10 th Alexandria International Psychiatric Congress In Collaboration


10 th Alexandria International Psychiatric Congress In Collaboration
The Congress is Organized under The
Patronage of:
His Excellency:
Mr. Mohamed Ata
Alexandria Governor
Dear participants,
Registration fees for active
participants include:
His Excellency:
Prof .Osama Ibrahim
Alexandria University President
Conference bag, documents, abstracts, program and other
congress materials. Attendance to scientific sessions and
workshop. Social events,coffee breaks and transportation.
Payment :
Appropriate fees should be paid in cash or cheque made payable
to the
The Official Congress Agent
His Excellency:
Prof . Ashraf Saad
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
10 th Alexandria International
Psychiatric Congress
In Collaboration with
The Egyptian Psychiatric Association
Honorary Presidents:
Prof. Ahmed Okasha
Prof. Seham Rashed
Prof. Adel Sheshae
“Pursuing Remission in Psychiatric Practice”
Congress President:
Prof . Dr. Hoda Salama
Congress General Secretary :
Prof. Tarek Molokhia
Co - Sponsored By
Congress Moderator :
Asst. Prof. Soha Ghobashy
The Arab Federation of Psychiatrists (AFP )
World Psychiatric Association ( WPA )
Congress Coordinator :
Asst. Prof. Osama El Kholy
Scientific Committee :
Prof . Afaf Hamed
Prof . Seham Rashed
Organizers :
Dr . Ahmed Rady
Dr . Heba Abo El-Wafaa
Dr . Ahmed Abdel Karim
Servo Travel
Sheraton Heliopolis Bldgs.
Cairo - Egypt
Tel.: +(202) 22678336 - 22678338
Fax: +(202) 22678338
E-mail: servo@servoegypt.com
Alexandria – Egypt
Hilton Green Plaza
Dr . Hesham El Shestawy
Dr . Nada Ali Hassan
Dr . Dalia Nagui
WPA Secretary for scientific meetings:
Prof . Tarek Okasha
Advisor :
Prof . Momtaz Abdel Wahab
10-12 October,2013
Organized by:
Neuropsychiatry Department
Faculty of Medici
Alexandria University
You can submit you abstract by sending it to this Email:
Welcome Message
Dear participants,
We are pleased to announce the 10th Alexandria
International Psychiatric Congress. Our theme this year is
Pursuing Remission in Psychiatric Practice we chose it to
emphasize the holistic approach in managing psychiatric
patients, as our goal goes beyond treatment only , it
extends to encompass many facets; most important;
achieving remission . We find that the warm weather of
our lovely city Alexandria shall give us the background to
meet with our friends and colleagues from all over the
world. We hope we shall have a great opportunity for a
fruitful scientific discussion and social gathering with your
Looking forward to meet you,
Congress President :
Prof . Hoda Salama
Head Of Psychiatric Unit.
Faculty Of Medicine Alexandria University
Welcome to Alexandria (Egypt)
Welcome to Alexandria especialy in October it is the most
beautiful weather through the whole year.
Scientific language
English , Arabic
* New Modalities in Psychotherapy
* Updates in Addiction Medicine
* Updates in Psychosexual Disordes
* Recent Advances in Personality Disorders
* Applications Biologicl Therapies DBS. TMS
* Psychosurgery
* Electroplysiology to Psychiatrists
* Practical Approach to Psychapathology
Scientific program format:
Work shops :
Several work shops on some important skills
related to psychiatry will be held in parallel with
the scientific during the conference.
Several courses will be available during the
congress headed by eminent professional
psychiatrist .
Call for abstract :
Participants who wish to present their abstract in
not more than 200 words before 1st of
September 2013
Abstract submission :
You can submit you abstract by sending it to this
Email: alexpsychiatry2013@gmail.com
Plenary lectures .
Meet the experts.
Panel discussions.
Round table discussion.
Alexandria (iskendariyya in Arabic ) is the second largest
city in Egypt. it is located in the mediteranean coast and
it is one of the most mythical cities in this country.
Unfortunately not much remains today of this city’s golden
Most of the ruins are under the curent buildings or under
the water.
The city was founded by Alexander the great in 311 BCA
few years later the legendary llghthouse. one of the seven
Wonders of the World Was constructed