reconciliation - Santuario Padre Pio
reconciliation - Santuario Padre Pio
INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF RECONCILIATION INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF RECONCILIATION The Week is open to all religious Capuchin brothers and to all religious and secular priests. S egretariato G enerale della F ormazione THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION IN A SECULARIZED WORLD T IME F O R R E F L E C T I O N A ND F O R M AT I O N F O R P R IE S T S San Giovanni Rotondo, from 14th to 18th March 2011 P E R S O N A L D ATA Name Surname Religious Family/Diocese Venue S egretariato G enerale San Giovanni Rotondo-Shrine of St Pio of Pietrelcina (auditorium Mary Pyle). Accommodation: Approdo Hotel, Viale Padre Pio, 1 San Giovanni Rotondo (Fg) della F ormazione THE SACRAMENT OF Registration RECONCILIATION Registration with Full Board accommodation € 280,00 (twin room) € 60,00 (additional charge for a single room per week) € 40,00 Registration only The above amounts cannot be divided into two or more payments and include: registration, accommodation and all meals from dinner 13th March to breakfast 19th March. The registration slips must be received by our Secretariat in San Giovanni Rotondo within the 30th January 2011. € 13,00 Meal ticket All registered participants have the possibility to buy meal tickets for lunch break in our secretariat. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................. IN A SECULARIZED WORLD .................................................................................................................................................................................. T I M E F O R R E F L E C T I O N A N D F O R M AT I O N F O R P R I E S T S ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Methods of payment: Address Zip Code Tel. E-mail City Country Fax lan g u a g e ❏ Italian Secretariat g ro u p ❏ English ❏ Spanish R EGI S T R AT ION A ND AC C OMMODAT ION SER V IC E S ❏ Registration + Full Board (Twin Room) (€ 280,00) ❏ Registration + Full Board (Single Room) (€ 340,00) ❏ Registration Only (€ 40,00) met h ods ❏ Bank transfer of ¤ Bank Transfer IBAN IT02P0558478590000000001000BICBPMIITMMXXX Convento Frati Minori Cappuccini - Banca Popolare di Milano San Giovanni Rotondo - Foggia Reason for payment: International Week of Reconciliation ¤ Payment in our Secretariat of San Giovanni Rotondo All payments to be made by within the 30th January 2011 Shrine St Pio of Pietrelcina – Ufficio Pellegrinaggi Tel. +39.0882.417500 Fax +39.0882.417555 Cell Phone Nr +39.331.3967717 e-mail: General Formation Office of the Capuchins Cell Phone Nr +39.347.6458657 e-mail: How to reach San Giovanni Rotondo: pa y ment ❏ Payment in our secretariat Send this card with the photocopy of the bank receipt or the photocopy of the payment receipt issued by our Secretariat by 30th January 2011. Date, Signature By airplane: The airport of Foggia (ca. 40km from San Giovanni Rotondo) can be reached by the following cities: Milano MXP, Palermo, Roma, Torino. You can also arrive by airplane at the airport of Bari (ca. 150km from San Giovanni Rotondo) and use from there the public transport. By railway: In front of the railway station of Foggia is the bus station (the tickets are available in the hall of the railway station) By car: Coming from the North of Italy: A14 Bologna-Bari, exit San Severo, follow the SS 272, direction San Giovanni Rotondo, via San Marco in Lamis. Coming from the Centre and South of Italy: A16, Napoli-Bari, exit Candela, direction Foggia; in Foggia enter the SS89, direction Manfredonia, at the junction direction San Giovanni Rotondo. A14, Bari-Bologna, coming from South, exit Foggia - SS 89, direction Manfredonia, at the junction towards San Giovanni Rotondo Coming from the South of Italy: A16, Taranto-Bari-Pescara, exit Cerignola Est, towards Manfredonia and exit at the junction towards San Giovanni Rotondo. St Pio in the confessional – Detail of the Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina - San Giovanni Rotondo Registration slip Addressees San Giovanni Rotondo, from 14th to 18th March 2011 Sunday, 13th March Arrival and accommodation at the Approdo Hotel Monday, 14th March - Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina 8,30 AM Lauds (confessions hall) 9,30 AM Welcome and introduction (Mary Pyle auditorium) 12,00 AM Holy Eucharist (Lower Church of St. Pio) 1,30 PM Lunch (Approdo Hotel) 4,30 PM Lecture on the theme “The forgotten sacrament”. The sacrament of reconciliation in a secularized world Most Rev. Ex. Bruno Forte (Mary Pyle auditorium) 5,30 PM break 6,00 PM Dialogue with the lecturer 7,00 PM Vespers (confessions hall) 8,00 PM Dinner (Approdo Hotel) Tuesday, 15th March - Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina 8,30 AM Lauds (confessions hall) 9,30 AM Lecture on the theme “The mistery of evil and the concept of freedom in our times” 10,30 AM 11,00 AM 12,00 AM 1,30 PM 4,30 PM 5,30 PM 6,00 PM 7,00 PM 8,00 PM 9,30 PM Paolo Martinelli, Ofm Cap. (Mary Pyle auditorium) break Dialogue with the lecturer Holy Eucharist (Lower Church of St. Pio) Lunch (Approdo Hotel) Lecture on the theme “Reconciliation in the Bible” H. E. Most Reverend Card. Albert Vanhoye (Mary Pyle auditorium) break Dialogue with the lecturer Vespers (confessions hall) Dinner (Approdo Hotel) Visit to the mosaics - Marco Rupnik SJ (Lower Church of St Pio) Wednesday, 16th March - Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina 8,30 AM Lauds (confessions hall) 9,30 AM Lecture on the theme “Padre Pio’s confessions: a barrier against secularization? Luciano Lotti Ofm cap. (Mary Pyle auditorium) 10,30 AM break 11,00 AM Dialogue with the lecturer 12,00 AM Holy Eucharist (Lower Church of St. Pio) 1,30 PM Lunch (Approdo Hotel) 4,30 PM Liturgy of Penance Mariosvaldo Florentino OFM Cap. (confessions hall) 8,00 PM Dinner (Approdo Hotel) Thursday, 17th March - Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina 8,30 AM Lauds (confessions hall) 9,30 AM Lecture on the theme “Confession as a salvific dialogue Sabatino Majorano CSSR (Mary Pyle auditorium) 10,30 AM break 11,00 AM Dialogue with the lecturer 12,00 AM Holy Eucharist (Lower Church of St. Pio) 1,30 PM Lunch (Approdo Hotel) 4,30 PM Interest groups: The sense of sin in post modernity Oriental context (English language) Moderator: Most Rev. Ex. Joseph Nacua OFM Cap. The sense of sin in post modernity Latin American context (Spanish language) Moderator: Carlos Novoa OFM Cap. The sense of sin in post modernity European context (Italian language) Moderator: Jordan Śliwiński OFM Cap. 7,00 PM Vespers (confessions hall) 8,00 PM Dinner (Approdo Hotel) Friday, 18th March - Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina 8,30 AM Lauds (confessions hall) 9,30 AM Lecture on the theme “The present situation of the sacrament of reconciliation” 10,30 AM 11,30 AM 12,00 AM 12,30 PM 1,30 PM 4,30 PM 5,30 PM 6,30 PM 8,00 PM Most Rev. Ex. Mons. gianfranco girotti ofm conv., Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary (Mary Pyle auditorium) break Lecture on the theme “Apostolic Penitentiary - competences and appeal donald kos ofm conv., official of the Apostolic Penitentiary (Mary Pyle auditorium) break Dialogue with the lecturers Lunch (Approdo Hotel) Conclusions - Luciano Lotti ofm Cap (Mary Pyle auditorium) break Holy Eucharist Most Rev. Ex. Mons. Michele Castoro (Lower Church of St. Pio) Dinner (Approdo Hotel)