09 Newsletter Term 4 Week 10 2015 Week 50
09 Newsletter Term 4 Week 10 2015 Week 50
POTTSVILLEBEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL EXCELLENCE INNOVATION SUCCESS COMMUNITY 9 December 2015 Term 4 Week 10 Community Carols Dear Parents Last Friday’s Carols was a fantastic evening of entertainment as the school community came together to sing, talk and celebrate the end of the 2015 school year. Congratulations to all our performers, who delighted the audience with their talent, their energy and their amazing enthusiasm for performing. Also congratulations to our P&C and in particular to our fundraising committee who have generously invested a huge amount of their time, skill and expertise in ensuring the success of the evening. The catering alone was a massive task, with the ordering, cooking and preparation, then the selling, not to mention the clean up after the event! This year for the first time a photo booth operated from the hall, which was incredibly popular with people still having photos taken after the Carols. Well done and thank you to our P&C and all parents who worked for and supported the Carols. Well done to our student MCs Cody B, Luke F, Kate R and Ella K who did a fantastic job in keeping the program moving, ably assisted by deputy principal Steve Dean. It goes without saying to organise such a huge event takes a lot of work from many people and I wish to acknowledge the great work of staff, the Carols Committee and overall coordinator of the Carols, teacher Yvonne Thompson. Thank you Yvonne. YCDI! AMBASSADORS At our whole school assembly on Monday the YCDI! ambassadors for 2016 were announced. These students had previously submitted a written application outlining how they believed they had through their school life demonstrated the foundations of the YCDI! program, this was then followed by an interview where students spoke of their understanding of the role of being a YCDI! ambassador. Congratulations to the following students who are our 2016 YCDI! ambassadors. CONFIDENCE – Tahlia A and Logan K, GETTING ALONG – Leila D and Jazz T, ORGANISATION – Riley B and Sabine R-P PERSISTENCE – Sasha H and Madeleine B, RESILIENCE – Indiana B and Emma R CELEBRATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ACHIEVEMENTS Last week and this week the achievements and progress of our students has been celebrated with our end of year presentation assemblies and concerts. Our students are to be congratulated on a fabulous year of learning and it has been a delight to see them learn and grow. I sincerely thank each student for their contribution to our school community in 2015 and congratulate them on their achievements. This week students in Years 5 and 6 will receive their reports on Thursday afternoon and students in Kindergarten to Year 4 on Friday afternoon. SPORT EXPO On the last three school days for students 14, 15 and 16 December our second Sport Expo will be held. This will see our current Year 2 to Year 6 students involved in a range of sports, the focus will be on developing of skills and enhancing students understanding and knowledge of that code. These workshops will be conducted by our local sporting organisations and supervised by teachers. Kindergarten and Year 1 students will be involved in a range of workshops that focus on the fundamental movement skills. These workshops will be led by 10 Kingscliff High PE students and supervised by teachers. A big thank you to Peter Rologas and Paul Kahl for their work and time in organising the 2015 Sport Expo. 2016 CLASSES/ORGANISATION Preliminary organisation has commenced for our 2016 classes. Next year students will initially return to their 2015 classes for at least the first day whilst classes are finalised and new enrolments are processed. STUDENTS LAST DAY Students last day for 2015 is WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER. The last two days of Term 4 2015 are professional development days for staff. On Thursday teachers will join staff from the schools of the Coastal Learning Community at Kingscliff High School where the focus will be on the development and implementation of learning continuums from Kindergarten to Year 12 and a session on improving cultural competency of our Coastal Learning Community. In the afternoon teachers will return to Pottsville where they will complete a session on reporting. On Friday staff will undertake CPR training and planning in teams for the 2016 year. Year 1 to Year 6 students return to school next year on the Thursday 28 January and Kindergarten students return on Wednesday 3 February. MANY THANKS This will be our last newsletter for the 2015 school year and I wish to sincerely thank and gratefully acknowledge the tremendous support we have received from parents and caregivers throughout the year. This support is greatly appreciated and ensures that we work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students, your children. To all members of our school community who may be leaving us this year, thank you for the contributions you have made to the school during your time with us and our best wishes for your futures. Debra McKinnon - Principal Tweed Coast Road, POTTSVILLE NSW 2489 T 6676 1161 F 6676 2787 E pottsville-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W pottsville-p.schools.nsw.edu.au POTTSVILLEBEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER EXCELLENCE INNOVATION SUCCESS COMMUNITY REWARDS DAY’S ES1 - Water sports at school - 10 December - $7.30 Year 1 - Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary - 11 December - $24.00 Year 2 - Banora Point Pool - 11 December - $10.50 Stage 3 - Wet and Wild - 11 December - $32.00 (approximately) Season ticket holders - $15.00 DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday 10 December Yr 1 presentation assembly 9.10am Yr 2 presentation assembly 10.00am ES1 rewards day Friday 11 December ES1 concert 9.15am Yr 1 rewards day Yr 2 rewards day Stage 3 rewards day Monday 14 December Sports Expo Tuesday 15 December Sports Expo Wednesday 16 December Sports Expo Students last day of 2015 school year Wednesday 27 January 2016 Staff return Term 1 Thursday 28 January 2016 Yr 1-Yr 6 Students return Term 1 Wednesday 3 February 2016 Kindergarten start Term 1 INSERTS OSHAP holiday information DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ NEWS GYM (Good Young Men) 3 Graduation - Congratulations to our six Year 6 boys and one Year 5 boy who recently completed our GYM 3 program. Not only did this program focus on the qualities of good young men it also offered a transition to high school component. The boys proudly displayed their completed parrot nesting boxes at this week’s whole school assembly. One component of the program has the boys, under the supervision of Paul Kahl, working side by side with our men in the Men’s Shed. We are indeed very fortunate to have this opportunity for the boys to learn from these senior role models. On your behalf I would like to thank Mr Noel Mather for his magnificent organisation around the inclusion of the boys working in the Men’s Shed. Band Intake - This afternoon our band coordinator, Mrs Sekold, had a successful meeting with students and some parents of students who wish to join the instrumental program next year. If your child didn’t attend the meeting and you are interested in your child becoming part of the program please contact the office for more information. Stephen Dean - Deputy Principal YCDI! Awards Congratulations to the following students who received “You Can Do It!” awards for the foundation of persistence: Yasmin B of 3M and Jacob W of KR. Hayley R and Taj P - YCDI! Ambassadors ES1 NEWS What a wonderful way to finish the year. Rewards day occurs tomorrow for all eligible Kindergarten students. Remember to wear appropriate clothing in the morning for our water fun (sunscreen, sunsafe clothing and appropriate footwear a must!) and pack your school uniform including a change of underpants, shoes and socks in a plastic bag. The plastic bag with be handy for the wet water play clothes. The end of year concert will be held on Friday commencing at 9.15am in the school hall. An opportunity not to be missed. Please refer to your class note for details regarding costumes. On behalf of all of the teachers I would like to thank you for your support this year and wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Leonie Richards - Assistant Principal YEAR 2 NEWS Home Readers - This week will conclude our home reading program. Could all students please return their home readers to class so we can carry out a stocktake of these books. Please have a look under beds, in cupboards and in toy boxes to find any home readers. Thank you for your assistance in returning all readers. End of Year Assembly - Our end of year assembly will be held on Thursday 10 December at 10.00am in the school hall. We invite all parents, carers or grandparents to attend this assembly as all students will be participating. Rewards Day - Year 2 rewards day will be held on Friday. If your eligible child has not returned the permission note to the class teacher, please do so prior to Friday morning. Thank you - I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents, carers and in particularly the students for such a tremendous year. I have watched the students thrive and grow over the year and wish everyone all the best for 2016. Parents, thank you for your support and encouragement of our Year 2 team, without your involvement, encouragement and support, achievements would not have been as great as they have been. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. Jenny Foster - Deputy Principal OFFICE NEWS Classes 2016 - The organisation process for 2016 classes is underway. If your child/ren are not returning to Pottsville Beach Public School in 2016 it would be appreciated if you could advise the office. Invoices outstanding - Outstanding invoices were sent home last Monday. Final payment is now due. EFTPOS is also available for your convenience. Payments can also be made by telephone and online. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this matter. Sue Matheson - School Office Manager POTTSVILLEBEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER EXCELLENCE INNOVATION SUCCESS COMMUNITY P&C NEWS - CAROLS I would like to thank all the fantastic volunteers who helped out leading up to and including the evening. The donations of cakes, slices and biscuits was phenomenal. Thank you so much. A special thank you to Trudy J, Mel L, Rachel, Kylie, Danielle, Linda, Mel G, Megan C, Jax, Tam, Lizzie, Trudy H, Ange, Kirsty, Ginelle, Shan, Cam, Brent, Ian, Jules, Sylvia, Megan B, Katrina, Mrs Rampano, Mrs Wadling, Narelle, Raquel, Dave B, Donna, Caterina, Mark, Toni, Michael, Sreymoch, Storm, Monica and all the students and ex students of Pottsville Beach Public School. A successful night with $9277 raised, which is a great end to a fantastic year. Thank you everyone and Merry Christmas. Thank you to our sponsors who kindly donated time, goods and/or entertainment. Kingscliff High School Photography - Students and staff member Angus Holiday Woolworths Cabarita Beach and Tweed City Coles Ocean Shores Camcon Building First National Real Estate Pottsville Elders Cabarita Beach Quality Foods Brisbane N&P Conveyancing Pottsville Jack Sprats Pottsville Tavern Pottsville Sports Club IGA Pottsville Samauri Sushi Pottsville Cellars Pottsville General Store Network video Pottsville Mis Amigos Mexican Pottsville Lions Club BOK School of Dance Rory Curtis Good Guys Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Del and Russ Snow Cones Julie and Michelle Coffee Van P&C Committee CANTEEN NEWS A massive thank you to all those who have given up their time to help Rach and I in the canteen this year. You are the reason that the children at Pottsville school are able to access the things that they do e.g. air conditioned classrooms, whiteboards in every classroom and fantastic technology - as the canteen is a fundraiser for the P&C, all profits made go back into making our school amazing. We appreciate you making that happen and we are extremely grateful. We would like to thank those Year 6 parents who have helped us out along the way, that will be leaving our school community this week, we will miss your support and also yourselves! Thank you Cath L, Brooke K, Belinda R and Megan B. The last day the canteen is open is FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER. The CANTEEN will be CLOSED WEEK 11. Kylie Kelly and Rachel Oliver - Canteen Supervisors CANTEEN ROSTER Thursday 10 November Colleen T, Karyn Mc (after 11.00am) and 2 helpers please Friday 11 November UNIFORM SHOP Tim, Tamara S, Ginelle and Mel G Website: www.flexischools.com.au 2015 Last trading day for uniform shop will be Tuesday 8 December. Hours: Tuesdays: 8.45am - 9.45am 2016 Opening hours early Term 1: Wednesday 27 January 8.45am - 10.45am Thursday 28 January 8.45am - 10.45am Tuesday 2 February 8.45am - 10.45am Wednesday 3 February 8.45am - 10.45am Don’t forget you can order your child’s uniforms via Flexischools website using your credit card or debit card. The uniforms are then sent to your child’s class. All done from home EASY! 2016 Kindergarten students can now order uniforms online by selecting ‘New Starter’ once registered on Flexischools. STAGE PRESENTATION ASSEMBLIES EARLY STAGE 1 (Kindergarten) Week 10: Friday 11 December 9.15am - ES1 Concert STAGE 1 (Year 1 and Year 2 - presentation assembly) Week 10: Year 1: Thursday 10 December 9.10am Week 10: Year 2: Thursday 10 December 10.00am POTTSVILLE AUTOS MOTOR MECHNICAL REPAIRS Shaun Priest ~~Sean Read *Wheel Alignment *Full Safety Checks *Road Worthy Certificates *Tyres and Fitting *Handbook Services *4WD Maintenance and Repairs 13 Elizabeth Street, POTTSVILLE Phone and Fax: 6676 1240
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