-1 05/01/64 Sikorsky 95 B 75 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S6135-66200 05/01/64 Sikorsky 95 B 76 04/01/73 Sikorsky 95 B 77 Input, Tail & Pylon Tail Drive Shaft Assy. Blade Positioner Assy. S6165-21001-1 10/01/63 Sikorsky 95 B 78 Rotor, Brush & Roller Assy. S6165-20621, S6165- 06/01/61 20622, S6165-20623, S6165-20624 Sikorsky 95 B 87 Hydraulic Starter 53WK02003-1, 53WK02003-2 01/01/66 NY Air Brake 95 B 88 Hydraulic Starter 53WK02003-1, 53WK02003-2 01/01/66 NY Air Brake 95 B 89 Rotary Wing Head Shock Absorber 3171525 10/01/65 Delco Products 10595 10596 10597 10598 10599 10600 10601 10602 10603 10604 10605 95 B 90 95 B 93 Rotary Wing Head Shock 3171525 Absorber Rotary Wing BIM Blade Assy. S6115-20201-1 95 B 97 Main Gear Box Assy. 65351-11000-042, 65351-11000-044, 65351-11000-046, 65351-11000-050, 65351-11500-041, 65351-11500-044 95 B 106 Rotary Rudder Head Assy. 65110-07000-011, 65110-07000-018, 65110-07000-022, 65110-07000-027 08/01/88 Sikorsky 95 B 107 Rotary Rudder Head Assy. 65110-07000-011, 65110-07000-018, 65110-07000-022, 65110-07000-027 08/01/88 Sikorsky 95 B 135 Blade Lag Shock Absorber A02R2700-1 01/01/86 Teledyne HydraPower 95 B 137 Rotary Wing Head Assy. 61070-10164-047, 61070-10164-048 01/01/05 95 B 503 Tail Rotor Blade Assy. S11-15-2100-3 09/01/56 Sikorsky 95 B 504 Tail Rotor Blade Assy. S11-15-2100-3 11/01/55 Sikorsky 10606 10607 10608 10609 10610 10611 10612 10/01/65 Delco Products 12/01/65 Sikorsky Sikorsky 95 B 505 Tail Rotor Assy. S1610-31100-14, S1610-31100-17, S1610-31100-20, S1610-31100-28 10/01/63 Sikorsky 95 B 511 Main Gear Box Assy. S1635-20000-12, S1635-20000-14, S1635-20000-16, S1635-20000-18 11/01/62 Sikorsky 95 B 514 Main Rotor Blade Assy. S14-10-2100, S1615- 05/01/57 20000, S1615-20100 Sikorsky 95 B 517 Tail Rotor Gear Box Assy. S1635-64000-7, S1635-64000-9 03/01/73 Sikorsky 95 B 523 Main Rotor Slip Ring Assy. S1565-61840 03/01/56 Sikorsky 95 B 524 Tail Rotor Blade Assy. S1515-30500, S1515- 11/01/63 30500-1 Sikorsky 95 B 525 Tail Rotor Assy. S1510-31300-6, S1510-31300-7, S1510-31300-10, S1510-31300-11, S1510-31300-12, S1510-31300-15, S1510-31300-16 09/01/62 Sikorsky 10613 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 10619 95 B 526 Main Rotor Blade Assy. 07/01/60 S1515-20200-1, S1515-20300-3, S1515-20400, S151520701 Sikorsky 95 B 527 Main Gear Box Assy. S1535-20000-3, S1535-20000-5, S1535-20000-6, S1535-20000-7, S1535-20000-8, S1535-20000-9, S1535-20000-10, S1535-20000-12, S1535-20000-13 02/01/60 Sikorsky 95 B 528 Intermediate Gear Box Assy. S1535-64230, S1535- 03/01/63 64230-3 Sikorsky 95 B 529 Tail Gear Box Assy. S1535-64600, S1535- 05/01/59 64600-3 Sikorsky 95 B 530 Clutch & Fan Assy. S1535-93000-4 02/01/63 Sikorsky 95 B 531 S1535-63300-1 04/01/58 Sikorsky 95 B 534 Shaft Disconnect Coupling Assy. Forward Servo Unit Assy. S1565-61690-4, S1565-61690-5 06/01/64 Sikorsky 10620 10621 10622 10623 10624 10625 10626 95 B 535 Forward Servo Unit Assy. S1565-61690-4, S1565-61690-5 03/01/63 95 B 540 Main Rotor Head Assy. S1510-20200-3 04/01/59 09/30/59 Sikorsky 95 B 540 Main Rotor Head Assy. S1510-20200-3 09/01/59 Sikorsky 95 B 541 S1565-61155-1 10/01/58 Sikorsky 95 B 542 Hydraulic Blade Folding Coupling Main Rotor Head Assy. S1510-20300, S1510- 05/01/60 20300-1, S151020300-2 Sikorsky 95 B 543 Tail Gear Box Assy. S1535-64800-8, S1535-64800-9 12/01/62 Sikorsky 95 C 1 Tail Rotor Drive Gear Boxes 25000-1, 25034-1, 25035-1 11/01/52 Hiller 95 C 2 Tail Rotor Drive Gear Boxes 25000-1, 25034-1, 25035-1 11/01/52 Hiller 95 C 3 Cooling Fan Gear Boxes 74100-1, 74118-1 11/01/52 Hiller 95 C 4 Cooling Fan Gear Boxes 74100-1, 74118-1 11/01/52 Hiller 95 C 5 Main Transmission 23300-1, 23301-7, 23316-5 06/01/53 Hiller 95 C 6 Main Transmission 23300-1, 23301-7, 23316-5 06/01/53 Hiller 95 D 1 Engine Nose Gearbox, Clutch K474200-1 & Fan Assy. 05/01/54 Kaman 10627 10628 10629 10630 10631 10632 10633 10634 10635 10636 10637 10638 10639 Sikorsky 10640 95 D 2 95 D 3 95 D 4 95 95 D D 7 8 95 D 9 Main & Accessory Gearbox System for Helicopters 95 D 10 95 D 11 95 D 12 95 D 14 Drive Shaft & Coupling System for Helicopters Main Rotor System for Helicopters Actuator Assy. & with Motor Assy. Tail Rotor Gearbox Assy. 95 D 15 Intermediate Gearbox Assy. K671202-1 10641 10642 10643 Engine Nose Gearbox, Clutch & Fan Assy. Transmission & Drive Assy.: Transmission Drive Balancing Shaft Transmission & Drive Assy.: Transmission Drive Balancing Shaft Cooling Fan Assy. Rotor Hub Assy. 10644 10645 10646 10647 10648 10649 10650 K474200-1 05/01/54 Kaman K474175-1, K474301- 07/01/54 1 Kaman K474175-1, K474301- 06/01/54 1 Kaman K377511-9 K313020-105, K313020-106, K313020-107, K313020-108 UH-2A, UH-2B 02/01/60 06/01/61 Kaman Kaman 02/01/70 Kaman UH-2A, UH-2B 12/01/65 Kaman/Zurn UH-2A, UH-2B, UH- 07/01/68 2C 1005840-18, 10/01/63 1034771 K671302-1, K671302- 02/01/76 3, K671302-5, K671302-7, K6716521, K671652-3, K671652-5 05/01/61 Kaman Bendix-Pacific Kaman Kaman D 16 Slipring & Cover, Slipring Brush Block, Slipring, & *containing Ring Assy. 95 D 17 Tail Rotor Blade & Grip Assy. K614001-106 02/01/63 Kaman 95 D 18 Intermediate Gearbox Assy. K671402-1 07/01/65 Kaman 95 95 95 D D D 24 25 26 K674702-3 04/01/71 K674702-3 10/01/70 K674826-5, K674826- 02/01/76 7 Kaman Kaman Kaman 95 D 27 K674826-5, K674826- 02/01/76 7 Kaman 95 95 95 D D D 28 29 32 Combining Gearbox Assy. Combining Gearbox Assy. Resolver & Tachometer Generator Drive Gearbox Assy. Resolver & Tachometer Generator Drive Gearbox Assy. Sprag Clutch Assy. Sprag Clutch Assy. Lube & Scavenge Pump K674709-3 K674709-3 GD318-1, GD318-2, K671808-11 11/01/70 09/01/70 02/01/76 Kaman Kaman Kaman/Nichols 95 D 501 Rotor Blade Assy. Complete 06/01/60 Kaman 95 D 503 Transmission Assy. K374051-9, K374051- 03/01/60 101, K374051-103 Kaman 95 95 D E 505 1 Clutch Assy. Tail Rotor Hub K371160-101 11/01/60 06/01/53 USAF Series H13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Kaman Bell 10651 10652 10653 10654 10655 10656 10657 10658 10659 10660 10661 10662 10663 10664 Kaman *K6830099-5, 08/01/65 Wendon *W16-7100, *W16-8-100, W16-3-130 95 Kaman/Wendon 95 E 2 Main Rotor Hub USAF Series H06/01/53 13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 3 Main Rotor Hub USAF Series H08/01/52 13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 4 Transmission USAF Series H06/01/53 13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 5 Transmission USAF Series H08/01/52 13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 6 Mast & Control 06/01/53 USAF Series H13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 7 Mast & Control 08/01/52 USAF Series H13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 8 Tail Rotor Drive Shaft & Gear USAF Series H07/01/53 Box 13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 95 E 9 Tail Rotor Drive Shaft & Gear USAF Series H08/01/52 Box 13C/D/E/G, Navy HTL4, HTL-5 Bell 10665 10666 10667 10668 10669 10670 10671 10672 95 E 12 Transmission USAF Series XH-12B, 08/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 13 Transmission USAF Series XH-12B, 12/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 14 Tail Rotor Drive Shafts & Gear Boxes USAF Series XH-12B, 08/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 15 Tail Rotor Drive Shafts & Gear Boxes USAF Series XH-12B, 12/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 16 Main Rotor Hub USAF Series XH-12B, 08/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 16 Transmission 212-0430-001-7, 212- 11/01/99 0430-001-19, 2120430-001-23, 2120430-001-35, 2120430-001-107, 2120430-001-111 Bell 95 E 17 42 Degree Gearbox Assy. 212-040-003-19 08/01/96 Bell 95 E 18 Mast & Controls USAF Series XH-12B, 08/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 18 90 Degree Gearbox Assy. 212-040-004-5 10/01/96 Bell 95 E 19 Mast & Controls USAF Series XH-12B, 10/01/52 YH-12B Bell 10673 10674 10675 10676 10677 10678 10679 10680 10681 10682 95 E 20 Tail Rotor Hub USAF Series XH-12B, 08/01/52 YH-12B Bell 95 E 22 Main Rotor Hub USAF Series H-13G 11/01/53 Bell 95 E 23 Transmission USAF Series H-13G 11/01/53 Bell 95 E 30 Tail Rotor Hub 212-010-701-3 05/01/90 Bell 95 E 32 RPM Limit Detector Test Set 1723-2100, BR1723 06/01/75 Northrop 95 E 511 Wooden Rotor Blades 61-101-201, 47-110- 12/01/57 120, 47-110-401, 47642-020 Bell 95 E 512 Tail Rotor Drive 47-640-050, 47-640- 09/01/57 052, 47-640-068 Bell 95 E 513 Main Rotor Hub Bell 95 E 514 Transmission & Adapter Plate 47-120-184, 47-120- 11/01/57 229 47-620-200, 47-600- 09/01/57 600, 47-612-101, 47612-800 95 E 515 Mast Control Bell 95 GYR 2 95 GYR 3 Y63-315370-2 04/01/66 Gyrodyne 95 GYR 4 Upper Gust Lock & Scissors Assy. Lower Gust Lock & Scissors Assy. Lower Swash Plate Assy. 47-150-201, 47-150- 11/01/59 209 Y63-315370-1 04/01/66 Y63-315370-3, Y63315370-3-1 09/01/68 Gyrodyne 10683 10684 10685 10686 10687 10688 10689 10690 10691 10692 10693 10694 10695 Bell Gyrodyne 95 GYR 95 GYR 6 Upper & Lower Rotor Assy. Y63-315700-59-1, Y63-315700-59-2, Y63-315700-59-3, Y63-315700-59-4, Y63-315700-59-5, Y63-315700-59-6, Y63-315700-60-1, Y63-315700-60-2, Y63-315700-60-3, Y63-315700-60-4, Y63-315700-60-5, Y63-315700-60-6, Y70E700020-001, Y70E700020-002 09/01/68 Gyrodyne Upper Swash Plate & Tip Brake Swivel Assy. Y61-315370-91, Y61- 09/01/68 315370-91-1 Gyrodyne Electro-Mechanical Linear Actuator Panel Mounting Indicator Panel Mounting Indicator Power Unit Indicator Power Unit Indicator Guillotine Assy. Hose Reel Assy. 1600M3, 1600M4 01/01/61 Lyndon Aircraft 10301 10301 EA932C-3 EA932C-3 5679563 5547050-511 4/51 4/51 07/01/59 07/01/59 05/01/72 12/01/59 Carma Carma Liquidometer Liquidometer Douglas Douglas 10696 10697 10698 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 10704 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 A A A A A A 7 8 16 17 19 20 10705 10706 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713 10714 10715 100 A 22 Hydraulic Drive Hose Reel EA-50220, EA-50238 03/01/65 Vickers 100 A 23 Hydraulic Drive Hose Reel EA-50220, EA-50238 10/01/61 Vickers 100 100 100 A A A 24 25 28 EA932C-3M EA932C-3M B436-1 11/01/60 09/01/60 12/01/61 Liquidometer Liquidometer Liquidometer 100 A 29 Power Unit Indicator Power Unit Indicator Fuel Distribution Indicator Lockout Unit 400gal. Tank Assy. 2312718, ATP-D1A 09/01/63 100 100 A A 501 502 Automatic Probe Nozzle 13A003-M Ground Fuel Check Adapter 208000 05/01/57 05/01/57 Pastushin Industries Flight Refueling Flight Refueling 100 A 503 033R46586 07/01/57 Dalmo Victor 100 100 A A 504 505 6162 3300-200 04/01/58 04/01/58 J. C. Carter Benton 100 A 506 Collapsible In-Flight Refueling Drogue Assy. Fuel Transfer Pump Pressure Refueling Vent & Relief Valve Pressurized Fuel Tank, 300gal. 100 A 507 Inflight Fueling Drogue Assy. 5668000-11, 06/01/62 & C-8 Reception Coupling 5668000-13, 211700, Assy. 211844 100 A 508 100 A 509 Flight Pressure Refueling Reception Coupling w/ Battery Night Lighting Provisions Collapsible In-Flight Refueling Drogue Assy. 10716 10717 10718 10719 11/01/62 225-48000, 22548000-71, 225-4800073, 225-48000-75, 225-48000-89 MA-2 05/01/58 DVR-90025 03/01/59 Pastushin Industries Douglas/Flight Refueling Dalmo Victor 10720 10721 10722 10723 10724 10725 10726 10727 10728 10729 10730 10731 10732 100 A 510 100 A 511 100 A 512 100 100 A A 514 515 100 B 3 100 100 B B 3 4 100 100 B B 4 6 100 B 6 100 B 501 100 B 502 100 C 6 Flight Pressure Refueling Hose Reel Flight Pressure Refueling Hose Reel Flight Pressure Refueling Hose Reel Fuel Pressure Gage Inflight Fueling Hose Cutter Assy. Hydraulic System Reservoir Assy. Boom Extension Actuator Flight Pressure Refueling Hose Reel Boom Extension Actuator Flight Pressure Refueling Hose Reel Flight Pressure Refueling Hose Reel Constant Displacement Hydraulic Motor Assy. Constant Displacement Hydraulic Motor Assy. Hose Reel Installation 100 C 7 Hose Reel Installation 10733 10734 217000, A-29 09/01/58 Flight Refueling 217000, A-29 09/01/58 Flight Refueling 217000, A-29 09/01/58 Flight Refueling AW2015AC01 3668033 10/01/58 10/01/66 U.S. Gauge Douglas 5546990-503 11/01/59 Douglas D15 216000, A-23B-7, MOD 3 D15 3, 216000 12/01/50 10/01/64 Jack & Heintz Flight Refueling 12/01/50 10/01/64 216000, A-12B-7, MOD 4 MF88-913-S332-5A 10/01/70 02/01/58 Jack & Heintz Flight Refueling Inc. Allied Research Assoc. Vickers MF88-913-S332-5A 02/01/58 Vickers 149R1001-107, 149R1001-109, FR300B, FR300D 07/01/75 Sargent-Fletcher 149R1001-107, 149R1001-109, FR300B, FR300D 07/01/75 Sargent-Fletcher 100 C 8 Hose Reel Installation 149R1001-107, 149R1001-109, FR300B, FR300D 12/01/69 Sargent-Fletcher 100 C 9 Hose Reel Assy. 128R1000, 128R1007 06/01/65 Sargent-Fletcher 100 100 C C 501 502 GC-3010 FR250 07/01/55 12/01/57 Pierce Fletcher Aviation 100 C 503 FR250 12/01/57 Fletcher Aviation 100 C 504 FR250 07/01/57 Fletcher Aviation 100 C 505 Governor Assy. Inflight Refueling Hose Reel Assy. Inflight Refueling Hose Reel Assy. Inflight Refueling Hose Reel Assy. Inflight Fueling Console Assy. 01/01/63 Douglas 100 D 501 12/01/57 100 D 502 231DA, 231DA1 12/01/57 100 E 1 Hose Reel Drive Gearbox Assy. Hose Reel Drive Gearbox Assy. Aerial Refueling Nozzles 5668927, 5668927501 231DA, 231DA1 8-958-101, 8-958101-1, MA-2 09/01/64 Sargent Engineering Sargent Engineering Schulz 100 E 2 Aerial Refueling Nozzles 8-958-101, 8-958101-1, MA-2 06/01/63 Schulz 100 E 3 Aircraft Pressure Fuel Servicing Nozzle 4-2650-8, 4-26508M, 4-2650-10, 42650-10M2, 1326546400, 1326556418, 1326556841, 556970 04/01/62 Parker 10735 10736 10737 10738 10739 10740 10741 10742 10743 10744 10745 10746 100 E 4 Aircraft Pressure Fuel Servicing Nozzle 4-2650-8, 4-26508M, 4-2650-10, 42650-10M2, 1326546400, 1326556418, 1326556841, 556970 04/01/62 Parker 100 E 5 Aircraft Pressure Fuel Servicing Nozzle 4-2650-8, 4-26508M, 4-2650-10, 42650-10M2, 1326546400, 1326556418, 1326556841, 556970 04/01/62 Parker 100 E 6 Aerial Refueling Nozzle 8-958, 7-653 (Both Series), MA-2 09/01/64 Schulz Tool & Mfg 100 100 F F 35 36 1111-585686 1323-547042M3 06/01/59 06/01/59 Parker Parker 100 F 37 Swing Check Valves Dual Pilot Level Control Valve Level Control Shutoff Valve 1321-566210M3 09/01/63 Parker 100 F 39 11/01/59 Douglas 100 F 40 100 F 42 100 100 F F 43 44 10747 10748 10749 10750 10751 10752 10753 10754 10755 10756 10757 Hose Tension Regulator 3664302-503, Valve 3664302-505 Reel In Snubbing Valve Assy. 4546970-501, 4546970-503, 4546970-505 Fuel Pump Motor Pressure 3546950-503, Regulating Valve Assy. 3546950-505 Fuel Level Control Valve Vent Valve 4-254-91 HV-912 02/01/60 12/01/59 Douglas 03/01/60 12/01/62 Schulz Hyair 10758 10759 10760 10761 10762 10763 10764 100 F 45 InFlight Refueling Actuator P111-1 05/01/63 Geartronics Corp. 100 F 47 2630110, MA-2 03/01/66 Parker 100 F 502 Flight Pressure Refueling Nozzle Hydraulic Relief Valve 41150-12-2 01/01/58 100 F 503 Surge Pressure Relief Valve 6177, 6177-1 07/01/59 Hydraulic Research J.C. Carter 100 F 504 131015 01/01/58 Whittaker 100 100 F F 505 506 12-856-1 1371-569460 03/01/58 01/01/58 Schulz Parker 100 F 507 Pressure Actuated Shutoff Valve Shutoff Valve Solenoid Pilot Operated Hydraulic Valve Dual Pilot Valve 1323-537165, 1323- 02/01/58 537165M1 Parker 100 F 508 Float & Vent Pilot Valve 22-1744-004, 220041, 22-0041-005 05/01/58 Aero Supply 100 F 509 Pressure Fuel Servicing Valve 42-1755-003 05/01/58 Aero Supply 100 100 F F 510 511 Wing Fuel Vent Valve 7300 Level Control Shutoff Valves 1321-566280M1, 1321-566280M2 04/01/58 10/01/63 Benton Parker 100 F 512 Level Control Shutoff Valve 1321-566210M2 03/01/58 Parker 100 F 514 Manually Operated Rotary Shutoff Valve Assy. 131835, 131835-2 04/01/60 Whittaker 100 F 515 Flight Pressure Refueling Nozzle 1325-556659, MA-2 04/01/67 Parker 10765 10766 10767 10768 10769 10770 10771 10772 10773 100 F 516 Float & Vent Pilot Valves 9-1254-51, 9-1254- 03/01/59 71 1111-555236, 1111- 04/01/60 555236M1 Schulz 100 F 517 Swing Check Valves 100 100 100 100 100 F F F F F 518 519 520 521 522 Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Swing Check Valve Dual Pilot Fuel Valve Level Control Shutoff Valve 1111-569920 1111-577541 1111-577958 1323-547095 1321-566280M2 10/01/58 08/01/58 09/01/58 09/01/58 07/01/58 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 100 F 524 2-Position, 3-Way Solenoid Operated Valve Assy. 11200 10/01/58 Sterer 100 100 100 F F F 525 526 527 F 528 100 F 529 2-3800 2-3900 08-17531C, 0817531D 08-17531C, 0817531D 08-17180E, 0817180E1, 08-17180F, 08-17180F1 03/01/59 03/01/59 10/01/58 100 Shutoff Valve Pilot Valve 1- 1/4 inch Motor Operated Gate Valves 1- 1/4 inch Motor Operated Gate Valves 2" Motor Operated Gate Valve Sweeney Sweeney StandardThomson StandardThomson StandardThomson 100 100 F F 530 531 100 F 532 100 F 533 100 G 7 10774 10775 10776 10777 10778 10779 10780 10781 10782 10783 10784 10785 10786 10787 10788 10789 10790 10/01/58 09/01/64 Parker Vent Valve HV-7810 Hose Reel-In Snubbing Valve 3668072-501 Assy. Pressure Actuated Poppet 132705, 132705-1 Relief Valve Assy. 12/01/58 06/01/62 Hyair Douglas 11/01/59 Whittaker Pressure Fueling Shutoff Valves Flight Refueling Fuel Pump Assy. 1-156-1, 1-156-51 04/01/60 Schulz 023327-020-01 12/01/58 Pesco 100 G 8 08/01/64 J.C. Carter 100 G 501 04/01/59 J.C. Carter 100 G 502 04/01/58 Pesco 100 G 503 Line Mounted Motor Driven 122901-010-01 Fuel Booster Pump Assy. 04/01/58 Pesco 100 G 504 Flight Refueling Fuel Pump Assy. 023327-010-01, 023327-010-02 12/01/58 Pesco 100 G 505 013276-010-01 06/01/59 Pesco 100 G 506 013276-010-01 06/01/59 Pesco 100 J 1 3667788 11/01/59 Douglas 100 J 2 3558548 01/01/60 Douglas 100 K 1 Power Driven Variable Displacement Piston Type Hydraulic Pump Power Driven Variable Displacement Piston Type Hydraulic Pump Hose Reel Adjustable Lock Pin Cylinder Assy. Hose Reel Adjustable Lock Pin Cylinder Assy. Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve Assy. 03/01/61 Douglas 100 100 LW MR 1 1 Flow Sensor In-Flight Fueling Preselect Totalizer Control 5660250-503, 5660250-505, 5660250-507 1-0525 F71780 06/01/61 05/01/63 Waugh Revere 2 Loop Hose In-Flight Refueling System Tankers: British Sys. 08/01/53 Flight Refueling Ltd. 10791 10792 10793 10794 10795 10796 10797 10798 10799 10800 10801 10802 10803 100 Fuel Transfer Pump Assy., 6400, 6401, 6402 Hydraulic Flow Control Valve, Venturi 400 GPM Aerial Refueling 6170 Pump Line Mounted Motor Driven 122901-010-01 Fuel Booster Pump Assy. 10804 100 4 Loop Hose In-Flight Receivers: British Sys. 08/01/53 Refueling System Capacitor Type Fuel Quantity EA804BBY-1724, 11/01/61 Tank Unit EA804BCY-1725 Flight Refueling Ltd. Liquidometer 100 9 100 10 Capacitor Type Fuel Quantity EA804BBY-1724, Tank Unit EA804BCY-1725 06/01/59 Liquidometer 100 11 DVR-90045 02/01/59 Dalmo Victor 100 12 DVR-90026 08/01/59 Dalmo Victor 100 14 300500, MA-2 11/01/74 Allied Research Assoc. 100 501 Collapsible In-Flight Refueling Drogue Assy. Collapsible In-Flight Refueling Drogue Assy. Flight Pressure Refueling Reception Coupling & Collapsible Drogue Assy. (Lighted) Inflight Fueling Store Assy. 12/01/65 Douglas 100 502 Inflight Fueling Store Assy. 5547000-521, 5547000-523, 5547000-525, 5547000-527 5547000, 5547000503, 5547000-515, 5547000-517, 5547000-519, 5547000-521, 5547000-523, 5547000-525, 5547000-527 09/01/74 Douglas 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 100 503 In-Flight Refueling Tanker Package: Buddy Tanker 209-48901, Control 10/01/58 Box 209-543142, Reel Tank 20948910, Fuel Tank 20948911 North American Aviation 100 503 209-48901, 20901/01/58 543142, 209-48911, 209-48910 North American Aviation, Inc. 100 504 In- flight Refueling Tanker Package (buddy tanker) Control Box, Reel Tank, Fuel Tank In-Flight Refueling Tanker Package: Buddy Tanker 209-48901, 20904/01/59 543142, 209-48910, 209-48911 North American Aviation 10812 10813 10814 105 10815 AA 19 Air Turbine Engine Starter & 553401, 553416, 08/01/72 QAD Disconnect Assy. 553899, 591461, 591471, 582399, 705035-1, 737079-1, 737079-2, 737106-1, 554774, 737078-1 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 20 Air Turbine Engine Starter with QAD Disconnect Assy. 553401, 553416, 553899, 591461, 591471, 582399, 705035-1, 554774 12/01/67 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 21 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 553401, 553416, 553899, 591461, 591471, 582399 05/01/65 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 501 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 94022, PS300-4 06/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 503 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 94022, PS300-4 04/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 504 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 98652, PS500-11 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 505 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 98652, PS500-11 08/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 506 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 98652, PS500-11 05/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 510 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 100320, PS300-10 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 105 AA 511 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 100320, PS300-10 08/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 512 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 100320, PS300-10 06/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 513 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 515488, PS300-31 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 514 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 515488, PS300-31 08/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 515 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 515488, PS300-31 05/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 516 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 519935, PS400-11 07/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 517 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 519935, PS400-11 08/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AA 518 Air Turbine Engine Starter: Pneumatic Starter 519935, PS400-11 06/01/63 Hamilton Standard 105 AB 1 06/01/55 Air Turbine Starter, Starter 58700, 94010-10, 106030, ATS35-400, Control & Shutoff Valve & Air Pressure Rate of Change SCV35-2, RCC1-1 Control Airesearch 105 AB 2 Air Turbine Starter, Starter 58700, ATS35-400 Control & Shutoff Valve & Air Pressure Rate of Change Control Airesearch 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 10830 10831 10832 10833 06/01/55 105 AB 3 58700, ATS35-400 06/01/55 Airesearch 105 AB 4 59330, ATS140-9 09/01/53 Airesearch 105 AB 6 58350, 105054, ATS20-2, SVPA-1 03/01/58 Airesearch 105 AB 7 Air Turbine Starter & Starter 58490, 105054, Air Shutoff Valve ATS40-1, SVPA-1 02/01/55 Airesearch 105 AB 8 Air Turbine Starters 58380, 58490, ATS20- 03/01/58 2, ATS40-1 Airesearch 105 AB 9 Air Turbine Starters 58380, 58490, ATS20- 03/01/58 2, ATS40-1 Airesearch 105 AB 13 Air Turbine Starters & Air Shutoff Valve 08/01/59 58500, 59150, 105104-480-1, ATS406, ATS40-11, SVR1-2 Airesearch 105 AB 14 Air Turbine Starters 58500, 59150, ATS40- 12/01/59 6, ATS40-11 Airesearch 105 AB 15 Air Turbine Starters 58500, 59150, ATS40- 10/01/59 6, ATS40-11 Airesearch 10834 10835 10836 10837 Air Turbine Starter, Starter Control & Shutoff Valve & Air Pressure Rate of Change Control Aircraft Engine Pneumatic Starter Air Turbine Starter & Starter Air Shutoff Valve 10838 10839 10840 10841 10842 105 AB 22 Aircraft Engine Pneumatic 350690, 108420 Starter & Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 12/01/61 Airesearch 105 AB 23 350690, ATS100-14 11/01/61 Airesearch 105 AB 24 350690 11/01/61 Airesearch 105 AB 25 Aircraft Engine Automatic Starter Aircraft Engine Pneumatic Starter Air Turbine Engine Starter 353510, ATS100-46 10/01/59 Airesearch 105 AB 26 Air Turbine Engine Starter 353510, ATS100-46 01/01/60 Airesearch 105 AB 27 Air Turbine Engine Starter 353510, ATS100-46 10/01/59 Airesearch 105 AB 31 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351080, ATS70-24 09/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 32 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351080, ATS70-24 09/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 33 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351080, ATS70-24 09/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 34 Air Turbine Engine Starter 356164-1, ATS70-27 08/01/65 Airesearch 105 AB 35 Air Turbine Engine Starter 356164-1, ATS70-27 08/01/65 Airesearch 105 AB 36 Air Turbine Engine Starter 356164-1, ATS70-27 08/01/65 Airesearch 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 10848 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 105 AB 37 Air Turbine Engine Starter & 3" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 383074-1-1, 383074- 02/01/65 1-2, 383076-1-1, 383076-1-2, 3922001, 392200-2-1, ATS100-167, ATS100169, SVR1-73 Airesearch 105 AB 38 Air Turbine Engine Starter 383074-1-1, 383076- 09/01/63 1-1, ATS100-167, ATS100-169 Airesearch 105 AB 39 Air Turbine Engine Starter 383074-1-1, 383074- 44pgs 1-5, 383076-1-1, 383076-1-5, 3836501-1, 383650-1-2, 383652-1-1, 3836521-2, ATS100-67, ATS100-169 Airesearch 105 AB 40 383056-1, 392122-1, 10/01/63 ATS100-160, APR2316 Airesearch 105 AB 41 Air Turbine Engine Starter & 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator Air Turbine Engine Starter 10/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 42 Air Turbine Engine Starter 10/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 43 Air Turbine Engine Starter 383056-1, ATS100160 383056-1, ATS100160 383472-1-2 02/01/66 Airesearch 10855 10856 10857 10858 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 105 AB 44 Air Turbine Engine Starter 383472-1-2 03/01/66 Airesearch 105 AB 45 Air Turbine Engine Starter 383472-1-2 02/01/66 Airesearch 105 AB 46 Gas Turbine Engine Starter Airesearch 105 105 AB AB 47 48 Engine Starter Cartridge Air Turbine Engine Starter 105 AB 49 Air Turbine Engine Starter 105 AB 50 Air Turbine Engine Starter 105 AB 52 105 AB 501 Jet Fuel Gas Turbine Engine Starter Air Turbine Starter 383380-1-1, ATSC100- 03/01/66 83 MXU-4/A 02/01/66 383968-1-2, ATS100- 09/01/75 346 383968-1-2, ATS100- 09/01/75 346 383968-1-2, ATS100- 05/01/72 346 384092-1-1, JFS100- 06/01/75 34 59040, ATS40-8 06/01/56 105 AB 502 Air Turbine Starter 59040, ATS40-8 02/01/57 Airesearch 105 AB 503 Air Turbine Starter 59040, ATS40-8 02/01/57 Airesearch 105 AB 504 Air Turbine Starter 350860, ATS140-30 01/01/61 07/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 504 Air Turbine Starter 350860, ATS140-30 01/01/61 Airesearch 105 AB 505 Air Turbine Starter 350860, ATS140-30 08/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 506 Air Turbine Starter 350860, ATS140-30 08/01/63 Airesearch 105 AB 507 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351070, 351070-0-4, 09/01/63 ATS70-23-1 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 105 AB 508 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351070, 351070-0-4, 09/01/63 ATS70-23-1 Airesearch 105 AB 509 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351070, 351070-0-4, 08/01/63 ATS70-23-1 Airesearch 105 AB 510 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351180, ATS25-1 02/01/60 Airesearch 105 AB 511 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351180, ATS25-1 01/01/60 Airesearch 105 AB 512 Air Turbine Engine Starter 351180, ATS25-1 11/01/59 Airesearch 105 AB 513 Air Turbine Engine Starters 350870, 351500, 12/01/59 ATS100-20, ATS10028 Airesearch 105 AB 514 Air Turbine Engine Starters 350870, 351500, 12/01/59 ATS100-20, ATS10028 Airesearch 105 AB 515 Air Turbine Engine Starters 11/01/59 350870, 351500, ATS100-20, ATS10028 Airesearch 105 AB 516 Air Turbine Starter 351050, ATS70-22 04/01/62 Airesearch 105 AB 517 Air Turbine Starter 351050, ATS70-22 04/01/62 Airesearch 105 AB 518 Air Turbine Starter 351050, ATS70-22 02/01/62 Airesearch 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 105 AC 501 Electric Starters for Gas Turbine Engines A28A8544, 09/01/58 A28A8544-A, A24A9206, A24A9206-2, A24A9206-3, JE34WE-30, JE34-WE-34, JE34-WE-36 Westinghouse 105 AD 2 Aircraft Starter--Motors General Electric 105 AD 3 Aircraft Starter--Motors 105 AE 1 Gas Turbine Engine Starter 2CM270D3, 07/01/67 2CM270D2A, 2CM270D5 2CM270D3, 07/01/67 2CM270D2A, 2CM270D5 20069-002, 20069- 06/01/67 005, 20069-008, E-5 105 AE 2 Gas Turbine Engine Starter 20069-002, 20069- 06/01/67 005, 20069-008, E-5 Lear-Siegler 105 AE 3 Gas Turbine Engine Starter 20069-002, 20069- 06/01/67 005, 20069-008, E-5 Lear-Siegler 105 BB 14 Pneumatic Starter & QAD Mounting Assy. consisting of Pneumatic Starter & QAD Mounting Assy. 36E62-2Q-A, 36E62- 11/01/62 2Q-B, 26E62-2Q-C, 36E62-2-A, 36E62-2B, 36E62-2-C, 641955, 644989 Bendix-Utica 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 General Electric Lear-Siegler 105 BB 15 Pneumatic Starter & QAD Mounting Assy. consisting of Pneumatic Starter & QAD Mounting Assy. 36E62-2Q-A, 36E62- 07/01/62 2Q-B, 26E62-2Q-C, 36E62-2-A, 36E62-2B, 36E62-2-C, 641955, 644989 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 15 Air Turbine Starter 36E62-2Q-A, A-14 06/01/59 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 16 Air Turbine Starter & Accessory Drive Assy. 36E59-6A, 36E59-6B, 05/01/76 36E59-6C, 36E59-6D, 36E59-6F, 36E59-6G, 36E59-6H, 36E1182A, 36E118-2B, 36E118-2C, 36E1182D, 36E81-6QB Bendix-Utica 105 BB 17 Air Turbine Starter & Accessory Drive Assy. 36E59-6A, 36E59-6B, 05/01/76 36E59-6C, 36E59-6D, 36E59-6F, 36E59-6G, 36E59-6H, 36E1182A, 36E118-2B, 36E118-2C, 36E1182D, 36E81-6QB Bendix-Utica 10896 10897 10898 10899 105 BB 18 Air Turbine Starter & Accessory Drive Assy. 36E59-6A, 36E59-6B, 06/01/76 36E59-6C, 36E59-6D, 36E59-6F, 36E59-6G, 36E59-6H, 36E1182A, 36E118-2B, 36E118-2C, 36E1182D, 36E81-6QB Bendix-Utica 105 BB 19 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E79-10QA, 36E79- 01/01/84 12QA, 36E79-18QA, 36E79-18QB, 38E808QA, 38E80-10QA, 38E80-10QB, 38E8012QA, 38E80-12QB, 36E84-16QB Bendix-Utica 105 BB 20 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E79-10QA, 36E79- 10/01/76 12QA, 36E79-18QA, 36E79-18QB, 38E808QA, 38E80-10QA, 38E80-10QB, 38E8012QA, 38E80-12QB, 36E84-16QB Bendix-Utica 10900 10901 10902 105 BB 21 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E79-10QA, 36E79- 10/01/76 12QA, 36E79-18QA, 36E79-18QB, 38E808QA, 38E80-10QA, 38E80-10QB, 38E8012QA, 38E80-12QB, 36E84-16QB Bendix-Utica 105 BB 22 Air Turbine Starter 36E83-6QA, A19-1 10/01/64 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 23 Air Turbine Starter 36E83-6QA, A19-1 10/01/64 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 24 Air Turbine Starter 36E83-6QA, A19-1 10/01/64 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 25 Air Turbine Starter 36E85-2QA, 36E854QA, A14-1 05/01/72 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 26 Air Turbine Starter 36E85-2QA, 36E854QA, A14-1 09/01/72 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 27 Air Turbine Starter 36E85-2QA, 36E854QA, A14-1 04/01/72 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 501 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E33-2-B, 36E33-4- 04/01/59 B, 36E33-4Q-C, 36E33-6Q-A, A-19 Bendix-Utica 10903 10904 10905 10906 10907 10908 10909 10910 105 BB 502 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E33-2-B, 36E33-4- 04/01/59 B, 36E33-4Q-C, 36E33-6Q-A, A-19 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 503 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E33-2-B, 36E33-4- 02/01/59 B, 36E33-4Q-C, 36E33-6Q-A, A-19 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 503 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E33-2-B, 36E33-4- 02/01/59 B, 36E33-4Q-C, 36E33-6Q-A, A-19 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 504 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E32-2-B, 36E32-4Q- 11/01/58 A, A-21 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 505 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E32-2-B, 36E32-4Q- 02/01/59 A, A-21 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 506 Air Turbine Starter Assy. 36E32-2-B, 36E32-4Q- 10/01/58 A, A-21 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 509 Air Turbine Starter & QAD Mounting Assy. 36E39-1-A, 36E39-5Q- 03/01/58 A, A-16 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 510 Air Turbine Starter 36E40-2-A, 36E40-4Q- 11/01/58 B, A-14 Bendix-Utica 105 BB 511 Air Turbine Starter 36E40-2-A, 36E40-4Q- 04/01/59 B, A-14 Bendix-Utica 10911 10912 10913 10914 10915 10916 10917 10918 10919 105 BB 512 Air Turbine Starter 36E40-2-A, 36E40-4Q- 11/01/58 B, A-14 Bendix-Utica 105 BC 1 Enclosed Gas Turbine Compressors 71510-100, 72900, GTC43/44-5, GTC43/44-6 07/01/55 Airesearch 105 BC 2 Enclosed Gas Turbine Compressors 71510-100, 72900, GTC43/44-5, GTC43/44-6 09/01/55 Airesearch 105 BC 3 Enclosed Gas Turbine Compressors 71510-100, 72900, GTC43/44-5, GTC43/44-6 09/01/55 Airesearch 105 BC 23 GTC85-55, GTC85-56 02/01/76 Airesearch 105 BC 24 GTC85-55, GTC85-56 01/01/71 Airesearch 105 BC 25 GTC85-55, GTC85-56 10/01/68 Airesearch 105 BC 502 Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Gas Turbine Compressors 75400, 75800, GTC85- 10/01/57 15, GTC85-16 Airesearch 105 BC 503 Gas Turbine Compressors 75400, 75800, GTC85- 07/01/57 15, GTC85-16 Airesearch 105 BC 504 Gas Turbine Compressors 75400, 75800, GTC85- 04/01/57 15, GTC85-16 Airesearch 105 BC 505 Gas Turbine Compressor 370890, GTC85-24 06/01/58 Airesearch 105 BC 506 Gas Turbine Compressor 370890, GTC85-24 01/01/58 Airesearch 10920 10921 10922 10923 10924 10925 10926 10927 10928 10929 10930 10931 10932 10933 10934 10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 105 BC 507 Gas Turbine Compressor 370890, GTC85-24 06/01/60 Airesearch 105 BC 508 371610, GTC85-28 11/01/59 Airesearch 105 BC 509 371610, GTC85-28 12/01/59 Airesearch 105 BC 510 371610, GTC85-28 06/01/60 Airesearch 105 BC 511 372120, GTC85-34 06/01/60 Airesearch 105 BC 512 372120, GTC85-34 05/01/58 Airesearch 105 BC 513 372120, GTC85-34 05/01/60 Airesearch 105 BC 516 371130, GTCP100-1 04/01/58 Airesearch 105 BC 518 372500, GTCP100-51 09/01/60 Airesearch 105 BC 519 Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic & Shaft Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic & Shaft Power Gas Turbine Engine Pneumatic & Shaft Power Gas Turbine Engine 372500, GTCP100-51 09/01/60 Airesearch 105 CA 9 Air Turbine Motors 10/01/63 59100, 350170, 350260, 351090, 352030, 352030-0-2, 352040, 352040-0-4, 352240, 355120, 355120-0-3, ATM503, ATM45, AT45-5, ATM45-8, ATM45-9, ATM45-10, ATM4512, ATM45-14 Airesearch 105 CA 10 CA 11 105 CA 12 105 CA 13 380020-1-1, GTCE30- 04/01/62 11 380020-1-1, GTCE30- 06/01/62 11 380020-1-1, GTCE30- 05/01/62 11 380258-1-1, 380258- 07/01/75 1 Series 5, 5-1 Series 7, 7-2, 7-4, 7-6, 7-9, 710, 7-11, 7-12, 7-13, 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, GTCP-95-2 Airesearch 105 Enclosed Gas Turbine Engine Generator Set Enclosed Gas Turbine Engine Generator Set Enclosed Gas Turbine Engine Generator Set Pneumatic & Shaft Power Gas Turbine Engine 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 Airesearch Airesearch Airesearch 105 CA 14 Pneumatic & Shaft Power Gas Turbine Engine 380258-1-1, 380258- 07/01/75 1 Series 5, 5-1 Series 7, 7-2, 7-4, 7-6, 7-9, 710, 7-11, 7-12, 7-13, 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, GTCP-95-2 Airesearch 105 CA 15 Pneumatic & Shaft Power Gas Turbine Engine 380258-1-1, 380258- 02/01/78 1 Series 5, 5-1 Series 7, 7-2, 7-4, 7-6, 7-9, 710, 7-11, 7-12, 7-13, 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, GTCP-95-2 Airesearch 105 CA 502 Gas Turbine Motor 76500, GTM125-7 10/01/56 Airesearch 105 CA 503 Gas Turbine Motor 76500, GTM125-7 06/01/56 Airesearch 105 CA 505 Air Turbine Motor 352030, 352030-0-2, 10/01/63 59100, 351090, ATM50-9, ATM50-3, ATM50-8 Airesearch 10947 10948 10949 10950 10951 105 CA 506 Air Turbine Motor 352030, 352030-0-2, 10/01/63 59100, 351090, ATM50-9, ATM50-3, ATM50-8 Airesearch 105 CA 507 Air Turbine Motor 350170, 350260, 10/01/63 352040, 352040-0-4, 352240, 355120, 355120-0-3, ATM504, ATM50-5, ATM5010-1, ATM50-12, ATM50-14-1 Airesearch 105 CA 508 Air Turbine Motor 10/01/63 350170, 350260, 352040, 352040-0-4, 352240, 355120, 355120-0-3, ATM504, ATM50-5, ATM5010-1, ATM50-12, ATM50-14-1 Airesearch 10952 10953 10954 105 CB 7 Air Turbine Drive & Controls 26463, 102981, 103561, 104901, TP25-2B, TP25-2C 04/01/74 Stratos Div, Fairchild 105 CB 8 Air Turbine Drive & Controls 26463, 102981, 103561, 104901, TP25-2B, TP25-2C 09/01/66 Stratos Div, Fairchild 105 CB 9 Air Turbine Drive & Controls 26463, 102981, 103561, 104901, TP25-2B, TP25-2C 09/01/66 Stratos Div, Fairchild 105 CB 10 Air Turbine Drive & Controls 20201-3, 27732, 20351-1, 26208, 26463, 27010, 102981, 103561, TP25-2A, TP25-2B, TP25-2C 05/01/64 Fairchild Stratos 105 CB 12 Air Turbine Drive & Controls 20201-3, 27732, 20351-1, 26208, 26463, 27010, 102981, 103561, TP25-2A, TP25-2B, TP25-2C 05/01/64 Fairchild Stratos 105 CB 501 AC Generator Drive Turbine TP15-2, TP15-4 03/01/56 Stratos 10955 10956 10957 10958 10959 10960 10961 10962 105 CB 502 AC Generator Drive Turbine TP15-2, TP15-4 07/01/55 Stratos 105 CB 503 AC Generator Drive Turbine TP15-2, TP15-4 07/01/55 Stratos 105 CB 504 Air Turbine Drive 19301-7, 19301-8, 19301-8A, 19401-4, 19401-4A, TP25-1, TP25-1B 01/01/61 Stratos 105 CB 505 Air Turbine Drive 19301-7, 19301-8, 19301-8A, 19401-4, 19401-4A, TP25-1, TP25-1B 01/01/61 Stratos 105 CB 506 Air Turbine Drive 19301-7, 19301-8, 19301-8A, 19401-4, 19401-4A, TP25-1, TP25-1B 01/01/61 Stratos 105 DA 1 EA-1430-084-2A 12/01/65 Vickers 105 DA 2 Hydraulic Engine Starter Assy. Hydraulic Engine Starter Assy. EA-1430-084-2A, EA- 12/01/71 1430-084-2B, EA1430-084-2C Vickers 10963 10964 10965 10966 10967 105 DA 3 Hydraulic Engine Starter Assy. EA-1430-084-2A, EA- 12/01/71 1430-084-2B, EA1430-084-2C Vickers 105 DA 501 Gas Turbine Enclosure 370690, GTE85-1 11/01/59 Airesearch 105 DA 502 Gas Turbine Enclosure 370690, GTE85-1 11/01/59 Airesearch 105 DA 503 Gas Turbine Enclosure 370690, GTE85-1 12/01/68 Airesearch 110 AAA 3 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190042-2, TJ-A3 08/01/57 Bendix 110 AAB 3 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190815-1, TJ-A4 08/01/61 Bendix 110 AAB 4 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190815-1, TJ-A4 09/01/61 Bendix 110 110 110 110 110 110 AAC AAC AAC AAC AAC AAD 3 3 3 4 4 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control 185056, TJ-B1 TJ-B1 185056, TJ-B1 185056, TJ-B1 185056, TJ-B1 2524237-2, 25242373, 10-40063-8, 1040063-9, DP-A4 08/01/53 Bendix 02/01/53 06/01/54 Bendix 09/01/54 Bendix 01/01/53 Bendix 05/01/54 Bendix 03/01/67 Bendix/Boeing 110 AAD 2 Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control 2524237-2, 2524237- 01/01/67 3, 10-40063-8, 1040063-9, DP-A4 Bendix/Boeing 110 AAE 3 Gas Turbine Fuel Control & Flow Divider TJ-J2, FD-G1 Bendix 10968 10969 10970 10971 10972 10973 10974 10975 10976 10977 10978 10979 E A 10980 10981 10982 08/01/52 10983 10984 10985 110 AAF 3 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190639-5, TJ-A6 10/01/64 Bendix 110 AAF 4 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190639-5, TJ-A6 10/01/60 Bendix 110 AAJ 2 440375-12, CJ-G8 06/01/71 Bendix 110 AAK 5 Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190821-36, 190821- 01/01/66 37, 330541-9, 330541-10, TJ-L2 Bendix 110 AAK 6 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190821-36, 190821- 01/01/66 37, 330541-9, 330541-10, TJ-L2 Bendix 110 AAL 1 Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control 440030-22 thru -38, 01/01/70 440030-38A, 44003039, 440030-40, CJ-N1 Bendix 110 AAL 2 Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control 440030-22 thru -38, 04/01/66 440030-38A, 44003039, 440030-40, CJ-N1 Bendix 110 110 110 110 110 AAL AAM AAM AAM AAN 3 4 501 502 3 Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control Gas Turbine Fuel Control 185406, TJ-B6 185435, TJ-E3 190220, TJ-E4 190220, TJ-E4 190255, AJ-A2 Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix Bendix 10986 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 10992 10993 10994 08/01/53 08/01/53 01/01/56 11/01/55 02/01/55 110 AAQ 501 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190747-4, 190747-6, 11/01/63 190747-6A, 1907477, TJ-E6 Bendix 110 AAQ 502 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 190747-4, 190747-6, 11/01/63 190747-6A, 1907477, TJ-E6 Bendix 110 AAV 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330043-7, AP-B3 03/01/65 Bendix 110 AAV 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330043-7, AP-B3 01/01/65 Bendix 110 AAW 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330245-4, 330509-4, 01/01/66 330513-4, 330513-5, 330513-6, 330513-7, 330513-8, 330566-9, 330589-4, 330589-5, 330589-6, 330589-7, 330589-8, 330589-9 Bendix 10995 10996 10997 10998 10999 110 AAW 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330245-4, 330509-4, 09/01/64 330513-4, 330513-5, 330513-6, 330513-7, 330513-8, 330566-9, 330589-4, 330589-5, 330589-6, 330589-7, 330589-8, 330589-9 Bendix 110 AAX 1 Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control 330426-3A, 330507- 02/01/72 2, 330693-3, 4403781 Bendix 110 AAX 2 Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control 330426-3A, 330507- 02/01/72 2, 330693-3, 4403781 Bendix 110 AAY 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330416-3, 330498-3, 01/01/66 330515-3 thru -17, AJH1 Bendix 110 AAY 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330416-3, 330498-3, 06/01/65 330515-3 thru -17, AJH1 Bendix 11000 11001 11002 11003 11004 110 AAZ 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330695-29, 330695- 08/01/66 30, 330695-31, 330695-32, 33083032, CJ-G3 Bendix 110 AAZ 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 330695-29, 330695- 02/01/66 30, 330695-31, 330695-32, 33083032, CJ-G3 Bendix 110 AB 503 Fuel Pump & Control Assy. 109T594, 109T633 11/01/59 Westinghouse 110 AB 504 Fuel Pump & Control Assy. 109T594, 109T633 06/01/60 Westinghouse 110 AC 501 Compressor Bleed Control: Air Operated A12100, A12500, 09/01/63 A12110, A12700, A12900, A12140 (All Series) Holley 110 AC 502 Compressor Bleed Control: Air Operated A12902, A12904 (Both Series) 09/01/65 Holley 110 AC 503 Power Control & Isolation Valve A7008, A7011, A7012 (All Series), A8000 06/01/58 Holley 110 110 AC AC 504 505 Power Control Power Control A7012 A7012 05/01/63 06/01/60 Holley Holley 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 11011 11012 11013 110 AC 511 Compressor Bleed Control A17100, A17200 (Both Series) 06/01/63 Holley 110 AC 512 Compressor Bleed Control A17100, A17200 (Both Series) 06/01/65 Holley 110 AC 514 Pressure Ratio Bleed Control A39502 Series 05/01/70 Holley 110 AC 515 Pressure Ratio Bleed Control A39502 Series 05/01/70 Holley 110 ACA 3 Fuel Regulators 6900-G6, 14250-A1, 06/01/53 VS-2 Chandler-Evans 110 ACA 4 Fuel Regulators 6900-G6, 14250-A1, 06/01/53 VS-2 Chandler-Evans 110 ACB 5 Bleed Override Control A39001, A39005 Series 12/01/65 Holley 110 ACB 6 Bleed Override Control A39001, A39005 Series 08/01/65 Holley 110 ACB 501 Compressor Bleed Control A14000 Series 06/01/62 Holley 110 ACB 502 Compressor Bleed Control A14000 Series 10/01/59 Holley 110 ACC 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control A31514, A31516 Series 08/01/76 Chandler-Evans 110 ACC 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Control A31504, A31514 Series 08/01/68 Holley 110 AD 9 Turbine Type Engine Fuel Control Unit 552552, JFC25-11 02/01/61 Hamilton Standard 11014 11015 11016 11017 11018 11019 11020 11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 11026 11027 110 AD 10 110 AD 11 110 AD 12 110 AD 13 110 AD 15 110 AD 16 11028 11029 Turbine Type Engine Fuel Control Unit Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control 552552, JFC25-11 10/01/60 Hamilton Standard 572000, 593355, 597711, 700650 11/01/65 Hamilton Standard Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control 572000, 593355 03/01/65 Hamilton Standard 578000-1, 578000-2, 05/01/70 578000-3, 578000-4, 578000-6, 578000-8, 578000-9, 57800010, 578000-11, 583555-2, 583555-3, 583555-4, 583555-5, 583555-6 Hamilton Standard Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control 591691, JFC-46-4 01/01/67 Hamilton Standard 591691, JFC-46-4 11/01/66 Hamilton Standard 11030 11031 11032 110 AD 17 Turbine Type Engine Fuel Control Unit 580000-1, 580000-2, 11/01/65 580000-3, 583460-1, 583460-2, 583460-3, 583480-1, 583480-2, 583480-3, 590555-1, 590555-2, JFC26 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 18 Turbine Type Engine Fuel Control Unit 580000-1, 580000-2, 11/01/65 580000-3, 583460-1, 583460-2, 583460-3, 583480-1, 583480-2, 583480-3, 590555-1, 590555-2, JFC26 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 19 Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Unit 579000, 579000-1, 597700-1, JFC42-1, 37R602169P105, P108, 6002T82P03 Hamilton Standard/GE 11033 11034 11035 06/01/66 110 AD 20 Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Unit 579000, 579000-1, 07/01/67 579000-3, 597700-1, 597700-3, JFC42-1, 37R602169P105, P108, P110, 6002T82P03, P05 Hamilton Standard/GE 110 AD 21 707000-1, JFC26-5 04/01/66 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 22 707000-1, JFC26-5 04/01/66 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 23 701300, JFC25-3 06/01/66 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 501 Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control 551761, 551756, 570366, 570364, JFC12-5 05/01/65 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 502 Turbine Type Engine Main Fuel Control 551761, 551756, 570366, 570364, JFC12-5 03/01/65 Hamilton Standard 110 AD 503 Emergency Type Hydromechanical Fuel Controls 506721, 518800, 522184, 523982, 543173, 508413, JFC12-2, JFC12-5A 01/01/64 Hamilton Standard 11036 11037 11038 11039 11040 11041 11042 110 AD 504 Hydromechanical Fuel Control 506721, 518800, 522184, 523982, 543173, 508413, JFC12-2, JFC12-5A 07/01/60 Hamilton Standard 110 110 110 AE AE AE 3 4 501 405100 405100 401435, 401435A, 402560 10/01/65 10/01/65 01/01/60 Woodward Woodward Woodward 110 AE 502 401435, 401435A, 402560 12/01/57 Woodward 110 AEA 5 CIT Sensor CIT Sensor Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor: T2 Transmitter Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor: T2 Transmitter Fuel Control 405004, 405002, 405003, 405005 06/01/66 Woodward 110 AEA 6 Fuel Control 405004, 405002, 405003, 405005 11/01/65 Woodward 110 110 110 AEA AEA AEA 7 8 503 Fuel Control 406407 Fuel Control 406407 Fuel Regulator & CIT Sensor 404900, 403170 07/01/66 07/01/66 10/01/64 Woodward Woodward Woodward 110 AEA 504 Fuel Regulator & CIT Sensor 404900, 403170 10/01/64 Woodward 11043 11044 11045 11046 11047 11048 11049 11050 11051 11052 11053 110 AF 3 Fuel Injection System: Injector Control, Flow Divider, & Air Bleed Nozzle Assy. RS-5BD1, 2524353-1, 12/01/89 2524092-1, 25240922, 2524092-3, 2524107-1 Bendix 110 AF 4 Fuel Injection System: Injector Control, Flow Divider, & Air Bleed Nozzle Assy. RS-5BD1, 2524353-1, 03/01/75 2524092-1, 25240922, 2524092-3, 2524107-1 Bendix 110 AG 2 Main Fuel Control Assy. 70400-B1, 70400-B2, 10/01/63 70400-C3, 70300-C3, 70300-C4, 70300-C5, 70300-C6, MC-16 Chandler-Evans 110 AGA 1 Main Fuel Regulator Assy. 81700-B1, 81700-B2, 08/01/64 81700-C2 Chandler-Evans 110 AGA 2 Main Fuel Regulator Assy. 81700-B1, 81700-B2, 04/01/66 81700-C2 Chandler-Evans 110 110 110 AH AH BB 1 2 1 Main Fuel Control Main Fuel Control Power Lever Control Assy. 5002T94G19 5002T94G19 314103 06/01/69 09/01/69 02/01/66 110 BB 2 Power Lever Control Assy. 314103 02/01/66 110 CA 3 Starting Controls B-5, B-5A, B-5C, B-5E 03/01/53 General Electric General Electric National Water Lift National Water Lift Bendix 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 110 DAA 11 110 DAA 14 110 DAA 15 110 DAA 17 Fuel Pump Assy.: Gear Type w: Integral Booster Dual Gear & Booster Type Fuel Pump Dual Gear & Booster Type Fuel Pump Gear Type w/ Booster Fuel Pump Assy. 023104-010-01 11/01/59 Pesco 022489 Series 05/01/75 Sundstrand 022489 Series 08/01/67 Pesco 023830-030-01, 05/01/65 023830-030-02, 023830-030-03, 023830-04, 023830040-01, 023830-02, 023830-060-01, 023830-02, 02383003, 023830-04, 023830-061-04 Pesco 110 DAA 18 Gear Type w/ Booster Fuel Pump Assy. 023830-030-01, 023830-030-02, 023830-030-03, 023830-030-04, 023830-040-01, 023830-040-02, 023830-060-01, 023830-060-02, 023830-060-03, 023830-060-04, 023830-061-04, 023830-065-05, 023830-066-05, 023830-067-05 110 DAA 19 Gear Type w/ Booster Fuel Pump Assy. 023104-023, 023104- 02/01/75 025, 023104-027, 023104-030, 023104032, GE 5001T29P01, 5002T83P01, 5002T83P02, 5003T42P01, 5003T42P02 11068 11069 05/01/66 Pesco Sundstrand/GE 110 DAA 20 Gear Type w/ Booster Fuel Pump Assy. 023104-023, 023104- 02/01/75 025, 023104-027, 023104-030, 023104032, GE 5001T29P01, 5002T83P01, 5002T83P02, 5003T42P01, 5003T42P02 Sundstrand/GE 110 DAA 21 023966-060-01 02/01/66 Pesco 110 DAA 22 023966-060-01 02/01/66 Pesco 110 110 DAA DAA 23 501 125027-100 022791 Series 10/01/67 01/01/63 Pesco Pesco 110 DAA 502 022791 Series 01/01/63 Pesco 110 DAA 503 Gear Type Fuel Pump w/ Purifier Gear Type Fuel Pump w/ Purifier Fuel Booster Pump Assy. Booster & Gear Type Fuel Pump Booster & Gear Type Fuel Pump Dual Gear Type Fuel Pump w/ Integral Booster 022935 Series 03/01/65 Pesco 110 DAA 504 Dual Gear Type Fuel Pump w/ Integral Booster 022935 Series 09/01/67 Pesco 110 DAA 507 Dual Gear & Booster Type Fuel Pump 022664-021-03, 022664-026-03, 022664-026-06, 022664-050-06 01/01/70 Pesco 11070 11071 11072 11073 11074 11075 11076 11077 11078 110 DAA 508 Dual Gear & Booster Type Fuel Pump 022664-021-03, 022664-026-03, 022664-026-06, 022664-050-06 01/01/70 Pesco 110 DAA 509 Dual Gear Fuel Pump Assy. 023379-015-01, 023379-016-01 05/01/66 Pesco 110 DAA 510 Dual Gear Fuel Pump Assy. 023379-015-01, 023379-016-01 05/01/66 Pesco 110 DAAA 3 Gear Type Fuel Pump 2P-739-F 10/01/53 Pesco 110 DAAA 3 Gear Type Fuel Pump 2P-739-F 05/01/54 Pesco 110 DAAC 3 Gear Type Fuel Pump 2P-739-CC-1 10/01/53 Pesco 110 DAB Vane Type Pump Installation 207900 12/01/64 Thompson Ramo Wooldridge 110 DABA 3 110 DABA 4 110 DABA 4 TG-77000, TG-77200 12/01/53 Series TG-77000, TG-77200 12/01/53 Series TG-77200-4, TG04/01/61 78400-3 Thompson Products Thompson Products Thompson Ramo Wooldridge 110 DABB 502 11079 11080 11081 11082 11083 11084 1 A 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 Dual Element Gear Type Fuel Pumps Dual Element Gear Type Fuel Pumps Dual Element Gear Type Fuel Pumps Dual Element Gear Type Fuel TG77400-2, TG77400- 02/01/58 Pump 3, TG78500-3, TG78500-4 Thompson Products 110 DAC 3 Main Fuel Pump 9438-B1, 9438-B2, 9438-B3, 9438-B4, 9438-B5, 9438-B6, 9438-B7, 9438-B8, 9460-B5, 9460-B6, 9460-B7, 9460-B8, 9480-B7, 9480-B8, 9487-B7, 9487-B8, 9490-B7, 9490-B8, 9491-B7, 9491-B8 04/01/65 Chandler-Evans 110 DAC 4 Main Fuel Pump 9438-B1, 9438-B2, 9438-B3, 9438-B4, 9438-B5, 9438-B6, 9438-B7, 9438-B8, 9460-B5, 9460-B6, 9460-B7, 9460-B8, 9480-B7, 9480-B8, 9487-B7, 9487-B8, 9490-B7, 9490-B8, 9491-B7, 9491-B8 04/01/65 Chandler-Evans 110 DAC 5 Main Fuel Pump 9496-A5, 9496-A6, 9496-A7, 9496-A8, 50415-A1, MFP90 10/01/67 Chandler-Evans 110 DAC 6 Main Fuel Pump MFP90 03/01/70 Chandler-Evans 11090 11091 11092 11093 11094 11095 110 DAC 7 Main Fuel Pump 110 DAC 8 Main Fuel Pump 110 DAC 501 3 Element Fuel Pump 03/01/69 Chandler-Evans 01/01/69 Chandler-Evans 12/01/61 Chandler-Evans 110 DAC 502 3 Element Fuel Pump 9504-A1, 9504-A2, 9504-B2, 9504-C2, 9504-C3, 9504-C4, 9504-C5, 9504-C6, 9504-C7, 9504-C8, 9504 12/01/61 Chandler-Evans 110 DAD 501 Dual Gear & Booster Type Fuel Pump 022819-024-01, 022819-035-02 09/01/64 Pesco 110 DAD 502 Dual Gear & Booster Type Fuel Pump 022819-024-01, 022819-035-02 09/01/64 Pesco 110 DAD 505 Afterburner Fuel Pump 023078-013-03 04/01/62 Pesco 110 DAF 1 Torque Booster Assy. 126609, 1266-9 11/01/65 110 DAJ 1 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 12/01/68 110 DAJ 2 Gas Turbine Fuel Control 09/01/66 110 DAK 1 Positive Displacement Pump 4V317L005 12/01/68 National Water Lift Boeing/Woodwar d Boeing/Woodwar d Vickers 11096 11097 11098 11099 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 9486-A1, 9486-A2, MFP180-3 9486-A1, 9486-A2, MFP180-3 9504-A1, 9504-A2, 9504-B2, 9504-C2, 9504-C3, 9504-C4, 9504-C5, 9504-C6, 9504-C7, 9504-C8, 9504 110 DBA 501 Turbine Driven Fuel Pump TT72100-5, TT72100- 11/01/63 8, TT72100-10, TT72100-11, TT72100-12, TT72100-13, TT72100-15 TRW/Allison 110 DBA 502 Turbine Driven Fuel Pump TT72100-15 TRW 110 DBB 501 Variable Delivery Pump 98110, 532631, V300- 12/01/64 4, V300-8 Hamilton Standard 110 DBB 502 Variable Delivery Pump 98110, 532631, V300- 01/01/61 4, V300-8 Hamilton Standard 110 DBC 1 High Pressure Centrifugal Pump Assy. 023521-015, 023521- 03/01/71 021, 023521-022, 023521-023, 023521024, 023521-025 Pesco/GE 110 DBC 2 High Pressure Centrifugal Pump Assy. 023521-015, 023521- 03/01/71 021, 023521-022, 023521-023, 023521024, 023521-025 Pesco/GE 110 DBC 3 High Speed Centrifugal Afterburner Fuel Pump 023078-013-04, GE 7058R64P6 12/01/64 Pesco/GE 110 DBC 4 High Speed Centrifugal Afterburner Fuel Pump 023078-013-04, GE 7058R64P6 12/01/64 Pesco/GE 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 07/01/61 110 DBC 5 Centrifugal Pump Assy. 024536-202-01, 024536-202-05 03/01/66 Pesco 110 DBC 6 Centrifugal Pump Assy. 024536-202-01, 024536-202-05 03/01/66 Pesco 110 DCB 4 110 110 DCC 3 DDAA 4 TP-80000, TP-80600 05/01/53 Series 9F-H1 07/01/53 TF-4700 12/01/52 110 DDB 3 Radial Plunger Type Fuel Pump Fuel Pump Engine Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assy. Rotary Power Control 124108, 124109, 1241-8, 1241-9 11/01/58 110 DDB 4 Torque Booster 124105, 1241-5 04/01/59 110 DDB 5 Rotary Power Control 124194, 1241-10 07/01/59 110 DDB 6 Rotary Power Control 126156, 1241-11 12/01/62 110 DDB 7 Power Driven Rotary Pump RG15980L 12/01/68 110 EA 501 Afterburner Regulator 15360-E6, 22900-B6, 10/01/55 23800-B6 Chandler-Evans 110 EA 502 Afterburner Regulator 15360-E6, 22900-B6, 10/01/55 23800-B6 Chandler-Evans 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 Thompson Products Bendix Thompson Products National Water Lift National Water Lift National Water Lift National Water Lift Lear Siegler 110 EA 503 Afterburner Fuel Regulator 22835-E3, 40000-A1, 08/01/63 40000-B1, 40000-C1, 40000-C2, 40000-D1, 40000-D2, RC-14 Chandler-Evans 110 EA 504 Afterburner Fuel Regulator 22835-E3, 40000-A1, 08/01/63 40000-B1, 40000-C1, 40000-C2, 40000-D1, 40000-D2, RC-14 Chandler-Evans 110 110 EA EA 505 509 TV95600-4 AR-6 12/01/63 06/01/66 TRW Chandler-Evans 110 EA 510 AR-6 05/01/66 Chandler-Evans 110 EA 512 Throttle Valve Afterburner Regulator: Double Bellows Type Afterburner Regulator: Double Bellows Type Afterburner Regulator 76600-A10, 76600A11, 76600-A12, 77100-A11, 77100A12, AR-9 11/01/65 Chandler-Evans 110 EB 501 Afterburner Fuel Control Assy. 08/01/61 8575788A, 8575332A, 8575332B, 8575332F, 8575332G 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 AC Spark Plug 110 EB 502 Afterburner Fuel Control Assy. 06/01/61 8575788A, 8575332A, 8575332B, 8575332F, 8575332G AC Spark Plug 110 EC 501 Air Metering Valve TV95400-3, TV95400- 11/01/63 4, TV95400-8, 6745901, 6747235, 6806193 TRW 110 EC 502 Air Metering Valve TV95400-3, TV95400- 11/01/63 4, TV95400-8, 6745901, 6747235, 6806193 TRW 110 ED 3 Afterburner Pump Throttle Valve TV-95100-1, TV-P783 02/01/54 Series Thompson 110 ED 4 Afterburner Pump Throttle Valve TV-95100-1, TV-P783 02/01/54 Series Thompson 110 EE 3 330497-1, AA-G1 01/01/62 Bendix 110 EE 4 Afterburner Flow Manifold Control Afterburner Flow Manifold Control 330497-1, AA-G1 02/01/62 Bendix 11132 11133 11134 11135 11136 11137 11138 110 EE 5 Turbine Engine Afterburner & Exhaust Nozzle Control 330694-25, 330694- 08/01/67 26, 330694-27, 330694-28, 33074225, 330742-26, 330742-27, 33074228, 330874-28, 330955-28 Bendix 110 EE 6 Turbine Engine Afterburner & Exhaust Nozzle Control 330694-25, 330694- 05/01/66 26, 330694-27, 330694-28, 33074225, 330742-26, 330742-27, 33074228, 330874-28, 330955-28 Bendix 110 EF 3 Afterburner Fuel Control 559000L1, JFC27-10 12/01/60 Hamilton Standard 110 EF 4 Afterburner Fuel Control 559000L1, JFC27-10 12/01/60 Hamilton Standard 110 EFA 1 540785L1, JFC27-4 01/01/64 Hamilton Standard 110 EFA 2 540785L1, JFC27-4 01/01/64 Hamilton Standard 110 EFB 1 Afterburner Fuel Control: Hydromechanical Fuel Control Afterburner Fuel Control: Hydromechanical Fuel Control Afterburner Fuel Control JFC27-1 10/01/58 Hamilton Standard 110 EFB 2 Afterburner Fuel Control JFC27-1 09/01/58 Hamilton Standard 11139 11140 11141 11142 11143 11144 11145 11146 588100L1, 571000L1, 08/01/65 JFC54-2 Hamilton Standard 588100L1, 571000L1, 10/01/65 JFC54-2 Hamilton Standard 190090 12/01/55 Bendix 1111-568099 U-6840 08/01/59 03/01/53 Check Valves J79-GE-2A, J79-GE8A, J79-GE-8A, J79GE-8B 04/01/65 Parker United Aircraft Products General Electric 5 Check Valves J79-GE-2A, J79-GE8A, J79-GE-8A, J79GE-8B 04/01/65 General Electric FA 502 Check & Vent Valve GE 308D446P2, Huyck 40-2-000 05/01/64 Huyck/GE 110 FB 1 Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assy. 126C392 08/01/52 General Electric 110 FB 2 Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assy. 126C123 09/01/52 General Electric 110 FB 3 Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assy. 9493388 09/01/52 General Electric 110 EFC 1 110 EFC 2 110 F 501 110 110 FA FA 3 3 Turbine Type Engine Afterburner Fuel Control Unit Turbine Type Engine Afterburner Fuel Control Unit Afterburner Igniter Solenoid Valve Assy. Swing Check Valve Fuel Check Valve Assy. 110 FA 4 110 FA 110 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 11152 11153 11154 11155 11156 11157 110 FB 4 Fuel Distributor 190119-2, 190128-3, 09/01/57 190392-1, 626048-1, 626049-1, FD-G1, FDG3 Bendix-Hamilton 110 FB 5 Fuel Distributor 190119-2, 190128-3, 09/01/57 190392-1, 626048-1, 626049-1, FD-G1, FDG3 Bendix-Hamilton 110 110 FB FB 6 7 Flow Divider Flow Divider 645C389G006 37C300287G001, 37C300287G002, 37C300287G003 08/01/60 09/01/61 General Electric General Electric 110 FB 8 Automatic Starter Control & 37D400259G003, Flow Divider 37D400259G004 01/01/62 General Electric 110 FB 9 Fuel Flow Divider Assy. 37D400386G001, 37D400386G002, 37D400386G003 12/01/65 General Electric 110 110 FB FB 10 502 FB 503 4003T68G03 12/01/65 1331-573487, 1331- 10/01/63 573488 1331-573487, 1331- 10/01/63 573488 General Electric Parker-Hannifin 110 Fuel Flow Divider Assy. Selector & Flow Divider Valves Selector & Flow Divider Valves 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 Parker-Hannifin 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 110 FC 11 110 FC 501 110 FD 11 110 FD 12 110 110 110 FD FD FD 13 14 15 110 FD 507 110 FD 509 110 FE 4 110 110 110 FE FF FG 501 2 2 110 FG 7 110 FG 9 Directional Flow Control Valve Fuel Shutoff Valve Assy. 31-1610-002, 311610-005 Pressurizing & Vacuum Relief 260302, 2603-2 Valve Motor Actuated Butterfly 123855 Shutoff Valve Pneumatic Shutoff Valve 122538-1 Pneumatic Shutoff Valve 122538-1 Motor Operated Butterfly AV17B1034B Valve Manually Operated Rotary 140235 Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated 3-Way 52252 Hydraulic Selector Valve 11175 11179 11180 11181 A 10/01/64 Parker 03/01/62 Aero-Corry 10/01/65 National Water Lift Whittaker 03/01/61 08/01/62 08/01/62 03/01/65 06/01/66 Airesearch Airesearch ITT General Controls Whittaker 10/01/57 Adel Pilot Valve Assy. 37E500059G004, 37E500059G006, 37E500059G007, 37500059G008 08/01/65 General Electric Needle Valve Stopcock Assy. Fuel Valves TV95700-2 122D 148 9078236G2, 9791216G2 190585-1 11/01/63 05/01/54 09/01/52 TRW General Electric 12/01/71 Bendix 11176 11177 11178 1119-585963 Starting Fuel Enrichment Solenoid Valve Assy. 2" Diameter Shutoff Differential Pressure Regulator 392122-1, 392122-1- 11/01/63 1, APR23-16 Airesearch 11182 11183 110 FG 10 110 FG 502 110 FG 503 110 FG 504 Hot Streak Fuel Valves 110 FG 505 110 FG 506 110 FH 501 Air Pressure Regulator & Shutoff Valve Air Pressure Regulator & Shutoff Valve Shutoff Valve 110 FH 503 Fuel Control Valve 110 FJ 501 Poppet Shutoff Valve Assy. 110 FJ 502 110 FK 13 110 FK 14 110 FK 16 110 FK 19 11184 Solenoid Operated 223650 Position, 3-Way Valve Fuel Injection Solenoid Valve 190796-1A Assy. Hot Streak Fuel Valves 14680-1, 14760-1, 14780-1 11185 11186 11187 11188 11191 11192 11193 11194 11195 Sterer 12/01/63 Bendix 08/01/56 Weston 14680-1, 14760-1, 14780-1 08/01/56 Weston 108342-345-1 11/01/64 Airesearch 108342-345-1 11/01/64 Airesearch V4400-3, V-2100-3 01/01/60 Valcor U-518914-1, U10/01/58 518914-2, U-5189143 104173 05/01/55 Whittaker Solenoid Actuated Poppet Shutoff Valve Assy. 6813524, 130925-1 01/01/64 Allison/Whittaker Pressurizing & Drain Valve Assy. Drain Valve Assy. 636E326G2 11/01/61 General Electric 41-2036-002, 412036-003, 41-2036004 119165 09/01/69 Aero-Corry 11189 11190 12/01/68 Motor Actuated Butterfly 10/01/60 Shutoff Valve Afterburner Fuel Pressurizing 1331-623310, 1331- 12/01/65 Valve 623310-A United Aircraft Products Whittaker Parker-Hannifin 110 FK 20 Afterburner Fuel Pressurizing 1331-623310, 1331- 12/01/65 Valve 623310-A Parker-Hannifin 110 FK 21 110 FK 22 Pressurizing & Drain Fuel Valve Pilot Burner Starting Valve 110 FK 23 110 FK 24 110 FK 25 110 FK 27 110 FK 501 110 FK 502 110 FK 503 110 FK 110 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 11201 11202 11203 11204 868C842G2 09/01/65 General Electric 311D498G3 09/01/65 General Electric 1331-653427 06/01/66 Parker-Hannifin 1331-653427 06/01/66 Parker-Hannifin 311D704G6 04/01/66 General Electric 30130, 30130-1, 30130-2 1503-A 07/01/70 Sterer Pressure Relief Valve: Heat Exchanger Pressure Actuated Butterfly 117715 Shutoff Valve Pressure Actuated Double 120735-1 Butterfly Shutoff Valve 09/01/55 Generant Engr 02/01/64 Whittaker 02/01/64 Whittaker 504 Pressure Actuated Double Butterfly Shutoff Valve 120745-1 02/01/64 Whittaker FK 506 FK 509 304D737P4, 0817311A 105754, SVP1-58 02/01/65 110 11/01/63 GE/Standard Thompson Airesearch 110 FK 510 Barometric Sump Pressurizing Valve 3" Diameter Pneumatic Shutoff Valve Pressurizing & Drain Valve Assy. 308D414G1, 308D414G2 08/01/58 General Electric 11205 11206 11207 11208 11209 Afterburner Fuel Pressurizing Valve Afterburner Fuel Pressurizing Valve Pressurizing & Drain Fuel Valve Interconnect Valves 110 FM 2 Temperature Datum Valve 6827239, 6809574 07/01/73 330332-4, 330508-1, PB-A3 Bendix/Allison 110 FM 3 Temperature Datum Valve 6827239, 6809574 07/01/73 330332-4, 330508-1, PB-A3 Bendix/Allison 110 FM 4 20470 12/01/68 Sterer 110 FR 2 35-055 02/01/70 Hydro-Aire 110 FS 1 Solenoid Operated 2Position, 3-Way Valve Solenoid Operated Shutoff Valve Assy. Speed Sensitive Valve 109206, 109206-2, 07/01/65 109206-3, 109206-7, 109206-7-2 Airesearch 110 FS 2 Speed Sensitive Valve 109206, 109206-2, 08/01/64 109206-3, 109206-7, 109206-7-2 Airesearch 11210 11211 11212 11213 11214 11215 110 FS 3 Air Anti-Ice Valve 06/01/72 37C300010P102, 37C300266P101, 3006T97P01, 3014T56P01, 3014T63P01, KW12397, KW12564, KW13585, KW14787, KW14935 GE/KoontzWagner 110 FS 4 Hot Air, Anti-Icing Valve DC10705, DC10705-1 01/01/66 Dynamic Controls 110 110 FT FT 1 2 Paralleling Valve 190772-2 1.50" Air Shutoff Valve Assy. 35-601B, 35-601C 10/01/60 01/01/66 Bendix Hydro-Aire 110 FT 3 Starting Air Bleed Valve 12/01/65 110 FV 1 Bleed Valve Switch 02/01/66 Consolidated Controls/GE General Electric 110 G 17 11/01/65 Bendix-Utica 110 G 18 11/01/65 Bendix-Utica 110 G 21 Hydraulic Control Pump Assy. 34E56-7J, 34E56-1K Hydraulic Control Pump Assy. Hydro-Mechanical Jet Nozzle 535E396G1, Area Control 535E396G2, 535E396G6, 535E396G8, 535E396G9 07/01/66 General Electric 11216 11217 11218 11219 11220 11221 11222 11223 11224 131W61-4, 4003T62P01 4001T90G02, 4001T90G04 34E56-7J, 34E56-1K 110 G 22 09/01/65 General Electric 110 G 23 11/01/65 National Water Lift 110 G 24 Synchronous Actuator Assy. 112503, 112511, 1125-3, 1125-7 11/01/65 National Water Lift 110 G 25 Synchronous Actuator Assy. 215400, 2154-0 06/01/66 G 26 Synchronous Actuator Assy. 215400, 2154-0 06/01/66 110 G 27 Hydraulic Control Pump Assy. 34E56-7W, 34E567Y, 34E56-17W, 34E56-17Y 12/01/70 National Water Lift National Water Lift Bendix 110 110 G 506 1126-0-3, 1126-0-18 06/01/64 110 G 507 110 G 509 Synchronous Actuator & Shield Assy. Synchronous Actuator & Shield Assy. Nozzle Area Control 110 G 510 110 G 511 11225 11226 11227 11228 11229 11230 11231 11232 Hydro-Mechanical Jet Nozzle 535E396G1, Area Control 535E396G2, 535E396G6, 535E396G8, 535E396G9 Synchronous Actuator Assy. 112503, 112511, 1125-3, 1125-7 11233 11234 11235 Hydraulic Control Pump Assy. Hydraulic Control Pump Assy. 1126-0-3, 1126-0-18 06/01/64 190694-1, 190694-2, 07/01/58 190694-4, 190694-5, 190694-7, AO-B1 National Water Lift National Water Lift Bendix 34E56-1E 02/01/64 Bendix-Utica 34E56-1E 05/01/62 Bendix-Utica 11236 11237 110 G 515 110 G 516 110 GA 11 110 GA 12 Fuel Nozzle 1345-623557, 1345- 10/01/65 623557B, 1345633327, GE 577C796P5, 577C796P5B, 577C796P7 ParkerHannifin/GE 110 GA 13 Fuel Nozzle Assy. 4000T43P04, 15901 Delavan/GE 110 110 GA GA 14 505 Fuel Nozzle Assy. Fuel Nozzle Assy. 5232270 02/01/64 09/01/64 867C492P3, 336C289P6, 381715, 380975 General Motors GE/Eclipse 110 GA 506 Fuel Nozzle Assy. 08/01/64 867C492P3, 336C289P6, 381715, 380975 GE/Eclipse 110 110 HA HB 1 1 PSG Governor Power Turbine Governor 370840 81800-A1, PTG-3 Woodward Chandler-Evans 11238 Hydro-Mechanical Jet Nozzle 171E591G5 05/01/64 Area Control Hydro-Mechanical Jet Nozzle 171E591G5 03/01/64 Area Control Fuel Nozzle 1345-623557, 1345- 10/01/65 623557B, 1345633327, GE 577C796P5, 577C796P5B, 577C796P7 11239 11240 11241 11242 11243 11244 11245 08/01/65 12/01/68 06/01/64 General Electric General Electric ParkerHannifin/GE 11246 110 HB 2 Power Turbine Governor 110 HC 1 Power Turbine Speed Limiter 2524236-1, 2524236- 03/01/67 2, 10-40063-2, 1040063-10, AL-J4 Bendix 110 HC 2 Power Turbine Speed Limiter 2524236-1, 2524236- 01/01/67 2, 10-40063-2, 1040063-10, AL-J4 Bendix 110 HD 1 Low Pressure Shaft Governor LPG 450, 6862888B 06/01/71 Lucas 110 HD 2 Low Pressure Shaft Governor LPG 450, 6862888B 03/01/71 Lucas 110 J 3 Micromesh Fuel Filter Assy. 044130 07/01/66 Bendix 110 J 4 Static Fuel Filter Assy. 110 J 5 Centrifugal Fuel Purifier Assy. 4100-1-P1, 4100-2- 08/01/66 P1 12/01/65 5900-6B, 5900-7, 5900-8, 5900-9, 590012, 5900-16, 5900-17 Michigan Dynamics Michigan Dynamics 110 J 6 Centrifugal Fuel Purifier Assy. 5900-6B, 5900-7, 12/01/65 5900-8, 5900-9, 590012, 5900-16, 5900-17 Michigan Dynamics 110 J 7 Fuel & Lube Filters J79-GE-2A, J79-GE-8, 06/01/66 J79-GE-8A, J79-GE8B, J79-GE-10 General Electric 11247 11248 11249 11250 11251 11252 11253 11254 11255 81800-A1, PTG-3 04/01/66 Chandler-Evans 110 J 8 Fuel & Lube Filters J79-GE-2A, J79-GE-8, 05/01/66 J79-GE-8A, J79-GE8B, J79-GE-10 General Electric 110 110 110 KA KA KD 1 2 1 635E312G01 635E312G01 179684-1, ET-B4 12/01/65 12/01/65 04/01/62 General Electric General Electric Bendix 110 KD 2 179684-1, ET-B4 04/01/64 Bendix 110 KD 3 NF & T5 Limit Amplifier NF & T5 Limit Amplifier Electronic Temperature Datum Control Electronic Temperature Datum Control Amplifier Magnetic Temperature Control 110 KD 4 Amplifier Magnetic Temperature Control 110 KD 5 110 KD 110 11256 11257 11258 11259 11260 General Electric Electronic Temperature Datum Control 311D191G2, 12/01/64 311D191G2-A, 311D191G3 311D191G2, 07/01/65 311D191G2-A, 311D191G3 179727-1, 179727-2, 12/01/69 179822-1, 5502636-1 6 Electronic Temperature Datum Control 179727-1, 179727-2, 12/01/69 179822-1, 5502636-1 Bendix KD 7 311D903G03 07/01/66 General Electric 110 KD 8 311D903G03 07/01/66 General Electric 110 LA 1 90-193, 90-193A 09/01/64 Hydro-Aire 110 LA 2 Temperature Control Amplifier Temperature Control Amplifier Water-Methanol Regulator Valve Assy. Water-Methanol Regulator Valve Assy. 90-193, 90-193A 09/01/62 Hydro-Aire 11261 11262 11263 11264 11265 11266 11267 11268 General Electric Bendix 110 M 1 110 M 2 110 N 1 Mechanical Transmission System for GE Turbojet Engines Mechanical Transmission System for GE Turbojet Engines Flow Divider J79-GE-2, J79-GE-2A, 10/01/65 J79-GE-8A, J79-GE-8B General Electric J79-GE-2, J79-GE-2A, 10/01/65 J79-GE-8A, J79-GE-8B General Electric 30087318, FD 204-2B 08/01/67 Lucas-Rotax 110 P 1 Torque Limiter Assy. 2524217-2, 10-40063- 02/01/66 7, AL-U1 Bendix 110 R 1 Interstage Bleed Control 110 12 45501BA1, 45501CA1 7732716G16 05/01/64 110 13 04/01/64 General Electric 110 14 04/01/79 110 14 Magnetic Amplifier Temperature Control Magnetic Amplifier 7732716G16 Temperature Control Speed Sensing Control Assy. 6873465, AC/PN 6404486, 6871121 Speed Sensing Control Assy. 7854687, 8575600 Holley Carburetor Co. General Electric Allison-General Motors AC Spark Plug 110 18 110 19 110 19 11269 11270 11271 11272 11273 11274 11275 11276 11277 11278 11279 11280 Speed Sensing Control Assy. 7854427, 7854872, 6821452, 6827963 Speed Sensing Control Assy. 6873466, 6404487, 6871122 Speed Sensing Control Assy. 7854427, 7854872, 6821452, 6827963 12/01/68 02/01/64 04/01/65 AC Spark Plug/Allison 08/01/71 04/01/65 AC Spark Plug/Allison 110 20 Electronic Temperature Control Amplifier Assy. 435161-1, 521020-1, 08/01/66 6829258, 6846507 Texas Instruments/Alliso n 110 21 Speed Monitor 6403658 11/01/65 AC Spark Plug Div, GM 110 503 05/01/64 Bendix 110 504 04/01/64 Bendix 110 505 11/01/63 Bendix 110 510 Electronic Control Amplifier 177200-1, 177200-2, 179577-1, EA-D5 Electronic Control Amplifier 177200-1, 177200-2, 179577-1, EA-D5 Electronic Control Amplifier 177200-1, 177200-2, 179577-1, EA-D5 Magnetic Amplifier 7732716G2, Temperature Control 7732716G3, 7732716G4, 7732716G5, Aircraft Magnetos SF7RN-1 04/01/58 General Electric 09/20/43 Scintilla 05/01/58 General Electric 8/1/1955 Industrial Design 11281 11282 11283 11284 11285 11286 5 DA 8 11287 11288 11289 110 19 511 A 35 Magnetic Amplifier Temperature Control Manual Remote Control 7732716G2, 7732716G3, RC107-110
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