Laufer, William, Aviation Collection
Laufer, William, Aviation Collection
MS-486, William Laufer Aviation Collection Collection Number: MS-486 Title: The William Laufer Aviation Collection Dates: 1919-1998 (Bulk 1940-1980) Creator: Laufer, William L., 1933-2002 Summary/Abstract: William Laufer was an aviation mechanic for the Southern Ohio Aviation Company and later, an instructor for the Miami Valley Career Technology Center teaching in their FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic’s program. The collection contains aircraft maintenance training material, general federal aviation maintenance guidance, and a variety of aircraft maintenance manuals including manuals for Beechcraft, Cessna, Douglas, and WACO airplanes. The collection also includes parts catalogs and sales brochures for propeller-driven aircraft, including aircraft engines, propellers, and a variety of parts for aircraft including gyroscopes, radios, spark plugs, and generators. Quantity/Physical Description: 17 linear feet Language(s): English Repository: Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435-0001, (937) 775-2092 Restrictions on Access: Parts of this collection are stored off-site. Please provide us at least two days advance notice if you would like to research this collection. Call (937) 775-2092 or e-mail us at Restrictions on Use: Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder. Preferred Citation: (Box # File #) MS-486, William Laufer Aviation Collection, Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Acquisition: The William Laufer Aviation Collection was donated to Special Collections and Archives by Gail R. Laufer, William Laufer’s wife, in September 2013. 1 Accruals: No further accruals are expected. Separated Material: Books donated with the collection have been cataloged and added to the Special Collections and Archives Reading Room. Film and oversize material donated with the collection is stored off-site. Related Material: MS-305, W. J. Blanchard, Aeroproducts, Inc. Collection MS-356, Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Engine Drawing Collection Processed by: John L. Armstrong, 2015. Arrangement: The collection is arranged into eight series: Series I: Series II: Series III: Series IV: Series V: Series VI: Series VII: Series VIII: Aircraft Maintenance Training, 1943-1988 Federal Guidance and Technical Orders, 1919-1986 Aircraft Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures, 1928-1998 Aircraft Engine Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures, 1932-1992 Propeller Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures, 1937-1977 General Aircraft Parts Catalogs, Maintenance Manuals, and Sales Brochures, 1938-1993 General Aviation Information, 1923-1997 Audiovisual Material, 1929-1997 Biographical/Historical Note: A native of Troy, Ohio, Bill graduated from Troy High School in 1951. He was employed by General Motors Aero Products for fifteen months before going on to Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he received FAA Airframe and Power Plant certificates, as well as a Private Pilot’s certificate in 1954. He worked as an aircraft mechanic for Southern Ohio Aviation Company, an Aero Commander/Navion dealership in the Dayton area for seventeen years, the last twelve years as mechanic/crew-chief. He worked on corporate twin engine aircraft for many large companies and famous people such as: WLW Broadcasting Co., Anchor-Hocking Glass Co. United States Forestry Service, State of Ohio, State of West Virginia, State of Kentucky, Jack Nicklaus, the Kettering family, and was the mechanic for the jet airplane used by the Mercury Astronauts. Bill was always looking for a better, easier way to do things. In 1963, he developed a tool used to jack-up an aircraft so as not to damage the plane. For this he received special recognition from the FAA and was the recipient the Outstanding Aviation Mechanic’s Award for the State of Ohio. Only one Ohioan is chosen each year to receive this prestigious award. 2 After receiving his teaching credentials from University of Cincinnati in 1971, he joined the staff at the newly opened Montgomery County Joint Vocational School (now known as Miami Valley Career Technology Center) as an instructor in their FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic’s program. It was during his tenure there that he gained certification as a Designated Mechanic’s Examiner. After twenty-three years in education, he retired in 1994. He had the privilege of training and mentoring many fine students, five of whom earned first place awards in the State and National VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) Skills Contests receiving scholarships for further training, fully equipped tool boxes and great job offers. He was able to place students in jobs in the aircraft field. He maintained contact with former students over the years, often being able to help them up-grade to better jobs. Scope and Content The William Laufer Collection is a collection of aircraft maintenance materials used by Mr. Laufer during his career as an aircraft mechanic and as a teacher at the Miami Valley Career Technology Center. The collection consists of training maintenance manuals for aircraft, aircraft engines, and a wide variety of aircraft parts. Also included are parts catalogs and sales brochures for aircraft, engines, propellers, and aircraft parts. The collection is divided into eight series. Series I, Aircraft Maintenance Training (1943-1988) contains material used to train aircraft mechanics. A large part of this series are training manuals prepared by the Aviation Maintenance Foundation, Inc. during the 1970s. Also included in this series are manuals for military training courses developed by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. The series ends with a variety of training manuals developed by the aircraft industry or individuals. Series II, Federal Guidance and Technical Orders (1919-1986) is divided into two sections. The first section contains guidance issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or its predecessor, the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA). Within this section the guidance is grouped according to the issuing agency. The second section is Technical Orders issued by a variety of agencies for the overhaul or maintenance of aircraft or their parts. Series III, Aircraft Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures (1928-1998) is the largest of the eight series. This series is organized according to manufacturer and then chronologically within each manufacturer. Twenty-one manufacturers are listed in this section with the largest being Beechcraft, Cessna, Douglas, Piper, and WACO. Of note for researchers are the Service Bulletins and Parts Catalogs for the Douglas DC-3/C-47. Series IV, Aircraft Engine Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures (19321992) is organized by manufacturer and then chronologically within each manufacturer. Fourteen manufacturers are listed in this section with the largest being the Continental Aircraft Engine Company, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, and Wright Aeronautical Corporation (CurtissWright Aeronautical Corporation). Along with maintenance and overhaul manuals, there are a large number of Parts Catalogs for the aircraft engines, particularly Wright Aeronautical Engines. Series V, Propeller Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures (1937-1977) is organized by manufacturer and then chronologically within each manufacturer. Six propeller 3 manufacturers are listed in this series including Aeroproducts, Beech, Curtiss, Hamilton Standard, Hartzell, and McCauley. Series VI, General Aircraft Parts Catalogs, Maintenance Manuals, and Sales Brochures (19381993) is another very large series with forty-four manufacturers listed. The series is organized by manufacturer and then chronologically with manufacturer. The types of parts included are spark plugs, aircraft hoses and fittings, radios and communication systems, magnetos, fuel injection systems, generators and electric starters, aircraft tires and breaks, batteries, landing gear, navigation lights, automatic pilots, and gyroscopes. The manufacturer with the largest representation in this series is Bendix Corporation, including Eclipse-Pioneer Electric Starters and Generators and Bendix-Scintilla Magnetos. Series VII, General Aviation Information (1923-1997) is divided into eleven sections. The first sections includes aeronautical charts for a variety of cities/regions in the United States most of which are dated during the 1960s. The second section is WACO Aircraft General Information contains general information about WACO aircraft. Mr. Laufer was a volunteer at the WACO Historical Society and Museum. The third section is general information on the Wright Brothers which contains serval brochures. The fourth section contains Aircraft Mechanic Publications such as Pocket Manuals for aircraft mechanics and similar information. The fifth section contains Aviation Publications produced by a variety of people and organizations. The sixth section contains newsletters for several different organizations. The seventh section contains information on Dayton Air Shows from 1974 to 1979. The eight section contains information on the Aviation Hall of Fame from 1968 to 1975. Mr. Laufer was a charter member of the organization. The ninth section contains general information on a variety of topics including the Curtiss OX-5 aircraft engine, magazine articles, and information on several aviators including Jimmy Doolittle and Roscoe Turner. Of particular note is a file on Charles Lindbergh, including a newspaper article “And Then I Jumped” by Lindbergh. The tenth section contains wall charts and aviation posters providing information on aviation. The eleventh, and last section, contains other information, such as the “Mechanic’s Creed,” log books, and a 3-ring binder containing general information about commuter aircraft – primarily photographs and typed information about different commuter aircraft.. Series VIII, Audio and Visual Material (1929-1997) contains VHS tapes, 8 mm film, 16 mm film, two photograph albums containing photographs of WACO aircraft and the WACO factory, photograph of aircraft, and aviation artwork. The VHS tapes and film primarily contain footage of WACO Glider Aircraft, WACO aircraft in general, and National Air Races footage. The aviation artwork includes aviation art produced by Leach Corporation, Thompson Products, Inc., and Phillips Petroleum. There are also 13 color advertisements for a variety of aviation-related products by a variety of companies. The last item in the series is a Vehicle Flag produced by G. Q. Security Parachutes, Inc. Subject Terms Persons/Families Laufer, William F., 1933-2002 4 Organizations/Corporate Names Miami Valley Career Technology Center Places Troy (Ohio) Subjects (General) Aeronautics Aircraft industry – United States Airplanes Airplanes – motors Airplanes – turbine propeller engines Propellers, Aerial Airplanes – maintenance and repair Gyroscope Material Types Manuals Technical orders Sales brochures Photographs Film Occupations Aircraft mechanic Collection Inventory Series I: Aircraft Maintenance Training, 1943-1988 Box 1 File Description Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Aviation Maintenance Foundation, Inc. EA-AAC-1, Aircraft Reconditioning (Vapor Cycle) EA-AB-1, Aircraft Batteries (Lead Acid-Nickel Cadmium) EA-ADF-1, Aircraft Fabric Covering EA-AH-1, Aircraft Hydraulic Systems EA-AIS, Aircraft Instrument Systems EA-AOS-1, Aircraft Oxygen Systems EA-AP-1, Aircraft Painting and Finishing EA-APC, Aircraft Propellers and Controls EA-ARE, Aircraft Reciprocating Engines EA-AS, Applied Science for the Aviation Technician EA-ATT-2, Aircraft Tires and Tubes EA-AWB, Aircraft Wheels, Brakes, and Antiskid Systems EA-BE-1, Basic Electricity 1974 1974 1978 1975 1976 1975 1975 1979 1978 1978 1980 1979 1975 5 2 14 15 16 17 18 EA-BEM, Basic Electronics and Radio Installation EA-CC-1, Aircraft Corrosion Control EA-IAR, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Records EA-IGS, Aircraft Ignition and Electrical Power Systems EA-FMS-1, Aircraft Fuel Metering Systems 1977 1974 1979 1977 1975 1 2 EA-NMR, Aircraft Bonded Structure EA-SM, Aircraft Sheet Metal 1985 1987 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Military Training Courses T.O. No. 30-1-9, Aircraft Engine Fundamentals (U.S. Army Air Forces) 251-001, U.S. Army Aviation Common Maintenance Subjects (U.S. Army Transportation School) NAVPERS 10331-A, Aircraft Structures (Naval Air Technical Training Command) NAVPERS 10332-A, Aircraft Hydraulics (Naval Air Technical Training Command) NAVPERS 10395-A, Flight Engineering (Bureau of Naval Personnel) Parachutes (Bureau of Naval Personnel) Student Training Guide, AFB34131A &B Through 807, Instrument Trainer Specialist (C-11 & P)(USAF Air Training Command) Other Training/Education Aviation Manual for Children in the Primary Grades (United Airlines) Aviation Manual for Primary Teachers (United Airlines) Aviation Handbook for Intermediate Grades (United Airlines) Where Am I? ADF & OMNI (VOR) Instructional Manual Basics of Gyroscopes, Vol. I by Carl Machover JEPCP Briefing Booklet BG-2, Jeppesen Computer Model CSG Attitude Instrument Flying for Private Pilots by H. L. Greinke 25 Sep. 1943 1 Oct. 1980 1952 1951 1953 1944 Oct. 1963 1943 1943 1944 Mar. 1988 Jun. 1960 1961 1960 Series II: Federal Guidance and Technical Orders, 1919-1986 Box 2 File Description Date 17 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) Manuals/Regulations General Aviation Inspection and Aids Summary (FAA) May 1959 6 18 19 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 AC-20-5F and AC-20-5D, Plane Sense, General Aviation Information (FAA) EA-AC 43-3, Nondestructive Testing in Aircraft (FAA) 1976, 1986 AC-43.12-1A, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices: Aircraft Inspection and Repair (FAA) AC 43.13-2, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices: Aircraft Alterations (FAA) AC 43.13-2A, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices: Aircraft Alterations EA-AC 61-13A, Basic Helicopter Handbook (FAA) AC-61-23A, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA) AC 65-9A, Airframe & Powerplant Mechanics General Handbook (FAA) EA-FAA-T-8080-10D, Aviation Mechanic General, Written Test Book (FAA) Civil Air Regulations, Part 24. – Mechanic Certificates CAA Manual 53, Mechanic School Rating CAA Manual 19, Maintenance, Repair, and Alteration of Certificated Aircraft, Engines, Propellers, and Instruments 1972 CAA Manual 42, Irregular Air Carrier Certification and Operation Rules CAA Technical Manual 102, Pilots’ Radio Handbook CAA Technical Manual 104, Pilots’ Weather Handbook CAA Manual 18, Maintenance, Repair, and Alteration of Airframes, Powerplants, Propellers, and Appliances CAA Manual 14, Aircraft Propeller Airworthiness Volume VI, Aircraft Listing & Aircraft Engine & Propeller listing, Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications (FAA) Federal Aviation Regulations and Flight Standards for Pilots, 25th Edition (Aero Publishers, Inc.) 1 Sep. 1949 Technical Orders The Curtiss Motor (Reprint)(Prepared by the Air Service) War Dept. Technical Manual TM 1-411, Airplane Hydraulic Systems T.O. 05-1-1, Inspection, Maintenance, Storage, and Shipment of Instruments and Instrument Maintenance Parts T.O. 05-1-21, General Interchangeability of Aircraft Instruments May 1973 1965 1977 1973 1971 1976 1992 1 May 1940 May 1940 1 Aug. 1949 Mar. 1954 Dec. 1955 15 Dec. 1959 Jun. 1962 1 Jan. 1977 1963 Aug. 1919 8 May 1944 10 Feb. 1949 19 Sep. 1947 7 11 12 13 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 T.O. 05-1-35, Handbook, Operation and Service Instructions with Parts Catalog, 10 C. F. M Air Filter (Skinner) AN 02-15CA-2, Handbook of Service Instructions, O-290-1 and -3 Aircraft Engines AN 02-40BA-3, Overhaul Instruction for Aircraft Engines, Model 0-170-3 and 0-170-7 14 Mar. 1950 AN 03-10ED-2, Handbook, Overhaul Instructions, Fuel and Water Pumps, USAF Type: A-1, A-2, F-10, G-6, G-9, G-10 and Navy Types: F-10, H2, H-4, H-7, H-30 AN 05-5B-2, Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog, Type E-12 Electric Tachometer AN 01-145LAA-1, Pilot’s Handbook for Army Model L16A Airplanes AN -5-5B-3, Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model 724, Type C Tachometer and Model 545, Type 54AE Tachometer Indicator AN 05-5E-2, Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog, Types 257B-01 and 257B-08 Magnetic Tachometers AN 05-5E-16, Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Electric Tachometer Indicators and Generators, Army Types: E-13, E-23, AN5530-1 and AN5531-1 and -2; Navy Stock No.: R88-I-2385, R88-G1330 and -1335 AN 05-5E-21, Operation and Service Instructions for Engine Synchroscope Type AN5532-1 and R88-I-2185 AN 05-5-5, Handbook, Overhaul Instructions, Electric Tachometers (General Electric) AN 02-75AA-3, Overhaul Instructions, R-500-1 and -7 Aircraft Engines T.O. 05-5-6, Parts Catalog, Electric Tachometers (General Electric) T.O. 05-5-7 to 05-5-9, Tachometers AN 05-5-10, Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog, Type E-15 Tachometer Indicator T.O. 8D12-3-8-23, Handbook, Overhaul Instructions, Direct Cranking Electric Starters, Type 756-10-C, 756-21-C, 75622-C, 756-62-C (Bendix-Utica) T.O. 09-40CA-42, WACO – Inspection of Carry-Thru Tube and Removal of Grounding Instructions – CG-4A T.O. 09-40CA-30, WACO – Restriction of Forward Limit of Load Adjusters – CG-4A T.O. 09-40CA-9, WACO – Tail Support Jack Assembly – CG-4A 1 Jul. 1953 25 May 1943 16 Nov. 1945 5 Dec. 1944 3 Sep. 1947 20 Jun. 1945 5 Aug. 1943 28 Feb. 1947 15 May 1945 15 Jul. 1951 10 Sep. 1944 19 Oct. 1950 1944-1945 15 Aug. 1944 1 Jul. 1957 24 Mar. 1944 7 Jun. 1943 20 May 1942 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 T.O. 09-40CA-21 WACO – Reinforcement of Damaged Aileron Bell Crank – CG-4A AN 09-40CA-1, Pilot’s Flight Operating Instructions for Army Model CG-4A Glider and British Model Hadrian T.O. 0940-CA-4, Glider Parts Catalog for Army Model CG4A and British Model Hadrian T.O. 09-40CA-1, Pilot’s Flight Operating Instructions for Army Model CG-4A Glider and British Model Hadrian T.O. 09-40CA-2, Erection and Maintenance Instructions for Army Model CG-4A Glider and British Model Hadrian T.O. 09-40CA-3, Structural Repair Instructions for the Army Model CG-4A Glider T.O. 09-40CA-5, Loading and Unloading of Air Borne Task Equipment in Model CG-4A Cargo Glider T.O. 01-1-40, Handbook of Weight and Balance Data for the Model CG-4A Glider U.S. Navy Instructions for Installation and Maintenance of Aero Instrument Company Electrically Heated Pilot-Static Tube 1943-1944 5 Apr. 1945 25 Mar. 1945 15 Jun. 1944 1 May 1944 20 Apr. 1944 20 Oct. 1942 5 Dec. 1942 Undated Series III: Aircraft Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures, 1928-1998 Box 5A File 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1 2 3 Description Aero Design and Engineering Co. (Aero Commander, Inc.) Aero Commander Models 560E & 680 Structural Repair Handbook Aero Commander Model 500B Maintenance Manual Aero Commander Advertising Material Jet Commander Model 1121 Specifications & Performance Manual Commander Service, Vol. 1, No. 1 Money Isn’t Everything (Sales Brochure) 5 Jet Commander Training Manual, Sections 1 – 3 Jet Commander Training Manual, Sections 4 – 8 Jet Commander Model 1121 Illustrated Parts Catalog, Pages 1-1 to 2-196 Jet Commander Model 1121 Illustrated Parts Catalog, Pages 2-197 to 3-34 Jet Commander Pilot’s Condensed Check List, Model 1121 6 Aeronca Aircraft Corporation Interchangeable Parts Price List 4 Date Mar. 1958 10 Oct. 1960 1961 20 Jan. 1962 May 1962 Undated 4 Jan. 1965 4 Jan. 1965 15 Feb. 1965 15 Feb. 1965 15 Feb. 1966 15. Sep. 1945 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 1 Beech/Beechcraft Aircraft Corp. Beechcraft Engineering Service Magazine Model D18S Maintenance Manual Model G17S Maintenance Manual Bonanza Model 35 Parts Catalog Bonanza Model 35 Maintenance Manual Bonanza Model 35 through G-35 Parts Catalog, Sections 1 and 2 Bonanza Model 35 through G-35 Parts Catalog, Section 3 King Air Shop Manual Flight Manual, VOLPAR Super Turbo 18 Modified Beechcraft Super 18 Mechanic’s Reference Manual, Volume 1 Mechanic’s Reference Manual, Volume II 1946 1946 1 Jul. 1947 Aug. 1947 Undated Undated Oct. 1945 Jan. 1946 Sep. 1946 Apr. 1947 Jan. 1947 15 Sep. 1960 15. Sep. 1960 21 May 1965 17 Feb. 1966 1966 1966 3 Pilot’s Operating Manual for the Beechcraft Super King Air (1 of 2) Pilot’s Operating Manual for the Beechcraft Super King Air (2 of 2) Aviation Line Service Manual 4 Bede Aviation Corp. BD-1 Brochure May 1964 5 6 7 8 9 Cessna Aircraft Co. Model 120 and 140 Parts Catalog Model 170 Series Parts Price List Model 170 Parts Catalog Service Manual, Single Engine Aircraft Service Manual, Model 177 & Cardinal, 1968 and 1969 1948 Jun. 1949 1 Sep. 1956 1 Mar. 1959 1 Aug. 1968 1 2 3 4 5 Service Manual, Skywagon 180 & 185 Series, 1969 & 1970 Parts Catalog, Model 150 Series, 1970 & 1971 Production Statistics Operations Manual for Cessna 170 Series Owner’s Manual, Model 150 1 Nov. 1969 1 Jun. 1970 1971 Apr. 1971 1971 2 9 Service Manual, Aeronca 7A Champion Service Manual, 1946 Aeronca Chief Master Parts Price List Covering Current and Prewar Aeronca Airplanes Suggested Flat Rate Time Schedule Manual Service Manual, 7AC Champion Service Manual, Model 15AC Sedan 9 Jan. 1976 9 Jan. 1976 1977 10 6 Oct. 1975 18 19 Service/Parts Manual, Air Conditioning System, Models 172, 188, 340 and 400 Series Aircraft, Change 5 (D5213C513) Operations Manual for Cessna 120 & 140 Pilot Safety and Warning Supplements Pilot’s Operating Handbook, Skyhawk, Cessna Model 172N Drawings & Photographs of Cessna Aircraft Co. Aircraft An Eye to the Sky, Cessna, First Fifty Years, 1911 to 1961 The Flying Bug and How it Bites What are You going to do with the next half century? The magic of making Airplanes Come fly with us The Flying Machine: First cousin to the bird A need….An answer…. To the Emerging Challenges of a 3Dimensional World! Wichita’s 2.5 Billion Dollar Misunderstanding “Skyhawks are Made not Born” (Flying Magazine) 1 2 3 An Introductory Aviation Course Guide Cessna ’78, Number One in the Sky Poster – Cessna 172R 1974 1978 1998 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 Feb. 1974 Sep. 1974 5 6 7 8 Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. Pilot’s Flight Operating Instructions for the Valiant, Army Model BT-13, BT-13A, BT-13B & BT-15 Airplanes; Navy Model SNV-1 & SNV-2 Convair 340 Service Training Guide (1 of 3) Convair 340 Service Training Guide (2 of 3) Convair 340 Service Training Guide (3 of 3) Convair Line, Customer Support & Maintenance Digest 9 Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Co. The Curtiss-Robertson Airplane mg., Co. Circa1928 10 11 12 Douglas Aircraft Co. DC-3 Service Bulletins (1 of 2) DC-3 Service Bulletins (2 of 2) Douglas Service, Vol. V 1936-1948 1936-1948 1947 1 2 3 4 5 6 Douglas Service, Vol. VI Douglas Service, Vol. VII Douglas Service, Vol. VIII Douglas Service, Vol. IX Douglas Service, Vol. X Douglas Service, Vol. XI 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 4 11 Sep. 1982 Oct. 1985 Dec. 1985 1974 1961 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1 Apr. 1945 Jun. 1954 Jun. 1954 Jun. 1954 Apr. 1959 11 12 7 8 9 10 DC-3 Illustrated Parts Catalog (1 of 2)(Sections 1 – 10) DC-3 Illustrated Parts Catalog (2 of 2)(Sections 11– 15) C-47 Service Bulletins Hoist Slings – Newly Designed Slings for DC-6 Airplanes Jun. 1945 Jun. 1945 1942-1946 Feb. 1947 1 Dec. 1945 2 Structural Repair Instructions for Airplanes, Army Models C-47, C-47A, C-47B, C-117A and Navy Models R4D-1, R4D-5, R4D-6 Structural Repair Manual for the Model DC-3 Airplanes 3 Ercoupe Aircraft Co. Bulletins and Memoranda (Sanders Aviation, Inc.) Circa 1946 4 Fairchild Aircraft Division Report OER-168, F-27 Basic Executive Exterior – ECP-7 23 Oct. 1957 5 6 7 Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. Service Manual, Grumman Widgeon Model G-44A Grumman Gulfstream Detail Specifications Introducing the Grumman Gulfstream Circa 1941 1 Sep. 1965 Circa 1965 8 9 10 11 12 12A 13 Lear Aircraft Engineering Division Learstar: A Brief Presentation of Principal Specifications and Performance Data Sales Brochure – Lear Fan Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Handbook of Instructions for the Structural Repair of Lockheed Model 18-07, 08, 10, 14, 40, 50, 56; Army Model C-59, C-56, C-56C, C-56E, C-57, C-57Bm C-60, C-60A; Navy Model R50-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6 Handbook of Instructions for the Structural Repair of Lockheed Model 18-07, 08, 10, 14, 40, 50, 56; Army Model C-59, C-56, C-56C, C-56E, C-57, C-57Bm C-60, C-60A; Navy Model R50-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6 Luscombe Airplane Corp. Silvaire Model 8 Master Parts List, No. 47-1 10 May 1946 Undated 1979 15 Sep. 1943 15 Sep. 1943 1 Jun. 1947 Lockheed Aircraft: NATOPS Flight Manual, Navy 15 Apr. 1971 Models C-121J, EC-121K/M, WC-121N, NC-121K Aircraft 1 Luscombe Operators Handbook and Parts Price List Undated 12 2 3 14 1 2 3 4 5 15 Navion Service Manual, Report No. NA-46-378 Navion Service Manual, Report No. NA-46-378 Navion Parts Catalog (Ryan Aeronautical Co.) Navion Sales Information - What to Look For When Buying a Navion (The American Navion Society), Navion De Luxe 205, Navion Super 260 Owner’s Handbook for Operation and Maintenance, Navion Rangemaster Circa 1944 Circa 1944 15 Aug. 1946 15 Oct. 1946 1949, 1950 Feb. 1967 Undated 6 7 8 9 Piper Aircraft Corp. Parts Price List, Piper Trainer J3, 1937-1941 Piper Cub J-3 Service Manual Piper Cub Engine Log Brochures – Piper Comanche 10 Brochures – Piper Aircraft, General 11 12 Piper Apache Parts Catalog (1 of 2)(Pgs. 1-130) Piper Apache Parts Catalog (2 of 2)(Pgs. 130a-228) 1 2 3 4 5 Piper Apache Service Manual (1 of 2)(Pgs. 1-175) Piper Apache Service Manual (2 of 2)(Pgs. 176-256) Piper Aircraft Corporation – Calendars Piper Customer Service – Owner Publications Catalog Piper Sales Brochures – Cub Super Cruiser, Super Cub, Colt, Aztec Piper J3 Cub Parts Price List Service Manual Covering Care and Operation of Piper Coupe J4 Piper Cruiser J5 Parts Price List Service Manual Covering Care and Operation of Piper Cruiser J5 Oct. 1960 Oct. 1960 1973, 1974 Sep. 1989 1946, Undated Piper Apache – Model PA-23 Performance Charts, Construction Details Undated 6 7 8 9 OS129 North American Aviation, Inc. General Repair Manual, B-25 Airplanes Maintenance Manual for B-25C and B-25D Airplanes 1 Circa 1937 Circa 1941. 1948 1959, 1970, Undated 1959-1960, Undated Jul. 1960 Jul. 1960 Undated Undated Undated Undated 10 Rockwell – Commander Aircraft Division “Rockwell Commander Reports” Undated 11 Stinson Aircraft Service Manual – 10-A Stinson Voyager 1945 13 12 13 14 15 16 16 Stinson Reliant and 105 Series – Parts Price List C.A.A. Preliminary Approved Operating Limitations for the Stinson Voyager (Model 108-2) General Service Manual – Stinson Model 108 Series Airplanes Stinson Aircraft – Parts Price List General Service Manual – Stinson Model 108 Series Airplanes 1 Feb. 1946 7 Mar. 1947 1947 Jan. 1960 Undated 17 18 Taylor Aircraft Corporation J3-A20 Aircraft – Aircraft Plans, Fuselage Frame Assembly Instruction Manual – Taylorcraft Model B & B12 Sep. 1937 Undated 19 Vertak Corporation (Troy, OH) Vertak Extremely Short Take-off and Landing Aircraft Undated 20 WACO Aircraft Corporation WACO 1936 Custom Cabins – Parts Price List 1936 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WACO 1936 Custom Cabins – Instruction Manual WACO 1937 Custom Cabins – Parts Price List WACO 1938 Custom Cabins – Instruction Manual WACO 1938 and 1939 Custom Cabins – Parts Price List Maintenance Manual for WACO Standard Cabins WACO Standard Cabins – Instruction Manual and Parts Price List Data Pertinent to WACO Cabin Airplanes, 1931-1942 Data Pertinent to WACO Open Cockpit Aircraft, 1929-1942 WACO Gliders – CG-4A and CH-13 WACO Model “E” Custom Cabins – Instruction Manual Table – WACO Model Symbols 1936 1937 1938 1939 1941 1 Nov. 1941 1942 1942 Undated Undated Undated Series IV: Aircraft Engine Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures, 1932-1992 Box File Description Date 16 12 AiResearch Manufacturing Company Garrett TFE731 Turbofan Pilot’s Brief Jan. 1977 13 14 Allison (Division of General Motors) Operators Manual for Allison Engine Installations Handbook of Operation and Maintenance for Allison V1710 “F” Type Engines (3rd Edition) 15 Nov. 1942 1 Apr. 1943 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Continental Aircraft Engine Company Operators Handbook for Continental F-670 Illustrated Parts Price List, “Up” Exhaust Model Engines – A50, A65, A75, A80 Illustrated Parts Price List, “Down” Exhaust Model Engines – A50, A65, A75, A80 Operator’s Handbook for A50, A65, A75, A80 Instruction Manual – Continental Aircraft Engines Models A-50, A-65, A-75, and A-80 Instruction Manual – Continental Aircraft Engines Models A-50, A-65, A-75, and A-80 Service Manual and Spare Parts Catalog, “E” Series Aircraft Engines Instruction and Service Manual, A100, C115, and C124 Continental Aircraft Engines Maintenance and Overhaul Manual With Spare Parts Catalog, Models A50, A65, A75 and A80 Continental Aircraft Engines Continental Aircraft Engine Master Parts Price List Parts Catalog – Continental “E” Series Aircraft Engines, Models E165 and E185 Parts Catalog – Continental “C” Series Aircraft Engines, Model C75, C80 and C90 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual – Continental “E” Series Aircraft Engines, Models E165 and E185 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual – Continental “C” Series Aircraft Engines, Models C75, C85, and C90 Continental Aircraft Engine – Master Parts Price List Maintenance and Overhaul Manual with Spare Parts Catalog – Models A50, A65, A75 and A80 Continental Aircraft Engines Operator’s Manual – Continental Red Seal Aircraft Engines Service Bulletins, Continental Aircraft Engines Parts Catalog – Continental “C” Series 4 Cylinder Aircraft Engines, Models C75, C85, C90, and O-200 Service Parts Catalog – Continental Aircraft Engines Series C-75, 85, 90 & O-200 Operator’s Manual – Continental Aircraft Engine Fuel Injection System Overhaul Manual – Continental Aircraft Engines Series C75, 85, 90 & O-200 Service tools for Continental Aircraft Engines Parts Price List – Continental W670 Engines Do’s n Don’ts for Operation of Continental Aircraft Engines 1 Apr. 1933 1 Mar. 1941 1 Mar. 1941 1 Jun. 1941 Mar. 1944 Jan. 1946 1947 1 Sep. 1947 Feb. 1948 Aug. 1948 20 Apr. 1949 1 Jun. 1949 1 Jul. 1949 Dec. 1949 1 Aug. 1952 Jul. 1959 Nov. 1960 1962-1964 Jul. 1963 Aug. 1966 Aug. 1967 Nov. 1968 1970 Undated Undated 15 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Franklin Aircraft Engines (Aircooled Motors, Inc.) Service Parts Price List – Franklin Aircraft Engines Models 6A4-150-B3 and 6A4-145-A3 Operators Instruction – Franklin 335 Service Manual Franklin Aircraft Engine Models 6A-150B3, B31, &6A4-165-B3 Service Manual Franklin Aircraft Engine Modesl 6V1-178B3 & B32 &B33 General Electric Aircraft Engine General Information Interstate Aircraft and Engineering Corp. Service Manual for Interstate “Cadet” Model S-1A,, S-1A65F, S-1A-85F, & S-1A-90F Jacobs Aircraft Engine Company Instructions for the Operation and Maintenance of Jacobs Aircraft Engines Models L-4MB and L-6MB Parts Catalog – Jacobs L-5 Series Aircraft Engines Models L-5, L-5M, L-5MB, Serial Numbers 1000 through 1500 1 Oct. 1946 Circa1946 Circa1946 1 Feb. 1948 Aug. 1992 Undated 1941 1 Jun. 1943 9 Ken Royce Engines (Commonwealth Aircraft, Inc.) Ken Royce Engine Handbook (Models 5E, 5F, 7F, 5G & 7G) Jun. 1941 10 Kinner Motors, Inc. Instructions for Operation – Maintenance Overhaul, Kinner R-56 Aircraft Engines 1 Jun. 1944 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lycoming (Aviation Manufacturing Corp.) Basic Handbook of Instructions for the R-680 Series Engine Overhaul Tools Operators Manual – Lycoming Type R-680 and R-530 Aviation Engines Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog, Lycoming Model O-145 and GO-145 Aviation Engines Overhaul Manual, Lycoming Model 0-235-C Series and 0290-D Aviation Engines Overhaul Manual, Lycoming Model 0-290-D2 Series Aviation Engines Lycoming Parts Catalog, Model 0-290-D2 Aircraft Engines Lycoming Operator’s Manuals – Models 0-435-A and IGSO-540-B1A Aircraft Engines Jun. 1936 Jun. 1939 Jan. 1947 1947 Mar. 1952 Apr. 1953 Feb. 1953, Mar. 1961 16 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 1 2 3 4 5 Parts Catalog – AVCO Lycoming Models 0-435-A and –A2 Aircraft Engines AVCO Lycoming Parts Catalog – 10-360, A10-360, H10360, and T10-360 Series Aircraft Engines Brochure – The Lycoming 0-290-D2, 140 BHP, Four Cylinder, Horizontally Opposed Aircraft Engine Pratt & Whitney Operators Handbook – Wasp Jr. B, Wasp H1, and Hornet E Series Engines The Use of Operating Curves Maintenance Manual – Wasp Jr. (R-985) B4 and B5 and WASP (R-1340) S1H1, S3H1, S3H2 AND S3H1-G Engines Maintenance Manual – Twin Wasp 2SD13-G and D5 Engines Use of the Torquemeter The Single Stage Two Speed Supercharger and its Operation Double Wasp, CB Series, Maintenance Manual Part No. 166498 Double Wasp, CB Series, Maintenance Manual Part No. 166497 (1 of 2) Double Wasp, CB Series, Maintenance Manual Part No. 166497 (2 of 2) Specific Operating Instructions – Double Wasp CB16 and CB17 Engine Operation Information Letter, Manual of Engine Operation Wasp Jr. (985) B4, B5 and Wasp (R-1340) S1H1, S1H2, S3H1, S3H2, and S3H1-G Engines, Maintenance Manual Part No. 118611 Wasp Jr. AN-1, -3, -4, -6, -6B, -10, -12, -12B, -14B, B3, B4, and B5 Engines, Illustrated Parts Catalog, Part6 No. 121519 Wasp Jr. (985) B4, B5 and Wasp (R-1340) S1H1, S1H2, S3H1, S3H2, S3H1-G and (by supplement) S1H4 Engines, Overhaul Manual, Part No. 123440 (1 of 2) Wasp Jr. (985) B4, B5 and Wasp (R-1340) S1H1, S1H2, S3H1, S3H2, S3H1-G and (by supplement) S1H4 Engines, Overhaul Manual, Part No. 123440 (2 of 2) Wasp Jr. (985) B4, B5 and Wasp (R-1340) S1H2, S3H1, S3H2, and S3H1-G Engines, Maintenance Manual, Part No. 118611 Circa1958 Mar. 1971 Undated Jan. 1941 Nov. 1945 Jun. 1950 Oct. 1950 Jan. 1952 Jan. 1955 Mar. 1957 Sep. 1958 Sep. 1958 Feb. 1960 Oct. 1946May 1960 May 1966 Aug. 1971 Nov. 1972 Nov. 1972 Oct. 1977 17 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pilot Briefing Notes, PT6 Gas Turbine Engine Jun. 1988 Ranger Aircraft Engines Ranger Aircraft Engines – Inverted, In-Line, Aircooled 1938 Instructions for Operation, Servicing, and Maintenance of Undated Ranger Aircraft Engines, Models: 6-390B, 6-390D, 6-410B1, 6-410B-2, 6-410B-3 Parts Catalog for Models: 6-390B, 6-390D, 6-410B-1, 6Undated 410B-2, 6-410B-3 Warner Aircraft Engines Warner Engine Handbook, Super Scarab, Scarab, and Scarab, Jr. Warner Engine Handbook, Super-Scarab Model 165 Parts Catalog, Models 165, Super-Scarab Engines Parts Price List, Scarab Wright Aeronautical Corp. (Curtiss-Wright Corp.) “Aircraft Engine Testing” by A. W. Conway, Production Test Engineer “The Pound of Curve” Aeronautical Notes, 2nd Edition Wright Cruising Power Calculator (GR-1820 G-202A) Wright Cyclone Parts Catalog for Wright Whirlwind Engines, Model J-4A and J-4B Parts Catalog for Wright Cyclone Aircraft Engines, Series GR-1820G-200 Parts Catalog for Wright Cyclone 14 Aircraft Engines, Model GR2600A5B (Special Issue for British Air Ministry) Tool Catalog for Wright Cyclone 14 Aircraft Engines, Series A & B Tool Catalog for Wright Cyclone 9 Aircraft Engines, Series C9GC Parts Catalog for the Model R-2600-11 Engine and Associated Models (R-2600-3 and -11) Parts Catalog for the Model R-2600-9 Engine and Associated Models (R-2600-7 and -9) Parts Catalog for the Model R-2600-13 Engine and Associated Models (R-2600-13 Only) Preliminary Instruction Book, Wright Cyclone 18 Aircraft Engine, Series C18BA, Operation and Maintenance Parts Catalog – R-3350-13 and -21 Aircraft Engines Parts Catalog – R-2600-19 and -23 Aircraft Engines Jan. 1935 Aug. 1940 Mar. 1942 1 Sep. 1947 1941 Oct. 1944 Undated Mar. 1940 1 Apr. 1932 15 Aug. 1940 15 Mar. 1941 15 Jul. 1941 15 Oct. 1941 20 Nov. 1941 20 Dec. 1941 10 Nov. 1942 Nov. 1942 20 Jan. 1943 15 Feb. 1943 18 12 13 14 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 23 1 Instructions for the Conversion of GR-1820-G205A, R1820-40, -40B, -60, and -87 Cyclones Preliminary Instruction Book, Wright Cyclone 18 Aircraft Engines, Series C18BB, Operation and Maintenance Preliminary Operation Manual, Wright Aircraft Engines, Cyclone 18BA Jun. 1943 Instructions for the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of the Wright Cyclone Aviation Engine, Models R-1820-G and GR-1820-G Installation Manual for Wright Aircraft Engines (General Reference Book) Instructions for the Operation and Maintenance of the Wright Whirlwind 7 & 9 Aircraft Engines, Series R-760E and R-975E Instructions for the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the Wright Cyclone 9 Aircraft Engine, Model GR-1820G200 Instructions for the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the Wright Cyclone 14 Aircraft Engine, Model GR2600A Instructions for the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the Wright Cyclone 14 Aircraft Engine, Model C14B Service Manual, Wright Cyclone 18BA Aircraft Engines Overhaul Manual for the Wright Cyclone 14 Aircraft Engine Overhaul Manual, Wright Cyclone 9 Aircraft Engines, Series F-50, F-60, GA and GB Oct. 1937 Overhaul Manual, Wright Cyclone 14 Aircraft Engine, Series C14BA Mar. 1943 Mar. 1943 Mar. 1944 Apr. 1939 Mar. 1940 Jul. 1940 Aug. 1940 May. 1941 Aug. 1944 Nov. 1940 Sep. 1942 Series V: Propeller Maintenance Manuals, Parts Catalogs, and Sales Brochures, 1937-1977 Box File 23 2 3 4 Description Aeroproducts (General Motors Corp) Aeroprop Constant Speed Propellers, Trans-Vision Presentation Service Instruction Manual – Aeroprop Constant Speed Propellers, Models A632S-A1, A632S-A2, A632S-B1, A632S-B5, A632S-C1, A632S-C4 Supplement 1, A642SD1 Supplement 2 Model Specification No. 3-43006, Aeroproducts Model A6441FN-606A Propeller Date Aug. 1943 Dec. 1943 15 Dec. 1958 19 5 6 7 8 24 Beech Aircraft Corp. Series B200 Beechcraft Controllable Propeller (For Aircraft with SAE No. 20 Spline Crankshaft Engines) Curtiss Propeller Division (Curtiss-Wright Corp.) Installation and Maintenance Instructions, Curtiss Feathering Propellers Instruction Manual for Curtiss Electric Propellers, Sections 10 through Section 15 Pilot’s Manual – Curtiss Electric Propeller Jul. 1947 15 Jul. 1938 1942-1943 1943 9 10 11 12 Hamilton Standard Propellers (United Aircraft Corp.) Service Manual – Hydromatic Propeller Governors Service Manual – Counterweight Propeller Governors Service Manual – Quick-Feathering Hydromatic Propellers Service Manual 110-C – Controllable and Constant Speed Propellers Oct. 1944 Nov. 1944 Feb. 1946 Jan. 1937 1 2 3 Hamilton Standard Service School Training Manual “Prop to Pilot” – A Handbook for Pilots Prop-Log, Hamilton Standard Propellers 1958 Jan. 1958 Undated 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hartzell Propeller Co. Manual – Hydro-Selective Propeller, Model HC-12X20 (Description, Installation, Pilot Operation, Inspection and Maintenance, Parts List) Propeller Owner’s Manual for Piper Aircraft, Manual 115B (Installation, Operation, Service) Propeller Owner’s Manual for Piper Aircraft, Manual 107H (Installation, Operation, Service) Propeller Owner’s Manual for Piper Aircraft, Manual 106H (Installation, Operation, Service) Description of Various Hartzell Propellers (Includes Compact Hub and Steel Hub Models) Models, Specifications and Prices The Story of Hartzell Walnut Propellers Advertising Brochures – “Hartzell, The Name for Quality” McCauley Industrial Corp. Service Manual for McCauley Met-L-Prop Fixed Pitch Propellers (Repairs, Overhaul, Parts) Service Manual for McCauley Met-L-Prop Fixed Pitch Propellers (Repairs, Overhaul, Parts) Sales Brochures – McCauley Propellers Nov. 1948 Dec. 1969 Jun. 1971 Jul. 1971 Feb. 1977 Undated Undated Undated Mar. 1959 Feb. 1967 1970 20 15 16 17 18 Service Manual, Overhaul and Parts for McCauley C200 Series Constant Speed Propellers Service Manual, Overhaul and Parts for McCauley Full Feathering Constant Speed Propellers (Model Series 2AF31C, 2AF34C, 2AF36C, 3AF32C, 3AF34C) Service Letters/Bulletins Sensenich Aircraft Propellers Fixed-Pitch Aluminum Propellers, Designed for Maximum Performance Feb. 1970 Mar. 1973 1968-1973 Apr. 1981 Series VI: General Aircraft Parts Catalogs, Maintenance Manuals, and Sales Brochures, 1938-1993 Box File 24 19 20 25 Description Aeroquip Corp. Bulletin 1568 – How to Identify, Select and Assemble Aeroquip Aircraft Hose and Fittings Bulletin 1568A - How to Identify, Select and Assemble Aeroquip Aircraft Hose and Fittings 21 22 AC Spark Plug Division (General Motors Corp.) Aircraft Products Catalog A-2368 Aircraft Spark Plugs Specification Chart – Aircraft and Engine 23 Aero Spark Plug Company Description and Instruction for Service and Maintenance of Aero Spark Plugs for Aircraft Engines 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aircraft Radio Corporation Instruction Book for Type 17 VHF Aircraft Communication System Instruction Book for ARC Type F-11 Isolation Amplifier Instruction Book for Type 15C VHF Navigational Receiving Equipment Aircraft Tool Supply Company Instructions – Time-Rite Piston Position Indicator American Bosch Corporation Service Parts List, Aviation Magnetos, Type SF9LU-3 Service Instructions – Induction Vibrators (Types VJR12B1 – VJR12B3 & VJR24B1 – VJR24B3) Date 1980 1980 1972 Feb. 1962, Sep. 1968 Jun. 1947 Mar. 1949 Jan. 1951 Oct. 1986 Mar. 1941 1943, 1944 21 7 8 American Metal Hose (The American Brass Co.) Ignition Shielding Conduit Assemblies for Spark Plug Leads Magneto to Distributor Leads Undated Undated 9 American Steel and Wire Company American Tiger Brand Aircraft Control Cables 1944 10 Auburn Ignition Products Aircraft Spark Plug, Application and Service Manual 1993 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 Service Instructions and Parts List, Aviation Magneto, Models SB9RU-3 & SB94C-3 1 2 Bendix Corporation Preliminary Service Manual, RS-5BD2 Fuel Injection System Operation and Service Manual, RSA-5 and RSA-10 Fuel Injection Systems Overhaul Instructions, S-20 Series Aircraft Magnetos Autolite 1977 Aircraft Spark Plug Catalog Technical Manual, Overhaul, Model NA-S3A1 Float Carburetor Eclipse-Pioneer, Aircraft Instruments, Fundamentals of Operation and Principal Uses Eclipse-Pioneer, Installation, Operation, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog, Service Manual No. 68, Series 48 Combination Electric Inertia and Direct Cranking Starter, Type 1363, Model 2 Style C and Model 8 Style C, Eclipse-Pioneer, Installation, Operation, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog, Service Manual No. 7, High-Tension Booster Coils, Types 512, 513, 1313, 1367, and 1497, Eclipse-Pioneer, Installation, Operation and Service Maintenance, Engine Driven D-C Generators, Types: 901, 914, 1193, 1273, 1381, 1547 Eclipse-Pioneer, Installation and Operation Instructions, Direct Cranking Electric Starters, Types 1416, 1546 Eclipse-Pioneer, Overhaul Instructions, Inverter, Types 1518-1-E, 1518-2-E Eclipse-Pioneer, Overhaul Instructions, Engine Driven D-C Generator, Type 1547 Eclipse-Pioneer, Installation, Operation and Service Maintenance, Engine Driven D-C Generators, Types 901, 914, 1193, 30E01, 1273, 1381, 1547, 30E02 1 Mar. 1965 15 Apr. 1972 Aug 1975 1977 1965-1976 1943 Feb. 1945 Feb. 1946 1947 1948 1948 1948 1951 22 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Eclipse-Pioneer, Overhaul Instructions, Direct Cranking Electric Starters, Types 36E00, 36E03 Eclipse-Pioneer, Preliminary Operating Manual Including Installation, Operation and Line Maintenance Instructions Direct Cranking Electric Starters, Types E-80, F-141, Y150, A-160 and E-160 Bendix Radio, Instruction Book for Types MN-53A and MN-55A Marker Receivers Bendix-Scintilla, Preliminary Overhaul Instructions, DF18RN or DF18LN Magneto (Formerly DF-3) Bendix-Scintilla, Aircraft Magnetos, User Operating Instructions Bendix-Scintilla, Aircraft Magnetos, Service Parts List Bendix-Scintilla, Aircraft Magnetos, Service Instructions Bendix-Scintilla, Parts Price List Bendix-Scintilla, Directory of Authorized Distributors and Service Stations in the United States Bendix-Scintilla, Aircraft Magnetos, Parts Common to S6N Basic Assembly 10-51365 Bendix-Scintilla, Current Aircraft Engine Ignition Systems Bendix Scintilla, Battery Ignition, Type WL-7A Bendix-Scintilla, Installation, Maintenance and Operating Instructions, Electronic Ignition and Associated Equipment Bendix-Scintilla, The Aircraft Magneto Bendix-Scintilla, Aircraft Magnetos, Service Instructions and Parts Lists The ABC’s of the Bendix Shower of Sparks Ignition System I Am Your Impulse Coupling, Nobody Pays Any Attention to Me Bendix-Stromberg, Instructions on Stromberg NS-S2 and NA-S3 Aircraft Carburetors Bendix-Stromberg, Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Stromberg “PS” Series Injection Carburetors B. F. Goodrich Company De-Icers and Design Aircraft Tire Care and Maintenance Aircraft Tire Engineering Data Installation Manual – The B. F. Goodrich Propeller Feed Shoe and Ring for Fluid Anti-Icing Systems 1952 Undated 1946 1941 1938-1949 1942-1947 1943-1949 1 Jan. 1941, 15 Jan. 1947 Jun. 1943 Oct. 1947 1950 Jun. 1941 Nov. 1947 Feb. 1951 1954 1958-1960 Mar. 1971 Jul. 1982 May. 1938 1937, 1949 1943 1985 1979, 1985 Undated 23 27 26 27 28 BG Spark Plugs BG Spark Plugs for Aviation Engines BG Spark Plugs Service and Maintenance Manual The BG M652 D. C. Ignition Harness Test Unit Apr. 1943 1944 18 Feb. 1952 29 30 Borroughs (SPX Corporation) Service Tools for Teledyne Continental Aircraft Engines Service Tools for Lycoming Aircraft Engines 1985 1985 31 S. F. Bowser & Company Bowser Serv-A-Plane Oct. 1940 31 Chamberlain Aviation Inc. Storm Warning Radar Systems for Aircraft 1962 1 2 3 4 5 6 Champion Spark Plug Company Champion-Ceramic Aircraft Spark Plug Maintenance Manual Champion Aircraft Spark Plug Service Manual Aviation Service Manual An Introduction to the Aviation Spark Plug Spark Plug Charts – Cessna, Beech, Beechcraft, Aero Commander, Mooney, Piper, Cooper Industries Procedures Manual for Aircraft Dope and Fabric Application (See also Oversize Location 129, File 2 for fabric samples) 7 Dayton Aviation Radio & Equipment Corp. (DARE) Instruction Book for DGS-20 Glide Slope Receiver 8 9 Delco-Remy (General Motors) Aircraft Equipment Handbook Service Bulletins 10 11 12 13 14 Training Chart Manual, Section E, Generators Training Chart Manual, Section F, Standard Duty Generator Regulator Training Chart Manual, Section K, Fundamentals of Delcotron Generators Maintenance Handbook 324-2, D. C. Charging Circuit Generator Model 1101879 1 Jun. 1944 Aug. 1947 Undated 1975 Undated 1955 Dec. 1959 Jun. 1943 Sep. 1950 Sep. 1953 Jun. 1958 Sep. 1958 Feb. 1962 May 1966 Feb. 1971 Undated 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 1 2 3 4 5 Eisemann Service Handbooks and Parts Catalog, Light Aircraft Magnetos Principles of Operation, Installation and Minor Inspection (Off Engine), Aircraft Magnetos Model LA-4, LA-6 1947, 1963, Undated Undated Electric Storage Battery Company Instructions, Installing and Operating Exide Batteries in Aircraft Service 1952 General Electric Types DJ-1 and DJ-11 D-C Selsyn Position Indicators for Aircraft (GEI-13842C) Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions for Flying Radiofone, types AS-1B and AS-1C The ABC’s of Proper Battery Maintenance, NickelCadmium Goodyear Aviation Products Division Instructions for Installation and Maintenance of Goodyear Landing Wheels and Brakes Used on Convair CV-340 Airplanes Operation and Service Manual, Single Disc Brakes and Wheels for Light Airplanes Maintenance Manual, Wheels and Brakes for the Beechcraft Model 18 Series Airplanes Maintenance Manual, Wheels and Brakes for the Cessna 310 Airplane Price Catalogs, Airplane Tires, Tubes and Brakes Maintenance Manual, Tires, Wheels and Brakes for Aero Commander Airplanes Operation and Service Manual, Brakes and Wheels for Light Airplanes Overhaul Manual with Illustrated Parts List, AP-292, Main Wheel Assembly, Prat # 9543637, 9543871, and Brake Assembly Part # 9550405 1945 Dec. 1946 Nov. 1968 Jun. 1952 Jun. 1952 Feb. 1956 May. 1957 1957, 1960 Oct. 1960 Sep. 1966 15 Nov. 1971 Grimes Manufacturing Company Overhaul Instructions with I.P.B., Light, Navigational 10 Jun. 1971 Aircraft Rotating Warning, Grimes Parts Numbers 40-01291, -3, -5, -7, -9, -11, -13, -15, & -17 Overhaul Manual With Illustrated Parts List, Aircraft Apr. 1973 Navigational Rotating Warning Light 25 6 Parts Breakdown – Model No. B-6345, A-2138, A-1285, A1815A, A-2064 1973, 1974 7 Holley Carburetor Company Instruction Manual for Models 419 and 429 Nov. 1943 8 John W. Hobbs Corporation Hobbs Hour Meter Talks, Bulletin 535 Revised 1956 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Jack & Heintz, Inc. (JAHCO) Installation and Maintenance Instructions for the Type A3A Automatic Pilot Operation and Flight Instructions for the Type A-3A Automatic Pilot Temporary Overhaul Instructions for the Type A-3A Automatic Pilot Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for the Model JH-6500 Gyro Horizon Indicator Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Electric Starters, Models JH3, JH4, & JH5 Series Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for the Gyro Horizon Indicator Model JH6500A Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Electric Starters, Models JH4NE, JH4NF, & JH4NP Series Handbook of Instruction with Parts Catalog for Generators, AAF Types R-1, R-2, and Navy Type GM-1 “Transvision” Technical Presentation – Type A-31 Automatic Pilot, Mount; Turn Gyro; and Bank & Climb Gyro Janitrol Aircraft and Automotive Heaters Maintenance Instructions and Parts List Koehler Aircraft Products, Inc. Aircraft Valves and Accessories, Descriptive Catalog No. 10 Including Service Parts Lists Kollsman Instrument Division Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Kollsman Air Speed Indicators Dealer Catalog – Kollsman Aircraft Instruments, Flight, Navigational, and Engine Instruments Jul. 1942 Jul. 1942 Aug. 1942 Sep. 1943 May 1944 Sep. 1944 Jun. 1944 Jan. 1945 Undated 1947-1948, 1955 Circa1940 Feb. 1942 1944 26 22 23 24 25 29 Radio Corps of America Instructions, AVR-22 Aircraft Radio Receiving Equipment, MI-19722 Lear, Inc. Maintenance and Service Manual, Lear Orienter, Model ADF-12B, Automatic Direction Finder Operating Instructions and Maintenance and Service Manual, Lear Omnimatic VHF Communication and Navigation Equipment F-5 Automatic Pilot Feb. 1947 1951 Circa1949 Undated 26 Mallard Cabin Heater (Grumman Aircraft Corp.) Mallard Cabin Heater – Blueprints and Inspection Instructions 1948 1 Marvel-Schebler/Tillotson (Borg-Warner) Service Manual – Models MA3A, MA3PA, MA3SPA, MA4SPA Aircraft Carburetor Jun. 1970 2 National Aeronautical Corporation Operation, Installation and Service Manual, The Narco VTR-1 Omnigator with V12MP-2 Power Unit 1950 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parker Aircraft Piping Aircraft Piping Identification Tape PESCO Products Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog, Pressure Loaded Gear Type Hydraulic Pump Pesco Serviscript, Vane-Type Fuel Pump Series 2PR400 Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog, Standard Engine Driven Vacuum Pumps Randolph Products Company Product Manual, Aircraft Finishes Sales Brochures – Aircraft Finishes Razorback Fabrics, Inc. Installation Instructions for Replacement of Conventional Fabric Covering with Fiberglass Covering on Aircraft Sperry Gyroscope Co. The Gyroscope and Its Uses Jul. 1939 Apr. 1945 Sep. 1952 Undated 1987 Undated 1 Jun. 1977 Oct. 1943 27 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pilot’s and Mechanic’s Operating Bulletin A-3 (MK 3) Gyropilot (“Elmer Carries On”) Pilot’s and Mechanic’s Operating Bulletin MK IV – Gyropilot, NAVAER 05-45-537 Handbook of Instructions, Sperry Directional Gyro Indicator and Gyro-Horizon Indicator Service Instructions for the Sperry Model A-12 Gyropilot, Instruction No. 15-202 Service Instructions Sperry Model A-12 Gyropilot Flight Control Integrated Instrument System and You – the Pilot The Gyroscope through the Ages Stromberg Instructions on Stromberg NA-S2A, NA-S2A1, NA-S3A AND NA-S3A1 Carburetors 19 Summerill Tubing Company Aircraft Tubing Data 20 Aircraft Tubing Data 21 Aircraft Tubing Data, Revised and New Pages 22 Texaco Petroleum Products Lubrication – Lubrication of Airframe and Engine Accessories 23 Thompson Products, Inc. Thompson Aircraft Engine-Driven Fuel Pumps Jan. 1944 May. 1944 Jun. 1945 Apr. 1949 Jun. 1955 Sep. 1956 May 1971 27 Feb. 1941 Mar. 1941, May 1943, Oct. 1945 Mar. 1941, May 1943 Jul. 1943 Apr. 1946 1952 24 Westinghouse Electric Generator Voltage Regulator, Specification 94-32276-A, For Use with Westinghouse Type AVR-20-A May 1944 25 General Information by William Laufer Service Guide for Aircraft Landing Gears (Most Popular Makes), Time Pressures, Strut Heights, Brank Linings Undated 28 Series VII: General Aviation Information, 1923-1997 Box 30 31 File Description 1 Aeronautical Charts Weather Bureau – Daily Weather Maps 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Weather Bureau – Daily Weather Maps Albany, NY Aeronautical Chart Birmingham, AL Aeronautical Chart Burlington, VT Aeronautical Chart Charlotte, NC Aeronautical Chart Chattanooga, TN Aeronautical Chart Chicago, IL Aeronautical Chart 9 Cincinnati, OH Aeronautical Chart 10 Cleveland, OH Aeronautical Chart 11 12 Dayton, OH Aeronautical Chart Detroit, MI Aeronautical Chart 13 14 15 Green Bay, WI Aeronautical Chart Hudson River Aeronautical Chart Huntington, WV Aeronautical Chart 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Kansas City, MO Aeronautical Chart Lake Superior Aeronautical Chart Lake of the Woods Aeronautical Chart Lewiston, MA Aeronautical Chart Milwaukee, WI Aeronautical Chart New York Aeronautical Chart Ohio Aeronautical Chart Salina, KS Aeronautical Chart Sangre De Cristo Mountains Aeronautical Chart Savannah, GA Aeronautical Chart Washington, D.C. Aeronautical Chart Winston-Salem, NC Aeronautical Chart 1 2 3 WACO Aircraft General Information WACO Magazine, Published by International WACO Association WACO Sales Brochure (Photocopy) Miles Stones in WACO History Date 27 Feb. 1948. 6 Mar. 1948, 25 Feb. 1948 21 Apr. 1955 Feb. 1967 Oct. 1966 Aug. 1966 Oct. 1966 Nov. 1966 May 1948Sep. 1966 Oct. 1944Jun. 1966 Oct. 1945Aug. 1955 Nov. 1965 Nov. 1963Oct. 1966 Oct. 1962 Dec. 1961 Nov. 1965Nov. 1966 May 1961 Apr. 1962 Apr. 1962 Mar. 1947 Dec. 1966 Jan. 1967 1994-1997 Jul. 1963 Feb. 1948 Jan. 1967 Mar. 1985 Feb. 1967 1990-1992 Undated Undated 29 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 32 1 “WACO Classic” Drawings – WACO ATO Taperwing (Model Builder Magazine) WACO Aircraft Company Envelopes and Stationary WACO Aircraft Company Forms WACO Sales Brochures – The WACO Six Three Seater & WACO “Ten” Article – “Labor of Love,” Kitplanes Magazine Newspaper Article – “WACO 4: A Dream Lives On.” Miami Valley Sunday News Aircraft Listing – WACO Aircraft Magazine Articles – WACO Aircraft WACO Historical Society and Museum General Information The Troyo Co., C. J. Brukner Prop. – Business Cards and Envelopes Wright Brothers General Information Brochure – “The Shop That Became a Shrines” by Howard Egbert Brochure – “The First Ten Years: 1981-1991, A Tenth Anniversary History of Aviation Trail” Wright “B” Flyer General Information Brochure – “Tribute to Katharine Wright” Poster – The 1902 Glider, The Machine that Solved the Problem of Control Brochures and Programs – Wright Brothers Anniversary Events Newsletter – “The Wright Flyer,” Aviation Trail, Inc. Aircraft Mechanic Publications Aircraft Mechanic’s Pocket Manual by Joseph A. Ashkouti (Pitman Publishing Corp) Standard Aircraft Workers’ Manual Published Through Fletcher Aircraft Training System Maintenance Aspects of Owning Your Own Airplane (FAA, General Aviation Mfg. Assoc. & Piper Aircraft Corp.) AERO Mechanic’s Questionnaire – A Practical Question and Answer Examination for Students of Aircraft and Aircraft Engine Mechanics by Ralph P. Rice Pilot’s Ready Reference, Flying Data Every Pilot Must Know and Use by C. T. Harnsberger Standard Aircraft Handbook Undated Jul. 1974 Undated Undated Undated May 1995 18 Nov. 1990 Undated 1967, 1971, Undated Undated Undated 17 Dec. 1928 Jun. 1991 Undated 7 Mar. 1989 1998 1994-1995 Apr. 2002 1941 1941, 1980 1978 1943 1962 1958, 1980 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Aviation Maintenance Handbook and Standard Hardware Digest (An Aviation Maintenance Foundation, Inc. Service Manual) Standard Aviation Maintenance Handbook (Aviation Maintenance Publishers) Aviation Publications The Complete Camp Site Guide, Including all Airplane Landings in the U.S.A with Maps Showing Locations for Both NACA Report 218, “Standard Atmosphere – Tables and Data” The Sky Climbers of America, Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-4, 6-9 Curtiss Aircraft, In Combat … and Commerce The Story of United Airlines, The Main Line Airway Facts on Aviation for the Future Flyers of Tennessee Of Men and Wings (United Airlines) Navigation, Part II Commercial by Buford B. Ledbetter DME at Work (Distance Measuring Equipment) FAA Regulations (Sanderson Films Aviation Visual Aids) The Flyer, Serving Aviation in the Midwest, Vol. 4, #12 How to Fly Floats by Jay J. Frey Moraine Airpark, Formerly South Dayton A Shadow the Touched the Moon, Ohio’s Aviation Heritage AOPA’s Handbook for Pilots Propulsion (General Electric Aircraft Engines) How Do Things Fly? (Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Turbine-ology or “What Makes a Turbine Engine Work Open the Throttle, Early History of Chicago and Southern Air Lines The Age of Flight (United Aircraft) First Around the World (Douglas Aircraft Co.) Newsletters Russ Brinkley’s Quadrant Aerograph, Vol. 4, #5 Spartan School of Aeronautics Alumni News, Tulsa, OK Contrails, Niagara Aerospace Museum Newsletter Cross Country News Meacham Field, Fort Worth, TX Newsletter – Wright at the Moment (Published by Wright Aeronautical) Air Show Programs Aviation Day ’74, Montgomery County Airport 1975 1985 1923 1927 1930 Circa1941 1943 1944 Circa1945 1947 1952 5 Mar. 1962 Mar. 1965 Apr. 1972 1972 1976 1983 Jun. 1991 1996 Undated Undated Undated Undated Jul 1964 1974, 1978 2000 Undated 30 Jan. 1943 1974 31 12 13 Dayton Air Fair Dayton Air Fair 1975, 1976 1977-1979 14 15 16 Aviation Hall of Fame First Flight Computer Photo Mosaic Mural Enshrinement Ceremonies Program Portrait Collection 1973 1968-1975 Ca.1968-1975 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 33A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 General Information Curtiss OX-5 Photographs and Drawings Curtiss OX-5 Research Album of OX-5 Aircraft (AAA Specialty Publication, Vol. 1, No. 4. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company – Goodyear Blimp Press Kit Brochure – “The Barnstorming Mustanger” by Ted Barber “Roscoe Turner: throttle Bendin’ Devil” by C. M. Daniels (Air Classics) Charles Willard, The Exhibition Years Magazine Articles – “Captain’s Tour Series” (Professional Pilot Magazine) Brochure – “Jimmy Doolittle, The First 80 Years” by Barrett Tillman “August Martin, Activities Book” “Alcock & Brown Exhibition Catalogue” (Manchester Airport, Manchester, UK) “Used Aircraft Price Guide, the Blue Book of Aviation” 1958, Undated 1916-1993 Undated 1975 Undated Aug. 1969 1974 1979-1981 Undated Aug. 1980 Jun.-Jul 1969. Feb. 1963 Charles Lindbergh (Magazine Articles in Souvenir Reprint Aug.1977 of Air Line Pilot) See Also Oversize Location 129, File 16 for The Saturday Evening Post, pg. 6, 7 &59-60, “And Then I Jumped” by Charles Lindbergh Wall Charts & Posters “Why Planes Fly” “The First Airlines” “The Piston-Engine Era” “Today’s Jet Powered Passenger Airlines” “What Makes a Jet Jet?” “The Airlines of Tomorrow” “707 Astrojet Flight Deck” “Half Century of Aircraft, 1920 to the Present Day “Boeing 747-400” “Military Aircraft” Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated 1989 1997 32 OS129 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 33B a. Beechcraft Control Panel b. Beechcraft Genealogy Chart c. Calendar, “Smoke Aerobatics at the National Air Races d. The Epic of Flight e. U.S. Naval Aircraft Designations (Naval Aviation News) f. U.S. Naval Aircraft Designations (Naval Aviation News) g. Super DC-3 31 Passenger h. Genealogy of Cessna Aircraft i. Genealogy of Piper Aircraft Other Information Airman Directory, RIS: AC-8060-13 (Microfiche) Mechanic’s Creed Aircraft Inspection Checklists Exhaust Flame Characteristics “Routine Installation and Service Instructions, Engine Driven Single Voltage Generators and Control Boxes or Panels” For Flying Safety – Remember Your Weather Symbols Log Books – Aircraft and Aircraft Engines William Laufer Correspondence Undated 1976 Jun.1972 1980 Feb. 1984 Dec. 1987 Undated Ca.1974 Ca.1986 May 1993 Undated Undated Undated Feb. 1940 1960 1963 1959-1988 General Commuter Aircraft Information (3-ring binder) – Undated Beech, Aero Commander, British Aircraft Corp., Business Jets, Atlantic Aircraft Sales Corp., Hamburger Flugzeugbau, Lear Jet, Lockheed, Remmert-Werner, Rinaldo Piaggio, Allison, Fairchild, Grumman, Mooney, Nord, Vickers Series VIII: Audio and Visual Material, 1929-1997 Box File 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 35 1 Description VHS Tapes WACO Airport, Freddie Lund, Goodyear Airship, Dayton Airport, MFG. the WACO YQC-6 (Master) WACO Gliders, Primary Training, CG-4, CG-13A, Snatching Gliders (Master) 32nd Annual WACO Reunion 1921 WACO Model 4, Jim Kessler (18 minutes) WACO News clip 1997 Enshrinement Ceremony, National Aviation Hall of Fame (Clayton Brukner was a enshrinee) 8 MM Film National Air Races Date 1929- 1936 1930-1943 Jun. 1991 Undated 12 Jun. 1993 1997 Undated 33 2 3 4 Troy and French Jet Plane Jets, Reading, PA Air Show, Reading, PA Undated Undated Undated 5 6 7 8 9 16 MM MFG 1936 WACO YQC-3 Primary Glider, WACO NAZ WACO CG-4A & CG-13A Gliders Bob Hoover Flies the Shrike Unidentified 1936 1930 1943 Undated Undated 36 Photograph Albums WACO Aircraft Photographs 1920s-1940s 37 WACO Aircraft Photographs 1920s-1940s 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Photographs Ford Trimotor in flight Classic Series from U.S. Paint – Spartan Executive Grumman American Gulfstream III North Central Airlines – Convair 580, Douglas DC-9 Classic Series from U.S. Paint – Globe Swift & Republic RC-3 Seabee Mitsubishi Aircraft – Diamond I Space Shuttle “Enterprise” on back of Boeing 747 Bellanca Sky Rocket British Aerospace Jetstream 31 Business Aircraft – Sabreliner & Learjet Military Aircraft – F-16, F-15, Boeing YC-14, AFTI-15, North American T-28, C-130E, T-38 Talon, B-1 Specialized Aircraft Company – TriTurbo-3 Helicopters – Unidentified Large Photographs Oversize Location 129 a. Beach aircraft taking off from water b. SR-71 In Flight c. Space Shuttle Enterprise on Back of Boeing 747 landing at Edwards AFB, CA d. The Gulfstream III in flight a. Cessna AT-7s under construction b. Women working at large table with canvas 1935 1941 Ca.1965 Ca.1967 1974 1981 18 May 1983 Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated 1938 Undated Undated Undated 1942 Undated 34 38 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Aviation Artwork Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics – “Ryan ST,” “FLEET,” “Curtiss HS-2L,” “Travel Air” Canadair Challenger in flight Oversize Location 129 Leach Corporation Heritage of the Air Collection Thompson Products, Inc. – “Dawn of Wings” (12 Lithographs Featuring Pioneer Planes of the World) Thompson Products, Inc. – “The Barnstormers” (12 Lithographs of Planes during Barnstorming Years) Thompson Products, Inc. – “The Early Birds” (Men and Women who flew Solo before December 17, 1916) Thompson Products, Inc. – Pioneer Mail Wings” (12 Lithographs Featuring Planes that Pioneered the U.S. Mail 1911-1931) Thompson Products, Inc. – “The Golden Age” – 12 Lithographs Commemorating Historic Flights, 1920-1930) Phillips Petroleum Company – Historical Aviation Series, Plates 9-20, 2-1 – 2-18 Unidentified Source – Curtiss 1A Gulfhawk, Stearman C3R, Laird LC-RW450 Speedwing Lockheed Corp. – “A Collection of Lockheed Airline Transports” (6 drawings) Aviation Advertisements (Color) – 13 Advertisements including Cessna, Bendix Aviation Corp., American Airlines, Trans World Airlines, Martin Aircraft, Stinson Aircraft, Vultee Aircraft, Lockheed Aircraft, Airlines of the United States, American Airlines, Sikorsky Amphibian, and Kendall Motor Oil Aviation Material Flag-Vehicle-Airfield, G. Q. Security Parachutes, Inc. Undated Undated 1959-1967 1941 1954 1956 1958 Ca.1960 Ca.1960 1963, 1965 Undated 1928-1957 Undated 35
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